#i say it out loud but in person you can Hear how gay I am
fluffy-flock · 1 year
Thank you for the playlist addition maybe one day it won't be dominated by Utada Hikaru <3
@04tenno Honestly so welcome- I dunno what it is about these two characters that's got me so fucked up like a fandom hasnt in years
I literally also have She by dodie as well. Fr Utada as well, it really is old man yuri
I have such big feelings for these two being young and broken and yearning bitch the QUEER YEARNING,,,,, that's the playlist babes
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user211201 · 5 days
--- Original author: realhankmccoy ---
“I ain’t no motherfuckin’ redneck, you assholes! Don’t you fucking get it? I’ll never be ok with you being here and disrespecting our gay spaces!” I had shrieked and screamed, and I was being sassy as fuck. But they had darted me, so it was too late for me already. I had been one of the hottest little twinks in Colombia back then. I had such a tight little body, I was non-binary, and I was supportive of my local drag scene. I was absolutely into resisting these fucking fascists and their goddamn bullshit lifestyles, which I couldn’t stand.
That’s how I thought of it all back then, anyhow.
Man, that dart though, it had done its dirty work. I was writhing on the floor of the club, so I didn’t even get to witness the way it transformed me as I went into spasms. It was almost like having a seizure, but I could feel the muscle growing on me, and I could hear my shrieks and wails shift in pitch as I grew on into this whole new, far more masculine body.
I was getting to be built like a brick shithouse really fucking fast, and was taking on more of a mature look. Everywhere I was getting more muscle. I was splitting the seams of my jeans, and my underwear, and felt my back pressing up and splitting my tight pink t-shirt.
When I finally was able to sit up, I was in a daze. I had rendered my clothes asunder. I had bristles of hair all over my face, and the har on my head had grown longer, too, sort of flopping in my eyes. I was a mess.
And then the headache came. I was clutching the sides of my head and moaning, almost screaming in pain out loud, as my twinkish mind collapsed and got replaced by a growing part of me I didn’t even know existed. That part, my friends, is the motherfucking, take-charge redneck stud I am today.
My friends helped me get out of there, and I was still in transition. It takes a good seventy-two hours at least until you can fully collapse one of those weak-ass brains like the one I had before and until a more dominant, superior personality takes over like the one I was starting to get.
So yeah, like I said, I was a mess, and when my friends got me back to one of their apartments, I was still sporadically ranting about how dare those fascists do this to me, they’d never win, this was fucking awful. But as I heard myself talk, there was a growing part of me that was observing myself and thinking “so what? You sound like a raving lunatic. Look at this body! Damn, boy, just look at that muscle!”
Sleeping on it, man, that twink brain of mine must have collapsed even further. I woke up and I just wanted coffee with a splash of alcohol in it, so that’s what I got. Then I added two splashed. I had already stripped out of my shredded pink t-shirt, and my friends had some loose boxers that fit me, but I was just this naked, muscular stud in awe of his own body and trying to come to terms with who I was now.
I was seeing my friends with new eyes, too. They seemed anxious to me, weak, full of nervous, overly feminine motions, jittery, immature, skittish and mostly just kind of fucking annoying. “Those are your friends,” I’d remind myself. “This isn’t you who’s thinking this.”
But that growing part of me was thinking “This is you. This is all you, stud. You’re so much better than them. They don’t even know you’re thinking this, and if they only knew, they’d probably be terrified.” That thought made me want to laugh out loud, so I did.
“What are you laughing at?” one of them asked.
“Oh, nothing man, nothing,” I said, looking away and scratching my head. “These are your friends,” I told myself again, but I didn’t really seem to believe what I was trying to tell myself that morning. “So what if they’re your fucking friends,” my new mind was saying. “They’re fucking losers, man. Don’t let them drag you down. You ought to just get out of here.”
That morning, I was feeling just hornier and altogether more fucked up than I’d ever been. I was thinking, nah, this can’t be the new me. I’m no motherfucking redneck. I don’t think like them. But already I was feeling excited, having this body, having these different feelings, realising that I didn’t feel like such an evil guy like this, not like I thought I would, anyhow. All I wanted to do at that point in time, I felt like, was get the hell away from these people. I didn’t know to where. I borrowed some shoes and a t-shirt that was so tight it hurt, pleading that I had to get back to my apartment. It felt like the shoes would split, and the shirt was riding up on my belly, as I trotted back to my place.
I didn’t know what I was doing or what I was gonna do. When I got home, I felt thirsty, just wanting to drink a little, feeling like that would make this feel better, even though I told myself no, you have to compose yourself, you have to call people, you have to report this. Just one drink, I thought. It turned into shot after shot, and before I knew it, I was drunk, hard in my boxers, having kicked off the shoes and thrown that tight-ass shirt on the ground as soon.
Then I was beating off, and cumming, and the build-up to that orgasm, man, it flooded my brain with some real redneck juice. I wasn’t thinking of the type of guys I usually did. I was thinking about redneck studs, studs like myself, feeling the drool run down my chin as I beat off. As I came, shooting way up on my pecs, rubbing it in with my hand, I was whispering to myself, almost like a confession that I had yet to voice to anyone, “You hot fucking redneck. Holy fuck, you love this, don’t you. You’re a redneck now. Holy fuck. Holy fuck.”
The desire to live for working out and fucking was already growing in me.
Thoughts were just racing through my head then. I knew I didn’t want to be some lame-ass yuppie or some weak-ass queer, man. I felt this powerful attraction to the redneck scene, the working class scene, the country scene, the military scene, the jock scene, you name it, any scene were men were men instead of the glitter fairy I had been before. I couldn’t quite pin it all down at that point yet, but my thoughts were sure racing.
Can you picture me, getting drunk in my apartment, turned on at my own body and swirling thoughts? And then I started to really know, man. I started to know. There was no going back now. The guy I used to be was a loser. I didn’t want to be him anymore. I was pissed off that I ever even was him.
I walked barefoot into the bedroom, checking out his stuff in the drawers and on the walls. Almost none of it would even fit me anymore. His feminine attire and the way his shithole apartment was decorated disgusted me. It made me want to punch the wall, even, so I did that and it felt good. I saw the paint crack and the drywall cave in. This new body had power.
I screamed then, a roar of pure rage and exhilaration. I punched the wall again, and it felt so fucking good that soon I was ripping all his shit off the walls and throwing it in a corner, ripping that flouncy shit off the mattress and I didn’t stop, screaming the whole while, until the bedroom at least look bare bones enough to resemble something a man would want to sleep in. I’d be damned if I ever let that loser back into this mind.
There were a few flashes, sure, and man was he a crybaby as he went out, as well as one hell of an angry little prick. Lots of hatred in his heart. I’d just laugh and say, “Fuck you!” sometimes out loud as I felt that twink brain collapse forever.
And now, as far as I’m concerned, he’s gone man. No longer a part of me, thank God.
I was nervous at first, when I started trying to hang out with guys I thought I’d have a lot more in common with that my old friends. Would they accept me? I was pretty desperate for acceptance at that point. I starting hanging out at a diner that I knew a lot of them liked to frequent, classic diner that pre-dated even the 1950s, a real antique. But these sexy ass guys would show up there, and soon we got to talking over waffles and hash browns.
Soon I was telling them I was darted, and they were saying that was hot as fuck, wanting to hear the story. Soon I was telling it to them, my legs in the air, sweat dripping down my bearded chin, as I was getting fucked.
Months after that, I was almost fully integrated into the lifestyle, man, and soon I was the one doing more of the fucking, especially after I got these sweet-ass tattoos all over my right arm. Getting fully into it, the desire to be that all I could be as man, hell, it ran in my veins now. I was going to let those commies know that I was better than them in every single way imaginable, and I wanted to show it off. I still get hard just at the thought of that, demonstrating my own superiority in the most tangible – well, to them, intangible, because I don’t want them even fucking touching me – methods available to me.
Yeah boys, it meant war for me, just like it had when I was a stupid twink, only this time I was playing for the other side, and it was chess instead of checkers.
Of course, there’s a lot more to life than just that for me, namely having hot-ass sex with all sorts of country studs and military men, hell, being part of that whole network of strong and powerful men who worship and respect other guys who’ve worked for it. I feel like I’m serving my country and being a paragon of virtue for it even when my legs are slung over some guy’s bull neck and thick, rounded deltoids as he plows the fuck out of me with his long-ass rod.
I had never gotten fucked this good when I was a twink.
I do real work with myself now, a man’s work. I dress like a man, I eat like a man, and I live my life like a man. I’m fucking proud of it, too. I love who I am now, and relocated to the other side of town, too, where the action’s hotter and I have way more in common with most folks.
I am sure glad I’m a buff stud with a thick-ass chest these days, and I don’t ever go clean-shaven. Been really into guy’s pits lately, and getting them to flex for me so I can lick those. Yeah, shit, I’ve gotta stop, because here I’ve got a raging boner just telling you all about that right now. I swear I’m way more horny than I used to be. At least seventy-five percent of the time now, I’d bet, I’m a top these days.
I don’t really like bottom boys, either. Their mere existence tends to piss me off, to be honest, so when I do fuck them I tend to be an aggressive power top. A lot of the time I don’t even think of it that way, though. I just think of them as so weak that the same rules don’t even apply to them. Different rules, in a way, because they’re a different kind of guy than me. Much more like women, unable to control themselves, you know how they are. I used to be one of them, and I’m so glad I’m not anymore, that’s for fucking sure.
A lot of the time I prefer to just fool around with guys such as myself. I love topping another top, having to wrestle somebody for hours in a strength and dominance competition. Gets the blood flowing. I like somebody who puts up a fight. C’mon, son, do you have any idea how fucking fun that is for me now? To meet up and hook up with another guy who’s just as manly as I am? That’s the stuff I live for now. I’m ready to just fuck my life away with hot ass guys at this point.
So, yeah, I’m a top who loves to wrestle with other tops and see who can dominate. I must be pretty good at it if I swear I’m scoring a seventy-five percent these days, but that’s just because occasionally I throw in some twink losers. Yeah bud, even some of these leftists get thrown a bone by me every now and again. They need us, and I like them to know they need us. They wouldn’t know what to do without us.
One of these days, I might even check with one of my army friends and see if I can come along on a mission so that I can dart one of them myself. I think I’d laugh my ass off when my dart goes in his neck or his shoulder, wherever it his him. Just to see the look on his face, shit boy. That could turn a guy on just by imagining it, so one of these days I’ll have to make it legit.
Fuck if I care about the loser I once used to be or what I’m supposed to be doing with my life. My life is better now and that’s all that matters to me.
Hot-ass guys, man. That’s what I live for.
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Hi!! Really like your writing could we possibly get a drabble or something like that of Middle Schooler Yuu?
Hell-Raising Gremlin: A Middle Schooler
Synopsis: Yuu is a cringy middle schooler that curses a lot and insults people
Cw: Cringe writing. Yuu is 12 and Gn. Cursing. They call Riddle stupid and tell Azul he's gay. No romance ofc. Not proofread
“What the fuck?” Was one of the first things that came out of your mouth when you kicked off the door to your coffin. A crowd of eerily robed people turned to stare at you as if you were the weird one for wearing normal clothes. Each person had matching eyeliner and wait, does that person have horns… and a tail? What sort of fucked up LARP furry cult were you kidnapped into?
“Honestly…” Another voice rang out “Coming through the door of your own accord is virtually unheard of, why are you in such a rush?” A bird masked individual said as he approached you, two glowing yellow orbs peaking through the mask, each part of his person accessorized to fit a perfect aesthetic. Okay, thats a pretty cool costume you’ll admit, but it still doesn't change that you are obviously in the wrong place.
"Um… probably because some strange carriage literally kidnapped me and forced me into a coffin and then I woke up here? I don't think I'm in the right place."
"Hmm I don't think you are entirely lucid yet… a side effect of the teleportation magic perhaps…" the man wondered out loud.
"Can you break character for a second and tell me where the hell I am, dude?" You glared at him and a few of the weird adults around you laugh. You keep a brave face despite the fear building up.
"You are at Night Raven College, a prestigious magician training school in Twisted Wonderland." The masked man states bluntly and confidently like that explains everything.
"Didn't I just say to break character? I'm not playing DND here or anything, I need to get home, I'm not supposed to be here in this weird cult thing… I need to get home!" a few more laughs reverberated in the crowd.
"I'm being serious, this is a school for magicians"
"Right well… I don't have magic. How's that?" You give a smug smirk. "So please send me home?"
The man just gives an infuriating blank expression. "Why, you are here because the black carriage recognized you as a powerful mage! You should be quite proud of that given how young to appear to be! Please stand by and the mirror will sort you into your dorm shortly!"
"I was kidnapped first of all, and I don't even have that weird robe thing! Look dude, you got the wrong person! I'll go up to that mirror right now and show you!" You assume this "magic' mirror was just some computer check in thing. Hopefully when you give your name it'll prove you aren't on the list of whatever the fuck this is.
"My, so hasty… such is the youth I suppose. Fine then, go up to the mirror."
You must give props to this actor for staying in character the full time, but now wasn't the time. As you approach the mirror you hear whispers, and you see 5 individuals and a floating tablet standing by it, looking as superior as they could. Some glared at you, others looked intrigued.
The mirror spoke, "State thy name."
"You're soul is… invalid… I cannot read it. Therefore I sort you in no dorm."
The crowd murmurs amongst themselves as the masked person looks genuinely surprised. "Well then. I must apologize, there must be some mistake." You exhale in relief. Finally he gets it. "Mirror, send this person home!" No response. Why was he asking the mirror?
"Ahem… Mirror take this person—"
"I cannot."
"... huh…" You frown
"This child's home is nowhere. They do not exist here. They are from another dimension. Therefore, they cannot be sent home."
The crowd's murmurs get louder. You still don't believe in this whole weird magic school act thing. "Are you fucking kidding me, did I seriously get isekaied by a horse drawn carriage?" 
At that you see the floating tablet mute themselves. Before you could even turn around and ask for the masked man to get a real person to send you home, a strange creature runs in front of you. You stared at it in complete shock.
"Mrahaha! If they can't join this school, then there's room for me!" The weird cat thing talks. Flames came out its ears and its tail was forked. What the fuck, what the fuck. How is this cat on fire and talking?
The crowd laughed at the cat's words. "Oh yeah?! I'll show you!" The creature yells out. You didn't think much of it until you saw blue plumes of flames come from its mouth and aim directly into the crowd. The crowd yells and pushes each other around. You could feel the heat.
This couldn't be some high tech animatronic could it? You gawk as banners catch flames and you see some of the mages in the crowd casting water spells to put themselves out. Is this really another world…? No way… no way. You have to get hit by a truck for that! This just has to be a very weird fever dream...
Another blast of flames is fired across from you, growing bigger and bigger, threatening to engulf everything in the room. One person from before lets out an annoyed sigh and you see him turn to approach the flame. 
Without thinking you immediately run over to pull him back catching him by surprise and making him stumble. "Dude, what are you doing?!" The doll faced young man looks over at you in shock, before his race reddens.
"How DARE YOU try to—"
"Riddle enough! They were just trying to help!" Another taller green haired mad says with a clover on his face. "Come with me…" the man says before pulling you back protectively.
You watch as the strange ruby-haired man, Riddle– what a stupid name–, approaches the weird cat. He raises his arm before lowering it. "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" He yelled, and a strange collar appeared around the cat. The flames around the room suddenly die.
"Hey what gives?! What I'll just… huh?! My magic! Its…"
"Sealed away. That collar around your neck does not allow you to use magic." Riddle states. "No cats are allowed are celebrations, your very existence here is a violation." A few robed figures go to grab their cat and toss him out.
"Damn…" you mumbles as you step put from behind the stranger that protected you.
"You there, child." Riddle states, still looking upset. "What you did was dangerous, you should have never stepped in to try to help."
Oh this dudes attitude pissed you off with how condescending he sounded. "Well sorry for trying to fucking make sure you didn't burn yourself. God forbid I didn't know you could do that weird collar thing."
The green haired man paled and the face of Riddle got red. "Excuse me?! You need to learn how to treat your superiors with respect–"
"I respect whoever respects me regardless of age! And you're not superior at all! You throw tantrums like a kid!" You spat back and the crowd seemed to laugh. The green haired man tries to pull you back. "Come on now, Yuu try to be nice…"
"Why would I? He's the one that started it! He can start yelling at people for no good reason but I can't? Hell who the fuck even names their kid Riddle its such a stupid name!"
Riddle was fuming at this point and everyone just seemed to either cringe or watch in rapt excitement. "IT IS NOT! You have not followed a single rule of the entrance ceremony! Those who don't follow the rules should be punished! Especially rude ones like you!"
"Did you not hear the mirror? I'm not from this world! I literally don't know any rules at all! How are you gonna get mad at me for that?! You're the one that keeps yelling for no reason and then getting mad at me for giving back the same energy? And now you're trying to threaten me!"
"Enough!" The red head yells. "Apologize now or it's off with your head!"
"Oh no my magic that I totally have! I'm so scared! Go ahead and do it! You're only punishing me because I'm right! You can't ever comprehend being wrong so you need to make yourself look stronger in every other way because you're a coward and a control freak! I may not have been in this world long, but something tells me in the real world you can't collar everyone that upsets you! You're a coward and a god damn fucking tyrant that feels the need to prove himself superior to a fucking TWELVE year old just because I had the audacity to try and help you! I am twelve and everyone here appears to be an adult yet none of you are actually helping me! I wanna go home!"
"Enough!" The masked man's voice yells out and you huff and look away. "That is enough for both of you." You look over at another man with blueish hair and glasses along with a mole struggling to hold in a laugh. You narrow your eyes. "Oh I just KNOW your bitch ass isn't laughing with your birthing hips and gay little face!" The man's eyes widen and he stares in shock for moment before looking down at himself. The crowd erupts in laughter.
"Yuu!" The masked man reprimands before sighing. "Dorm leaders! Take your students to their new homes! I will deal with this… situation" As everyone left, you glared at Crowley.
"It's about time you fucking listened me, hot topic wannabe ass." Crowley could tell that this child would fit in perfectly here.
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lesbianoms · 9 months
Fantasizing about going out on a date with an older woman who seems pure and vanilla on the surface. We end up talking about personal stuff and somehow end up on the subject of kinks.
After a while I reluctantly reveal to her that I’m into vore, and after telling her what it is her eyes widen in surprise and she just says, “oh.”
We say goodbye to each other and I go home, agonizing over the date and her mannerisms and overthinking literally everything like the gay little disaster I am.
And then I get a text. From her. And it’s a video.
I open it up and she’s standing in her bedroom, grinning warmly. She explains, “I thought about what you told me, and I wanted to do something special for you.”
She picks up a container and there’s a tiny inside, a man, who looks 0% frightened and 110% pissed off. My jaw probably drops at this point.
“Don’t ask how, but I managed to get my ex-husband shrunk down to a more… bite-sized helping.”
He looks about 4-6 inches tall, like he fits perfectly on her palm. She picks him up by the collar of his shirt, licking her lips. Her ex starts thrashing and shouting at her to let him go, put him down, how she’s a psycho and he’s glad he divorced her, etc.
She completely ignores his protests and his shouts of anger and just smiles into the camera.
“This one’s for you, sweetie~”
She lowers him towards her mouth.
“You crazy bitch! Let me go! I swear to God I’ll-”
Slurp. Her lips close around him before he can finish. I hear a loud gulp on camera and she tilts her head up as she slowly, seductively traces his shape down her throat.
Then she lifts up her shirt revealing her bare tummy. She hums softly, posing with her arms above her head, and the video is in such high quality that I’m able to see the exact moment he lands in her stomach.
She lets out a small burp, chuckling as she pats her belly. Pulling the camera close, she says in a milky purr, “Wanna listen?”
Immediately she presses her phone up to the center of her belly, and I hear the loud roar of her stomach fill my headphones. Between all the glorps and gurgles of her sexy stomach, I can hear the muffled sounds of her ex-husband’s voice. He’s cursing her, screaming at her and demanding to be let out.
“Bet you wish that was you, huh?” she asks. Her mature voice goes even lower as she teases me.
The video focuses on the close-up of her belly for a few minutes. She’s moving it every now and then so that it slowly sloshes up and down, like a belly dancer. I can hear the digestive groans of her ex inside, being felt up and squeezed by her walls. The sounds both relax me and turn me on, and being able to watch him squirm inside of her is really something else ❤️
“Come with me.”
She takes the camera with her as she walks down to the kitchen, where she opens up the fridge and takes out a bottle of wine. She places the camera on the kitchen counter, angling it so that the view is just under her belly.
I can see the writhing form of her prey as he gets churned around by her stomach walls. She uncorks the wine, pours herself a glass, lifts it up towards the camera in a toast.
“Cheers,” she says slyly, and she begins downing the glass.
I can hear the wine filling her up and entering her tummy, sloshing around inside as the wiggling lump of her ex-husband cries out. He disappears from view for a second until she pushes out her stomach, and I hear the bubbling of brewing wine mixed with the occasional groans of a liquid-filled gut. I can only imagine him sloshing around in there with the wine…
“Oh, I’m gonna feel that in the morning-”*uurrp!!*
She walks back to the bedroom, pressing the phone to her belly so that I can hear each slosh of its contents as she ascends the staircase.
“You know, I can feel that bastard struggling in there... I think he's trying to give me indigestion. Like he hasn’t already given me enough bellyaching when we were married! ... I'm sure you'd be much better behaved~"
Hearing back into the bedroom, she lays on the bed. She points the phone down at her tummy and pats it. The noises from inside are clear as day on the video.
About a minute or so of rubbing her active belly, she pulls down her jeans and tugs on the band of her underwear so that more of her lower belly is visible.
“Wanna see something cool?” she asks.
She puts the camera down with her other hand and feels around for her ex-husband, pressing down on a slightly bulging spot on her tummy.
“There he is,” she mumbles.
Then, she takes the front of her fingers and massages deep into her belly, kneading, pressing into her gut with an audible glorp.
I watch as she pushes the shape along her skin, towards her pelvis, and with a rush I realize what she’s doing. A particularly loud gurgle sounds out from her middle as she guides him down into her lower belly. I hear his muffled moaning as he shifts through her.
“Oohhh, I think he’s in my intestines now~” she says seductively.
I can see the wiggling form below her belly button, and I imagine what it must be like for him in there. So tight, and hot, and wet, and slippery… I wonder how much he’s filling out her bowels as he moves around inside…
She hums in delight and traces circles around him. His struggles pick up the pace as he seemingly tries to fight his way out of his ex-wife’s body. She squirms in pleasure, twirling the elastic band of her underwear and rubbing her lower belly with her other.
Eventually her body tires him out, and when his movements begin to slow, she pulls the elastic out and snaps it back so that it covers the bulge he makes completely. Covered by both flesh and cloth now, her belly bulge of an ex-husband whimpers faintly. His fate is sealed; her stomach gives a satisfied grumble.
Lifting the camera, she says, “Did you enjoy your surprise, honey? Ah, I hope you did. I can’t wait to see you again… and I’d love to feel you inside me. I’m still new to this whole thing, maybe you could give me some pointers. And I’m sure your cute little body would fill me riiight up~”
She looks down at her abdomen and frowns, huffs out a sigh, and finishes with, “Gotta go now, my hubby isn’t- *hic* quite agreeing with me…”
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findafight · 1 year
On the one-sided harringrove post- I feel it becomes infinitely funnier with bi steve. He likes men, just not Billy. Never Billy.
Oh yeah. When Billy fiiiirst comes to school with his music blaring Steve is head over heels for Nancy, so he might register that the guy with the Camaro and loud music has a good ass, but then billy opens his mouth and Steve is like "oh, no ass can make up for that personality." And continues with his life.
Just. Okay I like to project just a liiiiittle on Steve with him just. Not realizing his attraction to men isn't a straight thing. Like. Of course all straight people feel that way, you just kinda ignore it or don't do anything about it. So Steve is half way between being comfortable in his sexuality and being closeted to himself because buddy used Hawkeye Pierce as the blueprint of straightness.
So Billy is out here, wallowing in self hatred and internalized homophobia, hating Steve and wanting Steve and hating that he wants Steve and wishing Steve would pay attention to him enough for a hate fuck he can cry about later, and it's all very angsty. All the while Steve is just actually completely fine with thinking a dude is hot he's just got standards that include "not racist" "doesn't try to beat up kids" "hasn't made me blackout from head trauma"
Wait. Oh no. I feel an au coming on. Shit. Au where post S2 Robin hears piano coming from the band room after hours and is her curious self going "I must see who is this mysterious genius" and it's Steve. They get to talking and hanging out and all of a sudden Robin thinks they are actually good friends. Best friends. Somehow.
Cue them going to a band party together. Someone spikes their drinks with waayyyy more than they were expecting so they are blasted. Robin has to go pee but does not want to go alone so she drags Steve into the bathroom with her and makes him face away. He's like haha Woah you really had to pee. And she goes shut upppp and washes her hands but sits across from him. Steve smiles at her and gives her his speech about how amazing she is and how glad he is to be her friend (it is like March '85 so he is still not ready to get back out into dating yet). Robin tells him about Tammy. They sing. Someone slams the door open and kicks them out of the bathroom because there's a fuckin line.
They lay on the grass outside and look at the sky. Steve like. Caaaaasually mentions once having thought he was gonna marry Tommy when he was six and then realizing you just didn't do anything about those feelings and Robin's gotta shoot up going WHAT!! WHAAAT? Because it sounded like Steve coming out to her? Right after?? She came out to him??
And Steve is like yeah. Like you don't really have to? Easier to ignore it and flirt with girls who I like or think are hot. And poor Robin's brain is melting she's like please Steve I'm really drunk are you telling me you sometimes want to kiss boys? And he's like yes, obviously, everyone does. Just like everyone also wants to sometimes kiss girls. Except lesbians I guess who only want to kiss girls? And gay guys only want to kiss guy? Yeah that makes sense and straight people don't care but go for the opposite ya know?
Robin is like NO!! And calms down some and says "okay I'm telling you this because you are my friend and you just told me almost the same thing. Steve. I like girls and only like girls. That not a straight thing"
"yeah. You've said."
"but I am ninety nine percent positive that just because you like girls doesn't mean you're straight because you also like boys."
"yeah dude, I do not think this is a heterosexual experience you're describing. I'm not an expert but. Yeah.
"oh. Huh."
"I definitely thought it was."
"your brain is so weird I'm still kind of obsessed with you."
"haha. Honestly I'm kind of obsessed with you. This is wild."
"well. At least I know you're stuck with me."
"ohhh nooooo whatever will I do with my best friend always around..."
ANYWAYS THE ACTUAL POINT OF THIS is not in fact the stobin. It's actually that
Sometime probably in may, when Steve is ready to be on the dating scene again, he gets with Eddie. Robin is happy for him but also so mad because he went from "probably shouldn't act gay even tho everyone feels a little gay sometimes" to "hey Robin what would you say if I said I got a boyfriend?" In less than two months. How does he have straight AND gay game. That's not fair.
Steddie getting together is a non event. Eddie is still like ewww sports and yet somehow he made out with Steve Harrington and the next day Steve asked if he wanted to get milkshakes and throw rocks into the quarry to see the splashes. Eddie must restrain himself from thinking it's a date because he knows it's not but it'd also be the perfect date (Eddie is a simple man)
At the end of the night steve kissed his cheek and says "I had a really great time..."
Eddie just blurted "hey do you want to be my boyfriend?"
To which Steve perks up like "yes! I'd like that!"
And Eddie didn't actually think he'd get that far so he was like "neat!! See you tomorrow!" before slamming the door in Steve's face.
So they're dating and Eddie disparages sports but Steve is like haha aw you don't like watching me play? Which is sooo mean to Eddie because obviously?? He likes?? Watching his boyfriend??? Run around in tiny shorts and sometimes shirtless?? He has to reevaluate some things he supposes.
All while this is happening Billy is still on his Greatest Homoerotic Rivals shtick with Steve. Eddie notices and is like to dude...what is with Billy? And Steve just sighs. Says Billy is weird and obsessed with him and glares all the time. It's a whole thing. Billy is pissed because what is Steve, his epic rival, doing hanging around some random band geek, his sister's bitchass friends, and maybe the local dealer.
Alright. Grad happens. Yay Steve! Poor Eddie. They go to some party , hang out with people, sell some drugs, etc. Billy is unfortunately also at this party, and is like. Lazer eyes boring into Steve's back. Very annoying. At some point, he sees Steve slip away and is like this is my chance so he follows him.
Howmever he comes across Steve, his epic and totally heterosexual rival, making out with Eddie the freak Munson.
And listen this is a scary thing to be caught inna town like Hawkins, but that's not the point of this post.
So Billy goes "what the hell?"
They turn around. Billy is still spluttering.
"what are you-why would you-- with him?!" He says.
Steve raises his eyebrows, alllll cocky confidence. He smirks a bit. Drawls. "Well, yeah. I like cock, billy. Just not yours."
Because the point of this post is that Steve is a bitch.
Thank you.
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hyperref-lex-ia · 4 months
lots of common reactions i get as a mute person
all the following are peoples reaction when they assume i am deaf, the most common assumption
- flustered and lifts hands to try and sign and then lowers them when they realize they dont know ASL
- flustered and starts to sputter and talk before settling on mouthing things at me
- mouths “can you lip read”
- talks really loud at me (which wouldnt do much if i was deaf so idk)
- goes to find something to write on
- sometimes if i type on my phone in my notes when i need to say something other than yes or no people will go to literally take my phone from me to type back instead of literally anything else
- signs some of the more common sign, i get thank you a lot (especially in customer service situations, which is where most of these happen)
- if it is someone on the street saying something and they assume im deaf when i sign at them they usually just disregard me which is actually really nice
these next ones are when people dont assume im deaf, which is rarer
- talks to me normal
- talks to me like im dumb
heres a few nice incidents
- guy asked me if i was mute in spanish and i nodded and he asked if i knew spanish and i was like not really lol (live in a heavily hispanic area so i picked up on enough to understand) and he switches to english and shares about a talk he had gone to recently about mutism
- girl working at sonic assumed i was deaf and ran inside just to grab her phone to help me which i thought was really sweet so i just didnt correct her
- just today i was using the self checkout at a gas station and the guy behind the register sees me getting frustrated with the card reader and slides over a piece of receipt paper that says “tap works better” and i am like “i dont have tap” and i decide to just cancel the self checkout and move to him cause hes got good vibes and he holds the bag up and raises an eyebrow allowing me to have a choice in it which i dont often get. when i am leaving he signs “have a good day” super slow and obviously practiced a lot, and the fact that he obviously learned that just in case this happened made me really happy
- every time someone has happened to know ASL in public, its always surprising how many hearing/verbal people know ASL, almost always because they are CODA
- the enthusiastic gay man at my eye doctor who got so excited when he saw i signed even though he doesnt know it, because he thought it was so cool
- every person who goes “oh you speak ASL” and then immediately thinks about thay sentence and kind of 404 errors out as they realize you cant speak ASL
- the tiny middle aged mexican woman who has worked the store at my school the entire time ive been going there who knows me because i always go there for caffeine and snacks, and manages to always communicate with me despite a couple language barriers and will often berate me if i dont get water with my caffeine or if i dont get food, and who also wishes me happy holiday for every holiday that comes around, and was also very visibly worried when i had to rely on a cane for a few months
- my painting professor who always takes so much pressure off because hes so blunt, when i came in with a cane everyone danced around asking about it and he walks in and goes “what the hell happened to you??”, the most recent thing that made me laugh is we were talking and i was using TTS and as we are walking into the studios he goes “im gonna go talk with Ronnie, give your thumbs a break” and then we both started laughing
the worst interaction ive had
- had one of my professors numbers which happens sometimes because it makes life easier and she texted me out of the blue saying she “had a dream she was at my wedding and i spoke my vows” with heart emojis and i did not know this woman at all and i was like…what the fuck…not only is that unprofessional but also ableist
lastly shout out to my friends who translate for me purely off lip reading who dont know ASL
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fatsillykewn · 7 months
I would love to hear what you think about Sheila and Liane regarding kyman (and just in general I love seeing what people think about those silly geese)
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This is such a fun question!!!!! Oh my gosh okay, I want to start off with saying that I love both Liane and Sheila’s characters so very much. They both have very interesting story lines, backstories and character traits, as well as have very unique relationships with their sons that not many people talk about- I am not here get into whether I think they are the best of mothers or not, it’s obvious that both of them care very much for their precious boys, even if they show it in interesting ways.
I think Sheila would be the more accepting and supportive mother of kyman out of the two. I see Sheila being more supportive of her son being gay and being in a homosexual relationship, specifically with Eric. Sheila is a tough mom, she is loud and persistent, she is open minded and aware, she has very clear rules, boundaries and structure in her house. I see all of these factors of her personality being so because she loves her family and her sons so much, it is her way of ensuring her babies are taken care of and are being brought up right. Ultimately, whatever Kyle decided to do in his life, I know Sheila would be there in the crowd cheering him on- she is always so very proud of her bubbeleh! I personally HC that Eric and Kyle’s relationship gets found out by Sheila first (as she is a very persistent mother wanting to know what her son is up to and how he is doing). I see Sheila being a little surprised and confused, wanting to talk with the boys to understand the situation and I see her ultimately sitting them down and giving them a pep talk about healthy relationship habits and advice as well as responsibility and respect, talking them through a few concerns she may have. While she may not be the most patient mother, she loves her son so much, she just wants to see him happy but also make sure he makes smart choices. So she becomes kyman’s biggest advocate, supporting them rough patches and questioning situations. Even though Eric was a little shit to Sheila growing up, he has been around Kyle and his household for long enough to get a few good parental moments from Sheila. Kyle definitely keeps him in check as well.
Liane is an interesting case, and I say that because she has had many moments in the show expressing her homophobia and religious stance on homosexuality, yet she also has had quite a few canon moments expressing being some part of the lgbt community herself. Liane and Cartman have a much different relationship than Sheila and Kyle, Liane may appear more loving, soft and motherly, but she doesn’t exactly play a heathly role as a mother. I HC that she does not take Cartman’s homosexuality seriously, nor does she take kyman’s relationship seriously. Even though Liane is very devoted to her little poopsiekins and will stop the world for him in certain situations, I feel by the time and age Kyle and Eric get into a relationship, Liane just can not care too much to support it, she and Eric have drifted apart as mother and son and their relationship is pretty rocky. I feel she will acknowledge kyman and go on about how adorable they are, how they are “such cute and loving friends”, but it doesn’t get much deeper than that. I believe Liane would be too ridiculed with religious trauma, sexual trauma and relationship trauma to appropriately understand kyman’s relationship. I feel she will have her own prejudice based on her upbringing and normalcy in her own eyes, but she won’t voice it or take action against kyman’s relationship. She lets Eric live his life as she lives hers.
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
I don't mean to pile onto your bad day but I've been seeing a lot of creators on tiktok complain/compare the bucktommy and henren tags/fic count on ao3 because there's almost more bucktommy fics then there are henren fics. The number one claim is always that bucktommy writers are racist because we don't write for henren. But like, that's not correct at all? People can write fanfiction for whatever they want to. If they want to see more henren stuff then they can write it on their own.
We can coexist without fighting each other. I'm just tired of people screaming about how bucktommy is anti this or anti that, when we're just vibing by ourselves and don't want the drama but the drama finds us anyway because Sucky People are loud and get heard the most.
You’re good, anon. It actually gave me something to think about during work.
As a quick disclaimer, before we begin, I’m not a POC. I am not speaking for anyone in the Black community and am not attempting to speak over them. My following thoughts are as a queer woman-ish who is also a writer.
I think it must be noted that Hen and Karen have been overlooked since day one. The fact that Buck coming out made it the “gay firefighter show” when we’ve had a beautiful canonical lesbian couple since the very beginning? Is only proof. Is this proof of racism in the fandom? Maybe. Quite possibly. I would argue that it comes from a misogynistic point as well.
If you look in any fandom, regardless of the color of their skin, any wlw ship is horribly overlooked. I’ve done some tag searching on ao3. Straight and mlm ships battle for dominance while there are canonical and fanonical wlw ships that have a drastic difference in numbers. This isn’t a good thing. But it’s an experience that spans fandoms.
I find it sad that BuckTommy has almost more fics, with only two episodes under their belt, than Henren with 7 seasons. However, this isn’t a reason to hate on BuckTommy. The ship didn’t do anything wrong. Comparison is the thief of joy and it’s also rage bait. I think that some creators simply are using anything they can to hate on BuckTommy. Which that makes it sadder, that they aren’t concerned about Henren other than pushing their own agenda.
This isn’t to say all creators who are speaking about this are doing this, but I guarantee some are.
Now, let me speak as a writer.
As someone with 62 published fics on ao3, I write almost exclusively mlm ships. This isn’t because I hate women. And as a queer woman-ish, don’t even start about homophobia. But for some reason, I find it so much easier to write men than I do to write women. This is true for straight and wlw ships and also just in general. I love Henren, but I don’t have the faintest idea about how to write them.
It’s hard enough to write as it is and I’m already writing on ships that are easy for me. I try to write women and it just hasn’t come out right. I want to challenge myself, branch out, and maybe I’ll write for Henren to do that. But I say all this to point out that for some people like me, writing some ships and demographics of ships are just a little more difficult.
That leads me into something else.
I, as a white person, worry about accidentally writing non-white characters wrong. And this was reinforced not too long ago when we had that whole thing on ao3 with deliberate racism in 9-1-1 fics. If anyone has resources or advice for writing non-white characters, I would love to hear that! The last thing I want to do is cause any harm.
I feel like I’ve spoken a lot about me, but that’s because I can’t really speak for anyone else. I can only speak from my experience.
We already have a ship war between BuckTommy and Buddie. We don’t need to pit more people against each other. I think we can love BuckTommy while agreeing that Henren needs to be seen and appreciated and treated equally.
End note to say: I tried to speak as delicately and as sensitively as I could, but if anything came out wrong, please feel free to point it out (kindly). Again, I speak for no one but my very little section of the world. I’m interested to hear what people of other backgrounds have to add!
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sageistri · 6 months
Can you please help me with understanding some points?
Today I saw a viminer that was clearly a Jimin anti and I’m so pissed that people claim to stan him just for a clout or because they believe in certain narrative that they have made up by themselves.
Their behaviour is truly hypocritical - she said Jimin has always been careful about lgbt community and v has been always loud about it - “Taehyung gifted Jimin “woman” clothes, so he started accepting himself”. But she never mentions that Jimin called out V for saying that man shouldn’t check selfies, called out members saying that he didnt get why they are so upset about wearing dresses.
But when in one ask someone said that V was being controversial about lgbt - “he called out Jimin for liking man, laughing at his attitude to Jungkook” that girl defended him🤡 like V has always been supportive more than Jimin
Tell me am I right or wrong? Do we have a masterpost about Jimin supporting lgbt or should we make one?
Ok I get this, and it's not like we can ever expect these people to paint him in a good light. The funny thing about how stans use idols or celebs in general talking about or engaging with queer media as proof that they're queer is funny because when you look at someone who's obsessed with queer media or at least wants us to think that they are, it's the straightest person ever. Enjoying a certain type of media doesn't mean you're part of that community, most times queer people engage with and consume straight media more, it doesn't make them less queer.
And I don't understand why we have to prove that Jimin supports LGBTQ.. is he getting an award for his support or does his support cause any significant change in the community?
Also if you ask the average kpop Stan who isn't an army that can't stand the idea of Tae with a woman so they try to convince themselves he's gay because he posted about a wong Kai war movie, to list 10 idols they think could be queer or idols who have helped to break gender stereotypes, Jimin will be the only BTS member on that list.
It reminds me of how armys diagnosed jk as autistic and call him "babygirl" when he would never be the first Idol anyone would think of when they hear the term "babygirl", also how years ago armys and Taehyung stans swore Tae was "unique" because he acted "weird". Everyone wants their fave to be "not like the others", stans and their neverending quest to prove that idols are queer or autistic because they think it makes them unique or because they want to see themselves so bad in the idol even if that idol is anything but.
I think we are past the era when we think someone is gay because they post about gay media. Most BL fans are literally straight women. I'm attracted to women and I consume more straight and mlm media than wlw, it doesn't change my sexuality.
A lot of people think Jimin is queer for reasons that are deeper than these.
Until a few years ago when certain BTS members discovered what the fans wanted to see and what was accepted by their international fanbase, they would literally say the most insensitive things to Jimin about his masculinity, Tae included. That man discovered that fans eat these things up and he's not looked back ever since.
Like I'm not accusing anyone of anything but I just don't think Tae is as close as he is with those wooga squad men and then he's actually queer, or that he could even push anyone to self acceptance. That's like the ultimate "bro club", they are misogynistic and I've heard homophobic too (although I don't know how true that is, I think people just say they are because they give that vibe and I get it). If he's actually queer and oh so forward thinking then being friends with people like that isn't a sign of self acceptance at all in my opinion or maybe wooga squad members are good people in private lol.
I don't think anyone should be making a post to prove that Jimin supports the queer community because he's the last idol that needs that defense.
Jimin has been subjected to homophobi* and transphobi* for years because he's always been himself but of course Tae is more progressive simply because he watched a gay Netflix movie and posted about it on Instagram 😭
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animentality · 7 months
Did they get a postive response from adding those Gortash lines? I thought a bunch of people hateing on it instead? Also what if they removed the lines to change them a go a diffrent direction. I'm sorry. I have a lot of worry they wont do something I agee with.
The overwhelming reaction was positive. Durgetash artists went on Twitter to celebrate, and the small but passionate fans of the ship went nuclear here and on Twitter, and helped BG3 trend, yada yada, tale as old as time.
Most people don't care about Durgetash or Gortash. The majority of people you hear from would be the people who like both of those things. It's also a small ship.
The haters of that ship are even smaller in comparison, because the hand that reaches out will always touch more than the hand clenched into a fist.
And the only "legitimate" complainers, who don't just dislike the ship on principle, are the whiners who keep insisting their durges are lesbians, and how dare Larian "force" them into a relationship with a man - which is literally not what Larian did.
No one bitches about how Gale's ORIGIN completely precludes him from being gay.
I see no reason why you can't similarly have Durge's ORIGIN make them attracted to men. Or, you know. Enver is special.
Oh. And also. It's so fucking platonic, if you want it to be. Stop being stupid and just say you don't like Durgetash. It's as easy as that.
Stop using "lesbophobic" as a handy label for your self righteous soapbox. You just don't like the ship, and that's fine. It's FINE. But acting like Durgetash is lesbophobic - oh, go play a Tav.
And also, Astarion and Gale and Wyll better not flirt with you in game, even though you can tell them to fuck off, or else they're lesbophobic too.
That's the only discourse that gained traction on Twitter. As far as I know.
If Larian had made Gale wear blackface or something, and people got pissed, then yeah. They'd back up on that, and get rid of it pronto.
But Durgetash???
Aside from the general evil antics, they're not that fucking controversial of a ship.
Most people don't even PLAY the Dark Urge.
I don't know how to stress this any other way...
People act like Durgetashers are loud - we're honestly not that loud.
Astarion fans are far louder, and yet, the most romanced companion is SHADOWHEART and then Laezel and KARLACH.
He's not even in the top 3. And yet, he dominates the content on Twitter and Tumblr... he's definitely more popular than Gortash or the Dark Urge or Durgetash together...but his fans are still technically the damn minority.
So Durgetash in comparison to Starries???
And Durgetash haters?
Would be even smaller.
So what I'm saying is...
I'm kind of tired of answering asks about this.
I don't KNOW for certain whether or not this is Larian backing up or walking forward, and while I don't believe they'd walk back on this, and especially not for a handful of people, it kind of annoys me to even think about things outside of my control.
now if Larian makes a big grand statement and says actually we totally rescind something WE WROTE AND ADDED TO THE GAME because some people got mad...then I'll call them cucks, and complain.
But as of right now?
As far as I know personally, and assume in my heart... it's neutral.
The lines are probably just bugged. Also, not ALL of them are bugged either, so.
Please stop freaking out, guys.
I am the world's biggest resident durgetash freak, and I'm shrugging at this, and just saying it's a bug.
Don't let it bother you. It's out of your control, regardless.
(And I stress again - if we find out they're legitimately backing away from something they did...they have the spine of a ham sandwich. But until we know that for sure, I won't condemn them for this, because as far as we know, it is legitimately an accident.)
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Kakashi's death with Pain seems to me to be a chapter that shows Kakashi's evolution and it also shows what a great character he is, since he gave his life for someone and also thanks to the talk he had with his father, Sakumo can rest in peace knowing that his son forgave him and that he's no longer the same person who loved to follow the rules. Well..I thought that what I said above was common sense but today I was surprised to see that someone said that Kakashi's death was "silly and meaningless", some people watched Naruto with their eyes closed..
Honestly i think people who say this only think a death is ‘meaningful’ if a person stays dead
We see how meaningful Kakashi’s death is to himself, his story, and the people around him. We get a glimps at two people who clearly care deeply about him when he dies.
Tsunade, who cries and destroys a pillar of the Hokage mansion when she gets the news, signifying the destruction of a pillar of Konoha
Gai, who’s on a mission and surrounded by his students but stops in his tracks because he feels Kakashi’s death. We don’t know if he truely understands what happens, but it’s exactly like the scene where Naruto feels Jiraiya’s death. Something is gone. Someone important to him is no longer there and his soul just called out to tell him this. He’s not even in the village and he’s already preparing himself for terrible news because he knows something terrible has happened.
Naruto’s reaction is a lot more toned down but you can hear it. He asks about Kakashi specifically and gets really quiet when Tsunade can’t answer him. He can’t lash out or cry because Pein is there and he has to protect the village, but he came home and immediately recognized that his Sensei’s chakra wasn’t there and had to ask even though (as said in his own words) it was very possible Kakashi was just away on a mission.
Choji’s reaction is more open with crying, but it makes sense because at the end of the day Kakashi gave his life saving Choji’s and that has to hurt. And when Kakashi wakes up alive again he’s so overwhelmed with relief that he cries more.
And then you go to Kakashi’s story. Kakashi, who we don’t know a lot about but have just started to learn a bit about, and we finally get to meet his father. The man Chiyo mistook him as when she first saw him, and who clearly has a reputation
And for the first time since we meet him, Kakashi is soft. Not just for a second, but the entire time. He’s open and relaxed and happy. For the first time in his life he can let down his guards and just relax completely because there is no more danger.
Then you have his connection with his father and thise sweet words of forgiveness. How Sakumo looks so surprised and then happy because he was so regretful over his death that he waited for his son for YEARS to apologize to him, only to have Kakashi tell him
‘I was mad. I hated you at one time and what you had done, but i’ve learned and i forgive you, but most importantly i am PROUD if you’ and that scene hits so hard cuz till this point we don’t see Kakashi openly say he’s proud of someone. He restricts himself, but after this point he’s more open of his pride. We know when he’s proud but he doesn’t really say it out loud until after he comes back to life. It was like he couldn’t say it out loud until he said it to his father, and instead he said it in weird and awkward ways (telling Naruto ‘i’m finally starting to like you’ while he was working on creating the rasenshuriken, which i think is anime only but still sort of highlights how Kakashi never outright says ‘i’m proud of you’ even to himself)
Kakashi’s death was so meaningful, but because he comes back to life people assume it means nothing.
It takes away Naruto’s ‘losing his sensei’ (which we see with Jiraiya but ok) or it was just ‘pointless’. It’s just complainers being complainers tbh. Nothing is ever good enough for them
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
Hey it's good to write to you again 💖love your sense of humour it always hype me😄😄
I just went to Yoongi's concert, I'm telling it's magical, loud and fun. What made me even more excited is because I was traveling with my friend whom we just renewed our friendship that was broken because of misunderstandings, I introduced her to bts and as we were watching their content she suddenly said she like jikook, and in my mind I thought she is talking about them in a platonic way so when she elaborated she said she can see when people are fucking each other😁😂 I laughed then I showed her your blog she's been reading it saying you are very blunt😂😅 Anyway few day after she came and asked me if taehyung used to date Jimin or if tae has a crush on Jimin because she noticed at times tae would look at Jimin's lips and all, I said I thought the same at first. Do you think v had a crush on Jimin, Is that why Jungkook when it comes to yoongi, Rm and tae he needs to clarify that it is friendship turning down every ship moment that can be made? Because I noticed he has no problem with Jimin or jihope moments but always with the others he interrupts them.
Aahh vmin vmin vmin- the ship that could if only they would
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No one knows for sure what his thing was with Jimin. It was easier to label it as a crush for kicks and giggles back then. But as grown adults that they are now its a little bit 🥴
I mean sometimes the members themselves do admit some of the things they do and say is a bit fruity 🤷🏾
With Jungkook isn't it double standards for him to feel the need to go out of his way to demystify Jimin's ships while his own ships hang in the gay balance?
Minimoni are friends he says but Namjoon and I are thirsting over eachother's bodies- boys scouts honor
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Yoongi and Jimin are laughable he snorts but hey what's that in between Jins legs. time to jiggle jiggle
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He's made not letting Jimin's ships breath his entire personality and instead of Jimin whooping his ass as he should he's 'oh Jungkookie" melting away at him
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Not to say Jm enjoys it entirely cos clearly it gets a bit too much for him sometimes🥲
This 'double standards' is something I hear most teen same sex couples complain of so I find it interesting to see these things play out between them.
And it's definitely interesting how we the fans respond to this as well. We will praise Jungkook for being territorial but let Jimin exhibit a similar territorial streak and suddenly it's he's clingy, he's an attention seeker, and he acts like he owns Jungkook.
I'll take it a notch further and analyze this in light of Tae's reaction to this territorial behavior in both of them. If Jungkook acts territorial over Jimin with Tae, Tae backs away, acts like he's gonna cry most times and only puts up a fight on few occasions but should JM try to be territorial over Jungkook, Tae would square up with him more often than not🥴
Then there's Namjoon who used to back down and show some respect for the Maknae's feelings- and then suddenly doesn't care anymore. He legit said,
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I digress.
Sigh. Am I the only one missing Jin? Where's that one Taejin shipper please send me Taejin gifs😭😭😭😭
Tae can be intense and he's able to connect to people and things on a very deep emotional almost spiritual level. When he was young he used to desire this same level of intensity from the people around him often leading to him coming across as not having emotional boundaries. I don't know much about him personally, but I can deduce from certain things he says and does that he used to get this thrown in his face a lot.
This lack of emotional boundaries is what is often misconstrued as a crush by some of us.
But I think he just wants to hold hands on the pier with Jimin and discuss their deep deep affections for one another while the sun gradually set over the water
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It doesn't make them gay- may be lesbians for sure but not gay😭
And while Jimin equally wants a friendship like that and so reciprocate with Tae- he better not try that shit on Jungkook.
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You're gonna caress Jungkook's hands in the dime light, over soft music, while whispering to him how much emotionally attached you are to him- better be prepared to have his children while you're at it
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So to answer your question, I think Jungkook knows the difference between what's an unconventional quirky friendship and what's blatantly Gay.
And most of the time when he's reacting to these scenarios he's simply expressing his discomfort with the latter.
The day Jungkook goes cross eyed on Vmin is the day you know for sure those two are crossing some serious boundaries Friends shouldn't cross. Other than that I don't think he minds- nor should he.
The only reason he should be worried at all would be if Jimin is emotionally bonding with Tae and not JK. As it stands, that's not the case.
Minimoni are not Vmin. They are not the quirky unconventional same sex friends that Vmin are. So yea, if they start touching up on eachother and if Namjoon- NAMJOON- KIM NAMJOON- starts flirting and flashing dimples at Jimin he has every reason to be worried. I TOO WILL BE UNCOMFORTABLE AND I'M NOT EVEN DATING JIMIN.
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Smart intelligent successful TALL KIM NAMJOON?
Look, Jungkook is even better than me. I wouldn't let my girlfriend be friends with a KIM NAMJOON. Are you kidding?! I would follow them everywhere and put surveillance on them. Reinforce social distancing rules. 5 ft apart always and never alone in one room.
You think ill let my girlfriend be friends with an Rm, Yoongi, Jk you're mad. And then they'll just tell you casually, hey babe i'm gonna hang out at Rm's place- eh? Excuse me?! PARDON!
Hanging out doing what exactly cos I know yall be not talking about your feelings with them. PRAY TELL WHAT EXACTLY YALL BE HANGING OUT FOR?
I mean I'm not threatened by Yoongi per se but Agust D? Child no. No. No no no no no. NO.
Personally I don't think Jimin is in any way romantically interested in anyone in BTS other than Jk. I will fight him on this if he denies it🤧
But doesn't mean certain people in the band don't- sexually excite him beside JK. He's a rather healthy young adventurous spirited gentleman - with raging fiery hormones JK tries to keep under control
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If your boyfriend had sexy sultry eyes and a Jawline that looks straight out of a hentai anime imagining you would want to police him around too.
And look, Daddy is not wood.
Sticks and stones may break his bones but dare I say, tall chiseled 8 inch biggo excites him😝
I suppose curvy wide hips big booty breastina does it for him too😭😭😭😭😭
I think he finds Namjoon and Jk's physique ideal and attractive as men. And if he's dating Jk then I see how that would be a problem for Jk.
For Suga, I think it's more of how Suga treats Jimin. He treats JM like someone would treat someone they loved. Jimin admires Suga a lot. For his intellect, for his passion- JM has a tattoo of Suga's words on his body. Let that sink in and then put yourself in JK's shoes.
Jimin may be evasive but when he admires someone he praises them a lot. He praises their physique ifm he finds that ideal or attractive or intellect if he admires their ingenuity. He keeps praising and admiring JK. He keeps admiring Namjoon for more than his physique- come to think of it he's shown considerable admiration for Suga, RM and Jk more so than the others.
The only time I've seen him admire V in any way sus is when he said Tae has a huge shlong. I suppose that's enough reason for anyone to Stan V😭 If I hadn't seen it myself I would have said my man's exaggerating but that thing is humongous😭😭😭😭
Moving on from V's shlong,
Between V and Jimin I frankly don't recall who influenced who. We know Jimin today to be the most emotionally vulnerable one who's able to connect emotionally with others but if memory serves me right, that used to be V🤔
He's the one most of the members felt emotionally honest with and comfortable with and the one they seem to suggest helped them gain confidence to be themselves emotionally.
I don't know. Sometimes I feel JM and V are the same person. Different sides of the same coin. Their soul mate shtick makes sense to me.
Talking of soulmates, I find it interesting Tae Talking about twin flames in his new song May be. He said he would release it in 10yrs but I'm itching to hear the whole thing NOW. A. It's a really deep good song. The lyrics are fire, the genre is on point
You told me you are my twin flame, Our colors shimmer the same, when the world is cold in the winter, we'll melt each other away.
I have to praise him for the emotional depth most of his sings have- it's everything I desire in a song. A song that speaks to the human condition and evoke such strong emotions and is very soulful. Bravo mate.
But isn't it interesting how he's switched from soulmate to twin flames and yet still evoke the same imageries of the moon the way he's done when writing songs inspired by Jimin?
Not only is his dick massive his voice is massive too😭
Sorry what was your question?
Ah, JK interrupting JMs ships.
I don't know what to tell ya. He's a hater🤣🤣🤣🤣
You should watch him finding all the excuses in the world as to why JM shouldn't collaborate with the members on a song but somehow had no objection when JM said he'd make a song with him😭😭😭😭
You know when he was younger and he was asked whom he would entrust his sister to out of the group he chose himself? He couldn't chose anyone even when most of them chose Jimin💀
That was his sister. Now imagine his partner 🤣
There's no over analyzing this. I think it's just his personality. And he's been consistent with it. Remember the Perilla leaf debate?
Personally I think some members deliberately avoided answering the question- or answered it the way they did bcos of Jungkook 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣
When Tae said let's take turns I knew Jk was gonna throw a bomb and Jimin was gonna stutter 😭😭😭😭
And of course Namjoon and Suga will say they don't care- of course 😌
Cos if they did care then Jungkook would be vindicated won't he🤣
Ahhh Jimin- JM and his tiny, but why should it even matter if you're eating how would you even notice these things 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Boy's been traumatized straddling the line between the hyungs and the Maknae trying to explain to JK relax we are not flirting, relax he grabbed my balls don't mean I'm cheating. Meanwhile all JK seeing is them walking down the aisle in rainbow suits🤧
If everything we've been screaming on ship street wasn't making things clear, it's obvious from this clip alone the diverse views on boundaries that exist in the group.
It's clear, as I've been saying, JK has boundaries. Boundaries some members think is childish and ridiculous and so do not respect or adhere to which used to be a major cause of tensions within the group.
And for Tae to point out in support of Jungkook that sharing a chopstick or whatever those Perilla leaves were meant to signify was a sign of crossing boundaries should answer my question about him backing down when JK instills boundaries over JM with him but not so much when JM tries to instill boundaries with him.
It's double standard on Jms part and Tae is not the one. Do unto Jk what you want done unto you. If you think JK is childish for trying to instil boundaries with your friends what gives you the right to instill boundaries over JKs friends? Gotta love him. He's a no nonsense sort of person.
Now, we also understand why Namjoon stopped respecting JK's boundaries. It goes both ways.
When I tell you BTS has more drama and is better than the Kardashians whew🤭
Jungkook was the most gaslit member of the group. They constantly made him out to be this unreasonable possessive dude who couldn't keep his relationship a secret. Personally, I don't think a person's boundaries have to be negotiable. It's not something you negotiate on with them. And ridiculing them and calling their boundaries unreasonable and childish speaks to your own inability to take no for an answer which is generally toxic.
It's a good thing JM made his emancipation proclamation himself cos JKV and I were gonna have to break him free from the mold.
Okay bye I'm gonna watch it and akeke to myself again
Oh wait, your friend. I should say something nice- ho ho ho ho ha ha ha ha may the force be with you💜
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padfoot0216 · 1 year
Okay but hear me out (I say this as if I’m about to say something completely normal, but I’m not. None of this is normal) TK and Carlos would both use Tik Tok. They would make POV videos except they are just real things that have happened to them. No one can tell if they are joking.
TK and Carlos’s Tik Tok adventures
- Carlos would start it. Something like “POV Your boyfriend almost set your kitchen on fire (he used to be a firefighter)” And it would show TK in the back trying to put out a very on fire pan.
- TK would retaliate by creating his own Tik Tok. “POV Your boyfriend fell down the stairs, and now you have to provide first aid” Showing Carlos sitting with and ice pack in his head and TK holding a first aid kid.
- They just become more unhinged after that. Everyone in the 126 follows them and so does the 118.
- POV Your boyfriend is in a coma after getting shot by a 10 year old ( TK in a hospital bed)
- POV your boyfriend is apparently just “your colleague” seriously TK
- POV your boyfriend brought a flesh eating lizard into your house and now your scared for your life (He says he wasn’t flesh eating but they found him inside a wound. So excuse me if I don’t believe him)
- The 126 each have their favorite videos
- Owen enjoys watching what his son gets up to but is also kind of concerned for his well being after seeing some of the videos
- POV your a former drug addict and your boyfriend brings drugs into the apartment (a bottle of Tylenol sits on the counter”. This is one one of the videos that concerns Owen.
- POV your boyfriend is crying because the lights were to loud (he swears he’s neurotypical)” Owen is once again concerned about his son
- Marjan enjoys the chaos of the videos.
- POV your dad and your boyfriends dad teamed up to stop an arsonist. They did catch him but now you don’t have a house (so many hoodie are gone) *pile of rubble in the background*
- POV your boyfriend won’t stop crying about his hoodies so now your spending your life savings at 3am to buy new ones
- Mateo is mostly confused and the more he watches the more confused he is
- POV your the bpd (note: try and tell me TK doesn’t have borderline personality disorder) boyfriend and your having a breakdown in the kitchen
- POV All you want to do is sleep but your boyfriend keeps talking about a couch
- Judd is genuinely concerned about both of their well beings
- POV your boyfriend just got kidnapped by a homocidal maniac but refuses to get therapy *carlos is crying in the background
- POV your boyfriend just went into a three day coma and now refuses to go to sleep (yes tk sleep is needed for human survival)
- Paul is entertained by it all
- POV your boyfriend is out with Cooper, whats so great about Cooper, I’m a cop Cooper
- POV A fight breaks out between the police and firefighters softball teams and your boyfriend won’t let you fight and steps in to fight for you (he tells them he’s a cop, it doesn’t work because they are also cops and have desks right next to them. He was invited to one of there childrens graduations. He apologizes to Brian his name was Grant)
- Nancy kind of wishes she never started following them
- POV you wake your boyfriend up at 2 am to tell him you want to write your will (he asks if the lizard is back, not sure why that’s the first thing that came to mind but ok)
- POV you were held captive by a lady who apparently loves the gays (she may want me dead but at least she’s not homophobic)
- Tommy just wants an explanation to it all
- POV Your boyfriend just became a paramedic and was kidnapped by a group of criminals (his dumbass tried to play hero and got knocked out)
- POV your boyfriend blames himself for the death of a criminal (it wasn’t his fault) and is now spending all of his time trying to solve the case (Grace is enabling him.) (I have the first aid kid on stand by)
- The 118 had there own questions and concerns, but the main one being how they know so much about their lives they just met them.
- POV Your boyfriend won’t stop talking about buddie and the couch theory. (Send help)
- POV Your boyfriend is crying because you wouldn’t stop talking about how we aren’t the main show (it’s because we’re in Texas)
Welp that’s it. I’m normal. I swear
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baguettes-and-biscuits · 11 months
i am so done.
some of my classmates - and some aren't even classmates, they're just conversations i hear on the bus or insults tossed around during gym - are so mean it's not even human.
my eighth period teacher (basically study hall but we actually have an assignment to do but it's so stupid [at my school at least]) is an awesome guy. he's fun, nice, and he has pet reptiles that he brings to school which definitely brings him up a few points. my eighth period, on the other hand, is made up of people i don't particularly like (except for, like, three people). they're loud and annoying and make me very mad sometimes.
like last friday (i think), my teacher had to have a whole discussion about not using gendered insults and not insulting people for their sexuality. like what?? it's just so dumb that we even had to have the conversation.
that goes for religion, too. we didn't talk about it, but a week or two ago i heard some kids on my bus talking about muslim people and i'm pretty sure they weren't being nice about it. again, it was a lil bit ago, so i don't remember the conversation well. i do remember how i instantly got mad though.
like i said before, people should just be like kind? but i guess some people haven't matured past the stage called "obnoxious 1st graders." just by yelling out insults that involve gender, sexuality, or religion, they are literally saying "i don't like these people and i don't like you which makes you one of them" and it hurts even more when you're right there, thinking about how you may be part of some of those groups.
they literally alienate groups of people and it's so stupid. like what did we ever do to you???
saying, "you throw like a girl" is never gonna be an insult. in fact, if a girl really wanted to, she could throw that ball at your face and knock it off your shoulders.
saying, "you're gay" is never gonna be an insult. in fact, it used to mean things like cheerful. are you trying to insult someone by saying that they're happy? it never was an insult and will never be an insult.
(i would put a specific quote for religion but i don't know if i've ever heard that many before) and just any religion-related insults is only ever gonna hurt the religion you've just insulted by comparing it to this horrible person you're trying to insult.
and race, too. i don't think i have to explain this one, but in my personal experience, it hurt to hear some ninth grader say, "fighting for Ukraine was so last year." (again, my personal experience; i'm not trying to exclude anyone.)
if anyone has anything else they want to add, go ahead! unless it's rude and goes against everything i just said. then you can shut your mouth and go back to whatever horrid dimension you came from.
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
I have the house to myself because people are at a sportsball party
So what else would I do but keep watching spop amiright
s1 ep8 lez go
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Oh, that explains why (in a muuuuuuch later episode) there's that little ideal future and they're at Scorpia's ball (iirc)
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Catra: I NEED TO BE IN CHARGE Scorpia: party!
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Poor Scorpia
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Catra: giving a passionate-if-faked pep talk to Scorpia (like I get she's manipulating Scorpia here into going to the party, but it's still the kind of thing Scorpia should hear!) Also Catra: still real mad about Adora!!!
I cackled, y'all. CACKLED.
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I mean she's...not wrong...
Okay I know it's just how this kind of show works and isn't important but it implies the Ball is known about for years in advance, but the invites only actually go out like a day or two before?? IRL that would be such a disaster because they don't even know the theme until they get the invite. The sheer amount of logistics/planning attending something like this, including the outfits...
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This was intended to be Lolita fashion and you can't convince me otherwise
Also CATRA. They intentionally made her look so, so gay and hot.
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Same, Catra. Same.
Adora (to the weapons-check person): be careful with it, don't lean it on something with the other swords or it might get confused!!!
Poor Adora. I suppose if I had an object that made me both popular and nearly invincible I'd be upset and worried to be separated from it, too.
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It's Molly and Nate!!!
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🎶Just like the viiiiine🎵
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I love that we know these characters enough that they can just say a couple of lines here and imply a ton more. Anyway Mermista's outfit is great.
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This is literally their entire dynamic. They're clearly together, Sea Hawk is loud about it, Mermista is (mostly) pretending to hate it.
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Sorry this is shot is just great
Glimmer's jealousy (over Bow coming to the ball with Perfuma) is SO ANNOYING and I know that's on purpose but boy do I hate most "jealousy makes them obnoxious" plots
ANYWAY one small note: you can tell their budget for this episode is just not very high, because the characters in the background are so often not moving or only moving like one thing.
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Oh hey, Netossa and Spinerella! (...and Molly again lol)
"Bow isn't the type to just leave his old friends behind, and neither am--" *Scorpia and Catra walk in*
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I can't screenshot this bit but it's so good:
Catra, in her most fake-gentleman voice: I love rules and obey them all the time Adora in the most high-pitched voice possible: YOU DO NOOOOT
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🎶Every move you make And every vow you break Every smile you fake Every claim you stake I'll be watching you🎵
...I'm showing my age again. But also I'm looking at the lyrics and ngl they nearly all fit. If I knew how to make fanvids, I could make a vid that like ten people would watch.
Instead I'm working on a fic like ten people will read, heyoooo
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is there crack-y pwp of this please say yes
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Once again reminded of that fanvid of every time they say each other's names in the first two seasons
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Literally cannot see Adora opening that without the "bah-dm tsh!" sound affect in my head from watching that video so many fucking times
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Bow is so delightfully emotionally intelligent
Entrapta: have you met my new assistant? She brought snacks.
When Entrapta said "assistant" Catra's ears literally did a wiggle. Oh my gooooood
"she stole my food and asked me to spy on people with her,
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once again whether the sword is actually sharp-edged or not is entirely dependent on plot
Scorpia is unreasonably hot sometimes
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im gonna chew my fingers off ghgha;lksdhka;
I remember the screenshots/gifs of this scene hitting tumblr--that moment when every hopeful sapphic fan watching the show when it released went OKAY WAIT we're not making shit up this time are we??? ARE WE???
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Also at least one person working on this show likes period dramas where tons of emotional plot happens during extremely formal dances where everyone is barely touching
there's nearly a billion gifs of that scene from one of the versions of Pride and Prejudice, but also:
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once again proving my advanced age, this movie came out when I was 17 and side note I'm the same age as Claire Danes, anyhoodle
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Has Adora been dancing Lead this whole time
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EXTREMELY UNDIGNIFIED NOISES Adora literally has one thigh between Catra's gghngng
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i want to EAT IT
I'VE HIT THE IMAGE LIMIT FOR THIS POST LOLOL i don't wanna cut any out imma post this and then reblog it
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Fix my problems with a blade
Pairing: Jake x johnnie
Summary: johnnie is going through it and jake doesn't really realize how bad it is until he sees johnnie doing something jake thought he stopped long ago.
Genre: angst/fluff
TW: self harm, eating disorder kinda, depression, disasosiating
Word count: 1386
No ones pov
Johnnie was having a shitty day, no a shitty week or maybe two. He couldn't remember how long it had been, he hasn't really left his bed, only to eat or use the bathroom. Not to mention when he ate he didn't eat much, it didn't matter though he couldn't keep it down anyway. Why was he feeling this way? Well there's a few reasons, one being his so called "fans” being assholes. They body shame him, tell him he's immature, make fun of every little thing he does, it's like people don't realize that he's a person too, and it shouldn't bother him, he knows that, but it hurts. No matter how hard he trys to ignore the hate it fucking hurts. 
Another reason he's been feeling this way is because Jake has been filming with Tara or Carrington or anyone other than him a lot lately. Jake is basically Johnnie's only true friend, so it's sad to see him with other people. Johnnie knows Jake has his own life though so he doesn't mention it to him. 
Johnnie has also just been really depressed in general for no particular reason, he simply just is. Johnnie is a mess right now, laying on his bed in his dark room, wearing the same clothes he's had on for days, hair messed up and makeup smeared on his face. The worst part is Jake hasn't even checked on him, hasn't asked him what's wrong or why he's been in his room all this time. He probably doesn't care, Johnnie thinks.
Johnnie's pov
I'm just laying here my mind going a mile a minute, I overthink one thing then immediately another thing. I wish my brain would just stop sometimes. It's so fucking loud.
 I don't think Jake likes me, he probably just has pity for me, he doesn't wanna be my friend, why would he? I mean look at me, fucking look at me. I wish I could be better. For him. Wait. My mind wanders somewhere else then I come to a realization. I like Jake. No, I love Jake. I would do anything for Jake. Fuck there goes my mind again, Jesus I wish my thoughts would shut up. I'm not fucking gay what am I thinking? But maybe I am...
I think a little more then I start crying. Why am I crying? I'm in love with my best friend who probably hates me that's why. I'm such an idiot. He would never like me back. Even if he wasn't straight he wouldn't like me. 
Jake's pov
I'm filming with Tara right now, but I can't help but think about Johnnie. He hasn't been doing good recently. I'm worried about him. I haven't asked him what's wrong because I don't wanna push him to talk about anything. But It's been too long. I'm gonna try and talk to him today, I miss my best friend. When I finish filming with Tara I make my way back home to mine and Johnnie's shared house. I stopped on the way home to get Wingstop for him and I.
 I unlock the door and yell out "honey I'm home" in my mama bear accent. No response. I lay the food in the kitchen "Johnnie? I got food for us" I yell out, still no response. I walk over to his door and as I'm about to knock I hear sobs. I decide to knock anyway "Johnnie? You ok?"
"Uh, yeah I'm fine go away, I'm busy" he says and I can hear the tremble in his voice. "Johnnie, are you sure you're ok?" I ask genuinely worried 
"Yes I'm fine Jake now go" he snaps at me, I walk away from his door and go eat my food, I wait for Johnnie to come out of his room but he doesn't.
Johnnie's pov
I get up from my bed to do the only thing I have the energy left to do. I know it's not a good idea but I need it. I go to my dresser and take out my razor blade. I look at it in my hand for a moment. Should I do it? No I shouldn't. But I need to. But I shouldn't. 
Fuck it.
I start dragging the blade along the skin of  my wrists and thighs, I leave more cuts then I plan to. Before i know it I'm bleeding all over my floor. I finally zone back into reality and realize what I did. Fuck. I start to panic a little but then I just stay sitting on the floor. I'll clean it up later. I'm too tired right now. As I'm about to fall asleep (or pass out from the blood loss) I hear a knock on my bedroom door it's Jake. I tell him to go away, he eventually does. I stay sitting on my floor in my blood thinking about everything and nothing, I don't know how much time has passed when I hear the door open. I've been in and out of consciousness the whole time. I didn't even realize he knocked. I look up at Jake and he looks mortified
"Fuck" he says before kneeling down next to me. I'm dissociating. I can't move.  He wasn't supposed to see me like this. 
Jake's pov
I walk into Johnnie's room after a little while, I'm not expecting what I see. My heart drops, and my eyes widen and I start to panic. Johnnie is sitting on his floor in a puddle of blood, he looks up at me and I drop to my knees beside him. 
"Johnnie I'm so sorry I should have talked to you sooner" I apologize as I hold his hand. He looks like he's frozen in time. He's not moving, If it wasn't for his rapid breathing I'd think he was dead. He's still actively bleeding so I take my shirt off and press it against some of his wounds. I start to cry. 
"I thought you were clean Johnnie, what happened?" He doesn't answer, it's like he's not all there. I clean him up, put him in some of my clothes and lay him in his bed. He looks at me.
Johnnie's pov
I look up at Jake as I come back to reality, I was wearing different clothes and I was in my bed, he must have moved me. How did I not notice? Jake sits next to me on my bed, he's crying. He's fucking crying. My heart breaks at the fact that I made him cry. He's crying because of me. 
"Jake..." I say softly
"Yeah?" He replies numbly. I lean closer to him "I'm really sorry, I feel like such a burden...and I need to tell you something" I talk softly. He lays next to me and looks in my eyes ready to listen, I take a deep breath. "I love you Jake...not just as a friend" I admit. 
He looks confused and shocked. Fuck he doesn't like me back why did I tell him. Fuck he hates me. What do I do? He's gonna kick me ou- 
My thoughts get cut off by Jake saying
"I love you too" 
Wait what? He must notice my confusion because he adds "what? You didn't think I felt the same? Johnnie we've literally kissed so many times and I've initiated all of them, and told you I enjoyed them" he says honestly. I listen to what he says, he has a point. I smile slightly and wrap my arms around him.
Jake's pov
I'm surprised as johnnie hugs me, he's not much of a physical touch person. I'm not complaining though, in fact it feels so good to hug johnnie. I wrap my own arms around him as well and I hold him close to my chest, I look down at him and he looks up at me, his eyes filled with love. I place a soft kiss on his lips. It's just a peck but it means so much more than any of our previous kisses. We lay in each other's arms as I pull the blanket over our intertwined bodies. I lean down and kiss johnnie once more before watching him doze off in my arms. I can't help but admire how beautiful he is. If only he could see how perfect he is inside and out. 
Title from "everything ends" by slipknot
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