#i tell ya what wooooow
ranhaitanisgf · 11 months
HANAAA!!!!!!!! Congrats on 2k <33 I'M SO PROUD OF YOU For this eventt, may I request Enemies to lovers, the scene being seven minutes in heaven with BAJI!!! There's no specific scene I want SO HAVE FUN WRITING AND AGAIN CONGRATS ON 2K ILY <333333
— baji keisuke // enemies to lovers // seven minutes in heaven
[𖤐] first post of being back!! the first person i talked to after i got back on was sin, so i made sure to type up ur req first 😭 i will get through all of them trust!! baji might be a little ooc since i'm very rusty, but hopefully you all still enjoy!
wc: 2.3k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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as soon as you walked into mikey’s house and saw a very familiar face, you could feel your eyebrow twitching as you turned to your side, the bubbling anger you were feeling seemingly leaking into the air. chifuyu, who was standing beside you, chuckled nervously as you gave him a piercing look. 
“chifuyu…what the hell kinda sick joke is this?! you told me that-” 
“wow, i think i see takemitchy over there! i think he’s looking for me! i should go and see what he wants!” before you could grab onto him and force an explanation out of him, he had deftly avoided you and walked straight into the small party, slipping through the crowd and disappearing. 
you sighed, scratching the nape of your neck for no particular reason as you tried to figure out what your next move was. you could just leave the party and pretend you never came, which at first thought seemed like the best idea. but after thinking about it for more than two seconds, you decided that you definitely didn’t want to give that sort of satisfaction to him, since it would most certainly make its way back to him that you had shown up at some point. 
and so, even though you could see baji keisuke laughing annoyingly loud in the distance, you decided to walk in anyways. 
i mean really, were you going to let some immature and stubborn prick keep you from having a good time? absolutely not. 
mingling with the rest of your friends had proved to make the choice worth it, especially since you had some absolutely priceless polaroid photos of mikey hanging from draken’s braid, (it would always prove a mystery how that managed to even happen in the first place). you’d decided to forgive chifuyu without much repercussion for him aside from a punch in the arm, which he took gracefully. 
you were sipping a mystery fruit punch when he took a break from dancing, leaning on the wall next to you. your eyes flicked over to him before you rolled your eyes in faux annoyance. 
“still can’t believe you betrayed me like that matsuno. in your heart, you truly are a traitor.” the corners of lips turned down into a frown, shaking your head at him as you looked away. you couldn’t see him, but you could almost picture his eyes rolling. 
“y’know, you and baji-san really need to get over whatever thing you guys are hung up on. i didn’t tell you he would be here for your own good, just so you know.” you snorted at the response.
“wooooow, yeah, definitely for my own good…even though i literally hate his guts-” 
“is this little twerp botherin’ ya chifuyu?” a deep voice suddenly interrupted. 
oh dear god. 
you immediately shot a look of disgust to baji, who had made his way over to the two of you. there was a taunting smirk on his face as he stared you down. you feigned throwing up at the sight of him, which only made him chuckle a bit as he lowered his face to your level, that same smirk still spread across his lips. 
very luscious lips…..
“is getting to my height supposed to intimidate me orr…?” you questioned, raising a brow as you took another sip of fruit punch, seemingly unbothered by his presence, (you were very much bothered to even be seeing his face). 
“nah, i just think you got somethin’ in your teeth, (l/n).” he chuckled. your eyes immediately widened as you held a hand up to your mouth, running your tongue over your teeth to feel for any sort of debris. baji leaned back, the same damn infuriating smirk stuck on his face as he said something to chifuyu. you didn’t catch it though; you were too busy trying to see if there really was something in your teeth.
“everyone get over here, we’re gonna play seven minutes in heaven!” you suddenly heard mikey shout, (was his voice slurring or were you crazy?). you looked over at chifuyu, raising a brow at him. he merely shrugged at you, walking over to where everyone else was beginning to sit in a circle. 
you joined him, sitting to his side as you looked around, wondering how this was going to work with 90% of the circle being, well…dudes. draken sat next to you, muttering the same wonderance under his breath, making you snort a bit. 
before you could comment on it, chifuyu leaned over to you, an amused yet sheepish look on his face. “by the way, you don’t actually have anything in your teeth…” 
“what!?” you whisper-yelled. a rambunctious laugh came from baji, who was sitting on chifuyu’s other side, laughing quite animatedly at your expense. 
this is exactly why i don’t like that fool. 
“you stupid asshole!! i swear to god, you never get less infuriating, do you!?” 
“it ain’t my fault if you don’t have a sense of humor, (l/n)!” baji snickered. “you shoulda seen the look on your face!” you glared at him, and you might have even swung at him, (it wouldn’t have been the first time) if it wasn’t for mikey stumbling into the middle of the circle, placing an empty soda bottle on the ground. 
“i think you all know the rules, and if you don’t, then i guess too bad! we’re gonna start nowww, so make sure you guys get ready to pucker up~!” multiple groans were heard from everyone at mikey’s cheeky remark, along with urges for him to just get on with it and spin the bottle. 
“oh, before we start, (y/n)-chan! can you take my spot over there instead? i wanna sit next to draken!” mikey whined. 
he really reminded you of a toddler at times like these. 
“yeah, yeah, sure.” you muttered, hauling yourself up and moving over across the circle. 
“yayyyy thank you!” 
as you sat down again, you began to think that there was something…alcoholic in the fruit punch. your head felt quite a bit fuzzy, and when you were walking it was a little bit harder to place your feet where you wanted them to go. you’d probably be fine though, no sweat. 
yeahhhh, it’s fine. 
“psst, (y/n), you’re up!” sitting to your right was mitsuya, who had nudged you a little bit to get your attention. there was a bit of an amused smile on his face, making you question what had happened in the moment you’d spaced out. 
“you and baji got chosen by the bottle.” 
“oh alright i guess…” you mumbled, smacking your cheeks to wake up a little bit. it took a moment after that to register what mitsuya had said. “wait, what!?” you yelled, shooting up. you stumbled a bit as you stood up, but you didn’t even care about that at the moment. your eyes locked onto baji, who was already standing. his aura radiated annoyance; he wasn’t even looking at you. 
“whatever, let’s just get this over with already.” he muttered. your mouth opened and closed, trying to form a sentence. 
this is totally a setup! 
you didn’t get a chance to do anything else before someone shoved you out of the circle and in the direction of the closet. 
“wait- why do i have to-!” a final shove secured you into the closet, making you almost trip over your own feet as you tried to get a sense of balance back. there wasn’t even a second to prepare yourself before someone was shoved on top of you, making the both of you topple over and hit the wall. your head slammed against it particularly hard, making your vision go blurry for a moment as you looked to the door. 
“goddamnit, chifuyu…” you mumbled. you furrowed your brows as you felt a dull pulsing pain in your head, likely stemming from the fall and also whatever alcohol that was probably put in the punch bowl. 
oh great. this is just great. 
you tried to squirm out from under baji, who had unceremoniously been tossed on top of you. it was to no avail though; you had neither the energy nor the strength to do that. 
“you mind getting up off me…? you’re heavy as hell.” 
“yeah yeah, i’m goin’. jesus, why are they so serious about this weird shit…” baji lifted himself off of you, and as your eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, you could see him holding out his hands to find a wall to lean on. he didn’t have to try very hard; the closet was so small that his hands could touch both walls. 
you went to lift yourself, but the dull pain in your head turned into a pounding, making you shift into a sitting position instead. a groan slipped through your lips as you closed your eyes, your fingers going to massage your temples in a futile attempt to soothe the pain. 
“y’alright there?” 
“my head hurts like a bitch, but other than that. yeah.” silence swept over the two of you after your rather curt response, leaving the atmosphere a bit tense. you felt a bit awkward about the situation; you were basically mortal enemies, so what were either of you supposed to say? 
you just hoped he couldn’t hear your heart beating a little faster than normal. 
okay, so, maybe you didn’t completely hate him, but in your defense, it was completely warranted. i mean, even as an elementary schooler, who just goes around telling everyone in the grade that you had a crush on him?! oh, that’s right, him. sure, maybe it was an immature reason to go through all of this, but you were not one to let a grudge go easily, even if that grudge is all the way from elementary school. 
the two of you sat in silence for a little while longer before he finally spoke. 
“so how long you gonna keep this little act up?” 
“excuse me?” you scoffed. “what in the world are you even talking about-”
“oh come on (y/n), you can’t seriously think that we’re actually ‘enemies’ or whatever you go around to tellin’ people.” his casual use of your first name made your heart skip a beat, but you ignored it. 
“i’m not that shallow that i would just go around saying things that i don’t mean, for your information. you might not have known then, but that betrayal of trust is not something that i just go around forgiving so easily, especially since you’re so infuriating now.” baji barked out a sharp laugh at your response, sending a surge of annoyance through you. 
he leaned down towards you, shortening the distance between the two of you significantly. even though he probably couldn’t see you, you still quirked a brow, wondering what he was up to. you could faintly see a smirk on his face as he rested his head on his hand, his eyes dark eyes staring at you. 
it almost felt like his eyes were staring right at your soul, making a small shiver go down your spine. 
“heh, you’re a lot more stubborn than i ever gave you credit for, (y/n). i didn’t seriously think that you were still hung up on that.” 
“still hung up on that?? what in the world else would i even be-” 
“do you wanna know why i did that?” 
“...what?” the smirk on his face turned into a softer smile playing on his lips, although his eyes still showed a glint of playfulness. 
“you heard me. do you wanna know?” 
“sure, why not.” 
it’s like you could really have any reason to warrant doing something like that anyways. 
“it’s cause i liked you, stupid.” 
it’s probably the last words you ever expected him to say. 
you just stared at him, mouth open, no words forming to even try and respond to him. 
“you’re seriously that surprised? man, i thought chifuyu was jokin’...” baji’s head dropped down as he let out a loud sigh, his fingers weaving through his hair. 
“...i mean…what the hell was i supposed to think baji…” you managed to get out, looking to the side out of pure embarrassment. now that you knew, you just felt silly and stupid, shame flooding through you. of course; he was an elementary school boy, so of course he would go and brag about it to everyone. 
“i guess i sent some mixed signals there; sorry (y/n). do you accept though?” 
“accept what?” baji scoffed at you and rolled his eyes playfully, leaning forward to flick your forehead. 
“my feelings, duh. do i have to spell everything out for you?” he looked at you expectantly, patiently waiting for an answer, (which was very unlike him). 
“i-uh, well-”
“time’s up, lovebirds!” a knock from the door interrupted you, and there was only a moment before the door was opened, flooding the small closet with light. you squinted your eyes, the light seeming too bright after being in darkness for a while. 
“so, did you guys get over your feud yet, or are you guys still enemies?” chifuyu asked, a somewhat knowing look on his face as he looked at baji kneeling in front of you. the boy in front of you merely stood up, grinning while he helped you up. 
“i guess we’ll have to see.” his fingers slid between yours, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the closet, past chifuyu, past the party and outside. 
the cool air of the night hit your face as the two of you walked, sobering you up a little bit and making you realize that baji was still holding your hand. you tried to free it from his gasp, but he held a firm grip, finally slowing down and stopping to face you. a boyish smile was on his face, making your cheeks heat up as he held steady eye contact that you couldn’t look away from. 
“so, what’ll it be, (y/n)?”
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revnah1406 · 4 months
Out of curiosity, your Black Ops OC: Abby. And I read that you and the others were roleplaying about Abby traveling back in time.
And that's when she met Aleks, right? So the curiosity that I have is how will Abby react of meeting with Koa (my BOCW OC)?
You can look through his bio here if you want. I'm just curious about her reaction. That's all and if you want to answer this.
Thank you!
Alright I knew about Koa's existence before but I just read his bio and Wow. WOW. WOOOOOW.
Alright alright let's stop for a minute because mixing Koa and Abby could be very interesting.
So first of all. Yeah! I have a roleplay with @alypink and @efingart which is an AU where Abby manages to time travel to the 80s!
So if we keep that AU, and Abby is able to meet Koa... I think it would be like mixing fire and gasoline, BUT IN A GOOD WAY. 🔥🔥
Maybe it doesn't start really well. Abby is a very distrustful person, she can get very defensive (or even aggressive) towards people she doesn't know.
So maybe at first sight Abby doesn't like Koa at all. She would try to avoid talking to him or interacting to him. The first one to make the interaction wouldn't be Abby hahaha. So if Koa tries to talk to her Abby would answer like.
"The fuck do you want?"
"Did you lose something or what"
"make it fucking quick buddy"
So knowing that Koa has a short temperament too she could get on his nerves really quickly. And Abby is a reckless 18 year old! She thinks she can fight anyone (which is not true, ESPECIALLY WITH KOA YOU KNOW? ABBY LOOK AT THAT MAN PLS HE'S HUGE).
She can really see that Koa has a long story and a heavy burden on his shoulders, and people with heavy burdens can be very unpredictable. Maybe Abby sees herself in Koa, and that's why she tries to avoid him at all costs, because he reminds her of her own burdens.
I think with time Abby could be a little bit softer with him. I don't know, maybe Koa gets Abby out of some trouble, Koa saves her, or they get into trouble and they are forced to work together to get out there.
So maybe Abby's perspective of Koa changes a little bit, and doesn't see him as a threat. She tries to open her mind to understand him more. (Because Koa's emotions ARE COMPLEX)
BUT IF THEY GET REALLY CLOSE AND BE GOOD FRIENDS HOHOHOHO! Oh Abby would drop those walls and show that inner kid she has inside. Maybe teasing Koa or joking with him.
"So how's the weather up there big man?"
"Did you know that you are too tall to become an astronaut? Oh! Did I ever tell you about Meganne Christian? She's an astronaut from New Zealand who... Wait... Oh she hasn't been born yet so of course you don't know her..."
So if Koa has the patience to listen to Abby for hours while she drops the most dumb facts that she can imagine, you have a new friend right there buddy hahaha. And Abby would really love to know hunting tips from the hunting master himself hahahaha.
So yeah, if they become friends, it would be REALLY REALLY INTERESTING. Two people with short temperament and angry issues being friends? OHOHOHOH PURE CHAOS.
I think this is super interesting and we should explore this more. Let me know what you think!!
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toweroftunes · 1 year
Big Time - Chapter 2
Wooooow. It's been a sec 😭. But I've got more Big Time for ya!!
Maka and Soul might have met in the bathroom on New Year's Eve, but what happens after the clock strikes midnight? Hmmmm, find out in chapter 2!
Read it here on ao3.
Thanks to @silluuuu for all of the support and for beta-ing 💕. Another thanks to @marshofsleep for the extra eyes!!
Excerpt below the cut.
“Why didn’t you say?!” she asks in a strained tone.  “Say what?” he asks back, a little confused. “That you’re that-that…that you’re an actor?!” He levels a drowsy gaze at her, even more confused. “Umm, I did say that. And you groaned and said, and I quote: ‘Yikes.’” “That-I-I…” she stammers shortly before pointing her finger at him, all accusatory and austere, “…well you didn’t say famous actor, did you?” There it is. “You know,” he says with a lazy laugh, “it is normally the first thing I tell people. I even keep resumes on me at all times just in case they don’t believe me.”  Maka rolls her liner-smudged eyes at his sarcasm. “Don’t worry about it. I looked up your imdb after I saw that poster by your coat rack.” Soul flops back down on his mattress. “Thanks for saving me the trouble.”
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Dark Angel Reaction: FLUSHED
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
I… I don’t even know what to say to that.  She’s so… boo hooo.  Idk
Gotta blaze
Next scene: fire
Bitch, he clearly already made it. just eat
I’m sorry. Some drunk slaps me, and I could kill him with my pinky?  Well. Ya, he wouldn’t be slapping any more
Jesus hell, her smile tho ☠️☠️☠️ Between her and Maze I’ve done began questioning my damn sexuality ☠️☠️
Also.  The cliche “I’m ok” until the whole “stay with me” line then *poof* sleep.  That’s not how seizures work ma’am.
The hell selfish af! Just stole the money!  [THIS IS WHERE I STARTED GETTING ANNOYED BTW]  Is this how she acts here on out?  [Yes]  Ew
[Okay, so now we’ve got a running total of: her random one-day boyfriend and Normal who know that she doesn’t sleep; like half the random population who have seen her magical strength; and who-knows-how-many thugs who’ve seen her blur + some other combination of Manticore powers.  Yeah, she’s reallllll subtle.]
Bitch flung him out like a tooth pick
Intervention.  Gotta love it.
☠️☠️☠️  Bruh tell them you have seizures you dumbo.  Like tf
That damn magic knife again
[Oh, and now… a random hospital orderly, too.]
Well damn.  What a douucheeeeee  
Wait, her actual name is original Cindy?  [Or it’s at least the main name she goes by.  Or O.C.]
WAIT.  wait who is he?  The one that told her to clean herself up. [The actor?] Yeah. [I'll send the IMDB page later.] Okay.
[Getting arrested is going to go amazingly well given that she’s from.  You know.  Manticore.  The secret place she’s not supposed to reveal she’s from.]
Coppppsss 😤
Dead feet
THANK UOU!! JESUS FUCK!!!  like 😤😤😤😤
☠️☠️☠️  They put men and women together lol  Wot.  
WOT.  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  Cannibalism?
Oh my ☠️☠️☠️ Cops in heels.  Sounds kinky
– – –
Midpoint Judgement: So Maxs attitude is like so fucking annoying in this one.  But also I half kinda sorta feel bad for her cause ya know seizures.  BUT SHE COULD HAVE JUST TOLD THEM.  INSTEAD OF ROBBING THEM.  AND GETTING THEM KICKED OUT.  Like, talk about selfish!!  [You know how we’ve been talking about how Max had been bodysnatched by a nicer person in the first episodes?  This is the Max that most of the rest of the series deals with.] Ew.
– – –
She looks so tiny.  Next to him, and holding that big ass jar
Does he get dead?  [Uh… don’t think so?]
Uh oh.  They saw the barcode
Wait, how’s Logan driving?  [Uh.  Um.  I.  Don’t actually know.  No clue, honestly. That. Huh.]
“She’s a good girl.”  Boy, hush
Umm!  Ummm?  I love OC
Oh noooo sob story
Oh shit. Oh no.  ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
[I continue to be unclear on how he was driving.]  THANK YOU
They say you've got a thing for her cause it’s obvious.  You dummy
IM HER HOME GIRL TOO!  IM deaddddd! [I love him.]
Oh shit. 
Oh.  It’s a flash back, but still.  
Awww.  I’m not supposed to like her, dammit  *insert “I’m soft” gif*
Bruh.  Mennnnnn
Poor new girl is like: tf you talking about?
Ohhhhhh creeeeeeeeep ewwww
Whaaaat the feckkkk I didn’t sign up for this
Ewww he’s a creep too.  Gross.
Lintlickerrrrrr *insert “You lint-licker” gif*  [No, literally.  There’s a lint-licker gif.  Okay, then, the world is stranger even than I knew.]
Poor girl ☹️☹️
Oh man. *starts typing* [“Six-inch, black, patent-leather pumps in your future” scene?]  😂😂 Yes: the intensity
Oh shit.  Her face.  That was lowkey creepy af.
Kill ‘em.
Her.  Fecking.  Attitude.  Ew.
Should have let her kill him
Well shit she got got
And now he’s got got
“I broke your lock.  Sorry.”  Wot.  Wot.  WOT.
WAIT.  WAITTTTT.  DID HE.  IS SHE.  MAAM.  IS OC.  [SPEAK, MA’AM.  IS OC WHAT?!]  WENCH.  DID HE SHOOT HER.  [NO.]  Ok 🙂  [Ma’am.] *innocently* What???
I love OC.
[Max is still smiling.  What tf is going on.]  *Simultaneously* Oh, better attitude
She probably wouldn’t
That’s one way to say it.  [Oh, look, SHE’S SPILLING SECRETS AGAIN.]  She did tho  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
😂😂😂😂  Yesss Logan!  Respect
😂😂😂😂  I love it.  Take that, Walter!
☠️☠️☠️  And a pony.  I love it
Why don’t I hate this show?  Hmph.  Hmph I say Wench.  [You haven’t even seen Jackles yet.]
Wow.  That, Max.  That was low.  “You gonna just sit there” BITCH THATS ALL HE CAN DO
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thewittyphantom · 2 years
For Duel Links’ DSOD Cup, our partner was Joey! Teams included Mokuba and Tea, and a new team of Ryou and Sera in her Plana form! Seeing him fanboy over her avatar is adorable! Finally, a new team of Kaiba and Yugi closed it.
Joey: Hey there! Are you my partna? Nice ta meet ya! I wanna win dis Tag Duel Tournament so bad dat I’m pullin’ out all da stops! My dream is ta be a professional Duelist! So I can’t go around losin’! Let’s win dis thing, partna!
Sera: ............... Bakura: Wooooow... Your avatar looks like it’s straight out of a comic book! It’s amazing! Who are you? Sera: Huh? Umm...I’m an unknown Duelist. Bakura: The Unknown Duelist!? Even your name is amazing! Sera: (Phew...He doesn’t know who I am...) (they lose) Bakura: Sorry! When it comes to Dueling, I’m still a beginner. Sera: ........ (It seems his dark side is no longer inside him...)
Yugi: Kaiba...In this Duel, I trust you to do what’s right. Kaiba: I don’t need your trust. All I need are my cards and my will to win! Yugi: Kaiba... (they lose) Yugi: Argh...We lost. They Dueled great. Kaiba: Humph...Yugi’s right. You proved that you’re excellent Duelists.
Joey: Yeahhhhhh! I’m one step closer ta becomin’ a pro! I bet all da talent scouts woulda been lookin’ at me! Except no talent scouts were here...Just goes ta show dat dreamin’ big ain’t easy! But I’ll keep fightin’! Thanks for teamin’ with me! A buddy o’ mine once told me...Dat the most important thing in a Tag Duel is friendship. We only teamed for a lil’ while, but we already formed a bond that’ll last foreva! I hope we get to team again sometime! Oh, one last thing...If a talent scout happens to give ya their business card...Can ya tell ‘em you made da big time thanks to Joey Wheeler?
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profiler-in-courage · 4 years
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Iain Glen during the filming of The Case of the Unfaithful Klara.
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tashas-life · 3 years
Summer Shenanigans
Paxton and Devi spend the summer together and have a banging playlist
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Nothing really.”
“I’m outside, let’s go to the beach.”
Devi threw her bag through the back window of Paxton’s jeep and jumped in the front seat.
“Did you bring my suit?” Devi asks as she pulled on her seatbelt. Devi’s mom would never let her wear a bikini so she had to save up her money from working at the summer camp to buy it. She usually hid it at the back of her underwear drawer but since she’d been going swimming with Paxton more days than not, she just kept it in his car.
“Yep, I threw it in the laundry.” Paxton pulled out onto the road and Devi started messing with the music.
Her and Paxton were both working at the same summer camp so they spent most days together. Paxton had spent the last two summers working at the camp and Devi wanted to make her own money so she had applied too. It was also convenient because she always had a ride to work instead of asking her mom or Kamala. Paxton had promised to teach her to drive this summer but she always chickened out whenever he offered.
Devi always insisted on picking the music when they went anywhere and Paxton didn’t mind. She settled on Ariana Grande’s album and turned up the volume as Motive filled the car. Paxton rolled down all the windows and stuck his arm out to feel the breeze. It was one of the hottest days of the summer so Paxton’s shirt was mostly open and Devi had her new sunglasses on. This was the first summer that Devi was making real money and she tended to spend most of it by the time the next pay day had rolled around.
Once they got to the beach Devi jumped in the backseat and Paxton got out to stand guard. Devi was a pro at the quick change at this point and quickly shimmied into her bikini without having to take off her dress completely.
Once Devi hopped out of the backseat, Paxton grabbed the drinks cooler and Devi grabbed their towels and a speaker. Usually the beaches were packed on hot days but Paxton had a special super power of finding an empty part of the beach to spend the day. They found a spot to settle and Devi started applying sunscreen.
“Did you hear Kenny is sick again. Mono.” Paxton said with an eye roll and Devi groaned.
“You think he’s going to be out all week again? Taylor should just fire him and hire someone else at this point.” Devi tossed Paxton the sunscreen and laid down on her towel.
“Yea right, Taylor probably gave him the mono. He’ll never fire him.” Devi laughed and closed her eyes.
“I don’t even understand how they find the time to mack. Those kids never stop.” Devi said.
“Yea well, next week they’re going to be our problem again.” Usually each camp leader had about 5-10 kids to watch but with Kenny constantly gone they always ended up with more kids.
“Honestly, fuck Kenny.” Devi grumbled and Paxton nodded. “Did you see Eleanor’s insta post? Her and Trent are like embarrassingly in love.” Devi asked as she pulled out her phone to show him a boomerang of them kissing on some hike.
“I think it’s cute.” Paxton grinned as Devi made a vomiting face. “I invited them to come today but apparently they would rather be aloneeee.”
“That’s so nasty.” Devi said and Paxton laughed.
“I’m going in, you coming?” Paxton asked but Devi shook her head.
“Nah man, I’m working on my tan.” Devi said but really she just preferred laying on the sand and watching the water than actually being in it.
“Your loss.” Paxton replied, shoving her as he got up to go swimming.
“Okay, the thing is that I just don’t think I’m coordinated enough for this.” Devi said as she stood on Paxton’s skateboard. She felt a little embarrassed at how wobbly she was and that she was wearing her bike helmet that she got when she was ten. Paxton had his car door open and Lizzo’s album was playing. Juice blasted into the street and Devi knew people would complain soon.
“I’m literally holding on to you. You can’t fall.” Paxton said as he led her down the road.
“I feel like I could still fall.” Devi said as she started tipping back and Paxton’s grip tightened as he pulled her forward.
“I won’t let you fall Devi. Would you just trust me for once?” He asked playfully annoyed.
“Shut up, I literally trust you all the time.”
“You shut up.” Paxton countered.
“Wow, real mature.” Devi replied sarcastically.
Devi was too busy arguing to notice them start to go faster. Of course that is until she did notice. Then she was falling again and she was falling fast. Paxton managed to grab her before she fell on her face and swung her off the skateboard. Devi held onto Paxton as the skateboard started rolling down the street without them. They looked at each other and immediately started laughing.
“I think you might be right about the coordination thing.” Paxton said and Devi shoved him away from her.
“Or maybe you’re a bad teacher.” She grinned at his shocked face as she ran to grab the skateboard.
“I’m never teaching you anything ever again” he retaliated.
“Come over here and help me loser.” Paxton crossed his arm in defiance.
“Tell me I’m a good teacher.”
“Stop being a baby.”
“Wooooow, even more insults. Bad teacher and a baby.”
“Fine, you’re a good teacher. Now let’s get on with this.” Devi said as she started to get on the skateboard again.
“Thank you.” Paxton replied satisfied. He grinned and went to help her again.
Usually, they were separated during their days at camp since each group rotated through activities but on Fridays all of the kids got to go to the community pool. Those were obviously Paxton’s favourite days because he got to hang out with Devi but he also loved getting to teach some of the kids how to swim.
Usually, Paxton stayed in the shallow end with the younger kids and Devi sat at the deep end with the older kids. Vacation by Dirty Heads was playing over the pool speakers and Devi had her legs in the water as she chatted with some kids.
“Yea, high school kind of sucks. What you gotta do is find a popular kid and force them to be your friend.” Devi told some kids who were going to be freshmen in the fall.
“That’s terrible advice.” Paxton laughed as he came to stand next to her in the pool. He had switched with Kenny who was now watching the younger kids. They had given up on learning to swim and were mostly just playing and splashing water at Kenny.
“Really? You got anything better?” Devi asked crossing her arms.
“Yes. Find something that makes you excited to go to school, for me that was swimming, for D it was being my best friend. And also don’t give a shit about what other people think of you.” Paxton told the kids and Devi kicked his arm. “Oh shit, I mean just don’t care what other people think.”
“I meant the best friend thing.” Devi rolled her eyes.
“You were literally obsessed-“ before Paxton could finish Devi had jumped in and shoved Paxton’s head underwater.
Paxton managed to push Devi away from him and had his arm out separating them.
“Hey, you better stop or your top is going to fall off again.” Paxton laughed and Devi’s face started burning up. Yes, the bikini was cute but it wasn’t the most reliable bathing suit she had. Rough housing had led to a very embarrassing incident that Devi was trying to forget.
“I’m going to kill you.” Devi lunged at him and Paxton managed to grab her arms.
“Hey anger issues, chill out.” Paxton said with a grin. Devi managed to pull her arms away and splashed Paxton.
“Go do your job loser!” Devi yelled as she turned to go back to her post.
Devi swung the door open and was surprised to see Paxton. Usually he just texted her when he got to her house.
“Let’s go for a drive.” Paxton said as he held up his car keys.
“Okayyy.” Devi said as she grabbed her backpack from the door.
“Here ya go.” He said as he tossed the keys to her. She just about dropped them and didn’t move from her front door.
“Naaaa, I don’t think today’s the day.” Devi said nervously. She had failed her drivers test last month because she hadn’t practiced enough. It was the first time she hadn’t prepared and it was also the first time she had failed a test.
“Come on D, your test is in a few weeks and don’t you want to have your licence by the time school starts?” Paxton asked as he opened the drivers side door. He motioned for her to get in and she groaned before going to the car.
It wasn’t legal for Paxton to teach her how to drive but her only other option was her mother which hadn’t worked out. Devi was pretty sure she failed her test because driving with her mom had made her so anxious that getting behind the wheel made her want to throw up even when her mom wasn’t around. She had even done drivers ed but that apparently wasn’t enough because she still failed.
“Are you sure? What if I scratch your car or something?” Devi asked as they both got in the car.
“Then I’ll literally kill you, so don’t scratch my baby.” Paxton said as he gently caressed his dash.
“That’s not really helpful.” Devi muttered as she nervously changed the seat settings.
“We’ll go to the school parking lot. It’s just down the street and the lot will be empty.” Devi nodded as she turned the car on. She kept her foot on the brakes as she looked at Paxton desperately.
“Listen to Tai, you’re going to be A-O-K.” Paxton said as he turned up the music. “Also, don’t forget to signal, you lost so many points for that.”
Paxton didn’t look nervous at all which made Devi feel a little bit better. If he could be confident in her driving skills than so could she. Devi signalled and did a very exaggerated shoulder check before she pulled onto the road. There were no cars around the whole way to the school so the only thing she had to deal with were some stop signs and one set of lights. She totally could do this.
Devi’s whole body relaxed once they pulled into the parking lot and she didn’t have to worry about hitting things or people anymore.
“That was pretty good actually. How did you fail?” Paxton asked.
“Probably because I suck at driving?” Devi told him as she put the car in park.
“Shut up, you had issues with the parallel park right?” Paxton asked as he got out of the car.
“What are you doing?” Devi asked as he closed the door.
“Im going to teach you how to parallel park.” Paxton grinned sticking his head through the window.
Devi waited as he grabbed stuff from out of his trunk. A bin full of blankets and an empty cooler he had forgotten about. He set them up as pretend cars and he went to the drivers side.
“Okay, line yourself up.” Paxton said as Devi slowly moved the car so the bin of blankets was lined up with the back of the jeep.
Paxton gave her instructions and ran around indicating for her how far to back up and how much to turn the wheel and eventually she got into the spot.
“I don’t think they’re going to let you guide me into a spot on the test.” Devi said annoyed that it took so long.
“You just gotta keep practicing, eventually it’ll just be second nature.” Paxton said as he got back in the car. “Pull out and this time I’m not going to help you.” Paxton said as she groaned.
“I hate this.” Devi said getting frustrated.
“You won’t hate this once you can drive yourself anywhere you want. Now start moving before I force you to practice highway driving.” Paxton said as he relaxed into his seat.
Devi wanted to hit him and get angry but she knew he was her only hope of passing her test in a month so she contained herself and kept practicing.
When the day of Devi’s test came around she felt pretty confident she was going to fail again. Paxton had given her a pep talk before he left her house the night before but it hadn’t helped with her nerves.
“You got this, okay? Just make sure you signal, and don’t forget the emergency brake when you do the hill park.” He told her as he held her shoulders. “By this time tomorrow, you’re going to be fully licensed because you’re a great driver.”
Devi was just as shocked as her mother when she pulled into the DMV and had almost no deductions on her test. Nalini didn’t know about Paxton teaching her to drive but she managed to convince her that is was because the tester was a lot nicer than the last one. She had smiled the entire time she got her new license and had raced back to the car. She knew Paxton would be waiting for her at her house and she was beyond excited to tell him that his methods had actually worked.
Paxton was leaning on his car checking his phone when they got home. She had to stop herself from running to Paxton to tell him the good news. She got out of the car and Nalini kissed her head before going into the house.
“How’d it go?” He asked as she crossed her arms and pretended to look disappointed.
“I passed babyyy!” She screamed as she whipped out her temporary license.
“I fucking knew it! You never trust me.” Paxton grabbed her and spun her around.
“Where do you wanna go? I’m driving.” Devi said and Paxton laughed as he got in the passenger seat.
“Can you spot me ten bucks?” Devi asked as she searched through her backpack for some money.
“You have literally worked all summer, how are you always broke?” Paxton muttered as he pulled out some change from his console.
“I just don’t have any cash on me.”
Paxton gave her a handful of change and Devi looked at him annoyed.
“Quarters? Really?” Devi struggled to hold all the coins and Paxton shrugged.
“Take it or leave it, but if you want boba I suggest you take it.” Paxton grinned and Devi rolled her eyes as she realized she couldn’t open the door holding all the change.
Paxton laughed as he leaned over to open the door for her. “Get me a milk tea.” He said as she hopped out of the car.
“If I even make it there without any hands.” She grumbled.
By the time she got back with their drinks, Paxton had all the windows down blasting Young Dumb & Broke by Khalid.
“Really?!” She had to scream for him to hear her over the music. He lip synced to the lyrics as he pointed to her and dramatically danced to the music. “You’re so annoying!” She screamed as he took a big sip of his tea. He pointed at the drink as if to say that it tastes good and gave her the ok sign with his fingers. Devi just rolled her eyes and sipped on her mango slush. She guessed it was worth the embarrassing amount of quarters she gave to the cashier and having to listen to Paxton call her dumb and broke.
“Are you going to make it to Trent’s this weekend? Last party of the summer.” Paxton asked as he turned the music down.
“Have you met my mother? She’s not going to let me go to Trent’s house for a party.” Devi replied looking through Paxton’s Spotify.
“Since when do you tell your mom about going to parties?” Paxton asked snorting.
“I’m trying to turn over a new leaf this year. No more lying, especially to my mom.” She said as she put on Savage by Megan Thee Stallion and Beyoncé.
“What if she knew I was taking you?” Paxton knew the party would suck without Devi there.
“Yeaaaaa, my mom might like you now but not that much.”
“Come on D, it’s the last party of the summer. You have to go!” Paxton pouted as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“Fine, fine, I’ll figure out a way to go out but there’s no way she’ll let me stay out past 11.” Paxton smiled at her and agreed to be DD so he could get her home by 11.
By the time the weekend rolled around, Nalini didn’t even seem bothered by Devi leaving. Her and Kamala had been going crazy planning her wedding and Devi tended to be unhelpful in that area. She was only good for the grunt work, which she was sure there would be a lot of once it got closer to the day.
All she had to say was that she was going to Eleanor’s house for a back to school hangout and Nalini quickly agreed to get her out of the house. Technically she wasn’t lying because they had to pick up Eleanor at her house and they were having a back to school hangout. It was just a hangout with most of the school and alcohol.
Devi acted as casual as possible as she closed the front door but she sprinted as soon as the door closed. She didn’t want to risk her mom seeing her actually getting in Paxton’s car instead of Fabiola’s. Devi had been asking her mom for a car for weeks but still nothing. Her mom was convinced that she should have enough money saved since she had a summer job but summer camps didn’t exactly pay top dollar and Devi was pretty irresponsible with her money this summer. She figured she had two more summers to hustle before she went to Princeton.
“You look so pretty in that dress.” Paxton said as soon as she got in the car.
Devi blushed and couldn’t control her smile. “Shut up loser.”
Paxton smiled back at her as they went to pick up Eleanor and Fabiola.
Trent’s house was packed full of people but he was standing at the door waiting for Eleanor. He hugged her tightly and dragged her off to the back of the house.
Paxton went to grab them some drinks and handed Devi and Fabiola beers. “Bread soda.”
Devi rolled her eyes and shoved him away. Fabiola had learned a long time to ignore their inside jokes and she wandered off.
Paxton was always treated like a god at parties and everyone wanted their time with him. Paxton gave people his typical cool guy head nod and pulled Devi outside where it was less crowded.
“So, you excited for school to start?” Paxton asked and Devi looked confused.
“Sure, I guess.” Paxton looked nervous which made Devi more confused. “Why are you making weird small talk?”
“I just guess this is the last time we’re hanging out before school starts.” Devi’s confusion became anger very quickly.
“What is that supposed to mean? Like things are going to change when school starts?” Devi questioned starting to get upset.
“No, chill Devi. I mean I do want things to change but not the way you think.” Now Devi was back to confused.
Paxton looked frustrated and looked around them. No one was around or paying attention to them. Paxton turned back to Devi and got way closer to her than she was used to. Kiss Me More by Doja Cat and SZA was playing in the house but it sounded far away.
He touched her cheek and lifted her mouth to his. “Is this okay?” He asked nervously.
Instead of answering Devi pushed her lips against his. Paxton smiled against her and pulled her tight to him.
“You want me to pick you up tomorrow?” Paxton texted and Devi smiled when she saw the message.
“Sure, if you don’t mind.” She replied quickly.
“No worries, we’re both going to the same place. Better for the environment and all that”
“I’ll make a driving playlist.” He sent back a smiley face and an ok hand.
Devi couldn’t wait for tomorrow. This was going to be the best summer of her life.
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galacticlee3 · 4 years
English is Hard, Okay?
Assassination Classroom
Hey peeps! This was a Karma x Reader fic requested by this anon:
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oh my gosh I got this out so late I’m so sorry man
I’m sorry it took this long to get out, there were a bunch of family issues that arose this month and school has been relentless. The reader in this story is gender neutral because you didn’t specify, I hope that’s alright. I haven’t written in a long time and this is my first t-fic, so I apologize if this is bad! I hope you like it! (English is in bold)
Warnings: None! Just fluffy times ahead :)
Word count: 1.3k
It was mid-October, fall in full swing. The leaves crunched under your feet as you made your way up the mountain. It had rained the night prior, so the air was a bit muggy but still crisp and it smelled of fog and morning dew. The earth was soft on the incline up to the 3-E building and your shoes were getting a bit muddy but you didn’t care, you and other things to worry about, like your test today. Koro-sensei had been holding after school study sessions, but you still didn’t feel prepared, English had always been your worst subject and that wasn’t changing anytime soon.
As you entered the building, the old floorboards creaking under your steps, you spotted Karma sitting on the splintered oak stairs to the training grounds. You set your bookbag on your desk near the back next to Ritsu who gave you a happy wave and logged off. Karma’s handheld console chirped from where he was sitting, and you decided to make your way over to the red-haired boy.
He must have won whatever he was playing because he punched the air and a satisfied grin played onto his lips. You tried to sneak up on him, feet carefully avoiding the crunchy auburn leaves scattered about the slope of the hill. Right as you were about to jump him he grabbed your ankle and wrist and slightly twisted, but not enough to hurt as a playful spark danced in his eyes.
“Good morning to you too (Y/N), you usually aren’t here this early,” he says as he releases you and pats the seat beside him on the stairs. You smooth out your skirt, and sigh, lips pursed in a reply.
“I’m worried about the English test, I studied all weekend but I’m not sure if it will pay off, you know? My parents will be mad if my progress doesn’t improve and this is a huge chunk of our grade and-“
He reached out and pinched the back of your neck, making you yelp and whip your head at him with a frown, your lip quirked up a bit on the right side. He gave you a small smile and placed his hand on your shoulder and squeezed.
“Don’t stress about it, you’ll be fine, (Y/N). You didn’t fall asleep in class as much this week, so you’ll at least make a decent score,” he looked at you teasingly and you rolled your eyes, knowing he was joking. But still, it didn’t make you any less relieved. You slumped into your knees and blew a stray hair out of your face and avoided his gaze. You had been good friends with Karma since grade school, and you knew he was silently rooting you on, even though he didn’t show it in a conventional way. But for now, you decided to ignore him and drill sentence structures in your head.
Karma hummed and put his game on the step below him, now moving to focus on you. Your shoulders were still tense and your eyebrows were scrunched in a mix of worry and concentration. Karma waved a hand in front of your face and looked at your stone expression with a scowl but you still didn’t pay attention to him. How to get your attention on relaxing and off of the foreign language…. There’s always one thing I could try, it always works on Nagisa when he’s being mopey, he thought as he moved his index fingers on either side of your exposed ribs.
As he poked your lower ribs, you felt laughter start to rise in your chest and you struggled to keep a straight face. You weren’t going to give in though. As he switched from poking to raking up and down your sides however, you clamped a hand around your mouth and tried to bat away his hands. He chuckled and drilled his knuckles into your top ribs and thumbs below your shoulder blades, one of your death spots which caused loud giggles to escape and you to wiggle in his hold.
“Karmahaha quihiihiht ihihihit!” You squealed, and he laughed along with you, a smirk growing on his face as his cartoon devil horns materialized.
“What? Can’t take a little old fashioned medicine, (N/N)? People say it’s the best for a case of the worry warts,” he teased as he shot his wiggling fingers into your armpits.
“THat’S nOhoOhot aHaHA REaL tHIHiNg,” you protested through squeaks and laughter as his fingers danced in your hollows.
“Of course it is silly, we learned about it a couple weeks ago when Okuda was out for the flu, don’t you remember? It’s just getting to be that kind of year you know,” he remarked calmly as if he didn’t have a hysterical giggling classmate below him. He switched from drilling his fingers into your arms to scribbling around your neck which caused you to squeal and scrunch your shoulders.
“EHEEHeheHHe KAhHarMaHaHaAaAAAA GEheHET ouT,” you cried as he dug deeper into your neck and collarbones.
“I have to check your lymph-nodes, you might have a cold! Your face is quite red and you might have fever, so I’m taking necessary precautions.” He latched his fingers onto the hyper-ticklish spot where your jaw met your neck and gave it gentle scritches, he knew how this made you go crazy and your laughter went up an octave as he predicted it would.
“Wooooow (Y/N), you’re way too ticklish here. You must have a cold or else you wouldn’t be laughing this much.”
“Do what?” He asked innocently, reverting to light traces on the shells of your ears.
“TIHICKLE MEEHEHE,” you squeaked out but horror dawned on your face as you realized your mistake.
He shrugged and his signature smirk appeared, “If you insist,” and continued the tortuous scratches. You tried desperately to tug his hands from their position and he loosened his grip, only to move them to your tummy and spider them there, making you erupt into belly laughter and lean back against his shoulder to get away from the tickles.
“Tell you what, if you can say “Karma is the best person ever” in English, I’ll let you go,” he offered, drilling his thumbs into your hips, getting snorts from you.
“IHIIIHIHIHI CAHAHAN’TT!” You replied, twisting and turning to get away from his skilled fingers.
Karma clicked his tounge and started scribbling at your sides again, “Guess I can’t stop then. I could do this aaaaaaaaallll day.”
“OKaY! oKAhAhY! KAhaHrMA ihiS tHehHe bEheEsT peHerSON eHeVeR!” He laughed and put an arm around your back to help you sit up, your hair a mess and cheeks flushed, tears of mirth staining your cheeks. A smile graced your lips and you bent over and let out residual giggles as he turned to face you with a small smirk.
“I never knew you were that ticklish, (Y/N),” he said teasingly, waiting for you to recover.
“That was brutal. Absolutely brutal,” you said smiling, pointing a finger at his grinning face. Your eyes widened at what you had said, and you smiled realizing that English came easier to you than you thought it did.
Karma’s eyebrows quirked into “I told ya so” and he got up, taking his console with him.
“Class starts soon, hurry up,” he called as he stepped back into the building. You got up and made your way to the classroom, more confident in your abilities and ready to take on the test.
Needless to say, you aced it, and your parents and teacher were proud. When you got it back Karma gave you a small smile that morphed into another smirk as he showed you his score. One. Point. Higher. You rolled your eyes playfully and turned back to the lesson, which was on the mechanics of a Newton’s cradle because Koro-sensei bought one to put on his desk and the students were curious. Another day, another chance, you thought, and schemed a way to study for the next test to blow Karma out of the water.
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andie-cake · 4 years
I think it would be interesting to flesh out Emma going to visit Jane (and see Tim, maybe for the first time if we’re staying in canon here) and learning that she’s gone. Maybe not terribly fluffy though, but fun dynamics with Tim and it could explain how she ended up staying with Tom and Tim for the borrowers AU?
In terms of fluff, sorry my brain doesn’t like fluff without some tinge of sadness, for HOHF, Emma and Paul fight [villain of your choice] and someone gets hurt and the aftermath of that. Alternatively, I’d love to know if Tim has the Nitro Gene and if so, if he joins his Aunt Emma and Uncle Paul in the field. That could be so cute! (Although, he could also join mission control or maybe make friends with another super if Hannah has powers as well? But that’s not Paulkins...) If you feel like picking up a family fluff piece, which is personally my favorite genre, lol, I’d love to see Paul and Emma as parents and if their child shows their powers early (since it’s not nitro gene specific from Paul, if it can be inherited, of course, and now I’m imaging Jack Jack from the incredible, lol) or for Harriet and Tex to come back and see their baby (oh that would be adorable because grandparent plants and you can imagine how proud they would be of Emma!) or to see how Slacky interacted with the baby. (I’m imagining a how a Golden Retriever interacts with babies now... 😂) Or, if you’d prefer to ignore children all together, Emma going back home and taking Paul to meet Harriet and Tex (meet the parents essentially). Well, I’m not sure if any of those ideas seem interesting, but if not, I hope they’re able to help get some fun ideas flowing. Have a lovely weekend! 😊
Okay, so... A lot of these are stuff that I want to explore in longer stories eventually, both the Borrowers AND the HoHF prompts. But you DID give me an idea for some HoHF family fluff between Emma and Tim!
"Here's that big project I was telling you about!"
Emma had been back in Hatchetfield for what, six, seven months now? And she'd long since made a name for herself as Wild Flower. She was respected, loved even, by the town that had once cast her aside. And what's more, she'd managed to connect with her nephew, who seemed to think she was cool despite her absence for most of his life! If it wasn't for the fact that Tim didn't know she was Wild Flower yet, she would've chalked it up to that.
After all, Tim loved superheroes. Understandable, considering his mother was one of the most revered supers in the country before she died. Being raised by someone like that was bound to give someone a deep respect for the career. And right now, Tim was showing Emma his most recent token of appreciation. A social studies project he'd done for school about superheroes around the world.
It was a large cardboard diagram, with a map of the world taped to it. Coming from a line pointing to each continent (barring Antarctica, because duh), was a photograph of a super that was native to said continent, accompanied by a short paragraph with information about them.
"Wooooow, you really know your supers, bud!" Emma mused as she scanned over the diagram, impressed.
Tim looked up at her with a bashful smile. "Thanks," he said, blushing. "Wanna hear more about each one?"
"Educate me!"
"Okay, so," Tim began excitedly, pointing to the super whose picture corresponded to Australia. A woman with long, blonde hair and a bright blue superhero getup. "That right there is Tidal Crash, she's an Australian super with the power to control water."
"Can she talk to sea creatures?" Emma asked, encouraging her nephew to continue.
"Yeah, telepathically," Tim replied. "She's like the cool version of Aquaman."
Emma snickered at Tim's snark. God, he was such a Perkins. He continued on, pointing to the picture next to Africa. A dark-skinned man with long dreadlocks and an award-winning smile, half his face covered by a deep purple mask.
"That's Radi ya Umeme," Tim continued to explain. "He's from Kenya, and his name is Swahili for 'Lightning Strike'. He can control the weather, but he's really good with lightning, hence the name. He's kinda like Madbolt in a way, only y'know, not evil."
Emma chuckled, remembering her most recent encounter with that old nutjob. Madbolt was a fascinating case, he'd been causing trouble for Hatchetfield since around the time Emma was born. Not even Jane had managed to land him behind bars. Tim continued, his finger landing on the South American picture. A man with dark, curly hair and deep brown eyes, clad in a black leather costume.
"That guy is Espalda con Púas, his name is Spanish for 'Spiked Back'," Tim said, talking as though he was still presenting the project to his teacher and classmates. "He's from Chile, and as his name would imply, he can grow spikes out of his back and sharpen his teeth and nails into fangs and claws!"
Emma nodded, urging him to continue. With an excited smile, Tim moved on to Asia, where a picture of a short-haired woman with a shining mask lay.
"That's Dá Quy, she's from South Vietnam," he continued. "Her name means 'Gemstone', and she can control different ores and minerals and stuff."
Tim moved on to Europe, where a picture of a woman with short brown hair and an elegant, but still practical costume lay.
"That's Lady Nighthawk, she's from England," he explained as Emma continued to listen intently. "She can talk to animals and harness their abilities to fight. She visits Hatchetfield once a year, too!"
"Right! I think I remember your mother telling me about meeting a 'Lady Nighthawk' before!" Emma exclaimed in recollection.
"Yeah, mom worked with a lot of supers," Tim mused fondly before moving on to the final picture, the one corresponding to North America. A grizzled man with long dirty-blonde hair and a decked-out suit. "And finally, there's Eagle Eye! He's an ex-military general who can shapeshift into a bald eagle! And he's got this awesome combat suit that he uses in human form! He's from Washington D.C., but just like Lady Nighthawk, he visits Hatchetfield sometimes!"
Emma smiled at the sight of the super who'd been acting as a mentor to her for the past week. During a rescue mission she'd nearly bungled, Eagle Eye- or John MacNamara as she'd learned his real name was, swooped in to lend a hand. He'd taken a shine to her, and offered to help coach her in the ways of being a superhero. Emma had been learning lots of valuable information off of John. But of course, there was no way Emma could tell Tim about-
"Speaking of, did you hear that he's been working with Wild Flower lately?"
Okay, nevermind! Emma froze, surprised by her nephew's casual mention of her alias. Was this a good time to tell him? Better test the waters to be sure...
"Oh yeah, Wild Flower!" she exclaimed, trying to play it cool. "I've, uh... been hearing lots about her lately!"
"Yeah, it's so weird!" Tim chuckled. "It's like she just came out of nowhere!"
Emma nervously drummed her fingers on the headboard of Tim's bed, where they'd been sitting for the past couple of minutes. Did he mean that in a good way or a bad way?
"She's awesome, though!" Tim continued, an excited sparkle in his eyes. Emma's heart began to race. "Her powers are so cool! I mean, she can summon that big flytrap thing! What was it's name again?"
"Slack-Jaw?" Emma replied, a barely-contained smile on her face.
"Right, Slack-Jaw!" Tim recalled. "And did you see her new costume? The green jacket with the cool logo on it?"
"Mhm!" Emma hummed in response, happily recalling the day she was presented that jacket at Town Hall. The mayor had recognized her feats of heroism, and had the jacket tailor-made for her to replace that ratty old, ill-fitting red leather jacket she'd bought from a Goodwill in a scrambled effort to make a good costume. It still needed some tweaks now, but the new jacket was an excellent start.
"And now that she's getting lessons from Eagle Eye, she's only gonna get better!" Tim gushed. "She's just so- Aunt Emma? What're you smiling so hard for?"
God, Emma couldn't keep this secret any longer. She had to tell him.
"I have a question for you, bud," she began, resisting the urge to just tell him outright. "Did your mom ever say anything about both her and me having the Nitro Gene?"
Tim's eyebrows shot up. "Oh yeah!" he exclaimed. "But she said that you didn't like talking about your powers, so she never told me what they were. I figured you still wouldn't wanna talk about them, so I never asked."
Emma's heart fluttered. What had she done to deserve such a considerate nephew? "You wanna take a guess?"
"O-okay, but why n-" Tim cut himself off, the gears clearly turning in his head. After a few moments, he turned to Emma with a look of awed realization on his face. "W-wait, Aunt Emma... Are you saying that you're...?"
"Wild Flower?" Emma finished, eyeing him cheekily. "You bet!"
A smile slowly blossomed onto Tim's face. "No way!" he exclaimed. "B-but mom always said you didn't wanna be a superhero!"
"Well, people change their minds sometimes!" Emma retorted. "And I decided to finally put my powers to good use once I came back home."
"Wow..." Tim gaped breathlessly.
"But I'm still your Aunt Emma, first and foremost!" Emma quickly clarified. "I'm still the same person, just y'know... with plant powers."
"O-of course!" Tim stammered, his mind looking certifiably blown. His face grew serious. "And don't worry, I won't tell anybody about your secret identity!"
Emma snickered, tousling her nephew's hair. "I appreciate it, bud," she said, pulling him into a hug. "...Want me to introduce you to Slack-Jaw?"
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zathuraroy5 · 4 years
Supernatural Rewatch : 1x20
(queued 2021/01/26)
Oooo another hunter. Ohhhh fuck vampires.
The colt is in the first season????
Jesus, I forgot how much actual plot happens. Like in the first season I mean. In my brain it’s just all… monster of the week? But a lot of the Big Events that I thought happened later are actually much sooner… which you know makes sense, there has to be SOME story when you do a show lol. 
And a wild John appears.
..... They thought vampires didn't exist... John thought they were extinct...
Wooooow. Sam is asking legitimate questions on how does John know it's the vampires that took the people. He just answers that he knows. Then when Sam insists he bitchily shows the fang. Like John.... Don't you think sharing what you know with your sons is kinda important??? You know... So they can see the signs and not die??? (in future hunts)
What an absolute ass
And all he has to say to Dean is that he needs to touch up the car, wouldn't have given it to him if he knew Dean was gonna ruin it.
I'm livid
Big fight with Sam, Dean in the middle. This one if tough
I like how the vampires are "monsters" so they're doing all sorts of depraved things. Wink wink nudge nudge outsider spaces are full of depravity. (Like this literally reads “depraved queer space” I can’t)
Oh hey we get the John Winchester pity party "I never wanted this life for you, but somewhere along the way of trying to prepare you to keep you alive, I stopped being your father and became your drill sergeant." Ya well action-consequences dude
"when you said you wanted to leave, all I could see was that you would be vulnerable. Alone. It never occurred to me what you wanted." WOOOOOW
Verbatim from the show
I cannot believe
Wow go Dean. When John says he doesn't want them with him on the hunt to keep them safe, Dean pipes up "With all due respect, that's a bunch of crap. You know what we've been hunting, hell you sent us on a few hunts yourself. Can't be that weird about keeping us safe." "Not the same thing" "how so" "can't make the same moves if I'm worried about keeping you alive" "you mean you can't be as reckless" like Damn son, you go honey
( comment from convo with @adhdeancas: yes I am so hot for dean standing up to john) (same my dude {gender neutral})
Please tell me... That it's not this vampire clan that kills Dean… (............)
Also another notch in the "do monsters deserve to live?" Calendar.
The issue was verbatim raised in this episode
Uh. That music at the end... I think it's a recurring theme... Made me jolt. It's subtle but I recognized a bit.
Are you... Fucking... Serious... It is the same fucking vampire. It's the girl that got turned the night before... It's not even the girlfriend of the guy that was killed... They never even had dialogue exchanged.... I'm.... (*401 still not found)
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larryfanficwriter98 · 4 years
Chapter Fourteen
Harry woke up the next morning earlier than usual due to their early night yesterday. Just thinking about it made him grin, but then it made him think about his past relationship with 'douchebag' as Louis likes to call him. Or any other insult he could think of at the moment. Douchebag, or Connor, took one look at him and said it was "unnaturally large" and refused to give what he wanted to get. He had bullied Harry whenever a bulge would show in his pants and had made him get uncomfortable briefs that had a pocket to tuck everything in.
He had also made Harry tape himself down with medical tape if they went to the beach so it wouldn't be seen in photos on accident. Harry had always been self-conscious about it, it wasn't hard to notice that you were bigger than your mates in the changing rooms. Especially when one of the guys had a measuring tape and challenged everyone to measure themselves. It was obvious when everyone was 3-5 inches soft and Harry was 6 soft.
Being a little over 9 inches in length and 5 inches in girth when hard Harry had been bigger than Conner by quite a few inches. Louis hadn't seemed bothered though, in fact, he had gotten turned on as he gave Harry a blowjob. Though he did seem nervous as he had taken Harry's pants off which Harry was going to ask Louis about when he woke up. He wanted to make sure Louis was okay and hadn't been pressured or anything like that. Harry would never forgive himself if he unknowingly pressured Louis.
Harry looked over at Louis who was still fast asleep. He was curled around Harry's back being the big spoon that Harry didn't know being the little spoon felt so great. No wonder Douchebag always wanted to be the little spoon. Harry snuggled back against Louis then grimaced and lifted the blanket seeing the dried cum on his tattoo.
"Gross." Harry said then gagged at the taste of his breath, "even worse." Harry quickly climbed out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom. He quickly wet his toothbrush then slathered toothpaste on it and brushed his teeth then his tongue twice to get rid of the taste in his mouth. After that, he turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up before he stepped under the spray.
Louis woke up to the sound of vicious teeth brushing and rolled over to see Harry in the mirror's reflection. He stared at Harry listening to him brush his teeth then he had to hide his laughter when he heard Harry gagging as he brushed his tongue. He stared at Harry's bareback and ass as he bent over the sink to spit out the foamy toothpaste. Louis grabbed his phone off his bedside table and scrolled through social media as Harry got into the shower.
He laid there for a while until he heard Harry's shower turn off then watched him leave the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Louis climbed out of bed then headed to the closet where Harry was going through his clothing options.
"Morning handsome." Louis said smiling when Harry looked over at him with a grin
"Right back at ya." Harry said stepping up to him to kiss him
"We got any plans today?" Louis asked watching as Harry dropped the towel only to step into black briefs. He watched as Harry pulled them up then watched as he tucked himself into a pocket in his briefs that made his cock shake disappear. "What..wait..what happened to it." Louis said shocked as he eyed Harry
"It's a pocket. It's to keep it from y'know causing an outline." Harry said with a laugh
"Why?" Louis asked
"Because I don't want Harry Jr on the front page of a tabloid."
"Sweetie it wouldn't be a tabloid it'd be a Playboy." Louis told him, grinning, getting a glare from Harry, "sorry. Fine. But find other pairs. I want at least something to grab when you're hard in your pants to tease you." Harry laughed shaking his head
"All the more reason to keep them." Harry said as he grabbed some black pants and pulled them on. He had to adjust himself again and Louis watched, "I have a meeting with Columbia Records at twelve, but other than that I don't have any plans."
"The lads want to go on a triple date, Zayn and Liam, Niall and Monica, Lizzy and Hannah, and you and I. I told them I'll talk to you."
"We can do that. Those are the girls you met at the club right?"
"Yeah, Monica was the one with the birthday the night, and Hannah and Lizzy are the lesbian couple in the videos."
"What time?"
"I think Zayn said seven o'clock."
"Sounds good." Harry said pulling on a pink chain and rope print shirt and buttoning before tucking the ends in. He then pulled his pants the rest of the way up and Louis noticed they were high-waisted women's pants, but Louis didn't point it out and only admired the way his butt looked in them. He leaned over and pinched it getting a slap from Harry on his hand.
"Stop it. I'll go make breakfast and you get dressed. Or don't. Either way, I need to make breakfast because I am starving." Harry came up to him and cupped his face kissing his lips gently
"I want full English." Louis told him
"Your wish is my command." Harry said bowing dramatically before he was leaving the room.
Louis shook his head then went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After he was cleaned and dressed and his mouth had been brushed twice he went downstairs scrolling through Twitter frowning when he saw the fans telling him to explain a photo. It took a few seconds before he found the photo that the fans were referring to. It was a dropped photo of Harry and Dickhead, but the photo was cropped so that Harry's hair was only barely seen pushed back to it looked like a recent photo, but Louis knew Harry's side profile better than anyone and his cheeks were too rounded to be recent.
"Hey, Haz do you have the full photo of this picture?" Louis asked, showing Harry the tweets, Harry looked away from his bacon turning to look at the phone frowning when he noticed what it was.
"I might in my cloud." Harry said, "my cloud password is in the drawer and you know my phone code." Louis grabbed Harry's phone on the counter then moved to the junk drawer that Harry had full of batteries, guitar picks, old planners, and other random junk that hasn't made it to the trash can two feet away. Louis grabbed the notebook that had Harry's passcodes for every account and looked four the cloud one.
"Do you know the year?" Louis asked
"Probably 2013." Louis nodded immediately going to 2013, "try like summertime...June through August I think. We spent the summer together."
"Found it. I'm going to ruin this man's life." Louis said by sending the photo to him then he got back on twitter and found the account that the photo came from and tagged it as well as Dicky's Twitter account.
@ account134527 and @ ConnorKS
Try again boo. 😘✌🏻🖕🏻
"And post." Louis said grinning as he posted the tweet with the photo of Harry and his hair pushed back from 2013. He was kissing the Twat's cheek and in the background, you could also see it was before the Wizarding World of Harry Potter had been opened for the public because they were standing near the closed-off section for construction.
"I'm sorry-"
"Sweetie don't apologize. He got a false sense of hope from your management and now he's mad you picked me over him in his head at least. It'll die down or I'll make it die down. You may treat people with kindness, but Tommo doesn't." Louis said, setting their phones down, "besides you can't blame the man you are very good looking. I'd torment you too if you upgraded."
"I don't think there is any upgrading from you." Harry said as he pulled Louis in front of him between his body and the stove, "I love you." He said kissing his neck as he turned the sausages
"I love you too." Louis said leaning his head back against Harry's shoulder, "is your meeting in person?"
"No we're meeting on google duo, they're with Sony Music, but it's a different section so we just have to talk about music and image and such."
"Sounds very boring."
"It is."
Louis had his MacBook opened glaring at the screen, he and Little Dick were fighting on Twitter. After Louis tweeted the real photo from 2013 Little Dick tweeted another photo of sweet innocent Harry laying on a tattoo chair getting the swallows tattoo. The butterfly stood out against the pale skin Harry had back then. So Louis had replied to the tweet,
@ account134527 @ ConnorKS thanks for being there for Harry as he got places to hide my live bites Boo.
And well apparently he didn't like that so he leaked a picture of him and Harry in California at the Hollywood sign. So Louis replied
@ account134527 @ ConnorKS wooooow you took him to a place he sees on his back patio every day when in LA...impressive. 👏🏻👏🏻
And thus it began. Louis didn't even know why he was arguing with an ex, but he was. He was very secure in his relationship with Harry so it wasn't out of insecurity, but whatever the reason Louis was winning the fight and everyone knew it.
@ account134527 @ ConnorKS the fact that you had to make a fake account just to leak photos of you two together...👀👀🙊
@ account134527 @ ConnorKS the fact that management made you believe Harry would choose you over me despite the way you treated him is fucking hilarious...
@ account134527 @ ConnorKS boo the shit I have on you... let's not go there.
@ account134527 @ ConnorKS coincidence?
Louis attached a video of "Dirty Little Secret" playing on the tv. The tweets stopped soon after that so to celebrate his victory Louis posted a short video of him and Harry a few nights ago dancing to Macarena inside the pool laughing their asses off with the words 'Look at my darling baby❤' in the tweet.
"Are you done arguing with Connor?" Harry asked laughing as he came inside from his meeting
"I think so." Louis said looking at Harry, "I won."
"You won before he even knew there was a competition." Harry told him wrapping his arms around his waist
"Oh I know that, but he doesn't have a right to expose your relationship like that."
"It's fine. The fans suspected back then, but he didn't want to be in the tabloids dating me so we kept it quiet. I'm surprised you didn't expose him for...what did you call him? A manipulative abusive little dick asshole?"
"Manipulative abusive little pecker loose asshole cheating twat." Louis corrected
"That. Yes. I'm surprised you didn't call him that."
"I almost did. I typed it a few times at least. If he responds that'll be my next tweet. It'll shut him up." Louis said, grabbing Harry's hands, "you should let me paint your nails. You have perfect nail beds. Lottie would be jealous."
"You paint mine and I'll paint yours."
"Deal. I'll go to the shops to get polish. Be back in a minute."
Louis grinned as he followed Harry through the crowded rooftop dining area.
"There they are." Zayn said standing up when he saw them
"Hi, sorry traffic was horrible." Harry said hugging Zayn and Liam before leaning over to hug Niall and Monica. "Hi Ni. Hi Monica, it's lovely to meet you."
"Hi, Harry." Monica said excitedly as she hugged Harry, "hi Louis." She said, stepping over to hug Louis, "saw that fight on twitter."
"Yeah, we were just being told about it by Monica. Possessive much Lou?" Liam teased as Harry greeted Hannah and Lizzy with hugs as well
"I have no reason to worry, I just don't like him." Louis said with a shrug, "Haz is mine and if he wanted that shrimp he'd have cheated when given the opportunity enough times."
"If I wanted him I'd have stayed with him." Harry said kissing his temple, "now do we have wine coming, or have we not ordered yet?"
"Not yet we just got here not that long ago and decided to wait for you." Zayn said as they took their seats it was a square dining table with two seats on each side. Louis and Harry were sat across from Hannah and Lizzy while Niall and Monica were sat across from Zayn and Liam.
"Do we want to share mozzarella balls for an appetizer, Lou?" Harry asked
"Of course Darling." Louis said, "what are you getting for the main dish?"
"I think the chicken shawarma in their Mediterranean section." Harry said
"Ooh yeah, I saw that. I was thinking of the eggplant rollatini."
"Wanna split?"
"Hello I'm David and I'll be your waiter today. Are we all on one check or separate?" He asked looking around the table
"We are separated into pairs. So them two, those two, these two, and us two." Louis said pointing to each couple getting the man's attention who nodded.
"And what can I get for you?" The man asked, eyeing him and licking his lips though Louis had turned away from him and hadn't seen it though he turned when he spoke.
"Oh, ladies first. We can wait." Louis said before turning back to Niall, "are we doing anything after this?"
"We talked about going to the club if you guys are up for it."
"Can I pick the place?" Harry asked
"Yeah sure." Niall said
"I'm down if you are."
"Alright. Who is our designated driver?" Harry asked looking around
"I can. You got a vehicle big enough for all of us?"
"Yeah, we can follow back to my place and get the SUV." Zayn nodded, "we can all stay there tonight I have guest rooms."
"And for you?" The waiter asked after everyone ordered looking at Louis
"Oh we will have the fried mozzarella balls as an appetizer and for the main dish I will have the eggplant rollatini." Louis told him
"Perfect. The eggplant rollatini is my favorite." He said, Louis, nodded and looked at Harry who looked highly amused.
"I will have the chicken shawarma." Harry said closing the menu
"Will that be all for you?" The man asked barely acknowledging Harry as he looked back at Louis
"Yeah, that's all thank you." Harry leaned over and kissed Louis' cheek laughing when the man turned away with more hip movement than necessary.
"Is there anything else I can do for you." Harry teased leaning over
"Absolutely anything." Liam said batting his eyelashes
"Please sir I'm all but stripping for you." Niall said laughing
"Stop it. It's not funny. What kind of guy does that in front of someone's boyfriend even." Harry laughed squeezing his thigh as he leaned over to whisper in his ear
"Do you think he'd get the message if we snog?" Louis laughed turning to Harry to whisper in his ear as well
"He'd probably get hard. Best not risk it." Harry laughed nodding as he squeezed Louis' thigh before pulling away. The rest of the dinner was filled with laughter, storytelling, many wine glasses, and delicious food. There were also pictures as a group from someone's phone as they all huddled together when Lizzy pulled out a selfie stick from her purse.
"Why do you have that in your purse?" Louis asked
"Never question what is inside a lesbian couple's purse." She said as she extended it then took the phone as placed it on the holder. "Now huddle together everyone. Harry, stop looking at Louis and look at the camera. We already have photos of you two looking like sappy teenagers." Louis laughed as he looked at Harry who was staring at him with a grin. Louis leaned over and kissed him ignoring the groans from the couples.
"I got an idea." Niall said pulling his phone out and going to Instagram, he got on Louis' page then got on a picture of Louis standing in nothing but Harry's lilac sweater with his a side profile showing off his ass. "Harry, look it's a picture of Louis ass. Looky looky." Despite the fact that Harry was kissing Louis it actually worked because Harry turned away and looked.
"What?" Harry asked looking around until he spotted the phone with the photo over the phone on the selfie stick.
"Quick do it." Louis tried every hard not to laugh as his boyfriend with eyes glued to the photo. Harry grinned as his hand went down to grab Louis' cheek squeezing it. It didn't last long, only enough for two photos then Harry was looking at him again.
"Smart man you've got there Monica." Hannah said
"I just know Harry's weak spot is Louis, but if Louis beside him he needed something stronger." Niall said looking at Harry and Louis who were back in their own world talking with each other, "besides everyone loves Louis' ass."
"Thanks. You get the tip baby and I'll pay for this." Louis said taking the bill the waiter was handing out to the respected couples. He opened it just to make sure it was the right one before he kissed Harry and pulled his wallet out. Harry pouted but pulled out his own wallet and tossed two £50 down, "Harold you can't tip more than the bill." Louis said grabbing it and handing it back to him
"Let me tip whatever I want mister bill payer." Harry said putting down two hundred just to spite Louis
"Harry, he was rude the entire time to everyone except myself and completely ignored our relationship. I am not letting you tip him two hundred just because."
"Louis he could strip for you and I wouldn't care because you're still coming home with me at the end of the night so I win. Now let me tip him." Louis huffed rolling his eyes as he pulled out a £50 and a £20 and put it in the billfold. He flipped the receipt over and wrote,
"You're lucky I'm not in charge of the tip and my boyfriend is a kind person. You were an ass all night. I'd have given you the minimum 10% and be done with it. In case you don't know math that's a fiver and some change. Be kind to people and respect their relationship.
He tossed the black folder down on the table and Monica immediately took it to read it snorting.
"I like the Tommo way." She said as she handed it to Hannah and Lizzy, Lizzy immediately taking a picture of it. She was addicted to her Instagrams they've learned over dinner, because yes she has more than one account. One for her personal use and one for her photography that she does on the side. They stood around waiting for their billfolds and when they got them Louis made sure to count the bills.
"Here have his number." Louis said handing the £5 to Harry who took it then tossed it in the tip pile. There was Harry's two £50, three £10, and now £5. Louis was very tempted to take a 50 and shove it in Harry's pocket, but he wouldn't do that. If Harry wanted to kill them with kindness then so be it.
"A £185 tip, he better use it wisely." Liam said
"Tempted to take the- actually I am." Louis took the five and headed to the table where a little girl was with her family. She had been very eager to ask Harry for a photo, but her parents had talked her out of it to wait until Harry ate his meal. "Here you go, Sweetie. You buy yourself something next time your parents take you to the shops yeah?" Harry said handing the little girl £25
"Yeah. The five have numbers on it, but it's still good."
"Thank you."
"You're quite welcome. You deserve more than our waiter does and you were very polite to wait to ask Harry for a photo so you definitely deserve it." Louis was taken by surprise by the hug the little girl gave him, but it was a nice surprise that he returned before heading back to their table. "You can be mad at me tomorrow, tonight we are clubbing." Louis said to Harry as he slipped his arms in the jacket Harry was holding for him.
"I think you're petty in the best way, but I'm not mad. I love you and with that comes your sassy attitude. Which I love as well. Besides you made her night." They all headed outside and got in their respected cars and followed back to Harry's place. Harry got the keys for the SUV and they all got in so Harry could drive to the club. It was a bit more upscale as in there was a second entrance that Harry and they took so they weren't spotted by anyone yet then they were led to the VIP balcony with a bar and tables and lounges.
"I'll go get a tab open, what does everyone want?" Harry asked as they sat at a square bar height table, the same seating arrangement from the restaurant. Harry got everyone's drink and went off to the bar coming back minutes later with a tray of various drinks.
"Now you owe me a dance." Harry said pressing against Louis from behind
"I don't dance until I'm drunk. You'll have to keep the drinks coming." Louis told him even if he pressed his hips back against Harry's.
"What's the fastest way to get you drunk?" Harry asked
"Whiskey gets Louis plastered for a week." Liam said
"What about you Styles." Louis said, turning to face Harry as he wrapped an arm around Harry's neck while his other hand held his beer glass, "what gets you plastered?"
"I'm not telling you anything." Harry said, taking a sip from his...slushie.
"What are you drinking." Louis said grinning as he grabbed Harry's wrist and pulled it towards him. He looked up at Harry as he licked the slushie teasingly tasting the refreshing flavor of watermelon with a kick of gin that had Louis grimacing slightly. "Gin. You hate the taste of beer, but you drink gin."
"I like alcohol you can mix with. Watermelon gin slushie and if you lick it like that again we're taking an uber home right now."
"Oh?" Louis leaned over to lick it again, but Harry took it away.
"Stop it Lewis."
"Oh, we are breaking up over that." Louis said though despite his words he still kept his arm around his neck.
"Alright, love birds we are off to the dance floor." Lizzy said, "Liam and Zayn are staying here to watch the drinks."
"You sure?" Harry asked looking at the couple
"Yeah, we're fine really. You lads go have fun." Liam said as he hung on Zayn
"Alright. Have fun. Drink a beer or two lads I've been in the car with you guys after a whiskey shot and we all survived."
"Maybe a beer, but really Lou we went out last weekend just the two of us so we're not in the mood for another hangover so soon. Now go."
"Alright. Come on Haz we can dance with the others."
The night carried on until last call surprisingly, despite Liam and Zayn not drinking they joined them on the dance floor every now and again. Louis and Harry were always found with their tongues down each other's throats and a hand somewhere inappropriate. Liam and Zayn had to drag the drunk couples all the way back to the SUV and Louis didn't give a damn that he was sitting right beside Monica. Louis threw a leg over Harry's hip and straddled his lap.
"You're so cute. You're like the cutest little thing ever." Louis said cupping Harry's face to kiss him on his cheeks and lips
"You're beautiful and pretty and cute and adorable and tiny and small." Harry said snuggling into Louis' neck, "you're my best friend." Louis giggled drunkenly
"You're my best friend too cutie." Louis said
"You're my sweet little creature."
"I'm going to puke." Zayn moaned from upfront
"Tell me about it." Monica said from beside them
"I love your voice. You should like become a singer. You have such a pretty voice." Harry said
"Wait Louis sings?!" Monica, Lizzy, and Hannah shouted
"He sings to me when he wakes up first." Harry said, "he's so precocious. I love him." The car ride to the house was with Harry proclaiming his love for Louis every five seconds. They all stumbled out and Zayn and Liam helped everyone to guest rooms while Harry and Louis hurried to the bedroom locking the door behind them as they struggled to undress then climb into bed together.
"Be the big spoon." Harry said, pulling Louis against his back, "I like being the little spoon."
"My giant little spoon." Louis said affectionately kissing Harry's bare shoulder
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louhooo · 5 years
Warnings: swearing (barely), fluff, maybe some adult themes if you squint
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: Steve has a weekly routine that he looks forward to, but plans change.
A/N: Feedback is always welcomed! 💕
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Saturday was the best day of the week. According to Steve, anyways. 
It was the one day he could count on cuddling without the interruption of her alarm looming in the air. Most Saturdays consisted of staying in bed until late morning, and then moseying around the apartment until their stomachs were growling. Despite whatever food was in the kitchen, she always wanted pizza from the shop a few blocks down from the apartment. Seventy-eight Saturdays had followed the weekly tradition, and Steve wasn’t going to start changing things now. 
He could hear her breathing starting to shift, and he peppered lingering kisses along her neck.
She started to stir, her body subconsciously drawing her closer to the touch. A light kiss behind  her ear and her eyes opened sleepily, a lazy grin stretching across her face.
“Mornin’, baby,” Steve’s raspy voice vibrated in her ear, followed by another kiss on the back of her neck. She hummed.
“G’mornin’.” The husk in her voice made Steve grin against her shoulder. Y/N wiggled closer to him, hiking the comforter up to her chin. More kisses along her hairline and a sigh left her lips. “Can you shower first?” His lips stilled, his brows pinching together. Separate showers did not follow the “Saturday” plan.
“Yeah, so you can have hot water, too,” she chuckled at her own joke in a sleepy, delirious way. “You always complain I use all the hot water.” He really needed to talk to the landlord about the water heater.
“No-Yes, I do, but why do you want me to shower?”
“We promised to watch Morgan.” The conversation with Tony immediately came back. Three weeks ago, Y/N and Steve had reservations to make, and were rushing to get out of the Tower when Tony stopped them both in the hallway. Tony had pulled his phone out, insisting that he needed to show Y/N the video of Morgan playing dress-up. 
In the video, Morgan wore a long black dress (one that was carefully selected from her mother’s closet) and black sunglasses that covered most of her face and only stayed up if she tilted her head back. Morgan applied bright, sparkly lip gloss in the pink plastic vanity mirror located in her room and when Tony asked who she was, and she replied “Aunt Y/N”. The smile Y/N gave was blinding, and Tony knew he had her hook, line, and sinker. 
Steve’s head dropped forward in defeat against her back.
“You forgot, didn’t you?” Humor was laced in her voice. Steve nodded, his head still resting on her back. “Your age is really starting to show, babe.” Steve growled, lightly pinching the flesh on her thighs. She squealed, giggles erupting throughout the apartment. Steve sighed, lifting his head to peek at her face.
“Do you think we could cancel?” A loud gasp and she moved to look at him.
“Steven Grant Rogers! You would deprive our sweet Morgan of the opportunity to see her favorite person!?” Another gasp, “You think you know someone….” Steve rolled his eyes, ignoring the smirk creeping onto her face. She flipped the covers off her naked legs and got out of bed, sending a swift pat to his ass as her feet touched the floor. 
“Oh, come on, ya big baby. Get in the shower and I’ll get your coffee started.” She picked up his blue button-up from yesterday and slipped it on, buttoning enough to keep most of herself covered.
Steve was not too happy with how his Saturday was developing.
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“We should be back by ten. There’s numbers on the fridge, poison control, and all that. She was up late last night ‘cause she was so excited you two were coming, she didn’t get a lot of sleep, so she’ll probably nap after lunch. Bath before bed, and bedtime’s at eight.” Steve and Y/N had been at Pepper and Tony’s for about thirty seconds before Morgan firmly attached herself to Y/N, and wouldn’t let her go. Y/N didn’t mind. She loved the love the small, tiny human gave to her, and greedily accepted the attention whenever she could.
Pepper placed a kiss on Morgan’s cheek, “Be good for Y/N and Steve. Mom and Dad will see you in the morning.” Morgan smiled, looking exactly like Tony, but much cuter than Tony could ever dream to be.
“Pep, we gotta go if you want to get there early.”
“You mean on time?”
“I literally don’t see how what I said is any different.” Pepper rolled her eyes good-naturedly and moved so Tony could say goodbye to Morgan. “Come’ere, squirt.” He held out his arms for her, but she only tightened her grip around Y/N’s neck. Tony blinked and stood to his full height. “My own daughter? My own flesh and blood. You’re not gonna hug your old man goodbye? Wow, I’m hurt. Truly wounded.” Morgan was a bundle of giggles, especially with the sad pout on her dad’s face.
She finally relinquished her grip, rolling her eyes in a similar fashion to her mother and reaching out for Tony. He smiled and transferred the little girl from Y/N’s arms to his and planted a big kiss on Morgan’s cheek.
“Be good. Don’t wear out Cap, okay, little miss? He might break a hip.” Steve gave a deadpan stare at Tony, who only smiled in return. More goodbye kisses and hugs were exchanged, and the three waved goodbye to Pepper and Tony from the porch. As soon as they were out of sight, Y/N and Morgan were off to the playroom, leaving Steve behind.
The first time Y/N and Steve ever watched Morgan, he quickly discovered Morgan did not like to share the attention of his girlfriend. Steve was sure that the only reason Morgan liked Steve in any form was because of who he was dating. Y/N would tease him about being jealous of a little kid, but Steve would maintain that he wasn’t. He wasn’t. (Okay, maybe a little pang of jealously went to his heart when she gave Morgan more attention, but Steve wasn’t sharing that detail with anyone. He talked with Bucky about it once and he got smacked on the back of his head for being an idiot. Never again.)
Steve was just fated to be the tall guy that helped reach the hidden cookies in the pantry and saved Morgan and Y/N from insects. It was fine. Just fine.
He finally made it to the playroom and leaned against the doorframe, watching as the girls dumped an egregious amount of glitter into a plastic bucket. Y/N looked up, feeling eyes on her, and smiled at Steve’s confused face.
“We’re making slime. For the team.” Steve raised his brows in understanding and watched them work, talking animatedly to one another, and paying no mind to him.
“Well, I’m gonna go over some reports down in the kitchen.” An eager “Okay!” from Morgan, and a wide smile and nod from his girlfriend. Steve sighed and went back downstairs.
Steve definitely was not jealous of a six year old.
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After the slime had been divided into equal containers and labeled accordingly, Morgan and Y/N were ready to eat. Slime creation works up quite the appetite, after all. 
Breaded chicken in the shape of dinosaurs were placed in the oven, and watermelon and pineapple were cut into the shape of stars and hearts and placed in a glass bowl. Steve was in charge of cutting up carrots into sticks, though he was pretty sure Y/N only gave him the job so he wouldn’t feel left out.
They ate lunch outside on a yellow quilt in the shade, the breeze blowing every so often, enough to keep them cool. Morgan picked out where everyone should sit, unsurprisingly keeping Y/N directly beside her, and Steve on the other side of them. Morgan talked enthusiastically about what they could do after lunch.
“We can build a fort! And-And-And Daddy made me my own Iron Man helmet, so-so we can play Avengers!” The adults chuckled at her excitement.
“Do you have knives I can borrow? And Steve’s gonna need his shield….”
“I’m not supposedta touch the knives, but I think you can since you’re a grown-up! And we can make a shield for Steve.”
“Ooo, can we use glitter? I, personally, think we should use glitter.” Steve couldn’t hide the grin on his face when she smiled like that. Cheeky and entirely proud of teasing him. Morgan giggled and bit the head off the dinosaur nugget.
“And, I have glow-in-the-dark stars we can use, too!” Y/N wiggled her brows at Steve, a half-eaten carrot stick in her hand.
“How’s that sound, babe?” He chuckled when Morgan gave him the same look Tony gives when he’s impatiently waiting.
“Sounds perfect, girls.” She held up her hand for Morgan, and they shared a high-five in victory.
“We should probably rest, first, don’t ya think? We can’t fight the bad guys when we’re tired.” Morgan chewed on her lip.
“Yeah… I guess.” Y/N nodded with a serious expression on her face.
“Steve, don’t you always say ‘You can’t fight bullies without taking a quick nap first’?” Steve nodded back with a matching serious look.
“I do. Ask Sam and Bucky, I have to make them take naps all the time. One time they didn’t nap before a mission and we almost lost,” Steve’s gaze shifted over to Y/N, “But your aunt here… well, she basically saved the world.” Steve could hear her heart start to beat a little faster, and could see a faint pink making its way to her cheeks. Morgan stared wide-eyed up at Y/N, her mouth agape in a similar fashion to a fish.
“Is that true…? Did you really save the whole world!?” Y/N grinned and nodded her head, tucking Morgan’s hair out of her face. “Wooooow….” Morgan was stunned that her aunt had saved everyone from the bad guys. She had the coolest aunts.
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Lunch was finished and Steve and Y/N were in a food induced sleepiness while Morgan searched for dandelions. Y/N rolled over to Steve, curling into his side. Her back was to his chest  and she was currently tracing the lines of his palm, both of them propped on their elbows.
“You’re sweet for telling her I saved the world.”
Steve grinned and kissed the top of her head, “You did save the world. On more than one occasion.” Y/N rolled her eyes and lightly pinched his palm. “What? I can’t brag about my girlfriend?” She snorted.
“You’re exaggerating.” Steve chuckled and kissed the shell of her ear. He wasn’t exaggerating, but he knew she would hear none of it. There were very few things she bragged about, and none of them involved anything she did with the Avengers. Baking cookies that the whole team loved? Couldn’t shut her up about it. Saving the world from an alien attack? Wouldn’t even know she was there.
She giggled, her shoulder coming up towards her ear, “That tickles.”
“Oh, so then you probably wouldn’t like if I did this…” Steve rested his hand on her hip. He felt her tense in front of him as he started to tighten his grip.
“Steven…” A warning that he could hear her smile through. He’d been too focused on Y/N, that he didn’t hear the soft crunch of the grass getting closer.
“Y/N, can you make me a flower crown?” Y/N laid her hand on top of Steve’s and squeezed, a silent question to let her move. Steve moved his hand back and watched her move and sit beside Morgan, bending and tying the stems into a crown. Morgan beamed and let Y/N place it on top of her head. Steve watched as Morgan tried to hide her yawn behind her hand as she twirled for them.
“Alright, girls, let’s go nap, then we’ll protect Earth.” Steve pushed himself up, collecting the dinnerware into one of his hands. Y/N stood up next, collecting the quilt and asking Morgan to carry her empty juice box. Morgan ran up so she was the first one inside, her little bare feet slapping on the hardwood flooring in the kitchen.
“Aunt Y/N, will you lay with me?” Eyelashes were batted and Y/N chuckled, dropping the quilt on the bench by the door.
“Of course, honey,” she looked back at Steve and grinned, “Don’t fall asleep without me. I’ll be right back.” Steve smirked, nodding his head. The girls walked upstairs, and Steve settled on the couch, turning the TV on. Y/N and Steve were over enough that they had their own playlist of shows and movies, something Y/N just went ahead and made, insisting Tony and Pepper wouldn’t care. They didn’t, but Tony did like to tease her about how many “obnoxious reality housewife shows” she watched.
Steve could hear faint giggles upstairs as he searched through the options. He settled on an episode of “I Love Lucy” he hadn’t watched yet when he noticed the giggles died down. Ricky was in the middle of lecturing Lucy, when Steve felt the couch dip. He turned and saw the little girl with brown hair who was supposed to be asleep. She prided herself on being a good “sneaker”.
Morgan turned and looked back at him, “Y/N’s asleep.” Steve blinked, tilting his head slightly.
“Aren’t you tired? Your mom said you stayed up late last night.” Morgan shrugged and turned back to watch Lucy cry dramatically.
“I’ll just go to bed early.” Steve gave a skeptical glance, but didn’t comment. He was sure she would. Even if she didn’t think she was tired later on, Y/N would read Morgan as many stories as it would take until she fell asleep. 
“Alright.” Steve turned back to watch the TV. A few minutes later, Morgan scooted closer to him, picking up his arm and resting her head on chest. Steve was frozen. It wasn’t that he and Morgan didn’t get along, they did, but she liked Y/N way more than she liked him. He wasn’t used to her affection being directed at him.
“Uncle Steve?” Steve rested his arm her after snapping out of his haze.
“Yeah, sweetheart?” Big brown eyes looked up at him.
“Are you and Aunt Y/N gonna get married?” Steve blinked. Was this one of Tony’s pranks? He had mentioned something about “Candid Camera”, and when Steve looked it up later, he was slightly worried of the extremes Tony would go to, to prank him.
Using his daughter to ask Steve if he was marrying his girlfriend, was not something he had imagined.
Steve cleared his throat, “Why do you ask?”
“’Cause you love her.”
“Well, yeah, but you can love someone and not get married. Doesn’t mean you love them any less if you aren’t married.” Morgan’s brows pinched.
“But…” Her little brain was having a hard time processing. “You look at her the same way Daddy looks at Mama, and they’re married.” Steve grinned, rubbing his thumb over her arm.
“Maybe one day, but your aunt and I are happy just the way things are right now.” Morgan hummed, dissatisfied with that answer. At this rate, she wasn’t going to get to be a flower girl for anyone!
“Well, I think you should…!” Steve chuckled.
“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?” Morgan sat up more to convey how serious she was.
“Be-cause, I think you should.” Steve laughed.
“I’ll take your reasoning into consideration.” Morgan seemed satisfied enough with that answer and laid her head back down. Two more episodes played before Steve heard her breathing soften. Steve watched one more episode before his own exhaustion got the better of him.
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When Y/N finally woke up and headed downstairs in search of the six-year-old who abandoned her in her bed, her heart nearly melted when she saw Morgan and Steve asleep on the couch. She took a quick picture before turning off the TV, and going into the kitchen to wash the few dishes from lunch. 
As she was finishing up, Steve came in, wiping the sleep from his eyes. Y/N dried her hands after draining the water and wrapped her arms around his waist. They stood in quiet contentment, until they heard quiet footsteps coming into the kitchen. Morgan leaned against Y/N’s leg, joining in their peace.
For about… two minutes.
“I’m hungry.” Y/N chuckled and removed herself from Steve.
“Ants on a log?” Morgan smiled.
“Ants on a log,” she repeated back in agreement.
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Raisins were replaced with chocolate chips, and they ate while they made Steve a substitute shield. Y/N thought her heart melted seeing Morgan and Steve asleep on the couch together, but she nearly lost it when Morgan sat on Steve’s lap while she colored the blue of his shield. 
He looked at her with undeniable shock as Morgan went on like everything was perfectly normal. Y/N gave him an impressed eyebrow raise in return.
Once the shield was finished and doused with glitter, Y/N went in search of knives she could use. Of course she wasn’t going to use real knives like she normally used, something she had to reassure Steve of multiple times before she went downstairs. 
Accidentally leave a knife in a purse one time, and Steve has to bring it up every chance he gets.
She found plastic ones with Mickey Mouse on the handle shoved in the back of the silverware drawer. They’d have to do. 
An elaborate scheme to save Mr. Bear from the Hydra base (located at the trunk of the oak tree in the backyard) was concocted by Morgan. It was determined that Y/N would use her knives to weaken Hydra (Troll dolls) and Morgan, or Iron Girl (official name still pending) would fly in on Steve’s back and rescue Mr. Bear and Steve would knock out any Hydra that sneaked past Y/N.
Y/N hit each of her targets, giving a two finger salute to Steve. He held up his shield with one hand, his other hand tucked behind his back to keep Morgan safely secured. As they approached the tree, Morgan shouted, “Cap, watch out!” Three Trolls members of Hydra dropped down from the tree, lime green yarn tied around their legs. Steve used his shield to protect Iron Girl, and faintly wondered how she booby trapped the toys to drop, when Y/N whistled. 
It was the same one she gave out in the field, so without questioning, Steve ducked, and a knife came flying through the air, cutting the yarn of the Hydra closest to them. Iron Girl reached for Mr. Bear and secured him under her arm, and Steve ran them out of the area Y/N named the “danger zone”. She also laughed after calling it that, so Steve made a mental note to look that up later.
They met up back on the jet (or the front porch) and Morgan, now free of her helmet, assessed Mr. Bear for any injuries. Two Sesame Street bandages were placed on Mr. Bear’s arm and nose, but the mission was a success. 
“I say we have some lemonade and go swim in the lake now. I think we deserve it.” Morgan cheered and abandoned her helmet on the wicker chair on the porch before running inside to change. Y/N could feel Steve’s eyes on her, and turned back to him with a grin. “Good job, Cap.” He grinned and set the cardboard shield next to the child-sized helmet.
“Good job, agent.” He pointed over his shoulder with his thumb, “You’re gonna have to go find that knife you threw.”
She laughed, his smile growing at the sound, “Why do you think I suggested swimming?” Steve joined in her laughter as they went inside to change. She grabbed her backpack and pulled out his shorts, pushing the red polyester material into his hands. “Steve?” His eyes met hers. She stood on the tips of her toes, puckering her lips. Steve huffed a laugh through his nose and met her halfway. Her lips were soft against his, and he could faintly taste the lingering peanut butter on her tongue.
“Y/N!” A sigh from both, and they separated, Y/N sending him a love-drunk grin.
She turned her head over her shoulder, and shouted, “I’m coming!” She looked back at Steve and pecked his lips, “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Another smile and she was running upstairs to help Morgan with her swimsuit. He wandered into the bathroom and changed, answering a text from Tony, asking how things were going. Everything was perfect.
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The rest of the afternoon was spent playing on the dock, listening to the pop songs Y/N had on her phone, and Steve helping Morgan work on floating on her back. By the time the sun was more in the west, they had all had enough and were ready to get ready for dinner. Pepper had left a dish that they could heat up, but when Y/N peeked at it, her nose turned up and she shook her head. Weekends are not for healthy, organic meals, and that’s a fact of life Y/N firmly lived by.
She found Tony’s stash of coupons for nearby pizza places and ordered two large pizzas, one for her and Morgan, and one for Steve. Y/N gave Morgan a bath, and after she was clean and dressed in her purple shorts and t-shirt, Morgan went to find Steve, who was cleaning up mission reports from the kitchen table.
“Uncle Steve?” Somehow she had picked up at an early age, that if her voice was sweet and innocent, Steve would do, pretty much, whatever she wanted. She may have learned that from her aunt, but the jury’s still out. (No, she definitely learned it from Y/N.)
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“Can you build a fort in the living room?” Steve grinned and stacked the files into a neat pile, setting them off to the side.
“You gotta help me, okay?” Morgan nodded happily, and they went in search of pillows and blankets. 
Forty-five minutes later and the pizza was delivered and the fort was ready in the living room. They skipped the dinnerware, opting to just eat straight from the pizza box, a concept that had Morgan in giggles the whole time. After eating and cleaning up, they turned on another episode of “I Love Lucy” and it wasn’t too long into the show when Steve noticed Morgan’s eyes start to droop more and more. 
Steve nudged Y/N with his foot.
“I think someone should go to bed.” She followed his line of sight and grinned tenderly at Morgan. She glanced at Steve.
“Do you think you can carry her?” Steve nodded and they crawled out of the fort. Y/N rubbed Morgan’s back, “Honey? Let’s go to bed.” A soft whine and murmur that she didn’t want to, but Y/N only rubbed her back again. “C’mon, Morgan. Steve’s gonna carry you, you don’t even hafta walk.” A deep sigh, and she sat up, with a look close to tears on her face. Her lack of sleep had finally caught up with her.
Steve bent and picked her up, one arm secured under her while the other rubbed her back. She breathed into his neck and he could smell her watermelon scented shampoo. Y/N led them upstairs, pulling back the covers on her bed. Steve gently placed Morgan in her spot, and Y/N pulled the blankets up to her shoulders.
“Good night, Morgan. We love you.” A final kiss to her forehead and the nightlight was turned on as the adults retreated from the bedroom. 
Tony and Pepper pulled into the driveway about an hour later. Tony glanced around, inspecting his home.
“Nothing looks broken…” Y/N rolled her eyes as she stood up from the couch. 
“I’m ignoring that for your own sake, Tony.” Pepper hid a yawn and stood next to her husband.
“Was she good?”
“A perfect angel.”
Pepper hummed, “I feel like her father says the same thing, even when she’s not.” Y/N and Steve laughed at the faux-offended look Tony cast to Pepper.
“No, she really was. We wore her out, so she should sleep in for ya.” Y/N covered her mouth as she yawned, and Steve put his hand on her lower back. “Well, we should take off.” Pepper grinned and hugged them both, thanking them again for watching Morgan. Tony motioned with his arm.
“I’ll walk you out to your car.” Y/N picked up her backpack and shoved her cellphone into the side pocket. They walked out to the car, Y/N too tired to focus on anything else. She climbed into the passenger seat, depositing her bag down by her feet and leaned back, closing her eyes. Steve glanced at the car and back at Tony, who raised a brow. “Cap.”
“You got a good thing here, Tony.” Tony’s face softened, the years having caught up with him as of late.
“I know.” Tony glanced at her sleepy form in the car. “You do, too, Rogers.” Steve gave a lopsided smirk, glancing back at her.
“Yeah… I do.” Tony slapped Steve’s shoulder in that way only men seem to do, and he stepped onto the porch and watched Steve get into the car and pull out onto the main road. Y/N finished clicking her seatbelt, and angled her body towards him.
“What did you and Tony talk about?” Steve laid out his hand, palm up, and she interlaced her fingers with his. He brought her knuckles to his lips.
“Just how nice it is up here.” She hummed in agreement, her eyes too heavy to keep open. Just like Morgan, Steve was sure he’d have to help get Y/N into bed, and he was perfectly fine with it. He’d carry her to bed every night if she asked him to.
Seventy-nine Saturdays they had spent together, and this was one of the best.
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DRV3 Gift Reactions Transcription.
These are transcriptions of the character’s gift reactions from drv3. Spoilers for Chapter 1 Danganronpa v3 below the cut.
Characters are listed in the same order as my posts with the proper screenshots of these reactions. Every new line of text is a new dialog box.
Assume that the reactions are from Chapter 1 unless specifically marked as otherwise. (Tbh I actually got the majority of this transcribed the other day, I was just waiting to sleep and recharge my energy to get and edit the post-chapter-1 screenshots I needed to finish it.)
I’ve only transcribed post-chapter-1 gift reactions that are significantly different--it can generally be safely assumed that Kaede’s name is simply replaced by Shuichi’s in places where it comes up.
My masterpost for gift reactions is here. My masterlist for all things danganronpa-related is here. (Just be warned as there may be whole game/series spoilers there depending on how far in the future you’re reading this.) The things here are transcribed exactly, including dropped words and typos, but they’ll still be marked with [sic] because I want to differentiate between the errors in the game and my own inability to type correctly.
~Shuichi Saihara~
Loved Gifts:
Kaede... thank you. I’ve never received something like this before. I’m so happy I... I don’t know what to say!
Ah? For me? Kaede...you’re amazing! How did you know I want this?
Liked Gifts:
Can I...really have this? Thank you, I’ll take good care of it. I’ll help soothe my anxiety as dark times like this.
I can tell that you put a lot of time and thought into this... Thank you. You giving me something this wonderful... I wish I could give you something in return.
Neutral Gifts:
Ah, do you like this kind of stuff, Kaede? I don’t really get it...but maybe I’ll learn to love it?
I didn’t know the academy had things like this... I wonder if this was prepared for us. If it was, they must have quite the budget... They can afford to have aesthetic items like this.
You’re...giving this to me? Thank you... I’ll cherish it.
Disliked Gifts:
Ah, um, I don’t think I can accept this... I do appreciate the thought, but... I’m sorry.
Ah...I don’t know... why you’d give me this... Ah! Is this a joke? S-Sorry, I don’t get it!
Hated Gift(s):
...I-I’m sorry... Even if it’s a gift from you, I can’t accept it. I’m really sorry... I know you’re just trying to make me happy...
But for you to give me something at a time like this, I... I can’t believe you’d do that. I can’t believe you’d be the kind of person who would do something so tasteless...
~Kokichi Oma~
Loved Gifts:
H-How do you have something this amazing, Kaede? Did you steal this!? The supreme leader of evil lost!? Grrrrr... Dammit! This pisses me off!
Hey, I’m surprised you had something so interesting on you, Kaede. But if you think something like this would make me happy, you got another thing coming! ...Just kidding. Thank you.
Liked Gifts:
This is a pretty decent present, Kaede. Are you starting to get me now? It feels good to know that you thought long and hard about what tribute to give me.
Hmm...I guess this isn’t *that* boring. You have pretty good taste, Kaede. Well, not as good as mine. I’ll surprise you with a gift one of these days, Kaede!
Woooah! This is niiiice! I’ve always wanted something like this! By the way, that’s not a lie, ‘kay? Don’t worry, I’m actually happy.
Neutral Gifts:
Hm, for me? I’ll take it, but... You’re not getting any thanks from me, buddy! Well, I might repay your kindness...with tricks. Since I *am* the supreme leader of evil.
How do I put this nicely... Well...it’s not bad, but it’s not good either... And by that, I mean it’s bad.
Disliked Gifts:
Wooooow, this is just aaaawful! It’s soooo boring that it’s funny! Um, I don’t really want this. Toss it somewhere else.
Um...why would you think I’d like this? You have pretty bad taste, Kaede. I thought we were of one heart and soul.
*sigh* ...You disappoint me. I thought you would’ve made it more fun for me, Kaede. Or are you hinting that I should make it fun for you instead?
Hated Gift(s):
I...I didn’t know you hated me that much, Kaede... WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! Even if you do hate me, this is going too far! Well, at least this isn’t boring... But you gotta make it up to me later, ‘kay?
~Kaito Momota~
Loved Gifts:
A-Are you serious!? I didn’t think you could even find this around here! Kaede...this makes me so happy! Gimme a hug!
Oh, nice! This gift’s a real bullseye! Your thoughts hit me dead center! Alright! Since you gave it to me, I’ll teach you all about this thing!
Liked Gifts:
Are you giving this to me? Haha, you know me so well! Alright! As thanks for this cool gift, I’ll tell you a cool story!
Oh, that’s pretty interesting. This is almost the perfect gift for a Luminary of the Stars! You’re on the right path.
Neutral Gifts:
You’ve got a bunch of stuff, huh? You’re not just trying to unload some garbage on me, right?
Huh? What’s this? Where’d you get it? Well, if it’s a gift from you, then I’ll totally accept it.
Disliked Gifts:
Are you kidding me? What am I supposed to do with this? What’s up with you? This isn’t like you, man!
Did you really think I’d like something like this? C’mon, man... Are you making fun of me? Nah you wouldn’t, but...
Hated Gift(s):
Hey...we can still pretend it was just a joke, so put that away.
H-Hold up...don’t put that near me. You got it? Why do you even have such a weird think!? Toss it in the garbage!
~Rantaro Amami~
Loved Gifts:
Did you...get me this because you thought it’d make me happy? I guess you thought I’d like this kind of thing, based on how I dress. Haha... Well, ah, thanks anyway.
Now *this* I like. I knew you had good taste, Kaede. I can learn from you.
Liked Gifts:
You’ve got something pretty interesting there. Where did you find it? Oh, you’re giving it to me? A present? That’s so sweet. You’re being so nice to a guy that doesn’t even know his own talent...
But this looks really valuable. Are you sure you want me to have it? I’ll get you something special one day too. I have some pretty rare things myself.
Neutral Gifts:
I always get butterflies in my tummy when people give me gifts. Thank you. Is there anything you want, Kaede? I want to give you something in return.
Wow, they even have stuff like this here? This place gets weirder and weirder. Don’t you think it’s odd? That you would find this stuff here?
Oh...for me? No no, it’s not that I don’t like it... Just the thought makes me happy, Kaede.
Disliked Gifts:
Really? You’re giving this to me? Kaede, you have...unique taste. I never expected this from you.
Um, I don’t mean to be rude, but maybe there’s someone else who would enjoy it more? I think you should give this to someone who can really appreciate it.
Hated Gift(s):
Haha...my, this is a pretty dark gift. You look like a sunny and cheerful girl, but I guess there’s a dark side to ya.
~Gonta Gokuhara~
Loved Gifts:
Oh wow... Gonta think bug friends will like this. Kaede like bugs, too? Gonta so happy!
Gentlemen wear small trinkets... Gonta must remember that. Gonta still not used to gentleman clothes... This very helpful, Kaede!
Liked Gifts:
Ummm... But real gentleman say nice thing. Then gentleman give gift, too... Gonta not real gentleman yes, huh...? Someday Gonta give Kaede nice gift!
What? For Gonta? Thank you, Kaede! Gonta not get gifts often... Gonta happy! Very very happy!
Neutral Gifts:
Hmmm... Gonta not know stuff like this exist. Thanks for showing Gonta, Kaede!
For Gonta? Thank you! Gonta treasure it always. How that? Gonta show gentleman gratitude okay? 
Hmmm...Kaede like this kinda stuff? Gonta think he understand now. Gonta try hard to appreciate gift.
Disliked Gifts:
Ummm... Sorry. Gonta not sure what to do with this. Gonta know Kaede mean well... Gonta so pathetic!
K-Kaede... You...hate Gonta!? Oh, G-Gonta wrong? Gonta just not understand.
Hated Gift(s):
Kaede...no can give gift like this! Is not proper! O-Or...d-does Kaede...hate...Gonta? G-Gonta...*sniffle*...so sad!
Oh, sorry... This sorta thing give Gonta bad memories... Gonta hope Kaede not feel bad now... Gonta really sorry!
Loved Gifts:
Kaede... Thank you very much. I am humbled by your generosity. Did you give me this simply because I am a robot? I will report you robophobic actions.
This is...quite a practical gift. Thank you. Please don’t get the wrong impression... I’m happy because this gift is so practical. Under different circumstances, this gift could be considered robophobia.
Liked Gifts:
This is...quite a fascinating item! Are you sure I can have it? I wish I could give you something in return, but I have nothing to give... I’m sorry.
...A toy? Is this your way of bringing me a friend? Do you see me a toy[sic], too? I’d prefer not to be compared to this toy...but as far as toys go, I guess it’s kind of cute.
This is nice. It aligns with my preferences. You understand me... I feel...happy.
Neutral Gifts:
...I’m sorry. I cannot see myself ever developing an interest in this. Should I feign happiness in this situation? That seems illogical to me...
A present from Kaede... There, I’ve finished saving a backup copy of this memory. I hope to repay your kindness one day.
Disliked Gifts:
I’m sorry. I can’t do anything with food or beverages except stare at them... I this kind of gift is wasted on me. You should probably give it to someone else.
... ... I’m sorry. I was calculating the appropriate response to a situation like this.
...I don’t know how to react to being given a gift like this. It would be insincere of me to just accept this gifts, so I must politely decline it.
Hated Gift(s):
Wh-What’s wrong with you!? Why would you give me a gift like this!? This isn’t some kind of robophobic microaggression, is it!?
~Ryoma Hoshi~
Loved Gifts:
Hmph...not bad at all. Sometimes, even I want to feel happy ...so I’ll accept this. Thanks.
If you’re giving me this... you really get me, huh? I don’t hve anything to give you, is that okay? Hmph...you’re strange.
Liked Gifts:
Hmph...nothing good will come from making me happy, you know? Sorry I can’t show how happy I am... I really am grateful for this gift.
Oh...you’ve got good taste. I hope I can return the favor. But I’m not great at giving gifts.
Neutral Gifts:
Hmph...you’re giving this to me? What’s the meaning of this? Well, whatever. I guess you didn’t mean anything bad by it.
Huh? You seemed like the conscientious type, but did I misjudge you? Well...I guess having a side like that is just part of your charm, huh?
Giving me a gift... You’re a strange one. I...appreciate the thought.
Disliked Gifts:
Exactly what sort of reaction were you expecting from me? Sorry, but I’m not a fan of joke gifts.
That’s just not cool... I thought you’d have better taste than that. Hmph...I don’t have anything to say to a gift like that.
Hated Gift(s):
I won’t make a scene about this insult...but I’ll remember it. Even if someone’s not a good person, you can’t just be rude like that...
You’re giving that to me? What’s you game...? I’m not sure it you’re being a punk or just nosy, but I’m not accepting that.
~Korekiyo Shinguji~
Loved Gifts:
This is...! Kaede, where on Earth did you find such a thing!? Ooh...I never dreamed of encounter such a splendid item here.
To have brought this to me... You truly have an eye for treasures. Kehehe...what a wonderful woman you are. I have no complains with this. If you’d like, I can tell you this item’s history. Are you interested?
Loved Gifts (post chapter 1):
To have brought this to me... You truly have an eye for treasures. If you’d like, I can tell you this item’s history. Are you interested?
Liked Gifts:
I may have this? Kehehe...much appreciated. You enjoy giving gifts? Perhaps we can discuss cultural gift giving practices.
This is a fine gift... It almost makes me sorry to be the receiving it. I would like to at least tell you some stories in return. Which one though...?
Neutral Gifts:
Kehehe...did you think giving me this would make me happy? Interesting... It would appear you don’t yet know me well enough.
The desire to do something for someone. I understand it well. But is it not necessary to consider what will make that person happy?
Disliked Gifts:
Honestly, I cannot understand your reasons for giving me this. Do tell...what were your intentions giving me this?
Hmm...even if your[sic] have poor taste, that is beautiful too... Not everyone shares the same preferences. Do keep that in mind.
Hated Gift(s):
I cannot accept this. Are you taking the occult lightly?
~Kaede Akamatsu~
Loved Gifts:
Shuichi...I’m just so ecstatic! I thought I had been the only one looking at you, but I guess you’ve noticed me, too. I think that, because... you gave me such a pretty gift.
Whoa! Can I really have this!? Thanks, I’m so happy right now! You really know what makes me smile, Shuichi. But, I guess *you* would know what I like!
Liked Gifts:
Oh! I was just thinking about getting one of these! I can’t believe you already know what I like, even though we just met... Well, that’s a detective for ya!
I really like these kinda of things. Do you enjoy them too, Shuichi? It would make me a bit happier to know we like the same things. Oh, god... I think I said something embarrassing just now.
Neutral Gifts:
Hmm...so you like these kinds of things, Shuichi. I’ll remember that. Someday, I’ll give you a present, too... Oh, I don’t mean it in a weird way. It’s to return the favor, okay?
I see... You carry these things around, huh, Shuichi? How did you find them in this academy? Or did you have them before you came here?
Disliked Gifts:
Umm... Your taste is...unique... Oh, I didn’t mean it in a bad way. If you like it, then that’s your choice.
Umm...I’m sorta curious why you chose to give this to me... I don’t hate it. Well...I’m actually happy!
Hated Gift(s):
This isn’t okay, Shuichi...Even if it’s a joke, there are some things you shouldn’t do. If we weren’t in such a weird situation, I might be able to laugh it off.
~Maki Harukawa~
Loved Gifts:
Is this for me...? Hmm... ...Huh, do I look mad? I may not show it, but I’m actually pretty happy.
...Thank you. I’ll cherish this. Why are you surprised? I got something I like, so of course I’m going to thank you for it.
Liked Gifts:
Hmm... You must not worry a lot if you’re giving presents in a situation like this... ...Well, it’s not like I mind. I’ll take it.
This is...something you should give to a child. You shouldn’t give this to someone my age. Well...when we get out of here, I’ll give it to the kids. That’s why you gave it to me, right?
Neutral Gifts:
...You have surprisingly bad taste. If you don’t want it, then I don’t mind keeping it.
I see... You’re giving it to me. What? Did you think I would be excited? Sorry, but I don’t intend to give empty thanks because of social obligations.
I don’t think it’s bad to give presents after spending time... But you should really think about the present first before giving it, don’t you think?
Disliked Gifts:
What is this...? Where did you even get this thing? It’s for me? Why would you even thing about giving this to me?
Wait... I’m going to stop you right now if you plan to give me something I don’t want. ...Am I wrong? That’s a joke, right?
Hated Gift(s):
... Sorry, but I don’t need this.
~Miu Iruma~
Loved Gifts:
Wh-What? How did you know I’ve wanted this? D-Don’t tell me...you’re that into me... Naturally, a flat-chested idiot like you would fall for a brainy, busty, beauty like me!
Wha—! I-I’ve...wanted this...so bad... I took you for an idiot, Kaediot, but it turns out you’re actually pretty useful! Heh, I could give you one of my inventions as a show of gratitude!
Loved Gifts (post-chapter-1):
Wh-What? How did you know I’ve wanted this? D-Don’t tell me...you’re that into me... Well, I guess a perma-virgin like you can’t help but think about[sic] all day long!
Wha—! I-I’ve...wanted this...so bad... Not bad, perma-virgin! When are ya plannin’s to slip some fliff between these big ol’ titties!? Well, if you’re tugging it to me every day, I guess I can let the slide!
Liked Gifts:
Damn, Kaediot! You actually brought me somethin’ nice! Alright, I’ll show you an invention of mine! I bet you’re so thankful, you’re about to cry! Huh? Y-You’re not interested? Whyyyy?
Whoa! I’ve wanted this for a while! I never expected you to have it, Kaediot! Why didn’t you give it to me sooner!? Geez, you just wasted my precious time!
Neutral Gifts:
What the hell were you thinkin’ givin’ this to me!? Do you have any how[sic] valuable my time is!?
Hm? What’s this? I mean, I guess I’ll take it... This is what you’re givin’ to me lovely self? I figured you for a fuckn’ idiot, but...
Hmmm... Well, I could probably use it for my invention so I guess I’ll take it. What, you want me to thank you? You should be thankin’ me for takin’ it off you hands!
Disliked Gifts:
Huh!? You’re givin’ this to me? You really are an idiot, aren’tcha!? I was right to start callin’ you “Kaediot”!
Maaaaaan! I’m startin’ to feel sorry for ya! Cuz, well...look at me! I’m beautiful, brainy, busty... You’re just a flat-chested Plain Jane who knows jack shit about proper gift-giving!
Disliked Gifts (post-chapter-1):
Huh!? You’re givin’ this to me? You really are a piece of shit, aren’tcha!? I was right to start callin’ you “Pooichi”!
Maaaaaan! I’m startin’ to feel sorry for ya! Cuz, well...look at me! I’m beautiful, brainy, busty... You’re just a perma-virgin with a stupid hat who knows jack shit about proper gift-giving!
Hated Gift(s):
Huh...? Do you really hate me that much? Why else would you give this to me? N-No way...
~Tenko Chabashira~
Loved Gifts:
K-Kaede, what a wonderful gift! Truly, only girst understand other girls’ delicate hearts! It’d be great if I can thank you in some way... How about I teach you a Neo-Aikido move!?
Thank you very much, Kaede! You understand me so well! This is making me too happy! It’s making me blush!
Loved Gifts (post-chapter-1):
Even though you’re a male, you made me happy... I feel like I lost! I’m annoyed, so I’m gonna throw you! Then we’ll be even!
You gave me exactly what I needed... Shuichi, do you understand the way of Neo-Aikido, too!? Then maybe I can smash your body onto the floor with a Neo-Aikido move!
Liked Gifts:
Wow! Amazing, Kaede! This is a wonderful gift! It’s probably because you’re a pianist that you know how to pick gifts! Please teach me!
What!? Y-You’re giving this to me!? Wow, I’m so happy! Thank you so much!
Liked Gifts (post-chapter-1):
Urgh... Not bad, Shuichi! You actually made me really happy! But don’t assume you can appease me! Girls are not that simple!
Even though you’re a male, you gave a gift that would make someone happy! But, I’m not so easy to overcome with just this! Please don’t underestimate me!
Neutral Gifts:
It’s so nice of you to bring me a gift, Kaede! But, of course a girl would! Oh no! I didn’t bring you anything! I-I’m so sorry!
Woah! I didn’t know there was something like this as school! Where’d you find it, Kaede? I wish I could give something in return... Would you like to see some Neo-Aikido instead!?
Huh, a present? Th-Thank you so much! I’m sorry I can’t understand the value of this gift, but your good feelings have reached me!
Neutral Gifts (post-chapter-1):
I don’t know what you’re thinking, Shuichi. So I guess I can stay and listen to you! Girls are not merciless enough to send someone away after they gave a gift!
O-Oh, is this for me...? This gift didn’t do any wrong, so I’ll take it... But even though you’re a detective, you’re still a make who ca’t understand girls’ feelings!
There must be an ulterior motive when a degenerate male gives a gift to a girl... So that’s why I’ll take this. It’s better than you giving it to Himiko or the other girls!
Disliked Gifts:
Kaede, you have an...um...unique taste. Well, you’re a pianist so... Do you feel like you were a bit too sheltered and it affected your taste in things?
I-I wasn’t aware that there would be such a huge difference in sensitivity between girls! Well, I’m not denying your taste... But I think I’ll pass on this...
Disliked Gifts (post-chapter-1):
... Sorry, I’m just surprised how bad this gift is *even* for a degenerate! I assume you want me to throw you across the room, right, Shuichi!?
Huuuuh? What do you want me to do with something like this? Did you think I would be happy? You completely underestimate me! Now, I’m gonna throw you!
Hated Gift(s):
I’m not too sure about this, Kaede... I don’t really wanna say it... But the thought of you handing this to someone else... Well, it makes my heart hurt...
Kaede! What’s going on here!? Did those degenerate males influence you to be vulgar and insensitive!? I will teach you Neo-Aikido then! You mind will become calm!
Hated Gift(s) (post-chapter-1):
...It seems you want to be punished. Got anything to say? You may say only one word.
~Himiko Yumeno~
Loved Gifts:
Oooh...you clearly know what’s important for a mage. Hm, as thanks I’ll show you some of my magic.
Oooh...this is it. The item I needed. Not bad. Please bring me more stuff to increase me magic stat.
Liked Gifts:
You must have used a “Find Himiko A Good Gift” spell. Hm, well done. I don’t mind you giving me more stuff from now on.
Hmm...yes, this will do. Now my MP can recover. Well, it’s still not enough to power a big spell...
Neutral Gifts:
Hm...offerings for the mighty Himiko... Yes, this will do. This thing has no magic. A gift for a mage should be magical, y’know?
Hm? What that for me? I didn’t realize. If you can’t give proper gifts, you’ll have a lot of trouble in life.
Nyeh... For me? Sorry, but saying thanks is too much work...
Disliked Gifts:
... Nyeeeh...I’m at a loss. What are you thinking giving me something like this?
Nyeeeh... I don’t want it. I don’t know what you want, but put that away already.
Hated Gift(s):
Are you bullying me? You’re bullying me cuz no one else is around, huh? I wanna turn you into a lowly worm with my magic.
~Kirumi Tojo~
Loved Gifts:
Will there be duties where I must use this? Then I will accept it, by all means. Am I mistaken? In that case, I will use this to aid you. Shall we begin then?
I never told you I needed this, but... Is it truly alright for me to have this? Thank you. This will help me immensely. If I use this, this can help everyone as well.
Liked Gifts:
Even though I am here to serve you, I cannot believe I received such a great gift. The only way I can return the favor is to serve as you maid... Is that alright with you?
It seems I do not have to give you any advice on how to select the right gift. You have made me...incredibly happy.
Neutral Gifts:
You wish you give this to me, correct? I understand. I will treasure it. I do not want you to misunderstand... ...but, I am grateful that you have chosen a gift just for me.
Are you asking me to throw this away? I understand. Leave it to me. Am I wrong? Please accept my apology. I failed as a maid to understand your goodwill.
I see...so you are giving this to me. I have been asked if I wanted a present before, but this is a surprise. Thank you.
Disliked Gifts:
Kaede... if you do not know which gift to select, then please ask me. I will teach you how to choose the best present and the most optimal way to deliver them.
I am not impressed with the kind of gifts you choose for people. If you order me to throw it away, then that would be far more efficient.
Hated Gift(s):
Kaede... Even if it is a prank, it is not nice to give people these kinds of gifts. I never imagined you would do such a thing...
~Angie Yonaga~
Loved Gifts:
Ohhhh! How divine of you, Kaede! Nyahaha! My cup runneth over with gratitude!
This is it! This is what I’ve been after! How did you know, Kaede? Did Atua speak to you?
Liked Gifts:
I see, I see... Kaede, you know how Angie is feeling today. With all the offering’s you’ve brought me, Angie[sic] must be having lots of fun. I will be happy.
Oh, I see... This offering will earn Atua’s favor somewhat, Kaede. I will pray to Atua for you, Karde, so that you may become a gold member someday.
Neutral Gifts:
Do you think this is a divine relic, Kaede? I don’t really see it. But Atua says you have decent taste. Good for you, Kaede.
The academy has mysterious miracles like this? This can only be a blessing from Atua.
Hmmm, is this your offering Kaede? This is a decent effort. Atua is watching your devotion closely.
Disliked Gifts:
Atua has spoken... Such an offering is unacceptable. Kaede, I think this offering will offend Atua. I know I’m certainly disappointed.
Hmm? What’s wrong, Kaede? Are you sad because you can’ hear Atua’s voice? It’s okay; I’ll tell you what He’s saying. You don’t need to worry about a thing. Oh, you can just throw that offering away.
Hated Gift(s):
Kaede... Atua will forgive you if you ask. Come, let’s pray together for His forgiveness. Or else...Atua will curse you for your next six lifetimes.
~Tsumugi Shirogane~
Loved Gifts:
What!? I can have this!? Really!? I mean...no one else here can even appreciate this like I can!
You’d give this...to me...? Thank you! Thank you so much! Those are the only words I can say!
Liked Gifts:
Oh, this...it’s from that one show, right? I knew it! Huh...? You don’t know what I’m talking about? Waaah! I must’ve misunderstood... I thought you know it, Kaede...
Huh, there was something like this here? Are you sure I can have it? Thanks, it was plain to see I was stressed, but this helped me calm down.
Neutral Gifts:
Umm...it seems out tastes just don’t match that well. Oh, I’m not ungrateful. Even between otaku, likes and dislikes can be completely different.
I know that you’re trying to say. This plain item’s good for plain old me. Just kidding... I know you didn’t mean that. It’s just a joke, okay?
Hmm...well, things like this aren’t bad. Do you like stuff like this, Kaede? Why did you choose it? I’m curious about other people’s tastes.
Disliked Gifts:
Sorry, but...I don’t have any good references for a weird thing like this. I’m just a plain, boring girl. You know that, right Kaede?
Umm...I don’t really get it. Why are you giving this to me? Fine then. This...means war. Is that what you wanted me to say?
Hated Gift(s):
Is this some sort of bad joke? I don’t know what to say... Sorry...I think I don’t feel well. I’m gonna go put some ice on my head, so can you give me some space?
Anyway, thanks for reading! I plan on doing more Danganronpa-related stuff in the future, primarily collecting the flavor text for all the free times when you initially talk to the characters.
That’ll take me awhile, though, so in the meantime I might actually get around to talking about things in v3 that I’ve been wanting to talk about but haven’t had much of a place to talk about. Like a post discussing character design in Danganronpa that I mentioned wanting to do somewhere in this chain of semi-organized information.
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skzsauce01 · 5 years
WOW, Jisung
Description: Jisung’s crush discovers a past he would rather hide.
Warning: None
Word count: 1769
Pairings: Han Jisung x fem!reader
WOW, Bang Chan / WOW, Changbin
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“Excuse me, Noona. Do you have a boyfriend?”
Jisung chokes on his water upon hearing those words escape from your normally sweet lips.
“W-what?” he stutters, still trying to recover from choking.
“What?” you return, feigning confusion.
“You just said something. What was it?”
“I didn’t say anything; I was just passing by.” You flutter your lashes at him innocently.
He wonders if you’re doing it on purpose-- if you know what effect it has on him.
“Oh, I just thought I heard something,” he mutters, turning away to hide his reddening features.
Sniffling a giggle, you leave the blonde to his imagination.
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He heard it. He’s pretty sure he hears it this time, the unmistakable melody of your laughter and Hyunjin singing “wooooow” in an all-too exaggerated manner. He walks into the room to find you cleaning up after finishing his bandmate’s makeup. His heart pangs a little upon seeing you smiling at each other, but the feelings all wash away when you turn towards him with that same curve on your lips.
“Jisung-oppa! You’re just in time. Have a seat!”
“It’s makeup time, ‘Jisung-oppa,’” Hyunjin teases while pushing past the younger’s shoulder.
He sits down in the chair, fairly certain the two of you know something he doesn’t. The fact that you’re wearing a grey jacket doesn’t escape him.
“What were the two of you talking about?” he questions.
You dab foundation onto his squirrely cheeks. “There’s a new movie coming out next week. He wanted to watch it together.”
“Really? It sounded like he was singing something.”
“Singing what?”
Jisung’s voice gets caught in his throat. One, because he would be exposing himself if he told you the title and you actually don’t know about it, and two, because you were leaning a little too close to put on his liner.
“Just... something...” he manages. “Are you really going to the movies with him?”
You’re glad he’s closing his eyes so he can’t see you laughing. “I am. Do you want to come?”
“Yes!” he exclaims too readily. His eyelids pop open in eagerness and you nearly jab his eyeball with eye shadow.
“Really? It’s a horror.”
“O-oh...” He slumps back into the back of the chair. “T-that’s fine. I like horror movies. Yeah, let’s go.”
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Jisung didn’t realize a movie outing consisted of not only you, him, and Hyunjin, but also a handful of staff and some other members. Of course it has to be like this; the group can’t handle a dating scandal quite yet.
Through a series of trades, the boy finally successfully got the ticket for the seat next to you. As he weaved through the aisle with a bucket of popcorn he hoped you guys could share, he spots you and Hyunjin wearing one ear of a earphone each and bobbing to some music as the two of you waited for the movie to start.
“What are you listening to?” he casually asks.
“3RACHA,” Hyunjin replies off-offhandedly.
“Oh, which song?”
The taller male mumbles something incoherent. Behind you, Jeongin reaches for Hyunjin’s phone and reads the title. The maknae breaks into a peal of laughter and whispers something into his leader’s ear.
“Ya! Hyunjin! What are you showing Y/N?” whines Chan.
“What is it? What are they listening to?” Jisung demands.
“Art.” “Ear poison.” “The best thing ever.” “Your demise.” 
Jisung glares at his members and is about to voice another complaint when a vampire jumps onto screen, effectively replacing his complaint with a scream. He feels you giving his shoulder a calming pat in the dark, and the boy looks down at his feet with burning embarrassment. Perhaps he shouldn’t have chosen this seat after all.
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To get Hyunjin to spill the beans on what he’s been showing you, Jisung finally loops you and his bandmates into a game of “Truth or Dare” with Wasabi being the punishment for chickens who flake out on their turn.
After a series of hard-fought rock-paper-scissors, Jisung gets to go first.
The male in question takes a swig of wasabi paste, earning him a few boos and teases.
Jisung is fuming at this point. It’s already been two weeks since his suspicions arose, and he needs answers. He turns his focus on you, knowing you have a notoriously low tolerance for spice. However, it seems like he isn’t the only one who has you in focus.
“Y/N, truth or dare?” prompts Hyunjin.
“Do you like someone? Like, like like.”
Jisung’s every sense heighten ten-fold.
You raise a brow at Hyunjin, knowing he already knows the answer. “Yes.”
A few ooh’s and ah’s fill the room. Jisung thought you stole a quick glance at him before answering, but he really isn’t sure about it this time.
After Felix put Changbin’s sock in his mouth, Chan confessed to stealing Felix’s sausage, Minho danced to “Barbie World,” and Jisung being forced to admit he isn’t actually as cool as he thinks, it’s finally the squirrel’s turn again.
“Y/N...” he begins feeling the name that he’s usually to shy to even think about roll smoothly off his tongue. “Truth or dare?”
You narrow your eyes at him, weighing your options. Jisung could feel your intense stare burning his skin and making him dizzy.
“I dare you to... um...”
All the members already knew of his little fancy and begin laughing.
“Kiss me,” suggests Felix.
“Seven minutes in heaven,” adds Minho.
Play the song you and Hyunjin were listening to at the theater, he wants to say. It has been his original goal after all. But something even more pressing seems to want to escape him.
“H-hug,” he utters.
“Hug?” the room repeats his incomplete thought.
“Hug the person you like!” he blurts, squeezing his body into a tight fetal position and feeling his soul escape him.
He could see your face fall at the command. Chan leans over to your ear and whispers something.
“I know,” you reply. Then you whisper something else back to him.
Jisung’s heart begins racing after catching the first part of what you said. It increases to a rate where he’s sure he would die any minute when you stand and walk towards him. 
But you don’t make it to him. Your feet stop two meters short. Instead, you crouch in the middle of the circle the boys form and uncap the tube of wasabi. A tear streams from your face as the foreign substance touches your pallet. Chan pats you on the back when you return to your seat, and you bury your head in your hands, visibly more upset than what wasabi should have cause.
The game ends soon after that due to it being midnight. Jisung never got his answers but it doesn’t seem to matter now that all he cares about is why you’re so down, especially after that dare.
He clutches your wrist as you try to pile out of the room with the rest of the boys.
“What’s wrong, Jisung-oppa?” You turn to face him with a half-hearted smile.
He gathers his confidence and hardens his stance. “You’re the only one who knows.”
“The song?”
“No, I don’t care about that anymore. What I do care about is why you’re so upset.”
He decides to take the gamble. “You told Chan you know why.”
Bulls-eye. You falter under his gaze, refusing to meet it with your own.
“How about this: I’ll tell you the song and you leave me alone.”
He runs to the door to block it as you try walking away. “I can’t leave you alone, Y/N. I like you too much to do that.”
You stop dead on your tracks at his vocalized confession.
“But you have to!” you exclaim. “It’ll ruin your career otherwise!”
“Is this what it’s about? Me being an idol? That’s why you never said anything even though you’ve known I liked you all this time. Then what about you? Tell me how you feel about me.”
“I won’t. I can’t,” you huff. “I think that game we just played is answer enough.”
He takes your hand again and pulls you into a hug. “It was, and that’s why I can’t just let you go anymore.” He guides your hand around his waist. “Come on, complete your dare. We’ll make this work somehow.”
You sniffle into his chest, still hesitant.
Jisung sighs and begins rapping softly, letting the vibrations in his chest calm you.
“Excuse me, Y/N, but do you have a boyfriend? A-ah, sorry, that must have been too direct Those guys behind me called you pretty N-no, I'm just nervous, so I'm rambling on I'm still an 18-year-old high schooler Honestly, the last thing you want is stubbornness Although I might be a nuisance I've been thinking about this for a long time My friends are making fun of me Stop for a moment and focus on your gaze Your entire aura is shining I'll focus on expressing my inexperienced heart My sweat keeps flowing and I'm getting goosebumps One comment gives me eighth grade syndrome She must have noticed, at first I was confident This isn't a joke Time shows that you reaction is probably my love potion.” He’s glad to hear your soft chuckles at the end of his verses.
“I can’t believe you did that,” you murmur.
“Well, what do you say? Date me?”
“But the company...”
“We’ll keep it between these walls. I know I’ll be asking you to endure a lot for me, but we can make this work. I’ll make it work. For you, I can make anything work.”
You sigh, giving into your feelings and his charming sincerity. With a tight squeeze around his waist, you nod. “Okay.”
Jisung returns the gesture and buries his face into your hair. He releases a sigh of relief and feels all the anxiety he has built up over everything and anything being freed from him as he melts into your arms.
Fireworks go off. And by fireworks I mean eight overly loud boys. 
“Finally!” screams Changbin.
Seungmin is seen grumbling while handing Jeongin a few bucks after probably losing a bet.
“Screw secrecy, go public so I can stop being shipped with this guy,” Minho suggests.
“Were you guys listening this whole time?” Jisung gasps.
“Duh,” Chan replies. “I can’t believe you actually sung ‘WOW’ though, mate.”
“I thought that was the song you guys were feeding to her behind my back, so I found it fitting.”
You laugh at his blushing cheeks, red from embarrassment and regret, and press a quick peck onto it. “It really was ‘WOW.’” 
~ ad.gold
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firelord-frowny · 4 years
wooooow so here’s a boring and not important but still kinda maybe a little bit interesting story about grocery store pandemic adventures.
So like. 
It’s 100% understandable that maybe grocery store peeps are having a much harder time than usual making sure everything goes as planned, so it makes sense that something like this would happen, but it’s just! Been a lil bit of a ride!
My fam has been ordering groceries for curbside pickup. So far, we’ve done this twice - once a couple weeks ago, and then again today. 
The way it works is ya order stuff online, and then select a pickup date. If between the time you ordered and the time you picked up certain items becam out-of-stock, there would be a lil notice on your receipt saying what items were removed from your order. 
So, we pick up our food. The guy says, according to my mom, “I think the receipt is in one of the bags.” Mommy is like “k, thanks, byeee” 
We get home and discover...  no receipt! 
Oh well, not the biggest deal in the world! It’s whatev!
So, I cleaned all the groceries and put them away, realizing in  the process that several items were missing. Also not a big deal - shit is in low supply, so we’ll just hopefully be able to get those items next time. So I went ahead and placed another order for the same items, and since there was a pickup slot open for tomorrow, I selected it, and figured we’d just call ahead to see if they could tell us whether or not the items were all available. 
But then I realize that since we don’t have the receipt telling us exactly what we did and didn’t receive, we weren’t even sure how much of our order was fulfilled, and we couldn’t confirm that we were only charged for the items we actually got. 
So I checked our lil online account...
and saw that it had today’s order listed as “pending pickup”! As in, it was still at the store!
But how could that be?? We picked it up! And it’s unlikely that it was an order mix up, because everything we did get was stuff that we did order. 
And not only that, but previously, we had been able to see online on the day of our pickup, which items were removed. There was no list indicating that anything was removed!
So I was like ohhhhh snap! That man said he “thinks the receipt is in one of the bags”... maybe he was right! And they just accidentally didn’t give us all the bags! 
So now we’re like oh damn! We already re-ordered the other stuff! Oops!
And also, if they did, indeed, forget to give us alll the bags, should we expect that they would have realized it and called us to let us know? We didn’t receive a call of that nature. But also, they’ve probably got sooooo much shit going on that they could have easily not realized that part of an order got left behind! 
Sooo tomorrow we’re gonna call and see if we can clear it up over the phone before heading to the store. Hopefully we can just cancel the extra order, and pick up the remaining items. Orrrrr if they didn’t actually charge us for the other shit in the first place, and they have the items in stock, we can go ahead and have the new order fulfilled. 
The end! That’s the story! There’s no point in me sharing this other than that it was, unfortunately, the most interesting part of my day that didn’t involve being on the computer!*
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Oc bullshittery pt.7
Bei: I trust flesh!
T.y: You think he knows what he's doing?
Bei: I'm not sure I'd go THAT far.
Rico: [Finds a crumpled up piece of paper] Hey, what’s this?
Quinncie: Oh, that’s my to-do list!
Rico: Wow, you’re being so productive, good for you, I never thought that–
Rico: [reads what on the list]
Rico: This only has my name on it...
T.y: What do you normally do when I’m gone?
Flesh: wait for you to come back...
Peach: why is Quinncie crying?
Elliott: He's drunk and saw a picture of Rico's boyfriend
T.y: But he is Rico's boyfriend
Elliott: Like I said, he's drunk
Quinncie: [crying on the floor in the fetal position]
Eva: [on day three of no sleep and forgetting to eat, looking completely dead inside] Self-care is for the WEAK!
Cake: [coughs]
Eva: [frantically swaddling her in blankets] We need an ambulance!!!
Flesh: [Talking about Eva] Don’t worry! She likes your butt and your fancy hair.
Cake: [As she runs her hand through her hair] She thinks it’s fancy?
Camie brown: Wait, you're gay? As in, gay...gay? As in, you like women?
Peak Lilly: I thought I was being...
Peak Lilly: Crystal queer
Bei: alright boys ready to g– Thomas where’s your vest?
Elliott: [smiling mischievously] yeah Thomas where’s your vest?
Diel: ...
Diel: about that..
Pimp: Quinncie, baby. How can I get back on your good side?
Quinncie: It’s gonna take about three weeks of not talking to me.
Peak Lilly: Why aren't the dishes in alphabetical order!?
Camie brown: WhAt thE FuCK dOeS thAT eVEn MEAn!?
Flesh: [being kidnapped] Will I need my toothbrush?
Kidnapper: Shut up!
Flesh: I'm assuming that means you'll be providing the toothbrush.
Bei: [on the TV] Boss won't get off your back? Girlfriend won't stop nagging you?
Bei: Did that fuckstick Eva sell you a bullshit dagger that broke almost immediately despite the fact that you spent half your goddamn savings on it?
Bei: Have you considered... murder?
My oc's as popular vines:
Quinncie: so no head?
T.y: what the Fuck is up Kyle?!
Peak Lilly: Look at all those chickens!
Flesh: Hi welcome to chilis
Chii: Fuck ya chicken strips!
Poppet: ThAtS My OpInIoN!!
Charlie: Chris is that a weed?!
Diel: what up I’m Jared, I’m 19, and I never fuckin learned how to read
Peach: Wooow
Bei: Ms Keisha? Ms Keishaaaa!? oh my fuckin god she fuckin dead!
Paston: Hi my name is Trey I have a basketball game tomorrow.
Camie brown: I wanna be a cowboy baby!
Elliott: Im a bad bitch you can’t kill me!!!
Flesh: [on the phone] dad? i need your help! Th–
Chii: is the apartment complex on fire?
Flesh: ...no?
Chii: then it’s not an emergency. [hangs up]
Dax: well?! what did he say? what do we do about the portal to hell in the living room?!
Flesh: [shrugs] apparently it’s not an emergency.
T.y: [being strangled by a demon] HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NOT AN EMERGENCY??
Diel: [muttering]
Bei: Diel what are you doing?
Diel: I’m having an argument with myself so I can finally win something for once.
Bei: would you mind not doing that right now? We need to be quite-
Diel: Well I actually would mind, because I’m losing right now.
Bei: How can you lose an argument to yourself?
Diel: the voices in my head decided to join in, and they’re making some pretty solid points on why I should just kill the bad guys and take their money.
Bei: well that’s........ mildly concerning...
Elliott: MILDLY????!?!!
Chii: In terms of instant relief canceling plans is like heroin.
Chii: I hope flesh liked the shirt I got him yesterday. Oh, he called.
Voice mail: You have 17 new messages.
Chii: What?!
Flesh: Hey dad, thanks for the Bazinga t-shirt it's… great. I was just calling because I might need a ride later tonight. T.y can’t drive and I ran iris's car into a ditch after we watched Fast Five on Netflix together.
Iris: You still owe me for that.
Flesh: Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Cars are really flammable, did you know that? I didn’t know that. Well, I do now.. but anyway I’ll call you later if we need a pick up from the show, alright?
T.y: [groans]
Flesh: t.y, you’re up! Talk to you later, dad!
Voice mail: End of Message.
Chii: I’m not listening to all of these.[skips to the last message]
Voice mail: Message 17.
[loud screaming of pure terror as a booming demonic roar pierces the air]
Rico: hey i used to b uglier believe it or not.
Camie brown: What is the worst thing you've done sexually?
Charlie: .... I'm not sure what I'd want to call a worst..
Peak Lilly: A man..
Coccoh: pppfffttttt!
Eva: Stay the fuck away from my man, I won’t tell you again!
T.y: BITCH! I don’t wan yo man. Nobody wants yo man. That’s why he’s wit you!
Peak Lilly: It was the 80s, we did a lot of drugs back in those days.
Bren: How could she even do drugs?! She's a fucking alien!
Camie brown: Your mother found a way.
T.y: [decks said cop]
Bei: why did you do that??????????
T.y: I am not emotionally involved in this situation!
Eva: i sleep with a bow and arrow under my bed.
Bei: oh yeah? i sleep with a gun under my pillow!
Ashton: weak! i sleep with a nanobotic suit ready to be equipped!
T.y: damn, you's all are paranoid as hell!
Eva: yeah? what do you sleep with?
T.y: Elliott.
Flesh: So how about a change of name?
Diel: You know, one that sounds marginally less like a porno than your current one!
Bei: [unsheathes sword]
Diel: [running away] You just had to open your mouth!
Flesh: [ducking under a blade swing] My mouth? My mouth?!! This is your fault!!!
Eva: [slides flip phone across floor] Fuck this and fuck you! You little spawn of Nokia!
Peach: I wonder why I don't like anything around my neck.
Poppet: maybe you were hung in a past life?
[heavy pause]
Eva: -and that's why I think God doesn't exist!
Cake: sorry sugar, I wasn't listenin'.
Eva: what, why?
Cake: look hun, I just really want a cupcake
Paston: wow, that jacket is so soft that if someone hugged you they'd die on impact. And I have a deathwish! So come here!
Quinncie: [singing to the tune of "We Just Got a Letter" from Blue's Clues] I just got a message, I just got a message, I just got a message, and it's from your man!
T.y: Bitches be like "You mine".
T.y: First off I'm on probation, "I" belong to the state.
Bei: I was so angry at everything when i was 13. And i was right.
Bei: [get assigned a mission out of the city]
Bei: [drives off]
T.y: [storms into the apartment]
Rico: [sorting files]
Flesh: [at the computer]
Iris: [sharpening knives]
T.y: ATTENTION SIMPLETONS! Bei has JUST left the building!
Iris: ....
Flesh: ....
Rico: ....
T.y: and guess who’s been deputized as sheriff of this complex!
Rico: [hesitantly raises hand]
T.y: M E! 
Rico: [hand goes down]
T.y: now [presses play on bluetooth speaker] work bitches!
[Work Bitch by Britney Spears echoing throughout the apartment]
Flesh: uuuughhhh not agaaaaain–
Iris: [putting on makeup]
Flesh: [watching]
Flesh: Why do you use so many brushes for makeup?
Iris: Was Mona Lisa painted with one brush? 
Iris: NO!
Bei: [walks into the kitchen]
Apartment complex 404 Fam: [eating breakfast]
Bei: just a reminder; it’s Throat Punch Thursday
Bei: [leaves]
T.y: [checks imaginary watch] damn, that time again already ?
Quinncie: I made a fool of myself today and I will make a fool of myself tomorrow. Good night!
Eva: the only two important Michaels; Jordan and Jackson.
Peach: [while pulling out Michael Myers mask] wooooow aight bet–
T.y: they kicked me outta church bc i yelled “fuck the devil!” I thought we all hated that motherfucker!?
Peak Lilly: You know, one day you could be a great dad!
Chii: I already am.
Peak Lilly: flesh doesn't count.
Chii: so, what did I miss?
Dax: flesh died twice.
Diel: my goal is not to be the best, but to inspire someone enough to one day surpass me.
Bei: you can’t just say that every time you fail a mission.
Iris: wow i need a drink.
Iris: [pours chocolate milk into a shot glass]
Flesh: I think your calculations might have been off.
Diel: Well, they can't be off if I didn't do any.
Iris: [to Elliott] You... you... you rude person!
Dax: Go easy on him, iris.
T.y: [comes downstairs to find bei up and about]
T.y: wow you sure are quite the night person..
Bei: buddy I’m barley even a person!
Bei: No one expects an angel to set the world on fire. But than again I'm no angel.
T.y: oh yea? Well apparently, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
T.y: [Points at flesh] But this one got ran over by a fuckin lawn mower!
Diel: I look like I'm supposed to be stalking senpai in this outfit.
Diel: Who's senpai? Hell if I know but I'm stalking him that's for sure.
Tag list: @nansblockit @ask-the-amazing-greenland @slasher-beware @ticket-to-ride13 @illwaitinthisplace
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