#i say as the nurses drag me down the hallway
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cocknballz123747 · 2 months ago
bro fuck all them haters I'm so funny and hot and amazing
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 3 months ago
three times
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a/n: some time ago i asked you guys on a poll what dude you wanted in this story and you all chose bucky, so here it is! also, i partly blame you all for how unhinged it turned out... like you get maybe 6,69% of the blame for the push you gave me... the rest is just me being a hoe
summary: a tale of the three times a nurse was kidnapped by new york’s most notorious gang. 
warnings: dark!mob boss!bucky barnes x nurse!reader x doctor!peter parker, smut, dark content, noncon/dubcon, mob au, mobsters!steve rogers, clint barton, tony stark, scott lang, bruce banner, the gang is called the avengers, doctor!kate bishop, enemies to lovers, kidnapping, violence, weapons, blood, being drugged, alcohol consumption, possessiveness, kissing, clothed x completely naked, panty sniffing, dirty talk, manhandling, size kink, gaping, belly bulge, oral, fingering, fisting, pussyjob, in bucky's mind it's brat taming, dumbification, impact play, squirting, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, somno, bondage, mild knife play, mild gunplay, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, cumplay
word count: 11.574
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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You flinched jaggedly as the dark cloth bag was finally ripped off your head. Eyes immediately squinting, they still strained to take in the unfamiliar space you’d been dragged to. 
You were no longer in the hospital’s dark parking lot, nor were you in the black van you’d suddenly been tossed into, but instead, you found yourself in a dark living room. It was elegantly decorated, from the Persian rug to the dramatic, antique fireplace flicking behind the cluster of suit-clad criminals glaring down at you. 
“This her?” one of them grumbled. 
“Yep, one doctor as per your request,” the one who’d abducted you grinned, proudly planting a palm on his hip, “even choose a pretty one just for shits and giggles,” his starkly different mannerisms only made the others seem that much more intimidating. 
The broad-figured one with a shock of sandy hair then stepped closer to where you stood, “alright, here’s the thing, doc,” his head tilted slightly to get on your level as he spoke to you directly, “you’re gonna do exactly as we say and then everything will be alright, okay?” he stared in your eyes as you offered him a shaky nod, “okay,” he exhaled, “you got a name?”
“Y/n Y/l/n…” you uttered before hearing yourself try to correct, “but I–…”
“But what?” the same man croaked. 
“I-I’m not a doctor…”
“God damn it!” someone rumbled as everyone’s eyes flicked to the man who’d captured you, “we can’t fucking trust the new guy to do anything.”
“Well, she’s wearing scrubs,” he tried, frantically gesturing to your uniform, “I just thought–”
“You fucked up, Lang!” the first man who you’d heard speak barked loudly, “and now we’re not just gonna lose one of our brothers tonight, but also the head of the snake. Great fucking job,” a sharp click then caused your eyes to find the gun he yanked out, “and now she gotta die as well–”
“Wait!” you shrieked as both of your palms shot up in the air, “no! Please don’t kill me! I-I’m a nurse! I’m a nurse! I can help! Whoever’s hurt, I can help!”
Seemingly superior to the others present, the blonde one stared at you intensely for a while before exhaling a verdict, “shit… well, I guess it’s better than nothing…” his polished shoes then began to shuffle before he gestured to you, “come this way.” 
Hesitantly, you slowly shadowed him out of the living room, down a dim hallway, and into the chamber that bloomed at the bottom of the corridor. In the centre of the dark room, bathed by two glowing pendants, stood a large pool table, and upon the green felt, with colourful orbs haphazardly scatted all about, there laid a man, unconscious and bleeding. 
The brunette’s suit was sodden with crimson, though you couldn’t tell from here how much of it was his own. 
The gangster who was standing by the side and watching over the wounded individual glanced up at your arrival and asked his fellow men, “this the doctor?” 
“No, it’s a fucking stripper,” you twisted your neck at the sarcastic tone as the guy who’d only moments ago pulled a gun on you waltzed past you and entered the room as well, “yes, of course it is, Tony. How’s the boss?”
“Still alive,” he answered in a sigh and cast his glance back down upon the man on the pool table. 
Slowly stepping up, you carefully let your stare wash over the mobster, from the frazzled and blood-soaked attire to the metal-looking hand poking out one of the sleeves. 
“What happened?” you asked carefully. 
“Miss,” someone grumbled as they set a bag of supplies down beside you on the games table, “just fix him.” 
“If you wanna give your friend a better chance, then you give me as much information as possible about what happened to him,” you uttered as you found a pair of gloves and slipped them on. 
Letting out a sigh, the blonde fellow then said, “it was a shootout.”
Snatching up a pair of scissors, you began to snip in the man’s clothes, staring at the sleeve closest to you, “how many times was he shot?”
“I don’t know, he–… a lot of rounds went off,” he grunted, the events of the night weighting his broad shoulders down, “I wasn’t exactly counting.” 
Two bullets. That’s how many you found when his dress shirt was in tatters on the floor. One was lodged in his right arm four finger widths above his elbow, while the other had strayed a bit further north and buried itself in his bulky bicep. You also found other scrapes and scratches along his torso, assumingly from other bullets that hadn’t been as lucky as those two. 
The smallest of relieved sighs flowed from your lungs as you discovered that he wasn’t in a critical enough condition to be in need of a surgeon, at least not from what you could tell with the limited resources currently at your disposal. 
As you carefully set to work, first digging the bullets out before cleaning the wounds with saline, your lips slowly parted as you treaded a curved needle, “…so, not that I don’t love the change to my evening plans,” you didn’t dare shift your glance as you asked, “but don’t you have a regular guy for cleaning up these sorts of messes?” 
“We did… he died tonight, trying to stop that from happening,” the blonde man gestured to the injuries you began to stitch up. 
Blinking up to find his eye, you uttered sincerely, “I’m so sorry for your loss…” feeling yourself, even under such circumstances, uncontrollably slip into those compassionate parts of your profession. 
A slight scoff bubbled out of the gangster, taken aback by your unexpected gentleness, “yeah, me too. Banner was one hell of a guy…”
Once each of the wounds were sutured closed and you’d bandaged him up, you pushed yourself back from the pool table. 
“Alright,” you exhaled and glanced up at the criminals lurking in the shadows of the chamber, “I’m done.”
“Yeah?” one of them stepped up to get a better look, “he’s alright?”
“No, he’s not alright, he was shot multiple times and should be in a fucking hospital,” your eyes briefly fluttered shut as you heard yourself snap, “now, can I please go home?” 
Catching the eye of the blonde one, second in command, you watched as his jaw briefly clenched, the muscles dancing beneath his skin before he breathed, “no, you’re not done.”
“But I did exactly as you asked–”
“Like you said, he should be in a hospital right now, but we can’t have that happen, so instead, you’re gonna stay here till he’s out of the woods.” 
“What? I can’t–”
“You’re a nurse, right?” he croaked to shut you up, “so fucking do your job and nurse him back to health.”
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Three whole days ended up passing by before Mr Barnes slowly began to regain consciousness. 
“Oh, you’re awake!” you snapped back into work mode, springing from your seat and leaning in over the bed which he’d previously been moved into. As the mobster instinctively began to sit up, his eyes barely open yet, you laid a soft palm upon his metal arm and uttered, “sir, please don’t move,” and watched as his clenched jaw almost silenced a groan, “one second, I’ll give you something for the pain,” before you shifted a moment to scavenge through the supplies you’d been given. Once the medicine was found, you exhaled slowly as you injected it, gently pressing down the plunger of the syringe, “there you go…” 
You let yourself suck in a deep breath before your sharp eyes washed over him, briefly assessing him as he woke, though as your gaze flickered up to meet his own, initially with the intent of checking his pupillary response, the manner he stared back at you caught you so of guard that a shiver trickled down your spine.  
“Sir, do you know what your name is?” you asked in a clear tone. 
“Mhm…” he hummed and continued to stare at you as if you were an angel, “Bucky…” 
“Bucky, great, that’s good,” you nodded, “and do you know where you are?”
His gaze didn’t shift away from your visage as he then murmured, “heaven…”
“No, I assure you, you’re not dead,” grasping the stethoscope draped around your neck, you shifted it into place to take a quick listen to his heart, “you almost were, a few times, but you aren’t.” 
As the steady thumping of his pulse filled your ears and seeped into your soul, his deep voice washed over you once again and layered atop the beat, “I’m guessing you had something to do with that?” 
Catching his unwavering eye a moment, you then averted yours and muttered, “I was just doing my job…” before retracting the stethoscope from his chest and casting your glance towards the door, “I should probably go tell the others that you’re awake.” 
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“…and Mr Jensen in 401 is complaining of a headache, so you might wanna check that out as well.” 
“Alright, cool,” the doctor scribbled down the last of your words on the little notepad in his palm before his gaze flickered up to catch yours, “thank you so much, Y/n,” he flashed you a warm smile. 
Mirroring his expression, you hugged the charts in your grasp closer to your chest, “any time, Dr Parker.” 
“Peter, please,” his thumb extended to click the top of his blue pen before sliding it into the breast pocket of his white coat, “hey, I was gonna go grab a cup of coffee right now, do you wanna join?” he tried to keep his tone casual. 
Blinking back at him, your breath couldn’t help but get caught in your throat, “I–, uhm… I’d love to, but I get off in a little bit. Wednesdays are always just morning shifts for me.” 
“Oh, alright,” he nodded understandingly, though the gentle rejection still tainted his features slightly. 
“But another time,” you offered, successfully brightening his smile once more. 
“Yeah?” his elbow curled up to lean against the supportive railing that lined the hospital hallways. 
“Sure. I mean, I drink coffee, you drink coffee,” you awkwardly began to dig yourself into a hole, “the chances of us bumping into each other at the coffee cart are pretty high–” 
But your sentence was then cut short as Peter’s pager suddenly pinged in his pocket.
Fishing the small device out, his eyes flickered down to the small screen before he croaked, “oh, sorry. I gotta run.”
“Of course,” you swiftly waved a hand and watched as his feet began to shuffle into a run. 
“Talk later!” Peter called over his shoulder before he rounded a corner and disappeared into the maze of the hospital. 
Twisting around, your feet carried you the remaining distance towards the nurses’ station overlooking the ICU. As you laid the stack of files in your arms down on the counter, a familiar voice found your ears right before her visage popped into your periphery.
“Please tell me that that was what I think it was.” 
Your gaze stayed glued on the charts a moment longer as you ignored your friend’s prying, “hello to you too, Kate.”
When your head finally raised and you let her catch your eye, her wide ones questioned you before she expectantly poked once more, “well?”
“Well what?” you shrugged, though your feeble attempts at shutting the pending subject down failed as she shot you a glare, efficiently causing you to crumble with a sigh, “yes, he asked me out again–, or kinda. It was just coffee.”
“And you finally said yes?” she smiled keenly. 
Holding back your scoff, you simply uttered, “no,” before spinning on your heel. 
“Again?” she shuffled slightly to catch up to the pace you swiftly slipped into, “why not? He’s kind, he’s a doctor, he’s hot,” she listed off, counting on her fingers, “he’s literally perfect for you.”
“I know he is…” you tilted your head, almost with an air of shame, “he’s exactly the type of guy that I should be running after…” 
Though you liked him as a person and cared for him enough to call him your friend, those feelings you caught yourself forcing just hadn’t bubbled up yet. He was the kind of man that you deserved, that you should fall for, and certainly not the monster that still haunted you, that for some reason wouldn’t stop popping into your mind, especially at inappropriate times, like very late at night… 
“So then why aren’t you?” Kate asked as you entered the employee locker room.
And though thoughts of a gruff gangster caused your heart to swell, you still muttered, “I don’t know…” as an excuse before you popped open your locker and uttered, “hey… what do you know about mobsters here in the city?
“Other than the horror stories I’ve picked up in the ER, not too much,” she leaned against the row of cubbies beside your own as you dug out your bag and began to change out of your scrubs and back into the clothes you’d worn early this morning when the sun was still only a promise waiting to rise, “though I did grow up here, so I probably do know a bit more than you,” she acknowledged your move to the city only a few years prior, “why? Are you suddenly in the mood for a change in careers?”
Though the truth was on the tip of your tongue, you still found yourself obeying the commands the gangsters had sent you home with. Telling the cops was no use because they were all in their pockets, and confiding in a loved one also wasn’t a smart choice as that would only put them in danger. 
“Have you ever heard of someone called Bucky Barnes?” you asked, instinctively lowering your voice to a whisper. 
The ever light-hearted expression plastered upon Kate’s face fell at the recognition of that name, “yeah…”
“Really?” your brows rose, “what do you know about him?” 
“I mean, other than that he’s the supposed leader of the Avengers, not too much.”
“The Avengers?”
“Yeah, one of New York’s most notorious gangs,” she let out a breath, “from what little I know, they get up to a shit ton of stuff straight out of a De Niro movie or something, but their real money maker is cocaine… I mean, that’s why the head of the group is known as the winter soldier.” 
“How do you know about all this stuff?” you squinted back at her in slight amazement. 
“Went to med school with a few coke heads, might have dated one of them,” she blurted before shaking her head and getting back to the subject at hand, “anyways, Y/n, the point is, you don’t wanna mess with those types, trust me.” 
“I know,” you uttered quietly as you shrugged on your coat and pushed your locker closed, “I wasn’t planning on it, I was just curious…” 
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As you dragged your foaming toothbrush over the last of your teeth, a loud knock suddenly rattled your front door, causing you to jump atop the pink bathmat in your tiny bathroom. 
Neck twisted out towards the entryway of your apartment, you briefly leaned over the sink to spit out the toothpaste slowly leaking out of your mouth, before your feet began to carry you towards the exit. 
One of your palms momentarily ran over the edge of your pyjama-clad arm as the night chill soaked through the cotton and made you yearn for the warmth of your bed. 
Though as you pulled on the handle, the haunting figures on the other side of the door caused your blood to freeze with recognition. Standing tall on the other side of the threshold, there stood two of the Avengers’ henchmen. 
“You need to come with us,” the one called Barton ordered coldly. Over the few days the gang had held you captive, you’d picked up on the names of many of the members, including the two that stood before you now. 
“What?” your chest rose and fell rapidly, “I–, please, I swear, I haven’t told a soul.”
Having them knock at your door was one thing, but even just the thought of criminals such as them knowing where you lived sent you into a spiral. 
“Yeah, we know you haven’t,” Scott put a hand on the doorframe, “that’s not why we’re here.” 
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“What happened?” you murmured as you were led into one of the many sitting rooms in the mysterious manor they once again brought you to. In an armchair before you, half-empty glass of bourbon in metal hand and the sleeves rolled up on his blood-tainted shirt, there sat the big bad winter soldier himself, panting as he slowly sipped. 
Though when the sound of your voice filled the room, Bucky’s eyes only snapped up to yours for a moment before he shot a glare at his men.
“What is she doing here?” he grumbled lowly. 
“Boss, you busted your stitches,” Lang gestured tensely to the crimson slowly staining his crisp white shirt, “what else were we–”
Intersecting the conversation, the broad form of Steve stepped into the space between the gangsters and swiftly snuffed the pending argument out, “thank you, Barton, Lang,” he nodded to each of them, “you can go,” and you watched the pair that had brought you back exited the room. Shifting his weight, Bucky’s right hand man turned to you and offered you a polite smile, “Y/n, pleasure to see you again.”
“Yeah,” you exhaled, not masking your disdain of the situation you’d been dragged into yet again, “I wish I could say the same…” before you shifted your eyes to the man in the chair, though still directed your question at Steve, “what do you need me to do?” 
As you shifted closer to the intimidating leader, ever drinking, surely to dull the pain, Rogers murmured as you kneeled down to assess, “I think it’s just the one on his shoulder that’s–”
“Yeah, I see it,” you cut him off, then glanced back over your shoulder at him, “do you still have that medical bag?”
“Yeah, one second,” he swiftly disappeared to fetch it, leaving you all alone with the feared mob boss. 
With the crackling fireplace off to the side as your only source of light, you cautiously raised your hands and asked, “do you mind taking this off?” motioning to the shirt he wore. 
“Yeah, sure,” Bucky sighed and sat down his glass before shrugging the item off. Though you’d stared at his bare chest for hours on end before, soaking in his reveal once again for some reason caused your heartbeat to pick up, though you swiftly averted your gaze in an attempt at staying professional. 
Not long passed before Rogers had returned with the supplies, and you’d commenced redoing his stitches. 
“So,” you murmured though your concentration, weaving his skin back together, “do I even wanna know how this happened?”
Blinking down at you, your face close to your work and therefore his skin, Bucky breathed, “probably not...” and as his stare only intensified over the next few stitches, his low timbre once again washed over you as the corners of his lips tugged into the slightest of smirks, “cute PJs, by the way…”
“Yeah, I didn’t exactly get a chance to change,” you felt your cheeks heat up. 
“Oh, I'm not complaining,” his gaze shifted to take in the way the cool night air had caused your nipples to become visible like pebbles beneath the thin stripy fabric, the comment making you shift tensely on your knees. 
Once the last of the knots were tied off and you’d snipped the end of the thread, you wrapped the wounds back up with clean bandages before placing the roll of gauze back into the medical bag. 
“Alright, uhm,” you shifted back, “you’re good now,” a slight winch shot through you as you watched him briefly test out his arm’s mobility, “just be careful, try not to use it too much.”
Catching your eye, he uttered softly, “thank you,” before shifting his gaze to the gangster by the door, “Rogers?” 
“Yes, boss?”
“See to it that she gets home safe.”
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“I’ve heard the risotto here is really good,” Peter noted as you both skimmed the menus resting on the tablecloth before you, the crystal chandeliers illuminating the restaurant cast a soft glow down upon the choices.  
“Yeah?” you briefly glanced up to catch the doctor’s eye, “well, maybe I should get that then,” you shrugged before shifting slightly in your seat, “hey,” you captured his gaze once more, “could you maybe order for me? I just need to–…” you trailed off, letting the thumb you discreetly pointed over your shoulder in the direction of the bathrooms fill out the rest of the sentence. 
“Oh, yeah, of course,” he nodded. 
“Great, thank you,” you smiled as you rose. The long, cobalt-blue, velvet dress you wore briefly swooshed around your legs before the soft click of your heels against the polished floors carried you through the maze of tables. 
It was the third date you’d ventured on with the kind doctor. The third one and yet you still didn’t have any feelings towards him. 
Stubbornly trying as you might, you still couldn’t get the poison out of your system and do the right thing. 
Once you exited the ladies’ room, and big breath of courage in your lungs as you pushed open the door, it all seeped out as you walked through the small hallway that connected the lavatories with the dining space, and you accidentally bumped into two figures that waited in the space. 
Unsure of who was to blame for the collision, you immediately just muttered, “oh, sorry–,” before you glanced up at the pair and your apology crumbled from your lips, your frame immediately freezing up at the recognition. 
“Listen to me. You are going to quietly walk back to your little date, tell him that you’re not feeling well and need to go home,” Stark kept his voice hushed as both he and the other gangster slowly cornered you, the other one grasping your arm to keep you in place, “and then you’re gonna come with us.”
Sucking in a breath, you then tilted your chin slightly, “and if I don’t?” 
“Then we won’t hesitate to make a scene,” Barton shifted the edge of his jacket out of the way to flash you the gun strapped beneath, “so you can either walk with us and safe a life or you can not only have a dying gangster’s blood on your hands, but also everyone in this fucking restaurant.”
With the clench of your jaw, you glared up at them and murmured, “...fine,” before you ripped your arm free and began to walk back into the dining area and the table where Peter still sat. 
Flashing you a smile as you neared, the doctor swiftly said, “so, I ordered this chardonnay that the waiter said was good. You drink wine, right?”
“I–, uhm…” your fingers clutched the back of the chair as you tried to appear as you had before, even though now you felt as if your hammering heart might spring straight out of your ribcage, “Peter, I’m really sorry, but I gotta go,” you briefly scrambled your brain before adding, “the hospital paged me. There was a big accident downtown.”
“Really?” he fished out his own beeper from his pocket and furrowed down at it, “I didn’t get paged, so it probably can’t be that bad.”
“Yeah, but nurses shortage, you know?” 
“Right,” he nodded, disappointment slightly polluting his understanding expression. 
“I'm really sorry,” you uttered as you picked up your small purse from the chair.
“No, it’s fine,” he shook his head gently, “hey, I get it,” he shrugged before waving a hand, “go.”
“Thank you,” you stood there a moment longer, unsure of how you should depart, “uhm… bye,” before you awkwardly shifted closer to his seat and leaned down to press a brief kiss to his cheek as you offered him a half-hearted hug. 
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“Who is it this time?” you sighed as you were led into an elegant space, surely intended for parties judging by the long bar that stretched along the back wall. Glaring at the only man seated on one of the barstools, you asked impatiently, “is it you? Did you hurt yourself again?”
Glancing over his shoulder as you halted your stride halfway down the short steps, a smile appeared on Bucky’s face as he leaned a forearm against the bar top and bellowed, “Y/n! Come, have a drink with me,” he waved a hand for you to take the seat beside him. 
Standing your ground, you squinted back at him in confusion, “no, I can’t, I–, where’s the patient?” 
“The patient?” he echoed as if you were speaking a foreign language. 
“Yes,” you huffed, your annoyance simmering into a full-on boil, “the person who’s on death’s door, the reason why I, a medical professional, is here,” you placed your hands on your hips and asked once again, “is it you?”
“No, I’m phenomenal,” he pursed his lips as he snatched up the stout glass waiting for him on the marble counter, “never been better.”
“Okay, so who is it?”
Tearing his gaze away from you, he then uttered, “no one,” before raising the drink up to his lips. As your mouth parted and your glare nearly burned straight through him, the mobster casually added, “you look stunning, by the way,” before twisting in his seat to face you more, “I didn’t know they changed scrubs out with gowns.” 
“No, I–, I was on a date–,” you muttered faintly through your confusion, slightly shaking your head in an attempt to clear it before you raised a hand, “wait, excuse me, no one’s injured?” 
“No,” Barnes shook his head, “no one’s hurt or dying,” then added as if your reaction was a tad bit too dramatic for his taste, “you can relax, it’s fine.”
But instead, the opposite emotions roiled inside of you as you slowly ascended a single one of the remaining steps, “so you mean to tell me that your men threatened me, my date and a whole restaurant of people, then dragged me all the way out here again, for nothing?” you fumed.
“No, it wasn’t for nothing,” he shrugged, “they brought you back here because I told them to,” he kept his ocean eyes upon you as he once again repeated, “now, come drink with me.” 
“No, I don’t want a fucking drink,” you roared. 
But then, just as swiftly as you had raised your voice, Bucky’s steely hand dipped beneath his suit jacket and pulled out a gun.  
“I asked you nicely,” his stern tone rolled off his tongue slowly as he aimed the weapon upon you, “now sit your ass down and share a drink with me.” 
Carefully, you finally followed his orders and sat down at the bar beside him. 
“Good girl. That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” he uttered as he sat the gun down beside his drink. Raising up a hand to the silent shadow behind the bar, a glass was soon slid across the counter, one Bukcy pushed closer towards you, “here,” he said as you stared down at the orange peel floating at the top. As you lifted up the cocktail, the gangster beside you raised his own to click yours, “cheers.”
You briefly toyed with the thought of just taking a sip, though opted instead to down it all, both out of the desperate hope that the alcohol would aid the strange evening, but also in an attempt to fast forward a tad closer to your longed-for departure, ripping the bandage off instead of nursing it all night long. 
Though as you sat the glass back down on the bar, the bottom clanged against the marble much more forcefully than you’d intended as the fingers you clutched it with began to tingle. Blinking heavily a few times, your hand accidentally knocked over the empty drink as a numbing sensation began to bloom within your chest and spread throughout your body. 
Trying to get up from your seat, you mumbled foggily, “what the hell?” though quickly stumbled as your legs felt like jelly beneath your velvet gown.
“Whoa, careful now, angel,” Bucky’s calm gaze trailed you chillingly as you tried to steady yourself. 
“The fuck did you do?” you panted as your wide eyes watched him raise from his seat. 
“It's okay,” he uttered softly, “it’s all gonna be okay,” before your world turned to black and you passed out into his arms. 
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When you finally stirred, you were no longer at the bar, nor any other room you’d been in before. You were in a bedroom, situated on a spacious mattress and alongside countless fluffy maroon pillows. 
As you sat up, a low rustling found your ears and drew your vision down towards the coldness clinging around your ankle. Strung between the bottom corner of the bedframe and your own foot, there shined a chain, one that, try as you instinctively did, you couldn’t snap out of. 
But then, as the door to the room creaked open and caused your body to flinch, a plea swiftly flowed out of you as you watched Rogers step inside, balancing a small tray with a glass and a tall decanter of clear water. 
“Steve!” you crawled to the bottom of the bed, “I–… help me, please,” you begged, hearing tears thicken up your voice as they rolled down your cheeks, “you’re a good man, deep down I know you don’t wanna stand by and let this happen. Can you unlock me? Please? Help me get out of here.”
But just as you waited for Steve’s lips to part, you instead heard, “shh, don’t waste your breath, honey,” as in strolled Bucky, causing you to swiftly scramble as far back on the bed as the chain would allow. 
Sitting down in a chair just out of your reach, the fireplace opposing the bed, directly behind where he sat, clacked and lit up his spine as he settled into the seat and directed his cold gaze upon you.
“Glad to see you awake,” he uttered calmly.
“Fuck you!” you swiftly spat as you hugged your knees tightly to your chest. 
“And with all of your charms still intact,” he tilted his head, a light smirk blooming on his lips as your vulgar language hadn’t fazed him one bit. 
“Let me go,” you demanded. 
“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen, my angel,” his burly arms folded across his chest, “this is for your own protection,” he briefly gestured to the chain, “we wouldn’t want you to do anything stupid or rash now, would we?” one of his eyebrows twitched, “I can’t let anything happen to you,” he uttered as you continued to stare daggers at him, “you need to be kept as safe as possible so you can keep on helping me the way that you have.”
“What? You want me to be your gang’s personal nurse?” you scoffed, “is this your sick and twisted way of offering me a job, because if so, no thanks!”
“Yeah, no, this isn’t a job offering, I’m not interested in those talents of yours,” he leaned further back in the seat before he began to explain, “you see, for the past few years, I’ve had a serious string of bad luck. Deals have fallen through, rats have been found, the feds have been snipping at our heels and countless of my men have lost their lives,” he listed off, “but, then I met you,” his eyes flickered up to capture your own, “and it all turned around,” he uttered, “I tell you, when you’re here, it’s fate herself is on my side and nothing whatsoever could go wrong. Like having you has made me a fucking god or something, that’s the level of power you’ve bestowed in me,” a faint smile tugged at his lips as those words rolled off his tongue, “so no, you can not leave. You have to stay right here where I can make sure you’re safe and sound. Although, just because you get to be kept safe, that doesn’t mean you’re free of any consequences if you step out of line… it also doesn’t mean that I’ll deny anyone of your beauty if it pleases them… so, I guess it’s more along the lines of you just staying alive under my watch.” 
In the blind rage his words threw you into, your fingers wrapped around the bedside lamp before you chucked it across the room. Though just before it could strike the gangster’s head, he casually ducked out of the way, the lamp instead smashing on the floor behind him as a chuckle began to rumble within his chest. 
“That’s cute,” he laughed lowly, “you’ve got some bite. It’ll get you in trouble, but it’s adorable.” 
“I'm not interested in being your good luck charm, you superstitious fuck!” you yelled as he got up from his seat. 
Huffing out a condescending grin, “give it some time, angel,” he fastened the button on his dark suit jacket before smoothing a palm down over the front, “the human psyche is much more fragile than you’d think and can get used to some surprising conditions,” he ignored the scream that desperately tore from your lungs and instead turned to Steve standing by the door and asked him calming, “Rogers, would you mind cleaning that up?” gesturing to the broken lamp on the floor, and as he received a small nod in return, he murmured, “thank you,” before exiting the room and leaving you to your fate. 
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“Seriously?” Steve let out a laugh when he finally coaxed the truth out as to why you hadn’t been touching any of the food they’d brought you, “and here I thought you were just a picky eater.” 
“Well, you’ve already drugged me once so what’s stopping you from doing it again,” you explained, glaring down at the plate before you as he attempted to stifle his laughter. 
“I swear, cross my heart, your pasta is not poisoned.”
Continuing to squint down at the food, you kissed your teeth, “prove it.”
“Really?” his brows floated up, “alright,” he sighed as he sat down across from you. Dragging your plate closer, he twirled some of the spaghetti onto the fork before slipping it into his mouth, “see?” he chewed, “I’m fine, and so will you be when you get some food in that belly of yours.”
Pushing it back towards you, hesitantly, you picked up the fork and slowly began to eat. It had only been little things you’d consumed the past couple of days being here, things you could be certain weren’t tainted, like the odd apple and such. 
Though as you chewed and finally began to settle your stomach’s nauseating rumbling, tears began to stream down your cheeks. 
No matter how hard you tried to beg, none of the mobsters would help you, as their loyalty was just too hard for you to crack. 
“Hey…” your bloodshot eyes then flickered up to Rogers as he noticed your weeping, “it’ll get easier, I promise,” he attempted in a soft tone. 
“How?” you blinked back at him hopelessly, “I am being locked up in a room by a maniac as if I’m just some trinket for him to own.” 
Throwing a brief glance over his shoulder, he then leaned in a bit closer to cautiously advise you, “…there might be some things you could do to change your situation…”
“What?” a spark suddenly flickered within you, “I’d do anything.”
“…you might consider trying to get closer to Barnes…” his words remained hesitant, “…if he begins to care for you, then he might treat you differently…”
“Like, he’d let me go?” 
“I don’t know,” he exhaled, “but maybe it could get that chain off your ankle,” he gestured to your foot, “baby steps.” 
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“Here,” Steve croaked as he suddenly burst through the doors to your room, a big flat box in his arms which he tossed on the bed beside you. Peeking inside, a folded-up bundle of black fabric met your eye, “put it on,” he ordered hastily, “make yourself presentable.”
“Why?” you blinked up at him, your brows knitting gently together. 
“Because the boss requested it,” he answered impatiently. 
“What, he wants to play dress up with me now? Treat me like a doll?”
Over the past month, you had gone from being scared out of your mind, barely sleeping at night, horrified of what they might do to you, till the paralysing fear slowly began to melt away as not much happened at all, in fact so little that you grew bored in your imprisonment, thinking that the big bad gangsters were just all bark and no bite. Perhaps that was a dangerous confidence to develop, growing cocky in your restlessness, but you couldn’t help it. 
Letting out a low sigh, “just put it on,” Rogers’ head tilted before he said, “I’ll be outside, yell when you’re done.”
Popping the lid off all the way, you then slipped into the black gown waiting within. It was long and simple in its beauty as it hugged all of your curves like a second skin. 
Right before you called out to the mobster in the hallway, you leaned in closer to the mirror on the left side of the room. The dark storm clouds visible out the gothic windows that filled up the wall behind you blossomed in the reflection alongside you as you momentarily fussed with your hair to make it match the elegant dress better. 
Once Steve had entered the room once again, the very last thing you expected was what he did next. 
Walking straight up to you, without a word, he bent down and unlocked the chain binding you to the bedpost. At first, a wave of hope washed over you till it was drowned out by the unsettling notion as to where he would take you and just what plans were on the horizon. 
Grabbing you by the arm, he dragged you out of the room and down the dark hallway you’d only seen glimpses of before. You tried to ask him what was going on, though he didn’t offer you any clue in return, only remained silent as he hauled you through the maze-like manor till a wide set of steps found you, leading you down into a garage where a group of the other gangsters already stood beside the black car rolled up by the base of the stairs. 
Standing in the middle with an arm resting against the roof of the vehicle, Bucky’s gaze swiftly landed upon you as you ascended the stone steps. 
“Well,” the mob boss’ eyes roamed your form, “don’t you look pretty.”
Biting your tongue, you greeted him politely, “Mr Barnes.”
“Shall we go?” he cracked open one of the car doors. 
“Where?” you tried, though your question only caused him to breathe out a smile as he ignored it and instead commanded softly. 
“Get in the car, angel,” his metal arm rested atop the door. 
Riding in a different vehicle than you, it was Clint who slipped in behind the wheel of your car and drove you the silent route towards the mysterious destination. 
Though once the car came to a stop, the door to your left cracked open from the outside and there to greet you was an outstretched metal hand to help you exit. 
You didn’t recognise the building that loomed before you, though it was grand and opulent with large steps leading you and all the other arrivals up to what sounded like a party already buzzing on.
“So, you needed a date,” you exhaled as Barnes took your arm and began to lead you up the stairs, a cluster of his men shadowing behind you both. 
“No,” he cocked his head, “I didn’t need it...”
Casting your glance around at the other guests that passed, you asked, “what kinda party is this anyway? Let me guess, human trafficking auction?” you were completely serious, though still managed to make the gangster laugh gently. 
“It’s a wedding,” his chuckle finished billowing out of his lungs, “or a funeral,” he tilted his head, “I'm not quite sure.”
“How could you not be sure?” you shot him a glance as you reached the top of the steps and he dragged you inside the marbled halls, “there’s a pretty significant difference.”
“They all just kinda melt together at this point,” he sighed, “I have at least one of these a week I gotta show my face at, just out of respect.” 
Taking a look around, you uttered, “well, do you at least know who this funeral wedding is for?”
“No fucking clue,” he exhaled before following the signs and leading you into the venue’s ballroom.
Turns out it was a wedding for some couple you hadn’t yet spotted, though you’d already read their names a thousand times with all the stuff they were plastered upon. 
You stayed quiet and lingered by Bucky’s side as he shook some people’s hands and made some small talk before the two of you found yourselves seated at one of the many round tables in the hall. 
Blinking up at the floral centrepiece, your fingers fiddled with the white tablecloth as the hours rolled by. Soon, not only the complementary glass of champagne you’d been handed back when you arrived was sloshing in your belly, but also quite a bit more alcohol as you decided that was a good tool to make the evening more bearable. 
It however also came with the hindrance of boosting your cockiness as you eventually found yourself poking the bear. 
“You know for a big bad gangster,” you stared over at him, leaned back in the seat next to yours, “you’re actually not that scary up close,” you pursed your lips, causing a chuckle to rumble within his chest because of just how untrue that statement was, “smiling at everyone, being polite. Are you sure you really are the big bad winter solider? The king of New York with no heart and only an imagination for torture…”
“Well…” he huffed out a short laugh as he met your gaze, “don’t you have me just all figured out.”
“Some of your guys may have filled me in a bit,” you tilted your head. 
“Have they now?” he continued to look amused. 
“Yeah, well, a bit at least,” you seized your glass and took another sip.
As you placed the flute back down on the table and rested your cheek in a propped-up palm, your stare only intensified into a squint as Bucky’s eyes flickered back around the room.
But as his gaze fluttered back to notice your gawking, he muttered, “what?”
“Why aren’t you mean tonight?” you uttered through the haze fuzzing up your mind. 
Tongue flicking out to wet his lips, his eyes briefly dipped before he uttered, “do you want me to be mean?” a playful smirk twitched at the corner of his lip in a threat to appear. 
“Is it all just a lie?” you asked, the subtext of his previous words flowing directly over your dizzy head. 
Squinting back at him, you then breathed, “there’s always a part of me that’s still scared, imagining what you might do to me… but now,” you slowly drew out, “I don’t think you’re actually ever gonna do anything,” you blindly decided, “that’s not really who you are, they’re all just empty threats…” 
“Hm…” he hummed, a slight smile blooming upon his lips as he stared back at you, “okay…” before he leaned in closer to utter, “and just what makes you think that I haven’t already?” your face immediately dropped as his words caused your frame to freeze up, “tell me, Y/n,” his breath fanned across your cheeks, “did you sleep well last night? Or the night before for that matter, or–, well, just during the time you’ve spent here with me?”
As your shock not only showed in your expression but also in your complete lack of speech, he simply grinned back at your stunned features before grabbing you by the hand and breaking the moment. 
“Come on,” he dragged you with him as he then stood up himself, “let’s dance.”
With an argument on the tip of your tongue, the appendage, just as the rest of you, still remained too dumbfounded for it to come to fruition. You didn’t manage to gather your wits once again till he had you on the middle of the floor, wide hand on your waist as you swayed to the music. 
As his hold slowly tightened and he brought you closer to his broad frame, your breath suddenly hitched as you blinked up into his eyes, the air between you growing thick. The hand that grasped your own near swallowed your palm in a dizzying contrast. Goosebumps began to erupt across your skin as you felt your heartbeat thump not only in your chest, but also much further south, a mortifying clue to the dark truth you hoped he didn’t somehow notice. 
Gliding his palm up the length of your spine, it came to rest between your shoulder blades as he then drew you in closer and your gaze fell to the band strumming over his shoulder. 
“Does the thought of me playing with you at night turn you on?” he whispered in your ear and continued to gently sway you to the music, “because if you want me to wake you, all you have to do is ask. Though my attempts so far at rubbing your luck off on me have been rather eventful, I’m still sure it would be better if you gave me a bit of a hand…” 
Tilting your head back to blink up at him, you thought you were gonna spit him in the face for making such an accusation, till your stare acted of its own accord and fluttered down to fixate on his lips. 
It almost felt as if they were calling for you, begging you closer like a stubborn magnet. But before you could close the short distance that kept you two apart, Barton appeared in your periphery and tapped his boss on the shoulder. 
As he leaned in to whisper in his ear, you couldn’t pick up on the words over the music, though watched as Bucky’s face swiftly grew hard. 
“What’s going on?” you asked as the secretive message came to an end and the mobster’s wide hands faded from your frame. 
Ignoring your question, Bucky instead cast his glance over your head at one of the men behind you and ordered sternly, “Stark? Get her home, now.”
“What’s happening?” you tried again, though without success as Tony dragged you away and the remaining gathered to converse in hushed tones.
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Perhaps it was because of the chaos of whatever was happening, perhaps just a simple mistake, but when you returned back to the manor, the shackle wasn’t reunited with your ankle. 
Not willing to let that gift slip through your fingers, you soon grasped that opportunity tight and made an attempt at your escape. 
Sneaking down the many hallways, you successfully hid from a handful of gruff-looking men before you realised you couldn’t remember the path to the garage or any other way out of the labyrinth of a building that kept you swallowed in the dark. 
However, your mission turned into a swiftly sinking ship as soon as you rounded the wrong corner and crossed the threshold of the last room you should have entered. 
In the centre of the space stood two chairs, both with individuals strapped to them, though only one of them was still alive. Before the seated pair and with his back turned to your frozen-up form, there stood Bucky. Returned from the party and with both his jacket and tie torn off, his sleeves were rolled up though still tainted in small crimson flecks of the deed he’d just done. 
“Come on, Vladimir…” Barnes uttered as he kneeled down in front of the battered man still breathing, neither he nor the other members in the room haven noticed you in the doorway, “just give me what I want and we can wrap this up.”
Wheezing painfully through his broken nose, the man met Bucky’s steely gaze before fulfilling his request, “…I’m sorry…”
“Hm?” he leaned in pettily, “what was that?”
“I’m sorry,” the tied-up man repeated with a laboured huff.
“Okay, getting there,” he nodded, “what are you sorry for?”
“I’m sorry for killing Bruce…” the name rolled off Vladimir’s tongue like a crackle to a bonfire. 
“And?” Bucky fished. 
“For hurting you…” 
“See? That wasn’t so bad now,” Barnes straightened back up, “an apology, a life for the one you took from me, and now there’s just one last thing left to do, and then we’re even,” he then took one step back and conjured his gun. Aiming it at the Russian, barely a second passed before a shot deafened everyone’s ears and a bullet blasted through the tied-up man’s arm, mirroring the injuries Bucky himself had sustained. The loud blast and the bloodcurdling scream that tore from Vladimir, however, caught you so off guard that a shriek slipped from you as you flinched, revealing your presence as everybody’s eyes suddenly shifted to train on you. Glancing over his shoulder, Bucky grunted, “what are you doing out? What is she doing out?” he shot his glare in the direction of Steve off to the side, “Rogers? Get her back into bed.”
“Yes, boss,” his right-hand man swiftly nodded before catching up to you in two long steps and seizing your arm. 
And as you were dragged back to your doom, your eyes caught the tail end as Barnes let out a sigh and turned back around to face his victim, “now, where were we? Right! I believe the other one was right around here,” another gunshot echoed in the manor as he shot Vladimir’s arm once more, “and now, we can’t forget about the ones that only skimmed me, so get up and don’t fucking flinch, it’s on you if I hit your lung.”
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The chain reunited with your ankle jingled as you twisted on the bed to cast your gaze out the window. Heavy rain hammered against the tall panes as the restless city twinkled through the darkness of the night. In the corner of the room, Steve watched up like a hawk as you continuously failed to find rest. 
But then, just as you thought you felt your heartbeat return to a normal rhythm, the double doors burst open and in paced Bucky. 
“Is she awake?” he huffed, though didn’t wait for an answer before he heatedly went on, “okay, great.”
As his rushed steps halted by the foot of your bed, the look in his eye caused your body to shudder.  
“Rogers?” he kept his cold stare glued on you as he uttered, “go wait outside.”
Though you silently pleaded with your eyes for the mobster to stay, it was no use as Steve swiftly shut the doors behind him. 
As the man before you then shifted, your wide eyes finally noticed the bundle of rope in his grasp as he began to unravel it. Scrambling back, you didn’t manage to crawl far away before Bucky caught the chain and yanked it hard enough to force your frame down towards him. Though your struggling finally fizzled out when the gangster pulled out his gun, the very gun he’d just ended a life with, and aimed it at your head to get you to comply. 
“You know,” he uttered gruffly like a pent-up bull, “I’ve been nice, I’ve been real well behaved, kept my manners intact, been a goddamn gentleman,” the heavy weapon in his hand tilted slightly to emphasise his words, “but evidently, that’s not what you need to learn your fucking place,” he fumed before letting out a low exhale, “that’s alright…”
“Bucky, please,” tears blurred your vision as you held up your palms, “I-I understand, I’m sorry, you don’t have to do this.” 
“Oh, but I do…” he sighed almost softly as he then kneeled down closer and let the tip of the cool barrel stroke your cheek, “…if you don’t break a horse, then she’ll never be tamed…” his eyes trailed after the line he drew before it flickered up to find your own, “now give me your hands,” he ordered and hesitantly, you shakily obeyed. 
Since you couldn’t stay in your place, he simply had to tie you down better. 
Unfurling the rope in his grasp, the mobster then fastened the cord around not only both of your wrists, but also your free ankle. After each of the tight knots were tied off, he yanked each appendage to the nearest corner of the bedframe, spreading your limbs till you looked like a starfish on the mattress. 
Taking a step back to admire his handiwork, his fingers then dipped down into his pocket before a slight furrow found his brow as his touch didn’t locate the item he fished for. Placing the heavy gun in his palm down on the fireplace mantel, he then closed the distance towards the exit and cracked open the door just a smidge. 
“Rogers?” he extended a hand through the sliver, “give me your knife,” to which a switchblade was swiftly placed in his palm, replacing his own which was still lodged deeply inside the corpse of the Russian in the other room. 
Slamming the door behind him, he then crossed the room and silently began to cut your clothes off. The black gown you still wore came off with only a few slices, though your underwear, that he took his time with, slowly grazing the blade over your goosebump-ridden flesh before nicking the cotton clinging tightly to your frame. 
Once you were bare before him, his feet shuffled back slightly as he let his stare soak up every millimetre of you. 
A hand floated up to tug on his tie and loosen it slightly from around the collar still dappled with the blood of his enemy. Folding closed the knife with a faint flourish, he then sank down into the armchair directly behind him. The tattered panties he’d sliced from you were still clutched tightly in his hand as his eyes stayed glued upon your frame. Bringing the fabric up to his nose, his blue eyes then fluttered closed for a second as he breathed deeply, letting the scent of you flood his senses. 
But as he stuffed the cotton down into his pocket and let his palm drift to somewhere else, your eyes grew even wider as you gasped, “what are you–”
“Just shut up, please,” he groaned, sounding like he was at his very last straw as he brashly began to rub himself through his pants, “just for one fucking second, don’t be a brat.”
Your jaw couldn’t help but hit the floor as he shamelessly pulled out his cock, letting the intimidating hardness spring free of its confines before he spit in his palm and enclosed his fist around the fat girth. You wanted to look away, you truly did, but you just couldn’t, a flaw he obviously noticed. 
“You’re unbelievable…” he chuckled as his fist silkily stroked up and down his cock, the mixture of his own spit and the precum beading at the tip caused a sloppy melody to fill the room at each and every twist, “I mean, me being into you, that’s one thing, that makes sense, you’re the closest thing to magic that I’ve ever experienced, so of course that’s enough to get me going, but you… you’re the very textbook definition of a good girl and here you are pining after–, how was it again you put it? A superstitious fuck?” 
Stunned at his accusation, you tried to tear your stare away, “I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
“Really? Well, I didn’t take you for a fool, but hey,” he tilted his head, “some folks are just that disconnected to their own feelings.”
Blinking back at him, you scoffed faintly, “you’re crazy, I’m not–…” but you couldn’t even say it out loud as you, deep down, knew that it was a lie. 
“Oh yeah?” he cocked a brow, finding your flustered state amusing, “then why did you almost kiss me tonight?”
“I–…I was drunk.” 
Letting out a dark chuckle, “alright, sure,” he then rose from his seat and crawled up on the bed with you before he buried his face between your parted thighs, “if you despise me so much, then why are you so fucking wet?” his hot breath fanned across your core. 
“I’m not–,” you tried, though your attempt then fell short as he proved you wrong, reaching out his touch to tickle at your lightly and let the wet sounds of your arousal slosh into your soul. 
“Hm?” the broad pad of his thumb gently brushed over your glistening petals, making them part for him, “if this isn’t because deep down you want me, then why? I’d love to hear you try and explain your way out of this one…”
“I-I–…” your eyes fluttered as you tried to fight the feeling, “I don’t…” 
Laughing lightly through the scoff that then bubbled out of him, he averted his gaze and said, “okay, fine. You wanna play that game?” his eyes flickered back up to find yours, “if you need a bit of help in order to admit the truth, then that’s what you’ll get,” he uttered before suddenly stuffing two of his fingers inside of you. 
Craning his neck, he tilted down to catch a taste. You tried to hold back your moans as his digits caressed you, but the softness of his velvety tongue came as such a shock that a little squeak managed to slip out past your lips. 
“I mean, if it’s any consolation,” his stubbly chin glimmered with your essence as he retracted slightly to smirk, “I personally think it’s kinda cute that you have a crush on me like a little schoolgirl…” 
He then sent his palm down upon your pussy in a wet smack, before repeating the action a couple of times to echo the jolt it shot through your body. 
“Fuck…” he groaned in a low rumble, “you are so much more pretty awake…” he revealed casually, “sure, you make some cute noises in your sleep, but not like this,” you instinctually tried to stifle the uncontrollable whimpers that flowed from your lungs, “you should really be thanking me for all of the time and effort I’ve put into stretching this little hole of yours out,” his fingers continued to pump in and out of you, “if I hadn’t, well then you might just split in two when I finally get my cock in there.” 
And as he leaned down to lap you up once more, you curled your toes as you felt him push you closer to the edge. 
“Mr Barnes…” you attempted with an air of respect through your pants, “please don’t–…”
“Why? Because it makes you want to kiss me again?” he teasingly taunted you before continuing his persistent licks, bullying your clit into submission. 
And as he kept going, even as you gasped, “stop–, a-ah!” he still kept his lips locked around your puffy pearl long after a gush of squirt wept around his fingers, keeping his efforts up till your hips were bucking back in sensitivity. 
But when his kiss finally ceased, he let some of your juices, that had flooded into his mouth, trickle out past his lips and back down onto your pussy, “fuck…” his low groan nearly caused the whole room to rumble, “nasty little cunt…” before he slapped your throbbing core once more, watching as the last little trickle weakly leaked out and soaked the sheets below. 
Lifting himself up to hover above your constricted form, you then squirmed as you felt him nudge the bulbous tip of him against you. 
“Does the idea of liking, or even loving, someone like me scare you that much?” he uttered as he gathered up your slick and smeared it with his cock, “does it make you feel all wrong and icky inside that I of all people make you feel the way that you do?” 
All of the air in your lungs was then suddenly knocked clean out as he, with one long stroke, slipped all the way inside, before pulling right back out to tap the weight of him against your poor clit with the hold he had at his base. 
“You won’t spontaneously combust if you admit it out loud, you know…”
He repeated the motion, plugging you up completely before he denied your cunt the chance of getting used to the stretch. 
“I just wanna hear you say it…”
And on the next time he filled you up to the brim, this time his hips didn’t retract.
Reeling as you fought to comprehend the manner his girth split you open, you gasped weakly, “I can’t…”
“Hmm…” his eyes above you narrowed slightly before he pointed out, “that’s not a no,” and he began to move, “finally getting somewhere…”
The gangster was in no way gentle as he started to fuck your pussy, the selfish force of it caused your body to jostle every time his heavy balls tapped against your slick skin, thereby conducting a lewd beat each time he slammed into you. 
Lowing himself to get even closer to you, his nose ghosted against your own from the proximity. The gesture made you assume that he was about to press his lips to yours, though they never touched, even as your own instincts overwhelmed you and made you dizzily tilt up to try and close the gap, “nah-ah-ah,” he swiftly clicked his tongue and moved out of your reach, “admit the truth and then I’ll kiss you all you want.”
With his length still embedded deep within you, he sat back up. His fingers dented your hips as he grabbed onto them and then began to sink them harshly down against his own, lifting your frame entirely off of the mattress as he used you like a toy. 
“Oh god…” you whimpered as your eyes fluttered down to notice the faint bulge that appeared in your lower abdomen, the thrusting imprint of his size visibly showing just how deep he buried himself inside of you. 
Once he’d plopped your hips back down onto the bed, his hands then instead floated up to play with your tits, the rhythm he offered you causing them to jiggle in his palms. Though once he’d fiercely pinched your nipples and parted ways in a brief tap, his fingers then drifted further down south till his right hand found your puffy clit. 
Casting his glance down as he rubbed your pearl, a smirk appeared on his lip as he spotted the way your cream coated his girth. Sweeping down to smear his touch against it, what he did next caught you so off guard that you jostled wildly in your binds in an attempt to hit him for his audacity.
“Ahh!” you yelped as he stuffed two of his fingers in your pussy alongside his already overwhelming girth, “Buck, no, it’s too much!” 
But your squeak only caused him to chuckle as he stared down at the way your little hole struggled to take what he gave it, clinging around him so tightly that loud groans began to billow from him as he soon painted your insides white and pumped you full of his cum. 
With heavy breaths, he withdrew his dick, though let his digits stay inside your warmth. 
“Maybe in time you could become more than just my good luck charm…” he murmured as he flopped down to curl closer to your core, “would you like that?” he nipped at one of your thighs as his load slowly began to leak around his thick fingers, “does the idea of me falling down to my knees before you and declaring my undying love entice you, angel?” 
“You’ll just have to do better,” he continued as his digits began to twist within you, “let me mould you and make you perfect for me,” another one of his fingers was stuffed inside of you, causing your eyes to flutter, “just let go,” he breathed, “shut off your brain and let it become a leaky mess just like your pussy already is for me,” he worked another digit into your creamy cunt before grazing the last one against your stretched out opening, “you don’t need to think, you just need to do exactly as I tell you to and everything will be okay,” his tone was soft as his thumb curled close to the others and sank into your pussy with a pop, “just break for me, it’s okay,” your body was shaking beneath him as his entire fist slowly twisted within you, “you’ll be so much more perfect ruined…”
Tears were streaming down your face as you unravelled once more, trembling violently as your pussy clamped down around his wide hand so tightly that it was forced all the way out, a drizzle of your nectar once again spraying out at the intensity. 
“Alright!” you let out a sob, “alright… I–… I don’t understand it… but, I–…” you caught his eye and confessed, “ever since the moment I met you, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you… even when I fall asleep, it’s like you’re haunting me in my dreams…” a faint shake found your head as you blinked up at him through your blurry vision, “I don’t wanna feel this way. But–… I do.”
It seemed as though time stood still as Bucky stared down at you, an unreadable expression tinting his features before he finally shifted, slowly leaning down over you and inching closer before he finally pressed his lips to your own.
A faint whimper was muffled against his kiss as you felt the world crumble around you. 
“That wasn’t so hard, was it now…” he breathed as he ended the soft peck, “say it again,” his hand slid over your jaw, “practice makes perfect.”
Blinking up into his eyes, you uttered from the bottom of your heart, “I am yours,” a single tear rolled down your cheek as you still trembled beneath him. 
“Damn right you are…” his lips tilted into a smile. 
Fishing out the borrowed switchblade that still rested within the gangster’s pocket, he then sliced through the ropes and constricted you. 
Tangling your arms around his neck as you sat up, you captured his lips once again and felt his touch slide down under your ass before he scooped you into his lap. Your sore pussy wept against his cock, once again throbbing and hard as a rock against your core. As your tongue danced against his own, you couldn’t help but scramble even closer, pressing your body impossibly close to his own as you grinded down against him. 
“You are mine,” he groaned as he manhandled your frame in his hold and sank you back down onto his fat dick, “you are my most prized possession,” your bodies met in sticky claps as the aftermath of the rough round moments before still oozed all over this one where passion crackled behind both of your own desperate efforts, “I will never let you go,” he blinked up into your eyes as you rode him, both of you clinging to each other as the end crept ever nearer, “always need you–,” his sentence was briefly broken up by a moan as you rolled your hips, your pussy gripping around him and squeezing him tightly, “need you by my side…” 
Once your synced-up orgasms had both shuddered your senses and you were sharing each other’s breath, your eyes remained locked as his throbbing cock stayed buried deep within you.
“So, what now?” your chest rose and fell as you whispered into the night, the pitter-patter of rain splashing against your windows once again catching your attention as it swept over and mingled with your laboured pants of breath.  
Not shifting his gaze, his eyes briefly scanned your own in search of any ounce of deception, before his fingers dipped down into his pocket and conjured a tiny key, “now,” and he stretched down to undo the chain at your ankle. The click of the lock felt like a gasp of real air was finally filling your depraved lungs, “I take you to my room,” and he manoeuvred you around to slink one arm in behind your knees while the other stayed fast at your spine. As he rose from the bed, he plucked you up with him as well, carrying you in his hold as he exited the bedroom. 
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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fairy-writes · 8 months ago
can I request for Soshiro and Gen fanfic (separate) on the female reader who's a healer that is clearly active on the battlefield and when the kaiju noticed this they started to target her to prevent healing her allies?
Also, can I add about the reader's attitude? Her persona has a cold/quiet and stoic personality o⁠(⁠(⁠*⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠*⁠)⁠)⁠o
Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Kaiju No. 8
Pairing(s): Narumi Gen x Reader
Hoshina Soshiro x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Female!Reader, Defense Force!Reader, Doctor!Reader
Notes: I am doing my new HC style because there are multiple characters requested :)
This entails a few HCs and then a small blurb!
Also, Reader’s personality ended up a bit more self-deprecating than expected in Hoshina’s…
Narumi Gen
At first, you didn’t notice. 
You were too busy applying a tourniquet to the leg of a fallen Defense Officer when the Yoju began to attack.
Luckily, the officer you were treating still had working arms and shot it down. 
But they only kept coming.
Soon, you were overwhelmed and had to retreat. 
You grab the straps of your fallen comrade and drag them under some rubble that’s standing precariously. 
It might fall on you, but it was better than nothing for the time being. 
You press your fingers to the communication earpiece nestled in your ear. 
“I need immediate evac in Sector Zulu now! The Yoju are mobilizing and targeting the medics!” You holler as another medic is swallowed whole by one of the bigger Yoju.
Was this the work of that one kaiju? Kaiju No. 9? 
You had no clue. But you couldn’t dwell on it right now. You had to survive. 
Gen is furious by the time he gets to the hospital. He pushes past nurses and doctors and patients until he makes it to the front desk and barks out your name to a startled receptionist. He was a sight for sore eyes, still in his combat uniform, covered in kaiju blood, and still hauling around his weapon. 
“She’s in the Intensive Care Unit. Hold on—Wait!” She calls as soon as he leaves, but he pays her no mind. 
He knew where you were now. He could find the specific room number when he got there. 
Only he didn’t need a room number because you met him in the hallways as soon as he pushed through the double doors.
“Gen?” You look confused, your right arm bandaged and in a sling, and a swath of bandages wrapped around your head. 
“What were you thinking?!” He snaps, and you scowl at that. 
“The Yoju attacked me. Not the other way around, dumbass.” You snap back, and he glares, but on the inside, he’s relieved. 
“Why are you up and moving anyway? You should be resting.” He says, taking your good arm and steering you to a stray gurney stored in the hallway. You shrug off his arm. 
“And leave my patients without care? No way. I’m fine.” You reply and try to get up, but all but fall over when he pushes you gently. 
“Clearly not.” He says and sets his bayonet to the side, propping it up against the wall and taking a seat next to you.
“What’s the diagnosis?” Gen asks eventually, and you wiggle the fingers in your cast. 
“Broken wrist in three places. A pretty nasty concussion. A couple of cracked ribs. Apparently, my heart stopped after our shelter collapsed.” You say coldly, matter-of-factly, as if it was a walk in the park and not the fact that you died. 
Gen remembered hearing in the com piece that your heart stopped. He remembered the officer you were attending to saying he was starting chest compressions after not finding a pulse. He remembered feeling his own heart had stopped when the officer claimed chest compressions weren’t working. 
Luckily, you were wearing one of your newly designed suits—the kind with remote-activated defibrillators in the chest area. It had to be activated three times before you began breathing again and your heart started again. 
But you were okay.
You were okay. You were alive. And that’s all Gen could ask for
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Hoshina Soshiro
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“WE NEED EVAC IMMEDIATELY! REPEAT WE NEED EVAC IMMEDIATELY! WE HAVE WOUNDED AND THE YOJU ARE TARGETING THE MEDICS!” You bellow into the receiver as you dodge under a swipe of the Yoju before you.
You stand and sprint, trying to lure the Yoju away from your wounded comrades. 
Better you die than them.
Your com crackles in your ear, and you hear your lover's voice calling your name in a calm panic. 
“Where are you?” Hoshina Soshiro demands as you heave and pant. Your suit is dangerously close to overheating, with you using the suit’s strength to help your fellow officers. 
“Sector Juliette heading northbound on 12th Street.” You wheeze and shriek as a blow crashes into your back, sending you flying into some shattered concrete. 
Your shoulder is dislocated. Your ribs are broken. It feels like your nose might be as well. 
“Hold out a little longer, my love. I’m almost there!” He pleads, and you turn on your back to see the Yoju looming over you. 
“I’m sorry, Soshiro…” You murmur. 
Oh well…
Better you die than them.
Just as you close your eyes, you hear the draw of a katana from its sheath. 
When you wake up, you feel someone’s hand holding your own. 
You turn—with some difficulty with the brace around your neck—to see Soshiro holding your hand in one hand, typing out a report on his phone with the other. 
“Soshi?” You rasp, and he looks up, an unreadable look on his face. 
“You’re awake.” He says, and you nod, wincing at the ache in your neck. He leans forward, still not letting go of your hand. “Careful, you got some nasty whiplash.” He says, and you wheeze out a laugh.
“I’m not surprised. I took a bad hit.” You say, and he scoffs. 
“I saw.” He replies and goes back to his report. 
It doesn’t take long after that for you to speak. 
“You’re mad at me.” Soshiro shakes his head at that, thumb pausing from where he was typing on the screen. Likely updating Captain Ashiro on your condition.
“I’m not mad. Just upset. You gave up.” He says, and you sigh, leaning back against your pillows. Luckily, your bed is propped up, so you don’t have to adjust it. 
“I have a duty to protect my comrades.” Soshiro grits his teeth. 
“That doesn’t mean you have to die to protect them. You’re a talented doctor; don’t waste that life of yours.” He pleads, opening his eyes to look at you desperately. 
The doctor comes in then, checks you over, and gives you your diagnosis. Whiplash—hence the neck brace—three broken ribs, a dislocated left arm, and a torn rotator cuff. 
“Do you have help at home? Given your skills, I assume you know how to take care of yourself, but it doesn’t hurt to have an extra set of hands.” The doctor says. You are about to shake your head when your lover pipes up.
“I’ll be helping.” He says firmly, leaving no room for you to argue. The doctor accepts this readily and nods, leaving the room with promises to return with discharge paperwork. 
“You don’t have to take care of me.” You say as soon as the door shuts, and Soshiro raises an eyebrow. 
“I’ll take care of you.” He repeats, and you hiss out a laugh.
“It’s rotten work.” At that, his grip tightens. 
“Not to me. Not if it’s you.”
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loveinhawkins · 9 months ago
The squeak of Dustin’s sneakers fades away as he heads back to the hospital parking lot, where his mom’s waiting for him.
Eddie watches the door to his room swing shut—the movement as boisterous as Dustin’s entrance had been; for the whole visit, he’d acted almost as if nothing had ever happened.
“You know,” he says once the door’s fully closed, “I kinda thought he hated me.”
He tries to make it come out like a joke—maybe then, it won’t hurt quite as much. He should’ve known that Steve would see straight through it.
“That’s not fair,” Steve says quietly, from where he sits in the corner of the room—arms folded, eyes sharp.
The silence feels damning. Eddie doesn’t dare break it: just sits there and lets it sting.
But then—
“That’s not fair,” Steve repeats, a little softer, “to him or to you.”
Eddie can’t look him in the eye. If he does, he’s going to say something that’s true but hurtful nonetheless—and God knows, he’s done more than enough damage already.
Steve sighs. Eddie can’t work out how to read him.
Maybe if he just keeps staring at the clock on the wall, Steve will give up and leave, and Eddie can keep it together until he knows that he’s alone.
“When are you going to stop?” Steve says and, damn it, Eddie’s resolve breaks in an instant; his head turns, but now Steve’s the one who’s not looking, his gaze fixed on the ceiling like he’s trying to memorise it.
(Fourteen hairline cracks on the tiles. Eddie’s counted.)
“Stop what, Steve?” Eddie says shortly. Maybe this will work instead: if he manages to hold that awful, flat tone for long enough—
“When are you going to stop punishing yourself?” Steve says. His eyes flicker across the ceiling tiles.
Eddie swallows. Forces out, hoarse, “That’s not—”
“Not what?” Steve interrupts. “Not what you’re doing?” He shakes his head a little, and his voice lowers. “You’re acting like they’re right.”
Eddie grits his teeth; he asks even though he already knows. “Like who—”
“You do know you didn’t kill anyone, right?” Steve says bluntly.
For a horrible moment, Eddie can’t breathe. “I—yes,” he says; it’s wrenched out of him like an involuntary reflex, the thought playing in his head over and over at the boathouse, then at Skull Rock—I didn’t do it, I didn’t, please, please—until it sounded less and less like the truth, and more like desperation.
“Then what?” Steve says. His head tilts down—he looks right at Eddie, eyes blazing like a challenge. “What is it? What is so fucking terrible, Eddie, that you’d—”
“What d’you want me to say, man?” Eddie says, exhausted. “I—I hurt—”
His voice cracks; he can’t get through it, can only think about what he wasn’t meant to have seen: a nurse opening his door too wide, and in that split second, catching a glimpse of Dustin frozen in the hallway, Steve crouched down in front of him, speaking too softly to hear; how Dustin’s shoulders shook; you did this, you—
“You don’t think I wish I could take it back?” Steve says.
The words pull Eddie right out of his head. Cautiously, he asks, “What?”
“Because I would,” Steve continues, like Eddie hasn’t said anything. “I’d take it back in a second.” There’s a harsh scraping sound: the chair legs dragging against the floor as Steve stands, like he suddenly can’t bear being still. “I think about it every day. If I hadn’t—” He stops abruptly, like the words have got stuck somewhere painful. His jaw works once, twice. “If I hadn’t left you to—”
“Don’t,” Eddie gets out, pleading. His hand twitches on the bedsheets uselessly; he’s too far away to…
In so many ways, he wishes he was stronger.
“Steve, you—you can’t do that to your—”
“Right,” Steve cuts across with a humourless laugh, “yeah, exactly,” and Eddie gets the feeling that he’s walked right into a trap without realising. “So you don’t get to, either.”
“No! No, I’m not gonna just watch you fucking hate yourself for—for what? For being scared? For doing the best you could to—” Steve shakes his head again. “Dustin, he—he knows you were… I would’ve done the same thing.”
Eddie can hardly argue the point. He can hear from the strain in Steve’s voice just how much he means it.
And then Steve scoffs slightly, glancing up at the ceiling again—a fragile smile, like it’s only there to keep himself from crying.
“There’s—there’s so much—God.” He drags a hand down his face. “So much blame, Eddie. All the time.” He gets that awful, distant look to his eyes, the one that reminds Eddie that he was thrown into a story in its last horrific chapter; there are things he doesn’t know, but when Steve looks at him, he can feel an echo of the pain in his chest. “And I’m so sick of it.”
But Steve interrupts before Eddie can voice it: a weak laugh then, “Jesus Christ, haven’t you been listening? Don’t apologise. It’s enough that—that you’re alive.” Steve swallows, steps back. Jerks his head to the door, “Dustin—he’ll be okay, I swear, just give it time. Before you—it kinda, uh. It was awful?” His voice goes up, but not in question, not really: more like he’s the one trying to joke around it, now—because anything else is too much.
It’s another story Eddie isn’t privy to. But he can read it in the way Steve’s eyes trace the ceiling. In soft words exchanged just before a hospital room.
The guilt doesn’t fade, not yet. But its grip eases around his heart. Makes room for…
“Hey,” Steve says shakily, like he’s crying, too. “Eddie, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
Hands are on Eddie’s face, and maybe it should be overwhelming—but all Eddie can feel is something like forgiveness.
“It’s enough,” Steve whispers. “Eddie, I promise you. Please. Please let it be enough.”
Eddie can’t speak. But he gathers Steve’s shirt in his fist; and you, he means, and you.
And maybe Steve hears it, because he sighs like he’s finally let go of something—like he, too, has been cleansed.
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xothatnerdykid · 9 months ago
guilty as sin
You're a dedicated nurse who loves their job even when it means taking care of stubborn, battle-worn pro-heroes (or maybe especially then). Aizawa Shouta x gn!reader. Set between S6 & S7. Fluff, slight angst with comfort. SFW, 2k words.
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The sterile scent of antiseptic fills the air as you walk down the pristine white hallways of Central Hospital. The raid against the Paranormal Liberation Front had left the medical facility overcrowded, understaffed, and bustling with activity. You yourself had been working tirelessly for the last 24 hours straight to care for the numerous injured heroes and civilians. 
Exhaustion weighed heavily on your shoulders, your feet dragging slightly with each step. Your shift was supposed to have ended hours ago, and you were more than ready to clock out and get some much-needed rest. However, there was just one patient left to see.
You knock at the door. 
"Good morning," you greet the man lying down on the bed. You don't have the strength to muster a smile, but that's okay. He doesn't seem to either. 
Instead, he gives you a familiar nod. "Good morning."
He was a brooding, reserved man of a few words. With dark hair and even darker eyes - well, eye, the other being wrapped in bandages - he looked more tired than you some days. You can't fault him for that though. You knew he had been at the front lines of the battle that day and had paid a heavy price for it. 
He sits up as you come closer, approaching his bedside. The room is quiet, save for the soft beeping of the machines monitoring his vitals.
"How are you feeling today?"
He shrugs. "I've been better. I've been worse."
"I can see that," you nod, noting the way his complexion is less pale and his hair less unruly today compared to the past week. You open the blinds for him, warm light streaming into the dim room. “More sunlight ought to be good for you.”
“Mhm,” is all he says, blinking up at the bright, blue sky out the window. 
You take that as your cue to go about your usual tasks silently, adjusting his IV, checking his bandages, writing down his vitals. 
Then, out of the blue, he says, “You’ve been working long hours lately. You should get some rest.” 
"Believe me, I will. Just as soon as you're taken care of first."
"I'm fine,” he responds in a clipped, dismissive tone of voice.
“Fine or not, it's my job to make sure you’re comfortable and healing properly. You went through a lot, losing an eye and a leg. Frankly, I’m not sure we should go through with discharging you tomorrow.”
He heaves a tired sigh, “Like I said, I’ve been better, but I’ve been worse, too.” 
Frowning, you sit down on the bedside chair and take a moment to look at him. Despite his stoic facade, you can see the toll all those years of being a hero have taken on him, especially the past few weeks. The dark circles under his remaining eye, the weary lines and scars etched into his face. The worried, pained look that lingers even when he's trying to relax. 
"You know, it's okay to admit that you're not feeling great. From what I've been told, it seems like you've been through hell and back."
He shrugs again, leaning back against the pillows with a wince that he tries to hide. "It comes with the job. If anyone deserves your concern, it's my students."
“It must be hard, seeing them fight in a war. They’re just children, after all.”
He nods grimly, his mouth a tight line. "And because of this—" he touches the bandages covering his eye "—my quirk is pretty much useless now, especially on the villains we’re up against.”
He doesn't say it, but you can hear it in the tightness of his voice, his clenched jaw, his hands fisting the bedsheet. You know what he really means: “I'm useless now."
You want to reach out to touch him, maybe place your hand atop his, but you're not sure if he'd welcome such a gesture, especially from someone he's only known for a short time. You settle for a few sympathetic words instead, folding your hands in your lap. 
"Aizawa-san, do you honestly think your quirk is the only thing that makes you a hero? You've done so much for your students, for so many people. You're a mentor and a role model to these kids. I'm sure they trust and look up to you more because of this, not less.”
He looks at you for a long moment, that same unreadable expression on his face.
"I appreciate that, but it doesn’t change the fact that I can’t protect them the way I used to."
"Maybe not, but even without your quirk, you have your experience, your wisdom, and a heart that cares deeply for them. That's more than enough."
Instead of responding, he stares silently up at the ceiling. You don't push him, resigning to let the moment simply stretch out. After all, this is the most you've ever talked to him the whole week.
As he gets lost in his thoughts, you find yourself mentally tracing the contours of his face, where the sunlight bathes his skin in a soft, warm glow. It accentuates the strong lines of his jaw, his nose. Softens the look in his dark eyes. 
You take a quiet breath, surprised by the fluttering sensation in your chest. It's an odd time and place to notice something like this, but you can’t deny there's a certain rugged handsomeness to him.
You shift your weight, feeling a little self-conscious about your own thoughts. It’s unprofessional, you chide yourself, to think of a patient this way. But the inexplicable attraction you feel for the man before you is unmistakeable.
Aizawa turns slightly, catching you off guard as his eyes meet yours. When he finally speaks again, his voice is softer, almost contemplative. 
“It's strange. There was a time in my life when I wouldn't have cared what happened to me in the line of duty, whether I lived or died. But now...I want to live for those kids. My kids.”
You manage a wobbly smile even as your heart aches at his words. "Your students are lucky to have someone who cares about them so much."
“You remind me of them a little bit.” He lets out a low chuckle, the sound rumbling softly in the quiet room. “Determined, stubborn, always insisting on helping.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” You ask, tilting your head to the side.
The corner of his lips quirk up, and the realization that he might actually be teasing you sends your heart aflutter. 
“Mostly good,” he murmurs. “A little bit troublesome for me though.”
“Yeah?” You bite back a smirk. “You’ve been a bit troublesome for me, too, you know.”
He raises an eyebrow, leaning back against the pillows. “Is that so? And how do you propose I make it up to you, then?”
Maybe it’s the huskiness of his voice, the quiet intensity of his gaze, or the faint smile tugging at his lips, but something about him in this moment makes your stomach freefall. And you’re suddenly overcome with the urge to kiss him, passionately and spontaneously, as if afraid to see sense. 
You know you shouldn't indulge this, should put a stop to this train of thought before it gains too much momentum. You’re thankful you manage to keep your voice steady despite the rush of blood pounding in your ears. 
“Well, Aizawa-san, you could start by taking me out to dinner. Dealing with a patient as stubborn as you has its price, you know.”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, and you wonder if you’ve made a terrible mistake. But then his gaze flickers down to your lips before meeting your eyes again, and you feel your breath hitch. He tilts his head, his expression thoughtful yet guarded, as if trying to read between the lines of your playfulness.
“I suppose,” he concedes softly. “But you might find that I’m not as interesting as you think, Y/N. I’m just a man who cares about the people in his life and does what he can to protect them.”
"That's exactly what I like about you.” Your voice drops to a whisper, your hand lightly brushing against his.
He groans softly, and you feel a blush rise to your cheeks at the sound. He rubs his hand down his face, seemingly weighing his options. 
It’s not too late, you assure yourself in a rush of anxious thoughts. You haven’t crossed any lines you can’t go back on, haven’t overstepped the delicate boundary between patient and nurse, between flirtation and something more. 
“Will you let me kiss you at the end of the date?”
The line is a dot now.
You swallow hard and — heart pounding in your chest, everything else spinning dizzyingly out of focus — you rush forward to close the distance between you, pressing your lips urgently against his. 
The spark you felt before intensifies into an electrifying current now, racing down your spine as he tangles one hand in your hair and another holds you by the nape. He tilts your head back to kiss you deeper, his lips hungrily exploring yours, and you feel drunk on the pleasure of his touch, the intoxicating scent of his skin and his aftershave.
The softness of his lips contrasts with the roughness of his stubble, sending shivers of delight coursing through you. His mouth is warm and inviting, and you lose yourself in the sensation of his kiss, the way he breathes you in, the quiet sighs of pleasure that escape both of you. 
Your mind spins with the realization of how much you’ve wanted this and how many ill-advised daydreams you’ve had of him these past few weeks. When you finally break apart for air, you keep your forehead pressed against his, feeling the warmth of his skin against yours. The sound of your blood rushing in your ears drowns out the rhythmic beeping of the machines around you, and for a moment, the world feels narrowed down to just the two of you.
“I-I’m sorry,” Your breath comes in ragged gasps. Your fingers gingerly touch your lips, which are pursed in surprise. “That was reckless of me. I shouldn’t have.”
Aizawa blinks at you, his dark eyes wide and dazed, like he’s trying to process what just happened. He licks his lips, a gesture that sends a fresh wave of warmth through your body.
“Do you…” His voice is husky, tinged with uncertainty. “Do you regret it?”
“No, of course not,” you say quickly, shaking your head. “I only regret not doing it at a better time.”
His eyes widen slightly in surprise before softening, the tension in his shoulders seemingly melting away. 
"Good," he murmurs, reaching for you, his thumb cradling your jaw and tracing small, soothing circles on your skin. “Because I’d like to do it again—”
He presses a soft, lingering kiss to your cheek.
“And again—”
He brushes his lips teasingly against yours, feather-light and promising of more.
“And again.”
The admission sends a thrill through you, a rush of joy and excitement that makes your pulse quicken. "All the more reason to look forward to dinner, I suppose. After you get better, that is."
He chuckles softly. "Shouldn't be a problem, seeing as how I have an excellent nurse taking care of me."
"Mmmhm. Speaking of, is there anything else I can do to make you…more comfortable before I leave?” You can't help but ask, a playful lilt in your voice.
He captures your lips in a delicate kiss, so sweet and tender, like a dream barely skimming the surface of reality. You've finally calmed down enough to hear the sound of his heart rising, betrayed by the loudening beep of the machine. His hand trails down your arm and he laces his fingers with yours, smiling against your lips. 
“I can think of a few things.”
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mind-intheclouds342 · 4 months ago
You'll never change - Jimmy x Reader
Warning: Dark content.
You were simply sitting with the others, listening to them argue and blame Curly for the news he had shared, about how everyone was going to get their pay at the end of the deliver and then they were just going to be fired.
But it was obvious who was playing with fire in this whole situation.
You stood up to walk towards him, grabbing him by the collar of his uniform and slapped him, the sound echoing in the room, making everyone turn to look at them in silence.
"The captain is having the decency to tell us what he knows so that we can prepare when we return. Why do you want to turn everyone against him, Jimmy?"
Jimmy: "He has no problems! He has his life all figured out! He's saying it because he feels sorry for us, he knows very well that we don't have backup plans!"
He started to complain and rub his cheek, which was red from the slap.
You turned to look at Curly while you took the man's neck to bury his face against your body and silence him, wrapping your arms around his head.
"I'm really sorry about the scene Jimmy is making, do I have permission to take him away to calm him down?"
Curly: "...Go ahead..."
He murmured, surprised by your actions, and everyone watched as you dragged him along, your hand pulling a good chunk of his hair to make him walk with you.
Jimmy: "Hey-! Hey, let me go right now! What was all that? Are you trying to make me look bad?!
You slammed him against one of the walls in the hallway and cornered him with your arms, looking him in the eyes with seriousness.
"You're like a little child, did you know that? You cry and throw a tantrum when you don't like something, you start screaming because you want attention, and if someone has a toy you wanted, you try to take it from them by any means possible."
Jimmy: "And what do you know about m-?"
He was interrupted when you pressed your lips against his, even clashing your teeth against his in the desperate kiss you were giving him, hoping that for once and for all he would decide to be quiet.
At first, he tried to resist, but little by little he gave in, his hands starting to roam your body, making you cling to him even more, to the point where he began to squeeze and massage your butt.
In that instant, you pulled away, turning your face when you noticed he tried to kiss you again.
"You are a twsited one, did you know that? There's no way to fix you."
You took his face in your hands, he looked at you with vulnerable eyes, wanting you to give him your full attention, the first time someone had given him something without having to snatch it from his hands.
"Such a bastard, trying to take advantage of our poor nurse. Were you surprised when you went to her room and I was with her? I knew there was something wrong with the drink you had so 'kindly' prepared for her..."
Jimmy: "You say it as if I had tried to kill her... I wasn't going to do anything bad to her."
"Ugh, you're disgusting, you really can't be helped, huh?"
You held his face firmly while he kept trying to kiss you.
You tilted your head and smiled when you had an idea.
"I have a wonderful idea for you, let's go to my bedroom."
You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt again to take him with you.
Curly: Ah- (Y/n), I need to ask you something. I've heard some strange noises coming from your room... They sound human."
"Oh yes- I'm sorry for not letting you know before, you were so busy that I didn't want to bother you... Jimmy had a little accident and hurt his leg, I'm taking care of him so you don't have to worry."
You smiled at him. 
Curly: "Thats why those sounds are heard from your room? Why isn't he in the nursery?"
"He felt more comfortable with me... Don't worry, he's really fine."
You insisted, but in his gaze, you could tell he wasn't completely convinced by your words; still, he didn't ask any more questions, as he had no reason not to trust what you were saying. 
You kept your smile until you were out of their sight, at that moment your smile faded, and you quickly walked to your room. 
"Hey Jimmy~" 
You sat on your bed, watching the man lying on it. 
Tied to the bed by each of his limbs, without his uniform, only in his underwear, gagged and blindfolded, you could barely hear his ragged breathing when he heard you arrive. 
"Shh shh... I'm here, did you miss me, puppy?"
You mentioned removing the gag to leave a kiss on his lips. 
"Do you know what I've found out? You've been screaming a lot... Why? You have no reason to do that, we're just spending time together."
Jimmy: "Please... Let me go... I want to touch you..."
His hands pulled the straps that held his wrists, making a loud sound against the headboard of the bed. 
"One hand"
You mentioned releasing one of his hands, which immediately moved to your waist to keep you close. 
"You have to behave when I'm not around, you can't cry just because I left, I have work to do. I had to make up that you had hurt your leg..." 
You ran your hand over his thigh, making him shiver, while he tried to pull your uniform aside to touch your chest. 
"I feel bad lying to the captain... So... You're not going to make me look like a liar, are you, Jimmy?"
You leaned over him, while you saw him nod repeatedly.
You searched for some pills in your pocket and brought them to your mouth. 
You took a mirror that was on your nightstand and broke it, causing the man to jump startled upon hearing the sound. 
"Shh... It will only be a second, okay?"
You placed your free hand on his cheek to calm him, while your lips rested on his to drown the scream he let out when you drove the piece of glass into his thigh, sinking it as deep as possible. 
In the kiss, you pushed the pills you had previously taken with your tongue to the back of your throat, forcing him to swallow them. 
"Shh... They are painkillers, okay? I'll bring some things from the nursery and everything will be fine... If you go outside and Curly see you hopping with a bad leg he will believe me complety"
You caressed his hair and removed the bandage, seeing her eyes all tearing up.
"You know I have to do this for the sake of others, you are a danger on this ship... But you've been a good boy, do you want a reward?"
Jimmy: "I want to see you..."
"Of course"
You smiled at him to take off the top part of your uniform, you could hear his breath quicken as he saw your bra and how you unfastened it to let him see. 
You touched his leg, seeing the swelling of the wound and how much he was bleeding, but you were focused on your nudity, and lost in the quick effect of the painkiller. 
"You brought all this on yourself... If you had been quiet... If you weren't such a piece of shit... This is to let you know that there are people worse than you."
He wasn't even paying attention to your words, they didn't matter to him, because anyway, that wouldn't make him change.
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tinyluvs · 2 years ago
Can you do one where the reader is meeting Spencer's mom for the first time, idk if you've done this yet
i haven’t & i absolutely can !! tysm angel ♡ enjoy!
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it's painfully obvious that spencer is ten times more nervous than you are, his fingers playing with yours in his lap, "spence, honey, we need to get out of the car at some point," you say softly, your other hand closing over his
"i know, just nervous," he mumbles, staring down at his lap, "never bought a girl to meet my mom," he admits, though you already know. he turns to face you with soft eyes and a shy smile
gently, you brush his hair back slightly, "i wouldn't be here if i didn't think it was right spence," leaning over the centre console, you kiss him quickly before grinning, "now come on, otherwise she's going to think we aren't coming!"
you hop out of the car before your boyfriend can respond, waving your arm in a hurry up motion as he takes far too long to round the car. spencer rolls his eyes playfully at you before snatching at your hand to lead you towards the building
silently he almost drags you through the reception to the elevator, excitement starting to replace the nervousness, "remember, her memory isn't the best som-" he starts to ramble when you're on the way up to the fourth floor, his hands planted on your shoulders
"spencer," you cut him off, wrapping your fingers around his wrists, "i know, it's going to be fine i promise you" you sway back and fourth slightly until his hands are slipping down your arms
the elevator doors ping open as spencer puffs out a long breath, "come on then, sweetheart," he hums, going straight back to dragging you, your legs moving twice as fast to keep up with him
"doctor reid!" a man smiles as he approaches, "your mom is expecting you, in fact this is all she has talked about for the past three days," he explains and you can physically see the relief flood through your boyfriend’s body
"she remembered?" he asks, getting confirmation when the man nods his head. you squeeze at spencer's hand slightly, your thumb stroking over his, "where is she?"
the man nods towards a hallway, "last time i saw her, she was in her room," he offers as he gets whisked away by a nurse
"that's my moms doctor," spencer says, actually walking alongside you and not three steps ahead of you, "i'm happy that she remembered though,"
as you turn a corner, you hum lightly in agreement, eyes drifting over the walls decorated with pictures, group outings and trips along with displays of in house activities. spencer gasps beside you, "mom!"
further down the hallway a woman is walking, her back turned to you and spencer but when he calls, she stops and turns. a moment of confusion passes over her eyes but it leaves as a smile spreads across her face
you let go of spencer's hand as you come to a stop, smiling to yourself as he engulfs her in a hug, his chin resting on her shoulder
"spencer," diana exclaims, hugging him back before putting her hands on his upper arms and holding him at arms length, "let me get a good look at you,"
your boyfriend shoots you a smile, which you return, "mom, look," he says, holding his arm out to you, "remember i told you i was bringing my girlfriend," he gestures for you to come closer, "mom this is-"
diana waves a dismissive hand at her son, "i know who this is, you talk about her all the time," she smiles at you when you gasp slightly, outstretched hand being ignored as she gives you a hug instead, her hand smoothing gently over your back
spencer stands beside you both, his eyes wide and sparkly while his mouth is hung slightly open in a silent gasp but his cheeks are a violent shade of red because of his mom's confession
you pout slightly at him before diana releases you, "it's so nice to finally meet you," you say as she looks over you with what you hope is an approving nod, "i've heard so much about you,"
"trust me when i say i've heard twice as much about you," she lowers her voice though spencer can definitely still hear her, "i approve," she concludes, nodding at spencer
"mom!" he shrieks as you giggle at him, "where were you going before we stopped you?" he rushes in an attempt to change the subject as his cheeks start to heat up all over again
diana rolls her eyes at his dramatics, "i was going to get a snack and a drink, do you want to come with?" she asks, both you and her looking at spencer for an answer
"if you don't mind,"
"come on then," she says, linking her arm around yours, leaving spencer to walk along behind you both, "they do the most fabulous cake here, i'll get you a slice," she pats at your arm as you begin to walk down the hallway
"oh yum, thank you" you say, never one to turn down a free slice of cake. behind your back spencer grabs at your hand, the angle slightly awkward but neither of you complain
your boyfriends mom hums thoughtfully, quickly drawing your attention back to her, "he's never, ever, bought a girl to meet me, you know," she says lightly
"i do,"
"i don't think he will ever bring another," she whispers, leaning towards you slightly. you look at her with a puzzled look, eyebrows furrowing across your forehead, "for him, you're the one,"
you gasp, "you think? i know he is for me"
diana scoffs, "i know," she corrects you, "the way he talks about you, oh to be young and in love-"
without meaning to, you tune her out, turning to look back at spencer, who tilts his head at you with confusion. you mouth i love you at him before pulling on his hand, dragging him around to your side
"what're you two talking about?" he asks, full of suspicion, looking at his mom with wide eyes. you chuckle when diana looks at him, tapping the side of her nose with her finger, "oh no," spencer sighs at her
"nothing bad," she defends herself, squeezing your arm gently. spencer hums, his thumb tapping against your hand, "yet, i've got the baby pictures out and ready in my room though”
"oh my god,"
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thanks for reading! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily!! send prompts to my ask box!
❥ spencer reid masterlist !!
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skywalkerslvt · 17 days ago
Hiii i have another request. ❤️
I was wondering if maybe you could write something where kinda dom peter parker and reader are like in a VERY secret friends with benefits relationship and it’s just very steamy and they can’t keep their hands off each other….. Like maybe he’s in a situationship with someone else so no one can know? Idk take your liberties with this ask
a/n: Julia, this is sounding familiar 👀 i'm liking the vibes tho, this was hot 🤭 hope u enjoyyyy (btw sorry it took so long to get to this, life has been busy and the writers block goes crazy)
CW: fwb!peter, cheating, almost getting caught, semi-public sex, fingering, p in v, 1k words
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It’s a stupid idea. A reckless, dangerous, completely fucked-up idea. But that’s never stopped you before.
Peter’s got a thing with someone else—some girl who smiles at him like he’s the best thing to ever happen to her, someone who gets to hold his hand in public and laugh at his jokes without worrying who’s watching. You’re not that girl. You’re the secret, the thing he buries behind locked doors and bitten-off moans, the one he comes to when the weight of playing nice gets too heavy.
And you should care. You should feel guilty, or jealous, or anything besides the molten heat pooling in your stomach when he drags you into the nearest dark corner, his hand already sliding up your thigh, his breath hot against your ear. But when he whispers, “You gonna let me have you again?”—low, teasing, so damn cocky—you don’t even hesitate before nodding. Because no matter how bad of an idea this is, you always let him.
He drags you off to a small bathroom, pushing you up against the door roughly, the sounds of the party on the other side of the door now forgotten to you as he captures your lips in a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss. His hands are everywhere, the heat of them against your skin dulling the guilt you feel about–don’t think about her.
Images of Peter walking through the front door with his arm around his girlfriend flood your mind. This was risky–too risky. Peter came here with that poor girl, holding her hand and joking around with her friends only to leave her alone when he saw you nursing your drink and watching him from the corner of the room. He gave you a look before sauntering down the hallway, knowing you’d follow him like a lost puppy–he knew you’d jump on him at any opportunity.
His lips trail down your neck, hot and hungry, his teeth grazing just enough to make you shudder. You shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t be letting him do this, not when she’s probably still out there looking for him. But Peter’s hands are gripping your hips, fingers digging into your skin like he’s afraid you’ll slip away, and it makes you feel wanted—needed—in a way that twists something deep in your gut.
“You’re shaking,” he murmurs against your skin, his tone smug as his hands slip under the hem of your dress, thumbs brushing against the sensitive skin of your thighs. “You like knowing I left her out there for you?”
You swallow hard, but you don’t answer. You don’t have to. The way your body reacts to him, the way you arch into his touch, says enough. He chuckles, and the sound is low, dark, full of something almost cruel.
“That’s what I thought.”
Peter’s mouth is hot against your skin, his fingers curling inside you with a practiced ease that makes your knees threaten to give out. His free hand presses against your hip, keeping you pinned between him and the door, and you can feel the smirk on his lips as he kisses a path down your throat.
“Always so good for me,” he murmurs, his breath warm and teasing. His fingers speed up just enough to make your breath hitch. “Bet you’d let me do whatever I wanted right now, huh?”
You want to answer, but the pleasure is too much, your words dissolving into a whimper that only feeds his ego. He chuckles, nipping at your collarbone. “That’s what I thought.”
And then—knock knock knock.
You freeze. Peter stills against you, but only for a second before he recovers, his hand slipping over your mouth. Your wide eyes meet his, heart hammering as you both register the voice on the other side of the door.
His girlfriend.
His fingers twitch inside you, but he doesn’t pull away. If anything, he looks amused, his smirk deepening as he keeps his palm firm against your lips.
He clears his throat, voice coming out light, easy. “Yeah?”
Your stomach twists as she sighs. “What are you doing in there? I’ve been looking for you.”
You squirm against him, panic creeping up your spine, but Peter just shushes you softly, his thumb brushing against your cheek as if he’s comforting you. Then, in a move so shameless it makes your breath hitch, he moves his fingers again.
A slow, deliberate stroke, like he’s testing you.
Your entire body jolts, and he grins, his eyes dark with amusement as he leans in, lips brushing against your ear. “Be good for me,” he whispers.
“Peter?” His girlfriend’s voice is confused now, a little concerned.
He huffs like he’s annoyed. “I just needed a second. Got a little too much to drink.”
There’s a pause. Your pulse pounds as you fight to stay silent, your body trembling from the effort.
“Oh,” she says finally. “Do you need me to get you some water?”
Peter’s fingers move again, a lazy stroke, and it takes everything in you not to let out a sound. He watches you with dark amusement, clearly enjoying your struggle.
“Nah,” he says smoothly. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
Another pause. Then, finally: “Okay… don’t take too long.”
You both listen as her footsteps fade down the hall. Peter waits a second, tilting his head like he’s making sure she’s really gone. And then—he pulls his hand from your mouth, his smirk widening as he takes in your flushed, wrecked state.
“See?” he murmurs, dragging his lips down your jaw. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
His fingers leave you to unbuckle his belt, his hand reaching in his pants to pull the thick length of him out. When he finally slides inside your warm, wet, cunt, you gasp, head falling back against the door. He shushes you, nipping at your jaw as he works you open with a slow, teasing thrust. You should tell him to stop. You should shove him away, walk out of here and leave him to his perfect little relationship.
But you don’t.
Because the truth is, no matter how stupid, and reckless, and completely fucked up this is, you don’t care if this is wrong. You don’t care if she’s waiting for him.
Right now, he’s here with you. And that’s all that matters.
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pearlsinmyhair · 1 year ago
˖⋆˚₊⊹ his muse
hobie brown x fem!reader
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this has been in my drafts for. forever. like it was summer when i wrote it on a whim. this initially started as a request for hobie with a reader that came from wealth. the vivienne westwood imagery picked up from there, and i just kinda had fun with it. and now im posting it- huzzah!
warnings: smoking (cigarettes). mentions of drinking. slight nsfw at the very end. meet-cute that leads to smut. hobie being a flirt. fem!reader.
hobie is in the midst of a creative rut that he can’t get out of, no matter how much he tries to. that is, until some inspiration walks through the door.
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hobie was in a musical rut.
which never happened to him. never. if he needed a subject for a song, all he had to do was look outside for five minutes or watching the news for even less to have a subject.
that was the wonderful thing about hating the establishment: infinite cruelty, infinite song ideas.
but here he was, staring down at his guitar and picking at strings aimlessly. nothing came to him, no note or melody stuck out to him as song worthy.
he was sitting on the worn couch in his band’s makeshift studio, crosslegged and hunched over his guitar like a madman.
a soft knock came from the doorway, and he looked up to find one of his band mates hitting their knuckles against the doorway.
“you need to get out, man. you’re cooped up.” he said, stepping into the room to stand over hobie like a mother hen. “some fresh air will do you good.”
hobie scoffed, never one to take orders from anyone. but then he exhaled and leaned back, looking up at his friend with an exasperated expression.
“and where exactly do you intend for us to go?” he asked lowly, grumbling.
that’s exactly how he ended up here, in a music club full of bodies he didn’t want to touch and liquor he didn’t want to drink.
it wasn’t a traditional club scene by any means. It was a bit more artistic, leaning away from rave-style places that he’d gone to before. but it still wasn’t his preferred place.
he nursed a shirley temple, which his friend had shoved into his hand unceremoniously before disappearing into the crowd. hobie had decided that he would be the designated driver, and he understood that his band mates were going to take full advantage of that fact.
when they entered the place, his drummer had leaned over.
“maybe you’ll find a muse, hobes. i’m sure there’s plenty of pretty things in this place to give you ideas.” the boy wiggled his brows, and hobie promptly shoved him away with a chuckle.
now, he leaned against a counter and wondered what the hell he was doing. this wasn’t air. this was just distracting noise.
and said noise was becoming a little too much for his senses.
he made eye contact with one of his more sober mates, gesturing that he was going to go somewhere private. he sent a text to their group chat as well saying the same thing.
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not a role model
-> heading to the back, text or call if you need me
little drummer boy
-> you’re no fun, man.
not a role model
-> 🖕🏿
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he moved down a hallway, the sound of bass and electronic beats fading into a pleasant jazz sound that made its way through the speakers overhead.
the space behind the actual club was a kind of lounge, filled with warm ambiance and vinyl records and leather arm chairs. when his friends brought him here, he always inevitably retreated to this quieter space.
it was ironic really. the punk unable to handle crowds and noise. but this was a much different setting from his own shows, so he cut himself some slack.
he sunk into one of the armchairs in a side room, his head lolling back to look up at the ceiling. his head slightly throbbed, and he began to regret not drinking water.
he reached in his pocket to pull out a cigarette box.
he wasn’t a casual smoker, not by a long shot. it just helped to have something to drag on sometimes, something to burn his throat while he was thinking.
right as he put the cig to his lips, the door banged open and slammed shut once more, the lock sliding home.
his spider-senses told him to prepare, but when he looked up they stopped buzzing.
because a girl leaned against the wall across from him, her chest heaving and her eyes wide.
she looked afraid, scared. the way her fingers trembled alerted him to the sheer amount of adrenaline running through her veins currently.
and she hadn’t even noticed him yet. he took a moment to glance over her.
she wore a pretty little lace dress, black and short, with straps that barely cling to her shoulders. his eyes drifted down her bare legs to the black platform gogo boots on her feet, and he was impressed with the height she was balancing on. he knew from experience that those shits weren’t easy to master.
he had been a model once, and he knew enough to see that the girls clothes were expensive. like, wearing his rent expensive.
she took an anxious step, only to wobble like a baby deer, legs too long to stand properly.
maybe not so stable after all.
when she still didn’t notice him (too busy listening to the door), he opened his mouth to make himself known.
“runnin’ from something, little fawn?”
her eyes snapped to him, and she jumped slightly when she realized that someone else was in the room with her. her wide doe eyes did nothing to help disapprove the nickname. she opened and closed her mouth to speak, struggling to get the words out.
“i’m not running.”
he chuckled.
“no? do ya’ slam and lock doors at clubs often then?”
she scoffed at him, rolling her eyes. she took a step away from the door, though he could tell she was keeping track of any noise.
“i’m just…catching my breath.” she said, pulling at the necklace around her throat.
hobie’s eyes drifted down to it, surprised to find a string of pearls with an all too familiar saturn pendent.
his curiosity got the best of him. “real or fake?”
her eyes darted up to meet his, and she looked away in embarrassment as she said “real.”
he let out an impressed whistle. “that’s why you’re running.” he mumbled as the pieces clicked together.
she gave him an incredulous look, eyebrows furrowing in a way that he found adorable.
“my guess” he said as he stood from the chair, taking a step towards the girl. “is that you definitely aren’t supposed to be here. rich girl, pretty dress, innocent look. this place is practically forbidden for your like.”
her gaze hardened into a glare. “and what exactly is my like, hobie brown?”
he smirked. “you know my name.”
a statement. she deflated slightly.
“i’ve been to your shows.” she said, voice lowering. it was just enough to make him realize how close they were. he registered her body language quickly, noting how she didn’t shy away. so he didn’t either.
“interestin’, doll. does your daddy know?”
“don’t condescend me.”
he took a step back then, raising his hand in an ‘i come in peace’ gesture. “easy there. just askin.”
he went to grab a lighter to light his cigarette, reaching down into his jackets pocket. when he found nothing, he groaned softly.
a click made him look up, only to be met with the girl holding up a lighter of her own. he leaned forward to light his cigarette, and she held his gaze as the sizzling sound breiflu filled their silence.
“as you can see” she said softly. “i am not quite ‘my like’.”
he let out a puff of smoke, making sure to turn his head so that it didn’t flow into her pretty face. she coughed anyway.
he chucked. “what you doin’ with a light if you don’t smoke?”
she flipped the lighter in her hand, and it took a moment to notice that it was one of the silver heart ones that were popular.
“you like vivienne, huh?” he said, looking down at her with half lidded eyes as he took another drag.
“what can i say, i have a thing for punks.” she replied, looking up at him through her lashes.
oh, he was going to eat her.
“s’that so?” he asked, wanting to drag whatever admission she was holding in. he leaned close over her, and she stretched her neck to look right up at him. this close, he could smell whatever shampoo she used.
she was off limits. but he never really abided by rules, did he?
“what’re you runnin’ from, doll?” he asked, tapping his cigarette out as he waited for an answer.
“my father sent a body guard out to find me. i snuck out, and the man’s in the club right now.” she said, watching the way his lips curled around the cigarette.
the air kicked on, and the girl below him shivered. he shrugged off his jacket with a sigh, pulling it around her. she accepted it gratefully, practically nuzzling up against the collar.
fuck, he was a goner.
“better get you out of here, then.” he said, using the edges of his jacket to tug her closer. she smirked, allowing him to pull her against his body. “that would be great.”
he leaned down as he texted the chat, brushing his lips against the top of her ear as he typed.
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not a role model
-> hey, i got someone i need to take home. anyone sober?
little drummer boy
-> the fuck are you on about, why would anyone be sober.
fresh meat
-> i am, go enjoy yourself hobes.
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thank god for tyler, he thought as he pulled back the collar of his jacket to press his mouth to the girls jaw.
as she snuck him into her room later, the lyrics of a song began to write themselves in his head.
and as he thrust into her, her hands fumbling against her silk sheets and her moans in his ear, he realized that he had found his muse after all.
hobie’s masterlist
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tojislibrvry · 2 months ago
★ ︵ @ cṉc , grōping , smōking , būrns , manıpulatiōn , bullyīng
bully!shoko who first sees you in jjh as a new student wearing the skirt a little too high and the long sleeved turtleneck too tight over your body. she sees the way you giggle at gojo and geto, and something about their lingering gazes piss her off.
bully!shoko who's first interaction w you involves her blowing smoke on your face and cackling when you begin to cough, tears spilling out of your pretty eyes. "h-hello!" you try to muster despite the awful smell of cigarettes invading your personal space.
bully!shoko who trips you on the way to class, feet sticking out as she leans against her locker, expression unchanged. you fall face first on the ground, books scattering across the empty hallway. "ouch..." you mumble, tears spilling out as you try to get up. what you don't notice is shoko fishing her phone out to take a quick picture of your ass, skirt ridden up to expose your pink frilly panties.
bully!shoko who corners you in the toilets as she pours warm coffee down your uniform and forces you to remove your top. she doesn't wait a second when she sees your unblemished skin, groping your tits. she laughs as you cry and pinches your nipples when you get too loud.
bully!shoko who gets you alone in a classroom and threatens to tell everyone you are sleeping with a teacher. your eyes widen with fear as you beg her, head nodding as you try to convince her that's not true, in fact - you are still a virgin. "awww, i find that hard to believe, why don't you bend over and let me see for myself?" the next minute she has you on the teacher's table, legs spread as she takes an embarrassingly long look at your pussy. her long fingers spread your lips apart as she inspects you closer, "sounds about right, this looks barely used."
bully!shoko who finds you at a halloween party, dressed as a nurse, the uniform way too short and way too tight. she laughs as she sees you, "knew im going to be a doctor, want to be my little assistant?" you shake your head but that doesn't stop her from shoving her tongue in your mouth away from the crowd, as you cry about 'a first kiss'.
bully!shoko who calls you right before you go to your classes to the back of the school just so she can use you as an ash tray as she smokes. she drags the cigarette and sighs as the smoke fills her lungs. you squirm as she holds you close, seated right on her lap. "stop fucking moving..." she says as she puts her cigarette out on your thigh. you sob as she does, skin burning. "need to put my mark on you, doll." she smiles at you lopsided.
bully!shoko who suddenly is your new roommate, you don't ask what happened to your old roommate and you don't question why she never shows up to school again. shoko looks at your fearful face with glee, "hey roomie!" she giggles before making you suck a dildo right in front of her as she plays with herself calling you her personal pornstar.
victim!you who lets her carry on w the dynamic despite having enough power to stop because hey, you were initially going to ask gojo if his friend w the bob was single
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dirtyvulture · 9 months ago
Knight Falls - Part 1
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Wolverine!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Summary: Your perfect life with Natasha isn't meant to stay that way with the Red Room still looking for her.
Word count: 4296
AN: The long-anticipated sequel to my "Darkest Knight" fic is here! Get ready for the ride!
“Come on, Pryde. I know you can hit harder than that,” you taunt, circling the teenager.
“These gloves are so heavy!” Kitty pants, barely able to lift her fists up to shoulder height. 
“So what if they add on a few pounds?” You jab your own red foam-wrapped fist at her shoulder and Kitty goes spinning away.
“Ow!” she whines dramatically.
“Give me two good shots and you’re done,” you say.
“Fine, fine.” She shakes her head as she bounces on her feet, mirroring your posture in the ring. The rest of the students, some of them sitting on the mats and others standing anxiously, close to crossing over the peeling line of white tape that separates the spectators from the participants. 
“Go Kitty!” one of her friends shouts encouragingly.
“Shut up, Jubilee,” Kitty hisses under her breath that only you can hear.
“I’m not waiting around all day,” you announce, taking a dramatic swing at half-speed. Kitty ducks and shoves at your chest, but she has nowhere near the amount of strength needed to budge your 200-plus-pound frame. “Not a good move,” you comment, bringing your fist around again. 
Kitty squeals and phases; your arm passes through her shoulder and you stumble through her as you lose your balance. 
“Hey! No powers,” you growl, turning to face her again and feeling the pointed tip of her elbow crack into your cheek instead.
“Ow, OW!” Kitty screams, jumping up and down as she holds her elbow with her other hand.
“Kitty, are you okay?” one of the other students calls out.
“Let me see,” you say, getting up and pulling the velcro straps of Kitty’s gloves to take them off her hands. “You’re okay. Don’t start crying on me now.”
“Why is your head so hard?” Kitty practically sobs.
You grumble while you examine her elbow, which looks perfectly normal besides a small red spot at the tip. This new generation of students were so soft sometimes. “Pull it together, kid. You’re fine. Jubilee, go with her to get some ice from the nurse’s office. Class dismissed.”
Jubilee comes forward to grab the dramatic Kitty and drag her out, while the rest of the students quickly funnel after them. You grab a mop to wipe up the mats and are just about halfway through the chore when someone knocks at the door.
“Hey, Y/N!” It’s Ororo. 
“Hey, Storm.”
“I heard you sent Kitty to the nurse’s office,” she says, walking into the training room with a chuckle.
“She did that to herself,” you correct. “I told her no powers, but you know the kids around here listen to every other word I say.”
“They love you and you know it,” Ororo responds. 
“Well, they don’t act like it.” 
She chuckles. “I can finish up mopping in here. The professor wants to see you in his office.”
“Oh.” You feel like you’ve been summoned to the principal’s office.
“It doesn’t have to do with Kitty. Something else with Nat,” Ororo adds when she sees the shadow of unease cross your face.
“Right.” You pass her the mop. “Thanks, I guess. Don’t miss that spot in the corner.”
“I won’t.”
You leave the training room, stomping down the long hallways. A million thoughts race through your head. Lately, Natasha had been grossly obsessed with tracking down the Red Room, to a level that it irked you the moment you heard the words. While you had promised that you would help in whatever endeavor she pursued, you were still uncomfortable at the thought of her running headlong into that danger, when you two had barely escaped it. 
You had fallen back into a routine of teaching at the school and keeping some of these unruly students in check, but you were actually quite fond of it. It was nice not to be hunted like an animal or have to prepare for a fight any second. Plus, you got to spend as much time as you wanted with Natasha, and you couldn’t remember the last person you had met who had shown you such a fierce love and devotion. You loathed the idea that it could all be taken away from you in an instant, and wanted to enjoy it for as long as you could without interruption.
“Excuse me, Miss Y/N?”
“Huh?” You stop and look down to find a small child standing in front of you suddenly. “What’s up, kid?” 
The child holds out a stapled stack of papers. “Can you help me with my history homework?” he asks. “Mr. Scott said you’re really old, so you probably remember some of this stuff like it was yesterday–”
You curse Scott out under your breath. “Uh, sure, kid. Just give me five minutes, okay?”
The boy goes to sit down on the couch where his feet don’t even touch the floor and you hurry to get to Professor Xavier’s office. You rap hard on the door, pushing it open before he has a second to let you in. Natasha is there already, her laptop sitting on his desk with a map open. 
“Hello. You sent for me?” you ask, a strange feeling of anticipation creeping up the back of your neck. 
“Yes, Natasha did actually,” Professor Xavier says. “How is Kitty doing?”
“Oh, uh…she’s fine,” you say as Natasha glances at you suspiciously. “You know she has a thing for theatrics.”
Professor Xavier chuckles. 
You wait for one of them to explain why they’ve asked you here, annoyed that your time is being wasted when you have other things to do. You take a tiny breath to calm your impatience. It’s imperceptible to Natasha, but Professor Xavier notices right away. Nothing goes unmissed by him. 
“Natasha wanted to tell you–” he starts.
“He found it!” Natasha interrupts, her excitement uncontainable.
“Found what?” you ask.
She spins around her laptop, showing you a Google Maps view of a house set on a plot of land that reminded you of a farm. 
“It’s in Saint Petersburg, Russia,” Natasha rushes to explain, but you’ve been dropped into the middle of a conversation with no context. “I wanted to tell you sooner, but I didn’t know how, but the professor says if we leave in the next day or two, we can catch–”
“Hold on,” you stop her. “What are you talking about? What’s so special about this house?”
Natasha suddenly hesitates, anxiety radiating from her expression. You already know the answer.
“This is the key to the Red Room,” Professor Xavier says.
You grind your teeth together. You had talked to him privately about this and he had clearly gone against your wishes. 
I thought we had a deal, Chuck, your voice snarls in your head.
Let me explain, Y/N, Professor Xavier’s voice echoes back through his telepathy.
Good, because I’m not going anywhere until you do. You cross your arms over your chest to show him you’re standing your ground.
Natasha looks back and forth at the two of you in bewilderment, obviously engaged in some kind of mental argument she wasn’t privy to.
“Do you mind giving us a minute alone, Natasha?” Professor Xavier says out loud.
“Oh, uh, okay.” Natasha picks up her laptop and walks towards the door. She reaches out and brushes your arm, but you don’t even look at her, all of your focus now on the professor. Even though Natasha closed the door, you can hear her footsteps just behind the wall and worry that she’ll eavesdrop. But it doesn’t really matter if she does; if anything it’ll save you a conversation later.
“I told you not to indulge her with that Red Room shit,” you snap at the professor.
“She came to me,” he responds, with a frustrating amount of calmness.
“And I told you to give her the go-around.” As perfect as Natasha was, and as much as you loved her, this had been a growing point of contention in your relationship. You had voiced your displeasure with her obsession with the Red Room before, but now she had taken it too far. 
“Does she not deserve peace?” 
“She’s happy here with me,” you argue, before it dawns on you. “...Isn’t she?”
Professor Xavier looks away from you. 
“Shit,” you mumble, wondering how you could be so dense to miss the signs. Your anger melts into concern now. “What is she planning? To find this place and blow them up once and for all?”
The professor shrugs. “Close enough.”
“Well, you know why I don’t want her to do that. Right?” you ask him. You refuse to be the “bad guy” in all of this. You mean well for Natasha and want to keep her safe. Why did that make you the asshole here?
“You cannot hold her hostage here,” the professor says. He is so calm it actually makes you even more angry. 
“Do not say that,” you warn. “I’m not holding her hostage. She can leave at any time she wants.”
“No, she can’t. Not while the Red Room is still hunting for her.” 
“You don’t think I can protect her?” The blow to your ego is frighteningly painful. 
“It’s not about whether or not you can protect her. You know she’s not comfortable relying on you twenty-four-seven to be her guardian angel,” Professor Xavier says.
You want to sink through the floor, hating that you aren’t good enough to protect the person you love. It was an ugly insecurity that reminded you of one of the lowest moments in your extended lifespan, and you have to clench your jaw and stare at the floor to hold yourself back from a more visceral reaction.
He senses your sudden sadness and says, “It’s nothing you can help, Y/N. You know she won’t truly be happy until they’re gone.”
“I know,” you whisper, hating the weight of the truth. In some ways, Natasha was just as stubborn as you were. So you couldn’t fault her for it, but it upset you to know that you still hadn’t done enough for her. Even after leaving your home, taking her cross country back to the school you had avoided for over a year, Natasha still wasn’t happy with your sacrifices. 
“It’s not like that,” the professor says, hearing your thoughts. 
“Sure feels that way,” you grumble. 
“You need to talk to her.”
“She won’t listen to me.”
“Then why don’t you try listening to her?” 
Your mouth sets in a hard line. You hate the self-righteous way Professor Xavier talks to you sometimes. “Okay, okay,” you dismiss, although not sure how much you’ll actually end up following his advice. Life would be a lot easier for you if you could read minds the way he could.
“We’re done. Someone needs help with their history homework.” You march out of his office before he can protest further. Natasha is still hovering by the door, where she had probably been soaking in every word of the conversation.
“Y/N–” she tries, reaching out for your arm again. You shake her off.
“I know you heard all that,” you snap, internally cringing at how she shrinks away from you. “I’ll deal with you later.”
You’re in an awful mood the rest of the day and Natasha actively avoids you. It’s how you expected to react so you’re not very concerned, until you don’t see her (or Ororo) at dinner. When you come out of the shower and Natasha is still not back in your room, you finally decide to take initiative to find her. Predictably, you trace her scent down the hall to Ororo’s room. You hear their whispers quiet as you approach the door, suddenly embarrassed to announce your presence. 
You raise your fist to knock, when the door swings open. Ororo is standing there, glaring at you like a scorned mother. Natasha is sitting on her bed with crossed legs. You can sense her frustration with you, but she hides it well on her face.
“Uh…I was wondering where you were,” you start lamely. 
“Are you ready to talk now?” Natasha asks, surprising you with her boldness. 
“Sure.” You wonder if she’s going to move the conversation somewhere private or have it right in front of Ororo. But something tells you she expected you to come find her here. It made you happy that she viewed Storm as a safe space and someone she could confide in–even if it was about something you did to upset her. “Uh, what did you want to talk to me about earlier?”
“Are you going to listen this time? Because I’ve been trying to bring it up to you for weeks, and you always push me away,” Natasha accuses. It takes you back how upfront she is with you. What had Ororo said to give her the confidence to talk to you this way?
“Yes, I’m listening.” You feel strangely vulnerable with hers and Ororo’s judgmental eyes on you. “I…” You take a deep breath, not sure why this is so painful for you to say. “I’m sorry if I came across as not caring or being dismissive about you.”
“You know how important this is to me, don’t you?” Natasha asks, her voice quiet and quivering. 
“Yes, I do,” you say.
“I can’t be mad at you for being upset,” she admits. “You have everything you could ask for here. And I almost do, too. But you’re free, Y/N, through and through. I’m not. Even if I have your protection, or Storm’s, or the professor’s, or everyone else’s. It would never be enough.”
Your heart pangs painfully to hear this confession from her mouth. 
“It’s not a personal attack on you, Y/N,” Ororo says, reaching out and patting your shoulder.
“I know,” you lie. “But what’s so special about that house the professor showed you?”
“He said that’s how we find the Red Room,” Natasha says, making direct eye contact with you and you feel like you’re going to wither away under her gaze.
“Is the Red Room that house?” you ask, wondering why the answer had been so obviously sitting in front of you all this whole time.
“We’re not totally sure, but he said that’s where we–I–need to start if I want to find it.” You don’t miss the way she initially includes you in her statement. Whether or not she wants you with her, and whether or not you truly believe in this mission of hers like she does, you aren’t going to let her tackle this alone.
“And what are you going to do once you find the Red Room?” you ask. 
“Free the rest of the Widows and Wolf Spiders,” Natasha says. “And kill Dreykov.”
You assume this “Dreykov” person is the one in charge of the Red Room. You would have to look into his profile, but you already knew he was not someone to be toyed with. He had an army of extremely well-trained agents, and although you had managed to thwart his attempts at capture multiple times, he seemed to learn with each experience and there was the frightening possibility he could eventually find a way to overpower all of your defenses and kill Natasha and yourself.
“You’re going to kill Dreykov?” you ask. It’s a strange thought that Natasha, this shy and wholesome young woman whom you are completely taken with, has it in her to take a life. She probably has before–you’ve never exactly asked–but you know the innocence that is lost is something that will never come back. If Natasha’s crossed that bridge before, you have no right to stop her again, but if she hasn’t, you want to make sure this isn’t something she’ll regret.
“Yes.” Natasha doesn’t even blink as she stares you down. You admire her tenacity, her stubbornness, her commitment, even if you do think it’s a bit misguided. “I know you don’t want me to go after him,” she starts, “But I’m not going to hide and be scared of him forever.”
“You shouldn’t have to, darling–” you say, but she keeps going.
“You’re all still on his radar and if anything happened to you, or Storm, or the professor, or the kids here because of me…” She trails off and you stay silent.
“I’m not going to ask you to come with me. You’ve given enough sacrifices for me.” Natasha takes a deep breath and you hear her heartbeat quicken. “I have to do this, Y/N,” she says softly. “For me, for the ones he still has in his control, and the ones he’s trying to get to next.”
You know what that was like–vaguely. At some point during your lengthy lifespan, you had been held against your will by a shady government program who experimented on you like a guinea pig. You remember the fear and hatred you had for the staff, and the helplessness that prevented you from acting out for years. Although you eventually ended up escaping yourself and helping a few of the other unfortunate souls escape in the process, sometimes you wished it had been someone else who had been your savior. If Natasha was trying to be that for the people under Dreykov’s control, you wouldn’t stop her. 
“Okay,” you finally say, and you see the shadow of defeat in Natasha’s eyes. She thinks you’re going to let her walk away without a fight. But you won’t. You’ll be there alongside her the whole way. “When do we leave?”
Her face brightens in disbelief now. 
Ororo grins triumphantly.
You hitch the strap of your backpack higher up your shoulder. Natasha had been both shocked and awed at your ability to pack for an entire week in a single bag. She, on the other hand, was bringing two luggages and a backpack. 
“Hold on, Nat, your bag is open–” you say as she spins around, looking for which pocket you’ve pointed out. 
“Y/N? Miss Nat?” a voice startles you. “Where are you two going? Is it true you’re leaving again?” 
You turn slowly to see Marie glaring at you with her arms crossed over her chest. “Uh…yeah,” you respond. Natasha looks away, hiding her guilty expression. “We have some things we need to take care of. But we’ll be back as soon as we’re done,” you explain.
“I don’t want you to leave,” Marie pouts. 
“I know.” You wish there had been more time to properly warn the kids about your unexpected leave. But, it was usually better this way. “We’ll be back soon, though.”
“Will you?” she presses. You know your concept of time is much different from others’. A whole year could sometimes just feel like a long hour. 
“Yes,” you assure, thinking for a moment. You reach up to your neck and unclip the set of dog tags you have on. You lift Marie’s gloved hand and gently pool the chain in her palm. “Because I’ll be back for this,” you say. “So don’t lose them.”
“I won’t.” Marie looks at Natasha. “Please take care of her for us, Miss Nat.”
“Of course.” Natasha pats your shoulder affectionately while you roll your eyes. “I’ll bring her back before you can miss her.”
It’s hard to be away from the safety of the mansion for the first time in a long time. Ororo volunteered to fly the Blackbird (since the professor didn’t trust you to take it alone) and it was nice to have her company for the long flight to Russia. But she was only planning on dropping you two off to do your investigation–it might look too suspicious if a group of X-Men were waiting out for Dreykov and his Widows.
Natasha bounces in her seat excitedly as the Blackbird takes a dive through the clouds. You’re more anxious than excited, not really sure what to expect. The house had looked basic enough, but knowing of its connection to the feared Red Room widened the hole in your stomach. 
“Call me if you need anything,” Ororo says as she lowers the ramp for the two of you to run down. 
“Thanks, Ro!” you call, hurrying to keep up with Natasha, who is already on the ground, fighting to stay upright against the winds from the jet. You jump out, the soft grass sponging under your boots. Judging from the smells–or lack of them–this place has been abandoned for a long time. Still, you’re not racing to make entry, and you have to remind Natasha to slow down as she speeds towards the house. There could be some kind of trap set up and you aren’t blinded with excitement and curiosity like Natasha is.
“Nat! Slow down!” you yell, almost jogging to keep up with her as she reaches the front door.
“It’s unlocked!” she responds, pushing it open and disappearing inside.
“Well don’t go in–” But your words go unheeded. “Nat!” you grumble, your heart skipping a beat as you rush after her. Your footsteps are heavy on the front porch as you burst through the door, looking around wildly. 
The house is furnished as if someone had just stepped out with plans on returning, but never did. Paintings hang crookedly on the walls, a shelf full of used books collecting dust. A single window has been cracked open, the curtains around it filthy as they flutter with the wind. Despite the size of the house, you can sense that it was only ever occupied by a single person at a time, her scent well-faded, but there is a very faint note of familiarity that you swear you’ve smelled before. But before you can investigate further, you hear movement from another room and remember you need to find Natasha.
“Nat, where are–” You freeze when you see her standing alone in the kitchen, staring at a framed photo on the table. “Is this a trap?” you ask, holding your breath and clenching your fists.
“My mother lived here,” Natasha whispers, reaching out to brush her fingers on the frame before taking it in her hand. 
“Huh?” you ask, sensing the wave of emotion in her voice.
“This…is my family.” She picks up the picture frame with reverence, looking at it with shimmering eyes. You approach her slowly, looking over her shoulder at the picture. There’s four people: a large, bearded man, his arm wrapped around a beautiful dark-haired woman, and two children, the oldest probably not even in her teens, with blue streaks in her hair while the smaller one was blonde with chubby cheeks. You can tell immediately that Natasha is the child with blue hair, her eyes reflecting the same playful energy you still see in them today.
“Nat,” you say, reaching out to put your hand on her arm. 
“I think my mother lived here,” she says, looking around the kitchen fondly. “I don’t know about my father…and I don’t know about Yelena.”
“My sister.” She taps on the blonde girl in the photo. “We’re not…a real family, I guess you could say. The Red Room put us all together for an undercover assignment, but we all ended up loving each other like a real family. It was the most normal three years of my life.” She pauses, clearly lost in her thoughts. You’re not really sure what to say, having not expected this to turn into an emotional throwback for her. 
“I’m not sure what happened to any of them. The Red Room recalled us from the assignment and I never saw any of them again.” Natasha’s voice hardens, as if she’s trying not to get emotional.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, knowing somewhat what it was like to have your loved ones torn away from you, never to be heard from again.
“But maybe my mom–Melina–retired here,” Natasha says, trying to be optimistic. “She might have still been working for the Red Room. The professor did say that this was some kind of gateway there.”
You don’t have the heart to tell her that no one’s been here for months, if not years. Whatever intel the professor had was outdated. The frustration that had been simmering in your gut spikes to a boiling point: the whole purpose of coming here had been for nothing. You would bet a year’s supply of beer and cigarettes that the professor had known this, but because he wanted to indulge Natasha, let you come out here with her and waste your time anyway.
You turn away from Natasha so she can’t see how angry you are. You’ll let her have this moment.
Since there isn’t anywhere to go but this house for miles, the two of you decide to set up camp. Natasha finds an old generator outside and jumpstarts it to provide electricity and tasks you with pumping gallons of water from the well. As you drag the last bucket inside, still muttering to yourself about what an awful idea this was, you find Natasha heating up some cans of soup you brought on the stove.
“I didn’t know if the soup would be enough for you, so I pulled some jerky out for you, too,” Natasha says, pointing to the crumpled bag on the table. Immediately, you soften at her thoughtfulness. 
“Thanks, darling. I appreciate it.” You walk up to her from behind, wrapping your arms around her waist and kissing the sensitive spot below her ear. Natasha hums in content, pushing her butt back to rub against your front. “Maybe after dinner?” you propose. At least one benefit to being alone with Natasha in a secluded cabin was that you didn’t have to hide with her. In fact, you could take her right now on the counter if you wanted.
“After dinner,” she agrees, rubbing your forearm.
AN: Sorry to cut it there! 😏 Part 1 was running too long so I cut it in half.
Click here for Part 2!
Hope you liked it! Please leave likes, comments, and reblog! Follow for more content. 🥰
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uknowmesblog · 7 months ago
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Waking up was a bit rough for you, scuffed by a masked man and hauled out of the car making you shriek like a banshee. You pleaded, yelled that you're kidnapped and hold against your will. But who will bat an eye at the man that emanate danger and got a palm wrapped around the back of your neck? Not the soldiers around the base that's clear. 
He manhandled you with no effort on the hallway and pushed you in an office making you sit on a chair in front of a desk. 
“She’s annoying.” He grunted, taking a few steps back. 
“You brute”  
“Thank you, Ghost.” A voice made you sit straight, shivers dancing along your back and demanding attention. You looked at him, old and rough around the edges with blue eyes that could melt ice. A rugged beard neatly trimmed enveloping his warm smile, but your eyes continue to travel down. Muscles covered by a dark shirt, making him look as deadly as Ghost. 
Your fantasy now has a nickname, isn't that cute? 
“I don't want to be here” You snapped, even if the definition of “Daddy please” was making you squirm under his intense gaze. 
“Hmm, but you enrolled yourself.” He smirked, making you huff “Name’s Price, the Captain.” 
You pursed your lips, mumbling your name under your breath and he nodded writing something. He got a speech about you honoring your father’s legacy, being a brave soul and so on. 
“Sorry, did you hear her wailing on the hallway?” Ghost interrupted him, saving you. 
“I did, good lungs what can I say” He chuckled low.  
“Look, I have an agreement for you.” You rushed, ready to try and plead your case.  
“Go on” 
“Let me leave with no repercussions.” You smiled sweetly, doe eyes watching from under long lashes that fluttered a little faster. 
“And what’s in for me?’ He leaned over the desk, watching you closely. 
“Saving you a headache.” Shrugging a shoulder, you leaned back against the chair. 
“You underestimate my patience.” He laughed, Ghost sighing behind you. 
“I can be very annoying, a nightmare.” 
“We are soldiers, nothing is too nightmare material at this point.” Oh, he is challenging you with that smirk, isn't he? 
“I am spoiled rotten”  
“Nothin’ that military can’t shape.” He looked behind you and nodded. “or Ghost” 
“I have tummy aches often” 
“We got an infirmary and a good nurse”  
“I’m weak” 
“We will train you”  
“I don’t have stamina” 
“Oh, we can build that up pretty easily.” He winked, causing a blush to make its way up your neck and your cheeks. That’s a double meaning meant to disarm you. 
“I will-” Hand raised, halting you. 
“Enough. I have your father word that’s there some faith in you. We wasted time with your application, we are already past the whining.” He pushed a formular in front of you and a pen, one finger pointing the signing line. “Be an adult and own your responsibility, you brought this upon yourself.” 
“Or you can beg and we can find a solution love.” You whipped your head so fast, bone cracking while your gaze burned a hole in his head. 
“Why, you like it?” You asked sarcastic. 
“Verry” Mouth open, you couldn't believe how such a stoic facade can spew so much bullshit. You looked at the paper like it’s personally offending you, grabbing the pen and getting mentally ready to sign away your whole life.  
“I will be the worse person you ever meet, sir” You bite, signing furiously over the line. 
“Looking forward grumpy, now go and unpack. Later you'll meet the other two muppets” He took the paper, Ghost already waiting in the doorway with a bored expression. 
You got up, dragging your feet and mumbling profanities loud enough. You stopped next to Ghost, looking at him with intensity. 
“Your mask is stupid.” He quietly laughed and wrapped his palm around your neck again, dragging you. 
“Stupid will be if we need to discipline that dirty mouth, now shut up.”  
“I can walk!” 
“And also, you are sulking and slowing me down.”   
You didn't say anything, letting him drag you and kind of enjoying the heat of his hand. Once both of you stopped in front of a door, your troller already waiting with your backpack next to it, you looked left and right. 
“This is our space, only 5 rooms and a common room with a tv and kitchen for us. Make yourself comfortable.” He mocked you, opening the door to your room.  
Tears burning behind your eyes, watching the dull room. Or prison room? White walls, one dressing, one bed, one desk and one chair. The bed didn't even look comfortable, thin mattress, a harsh looking comforter and one plain pillow. One! 
“This is a prison or a joke” You gasped, entering the small space, seeing another door.  
“At least you have a bathroom, make the most of it. Home sweet home and shits like that.” Ghost said disappearing behind another door next to yours.  
Your mind already working to ask Daniele, your childhood best friend, to have some kind of faith and send you a lot of necessities for this dungeon.  
The bathroom of course it wasn't much, the basic with a shower and all that. Everything is so white, harsh and bland. 
“Fucking bastards” You grumbled, starting to unpack your things, putting mr. Bubbles on the bed, making the room look less hostile.  
You are stuck here for a while, so you better make the most of it. You have a few weeks in front of you to convince everyone that your presence here is a mistake, a big one. 
Good luck Soldier! 
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I love that people enjoyed my lil word vomit, I'm an anxious girlie and everyone is so sweet omg!
@nes-kopi this is for you <3
@brxghtlxghtz hope you don't mind the tag, I like hearing your opinion! <3
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sturnschris · 2 months ago
fully introducing SMART!GOODGIRL!READER!
- moodboard.
- small blurb.
- headcannons. [sfw & nsfw!]
a/n: send in requests & asks!!
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remember! she has no set look, picture her as you or whatever you want her too be.
vanilla. pink. lace. bow. virgin before she met chris. straight A‘s. studying. skirts. teddy bears. passenger princess. shy. strict parents. sweet. cutie.
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first meeting.
You were already panicking. You were late—something you never were. Rushing through the hallways in your pink flats, bows in your hair, your clammy hands clutching onto your books, your heart racing. Then it happened. You didn’t know how, but your foot twisted, and you fell. You were oddly relieved that you were late because the hallways were nearly empty… well, not fully. You heard a snort and the sound of footsteps approaching. You looked up, tears in your eyes.
“Are you okay?” a voice called. You ignored him, panic overtaking your thoughts as you scrambled to collect your books and make it to class. You gathered the scattered books in a hurry, but as you tried to get up, your legs gave out, and you stumbled again, bracing for another fall.
But you didn’t hit the floor. Instead, the guy in front of you caught you effortlessly. „Caareful,” he said, his voice smooth, dragging out the vowels. “Thank you,” you finally speak, offering a small smile.“She speaks!” he teases, his tone light and playful. But your smile quickly fades into a pout as you remember just how late you are. Tears begin to well up again.“Whoa, hey, no—don’t cry. Why you cryin?” he asks, his voice softening as he looks at you, concerned. You try to pull away from his grip, but your legs give out once more.
“I’m l-late, and I’m never late,” you whisper, your voice breaking. “Well, I’m late every day, so you’ll be fine,” he says, giving you a reassuring smile. “And you gotta get that foot checked out. C’mon, I’ll take you to the nurse, and we can get a late slip from her.” You nod, sniffing as you try to calm down.
“Can I?” he asks, not quite sure what you’re agreeing to but trusting him for some reason. You nod. Before you can think much more about it, he scoops you up into his arms, carrying you bridal style down the hallway toward the nurse’s office.
“I’m Chris, by the way,” he says, a warm smile on his face.
— You don’t know why, but you feel so comfortable in his arms.
remember! they are dating in this universe. the blurb was just how they met.
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ — You love helping Chris study. He’s smart but not in every subject, so you enjoy being the one to explain things to him. Hearing him praise you when he finally understands something always makes you smile. “My fucking girl’s so smart, can teach me anything,” he says with a grin.
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ — You read to him while he lies in between your thighs, gently stroking his hair as he relaxes. The soft sound of your voice comforts him, and you both enjoy the peaceful silence that follows.
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ — All your friends describe you as the nicest, sweetest person in the world—and you really are. You always put others first and make sure everyone feels cared for, even if you don’t always show it.
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ — Your parents are super strict, but you love them. They’ve met Chris, but have no idea about what you two actually do. They raised you to wait for marriage, and you’ve kept that part of your life private from them.
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ — You’re super sensitive—just the slightest brush on your clit or nipple makes you shiver. Chris loves it and can’t get enough of how you react to his touch.
⋆. 𐙚 ˚— When you both first started having sex, you were too shy to make noise, so you muffled your moans and cries with a teddy bear or by biting your lip. Chris loved how cute you looked, but he always wanted to hear you louder.
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ — You barely wear lingerie, but when you do, it’s always pink or white, lacy, and with bows. Chris loves it so much that he buys you a bunch and makes you model it for him, always tearing them off after tho.
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ — Your favorite position is the mating press or missionary. Honestly, it’s because you don’t have to do much, but Chris doesn’t mind at all—he loves that you’re his pillow princess.
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ — (This one’s more for Chris) Chris is always very careful with you, way more careful than with any of his exes or one-night stands. He treats you like a doll most of the time, but sometimes he can’t help himself. So he is very rough, but he always makes sure you’re okay afterward.
a/n — Happy new years!! 🎆🧡. feel free too send asks or requests for this au!! open for opinions🤍
love ya!💋
@delooshunalhoe @chrisdollete @lormyaaa @christophersturnn @sturniologirlzz @sturnxies @lov3bug @mattsside @emely9274 @sturnlovematt22 @sophand4n4
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starlightsuffered · 2 months ago
Mommy of Comfort
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Info - hard dom Timothée needs comfort, dom drop, BDSM scene, sex work industry, mention of hardcore sex, older fem reader, comfort, mention of drinking, body praise, praise kink, lactating reader, nursing handjob, tasting own cum
I removed the black gloves from my hands. I sighed happily, it was finally the end of the night. I ran a hand through my curls and shrugged on my coat.
“Out for the day Mr. Chalamet?” asked Bouncer Brummer. I nodded sleepily. He took pity on me.
Brummer helped keep the girls back as I made it to my car with the fingered windows. I knew that the lifestyle I lived could become a bit of an addiction. Those girls didn’t want me for me, they needed me to feel a thrill they were chasing.
“Mr. Chalamet, normal route?” Asked my driver. I nodded, my throat raw from yelling at women for hours.
I was deep into the BDSM scene. I’d gotten into it in college for money and was kept for my fortunate looks. I’d soon become a bit of a high profile name in the industry. I was the hard dom man that it seemed many females wanted. It could go from just slaps, to chains, collars, and screaming.
I was a hot commodity but not a machine. When I finished a scene, aftercare was always a must. However, dom drop was real and I currently felt disgusted with myself. I was trying to calm myself as I got to my unique remedy.
I dragged my almost drooping body into the high priced apartment complex. I laid my head against the wall as I punched a number on the elevator. By the time I got to the right floor I was desperately holding back tears.
The hallway seemed too long but I finally made it to her door. She opened it in a a robe and I collapsed into her arms.
“Oof baby, rough night handsome?” She asked as she immediately began to massage my scalp.
“I feel like the devil,” I sniffled.
“Come here baby,” she said gently. She guided me to her couch, kicking closed the door behind her.
“You’re not terrible,” She told me. She pressed my head down onto her lap. I kicked off my shoes as she played with my hair.
Y/n and I had met one night in a club after I’d had a hard day at work. I’d been trying to use alcohol to calm down but I’d ended up not buying a drink. Just talking to her had mellowed me out.
When she’d taken me back to her apartment the sex we’d had was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. For the first time in years, I was not completely in charge. She’d babied me and used a soft voice that melted me completely and totally.
I didn’t mind that she was older than me. I didn’t mind that I was supposed to be a hardcore dom. This, her, was what I needed when my dom drop hit. She knew exactly what to do and say.
I breathed in her scent as she rubbed my back. She slowly undressed me after getting a nod of my consent.
“You’re a good boy, they paid to be dommed by you. Plus you always give after are,” she reminded me.
“I don’t feel like a good boy,” I said in a small voice.
“But you are one. You help so many people get sexual gratification,” she promised me. She undid her robe and shifted it down her shoulders.
I was met with the sight of her perfect, milky, heaving breasts. I squirmed, feeling my cock harden. I bit my bottom lip and looked up at her with doe eyes.
“Yes, mommy’s good boy can nurse,” she promised me. She helped angle and support my head. Soon I was in the heaven that was drinking breast milk.
My mouth closed around her perky nipple. She kissed my forehead as the sweet substance ran down my throat.
“Good little boy,” she soothed me with her ambrosia voice. For a little she rubbed my tummy, her fingers played with my bush. She took it slow, knowing my cock had, had it hard and fast all day. If I needed to cum again, she’d have to croon it out of me in her special mommy way.
I sighed happily, burying my face in her breast. I massaged her other one and felt the milk run down my hands.
“You’re so pretty. You’re such a good little prince. You don’t need to worry about anything, I’ve got you. Mommy’s got you,” she soothed me. Her hands kneaded my soft skin and squeezed my ass.
“Promise I’m good?” I asked with tear filed eyes. Her comfort was washing away all my worries and guilt.
“I promise you,” she whispered in my ear as her hand finally wrapped around my cock.
“Ahhh,” I whimpered. Y/n, mommy, my mistress, smiled at me like I’d pleased her so much.
“Pretty boy, you like when I praise you?” She asked me. She was slowly pumping my dick which was quivering and soaked in precum.
“I do,” I whispered, my cheeks bright red.
“And you love to breastfeed little one?”
“Y-yes mommy, I love that word too. Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy.”
“It’s okay, just listen and feel,” she told me.
I relaxed into her completely. My lips latched on again and I drank. My cock pulsed in her hand as she gave me an amazing handjob. I started getting whiny towards the end and humping her hand. She told me it was okay and that I’d be a good boy if I came this way.
Finally, my cummies exploded all over us. She worked me through the orgasm and made certain to praise me over and over for the mess I made. This all happened as the sun was crawling up into the sky.
When I looked up at her she was shining with angelic pink and orange light. She was soft and smiling at me. She caressed my face and stuck her thumb into my mouth.
I suckled my cum off her finger all while I looked into her eyes. She was such a goddess. I snuggled closer to her, feeling happy with myself once again. I could deal with anything if I could have this afterward.
“Thank you mommy,” I told her.
“Always, baby boy.”
@pmak2002 @softhecreator @plutoispurplw @sp1deyyf4ngz @seungcheol17daddy @jesschalamet @vvsdreaming @lovelyrocker @therealbeabodoobee
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sunshine-theseus · 1 year ago
El Viaje | Sam Kerr x Reader
Words: 2.3k Summary: Sam’s done her ACL and the journey proves to be tough
“Sam? It’s 12:30 in the morning, what’s wrong?” my voice is groggy and hoarse as I pick up the phone.
Nothing is said in reply but a small shuttering gasp trickles through the speaker. I was very familiar with that sound. The one of Sam trying not to cry. It alarms me, so I scurry to sit up against the hotel headboard and turn on the lamp, as if it will make me concentrate better on the conversation.
“Chicka? What happened? Shouldn’t you be in training?” the Chelsea team had travelled to Morocco for some hot weather training, leaving them only 1 hour ahead of London but 9 hours behind Brisbane, so the timing was odd.
“I-” she chokes on her words and my heart clenches, as if I could feel whatever pain and sadness she was feeling.
“I won’t be going back to training. Not for a while.” my fiancé’s usual candour isn’t anywhere to be seen as she drags out the admission.
“Sam what are you going on about?”
Another one of those almost silent cries escapes her mouth.
“Sam please telling me what the fuck is going on or I’ll call Emma.” I grow even more worried as I flick through all the possibilities of what could have happened in my mind.
“Can we facetime? I want to see your face, it’ll make me feel better.” I’m requesting the facetime call before she can even finish, and it takes no time at all for me to be met with her face.
Her solemn, tear stained, lip quivering face. I nearly start crying just looking at her. I’ve only seen her look so defeated a small number of times, but it never gets easier. I desperately want to magically transport to Morocco and just hold her.
“Oh Sam, please tell me what’s wrong.”
“I did my ACL.” The words don’t process in my head for a moment. She can’t possibly have said what I think she said.
“What?” it’s a whisper of disbelief but her face shows me everything I need to know. I feel sick as I stare into her eyes. Eyes that are usually so full of light and joy, dark and sullen in pain.
“I’m flying to Morocco. Next flight out.”
“No, we leave the day after tomorrow, it’d be a waste.”
“You’re spending time with Sharn and Tameka, I’ll be okay.” The mention of my best friend and our Matildas teammate nearly makes me want to laugh.
“I’ve been here for 5 days; I went to their game last night, they’ll understand. Sharn’s coming to England in a couple months anyway. Say the word and I’ll fly out, whenever you want.” I can see the fight on her face.
“Please fly home, to England. I need you.” Tears well up in her eyes and I can feel them fighting on my waterline as well.
“Of course chicka.”
My flight gets in an hour before the team’s is supposed to. I sit in the secluded hallway I know they’ll eventually make their way down, leg bouncing non-stop and hands sweating. I’ve seen Sam injured, I’ve nursed her back to health, I’ve done everything you can imagine, but an ACL is different. Worse in every way.
Soon I begin to hear the chatter and footsteps often associated with the Chelsea team and rapidly stand up to greet them. Emma is the first one around the corner, closely followed by Jessie and Zećira. Each of them greet me and pass on a sorrowful smile before continuing down the hall.
It takes a little longer for Sam to make her way around, surrounded by Millie, Guro, and Erin; all of them are laughing and smiling at something Erin said. It takes me a few seconds but I’m taking off down the hall to meet the group who don’t notice me until I’m right in front of them. Where I usually would pick Sam up and spin her around, I have to stop myself, the crutches serving as a reminder to why I’m back early.
“Chickadee!” she smiles at me with that beautiful, joyful smile I’m used to, and I can’t help but lean forward and press a kiss to both her cheeks. Eventually she presses her own lips to mine, clearly sick of waiting.
“How’re you feeling?” Sam rolls her eyes, knowing I’m going to start fussing over her, and the girls around us laugh.
“I’m good. Millie’s been nursing me.” The friendly giant blonde grins proudly at us at the comment.
“Good, but now you have an actual nurse to look after you.” I grab Sam’s bag that Erin has a hold of, and the backpack that��s in Guro’s hand.
When we get home, I heave both lots of our bags through the house before cautiously trailing behind Sam who makes her way to our bedroom. She drops down onto the bed and I get nervous at the way her leg bounces as it absorbs the shock. I kneel down to start untying her shoes as she peels off her Chelsea travel jacket.
“I can do it you know?” Sam was ever the stubborn individual, and rarely wanted to accept help.
“Let me look after you.” I press a soft kiss to her injured knee before I continue taking off her shoes and socks.
I grab one of her oversized sweaters and shorts for her to slip into then head into our bathroom, running the warm water into the tub. I light some candles and turn off the lights, knowing she prefers the mellow light in times like these, before I hear her making her way on her crutches. It takes a little adjusting but I eventually help her slip into to sudsy water, then leave her to relax as I order some food for dinner.
Not long after I exit the room, I hear a splash and a groan of frustration, and race to see what’s happened. Sam’s body is still deep beneath the surface of the water but there’s a large puddle that slowly disperses at the base of the tub.
“What happened?” I pull my towel off the rack and begin to clean up the mess.
“I tried to get out.” the defeat is clear on Sam’s face, and it helps dampen the flame of anger that bubbled in my chest.
“I can’t do that, I know. I just… I don’t want to rely on you for everything.”
“Darl, I know it’s hard, and it will be hard for the next 9 months, but I’m here for you. I want to help you. You’re not alone.” Gently, I run a hand through her drying hair, occasionally massaging her scalp.
I can see the cogs turning in her head as I wait for an answer. The only thing I get is her leaning over and resting her head on my shoulder. It’s not comfortable for either of us but it’s the gesture that matters.
A few days later Sam has to go in for surgery. I have a shift at the hospital, so I drive her in, and take a goofy photo of her before she gets prepped, before I start my rounds. I find it hard, lacking my usual charm and overly-kind demeaner as I visit Carl, a 63 year old Irish man who came to spend a few years in England after retiring from teaching history in Australia, before going home to Ireland. He doesn’t stop talking. I don’t mind though; his stories never disappoint. He came in for a hip surgery but due to some complications he’s had to stay a little longer, and come in for regular stays every few months.
“You’re worried about something.” He likes to study me as I move around.
“Not when I’ve got you, hey Carl?”
“You’re pouring yourself a cup of tea. You don’t like tea. Which is appalling by the way.” I relax my shoulders and take in a deep breath. He knows me too well.
“It’s my fiancé-”
“Sam! Oh how is she!? I love young love.” A warm and reminiscent smile flitters across his face.
“Yes, well, she tore her ACL during training in Morocco. She has surgery today.”
“Bloody hell the poor thing! She’ll be okay love.” Carl pats my arm in reassurance, and I hate to admit I feel much more at peace.
Around 4 hours into my shift, I get called to take over a new patient for one of the other nurses who had to leave after their surgery. I walk down the fluorescently lit hallways, my shoes squeaking against the linoleum. Sam should just about be finished surgery too.
I pushed open the dark wood door but come to a stop when I see who’s snoring in the bed. My fiancé, ever so peaceful and beautiful, yet still looking so tired. There are band-aids over different points of her knee, barely propped up with a roll of cloth.
I check her vitals, not yet giving her more pain meds, and take a seat beside her. I take her hand in mine, rubbing my thumb back and forth over the dark vein, and admire her. Despite the hospital attire and the ruffled hair that falls out of her hair-tie, she looks so handsome.
I get paged to visit a few other patients before Sam gets the chance to wake up, but by the time I get back, basically the whole Chelsea team is sitting around her room or in the hall.
Jessie’s the one talking Sam when I walk back through the door, vials and food in hand.
“Time for lunch and meds!” I scoot in beside Emma and LJ to have access to her IV after she finishes the food, the girls around us greeting me.
“Chickadee! You’re here.” Sam reaches a hand out for me and puckers her lips but I stand back.
“Nuh uh. Here we’re nurse and patient, not fiancés. Now I need you to eat some food so I can give you your medication.” I can see her desire to fight back on her face, but I know she won’t ignore the orders when I’m actually on the clock.
When she finishes the horrid food, I put clean gloves on and fill the new needle with morphine, then turn back to her. I have to fiddle with the IV for a moment but eventually manage to inject the medicine.
“You might get sleepy; I’ll be back soon to see how you’re doing and adjust the dose if need be, okay? There’s the emergency button if you need me sooner.” I bid her and the team adieu.
I don’t get to take Sam home with me after my shift, instead having to pick her up the next day.
While she’s wheeled out to the car, crutches resting on her lap, I carry her brace and compression bands and whatever else she’s been given. Sam sits across the backseat, making sure to keep her knee elevated, and I make sure to drive as safely as possible.
When we get home, we find ourselves in bed, Sam’s head resting on my chest as I play with her hair, Derry Girls playing on the TV.
“I love you so much, thank you for being my nurse.” A kiss is pressed lightly to my collar bone and I smile.
“I’ll always look after you, my beautiful girl.” She looks up at me with those big chocolate brown eyes and I think I fall in love with her all over again.
I lean down and attach my lips to her’s but as we pull away, she turns serious.
“You owe me a lot of kisses for refusing to kiss me in the hospital.”
“Of course darling.” I simply kiss her again. Anything for my beautiful girl.
“You don’t have to baby me Y/N for fuck sake!” so much for ‘thanks for looking after me’.
“I’m not babying you Sam! I’m making sure you don’t push yourself too far!”
“I can lift things without you hovering over me!”
“You were trying to lift boxes that I can barely lift at full health!” she was really getting on my last nerve.
“I just want you to leave me alone for 5 fucking minutes! God I’m so sick of you!” that makes me pause, pain encapsulates my heart and tears floor my waterline.
My mouth opens and closes but nothing comes out. What am I supposed to say to that? So I turn around, picking Helen up on my way, and head to our bedroom. The door slams shut behind me, rattling the walls, the artwork threatening to drop and shatter to the floor. Not dissimilar to my heart.
I hear Sam groan but nothing else echoes down the hall for a while. Until I hear a crash. Without a thought I’m opening the door and rushing across the wood floors to find the girl I’m angry at.
All I find is her sitting on the ground, surrounded by piles of wood. She’s untouched.
“Sam…” it’s more of a sigh of relief than anything else.
“I just- I wanted to make it myself to apologise. And also to prove myself right.”
“You don’t need to make a whole fucking bookshelf for me. You shouldn’t. Your words hurt, but I don’t want you hurt.” I slowly help her get up, although it’s a struggle.
“I’m really really sorry. I didn’t mean it, that I’m sick of you. I could never be sick of you. You’re too kind.” A kiss is pressed to my cheek.
“And pretty.” Another to my opposite cheek.
“And perfect.” She kisses my lips, love flowing between us as I kiss back.
“I don’t deserve you. You’ve done nothing but take care of me and I’ve been all ‘Oscar the Grouch’ on you.” I lead her over to the couch and pull her against me.
“You could turn into Oscar the Grouch and I’d still love and take care of you. I will find you in every lifetime, and love you endlessly.”
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uzumaki-rebellion · 4 months ago
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"Ruler of my heart
Robber of my soul
Where can you be?
I wait patiently
My heart cries out
Pain inside
Where can you be?
I wait patiently"
Irma Thomas—"Ruler of my Heart"
A.N.: Content Warning. Smut ahead.
Celeste's smartphone vibrated on her nightstand at six in the morning. She rubbed her head. Her scarf had come undone during the night and her locs tangled around her arm and side. She reached down for the phone and shoved it against her hair.
"Hello?" she said.
"Celeste…I can't come to church with you today."
She sat up and rested her back against the headboard.
" Mémé s health aide called me—"
"Is everything alright?"
"No. She's not doing so well…took a turn for the worse during the night. I've been here since two this morning."
"Did they say what's wrong? She's never been seriously ill or anything since she's been there."
"They don't really know. She was weak and having a hard time breathing before I got here. They have her using an oxygen tank now and she's better. Maybe Mike's death was too much for her to take."
"I'll come right over if you want."
"No. Go to your church service."
"I have to be there for work at four. I can stop in to check on you two."
"That would be good. Thank you."
"See you soon."
She hung up and slid down to the floor, prostrating herself for prayer. She asked God and her patron saint, St. Mary, to watch over Miss Irma. Celeste climbed back into bed and listened to the world outside waking up after excessive partying. Even her cottage moaned and shifted with creaking noises at the rising sun. Bounding out of bed forty minutes before service, she washed her face and brushed her teeth, rolled deodorant under her pits while checking the news about the missing tourists. There were no new updates available.
The drive over to St. Augustine was unhurried, and she found parking close by. After ninety minutes, Celeste stepped outside the Parish Hall with a dark smudge of ash on her forehead. She checked her phone for any messages from Terry, but no notifications popped up.
Back at her cottage, she cooked a simple breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs. Her friends chirped all over the groupchat app, complaining of hangovers, sore legs, and going back to work. She informed them that Terry hadn't stayed over, and they commended her on not simping out. The hours dragged by before she dressed in her work uniform and tied up her hair.
She checked in with her supervisor Anne at work, asking about Miss Irma.
"How did you know about her condition?" Anne asked.
"I'm friends with her grandson, Terry."
"I didn't know that."
"Is he still here?"
"He's with her now. We've transitioned into hospice care for her. Bryan said she doesn't have long."
"Wait…what? She's dying?"
Anne's watery blue eyes held the routine of elderly death in them.
"How could she go downhill so fast?"
"It happens that way sometimes. Not every patient has a gradual decline. They can be perky and thriving one moment, and then…gone just like that."
Celeste walked to her work locker and put away her bag and keys. She looked at her shift schedule and got to work immediately. Ducking into an employee restroom after cleaning six rooms, she braced herself by staring at her face in the mirror. Death and dying were inevitable at the long-term facility. Lord knows she'd seen enough of it working there. Things shifted to another experience when it was someone she cared about. She treated Miss Irma like family, and it hurt to know she would transition so soon. Another prayer went up from her and she crossed herself in order to build up emotional reserves to remain professional.
Passing through the long hallway, she headed to Miss Irma's room.
Terry kept a bedside vigil, cradling his grandmother's hand. Celeste was glad that they administered oxygen through a nasal cannula instead of a full mask. A hospice nurse checked the oxygen flow in the tank next to the bed and left the room quickly.
"Hi," she said.
Terry looked up at her, his eyes bloodshot from a lack of sleep, and his forehead lined with stress. She moved around the bed to stand next to him. Miss Irma slept with labored breathing.
"How is she?"
Terry shook his head, and his eyes scrunched up. Celeste hugged him from the side and he buried his face against her stomach. He wept softly. She held him, rocking his body to ease his spirit.
"She's lived a long, happy life. I'm grateful for that…but I don't want her to leave me," he said.
Tears misted Celeste's vision and she willed them back down, keeping her composure for him. His breath passed through her work smock, warming up the skin on her stomach.
"I shouldn't have told her about my cousin. She didn't need to know about what happened to him yet. I could've lied to her and said he was too busy to visit."
"Lying isn't good."
"I should've waited for another time."
"Terry, don't blame yourself."
Miss Irma's eyes fluttered open. Celeste lowered her head to make eye contact.
"Hi Miss Irma," Celeste said.
"I'm so tired, Papa," Miss Irma said.
"Rest, Mémé…don't waste your energy trying to speak. I'm right here with you."
Celeste rubbed his shoulder and sang the first three stanzas of "I Need Thee" for Miss Irma in hushed tones. The older woman's agitation melted away. Her rheumy eyes held Celeste's gaze, and Terry patted his grandmother's feeble, blue-veined hand.
"I better get back to work and leave you some privacy," she said.
Terry stood up and hugged her, his bulky arms squeezing her close.
"Thank you for singing to her."
"I'll come by later during another round to check on y'all. Stay strong, hear?"
He nodded his head and sat back down.
Celeste hurried back to her busy schedule, cleaning and moving clients into the dining room for their evening meals. She marked off tasks as she completed them to keep her focus on working her eight hours. During her first break, she went outside to smoke against a side wall, wondering how Miss Irma was doing and how Terry held up. She called her mother and left a fussy message on her voicemail about Freddie.
Her cousin Pia sent her a link of Celeste dancing on a porch in a Mardi Gras compilation video along with images of Big Chief marching through their neighborhood. Returning to work, she led the finished diners back to their private rooms, or to the evening movie watch-party in the commons area.
She stopped in front of the doorway of Miss Irma's room. She cracked the door open and peeked inside. Terry held his head down near his grandmother's thigh. He slept soundly. Miss Irma's labored breathing became more pronounced and Celeste recognized the wet, gurgling noise with each exhaled breath released. Her time was near.
She reached down to close the door all the way and Miss Irma turned her head, lining her gaze with Celeste. Miss Irma's lips moved and Celeste couldn't hear what she said. She moved into the room quietly, trying not to wake Terry.
She bent over the bed to listen.
"Keep her," Miss Irma said, each word a strain on her breathing. "No matter what Papa says…no matter…what no one says…keep her."
She raised a weak hand and pointed toward her closet.
"The truth… is in there, child."
Terry shifted his head on the bed and opened weary eyes.
"Mémé?" he murmured.
"Oh, I do love you so…Papa," Miss Irma said.
He kissed his grandmother's cheek, and Miss Irma closed her eyes.
For good.
Terry's lips parted, but no sound came out, his grief so profound that vibrations in the air couldn't push out his pain of another loss. He held Miss Irma's hand and stared at her as if he could bring her back with a loving gaze.
"I'm truly all alone," he whispered.
Miss Irma's heart monitor alerted the medical staff and Celeste exited the room, blindly wandering in the opposite direction. She left the facility and cried against her car. Ten minutes later, she pulled it together again and walked back to Miss Irma's room.
The medical staff allowed Terry to sit with Miss Irma's deceased body for an hour. Celeste pulled up a chair and sat next to him in silence. Terry stared at Miss Irma with a damp face and a sorrowful mood.
"Even when you know it's coming, you're never prepared…not really. Ninety-nine years she walked this earth and loved me for every single one of them."
He closed his eyes and a single tear ran down his left cheek.
"I was so grateful to know her," she said.
Terry reached for Celeste's hand and held it on his thigh.
"You were a light in her lonely days while I was away. I can never repay you for the care and love you've shown her the last year of her life."
Anne knocked on the door softly and entered. Celeste knew she had forms prepared for Terry to sign, and two hospice workers waited outside to take Miss Irma away.
"I have to go back to work, but later…tonight, you're welcome to stay with me."
He wiped his face and nodded.
Walking away from Miss Irma and Terry was the most difficult thing to do, but she had to let him deal with the aftercare of the deceased on his own.
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Terry cremated Miss Irma's remains.
That surprised Celeste even though Catholics didn't forbid cremation. They had guidelines stating that remains had to be buried in a consecrated place, but an older Catholic like Miss Irma typically preferred a traditional burial with the body kept intact for Resurrection Day. Terry didn't act very religious and sorted out his grandmother's affairs according to her will. Miss Irma had a pre-paid burial package at a local crematorium. Three days after her death, Celeste stood with Terry at the St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 columbarium in the serenity garden. He interred Miss Irma with his cousin Mike and refused to have any kind of service.
Her friends started worrying about how closely she attached herself to Terry, isolating herself more and more from family and associates. She blew them off, wanting to enjoy his company without their interference. The only downside to their relationship was that Celeste dreaded going to work at the elder care facility and the chicken plant. It meant less time spent with him. His bereavement lasted five days, and she traded shifts here and there and called in sick to the chicken plant to make the most of the hours alone with him.
She cooked low sodium soups for him and brewed lots of tea, insisting that he eat and take in liquids despite his grief. He obliged her. They watched lots of movies and held each other in bed at night. He liked to rest his head on her chest while she hummed and stroked his hair until he fell asleep.
She played the piano for him often at sunset, keeping her French doors open so the music drifted outside as the evening breeze cooled down her cottage. Most of her repertoire consisted of gospel hymns or classical arias. As a child, her voice lessons focused on singing classical music and downplaying secular music. Her parents dreamed of her being an opera star. Their greatest disappointment in her musical gifts was the day she dropped out of Tulane University's prestigious Newcomb Department of Music in her junior year. She'd lost sight of what path to take in school and dropped out in frustration. Playing piano and singing were things she enjoyed as a hobby, not a career choice.
Watching Terry shut those gorgeous eyes while she sang "Adoramus Te Christe" thrilled her to the bone. He appreciated her talent, especially the way she could sound down home with all her gospel runs, but then turn around, striking the keys with a fiery piano rendition of German composer Carl Orff's "O Fortuna". She tickled the ivory stirring up playful riffs imitating Professor Longhair and Alan Toussaint. Serenading him with her version of "Ruler of my Heart", Celeste adored the way Terry drank in every sung word, gifting her with his unwavering attention. Music was in the blood of her family, the heart of New Orleans. What was the city without its music? Without Black folks? She poured out her love for New Orleans, her people…and him, through her talented fingers dancing across the keys.
He could never keep his hands off her throughout their time together.
Sometimes he liked to play with her locs absentmindedly while she rested her head on his lap, listening to love songs on her sound system. He'd fondle her breasts, plucking and pinching her nipples at unexpected times, forcing her to take off her shirt and unfasten her bra so he could suck on her tits. She loved getting on her knees and stuffing his dick between her breasts. Titty fucking brought out the beast in him. Nothing was sexier than his eyes narrowing into half slits, watching her soft, ample breasts rub up and down his shaft, his slit dripping copious amounts of sticky fluid. She'd stick the tip of tongue deep into his slit and he'd groan, the rumble in his chest turning her on.
They spent a whole afternoon like that, titty fucking while she was down on her knees, then switching to her reclining on the sectional with him straddling her waist, using his big hands to squeeze her tits while he humped that battering ram between her cleavage like it was her pussy.
She'd squeal when he nutted all over her nipples, then he'd keep stroking his dick until he shot a heavy load on her face next. He'd smear the cum around and make her lick it off his fingers, all the while telling her she was amazing. Her plump tits looked like two big ole pound cakes covered in glazed icing by the time he started jerking off again, aroused beyond measure by her appearance soaked in his creamy white jizz. He repeated this over and over until he shot hot ropes all over her lips and open mouth. His stamina was unreal.
Still covered in semen, he'd flip Celeste over onto his knees and spank her, building up her pain tolerance over a session, and then rub her ass cheeks with those massive palms to soothe the scorching heat his hand strikes left on her backside. Their safe word never had to be used, because he instinctively knew when Celeste reached her limit. She gave herself willingly to him, sucking his dick and balls whenever he needed tender-loving care. Her head bobbing in his lap giving loud sloppy toppy became ritual. He gave as much as he took from her. Reciprocity was his middle name, and he kept his face buried between her legs twice a day.
Bouncing on that big dick became another favorite pastime in the evenings. He'd glue his mouth to her ear and tell her in crude language with throaty groans how much of a good girl she was for taking all of his dick in her tight snatch. She became delirious when he lifted her up and down on his erection, as if she had no weight at all. He stood up and really showed off by arm-curling her on and off his length in the air, her thighs spread across his biceps. They went through two bottles of lube fast… and so many orgasms.
Occasionally they untangled their limbs, and got out of the house to walk to the French Market for fresh air and non-sexual exercise. They picked out interesting arts and crafts, bought pralines, visited Congo Square and checked in with her older cousin who ran the Backstreet Cultural Museum that highlighted Mardi Gras Indian history. Terry walked by her side carrying shopping bags home like they were a regular long-time couple. He came back to himself, being with her. That's what he told her. Celeste's heart grew brave, and she admitted to herself that she was falling in love. The embers of romantic love sparked and burned into a steady glowing orange flame, and each day she added a bit more kindling, keeping the hearth of eros warm in her heart. Terry's affections grew even more pronounced and his actions hinted he felt the same way about her. He took care of her, paying for everything while he stayed with Celeste, even covering her light and gas bill. His mourning period blossomed into courtship.
A week after interring his relatives, Terry asked to do something with her.
"Let me videotape you."
"You really wanted that directing gig, huh?" she teased.
He gently pushed her leg to get her off the couch.
"Set up your camera and ring lights…right on the floor again," he said. "Wear the burgundy bra and panties. Throw on your six-inch heels…bring me the binding rope, too."
Celeste set about gathering her equipment and dressed the way he wanted. He stuck the dildo on the floor and adjusted the lighting to a natural setting that mimicked warm outdoor light. She pulled her carnival mask over her eyes. The only make-up she used was a pink lip gloss.
She stood before him and handed over the red satin binding rope. He tied her upper body carefully, creating a line of small knots along her spine, and bound her arms together, pressed into her chest.
"Comfortable? Not too tight?" he asked, mindful of not stopping her circulation.
"I'm good," she said.
His gaze dusted across her form, approving of the physical masterpiece waiting to do his bidding. Freddie used to pester her about letting him handcuff her to their bed a lifetime ago and she always refused, uncomfortable with being hooked to a headboard.
Look at her now. Tied up by a man she hadn't known a mere two weeks ago.
Terry ran his large hand down her side, testing the bondage rope and stroking her skin. He frowned and shook his head, undoing the rope quickly.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Take the underwear off. Your skin looks better with the rope by itself," he insisted.
She pulled off her bra and shimmied out of her panties with his help keeping her balance. He tied the rope again, but this time he placed various knots on her erogenous zones, nipples, and clit. The unused length of rope he turned into a leash knotted loosely at the front of her throat. He held the leash in his hand, turning her into his sexual pet. She liked that her arms were free, even though he was in control of her movement.
The emerald coloring of his eyes became alluring sirens. They matched his inviting lips and aroused her all over. Every time she moved, a knotted portion of the rope rubbed, tugged, or created friction on her sensitive parts. Especially her clit. Terry licked his fingers and pushed a small knot into that swelling jewel.
"Sticky already," he said, licking his fingers. "My little nasty girl."
His voice sounded deeper…hungry. Her pussy started purring then. He tugged on the rope resting on both sides of her vulva and she whimpered. The friction there felt exquisite on her soft, plump outer labia. He left just enough space for her opening to remain available for his use.
"How did I get so lucky to find you, Celeste?"
She pressed her eyes shut. The vibration of his voice teased the skin on her neck. He kissed her throat and licked a favorite spot that he always buried his teeth in when he came inside of her. The bruising on her neck, under her breasts, and on her left thigh never went away completely. Those times he did bite her—and he bit often—brought on a high better than smoking weed. He'd bite, suck at the skin like he was giving a hickey, and she'd float into a cosmic orgasm every time.
He moved his lips to her chin and kissed her there, his tongue tracing circular swirls until he reached her ear.
"I want you to ride that dildo like you're riding me. Can you do that?"
He kissed her and pried her lips apart with his tongue, darting inside her mouth with an ardor that overwhelmed her ability to stay in the present. Her mind flew away into the future, dreaming of romance and building a life with him. Pure fantasy.
He pulled away from her lips and held her trembling body.
"Crying? Why, baby?" he asked.
She shook her head, and he hugged her.
"Should we stop this?" he breathed.
"No. I can do it."
"Are you sure? Have I done something to upset you?"
"No…I'm happy. I want this…I want you…"
He grinned so hard that his gums showed, looking like a little kid who won first prize at a Spelling Bee. Did he smile at his wife that way when she was alive? Celeste thought about that woman more and more. Could Terry love her enough to want to wife her up one day?
He stroked the side of her face with the back of his hand.
"I love you," he said.
Celeste's heart imploded.
Her knees quaked, and he held her against him with a beatific smile on his gorgeous face.
"Do you feel the same about me?"
Celeste threw her arms around his neck, and he lifted her onto her toes. He chuckled and pressed his forehead against hers.
So fast…it all came about so fast that Celeste wasn't sure that she hadn't made up the encounter or the words that came out of his divine lips.
He loved her. Truly, madly, profoundly.
They kissed again, their tongues sliding into sweet configurations, each one of them trying to show the other the depth of their feelings. Celeste even thanked Freddie in her heart for showing his ass and removing himself from her life to make way for this light-eyed prince who swept her off her feet literally.
Terry spun around with her in his arms and she laughed, feeling dizzy from the rush of love confessions.
He checked the camera settings to record her, and Celeste crouched over the lubed up dildo in her high heels and knotted rope binding.
"Show me how much you love me," Terry said.
His eyes took on a deadly seriousness and Celeste shook her hips and reached down to her toes, displaying her wide open labia. Her pussy twitched in anticipation of penetration, and Terry groaned behind the camera.
"That's it, Celeste…baby that pussy is glistening."
She rolled her hips and lowered her body down to the floor, crouched on her heels, and rested her vulva against the tip of the jet black dildo. The toy was flexible and bent at an angle to help her control how deep it went. Patting her labia, she fingered herself, playing for the camera and him.
"Right there baby, hold it…"
She squeezed her vaginal muscles, letting her opening wink open and closed for him. Glancing over her shoulder, she watched Terry tug on his dick through his gray sweatpants. He already had a tent pitched there and his pre-cum stained a visible quarter-sized wet spot.
"Slide down on that shit," he commanded.
His voice echoed in her ears, and she obeyed.
Up and down she went. The dildo spread her pussy lips apart and her tight opening choked it with loud squelching noises. Terry's eyes volleyed back and forth from the laptop on the coffee table and the camera lens he recorded from. He held the leash end of the bondage rope and it gave the appearance of the viewer controlling Celeste's body. She wound her hips and slid on and off the dildo, riding the tip, constantly looking over her shoulder, her mask creating the mystery ultra-fuck experience that her viewers paid to see. She turned around to face the camera, using her strong knees to rock forward and back on the fake dick. Terry pulled on the rope, forcing her head up.
"Got that dick creamy, baby," he said.
Celeste slapped her vulva and looked at how frothy she made the dildo. She fucked it like it was Terry's fat dick. He stopped looking at the camera view screen and watched her fuck with gushy pussy live. Celeste became wet enough to start making splashing noises each time she dropped down on the dildo. The knots in the rope spurned her on, their friction on her nipples and clit leading her to a dangerous precipice.
Terry pulled down his sweatpants just enough to release a massive erection that he stroked above her with delicious erotic skill. It looked so fat and juicy. Her mouth watered and her pussy contracted after a long stream of pre-cum spilled out of his tip and fell onto her thigh. Celeste pressed into her clit with the rope knot, and an unhurried orgasm rippled in surging waves along her outer labia, causing her to squirt all over the floor. She'd never done that before. Terry's dick started spitting cum after her release, and his semen rained down on Celeste, covering the satin rope in wet, messy splashes. Her lover's eyes burned with lust and he pulled her onto her feet by the leash.
Spinning her around, he penetrated her standing up, bending her forward and yanking on her locs. Gripping her throat, he pummeled her cheeks, sinking that thick heat deep into her until his balls slapped against her ass. It wasn't enough for him.
Tossing her over his shoulder, he carried her into the bedroom and dropped her onto the bed. He entered her again with one thrust and she gasped at the sensation of fullness.
"Tell me you love me," he begged.
The earnestness in his tone shocked Celeste. He needed verbal reassurance from her that he wasn't alone in the sentiment.
"I love you, Terry."
"Say it again…again…again…baby…"
He loved on her like she'd never been loved on before. Pure. Gentle. Real.
"Fuck me…yes…I feel you squeezing me, shit…don't stop…damn, girl! Damn, Celeste…fucking this dick…keep fucking me…ooh shiiiiit!"
Terry stopped short of cumming and untied her. He rubbed the indentation marks on her skin, kissing each one until satisfied that he soothed them all.
"Feeling okay?" he asked.
"I'm fine."
He lowered his head to suck on her nipples. She rubbed on his hair and he tended to her breasts like it was his first time playing with them.
His large physique covered her in muscles, sweat, and even tears. He kept his watery eyes on her face, and they repeatedly told one another, "I love you."
It had to be real.
His dick stretched her pussy in ownership. She pointed her toes at the ceiling and gripped his wide back, her nails digging into his sweaty flesh, breaking skin. He cried out her name, and that alone triggered her pussy to spasm and send tight contractions along the length of his dick. The orgasm that curled her toes came deep within, down in the bottom of her pussy where his dick rested. Celeste's eyes rolled back. He plunged his teeth into the side of her neck, sucking with those full lips and greedy tongue. His dick swelled and pumped warm cum into her. Thrashing her head about, she couldn't get over how he wrecked her walls. He spilled deep into her womb and she wept, her pussy still throbbing around him.
Celeste could've died happy in that moment. Cumming on the dick of the man she loved…and who loved her back…priceless.
"I love you…I love you…I love you," he said over and over until she passed out.
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Heavy raindrops.
Celeste made coffee for herself and Terry in her kitchen. Her faded light blue house dress looked just as gloomy as the weather outside. She poured the liquid into mugs full of cream and sugar, stirring them with a spoon before carrying them out into her living room.
Terry peered at the courtyard through the French doors. The curtains were drawn back so they could watch water falling from the sky.
"Doesn't look like it'll clear up today," she said, watching him.
He didn't acknowledge her right away, just stared up at the darkening clouds.
He'd been with her for an additional week and his mood had changed. Their interactions and lovemaking remained top notch, but his mind seemed preoccupied with something outside of her.
He was afraid of something.
On their outings he walked like a man dodging trouble, preferring to avoid crowds and always looking over his shoulder. He gave her money to buy food alone and holed up in her house like a shut-in. She questioned him about his behavior and he claimed to not be feeling well. Spooked and nervous, Terry became a different person and no amount of cajoling from her made him open up about it.
She handed him a mug and he turned to look at her.
"I think it'll rain all week," he said.
She walked over to the sectional and sat down, sipping her coffee and dreading going to work at the chicken plant in a few hours. Terry sighed and drank from his mug.
Celeste moved over to the piano to play him something comforting, but the first chord she struck on a piano key didn't sound right.
Terry's somber eyes looked gray in the distance between them.
"I have to go back home, check on the restaurant with my business partner. I've been away too long and I have responsibilities there," he said.
She nodded in understanding, swallowing the lump that grew in her throat.
"Will you be able to come back and see me?" she asked.
"Not for a while, Celeste."
"I get it. You had a life before you came here. I can't expect you to stay forever."
"Baby, don't cry…"
Celeste covered her face with her left hand. Terry sat down next to her on the piano bench.
"Hey…hey…" he said.
He hugged her, and she cried into his neck. The man had proved that there was love after love, and she wished she could relive every moment she spent with him. She sensed deep down that he didn't want to leave...but had to. If a man couldn't tell her the truth about why he wanted to go away, she was smart enough to let him leave. He told her once he had issues in the past being in New Orleans. Maybe it was some old gangster shit and he had to get outta Dodge fast. Whatever it was, she wasn't going to get involved.
Celeste rested her head against his chest so she could listen to his heartbeat and remember it. The rain outside did the rest of the crying for her.
Chapter 9 HERE.
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