#i say we bc i play a warlock in my actual dnd campaign lol
lawrencegarte · 3 months
oh my god wyll has THREE spell slots now i’m so proud of him🥹🥹
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bollur · 3 years
Heeey, here's my "Get to know the blogger" question.
"How are you so amazing?"
Okay, actually, that's a hard question to answer.
Have an easier one lol,
"Do you play DnD? If so, what's your current character?"
Have a wonderful day!
"How are you so amazing?"
that's a question i've been asking myself for years. when you find the answer, pls let me know. :) jk. i suck eggs.
"Do you play DnD? If so, what's your current character?"
I do play D&D, actually! I've DM'd and have characters I've created that i've played lots.
I've only DM'd four one-shots. all of them were absolute shit-fests and a lot of stuff was home-brewed, but we're all dumb so it was fun. i guess technically three because one of my players ended up killing the man protagonist of the whole campaign right that the beginning and i just ended it there. they laughed and i cried. but it was great.
my character is a tiefling warlock (her patron is the fiend) named Indifference. she's level 7, and i don't know how she's made it this far, tbh. though it was pretty hilarious fighting an intruder naked, especially with my DM saying fuck it and letting me use a sheet as an improvised whip just bc he wanted to see how it would go. that was a wild adventure.
i have a dwarf druid who's part of the circle of the moon. she's level 12 and had a pet ram named gordon ramsay, may he forever rest in peace thanks to our bard who decided to throw him into a hallway as a way to check for traps. :(
i also have a crack character who's a depressed human fighter named gary who used to be a farmer, but left home after he found his wife sleeping with their goat. i was only allowed to play him once, but he lives on as an NPC that we happen to fuck over in every campaign.
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piratespencil · 3 years
Hewwo i want to ask some dnd questions!! 6, 31, and 32 uwu 🦍
6. Which of your d&d characters has been the least like you?
Oh man... If we’re talking any ttrpg and not just D&D, then it’s definitely my Edge of the Empire character. Voz Azura is a cyborg hired gun who is just a huge murder asshole. Absolutely terrible person. I love playing him but I definitely kept making him Too Nice bc idk how to be mean lol!!!
I do hope we return to our EotE campaign at some point bc it was fun to try and figure out how I wanted to play a character that is just... so different from me.
31. Tell me about your current party!
I’m GM-ing for my current party and I love them so much!! Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one...
First we have Bly (who is literally u @awittylemon​ but I’m gonna describe Bly for the world anyways lolol). Bly started out as a tiefling barbarian named Blithe who got killed and taken over by an intellect devourer in like... session four, and their player (the famous @awittylemon​ herself!) has been playing the actual intellect devourer ever since. They’ve taken over several different bodies by this point and are currently inside of a horse anthro member of the City Watch (named Megan Thee Stallion bc this was supposed to be a random joke npc not Bly’s new body but!! stuff happens!!).
Then there’s Radish (played by @whovian-troll-pirate), who started out as a sentient raccoon cleric (originally a cleric of Waukeen, and then eventually a cleric of the Raven Queen), who then had their body destroyed and their brain turned into an intellect devourer with most of their raccoon memories intact (long story). They’ve also done a lot of body hopping but are currently in the body of a half-giant woman named Rissag who is a cleric of Tempus. (Lots of cleric stuff happening here lol.) Radish started out as such a little sweetie and has had... just the wildest character arc.
Then we have Pendleton! (Played by @orangegoose.) He’s a dwarf hexblade warlock of the Raven Queen who was once a simple potato farmer but who got wrapped up in Warlock Stuff after some vampires took over his town. Now he’s in the big city trying to make money to send his kids to a good school in Neverwinter and he is both Just A Dad but also a guy who really is pretty much willing to do any morally grey thing in order to make money and also to run Lif’s (once known as Trollskull Manor), the bar that the party owns and operates. He’s just a guy trying to do his best. Also he can shapeshift into a shark now.
And finally there’s Skree (played by my brother), who was once a seagull and is now a seagull that can turn into a guy. Just a dude. He has a gun and he’s pretty much feral and he spends a lot of his time eating rats and accidentally injuring his friends with his gun. He refers to himself as Leader Skree and is definitely the handsomest seagull around. (He’s also connected to a lot more of what’s going on than he might let on but that’s SPOILERS...)
32. Most memorable NPC you’ve encountered in a game you played in.
Can I say my own NPC?? I’m gonna say my own NPC. I love Geoff the drow ex-sailor that my party rescued from indentured servitude in fantasy IKEA and hired to work at their bar. He is my best boy.
(Geoff showed up in our game before I ever listened to NeoScum, but as soon as I met Max NeoScum I was like WHAT HOW this is just Geoff. The voice, the vibes, the personality. Geoff is Max and I love them both.)
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voxxphantasma · 3 years
OHH bro i didn't even realize it was your own thing at first... drop the theomancy lore it looks neat
:D okay!!! i cant say MUCH because we havent actually started but!! basically, it's a greek mythology dnd campaign! everyone's playing figures from various myths, and the main catch is that each of them have avoided their fates.
first up, we've got helen of troy, played by my brother (idk their tumblr oops)! they're still deciding whether to make her a bard, sorcerer, or warlock rn, but she Basically just has the personality of sharpay evans. she has yet to realize that she's a lesbian and, according to her backstory (written from her perspective, in hot pink cursive), she "got bored of the war after, like, 2 months". the main change to her story, is that she has escaped troy, with the help of...
achilles, played by @nakitengoku!!! he's our water genasi fighter, and resident soggy boy. he misses his husband a lot and is currently wondering how his son is doing. probably needs to go to therapy with his mom and patroclus, tbh. main change to his story is, as opposed to patroclus dying, the two (for ;] reasons ;]) ended up in troy, and were seperated when helping helen escape. achilles has no idea if patroclus survived </3
next, we have orpheus, played by (shocker) @femmeorpheus!! he's my poor little meow meow, and, honestly, probably the most normal of the party??he's just a sapphic with a really cool butch wife (yes i'm going to make her butch 4 u arson). main change to his story is that he went to the underworld, didnt even fucking Acknowledge hades, and went STRAIGHT to getting eurydice out. and he Succeeded. persephone knows but hades doesnt (she didnt tell him bc she thought it was cute as hell).
and, finally, we have asterius, played by @viscarrion!! he's a minotaur artificer, and the beloved boycow of the group. he was raised in the labyrinth by daedalus, alongside icarus, and now he has a fucking Gun. daedalus invented them while hanging out in the fucked up maze. main change here is that, when theseus showed up to kill asterius, the boycow tried to deescalate. it didnt work, so he shot theseus and used the thread to escape.
overall i am. so excited for this campaign already. i am ESPECIALLY happy w what im doing 4 theseus. all i will say is. uh. he did not die, bc icarus and daedalus (and the many children that were raised in the labyrinth) tended to his wounds, and now he has gone through malewifefication. im also INCREDIBLY excited for the many npcs of this campaign, including: psyche trying to be friends with helen while helen is no doubt incredibly petty towards her, cowboy daedalus, odysseus probably showing up at one point like "he. help. help . hi achilles. help i want to go home", and persephone seeing orpheus and instantly being like "HIIIII BESTIEEE OMGGGGG".
thank u. so much for asking i am so excited 4 this campaign and ill b sure 2 keep things updated here once we start playing!! if anyone has anyother questions i can. Try to answer them without spoiling stuff for the players lol
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thesixthstar · 3 years
Primes, character(s) of your choice
I'm gonna answer these for whichever character(s) I have the most interesting/relevant answers for:
2. Do they consider themselves an optimist? Pessimist? Realist? What are they like in actuality?
Nydra (drow moon cleric) is optimistic pretty much as part of her religion/is part of her religion because she is optimistic. She wants to believe the best of everyone and give everyone as many second chances as is practially possible
3. How do they carry themselves around strangers? Friends/Lovers? Family?
I'm not the *best* at roleplaying personalities vastly different from my own, so most of my characters, when they're around friends act as silly and rambly as I tend to be around my own friends. The main exception to this is HILDA (pissed off robot), who is the most different-from-myself character I've ever played, despite falling very firmly into the universal law of "DND is about projection". She is extraordinarily blunt, and always says things with as few words as possible. She's not comfortable with many people, but with those people, she's way more willing and able to admit she's not 100% confident and correct in her life philosophy, as opposed to the rest of the time, where she's not willing to entertain the idea that someone else might be right....
5. How does your character express they’re comfortable?
Leanora (chaotic stupid rogue) stops trying to impress people when she's comfortable. This is when all her worst ideas get to see the light of day.
7. How impulsive is your character?
As mentioned a moment ago, Leanora is a factory of the worst ideas you could possibly imagine. She doesn't just do stupid things without consulting the party usually (bc that can be a very un-fun table dynamic) but this is the character who goes to the local magic school, and buys the student's not-quite-right-but-not-disastrously-failed potions homework. This has resulted in hilarity and messes and she's been turned to stone by one of them.
11. How does your character blow off steam?
HILDA is definitely the character with the most steam to blow off, being filled with existential dread and rage at all times as she is. While she is in denial about a lot of it, you can really see a lot of that being expressed in incredible violence! There's a lot of grenades to be thrown, and a lot of uhhhhh needless cruelty in how she deals with organic life forms.
M'artha Stu'art, another half elf rogue, whose character concept is "housewife who finally fucking lost it and ran off to become an adventurer" also likes to indulge in violence, but also she does a lot of stress baking! Luckily her campaign setting involves a lot of access to ovens, so a lot of times she'll provide the party with delicious pies and cookies.
13. If they were a body of water, what would they be?
Nydra would be a lake, I think.
17. Does your character swear? What’s their favorite phrase/word?
Leanora has lots of reasons to go "oh sit. fuckfuckfuck noooooo" a lot.
19. How does your character act when they want to seem threatening?
HILDA goes with brute violence and a lot of looming over people. The rest of my characters tend go for leverage rather than "threats of bodily harm" when they need to intimidate, partly because I don't tend to play beefy lads (or beefy non lads).
23. Would your character want to be famous? Why or why not?
The only character I have that might want to be famous is my recently-created tiefling bard, Disco.
29. What does your character have too much of?
HILDA canonically has an endless supply of grenades. This may be too many.
31. Can your character visualize actual concepts in their head? Or are they just vague thoughts?
I personally really struggle to literally visualize images, and can't relate to people who can, so all my characters are like that too lol
37. What are some ways your character acts silly?
Leanora is trying to establish folklore about a minor god(dess) of soup. Any time the party is sleeping at an inn, she'll "spread the good word", especially if the inn serves a really good soup or stew.
Mercy (idiot Changeling sorcerer traveling with an evil party) will prank the warlock, by placing little toy spiders everywhere
41. What’s a texture/sound your character cannot stand?
I have misophonia and therefore so do all my characters. Disco hates anything dirty or slimy.
43. Is your character good at apologizing? Why or why not?
HILDA will never admit she has done anything wrong. Ever. Leanora will nope right out of the consequences of her actions mostly (or try to solve them by usually making a bigger problem).
Nydra can get a little single-track-mind, and when she realizes this in retrospect, she's usually OK about apologizing.
47. Do they consider themselves funny? How do they use humor?
Leanora truly uses humor as a defense mechanism. This is because DND Is About Projecting.
HILDA usually claims that humor is a stupid things that humans do, but when she occasionally has a zinger to contribute, she considers herself a comedic genius.
53. What does freedom mean to them?
One of Leanora's base ideals is freedom, in the sense of not letting anyone tell you jack shit about yourself. Her backstory is not Full Tragedy, but it involves a lot of her mentor and her social circle kind of telling her "this is how the world is, and this is how you need to act to live in it, and the fact that you're here means you're this kind of person", and the reason she's an adventurer is to prove to herself that it isn't true.
59. What’s something your character has realized?
We stopped playing this campaign shortly before HILDA actually realized this, but she was about to realize that, not only is gender fake even in general, but she's literally a robot and it doesn't even make sense for her to have a gender, she was just programmed with "female" as part of the concept of her existence. Her name is also uhhh, not a name. Its an acronym that stands for Household Integrated Live-in Domestic Assistant, and there are millions of HILDA units out there. The realization that she doesn't even have a name just a designated label, its like a toaster coming to life and continuing to just be called "toaster". The realization that she had been using a human designation that quite literally objectifies her, and the idea that this weird notion of gender had been foisted upon her without any input of her own and she had just gone with it without questioning that until now. That realization was gonna be a doozy.
I did not intend for HILDA to be this, but she accidentally became a way for me to look at my own agender feels. I really wish I had gotten to play more of that campaign for a number of reasons, but this is one of em. I also did a little bit of Agender Feels with Mercy the changeling sorcerer, but its less intrinsic to her character.
61. Who do they go to when they’ve had a nightmare?
It's cliche, but Nydra prays. Lately, though, the moon might be Fake, so she's not sure really where to go with things like that at the moment.
67. Selflessness or Self-Preservation?
Nydra is all about selflessness, and kind of struggles when she has to think of herself first, even when it means she's preserving herself so she can do More Good later. she's the asshole in the trolley problem who throws herself in front of the trolley to stop it, though she knows thats kind of also a flaw a lot of the time.
HILDA and Mercy are 100% self preservation, and M'artha is like 65% self preservation at least.
Leanora is very "por que no los dos" about everything, and tries to loophole her way into a Both answer whenever possible.
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lynndoublelegacy · 4 years
just a cool dnd meme i saw
Yook so it’s less a meme and more like. a big ol questionare but hey, might as well do it. originally saw it on @/probablyottrpgideas, go check them out
1. Game Master, Player, or both? Why?
Ok so technically I’ve DMed twice but I really don’t find it fun? and don’t ever want to do it again. so. Player. I like building characters and their connections with fellow PCs more than building worlds
2. When did you start roleplaying? How old were you?
oh god, if we’re talking about roleplaying in general? I’ve been doing it basically as long as I can remember. As a kid I would play House, and then once I got older in like 5th grade I actually started making characters and playing out their stories with friends. Google+ is what made me realize this was actually like, a THING, though, and I got into some roleplaying groups there, then on DevaintArt. Dungeons and Dragons is a newer development? I got into it in late 2018 when my sister’s friend invited us to a one-shot, and... well, yea, I got hooked lol
3. What was the first roleplaying book you ever owned?
dude, bold of you to assume I really own any. I don’t have that kind of money and literally only own the Guide to Wildemount, and that was a gift
4. Describe the first game you ever ran or played in.
I mean... it’s not a game but ima describe the one shot, bc my first campaign was a hot mess without a true storyline and I used the same character for it anyway. I played a tiefling bard called Aisling Kai (I didn’t know this was a cliche combo at this point, and I honestly played her like a rogue with a music motif but Whatever) and we were a little group tasked to figure out why the hell anyone who goes into this cave never comes out. So we go in, make our way through the dungeon, fight some frog people (I made one of their ears bleed just by getting a nat 20 on a performance check to play a high f# on flute, that was fun, FWEET), and turns out yep, theres a hill giant down here. We kicked his ass and collapsed the cave on top of us (dw I think we were fine but my memory is a little screwy)
5. What system did you grow up with? / 6. Which system do you play now?
i learned on and currently play dnd 5e. I don’t really know anything else, but I’m debating checking out Vampire of the Masquerade.
7. Longest campaign you’ve run or played in?
That would be my Tal’Dorei campaign group, aka The Fatefallen! Started in the Fall of 2019 and still going to this day, just played our 45th session last week. I play Ilia Liadon, the drow grave cleric, and the only member of our party who has been there for every single session since the beginning.
8. Where did you meet your current gaming group?
...well first I feel the need to mention that I have 3 different groups (2 of them are on hiatus now for pandemic related reasons but! we’re still groups). My first group (with Aisling) was formed slowly over time as friends adopted friends into the group, I think it started as a school club? but that didn’t last long. The other two started from a different school club as well, though one has since branched out into other people as well. 
9. Strategic combat or dramatic plotlines?
I am a roleplayer first and a gamer second. Give me all of the backstories and dramatic plotlines. Don’t get me wrong, I still like combat, but story takes precedent for me.
10. Favorite RPG genre?
I don’t tend to define myself by genre? But I tend to fall into more of a fantasy, at most arcanapunk style. Give me all of the magic, and magic powered tech.
11. Your first character.
I got into her a little bit earlier, but my first character was Aisling, aka Calypso Kai. She was a homebrew subclass bard with a criminal background, who honestly? should’ve been a rogue. I’ve since rebuilt her into an Assassin Rogue/College of Eloguence Bard multiclasser, but this iteration was like. Baby her, baby me new to dnd, I did not know what I was doing. She tried to be edgy, but my mom energy came through HARD and she just. Never really had a set characterization. She deserves better and I plan on playing her better sometime in the future.
12. Your favorite character.
You are making me choose between my children. BUT, if I had to pick, either Ilia Liadon, or! Ashe Wednesday, a protector aasimar drunken master monk and my profile picture. Ashe also deserved a lot better from their campaign, so I have a massive soft spot for them, they were made during a really tough time in my life (as was Ilia) and was going through an equally rough time in-game, since I made them for a Curse of Strahd campaign without understanding what I was getting into. They’re my little rebellious asshole and I love them dearly, someone get this kid therapy. Ilia, on the other hand, is just... she’s a comfort character for me at this point. mostly soft edges, such a mom- while Ashe was me yelling “come at me” at the world while crying, Ilia was just... embracing it. Making it better. basically, if they actually existed, I would die for both of them.
13. Your most ridiculous character.
I don’t usually play super ridiculous characters, but! I would say Keothi “Bookfinder” Vaimeil counts. She was basically me looking all of the goliath barbarian stereotypes in the eye, and going “nah. she’s a nerd.” She’s literally a massive puppy dog, just the sweetest big old thing, sitting in her house and reading all the books she can get her hands on in order to make up for her amnesia. Oh, and did I mention that she’s a zombie? ...yea. She’s wacky, but I love her.
14. The best in-character line you’ve ever had.
“I need sleep. I don’t even sleep and I need sleep.”
~Ilia, after a particularly tough fight and an emotionally draining day
15. Your most epic death.
Ok so... none of my characters in game have ever actually died during the storyline? Keothi obviously has in her backstory, and Ilia might have in hers as well, it was never explicitly stated, but during the game? Nope. Ashe got stupid close, but nope. Since Keothi is my only death period, and her death was pretty epic, I’m just gonna describe that. Her parents and siblings in her Goliath tribe had all fallen ill, so she decided to go searching for a possible cure, and ended up getting conned into helping this cult, since they said they would cure her family. Turns out, yea, they were lying, they just needed a goliath willing to sacrifice themselves with a cursed sword. They made the mistake of revealing this before Keothi was actually dead, so as she was dying, she brought the entire goddamn cultist temple down to the bottom of the sea and took the cultists with her. The sword was why she was undead, in the Shadowfell, and couldn’t remember anything.
16. Your most disappointing death. 
As mentioned, I’ve never died in campaign, but I feel like I have to mention this one that happened to our party in Curse of Strahd. We were in the death house, all 5 of us, still level 1, and our barbarian falls into a pit trap with spikes. None of us realize she’s actually dead, so we send out paladin down to get her... with the monk, the bard, and the warlock holding the rope. ....yea both of them died.
17. Something that shouldn’t have worked, but it did.
I’m stuck between two options for this one. First one was the time our water genasi paladin/rogue bloodbended our gnome cleric into a bridge to keep her from falling all the way down a ravine. The second time was when our party managed to defend a small seaside town from a pirate raid with just an NPC with Control Water, a ballista, ourselves, and some explosives. Neither should’ve worked, but both did. Having a triton in your party can really come in clutch in a seaside campaign.
18. Something that went hilariously awry.
I have one that’s hilarious and one that’s horrifying. Hilarious one: in my first ever campaign, someone from Aisling’s backstory popped up and our sorcerer went “that’s shady” (to be fair, he was) and then went to investigate BY HIMSELF. He obviously got kidnapped by the mafia, and then we went all stealth mission to break him out. Stealth was immediately abandoned after our other bard used a SCREAMING SWORD to break open the locks, then we proceeded to go out the way we came, setting everything on fire on the way out, and with our bard lying their way out the front door (with the rest of us in tow as “prisoners”) by pretending to be a fellow mafia member. It was great. Horrifying one: Ilia tries to Send to a member of the party who left in order to let him know that a fellow party member had died. Forgot that he left bc his mind was invaded by a previously dead, very evil old god, and ends up trapped there with him for a while. Ended up with all of our main spellcasters trapped in their own heads while the barbarian paced around worriedly and the rogue decided he was going to get smashed instead of worrying himself silly.
19. Your most memorable in-character moment.
There are a LOT in Ilia’s campaign, but! If I had to pick one, it would actually be a pretty recent one involving Ilia and our party’s wizard, Liara. They’re basically the embodiment of head vs heart? Anyway, Liara is currently suffering from something called magic corruption, though idk if suffering is the right word. Anyway! It basically resulted in her getting... possessed? by her own magic during the night during Ilia’s watch, and they had a really, really interesting conversation regarding guilt, death, and grief, and yea basically I love them. Honorable mention to our druid’s death (he’s back and better now, but that was my first long-time death in a game, we didn’t know he was coming back) and also the moment that Ilia realized that her childhood bff/crush had been revived in a new body and that this NPC was her best friend. That was a trip.
20. The coolest item you ever got and how you came to possess it.
I got this item in the revamp of my first ever campaign and nothing has topped it since which is Sad but hey. Anyway! I got this really cool, possibly cursed dagger after I threw a knife at an absolutely eldritch being and it got stuck in him as he transformed. It looked really badass, and allowed me to cast Inflict Wounds on occasion when I stabbed someone with it. So yea, we love that. Honorable mention to my paladin/bloodhunter’s Helm of the Aberrant Gladiator which allows you to basically do a bunch of fear based affects and psychic stuff.
Numbers 21 through 30 don’t apply to me but. yea. enjoy this summary of my dnd history I guess
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