#i should get a group shot sometime before i put them away
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Found my second Allan woo. I don't think I've ever taken a photo of them together.
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prettymonegasque · 8 months
not acceptable
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Charles Leclerc x fem!driver! reader
Summary: Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do when your pretty boyfriend is a lil dumb
Warnings: Excessive cursing, Lando slander, grown men sharing a single brain cell, fluff?
Word Count: 1.3k
Based on my favourite scene in Schitt’s Creek
In all the two years you’ve been in Ferrari, the speculations and rumours of you dating Charles were non-stop. Neither of you paid much attention to it. You were both in happy relationships. However, that changed in the summer of ‘22 when you broke up with your partner. It wasn’t messy and you both agreed it was for the better. You focused on the rest of the season. 
Fast forward to the summer of ‘23, you and Charles were both single. You decided to give in to the speculations and give the relationship a real shot. You went on a few dates, each one being more fun than the previous one. Yet neither of you took the leap to become exclusive. You both liked each other but it wasn’t said out loud as much as you would’ve wanted to. So when Charles invited you to a game night with his friends, you thought it would be the one where he introduced you as his girlfriend. 
You knocked on his apartment door at 7 pm. You had brought a charcuterie board because you panicked and the first thing your mind thought was cheese. 
“Y/N! Come in.” Charles opened the door and hugged you. You tried your best to return while managing the charcuterie board. He laughed at your struggle, took the board from your hand and led you in. You spotted some familiar faces in the room. “Hey, guys. This is Y/N. My teammate as you know.” To risk being dramatic, the only description for what you felt was “death by a thousand cuts”. You still forced a smile and greeted everyone. You took a seat on the sofa next to Charles. “You brought a charcuterie board?” Pierre asked puzzled. “Dibs on gouda.” Yelled a familiar Brit.
For the next few hours, you forced yourself to forget about your “teammate” and focus on the game instead. To everyone’s surprise, you were very good at Monopoly. You had already collected over $7000 worth of assets. You were more than happy to win by default. Arthur suggested Uno and everyone complied. You had never played it before which made the group very happy. 
When you got your cards you leaned over to Charles and whispered “What the fuck should I do now? ” Charles peeked at your cards and by instinct you shied them away from him. “You have to show me the cards so I can tell you what to do.” He laughed. You rolled your eyes and showed him the cards. “How the hell did you get 3 +4 cards?” “Why? Is that bad?” “No no. It is very good and I am very grateful my turn is before you.” “I am gonna crush these motherfuckers” You silently giggled.
“Y/N your turn,” Andrea called out. You placed the +4 card on the table. “Seriously?” Lando sighed and took 4 cards from the deck. “I thought you'd never played this before.” “I haven’t. I’m just that good, Norris.” “You know you could put all the +4 cards at once? ” Charles whispered in your ear. When your turn came again you placed both your +4 cards down. “Oh come on. You’re an absolute ass.” Lando exclaimed. “You just got destroyed by a UNO rookie, Lando” Pierre doubled over in laughter. “Also you have only one card left. You can call out UNO” Arthur nudged you. “UNO!” You yelled. “Well, I guess we have a winner. ” Lorenzo sighed and folded.
You started feeling a little guilty. Your winning spree kept cutting the game short. It didn’t look like anyone was having any fun. Even if Charles isn’t going to introduce you as his girlfriend, you still want his friends and brothers to like you as Charles’ girl. Charles brought in Scrabble as his last resort. He wasn’t expecting to go through 2 games so quickly. You were chosen as the judge. You promised yourself to go easy on everyone. You weren’t sure if you were making a good impression on everyone but boy did your ego love this. 
“What do you mean ‘rizz’ isn’t accepted?” Arthur yelled. “Mate it isn’t in the dictionary.” “Then why does everyone call Lando ‘NoRIZZ’?” “Hey!” “I consider it as an acceptable word. We know the meaning. It exists. It’s a word.” You chimed in. “Thank you!” Arthur smiled and added 13 points to himself. The game continued and you limited yourself to simple words. And you accepted every word regardless of how ridiculous it was. 
“Yes Pierre ‘Fuck’ is a word.” 
“I mean we all know what ‘OMG’ is”
“Sure, Charles. You can make Frenglish words.” 
You could physically feel the pain from the insanity of some words but you were on a mission. You nodded and smiled and carried on. The words became chaotic by the minute. Your last straw was when Lando argued that “Skibidi” should be accepted. 
“That’s it. I can’t take this shit anymore. I respect the game too much to put up with this. You are way too old to use the word ‘Skibidi’, Lando.” “Yeah so wrong, Lando” Pierre fakes disappointment. “You! Fuck is not acceptable.” “Not acceptable. Yes sorry, Y/N” He bites back a laugh. “OMG!? Are you kidding me?” “I wasn’t.” Lorenzo shakes his head. “And my boyfriend sits there looking pretty and wanting to make up Frenglish words. THAT’S NOT EVEN A LANGUAGE. NOT ACCEPTABLE!” 
“I’m sorry. What did you just say?” Charles looked up at you. “I said Lando is old.” You tried to shift the conversation. “Why the fuck am I getting slandered?” “No. I think it was something about your boyfriend being pretty and making up words.” Charles redirects you. “Um... I don’t remember saying that.” You mumbled. “Yeah no. That’s what we heard. Right Arthur?” Pierre snickered. 
“Hey if my girlfriend says Frenglish isn’t acceptable then it isn’t, guys” Charles smirked. “Or it is. I don’t remember saying it.” You shrugged. “So you can do whatever you like.” The ceiling looked much more interesting than the gorgeous green eyes looking at you. “I think our work is done here. Let’s go guys.” Lando stood up. “And what exactly was that work, Norizz?” You called out as everyone was walking out the door chattering. Lando just smiled at you and closed the door. 
You and Charles remained quiet and just looked at each other for a long moment. “I don’t k-” “Do you r-” You both spoke at the same time. Gentle giggles echoed in the silence. “I was gonna ask if you regretted it?” Charles looked at you with a hopeful glint in his eyes. “No. God no. Charles, I don’t regret it at all. But to be honest, I kinda thought you hosted this game night to introduce me as your girlfriend. It sucked ass when you called me your teammate.” You looked down at your feet. You contemplated if sitting down would make this whole shebang less awkward. But Charles quietened your thoughts by standing up and taking your hands in his.
 “Cherie, seconds before you knocked, I was having a full-blown panic attack. I really really like you and I wanted us to be official but I didn’t know what you felt. The guys were there for emotional support because I do not trust myself with any high-risk situation.”
“You drive a car at 300 km/hr almost every weekend.” 
“Please. That is nothing compared to you. Every time I get in the cockpit, I’m more worried about your safety than mine. I was going to introduce you as my girlfriend. Trust me the word was on the tip of my tongue but I was being a pussy and chickened out. I’m so glad you did it tho.” His smile made those adorable dimples pop as he hugged you. “I’m so glad I did it too.” Your voice came out muffled with your cheek pressed against his chest. 
“And I’m so glad you called me pretty.”   
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sluttywonwoo · 6 days
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the roster | part one of three
pairing: christopher bahng + lee sangyeon + choi seuncheol x f!reader
summary: what happens when all the guys on your roster find out about each other?
warnings: see here (mdni!!!)
word count: 4.4k
series masterlist
You’d been set up. You should have known something was off when Sangyeon texted you to come over. He never texted you first. He was the most reserved of the three, always letting you be the one to reach out to him if you wanted to hook up. 
You shot him an accusatory glare but he pointedly avoided your gaze, choosing instead to stare at something on the ceiling that was apparently much more interesting.  
Seungcheol was the first to speak, of course. “Did you really think we wouldn’t find out?” 
You figured there was no point in lying. They already had you cornered. “Yeah, kind of.” The three of them scoffed in unison, making you hold up your hands in defense. “I didn’t know you guys knew each other like that!”
In fact, you had chosen each of them precisely because you thought there wouldn’t be any conflicts of interest. They were all in different groups, all the leaders of said groups which you thought would mean that they were almost always busy with their members. You didn’t think they had time for friends. Let alone friends who were of different ages and also leaders. 
Chris was the biggest gamble. You knew that he knows almost everyone in the industry and has a lot of friends but you didn’t think he knew the other two guys you were fucking well enough to put together that you were actually sleeping with all of them. 
Everything had been going so well. You had perfected your system over the months, using the boys’ schedules to your advantage so there was never any overlap. Seungcheol got weekends, Sangyeon got Wednesdays and Fridays, and Chris got 3ams on Tuesdays, Thursdays, (and sometimes Fridays if you weren’t sleeping over at Sangyeon’s) because that’s just when he was free. You keep your Mondays and the last full week of every month free so that you have time for yourself. Otherwise you’d drive yourself crazy spending all your time with men. 
You had never agreed to be exclusive with any of them. You made it more than clear that wasn’t what you were looking for. Still, they must have thought you weren’t seeing anyone else because all three of them had shown up to this confrontation and all three of them looked pissed. 
“Is it just the three of us?” Chris chimes in. 
“How much time do you think I have?” you mutter. 
“Just answer the question.”
You look away from them. “Yeah, there’s no one else.”
“Lucky us,” Seungcheol sneers. 
“Hey, you’re the one who said you wanted something casual,” you remind him, your tone icy. “You wanted to sleep around with no strings attached and I agreed.”
You’ve known Seungcheol the longest. You were friends first, through your job, but it quickly turned into something more. You couldn’t keep your hands off each other, spending nights and mornings together. Going to sleep and waking up and stealing kisses in elevators. Talking on the phone for hours and planning dates in the different cities he was touring in. 
He shut you down before you could get too delusional about it, though, stating plainly that all he wanted was a strict friends-with-benefits sort of situation. You still remember the feeling of your throat burning as you fought back tears, telling him that was perfectly fine, that you felt the same way. 
You couldn’t let yourself get too attached to a man who didn’t want you in the same way you wanted him so you looked for a distraction and found one in Lee Sangyeon. You met him through Jacob, a younger member of his group. Sangyeon was the perfect distraction. He was charming and funny, never one to take himself too seriously. He was a real gentleman and it didn’t hurt that he had a huge dick. 
You were the one to broach the topic of nonexclusivity with him this time, wanting to beat him to it. You knew exactly what all of these idols wanted. Choi Seungcheol had taught you that lesson early on. Sangyeon took it well, at least, as well as you expected him to. He told you he was on the same page as you, that he was just looking for something casual and you believed him. Now, looking at the expression on his face as he listens to the two other men talk, you’re not sure. 
And then Chris just sort of fell into your lap. You weren’t looking for anything else. Juggling two men was enough work. You just so happened to run into him at some after party, stopping him to compliment his music. One thing led to another and you were shoving your tongue down his throat in a dark closet. Apparently he had a thing for praise. 
Neither of you had to be the one to friend(swithbenefits)zone the other. You brought it up one night as you laid in his bed together and he was quick to agree. 
“Yeah, I don’t have time for anything more than... this, right now,” he sighed. He sounded a little regretful about it, like he thought he was being an asshole despite you voicing the same sentiment. 
So you hadn’t been doing anything wrong- even if your brain liked to tell you otherwise sometimes. You defined the (non)relationships with each of them, used protection with all of them, you weren’t leading anyone on... it had just so happened to get a little bit... messy, for lack of a better word. 
“No strings attached doesn’t mean I want you to fuck my friends!” Seungcheol huffs, running a hand through his hair. 
“I didn’t know you were friends with them!” you cry, throwing your head back onto the back of the couch in frustration and accidentally banging your head against the wall in the process. 
“Are you okay?” Sangyeon asks, wincing. 
The other two side-eye him. 
“I’m fine. But why am I here? Did you bring me here just to yell at me?”
“Not exactly,” Chris says, smirking. 
You look to the other men for an explanation but neither of them offer any further explanation. 
“Then why?”
Chris slides his hands in his front pockets and shrugs. “Well, if you’re up for it, the three of us thought we might have a little fun with you.”
“What does that mean?”
Seungcheol steps forward and mirrors Chan’s stance, cocking his head to the side for good measure. You have to fight the urge to roll your eyes, knowing it would only make things worse for you. 
To be fair, all the posturing would be a lot more annoying if they weren’t the hottest men you’d ever seen in your life. 
“I think you know what that means,” Cheol adds, supplying absolutely nothing helpful. 
“Obviously I don’t or I wouldn’t have asked,” you argue. 
Seungcheol whistles and then looks to his friends. “Is she this bratty with you guys?” Chris gives an ‘eh’ hand motion whilst Sangyeon nods outright. “Yeah, I figured.”
“Did you think you were getting special treatment?” you taunt, surprising even yourself. 
He scowls but doesn’t respond, probably in an effort to maintain some semblance of self-control in front of the other two. If it were just you and him, you’d have a hand around your throat already. And maybe that’s what you wanted. Maybe your mouth was working faster than your brain in order to get a specific... reaction out of them like you normally would. Or maybe your mouth just liked to get you in trouble. 
From the way they were acting, they obviously hadn’t lured you here just to hang out. It had to be some sort of sex thing, right? You certainly weren’t opposed, you just needed to figure out what game they were playing so that you could be dealt in. 
“We were curious about which one of us you like the most,” Chris says finally. At least someone was interested in getting to the fucking point. 
You blink at him then turn to look at Seungcheol who just nods in confirmation. “You want me to... rank you? Why?”
“You’re the one who has us on a little roster,” Sangyeon points out, sounding a little mean for the first time tonight. “Surely you’ve thought about it before.”
You shake your head. “I haven’t. I mean, I like all of you guys! I wouldn’t hang out with you if I didn’t.”
“We don’t care about hanging out, we want to know who you think is the best in bed,” Seungcheol clarifies. 
“You know, who’s the best fuck?”
“Why do you even care?” you ask. “Like what are you getting out of this?”
“Just a little competition between friends,” Chris assures you with a wink. 
“I... wouldn’t even know where to start,” you insist. 
“We thought you might say that,” Seungcheol hums as he steps closer to you. “Which is why we thought we could test it in real time.”
“In real time?”
“Yeah, let us fuck you, then you tell us who’s best.”
“Right now?” 
Seungcheol shrugs. “You asked why we brought you here.”
“And you just assumed I’d be down?”
“Yeah,” all three of them say at the same time. 
It’s your turn to scoff. So that’s what they think of you. You shouldn’t have expected anything different, to be fair. It wasn’t like you were a saint. You literally had your dick appointments with all of them penciled into your Google Calendar every week. 
“C’mon, baby, we know you by now,” Chris adds, plopping down on the sofa next to you. He stretches his arm across the back of it like guys like to do, opening himself up for you to lean into him if you wanted to. “Are you saying you don’t want us to take turns fucking your brains out?”
You stay silent. 
“Should we take that as a yes?” Sangyeon asks. 
“I’d say so,” Chris agrees.
Seungcheol claps his hands together decisively and then points to the man sitting next to you. “Chan, you’re up first then, yeah? That’s how you do it in your group, right? Youngest first?”
He’s mocking him but Chris doesn’t acknowledge it. If there’s one thing you know about Bang Chan, it’s that he’s not one to back down from a challenge, and while going first in this sort of competition must be daunting he doesn’t look the least bit shaken. 
“Are we doing this here?” he asks the older two. 
Sangyeon considers it and shrugs. “We should probably move to the bed, right?” 
“Dude, it’s your house.”
“There’s more room on the bed,” Sangyeon decides, offering you his hand. 
You take it and he helps you up from the couch. You step in front of the boys and lead them to Sangyeon’s bedroom, calling “it’s this way,” over your shoulder just to be a menace. You can’t see the faces they make behind you but you hear Sangyeon chuckle under his breath. 
You flick on one of his table lamps and make yourself comfortable on the bed, patting the spot next to you for Chris to join you. He does and puts a hand on your thigh, squeezing your thigh comfortingly. Seungcheol and Sangyeon lean against the dresser across from the bed in the most non-awkward way they can manage. 
Somehow, they both still look intimidating despite the fact that they’re essentially about to be cucked by one of their closest friends. 
“What now?” you ask. 
Chris brings one of his hands up to cup your cheek and leans in. “Now, we do this.”
He kisses you gently at first. Whether it’s to ease your nerves or his own, you aren’t sure, but he starts slow, building up to what you’re used to. His thumb strokes your cheek as if to reassure you as he deepens the kiss and slips his tongue into your mouth. His other hand that had been resting on your hip fumbles with your pants. 
“Just pretend they aren’t there,” he whispers. 
It’s impossible to do when you can feel the weight of their stares on you but you try to relax anyway, reminding yourself that something like this has been a fantasy of yours for a while now. You never thought it would actually happen and you definitely didn’t think it would be with them but with your luck you honestly shouldn’t be as surprised as you are. 
“This isn’t going to work if you don’t relax,” Chris continues, low enough for only you to hear. “I kind of have something to prove here.”
“You don’t have anything to prove,” you assure him. “You’re great in bed.”
“They don’t know that,” he hisses. 
“Sorry, sorry, I forgot this is just a competition to you guys,” you grumble. 
He chuckles. “What, you want me to make love to you in front of them? Because I will.”
“I think that’d be even more embarrassing, somehow.” 
“Exactly, now lay down and let me fuck you brainless so you can’t overthink anymore.”
He had such a way with words, that Bang Chan did. 
He shifts so you can lay down and take your pants off. Your shirt goes next, leaving you in just your underwear. It’s the most exposed you’ve ever felt even though you’ve been completely naked in front of all three men before. 
Chris snaps the elastic waistband of your cotton panties against your hip and smirks. “Cute.”
You pout, ready to defend your granny panties but Sangyeon pipes up from the other side of the room before you can.
“She doesn’t care what she wears over to mine because she knows it won’t stay on long anyway.”
That was actually true. You dressed the most comfortably to hang out with Sangyeon because you knew he wouldn’t care. It wasn’t like Chris or Seungcheol cared more, and you didn’t really dress up for them either, but there was a notable difference between the amount of effort you put in for each man, something you hadn’t noticed until just now. 
“She wet yet?” Seungcheol asks, sounding bored. 
You know it’s just a front so his jealousy and impatience won’t shine through because it’s not a very good one. Seungcheol is not and never has been good at hiding his feelings. 
Chris shoots him a look. “I was getting to that.” 
Seungcheol holds his hands up in defense but thankfully keeps his mouth shut. 
Chris sucks in a breath of patience and brings his hand in between your legs, fingers tracing your slit. Your cheeks grow warm with embarrassment because you are, in fact, wet. You have been since they sat you down and stood in front of you like you were going to be scolded for doing something wrong. 
“Yeah, she’s fucking wet,” Chris rasps. “Jesus Christ, baby. I bet your joggers are ruined too.”
His teasing makes you try to close your thighs around his hand but his reflexes beat yours and he catches your knee to force your legs back open. 
“Nice try.”
“You’re the worst.”
His fingers start to wander beneath the fabric of your panties, feather light touches that already have you gasping for breath. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do, I really do.”
“Want me to stop?” he threatens.
“What happened to having something to prove?” you mutter back. 
“Always such a fucking brat,” he muses, jaw tight. 
“Don’t act like you don’t love that about me.”
“You’re consistent, I’ll give you that.”
Chris leans down and kisses you again, presumably to get you to stop talking. It works, of course. He lets his tongue explore your mouth while his hands explore your body, still not giving you what you really want. 
Eventually, he slips a finger inside, taking you by surprise and making you gasp as you grab at him for something to squeeze. He offers you his arm and you take it, fingernails digging into his bicep. 
“It’s just one finger, baby,” Chris coos. 
“Feels.... good, though,” you squeak. 
He adds another right as you start to get used to the feeling of the first and you have to take a deep breath to keep yourself from making another embarrassing noise. 
“Don’t hold back. Let the boys know how good I’m making you feel.”
Seungcheol scoffs, tonguing his cheek. “You don’t have to fake it for him, babe.” 
“Are you sure you guys are friends?” you pant. 
They don’t answer, leaving you to draw the conclusions yourself. You’re sure they were friends... whether they would be after this was another story. 
Chris crooks his fingers up, knowing you won’t be able to stay quiet once he does. He’s right. You moan, albeit quietly, and arch into his touch. 
“So what are the parameters of this competition?” Chris asks the other two and turns his head towards them while he continues to work his fingers in and out of you. 
“What do you mean?” Sangyeon asks back. 
“Like, does foreplay count? Or is she judging solely based on our stroke game?”
Seungcheol considers it for a moment before looking to Sangyeon. “What do you think?”
“I think the judgment should include foreplay,” he says. “Foreplay is part of sex after all.”
“Good point,” Chris agrees. “Any other rules?” They shake their heads. “What about you, baby? Do you have any rules for us?”
You purse your lips as you think, trying not to lose focus with his fingers inside of you. “Just don’t go too hard. I do have to work on Monday.”
It’s only Friday night now, but knowing them, you’ll probably be sore for at least a couple of days afterward. 
Chris laughs. “We’ll do our best. Right, guys?”
They mumble what sounds like an agreement and Sangyeon even gives you a thumbs-up. 
“Can I keep going?” Chris asks you. 
“You didn’t really stop,” you point out.
He had still been fingering you lazily throughout the whole aside. It wasn’t enough to get you off but it was certainly distracting. You had to try very hard to concentrate on what they were saying. 
“C’mon, this is nothing,” he teases, bringing his thumb to your clit as he starts to kiss your neck. “How’s that?” he murmurs into your ear, 
“Just good? Must be doing something wrong, then.”
Before you can deny it, he adds a third finger, earning a loud cry from you this time. You feel him grin against your throat, hiding his smug satisfaction from the other two. 
“Spread your legs wider for me, baby. Let them see.”
You do as you’re told even though it’s hard. It’s so much. You want to squeeze them around his hand again but you know you’ll only get told off if you do. 
“Good girl,” he praises, making you whimper. 
“That’s all it takes, doesn’t it?” Seungcheol mutters. “We just have to call you a good girl and you’re making a mess all over us, right?”
You squirm, arousal and embarrassment pooling in your belly. You can tell Chris wants to give Cheol shit for butting in when it’s supposed to be his turn, but he doesn’t because his words are technically helping him. You get even wetter around his fingers, a detail Chris elects not to share with the room. 
You’re sure they can see it, though, or at least hear it. The sounds are obscene. 
It’s mortifying. You want to die. But first you want to cum. 
Two of your favorite things about Chris are his hands. They’re huge, especially for a guy his height, and absolutely gorgeous. Thick veins run across the backs of them from his knuckles up through his forearms- he’s a nurse’s wet dream, and yours. You’ve spent an absurd amount of time tracing them with your own fingers when you’re laying in bed together after hooking up and more often than not, it’s enough to make you want to go again. 
He’s good with them too because of course he is. Bang Chan is annoyingly good at everything he does, including but not limited to: making you cum. 
“Already?” Chris muses under his breath. “Does having an audience turn you on that much?”
“Sh-shut up.”
“That’s not a very nice thing to say to someone who can take their fingers away any time they want to.”
“No, please!” you protest.
“That’s what I thought. Do you want to cum on my fingers? Or should I make you wait for it?” He’s talking to himself at this point but you answer anyway. 
“I-I don’t know...”
“Probably should let you, huh? You’re still so tight.”
You don’t get another word out before it hits you, your body curling in on Chan’s hand as he finger fucks you through your first orgasm of the night. As soon as you come down, he’s taking his fingers out of you and sucking them into his mouth, kissing you right after so you can taste yourself on his lips. 
“Good job, baby,” he murmurs into your mouth as he adds his tongue back into the mix. “Ready for me now?”
“Condoms are in the nightstand,” Sangyeon says, nodding in the direction of the bedside table. 
Chris reaches over and pulls the drawer out, whistling at the other things he finds rolling around in the compartment. 
“This hers?” he asks, holding up a vibrator.
“Who else’s would it be?” Sangyeon mutters. 
“I don’t know what you do in your free time, man.”
He drops the toy back in its place and grabs a condom from the box tucked in the corner of the same drawer. The odds of one size fitting three different men were slim, but having slept with each of them you’re sure they’ll be able to make it work. 
Chris hands you the foil packet, allowing you to do the honors of tearing it open with your teeth while he works on getting naked. 
Seungcheol whistles jeeringly at Chan as he takes his cock out and pumps it a couple of times. You can see the back of Chan’s neck flush red but he remains steady as he rolls the latex on. You realize it must be difficult for him to have an audience too, though he has nothing to be self conscious about. Even if they aren’t showing it, you know the other two have to be impressed.
He’s the perfect balance of long and thick and just like his hands, defined veins run up the length of his shaft. You’ve spent what feels like hours tracing those veins with your tongue, watching him shiver under your touch. Most dicks aren’t pretty but Christopher Bahng’s certainly is.
“Ready?” Chris asks, rubbing your thigh with his palm.  
“Yeah,” you breathe.
Since he already made you cum, he’s able to slip in without much resistance- but he’s big enough that the stretch is still intense, making your eyes roll back in pleasure as you stifle a whimper. 
He gives you a moment to adjust once he’s fully inside you, teasing only a little bit with slight movements of his hips. 
“God, that feels good,” you moan.
“I know, baby,” he murmurs sweetly, “you’re taking it so well for me.”
He brushes a couple of strands of hair out of your eyes so that you can see him properly. Obstructed view or not, he’s beautiful on top of you. His own bangs have already started to stick to his forehead and the pink flush of embarrassment has somewhat faded and turned into that of exertion, spreading from the back of his neck to his chest and face and matching the kiss-bitten swell of his lips. The muscles in his arms and shoulders are engaged with the effort it takes to hold himself above you, making him look even bigger. 
His eyes are soft, even as the rest of his features take on a more sinister expression. That was one of the things that made sex with Chris so good. He genuinely cares for you, not just as a lover, but as a person. Lots of guys put effort into making the other party feel good during sex but that doesn’t mean they care about them. It’s not like that with Chris. 
“Want it faster?” he asks you. You nod. “Ask nicely.”
You should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy. 
He frees one of his hands and uses it to stroke your cheek. “‘Please,’ what?”
“Faster,” you squeak. 
“Is that the best you can do?” Seungcheol scoffs from the sidelines. 
“I’ll let her off easy this time,” Chris responds. “She can hardly think straight as it is, isn’t that right?”
Another nod. 
You get what you want and Chan picks up the pace, snapping his hips into yours in quick, shallow thrusts. 
“You’re getting tighter again,” he grunts, faltering imperceptibly. “You’re making this too easy for me.”
One of the other two makes what you assume is a snide remark but you don’t catch it because everything starts to fade into the background as you start to cum around Chan’s cock. It catches both of you off guard, you can tell. It isn’t unusual for you to finish from penetration alone but it usually takes a lot longer. 
“Holy shit, you’re so- fuck, you’re going to make me cum.”
He keeps going after you come down, chasing his own release. It’s almost enough to send you into a third orgasm but he cums before you can get there which is both a relief and a disappointment. 
You whine as the feeling ebbs and let yourself go boneless underneath him. He follows suit and collapses face first next to you on the mattress. 
“Sorry,” he whispers to you. “I would’ve kept going but I didn’t want you to be too sensitive for them.”
You nod in understanding and pat him appreciatively on the back. 
The room is quiet as the three men wait for you to catch your breath. Chris ensures you’re okay before rolling off the bed and joining the other two by the dresser. He mentions something about cleaning you up when you’re all done and offers to fetch you a glass of water. 
“There’s a Brita in the fridge,” Sangyeon tells him after also pointing him in the direction of the cabinet that holds the cups. 
He disappears into the hall and you gather what little strength you have to pop your head up and address the two remaining leaders at the foot of the bed. 
“Who’s next?”
this has been in the works for way too long lol but lmk what you think! i always appreciate feedback!!
tags: @minghaosimp @butterfliesinthenightsky @lelestarmy @stolasisyourparent @brownbunnyb @tinkerbell460 @cixrosie
add yourself to the taglist here
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inkdrinkerworld · 4 months
Hey babes😘 I love your Spencer x sunshine reader fics
Do you think Could you write a one shot of Spencer x sunshine reader where R is out of character annoyed or has an angry out bursts and Spencer trys to calm her down or something like that🩷🫣🪩
The door slams shut behind you, rattling the frame as you throw yourself into your spinning chair. 
You’re in Florida, already not a good thing, but now the local officers can’t seem to stop disregarding what you guys are telling them and it’s causing the Unsub to be even more rash prematurely. 
“Fucking idiots.” 
Spencer looks up from the board he’s staring at, frowning as he watches you snap a couple pencils from your case. 
“Y/n,” smooth and soft as velvet, but today you’re too prickly for it to work and make you smile. 
“I’m fine Spencer,” except getting the words out sounds like you’ve locked your jaw and can’t open it as you speak. Spencer doesn’t hold your attitude against you. 
He puts down the whiteboard marker, shoes clacking as he makes his way over to you. 
“I know you’re stressed, but we’ll get them. We always do, your profile hasn’t been wrong yet.” 
You huff, wishing away your bad mood as Spencer is being so encouraging. But you can’t, the longer you sit by idly the more your skin crawls. 
“Yeah but will we get them before those idiots make it so that their body count reaches twenty before we can get them behind bars? They’re being so fucking incompetent and irrational that it’s costing innocent people.” 
Spencer can see you grinding your teeth and tops your chin up, working his thumb under the hinge of your jaw to get you to unclench your teeth. 
He can’t even be upset with you, sometimes local law enforcement are your worst enemy. 
“I know, but Emily’s solving that issue. They’ll start keeping things to themselves.” 
You sigh, “We should be doing more. I don’t know what, but we have to be faster and smarter. We need to be better.” Your tone is leaning heavily on the side of self-deprecation, rough and self-critical like you’re the Unsub and not a group of women. 
Spencer crouches down, knees brushing yours as he ducks his head to catch your eyes. Melty honey brown eyes stare into yours, his mouth set in a soft line. 
“You need to breathe. I know you’re stressed and you’re worried, but you know what you’re doing. You’re great at profiling. We’re doing as much as we can right now and it has to be enough.” 
It’s hard to disregard Spencer when he speaks the words with all the confidence you’ve been lacking. When you nod a little he smiles, kissing your cheek. 
“Good, now come help me with the geoprofile.” Emily comes rushing into the room as you stand, taking the whiteboard marker into your hands. “Luke and Tara are at the freshest site now, some new evidence that might help with catching them. They’re rushing it to the labs now.” 
The knot in your shoulders ease up a little.
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vioartemis · 1 year
In another life (Sam's version)
(Sam Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: You're Tara's childhood best friend, and years after leaving Woodsboro, you meet her again in New York, making unexpecting feeling emerge. Tara || Sam Warnings: age gap (?) reader is 19 and Sam is 24 a/n: I made another one shot, kinda complementary of this one, with Tara :)) I put the link up there if you're interested (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
She had known you since you were 4, when Tara and you were in the same class for the first time. You were also her neighbor, but she never knew before that.
You were her little sister’s friend. Best friend, even. When Tara wanted to play, it was always you she wanted to play with. And Sam always accompanied her, so she saw you a lot too.
Then, when she was in age to want to have some money, she babysat you and Tara’s other friends. You were always so nice and sweet, always smiling, and opened to hugs.
She liked you a lot. Out of all of her sister’s friends, you were her favorite.
Sadly the time you spent together came to an end when she ran away.
Even if she didn’t, you wouldn’t have been able to see each other a lot more, because your parents had found a new job, and you moved out of Woodsboro a few months after her.
And now, almost 6 years later, you were about to meet again.
Tara and the rest of her friends just left a party , right after Sam barged in and tazzed some dude in the balls. The Carpenter sisters were fighting in the middle of the road, when a random girl threw her soda at Sam.
Half of the group tried to get the girl while the other held them back, trying not to cause too much drama. They didn't see it, but one of the girls was filming the whole thing.
Luckily for everyone, you did see it. You were actually going to that party, and saw the whole scene from afar. You didn't like that kind of attitude at all.
So when the girls walked passed you, you grabbed the phone of the one who was filming, and deleted the video before she could post it.
They all gave you horrified looks, like you did the most horrendous thing.
"That's called karma" you mumbled to yourself while you walked away, in the direction of their victim
She was trying to dry her jumper, when you approached her.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry, people are so dumb sometimes..." you said as she lifted her head up to look at you
As soon as your eyes met each other’s, both of you knew who the other was.
You chuckled in surprise, while Sam looked at you with wide eyes at how much you had changed.
"Oh my god..." she murmured "What are you doing in New York? It's really far away from Woodsboro"
"Oh yeah, my parents got a job here, a few months after you left... We never really moved again after. What about you?"
"We needed... fresh air. A new start. Away from Woodsboro and Ghostface"
You had heard about the recent Woodsboro murders, but couldn't believed all the rumors about Sam being the real mastermind behind it all.
"Of course, I understand that" you said with a light smile "You should take off your jumper, you're going to catch a cold..." you continued, taking off your hoodie and handing it to her "I don't know if it's the right size, but at least it'll keep you warm"
Sam gave you a thankful look, and put on your hoodie. It smells like her... she thought.
You smiled, and hugged her without thinking about it. You had missed her a lot more than you would ever admit.
"It’s so nice seeing you again…" you said quietly, as she hugged you back
You stayed like that for a minute, silently enjoying the hug, until you got interrupted.
"Sam, what are you doing?"
You broke the hug to look at the person, who appeared to be Tara, your childhood best friend.
"Y/n?" she smiled as she saw you and opened her arms for a hug
You gave it to her happily, holding her extra tight. Then, you discussed a bit, trying to catch up on each other’s life.
“Oh, I wanted to ask you, would you mind giving me your number? So we can talk” Sam suddenly asked you... a little nervously? You weren't sure.
You nodded and took her phone when she handed it to you, before putting your number in it. You gave it back to her with a big smile.
You were more than happy to see the Carpenter sisters again. Especially one of them.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Since you gave Sam your phone number, you hadn’t stopped talking. Every day as soon as you woke up, you started texting. You just had so much to catch up onto!
When you weren’t in class, you made a habit of going to the café where Sam was working. Your excuse was that it was always calm, building a good atmosphere to study there. The actual reason was to see her more.
When she was on a break, she would come to your table and either start catting with you, or just keep you company when you were actually working. She would never say it out loud, but she loved the serious look you had when you were concentrated.
She enjoyed your presence in the café. She was glad you chose to sit there to study, for when she had finished her shift, you could spend more time together. She would often walk you home, to make sure you’re safe.
Sometimes you were with Tara, studying together at the café. Sam loved her sister, but in those moments, when Tara and you were laughing together, so close, while she was behind the counter dealing with rude clients… she couldn’t help but feel her heart ache.
You knew that feeling damn well, every time a client was trying to flirt with Sam. Or at least it looked like they were flirting to you. And every time you had to slap yourself mentally, not understanding why you felt that way.
The answer would come a bit later.
You had planned a movie night with Sam at your apartment. You were alone and bored, and she has nothing better to do as Tara was doing homework with the twins.
You were happy to have that moment with her, but also nervous. The time you had spent together since you met again only brought back feelings you thought were just a stupid baby crush. Turns out it isn't just a baby crush. You had a crush on your best friend's sister.
This whole situation gave you anxiety. What you didn't know was that you weren't the only one.
Sam also had a crush on you. Her sister's best friend. Her sister's crush. She always had known Tara had a crush on you, she even thought you would be together at one point.
You would have made such a cute couple. That's what she had thought for a long time. Now she just can't help but feel an ounce of jealousy thinking about it.
And then the guilt strikes. Tara loved you, she couldn't do that to her... And even if she didn't, you were just so much younger than her... 5 years can be a lot, especially since you were young.
But again, imagining you with someone else made her jealous.
She was lost, and torn between telling you how she felt or just trying to forget her feelings.
"What do you want to watch?"
Your voice made her snap out of her thoughts.
"Oh uh... I don't know... Why don't you pick something?"
"Hmm... Okay! There's this movie on Netflix that I wanted to see..." you said, sitting on the couch next to her -at a reasonable distance- and turning on the tv.
While you looked for the movie on Netflix, Sam couldn't keep her eyes away from you. You were just so pretty...
She had trouble concentrating on the movie, often distracted by your presence next to her.
You could feel her eyes on you as the movie played. It wasn't the first time you caught her looking at you, but every time when you looked at her, she had looked away. You had figured it would be the case this time too.
You were wrong.
When you looked at her, her eyes were still on you. At this moment, you were like frozen in place. She had never looked at you like that before.
She had the look you gave her when she was not looking. In love.
While you were gazing into each other's eyes, you both got closer and closer to each other, to the point you could kiss her if you wanted to. And you wanted to. So bad.
"Can I... can I kiss you? Please..." you asked quietly, almost pleading her to let you kiss her
She looked hesitant, but eventually gave in and kissed you, putting a hand on your cheek to keep you close. Kissing you felt so right... as if your lips were made to be kissed by hers.
But again, Tara loved you... and Sam felt like she was betraying her sister.
She pulled away from the kiss.
"I'm sorry I... we shouldn't have done that..."
You felt your heart sink at her words. You thought she liked you back...
Your pain must have been visible on your face, as Sam was quick to talk again.
"It's not against you Y/n... I... I really like you but..." she sighed "Tara has a crush on you since forever... I can't do that to her..."
"What...? Wait... What?" you started, surprised
You never knew Tara had a crush on you. You only ever saw her as your best friend and thought it was the same for her.
"Sam you can't just- you can't just put her feelings above yours... I mean- I understand it's going to be difficult for her... But it's not like we chose that... I- I love you Sam... And Tara's my best friend, her well being is important to me... But seeing you without being able to tell you how I feel or kiss you... it's torture"
As you spoke, you asked yourself if it wasn't too much. Scare her away was the last thing you wanted. But everything you said was true.
Sam was looking at you, mouth agape, clearly not expecting that. She didn't expect you to like her back, let alone make her a whole love declaration.
She wanted to give in and take you in her arms and kiss you again and tell you how much she loved you. She wanted to be as honest with you as you were with her. She wanted to love you openly.
But there would be consequences. Tara would be hurt. Tara would feel betrayed.
But again... you were right. She couldn't put Tara's feelings above hers all the time. She loved you just so much... She wasn't sure she would be able to recover if she didn't give it a shot.
She cupped your face with both hands and kissed you again, more confidently, more passionately than before. She loved you, she wanted that kiss to happen. She wanted you to happen.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Telling Tara about your relationship was harder than you thought. It never seemed to be the right moment.
Now you saw the hints of her crush on you. You saw the smiles, the looks she gave you, how her tone slightly changed when you were alone.
Both Sam and you were trying to find a good moment to tell her, but it wasn’t easy. And the more you waited, the more difficult it would be to tell her. You had to find a way to tell her quickly.
The whole situation was giving you so much anxiety…
“How are you?” Sam asked as you close your apartment door
“Tired… You?”
You took off your shoes and hung your jacket, before sitting on the couch next to her. She pulled you on her lap and wrapped her arms around you, holding you close. Her warm embrace helped you relax a bit, as you nuzzled your face against her neck.
You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other in a comfortable silence.
When you pulled away, it was to kiss her. You’d wanted to do that the whole day and couldn’t even tell anyone about it. About her. About how much you loved her.
By the way she kissed you, you knew she felt the same.
Even if she felt bad for her sister, she couldn’t stop herself anymore. Now that she has had the chance to kiss you, she never wanted to stop. She felt so at ease when she was with you. She could be herself without the fear to be judged.
“I love you so much…” she murmured, her grip on your hips tightening ever so slightly
“Me too Sam… I love you too”
You kissed her again, arms around her neck, before hugging her again. You closed your eyes, relaxing in her arms once again.
You had been so stressed for the past days that you had trouble sleeping. But like that, in her arms, it only took you a minute to fall asleep.
Sam didn't notice right away, and started talking to you while rubbing your back.
"... Y/n?" she eventually asked as you weren't answering her
She moved slightly to get a look at your face, and her lips curled up into a soft smile as she saw you were asleep.
"You really were exhausted, hm?" she murmured, kissing your temple softly
She then hesitated before carrying you in her arms, careful not to wake you up, and made her way to your room. She laid you on your bed, putting your blanket over you.
"Goodnight angel..." she whispered before kissing your forehead
She was about to leave when she felt you grab her shirt.
"Don't go, please..." you pleaded quietly
You needed her right now, needed her arms around you, her oh so comforting warmth as she held you close.
Sam bit her bottom lip, thinking, but it didn't take long until she gave in and slipped under the sheets next to you. She couldn't resist you -and she didn't want to be away from you.
She wrapped her arms around you, letting you snuggle up to her.
"Goodnight Sammie..."
Your voice was barely audible, showing how tired you were. Sam smiled at your words, the nickname provoking her cheeks to turn a bit red.
"Sleep well" she said back, kissing the top of your head, before closing her eyes
Having you in her arms like that was just so relaxing. She felt like she was in heaven. The thought of waking up next to you made a smile creep up to her face, and was the last before she fell asleep as well.
The next morning, you woke up in her arms. It had been the best sleep you had in days. You didn't even want to move, you felt so at peace in her arms...
You eventually opened your eyes to see Sam was already awake, a smile on her face.
"Good morning" she said before kissing you
"'morning" you said back, smiling as she rolled on her back, pulling you on top of her without breaking the kiss
You were both in your own world; nothing else mattered at the moment, to the point none of you checked your phones. If you did check your phones, you would've seen tons of missed calls and texts from Tara.
She was worried for her sister didn't come back at their apartment -naturally because she was with you all night.
After some more kisses, you got out of bed and made your way to the kitchen.
"What do you want for breakfast?" you asked Sam
"What do you have?"
"I have... eggs, bacon... bread... Uhh... yeah that's it" you let out an awkward chuckle
"Eggs and bacon sound nice" she smiled
You nodded, and put the bacon in a pan to cook it.
While you were waiting in front of the stove, you felt Sam's hands snicker to your waist. You turned around, and she took the occasion to kiss you.
What you didn't know was that Tara had decided to come to your apartment -as you weren't answering her calls and texts, and currently had a clear view of the scene through your kitchen's window.
She couldn't see who it was, but the scene let little to the imagination; you were clearly kissing someone. So that's why she wasn't answering... she thought
Clearly enjoying the kiss, Sam lifted you up to sit you on the counter, hands on your hips, her lips still on yours.
If Tara felt her heart sink at the sight of the kiss, it was nothing compared to how she felt now.
Her own sister was making out with the girl she has had a crush on for years.
She was mad for it seemed not to be the first time, considering the way you were holding onto each other. Which meant you lied to her.
But knowing you, maybe you just had a hard time telling her. It had always been that way; every time you had bad news to tell her, it took you weeks because you knew it would upset her.
That thought calmed her down a bit.
When she looked at the window again, she saw you smile at Sam just the way she smiled at you. You were in love, that was certain.
You seemed happy. And deep down, that’s what Tara wanted. Seeing you happy.
So she turned around and walked back to her and Sam’s apartment, thinking ‘maybe, in another life, we’ll be together…’
[Tara's version]
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milksnake-tea · 1 year
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The Stellaron Hunters were a group renowned and hated across the galaxies, both feared and respected by the factions. But under those skillful manipulations and operations, was an organization as put together as a monkey circus. You should know this best, as a member of this menagerie.
stellaron hunter!reader (no specific pairings)
contains: cursing, possibly ooc, written before version 1.2, just a bunch of silly shenanigans, unedited, can be read as romantic and platonic !!
word count: 3.7k
a/n: i had to rewrite this like... 4 times bc tumblr kept deleting it :// anyways night dancer got me through this piece so :D u can tell i have a blade preference but listen he's hot
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Before we get on with the sillies, let's lay down some groundwork.
Every Stellaron Hunter has a specific role in mind. Blade is the feral dog that you throw at people, Kafka pisses people off (and shoots ig), and Silver Wolf gets past all defenses.
You're the expert on espionage and disguise. With the power of masks, voice changers, and makeup, you can become basically anyone if you put your mind to it. Even people with completely different builds than you, you could pull off - as long as the holographs don't start glitching out.
You're often paired with Silver Wolf in order to infiltrate various bases. Silver Wolf can transcend any physical barriers, while you sweet talk your way into the inner circles of any leaders. Sometimes, you implant ideas into people's heads in order to guide them towards a certain path, sometimes you just do it for the fun of it.
Your favorite victim so far has been the Express. Ever since the Trailblazer joined, you've entertained yourself by posing as them or other members of the Express (the only ones you can't figure out are Welt Yang and the conductor, Pom-Pom).
And it was surprising, how easily you could trick March 7th and Dan Heng. You had no idea where the original Trailblazer was (probably up some poor soul's dumpster), but frankly, you didn't care.
You somehow managed to trick the two for the better half of a day. It wasn't until you didn't jump at the sight of the first trashcan on the Xianzhou Luofu that the duo realized that something was off.
"Who- Who are you?!"
March stepped back, Dan Heng already drawing his spear. But you weren't going to give in so easily. No, you wanted to see just how far you could take this.
"Guys?" You feigned hurt and confusion as you faced the two. "What're you..."
"Don't play dumb," Dan Heng cut you off, thrusting his spear under your chin. "You're not them. The real Trailblazer would've started ransacking that trashcan by now."
What kind of freak-
"C'mon guys, I have taste," you sighed, crossing your arms. "The trashcans here don't compare to the ones at Belobog. They're not as shiny."
"Trailblazer said that appearance doesn't matter when it comes to trash!" March shot back, her bow appearing in her hands. "Enough games, who are you really?"
You paused for a moment, contemplating your options. You could try to bullshit your way out of this, but you sincerely doubted you would be able to. What kind of freak personality did Silver Wolf program into the vessel, anyways?
You sighed, making the two tense up. Your face, still that of the Trailblazer's, twisted into a condescending sneer, before you doubled over in laughter.
"Ah... Damnit, and here I thought I was doing well!" You stretched your arms, March backing away from you. "Well, that just goes to show, I still have much to improve."
With a snap of your fingers, your disguise melted away, revealing your true appearnce.
"You're-!" March gasped. "You're one of the Stellaron Hunters!"
"Am I really that famous?" you pondered, leaning back on the railing. "And here I thought Kafka or Silver Wolf were more popular."
"What're you trying to pull," Dan Heng growled, "pretending to be the Trailblazer? What did you do to them?"
"Oh, nothing," you replied simply, popping your bone. "I just sent them a coupon for that restaurant down the street. So don't worry yourselves, I'm just here to have a little bit of fun."
Before the two could comprehend the stupidity of their companion, you jumped onto the railing, balancing on your toes.
"Well, it's been fun, Nameless." You waved cheerfully, taking a step back into the open air. "Let's meet again sometime soon, yeah?"
"Wait!" They rushed to the railing, adamant on catching you - but you had already vanished.
The world might see you as a complete weirdo, but honestly, you aren't even the worst of the Stellaron Hunters. In your humble opinion, you're the lesser evil compared to your comrades.
If you're going to survive in this job, you have to get used to Kafka bullying you. Don't worry, she does it to everyone, it's not just you. But signing up to become a Stellaron Hunter also means you sign up to a life of relentless teasing.
You roll your eyes at the feeling of a familiar gun barrel against your head. Kafka holds it against your temple firmly, but you know her finger isn’t anywhere near the trigger. It’s not like you’re Blade, who somehow survived getting thrown off a four-story building.
“Now who do we have here?” Kafka muses lazily. “A potential spy from the IPC? Or perhaps, one of the Xianzhou Cloud Knights?”
“Don’t fuck with me, Kafka,” you turn around, unimpressed. With one move, you pulled off your mask, glaring at her pointedly as you grab a bottle of water. “I know that thing isn’t loaded.”
“Oh, it’s you, [Name],” Your senior gasps mockingly, removing the gun. “When did you come in? I could’ve sworn an intruder-”
You throw the bottle at her. She dodges because of course she does.
And Kafka isn't even the least of your worries. At least she has a sense of financial responsibility.
There's no doubt that Silver Wolf is integral to the workings of the Stellaron Hunters, especially with her hacking abilities. She's certainly skilled with her work, and she has saved your ass many times before.
But sometimes, you have to play babysitter to her, because homegirl may or may not have a gambling addiction, especially when it comes to whatever those gacha games of hers. Whenever she visits the city's nearby arcade or casino, either you or Kafka have to be around so that she doesn't end up gambling all of your funds away. You would get Blade to do it, except he couldn't care less about your financial problems.
“Let me go! I’ve almost got it, I know I do!”
Silver Wolf kicked at your shoulders wildly as you hoisted her up. You paid her no mind as you left the arcade, Blade walking in tow. You kept a firm grip on his sleeve, making sure he didn’t run off and start any trouble. You saw the look he gave the claw machine. If you hadn’t dragged Silver Wolf away, he would’ve likely broken the thing out of impatience.
“I was so close!” The girl on your shoulder whined, like a kid who didn’t get their favorite toy.
“You already spent 500k on it,” you replied bluntly. “It’s a scam, don’t you know?”
“So what?” Silver Wolf retorted. “I would’ve won!”
“Yeah,” you shifted her up, your shoulder getting sore. You weren’t really built for hard labor. “After you spent another hundred thousand credits, sure.”
“I wasn’t!” She’d stopped fighting you, now hanging limply so that her entire weight pressed down on you. “I could’ve hacked it-”
“Really? You’d put that much effort into a claw machine?” Before Silver Wolf could argue, your phone dinged, as did Blade’s and Silver Wolf’s - successfully interrupting your bickering. You glanced at Blade as he checked his phone for the three of you.
“It’s Kafka,” he reported, typing out a quick response. “She says it’s time to go back.”
“Tell her we’ll be there in 10 minutes, if Silver stops her tantrum,” you said, looking pointedly at Silver Wolf. The hacker kicked you in response. 
“I am not throwing a tantrum,” she huffed. You rolled your eyes.
“Sure, whatever you say.”
Speaking of which, Blade is like your guard dog. A very intimidating guard dog. With a sword. And attitude issues.
Come to think of it, he's more like a cat if anything.
When he's not being launched at the faces of various enemies, Blade often finds himself acting as your shadow. He just follows you around, doesn't say anything, and the second he smells a whiff of a threat, the sword comes out and you have to talk him down before someone calls the cops.
It seems that you’re the only one unaffected by the suffocating tension clogging up the clothing store. There’s an obvious circle of space surrounding you and Blade as you browse through various suits, intent on finding one that would fit the man standing behind you. Elio’s next script required that Blade and Kafka go to a dinner party, and knowing Blade, the man didn’t have any clothes other than the ones you and the other Hunters got for him.
It wasn’t that Blade didn’t have an eye for fashion, rather, he simply didn’t care much for it. Shopping wasn’t exactly his cup of tea either. His hands itched for action, but he did have to admit that this was better than sulking around in his room all day.
You pulled out another suit that had caught your eye, a simple black one with a bronze lapel. It would fit the vest you’d already picked out for him. Holding it out in front of Blade, you squint as you try to picture what it’d look like on him.
Decent enough. You hummed in satisfaction, turning the suit around to show it to him. “What do you think?”
Blade shrugs, only giving the suit a brief glance. “It’s fine.”
You sigh, giving him a look. “Do you like it?”
“It isn’t the worst thing you’ve put me in,” he says nonchalantly. You huff, lightly hitting his chest. For a second, a glimmer of a smile flickers onto his face at your action.
“Watch your attitude,” you reprimand playfully. “Otherwise I’m giving you the shittiest suit I can find in here.”
“You wouldn’t,” Blade says easily as the two of you walk toward the cash registers. “Your heart couldn’t bear to do that to a face like mine.”
“Cheeky brat.”
You remember the day Blade was first brought to the base, picked up by Kafka and Elio like a stray cat. He had a strange resemblance to that of a drowned rat, being absolutely sopping wet.
Your seniors just kinda dropped him off into your room with the only instructions being "Make him look presentable", which didn't give you a lot to work with. You weren't sure how you were going to fix him, but after a lot of bathing, hair drying, and brushing, you soon discovered that the drowned rat had a pretty face.
So basically, you're the only reason why he looks remotely presentable.
And quite frankly, Blade does not make it easier on you. He doesn't care about how he looks, only how his enemies look - and that's dead and unmoving. Sir somehow manages to fuck up his fit every time he goes on mission, coming back with his very expensive clothes, mind you, covered in blood, and his hair messed up.
The audacity of him, to just walk into your room unannounced, clothes completely torn and hair a mess, and plop himself down on your perfectly clean chair and wait for you to fix him up. Granted, you'll do it (you wouldn't allow any of your comrades to leave without a decent haircut), but that doesn't mean you won't rattle his ear off with a scolding.
“Just what did you do to it this time?”
You grumbled as you cut away at Blade’s hair, the man in question sitting in your salon chair and scrolling through his phone. He had just come back from a mission, and this time he somehow managed to cut off the bottom half of his long locks, resulting in a horrendously uneven cut.
“You’re literally so photogenic and then you go and do this?” you huffed, blowing his hair into his face with a blowdryer.
“You can fix it, can’t you?” Blade didn’t even look up from his screen as he texted Silver Wolf, likely using this as an excuse to escape her pleas to game with her.
You scowl, venting your anger as you brushed his hair, cutting a few extra strands. “Just because I can, doesn’t mean I always have the time to do so! Now sit still.”
Oh, and another thing? There's no such thing as privacy when you're with the Stellaron Hunters.
You first learned this when you came back from a particularly grueling mission, early on in your career with the Hunters. You were covered in blood that wasn't (or was it?) yours, drenched from the rain and safe to say, not in the greatest of moods. All you wanted was to take a shower, and preferably, take an undisturbed nap on your warm bed.
Unfortunately, Kafka had other plans.
You opened the door to find her lounging on YOUR bed, IN THE DARK, ruffling through your makeup collection like it was normal. She didn't even seem bothered when you flicked on the light, didn't even acknowledge you until you threw a knife at her.
And what did she say when you made it abundantly clear that she shouldn't be in here? Nothing. She just scrunched up her nose and told you to take a shower.
And that is how you learned that having your own room is utterly useless because every single Hunter could pick a lock. You could try to use an electric one. Silver Wolf sure did. And to her credit, it worked, until a certain dog named Blade came around and just kicked the door down.
Out of all the Stellaron Hunters to creep around in your room, Sam was by far the worse. You could handle Kafka going through your makeup, or Blade judging your taste in books. You can deal with Elio having his fucking shoes on your bed because he's your boss and honestly what are you going to do against an actual seer? Exactly. Nothing. At least his shoes are usually clean.
But Sam? He doesn't visit so that he can go through your things, or just hang around. No. He comes around with the pure intention of scaring the shit out of you.
He just waits?? Outside your door?? In the dark?? Until you open it and he jumps you. It usually ends with someone getting punched, but honestly, it's nothing either of you couldn't handle.
Silver Wolf likes to pretend that she isn't as bad as the other because in her words, she "gives you a warning". Said warning is "You better be decent" before she barges in and starts rambling about the new game she bought.
One time you were not decent and someone had to pay the price. That someone was not you.
There is one good thing that comes out of all this invasion of privacy. Because whatever the others do to you, you get to do right back to them. 
“What does this button do?”
“Don’t touch that.” Kafka playfully whined as Silver Wolf snatched away the console in her hands. The hacker was less than pleased, having returned to her room only to discover that she’d been chosen as the Hunters’ victim for today.
You lean against Kafka’s shoulder, pouting alongside her at your latest toy being confiscated. “C’mon Silver, let us have some fun at least.”
“After you two invaded my room? Not a chance,” she replied, tossing the console to somewhere you and Kafka couldn’t reach. Kafka merely hummed at the loss, leaning back onto Silver Wolf’s messy bed.
“You know, you should really clean up around here,” she commented. “They nearly killed themselves tripping over a stack of DVDs.”
“Agreed, although I wouldn’t mention that last part,” you said, picking up another one of Silver Wolf’s consoles. This one had a fighting game on it. Silver Wolf rolled her eyes as you quickly busied yourself with fighting the boss she had left off on.
“If you don’t want to get hurt, then don’t come in,” she said, plopping down on the bed next to you. Kafka smiled.
“Sure, but where’s the fun in that?” she asked, watching you tap away at the screen. “It was just a suggestion, no need to get all worked up.”
“I’m not, but okay.” Silver Wolf hissed as your character took damage. “If you get my character killed-”
“I won’t,” you retorted, swiftly defeating the boss. You tossed Silver Wolf the console. “See?”
“You’re half dead,” Silver Wolf deadpanned.
“Doesn't matter. I still won.”
Your group chat is an absolute mess, with no one understanding Silver Wolf's slang or dialect. Blade's outdated brain short-circuited the first time he touched a phone, while Kafka just silently accepted her fate. You often have to translate because Silver Wolf sure wasn't going to.
Gambling Addict: Ykw blade
Gambling Addict: This is why u pull no bitches
Gambling Addict: Bc if [name] didnt yassify u 
Gambling Addict: U would have zero rizz
Gambling Addict: Negative rizz actually
You: I see no lie here
Gambling Addict: So stfu about my social life at least i can pull bitches
DONT PICK UP: [Name], translate
Gambling Addict: [Name] i have ur closet at gunpoint 
You: She means Blade can't attract maidens bc he has as much charisma as a blobfish
You: Also stfu silver I know you can't shoot for shit
Gambling Addict: [NAME]
Gambling Addict: Actually no, ur right
You: I'm always right 💅✨
DONT PICK UP: That does sound like Bladie
Gambling Addict: Listen
Gambling Addict: All i know is that blades been real quiet since i said that
Blade: Silver Wolf.
Gambling Addict: And so he speaks!
Blade: Count your days.
You like to fuck with the others by pretending to be them. Blade nearly murdered you because one time you got bored, and decided that slandering his nonexistent image would be ample entertainment.
In minutes, you turned yourself into Blade's lookalike, and spent the afternoon prancing around in a maid dress because what else were you going to use it for? Unfortunately, that also put you as a target for Blade's wrath. Fortunately, you have a lot of experience escaping people you pissed off.
Silver Wolf still has the pictures. Kafka laughed her ass off until you did the exact same thing to her. And that's when she started shooting.
"I can't believe you did this," you sniffed dramatically, fake tears falling from your face. In your hands was what used to be your pride and joy, the beautiful maid dress that you'd spent millions on (lie).
What used to be a gorgeous garment with frills and lace, was now in tatters from Kafka's bullets and Blade's sword. The two aforementioned culprits weren't the slightest bit guilty as they watched you lament over your clothes.
"You should've thought of that before you started walking around like that," Kafka blew at her smoking gun. Blade nodded firmly in agreement, holding his sword close to his chest.
"It was cute!" you huffed, shaking your head. You weren't actually mad at them. You could always buy another dress to mess with them. Besides, you already got what you wanted.
Your gaze met with Silver Wolf's, who grinned back, holding her phone in between her fingers.
None of the Stellaron Hunters know basic first aid, and that includes you. Most of you just slap on a few bandages, some weird smelling ointment, and call it a day. Silver Wolf doesn't even do that, she just downs three bowls of rice and walks off the broken arm like a Sunday hangover.
But one day, just as your luck would have it, you came back to base with an injury that you couldn't just bandage away. No one knew what to do, and you were bleeding out fast. So what did this hardened group of criminals do?
They googled it. They fucking googled it.
Silver Wolf deadass just searched up how to fix you while you were bleeding out next to her. Kafka, to her credit, did hold your hand to try and comfort you (albeit mockingly), and Blade just stood back and watched. If Elio foresaw a way to help you, well, he didn't say anything.
But it all turned out all right in the end. Eventually, Silver Wolf gave up and simply shoved a bowl of her fried rice in front of you. You still don't know how or why, but it somehow worked. It shouldn't have, but it did.
The scene in front of you reminded you of a bunch of school children watching a chemistry experiment for the first time. The Stellaron Hunters crowded around you, eyes trained onto your closing wound with unnerving fascination. Even Blade, who rarely had any emotion at all, was watching you with the faintest glimmer of awe.
"What the hell did you put in that thing?" you turned in disbelief to Silver Wolf, the only unphased person in the room. The hacker was already somewhere else, her thumbs tapping rapidly as she played another one of her rhythm games.
"WHAT." You almost throttled her before she quickly teleported a safe distance away, clutching her phone to her chest.
"Kidding, kidding, no need to get all worked up!" She sighed, clearing a level without looking.
"Just some solid water and protein rice, that's all."
"You mean ice?" You swatted at Kafka, who was poking at where your wound used to be.
Safe to say, the Stellaron Hunters are an... interesting bunch, to put it lightly. They're all assholes, including you, and seem to thrive over inconveniencing each other. The only time you all can somewhat work together is when you're acting out one of Elio's scripts.
But you'd be lying if you said you hated working at this job. You live for the thrill of things, and being a Hunter was the most fun you've had in a long, long time, even if your coworkers occasionally annoyed you to death.
None of you would ever say it aloud, but you wouldn't trade each other for anything in the world.
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bunnliix · 6 months
Love Shot
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Inspired by this dialogue prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting "You’re so adorable. I want to pick you up and never let you down."
word count: 1 260 warnings: drinking, alcohol, (not) unrequited crushes, reader getting drunk, reader wanting to get blackout drunk
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I was never the type of person to go out clubbing and drinking. Any of my friends could tell you that. I normally stayed far away from clubs, they were far too loud for my taste, and yet here I was on a Friday night, by myself trying to get blackout drunk. There's a bit of a backstory on how I got here, and it all started earlier while I was on campus.
For a bit of backstory, most of my friends I met while in college, except for Felix. Felix and I have been friends since high school. We were both the nerdy type of kids, except that he had the advantage that puberty was nice to him. While I've had a crush on him since I met him, however I valued my friendship with him too much to ever say something. I'd rather an unrequited love, than to lose him over something simple like a crush. It ended up happening by pure coincidence that we attended the same college, but it worked out really well for me. I'm more of an introvert, while Felix is the extrovert who makes all of our friends, and that's more or less what happened.
Most of that isn't really important though, to be honest, except that I still have the biggest crush on Felix, six years later. He and the rest of our friend group, affectionately called "Stray Kids" for some reason or another, are the campus hotties. Which means I get to see girls upon girls try and shoot their shot with all of them, and for most of the boys, I don't give a shit who they date. I however get way too envious sometimes of the girls I see hanging around my best friend. Chan, the eldest of the friends, was sitting with me while we watched the boys have fun. 
"Are you ever going to say something to him? About your crush on him?" He questioned me. I turned to him like he was crazy. We've had this conversation a million times, and it was never going to happen. 
"I've told you Chan, he'd never like me that way, and I'm never gonna jeopardize my friendship with him over a stupid crush." 
"You'll never find out if he likes you though, if you never say anything." He retorts.
"I don't wanna find out if he doesn't like me. Besides, there's a good chance I could mess things up between him and I, and I'm not taking that chance." I stood up, and moved to leave the table, grabbing my things as I said goodbye to Chan. I really didn't want to deal with the guys nagging me to finally ask him out, it just made it worse. I headed home, before having the stupid idea that I should go out and drink instead of staying home, but impulsive decisions are a thing I do a lot.
I know it's kind of a shitty reason to be out trying to get blackout drunk at a bar, but honestly I couldn't think of anything better to help me deal with the pain of not being able to tell Felix I like him. I was about four drinks in, and already on my way to being wasted when I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I look back, my vision already blurring to see Felix behind me. "Hiii Lixieeee!" I giggled, waving at him. He grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the bar, while I took my drink with me. 
"Lixie, where are you taking me? I was having a good time at the bar~" I pouted at him, my words slightly slurring. He stopped suddenly and turned to face me, leaning down to cup my face in his hands. 
"Why are you out drinking? This isn't like you." He asked me, looking concerned. 
"Why are you so concerned, Lixie? I'm just having some fun and letting loose a bit. Aren't I allowed to have fun?" I shoot back at him, some frustration coming out in the process. I chug down the rest of whatever was in my glass, feeling the burn as it made its way down my throat. Felix reached to take the glass and put it somewhere out of my eyesight.
"Chan told me where you were. He was out with a couple of the other boys and they saw you here by yourself. You never go out to bars, why are you even here? If you wanted to drink, I would have brought over stuff, and we could've had fun at your apartment. Why are you doing this? Tell me, please?" He questioned me, begging me to answer him. 
I assume it was my lack of self control, but I blurted out, almost angrily at him, "I'm in love with you, okay! I've been in love with your cute face for the last six years, and I can't bear seeing you with other people. I want your eyes on me and only me. And I was never going to tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship." I couldn't bear to look at him after that. Felix went silent, and I started getting tears in my eyes, which started falling when the man started chuckling.
"You’re so adorable. I want to pick you up and never let you down." That made me look up at him in surprise. "Did you never think I wanted you too? I've wanted you so badly, wanted to call you mine. I was too scared that you wouldn't feel the same way. Oh baby, I think we've both been idiots for a little too long." He pulled me into a hug, resting his head on top of mine, before saying, "How about we head home now, yeah? We can talk about this more in the morning, when you're sober." I don't have it in me to do anything more than nod.
He takes me back to his car, opening the passenger door and helping me in, before going around to the driver's seat. He started the car and drove us the short ride to his apartment he shared with a couple of our friends. I was still a bit too intoxicated to walk by myself, so Felix assisted me up into his apartment, and then into his bedroom, having me sit down on his bed while he found clothes for me to wear. He set them out on the bed, pushing me to change into them while he went and found a spare toothbrush for me to use. By the time he returned, I had changed into the shirt he left me, but decided not to put on the shorts. He handed me the toothbrush, and since I had been here before, I knew my way to the bathroom. I quickly washed up, feeling a bit less wasted by the time I returned to his room. Felix was already waiting on his bed for me to get back, and ushered me into his bed and under the covers, while he laid down on top of them. 
I looked up at him, and softly asked, "Can you hold me while I fall asleep?" He nodded, blushing and moved under the covers with me, as I rested my head on his arm as his other one came around my waist. 
He softly kissed my cheek as he whispered, "Good night." It didn't take me long to fall asleep in his arms, feeling the happiest I had been in a while.
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dirtydixonsgirl · 1 year
Daryl Dixon x fem!reader
A/N: hope you guys enjoy this!! it was fun for me to write. reblogs are appreciated<3
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, creampie, p-in-v, spanking, should i say more? 18+!!!
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Daryl wasn’t sure how he got here but he knew he wasn’t complaining. His hands ran over his face at the girl below him, begging him to take her. His thoughts were scattered and he was aching as well. He couldn’t help but to think back to the exact thing that brought them alone together in this very room.
Rosita was having a welcoming party for some of the survivors him and Rick had found on the way back from a run, they were very trustworthy people Rick thought, Daryl on other had have some concerns but eventually brushed it off. She was very welcoming to this new found group of people, leaving Daryl to become protective over her anytime she was in a room with them or around them.
But somehow this welcoming party ended up with a few shots of whiskey and other drinks Rosita pulled from her cabinet. Which turned into a very let lose Rosita who sat at the table making sexual jokes towards the girl and Daryl making their cheeks and face turn a blood red color. She wanted her embarrassment to slip away from her so a few more shots should do the trick, but that only turned into more embarrassment when she lost control of herself, clinging to Daryls sides, rubbing his arms and complimenting him every so often.
It was no surprise her and Daryl had something. But it wasn’t really anything to slap a label on, neither of them did that kind of stuff, the rest of the group was aware of the strange friendship they had, sneaking off together to find abandoned cabins so you could spend time together, Daryls light hearted effort at bringing her things back from a run that put himself in danger sometimes just for her, the fact that every time the group was on the run before they found Alexandria they both always seemed to choose each other to snuggle up to in the abandoned places or in the ice chattering winter. It never failed, they always chose each other, but that’s as far as it went, there no kissing, no romance, just small things that made them both very much close.
That was until tonight. Daryl was flustered to say the least, he had no idea how to help her in her state of mind especially when she couldn’t keep her hands to herself, so he snuck away leaving you with Tara and Rosita as he sat in the corner, keeping a close eye on her as she danced and laughed with the other girls, this was the first time Daryl had ever seen her so careless, free, having fun. He loved this look on her.
“Daryl!” She slurred, stumbling over to him.
She met eyes with the man, almsot tripping over her own feet. Her body was warm with alcohol, her head spinning and joy rushing through her veins. She wasn’t sure when she had let lose this much but she was enjoying it. She fell right into his lap, her legs over his while she wrapped her arms around his neck, earning a grunt from him. She looked at his flustered face giggling at his reaction, she was fully aware of the effect she had on him. She placed a small kiss to his cheek.
“Wha was that for?” His cheeks flushed even more.
“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Thank you for always taking care of me.”
“Who would if I didn’t?” He joked, she laughed along with him.
Daryl was impressed at himself for controlling hisself but it was getting more difficult as the alcohol coursed through both of their bodies and she began squirming and giggling in his lap. She leaned up, grabbing his bottle from the table sat in front of him, he noticed her dress rose up almost flashing him in the progress. She sat back down, adjusting herself and that’s when she felt it. Him.
Daryl wasn’t sure what it was, the alcohol or the girl that he loved dearly sitting on his lap in a very short dress, taunting him enticingly with every move. She smirked, now realizing exactly what she was doing to him.
“You want me or something, big guy?” She giggled drunkenly, her hands on his broad shoulders.
He grunted. “I’m sorry, I-“
“Take me to bed then.” She began to rub his shoulders.
This was killing him. Every moment.
“No, y/n-“
“Pleaseeee.” She pouts.
How could he say no to that?
“You’ve hada nough.” He grumbles, pulling the beer bottle from her hand. “Let’s get you home.”
The disappointment flooded through her along with the slight embarrassment. She couldn’t believe she said that and that a few seconds ago she was sitting on Daryl Dixons lap while he had a boner, all because of her.
She let out a squeal when he lifted her up in his arms, carrying her bridal style out the door. She was far too clumsy to walk and he could definitely handle his liquor. Her face buried itself in his chest, the cool wind blowing against her skin.
“You’re warm.” She mutters, eyes feeling heavy.
“You gonna pass out on me?” He jokes.
Once Daryl gets her to her house, he lays her in the soft bed, she grips his collar pulling him to her.
“Please kiss me.” She begs needly.
“Yer drunk, Y/N.” He sighs, his hands planted on both sides of her now.
“So are you, please I want you.”
All of the begging made him slightly uncomfortable in his pants, she connected their lips and Daryl didn’t kiss back at first but when he did another foreign feeling exploded through her, going straight between her legs. She whimpered against his lips, causing his breathing to hitch slightly as she rubbed her legs together to get rid of the friction.
“Daryl, please, I-“
“You want me baby?” His hands playing with the hem of her dress.
“Yes.” She breathes.
She giggles, hooking her hands in the hem of his pants, cupping him in his ever so aching areas, a groan fell from his lip. She rubbed him slowly, seeing the effect it had on him made the wetness in her panties spread. She wanted him so bad for so long she couldn’t believe it was finally here.
“Wanna-wanna feel you around me so bad.” He mutters, his hips bucking into her palm.
She squeals once his hands get under her dress, his hands sliding up her thighs, sending vibrations through her as he presses a finger down to her aching wet core, causing her to whimper. “This for me?”
“All for you.”
“You wear this to tease me tonight? Dancin’ around in this little short dress, touchin’ on me. You knew what you were doing, ya little slut.”
His words were laced with lust. Pressing his thumb down harder to her clit, she moaned her hands shaking has he rubbed slowly, her hands finding her way to his shoulders. Her legs instinctively spread, inviting him in, he thrusts into her every so often, his other hand rubbing circles on her hips. She was falling apart underneath of him and he was enjoying it.
“You want this?” He asks but nothing was heard from her besides whimpers and moans. “You gotta use your words sunshine.”
“Y-yes.” She moans. “I want it, take it from me. I wanna make you feel so good.”
He moves his hand off causing her whine at the lack of sensation. “I should spank ya for teasing me like this.”
Oh man. She thinks, realizing the trouble she has gotten herself into. She did admittedly wear this dress just for Daryl, hoping he would notice her but he noticed her in different way. In one swift motion he sits down, grabbing both of her wrists and yanking her over his lap, she gasps. Her legs squeeze together, rubbing together for friction once more, her core dripping, begging and aching for him to touch her.
“Yer so needy baby. S’hot.” He murmurs, rubbing her skin from her back down.
She whimpers as soon as his hand makes contact with her skin, he lifts his hand and lands hard. The pain connects with her aching core, sending her forward slightly. He runs his index finger up and down her core.
“You like that baby?” He whispers, she nods, causing him to land his hand back down on her. “Use your words, sunshine.”
“Y-yes. Touch me, please!”
His hand lands hard again, rubbing the stinging part.
“I should make ya beg for it. Teasin’ me like that. Just like ya do all the time, this is for all those times, Y/N.” He says, the tent in his pants aching.
He collects the slick from between her legs and sinks two fingers inside her. She’s whimpering, aching and begging across his lap. Her body takes over, the knot in her stomach begging to be released as his thick fingers falter in and out, in and out. Her orgasm was intense, her thighs shaking and jolting from under his touch. He pulls them out in one swift motion, bringing them to his mouth and sucking off the juiced.
“You taste so good, bunny.” He groans.
“I want you inside, Daryl.” She begs, squirming from underneath him. “Please.”
He flips her over onto her back, her legs spread inviting him in. The sight is enough to bring you to heaven. He runs his hands over his face. The drunkness mixed with pleasure was something she’d never felt before, Daryl was definitely the only man to make her feel this way.
Daryl unzips his pants in one go, pulling down his boxers and taking his shirt off. His thick cock springs out of his boxers against his stomach, throbbing as every vein sticks out. Her eyes widen. Oh boy was she in for a surprise. He places his hand on her face, brushing her hair back. Her innocent drunk eyes looking into his. He was melting.
“You sure?” He asks.
“Yes, I want you to fuck me Daryl Dixon.” Her impatient response earns a chuckle from him.
He enters in one more, breathing harshly through his nose.
“Ahh!” She whimpers.
The bliss over came her, she pushes back to his thrust, leaving her breathless. Her wetness made him slick enough to slide out easily and re enter.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. Your pussy was made for me, sunshine.” He hissed. “S-so good. Feels so good.”
“You feel so good. I love making you feel good.”
His thumb lands on her clit, rubbing in slow teasing circles. The feeling was once again taking over her body. She began clenching around him, causing another hiss out him, her fingers digging into his shoulder blades. Daryl would never forget the sounds falling from her lips. Her second orgasm sent her spiraling into sweet sweet serenity, shortly Daryl following behind with a string of cuss words, fully emptying in her. He pulls out watching the leaking cum slide out of her and he smirks, falling down in the bed next to her.
Her eyes were half closed, her breathing restoring back to normal. His mind suddenly shook from all the filthy thoughts and turned them into sweet cute ones, loving how messy her hair was, and how she was still in her dress, it rolled up and her panties slipped to the side for his easy access. He couldn’t help but savor the moment of the beautiful girl he loves, all fucked out because of him.
“Did I fuck ya to sleep, sunshine?” He whispers, running his fingers softly through her hair.
“Mhm.” She hums.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.” He whispers placing a small kiss on her head.
She grabs his wrists. “No, stay. I want to snuggle with you.”
Snuggle? He snorts.
“Anything for you, bunny.”
He dips back down in the bed, holding her tight against his warm chest. Both slipping into a deep drunken sleep.
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machapelady · 4 months
Bake me a Bun
Soap/Retired!Soap x f!reader Fluff with a slight suggestive line, daydreaming, get this man a baby. Mild stalking(?) I do not know if I should be continuing this ^^ (There will be eventual smut if I keep writing this, also might end up adding some TW because we all know what happens when you tell stories about wounded soldiers) Divider credits go to @vibeswithrenai , lovely work, I recommend checking them out ^^
Johnny is at his roots, a family man. Scottish mead flows through his veins, so does the sweet pie his grandma used to bake.
Before retiring, Soap liked to spend some of his 'vacations' with the whole MacTavish family. Lunch here, brunch there, and kids that flap their pa's kilt just before dinner. He would play chase with the wee lads, loved by his nephews and known as 'Big Uncle'. Often carrying two rascals at a time, or letting losing against them on a hand to hand battle, he was a truly warm and homecoming man.
"John, when ya givin' me sum' wee bairns?" His nan would often ask.
To what his answer would be, between gritted teeth "No bon, no bun, nan. Army giv' no time f'tha"
And so then, he was shot.
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Retirement didn't treat him that badly, just gave him a rather permanent headache and a scar on his temple.
Doctors told him to stay put, to enjoy his free time on the hospital' open gardens, the oxygen would do him good they said. But Soap was not a man that would be sitting there, staying still after years of battlefield, movement and stress.
Yet, after trying to get away a couple of times and finally sat down by Price, he took the orders and stayed put like a good kid.
He owed Simon one. The man had managed to push him a fraction away from the bullet trajectory, earning himself a sprained ankle. He would often visit Johnny when free, although for a brief time, dropping telltales of what the squad had been up to. Gaz was the one to stick around most, nagging him about finally being out of the hellhole that being a SAS operator was. They would watch their football together, until nurses told him that they needed to do a check-up.
On a rare sunny day, the whole squad visited him. Price had brought a letter from Alejandro, wishing him the best recovery, and to visit whenever he felt like. The wind almost blew the paper away, sitting in a bench under a tree.
"Bet ya miss us son" John muttered, a tired smile on his face. Soap groaned, rolling his eyes, "honestly, I think I prefer t'share some sweat with yall, rather than this hell of a cell" Even Simon laughed at that.
" 's no sunshine 'round. Bloody white walls fucking strain my eyes every single damn day" He would keep complaining. "I don't miss ya nagging tho" Ghost quipped teasingly.
And so they laughed, walking around looking like a group of old childhood friends that threw shit at each other, being Gaz the one with the most pointy comments "I can't fathom sleep without ya snoring Soap"
Something bumped against Price, earning their stop and a tiny, quiet "sorry" from a tiny, young voice. It was a young lad, no more than six summers at his back. He looked rather scared; faced by an old man, a wounded soldier, a guy with only his eyes visible and a piercing gaze under a cap.
Price squatted "No need to be, lad. Where's ya mum?" The kid shook his head and pointed to a woman, not far away from their position, that was surrounded by kids. She seemed stressed, looking around with wide eyes until she spotted the young boy.
"Oh Matt! Don't go running away like that you little rascal!" She rushed to the kid, and made eye contact with the Captain. "I'm so sorry sir, can't really keep all the kids still sometimes"
"Visit trip?" Price tilted his head slightly, to what she nodded. "We like to show the young ones to respect the injured" Her smile was almost as warm as the sun that day. "They gotta learn more than numbers and letters in school after all"
She took the kid away after apologizing once again, urging the little one to go back with the whole group, that she graciously guided around the hospital garden.
A second pair of blues followed her around as she went by, earning a chuckle from Kyle "Looks like he has a reason to stay here now"
"Hells Bells" The only thing he could say.
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For what he could see from his room's window, it was a whole week of field trips for different classes.
To his eyes, she paraded around with the kids, with a sweet smile and warm eyes, showing the little humans things around, be it the entrances, the pond, or making small talk with some old lady that was condemned to stay her last days in that white prison. Like he felt, incarcerated for his health, until the doctors decided his wound and other past poorly healed injuries would not hinder him from having a "normal" life from now on.
For you, you were trying to show the kids some hospitality, to be respectful and appreciate the healthcare and what it could do for the people. For them to listen to the old tales of those veterans in life, or to enjoy the breeze and the grass after walking around for a long time.
Johnny was mesmerized. Completely lost in those warm expressions you always had dancing on your face, or in how you guided the children with caressing palms. Maybe it was the ring of your voice, that now rose above the constant tingle of his newly acquired wound, or the manners that you carried around. He felt strangely isolated in the room, a constant need to go outside and enjoy the grass, of course he wasn't trying to get a chance to talk with you.
So there he was, again in a bench. And that day he decided to hang his dog tags around his neck. "What a show-off" Simon groaned before saying goodbye couple of hours ago. "Don't come sulking if you scare her away you mutt", and a pat on the back.
It was the same boy as the other day, the one that approached him mesmerized by the shining plates on his neck. Matt sat on the floor, inquiring about what did Johnny do for a living. 'What is that? What do you do? Oh that's so cool!' he would chirp here and there.
Johnny couldn't really say no to the wee thing in front of him, puffing his chest and sharing some of his less-bloodied trips. The puff was taken down by a sudden nervousness when he saw you approaching again.
"Matt how many times do I have to tell you not to go astray from the group" She came already scolding the boy. "Oh, you are from the other day, right sir?"
Ah, she remembered him.
"Just doin' me time in here for a bit" Johnny answered with a boyish smile. "Can't blame the wean, he was all giddy 'n' interested"
"And what might that interest be?" You squatted a bit, poking Matt's cheek. "Miss. L/n this is Soap!" Oh, he got your last name now, maybe Laswell was willing to do some digging as a reward for his honorary actions right? Did he just call you Miss? That in his mind was a Jackpot. "And what does...Mr. Soap do?" She looked at him from bellow, her eyes flickering to his dog tags for a second. "I just tell old tales of sweaty men trying to save the world"
You weren't able to peel Matt from his spot, resigned, decided to indulge in some old stories, bringing the whole group so they could all listen to a veteran's yapping.
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"So my mate, you see, big scary man with a mask" He would say, "took'em all down real fast i'm telling ya"
His eyes would often flick from kid to kid, landing on your face. To his delight, you were also caught in his stories, attentive eyes and full focused on how his mouth moved.
"And I was all alone! Havin' to scramble what I could! Bad men trynna catch me but I'm telling yall, nobody cannae stop the Soap" The boasting was impressive. How proud Johnny was of his doings, how he managed to tell his story in Las Almas without mentioning the cartel, or the corruption. "Even took a bloody bullet!" He pointed to his fresh scar, still healing. And that's when he saw your eyes turn somber, rather cold. "Alright kids, Mr. Soap here has lot's of stories, but surely that means he's very tired right? Let's go visit more places around!" After insisting a bit, you peeled the children away from his circle and quickly whispered to him with a disappointed gaze "I do have no doubt on what you did to protect people, but please, showing wounds and violence to children is not appropriate"
When you turned away, he sulked. He had fucked up. Ghost was right, he showed off too much and fucked up big time. He wanted to chase after you, to grab your wrist and apologize. To promise not to use those marks again if it meant seeing your bonnie face.
Yet knowing it would only make it worse, he silently went away, locking himself in the white room and not letting the nurses come in.
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"Fucked up" He told Price. "Bonnie thing didn't like when I told the bairns about the bullet"
He earned a sigh, and a folder on his lap. "Didn't Simon tell you to slow down? I'm glad you still got some energy in you, son." Soap cursed under his breath, taking the folder and giving it a quick read. "You know me Sir"
Your whole legal name was there. Education, birthplace, family. Everything. Just a normal civilian, with a normal job. A teacher, the daughter of a warm family.
The folder didn't explain your charming eyes, or the small smiles you would make when a child showed you something. The information didn't do you any beauty, and he was pissed.
He had to hear it from you. Your own name, then his. Then again his name between some whispers or whimpers even. Not long after, Price took him for a walk, trying to pull him away from the constant frown that adorned his forehead.
It was Friday, he could tell you were a bit more energetic than the past day. Guessed it was the last visit you had to bring to the hospital, the last time he would probably see you if he was the one to respect boundaries. But what boundaries if he already had your address and identification number.
"You thinkin' about her still?" Price inquired, sipping on some cheap tea from the cafeteria. "Can't shake it cap. I just cannae. I gotta go tell her I'm sorry or sumthin'" He crossed his arms on his chest, right leg nervously bouncing under the table. "You seen how she look' with the bairns?" That earned a chuckle from the older man.
And bless the heavens he thought, when you entered the room with the group of children, dividing them in groups around multiple tables and asking the barista to make around thirteen milkshakes. You stayed on the counter, counting each quid to later report it to the school.
Price stood up, gave Johnny a pat on the shoulder. "Second try won't hurt you more than the first" He walked away, leaving Soap to shed his personal coat, turning into the homeboy Johnny once more.
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You sighed, looking at him. "Sorry 'bout the other day. Got carried away" he mumbled "thought wee things would like something more...thrilling"
"Still not the best thing to say"
"I ken"
"They kept repeating your stories after that." His eyes flickered "Even started calling the other patients by 'sir' or 'ma'am'" Finally you met his eyes, hiding a shudder under your skin feeling like he was seeing right past your soul with those blue gems. This of course didn't pass by him.
"Ya enjoyed 'em?"
He leaned in a bit, not yet getting into your space, but enough to give you a tiny whiff of his soft scent. Was it citrusy? Warmth was on it, a little bit fruity but not overwhelming. You could swear there was a tinge of all-in-one shampoo too.
"Okay, yes. I liked your stories." Finally surrendering to his observing gaze, you relaxed on the counter a bit, the barista slowly pulling out the milkshakes. "Still, too bloody for some group of children"
"Hm. You know, even me ol' boss scolded me" The most heavenly chuckle swarmed his ears. "The man with the hat?" Johnny flashed a smirk, eyebrows gathering in the middle giving you an apologizing look and offering you his hand "Johnny's the name"
Johnny helped you bring the milkshakes to the tables, and again started telling his stories. This time with your consenting look, avoiding violence or blood on them.
There was a tiny difference now. His eyes weren't the only ones fluttering between the children and you. Lost in him, in his pearls, sometimes having to scramble your brains to understand his accent and phrasing. Unable to keep eye contact for long, covering your flush by turning your attention to the kids.
You couldn't really lie, he was charming. A warm smile and soft, piercing eyes. A voice that was like silk, but sometimes rugged, unable to ignore how his hands, rather calloused, accompanied the movements of his voice. The dog tags that he still wore, now tucked under his shirt, chain making waves over his collarbone, adorned by a thick and strong neck.
He seemed less proud, and more invested into the stories now. It wasn't about boasting anymore, but a constant fight to keep the kids hooked, and subsequently you too. He bathed proudly on how your cheeks would rose up a bit, or how you fidgeted with the soft fabric sometimes tracing the figures of the funny and childish patterns you wore. He wanted to up the tone, to impress you more like a bird trying to court his counterpart.
But he was a trained man that rarely made mistakes, a quick learner on top of that, not hitting the same rock twice.
Time passed, milkshakes were empty and some kids couldn't keep their eyes fully open. With a rather tired voice, a little raspy from the constant storytelling he chuckled at the wobbly tiny heads in front of him.
"Tired them all" You softly smiled, exhaustion also apparent on your face.
"Do I pass the test, Miss. L/n? Stories good enough?" He leaned slightly against you, a friendly shoulder bump earning another holy chuckle from your lips. "I give you an 8, missed some staging".
"Oh lass, I cannae be doin' backflips and shi- stuff" He corrected himself and tapped to his temple, the scar now healing better "Quite rude to be askin' tha' from a poor wounded soldier"
With a smile, you dismissed him and woke up some of the kids, telling them it was already time to go back home. Some of them whined, wanting to listen to more stories, trying to make you promise for it, something that Johnny eagerly supported, teasing you a bit. Others were completely fried, yawning and rubbing their eyes.
Before leaving the cafeteria, you turned around and thanked him. "Johnny, right? Mine is Y/n" Oh but that he already knew, although it didn't bother him hearing it from your mouth.
What he didn't know was that you would visit him next Monday, taking with you some homemade buns you had made, showing gratitude for his help the past week.
Maybe he didn't fuck up that much, and maybe he could win you over by winning over the kids.
And he was good with children.
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raya-hunter01 · 9 months
One Shot
Carmelo Hayes x Black Female OC! (Kayla)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut
Summary: Carmelo is nervous about returning to his college alma mater FAMU for its homecoming. An alumni ball between his fellow brother Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and sister sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha is taking place.
Why is he nervous, you ask? A special someone he took for granted is going and he has no idea how to make things right. Follow Carmelo down memory lane as he tries to figure out how to fix the mess he made. Will Kayla forgive him or will this end in disaster as Trick travels with Carmelo to be his wingman for homecoming weekend.
This was a story request from royalkay23 who gave me the music and ideas that we put together. I hope you enjoy it!
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NXT Show
Carmelo POV
“Damn, another night, another show,” I sighed sitting down trying to unwind a bit before I showered and got on the road. Pulling out my phone I checked my messages.
“Damn, I already told Darnell, I was comin’ so what the hell he keep calling for?” I hissed putting in my code to listen to his voicemail.
“Man, I forgot you had a show, I talked to Angela, and she convinced Kayla to come this weekend. You better get ready to do some groveling to get yo’ woman man. I’ll see you down there, later bro,” his voice making my stress levels rise.
What does he mean she’s coming down? Fuck, should I even go? Will she even wanna talk to my ass?
“How did shit get so complicated,” I whispered pinched my nose truly frustrated.
Things used to be so easy; then we made it complicated by giving in to our desires. If only we never crossed that line, we would still be close.
I missed her, I knew the first day I met her that I wanted her to be apart of my life forever.
FAMU Move in day 2019
“Remember we’re gentleman, carry their bags to their rooms. Be welcoming and act like ya’ll got some sense. Give them a couple weeks to get used to campus life before ya’ll start aggravating them,” our oldest fraternity brother Scott said as we all snickered.
“We got you, boss,” I said trying not to laugh as Darnell hit my shoulder trying to hold it together himself.
“No funny business Carmelo, this ain’t an opportunity for you to schedule your next hookup,” Greg hissed as I nodded scoping the parking lot not listening.
“Damn, I got her,” I said pointing to a beautiful young lady standing with her parents about to start pulling luggage outta their trunk. Oh, she bad….Legs and ass for days.
“You ain’t slick, you tryin' to holla at her,” Darnell whispered as I grinned. “I don’t know what you talkin’ about. If ya’ll will excuse me, I’m going to see if they need some help,” I said quickly making myself scarce before anybody could get a word in.
Making my way over to the family I couldn’t help but hear her mom fussing over leaving her daughter here. Smiling, I listened quietly trying to give them a minute before I interrupted.
“Mama, I will be fine,” she said reassuring her mother as they had her surrounded in a group hug.  “You go to your classes and back to your dorm, these folks are a little too wild,” her mom said looking at a couple making out not far from us as I snickered.
 Sorry mama, that’s something I wouldn’t mind doin’ to your daughter…Damn, Melo play it cool…
“Mama, I can handle it, I’m not going to be out here actin’ a fool but I will have fun sometime,” the Carmel beauty said being honest with her parents as her dad smiled.
“As you should, all work and no play sucks, babe give her a break. We raised her right,” her dad said as her mom took a deep breath.
“Yes, ya’ll did, now trust me,” she pleaded with a beautiful smile. Damn, a smile that could start a full-blown war….
 “I do trust you, baby, it’s just it’s your first time away from home, and I’m worried,” her mom said looking around at their surroundings.
“Have you talked to your little boyfriend who couldn’t bother to be here,” her dad said with disgust.
“Daddy, Justin is getting ready to go to college too. It’s ok, he’s going to come up soon,” she said her tone trying to keep the conversation light and positive.
Well, let me introduce myself, maybe that can change the subject, it seemed the mysterious beauty didn’t want to talk about it.
“Excuse me, do you guys need some help?” I asked said as she turned around and instantly blushed when we made eye contact.  
Damn she fine, fine, ok act like a gentleman and don’t embarrass yourself.
“Hi! Um, I guess we do,” she said looking around at all her things on the ground and in the trunk.
“What’s your name son?” her dad asked, as I grinned.
“I’m Carmelo, and I’m from the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, sir. I’m apart of the fraternity welcoming committee. We help students move in on campus,” I said shaking her dad’s hand as he smiled at him.
“An Alpha man! I like that, I pledged to that fraternity when I was in college, my daughter here is a junior transfer and is pledging to your sister sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha,” he said proudly as my ears perked up at the new information.
“You don’t have to tell everybody, Daddy, I might not even make it. Hi, I’m Kayla,” she said shaking my hand as I felt myself falling into those beautiful brown eyes.
“It’s always nice to meet a fellow sister, welcome to the family,” I said gently kissing her hand. Her mother scoffed, clearing her throat and interrupting our moment as I reluctantly let go of her hand as her dad laughed.
 “It’s nice to meet you as well ma’am,” I said taking her mother's hand in mine, kissing it as her smirk grew by the second.
 “Oh, you charming, stay away from this one Kayla,” her mom said as I smiled nervously at her…Alright, don’t let her see you sweat.
“Uh, let’s get you moved in Kayla,” I said trying to change the subject, helping her dad pick up some of her bags. “I would love that,” she said smiling brightly at me.
 For the next hour, I tried to learn all I could about her as we moved her into her dorm.
Her phone also had been ringing nonstop, but she ignored it. “He knows I’m movin’ so why blow me up like this. I’ll call him back in a minute,” she said as we carried up the last of her things.
 “When you do….Tell him he should have brought his ass here to help us move you in if he wanted to know what you are doing every fuckin’ second of the day,” her mom said as Kayla rolled her eyes behind her back.
Poor thing was getting it from all ends, I could see she needed a break from her mother, and it seemed her boyfriend.
Her parents walking ahead of us into her dorm gave me a chance to be nosey.
“Is that you and your man?” I asked, pointing at the wallpaper on her phone. Looking at the photo seemed to have her conflicted, almost nervous.
“Uh, yeah he is, we’ve been together for two years,” Kayla said as I observed her uneasiness.
“Ok, well maybe when he comes to visit, ya’ll can come check out one of our parties. We throw the best ones on campus,” I said trying to make conversation not wanting it to end as I sat her bags down inside.
“That would be cool, thank you for helping us, maybe I’ll see you around,” Kayla said as I felt the excitement dancing in my chest.
“Yeah, you definitely will, might as well call me your new best friend,” I said turning on the charm as she laughed.
“Well, maybe I’ll see you around best friend,” Kayla joked as I walked out of her dorm with a pep definitely in my step.
Senior year was definitely shaping up.
“Aye, you planning to shower or what?” Trick asked bringing me out of my thoughts. “Yeah, I am, just was thinking about Kayla and if I want to go to the Alumni ball,” I said as Trick sat down in front of me and stared intently.
“Well, you deserve to have fun too, maybe ya’ll can talk and work this shit out. I mean it’s been four years, she can’t still be mad,” he said as I sighed.
“I said some fucked up shit that I can’t take back, I don’t even know how to approach her,” I said feeling helpless.
“You go up to her, apologize, and try to make it right. That’s all you can do,” Trick said as I stood up shuffling around the room gathering my things.
“Thanks, man maybe it’ll all work out and I’ll have fun this weekend,” I said as Trick smiled.
“Now that’s it, be positive and have fun this weekend. I’ll even go with you and be your wingman.  I can tell you when to talk and when to shut the hell up, 'cause you talk too much sometimes,” Trick said as I laughed truly thankful for him and our friendship.
“Well, I might take you up on that, let me shower so we can hit the road,” I said heading to the showers.
“Aye, you gon’ get her back, you just gotta shoot your shot!” I heard Trick yell as I started my shower.
I truly hoped so but for now, I had to be realistic, I had a lot of groveling to do, and I was prepared to do it if it meant Kayla could be in my life again.
Delata Flight 193
Kayla’s POV
“Angela, I’m going to have fun and stroll with my sorors. I’m not going to resurrect issues from four years ago,” I said as she rolled her eyes at me.
“Ya’ll two need to talk and squash this shit, you know he didn’t mean it. He was jealous because he was in love with you…Still in love with you might I add,” she said as I scoffed.
“In love…..Carmelo…… Girl bye!” I exclaimed rolling my eyes. “Even if he was in love with me, it don’t make it right what he did.  Have a conversation like an adult and not say spiteful shit. And can we just drop this conversation, you are ruining my buzz,” I said finishing my glass of champagne as Angela sighed grabbing her phone.
Damn, I guess she was going to be team Carmelo all weekend. Love my ass.
“So, he wrestles, that’s cool,” Angela said as I looked over and saw her scrolling through Carmelo’s Instagram as I smiled.
Many of our late-night talks about our dreams began to invade my mind. He was always passionate about wrestling so it didn’t shock me that he made it to the WWE.
Leaning back in my seat I sighed trying to get in the right head space for this weekend. I wanted to have a good time, it would even be better if I could avoid him.
“Girl, he got to work with the undertaker, look!” Angela exclaimed as I leaned back over and looked at his latest Instagram post on her phone.
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“That’s awesome,” I whispered happy him. He looked so happy. As she scrolled to the next picture My focus went to the tattoo of an eye on his upper arm, it seemed to stir something in me, but I didn’t know what.  
I felt like I knew the meaning of it but I couldn’t piece it together as I looked at the beautiful tattoo of a woman’s eye with makeup smudged. Angela quickly swiped to the next post before I could truly process it.
“So, are you going to talk to him this weekend? Angela asked as I sat back in my seat and closed my eyes trying to tune her out.
“No, I have no desire to talk to him, I’m over it,” I said as she laughed. 
“Bullshit, you were in love with Carmelo, and you still are,” she countered as I snapped my head back looking at her wearing a frown.
“Don’t look at me like that, you gon’ put your big girl panties on this weekend, and get yo' man back,” Angela said with determination as I shook my head.
“He was never my man Angela; we just were two friends who had sex one night and it ruined our friendship. Worse mistake ever, I should have taken my ass home that night,” I said smartly as Angela sucked on her teeth.
“Nah, I don’t agree with that. Ya’ll were two friends who loved each other and were scared. He self-destructed jumping to conclusions and you were hurt by his assumptions,” Angela said as I got my air pods out of my purse.
“I’m done talkin’ about Carmelo, I’m takin’ a nap now,” I said putting my air pods in, turning my music on low.
“I know you can hear me so I’ma say this. I know he was wrong, but I think you are takin’ the one bad thing he did and erasing all the good. It wasn’t always bad Kayla and one mistake shouldn’t define him or his love for you, or your love for him,” Angela said as I continued to tune her out.
Yes, he did a lot of great things for me, I couldn’t deny it. Did the good truly outweigh the bad?
Crossing Day 2019
Kayla’s POV
This is supposed to be an amazing night for me, but I feel shitty. It’s nothing but chaos all around me as I see Carmelo and some of his fraternity brothers helping set up the stage for our ceremony that starts in an hour. I hate we got a late start.
My phone ringing for damn near the tenth time within the last thirty minutes is pissing me off as I see Justin’s number.
“What do you want Justin?” I asked, truly fed up, especially after the bomb he dropped this morning.
“I just wanted to make sure you were good,” he said as I pulled the phone away from my ear in disbelief.
“Justin, how am I good? You called me this morning to tell me you’re not coming. You knew how important this was to me,” I said trying to keep my emotions in check not wanting to mess up my makeup.
“It’s not that big a deal, it’s just a sorority thing,” he said as I felt the tears coming. “Really, so something I want to do isn’t important to you. Even though everything you do, I come and support you,” I said raising my voice as Carmelo made his way towards me.
“You ok Kayla?” he asked as shook my head, sighing as he put a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Who is that? Is that your so-called homeboy, I shoulda known his ass was there. I ain’t blind I know ya’ll like each other,” Justin hissed.  
“Look, I got to get ready, I need to get my mind together,” I said trying to end the call.
“Well, that’s cold, you don’t even wanna talk about it. You must be spreadin’ your legs for his ass. Maybe we just need to call this shit off,” he said as I scoffed knowing where this was going.
Gaslighting 101, chapter five, Hide Your Guilt and Accuse Her of What You Are Actually Doing.
This bastard was cheating, and I knew exactly who it was with.
“You know I’m not cheating on you. Just grow a set and tell me you want to break up instead of playing games Justin. I know you sleeping with Regina, the jig is up, ok,” I said as the line got quiet.  
“Look, it ain’t about her, I’m just sayin’ maybe we just need to end this. Experience new people and just have fun, I don’t want to be tied down right now Kayla,” he said as I took a deep breath and looked at Carmelo, who gave me a nod of encouragement.
"I'm here Kay," he whispered as I fought back tears. He was always there to pick up the pieces and wipe my tears.
“Justin, why did you have to do this today? It could have been any other day but today. Look, just lose my number because you’re officially blocked, it's over,” I said hanging up and blocking his number as Carmelo took me in his arms and I broke down.
 “Hey, I got you,” he whispered as I cried. “I don’t think I can do this today,” I cried as his strong arms pulled me closer.
“Oh, yes you can and will because you have worked hard for this. Today is your day, don’t let him take that away from you,” Carmelo said as I nodded slightly pulling away a sad smile adorning my face as he carefully wiped my tears.
“No more tears, go get ready. I’m excited to hear your Crossing Introduction tonight. I know it’s gon' be fire, just like you, and make sure to shake that beautiful hair for me,” he said gently playing with my freshly silked-out hair.
“Ok, I’ll make sure to remember that,” I said reluctantly stepping back as Angela came running up.
“Girl, ya’ll can flirt later, we need to finish getting ready. See you in a few Melo,” she said pulling me away as I laughed.
“Never change Angela, and congrats!” he yelled as she waved back at him.
These two are a mess but it was time. It was time to step into my sorority destiny.
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Everything seemed like such a blur as we waited in line with our heads down. I was getting more nervous as each new soror went before the crowd introducing themselves.
Focus Kayla you did well on the march, now it’s time to let them know who you are.
“Alright Kayla let’em know,” my new fellow Soror whispered as I smiled, tossing my head back and whipping my hair back and forth as the crowd screamed. Here goes nothing…
Stepping out of line and going to the front of the stage I felt nervous till I looked out and saw Carmelo about three rows back smiling at me.
“My…… Name….. is!” I shouted, loud and clear pausing between each word.
“What’s your name?!” the crowd asked as I smiled and began moving my body and hands in sync with my words.
“Yea!” (crowd)
The crowd participating as I said my name had my heart racing. Pausing, taking in the moment, I saw Carmelo wink at me.
Giving him a sexy smirk, I tossed my head back and began shaking my hair again just for him.
 Slowly lowering my head, I paused, building excitement as they waited to hear what my last name was.
“And I am from the Peach State, the one and only Atlanta, GA! And this Georgia Peach has joined this great sorority and I’m this line’s number 17! I shouted with pride bending down into our stroll stance with a bright smile.
Finally releasing the breath I was holding, my eyes found Carmelo again as he licked his lips. His gaze grew more intense as Darnell whispered something to him.
Were they talking about me? I saw Carmelo dap him up sharing a mutual nod before he turned his attention back to me and winked.
"A'ight Peaches, I see you Ms. AKA!" he shouted as I smiled getting back in line.
Yes, it was over! I had done it!… I was an AKA….
Later that night
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity House
Carmelo’s Room
“You sure you good?” Carmelo asked as I sat my drink down and curled up next to him on the couch. “I’m fine, thanks for being there tonight,” I said glancing up at him as he seemed to be in deep thought.
“It’s no problem, it was no other place I’d rather be,” he whispered caressing my face as I felt myself melting under his gaze.
“What are we doing?” I whispered as his lips slowly descended towards mine.  “What we've always wanted to do,” he whispered gently taking my lips in a kiss as I moaned in pleasure.
“We can’t, I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” I whimpered against his lips as his arms encircled my waist pulling me onto his lap.
Feeling his hardness underneath me had me shook. He was hard from just a simple kiss.
 “Mmhm, you feel that Kay? That's what you do to me," Carmelo whispered as I shivered. "Melo we can't," I pleaded as he silenced me with another kiss.
"We both want this, stop fighting it, baby. It won’t change anything, we'll still be us,” Carmelo whispered, his sexy voice casting a powerful spell over me.
 Looking into his beautiful brown eyes I saw nothing but the truth in his words. Kayla just let go and give in to what you want.
"Tonight...Just for tonight," I whispered as Carmelo's grip on me tightened. "I got you," he whispered slowly undressing me.
I felt shy, as he tossed my dress, anxiously over his shoulder before caressing my breasts. “You are so beautiful, just everything I imagined you’d be and more,” Carmelo whispered kissing my neck as I moaned in pleasure, his masterful hands making quick work of my bra.
 His words eased my nervousness and awakened the boldness in me.
Playing with the waistband of his sweats, Carmelo bit back a moan in anticipation. “Go ahead baby, you can touch it. I want you too,” Carmelo moaned as I purred at his words.
Nervously stroking him, his moans urged me on as his mouth feasted upon my neck. “Mmm, yes,” I moaned continuing to stoke him as he slid my thong to the side.
“You got a condom?” I whispered into the air as he nodded, reaching over, fiddling around in the drawer of the small lamp table beside us, as I claimed his lips in a powerful kiss.
His moan of triumph as he retrieved the condom and ripped it open made me tremble against him.
 “Let me,” I whispered against his lips, climbing off his lap, slowly sinking to my knees, holding his gaze I slowly placed the condom over the tip of his length.
Damn he was way bigger than Justin, it caused me to pause in my actions and stare.  
“Don't be scared, I'ma make you feel real good baby. I promise, now gon’ put it on and come take a ride,” Carmelo groaned, picking up on my nervousness as continued to stroke him.
My pussy quivered at his words; it excited me. Using my mouth, I slide the condom down over his hardened length as he bit back a growl, entangling his fingers in my hair.
“Shit! It’s like that baby?” Carmelo moaned, looking at me in amazement.  “Uh huh,” I moaned looking at him, while taking him deeper into my mouth
“Got dammmn Kay,” Carmelo hissed as his head fell back against the couch in pleasure. “You like that,” I whispered as he looked at me through hooded eyes. “Hell yea, I love it but if you don’t stop, this gon’ be over before it starts,” Carmelo panted as I smirked releasing him.
“Mmm, I wouldn't want that, ” I whispered climbing back on his lap nibbing on his neck as he growled grasping my hips, slowly inch by inch filling my wet center with his hardened length until he was to the hilt.  Our moans of satisfaction filled the tiny room.
“Fuck, you feel better than I ever dreamed,” Carmelo groaned against my neck as I began to ride him.  “Mm, you too,” I confessed wrapping my arms around his neck as he began meeting my thrusts in desperate need.
“Yea, ride… Mmhm ride dat shit……Just like that Kayla,” Carmelo moaned encouraging me as we chased our end. “Promise me nothing changes….Mmm,Melo!” I exclaimed as he began gently massaging my clit with his thumb as I used his shoulders to steady myself bouncing with a purpose.
 “Mmhm, nothin’ gon’ change, I promise Kay. Now let’s get this nut together baby,” he whispered as he took me higher and higher. “Yes! Melo, Mmhm I’m ready!” I cried as I rotated my hips against him hearing a low growl escape his lips that began to grow in volume as we shared each other’s love.
That’s what it was, love and it was scaring the hell outta me and by the look on Carmelo’s face I could tell it was scaring him too.
“Kay…Kay..Fuck!” Carmelo moaned, finally finding words as we were reaching our end.  “I know, God I know," I moaned shuttering against him as our lips met in desperation.
“I’m cummin!” I whined against his lips as he caressed his tongue with mine, deepening our kiss.
“I’m right there with you,” he moaned as we exploded together. Collapsing against his shoulder I struggled to catch my breath as he held me tight.
For awhile, nothing was said as I relaxed in Carmelo's arms. I felt overwhelmed, I knew I had messed up…I had fallen hard for him.  I felt my tears coming as Carmelo caressed my back.
“Don’t cry Kay, we good. See you doin' all this cryin' lately, I'ma have to get a tattoo of a tear on this shoulder. Better yet, ima put your whole eye up there with the makeup smudges and all," Carmelo said kissing my shoulder.
“See why you gotta tease me,” I said caressing his arms as he sighed.
“Look at me Kay,” Carmelo said lifting my head off his shoulder wiping my tears.
I would never tease you. I’m just glad you trusted me and allowed me to be there to catch your tears,” Carmelo whispered caressing my face, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.
Yep….We fucked up….Big time.
“We're about to land Kayla,” I heard Angela say as I opened my eyes taking in my surroundings.
“I’m sorry I just meant to catch a small nap, not sleep the whole flight,” I said taking my air pods out and putting my seatbelt back. on.
“You good girl, it ain’t nothing like listening to music and letting it take you away,” she said smiling at me.
“Yeah, I guess so,” I said trying to shake the memories that were clouding my mind, and the other pieces of the puzzle coming together had me feeling overwhelmed.
Pulling my phone back out I went to WWE.com, turning slightly in my seat so Angela couldn't see. I would never hear the end of this if she knew I was looking at Carmelo's photos but I needed to see the picture again.
In my search, I found an article with the picture in question attached with several other backstage shots. I began skimming through the article and a question threw me for a loop.
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WWE.com Exclusive
"So, what is the significance behind this tattoo of the eye with what seems to be makeup smudged?"
"I got it about three years ago, I got it to remind me of a special someone I knew in college. She was my best friend and my number one supporter. She encouraged me to chase my dreams, and I never forgot that."
"Well, are you two still in touch?"
"Uh, no we aren't, but who knows what the future holds."
“I can't believe he really got that tattoo,” I muttered to myself in disbelief. “Who got what tattoo?” Angela asked leaning over, trying to look at my phone as I quickly opened another tab.
“Uh, nobody I know, I was just thinking about the dream I just had,” I said which technically I wasn't stretching the truth very much. My memories with Carmelo were creeping into my brain and it scared me.
“I hope it was a good dream to start your weekend because we gon’ have fun these next few days,” she said as I sighed.
Girl, if you only knew I would rather be anywhere than Florida this weekend. This was dangerous, I had to keep my guard up.
Maybe I should have just stayed home.
The Next Day
Carmelo’s POV
“Damn, it’s thick out here,” Trick said as I grabbed us a beer. “Yea, they partyin’ hard, half of them probably ain’t making it to the ball,” I laughed looking around trying to find Kayla. 
“Aye, didn’t her homegirl tell you they’d be here?  I’ma need you to chill man,” Trick said as I tried to shake my nerves still looking around.
“I know I’m jus…just,” I said stuttered as I spotted her. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Trick asked turning around to see what had me shook.
“Damn, is that her?” he asked smiling as I nodded still unable to speak.  “You stupid as fuck if I may say so myself,” Trick whispered shaking his head as I growled.
“Look you ain’t gotta rub it in, you supposed to be helping me, and stop looking at her like that,” I hissed as Trick shrugged his shoulders.
“I am here to help you but I ain’t dead. Is that her friend?” Trick asked pointing at Angela. “Yea, that’s her, a straight pain in the ass but I adore her,” I said as Darnell came running up.
“Ooou! I know you see yo’ girl, she out here serving body for days!” Darnell exclaimed as Trick smirked.
“Man shut the fuck up,” I said seething as he laughed. “Now is that how you talk to your frat brother who just talked to the DJ and he’s about to play our favorite stroll with the AKAs,” he said as my eyes widened in shock.
“I know you didn’t,” I whispered as he smiled. “Yep, so get ready,” he said taking off towards the crowd.
"This idiot here is just fuckin’ stupid,” I said as Trick seemed confused. “What’s the issue, I mean a dance can’t hurt nobody,” he said as I sighed.
“In the stroll, I lead the Alphas and Kayla leads the AKAs,” I said as Trick's eyes lit up. “Oh, shit that’s perfect, maybe it will break the ice with Kayla,” he said as I drank the rest of my beer.
“If anything it may entice her to choke my ass out for being so close to her, but I guess I ain’t gotta choice,” I said as I heard the opening cords of Knuck if you buck by Crime Mob
“Class of 2020 and 2021 I need you on the floor it’s your time to shine,” the MC said as I saw the girls already dancing falling in line behind Kayla as she smiled brightly swinging her hips and arms.
“Aye, you betta get yo’ ass over there,” Trick said as Darnell was waving me over as I went to join my frat brothers.
“Taking my place in line across from Kayla felt weird as she seemed to not pay me any attention as she strolled with her line sisters.
“Let’s get it fellas!” I shouted blowing my whistle as we began steppin’ in sync with the girls doing our own stroll.
I saw Kayla look over at me in shock for a second before she recovered and continued leading her line sisters.
“Knuck if you buck!” Angela screamed as the AKAs kneeled deeper in their stance, killin’ it.
“I see ya’ll!” I heard someone yell as I cracked a smile.  It felt good to stroll with my frat brothers and most of all Kay.
I couldn’t take my eyes off of her as she danced, whipping her hair back and forth almost teasing me. She knows what that shit does to me.  Trying to refocus I cut my eyes towards Angela as she smirked at me.
“Yeah, act like you know! Stop playin’ wit her, take us on out Peaches!" she yelled, swinging her arms as Kayla smiled, walking as only she could pretending one of her hands was a mirror as she fluffed her beautiful hair with the other.
The crowd parted, cheering them on while allowing them to pass as we followed closely behind them.
Damn, Kayla still could command a room like no other. “Uh, you can thank me now,” Darnell said as I looked back at him and rolled my eyes getting out of the line, trying to find Kayla again.
Kayla’s POV “We still got it, that was fun,” Angela said as I laughed. “Girl, AKAs gon’ always bring that heat,” I said smiling at her. “I know you saw him, so when ya’ll gon’ talk,” Angela said as I sighed.  
Jeez can I have a moments piece without somebody telling me to talk to Carmelo.
“I didn’t see Carmelo, what are you talking about?” I said playing dumb.
“Oh, so you don’t know me now,” Carmelo said as I sighed looking at the amusement dancing in Angela’s eyes as I slowly turned to face him.
"I’ll let ya’ll two talk," Angela said practically running away as I scoffed. “I hate you!” I hissed as she laughed.
“Look can go talk, I think we both can agree it’s overdue and we don’t want to make a scene here,” Carmelo said as I looked around at everyone having a good time.
“Fine, but I’m not going far,” I said following him through the crowd as he led me to the side of the building.
The silence was defining as we both were trying to think of words to say to each other. It had been three years since we last saw each other after all.
I don’t know what came over me but I slapped him as hard as I could the sound echoing around us as Carmello stumbled rubbing the side of his face.
“A’ight I deserved that,” he said as I took a deep breath trying to not make a fool outta myself. I couldn’t let him know how he truly broke me.
“Yes, you did and more. You’re lucky that’s all you got from me,” I said as Carmelo raised his hands in surrender.  “Kay, I know I hurt you and I’m sorry,” he said as I looked at him my expression unreadable.
“It's Kayla to you, only my friends call me Kay. Look, can you make this quick, I got something to do,” I said folding my arms over my chest.
“So is this how it’s gon’ be the whole weekend, you just ignoring me. I’m trying to apologize, Kayla,” Carmelo said as I tried to wrangle in my feelings.
“Why are you apologizing to a whore. I mean that’s what you said I was right?” I said as a look of defeat and horror crossed his face.
“I didn’t mean it if you would just let me talk,” he started as I cut him off.
“I’m just a needy whore that will ride any dick right,” I said slightly raising my voice as he cringed at my words.
“Look, I was drunk, and I said some shit I didn’t mean alright. You know I lo—,” Carmelo's voice trailed off as he looked down unable to look at me. What was he going to say?
“Carmelo, being drunk ain’t no excuse, I thought you were my best friend!” I exclaimed frustrated that I was letting him get to me.
I am your best friend! Regardless of how you feel about me, you are my best friend Kayla and I miss you. Can you please just forgive me? he pleaded as I tried to walk away. "Carmelo, please stop," I begged trying to walk away as he blocked my path. "Say you can forgive me, please," Carmelo pleaded, his eyes drawing me in as they stared into my soul. I couldn't look away if I wanted.
“Kay, you know I didn’t mean it, can we just agree to talk sometime before we both leave Sunday,” he pleaded as I finally nodded, not trusting my words as I saw Angela walking over.
“Hey, ya’ll good, Kay?" she asked rubbing my shoulder as I held back tears.
“Uh, yeah we were just talking about not letting the drama of the past ruin the weekend," I said wiping a few stray tears that had fallen as Carmelo sighed in relief.
“Well thank God, we all deserve a good weekend of fun,” she said my eyes still focused on Carmelo as he glanced quickly at the tattoo on his shoulder before looking back at me.
I felt a shiver run down my spine, as I tried to shake it off.
“Well, uh, I’ll let ya’ll get back to the party and I will see ya’ll tonight hopefully,” he said giving me a hug, catching me off guard.
Carmelo’s POV
I knew I was pushing it but I couldn't help it. I had to hold her in my arms. Come on beautiful hug me back.
I couldn’t let her go until she hugged me back.
I felt her trembling hands touch my back as I sighed in relief pulling her closer. “I’ma make it right, just let me please. I’m sorry Kay,” I whispered in her ear as I felt her relax against me. Angela smiled at me before leaving us alone.
"You hurt me, Mel," Kayla whispered as I felt my heart sink. “I wish I could take it back, baby,” I whispered honestly.
I didn’t know what else to say, I had played the scenario over and over in my head a thousand times. How different everything could have been if I had just told her how I felt that night. If I did, we wouldn’t be in this shit now.
“I need to go," Kayla whispered pulling away as I felt empty again.
"Yeah, me too, I hope I see you tonight," I said as she flashed a half smile.
"Maybe, I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there," she said not looking me in the eye slowly walking back back to the party.
Don't give up on me yet beautiful I whispered watching her walk away from me and carrying my heart right along with her.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity House
End-of-Year Party
Carmelo’s POV
It was the last party of the year, graduation was near but Kayla was occupying my mind.
We kept our word, after our night nothing changed. We woke up that next morning and went back into our regular routine. Two best friends who adored each other.
 I had gone out with a few girls since then and Kayla was into her sorority life and wasn’t dating.
She had told me how she wanted to heal from the breakup with Justin before she dated anybody. I can’t help but admit I wanted more, and no girl could compare to her but I didn’t even know how to tell her.
"Let me get this straight 'cause you are confusing the fuck outta me. You like Kayla, but instead of telling her you bring Robin to this party. The girl who has made her life hell since she joined the AKAs. You stupid as fuck,” Darnell scoffed hitting me on the back of the head.
"Shit, you didn’t have to hit me, I know I’m wrong,” I said rubbing my head as I saw Kayla on the dancing floor dancing with Angela as I saw Anthony approach them.
"What the fuck is he doin'?" I hissed seeing my frat brother whisper in Kayla’s ear as she blushed, nodding as he pulled her away from Angela and they began dancing.
“Looks like he knows a beautiful woman when he sees one and he asked her to dance,” Darnell said as I growled.
“Fuckin’ freshman thinking he can come in here and do what he wants. Let me set his ass straight,” I hissed finishing my beer.
“Um, why can’t he ask her to dance? She’s single and so is he," Darnell said as I stormed past him not wanting to talk to his ass anymore.
Soon as I got closer Robin slid in front of me catching me off guard. "Hey, I have been looking for you, let’s dance," she said throwing her arms around me as I reluctantly danced with her.
I didn't know how to feel as Kayla looked at me in shock and uncertainty as Robin and I danced. I knew by her eyes she was hurt by my dating choice of the night.
Sighing I tried to play it cool as our eyes seemed to fall deeper into each other before she laid her head on Anthony’s shoulder avoiding my gaze as he seemed to be enjoying it a little too much for my liking.
"Motherfucka," I whispered as Robin pulled back looking at me. "What’s wrong babe?" She asked as I played it off. " Uh, nothin’ let’s go upstairs after this song. I know better things we could be doin', " I said as her eyes lit up.
Yea, I was wrong but I didn’t care at the moment.
"Hands up here now," I heard Kayla say as she moved Anthony's hands back to her waist. He had been trying to caress her ass.
"I'm sorry beautiful," he said as I saw red, I don’t even know what came over me as I stepped away from Robin and went towards them.
"What are you doing!? I know you ain't going over there, she don't need you to save her!" Robin hissed following me. Hell I don’t even know what I’m doing, but I know he ain’t gon’ be touchin’ on her like that.
"Aye, you need to keep your hands to yourself," I said interrupting their dance gently grabbing her arm and moving her behind me as I stepped in Anthony’s face.
"What is your problem, Melo?! We were just dancing," Kayla said as Anthony smirked.
"Ain’t it obvious, he can’t take somebody else takin’ an interest in you Kay, he just wants you to be his little plaything," Anthony said as I grabbed him by the collar snatching his ass up.
"My problem is every time I turn around yo’ bitch ass tryin’ to take something that belongs to me,” I hissed dangerously low as he laughed. "Oh, so she's yours huh," Anthony taunted as the music stopped and people began to stare.
"Let me talk to you for a minute," Kayla whispered grabbing my hand, as I let go of Anthony. I was getting more pissed by the second looking at his cocky ass.
"I know you new freshman, so you don't know me. Keep smirking, I'll knock all your fuckin' teeth out," I hissed, his smirk dropping instantly.
"No your not, let's go," Kayla said steering me towards the stairs as the music started back up.
"Don’t you go up there with her Carmelo! If you do I’m going home!" Robin yelled following us upstairs as Kayla rolled her eyes.
"Just go home, I'll call you later Robin," I said trying to not cause a scene seeing a few people were still looking at us.
"I’m serious, you go in there don't ever call me again," she said as Kayla opened my door pushing me inside before turning to face her.
"Good! It'll save him a trip to the free clinic! Anybody fucking you ends up with something bleach can't wash off and a ten day perscription of penicillin, Bye, irrelevant!" Kayla yelled slamming the door in Robins's face as I heard her scream on the other side of the door before walking away.  
"Aye, you didn’t have to be so rude," I said as Kayla laughed sarcastically.
" Really, you wanna talk about rude. All I was doing was dancing with him and you come over acting like an asshole," she said as I invaded her space pushing her up against my door towering over her.
"I’m sorry ok, I just saw him touchin’ you and I wasn’t thinking," I said honestly caressing her face as she nervously bit her lip before my lips gently grazed hers.
"We need to talk Mel," she whispered as I groaned reluctantly stepping away from her. She was right we needed to talk badly but I didn't want to do it now.
"Ok, what are we talking about?" I asked frustrated the moment was ruined as she looked at me in disbelief.
"Are you serious?  Well, let’s talk about why all of a sudden you actin’ like you my man," Kaylas said as I sighed feeling the anger in me boiling. She couldn’t see that I liked her.
 "We’re friends Carmelo, remember that night wasn’t supposed to change us," she rambled running her hands through her hair, pacing.
"I know what we agreed on, I ain’t dumb!" I yelled as a knock on the door interrupted us.
"I heard yelling….Are you ok in there, Kayla?" Angela asked as she tried to calm her breathing before she responded.
The last thing I needed was Angela bustin’ up in here making matters worse.
"Yeah, I’m good I’ll be down in a minute so we can go," Kayla said as Angela tried to open the door.  
"She’s fine Angela, damn!" I hissed as Kayla sighed. "Don’t get no attitude with me 'cause you fucking stupid. Jealous ass, I’ll be downstairs Kayla,” Angela said as quietness filled the room.
"What are we doin'? This isn’t us, why are we arguing with each other Carmelo. What’s really wrong?” Kayla asked.
Ok, tell her how you feel…This may be your last chance.
" I’m cool, we’re cool. I’m just trying to say before you put yourself back out there, just know women can’t do what men do," I said as Kayla frowned at me.
"What are you tryin' to say?" she asked as I tried to choose my words wisely. "I don’t want a bad reputation following you, I mean all it takes is you opening your legs to one of these idiots and then you are labeled as a whore," I said as I saw the flash of anger cross her beautiful face.
Fuck, I opened the gates of hell.
"Are you saying I’m a whore!?" Kayla exclaimed as I growled. "No! I ain’t sayin’ you’re a whore! I’m sayin’ don’t be out here in these streets grinding up on these clowns like a needy whore that will ride anybody’s dick," I said as Kayla reached up and slapped the fuck outta me.
How dare you? I wasn't grinding on no motherfuckin' body, we were just dancing. Meanwhile, you fuck anything with a gash and me simply just dancing with someone leads to a conversation as to how you don’t want me to be a whore..You're unbelievable," Kayla said throwing her hands up in frustration as I rubbed my face.
"Look, I ain’t gon’ argue with you. I said what I said and if you don’t like it, you can leave. I’m sure Anthony is ready to make you his new little plaything anyway. I’m sure he’ll love that lil trick you do with your mouth,” I said not believing the words coming out of my mouth.
I was supposed to be telling her I loved her, but here I was spewing venom towards her because another man was interested in her.
"I tell you what, I’d rather be his plaything than your so-called best friend?  Hell, maybe he can actually satisfy me better than you did, so fuck you! she yelled storming out of my room, slamming the door behind her.
"DAMN ITTTT!!" I yelled sinking into the couch as I realized the finality of my words.
I had lost my best friend and the woman I loved.
"Aye, earth to Melo! I heard Darnell yell as I cringed. "Stop yelling, I heard you," I said trying to get myself together. " I saw ya'll talking is everything good now? he asked as I smiled.
" We're gonna get together before the weekend is over," I said honestly feeling a little about the weekend. "That’s good to hear, hopefully, ya’ll move past this,” he said as we went back to join the party.
I hoped so, I knew one thing was for certain tonight was the time to shoot my shot and I planned on making my intentions loud and clear.
I wanted Kayla and nothing was going to stop me from telling her this time, not even myself.
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liked by darnellAlpha, AKAangelaLove, @Carmelo_wwe, and 1,000 others
KaylaAKA4Life: Enjoying this weekend and living life to the fullest with my Sorority sisters and fellow Alpha brothers. Let's Party Ya'll! #AKAsDoItBetter #FAMUHomecoming2023 #FAMUAlumni
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Kayla's POV
“Angela thank you so much for helping me find a dress,” I said looking myself over in the mirror as she touched up her makeup.
The Emerald gold hue colored dress looked good on me. The dress being off the shoulder with the built in bra enhanced the beauty of it. Also, who could go wrong with showin' a little leg. Yea, I’m wearing the hell outta this dress right now if I may say so.
“Yea, I was gonna comment on your Instagram post, but you disabled your comments bitch,” she said as I shrugged my shoulders.
“Yes, I did because when Carmelo liked it I kind of panicked. I knew he was going to comment next, then his fans would see it and I ain’t with all that attention,”  I said as Angela nodded in agreement.
“Ah, I get it, I actually don’t blame you on that one,” she said as we made our way back into the dining hall. The night had been going well but I was getting ready to soon leave.
Two hours was enough for me and I hadn’t seen Carmelo yet so my nerves were a little on edge. I can’t believe how just a hug from him was breaking down the walls I had built up. But for now, I’m going to enjoy the rest of my weekend.
“Heeeyyy, the party jumpin’ now,” I said looking at the crowded dance floor. “Gril, here come Anthony, don’t look,” Angela said as I sighed truly not in the mood.
“Damn,I was hoping he wouldn’t see me,” I whispered. I knew he was going to ask me to dance. Now don’t get me wrong, “I’ll give all my love to you” by Keith Sweat is one of my favorite songs but I ain’t dancing with his ass.
After the blow up with Carmelo I pretty much stayed away from his frat house all together. That didn’t stop Anthony from spreading rumors that he and I had slept together. So, yea I had to rock his shit one good time too.
“You ladies look amazing,” he said sizing us up as Angela cleared her throat. “Thanks, Anthony” I said as he smiled brightly at me.
“Kayla, may I have this dance?” he asked as I felt someone grab my hand gently bringing it to their lips. I actually sighed in relief seeing it was Carmelo as he smiled at me.
“She’s with me Anthony, ain't nothin' changed Bruh. Let's go Kay, I owe you a dance,” Carmelo said smoothly steering me away as Angela smiled.
“Well ok then Melo, come through boo,” Angela said as I blushed. She always hyping him up in his bullshit.
“Thank you, I was about to have a flashback and was probably gon’ rock his ass again like I did you earlier,” I said as he laughed pulling me close on the dance floor as we danced.
Carmelo’s POV
Step one complete I had her in my arms again our foreheads touching as I caressed her waist swaying to the music. She felt so good, this was a dream it had to be.
I love you in the night
I wanna take it real real slow, my baby
I understand what you told me
And if I, I didn't know
I always wanted someone just like you
“Thank you for dancing with me,” I whispered as she pulled back slightly, those beautiful eyes stirring something deep in my soul.
“Thanks for saving the day like you always use to do,” she smiled as I felt all my troubles melt away. She just didn’t know but I would always protect her.
I really need to hold on, hold you
I'd give the world to you, oh my darlin'
You know I will
Yeah yeah you know i will
I surely will
“You are so beautiful; you know that right?” I asked, caressing her face as she looked away.
“Carmelo,” she started as I cut her off gently grasping her face making her look at me. The more I stared into her beautiful eyes, it seemed the more I got lost.
 “Just be in the moment with me,” I pleaded, gently kissed her forehead, as she relaxed in my arms.
I will never do anything to hurt you
I'll give all my love to you
(I'm gonna give you every bit of my love, my love)
And if you need me, baby, I'll come runnin' (yes I will)
Only to you (yes my baby yes I will)
I looked over and saw Trick dancing with Angela as he smiled at me giving me a thumbs up. Smiling, I closed my eyes just enjoying Kayla being in my arms again as she laid her head on my chest.
One of her hands resting on my back as the other caressed my arm and not just any arm but the one that contained the tattoo I had joked about getting four years earlier.
“You remember, don’t you? You know it’s your tattoo,” I whispered in her ear,unafraid of the answer as she nodded against me.
I no longer had anything to hide from her.
Girl I've been longing for you baby for a long long time
Let's make love tonight
I can make me feel real good baby
I can make feel real good baby
Sometimes, sometimes I get a little lonely, baby (so lonely baby)
“Why,” she whispered as I leaned down and gently placed a kiss on her bare shoulder. “Why wouldn’t I? I wanted to carry you with me always, you’re my best friend and I love you,” I whispered as I felt her still in my arms.
And I need a little love that I can call all mine (I need some lovin')
Girl, you are the one for me, babe
I know that you are the world for me, babe
“I can’t do this, I’m sorry,” Kayla whispered pulling away, walking off the dance floor.
Defeated, my eyes met Trick’s who pointed, silently telling me to go after her.
He was right, I couldn’t let the chance pass me by again. I rushed off the dance floor determined to catch her before she left.
Kayla’s POV
“Don't fall for it... He didn’t mean it Kayla, stop being weak,” I muttered to myself pacing. I felt in flight or fight mode as I saw Carmelo rushing towards me. “Look, I forgave you ok, so you don’t have to do this,” I cried trying to put some space between us as I tried to leave again.
“Kayla we can’t keep running from this baby,” Carmelo said blocking my path as I felt my anxiety rising.
This couldn’t be happening right now, he didn’t love me, he couldn’t.
“Why are you doin’ this!?” I cried as he caressed my face. “I’m doin’ It because I should have told you that night. I should have told you that I loved you,” Carmelo confessed as I felt the room closing in.
“No, no, you couldn’t have,” I whispered as I felt the air rushing out of my lungs.
“I’m sorry to just spring all this on you but, I don’t wanna make the same mistake twice. I can’t let you walk away from me again without telling you. I still love you Kayla and I know you love me too,” Carmelo declared without fear, claiming my lips in an eager kiss.
I will never do anything to hurt you
(I would never, never do one little thing to hurt you)
I'll give all my love to you
My mind was fuzzy as our kisses became more passionate, was this really happening right now.
“I’ma leave, and give you some time,” Carmelo whispered against my lips as I whimpered at the loss.
“I want you to come to me when you’re ready to admit you love me just as much as I love you, he said gently brushing his lips against mine before rushing off towards the elevators.
And if you need me, baby, I'll come runnin'
Only to you
Running towards the bathroom I locked myself in a stall trying to process what had happened. All this time he loved me, all this time lost.
Did I love him? Who am I kidding, I’ve always loved him and I thought I was over it until I saw him today, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.
His words continuing to echo in my head as I got myself together.  Finally building up the courage to come out of the bathroom I ran into what felt like a brick wall as a strong set of arms steadied me.
"Hey, I'm Carmelo's friend Trick. I was looking for him, have you seen him,” the gentleman said as I looked at Angela,who stood behind him.
“He left and went upstairs,” I said as Trick frowned. “So did ya’ll talk?” Angela asked as I nodded.  
“Kayla, did he tell you how he felt?” Trick asked as I nodded again.
"Uh, can you give us an answers and stop all that damn nodding," Angela said I sighed.
“He told me he loved me and that he always had,” I said overwhelmed as Angela squealed in delight. “I knew it! My eyes don’t fool me," she said as I wiped my tears.
“How do you feel about what Melo said?” Trick asked as I contemplated his words.
“I love him too;” I said feeling relieved to say it out loud as Angela hugged me.
 “Then go to him,” she whispered as I nodded in understanding. I guess this is what she mean the other day about me putting my big girl panties on.
I had to tell him he wasn’t wrong, I did love him.
 “Trick, Do you know what room he’s in?' I asked as he smiled. “Room 984,” he said without hesitation as I gave him a hug.
 "Thank you and it was nice meeting you," I whispered as he laughed returning my embrace.
“Nice metting you too Kayla, and I’m sure we will be hanging out soon. Especially if your friend Angela here gives me her number,” he said as I smiled at him before I took off towards the elevator.
“Get ya’ man and have some mind-blowing sex you deserve it!” Angela yelled as Trick laughed. "Trick you better keep your eyes on that one," I said getting on the elevator anxiously waiting for the doors to close.
I felt nervous, the elevator seemed to be going so slow. I almost changed my mind, but the loud dinging noise let me knew I had reached my destination as I walked in a daze to room 984.
Taking a deep breath, I lightly knocked hoping he wouldn’t hear me, and I could leave.
“Damn no such luck,” I muttered as I heard him fumbling around the room. Just do what you feel Kayla, you already know he feels the same. Speak your peace and leave it at that.
Last night I thought to back to when we made good love
Listenin' to some Marvin Gaye all night long
Now I want that old thing back
 It was like time stood still as he opened the door clad in only a towel and a surprised look on his face. Wasting no time and closing the distance between us, I leaped into his arms, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.
 It’s power startling us both as we moaned in pleasure as our ever-present need for each other continued to grow more intense by the second as we got lost in each other.
 Reluctantly parting to catch our breath, Carmelo looked at me in wonder, caressing my hips.
Make these moments once again a fact
So won't ya, won't ya, uhhh, do it for us, babe
“So, you do love me?” he whispered in disbelief as I caressed his face his piercing gaze had me under his spell.
“I love you, Carmelo,” I whispered against his lips as he groaned reclaiming my lips, pulling me against his bare chest and into his room, slamming the door.
“I love you too, baby,” he moaned as his hands masterfully unzipped my dress causing it to fall at my feet as I shivered feeling exposed under his intense gaze.
“Are we really doin’ this?” I panted as his eyes continued to roam my body. “Yes, and your even more beautiful than I remembered,” he moaned, his breath now hot on my neck as he slowly grazed his lips across my neck, helping me out of my underwear.  
I couldn’t contain my moans of pleasure as Carmelo entangled his fingers in my hair, kissing and nibbling on my neck.
 Purring against him I felt myself losing control as his towel fell, a barrier no longer between us.
Good lovin, body rockin' knockin' boots all night long yeah
Makin' love until we tire to the break of dawn
But oh, come on, a-come on
“Melo, baby,” I moaned as he growled, his hands caressing my breasts as he teasingly sucked and nipped at them as my grip on his head tightened.
“I need to taste you, Peaches, I bet you taste so sweet,” he groaned using his tongue, licking a path from my stomach to my pelvis as he kneeled before me.
And turn the lights down, and let me get on it, yeah
‘Cause when I do, just me and you, it'll be so right
“Can I taste you, Peaches?” he moaned caressing my thighs wrapping them around his shoulders as I trembled with anticipation as he kissed my inner thigh trailing his tongue over my wet center.
Carmelo’s POV
“Yes! Please baby,” Kayla gasped, arching her hips against my tongue as I tasted her. Her hands gripping my face as I licked and sucked on her clit. “Mmm, you taste so sweet peaches. I knew you would baby,” I praised, her eyes rolling back in her head as I pleased her. 
Her moans urging me on as I swirled my flattened tongue around her swollen sensitive clit over and over as she whimpered underneath me.
A-give me some good love
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
A-give me some good love
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots) Somebody rockin', baby, ooh
“Carmelo! Oh, fuck!” Kayla moaned as I groaned savoring her taste. Gripping her ass and standing up while still lapping up her juices, I lifted her higher into the air.
 “What are you doing!” she gasped in shock and pleasure as my hungry eyes met hers. Her back planted firmly against the wall as she shivered against my mouth.
“I'm eating my dessert baby,” I moaned devouring her sweet wet center as her legs trembled around my neck.
I feel so good when I'm near you
That's why I always wanna be close to you
“Give me what I want Peaches,” I moaned against her as her gasps were coming in short spurts, I knew she was close.
 “I want it now Kayla,” I moaned swirling my tongue one last time around her clit before taking it in my mouth sucking it gently as she rode my face, her head thrown back in pleasure.
"Oh God! Melo, I...." She trailed off as her whole body began to shake as her orgasm hit her strong as I slid my tongue inside her making her scream and writhe against my mouth as her orgasm continued to overtake her.
I moaned loudly as her essence drenched my mouth as I welcomed it.
Enjoying watching the pleasure on her face, I gently unwrapping her thighs from around my neck.  Maintaining my grip, I slowly slid her down my body as she leaned forward kissing me with urgency.
“I need you,” I panted against her lips as she arched her back against the wall as I entered her swiftly, as a strangled moan escaped her beautiful lips.
I'm so addicted, I'm so addicted
To makin' love to you, baby
All night long, baby, all night long, long, long, long
Her moans mixed with the feel of her pulsing around me had me reelin’. “Fuck! Shit, I missed this Kay,” I confessed reclaiming her as she clawed at my back.
“I missed you too Carmelo,” she moaned as I bounced her with ease on my dick. Her arms around my neck and her knees locked on top of my arms as we rocked against each other.
“Yea, bounce on this dick… Bounce on it like a good girl. You like how this dick feels in this pussy don’t you?” I moaned.
“Carmelo, yes! Fuck me! Umph,” She groaned sucking on my neck, her wetness soaking my dick as it got louder with each thrust.
Kayla’s POV
“Yea, this that grown man shit, you like it don’t you? That pussy so wet for me Peaches, you takin’ it so good baby,” Carmelo praised as I whimpered against him. “Yes! I love it!” I screamed holding on for dear life.
He was right, we weren’t shy college kids anymore.  This truly was real grown folks shit and I loved it.  Clawing at his shoulders in disbelief and pleasure, I felt that familiar tingling starting to surge downward. Good lovin', body rockin' all night long, oh, oh
Makin' love until we tire to the break of dawn
“I feel you baby, don’t fight that shit,” Carmelo panted as I whined not wanting to cum just yet. “I got you, I’ma make you cum,” he groaned as I gasped, his thrusts becoming more powerful as he revealed his plan for the night.
“Tonight, you gon’ cum again…and again…and again…and again,” he groaned as I fell apart in his arms, his mouth swallowing my cries as he held me tight.
“Yea, that’s it, you so fuckin’ beautiful,” he whispered against my lips.
But oh, come on, come on and turn the lights down, and let me get on it, uh
‘Cause when I do, just me and you, it'll be so right, so right, so right
Each stroke masterfully takin’ my breath away. “I want you to cum baby,” I whispered wanting him to let himself go.
I wanted to see his face as he found his sweet release as he eased us onto the bed towering over me. “Spread them legs wide for me Peaches, we gon’ get this one together, baby,” he groaned, his mouth once again overpowering mine as his strokes became deeper and harder.
“Yes! Carmelo! Cum with me,” I gasped as the new position allowed him deeper inside me.
“Mmhm, I’m real deep in this pussy, it feels so good too baby,” he praised. Moving in sync with him I knew he was close. His muscles began to twitch under my touch.  
A-give me some good love
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
“Your mine,” I moaned as a low growl fell from his lips as I traced my tongue against his lips as he caught it between his lips gently sucking on it.
“You mine too, you always been mine,” he moaned as my pussy pulsed tightly around him again. Smirking, he placed two of his fingers inside my mouth as I gently sucked on them.
“Fuck yea, good girl Peaches,” he whispered taking his fingers and begins rubbing against my clit matching in tune with his strokes.
“Ahh! Baby I’m cumin!!” I exclaimed, his growls becoming louder as his body shook in ecstasy exploding inside me.
‘Cause I'm ready
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots) I'm so ready
I'm so ready, baby
“You felt so fuckin’ good. Shit, that was amazin’” he moaned gently kissing me as we came down from our trip of ecstasy.
 “You ain’t never lied. Can’t wait until we do it again,” I whispered as he groaned against my lips.
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
To give you everything that we've been waitin' on
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
“Best homecoming ever,” he panted collapsing beside me as I laughed.
“I have to agree, it’s definitely one for the books,” I said smiling.
“So does this mean you gon’ be my girl,” he whispered running his fingers through my hair as I laughed.
“Uh, I would hope so, you done gave me head in the air…The damn air Carmelo, that definitely was a first for me and the rest I can’t even talk about right now because the feeling in my legs ain’t back yet,” I said as he laughed.
“That was hot as fuck wasn’t it. It’s you, I ain’t never done no shit like that, you make me this way,” he whispered pulling me close as I kissed his tattoo.
“Well, tonight was definitely happy tears,” I said caressing his tattoo as he smiled.
“I promise as long as you my girl, it’s always going to be is happy tears, I promise you baby,” he declared as I snuggled further into his arms.
 “I love you,” I whispered as I felt his heart beating faster.
“I love you too Kayla,” he replied dropping a tender kiss on my forehead.
Where do we go from here, I didn’t know but I knew he was my man and it was going to stay that way.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
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@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real 
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redneonmoons · 2 years
Loose Shirts and Fumbled Secrets [Vash x Reader] [Soulmate AU]
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Word Count: ~4000 Description: After a deadly mistake, you and Vash’s relationship becomes tense which makes it even harder to deal with the fact his name is written on your back.
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Your pace increased as it took longer and longer to find Vash. Of course, when you took your eyes off him for a second he disappeared, probably getting in trouble again.
You just joined the group a week ago after finally tracking down the humanoid typhoon. Only a few months before then your soulmark appeared on the small of your back. Vash. A single name. You didn’t think Independents could have soulmates. Thankfully, Vash wasn’t hard to find with his wanted posters and wake of destruction everywhere he went. Which made you cautious when you went looking. And why you still haven’t told him your real name.
You saw red out the corner of your eye and stopped, looking down the alleyway. Meryl and Roberto were the furthest down against the back wall. In front was Vash and a bounty hunter, whose back was turned to you. Vash had his hands up, smiling nervously.
“I don’t want to fight,” He said.
“Then you should come along quiet-like,” the bounty hunter replied.
“No, thank you,” Vash declined.
You saw Roberto pull out his gun. The bounty hunter noticed and grabbed Vash, spinning him into a chokehold. Fear crawled down your back when you saw the bounty hunter put a knife to Vash’s throat.
It took a second for you to realize what happened. Smoke slowly drifted up from your gun as the bounty hunter fell to the ground. Everyone was staring at you. You ignored them, just trying to breathe.
You didn’t even think for a second. You knew Vash could get out of situations like that. Probably done it several times before, But actually witnessing it was different. You couldn’t stand to see your soulbound get hurt. Not even a scratch. 
Once you’ve fully understood what occurred, you felt a wave of nausea wash over you. You covered your mouth with your hand to keep yourself from vomiting.
“Well, now this is an interesting sight,” Nicholas said, having finally found the group.
You removed your hand from your face and slowly turned to him, gun shaking. Roberto came up to your side and put a hand on your shoulder. He gave you a look of sympathy and slowly pushed your gun down. Something clicked and you immediately put it away. 
“We better hurry before people come,” Vash said, looking both ways out the alleyway.
“Agreed, let’s get out of here,” Meryl responded, following after Vash and Nicholas.
The crew quickly and quietly returned to the truck and rode off into the desert. It was already evening so Meryl started looking for a place to camp out for the night; far enough away so the town’s people don’t track them.
She found an abandoned house, only its metal skeleton remained. She parked next to it and everyone exited the vehicle. Vash got a fire started, while Meryl got the sleeping packs out. Roberto and Nicholas didn’t really do anything but watched the others and chatted. You, on the other hand, grabbed a rag and climbed on the flat roof of the building.
“You didn’t have to kill him,” Vash came up behind you sometime later as you were cleaning your pistol.
“I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. You could have been injured,” You reasoned, holstering the gun, “Or worse.”
“I don’t mind getting a little hurt. He still didn’t have to die,” Vash sat next to you.
You didn’t want to see his face, you knew he wasn’t happy with you, “I understand your morals. I didn’t enjoy taking his life, but I rather my friends be safe. And if that makes me selfish then so be it.”
“I would have gotten out of there. I just needed a few more minutes,” Vash said.
You glanced at Vash. you were unnerved that his usual cheery demeanor was gone.
“You didn’t have to get involved,” Vash continued.
You looked down. You know you could have done better. You know you could have just done nothing or shot the man’s arm or leg. Something. Anything other than what you have done.
But you were scared. You panicked when you saw that bounty hunter holding a knife to his neck. You didn’t hesitate. Couldn’t. The thought of Vash leaving you before you had the chance to tell him you’re his soulmate crushed you.
You hugged your legs and willed your unfallen tears away. You didn’t want to make Vash feel bad for making you cry. He was still watching, waiting for a reply.
“I’m sorry,” you said, “I have my reasons.”
Vash softly sighed. You have never seen him this upset. You hoped this wasn’t permanent and that he’d go back to his happy, seemingly carefree attitude. But you knew you couldn’t lie to make him feel better. That wouldn’t be right.
You looked up as Vash got up. He smiled down at you, “Goodnight, Crux.”
“Goodnight,” you replied, “Vash.”
“‘I have my reasons?” Meryl walked up behind you, “That may be good enough for Vash but it isn’t for me.”
You didn’t turn around to face Meryl; did Vash tell her about their conversation or did she overhear, “that’s none of your business,” you quipped.
“It’s obvious he had it under control. He always gets out of things like that,” Meryl said.
“I know, I panicked, alright?” You really didn’t want another moral lecture.
You leaned down to pick up a rock from the sand.
“What’s that?” Meryl asked.
You realized your shirt rode up too high. You instantly straightened and went to pull it back down but Meryl already grabbed it and raised it up further to see.
“Is that your soulmark? Is Vash your soulmate?” Questions you didn’t want to hear came from the reporter.
Pushing your shirt back down and turning around, you clamped a hand over her mouth, “Hush! The guys are going to hear you!”
You took a step back, taking a peek at the truck behind Meryl. Roberto and Vash were engaged in conversation while Nicholas was looking over. You doubt he could hear you and Meryl but didn’t like the attention. It could bring trouble.
You turned back to Meryl and waited a second before lowering your hand; Meryl immediately started questioning you again, “You haven’t told Vash? Shouldn’t he know since your name is Crux?”
You didn’t answer any of her questions, not like she was giving you a chance to anyway.
“Your real name isn’t Crux then,” Meryl figured then clapped her hands together, “You should tell Vash.”
Your ‘No’ came out louder than intended. Everyone looked over. "Everything alright over there?" Vash yelled, a friendly smile still ever-present on his face.
"Yes, everything is fine, sorry!" You frantically replied back before going back to Meryl.
You grabbed her forearms and pleaded, “Don’t tell Vash okay? Please, I’ll tell him eventually.”
“Okay, fine!” Meryl said, “but you better tell him.”
A week passed before you knew it and you still haven’t told Vash, much to Meryl’s annoyance. Vash had gotten into some more scuffles and you did your best to make sure you didn’t kill again. There were some times you didn’t think Vash was going to get out but you were able to get him out, either by being more threatening to the aggressor or shooting them in the arm or leg. 
However, Vash was still upset about the original bounty hunter situation as much as he tried to hide it. Which only made you feel worse about it and lessened your odds of telling him you were his soulmate.
The crew was hunkered down around a campfire for the night. On your left was Roberto and Meryl, to your right sat Nicholas with his trusty cross, and lastly Vash sat across from you. Which you noticed happened to be the furthest away from you. It's been awkward silence for the last few days so you quickly finished your meal and went to sleep in your makeshift bedroll.
You felt yourself slowly start to fall asleep to the noise of the crackling fire and soft wind before you were brought back when you heard whispering.
“C’mon, you can’t be mad at them forever,” you heard Nicholas say, “You gotta give them a break.”
“Yeah, can’t you tell they feel really bad about it?” Meryl added.
“Where’s this coming from, guys?” Vash asked, trying to deflect with some nervous laughter.
“We all heard that argument a week ago. Did you seriously not see how freaked out they were when they killed the guy,” Nicholas said, not sugarcoating anything.
“Yeah, and they’re doing better now! No one has been killed since,” Meryl said.
“What they are trying to say is that they are over your little tantrum and you should get over it,” Roberto cut to the chase.
Vash didn’t reply immediately. You could imagine him looking down and thinking. You’ve been trying to keep your breathing normal so they didn’t know you were eavesdropping but you waited with bated breath for Vash’s answer.
“I guess you’re right,” Vash admitted, “I’ve been a bit hard on Crux, haven’t I?”
“Duh,” Nicholas replied, “It’s not their fault they want to protect your scrawny ass. Someone needs to do it.”
Vash lightly laughed, “I’ll apologize tomorrow.”
“How about now? You can stop pretending, Crux,” 
You flinched as Nicholas called you out and sat up before turning to everyone. Meryl and Nicholas were crowded around Vash on both sides. All eyes were on you. Nicholas and Roberto were obviously in the know about your eavesdropping while Meryl and Vash had shocked expressions on their faces.
“Morning,” you deadpanned, trying to lighten the tension.
Vash just scratched the back of his head, a nervous tick, and got up, walking over to you. You got up as well and followed Vash out into the desert. 
Once Vash walked to what he deemed appropriate, he turned to you. Even knowing he was going to apologize didn’t make this conversation any less nerve-wracking for you. You were very aware that you were avoiding eye contact. You’ve been trying to keep a low profile with Vash for so long it was hard being seen.
“Crux,” he said softly, coxing you to look at him.
You exhaled and finally made eye contact with him. It felt like he could see right through you. He stepped forward and lightly grabbed your arm, giving you the opportunity to move it away. When you didn’t, he held your hand
“I’m sorry, I haven’t been fair to you,” he squeezed your hand, “I see you haven’t killed since so I’m, again, sorry.”
“Thank you, Vash,” you said, looking down at your hand in Vash’s, “I’m sorry as well. For everything.”
Vash pulled you into a hug. You selfishly breathed into his shirt, wrapping your arms around him.
“We’re fine now,” Vash said cheerily, still holding you.
A few days passed and you were snoozing in the back of the truck.  The sound of someone slapping the window took you out of your afternoon nap. Squinting, you see Nicholas staring at you. You turned over and opened the door.
“What do you want?” You yawned.
“We should talk,” Nicholas looked at something on top of the truck and back to you, “Alone.”
Shaking your head, you begrudgingly stepped out of the truck. You turned to shut the door and looked up to be greeted by bright blue eyes. Vash was apparently also napping on top of the truck and now your faces were inches from each other. You felt your face heat up as you took a step back, not expecting the proximity.
“Where you guys going?” Vash asked.
“Oh,” Nicholas put his free arm around your shoulders, “I just need to talk with Crux for a bit.”
“Alright, you two have fun,” Vash smiled before going back to his nap.
Nicholas, still with the arm around your shoulders, took you out a ways from the truck, “So, Vash’s your soulmate.” You shook off his arm and turned to him, “I told Meryl—”
“Uh uh- You said not to tell Vash, not everyone else,” Nicholas corrected.
Your face heated up, “So everyone knows...”
“Everyone except the person who actually needs to know,” Nicholas said, “Reberto doesn’t care too much and Meryl is getting antsy about it.”
“You telling me to do something about it?” you asked.
“Duh. You two like each other so go for it,” Nicholas said.
“I— It’s just—,” you paused; you realized you didn’t quite know yourself. 
“Well, you haven’t killed anyone so it can’t be that. I mean you’re still a little over-protective even for me but ya know. You’re soulmates so it makes sense. I’m sure Vash would understand,” Nicholas said, adjusting the cross in this hand.
“He’s got enough to worry about,” you rambled.
“Don’t bullshit me. You’re afraid of rejection which is stupid cause you two are destined for each other for some reason.  Just get it done sooner rather than later,” with that, Nicholas walked off, leaving you to your thoughts.
Rationally, you know your chances were good, but there’s that irrational part. That stupid part that makes you think he won’t like you that way. That he still hasn’t forgiven you for killing that bounty hunter. That he won’t like how you’ve been lying to him this entire time.
That’s enough doubt for you to hesitate to tell him.
The crew was again crammed into the truck, going nowhere fast. Vash seemed in better spirits this morning. Meryl and Roberto were arguing about where the next charging station is. You were between Nicholas and Vash in the back. Crossing your arms, you made yourself as small as possible so they were comfortable. You very much weren’t but you were not going to complain. Nicholas was snoring, a cigarette threatening to fall from his lip. Vash was staring off, his expression of rare seriousness. For a brief moment, you wondered if he was thinking of the bounty hunter incident but quickly erased the thought.
Vash must have felt you staring cause he looked over and smiled at you. You couldn’t help but smile back. He then yawned, stretching out his arms —As much as he could, that is— raising them up and back. You felt his prosthetic arm rest on your shoulders.
You were about to question him when he pulled you against his side. If you weren’t tense before you were now. Your heart skipped a few beats as you felt Vash’s warm body against yours. He had no right to feel this comfy.
Vash lightly giggled, “You should relax. We still got a while to go.”
You hesitated but slowly forced your body to relax against Vash’s. You carefully rested your head against his shoulder, taking it slow in case Vash disapproved. He didn’t seem to mind as he rubbed your waist with his thumb. You felt as though you were melting as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
A bright flash behind your eyelids woke you up from your nap.
“Hey rookie, That’s work property, not a toy,” you heard Roberto say.
You opened your eyes, adjusting to the light and shifting slightly so you don’t wake the still sleeping Vash. You noticed the truck was parked in a small town. The town was built in a crack of a big plateau rock formation, making it have only one road through it with buildings against or drilled into the rock.
“Your assignment is on Vash and I got a picture of Vash,” Meryl reasoned, “Besides, it was too cute not to.”
You realized Meryl must have snuck a picture of you and Vash. you were about to make your opinion known but you suddenly felt Vash’s artificial thumb rub against your skin. You now became aware that —consciously or not— Vash had pushed up your shirt enough for his hand to hold your waist.
“You look comfortable,” Nicholas leaned over to you as the others exited the truck.
“Piss off,” You muttered.
Nicholas just laughed, sticking a new cig into his mouth and hopping out of the truck. He made sure to slam the door on his way out, shaking the vehicle. Vash breathed in and straightened, his eyes struggling to open. He must have noticed where his left hand was because he instantly removed it from your side and bought it behind his head. 
His cheeks tinted pink; he smiled, “Hi.”
“Hello,” you replied, leaning back on the seat instead of Vash.
You could feel the tension in the truck increasing as you and Vash gazed at each other.
You both began to speak at the same time. Nervous chuckling filled the vehicle before Vash gestured for you to go.
You shook your head, “No, what were you going to say?”
“We should probably get out and stretch our legs,” Vash said.
"Agreed, let's,” when he didn’t immediately move, you started lightly pushing him, “Get out! Or I’m going to climb over you.”
Vash laughed as he struggled for a second to open the door and unceremoniously clambered out the truck, almost falling on his ass. You started laughing at him as you made your way out the vehicle before your legs gave out from the lack of use. Vash immediately stepped forward to grab you and you instinctively grabbed at his coat and put an arm around his neck.
You felt your face heat up at the close proximity but didn’t exactly separate. Mostly cause you now know you can’t trust your legs at the moment.
“Are you okay?” Vash asked, still holding on to you.
You nodded, “I will be as soon as I get some circulation back in my legs. Just don’t drop me.”
You slowly put your weight back onto your legs. Vash carefully moved from hugging you to holding onto your arms as support. By now you can feel the others watching but you were more concentrated on walking.
Once you were comfortable Vash let go of your arms. Nicholas rolled his eyes dramatically and the crew started to the nearby hotel. Meryl called dibs on getting the rooms for the night. Everyone followed her in, except for you and Vash. You opted to chill on the porch area since the weather was nice for once and Vash decided to head out to get some snacks. 
Several minutes passed as you relaxed outside the hotel before Nicholas opened the door, “Rooms are set.”
“Okay,” you replied, pushing yourself off the wall you were leaning on.
Opening the door, you went in to find Meryl. She was waiting in the main lobby and gave you a key and room number. It looked like she was trying hard not to smile. Suspicious…
You climbed up to the second floor and found your room. You tried inserting the key only for it to not go in all the way. You took it out and flipped it over, trying again. Only after inserting it both ways a few times did it finally click in. Turning the handle became another annoying task as you struggled to get the door open.
“Freakin’ shabby, good-for-nothing hotels,” you muttered, “I just want to shower.”
After what felt like several minutes —and it probably was— you got into your room. You didn’t bother to analyze the contents, your sole focus now was the shower. You entered the bathroom, dropped your bag, and hopped in the shower, sighing as you felt the sand leave your body.
You heard someone struggling to open the door as you changed into a spare set of clothes. Assuming it was Meryl, you finished up your routine before grabbing your bag and heading out of the bathroom.
When you stepped out into the room you froze. Sitting on the bed was Vash. His red coat was gone and he was eating donuts from a paper bag. You glanced around the sparingly furnished room before looking back at Vash on the bed. The only bed.
You remembered Meryl’s expression when you got your key.
Oh no….
A strange sense of calm washed over you as Vash looked over, his mouth stuffed with donuts. You walked over to the door and unlocked it. You tried turning it once. Twice. Several times. Jammed.
“Meryl!” you yelled, banging on the door.
At this point, Vash had gotten up and stood behind you as you kept trying to open the door, “What’s going on?”
“Oh, Crux, Vash,” Meryl’s voice came from the other side, “The receptionist said sometimes the door lock jams. They’ll get a locksmith out tomorrow.”
“Meryl,” You warned, not liking the slightly teasing tone of her voice.
“Anyway, I’m sure you two can figure things out,” Meryl continued, ignoring you, “Night!”
You heard her footsteps leave. You tried one last time to turn the handle before sighing and turning to Vash.
“Meryl said this was my room,” he said, sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
He doesn’t know it’s a setup.
“Ah well, nothing we can do about it now. Unless you want to try the window,” You walked up to said window.
It was so rusted and worn you didn’t even want to bother touching it, let alone escape through it. Accepting defeat you sat on the single chair in the room.
“I can sleep on the floor,” Vash offered you his last donut.
“No, I can’t let you do that, I’ll take the floor,” you replied, taking the donut.
“I insist—”
You raised your hand up, shutting up Vash as you ate the donut. you knew where this conversation was going and you frankly didn’t have the patience for the song and dance of it.
“Okay, this isn’t going to go anywhere. Either we both sleep on the bed,” you said, “or we both sleep on the floor. I know which option I prefer.”
Vash silently stared at you then the bed then the floor.
“No, Vash,” you got up from the chair, grabbing his bicep.
Vash let you drag him over to the bed. You let him go so he could take off his boots and crossed your arms as you watched him crawl into the bed. Once he was on the far left side you laid down yourself, keeping your back to him so he doesn’t feel awkward. Or maybe it was so you didn’t feel so awkward basically dragging a man into your bed.
“Night,” Vash said, shifting once more to get comfortable.
“Goodnight,” you replied.
It took you a while before you fell asleep.
You woke up thinking you felt something on your back. You must have moved to sleep on your stomach at some point in the night. You became more awake when you felt a hand lightly move across the small of your back. It dawned on you that your shirt must have rolled up while you were asleep. Your body moved before you had a chance to complete a thought and felt yourself begin to fall off the bed as you rolled off it.
You yelped as Vash immediately grabbed your arms and pulled you into his chest. You clenched your hands into his shirt and hid your face, trying to slow your breathing. His fast heartbeat wasn’t helping.
“Your name isn’t Crux, is it?” Vash said, his voice having a shake to it.
You moved back to look at Vash, his blue eyes more intense without the glasses. He adjusted, bringing up his prosthetic arm to take off the glove on his right hand. Pushing up his sleeve, he revealed your real name written on his forearm. You knew you shouldn’t be surprised but you never really did think about how your name would be written on Vash's body. Slowly, you lifted your hand to touch it.
“No, my real name is Y/N,” you replied, giving Vash confirmation.
“Y/N,” he said like an enormous weight was taken off his shoulders.
He smiled and again pulled you into a tight hug before planting several kisses on your face making you giggle. You grabbed his cheeks and pulled him into a full kiss. Vash brought up his hands and placed them over yours. It was a soft, sweet kiss that ended with you and Vash gazing into each other’s eyes.
Vash’s expression hardened a little as he started to ask you some questions, “How did you find me? And… why didn’t you tell me?”
“You’re Vash the Stampede and you’re Vash the Stampede,” you chuckled, hoping he understood what you meant.
He just laughed, “Ah well… those wanted posters don’t paint the greatest picture I guess.”
“I don’t know. Your picture is awfully cute,” you teased, making his cheeks turn pink.
A comfortable silence washed over you both before you saw Vash's eyes twinkle as your words sunk in.
"You think I'm cute?" A smile grew on his face.
Now it was your turn to be embarrassed as you glanced away, face heating up, "Well- I- I mean…"
Vash just laughed, pulling you in for another hug. Maybe you weren't so mad that you were essentially locked in your hotel room. Vash made for an excellent cuddler you soon found out.
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luvhockey111 · 4 months
accidentally in love
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Based off of Accidentally in love by counting crows!!
warnings: drinking, swearing a little bit
my first piece!!! It’s not that great, just wanted something to put out and was bored this morning so decided to write this. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any requests!
Summary: Luke and y/n have known each other for as long as they can remember. What happens one summer night when y/n finds Luke awfully close to a girl? I mean they are only just friends… right?
Overview of Luke and y/n relationship
Luke and y/n have been friends since they were born; as Ellen and Julie (y/n mom) were roommates in college. By some weird coincidence Jim and Allan (y/n dad) had been childhood best friends. This has caused them to grow up across the street from each other. If you think about it, it’s destiny really. Anyways, Luke and y/n always say they are “platonic soulmates” but who are they trying to fool with the use of the word platonic? It’s definitely not any of their family members so themselves and eachother must be the ones they are trying to convince their feelings are strictly platonic..
It was a perfect boat day, the sun was warm and shining and the water was a perfect mix between cold and warm, but refreshing nonetheless. Y/n was sitting next to Luke with her legs stretched out in his lap, his hands atop them, Quinn driving, with jack, Trevor, cole and Alex fighting over who gets to wakeboard next and who gets aux. Jack happened to win both of those arguments somehow. Jack had been saying he was going to be throwing a little party tonight since it was the first week everyone was officially back at the lake. “Jack your parties always end with something bad happening” Y/n mentioned. Jack shot her a look of disbelief. “Ummm last time I checked nothing bad has ever happened to me at one of them, only the rest of you idiots”. In reality jack was right, at his first party Quinn’s girlfriend broke up with him over text. The next, Trevor broke the glass sliding door. The one last summer, the cops showed up and kicked everyone out because it was too loud but jack wasn’t around at that moment so Luke said he was in charge and ended up getting a fine. “I’m gonna bring the boat back we should start getting stuff for tonight and getting ready” Quinn told the group. A string of okays came from everyone. Y/n pov:
Right when the boat docks everyone runs off to go get ready for tonight. Luke and I go to our room- yup we share a room but I mean all best friends do… right? Our room has two full size beds but last summer we pushed them together to make a mega bed. Now it’s really no secret that I’ve been hopelessly in love with Luke for as long as I can remember. Everyone knows it. Sometimes if Luke talks about another girl or if he is talking to one and myself or anyone sees it they shoot me a look of pity. I mean it’s pathetic really, being in love with your best friend since you were legit born and not even being able to tell him. I mean we’ve done everything together our whole lives, I even went to umich for him. There’s times that I think that maybe just maybe we could be something more but every time, wannabe frat boy Luke screws it up and flirts with a girl in front of me or talks about a girl in front of me. I mean it’s not his fault- he has no idea. I was listening to some music before the door swung open and in came Luke “kit, you wanna take a shower first or should I? Or we could save water and shower together” Luke shot me a wink while wiggling his eyebrows. Kit is a nickname the three boys gave me when we were 5 because I loved cats and anytime I saw one whether it be a picture or in person I would shout kit as loud as I could. I may act like I hate it but I love it, I think of it as some form of love. “shut up Luke, you shower first get away from me.” I say while giggling and hoping my face doesn’t betray my words by getting red and hot from the blush I so desperately am trying to hide. “Whatever you say kit” he says as he comes closer to me to give me a hug. The second we hug our song starts to play. So she said, "What's the problem, baby?" What's the problem? I don't know Well, maybe I'm in love (love) Think about it every time I think about it Can't stop thinking 'bout it
The second the song starts to play Luke starts twirling me around, spinning me in his arms. Little does he know this song is literally describing my life. Ugh how I hate Luke hughes for making me feel this way. ~time skip to later that night when jacks party is in full swing~
so far jack has made me take 3 shots of some nasty tequila he’s only drinking to look cool in front of girls and other guys. I’ve had 2 seltzer’s also so far so I’m starting to feel tipsy, keep in mind I’m not much of a drinker I prefer to smoke if I’m being honest. I haven’t seen much of Luke for the past hour, which if I wasn’t tipsy I would probably be freaking out but right now I’m having a good time. Until I look over to the backyard and see some girl with her chest pressed against Luke and his arm around luke… my Luke. I could A.) go outside and cause a scene or B.) just go find some guy to flirt with. Both options aren’t great because the first one I would definitely embarrass myself and have Luke be mad at me and the second, well I’m not the best at talking to guys. Now I’m no Virgin Mary but definitely not experienced enough to be confident in talking to or hooking up with a guy. Except for one guy, Trevor. Trevor has flirted with me since the day I met him. I always flirted back to the best of my ability but in reality he knows how I feel about Luke and I know that he will never compare to Luke, but what’s the harm in trying to make Luke jealous? “heyy trev” I say while going into his side forcing his arm to go around me. “What’s up kit? You having fun? Sure sounds like it” he says with a low laugh. “I am but I need your help with something” “Anything for you kit” as those words leave his lips I feel heat rush to my face. Must be the alcohol. “Can you help me try and make Luke jealous, he’s talking to a girl outside right now and I can’t stand to watch it” I say as I can feel tears brimming my eyes. “Of course I can, you know I love to get on all of the hughes’ nerves.” He definitely has a point there. Trevor and I take two more shots for “good luck” as we go outside. I see the girl talking to Luke and she’s beautiful, beautiful like she just stepped out of vouge. My body starts to feel hot with jealousy, I turn to Trevor and he’s sitting down in an Adirondack chair by the fire so I take a seat on his lap, facing him. Trevor’s hands rest on my hips, again I can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or not but Trevor is looking really good right now. Until I hear the sound of accidentally in love playing from the speakers and hear Luke come up to Trevor “Hey have you seen y/n our songs on” I turn around and all of a sudden Luke’s body tenses, fists clenched and eyes flash an emotion I’ve only seen a few times, something like anger or jealousy even, there’s no way he’s jelaous I thought.
“Oh hey Lu” I say innocently while in the background all that can be heard is
“Well, baby, I surrender To the strawberry ice cream Never ever end of all this love Well, I didn't mean to do it But there's no escaping your love, oh”
Luke grabs my arm and leads me up the stairs to our room. “What the hell do you think your doing y/n” Luke says, face red with anger. “Luke what is your problem” now I’m getting angry. Why is it okay for him to be all over other girls but I’m with one guy WHO WE KNOW and it’s a problem? “Why were you all up on Trevor’s lap like some kind of —“ he stops himself. “Some kind of what Luke? Tell me” He shoots me a look as if I am the one who just implied he was a slut. I go to try and walk out of the door when Lukes arm reaches out and grabs me. “why were you sitting on his lap you only ever sit on mine” Luke says looking defeated. Why am I starting to feel bad? “I just was talking to him and that’s how we were sitting, I don’t know Lu” “we’re you going to hook up with him?” The question lingers in the air. Was I? I mean Trevor’s hot and all but I only really have eyes for Luke but like I said Luke is never gonna happen he doesn’t even have feelings for me. “I don’t know, I mean if something happened I wasn’t gonna stop it.” Luke just dead stares at me. “You can’t hook up with Trevor, you just can’t.” “I can hook up with whoever I want to Luke”
He takes a step closer to me so now we’re only an inch apart. My body feels like it’s on fire, looking up at him with the soft glow of the moon outside he looks like an angel. Ugh What am I saying I’m supposed to be pissed at him right now. “Luke I” Within a second Luke’s lips are on mine. For a moment everything seems right, our lips fit perfectly together like a missing puzzle piece to the old puzzle you’ve had for years and you’re only missing that one piece, when finally you find it in the most blatant of spots. We pull apart and when I open my eyes Luke is smiling at me. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long kit.” He says as this thumbs are rubbing across my cheeks. “Lu can I tell you something?” “Anything.” “I think I accidentally fell in love with you a long time ago.” I say and Luke’s smile gets even bigger if that was even possible. “I think I accidentally fell in love with you a long time ago too.”
“I'm in love, I'm in love I'm in love, I'm in love I'm in love, I'm in love Accidentally
Come on, come on Spin a little tighter Come on, come on And the world's a little brighter Come on, come on Just get yourself inside her love I'm in love”
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itsscromp · 10 months
Hi, I have a Rocket request. Can you do something before vol 1 where he meets reader and they are really kind to him, but no one's never be this kind except from Groot, so it takes some time for him to trust them and "get used" to it.
Kindness goes a long way
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AWWWW, this is a super cute anon, I love this idea so much. Rocket don't you worry buddy, you'll have another best friend and you won't even know it. Word count:1K
All his life, all Rocket knew was pain... He lost his friends in the worst way possible, which made him closed off and angry. Pushing away anyone who tried to get close to him as he always knew they would just hurt them again. He then met Groot and then began to slowly open up. He knew because Groot wasn't the type to judge anyone. But then he met you.
He and Groot were trying to nab a bounty one night before they were beaten to it by you.
"Hey come on kid, that was our bounty" He snarled at you.
"I didn't see your name on it" You smirked at him.
He growled at you before Groot placed a hand on his shoulder, to make sure he didn't lunge at you and hurt you.
"Tell you what, I'm feeling generous tonight. How about we claim it together, split the reward evenly" You offered them.
Groot happily accepted it, but Rocket was hesitant, No one, especially in bounty hunting shared the reward with him. Usually, it was every man for themself, but it didn't seem to be that with you. But for now, he agreed.
"If as so you change your mind on this humie..."
"I never back away on my promises furball" You playfully scolded.
He grumbled to himself as you three then went to collect the reward, when you split the amount with the two, Groot then suggested...
"I am Groot" (Maybe They should join us)
"What absolutely no way driftwood, we ain't adding no more to the crew" Rocket shot the idea down as soon as he did.
"But I mean... He's kinda right though, I have seen you two in action before. Your brains, He's the brawn and I could potentially be your eyes to new bounties that you two probably would never get" You counter offered.
"Ok first off you understand what he's saying ??"
"Universal translator" You tapped the side of your head.
"I am Groot" (Rocket they would be a valuable asset with us) Groot continued to convince him.
Rocket rolled his eyes and thought about it for a bit.
"You got a name kid ??"
"Y/n L/n"
"Well... Don't get too comfortable, cause If I see you doing anything funny, I will shoot you"
But nevertheless, you were now officially a part of their little group, looking out for more bounties. But you pulled your weight along the ship too, Sometimes Rocket would be taken aback by your random acts of kindess.
"Oh flark I forgot to fix the cooler" He quickly tried to rush for it.
"It's ok, I fixed it earlier. I thought it'll help take the load off of you" You kindly smiled at him.
"Whatever I could've done it anyway" He scoffed.
Or when one morning you made him breakfast.
"Here you go" You handed him a plate of bacon and eggs.
"I ain't hungry humie" He shoved the plate away from him.
"Dude we got a huge bounty to collect tonight, you can't do that on an empty stomach can we ??" You once again kindly smiled at him.
"Ugh... fine" He muttered as he began to slowly eat.
And when you helped find his missing bomb project.
"Come on come on where did I put it !!!!" He growled as he tore almost half the ship apart to find it.
"What's wrong buddy ??" You tilted your head in confusion.
"First of you and I ain't buddies or pals. Secondly I need to find the bomb I was working on before it blows the damn ship in half !!"
"Ok calm down... Where did you leave it last ??"
"I put it right their next to the crate and when I came back it was gone.
"Oooh was that it ??, I thought it was some sort of gadget, I just moved it to the gadgets cabinet just in case, Sorry about that"
He grumbled a bit as he went to retrieve the bomb, but he was... kinda grateful that it didn't become a tripping hazard to neither you or Groot.
As this went on, he began to very slowly warm up to you and your gestures. Maybe he was wrong about you. Maybe you weren't like the other people he had faced in his life... you were different...
One night when it was your turn for rotation on the cockpit, he then went to join you.
"Seat taken ??" He tried to joke.
"It's ok" You chuckled as an indicator that he could sit.
He joined in with you gazing at the cosmos and fiddling with his thumbs for a little bit until finally gathering the courage.
"Y/n... I'm sorry for the way I treated ya during the beginning, It's just... No one has ever been this... kind to me in my life before... It made me... Really scared.."
"Scared ??" You turned to him, asking in a non judgmental way.
"Scared that..." He hesitated to say it. this was already big for him enough, as soon as he began his sentence, he began to stutter.
"Hey hey... It's ok... If you're not ready to talk about it then that's ok, I'm not forcing you to. You kindly smiled at him.
He then took a deep breath in relief. "What I'm trying to get at kid is... I'm sorry for the way I treated you from the start... Do you think we can start over ??" He looked at you.
You could see it in his eyes he really misjudged you, He really wanted to start over again. "Of course... Partner" You raised your fist for a fist bump.
He grinned soon after and gladly returned it. "Yeah, partner"
For the rest of the night, the two got to know each other properly and even engaged in some playful banter with each other, which made Rocket smile, something that very rarely happens.
Then soon after that, what turned from a simple partnership was turned into an amazing friendship. You two would have each other's backs for life.
Taglist: @callofdudes @fun-k-board
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vioartemis · 1 year
In another life (Tara's version)
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: You're Tara's childhood best friend, and years after leaving Woodsboro, you meet her again in New York, making unexpecting feeling emerge. Tara || Sam Warnings: none a/n: I made another one shot, kinda complementary of this one, with Sam :)) I put the link up there if you're interested (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
She had known you for as far as she could remember.
You were her neighbor, back in the days. That gave you the opportunity to see each other a lot, to play together.
That also gave your parents the opportunity to hire Sam as your babysitter, which meant you could see Tara more because you rarely saw one without the other.
You both enjoyed your time together, to the point Tara even had a crush on you during the last years you saw each other.
Sadly she never got to tell you about it, as you left with your parents the same year Sam ran away.
You said you would try to stay in touch, but it never really happened.
And now, almost 6 years later, you were about to meet again.
Tara and the rest of her friends just left a party , right after Sam barged in and tazzed some dude in the balls. The Carpenter sisters were fighting in the middle of the road, when a random girl threw her soda at Sam.
Half of the group tried to get the girl while the other held them back, trying not to cause too much drama. They didn't see it, but one of the girls was filming the whole thing.
Luckily for everyone, you did see it. You were actually going to that party, and saw the whole scene from afar. You didn't like that kind of attitude at all.
So when the girls walked passed you, you grabbed the phone of the one who was filming, and deleted the video before she could post it.
They all gave you horrified looks, like you did the most horrendous thing.
"That's called karma" you mumbled to yourself while you walked away, in the direction of their victim
She was trying to dry her jumper, when you approached her.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry, people are so dumb sometimes..." you said as she lifted her head up to look at you
As soon as she did, you recognized her. She hadn't changed since the last time you saw her. Well of course she had changed a bit, but not enough so you don't recognize her.
Considering the look she gave you, she clearly didn't recognize you.
You almost immediately turned around at the sound of another familiar voice, but didn't have the time to see anything before she literally jumped in your arms, hugging you tightly.
After a moment, Tara let go of you.
"I didn't think I would ever see you again..." she said, looking you up and down to check if you were real, a smile on her face
"Me neither" you chuckled "What are you doing here in New York?"
While Tara answered your question, Sam looked at you with wide eyes. You had changed so much since she last saw you... You were really pretty. Like... really really pretty.
She never thought she would think about that one day but... here she was, wondering if she should ask for your number. She wanted to. really bad.
But wouldn't it be weird? It had been years since you talked... What would you think if she did ask for your number? She didn't want to make things awkward between the two of you. Really not. But maybe you'd want to talk to her too? Maybe she should just-
"Can I ask for your number?"
Tara's voice made Sam snap out of her thoughts.
"Oh, yeah, of course! I was about to ask for yours too"
Sam watched you exchange numbers with Tara, slightly mad at herself for hesitating so long. Now it would just be weird if I asked for her number too, she thought, I’ll ask Tara later.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
The weeks after you gave Tara your number, you both caught up onto each other’s life. Tara told you about what happened in Woodsboro the year before, and you wish you didn’t move out of there. Even if it was not your fault, you felt bad for not being there when she needed it.
If you were there you could’ve helped her, save her. You would’ve probably even spent the night at her house. God, you could’ve helped her against Ghostface!
That explained why they moved to New York.
The day you met again, Tara only told you they needed fresh air without more details. But now you understood. And you were willing to give her the fresh air she needed.
You had switched to lighter subjects, such as college and free time. That’s how you learnt you had some classes in common -which would later give you excuses to spend more time with her.
You both used said excuses, asking the other to help you with homework, or share notes for a class… Everything that could give you the opportunity to be together more.
You also saw each other at the park, or at the café where Sam worked, or literally everywhere you could go. You both were enjoying that, contrary to Sam, who struggled seeing you.
She could almost only see you when you were with Tara at the café, or when you were doing homework together at their apartment. She was dying to see you more. The majority of your conversations were by texts, but it was never as good as face to face ones…
You didn’t seem to notice though, as you were realizing you might have feelings for Tara, and couldn’t just get her out of your head. You never realized it before, but now that you were thinking about it, even back then you had a crush on her.
This day, Tara invited you over to spend time together, where you could have more privacy than outside. You were happy about it, especially since you had something to ask her.
After a moment spent in her room playing board games and chatting, you started hesitantly.
"Hey Tara... um... You know I'm part of the photography club, right? Well um... I was wondering if you... if you'd agree to be my model..."
You were a bit embarrassed to ask, but you were convinced she would make a good model.
Tara was also embarrassed, but at the same time she was flattered you thought of her to be your model. She had always been a bit shy, but she got a burst of confidence from your ask and agreed to model for you.
After half an hour of switching poses and taking pictures, you both sat on her bed so you could show her the pictures you just took. You enjoyed taking pictures of her, she was just so pretty... you wanted to capture that.
And she seemed to like it too, considering all the compliments she gave you at the sight of the pictures.
"I think this one is my favorite" she said, pointing at one of the pictures
"Yeah? I really-" you started as you turned your head to face her, but cut yourself off when you noticed how close you were to each other at that moment.
You could feel her breath on your face.
You couldn't help but admire her beauty. You found everything in her perfect. Her eyes, her freckles, her smile, her dimples... everything.
In spite of yourself, you couldn't help but look at her lips. The urge to kiss her had grown more and more inside of you for the past months, and you just wanted to give in.
In a burst of courage, you leaned in a bit, just enough to let her know your intentions, but not enough to touch her lips yet, to give her the occasion to back off if she wanted to.
She didn't. Instead, she leaned in as well, closing the gap between you, pressing her lips to yours in a soft kiss. You couldn’t help but smile at the kiss, putting a hand on her cheek so you could kiss back.
Quickly, you got caught up in the kiss, which soon turned into a make out session.
You both had waited so long to do that, ever since you were children -even if at that moment it was just a little crush. Everything was just so perfect right now… just like you had imagined.
Sadly, this moment was interrupted by the door opening suddenly.
“Girls, what do you want for din-”
Sam stopped the moment she saw what was happening; even if her intervention had caused you to pull away from each other, your reddish lips and cheeks, and the non existent distance between Tara and you let little to the imagination.
The three of you were embarrassed -for different reasons, and Sam felt that unpleasant feeling again that she refused to call jealousy. She quickly closed the door again, going back to the living room, trying to forget what she saw and focus back on making dinner.
She knew that would happen one day. It was obvious it would happen. Tara had always loved you, and Sam had always known it. She had also suspected you too had a crush on Tara, back when you were children. And apparently, she was right.
Tara was as embarrassed as you were, cheeks more and more red.
“I um… I’m sorry, I should’ve locked the door…” she whispered, not daring looking at you
Tara and you started dating after this day, and you were both happier than ever. Kisses, cuddles… everything was magical.
Tara was the sweetest, most adorable girlfriend you could’ve wished for. And she thought the same of you.
She often invited you to stay at hers and Sam’s apartment for dinner, and sometimes you even slept there. Which you love, by the way; having Tara in your arms just felt so nice you never had trouble falling asleep.
Out of your ‘love bubble’, Sam was trying her best not to say or do anything that could be misinterpreted. She was really trying to be happy for Tara and you, but sometimes it was just too much.
Like when at the dinner table you couldn’t stop giving each other heart eyes, or say every possible cheesy thing. You were even too in love to see her roll her eyes or hear her scoff.
But at the end of the day, she knew she couldn’t do anything about it. Maybe, in another life, we’ll be together… she thought.
[Sam's version]
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sacredjake · 1 year
Moon To Me Part Two
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pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader
word count: 3.7k
warnings: fluff, angst, drinking, cussing, mentions of being crossfaded, shitty ex-best friend.
Read Part One
honestly when i originally wrote Moon To Me i didn’t plan on giving it any more parts, but here we are! i plan on writing one more part to this mini series and i promise it won’t take as long. thank you to @malany-gvf as always for feedback and endless support <3 love you lots.
It had been a month since Jake and the boys came back from touring, and in that time there had been only a handful of days you didn’t spend together. He took you back to that spot in the woods to stargaze only one other time, yet again staying out all night. Usually you would hang out at his house or your apartment, but sometimes the other guys would invite you out with them. 
Danny had reached out to invite you to go bowling with them one night. Of course you and Jake teamed up and kicked everyone else’s ass, much to Josh and Sam’s dismay. 
“Oh that’s so unfair!” Sam threw his arms up at the sight of you landing your third strike. You spun on your heel, walking back towards the group with Jake shooting you a wide smile. 
“Atta girl!” Jake’s hand came up, giving you a high-five before you settled in your seat. 
“You two are never allowed to be partners again!” Josh shook his head, reaching down to grab his ball from the rack. 
“Hey it’s not our fault you guys suck!” You laughed from your seat next to Jake, and watched as Josh sunk another ball in the gutter. 
“Should I go ask the attendant to put up the bumpers for you, Josh?” Jake snickered, earning a glare from his twin. Josh turned back around and waited for his ball to return, tapping his foot impatiently, arms crossed over his chest.
“What’d I miss?” Danny plopped down in his seat between you and Sam, nachos in hand. 
“Oh just Josh sending the ball into the gutter, again, and me getting a strike… again.” Your reply was as smug as the smile you offered along with it as you reached over and plucked a chip from the paper boat, popping it in your mouth. Danny swatted playfully at your hand when you went back for another.
“Hey! I did not buy these for you. Jake, control your best friend.” He joked, pulling the nachos away from your reach and making you giggle while chewing happily on the chip you were able to steal. 
“Ah, sorry Dan, that’s my bad. I forgot Moon’s backpack leash at my house.” 
“Hey!” You hit Jake’s bicep lightly with the backside of your hand, “I am not a child!” You pouted and Jake’s smile grew even wider, putting his hands up in faux defense. 
“Jake, you’re up.” Sam caught his brother’s attention and nodded his head toward the lane. Josh was making his way back after taking far too long for his second shot. Jake sent a wink your way before standing to take his turn and Josh sitting where he had just risen from. 
“Jokes aside, I’m glad you came out with us, y/n. Jake’s been trying to keep you all to himself since we got back.” Josh shoved his shoulder into yours gently, beaming at you with bright eyes. Your cheeks and chest warmed at his comment about Jake. You cast your eyes over to where he was standing, bent over the rack to retrieve his ball. 
He picked up his ball, bicep flexing and fingers dug into the holes on the sphere, and you couldn’t help but stare. Jake had always been very special to you, he was your best friend after all. But things had begun to change on your end. The evening after the two of you went stargazing, you woke to his face nuzzled in your hair, and light snores filling the air with his arm draped over your waist holding you close, his legs tangled in yours. You felt something stir in your chest. 
It was like you were seeing him for the first time. He was so content and peaceful lying there. Beautiful, even. Golden light from the setting sun danced upon his hair and skin, bringing out the lighter strands and causing his face to glow. Your heart tightened just watching him, admiring him, in this way. 
Since then your feelings only grew deeper. You constantly felt conflicted about your new emotions. He was your best friend and you didn’t want to jeopardize the ten plus years of friendship, but you also couldn’t ignore how you felt about him. 
“Hello?? Earth to y/n.” Josh’s hand came into view, waving in front of your face. You blinked a few times, thoughts leaving your mind, but your eyes stayed on Jake as he threw the ball down the lane. Another strike.
 Josh’s eyes followed your gaze landing on Jake, and his smile threatened to reach his ears. He chuckled to himself, snapping your focus away from Jake to look at him instead. 
“You uh, spaced out there.” His voice drifted off, a smile still very much present on his face as he met your eyes. Your throat felt dry and you knew your cheeks were bright red this time. He obviously had caught on to your not so subtle longing. 
“Just, um… a lot on my mind.” Your voice was soft, and you gave him a nervous smile. He rested a comforting hand on your knee, squeezing it a tad. “Mmm…” He removed his hand from your knee, letting it rest on his own thigh instead with a nod of his head. It was quiet for just a moment longer until he spoke again. 
“I’m having a party Saturday night, obviously you’re invited.” 
“Yeah, of course I’ll be there.” You smiled at him more assuredly this time, thankful that he didn’t press you further. This wasn’t exactly the place you wanted to discuss your feelings for Jake with his twin. Especially not when Sam was within earshot, god only knows what he would say to you.
Jake had finally made his way back to the rest of the group instantly grabbing your attention. 
“Sorry guys, but Moon and I just whooped all of your asses, what can I say, we make a great team.” He rubbed his hands together with a chuckle, beaming at you.  
“Like I said,” Josh pointed his finger at you with a smirk, “Never allowed to be on the same team again.” He gestured between you and Jake, both of you wearing shit-eating grins. 
“I agree, this is ridiculous! Next time y/n is on my team!” Sam exclaimed as he stood to retrieve his ball from the rack. You followed his lead and snorted a laugh as you reached for your own. 
“No way Sam, I like to win.” You winked, causing him to huff in playful annoyance. Making your way over to the racks that held all the different bowling balls, you placed it with the others of its same weight. Finally, you joined Jake on the bench near the concessions to take your bowling shoes off. 
“I so carried you.” You teased as you sat down next him on the small bench. 
“In your dreams, Moon. My back hurts from carrying you all night.” He tucked his hair behind his ear so he could see you better while he was bent over, untying his shoes. The small action made your heart rate quicken. How were you just now noticing how adorable he was? 
“Oh shut up, liar.” He let out a laugh as you nudged him with your shoulder. 
Eventually you were all rid of your shoes, replacing them with the ones you wore there and heading out the door. 
You said your goodbyes, parting ways and letting them know you had a good time and that you’d be seeing them soon. For once, you and Jake had driven separately. He had some kind of meeting before joining the rest of you for bowling and wasn’t able to pick you up. Honestly you were kind of glad you drove yourself because it meant you were able to daydream about him on your way home. 
You thought about him a lot. The way he smelled, his laugh and smile, how bright and soft his eyes were like pools of rich milk chocolate, the way you always felt safe with him. He was always on your mind, even when you were together like right now. 
He had invited you over to his place to help him pick an outfit for Josh’s party before heading down the street to his house. You were sitting at the end of his bed, legs dangling over the edge and kicking slightly while you waited for him to show you what he had picked out. 
“Jake c’mon! We’re already late!” You called to him, picking away at your nail beds to pass the time. It was an awful habit, but you had yet to kick it. 
Finally the door to his bathroom opened and he stepped out. Air stopped flowing freely from your lungs, and your heart thumped faster as you looked him over. He was wearing a blue cotton button down, most of the buttons left undone to show off his tanned and toned chest, his favorite one of a kind jeans that had been beaten to hell and back that he somehow still pulled off, and a pair of white slip-on vans. His hair was down, a black wide brim hat sat on his head. He looked absolutely stunning. 
“What do you think?” He turned around in a circle to show you his outfit from all angles. Your throat burned as you finally drew in a breath and swallowed. He walked over to his full-length mirror in the bedroom to look himself over. 
“I think those jeans are almost at their end.” You smiled lightly hoping to play off how good he looked, and how affected you were. Something about the way his hoop earrings caught the light every now and then was making you feel light headed. What else were you supposed to say? ‘You look so good I want to climb you like a tree?’ Definitely not.  
“I’m only joking, you look great as always.” His eyes met yours in the mirror and his face brightened at your words. 
“You’re missing something though.” You slid off the end of his bed and walked towards his bathroom. You scanned over the array of jewelry on his countertop, finally landing on your favorite necklace of his. Jake entered the bathroom as you picked up the cool metal, and stood behind you waiting patiently. 
“I think this would tie everything together.”
You turned around to face him, holding the medallion necklace in both hands to slip it over his head. Without question, Jake removed his hat with a smile and placed it on top of your head to make it easier for you. Slipping the jewelry over his head, making sure not to mess up his hair, you let your fingers gently brush the medallion as it rested in the divot of his chest. You lifted your head up to meet his eyes, fingers still lightly touching the metal. 
His hat began to slip down over your eyes at the upwards movement of your head, hindering your view of Jake’s face. You could see his hand come up towards your face before pushing the hat back out of your eyes. 
“It looks good on you, Moon.” He smiled down fondly at you, a shy smile and blush adoring your face. You lifted the hat from your head and placed it back on his, a smile still dancing on your lips. 
“I think I like it better on you.” 
Neither of you moved for a moment, silence and tension hung thickly in the air. It wasn’t that either of them were uncomfortable, they just felt different than they normally did. Jake began to open his mouth when his phone started ringing loudly in his bedroom. 
“How much you wanna bet that’s Josh?” He rolled his eyes and took off towards the noisy device without your reply. 
“I don’t need to bet on it, I know for a fact that’s him.” You followed after him back into his bedroom, and returned to your previous spot on the bed. The conversation Jake had with his twin was exactly what you had expected. Josh was grilling Jake about when he’d be showing up, what he’d be wearing, if you’d be there and just about anything in between. Once he hung up the phone, you decided it was time to head over to Josh’s party. 
From the moment you stepped foot outside the house, loud music was heard floating down the street. 
“I didn’t know he was throwing a fucking rager.” Jake scoffed and pointed in the direction of the loud music. Josh’s house was large and mostly desolate, but at the moment it was flooded with people making their way inside.
“Oh tonight should be fun.” There was a mischievous tone in your reply knowing all too well how crazy Josh’s parties have been in the past.
“Y/n! I’m glad you came!” Josh threw his arms around you, enveloping you in a large hug as soon as you walked through the door. You squeezed him back with the same force, but had to steady yourself as Josh leaned most of his drunken weight onto you. 
“Josh,” You involuntarily rolled your eyes, “I told you like last week that I would be coming to your party.” He peeled himself away from you and waved you off with his hand. 
“That doesn’t mean I can’t be glad that you’re here. Now, you look far too sober so let’s get you a drink.” 
Before you were given the option to protest, Josh took you by the hand and pulled you away from Jake’s side towards the kitchen. He made a drink you requested, definitely on the strong side, and then, in true Josh fashion, demanded you be his partner in beer pong. 
“Bet we can put that bowling arm to good use, c’mon!” He practically dragged you towards the table, arm linked in yours.
And that is where you had been for the last hour. The game was quite exciting to watch as a spectator, but as a player you were on edge. Both teams were down to their last cup with each round volleying back and forth on redemption. Every time someone made a cup for the win, another person from the opposing team would easily sink their ball into the cup for the redemption point. 
This has been going on for at least fifteen minutes. 
You hadn’t seen Jake in the last hour that you had been playing, ultimately curious as to where he had run off to. The thought didn’t linger long as it was your turn to shoot, hoping to put this game to an end. Your ball sank into the cup with ease, earning whoops and hollers of excitement from the crowd that had gathered to watch. Josh took his shot and also landed his ball in the cup. The first round where both players had made it. Naturally, the balls were rolled back to the both of you giving you each another shot to which you missed, but Josh had made. 
Your opponents now had to make three redemption shots. This was great news as you desperately were ready to end this game. But you also wanted to win of course.
Dread started to set in as both of the first two shots were made. You watched the ball in what seemed like slow motion as it left the guy across from you’s hand and flew through the air, coming down onto the table and narrowly missing the cup. 
The space where the pong table was erupted into loud cheers, your own mixed in. Josh wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and lifted you into the air, spinning you around before setting your feet back on the ground. 
“That was fucking amazing!” Josh practically screamed in your face due to the volume of the voices around you. 
“God I am so glad that’s over. That went on for way too long.” You laughed with a shake of your head and steadied yourself by holding both of Josh’s shoulders.
“I’m gonna go find Jake, see what he’s up to.” You told Josh before leaving him at the table to wander his house in search of his twin. 
So far you had walked through the entire house and there was no sign of him. He wasn’t in the kitchen making another drink. Nor was he in the living room lounging with Sam and Danny. He was nowhere to be seen in any of the bedrooms either. The last place you had yet to check was the backyard which a good portion of the party goers were hanging about. 
The night was fairly chilly now, a shiver cascading down your spine upon stepping outside the house. The air was mostly filled with chatter from all the different people standing around and, mostly quiet, music that drifted from a few speakers. Josh was adamant about keeping the volume outside to a minimum for the sake of his neighbors once the hour reached 9 p.m. which your respected.
You bobbed and weaved your way around groups of people, eyes searching every face for Jake’s. He had to be out here there was no way he wasn’t. You were about to give up when a particularly grating voice stopped you dead in your steps. A voice you knew all too well, but hadn’t heard in years. 
Amber was your best friend during middle school and all of high school. Until she decided to spread a particularly nasty rumor about you and Jake when she had a thing for your boyfriend at the time. After something like that the relationship was well… irreparable. 
Your head whipped to her nauseating, overly sweet laugh and the sight before you physically made your stomach churn. She was sitting sideways on Jake’s lap, her long fake nails running up and down his toned chest while she giggled something in his ear. Your eyes locked with Jake’s immediately, but you didn’t dare take in the details of the scene before you. Instead you turned quickly on your heel and headed directly out the side gate of Josh’s backyard. 
Tears stung your eyes and blurred your vision as you all but ran back to Jake’s place a few houses down. Your heartbeat pounded in your ears making it impossible for you to hear the sound of a gate crashing behind you. Wiping tears from your cheeks as rapidly as they fell, you reached your car and slid inside. The ignition rolled over quickly allowing for your quick getaway, not once stopping to see that Jake had almost reached you. 
He watched you speed by, chest heaving from running as fast as he could to try and catch you. He turned around and kicked the nearest object, a frustrated groan ripped through his throat. Had he been sober, the pain from kicking the fire hydrant would’ve instantly washed over him, but he was far from sober. He’d be feeling that in the morning.
Jake was so crossfaded that he almost didn’t realize that he was staring back into your eyes for a split second. Staring directly into your eyes while Amber literally threw herself at him. 
In his defense, she had come out of nowhere and just sat on his lap thirty seconds prior to you showing up. He definitely did not enjoy her company, and was just about to tell her to get lost. While he didn’t want you to get the wrong idea, seeing as he wanted to be with you, he also felt terrible that it had been Amer of all people perched on his lap. He felt horrible thinking about the look on your face, how you must be feeling. Of course you didn’t know that though, and he had no idea what he was going to do. 
You, on the other hand, drove straight home. Tears flooded your eyes and rolled down your cheeks continuously, making it incredibly hard to see the road. It was painful enough to see another girl wrapped around him, but for it to be Amber? That was like a punch to the gut. 
Thankfully you made it home safely, pulling into your apartment complex roughly thirty-five minutes later, and you throwing your car in park. You sat in silence for a few moments, just breathing in and out deeply to calm yourself. With your eyes closed you focused on your breathing until a light illuminated the dark space. 
Taking a deep breath you opened your eyes to find that the light was coming from your phone. A litany of texts coming through never allowing the screen to dim. Each one was from Jake. 
You picked up your phone, but did not dare open any of the texts. Instead, you pocketed it and made your way outside of the vehicle as lightning cracked across the sky, and rain drizzled down from the heavens softly while you made your way towards your apartment. 
You were glad the rain was more of a misting than anything else, otherwise you would’ve been soaked to the bone. However you knew a downpour was sure to follow the thunder that clapped and lightning that cracked overhead. 
When you finally made it into your apartment you rid yourself of the uncomfortable party clothes. These were not the clothes to cry and wallow in while you watched shitty, sappy rom-coms. You slid a pair of sleep shorts up your legs and threw a baggy, worn t-shirt over your upper body followed by a pair of fuzzy socks. You cleaned your face of any makeup that had been applied earlier and washed it as you normally would before bed, taking your time to indulge in the small self care act. 
When all of that was done, you made your way into your living room, plucking your most comfortable and soft blanket from the ladder next to your tv, wrapping it around your shoulders. You made your way further into the living room and plopped down onto the sofa, snuggling further into the plush blanket. Out of habit and feeling the need to self-sooth, you put on said shitty rom-com, one you knew almost every line to.
The rain from outside had picked up considerably now, large, heavy raindrops pelting against your windows. While the dim light from your kitchen lit most of the living room with soft lighting, the rapid lightning from the storm starkly illuminated the space every few minutes. Thunder boomed loudly, shaking the walls around you, and wind slammed rain against the brick outside. 
It was oddly comforting. 
However what was not comforting was the knock that sounded from your door, barely audible above the storm that raged outside.
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unreadpoppy · 7 months
down by the river - Chapter 9
Raphael x Warlock!Tav
Read on AO3
Chapter 8
A/N: Okay we jumping cause we gotta move this story along. Also shout out to @sky-kiss for screen shotting the Mol scene for me, it was of great help! Also, many parts of the dialogues are taken from the game but modified to fit the story better.
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After Halsin told the group that they needed to go to Moonrise Towers, Tav gathered everyone to decide on which way they should go: through the Underdark or the Mountain Pass. 
Lae’zel argued in favor of the latter, saying that there was a githyankyi crechè in the area and they would have to offer her cleansing. Shadowheart, however, favored the Underdark, considering that it would be a more discreet route. 
“I believe we could go through both.” Tav finally spoke. All eyes turned towards her. “We have means of exploring both regions, and then we determine which way is better.” 
‘And it would stop the two of them from bickering.’ Tav thought to herself. She turned towards the gith warrior. “We’ll go to the Mountain Pass first, see that the crechè gives us a solution.”
Lae’zel nodded and walked away, probably to polish her sword some more. The others left as well, while Tav kept looking at the map. 
“The shadow cursed lands.” Tav whispered to herself. As she passed her finger on where the name was written on the map, she felt the scar on her collarbone sting, causing her to hiss. 
“Have you ever been there?” Shadowheart asked, appearing next to Tav. 
“Why you ask?”
She pointed with her chin towards the paper.  “Just the way you look at the map. Seems like you’ve got some history there.” 
Tav shook her head. “I’ve never been there, no, but Raphael has a few contracts there.” She turned towards the cleric. “I can’t help but wonder what has happened to them - the debtors.” 
She made a motion to move away, saying “Now, if you’ve got nothing more to ask, I’ll get ready for bed.” 
“Actually, there is something else I’d like to know.” Shadowheart said. “We know Mizora sent Wyll to hunt after devils and demons alike, but what type of jobs did Raphael ever sent you on?”
Tav shrugged. “All sorts of things. Sometimes it was to kill someone who wronged him, or gather information. Other times, accompany him to an event, entertain a guest.” 
Playing music when he was bored, helping him with his compositions were also part of the list, although Tav wouldn’t say that out loud. “If there was something that needed to be done, I’d do it, although, since he acquired another warlock, things got a bit easier on my side.” She looked away, for a moment. “One thing is true, however. Raphael would never ask me to do something he knew I couldn’t do.”
Shadowheart nodded.  “When you put it like that, he doesn’t seem that bad.”
“Well, he’s definitely better than other masters that I have served.” Tav chuckled to herself. “It is getting late. We should go sleep, tomorrow will be a long day.” She said and moved towards her bedroll. 
That night, the dream visitor met her again, giving her warnings for the future, while telling her to embrace her potential. Tav had no inclinations of becoming ilithid, but she still needed his protection, and so, she told him she’d think about it. 
As their journey continued, Tav would keep listening to the dream visitor’s interference, but she tried to ignore it. She already had one devil telling her what to do - she didn’t need another otherworldly being bothering her as well. 
“Your move, Mol.” She heard him before she saw him. Of course Raphael would be at Last Light Inn, but playing lanceboard with a child was not the sight Tav expected to see. 
“You trapped me.” Mol said. “I didn’t even want to take this one.” 
“Calishmen rules, dear. The first piece touched is the first piece moved.” He explained. For a moment, Tav was transported to a memory that played much like this one. When he taught  her how to play the game, and how frustrated she had been. 
‘This doesn’t make any sense.’ She groaned. ‘I’m gonna end up losing this knight.’
‘Then make a useful sacrifice.’ He guided her. ‘Guard your Mystra or come for my Cyriq.’
Tav was snapped out of the memory when Mol asked her “Say, do you play Lanceboard by any chance? It’s my first time playing.” 
She raised her brow at the girl, easily detecting the lie. “Put pressure on him. Attack the pieces in front of his king.”  
Mol did as you say, moving the pieces around. 
“My, the Theskan Double Counter - Gambit. Vicious. Exactly what I would have done.” 
The girl soon beat Raphael. “How’s that for Calimshen rules?”
“Brava! Lovely work.” Raphael praised the girl. “I see I was right to make you the offer I did. You will consider it, won’t you?” He asked Mol, who didn’t say anything as she walked away. 
Raphael turned towards the group.“The Thasken move was inspired. I see I have taught you well.” He then looked at Mol speaking with the other tiefling children. “What a lovely specimen she is. A blushing apple, ready to be plucked.”
“I know he’s your boss, but please, let me smack this creep.” Karlach whispered. 
Tav ignored her, crossing her arms and raising a brow. “You’re offering deals to kids now? I thought you loathed chattering children.”
“I can make exceptions, from time to time. But don’t you worry about Mol - it goes without saying she still has the unconditional freedom to choose the only option she has left.” He chuckled. “Besides, I do enjoy being in this neighborhood again. It has such a history of abject tragedy.” He focused his gaze on Tav. “And as you well know, tragedy is my bread and bloody butter.”
Raphael waved his hand, dismissing the subject. “But enough about my lesser pursuits. Why bother with trifles when I’m in the illustrious presence of my very favorite client.” He bowed as he said that, making Tav suck in a breath. “It is good to see you again, O apple of my eye. I’d ask you if you’ve made any progress with your little problem, but the tell-tale twitching of your eye is answer enough.” 
“Raphael.” She greeted him. “Should I consider it a coincidence to find you here?”
He smiled. “My dear, nothing is a coincidence. Mortals trifle themselves with free will, as if their betters have not moulded every potential path ahead.” Tav cleared her throat at that. Raphael chuckled. “No offense meant, of course. I’m sure everyone in Last Light thinks they could have changed things.” 
“They’re not the only ones ripe for temptation. As you well know, Tav, my last contract here fed me for decades.”
“You were here before?” Wyll asked. “Why?”
“Family troubles. Not my family, of course.” He shot Tav a knowing look, and she gave a small nod, imperceptible to the others. “I never surrender knowledge for free, but one good turn deserves another, does it not? To repay you, for all the souls you sent my way, I offer you a glimpse of the truth.” 
The devil then spoke of Ketheric Thorm, how his army had been massacred, and even proposing more knowledge in a future contract. Tav squinted her eyes at that - although Raphael shared most of his plans with her, she knew there was something that he was hiding. 
When he was done talking, she made a move to leave but he continued. “Before you leave, I sense there’s something your friend wants to ask me.” He looked at Astarion. 
“I do. I have a proposal for you.” The elf spoke up. “My old- well, a long time ago, someone carved some runes into my back. I’d rather like to know what they say.” 
As Raphael considered his words, Tav turned towards the rogue. “Scars? What are you talking about?”
“You haven’t told them? And you’ve kept your clothes on this whole time? How unlike you.” Raphael smirked. “Why not let them see? Don’t be shy.” 
“Raphael, don’t-” Tav tried to intervene but it was too late. Her patron waved his hand and soon, Astarion found himself only in his underwear. She looked angrily at Raphael.
“Don’t worry. I’m motivated to help you. Scars often tell such wonderful stories. I think yours might be truly exquisite. I’ll see you soon.” He eyed the two of them and vanished. 
At the same time, Tav removed her clock and threw it around the elf, as he said “Well. Now you know.” 
She sucked in a breath. “Go back to camp and get dressed.” Astarion nodded, doing so as told, alongside the others. 
Meanwhile, Tav turned her attention towards Mol. Although she knew Raphael, she did not enjoy the idea of such a young child making deals with him. 
“Nice strategy back there. If we put our heads together, I bet you and me could make a tidy stack of coin in Baldur’s Gate.” The girl as Tav approached her. “But Raphael’s offered me a partnership already, and it seems like a sweeter deal than throwing my lot in with you.” 
Tav gave her a serious expression, crossing her arms. . “Be careful, Mol. You are too young to be making deals with devils. They can be quite the poison.” 
The girl squinted her eye at the woman. “Poison. Sure.” She scoffed. “You seem to love the taste of it. He seems to know you pretty well.” 
Tav clenched her jaw, and tilted her head. “Touché.” She loosened her arms. “You’ve got quite the keen eye, I see.” She sighed. “But I’m being serious, Mol.” 
“Look, you saved us. Not knockin’ that.” Mol began. “But after you left, Zevlor lost his nerve - gave up the fight. I won’t. Now there’s no grove, no coin, no one taking us to the city. I’m not letting my crew get eaten by shadows.” She shrugged. “Maybe I’ll make a deal, maybe I won’t. But it’ll be my choice - not the devil’s and not yours.” Mol huffed and walked away, leaving Tav to shake her head. 
After that meeting, Astarion wondered when he would meet the devil again, saying that they would need to keep their ears ready for the sound of cheap poetry and the smell of sulphur. 
“I wonder, how do you handle it, that smell all the time.” The elf complained, as the group made their way towards what could be the entrance to the mausoleum they sought. “It’s absolutely dreadful.” 
“Well, it does help that Raphael is always perfuming himself.”
“Oh, really? And what scent does he use?” 
“Cherries and musk.” Tav replied. “It’s the one he always makes me buy.” She raised a brow at Astarion’s curiosity. “Wanting to buy one for yourself?” 
“No, I-” Before he could finish, Tav raised a hand, hearing a voice. In an instant, she recognized who it belonged to. 
It was, of course, Raphael and his little theatrics. 
“How long have you been practicing those?” Tav asked, once he was done rhyming. 
“Until it was perfect.” He smiled. “As your dear patron, Tav, I thought it only fair to warn you of the dangers ahead.” 
She raised a brow. “I can handle myself, Raphael.”
He scoffed. “Intrepid as ever. It would be pointless of me to try and bar you from entering but I can still…set the scene, as it were. Prepare you for your role.”
Tav frowned. “How are you so sure that there are dangers ahead?” 
“My dear, you should know better by now. You’ll find that I play my part in many a plot.” 
The leader of the group sighed, getting agitated. “Cut the chase, Raphael.” 
“‘Patience was always a virtue that you lacked.” He commented. “But very well. There is a creature that lurks in silence and shadow - a creature, who like me, is very much of the infernal persuasion.” 
“Should it make its way out through these very doors you are about to so brazenly open, you’ll have unleashed a pestilence unto this realm.” He took a step forward. “In truth, it is carnage incarnate. Should you find it, consider no other course of action - kill it.”
Tav eyed him, feeling that something was off. “I believe there’s more that you’re not telling me.” 
‘Let me guess.’ Tav thought. ‘It’s probably one of those fiends that hates Raphael’s guts.’ 
Raphael sighed. “This creature and I go back a long way. I admit it would be in my best interest that as well should it remain in the dark - or misplace its head, perhaps. I should not relish its reacquaintance. Let’s leave it at that.” 
“Very well.” Tav said. 
He turned towards the elf. “And don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, Astarion. When the beast is dead, I’ll consider that enough payment to translate those scars of yours.”
“A fairer deal than I expected.”
The devil smirked. “Ask Tav. I always deal fairly.” With a snap of his fingers, he was gone. 
Finding the orthon had been less than ideal, considering that in an instant, the devil recognized their leader. 
“You. I recognized you. You’re Raphael’s little dog, following him around, obeying all the orders he barks at you.” Pointing his hand bow at her, he shouted. “Tell me where that perfumed bastard is, before I end you.”
The others tensed up behind her, but Tav remained calm, if not mildly annoyed. Placing a hand on her hip, she looked at her nails as she addressed him. “I’d be more careful with that tongue of yours, Yurgir.” She looked at the orthon. “Considering I hold the key to setting you free.”
“What are you doing?” Tav heard Astarion whisper shout behind her. “Just kill the damned thing.” She ignored him. 
“What do you mean?” Yurgir asked. 
“Oh, Yurgir, you think I don’t know about your little contract with Raphael? About the song?” She put a finger on her chin. “How was it again? Oh - I remember: Spill all blood sworn to the night / Silence all prayers; Smother all rites -”
Before she could continue, the orthon shouted. “Stop it! Stop singing. I’ve had enough of this bloody song.” He lowered his weapon. “Tell me. I did as instructed, but the song still rattles around in my head - the contract still stands, somehow. If I break it, I’ll become Raphael’s slave forever.” 
“It’s quite simple, actually.” She explained. “Pay attention to the last rhyme. Leave none to hear it, then be set free / This song is your oath, swear it, swear it to me.” Tav looked at Yurgir with a condescending glare. “Don’t you see, Yurgir. You always hear the song.” Then, Tav smirked devilishly. “Kill yourself, be reborn in the Hells. Be free of your contract.” 
The orthon huffed. “If you’re wrong about this, I’ll claw my way out of Avernus and eat you alive - contract be damned.” He grabbed his sword, pointing it towards his chest. “Nicely played, Raphael. Bastard.” Were his final words, as he impaled himself, body turning to ash. 
Tav smiled, proud of herself. 
“Does that count as killing him? It better count.” Astarion said and Tav nodded. 
“That was…impressive.” Shadowheart said. 
“Well, when you live with a devil for a long time, you learn a thing or two.” 
“So the song was the contract? And how did you know about the loophole?” Wyll asked. 
Tav turned towards him. “To answer your first question, indeed it was. Parchment can burn, oral agreements aren’t worth the tongues they’re waggled upon. A song lingers.” She remembered that those were Raphael’s words, when she asked him as to why a song. “And about the loophole, well, it’s simple. I was the one who helped my master come up with the rhymes.” She shrugged. “I guess that’s the luck of having an ex-bard as a warlock.” 
Wyll said nothing, only nodding along as Tav moved and began looting the place. He felt as if everyday, there was a new side to Tav that he’d never seen before. 
Raphael was quick to show up back at camp, praising Tav for how cleverly she avoided a direct confrontation with the orthon and telling Astarion of Cazador’s plans. As the vampire left the two of them alone, the devil took the moment to speak with his warlock privately, bringing her close to a river nearby the camp. 
“Tell me, how have you been?”
She eyed him up and down, suspiciously. Raphael was not the type to ask this sort of thing - at least, not out of the goodness of his heart. “Never been better.” She lied. 
“Truly?” He raised a brow. “Because I have this picture on my head - of you tossing and turning in the middle of the night, thinking strange things, dreaming strange dreams.” Raphael gestured. “And there’s this little voice inside your head asking: Is this my will or is it the worm’s? But you have no answer and no way of knowing.” 
“Get to the point, Raphael.” 
He took a step forwards, nose almost brushing with hers. “The point, dear Tav, is that you’ll do good to remember that there’s only one voice you should listen to: Mine.” 
Raphael moved back. “I’ll be seeing you very soon.” He snapped his fingers and he was gone. 
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