#i should draw yao more
kitratre · 10 months
I am begging u to draw AmeChu, there needs to be more Yao love in this fandom
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Cooking together is a love language.
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ilovepannacotta · 16 days
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This comic page is based in "Reliable Conclusion" by @kattythingz
Yessss, it is another collab with my wonderful friend and amazing writer!! Go and read her fic, i love every part of it!!
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crystalrainfall · 2 months
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Outfit swap!
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novuit · 1 year
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A relationship chart of the Spadian royalty
(I love Yao's hairstyle so much)
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valodia · 15 days
. Beware long tags.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 7 months
*cracks knuckles* @paper-lilypie
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and brainrot. I've been sketching these ideas out for like, a year. And done nothing with them until this point
this has been festering. in my mind.
*note: I didn't get around to drawing it, but I imagine Sun, Moon, and Y/n say their vows at the Bell place thingie that I need to reread in the fic. Y'know, the place Moon climbs up to, to get away from y/n. Yeh they declare their love up there and smoochies*
I should really reread that bit actually lol
Before moving forward, I'm gonna rant about outfits
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this is the outfit that I base Sun and Moon's wedding look on because I just think it fits so well. I share this so you guys see the vision and forgive my inexperience with drawing these folds
Cool? cool.
Also, I went through several variations of what Y/n would wear before settling on this bc nothing that came up when I searched "gender neutral wedding gear" really fit
Wanted a mix between gown and suit and y'know this ended up being more suit but I like it a lot so we're going with that. It also came to me in a vision so that has to say something.
(Ok but I did envision Y/n having a dress similar to this one character's dress in Bad Guys but I couldn't draw it so I scrapped it)
(ok some details stayed but most of the concept had to go)
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so like- you see it right?
Btw. All of them (including guests) have pockets. just. to ease your mind.
ok back to actually drawn wedding shenanigans
Because, there are many, wedding shenanigans
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Y'know the trend of smashing wedding cake into the bride/groom/wedded partner's face right?
There's no way this wouldn't escalate and y/n wouldn't enlist their siblings in the chaos.
They'll get like- one or two good wedding pics before this.
the cake tasted good tho
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Let me just say. I am so proud of how I did these hands I'm oogling my own art I did so good GHGHHHHHHFDS
I like??? Want to do more?????
cuties shenanigans below they are obnoxious and they know it
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By the way by the way you may notice the flower dress
I WILL be getting around to Lily x DCA STUFF I WILL
Tho I got busy and had a really hard time drawing/finishing sketches when I did have time so. I chose to post what I have so far so it's out before November ends
well Ig u are safe
for nowwwww
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Bouquet toss real
fun fact I initially wanted to draw Sun, Moon, and Copper y/n tossing the bouquet together
but their arm lengths would NOT make that work kjfdkljsdklj
so y/n tosses the bouquet bc they are the specialest
(Or they won the round of monopoly)
(who's to say)
(we don't talk about game night)
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But all three of them are the criminal. masterminds. They planned this from the start. Holly and Chica HAD NO CHANCE after the role they played in getting Y/N AND SUN AND MOON together.
I think this video would also be something cute that I could see happening for their wedding lol
Y/n and the daycare attendants hand the bouquet to Holly and then she gets proposed to by Chica
Anyway I still have a whole list of wedding shenanigans I need to draw
Sarah and Yao being some because when I tried before I couldn't sketch them out to my liking.
And the more CCRT gets expanded on, the more I'm sure will be present in their wedding since there are only 3 chapters out so far and enough art for me to make my guesses dlkkldsf
I'm sure there are plenty of fun things that can be included into this wedding, or edited, once more is revealed of the characters and their relationships
and who would be wedding guests is a little more up in the air, for instance and... who'd be able to show up in the first place considering unknown state of... living
(*cough cough*-Glamrock Foxy-*cough cough*)
...and being on good terms! thats.. important too. y'know moon and foxy weren't really exes but it may still be a bit awkward if he got invited y'know yknow
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deaf-solitude · 30 days
In The Shadow of the Valley Pt. 2 (Squire!Thaddeus x Knight!Reader)
Pairing: Thaddeus x Knight!Reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings/Tags: Future graphic violence, injury and blood, branding, stitching, no use of Y/N, placeholder knight name for the reader, mostly gender-neutral but reader is called “sir” at some points, the reader is called “my lord” a lot too, reader is also a bit of an asshole but dw they soften up
Summary: You’re a knight sworn to the Brotherhood of Steel, and you’ve just lost your asshole squire to a yao guai. Maybe it’s for the better, as you prefer to work alone anyway. Unfortunately, the Brotherhood thinks otherwise and quickly sends you a replacement. Turns out that the replacement is someone you never wished to meet again, but thankfully, he didn’t know it was you! Not yet, at least.
TDLR; What if Thaddeus was assigned to be your squire instead of Maximus’?
((A/N)) I’m back!!! I’m having a lot of fun writing this, so this might turn out longer than I initially intended lol. Also I hope that I’m not too inconsistent with lore/game mechanics, I just started playing Fallout 4 last week and I haven’t gotten very far yet ToT. Anyway, enjoy!!
Maybe you wouldn’t kill him. Not before something else did, at least.
You were still on the path of your mission, trying to gain a bit more ground before night fell. However, a pack of sleeping junkyard dogs currently stood between you and a viable camping spot underneath a rocky outcrop, and you were not in the mood to fend them off of both you and Thaddeus. You were both crouched down behind some nearly-dead bushes, trying to figure out how to get around them without waking them up.
God, this would’ve been so much easier without having to worry about the well-being of a squire. You’d rather not be two for two for dead squires in one day.
“What do we do?” Thaddeus whispered noisily, causing some of the dogs’ ears to twitch. You whipped your head around in a manner that meant ‘shut up’, but the pneumatics of your armour made more noise than you intended. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a few of the dogs quickly lift their heads, on high alert. You and Thaddeus stared at each other, frozen in place in hopes that the dogs just… wouldn’t see you behind the bare bushes.
That unfortunately did not happen, and the feral growling of the hounds spotting you quickly spurred you into action. You pushed Thaddeus further into the brush and stepped out into the clearing, drawing your gun and beginning to take shots at the pack of dogs. A couple dropped, but the rest were eager to get a bite in on you.
“My lord, w-wait!” Thaddeus yelped, stumbling back due to the weight of his pack and falling onto his ass. He struggled to get back up, to help you as a good squire should, but he was having trouble getting the strap of his bag off from where he lay on the ground. Good, that’s what you intended.
“Fuckin’ mutts,” you grumbled, hastily blocking a lunging dog and throwing it to the floor. That didn’t deter it in the slightest, recovering before it lunged for you again. It got a good grip on a protruding piece of your armour, and you spun around trying to hit it off. “Fuck! Motherfucker, get off!”
Thaddeus became more panicked as he heard you shouting, finally slipping out of the strap and aiming his gun at the dog latched onto you. “I’ve got you, my lord!” He yelled, before blindly firing off a shot in hopes he’d hit the dog. The bullet missed, ricocheting off of your armour and startling Thaddeus further as it whizzed by his head.
“Thaddeus!” You yelled in warning, trying to prevent him from getting in harm's way. You weren’t known for things going your way, though.
One of the dogs had split off from you when Thaddeus fired his gun, now set on getting a chunk out of the unprotected human. You saw the prowling animal before Thaddeus did, but in trying to get rid of the one on you, you were too slow to react in time.
Thaddeus screamed as the dog lunged for him, quickly turning his head away and firing blindly again in the direction of his attacker. Every shot missed, and the dog caught hold of Thaddeus’ arm, trying to drag him to the ground.
“Fuck! Knight Mire! Help me!” Thaddeus screamed in alarm, wincing as the dog’s teeth tore through his jacket sleeve and into the flesh of his arm. He cursed loudly again, trying to play tug of war with a feral dog and his arm.
You promptly threw the dog on you to the ground when you heard Thaddeus’ screams, landing a solid stomp on it before rushing to your squire. With the dog preoccupied and trying to maul him, it was easy to get close and restrain it. When it refused to let go of him, you hesitated only slightly before resorting to putting your hands on its head, pressing them together and effectively crushing the dog’s skull. Its body went limp, and Thaddeus was able to rip his arm out of its loosened jaws with a whimper.
You didn’t have any time to check in on him before another dog jumped on your back, trying to rip at the back of your neck.
“Son of a bitch!” You shouted, trying to reach back and grab the dog, but your armour limited your mobility and you were unable to reach it. Thaddeus floundered where he stood, gripping his bleeding arm while trying to decide if he should help you or not.
“Uhm, m-my lord! Would y-you like me to-“
“Don’t fucking move!” You shouted at him, finally getting a shot in on the dog as you blasted it with your arm jet. It yowled, toppling off of you and attempting to limp away from the major burns you’d just given it. You shot it before it had the chance to escape, god forbid if it came back to bite you in the ass. There were only a few left now, and with some well-aimed shots from your gun, they fell quickly too.
You and Thaddeus stood still for a moment, still processing what had just happened while trying to catch your breaths. You carefully holstered your weapon while you stared at the bodies lying around, taking a breath before turning around to assess Thaddeus.
With your helmet facing towards him, he jumped, almost trying to hide his torn arm behind him. “A-ah! Am-amazing job, my lord! You-you really showed those m-mutts!” He exclaimed, a strained smile strewn across his face. You huffed, brushing past him to carry the pack instead. “O-oh you don’t h-have to do that-“
“Come on,” you beckoned, cutting him off and moving toward the outcrop you fought for with the pack slung over your shoulder. God, this thing was heavy. Thaddeus hesitated before following behind, his forced smile dropping as an anxious frown replaced it.
You threw the pack down against a nearby rock, assessing the small area. There were a few stray rocks scattered in a shape that looked like a circle, so you figured you’d get a small fire going in the middle of them once you’d dealt with Thaddeus. Speaking of Thaddeus, when you turned back around to rummage through the pack, he was already digging through it.
“You good?” You questioned, your scrambled voice causing the man to jump again. He whipped around, still trying to hide his arm behind him with a feigned smile.
“Yep! Never been better! Don’t you worry about me,” he rambled, beads of sweat welling up on his temple while he gripped a roll of bandages in his hand. You sighed, crossing your arms.
“Let me see it,” you ordered, making Thaddeus frown in panic.
You raised your brow, which he couldn’t see, but he still sputtered at your silence from his sudden outburst.
“I-I mean- I’m fine, my lord, really. I-it’s nothing I can’t handle!” He reassured you, getting more nervous by the minute. You were not taking that for an answer. You carefully but firmly placed your hands on his shoulders, turning him sharply so you could get a look at his arm. Thaddeus whimpered in embarrassment, casting his eyes away from you while you inspected the wound.
It didn’t look good, that’s for sure. The dog had gotten a good grip on his arm, and the bite marks were deep. He was at least lucky enough that the dog didn’t thrash, as his flesh didn’t look too torn. It was still bleeding pretty bad, and you were sure it would be infected come the morning if it wasn’t properly looked after.
If you remembered anything from your time at the airbase, you knew Thaddeus was absolutely horrible at first aid. He’d stick a shitty expired stimpack in it and call it a day, which wouldn’t stave away any infection if he left it uncovered. But if you wanted to make sure it healed correctly, you’d need to get out of your power armour and help him. You hesitated but quickly thought of a way to keep your face hidden as you stepped back from Thaddeus.
“Wh-what are you doing?” He questioned you as you backed up against the outcrop wall, giving yourself just enough room to be able to get out from behind it. You hit the release of your armour once you were in position, scrambling to remove your arms so that you could fish a handkerchief out of your breast pocket before Thaddeus got too curious.
Tying it quickly around the lower half of your face, you stepped down and out from behind the armour, walking back over to Thaddeus.
“Give me that,” you muttered, hoping he wouldn’t recognize your eyes or voice while you held your hand out for the roll of bandage.
He just… stared at you for a good couple of seconds, his brain lagging to process that you’d just gotten out of your power armour to tend to him. After a little while, you started to worry that your cover had been blown until he seemed to come back to life, stuttering like a fool.
“I-I- My lord! R-really, it’s-it’s alright, I-“
You snatched the roll from his hands as he stammered, effectively shutting him up as you pushed him down to sit on the rock behind him.
“Take your jacket off,” you commanded, tucking the roll under your arm while you went to retrieve a stimpack from the pack that was next to Thaddeus. He was practically shaking at this odd behaviour from you, not understanding why you were doing this, but he complied anyway. He shrugged the jacket off quickly, along with the red button-up shirt underneath, leaving him in a white tank top.
You turned back to Thaddeus with a water bottle, rag, and stimpack in hand, positioning yourself in front of him to look at his arm. He looked up at you with that pathetic face you knew all too well: the one he’d pull when he would get yelled at by whoever he pissed off at the airbase. Though, you weren’t quite sure why he was making it now. It had been a miracle, but so far, you hadn’t degraded him too much.
“This is gonna sting a bit,” you admitted while unscrewing the cap of the water bottle. Thaddeus seemed surprised again, uneasily grasping at his pant legs.
“You-you’re gonna use clean water for a measly little bite? I’ve lived through worse,” he laughed nervously, unable to hide the twitches of pain that occasionally crossed his face.
You raised a brow, pausing. ”Would you rather die of infection? Because you and I both know the cheap ass stimpacks they give us aren’t very good at sterilizing wounds.”
Thaddeus visibly faltered at your words, not expecting such an argument from you. You were right, of course—he could remember plenty of times when an aspirant would get extremely sick from an improperly treated wound, and in the worst cases, they would die—but it didn't make him feel any better about wasting supplies on him.
“B-but why should we waste the water? I-I’m… just a squire, it’s my fault I was bit anyway. I got in the way,” he mumbled, his eyes downcast and his posture hunched like he was trying to make himself disappear. You sighed, carefully grabbing his arm to inspect one last time.
“Well, it’s a good thing I get to decide what we waste supplies on,” you quipped, unable to stop yourself from smiling a little. It seemed to have reached your eyes, though, since Thaddeus looked up and gave you a small, but grateful smile back.
“I just… didn't expect a knight to care so much,” he disclosed, wringing his hands out. That made you stop for a moment.
You hadn’t realized how much you softened up in the past few hours since you were so hell-bent on hating him when he was first dropped off. Well, it was understandable that you’d wanted to hate him. He was a bully, as far as you remembered. But this man in front of you? You hardly recognized this obedient and meek facade he put on, but his ramblings and blind loyalty were still the same.
That was it, you realized: he was familiar. You didn't get much of that in the wasteland, save for some worn-down landmarks, so you’d covet it where you could. Even if you had once hated each other, it was better than nothing. Besides, maybe having an acquaintance out here wouldn’t be too bad. You would never admit it, but you kind of missed having someone to look after, even if he was supposed to be looking after you. You never did like accepting help, though, even when you so readily handed it out.
“I care about protecting people, even if the Brotherhood has more or less lost sight of that with their tech bullshit,” you offered, beginning to pour some water on the wound to wash away the partially dried blood. Thaddeus winced at the feeling, but he perked up at your comment.
“The Brotherhood does protect people, though. I mean, if we let everyone run around all willy-nilly with post-war technology all the time, there’d be no one left to protect after they all kill each other,” Thaddeus interjected nonchalantly, causing your expression to harden slightly.
He was wrong. With what you’ve seen at the airbase and out here in the field, the Brotherhood had completely lost its way. You had seen how your fellow knights gave no regard for anyone other than themselves, looting and killing where they deemed fit, pushing people around for their own benefit. You were unsure of what they had been like before your time, but now? It felt like you were part of a band of technologically scavenging warmongers.
You were one of the few who hadn’t bought into it, and Thaddeus was one of the many who did.
You bit your tongue while you focused on Thaddeus’ arm because God forbid you said something out of line and he reported it back to the officers. They’d have your head on a stick before dawn. You simply nodded, your brows furrowed as you inspected his now clean wound. The bleeding had slowed, but not stopped, and you could now see just how deep the dog had gotten.
“I’m gonna have to stitch some of this up,” you concluded, not missing the way Thaddeus started shaking as you switched out the bottle of water for the stimpack you’d retrieved earlier.
“Wh-what? Stitches? N-no. No, no, no, just the stimpack will be fine,” he squeaked, attempting to reel his arm back in. You held him in a firm grip, though, readying the stimpack in your other hand.
You gave him a frustrated glare. “It’ll heal faster if we stitch it.”
He shrunk back under your gaze, wanting to protest, but he knew that was a losing battle with you. You took his silence as compliance, and while he was looking away, you quickly jabbed his arm with the stimpack. He yelped, nearly jumping to his feet, but you expected that reaction and held him down.
“What the hell, man!” He squawked, his voice cracking from the pitch it was at. “Give a man a warning, Jesus!”
“I find it’s worse if you know it’s coming,” you shrugged, discarding the empty stimpack and digging in the pack again for some needle and thread. You could’ve sworn you heard Thaddeus whimper in fear while you were practically shoulder-deep in the big ass bag he brought with him. For someone who you thought would’ve seen much worse, he was very squeamish.
That proved stitching his wound to be difficult.
The process was arduous with Thaddeus twitching and shrieking every time you made a new stitch, and he needed quite a few of them. You were just about ready to take back everything you’d previously thought about, one complaint away from hitting him over the head and leaving him here.
“There, you big baby. We’re done,” you grumbled, cutting the extra thread with your pocket knife and quickly bandaging up his arm. He loudly sighed in relief, slumping over with exhaustion.
“Oh, thank God,” he whined, sounding like he was on the verge of tears, “that was horrible.” He snatched his arm back when you were finally done, running his fingers along the starchy fabric as if it would stop the stinging sensation below it
You rolled your eyes at his theatrics, putting all of the supplies you had used back in the pack, and marched off to start a fire. Thaddeus watched you go, chewing on the inside of his cheek before rising to his feet to follow you.
The fire wasn’t hard to start up on your own—you’d done so hundreds of times before—but Thaddeus’ eyes burning into the back of your head had you on edge. A simple glare up at him had him scrambling, averting his gaze as he turned his body around altogether. It wasn’t long before you had a fire going, and had cooked some of the rations packed in Thaddeus’ bag.
The two of you sat down on opposite rocks with food in hand, the fire between you and illuminating your faces. Thaddeus fiddled with his utensil as silence fell over the two of you, seeming to mull something over in his mind before piping up: “Um… so… how long have you been working with the Brotherhood?”
You debated indulging in his questions as you carefully maneuvered a spoonful of corn under your makeshift mask and into your mouth. “Since I was a kid.” You relented, your voice quiet but firm. “Some knights picked me up off the side of the road when I was twelve or so,”
Thaddeus perked up at the new information. “Oh? I’ve-I’ve been with them for a long time, too, but I… don’t ever recall hearing about you. You… were stationed at the airbase, right?”
You paused, intently staring down at your rations. Should you tell him? The last thing you wanted was to spook him off, and you were not in the mood to warm up to another squire. Your gaze flickered back up to Thaddeus, who was staring at you with a tentative expression of fear that he’d yet again pushed his questions too far.
“I was. Maybe we just never crossed paths. I tended to keep to myself.” You shrugged, shovelling another spoonful of corn into your mouth. “I also didn't stick around for very long. I was maybe… sixteen when the Elder Cleric sent me off-base to train for knighthood.”
That part was mostly true, aside from the fact that you’d just blatantly lied about the two of you not knowing each other. Apparently, the Elder Cleric had seen “promise” in you after your altercation with Thaddeus, keeping a close eye on you until he decided you were cut out to be a knight a couple of years later.
“What? How come you didn’t get a ceremony? Or-or a send-off?” Thaddeus questioned, and now you were kicking yourself for saying anything.
“I did get a ceremony, it just wasn't public,” you grumbled, trying so hard to keep him off of your trail.
Thaddeus furrowed his brows. ”That’s weird.”
“You’re weird,” you fired back nonchalantly.
Thaddeus scrunched up his nose at your response before huffing out a laugh, shaking his head as he prodded at his food. “That makes two of us, then.”
It was your turn to snicker, the sound abrupt and quiet as you tried to hold it back the best you could. Thaddeus still heard it, though, and the giant grin on his face was enough to tell you that.
“I-I’m not weird.” You fumbled to recover, but you knew you weren’t wiping that smug smile off of Thaddeus’ face anytime soon.
“Suure,” Thaddeus hummed, finally taking his first bite of food, “That’s why you insisted on patching up my arm even though you could’ve just stuck a stimpak into it and called it a day.”
You huffed, shaking your head. “Oh, God forbid I take care of someone’s wounds. I didn’t know that giving medical aid was illegal now,” you joked, pulling another giddy laugh from Thaddeus.
You settled into a comfortable silence this time, and that soft smile lingered on your face as you stared down at your rations. This felt… nice. It had been so long since the last time you opened up like this with anyone. The back-and-forth banter was something you missed about being friendly with people, especially when everyone you’d met since taking up the knight mantle either ran in terror or tried to attack you.
As if on cue, Thaddeus jolted as he remembered something. “Oh! You should brand me!” He exclaimed excitedly, causing you to immediately lose any peace you had just gained as you frowned behind your handkerchief.
“Oh, fuck no. Do you even know how bad it hurts?” You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose at the suggestion. Your last squire had insisted on being branded, too. When you had finally relented and gone through with it, he screamed like a little girl and wouldn’t stop complaining about how much it hurt for at least three days afterwards.
Thaddeus put on his best pouty face at your denial. “Come on, it's tradition! To show my devotion to you!” He whined, and an odd feeling holed up in your chest from him saying he was devoted to you. “And I-I’m not officially your squire until you brand me!” Well, at least it was a better reason than your previous squire’s: he had just wanted to show it off to his friends the next time he was on base.
You pushed that worming feeling in your chest aside and glared at Thaddeus, but he didn’t shrink back this time. In fact, it almost encouraged him as he leaned forward with his hands linked together in a pleading gesture. “Please?”
You sighed heavily, unable to say no to his big blue puppy-dog eyes. You set your rations down and dragged your hands down your face before begrudgingly rising to your feet and trudging back over to your power armour. Thaddeus whooped obnoxiously behind you, putting a slight smile back on your face as you stepped into your armour. It whirred back to life as the back hatch closed, and you tested out the arms before walking back over to the fire.
Thaddeus watched intently as you stuck the tip of your hand guard into the hot flames, the metal ‘M’ and the area surrounding it heating up and turning a dangerous red. Once you started to feel the heat through your gauntlet, you pulled your hand back and turned to Thaddeus, who had immediately swivelled around so that you had access to his back.
Your hand wavered as you tried to recall the words of the declaration used for branding. You got it, mostly, and recited the words plainly: ”Thaddeus, it is your most sacred duty to protect the Brotherhood. After which, it is your most sacred duty to protect… me, Knight Mire.” You paused briefly while speaking, feeling like you were forgetting another sacred duty. After a moment of thinking, you still couldn’t recall what it could’ve been. Ah, forget it. If you couldn’t remember it, it was probably dumb anyway. You continued: “Do you accept?”
“Oh, yeah. You bet I do,” Thaddeus chuckled, showing no sign of discomfort or fear. You shrugged at this; maybe it would go better than you thought.
“Okay, hold still,” you concluded before pressing the back of your hot gauntlet to Thaddeus’ back. You jolted when he suddenly let out the most high-pitched scream you think you’d ever heard from him, but you made sure to keep your gauntlet still to prevent fucking up the brand. Shouts and groans spilled from Thaddeus’ lips as his skin continued to sizzle, but he miraculously kept still with deep breaths between each pained noise. You were almost worried he’d pass out from whatever pain he was feeling to have him react this strongly.
“Hold on, hold on, it’s almost done,” you quickly reassured, your stomach starting to flip at the sight and sound of this whole process. Branding was never something you particularly liked to witness. After another second or two, you pulled back your hand, causing Thaddeus to loudly sigh in relief as he fell forward onto his knees. He continued to heave and groan, shakily crawling over to one of the rocks and sitting up against it, careful not to aggravate his fresh brand. He laughed a bit, and when you could finally catch a glimpse of his face, he had the biggest grin stretched across it, which surprised you. It seemed like he… enjoyed it.
Thaddeus reached a hand back to hover over the brand, but he quickly reeled it back when he felt heat still radiating off of it. “Woo, still pretty hot,” he noted, his hand falling back into his lap. He glanced back over to you, his smile never faltering. “Thank you, Knight Mire.”
You were a bit perplexed at Thaddeus’ joyous mood, freezing you in place as you tried to process the fact that he was talking to you. Any squire you had branded previously—in a ceremony or otherwise—would either be still reeling in pain, giving you a death stare, or complaining about how much it hurt. “Um, you’re… welcome? I guess?” You answered hesitantly, stepping back to exit your armour again.
“Man, we need a duo name now!” Thaddeus exclaimed, and before you could protest the dumbest idea you’d heard in months, he had already started thinking aloud. “Thaddeus and Mire, the- umm,” Thaddeus put a shaky finger to his lips, attempting to conjure up a name for the two of you. You promptly rolled your eyes, sitting down and running the idea over in your head before you blurted out:
“Trademark. We’re trademarked.”
Thaddeus paused, looking at you with a puzzled expression before it clicked. “Oh my god, you’re right! TM! We’re the trademark boys, yeah!” He shouted happily, throwing his fists up in the air with a gleeful expression.
You couldn’t help the snort that escaped you at his exclamation. It sounded much more ridiculous coming from him, especially with how excited he was about it.
“What, so we’re like… The Trademark Boys with a TM on top of it? The Trademark Boys trademarked?” You jested, deciding to entertain the incredibly ridiculous thought.
Thaddeus pointed a finger at you, glad that you were catching on. “Exactly!”
“That’s… that's so stupid,” you sighed with a small laugh, shaking your head and pinching the bridge of your nose again.
“No, it’s genius,” Thaddeus corrected with a smirk, shrugging his red button-up shirt back on while making sure it didn't drag against his brand.
You rolled your eyes at him, returning to your half finished rations in a more joyful mood than you think you'd ever been in.
“Whatever you say, Thaddeus.”
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evilhasnever · 1 year
A little Mother's Day drabble, set in the same reincarnation AU as this ficlet by me and this (by @lansplaining)
tl;dr Lan Huan visits Meng Shi to tell her about his intentions with A-Yao
Somehow Lan Huan ended up gardening with Meng Shi today, because the community garden is the only place where he can reasonably intercept her without her son around - and well, if someone is gardening right in front of you, you ought to roll up your sleeves and help. 
He has occasionally visited her with A-Yao before, and he got to bask in their easy, comfortable banter even as a bystander. But today he has to ask her something that A-Yao is not privy to yet. 
When he approaches her, she smiles with a glint in her eye. “Lan Huan! What a surprise! I’m sorry you have to see me in this state.” 
“I happen to think Ms. Meng looks great in dungarees,” Lan Huan replies. “I hope A-Yao will follow her example sometime.” 
She giggles pleasantly and stands up from her crouch with a little effort, eyeing him up and down. She seems to have already guessed that he has something to say - A-Yao takes after her, without doubt. “Well, don’t stand on ceremony.” 
Rather than stopping what she is doing, she hands him a plastic container. “Help me pick these strawberries. Isn’t A-Yao with you today?”
A gentle platitude, because she likely knows where A-Yao is at all times. Lan Xichen has spotted the mother-son text chats on A-Yao’s phone several times, with a mix of envy and fondness. 
He squats obediently and sets to picking the strawberries very carefully. “I am going to pick him up at six today. That’s why I wanted to speak with you before then.”
Meng Shi gives him a curious side glance, just this side of inquisitive. “I am all ears, dear.”
The endearment somehow bolsters Lan Huan’s courage. He had never known Meng Shi… before, only heard stories of her kindness and wit from A-Yao, but he was both relieved and awed to find that she is very, very similar to her son in more than just facial features. The first few times they’d met, he had earned from her the same scrunched up nose, the same squint of polite suspicion that he got from A-Yao when he’d asked him out for the first time.
It had not been quite perfect on the first try. Remembering a past life did not give him perfect insight on the current one; if anything it encumbered him with the fear of messing up and giving himself away carelessly. 
During his first date with A-Yao, Lan Huan had learned from trial and error like anyone else. His car was apparently too new (he should have biked!) and his watch was too expensive (it was Shufu’s gift!) and A-Yao had been quietly wary of his intentions. Lan Huan couldn’t blame him, in hindsight. In damage control mode, Lan Huan had asked him if he wanted to split the restaurant bill or if he’d let him take care of it, and A-Yao had relaxed minutely. “You can take it this time,” he’d said. "I’ll pay next time.” Lan Huan had smiled brilliantly in agreement, and the evening had only improved afterwards.
“Are you zoning out thinking about my son? As you should, I suppose!” Meng Shi’s knowing laughter draws Lan Huan back from his reminiscing. 
“I apologize, Ms. Meng,”  he blushes. “I have a lot on my mind, and it concerns A-Yao as you may have guessed.” He holds out the container full of strawberries and brushes off his knees to clear some of the dirt.  “He and I have been dating for seven months now, and I want to ask him to take the next step.”
Meng Shi’s eyes widen briefly and she purses her lips before setting down her gardening gloves and ushering Lan Huan towards the nearby bench. “Have you asked your family already?” she asks, neutrally.
“Not yet,” Lan Huan admits. “Whether they agree or not, I intend to propose to A-Yao anyway. If he agrees, only then I will tell them.”
Meng Shi’s lips quirk up in a smile, a single dimple popping on her cheek. “Why ask me, then?”
Lan Huan folds his hands in his lap, frowning. “I… I want your opinion, Ms. Meng. Do you think he will say yes? You and A-Yao are close. I have not been lucky enough to have such a relationship with my mother, but I admire it. Your opinion holds weight because you have A-Yao’s best interest at heart, as do I.”
Meng Shi observes him quietly for a moment, the declining sunlight making her look older than her years in the half-shade. Lan Huan tries not to think about how close she had come to death only a few years ago. It had been a story like many others; expensive treatment, nebulous chances of success. History almost repeated itself, but medicine had come a long way and her son had not spared any expense to get her treated, putting all of his other plans on hold. 
Secretly, Lan Huan had talked to a few doctors and made an anonymous donation through a charitable company, unable to stand aside and do nothing despite his family’s rules about interference. But money could only do so much. He had not been able to hold A-Yao’s hand through sleepless nights at her bedside, or comfort him in any way. They had been strangers, still. 
“A-Huan,” Meng Shi says, and Lan Huan startles like a deer. “For the longest time I thought you were too good to be true, and I could not trust you. I’m sorry about that. I have made mistakes in my youth and they have left me… afraid.” 
Lan Huan nods quietly. It is not his place to divulge how much (or how little) A-Yao has told him of her life. 
“But I believe in the evidence of my eyes,” she continues, patting his forearm with a gentle hand. “You make my A-yao so unspeakably happy, it cannot be a mistake.”
“Likewise, he does,” Lan Huan replies, finding his voice rough with emotion. 
“What I want to know,” she continues, careful but not stern, “is how you think you know him well enough to marry, after only seven months. He is too pragmatic and too sensible to jump into something like this recklessly.” 
Lan Huan sighs, shaking his head. “If I told you I have dreams of a past life, would you believe it?” 
Meng Shi tuts gently and raises her brow. Lan Huan returns her smile, and continues: “Of course not. So it must be fate.”
“Usually people invoke fate when they are not willing to put in the work,” Meng Shi chides, “but you have done right by my A-Yao. Some people have tried to change him, some have tried to advise him, some have tried to take him away. You won’t take him away from me, will you?”
“I would never,” Lan Huan murmurs. “The only thing that would change is that I may visit you with him more often in the future, if it isn’t too much of an imposition. I would… like that.”
Meng Shi smiles knowingly, gently. Lan Xichen remembers the timeless gaze of a deity’s statue, and a shiver runs down his spine despite the warmth of the late afternoon. 
“You’re such a good son,” Meng Shi sighs, “of course I’d love to have you.”
With a sharp inhale of breath, Lan Huan reaches up to wipe his eyes. A frail hand beats him to it, Meng Shi’s cool fingers patting his cheek patiently while he tries to get his breathing in check. 
“So, how are you going to pop the question, A-Huan? Tell me everything.”
“I-I was thinking of taking him to the restaurant where we had our first date,” Lan Huan says, a little shaky.
“Oh, that’s going to make him so terribly nervous!” She laughs. “Maybe you should bring him these strawberries to mollify him, he loves them.”
Lan Huan smiles and pushes the basket of strawberries back towards her. “Keep them with you, with some luck he’ll visit you to share good news soon. Besides, he’s too clever. He’d know we talked without him, and I don’t want him to suspect anything yet.”
Meng Shi thumbs a perfect strawberry and nods conspiratorially. “Alright, I’ll keep your secret, my dear.”
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youhideastar · 9 months
Fit for Purpose Deleted Scenes II: Alternate Version, Second Half
Yesterday I posted the first batch of deleted scenes from Fit for Purpose: the first half of a backstory chapter that I ultimately deep-sixed as a distraction. For more explanation, please read that first-half post! Today I'm sharing the second half of that backstory chapter. Again, I'm going to try to keep my commentary on the scenes to a minimum so as not to make this post longer. Other deleted scenes posts are linked in the masterpost. I hope you enjoy!
We pick up during the Sunshot Campaign, with a scene that I've always found perplexing in canon - WWX promising to let LWJ help him with the demonic cultivation. It's not clear in canon whether he ever actually does that. Here, I decided he would.
On another rooftop in the moonlight, eyes dark and urgent, Lan Zhan says, “Wei Ying. You are trying to snatch grain from a roaring fire.”
Because without that grain, I’ll starve, thinks Wei Wuxian. For a moment, he imagines telling Lan Zhan about his core. It’s a wild thought, quickly smothered.
“Wei Ying. Let me help.”
Wei Wuxian knows what he should do: call him “Lan Wangji” again. Smile like a knife. Shove him away.
But the end of the war is coming, and Wei Wuxian knows he’s unlikely to survive it. A few months doesn’t seem like too long a time to pretend that he can be fixed—that what he’s missing is something Lan Zhan can give him.
He says yes. Lets Lan Zhan play pretty songs for him. Spiritually, they do nothing for him.
But the lie makes Lan Zhan feel better.
They’re at war. Lan Zhan could be hurt or killed at any time. Wei Wuxian doesn’t want the last thing he said to him to be cruel. That’s all.
In the end, they win. He wins.
The other sects make the omega Meng Yao—Jin Guangyao, now—the hero. What he did, they understand. One short, sharp thrust.
It makes A-Cheng and Lan Zhan angry on Wei Wuxian’s behalf; for his part, Wei Wuxian couldn’t care less. He did what he needed to do. He fulfilled his purpose. He didn’t do it for the glory.
They go back to Lotus Pier.
A-Cheng and Jiejie want everything to go back to the way it used to be. They treat him like Yunmeng Jiang’s head disciple.
So he tries to act like it.
But there’s a hole inside of him. And so, there are things he can’t do. Things he can’t give, because he gave them already, and there’s no getting them back.
He can’t teach sword cultivation—can’t even draw his sword. And no one wants to hear about his talismans; the ones he writes in blood. The ones that draw evil in, rather than repelling it. Any of a half-dozen others would be a better head disciple than he would.
There’s only one part of his job he can really do anymore. And even that is… harder than it used to be. They want to touch and be touched, but his skin still crawls with the touch of the dead. And he doesn’t want to put his mouth on them. He never wants human flesh in his mouth again.
He’d thought he’d be dead for this part.
He was supposed to be dead for this part.
Maybe he is.
A-Cheng lays into him for failing in his duty. For not giving enough. Wei Wuxian places his hand over his incision scar and keeps his silence. He knows it’s true. No matter how much he gives, it could never be enough.
That previous scene is probably the one that hurt the most to cut. I really liked it. But DAMN did it bring down the vibe of the fic. It's so bleak in tone that it really could not coexist with the cute banter in the Jingshi.
Next is my first crack at the Baifeng Mountain scene.
Come to Gusu with me, he says. Let me play for you, let me help you, he says. I am the one who knows you, he says. Better than you know yourself.
For a moment, he imagines it. Going to Gusu with Lan Zhan. Letting Lan Zhan take care of him, letting Lan Zhan imprison him—he can’t tell anymore what it is that Lan Zhan wants to do with him, but he’s not sure he cares. At least he’d be with Lan Zhan. At least Lan Zhan understands that he’s changed. At least Lan Zhan isn’t expecting him to pretend he’s still the laughing boy on the rooftop.
Ah, but it’s a selfish, selfish thought.
Yu-furen saw it in him all along.
For him to cling to Lan Zhan—brilliant, perfect, unparalleled Lan Zhan, who has never needed or wanted anything from Wei Wuxian, not even his body—is just another symptom of his weakness.
No. Wei Wuxian knows what he is. What he is meant for. He is meant to be of use. That is what he was made for. That is why he was saved from starvation on the streets – so he could be of use. To Jiang Cheng, and to Jiejie.
He ignores the voice murmuring in his head, But what use are you to them, really? Except as a mascot, and a whore.
But that didn't really address what I consider the main point of the Baifeng Mountain sequence in this AU, and an incredibly overlooked moment in canon, imo: Jin-furen's assertion that people are starting to believe that WWX and JYL are sexually involved. To me, this is THE turning point of this arc for WWX. The only way he'd ever leave Lotus Pier is if he thought it was better for JC and JYL if he did. I think by this point in canon, he's long ago decided JC would be better off with a different head disciple, but JYL is keeping him hanging on. He doesn't feel like he's failing her. Until this moment, when Jin-furen supplies him with a reason to believe that his presence is hurting JYL, too. At that point, he feels he has to leave. I think if he hadn't found Wen Qing in the street, he might have just wandered out of Lanling and noped out of the whole cultivation world at that point.
None of Yu-furen’s lectures or Jiang-shushu’s stories or A-Cheng’s threats taught him what to do when the very people he’s supposed to live for are better off without him.
He’s a useless head disciple to Yunmeng Jiang Sect. Everything he does makes A-Cheng angry. Whenever Jiejie sees him, she looks worried. Even Lan Zhan—according to Lan Xichen—is working himself to the bone in a futile quest to purify Wei Wuxian’s nonexistent core and bring him back to the sword path.
Then, on Baifeng Mountain, he learns that it’s so much worse than he thought.
“You shouldn’t be alone with him, A-Li,” Jin-furen says firmly.
Jiejie flinches. “A-Xian is my didi. There’s nothing improper—”
“With your mother gone, there is no one who will tell you what you need to hear,” Jin-furen interrupts. When she looks at Jiejie, her face is kind; the look she flicks at Wei Wuxian is like a knife. “But I will. A-Li, didi or no, people are talking. An unmarried omega who turned down an advantageous match to a powerful alpha to stay with her brother…”
“Yes,” Jiejie says, cheeks pale. “My brother, Jin-furen. Will you tell me to stay away from A-Cheng, too?”
Jin-furen waves her fan. “Of course not. That’s different. A-Li.” She barely bothers to drop her voice when she says, “You know what betas do. You know what they’re for.”
Wei Wuxian doesn’t know what Jiejie says to that. He doesn’t stay to find out. And he doesn’t plan to come back.
If he drinks himself to death, it’ll reflect poorly on Yunmeng Jiang. But if he flashes enough gold in the right parts of Lanling City, he thinks he can probably get himself knifed pretty easily, and bleed out fast enough that no one will wonder why his core didn’t save him.
Then A-Cheng can find a better head disciple, and Jiejie’s reputation will be safe.
And Lan Zhan—
Well. Lan Zhan will be fine. He won’t have to try to save Wei Wuxian anymore. Once the first shock is past, it’ll probably be a relief.
But in Lanling City, Wei Wuxian doesn’t find a knife in the dark.
He finds a woman in a red cloak, starving and bruised, searching for her beloved brother.
And some part of him that he thought was dead roars back to life, like a new-fed flame.
He remembers standing side-by-side with Lan Zhan, remembers the vows they made. He can’t be a good brother or a good beta. He can’t be head disciple, or cultivate the sword path.
But he can stand with justice. He can defend the weak. He can live with a clear conscience.
For the first time since his body was shattered against the death-soaked earth of the Burial Mounds, Wei Wuxian feels alive.
Lan Zhan doesn’t see it that way. Lan Zhan, sheltered under his pretty umbrella, tries to call Wei Wuxian back to the path of orthodoxy.
But Wei Wuxian has just walked away from a valley of corpses. He has seen what the path of orthodoxy is paved with. His hands are shaking. Behind him are those few he managed to save – cold, dirty, half-drowned, frightened, sick. He cannot walk away from them. He cannot believe Lan Zhan would ask him to.
PISSED-OFF AND INCREDULOUS. “We promised we would devote our lives to fighting the wicked and defending the weak!” he shouts, while the thunder rolls. His eyes sting as rain drips down his face. “You tell me, Lan Zhan: who is strong, and who is weak? Who is right, and who is wrong?”
Lan Zhan has no answer.
It rises in Wei Wuxian, then: the same smooth-polished calm that came upon him in the Xuanwu Cave, when he thought the moment had come for him to die for A-Cheng. A quiet but powerful peace.
Yes. He could die here. Now. Not knifed in an alley by some thief, trying to slip unnoticed from a world where he was no longer needed, but in battle against the mighty Hanguang-jun, defending the innocent. That would be worthy. That would be right.
As he raises Chenqing between them, Wei Wuxian can feel himself smiling. His belly churns with joy and sorrow, fear and anticipation.
“If there has to be a fight,” he says, very steady, “then let me fight to the death with you. If I have to die, then let it be at the hands of Hanguang-jun. It would be no injustice.”
But in the end, Lan Zhan steps away.
So Wei Wuxian rides forward. To Yiling, where Jiang-shushu rescued him all those years ago. To Yiling, where he dragged his body back from broken death.
He’s been reborn in Yiling twice. Maybe he can do it one more time. He can only try.
Here is an alternate version of WWX's decision to go with Wen Qing. I'm ultimately not sure which one I like better.
It would be monstrous of him to follow her. To turn his back on his family. His purpose.
You live for them. Die for them, if you have to. Don’t you dare keep anything for yourself that could go to them.
A perversion; a rebellion against nature, from which there could be no return and no redemption.
He thinks about the prisoners shuffled out in chains before the targets. Thinks about the screaming of the women, at Nightless City, as the blood ran from under the doors. Of the old men shot down from behind by golden arrows as they fled on the road, sobbing.
He swore, once, to live with a clean conscience.
He should never have made that vow—his conscience, like the rest of him, belonged to Yunmeng Jiang. It was not his to dispose of.
But he did. He did make that promise.
And even though it makes him ungrateful, and unfilial—even though he knows there will be no coming back from this—he finds he can’t break it.
This one thing, in the end, is his.
Either way, we pick up with this bit covering WWX's second stay in the Burial Mounds. Honestly, this is mostly me getting high on my own worldbuilding.
In the Burial Mounds, every moment reminds him of his time in hell. Resentful energy courses through his veins. His stomach growls with hunger. He wakes every morning with the knowledge that he has turned his back on the whole reason for his existence; that he is an ungrateful, unfilial disgrace.
And still, it is easier to breathe here than it was in Lotus Pier.
The things the Wen refugees need from him are things he can actually give: protection, and they don’t care that he uses methods other than the sword; labor, and for the first time since Wen Qing cut him open, he is not the weakest of the group; and money.
Most prostitutes are claimed omegas; safe enough, since a person can only be claimed once, but clients complain about the smell of a foreign claim, vinegary-sharp and off-putting.
A beta, then, can command a high price – even a skinny, dirty one, who can only ply his trade in alleys and teahouses, rather than silk-sheeted brothel beds.
Wei Wuxian doesn’t mind it. After all, it’s not like it’s so different.
This is what he was made for. People have always told him that. It’s just that, now, they give him money when they say it.
Then there's the "LWJ visits Yiling" section, which made it into the finished fic. We pick up with:
After Lan Zhan leaves, Wei Wuxian doesn’t expect to see anyone from his old life ever again, unless it’s at swordpoint.
But he’s always been loved too well – loved more than he deserves.
“Jiejie,” he whispers, eyes full of tears, as she stands before him resplendent in red.
“I wanted you to see me in my wedding clothes,” she says gently. “Do you like them?”
“You look magnificent,” he tells her, throat tight.
It’s almost more than he can bear, to sit around a table with Jiejie and A-Cheng eating pork rib and lotus root soup, being asked—at A-Cheng’s urging, how?—to give a courtesy name to Jiejie’s firstborn. He thought this was gone for good, and now, it’s—
It isn’t like he never left. It doesn’t feel that way. Wen Ning is waiting outside; the rest of the Wens up on the mountain; his stomach is growling despite the soup, because it’s all he’s eaten all day; black curls of resentful energy fill the ugly hole where his core used to be.
But it feels like, maybe, he could find a new way of belonging. Like, maybe, he could have both: be true to his family and his sect and be true to the vow he made with Lan Zhan.
He’s so stupid. He never learns.
And every time he falls into the delusion, people die.
But when he gets Lan Zhan’s invitation to Jin Rulan’s 100-days celebration, it seems like a sign from the heavens. Confirmation. He can have both, and the proof is right here, in his nephew’s name written in Lan Zhan’s perfect calligraphy.
He works in a frenzy on his gift for the baby. Night and day, applying new protections, refining those that are already there. Every mo, yao, gui and guai he can think of will be repelled. Curses, too – every curse he ever learned about, and some he invented himself.
This is how he’ll make up for it – how he’ll pay the Jiangs back for what he owes them. Every disappointment, every time he wasn’t there for Jiang Cheng or Jiejie when they needed him, will be made right. He pours his time, his ingenuity, his expertise, and his literal blood into these beads.
They’re not fine jade or lustrous gold. Probably a kid raised as the heir to Lanling Jin won’t want to wear it. But Jiejie can make him, when he’s little. And when he’s older, he can carry it with him in a bag or in his sleeve – that will be enough. Wei Wuxian takes care to make the protections strong enough for that. He doesn’t want to overlook anything. It has to be perfect. This is his chance.
You do anything your jie needs, Yu-furen’s voice echoes, every time Wei Wuxian’s eyes start to close under the weight of his exhaustion. And her children, someday.
I will, Yu-furen, he promises silently, rubbing his eyes and returning to his work. I swear it. I will.
And then, there is the ambush.
The box falls from his sleeve.
Jin Zixun closes his hand and—
Wei Wuxian doesn’t completely remember what happens after that.
The dust that used to be lotus-seed beads, pouring from Jin Zixun’s fist like sand through an hourglass – he remembers that very well. It replays in his mind, again and again.
But afterward. That’s when he loses the thread. Loses control.
Jin Zixuan.
Wen Qing and Wen Ning.
Wen-popo. Fourth Uncle. All of the Wens he fought so hard and gave so much to save.
Lan Zhan – his enemy now.
Jiejie, widowed and grieving. Jiejie, wounded. Then—
There’s no point, after that.
Lan Zhan takes his hand, holds on, won’t let go when Wei Wuxian tells him to. He looks at Wei Wuxian like he sees something worth saving.
But then A-Cheng is there; Wei Wuxian smiles. Good. This is how it should be. His life is A-Cheng’s to take. It always has been.
Everything happens very quickly, then.
And then there’s nothing at all.
Okay, that's all very depressing... future deleted scenes posts won't be so bleak, I promise! Stay tuned for tomorrow's installment.
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moonami · 2 years
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Scenario VII: Cat's fight
This never-ending story was once again reflected in your eyes, with the two nations face to face.
Your eyes couldn't get away from that scene in the middle of the street.
Yao and Alfred were facing each other, each giving a forced smile in their own style, it was obvious that in one way or another, both were irritated by the situation.
Even after the "promise" you had made with Alfred, were you still talking to Yao...And even worse...Accepting such a gift?
How DARE you...
Only HE could protect you, only HE had the right to do so since he had saved you at your own request.
No one else should look like the hero in your eyes.
And that stupid red ribbon was nothing more than a reflection of your broken promise and their failure to monopolize you...
Alfred growls under his breath, showing his gums like a rabid dog as he smiles with a frown.
-"That appearance looks good on you America~ the look of a stupid and mangy animal suits you"- Yao mocks only making the blonde look at him with even more hatred.
-“Stop!”- you ask separating them from each other pushing them and putting yourself in the middle.
They both look somewhat surprised by your initiative, but quickly ignore your request, turning to glare at each.
-“You know what dear?... You should stay away from this if you don't want to get... Hurt... Do you understand?” -Alfred answers you with a deep voice.
A shiver runs down your spine and you take a few steps back swallowing your "initiative" quickly.
-“G-gck...”-You swallow saliva...But you don't move away anymore...You weren't interested in their quarrel, you just wanted to prevent them from hurting each other.
You had sacrificed so much for them to be safe and at peace with each other... you couldn't let them get hurt now because of a little ribbon.
You notice that Alfred was squeezing the ribbon tightly between his gloves, and likewise, Yao notices it too.
-“America, if it doesn't bother you, could you give Y/N her ribbon back?...”- He says smiling with his eyes starting to sharpen in a feline way.
-“Why should I?!”-Explodes the blond quickly-“Ohhh~!! right because it's a f*ck1ng gift from you?!?"-
-"Exactly"- Answers the dark-haired man dryly.
-“And what if I don't want to return it?!?" He yells, clenching his fists.
-"Well...That's quite simple...I'll have to destroy the bones of your face until you're not able to swallow those disgusting hamburgers you love so much~ Aru~"-Laughs covering his mouth with his sleeve.
-“I see that so many years with the Rusky have hurt you China~!! You start to sound like him~!”
-“Huh~? not at all”- He denies rolling his eyes, almost grossed out solely by the idea of “Being like Russia”.
...This would not end well for you...
"Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared
Proverbs 22:24-25
Hi guys~!! finally I publish something about this Au again, I had a lot of fun drawing my yanderes again, and I hope you enjoy this! Please Reblog the post with your theories and share it, in addition to commenting hehe~
In addition to this I wanted to tell you that my friend @alfiefiefie-draws-stuffs has an emergency regarding school, so he is doing emergency commissions, I would be very grateful if you would review his Comm info and commission him something pretty to help him.
Take care, drink water and don't forget to check the rest of the blog~!
Previous part
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markama · 1 year
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part [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7](you are here) [8]... there will be more in the future
And so the intire of Teyvat was shocked. "The Creator had an identical twin??" was what everyone was thinking, eyes wide open.
And it all made scence, they bouth had gooden blood, but only one of them created the world and only one of them had golden eyes and accents in her hair- The Creator: Mia.
After everything had calmed down Mia had moved into the castle made for her with her sister- Marianna that was already living there.
Marianna wasn't exacuted ,nor was she harmed in any way becouse of Mia's 'orders'.
As an apology to the twins Teyvat was preparing for a feast for them.
And so the day of the feast arrived, it had delicious looking food. Mia was seated on a table with everyone else but with some distance, next to her was Marianna, due to her 'orders'. Yet the feast could be described as one word, awkward.
Neither The Creator nor her twin said anything. Mia was still trying to forget about her trauma and Marianna was her emotional support.
Everyone was present: people who hunted her, people who didn't and random NPCs'. There were kids there but they had a seperate room for them since they could so something to anger Her Grace or her twin.
There were seven children on the table because they were vessels of Her Grace: Sayu, Qiqi, Diona, Klee,Nahida, Dori, Yao Yao.
Klee had decided to try and give a present to Her Grace. "What if master Her Grace thinks that my drawing isn't good...But master Jean and mister Albado say my drawings are good. She will like it!" was what Klee taught as she ran towards Mia with a drawing of The Creator, with a proud smile on her face, she handed The Creator the drawing, much to everyone's horrors.
Mia took the drawing and showed it to Marianna. The Creator smiled for the first time since her disguise had bean blown and Marianna looked like she liked the drawing.
Mia looked at Klee and she put a hand on her head in approval. "Your drawing is beautiful, Klee, is that me with a crown in the drawing?" she said warmly. Everyone else in the room let out a breath no one knew thay were holding in.
Klee's eyes sparkled with excitement "Yay! I'm glad you like it!" she said, the twins could have sworn that they saw sparkles in her eyes as she talked. "Yes, It is beautiful, it's a drawing that should be hanged on a fridge proudly" Marianna added aith a smile. "May i ask what that means miss Her Grace's twin?" Klee asked tilting her head. "A fridge is a device from another world, where you store food so that it doesn't rot and it lasts longer. Saying that something should be hanged on a fridge proudly means that what you drew is so good to the point where you would want to look at it every day" Mia explained.
As Mia finished her explanation, everyone was amazed by that device, but at the same time they were shocked that there were other worlds other than theirs.
Suddenly the door to the room where the feast was held was opened and The Travler ran in to The Creator and with a panted breath asked "Where is my brother?".
Everyone was prepared to cut the travler in half because of her audacity to speak to Her Grace that way.
As soon as The Traveler realised what she had done a cold sweat ran on her forehead she felt like she couldn't move as Mia opened her mouth to speak. She was prepared for the worst but...
"This isn't the place to talk about this, follow me to my room." Mia said with a serious tone and looked towards her twin as they nodded to eahother.
The twins and The Travler got up and they led her to Mia's room.
"S-so are you going to tell me about my brother?" The Travler stuttred her voice cracking a little.
"Don't worry Lumine, yes, yes we will tell you everything we know about your brother"
Lumine was booth shocked and relieved that they would tell her about her brother without asking for anything in return.
"Lumine, you might want to take a seat" Marianna added, leaning on a wall.
After Lumine took a seat Mia began "Your brother is the abyss prince, he is trying to overtake Celestia because five hundred years ago they summoned the archons to destroy Khaenri'ah. I do not know where he is currently but, I may be able to make arrangements for him come here so you two can talk."
Lumine's eyes widened with tears of joy and without thinking she hugged Mia and started crying on her shoulder. At first Mia was surprised but then she hugged The Traveler back and smiled.
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paty0831 · 3 months
Hongice week 2024 || Day 1
Chapter 1: School dance
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Human AU
Li and his family have just moved from Hong Kong to the United States with the aim of living the American dream. In this unknown country, Li was afraid, but he didn't want to show it. He wanted to be confident, adapt quickly. His first day of school arrived and Li was determined:
“For establishing my social life I will become popular in school," said Li masking his nervousness.
“How can you only think about that? You should be thinking about catching up on your studies this late in the year," said Yao, Li's older brother.
“Li is right," said Li's younger sister Mei, "the most important thing is how you look”
“If that affects your grades...,” replied Yao until he was interrupted.
“If you embarrass us, we’ll deny that you are our brother," Yong Soo, Li's younger brother, older than Mei jumped into the conversation, "besides, I deserve to be the most popular of us, because I am the strongest, smartest and most handsome”
“Yeah, right," Li replied sarcastically, "seriously, you don't even believe that”
“Wanna bet? I bet you I can get into the popular group before you," said Yong Soo proudly, "in fact, I bet you I'll be the first of us all”
“OK, but if you lose you'll stop listening to kpop at high volume for 5 months”
“Yeah, you've already saturated us with Jungkook and his entire discography," added Mei.
“Fine, but if you lose,” replied Yong Soo pointing at Li, “ you'll stop watching Jackie Chan movies for the whole year and if you lose,” he said now pointing at Mei, “ you'll stop wearing skirts for the rest of the year”
“Done," Li agreed, feeling confident that he had more chances than his siblings.
“...Fine" Mei agreed reluctantly.
Before Yao could scold them for gambling, his siblings ran off.
Weeks went by and, surprisingly; Yao was the first one to befriend one of the popular guys. That was because he joined the Gourmet Club, whose leader is Francis Bonnefoy, one of the most popular guys in school. He and Yao became friends to such an extent that he also interacted with Francis' friends.
However, none of the three succeeded with the popular boys. Their strategy was based on attracting the attention of the popular people hoping that they could join their group.
The school dance was approaching and it occurred to the three of them that it could be the perfect opportunity to attract attention. All three had the same thing in mind, to be prom king or queen, so they campaigned for it.
The day of the dance arrived and the three went with confidence that they would win, or at least that's what they wanted to pretend, because deep down they were nervous. To relax, Li decided to have some punch, but someone accidentally bumped into him, spilling punch on his suit. When Li looked up to see the person's face to complain, he saw the most beautiful face he had ever seen. A boy with light yellow hair, snow-white skin and purple eyes with a beautiful glow.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to get you wet," said the boy apologetically.
“Don't worry," replied Li, "it was an accident”
“Really? There is a big stain on your suit”
“It doesn't matter, it washes off”
“Well, if you say so”
“By the way, who are you? I haven't seen you before”
“I'm Emil Steilsson. We're in the same class, you're the new one”
“Oh” Li felt embarrassed not to notice that Emil was in his class, “sorry, I guess I was distracted with other things”
“It doesn't matter, the class is big and I don't usually draw too much attention”
“Thanks for understanding”
Li and Emil talked and realised that they had a lot in common. Their older siblings treated them as little children, they want to become independent as soon as possible and pursue a career in the artistic world.
“And, who is your brother?” asked Li.
“That's him," said Emil pointing to his older brother, "his name is Lukas and when he's not overprotecting me he's kissing his boyfriend Mathias”.
When Li turned to look, he saw that Lukas' boyfriend was Mathias Kohler, one of the most popular boys in school and one of Francis' friends. Li realised that befriending Emil might benefit him more than he thought.
“I see, so I don't think your brother will mind if I ask you to dance," said Li.
“I don't think he'll mind what I do now”.
Li and Emil danced to as many songs as they could, until the announcement of prom king and queen. Yong Soo and Mei came out as prom king and queen respectively and Li, instead of being angry, was relieved not to have an awkward dance with his sister. He had also just met Emil whom he liked more and more as he spent time with him and not just because his brother was Mathias' boyfriend.
To be continued…
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kurocookieemi · 8 months
Good vibes treatment (Hello Killer)
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based off this video:
after watching that video, i had the idea of Ren Hua sending her rivals, Brittany and Aleksandra, to get the good vibes treatment because of all the bad things they’ve done to others. even though i could only fit Ren Hua, Yoko, and Patrick in the bottom panel, i imagine that more people would be there, like Samantha, Julia, Ruzena, Yu Zi, Meng Yao, etc. also, i know that Kai’s holding the guitar in the video, but i decided to draw it on his back here cuz why not
Ren Hua‘s dialogue before the treatment starts:
”thank you so much for agreeing to do this, my good sir. those two leeches absolutely deserve it for all of their tomfoolery. i have an entire essay on all of their actions, but i shall try my best to keep it short and sweet.”
*after telling Kai about Brittany and Aleksandra’s wrongdoings* ”now that you and i are on the same page, i shall let you work your magic now. now…. *waves her fan and her sadistic side comes out* entertain your queen. *her sadistic side goes away* oh! apologies…. things like that happen to me sometimes…. now, please go ahead.”
Ren Hua’s dialogue after the treatment is done:
*she taps Kai on the shoulder* ”a fine humiliator you are, my good sir! i simply cannot wait for this to go viral! and then their reputations will tank even further and they’ll be eternally known as the complete garbage failures they are! by the way, you remind me of a dear friend of mine. i think you two would get along just swimmingly if you met, i should have to introduce you! now, for your troubles….”
*she gives Kai a stack of cash, since she’s rich and she wanted to repay him for his work*
Ren Hua Kuang, Yoko Asahina, and Patrick Davis belong to me
Kai belongs to Odd Nation Cartoons
Brittany Gabor belongs to @askkassandragf-v-2
Aleksandra Nowak belongs to @pinkyberet
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danmeiljie · 11 months
How It Should Have Happened: A Series of Advance Bravely Fix Its
Episode 15
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Yuan Zong's heart was beating wildly beneath his muscular chest as he gazed up at Xia Yao. He swallowed the bite of pear he had been chewing, trying to hold back a smirk. The younger man was leaning over him, their legs slotted perfectly on the leather couch in his office. It was already dark, and once again Xia Yao had lingered around after hours, probably hoping to spend the night again in Yuan Zong's private quarters on site at his training facility.
This didn't bother Yuan Zong, but that did not deter him from teasing Xia Yao a little for being so obvious.
"You tricked me!" Xia Yao exclaimed, a smile threatening to ruin his scowl. "This pear is so sour it's making me numb all over!" He licked his red lips to prove his point, which only served to draw Yuan Zong's patiently aroused gaze.
"Numb, eh?" Yuan Zong replied. He kept his arms open to the side, despite desperately wanting to wrap his hands around the slender waist of the boy nearly laying on top of him. Xia Yao's face loomed closer.
"So numb I don't think I can move," he said seductively. Yuan Zong felt himself twitch in his pants. He was thrilled at the boldness Xia Yao was showing. He waited to see what he would do. Yuan Zong had initiated a few kisses since that first night Xia Yao loitered around the company kitchen, and Xia Yao had been receptive. But he wondered if tonight Xia Yao would finally do what Yuan Zong knew he desired. It was plain to see in his hungry eyes.
"So what can you do about the taste in your mouth?" Yuan Zong prompted in his low voice. He refused to look away, and Xia Yao continued staring at him. The tension between them was growing, as Xia Yao reached up and loosened the tie at his neck. Yuan Zong swallowed, captivated by the flushed beauty of this rich Beijing prince. Xia Yao licked his lips again and he leaned in closer, propping himself up on his elbows now instead of his hands. He let his head dip down and his soft cheek slid next to Yuan Zong's face.
He could smell the sweet mix of Xia Yao's sweat and faded cologne; it tested his ability to continue holding still. Everything in him wanted to pin the man to the floor and tear at his clothes. Xia Yao nuzzled Yuan Zong, and he couldn't help but let one hand come up and rest on the young man's thigh. Soft lips pecked carefully at the corner of Yuan Zong's mouth, then directly onto his lips. Yuan Zong moved slowly at first, pursing his lips in return, letting Xia Yao lead.
They kissed like this, moving their mouths together for a moment without changing, simply enjoying the pleasurable feelings. Then Xia Yao seemed to become more comfortable, and his tongue licked tentatively at Yuan Zong's upper lip. He pulled back a bit, suddenly embarrassed, and Yuan Zong smiled and slid his hand up Xia Yao's thigh, curving around to feel his perky, cute butt. Xia Yao arched his back at the touch, but his eyes shone with lust.
"Do you still feel numb?" Yuan Zong asked.
Xia Yao blinked, as if he didnt know what he meant, then shrugged one shoulder.
"Maybe you need to kiss again?" Yuan Zong teased, not unkindly. He smirked as a blush beautifully decorated Xia Yao's cheeks. He lifted his head from the couch a bit and Xia Yao met him halfway, kissing him again, still carefully holding his body over Yuan Zong. Yuan Zong finally brought up his other hand, having already discarded his half eaten pear, and held the side of Xia Yao's face. He pushed his tongue inside, sweeping through his mouth, fully tasting and sucking on Xia Yao's warm tongue. The boy moaned as his eyelashes fluttered closed, and Yuan Zong became uncomfortably tight in his trousers. His whole body felt deliciously warm.
He let his head fall back down on the armrest of the couch, a string of saliva snapping against Xia Yao's bottom lip as they parted.
"Better?" Yuan Zong asked, lifting his eyebrows. Xia Yao wiped his mouth and nodded.
"I think I actually like it," he said. "The sour pears, I mean."
He gave Yuan Zong a smug look and climbed off the couch to retrieve his bag that he had thrown on the floor in his mock rage earlier. He turned around to Yuan Zong still splayed out on the couch, one knee now bent, his legs casually open and inviting, an arm behind his head.
"You still going to try and find a girlfriend?" Xia Yao demanded.
"What do you think?" Yuan Zong retorted with a smile. Xia Yao half-smiled back, and spun on his heels, leaving the office. When he reached the door, he turned around again.
"So what are you making for dinner?" He looked at Yuan Zong expectantly.
Yuan Zong sat up slowly, and undid the tie at his throat. "What would you like?"
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vozaho · 1 year
More of my old drawings I have a lot no mamen 😭 I think I should redraw this, I like the idea hahajd
Su MinShan, el (gustoso) enterrador oficial de los exs de Meng Yao.
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adversitybloomed · 6 months
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🌸  ┊ letter received from  @orangeshinigami      𝒌𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒌𝒊 𝑰𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒐  :  ‘  there  are  so  many  worse  things  than  death.  not  to  be  loved  or  not  to  be  able  to  love,  that  is  worse.  ’ / THE INFERNAL DEVICES SERIES.
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          mulan gazed out towards the lotus pond, a strong hint of sorrow and loneliness that reflected within her dark brown eyes. his words had cut deep into her soul, as the weight of them made her heart ache. throughout her life, even in what should have been the safety of her own home, she had known pain ━━ so much so that she had become used to it and expected it. there were so few moments within her lifespan that she had known peace and most of them had been moments here spent with him, hidden in this forest on the outskirts of the soul society.
          not for the first time, she wondered if she was even capable of love, for though she had a deep devotion to her family, those words had never once been spoken. even when discussion of marriage had been on the table and her step mother and grandmother had both tried to force her to meet a matchmaker, she struggled to feel anything but distain, as those she had been matched with seemed ill suited for her. most that she had met had only seemed interested in her for her power or beauty and failed to see who she truly was. after the second match, she had long since given up the hope that she would find someone to spend her days with, save for those she called friends. but even among the friends that she had made, ( chang’e the lonely moon goddess, yao, ling, and chien-po ), she could not see how love came into play.
        ❝  what exactly is.... love ?  ❞    she asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper. unable to take the aching any longer, mulan forced herself to stand before bending to remove her xue from her feet so that they did not get soaked. stepping from the small pier, she lowered herself into the water, uncaring if she was getting the bottom half of her hanfu wet, for she could easily dry it later with her qi.
          wading through the water, she began to gather lotus' from the roots so that she could use it later to make her supplies for supper, baths and lotions. she worked slowly, putting what she collected into a basket that rested upon her back. she remained silent for a bit, as she tried to push the negative thoughts from her mind, but found it difficult as she began to ask herself if her life was worse then death. the question plagued her as she saw the endless battles replaying in her mind, the sounds of blades striking and men crying as death took them into its cold embrace. that was at least, until she stubbled upon a dying lotus, one of which gave her a moment of pause before she called out for ichigo to come join her.
          straightening herself as she waited for him, she wiped at her forehead, water dripping down the sleeves of her silk. her eyes lifted to watch as he came near, a small ghost of a smile appearing to show him that she was okay before she motioned towards the plant.       ❝  watch.  ❞    she commanded, before drawing upon her qi. her fingers twisted as her arms moved to draw the energy from within, the power of life that came from her phoenix core activating as a glittering glow of pink and red energy flowed around her. pointing to the lotus, the energy flowed from her to the petal, the once dying plant now glowing as it began to bloom once more ━━ life returning to it. for a few seconds she let the energy flow, before she began to wane it until she was ready to cut it off with a wave of her fingers.
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        ❝  this lotus was half dead, the growth of its cycle having come to its end too soon. if i did not happen to be here, it would have withered away. but now look at it, the growth of the planet once more renewed and its vitality returned. so allow me to ask you this, do you think it was worth it ?  ❞    she paused as her eyes once more returned to his, head tilting ever so slightly to the side.      ❝  it does not love, nor know love ━━ but is it not alive ?  ❞
          her hands moved to ease the weight of the basket for it now was beginning to cut into her shoulders.      ❝  this is just but one example and perhaps it is not the best... but i ask this because i am confused and troubled by your words.  ❞    she surprised herself by her honesty, for she usually ignored the truth in favor of keeping others around her more comfortable. but there was something about ichigo that made her want to express herself and share what troubled her mind.
        ❝  what is love if not the memories of those we care about ? what is feeling the love from another ? how does it help you to live ? how is not having it, worse then death ?  ❞
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