#bnha 270
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villainsandvictimsalliance · 11 months ago
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bnha 270 — bnha 418
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epickiya722 · 5 months ago
Nope, nuh uh, we ain't doing this... I've been through this with MHA...
See the last time there was a mysterious figure that share physical features to someone and the fandom thought that character was returning it turned out not to be said person but an entirely different character.
I would not be surprised if that isn't Kenjaku or Geto. Just someone who has that same hairstyle.
But surprise me.
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year ago
For the record, I'm assuming they went straight into the void when Izuku punched Tomura...
I really like how last time it was sudden but with a sort of flourish. Izuku had been to the void before, but when it happened in the war it was like a gradual reveal, showing himself, then Tomura merged with AFO, the whole focus on Izuku's later reveal of him seeing Tenko, then the vestiges and Izuku wondering where everyone was and what was happening
Now, it happens so fast that you'd blink and you would hardly know what's happening unless you're paying attention. Dabi and Toga just appearing, gigantic above them and replaying the first meeting. The world spins and suddenly Izuku is back at the sports festival with Shouto. Not even a second later, Spinner appears behind him and declares he's only here because of Stain
It's a scene that doesn't give Izuku any time to catch up. They connect and he is simply placed right in the middle, watching most of the memories that aren't his and forced to keep going when he sees his opportunity to land another hit
I love how fast it is. It's the sort of mind fuckery I've been waiting for regarding the boys entering the void again, or at least when I anticipated Izuku interacting with Tomura's memories. The shift is quick, it's meant to confuse! I hope it continues like this next chapter, I've been wanting to see more of these sort of mind bending scenes and visuals ever since 270!
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thequietmanno1 · 2 years ago
Thelreads, MHA 270, Replies Part 2
1) “We- We`re inside Shigaraki`s mind or something? It must be, since he`s there and there`s a, quite frankly, concerning number of disembodied hands floating around.
we`re about to go down a fucking weird trip, aren`t we?”- We’re going on an inception trip into shiggy-boy’s braincase….in fact, we’re not even the first ones taking up residence inside his cracked mindspace…
2) “Fuck if I know Shigaraki, you have quite the interesting imagination, I wish my dreams were half that abstract. Then again, I was never comatose, as far as I know.”- And as a side-effect of his awakened/ascended mentality, Tomura’s ‘ethereal’ white hair has become almost negative space around his head, almost looking like Horikoshi simply didn’t draw the pages around him. 3) “OH OKAY FUCK FUCK FUCK I KNEW THINGS WERE GOING TO GET WEIRD
NOT AT ALL”- Hard to call it ‘lingering’ when AFO actively cultivated Tomura’s mentality to keep it first and foremost inside his emotional core, always pushing him forwards even when he’d repressed the hell out of it. His mind is nothing but trauma, and he’s only now recently started to mature enough to start owing that damage as being what he thinks of himself as. He sees himself through the broken mirror of his mind, each piece a cracked reflection of the boy he started as and what he could have been. 4) “OH IT`S STILL HER, AND SHE`S REMINDING US AND SHIGARAKI OF THAT PARTICULAR MOMENT”- If this broken landscape is what makes up his mind, then tragically, the pieces of it that allow him to hold his ‘self’ together and avoid floating away in the chaos are the very ones that relate to his childhood trauma- the thing that breaks him inside paradoxically holds him together even beyond what other people could endure. 5) “I wonder, do Shigaraki even remembered that she apologized for what she had done? He wasn`t paying much attention at the time, but did he ever recalled that she regretted making him suffer like that?”- Being that this seems to almost be like Shigaraki’s memories of his family overlapping with that night and what he’d think they would say to him now, it sorta implies that he does remember – like, this whole sequence is a little unclear if it’s all in his head, or if him being technically dead means that he’s communing with his family’s lingering ghosts, or if he’s using the memories of his family to talk to himself through their images, putting the words in their mouths to converse with himself as he processes his current situation. Nana herself seems to be the anomaly here, but that itself might also be because of her lingering vestige preserved within OFA…which itself has some undefined link to AFO, as shown by him likewise sensing the changes to the twin Quirk within Tartarus when the additional Quirks started awakening. 6) “AGAIN, DID SHIGARAKI EVER THOUGHT ABOUT HIS DREAM SINCE THEN? EVEN IF ONLY TO SAY “FUCK THAT, HEROES SUCK”?”- I think he’s thought about it by not thinking about it – like the answer is one he already known deep down on an emotional, instinctual level, but it’s all wrapped up underneath the layers of trauma and pain involved with that night, and he finds it easier to think about the hurt that motivates him more than the uncomfortable answer lurking underneath all that sorrow and lashing out. Eventually, he will have to give a voice to that answer, but at present, his current situation means he can focus on attacking the heroes rather than wasting time navel-gazing and considering whether it’s even a possibility to turn back anymore. 7) “SOMETHING TELLS ME HE DIDN`T, CONSIDERING HIS EXPRESSION TOWARDS THE GIANT IMAGINARY MILF. OH GOD, EITHER THIS WHOLE SHIT IS GOING TO GO REALLY BAD, OR IT WILL GO REALLY, REALLY BAD”-Considering that the ‘itchiness’ is tied thematically to Tomura’s apparent longing to ‘destroy’ things, she’s as good as telling him that his revenge on the world that denied him will only lead to him wanting to destroy more and more until he has nothing left, but AFO has groomed Tomura so thoroughly that he’s convinced himself that existing in this miserable situation of his own violation is what makes him ‘him’ now, like he’s felt this pain for so long, it’s warped around to being comforting. Like Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Tomura has immersed himself in the role of the villain, even if it’s in opposition to his childhood dream, because he feels like he has nothing else left outside of it, and can only make the best of his situation by embracing the perks it provides him, even if he’s unsatisfied with it all at his core.
OH GOD OH FUCK THIS IS REALLY SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL”-He says he’s ok, but only because he’s gotten so used to the misery of his current existence that he can’t imagine a life where he’s not the villain anymore, where he’s not the outsider rejected by society who can only destroy. His body reverts back to the child he was when he first found the photograph, showing that the desire to be a hero is still deeply wrapped up in his core identity, even if he’s convinced himself it’s impossible, and his eyes aren’t quite focused and full of emotions like they were when he was idolising nana’s image. He claims he’s fine, but it’s clearly deflection on how he really feels- and given this may be part of his own mind speaking to him through his memories, it could also be seen as him burying the last shreds of his conscience before he awakens to bring misery to all, reaffirming that this is what he wants to himself.
EVERYBODY RUN THE FUCK AWAY, SHIT`S GONNA OBLITERATE THE FAN”- As he affirms that he’s fine with being the destructive villain, the memory of his father attacking him surfaces- the first time he used his power maliciously, and thus the first time he experienced the pleasant joy and satisfaction that came with using his powers to hurt those who oppressed him, essentially the part of his mind that  revels in the joy of being a villain reminding him of the origin of that desire.
10) “WELP, THE TRAUMA PUT HIM ON THIS TRIAL, AND SHIGARAKI DECIDED ON HOW TO DEAL WITH IT. THE ONLY WAY HE EVER KNEW OF DEALING WITH IT”- It’s tragic, but Tenko’s confidence and fearlessness in facing what would normally be a traumatic memory that repressed him and destroying it with his own willpower and the strength he now possesses is somewhat inspiring as well. You can’t help but wonder how he’d have turned out if he was given some positive learning experiences instead of a troubled upbringing before he massacred his family.
11) “OH, NOW IT`S YOU. RIGHT. YEAH IF WE`RE TALKING ABOUT TRAUMA OF COURSE YOU WOULD SHOW UP IN HIS HEAD. THE FUCK YOU`RE GONNA SHOW HIM AS WELL?”-Well, he did help plant the bad thoughts of Tomura being an inherently destructive monster in his head in the first place- it gave him an easy way in in more ways than one… 12) “WAIT WAIT THEFUVKX THAT IS NOT AN HALLUCINATIOLN
AND HE`S TELLING HIM TO COME TAKE HIM OUT OF HIS CELL”- Not quite- the devil can’t take your soul entirely unless you willingly sign the contract of your own free will…. (MHA ch 246)
13) “Now, the doctor just wants some clarification before he gets started, and I’m wondering how many quirks he’s gonna shove inside his twink frame. He still needs to leave some room for the cherry on top of the cake, the quirk of All for One, that one is still behind bars, but soon he’ll be back…
Soon™”- Or he’s prepping him for All For one’s quirk all along, because it’s better long term for him to just finalise his body right from the start and have the ability to stockpile unlimited power already in him, rather than building up to it gradually by adapting his vessel pieces by piece to handle multiple quirks. All For One does seem to have some kind of innate resistance against the natural devastation that would result from containing multiple quirks at once, a trait shared with its twin, much to Deku’s benefit, so rather than toughen Tomura’s body up by adding increasing numbers of quirks into his modified frame one by one, it’s easier for Ujiko to just prep him to handle the entirely of All For One all at once and let the quirk’s natural abilities handle the blowback of gaining so much power in one go. Granted, the process isn’t pretty by a long shot, but Tomura’s made it quite clear he doesn’t give a damn about winning any beauty competitions, which is good, because he was looking worse off than even Dabi on that operating table. @thelreads
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codenamesazanka · 1 month ago
Shigaraki’s death is still bullshit, but while rereading his final battle with Deku, I remember these tags from @shigarakins on my “bnha is like a bad ghost exorcism story”:
#tbf tomura afo and kurogiri kind of were dead all along considering that they literally died and then were brought back #tomura specifically was brought back by a powerful & negative emotion #quite literally like a ghost who can't move on #no coincidence imo that they died alongside the ofa users - who were more explicitly presented as spirits with unfinished business #wherever that fits into the story of bnha or was done well is a different question ofc #very horikoshi though to be all over the place like that
And he's right.
Tracing the Path of Death [Very image heavy]:
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So after Deku held Tenko’s hands and destroyed his hatred, both the Memory Tenko and the Physical Reality(?) Shigaraki starts shattering.
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The little boy is crumbling, while Deku is intact. Meanwhile, Shigaraki is also breaking away, as is his mass of hands, as seen from the outside world.
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The shattering is indeed caused by Deku punching OFA into Shigaraki, by shooting it into the iron core of hatred and rage.
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The iron core of hatred and rage shatters, allowing Deku (and Nana) into Shigaraki’s mind. From there, they have to shatter its innermost center too, and they do:
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So by the time Deku “gets through” to Tenko, all of that hatred and rage has been smashed. It's gone. Shigaraki starts eroding away.
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OFA destroyed the core, which destroyed the body.
Thus: Iron Lump of Hatred and Rage = Shigaraki himself.
If so, then: Destroying the Iron Lump of Hatred and Rage = Destroying Shigaraki himself
Why does that work?
Well, if we think back all the way to the end of the Jaku Battle, the story has this to say:
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Shigaraki died for real back here, but it was his hatred that brought him back. So if the only thing powering him alive like a battery is his hatred, then, yeah, destroying that hatred would kill him.
He literally was a ghost that haunted the world out of hatred and anger (at injustice, for himself and the people he cares about.)
[more analysis below, but also counterpoints]
In his dreamscape of Chapter 270, after he had died after falling out of the tube, I wonder if that was like, his afterlife. The transitional state between life and death. Because his dead family was there.
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All the dead Shimuras are there, pulling at him. At the time, everyone thought that it was them preventing him from going to AFO, back to the destructiveness enabled by an evil abuser, and yeah, it's still that. But I think it is also just the dead claiming him. Shigaraki/Tenko is dead and they want him to stay dead, to stay with them. Taking him to the afterlife with them, because he actually still loves his family and was thinking of them and so why not stay?
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But Shigaraki rejects that. Rejects death, and walks towards AFO, the man who cultivates his hatred and rage. And that’s when Shigaraki comes back alive. He was dead, but he clung to the power of AFO and his hatred and dream, and so he is brought back to life.
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So then, how exactly did Shigaraki Tomura die?
The responsibility for that is sorta on several parties:
There's obviously Ujiko, who induced a “deathlike” state in Shigaraki for the surgery.
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So he’s the one who physically put Shigaraki into this risk in the first place - however, he did have full intention and the tools to bring Shigaraki out of it too. Ujiko would have, if not for the Heroes.
On the Heroes’ side, it was Mirko who cracked the tank:
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Allowing for Mic to later come to shatter it with his Loud Voice:
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Note Ujiko’s dialogue - he still has the opportunity and resources to wake Shigaraki up, as long as the tank is mostly intact. But Mic’s attack fully destroyed the tank, and obliterated that possibility.
But of course, there’s AFO himself, who says that his original scheme was to completely take over Shigaraki.
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It's not clear if the surgery had been 100% complete then Shigaraki would've been fully suppressed and gone; or if, as AFO says here, that Shigaraki's impulse and will was so strong that it wouldn't have worked anyway. Still, AFO had essentially planned to kill Shigaraki.
And of course. There’s Shigaraki himself, who agreed to the surgery, to take AFO. If he hadn't, if he had just stopped looking for the Doctor, if he had run away from all this the moment AFO was arrested, then he wouldn't have been on this course to death.
The things that contradict this:
-> The only solid text element we had of "resurrected by his hatred" is mainly Deku's narration in that one panel. Blink and you'll miss it; then never mentioned again, so it doesn't feel at all incorporated into the story. Even the mention of the small electric current - In the chapter itself, we saw the broken electric cord in the water, we saw an electric shock in the art.
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…Only for the narration to tell us chapters later that the shock was actually so small X-Less didn't feel it. If the story really wanted to lean into the horror ghost element, it would've not shown that, right? No electricity at all, but maybe a sudden finger twitch, then X-Less realizing Shigaraki was coming back to life. Or, X-less thinking on-panel that that electric current was nothing, just static electricity before getting killed by Shigaraki.
Instead, telling us after the fact diminished it. One flashback panel with Deku narration - that he shouldn't have known! he wasn't there for it! - would barely register for the reader.
-> As much as the story rambles on about The Iron Lump Core Of Hatred And Rage, which, yes, is a big part of Shigaraki and what drives him, there’s literally his love for his League as well. You would think that after the hatred and rage is destroyed, that love would remain - and it does:
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“…the Villains need a hero of their own.”
{Countercounterpoint: But apparently that love is not enough to keep Shigaraki in this world? Not enough to keep him intact. Maybe if the League had been closer, maybe if Spinner had taken that one extra step.*
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{{{*But once again, there's Spinner’s survivor’s guilt musings. The moment when he could've taken one more step, and he could've saved Shigaraki…
If the narrative is right that Spinner should’ve done something here and it would’ve helped, then Shigaraki wasn't just a dead body on borrowed time. But if Shigaraki was dead from the start at Jaku, and his hatred was all that was keeping him going, then…}}}
But with the hatred gone, Shigaraki crumbles, and this desire to be the League’s hero does not counteract that crumbling.}
-> Whatever one can say about [Shigaraki and his Hatred And Rage being one and the same, and when his Hatred And Rage is gone, he would die], but Shigaraki was still fully whole and intact during his battle with Deku, pre-OFA-Kamikaze-Attack.
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By all counts, he’s alive and kicking. The OFA vestiges says explicitly that his wounds are healing. Shigaraki says it will only take a super smash to really kill him. And while he’s still got his iron lump of hatred and rage, he’s also thinking about Spinner. His friend. Who he likes enough to want to see happy (see again previous point).
In carrying out the OFA-Kamikaze-Attack, Deku would break and shatter this guy, effectively killing him. It’s hinted that Deku sort of knew this, when he talks about “Smashing Tenko’s spirit would break the both of them,”
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And in this scene again: 
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Deku knew the risk of putting OFA into a body that might not be ready for it, a body that already had a quirk.
So regardless of whether Shigaraki would've died anyway if his hatred had been erased any other way, Deku’s actions still showed intent of possibly destroying Shigaraki and he willingly carried this out. There was a whole and not-crumbling Shigaraki, who Deku refused to talk to, and whose spirit Deku decided to smash by using a power that he knew would have potentially lethal physical effects on the body because he experienced it himself. Shigaraki may or may not have been a ghost, but Deku definitely contributed to the end of that existence.
-> Also, post-Hatred-Smashed, Shigaraki’s body was actually still intact too.
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AFO has taken over, but the body is still here. The flesh might have taken damage, but it was still here, in one piece. Decay and the rage and hatred are no more, but the body was still here, whole.
Maybe it’s only because AFO took over, his vengeful spirit somehow able to keep the body whole and working? Who knows. (But then—if AFO can come back from the vestige/soul/spirit dead like that, after Shigaraki swallowed him up, why couldn't Shigaraki? Shigaraki, whose hatred and rage and driving force in his life has been destroyed, and so maybe his vestige/soul/spirit also dying, but if AFO can do it, so can Shigaraki.)
Never mind that AFO only comes back because of Deku and OFA’s actions; Shigaraki was also still existing, somewhere inside the body:
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Still screaming in there - Because we know that Nana held him together after he was shattered.
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(Also note that Shigaraki thinks his annihilation was when AFO swallowed him up. Not before, when his hatred was gone; but only once AFO took over.)
So between that “tethered, kept-from-fading” spirit that, even with all its hatred and rage smashed, was still existing, and a body that, while having received damage, was still okay enough to be walking around, there was enough of Shigaraki mentally and physically to keep around. Deku just never bothered to think of a plan that would allow that.
So. Was Shigaraki dead from the start? Yes, but not necessarily. Or perhaps didn't have to stay that way. Was Shigaraki gone the moment his hatred was shattered? Sort of, but he was actually able to stick around still. Could Shigaraki have stayed alive after everything? I want to believe so, at least up until Deku’s final smash.
Was it Deku who killed Shigaraki? I'll allow that there were a lot of factors that lead to Shigaraki’s death, but I think it’s also clear that it’s Deku who dealt the finishing blow and smashed away any possibility of recovery and revival.
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bibibbon · 5 months ago
So, BNHA & JJK have ended! Can I ask you, your final score for both series? For me BNHA is B and JJK is B- (sorry, I don't think both endings are that bad, yes not satisfying, but there are many good points in both series, too)... My top 3 from each series are : Izuku, Katsuki & Ochaco and Yuuji, Sukuna, & Gojo.
I have talked about my thoughts on the ending of mha and jjk together in a previous ask but I haven't ranked them.
Honestly I suck at ranking things but I would give jjk's ending a 4.5/10, sukuna's ending and the gojo flashback were phenomenal and its probably the only reason why I ranked jjk this high especially since the last chapter doesn't give us much of a conclusion for a lot of things like the mysterious kenjaku panel we saw in chapter 270 among a lot of other things.
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Mha on the other hand will get a 4.4/10 ending because while it managed to at least wrap up its points a lot of the series messaging and the characters fates wasn't great. I did like toga and ochako's ending so I will give them that but the todoroki family plot line was atrocious.
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Since both of these series ended I will give my top three based on the series current writing.
MHA : Mei hatsume, toga himiko and Tenya iida
JJK : Geto suguru, Gojo satrou and Maki zenin
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katia-anyway · 2 months ago
AO3 Wrapped 2024, V2
Rules: In a new post, share your AO3 wrapped stats for this year using these templates.
So... @otpcutie tagged me in another AO3 wrapped 2024 game, so here we go again XD
I don't have time to use the templates, as 2025 is in 30mins for me and I'm on phone, so I'll just answer the questions instead.
Top Stories (by hits):
1 - Bullseye to the Heart!, a SanUso story featuring Usopp being a badass scammer
2 - I'm glad Sanji has you, a ZoSan Christmas story I wrote for a Secret Santa last year
3 - Worthy of You, a sexy KiriBakuKami fic I wrote for the triple treats zine, a BNHA zine focusing on OT3s
4 - Sora Warrior of the Sea - Act 1, a SanUso Warrior of the Sea AU rewrite of the time skip in One Piece
5 - A Dream come True!, a sexy LawSan story I wrote for the Loving Law zine last year
Top Tropes:
1 - Fluff
2 - Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
3 - Happy Ending
4 - Spoilers
5 - Several tropes hold this place, including but not limited to "Flirting", "Light Angst", and "Romance"
Words written: 76 270
Top Genre: Fluff, I guess
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misheru66 · 10 months ago
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YCH plush 7 slots for may (can be BNHA style or my style)
Sketch 20 USD/ 270 MXN
Flat color 36 USD/ 520 MXN
Full render 46 USD/ 650 MXN
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eleiwitch · 3 years ago
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and i think that's what a father is — a blade that never stops cutting.
Rupi Kaur 'Milk and Honey'/ How Do We Forgive Our Fathers? by Dick Lourie/ "Unpainted Door" - Louise Glück/ Lia Marie Johnson – DNA/ futngina/ Seven- Taylor Swift/ Clementine von Radics/ Dvoyd- thoughts of a stray iii/ A Hymn to Childhood- Li-Young Lee
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helga-grinduil · 2 years ago
re-reading plw arc before s6 drops and...
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remcadll · 3 years ago
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myheroblogs · 5 years ago
Okay, I just saw the leaks of 270 and I'M REELING.
But you know what freaks me out even more? This panel.
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Notice where their hands are located? It's the exact locations where Shigaraki had their hands over him.
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But that's not what truly shocked me...
Shigaraki was said to have given an 'extra hand' (no pun intended) by All For One
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Now whose hand was on Shigaraki's head?
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Nana Shimura's.
This confirms a theory that some people had for a while.
The extra hand that All For One gave to Shigaraki was Nana Shimura's hand. The hand Shigaraki destroyed by accident earlier must've been her other hand...
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alpaca-in-a-pink-scarf · 5 years ago
*new chapter comes out*
BNHA fandom: Maybe the real treasure was the trauma we got along the way.
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thequietmanno1 · 2 years ago
Thelreads, MHA 270, Replies Part 3
BECAUSE THAT SPEECH BUBBLE MAKE IT SEEM LIKE THIS ISN`T JUST HIS IMAGINATION, THIS MAKES IT SEEMS LIKE IT`S A REAL PERSON STUCK IN THERE AS WELL”-  It does seem to be the spirits of his family, but it could just as easily be himself using their memories to avoid fully accepting at the last moment- the word bubble is made of that same greyish mass that symbolised his growing anger and resentment that apparently powers Decay during his flashback, and what ultimately motivates Tomura is the desire to tear down everything that restricts and imprisons him in society, everything that rejects his will and tries to tune him out because he doesn’t fit in. Accepting the Quirk AFO would grant him the power to enforce his will through any obstacle, but it likewise means utterly submitting himself in spirit to AFO’s machinations, and some part of Tomura may instinctually recognise that, may realise that what comes from accepting this deal will be bad for him in a way totally different to anything a heroes could do to thwart him, but Tomura’s simply too resolute after having thought through his origins one more time to be waylaid by any doubts at the last step. 2) “THE HANDS ARE FROM THEM, THEY ARE TRYING TO GET HIM AWAY FROM THIS MONSTER, THEY ARE TRYING TO SAVE HIM
BUT TO HIM, THOSE HANDS ARE NOTHING BUT PAIN, THEY ARE NOT SEEN AS TRYING TO SAVE HIM, BUT TO HURT HIM”- The memories of his family used to bring him comfort, but now they are shackles holding him back from becoming what he wants- or rather, what he’s been groomed into believing he wants. AFO has not spent more time with Tomura then Tenko did with his own family and been spending every minute of it carefully twisting his mentality to support his ultimate goals – is it any wonder that Tomura wouldn’t be talked down at the last step, especially when all of those people failed him in one way or another? 3) “THE WORST PERSON THAT COULD SHOW UP HERE. HE WANTS TO SAVE HIM, BUT HE ALREADY BROUGHT SO MUCH PAIN THAT HIS PRESENCE IS A SIGN OF THE OPPOSITE FOR SHIAGARKI
NOW HE IS CERTAIN OF NOT STOPPING”- And when it seems like he might maybe think about it because of the rest of his family, it’s the sight of his father that again hardens and focuses his resolve.
4) “IT`S HER
AFO TOOK HER QUIRK BEFORE HE KILLED HER, DIDN`T HE? WHAT IS TO SAY HE DIDN`T TOOK A PART OF HER AS WELL? IF BOTH OF THE QUIRKS CAN TRANSFER PARTS OF HOLDERS, THEN WHAT`S TO SAY THIS ISN`T REALLY NANA HERSELF?”- Actually, he couldn’t steal her Quirk, for the same reason that Izuku is guaranteed to inherit it alongside all the other holder’s – Nana’s Quirk had merged into the ‘core’ of OFA and become a part of it, meaning they were no longer separate Quirks, but one and the same. Nana possessing OFA effectively merged her natural Quirk into the power when it was passed on, which makes it unclear if she was becoming Quirkless when she faced him for the last time on her own waning embers of the power, but as OFA is the only known means of defending against AFO’s unique ‘absorption’, possessing it likely would have granted a measure of defence even if the Quirk factors had remained separate, since it can simply say ‘no’ to any attempts he makes to remove a Quirk from the target’s body. That said, the ‘spare’ being her hand has…disturbing implications. It means that not only did AFO kill her, he preserved her body, presumably exclusively for the purpose of using it to psychologically torment her student in some fashion when next they met, or if the timeline matched up, perhaps even repurposing it into a Nomu’s to fight against him like he’d later do with Tomura himself. And apparently they only reason he didn’t do that is because he went the extra effort of tracking down Nana’s family in the aftermath to add more salt to the wound and switched priorities to corrupting Tenko when he realised what a golden opportunity he had. Of note, somebody on tumbler tallied up the damaged hand and confirmed that her hand is the only surviving one of the originals, which he keeps on him for the ‘brand recognition’. After much as he’s willingly stepping into the darkness and the point of no return, it feels significant that the physical reminders of his family who let him down are gone, but the only one that remains is the grandmother who never directly hurt him, and even inspired him at one point. 5) “YEAH, THAT WAS EXPECTED
HE WAS GUIDED DOWN THIS PATH AT FIRST, AND NOW HE WALKS IT OUT OF HIS OWN WILL. HE FEELS LIKE THERE IS NO TURNING BACK, AND HE`LL MAKE SURE THERE ISN`T SOMETHING TO GO BACK TO ONCE HE`S FINISHED.”- He was mocked for being weak-willed as a Villain before, now his will is even more unbreakable and resolute than Izuku’s, and their first proper clash of mind and body is imminent. 6) “WAS THAT NANA TELLING HIM THAT BEFORE SHE GOT PUSHED BACK INTO OBLIVION?”- No, it was Tomura telling her that he won’t be rejected anymore. Even if he’s been manipulated to think it’s all his own decision, he wants to be the villain now, and he won’t let the world or anything else tell him that’s the wrong thing to do. (MHA ch 265) 7) “Been quite a while I must say. So much so that I had to look back at what happened in the last chapter, and boi am I regretting it, because it reminded me of the fuckstorm we`re in the middle of. The Sad man`s parade got started, Hawks will have no choice but to kill Twice, and Dabi is on his way to kill Hawks, and so on, so on… Things are looking grim, and they`ll definitely get far worse, now that we`re starting Chapter 265: Villains and Heroes”-Ready for things to get Worse? This here, is the timestamp moment. (MHA ch 267) 8) “Oh hey look, it`s the doc and Shiggy`s tube, geez, I wonder what Mirko is gonna do to them, I just bet is gonna be really fun, Shiggy is full of energy and ready to play a lot with his friends (:  “ - His alarm clock’s gone off, and he’s cranky after being forced into an early rise. (MHA ch 267) 9) “AND IT WAS ENDEAVOR! HELL FUCKING YEAH, HE AT LEAST MANAGED TO SAVE MIRKO`S LEG FROM BEING SENT TO THE SHADOW REALM
AND BOY OH BOY, THIS MEAN THE NEXT CHAPTER IS TRULY GONNA BE LIT.”- No, the next chapter was the hope spot that things weren’t about to go to hell for everyone. But as Tomura awakens, that hope dies. (MHA ch 268) 10) “I don`t even remember who the fuck those last two were supposed to be. I think I saw them with the rest of the group, but I have no idea what their names were.”- Well, the guy on the far right might as well be called ‘dust in the wind’ considering his current situation. There’s literally no way he can do anything to save himself, and he knows it.
(MHA ch 268) 11) “ In which case better not let Present mic here, if he screams you can bet that Shigaraki is gonna wake up from his nap.”-Well, he screamed, and Tomura woke up after a moment or two, so I guess you were right. (MHA ch 269) 12) “I MEAN, SHIGARAKI WILL DEFINITELY NEED TO WAKE UP, THEY WOULDN`T AXE HIM LIKE THAT, BUT HOLY SHIT IF HE ACTUALLY WAKES UP NOW THIS WON`T BE PRETTY.”- Well, he’s awake now the main characters are out of the immediate firing line…shame about that ‘ranged’ aspect to his decay quirk now…. (MHA ch 269) 13) ”So, I think we`re approaching the end of this arc soon, and so… I think the Kaminari reveal is gonna happen soon, to keep the ball rolling and bring Shigaraki actually into play. “-Not quite the sequence of events that brought him back. That question will have to wait for another day. (MHA ch 269)
and then… then I`m scared for what the future hold for us.”- So many targets, so little time to evacuate… (MHA ch 269) 15) “HOLY SHIT ITS ALL OF THEM
WE GOT THE WHOLE PARTY READY TO FUCK SHIT UP”-Or get their shit fucked up. Wanna bet on which of them is gonna survive this?
Reminder that AFO also somehow sense Izuku’s new Quirk’s awakening, so he’s also connected to that ethereal bond in some way. Stuff’s gonna get fully Harry Potter in here, with the big bad villain having a backdoor into the hero’s mind/soul. @thelreads
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lemongogo · 5 years ago
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dont forget about us, tenko
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