#i saw what some ppl put in that tag game
bandzboy · 2 years
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goodnight <3
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siffrins-therapist · 2 months
👾censoredmandibiles Follow
OK time to settle something
EDIT: this post WAY ended up breaking containment. GO CLUTCH YOUR PEARLS ELSEWHERE
🦑tentacleovi Follow
#RIP OP's notifs #i don't go here but i suggest making popcorn before diving into those notes #some of it is puritan bs you'd expect #some of it is discourse i never even knew existed
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I think a painting my friend got at a thrift store was painted by Mr. Italy Veneziano? Is there a way to authenticate it? Google isn't helping.
⭐wishonadeadstar Follow
Try here. Turns out my nan's portrait of her farmhouse was originally painted by Mr. Romano when he was living in NY during the 1920's.
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📽️bisexuallightinggoggles Follow
hey yo so the US rep put like 100 hours into playing that game Spiritfarer just this week... anyone want to go check on the guy??
💿newagepirate Follow
There are literally government workers who's literal job it is to check on him
⛰️lesbianmothernature Follow
how tf do you know he put 100 hours into playing a game anyway????
📽️bisexuallightinggoggles Follow
We're friends on Steam. He adds like everyone who asks.
And for everyone in the notes asking what Spiritfarer is it's one of those cozy simulator games here's the trailer.
#isn't the 'deathiversary' of his friend Davie this week? #i'm definitely not the first person to think of that #okay looking at the notes was a mistake #like i'm not one of those ppl who puts #'DNI if your username makes fun of davies death' but #immortal or not #even if it happend centuries ago #you can still be sad your FUCKING FRIEND DIED
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🥾hikingawayfrommyfeelings Follow
So if I become a citizen of Ladonia can he just... visit me through my computer?
🦝trashypanda Follow
He gets mad when you summon him :(
🦘callmejoeythewayi Follow
"summon him" Like a fucking demon?
🫒shrekbignaturals Follow
We are NOT rehashing that old discourse.
🎱magic8saveme Follow
Oh god I just revived my blog after escaping x/twitter and last time I saw that disk hoarse, my dash was just post after post of this for DAYS
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#was there actual discourse about whether the nation-people were demons? #cuz the discourse i saw on my dash was #whether tales of things like demons vampires and #other immortal or 'came back to life' creatures #were born from when the nation-people resurrecting #or like #doing creepy stuff
IDK about tumblr or the first bit (I've personally never heard that at least not from anyone being serious) but the other stuff has been debated in academia for decades! One of my literature professors is ADAMANT that the vampire myth can be traced to old folklore about the reps and them reviving and possibly the blood-drinking comes from an evolution of the myth when before, old stories talked about blood soaking the earth where vampires rose. If anyone's interested, here's where you can find my professor's paper about it.
So like. *grabs a bat and slowly approaches a hornet's nest* Then does the Jesus story have the same roots then?
🫒shrekbignaturals Follow
🥾hikingawayfrommyfeelings Follow
Wtf happened to my post???
#so did OP become a Ladonian citizen or what?
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🐦‍pinchforawish Follow
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🐦‍pinchforawish Follow
Finally. Proof that the site runs so shittily bc Mr. Eyebrows works for staff
🫎moosecrossing Follow
Spoke the truth and got fucking killed for it
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madstronaut · 3 months
13 Books!
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I can't reblog the original post I saw this from for some reason but saw this originally from @/glassprism; thanks for sharing!
answer these 13 qs
tag 13 ppl
add a shelfie
1) The last book I read:
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson
2) A book I recommend:
Conversations on Love by Natasha Lunn
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
toss-up between Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen/The Elephant Vanishes: Stories by Haruki Murakami
5) A book on my TBR: not sure what a TBR is but guessing to be read? idk im not a goodreads/booktok girlie
Nobody Knows My Name by James Baldwin
6) A book I’ve put down: I hate finished these books but nearly stopped...
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro found it hard to follow, trying to keep up with the writing made me feel like I was wearing glasses with the wrong prescription strength, just had trouble focusing
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong. an absolutely incredible and poetic read but I felt like I was getting constantly emotionally pickaxed in the eyes with the raw frequent recountings of trauma told in blunt detail
Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell (George Lucas hyped you up way too much sir...)
7) A book on my wish list:
I keep giving away the copies of all about love by bell hooks lol so for the fourth time it is back on my wishlist
8) A favorite book from childhood:
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. Even now when I pass by a bookstore and see it prominently displayed I get such a happy curious and wondrous feeling
9) A book you would give to a friend:
I recently gave The Midnight Library by Matt Haig to a grieving friend who loved it ❤️‍🩹
10) There was no tenth question so I am making up my own; a fiction book you own:
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
11) A nonfiction book you own:
Wne and War: The French, The Nazis, and the Battle for France's Greatest Treasure by Don and Petie Kladstrup - this is a fucking fun and interesting read!!! great commute/plane/timekiller read
12) What are you currently reading:
Currently speedreading The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins
13) What are you planning on reading next?
Nothing is True and Everything is Possible by Peter Pomerantsev
My shelfie:
I will be opting out of sharing a pic of my super-disorganized, filled to the brim with personal knickknacks bookcase but here's some gifs of the hottest bookwrangler in the known universe throughout all space and time as a substitute
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no pressure taggies: @evergreenfields @gemmahale @the-californicationist @valkyri @astraluminaaa
@devcica @vampirekilmer @void-my-warranty @ohgeesoap @glossysoap
@syoddeye @kyletogaz @bluemoonrover
@/you if you'd like to share 🤗🤗📚📚
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enamoredwithbella · 8 months
If you don’t want to hear or don’t like it just don’t read it. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion
I’ve been on the pjo tv crit tag and I gotta say I agree with most of what’s on there 😭😭
All my praise for the show goes to the actors alone. I’m not stupid I didn’t expect the show to be an exact replica of the books cause that would’ve been boring as well but I feel like say “faithful adaptation” is a bit overzealous.
1. The changes
Some of the changes I love. Like them stopping for candy and Annabeth going in was so cute. Grover using psychological warfare on the God of war ate.
But a lot of the changes were just like ???? What was the point? And all the stuff that they revealed like 4-5 seasons too early. Stuff that was hinted at through the books that built suspense and intrigue just dumped on the table was a bit 😕
I remember finding out about Luke’s mom and why Luke REALLY hated his father. It literally had me gagged it was like finding out something I didn’t even know I was waiting for. The build up to them finding out Kronos involved was always a favorite cause it felt so raw. It was pure fear encapsulated by words, you could feel it, it was palpable and we just didn’t get that in the show. It was so “here you go. Kronos it was him *but said intensely*”
2. Them knowing everything
I do understand how it does make sense that they would know a lot of things from the jump as they all literally grew up with this information but a lot of the times where they didn’t realize exactly what was happening right away in the books have a slight reminder of how young and innocent they are. These neurodivergent 12 year olds who have been tasked with a Gods job and have been trekking across the states for days; yeah I wouldn’t expect them to be at the top of their game ALL THE TIME no matter how smart they are. The slip ups show that even though they’re these tiny warriors they aren’t immune to being a little naive.
3. Setting
I’m not gonna criticize the settings cause if that’s how Rick imagined it then that’s how he imagined it but I can’t blame the ppl who are a bit miffed at how the sets were portrayed. The underworld did truly throw me off.
4. Info dumping ?? Or not enough info idk
I also saw a post about how they would just throw random names out there pertaining to Greek mythology and then just not explain 😭😭 and all the stuff that they left out too (fields of punishment, isle blest, etc) which sets up for things in later seasons. And I understand the time crunch; 8 episodes 40 mins give or take and a dream is what they had. That being said this shit was a mess 🤷🏽‍♀️😭😭 like badly set up, script was not doing them any justice, and it felt so boring most of the time.
5. Whimsy and fun erasure
There were gems I will keep saying that. There were fun times but the fun times also felt very strategically placed whereas in the books it was sorta woven into the chaos. Charon being a lil silly, Grover playing the shooting game in the lotus casino and killing humans (I love him so much 😭😭), annabeth geeking over the architecture of the arch and going on a tangent about how it was made while Grover and Percy trade candy in the back. Talking to the animals and Percy finding out he can speak horse, the car wash where annabeth scares off a grown man in a Lincoln, “shows over! Thank you and goodnight!”, Percy and Grover clowning annabeth for watching the discovery channel unironically. I’m not saying I expected them to put all this shit in there cause again I’m not an imbecile but the type of wit and humor that made everyone fall in love with the books was cut out for the more serious stuff. And what’s so frustrating about that is I KNOW the actors would’ve ate it up. Walker especially that boy IS Percy.
I could keep finding stuff but I’m trying to be grateful cause even after all of this Rick did take the time to try and think of us and maybe it’s not his fault but idk it’s just a bit disappointing after the way it was marketed towards long time fans
Much love to Walker, Leah, and Aryan and hope for future seasons 😊
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layzeal · 1 year
What are some of the things that are ace codesd abt wwx? I don’t hear much abt and and am curious!
HIII, okay so as always, "coded" isn't really the right word since it implies authorial intent, but i often use it anyway bc who cares it's my blog. just know i don't think wwx is actually canonically supposed to be demi, it's just a headcanon from silly ol' me!
i do have a #demi-wwx tag you can check if u'd like too hehe
now, what makes wwx come off as SO incredibly acespec/demisexual for me is his approach to... well, relationships in his first life. he's a flirt! he likes teasing people! he likes watching them blush! he likes getting a reaction! but as lwj questions him in the xuanwu cave about, it all seems like very much a game to him, something he does without actual intention, unaware of the torment he might be putting others (lwj) through
i often see people say that wwx didn't date or that wangxian didnt get together in his first life because "they had other things going on" and "there was no time", but that's not only innacurate to post-sunshot, it genuinely comes off to me as if wwx simply has no romantic or sexual interest in anyone at all. granted, he has an eye for pretty things and people, and is VERY vocal about whenever he finds others beautiful. lwj is a common target, but far from the only one!
basically, for as loud as flirty as he can be, we know that's never really genuine. there's no second-intentions or desire in his words (hell, he had even been saving first first kiss for twenty years!!), even when it comes to lwj. and the way we know it is by comparing it all to how he acts, thinks and feels after he's ACTUALLY experiencing attraction for the first time!
but what does have to do with him being demi? and what makes, in my mind, wwx so much more demi coded than lwj for example, whose entire romantic arc is only falling in love with one person?
well, that would be that despite the way it's been romanticized, demisexuality has nothing to do with "only falling in love once". devotion isn't acespec exclusive, choosing to love a single person in your life isn't acespec exclusive. demisexuality is simply a term to describe the specific conditions a relationship might need for an asexual person to experience attraction. those conditions? a strong emotional bond (which is why so many demi ppl are described as "only being able to fall in love with your best friend")
and to me, that's what sells wwx as demisexual the most. he's had so many friends, classmates, xiongdi, and all sorts of companions in his life, but none of them were particularly... emotionally fulfilling. other than perhaps shijie, who he saw more like a mother and sister, there was no one else who he could truly lean on and trust, open up, and be vulnerable with. for many people, that's not a barrier that gets in the way of developing romantic or sexual interest in someone at all, and that's great!! (we see it with lwj himself, who spent so many of his teenage years frustrated for liking wwx and had to slowly realize why that wasn't shameful or a bad thing. lwj's attraction not only came before there was any significant bond between them, it directly blocked it from forming earlier due to lwj's constant avoidance of wwx!)
but for demi people, and for wei wuxian, it is a barrier. it's almost comical just how fast and deeply wwx fell in love with lwj once he opened up to him. it is the most visible in wwx's second life, but i do find there are inklings here and there to it in his first, especially after wwx and lwj get to spend some pleasant time together (ie. post-phoenix mountain and post-yiling date with a-yuan)
but it really does become the most obvious after the yi city arc (drunkji 2 my belovedddd). by that point, their friendship and closeness was already solid, and wwx is already crushing HARD, but isn't quite aware of it yet. it isn't until post-jinlitai stab (and his flashback to his and lwj's youth, how they fell apart and how lwj was only ever worried for him) that he starts pondering if these feelings might be... more than just fondness. and boy do i eat it UUUUUP
it wasn't until wei wuxian got that reassurance of trust and closeness that his feelings truly started to develop. i genuinely cannot imagine a wei wuxian who falls in love with someone who he genuinely believes hates him, and it's actually something i believe stopped wwx from developing deep feelings for lwj in his first life. we know how much all his rejections and their disagreements hurt wwx, and in the back of his mind, he always thought lwj disapproved of him, maybe even disliked him. there was no trust, and it smothered any small, warm little inkling of romantic love from sparking into a flame
so when wwx finds himself with a lwj who is indulgent, who wants to be close, who protects him, comforts him, listens to him, and won't ever let him fall... well, you can't blame him for daydreaming about a calm farm life by his side, or being embarrassed for acting so shameless while still pretending to be mxy, or wishing from the bottom of his heart that even if lwj doesn't love him back, he'll still stay next to him
he only ever wanted lwj to be his friend, and now he's the closest and most intimate one he's ever had. and he treats him so well... all the barriers have fallen, how could wei wuxian not fall too?
(and i didnt rly get into it but this all applies to physical attraction as well! wwx behaves and sees lwj's beauty through two different lenses in his first and second life, and wwx himself noticed the difference from when he could see lwj's nakedness back then without batting an eye VS now. it's hilarious, endearing, and EXTREMELY relatable!!)
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11queensupreme11 · 10 months
Just wanted to ask (not sure if this got sent properly) but how could a loser!girlflop!MC NOT set back feminism?
Especially in the premise of your fic, where, if the tags are anything to go by, the female girlflop mc will lose everything she holds dear including her mental stability and bodily autonomy to five or more overpowered MEN (granted they are gods, but still men.)
The main difference between her and OG!Percy, who got both the love of his life Annabeth and a pretty set future at New Rome College? Their gender.
Just to explain, I for one fully, or at least mostly understood what I was getting into when I began reading Arsenic Blues. I saw the Dead Dove tag, and know how to differentiate reality from fiction.
However, there’s a possibility that some loud mouthed single braincelled men out there (or women with internalized misogyny) that considers a fem!Percy with practically the same strength, abilities, and personality, too pretentious or something, began reading your fic after seeing the tags to get off on fem!Percy being non con fucked out of her mind, traumatized, and knocked down a peg or billion, reduced to a mere common victim of the gods, because they don’t like the concept of a strong fem!Percy. Cuz surely a loser coded girl saving Olympus is just a fluke and she needs to be put in her place by capable men😒
(This possibility is of course not your problem nor responsibility of course, but it still does not negate the fact that it sets back feminism, as some may use it as “proof” that women are inferior idiots that can’t be trusted with power.
“Look at OG!Male!Percy! He saved Olympus and the world twice with little to no major losses, got the girl, and has a bright future! Look at fem!Percy. This idiot managed to destroy her world in her stupid attempt to do what only a male version of her could! I knew that first time was a fluke!)
An example of this would be Zenitsu from Demon Slayer, ( a loser coded cringey but cute badass, first character that came to mind), who has a pretty large fan base despite his loser personality. Make Zenitsu a girl, and all of a sudden everyone is bashing her for being the weak link, dead weight, pick me bitch.
Or using TBOSAS, some people truly blame Lucy Gray for leaving a clearly psychotic person and says that the Hunger Games were her fault for leaving. It’s her fault that Snow turned evil, blaming the woman for the man’s actions.
(you sent this twice, but the only difference is the last paragraph, so im just gonna answer to this one instead of repeating both, hope you don't mind!)
i truly don't believe my fanfic is gonna set feminism back because, as you said, it's not my responsibility if some incel or girl with internalized misogyny sees it and uses it as a "gotcha" that "hahaha girls are weak cuz look what happened to fem!percy".
no normal person is gonna read my fic (or any book like this in general tbh) and suddenly think "omg.... girls are inferior to men! this book told me so and i'm gonna take it as fact!". if someone does think that, then they already had issues to begin with way before they started reading. my fic did not give them those issues.
normal ppl don't let themselves get influenced by a book in such a way because they've already gotten a solidified sense of right or wrong and they should already know "yeah the stuff happening to this MC is bad and not at all their fault. anyway! time to enjoy more of their suffering 🤪".
UNLESS ofc, they don't have a fully solidified sense of right or wrong, meaning they're just way too young to be reading my fic (or books like it). even then, not really my fault because i already gave out the warnings and even ao3 gives an additional "are you sure you wanna read this?" page. people can't control who reads the fics/books, they can just give out warnings
also, about the og male!percy vs my fem!percy thing, i can easily just write fanfic about og!percy going through the same thing. then what are they gonna say? in fact, there already ARE some juicy dark fics about poor og percy, savior of olympus, being reduced to just another victim of the gods (there's actually a lot more dark fics of og!percy going through traumatizing shit then there are fem!percy ones hehe 😍)
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bright-and-burning · 5 months
thank you k @mecachrome i LOVE to yap and i love to see other ppl yapping!!! f1 tag game time!!!
Who is your favorite driver?: lando's grip on my brain should be studied in a lab tbh
Do you have other favorite drivers?: i am fond of many many drivers... oscar obviously is #2 to me. just the tiniest bit below lando, sorry oscar <3 and then there's a medium sized gap to anyone else but i am extremely fond of the williams guys. and i am studying alpine and aston martin like bugs. and i have a lot of blorbo-in-laws that i feel very fond of...
Who is your least favorite driver?: it depends on the day whether i even dislike anyone or not. today i feel neutral and up about everyone!! sometimes i distinctly do Not feel neutral... (usually during races)
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: i am very driver oriented but obviously my like . internal ideas about drivers are heavily influenced by who their teammate is/what team they're on. and since i've been into f1 the driver lineups have. not changed. so in my head the teams n the driver pairings are pretty immutable (obviously that will Change djfldsakjfa)
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?: i am so deeply attached to the orange bitches 😔 i just watched the season 6 mclaren dts episode and when claire williams went “the likelihood of a team being able to turn around their performance to any kind of significant degree during a season? i can’t tell you how difficult it is. it’s pretty much unheard of” i just smiled SOOOO evil. sooooo evil. i believe in andrea stella's hot nerd vibes bless that man
How long have you been into F1?: since uhhhh approximately one week after qatar 2023. made this account right around cota 2023
What got you into F1?: twitter algorithm put some tweets about the shitshow that was qatar on my timeline (literally one of them was just. a little of names and like . blank threw up. blank was hospitalized. blank couldnt get off the ground.) and i was like:
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(why is that picture SOOO large) and also i had been admiring the f1 web weaves for a while bc i would look at the 'web weave' tag and half of them would be f1 and i was like wow. these guys have a collective shit ton of daddy issues. fascinating... tbf!!! i have always been sports brain lol. just never quite rpf sports brained? so the stars aligned for this fr (recommended tweets, f1 web weaves, and me being unemployed, geographically isolated from all my friends, and severely depressed)
Do you enjoy Fanfic/RPF?: yes . i am constantly cooking . everyone here is soooo smart and cool and the writing is genuinely so incredible. and 8104 specifically has just like. a really dope bunch of ppl ive become friends with that i am constantly like. wow i cant believe these ppl want to talk to me!!! (k you are included in that <3)
How do you view new fans?: by looking in the mirror... djfladsj jk. i am a new fan! i am not a ""dts fan"" (have literally watched two episodes Ever and one of them was today) but none of it matters and i don't really find those kind of lines to be helpful. i have disagreed with ""dts fans"" and i have disagreed w ppl who started watching before i was born and i'd do it all again (this probably says more abt how opinionated i am than anything else)
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: personally i am delusionally confident enough to believe i could run that bitch like the MARINES. at the very least i would not be running my mouth like toto lol. vibes wise idk if i could do it at Any Team (like. imagine mercedes being run by a punchy american woman. LMFAO. imagine FERRARI) (i'd say mclaren for papaya reasons but a) andrea stella i could never replace you and b) i think i would set zak brown's fuckin sports car on fire day 1.) but based on location only alpine!!
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?: uhhhh no. my dad went to exactly one motorsports event when he was like my age maybe a year or two younger and saw a really horrific deadly crash so that ended any family interest. my friends are mega sports ppl but they're into like. american popular sports. and running. i do have a tifosi coworker and a couple friends from high school who are into it but that's it
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?: yes!!!!! i am so horrifically extroverted i love to chat i love to make friends!!! i am in so many ppl's dms on the Daily just sayin shit to the point where im like maybe i should cool it. lol.
tagginggggg @monacotrophywife @freeuselandonorris @liamlawsonlesbian andddd @red-flagging if you want !!!! this was fun n i love hearing how ppl got into f1 bc i feel like i might've taken an odd route
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iliketodecompose · 2 months
tag game 🫧
thank u b @cankersoregirl for the tag :-3 heehee
1. why did you choose your url?
it's a hobby of mine.... i am the rotting corpse she told u not to worry abt
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
NOPE. all in on this one babey. u have to put up w Everything
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
this blog! april 2021. that was when i came back to tumblr properly after like 3 years lol.
4. do you have a queue tag?
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
uhhh i wanted to leave mxtx twitter lol. i was on there at the height of the agonies. it was fun but it's easier to curate ur experience here lmfao. my first ever post was a rb of a hua cheng fancast!! awesome
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i lov jellycat, i lov bnuy, i love pinmk. it's me i look like that.
7. why did you choose your header?
i love the eighth sense!!! and episode 6 has some of my fav colouring/shots in any show. so. one of the Classics. :)
8. what is your post with the most notes?
me going to war over the choice to not see li ming & heart kiss in moonlight chicken. i saw some ppl being rlly weird over it like .. there r 2 other adult pairings that kiss and also fuck. u don't need to see the minors kiss it's fine calm down. i was 17 when i posted it i think, so myself a minor. JUST. i don't think it's necessarily weird to see actors who r minors kiss? but if the decision was made to not show the audience here then i think that's also fine. i think it's hardly Censoring when, AGAIN, two other adult couples kiss and fuck. yea. im still pissed i think lmfao.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
idk! 6/7? :)
10. how many followers do you have?
;;)))) i like being mysterious
11. how many people do you follow?
196 lol
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
at least twice/3 times a day. i've been trying to limit myself to how much time i spend online lol.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
yes abeit a small one in the comments of my moonlight chicken post. i think of them and seethe.
15. how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
so gross!!! lol!!! i hate them
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
i love playing and having fun yes
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
hm....... i shan't say ;)
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
romantically no. platonically yes. <3 LOL
20. tags?
anyone who sees this post n wants to :))))) hehe. u can say i tagged u.
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my-lunaberg · 1 month
Hello! I saw your post on asking ab ppl's opinions on the DSMP and had so many thoughts to share I actually went to my pc to write this, lol. Long ask incoming, sorry.
I started watching the DSMP in august of 2020, specifically right after the Techno vs. Dream duel. At this point in time, the Dream SMP tag had only like ten posts--not exaggerating, you would scroll and see the same few posts over and over again cause there was almost no fandom. I followed the series pretty much religiously all the way up to the prison break, where I then basically had to stop watching cause my life was falling apart (paying attention to streamers all day every day causes you to fail classes, who knew?)
So I guess I don't have a lot to say on the ending, other than it certainly was an ending. I think the crew did a good job with what they had, I liked the realization c!Tommy had towards c!Dream and what was once an innocent intention of server unity twisting into something else. I think using the nuke to blow everything up to start anew was a cop-out, but I also know (or at least feel like) the server itself was falling apart IRL and they had to bring it to a conclusion somehow. (Because of that, I knew the server wouldn't get a "season 2")
You mentioned how you liked it on a thematic level rather than emotional, and it really made me think about how my own interest manifested. I was certainly invested in these characters and their stories, but I only carried an emotional attachment to c!Tommy and c!Dream (and DreamXD, but only because I love deities in fiction).
I think, story-wise, the DSMP had many elements that hit hard, c!Tommy's abuse being one of them. During the prison arc, when c!Dream is being tortured constantly by c!Quackity, a large part of the fandom rooted for c!Q because c!Dream was an abuser and deserved the dehumanizing treatment. And boy do I have some opinions on that, lol. Because of the nature of the DSMP, I never thought of it as a teaching element, and your comment on that only being prevalent to children's media struck a chord--because, yeah, that makes sense. The target audience for the DSMP is a bit skewed, because it does take place in an all-ages video game, but the storyline and characters themselves would never get a G rating. I always considered the DSMP to be a bunch of people having fun exploring the different ways they can write a story/character, without any real end-game in mind. They did marvelous, too, in my opinion. I don't believe the DSMP was ever meant to be a literary marvel, or whatever the video-game equivalent is, so for a bunch of then-friends just throwing ideas at a wall and seeing what sticks with the fans, it did it's job.
People now, coming into the fandom for the first time, or looking in from the outside trying to analyze it, don't understand it, imo. It's not that the narrative can only be experienced at the time it was written, because no, you can watch and re-watch it thanks to VODS and recap channels. But so many people hear stories of it being a great time and a great story with great characters and then analyze it to put it on a pedestal only to see that its a piece of fiction with many flaws. Not understanding that the SMP wasn't created to be role-playing server, that never even crossed their minds. It was meant to be a place to have fun and explore a snapshot. That's not saying the cc's shouldn't have made the story in the first place, it's just highlighting how out of control the SMP got due to influencers' fame and fun writing. It was a product of its time because everyone was together, quarantined, exploring how far they could go in a virtual setting. Sorry, rambling a bit. I just think that a sensation like the DSMP can never be repeated on such a scale, and that feeling is why so many outsiders expect so much.
Hope this makes sense, haha. Sorry it's not juicy discourse, but thanks for listening anyway.
No its fine, thank you very much for telling me this!
I initially started watching I think right before the exile arc started but by the time I figured out how to best watch it and caught up with it, it had already been going for a few days, then I followed along with it for a while until I lost interest sometime after the big clingyduo v. Dream fight. Then in late 2022 I was at a local comic con and saw someone in a ghostbur cosplay and some people carrying around a big lmanberg flag and it just made me feel so nostalgic that I wanted to rewatch/finish it, and because I thought it would be fun I also made this sideblog to liveblog it. Im pretty sure dsmp was already over or at the very least getting close to the end by the time I did that, so it gave me a kind of distance that definitely affected my experience with the show.
Like, I think if I had kept up with it throughout (what i would consider to be) its decline and then had to witness that ending after all that, I would definitely feel more negatively about it, so I understand why it was upsetting for a lot of fans, but as it stands, I can mostly just remember it as an overall good piece of media that started stumbling towards the last quarter or so and then ended in a way thats fine, although not particularly satisfying on an emotional level. Like, Dream and Tommy's whole storyline was essentially about the cyclical nature of violence and I think ending the cycle is the best way to resolve that kind of story and in theory, having them make amends before they both die together sounds good to me, but idk, in practice I just didnt like it lol. I think its mainly because their attempts to make Dream seem more sympathetic were kinda too little-too late; Dream didnt have his own pov when most people did which automatically dehumanized him in the eyes of the audience, which was brilliant for the manipulative and unpredictable villian character that he was, but I feel like the CCs didnt really realize that that was the case and didnt feel the need to show stuff from his pov, when it was actually vital imo
You said that people coming into the fandom now come into it with these expectations and I think thats true, but I feel like people who have been following it since the rp properly started also tended to put it on a pedastal because of how genuinely impressively good it was in the beginning, and then when the finale was Like That, a lot of them were insanely disappointed. I also think thats where a lot of the discourse revolving around the ending sending a bad message comes from — a lot of people think of it as something very polished like an actual tv-show when thats simply not what it is or ever was. Its just people fucking around and having fun, and when people just fuck around, theyre not really thinking about "being responsible to their audience" or whatever. Take it from me as a writer lol, I have plans for ya-novels that touch on serious topics and with those I do try to be mindful of the fact that my audience is younger (although teenagers are obviously not children and already dont need to be taught via their media anymore imo), but when Im just writing a little short story I'll usually make it as fucked up as possible just because thats fun to me, yknow
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mikhzi · 4 months
Finally managed to go to a (popular w local trans ppl) bar, best friend’s been wanting to bring me and do some introductions but it hasn’t worked out. Worked myself up into doing it alone and got there about midnight.
Didn’t expect live music but there was a great metal band, that absolutely shredded on some high notes which is PEAK sounds for me. Didn’t think about ear plugs and my ears are still ringing lol.
Something in me woke up tonight. It feels like so much of my fear, doubt, shame, and apprehension have finally just died off.
Another friend told me they thought of me the entire time they were watching I Saw The Tv Glow and that I need to see it because it’s as close to a mirror for my life I can get in media (probably the same for a lot of trans people, from what I’m reading - and what I’m reading almost has me scared to watch it, but I think as of now I’m ready to confront *all* of the pain and put it behind me. Hopefully my best friend will be available to go see it with me (emotionally and otherwise), I’ll make myself go see it this weekend even if he’s not. I’ll probably have my mom watch it in the hopes that it will help her really fully get it and make it easier to see the real me.
I have never felt more like myself before this moment. It has been both the most joyous and most painful year of my life thus far, but I’m glad I survived my breaking point. There’s a good deal of anger and resentment, a lot of sadness and residual pain, but significantly more hope and excitement and determination and love. But more than anything there’s *me* and that’s…. a weird, new feeling. Every other emotion that’s been new to me this last year has at least been something I’ve experienced indirectly through excitement / disappointment / etc, but that sense of absolute certainty in myself is completely new with really no comparison to anything I’ve experienced that I can recognize, beyond the very brief and fleeting moments in the escapist fantasy of video games and media, and even then…
I’m not really one for tags and visibility but I want to contribute to helping other people to be able to see that we can find ourselves and truly feel whole, and that the fight and pain and everything else is worth it, even just for that one moment of “Oh fuck, I’m me.” So please don’t ever give up or give in to the hate, survive and always fight to reach that moment. I promise you from the bottom of my heart that you can and that it’s worth it. 🏳️‍⚧️💛
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r0s3s26 · 2 months
hii! i saw you were doing matchups and i would like to request one if they’re open :)
fandom: haikyuu (male)
romantic or platonic: romantic
name: keizl
pronouns: she / her
ideal date: having a picnic at the park and taking cute pictures or an arcade
personality: i’m very quiet and shy at first but i get more talkative when i’m comfortable. i don’t talk unless someone comes up to me first. i get a little agitated when i’m really bored but i try not to show it. i hate studying but i always manage to get good grades. i like to joke around and i can be sarcastic. it’s very easy to make me laugh since i laugh at anything. i’m a gemini and istp!
likes: sleeping, plushies, sonny angels, spicy foods, dogs, going to the beach, shopping
dislikes: loud & obnoxious people, people who are mean for no reason, ppl who lack common sense, bugs, parties, small talk
ideal traits in a partner: extroverted or someone who can get me out of my shell, funny, likes to tease, good at communicating, makes me feel loved, always makes time for me
hobbies: volleyball, (i’m a libero) crochet, baking, listening to music
appearance: 5’1, long black hair with blonde-ish highlights, brown eyes but they look black, my skin is a little tan, belly button piercing, lots of bruises from vb </3
Your Match is…Tendou Satori!!!
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<3 I chose Tendou for you because I think he is everything you look for in a partner
<3 Like the getting you out of your shell and making you laugh are all qualities that Tendou has
<3 I think you met in shared class and you were complaining about the workload and having to study, and he made some dumb joke and you both hit it off from there
<3 He understands that you can be shy so when he introduces you do the team he does it in a comfortable setting or briefly so you don’t get overwhelmed
<3 Would come to all of your volleyball games
<3 Type of boyfriend to be like “OH MY GOD THATS MY GIRLFRIEND” or “Isn’t number ** amazing, she's my girlfriend”
<3 He would die internally(in a good way) if you came to one of his games
<3 Would play extra hard
<3 You both have to patch each other up from volleyball
<3 Like you are always tapping his fingers and he is always having to wrap your knees or putting ice on bruises
<3 Has become king of massages for sore muscles
<3 Also why you would work with Tendou is both of y’alls love for baking and making sweets
<3 As most people know in the timeskip he becomes a chocolatier, so what if like when yall are older you create like a cute little bakery in Paris
<3 Would be so cute
<3 Life is never boring with this man
<3 Will forever have you doing something
Drabble:(I wanted to bring in the belly button piercing for this lolz)
You and Tendou were chilling in your dorm room at Shiratorizawa watching a couple of cheesy horror movies. He was laying down on your bed and you were laying on top of him, through your t-shirt he could feel something poking his side. “Hey sweetcheeks do you have the tag still on your shirt, it's kinda poking me” he said “I don’t think so?” you said back. You lay up for a second to see what he may have been talking about and then it clicks, “Ohhh you mean my belly button piercing?”. He immediately stopped talking and stared into space for a second and then turned back to your mouth agape. “Umm Tendou are you ok?” you ask, a little concerned about how quiet he was and a little scared he would be weirded out- “Can I see it?”. All thoughts left your brain when he said that. “Ok” you said in a quiet voice as you lifted your shirt a little so it would show your piercing, the simple gold ring complementing your skin tone. Tendou started staring again, pink lightly dusting his cheeks as he smiled his cute little awkward smile “How are you even hotter then before”. Your face started heating up also as you shoved his face playfully “Shut uppp” you say hiding your face a little. He then pulls you back to him again and starts kissing all over your face as you laugh. He stops and just hugs “Your so beautiful Keizl, you really are” he says as he kisses the top of your head and snuggles closer to you, wishing moments like these would never end.
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as someone who spent years having their stuff ripped and reposted to f1twt, i wish someone would've told me this before i went into a months-long spiral about the issue--but honestly, the healthiest thing to do is stop going on twitter and kindly ask ppl to stop letting u know your stuff is being taken.
i know that's easier said than done and sounds wack but honestly! my mental health was literally the stonks meme after i did this!! sometimes you'll come across your shit on pinterest or google again bc of reposters and it'll Suck™, but don't let this stop you from doing things you enjoy, yknow? at the end of the day, twitter engagement (and tumblr engagement too) doesn't mean anything and is completely forgettable. the important thing is, did you have fun making your gifs? sharing insane moments to talk about with friends? did you reach the audience who matters?
the numbers game on socmed hurts a lot, i know. my friends used to talk me down for hours on end about it. but people on twitter don't give two shits about us, so don't give two shits about them; they're not even worth the second-hand smoke you breathe.
sending hugs <3 -user mwebber
hello hello! thank you for ur message<3
I know that you and a lot of others get their content stolen constantly and ahh to me that is still mind boggling that people think its okay to steal someone else’s content but yeah it is what it is
The thing that got to me this time is the privacy of it all. I know im posting on socials but here is very different to twt/tiktok. I’ve never really been one for numbers like if something does well great and obvs there’s stuff i want to do well, but for the most part a lot of my stuff does not get main tagged because it is for a small group of people and myself!
what really gets me and maybe its just me, but the possibility for interaction with real people on twt. For me that is terrifying and the thought of rl people seeing some of my content?? … like why are we putting a gif of Mark grabbing his dick on twitter where he or someone related to him could see it? I didnt main tag it and i know its inevitable that more people will see it but that really fucked with me when i saw that. it still haunts me that the video of with me breathing and making noises from goodwood made it to twt too 🤣 thats what really got to me this time and ive tried to not let it get to me but it’s scary!!! lol
but yeah ive got big girl responsibilities!! and i probably wont be gone for long but yeah:) sending hugs back:))
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shoheiakagi · 5 months
I agree with you about the tags u left on that anon being rude to ciassu! Seriously thats just plain so fucking rude smh. Anyway u ended your tags with mention of shuhei x yata that op was going to write and it got me curious bc ive never thought of that pairing before lol so now im wondering if u have any other yata or shuhei ships u like/can think of? Sorry for the random ask i just want to see if theres any other ships i can add to my list other than chitose x yata lol
Hi!! Thank you for reaching out! And yeah, I feel like some ppl just like to send anon hate cause they’re bored? Like what is the end game here? You’re not gonna be the person with the last laugh cause your ask is either gonna be deleted or responded to in a post. And like, if you think there’s other writers who post the same type of fics, then why don’t you just focus on them? People need to realize that writing fics and drawing art is a skill, and that the creator puts in a lot of time and effort into perfecting it for the audience. I just don’t get why some ppl act mean online, when they don’t have that same persona irl?? Like why act like an internet thug??
Yes, I was also intrigued when I saw how op was working on a ShouheixYata fic! Like I know some bits and pieces of how they’d interact as friends, but as romantic partners? I’ve seen some EricxYata and and ChitosexYata, but never a ShouheixYata. I’m sooo curious cause Yata is terribly shy when it comes to romance, while Shouhei is charismatic and nicer than the other abc boys. Like is Shouhei going to be all flirty and try to charm him?? Does Yata develop a crush on Shouhei which he tries to hide but miserably fails at it??
And I do!! So to start off, I’ll be honest and say that I’m not really fond of romantic!banshou. Its weird cause i have other ships with similar dynamics, and i also adore both characters individually, but im not the biggest fan of them as a ship. I think its probably bc i dont like how its portrayed by the very few fans they have, and how a lot of things about shouhei, end up revolving around bandou’s inferiority complex towards him (which really sucks as a shouhei’s girl who wants to learn more about him).
But despite being in my y/n feels for shouhei, i do have a few ships for him! I don’t think it’s as obvious as it was when i first created this blog, but shouhei/eric is the closest to an otp i have for this fandom. Its probably bc theyre my top two faves, but i do think they have strong potential to be a sweet and interesting ship, and the few interactions they have are so cute 🥺 the fact that shouhei is the only person Eric refers to by their first name other than Anna 🥹🥹 (although i do think its probably cause everyone refers to shouhei by his first name lol. If im not wrong, i think eric refers to fuji by his last name despite being very close). I also do think they’d look really good together! Despite Eric being unkempt and not into fashion, he is objectively very good looking and i think his sharp and cool features are a good contrast against shouhei’s softer and warm features. I genuinely do think shouhei is the second person eric is comfortable with, after fujishima. I also ship shouhei with chitose and akiyama! I think i started shipping shouhei with chitose sometime last year and honestly? I think they’d be a fun and hot pair. I can’t really see them being them in a serious and committed relationship, but i do think they would probably hook up here and there (or even just be really good friends, since theyre pretty similar to each other except for some differences). Akiyama/Shouhei is always going to be that one opposites attract/enemies to lovers ship for me lol. I wish their fight scenes from s1 were longer, im so curious on what the dialogue would have been like.
Yata was my first ever fave character/crush when i first got into K back in 2012, but unfortunately that died out. But i do think ericxyata is such a cute and funny pair! I remember reading this really old fic on them in which yata learns english just so he can finally respond to eric’s taunts, only to have the story end with eric kissing him on the cheek 💞 i don’t remember being sold that quick on a ship like i did with that fic lmaoo. They’re like my second favorite pair, but theres sooooo little content on them :/ thats what i hate about k. Most content are on the popular/designated ships, you barely see anything on different pairings/dynamics. Yata and Kamamoto are seen as platonic for the most part, but i can see some potential for it to turn romantic! Kamamoto is a ride and die for yata. Like if theres ever a rare chance that yata decides to leave homra (unlikely, i know), i do feel like kamamoto would probably join him idk. the loyalty there is really strong. I think yata and chitose would be interesting since chitose is a playboy while yata is a virgin, but its probably gonna end with a nasty heartbreak on both sides 😬
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jackienautism · 1 year
sort of going off my most recent post, copy and pasted something from my notes back in ? october. was inspired to write something due to this post i saw
i obv don’t search out content through tags as much as i used to (for this exact reason i’m abt to discuss) BUT LOL. FUCK. YES it’s very easy to notice that kaitlyn is the most “competent” of the counselor group. she’s smart enough to know what is and isn’t fucking stupid as hell. but even THEN. it bothers me so much when ppl label her as the “normal” one or the ONLY one “who sits and watches while everyone else does absurd crap.” BECAUSE… LOOK AT HOW THIS FREAK ACTS AND TALKS IN GAME… yeah it could easily be attributed to shitty writing, which is something i can def talk abt some other time but. SHES FAR FROM NORMAL…. and i mean this with so much love in my heart i promise, but if we played the same damn game it’s evident something is very wrong with her LOL. she’s not only the group’s damage control. she’s not only there to make sure they don’t lose their fucking heads. she does and says SO many effed up things BC ITS JUST HOW SHES CONDITIONED… and does that paint a depiction of someone who’s 100% Competent and Normal ? she dares emma what she dares bc she thinks it’s the “right” thing for abi, despite it VERY OBVIOUSLY upsetting her. she acts like a dick towards jacob abt emma breaking up with him, despite being apparently very close childhood friends?? she comforts emma after finding out her best friend fucking died by telling her that her death was quick. being blunt and mean as seen from kaitlyn isn’t what society sees as “normal,” unless i’m missing something goddamn huge!!!!! reducing her down to the only “regular” person there rids her of what already LITTLE nuance her character has! it’s not fair to her, and overall it’s just. it’s fucking insulting! because of COUUUURSE it’s the Token Asian Girl right? of course SHE gets to bear the title of Token Normal And Smart One Of The Friend Group😊😊 despite having several moments in canon that CONTRADICT THAT SENTIMENT! let kaitlyn be silly! let kaitlyn contribute to the chaos! just because she knows when to put a end to something doesn’t mean shes incapable of doing stupid and fun shit just cause!!!!!!!
basically. it’s fuckin weird that kaitlyn is given this specific title being the only woman of color. she’s literally just emily davis without the “unlikable” parts, meaning ppl are SUDDENLY gonna be much more willing + adamant to place this characterization upon her and reduce her down to it!
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gaskarth · 5 months
Can you elaborate on what is weird about how you play stardew valley, cuz I saw your tags on that game poll and now I’m really curious lol
im incredibly meticulous in how i play stardew but im also very chaotic in how i play stardew . i also play a LOT of stardew so i guess i just assume im a little crazy about it . when i was talking to my dad about it yesterday he was staring at me like O_o even tho he was the one who got me into the game
some examples i can give u:
i always play with at least 4 tabs of the wiki open to find out what's most profitable / what ppl's loved items are / see everyone's schedules bc im not taking chances running across town to find out that clint's at the community center like it's just too much
i also have a huge pinterest board of just stardew related advice specifically on which crops are best to put in kegs / preserves and have about 50 each of kegs and preservers
the majority of my chests aren't sorted, just shit thrown together in areas that are convenient to me
despite this i hoard all materials and all my money and im currently sitting on about... 4.5 million gold. plus some bc not everything ive made has been sold and i have maybe around 100,000g in materials to be sold sitting in a chest labeled "savings account"
im currently playing with the goal of finishing the game as quickly as possible, meaning it's spring year 4 and im at full hearts with about 2/3 of the npcs, all community center bundles are finished, the secret bundle is finished, the trash panda has picked up all the trash in the valley, ginger island has been unlocked, prof snail's museum has been finished, the sleep hut in ginger island is finished (there's more to do in ginger island but. yknow) i have the galaxy sword and access to the anvil to enchant my weapons and ive made it to about lvl 50 of the skull caverns im just ass at combat usually
that post thats like lowkey theyre starving and unloved about the rabbits in stardew is me except i just don't give 3/4 of my animals a lot of space to go outside except my pigs because theyre how i make the most money (capitalist behavior i apologize but also i do feed them all regularly and pet them so. they can deal with not a lot of space its pixels)
maybe im not as weird as i think i am actually when it comes to stardew but mainly i just grind when i play like my current save file has about. 130 hours on it just from the new update bc i go to work, come home, do chores, then play stardew until i go to bed as a way to unwind lol
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cringelordofchaos · 10 months
You asked Berry this so I am asking YOU out of spite for not asking ME
uhmm ill be my own attorney in the court; in my defense, your honour, i saw berry reblog a post specifically about sonic sexuality headcanons and berry shared their hcs in the tags but also put in the tags abt how their 'headcanons may change'. and i wanted to see if their headcanons changed so i asked them
uhh these r all pretty much identity + nd hcs so sorry if u were lookin for more
(edit:wait actually im gonna sort this into two parts:: queer + nd headcanons and then like. backstory and personality hcs)
SONIC: adhd, used to hc him as bi ace but fuck it hes romance repulsed oriented aroace, also me likes the idea of him being genderqueer in some way, moreso specifically either transmasc nonbiney or transmasc trigender. also adhd (side note i heard someone sayhe couldnt possibly have adhd cuz "he can focus on missions" and. wjhat.) also maybe ptsd from thecountless traumatic experiences hess had to endure
AMY: sappho. i have also adhd'ed her in the past but im not so sure npw. i also saw someone hc her as bipolar and thas valid
TAILS: i know he can definitely represent as an autistic stereotypce but look at him :(( (but i genuinely think his backstory is sort of a metaphor for the nd experience. and also i think theres a lot of things that may make him autistic codedthough albeit many of them r stereotypical). special interest in engineering
KNUCKLES: bisexual as ffffff, though he doesnt give a shi abt labels
and ofc STTICKS:: demirose lesbiian. . also female but she rlly doesnt care abt gender. also autistci mayhaps
now for the more interesting hcs:
SONIC: something traumatic happened to him that made him scared of water in the first place, thas for sure methinks. he also just doesnt really show his negative emotions and he moreso just tries to 'dealw it' instead. i have headcanoned this for years as many others have and it appears to be somewhat canon in frontiers which is pretty great. he plays the electric guitar and is a pretty skilled singer and yeah. chilli dawgs r his comfort food....... loves rock electric and heavy metal and sometimes listens to it on his runs. pretty comfortable w being independent . also this is not a headcanon but i dont think his idw iteration is that out of character. he sees pretty much everyone (rivals and frenemiesalike) as friendos
AMY: has some form of abandonment issues which is what makes her as clingy as she is. generally used to feel left out and misunderstood from sonic n others in games like adventure and adventure2 but their relationshipsget better. listen. listen i heard someone on tumblr hc amy having abandonment issues and it hasnt left my miind since. she used to feel embarrassed by herself and her personality but became much more expressive of herself as time went on bc she starrted feeling more accepted. DEFINITELY writes fanfiction and fancomics and draws fanart and likes theatre(this is canoon actually). has meetings w the girlsTM where she just reads their fortune n everything. she also said in one game that she aspires to BE LIKE sonic and i have hcs abt that as well. can b mischievious and sneaky. has a tarot card reading BUSINESS this girl earns money for this !! shes very magiical girl bc she can pull her hammer out there, tell the future, turn invisible, has a 'sonic snese' but this is not a headcanon this is canon. plays the violin. loves to create fun outfits. into knitting and crocheting. . yeah i have more
TAILS: he can get pretty insecure of himself at times, heholds high expactations of himself and feels like if he doesnt meet them he might as well be a failure. ooopslol. he also hates when ppl misinterperets who he is as a person and when they undermine how skilled he is. he sometimes doesnt really let others know how he feels and hides it w a positive attitude. his gizmo is his comfort item. sonic was his first friend. the reason why he acted cocky in lost world and constantly pointed out how they shouldnt trust eggman (although it was super ooc) is bc of how insecure he was and he felt like sonic didnt trust himenough. and he feels bad abt it. hm. he also likes to draw sometimes and is generally skilled and precise, partly bc he has to draw blueprints for his creeations. one of them orphans. wags his tails/unintentionally starts flying when hes excited (stimming woag). hes not really SCARED of thunderstorms but they ARE a sensory nightmare for hiim (loud, bright/0). sonic sort of 'taught him how to make friends'. he still has cosmo in the form of a plant inside his house. he has many bunkers/ Sometimes he has a hard time accepting help (inherited from his older brotherlol). his tails are an nd allegoryOK ILL SHUT UP NOW
KNUCLES: icoud rambllea lot about him whenever im in the mood especially when i seeppl misinterperet him but i dont really have much HEADcanons bc everything i say abt him is canon
STICKS: ok this is gonna sound wild and its definitely not original but. she has abandonment/truusst issues relatedto her former parents that have something to do w the government which is one of the reasons she became so hateful of th egovenrment. dont ask (actually do if you want to). generally feels free to be herself but there are times when she feels ashamed of her wild side ig you couldcall it. very creative.
the reason why theres not shadow even though hes one of the more popular ones is bc im just not obsessed w him at the moment sorry :(
I HAVE MORE but these are all FOR NOW
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