#i swear all the romance scenes happen when my characters are beat to shit
avernusreject · 1 year
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This scene is adorable, but I spent the entire time wondering what everyone must have been saying. Like they decided to dance with no music in the middle of camp. What I wouldn't give to hear Astarion's snark on this.
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flilisskywalker · 1 year
This is a Mandalorian season 3 finale rant (There might be cursing because I need to vent my frustrations)
Yeah, I really hated the season 3 finale of Mando. It’s the most boring, uninspired poorly directed, written and edited Star Wars in a fucking while. Easily the worst episode of Star Wars television as a fucking whole to me
what the fuck happened 
It's sad because I was enjoying this season, but holy shit, for a show that was always good because of its emotional beats, they sure missed a lot of them (Unless your name is Grogu, of course, ops. Din Grogu urghhhhhh).  It was so fucking emotionless and fucking anticlimatic.
I have to be honest
I don't care that much about Grogu. “But the show is about him.” He is not the main relationship that Din has in this season! That is Bo-Katan. It's ridiculous how these characters have grown close to each other since the Mines and the writer finds the most emotionless way to reunite them again and split them again and the director just doesn't extract fabulous performances of them as well and the editing just chooses the most uninspired shots. 
It fucking bothers me the most is that this show is so concerned with what's coming next that they are forgetting what makes Star Wars so fucking cool: The relationships. Bo-Katan and Din have been saving each other's asses, sharing different perspectives to each other, swearing loyalty and they don't even get a goodbye scene.
“Maybe because they are not saying goodbye.” 
It's like you get The Force Awakens with Rey and Finn becoming friends, but without the moment that solidifies the bond from Rey’s part, which is when she says: "We'll see each other again. I believe that. Thank you, my friend." Was it so difficult to have them aknowledging the journey they went through together before they went separate ways? I just don’t get it how you miss such a simple and obvious emotional beat like this. 
It doesn’t fucking stop there. Of course.
Bo-Katan does not seem happy at all when she lights up that Forge. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I WONDER WHY. Could it because a fucking tin man who promised to serve her until her life was over is not fucking there? And people will say “You’re delusional.” No. This woman was flirting with him two episodes ago, she’s been looking at him since the Mines in a way that she does not look at any other Mandalorian (and you all can deny it however you want, but the way Katee is directed in those scenes just don’t lie) and they just make him go away. 
You fucking with me? You gotta be fucking with me. 
And you think that’s all? 
Hmm. Not really. 
Ragnar loses his father, who was also clearly the Armorer's favorite son and there’s no reaction, no aknowledgement of his death. Instead we got a whole "take the creed" scene, like, godamnit, have some fucking compassion for crying out loud. 
Moff Gideon destroying the darksaber is so awful. It doesn't work as a symbolism because he wanted that thing. It should've been Bo-Katan who destroyed it and that would pay off Din's line about the sword not being what determines who she is as a leader. 
Oh and Gideon dies, but not really because we know characters don’t really die in explosions in Star Wars and it’s so. fucking. ridiculous. What a moment this would be if this kill belonged to Bo-Katan. Because... I don’t know, the whole season is about her. 
*takes a deep breath* 
I fucking hated this episode. 
*takes another deep breath* 
Wake me up when Din and Bo are a duo again and they are allowed to have their romance. 
This finale was so not the fucking Way. 
Not even in Star Wars TV. Probably easily my most hated piece of a Star Wars media. “You are a Rise of Skywalker enjoyer.” I AM. Because you know, for all its flaws, at least that films understand emotional bits and this finale just doesn’t.
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nobodycallsmerae · 3 years
Hey, I hope you’re well! 🙃Can I ask #7 and #32?
Hi hi!! I'm fine! I hope you're doing great too!! I've written another shot based on prompt #32, (which im quite proud of) and you can find it here. You haven't mentioned a pairing, so I'm just gonna write for bbrae :)
I humbly tried to dabble into the holy world of office romance. You should see my manhwa reading list. My last 6-7 webcomics are filled with office romances XoX
'What? But I've been working overtime for the past twelve days!' He whined, practically on the verge of tears.
'Well that's tragic,' The vice president rolled her eyes. 'But you are my secretary now, and you have to be competent in what you do.'
Raven Roth had no idea how she'd gotten herself into this situation.
She was the vice president of a successful company, an accomplished and respected 28-year-old woman, but now she was stuck here, in her office, arguing pointlessly with a man-child.
Her old secretary (and only friend) Kory Anders, was on her honeymoon, leaving Raven with.. Him.
‘No “buts” Mr. Logan,’ Raven cut him off. ‘The company is going through a critical time now, and I want every employee to give their hundred percent. And you-’
Sometimes she wondered why she didn’t just fire him, but, truth be told, even if he was messy, and lazy, and was definitely not used to working behind the table, 27-year-old Garfield Logan was actually quite good at what he did.
And also that her old secretary had personally hired him, and Raven did not want to deal with an angry Kory Anders.
‘M-Mr. Logan are you…?’ She looked at her now secretary, who had slumped shoulders and was looking downwards.
‘How do you expect me to work like this?!’ He finally snapped, looking up at her and walking closer to her desk. ‘I get sleep for a grand total of three hours a day, I haven’t had a proper meal and have been practically living on caffeine and I don’t have any plants in my new apartment!!’
‘Plants…?’ She raised an eye-brow.
‘I just needed a third thing, okay?’ Gar cried out. He took a few deep breaths and with his chin touching his chest, his shoulders began to shake.
‘Mr. Lo- Logan are you… cryi-’
‘Yes! Yes, I’m having a mental breakdown right now!’ He exclaimed, looking up at her with tears in his eyes. ‘You may be perfect, Ms. Roth, but I am not! I’m nowhere near perfect, and I’m trying my best to keep up with you here. I’m trying my best, I swear, but I can’t anymore. You’ve ought to give me a break. If I had a girlfriend, I bet she’d want me to quit.’
‘..Well, you don’t have a girlfriend…’ Raven quietly muttered, feeling kind of guilty all of a sudden.
‘Because I’ve been working for you the whole time!!’ Gar yelled, watching her wince as he did.
He finally exhaled, and calmed himself. He stepped back, and suddenly, a professional aura surrounded him, which made Raven blink twice.
‘..I’m sorry Ms. Roth.’ He regarded her. ‘I’m sorry for behaving in an-’
A quite peculiar, but not not-good sound made him stop in his tracks, and in front of him, he could see his superior…. Laughing?
Gar had worked for Raven Roth for almost a month now, and he had never even seen the sides of her lips turning upwards, often making him wonder if they were fixed in a slight frown. But now, in front of him at 10 pm, The Raven Roth was laughing her heart out. Gar blinked, and even rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was hallucinating, because, truthfully, the scene in front of him was… making his heart flutter.
‘I-I’m sorry Mr. Logan..’ Raven said between laughs, covering her mouth with her hand. ‘But no employee has ever talked to me like that before… I would say that you’re almost being… cute.’
‘Well.. of course they haven’t,’ Gar coughed, trying to hide his obvious blush. ‘They’re practically working zombies…’
‘Heh, well you know what,’ Raven sighed, rolling her stiff shoulders into her plush chair. 'You can go home for today… But, I need those papers present on my table by next Monday. Understand?'
'Yes, Ma'am!!' Gar happily exclaimed, saluting her.
‘I may say… you’re being quite perky for someone who was whimpering not two seconds ago.’
‘Heh.. yeah, about that..’ He blushed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. ‘Can we just pretend the last five minutes of our lives never happened?’
‘Even the time I told you to wrap it up for the day?’ Raven slyly played along, not knowing what had gotten into her… but not disliking it either. ‘Okay, then, get the files from-’
She looked at him, pouting like a cute little puppy which was kicked in the- wait…
Raven Roth didn’t think things were cute, let alone other humans. She didn’t go around swooning over other men like some women, but what had invaded her thoughts right now?
Well, she did say that the puppy was cute… that had to count for something, right?
‘It’s okay, Mr. Logan, you may go. I was just messing with you.’
‘Phew.’ With a hand on his fine chest, the secretary let out a sigh. Wait, fi- ‘And also, now that we’re off the clock, please, you can call me Gar, Rav-’
‘And you may call me Ms. Roth.’
‘Ms. Roth.’ He smiled. He slightly bowed his head as a silent greeting and walked out of her office.
Raven thought about continuing her work, like she’s been doing every single night-
‘Mr. Garfield?’ She called out, surprising herself as she did.
‘Si?’ Gar immediately popped his head back into her office, almost as if he’d been standing in front of the door the whole time.
Now that he was looking oh-so intently at her, she blushed. And the last time the vice president had blushed was probably(?) when she was in kindergarden…
‘I.. J-just.. I wanted…’ Raven stumbled, making Gar raise his eye-brows with disbelief. ‘Just.. ah, thank you. I.. I needed this. This may seem a little out of character for me-’
‘A little?’ He teased.
‘Okay, well,’ She huffed. ‘This may not seem like myself, but..’ She sighed, almost bashfully fingering the folders on her table. ‘You know I don’t have many friends, everybody knows that. There are only people who are more-or-less fearful of me because of my designation. And ever since Kory went on her… vacation, I have just been working without a care in the world. But… this, whatever weird little confrontation we had right now… it was refreshing. I really needed that laugh, honestly,’ She chuckled. ‘So.. thank you.’
Gar’s face was colored red, and she was almost sure it mirrored hers, but he just smiled. ‘Anytime.’ He winked. 'And.. I'm your friend now! So don't hesitate to come to me anytime you're in need of a pal.'
Raven awkwardly smiled and got back to the task she was doing on her computer.
‘Umm.. Ms. Roth, aren’t you gonna go home too?’
‘Huh, me? No.’ She shook her head, stifling a yawn. ‘I have this presentation to be tak-’
‘What? But today is Friday.. You have the whole weekend ahead of you! You should take a break!’
‘No, Mr. Loga- Garfield, it’s okay.’ He'd taken a seat on one of the chairs in front of her table. ‘You should go ahead...’
‘Oh, Ms. Roth..’ He sighed. ‘If you take a break now, and get a decent good night’s sleep while you still can, you’ll be refreshed and will be more energized to do your work later on; which will make your work even better! So.. what do ya’ say?’
Gar smiled at her, but he seemed dumbfounded once he saw the expression on her face. She was blushing, very heavily, and Gar wasn’t sure if he’d done something which made her face flush. He raised an eye-brow, to which Raven shyly responded by pointing towards her desk with her eyes. As he looked down at where her eyes were pointed, he saw that his hands were covering hers, almost in an affectionate way.
‘Ahem.’ He pulled back at once, his face flushed with shock and embarrassment.
Raven tried regaining her composure, flattening the front of her suit as a distraction and trying to not concentrate on the warmth that was still lingering on her usually cold hands.
‘Well, Mr. Logan, I thank you for your concern, but…’ The VP sighed, eyeing the files on her desk, thinking back on what had happened a few moments ago. Raven wasn’t the kind of person to reconsider things; She had a schedule and she followed it accordingly. But she also wasn’t the kind of person who’d be easily flustered around people, blush (so many times!), or have such… inappropriate thoughts about a co-worker. (Raven believes “cute” is highly inappropriate.) She also made a mental note to go for a health check-up soon, because she wasn’t sure if her heart was supposed to be beating so fast. Or be missing beats.
‘..I’m going to say something and regret it real quick.’ She mumbled. ‘Okay.. have it your way!’
‘Sweet!’ Gar laughed. ‘Seeing as we’re the only people left, let’s head out together!’ He suggested before walking out.
Raven looked dazed for a moment, but then quickly sorted through the files and folders. She organised what she needed and what she would take a look at later, and sighed at her empty table.
Rummaging through her bag, she looked for her car keys. ‘Shit.’
'You okay?' He called out to her. 'Whoa, that was so cool!' She heard him say to himself as his voice echoed through the empty office.
'Nothing, just..' She exhaled. 'I locked the keys in the car, and my spare keys are at home...' She looked frustrated.
'Oh man...' Gar stood at her door, looking down. 'Uhh, can't you just call up your butler or something?'
'It's almost 11 at night, Garfield.' She let out a long sigh.
'Wait.. but can't you rich people like, call your butlers anytime and they'll be present?'
'What do you think this is, a no-budget fanfiction?' Raven rolled her eyes. Her head was laying on her clean table, and Gar couldn't help but blush after seeing her look so laid-back in front of him. 'Well, I can call them, but I wouldn't want to disturb them. Besides, I can just call a cab for now.'
'Or I could give you a ride!' Gar abruptly suggested.
'Umm?' The woman awkwardly raised an eye-brow, not able to find her words to reply to him.
'I mean..' He started, scratching the back of his neck. 'I was the one who suggested we wrap up for the day, and I'm here with you now. If anything were to happen to you, it is really unsafe now, late at night, I wouldn't help but feel responsible. So let me-'
'Garfield.. I-' Raven blushed. 'I don't think it will be suitable for me to accompany a co-worker like this... And also if people think there's an ulterior motive-'
'I don't have any ulterior motives, Rae.' He smiled. 'I'm just a concerned guy looking out for a friend.'
'Very well... Thank you, Garfield.' She looked down at her table, trying to hide her flushed face. 'Also, nobody calls me "Rae".'
'Yes ma'am!' The secretary smiled and walked out to his cubicle to get his things, leaving Raven alone in her office.
Right then, Raven Roth knew something had changed. Be it the atmosphere or herself, she wasn't sure, but something had definitely changed between her and this Gar Logan.
Maybe it was just one-sided; maybe it was because nobody had made her laugh like that, (even though he didn't do it on purpose.), maybe because no one else had ever suggested her to leave her precious work and get sleep. It could be because for the first time, someone had talked to her as Raven (...or Rae) and not “Vice President, Miss. Roth”. Or probably because it was the first time somebody had cared for her enough to stay back and offer a ride.
She wasn't sure why (or what exactly), but she knew something had changed... and in the deepest, darkest corners of her mind, Raven selfishly hoped it didn't change back.
‘You ready?’ He reappeared at her office, bowing a little melodramatically as he caught her eye.
'Yeah…' Raven smiled. 'I'm ready.'
Believe it or not the whole meltdown-in-front-of-lady-boss thing is based on a real incident lmho.
Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this!! Please share your thoughts :>
[send me a prompt]
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adamfoolcry · 4 years
Troublesome (Part III)
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part I, part II, part III (2) - coming soon
pairings: Maneater/Partygirl!Reader x BoyfriendMaterial!Jungwoo, Maneater/Partygirl!Reader x FirstLove!Hendery, BestCousin!Sicheng, Bestfriend!Lucas
pairings: 18+
warnings: consumption of alcohol, swearing, explicit language
genre: comedy maybe even a crackfic, smut, fluff, and a teeny tiny pinch of angst
summary: Your relationship with Jungwoo is moving fast except for one part, your sex life. You didn’t know you signed up for the nunnery when you agreed to dating him. Oh, and Lucas your best friend is transferring to Korea.
word count: 3,438
chinese slang: meimei = little sister, gege = older brother, baobei = baby
a/n: I always forgot I have this in my drafts nyways there is no smut here and jungwoo barely appears. Here is the third installment of my crackfic:Troublesome.
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"Mèimei no you're not moving in with Jungwoo. Don't even try I won't ever allow you to." Sicheng's eyes were hard he was already set to stone. Yes, it is nice that you have finally decided to pursue a serious relationship since your first one but isn't living together too much of a stretch.
"As if that will stop me Gege. Go worry about your relationship I heard Jiwon is complaining about your lack of sex drive." You are already packing your things at your dorm when Sicheng stormed in with angry livid eyes going on and on about that moving in this early in a relationship is too fast. You have been dating Jungwoo for three months now and everything is going smoothly. Your ears are ringing from his sermon and Sicheng won't shut up.
"Shut your yap Sicheng gege! I know you care about me but if you won't support my decisions then get the fuck out of here." You shouted at him. Sicheng was so astonished it has been a while since you raised your voice at him. Jungwoo entered the room unaware of what's happening.
"Princess you finished? Oh Sicheng hyung why are you here?" Jungwoo looked at Sicheng confused. You would have never guessed what will happen next Sicheng have never been a person capable of hurting any living creature but he leaped at Jungwoo punching the other boy's cheek.
"How dare you Jungwoo! How can you tell her our boy talk? We swore an oath!" They both stumbled down to the ground Sicheng straddling Jungwoo's waist pulling his fist back for another punch aiming for Jungwoo's jaw.
"You don't know how powerful she is hyung." Jungwoo made a makeshift shield using his arms attempting to block Sicheng's upcoming punch.
"No gege! Not my baby's face don't ruin his face!" You shouted at Sicheng. Sicheng slowly put his fist down and got off Jungwoo's waist.
"Whatever do what you want to do mèimei. I am tired of taking care of you." Sicheng said resigned knowing he can never stop you because of how stubborn you are.
You quickly rushed to hug Sicheng from behind proclaiming your undying love for him. "I love you so much gege you know that right." Jungwoo stood up from where he is situated on the floor and joined the group hug, hugging Sicheng from the front.
"Get off me man." Sicheng said irritated. Jungwoo pried Sicheng out of your embrace and replace Sicheng's position circling his arms around you. You giggled at how silly Jungwoo is. He looked down at you and asked. "Why didn't you help me when Sicheng Hyung is beating me up?"
You looked at Jungwoo your eyes glinting with menace. "You two looked like the main characters of a BL series it's so hot."
Both men exclaimed mortified.
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In the end, it was Sicheng and Jungwoo who did all the work packing up your things and moving it to Jungwoo's apartment while you order them left and right. Jungwoo was so tired that after setting up everything he fell to the bed out of exhaustion straight out of the shower. You pout beside him you have prepped yourself with your high-end lotion and even waxed your coochie one week prior to the move for the most-awaited sexy time but ever since Jungwoo asked you out, you two have never done it and he won't even let you see his dick. Yes, he was superb in fingering and eating you out but you're really high maintenance. Before this relationship, you go around the town thrice a week with different flavors. How can he neglect you like this? You shook his arm timidly.
He opened one of his eyes and turned his face sideways to smile at you. "What is it, Princess? Why are you grumpy?"
"Jungwoo why do you deprive me of your allegedly self-proclaimed big dick?" You pouted at him.
"Good things to those who wait Princess. Come here hug your baby. I am so tired we have to convert the other room into your walk-in closet because you own too many clothes." You snuggled beside him wrapping your arms around his chest.
"Why do you own so many Halloween costumes?" Jungwoo asked you confused.
"That's for roleplaying stupid." You rolled your eyes at him.
"Then why is there a guadatema onesie I don't think my dick will react to that." Jungwoo announced incredulously.
"That's my pajamas!" You slapped his chest.
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Today is your fourth month anniversary and you are getting tired of Jungwoo not initiating sex. You can't take this anymore you have been practicing celibacy for four months now you didn't know you signed up for the nunnery when you got into this relationship. Jungwoo always looked so hot especially when shirtless yes he doesn't have a six-pack but he's lean and well-muscled and holy shit his v line coupled with his height. Every time you see him shirtless you are sure you like a dog with rabies salivating at the sight of him. You don't know if he is teasing or he is that oblivious. Sicheng called you and waved his hands up your face seeing that you are not listening to him anymore.
"Mèimei did you understand what I said?" Sicheng asked you.
"Yeah yeah." You brushed him off. "We will fetch Lucas at the airport next week. He will be transferring next sem at our university and will be staying at your apartment." It's not that you are not excited to see your bestfriend again but there are more pressing matters like you going crazy because of your nonexistent sex life.
"Gege did I gain weight?" You asked Sicheng to which he answered with a shake of his head.
"Did I become less attractive?" You asked him again.
"Mèimei what is this about? This is the first time you have been insecure." Sicheng asked you seriously.
"It-has-been-four-months-since-Jungwoo-and-I-started-dating-and-he-never-initiated-to-have-sex-with-me." You let it all out in one breath embarrassed that you are confiding to your older cousin. Sicheng laughed so hard that he was clutching his stomach.
"So ironic that you a man-eater choose a monk for a boyfriend." Sicheng continued laughing even clapping his hands looking like an overexcited seal.
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The three of you are standing at the airport waiting for Lucas. You even prepared a poster for him your arms are getting tired of holding it up but you decided to endure it. Jungwoo hugged you from behind placing his head on your shoulder most likely bored from waiting for 45 minutes.
"Princess so tell me something about Lucas." Jungwoo asked out of curiosity.
"He is our giant baby. For context, he's taller than you. He is always full of energy and is such a sensitive soul despite his appearance." You look at Jungwoo listing Lucas' good points.
"Should I be worried it sounds like he's an old flame?" Jungwoo replied scrunching his eyebrows.
"Yeah he is but it didn't work out." Jungwoo looked at you shocked. You snickered he's so cute. You can't help but press a kiss on his cheek.
"You should actually be worried Jungwoo there was a time that even I feel like a third wheel whenever the three of us go out and that was after they decided to be just friends. The two of them are so alike.” Sicheng fueled Jungwoo's worries. Just as Sicheng finished his sentence you saw Lucas running towards the three of you leaving his luggage and sprinting in your direction.
"Baobei!" Lucas shouted opening his arms. You rushed towards him breaking free of Jungwoo's hug and letting your poster fall to the floor. You leaped onto his arms and he lifted you into the air, spinning you around your joyous laughter filling the place. To everyone else watching it's like a scene taken out of romance movies where the two lovers reunited again after having been separated for a long time even the crowd was taking pictures and videos because of the sweet encounter. Jungwoo's jaw almost fell to the floor. This gorgeous man is your bestfriend and also your ex-boyfriend he didn't know he signed up for more trouble when he asked you out.
Sicheng sighed "See what I mean. Don't even try to separate them tonight." Sicheng then proceeded to fetch Lucas' luggage pushing it towards the parking lot.
"Come on you three it's getting close to midnight." Sicheng shouted. Needless to say, Jungwoo went home to your shared apartment alone you decided to spend the night at Sicheng's he wanted to stay with you but you told him that you will be not sleeping and most likely visit a club or two with Lucas.
It was just like the old times when you and Lucas are younger after visiting a club, you two will drive around at the wee hours of the morning grabbing fast food and talking just about everything. It feels comfortable with him but this time neither of you are trying to fill a gap in each other’s hearts. Lucas parked Sicheng's car at a secluded parking lot with a beautiful view of the night sky. The two of you sitting on the hood of the car eating burgers and fries.
"So I heard from Winwin ge that you are in a serious relationship now with that guy Jungwoo." Lucas broke the comfortable silence looking at you his stare questioning.
"Yeah Yukhei can you believe it? and I am so happy. I like him a lot like a lot, a lot." You smiled at him and Lucas smiled back at you. This is Lucas' genuine smile, not the one he throws at potential one night stands he reserves it for his most cherished persons and that includes you.
"I see baobei then there are no questions needed." Lucas reached out and held your hand in his. You are so lucky to have Lucas who supports you unconditionally.
"What about you Yukhei? Tell me do you still pursue casual relationships?" You asked him.
"I actually stopped when you left me in Beijing to study here. With you and Sicheng gone I was so lost and sad. Sleeping with girls didn't help in fact it made me feel crappier so I decided to stop it altogether." Lucas confessed looking down as if he was ashamed of himself. You tried to comfort him leaning your head on his shoulder and drawing circles with your thumb at the back of his hand.
"Don't worry you're here now whenever you feel sad or disheartened just call me and I'll cross the high heavens and lowest depths of hell just to get to you." You poked his belly with your index finger.
"Don't make me cry baobei." You heard Lucas sniffling his tears.
"Even now you're still a big baby Yukhei." You laughed at him. The night sky is so beautiful and you have never felt this happy in a long time.
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The next day Sicheng arranged a welcome dinner on behalf of Lucas of course the two of you are fashionably late. Sicheng, Jiwon, and Jungwoo are already at the restaurant waiting for you and Lucas to arrive. You made your entrance at the restaurant your arm looped with Lucas' facing each other talking animatedly and laughing. It was as if the two of you are in your own little bubble. When the two of you reached the table you went to where Jungwoo is and sat beside him. His arm automatically circling your waist as he press a kiss on the side of your head.
"Awww so sweet." Lucas teased you and Jungwoo. He was sitting on the opposite side besides Jiwon.
"You're just jelly Yukhei." You stuck your tongue out at him. Everyone laughed at your retort. The food arrived and the conversation was flowing steadily there was a continuous stream of laughter. Lucas using his charms threw a joke one after another paired with his comical facial expressions and broken english phrases. Sicheng and Jiwon bid goodbye first and left earlier the three of you stayed at the restaurant.
"By the way man did I tell you how I met ________?" Lucas started rubbing his palms together his lips forming an evil grin. You kicked Lucas under the table trying to stop him.
"So it goes like this I met _______ at a club she was having a catfight with another girl who is accusing _______ of sleeping with her boyfriend. They were clawing each other’s' face off basically it was chaos the crowd even formed a circle around them as if it was a live wrestling match betting on who's gonna win. Then-" Lucas stopped his narration and started laughing so hard wiping tears from the corner of his eyes. You started kicking him harder under the table.
"She puked at the other girl I swear everyone was so mortified. I even recorded it on my phone. _______ went viral and was banned at that club." Lucas continued laughing you quickly got of your seat and placed your hands around Lucas' neck intending to choke him. Jungwoo had to pry you off Lucas to make you stop. Lucas was coughing so hard.
"What was that for baobei?" Lucas started rubbing the part where you nearly asphyxiated him a handprint evident on the skin of his neck."Seriously man how do you deal with her?" Lucas asked Jungwoo while trying to clear his throat. Jungwoo just shrugged and looked at you lovingly.
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You decided that if Jungwoo won't take matters into his hand you will have to seduce him. You pampered yourself with your one hour self-care routine and wore your white off-shoulder dress showing just the right amount of cleavage that makes you look like a greek goddess.
Jungwoo just got off work from where he was interning at and he just wants to end the day by cuddling you on the bed before going to sleep. When he entered the apartment door he was surprised to see you waiting for him, dressed up so prettily. He smiled he was so lucky to have you.
"Princess you look like an angel." Jungwoo said admiring you.
"You look like a CEO, who fucks his secretary." Did he hear you right? Jungwoo was shocked as you made your way to him like a predator hunting its prey. He was in trance it was as if someone glued him to that spot as he watches the subtle sway of your hips as walk you towards him.
"I can be your secretary." You look up at him sultrily, pushing him against the closed apartment door as you kiss him deeply. You got so impatient to touch his bare skin so you work on untucking his white polo from his slacks. Your greedy little hands roaming under his shirt heating up his skin. Jungwoo pulled your bare thighs around his waist carrying you to the kitchen. He placed you on top of the counter and you pulled him closer wanting to feel his growing bulge against your core. Jungwoo broke the kiss placing his forehead on yours.
"Princess, what brought this on?" He asked breathless tucking some stray strands of hair behind your ears.
"Just because. Do I need a reason to kiss my boyfriend?" You asked him as you press a short kiss to his lips. You started pressing kisses on his jaw at the same time palming his hardening cock. "I want you to fuck me Jungwoo." You stated boldly and Jungwoo moaned closing his eyes in pleasure.
"Princess stop please." Jungwoo placed his forehead on your shoulder trying to control his desire. Your body instantly went cold you can't believe what you have heard. You slid down the counter and Jungwoo reached out to hold your wrist but you moved your hand away.
"Are you disgusted with me Jungwoo? Is that why you don't want to have sex with me? Cause I've been sleeping around before our relationship." You accused him livid; hurt pouring out with every syllable.
"Princess I would never be dis-" You didn't let him finish you turned and walked away from him heading towards the door.
"Princess don't leave let me-" That was the last word you heard from him slamming the door closed at your shared apartment. You ran as fast as you can to the elevator. You drove to Sicheng's place where he and Lucas were having a movie marathon. You stormed to the sofa where they are sitting. Sicheng and Lucas already know that you are in a bad mood just by the sour look on your face.
"Oh oww someone's in her period." Lucas teased you.
"You two go get dressed we're gonna fvcking drink our ass off." They were left with no choice knowing not to oppose you when you get into one of these moods or else you will throw the biggest tantrum that will be the cause of complaint filed by Sicheng's neighbors against him.
Three Jack Daniel's later and an assortment of cocktail drinks littered on the table you are occupying the three of you are utterly and devastatingly wasted. Even Sicheng who has the highest alcohol tolerance is starting to giggle at every little thing you and Lucas are saying.
"Jungwooss thinkss thad I have STDs he dont wanna banggg mee someboddy hang me." You say in a slur. "I am the most top one pretty." Sicheng just giggled again in response.
"Nahhhh you using condomms right? We the advocates of safe sexxx." Lucas shouted the last sentence catching the attention of other bar-goers. Sicheng dialed Jiwon's cell.
"Babbbbyyy I am soo drunkk!" Sicheng can't help but giggle on the phone. Jiwon asked where he is concerned about Sicheng's state of drunkness. After making fun of yourselves for another fifteen minutes Jungwoo came to the rescue before the three of you could make any more scene. Jungwoo attended to you first kneeling so that he'll be at your eye level trying to gauge how far off drunk are you. Your vision is blurry but still seeing him concerned for you makes you forget about the fight you had earlier.
"Hey Handsome why are you here?" You smiled and proceeded to caress his cheek with your fingers.
"I am looking for my girlfriend. She's mad at me -" Jungwoo seized your hand with his pressing his cheek further into your palms looking at you pleading eyes." and I already miss her."
"Take me away then." You throw your arms at Jungwoo's shoulders.
Jungwoo started carrying you in a bridal position. You circled your arms around his neck and leaned all your weight to him causing Jungwoo to almost lose his balance. "Princess don't do that we'll fall if you do that again." You burrowed your head deeper to his neck littering kisses at the juncture where it meets his collarbone. Lucas who was mostly talking to himself and shouting at no one saw that you are being taken away. In his drunkness he didn't recognized that it was Jungwoo and thought you are being kidnapped. He forced himself to catch up with Jungwoo walking in long strides almost slipping a few times due to his dizziness he pulled at Jungwoo's shoulder strong enough to make Jungwoo face him with you slumping in Jungwoo's arms.
"Hey Pervert! Where are you taking Baobei? You have to go through me first." Lucas took a deep breath dramatically as if gathering strength and got into a fighting stance like Bruce lee boucing on the balls of his feet, flinging his arms periodically jabbing into nothing.
"Yukhei my luvvvvv save me from this godawful creature." You dramatically put the back of your hand at your forehead speaking in a theatrical voice playing along with Lucas' delusions.
"Baobei I am coming I'll-" Lucas shouted attracting the crowd's attention. Jungwoo interrupted him before he makes an even bigger scene. "Lucas man, it's Jungwoo. _________'s boyfriend."
"Oh" Lucas was suddenly dumbfounded. "Hi, man nice to meet you I am Yukhei but you can call me Lucas. I am _______'s bestfriend." Lucas scratched his head and smiled sheepishly before passing out on the floor. Jungwoo sighed with Sicheng giggling by himself at the table like he was exposed to some substance to Lucas passed out on the floor he didn't know that liking you would be so troublesome. Jungwoo looked at you in his arms as you scrunch your nose in drunken slumber. Even when you reek of alcohol he found you endearing.
"You're so lucky Princess that I like you a lot." He said as he kissed your scrunched up nose
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a/n: Check out my other works for NCT here:masterlist.
part III (2): It was a peaceful morning until someone shrieked so loud that even the neighbors occupying the other units was startled. It was Sicheng who produced that godawful noise finding that he is naked in bed with none other than Lucas who was equally as naked as him sprawled at the other half of the bed. Lucas drowsily opened his eyes seeing Sicheng on the other side of the bed clutching the bed sheets at his chest looking as if someone has harrased him. He looked down and saw that he was only in his underwear and also screamed his lungs out despite having a deeper voice it was as if some girls were having a screaming contest. "What did you to me Winwin ge?" Lucas asked horrified. "What do you mean? I should ask you that I woke up with no clothes on?" Sicheng pointed at him accusingly. "Did we-" Lucas swallowed and looked at everywhere but at Sicheng.
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 42
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his -4.4k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: i hope you enjoy this! i really hope its worth a read! please send me requests for the few chapters left. i have the last chapters totally planned and they cant really be changed, but i can add a few things in them. as for the next few chapters, just send me anything you want for them!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! :  i changed it a bit i hope its ok! i used an other request for the chapter but it was part of many requests in the same ask so im not adding it in case i use the rest too. basically, it says “Louis being upset at losing his roommate”
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Chapter 42 : Her chapter
May 21st, 2018
I was happy that Dylan hadn't asked Heidi to be there the next day since we were about to film the scene I feared the most. Niall had a few things to do but he told me he'd join me a bit later on the set. If I wanted to be honest, though, I was sort of happy he was not there, if only because this scene was going to be tough to play and knowing he would be there when I was filming it would make me even more nervous.
I jumped slightly when someone knocked at the door and walked to it with a frown. I had decided to eat in my dressing room if only to be alone and try to get back in those horrible feelings I had when Niall broke up with me. I remembered the rain, I remembered running away, I remembered the way he was looking at me and the way my heart twisted in my chest, feeling like it was stuck in a vice. I remembered the tattoo I had just got of a heart around his name, on the skin of my back, and how much it seemed to burn. I remembered running to Louis and crying with him. I remembered everything of that night. It was so vivid I felt like I would never forget. I knew this memory would never be blurry, I knew I'd remember every fucking second of it for the rest of my life.
When I opened the door, Dylan looked up, and my heart skipped a beat when I realized how vulnerable he looked with his sad eyes and his hands in his pockets. I was used to the confident and funny man who had been my rock for so many months. Now he looked exhausted and hurt.
"Can I come in?"
I nodded and licked my lips, moving away to let him in and I closed the door as he turned around to face me. We remained in front of each other just staring in each other's eyes until I moved my arm to show him the couch.
"Please, sit."
We kept silent for a few more minutes after sitting down and all I could hear was my heart thumping against my rib cage. I didn't know why he was there and I didn't want this conversation to turn bad. I knew what kind of person he was though and I knew it would most likely not end up in screams and insults, but he was with Heidi now, and I knew what she was capable of.
"I'm sorry, Olivia." he finally let out with a sigh before rubbing his eyes. "I'm sorry for bringing Heidi here yesterday. I mean, I didn't even invite her she sort of... invited herself. But that's not the point, I mean I knew how you felt about her and I promise I didn't do that to piss you off, or make you uncomfortable."
My lips parted and after a while, they curled slightly. "I know, don't worry about it." I just shook my head a bit. "But Dylan, are you serious? I mean Heidi? Really?"
"Does it bother you?" he asked with a sad smile as he looked up.
"No, it doesn't. You can date whoever you want it's just... I'm surprised. After all you said about her... After all we said about her." I corrected myself. "Just be careful okay?"
"Liv," he chuckled, raising his eyebrows. "I'm not gonna marry her. She just... eases the pain, I guess. Some sort of a rebound."
"Basically, you two fuck."
This time, he laughed and leaned against the couch. "Pretty much." he shrugged and put his gaze into mine, his smile faltering a bit. "She's no you, but she's not bad looking when naked."
This time, I let out a loud laughter that made him smile more. "As long as she keeps her mouth shut, maybe!"
"Yea, that doesn't happen often, unfortunately."
I laughed again and rolled my eyes before tilting my head and pressing my lips together, staring at him some more. "I'm sorry I hurt you, Dylan."
"No, I'm sorry." he lost his smile and closed his eyes for a few seconds before moving closer and leaning his elbows on his knees. I frowned, a bit stressed about why he was acting like that but when he sighed again, I held my breath. "I'm the one who told her. About you and Niall. I told her you cheated on me and that I said it was okay, and she asked when it was and she just.. connected the dots. It's my fault she made that instagram shit. I hope you can forgive me."
I swallowed hard still looking at him. I couldn't really blame him and I was a bit surprised that I didn't think that he could be the one who told her, especially after seeing them together a few days before. It was so obvious now and I mentally slapped myself for being an idiot.
"Done." I just replied with a small smile. "Anything else I can help with? World Peace? Starvation in third world nations? Anything?"
He laughed and sent me a small smile as I became more serious. I didn't want us to be on bad terms and yes, it felt weird to think that only a few weeks ago, we were supposed to get married, but we both needed to move on from that.
"Heidi and I we just... bonded over the fact that we felt betrayed, and we were sad and hurt, you know? We won't spend our lives together. I don't have feelings for her I'm just.. trying to move on."
I stared at him again, keeping quiet for a few minutes, not wanting to say something wrong. We had had good moments together, and I couldn't pretend I didn't miss him but at the same time, I didn't miss the love relationship we had. I was with Niall and no one else made me feel like he did. No one else ever did make me feel like Niall did, not even Dylan, whom I was ready to marry.
"I really hope it works, Dyl." I sent him a fond smile, tilting my head. "You deserve the best."
May 22nd, 2018
What woke me up in the middle of my nap in the afternoon was a soft piano melody and before my eyes even opened, my lips curled into a fond smile. I put my pants on and got out of bed, following the music and yawning a bit on my way as I tugged at my hair. When I entered the living room, Niall looked up and sent me a smile as he kept playing and finally licked his lips, taking his hand away from the keys and raised his eyebrows.
"How did sleeping beauty sleep?"
"I don't know about her," I started with an other yawn. "but I slept very well, thank you."
"I was talking about you, silly!" he chuckled. "You sleep all the time, and you're beautiful. This is now officially my new nickname for you."
I raised my eyebrows and my lips parted as he laughed. "If you call me that, I'll start calling you Neil."
I smiled when I saw him grimace and finally sat next to him on the small bench, facing the piano. I've always wanted to play and at the same time, i loved watching Niall play. If only I could be as talented as he was in something... anything, really.
"You're so damn good, I swear, I'm jealous."
"My piano skills are pretty basic."
"Lies!" I quickly replied, turning my head to look at him and raising my eyebrows. "You always say that and we both know it's bullshit." I turned back to the piano and placed my hands on the keys as if I knew what I was doing. "Here's a little something I can play for you.”
I let an amused smile appear on my lips and finally used just two fingers to play a short song on the piano, missing one or two notes as I did. When I turned back to him, he was smiling big, trying not to laugh.
"Is that 'Take Me Out To The Ball Game'?" he asked, unable to stop a chuckle from escaping his mouth. "Played with literally two fingers?"
"Don't laugh! I taught myself that."
He started laughing anyway and I raised my nose up, pushing his upper arm with mine and making him laugh even more. He smelled good and he looked gorgeous. I was trying not to think about the fact that he was leaving in a few days and when I looked up at him, he licked his lips.
"Do you want me to teach you?"
My lips curled into a happy smile but I tried to hide it by pressing them together before nodding. He chuckled and proceeded to take my hands and placed them over the keys. I tried to listen to his instructions but my mind drifted away after a while as I looked at his fingers slide gently on the keys for a while before my eyes moved on his arm and up to his chest and his face. I stared at his lips moving for a few seconds before blinking a few times as I tried to get out of my thoughts.
"Are you sleeping again?" he asked, raising his eyebrows with a smile.
"No... no I just..." I shook my head and chuckled. "Play that song. The one you had in hands in my dressing room. You said you needed a piano well there's one. I want to hear you sing."
"I was teaching you how to play darling." he pointed out, making me tilt my head.
"Play Niall, please."
He stared at me and I felt my heartbeats accelerate. I couldn't believe I was here with him and that he was looking at me like that. After a while, he just nodded and licked his lips before his fingers glided on the keys again.
"Maybe we are the champagne lovers Lay in the dark, we are stargazing now Well, I don’t like it.
Rolling the dice just to feel the thunder Deep in the heart of a downward spiral Falling, we’re falling.
We should twist the knife Put it all to bed, I Need to understand what it takes to love again
So come on love me when the lights burn low Meet me underneath the sheets Cause you got a hold of me baby, enough to pull me back in deep.
You used to love me when the lights burned low Now we’re tearing at the seams We‘ve both had enough of this, baby, so promise me that when you leave You won’t say you’ll come back to me.
Maybe we are the perfect strangers Only the stories left on paper now And I don’t like it.
We should twist the knife Put it all to bed, I Need to understand what it takes to love again
So come on love me when the lights burn low Meet me underneath the sheets Cause you got a hold of me baby, enough to pull me back in deep.
You used to love me when the lights burned low Now we’re tearing at the seams We‘ve both had enough of this, baby, so promise me that when you leave You won’t say you’ll come back to me.
Come back to me You won’t say you’ll come back to me."
I felt a tear roll down my cheek and swallowed the lump in my throat with difficulty. Silent came back in the room and slowly, I brought one of my hands to his cheek, brushing my thumb on it gently. I loved how some of the lyrics really fitted us, and I couldn't explain how perfect it was. He knew how to add things in songs that were only obvious to us two, and I needed to learn how to do that, because when it came to writing my tv show, I knew it was more and more obvious with time that it was based on my story with Niall.
"Those lyrics about the sheets..." I just whispered before licking my lips and sniffing.
"We've been hiding under the sheets since we were kids." he explained even if I already knew what it meant. "Just you and me, in our world. And now I realize that it was our world because you're my world."
I started seeing blurry because of the tears in my eyes and blinked again to let them slide down my cheeks. He brought his hand over mine on his face but his eyes never left mine.
"You're so full of shit, Horan." I just replied in a whisper with a small chuckle.
"I mean it." he quickly murmured before I pressed my lips against his.
He kissed me back deeply and his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. His lips parted against mine and he panted, making me whimper low. I let my hands slip under his shirt and I thought he was going to laugh at how impatient I was but instead, he moved slightly away, his lips still against mine.
"I'm gonna fucking miss you."
"How many times are we gonna tell that to each other." I whispered back, sliding my hands up his chest.,
He pulled away a bit to stare in my eyes and something twisted inside me. "I don't know, petal. Now too often I hope."
I pulled his shirt off and let it fall on the floor and I kept my lips pressed against his as he got up slowly, grabbing the hem of my shirt and taking it off too. He turned me around slightly, both his hands on my waist and when he kissed me harder, I leaned against the piano without thinking, hitting a few keys and making an horrible sound. We laughed against each other's mouths and I felt him pull my pants down, along with my panties. I wiggled slightly to take them off and pushed them away from us as I moved a bit and hit a few keys again but higher notes this time.
"Clumsy ass." he whispered with a chuckle.
"Hey it's your fault." I argued in a low tone before smiling wide.
I reached for his pants and unzipped them and when he took a step back, my eyes fluttered as I started at him. He took his pants off and when he pulled his boxers down, my lips parted slightly. I watched him sit back on the bench as I stood between him and the piano and he brought his hand to his dick, stroking it slowly. I ran my hand to my breasts as I stared at him and felt my heart jump in my chest at the sight.
He brought his free hand between my thighs and I propped one of my feet on the bench next to him before two of his fingers ran on my slit. He was staring at what he was doing and I let out a low whimper as his thumb found my clit. I was already turned on but feeling him touching me while looking at him touch himself was amazing and I licked my lips, moaning slightly louder.
"I just want to sit on your cock."
He let go of me but I noticed his fingers pressed harder around his cock as he looked up at me and it only took him a few seconds to make a quick head movement.
"Turn around and sit on me."
I felt my heart jump again and slowly did what I asked. I felt him spank me once as I held myself on the piano to sit slowly on him. His hand reached my right side as his left hand positioned his dick and I closed my eyes as I felt it slowly get deeper inside me until I was sitting completely on him.
"Fuck, bend down a bit."
I did as he asked, holding myself on the piano again and making an other unpleasant noise as I hit different keys. This time though, he didn't laugh. He ran his hands on my back, pushing on it gently again and he finally held my waist to help me move up and down on his cock very slowly, watching it slip almost completely out of me and then back inside me as I sat back on him a few times until he was balls deep.
"I fucking love watching my cock disappear in that pretty little cunt of yours." he admitted in a low tone before groaning low. "Fuck me, petal. Harder."
I started going harder as he asked and I tried to grip the piano with my fingers to get balance, my fingers making an annoying sound as they slid on it. My lips parted and I held my breath when I felt him push his thumb in my asshole and I let out a curse word, my movements faltering a bit.
"Don't you fucking stop." he just let out, spanking me with his free hand. "Nothing I want more than to cum deep inside you, pet. I want to feel you clench around me. Fuck, you're such a perfect little cumdump."
I held my breath at his words, feeling my whole body throb at the way he dirty talked to me, a bit surprised but aroused by his words. I was thinking about touching myself when I felt his arm slither around me to reach between my legs as the thumb of his other hand was still fucking my ass.
"You're gonna cum so hard, yea?" he asked, rubbing my clit and making me clench around him in motion. "All over my cock?"
I felt my eyes flutter and my head fell back slightly as I started shaking over him. He brought his arm around me to hold me against him as he kept rubbing my clit hard and fast and when I started cumming, he pushed me up slightly and started moving his hips up against me to reach an orgasm too. He only kept his tip inside me as he came and his fingers sank on both sides of my waist as he groaned loud.
One of my hands fell on the keys again and I shut my eyes tighter as I got down from my high slowly. I felt one of his hands carress my back and he tapped my butt gently to incite me to get up, I felt his cum fall and when I turned around, some of it slid on my thighs while I bit my bottom lip, looking at his cum mixed with mine on his thighs.
It took him a few seconds to get up and he bent his head down to reach my lips with his. I heard the few notes from the piano as he kissed me and I chuckled against his mouth, making him smile.
"Loved it." he let out low with a smirk. "We literally just composed the best song ever together.”
I laughed and shook my head a bit, my lips brushing against his. "Yea, I don't think it's gonna be a hit." I admitted with an other laugh.
He laughed too and started kissing me slowly but deeply again until we heard the doorbell and both jumped. We both smiled and chuckled at the same time before the bell rang again and someone starting hitting the door quite roughly. I quickly rolled my eyes, knowing exactly who it was. and Niall frowned at me until we heard the voice.
"OLIVIA! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!" he yelled, making me laugh and roll my eyes. "PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON AND COME OPEN THE DOOR!"
"Why does he always get here when we're naked?" Niall asked, making me laugh.
"Hey, it's Louis, I expect nothing less." I pointed out as I was putting my pants back. "I'll go see what he wants, you get dressed."
I put my shirt on as I walked to the front door before swinging it open and sending a big smile to my best friend. He opened his arms wide and it took me only half a second before throwing myself at him. He held me close and I buried my face in his neck as I felt his head lean gently against the side of mine.
"So glad to see you, my queen. I missed you." his voice was low and his words seemed sincere. I could hear emotions in his tone and it made me smile as I gripped the back of his shirt tightly.
"It's been weeks." I just let out, making him squeeze me tighter against him.
"Who's fault?"
"Mine." I confessed in a murmur. "I'm sorry it's just... Niall..."
"Yea I know, I was the same the first few months I was back with El."
We remained silent for a few seconds but when I felt Niall's presence close to us, I felt something melt inside me, like him being close made me emotional.
"Okay Tommo, let go of my girlfriend now."
I chuckled and pulled away, my lips curling more when my eyes met Louis'.
"Oh yea, I saw the video at the airport," Louis laughed, nodding. "Told you it was just a matter of time, right Neil?"
My boyfriend groaned but didn't add anything and I moved to let Louis walk in and close the door behind himself. He was so close to me I felt his body heat emanate from him. Niall wrapped his arms around me from behind and I felt him lean his chin on my shoulder. Instinctively, I leaned my head against him and it made Louis roll his eyes with a laugh.
"Alright, double date tonight, we're going to eat, and maybe a movie or something." Louis let out quickly. "Non-negotiable, be ready in two hours, I drive."
He winked at me before turning around and opening the door he had barely just closed and walking quickly to his car. Niall and I both watched him start the car and drive aaway and after a while, I chuckled low and shook my head.
"He's so annoying." Niall admitted, mumbling under his breath.
"Oh come on, it'll be fun!"
Niall seemed to think for a few seconds and finally raised his eyebrows with an amused smile. "Okay, but you wear a skirt."
I rolled my eyes and laughed again, just shrugging. "Deal."
The restaurant was crowded and suddenly, I was scared people would take pictures and videos. I tried to push that thought away and tell myself it didn't matter but at the same time, I knew Niall liked to keep most things private so I tried not to touch him too much. I felt his hand on my naked thigh and smiled, pressing my lips together as I tried to ignore it.
"What are you wearing exactly?" Louis asked with a frown, leaning a bit against the table. "Is that a necklace with my friend Neil's face on it? How old was he back then? 12?"
"Funny." Niall let out sarcastically. "It's a gift from a fan and she won't take it off."
"That's a proof of love, Niall. Embrace it."
Eleanor rolled her eyes with a chuckle and I just laughed a bit. I looked at them and lost my smile suddenly. They were such a perfect and beautiful couple and it was a shame it had just hit me. I started wondering what people thought of the couple I made with Niall and I felt a bit nervous.
"We haven't done that in a while." Eleanor pointed out, taking a sip of her wine. "I know you've both been busy though. How's tour going? Not too hard being away from each other?"
"It's..." Niall started shaking his head.
"Hell." I finished his sentence. 
He turned his head to look at me before nodding slowly. "Exactly. But we manage."
And we did. It was not easy but we loved each other enough to actually want this to work and we both put effort into it. I knew Niall wouldn't always be on tour, and I wouldn't always be filming either. At some point, we would live together almost every day and I seriously couldn't wait. I could write from home, and he could do the same, and I knew it would go very well.
"Niall also asked me to move in with him!" I announced with a huge grin, raising my eyebrows. "About to move my stuff soon!"
I saw Louis' face change and he looked down at his plate before clearing his throat. "Really? When are you moving?"
I frowned when I noticed the emotions on his face but simply licked my lips. I didn't want to cause a scene, and I was not sure of how he felt, but knowing Louis, he was probably going to talk to me about it.
"Probably mid june, it's the only time Niall has a few weeks off. Then he'll be on tour for 3 months almost non-stop." I admitted, swallowing hard at the thought.
I didn't want to be away from him and at the same time, I didn't know if I really should follow him everywhere. I didn't want to be that kind of girl anymore but wanting to be with my boyfriend was not being needy, right? I also didn't really want to stay alone in his big house the whole time he'd be gone. It sounded quite sad.
We started discussing old memories, mostly those from the last tour, and I would roll my eyes when Louis would mention how bad I supposedly had it for Harry. I was pretty sure he knew I was in love with Niall even back then but he was trying to get a reaction out of Niall and I couldn't pretend I didn't find it a bit entertaining. Every time Louis would mention a memory of something romantic or sexual between Harry and I, Niall would squeeze my thigh without really realizing it.
I got up to go to the bathroom after a while and when I got out, Louis was waiting for me, his side leaned against the wall.
"Why are you always waiting for me next to the bathroom." I asked with a chuckle.
"I missed you, you know. I missed my best friend." he pointed out, ignoring my question. "And now you're gonna move in with him for the very first time and, I don't know, I feel betrayed."
I took a step closer to him and shook my head. "Louis, you were already supposed to be with Eleanor, remember?"
"That was when you were supposed to marry Dylan."
I tilted my head and sighed, licking my lips. "I know you hadn't changed your plans. I mean, you were going to live with El either way, and it's okay." I just explained. "I want to try it with Niall. I want it so bad, Louis. But we'll always be close, you and I. I think I need you more than you'll ever need me."
"One day every week."
"I have to see you at least once a week." he specified. "Sometimes with Niall and El, sometimes just us two, but once a week. I'm not losing touch, you hear me?"
"I hear ya." I smiled and tilted my head.
"Good." he nodded, staring at me for a few seconds. "Are you sure you're ready for that? Moving in with Niall, I mean. It's not gonna be easy."
"I know. But I'm sure." I let out firmly. "He's my soulmate. He's always been. And apparently, I'm his soulmate too. Life couldn't get better than that."
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Whatever Remains
Whatever Remains by Boo Hoo
When a murder happens in Izuku's small school, police and heroes are on the scene and with it is Izuku's notebook full of conspiracies and stuff he thinks could be key evidence.
When Tsukauchi Naomasa finds a notebook full of information on his case his mind immediately goes to the murderer.
Imagine his surprise when it's a scrawny 5'3 quirkless boy named Midoriya Izuku.
Words: 2459, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Toga Himiko, Hagakure Tooru, Original Characters, Aoyama Yuuga, Monoma Neito, Shinsou Hitoshi, Yaoyorozu Momo, Hatsume Mei, Kendou Itsuka, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Sensei | All For One, Dabi, Todoroki Touya, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Saitou, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina
Relationships: Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Kendou Itsuka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Aoyama Yuuga/Monoma Neito, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Tsukauchi Naomasa, Midoriya Inko & Tsukauchi Naomasa, Asui Tsuyu/Iida Tenya, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Monoma Neito, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku, Aoyama Yuuga & Midoriya Izuku, Hagakure Tooru & Midoriya Izuku, Hagakure Tooru/Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Yaoyorozu Momo, Class 1-C & Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-C & Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King & Monoma Neito, Midoriya Izuku & Original Character(s), Tsukauchi Naomasa & Original Character(s), Class 1-A & Original Character(s), Midoriya Izuku & Toga Himiko, Tsukauchi Naomasa & Toga Himiko, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Tsukauchi Naomasa & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Ashido Mina/Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: The league of villains are in the background for a hot while, Toga Himiko is the main bad guy in this fic, Why?, Bc ya'll sleep on her and I refuse to stand for that, she's fucking terrifying ya'll., She haunts my nightmares and thats okay, Detective Midoriya, Mark my words Tsukauchi will and can adopt midoriya., Inko would be okay with that, Midoriya Hisashi? Who is he? I don't know him, Cannon? I don't even know her., This whole fic is me beating up cannon, All Might bashing is there but like not much., We just get petty Izuku, Also Izuku scoring a heroic bf and gf bc he has game, Monoma Neito and Midoriya Izuku are best friends, Todoroki Shouto gets OFA, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Detective Midoriya Izuku, Lawyer Midoriya Inko, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might is Bad at Feelings, Yagi Toshinori || All Might is a imperfect person, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Romance is lowkey, Everyone gets together at different times, Imma state it again, Toga Himiko is a Little Shit, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Shinsou Hitoshi, BAMF Monoma Neito, BAMF Hagakure Tooru, BAMF Todoroki Shouto, BAMF Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku is a Detective yes but he's like a quirk therapist too, Bakugou Katsuki Redemption, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki feels feelings, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Midoriya Izuku is a Nerd, Midoriya Izuku is Good With Kids
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28739961
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kaistarus · 5 years
Romeo & Juliet
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Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki & Reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Notes: This is what happens when you have a Shakespeare final and you just... don’t want it. You and Bakugou are rehearsing for the second cultural festival. Enjoy:)
It was a beautiful autumn afternoon. The sun was casting its rays through warm leaves that billowed in the breeze, dancing down as many of your friends helped set up for this year’s cultural festival, now just days away. It was a perfect day to be outside, breathing in the fresh air and just appreciating being alive.
Which was exactly why the world had you inside an auditorium with Katsuki Bakugou.
“You’re the one who agreed to be Romeo,” You stood across from him, script rolled tight in one hand while the other was placed on a popped hip. “If you can’t handle it then let Todoroki or Kirishima do it.”
           “I didn’t fucking know it was filled with this romantic shit,” he growled, twisting his own script, small crackles threatening to light it ablaze. You knew he was lying. Your curriculum covered Shakespeare last year and you vividly remember him complaining about the ‘romantic shit’. “Besides, I’m the best fucking actor in the class as if either of those morons could do this shit.”
You rolled your eyes. Just weeks ago, when the class had first decided to perform a play, Bakugou had no interest in helping with the production. It wasn’t until you and Todoroki were both head candidates for the lead roles that he started having an issue. Just when you thought you understand his will to be the best he went and tried to participate in plays for attention.
           “I have a feeling they’d be fine,” you mumbled, placing your script against your forehead, taking a calming breath. It didn’t help that you’d been at this for nearly an hour now. Every other classmate got was working together, but Bakugou couldn’t work in large groups—too distracted from Kaminari and Kirishima’s teasing. “Well, let’s start over. Again.”
           You really didn’t understand him. It was true that, like most things he did, he excelled at acting. He would be doing flawlessly, getting through the entire first part of the play with Kirishima and Kaminari, even able to remain in character during his acts with Midoriya. However, every time they got to the romance scene he broke down; right when you thought he’d be able to make it through; his face would scrunch up and he’d start swearing. If it was this hard for him to act like he liked you, you wished he would’ve just let someone else take the role.
           You waited for Bakugou to get into character. Eventually the angry boys face relaxed and he looked at you with determined crimson eyes that never failed to make your heart flutter.
           “If I profane with my unworthiest hand. This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand, to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.” He brought a gentle hand up to cradle your cheek, brushing his thumb along with it with measured delicacy. His eyes trailed down your face, landing on your pink-stained lips and with bated breath, you willed your heart’s beating to slow.
           “Good pilgrim,” you began, your small hand covering his large calloused one pressed against your cheek and bringing his attention back to your eyes. “You do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this, For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch, And palm is holy palmers’ kiss.”
           You pulled away from Bakugou, bringing your hands to your chest with a pained expression. You tried to walk away, but Bakugou lightly grabbed your elbow and turned you back around. He held both your hands gently and close to his chest, pressing your foreheads together, ashy-blonde hair mixing with your own.
           “Have not saint’s lips, and holy palmers too?” Through hooded red eyes he gazed down at you, a piercing look so intense it took your breath away.
           “Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.”
           His eyes were focused on your lips, filled with such desire that part of you, a part that you desperately wanted to keep locked away, hoped it was more than an act. A hand, strong and calloused from years of explosions, slid back to your cheek as he spoke well-rehearsed lines.
           “O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray: grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.”
           “Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake.” You gazed at him through thick lashes, midnight-blue flickered between his intense crimson gaze and his lips, though chapped, they never looked more inviting.
           “Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take.”
           Bakugou leaned in and carefully, he pressed his lips against yours. Though your heart took off, you couldn’t deny you were a little disappointed; you had always imagined a kiss from him would hold more passion given his temper. It was short, soft, and everything the play needed, yet lacking everything you didn’t know you wanted. When he pulled away seconds after, your cheeks were tinted pink.
           “Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged.” Bakugou said, breathlessly above a whisper. His eyebrows were knit, eyes flickering across your face for reasons you couldn’t fathom.
           “Then have my lips the sin that they have took.” You turned your head away from him, both from necessity and to remain in character. His fiery orbs, always filled with passion that you found inspiring, were becoming too much when his focus was solely on you. Unfortunately, Bakugou turned your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes.
           “Sin from thy lips?” He said, hurt, suddenly capable of remaining in character. You were ashamed that after all your complaining, you were the one having difficulties. “O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.”
           Your eyes widened when Bakugou pulled you towards him for another kiss because this time, it wasn’t cautious, or careful, but instead, he felt desperate. The hand on your cheek slid to cradle your neck, tilting your head and giving him better access to your mouth. You felt your face warm as you wrapped your arms around his neck, temporarily forgetting the intention behind your kiss. Had Romeo & Juliet’s kiss been this passionate? You didn’t know if that detail was in their scripts.
           When a tongue ran along your bottom lip and an arm wrapped around the small of your back, tugging you flush against him, you had your answer: no. The scene was definitely not supposed to get this heated. So, when you opened your mouth, giving the explosive blonde permission to explore, you weren’t sure what that meant; or, frankly, if you cared. All you knew was that your heart was soaring, your legs felt like jelly, and he was a phenomenal kisser.
Actors were allowed creative liberty… right?
After several moments of clashing tongues, embarrassing noises and probably too rough tugs on ashy blonde hair, you pulled away from the boy’s grasp. If you allowed this to go on any longer, you were unsure if you’d ever stop, especially since Bakugou was starting to get cocky, kissing places elsewhere than your mouth, creating a whole new sensation that you didn’t want to explore right then.
You were taking deep breaths, trying to collect yourself. Then, you looked into Bakugou’s eyes, now dark and filled with desire, making you turn a deep red that rivaled his deep eyes.
           “Thou kiss by th’book.” You said between breaths, smirking. Bakugou looked at you confused, blinking several times.
           “W-What?” He said, scrunching his eyebrows. His eyes flashing down to your now red lips. His mouth quipped a quick smirk before he started to lean in again and your heart picked up speed.
           “Hey! Are you guys ready?” Kirishima’s voice rang loud through the auditorium.
           You quickly turned your head and shoved Bakugou away at the sound of Kirishima’s voice. He stumbled back, glaring. As if nothing had happened you, as casually as possible, hopped off the stage and jogged towards the red-haired boy.
“Uh-Yeah, we uh… just finished our scenes, so we’re ready to practice with everyone!” You clasped your hands together behind your back, an awkward grin plastered on your face. Kirishima smiled, nodding enthusiastically. He was dressed in theatre clothes, and you realized you and Bakugou must have been practicing longer than would be necessary. Your face warmed.
           “That’s good. Yaomomo was getting antsy you guys weren’t getting the part down,” he looked passed your shoulder where Bakugou was staring intently at a spot near his shoe. “You good, bro?”
           Bakugou grunted, stretching an arm above his head and staring lazily at the ceiling.
           “Alright, hurry up. Otherwise, Momo will have my head,” he started to leave, but then back stepped. “Oh, and fix your hair or everyone will know you were making out.” He added, snickering before he left the auditorium.
           Your hands flew to your head, you felt the strands that were once in place flipped and tangled. “We-We weren’t-” You started lamely but gave up since Kirishima was long gone.
           Bakugou snorted behind you, climbing off the stage and shoving his hands deep in his pockets. He walked towards you with his usual, I-don’t-give-a-fuck gate paired with a cocky smirk; you felt your blood start to boil.
           “This is your fault.” You accused, placing your hands on your hips, glaring him down as he advanced towards you. He raised an eyebrow, stopping when your chests were mere inches apart. He leaned closer, but you held your ground.
           “I didn’t hear you complaining a few minutes ago.” He smirked. “In fact, you sounded like you were rather enjoying yourself.”
           “Well,” you said, leaning forward till you felt his breath warm against your lips. “Guess you aren’t the best actor in the class after all.”
           You leaned back, winking before skipping out of the auditorium. He growled, exploding his crumpled script, letting the ashes fall before stomping your figure.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 4 years
Whatever Remains
Whatever Remains by Boo Hoo
When a murder happens in Izuku's small school, police and heroes are on the scene and with it is Izuku's notebook full of conspiracies and stuff he thinks could be key evidence.
When Tsukauchi Naomasa finds a notebook full of information on his case his mind immediately goes to the murderer.
Imagine his surprise when it's a scrawny 5'3 quirkless boy named Midoriya Izuku.
Words: 2459, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Toga Himiko, Hagakure Tooru, Original Characters, Aoyama Yuuga, Monoma Neito, Shinsou Hitoshi, Yaoyorozu Momo, Hatsume Mei, Kendou Itsuka, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Sensei | All For One, Dabi, Todoroki Touya, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Saitou, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina
Relationships: Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Kendou Itsuka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Aoyama Yuuga/Monoma Neito, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Tsukauchi Naomasa, Midoriya Inko & Tsukauchi Naomasa, Asui Tsuyu/Iida Tenya, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Monoma Neito, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku, Aoyama Yuuga & Midoriya Izuku, Hagakure Tooru & Midoriya Izuku, Hagakure Tooru/Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Yaoyorozu Momo, Class 1-C & Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-C & Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King & Monoma Neito, Midoriya Izuku & Original Character(s), Tsukauchi Naomasa & Original Character(s), Class 1-A & Original Character(s), Midoriya Izuku & Toga Himiko, Tsukauchi Naomasa & Toga Himiko, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Tsukauchi Naomasa & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Ashido Mina/Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: The league of villains are in the background for a hot while, Toga Himiko is the main bad guy in this fic, Why?, Bc ya'll sleep on her and I refuse to stand for that, she's fucking terrifying ya'll., She haunts my nightmares and thats okay, Detective Midoriya, Mark my words Tsukauchi will and can adopt midoriya., Inko would be okay with that, Midoriya Hisashi? Who is he? I don't know him, Cannon? I don't even know her., This whole fic is me beating up cannon, All Might bashing is there but like not much., We just get petty Izuku, Also Izuku scoring a heroic bf and gf bc he has game, Monoma Neito and Midoriya Izuku are best friends, Todoroki Shouto gets OFA, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Detective Midoriya Izuku, Lawyer Midoriya Inko, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might is Bad at Feelings, Yagi Toshinori || All Might is a imperfect person, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Romance is lowkey, Everyone gets together at different times, Imma state it again, Toga Himiko is a Little Shit, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Shinsou Hitoshi, BAMF Monoma Neito, BAMF Hagakure Tooru, BAMF Todoroki Shouto, BAMF Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku is a Detective yes but he's like a quirk therapist too, Bakugou Katsuki Redemption, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki feels feelings, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Midoriya Izuku is a Nerd, Midoriya Izuku is Good With Kids, Let Midoriya Izuku Swear
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28739961
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A Midnight Reminder (one-shot)
Synopsys: Ben Hardy has been dating the Reader for little more than a year now, and their relationship has been amazing so far. But when some things are revealed and insecurities flare up, she’ll need to remind him of who owns her heart.
Pairing: Ben Hardy x f!Reader
Genre: fluff, toiny bit of angst, SMUT
Warnings: SMUT (unprotected sex and all that good jazz. Wrap it before you tap it, guys.), swearing, jealousy
Word count: 3499
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“I have better things to do on my Saturday nights,” Ben said as Roger Taylor and then smugly smiled. “I could give you their names.” On cue, Gwilym as Brian May rolled his eyes and that’s when the director called cut. The two men stood up and stretched their legs, looking at a makeup artist who was doing the finishing touches on Rami’s hair, and Joe who had just decided to tag along, since he wasn’t in the scene. But that was not what took away Ben’s attention. There in the corner talking to Lucy was the most beautiful girl, with Y/E/C eyes that sparkled like diamonds and a smile that always took his breath away. “I hope my name is the only one you’re giving away,” Y/N said, giving him a small smile when Ben finally caught up on the fact, that she was actually there. In a second’s time, he had sprinted across the set and Y/N, anticipating his next move, had already jumped up, their bodies colliding as she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms had a death grip on his shoulders. “You’re here, you’re here, you’re here,” Ben kept mumbling in the crook of Y/N’s neck and she just vigorously nodded as a response. Without thinking much, he started to make his way back to his assigned trailer when she muttered in his skin, “Are you not gonna let me say hi to Rami? Or introduce me to the rest of the guys?” “Nope,” Ben popped the ‘p’. “I haven’t seen you in two months, so forgive me if I wanna spend all of my time with my girlfriend. Alone.” At the last word Y/N saw his pupils dilate and a shiver went down her spine, but she had to be the grownup, even though her heart screamed to give into the mind of that horny teenager.
“Come on,” she said pecking his lips. “I wanna meet Queen.” Begrudgingly, Ben set the girl down and interlocking their fingers, he led her around the set to meet the guys. “Okay, that’s Gwil, Joe and you know Rami. Great, now you’ve met them, let’s go,” the excitement in Ben’s voice as he thought of spending time alone with Y/N was palpable, but she just laughed, pulling him back.    “Don’t be rude,” Y/N kissed him quickly. “I’m here for two whole weeks, so we’ll have enough time. Besides, I don’t think I heard them call wrap, so you still have work to finish.” Ben groaned and dramatically let his head flop down on Y/N’s shoulder. “But you’re here,” he whined, wrapping both arms around her waist. “Wow, you really have him wrapped around your finger,” Joe said, but it was not meant in a mean-spirited way. Y/N shrugged. “What can I say- he has me the same way.” Sooner rather than later, the guys were called to re-set, and they ran through the scene a few more times, Rami finally joining in before they wrapped for the day. Ben was the first one to dash to hair and makeup, sprinting to wardrobe just so he didn’t have to waste any second, he could be spending with Y/N. When he found her again, she was talking to Allen Leech and the man was completely in awe. Ben grinned, seeing her get along with his fellow cast mates so well and came up from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Hey, my Ben’s back!” Y/N smiled pecking his lips. “Allen and I were talking about going to your trailer and just chilling. Maybe order a pizza or something.” “Sure, you were. Or is that just your way of saying you want pizza?” “I’m off the fucking diet, so if you wanna talk shit about me enjoying life, I can go straight home.” Ben didn’t say anything just smiled and kissed her cheek, as he, Y/N and Allen all made their way to get together the rest of the gang and hang out.
The cast, including Lucy all, sat in the ‘Band’ trailer, just talking and discussing things. Loud laughter erupted through the small space as everyone cackled at what Allen’s reaction to his first meeting Y/N had been. “I’m just a huge fan of her music and movies. Can you blame me?” Y/N just waved a hand in a ‘stop it’ motion and snuggled closer to Ben. The man smiled down at her, and honestly, he couldn’t say that Allen tripping over a bunch of wires and stumbling over every single word that tried to make its way out of his mouth, was that off from his own experience. Y/N was an actual Rockstar and an Academy Award-winning actress. They’d met when he first had heard the rumours about a biopic of Queen being made. Instantly, Ben had gone to the closest studio to his London apartment to meet up with the person that would be his drumming teacher when he’d walked into someone, literally making the person fall on their ass. “Holy, shit! I’m so so sor-“ but he stopped mid-sentence seeing the one the only Y/N Y/L/N brush off the dust from her jeans. “ ‘S fine. Should’ve been watching where I was going anyway.” She looked up only to see two big green eyes and a wide goofy grin. “You’re Y/N Y/L/N.” The girl chuckled extending a hand. “And you’re Ben Hardy.” He started nervously laughing. “You know who I am.” On the inside he was feeling like a child on Christmas, the giddiness almost making him bounce on his feet. “I do,” she smirked before walking around the man and towards the exit of the studio. “And if what I’ve heard from Rog and Bri is true, I’ll be seeing you around. Top candidate for the role of mister Taylor and all.” Ben stood there, in the middle of the hallway, a dumb grin stretched across his face until his drum teacher clapped down on his shoulder, bringing the man back to reality. “You look happy.” “I just met Y/N Y/L/N.” “Ah,” his teacher smiled, leading them to the practice studio. “Well, then you might want to keep your fangirling on the inside. You’ll be seeing her a lot around here.” And he had. She was there to record another album while Westworld was on break, her playing one of the main characters and all before she went back to LA to start filming. But it was three months down the line they had formed something akin to a friendship. It was the middle of the night, when he’d seen her again, tears streaming down her face as she stormed inside the studio and suddenly, she had screamed. Ben was by the drums, trying to memorize the beats to ‘Another One Bites the Dust’ when the loud yell had scared him. Instantly, he was out of the recording booth and saw a hunched over form sobbing in her hands.    “Are you alright?” he wanted to smack himself the moment those words left his mouth. Of course, she wasn’t alright. No one cries like that when everything is good.    “I- yeah,” Y/N said, wiping a tear away. “What are you doing here anyway? It’s past one o’clock already.” “Practicing,” Ben said, and she just nodded. Slowly he made his way next to the couch and sat down beside her. “Do you wanna talk about it?” Y/N shook her head and rested her cheek against his shoulder. “Just hold me, please.” So, he did. He wrapped both his arms around the girl and hugged her. Together they laid down on the sofa and fell asleep. After that incident, they became closer and closer until the man finally gathered the courage and asked her out for a coffee. The smile she had given him had made his heart stop. Ben was so far back into the memories of how he’d met the girl and had fallen in love with the talented human being, it was when she said words he never expected to hear, that brought him back. “You know, if things had been different, it wouldn’t be me and Ben here together, but me and your lead singer,” she pointed at Rami with her chin, who chuckled at that. That threw Ben for a loop. Of course, he’d heard the rumours of the two stars of Night at the Museum hitting it off behind the scenes as well, but never did he think it was true. Media always liked to speculate. When the two had started filming the first movie, tabloids absolutely loved writing that the actors who played the love interests in the movie had a romance of their own going on off stage. Instant jealousy rippled through his veins as he looked at Rami, who had his own hand on Lucy’s knee, her eyes wide and looking back and forth between the two. “And what happened?” she asked. Ben felt Y/N shrug. “I don’t know. I think we kinda decided to try it out because everyone else was saying how good we looked together, how great the chemistry was and blah blah blah. But as the ‘relationship’,” Y/N put the word in air quotes with her fingers, “progressed, it just didn’t feel natural. It felt like I was dating my best friend, but not in a good way.” Rami nodded along, looking off into the distance. “We tried to see what everyone else saw, but ultimately it was not what either of us wanted or needed. And honestly, I know you feel the same Y/N, so I’m just gonna say it- kissing you off-set was the weirdest fucking thing ever. I think that is why it took us until the third one to actually do anything. Just the thought of you that way made me feel weird.” Her loud laugh echoed through the trailer, but Ben couldn’t stop thinking about the new revelation. She had been together with Rami. Not for long and neither seemed to have enjoyed that kind of a relationship, but still. It was a pretty big thing Y/N had kept from him and the actor didn’t like it. Of course, he realized how unfair he was being towards the two, all of that having happened years ago, but when you’re surrounded by the glitz and glam so much, it’s hard to sometimes distinguish what is real and it makes you question things. “Don’t take this wrong, Rami, but even if we had ended up having something serious, it wouldn’t have lasted long.” “Yeah,” the man nodded and looked down at Lucy with the same fond smile Y/N looked up at Ben. “Why’s that?” the blond asked, uncertainty in his eyes. Y/N seeing this sighed and slid a palm to cup his cheek. “Because I found love in you. And I could not fathom being with someone who doesn't own my heart.” There was an audible ‘aww’ from Gwil and Allen, but Joe scoffed, playfully rolling his eyes. The bromance between the two was one of Y/N’s favourite things as Ben always sent her funny snaps and Instagram messages of the two goofing around. "Gross," he muttered and the trailer was overtaken by laughter.
Y/N’s head was heavy as she leaned against Ben’s shoulder, as they made their way together to his trailer, after four more hours of talking and giggling with the cast. “You alright?” he asked, the deep voice she adored so much laced with concern. “Mhm,” she hummed, closing her eyes for a second. “Just tired.” He pressed a sweet kiss to her temple and wrapped his arm tighter around her waist. “We’re almost there.” She walked the rest of the way with her eyes closed, trusting Ben to guide her and not let her trip over things or hit her head at a low hanging sign. With a soft click. Ben unlocked his trailer and he let Y/N step inside first. She didn’t even wait for the door to be closed when she pulled off her pants and shirt. “Giving me a show, are we?” Ben smirked, eyes raking up and down his girlfriend’s body, but both of them knew, he was just teasing. Y/N was so tired she could fall asleep while standing up. Gently, he scooped her up in his arms and went over to the bed, placing her above the covers, while he quickly got rid of his own clothes. A soft whine of ‘come here’ fluttered through the air, making his heart clench. As he laid down, Y/N pulling the bedding from underneath her and over them, Ben wrapped her in his embrace and sweetly kissed her. “Night, love.” “Love you.” Y/N fell asleep in a second, but Ben seemed to be doomed never to close his eyes. The thought of her being with Rami had overtaken every part of his brain and he hated how bitter it made him feel. She wasn’t in love with his costar, Y/N was in love with Ben, and he knew it without a doubt, so why this new revelation made him so jealous, was beyond the Brit. “Baby, you okay?” her voice was raspy with sleep and Ben sighed, turning to his side to wrap an arm around her midsection. Her worried tone made his chest hurt. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “About what?” “About you and Rami? Why didn’t you tell me you had a thing with him?” Y/N was becoming wider awake with every passing second, so she leaned up on her elbow to better look at Ben’s face. “Because, as I said before, it wasn’t even a thing. And what does it matter? That was more than two years ago, and nothing came of it. He’s like a brother to me.” A devilish smirk appeared on her face. “Is someone jealous?” Y/N whispered leaning up and letting her teeth nip at Ben’s ear. He groaned feeling her hips roll into his as she had hiked her knee over his side. “Can you blame me? You’re this amazing actress/ fucking rock and roll legend at this point. How could I not be when you could have anyone you wished to?” She continued on with the motions, eliciting delightful moans from Ben. “And have you seen yourself in the mirror, darling?” Y/N groaned, feeling him stiffen with every movement their bodies made. “Fuck, if I let myself go off every time, I read a comment on any social media about how much of an Adonis you are and how much everyone wants to be with you, I’d handcuff you to the bed and glue myself on top of you, just to make a statement that you’re mine.” Ben’s mouth quirked up. “You know, that doesn’t sound that bad. Actually, that sounds like fucking heaven.” His hands settled on her soft sides, as they helped her keep a steady rolling rhythm. The fabric that separated the two was beyond offensive in Ben’s opinion, but there was just something about teasing Y/N and in the end himself, that made the climax of everything so much more amazing. “Ben, I need you,” Y/N’s voice was desperate. The man just hummed as his lips lazily moved up and down the column of her throat, and he smiled, feeling her get more and more frustrated. But it was when she pulled his hands away from her waist and pushed them up and over his head, pushing him on his back and grabbing his wrists in a tight grip, an animalistic growl reverberated through the air and his bones. “Now,” her voice was low and dangerous and holy shit did that turn him on. Instantly her nightshirt was off, and her panties followed suit, Ben practically ripping his own boxers away. There was no time for foreplay, as the ache in both of their bodies had become insufferable. As much as Ben wanted to slam up and be hugged by Y/N’s velvety wall, he let her grip his member at the base and slowly ease down. Profanities, that he didn’t even know he knew, passed Ben’s lips and Y/N echoed them by pressing their lips in a tight kiss. It had been so long, too long since they had been together like this, she was almost sure she’d burst just from the feeling of him being sheeted inside. Ben gave Y/N a minute to gather her breath and as she did so, he felt her stretch and adjust, and once again mould to him. Her mouth was by his ear, praising him and whispering confessions of love as her hands moved up and down his biceps. It was in that moment, that Ben wanted to punch the living daylights out of himself for ever doubting Y/N and her feelings, for ever thinking that she was with him simply because it was easy and practical. Because in reality, it was far from it. The distance and work lead to fights and tears, and they had to solve the issues, rather than abandoning them, which is what both had usually done. If they didn’t, the pair knew all of the brilliant moments spent together, the tender lovemaking, and gentle laughs would crumble. And never had Y/N or Ben wished to keep something so much as they did with one another. “Can I move?” Ben’s words were a plea because suddenly not moving was incredibly uncomfortable. The soft moan rippling from Y/N’s throat was all the green light he needed, so clasping both his hands down on the small of her back, he pushed his hips up, until he had bottomed out and then slipped almost all the way out, leaving only the tip in. Her sigh of content was a sound Ben assumed he would only get to hear in heaven. Yet there he was, biting down on the shoulder of the most gorgeous girl he’d ever met as she marked his neck with love bites of her own. “I love you,” he groaned feeling Y/N tighten around him as his shaft finally hit that spot that made her Y/E/C eyes roll to the back of her head. “I love you so fucking much.” “I love you too, Ben,” her reply was breathless, but her gaze was fiery and piercing. “And don’t you ever forget that or doubt it.” Each word was accentuated by a harsher snap of her hips. The sounds of their bodies colliding, and Y/N’s slick having coated both of their thighs, sweat sliding down their frames and onto the sheets was more than obscene. He knew he wouldn’t last long, he could feel the release approaching like a freight train, but at the same time, Ben was not about to cum first. Detaching their lips from the heavy kiss the pair had been engaged in, he licked the pad of his thumb and brought it between them. The second Y/N felt him touch her clit, she saw white. Her vision blurred at the edges and the hold she had had on Ben’s arms became so strong, her nails broke his skin in places. Instantly, she wanted to apologize, guilt settling in her chest, but the movement of his finger became more erratic and without a warning, she was cumming all over him. It was like the orgasm had been pulled from somewhere deep within her soul, for she had never actually felt on the verge of passing out. Y/N screamed Ben’s name into the dark and if he hadn’t had a hold on her body, she would have most likely fallen off the bed, her thighs and stomach spasming so hard. Ben shut his eyes, forehead scrunching up as Y/N squeezed him so painfully hard, she almost pushed his member out of her, but instead, he trust up a few more times and let bliss take over his body. She felt him release, hot thick streams of cum filling her up and painting every inch of her walls. Ben remained like that- still buried to the hilt inside her warm and now leaking center- for what felt like an eternity, but not nearly enough, before Y/N rolled off of him, a whine of discontent making its way into the air that smelled of sex and love.    “Do you think anyone heard us?” Y/N asked, already being pulled back to dreamland by Ben’s steadying heartbeat.    “Well, if they did, then they will definitely know, who made you feel that good.”    And with a snort, Y/N closed her eyes.
***    Lucy’s head was laying on Rami’s sweaty chest, both of their breathing laboured. “Do you think they heard us?” she asked, big eyes drooping closed from the activities they had taken part in. Rami shrugged, pulling Lucy’s body closer and together they fell asleep.
Joe’s eyes were wide as he stared at the ceiling. “I hate my life,” he muttered and turned to the side, just in case his neighbours decided to go at it again, placing a pillow over his head. No matter which pair.
Tags (crossed out wouldn't take): @16wiishes @wanderingsami @desir-ae @thiccio-and-thicciet @roseslovedreams @vesoleil @gloomybisexualemo @kostyaownsmyheart @perriwiinkle @screaminggalileochickenwrites @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @sweet-ladyy @magicwithaknife  
A/N: I’m so tired and stressed and holy shit does everything feel like it’s happening all at once.
I have two fics of Roger (both set in the 80s Retro and 70s Vintage world) lined up to write. On is in the early days of how they met and then another one is revolving around the Golden Globes.
P.S. what did you think? 
P.S.S. my tags are always open.
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thinkingaboutblog · 5 years
Meiki Tokyo Renka: Ep.2 Sukiyaki Is Romance Veiled in Steam
Liking a particular food is how you write a compelling personality right?
Series: Meiji Tokyo Renka Platform: Crunchyroll
So after like two months of finals and being busy with cons I’m back on my bullshit! The second episode picks up right where the first ended and I am reliving the horror all over again. I forgot how much I hate Ougi’s voice! 
So as it turns out Mei is only good at staring dopily up at people while everyone else just stands around watching a famous field medic fondle the girl out of time. 
Then Mei wakes up. That’s just her MO now, something dramatic happens, we don’t see the fallout and Mei wakes up. Problem solved. The only bright side is she appears to be just as confused by what happened as I am. Then I shit you not we are shown a flashback to the exact same scene we saw not even a full minute ago! 
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The blue subtitles means it’s a flashback, and also that I am still screaming.
Mei is shocked and aghast and realizes Mori Ougai is, in fact, a famous historical figure like twelve years after I did and I know literally nothing about the history of Japan. The flashback keeps chugging on but at least this time it’s things I’m not seeing for literally the third time. Best boy Koizumi continues to prove he’s the best character in the whole anime and I wish it just followed him.
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Look at his glorious Heterochromia!
Koizumi waxes poetic about Mei’s outfit and he and Ougai say the word skirt in tandem and I can sense Roy Mustang flinching somewhere across the multiverse. Then without saying anything Ougai literally drags Mei away. The flashbacks speed up from there and we learn Mei is in one of the many available rooms at Ougai’s mansion. 
Cut to present. 
Mei says aloud it wasn’t a dream and I keep wishing it was. Then all the boys are shown on screen again just to remind you this is a reverse Harem and Mei reminds everyone what the plot is again.  There’s a boom that I honestly thought was someone in a room over crashing but apparently was supposed to be a mid-day cannon, I am 90% certain the sound designer has never heard a cannon before because they don’t sound like that! 
Anyways Mei panics and interrupts Syunso painting and he’s pretty obviously pissed. 
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The last known photo of Mei before she mysteriously disappeared. Mei notices all the paintings in Syunso’s room and then crawls over to this one.
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Gee what gave you that idea, it couldn’t be the giant white spot where something is clearly missing could it? Ougai returns and I continue to hate his pet name for her. Especially since this is his reasoning.
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Nope, gross gross gross.  Mei decides it’s best not to tell anyone she’s the girl that jumped through time and the guys decide to let her live there and Ougai is a creep. He brings up the Fiancee thing again and Mei’s heart goes doki doki again, like a traitor. But then it turns out she’s hungry and suggests a beef bowl and I learn that the value of the yen never used to be so low.  Mei watches Ougai’s maid clean the hall. I swear this is important! (How many more times will I say that?)  Mei changes out of her scandalous clothes and stares dumbly out the side of a rickshaw. I swear this girl has two facial settings: “I am starting to fall asleep but am trying to focus on you” and “You make my Kokoro not wanna be Brokoko” Anyways they get Sukiyaki despite the boys saying it was expensive like a minute ago. Mei’s obsession with beef continues and I am certain at this point the writers think funny quirks are how you write a personality. We are ten minutes in and I am so bored.  Ougai’s like “This reminds me of when we first met.” And I doubt that! Then another flashback and THAT’S NOT HOW PENS WORK!
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What inflatable pen nib is this?  Ougai magically writes something with his rubber pen but they never show it to us and instead we’re treated to Ougai just getting out of a bath. He’s totally naked as he crouches over to wash his arm. Then he hears Syunso, and literally gets up to walk totally naked over to the door and throws it open. Syunso is being weird sexual about this cat he’s about to draw when he notices his stalker. 
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And apparently, Mei being super into beef reminds him of Syunso’s concerning obsession with cats. Syunso is also a kidnapping victim it seems, forced to stay in Ougai’s mansion because Ougai thinks he’ll be famous one day.  Then because Mei says she likes cats Ougai’s like “Help us find Syunso’s cat.” That’s it, that’s all the qualification she needed and nothing else. Well, not totally they bring up the word Tamayori, something I neglected to mention in the last write up. It’s a name that means Mei can see spirits. Ougai tells this back story but honestly, it’s not important.  Mei mentions that the black cat is what’s missing from Syunso’s painting, meaning the cat literally ran away from the painting... which... is not what a spirit is but sure! There are so many flashbacks to the previous night it’s actually annoying!  The spirit that says Mei’s name is back again and he’s just as unhelpful as ever. Then back at the manor Syunso is an asshole for no reason because that’s just what every man in this anime are like. 
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Be still my beating heart. Mei doesn’t seem all that upset though and instead hallucinates grave digger hair and like a glutton for punishment seeks him out. He’s just standing in a field and then demands he send her back but we can’t have her not having a romance with an asshole dude from a different time period can we? 
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Considering he seems able to slip back and forth between time on top of sending a whole other person to a different era I’m calling bullshit!  So gravedigger says it needs to be a full moon before he can send her back and uh- it’s a full moon right now bucko! Anyways were given the deadline of a month for Mei to fall so totally in love with someone she chooses to abandon her family for a man who doesn’t think she deserves the same rights as him. Mei decides to help out using her spirit powers and goes back to the manor.  Mei stops Syunso from cannibalizing his own painting and says she’ll find the cat for him. Then Mei invents mops, I shit you not she got so sad looking at the maid bend her back to clean she invents mops. 
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Definitely not fucking up the timeline at all! The ED is so boring, it’s literally just a clip show of the episode we just watched.  The only good thing about this episode is the promo for the next episode:
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Who is the girl in the sword and how can I date her? 
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oohfluffy · 6 years
LMN Ch.1 | OSH
Group: EXO
Member: Oh Sehun
Theme: Angst | Fluff | Writer!AU | Neighbor!AU
Word Count: 2,318
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✎ Chapter 1: Endings ✎
Fresh red petals fell from above as the box that carries his once brightest star, now gets buried several feet from below the ground, dimming its light as it gets farther down.
And she's gone.
His tears couldn't bring her back. His prayers wouldn't get answered despite his faithfulness. His heart wouldn't ever be fixed since the only one who can put every pieces of it is now gone.
He should've made every second worth it before she's out of his grasp.
He should've made sure she heard his 'I love you's a billion times before she closed her eyes into a deep sleep.
He should've made everything perfect that day when he asked her to be his girlfriend since he ended up ruining everything.
He was a jerk to her at first, he admits that.
But he truly loved her.
It was just too late before they both realized—
They can't be.
It was too late for regrets.
Only memories will remain.
But he knows he will always be the same.
Loving her will be his greatest achievement in life.
You almost jumped out of your seat, turning your swivel chair with a hand on your chest.
"I just fucking read the ending of your recent story! Did you seriously need to let her die?!"
"Watch your words, Yeol." You rolled your eyes as Chanyeol's legs gave up, looking at you with sorrowful eyes. You pushed your eyeglasses up as you stared at him. "Get out if you're just gonna rant about the ending of MY story." You turned your back on your younger brother and continued planning your next story.
You're an amateur writer, 25 years old, already wrote 3 best-selling books but unfortunately they're all—
"All of your books has sad endings! Don't you have a heart, noona?!"
You scratched the back of your neck as you can't concentrate with your work.
"Just go and study. You have classes tomorrow."
"Can you promise me one thing?"
Your eyebrows shot up as Chanyeol's pleading voice rang through your ears.
"Please make a happy ending for your next story, noona. Please."
Chanyeol reads every book you publish, may it be online or the hardcopy one. You can say that he's your number one fan. Obviously, he's a book lover. He only started becoming one when you became a writer. Such a good dongsaeng he is, right?
You sighed.
This was the 4th time he's asking you for a happy ending.
"I told you, I can't—"
"Why though? Is it because you broke up with your boyfriend?"
"Yeol, you know that's not the reason behind our break-up."
You turned to him again, speaking with your eyes as you saw him pout in defeat. He stood up and walked towards you. You followed his movements and closed your eyes as he landed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Okay, I won't ask anymore. Sorry for startling you earlier, noona. I was just carried away. You know how your stories affect me." You chuckled as Chanyeol hugged you like a kid to his mom. You patted his head with a smile. "I'll always be your number one fan, noona."
"Mmm. Please do." You hummed as you squeezed him tighter.
"Your heartbeat really calms me, noona."
"Perhaps because it might stop any minute—"
"Yah! That was—"
"Shush." You gently pulled him away, flicking his forehead as he stood up. "You have exams tomorrow, right? You should study not—"
"Ne, ne. I will, noona! If I get on the top 5 for this semester, you'll make a happy ending for your next story, okay?"
With your younger brother's big eyes, big ears, reddish cheeks and cute grin, you nodded with a sigh.
He's 19 and in the 2nd year of studying Architecture in EXO university but he's still a kid to you.
"Fine, fine. I will try."
"Don't just try!"
You literally pushed him out of your room and closed the door since he won't stop talking.
Chanyeol's right though.
Your endings always have a rainy day, much to Chanyeol's chagrin.
It will always start with light-going events to the romantic scene of the main characters to the arrival of the conflict and then to the tragic death of the female character.
It always leaves the boy alone.
"Back to work." You muttered to yourself as you sat down on your swivel chair and faced your laptop again. Your eyes focused on the screen as you typed the title of your new book.
| Love Me |
Your eyebrow scrunched together as you stared at the words.
"It's too common." You pressed the backspace bar as you bit your lip in concentration. "I should probably complete my plot first. Yeah. I'll do that."
You leaned back on your swivel chair and glanced at the calendar hanging on the wall in front of you. A picture of your family was taped beside it, making your lips curl up into a smile.
Your eyes drifted back to the calendar.
Today's November 20.
"4 months left." You whispered as you closed your eyes, resting them for awhile. "I'll finish the book before that."
I promise.
"Let's start brainstorming then."
You shut your eyes open with a motivated grin and quickly clicked Microsoft Word to begin writing.
"I can do this!"
✗ ❥ ✗ ❥ ✗ ❥ ✗ ❥ ✗ ✘
"Dasom, I can't do this."
She just scoffed as she let herself fall on your bed.
"This is not the first time you've said that and still ending up being the best author of the year. Stop kidding around, Park Yeoreum." Dasom closed her eyes as you continued staring at your laptop with an empty notepad.
"I swear! This is the first time I've ever been hit with a hard mind-block! I can't even think of a nice plot!" You groaned as you lightly bumped your head on your desk in frustration. "I'm going down!"
"You're being annoying, you know. Just clear your mind first. Relax for a week or something before diving into the world of your dark fantasies, my friend. Your books suck."
"My readers love my books, Dasom. They don't suck."
"Bad endings suck! Did you even think of your readers' hearts? I think they always break whenever they read your books."
You huffed as you turned to her.
"Happy endings don't happen unless you die with a happy life. My books contain all the truth you should know about life, not just sickeningly sweet romance that you can't ever have in life forever. Everything's bound to be broken and fixed." You looked up as you played with a toy of a fluffy white puppy. "It's just sometimes we don't know how to bring the pieces back together, that's why we end up crying and sad until the end. Life goes on whatever happens. You shouldn't get caught up with your broken heart and focus on moving forward instead."
"That's always the moral lesson in my mind whenever I finish a story." You smiled at the stuff toy in your hands.
"No wonder you're a great author. You say wonderful words." Dasom sat up straight, eyes wide open as she gapped at you.
You laughed at her comment.
"You'll come up with something, trust me." She shrugged.
"Thanks." You put down the stuff toy back on your desk. "Where are your younger sisters, by the way?"
"They're downstairs with your own sister. Probably gossiping about their crushes in college. Those girls really." Dasom shook her head as she stood up and walked towards you. She suddenly has a soft and worried expression on her face.
"I know that look." You looked back at your laptop and avoided her stare.
"I'm just worried. You know you can always count on me, okay?"
Your eyes went down on your keyboard as they slightly burned. You brought your hand to your chest, feeling the normal beats of your heart.
"There's nothing to worry about, Dasom. Everything will be fine."
You heard her sigh in defeat as she opened the door.
"Just call me if you need anything, okay?"
You hummed in reply, not bothering to look back at her as she stared at your back. With the last sigh released, she went out and close the door.
"Time's running, Yeoreum. Think fast." You mumbled as you opened a notebook before getting a black pen from your pencil case.
"We can start with the characters. Their traits, hobbies, relationships, etcetera." You scribbled on your notebook as your mind slowly started working. "Settings."
You smiled as you almost filled the page with writings.
"Main conflict..."
And you're back to none.
"Shit." You slumped on your chair as you cursed. "What the heck is the conflict now?"
You groaned as you stared at your notebook.
"Help me." You mumbled as you looked up on the ceiling.
A knock on your door interrupted you, making you grunt in response.
"Unnie, dinner's ready." Chanhee, your youngest dongsaeng, called out as she slowly opened your door. "Are you busy?"
"No, I, uh..." You sat up straight as you closed your notebook. "I'll be there in a minute."
"Okay then! Don't stress yourself out, okay?"
"Oh. Dasom unnie already went home with Bora and Soyu. They said goodbye to me for you too."
"Is that so?"
"Yep! Come down, okay?"
You looked at the door as it closed.
"I think I need a break for awhile."
"Bye, noona!"
Chanyeol waved his hand as he went out of the house, leaving you with your parents and Chanhee at the table.
"He's still at that convenience store?" You asked, grabbing a glass of water.
"It's a good thing for us. Your brother's so enthusiastic about helping in our family's needs. Even Chanhee's working part-time in that ice-cream store near their school." Your mother said as she smiled at you.
"If you're all doing this so I can—"
"Stop now." Your father's stern voice echoed the room. "Just finish eating and go back to your room. Let your sister do the rest."
"I'm not a disabled person, dad. I can wash the dishes for this night—"
"You're disobeying me now, Yeoreum?"
You felt your father's hard stare, making you land your sight on your plate.
"N-No. I just want to help like before—"
"The only thing you can do is to listen to what I say and stay in your room."
You harshly dropped your glass, making Chanhee jump from her seat beside you. You stood up and walked upstairs without a word.
"Yeoreum, darling." Your mother's soothing voice called out as she stood up. But then the thud of your door made her sit back down. "Why can't you control your temper for once, In Sung?!"
"She won't back down if I go easy on her, Ga-in. You know how hard-headed she is. She's already an adult that can make her own choices but for her condition—"
"I understand your point but you'll hurt her in the process!"
"I-I'll go start washing the dishes."
As Chanhee spoke softly, it made the couple shut their mouths.
"I'm sorry, Chanhee—"
"It's fine to talk about unnie's condition because you're both worried, but please stop fighting. She won't be happy with it."
In Sung and Ga-in looked at each other as the youngest of their children went to the sink, leaving them speechless.
✗ ❥ ✗ ❥ ✗ ❥ ✗ ❥ ✗ 
"Just give me a little bit of inspiration, please." You mumbled as you wrote on your notebook again.
It was the third day of your empty page in your laptop. It was depressing to see.
"Yeah, come in."
As Chanyeol went inside your room, your eyes remained on your notebook. He peeked at what you're writing and gasped.
"What?" You turned to him with an eyebrow raised.
"You're writing!" His fanboy feels started attacking him again, making you roll your eyes.
"Duh." You huffed, turning back to your notebook. "Fuck, yeol. You ruined it!"
"I didn't do anyth—"
"You distracted me, now my mind's blank!"
Chanyeol jutted his lower lip as he stared at you.
"What are you doing here anyway?" You groaned as you rested your head on your hands placed on the desk. "You're not here to rant about the ending again, are you?"
"No, no! I'm just here to inform you something."
"What is it?"
"My best friend will be moving in the house next door. He's taking Architecture too! Everyone loves him like he's a god or something—"
"Why do I need to know this?" You lazily replied, looking at your window that shows another window of the house next door.
"Well, Chanhee's excited to meet him. You know how stupid she is when it comes to college boys. Sehun's a jerk though, so she shouldn't." Chanyeol said as he walked towards your bed, lying down as if he owned it. "I don't even know how we stayed as friends. He's a good guy but a playboy. He enjoys wrapping all the girls around his fingers. I think he even sleeps around. I tried talking to him about his ways but he's a hard-headed person like you. So I gave up and just let him do whatever he wants since he's handsome and smart. And--"
All of Chanyeol's words was taken in by your brain, making it start working like a machine. Your head shot up as you opened your notebook and wrote the ideas you suddenly have.
"You're a fucking genius, Yeol! I love you!"
Your younger brother just stared cluelessly at your smiling face as you wrote on your notebook.
"What? Did I say something awesome?" Chanyeol scratched the back of his head with a confused expression but suddenly grinned. "Whatever. As long as I can help!"
Yep, you did help.
❥ Ch.2
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filmista · 6 years
🎀 Female Characters And Performances I l❤️ve 🎞
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1. Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster, The Silence Of The Lambs)
-Starling, when I told that sheriff we shouldn't talk in front of a woman, that really burned you, didn't it? It was just smoke, Starling. I had to get rid of him.
-It matters, Mr. Crawford. Cops look at you to see how to act. It matters.
She is perhaps my all-time favorite female character and of the first ones, that I think of when I hear the phrase “strong women” in reference to films. She doesn’t go around kicking literal ass but she takes pride what she does. 
She is driven and passionate about her work and even with obstacles, she believes in herself. Which isn’t to say that she isn’t vulnerable or scared at times, she is. But rather than beat herself up about it or suppress she eventually learns to overcome it. Or rather work around it and draws strength from it and in the end shows that real strength isn’t not feeling fear, it isn’t being emotionless or numb it is continuing in spite of it. 
2. Amy Dunne (Rosamund Pike, Gone Girl) 
“It’s a very difficult era in which to be a person, just a real, actual person, instead of a collection of personality traits selected from an endless Automat of characters.” ― Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl
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Because she is one of the most complex female characters in modern literature and cinema. It’s incredibly easy to write her off as a female psychopath or a crazy bitch. While I don’t doubt that she might have mental problems, the film also shows us what might have caused some of her problems (the relationship with her parents, the pressure of living up to being Amazing Amy).
All of this aside, she’s just an incredibly fun and interesting character to watch. No matter what you might think of her morally. 
There’s a phrase in the book that goes if I remember correctly something like this: “Amy likes to play god when she’s not happy. Old Testament God.” And yes, she’s incredibly pissed off for a large part of the film and does loads of scary, crazy shit throughout the film... all motivated by her absolutely astounding smartness and cunningness. 
Personally, I wouldn’t say I agree with everything Amy does (I would be crazy if I did) but I do understand where some of her anger comes from and I even sympathize with her in a few instances in the film.
Point is though there should be more of these difficult, morally complex women in film. Sadly sometimes when women are unlikeable or difficult in a film we tend to as an audience dismiss them as “a crazy bitch”, or worse sometimes equate the actress behind the character to her on-screen persona. 
3. Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver, Alien)
“Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?”
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Instead of naming the obvious reasons which are her stubbornness and overall badassery, determination and courage. What I love about her is the fact that she’s not really always likable, she’s quite moody and cranky and even plain bitchy sometimes. 
She speaks her mind even when that doesn’t always make her popular with those around her. A not always likable female lead isn’t so unusual nowadays but Ripley really was one of the first ones in a big blockbuster. And she’s a cat lady.
Also if I ever get a cat again, I want to name it Jonesy or if it’s a black one Salem. 
4. Shelly Johnson (Mädchen Amick, Twin Peaks) 
“I’m a waitress in a diner. I’ve never been compared to a goddess before.”
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Okay, first of all, I’ll admit to having a small crush on Shelly (like probably many a Twin Peaks fan) but she’s more than just a sexy waitress. We all know she married an absolute piece of shit of a man, and when we see her at home she is almost always silent and completely submissive out of fear.
But then we see her at the diner, and she transforms: she’s charismatic, flirty, bubbly and just insanely loveable overall. What I think makes her a great character though is that there are also hints at rougher and darker edges.
In Episode 4 of season 1, after Laura’s funeral (after Leland falls into the coffin and sobs hysterically, which yes I thought was quite hysterical) we see her making fun of Leland in the diner in front of a group of admiring old men. There’s an interesting side to her that seems to want to bully almost, perhaps as a way to get what she is experiencing at home out of her system. 
5. Mademoiselle De Poitiers ( Helen Morse, Picnic At Hanging Rock) 
-Ah! Now I know.
-What do you know?
I know that Miranda is a Botticelli angel.
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Because she is for her time (which was not always easy for women) an incredibly sunny, optimistic and kind person. While everyone is telling the girls at the school off or being strict with them she treats them with respect and shows an interest in their “teenage world”. 
While she might seem like a conventional and quite traditional female character, I adore that she seems like she genuinely enjoys her feminity. You look at her and see a woman who you can tell simply loves and revels in flirting and romance and it’s incredibly charming performance to watch. 
6. Laura (Gene Tierney, Laura) 
“You forced me to give you my word. I never have been and I never will be bound by anything I don't do of my own free will.”
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I think it’s a remarkable film for its time. Laura is portrayed (once she appears) as an incredibly charismatic, alluring and smart woman that values her privacy and independence and as loving and being successful in her career. 
The twist though is that for a seemingly very strong woman she has a very toxic friendship with a male friend who’s extremely jealous and possessive of her. He has ruined countless of her romantic relationships because no man is ever good enough for his Laura. 
Finally, she dumps him as she realizes his manipulation and stays with the man she’d fallen in love with, which might seem like a conventional ending but I love how Laura, in the end, takes control of her own happiness and by extension her life. 
7. Vanessa Lutz (Reese Witherspoon, Freeway)
I know there’s a lot of sick guys that get hard… thinkin’ about messin’ women up. Hell, that’s all you ever see on TV. But when a guy goes and does that for real like you were plannin’ on doin’ – I was just trying to scare you. You had your turn to talk! I think it’s only fair to let me get my two cents in. You’re absolutely right. Sorry. Please, go on. But when a guy goes and hurts someone who never hurt them… that makes him a criminal first and a sick guy second. It’s like being sick has to take second place to being crooked.
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Reese Witherspoon’s plentiful and colorful swearing, as well as her unapologetic aggressiveness. She’s a trashy and violent female character, and I always find it incredibly interesting to take a look at female characters that are perpetrators of violence and what motivated them. 
An interesting thing is also that she is supposedly a morally despicable, white trash and uneducated character but actually has a better understanding of and less twisted sense of morality than any of the characters that are supposedly well adjusted, refined and educated people. Some of her blunt, often shocking comments hit the nail on the head on several problems in American and general society. 
8. Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren, The Birds)
“I thought you knew! I want to go through life jumping into fountains naked, good night!”
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She’s my all-time favorite Hitchcock heroine. What I love about her particularly as a character is her spontaneity, her assertiveness, sass, and humor but above all her perseverance and genuine strength (though she’s occasionally prone to the dramatic sighing or shrieking women just sometimes did in older films ).
A delight for me in the film is that it turns a common romantic trope around: she is the one that first sets her sights on the man and consequently chases and gets with him.
She also consistently stands up for herself, point in case: the scene in the diner in which a local accuses her of causing the bird’s irrational and unexplainable behavior. I really believe she’s one of Hitchcock's most underestimated heroines and in my opinion also written with a depth that proves he was not a misogynist as is so often believed.
9. Wendy (Shelley Duvall, The Shining)
“You son of a bitch! You did this to him, didn't you! How could you! How could you!”
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While controversial just like Tippi Hedren’s performance in The Birds, I absolutely love Shelley Duvall’s work in The Shining and I think her performance is often very wrongly looked down upon. 
Personally, I always thought film Wendy was stronger than book Wendy her performance is often dismissed as hysterical, over the top and she’s also called a dumb character very frequently. 
In contrast to Nicholson’s performance though she’s pretty calm. What I love about the performance is the very subtle and slow changes in her attitude. People often find her a weak character, because she stays with her abusive husband I don’t think however that it is that unrealistic.
People in real life sometimes also tend to stay in these relationships until something drastic happens that forces them to really evaluate the situation. Her husband has moments where he convincingly plays at pretending to be the “nice and good husband” and so she chooses to buy it. 
However once in the hotel, as Jack becomes increasingly mad she realizes her husband was never a good man, to begin with, and that she has reason to be very, very afraid of him and Duvall absolutely illustrates that fear brilliantly. At this point, instead of walking on eggshells as she did initially she realizes she and her son must simply get away from that man if they are to live. 
I see how some people might not like her a character, it does feel like she screams a lot sometimes, but I find it incredible that even in her fear she still soldiers for herself and her child. 
10. Ana (Isabelle Adjani, Possession)
“We are all the same. Different words, different bodies, different versions. Like insects! Meat!”
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Very simply put, Adjani’s utterly crazy and unhinged performance. It’s also a fantastic depiction of a slow and finally full blown descend into madness. What I love most of all is that while it may easy to dismiss her as a “psycho, hysteric” kind of female character she is not completely that there’s more nuance to it. 
The film shows that the unhappiness in her marriage and the hints of abuse in it played a huge role as well. A showcase of the fact that love can sometimes truly drive us mad and make us lose ourselves. 
Some fictional ladies that didn’t quite make this particular list, but might make appearances on another one: 
Thelma  (Geena Davis, Thelma & Louise)
-It’s not like I killed anybody, for God’s sake!
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Grace (Brie Larson, Short Term 12)
-Grace, you are a line staff. It's not your job to interpret tears. That's what our trained therapists are here for.
-Then your trained therapists don't know shit.
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Celine (Julie Delpy, Before Trilogy)  
“I always feel this pressure of being a strong and independent icon of womanhood, and without making it look like my whole life is revolving around some guy. But loving someone, and being loved means so much to me. We always make fun of it and stuff. But isn’t everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?”
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The Worm Reads: The Assassin’s Blade, Ch 11-12
Hopefully this next story is more interesting than the last!
This next story is The Assassin and the Healer. Also, since this is a new story, this is technically Chapter 1 again, but for the sake of this review, we’ll call it Chapter 11.
The strange young woman had been staying at the White Pig Inn for two days now and had hardly spoken to anyone save for Nolan, who had taken one look at her fine night-dark clothes and bent over backward to accommodate her.
The strange young woman, in case you’re wondering, is actually Celery herself. Meaning that we’re in a new POV! Thank god, I needed a break from being in Celery’s head.
Yrene Towers had been watching the young woman from the safety of the taproom bar. Watching, if only because the stranger was young and unaccompanied and sat at the back table with such stillness that it was impossible not to look. Not to wonder.
Yup, this story features Yrene, the healer who would later be in T0D. I can’t bear to read T0D and witness the butchering of my sweet innocent Chaol, but I’ve heard the horror stories. *shudders*
Yrene glanced at the mug she was currently cleaning and tried not to wince. She did her best to keep the bar and taproom clean, to serve the Pig’s patrons (...) with a smile. But Nolan still watered down the wine, still washed the sheets only when there was no denying the presence of lice and fleas, and sometimes used whatever meat could be found in the back alley for their daily stew.
Fucking nasty shit right there. Disgusting. I’d say let Yrene move somewhere else, but, well..... T0D showed what a mistake that was.
Yrene quickly poured ale into the mug she’d just been drying and set it on a tray. She added a glass of water and some more bread, since the girl hadn’t touched the stew she’d been given for dinner. Not a single bite. Smart woman.
Yrene is under the impression Celery is aware of how contaminated the food is and that someone might have tried to spike her food, so she’s wise not to eat it. Keep this in mind for later.
Yrene brings up another server named Jessa who takes most of the tips from the inn so SJM can slutshame another female character for using her sexuality and daring to be *gasp* feminine. SJM can kiss my ass.
Like most who hailed from southern Fenharrow, Yrene had golden-tan skin and absolutely ordinary brown hair and was of average height.
So is Yrene just a white girl with a tan, or......? I mean, golden-tan implies a tan in my eyes, but who knows.
Celaena Sardothien sat at her table in the absolutely worthless inn, wondering how her life had gone to hell so quickly.
Big Mood. Also, ungh, we’re back in Celery’s POV.
She’d been here for two days now—two days spent either holed up in her despicable room (a “suite,” the oily innkeeper had the nerve to call it), or down here in the taproom that stank of sweat, stale ale, and unwashed bodies.
Am I the only one umcomfy with how much SJM puts emphasize on all the evil/greedy characters being ugly? Like I know it’s just a book series, but coming from someone who is average looking and has very difficult hair that gets oily if I don’t wash twice a day, this just makes me uncomfortable. Maybe that’s just me.
Celaena sighed and took a long drink of her ale. She almost spat it out. Disgusting. Cheap as cheap could be, like the rest of this place. Like the stew she hadn’t touched. Whatever meat was in there wasn’t from any creature worth eating. Bread and mild cheese it was, then.
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Nope, Celery isn’t concerned at all that flaunting her wealth around might cause her to gain a few enemies. The stew simply doesn’t live up to her expectations! I’m laughing.
She fought the urge to touch her face. The swelling from the beating Arobynn had given her had gone down, but the bruises remained. She avoided looking in the sliver of mirror above her dresser, knowing what she’d see: mottled purple and blue and yellow along her cheekbones, a vicious black eye, and a still-healing split lip.
Just throwing this out there in case anyone wants to defend Arobynn or say that he’s not all that bad because he took Celery in, he beat the shit out a sixteen year old. Real standup guy! Maybe I should review Q0S just to enjoy what happens to him...
There was no denying it: she’d merely been spoiling for a fight. No blades, no weapons. Just fists and feet. Celaena supposed she should feel bad about it—about the broken noses and jaws, about the heaps of unconscious bodies in her wake. But she didn’t. She couldn’t bring herself to care, because those moments she spent brawling were the few moments she felt like herself again. When she felt like Adarlan’s greatest assassin, Arobynn Hamel’s chosen heir.
Hmm, I like this? Yeah Celery is a violent asshole, but it explains her mindset and trauma well because she feels as an assassin she has to fight, that the thrill of a fight keeps her going since she’s been raised that way since she was young. Very nice. I’ll admit, this book isn’t nearly as bad as the later novels in the series. It’s got Sammy and a few good moments like this.
Celery toys with the idea of running away, but she knows that Arobynn would hunt her down to kill her and informs us she still has no idea where Sammy is. I swear, if he’s hurt-
Chapter 12 switches back to Yrene’s POV.
Yrene couldn’t have left even if she wanted to. Last call wasn’t for another forty minutes, and she’d have to stay an hour after that to clean up and usher intoxicated patrons out the door. She didn’t care where they went once they passed the threshold—didn’t care if they wound up facedown in a watery ditch—just as long as they got out of the taproom. And stayed gone.
Damn, I feel for you, Yrene. Let me just say as someone who had to volunteer dozens of hours in the Girl Guides to serve as a waitress for charity suppers and teas? I know that #feel of dealing with the most unbearable costumers.
It was common knowledge that [Celaena] was leaving tomorrow at dawn.
Um.... how? Nobody knows she is a famous assassin, and only the workers of the inn would know how long she’s paid to stay. Did Celery just announce to all these sketchy drunks she’s leaving tomorrow?
Yrene swallowed hard, pouring another mug of ale. Her mother wouldn’t have hesitated to warn the girl. But her mother had been a good woman—a woman who never wavered, who never turned away a sick or wounded person, no matter how poor, from the door of their cottage in southern Fenharrow. Never.
Another dead YA mom. Okay, I’m not against dead parents on principle (how can I be when one of my WIP’s protag’s arc is about discovering the past of his dead father), it’s a cliche old as time itself and for some stories, yeah it works. I just wish there were more YA moms who were alive and had a relationship with their kids, you know?
A bunch of costumers sexually harass Yrene because SJM novel, then we’re back in Celery’s POV.
Reckless and stupid, Sam would say. But Sam wasn’t here, and she didn’t know if he was dead or alive or beaten senseless by Arobynn. It was a safe bet Sam had been punished for the role he’d played in liberating the slaves in Skull’s Bay.
I miss Sammy... I want him and Yrene to become friends and abandon this shitty kingdom.
Sam had become her friend, she supposed. She’d never had the luxury of friends, and never particularly wanted any. But Sam had been a good contender, even if he didn’t hesitate to say exactly what he thought about her, or her plans, or her abilities.
Huh... SJM isn’t immediately playing up the romance drama just yet and actually acknowledges they need to be friends first? Color me both shocked and impressed. Idk why SJM dropped this for later novels, but I’ll give her props for this.
Sighing, she slipped into her room and bolted the door. After a moment, she shoved the ancient chest of drawers in front of it, too. Not for her own safety. Oh, no. It was for the safety of whatever fool tried to break in—and would then find himself split open from navel to nose just to satisfy a wandering assassin’s boredom.
I’m telling y’all, Celery is a psychopath. it’s one thing for an assassin character to be neutral towards killing and murder, it’s another for them to want to slice open randos just for fun.
But after pacing for fifteen minutes, she pushed aside the furniture and left. Looking for a fight. For an adventure. For anything to take her mind off the bruises on her face and the punishment Arobynn had given her and the temptation to shirk her obligations and instead sail to a land far, far away.
Bitch I wish you would. Take the rest of this shitty series with you while you’re at it.
Yrene lugged the last of the rubbish pails into the misty alley behind the White Pig, her back and arms aching. Today had been longer than most.
And another POV switch in the same chapter? Damn, if this book was written today, this entire chapter would’ve been split up into like, 3 separate chapters.
Unsurprisingly, Jessa had vanished with her sailor, and given that the alley was empty, Yrene could only assume the young woman had gone elsewhere with him. Leaving her, yet again, to clean up.
It is shitty of Jessa to leave Yrene to clean up all of the mess but I still don’t like that lowkey slutshaming from earlier.
I told you to wait until it’s past—” she started, but paused as four figures stepped from the mist. Men. The mercenaries from before. Yrene was moving for the open doorway in a heartbeat, but they were fast - faster.
Before you recoil in horror, no, SJM isn’t stupid enough to write a sexual assault scene. We aren’t at AC0TAR levels of disgusting and offensiveness, yet. The mercenaries only try to rob Yrene.
“Saw you making some hefty tips tonight, girl. Where are they?”
But it was Jessa making the tips and not Yrene, right?
The man farthest from them was yanked into the mist with a strangled cry. The mercenary holding her whirled toward him, dragging Yrene along. There was a ruffle of clothing, then a thump. Then silence. “Ven?” the man blocking the door called.
You get three guesses as to who is rescuing her. The first two don’t count.
“Come out, you bleedin’ coward,” the ringleader growled. “Face us like a proper man.” A low, soft laugh. Yrene’s blood went cold. Silba, protect her. She knew that laugh—knew the cool, cultured voice that went with it. “Just like how you proper men surrounded a defenseless girl in an alley?”
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If only it wasn’t Celery to the rescue, I might be able to delightfully enjoy this moment of girls protecting girls. Alas.
With that, the stranger stepped from the mist. She had two long daggers in her hands. And both blades were dark with dripping blood.
Total nitpick, but wouldn’t “And both blades were dripping with dark blood’ sounds better?
Overall, this story, despite the lowkey slut shaming in one part, is much more enjoyable than the last, even though Sammy is still nowhere to be seen. We’ll just have to wait and see if SJM butchers it.
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How do you feel about Reylo?
Based off of TFA? I was indifferent because I didn’t really think it was a particularly textual ship and that Rey’s disgust and fear were pretty obvious, given that he abducted and tortured her, and then killed the father figure she’d never had. He offers to teach her to use the force but within 10 minutes movie time she’s found herself a Luke Skywalker to do it instead. There’s plenty of talk out there about how people want Kylo to have the choice to throw off an evil upbringing via brainwashing and be redeemed while blatantly missing that Finn’s entire first movie from his POV is about doing exactly this and proving he was good all along despite having been a wee tiny child when he was taken by the First Order. I suppose some of the appeal of the ship if you want it to be a corny romance is Rey redeeming Kylo while Finn did all the work himself by being like “wait no I don’t wanna slaughter innocents” at the first available opportunity… I find it extremely hard to see Finn and Kylo as having equal but opposite pulls on Rey’s heart, is what I’m saying :P Dark shipping is another matter but it’s a major movie franchise and Rey’s one of our main POV characters and the message isn’t subtle about Space Fascism in the broad strokes so I had low concern about Rey going dark or them having a forbidden romance across sides or something.
TLJ - 
I think the new movie played a LOT into the initial buzz from TFA, including masses of fan theory. Which, of course, you can best summarise by taking that huge build up for Rey to get to Luke and be taught by him, and him just chucking the lightsaber over his shoulder and walking off. If you bring expectations into this movie, you’re gonna have them shaken. 
(My only equivalent movie experience, incidentally, is seeing Up followed by Toy Story 3 and becoming convinced that Up proved that Pixar was so merciless that they may just incinerate the entire main cast of Toy Story and legitimately fearing for those little lives, so kudos to that moment for setting me so on edge I need to go see the movie again just to *enjoy* it when it comes to Rey’s arc :P)
(Of course, the toys were not incinerated, and Rey didn’t get ~seduced by the dark side~ but they had me on uncertain ground, which is not easy for film makers to do when you’re an annoyingly genre savvy asshole like me :P)
When it comes to Reylo they played right into the mystical force bond, Rey wanting to redeem him, Kylo being conflicted because of her, and a whole bunch of tropes. Within the story without Rian cackling while setting this all up (I don’t know him but he seems like a cackler, based on this movie) they used the uncertainty about what Luke had done to Kylo to make Rey question him (after all she doesn’t know him except in legends and he’s not living up to them in person) and to worry Kylo might be right and it’s not as simple as it seems. At least to the point of hearing him out, and feeling his conflict and deciding that he can be saved or that she must try.
The stuff where they’re communicating over the force is fairly straightforward that it builds up Rey’s conflict and gives her a chance to see Kylo exposed - emotionally and I guess physically because joke about Kylo Ren being shredded aside (that sketch is canon and again I swear he was only shirtless to make nerds laugh >.>) in TFA she sees him as a masked monster and he takes the helmet off to prove he’s human, but he’s being *exposed* to her now and it’s important there’s the later twist about all this because they’re both being shown each other’s vulnerabilities right now while thinking the other is tormenting them because of some bond they managed to make while beating the shit out of each other on Starkiller Base.
I remember starting to feel like this is REALLY not going to go how we expect when Rey sent herself off to meet Kylo because they mirror the elevator scene with Luke and Darth Vader from RotJ, which obviously is the 3rd in the trilogy, and you *can’t* do this same surrender yourself to the enemy to redeem him and take down the bigger evil from within thing here in the 2nd film without just causing more problems from somewhere else. In this case each thinks the other has a chance to come to their side and the bond is a mutual fascination and there’s a sense of attraction and being drawn together by it. 
But then a few minutes later they discover that Snoke set the entire thing up - has been messing with their minds, connecting them and showing them each other’s weaknesses, preying on their unresolved business with each other to make them want to turn the other to their side; neither of them are completely evil or completely good - the force is re-defined as neutral rather than having a light side and a dark side, and I think the spec that grey jedi will be an endgame for the force, is a good one (rather than restoring the Jedi Council etc which, after all, was responsible for turning Anakin to the dark out of desperation and neglect in the first place >.>)… 
In this capacity I think Rey and Kylo are actually really well balanced? It might not make a good love story but they are due another reckoning and their powers are clearly matched. They have a good literally and metaphorically back-to-back fight scene with the guard and their powers are shown to be in balance when they try grabbing the lightsaber again. It comes down to the personal side - Kylo loses because he just wants to repeat the same patterns but leave behind the First Order, not because it’s bad but because he wants to rule and destroy on his own terms, a little nihilistic baby bird flying the nest and wanting to start his own empire to dominate the galaxy. Rey fails, because everyone’s failing on the good guy’s side because you don’t win in the 2nd movie, because she thought she might have a shot to take Kylo’s uncertainty, but in the end it was because he was being controlled and wanted to be free that he struck out at Snoke, and he had already been shaped to a point of no return. Rey rightly sees a lost cause and flees, though she doesn’t kill him while he’s unconscious because she’s not heartless.
The rest of Kylo’s movie is not being killed in time by Hux either, and going fully unhinged supreme leader and fruitlessly venting his frustration on the teacher who failed him as well as continuing to try and kill what is left of his family without caring any more that Leia is in there like he hesitated at the start of the movie (and she still got hurt anyways in that first battle because of his orders to destroy her ship - given knowing she’s in it as well as the fact even after this hesitation he doesn’t do anything to stop them taking out the rest of the rebel ships in the LONG chase sequence he had to reconsider before Rey showed up, while he was just chilling brushing his hair or whatever). I mean at this point he’s better developed than Joffrey but he’s in a similar place. We already know he’s full of rage from TFA and we have a reminder how he smashes things up around him when he’s frustrated and angry with a necessary repeat of the joke about First Order personnel staying the hell away from rooms with angry Kylo noises and smashing sounds coming from them. The stuff with Luke killing or not killing Kylo and setting him on his path - either from Kylo’s victimised POV about it or Luke’s horror about the darkness he - rightfully - sees in him, that Snoke had *already* got to Kylo and he’d *already* recruited the Knights of Ren from within Luke’s attempt to start the Jedi Order up again… the darkness had got too far and Kylo was an unfortunate temperament exacerbated by the bad teaching/manipulation and I feel like there’ll always be room to try again or argue he isn’t a lost cause LATER if that’s what they want to do, but in this movie it was very MUCH about him being a lot cause, and Rey sees that in person when after her efforts to help, to go to him and all, it turns out the only reason she was connected to him was a manipulation, and the only reason he turned on Snoke was his own ambitions, and he’s twisted and runs at a baseline level of megalomaniac desire to oppress that frankly a girl should not be expected to fix through the power of true love or whatever and she gets the heck out instead of dragging his prone form to a shuttle, Luke Skywalker style. :P I’m a bit blurry about when it happens now (RIGHT at the end?) but there is definitely another final moment of her shutting the door on him in a vision which felt like a conclusive comment on her emotional energy being spent on him now. 
I sort of feel like as long as you don’t woobify Kylo too much and try to understand without getting too worked up about redeeming him, but seeing his actions as they’re presented in the film (he is a “cool motive, still murder” character now which is an upgrade from TFA because he was just Whiny Toxic Masculinity White Guy Who Could ‘Take What He Wanted’ back then) then I just don’t really see how this character could have a romance arc with Rey, given that she managed to overcome her fear and disgust of him to pity and wanting to help, only to have it literally explode in her face *when she thought she’d won so now he’s something she failed just like Luke failed him* and she legged it and fought against his side to save the Resistance without any more angst about Kylo whatsisname again for the rest of the movie. 
Also the Resistance is shown variously carrying around the Rey Homing Beacon and being her true family who cares about her but Finn full on pined and wanted to get to her and though he didn’t have a force bond it was important in a way it wasn’t when Poe or Leia had the beacon, that it was his parallel in a pure-hearted way to the link Kylo had with her, and whatever’s going to happen with Rose, it’s *definitely* a love triangle between her and Rey, because she and Finn have a pre-existing and powerful connection after TFA… I mostly just want Finn to be happy, so I’m just going to ship him with those two and Poe until something sticks, but of all the characters in the movies, Rey and then Rose both have the most actual romantic tropes with Finn, with Rey collecting a sizeable chunk of them with Kylo in the first part of the movie, only for the subversion and reveal to flip *all* of them on their head and therefore dunk the whole lot out of contention as far as I’m concerned. And I think when it comes to flipping tropes and expectations, we have to stop being short sighted about the build up before the flip as meaning the entire fullness of what’s going on here, when the entire last act of a movie may exist to expressly tell you that what it made you think in the first parts was all wrong. 
I’d love to watch again knowing the twist, and I think we’re going to go when my brother comes back for Christmas, so it might be another week at this point before I can put my eyes on this film again, but I think I’m remembering this all right and that my impression was right/I knew the impression they were giving was wrong and that I identified when they flipped things all through the movie, as it was all very loudly broadcast for a blockbuster audience. I haven’t really seen people reacting to Reylo much but I don’t ship it and I think it went from generically unshippable to utterly sunk, but only from my outside POV where obviously I have never really been interested in the ship. So when I see all this I’m making assumptions that I’m seeing them treat it the way I expect if they were writing it as a fake out on teasing that they may get together before crushing that, because I’m not really invested in them getting together. 
And I’m assuming in the surface text of the story it just wouldn’t make sense to show Kylo being unredeemable now and seeming to make his choice and sink even deeper into unhinged darkness. It’s not like Vader offering Luke to rule at his side after revealing he’s his father in the equivalent place in ESB, because at that point Vader had made no moves to show he may be redeemable or have doubts, while after that reveal Luke sees Vader as human, and has to begin hoping there’s some Anakin left in him from before he was corrupted to the dark. Kylo knows full well he’s Ben Solo and has been trying to shed that identity to the point of killing Han, has been trying to push himself into darkness, dreading he WON’T be evil enough, and when he makes Rey the offer, she’s already tried to skip ahead to the RotJ Luke and Vader stuff based on what she felt and saw - which was all a manipulation. Yes he’s conflicted, but it’s the same trap Han fell in - he thinks “Ben” is saying he’s conflicted and he wants to be good and Han has to help him - offers him the lightsaber like he can take away the symbol of what’s making Ben dark, but it turns out he was going to kill him all along and Kylo wanted help to be strong enough to do that to Han and THAT is what he was referring to. It was an act of being conflicted to want to be good, while it’s always been more to be nihilistically destructive and FREE. And in that sense, Supreme Leader Kylo’s actually doing pretty well for the first time in his life >.>
So for Reylo the only option I see left if you care about it, is darkshipping it without much expectation that Rey is due to become a world-destroying megalomaniac in the next movie :P
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pettyotome · 7 years
Mystic Messenger Another Story: V Route Review
Spoilers undercut. Proceed with caution. :)
Okay! So I freaking loved just about everything in this route. It’s incredibly story packed with SO MUCH NEW CONTENT that was totally worth 300 HG. From the talented voice acting, new twists, and getting to know the characters-- Cheritz does not disappoint with this one! Don’t get me wrong, this route wasn’t perfect. There were a few things that fell below my expectations, but overall this route was wonderfully written and I’m replaying this shit after this review.
Prologue: So the introduction for this was very unique, same concept, but with a creative twist. When Unknown messages you for the first time, it actually feels like he’s breaking the fourth wall-- but technically he isn’t. I’ll get to that in a bit! He basically tells you to download the app under the pretense that you’ll be playing a dating sim-- but none of the character’s we’ve known up until this point are real. The MC in this route thinks they are AIs. Unknown’s characterization in this route is so different from the main stories because he’s actually much more tolerable. It honestly feels like they’re not the same person, I didn’t even care for Saeran up until this route so I really liked spending a lot of this route with him. 
Common Route: Day’s 1-4 are just heaven and hell all mixed together, on one hand you’re trying to make the game branch for V’s route so that you can get a happy ending, but on another hand-- Saeran, known as “Ray” takes you to this place to go play the game, and he is being such a huge sweetheart. I just wondered WHY would Cheritz make Ray act this was knowing that we’re supposed to pursue V!! It broke my heart bc I love the both of them. Through these days, you can see that V is the fastest one to accept you. Mostly because you dropped Rika’s name but still. V hopes the best from you and desperately wants you to be someone he can trust, so he starts showing up a lot more because of you, and you can also see that he sort of opens up, it’s very beautiful to see. And then there’s Ray, who gets attached to you a little too quickly here but he’s always caring about your well being. But don’t get too comfortable. Remember when I said he didn’t technically break the fourth wall earlier..? Well, as you go deeper into this route, the MC starts to feel that these characters are so real that it’s not even funny. And at the very end of the common route on day four, you start to question Ray-- your trust in him starts to waver at this point. At the very last second of his route, V shows up at Mint Eye to save you. He’s not an AI. Ray lied to you. It hurts Ray a lot to know that he’s lied to you more than it hurts the MC, depending on your choices but you’re basically torn bc V couldn’t save you from him but he swears that he’ll come back for you and LORD did this kill me.
V and Rika’s relationship: There was a big corner of the MM fandom that was reluctant to have a romantic V route because of V’s deep love for Rika-- how would Cheritz handle giving V and the MC 11 days to bond knowing that V is still recovering from an abusive relationship? Well, good news. Cheritz tackles this issue head on, no tip toeing around this situation. Days 5-10, when V comes to Mint Eye to save you, there is a scene where he is telling Rika that the two of them used to be obsessed with each other. Key word: obsessed. From the main story until now, V always thought that he loved Rika. This was one of my favorite scenes from this route because Cheritz KNEW what we wanted to be addressed while pursuing V and they delivered. And in the chats, V starts to come to the realization that he might have loved Rika at first, but then later what they had stopped being genuine and just became so unhealthy. He was blind to that at first, but then starts to see their relationship for what it really was with help from the MC. 
Romance: As to be expected, this is gonna take some time. Depending on your choices as the MC, you could either throw yourself at V, show him no respect and rush him to forget about RIka and date you-- or you could aid V through his pain and understand that he’s not a bad person for not being able to fully figure out what love is. V’s been dealing with a lot of Rika’s shit for the past six months. While he DOES actually fall in love with the MC, the two don’t even get together until day 11, which is set two years after the events of V’s route. And I loved that Cheritz handled the romance between V and the MC this way. 
Rika’s characterization and interactions with her: I’m the minority of the fandom that actually likes Rika. But I’m also the minority of that minority that wanted to beat her senseless for the shit she’s done. What I really liked about her in this route particularly was that you actually get to talk to her for yourself-- not through the RFA’s clouded image of her. I enjoyed reading the VN scenes where she talks to Jaehee and recruits other members in the RFA. Rika actually had some very cute moments and I lived for them! I empathized a lot with Rika about how she felt like she couldn’t show her dark side to her loved ones. Cheritz unraveled a much more detailed story of her and V’s relationship and answered the questions that were unanswered in the main story. BUT BOY DID THIS BITCH REALLY TRIED ME LIKE I WANTED TO DECK HER SO BAD BUT I FELT FOR HER PAIN. There were actually a lot of moments near the end where Rika chats with the RFA members and... man it breaks my heart to see her so hurt. And right after days 8/9, shit goes down at Mint Eye and for the first time we see that Rika actually actually does care for the people she’s manipulated and hurt-- Ray. In the main story, it seemed like she didn’t care for him that much outside of his loyalty to her and Mint Eye. But when there’s a bombing at Mint Eye and Ray seems to not have escaped-- she cries for him. She REALLY HOPED for him to find a place where he belonged and I’m really proud of Cheritz for showing us more of her emotions. 
V’s development: Let me just say that you gotta be HELLA PATIENT with this man. V means well, incredibly well, but he’s always carrying the burden of his emotional abuse and the RFA on his shoulders. You learn so many new things about how he met the members, his friendship with Jumin, and you get VNs from his mothers point of view! Not only did we get a completely new story, but we have so many new Jihyun details to gush over and it’s great that we got to see VNs of V as a kid, and how that affected his relationship with Rika. Basically, I felt like V’s relationship with Rika was to prepare him for real love-- love that he would have with the MC. In the beginning V is mourning, in denial, trying to hard to sacrifice himself so that nobody gets hurt. He’s stubborn and self-less to a huge fault. But in this route, you as the MC help him to learn how to love himself and care about himself more. it gets to a point where V shuts down Rika and hopes for her happiness-- but says that it’s over. That what they had was not love. V is finally standing his ground and he’s being so much more honest with himself and with Rika. He admits that he shared some faults within the relationship too, like how he suffocated her with love rather than face her mental illness realistically. And the way he wants to protect the MC from her is literally the best thing ever. V cares about you and is genuinely interested in you, telling you that you made him feel things not even Rika gave him. It’s a slow and frustrating development but the MC is patient enough to help him get there. I just love how V cherishes you so much, to the point where Rika has noticed that V has fallen in love with you. And even V knows this himself, but as I’ve said, the romance takes a lot of time but ultimately he chooses you in the end and comes out a much better person-- following his real dreams and being happy!
Other things: Yo Yoosung pissed me the fuck off a lot in this route bc it felt like he was trying to justify the shit Rika did just because of the good girl image he has of her, and although he does come to accept that she’s beyond saving and even drags her away from drugging people at the party in the end, it was so hard not to be mad at him in this route. But he’s someone I had to be patient with too. Yoosung is a good kid and I love him but he drops her name in this route more than he did his own and THAT’S saying something. I understood that he was grieving but he was dead tryna defend a criminal and that had me all the way fucked up. 
JUMINV!!!! Their friendship!!!! And the way Jumin kind of shipped you and V in the end is just the best thing ever, if anyone knows me, I’m a huge Jumin fan so seeing him accept and trust the MC and compliment her strengths had me swooning. OH AND WHEN JUMIN CHECKED RIKA IN THAT ONE CHAT ON DAY TEN, HE WAS BEING SUCH A SAVAGE I FUCKING LOVE THIS MAN. LIKE YES!!!! DEFEND YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!! 
Ray deserves to be happy. Ray deserves his own route. I wanna romance this man and help him escape from the Mint Eye ideology. WHY WOULD CHERITZ MAKE A V ROUTE AND THEN HAVE RAY BE SO SWEET TO US LIKE THIS I LOVE THE BOTH OF THEM SO MUCH BUT I HATED HAVING TO HURT RAY. 
Draw backs: I felt like Cheritz fell back on Rika’s backstory. When Rika tells you that she’s been bullied or that her parents didn’t love her-- I felt like Cheritz didn’t go into enough depth about it so it was hard to sympathize with vague ass stories. As a person whose been bullied and emotionally abused by my family, I felt like Rika didn’t explain enough of what happened to her and it really didn’t cut it for me. And I was also slightly disappointed that Cheritz built up Rika’s character so much only to give an anti-climatic ending where Rika is STILL up to her Mint Eye bullshit, trying to drug everyone at the party with an elixir, only to get dragged away by Yoosung. Which was probably the only good thing he did in this route if I’m being honest. I felt like we never got any answers as to what happened to Rika or Ray after the party and I hope those questions get answered in new V DLCs and After endings when Cheritz updates again. I’m also a little annoyed that 707 doesn’t find out that the hacker is actually his brother but maybe if Ray get’s a route, that would be addressed? I really hope so bc the route was so perfect up until then, bc it didn’t make sense that they never crossed paths in this route. But that’s pretty much all that bugged me.
In conclusion: Whooping Rika. JuminV. RFA shenanigans. RAY’S BLUE FLOWERS. And Jihyun Kim’s happiness!!!! This route was everything I expected it to be and so much more. It was so fucking emotional and had my heart hurting a lot for the past few days, but I’d do it all over again just to see Jihyun’s smile. Thank you, Cheritz. We truly don’t deserve such a good company. 
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goguthrie-blog · 7 years
Chasing Pavements
Characters: Mike Dallas, Hunter Hollingsworth, Vanessa Brandon, KC Guthrie, Jonah Haak, Grace Cardinal, Tiny Bell and Lola Pacini
Timeframe: Friday, May 26th, 2017
Summary: When you mix prom night, alcohol and driving together, I’m sure you can imagine the outcome. But I don’t think any of these eight teens imagined something like this.
Dallas started the engine of his friend's car. He didn't know why he even accepted the offer when the car wasn't in the best start up shape to begin with. However, Dallas was getting more work done to the car with the money he made when he helped Luke out during when Luke gave him a position at Frozen. Hearing the engine finally start up, Dallas made his way onto the road. Dallas had only a small amount to drink, but part of him hoped it wasn't bad enough so that he could easily not be caught by the cops and to drop Hunter off safely. He knew during the ride that having silence fill the air wasn't a good idea, considering how awkward it was to be dropping off someone who got Simpson to threaten his graduation status to begin with. "What made you think you could take Jonah on? I'm sorry, but you're far from strong to protect yourself. Besides, what made you decide that he was enemy number one? I thought you guys are friends through clique allyship."
Closing his eyes as he sat still, he sighed heavily as Dallas began to talk to him as if they were on some sort of good terms. He went to pull out his phone as some type of distraction but it was dead so it seemed as if he had no choice but to drown himself in Dallas' voice. "Not really into this whole bonding sesh, Dal," Hunter finally replied in a sarcastic tone. "Jonah messed with my family and now he's messing with my..." He stopped himself. "Grace. So yeah, I don't like him."
"I'm not into this bonding session either, but it's better than having silence considering this junk of a car doesn't have any radio. Besides, the ride to your place is quite the ride, might as well have some sort of noise going on. Even if you can't stand me and I think you're still weird as fuck." Dallas pulled at a stop-light as it went red, waiting for it to go green. "So far so good, all you have to do is keep up this momentum and you'll be perfect," he thought while tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. Dallas scoffed, "You do know going after your ex's new toy isn't a good way to waltz back into your ex's arms. The more you interfere with a relationship, the stronger it's going to last." The light turned green and Dallas pushed gently on the gas pedal, continuing the drive. "Besides, you're missing out if you keep sulking over what you've once had."
"You flatter me," he said in a low voice, giving Dallas a fake smile. "Are you really one to give me relationship advice? Didn't you get like three girls pregnant and cheated on them?" Hunter didn't really care much to know about Dallas' personal life but it did help when it came to situations like this. "And what exactly am I missing out on? If I wanna sulk, I'll sulk."
Dallas rolled his eyes when it came to the boy criticizing his relationships. "First of all, I'm not even going to answer that, second, you do know I'm the driver right?" Making a right turn, the boy let out a light chuckle. "Even if I had some interesting flings, considering there was only one girl I did date, I bounce back and move on instead of pinning on someone. If they eventually show interest then why not, it's better to see what's out there than the sulk on something of the past. Besides moving on shows a sign of healthy and eventually depending on how the girl felt for you, she might get jealous. Obviously you don't hangout with your brother very much otherwise you would get girls and understand how to actually move on and enjoy life instead of sitting in the past. You did this with Lola and now you're doing this with Grace. Maybe that's why the two girls moved on, clingy isn't a good look."
Hunter opened his mouth up to reply, he had prepared a decent come back but he suddenly became very dizzy, a lot more so than the usual effects. And then he felt the car stop moving. "What the fuck, did you hit a deer or something?" The boy questioned, his voice now raised as he unbuckled his seatbelt and exited the car to see what happened.
Not paying attention to his answer, Dallas noticed something, "Oh shit!" Dallas felt a thud as the car managed to hit a stop sign. Getting out the boy's eyes widen, Dallas was mumbling swear words underneath his breath. "Shit, shit, shit, shit," he whispered staring at the damage. He knew that he had a record considering his history as a Wild One. Dallas feared more about the police coming and noticing the small amount of alcohol content within his breath. Dallas didn't need to get into anymore trouble since graduation was on the line. On top of that, Child Services would probably take Rocky away or something or give Vanessa full custody, something he didn't want because he was trying his best to be a better father. "Shit, we can't just stay here, we gotta go. We're not going to get in trouble, this isn't even my car, the registration is under my friend Julian's name still.." Dallas started panicking and he was debating making a run for it.
When he saw that it was just a stop sign, a slight form of relief washed over him. However, when Dallas then suggested to just leave the scene, Hunter was baffled. "You're joking, right? You just knocked over a stop sign, you know those things exist for a reason," Hunter now began to lecture the older boy. "We have to call the police. Let me use your phone," he demanded.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let you use my phone. If the police come, we're both going to get in trouble. I have alcohol on my breath and you're flat out drunk! I have a lot to lose on the line. I'm sorry but," Dallas started turning around, he knew his home was three blocks from the location east. "I'm sorry, but I can't have anymore trouble with the law, I'm going to go." With that, Dallas left because he cared more for his record than some stop sign he managed to hit.
"Dallas!" he shouted out several times, even though he just kept driving the car back the way they came. Now Hunter didn't know what to do. His phone was dead, he was drunk and he was stranded in some empty neighborhood. Doing what he does best, he started sulking again but this time he added some walking to it. He didn't know where he was gonna go, he just walked and hoped he'd come up with a plan.
Jonah was heading out of the prom after getting kicked out for fighting Hunter. He was drunk as fuck and really just wanted to get away from this stupid school dance and to his house as quick as possible. But somehow he'd ended up with Grace, Lola, and Tiny in his car. "Alrightt" he slurred, "Let's get the fuck outta here."
Grace rolled her eyes, annoyed at Jonah for fighting and even more annoyed that he just got drunk instead of talking to her about it. She could only shake her head and take swigs from the flask Jonah had handed to her. Glancing over at Jonah, she felt a warning tickle at the back of her mind, but she mainly just thought about where she went wrong tonight and why her prom had turned out like this. She hadn't expected romance or anything, but she had hoped for something, "Alas! He speaks!" She teased him, having not heard much from his mouth after he got kicked out.
Lola knew she already had way too much to drink tonight, but was having far too much fun to stop anytime soon. So far the night had been a success and she wasn’t ready for it to be over just yet. Smiling brightly as she kicked off her heels, Lola moved so she was practically on the Tiny’s lap. “Joooonie,” Lola then called out from the back, giggling. “Stop by Taco Bell please!” 
Tiny was drunk in Jonah's backseat, hesitant at first to even approach the couple, but as the drinks kicked in, he had no reason to not to trust the older boy. "Jooooooooo...you almost beat up a dude like 39 years younger than you maaaan. Noooot a good looook..soooo do what my girl says and get the tacs!", he said as he grab onto Lola's waist tight. "I gotta get some condies too, woo!"
Vanessa had managed to pull KC away from the dance and get him inside the car. Thankfully, he didn't fight her one getting his keys. The dance seemed like a total bust for her and part of her almost wished she had stayed home, but KC did make it enjoyable and was probably the funnest part about it. "I've never actually been to your place before so you're gonna have to try and navigate," she spoke, buckling her own seatbelt.
KC had pretty much plopped in the passenger's seat and rested his head against the window as Vanessa started to drive. He could feel himself very relaxed and almost to the point of falling asleep but when the girl mentioned something about having to take him home, he jumped up. "No no, you can't take me home. If I get caught with alcohol in my system, I'm gonna get sent back to juvie," KC yelled out. "I can't go home. V. I can't," he repeated himself, his voice and behavior growing intense.
Vanessa was immediately taken back once KC started yelling. She put her hand over on his thigh, trying to manage the wheel at the same time. "KC, calm down. I won't take you home if you can't be there," she spoke. Vanessa paused for a second, knowing she couldn't take him to her place on account of Rocky coming home tomorrow, but she would do what she had to she supposed. "Look, you can crash in my old room at my mom's place." Vanessa made a quick turn starting down the road. She was glad at least one of them was sober otherwise she had no idea how they'd get home.
"Your mom won't care if I crash there?" He asked, part of him starting to calm back down. "I can be gone before she even wakes up," KC added; he really didn't want to cause any more problems for the girl since she seemed to have enough on her plate already.
Jonah just rolled his eyes at Grace. “Why’d ya have to talk to that snotty kid Hunter anyway. Fuck Hunter! Fuck Hunter!” he chanted. At the tone of Lola’s high pitched voiced Jonah gave a hearty node “Well okay, but just because I want a gordita” As soon as Jonah pulled out of the school parking lot he could tell that his wits weren’t about him, the lines in the road were kinda blurry, and he couldn’t really tell if there were two or four stop lights. He found himself swerving into the other lane. “Shit” he remarked, quickly swerving back to the right lane. “My bad guys” he said, turning around to face his passenger’s in the back but the minute he had he lost control and crashed into another car directly in his lane.
Grace groaned, "Hunter's my best friend, that's why I was talking to him. You didn't have to pick a fight with him." She shot back, but it was lost in his stupid chanting. Sitting back in the passenger seat, she huffed out and took another drink from the flask, emptying it. Grace vaguely felt the car swerve, but she had so many thoughts in her head that she found herself too distracted to focus on one thing. She suddenly sat up straight when she saw Jonah heading straight for another car, starting to scream his name, but her voice was cut off as they crashed.
Lola giggled again when Jonah caved into her request, glad that she didn’t have to fight him on this - probably because she was too out of it to even try. “Thank ya babe,” she smiled, now directing her attention to Tiny, planting a kiss on his lips. This night couldn’t possibly get any better, or at least that’s what she thought until she heard Jonah’s named being yelled, and then felt the impact of the crash.
Tiny was on cloud nine until he felt the impact of the crash, instinctively holding onto Lola on impact to try and protect her somewhat.
"She'll be more upset if I had you in the house while Rocky was there than if I have you crashing," Vanessa explained. As she approaches the intersection, Vanessa continued on until the car from the passenger side slammed into the car. KC's car went spinning to the side of the road. Vanessa's head knocked into the steering wheel enabling her from getting control of the car after impact.
In a matter of seconds, KC felt the airbag fly right into him but because he wasn't wearing his seatbelt, the impact of the crash practically flung his whole body straight through the windshield as the car was spinning. All you could see was smoke and damaged car parts all over the road. Vanessa was practically unconscious and it was unknown how the passengers in the other car were. So KC just laid there on the hard cement as he heard sirens starting to come towards the scene.
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