#i should stick to piano honestly
cordeliawhohung · 3 months
would i have to forgive you still?
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inkedinshadows · 20 days
Azriel headcanons
Since I'm working on too many fics and not finishing even one, here's a list of random headcanons I have about our favorite shadowsinger. Seriously, they're very random.
I have so many more, but I didn't want this to be too long lol. Let me know if I should write more of them.
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If it weren't for his scars that make it impossible for him (it'd probably be really uncomfortable), Azriel would wear rings. And I mean a lot of them, on both hands. Very slutty of him if you ask me. This is how I imagine it to look like:
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And necklaces as well. Like silver little chains and similar.
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Azriel is 100% a cat person. I don't think I need to say more, we can all agree on this, right?
The shadowsinger can sing, we all know that. But my current obsession is him playing the piano. He probably learned while healing his hands when he was a child because it helped with coordination. He's really good at it, but he doesn't play in front of people. Only for you. (I wrote a fic about this: Play It For Me)
He has a very neat handwriting. Again, he had to practice a lot after his hands were burned to use them properly again. I picture something like this:
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He's the kind of "monster" that eats pizza with a knife and fork instead of just cutting slices and using his hands (I'm Italian, I'm allowed to say this). He would also always stick to the same pizza, never changing the topping too much (relatable). He'd probably keep it simple, with mozzarella, black olives, and maybe anchovies if he feels extra.
Since we're talking food, if you are out on a date or just eating at a restaurant or whatever and you order something you end up not liking, he's swapping your dishes and giving you his. If you do like it but you also like his a lot, then he asks you if you want to share and eat half of each.
He's not a cocktail guy. Here as well, he likes to keep it simple: whiskey, brandy, wine if he's eating, and beer if he's hanging out with Cassian. If he does drink a cocktail, his go-to choices are Black Russian, gin and tonic, Old Fashioned, Manhattan, and Negroni (which might be an Italian cocktail, I'm not sure).
Oh, and he loves coffee. Black, no sugar, no cream. Mostly espresso, but also full mugs of it, especially in the morning.
Azriel loves turtleneck sweaters. Leather jackets are another favorite. When he's out, he mostly wears black or dark jeans, but at home? Sweatpants. Those infamous grey sweatpants we all love. Again, very slutty. He bought them without thinking too much about it, but once he saw your reaction to him wearing them, they became his favorite piece of clothing out of everything he had ever owned.
On the topic of clothing, we know he mostly wears black, but we also know he loves Winter Solstice. He could be easily convinced to wear one of those ugly Christmas sweaters, especially if you bat your eyelashes at him. He can never say no when you give him doe eyes. He'll complain about it, but he secretly loves it, even more so if you're wearing a matching one. The first three are nice and simple and cute, the other two if you want to embarrass him a little (but he still wouldn't say no):
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Same goes for Halloween. Couple costumes? He's down. Would he admit he likes it? Probably not. Would he refuse to do it until you're begging him to, just so he can see your cute pout? Absolutely. And of course, he lets you do his make-up.
He smokes. Not much, just 2/3 cigarettes throughout the day, but it can be more if he's stressed or nervous. (Just imagine the hand in the first picture with a cigarette, it's just the perfect position already. I don't smoke and I can't even stand the smell, but I would honestly let Azriel blow the smoke in my face fr)
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Taglist: @mrsjna @navyblue-eternity @paintedbyshadows @highladyandromeda @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @azrielsmate3 @mollygetssherlockcoffee @mirandasidefics @tinystarfishgalaxy @cynthiesjmxazrielslover @anarchiii @readinggeeklmao @andreperez11 @azrielslittleslut @lilah-asteria @aaahhh0127 @lorosette @azrielsrealmate
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mcflymemes · 2 months
PROMPTS FROM BONES AND ALL *  assorted dialogue from the 2022 film, adjust as necessary
you didn't tell me you play piano.
how would i even get there?
you said you wanted to make more friends here.
do you think it'll rain tonight?
i crawled out a window.
we're the lost girls then.
so you can't spend the night?
we're trying to talk.
i'm taking you to the bookstore.
are we ever gonna talk about... what i did?
no. that's never gonna happen.
i've been looking forward to this day. for a long time.
you aren't going to see me again. i can't help you anymore.
i've gotta leave you to figure it out for yourself.
i don't know how much of what i'm about to say you remember. maybe you honestly don't.
shouldn't you be in school?
that was the last time i used our real last name.
you got clever. so fucking clever.
is there a place to get something to eat?
i'll just wait here if it's okay.
i didn't mean to scare you.
i was looking for you. maybe that sounds weird to you... or maybe it doesn't.
do i know you?
i smelled you, and you probably smell me now.
through the back. we'll talk inside.
you won't always be able to hold yourself back.
there's a reason you're on your own.
i'm not a thief.
did someone find you? while you were doing it?
what if i don't want that?
you don't have to be alone.
you're out of control.
what happens? you think something bad's gonna happen?
i didn't know i could do that.
why does that matter?
i'm just saying i'm not an asshole.
you wanna get in? for a minute?
i don't know whether to cry or scream or laugh or what.
can you help me? i just... i'm new at this.
i'm gonna take a shower.
we need what we need, right?
open the fucking door!
let's make like a tom and cruise.
you seemed like such a hardcase yesterday.
that's a choice. we don't have to be like that.
why'd you offer to bring me along?
do you get home often?
there are hypocrites everywhere.
i didn't run away.
i'm not trying to start anything. i'm just saying what i think.
take whatever you want.
fucking asshole. you said you were going to stick around this time.
you're the only person i miss.
are we not safe right now?
what was your first time like?
i don't remember much after.
we shouldn't be talking about killing anybody.
i don't want this to touch us.
i'll see you in an hour.
i can't protect you anymore.
you've got blood on you.
we ruin lives we don't even see.
why are we even talking about it like this?
we should feel something. we've killed and it's murder.
how dare you make this harder.
you've got nothing to be sorry for.
i hope you can respect that.
all i ever wanted in this world was love.
the world of love wants no monsters in it.
you don't have to say anything else, but tell me if you're okay.
i'm just not comfortable with this.
you protected the people you love.
you don't think i'm a bad person?
all i think is that i love you.
i used to tell people the truth, you know.
i was going to turn myself in.
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melanieph321 · 3 months
(DAY 2)
Riccardo Calafiori x Reader - Difficult Part 3/3
Part 1 Part 2
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Reader is the media manager for Bologna FC and is reluctantly paired up to help Riccardo Calafiori with interviews after a badly played match.
It was strange. You spent the weekend believing that you were fired from your job, only to receive a phone call on Monday from your boss, asking you to come fly to Milano with him.
"So....why am I here exactly?" You asked, all dressed up and in a full face set with makeup.
"What do you think, I need help with the press." He insisted.
The Bologna FC annual charity event was held in honor of the teams own foundation. Donations were made throughout the year, but the annual charity event was a chance for sponsors to meet the players and the recipients of the granted scholarships that the foundation offered.
"I get that part, but why did I have to dress up?" Your boss had been awfully specific during your phone call. Especially when it came to which hotel you would be staying at, along with what attire you should wear for the big event (high heels, black dress).
"Y/N, hasn't anyone told you that asking too many questions can be perceived as rude?"
"No. Asking questions is my job. Your job too."
"For God's sakes."
You were pulled aside. Your boss spoke to you in hushed tones. "Don't let tonight fool you. If it was up to me, you'd be long gone, fired for the shit you pulled last week. However, a certain player may or may not have refused to appear in front of the press tonight unless you were present."
"Huh, who?"
"Oh, please. Don't act coy with me. I should have known that it was more to you and Calafiori. No one has managed to get him to attend these things, let alone speak to the press about the teams work with the foundation. Just make sure that your relationship is kept under wraps until the end of the season, will you?"
"Wait, what?" You were as confused as you had ever been. "Riccardo refused to attend the event unless I did so too?"
"Here we go again, Riccardo, Riccardo. How about you stick to addressing him by last name while he's here."
"He's here?"
"Jupp. He's coming this way too."
You turned around at the exact moment that Riccardo spotted you from across the room. A smile lit up his face as he set out to approach you.
"Just remember what I said." Your boss whispered. "Keep whatever is going on between you away from the press."
"How many times must I tell you? Nothing is going on between me and...."
"Riccardo!" At the moment of his appearance, your boss gave you one last stern look before slipping away.
"You made it." Riccardo said, sounding genuinely happy to see you. You had never seen him so dress up either, with his hair brushed back and set behind his ears. "I was hoping that your boss received the email that my assistant sent him."
"Yeah, about that. You were already quite set off from the crowd. However, you took the initiative to look for more privacy. Thankfully, Riccardo respected your wishes, following you into an empty salon decorated with flower ornaments and a grand piano.
"Is there anything you wish to tell me?" He asked, speaking to you with unrecognizable grace, as if the two of you were strangers yet acquainted.
"Yeah, please tell me whatta he'll is going on?"
He frowned.
"I was fired last week." You exclaimed. "From the shit you pulled at the press conference."
Riccardo regarded you curiously, a sly smile on his lips.
"And don't tell me that you haven't had a say in me being here, because my boss just told me that you do."
"I do?"
"Yes, you do. So please, for once, be honest with me."
"Yes, be honest."
"Honestly....last week made me feel like shit. Not the part where I told those journalists to fuck off. They sincerely deserved that."
Your arms folded as you rolled your eyes.
"But, I do regret getting you fired Y/N. When I noticed you missing during the post interviews of last night's game, I realized that I fucked up and needed to make things right."
"And so you brought me here, to Milano?"
"But, why?"
"To apologize of course."
"Well, apology accepted. Can I go now?"
"Y/N, wait."
It was the first time that you touched. Riccardo, despreatly grabbing a hold of your wrist as you turned your back on him. "Don't leave." He said. No. Demanded.
You turned back around to find his eyes shamelessly eyeing you up and down.
"I cant't belive you wore it."
"Wore what?" You frowned.
"You're boss is a real push over, you know that right?"
"I do, but in what way are you..."
He pulled you towards him. With his hand around your wrist, you stumbled forward, Riccardo catching you in his arm. "He's a real bitch."
Your faces were inches apart. The tip of your nose, the bridge between your touching lips. You smiled. "I've never heard a grown man call another man a bitch before."
He smirked, a hand reaching to remove a hairstrand from your face. "Well, get used to it, baby. You're with me now."
"God, you're so difficult to work with."
"Difficult to work with, but easy to get in bed. There's always two sides to a coin."
"Oh, just shut up and kiss me already."
It was done in relief. The smacking lips and groping hands were all done to finally release the intense sexual tension between you. It had always been there, underlying, knocking on the surface. Riccardo felt it, and so did you. Hey, even your boss jinxed it. Now, the two of you were pushed up against a grand piano with Riccardo's large frame hovering over yours as he lifted you up and laid you down on top of it.
"Fuck me."
"Don't you want to me to play with you first?"
"Play? I'm a grown woman."
He laughed and proceeded to bend down and kiss you, his lips wet and soft against your own.
Who knew that all that hot-headed temper would be put to good use. Riccardo was a fair enough football player but an even better lover. He insisted on taking care of you first, refusing for you to reach for his belt. At least not until he had you arching your back on top of the piano, begging him to stop eating you out.
"No." He chuckled, as you squirmed on top of the piano.
"Please. I'm making a mess."  Being a mess was the correct term. Once Riccardo detached his lips from between your legs, you made the effort to pat down your tousled hair, as well as wipe off any smudge lipstick.
"I hate you." You said. To which he grinned.
"No, you don't. I'm just difficult to work with."
Part 1 Part 2
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 20 days
50 Shades of Red || Chapter 7
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pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff
summary: Natasha drives Wanda home, where she meets Yelena and debriefs with Kate.
content warnings: none
word count: 3k+
comments and reblogs are always appreciated! happy reading ♡
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Natasha opens the passenger door of a large, black SUV. The windows are tinted, and Wanda glances around for a moment before smiling slightly at the woman and clambering inside. The interior smells like new leather, and the seats are wide and spacious. Wanda watches as Natasha walks around the car, her posture straight and her face impassive. 
Should she mention the kiss? Wanda doesn’t know whether to talk about it or pretend like it didn’t happen. Natasha hasn’t given any sort of clue that she was affected, her face impassive and lipstick firmly in place. Honestly, she could hardly believe it was real. Not to mention, that was her first actual, real kiss. 
Maybe she just imagined the whole thing.
No. Wanda touches her lips with a single, shaky finger. They’re still swollen from the kiss. She can feel the lingering aftershocks of electricity thrumming through her veins at the memory of Natasha’s soft lips pressed against hers. She didn’t imagine anything. Wanda feels like a changed woman. She wants Natasha, and from the woman’s actions, she wants Wanda too. 
The car door opens, and Natasha smoothly slides inside the driver's seat. She tucks in her shirt as she adjusts the mirror slightly, the movements practiced. Glancing out of the corner of her eye, Wanda takes her in. She’s her usual polite, slightly distant self. 
Great, now the whole thing is even more confusing than it was before. 
Starting the engine, Natasha puts the car into reverse and rests her hand on the back of Wanda’s headrest. A hint of cinnamon washes over Wanda, and she hopes she isn’t inhaling too loudly. Natasha’s pose is casual, her eyes vigilant on the road ahead of her. 
Wanda isn’t sure where they’re going, but she finds herself relaxing once the car pulls onto the highway. Natasha turns the radio on, and instrumental jazz fills the car. The volume is low, and the silence isn’t quite as awkward with notes filling the space between them. Feeling the music thrum through her, she listens. 
The harmonies blend together, the somber tone of a trombone filling the speakers before a piano interrupts in a major key. Wanda listens as the mood shifts, the song an emotional rollercoaster as the scenery flies past outside the car. 
“This is really good,” Wanda says, gesturing towards the radio when Natasha looks over. 
A small, pleased smile appears on her face. For a brief moment, the CEO looks her age; young, beautiful, and completely unburdened. Wanda gives a small smile of her own back, wondering if music was the way to Natasha’s true, genuine self.
She’s seized with the urge to know about the woman. To uncover the person beneath the stoic mask. Wanda is positive that she is intricate and complex, and she wants to spend the rest of her life unraveling the threads that made the tapestry of Natasha Romanoff. For now, she can start by understanding the music that moves her.
“Can we listen to that one again?”
“Of course, I’m glad you like it,” Natasha murmurs, pressing a button with a small smile on her lips as the song starts over. “It’s one of my favorites.” 
Wanda is content to listen in silence, and it seems the other woman is too. She glances over, her eyes catching the sight of Natasha’s hand casually gripping the steering wheel. Her other hand rests on the stick, her fingers drumming on it gently. For some reason, the sight sends a pleasant shiver down her spine. 
A ringtone interrupts the jazz, and Natasha hits a button on the steering wheel, her eyebrows furrowed. 
“Romanoff,” she says, her voice hard yet smooth. 
“Ms. Romanoff, it’s Smith. I have the information you were asking for.” A clear voice sounds out over the speakers, with a slight grain to the sound quality. It's jarringly different from the calm melodies that had washed over Wanda mere seconds ago.
“Good. Email it to me. Do you have anything else for me?”
“No ma’am.”
Natasha presses the button again, the call ending as jazz fills the car once more. Wanda blinks at the abruptness, suddenly very glad she hadn’t applied for her internship. She would hate to work with someone so cold towards their employees. Is this how Natasha acts in the office? The music cuts out again, a ringtone sounding out once more. 
“The NDA you requested has been emailed to you, Ms. Romanoff.” A woman’s voice, this time.
“Good. That’s all, Sarah.”
“Good day, ma’am.”
She presses the button again. Jazz plays briefly, before yet another call comes through. Holy shit, is this her life? Just constant phone calls? Wanda doesn’t know if she’d be able to handle it.
“Romanoff,” she snaps. 
“Hey sis, did you get laid?”
“Hello, Yelena. You’re on speaker phone, and I’m not alone in the car,” Natasha lets out a sigh, and Wanda smiles slightly. 
“Who’s there?”
Those green eyes roll, glancing over at Wanda briefly. They flit down her face, resting briefly on her lips before Natasha remembers to answer. 
“Wanda Maximoff.”
“Hi, Wands!”
“Hello, Yelena.”
“I’ve heard so much about you,” Yelena murmurs, her voice slightly raspy. Natasha frowns, her eyes glancing again over to her. 
Chuckling, Wanda replies, ”Don’t believe a word Kate says. She’s a filthy liar.”
Low laughter sounds out over the speakers. Wanda can hear Kate in the background saying something, but she can’t quite make out what it is. There’s the sound of a brief, playful scuffle before Natasha clears her throat. 
“I’m dropping Wanda off now,” Natasha emphasizes her name. “Do you want me to pick you up?”
Wait. Yelena is at her apartment? That means… goddamnit Kate. Wanda hopes she doesn’t find any bodily fluids from a passionate night around the apartment. 
The music turns on again, and Wanda glances over. Natasha is focused on the road, but now she has both hands on the steering wheel, and her knuckles are turning slightly white. Her jaw is clenched slightly, and Wanda admires the sharp edge of it before leaning her arm against the door and leaning her head against her hand, watching the other woman.
“I wouldn’t mind you calling me by a nickname.”
Natasha glances over, her green eyes softer than Wanda would have expected. When she speaks, her voice is warm. “I like your name, so I’m going to use it. It’s a very beautiful name, Wanda.”
Her voice drops lower when she says Wanda’s name. 
The car slows and pulls up to Wanda’s apartment, and she startles for a moment. She realizes that Natasha hadn’t asked her where she lived. How did she… oh.
Right, the books. The woman had tracked her cellphone like some sort of spy, of course she knew where Wanda lived. That, and the fact that her sister was currently in her apartment with her roommate. Wanda made a mental note to deep clean the couch. 
Natasha smoothly steps out of the driver's side, adjusting her shirt as she walks around the car. Flushing at the memory of the CEO’s lips on hers, Wanda wonders briefly if she’ll kiss her again. She would like that. 
Shaking her head slightly, Wanda steels herself. Now was not the time to be acting like some sort of lovesick fool. The image of blonde women in impeccably sharp skirts and neatly tucked blouses flits through her mind, and Wanda frowns. She refused to be yet another generically beautiful woman that Natasha seemed to surround herself with. She deserved more than that. 
Opening the car door, Natasha offers her hand, her fingers reaching out towards Wanda. 
As she takes her hand, Wanda recalls the short, clipped tone that Natasha had spoken to her assistant with. Maybe she was different from the rest. After all, she’d never been offered a hand as she got out of a car before. How chivalrous. 
Natasha’s hand is warm and firm, and her fingers clench around Wanda’s momentarily in indecision. She seems to almost debate with herself for a moment, stuck in limbo as she grasps Wanda’s hand. She doesn’t seem to want to let go, and Wanda hopes that she doesn’t.
She drops Wanda’s hand, her arm instead gracefully reaching around to shut the car door. Momentary disappointment floods Wanda’s thoughts, before the light touch of those same, strong fingers against the small of her back causes an involuntary gasp to escape her trembling lips. 
“Lead the way,” Natasha murmurs, her voice low and eyes warm. 
Wanda feels herself move towards her apartment, her steps as unsure as a newborn fawn while Natasha’s hand provides a steady pressure against her back. Just before reaching the door, her apartment key in hand, Wanda turns. 
Dark green eyes lock with hers, glancing down momentarily before the woman tilts her head in a silent question. The energy between them shifts, becoming charged with something so heady it's almost tangible. 
“I liked what happened in the elevator,” Wanda says, her voice steady. She smiles at the slight widening of Natasha’s eyes before inserting her key and walking into her apartment, the woman following close behind her. 
Ha. Take that Natasha Romanoff, she can flirt too.
Kate and Yelena are seated on the couch, their bodies practically on top of each other as they watch some reality television show. Wanda gets a glimpse of a woman in a two-piece bikini draping herself over a muscled blonde man before her roommate turns the TV off, whirling around in excitement. 
“Hi, Wanda!” Kate leaps up from the couch, hugging Wanda tightly before holding her at arm’s length to examine her. “Wow, last night wasn’t as rough as I thought it was.”
“No,” Wanda laughs, “It was, but I got some new clothes out of it.”
Smiling, Kate opens her mouth to speak again, before remembering who else walked in with her roommate. Turning slightly, she locks eyes with the CEO lingering just behind Wanda. 
“Good morning, Natasha,” she says, her tone bright as she smiles widely. 
“Miss Bishop,” Natasha responds, her voice a bit stiff, as if she isn’t used to speaking to college students, which, Wanda supposes she isn’t. 
“Oh my god, сестра, her name is Kate,” Yelena says, rolling her eyes as she smoothly gets up from her seat. She has a prominent Russian accent, and Wanda finds herself enjoying the sound of it. 
“Kate, then.” Natasha nods politely at her, before glancing at her sister. 
Yelena opens her arms, pulling Wanda in for a brief hug. Her arms are strong, and although she’s short, her posture and strength tell Wanda that she isn’t someone to be messed with. She misses the hardening of Natasha’s eyes and the way she sticks her hands into her pockets to stop from reaching out. 
Kate smiles at the sight, leaning against the couch and watching the interaction.
“Hi, Wands,” Yelena says, smirking slightly. She glances over Wanda’s shoulder, where Natasha is still frowning. “Good to finally meet sober you.”
Wanda likes her immediately and smiles as a chuckle escapes her. “I promise I’m not usually like that. Last night was a… celebration. A rare occasion, if you will.”
“I believe it.”
Clearing her throat, Natasha moves forward, taking her hands out of her pockets. She touches the small of Wanda’s back once more, her tone is apologetic as she speaks. “Yelena, we should probably go.”
“Sure,” she says, turning and pulling Kate into her arms. She kisses her, their lips lingering as the silence stretches on. Kate’s hands make their way to Yelena’s hair, the blonde’s hands tight around her waist as she presses herself fully into her. Wanda looks away, down at her feet. 
God, she never knew what to do when people kissed in front of her. It was so… awkward. Then again, she’d never been a fan of public displays of affection in her own - very short and few - relationships. 
“Bye, малышка,” Yelena murmurs, grinning widely.
Kate melts. “Yeah, um. Haha, uh you too,” She ends her rambling sentence with an awkward finger gun motion, and Wanda shakes her head as she lowers her hands. 
Natasha rolls her eyes, looking over at Wanda with an unreadable expression. The corner of her lips quirk up, as though she’s amused. Maybe she is, but Wanda can’t read her that well yet. One of those hands reaches up, tucking a strand of auburn hair behind Wanda’s ear. 
Hearing her breath hitch, Wanda is painfully aware of the other two people currently in the room, but can’t quite bring herself to care. Natasha’s eyes soften, her hand grazing Wanda’s cheek until her thumb just barely brushes her lower lip. It feels as though her nerves are on fire, but the feather-light touch is gone before Wanda can really process it. 
“Goodbye моя любовь,” she murmurs, a prominent accent shaping the last two words. The words confuse Wanda, and her curiosity burns as she sees Yelena’s mouth fall open slightly from the corner of her eye. 
Wanda decides then and there to start learning Russian. 
“I’ll pick you up at 8.” 
Natasha steps away, jerking her head at her sister as she opens the door to leave. Yelena follows her to the car, turning and blowing Kate a kiss that causes her to blush and wave awkwardly back. Wanda eyes her, raising her eyebrows as a flush appears on Kate’s cheeks. 
The door shuts, instantly blocking the view of the two sisters. Kate turns slowly towards her, eyes wide and lips stretched into a smile. It's contagious, and Wanda can’t help but smile back, her heart rate finally calming and slowing down to a normal pace.
“So… how did it go? Did she fuck you?” Kate asks, jumping on the couch excitedly and pulling Wanda down with her. 
“Why do you assume that she fucked me?
A loud laugh erupts from her roommate, and Wanda just grumbles and crosses her arms over her chest as Kate wipes fake tears from her eyes. “Oh please,” she says in between gasps for air, “You couldn’t top that woman even if you tried. She’s got a dominatrix sort of vibe going for her.”
A vision of Natasha in black leather and sharp heels standing over her flashes through Wanda’s mind for a moment. She locks that thought firmly in the back of her mind, where she can think about it later in the darkness of her own room while her fingers move feverishly under the covers. 
“Well no,” she says, a bit too sharp. “We didn’t… you know.”
“So you just had a sleepover?”
“God, you make it sound so juvenile,” Wanda exhales, her breath pushing thin strands of hair away from her cheeks. She swipes at them, tucking them behind her ear and remembering the heat of Natasha’s fingers against her skin.
“Even if I didn’t get laid, you obviously did,” Wanda turns her gaze to Kate’s face. The brunette is trying to suppress a giddy smile, and failing epically. 
“We totally did,” Kate says, wiggling her eyebrows. “We did it in the car, and in my room, and over the counter, and on this…”
“Stop!” Wanda covers her ears, swatting at Kate as her shoulders heave in laughter. “I don’t want to hear any more about it, spare me the explicit details.”
“And I’m seeing her again tonight!” Kate exclaims, clapping her hands and bouncing slightly on the couch. She can’t contain her excited energy, and Wanda can’t help but feel happy for her. 
“Natasha is taking me to Seattle tonight,” Wanda says, regretting it slightly as Kate’s excited eyes turn towards her. She leans forward, her hands grabbing Wanda’s tightly.
“Will she fuck you then?”
“God,” Wanda can’t help the laugh that spews out of her. “I really fucking hope so.”
“Oh, so you like her then?”
“Obviously. What’s not to like?”
“No, what I mean is. You like her enough to let her fuck you?”
Kate leans back, her eyes wide and an astonished look falling across her face. “I never thought I would see the day,” she shakes her head slightly. “Wanda Maximoff falling for someone, and it’s Natasha Romanoff the hot, sexy, dominatrix billionaire.”
“Oh please,” Wanda giggles. “Stop with the dominatrix bit, I’m going to start to believe it's true. Besides, maybe I’m just using her for her money.”
Kate glances at her before they both fall into a fit of laughter. “Jeez Wands, you can’t even joke about that. I’ve seen the way you look at her. You’re falling for her already.”
“I know,” Wanda says, her voice soft. She can’t get rid of the small smile on her face. 
“Has she at least kissed you?”
“Once,” Wanda says, and that’s all she offers. 
She wants more. She knows that much, but she can’t help but wonder why Natasha hasn’t kissed her again. Maybe she didn’t want to? Maybe Wanda was just a really bad kisser, and now she’d ruined any chance she had with the woman. 
“We’re going to make you absolutely irresistible this evening,” Kate exclaims, standing and pulling Wanda towards the bathroom. “And we’re going to start with a shower. I want everything scrubbed and shaved. She’ll have to kiss you again once you put in a bit of effort into your appearance.”
Stopping outside the bathroom door, Kate’s expression softens when she sees Wanda’s face. “Hey, listen,” Kate grabs Wanda’s hands again, locking eyes with her. “You’re incredibly attractive, anyone can see that. You’re also really kind and smart and now you have a degree. I can’t tell you how many people I know that have a crush on you. You. Can. Do. This.”
“Kate I-”
Shaking her head, Kate pushes Wanda into the bathroom. “If Natasha Romanoff can’t see what’s right in front of her, then she’s a fool.”
The door closes behind her, and Wanda lets vanilla shampoo and warm water take over her thoughts. She pushes any doubts out of her mind, instead focusing on remembering the way Natasha’s lips felt against hers, the woman’s strong body pinning her to the elevator. There had been no hesitance on her part, and Wanda clings to that as she prepares herself for the date later tonight. 
A thought hits her, and Wanda feels momentary panic as she remembers what Natasha had planned for her. God, Kate was going to freak out. 
What does one wear for a helicopter ride?
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b4b3tte · 1 year
Thank you for answering my question earlier! I was wonder if I could get some headcanons for Dwight Manfredi from Tulsa King? And thank you😊
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꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — Some Head Canons of dating Dwight Manfredi!
Contains of — Physical touches, Dates, Love languages, Romantic atmosphere, etc. ♡
My note — Hii!! Tysm for this request, very much appreciated! Honestly I didn’t know what type of relationship you wanted with Dwight like lovers or friends so I picked lovers but if that isn’t what you wanted then please let me know I’ll be happy to change it! Otherwise thank you for requesting and reading!!⭐️
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— Dwight can be sorta complicated, being in prison for over 20 years has definitely left him touch starved but he will always stick to his Old-School manners.
— Which leaves you like “ should I touch him or no “ but you notice that behind close doors he will insist physical contact, while in public he’ll tone it done a lot by just a kiss on your forehead and his hand on your waist once in awhile!
- it gets obvious that his love language is Touch & quality time together, As much as he loves holding you while you are on his chest, he also adores just being in a room together and reading without a word being said
- But again he loves having you hold his hand or show him any sign of physical affection although he won’t verbally admit it. Speaking of that, he can be stubborn and won’t admit when he likes certain things at least affection wise
- For a second let’s retract to the first head canon, His “ Old School Ways “ dating someone in their seventies is completely different than dating someone in their twenties, not that you mind but let’s look at those differences
- He is an absolute courteous man ( gentleman ) and will always pay attention to your needs and wants. He loves to be a man of his word so whatever he tells you or promises you, he will do it without a doubt
- He believes that you deserve the highest of treatment, He will always pull out your chair and push it back in when you’ve sat down, Open all the car doors and doors to places for you, Pay for almost every meal, give you massages whenever you are stressed or tired, Make you coffee or tea when you wake up and whatever else you can think of!
- damn he is setting the bar high for me 💀 anyways😓
- For date nights it will always be incredibly romantic and seem like something straight out of a romance novel. The most regular and common one you guys would have is a Fancy Candle Lit dinner at a high end restaurant with top notch service and food that always manages to amaze you
- Another one will be a lovely night at a small cozy book store somewhere near downtown it can just be you two reading for hours while drinking caffè latte or latte macchiatto with tunes of piano in the background
- Lastly it can be around the afternoon maybe sunset, you guys will have a picnic at a beach or park and have a couple of books with you, eat while reading , maybe talk about the plot/authors and after take a stroll on the beach or park after the lunch and just talk for hours until night
- he adores spending large amounts of money on you, he understands money might not be everything for you or isn’t as special as quality moments but he still wants you to have nice things wether it’s jewelry or the newest skincare products you know?
- Whatever you add to your shopping car, whatever you stare at longer than 5 seconds, Whatever you talk about, he will manage a way to buy it, he believes giving you whatever you want has no price and he sometimes takes it quite literally
- One time you were upset your favorite artists album sold out quickly and Dwight being Dwight he found a way to get one, one with a personal signature of the artist he says no harm done but that’s obviously a lie.
- Another time you were eyeing a new food item on your phone that looked delicious, you never spoke about it but Dwight being observant and sometimes not intentionally, he picked up on it, figured which restaurant had it, picked it up and surprised you with the meal!
- when you were ranting about your friends new Vivienne Westwood necklace he quickly searched up where and when he can get it as soon as possible and it didn’t take long for you to receive a fancy package outside your door
- He loves seeing your reactions to romantic dates or expensive gifts he randomly gives you or even the random acts of service he does for you but nothing beats it better then your smile in the morning when he asks you how did you sleep 🤍
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Hii!! Thank you so much for reading and liking this I truly appreciate it!! Stay disciplined and be consistent do the hard work especially when you don't feel like it, love you🫶🤍
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genderstealer2000 · 9 months
How do you start gender hoarding? I know that it might sound like a stupid question, but you see, I live in a place where trans people and nbs are looked down upon but lesbians and gays are ok. (rural Australia)
I felt weird coming out to my bf as a demigirl( I am AFAB) and he knows I’m a furry, but doesn’t know about my alter humanity (questioning therian)
So my view of gender is very “traditional” and where I live there’s only really female, male, trans and (very rare) nonbinary. I also have highly suspected autism/ self diagnosed yet I don’t see gender in a way I hear people with autism do, probably due to my upbringing
I want to know from a person like you who knows the “newer” ways of gender how I should gender hoard and not stick myself to just the traditional genders
its not a stupid question at all!! ill do my best to answer! so i identify as agender transmasc. agender goes under the trans umbrella and nonbinary, but i dont see myself as gender neutral i just have no gender. now going more into the transmasc, just means i feel more masculine. doesnt really effect the way i present my gender any differently, hmm i guess i dont really know how to explain it. i dont understand the concept of gender, i dont understand a lot of social constructs, i honestly think its sort of unneeded. my gender is complex in the most noncomplex way, its vast and its tiny. ive made my own genders based off of feelings and intrests, i think thats the best way to get started with genderhoarding. making your own ideas, analyzing yourself. (personally its helped me become more aware of who i am!) imaginationnnnn!! creativity!! make something up, no ones stopping you! the way i view gender is its what makes you, you. it doesnt have to make sense to anyone but you. it doesnt have to make sense! some of the things i tie in with my gender are the rustling of leaves in a forest, fog in the early morning, large fields, chaotic music, soft stuffed animals, the smell of pavement after it rains, soft piano music, acoustic guitar, the moon some of those things are real different!! and those are some of the things that i view my gender as! i think its a lot easier too with the internet, theres a ton of people who have similar ideas and interests so they also make genders, sexualities, and flags to go along with them.
i have a board on pinterest that i frequently add stuff to, i could link it here if you would like! i also save just anynthing that pops up if it remindes me of my friends or it seems cool. it doesnt mean i identify with it, but its cool to read about them! i keep track of them in a notebook as well!! my genders relate to my hyperfixations, mostly. Hyperfixations and anything that i can relate too! ex. horrormasc: a masculine aligned horrorgender. fits both definitions (1: a horrifying/all over the place gender, and 2: a gender related to different horror genres) raingender: a xenogender connected to the rain scenekid/scene neutral, oldwebemoic, onlineboyic, endspacic etc, etc. dont feel rushed at all to tell your boyfriend! when i started feeling more comfortable telling people, i made sure to have articals pulled up to read, notes etc. so it would be easier to sort me thoughts? get it out more smoothly. i also wanted to talk about self-diagnosing!! i hear so much negative about it, but honestly, its good to research and try and find out things about yourself. that my opinion. and not for longterm, just for a bit until you can get evaluated. gahhhhh self diagnosing is valid and it makes me so mad to see people who think its not. granted, some people to just see a couple things and "oh yup got that" but when you really spend time looking at signs, symptoms, traits it can be very beneficial in the long run, and also just to check before you go get evaluated also i apologize if this is insanely long, or if it makes no sense. im sleep deprived, im trying to fall asleep gahh i hope this helped even a little bit!! if you want me to expand on anything or explain anything further feel free to dm me!
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jayalma · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if I could get a matchup with a male character from hsr, please?
My name’s Rachel, I’m 19, and my pronouns are she/her. My zodiac sign is Taurus and I’m an INFP. 
For my personality, I’m really bad at initially talking to people and definitely more introverted. I opt to spend my time alone rather than with people. I do think I’m creative and more enjoyable to be around after knowing me for a while. I zone out a lot and don’t pick up on conversations sometimes. I’m also impatient and very stubborn. 
I’ve played piano for 12 years, so that’s a big passion of mine. I love getting the opportunity to play and I definitely thinks it helps me better express myself. I also know how to figure skate. I’ve been skating since I was a child, and it’s another big passion of mine. I’d like to think I’m good enough to be in the olympics but definitely not. :) Other just general things I like doing are baking, and sewing. I’ve found that I try out new hobbies a lot but get tired or forget about them pretty quickly, so the ones that stick are pretty important! I wouldn’t say there’s much that I dislike, but I absolutely hate any bug ever. I’m also not a big fan of fish or seafood at all. 
I honestly feel like my appearance is pretty boring. I have dark brown hair a little longer than my shoulders. It curls up into waves at some parts but is straight in others. I honestly hate how it looks but don’t really have the materials to do anything about it. I have dark brown eyes, and fairly long eyelashes. My skin is pale, I’ve tried to tan before but it doesn’t really work. I’m 5’7 and pretty slim. I have been told by strangers that I could be a model though, so that definitely helps with my confidence. I feel like if I was a color, I would be a muted lavender color. My favorite is pink though. Total contrast to my style/aesthetic, which is very streetwear and kinda grungy. I definitely admire more coquette styles, I just don’t think they suit me well.
Hope that was all good, thank you so much!!
The fact that surprised me is that we are pretty much alike in terms of appearance and personality 😯 And I’m reeeeeeeeeeeally into coquette style!
When I finished reading your ask, instantly popped into my mind two mens, and then I decided to study each of them better to give you a more precise result!
Now without further waiting, let’s go to the matchup, I hope you like it! 😁
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I hope you like receiving compliments…. Because this man…
Your appearance is pretty boring? NO. No no no no no, not a chance, he will do anything possible for you to change your mind!
He finds you the most beautiful woman in the world and treats you like a princess;
And he will do his best to scare any bugs away from you;
Often gifts you with roses, chocolates that he made ( YES I THINK HE BAKES WELL AND NOTHING CAN CHANGE MY MIND!!)
I believe his love language is words of affirmation and giving gifts!
I see him as a really calm and patient person, so there will be an equilibrium
And I believe, depending on the situation, he will see your stubbornness as determination and he will admire it a lot!!!
WAIT WAIT WAIT!! You said you have piano skills right? I have some headcanons on him about musical instruments, and I can imagine you having a duet together🥹;
He is a really respectful person, so he will understand and respect the times that you like to be alone;
About the skating, he supports you a lot and often says that you should try participating in competitions (and if you do, he will be your number one fan and always be cheering for you);
He thinks that you’re really stylish, and often makes you company when go for shopping;
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raging-violets · 4 months
Re-Introducing Big Time Rush OCs - The Jacksons
Hi @happinessismagicc! We saw your question to @partiallypearl here and wanted to answer your question about giving more info about Rhuben. At the same time we realized that some more people have been liking our BTR/OC stuff that may not know who the Jacksons are so we decided to make a post to reintroduce them! Sorry for the long wall of text ahead! Tagging @ceruleanmusings and @witchofinterest as well!
First thing to know is that we've written the Jacksons as multi-fandom OCs since 2004ish or so (we believe) but they're probably them most well known in the Suite Life fandom but even more so in the Big Time Rush fandom where we've written them since 2010. I think exactly a few weeks after seeing BTAudition.
The Jacksons are an Australian-Japanese-American family consisting of Riley, Rhuben, Patrick, Noah, and Sydney Jackson. They are a band called the DarkElements in their home of Australia who have had major success but are trying to break further into the American market. They are contracted/employed by Rocque Records to work with Big Time Rush and quickly get sucked into Big Time Rush's hijinks and craziness while changing their band name to Jax. Through shortly after they meet the boys, the boys find out they're being abused by their manager/foster father Robert, as their parents died when they were young.
Riley Rose Jackson: 16 (S1), 17 (S2), 18 (S3), 18/19 (S4)
Riley is the oldest of the Jacksons and it shows in her leadership of their family dynamic and of their band, despite only being a few minutes older than her twin, Rhuben. This is evident in the way she tends to play parental role to her siblings. She's outgoing, outspoken, stubborn, witty, charming, courageous, flirty, and, honestly, a bit of a jerk with a temper to match; the more positive side of her qualities being seen once Robert is arrested for abuse and she can be her true self. She protects her heart as much as she protects her family; fiercely. Riley is the most adventurous and mischievous of her family, always looking for a good time, which tends to get her in trouble. She reads people really well and can see right through people and their motivations quickly and will brutally call people out to their face without a thought and without a blink. But as much as people see her flaws, they see she just wants to be liked and is an amazing friend. She plays lead and rhythm guitar (sometimes bass) for Jax, sings lead and backing vocals, plays the piano, writes songs, and is the stylist for her band as well as Big Time Rush. She is close to all of her siblings but especially Rhuben and Patrick.
Ship: Kendall. Right when they first meet each other there's a spark between them that everyone sees and no one can deny. They bond over enjoying guitar and sports (him hockey, her baseball and surfing) but she keeps him at an arm's length from her out of fear. He is one of the main drivers of the guys and others figuring out hers and her siblings' abuse and want to save them...because his father turns out to be Robert's lawyer (of which he harbors a lot of guilt over). He at least insists that if they're going to be co-workers they should be friends to make things easier and she cautiously does. It's clear to everyone around them that they like each other, but with her distance, Kendall sets his eyes on Jo. It's not until season 2 where their friendship grows into them being best friends that Riley consciously realizes she goes to the Palm Woods and Rocque Records more without her siblings to hang out with Kendall that she has a crush on him...and feels guilty about it. Primarily in that he's with Jo, who is her best girl friend, but also because she knows he likes her, too. So she sticks to being his best friend...and gives him multiple mixed signals in the process. After Kendall breaks up with Jo in season 2, they grow even closer to each other through season 3 and almost get together, but Lucy arrives to where Kendall pivots to her after thinking that Riley doesn't like him/rejected him. By this point all of their friends and family continuously talk to the two of them that they like each other but they both insist they're only friends and the other one isn't interested (with Kendall dating Jo and going after Lucy while Riley continues to give him mixed signals). Through their friendship they continuously toe the line between being very close best friends and flirting with each other until Riley gets tired of him jerking her around and directly confronts him over his feelings for her, to which they admit their feelings for each other in a yelling fight during BTSurprise/BTDecision. However, they don't officially get together until BTCamping where Riley has a manic fit that Kendall saves her from. Season 3 and beyond, they have a great relationship as they take their friendship within it seriously and have a lot of respect for each other and are willing to help each other through their father issues and hard pasts. But when they fight, they can fight. They always makeup and forgive each other well, but they can have some really bad fights. As friends, she and Kendall hang out and talk a lot; they are always excited to tell each other stories about tour or their day, and she has a habit of giving Kendall advice with his problems and have him open up to her without him realizing it's happening. Key Notes: Loves to surf and spends a lot of time at the beach, has 1000+ nicknames for Kendall, has bipolar disorder, signified by the color red
Rhuben Skye Jackson: 16 (S1), 17 (S2), 18 (S3), 18/19 (S4)
Rhuben is the dreamer of the family and while she and Riley have the same sense of energy, she's seen as more introverted than her twin. This due in part to her ambition at being the best at anything she does that she'll disregard others' feelings - aka, she can really experience tunnel vision. Stepping in as a mother/father figure and taking care of/helping to raise her brothers is always a top priority for her. This also means she's known to keep her anger, frustration, and hurt feelings to herself before it reaches it's peak and she let's it all out in a single explosion described as a "verbal demolish" - carefully and purposefully using her words to "make people hurt" in retaliation for those that hurt her; compared to Riley's quick and blunt honesty in the moment. Perfection is something she strives for. She is ambitious, confident, spunky, coy, playful, and a risk taker but is also impatient, self-centered, and petty. Music and dancing are her life so it's not hard to find her working on a drumbeat or working out some choreography. She is the peacemaker of her family and is always up for a good time. She plays the drums for Jax, plays piano, writes songs, sings lead and backing vocals, has an interest in music production, and is the choreographer for Jax and Big Time Rush. Closest with Riley and Noah.
Ship: Logan. Riley, Rhuben, and Logan first meet as kids when the Jacksons briefly lived in Texas before they moved to California and Logan moved to Minnesota. Logan had always insisted that he knew DarkElements/Jax the band over the years, but no one believed him. They reunite when the Jacksons start working with Big Time Rush and Rhuben helps with choreography – specifically with Kendall and Logan who are not as confident with their dancing. Logan wants to jump back into their friendship but finds Rhuben more serious and standoff-ish then she was when they were kids. They both have a drive to succeed, ambition to reach heights with their careers, and a realistic look on life. With his dream of being a doctor, he’s one of the first to notice the Jacksons’ excuses for their injuries and how they acted around Robert. The two slowly rebuild their friendship over Logan’s first two years in LA. Through season 2, they are each other's sounding boards for their frustrations, insecurities, and needing the hard truth told to each other - making sure not to throw it in each other's face even in arguments. It's Logan's overall growing confidence through the swagger app, and how close they had gotten that helps Rhuben realize her crush on him. BTCrush/BTRocker/BTReturns has him start to realize he was building feelings for Rhuben as his brief interest in Lucy, crush on Peggy, and Camille method acting for “Spy High” made him start to notice how similar it is to Rhuben’s true nature after Robert is out of her life (Peggy), her over all look/style (Lucy), and her coy and alluring personality and love of life (Camille as Mila). Talking around admitting their feelings for each other, Rhuben tells Logan that nothing will happen between them if he continues to be indecisive about Camille and running to her with his problems. She is crushed upon seeing his obsessiom with Camille's tackle in BTReturns, and guilty for not being truthful to Camille as she is one of her best friends but still supports their on/off relationship. Logan looks towards understanding where his commitment issues come from and decides to take a step back from relationships until he’s figured it out. BTCameo has Rhuben finally breaking down upon seeing how Coco.0's Dara’s stepmother forced her to restrict her food (and slapping Kendall) and reveals to everyone her eating disorder (except James who she told in BTPromKings) and Logan supports and assists with her recovery; though it is rocky as he first is very heavy handed with "the literature" before realizing how she wants to be supported. His unwavering support solidifies her feelings for him as all in all Rhuben just wants to be loved in spite of people knowing the good, the bad, and the very ugly parts of her life and her past. They start dating in BTRides when they realize they’re trying to hold onto how their relationship was as children and not looking at it as the teenagers they are due to the safety they felt in childhood, leading them to take the leap into uncharted territory of a true serious relationship. Key Notes: Has an eating disorder, dancing is her life, signified by the color purple.
Patrick Bailey Jackson: 14 (S1), 15 (S2), 16 (S3), 16/17 (S4)
He's the jokester of the family and is the older and more outgoing twin to Noah. He likes to make people laugh with a silly joke or a tinge of stupidity but in general likes to make people smile. He'll be the one to cue up Backstreet Boys' "I Want It That Way" in karaoke but sing Weird Al's "Ebay" instead. But don't let his comedy fool you, he's actually very intelligent and uses his sense of humor to hide how angry he is inside at how his life turned out as well as the pressure Robert puts on them for the band. He enjoys surfing and working out and wants nothing more than to have a good time and to party. He doesn't always think before he speaks, which can either be hilarious or cringy. Patrick plays the bass for Jax (and sometimes guitar), sings lead and backing vocals, plays piano, writes songs, and enjoys coming up with concepts for music videos. He's closest with Noah and Riley.
Ship: Katie. He likes her as soon as he meets her...and has no idea what to do with it. He likes girls and has kissed them many times before, but has never had a girlfriend. So he has no idea what he's doing with Katie and they try to figure out all of their firsts together. But that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to flirt, he flirts with her a lot (often calling her 'sweetheart') but then seems not to know what to do after. They often shyly state how much they like each other...but get stymied on moving forward until they finally kiss and start dating. Kendall isn't happy about it and tends to try to intimidate Patrick but Riley quickly calls him out on it. *(Key thing to note is that in our fics we've aged up Katie from 10 to 13). Key Notes: Has IED, loves to surf, can't read music, signified by the color yellow. Can harmonize the fastest. Is the screamo singer of the band. Can imitate most voices. Wears glasses (mostly contacts. Noah does not.)
Noah Liam Jackson: 14 (S1), 15 (S2), 16 (S3), 16/17 (S4)
Noah is the quietest and most mature of the Jacksons, but that doesn't mean he won't quickly jump in and join his siblings or the guys in their hi-jinks and adventures. He doesn't need a lot of attention but is quick to point out when he's being overshadowed or overlooked, often becoming very strong in himself when needing to speak up for himself, which can shock others who mistake him for being a pushover. He's very sarcastic and deadpan, but is the one most people to go when they need someone to listen. He plays the drums for Jax, sings lead and backing vocals, writes songs, plays piano, and often is the one to come up with the melodies for their songs. Is the "product tester" of the band: He can re-work and edit lyrics, gives a different POV for choices on music video edits and style choices, etc. He is closest to Rhuben and Patrick.
Ship: Lizzie Zevon (OC). The younger sister to superstar Dak Zevon, Lizzie is the life of the party. She was one of the first people in LA around Noah's age that he and his siblings befriended and semi-worked with. She's very talkative, fun loving and just as easy going as she portrays herself to be on social media. Lizzie is the type of girl that pulls anyone and everyone she wants into her world and make them feel like the only person there. And her project was getting Noah to just simply talk to her – mistaking his being quiet for being shy. Noah has liked her from the beginning, and often would ask her to be his date to contracted social outings like award shoes and appearances when it called for a date, but didn’t exactly know how to cross the bridge into dating someone, (as he had girls usually take the lead in that area and he wasn’t using his sisters’ relationships as a roadmap, no offense to them) until Lizzie got impatient and kissed him. A conversation was never really had about their feelings for each other or asking each other out on a date, they were just together after that point. A true Noah move; with as little fanfare, attention, and drama as possible. She does have moments of wondering if he even likes her since he doesn't say it much, but he points out his actions prove he does. Key Notes: Patrick needs him more than he needs Patrick, has selective mutism, compared to his quiet nature he sings beautifully and has a very loud laugh, signified by the colors silver/gray/white. Enjoys solitude as much as being active and doing something fun. Doesn’t need/want attention all that much, which is why he doesn’t have a problem being “in the back of the band” but also doesn’t want to be overlooked. Due to being quiet, it means he’s taking in everything around him: he pays attention to people, their feelings, a great listener and the best person to go to for advice – some advice sounding wiser than his years.
Sydney Adrian Jackson: 10 (S1), 11 (S2), 12 (S3), 12/13 (S4)
Being the youngest of his siblings, Sydney tends to be spoiled and is fairly smug about it. He knows he's the favorite of the family. He's also smug about how much smarter he is than everyone around him. As he grows older he has a sense of arrogance to him but it is offset by his sheer friendliness. He knows he can get away with it until he's knocked down a peg. Nevertheless, he is incredibly sweet and likes to spend time with the people he likes. His genius level intellect (he's part of MENSA) makes it that he doesn't have friends his age and he's lonely due to that. So when he meets the boys he latches onto their hi-jinks very fast, often figuring out how their plans will go wrong long before it happens, but going along for the ride anyway. He plays piano/synthesizer, violin, and rhythmic guitar for Jax, sings backing vocals, writes songs, and tends to lean more towards the business side of their band, often projecting what ventures and promotions and sponsors will be better for them. He is close with all of his siblings but is also close with Kendall.
Ship: None Key Notes: Has panic attacks and separation anxiety, may be somewhere on the spectrum but we haven't decided yet, signified by the color blue. Is the only member of his family with dimples in his cheeks.
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thrilling-oneway · 1 year
Agh prsktwt is arguing about Tsukasa’s room again so fuck it let’s do this.
Does Tsukasa’s room reflect his personality? Ehh kinda.
In one of my classes last year we were taught that when creating/writing a character you should be able to identify things about them from their room. It should tell you about their interests, or their personality or the situation they live in (we can ignore the last one here though because it's not relevant).
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So what can we tell from looking at his room? There’s a glass cabinet full of trophies, so he must be really good at something, although there isn't really anything in the room that indicates what that might be. The desk suggests he’s a student. And he’s got that big mirror that he places a lamp above to act like a spotlight. Suggests that he might care about his appearance, maybe he’s a bit showy? It’s a very neat room overall, so maybe he’s a perfectionist and a very tidy person.
So, we can learn a lot about Tsukasa’s general personality from this. He’s tidy, he’s a perfectionist, a little bit of a show-off. We also know that he’s a high school student.
But I think what catches people out is the complete lack of theatre despite the fact that it’s a HUGE part of his character. Like that’s his primary goal, his primary interest. The best we get is that he uses his lamp as a spotlight, and it’s only shown in that spot occasionally.
So yeah, it does reflect his personality to a degree, but a massive chunk of it is missing, and that chunk happens to be like. The most important one.
Even Toya and Mafuyu, who also have very neat and tidy rooms with not a lot of life and personality at least have something connected to their character goals and interests. Toya has an unused piano and speakers, Mafuyu has her synth on her bottom shelf and a fish. We can see Mafuyu’s music interest and the fact that she hides it away, we can assume that maintaining that tank is Mafuyu's hobby, and we know that Toya is musical but doesn’t want to play piano anymore. There’s just, not a lot of, if any, theatre in Tsukasa’s room and it means that a big part of his character is missing.
So both sides of the argument are correct to some degree. Yes, we can learn about his personality from his room, but on the other hand, some of the biggest parts of his character are missing. Even with what we can learn from his room there’s still some answered questions (like, what are all his trophies for?). There’s a lack of hobbies I guess. There’s nothing to indicate his interests or hobbies, which extends into his goals of theatre. Like there’s no keyboard or piano, no visible show scripts (there’s some books but if you imagine this from the perspective of someone who doesn’t know the character then play scripts probably isn’t your first guess), no costumes, no posters for any plays. Every other character has something that can tell you about their hobbies or interests. It just sticks out like a sore thumb.
But then you look at the Wonderland SEKAI (because I guess that’s like Tsukasa’s room 2.0) and you can immediately see all of that.
See the thing is the game kinda doesn’t elaborate on this much, so there’s a lot of different interpretations that can come out of it. Honestly, the idea that his rooms looks the way it does makes sense like we know his personality comes from a persona he put on as a kid to act more brave and mature so there is some backing to that interpretation. Or maybe he’s just that neat and tidy (he has books in the middle of the floor though how tidy would you say that is). Really it’s up to you until this game elaborates on it.
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awakefor48hours · 8 months
I think people believe that if Adrien was the protagonist than the show's writers would actually get up and have him be involved in the story, since his father is the damn villain, but honestly I don't think that would happen even if he was the protagonist.
Originally I was just going to respond to this saying "yeah, people don't really know what they're talking about" but this is actually a topic I'm pretty passionate about, so I'm going to use this ask as an excuse to talk about it.
Adrien is the last person to be the protagonist of ML because he's boring. He's very very very very boring. He doesn't hang out with friends, do fun activities, or have any interesting hobbies. To bring up the original post, if Adrien was the protagonist, what's is there to watch? If Adrien was the protagonist, all we'd watch is a depressed rich white boy sulk around his house, eat meals by himself, play piano, learn Chinese, do modeling shoots, and fence.
This is not a lifestyle he chose, he hates all of this so it's not like Adrien would add his own extra flair to make it more interesting. It's also because of this we wouldn't get more Gabriel content because he actively ignores Adrien. On the other hand, Marinette choses what to do in her free time. She spends time with friends, sews, bakes, plays video games, and can get spontaneous with her schedule.
Also, as we all know, Adrien and Marinette are parallels and another one of the thousands of parallel they have is their houses. The Agreste mansion is honestly one of the worst backgrounds to continuously look at because it's also boring.
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All the walls are white, practically no interior design, no plants, it's just so lonely and desolate. To be honest, this is what I imagine hell looks like, a rich minimalist's house. Visually, the only interesting person in the Agreste mansion is Nathalie (someone who is not the protagonist).
While on the other hand, Marinette's house is the complete opposite.
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Marinette's house/bakery has color in it. I can tell real people designed this place and that real people live there. Being forced to look at Adrien's minimalist hellscape of a house for over 20 minutes isn't something that any of us want.
Not to mention, we also have an idea of how ML would work if Adrien was the protagonist. Lies is Adrien's POV of what happened in Truth and it doesn't even hold a candle to what Marinette was doing. In Lies, Adrien sits around his bored because his life is an under stimulating nightmare. Then he goes around Paris as Cat Noir but because Marinette is busy being the protagonist, he's just there. He's not carrying the plot or anything. The most interesting part of Adrien's day in Lies was when Kagami (not the protagonist) tried to draw him.
This all just ties back to how Adrien is written. He's not written to be like a male love interest, he's written like a female love interest (he actually reminds a lot of Orihime from Bleach).
At the end of the day, the only way to make Adrien the protagonist of ML (the girl power show) is to change everything about him and at that point, you should just stick to shounen.
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arachpool · 2 years
Mauraders but make it a high school band.
McGonagall is the band director, she has to be. She played saxophone in her high school years and learned the clarinet, trumpet, and piano during her uni years.
Sirius is a trumpet, his mum and dad make him take private lessons (“If you’re going to do something as embarrassing as playing in the damn band, then you’re going to be the best fucking one there.”) so he’s like a god send at it. He fucks around and plays the euphonium and mellophone, but trumpet is his home base. Definitely the main soloist. He also does solos during marching season (competing w James) and never understands how his mic works. He can’t find the on button or the clip never stays on his bell, it’s all around bad. (Remus had to help him once. Remus has never used a solo mic for himself in his marching career)
James is also a trumpet, and also takes private lessons, but by his own accord and want to do so (Monty and Effie go to every band event James has, best band parents ever). Him and Sirius are always fucking around and doing dumb shit during band. He’s always making some extremely inappropriate joke and Sirius always claps back instantly (“Hey, can you do me?” “Oh?? When and where?” *smirk* *zips Sirius’ marching jacket*) He’s the only one that can work a solo mic. Whenever he messes up, he verbalizes some random ass noise before starting again. It pisses Minnie off. Sirius cackles at it every time.
Peter is a piccolo (started on flute) , people get on his ass and make fun of him about it but he’s a damn good piccolo player, he always has the piccolo / flute solos. He’s still mates with James n them and is the very definition of an instigator like yes, yes, play Scatman in the middle of class, go on you two, piss off McGonagall, it’s hilarious. In marching band, he’s always a soloist, and his mic never works (Sirius and James turn it off whenever they have water breaks to fuck with him. Peter doesn’t realize until Minnie yells at him)
Remus is a percussionist, a drummer at Heart. He fucks around with traditional grip sometimes and he’s the best damn one they have. He’s a god at drums, and isn’t as great at mallets but he’s still damn good. He always agrees to learn some dumb meme song to satiate James and Sirius’ dumb pranking needs (They learned the Imperial March once, and played it as Minnie walked out of her office and into the band room. Minnie loves them). He plays the quints in their marching band and plays Jig 2 whenever he can because fuck you its not hard. The rest of the line eat it up. Sirius thinks it’s hot as fuck whenever Remus does some sick lick on the drum or a stick trick (Sirius just has a thing for Remus, honestly). Remus thinks that the brass and woodwind instruments are revolting; he scowls heavily whenever James or Sirius empty their spit onto the floor. The two think it’s hilarious. (“I’m so sorry I emptied my spit onto your precious, pristine floor.” “You should be.”)
Regulus plays clarinet, piano, and alto sax. Walburga and Orion make him take lessons too (same reason) but Reg is much more humble about his skills and isn’t always jumping the gun to take solos. He plays piano for their jazz band and is the best one there. (Regulus has piano player hands too. James spends like half a minute just staring at Reg’s hands as he plays during a practice and after registering that James thinks that Reg is hot, Sirius goes, “And you get on my ass about having a thing for Remus’ hands when he plays? Hypocrite.” James is all blushy for the rest of practice.) The one who wears hoodies to band camp during the summer and scares everyone, Minnie scolds him every year but he never shows up in a short sleeve and shorts. Both Black brothers have to braid their hair for marching band, and sometimes they braid each others hair, just quietly sitting in one of their rooms with each other and relaxing. He pretends he hates his brother but whenever they’re announcing awards or ratings or anything like that, he’s always holding Sirius’ hand anxiously, sitting close enough but not too close. Sirius loves it. (Sirius doesn’t run away and get disowned and all that jazz in this AU, but he practically lives at the Potter’s. He has almost a full wardrobe there, he stays the night there for weeks at a time, and he practically avoids the Black household like it’s the plague, but he still goes home every once in awhile, especially before games or competitions or for trumpet lessons. It’s pretty common for Reg and Sirius to argue whenever Sirius does come home) (One time Reg went to James’ to look for Sirius and was utterly shocked when James let him know that Sirius was at Remus’. Regulus befriended Remus to piss Sirius off and actually stayed mates with him)
Lily plays baritone sax (started on alto). She’s always the first to help the underclassmen and one of Minnie’s obvious favorites (Minnie claims to not take favorites, they all know she’s lying). She used to hate James’ little pranks and now enjoys them a little bit, especially the harmless ones that don’t disrupt practice time. She volunteers all the time, it’s a shock how much time she dedicates to the program. After a while, she realized that James was always volunteering with her and that’s how she realized James had a thing for her. She’s like best buds with Remus and he lets her play the quints all the time (James loves it even though Lily has no sense of rhythm.) She has to braid her hair for band and has no idea how to do it. She always asks around and Reg usually does it for her (James once asked Sirius to teach him how to French braid so he could potentially braid Lily’s hair [“Or Reggie’s?” “Oh my- shut up. Shut up.” “I’m not wrong!” “Shut up!”]. Sirius teaches him but the moment he offers Lily, he fumbles it astronomically bad. He fucks up the braid extremely bad; it’s loose in all the wrong spots and it looks like a fourth grader did it, and Regulus comes and laughs at him before fixing the braid for Lily. Sirius makes fun of him for this for about a week.).
When James and Lily were just about to finally get together, James panicked and went “Just so you know I definitely also have a thing for Regulus Black. Like- like god he’s hot- oh god why did I say that- oh my god- I’m so sorry.” And Lily just stared and went “Oh? Me too.” And then the two manage to bag Reg, somehow. Sirius was pissed for like ten minutes before giving up on caring. (One time during practice, Regulus put his hair up in a ponytail and James tripped over himself Bc he was staring and brought him and Sirius down. Sirius laughed at James for it.)
When Remus and Sirius get together, it shocked no one. Everyone’s like “But I thought you two were already together? You guys cuddle on the bus rides and sneak off together before practices and McGonagall gets on you guys about PDA all the time what do you mean you just now got together? I thought you two have been dating for months.” Sirius thinks it’s hilarious, Remus just wonders how obvious he was being for everyone but Sirius to know for so long.
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plothooksinc · 1 month
Tagged by @loadthebases!
Favorite color: Wine red, love that shit
Last song: LMFAO It's actually... uh. Boom Shake the Room by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince /HANGS HEAD IN SHAME (in my defense it just came up, uh, randomly. Totally not in my defense, it's still in my playlist, so...)
Currently reading: Right this second, nothing. I still haven't got more than 5 chapters into the Lightning Thief, have spent months now going "gosh I should get back into reading" and that's as far as I get. (But I'm reading like three dozen fanfics that update regularly, so?
Currently watching: Renegade Nell, Owl House, The Acolyte (LOL this is so very CW Star Wars, I'm here for Manny tho), casual ROTTMNT watching when I need to wheat bag my traitorous neck and have to sit on the couch for 10 mins
Currently craving: ...lunch. (At 10.39pm. As you do. /sticks a frozen pasta in the microwave)
Coffee or tea: Neither, they're both awful. If I must hot drink it up it'll be cocoa. But otherwise I usually stick to coke zero or water.
Hobby to try: honestly nothing springs to mind that i haven't already tried and practice regularly (or tried and went meh to) maybe take up piano again? IG?? I have a portable grand synth in my room, I should actually use it.
Current AU: Uhh one I'm writing or one I'm into? I only have two AUs and they're both on the backburner (Rurouni Kenshin cyberpunk samurai, FFVII hey-what-if-Tseng-pulled-some-strings-and-Zack-never-got-experimented-on-whoops-poor-Cloud). I'm not incredibly into any AU but I do watch varying TMNT AUs go past with interest o>
Tagging: @omgflyingderpywhale, @eggxalted, @washipuppy
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kholnt · 2 months
i have a few questions for you about lost:
what does he think of Tarrey Town?
does he play any instruments other than piano?
and finally, a bit of a random one, but what does he think of blupees/lord of the mountain?
tarrey town happened after his adventure since lost was very one track minded during botw but he has bittersweet pride about it. he wishes he could've done it sooner, but helping zelda was too important at the time. he visits when he's in the area which honestly isnt that often (he usually sticks to stables) i asked kay and it was an "idk but if he did it'd be a wind instrument and after totk" so. take that as you will! he only shot blupees very early on in his adventure when his rupee situation was rough but after that he refuses to let them be hurt. he finds them very cute and they've gotten to a point where they let him almost touch them. he has a lot of respect for satori and they've talked a few times. (i have made a joke that lost befriends deities and animals before hylians. i stand by my point) divinity doesnt scare him in the way it probably should but nature spirit/deities like the deku tree, malayna and satori practically call to him.
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ashen-crest · 2 years
Listen. Before my phone runs out of battery, I have to tell you about how I visited a small surf town in New Zealand and ran into Emry Karic.
Sort of.
So, my husband and I have a few hours to wander around this little town. It’s cute- lovely waterfront, lots of cafes and surf shops. There’s even a few art galleries scattered around. Overall, a very chill hippie town.
We stop for lunch, and while The Husband is in the restroom, I wander around the street. Turns out, there’s a bit of heaven right next to our restaurant: a tiny bakery/cafe nestled beside an equally tiny used bookstore.
Both are exactly how you want them to look. The bakery has somehow managed to fit an upright piano in between a mountain of baked goods, chocolates, and sandwiches, all piled on antique furniture in front of deep teal walls. The bookstore is even more cluttered- floor to ceiling shelves, a separate nook for fantasy and sci-fi. Both places are perfect.
But, me being me, I stop in and look around the bakery first. They have at least a dozen different hot cocoa flavors on the chalkboard- another point in this bakery’s favor- but no barista at the register, nor anywhere in the space. I turn to leave.
I turn around and, for a brief instant, I’m looking directly at Emry Karic.
It’s just for a split second- truly only a glimpse of an olive green vest, white shirt, brown curly hair, and the brightest, most Emry smile I’ve ever seen in my whole life- but it was enough to make my brain sputter. It’s embarrassing, but I think I stopped breathing for half a second.
Now, upon second review- as the newcomer slides behind the counter and I try desperately to be Completely Normal About This- he’s not Emry, of course. He’s paler, he’s got facial hair, his vest is decidedly fleece (an odd choice in summer). But we need to circle back around to his smile, because Jesus Christ on a pogo stick. It’s one of those smiles that punches you in the face with how wide and beaming it is, while also looking genuine and effortless. It’s how I always imagined Emry smiling. It’s wonderful.
So, upon being struck by all this, I immediately leave the cafe.
I look for my husband. He’s not outside yet. I stand awkwardly on the sidewalk. Then wander around the bookstore for a bit. I go back onto the sidewalk. Still no husband.
Fine, I think. Fine fine fine. It’s a bakery. I can just go back in and order something from Smiling Coffee Man Who Is Not Emry Karic. That’s easy, right?
I go back in.
“You’re back!” he says, still smiling. Frankly, I’d have preferred not to be recognized, but it’s a tiny cafe and I was just here a few minutes ago and I’m wearing a very large backpack and honestly what can you do.
I go to the counter and stare at the hot and iced chocolate list. I wasn’t lying when I said there were a dozen options. I mumble something about trying to decide what to get and Smiling Coffee Man (hereby shortened to SCM) politely goes off and busies himself with, I don’t know, some kind of machine while I panic.
In my panic, which lasts either six seconds or six years, who knows, I choose the Gingerbread Ice Chocolate.
SCM (still smiling, I should note) asks a question in an accent I can’t place, but I vaguely hear the words “ice cream” and I say yes.
(This is a sound practice in any context. I am old and wise, so you can trust me on this.)
Anyway, I get my ice chocolate. It’s stupidly large. There’s whipped cream on top. There’s cinnamon ice cream in it. I’m delighted and intimidated and I immediately leave again.
Now here’s the end of the story, you may think. This is where she goes on her merry way and doesn’t bother SCM or herself any further.
And this is where you’re wrong, because upon meeting with my Husband, I inform him that Emry Karic is running that cafe and also I want to get some pressed paper for my friend simply because I am a Good Friend and no other reason.
(My husband is an incredibly patient man.)
And I do genuinely want the paper. Some local artist has made lovely little cards with ink drawings and hand-pressed flowers to sell at the front counter, and I missed my friend’s birthday and I know she’d love one.
So I go back in. Again.
Please note that it’s been about a half hour, maybe more, since my last visit, but SCM immediately throws both hands in the air and says with a big grin, “you’re back!”
(I scream internally. I am still screaming internally.)
Husband and I review the cards. I find the perfect one, if I do say so myself. I check out. SCM still has a big smile on his face. I try not to look at him while I’m processing my card payment. I glance up. He’s still smiling at me. It’s overwhelming.
I finally take the card and truly, for the last time, leave this poor man alone after single-handedly funding his cafe for the day.
I wish I had a more climactic ending for you, but I’m now on the other end of the country, far away from the surfing town, and off to new adventures. My only relief comes from the fact that I will never come across an Ambrose Beake in real life because he has blue hair and pointy ears.
But I hope that on your part, you see someone, whether it be a stranger or friend or lover, whose smile punches you in the face. And I mean that in the best way possible.
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
Eridave Fic Recs
im 99% sure ive already offered my fic recs for eridave but im going to do it again. i havent gone through the tag in a couple of years and it seems like its gotten more popular than it was back in the day, but heres my list of top fics
Lee Shore
by JumpingJackFlash (@jumpingjacktrash on tumblr i think?)
"I asked Egbert to ask you if you have Ampora's new contact information." "No, man, I didn't even know the old info was old. How can you not have a contact for him? It's not like he changed his chumhandle, email, and phone number all at once." "As a matter of fact, that is apparently exactly what he did. And deleted his Facebook and his photo blog." "Dramariffic." In the years after the game, the twelve trolls and eight humans have tried to stick together, because no one else would understand. When Eridan misses one of their yearly reunions, Dave makes an impulsive decision to go find him.
starting off so strong with THE eridave fic. i have reread this one very recently actually so i can tell you w complete confidence that this is the best one. this is THE one. if you only ever read one eridave fic make it this one. and then come back and read mine no but like im being so real rn its so good. eridans pretentious and a dickwipe and juuust whiny enough and daves complete no bullshit attitude with him works so well. their dynamic is peak in this, like. its everything.
Prince Unicorn (If There's Anything More Important Than My Ego Around, I Want It Caught And Shot Now)
by spritezee
After years spent mastering his job-hopping skills on the interplanetary level, a combination of chance and fortunate family ties lands one Dave Strider a job as a personal bodyguard to Eridan Ampora, prince and heir to an almost unparalleled fiscal empire. He assumes it’ll be just another job he’ll be able to leave behind when the time comes, another story to tell on slow nights where the man with the most tales is the king of the universe, but as all things in life, nothing is ever quite that simple.
spritezee writes some of the best eridave fics out there. this one in particular is my favorite. its not only a space au but its really a love letter to the scifi genre and you can tell just reading through it that a lot of care went into the worldbuilding. dave and bros relationship is a total mess in a way thats honestly really interesting, and zee always writes a great dynamic for eridan and dave. plus, you HAVE to admit thats a great fucking title
Little Brother
by spritezee
When John asked you if you were feeling any better yet earlier you told him you were fucking lonely as balls and considering changing your occupation to prostitute so you could find your own personal Edward Lewis to pay you loads of money for standing around and looking pretty. Then you told him you’d always wanted to have sex on a piano, so it’d all work out fine. The reference went straight over his head, which in hindsight should not have surprised you in the least because Pretty Woman isn’t really John’s usual genre, and even if it had been it’s not anywhere near obscure and shitty enough to catch his eye. When Rose asked you the same thing a few minutes later you told her you discovered the small store at the far side of your street carries penis-shaped candles and that you now swore by watching them slowly burn down right to the waxen ballsack as a therapeutic relaxation technique.
again, always a great eridan and dave dynamic w this author. if it wasnt really clear by the summary, this fic in particular is fucking hilarious and dave and his wandering metaphors are a lot of fun in it.
other than that, tho, all of my recommendations are just going to be more of spritezees fics, so i REALLY recommend that you just save me the time and go check out their stuff yourself. if i ever delve back into the eridave tag ill make sure to let yall know if i find any bangers
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