#i think about you too much mister pirate man
1989edteach · 8 months
i’ve been thinking way too much about ed’s wedding hair and him having a small little braid in a half up half down hairstyle with purple and white little flowers in it all along the back the crown of his head, even a few framing his face
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alexa-fika · 2 months
Could i please request a fem!child!reader who's picked up swearing with the whitebeard pirates?
Reader sorta knows what it means but also doesn't,
Also flips people off mid convo, (doesn't know what means but thinks it's funny.)
And when she gets angry/annoyed she is kinda a savage, like I can imagine reader with ace (and any other characters) then a group of pirates starts threatening them but reader is just going ham with the insults.
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Puppy Escapes ( Shanks x gn!reader x Whitebeard pirates)
Part 1 ( Can also be read as a stand alone)
A/N I am combining these two requests, I kinda change some buts since I would be crushed if Dokucha actually rejected their families love so they came back with something else knstead! Iy’all seemef to like the first one so hopefully you like this one to, I think I COOKED just like Shanks is gonna be COOKED 😂
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/drink the sky and @/firefly-graphics
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Shanks stared owlishly at the child before them, having just found them in one of the many crow-nests that composed the Red force.
"Boss, what is it?" he heard Lucky call from the ship's Deck.
"My doom," he replied morbidly, fully jumping into the crow's nest and kneeling down next to the child who had the courtesy of at least looking remorseful.
"Dokuchaaaa," he called, stretching the last syllables of their name as they noticed them trying to avoid his stare.
The child, who by now had turned into a flustered mess, both at the fact that they had been busted and that they had gotten busted by the man with whom they were infatuated.
"What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see Mister Shanks again," they mutter.
Shanks lets out a huff but cannot help to give the child a slight grin.
"Your brothers banned you from seeing me again?" he asked, letting out a small laugh as they nodded sadly.
"You know they really won't be happy with this."
"I don't care! Big brothers were being meanies! I just wanted to see Mister Shanks, but they won't let me! I hate them!" they exclaimed
"Come on, Dokucha, I know you don't mean that, do ya?"
"No... I don't," they sniffled.
"It's okay, I know you love your brothers; they love you too. They just worry for you."
"I love them b-but I also love Mister Shanks," they called as they burst into tears and ran towards the man.
"There, There, it's alright," he whispered as he patted the child's back, calming them down as he made his way down the crow's nest, the child held tightly in his hands.
"Come on now, why are you crying?"
"B-Because I said that I hated my brothers! I didn't mean it! I love them so much!" They sobbed
Shanks let a small snicker at their troubles as he continued to rub their back.
"They're gonna be mad at Mister Shanks now, and I won't be able to see you!"
"Already breaking hearts, boss?" Yassop merrily called, letting another belly laugh as his Captain just rolled his eyes at his statement
"Listen, Dokucha, don't worry about that. We will get something figured out, but for now, how about you enjoy your time here? What do you say? Want to be my assistant today?"
They rubbed their eyes furiously at their statement, trying to erase the remains of their previous outbursts, a few rogue sniffles still escaping them, much to their chagrin.
"I get to be Mister Shanks's Assistant?"
"Think you're up for it?" he questioned, lowering them to the floor and continuing to hold their hand.
"Yes, I'm up for anything that Mister Shanks asks of me!" They happily agreed
"Hear that, Beck? I got me an assistant, and they actually appreciate me."
Said man, rolled his eyes as he shook the ashes from the tip of his cigarette, bringing it back to his lips and glancing at the pair
"Better escape while you can; that one right there is a hassle. Too high-maintenance"
"Yes, But he's a handsome hassle!" Dokucha piped back with a grin as they hugged his much larger hand against their cheek.
"O-Oi, are you insulting me or complimenting me here?!" Shanks cried
"Now you've done it, Akagami!" Ace growls, jumping into the Red Force, followed promptly by Thatch once it had pulled closer to the Moby Dick
"I don't care if you're my brother's savior; you're not getting away with stealing my baby sibling!"
"Now, Now it was just a misunderstanding," He calls a laidback smile on his face as the young men stomp his way.
"Like hell it was!" Ace hollers, reeling a fire-filled fist.
"Brother Portgas D Ace!" Dokucha calls, halting the man on his step
"Oh, Looks like you're in trouble now," Shanks calls, covering his snickers with his hand as the child marched to the nervous fire user.
"Don't you dare hurt Mister Shanks!"
"Why not Dokucha?! This creep stole you from us," Thatch cried.
"Because you'll damage his pretty face!"
"That's the only reason?!" Shanks exclaimed mortified
"Of course not, Mister Shanks! it's because I love Mister Shanks!" They exclaimed, running his way and attaching themselves to his leg, much to the horror of the two commanders
"I'm not sure if that makes it better," he huffs out.
"Dokucha..." Thatch cries, falling on his knees as tears begin to fall down his face comically
"I think this time my heart is really broken," he sobs.
"Hey, Dokucha, I will see you later, okay? It's time to go back now," he murmurs as he kneels beside the kid.
" B-But I don't want to leave Mister Shanks," They cried, their tiny hands clenching into fists as small tears began to pool at the edge of their eyes.
"I will see you again, okay? I think your brothers really need you now."
"They need me?" they questioned, glancing at the irate Ace and a still knelt Thatch.
"Of course, they need someone to keep them in line, think you can do that? It's your next task as my assistant."
"Leave it to me, Mister Shanks!" they exclaimed, wiping off their tears as a determined look appeared on their face.
"Atta Kid," He cheered, rubbing their head.
"I will see you soon, okay?"
"Like We will let that fucking happen" Thach growls pulling out his swords
"Alright, enough of this," A voice cuts in
"Akagami, please return our sibling to us, Ace; Thatch, we're done here," Marco orders as he lands on the ship's bow, causing the Red Force to sink slightly, bouncing back to the waves as it tried to withstand the sudden arrival.
"Ah, Marco, it's not too late, you know; how about you join me and bring your sibling with you."
"Screw off, Red-haired," he answered scowling as the Captain just sent a grin his way, giving his last goodbyes to the small kid as they ran to the Chef, who hugged them tightly, rubbing their cheeks together ask he continued repeating how much they missed them as he made his way back to their galleon.
"You are grounded."
"But Papaw!" they whine, looking up at the old giant.
"Not buts. You are grounded for a week, and that is final. For the following week, you will be accompanied by either me or one of your brothers at all times."
"But that's so fucking unfair!"
"MY BABY, they tainted you!!" Thatch cried, shaking the child with tears cascading down his face
"Brother Thatch?" they question, confused, their mind becoming dizzy at the motion.
"Stop it, you idiot," Marco called, hitting the back of Thatc's head, causing the latter to release Dokucha only to turn to him with a scowl.
"Damn you, Marco! Let me lament myself; they have tarnished their pure heart," he cried, throwing himself on the ground once again.
"...I'm going to kill him. I am going to roast him alive and give the fishes a barbecued meal of a lifetime," Ace growled.
"What the hell is going on?" Dokucha cried.
"Dokucha, stop," Marco called a stern tone in his voice.
"You brat, where did you learn those words from? Was it from Akagami's crew?"
"Ah? I heard Mister Shanks say those words-
"Ace. Let's prepare for that barbecue. I will have them fillet for this," The Chef murmured, a dark aura surrounding him.
"But since Big Brothers say them a lot, I thought it was okay..."
"Dokucha, who exactly did you hear say those words?" Whitebeard asked, a glare in his eye as he questioned them
"Big brother Thatch and Big brother Ace!" they cheered.
"Dokucha. Will you go find Vista for now? Do not leave his side; you are still grounded, Marco called, watching as they stomped off with a pout on their face.
"Assholes," They mutter.
"Keep it up. You just earned another week of being grounded," Marco called.
"But Brother Marco, I don't know what words I can't say!"
"We will continue this discussion later. For now, if you don't know what it means, then you don't say it understood."
"Okay.." they mutter, walking away to find the swordsman.
"Marco, make sure you have the clinic ready," Whitebeard called as he glared down the two wide-eyed and sweating commanders.
"Will do pops."
"Ah-wait..wait a second Pops-
That day screaming and pleas for mercy from the two commanders reverberated across the sea, reaching the ears of the Red Force vessel as they departed from the Moby Dick's location.
"Hmm, looks like that old man found out who was responsible for the child's colorful language," hums Shanks as he leans back on the chair he laid on, downing a cup of sake as he did.
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Here we go! Guess Shanks is not the only one getting Cooked! Good thing they have a express healer on watch! Thatch and Ace will definitely need them!
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anonymous-dentist · 7 months
A tiny little merpepito au for the week
Pepito misses Apa Roier. Pepito misses Apa Roier so much it hurts, and Apa Roier is so close! He’s just on the other side of the ship, and Pepito can tug on his shirt and get picked up and held the way Apa Roier used to hold Pepito in The Ocean, but. But he’s sad, and it’s all Pepito’s fault, because Pepito is a Very Bad Pepito.
Every night, Pepito eats dinner at the same table as everybody else. He sits by Pomme, because she’s nice, and by Richarlyson, because Richarlyson is too small to sit at the adult side of the table. But Pomme sometimes leaves her seat and asks her mom to hold her, and Richarlyson always goes to bother his dads. But Pepito… can’t. Because Apa Roier looks so sad when he looks at Pepito, and Pepito might start crying if Apa Roier tells him why.
Tonight, four days after Apa Roier joined the crew, Pepito sits alone and eats Pepito’s dinner. Pomme is with Miss Baghera, and Richarlyson is with Captain Celbi, and Pepito. Is. Alone.
Pepito sits with his head down, and he picks at his food idly with a fork.
He jumps as a plate it dropped in front of him.
He looks up, and there is Apa Roier with a fish bone sticking out of his mouth.
In the Language Of The Ocean, Apa Roier says, “Ayyyy, Pepito! There you are! I’ve been looking for you all day!”
He sits, and Pepito’s hands shake.
“Have you been avoiding me?” Apa Roier gasps.
Pepito doesn’t like lying, so Pepito almost nods. But then Pepito remembers that he’s a pirate now, and pirates are evil. So Pepito shakes his head slowly.
Apa Roier nods. “Ahhh, I see. You’re just too busy for me now, I get it.”
Pepito’s stomach turns uncomfortably.
“You’re a big Pepito now,” Apa Roier says. “And I’m just an old man.”
He even puts on his old man voice- the one that he does to piss Ama Rivers off that makes Pepito laugh- when he says that, but all Pepito does is put his fork down and stare at his plate with a chilly-feeling heart. He feels bad.
Miss Mouse laughs at the other end of the table. Misters Pacandmike are arguing with Captain Celbi.
Apa Roier is quiet.
Pepito isn’t going to cry. He isn’t!!! He’s a Strong Pepito! And he’s a pirate! Pirates don’t cry, they make people cry!
…Pepito probably made Apa Roier cry. Apa Roier probably broke down the second he heard what Pepito did, all because Pepito did a Very Bad Thing because Pepito is a Very Bad Pepito and and and and-
“Pepito,” Apa Roier quietly says, “I’m not angry.”
Pepito looks up with wet eyes. He makes eye contact with Apa Roier, which honestly makes Pepito feels so much worse because Apa Roier looks kinda depressed with only two eyes. The Sea Witch took his eyes because of Pepito; just one more bad thing that Pepito has done.
Apa Roier gives a small smile. “I don’t know why you ran away, but I’m not angry. I mean, I’m pissed, but I’m not angry, you know?”
Pepito doesn’t know, but he also doesn’t care, because what does Apa Roier mean, he doesn’t know why Pepito ran away? He has to know! He’s a genius!
“BadBoy might be a real fucking creep sometimes, but he brought you to a real good guy,” Apa Roier continues. He glances over at Captain Celbi, his smile turning Weird. “I mean, Cellbit is kind of an asshole and he’s probably going to Hell, but he’s a nice guy.”
“Are you talking about me?” Captain Celbi calls, the same Weird smile on his face. Huh.
Apa Roier rolls his eyes and flips him off.
Pepito’s eyes widen. Apa Roier is so brave! Everybody knows not to mess with Captain Celbi, he’s evil! Mister Mike says so at least once a day!
“But listen, Pepito,” Apa Roier says, looking back at Pepito, “if you think I swam for a month to come and get you just for me to say I hate you or something, then you really are as stupid as your Apa Mariana. Because I-” (He reaches across the table and boops Pepito right on the nose.) “-will never let any stupid human pirates bully my Pepito. Only I get to bully you.”
Pepito’s eyes are starting to water again, dang it. Pepito is a Strong Pepito!
But then Apa Roier looks at Pepito’s plate of food and sighs and starts moving stuff from his own plate to Pepito’s, saying, “Pepito, Pepito, Pepito… You’re allowed to have more than fish for dinner. We’re pirates now, have pirate food. Here.”
And Pepito can’t help it. He missed Apa Roier so much…!
He jumps from his spot at the table and runs around to Apa Roier. He holds his arms up, and Apa Roier clicks his tongue annoyedly, but Apa Roier picks him up with a groan:
“Pepito, what the fuck? When did you get so big, eh? You’ll be taller than Mariana at this rate!”
Pepito is a growing Pepito, Pepito knows this. But he settles down in Apa Roier’s lap, anyway, and he hugs him because he can because Apa Roier doesn’t know that Pepito is a Bad Pepito. He still thinks that Pepito is a Good Pepito even if he is a Pirate Pepito now.
Apa Roier doesn’t know what happened. And Apa Roier never will.
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hispieceofcake · 5 months
Hello hello folks, I've been thinking about writing about this post/blog for a while now and here it is, because Adam is my favorite character (obsession) and I have a lot of things in my head that I need share before I kidnap someone to listen to me talk about it for hours on end.
Hahaha I'm just kidding...or am I?
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TW: Mention of profanity and sex.
I'm writing this blog because I have a lot to say about Adam and I think I'm already bothering my friends too much (just kidding, I'm going to keep filling them with Adam until I say enough is enough🤓👆)
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Alright, let's start, firstly I was already a big fan of Hazbin hotel's work since the time Vizziepop had released the pilot on YouTube at the time of on October 28, 2019, and man, I was simply OBSESSED with the work, I had no idea who Adam was at that time, I was only 11 years old (And I know, I know, Hazbin Hotel was not and is not intended for minors, but I didn't have internet surveillance on my parents, so that's what happened and now I'm 18 years old).
And boy, oh boy
I was in complete EUPHORIA when it became public on August 7, 2020 that Hazbin Hotel was going to have a sequel on Amazon, I only knew how to talk about it and was excited waiting for the release date.
And when I watched that episode where Charlie has a meeting with Adam...I was like "THAT MAN, I NEED THAT MAN‼️‼️"
And that song..."Hell is Forever"... I can't remember a day that I didn't clean the house listening to that sound and pretending the broom was a guitar while I beat my hair like an 80s rocker high (I know, it's an exaggerated comparison but that's how I feel, so let me have it).
Here, listen to this work of art sung by our (MY) beloved Alex Brightman
In addition to the song "Stick it to the man" from the musical "School of rock" that Adam references in one of the items on the list of things to get into paradise, coincidentally his voice actor Alex Brightman also He is the main voice of the song and a character in the musical.
I spent all day listening to her today, but that's the least of it
There are also some songs by other singers that make me think of Adam because of their lyrics, for example Lana del Rey, there is a song of hers that all I think of when I hear it is Adam, unfortunately I can't share it here because it is a discarded song by the singer that I managed to download on a pirated website that has been taken down a while ago.
The songs that make me think of him are "Push me down" and what made me think of Adam is the following part "I'm your little baby doll and you are my mister rock 'n roll", the song "Brooklyn Baby" because of the music part "Well, my boyfriend's in a band, He plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed", the others songs are "Say yes to Heaven" and "Angels Forever".
Adam, besides being my favorite character and hyperfocus, was the reason I met the character Beetlejuice (my other hyperfocus) and the voice actor and actor Alex Brightman. Because he was the one who aroused my curiosity to know who his voice actor was since I recognized that his voice was the same as Fizzarolli's, and then when researching and discovering the actor, I also ended up discovering about Beetlejuice, I even have a blog about it, if you want to read it, this is it here.
Just like with Beetlejuice, I'm producing a page with drawings and collages about Adam in my sketchbook that I might post later in a future post about my sketchbook, but that's another topic.
In addition, I'm trying to put together some songs to create a playlist based on him, in it I'm putting rock songs from the 80s that I feel suit him or that he would listen to, some songs by the norwegian singer Aurora which are very reminiscent of and are based on the garden of Eden and Adam from the bible (although the Adam from Hazbin hotel and the one from the bible are completely different).
Some time ago I was writing a fanfic about Adam with an authorial character completely made by me, it was just a fanfic that I had written on character IA but then I decided to write it myself, but I never got around to posting it and kept it stored in my notepad.
The story took place in the timeline of the first season of the series, where heaven discovered that demons and beings from hell now possessed angelic fist weapons and could hurt or kill the exterminating angels after the death of one of the exterminating angels, they would need a new strategy or a new "weapon", and then with the decision of God and all the seraphim, she was created, an angel made to protect heaven and bring back balance by killing sinners in hell, her name was Angelita, and she would be handed over to Adam who would have to train her until the day of the next day of extermination (which would be the day in which Adam dies), throughout the story Adam would begin to feel something for her, unlike Lilith and Eve, he would fall in love out of true love and not obligation, this love between the two would be something forbidden (as a metaphor for the forbidden fruit of Eden) since by God's order she would have to be pure and virgin and that Adam would not fall into temptation for her, I won't tell the rest of the story, if you want I'll make a post just about that (I'll leave you curious hehe), all I can say is that Adam will not die and the ending is tragic, for all sides.
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These headcanons are some things I thought Adam might like, do, or make me think of him, and I'm also writing this because most of the headcanons I find about him are about sex or couples things (Not that they're bad, some are actually quite cute and I read them when I need comfort), so I'm here to contribute some content just about him.
• About how he feels about have been betrayed
I know, Adam is not the best person in the world but man, he is not a monster, he is a human, the first human, unfortunately, human nature is curious and destructive, not that this is an excuse for everything Adam committed. But then I think, "How much did it hurt to be cheated on twice?", "Did he feel worthless, insufficient?", I know how much it hurts to be cheated on, then I think how bad he felt and feels, but he hides it all behind a false personality of "Dick Master" and "The First Man", titles, high ego and falsehood to hide your real self. The only part of Adam that we were shown about him was him being extremely selfish, rude, arrogant and sexist, but all in scenes where he was exposed to people, people who weren't close to him, and then I wonder if he's just all that, but I feel like Adam he's just a hurt man who hides what he feels behind a false personality, just like Angel Dust does. Proof that he cares about people (at least those he considers close) was his smile at Lute as he slowly lost his life in the arms of the exterminating angel who cried seeing him dying. (I cried so much at this scene 😭)
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Adam is a sexist character, I can't deny that, but man, he's the first man, no one ever told him what was right and wrong, they always let him do what he wanted from the beginning of his creation, and even in heaven, but now he had Sera to put him in his place at least when she was around.
I might just be taking a shot in the dark or looking for something good in what isn't there, but that's how I think about Adam, so please let me have this, let me see there's still some good there.
• Adam has a chubby body (like a dad body)
Okay, this one took me a while to think about, because a lot of people draw him thin and we never see him without his tunic, which left me quite confused, but after analyzing some scenes and discovering he was made based on his voice actor (Alex Brightman) I had no more doubts.
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In these scenes every time he is squeezed his belly ends up being marked and you can clearly see that he is a little chubby. I know there was that scene with Lilith at the beginning that shows him skinny, but let's face it guys, you can see from his scenes in heaven that he eats a lot, do you really think he wouldn't gain a little weight?
And even Lucifer during the fight in hell against him told Adam that he had really let himself go, kind of like he was different before when he was in the garden of Eden.
Honestly, I don't know why people try to say he's skinny, the fanarts are really beautiful and stuff, but come on, don't you think a chubby Adam would make more sense? I'm not saying this because I love chubby men (I think they're incredibly cute and it makes me want to hug them 😫💗) but I don't know, I just think that with all of his diet, which isn't the best, it made him gain a little weight in the meantime.
• He felt bad about being the only human in heaven
This is because of an art I saw on Pinterest and it made me reflect on it. Like, when he got to heaven he was the only one with human appearance, all other angels and winners (human souls who reach heaven) had different appearances, such as animal appearances, for example Molly, Angel Dust's sister, who is a spider.
So I think he may have made that mask with horns to feel more integrated into that society and less different.
•Adam plays guitar when he's feeling bad (sad, distressed, stuff like that)
I imagine that whenever Adam is feeling sad, distressed or even stressed, he goes somewhere alone and plays his guitar in calm chords expressing what he feels through the melody played, it would be calm notes but full of feelings, his black gloved fingers hitting the strings while all there is in the place are just him, his guitar and his mind, and no one else to see him like that.
I think that whenever he remembers Lilith and Eva's betrayals, he feels at least a little bad, and then playing his guitar stops and takes away all that bad feeling in his chest, even if it just goes away temporarily.
I imagine the following scenario, late afternoon almost dusk as the cotton white clouds take on a yellowish tone as the sun slowly sets bringing the night with it, while the sun brought the night with it, in Adam's chest that bitter feeling grew as memories knocked on the door again, leaving him more moody than usual, making him fly away from the city with his guitar to sit on the golden gates of heaven and as he plays the guitar calmly emptying that feeling from his chest so that the next day he pretends that nothing happened, but he knows, he knows that that will forever be stuck in his mind.
• He's not as popular as he says he is
Going back to that topic I said about him hiding behind a false narcissistic personality and high ego, I think that him being popular is a lie, both sexually and in society, I know, he is the first man and that would make him popular and the fact that he is a guitarist in a band, but think with me, would you like to be in the presence of someone or have relationships with someone who only knows how to curse all the time and talk about himself and how many girls he had sex with over the weekend?
Well, at least I think that everything he says is just stuff to inflate his ego and feel good about himself.
• He likes 80s rock bands
This is just in my head, I feel like Adam would like 80s rock bands like Metallica or Guns N' Roses, maybe even Slipknot, bands in general that have the same type of music that he plays, I also think he enjoys guitar solos like Slash or the solo from the song "Master of puppets".
I also think that his band's style follows the same style as these bands, I don't know, like I said it's just my headcanon.
•Adam has a fear or trauma of apples
This is supposed to be a little funny
This headcanon came to mind when a friend of mine who also knows Hazbin hotel made the joke that Adam is afraid or traumatized by apples because of the whole forbidden fruit of Eden thing and betrayal by Eve.
Imagine, Lute simply eating an apple near him and he freaks out, ripping the apple out of her hands and throwing it away.
I honestly feel like Adam deserved a chance to change, a chance at redemption, a chance to really be loved and really love, no sex, no divine obligation, just real love.
Well guys that's what I have for now, I'll try to remember more headcanons for a next post, maybe even some +18, but for now that's all I have in my mind.
Thank you so much for reading, kisses in your heart 💗🤘🏻
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1-800-zoro · 2 years
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trick or treat!
cw: fem!reader, au!modern day/college, drinking, implied 18+ content
summary: all treats, no tricks. a fun little halloween story to celebrate the spooky holiday!
a/n: i'm between midterms and finals, so welcome to college!zoro era. don't go back for a second degree, kids! it sucks!
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Y/N shifted between people, her orange solo cup clutched tight in her hand. She was on a mission to fill her drink with Sprite and Malibu. It was too loud and there were too many people for her to be sober.
In the kitchen of the frat house was the stragglers of the party. People just like her, drinks slowly being filled or yelling over the music. The costumes ranged from cowboys to cheerleaders. The only thing that stood in Y/N's way was a large pirate with three swords strapped to his hip. He was faced away from her, chattering to another pirate who was presumably his friend.
"Excuse me!" Y/N yelled over the music. She wasn't surprised when neither of them moved. She tried to slip beside him, but he was gigantic compared to her own stature.
Welp, looks like she'd have to use other means of getting the job done.
She reached a hand out and rested it on the pirate's arm. His muscles were hulking, warm to the touch. She liked the soft feeling of his white shirt. Maybe she was more drunk than she thought...
"PIRATE MAN! MOVE!" Now that surely got his attention. In fact, it got a lot of attention. The chatter around them silenced for a beat before it resumed.
Zoro, on the other hand, did not continue his conversation. He ignored Luffy completely. "You talkin' to me?"
Y/N huffed, crossing her arms. She gripped her cup even tighter. "You're the only pirate man I see around here."
"Hey, I'm a pirate too! King of the pirates actually. Don't talk to my swordsman like that." Luffy's face conveyed his dismay, but was quickly disregarded by Y/N and Zoro.
"Look, I just want my Malibu and Sprite. I will apologize once the drink is in my cup." Y/N held her cup out, her eyes having met his again. "Please."
Zoro looked her up and down before he huffed. All at once, he poured her a drink with the heftiest hand. It was probably three fourths Malibu and one fourth Sprite. He handed it to her with a smirk.
"I like my apologies with a little pout tacked on, if you're taking requests."
Y/N couldn't tell if she wanted to hit him or fuck him. Maybe both? She rolled her eyes, snatching the drink out of my hand. "Thank you so much, mister pirate man. What ever would I do without your amazing muscles and three swords?" She laid it on so thick, it was almost sickening.
The tension that hung between them was so thick, even Luffy could tell when it was time to skedaddle. He mumbled something about going find Nami, but his voice was drowned out by the music.
"Amazing muscles? Thanks, baby," Zoro leaned down even closer. It was mere centimeters between their faces.
Y/N started to say something, but she was cut off by a set of lips pressed against her's. Two warm, calloused hands held her hips and dragged her closer. She didn't even protest, instead her arms quickly wrapped around him.
She got lost in the feeling of their lips locked together, their hands wandering. She didn't even mind the people pushing them over to get their own drinks. Neither of them pulled away until someone suggested for them to get a room.
Zoro pulled back with swollen lips and an expression of bliss. His gaze didn't shift away from her lips, as they were still the only thing he could think of. He leaned in as if to kiss her again, but he surprised her with kisses along his jaw and neck.
"Maybe that person had a good idea. We could find a room somewhere," Y/N suggested, her eyes closed as he left a trail of hickeys on her neck.
"I know one," Zoro muttered in her ear. All at once, he lifted her up and carried her upstairs. It was almost like he knew the way around the frat house like the back of his hand. She paid no attention to the room they had ended up in. All she could think about was the strain in his pants that kept brushing against her inner thighs.
The night was hazy due to the alcohol and loud music that made the walls shake. Y/N woke up with a headache and foggy memories of the night before. Slowly, she became aware of her lack of clothing, and the ache all over her body.
Y/N's eyes scanned the room to understand where she was. There were posters all over the wall, and clothes strewn about haphazardly. She sat up, but quickly blocked her eyes from the harsh sunlight streaming into the room.
As she climbed out of the bed, her legs wobbled a bit. She grabbed for the ripped clothes of last night, as well as a white shirt she found on the floor. She quietly walked towards the dresser and found a pair of his boxers. She didn't mind taking them, as he would surely survive without a few articles of clothing.
Her eyes scanned over the items above the dresser as she put on the shirt. At the end of the dresser was a framed picture, surrounded by a dead Apple Watch and a few gold earrings. The picture was of quite a few men, the fraternity, all dressed up. Standing front and center was a pair of guys, one with black hair and one with green hair. The two men from last night. More specifically, one of them being the man she woke up next to.
'Oh shit. Oh shit! How the fuck did I sleep with the president?!'
Y/N glanced back at the bed; the green-haired man was still snoring away without a care in the world. She managed to find a piece of paper and a pen to write a quick note.
Had a fun time on the Going Merry. Thanks for a great night xx
The paper was left on the nightstand, and Y/N took one last glance. She leaned down, a kiss pressed on the smudged fake scar. He looked so peaceful in his slumber. With one last soft sigh, she grabbed her things and left. A successful Halloween... she guessed?
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themissinghand · 1 year
One Piece: Let Me Guide (Protect) You
Summary: In which Luffy was saved by a traveler and his partner.
Alternatively, Luffy started his journey by getting his First Mate, who is more than just a crew member, but a guide, animal tamer, and a living mystery.
(Or what if the Straw Hats had an actual teacher)
Note: A old ficlet that I had in my drive somewhere and wanted to share now. Lots of fluff with our lovely Straw Hat Captain.
Male OC! from the New World.
Also. Nostalgia anyone?
Warning: Mentions of violence
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"Oh child of the earth, the sea, and the sky, welcome to the beginning of your journey."
"What is your dream?"
"Hey. Wake up."
"Shut up Ace..." Luffy rolled over and wrapped himself with a blanket. He heard a sigh before silence enveloped the two of them-
Luffy popped open an eye.
"Sorry, I'm not Ace." Luffy immediately jumped up and blinked to get rid of the blurriness in his vision. 
"Hey. You're safe." His words were oddly calming, and Luffy immediately eased his tensed shoulders once he snapped his head around him, to see nothing but the vast sea. Then, he saw the small sailboat he was currently in.
"Who are you?" Luffy asked dumbly, head tilted to the side, trying to think about what happened before. 
The whirlpool!
That's right! He was caught in a stupid whirlpool and his ship got destroyed!
Then this person saved him?
Wow, he's a really nice person!
"I could ask you the same thing. I saw a barrel floating, and once I opened it, you were sleeping in it." Luffy does recall jumping into a barrel desperately to save himself, after all, devil fruit users can't swim. 
He'll just sink like an anchor!
"Oh...I see. Thanks for saving me!" Luffy thanked the mysterious man with a bright grin, and bowed his head in thanks, just like Makino taught him.
"Don't worry about it. Anyway, what's your name? And what are you doing on the sea?"
"I'm Monkey D. Luffy! The man who will become the Pirate King!"
"D's will bring a storm, my star."
"Remember, my star, Nature never lies, and the stars always guide."
The man froze for a moment and widened his eyes. Then he looked around as if in disbelief before he turned back to him with a stern expression. 
"It's gonna be a hard journey." 
"Yup! That's why I need to find a strong crew!"
Another pause, and Luffy thinks this man thinks too much. 
"I see. Nice to meet you, Mister Monkey."
"Don't call me that!" Luffy childishly pouted and crossed his arms. 
"Call me Luffy! But who are you?"
"Well then, Luffy, nice to meet you. My name is Rigel. Where are you going?" 
Luffy thought for a moment, his childish face scrunched up as if he was thinking for a few seconds before he sighed and shook his head. He looked up and then grinned stupidly, his big D smile on his face.
"I don't know!" Luffy watched the other blink slowly. Luffy then looked at his attire, it was different from what he’s seen in his hometown. 
He was wearing a lot of layers of clothing, doesn’t he get hot in there? 
Rigel had a long dagger by his hip, and there seems to be tattoos peeking out of his clothes on his hands and neck. 
So cool! 
"Hey hey, want to join my crew-woah!" Luffy gasped as an eagle swooped down from the sky and landed on Rigel’s head. Rigel raised a hand to touch the eagle’s long, black wings while it screeched at him. 
"SO COOL! YOU HAVE AN EAGLE?!" Luffy fawned over the eagle and yelled in awe. 
"Yes. Her name is Bellatrix or you can call her Bella." The eagle seemed to bow and had a smug look on its face. 
"Amazing! Wanna join my crew!?" 
"C'mon~ We'll go on big adventures! I'm going to get a cook, a navigator, a swordsman, and a musician!" 
The eagle screeched and laughed at the mere suggestion. Rigel only raised a brow. 
"First of all, I don't know who you are-"
"I told you my name is Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm going to be the Pirate King!"
"Second of all, you have no crew-" Luffy stuck his face close to the older male with his arms extended.
"You're going to be my First Mate!" Rigel blinked at his surefire statement but nonetheless continued with his reasoning.
"Third of all, are you strong enough to lead a crew?" Rigel stood up, towered over him as he asked his final questions.
"If you can prove your strength, I'll consider joining this crew of yours."
"Yahoo! I got a new crewmate!" Bella slapped her wings to Luffy's face and the other immediately apologized. 
"Sorry sorry, two crewmates!" Bella nodded in acknowledgment and bawked at him. 
"Shut up Bella." Rigel rolled his eyes at her attitude, and the bird immediately attacked him with her beak. The male easily dodged her attacks without even looking at her as if it was normal. 
Luffy blinked at the brief interaction between the eagle and Rigel before his eyes turned star-like once again as he came to a realization.
"YOU CAN TALK TO ANIMALS?! SO COOL!" Luffy gapped at the two and Bella was soaking in attention now. She stopped and posed as if she was the star in the show. She brushed her neon bandana scarf and perched peacefully on the side of the boat.
"I'm so happy that you joined my crew!" 
"I did not."
"You did!"
"I said after your prove your strength-"
"Look! There's a ship!" 
The brunette turned, his dagger lingered by his side and his multiple thread necklaces followed his turn. Bella too snapped her head around and observed the pink ship.
Luffy grinned brightly at the thought of food. 
"It's a pirate ship!"
Bella sneered at the boat and crossed her wings. Rigel returned a snort.
"Hmm? What are you guys talking about?" 
"Nothing." Then the straw-hat boy grinned, a look of determination and mischievousness crossed his eyes.
"Yosh! I'm going to see if they are nice people!"
In an instant, Luffy stretched his body, and slinged himself forward without a single care in the world. 
Bella screamed. 
Luffy didn’t look back to see a sudden dazed look in Rigel’s eyes, one that quickly dissipated and turned to one of consideration. 
“Run away my star. Let Nature guide you to safety.” 
“Never forget us, for we are always here for you.” 
“Bella, it’s just you and me now. One day, I will find Father, and I will get revenge for our people.”
“Hey Rigel and Bella! I beat the fat lady!” Luffy waved at the two in the distance, beckoning them to join him. 
He gaped when Rigel’s boat suddenly jerked forward and sped towards him like a rocket. Bella, of course, simply soared in the air and landed gracefully in front of him. 
Rigel jumped onto the ship without any issue, and Luffy knew at this moment, he really wanted them on his crew! 
“I saw.” 
“Shishishi, so join my crew now!” 
Rigel simply smiled before glancing at Bella, and with her approval, Rigel nodded. 
“Alright then, I’ll be your First Mate and your guide.” 
Luffy grins, he can’t wait to learn more about what Rigel can do. 
"My star, always remember. Nature hears us, and calls us their children, so we must treat the world with the same love and care as Nature loves us."
"We must be grateful for the land nature has bestowed us, the plants we eat, and the sun and the moon to lead us."
The lovely song his mother sings as she dances freely on the grass. Her hand holding his and her smile always present on her lips.
"Nature is our home, and we should always respect it as we do to our kin."
But why did Nature betray them? 
Luffy recruited so many cool and weird people on his crew!
He got an animal tamer, a swordsman, a navigator, a cook, a sniper, and a raccoon doctor! 
Luffy grins as he watches the chaos unfold again on Merry, and immediately jumps in on the fun. 
“Rigel! Zoro and Sanji are fighting again!” Chopper runs toward the boys cabin and knocked on the door.
When Rigel opened the door, Chopper quickly ran behind him with tears rolling down his cheeks. 
Luffy thinks Chopper is Rigel’s favourite, even though Rigel denies it every time. He watches him pick Chopper up and pats his head. 
“They’re crazy! And they’re destroying Merry!” 
Luffy shrugs before returning a punch back at Zoro’s head while laughing. 
That’s okay! They are all of his precious Nakama!
“Chopper, can you get the first aid kit?” Luffy barely heard it, but he snapped his head around to check. 
“Okay!” The moment Chopper left, Rigel cracked his knuckles and stretched as he approached the moss pit. 
“Ooh! Rigel here!“ Luffy exclaimed, ready to engage the man in a fight.  
“Perfect timing, I’ll beat Rigel for good-“ Zoro turns around swiftly, ready to throw punches at him. 
Ah! Did Luffy mention that Zoro never won against Rigel before in a fight? 
“Rigel, don’t stop me from beating this annoying Marimo-“
“Zoro, Sanji.” Rigel walked past them, precisely parring slashes and shielding against kicks with his dagger before stopping right in front of Luffy.
“What the- how did he take my katanas!?” 
“Oi! Why did you take the key to the fridge!?” 
“Shishishi! Rigel is the strongest!” Rigel held three katanas in his arm and the key looped around his pinky. 
Just before Luffy could steal the key, Rigel flicked his forehead, leading Luffy falling down and whining in pain.
“Why does it hurt so much!? Is it the Haki thing you told us about?! No fair!”
“Luffy, no dessert today.” Rigel easily dodged a stretched hand that shot past him in an attempt to grab the key to the fridge.
“What??? Why??” 
“Just because, Captain. Fights are fine, but destroying Merry? That’s not acceptable.”  
"Captain Usopp agrees!" Usopp whimpers from the ground but gave a thumbs up nonethelee.
Rigel tossed all the items to Nami who gave him a thumbs up, then he cracked his knuckles. 
“Now then, it’s time for training isn’t it?” 
The Monster Trio could only curse internally when the First Mate had a gentle, suspicious smile on his face.
“Come at me.” 
Bellatrix squawks as if acting like a whistle and immediately soaring into the sky and landing right beside Nami and her lounge chair.
“Serves them right.” Nami sighs before she continues to sunbathe, and disregard the screams of pain below her. 
Bella laughs as she sips her juice.
“Straw Hat Luffy, your First Mate is more dangerous than you think.”
Luffy thinks Rigel is cool.
He’s also smart, and strong. 
Luffy thinks he found the perfect First Mate. 
Rigel teaches them about Haki, about the strong enemies they have to be careful of, and as Nami would say: “the only sane person on this ship.” 
But sometimes, Rigel looks far far away into the sea for a long long time, and Luffy doesn’t know why. 
Nami says that maybe Rigel misses his home, since he always looks in the same direction whenever he spaces out. 
Luffy can understand, because nothing will ever replace his home back in East Blue, even though the world is so much cooler than he ever thought. 
“Bella says don’t tell Rigel that she said anything but they come from the New World, the other half of the Grand Line.” Chopper translates and Nami is the first to react and explain. 
“Amazing!” Luffy exclaimed, getting a whack by the Eagle to shush him, even though she was enjoying the attention.
“'So you should get stronger! So Rigel can tell you more!' Bella says.”
When Rigel asked them about the sudden motivation to train, for once, the Monster Trio didn’t complain, but Luffy of course, exposed the reason and everyone, especially Bella, got in trouble.
“Well, Bella is right about one thing. Get stronger, then I’ll teach you more. But until then, the more you know, the more dangerous it becomes.” 
With a salut, Rigel became relieved and they trained more rigorously than before. 
“Rigel, why did you join Luffy’s crew?! My old man is going to be jealous!”
“Nature told me to. Said I would regret it if I didn’t. Nature is right.” 
“What?! You’re using that excuse again. Damn, you never change don’t you?” 
“Rigel’s my First Mate Ace!” Ace backed away with a sheepish grin when Luffy latched onto Rigel like a Koala. 
“I got it, relax Luffy.” Then Ace leaned forward with a little smirk.
“So? Why did you call us two out to the bar? Something you Heard again?” 
“Maybe, but it’s also something I remembered. You have a third brother right?” Ace and Luffy froze. Rigel smiled as he downed his drink. 
“You remembered? Did you Hear something-” 
“Ace? Luffy?” 
The two immediately turned and they saw their lost brother standing at the door. 
“S-Sabo? You’re alive?”
“A-Ace? L-Luffy?”
Rigel watched them crash into one another and hug as if it was their last. Through sobs and messy words, the three brothers reunite again. 
“I can never forget, Ace.”
Sometimes, Luffy wonders just who is his First Mate, someone that seems to be hiding a lot of things, and someone strong enough to be acknowledged by the strongest swordsman in the world.
Someone who is feared by others. 
Someone who is wanted by powerful people. 
He is also someone who doesn’t like to talk that much, but someone who likes to train.
Often times, it would be Zoro and Rigel sparing and even when Zoro loses, he replies with a grin on his lips saying “one more time!”.
Luffy joins in of course. 
Luffy trusts him. Rigel’s strong and smart and can teach the crew everything they don’t know. 
Everyone likes him! 
When Robin joined them in Alabasta, he was the first she got along with. 
Maybe because they are both smart so they read together a lot. 
It was only when they reached Enies Lobby that the crew learned much more about the mysterious First Mate.
“Straw Hat Luffy, I’ll tell you this, if it wasn’t for Rigel Abungu going into hiding after he left the Reoluntionary Army, the New World pirates would’ve flipped the world upside down to capture him.” Luffy remembered the Leopard Bastard say. 
“So you better kick him out of your crew if you want to live. He’s out of your league.”
Luffy doesn’t want to kick Rigel out of his crew, not after what Rigel did for them!
Not after Rigel let him see his brothers again!
“I’ll will protect him!” 
“You? Protect him? He’s the one protecting your little crew! You think the world didn’t know that he joined your crew?” 
It was then when Luffy realized that Rigel has been protecting and guiding them the entire time. 
But never the other way around.
“I’m going to be the King of Pirates and Rigel is going to be my First Mate!”
“You still don’t get it. He’s a former leader of the Revolutionary Army! His people perished because they Heard too much!”
“Shut up!” 
“Straw Hat!”
“I’m going to protect him!”
A promise that definitely did not go unheard.  
“Luffy will definitely be the King of Pirates.” 
Sometimes, Luffy thinks Rigel is lonely.
Bella says Rigel Hears too much, knows too much, and carries too much on his back 
But she says it’s the force that pushes Rigel to find his father and get revenge on the world.
Once, Luffy sees him leaning against the ship’s railing, and chatting seriously with the birds, his face darkening as if something bad is about to happen.  
It looked as if he was gonna do something secretive again. 
Luffy rushes forward and lunges at the man. 
Rigel simply lets him without complaint, in fact, he wasn’t fazed at all. 
Luffy wraps his arms around his torso and stays there. 
“Hey! Rigel is my Nakama! Don’t take him away!” Luffy yells at the birds, getting a couple angry squawks in return. The birds charge towards him but Rigel stops them. 
Whenever the birds bring news, Rigel always has work to do. 
The birds chirped and hmphed before they left, not without leaving a stink eye. But Luffy stuck out his tongue in response. 
“Luffy, I’m not going anywhere.” Luffy uncoils from the taller man and watches him dust off the feathers on his clothes. 
“How could I leave the crew?” 
"You better stay.” Luffy pouts.
Rigel laughs and it’s the first Luffy heard him laugh so freely. 
“Of course Captain.”
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bookwormcosplays · 6 months
Never watched Marvel anything. I don't like superhero movies or action movies. This will not be all positive. If you can't handle jokes or critiques of your favorite thing, this is not the place to be. I am pirating all of this because I do not support Disney. I am now starting my marvel journey, let's go.
Iron Man: Why is this actually good? Am I actually enjoying myself? But also an employer x employee relationship is very weird. Don't ship it. Surprised this was an orgin story. It was cool.
Hulk: A little too heavy on the "she loves a monster" trope, but it was alright. I wouldn't write home about it.
Iron Man 2: "oh remember that one black guy in the last movie" "yeah what about it" "he's not here so let's replace him with another black guy and maybe no one will notice." Why is Elon Musk here? Better than the first. Better villain(s), more cohesive, and things felt more intentional. Bonus less corny relationship scenes... Got to the end nevermind. Same corniness.
Thor: I hate all the tilts. I actually... Didn't enjoy this one. Thor might be interesting interacting with the other members. But NOW I can finally get all the Loki jokes. The end credit was interesting though. What does it mean??? (Don't tell me.)
Break time... Am I watching superhero movies or am I watching The Notebook? I don't want to see these love stories, bro. There's not a necessity to have a 'he gets the girl" moment to make an enjoyable hero movie. It's genuinely irritating me, but I will continue until The Avengers. I'm just saying if this is all it is, I'm not continuing this marvel thing.
Captain America: "Go get him. I can swim." Let's go. Representation of kids that aren't helpless. There's no way Steve didn't look at Fury and didn't think in his head "how is this black person allowed to speak to me like this?" And then say a little racist slur. Enjoyed this more than Thor and Hulk. However, I feel like I've seen stories and watched movies like this before. The only difference is the superhero aspect. I don't know what exactly, but something different could've pushed the story further to make it more interesting. Same critique of another unnecessary love story in my superhero film. From what I've seen, I can understand why people ship Bucky and Steve. I'm not really feeling the ship. Maybe that will change. So far none of the heroes have been catching my eye. I haven't got that moment of 'that's my new favorite character.'
The Avengers: This is what I've been waiting for! I have a couple of marvel movies that I've been trying to get to and this is one of four. Literally the shield agents are put there to die, not the main protagonists of course, but all those agents immediately get killed by the antagonists. They changed hulk too? Honestly, don't mind it. Loki is the definition of daddy issues. I can see why so many tumblr people relate to him. Not the "kneel." Loki is a sub who wants to dom, but he can't. Possible power bottom? Seeing all these movies in this order, despite how much I HATED the love stories in between, it really set up this movie nicely. I understand everyone's individual battles and personalities that I wouldn't have if I just started with this. Mister Fury is really irritating me at this moment of time. I know they're supposed to be the superheroes, but I would not feel safe in any city they're in. They're out here destroying major cities. I wish Hulk's thing made more sense. Now he can suddenly control Hulk to attack specific people/things when a couple of hours ago he was fighting the whole team? They should've addressed that. THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. THIS IS WHAT I WANTED FROM THIS SERIES OF MOVIES. I guess I will be continuing marvel movies.
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the-sycophant · 2 years
BREAK-IN :  for one muse to discover the other robbing their place. [Reverse] From @the-wanted-man
[Comprehensive List of Scenarios Prompt]
Watching people, for as long as she could remember, was something she always found enjoyment in. Creating fantastical stories about where visitors might be from and how they lived their lives was a euphoric escape from the ever constant droning from her fellow acolytes and their lessons. Were they magnetic and marvelous magicians? Passionate and perilous pirates? Did they have a family? Perhaps multiple, one in each port? 
How very scandalous! 
The books she would sneak into her bed after hours did nothing but make her imagination run wild on the possibilities of who was visiting the Temple, and what for. She could remember looking out her window, giggling over make believe backgrounds and relationships she built together with these strangers, her little dolls. It was a great pleasure, it still was, but there were also those she knew she shouldn't watch, and she was never very good at doing what she was told. She learned the most from them.
Some visitors would run off into dark corners with her sisters, brothers, hiding in the gardens to offer sweet words and sweet tokens. 'Soon!' Those visitors would say in reply. 'When will you marry me?' 'When will you divorce?' 'When will you take me with you?' Always soon. And Marlowe would hold her siblings, petting their hair through their heartache, kissing their wet cheeks and saying how much she still loved them, and how she still would even if 'soon' did come. It did happen sometimes, others not. A lesson.
Some visitors would merely take what they wanted when they saw something they liked. She saw it outside the Temple, but inside, too. A pretty bauble, some coin, a kiss. Selfish, insufferable people, ruining everything around them. She despised them, the ones that would bribe their way in, the ones that poisoned the powerful to get their way, tempting those she looked up to with more than what they had and stepping on the needy to get there. People like that had taken from her too, people like the man in her home now.
But what was she even supposed to do? Kill him? She had never...killed anyone! Should she yell for the local authority, all the way out here? Would that even be the right thing to do? What did it even take for a man to steal? Her eyes filled with tears, on the verge of a good and proper cry. Was he too ashamed? In need? She had dealt with the prideful, the ones that would act foolish when she tried to tend to them. She'd snuff it out eventually, she could do the same for him. She had given this town so much, and yet they still would take? Still come in secret when she would have so eagerly provided upon request? Oh, she was so confused! Frightened, too.
He didn't look soft like she did, didn't look like the wind could knock him over, like he couldn't go chest to chest with someone and back them down with a nasty stare. He did look like he knew what he was doing, moving meticulously and sure despite his size. Dexterous. She wouldn't want to get in arms reach of this one, he looked--
He...he looked...familiar?
Did he?
Why did he look familiar? Where had she seen that face? He looked like a dream, his features fuzzy and hard to recall, only the feeling left remaining. But what feeling, she couldn't quite grasp.
She wet her lips, her teeth. "I don't think you'll find what you're looking for here, mister," she said tightly, her words more of a tremble than she meant it to be, her outward display of conflicted emotion not reflecting the inner resolve. "You can leave my things, then go out the window. I won't tell anyone." She didn't move from the doorway, the hand at her side tightening on the knife she used to clean her meals. She didn't want her magic to destroy the home she built, though she could rebuild, if he wanted her to go that far. She almost wanted him to make a fuss, the bloodlust making her teeth chatter together with quick a little click click click before settling. "Unless you're looking for some new wounds? I can oblige in that, too. If you ask me nicely. Are you capable? Or do you just take?"
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katsumiiii · 3 years
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Drunk In Love
roronoa zoro x fem! poc reader
genre: fluff
warnings: consumption of alcohol
description: the strawhat crew stops on a nearby island for supplies. zoro takes a trip to the local pub only to have some interesting company join him.
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It’s safe to say that Roronoa Zoro was lost. While this was not a rather surprising statement, it does get tiring to hear that the swordsman hasn’t picked up on his sense of direction since entering the New World. Again and again, every twist and turn looked similar to him, causing him to wander further and further from his desired destination. That destination of course being a pub.
The male couldn’t go too long without having at least a sip of alcohol, his mouth craving the flavor after a good while. He cursed as he traveled down another unfamiliar path, hands shoved deep into his pockets as he dragged his feet along the dirt ground.
Maybe he should’ve listened when Nami said to take someone with him. Nevermind, he would have had to take that curly browed idiot with him, and he’d rather not argue the whole way to the pub.
Zoro scanned his surrounds once more, seems as though those twists and turns led him back into the town, where the pub was apparently located. He let out a sigh of relief, tired of wondering around the dense forests, especially since all of the trees were so similar looking.
He trotted along, dirt kicking out in front of him as a result. Many different sounds flooded his ears, whether it were children whining for the cherry tarts that were on sale to the left of him — they were supposedly the best in town — or the slight ringing of laughter coming from the restaurants to his right, he reckoned that’s where Luffy was trying to go, the smell of meat too tempting for him to ignore.
About half way through the town square, Zoro encountered the very place he’d been searching for. With a snarky grin on his face he hurriedly pushed open the doors, the smell of booze greeting him ever so kindly. Walking a few feet up from the entrance way, he plopped on to a tall wooden stool, slamming his hands on the oak countertop in order to catch the bartenders attention.
“Lemme get a beer.” He bluntly demanded, obsidian irises staring boringly into the man behind the counters backside, watching as he turned around with a tight lipped smile on his face.
“Sure, coming right up!” The chubby male worked swiftly, and right as Zoro gave a long loud yawn a pint of beer was slammed on to the table, causing him to smile excitedly.
“No problem sir! Tell me if you need anything else!” He stated as he hurried off to handle another customer.
Zoro raised the mug to his chapped lips, taking large gulps as he drank the liquid. It left a satisfying burn as it traveled down the pathway of his throat, soon settling in his stomach along with whatever else was down there. He let out a sigh of relief and a belch, which caused quite a few heads to turn towards the noise.
“Oh shit, that’s Roronoa Zoro!”
“What’s he doing here alone?”
“If he’s here then that means Strawhat is most likely near by.”
The whispers grew louder as men and woman alike began to worriedly question the young males motives, discreetly scooting further and further away from him. Zoro huffed closing his only good eye, all he wanted was a peaceful drink at the bar, was that too much to ask for? Guess that’s what he gets for being a pirate.
“You looking for company?” A voice asked, the groan of wood rubbing against wood following soon after, causing Zoro to assume that they pulled out the chair beside him. He grunted, eye still not opening as his left hand gripped the handle of his mug.
“No, go away.” He replied, taking another gulp of his liquor.
“Aww don’t be like that, I promise I’m an interesting gal.”
Zoro opened his eye in annoyance, gaze traveling to your figure. “I said go away you damned wom-” he cut off suddenly, voice caught in the back of his throat as he stared at the sight in front of him.
You were beautiful, your hair was braided into a style he’d never quite seen before, but it was unique and eye catching. Your browned skin all but glowed as there was a window right behind your figure, the sun illuminating your very being. Your nails were thumping against the dull oak countertop in front of you as you softly bit your plump lip, your pearly whites slightly poking out. “You alright there mister?”
His body jolted causing a cough to rile up from the sudden movement. “Oh my god are you okay?” You asked again, this time worriedly. Your voice was damn near angelic, the sound of it bringing heat to his cheeks as he slammed his fist on to his chest to stop his wheezing.
“Y-yeah I’m fine.”
“You sure? Had a bit of a cough there.” Your eyes seemed like they were staring into his very soul as you laid a hand on his chiseled backside, rubbing light circles upon it.
“I’m fine! I can handle a little cough.” He roughly shook your hand off of his back, face becoming more crimson by the minute.
“Hm, I can see that big guy.” You chuckled, gesturing the bartender over. “Hi, may I have some booze please? I’ve been craving some for the longest!”
The male nodded, cheeks turning pink at the slight groan you let out. “Y-yes ma’am, I’ll get right to it!”
“Thank you love!”
“Oi!” Zoro quickly called out, watching as the bar man rolled his eyes before sending him a full smile and a slight nod. “I need more booze.”
“Coming right away sir.” The man grumbled, reaching upwards to retrieve two mugs.
“You seemed to have irritated the man a bit.” You quipped, letting out a small thank you as the very man you mentioned handed you your drink.
“Not my fault he hates his job.” Zoro replied back, muttering out a thank you as well as his drink was set in front of him.
“I don’t think it’s the job he hates.” You smirked, licking your lips of the residue booze.
“Yeah whatever.”
Silence overtook the both of you as you indulged in your liquor, you yourself starting to feel a slight buzz around your fifth mug. “You still drinking?” You questioned, glancing over at the green haired male beside you.
He shot you a quick look, cheeks red from what you assumed was caused from his alcohol intake. “Yeah, surprised you can keep up with me, you damned woman.”
You scoffed, leaning closer to his flushed face, the red of his cheeks increasing with the closing distance. “Oh please, I could out drink your ass in an instant.” You announced cockily, nose scrunching at the smell of alcohol coming from his breath.
He cackled at the sentence, body shaking from complete and utter shock at what he believed to be an incorrect statement, though he guessed he’d have to find out. “Oh really? Is that a challenge?”
“You bet it is moss head.”
“Oh it’s on.”
Drink after drink, you two continued to down as many mugs as you could, the burn intensifying with each gulp. You took a sharp breath as you hastily drank another one, hearing cheers from the spectators, bets circulating on which person would win the battle. After about 56 mugs, Zoro lightly tapped chipped oak countertop, causing you to whoop in victory, screams erupting from the onlookers.
“Ha! Told you I would win!”
Zoro giggled, pushing his body from the wooden stool. “Damn, never thought I’d see the day.”
“I’m surprised my damn self, you can drink your ass off.” You smiled, flipping your intricately braided hair off of your shoulder.
“Well, it was nice drinking with ya.” The male declared as he trotted out of the bar, sending a small wave your way.
“Wait! You can’t just leave!” You rushed after him, hands clammy and mouth dry as you forced your legs to work properly enough to be able to run after the male. Though Zoro did hear your outburst, he decided to continue walking, once again kicking up dust as he wandered about. Your footsteps grew heavier, the affects of the alcohol you drank just now washing over you. You began to walk sluggishly, soon tripping, sending your body tumbling into Zoro’s.
“H-hey! What the hell?!” He firmly grabbed your plush waist, unintentionally pulling you flush against his toned body.
His cheeks heated up once again as his eyes settled along your face, your eyes glazed over, bottom lip slightly red, most likely irritated from the amount of times your teeth have harshly dug into them. “You...you alright?” His fingers traced pathways along your skin, trailing lines and circles as you both continued to stare at one another.
Soon you leaned forward, capturing your lips with his, the taste of alcohol dancing along your tongues. Heat trailed throughout your body, hands settling on top of his as you continued to embrace one another. The kiss was hot and messy, teeth clashing more than once, though neither of you minded, you simply continued to take in every single bit of each other.
You eventually pulled apart, both of you heaving from the intensity of it all. You both stared at each other’s slightly dulled irises, gazing upon the possibilities of this new relationship, or whatever you’d like to call it.
“Mhm?” Zoro cocked his head sideways, rubble rubbing against the back of his scalp from the movement.
“My name, it’s Y/N.” You repeated, ruffling the males hair to shake off the excess debris.
Zoro hummed in response, cheeks flushing for what seemed to be the thousandth time today. “My names Zoro.”
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notes: idk wtf is going awn in this fic lmfao 💀
taglist: @izvana @myhoodacademia @mypimpademia @0risha @blackweebtrash @katsumox @kazuluvr @yuujisbby @manjiiroll @asaincy @namjoonswifeyy @angiebug101 @amethyst09 @sisifromthed @lilsparkyswife @morosis-haze @solar3lunar @lightofcordonia
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oneprompt · 3 years
If I may, I'd like to make a request please. I was thinking something where Luffy and Reader find an abandoned puppy on the island they're docked on. Her and Luffy both wanna keep it, even beg to keep it, but Nami tells them no, so they spend the whole day looking for someone to take care of it before they have to leave. I thought it'd be cute. <3
authors note : what a cute idea ! i hope this may suffice <3 enjoy to the fullest , i hope i served your vision justice ;; my apologies if this isn’t too good , im incredibly sleepy
Luffy x Fem! Reader , Finding a Puppy Drabble
You couldn’t hold back the frown that stuck itself on your face. Being denied by Nami so many times meant serious business, you couldn’t even bribe her..!
“We can’t have a puppy, Y/n, Luffy! We already have Chopper.. a puppy is too much.” You could recall her exact words that made a sigh exit your body, one that was full of disappointment. You and Luffy had been given the task of finding the puppy a new home before sunset, which would be when you all left the sanctuary of the island the Merry was currently docked at.
“Y/n, do you think they want the puppy?” Luffy cheered excitedly as he pointed at a couple. You watched as they looked at the two of you before their eyes darted away, the pair speed walking away.
Being wanted pirates made this task so hard.. People just kept looking at you two as if you were crazy. Was it that odd to see two pirates trying to find a puppy a home? You had no clue. You truly saw nothing wrong with such a kind act.
“Not from us, they don’t.” Your frown deepened as the clock creeped closer to the departure time. You couldn’t just leave this puppy to be alone, to possibly perish. It deserved a home, regardless of the fact it was being assisted by pirates.
“Oi, don’t be so sad, Y/n!” Luffy slapped a hand onto your back before letting it stay in place, resting upon your back. “We’ll find him a home... we’ll get him the best home ever!” The young man snickered with joy, grinning at you.
You couldn’t help but smile, the corners of your lips tugging upwards as you nodded. “Mhm, we will.” You giggled at the sight of Luffy’s oversized smile. He was so kind hearted, so warm... You loved that about him.
It was the same rinse and repeat as you two wandered the town, trying your very best to find somebody to take in the poor little animal. But still, no one did. You couldn’t help but feel a tinge if guilt spark up within your heart. If only the Marines had found this puppy, they would’ve found people willing to accept it much faster then pirates could.
You and Luffy took a break from walking to sit along the marble fountain that was present in the middle of the small town. Wel, you needed a break. Luffy could run around for hours easy, he was a pure ball of energy, or more so chaos. You lent against Luffy, the puppy curled up in the safety of your lap.
It had been an hour or so by now, and time was not getting any slower. Not at all. Sure, you two could just leave it loose but that wasn’t safe at all, and you knew that.
You jumped at the sudden barking that came from the tiny dog. What was upsetting it to such an extent? You looked around only to be met face to face by a young girl. Was she interested?
“Onee-san,” The little girl said before laying her head on your lap to get closer to the baby dog. You blushed nervously as Luffy laughed loudly. This kid... how did she have no shame doing such a thing?
“Um- yes..?” You said, looking down at the child that cradled it’s head in your lap. You didn’t know what you were supposed to do, you were never too good with kids.
“Is this puppy yours?” She asked softly, curiosity filling her vocals to the brim. In response, you merely shook your head. You noticed the way the girls eyes widened in excitement.
You smiled lightly. Had you and Luffy finally found someone to help the dog?
“Do you think your parents would mind if you came home with it?” You asked the girl.
“Not at all..! Papa would love a dog!” With that line, you couldn’t be so sure if the child’s father would approve. But regardless, you would hand the puppy to her, not like you had much time to find another willing person.
You picked up the dog carefully, being as delicate as possible, almost like the puppy was made of porcelain. “There you go,” You hummed with a smile as the child stood before you. “Take good care of him for us, okay?”
“And feed him lots of meat!” Luffy chimed in, “he loves it!” You couldn’t help but laugh softly at his comments. You smiled warmly at the young girl as she giggled at Luffy as well. How cute.
“I will, mister and misses straw hat!” The girl beamed innocently, having zero disregard for the red that overpowered your face, making you burn up with pure embarrassment.
Did she really believe the two of you were married? Did- did every citizen perceive you and Luffy as a married couple? Or just even a normal couple?
You shuddered at the thought of what that love struck empress would do to you if she had just heard that... but you couldn’t be bothered right now. No, not that easily.
“Bye! Feed him looooots, kid!” Luffy yelled at the girl as she walked away, holding the puppy in her arms. “And i mean it! He needs lots of meat!”
You looked at Luffy and sighed, smiling to yourself. He really didn’t register what she had called you two, did he?
You raised to your feet, brushing off the skirt you wore, feeling the evening breeze flush over your exposed legs.
“Luffy, we should return to the sunny. Nami is probably getting sick of waiting,” You said, looking down at him as the sky turned pastel behind you, shifting shades of orange and purples.
“Right! Let’s go, miss Straw Hat!” Luffy got up, linking arms with you.
“Huh?” Your eyes widened as he said that, your face going beet red once more, almost as red as Luffy’s voice.
What was he going on about...?
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quillium · 3 years
Zeno is kneeling before the pirates, watching the blood drain out of the captain’s body, a single arrow pierced clean through his chest, thinking just don’t drown me and I’ll be okay.
“I know your captain disagreed with us,” the pirate captain says, eyes raking over the survivors, “But I would like to hope we’ve persuaded you enough that there’s no more need to fight.”
There’s the distant, detached sound of heavy breathing. The quartermaster, who Zeno knows had been close with the ship’s captain, stands up and screams, swinging his sword.
His head clatters to the deck.
Zeno stands and the man by the captain--they hadn’t even sent their full crew, only the captain and a single man--twitches, prepared to lop Zeno’s head off next.
“Ah, Mister and Missus,” he smiles as best he can and hopes it doesn’t come off wrong, hopes it doesn’t end with him in the water, “Zeno can show you the treasure, let’s not fight anymore! Zeno can’t even hold a sword, so let’s not try any sparring, Miss Captain doesn’t like fighting either, right?”
The pirate captain jerks her chin and says, “Hak?”
“You can carry the treasures for us,” Hak says.
“Alright,” Zeno glances at the cabin boy. He had been nice to Zeno, and listened to his stories at night. Zeno thinks that he should try to help--he doesn’t like seeing people die. “Zeno is not very strong, can he help me?”
“I’ll help you,” the captain says lightly, and she steps over the ship captain’s arm. “That should be fine, right?”
“Ah, but the missus is so strong, Zeno would probably be no help in carrying treasures...”
“It’s alright, you can carry the lighter cargo.”
Zeno tries to make eye contact with the cabin boy, who’s staring at the quartermaster’s head, shaking.
Ah... Zeno tried. He can’t argue further, or they’ll think he’s plotting something.
“Okay!” He beams. “Having a beautiful missus help is good, too!”
Hak snorts. The captain glares. “You got something to say, Hak?”
“Nothing, princess. He called you beautiful, shouldn’t you take that compliment?”
“Aren’t I beautiful?”
Hak pretends to think about it. The captain pouts. Zeno’s heart is going thumpthumpthump, ready to burst out of his chest.
“Of course you are,” Hak’s face softens, “The most beautiful.”
Zeno doesn’t want to hear this when he’s surrounded by dead bodies. He makes eye contact with the cabin boy, who makes a desperate, confused expression, and shakes his head slightly.
Don’t do anything stupid.
The cabin boy squeezes his eyes shut and buries his face in his hands.
Zeno wants to protect him, but he doesn’t think he can.
Ah, but hasn’t it always been like that? Zeno’s never been any good at protecting things--only for a moment, and then, only himself.
As they go deeper down the ship, the pirate captain asks, “What sort of cargo do you have?”
“Oh,” Zeno laughs awkwardly, “Just--the normal things.”
Her eyes rip through him. “And what things are normal things?”
Zeno looks away. Maybe they don’t know, he thinks with some sort of stupid, wild desperation, maybe if they don’t know about the slaves, they won’t kill or mistreat them and I can free them quietly--
“Food, merchandise,” he smiles awkwardly.
“What sort of merchandise?”
“Ah,” he laughs nervously, “Zeno is just here to clean things up, it’s not Zeno’s business to know--”
“There are people, aren’t there?”
Zeno freezes. 
“Do you know?” the captain stretches, “How much I hate you calling human beings ‘merchandise’?”
Zeno asks, because he has nothing to lose, “What will you do with them, miss?”
“I’ll bring them to their homes if they have one left,” she answers, “and give them a home if they don’t have one anymore.”
“And if they want to die?”
“Then they’ll find a reason to live.”
It’s so ridiculously idealistic. But Zeno has always liked idealistic people.
“You’re a good person, miss,” he says, all previous nervousness gone. “I’ll lead you to them, then, since you’re not a bad person.”
He hears her footsteps slow behind him, and she asks, “Aren’t you afraid of me?”
“Zeno is afraid of many things,” he hums. “Why does the miss ask?”
“Aren’t you afraid of me killing you?”
“If miss kills me here, in these halls,” Zeno gestures, “then it’s okay.”
Because at least I won’t be drowned.
“Do you regret working on this ship?”
Regret? Zeno planned on killing this ship’s captain once they reached shore anyways. “No,” he says.
The captain’s face stretches with anger. “What are you going to tell me now?” she asks. “That you had to do it? Or that your life is more important than theirs?”
“Miss,” Zeno says softly, “Do not be angry when you go to meet them, or they will be scared of you much longer.”
“I could kill you,” she says.
“Yes,” Zeno says. “Zeno knows, and Zeno said it was okay if you did it in these halls.”
“But not elsewhere,” Hak says, unfolding his arms and staring at Zeno. “It’s okay if we kill you here, but not somewhere else?”
Zeno swallows down panic and smiles, tilting his head to the side, playing dumb. “Why would it matter to mister where Zeno dies?”
“It doesn’t matter to me,” Hak says, “but it matters to you.” And he pulls out his great weapon and pushes it forward and Zeno closes his eyes to wait for the pain but there’s nothing.
Only wind against his face and then, the captain’s voice, “Well, at least we know he really isn’t scared of dying.”
“People like you,” Hak says, leaning in close to Zeno, “are the worst.”
Zeno smiles nervously. He tries to act stupid, but he doesn’t think it’s working.
“Are you scared of dying in front of the others?” The captain asks. “The slaves, or that boy you were worried about on deck?”
Zeno can’t help but react to that a bit. The captain and Hak exchange looks.
“Alright,” the captain hums, and gestures, “Lead the way, Zeno. And if you want, perhaps you can join my crew.”
“Don’t you think I’m a coward, miss? Why would you want a coward on your crew?”
“Cowards can be made brave. And I don’t know if you’re a coward yet, Zeno. Why did you work on this ship?”
“Zeno just works, miss. Nothing more.”
The captain smiles at him. “Nothing more?”
“Where did you work before, Zeno?’
There’s something in the way she says his name that feels... older. Familiar. Zeno doesn’t react to it, because if he reacted to everything that reminded him of Hiryuu, he’d drown in all that grief.
“Here and there.”
“Did you know about the people when you joined this crew?” The people being sold, she means. The merchandise.
The captain nods at Hak. Hak frowns at her.
Zeno moves on, pretending not to notice. “They’re in here--” he says, reaching for the door, and then--
Hak’s blade, cold against his neck.
Zeno’s hand freezes on the door handle.
“Open the door,” the captain says calmly.
Zeno laughs nervously, “Miss, if you kill Zeno here, things will not be good--”
A single drop of blood rolls down the blade.
Zeno swallows.
“Who said we’d kill you?” Hak asks softly. “And even if we did, wouldn’t they be relieved? To know they’d never have to fear the crew again?”
Zeno folds his hands together.
“Open the door, Zeno,” the captain repeats, voice harder.
“Ask the mister to take away his sword.”
There’s a long, tense moment of silence. The captain moves forward and presses a hand over Zeno’s eyes.
He closes his eyes.
“What do you think,” she asks softly, “I do to men who think they can command me?”
“Zeno doesn’t know, miss.”
“Why don’t I give you one more chance?”
Zeno’s hands stay folded.
The hand moves away, along with the blade.
“You aren’t a coward, Zeno,” Yona says. “Join my crew, and I will learn whether that’s a good thing or a bad one.”
My AO3
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Thor’s twin
Thor Odinson x twin!reader
prompt: @locke-writes: “Wait Lacey I have a headcanon idea if you’re willing to write it. Headcanons for being Thor’s twin??? Idk man I feel like that could be unbridled chaos”
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okay, i believe that odin and frigga refused to tell the two of you who was born first
“either one of you could earn the throne, but you need to prove that you can handle the responsibility” -odin
jokes on him, neither of you cared for the opportunity to rule
you two were much better suited as warriors
you were both able to weild mjölnir, which created...disagreements
“i should have mjölnir! i lifted it first!” -you
“only because you pushed me out of the way!” -thor
“will you two just rip each other apart already?” -loki
speaking of loki, his pranks always exhausted you
especially when you appeared to have woken up in your twin brother’s body
“wh-what is this? LOKI!!!”
he always got a kick out of it
and the celebrations of victory? they never disappointed
“brother! another victory on the battlefield, but was there any other doubt?” -you
“of course not, y/n! at this rate, i don’t think we’ll ever fall!” -thor
“don’t put your hammer where your mouth is” -you
you and thor were definitely unstoppable fighting together, both blessed to be literal gods
“eyes front, thor! the fight’s not over yet!”
when you walked beside each other, sometimes you’d summon mjölnir to your hand
it always annoyed the hell out of him
“give that back”
“i don’t think i will”
“y/n, i’m serious”
“come and get it”
“that’s it!”
*swatting and wrestling in the middle of the hallway*
sometimes frigga would even catch the two of you arguing
“oh, my children. would you quit your bickering for just one moment?” -frigga
“but mother, y/n took my hammer!” -thor
“you’ll just have to learn how to share” -frigga
as the years flew by, there was always something crazy to occupy you
especially the day that thor had been banished, which hadn’t exactly gone as planned for loki
you were supposed to be banished, as well
“i suppose the future of the throne is your responsibility now, my child” -odin
“i...i don’t know what to say” -you
“but y/n doesn’t desire the throne one bit, i would have no problem stepping up, father” -loki
“we’ll deal with this later, brother” -you
you had to plan something with sif and the warrior’s three
yes, it was treason, but your brother would always be worth it. no matter how much you two argued, he was your other half
now you found yourself on earth, it was such an odd-looking place
and then you were chased by a destroyer
“thor, you must get to safety! i will not lose you again!” -you
“hi there, i’m jane...” -jane, obviously
“hello, lady jane! i’m y/n, thor’s twin!” *blocks debris* “i must go now!”
life didnt get much more simple after that, especially since loki had died (or so you thought) and the bifrost was completely destroyed, it would take a long time to fix any of the damages that asgard suffered
mourning over loki felt right and wrong at the same time, he betrayed you and your family, but you’d never stop loving him
he would always be your brother
as time went on, you had to visit earth once again because of...loki
“i should have known” -you
“yes, you should have” -thor
“you didn’t know, either!” -you
“and they call us petty?” -any SHIELD agent or avenger
loki mocked you when he was captured
“you were nothing but loved growing up, brother. what happened?” -you
“there was a shadow cast over me, thor’s shadow. don’t tell me you haven’t noticed it, either. odin only ever truly notices him and all of his feats” -loki
“you tell nothing but lies, loki. i won’t fall for them and i will not help you. you should stop while you’re ahead”
“so you agree that i’m ahead?”
threatening loki with mjölnir
ppl actually called mjölnir “thor’s hammer”
“i think you mean our hammer” -you
the battle of new york was admittedly terrifying, you knew loki had it in him, but seeing it in the moment just hurt you
it was possible you had a guilty conscience
but the avengers saved the day (mostly) and you brought loki and the tesseract home
and loki was sentenced to an eternity in prison
“hey, thor, think i’d have a shot at lady sif?” -you teasing the hell out of him
“shut up. you won’t make me jealous no matter what you say. my heart belongs to—” -thor
“the midgardian, i know”
you did sort of make him jealous tho ngl
aaanyways you pushed him to go see jane again, it had been too long to leave a midgardian waiting. their lives were short.
and you got to see her again! unfortunately you lost your mother that same day
and you were p i s s e d
murder? murder. (murder)
you may or may not have broke into the vault to get a weapon you could truly call your own
and then went against your better judgement and took loki to off-world with you
“y/n—” -loki
“shut up” -you
but you wish you had listened to what he had to say since you had the bear the loss of loki once again
now you had two family members to avenge
speaking of avenging, you steered clear of the avengers because......they were nuts
“y/n! you know, we could use another god like yourself on our team” -tony
“thor won’t help power your building, will he?” -you
“you got me” -tony
“so, you and thor are twins? who’s older?” -steve
“we actually don’t know!” -you
“oh...neat” -steve
“you know, thor was crying the first time he tried to lift that hammer of his” -clint
“i have no doubt about that” -you
“thor always talks about fighting in wars, but he never gives us any details. has he really fought wars?” -natasha
“oh, plenty of them! my brother and i have fought side by side in countless battles, you’ve even witnessed one! in new york!” -you
“how could i forget?” -nat
okay getting past all that, you focused on getting a headstart on some more *prophetic* instances that thor caught up to you on
and once you got back to asgard, you knew there was something wrong
“are you kidding me? loki? again?” -you
“hello, sibling. it’s nice to see you again” -loki
“why are you the way that you are?” -you
“that’s enough, y/n” -thor
✨going to midgard for odin who instead gave you a homicidal sister✨
hela was not nice at all. at ALL.
your heart broke when she shattered mjölnir
and loki made a bad call to open the bifrost for the whole odinspawn family
and next thing you knew, you were on sakaar
“thor? what the hell?” -you
“y/n! oh, it’s so good to see you! help me out here, please!” -thor
“i’m sorry, brother, but me and loki have been playing the loving brother/sibling act to keep it civil. this place...it’s unlike any place we’ve ever seen. we need to be smart. and we need to get back to asgard.” -you
“yes, we do. there is no doubt in my mind that hela is destroying asgard as we speak” -thor
“right, well...i don’t think loki will be joining us because, he and, uh, the grandmaster as they call him...they sort of formed a relationship” -you
trying to break thor out of prison and oh....hulk is here? that was unexpected
“y/n! y/n, that mean girl who kidnapped me? a valkyrie. a real life valkyrie!” -thor
“what?! father told us they had all died!” -you
“i think it would be safest to disregard everything father has ever told us” -thor
“i very much like that idea” -you
kicking absolute ass on your way out
you and valkyrie teamed up, so you had to say your goodbyes to loki early on, he made it clear he wanted to stay
“you will always be my brother, loki. i wish you well on your journey to find your place in this life. and i do love you, remember that” -you, giving him a hug
“...thank you, y/n. i...me, too” -loki
yet he came back for you in the end
after thor had lost his eye, he’d unlocked his true power........not to be a sore winner, but you’d unlocked yours first while he was on earth
but you two together? that should have been unstoppable
yet you weren’t
“what the hel? she should be dead!” -you
“we need to go” -valkyrie
“wait, i have one more idea” -thor
and that idea was the idea that ended asgard
but you’d create a new asgard
but then half of asgard was murdered by thanos! and you and thor were stranded in space! and loki actually died! and you were saved by space pirates! and were flirted with by half of their crew!
“thor, you need to see dmitri, you need a new weapon if we’re going to finish off thanos” -you
okay, well you and the “guardians of the galaxy” went after infinity stones instead, you knew that one day you’d have to
running into tony stark in space?????
“y/n? what are you doing here?” -tony
“i’m here to kill thanos, what are you doing here, stark? who are these two?” -you
“hi, i’m peter! that’s mister—doctor strange” -peter
everyone turned to dust after thanos escaped and you, tony, and nebula went to star-lord’s ship
and were saved by captain marvel
and reunited with thor
“y/n, by odin’s beard, i thought i had lost you” -thor
“it’s alright, i’m here now” -you
starting up new asgard and watching your brother fall into a depression that caused you to do most of the heavy lifting in this new kingdom
“are you still playing fortnite, brother? it’s five in the morning” -you
“can you pass...” *belch* “just pass me another beer” -thor
and after 5 years, you got to go back to asgard? but asgard from 10 years prior
“mother...” -you
“y/n, we have a mission” -rocket
“i know, i know...where’s thor?” -you
running into your mother while getting thor
“hello, mother. i...yes, hello” -you
“hello, my child. i hope that the future is treating you well” -frigga
“it isn’t, but thank you, mother. i love you” -you
and then you were back on earth and had to comfort thor, who was self-loathing again
but the work had been restored by a simple snap!
and you and thor were able to fight a real fight once more, summoning mjölnir again was invigorating
and there was some kind of bittersweet win here, one i’ve covered plenty of times
“it was fitting for such a great battle to be our final one for now” -thor
“you’re leaving?” -you
“i am, but i trust you’ll take care of our people like you always do. i will see you again, dear sibling. one day” -thor
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck //
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alexa-fika · 9 months
Little Gardener's Pirate Odyssey Chapter 2
A/N: Here we go, back uploads for my very first published works, im kinda nervous about what you guys think. Im starting with really short chapters for now to kinda get a feel for it first.
Feel free to send in asks, I would love to chat ❤️
Ivy dividers by @firefly-graphics and @sweetxmelody
Chapter 1, Chapter 3
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The two of them spent a while in that position; Sanji wanted to calm down the child completely before he went on to ask any questions. Viridi lying on Rogue’s head as the both of them sat there observing the child and the young man.
“Okay, now, tell me why you have to hide in cabinets; no lady should be hiding much less in such a place and even less a. little lady such as you,” He puts one hand on her chin, lifting her head to look at him.
“Just be honest, I won’t be mad.” He tries to look understanding and as comforting as possible for her
“I’m sorry, Mister Sanji!” she cries, eyes turning from a vivid green to a deep blue.
Sanji’s eyes widen at the sudden color change but he decides not to comment on it immediately, making a mental note to ask her later.
“I got here with Viridi and Rogue, but then everyone was fighting; all the chefs were punching and kicking people, and I got scared,” she exclaims
Sanji groans, holding the bridge of his nose at her words.
“I’m sorry about that little lady, the chefs here are a bunch of dimwits; I’m sure they meant no harm towards you. They just get riled up easily and resort to beating unruly customers; their everyday banter is louder and more aggressive than others.
“But I guess that’s one of the best scenarios compared to what I imagined,” he mutters.
He clears his throat.
“I’m sorry if they spooked you; you then hid in a cabinet in the kitchen, I get that, but why a cabinet, much less a cabinet in the kitchen?” he questions
Alexandra fidgets with her fingers, small sniffles escaping her eyes, now switching to a pink color.
“I ran, and that was the first hiding spot I saw,” she said as her tail swayed nervously behind her.
Sanji nods and looks down at her.
“Okay, then why the crying? What made you cry? Did someone hurt you or threaten you?” He inquires
“Or was it just because of the fighting?” He shifts Alexandra on his lap so he can look her in the eyes.
“I got scared; I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be; you didn’t do anything wrong.” He puts one hand on her shoulder, gently rubbing it to add to the comforting factor.
“Are you feeling any better now?” He shifts Alexandra back on his lap to hold her closer to him.
She nods slowly
“Let’s just relax here for a while, okay?” Sanji gently holds Alexandra close, then leans down and kisses her head.
She nods
“Can… Can I show you something?”
Sanji stares down into Alexandra’s eyes and nods.
“Of course, what is it?” He holds Alexandra close and waits patiently for her to show him.
She moves her hands in a particular motion as her eyes start glowing, and from her hands, she grows a small flower, which she then hands to Sanji.
“A poppy for Mister Sanji,” she sniffles, drying her leftover tears.
“A poppy?” Sanji’s eyes widen as the flower appears in his hands
Thank you, Little Lady; guess I should call you Little Gardener from now on.” He looks at it closely
“Where did you learn to do that?” He glances up at Alexandra, still shocked, and he holds the flower by her stem, carefully examining the flower.
“I could do it since I was very small, growing all types of plants.”
That’s incredible. So you could grow a tree, too?” He sounds surprised and curious, “Or a rose?” He watches Alexandra closely, examining the flower and gently spinning it in his hands. He holds a gentle grip on the flower, careful not to damage or squish it.
“Why are you so curious?” Rogue growls, jumpin’ into the conversation
“Rogu-“Viridi starts to scold Rogue but is interrupted by him.
“No! What if he takes advantage of her?! Wouldn’t be the first time.”
Viridi stays silent at this.
Sanji raises his eyebrow, looking between Rogue and Alexandra,
“Take advantage? In what way?” he questions, his tone soft and gentle so as not to startle Alexandra.
“And who would do something like that?” He pauses, staring closely at Rogue and Alexandra, waiting for an explanation.
Alexandra shrugs
“Some people are mean,” she mumbles.
Rogue and Viridi glance at each other
“Mhm,” Sanji starts to massage Alexandra’s back to try and put her more at ease,. . “Some people are mean, but not everyone.” He glances up at Rogue and Viridi and stares at them a little longer, hoping for one of them to explain the meaning of the child’s cryptic statements.
“We can talk about this later; for now, you have my trust. I don’t sense any ill intent from you,” Viridi smiles nervously.
Sanji nods
“Okay, we can talk about this later.” He sets the flower down on his lap, holding Alexandra close to him,
“I’m glad you trust me.” He gives the kid a kind smile as he rubs her back gently and softly.
“Are you feeling any better?”
She nods
“Thank you”
“You’re welcome,” Sanji says gently,
“I know we just met, so it can be a bit unnerving, but I’m just trying to do what I can to help you be safe, okay?” He says, still rubbing her back to provide more comfort for the both of them.
“I’d never want to hurt you.”
The scare she had received earlier had drained her, putting on top of Sanji’s comforting caresses, lulling the small wolf child to sleep.
Sanji looks down at the sleeping Alexandra in his lap and sighs.
“She’s exhausted.” He gently rubs Alexandra’s back, hoping she’ll sleep as he does and gets a good night’s rest. He looks around him, glancing at Viridi and Rogue.
Viridi gently flutters over Alexandra, giving her small caresses and smiling as the young girl leans into the touch once the fairy pets her ears.
“I’m sure you have lots of questions, right?” She says to Sanji, not taking her eyes off the young girl.
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Here we go, in the next chapter it's gonna center quite a lot around the familiars, sanji and Alexandra's backstory
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zhongbaal · 3 years
"Why do the trees change in the fall?" Raiden recalls her daughter asking, and her mouth curls with amusement, putting down the quill pen and meeting those opal eyes. "Time changes everything, dear."
“How could my friends be so mean?” It’s a cacophonous combination of words riddled with frustrated wrought, and she could only frown, enveloping trembling shoulders with protective arms.
“Auntie’s smart,” the curious little girl begins, harvesting a triumphant grin from Makoto which she returns, opening her mouth to agree when— “but you’re the prettiest lady in the whole wide world!”
Beyond nights where entwined voices, one with a low timber and the other youthfully light, filled the retro-styled car, Raiden thinks she didn’t have much else to look forward to in nighttime.
“Who’s he to you, mom?” She remembers being asked, a brisk tug at her sleeve, and of all things, it’s this silly little thing that renders him speechless.
The first time Raiden finds herself in an arcade is with him, eyes trained on molten gold, brows a deep brown caught in a frown, a new spectrum of determination in this cycle of failed attempts to win a prize.
“Tell her you won it,” Zhongli reiterates not because he thought her deaf but because the unsettling frown adorning her gentle features worries him so. “I don’t mind.”
In dimmed quietude, she finds herself thinking about the way he held her ungloved hand after having won the stuffed toy on that fateful day.
“Miho,” Raiden calls out, cooing with a gentle, soothing low timber. “The nice man from the other day got you something.”
The next day, she sees him in the train station wearing a fine trench coat, gazing upon his watch— his schedule is with flaw when Miho greets him with great cheer, “Mister, thanks for that teddy bear!” and he gazes towards her, she looks away, he says, “You didn’t tell her?”
“It was something you won, I couldn’t just—“ She insists, harvesting a shake of the head. “I told you it was fine,” So unusually calm, Miho looks up at the two of them, the sound of trains in motion eluding her. “Did I not?”
“Fine,” She concedes after a while, tangling the light brown hair of an owner idle on her lap, zoning in and out of the exchange of riddles. “I’ll just have to win one of my own next time.”
Only when her filial angel says, “Um, about the other day… I don’t think you should stress yourself out over a toy, mom! I just wanna spend time with you!” does Raiden realize that perhaps she missed the point a tad.
Forever is the age of princesses and pirate ships for a pristine child such as her; forever is then not Raiden’s strife but the motivating factor behind her unnervingly calm strikes.
Zhongli has exactly fourteen cents when they meet in a cafe when her slight irritation is mitigated by the hollow crash of a few Mora against the coffee table, then followed her laughter— soft yet audible enough to accelerate his pulse.
A rough blend, mostly unfiltered, almost a deep red— that’s what she remembers him by, his taste, and it’s good enough (… she supposes) entertainment on the way towards Yae’s place where she was forced to entrust Miho to at least for today.
Yae notices how particularly giggly she is and thinks it odd until the stoic prune’s screen flashes open, revealing a notification from Zhongli sent around six minutes ago; ‘Ei, I can’t find my phone. Could you call it?’
“You don’t have to get it exactly right—“ She remembers interrupting Saiguu with an unusually vehement shake of the head, voice almost breaking, “I do, I have to.”
In the solitary reign of thunder in a graveyard, a less than suitable theater for its mighty flash, she thinks about how pathetic it is that some concrete standing upright, engraved with a name she knows best, could draw large, genuine tears from her eyes.
Her car breaks down and she thinks to call Yae, caressing the hair of one sleeping girl all the while. Finally, her friend picks up and is informed of the situation, yet she prefaces her thoughts with: “Why don’t you ask that good friend of yours to give you a ride?”
“Pfft,” Venti snickers, unbothered by the glowering purple sparks. “Give you a ride, eh? Sounds like a plan.”
He does, in fact, promise to give her a ride for as long as the car is being fixed… yet his cheeks are dusted a muted pink when she tells him of Venti’s comment.
Raiden likes the fact that her subordinates assume her and him a couple because of their little contract; all fiction, noise, until one morning; “See you later, dad!”
“In his long life, he has met countless people, and shall meet countless more still.” She forgets that her life is just as equally unpredictable, fickle, and to her, his smile is first and foremost the sweetest relief before anything else.
"Would it kill you to be a little more honest with yourself?" With that, she fights the urge to pry the pink minx's fingers away from her hair.
“Try acting upon your feelings a little more!” Venti suggests and Zhongli shakes his head, looking at the occupied woman dressed in opulent purple as he answers with: “My feelings will only prove to be a burden.” because he knows she isn’t listening.
“She’s inviting some friends over for her birthday,” For some reason, it’s him she’s saying this to yet he makes no comment on the oddity of it all. “Could you help me with it?”
When he comes over, Miho is too occupied with her toys to notice how they’re sitting too far apart on the couch in silent supervision.
Gone is his composure when she draws closer to adjust the tie gone messy thanks to Miho’s shenanigans, and gone is it still even after she’s out of his radius.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday…” It begins, the children’s lively song riding their steady claps— “Happy birthday to you.” She sings along and because he’s closest to her, he knows her artful tune best.
Raiden finds herself grieving the lack of saccharine leftovers to eat, and by some hopeful innate voice, she goes downstairs, in the middle of the night, to come to terms with the tragedy— it’s how she finds him brooding on the table, how her tired self leans down to tell him: “It’s not good to stay up… as you would often tell me yourself.”
Raiden thinks it’s strange that he says she’s funny when all she ever does is say what’s on her mind.
Fatigue flows like a tenfold a waterfall’s pressure the very next day, and she slouches towards the kitchen, the prominence of food filling her senses. It’s something she’s always struggled with, really, and to extend her gratitude towards the ever composed chef, she entwines her fingers with his in a lazy weave— she doesn’t notice his momentary flinch.
Raiden thinks about all the times he doesn’t push her away, doesn’t reject her touches, how his gaze is sometimes trained on her lips, and how she hates that it’s these things that peel her exterior.
“Soooo, who is he to you?” This question seems familiar, she thinks and this time, laughs, whispering something into Miho’s ear that makes her gasp, leaving Zhongli in the hands of guesswork.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
In that case, I’ll ask to my hearts content 😃 Law, Zoro, Marco, Sabo, Ace, Mihawk with a stick in the mud s/o. They are hard working and devoted towards their goals but they never take time off to enjoy the little things in life. How do our boys get their partners to relax and have fun? That there is more than “all work and no play” when they’re out at sea.
Law, Zoro, Marco, Sabo, Ace + Mihawk, With A Serious S/O
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a/n: oh boy, I guess I should have expected this lol but no worries. This was actually rather cute and I enjoyed making it. :) 🥰
apologies if these seem short! Mihawk is such a good characterrrr but he’s so hard to write ;-;
;-; I wasn’t very creative with this, this time 😞
Summary : these boys with a serious, strict and stern significant other who’s a stick in a mud. All work and no fun at all.
Ace is all about the fun. He’s always enjoying himself and acting on impulse, unless it’s time to get serious. He knows when to be focused and though he still acts on impulse, he gets the job done.
So, seeing you ignoring and rejecting his requests to join him on pranking Marco and Thatch, gets him pouty and sullen. How could you reject such a cutie like him? Just to work of all things?
He’ll be grumpy and pout all day, making the crew wonder if something happen before seeing Ace’s lingering stare over at your room, which they soon understood.
He’ll be grumpy and pout all day, making the crew wonder if something happen before seeing Ace’s lingering stare over at your room, which they soon understood.
“Come on, don’t be such a stick-in-the-mud, [Name]! You hardly ever have any fun.”
If you still reject him, He’ll start to tease you and become a bit more flirty, as he wraps his arms around you one day and leans into your more, with his chin pressed onto your shoulder.
“If you don’t join me in my pranks, I have a better idea to get you to relax and have some fun, if you’re interested?~”
Sabo literally does whatever he wants, but he’ll get the job done for sure. This man is a child at heart so he’s always enjoying himself and having fun despite being so overworked and busy.
So when he decides to postpone his mission for a quick bit, since it wasn’t too important, he’ll go find something to entertain and enjoy himself with, but you’re quick to stop him.
You’re lecturing and pulling him back to get going on the mission, which makes Sabo pout at you for not just joining in. You’ve been working nonstop and won’t ever let him or yourself have any fun, and that’s about to change.
“Come on, just join me already! It’s not too important, so it’ll be fine if we postpone the mission until later.”
He’ll keep whining and complaining like a little child until he forced himself away from you and jumps away at a distance. Before you could even yell or scold him, Sabo is already behind you and grasping your hand and giving you his signature grin.
“Hey, [Name], let’s explore a bit before we go, it’ll be fun!”
Like Mihawk, this man is too busy to be playing games. He’s like you, he doesn’t have time to fool around and relax, he had paperwork and there’s always going to be trouble anyways.
However, there are few rare times where he’s actually enjoying himself, whether it’s enjoying a small secret comic book on his own, precious, or when he’s out with Penguin and Bepo on some island and relaxing under a tree while the three enjoy themselves on the field.
Today was one of those days, where he decided to have an easy day after a large chaotic mess. He was just leaning against a tree and reading a book, listening to the cheers and laughter of his crewmates.
You were at a distance away from them, having brought your paperwork to finish and sitting on the grass to do it. You didn’t having a fun/relaxing day was necessary. You thought it was a waste of time, really. If you had free time, why not work, right? Get everything done, you’re just going to get more work later on anyways.
Despite Bepo and Penguin’s protests and persuasions for you to join them, you still rejected their offer and continued working. Law, who was listening, obviously noticed how much you were working, so he decided to stop it.
Within seconds, you were now under the shade of a tree and your paperwork nowhere in sight. You suddenly felt yourself get pulled down to Law’s shoulder and was leaning onto him.
“Get some sleep, [Name]-ya. I’ll wake you up when we go, forget about your paperwork.”
Sure, Marco works himself to the bone often, being overworked with paperwork. It’s to be expected of the first division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, but at least Marco knows how to ease up and let loose every once in a while.
So when you’re busy endless days and nights of just working and not partaking in any of the fun, Marco’s not having that.
Literally, it seems as if you work more than him! You’re always in the room and hardly go out for some air, unless you have to speak with one of the division commanders or Whitebeard himself.
“Not enjoying the party, [Name]-yoi? You’re such a hard-worker. But come on, you should relax and enjoy yourself for a bit-yoi.”
He’ll have Thatch whip up some more dishes for the crew and have you sit in the middle of the party and start eating with Ace. He’s standing beside you and watching you have fun under his watch.
“I’ll take care of some of your work, so just enjoy yourself already-yoi.”
Honestly, Mihawk is the exact same. He has no time nor does he really appreciate having fun. He considers it such a childish feature.
But having Shanks as a close friend, he does end up easing up particular days, where he’s more relaxed and actually enjoying himself.
His idea of fun, is either enjoying a good book and some wine, or simply killing time and boredom by stopping by Shanks in the New World.
However, when he sees you, all serious and devoted to your work, he’s a little impressed and respectful of you. You at least know not to good around and to get the job done. But after a while, he notices you haven’t been relaxed at all for days. You’re always keeping your guard up and doing work, with tensed muscles.
That’s his thing, and he’s used to seeing many others just relaxing, he does it himself. So when he sees you not relaxing, he just sighs at you.
“That’s good that you’re focusing on your work, [Name]. However, you relax every once in a while. I don’t need you to pass out on me.”
If he has to, he’ll force you to drop whatever you’re doing and pull you to sit with him and hands you one of his books and a glass of wine to enjoy with him. He may even pull you to sit on his lap.
“Now sit and read. I don’t want to hear any complaints from you.”
If Zoro isn’t training, he’s sleeping. If the crew is on some wild adventure and there’s going to be trouble, the kind of trouble where he can fight, he’s going to enjoy himself. Especially if Luffy decides to have a feast to celebrate afterwards.
Zoro’s pretty observant, so of course he’s going to see you always working hard and getting the task done with ease and quickly, you were determined.
However, he also noticed how much you would back out of enjoying yourself on the ship. At least he and Robin always did yet you always chose not to. He noticed, but never said a thing, since he just chose to ignore it and either enjoy himself, train or sleep. But he had enough.
So, before you could even walk away from this party, which you thought was pointless since Luffy practically had a banquet every other week anyways, Zoro was already pulling you away before you could go.
“Oi, where do you think you’re going?”
Zoro would have his arm around your waist tightly and force you into his lap with a jug of sake in his hand and the giant feast in front of you both, a giant grin on his face.
“Come on, Miss/Mister No-Fun, enjoy this day at least once, alright? Have some food before Luffy eats it all.”
A/N : hey, hope you enjoyed! :D I rather liked this! 🥰 hope it was what you expected too! :) if not, let me know.
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oddarin · 4 years
It is one of the most meaningless thing I’ve done in time - all least-to-most ranks and just characters’ fact answers (those that with no pictures) from oficial Ask Arcana gathered in one place. Have no idea what that information could be used for and if it even useful but it kept me occupied and distracted from some life shit for a while, so let it be.
who is most to least likely to enjoy the movie Frozen? Lucio, Portia, Julian, Asra, Muriel, Nadia
Out of the cast, who is the most to least likely to be the jealous type? Portia, Lucio, Muriel & Nadia (tied), Julian, Asra
would you like to rank the characters from who cries most to least ugly? like from sniveling to shoujo manga tears? Muriel, Lucio, Julian, Portia, Asra, Nadia
who is the most to least superstitious Portia, Julian, Nadia, Lucio, Asra, Muriel
most to least excited to be at a WWE event Portia, Lucio, Asra, Julian, Nadia, Muriel
From worst to best at handling children Nadia, Lucio, Muriel, Asra, Portia, Julian
From worst to best for alcohol tolerance Muriel, Asra, Lucio, Julian, Portia, Nadia
Character ranking from best at keeping secrets to loose-liped gossip? Asra, Muriel, Nadia, Lucio, Portia, Julian
best to worst dancers? Asra, Portia, Julian, Nadia, Lucio, Muriel
Most to Least likely to slap you for stealing a mcnugget Nadia, Lucio, Asra, Portia, Julian, Muriel
Least to most likely to eat something weird (read: probably shouldn't be eaten) because of a dare? Nadia, Julian, Muriel, Lucio, Portia, Asra and not even on a dare
how old are each of the revealed characters? everyone is old, but in order of least old to most old: Asra, Portia, Muriel, Julian, Lucio, Nadia
Who's the best kisser? Who's the worst? Best kisser: Faust (good snake smooches) Worst kissers: Mercedes and Melchior (too much cronch)
If the main 6 played MTG what color decks would they play? Asra: Blue Nadia: White Julian: Black (Portia made his for him) Portia: White/Green Muriel: Green Lucio: Red
How did cast look as babies? Nadia: The best baby, perfect in form and function Asra: A cute baby, always looking around Julian: Not the most handsome baby, a little gangly Portia: Round, squealing delightful baby Lucio: Red-faced screaming awful baby Muriel: Sturdy and well insulated for the long winter
Of the main six characters, which ones are capable of juggling and which ones would absolutely love doing needlepoint? capable of juggling: Portia, Asra, Muriel absolutely love doing needlepoint: Nadia, Julian incapable of juggling/ absolutely hate doing needlepoint: Lucio
what would the cast choose as their job in the mmo final Fantasy XIV? Julian: Dragoon Asra: Astrologian Lucio: Ninja, but he messes up the mudras Nadia: Machinist Portia: Summoner Muriel: Paladin
What would be the favorite attractions/rides of the cast at Disney? Julian: Pirates of the Caribbean Asra: Astro Orbiter Lucio: Tower of Terror (RIP) Muriel: Matterhorn Portia: California Screamin' Nadia: Carousel of Progress
What do the rest of the cast smell like? Nadia: Les Larmes Sacree Du Thebes by Baccarat Asra: Lord of Misrule Lush Shower Cream Julian: Leather seats in a rental car Portia: Cocoa butter and laundry soap Lucio: Fireball, Axe body spray & ass Muriel: myrrh
What board game would The Arcana gang be? Nadia: Clue Asra: Twister Julian: Sorry! Portia: Mouse Trap Lucio: Monopoly Muriel: Guess Who
Who do all the cast main in over watch? Nadia: Ana Asra: Sombra Julian: Reaper Portia: Zarya Muriel: Bastion Lucio: Genji
If everyone participated in a Winter Olympic sport, which one would they be in? Nadia: figure skate (singles) Asra: snowboarding Julian: alpine ski Portia: freestyle ski Muriel: luge Lucio: ice hockey
Main casts Starbucks orders? Julian: Black coffee and he flirts with the barista until it’s ready. Nadia: London Fog Latte. She comes in at exactly 8 every morning. Asra: Matcha latte unless there’s a new radioactive-looking Frappuccino flavor and then he gets that. Muriel: Waiting outside in the car, asks Asra to get him a water. Asra comes back with a hot chocolate and a cake pop. Muriel grumbles but accepts them every time. Lucio: Salted Caramel Mocha extra whip extra sprinkles nonfat no foam soy upside down actually coconut milk instead and then he yells at you if you get it wrong. Portia: Pink Drink and all the baristas get excited when she walks in because they love her and she always tips.
The cast as Kanye songs Nadia: Power Lucio: No Church in the Wild Asra: Love Lockdown Julian: Heartless Portia: Paranoid Muriel: Coldest Winter
Which characters would be in the fire, water, earth, and air nations? Slightly different from what you asked, but: Asra - waterbender Nadia - airbender Julian & Portia - non-benders Muriel - Earthbender Lucio - Firebender
What kind of parents are the cast at their child’s soccer game? Nadia: standing on the sidelines in sunglasses and heels biting her thumbnail and watching every move on the field because she doesnt trust the ref Asra: cheers whenever anything happens, takes as many kids as can fit in the car out for ice cream but doesn’t check with the parents Julian: chats up the other parents relentlessly and isn’t watching when his kid gets hit in the face with the ball Portia: “cmon cmon cmon cmon cmon cmon cmon AW WHAT WAS THAT” Muriel: watching from the parking lot inside the car Lucio: yelling on the phone the whole time, spills all 24 oz of his salted caramel mocha on the bench and doesn’t do anything about it
Which Disney movie is the favorite of each of the cast? Nadia: Fantasia 2000 Asra: The Emperor’s New Groove Julian: Muppet Treasure Island Portia: Muppet Treasure Island Muriel: The Fox and the Hound Lucio: Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True
what kind of youtube channel would each character have (letsplay, cooking, craft, etc)? Asra: very unstructured mostly-cooking channel that also features videos of him just eating weird things, and videos of Faust existing and being cute Nadia: beauty guru with very polished high-end editing Julian: doesn’t know how to use youtube but Portia made an account for him and uploads her shaky/blurry phone videos of his jazz performances Portia: likes and comments on all of Nadia’s videos while occasionally posting cute cat vids Muriel: does not have an internet connection Lucio: extremely loud letsplayer, mostly FPS
What would the cast be as animal crossing villagers? Muriel: Cranky Bear Julian: Smug Eagle Portia: Uchi Cat Nadia: Snooty Ostrich Asra: Lazy Wolf Lucio: Jock Goat
What Fire Emblem Fates' classes would each character be? Asra - Diviner Nadia - Priestess Julian - Adventurer Portia - Maid Muriel - Wolfskin Lucio - Berserker
if the arcana cast were naruto characters, which ones would they be Portia: Naruto Muriel: Gaara Lucio: Orochimaru Julian: Itachi Asra: Kakashi Nadia: Fancy Shikamaru
If the characters of arcana watched rupaul's drag race who would be their faves? Nadia: bebe, raja, peppermint Asra: yara, aja, adore Julian: nina bo’nina, sasha, raven Portia: chichi, bob, ginger Lucio: willam, kimora, mimi imfurst Muriel: Latrice Royale
WHAT ARE THE CHARAS PREFERRED FLAVOR OF ICE CREAM? Nadia: Lavender Lemon Asra: Rainbow Sorbet Julian: Pistachio Portia: Cookie Dough Muriel: Rocky Road Lucio: Red Velvet
Please please arcana cast as mcr songs Lucio: It’s Not a Fashion Statement, It’s a Deathwish Julian: Thank You For The Venom Asra: Welcome To The Black Parade Muriel: House of Wolves Nadia: You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison Portia: Give Em Hell Kid
What are the characters going to be for Halloween? Asra - glow-in-the-dark mermaid Nadia - [elegant ballgown interpretation of] a swan Julian - tortured vampire/werewolf hybrid Muriel - sheet ghost Portia - ninja turtle Lucio - slutty angel Faust - a very long hot dog
If you had to assign the characters from the Arcana to characters from Labyrinth who would they be? Nadia: Jareth Asra: Sara Julian: Sir Didymus Portia: Hoggle Muriel: Ludo Lucio: The Chilly Down birds
What's each character's favourite fruits? Nadia: Concord Grape Asra: Blue Raspberry Julian: Fig Portia: Banana Muriel: Lemon Lucio: Pomegranate
what's everyone's favorite season? Asra - spring Nadia - summer Julian - autumn Muriel - winter Portia - spring Lucio - summer
Who would the Arcana cast be in a cliche Noir Film? Nadia: boss with kinetic ball bearing desk ornament and brandy in the drawer Asra: first love turned old flame that you run into halfway around the world Julian: haggard scientist with an unbuttoned shirt scribbling on the walls Portia: wisecracking secretary who takes a bus a train and a ferry to work Muriel: ominous farmer that lets people use the phone after a car breaks down Lucio: raging starlet shattering a vase after being blacklisted by every studio
The Arcana cast as Michael Jackson songs? Nadia: Man in the Mirror Asra: You Are Not Alone Julian: Smooth Criminal Portia: Will You Be There Muriel: Ben Lucio: Bad
What would each character be in cats? This probably wasn’t supposed to be Cats the musical but if you think i’m gonna pass this up Nadia: None they’re all awful/ Munkustrap Asra: Mister Mistoffelees Julian: Macavity Portia: Jennyanydots Lucio: Rum Tum Tugger Muriel: Grizabella
what would their favorite emojis be? Asra: 🌚 Nadia: 🍷 Julian: 🎷 Portia: 👀 Muriel: 👁 Lucio: 💃💸😏👑
What panic at the disco songs describe each character best? Julian: Death of a Bachelor Asra: I Write Sins Not Tragedies Portia: She’s a Handsome Woman Nadia: Northern Downpour Lucio: Victorious Muriel: From a Mountain in the Middle of the Cabins
What stereotypes for a super cliché highschool do the characters fall into? Nadia: Valedictorian who has been doing independent study and hasn’t set foot in the building for the past two years Asra: Shows up late every class with loud ass Sunchips, does homework in glow in the dark gel pen Julian: Eats lunch with his teacher so they can keep talking about mitochondria Portia: Gets really hype about dances, always ends up fighting at dances Muriel: Puts away all the folding chairs that everyone left behind Lucio: Gets on the intercom to talk shit about the teacher who gave him a D+ on his plagiarized essay
What sports would the characters play? And would they be any good at those sports? Muriel: Any solitary sport. He likes track and shotput. Nadia: Swimming. She isn’t on a team, she just likes the water. Portia: Wrestling. She’s got a few championship belts. Julian: Grandma Devorak forced him to take One Sport in high school, and he chose long-distance running. Asra: Beach volleyball and snowboarding. He’s just there to have a good time. Lucio: Ice hockey, but he spends it mostly punching other players.
what dragons from books/movies/games match each character best, would you say? As for dragons, one of our writers plays Flight Rising obsessively so here’s every character as a Flight Rising breed. Asra: Fae Nadia: Imperial Lucio: Wildclaw Muriel: Guardian Julian: Skydancer Portia: Snapper
What is each character most likely to do with the mc when they're feeling 'unusually affectionate'? Nadia: feed them champagne grapes and engage them in conversation so she can watch them try to talk with their mouth full Asra: stare at them and stop acknowledging anyone or anything else Julian: preen and spoil them to the point of being a public embarrassment Portia: constant cuddly contact Muriel: follow them at a respectable distance Lucio: belt out an aria at the sight of them
What's everyone favorite manga if they read any in this world? Nadia: Rose of Versailles Asra: Yugioh Julian: Blackjack Portia: Ranma ½ Muriel: Hunter x Hunter Lucio: Berserk
how much does faust like all the characters? like, who does she like the most/least? does she like the main character at all? Faust adores the main character almost as much as she loves Asra. But if she had to choose from the rest: Most good smelling: Nadia Most fun to squeeze: Julian Most too big to eat: Muriel Most hard to hide from: Portia Most attackable: Lucio
what kind of drunk is everybody? Nadia: capable, professional drunk on the move. Never in the same room twice Asra: touchy-feely but won’t leave the couch, still somehow manages to catch on fire Julian: morphs into The Storyteller, everyone in earshot ends up caught in a dramatic reenactment of his life story waiting for him to take a breath but he never does Portia: makes 6 new friends in the bathroom line Muriel: moody, talks to no one, keeps taking everybody’s empty bottles out to the trash Lucio: the loudest, the drama, the legend, the first to dip out when the cops show up
Of the Characters: Who tells a dirty joke? Who doesn't understand it? Who is disgusted? Who laughs? Who hides a smile? Who gets annoyed? Lucio: tells a dirty joke Muriel: doesn’t understand it Julian: is disgusted Asra: laughs Portia: hides a smile Nadia: gets annoyed
What are the characters usual reactions when subbing their toes? Nadia: It Does Not Happen Asra: hops it off Julian: hissing, closes his eyes while he savors the pain Portia: (string of curses) “ok………. i’m fine” Muriel: doesn’t notice because his toes are too far away Lucio: shrieks, revenge kicks the wall, shrieks harder
what you think everyones deadly sin would be? the deadly cliches: Nadia - Pride Asra - Lust Julian - Wrath Portia - Envy Muriel - Sloth Lucio - Gluttony
On a scale of good to bad, who sings karaoke? Nadia has a silky voice with impeccable vibrato. But she only sings karaoke alone in the bath. Asra has an airy, intimate voice. He’s the worst at karaoke because he doesn’t even get up off the couch. Julian has very limited singing ability, but he will talk sing the whole way through if he has to. He’s great at duets, somehow. Portia has a throaty, powerful voice. She brings the house down with Heart and Bonnie Tyler ballads, even if she squeaks on the high notes. Muriel has a gravelly grumble that he is convinced is useless for singing and if you hand him the microphone he’ll drop it and go stand in the corner. Lucio has an overdone musical theater voice but he is tone deaf. He will shout out the high notes and power through the rest and if you try to skip his song there will be hell to pay
which social media platform which each character Prefer™ ? Asra - twitter (RTs a lot of memes and shitposts, posts incomprehensible dril-like tweets at 3am) Nadia - instagram (flawless makeup and aesthetic™) Julian - yahoo answers Portia - snapchat Muriel - what is social media Lucio - LinkedIn (you will NEVER stop getting email notifications from him)
what dnd classes would the cast be (like mage, assassin, cleric etc)? Nadia: Paladin Asra: Warlock Julian: Rogue Portia: Bard Muriel: Fighter Lucio: Barbarian
what would each characters spice girl name be Asra: Mystery Spice Nadia: Boss Spice Julian: Suffering Spice Portia: Sassy Spice Muriel: Surly Spice Lucio: Spicy Spice
how complicated is each character's personal hygiene routine? Nadia’s personal hygiene routine: an exact science and takes a practiced team of servants to execute. Julian’s personal hygiene routine: splashing his face 5-7 times and gargling with his famous mint vodka peroxide formula Asra’s personal hygiene routine: sticking his head underwater until he’s awake Portia’s personal hygiene routine: putting her hair in a bun and scrubbing herself with a cloth and bucket down by the frog pond Lucio’s personal hygiene routine: milk and caviar bath every 13 hours Muriel’s personal hygiene routine: standing in the pouring rain
What's everyone's favorite alcoholic drinks? Asra - St Germain, tequila, blue curaçao,  lime juice, hibiscus syrup (serve in a champagne flute or martini glass, garnished with a wildflower or tiny umbrella) Julian - whiskey, Kahlua, Grand Marnier, lemon juice (serve in a highball glass) Nadia - Chambord, white wine, seltzer (serve in a wine glass, chilled or on the rocks) Portia - beer & apple cider with a shot of rum (serve in a lowball glass) Muriel - Baileys, butterscotch schnapps, hot chocolate (serve warm, in your coziest mug) Lucio - Jägermeister & Goldschläger topped with overproof rum (serve as a flaming shot)
what would be each of the characters' favorite genre of music? Asra: Bossa Nova and EDM Nadia: Obscure Opera and Calming beach sounds Julian: 20 minute tracks of Quality Jazz Portia: Reggae and dad rock Muriel: New wave and white noise Lucio: Top 40 and Dark Funky Disco
who would the arcana characters be from mean girls?? Asra: the guy who asked what day it was Nadia: cady Julian: gretchen weiners Portia: janis Lucio: regina george Muriel: damian
Which Hogwarts house would each of the Main Cast belong in? Asra & Julian - Ravenclaw Nadia - Slytherin Portia & Muriel - Hufflepuff Lucio - Gryffindor
What would the characters modern!au job/career of choice be? Lucio owns and manages several nightclubs and has a trashy daytime talk show Asra does really low-budget magic shows at kids’ birthday parties by day, and DJs at one of Lucio’s clubs at night Nadia is the city mayor, an international chess champion, and concert pianist Portia works at Home Depot (used to be a waitress at Red Lobster but the tips were terrible), but she wants to be a zookeeper Julian is a doctor at an underfunded hospital with lots of drama Muriel lives off the grid in a broken-down van in the woods
Just due to mild curiosity what would be the casts favorite musicals? Asra - Legally Blonde: The Musical Nadia - Chicago Julian - Les Mis Muriel - Wicked Portia - Cats! Lucio - Phantom of the Opera / Kinky Boots (it’s a tie)
what cryptid is every character Asra = Chupacabra Julian = Mothman Nadia = Nessie Portia = Loveland Frog Muriel = Bigfoot Lucio = Jersey Devil
how would the game's characters celebrate the MC's birthday with them?? Asra would take them on a long journey without telling them where they were going (but would keep them entertained with riddles) to a scenic oasis, where he would pretend to drown so MC has to dive into the water and at the bottom is a magic flute that can summon a swarm of bees (their favorite!) Nadia would throw a tastefully brief festival in their honor. MC would be lavished with pampering (by professional pamperers) from dawn to dusk and when the clock struck midnight, they would be presented with seven bejeweled eagles (one for every day of the week) Julian would meet them for dinner in a shady tavern, bring them heaping plates of food and offer unsolicited advice for the coming year. About halfway through the meal he would have to scramble out the back door because law enforcement arrived on the scene but he’d put it an order in the kitchen to bring them something for dessert Lucio would declare the day a holiday and call it Day of the Beloved One of Lucio. They would have to sit uncomfortably still while a master artiste painted their portrait and a mile-long line of peasants laid gifts at their feet. Muriel doesn’t celebrate birthdays because time is a human construct Portia would throw a big loud party with a barbecue :D
Since it is soon, what would the characters do for Valentines day with us (the MC)? Nadia would take you on an elegant river cruise stocked with 130 varieties of tiny cake and a private crooner hired to serenade you but she would end up throwing them overboard for not hitting the high notes Asra would take you to the mall and splurge on all the stuff you both can’t afford but wait way too long to get lunch so you get into a fight and he proposes in the food court Julian would show up on the 15th after with all the candy he scored at 75% off, pretend it was on purpose that he got the day wrong, and wake you up at 3 am to come clean because the guilt was eating him alive Muriel would light some scented candles, cook up a sensual meal and throw a bearskin rug in front of the fireplace for you to enjoy alone while he escapes into the woods Portia would pack a picnic of chicken and tortilla chips, take you to the beach where you could splash around until the sun goes down and lull you to sleep on the sandy blanket with her acoustic guitar Lucio would have servants fill your room with floor to ceiling flowers while you sleep and wait impatiently for you to wake up like
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Would you roommate with any of the characters? it’s hard to decide, so here are some pros and cons Asra - pro: never home / con: leaves dishes in the sink for weeks Nadia - pro: your home will be spotless / con: it’s spotless because she orders you to clean it for her Julian - pro: medical professional / con: half of your apartment is now this
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rate the characters on how #extra they are Muriel: 4/10 Lucio: 13/10 Everyone else: 10/10
Which character could be best described as "tender"?? "Spicy"??? “tender”: Muriel “tender”/“Spicy”: Asra, Portia “Spicy”/”tender”: Julian, Nadia “Spicy”: Lucio
what the favorite Pokemon of all the characters were. Asra - Ekans, Delphox, Espeon Nadia - Noctowl, Gardevoir, Musharna Julian - Absol, Bisharp, Murkrow Portia - Chansey, Politoed, Hoothoot Muriel - Pangoro, Aggron, Wigglytuff Lucio - Houndoom, Pyroar, Skarmory
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