#mha 418
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villainsandvictimsalliance · 11 months ago
My heart is breaking in a million pieces because Tomura thinks he can destroy the world and go back to the League, but he doesn't know that most of them are either dead or terribly hurt.
He doesn't know Twice died because he refused to betray them. Tomura doesn't know that Mr. Compress sacrificed himself to save him, doesn't know about the way that Compress screamed he loved the League as he went down. He has no clue about what AFO did to Spinner in Tomura's name, the way Dabi explained so perfectly to Shouto the LOV and their philosophies because he always paid attention even if he said he didn't, Tomura wasn't there to witness Toga's breakdown over not being able to use the Dabi's flames or his decay even if she loved them so much.
At his absolute worst, even once the worst of his own past is over, the thought of them keeps him going.
He wants to destroy the world for them.
His League of Villains.
They love him so much. He loves them so much.
They can only imagine it, but they. don't. know.
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seraphicghost · 11 months ago
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decayedpotato · 11 months ago
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"I still need to be a hero for those guys- the villains"
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chandralia · 11 months ago
“I feel relief when someone holds my hand”
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kyuriart · 11 months ago
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Phantom limb
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commander-revan · 11 months ago
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grannymight · 11 months ago
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Just saw Mha 418 spoilers and uhm….
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ernand-0 · 11 months ago
Hori is just messing with us at this point
Here is something someone pointed out to me on the AFO discord. I don't know Japanese, so take things with a grain of salt to not spread misinformation! But. . . Koga - the construction company that AFO had/worked at.
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How it's written in the Japanese version: 甲 - armour/first class 賀 - celebration.
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Okay, nothing specific.
BUT... What other way can Koga be spelled as? 久我
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久- Hisashi 我 - I/myself (I am Hisashi) … Yea
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redbluenight · 11 months ago
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418: A small heart
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fan-of-chaos · 11 months ago
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Something something, finally getting through all of the barriers of your opponent and ending up trying to comfort their crying inner child, something something.
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villainsandvictimsalliance · 11 months ago
Tenko is so much Nao's son 'cause he is decaying in his own mind and yet his priority is to keep on going because he needs to save his villains.
Their bodies could be breaking down and they will still find a way to reach for their loved ones.
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zestirial · 11 months ago
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toshiimura · 11 months ago
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glyury · 11 months ago
It's funny how despite everything that happened to Shigaraki, including the influence of AFO, he still, albeit in a perverted form, continued to follow his dream that he had as a child: he wants to be a hero, if not for the whole world, then at least for his comrades.
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pikahlua · 11 months ago
MHA Chapter 418 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1-2 みんな嫌いだ みんなきらいだ minna kirai da "I hate everyone."
tagline 1 デクが見つけたものそれはーー… デクがみつけたものそれはーー… DEKU ga mitsuketa mono sore wa--... As for what Deku found--...
tagline 2 No.418 小さな心 堀越耕平 ナンバー418 ちいさなこころ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 418  chiisana kokoro  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 418 A Small Heart Kouhei Horikoshi
3 群訝で感じたのと同じーーーーー… ぐんがでかんじたのとおなじーーーーー… gunga de kanjita no to onaji-----... It's the same as what I felt at Gunga-----...
tagline 3 コミック40巻4月4日(木)発売‼︎GETしてね! コミック40かん4がつ4か(木)はつばい‼︎ゲットしてね! KOMIKKU 40kan 4gatsu 4ka (moku) hatsubai!! GETTO shite ne! Comic volume 40 release on Thursday, April 4th!! Get it!
4 しがっ Shiga "Shiga-"
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1 モンちゃん? MON-chan? "Mon-chan?"
2-3 ここで初めて「崩壊」が発現したんだ ここではじめて「ほうかい」がはつげんしたんだ koko de hajimete 「houkai」 ga hatsugen shitanda This is where the first Decay manifested.
4 転弧ー てんこー Tenko- "Tenko-"
5 あのね…… ano ne...... "You know what......"
6 あのね…… ano ne...... "You know what......"
7 そんな……そういう事か…! そんな……そういうことか…! sonna......sou iu koto ka...! No way......So it was something like that...!
8 この後起きる事… このあとおきること… kono ato okiru koto... What happens after this...
9 ハッ HA "Hah" (Note: This is the sound of Tenko hyperventilating, which repeats all through the rest of the page.)
10 ここが核心 ここがかくしん koko ga kakushin This place is the core [of it all].
11 やああ yaaa "YAAA!!"
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1 ここで決着をつける! ここでけっちゃくをつける! koko de kecchaku wo tsukeru! I'll settle this here!
2 記憶が具象化する世界…! きおくがぐしょうかするせかい…! kioku ga gushouka suru sekai...! [In this] world materialized by memories...!
3 イメージしろ! IMEEJI shiro! Visualize!
4 離すな‼︎ はなすな‼︎ hanasuna!! Don't let go!!
5 思い出し続けろ"手"を‼︎ おもいだしつづけろ"て"を‼︎ omoidashi tsudzukero "te" wo!! Keep recalling* [my] hands!! (Note: This word for "recall" also means "remember." I used "recall" because I thought it made for a good pun.)
6 & 8-9 OFAは全部ぶつけた! ワン・フォー・オールはぜんぶぶつけた! WAN FOO OORU wa zenbu butsuketa! I struck with all of One For All!
7 なんで…! nande...! "Why...!"
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1 僕自身をぶつけろ! ぼくじしんをぶつけろ! boku jishin wo butsukero! Strike with myself! (Note: I think Izuku is saying that he used all of the OFA vestiges to strike at Tenko, so now he's using himself to strike at Tenko too.)
2 だって datte "Because"
3 泣いてる ないてる naiteru "you're crying."
4 違うよ… ちがうよ… chigau yo... "You're wrong..."
5 僕は… ぼくは… boku wa... "I..."
6 僕が… ぼくが… boku ga... "[It was] I [who]..."
7 選んだんだ えらんだんだ erandanda "chose [this]."
8 転弧の感情が…なだれ込んでくる! てんこのかんじょうが…なだれこんでくる! Tenko no kanjou ga...nadarekonde kuru! Tenko's emotions...are surging [at me]!
9 僕の意志で…この家を…家族を壊したんだ… ぼくのいしで…このいえを…かぞくをこわしたんだ… boku no ishi de...kono ie wo...kazoku wo kowashitanda... "By my will...I destroyed this house...my family..."
10 じゃなきゃ ja nakya "Otherwise,"
11 この手はなんなんだ このてはなんなんだ kono te wa nannanda "what are these hands for?"
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1 僕がこうして生まれた事を ぼくがこうしてうまれたことを boku ga koushite umareta koto wo "That I was born like this,"
2 誰が肯定できる⁉︎ だれがこうていできる⁉︎ dare ga koutei dekiru!? "who can confirm it!?"
3 最も繊細で柔らかいところ もっともせんさいでやわらかいところ motto mo sensai de yawarakai tokoro It is the most delicate, soft place.
4 弾かれる…‼︎だめだ離すなーーーー! はじかれる…‼︎だめだはなすなーーーー! hajikareru...!! dame da hansuna----! [He's] repelling [me]...!! No, don't let go----!
5 強い憎しみとカタルシス…… つよいにくしみとカタルシス…… tsuyoi nikushimi to KATARUSHISU...... Powerful hatred and catharsis......
6 そして同時に そしてどうじに soshite douji ni and at the same time,
7 悲しみと困惑…! かなしみとこんわく…! kanashimi to konwaku...! sadness and confusion...!
8 この時まだ転弧は揺れていた…! このときまだてんこはゆれていた…! kono toki mada Tenko wa yurete ita...! At this time, Tenko was still oscillating...!
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1-2 手を離せ…! てをはなせ…! te wo hanase...! "Let go of my hands...!"
3 殺して止める以外方法がないかもしれない ころしてとめるいがいほうほうがないかもしれない koroshite tomeru igai houhou ga nai kamoshirenai There may be no other way than to kill and stop him.
4 具体的にどうすればいいのかもわからないけれどーーーー… ぐたいてきにどうすればいいのかもわからないけれどーーーー… gutaiteki ni dou sureba ii no kamo wakaranai keredo----... I don't know exactly what I should do, but----...
5 僕は手を ぼくはてを boku wa te wo "For me, [my] hand..."
6 流れ込んでくる ながれこんでくる nagarekonde kuru It's flowing [into me].
7 憎しみが……! にくしみが……! nikushimi ga......! His hatred......!
8 壊れる…!こんな…! こわれる…!こんな…! kowareru...! konna...! I'll break...! Like this...!
9 手を掴んでもらって てをつかんでもらって te wo tsukande moratte "when someone held my hand"
10 安心したから あんしんしたから anshin shita kara "I felt relieved, that's why."
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1 だから……来たっ だから……きたっ dakara......kita "That's why......I am here*." (*Note: Literally this means "I came/arrived," but it's the same word All Might uses that always gets translated as "I am here.")
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1 みっくん Mikkun Mikkun.
2 ともちゃん… Tomo-chan... Tomo-chan...
3 じゃあ転ちゃんがオールマイトね! じゃあてんちゃんがオールマイトね! jaa Ten-chan ga OORU MAITO ne! "So then, Ten-chan is All Might!"
4 ううん uun "No."
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1 僕は敵だ ぼくはヴィランだ boku wa VIRAN da "I am a villain."
2 悪意を持って あくいをもって akui wo motte "I carry malice,"
3 壊す こわす kowasu "and I destroy."
4 たとえ憎しみを…打ち砕かれようと たとえにくしみを…うちくだかれようと tatoe nikushimi wo...uchikudakareyou to "Even if my hatred...is smashed,"
5 からっぽになろうと karappo ni narou to "even if I become empty,"
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1-2 敵のヒーローにならなきゃ あいつらのヒーローにならなきゃ aitsura (kanji: VIRAN) no HIIROO ni naranakya "I have to become their (read as: the villains') hero."
3 …やっちまえ ...yacchimae "...Just do it."
4 こんな世の中 こんなよのなか konna yo no naka "A world like this,"
5 ブッ潰せ ブッつぶせ BUttsubuse "crush it."
6 壊してくれよ こわしてくれよ kowashite kure yo "Destroy it [for me]."
7 トムラシガラキ TOMURA SHIGARAKI "Tomura Shigaraki." (Note: This is spoken as though in a language like English where one's given name comes before their family name.)
8 指が崩れていくぞ…‼︎ ゆびがくずれていくぞ…‼︎ yubi ga kuzurete iku zo...!! "The fingers are going to collapse...!!"
9 中は…緑谷は一体ーー なかは…みどりやはいったいーー naka wa...Midoriya wa ittai-- "Inside...Midoriya, just what is--"
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1 志村さん しむらさん Shimura-san "Mr. Shimura."
2 ああ! aa! "Ah!"
3 甲賀建設の! こうがけんせつの! kouga kensetsu no! "[You're the one] from Kouga Construction!"
4 腰痛ですか ようつうですか youtsuu desu ka "Lower back pain, is it?"
5 なんだ? nanda? What's this?
6 年々酷くなって参りますよ ねんねんひどくなってまいりますよ nennen hidoku natte mairimasu yo "Every year it's getting worse."
7 良い医者紹介しましょうか? いいいしゃしょうかいしましょうか? ii isha shoukai shimashou ka? "Shall I introduce you to a good doctor?"
8 いやあそこまでしてもらうXでは iyaa soko made shite morau X de wa "Oh no, for you to go that far for me..." (Note: The last kanji/furigana in this speech bubble is illegible, but I think the gist of this line is pretty clear.)
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1 なんだこの記憶 なんだこのきおく nanda kono kioku What is this memory?
2 そうですね手は掛かりますが… そうですねてはかかりますが… sou desu ne te wa kakarimasu ga... "That's right, he's a bit of a handful, but..."
3 "個性"はもう? "こせい"はもう? "kosei" wa mou? "Still no quirk?"
4 それがまだ… sore ga mada... "Not yet..."
5 知らない しらない shiranai I don't know it.
6 …転弧のじゃない… …てんこのじゃない… ...Tenko no ja nai... ...This isn't Tenko's...
7 なんだ nanda Who
8 こいつは koitsu wa is this guy?
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1 ああ…愚かな器…! ああ…おろかなうつわ…! aa...orokana utsuwa...! "Ahh...foolish vessel...!"
2 何者でも無い少年に心をねじ伏せられるとは なにものでもないしょうねんにこころをねじふせられるとは nanimono demo nai shounen ni kokoro wo nejifuserareru to wa "To have your heart made to yield by some nobody boy."
3 弱いまま強くあろうなどああ愚かな志村転弧 よわいままつよくあろうなどああおろかなしむらてんこ yowai mama tsuyoku arou nado aa orokana Shimura Tenko "Though you've become strong, you remain weak. Ahh, foolish Tenko Shimura."
4 おまえは今まで おまえはいままで omae wa ima made "Even though until now, you"
5 何一つ選んでなどいないのに なにひとつえらんでなどいないのに nani hitotsu erande nado inai noni "haven't chosen a single thing."
tagline 出づるAFO!死柄木、デクはーー… いづるオール・フォー・ワン!しがらき、デクはーー… idzuru OORU FOO WAN! Shigaraki, DEKU wa--... All For One emerges! As for Shigaraki and Deku--...
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commander-revan · 11 months ago
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Sometimes being a hero is a matter of perspective.
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