#i say slightly bc all i did was use a different brush for line art and color on one layer
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candygoop · 14 days ago
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doodles messing around with a slightly different style :3
also black and white version
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kirbyliker12 · 2 years ago
I love all your art pieces soooo much 💖💖💖what's your art process??
WAHHHHH THANKSSSS hehe hmm I’ve never formally given art advice before (i also haven’t taken a single class so this might not be that helpful) but I’ll try 👍👍👍
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Personally I always used to have trouble during SKETCHING yeah that’s right the step everyone says is “fun” I’d always get annoyed with trying to perfectly convey the image idea I wanted while constantly fixing and starting over and cleaning up and by the time I finished the sketch I’d be way too exhausted from how many discarded ideas and redoing I did AND the lines would be mildly confusing to me 🥸🥸🥸guidelines always kinda felt stiff and slow to me so that didn’t work either
Then I started getting LAZY n stuff😏😏😏😏basically you use a big brush and roughly draw the shape idea you have and then you get an eraser and either sculpt the shape to align with your idea or you’d outline some parts so you get the idea of the figure
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Sneak peek of a drawing as an example heehee uh I also add a 10% black layer over everything on the sketch then erase where I think the light will be (good guideline for later n it makes the sketch look COOL) also when I’m doin big pieces it’s easier to fix how it looks bc I’m not as distracted by sketch line details n forget to look at the entire image as a whole😋
ALSO don’t b afraid 2 use filters lots of people use them it’s not like its a program creating an image using tons of stolen art without consent🥸🥸🥸🥸it’s just some color correcting n so on like an orange “overlay” to make everything look sunnier or a blue “hue” layer to make everything slightly closer to a color but not too much so it looks distinct
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Dis is da free filter on ibis paint x😏😏😏IBIS SWEEP!!!
Even though the colors r nice it also ends up muffling / changing the brightness n darkness of some colors that you don’t want in your final piece (I normally end up using “multiply” layers to darken some spots along with “Hard Light” layers to change the hue and some “add” layers if I feel like i want cool glowing stuff) you can also set an all black layer to Saturation and play with it’s opacity to get a less saturated product
Anyway lastly uhh stare at similar artworks depicting the thing you’re trying to do like ummmmm if u wanted to shade water for a beach you can look at artworks n take a mental note on how it manages to look like water (there’s lots of different styles n if you can go browse until u find one that could work with yours)😋😋😋😋
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cerakuro · 3 years ago
I admire your art reeeeally much! Can you make a video how you draw this? I really want to know the way you start to draw and how you do the thingy with the colours ans stuff!
Thank you dir posting your arts!! :> <3
HI!!!! thank you so much for ur interest!!!! i won’t make a video but i can show u some screenshots of my wips and explain my process ^__^ sorry this took so long to answer but anyways here we go!!!!! this is all over the place im so sorry- i draw differently every time and i don’t really follow a direct process so HI
this isn’t really meant to be a tutorial by any means but rather just me rambling and documenting the different stages of my drawings. the main thing is to just have fun with it!!
in case you don’t know, i draw on procreate! i use nikko rull as my main brush to block down colours, and since i draw using my finger i basically use this as a substitute for nicer shapes since i lack any kind of pressure sensitivity. i use the drawing brush eaglehawk to do all of my lines- although depending on what im drawing and what stage im at in the drawing i’ll sometimes switch to other brushes for a softer/harder look. mainly though, i’ll use eagle hawk when im doing sketches n stuff or if i want certain shapes or details. my main blending brush is spectra! i used to use salamanca to blend but that’s kinda fallen out of use for me. but if i need more textures i’ll switch it up (for example, with the kaiba drawing i did, i blended with spectra first and then softened with the standard soft airbrush tool) below is an image i posted on my story like a year or so ago about how i create that “painted” look in some of my drawings. Note: i don’t really use any opacity layers anymore except for finishing touches- i just blot colours down from the wheel
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so! let’s talk about how i actually draw my pieces. when i’m not like. just doing some quick and fun sketches i always start off using the nikko rull brush to blob down some colours in the shapes that i want on the canvas. my process is essentially to blob and then refine ^__^ i’ll be going over my portrait type pieces bc the way i do backgrounds or sketches is waaay different and both change a lot
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i always start off with a general circle for the head- and i draw the body in a slightly different shade for visibility. this is honestly the easiest way for me to visualize drawings bc i am very close to having aphantasia so it’s extremely hard for me to imagine things in my head and they appear more like shapes and gestures to me ^__^
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i don’t really do any sketches or like preparation beforehand like im not joking when i say i just draw and that’s as far as my planning goes. i never do proper lineart ever all of my lines are the sketches that i drew from a blank canvas. anyways in these two images u can see how the drawing starts to take form on top of the bases i already drew. i pick individual colours from the colour wheel and layer them (full opacity) over top of each other to create form. i would explain how i pick colours for my drawings but honest to god that would need it’s own separate post and most of it is just instinct. but anyways you can see in the judai drawing i kinda combined both my sketch style and painted style- like i said i don’t follow any proper way to draw
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i next start to refine and blend the colours that i blocked down- adding more as needed (like if i feel a colour is getting too swallowed or i need lighting in an area, etc) i’ll sometimes do this all at once or in sections like u see in the image on the right
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LASTLY IS JUST. exporting the canvas and importing it back in to draw overtop of everything on one single layer, i’ll add any effects here or adjust the colours as i see fit idk. or, in the case of that judai drawing on the right, i’ll darken things to make them more visible than the original i drew. i’m not joking when i say i draw like a painter and i didn’t even know that’s how painters draw until recently but it’s all about blobbing and then refining/blending
anyways. i can certainly say this wasn’t helpful in any way at all but i at least hope it was interesting to read ^__^ thank you again for the ask!!
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years ago
Well, my wifi is not back, and wont be anytime soon. The very earliest luckiest would be getting it back by Tuesday (unlikely). The very worst my house burns down so theres that /lh /hj
This sucks so much because I really cannot read asks I dont see in real time, I have the same amount of reading comprehension for them as I do Frankenstein XD
Dm me links to any important syndicate asks I miss while I'm gone 👍
Bannnnnn I tried to draw the Jekyll brothers but Kent? Is inconsistent? The database (what I use) showd him as a clean shaven guy with a bit messy hair but google is showing Kent as a completely different model? Neat hair, Brokenshire beard. Like it's the ingame "identify" zoom in and I cant check whats right before I already killed himmmm
Anyway here art <3. I know I said I'd draw the DTIYS first but art inspiration is stored in the Syndicate au <3
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Also I've been thimking about Henry wearing a mask +plus ponytail to hide his identity like for the past two days. Yknow those theater masks? The weeping and laughing? He wears the sad one while in the Blighters and Templars and the happy one while in the Rooks because hes a dramatic theater nerd. Also! I like to think that if Jekyll has to be a templar he'd still wear the Blighter uniform when he could and pretend hes not high ranking. He gets away with it because Crawford doesn't care about him and Roth lives for chaos
I also drew Henry in a mask and ponytail but it's not done yet 😔
Also I did the math the the twins are 3 years older than Jekyll. Like thank goodness first of all because I fully went into ship entirely unaware on if there were canon ages or a scary difference. But also Jacob being 3 years older than Henry is kinda funny to me
All of Evie's outfits (besides her default) are bad and I'm gonna fist fight the designers because the secrets of london (where I only searched the locations of 3) is so bad, especially with the effort needed. How did they do Jacob so good, but utterly fail with Evie /lh
NOOOOOOO D: Man, I really hope you will get it back asap, and also that your house don't burn down!!
Man, if I don't know your struggle rn. However I shall do my best to link you to every syndicate ask that I will get from here on out bc I don't tend to get small asks for that au so <3
Huh-- oh wow you're right. I wonder if it is a set design or just a bit on random depending on the save file... I killed him a long ass time ago so I have absolutely no idea how he looked like <3
EITHER WAY OH MY GOD IT LOOKS AAMZING. I love??? How you gave all three individual personalities in just a single picture??? Kent looks like he is seconds away from murder and I LOVE Henry in the templar outfit, it fits him so well??? Man I really want to start thinking more of this branch. Would the entire Jekyll family be Templars so the trio got that role inherited? Are Raphael and Kent unidentical twins and Henry is the odd-one-out because he is the youngest? Were the three of them really close in Scotland, but left as soon as possible bc their family was abusive, only for Kent and Raphael to find refuge in the Templar Order while Henry goes to university? Would they still have that brotherly love if they were close as kids even when they are in the Order, or would they have a falling out and start despising each other (or Jekyll @ the older brothers at least)? Would Raphael and Kent secretly be protective of Henry and manage to keep him out of Starrick's line-of-sight so that Henry won't get in trouble for defying orders/ignoring them? Would they force Henry to join the Templars with threats or would Henry mostly feel obligated to join them? Since the Templar Order isn't illegal in London, would other people know that Jekyll is a Templar, or would he keep it hidden from the public? Would his brothers help hide his identity?? SO many questions and I'm so sad I won't be able to discuss them with you :'c
(also can I just say I love the poetic differences between their clothing. Raphael is just wearing a waistcoat/basic clothes and he is a brute and more open, Kent is wearing more clothes/layering up and he is the "brains" out of the two of them, Jekyll is wearing the most layers and is almost trying to hide himself and I just... *chief's kiss*)
Henry being a dramatic theater nerd and stealing Roth's costume supplies to hide his identity bc he is so ashamed of it and doesn't want people he knows to know about it my beloved <3 Plus the blighter uniforms doesn't look too far off of what he normally wears so he could probably use that as an excuse whenever some other Templar gets up his ass about not wearing the right clothes, yet it still doesn't make Henry feel any better knowing he has to bear the knowledge that he is actively wearing discreet blighter clothes to keep the Order happy and the public oblivious, knowing what cause he is reluctantly supporting. (him joining the rooks and suddenly coming into the Society all dressed in green lol)
Anyways I have now also decided that Maxwell and Henry are friends bc they both hate the Templars and Crawford and Henry gets to star in many of the plays he sets up. Plus they are both slightly insane so they match each other good.
YKNOW WHAT I WAS DAYDREAMING ABOUT WHILE BRUSHING MY TEETH RIGHT AFTER THIS ASK? Jekyll being forced to be the one to murder his brothers and the twins trying to track the murderer down just to know who tf are killing their targets, conveniently at the same time Maxwell starts meeting Jacob. Henry watching Jacob from afar getting smitten by him but keeping a distance bc he knows Maxwell is possessive, Jacob being the first to befriend Henry after Maxwell explains that both of them are against the Templars and Crawford, Jacob saving Henry during the fire of the theater? Yes pls <3
Thank god bc here I was imagining an age gap of like idk 15 years bc of the differences in the timeline but! I'm just going to keep the canonical age difference while also shoot the timeline up a lil so that the events of Syndicate and TGS takes place at the same time but they are the right age and stuff, just bc I do not like Evie's and Jacob's older designs and I do not want to imagine them meeting during the Ripper dlc <3 Also the thought of Jacob being older than Henry is funny. I think Henry has a type /j
They are so fucking bad and I'm going to scourage the Nexus to see if I can find any good redesign mods because they are so fucking bad. But to be fair, all female main characters' outfits are bad. Pearl? Lucy Thorne? Mfs looks like vampires. Even more reasons for why I only play Jacob, bc all other outfits on Evie are bad <3
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starsstillshine · 4 years ago
this post about supernatural being closer to real life than reality tv. just. foaming at the mouth level thinking. especially that part about what Is and Isn’t out of character. because what does that even mean to be ooc? when dean pulled a gun on kaia (a child, dean would never) or sam (15x17 was confusing, but it was also a mess of shattering perception through chuck finally rage quitting his narrative, even when we perceived the s14 finale as the rage quit). we can call it bad writing or it can be the meta analysis that we will never know the full inner workings of someone presented to us, even if we have seen the most linear version of themselves as an audience. a bad plot twist based on someone (a writer) else’s perception of character could also just be that character as a person having a bad day and snapping.
whatever that saying is that no one in the world will ever know your complete self, they just know how they see you and what parts of your self you give to them. every version of you that exists in someone’s mind is slightly different and will never be complete. there’s no one that knows your full story except you, but even you might not know yourself. going off of social mirror theory, your self perception only exists based off of the perceptions you think other people have of you. your self reflection is based on someone else perceiving you. your sense of identity would not exist without being perceived.
(this is long)
the amount of times sam and dean were faced with meta analysis of themselves and feeling Off. most of the time sam brushes it off in jest but it always makes dean’s skin crawl to know that he is perceived (and in turn influence his self perception). then s15 was dean grappling with the fact he might not even be real and that he was a just character goes so much farther than them being thrown into the french mistake universe. bc at that time it was weird, but it wasn’t THAT weird bc the knowledge of omnipotence about their lives just reached chuck being a prophet. and then s15 flipped everything and it was some fourth wall shattered about you asked what about all of this is real. we are. schrodinger’s reality in that they’re both real and fictional buried underneath layers of each other. [imagine the mindfuck of an ending if dean, the one character who kept trying to break out of the narrative, ended up in the “real” (i mean, what is real?) world. pulled a tron: legacy and materialized dean out of the supernatural narrative to our reality like quorra.]
and then there is cas, who has been the definition of facing god and walking backwards into hell. who has one of the most complete versions of dean, possibly more than we do as an audience. who rebuilt dean’s body, who has seen his mind, who has stood beside him for 12 years, even in instances where the audience wasn’t there and dean didn’t know cas was there either, as shown in the man who would be king. exemplified in the confession speech. i know. i know how you see yourself dean. bc cas as the eldritch multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent breaks the human capability of never knowing someone’s full story. dean exemplified by social mirror theory you see yourself the same way our enemies see you. but cas they did what they were told. but not you. not the "one off the line with a crack in his chassis” and you're not in this story, but even that is up to retcon as the full extent of chuck’s unreliable narration will never be known. ever. [a shout out to the intentional unreliable narration of mr. robot and the cohesive world sam esmail created and largely wrote himself]. 
there is so much to this show about the writer (chuck) losing control of his story and the meta of the writers of the show also losing control of their story. all the ways chuck and metatron and becky and every character are both the writer’s intention and the meaning of a story determined by its viewer. this show told through so many different perception of its characters dug such a deep hole about reality and narrative and free will and symbolism. and even most of that perception is attributed to fan interpretation. its the author just saying the curtains are fucking blue and all of us screaming that it’s deeper than that, but completely subverted in that we as outsiders see the whole picture to a story written piecewise.
and thinking about any of it at length is like chomping on glass and thinking too hard you get a headache bc all of it is loose ends and canon and headcanon blended together like oral tradition. its ouroboros and time is a flat circle and life influencing art influencing life. and like trying to understand the order of events and effects of time travel like the 12 monkeys series and pretty closely to the endless loop of zoom about who actually is writing whose story. it’s everything and nothing at all.
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swindlersstole · 6 years ago
8 please!
you didn’t specify for who but I know what we’re about
things to address before this starts!
the constellations are references to other games (specifically kingdom hearts, ghost trick, and rhythm thief in that order
I’m reading months in Erdrea as being based on birth month flowers (bc World Tree, we have a plant theme you see).
Eleven/Nova’s birthday is July 29th (dq11′s initial release date), making him a Leo. Larkspur is one of the two flowers for July, and represents positivity and dignity
Erik doesn’t have a date yet, but I wrote him in as an Aquarius born in Carnation (January); carnations represent admiration and love
listen to this while you read it helps
8. In a rowboat
“What’s that one?”
Erik squinted his eyes, following Nova’s finger as best he could. “Thaaat would beee… oh, that! That’s the Key of Worlds.”
“It’s a key?” Nova tilted his head, to better look at the shape in the sky; his head ended up against Erik’s shoulder, and it was nice now, Erik thought, that neither of them were too wrapped up in their own pining to panic about the contact. “Erik, that’s a sword.”
“It’s both.” Erik laughed. “The way the story goes, young people from all over were given keys to fight back darkness. They could unlock any door, and the hearts of men. But there was one key that could open up whole worlds themselves, and eventually a great war happened with each side trying to take the key for themselves. Didn’t end well for anybody. Eventually the key was hidden away, and the key wielders faded into obscurity.”
From the corner of his eye, Erik saw Nova smile before nudging him in the shoulder. “I never took you as a fantasy type.”
Erik grinned back. “Doesn’t hurt to have some stories that aren’t illegal.”
He bumped Nova’s shoulder back, a bit more rough than he’d intended, and the gondola rocked in the still waters. Gentle as it was, neither of them dared to move until it stopped.
“Sheesh,” Erik leaned forward and ran a hand through his hair, following some nervous laughter. “How many times that make it now?”
“I think that was the fifth.” Nova sighed, but he was laughing right along with him. “Leave it to us to forget we’re on a boat.”
“That never stopped us before.”
“Before we were on the Stallion. We couldn’t rock that if we tried.”
Erik settled back down against the parecio, and Nova draped the blanket they’d been sharing over his shoulders again. Truth be told, a surprise date to Gondolia hadn’t been on Erik’s mind when he’d returned to visit--let alone giving Nova an astronomy lesson--but he had learned to take such requests from Nova with gusto. His selflessness didn’t seem to stem from the Luminary status, or the prince position, and was instead just a long standing problem Nova had of being a people pleaser; when he showed even the slightest inclination of selfishness, Erik didn’t waste any time latching on to it.
And, well. Not that Erik would ever say it out loud, but it was nice to be the object of those selfish desires.
“Every birthday has a constellation to it, doesn’t it?”
“Something like that, yeah.” Nova’s question drew Erik out of his musings. “There’s a whole map and science to it, but long and short of it, there are sectors a few constellations pass through based on how the world rotates. Some are only visible at certain times of the year, so people will sometimes look to those constellations for influence and guidance.”
He grumbled, mostly at himself. “Eh… not exactly the best explanation I could give for that.”
“No, no, it was fine. I think I follow.” Under the blanket, Nova slipped his hand into Erik’s, lacing their fingers together. “I was just curious if you knew what mine was.”
“Oh--sure. That’s easy.” Erik looked back to the sky. Sure, they had more than certainly reached the point where neither was too scared to hold a hand, but he wasn’t going to find the stars he was gazing for, if he was too busy gazing at the one by his side. 
“Let’s see… you’re Larkspur 29th--” Not that Erik needed a reminder for that one. He never forgot a birthday that mattered to him. “--so that gives you the Phantom Cat.”
“You made that one up.”
“No, I know, it’s a dumb name, right? But he has a good story behind him.” Erik pointed westward. “This time of year you can usually see his tail, but it might be too far gone for Gondolia now.”
Nova leaned over where Erik pointed and squinted, and Erik did his best not to think about how sweet Nova looked in such deep concentration. “Hm… no, you’re right, I can’t see a thing.”
“Figures. If we were out near Lonalulu, we might have better luck.”
“I’ll keep that in mind for next time.” Nova said, and it made Erik immensely proud to know that he was already thinking of a next time. “But, you said there was a story?”
“Yeah. So this man--he died, and then came back as a ghost. But he didn’t keep any of his memories, so he had no idea who he was. He followed a woman that had seen him be killed all around their kingdom to find answers, and saved her life from pursuers the whole night. In the end, he found out he wasn’t the man that died--he was the man’s cat. And he was given the chance to turn back time, and make it so everyone that had been hurt to that point got a new start.”
Nova’s hand in his twitched slightly. 
“...What did he do?” He spoke softly now, caught up in the story.
“The cat took the chance. He went back ten years, and was able to get everyone a happy ending.”
Erik squeezed Nova’s hand. It wasn’t hard to figure out what had suddenly gotten into him. “Hey. Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I… yeah.” Nova raised his free hand, and brushed away at his bangs awkwardly. “Similarities are just striking, is all.”
There would always be things Nova couldn’t explain about the Lost Lands. Erik knew that, and he knew it was a miracle that Nova had been able to explain what he could to him at all. With all the memory bleeds and faintest notions of deja vu, there would always be a level of detachment between him and what Nova saw and felt. And it was no one’s fault, of course. But it was frustrating all the same to Erik that there was only so much he could do.
Nova seemed to pick up on this--he always had a way of reading Erik like a book, and he leaned back on his shoulder, content to stay there this time. “Really, Erik, I’m alright. Keep talking.”
“Keep talking?” Erik repeated. “About what?”
“Other constellations.” Nova looked up at him through long lashes. “You’re handsome when you know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh?” Erik lifted up his hand, still holding Nova’s, and pressed a kiss to the back of Nova’s hand. He smirked against the skin. “So, I’m handsome all the time, then.”
“I mean, I’m not the one that said it,” Nova shrugged, “but yes.”
“Flirt.” But it was another slip of greed out of Nova, and another reminder that Erik really was wanted that much. It was a great boost to the ego, and a pool of warmth in his chest. “Alright, alright. Which one now?”
“Mmm… what about yours?” Nova asked. “The constellation you were born under. Do you know that one?”
“Sure. Should be able to spot her now, too.” Erik turned back to the night sky once more, looking up and around the crescent moon. “From where we are, she should be… ah.” He pointed southward of the moon. “See that line of stars right there? That’s the violin of the Moon Princess.”
“Oh!” He felt Nova sit a little bit straighter against him; it never got any less cute to see the Luminary act like an excited kid. “Yeah, I see it. Is she the Moon Princess because she’s always by the moon?”
“Got it in one. I’m very proud.” Erik reached over to pat Nova on the head without looking; he missed somewhat, patting Nova on the forehead, and laughed when his arm was batted away. “She’s never too far away from the moon when she’s in view. It ties into her story.”
“What’s her story?”
“Are you sure you wanna know? It’s a little sad.”
“It can’t be anymore sad than how I just made things.” Nova spoke very frankly, an air of sarcasm Erik had come to know as just a Cobblestone standard, and that he wasn’t going to get a word in edgewise. 
“Fine, I’ll give you that one. It’s bittersweet, more than anything--I did always like it, though.”
“I’m all ears.”
“Don’t I know it.” Erik leaned back against the sofa, and closed his eyes as he recounted the story. “It starts out with a thief--”
“The best stories always do.” Nova cut in, and Erik could hear the smile in his voice so clearly it made him smile too.
“Shut up.” There was another gentle push, but careful not to disturb the gondola. “The thief’s missing father was an art forger, and the thief made it his mission to steal the forgeries, and replace them with the real paintings. One night after a theft, he met an orphan girl. She’d been left on a church doorstep as a baby with only a violin and a song, and she was certain that the song would lead her to her mother.”
Erik waved his free hand nonchalantly, caught between telling this story in full and leaving some mystery behind for Nova. Nova liked mysteries. “I can’t go into all the details, it’s a novel in its own right. But the girl turned out to be the Moon Kingdom’s missing princess, and the thief helped reunite her with her mother, and saved the kingdom in the process.” 
His hand clenched into a fist, dramatically, before he let it fall back to his lap. “But, the bittersweet part. The thief and the princess fell in love, but the thief still hadn’t found his father, and he left the Moon Kingdom not long after the princess returned home to keep searching. But, he said he’d always be listening when she played, so she played her song on her violin from then on, as a way to guide the thief back to the moon and to her one day.”
Erik sat up a little straighter, and pointed ahead, past the Moon Princess. “The thief is a constellation, too--Crimson Caper, I think the name is? I’ve heard it varies--and he shows up right around there, but he rotates on a different sector. He and the Princess only line up a few times throughout the year. So, sure, it’s still sad, but…” 
He shrugged. “I dunno. It was always comforting to think that the song works, in a way. No matter how far the thief is from the Princess, he always makes it back. It… it’s nice.”
Nice, Erik thinks, and fitting. Maybe horoscopes had a grain of truth to them after all.
Beside him, Nova shifted. Erik felt his head lift up from his shoulder. Must have been a crick in his neck, probably. “Ah, sorry--did I ramble on that one, or…”
The words died on his lips when he looked at Nova--Nova, who normally looked so unshaken, so reserved, was staring at him with wide, almost hesitant eyes, and lips that wavered like he was trying to speak but couldn’t find what to say. He got this look on occasion, Erik had noted long ago, this face that you could look at and just tell there was so much going on than Nova wanted to admit. 
But from the way Nova’s hands clenched at his like a lifeline, it wasn’t very difficult to determine what was going through his mind.
“Erik…” He said his name so softly, so sweetly, if Erik hadn’t known better he would have thought he’d imagined it. “Can I… can I be greedy? Just for a moment?”
Nova sounded like he spoke out of line. Like Erik would tell him ‘no’. Like his being greedy wasn’t something Erik so desperately wanted of Nova, for them and for himself. 
“You don’t have to ask twice.” Erik said, and the sensation of Nova’s hand sliding into his hair was all too perfect.
It was far from the first time they had kissed--if Erik was going to brag, he’d say that for two people that never had before one another, they had gotten pretty good at it by this point. As if they’d done it a thousand times before. It felt heavier now, though; the story of the Moon Princess must have resonated with him, because Nova’s lips moved against his own like a desperate prayer, his body pressing against Erik as much as he could for as long as he could. And Erik knew full well why.
When they returned to Dundrasil, in a few days time, he would be leaving with Mia again. Erik had promised her so much, and he knew that Nova knew that, and he knew that Nova would never stand in the way of that, but Erik also knew himself. If Nova asked him to stay, let that one selfish desire escape his lips, Erik would do it. 
And how could he not? How could he find it in himself to deny Nova, someone who never asked and only gave? Someone who did not ask for the impossible tasks given to him, but performed them anyway, so no one else had to? Someone who stood by his side through thick and thin and all that glittered, whose one selfish choice was Erik above all else? This man, this treasure, this star, this Erik didn’t know what to call him anymore, this gift of a person he couldn’t help but lo--
A creak on the gondola tore them apart with a jump. Erik had one arm propped against the canal wall, while the other, now fisted in Nova’s shirt, pushed him away. Nova was still hovering over him as much as the space would allow, face flushed and lips bruised, but his eyes were wide with a sudden panic. Erik guessed that he didn’t look much different.
“...So,” Erik said, to break the tension, “this makes it six times.”
“Almighty above,” Nova dropped his head with a groan, but Erik saw his shoulders shaking in the darkness. “If I start laughing and you fall in, I’m not fishing you out.”
“Is this all some elaborate scheme to get a Kiss of Life on me?”
“I don’t need an elaborate scheme for that.” Nova wrapped his hand around Erik’s wrist. “Just--hold still a minute, alright? I’ll pull you back.”
It did definitely take a minute--a gondola on the verge of tipping over didn’t give much leeway for sudden movements, but Nova slowly but surely started edging his way to the front of the passenger’s cabin. His hold on Erik never loosened, but it slipped from this wrist to his hand, and soon enough, with one sure-fire tug, Nova pulled him away from the canal, and safely into his arms.
Both of them sighed in relief.
“Are you alright, Erik?”
“Well, I’m not soaking wet, so I’d say I’m just peachy.” Erik fell back from Nova with a snicker. “Definitely one way to sweep me off my feet.”
Nova laughed with him, but it was much more nervous than it should have been. “I’m really sorry, about that. I should have--”
“Oh, don’t you even.” Erik was on him again in a second, clamping a hand over Nova’s mouth. “That’s not something you gotta even think about apologizing for. If you try to apologize for something I would kill for you to do more often, I--” He grasped at words for a moment, but dropped the attempt rather quickly. “--I dunno, I’ll do something, I--”
Nova’s hands came back to his wrist, gently this time, and pulled Erik’s hands away from his mouth. 
“I was going to say,” and here, Nova kept his eyes trained on Erik’s hand rather than on his, his cheeks bright red in the moonlight, “I should have waited until we were on land to do that.”
“--Oh.” And that was about all Erik could muster before his own face began to burn.
Nova laughed again--shyer this time, much more boyish and free, and Erik felt his heart flutter in his chest. What a power he had over him, and was only barely aware of. How did Erik get so lucky, he wondered?
“...well,” Erik cleared his throat, and ran his free hand along his neck, “the night’s still young, you know. Should we, ah… you want to head back on shore now?”
He glanced back; Nova’s eyes lit up brighter than the stars above them, his smile warmer than the sun, and his kissed Erik’s knuckles sweetly. “You’d be insulted if I didn’t.”
Seriously. What had Erik done to deserve this life. “Yeah,” he choked out, “so get to steering us back.”
It was with great reluctance--and Erik knew what reluctance from Nova felt like, and it only made him all the more prideful--that Nova let go of his hand, and stood to take the oar. While Erik was more the seafarer between the two of them, the make of gondolas were far different from what he was used to; Nova had only learned by necessity, way back when, but didn’t seem bothered at all with the role of ferryman. It gave Erik time to lay back in the boat, and collect his thoughts.
The night sky still loomed overhead, and every star he could name and all the ones he couldn’t still sparkled as they passed them by. But Erik still looked back to the star he’d found on the earth, like a moth to a flame. And it was the heat of the moment before that had sent his thoughts spiraling, but in this moment of clarity, he could really admit it--he truly would follow Nova anywhere, if the other simply wanted it of him.
“You know I would stay.” If Erik didn’t say it now, Nova might not ever believe it himself. “If you asked me to, I mean. I’d stay no matter what.”
For a moment, the oar stilled. An unbearable second passed, and Erik thought he’d gone too far, but he heard Nova chuckle, and the gondola began to move again.
“I know.” Nova said. “Believe me, I know. And… I’m going to ask. One day.”
The implications of that one sentence made Erik’s heart jump in his chest; it was only the lull of water underneath the gondola that reminded him not to jump up himself. “One day?”
“One day,” he repeated, “when I can be selfish enough to ask. But for now… it’s okay.”
“Is it, really?” Erik asked. “You have problems being honest with what you want a lot.”
“You’ve always come back to me before.” While he couldn’t see Nova’s face, he spoke with a gentle assuredness that Erik couldn’t bring himself to doubt. “And I know what it means to have your faith. The least I can do is give you mine.”
He glanced over at Erik over his shoulder. Nova still looked bashful, but there was something in his smile that finally put Erik at ease. “I’ll just miss you everyday until you get back.”
“Aaaaagh.” Erik rolled over on his side, covering his face dramatically. “That was way too earnest, and you’re not kissing me nearly enough to kill me like that.”
Nova laughed like the world had been lifted off his shoulders.
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bruciewayne · 6 years ago
(i won’t ever) trade my mistakes
Toddler Peter, painting a masterpiece, with a little help from his dad. superfamily, fluff, like, pure family fluff bc lbr, we all need it
uh, some of this was heavily inspired by Eight Grade (2018) so please, please check it out if you haven't, it made me cry.
read on ao3
Peter, for some reason, loved to be in Steve’s studio, not even with him, just playing on his mat with his blocks, Steve knew, despite, however, slightly, irrational it sounded, that Peter was probably safer with Tony, but he was in meetings to make up for the ones he’d missed/will be missing. So that was where he’s today, babbling under his breath, building and destroying block-towers as Steve talks back to him, about very nearly everything, and finishes off one of his paintings.
Peter seemingly got bored of his blocks, knocking them over one last time, and clamours after his father’s attention in the only way most toddlers know how: yelling.
“PAINT,” he declares, throwing his arms up, accidentally sending a couple blocks skidding across the floor.
Steve laughs, “Yeah, that’s what I’m doing right now, Pete,” he teases, but he washes up his brushes and sits across from Peter, tossing a block between his hands.
Peter watches him and scoots forwards, patting his hand on Steve’s, giggling maniacally when the block falls out of his hands, and Steve never thought that it was possible to love as much he does Peter and Tony, and every time he sees them laughs or smile he’s reminded of just how lucky he is. He scoops Peter up in his arms and peppers his face with kisses, laughing as he does.
Eventually, Peter stops giggling and starts squirming to be set down. Steve kisses him on the forehead and lets him go, watching as he speed-crawls to his Box of Stuff, picks out a tube of child-friendly (non-toxic and edible, because their child was an absolute disaster of a tiny human, whose current first instinct is to put things in his mouth) paint and waves it at Steve frantically.
Painting it is.
“Ok, bud,” Steve says, getting up to find paper or som, brushing his hands over Peter’s curly hair when he passes him picking out all of his paints. A huge canvas catches his eye, why not.
He drags it over and lays it in front of Peter, who’s lined up his paint tubes in a vague rainbow, “Go crazy,” he says, sitting across from him again, leaning his elbows on his knees, after Peter looks up at him, slightly confused.
Peter, Steve and his husband’s, wonderful, beautiful, amazing son, uses all of his sense and previous life experience, to lift up a tube of red paint, bangs it on the canvas and then puts the corner of it in his mouth, chewing on it, looking up at Steve proudly.
Steve loves him so, so much. He laughs and drags him into his lap, turning him so he faces the canvas and guides his hands so he clicks opens the tube. Peter looks up at him, unsure for a second. “Whatever you want, Pete,” Steve says, kissing his head. Peter nods to himself, looking down at the paint, and then squeezes as hard as he can, moving his arms in circles, sending paint flying everywhere, mostly in one corner of the canvas.
Peter crawls out of Steve's lap and spreads the paint with his hands keeping it mostly on one corner, crawling over the canvas when he couldn’t reach the other side, getting red paint all over his Winnie the Pooh onesie.
Steve opens the rest of the tubes and sets them out when Peter’s done with the red, he picks up the blue next, squeezing out all of it next to the red and spreads it with his arms and hands.
When some of the red mixes with the blue and makes purple, he’s absolutely mesmerised, swiping more blue into the red and looking up at Steve, proud and giggling every single time he does.
Steve’s never been prouder in his entire life.
After a while, Peter hands Steve the yellow and then holds his hands out expectantly. Steve raises his eyebrows, “You want something?” he teases. “Yellow,” Peter says, insistently, shoving his hands out more, “p’ease,” he adds, at Steve’s look.
“I guess so,” Steve relents, brushing his curly hair back, laughing when Peter squirms and hits his hands on Steve’s knees.
When Peter finally gets the paint on his hands, he immediately slams his hands on the canvas, squealing excitedly when some of it made orange and some of it made green, looking up at Steve in amazement.
“Papa, papa!” Peter says, hitting Steve on his leg to get his attention, turning his jeans yellow, “Look!” he carries on, excitedly. “Yeah, Pete, you’re doing so well,” Steve says, not caring that the paint probably wasn’t going to come out, not even trying to hide the warmth in his voice, his heart exploding when Peter grins up at him, proud.
Peter carries on, talking to himself as he mixes and spreads paint around, Steve occasionally talking to him and agreeing with him, but mostly just letting him do what he wanted, watching as he puts green and purple at the top of the canvas and the bottom, puts red and yellow on one side and blue on another, swirling the colours.
Eventually, when he’s done, he crawls back into Steve’s lap and smears his hands over Steve’s face, cackling as he does. Steve laughs but doesn’t try to stop him, how could he when his and Tony’s son was laughing and looking at him like that?
“You’re meant to paint the canvas, not your papa,” Steve tries, because Tony accused him of letting Peter do pretty much whatever he wanted, despite everyone thinking that Tony would be the one to.
“Das daddy ‘n you ‘n y’ fightin’ th’ bad guys,” Peter says, pointing at different parts of his painting, snuggling into Steve, “‘cause y’guys a’ways beat ‘em,” he carries on, through a yawn.
“Yeah, we do, Pete, we do the dangerous stuff to keep you safe,” Steve replies softly, gently shifting him so he was cradled in his arms and getting up, rocking him gently when he sticks his thumb in his mouth.
Peter carries on babbling through yawns and around his thumb, clutching Steve’s shirt with his other hand, mumbling about Iron Man and Captain America.
“Yeah, you’re right Petey,” Steve says softly, walking over to the floor-to-ceiling windows that they’d found out that Peter loved looking out of them whenever he was falling asleep, “your dad’s pretty great.”
Peter agrees with him with a cheer and tries to snuggle closer and bury himself in Steve’s chest. “Yeah, he really is,” Steve says, looking down into Peter’s big, brown eyes, struck once again, by just how much he looks like Tony and how innocent and trusting he is, “he’s the best guy I know.”
“I thought Pete would’a taken over that spot by now,” Steve hears behind him, warmth and love spreading in his chest at an almost-definitely Pavlovian response to his husband’s voice. Steve turns around to face him, grin already forming, “You’re tied,” he says, as Peter waves his hands at Tony.
“Hey kiddo,” Tony says softly, coming up to them, running his hands through Peter’s hair and then leans up on his tiptoes to press a kiss to Steve’s cheek, “hey darling,” he says to Steve, just before he kisses him near-breathless, breaking up because Peter starts patting Tony on the head to get his attention.
“Yeah, Peter Pan?” Tony asks, still leaning into Steve.
“We painted!” He says happily, all thoughts of a nap abolished and attempting to sit up in Steve’s arms. He points over at the painting on the floor and they all move towards it.
“What did you paint Petey-pie?” Tony asks.
“‘S you ‘n papa fightin’ th’ baddies!” Peter says arms flailing wildly as he gestures to all of his painting. Tony takes in the painting and is suddenly overcome with so many emotions he barely knows how to deal with it. His and his husband’s son made a painting of them, keeping the world, and most importantly, Peter safe.
“Steve,” he says, his voice cracking, turning in his arms to face both of them.
“Yeah, I know,” Steve says, smiling and kissing him, “you’re his hero, y’know. Mine too.”
“Steve,” Tony says, tears shining in his eyes, “you can’t just-- god I love you, both of you, so, so much, it’s-- all of it, everything, was worth it, for this, for you and Peter.”
Steve wraps his arm around him, bringing him in and presses a kiss to his forehead, “Don’t think that for a second it isn’t the exact same for me,” he says.
Peter had no idea what’s going on but he’s warm and comfortable and maybe, possibly a little tired. A nap seems like a good idea.
Later, when they’ve put Peter to bed, in a new onesie, after reading him story after story, and they’re lying in their own bed, Steve kissing every single inch of Tony’s body, he realises, for maybe the millionth time that day, just how lucky he is.
Even later, years and years down the line, Peter asks Steve why he has modern art in their living room, when he’s made it very clear exactly what his opinions are of modern art.
“...I mean, that’s been there ever since I can remember,” Peter says, gesturing to a colourful mess of a painting, dated some 13 years back, “and you and dad don’t like modern art, so why’s it there?”
“It’s not modern art Peter Pan,” Steve says, sitting down next to him, “you made it.”
“Why’s it up there though?” Peter asks, he knows that his dads have kept every single thing he’s ever made, but only this one is above the mantel, and he can’t understand why they’d keep something a baby made, especially when pops was an artist.
“A long time ago, someone asked me, if I could go back in time and fix my mistakes, what I would fix, at the time, I couldn’t tell them, at the time, I’d made so many I didn’t know where to start, but the day you made that, I realised that everything I’d ever done led me here, with you and your dad, if the tiniest thing had changed, I might not be here, with either of you, and that’s not a world I want to live in. That painting reminds of that.”
“And here I thought I was the sappy one, and I’m pretty sure that I asked you that,” someone says behind them. Over 20 years, more than two decades, and the feeling of happiness and love never faded when he heard Tony’s voice.
“Hey honey,” he says, tilting his head back, “how much did you hear?” He asks, sending dizzying deja vu through his mind.
Tony grins, knowing exactly what he’s thinking of, “Enough,” he says softly, leaning over the back of the couch to kiss Peter on the head and then coming round to kiss Steve, sticking his tongue out at Peter when he made retching noises.
“Tony, dear, you’re the father,” Steve says, teasingly, wrapping an arm around him and kissing his forehead.
“Yeah, I am,” he says softly, looking at both of them.
“Yeah, you’re the sappy one,” Peter says, grinning.
“He's the one who hung your painting,” Tony protests, purely for the reason of saving face, knowing that neither of them were going to believe it.
“Because you can’t reach that high,” Steve quips back, grinning at Peter when he laughs and Tony whines that his family have turned on him, burrowing into Steve’s side and wrinkling his nose at Peter.
Peter glances at the clock and immediately stands up, “Fuck - sorry dad - I’m late for Ned.”
“Ok, Pete, call us when you get there,” Steve says, handing him his phone and his hoodie when he starts frantically patting down his pockets for it.
“Thanks pop, bye!” he calls behind him, practically running out.
They watch him go and Tony snuggles closer to Steve, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “You think we did ok with him,” he asks, tracing patterns over his thighs.
“I look at him, and, I see this incredible young man, that painting, when he made it, before that, when he was still so, new and tiny and breakable, I was so, so terrified that he wasn’t going to be okay, I knew that we’d both try our hardest, and that you’d be the better one, from the very beginning, god, I was terrified that I’d mess it up and this little guy, who had such a future, wouldn’t get it because of some fucked up soldier from the past, but when he made it, seeing at him so happy and free, it’s the same day that I realised that, whatever he was going to do, he was going to be okay, and I stopped being scared,” Steve says, “and I think we did pretty good.”
Tony looks up at his husband, eyes shining, "Yeah, we did."
all fic masterpost
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gukiee · 8 years ago
Hope you’re ready for this because I’m about to word vomit my love and adoration for Jungkook for 365 bulletpoints straight
first of all what isn’t there to love about him:
his cute soft gentle bunny smile
the way he takes out (specifically the right) earpiece when hes singing
his lower lip mole
like the way his voice can go rly low and raspy but then also really high pitched and whiny and squeaky im literally in love
HIS LAUGHHHHH when he starts laughing so hard he starts clapping and throwing his whole body into it
or how his giggle starts off quiet but then it gets rly high pitched and squeaky
but then he laughs so hard that no sound comes out and it gets rly low and he gasps in between laughs its so cute :(
the way he chooses to use formal language with his hyungs out of respect even when he’s been told multiple times it’s okay to speak comfortably
the way he works so hard at ABSOLUTELY everything he does
like how he wanted to get good at bowling so he went almost every day at 2am DESPITE promotions and a busy schedule and practiced for months to improve
the way he hums in between his words when hes thinking and makes this like? “kahhhehh” sound in between when he’s not sure what to say next
his big brown beautiful eyes and the way they’re so big and sparkly :(
his silly personality when he’s rly comfortable and starts getting absolutely wild and fools around with his friends
the way hes finally starting to open up and become less shy and now has friends outside the group he speaks to regularly
hes just rly? respectful and thoughtful and always puts people before himself
how he worked SO hard on his Begin solo stage and KILLED IT WITH THAT FOOTWORK
speaking of solo stage RAINISM was.... well I think if you follow this blog you know how I feel about rainism but ya... killed it
mmmmmmmm his voice in classroom ideal
and the belt chain
that one time the members pranked him for his birthday and the manager yelled at him for messing up the choreo (which was part of the prank) and said something along the lines of “do you think you’re so perfect you don’t mess up?” and he got rly quiet then when they revealed it was a prank he cried because he thought he was letting everyone down
acts tough and sexy but is really a big softy
cries when his hyungs are struggling
like when taehyung’s grandma died and they spoke about it on stage and he started crying
or when he started crying when they won their daesang because he said he was so overwhelmed with thankfulness and wanted to make us proud
or how he cried during the epilogue tour because he “wants to be our singer forever”
I just rly love how passionate he is and how he rly cares so much about making others happy
always says hes okay even when hes not because he doesn’t want to burden people and want to put them first and not worry them
bought music equipment to get better at making music because he had a hard time with Begin and wanted to practice more
is always practicing SOMETHING to get better at
his thiccccccc thighs oohohohhhhhhh booooyyyyy do I love those thic thighs mmmmfmckkk
the way his body moves when hes on stage
his soft hair :( whether its straight across his forehead, parted, curly, pushed back, straight, wavy idc black brown blond pink highlights red purple it could be any colour and any way and i love it all :(
his big manly hands with those long dainty fingers
his scar on his cheek :’)
the scar on his arm by his elbow
his long lashes
the veins.......on his arm..........and hands..........and in his neck lmmmmcmmmfmckkcki 😭😭
the mole on his neck
and cheek
and the beauty mark on his right nostril
his puffy pink lips that are always so soft
that meme dance he does u know the one with the hands and that facial expression
how extra he is it’s one of the things I love so much about him because hes never afraid to be silly
his cute lil tongue
that sexy angry expression he gets where he fcking furrows his brows and his eyes get hooded and they his brows crease heavily in the middle and he makes that snarl and his nose crinkles fghdjk
when he laughs and he gets those little creases by his eyes omgfg
how he brushes his teeth when hes nervous
how fidgety he is when he’s been sitting for too long
the way his mouth hangs open when he’s focused and thinking about something
the way he takes the time to learn english and is constantly asking rapmon if he did it right and practices lots
how on Run!BTS when it was revealed that the spy wouldn’t be able to eat he said “that’s not fair” even though he knew he wasn’t the spy
the way he always sniffles from his rhinitis
how he sleeps with his mouth slightly open
really quiet and sweet vs really loud and goofy
“g2g guys 😂😂😂 lol”
“safety first, safety second, coolness third.”
“we’re all going to end up going to hell anyway”
his love of lamb sewers
his love for army !!! he really does everything in his power to show us he loves and cares about us and gets really emotional when talking about it
how damn strong he is like holy fkcing hell can we talk about how he rolls backwards into a handstand
how he takes the time to cover english songs to help improve his english and give the fans content even though he could be doing something else
how he goes out of his way to be daring and pushes himself
speaking of daring, how fearless he is and how hes really not afraid of many things, like how he has no problem going on roller coasters or bungee jumping n pushes himself to the limits
how when he laughs his eyes and nose do the thing (u know the thing)
his long pretty eye lashes
how dainty his wrists look when he wears thin bracelets
and when he wears rings on his index and pinky fingers
his thin ears with those hoop earrings
H E L I X  P I E R C I N G
that one run performance where suga played piano and he solo danced
his fashion style
his love for overwatch
the Dope police uniform goodbye
the fact that he still managed to graduate with special honour awards despite the busy schedule of being an idol
and how he spent a CRAP TON of money on dinner for his hyungs after
his drawing skill
the lil bruises on his legs :((((
how at the american concert he seen people being pushed in the pit and asked rapmon to tell them to stop and was signalling for them to stop pushing
also idk if any of u have noticed this but he has rly nice nails??? like theyre literally perfectly shaped
his appreciation of IU (my queen)
and his love of justin bieber
running around with the flag tied around him like a cape
Iconic fish as a tie (like he for real just WALKED INTO THE OCEAN AND CAUGHT A BIG ASS FISH WITH HIS BARE HANDS)
how he gets really emotional when talking about/to the fans and starts crying
n the way his nose gets red when he cries
that “i’m not sure about that” head tilt he does sometimes
how when hes trying to perfect something he asks a million questions to make sure hes doing it right
and practices DAY N NIGHT
how he bought everyone burgers during flower crew (cries over that show bc i cannot believe how dirty they did m boy)
how he was so visibly upset/embarrassed when they were rude to him like i rly cry
the look he gets of pure concentration when hes monitoring himself behind the scenes of a music video,
the way he says chong jojun balsa 😩😩
his strong ass calves ghjkdfgv
his cover of “if you” during masked man n show little n shy he was :((
goes from cute to s*xy to meme all in 2 seconds
how he pauses in between chews n smacks his lips a lot when he does
and when something is really good n he closes his eyes momentarily and does that headshake
the mama performance where he hung suspended in the air despite having hurt himself doing it but was committed to doing a good show
his skin no matter what condition it is
with makeup
without makeup
with flaws
and the little bumps he gets when hes rly stressed out
how hes said that hes really shy and is better at expressing feelings over text
his over the top “boy version” of the russian roulette dance
in fact his over the top everything
his big bulging biceps.............
pretty deep ass collar bones
how he plays with his hair when hes nervous
the way his bottom lip puffs out when hes chewing
and how he nods when hes really enjoying something hes eating
nochu come thru
that performance where he took off his jacket n showed off his big ass biceps and effectively destroyed my whole existence
when he was playing with puppies and was giggling all over the place saying “this isn’t for you it’s mine” when it tried getting his coffee
how he was scouted by 8 different entertainment agencies but picked bighit because he thought rapmon was cool
and how he travelled all the way to Seoul from Busan at 14 and was probably HORRIFIED and scared but did it anyways which is extremely brave
and how hes continued to work hard from that day on
his love for the arts like photography
is always interested in learning new things like the drums and guitar and english
that dramatic ass video he made for yoongi’s birthday which was literally just him self promoting himself and making fun of yoongi lmao
how he used to wait until everyone was asleep to shower because he was shy
and how he would go out in the middle of the night to go eat by himself or wait until people were asleep to eat because, again, he was really shy
his spotify playlist and how its full of just soft, calming, gentle, romantic songs
like he has a damn Pocahontas soundtrack song
how sometimes he just ???? shoves things in his mouth??
like? an entire microphone? or a birthday hat? or an entire piece of paper?
more recently a fan??? like a whole handheld fan??
or the time he covered his whole face in sticky notes
or when he was eating during an interview n was so hungry he literally ate the entire wrapper and didn’t realize
that thing he does with his lips where he sucks them in and licks them a bit and his cheeks crease a bit
the way his knuckles and finger tips are always a little more red than the rest of his fingers
how he rubs his eyes when hes sleepy
his long lashes
the way he looks in a tux/dress shirt/tie
okay how he looks in anything tho lets b real lmao
how hes still nervous to sing on stage
how the other members said it took them SO long to get him to sing in front of them because he was super shy
the way he constantly licks his lips
his long thanks to at the end of the albums where he usually needs 2 pages
how he looks when hes observing himself after filming
switch from cute kookie to rude jeon to memekook within 2 seconds
his sensitivity to smells
his love of victorias secret fragrances
and his love of makeup
not afraid to admit those things!!!
his vast collection of white/black plain tshirts
and his timbs which literally look good with EVERYTHING
all his piercings
how he said he was happy people liked his new piercing and wants more but won’t in fears people won’t like it :(((
speaking of which how he stopped wearing his favourite pants because people said they didnt like them
literally does everything for the fans
how he comforted that fan crying during that fansign :((
put his hands in the fans hands!!!
booping their nose!!!!
so interactive with fans!
that one time he was walking alone and seen a group of guys covering Boy in Luv and stayed and even clapped for them
stopped to take pictures with fans when they asked
that time he fell asleep standing up in the middle of the airport and had to be woken up to keep the line moving
always listening to music !
his playlist is so calming and relaxing and honestly he has some of the best music taste ever
that huge ass cameo backpack he always carries around with him
“the golden closet”
that time he hid in the dark during a music video shooting and was the only one not scared
how he gets rly quiet when he isn’t able to do something the way he wants and is scared of disappointing ppl :((
his meme-y twitter videos
his cute ass toes
like he really has some nice ass feet
listen i hate feet but his feet are so clean n pretty n soft looking
and his little nose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when he said he wants to meet someone and hear bells like in Your Name
his love of anime
and webtoons
JUSTIN SEAGALL i cant even believe him sometimes
how he literally always has bruises on him everywhere ???
when the boys were having a snowball fight and he came out with an arm full of snow n just demolished them lmao
during that one run episode where they were at the arcade playing the racing game and he was driving with one hand on the wheel sdgfhjdkf
AND when he was playing that power/hitting game and he hit it so hard he literally hurt himself but tried to play it off
his bareface!!!!!!!!!!! ik i said it before but like!!!! i love it so much!!!!
how he flips his hair and runs his hands through it
that time during BST where his shirt ripped and came undone and he still danced right through it
then he got rly shy and embarrassed after ghdkfgjh omg
the way he looks in baseball caps
yelling “WOOHOOO” “YAAAAAAAHHHHH” while on a rollercoaster like pls hes so cute
“i’m done”
“OH MAN HOLY SHIT” *cue jin choking*
“Hawt sauce”
that handstand flip thing where he flew forward and his hat came off and he yelled after
screamo/rock music thats all im gnna say abt that
rolex watch like 😪 this fancy guy
when jimin ignored his high five and he pouted like a big sucky
his special individual relationship with each member
like how tae and him have an unnecessarily long handshake
and how he says he likes hoseok’s bed because it smells nice
when he smacked hoseok’s ass SO hard that it echoed through the room
plus how he says he likes to touch the boys butts backstage when hes nervous (????)
master of girl group dances tbh
“He is a very dangerous guy”
how he holds microphones at the very top sdfgkjd
hes admitted to being hot blooded
his low alcohol tolerance
like im convinced he fcked some shit up and thats why they dont really drink as a group anymore
When he was still in school n someone asked him how his test went and he literally laughed
able to fall asleep everywhere?
when he couldn’t eat donuts n he kept smelling them and groaning
the way he rolls his underwear up in a ball when he washes them
laundry expert
like loves laundry???
husband material tbh
literally breaking his phone all the time
like hes always dropping it and smashing it
yet he still doesn’t wear a case on it
like the time he chased one of the members and it smashed onto the ground after falling out of his pocket and he still didn’t stop because he was dedicated
or the time he was just sitting and it literally fell out the back of the chair lmao
During For You performance where he went to sit down and he MISSED
when he was playing with a balloon during a fansign and he hit himself in the face and his hat fell off
“oh my gawd”
“are you guys having fun” “oh my god x100000 followed by dying seal noises″
how awkward he looked during AHL like he knew it was trash
when he did an aggressive flying kiss and almost took hoseok out in the process
how he said if he isn’t working himself to death he isn’t working hard enough :(
how he doesn’t use fabric softener for whatever reason so his clothes are always a lil stiff
the fact that he got his face scar from fighting over the computer with his brother
lowkey emo w/ his screamo/punk music
the way he pushes his tongue against the inside of his cheek
how he always cleans the bowling ball in between each turn
and the way his posture is so perfect and his leg goes out behind him
how is ears are always a lil red at the top
how he lets the adjuster strap on the back of his baseball caps stick out instead of tucking it into the back of the hat
wants to be a tattoo artist in 10 years???? mmmmm
or own a duck meat shop??
“I’d rather die than live without passion”
“We’re BTS and we’re soooo good!”
the fact that his favourite movies are Your Name and Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
the way he fights bugs
the way he hates bugs except for cool beetles
scared of the microwave blowing up (poor bby omg)
like honestly his stage presence?? is unbelievable
his acting (idc what anyone says I think it’s cute)
the fact that he rly.... still laughs at fart jokes lmao
nods when hes talking
the way he makes “hm” sounds n clicks his tongue when hes thinking
how hes nice to people even when they treat him horribly
that thing he does with his hand when hes singing where he kinda sticks out his index n thumb and kinda shakes his hands around to the song and the notes
the way he crossed his fingers as they were announcing the top social artist award
his barefaced selcas
his selcas in general
any picture of him ever
okay just him but thats besides the point
throws his whole body into his laughs
or throws his head back
or nods his head when hes laughing too
that one video where hes pulling jimins hair back and is laughing really hard honestly thats my favourite video every i think but i say that about every video
like he literally fell over thats how hard he was laughing
even his finger nails are beautiful
that one picture during that interview where his hand is hovering over the girls shoulder hdfjgn hes so cute
the way he said “good morning everyone” in that one vlive wow
that photoshoot with the pimp coat shfjkdf
how when hes smiling or laughing really hard he gets a rly toothy grin and his mouth opens a little bit so theres a gap
and how he sucks his lips in and gets those dimples when hes trying to stop laughing or smiling and compose himself
how he looks in all black oooohhh my god
like when he wore the leather jacket n the all black and the jeans with the one rip wow
way he covers his nose when he yawns
how when he speaks from his heart his voice gets softer
never misses an opportunity to be extra
like in the gayos or run bts where he’ll be all quiet but as soon as an opportunity comes he jumps on it
Staff member accounts have mentioned him helping clean/carry things for them without them asking
he never complains despite all the expectations on him
always striving to always better himself
when he was playing darts and he kept getting them in the centre and he was doing flips and throwing them behind him lmao
when he was trying to reenact speed skating and did that weird thing on the ice omg
naruto run.......
how he looked in the spine breaker mv (u know the part im talking abt)
how he looks up when hes thinking and his eyes shift slightly
“What’s poppin?”
how sometimes he has a double eyelid and sometimes he doesnt
the way his lips pucker out a bit when hes talking
how he threw that opening pitch at that baseball game
and the shy little smile he gave after
n how he practiced his posture before hand
how in the 4th anniversary video he gripped his coffee with both hands
and took little sips
n shook it around in his hand :’(
how soft he looks when he wears open zip sweaters n a plain tshirt underneath
okay but when he randomly broke out some beat boxing 
how he rubs the back of his neck when hes thinking about what to say or is nervous 
or how he rubs the tops of his legs when hes talking to distract himself
that time taehyung was trying the bottle flip challenge and it took him awhile meanwhile guk comes out n does it in minimal tries
during the muster dvd when he just broke that thing over his head like an animal
when he randomly breaks into dance
that weird squeaky voice he makes when hes imitating jimin
the smug look he gets when he does something RUDE 
or when hes showing off lmao
when he was jamming out with headphones on and then took it off and it was justin bieber n he looked so proud and excited
or that one video he took of himself with the mask on in the car and he was barefaced and the sun was covering half his face and his hair was blowing in the wind so gently fdghjdrtkfg 
when he was imitating taehyung in that fur coat and was being extra as all hell lmao
when he tucks his shirts into his pants ghsjdfgx (i cant remember if I wrote this already)
how he’s helped with the chorus on SO many of their songs
the way his mouth twitches to the side when hes eating and trying to move the food around
the way the bridge of his nose is always a little shinier than the rest of his face
god i really love his nose and how his nostrils flare out a bit
the way he REALLY listens to people when they talk
like really listens he will put his whole body and soul into listening to you
you can physically see it on his face that his expression changes as the person talks showing that hes actively listening
how he nods and makes complete eye contact 
and shifts so that hes facing you 
hes just always paying attention to everything and puts so much energy into the things hes focusing on
how his leg steps in front of him when he pitches in baseball 
because he puts so much force into the throw
how competitive he is
but not enough to be a complete sore loser
and how hes even started not caring about winning as much
and just having fun
how he blinks slowly and puffs his lips out and clenches his jaw a bit when hes sleeping 
or the way his eyes delicately flutter shut when hes fighting how tired he is
how he crosses his arms when hes standing idly 
or crosses his hands in front of him overlapping each other when hes waiting
how patient he is and how he never pushes people for things
and is delicate with peoples feelings
then there was bon voyage oohohhh boy okay
so when he and jhope were snuggling hardcore
same with him and v
so basically hes rly snuggly and loves cuddling its confirmed
and in the morning when he woke up and moved his head and his hair was literally ALL over the place like a peacock lmfaoo
the look on his face when he was told not to pack all white shirts
and then he looked at his closet and realized its all white lol
that jumpsuit :(
how he was good at surfing??? 
like good at everything he puts his mind to
how excited he was when he won being able to eat the entire sandwich and not split it
how he said his heart felt weird after listening to namjoons message and said he was really sad :’(((
how his voice sounds in that new cover 
and those quiet hums
and how he takes a big breath before words
yet its still so soft
and you can literally picture him closing his eyes while singing
hes the most hardworking guy in the entire world
and even when hes super busy he STILL makes sure we’re satisfied and puts us before anything
i love how his hair colour has stayed the same through a lot of comebacks
because every comeback its still just as cute 
and hes still just as handsome 
the way he intertwines his fingers together sometimes
or puts them behind his back when hes talking (maybe I said this already)
his long breaths after a long practice
his dance covers
how he was shy during that vlive with hoseok and said he wasn’t good at freestyling but he still did his best 
i just really love every single little thing about him 
hes the most wonderful man on the face of the earth
and I appreciate him to absolutely no end
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