#i see those chest hairs
illiana-mystery · 2 years
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ballpitwitch · 1 year
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KEANU REEVES as NEO The Matrix (1999)
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da-proti-toku-grem · 29 days
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thistableforone · 6 months
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burninblood · 1 year
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Bucky is sad :/ who wants to hug him???
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reineydraws · 2 months
Twist villain!Shanks
Think about it.
hellooo i have thought about it 'cuz ive seen the idea floating around and sorry, i dont like it. 😭🙏 or rather, the idea of a villain shanks is fun in theory but if it's actually canon then i dont think it will pay off very well lol especially 'cuz he's the very first pirate we meet and it's been over twenty years. i would certainly be tilted.
idk how oda could write it in such a way that i wouldn't be mad aha, tho i'm sure if anyone could pull it off it'd be him. (and i mean villain!shanks as in "was always a villain", not "has to do antagonistic things but his heart is in the right place".)
i will say, however, that there is something delicious about possessive shanks, especially if it leans a little dark. like, he's a smiley pacifist right up until you harm someone that's his, and then it's game over for you and your friends and your livelihood. he's already like that in canon, but i mean like, it's to the point where his revenge gets a little cruel and he enjoys paying you back for the harm you caused.
i like attributing this to him 'cuz if he's dating mihawk, known serial murderer (of marines, if not also underwhelming challengers and entire crews of people that annoy him), then his "let's not kill people if we don't have to" thing could be more of an intellectual ethical choice for him rather than an emotional one. and once you've crossed that line for him by grievously harming or maybe even somehow killing mihawk, then it's over for you and you bet he'll enjoy it. (tho nine out of ten times i write him as a bleeding heart and mihawk is fond and exasperated by it haha.)
but yeah. i digress. 😅 it's a fun concept and i'll probably read the fic if it's mishanks and mihawk isn't his victim in a way that ends unhappily, but ultimately, the most i prefer is shanks with a dark streak.
if anyone's gotten to the end of this ask and adores twist villain shanks, feel free to try and convince me in the replies. maybe i'm just thinking about it the wrong way, and i'm open to ideas. ;P
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httpiastri · 9 months
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The ‘new’ shirtless Oscar pic courtesy of Christian Lundgaard 🫣 it’s either from f3 or f2 years 🙈😩 hard to tell
why do i want this as my lockscreen 😭😭😭😭bestie… this is so……………. making me feel some type of way
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sesamenom · 5 months
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Gothmog, Thuringwethil, and bonus Tevildo
i was digging around in my files and rediscovered some really old silm art of mine, including my original angband trio designs (mostly traced off heroforge models lol):
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and they're actually pretty cool! thuringwethil's tail is maybe a little questionable of a design choice (how are you supposed to fly with a giant tail flopping around...) but it looks really good on gothmog.
i don't really remember what i was doing with sauron (he looks a little like early curufin for unknown reasons) and idk what the wrist things are supposed to be, but Original Flavor Thuringwethil was actually a corrupted maia of manwe (eonwe's sister?), hence the feathers instead of traditional bat wings. for Original Gothmog i am less sure about his origins but he is possibly a corrupted maia of ulmo (originally a sea serpent, hence the tail and ulmo style ear-fins) who basically dried up into a more stone-based serpent
anyways i think I might keep thuringwethil's face/wing design and gothmogs full design for future use
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
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He’s such a demon in this movie, but he still sexy as hell. 
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plulp · 10 months
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duuuuude oh my god i had to redesign this guy like THRICE because i couldnt get it RIGHT! heres EDEN. for you.
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zappedbyzabka · 8 months
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“I’ll be disqualified!”
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dvamhan · 7 months
i was rewatching nbc hannibal clips on youtube as i often do and i came across Hannibal and Alana's sex scene and its aftermath. i literally had to stop the clip just to laugh at how both of them started talking about Will right after having done it. this show really is a romcom after all huh
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inloveanddepth · 1 year
of course you have blue hair & pronouns
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moose-goosey-twosey · 16 days
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Some touhou redesign concepts mixed with full first drafts
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majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
the other rgg boys are hairless because rgg didnt bother to model them with body hair but spiritually we know they should be hairier- Majima however is hairless because he goes to a salon and gets a full body wax every friday afternoon at 3pm on the dot.
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carbonateddelusion · 1 year
[through gritted teeth] old trans men who are in love ..
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