#i spend way way too long on the first panel tbh
raartblog · 1 year
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If This Tour Doesn't Kill You Then I Will - PUP
So I feel like the bus situation in @infamous-if is one of those things that will get worse before it gets better. and oh nooo how terrible what a shame too bad there's this great song that fits it perfectly ahh shucks dangit fuck.
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linkedbytime · 6 months
What Happened?
So... it's been like a year and a half.
The long and short of it is pretty simple tbh.
The first comic didn't turn out at all how I wanted. I had high hopes and big ambitions, and I'd already spent a year planning, and I didn't want my interest to wane, so I charged into it, doing some stuff I wasn't used to, and it didn't go as planned.
I didn't spend as long on the backgrounds as I should have. The coloring was weird, because I was determined to do the comic in color (I should have gone with a complex grayscale in retrospect). The pacing felt rushed and kind of clunky. I honestly wasn't super happy with most of it except for like 1 background and a handful of panels.
Honestly, I think I rushed it because I really wanted to get it out. I was trying really hard to follow the advice of "just do it," but in all honestly, I think I should have spent more time actually considering that comic and planning it.
Then I started working on the second comic.
I had a plan. I knew how I wanted it to go. I wanted to get into a rhythm of one comic a month. I refused to post it page by page because I really dislike reading comics that way, and I got it into my head that I had to follow these rules regarding "engagement" and "content" and kinda garbage stuff not really suited for someone who just does this as a hobby and not a career.
I was rushing again, and by the time I began lining the 3rd page (out of 12-14), I knew I'd messed up.
The line width was wrong, but the idea of redoing it all was too much. I'd also made the mistake of choosing a very clean line art that took a lot of time, and maybe that did make it easier to color fill, but it wasn't my style and not my preference, and it didn't really make me happy to look at.
Then Tears of the Kingdom was getting more news, and more than anything, it was all the negativity from the fandom surrounding the game before it'd even released that started draining on me. I felt like the joy was slowly getting sucked out of me. I was getting anxious, especially since this was a sequel to a game I'd really enjoyed, a game that had made me fall in love with the series again and had brought me a lot of joy.
I was stressed out by how long the second comic was taking. I wasn't enjoying the process. Everything in the fandom and surrounding TOTK was comic out so negative. And I was suffering a lot for it.
I lost a lot of steam for LoZ and Linked By Time really fast.
Then an old fandom reentered by life, brought me some dopamine, and I kind of dipped.
So here we are. A year and a half later with one comic, some designs, and several doodles under our belt.
Do I still care about this project?
Oh yeah, definitely. I had a lot of plans for this, and I became really fond of my versions of these guys.
What now?
Honestly... probably going to make a separate post for that. I have some thoughts.
For now, that's the long and short of it. Nothing really exciting or interesting. Just a bunch of stress and anxiety tbh.
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inkykeiji · 4 years
i’ll keep you in mind, from time to time
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cactus anon said: had a little dream about daddy tomura, but it's when his princess gets sick... like very sick. seemingly out of nowhere. we know he's always cautious about your health and well being, so this is odd to say the least. you could have got it simply from getting the mail or sitting out on the balcony. well you see, daddy has a very strict rule when he's working - you mustn't disturb him when he's in a vital meeting. and you feel so ill that you know you can't just wait until he's done (whenever that will be - it's hard to tell sometimes). you feel like you have no choice but to ask for help 🥺 and there's not many people daddy would allow in his home to come see you when he's not present. except for... dabi...
genre: angst
notes: is this set in the bmb universe????? tbh, yeah, probably. i wrote this with bmb tomura and bmb dabi in mind (my mind just goes straight to bmb tomura the moment i see daddy tomura ehehe). do you need to read the monster that is bmb before reading this? absolutely not, since it’s technically a prequel of sorts! | title credit: moose blood’s first album ehehehe
warnings: sad boi dabi, very sick reader, it’s implied that tomura has cut her off from everyone she knows, pining, daddy kink, mention of drugs
words: 2.9k
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Nestled under Tomura’s fluffy comforter and curled in on yourself in his mammoth bed, your silk babydoll sticks to your damp, sweaty skin, teeth clattering together so violently it’s almost painful, even though your flesh is scalding to the touch. It’s a surprise that Daddy can’t hear it, that incessant clackclackclack echoing down the vacant halls, a surprise he didn’t come running immediately—like he always does—at the sound of your pitiful little whimpers as you burrowed deeper into his mattress.
He must be really, really busy today.
And you know better than to interrupt him when he’s really, really busy.
But—But it all hurts so much, head pounding with such vigour you can barely see straight, muscles aching and weak, a loud whine escaping your lips as you roll over, groping around in the blankets for your phone. It’s too bright when you finally locate it, eyes squinting and a hiss catching in your throat as you bring the screen too close to your face, quickly scrolling through your contacts in a desperate attempt to find someone—anyone—to come to your rescue.
You know you should wait. Really, you should. Your Daddy is jealous, and protective, and possessive, and there isn’t a doubt in your mind that he’s going to be upset when he finds out that you called someone else to take care of you.
But—But it could be hours until Daddy’s done with his work—sometimes he spends the entire night in that stupid wood-paneled office, and you can’t risk it. It’s terrifying, this nightmarish illness that seemingly appeared out of nowhere, with its sudden onslaught of concerning symptoms worsening by the second, and you’re beginning to wonder if something is seriously wrong, the thought sending icy spikes of anxiety shooting through your veins.
No, you can’t risk it—you can’t wait.
A thumb hovers over your mother’s name in hesitance, sucking your bottom lip between your teeth as you consider. Her place isn’t necessarily close, but she’s the relative that’d be able to reach you the fastest—even so, it’d take her at least two hours to get here, and that’s assuming there’s no traffic on the roads. But she isn’t exactly fond of your boyfriend, and the last thing you want to deal with while feeling like you’re dying is a fight between the two of them. You know how nasty they can get.
So you keep scrolling, fingers halting for a second time as your best friend’s name flies past your eyes.
It’s been months since you last spoke—Tomura being the topic of your last conversation, of your last fight. You’re spending too much time with him, they had claimed, eyes cloaked in a glossy sheen of tears as they frenetically searched your face, almost begging you to understand. It’s unhealthy! It’s unnatural! They had said with a vicious shake of their head. He has you in a fucking chokehold, can’t you see that?
Eyelids squeeze shut tightly against the familiar burn of tears, their last few words echoing through your mind, bouncing off the walls of your skull and reverberating, louder and louder and louder—
No. You can’t do this right now, your head throbbing in retaliation, a painful lump nestling into the column of your throat. It’s too much, too much, and you don’t want to think anymore, can feel that neediness rooting deep at the core of your body, a longing to just be taken care of and nurtured, frantically scrolling back up as urgent eyes search the names blurring by on the screen. A gasp falls from your lips as his name whirs by, fingers scrambling to scroll back down and find it again.
Daddy trusts Dabi, doesn’t he? Daddy likes Dabi, right? They’re friends, aren’t they? Out of all of the people you just scrolled through, Dabi is evidently the best choice, the most correct choice, is he not?
Your thumb trembles a little as it levitates over his name—you don’t know him well, have only spoken a mere handful of words to him in the six months you’ve been dating Tomura, but...but he appears to be your only hope.
His voice is rough when he answers, abruptly cutting through the dull second ring, evident surprise bleeding into it when you whimper out your name, mumbled against the receiver. He regains his composure a moment later, tone hardening as he asks you why the fuck you thought it’d be a good idea to call him, of all people.
Tears blur your vision, sniffling a little as you explain the situation, frail voice breaking as you tell him about how you’re terrified you’re dying, and Daddy’s too busy, and last time—last time you interrupted him you got in real big trouble, and he’s your only hope, you need him, and please, Dabi?
And God, he’s chuckling into your ear, low and hoarse and inspiring a flock of butterflies to soar through your stomach, a sensation you swear is from whatever sickness has infected your body. You’re so lucky you’re fucking cute.
He hangs up directly after that, doesn’t spare you a second to respond, arriving at in penthouse in ten minutes flat, and you’re not sure you’ve ever been happier to see his tattooed face.
“Jesus Christ,” he breathes when he sees you, curled up beneath the fluffy comforter, strands of hair shining with sweat and sticking to your skin. Pace quickening, he places his knuckles against your forehead, your sore eyes slipping shut at the cool relief his skin provides. A sharp hiss slips through his clenched teeth and he yanks his hand back, a soft whimper getting caught in your throat as you try to follow his touch.
A head of inky tousled hair shakes back and forth as he hastily leaves Tomura’s bedroom. Glass and ceramic clink together, the sound echoing down the hall, as Dabi roots around in the kitchen, swearing softly to himself when he can’t find what he’s looking for.
A cup of water is in his hands when he returns a few moments later, aspirin clutched in his other fist, still muttering under his breath about the thermometer not being where it’s supposed to be, and why the hell doesn’t Shigaraki have any cold and flu meds like, at all?
Perching on the edge of Tomura’s bed, he acts as if it’s such an inconvenience to him, as if he’s so annoyed that you’re sick and needy, but he really doesn’t hide it well enough. Because you see through his thinly veiled act even in your inebriated state—see the concern in his sapphire eyes as his eyebrows push together just a little, a tiny crease forming between them, see the way the corners of his lips keep pulling downwards with every single one of your pathetic little noises. A heavy sigh leaves his chest a moment later, body shuffling towards you, cobalt eyes still saturated with worry.
A large hand pets your sweaty hair, soft and gentle as the other tilts a glass of full water towards your lips, Dabi’s deep voice startlingly soft as he orders you to drink, princess.
And he doesn’t mean for the nickname to slip out, tells himself he only used it because he’s so accustomed to hearing Tomura use it—accustomed to hearing Tomura overuse it—panic’s sharp claws gripping his heart the moment it leaves his lips. But you seem too sick, too delirious, to notice or care, obediently swallowing the pills just like he told you to.
Good girl.
The praise just slips out too, those two simple words falling from his lips unconsciously, involuntarily, uncontrollably, and he chooses to focus on the fact that you drank the entire glass instead of the cute noise you make in response to his commendation, a trembling hand placing the empty cup on the oak bedside table.
The mattress dips as he prepares to get up, to move away, to put some much needed, necessary distance between the two of you, but a small, clammy hand catches his forearm, his entire body freezing in shock, stiff and still like a marble statue.
Sapphire eyes snap to the tiny hand gripping his arm, hyper-aware of the heat radiating off the sticky palm and seeping into his skin, and then dart to your face, wide and frenetic. What the fuck do you think you’re doing? he wants to snap, words turning to ash on his tongue. Because, Christ, you look like you’re about to fucking cry, staring at him through your lashes with those terrified eyes, begging him softly, shyly, not to leave.
“I’m not leaving,” he says with a roll of his eyes, yanking his arm free from your weak grasp, a soft whine escaping your lips as you grope the air for him again. “I’m 90 percent sure you have a dangerously high fever—there’s no way I’m going to leave you on your own until your asshole of a boyfriend is done doing whatever the fuck he’s doing. I’m just gonna move to that chair over there—”
“No!” you gasp, coughing on the word in your haste to reach for him again. “Please, stay, here,” you look down at the bed pointedly, gazing drifting back to his a moment later. “H-Here, with me,”
Dabi isn’t stupid. He knows Tomura will be seeing red the moment those scarlet eyes meet ice blue when he re-enters his bedroom from a day full of sifting through documents and yelling on conference calls. But when your boss’s plaything, his most prized possession, calls you in tears blubbering about how she’s sure she’s about to fucking die, well—coming by to take care of her is the lesser of two evils, don’t you think? Really, Tomura should be thanking him.
But Tomura returning from a day full of sifting through documents and yelling on conference calls to meet ice blue in his bed, next to said prized possession? Well, that’s a different story entirely.
He’s frozen as he mulls over it, your blunt nails digging soft, tiny crescents into his flesh, little marks that will fade only a few moments after you let go.
“I can’t do that,” he says softly, almost regretfully, and his tone of voice surprises him, startles him, scares him. Clearing his throat, he steels himself, pulling free from you again. “It isn’t right,”
“Please, Dabi,”
He’s sure you don’t miss the sharp, sudden intake of air sucked through his mouth when those two words leave your lips. He’s positive of it, because then you do it again.
“Please, Dabi,”
Your voice is softer this time, and the look he gives you is nearly heartbreaking, the perfect picture of a man being torn apart from the inside out, tortured and beautiful all at once.
“Just until I fall asleep?” You try to bargain, bottom lip pushing out into an involuntary pout. Crystal eyes hold yours for a second longer before he sighs, chest heaving with the force of it.
He isn’t happy about it, about his apparent inability to say no to you, grumbling about it the entire time—you’re such a little fucking brat, y’know that? and only until you fall asleep, understand?—as he settles back against Tomura’s stupidly massive headboard, body going rigid and words hitching in his throat the moment you latch onto one of his thighs, nuzzling your face into his hip.
And really, he should tell you to get the fuck off of him. He should push you away, scold you for such behaviour, remind you that it’s wrong. He should. He wants to.
But he doesn’t.
Because he can’t.
The realization has his heart pounding against his rib cage, breath stilling in his lungs and then accelerating, escaping his nostrils in short, quick huffs, lithe fingers curling in the cotton sheets underneath him. Don’t be a fucking coward, his inner voice growls at him, berating himself for such disgusting weakness. It doesn’t matter if she’s fucking sick, that isn’t an excuse!
Because that’s why he can’t find his voice, right? That’s why his fingers are twitching with the need to comb through your hair and caress you jaw, right? That’s why your cheek, burning hot through his black jeans as it snuggles into his upper thigh, sends a whole slew of unfamiliarity—excitement and terror and all sorts of things he doesn’t know how to explain, can’t begin to explain—rushing through his body, right?
Yes, that’s why. Of course that’s fucking why.
The thoughts cycle through his mind like a mantra, as if repeating them enough times, branding them into the tissues of his very brain itself, will make them true.
That’s why he allows you to sleep on him. That’s why his stomach flutters at the way your tiny fingers curl in the denim of his jeans as they readjust, pulling him closer. That’s why it feels like a zap of electricity buzzes through his veins as you murmur his name in your sleep, whimpering a little as your leg hitches over his calf.
That’s why. He’s sure of it.
His head snaps up the moment the double doors fly open, and he’s never been more relieved to see his boss’s face in his life.
Those crimson eyes scan the room twice—the first time quick, frantic and furious, the second slow, cold and calculating—before they finally connect with cobalt, gaze blazing.
“Care to explain to me what the fuck is going on here?”
“Oh thank God,” Dabi breathes, words slipping from his lips subconsciously, body shooting off of the bed as if the mattress had pierced him, his movements jolting you awake. “She called me,” he snaps before Tomura can speak again, bewildered ruby eyes darting between the two of you. “She’s sick as a fucking dog, boss,” the words are spit between clenched teeth, all those nasty feelings, the feelings delayed by you, no doubt—anger, hate, jealousy, melancholy—finally surfacing, bubbling and boiling in the center of his chest. “She was too scared to interrupt your work, so she called me,”
And Dabi can see it, the vicious jealousy that flashes in Tomura’s eyes, can see the way it makes his jaw clench, makes his molars grind together, makes his breath slice through the air with each sharp exhale through flared nostrils.
“Daddy,” you whine, tears collecting in your eyes, glimmering in the golden sunlight as it sinks beneath the horizon. “D-Daddy, it hurts, it hurts so much,”
All of the derision etched so deeply, so firmly into Tomura’s face melts away in an instant as you make grabby hands for him, fat tears rolling down your cheeks and leaving gleaming trails of salt water in their wake, little half-sobs of that stupid pet name hitching in your throat.
“Now that you are no longer preoccupied,” Dabi draws Tomura’s attention back towards himself, raising an eyebrow in challenge, daring his boss to retaliate. “I’ll be leaving. I trust that you can take care of her now, yeah?”
The words are practically snarled out, almost patronizing in tone, but he doesn’t wait for a response, tucking his head down as a shoulder knocks against his boss while stomping out of the room, heavy boots echoing throughout the quiet penthouse. Eyes squeeze shut tightly as he tries to ignore Tomura’s gentle coos, tries to ignore your cute, pathetic little wails and whimpers of Daddy, Daddy!, tries to ignore the sudden inexplicable ache that sears through his chest, settling deep at the core of his body and throbbing.
He can still smell you on his fucking skin, dainty notes of tiger orchid and toffee clinging to him. He promises himself he’ll hop in the shower and scrub any remnants of you off his flesh the moment he steps foot in his own apartment. He vows to himself that he’ll will this stupid, irksome feeling away—that he’ll rid himself of this irritating worry and unfamiliar concern the moment he gets home.
But he doesn’t.
Because he can’t.
Because no matter how hard he tries, he’s unable to get you out of his head, soft needy whines of his name and perfect pouty lips invading his mind like a virus, infecting all of his thoughts, worming their way through his brain like some sort of invasive parasite.
The whole excursion lasted a mere two hours, even though Dabi was sure he spent the entire day with you in that bed, leaving nearly his entire evening free, just like he wanted.
That is what he wanted, isn’t it?
Of course it is. Of course.
So why does he spend the entire night wondering if you’re okay, if Tomura is taking good care of you, if he called his personal doctor to come check and diagnose you? Why does he waste hours typing out a short text message to send to you, only to erase it and type it out again, over and over and over, chewing his bottom lip raw in the process? Why does he dream of you that night, of soft smiles and glittering eyes, cute giggles and tiny palms burning his skin, gentle whispers and Please, Dabi?
And he should be shoving these feelings away, should be burying them deep within himself, should be numbing them with soft white powder and pretty white pills, should be forgetting them.
But he doesn’t.
Because he can’t.
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no-psi-nan · 3 years
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@mycatisabunny thank you so much for this question! 🥺💜 "Sounds in-character" is one of the greatest compliments for a fanfic writer so I'm super super happy to receive this question!
So first of all, I know there's some debate about honorifics in English fanfic and tbh it's my first time using them, but in the case of Saiki K, those honorifics are absolutely load-bearing. Even though the cast is huge, if I just write
you already know it's a P.K. Psychickers chapter.
Actually in Extra Love Stories, Saiki should technically update the way he refers to Akechi and Aiura since he's closer to them. I've allowed "Touma-kun" since it would still be a unique form of address, but had Aiura request to keep usage of her first name to when they're in private. She introduces herself as "Miko-chan" so I have a lot of characters call her that, and if Saiki calls her Miko-chan as well, then it won't stand out. And similarly, Akechi should technically switch to calling Saiki just "Kusuo" but Aiura already calls him that. Toritsuka doesn't ever get to upgrade to "Saiki-kun" either, because his "Saiki-san" is too recognizable lmao.
There's also Kuboyasu and Kaido, who are the only ones who call each other "Aren" and "Shun", and Aiura's silly nicknames like "Teryu-koko" and "Chiyopipi".
It's hard to keep track of honorifics for more minor character interactions (does Chiyo call Mera "Mera-san" or "Mera-chan" at the end of the series?), and I've been tempted to go through the manga and make a matrix because that's the kind of person I am, but generally if I can't remember then I'm guessing most readers aren't going to remember either and I shouldn't be depending on it for characterization lol.
Next is each character's particular quirks (it's the Homestuck in me lmao), in rough order of how much I've written them so far:
Saiki's default emotion should always be exasperation. Now, I refuse to use "yare yare" in an English fic, so I've replaced this key phrase with a rotation of "good grief", "what a pain", and "seriously?". I don't count how often I'm using one of these three, but probably a reasonable estimate is that he needs to say at least one of these every 5 lines lmao. I avoid doubling-up because then it gets annoying (though in times of peak annoyance he might use 2 or all 3 in the same text box), so I actually end up spending some time reviewing Saiki's dialogue to make sure it's well-seasoned lmao. Also Saiki generally talks in short sentences, probably because in the manga his boxes take up a lot of space on the panel so it becomes a matter of practicality. This is not how I normally tend to talk as you might have guessed by now lmao, so I usually put in extra effort to keep his sentences terse. If he's giving a longer explanation, I'll break up the paragraph into several boxes, generally no more than 2 longer sentences per box. He's also very tsundere, and while he's working towards being more open with his feelings in my fic, he'll still be a little reluctant to be sappy or experience emotions, especially when he's not expecting to and hasn't prepared himself mentally for it. Also if someone else does something Saiki approves of, don't forget his cute habit of saying "good job". Not as funny when the rest of his dialogue is already in English, but y'know.
Akechi is so easy for me to write because I'm already long-winded as hell by nature. But when writing his dialogue, I do go for fancier longer words, and after I've written it, I actually go back and add in useless filler words and phrases like I'm a high schooler trying to pad out the word count on an essay lmao. I also use paragraph starters like I'm writing an actual essay, like "in addition". For longer comedic sequences like in his picture day monologue, I actually did some research on Wikipedia to find a sort of rabbit hole conclusion for him to come to after starting with the topic of "saying cheese". I actually kept going back to add more length to it for hilarity, and it wasn't until almost posting time that I realized I'd written SO MUCH funny Akechi monologue but hadn't talked about piss even once lmao, so I went back in and threw a mention in there 😂😂😂 But otherwise I tend to minimize his pee talk lmao, let's call that character development as he starts hanging out with Saiki more and Saiki keeps giving him disapproving looks when he gets on the topic.
Aiura is easy because she uses a lot of funky unique slang already. She's also always upbeat unless shit's REALLY going down or Toritsuka's being a little bitch. Her sentences should usually have at least one "like" or "ya know" or other bit of silliness in it. I naturally type like this as well so I actually have to take out some "like"s sometimes 😂😂 I also have a running list of Aiura's nicknames for characters, including some I made up because there wasn't a canon one. Usually the names seem to be a 4-syllable, fun-to-say mashups of first and last names, except Chiyopipi lmao, so it's not a hard+fast rule. Aiura is also hilarious by nature, so if there's a naughty joke available, she's going to go for it!
Toritsuka is a horrible rude little gremlin, so he talks in a very blunt way except when he's being whiny, then it's all "Saiki-saaan" and indiscriminate begging lmao. He also usually refers to Aiura by some sort of derogatory nickname every time, so usually I come up with a new one each time to keep it fresh because if Toritsuka is horrible AND boring then he's going to ruin the rest of the chapter lol.
Teruhashi is a tough one because she doesn't have any easy quirks to her speech so I was pretty nervous when publishing that chapter where it's just her and Saiki having a conversation. When she's being a perfect pretty girl, her dialogue will usually be very much peace-keeping and polite, she'll smooth over any awkwardness or rudeness and make sure everyone is feeling good and happy. But when the glow turns off and she's being more genuine, she's a lot more like a normal teenage girl and gets easily flustered. We actually don't see much of this in canon except when she's with Chiyo essentially, it's usually just perfection or her less charitable inner thoughts. But she's not going to talk exactly like her inner thoughts because even if she's not being perfect, she's not going to be rude either. She does stammer when she gets flustered, and she's really smart and quick on the uptake, so I try to keep those in mind when writing her as well.
Saiko is a hilarious character and he has a funny habit of calling everyone peasants, which makes him easy to distinguish. He uses big haughty words but is generally kind of rude lmao, and he'll reference the disparity of wealth at every opportunity lol. But still, he has a soft spot for his friends, white is why I've come up with a list of silly phrases for him to call the collective friend group, like "my penniless pals". Alliteration is just funny and has a good mouth feel to it! Can't wait to write the chapters he stars in, he's really fun lol.
Hairo is just the embodiment of "ganbatte" so I try to pepper his speech with fiery upbeat nonsense and cheering. Hairo sees everyone equally so there's not much difference in how he talks to different characters... EXCEPT for Kaido 😂😂 Pretty sure Kaido is the only person Hairo just doesn't have much respect for lmao, he's always just like "uhh... sure" whenever Kaido goes off about some shit lmao.
Kaido has three modes: blunt, flustered, and delusional. Delusional is the most recognizable, so I usually try to squeeze in some edgy angsty teen nonsense in his dialogue and invent things using several "goffic" words like "Demon's Hellsight Beam". When he's caught out on his bullshit or is in front of someone he's intimidated by (his mom, Teruhashi, Kuboyasu at first), he'll stammer and mumble and be absolutely unintelligible. The rest of the time, like when he talks to Nendo, he'll be pretty blunt and rude. Actually now that I think about it, Kaido has a fourth mode: childish enthusiasm, usually when he's talking about his hobbies or favorite shows. I'll probably have more solid thoughts on Kaido once I write one of the Moving Forward chapters in which he stars lol. There's one coming up in Chapter 3 so we'll see how that goes lol.
Kuboyasu is an ex-gangster. He's usually pretty polite actually, though he'll have the occasional "bro" or "yo" and he's kind of casual and laid-back in how he talks. Unless something pisses him off (a lot of things do), then he'll be very aggressive and curse and use his interrobang ⁉️ It's not technically canon but I'll also sometimes use the double exclamation ‼️ for him sometimes to differentiate him a little more. Again, I'll probably have more solid thoughts when I write more of him. 🤔
Nendo is one of the hardest characters to write. There's his trademark "Oh" but it's a normal thing for other people to say as well, so it's not easy to differentiate with over text. He's also a wild mix of incredibly stupid and super wholesome, so it's hard to figure out what he would say at any given moment because half the time he's off on another topic for comic relief or to introduce chaos.
Kusuke is fun as hell, he's going to condescend to everyone because he doesn't respect anyone except his little brother lmao. He has a fake casualness about him, so his speech is actually kind of easy-going and honest, except he's also calling everyone monkeys. Looking forward to writing more of him too lmao.
Chiyo is full of girly enthusiasm, she's always got exclamation points and will make silly noises like "uwaaa" and generally act like an anime girl. Unless you show the slightest interest in her chosen mediocre man, at which point she's ready to fight to the death.
Mera is tough... Gotta mention food because she doesn't really have any other strong quirks. 😓
Hii is shy and goes "umm" a lot and is polite and apologetic. She's doing her best lol.
Okay I think that's it for most of the characters but if I forgot someone you're curious about, hit me up with another ask! As you can see, I love to chat 😂😂
Thanks again for the ask!! 💜
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
Madara and Obito... In SPACE
So the preface to this mess: I don’t know jackshit about Star Wars, so a lot of this went through friends who do know Star Wars (the primary of which does not have a tumblr).
(I have watched Episodes 7&8, and Rogue One. Of the first six movies, I remember watching maybe an hour total. I have not seen more than snatches of Clone Wars. Beyond that, nothing but fic.)
Anyway! Let’s go:
As y’all probably know by now, my favorite form of crossover is what I call “intrusive,” so... I'm enjoying the mental concept of "dump Madara on Coruscant and watch him go." (Prequels, probably.)
Does Madara know what's going on? No. Can he understand a word that's being said? No! Is he going to fight the first person to aim a weapon at him, and every person after that? Yes.
Is Madara fighting fit?
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Nnnnnnnnnnnnnno, not really, he’s old as balls. This is "I was on cave life support but I'm getting back up to kick ass out of pure spite" Madara.
[Image description: A screenshot of a panel of the Naruto Manga. Uchiha Madara is old and visibly ‘decrepit,’ with spiky white hair and an amorphous black robe. He is sitting on a pale throne, and there is a scythe visible to the side. He has a speech bubble saying “I am... a ghost of the Uchiha.” End Description]
Two wrinkly old guys, staring each other down: There ain't enough room in this universe for the two of us. [Palpatine and Madara start fighting to the death]
Congrats, Palpatine! Your ass is getting kicked by a geriatric malcontent who doesn't speak any language you've ever heard or feel like literally anything in the Force. You may have Sith lightning, but do you have decades of frontline experiences and over half a century of cave-dwelling bitterness?
Both of them, simultaneously, in completely different languages: Get off my lawn, whipper-snapper.
Palpatine: Behold my mastery of the Dark Side, Foolish old man! Palpatine: [shoots lightning] Madara: Oh hey, you're like the seventeenth most dangerous person who can shoot lightning I've fought. Telekinesis? Fought that. Combat precognition? Fought that, have that, and let me tell you hwat, it doesn't help if you're opponent is just that much faster than you.
Now, I’ll take a step back and acknowledge that several people advised me that Palpatine would stand a chance against Madara, likely even win, if Madara just got hacked off of his life support and is down to one eye.
But. I want a shitpost, and also to clown on Palpatine, so Madara wins easily.
Madara also deserves to be clowned on, but the entire situation is clowning on him because he’s not in his cave anymore, and he really wants to go back to his Gedou Mazou statue.
Maybe Madara and Palpatine go Old Man Fight and then Obito just pulls a Ninja Move and kills Palpatine that way. Madara was ranting and Obito just. Ninjas behind Palpatine and slits his throat like “okay, you’re obviously evil so like... bye.”
(I just love causing "Wait what" reactions in characters that are used to having total control. Like. Have you read "Unexpected Guests"? The Bleach fic? Everything that happens in Hueco Mundo and after. That energy. I want that energy.)
Madara waves his scythe around like a cane. Obito just trails after like “Gramps, no” because it’s still pre-Sanbi, so he’s Mostly Innocent (you know, on the scale of how fucked up Obito is as a person), and just wants Madara to like. Stop.
Palpatine dies but nobody's sure what to charge Madara with since he did kind of expose a Sith? And Palpatine attacked first for [handwave] reasons?
Jedi: Well sir, in lieu of charging you with assassination of the emperor, we have decided to ask you politely to return to the elderly person's retirement home from whence you came. Please leave immediately. You are frightening the senate. Madara: [incomprehensible raving] Jedi: Yes yes, very interesting. Jedi, whispering: Does anyone know his caretaker???
Obito looks increasingly put-upon as events progress. You need Obito there to... well, not translate. Nobody can translate. But to at least poke Madara into being Slightly Less Homicidal.
Anakin seems sad about his friend dying and being evil so Obito challenges him to a spar. Madara and Obito get pulled into the Jedi Temple to help train Padawans? My first thought was "they wouldn't trust someone so obviously Weird, Crazy, and Incomprehensible around the younglings" and my second thought was "well they let Yoda do it and he's all those things so I mean? YEAH."
What if they put Madara in the bacta tank and he just freshened up like a daisy because of hand-wave Hashirama cell reasons (Blame Sir Tiddyface).
From “Decrepit and Reliant on Cave Tube Life Support” to “Will Call Down Meteors With Ease”
How many eyes does he have? Whatever’s funniest. Let’s say one Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and one Rinnegan, for maximum chaos.
Would "half my body is missing" Obito freak out if Bacta regrew his eye? Can bacta regrow something like that? When characters lose limbs they usually just get cybernetic replacements, but  the person I spoke with said that apparently they saw somewhere that that kind of thing can grow back it just takes a really long time.
I want to imagine bacta would help Obito with the Zetsu integration.
Anyway! Yes. Have Madara help train people despite being... Madara about it. You know... kind of a dick.
(I’d put example gifs but I don’t feel up to it. Y’all know what Madara’s “weakness disgusts me” ass is like.)
Obito had to get his "these fools could never make me sweat" sass from somewhere, after all.
Do you think Obito could fight the baby Jedi that are around his age while recovering? I have no idea what their skill level is at fourteen, but I want to imagine Obito sparring the Padawans.
Obito + Zetsu + Bacta = he still needs physical therapy but he can spar again!
Madara is delighted to have a baby ninja to bully. He's too old to not bully baby ninjas, and Obito is the only baby ninja. TBH Madara just makes Obito his assistant teacher.
Obito: What are we even doing here and how do we get home? Madara: I'm still working on that. Obito: But I want to go home and see Rin and Kakashi! Madara, who was like two days away from triggering the Sanbi plan: I'm working on it.
Something sticking in my mind rn is Ahsoka&Obito, since Obito is still Baby.
I think Obito would be excited to have someone his age that thought he was Cool and Talented for being able to do Chakra Things instead of writing him off as "the dead-last." Like, Rin is friends with him, but she doesn't look up to him as someone more/differently talented.  He'd be excited to get to be "The Mysterious Cool Big Bro" for once.
I feel I also just like the idea of Anakin not knowing what to do with someone Several Years Younger that is also. Ninja Skill.
Miscellaneous thoughts:
Madara is a grouchy old man even AFTER he gets effectively de-aged via bacta dunk, for the record. He's back in his prime and the Jedi have no idea how. They're all concerned about tiddyface*. (When are people not concerned about Sir Tiddyface, really.) The mokuton is a problem.
*Sir Tiddyface is that random Hashirama face that Madara had growing out of his pecs for like... convoluted bullshit reasons.
(Madara doesn't have mokuton, but he has enough Hashirama cells that it interacted very, VERY weirdly with the bacta.)
Obito spends the intervening weeks trying to learn the local language. He's very eager. Not particularly fast. Still doing it though!
I want Obito juggling kunai as physical therapy while he's waiting for Mads to get out of the bacta tank and just gains himself the adoration of a gaggle of small baby Jedi children.
Madara comes out of the bacta tank looking like he did in his prime (which I mentioned earlier but whatever), and it absolutely incites a yelling match of an argument that draws way too much attention.
Someone tries to teach Obito how to access the Force, just to see what happens. He almost turns into a statue because the philosophy behind Force meditation is only a few steps away from Sage Mode Meditation.
Anyway, Madara smacks him with a stick like Fukasaku to make sure Obito doesn't turn into stone.
Madara grumps about the lack of paper and brushes and ink. Bitches about it until someone hits up an antique store or something to get them for him. The day before he and Obito are dispatched on a mission with someone, probably Anakin for plot reasons, Madara very publicly seals things into a scroll and then tells them that no, they can't learn it, because the Force isn't chakra so fuuinjutsu won't work for them, so There.
Obito practices some Teen Rebellion (tm) and like, tries to teach the Padawan friends he's made how to do Chakra Things... but he's so bad at explaining things that nobody can get it to work even if it were possible.
In Obito's defense, language barriers. Not in Obito's defense, he's just really bad at words sometimes.
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crimson-snowfall · 4 years
Ikevamp HC: When they play Among Us
Mansion Edition
Plays as green
His character wears the chef hat
Tries to monitor the movement of other players in the admin room. Tries to peek at who it was who just vented on the nearby room but gets chased and killed
As an impostor, he would try to isolate players by triggering the reactor or oxygen sabotage and killing anyone he runs into in the hallway provided that no one else was nearby
Accomplishes his tasks as soon as possible but prefers to do them alone
Lurks near the reactors after finishing his tasks to immediately respond in case of a sabotage
Plays as blue
As an impostor, he prefers carrying out his kills under a light sabotage and/or door sabotages
Will try to frame others but never Theo because it always backfires on him
Unbeatable when Theo is his co-impostor, as they always manage to synchronize their double kills
As a crewmate, he keeps track of everyone who performs a visual task when there is one in order to narrow down the list of who may be the impostor
As a ghost, he will join Dazai in following Isaac around
Plays as pink
His character wears the cherry hat. He hates it because Dazai won't shut up about it being an apple, but he doesn't bother removing it
Hates being followed, gets followed all the time
But when it comes to doing tasks, he prefers doing them in the company of the people he doesn't find suspicious
Doesn't really hate getting killed and being a ghost if it meant he can do his remaining tasks more efficiently and without being followed by Dazai
Gets spooked when the lights get sabotaged. Will hurry to the emergency button and accuse anyone who tries to approach him
As an impostor, he would only ever kill near a vent. He would then proceed to spend the entire time hidden away in the vent until someone discovers the body or an emergency meeting is called
Plays as yellow
His character wears the party hat
Always finds a dead body, reports it but oftentimes he has no idea who did it
Will never accuse anyone without a basis and would sometimes even defend William
Accidentally self-reports, nobody suspects him
Sometimes he forgets or doesn't notice that he's actually playing as an impostor and accidentally kills someone in front of other players
Will never kill Theo
Plays as cyan
As impostor, he will prioritize killing William first, followed by Arthur (if Arthur is not a co-impostor)
He will also sabotage the oxygen supply and try to land a kill while the characters are stacked on top of each other
Sticks with Vincent all the time, and won't hesitate to sell out his fellow impstors if any of them dares kill Vincent
Will never kill Vincent
Normally plays as violet, wouldn't mind playing as lime when Jean is playing
His character wears the bird's nest hat
Follows around Isaac whenever he can. Follows him all the time after becoming a ghost
Accidentally presses the emergency button at the start of the game. Gets voted out for it
Likes to vent but doesn't really take advantage of it to secure kills, but will go after anyone who catches him venting
When he's about to be voted out, he will try to frame a random crewmate by dropping implications that they're his co-impostor
Plays as red
Doesn't really last long in the game; most likely to get voted out early on
Tries to prove his innocence by performing visual tasks... ends up dead eventually anyway
Doesn't rage quit even after he becomes a ghost but stops doing his tasks and just spends his time following around anyone who catches his attention
Plays as black. In charge of customizing the game settings
Heads straight into the admin or security room after finishing his tasks to see what the other players are up to
One of the first respondents to a sabotage, more likely to get ambushed
As an impostor, he will try to find a lone target who seems to be in the middle of doing a difficult task, then kill them
Reminds the other players to do their tasks. Will also voice suspicion on players who don't seem to be doing their tasks/or is faking it
Normally plays as white
Sticks with larger groups of people when doing tasks
Once she's done with her tasks, she finds a place where there's no vent nearby. Will run away and find a new hiding place if anyone approaches her
Likely to get caught in the act as an impostor. Won't try to deny the accusations and would actually admit that she's an impostor
Doesn't really play that often, will play as violet when he does
Will refrain from killing Mozart
Doesn't talk in the chat
Doesn't really bother with the tasks unless he thinks they could actually win via task completion
As an impostor, sometimes he would lock himself up in a room. No one knows whether this is intentional or not
Will only kill anyone who tries to follow him
Doesn't really play that often, will play as white when he does
His character wears the tissue paper roll hat
Will refrain from killing Jean
Doesn't like the killing animation so as an impostor, he prefers to spam sabotages and let the other impostors do the killing
Doesn't report a dead body unless he has seen who killed it or no one else is nearby to avoid the risk of being falsely accused of self-reporting
Gets really angry when falsely accused. Rage quits when killed/voted out
Purebloods (+Castle) Edition
Plays as white. In charge of customizing the game settings
His character wears the flower hat. He thinks it's cute
Sabotages the lights, kills the first person to attempt to fix the sabotage, vents. Frames whoever reports the body
Usually the first one to to accomplish all his tasks
As a ghost, he will follow around whoever has killed him or accused him. Will spam the sabotages if he died as an impostor, but will stop doing the tasks if he died as a crewmate
Would sometimes get into a heated argument with Comte in the chat where they would try to accuse and vote out each other
Plays as blue
His character wears the horn hat
Attempts double kill, co-impostor didn't get the memo (1)
Will find a potential target by checking for the player's locations on the admin panel
More daring with his kills and is quite skilled in framing other players
Stays near the emergency button once he's done with all his tasks
Plays as red
Co-impostor who didn't get the double kill memo (1)
Faust hates being co-impostors with him tbh
As an impostor, he just kills whoever he ends up alone with. Would forget about the security camera sometimes and get caught in the act
Loves door sabotages. Unintentionally ends up locking his impostor with the body they just killed
Votes to skip voting for no reason
Plays as pink
Lasts longer when playing with this group because at least not everyone is trying to vote him out
Regardless of his role, he is always on the move and doesn't like staying in a particular place for too long
Doesn't respond to sabotages and delays carrying out tasks that take multiple steps to accomplish
Prefers to kill where the body is least likely to be found immediately, and refrains from passing by the area where he knows there's a body
Plays as yellow
His character wears the cheese hat
Attempts double kill, co-impostor didn't get the memo (2)
Prefers killing in rooms than in hallways
Thinks venting is too risky
Trusts only Leo and prefers to do his tasks alone most of the time
Monitors the other players by keeping an eye on the doorlog once he's done with all his tasks
Will follow Vlad around as a ghost
Plays as brown
Co-impostor who didn't get the memo (2)
Neglects his tasks as a crewmate altogether
Has way too much fun with the exploring the map using the vents and seeing how they are connected, likely to get caught venting
Too lazy to get out of his way to kill people when he's impostor, would rather spam reactor and oxygen sabotages
Once pretended responding to a sabotage... by going through the vents. Gets caught
I would also put Dazai and Sebastian here since they're part of Act 2 but it would be pretty much the same as it is in the mansion edition, only this time Dazai would be following Charles instead of Isaac I guess?
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See also: Ikesen version
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labellerose-acheron · 3 years
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The Acheron Cottage -- aka Swynlake’s Burrow
This is a REBOOT of the first in a series that one day may be complete but also may never be complete. As most of you know I’m like a huge #spatial person in my writing, so all my character’s houses/apartments/living spaces are really well mapped out in my brain? And I thought it’d be fun for people to see. (And a good reference for those who may RP in those spaces at some point.) 
And since we just did a whole plot where Hades and Belle renovated their house, I thought I would update their floorplan! (Also, because I’m super obsessed with this magical house.) 
@trip-downtheriverstyx, @lou-bonfightme
The Acheron cottage is now a 3 ½ (from 1 ½) bath, 6 bedroom cottage that was built in the 1700s sometime most likely and finished renovations in late June of 2021. Due to the fact the house is now four floors, taller than most of the trees in the area, and most of the surrounding houses are only 2 floor simple farmhouses and cottages, it sticks out a bit in the landscape, not to mention its haphazard leaning-tower of Piza style architecture. The new floors look like they were just kind of slapped onto the original house. (Think the Burrow.) 
It is on 5 acres of land and backs up against the woods. There is a small stable and pasture on the land, as well as a large garden. It’s located in Southwest Swynlake, a few minutes walk from the local stable. There are neighboring farms, but they’re far enough away to not really count as proper neighbors.
Assume that all walls that are not covered by windows or other things (like closets) are full of books. The walls alternate between painted wood paneling and stone. Floors are wood except for the mud room, which are stone. The garden is shown in every photo, in order to orient yourself with which way the rooms are facing. 
Belle Acheron, Hades Acheron, Toulouse Bonfamille, Opal Acheron, Aidan Acheron, Bellamy Acheron, Arthur the ghost, other ghosts, chickens!, Philippe, Angus, the Black Shuck, Victoire, Vincent, Honoré, and Lord Voltaire Scalington, Destroyer of Universes.
**note: pictures in the aesthetic are to give an overall #feel of the house, but don’t necessarily indicate the exact furniture/decorations/floorplan. the floorplan, on the other hand is not quite to scale but i did the best i could.
1. Entryway
When you first walk into the house on your left is a row of hooks (made out of various odds and ends), on which to hang jackets. To your right is a little table and a mirror, probably plants added (thanks, Toulouse.) The hallway is wide but short and opens up into the living room area. The stairs are directly across from the front door. You can also see all the way through into the kitchen from the entryway.
2. Living Room
The living room is the most spacious room in the house and has remained so, even though other parts of the house were expanded. There is a large window seat beneath the front window. Two chairs and a couch are situated near the fireplace, which is dressed in the original brick, these are new pieces of furniture. It was painted a very pale, fading yellow, but now is painted a pale blue. Furniture is cozy and neutral colors (couch is a coffee colour and leather to prevent staining, chairs are a nice maroon colour, picked out by Lou with Hades’ influence). Lots of blankets (because Belle gets cold easily) and books along all the walls. A carpet is laid down beneath the couch/chairs. 
These days, there are a few family portraits in spaces on bookshelves and above the mantel: one from Belle and Hades’ wedding, of the just the two of them and one of the whole wedding party; pictures of the children and with Toulouse, of course. Also, a picture of Belle’s mother has a place of importance among one of the shelves. There is also a picture of Persephone reading with Vincent in her old room. There is also evidence of children: toys and such littered about. It is rarely ever fully clean, no matter how fuitally Hades tries. The living room–as well as the rest of the house–is home to several clocks–on walls, on shelves, etc. Belle’s father was a clockmaker and Belle and him used to fiddle with the broken ones–made them tell time backwards or too fast or only every other hour. Belle and Hades’ chess table moved from the mudroom into the living room, near the fireplace. There is almost always a game in progress.
If one has a keen eye, they will notice there are no logs by the fire, nor soot in the fireplace. Yet, often, an eerie blue fire will be burning in it during the colder months.
3. Kitchen
The kitchen was the room that increased in size the most. The wall where the stove is was knocked out and pushed backwards to shift everything to the left. It now boasts copious counterspace, as well as a large island that is usually cluttered with mail and children’s things. Refrigerator, stove, oven, no dishwasher (which is probably the bane of Hades’ existence since Belle hates doing dishes and Lou doesn’t know how.) Cabinets are cherry wood; some are refurbished, and the new ones were made to match the originals. 
Window over the sink looks out over the horse pasture in the distance (a few meters from the house.) Big, gorgeous window overlooking the garden in the “breakfast nook” area. Dining table is a cherry wood to match the cabinets and has eight matching chairs. Usually, the chairs are pushed to the walls, except for ones that are needed. This room is home to the only clock that is not digital that works in the entire house. It’s on the window ledge above the sink and was the first clock that Belle ever fixed by herself.
4. Mudroom
Where Belle always comes in from her horse rides, the door of which leads out into the garden and beyond. This is where winter clothes are stored and muddy shoes are piled by the door. It has a stone floor and is generally the coldest room in the house. The laundry machine and dryer are in this room. It used to be where Belle and Hades played chess. Now, their chess table can be found in the living room. 
5. Guest Restroom
There is a new bathroom in the mudroom, for guests and the family to use conveniently. (And for Belle to clean up when coming from outside, Hades loves it.) It is just a sink and toilet but it is much better than making everyone go upstairs when they come over.
6. The Garden
The garden was neglected for a long while, since it was Belle’s mother’s. Originally it was full of just rose bushes, but many of them had died due to neglect (whoops). Persephone managed to save a few but the ones that couldn’t be, she and Belle (with the help of Haku) ripped them out and replaced them with different vegetables and flowers. It has a low brick wall around it. It backs up almost right to the woods. It is now Toulouse’s space and he will make it beautiful, with roses and other flowers and different fruits and vegetables. The opening at the top of it leads down to the pastures and off to the right of the garden is where the woods are.
7. Hallway
There is really nothing special about the hallway. It’s actually quite blank. There are more bookshelves though, which used to make the hallway a bit of a tight squeeze but they had to expand the wall in order to include stairs going up to the third floor, so it is more spacious now (though, not by a lot.) 
8. Toulouse’s Room
This room used to be Persephone’s. It is currently Opal’s. However, it will, one day, be Toulouse’s, so I am going to describe that set up. 
As you can see from the floor plan, there are copious amounts of plants in his room. He probably has very nice silky sheets--a dark green, maybe, with green walls. He has a long bookshelf among the far wall. On top of this is Voltaire’s tank. Probably a few paintings hung up and a dresser. The door that looks like it goes to nowhere? Oh, yeah. That’s his ever-expanding magical closet. It is a walk-in and is spelled to expand the more he needs it to. It exists now, but it has a child-proof magic lock on it so that Opal cannot get into it, lol. There is a cat tower for Honoré, though both of the cats hang out in Lou’s room, because Vincent is used to it too bc it used to be Persephone’s room. 
There is a dog bed in the corner for Victoire, though she usually just sleeps with Lou, if Hades isn’t staying the night with him. 
9. Belle’s Room
This room used to be Belle’s, it’s the room she grew up in. However, right now it is currently the twins’ room. However, one day it will go back to being Belle’s, so I am going to describe that set up.
A bit more spacious than the other room (but not by too much) Belle’s room is equipped with a closet, though it isn’t that big, as well as bookshelves all along the walls. There is also a reading nook in one corner with a window seat in it that Maurice built for her (which is why it’s in such a kooky spot) and it is probably Belle’s favourite spot in the whole house (after her secret office). The walls were repainted in a splendid sky blue. Her bedsheets are blue with little flower designs on them. Belle actually doesn’t spend a whole lot of time in her room, except for when she’s getting ready for bed. And I’d say she sleeps in Hades’ room probably 2 nights a week tops, but usually less than that, tbh. 
10. Bathroom
Just your standard bathroom, nothing fancy about it. I assume Belle’s house runs on well water and it takes forever to get warm, which is the bane of everyone’s existence, especially Toulouse. This will mostly be his bathroom in the future, as Belle will take baths and such in the master bathroom.
11. Master Bedroom (Hades’ Room)
Biggest room in the house. It used to be Belle’s parents, and then Belle’s father’s. It has been Hades’ ever since he moved in. It is the neatest in the house because Hades is a tyrant about that and so even Belle’s things must be cleaned up. There’s a bedside drawer on either side of the bed, each has their own matching lamp. I imagine the bedsheets are like, extremely boring actually, like legitimately just white or a pale gray. There is also a space in this room, probably by the window, with arm chairs and a little table, where there is a chess board set up so Belle and Hades can play here too. 
On the main dresser at the top, there is a jewelry stand for Hades’ various necklaces and bracelets. There is also a watch stand. 
The walk-in closet is also extremely neat; Hades has an entire shelf for shoes which is neat of him. 
The door that looks like it goes to nowhere? Oh, yeah. That’s Belle and Hades’ secret office. More on that in the section below. ~~
12. Master Bathroom
This only gets its own shout out because a) it is where Opal was born, b) I wanted the secret office to be #13, lol, c) I have a few headcanons about it. Mostly that Belle still uses it to do most of her nighttime routine stuff, because I feel like her and Hades probably have a groove going at this point and I think it’s cute. Also, she takes a lot of baths, so she’s in there all the time. She gets ready in the hallway bathroom in the morning though, since she gets up before Hades.
It is ALSO very neat, very clean counters lol and there are lots of skin products neatly arranged in drawers. He probably cleans up every morning after Belle from the night before, lmao. (Though, she DOES respect the bathroom as His Space and cleans up after herself, just...not to his standards.)
13. Belle and Hades’ Secret Office
It has a special rune on it that locks it unless you know the way in and can disappear if you want to hide it. Inside, Belle and Hades have hidden some of their more precious artifacts and books, things that they don’t want to get into the wrong hands. 
The tan couch from the living room has been brought up to it, since it was getting far too small for the space downstairs and Belle didn’t want to get rid of it since it held so much sentimental value to them. The window looks out over the garden below, though it doesn’t actually exist to be looking out into the garden. From the outside, you cannot see it at all. It simply doesn’t exist. 
Most everything in it is new. There is a lovely circular oak table in the middle, with matching chairs, and bookshelves surrounding all available walls. The desk labeled A is Hades and the desk labeled B is Belle’s, and they are both oak to match the table and custom fitted to the room. There is also a cabinet next to the couch that has a vault-like magic’ed drawer where they can hide things.  
14. Bellamy’s Room
Eventually, this room will be Bellamy’s when the twins stop sharing a room by the time they’re about 13/14. Until then, it will be used The smallest of the three upstairs rooms. Some people might assume that Bellamy got it by default because he is technically the youngest, but he’s actually quite fine with it. He is the most like his mother when it comes to his living spaces. AKA -- he is a squirrel and likes his cozy little nest that is much messier than either of his siblings. He’s that person that puts clothes in drawers with one hand while reading with the other. 
15. Opal’s Room
Eventually, this room will be Opal’s. She’ll probably move up there when she’s like five or six, idk whatever the appropriate age would be for a kid to be more or less self-sufficient in the regard of going to sleep/getting up. In the meantime, it will probably be Lou’s because it looks out over the garden. Which means she will probably get a lot of leftover plants from him because he won’t want to disturb them. 
It is probably like a nice soft purple color or something right now. Opal constantly changes it. She repaints the room at least once a year and gets yelled at by her parents for rearranging her furniture at 2am sometimes. Also, the armchair in her room is the rocking chair that was in her nursery. 
16. Aidan’s Room
At first, this room will be both Bellamy and Aidan’s because it is the biggest of the three upstairs rooms. The bed with the book on it is Bellamy’s and the one that is empty is Aidan’s. They don’t mind sharing really and I imagine won’t get in lots of arguments about things. 
Because they are mediums, they both stay up late though they know not to disturb their parents or they’ll earn their wrath so they learn early on how to solve their own problems if they are getting on each other’s nerves. Their room is probably painted a nice pale yellow. Their biggest argument is probably closet space, because I could see Aidan being a fashionista and encroaching on Bellamy’s space and him getting annoyed about it. 
17. Children’s Bathroom
It’s a bathroom? I don’t know. There are probably lots of fights about who gets to use it first in the mornings and people taking too long. Though, there are other bathrooms that people can use. I imagine there are mornings where one of the kids just marches into Hades’ room like ALL THE BATHROOMS ARE TAKEN, I’M USING YOURS! 
What I’m saying is that privacy is an issue in this house, lmao. Yes, they expanded, but everyone is still living on top of each other.
18. Library
What? I thought there were books all over the house? Why do they need a library? 
Because there will always be more books in the house! Also, they needed another room to escape for anyone in the family who might need it. Feel like Bellamy will haunt it most often as he grows older, but Belle will go there too rather frequently. She likes to be surrounded by books. There is another chess table here (yes, that makes three.) Sometimes, Hades and Belle will sneak off to the library just to play a game of chess without being disturbed, because they don’t keep one in the office. (The office is for working, the library is for relaxation.) 
It is probably quite small actually and with a low, gabled ceiling. Floor to ceiling bookshelves all the way around the walls. 
19. Toulouse’s Studio
Unattached to the rest of the house and above Hades’ garage, is Toulouse’s art studio. To get in you have to climb a spiral iron staircase. On the west side of the studio are floor to ceiling windows that look out over the forest. On the south side of the studio is another large window (though, not floor to ceiling), that looks towards the house/the garden/the horse pastures beyond. Beneath this window is his desk. To the left of his desk is a long workbench with several stools where his woodworking and other projects will be. 
His favorite spot to paint is the place with the stool and empty easel, near the large floor-to-ceiling windows. There are also multiple plants in the room, scattered throughout. The couch actually pulls out into a bed, though it is rarely used. Sometimes, if Lou is in one of his moods, or if he just gets stuck on a project, he will stay the night in his studio.
This is Lou’s space and Belle/Hades rarely go in it, except to fetch him for dinner or whatnot. Sometimes, though, Opal will join him in it. She is the only one brave enough to put up with Lou when he’s in a bad mood and doesn’t want to be disturbed. It is also where she goes when she gets in fights with Belle and Hades, lol. Lou is the indulgent parent and everyone would rather she ran away to Lou’s art studio than to like...the wilds. 
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friendofthecrows · 3 years
Posting a way more in-depth description of my alters than any of you want or need because why not
Keiko: friendliest, nicest, cutest, acts the youngest. Used to front a lot when we were hanging out with friends. Still essentially like the rest of us in that she has the same personality disorders (pointing this out because you wouldn’t guess she has ASPD but we all do. No, none of us are “more of a psychopath” or evil vs good or whatever compared to one another). She just seems more able to feel/express the positive spectrum of emotions, she hasn’t repressed it or detached herself from it as much. She/her pronouns. Aroace. Current fave thing: either MLP or stimboards
Miyuki: calm, collected, responsible, acts like a gatekeeper of the system a lot as in she’s the only one we can actually trust to moderate the rules objectively. Also has pulled people out or put people in control before. Less “control panel” access than say Jokul or I though, but probably only due to lack of practice. THE most sane one (idk how that works either) and the one with the least emotional turmoil. Used to wonder if 1. She was capable of caring about people and 2. If she actually felt any emotions at all. The answer is yes she does, she just Bottles Them Up Completely. We are taking it in faith that she feels stuff because the body cried once while she was in control. Pronouns: she/her. Sexuality: ???? when it comes to romance, but definitely ace. Current fave thing: tea, specifically a nice warming oolong like Da Hong Pao.
Yahto: (me!) people are suggesting ways to describe me and it is mean. For most of my knowledge of my own existence as a separate alter, I’ve kind of assigned myself the role of protector. I was very functional as well! Confident (bordering on insufferably arrogant), and with the level of detachment from my emotions I had at the time as well as my complete lack of fear, perfectly suited to deal with a wide variety of situations. Only if we were okay with other people thinking we’re weird because I used to have a worse filter than I have now. I experienced fear for the first time 3.5 years ago right alongside the strongest emotions I’ve ever felt and my mental health has been spiraling downwards ever since :) Also I am literally the most stubborn person you will ever meet. He/him pronouns. Anything having to do with orientation is a big question mark right now, I just know I’m probably not interested in men. I HAVE dated women but tbh I’m no longer sure if I’m even interested in them. Current fave thing: yahto.exe stopped working 38 hours of being awake ago. Uh,,,,idk sorry How about reading fzanfic to pass the time fnafic fanfic
Jezebeth (Jez): (headspace bestie! Great at writing horror poems!) Does Not Care About People but also surprisingly extremely chill. When she’s enthusiastic about something, she’s REALLY ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT IT but otherwise mostly just stays quiet and has a nice time Observing. People either find her really fun to be around or creepy. No in between. She went through a phase where she thought it was funny to creep people out by saying really messed up things so that probably didn’t help. Actually, DURING said phase, she single-handedly made and maintained the best in-school friendship we ever had for 4 years. Literally none of us talked to her except for Jez. She just had endless “creepy” conversation topics and Robin thought it was *amazing. * She/her pronouns, I have no idea sexuality wise simply because she does not talk about that kind of thing. Current fave thing: inking pens :)
Jokul: (sworn enemy, tried to kill myself once to take him down with us) Perfectly reasonable person realistically. Nothing particularly wrong with him. I just Do Not Like Him. Especially since for as long as I can remember, we’ve made it a game to torment each other. You see, we both hate boredom more than anything else, or at least we did when we were even younger and more naive and we’re not actually malicious, and yet foolishly prided ourselves on not being nice and also our ability to manipulate people. No, little kid me was probably not actually an expert on manipulation, we just thought we were at the time. This all resulted in us taking our boredom, pent up malice, and desire to prove we were better than one another on each other. Such a great idea (sarcastic). We did in fact get better at emotionally wounding people after years of practice, and predictably (if we had any foresight on this matter at all) it backfired! I did in fact turn this skill against the one person I cared about in an effort to push them away during one of my breakdowns and it resulted in 6 suicide attempts, not including my own. Jokul has been trying to manipulate me positively since (both of us have been ordered to be nice to each other by Miyuki because we were causing too many problems) and it has Not Worked. If he was a separate person, I would skin him. The only person I’ve hated so much. We’ve been on relatively good terms lately. Been capable of having casual conversations. Things are okay, I guess. His personality is entirely fake, so I don’t know how to describe it except for how he acts when we’re trying to hurt each other, which might be him dropping his mask or it might be a whole different act just for that. Pronouns: He/him. Sexuality: He can change it at will? I think default is aroace though? Current fave thing: *Jokul imitation* “My purple silk dress I wear when I’m meeting people and am desperate for them to worship my beauty. I look so irresistibly elegant in it, it makes everyone like me automatically.” His actual answer is Death Note (cringe) (I’ve been yelled at for calling Death Note cringe)
Gracelynn: (headspace ex-bestie) Everyone thinks she’s the nicest person ever and super loyal and so on. She is to other people but apparently not to me anymore. Still finds it difficult to empathize with people and care about them, but apparently decided to be nice anyways. Like she doesn’t get the fuss about friends but she’s here for them anyways. Spends as much time daydreaming as possible these days, used to front A TON a few years ago. Extremely shy and full of social anxiety and anxiety in general. Goes nonverbal in a plethora of social situations. Freakishly good memory. Has way less memory gaps than I do and I have no idea why. She/her pronouns, probably aroace Current fave thing: brace yourself for no surprises, a tie between horseback riding and the Chronicles of Amber.
Ryo: (the alter of many names: Ryo, Rachel, Ry, Rei, R) The newest. Noticed a new voice and behavior that did not match any of ours a while after the events of 3.5 years ago. Might be coincidence, might not be, I don’t care. Kind of down to earth and practical and normal compared to the rest of us. Despite him being here for years now I don’t know that much about him partially because I don’t care and haven’t been paying attention, and partially because system communication hasn’t been that great (I’ve also been getting way more memory gaps! Whole days lost! Isn’t that great? (sarcastic)). Pronouns: varies, any are fine. (Despite us, in general, identifying as gender fluid so we don’t have to explain, Ryo is the only ACTUALLY gender fluid alter in our system) Aroace. Current fave thing: He said sleep, he wants us to go to sleep. (refuses to answer the fun question genuinely) Well Ryo, you have just failed my vibe check. Your reward is uh,,,AT LEAST 13 more hours of being awake. Yayyy
(I did colors here but the all green theme will stay in other posts <3 Really if I had to describe our auras it would be different shades of blue anyways.)
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 270: Harry Potter Rules
Previously on BnHA: Present Mic punched Ujiko in the face! It was awesome. I’m thinking about getting a tattoo of it. Meanwhile Endeavor saved Mirko’s life by setting her on fire (reason #15 why I will never become a superhero), and Aizawa did some sexy Spider-Man poses for our viewing pleasure while fighting the rest of these Noumus which are still annoyingly refusing to die. Anyway but back to Present Mic, the undisputed MVP of this chapter. Because you see, in addition to the punching, he also used his Loud Voice attack (literally the actual attack name; Horikoshi will steal all of my jokes and leave me with nothing) to smash open Tomura’s Noumutank! Which I really thought was going to immediately lead to Everyone Dying, but apparently I was wrong! Anyways so yeah, right now Tomura’s just lying down all heart-stopped and not-breathing. Which seems very anticlimactic, BUT I JUST HAVE THE CRAZIEST FEELING that maybe, just maybe, the super powerful villain lad who just spent the last three arcs slowly upgrading his bad self just in time to wage war on the world as the story reaches its climax, might not actually be dead though.
Today on BnHA: DON’T MIND THAT OMINOUS ORGAN MUSIC PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND, IT’S NOTHING, IGNORE IT. Ahem. So first of all, as some of the bolder among us dared to speculate, Tomura is not, in fact, dead. He’s still very much kicking it with his nipple-less pecs and truffula tree hair, putzing around in his mental landscape filled with crumbled buildings and disembodied Theatrical Gesture Hands. For some reason he doesn’t have shoes or a shirt in his mental landscape, which was a very interesting choice on Horikoshi’s part, but we will speak no more of it. Anyway so to sum things up, Tomura’s family is all “TENKO WE LOVE YOU” and he’s all “oh hey” and then AFO fucking appears and he’s all “COME HERE MY BOY” which is exactly as creepy as you would expect, and for some fucking reason TOMURA ACTUALLY DOES COME HERE. And lol it turns out Ujiko gave him AFO. Like the quirk. Yes, that quirk. So long story short, Tomura is about to be possessed by AFO’s evil soul or some shit, and to put the cherry on top, fucking Deku out of fucking nowhere, MILES AWAY, is all “HE’S COMING.” Because of course he can sense it, because AFOFA IS REAL, AND FUCK ME THIS IS ALL HAPPENING TOO FAST, FUCK.
I know this chapter has been out since like 1pm, but I’m not getting to read it until 5 hours later because for once in my life I was trying to be responsible and actually get some work done on a Friday. I thought this might lead to less oh-god-I-still-have-to-get-that-done anxiety hovering over my weekend, but instead it just led to oh-god-I-have-to-get-the-chapter-recap-done anxiety hovering over my now! anyways so this might be a bit rushed lol
(ETA: yeah turns out this wasn’t exactly the kind of chapter you could just read quickly and get on with your life lmao. so, then!)
what a nice panel of Present Mic taking out the trash
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you heard ‘em fellas. the doctor is secured. good job everyone we did it, manga over, congratulations. now to cut away to a two-page spread of Dark Shadow comically smothering Dabi’s flames with a giant stock pot lid, and that’ll be that! what a wonderful, extremely short and strangely underwhelming arc in which we haven’t even seen the actual main characters do anything yet. but I guess we don’t need them since the main bad guy is lying dead on the floor! everything is just so fucking dead and secured!! do you think if I keep repeating it enough Horikoshi will finally be like “okay geez I get it” and reveal his hand already
Mic is now ordering Ujiko to power down the Noumu, which again, I’m sure he will definitely do without a fuss since after all the good guys have clearly won the day
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rip X-Less. gonna just take a moment here to imprint your beautiful face onto my memory before it turns into a pile of ash. your face, I mean. not my memory. well my memory more or less already is a pile of ash but that’s neither here nor there ANYWAYS
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what are these little sound effects. I think that’s supposed to be a buzzing noise?? anyways whatever it is PLEASE STOP IT, I AM NOT HAVING A NICE TIME SO STOP
ffff Horikoshi sure has done an excellent job of setting the mood in such a way that all of these panels of X-Less doing incredibly mild things are sending my stress levels through the roof. like is anyone else reading his lines more or less like “WELP, TIME FOR ME TO DIE, ANY SECOND NOW, WE’RE REALLY DOING THIS, THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING, HERE IT COMES”
(ETA: when is this poor sweet innocent man going to fucking die already.)
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I have the clearest mental image of Horikoshi standing by with a walkie talkie in one hand and one of those remote bomb detonation clicky switch thingies in the other, patiently waiting to receive the go-ahead once all of the important characters have gotten to safety
anyway so now Ujiko is talking again
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no fear everyone this is just the beginning of his verbal noumu deactivation sequence. nothing to worry about. everything is fine
yes for some reason his code phrase to put all the noumus back to sleep involves going into rambling detail about his work researching quirk singularities and shit. it’s fine. it’s not a big deal. code phrases are just like that sometimes all right
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just ignore the increasingly panicked look in Mic’s eye as he slowly realizes he was way too fucking keen to just leave the “dead” Tomura back there with his laser-eyed hero buddy. anyway so let’s continue learning all about the Quirk Illuminati or whatever the fuck
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okay so... he faked his own death? 70 years ago, at age 50 or thereabouts? I mean, that’s interesting and all I guess. not saying I wouldn’t be thrilled to spend the rest of this chapter learning all about Ujiko’s boring evil life. I don’t need to say it because it’s implied on account of Ujiko sucks and is the worst. so yeah can we get a move on though
oh shit?!?
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also, comparing AFO’s smile to a buddha’s really sent an actual shudder of disgust down my spine for some reason lmao. I personally would have steered that comparison in a different area, maybe less to buddhas and more to Norman Bates from Psycho, but to each their own
oh shit wait up
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okay but this is actually a pretty big revelation though, isn’t it? because it’s been hinted for a while now that AFO and Ujiko had some method of duplicating quirks (the fact that all the Noumu share the same regeneration quirk was the biggest clue, but there was also John-chan’s quirk, as well as Hood’s Muscular-esque quirk), but as far as I can recall, this is the first time we’ve had it confirmed. though to be fair I wasn’t joking when I said my memory really has been shit lately sob
anyway so for real though, can you really call it a BnHA chapter if you’re not spending a good chunk of it being hopelessly confused over the ownership of some ambiguous thought bubbles. WHO IS THIS. I do seriously feel like it’s Tomura, because he’s the wrathful one, but another hallmark of a typical BnHA chapter is me constantly questioning everything I know as I muddle my way through
(ETA: yeah I’m pretty sure it was him. still impressive how vague it is though! it could also potentially be Ujiko, Mic, or even Deku. hopefully Caleb’s translation on Sunday can shed some more light on this. though he wasn’t really helpful last time this happened lol.)
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didn’t... you just... say that “preservation” was your quirk?? what do you mean that you wanted it?? CAN YOU JUST FINISH YOUR SENTENCES LIKE A NORMAL PERSON
anyway so here’s a summary of this chapter thus far
present mic: okay goodbye forever x-less
x-less: what a strange thing to say! :) also is it just me or is this machine fucking staring at me
present mic: turn the noumu off please
ujiko: seventy years ago... society... singularity... he’d be 120 years old now...
ujiko: all for one has the smile of an angel...
ujiko: my quirk... preservation... the truth is... my quirk... preservation... the truth is... my quirk...
all caught up?? grand. also btw is anyone else super disturbed by the fact that Ujiko recognizes Mic as being “Kurogiri’s friend”, like holy shit though? how would he know that. I can’t think of any implications of this that aren’t super disturbing tbh
anyways back to -- LOL WHAT THE
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Horikoshi Kouhei: [furiously scribbling notes to himself at 3am] BUT WHAT IF THE FOLDING CITY FROM “INCEPTION” HAD MORE GIANT HANDS
jesus christ. is this like some mental representation of what shit is currently like in Tomura’s mind? lots of crumbly destruction and traffic lights and the house his father built (isn’t it? I feel like it looks familiar), and SO MANY HANDS, HE JUST LOVES HIS HANDS
anyway so at this point it’s a coin toss whether or not anything in this fucking chapter is ever going to make any kind of fucking sense! but here I am voluntarily along for the ride while Gene Wilder sings that creepy boat song right in my ear!
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(ETA: that Tomura in the top left may be my new favorite panel. look at him. all he is is a nose and chin and ~*~HAIR~*~.)
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ffff why is he so pretty all the time lately
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you are very handsome with your billowy hair and ken doll abs, you. sure are having a lot of trippy visions for a dead guy too there
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WHO SAID YOU WERE ALLOWED -- DO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST -- ffffffffff I need to be alone with my thoughts for a few minutes fuck
okay well. but since it is getting late I guess we’ll just pack these feelings up real quick and put them inside a box and neatly label it “feelings I have about Tomura having a vision of his mom and immediately turning back into his innocent little boy self in said vision as soon as he sees her.” not too sure about the contents of this box yet but I will have to explore them thoroughly at a later date
oh hey it’s this asshole
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“THAT WAS TWENTY YEARS AGO, DAD.” jesus Kotaro. get over it
and also guess what, if you go and get Tomura all riled up so he wakes up grumpy and disintegrates the first hapless guy he sees, I will hold you solely responsible for that poor man’s death. I’m just warning you now
oh my
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I remember this conversation going a bit differently the last time, but hey
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holy shit. holy shit. holy shit. holy shit. holy shit. holy shit
holy shit. fuck
...okay so
is this implying that AFO has been Noumufied? but that doesn’t make any sense, does it? he already had multiple quirks. what other advantages could there be to him becoming a Noumu. well whatever I’m just typing out all of my thoughts real fast for the time being and I’ll try to make sense of them later
or is it because he sees Kurogiri as a father figure? and AFO also?
or is he using Kurogiri’s quirk????? IS HE SOMEHOW WARPING INTO TOMURA’S DREAMS
because that third one, to me, is what this panel most looks like? Tomura says he looks like Kuro, but he doesn’t though. Kuro has a very distinctive face which this is very much lacking. instead it looks to me much more like one of Kurogiri’s portals, with AFO’s buddhaesque smile sticking out. so yeah. I got nothin’. except, again, fuck
(ETA: yeah I obviously have more thoughts about this now, but we’ll get to those in a bit.)
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-- !!!!!!!!!!LKJLK!JLKJ
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oh shit oh shit oh shit 
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except that I have the most incredible, chilling, disturbing, electrifying feeling that my mental soundtrack is about to start blaring AFO’s theme from the anime on full blast...!
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holy shit holy shit holy shit. wow
okay so. I don’t really have any sort of neat and tidy way to wrap up this hot mess of a recap lol. so, just... have a whole mess of all of my stupid whirling thoughts
those first four pages really did nothing to brace me at all lol
okay, so. here’s my understanding of all this, I guess. basically we’re going full Harry Potter rules here. AFO horcruxed his quirk, and from the looks of it, a piece of his soul (perhaps even the main piece) along with it. he then passed it on to Ujiko to implant into Tomura
horcrux!AFO then wakes up, and takes over Tomura. so then my understanding is that he’s going to be possessed by him. and I also got the impression that he’s fully aware of that, but just doesn’t care at this point. he knew his family was trying to warn him, but he didn’t care. and that look in his eyes when he disintegrated them just seemed so fucking resigned to me, though. jesus
but now the more interesting thing! so we can liken Tomura to the resurrected Voldemort from book 5 and onward, reborn after transferring his power into a new vessel. which would go a long way toward explaining how AFO was able to sense what was happening from all the way in Tartarus; because if we liken it to Voldemort and his horcruxes, it would mean that he still has a connection to them (similar to the connection between Voldemort’s mind and Harry’s)
but so now comes the really interesting thing -- what does this then imply about the connection between AFO and Deku? because you’ll recall that AFO alluded to a similar mental connection back when Deku first activated SIXQUIRKS. and now we have Deku somehow being magically aware of AFO’s sudden resurgent presence in this chapter. but why?? if the reason AFO and Tomura share a psychic link is because of a shared quirk, why would Deku also be experiencing the same link? the answer is, he wouldn’t -- unless he, too, had the same shared quirk
in other words, I think All for One for All is fucking confirmed you guys. I can’t think of any explanation for this other than that OFA is also a horcrux quirk. a little piece of AFO broken off and embedded in his brother, and then passed along through the generations. and now residing within Deku
anyway. so that’s a hell of a lot to ponder lol. I guess we can at least be grateful for the fact that we’re not waiting two weeks for chapter 271 like Hori originally planned. can you fucking imagine. what a fucking asshole lol
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crimsonheart01 · 4 years
I Don’t Wanna Say the Wrong Thing (Coco x OC/Reader
This goes out to @snowyandthewitch​ who consistently puts up with my 4 am ramblings and mini fics and to @juniperjane​ who has the best quips and puns that will have you peeing your pants with laughter and to @thegirlwhowritesfics​ for being that all encompassing supportive friend, no matter how wild I get. 
Tbh these women put up with all of me and I love them for that. 
Word Count: 1,241
Playlist: What If I Told You That I Love You - Alie Gatie
Warnings: Swearing and passion
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"It's club business." The statement was an automatic response from Coco but for her, it meant something entirely different. The mug in her hand cluttered into the sink and she turned away from him. Gripping the edge of the counter in front of her, she squeezed her eyes shut and focused on her breathing.
Coco narrowed his eyes, confused at her reaction. He moved towards her, tucking a hand around her forearm when she shook him off.
"What the fuck is your problem?" He growled, his temper getting the best of him.
They were fine moments ago and now she was acting like he was a pariah.
She swallowed, shaking her head, "No. I'm not doing this again." His anger reflected through her back at him. 
He creased his eyebrows again, "Again? This is the first time we've ever done anything."
The rage shaking in his voice as he alluded to this being the last time they may do anything. She turned to walk away but he grabbed her wrist and tugged her back.
"Let go of me!" She spat, yanking her arm back.
"Puta madre," He swore at her.
She bared her teeth at him, "Fuck you too, Coco."
She shoved him backwards and he grabbed her wrists to stop her. She struggled against him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He demanded. With a harsh yank and tug, she managed to separate herself from him, stumbling backwards and into the kitchenette table.
Tears built in her eyes but she swiped them away before the fell, "I'm not going to spend my life living in the shadow of your club. It's your life, not mine. I won’t be made out to be untrustworthy. Not after everything.”
Coco arched an eyebrow, and retorted, "I never said you were.”
She scoffed, "You didn't have too!" Her voice began to rise as she spoke verbatim, "It's club business. That in itself implies you don't trust me."
Coco fumed for a solid minute, those were the rules. She knew that already. Why was this such an issue all of a sudden? He reeled, ready to yell back at her when it all fell into place for him.
"Happy." He mumbled. Once that realization hit him his fury boiled over. “You don’t want to live in the shadow of my club but I have to live in the shadow of him? I don’t know if you noticed this or not, mamí, but I ain’t him.”
She scoffed, yelling back, “Oh yeah? Then how come it’s club business and not a real fucking explanation?”
Coco stepped up, his head tilted to the left, his face set in anger and pointed a finger into her face. 
“What makes you think you deserve that privilege?”
She lifted her hands and moved to shove him away from her when there was an obvious shuffling behind them.
“Guys,” Leticia’s voice rang out from behind his back.
She let her hands drop down to her sides as Coco’s head whipped around. Letty stared at the two of them, a frown on her face. She didn’t need to say anything more.
“Lo siento, little mama,” She apologized.
They’d clearly woken her up. Letty met her with sad eyes. Letty had been listening. She wished there was a way to make the young woman feel better. But, it seemed this might be the one to end them all.
She ducked around Coco while he was still focused on his daughter. She exhaled as she darted into his bedroom and grabbed her keys and phone from the dresser. She took a minute to close her eyes, spend a few last moments in this room. The place she’d begun to call home.
She turned to leave and was blocked by him leaning on the wall directly across from the bedroom door. She stood in the door frame, watching him.
He was holding a lit cigarette, his arms were crossed and he was staring at the floor. His hair was hanging in the balance, covering most of his face.
Her heart pounded in her chest. She had hoped that they wouldn’t have gotten to this part. She lifted a hand, desperate to feel those silky strands between her fingers. She chewed on her lower lip and inched her hand back to herself.
She walked towards his front door as he followed behind her. She reached for the handle and stared at the peeling panels of the door.
“I love you, Coco.” She said, refusing to turn around and face him, “But I’m not going to compete with the club for you. I understand how important it is to you, and I respect that.”
She turned the handle and pushed through the door before she broke down. She let the screen door slam shut behind her.
Coco’s head snapped up at her confession. Three words. Words that neither of them were willing to speak out loud. He knew how he felt and he knew she knew that but this was her making the ultimate sacrifice. All without her knowing that he reciprocated.
He was out the front door right behind her. Catching the screen before it latched shut. He needed to be sure. He needed to trust that this wasn’t a ploy. A game.
He called to her retreating back, “You love me?”
She stopped abruptly, coming to the realization of what exactly she had said to him. She could back out. It wasn’t too late. It already hurt like hell. Why not fake the mistake. Make it easier for him to forget her.
She glanced over her shoulder, finding him standing there and watching her intently. His was devoid of any judgement. His eyes open and accepting. She let the tears fall down this time. Blurring her vision.
She took a shaky breath in, “Yeah. I do.”
“Fuck.” He swore, low and gruff.
With her forefingers, she wiped away the pooling tears. She watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. They stared at one another. This was it. This as where he laughed at her. Where he finally showed how naive she’d been.
He licked his lips, “Ay mamí,” The words came out an octave higher than a whisper, “I love you too.”
He didn’t give her a chance to question him. He crossed the distance between them in three long strides and had her face framed with his hands.
“I love you.” He repeated, tilting her chin up towards him.
His eyes searching hers. Willing her to know that this was real. Her eyes flicked back and forth between his, high emotion rushing through her.
He leaned down the rest of the distance and captured her lips with his. She sighed as soon as they connected. Her body falling slack against him. He let one hand drop, wrapping around her back and steadying her.
She reached up, one hand sliding up the back of his neck and delving into the hair there. It was manic. Their need for one another driving them. Their hands pressing hard against each other. She never wanted her arms to feel as empty as they did a moment ago.
With each breath they took, their affirmations coming true. With each break for air, they whispered the truth to one another.
“I’ll tell you everything.” He promised, his chin resting on the crown of her head. Cuddling her into his chest. Vowing in his mind to never let her go.
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sparkywanderer · 4 years
Parallels in SK8 The Infinity: Why Renga will (probably) get a happy ending
So uh. I had a ton of thoughts after the recent episode. So I wrote a thing about parallels and stuff and not gonna lie it’s kinda long (I get sidetracked like 5 times and have not edited this to be concise so it’s really bad???). Here it is, though, if you would like to read my rambling anyway!
Spoilers for Episode 8
Sk8 really likes its parallels. Whether it be how many times it likes to group Langa and Adam together as the “talented ones” or equals or whatever, or how the writers put Cherry/Joe and Adam’s separation with Langa and Reki’s in episode 7 practically back-to-back, it’s clear that they’re all tied up together in some specific way. Not only that, but Miya’s story of losing his friends due to his skateboarding talents rings eerily similar situation-wise to how Reki isolates himself from Langa due to the latter’s talents (though of course there are major differences and such, but other posts could probably explain way better than me so let’s ignore that for now).
Episode 8 adds another parallel to the mix with the reveal that Tadashi actually taught Adam skateboarding in the first place, because well, guess who taught Langa skateboarding? Guess who else enables the skateboarding of someone else, in Tadashi’s case handling Adam’s other work as a secretary and driving him in/out of S, and in Reki’s case building a skateboard for Langa? And not only that, but guess who else is compared to a dog (albeit more for the sake of a bet than anything)? Think back to the whole bet with Miya.
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(I think there’s a manga panel that shows that Langa sorta thinks of Reki as similar to one too, but I’m too lazy to find it tbh)
Tadashi and Adam’s relationship is still a little unclear from episode 8, so there definitely could be more of these parallels, but what we do know is this: these are both pairs that were very, very close, sharing a mutual love for skateboarding, before eventually drifting apart as one became far more engrossed in the sport than the other to the point of danger. The writers portray this through Langa’s incredibly high speeds in Episode 7, and the flashbacks of Adam getting into highly dangerous situations with other people which cause them to get badly injured. Both of them don’t fear the thrill of this wild style of skateboarding, enjoy it even, while others like Reki, Cherry Blossom and Joe clearly do-- setting them apart as similar people, as Adam remarks. Langa mirrors Adam and Reki mirrors Tadashi, which bleeds into their equally mirrored relationships. 
Going more in depth on Reki and Tadashi specifically, both of them are not the best at communicating their feelings. In Reki’s case, he bottles up all of his doubts and anxieties about his relationship with Langa until they eventually culminate into one scene and force them apart. In Tadashi’s, he doesn’t stand up against Adam’s father about letting him continue to skateboard even when he clearly wishes to. They’re different, of course, but both of them are clearly the type to put a mask over how they actually feel: in Reki’s case with an “It’s nothing!”, and in Tadashi’s case with an “I have no opinions”. 
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(One of the few times smiling Reki brings me Suffering instead of serotonin)
But what’s the point of this all? What’s the point of drawing out all these random connections between Adam and Langa, and Tadashi and Reki? The purpose isn’t showing the similarities, but the differences. Given everything that’s similar, it’s a lot easier to see what’s distinct, and in my opinion that is what will ultimately set these two relationships apart.
Because here’s the thing: Langa actually cares about Reki. Even if they’re so different in terms of skateboarding skill level (which is not necessarily true, but that’s a whole other thing), Langa cares enough about Reki to not leave him behind. The writers blatantly show this in Episode 6, when Langa stays behind and looks for Reki despite the tantalizing offer of a race with a bunch of very talented skaters right in front of him. (It could be argued that he DOES take the offer instead of focusing on Reki by breaking the promise with Reki in episode 7, but the thing is he also assumes Reki will understand and still support him, clearly surprised at his reaction, so it’s not really the same.)
Meanwhile, just think about what Adam does to Tadashi when he’s so focused on his stupid tournament, in contrast. Using him as a scapegoat for his own goals with no shame whatsoever.
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(someone free this man. someone free this man please)
Not only that, though, but his passion for skateboarding isn’t just in the sport itself, but a major part of it is the people he spends time with. Before with snowboarding, it was his father, and when he was gone Langa stopped finding joy in that sport altogether. And now it’s Reki who’s gone, and he’s quickly realizing skateboarding that no longer brings the same thrill that it used to-- as made evident with the sudden shift to snowboarding in that scene, and the absence of his heart beating quickly, which could represent a lot of things but the point is he’s not having fun. Oh wait, that's another parallel.
On the other hand, Adam accepts that he’ll leave some people behind with his talents, dismissing them as unworthy rather than taking the time to actually try and recognize any flaws within himself or his way of thinking. This is perfectly exemplified in the first scene of Episode 8, where he shows little to no concern whatsoever over someone he’d been considering a possible match just a couple of seconds ago. Because it’s as he says: to him, when the perceived “distance” between two people is too great, to the point where it is “unreachable” for one of them, there can be no “real love”.
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(oh yeah they both have blue hair too i guess)
But remember, Langa’s not like that. He isn’t willing to so easily give up on Reki like that, as seen with how he consults his mother for advice and still constantly checks to see if he’s there to talk to. He’s not going to so callously give up on him like Adam does with those he skates with, because his version of love isn’t nearly as twisted as his. Instead, he’s going to try and fix things, “repent and make efforts” (though of course neither of them are entirely at fault here), and communicate, as foreshadowed by the latest episode.
Reki, on the other hand, doesn’t show as many signs of wanting to try and reconnect with Langa, as of Episode 8 anyway. But I still have faith in him, because he seems to be having some doubts given his actions-- and more than that, remember what Cherry was talking about when he found him, words that he probably at least kind of listened to! Eventually he’s going to realize that he’s cut off a really good relationship for the wrong reasons, and he’ll have to apply some of these teachings and make efforts to actually communicate once he begins to realize it.
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(Also, just take a moment to appreciate the bi calligraphy.)
So what can we take away from all this? Adam said Langa was the same type of person as himself. And sure, maybe that’s true in some ways, but it’s not entirely, and if the anime wants to have any clear thematic messages about relationships, it will most definitely reflect the results of their differences one way or another. At the very least, Reki and Langa will not turn out like Adam and Tadashi did. Because what’s the purpose of constantly comparing and contrasting characters in eerily similar situations, if their differences don’t have any actual effect on the story and the message that it’s ultimately attempting to convey, especially in a short 12 episode anime?
But anyways, if you actually did read this far for some reason, thank you! If I missed anything, you wanna add anything else, or just idk talk about this anime in general, let me know :D
(TLDR: Adam and Langa are sort of similar but also really different because the latter cares for Reki, so therefore this is yet another sports anime that will probably be about the power of friendship/love, and I Pretend I Do Not See whatever death flags there are for Langa I DO NOT SEE THEM!!!) 
12 notes · View notes
A totally self indulgent compilation of my favorite works on this blog of the year June 13, 2019 - June 13, 2020
I wanted to do this for the blog's first anniversary but then completely forgot about it lol.
The following lists are all in chronological order according to the date each post was first published.
Top 10 panel edits:
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#1: Don and Gilda - Chapter 138: Demon serch (1)
Date: Jun 14th, 2019
Time: ~ 1:30 h
My very first redraw from my very first edit posted here, so it deserves an honorable mention. Back then I was young and inexperienced, I didn't even apply a gray filter (lmao I was so unskilled I even unintentionally scratched the picture, I hadn't realized until today). I'm actually very happy my first redraw was of Don, boy deserves all the love.
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#2: Emma and Ray - Chapter 140: I’m Here!
Date: Jun 28th, 2019
Time: ~ 1 h
Back then this looked like so much work to me!!! And to this day, I think it turned out pretty well. I'm particularly proud of how the bow turned out. This is one I was really proud of right after having finished it; it gave me the confidence to try redrawing bigger areas. Also, the edit were I first applied the opacity of layer / opacity of brush for the gray filter that would have stuck with me.
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#3: Krone's birthday edit
Date: Jul 15th, 2019
Time: 15 mins
I don't know I just really like how Krone's hair vanish to a more sketch-like style here– and consequently, how I managed to replicate such effect. I think Krone's beautiful.
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#4: Emma, Norman and Ray - Chapter 153: Coward
Date: Oct 4th, 2019
Time: 4:07 h (and 67 layers lmao)
Probably the single panel redraw I'm the most proud of. That Norman panel was beautiful and very poignant at the end of a chapter I adored, so I believe it deserved all the time I've spent working on it. It's far from being perfect - the back of his head is too plain, and the difference between my brushes and the original brushes is pretty visible - but I still like it very much and am extremely attached to it. The horn looks kinda big but I honestly believe it to be more of an issue with the original than with what I had redrawn lol. Funny enough, the whole picture didn't make it to the final edit and had to be trimmed.
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#5: Full Score Trio - Chapter 154: A Breakthrough
Date: Oct 11th, 2019
Time: 29 mins
I don't have a particular reason for this I just think Emma's hair turned out amazing. It took just half an hour and I didn't even use references like. Wow. @Redrawing skills where did you go please come back
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#6: Mujika and Queen Legravalima - Chapter 158: The Reason I Was Born
Date: Nov 17th, 2019
Time: 2:09 h
Sis I love this so freaking much. The shift from redrawing almost exclusively people and clothes to redrawing this mess was so fun and refreshing. Even though it's a mess I think it turned out very clean and overall it looks beautiful? I remember after finishing this I felt so powerful, like now that I had redrawn this thing I would have been able to redraw anything I set my mind on lol.
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#7: Emma - Chapter 161: Never Be Alone
Date: Dec 13th, 2019
Time: 57 mins
Again no particular reason except this is a very cute Emma and I think the redraw turned out pretty well. There's this big lock on the left that doesn't make a lot of sense but overall I really like it. Cute Emma is cute, and I love her determination.
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#8: Emma - Chapter 166: Going Back Home
Date: Mar 9th, 2020
Time: 3:45 h
I'M SO FREAKING PROUD OF THAT RIFFLE I have not the slightlest idea why this took so damn long BUT I'M SO PROUD OF IT
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#9: Norman's birthday edit
Date: Mar 21st, 2020
Time: 1:04 h
This is cool! I didn't know I could manage to draw this, but I did it! The feathers were particularly hard to clean but I think they turned out fine.
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#10: Full Score Trio - Chapter 174: A New World (part 1)
Date: Apr 6th, 2020
Time: 2:11 h
I just think they're very pretty? I can't understand if I like Ray's face a lot, or not at all, but I think overall there was a lot to redraw and it turned out pretty cute! Sorry Gillian.
(Also insert pretty much every panel from the chapter 177 Isabella edit– I've spent so many hours on basically every panel there's no way I could choose only one).
Top 5 edits as whole:
#1: Emma and Ray - Chapter 140: I’m Here!
Date: Jun 29th, 2019
Complessive time: 2:57+ h
The very first edit I'm actually proud of; I'm really attached to it. It's the first edit I had put all of my effort into, and I remember feeling anxious people would have left it without notes. It kinda feels weird to think about it now, because I really don't care about notes anymore; yet, it somehow makes me happy to think that past-me wasn't let down. Thank you @neverlandstrio for your support, you may not remember but it really meant a lot to me back then! And it still makes me smile. You're the best!!!!!!
#2: Mujika and Queen Legravalima - Chapter 158: The Reason I Was Born
Date: Nov 20th, 2019
Complessive time: 7:12+ hours
This whole edit was an hella wild ride. It's midnight before a school day, when I think: "Mh, it's been a while since I last made an edit, why not make one about Musica and the queen from the last chapter?" And seven hours after this was born. I'm particularly proud of the queen's redraws on the 3rd, 7th and 9th picture (ofc), the areas which have been redrawn are pretty huge yet I think the difference with the original is almost impossible to notice?? @Redrawing skills where did you go please come back (part 2)
#3: Emma - Chapter 174: A New World (part 1)
Date: Apr 12th, 2020
Complessive time: 6:53+ h
I think the panels that were selected work very well together, especially considering the close-up / full body alternation. I love Emma, and I've always been kinda sad noticing that edits that focus one her take the less notes... She deserves all the love. Also, fun fact: for the last but one panel, I had redrawn Emma's whole left ear before remembering she doesn't have one, so I had to redraw the panel from the start. Besides from the error with the ear, the reason why this (and all the others after) took so long is because official panel take way longer to clean.
#4: Isabella and her children - Chapter 177: Mother
Date: May 22nd, 2020
Complessive time: 13:41+ h (ahah.)
Lmao tbh I can't understand how this has so few notes it's like. Technically speaking, probably the best edit I've ever done. I don't even like Isabella that much, I haven't got the slightlest idea why I decided to spend so many hours on this. Anyway, I find the composition (full body on the left / headshots on the right) really good looking in this as well! And I think the redraws turned out fine, especially Isabella's.
#5: The Promised Neverland manga ending countdown→ 1/7 chapters: chapter 1 - Grace Field House
Date: Jun 9th, 2020
Complessive time: 1:59+ h
I don't know how I came up with that idea for the composition but I find it really beautiful??? I think it does a pretty good job conveying the sudden, terrific shift of atmosphere from the first chapter, and I think that sharp bridge is very nice. I'm very, very proud of this.
Honorable mention #1: Full Score Trio - Chapter 154: A Breakthrough
Date: Oct 13th, 2019
Complessive time: 3:44+ h (+ 1:13 h of working on a panel that ultimately didn't make it to the final edit)
A very good chapter, and the edit turned out surprisingly amazing??? All the redraws look great and make it almost impossible to distinguish them from the original; honestly I feel like I'll never be able to redraw so neatly again lol.
Honorable mention #2: Don and Gilda (+ Norman) - Chapter 160: Shackles
Date: Dec 11th, 2019
Complessive time: 3:14+ h
That one is really one of my favorite scenes; I'm telling you peoples, Gilda and Don are a blessing to the earth. I think I've never mentioned it, but Gilda's hair is a nightmare to redraw??? More specifically, it takes me h o u r s to fill the texture without making it look too weird, it's the worst.
Honorable mention #3: Norman and Ray - Chapter 179: Compensation
Date: Jun 6th, 2020
Complessive time: 4:16+ h
I was so glad to finally be able to make a Norman / Ray edit, and it turned out it was just in time before the series' finale. I like how it turned out and I'm pretty satisfied with the redraws (even though my sister helped me with the lineart of some panels - it was exams time and I really couldn't afford to spend more time on it), too bad we didn't have more chapters that focused on the boys. Ray sweetie one day I'll fix your ear it's just today's not that day.
Btw, I justed realized I have never done an Emma / Norman centered edit? I'll have to make one eventually. I remember considering focusing on them alone for the chapter 154 one, but then I thought "even if the manga is gonna ignore Ray, I will chose to do not" lol.
Top 5 long posts:
#1: Reconstruction of how the Grace Field children were settled in the three bedrooms
Date: Aug 28th, 2019
I just had really a lot of fun doing it. I love putting all the little things to their own place, it's so calming to do and that's why I love making this kind of things. Also, loved how @temporoom contributed to the post! It was so nice of them to add what they had noticed to come up with more exact conclusions, that's one of the things I love the most about the internet.
#2: A study of how many times the characters of The Promised Neverland call each other through the first season of the anime
Date: Sep 10th, 2019
I REALLY LOVE IT! I mean it *was* kinda stressing to note everything, but it was very also very satisfying to see everything methodically divided and organized! And it's not just that– it's also the fact that it looks good. That's one post I have fun rereading because it's actually pretty! Also, even though it can be very stressing to learn to use new programs and sites, it's always very satisfying to look at the final result. Again, I really adore compiling these tiny little details! I would love to make more posts of that kind if i had the time.
#3: The Promised Neverland musicals headcanons
Date: Oct 27th, 2019
I mean it's literally. Putting my two favorite fandoms together how could I not love it. This is another one I really enjoy rereading, I find all the musical / character associations so fitting! I really want to make a second part, I hope to find some time to do it.
#4: Considerations on the reward / eventual series' finales (and Emma's sacrifice)
Date: May 7th, 2020
It's always nice to put down all your thoughts regarding a particular matter. It can take a lot of time (at least for me it does because... I need time to think about things), but it's so satisfying to see all of them there once you're done. Bonus points when, like in this case, it was something asked by someone else because “Wow! Somebody wants to hear my opinion on this subject! I'm flattered (◍•ᴗ•◍)”
#5: Some other considerations on the series' finale and Emma sacrificing herself
Date: Jun 13th, 2020
Pretty much the same as above. It's like some kind of clarity when the post is done and signed. Another fun fact, I had to censore the post a lot; the first version was extremely sharp and harsh, but I believe it's right to express your opinions calmly and politely.
Bonus: A thread of what the tpn characters would wear at the Oscars
Date: Feb 9th, 2020
Imagining all the children in those pretty dresses makes me so incredibly happy (╥﹏╥) I go back to look at that post a lot. I really love red carpets, I love looking at pretty dresses!!!!!
Lmao it's so funny how the post of mine I like the most are also the ones with the less notes
Anyway this was just a personal report! You don't have to read it all (or any of it actually). But it was indeed fun making it! Here's to many more months in the fandom!!!
40 notes · View notes
space-helen · 4 years
Where Have You Been? - Chapter 4
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Words: 2309
Pairing: Jack Thompson x Reader
A/N: Only 1 Part more after this! Thank you guys so much for keeping with this fic. I’m so glad so many of you are enjoying it.
Also I looked into wealthy neighbourhoods in New York in the 40s and I from what I can see on a 1940s New York city market analysis there was some pretty nice/wealthy neighbourhoods in Riverdale, Bronx. So maybe it happens there? But tbh I made it up.
PART 1 - CH1   CH2   CH3    CH4   CH5
PART 2 - CH6   CH7   CH8    CH9   CH10
PART 3 - CH11  CH12   CH13
A week had passed since your first dinner date with Jack and you’d practically shared dinner with each other every night since, but not in a date setting. Everyone in the office had been pulling overtime to get the case moving faster and the both of you had been working closely together and most nights ended up eating dinner in Jack's office.
The two of you had grown close and the date you’d shared had practically been forgotten about, but the friendship you’d built was strong and true. You knew it was stupid to have fallen for the man in this short space of time but you felt this weird connection with him, as if you’d known him most of your life. You suspected he felt a similar way to you, after all why would he have asked you to dinner if he didn’t? 
But for now you were content with this friendship, you hadn’t had something like this in a very long time. Sure you had Peggy and a couple of people back home but nothing compared to this. 
The car pulled up outside Mr Martin’s house, you’d finally been able to get a warrant to search the property. Jack practically fell out of the car and rushed up towards the front door, you hurried alongside him with the warrant in hand, all of the other Agent’s you’d brought along to help search the property followed the pair of you.
“Mr Martin open up. We have a warrant.” he banged on the door and shouted.
You all heard the lock turning on the door and Jack was ready to push his way in when an older woman revealed herself on the other side. “How may I help?”
“We’re agents from the SSR. We have a warrant to search the property.”
“Could you come back in a couple of hours? I was just about to polish the floor.” Jack jammed his foot in the doorway to stop her from closing it.
You tried to reason with her, “Unfortunately we can’t leave but we shouldn’t take too long.” she looked down before stepping away from the door and Jack pushed his way in, all of the Agents filing in behind him and splitting off as he shouted orders around. 
“Is Mr Martin present?” you asked the woman and she kept quiet, her eyes staring at the floor. “Well give this to him when you see him.” you handed her a copy of the warrant.
You walked up to Jack’s side as he watched the Agents spread out “Chief?”
“Yeah” he turned to you, hands on his hips.
“I think Mr Martin might be in the house.” you subtly pointed at the woman who was unmoved by the door. “She wouldn’t deny that he is here or say if he’s out, she just kept quiet.”
“Alright ok we’ll keep an eye out. Wanna stick with me or go with Agent Sanchez?”
“As much as I love the guy I’d rather stick with you.” he nodded and the two of you started to explore the downstairs portion of the house.
You were searching the draws of a desk while Jack scoured the bookshelf, pulling books here and there, you came across a large notebook and pulled it out, flipping open the cover to find receipts for parts and meeting places. “Jack I’ve got something, look.” you flipped the notebook around for him to study while you continued to route through the draws, you soon realised the draw had a false bottom.
Reaching for a letter opener you pushed it down the edges of the panel and forced it up. Slipping your fingers under it you pulled it off to reveal a stash of money. “Woah.”
“What is it?” Jack practically lunged over the table to see. “Woah indeed.” you put your hand in and took out some of the stacks of cash. “There’s got to be at least two thousand dollars there.” he commented.
“I think maybe more than that.” you continued to rifle through the draw. “We can’t prove this is the stolen money though.”
Jack nodded “you’re right. He’s a pretty wealthy guy without the theft.” he contemplated for a second. “Put the panel back and leave it. Are we all done here?”
You slid the panel back on and gave it a bash to stay in place “Yeah all done.” you picked up the notebook and followed Jack into the garden.
The garden was large, the neighbourhood very posh, inhabitants clearly wealthy. The two of you split apart, Jack heading for a garage at the back and you stopped at a pond and looked into it, your reflection staring back. 
A rustle is what made you move your gaze from the water. Scoping the area you soon saw a man that matched Jonah Martin’s description hiding behind a statue. “Mr Martin we just want to talk.” you started to slowly walk towards the man and that’s when he started running. You called for Jack before you chased after the man.
Mr Martin had led you into the street where he continued to run, the only sounds you could hear were your shoes hitting the ground and your breath. You soon caught up with the man as he started to cross a bridge, grabbing the man's bicep he stopped in his tracks. You pointed your gun at him “Running makes you look guilty.”
“Maybe I am.” the man untwisted his arm from your grip and hit the gun out of your hand before smacking you across the face harshly, making you fall to the floor. The notebook you’d taken fell onto the ground. His face radiated pure anger as he pulled you up to your feet.
You struggled and hit the man back, attempting to get out of his grip. However, he threw a punch to your gut and backed you into the railings of the bridge forcing your upper torso over them, the water of the river vicious beneath you. “You little bitch, going through my stuff. Who gave you the authority.”
You held onto the railing to keep your balance and tried to stay as calm as you could “I work for the SSR, don’t make this worse.”
“Mr Martin let her go.” Jack’s voice was stern and close, his gun trained on the man.
Jonah looked between you and Jack, weighing up his options before throwing you to the ground and picking up the notebook and sprinting in the other direction. Jack hurried to your side and took a knee beside you “Are you alright?” he looked over you for any serious injuries.
“Don’t worry about me just go get him.” Jack nodded before putting your gun down on the floor next to you. Pushing himself up off the ground he disappeared after the man.
Clambering to your feet you grabbed your gun and followed after the men.
The chase had been unsuccessful, you’d soon lost the man and brought in lots of attention from the neighbourhood. As you walked back to Mr Martin’s home, privileged, wealthy people were all staring out of their windows at you. Some daring to come out of their houses and stare in the doorways.
It was natural for people to be curious but everyone seemed to be looking at the two of you with disapproval, as if you were in the wrong for chasing down the man. 
You took one last sweep of the property before returning to the SSR with all the other Agents. Everyone came together to share what they’d found and it was slowly organised into piles to be further investigated.
After Jack gave instructions you all split up and got to work. Picking up the box of devices found on the property you quickly delivered them to the lab to be analysed.
The sound of heels brought you out of your thoughts, they definitely weren’t yours. Looking up you caught a woman turning a corner and you rushed to follow them. “Peggy?”
The woman turned with a smile on her face “Y/N?” you opened your arms and gave the woman a crushing hug.
“You finally made it”
“We did. I was just looking for you actually. How’ve things been since we last spoke?”
The two of you navigated the halls of the SSR at a leisurely pace “Everything’s been good, had my first proper chase with someone today.”
Peggy smiled. “How are things with Jack? He was curious about your whereabouts before joining the SSR, did he ever ask you upfront?” 
“Yeah actually, before you called I’d told Jack about my past and since then he’s been very trusting. I didn’t want to bring it up when you called. We actually went to dinner that night.” Peggy stopped and put her hand out on your shoulder “Dinner with Chief Thompson? Have you hit your head or something?”
You laughed “Yeah we went to dinner once. He’s a good guy, he acts tough but I can see right through him. Anyway, how have you been?” you resumed walking
Peggy could see how much you admired the man in just the way you spoke about him. “I’ve been good. We closed the case and I’m ready for something easier and a vacation.”
“Didn’t you use all of your vacation days on the Isodyne case and waiting to transfer to the LA branch?” you joked as you headed into Jack’s office.
“You’ve been spending too much time with Thompson.” 
“Y/L/N good to see you.” Daniel stood up from his seat in front of Jack’s desk and gave you a hug.
“It’s good to see you too. Enjoying being back in New York?”
“It’s colder than I remember.” you laughed at his comment as he sat back down. Peggy closed the door and you both took a seat around the desk. 
Jack talked through the case and brought Peggy and Daniel up to speed. Going through all of the different elements and presenting all of the leads you had. By the time the briefing finished it was dark out, definitely time to go home.
“Since it’s our first night back here, how about we have dinner together. Have a proper catch up.” Daniel suggested. 
Jack sat back in his chair and pointed at Daniel “That my friend sounds like a brilliant idea.”
“Y/N you coming?” Sousa asked as Peggy grabbed their coats.
“Yeah why not.” standing you quickly left the office to grab your belongings from your desk. What you didn’t see was Jack’s smile when you agreed to go. 
As Jack slipped on his hat Peggy noticed the smile and leant in close to Daniel’s ear and whispered “He’s sweet on her for sure.” 
Daniel quickly glanced at the man and smiled. “He sure is.”
“And she likes him too.”
“Where’d you want to eat?” Jack interrupted moving to leave his office.
“How about L and L, decent food for a decent price and a nice atmosphere. Nothing fancy.” Peggy suggested as her and Daniel left the office. Jack closed the door behind them and locked it, slipping the key into his pocket.
“Whatever you want, as long as it’s close, I’m starving.” 
You and Peggy led the way, when you came to the diner, Daniel and Jack pushed in front of you to open the doors. Walking inside they picked a booth and both sat opposite one another. Peggy opted to sit on the side Jack was on and you slid in next to Daniel.
The table fell into laughs and natural chatter, just like any usual group of friends meeting up for the first time in a while. Food was delivered and the conversation kept flowing, Jack and Daniel reminiscing about working together and Peggy and yourself talked about life.
“I don’t think I could handle LA, I might come visit you guys but I think New York is where I belong.”
“Never say never Y/N”
You laughed and carried on the conversation but what you didn’t notice was Jack's head turning at the sound of your laugh, he looked at you and smiled at the sound. 
Daniel caught the man in the moment before awkwardly looking down at his plate and clearing his throat “So Y/N what was your first impression of Thompson?” 
You smiled at Jack before looking at Daniel “I thought he was ok. I didn’t appreciate being brushed to the side, but he did stop another Agent from shooting me as soon as I walked through the door.”
“Wait really? Unbelievable.” 
“Yeah he was reaching for his gun and everything.” Jack added. 
The whole table erupted in laughter and he gazed towards you, catching each other’s eyes, you smiled brighter and noticed his eyes sparkle. The moment was short lived as you tore your gaze away back to Peggy.
The four of you carried on with your meal as the diner got busier. “Is it hard to work with someone you’re dating?” you asked Peggy quietly. 
“Not really, it’s just like working with a close friend. Of course, there’s a little bit more on the line but I don’t find it any different to when I was working with you for example.” You nodded at her response, she studied you and could see longing in your eyes “You’ll find love again”
You looked over at Jack who was in a deep conversation with Daniel, his elbow propped on the table and his head in his hand as he nodded at what Daniel was saying.
“I think I already have. I’m just scared it was too fast.”
Peggy felt her heart fill with joy as she saw how you admired Jack. “You’ve had it tough but so did I and look what I found. Who cares if it’s been years or a week. If you know, you know. Trust me” 
Next Chapter
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faunusrights · 4 years
The scarlatinas are a big family with aunts and cousins visiting a lot right? Have you got an idea of how their house looks? (also could you release the Scarlatina family descriptions you gave me to the public?)
well, really the scarlatina family isn’t big in the, uh, family tree sense; it’s not like Velvet has 100+ cousins and that sort of stuff, but they’re big in the sense that they all live together, hjdshkjfsd. so it’s a big household! sixteen people! it’s nothing to sniff at! so the aunts and cousins dont visit, really, because they literally live next door, lmao.
the scarlatina homestead is split into two houses that keep getting added to every once in a while. the bigger one (aka the first) has georgette, rajah, taffeta, ash, chiffon, velvet, satin and hickory live there, whilst the second (rapidly growing) house has cotton, tenné, hawthorn (+ hawthorn’s wife, saffron, and their kid, fir), ramie (+ her wife, auburn) and birch. that said, the houses pretty much act as one, and people tend to drift in and out of either of em at will.
the houses are similar in terms of their footprint, since they sorta both evolved abt the same time for the same needs (oh shit a kid oh shit a marriage oh shit ANOTHER kid), and save for two smaller second storeys for storage/spare room needs, almost the entire thing is on the ground floor (heat rises, baby). they share a big old shed/workshop which ash lingers in CONSTANTLY, as well as two little gardens where they grow their own produce. they also have some solar panels and a huge windmill out front, both of which usually power their houses since they don’t typically draw a TON of energy, though they do have a generator that runs on fuel as a backup.
okay if we’re describing the whole family im gonna shunt this under a cut this goes on for a while dsfjhgjhskfgd
GEORGETTE SCARLATINA: the matriarch of the family! well, sorta; she’s let her own daughters sort of have run of the place in her stead, because she’s “retired” now and that means she mostly sits back and enjoys not Working all the time. back in her heyday the woman was an absolutely powerhouse, 24/7 on the grind, but even now she’s very… well, she’s still a force to be reckoned with, really, and whilst she isn’t uuuuuuuh Strict, per se, she’s very disciplined, and no matter what her kids and grandkids choose to do, she expects them to really throw themselves into it. weiss is both terrified of her and desperately wants her approval, which isn’t hard to get, but weiss is, how they say, dumbass. georgette is also the reason why taffeta and cotton are… Like That. like what? stubborn loud fuzzy taking zero shit, etc,
RAJAH SCARLATINA: scarlatina women seem to always land themselves timid men and nobody is sure how, or why, but georgette wasnt the first to start this trend and shes def not the one to end it. rajah is pretty mild-mannered, but like georgette, never rested when people needed help. he and ash (and tenné) get on real well because they’re happy enough to mind their own Fuckin Business whilst their wives barrel around with all the grace of rampaging bulls. still, rajah’s also very much a product of his time as an early settler to menagerie; he’s never really… happy with everything, because they lost so much leaving for this shithole, so he’s always kinda… mildly sad about stuff, but the same can be said of any faunus his age tbh.
COTTON SCARLATINA: the older of the two Scarlatina Daughters, cotton is… manic. full of energy, always looking to burn it off. she’s an optimist at heart since she and taffeta came to menagerie when they were ten and therefore are more accustomed to the island, and her primary objective is making a good home and a good start for the family. she’s not too interested in politics or revolution, mainly because she’s the type of woman who plans by meals and mouths to feed, if u get me. she’s also pretty smug because her side of the family are rly growing up (TWO wives. a GRANDKID. its ALL COMING UP COTTON) and it means she gets to spend more time doing stuff she’s passionate abt!!!!!!! nice!!!!!!!!
TENNÉ SCARLATINA: i put an accent on his name and i regret it every day of my life. anyway. tenné isn’t entirely sure how he ended up with just The Most scarlatina, but he did and, well, there’s no backing out now. tenné‘s a deer faunus and was around cotton’s age when he and his family moved with the scarlatinas to menagerie, so he and cotton have always been close. he’s very patient and doesn’t always have a lot to say, but he and cotton are a great team when it comes to managing the entire homestead together. again, he’s not a political type, and just wants to keep his corner of things safe in uncertain times. he always pretty rarely leaves the homestead for anything, so he’s also kinda reclusive, but so is cotton! it all works out!
HAWTHORN SCARLATINA: i won’t go into the partners lest i Die but hawthorne is the eldest child of cotton and tenné. got antlers like his da, and he’s a pretty big fellow by scarlatina standards (that is to say, not thin enough to fly away in a stiff breeze). hawthorn is… well, long and short, he’s a himbo, but he’s also a pretty devoted homesteader (this is a trend! watch this space). his wife, saffron, was from desert sands and they’d been dating for a While before they got married, and they’re the first to have kids of all the first-gen* scarlatinas. he’s got cotton’s love of the family and tenné’s sort of quiet offset nature, though he was pretty rowdy as a kid (he grew out of that once velvet broke his nose tho).
RAMIE AND BIRCH SCARLATINA: twins! twins! oh my god! twins!!! fraternal twins!!!
ramie is the older of the two (my friends who were w/ me when we played the RWBY ttrpg will Remember Her) and she’s. well she’s surprisingly enough like taffeta that cotton jokes that clearly she’s gone and had the wrong kid. she’s very Firm abt things and has a way of naturally corralling people to follow after her, if only because this bitch has enough common sense for herself and, like, five people. she was also voted Best Lesbian Cousin five years in a row, and she and auburn get on like a house on fire. they’re also very into PDA, don’t mind them.
birch is the younger of the two and ramie always calls them the emo one. they’re not really so much into people as they are into their crafts and their plants (their bedroom looks like a greenhouse dont mind them) and they have tenné’s nature and georgette’s focus on working all the goddamn time. they’re good company is you strike up convo in the areas they have interest in, but sometimes it’s like talking to a brick wall. ramie is very fluent in their noncommittal grunts of disinterest, though.
FIR SCARLATINA: he’s one year old. he’s a baby. idk shit.
TAFFETA SCARLATINA: here’s the bitch we’ve all been waiting for
taffeta is like georgette if georgette was somehow more like herself. whereas the other half of the family are more core to the values of the clan, taffeta’s a tribe woman, and when she wakes up in the morning her focus is always on the wider community. taffeta’s very much just a machine of intent; she farms, she builds, she repairs, she trades, she gives, she travels, she does SO much and she’s very much the face of the family at present (which is why ppl hear the name ‘scarlatina and go ‘oh god’ w/o realising the other half wont bother u even slightly djsfggjsdfh). she’s STURDY she’s FLUFFY and she has zero qualms abt putting u in a headlock if u deserve one. dont test her. that said, taffeta’s a very reasonable woman; i’ll eventually go more into that at some nebulous point in the future hdjsgfjghksfd
ASH SCARLATINA: it’s everyone’s favourite da! i’ll TRY and keep this short. ash (MUCH LIKE THE MEN SO FAR) is just. so chilled out. can everyone PLEASE be quiet. well, he didn’t used to be – ash lived in kuo kuana before meeting taffeta and had such severe anxiety abt crowds that the boy could barely put a sentence together, let alone much else, not in the scarlatina household, he’s very calm and hard to ruffle. ash really just likes to do his thing, which is everything taffeta doesn’t do; he cooks, he watches the kids, he fixes stuff in the workshop, and he’s big into photography of the family, which is where velvet gets it from! ash is basically taffeta’s counterbalance, but being with her means he’s also become pretty well known about the town (if not for. entirely the reasons you think,)
CHIFFON SCARLATINA: the eldest of ash and taffeta’s kids! chiffon is a weird one; she takes a lot after ash in that she’s pretty reserved and doesn’t let a lot bother her, and when stuff does bother her, she expresses it pretty quietly. also, unlike her cousins who are all homebodies, chiffon was the first kid to actually leave the homestead for kuo kuana to work on the docks during a biiiig overhaul and extension of the boardwalk. she wanted to get out and see the world, but human tourists really out her off the idea, so after about a year and a bit she ended up returning home where she’s stayed ever since. after taffeta retires, she’ll probably be the next face people know and relate to the name scarlatina, tbh.
VELVET SCARLATINA: do i. do i have to say anything about her. you KNOW this bitch. anyway. velvet’s got taffeta’s stubborn sense and ash’s compassion, wants to travel like chiffon, has enough determination to just keep going when it gets her down. extremely stupid. herbo energy. trans jock. has fists will punch. fluffy. fuzzy. hot. dumbass. seriously, do i have to say anything else?
SATIN SCARLATINA: it’s a baby! just kidding, she’s 11. satin is pretty young but she’s at that age where she’s tryna figure out the world for herself. she’s already shaping up to be a lot like taffeta – bold and brash and determined – and much like her older siblings, politics is already playing into her interests. satin really wants to see vale and her tribelands, but after what happened to velvet at uni, taffeta’s trying to… well, not talk her out of it, but encourage her, gently, to reconsider. it’s not working. she and chiffon get on spectacularly well, and she and velvet get on ever better.
HICKORY SCARLATINA: okay, NOW baby. well………. okay, yeah, he’s 7. hickory is a little dreamer, never really in the present. he’s super into making stuff and helping out the adults around the homestead, and he’s not really noticed enough to be infuriated like satin, so he’s got that youthful, uh, innocence, let’s say, that means right now? life is GREAT! eventually he’ll find out that no, it’s not all that great, tbh, but right now he’s a champ at feeding the rabbits, pulling up veggies, and finishing his plate. good job hickory!
AND THAT’S THE FAM (save for the inlaws). theyre great and i think abt em all the time. could u tell? could u tell, sharkie,
*so i looked up the whole ‘generations’ thing to check if i was right and it turns out both first-gen and second-gen have incompatible definitions (thanks america) but for the sake of not going nuts, all of cotton’s and taffeta’s kids r first gen and fir is second-gen. u could also argue cotton and taff are first-gen on account of being pretty young when they came to menag but honestly it’s too complicated. lets just leave it at that sdfjhgksdf
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
IMO, realistically Dick would have been the first one to reach out to Jason upon hearing he was back, for the exact same reasons he took a chance on Damian as Robin (which Bruce very likely wouldn’t have), and he took a chance on trusting Raven and forming the new Teen Titans to stop Trigon after the Justice League had already turned her away because demon energies mumble mumble, and look I’m just saying - 
Dick Grayson is the guy who takes chances on people. Who gives them the benefit of the doubt. Who risks big for even the possibility of having his faith in people justified.
The only reason he didn’t do that with Jason, and help ease the way towards Jason reconciling with the family...
Keeping Jason at odds with the rest of the Batfamily was absolutely a CHOICE DC made, deliberately and consciously. So like....instead of looking to shitty interactions that make EVERYONE involved look out of character, to use as inspiration for Dick and Jason’s interactions in fics that otherwise are more than happy to disregard canon anyway.....
I’m just saying, instead of writing Dick as backing up Bruce’s caution and disapproval towards Jason, what if instead you look to the very very very well established pattern of Dick trusting and being close with people his father definitely doesn’t approve of and is wary of, like....idk, pretty much all the Titans at one point or another, plus a bunch of the Outsiders, plus the considerable number of criminals and antiheroes he’s managed to make nice with over the years, and like...tbh, off the top of my head, the only person I can think of who both Bruce and Dick don’t like that much is Ollie? LMAO. That’s it. And in Dick’s case, that probably has a lot to do with the fact that Ollie’s never been a huge fan of his either.
*Shrugs* Anywho, have Dick and Jason at odds after the latter’s return if you wanna write them that way, I mean, whatever, but this guy who is all stiff and uncomfortable and judgmental around Jason with no other reasoning given that like, Bruce doesn’t trust him or approve and thus neither does Dick, like....what???
(And yeah, I know he was written that way in Brothers in Blood, but again - see the bit where DC didn’t WANT Jason getting along with the family, and also....Jason showed up in town in Dick’s costume and started getting Dick a reputation of murdering people, and Dick happens to care quite a bit about how he’s seen as a vigilante, given that he’s always put a ton of effort into being approachable and such, and then Jason started poking directly at Dick’s still fairly recent and HUGE scab aka his feeling responsible for Blockbuster’s death....like, there are plenty of reasons why in that particular story arc, Dick wasn’t falling over himself to be like welcome home little brother who had a million and one opportunities to approach me and THIS is the way you chose to do it. And like...none of them have anything to do with Bruce).
But like, bottom line....behind the scenes decisions always play a huge role in these things....and make no mistake, originally DC brought Jason back to be a Batfamily antagonist. That was their Big Idea there. He wasn’t intended to occupy the angry Robin niche, DC wanted someone to fill the ‘fallen from grace’ Robin niche....until they eventually realized no most people wanted Jason as a good guy or at least antihero and not pitted against his family and they took advantage of the reboot to do that.
Like there’s a reason that Brothers in Blood and Outsiders were pretty much the ONLY time Jason and Dick interacted after his return up until Battle for the Cowl, and that’s because the majority of Nightwing writers didn’t WANT to use Jason when it meant having to have him and Dick dramatically at odds with no chance of anything other than that.
Like....the very specific reason that people writing Dick just mindlessly backing up Bruce’s stance towards Jason in fics with no dissent, like the reason this drives me up a wall isn’t even actually because of my uh...well documented opinion that they were closer before Jason’s death than is usually assumed. No, like even without that, that characterization for Dick completely fails to take into account that for a good twenty years, Dick was DELIBERATELY characterized as the guy who took chances on the very people Bruce wouldn’t.
That Bruce himself was characterized as saying the thing that he was most proud of Nightwing for and why he felt he’d become a better version of what he’d always wanted Batman to be, is because Dick had never lost his ability to trust in people even after being let down....because his trust was never based in naïveté but was rather a conscious CHOICE not to let the reasons he’d been given not to trust people actually take away his determination to have his faith in them proven RIGHT.
While DC was leaning into all the stories that highlighted Batman as paranoid and untrusting like The Tower of Babel with his contingencies against all the Justice League and Brother Eye and stuff, for a good fifteen years before Jason’s return....throughout all that time they were intentionally writing Dick as being the polar opposite of Bruce in that SPECIFIC regard. Like, for decades Dick was the guy DC wrote all the other characters turning to when they wanted to COMPLAIN about Bruce’s trust issues or refusal to give someone or something a shot. It legitimately just does not make much sense to simply position him as Bruce’s unquestioning number two in all matters Jason when in most every other matter Dick is the first one to be written challenging Bruce’s decisions.
So many of you guys have spent years writing Dick as the real problem child, unreasonably stubborn and likely to pick a fight with Bruce at the drop of a hat (PARTICULARLY people who write about Bruce and Jason in his years as Robin)....how come THAT characterization only seems to disappear the second Bruce is like “welp, Jason is bad now forever, oh well” huh? And only then for once Dick is like sounds about right to me boss! Like....hmm. Nothing about that seems convenient to anyone?
Like if you’re going to keep one thing in mind about Dick’s character, how about instead of his temper or flightiness or cheery jokes or chipperness or unreasonable stubbornness like....what if instead people focused on a core characteristic like how even as far back as The Judas Contract, one of the Titans’ most iconic and definitive stories....
the Titans only beat Deathstroke after he infiltrated them using Terra as his mole and literally all of them were captured except for Dick....because Dick didn’t have to rescue the others all on his own.
He did it with Joey’s help.
Because pretty much right after the reveal that Terra was a traitor who was working for Slade for as long as they’d known her....Dick chose to take a chance on trusting a complete stranger, with the story then validating his decision to believe the best of this new person instead of compounding the idea they never should have trusted Terra by having Joey turn on them too.
And the fact that the very first new person Dick chose to trust after Terra’s betrayal was Slade’s very own son....that wasn’t a coincidence. That wasn’t dramatic irony.
That was the POINT.
And this core characteristic of Dick’s has been held up time after time after time....so why can’t something like THAT be treated as defining and indicative of him as all these other fanon flaws and attributes that are usually based on a mere handful of panels or issues and then blown wildly out of proportion? How come he can spend so much time being characterized in fics as hot tempered and likely to go off about anything when most of the examples to back that up have to deliberately be pulled from stories of brainwashing or where he’s for other reasons still acting OUT of character by the canon example’s own admission...while characteristics that entire iconic story arcs have HINGED upon go not only unacknowledged....but completely flipped?
You tell me.
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inagetawaycarxo · 5 years
Dating Sebastian Stan Would Include
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—Requested by anon
—Requests are open btw, send in a imagine idea or a headcanon idea for Sebastian or marvel!
—A/N: *sighs dreamily* I might have gone a little overboard on this one! Feedback is appreciated!
When Sebastian first met you he couldn’t help but stare at you, getting captivated by you, which resulted in him running into a glass window of the coffee shop. He got flustered when you came over and asked if he was alright. Which made him stumble over his words.
“I’m fine.” He squeaked out, his cheeks reddening, as he looked anywhere but at you.
He then stumbled off, not waiting to hear your response, bumping into people on the way out. Tbh he was a clumsy mess. Still is when he is around you.
The second time you and Seb met was when Chris took you to the set of marvel.
You’s two started off as friends.
Chris and Anthony trying to get you and Sebastian together, and being frustrated by how oblivious you are to the feelings Seb has for you.
With a lot of encouragement from Chris & Anthony, Seb finally gets the nerve to ask you out. When you agreed to go out with him Seb can’t help but smile at you, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you off the ground spinning you around.
Being besties with Mackie as well as Chris.
Sebastian is always a blushing nervous wreck around you.
Also can be a cocky little shit as well, and a tease.
Seb adores you so much. You are his entire world, he loves to brag/talk about you to friends and family, though some of them get annoyed by his constant rambles/fangirling about you, not that Seb cares.
Seb looks at you and gets lost in a daydream a lot, sometimes dirty daydreams.
He could stare at you all day and not get bored.
Learning to speak Romanian. Though you butcher some of the words.
Sebastian falling more in love with you when you try/speak Romanian, his eyes beaming with happiness.
If you do speak Romanian, then having a conversation in Romanian with Seb.
A lot of PDA…Not really in front of paparazzi though, mostly in front of your family and friends. Sometimes fans.
Seb likes to have his arm around you a lot, either on your waist or around your shoulder. Or hold your hand in public. He will kiss your cheek and forehead but never your lips in public.
He likes to hold your hand all the time.
He loves to wrap his arms around your waist, pressing soft kisses on your shoulder then your neck, or resting his chin against your shoulder. Or in the crook of your neck.
Seb is really protective of you, if anyone says a bad word about you, god help them they get the wrath of Seb, he definitely gives them that Bucky glare, he is also protective over you in public too
Being the biggest space nerds ever.
Watching space documentaries/ sci-fi movies.
A lot of dates; coffee dates, pizza dates, movie dates, midnight dates, beach dates, hiking dates, Picnic dates
Dates with Seb are never boring.
Midnight strolls
Working out together.
You and him like to encourage/motivate each other when you’s are working out.
Trying not to stare at him too much while he is working out.
Vice versa Seb trying not to get distracted by you when he works at.
Trying to impress each other.
Taking a lot of selfies together + photos of each other {even without one of you’s knowing}.
He doesn’t post most of them keeping them to himself.
Anthony teasing you and Seb a lot.
Anthony calling Seb whipped.
He is definitely whipped.
Seb finding it cute/hot when you are mad at him.
When he is home, you’s two mostly have lazy days.
Seb taking you to cons.
Visiting him at his panels.
Getting fan art/gifts from the fans that ship you and Seb together.
Seb taking you to his movie premiers.
Seb finding it adorable when you fangirl about Marvel.
Sending each other memes. Telling him he is a walking meme. He is a walking meme tbh.
When he had longish hair he used to steal your hair ties.
Convincing Seb to keep his hair longer for a little while.
Playing with his hair a lot.
Braiding it when it was a bit longer.
Seb playing with your hair.
You’re his best friend, and he is your best friend.
A hell of a lot of kissing.
Forehead kisses.
Neck kisses.
Shoulder kisses.
Nose kisses.
Cheek kisses.
Thigh kisses.
Belly kisses.
Hand kisses.
Morning kisses.
Goodnight kisses.
Needy kisses.
Kissing you at random times
And a lot of making out.
Let’s just say he is obsessed with kissing you.
Your neck will be covered in a lot of hickeys, so will Sebs and the rest of your body, mostly your neck and thighs.
Seb buying matching turtle neck sweaters to cover the hickeys.
Seb believes every time you smile it makes the world a little bit brighter.
Visiting him on set.
Making out with him in his trailer.
The dudes a huge hopeless romantic.
Always being there for each other.
Loving each other no matter what.
Being there for each other when one of you’s have a bad day.
Listening to each other’s problems.
Long skype calls while he is away filming, he mostly falls asleep in them.
Or facetiming each other, either one.
A lot of “I miss you’s.” when he is filming.
Helping him with his lines.
Seb being your #1 Fan/supporter,
Being his #1 fan/supporter.
You spend most of your time at his place and he spends most of his time at your place.
If someone comments rudely on one of your post on Instagram then he will defend you.
Seb cursing in Romanian when he is angry.
Seb biting his lip constantly when he is around you. {Since he knows it turns you on}.
Teasing you in Romanian.
Seb likes to go lingerie shopping with you.
Also likes to go shopping with you in general. He has great taste.
Matching outfits.
Supporting each other no matter what.
Plus being honest with each other and trusting each other.
Being there for each other through the ups and downs of life.
Most of the time you’s don’t fight, but when you’s do its mostly small fights, though you’s two makeup and have makeup sex.
Sebastian getting jealous of your celeb crushes
“Yeah, well he/she can’t fuck you and love you like I can.” He grumbled.
Saving water and showering together, though you’s are probably wasting it since you’s have a lot of sex in the shower.
You love to run your hands through his hair.
You’s two don’t hide the fact that you’s your dating from public but you’s are private about it.
Though that doesn’t stop him from gushing about you in interviews. However, if it’s his friends or family then he will talk their ear off about you.
Cooking together, though it’s mostly make out sessions leading to the food to get burnt and you and Seb have to end up ordering take out.
You’d suggest going to cooking classes, but then you and him probably end up making out and get kicked out of the class.
He loves to cuddle you, he is such a snuggle bug, whether it’s spooning or you cuddling into his chest or his side. He loves cuddling you.
Morning cuddles.
Bear hugs.
Hugs from behind.
He also likes being the little spoon as well. The feeling of your arms wrapped around him makes him feel secure.
Seb is so handsy. Not that you are complaining.
Netflix and chill.
No, really you’s do watch Netflix and chill as well.
A lot of movie marathons.
Dancing. Well, dorky dancing.
A lot of pet names for each other.
Calling him either, Seb, Sebby, baby, babe, sexy, hot stuff, darling, honey, mon Cheri, daddy, babykins, cutie pie, babycakes, bae, beautiful, big boy, my love, cupcake, cutie, dreamboat, goofball, dork, gorgeous, handsome, honey bun, honey bunny, hot stuff, hottie, hun, love, love bug, love muffin, lover, loverboy, my drug, pumpkin, snuggle bug, snuggle butt, snuggle muffin, sugar, sweet stuff, sweet thing/thang, sweetie, sweettums, sweetie pie, tiger.
Seb calling you baby girl. Baby doll, doll, {your nickname}, sweetheart, adorable, babykins, beautiful, buttercup, cutie pie, cutie, darling, gorgeous, honey, hon, hottie, kitten, love, muffin, my queen, my love, peach, princess, sugar, sunshine, sugar pie, sweet pea, sweettums, sweetie, toots.  
He definitely says some of those pet names in Romanian too.
Whenever he speaks Romanian it turns you on.
If you have an accent then that definitely turns Seb on.
You even beg him to sit and watch his movies with you.
Accidentally calling him “Bucky.” only to get this response “Who the hell is Bucky?”
Seb always either smacks your ass or grabs it, either one, actually he does both.
Telling each other really corny jokes.
Always making each other laugh.
Buying you flowers/roses for no reason
“What are these for?” you asked Seb, smelling the roses.
“Cause I love you.” Seb answered, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a soft kiss on your neck.
Comforting him when he is feeling sad.
Vice versa, Seb comforting you when you are down.
Begging him to tell you endgame spoilers.
“No, I’m not telling you, watch the movie.” He grumbled, getting out of your grasp.
“No, please tell me I don’t want to walk into endgame unprepared, I need tissues if my baby Steve is going to die? Or if Tony or Thor is going to die, I can’t be unprepared if my favourite dies.” You whined, giving him puppy dog eyes.
“What about Bucky? I thought my character was your favourite.” Seb whined, pouting at you.
“Bucky’s dead though, oh my gosh, I hope Carol kicks Thanos purple ass, Oh does Bucky at least come back, maybe he can be the new captain America if Steve dies or Sam.” You ranted, Seb rolled his eyes letting out a sigh, before turning around and walking away from you.
“Don’t walk away from me, tell me spoilers god damn it.” You shouted...
He is so needy. Might be a little clingy but so are you.
Seb likes to buy you gifts and spoil you.
Also, pamper you as well.
He loves you so god damn much and you love him so much. You’s two love each other a lot.
He is such a romantic.
You are his whole damn world.
Domestic Seb, got to love Domestic! Seb.
Grocery shopping.
Brushing your teeth together, because he hogs the mirror.
Seb making you breakfast in bed.
Adopting a dog together.
Live streaming.
A lot of “I love you’s.”
Straddling his waist either to cuddle or make out.
Moving in with him.
Piggyback rides.
Deep conversations.
Taking bubble baths together.
Falling asleep on his chest.
Seb tracing your spine with his fingers.
Road trips.
Helping each other when you’s are stressed.
Roasting each other.
Being proud of each other.
Roasting Tom Holland with him and Mackie, (poor Tom)
Texting each other a lot while he is away filming.
Giving each other massages.
Talking about the future, like getting married and having kids. He daydreams about having kids with you a lot.
Being couple goals.
“One day we will be marriage goals.” Seb cooed, smiling at you.
“Are you trying to hint to me you’re going to propose to me?” you asked, looking up from your phone to look at him.
“Maybe.” He answered, biting his lower lip as he stared at you.
Going on vacations when Seb is off of work.
Sending you flowers/gifts while he is filming.
Getting drunk together.
A lot of eye fucking. {Did I write that already probably did anyways more eye fucking.}
Tickle fights.
Fans adoring you.
His beard, you are obsessed with it, you’re always stroking it.
Hiding his razor so he doesn’t shave it.
Having fights on how to pronounce memes
Going to charity/galas with him. And red carpet events.
Telling each other how much you love one another.
Spilling tea to each other.
Seb wakes up before you do, he likes to admire you for a little while, before waking you up by kissing you/ your body.
Adoring every inch of your body and your flaws.
Same goes for you, adoring every inch of his body and his flaws. Not that you think he has any flaws.
He cherishes you in general.
Meeting each other’s friends.
Meeting each other’s families.
His mom absolutely loving/adoring you.
His mom teaching you how to cook Romanian recipes
Your family adoring/loving Seb.
Your mom even shows him baby pictures of you.
“Aw, I hope our babies look like you when we have one because you are just so damn cute.” Seb cooed, beaming at you.
Listening to each other about how your days went, what you’s did and so on.
Wearing his jumpers/ shirts. He loves it when you wear his clothes.
Being each other’s backgrounds/or/lock screens on each other’s phones.
Helping him navigate social media.
Seb gets jealous easily.
Seb getting jealous of your girl crush on Brie Larson. {Unless you don’t have a crush on Brie Larson then just ignore this.}
Taking videos of each other doing weird stuff and cute stuff.
Taking naps together.
Getting lost in those blue eyes, and not listening to what he is talking about. Damn those blue eyes.
Jogging together.
Seb getting insecure when you talk to guys younger than him.
Seb smirking when he gets you flustered. Also hot and bothered.
Sex with Sebastian is never vanilla.
A lot of hair pulling when you’s two are having sex, from the both of you’s.
A lot of oral.
Pretty much having sex every hour (if possible) you’s two kiss a lot and have sex a lot.
Seb speaking Romanian when you and him have sex. {Most of its dirty talk.}
He definitely loves to grope your boobs a lot.
He has a huge daddy kink.
And a praise kink
Lazy morning sex.
Shower sex.
Passionate sex.
Rough sex.
Jealous sex.
Making love to you.
Lots of quickies.
Lots and lots of hickeys.
And thigh burns.
A LOT OF DIRTY TALK, he will even say it in Romanian to which brings you close to your orgasm.
Orgasm denial, from the both of you’s
Orgasm delay.
Light bondage.
He is a Dom but he can be a sub as well.
His favourite positions are doggy style, missionary, the lotus position, cowgirl,
You’s two have sex nearly in every room and anywhere.
Seb is the king of aftercare.
Let’s just say you’s two have a lot of sex and a lot of make-out sessions.
If you are an actress or newly actress then Seb will support you, watching your movies, or TV appearance, helping you with lines, going to charity events, red carpet events, and movie premiers with you.
Seb prob feeds you food.
Seb is a gentleman though he is a dork and he a freak in bed.
The both of you’s are such big dorks.
Watching sunsets and sunrises together, mainly sunsets.
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