#i swear i didn´t force them all to play it. i would never spread my mental illness by making my friend read sacred and terrible air either.
barksbog · 3 months
lies i tell myself:
i´m normal about Disco Elysium and Sacred and Terrible Air
i can definetly cope with the future of Revachol and it´s population
i don´t loose it anytime someone claims the Pale is a metaphor for climate change or they didn´t care about it
i do not lie awake in bed at night feeling sick about the phrase "Linoleum Salesman"
My attachment to green and orange color schemes is purely aesthetic
I can go a day without saying "entertain the Cuno!!"
I will not paint a giant disco elysium communism mural on our house or tattoo it on my body
i can look at maybells and apricots they do not make me horribly sad
i will not build my own Locust City to honor the Cuno
I can have playlists that include no (0) tracks from the disco soundtrack
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laceymorganwrites · 3 years
Dear daughter, chapter 1
First year of middle school 
Summary: You are the daughter of the infamous leader of the Valkyries, an essentially feminist gang placed in Tokyo. After your mother dies you are left with her legacy that you fear you can´t hold up. This is your journey. From middle school to adult life. A story of a girl forced to grow up too fast, finding comfort and belonging in her mother´s world. 
Word count: 1,582
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death and blood, MANGA SPOILERS IN LIKE EVERY CHAPTER OF THIS
Pairing: none yet^^
Taglist: open
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Your mom was your hero. Ever since you could remember she was the shining light that guided you through life. Always holding out her hand to you but never forcing you to take it.
You were a free child but your mom was always there for you, even with everything going on, with all of her responsibilities as the leader of the Valkyries, even as a feared gang leader, she was always there for you. She always made time for you.
To you she was the coolest person ever.
Every morning she´d walk you to school, even when you started middle school. To most it would have been embarrassing but to you, who had no friends, it was the best part of the day.
Eating breakfast with her, talking about your day … her laugh still rang in your ears.
Her waving goodbye to you before going to work herself. Your days at school were quite unspectacular, well in elementary school that was. You never really made any friends, preferring to stay to yourself. Everything changed in middle school though.
People started talking to you and you let them, happily telling your mom that you made friends in the evening when you ate dinner together.
She would always help you with homework when she had time and when she couldn´t make it home in time she always had dinner prepared for you and already packed your school bag, as well as have sent you a good night message on the telephone.
Your mother was the best there was in your opinion, she loved you and you loved her, she always took care of you, always listened and without her, things wouldn´t have been as easy.
No, without her you wouldn´t even go to school, you wouldn´t care, you´d just hang around with people that weren´t good for you.
If there was one thing your mother taught you it was to choose your friends carefully, because people were selfish and would sell you out the second they would get something out of it. She taught you that you should always be wary and not trust too easily but also cherish the friends you made, not giving them a reason to leave.
Standing up for each other, making meaningful friendships, that´s what you wanted to do. You wanted to be just like your mother.
You wished you had more time with her.
Dead in a drive by shooting. It just wasn´t fair.
She just wanted to get groceries, the store was about five minutes away from you. You lived next to a street but she was walking, it was just supposed to be a quick trip. She was supposed to be back in half an hour.
But she never came back.
When you heard the shots you rushed outside even though you knew better. Your mom told you when there were scary noises you should hide under your bed or lock yourself in the bathroom.
But your legs moved on their own.
The guys who killed her were about 17, you didn´t know where they got the gun but they were just as freaked out as you were, hurriedly driving away again. They would resolve their little gang infighting someplace else. Besides, now there was a victim, they couldn´t let the police find them.
She just wanted to get groceries… why was she lying dead before your very eyes? Blood sprawling from underneath her and her face so pale?
You sunk to your knees and screamed, you screamed until your lungs hurt, until your throat was on fire, you screamed even after no sound came out.
Your neighbors have already called the police who arrived shortly after. You couldn´t remember much from their questioning, just that you didn´t talk much. You didn´t know how the guys who did it looked, just that they got away.
The only thing you remembered was being taken to the police station and people talking about where to put you now. Your dad died before your birth, another gang incident. Your neighbors liked your mom and you, they didn´t know anything about her being a gang leader.
Some corrupt police officers knew about her, some even helped her out. Which is why they knew you too and allowed the girls from your mom´s gang to take care of you from now on, however legal custody went to your aunt. Well not that it mattered anyway, she was also part of the former gang.
The way back home, collecting all your things to the way to your new home… it was all a blur. You were exhausted but couldn´t sleep.
The women gave you time until you got used to everything.
It took you a week to gather your thoughts. You couldn´t keep staying home, you wanted to go to school and graduate. That has been her biggest wish for you. You wanted to make her proud of you.
That was the least you could do.
You were lucky getting all the support from the women, they were very kind and understanding, never forcing you to talk but always being there to listen.
Their bonds were something you envied. You also wanted to have friends like that someday.
You wondered if anyone would even talk to you if you got back to school.
It was the first time you walked to school alone, it was the second week of middle school, word about your mother spread fast and people started avoiding you. You sat alone again, the people who talked to you before now didn´t even look at you anymore.
The teachers all came to you, wishing you their condolences and saying that they would give you special treatment.
Oh how pretentious it all was. You didn´t want special treatment or any attention on you, you just wanted to be left alone.
It was around this time that you met Mikey. He was a kid you envied, he had friends and they seemed to have lots of fun. Every time you saw them they were laughing together.
Must be nice, you thought to yourself.
But then again it was your fault for being so closed off. You decided to change that. Not only focusing on school work anymore, you also looked for other lonely people like you in the breaks.
The next week you had your own friend group, made up of the ones nobody wanted to talk to or play with. Screw the rest, as long as you had each other nothing could go wrong.
You were invited to their houses and ate with their families, you did your homework with them and played chase after school.
It was like your childhood was back to normal, it was like every child should grow up however your mom was still missing. And she always would. That was just the harsh and cruel reality.
But you would deal with it. You would be strong just like her. You never saw her cry even once, even after you knew that your dad died way before you were born. She had been through so much as well, the full extent wasn´t known to you just yet but that was why she was your hero.
She was like a wall, protecting you from the world, your biggest role model.
One day you were assigned project partners, that was when you first came into real contact with Mikey.
He invited you to his and there you also met his brother. From the get go you could tell that Mikey admired him, just like you did your mom.
Maybe he wasn´t so far away as you thought after all. He was just a kid like you, chasing his brother´s dreams and legacy just like you did with your mother.
Mikey was nice to you, smiling and doing your project together with you instead of letting you do all the work and riding with his guys like you thought he would.
Maybe not all people were bad, maybe not everyone was like they seemed.
You liked that he had a spark in his eyes, something that was clearly missing from yours.
“You should play with us sometime, I can introduce you to my friends tomorrow” he smiled and you said you were looking forward to it. You would bring your friends as well.
So you decided to play soccer together the next day. It was nice. Making plans and friends, enjoying life. This was how it was supposed to be.
“You´re her daughter, aren´t you?” Shinichiro asked you as you were about to leave. You were confused but also hopeful. He knew your mom?
That night you stayed over at Mikey´s house and learned a bit more about your mom´s business.
The Black Dragons were affiliated with the Valkyries, helping each other out and learning a lot from the organization that was senior to theirs.
He didn´t tell you everything, telling you to ask the other former gang members about the past and history of the organization since it wasn´t his place.
“I really looked up to her, you know? Your mom was amazing… she´s the kind of delinquent that I want to be. Fighting for justice and being free.” he had a longing tone in his voice and Mikey listened attentively as well.
He loved hearing the stories his brother told him and you could understand why. Shinichiro was amazing too. You felt welcome at their home, it was nice knowing more people understood.
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hockeywhhores · 4 years
outlaw- m. tkachuk
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Matthew Tkachuk x f!Reader
warnings~ swearing, miscommunications, alcohol consumption 
summary~ The wags don’t really like you, what happens when they decide to stir shit up? 
genre~ pre-established relationship, angst 
word count~ 3K
Valentine’s week masterlist
main masterlist 
remember that this is all fiction! I don’t think any of them would actually act like this! 
Matthew knew of the reputation that preceded him. His nickname was Chucky, for god’s sake. Having such an evil reputation never bugged him off the ice until he met you. You never made him feel bad for the way he acted, in fact you were always defending him. Social media was not kind to him, and when you started dating him, social media also turned on you. Nasty tweets were always being thrown your way, but you just let it all roll off your shoulders. Your stubbornness always drew in Matthew. He loved how you didn’t take shit from anyone. Yet it messed with him, because he knew you were only taking all this shit because of him.
“Babe, I’m done getting ready!” you hollered from down the hall. Effectively pulling Matthew from his thoughts while he was semi-watching some sports channel. He heard your heels on the hardwood floor first, then he saw the mini sparkly black dress you were wearing. The dress was something you bought a couple months ago, but it still took his breath away whenever he saw it. It hugged you in all the right places, and the neckline plunged perfectly, catching the roundness of your boobs. “Close your mouth or you’ll catch flies.” He gaped at you like a fish, and you just laughed.
“You look gorgeous.” Matthew finally found words, but still didn’t think they were strong enough.
“You look handsome as always.” you smirked back, looking him up and down. Matthew was wearing a black t-shirt that captured how big his arm muscles were. His jeans also made his ass look great.
“How did I ever get you?” he rhetorically asked. You just shrugged and then grabbed his hand, dragging him out of the house. He locked the door, and you went down the elevator and to his car. The drive was perfectly fine with the radio station playing all the right songs with little ads.
The flames had their longest rest period of the season, so a lot of the guys were out tonight with their wives. You talked with one wife, before making your way to the actual bar. Matthew had made it up there before you and had already ordered. They served your drinks to you quickly. Then you dragged Matthew to the dance floor. You were moving your body against his, and just having a good time. Dancing like that for a couple more songs before you had to go to the bathroom. You tried to make your trip to the bathroom quick, but slowed when you heard some wag. The voice sounded like Katie’s, talking about you and Matthew. You kept hidden in the stall, trying to hear everything before you showed yourself.
“I don’t get what they see in each other.” Katie’s high-pitched voice was bouncing off the walls. “I mean, she looks like a slut, and he has some major anger issues.”
“I know right, did you see the dress she was wearing?” the second voice sounded like Jessica’s. “And how she was dancing on him. Doesn’t she know he is just going to leave her? I bet they will only last one more month, and then they are done.”
“With his track record, give it another week and he will be onto the next girl that will spread her legs for him.” Katie’s voice sounded off. You were sick of hearing what they were saying and showed yourself. You stepped out of the stall, and their heads snapped in your direction. You just smiled too sweetly and went to wash your hands.
“I would suggest you make sure you’re alone before you talk shit about other people.” You happily informed them.
“Why should we? You know we’re right. You just can’t admit to yourself. Matthew will never change his fuckboy ways for a girl like you.” Jessica was the brave one and spoke on her and Katie’s behalf.
“I’m not trying to change him, because he doesn’t need changed. So I suggest you shut your mouths, or at least know what you are talking about before speaking.” you walked out before they could say anything else. You went back over to Matthew, who was now sitting at the table talking with his teammates. You waved at him, and whoever he was talking to, then went to the bar to get something stronger. The bartender served you the shots you ordered, and then you went to go sit with Matthew. You would not let them ruin your night. Johnny talked with you, while Matthew continued his conversations with Mark.
“This season is getting crazy! It feels as if we have no rest time.” Johnny confessed to you. You nodded your head in agreement.
“It feels like that, because it is. You get like half a night to rest, before another practice or game.” you agreed with him.
“Hey, Isn’t that Chucky’s ex?” You heard Katie asked. You didn’t even realize that she was back at the table. Nevertheless, Matthew’s ex, Kelcie, was at the bar talking with the bartender. With her showing up and the conversation you had with them in the bathroom, you suspected them of inviting her. Matthew’s head snapped towards the bar, and you felt yourself stiffen. You had no hard feelings towards Kelcie. She was actually really nice to you whenever you had previously talked.  
“Let's invite her over.” you suggested. Matthew was the one to stiffen at your suggestion. “Hey! Kelcie! Come sit with us!” you hollered at her. She heard you and came over. “How are you?” you asked in a sickly sweet tone. Patting the chair next to you, showing for her to sit down.
“I’ve been doing well. How is everyone else? The season looked good, but I bet you are all ready for the offseason.” Kelcie politely sat down.
“I’ve heard you kept busy, Kelcie.” Katie was the one to speak up in the awkwardness. “Does last Saturday ring a bell?”
“No. Last Saturday didn't ring a bell.” Kelcie looked genuinely confused.
“I heard you and Matthew had a nice dinner together.” Katie insisted. You felt Matthew to go stiff as a board, and you knew it was true. You quirked up your eyebrow, showing your interest in the conversation.
“We just had dinner and a glass of wine.” Kelcie quickly threw out. You looked back at Matthew sitting on your other side. He was already looking at you with guilty eyes.
“If you say it was just dinner, I believe you.” you concluded. “Sorry Katie, if you want me gone, you are going to have to try a lot harder.” If it was just dinner, then Matthew wouldn’t have lied about who he was having dinner with, but you would not let Katie win.
“I think we better get going, y/n” Matthew grabbed the back of your arm, pulling you out of your seat.
“Bye everyone! Kelcie, we need to grab some lunch soon!” You shouted out before Matthew could get you far enough away. “Why are we leaving, Chucky?” you asked, your voice as sharp as a knife. He just led you to the car. “If it was just dinner you didn’t have to lie to me.” you mumbled out.
Matthew was silent throughout the entire drive. The radio wasn’t even playing, and you were getting increasingly more worried. Why wasn’t he answering you? You were never so happy to see his apartment complex. No one said anything until you made it inside his apartment.
“Matthew, you have to fucking talk to me.” you finally got out. He now has no reason not to talk. “I thought you were going to stop fucking around. Please tell me you have.” you pleaded with him, tearing welling up in your eyes.
“I stopped fucking around.” Matthew finally answered you. “I can’t tell you why I was going to dinner with her right now. I just need your trust.”
“You need my trust? You do not have the most trustworthy reputation. Why can’t you just tell me?” you were now letting the tears fully fall.
“I just can’t tell you right now.” Matthew signed out.
“I think I need to be alone tonight.” you sadly huffed out.
“Please don’t leave. I just need some time.” Matthew now was the one pleading with you.
“I just need some time, Matthew. I need tonight to myself. Now I am going to take an Uber, and you will not show up at my apartment, until I can get my head together.” you explained. “I was happily proving all the wags wrong, and then you throw this shit at me.” Matthew nodded in understanding, and you got the notification the car you ordered was ready out front. You left with a ‘see you later.’ Not being in the talking mood and your driver understanding that, you kept to just listening to the radio.
You were exhausted when you opened the door to your apartment. It was cold inside and felt slightly foreign. You hadn’t been there in at least a week, choosing to just stay at Matthew’s. Quickly getting ready for bed, you didn’t waste any time getting into your queen sized bed. You didn’t sleep well at all. You missed Matthew’s cuddles and getting warm from his body heat. You even missed having something to wake up to, besides an empty bed. Tossing and turning you decided you should check your phone since putting it on do not disturb. You had a couple social media notifications, and some text from Johnny, Mark, and even Kelcie.
“It really was just dinner.” Kelcie had texted you.
“Matthew loves you, he is always telling us so. Please, just trust him.” Mark’s message read.
“I don’t know what the fuck happened tonight, but I am so sorry for the way the girls treated you. Matthew loves you. Just hear him out.” Johnny’s message was the last one you read.
Bursting out in tears, you couldn’t believe what happened tonight. You did nothing wrong to the wives. Why did they hate you? You ended up crying yourself to sleep and woke up way past noon. The sun was already set high in the sky, and you have to force yourself out of your bed. Making yourself ‘breakfast’ and turning on the TV. You were skipping through channels, stopping when you saw Matthew doing a pre-game interview on Sportsnet. The Flames had an early, one time game against the Oilers, and then they were off to Montréal to play the Canadians. You honestly didn’t know if you were going to talk to him before he left.
Deciding to go against your brain, you sent him a quick ‘good luck’ text before shutting your phone back off. You had some work to do, and just let the game go on in the background. Cleaning your kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom, before working on some spreadsheets you had taken home from work. You didn’t check your phone for the rest of the day, staying busy with work. The Flames ended up winning, and you got the horn sound through your TV. You still smiled when the camera zoomed into Matthew hugging his teammates.
When you turned your phone on the following day, you went out of your way to avoid all text messages from anyone that was associated with the Flames or Matthew. You just wanted to get through work and come home to have a bubble bath with some wine. And you did just that. You tried not to take too many breaks at work, because when you did all you could think about was Matthew. When you made it home and got into that bubble bath you’ve been dreaming of all day, you couldn’t help and think about how Matthew would hold you as you both bathed together. You pushed all those thoughts away, and slipped into the bath, letting the warmth of the water comfort you. You went to bed early and only ever looked at your messages when you needed to text one of your coworkers.
The next day was like Groundhog Day, where Billy Murray’s days repeated. You felt like a zombie. Work went as normal and you even got done early and could head back to your apartment an hour early. This was the last series of hockey games for the season. The Flames weren’t going into the offseason, but you were still proud of Matthew, anyway. You quickly texted Matthew a quick ‘good luck.’ He always said that was his good luck charm. Saying that he just plays better after getting that text. And who were you to mess up his game? You didn’t read any of the text he had sent you and watched the pre-game interviews. You weren’t paying too much attention until Matthew’s voice came out of your speakers.
“We have Matthew Tkachuk with us!” the reporter excitedly cheered out. “How are you doing, Matthew?”
“I’m doing fine, how about you guys?” Matthew answered back.
“We are doing alright! What are you doing to get ready for this game?” the reporter was just asking him generic questions.
“Well, I’m just doing everything I usually do.” Matthew seemed a little uninterested, but kept the interview going.
“Do you have anything planned for the offseason?” This question sparked your interest.
“Yeah, I hope to be spending it with my beautiful girlfriend.” Matthew conceded. The interview was over quickly, and you couldn’t stop thinking about Matthew. You did really miss him. The Flames schedule was two games back to back, a rest day, and then the last game. Matthew had told you before that they were planning on flying home right after the last game.
The days were separated by how you spent your night. One night you went out to dinner with a coworker, another night you spent going to the movies alone, and the other two were spent trying new dinners recipes. When you tried the new red pepper pasta dish, you caught yourself thinking about how Matthew would like it, and how you should make it for him sometime. After you couldn’t get him off your mind, you spent the night crying about how much you missed Matthew. Without thinking, you checked the messages Matthew had previously sent you:
I love you.
Please don’t leave me.
Would you be willing to meet with me at my apartment tomorrow night? I have something I need to confess.
Nothing bad, I promise.
I really love you.
My mom misses you, and I do too.
You chuckled a bit at the last text. Before you could chicken out, you texted Matthew saying that you would go to his apartment after work. He answered back quickly, saying how he missed you and couldn’t wait to come clean. You didn’t sleep too well that night. Your brain was just stuck thinking about what Matthew could have to tell you.
The morning came too soon, and so did your alarm. You thought about calling in sick, but thought better of it. The morning was the same as any other, and you went to your plain-old job. Today your boss swamped you with work, meaning you would have to work a little later than you had planned. You rushed over to Matthew’s after you finished your last spreadsheet. You were definitely driving over the speed limit in some zones, but you just wanted to get to Matthew’s apartment. When you came to his door, you didn’t know if to knock or not. You haven’t knocked on his door in what felt like forever. You thought it would be better to knock, and Matthew opened the door in record time. “Sorry I got caught up at work.”
“No, you're right in time. I just finished making some dinner.” Matthew waved you off.
“You made dinner? Oh, no.” you chirped him, and he laughed. It felt good to hear him laugh.
Dinner was fantastic. He made chicken with some vegetables on the side. Conversation was easy between you guys; it always has been. Matthew told you stories of what happened during the road trip, and you told him what you have been up to.
After eating, Matthew became really serious. “Give me a minute, and I’ll explain everything.” After that, he left the dining room and went to his bedroom. You had moved into the living room and waited patiently for him to come back. When he did, he asked you to turn around, and you followed his directions. “Turn around.” he whispered.
Matthew was on one knee, with a ring box open in his hands, “Will you marry me?”
“I need some answers before I can give you an answer.” you admitted.
“I’ll tell you everything.” Matthew begged.
“Why did you lie about having dinner with Kelcie?” you questioned
“She was helping me plan a more romantic proposal, but I kinda ruined the plan.” Matthew explained. “Nothing ever happened between us. I lied because I didn’t want you to ask why I was going to see her. I just wanted things to be perfect.”
“Why wouldn’t you tell me?” you asked.
“I wanted to wait until after the season where we could have some time to ourselves.” he explained.
“Ask me again.” you demanded.
“Ask you what?”
“Ask me to marry you again, Doofus.” you chuckled.
“Oh, um. Will you marry me y/n?” Matthew questioned nervously.
“Yes!” you gladly said. Matthew sprung up and slid the diamond ring on to your finger. You kissed him passionately.
“You don’t know how excited my mom is going to be.” Matthew sighed. “She loves you. I think she almost flew out, when I told her what I did.” You just chuckled.
“I love you, Matthew, but never fucking do that to me again.” you said.
“I promise to never do that to you again. You stole my heart, future Mrs. Tkachuk.” Matthew whispered in your ear. The night turned out better than you expected. You couldn’t be more excited to show your ring to everyone, knowing the love of your life was right there beside you.
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mariamermaid · 4 years
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Young Sirius Black x fem Potter!Reader
Summary:  When puberty suddenly hits you and your brother´s best friend realizes his interest in you
Words: 3.8k
Warnings: drinking underaged, mentions of smoking, swearing
A/N: Inspired by Anne-Marie´s song, but not really following the lyrics
 It happened from your summer break to your fifth year in Hogwarts, for your brother James it was his sixth year.
It was, what you would call the perfect summer; You had spent it with your friend Sarah in Spain, her family owned a stunning little cottage near Barcelona. The golden beach and the hot sun brought you back with a stunning tan and even a few freckles decorated your face now. Due to many trips to the mountains and the regular exercise of swimming, playing beachball and evenings dancing on the streets beneath moonlight, you had toned up and lost some body fat. A late, maybe even a drunk decision to get a new haircut and the obsessive amount of the new clothes, that completely reinvented your sense of fashion.
The time abroad away from your family felt like a gasp of freedom to you. You loved your parents and even your brother James, if he wasn´t annoying you, dearly, but that summer you felt grown-up and independent. You found new assets, hobbies, interests and confidence to further follow them. You hadn´t planned it, but your glow up transformation was born.
You came back just a few days before school was starting and somehow, you even looked forward to it. A new found motivation to become the best version of yourself pushed you to new limits. Not even the fact that Sirius Black had moved in with your family, could shatter your positive attitude.
 “Mom, where did Dad put my luggage, I brought a few souvenirs I wanted to give you!”, you asked while looking through your backpack for a hair tie. Your mother, who had already settled back in the kitchen, her natural habitat, to get some iced tea, shrugged.
“I don´t know, darling, didn´t he put them in your room already?”
Nevertheless, it felt good to be home again.
Your father entered the dining and kitchen area from outside, a suitcase of yours in each of his hands. Just as he was about to call your brother for help, James jumped down the staircase and patted your father on the shoulder. “In a second, dad?”
James, who always had been taller than you, eyed your astonished. “Who is that girl in our home? Is that even my sister anymore?” You chuckled as he gave you a quick hug.
“Shut up James, you´re just jealous that you´re still pale like a snow owl!”
While the two of you started your casual process of sibling bickering, Sirius carefully stepped down the stairs as well. From the back, he observed your figure.
All those years, you had been James´s sister or the younger Potter, but for the first time, you didn´t perish next to James. Actually, you overshone him. James, who was athletic due to the Quidditch practice, still had a crooked and flabby posture. It didn´t help that he was used to swagger through the halls of Hogwarts. But you? You remained with your head held high, your shoulders relaxed and your tanned skin freshly glowing.
You turned to find Sirius starring at you; you couldn´t point his look, but you gave him a polite, regardless smile. “Sirius”, you greeted him. Your voice wasn´t rude or cold, still it didn´t match the voice you´d use to talk to James. “Or should I call you brother number two?”
A painfully small grin was brought to his lips. Over the course of years, the two of you barely exchanged words. But yet, you were a constant part of his life. Yes, he had spent many Christmas holidays with your family. He most definitely spent more time with James than you. You were his best friend’s sister, right?
But why did it suddenly bother him, that you called him brother?
“Y/n, Sirius is staying in the guest room from now on. We didn´t use the room anyway, did we?”
The Potter residency had an altogether combined number of four floors; the basement with storage and washing area. The main floor with kitchen, dining and living room, leading to the outdoor terrace and garden and your parent´s bedroom. The second floor with James´s bedroom, your father´s study room and of course, the guest bedroom, which now belonged to Sirius. Last but not least the attic, which was renovated to your room. A point which had caused James and you to argue for several years; the attic was an amazing room and much larger than other bedrooms in the house. James lost the argument due to very weak points. To quote your mother, James spent more time outside doing mischief than actually staying in his room.
You were more relieved than ever to have not only your own room, but basically your own floor. You didn´t mind Sirius, but you needed your space and you didn´t wanted to be involved with their pranks.
“James, help me with my suitcase, will you?” You exclaimed, but your brother already made his way to the kitchen. By his moving pattern, you knew he was up to no good.
“Mom, don´t you and Dad usually spent the weekend at Cindy´s?” You couldn´t help but rolling your eyes at his comment. The last weekend before school begins; James´s house party.
Your parents knew he´d like to bring friends over at that weekend, they didn´t know about half of the school coming and the amount of beer and fire whisky.
“James?” You sighed, but your brother was pursuing his own goals.
“I´ll help you”, Sirius suddenly spoke up and hurried next to you. He took the suitcases without much effort and immediately started carrying them upstairs. On the stairs, you passed the Black boy to open the door to your room for him. Sirius noticed your swift movement and was reminded of James playing Quidditch. Clearly you both inherited that gene. Sirius put down the luggage and couldn´t help but eye your room with growing eyes. The high wooden ceiling, which was decorated with fairy lights and pictures and painting on the walls. You had a secret talent to be good at drawing and detailed sketches of plants, you had learned about in school, hung over your desk. Pictures of you and James at the age of toddlers and family portraits from Christmas. In one of them was even Sirius. You realized how he didn´t leave your room and eyed him warry as he starred at the pictures.
“I´ve never been to your room.”
“Don´t get used to it.” You heaved your suitcase up on your bed to start the sorting out process and Sirius turned away from the pictures, raising his eyebrow. “It´s my room.”
His eyes glided over the silk sheets of your bed and he couldn´t help but wonder, how you looked when waking up in the morning by rays of sunshine falling through the windows. Have you watched him playing Quidditch with James from those windows? Ever so slightly he shook his head to get rid of that thought. You´re James´s sister, he reminded himself.
There weren´t really rumors about you in school, unlike James´s reputation. But there was one thing Sirius knew all too well; you were not to mess with. What your brother inherited in talent, was put together with an almost deadly preciseness. He saw you battling a student in his year once, you won without even breaking a sweat.
“The new hair suits you”, he suddenly added before leaving your room and closing the door behind him. Your mother had pin pointed every single detail that had changed about you, but you´d never guessed that heartbreaker Sirius Black would comment on it…
 James Potter was awfully good at talking people into doing what he desired. And James Potter desired a more memorable house party each year, thanks his ego. Previously, you had spent the weekend at Sarah´s, but after an entire summer, you were left home as well. Against your own anticipation, you didn´t mind. Was it the fact, that you had partied and danced more the entire summer than anyone could imagine? Maybe.
“Y/n, you look out for James, don´t let him do stupid things!” Like a house party? Lingered on your tongue, but you smiled bitter sweet. “It´s hard to look out for somebody as stupid as James.”
Your mother wrinkled her eyebrows, but your dad let out a laughing grunt. “They´ll be fine”, he reassured your mother, before kissing you on top of your head and heading out.
“It´s hard to look out for somebody as stupid as James”, James voice filled the air while he imitated you. He and Sirius came down to the living room, a box of somewhat decorations in their hands.
James was everything but stupid, even though there were times, where you questioned his IQ. He took out old wine bottles with candles in them and packed away your mom´s favorite cutlery and vase. One thing less to worry.
“Tell me, Y/n, do the Spain kiss good?” He continued to mock you.
“Better than the British”, you answered sweetly. A sour taste spread in Sirius mouth, but James pressed his jaw together. He hadn´t expected the answer from you, his sweet innocent little sister.
“Should I worry about you tonight?” He asked a little more serious now, but you ruffled through his precious locks. “Why? Afraid I´ll crash your party?”
“Who are you and what have you done to my baby sister?” He yelled after you, while you left the room to go upstairs, chuckling.
The marauders were first to arrive; Moony, Wormtail and obviously Padfoot and Prongs himself. Remus also brought Lily Evans, your brother´s secret, not so secretly girlfriend. You watched as they arrived one by one from the window at your desk. The golden boy and his gang, all complete.
The past few days, you had taken your time to do whatever you pleased. Your mother didn´t force any of you to have breakfast or lunch together, due to the fact that you all had different sleeping patterns. You had spent it at your desk, getting ready for school, journaling about your holidays, sorting out pictures and old clothes. In the garden helping your mother put together bouquets of flowers or riding your bike around your favorite trails and sceneries. Really you hadn´t seen much of your brother or Sirius.
You took your time getting ready, the Marauder´s already starting off with drinking. You had invited Sarah and when you saw her and her older sister, who was in James´s year, arriving, you finally made your way downstairs. James, Sirius and Remus were grouped around the kitchen aisle, debating sport games with three more guys from Gryffindor. Matt Atkins, Hogwarts second bad boy after Sirius, eyes suddenly grew big as he ran dry. His remarkably sharp jaw fell down and his mouth open. “Who is she?”
You casually strolled down the stairs, even wearing some strapped heels together with a new dress from Spain. A rather hard punch let Matt yelp, James annoyed eyes bringing him to his knees. “That´s my sister”, he muttered with his teeth grinding.
The golden boy was about to be pushed from his throne by his own sister.
You gave the group of boys a knowing smirk before welcoming Sarah, who was glowing with the same tan as you. “Seems like Spain has been muy beneficioso per nos.”
Your laughter filled the air, as not only the marauder but also several other male creatures watched the two of you chat. “How´s Gabriel?” You asked her instead and Sarah blushed. Her apparent summer fling had made it clear, that his feelings were a little stronger than just a fling.
“He wrote me a letter with a poem”, she blushed. Before continuing the topic, a boy joined the two of you. “Ladies, can I get you something to drink?”
James was quick to appear next to you, a sudden wave of protectiveness had overcome him. “She´s my sister and she doesn´t drink.”
“Yes, yes she does.”
Lily, who had joined her boyfriend, snickered at your response. James watched you wide eyed, as did the boy, walking to the kitchen with Sarah after dropping the comment; “Not from you though.”
Sirius, who´s blood alcohol level was already high enough, started smirking as you approached. The feelings he had pushed back and buried, arose in him.
“Y/n, care for a drink?” “Yes, Black, I do.”
As he fished two cups for you and Sarah, the group starred at you. Matt Atkins was first to speak up again. His initial shock about Sirius approaching you, was put back after he remembered that he lived with you and James now. Remus and Peter watched the scene, secretly exchanging a bet of how quickly you would decline Atkins.
“So, Y/n, tell me how was Spain?”
You leaned on the counter top, a trick that had earned you free drinks in bars before, and smiled.
Sirius passed you the cups and you nodded thanking. His senses tingled, an explosion rushing through his veins. He wasn´t to construe it the past few days, but drunk words are sober thoughts and Sirius´s attraction towards you, grew with each second. Peter slid the money to Remus, Matt Atkins had no chance.
The party continued into the evening and quickly into the night. You were sure that at least 50 people were there, with a few outside maybe more. James, who didn´t enjoy himself as much as he´d like to, was also too stubborn to admit it. You didn´t like how he watched, almost babysitted you, lingering ready to scare away any potential boy flirting. It was until Lily finally swept in and took his mind off you.
Outside remained a small bonfire, which was coming to an end, but you still decided to catch some fresh air. You had more cups than your brother knew about, but he was kissing Lily in the corner and didn´t realize your slight staggering.
James wasn´t stupid, but stupid enough to completely miss the fact that his own best friend was falling in love with you. And he was following you outside.
“Y/n Potter, you surprise me.” Sirius voice was low and a little rough, which was explained as he pulled out a cigarette. You took another sip of who knew what mixture and smiled innocently at him. “Why´s that, Black?”
You never called him Black before, until this summer. An unconscious defense mechanism.
It had taken Sirius five days after your initial arrival to realize that he´d liked you way more than he should and now there was no turning back. He was acting on pure instinct now and so did you. But your instinct told you, that Sirius Black was a heartbreaker.
“What do want, Black?” You asked whispering as he slowly came closer, his hand reaching up to tuck back strands of your hair. This was dangerous, but you liked playing with fire. “You.”
Your laugh was bitter.
“We're nothing more than friends. You're not my lover, more like a brother. I´ve known you since we were like ten.”
You left him behind in the approaching cold from the night and the dying fire. Sirius cursed at himself and ruffled through his hand. “Fuck!”
How could he have been so stupid? You were his best friend´s sister! You were James´s sister! Of course, you didn´t see him in any romantic way and now he not only embarrassed himself to the bone, but probably ruined any kind of friendship with you. He threw the leftover cigarette into the fire, there was only one solution left; alcohol.
 Don't mess it up, talking that shit
Only gonna push me away, that's it!
When you say you love me, that make me crazy
Here we go again
 Sirius Black was astonishing good in hiding feelings and even better at drowning them. At least for the next hour or so. That was until the music box suddenly played a Spanish song with a typical reggae beat and laughing, you pulled Sarah onto the dancefloor in the middle of the living room. Oh, how you had learned to swing your hips at the rhythm.
James was burning in fury and he wanted to punch every single pair of eyes laying on your figure. Luckily, he couldn´t and much too quick for your dismay, the song ended. The room echoed in applause and howlers, and giggling you left the stage with Sarah. The two of you were used to being drunk together and lazily you found your seat on the bathroom floor.
“James isss going to kill youuuu”, Sarah laughed as she not so gracefully, kneeled onto the floor. It didn´t help that after you sat down at the brim of the bathtub, fell over crackling.
“Oh my god!” Sarah suddenly exclaimed startled. You leaned forward surprised, legs still hanging over the brim. “What?”
“We don´t have anything to drink anymoreeee! I´ll be back in a second, just stay here!”
You leaned back, head against the wall, softly humming in response. “I don´t even think I´m able to leave, I´ll wait!” For a few seconds, you closed your eyes; enjoying the buzz of the liquor and the music in the background. You heard the door open and close again.
“Merlin Sarah, you´re flying when it comes to-.“ It wasn´t Sarah, it was Sirius. You eyed him with furrowed brows. “Did you at least get me something to drink?”
He had a cup in his hands and eyed it, pondering to give it to you, or drink it himself. But you leaned forward, grabbing his arm and then snatching the drink from his fingers. He found himself starring into your big eyes, not wanting to look away.
“Don´t you have enough boys outside to bring you drinks?” He asked and you shrugged while taking a big sip. “But you´re here, aren´t you?” The sentence made his heart beat quicker.
“Don't go look at me with that look in your eye”, you then added and avoided his glance again.
“Why not?”
“You know why, but apparently you really ain't going away without a fight.”
He suddenly turned to you, pushing one of his hands against the wall, the other one trailing down to your neck. His fingers brushed against your skin and you felt goosebumps crawling down your spin. He was leaning, yes hovering above you and his eyes wandered back and forth from your eyes to your lips. Stubbornly, you looked up to him.
“You can't be reasoned with, I'm done being polite. Haven't I made it obvious?” You pushed yourself a little up from the bathtub, your face only inches away. But the look on your face was stern and certain. “Haven't I made it clear? Want me to spell it out for you?
Sarah pushed open the door and rolled her eyes, she had obviously noticed the boy´s attention towards you. “Back off, Black.”
Sirius was caught off guard by her, which gave you space and time to pull yourself out of the tub, leaving him sitting there.
 The night only slowly continued after your clashing in the bathroom. Remus watched his friend with plaintive eyes. He had realized the silence and even more oblivious, his sad stares into your direction. It wasn´t hard to guess really, but he understood his reticent mood. You were his best friends’ little sister and he knew, James would kill for you. If anyone were to break your heart and if that anyone was Sirius, the friendship could be over.
On the other hand, there was one thing Remus knew, Sirius had never acted like this around a girl.
“You shouldn’t give up yet.” Sirius glanced back at him and rolled his eyes.
“She´s sees me as a friend, I´m like a brother to her.”
“You don´t dance like this in front of your friend. Y/n and James both know how to get the things they want. It´s probably a family disorder”, Remus chuckled. But he became stern again, laying a hand on his friend´s back. “She´s playing with you, you know it. And I have to admit, she plays better than you, Padfoot. You liked this girl way before, before the summer, before she started flirting with you today.”
“I didn´t-“
“Yes, you did. Or why did you stress out about getting her a Christmas and birthday gift every year since knowing James? Why did it bother both you and James, about Kevin making that remark last year? You broke his nose, in case you forgot.”
Remus was right, he was way too often for Sirius taste. He liked you more than a friend from the second he laid eyes on you. He swore himself to protect you, but now he was the endangerment of hurting you and it scared him.
People left the party; it was past 3.a.m. and Lily started putting away empty cups. He knew Sarah would sleep at the Potter house tonight and just in second, he caught sight of you carrying a blanket upstairs. “You´re the best, Moony and I hate you for it.”
He hurried up the stairs and caught you just in front of your room.
“Y/n, wait!”
You sighed heavily. “Sirius, I´m tired and Sarah´s laying on my bathroom floor throwing up.”
He tried to remember every formal etiquette ever taught to him while establishing and taking together his bravery. Hundreds, yes thousands of pranks and yet, he never had been this nervous. You eyed him wary. “Have you got no shame? You looking insane. Here we go again.”
“I´m sorry for acting like a dick.”
The apology took you a step back, surprised.
“Don't go look at me with that look in your eye.”
His tongue brushed against his lip. “Why not, Y/n? Afraid to admit it?”
“For Merlin´s Sake, get that shit inside your head, Sirius! We´re just friends.”
His hand lingered on the wall to your back. It was the second time he had encircled you, but this time around, you didn´t see an outlet. Maybe you didn´t want one either. You felt his breath tingling against your skin and against your anticipation, the scene felt intimate and fragile to you.
“I like you, Y/n. I´ve liked you for a while now and I suppressed it. You´re right, I´m heartbreaker, and I knew, if I was to break yours, I wouldn´t be able to live with myself.”
You felt your shaky breathing, the dim light coming from downstairs barely gave enough away.
“You made it obvious. You made it very clear. But I wanted- needed you to know this; you were and never will be just a friend to me.” He gulped, lowering his glance.
“And I´m sorry, if that´s going to push you away.”
You dropped the blanket to the ground, throwing your hands around his neck and pulling him down. The kiss was passionate, but dripping like honey; sweet and slowly. His hands grabbed your waist and you inhaled his deep musky scent.
You leaned away from him with caution, sighing. “Sarah´s vomiting and I´m making out, I´m a terrible friend.” Sirius chuckled lowly, his nose brushing against yours again.
“I´m glad we´re more than friends then.”
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writesandfights · 4 years
#97 “don’t touch me” JJ x Reader, where reader got raped by Barry and Rafe at a kegger, she hasn’t told JJ but he knows she’s been acting different. When JJ tries to be sexual she snaps at him and breaks down.
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PROMPT # : 97
The thought never left you, that feeling kept your head to the ground no matter what happened. You couldn't scrub away what happened, no matter how hard you used the sponge the feelings wouldn’t leave, they were still there. You stood in the mirror looking to your body as you couldn’t erase it, it was not gonna be going anywhere. There were bruises on your wrist, they were in the shapes of hands, a bright purple that didn’t seem to fade no matter how long or how much foundation you put on, which was a lot.
You tried to make sure JJ didn’t see them , he would panic and that made you nervous, he would kill Barry and Rafe without even thinking twice, using the little gun he had gotten. You rubbed at the bruises but the pain was no longer there anymore , you pushed it down and hoped to keep it there. There were marks spreading all up and down your chest, having been when they were gonna hold you down and force you to be silent. They had used their strength over you, pushing you down into the sand bed behind a large pile of trees and kept you silenced when they committed the deed, the familiar sound of the buttons on the pants along with the breathing into the side of your chest. It was always the same, it never changed no matter how much help you tried to get.
JJ was your boyfriend of three months, it wasn't long but considering how close the two of you were, it felt like it had been so much longer than that just because the two of you have been friends for over three years, a constant friendship until it happened to turn into much more than that.. You loved him with all of your heart and wished you could have told him what would have happened but he wouldn’t want you after that.. He wouldn’t want you, you knew that, he wouldn’t want seconds, right?
But JJ noticed it, he saw the change in your eyes, the way you couldn't look up anymore or even into the eyes of others without swallowing or the look on your face, you became scared of everything. You started to wear more clothes and you completely shut him out of everything, never letting him into your secrets or even your room. But he had to find out what was happening and he was going to make sure you stayed safe along with telling him what was on your mind, maybe it was depression coming back but at this moment he didn’t know, he wanted to..
He stood outside of your house and held onto the little bag of chocolates, along with your favorite movie and flowers, he wanted to surprise you. JJ walked into your house, he had a key and even if he didn’t he knew your mother would have welcomed him without even thinking twice. You backed away from the mirror with your hair up in a messy bun, your eyes having dripped with tears but you rubbed them away, trying to stay away from the pain. You dodged it, like a giant ball having been thrown at you, you made it work.
Your boyfriend made his way up the stairs, knocking on the door when it gave you enough time to put on a large sweater and the pants, his favorite outfit on you by chance. He had loved the way it looked on you, when you didn;t have to put any effort into your look, the way your hair fell around your cheeks and when he could hold you closer to him, he loved your lazy look over anything else on you. He adored it. “ Hey baby girl..” he spoke softly when he opened the door and stared softly into those eyes of yours, he felt so blessed to have you, just happy to see you again, it had been three weeks after all. “ you look so beautiful, you know that?”
A wavering smile came over your lips, seeing as you looked away, you didn’t look into his eyes and only sat down on the bed. He walked closer when he set down the little baggie of treats along with the movie, sitting down on the edge of the bed when he held your hand but you pulled back instantly. Touch. That's what seemed to set you over the edge in the moment, you didn’t like to be touched and you couldn’t see your body for more than five minutes, it was causing your anxiety to swell up and sometimes seemed to push you into a fit of fear.
“Y/N , what's going on? You're pushing me away.. You haven’t really talked to me in two weeks.. Your mother told me that you haven't even left your room..” He watched you again, seeing as you were hollow and didn’t want to talk but he would always seem to break your walls down in a matter of moments, he moved his hand up your thigh and you instantly panicked. You saw the memories all over again, everything from the sand to those damn eyes that wouldn't stop staring down at you, it was breaking you from the inside out, each second, each glance. You pulled back and stood up when you didn’t know what to say to him, only a few words, “ dont- dont touch me. “
JJ felt his heart shatter when he heard those words, he didn’t know what he did or what happened but he knew he had to get to the bottom of it, he had to try and help you. “ bY/N, what happened, I- I don't know what happened but I need to know… I need you to tell me..”
You stood your ground when he tried to move closer and cup your cheeks but you backed away from him and shook your head, you pulled away from him and stood there, looking through those eyes of his. “ don't touch me. Do you need me to repeat myself, I don't need you to touch me or tell me anything- i know the reality of the world now, don't you know, nothings going to be okay, DON'T YOU KNOW. “
He took a step back and shook his head when you yelled much louder than before and he just watched you, he heard what you had to sa, he was seriously kind and couldn’t control the tears that ran down his cheeks, he was gonna break down, just because he couldn’t help you, he couldn’t help. “ Y/N, what are you talking about, what happened, if you want me to stop, I’ll stop.. Okay?”
He was watching you with soft eyes and couldn’t help that fear that he did something. What if he had been the one to ruin you, but he wasn’t, not even close, it was Rafe and barry. Those damn men who caused you nothing more than pain, but you knew you couldn’t go to the cops, what would they say, that you needed to bring it up to the family? That would cause you to become some freakshow with a false show with the richest family in town, someone who could afford to get you off of their back. “He - he pinned me down and covered my mouth-”
JJ heard those words when he shook his head weakly, he didn’t want to listen but he needed to do so to be able to help you, he had to help you. “ He held his hand over my mouth when - when I couldn’t scream- he pulled my shirt off and started to leave hickies all over my body, putting his- his hand between my legs and he forced me to open them, then - then Barry had his way with me until I was- was unable to move my legs…”
“ Baby.. are- are you talking about Rafe and Barry.. They- they raped you?” JJ asked when he stood closer to you and held onto your hands, he pulled your sleeves up and saw the giant bruises in the shapes of hands now, which were purple and set over your skin. “ did - did he do that..” You took a deep breath and nodded in agreement, your eyes swelling up with tears, now dropping down your already stained cheeks. “ I cried for you.. I cried for your - help but you never came…”
Those words broke his heart, he heard them echo in his soul, you cried out for him and yet he had never been there for you and you got hurt because he was way too drunk to defend you, he couldn;t save you.” I- I’m gonna kill him.. I swear to god.. I-” He was trying so hard to make sure you were okay, but you shook your head and stared into his eyes with such a soft look now, “ JJ.. what happened is already done, he did it- he took what wasn't his, and I can’t get his mark off of my body, I can't even breathe anymore without feeling the suffocation running through my body. “
“Baby.. I need you to look into my eyes, you are not who- who he made you feel like you were. You're not. You're gonna be okay, I just need you to calm down and breathe for me, okay?” He suggested when staring into your eyes and held onto your cheeks, he kissed your forehead and pulled you into a hug when he hoped to calm those thoughts that set over your brain and wouldn’t leave. Your breathing became shallow when you fell into his arms and buried your head into his chest, he hugged you closer than before and made sure you were still breathing, your voice was fragile and weak.
You shook your head and tried to pull away but he held you closer than before, hugging your body and hoped it would calm you. Over a few moments you finally stopped panicking and just broke down, you cried into his chest and he rubbed the back of your head, already planning on what he would do if he heard the chance. He was gonna kill that man and hurt him until he was crying for help and then he would do even worse to Barry, kill him if he had to. “I’m staining your shirt..”
“I do love you, but i'm not really concerned about my shirt.. Come on baby..” he picked you up when he set you down on the bed and cuddled into your side, he kissed your forehead weakly, he saw your eyes slowly opening and closing. He knew you well enough, you didn’t sleep for maybe a week and he could tell, he knew you way too well but you were thankful for that. He held you that day until you fell asleep and made sure to stay awake for when you woke up, JJ spent the whole day playing with your hair and even running his fingers up and down your back, if he saw you move, he stopped. He didn’t want to hurt you or make anything worse, he wanted you to be okay and to be happy, and he was gonna get you back to your bubbly self, no matter how long or how hard it would be. He would do the best he could.
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thewritingdungeon · 4 years
Discordancy #1
SUMMARY: Hawkeye has a long and varied past. He’s been a carnie, a spy, a superhero, even a brainwashed soldier. He also was, no matter how much he hates to admit it, an ex-criminal. It’s a part of his past he moved on from long ago and hoped he could just forget ever happened. But when an old associate contacts him for help, Clint is reminded that not everything he had so desperately tried to leave behind was something bad.
WARNINGS: heavy petting
"I can't believe that worked, you beautiful bastard!" Eris cries out, draping herself in the passenger seat. "That was such a rush, I could kiss you right now!"
Clint gives an easy smile in response, leaning back now that he has the luxury of driving slower. "By all means, don't fight it if you—"
The rest of his words are lost as his face is abruptly turned and his mouth covered by soft lips pressing eagerly against his. His lips part in silent surprise, and Eris takes the opportunity to dart her tongue in to swipe against his, bringing with it a taste of smoke and cinnamon he somehow finds intoxicating. But before he can register her actions enough to kiss back, Eris is pulling away, a grin on her lips and fire in her eyes.
He should have known right then and there that she'd be trouble for him.
Clint shook the memory off as he looked up at the nondescript hotel looming above him then back down at the text that had made its way onto his phone.
Hey Francis,
Long time, no chat! Just thought I'd see how you've been doing. How's the wife? Everest is lonely without your jokes, but I'm still climbing it!
It was a code he hadn't seen in a long time. Her code. She had even signed it with her usual kiss.
'Need help Ronin. Meet at hotel.'
He never thought he'd step foot back in such a place after SHIELD took him in—never thought he'd be allowed to step foot back in—but he could already feel that warm familiarity slip over him like a well-worn jacket as he stepped into the polished lobby, old habits making their way back into his gait.
"Good evening, Ronin," The Concierge warmly greeted. "It has been quite the long time since we have seen you around here. We are pleased to see you make use of our services once again."
"Evening, sir. It's, uh," Clint huffed out in incredulity, and the man's smile only grew more smug, "it sure is interesting to be back."
"And how may we help you this evening?"
Clint scratched at his chin. "Ah, I'm here to find an old friend, actually." He held up his hands in a gesture of good will at the sharp look in The Concierge's eye. "Don't you worry, I know the rules. Just looking for a drink and a chat, I swear."
The Concierge hummed noncommittally, flipping through his ledger. "Well, you're in luck that a room has already been reserved in your name, though payment will still be required." There was a slap of folded notes on the marble surface, but the man made no acknowledgement. "And you have a booth reserved in the lounge for midnight. We trust you can find your way there?"
"Mm, yeah. Thanks, man."
Clint made to take the offered room key, and was given one last unsettling smile by The Concierge. "Welcome back to Hotel Soteria, Ronin. Do let us know if you find yourself in need of any assistance."
The lounge was dim, lit sporadically with shifting colored lights meant to distract and obfuscate. There was no host to tell him which booth he was intended for, but a familiar shine of icy waves flashed through the milling crowd and gave Clint his answer. Taking quick steps forward, he left himself with no time to second guess his actions as he slid into the booth.
"You changed your hair."
He drank in the sight of the woman before him, trying his damnedest not to let the spark of familiarity burn into something more illicit. Where before had been wild white locks in a disheveled undercut, bold makeup and piercings, and a 'fuck you' attitude so common amongst rebellious youth, now stood messy silver-white waves cut sharp, with subtlety and daring balanced out in what combined into an impossibly alluring form.
And yet it was still that avid, easy grin tugging at dark, painted lips that met his words and stole his attention. "Aren't men your age supposed to start a flirtation with 'what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?' If you're not careful, I might start thinking you didn't miss me, Ronin."
Clint couldn't help but snort and roll his eyes at her greeting, "You got rid of the lip ring too."
"Aw, sad that it's gone?"
"Shouldn't you be flirting with people your own age?"
That pulled a sharp laugh from the woman, "Where would be the fun in that?"
Clint sighed; he had forgotten how...whimsical Eris could be. It was a fun trait to be around in the past, but the world had made him weary, jaded. There was no real place for exuberance in a spy's life. He didn't know how to deal with it anymore. "Get to the point, Eris. Why did you bring me here?"
A slow smile spread across her face, and Eris leaned forward, voice a husky whisper, "I've got something I think you'll really want to get a hold of."
Clint had been so wrapped up in not staring at her that he didn't quite grasp what Eris had intended when she told him she had something for him. It wasn't until he felt the heat of her slide onto his lap to straddle him that Clint realized the trouble he was in.
Rough, half-gloved hands cupped his face as Eris leaned down to press an eager kiss to his lips. His mind went blank, arousal and habit taking over to urge his mouth to move against hers. He dragged her closer by her hips, earning him a gasp that let him slip his tongue inside to explore her mouth. Clint smirked into the kiss; it was rare he was able to surprise the chaotic woman.
He buried a hand into her hair, letting him control their movements and deepen the kiss as Eris's touch burned a trail down his chest. His advantage was quickly lost, however, when she dipped a hand into the waistband of both his jeans and underwear, careful to keep away from where he suddenly found himself wanting her touch the most. A ragged moan escaped Clint from the combination of that teasing brush and the harsh bite to his lower lip.
"I'll wait up for you," she whispered, placing another short peck against his swollen lips.
And then the warmth of her body was gone. Clint blinked as he tried to understand what had just happened, but Eris had already disappeared.
"Damn girl's trying to give me a heart attack with her games, I swear," he groaned. "Can't she just leave an old man alone?"
Taking a moment to adjust himself, Clint palmed the flash drive Eris had slipped into his pants, moving it to a more secure location with the sly tricks years spent in the circus had taught him. He tipped back his beer and waited, looking as much like a man who had just been teased as any around him. All he needed to do was keep blending in a little bit more; then, he could escape to his room and see what the job was that awaited him.
Clint locked the door of his hotel room, slumping forward to lean his head against the polished wood with a frustrated groan. Why, of all the people he had teamed up with in his past, did it have to have been Eris that made contact with him again?
He thought back to all the jobs they had pulled off together. The bright, brilliant, chaotic demolitions prodigy who lived up to her alias was a surprising complement to his pinpoint efficiency as a marksman and hired sword. She was an explosion unto herself, and at only age 18, she truly had been a force to be reckoned with. So why she had taken after that first heist to teasing and flirting with a man over ten years her senior, Clint would never understand.
His mind brought up flashes of moments witnessed firsthand of how she liked to play with those who caught her interest like toys, and when she was done she'd leave them behind just as easily as one. It was all a game in her mind. Which made it all the more frustrating for Clint. As much as he hated to admit it, he was drawn to Eris, but he refused to play her games and be another crushed pawn. The age gap didn't help matters either. God, every time he thought about her made him feel like a dirty, old man. It was even worse now that he actually was a dirty, old man.
"A gorgeous woman is waiting for you on your bed, and you choose getting personal with a door instead?" He heard an undignified snort from behind him. "You're a better gentleman than me, Ronin."
Clint sighed. He wasn't surprised by her presence in his room: she hadn't given him a room number to meet him at, after all. He turned and made his way to the encrypted computer that came with every guest room in the hotel, ignoring Eris as she swung her legs back and forth off the side of the single bed. "That's because you are neither gentle nor a man," he remarked tersely, settling into the leather chair. "I don't see why you had to go and grope me to slip me the damn thing if you were just gonna meet me in the room anyway."
"Cuz then I wouldn't have had an excuse to kiss you!" Came Eris's cheerful response."
Yeah, yeah. This USB of yours got extra encryption already on it?"
"It's safe."
"All right, let's see what problems you're dragging me into now." He plugged in the drive and immediately a single folder popped up:
Project Shadrak.
Clint clicked through the folder, and dozens of files appeared on the screen, each one detailing a job right down to grainy, camera-feed clips of the woman in question. "Eris, what the fuck have you gotten yourself into this time?"
Silence hung heavy in the air for a single moment.
"…A week and a half ago, I found a bug in my apartment," she began from behind him, voice quiet. "I sweep the place regularly, so I don't know how long it had been there, but I could've sworn it couldn't have been for long. Then a few days later, an unmarked envelope was left inside my door, lock still secure. It contained that flash drive and details on every job I've ever pulled since joining the Underground."
He spun the chair to face her, eyes hard at the implication of her words. "Why didn't you have someone trace the data? Why not check your security system feeds? What the hell am I supposed to do? I'm a hired gun, Eris, not a hacker. And I'm not even that anymore."
"I tried!" She bit out in frustration. "Once any hacker saw the flash drive's encryption, they refused to help me. Wouldn't even tell me why!"
"And what exactly do you think involving me is going to help with?"
"Don't you get it?!" Clint faltered at the distress in her voice and watched as she gripped at the roots of her hair and tugged on the strands. "They have data on every. single. job. I've done! That means they have this information on you too! You're in danger, Francis!"
Her voice broke on his false name, and Clint felt his ingrained defensiveness crack at the sound. "What about other partners you've had; have you warned them too?"
He had thought by now nothing Eris could do nothing to surprise him anymore. But then, she shifted her gaze from his, looking awkward as she muttered, "I haven't had any other partners on jobs..."
Clint blinked, “What?”
“Look, I-I don’t— I just— Before you agreed to work with me, no one wanted to work with a technical teenager, all right?” Eris crossed her arms. “After the Italy job and the banker, I got a reputation for being difficult to work with. I don’t—” she cut herself off with a petulant huff, still refusing to meet his eyes. “I just don’t really play well with others, okay? It’s usually better for everyone if I’m hired for design work or solo jobs.”
“You worked with me just fine,” he pointed out.
Eris threw her hands up in the air, exasperation weaving its way through her words, “Yeah, and I got known for that too! You were known as the only one who could ‘handle’ me, as one employer put it. Did no one ever bring it up to you?”
“Honestly, I never really thought about it,” Clint admitted. “Usually was too busy thinking about the shit coffee they always gave us.”
“Yeah, well, it was said to me enough times. So there’s no one else to warn, you happy?”
Eris was dangerously close to pouting, and it made it difficult to keep the serious expression on his face that the situation called for. “Fine, I’ll help you find out who’s after you so that both our backs are in the clear. But after that you’re on your own, Eris. I can’t be seen back in this life.”
“Thank you, Ronin,” she breathed. The next instant, Clint found himself in a crushing hug.
“Oof. Er, I can’t help if you break me, all right? Jeez, I forgot how freakishly strong you are.” Clint rubbed his back as Eris stepped away and sighed. “We’ll head out around noon tomorrow to speak to the last hacker you brought the stick to. For now, get the hell out of my room and get some rest, okay?”
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Screw It - Calum Hood Smut (Part two)
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Summary: This is part two to Screw It. You can check out Part One here.
Warnings: Well, where do I begin? THIS IS FULL-ON SMUT. Includes: choking, spanking, slut-shaming, power play, daddy kink, unprotected sex. Please beware and Jesus please forgive me. 
Word count: 2300 +
Author’s note: Please read the warnings before reading. I don´t think there will be a part 3 but It depends. If you want a part 3 just let me know. I hope you enjoy and remember REQUESTS ARE OPEN.
At that something seemed to break inside of him, he grabbed me, pushed me roughly against the wall and looked at me with killing eyes.
“You know what your problem is Brooke, you are a slut. You are bitter because you wanted me to call you back so you could suck my dick all over again and have my cum dripping out of your pussy all over again. But I didn’t, and that's why you hate me, that's why you keep fighting with me, because you are a needy slut.” I had never in my life been called a slut to my face, let alone by a man. But I don´t know why I wanted him to say it again, I wanted him to call me a slut again.
“Calum leave me alone, I am being serious” I tried to make him stop but my voice betrayed me and when he put his hand around my throat and slightly squeezed it was all over, I was at his mercy.
“Nobody has fucked you like I have, nobody has pleased you like I have and nobody ever will.  For me, you were just a fuck I didn’t even call back.  You can´t accept that and that’s why you bitch over everything I do, you want me so bad you can´t even handle it. You’ve been looking for excuses to talk to me all night long because you can't keep away from me.” I didn´t know if he was right or wrong, I didn´t know anything at this point. All the memories from that night started flowing into my mind. The moans, the sweat, the orgasms. All I wanted for him was to take me, right there. “I can see it in your eyes you want it baby girl. So say it, just say it and I will give it to you, you know I will”
I sent all my self-respect, my values and morals down the toilet and grabbed his face between my hands and brought our lips together. At all times he kept his hand on my throat, while the other one roamed my body. He roughly bit my bottom lip and I moaned into his mouth. That’s how it was with Calum, all teeth, all rough. And I loved it. I could already feel his hard-on on my lower stomach and It was driving me crazy with anticipation.
“I am going to ask you one more time because I am feeling very generous today. You know how it is with me, it’s not sunshine and rainbows. So are you sure you want to do this?” He said as he started raising my dress.
“I want you to fuck me like the slut I am” I knew that would drive him crazy, and I wasn’t wrong. He grunted and grabbed my wrist, leading me quickly to his room. The walk up the stairs felt endless and as soon as we were through the door Calum closed It and pushed me against it, crashing his lips against mine. It instantly shot a sharp pain up my spine and I moaned into his mouth. He seized the opportunity and bit my lower lip harshly. I could feel his hands all over my body, lifting up my dress.
“Fuck baby, you are soaked” He said as he moved my panties aside. “When did you get this wet? Was it when I called you a slut?” I could feel the heat creep up my cheeks and I lowered my head. “It was, wasn’t it? Oh, you are such a dirty girl. Such as slut for me, aren’t you?” As he said this, he grabbed my hair and pulled on it hard, forcing me to meet his eyes. “Answer me”
“Yes, Cal” He pulled my hair even harder and I let out a silent whimper. Before I had the chance to protest he kissed me again, this time even rougher than before. He started kissing down my jaw and neck, sucking and licking expertly. I could already feel the hickeys forming and I was sure I was going to need hell of a lot of foundation to cover them up. His kisses went up near my left ear.
“I want you to suck my cock now” He whispered and then bit my ear lobe. “Are you gonna be a good girl and do that for me?”
“Yes, Cal” I submissively said, knowing full well that’s what was expected of me. You didn’t get it any other way with Calum Hood. That was part of why I felt so guilty doing this, I knew I was sending my values down the toilet but, it just felt so good. He knew exactly what to do and when to do it to have any girl screaming.
He grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled it up, leaving me in my matching black panties and bra. He looked up and down my body and quickly turned us around, laying his back against the door and taking off his t-shirt, letting his bronzed and toned abdomen show.  I dropped down on my knees and started touching his boner over his black jeans, teasing him a little, at least until he got mad. I kissed his cock through his jeans and finally unbuttoned them. Calum’s bottom lip was between his teeth as he looked down at me. “Nobody likes a tease babe, get on with it”
I pulled down his pants along with his boxer and his boner sprung free, hitting him in the stomach. He was big, to say the least. I grabbed his cock and run my tongue along a vein he had on the side. When I reached the top I kissed it and I heard him grunt. “ I told you nobody likes a fucking tease” He said as he grabbed my hair and forced me down his shaft. “Fuck yeah, that’s it” I could hear his continuous swearing as I sucked and moved my head up and down his dick. What I couldn’t fit I jerked with my hand, but that clearly wasn’t enough for Calum. “C’mon baby, you can go a little deeper. You are a big girl, you can handle it.” I tried to relax my throat and I felt the his tip hitting the back of it. It wasn´t still all the way in but, he realized I had reached my limit.
He continued fucking my face for quite some time until I felt like I needed to take a breath and I roughly squeezed his leg. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and I could tell he was concerned but I mumbled a tiny “I’m fine” and his dominant demeanour was back on. Tears were streaming down my face and strings of saliva and precum still connected his cock to my mouth.
“Look at you, on your knees, your face all red and fucked” He said grabbing my cheeks in one of his hands and squeezing, making my lips pucker. “I am gonna fuck you so good, you won’t remember your own name.” He made me stand up and wiped my eyes and mouth with his t-shirt. “Now take off your bra and sit on the bed.”
I did as I was told, walked towards the bed and sat in the middle of it, legs extended in front of me. “Not like that” He said and roughly grabbed them, bringing me to the edge of the bed. He kneeled down and brought my legs onto his shoulders, his hands resting on my thighs. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched as inched his face closer to my core and in the last second started kissing my inner thighs. That was the thing with Calum, you couldn´t tease him, but oh, could he tease you. He liked to have you begging and whimpering and even crying before he gave you what you wanted. He continued roughly sucking and biting on my inner thighs inching closer and closer to my pussy. My heart beat extremely fast in anticipation and I let out a loud moan when he started kissing my core over my wet panties.
“Calum please just take them off, please” I begged while slightly pulling his hair. I heard him chuckle between my legs and the vibration sent chills all over my body.
“Tell me what you want me to do baby girl” He said and looked me straight in the eyes. His brown eyes were filled with lust and his mouth was twisted into a smirk. Of course, he was smirking, he enjoyed so much making me beg.
“I want you to eat me out Cal, I want you to make me cum with your mouth. Please Cal, I need you so bad” I said and I could instantly feel the effect those words had on him. He yanked my panties down, spread my legs wide open and immediately started sucking on my clit. My mind became blurry as I grabbed the sheets with force. He introduced two fingers inside me and started pumping while he flicked his tongue rapidly over my clit. The motherfucker did know how to use his mouth. My legs involuntarily tried to close but Calum kept them apart with his strong hands.
“Do you want to cum baby? Do you want to cum while I eat you out?” He said while his thumb replaced his tongue, drawing circles in my clit.
“Yes daddy, please let me cum” I screamed without realizing what I had just said.
“Fuck Brooke, a daddy kink? Really? I can´t wait for you to cum now, I need to fuck you right now. You make me so hard baby girl.” He said. He grabbed me and turned me so my head was laying on the pillows. I cursed myself for being so impulsive, I craved his mouth so bad. But I knew that what was coming next was going to be so much better. Calum rested his elbows next to my head to support his weight and did what I least expected him to do at that moment. He kissed me, almost… sweetly? His tongue caressed my bottom lip and his hand rested on my cheek. “That was an apology in advanced” He said leaving me confused. Without any warning, he slammed into me and started pounding hard inside me. I couldn´t even scream, my mouth opened wide in a silent moan as he slammed deeper and deeper into me.
He straightened himself up and used one of his thumbs to draw small circles onto my clit making the combination of his touch and his thrusts almost too much to handle. “I’m gonna cum” I blurted out and Calum instantly slowed down his pace and removed his thumb, leaving me a whimpering mess.
“Not yet baby girl, I want you to cum on top of me” He said as he brought his thumb to my mouth and made me suck it dry, tasting myself in the process.  
He laid down on his back and brought me on top of him, slamming into me almost instantly. I grabbed onto his toned tattooed arms and started riding him. His eyes closed and his mouth slightly parted, making me feel like I was dominating him for once. The feeling vanished rather quickly since he grabbed my hips and started rocking them back and forth at his own desire. My head fell back in a moan when I felt his big hand spank my ass and then roughly grab it. I was about to cum, and I wasn’t going to make the same mistake of telling him. However, he could feel my pussy starting to clench so he grabbed me, pushed me flat against his chest and started roughly pounding me from below, the sound of skin slapping together filling the room. My hands were on his shoulders and my face was inches from his.
“Cum for me baby, cum all over my cock” He said and pulled my lip between his teeth. All the sensations started becoming too much to handle and I rested my head on his shoulder. I felt his tip gracing my g-spot and I instantly came all over his dick while biting hard into his shoulder. I could feel my pussy clenching around Calum’s cock and his thrusts becoming sloppier.
“C’mon Cal, please cum inside me.” I whispered in his ear while also riding down my own high. He grunted as he squeezed my ass one final time and I could feel him cum deep inside me.
I pulled myself up and laid next to him, both panting and trying to catch our breaths. I looked at him and he was staring up into the ceiling smiling. “Definitely better than last time.”
“Definitely.” I answered him. After a few minutes, I got up and started getting dressed. I still needed to take Jasmine back to her house and God knew what time it was.
“I will text you back this time baby, I need to see you again” He said as he propped himself up on his elbow. His hair was all messy and his eyes were almost closed. Fuck he looked so good I was almost wet again.
“Maybe I won´t answer, who knows?” I said looking back at him and walking towards the door.
“Hey Brooke” I heard him say naughtily and I almost didn’t turn back, but curiosity got the best of me. “You better wash up before you head outside, there’s still cum in your hair”  I quickly turned around to hide my red cheeks and walked out of the room, flipping him off in the process. Who was I kidding? Of course I was going to answer.
Please let me know if you want a part 3, thanks for reading. 
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laceymorganwrites · 6 years
Tragedy´s hot pt.1
Word Count: 1,828
Pairing: Gajeel x Reader (Yay! reader´s pov)
Warnings: None I can think of, slight make out, sadness, Depression
A/N: So I started watching Fairy Tail. This is based on a dream I had and will have multiple parts. The Reader does have Magic power, so don´t complain that she´s in a guild. It does have its reasons and will be explained in the further parts
I sat under a big tree far beyond the guild in a deep forest. Next to it was a lake and the woods protected chirping birds and purring kittens. Here, I felt at ease, as if I finally belonged somewhere. It was long ago since I joined the guild, but still, I couldn´t do magic and the guild would be better off without me. But they all seemed so happy, they thought of me as family, smiled at me and wanted me to join their chanting and laughter. I drank with Cana and could keep up with her, I fought with Natsu, baked cake for Erza and talked to Mira. Levy-chan told me about her books, I randomly found Gray in my home, I ran from Loke´s girlfriends. Lucy let me read her book and asked me for advice in her magic and Happy always told me of all their adventures. I gave him fish and accompanied everyone on their missions, even before I was an official member. But for three years now, I was. It just didn´t feel right, but after all the happiness I saw in the guild, which   should´ve driven out my darkness, I still felt alone. I didn´t belong there, I had no place in the world, but this old huge tree I´d like to hide under my whole life. Sometimes the guild members would come with me and we would talk here, but after they went away, I would always cry. Someday I decided to write it all down and sing it out.
“They will not let you down, Lucy, you´re part of the family, remember?” I reassured Lucy who had the same problems as me, but people actually liked her, she belonged to Fairy Tail. She cried onto my shoulder, where she buried herself and clung onto my neck, sobbing thoroughly. I forced my own tears back and bit my quivering lip. My shaking hands pushed Lucy away from me carefully, before flashing a perfectly fine smile, telling her to go back to the guild, where everyone was waiting for her. She smiled back and wiped away her tears before waving and running towards the guild. I closed my eyes, grabbed my guitar and started playing a song, to which I lowly sang along, until I cried. I cried often these days and I hated it, I hated being weak and unable to do anything, but that was just who I was, the always sad girl with no place in the world. After a quiet while I noticed the cats meowing and seeming excited. That´s when I heard someone coming from behind and I stopped playing the guitar and wiped away the lonely tears, hopefully the person would leave quickly. The person walked past me and didn´t even seem to notice I was there until he knelt down to feed the cats and embrace them in hugs. My heartbeat increased and I unknowingly began to smile. He petted the cats and talked to them with such devotion, then blushed when he saw me. “Sorry...I didn´t know anyone else was here...” he mumbled. I laughed. “It´s alright, it´s nice knowing someone besides me cares about the cats” I told him and now that I got a closer look at his face, I could bathe in his beauty, that was until I caught the tattoo on his right arm and frowned. “You´re from Phantom Lord...” I coldly stated, I needed to find another peaceful place, I redeemed. He raised an eyebrow: “So?” he grunted. “Just heard some nasty things about your guild, is all” I explained. It was said that they were cruel and reputation was everything to them. I never had an encounter with one of their members, but their guild and mine didn´t really like each other and I just hoped to stay out of the little quarrel. I also heard that the guild members were arrogant and dangerous. “As if yours is so innocent” he remarked, pointing at my neck, where my tattoo was located. I blushed, almost as if he revealed some secret of mine, and let my hair fall over it. “You could say we´re overachievers” I giggled, thinking about all the ruckus and destruction we caused. We really were a conversation. “So, who spread those damn rumors about my guild?” He asked roughly, but I couldn´t take him seriously as he still cradled a cat in his hand. “No one particular, I just heard some stories” I held up my hands up in defense, he could as well leave, I wasn´t looking for a fight. “Why aren´t you in your guild? Isn´t Fairy Tail all about that family bullshit?” he tried to provoke me, but I just laughed out loud. “You guys really hate us, don´t you?” I asked him, still laughing. “You didn´t answer my question” he stated, gently putting down the cat, sitting down next to me and crossing his arms. “Well, I just don´t really fit in there, it´s better when I´m alone” I said carefree and received an unreadable look from him. “Why don´t you join a different guild, then?” he asked me, his former rough tone changed into a softer one. “Like I said: I don´t fit in anywhere.  I´m useless in a guild, I don´t want to bring people down.” I explained further, I never talked to anyone about how I felt, some would say it´s stupid talking about it to an enemy´s guild member, but what could he do with that information? “You don´t seem like someone who brings people down, are you sure the guild isn´t bringing you down?” he asked carefully, unsure of how I would react. I smiled at him. “It´s not that, my guild likes me, and I like them, we´re family and we all got each others backs. And that´s great, really, going on missions together, celebrating, breaking up fights and just enjoying each other´s company, I love that and I feel like I´m home, but then again    I´m asking myself if I really deserve being happy or being in a guild when I can´t even use magic. It doesn´t feel like I´m part of all that, it feels as if I´m watching from the outside and that is what brings me really down” I turned away from him, suddenly I felt really exposed. He opened his mouth and then closed it again. “Now that I said that out loud, I realize it sounds really stupid” I laughed, scratching my head, but he looked gloomy. “What´s your name?” he finally asked after a long silence, looking down. “(Y/N)...” I said, confused as to why he would want to know that. He raised his head again and made eye contact with me, then he grabbed my hands and held them in his own, before he said: “I`m sorry that you feel that way, (Y/N), really. I hope you find your happiness someday...”. His hands were cold and his gaze made me feel dizzy. “Thank you...” I whispered, unsure what to say. I let my head sink and held on tighter to his hands, starting to caress them. “I feel happy now, you know...I feel happy in this place, with the cats. It´s so peaceful, I like that...” I confessed, to which he smiled sincerely. “I like the cats too” he said, chuckling, which made me blush. “What´s your name?” I asked him. “Gajeel” he answered. “It was nice meeting you, Gajeel. I think I could get used to having other company than the cats” I giggled. He grinned. “So you´re saying you like my company?” he teased and I blushed heavily as I remembered I was still holding his hands. “Y-yeah...I guess...” I stuttered, looking everywhere but his face, now would be the perfect time to disappear. “You only guess? That´s not good, what if I decide to come here more often now? You´ll always be guessing you like my company, but never know. That´s stressful!” he remarked, winking at me. I swear, I got even redder. “W-well...I mean...I do kinda like your company...” I mumbled. “Oh come on! You can do better than that, that´s not how you tell someone you like their company.” he laughed at me. “Sorry! It´s your fault my brain´s going blank!” I defended myself. “I make your brain go blank? Was that a compliment?” he teased again, wrapping his arm around me and pulled me towards him, to which I let out a squeal. “Cute” he smirked. “Stop it!” I chuckled and he laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our faces were inches away now I bit my lip at that realization. My face was burning up and Gajeel seemed to enjoy that very much, but there was something about the way he smiled, a certain look in his eye that made me forget about how embarrassing I was. “You said you´d come here more often?” I asked shyly, trying to cover up the awkward silence. “Depends. If you´re here, I´ll think about coming around” he told me and I could swear he had gotten nearer to me. “You´ll think about it, huh? Don´t you like my company?” I wickedly whispered and raised my eyebrow in temptation, if he could tease, I could as well. His smirk got wider and his eyes brighter. “I like your company very much, but do you like mine?” he asked me. “Very much” I repeated. “Good, then I´ll come around more often” he decided. “I´m looking forward to it” I admitted. Gajeel put his arm around my waist and pulled me even nearer to him, I locked my hands behind his neck and began to lean in. There was something about him, a magnetic aura I didn´t want to escape. In this instance Gajeel felt vulnerable, but he slightly opened his mouth and came closer to me, closing his eyes. His heart beat so fast and loudly, his lips were quivering and he felt the last bit of his bravery fade as my lips touched his. I swear he moaned, even if it was so slightly. His lips were cold, as was his hand, which roamed my back and the one coming up and gently caressing my cheek. Gajeel was very careful, he didn´t want to hurt me. I started to apply more pressure to my lips and moved them even closer to his, slipping out my tongue, asking for entrance. He opened his mouth in an instant and happily hummed when our tongues touched. Our tongues were circling around each other, chasing the other and not letting us breathe. I gently bit his lip, signaling us to part and when he moaned, we did. I pecked him one last time before we caught air. Gajeel was speechless and blushing, as I was smiling. “That was hot...” he said. “You´re hot” I corrected him, unlocking my hands behind his neck and grabbing his hand that he rested sweetly on my cheek, kissing it. 
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