#i saw boys stop wanting to BE her once the suit came off
gentle-hero-blog · 2 months
Actually wait ok i'm not done. i'm actually so serious abt this. I think that a large part of the reason i got attached to metroid when i was younger is because it was the first media i discovered where the main female character was allowed to look like this:
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and like. people thought she was cool. BOYS thought she was cool and I had never seen boys think a female character was cool before, much less want to be like one. she had all these interesting traits that I had only ever seen in male characters (person of few words, calm and ruthless bounty hunter persona, highly respected for skill, her appearance isn't mentioned Ever, etc etc). and that was formative for me and my relationship to gender i think
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lady-ashfade · 8 months
He’s growing up.
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Sally Jackson x wife reader x son!percy.
-£ I just wanted more fluffiness between this family.
-£ Warnings: Non.
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The house was a mess. food all over, Percy yelling throughout the house in panic trying to find the buttons to his shirt. his mother looking under every nook and cranny for the golden cufflinks for her son, also screaming and yelling.
you smirked as you looked ontop of the bathroom counter where Percy had stuffed himself for half of the day to make sure his hair looked good. he was so paranoid, like his mom. grabbing them in your hands you went searching for the boy. and you found him ripping the cushions off of the couch.
“You have about five seconds to pick them back,” he looked back at you with a fast turn. “that couch was expensive.” he gulped and nodded his head while placing them all back neatly.
“yes ma’am”
you playfully rolled your eyes and walk into the living room fully while grasping the items in your hands. “That makes me sound old,” huffing you walk up to him. smiling you open your hand and offer him the cufflinks he has been looking for.
his cheeks pushed up with the big smiling appearing on his face. Percy was so revealed. “Where do you don’t them?” He asks
“In the bathroom.” he groaned and starts to button the ones on his wrist and the clips the gold items on the jacket.
he bite his lip and you couldn’t see his brows frown. he was thinking to much and you knew that meant one thing. once he was done you placed your hands on his shoulders and straightened him up. you smiled so sweetly at him his heart felt the weight being lifted up from it.
Brushing off the suit jacket you had bought him, “Relax, this is supposed to be a fun night.” Percy could only look away with a deep sigh from his chest.
“Yeah, yeah. I know. Just worried about how stupid I’ll make myself look.”
You knew how hard it was to be a teen. And to go to his first dance? With a date, oh boy. His mind must be running wide.
“You’re so handsome,” you grabbed his cheeks and baby talked, “My son is growing up so fast.” You fake cried and pulled him close to you and he groaned and struggled against your hold. but he didn’t want to leave it.
Sally unknowingly stood in the doorway with a camera in her hands. When you both saw a flash you turned around to her. “I think you’re taking this harder then I am my dear.”
“Look at him sally,” you squash his cheeks again into a fish expression, “Just yesterday he was falling asleep in my arms and now,” they both saw you tear up. “He’s so grown.”
Percy laughed and patted your back as Sally came over and wrapped her arm around your waist and kissed your cheek. “We did good.” Placing her head on your shoulder while looking at your son.
He blushed embarrassed at both of your attention and shift on his feet. “Stop that,” he waved you off. You both looked at each other with a knowing look.
“Embarrassed of your mothers so early?” You teased him.
Sally just smiled at the both of you and held up her camera as you tugged percy back in by the shoulders as she got on the other side. He was forced to smile for the picture because he would get to lectures by the both of you if he didn’t.
Even though he hated posing for pictures, he hung that up on his wall when he got back to camp.
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chukys-mouthguard · 28 days
I’m obsessed with Quinn and Nico, can you write something with them?
nice to meet ya
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2.4k words | not proofread
featuring: nico hischier x female reader x quinn hughes (semi-featuring luke and jack)
genre: fluff
summary: after the hughes bowl, Jack invites Nico out with your group in hopes of you two hitting it off. However, once he sees the way you and Quinn interact, he’s afraid he’s got no shot
The Hughes’ bowl had to be one of your favorite times of the year, it was quite honestly your Super Bowl.
Having grown up with the Hughes family, the boys were practically your brothers. And getting to see them all play under one roof, for one night, you always made sure your schedule was clear.
The game never being about who won or lost, though the boys would beg to differ, simply being an opportunity for all of you to get together. You’d taken a half day at work so that you had plenty of time to get ready and off to the arena. A couple of your friends tagging along as Luke was always sure to hook you up with good seats.
“The boys are actually going to crucify you for showing up in Canucks stuff.”
“Especially after Luke got us such good seats.”
You rolled your eyes as you and your girlfriends hung out in the family area, waiting for the boys after a hard fought Devils win in overtime.
“Please, Luke definitely didn’t have to pay for those seats. And, Quinn is practically my twin, they should expect nothing less from me at this point.”
The three of you laughed as you continued your waiting. Quinn was your age, and the two of you had always been inseparable. Like you said, you were practically twins. Your personalities meshed so well, and you were much closer to him than Jack or Luke. Your friends often joked that you and Quinn should date, but the thought of that made each of you want to vomit. Never once having any type of feelings for one another other than those of love for a sibling.
“There they are!”
Your friend called out as Jack and Luke emerged from their locker room. Hair still slightly damp as it clung to their foreheads, now dressed in more casual clothes versus their suits as you’d all planned to head to a bar for drinks after the game.
“Y/n, again with the Canucks gear? They are gonna stop letting me give you tickets if you keep pulling shit like this.”
Luke playfully scolded you as he wrapped you in a hug, then pulled your leather jacket tightly shut to cover the Canucks logo.
“Quinn needs to hurry up, I feel an espresso martini calling my name!”
Your friend urged as she playfully stomped her heel into the floor, all of you waiting to see Quinn emerge from the visitor’s hallway.
“Jack, you have a second?”
Looking up your eyes met those of a familiar face, but not one of the guys you’d met before. Jack looked up and saw you eyeing the man, figuring you were expecting an introduction.
“Nico, this is y/n, I apologize for her Canucks apparel, she was supporting Quinn tonight and not us apparently.”
Playfully you stuck your tongue out at Jack before accepting Nico’s hand that extended towards you.
“Nice to meet you y/n, I’ve heard quite a bit about you.”
“If it came from Jack, don’t believe a word he says.”
Now Jack was the one sticking his tongue out at you before stepping to the side to chat with Nico. Your girlfriends immediately noticed your eyes following the two of them, pulling you to the side so no one else could hear their comments.
“Girl, if you do not take advantage of that gorgeous man eyeing you up and down like that, then you are certifiably insane.”
Rolling your eyes you turned your attention to the hallway, searching for Quinn in hopes his presence would rescue you from the interrogation of the girls. His damp brown hair clung to his forehead as he made his way down the hall, slightly jogging as he knew he had made everyone wait on him. A shy smile on his lips as he saw you standing with your hands on your hips playfully scolding him.
“Sorry, sorry. Captain’s duties, I couldn’t dip out early.”
He wrapped you in a hug before noticing the outfit you’d chosen for the night, a huge smile on his face as he looked at you.
“How mad were they?”
“Luke threatened to stop giving me tickets.”
“Well, there’s plenty of tickets for you in Vancouver should he stop bringing you to his games. We know you’d rather attend mine anyways.”
Luke simply rolled his eyes as you and Quinn continued your jokes, the group waiting on Jack to finish with Nico so you could head out.
“Hey, do you guys care if Nico joins? I figured the more the merrier?”
Everyone looked to one another, shrugging as if to say what’s the hurt in an extra person.
“Okay, it’s decided then, you’re coming with us Nico.”
The group headed out of the arena, Quinn riding in your car along with one of your girlfriends, the other choosing to ride with the rest of the group as she and Luke were slowly becoming a thing, which you were happy to see. Always wanting the best for the boys, especially when that was in one of your friends that you know and love.
You’d all parked down the street from the strip of bars, Jack and Luke knowing exactly which ones to go to that wouldn’t result in mobs of fans crowding or bugging them all night.
You and Quinn had come up with the brilliant idea to race each other in the parking garage, one of the many dumb things you two found yourselves doing just because. Though you immediately regretted it when you rolled your ankle in your heeled boots. Slightly stumbling as you whined, Quinn just laughing as he crouched down, signaling for you to get on his back.
The others had made their way out of Jack’s car, watching Quinn carry you and not even questioning it. Nico simply laughed with the group as you explained about your ankle, sticking close to Jack as he’d noticed how Luke and Quinn both seemed to be coupled up with you and your friend. The other friend of yours had mentioned her boyfriend once earlier telling Nico it was likely just him and Jack for themselves.
“You don’t ever feel like a third wheel around them?”
Jack looked to Nico a bit confused, shaking his head with a laugh.
“Absolutely not, those two are off in their own world. They’ve always been that way for years.”
Nico watched as you threw your head back laughing at something Quinn must have said, the smile on your face making you even more beautiful than you already were. The way your laugh echoed in the parking structure like music to his ears, but he feared he’d not be able to get close to you seeing you attached to Quinn’s hip.
Jack had invited Nico out to join you all, thinking perhaps you and the Captain would hit it off. To which Nico happily accepted after seeing how gorgeous you were, his knowledge of you only from the stories Jack and Luke told. Never once having seen a photo of you or met you. But his excitement about getting to know you faded as he’d begun to sense something between you and Quinn. The piggy back ride, the way you looked at one another, the way Quinn made you laugh. However, what the man didn’t know was that there was nothing behind the interactions. Jack just sucked at explaining anything, leaving Nico to think he didn’t have a chance with you.
Settling into a somewhat private section of the bar, you snagged an extra bar stool to elevate your foot and rest your ankle. Quinn immediately attempted to get ice for you as the others found their seats. Nico was seated to your right, smiling at you as you looked up at him laughing.
“I promise, I’m not normally such a klutz. I’m usually pretty light on my feet.”
“Well, running in heels I think changes that a bit.”
His voice was soft as he spoke back to you, a soft chuckle leaving his lips as he looked at your foot elevated on the bar stool.
“Does it hurt much?”
“It’s okay, nothing some alcohol can’t fix.”
“You want a drink? I can go get you one?”
Nico gestured to the bar, to which you kindly accepted as you gave him your drink order. Watching as he approached the bar and struck up a conversation with Quinn. Unsure what the two of them would talk about since you hadn’t known them to cross paths much.
“Oh, hey man. Quinn, I don’t think we’ve ever officially met.”
Nico shook Quinn’s hand with a smile, mentioning something about one time when Quinn knocked Nico on his ass, breaking the ice between the two of them.
“Are you getting drinks or?”
“No, trying to get a bag of ice for y/n. Hard to believe that if you need something that you aren’t paying for, they serve you slower.”
Nico laughed as he looked over his shoulder at you, your eyes wide as you were clearly telling some elaborate story. Your excitement showing through your body language, making him smile softly to himself.
“You and y/n have known each other for awhile yeah?”
“Practically our whole lives, we’ve been told by our families we were destined to get married ever since we were like ten.”
Nico slightly nodded, taking in the words of Quinn as he felt his heart sink a bit. Not realizing that you and him were so serious.
“Wow, that’s crazy. I mean, she is a beautiful girl, can’t blame anybody for wanting to have her all to themselves.”
“Yeah she’s definitely beautiful, but marriage is a little crazy for people to say I think.”
“You don’t want to get married?”
“I mean, maybe one day, if she’s the right girl. But, right now I’m not thinking about that at all.”
Nico looked at Quinn confused, as if they were having two different conversations. But before he could follow up Quinn’s statement, he was headed back to the table with a bag of ice for your ankle.
The bartender tapping the wood top to get his attention, Nico quickly ordering drinks as he’d felt bad you’d been waiting.
“Thank you so much!”
You took the drink from Nico as you smiled up at him, he’d sat down with a sigh as he eyed your ankle. The bag of ice in its place, hopefully helping soothe your pain along with the vodka lemonade he’d just brought you.
“How is it?”
Nodding your head as you stirred the drink, you looked to Nico with a laugh.
“It’s vodka lemonade, so, you can’t really mess that up.”
He playfully smacked his head as he laughed at himself, realizing he’d not been clear in what he was asking about.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so stupid, sorry. I meant how is your ankle? With the ice?”
You threw your head back laughing as your hand rested on his forearm, the two of you amused by the miscommunication as Nico took note of the feeling of your hand on his arm. Appreciating the time it took for you to finally put it away, but missing your touch as soon as you did.
“It’s better! Ice was definitely needed, that's for sure.”
The night continued on with drinks, funny stories from the game, and even a few shots. Luke and his girl left early, not being night owls, and your friend had to get home to bed for an early workday. Leaving you and Nico at the table while Quinn and Jack took part in a very competitive game of darts.
“So, y/n, how long have you and Quinn?”
Nico’s voice trailed off as he sipped his drink, your expression a bit puzzled. Not sure if it was the alcohol or possibly Nico’s accent that had you confused as to what exactly he was asking. You were sure he knew that Quinn was like a brother to you, he’d mentioned the fact the boys had spoken about you before. But then again, Jack was notorious for leaving out key details. Which in this scenario, could be why you’d felt an awkward vibe from Nico all night. As if he was unsure what he could or couldn’t say to you.
“I’m sorry, do you think that Quinn and I are, dating?”
Nico’s expression quickly turned to one of confusion mixed with embarrassment, as if he’d missed out on some obvious joke amongst you all.
“Well, yes? I mean, hearing the way he talked about you I thought so. But he did say something about everyone telling you two to get married, but then he said he definitely wasn’t gonna do that anytime soon, which I thought was weird if you’ve been practically dating since you were ten years old.”
You tried your best not to laugh, knowing that Nico clearly had no clue that you were in fact not dating Quinn, and you were simply friends. Feeling bad as you could see how respectful he’d been trying to be all night.
“Nico, I’m so sorry, Jack clearly sucks at providing pertinent information.”
His nervousness settled as you’d rested a hand on his cheek, your smile comforting him as he was sure he’d have to leave and never speak to you again because of this mixup.
“No, Quinn is not my boyfriend. He’s simply my best friend. I am single as a Pringle.”
He looked at you confused, you simply told him to forget the joke as you both erupted in laughter.
“Well, okay, that changes things for sure.”
“Changes things?”
You looked at him with wide eyes as you sipped your cocktail, unsure as to what he’d be referring to.
“A lot of things actually. Starting with the fact that I’d love to take you on a date sometime. Miss single Pringle.”
You held a hand to your mouth as you tried not to let your laughter cause you to spit out any of your drink. Already embarrassed at the fact you’d had to sit next to Nico all night icing your ankle.
“And if it goes well, maybe I can be your source for Devils tickets? I wouldn’t mind having you around the rink more often.”
A slight blush crept over your cheeks as you smiled at him from behind your glass, trying not to seem too excited at the offer of a date with Nico. Mentally thanking Jack for inviting him tonight while still cursing him for fucking up the details on who exactly you were.
“But, if you do let me take you out and start coming to my games, no more Canucks gear okay? I think a Hischier jersey with number thirteen on the back would look much better on you!”
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raineydays411 · 1 year
My Father's Daughter pt 14
Summary: Dick and the others have finally caught up to Y/n and her "Red Team", but have they gotten there too late?
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That's all you saw, just darkness. You felt like you were floating in a sea of pitch black water, unaware but uncaring at the immense peril you were in. You floated, faintly hearing a noise in the background, something telling you to wake up and fight. But you wanted to ignore it, it felt good. Good to just float, not worrying about a thing.
But then there was a light.
A piercing bright light that hurt your eyes as you stared into it. And a ringing. A ringing that made your eardrums feel as if they were about to burst.
Who the fuck was that?
"Who the fuck are you?" You say with a hoarse voice, still not grasping the situation you were in.
"Such a foul mouth." The man tskd, " The signature of a Stark I guess."
You look around and feel the restraints on your wrists and ankles. You look down to see that you're splayed out on a table.
"That, unfortunately, shall be the first thing to go."
Panic floods your body.
You finally realized what is happening.
They got you.
" What do you mean she's gone?!"
Christine screams at the her children, " She- She was just here! She was in her room! She was safe!"
Dick looks up from the ground, feeling like he was twelve again, " Mom they.. they just came from nowhere. We had just gotten there when they attacked.."
Bruce was already making his way towards his suit, Dick and Jason had burst into the house, rushing the battered Peter, Wade, and Dopiender.
They were all caught off guard when they had finally found you, literally across the street only to see a group of armed men dressed in black descend on your unsuspecting friends.
They took out who they thought would be the biggest threat, Wade Wilson.
Or at least they tried to. They first shot him in the chest, hoping that the blast would take him out of the game, but to no luck. He flew back allowing them to shoot you with a tranquilizer, but he quickly rose and started firing back. It was only when they got him with a headshot that he went down and stayed down.
Peter, although he didn't have his suit, tried his best to get to you dodging multiple tranquiliser darts and managing to knock a few of them men to the ground. He was however overwhelmed and swiftly knocked out by a hit to the back of the head.
Dopinder actually managed to kill two men before he was shot in the arm and passed out from the blood.
By the time the shock from it all wore off and the Bat crew rushed to the scene, it was all over.
You were gone, and weren't even able given the chance to defend yourself.
The sight of your limp body being carelessly lifted haunted Jason's mind. He chased the SUV for twelve blocks before he lost them. By the time he made it back to the abduction spot, Peter had woken up and was panicking.
His best friend had just gotten kidnapped and he was being interrogated by Nightwing and Robin. Jason, fueled by adrenaline and rage tried to slam Peter into the taxi but was deflected by said boy. Surprising everyone and sending into attack mode.
But before any fighting could happen, Dick came in to be the voice of reason.
They piled into the nasty taxi and headed off back to the Batcave to allow Wade and Dopinder to recover and to think of a plan to rescue you.
"Jason," Bruce said, " What are you thinking?"
Jason looked at him from where he stood, " They were watching us."
Bruce nodded, " They knew she was here the whole time."
Christine stopped her yelling, " What?"
Bruce looked at her, " They knew she was here. That's how they were able to grab her so quickly. They had a plan."
Dick looked angry," We don't even know who these people are! How are we supposed to get her back?"
And for once, Bruce didn't have an answer to that. Despite the amount of time you had been with them, there has been little to nothing found about the people who were after you. Not by Bruce and not by your father. He had spent nights sitting in front of that computer trying to help figure out how to keep you safe. But without whatever information Tony had found, he knew next to nothing.
Christine held in her tears, she thought she had ran out of tears earlier but here they come again. She had that feeling again. The same feeling she had when she left you. The same feeling she had when she listened to the voicemails and read the emails you sent her. The same feeling she had when the movers told her about your outburst, and the same feeling she had when she saw you at that gala.
Was it sadness or guilt? She couldn't tell anymore.
But she was afraid.
Afraid for you, and what these people had planned for you. This was the one thing she had been terrified would happen and it's happened. They've taken you from her.
"It's my fault." She cried," If I had just listened to her-"
"Miss Christine, I'm afraid now is not the time for your pity party." Alfred said from where he had been helping Dopiender, who was stll unconscious.
" Alfred." Bruce said in an exhaused manner
"I am sorry Master Bruce, but I believe it's best if we focus on Y/n and not tiptoeing around Miss Christines woes of failed motherhood."
The whole room froze. It was rare for Alfred to criticize Christine for anything, as she was his favorite.
"Woah..harsh Jeeves"
Everyone turned to see Wade rising froom his bed, wound healed.
"What the fuck?" Jason said, " This dude took a headshot!"
"Not the first time" Wade shook his head, forgoing the dirty joke that popped into his head, " Now where the fuck am I?"
Everyone again froze, but Bruce emerged from the shadows, full on Bat mode.
"Who are you."
Wade took one look at Bruce and laughed in his face.
"hahahaha oh oh I'm sorry- I just hahahahaha" Another burst of laughter came from his mouth, "You're so scary I promise!"
The room looked at the man uneasily. The one person that was crazy enough to laugh in Batman's face was the Joker.
"Wade stop it." Peter said from where he stood, "Y/ns gone."
Laughter ceases immediately, an eerie aura fells the room, " What was that bugs?"
"They got her."
"Then what the fuck are we standing around here for!" Wade shouts, the sudden shift in personalities making the family of bats unsettled.
Except for Jason.
"Can I just ask who the fuck are you?"
Your two friends turn to him," We're Y/ns family."
Jason pauses and nods," Okay then."
Then proceeds to give them the rundown on what they have discovered, which is not a lot.
There's a heavy silence that fills the air.
Panic fills your veins.
"That will be the first thing to go."
Those words riddled your brain as you were strapped down to this table. The room was white, almost like a hospital room.
Now, this wasn't the first time you had been kidnapped, but most of the time it was petty. Ransoms and whatnot. And your dad always managed to find you within the hour.
This was different. This was people who truly had no good intentions.
You were scared. Your dad had no idea where you were. You were worried about your friends, and even about the Waynes.
You had no idea on whether they were looking for you or still thought you were in your room. For all you knew, they were having a grand time thinking you were sulking and weren't going to discover you were gone till it was too late.
And what would happen to your dad if you die? He could barely take care of himself when Christine left him. He needed to you. He needed you to be okay so he can be okay. You couldn't dead. And your mom, you couldn't leave her to pick up your dads pieces. She didn't know how. Not like you did. and what about Jason-
"Ah, you're aware."
A woman came in this time.
"I apologize for the rather rude introduction, I'm afraid men just don't have the same gentle touch as us women."
She had a small frame. She was pale, almost deathly so. With graying hair that had no cut, just long and curly. She didn't look old however, that's what unsettled you the most. She looked about a few years older than you.
"Please don't pay no attention to whatever these men say to you, we do not intend to cause you any harm."
Her voice was calming, it soothed your panic and eased your anxiety. It made you feel like you were floating.
"Now, Ms. Stark I know you are probably wondering why you are here."
You couldn't even bring yourself to care, you felt at ease. A frail cold hand carding through your hair.
" This building we're in used to be a prestiges lab. We studied the human mind and its capabilities. With the rise of people such as Wanda Maximoff and such, this research was well needed. We searched far and wide for the people with these capabilities. Which was hard because they are so rare as I am sure you know."
She rises from her place next to you, hand leaving your hair. She walks over to a table next to you. When did that get there?
"Well, the search for these people was fruitless as you can imagine. Not many people are as forthcoming with their capabilities as we hoped. It became so bad that we had to force these poor subjects out of their hiding spaces. But even then the search didn't turn up much. So we decided that we would make our own."
You really didn't comprehend what this woman was telling you. All you wanted was to go back to sleep. You felt so relaxed.
"As you can imagine, that didn't particularly go as planned. We didn't mean to kill them, their minds just weren't strong enough."
Wait what?
"There were many that came through ; young, old, male female. And only one group was ever rarely successful. And can you guess who it was?"
A cold chill went down to your bones as you were piecing together her story.
"Young women, age 15-25." She said calmly, " Of course they did."
You didn't respond, just stared into this womens pale eyes. She was starting to creep you out.
"Now, I bet you're wondering where you factor into this equation." She hmms, hand back in your hair. A little rougher.
'Well my dear, I am afraid you just got caught in the crossfire. You see, one of my little experiments just so happened to escape." She sighs, eyes showing some sort of emotion, "She was beautiful, with a strong mind. I even came to view her as a daughter of my own. My little petal."
"Don't interrupt it's rude." This women chides, not cruelly but you knew not to say anything else.
"Now, escaping just wasn't enough for my little petal, oh no. She decided that she needed to expose our...little secret. It was all covered up of course, you know how the government is about things like this, but our funding was cut and our doctors were arrested."
While she was talking you can feel an intense amount of pain. A deep sorrow penetrating your soul and heart. You felt betrayed, hurt.
"Well, imagine my surprise when I turn on the television and see a girl who looks exactly like my little flower."
That's when you knew.
Back at the manor, Peter was frustrated.
All these people were doing was arguing. Arguing about who should've been watching you, Arguing about what they should have done, what they did do, what they should be doing.
It baffles Peter that these were the feared vigilantes of Gotham.
Bruce was too busy trying to figure out just where you were taken and Christine had deemed him too normal to even be able to help (They didn't know he was Spiderman). Dick and Damian were out trying to find any footage that might have been taken on the scene. Wade was out talking to some of his connections with Cass because Bruce didn't trust him to be alone. So he was stuck being babysat by Tim and Jason who are arguing about the best course of action.
"Oh yeah that's a great idea, go to the bad side of town and ask about that one crime that happened in that one alley at night. As if anyone will talk."
"Well it's better than sitting here all-"
Peter tunes them out. He tunes everyone out. He's worried about you.
He knew that you only came here to make things easier for your dad. So he didn't have to watch you 24/7.
But the ironic thing is, Tony was worried out of his mind. He worked endlessly to find these people, people that he may have crossed in the past, people who may want to hurt him through you. Just to turn up with nothing everytime. Peter knew everyone one missed you. Your presence was not unnoticed.
He hated not being able to talk to you everyday, it was like you just didn't exist. He couldn't imagine how you felt, cut off from the only life you'd known
And all that pain for what? Just for the one thing no one wanted to happen come true in the end.
"Ahem." a throat cleared, breaking Peter out of his thoughts
"Sir, I don't mean to disturb you but perhaps now would be a good time to...call in some reinforcements." Alfred implied, softly talk as to not alert the other members of the family of his plan.
Peters brows scrunched in confusion before rising in clarity. He nodded softly, before standing and pardoning himself to the bathroom that Alfred showed him to.
When he was safely away from the commotion, he pulled out his cellphone.
*ring* *ring*
"Talk to me."
"It's Peter!DeadpoolkidnappedmetocomeseeY/ningothamandnowshesgoneandidontknowhattodoan-"
"Woah! Woah slow down Spiderboy, what do you mean you're in Gotham? That's a terrible place to be in."
"No it's Y/n sir! SHe's gone!"
A pause hits Peters ears, he almost thought he got hung up on"
"Peter, what are you saying?"
"They got her Mr. Stark. I'm sorry."
"Give me your location, we'll be right there."
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bbina · 8 months
"anton stop staring, it's rude" eunseok playfully swats his hands over anton's face, breaking his hard long stare at your outfit that you are wearing today
what's wrong with what you were wearing?
you consciously look down at your outfit. second guessing if it was a bad idea to wear your oh-so-coincidentally matching hoodie with your not-so-secret boyfriend wonbin
"oh sorry y/n. i was just thinking about where i saw that hoodie you were wearing. i could've sworn i just saw that somewhere but i can't pinpoint where exactly" anton sheepishly bows to you, feeling apologetic for staring at you for too long
"oh no worries, ton! you probably saw it somewhere at the mall or something" you smile at the maknae, hoping he'd drop it but you don't miss the mischievous glint in his eyes
and of course as all stories go, wonbin and seunghan both walk through the doors mid conversation
you go turn around to check who just came in and lo and behold, it was wonbin who was wearing the exact same hoodie as you were.
wonbin stops talking with seunghan the moment you two made eye contact. he was about to greet you like normal to avoid any suspicion from his own bandmates but with the way your face just contorted into horror, he looks around to see what could be the cause.
that is until he notices your hoodie. the same hoodie that he got for you as a little gift when he went shopping alone once. a couple hoodie.
"i definitely saw it from the mall, alright" anton bursts out laughing, putting two and two together. finally! he caught you two in the act.
seunghan makes a confused sound before looking between you and wonbin and pieces it together. like a light bulb just went above his head, seunghan started screaming and jumping around you and wonbin
"oh my god is this how we find out?!" seunghan exclaims in joy, not believing the fact that this shit just unfolded before his very eyes
you feel your face heat up in embarrassment that you two were caught in the act. your little secret was now out to the members.
"there was no reason for you guys to hide your relationship, we can already tell from the get-go that you guys have something going on" eunseok points out from the couch.
sohee, sungchan and shotaro all join in the conversation after hearing all the fuss and commotion was about from the neighboring practice room
"hey! what gives- OH!" sohee gasps, bumping into sungchan who stood still in shock by the doorway.
"congrats binnie~" shotaro teases wonbin pulling him into a hug
not taking much of this teasing much longer, you stomp your leg and raise your voice at the members
"don't you guys have practice to attend to?!" you say, gesturing to the practice room and all. to which the boys all respond by laughing at your little outburst in attempt to divert the attention away from the fact you two have been caught.
"we'll go right back to practicing if wonbinnie here proves that you two are in fact in a relationship" anton proposes, crossing his arms in attempt to look all menacing (he is btw)
wonbin rolls his eyes and looks around his members, "c'mon guys. manager hyung will scold us if we don't practice a lot today" he tries to reason out with his members but it just doesn't prevail
"kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss!" seunghan and sohee start chanting, causing a chain reaction with the rest of the members who obviously followed suit
you and wonbin both grumble. they will never let you hear the end of this.
"c'mon wonbin i know you want to kiss her right now" seunghan hollers, laughing his ass off next to sohee who was all giggly with the whole situation
wonbin then slowly comes near you, earning a earful of cheers and whistles from the group. you look up at him and mouth "are you sure?" to which he nods his head yes. he leans his head down just right above the shell of your ear, "so they can shut the fuck up" he whispers, making you giggle
"riize's own rizzler is rizzing" anton yells making seunghan double over laughing.
you close your eyes as you brace for the impact of wonbin's lips against yours. to which you only feel the short peck on your forehead. you open your eyes to see glaring back at his members.
"there. i kissed my girlfriend in front of you weirdos. happy?!" wonbin snarls at his group, only to be met with kissing noises from the rest of the members.
"whatever lovebirds. just keep in, yeah?" anton jokes, causing wonbin to lunge at him. "HYUNG!"
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sungvrhs · 9 months
what about jealous hoon with strength kink???????? 😍😍
yes, i can't get over future perfect hoon with his hot bicepsss 😔
Jealous hoon and strength kink? A good combo I'd say 😋
Genre; Explicit | Sunghoon x Female!reader word count; 1.3K
note; T T took me 5 turns to write this cause I was had to gulp down some water everytime I wrote a single line about him.
You wanted to test how deep were the waters and seeing your boyfriend coming up home from the gym his plain white t-shirt drenched in sweat as his muscular boy would be outlined perfectly as he'd stand in front of the window pane. The effect he had on you was unnoticed by him. And you hated how he would simply be able to make you all worked up just by his small actions.
“I haven’t seen your boyfriend clenching his jaw even once.” Your best friend spoke while you both were on facetime as you giggled. “Well what do you want me to do about it? Get him pissed off for no reason?” You rolled your eyes as you saw her scoffing from the other side of the screen. “Why, thankyou for catching my words in one go for the first time.” You scrunch your nose at her words. “What do you mean?” “...UGH I take my words back. You’re dumber than I had thought.” You chuckled at her words, finding it amusing how hot-tempered she was. “I’m telling you, just do anything, literally anything to piss him off real bad.” You thought for a moment, not agreeing with the idea. “I don’t know Sana, this feels really off. I haven’t done anything like that.” You heard her groaning from the other end. “You-” she stopped for a while, her lips curling into a small smile as you noticed it. “Oh you know Sana, you can’t hide it that you’re thinking of something-” “No no I ain’t trust me?” She cuts you off as you roll her eyes. “Come on Sana, your face tells it all-” You heard the door clicking as you knew Sunghoon had come back. “Ah hoon is back. I’ll hang up-” “Hey Y/n.” Another voice interrupts from Sana’s end as you turn back to your phone. “Jake? Oh My God! When did you come back?” You saw him seated on the couch next to Sana as she sent a wink to you, leaving you confused as you eyed her for what was going on. “Hey babe, I’m back.” You heard Sunghoon as he walked in through the door, causing you to briefly look at him with a smile. “Hey love.” Sunghoon smiled, pointing at the bathroom as he indicated that he will be back after washing up. It took him only a few steps as he heard Jake speaking from the phone. “Ahh, I just came back a few days ago. I missed you.” Your eyes widened at his words as Sunghoon turned around to face you, raising an eyebrow at the new voice that just emerged from your phone. “Ahh, I-I missed you too.” You spoke, your gaze landing on Sunghoon as utter confusion was written on his face. You saw the incoming notification of Sana’s text that wrote; ‘Play along, this will be fun.’ And so agreed with the eyes as you both made "You changed a lot! The blond hair suits you.” You answered, holding the phone up high as you brushed your hair to one side as you flashed him a smile. You heard Jake chuckling as he spoke, “Ahh thank you! I was thinking of changing it to black but since you found it attractive, I will prolong the period.” You chuckled at his remarks, failing to notice the piercing gaze of your boyfriend. “Why I’d be honored! No wonder why you had the whole campus wrapped around your finger.” You spoke, knowing that this never happened but, oh well. “Oh does this mean I had the heart of this pretty lady too?” He spoke, leaning close as you giggled softly. “Well, what do you think?” You smirked, too engrossed in the convo as you heard his chuckle, “Well, I think-” His words got cut off with your phone being snatched by Sunghoon as he ended the call as you let out a small gasp. “What- Sunghoon! I wanted to hear him-” “Speak that you liked him? In front of your very own boyfriend?” He spoke, clenching his jaw as he tossed your phone on the couch next to you. “Sunghoon, I can explain-” Your words got cut off as he scooted our little figure in his muscular arms, taking you by surprise as you held onto his shoulders, you back meeting the bed as he chucked you down on the bed. “S-Sunghoon, wait!” You didn’t have time to react as he hastily hovered over you, taking hold of your wrists as he pinned them above your head. “You didn’t stop flirting with your ‘Jake’ so why should I stop?”
He scoffed, pushing his hair back with his free hand as the sight had your cheeks flushed; the way his muscles flexed while his messy locks dangled free on his forehead even after he had them brushed back. “Look at you being a total mess. I just pinned you down and you’re already breathing at an inhuman pace.” His words caused your cheeks to ablaze on a brighter shade of red as you wiggled your wrists under his hold. “Sunghoon, it was just a prank.” You spoke, letting out your breath which you didn't realize that you were holding onto. Your words only had him smirking as he leaned closer to your ear. “Well now that you admitted, pranksters deserve a lesson after being snitchy on someone, don’t they?”
“Look at you, simply falling apart on my fingers. I wonder if you will be able to take my big cock inside that pretty pussy of yours.” He taunted you, his two digits moving at an inhuman pace while your hands wrapped around his shoulders, moans escaping from your lips as you felt yourself reaching on your orgasm. You bit your lips, shutting your eyes close as you were near, ready to untie the knot forming in your stomach but Sunghoon was sly enough to pull out, causing you to groan as you let out a whine. “Agh, Why!” You spoke, earning a smack on your thigh as you let out another moan. “Acting all cocky even after being the one at fault? Tsk tsk.” And he had it all followed up for 2 more times, until you had it enough, begging for him to have mercy. “Yeah? You want mercy? After pissing me off?” He spoke, flipping you over swiftly as you were lying on your stomach, feeling his hand gripping your hair in a ponytail as he pulled you up, his tip teasing your dripping entrance. “Please H-Hoon.” You choked on your tears, earning a husky chuckle from his end as whispered against your ear. “Please fucking what Y/n?” You took time to recollect your lost voice whilst he spoke. “Can’t even beg for pleasure properly.” He moved back, his hand moving around your throat as he pulled you back, your back arching at his actions. “Can Jake ever fucking touch you like this?” He growled against your ear, pushing his tip inside you as you let out another moan, your walls clenching around his big shaft. “Can he ever fuck you like I do?” The soft hoon that you knew was no longer here as his inhuman pace was making you roll your eyes back. “Answer me or you’re not coming for the next few hours.” Your lips falling apart at the gush of pleasure as you spoke. “N-No he can’t. Only you can- Ugh Fuck.” Another moan escaped your lips as he plunged deeper inside you, causing the tears to slip down your brimming orbs as you yelped. “H-Hoon it’s too big, I can’t-” “Oh yes you can. You can take his big smile and his big lovely compliments. So you can take in my big cock too.”
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
A Love Worth Making
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!R
Prompts | Request
“I saw you naked once. And now I can’t stop thinking about it.” / “Could you be any wetter/harder?” / “Be a good girl and swallow that for me.”
Warnings: Drinking — They’re adorable tbh.
Smut: Mommy (W), Baby/Good Girl (R), Soft Sex, Blowjob / Facial (W has a dick), Unprotected Sex, Breeding, Fingering, Overstimulation. (R is a little bratty)
18+ | Minors DNI
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Wanda's eyes lit up at the sight of you across the room, wearing the most form fitting suede suit she'd ever seen you in as you talked up Tony's plastered rich friends in search of donors for the boys and girls club of NYC.
The sight of you, muscles flexing beneath your jacket reminded her of what you look like bare. "Fuck," she grumbled affectedly under her breath, her cock twitched at the memory of that day when she caught you changing after one of your Tuesday gym sessions with Nat.
"Looks like someone's got a crush," Natasha teased, eyes lingering on the rising of her best friends pants, "Y/N is a total hottie, I get it."
Wanda snatched her drink from her hand and glared at her with a raging fire behind her eyes. Natasha threw her hands in the air, "It was just an observation Wan, don't throw me across the room, especially when you haven't the time," the redhead tilted her glass, and that's when Wanda saw your smiling form headed her way.
"Hey ladies, I'm already at $2,000 for the night," you beamed, and graciously accepted the drink Natasha handed your way, "How about you take a break then Y/N/N, and I'll take over instead," the redhead offered, and as she went to take over she winked at Wanda.
"Hey Wands," you greeted the tense woman with a bright smile, watching happily at the way her shoulders relaxed upon hearing you.
"Hey Y/N/N," Wanda softly whispered, it was honestly hard to speak with you so close, your eyes sparkled with a consuming warmth, and up close she could see there wasn't more than a pale pink bralette beneath your suit jacket.
The sight of your skin alone already had her in a daze. Then you looked up at her through your lashes with your lips wrapped around the thin straw of your drink, that had her body heating up fast. Images of you on your knees, with her cock inside your mouth instead took her breath away, something even you couldn't miss.
"Wands, are you okay?" you reached out to feel her forehead, "Oh my, love, you're burning up."
Wanda watched you reach over the bar with a inquisitive pout on her face, you grabbed two bottles of water, then without much thought you intertwined your hands, and escorted the super flustered woman to her room. Once there you sat her down on the edge of the mattress, took her jacket and shoes off for her, then handed her the bottle of water, “Drink up!”
"I can run to the store, get you some medicine."
Wanda finally came back to herself when she saw you preparing to leave, "Not necessary."
"Wanda, honey please, you are sick, and I don't mind taking care of you," you softly reiterated, and the witch smiled graciously, but after a moment of reflection she was slyly smirking,
"I saw you naked once," she nonchalantly admits, jumping up quickly she trapped your unmoving body against her door, her nimble hands settled over a hip, and a cheek as she peered into your widened eyes, "And now I can't stop thinking about it," she gently smiled at you, "How about you take care of that?"
Wanda leaned her body against yours slowly, "Come on baby, you'd look so good with your lips wrapped around mommy's dick," she ran the pad of her calloused thumb over your lips and you could feel your shaky resolve collapse. Along with you as you settled onto your knees, obedience swimming in your eyes, "Good girl."
Her pants were quickly discarded, and she blushed when you eagerly removed her boxers. Knowing you wanted her just as bad as she'd wanted you pumped her surprisingly low ego up, and seeing your mouth fall open in shock at the sight of her large member well, it stroked it.
"Could you be any harder?" You teased her as you gripped her at the base, and began to lazily stroke her shaft, you saw her knees nearly buckle, but the ego you'd inflated was keeping her upright. Seeing her smirking down at you like this made your cunt throb with insatiable need, and next thing you knew you were preparing her cock for your desperate hole.
"Mmm, there you go," Wanda groaned as you used your tongue to teasingly trail over the pulsing veins of her cock just before you took half of her length into your mouth. There was no perceivable rush, but you moved as if there was, your hands stationed firmly against her ass for stability as you bobbed your head.
Wanda was turned on beyond recognition, she's honestly never been too keen on rushed intimacy like this, but with you it's all she can really do to not to just destroy you. With the way you had managed to take all seven inches down your throat as you looked up at her through your lashes with hollowed out cheeks to increase the pleasurable pressure, it had her on the ledge of bliss, ready to dive right into it.
The sinful noises you would make only drove her crazier honestly, every time her hips would jerk of their own volition you'd gag, she'd pulse in your mouth as your throat constricted around her sensitive tip, and this last instance of it sent her into rather dangerous territory.
"Be a good girl and swallow for me," she husked, and you found the way she slyly asked for your consent to do so hot, so you moaned out a fuck yes, and she let go when she felt the hum of your agreement around her shaft, she moaned brokenly as her cum shot down your throat in long spurts of white, and just as promised you swallowed it all down as she pulled her semi- soft cock from between your swollen lips with a sigh of total reluctance.
The winter chill in the air surrounded her wet member, and the sensation combined with the sight of you had her cock pulsing again, and without any warning she was cumming all over your unsuspecting face, "Fuck, I'm sorry," she panted, her hand haphazardly went to wipe it off but you caught her wrist, "Leave it there."
"Wh-what?" Wanda was dumbfounded, she stared into your blown out eyes in awe, there was this air of wildness to them she'd never been blessed to see before, and she loved it.
"I love the way you feel on my face mommy," you nuzzled your nose against hers and left your lips to ghost over hers, the ball was in her court, and she took her shot by closing the gap. 
Wanda groaned into your open mouth when she felt your hips pressing into hers, the feeling of your sued suit agitated her, and her moan was followed by a whimper when she flicked her wrist, your clothes now out of the way, with the frigid air brushing over your heated skin.
“Baby,” she gripped your hips with a bruising force, “If you want mommy’s cock, then beg.”
You huffed, “In your dreams,” and truth be told it was apart of yours too, but she didn’t need to know that just yet. “Fine, if you won’t beg, how about I see if your pussy will do it for you…”
Wanda chuckled hotly as your body shivered, her fingers trailed through your slit, she had to bite back a gasp, because you were absolutely drenched, and as she pulled her fingers from between your thighs she put the glorious shine on display for you both against the hanging lights above you, "Could you be any wetter?"
You chuckled softy at her teasing return of your earlier sentiments, then in a devious manner you pressed your ass against her upright cock, "Why not fuck me and find out? I could be drenching your sheets as we speak if you'd—."
Fuck around and find out, that's what they all say, and that's exactly what Wanda did. She shut you up, replacing your taunting words with screams of pleasure as she filled you from behind, she wrapped an arm around your waist so she could maneuver you until you were on her mattress with your face pressed into it.
Wanda was slow at first with her thrusting pattern, she wasn’t exactly sure where tonight would lead so she wanted to savor the feel of you just in case this wasn’t mutually wanted. The thought of that broke her heart, and the fear bled into her pattern because she gripped your hips even tighter then began to fuck you into the mattress without holding back at all.
"Fill me up mommy, wanna feel you inside," you pleaded, and Wanda felt a premature spurt release inside of you, "Give it all to me, please."
Wanda felt the blissful coil tighten, unbearably so, but she didn't want to let go, not until she was sure you meant it, "Are you sure Y/N?"
"Mhm, wanna be full mommy, wanna carry all of your babies please," you easily pleaded, a subtle admittance of your wildest desires, and that was all it took as Wanda thrusted deeper than before, letting her load fill your womb up entirely, as her hand slowly slid beneath your body so she could show your clit some love.
Your accompanying screams were nothing short of appreciative, as was the fluttering of your walls that were milking her dry, and even your eventual collapse onto the bed in a heap of mindlessness was a silent whisper of such.
Wanda pulled out of you slowly, watching in astonishment as your combined seed flooded out of your pulsing hole. With a tender graze of her fingers she collected it, and slowly pumped it back inside of you until you came again, and she never would've stopped if you didn't whine.
"Sorry printsessa, I couldn't help it," she gently rolled you over to your back, then kissed your swollen lips until you were both breathless.
"Thank you for trusting me with your body," she whispered, her lips and teeth gently grazed over the skin on your shoulder, "You are so beautiful honey," she smiled against your skin as she said her next words, "I love you Y/N."
You were smiling when she pulled back to look at you, her hand gently cupped your cheek so she could wipe away the budding tears, "Thank you Wands," you kissed her palm, "I love you."
This was all she'd ever wanted, and as she held your sleeping form close to her chest while her sitcoms softly filled the background, she felt she finally found her happy ever after, and she knew it when she held both of your little boys only nine months later as you slept soundly.
1,808 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 😏
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roosterforme · 1 year
Adult Education Part 4 | Hangman x OC
Summary: Jake gets some more insider information about Jessica, and he decides to let her know exactly what he intends to do next. The heated moments in her office are about to boil over, until Jessica is hit with the feeling that Jake is starting to run cold. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing, eventually 18+
Length: 4100 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female OC
This story is part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own! Adult Education masterlist
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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"Did you get her number yet?" Bradley asked in the locker room on Monday morning while Jake was changing into his flight suit.
Very begrudgingly, he said, "No, I did not." It had been almost a full day since he emailed Jessica, and all he got in return was radio silence. 
"Damn... I've been messing around with my wife all over campus. I got a blowjob in a lecture hall last week, and you still don't have a phone number?"
Jake just rolled his eyes and said, "I'm hoping I'll see her again tomorrow."
"Sugar was right," Bradley said, shaking his head as he zipped up his own flight suit. "You're losing your touch."
Jake slammed his locker closed. "It's not like she's some random tag chaser from the Hard Deck, okay?" he growled. "She's smart, and she's gorgeous. And I doubt she's handing her phone number out to anyone who looks at her. I'm not in a rush for once."
Bradley smirked and held his fist out. Jake very slowly hit it with his own fist. "What is this?" he asked cautiously after the fist bump. "Why are you smiling like that?"
"Sugar said she'd eat lunch with Dr. Reed today and try to see what's up, but only if I could determine if you really liked her and weren't just trying to fuck her."
Jake stopped the smart response on his lips before the words came out. He still wasn't sure what kind of rumors were circulating about Jessica, and he definitely didn't want to add to anything by coming on too strong or being an ass. Part of him was convinced he needed Bradshaw's wife on his side to make it to the next step. So he said, "I've been spending the vast majority of my time thinking about cooking dinner for her while she reads to me from a scientific journal. Not sure if that's the kind of information your wife is looking for."
Bradley looked shocked and his face paled. "Huh. If she has a titty tattoo, you're screwed, man. Completely fucked." But he was reaching for his phone now. "I'll text my wife and let her know."
"Thanks," Jake grunted, checking his email app one last time before closing his locker and heading out toward the hangar. As he looked over his jet and filled in the safety protocol sheets, he kept thinking about her. She would be fascinated by this, seeing all of her mathematical knowledge playing out. He could take her up in the air with him, and she would be delighted the entire time.
Jake would have already taken Jessica out to dinner last night and dropped her off at home with a kiss. But this wasn't playing out the way he imagined it would. If Bradshaw's wife didn't help clue him in on what was going on here, then tomorrow would be his last attempt. He was on the verge of getting his hopes up. He couldn't even look at the patch on his flight suit the same way anymore. Not after her elegant fingers had skimmed along the golden threads. 
But he pushed everything from his mind the best he could, and he got up in the air for the training exercises with Phoenix and Bob. But when he got back to his locker around five o'clock, he saw an email from Jessica that had been sent eight hours ago. Jake nearly dropped his phone as he tried to open the app.
Dear Lieutenant Seresin,
I'm so pleased to hear that you enjoy the journals as much as I do. If you keep reading them from front cover to back cover, I'm sure you'll be rewarded with the knowledge that you're craving. I might even have to pull some of my own published articles for you to read... if you think you can handle that sort of thing.
My equations are not for the faint of heart. Bring your pencil on Tuesday but leave your skateboard. I wouldn't want to have to lecture you about skating in the academic buildings. We could be there all night. 
Perpetually looking forward to my office hours now,
Dr. Jessica Reed, Ph.D
P.S.- If you liked that photo and are well behaved, maybe you can have more. Ones that aren't listed on the university website.
Jake had to juggle his phone again as he read the post script. "Holy shit," he drawled, his eyes skimming along the words a second and third time. He was in. He had to be? This was sent before any sort of lunch could have happened between his favorite physics professor and his favorite math professor. "Shit, shit, shit. Bradshaw!" Jake ran back past the lockers and toward the showers. "Bradshaw!"
"What?" Bradley called back from one of the stalls where steam was rising from the top, voice echoing loudly.
"What did your wife say?" Jake asked impatiently. 
"Jesus, Hangman. I don't know. I haven't checked my phone yet."
Jake sighed and raked his fingers through his hair. "Well, how much longer are you going to be?"
"For fuck's sake! I don't know! I'm literally taking a shower. Is nothing sacred?"
Jake muttered, "I really need your wife's phone number," as he wandered back to sit on the bench in front of his locker and read the email again. 
A few minutes later, a glaring Bradley strolled back over in his towel, reached into his locker and tapped his passcode into his phone. "Here, knock yourself out," he said, handing it to Jake. But then he snatched it back quickly with a look of panic. "Actually, let me just scroll and make sure she didn't send a dirty picture," he mumbled, swiping along his phone screen. "Nah, you're good."
Jake quickly found the one long message at the bottom of the thread and started to read it. 
Thanks for packing my lunch today. I feel ridiculously spoiled when everyone else has to eat a sad looking microwave meal or grab something from that horrifying food truck next to Chippy's. You're the absolute best. 
Jake glanced to where Bradshaw was getting dressed and fixing his hair. You might not immediately know it by interacting with him, but the man clearly loved his wife. 
I shared some of the veggies and hummus with Jessica. I still don't know what went down with her and Brian Conley, but it's creepy the way he looks at her. But anyway, lunch was nice. I think I made a new friend? Because she's not annoying or old or a man, and she doesn't try to talk over everyone else. Oh, and she's definitely into Jake. She started to fidget and adjust her glasses when I told her that I saw him at the Hard Deck over the weekend and he asked about her. She's cute as a button. Tell Jake to just Keep Truckin' (that's a Grateful Dead reference for you, Beer Boy. Reward me later.)
"Truly, the two of you are disgusting," Jake said as he reached for his own phone. "I'm saving your wife's phone number." Once he had it saved in his contacts, he gave Bradley his phone back. "Thanks."
"Sure," Bradley grunted. "She get you what you were hoping for?"
Jake just smirked. "Dr. Tits never lets me down."
Jessica tried not to let her hesitancy show when she was invited to have lunch with the only female with tenure in the math department. This wasn't even the first time recently that she thought she might be able to make a friend at work, but she didn't want to get ahead of herself. One small step at a time with these things. She still wasn't exactly sure who to trust around here. 
But when the other woman knocked on her door promptly at noon, Jessica opened her door and smiled. "Do you want to eat in here?" she asked, noting the lunchbox the other woman was holding which had a funky tie dye print. 
"Sure, AP," she replied with a smile. Jessica's heart swelled with happiness; they actually had nicknames for each other. Advanced Physics and Advanced Calculus.
"Have a seat, AC," she said, gesturing to the chair opposite her desk. Jessica knew her husband worked with Jake, and she really wanted to ask about him. But out of extreme caution, she kept her mouth shut as far as he was concerned. The last thing Jessica wanted was to make this kind female who was close to her own age and who seemed really cool thinking she was only interested in talking about the aviator she was crushing on. Instead she said, "So, tell me more about the mythical math department where they give tenure to women."
Then as she opened up the meal that her husband packed, she regaled Jessica with tales of fair treatment and an office with a view. And then she offered to share her lunch as Jessica ate a hot pocket. And while Jessica was munching on a carrot stick, the other woman said, "I was at this naval hangout over the weekend with my husband, and Jake was there. He asked me about you."
Jessica sat up straighter in her seat. There was still no response to her email from this morning, but she doubted Jake was allowed to just play around on his phone while operating a seventy million dollar aircraft. She slid her glasses a little further up her nose and said, "In an effort not to sound completely boy crazy... what did he want to know?"
She snorted. "Everything."
And that's when Jessica started to panic. Everyone in this part of San Diego State University had surely heard some rumors about her and Brian. She was mortified that this woman might have told Jake the truth. If she even knew the truth. But one of the lies or rumors would be just as bad. She wanted to hide under her desk now, and all she could manage to say was, "Oh."
But she just kept going. "Between you and me, Jake's going a little crazy that you apparently won't let him have your phone number? Which I think is absolutely what that man needs. So keep up the good work. He's too handsome, and he knows it. I don't think he's ever encountered someone like you before."
Jessica looked at her with wide eyes. "Be honest with me. How soon is he going to lose interest in a nerd who collects journals and does math problems for fun?"
But she just shook her head. "Lose interest? Probably never. Get frustrated and think you're not interested? Hmmm. I'm not sure."
But Jessica could feel her neck growing warm. She'd been pretty forward in her email to him earlier, and she knew exactly what she wanted to do. "Nobody could lose interest in Jake," she murmured, helping herself to some more carrot sticks. 
"Listen," the other woman said. "This is just from Advanced Calculus to Advanced Physics, okay?"
"Okay," Jessica replied with a laugh.
"Jake could probably get any woman he wanted, but he hasn't had much exposure to anyone except hardass military officers and tag chasers. I'd say you fall somewhere in between. Just be careful, okay?"
Jessica nodded in agreement, unsure exactly what she was agreeing to. But she found she liked the idea of falling somewhere in between for Jake. In her mind, it made her more unique than she actually felt. 
On Tuesday morning, she dressed in a matching set of lingerie just like she always did. But she chose a deep wine red, because it made her feel bold. And if Jake followed through with what he said, then he would be stopping by her office later today. Bold might be a necessity.
She was running her finger along the strap of her bra before tucking it into her lightweight sweater as her computer booted up. She had her coffee on her desk, but she didn't need it. She was so excited and filled with adrenaline, she felt like she might bounce around her small office. Then she gasped; there was a new email from jake.seresin waiting for her.
Dear Dr. Reed,
I'm hoping you'll have some time for me later today. I'm also thinking that one of these visits, my luck will run out. Will somebody else skateboard off with your heart? Will I have to compete with a whole line of aviators with detailed physics notes and sharpened pencils?
I won't be able to stand the heartache, so I wanted to let you know now that I'm going to ask you out tonight. I'm going to try to persuade you to join me at Chippy's for more beer and peanuts on Wednesday. I want you to have some time to think about your answer. Because if that's not something you want to do, then I'm going to need you to let me down very gently, Jessica. 
See you when I report to your office hours,
P.S.- If there actually is a whole line of aviators, I wouldn't be surprised in the least.
Oh, he was so smooth. And funny. And he was giving her the whole day to decide what she wanted to do. Jessica squeaked and smiled behind her coffee cup. He must have sensed her hesitance, but he didn't seem annoyed. Rather he seemed like going to Chippy's with her again would make him really happy. Chippy's of all places. Her of all women. 
With a few minutes until her schedule really started for the day, she stood and knelt in her dress pants in front of her bookshelf. There was a specific journal with a specific article that would be just perfect for what she had planned. Once she located it, she tucked it away in her top drawer, and then she went back for a few more journals that she could send home with Jake. 
And as far as Chippy's went, she knew exactly what she wanted to do. Last time they were there, she'd had the best time talking to him, and they hadn't even gotten into many personal topics. Of course she did run away terrified that he was trying to two time his wife or girlfriend. But this time around would be different. 
She snatched up her folders and lecture notes and locked her door behind her, knowing she would have to contend with Luca and all of her other students before she would get to see Jake at all. So she buckled down and got to work. Three lectures, one lab class and one recitation later, she wandered back up to her office, absolutely starving and exhausted. 
The sad salad she pulled out of her mini fridge and the thermos of lemonade would just have to do. It was already after three o'clock, and she had exams to grade. The fact that she had the worst schedule out of everyone in the physics department was not lost on her as she forced her salad down and dreamed about something homemade. It was ridiculous how jealous she was of the packed lunches that her calculus counterpart always had. 
Two huge stacks of exams later, Jessica made note that she had five students who were failing their classes. Gently, she removed her glasses and let her forehead come to rest on her desk. Her office hours were about to begin, and as excited as she had been to see Jake earlier this morning, she kind of wished more of her students would visit her. It was early in the term, and they had time to turn their grades around, but still. 
At 5:30 she propped her door open and waited. As long as Dr. Leeland didn't stop by today, she'd call it a win. She gave extra practice problems to Nia, and she helped Benji correct his mistakes on his lab calculations, and then she waited. After she checked the time on her computer, she turned off the monitor. It was 6:45. She'd been on campus since 8:00. She was hungry again. And she was starting to feel like an idiot.
Her eyes met his pretty green ones instantly. Perched in her open doorway with his notebook in hand, he looked like everything she wanted. Jeans and a black tee replaced his uniform today, and he was just stupidly handsome. 
He nodded toward the hallway, and she saw a sharpened pencil tucked behind his ear. "Would you like me to close the door?"
"Please," she replied softly as she stood behind her desk. When the door clicked into place, she imagined herself locking it and doing the dirtiest things in her office with Jake Seresin. These same thoughts circulated her brain as she tried to fall asleep every night now. She'd have him pushed up against the wall with her lips on his neck. Or she'd push him down onto her chair and straddle one thick thigh.
She was jarred back to reality as he made his way over to her desk with a soft smile. "I tried my hand at some of these equations," he drawled. "Can't quite figure them out. Don't seem to have the right numbers."
Then he reached up, and Jessica watched him take that pencil into his hand. "Would you like me to show you how it's done?" she asked with a smirk. 
"Oh, you know I would." Hungry eyes roamed over her face as he handed the pencil over to her. His fingers felt rough when they brushed hers, and she had to fight to keep her mind focused on the math in his notebook. 
"Have a seat," she told him, and she knew the fun was just about to begin. 
Jake eased himself down into the chair opposite Jessica's desk, and he looked up at her where she stood. She had his pencil in her hand, and as she reached into her drawer to retrieve her calculator, he watched her pretty, red sweater slide a few inches down her shoulder revealing her bra strap. It was a darker shade of red. It looked beautiful against her skin. 
"You're using the wrong formulas," she said with a smirk. "You can't expect the physics problems to respond to the wrong math."
"Show me how it's done, Jessica." 
She bit her lip, and when she bent at the waist, Jake couldn't fathom how her students were able to pay attention in her classes. Her body was absolutely sinful looking. And when the tip of his pencil pressed against the notebook page, Jake's eyes drifted to the front of her sweater. That bra was even prettier than he imagined. His cock pulsed in his snug jeans. Lace. Just lace and her gorgeous cleavage. 
He grunted and her eyes met his. Was she doing this on purpose? Did she know how good she looked to him right now? Did she have any fucking clue how crazy she was making him? No. He could tell she had no idea how much she was messing him up. 
Then she wrote out the set of formulas that he would need to use before spinning the notebook around so it was facing him. "Give it a try," she said, setting her calculator and his pencil next to it. 
As Jake leaned closer to her desk to take a look, Jessica walked around to the other side. She perched herself next to where he was working, his fingers just inches away from her thigh as he desperately tried to remember the difference between thrust and propulsion. 
"Are you distracting me on purpose?" he asked without looking away from the notebook. 
"Do you find me distracting?" she asked softly, and Jake chuckled. 
"You know I do," he said before dropping the pencil and standing. He towered over her as he gingerly placed his hands on the desk, bracketing her in. "You know I do, Jessica."
His face was close to hers, but she didn't shy away at all. The devilish grin that found its way to her lips was begging to be kissed away until she was moaning his name. But he didn't move an inch. 
"I thought you had something you wanted to ask me tonight," she whispered as one high heeled foot met his calf, and the fine hairs on the back of his neck stood at attention. 
He jerked his chin up an inch. "Baby, if you won't go to Chippy's with me tomorrow, it's gonna break my heart."
As soon as her teeth pressed into her plush lip, Jake could see that grin return to her face. When he moved a fraction of an inch closer, she gasped and said, "I couldn't possibly go out with a guy who can't get his thrust equation down correctly."
Jake smirked and pushed off from the desk, leaving her and returning to his vacant seat. Then he read through the formulas she had written for him. And then he worked out his constants and entered his variables. When he punched everything into her calculator, he came up with an answer. And then he double checked it. Because the last thing he wanted Jessica to be concerned about was him knowing all about the power of thrust. 
When he handed her the notebook, he eased himself further back into the seat. She adjusted her glasses with the backs of her fingers and then started to skim the page to check his math. But that pretty smile was still present, and soon she closed the notebook and then set it down next to her thigh. 
She met his gaze and held it. "I would love to go back to Chippy's with you." 
That meant his math was correct. It probably also meant that she made her mind up earlier today but just wanted to toy with him. And he could become fucking addicted to that. 
"Just tell me what time, and I'll meet you there," he promised, heart thudding in anticipation of another evening spent with her.
"Seven?" she asked softly. 
"It's a date."
Jessica stopped home between her last class and the beginning of her date at Chippy's. Every time she thought about it, she started laughing. A college dive bar was hardly the most romantic place in San Diego to grab a drink, but somehow it was exactly perfect. She ate dinner quickly and then changed out of her pantsuit. 
The mirror in her walk in closet caught her attention, and she spun to inspect her body in the royal blue bra and thong. Not bad. But she wasn't sure how to dress. And she wasn't planning on letting Jake see this pretty set. Yet. They hadn't even kissed. He still didn't have her phone number. But that made her giggle as she tried on a few different pairs of jeans before settling on ones that were high waisted and hugged her body.
She chose a cute blouse and then slid on a pair of high heels before heading back to campus. As she parked near the bar, she checked her makeup one last time in the mirror on the back of the sun visor. She looked good. Better than good. Then she grabbed the journals and her purse from the front seat and headed inside.
The peanut shells that littered the floor stuck to the bottoms of her shoes, and the crowd of students was a little loud. But she liked it here anyway. When Chippy himself looked up from the bar, he smiled at her. 
"Reedy," he said with a wave. "A beer?"
But she shook her head. "Not yet. I'm meeting someone. He should be here soon."
His brow scrunched up. "That same one? In the uniform?" When she nodded, he said, "Careful with those ones, Reedy."
And his words hung in the air as she found an empty high top with two stools. For the past year she'd kept to herself. Kept her nose clean. Stayed away from not only the bad guys, but really guys altogether. Was she making a mistake here? 
She checked the time on her phone. 7:04. Then she skimmed the journal she brought with her which contained her very own recent publication. Then she checked her phone again. 7:17. Chippy dropped off a bowl of peanuts, and she cracked one open as her brain started to tell her that she was being stood up. Because suddenly it was after 7:30 and there was no sign of Jake.
Jake, what the hell, man? You're only going to get one chance here. Loving the Beer Boy and Sugar moments. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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imaginaryf1shots · 1 year
My Girls (I) | Max Verstappen
Words count: 1009
Driver!OC X Max Verstappen
Summery: Cecilia Hansson daughter of a Swedish billionaire, a race car driver, with a dream of making it big in Formula 1. However she has a few secrets that may hurt her as women are disliked in the sport.
Series Warnings: cursing, child abandment, absent father, drinking, car accidents, Jos Verstappen, misogyny, Christian horner (tell me if i missed anything)
This is a sort of prequel, just to set the scene. I already have over 20K written for this.
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Young drivers
When they first met, they were 10 years old. A karting competition, a usual thing for both of them, they both won a fair amount, both getting used to winning. However when they lost each one of them dealt with it differently. Yes Cecilia had a better car, but that never stopped Max from winning before. 
The race started as normal, as always Cecilia overtook all those in front of her and reached P2, with only Max being in front of her, with practised ease she overtook the boy coming out of nowhere it seemed. The boy frowned and pressed harder his car touching hers, Cecilia felt her car jolt, not knowing Max but knowing how some of the guys liked to race, she started focusing on evading him and out racing him. It was close to the end of the race anyways. Max did try to push her car a few times but everytime she slipped away or he just barely touched her. 
His dad will have his head for this. 
Once the race finished they got out of the car, Cecilia doing the little dance she always did when she won. She saw her dad and her brother cheering for her on the side. Taking off her helmet just as Max was coming up to her, he wanted to see who beat him, she took out her braid from her suit and turned to walk to her family when she saw Max.
Yes, his dad will definitely kill him.
“Nice race.” Cecilia said with a laugh before she slipped away to her family, her dad lifted her up in celebration, she was laughing her heart out, enjoying the moment. While Jos just stared down the family and his son, he walked up to her car inspecting it.
“They either got a sponsor or a whole lot of money.” Jos grunted a disappointed look on his face, Max was hopeful that seeing the car would make his dad not mad or disappointed in him. “But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t have won.”
Shaking his head he left his son and walked away.
Cecilia, Max and Pierre were waiting for the podiums, standing together. Cecilia turned to Max and held out her hand.
“I’m Cecilia.” She had a smile on her face with her white teeth, antagonising Max unknowingly.
“Max..” Said and refused to shake her hand, Pierre rolled his eyes at Max’s antics and shook the girl’s hands so as not to leave her hanging. 
“It’s okay Cece that’s how Max is.” He told her in French, Cecilia shrugged and refused to look at Max for the rest of the day.
The years went on after that and the group of future F1 drivers ran into each other a lot. Nearly no month went by without them running into each other, finding out more about the other, whenever Charles, Max and Cecilia raced together the trio were always close on the track, one of them always won. Giving credit to Cecilia she always tried to be nice to Max, however as they went into their teens he always just ignored her or gave her one worded answers. His dad did not like her at all, he found out about her family and their connections, and he knew it beat his, even if he was an F1 driver at one point.
When Max won a race at 15 and Cecilia came in P2, she did what she always does.
“Congratulations Max, great race.” The female smiled at the now slightly taller male, at one point she was taller than most of the guys but it seemed like her growth slowed with time and theirs picked up pace. 
“Why do you always do that?” Cecilia was both surprised and confused, she had no idea what he was talking about. This is the first time he’s spoken more than two words to her in the past five years they’d raced together. Both of them had done well in their careers getting sponsored and moving up. 
“What do you mean?”
“You always congratulate me and wish me a good race, always happy even if you don’t win.” Max explained his brain can’t comprehend how she just always seemed so happy and content and wishing her rivals good races, he heard her and Charles sharing tips and ideas, helping each other out. It’s something that he found do foreign and unusual, it left him puzzled. 
“Why not? I love racing, being good is besides the point, yes I like it, I love when I win, but I would do it regardless of if I won or not.” The smile on her face fell a little, she too couldn’t understand why this wasn’t something that Max understood, her family valued fair play, they said if you rise then you should rise with the people around you and good competition always made you better, always kept you on your toes. “Besides, if you weren’t good then who would challenge me? I love challenges.”
“That’s stupid, you’re weird.” Max muttered under his breath, but Cecilia heard him loud and clear. All signs of her happiness went out the window, her smile fell off completely. Max was startled by the stark contrast, how her whole demeanour flipt in one second. Her shoulder hit his as she passed him, her arms crossed.
After that day and for the time they raced together, before he went into F1 and she got pregnant, Cecilia never smiled at Max again.
Did it bother him? Yes. she always smiled at all the other guys but never him. He was only 15 but he understood the moment she stopped trying to talk to him what he felt. He had a crush on Cecilia Hansson. The daughter of a swedish billionaire. The up and coming female driver, some people said that she’d soon have a position in F1, just give it a few years. He silently hoped that she did, he hoped she’d make it into F1. He loved racing against her.
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writingroom21 · 3 months
Sweet Escape
Pairing: Rafe x single mom reader
Summary: Moving to Kildare with your best friend and daughter was the perfect move. The little island is perfect, the people are nice, and you are finally at peace. Then Rafe comes in with his perfect smile and charm, sweeping you off your feet. The only issue is if you are ready to let someone else in.
Warnings: None
Wc: 5.2K
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Chapter 3: A Surprise Guest
“Does this look good?” You turn around to look at the three people sitting on your bed. June, Jo, and Vi are all perched up watching as you try on different outfits. The two adults share a look as the youngest keeps staring at you. She may be young but you swear she understands what is happening. Her eyes have a glint to them like she’s aware of what you’re about to do.
Well no one could blame her, you have been talking about this all week. From the moment you came home that night you blabbed about it. The whole dinner consisted of “Can you believe he actually asked me out?”, “Am I stupid for saying yes? I should be focusing on Vi and I”, “This could end badly, what was I thinking?”. Then Jo’s favorite.
“You know it wouldn’t hurt going out for once. Plus he’s really hot.” 
If they thought that first night was bad it compared nothing to the second. Rafe had apparently stopped by the shop with an excuse for seeing you again. You had gone on about it all of dinner that no one else got a word. But honestly they couldn’t care.
“You know I was smart enough to ask you out yet not smart enough to ask for your number. So here I am fixing yet another mistake. Think I can get it?” He slid a plant carrier over the counter. Looking closer at the label you see it’s a red Chrysanthemum. You laugh at the gift and he gives you a weird look. “Is something wrong with it?” God he was so dumb for getting you a dumbass plant. You literally own a flower shop, what was he thinking? “Nothings wrong. It’s just red chrysanthemum’s meaning is I love you. I was just giggling over that.” 
The blush that painted his cheeks was cute. It made you feel better that you aren’t the only one nervous about all of this. “Oh shit I didn’t know that. Flowers have meaning?” His eyes widened and looked to the side of where Vi played with some toys. “Don’t worry she’s distracted with that new piano toy Jo got her. Every flower has a meaning to them. Years ago they would use flowers like another language to communicate how they feel. It’s actually really cool.” You look so euphoric talking about flowers, it’s kind of the same look as when you talk about your daughter.
There was a meeting he had to get to by eleven but he canceled it once he saw how happy you were. He spent most of his time there asking you what different flowers meant. At first just wanting to see that look on you, then it turned into a game. He really wanted to see if you knew every meaning because come on, there’s no way. But boy did you prove him wrong. What sealed it in was when after he said goodbye to you, he walked over to Vi and gave her a hug goodbye. It was one of the sweetest gestures you’ve seen. Her smile was so big it made you want to cry.
There was no shutting you up after that. Every text message he sent was followed with “Oh my god he texted.” Every dull moment was filled with “He’s not so bad. Like he was just telling me how he and his sisters are going to the beach on Sunday.Then he asked if we all wanted to join them. That’s nice of him.” Jo couldn’t have cared less, she’s never seen you this excited over a guy. 
Her and her grandmother keep talking about how nice it is to see you this way. Excited about your own life for a change and getting back out there. They never liked your ex, he seemed like an asshole which turned out to be true when he skipped town. They can’t help to be happy for you.
“I think the last dress was nice. Red suits you so well plus your boobs look great in them.” June swats her arm, tsking at her grand-daughter. “Josephine. I have to agree about the red dress but that one also looks really good.” You groan as you throw yourself on the bed. You’ve been at this for an hour. Rafe is most likely going to be her soon and you’re not even ready yet. 
“Where is he even taking you?” Your words are mumbled through the comforter. “Couldn’t understand a thing. But it sounds nice.” Flipping around you are staring at the ceiling. “I don’t know. He wanted it to be a surprise.” Tiny hands come into your view and then a face. Vi looks down at you with a wide smile on her face. She’s been happier recently, well more than usual.
“That’s sweet that he wants to surprise you. Richard did the same thing for me when we went on our first date.” Richard is Jo’s grandfather, he passed away ten years ago. You remember growing up and wishing you were lucky enough to have love like that. There’s a spark deep down in your abdomen, some sense of hope. You shake it off and get up. “Where are you doing?”
“I have a red dress to put on.”
By the time you are done getting ready there are two text messages from Rafe. I’m leaving right now and I’ll be there in five minutes. The last text was sent almost six minutes ago but there’s nothing saying he got here. Not thinking of it you walk downstairs to wait only to be greeted with the sight of him sitting on the couch along with the rest of the house.
“If you break her heart I won’t hesitate to hurt you. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty.” Rafe laughs as he picks up the toddler trying to get up on the couch. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” June gives Jo a shocked look from how fast he answered and how he is acting with Violet. “You know it’s not just her you would be getting involved with. Her and Vi are a package deal.” 
There’s a slight pause in the conversations as he looks down at the little girl sitting next to him. Her big blue eye’s stare back up at him. He can’t explain it but there’s a part of him that feels connected to the both of you. As if this is where he was meant to be, that all the fucked up shit in his life lead him to this moment. “I know. I may not be a dad but I’m taking care of my sister so I get it in a way.” He looks at the two of them hoping they understand what he’s trying to convey.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Trying not to think much of it, you walk into the living room. The echo of your footsteps alert them of your presence. Rafe swears his heart stops when he looks at you. He honestly didn’t think you could get any more beautiful and he was wrong, you just did. That dress fits you so well and you’re just glowing. Carefully he gets up holding Vi as she clings to him.
“Hey. Wow you look wow.” He walks over and almost hands Vi over to you. His brain finally kicks in and he walks back to hand her over to Jo. “My bad I was meaning to give you these not Vi.” He picks up a bouquet of flowers you didn’t notice were laying on the coffee table. They are pretty, you look at the simple arrangement. Gardenia, morning glory, and blue salvia. Each one of them means a sort of admiration. Gardenia meaning either your lovely or secret love, morning glory for affection, and blue salvia is I think of you.
Even though you know he doesn’t understand the meanings there is still a blush forming. “They’re beautiful, thank you.” The two of you say goodbye and make your way to his truck. He opens the door up for you and puts his hand out so you can use him as leverage to get up. The ride to where you are going wasn’t too long of a drive.
“Okay, close your eyes, we are about to be there.” Giggling, you follow his instruction and close your eyes. The truck tires run over gravel making a crunching sound before the tires screech to a stop. You can’t help but keep giggling as you get more excited about what is in store. The passenger side door opens and your seatbelt is unbuckled for you. Rafe’s hands grab your arms to help you out and he holds your hand as you walk.
You are putting all of your trust in him right now. Not being able to see anything is stressful and scary at the same time. “Jo has my location just as an fyi.” Rafe lets out a huge laugh. “Damn looks like I’ll have to trick her next. Make sure I get all the evidence.” You playfully shove him only to lose your footing. He catches you before you can fall and helps you get your footing back.
“Lucky I’m here or you would have fallen right in the water.” You know how they say when one of your senses goes the others are heightened? Well clearly that was not the case for you. You didn’t even hear the water until he mentioned it. But now all you can hear is the water slapping against something. “Where did you take me?” You laugh out loud. You can feel his chest press against your back, his hands laying on your biceps. “You can open your eyes now.” 
When you open them there is a boat staring back at you. You look over your shoulder at him and see that he looks nervous. “Wait fuck I never even asked if you liked the water or if you get sea sick. I messed this up already haven't I?” It might sound weird but his nervousness is nice to see. Turning around you throw your arms around him and kiss his cheek. “It’s perfect.”
The boat is nice. The upper deck is for steering, the middle is lounging, and the last floor has a bedroom as well as a kitchen. He had a table set up on the second floor deck, two chairs facing each other. The two of you are now sitting there after riding out a little further to the water. Light candles illuminate both of your features. 
The two of you are laughing over some dumb joke he said, sipping the wine that he poured for you. “Okay this has got to be the best chicken I have ever eaten. How is it this good?” Rafe swallows the bit of food that he had in his mouth. “I can ask Reggie to give you the recipe. I wish I could take credit for all of this. Probably couldn’t cook to save my life.” Sometimes it’s a shock to be reminded about how rich he actually is.
Like he has a whole chef to cook for him. It’s a crazy thought because you’ve been cooking since you were a kid. “Is it weird having a chef and people that do everything for you? I can’t wrap my head around it.” Rafe puts down his fork and leans back to look at you. “Nah. I grew up like this so it’s not weird to me at all. But I get it, it’s weird when you didn’t grow up with it.” There’s a slight breeze that moves through your hair.
From the candle light you can see a little spark in his eyes. “Maybe you could show me how? I know Wheeze only has a few more years before college but it would be nice to give her that.” It took you a second to realize he was talking about his little sister. “Of course I can. How old is she?” The boat rocks lightly as the waves hit it. “fifteen. Sarah is nineteen so you can imagine how crazy the house can get.”
“Did you always have a good relationship with them?” The question makes him freeze up. You want to take it back but he answers it. “When I was younger I loved them so much. Then as I got older I got bitter and I did things I’m not proud of. But after my dad died last year I knew I couldn’t be that person anymore. I’m trying to be better for them and for myself I guess.”
“That’s honestly very noble of you. Not many people would own up to that or take on that responsibility.” He wants to tell you that you're wrong about him, he’s not worth being praised. Sarah makes sure to tell him that all the time. No matter how much he tries she only pushes him further away. The only reason she tolerates him is for the sake of Wheezie, not wanting her to have a broken family after losing their dad. “I’m not a good person. I have a lot of issues that I’ve been trying to get past.”
You reach over to grab his hand over the table. “No one expects you to be perfect. The fact that you are trying is all that matters. No one is perfect.” He flips his hands so he can intertwine your fingers together. “You are pretty amazing, you know that?” The smile on his face makes you smile. The grip on your hand tightens for a second and then relaxes. “Tell me about your day.”
The rest of dinner went smoothly. Both of you shared stories about yourselves growing up. You found out that Rafe’s mom left when he was around nine and his dad already had a new wife around ten. You feel bad that he was given that end of the shitty stick. Sure your childhood wasn’t as glamorous as his but at least you had your parents. Even if they abandoned you in the end, they loved you growing up. 
The more you get to know him the more you can’t help but fall deeper. He’s funny, handsome, kind, and most importantly he seems great with Violet. “If you don’t mind me asking what happened with Vi’s dad?” The two of you are laying down on the main deck and staring at the stars. Your mind wanders to how he now calls her Vi and not Violet. It happened some time this week during his daily lunch visits. It warms your heart hearing him call her by her nickname.
“He left once I told him I was pregnant. Just packed everything up and left, never looking back.” Rafe turns to look at you, his hand seeking out yours. “He’s a fucking dick.” The words sink in and your eyes flicker to meet his. “You know everyone always says that.” You turn to your side so you are facing him. “What do you tell them?” You take a deep breath. “I made up some lie about him doing what he thought was best. Honestly I just want to tell them that she’s better off without him. He didn’t love me and I know he wouldn’t have loved her. She’s better off not having a dad that hates her.”
Your words cut like a thousand knives. But if he’s being honest, you’re right. He lived through that, he knows what it’s like to have a dad who hates him for just existing. No one should have to go through that. Turning to his side his other hand pushes back some hair behind your ear. “You shouldn’t have to cover for him. But you’re right, she’s better off without him.” 
There’s a mutual understanding that the conversation would end there. You two stare at each other and Rafe is the first to break. He turns on his back looking back at the stares. “Did you know that the bigger the star is, the shorter their life span is.” You stare at him for a little bit longer and turn on your back as well. “Really?”
“Yeah they fuse different elements like helium and it releases their energy. When they run out of fuel they just die, then those elements are used to make new stars.” Looking at the sky you can see the different sizes scattered around. The open water is void of the outside world light, making the stars look brighter. “Huh, I never really thought about how they die. Who knew you were such an astrologist?”
By the time you got back to land it was pretty late. The two of you had watched the stars a bit longer and decided it was time to call it a night. It was a pretty good night if you had to say so yourself. You were shocked at how you didn’t want the night to end as you pulled into your driveway. 
Like a gentleman, Rafe walks you up to the front door. “I had a great time tonight. If you are up to it maybe we can do it again.” He’s getting skittish not knowing how you actually feel about the date. “I had a great time too.” You grab his hand and swing it between your bodies. “This may not be what you want to hear but I want to take things slow. You know that I have Vi and she’s my number one priority. I like you but I need to be safe.”
You are just about ready to bolt into the house when he doesn’t say anything at first. “I get it, don't worry. We’ll take it as slow as you need. I’m not going anywhere.” He pulls your hand up and gives it a kiss. “It’s okay to put the two of you first, beautiful. As long as you get that I have to do the same with Wheezie.” You laugh at him. “Deal.”
Going to bed that night all you can do is smile. Vi had crawled into your bed after waking up from hearing you get in. She curled up into your side and let out a small sound. “Ra?” You snuggle into her and give her a little kiss. “We’ll see him tomorrow okay? I promise.”
The next morning was a crazy mess. Everyone had woken up late and you were supposed to leave for the beach an hour ago. When you woke up you had a few messages from Rafe. Morning beautiful. Sarah and Wheeze are getting ready right now so we’ll leave in like thirty. Then there was, Hey , we are on our way. Be there shortly. When you woke up there was a final one just a minute prior. We’re here but no one is answering the door. Is everything okay?
You had rushed out of your room and to the front door. “Hey I’m so sorry we overslept. Just give me a few minutes and we will be ready.” You are ushering them into the house and onto the couch. “Want anything? You can help yourself to literally anything.” The two young girls give each other a look as you freak out. The look turns into one of awe as they see you and Rafe interact.
“Hey it’s okay. We don’t mind waiting so don’t rush yourself. The beach is going anywhere.” With a kiss on the cheek you are off to get ready. It didn’t take long to get Jo up and get yourself as well as Vi ready. The three of you make your way down the stairs to meet up with the rest of the lot. June decided to stay back and let you all enjoy the day.
Once Violet lays eyes on Rafe she screams and runs up to him. “RA!” Rafe springs up from the couch and lifts her into his arms. “Vi. Hi sweetie. Did you have a good day yesterday?” Sarah has this look on her face that you can’t ignore. It’s pure disbelief. “Yes! Jo pwad prwincess.” The two teens watch the scene unfold in front of them. Wheeze is smiling at the two of them, happy that Rafe is going back to his old self. Sarah on the other hand doesn’t know how to feel.
Sarah keeps an eye on Rafe the whole day. Inspecting the way he interacts with you and your daughter. It’s like she’s watching a different version of her brother, she’s never seen him this happy. Even when he was some type of normal he wasn’t this happy. When he first told her and Wheezie about you all she wanted to do was warn you. To tell you to keep yourself and your daughter out of his way because it will only end up with you getting hurt.
She wanted to channel all of her rage and anger for him out on you. But sitting here in a beach chair watching as he chases the small toddler round she can’t find it in herself to do it. The part of her that still loves him is banging on the bars in its enclosure saying that you are what he needs. That Rafe is actually changing. She remembers Wheezie telling her she needs to start forgiving him because even if he did bad things he truly isn’t a bad person. He was just lost and is finding his way back out.
“So tell me about Rafe growing up?” The sound of your voice interrupts her thoughts. She looks over at you and smiles. “When we were younger he was amazing, always making me laugh. I guess after our mom left things changed. Then he became a teenager and turned into someone I don’t know.” She has half a mind to say what her mind is begging her to but then she realizes that maybe she is wrong. “But he started changing after our dad. I didn’t want to see it but Wheeze is right.”
“What do you mean she’s right?” You sit up using your elbows to keep your upper half upright. “Rafe has been changing and I refuse to see it. But seeing him with you and especially with her, I can tell that he actually is.” You follow her eye line to see Rafe and Vi building a sandcastle near the water. She runs to the water with a bucket and he darts off behind her. He lifts her in the air and spins her around.
You can hear her giggles from where you are laying down, his laughs following along. “Her dad left when he found out about her. Do you think he really changed? I can’t risk it, she’s getting attached.” You sit up fully and turn to face her. “I do. He still has work to do but no one’s perfect.” It’s the first time she will allow herself to admit it. This past year she’s been harboring so much resentment for him not recognizing how he must have felt. But if this is his new chance then maybe it can be hers too.
“Good because I like him. I may not fully know him but I like him.” Sarah smiles at you and pulls the sunglasses off her face to give you a good look. “Good because I think he really likes you too.” You get up. “Where are you going?” Glancing back at the blonde girl, you smile. “I’m going to go join them. Can’t have him becoming her favorite.”
You run over to them jumping on Rafe’s back mid spin. It’s a good thing you were in the water at this point because you fell right off. The water was warm so at least you didn’t fall in cold water. Rafe and Vi laugh at you as you get up. “Haha so funny” Rafe laughs more as he walks closer to you. He brings you in a hug and tries to calm down his laughter. “That was amazing, baby. Isn’t mom so funny?”
The freudian slip catches you off guard, Rafe catches on shortly after. He tensely shifts a little.  “Umm sorry I didn-” “It’s okay.” He smiles at you and shakes his head, needing the thought of kissing you to go away. This isn’t the time or place, plus you wanted to take things slow. He’s not going to mess it up. He’s willing to do whatever you want honestly.
“Come on, we have a sandcastle to build. Let’s fill this up Vi and your mom can come join us.” Rafe dips down so she can fill the bucket and walks her back to where they previously were. The three of you just spend time finishing up the masterpiece that was princess castle. The name is courtesy from the two year old. Towards the end it was just really you and Rafe sitting there as she played around it with one of her dolls. 
The two of you just sat there and talked about random things. You told him about the time in middle school where you confessed your feelings to your crush and how he ended up liking your best friend. He told you about the time when he was sleeping over a friend and accidentally caught his sister having sex. He said it was super embarrassing having to explain to his friend why he had a boner. It was pretty nice to be able to joke around with him and hear dumb little stories. Overall it was great getting to know him.
It would be safe to say that beach day was a success. Everyone got along together and more importantly Rafe secured the one that he set out to achieve. He got Violet to trust him which is something he really wanted to gain. Rafe knows that the little girl had a soft spot for him as he did for her, but he wanted her trust. She is a part of you and that means her opinion matters just as much. He knows that she’s important to you for obvious reasons and he wants you to know he’s taking this seriously.
It was refreshing to see the two of them being around each other. Vi has always been a happy baby, always smiling and laughing. Everyone was amazed at how well she was, never cried and always a joy to be around. Yet the joy she has when she’s around Rafe is a different level. It really warms your heart to see her this happy. Then there is Rafe. He is amazing with her, it was as if he was her dad. There wasn’t a moment where he wasn’t attentive.
Even when you went to lunch he ordered for her and helped her eat. By the time the sun was setting she was out cold in his arms. Her head was resting on his shoulder, her arms wrapped around his neck. The three of you were walking all the way back to the car as his arm wrapped around you. To anyone else you would look like a family just having a normal day. 
But to you it’s more. On the inside you are still kind of freaking out about taking that step further. Then you look up at him and the worry all fades away. It really can’t be that bad right? It’s still new and you shouldn’t get your hopes up but at least he’s trying. He’s tried harder than Vi’s dad or your parents when it came to you and her. Maybe that’s all you need.
“You alright?” Rafe is looking down at you and back at everyone behind the two of you. “Is this all too much?” One of your hands cups his face and you reach on your tippy toes to give his cheek a kiss. “Everything’s perfect. I can hold her, you know.” He grins down at you kissing your forehead. “It's okay I got her.” 
That night was a pivotal moment for you. The voices telling you to keep your peace faded to the background, so little that you can barely hear them. A month has passed since that night and things have been going good. The two of you have gone on dates every weekend, even taking Vi on some of them. Every one she went on she enjoyed being the center of attention. Plus all the lunch dates you all had. 
The first week he showed up everyday for lunch, taking the two of you out. When he showed up the following week everyday as well and you were suspicious. Then there was the next and the next. It became a routine. He would make sure he didn’t have any lunch meetings anymore, his lunch blocked off for the two of you. 
It was the highlight of the three of your days. Rafe smiles brightly when Vi runs up to him and you're smiling at him before giving him a kiss. The same routine that’s ingrained to his memory, never to be forgotten. Rafe was running a bit late so the two of you were locking the door as he walked up to the shop. Violet, like usual, is the first one to see him and runs up to him throwing her arms out for him to catch her. 
Rafe catches her lifting her above his head to look like she’s flying. “Hey sweetie Vi. How’s my girl doing?” He pulls her down to hold her to his chest. “Ray! Good, hungie.” He laughs and gives her a kiss on the cheek. “That's  good, sweet pea, and you momma?” Your blush isn’t hard to miss, your cheek bright red.
He’s been saying that casually when she’s around. momma. It makes you blush every time, liking when he says it. He takes your moment of pause to steal a kiss from you. “It's been a smooth morning. An older couple came by and bought some flowers, they were so cute.” Rafe slings an eye around you as you walk towards his car.
“Vi did get antsy when you weren’t on time.” He dramatically gasps and whips his head at her. “Oh no Vi I’m sorry. Thought you would be able to cut me some slack, kid.” He puts on a performance for her, making her laugh out loud. “Sorry baby some guy cut me off and got the parking spot closer. Had to go a bit further down.” You go to respond but a voice interrupts you. The familiar voice is calling out your name. Looking at them you can’t believe who you see.
His smile brings back so many memories, ones you wish would be scrubbed away. “Hey. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Rafe’s arm tightens around you and he looks between the two of you. At this point you already stopped walking. Theo walks over to you and is now face to face. “Who’s Theo?” Rafe sort of whispers to you, trying to act calm but internally freaking out. Sadly the other guy had actually heard him. 
“She hasn’t told you about me?”
The cocky grin on his face makes Rafe’s face drop. He turns to look at you, subconsciously switching Vi to the other side. That way he’s blocking her from this random guy. “No.” Theo? Has the nerve to laugh at him, looking at you to see if you will say something. When you stay silent he looks over at Rafe. Staring him dead in the eye this random ass man just delivered a blow to Rafe’s chest.
“I’m Theo, her ex. You know that little girl's dad.”
Taglist: @haruvalentine4321 @namelesslosers @ijustwanttoreadlols @drewsphswife @corpsebridenightamare @actorslover @juniperbaies @fionaswifeyy
Let me know if you’d like to be added🫶
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alienguts · 9 months
Stay with Me (Bruce Wayne x f!Reader)
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Summary: Bruce and Y/N's tentative first date gets extended when a storm floods the roads.
Warnings: Fluff, idiots with feelings who can't communicate them properly.
Request?: Not really, but I like writing this dynamic to see where the relationship goes.
A/N: I doubt anybody would ever have a problem with how fictional dogs are characterised, but I like to think that Ace and Titus are friendly pups who like people.
1 - Picking up the Pieces | 2 - Kintsugi | 3 - Stay with Me |
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Earlier in the week, Bruce had asked Y/N to come over for dinner. Neither of them had said the word ‘date’, but it was certainly treated like one.
The plan was originally for the two of them to order pizza and eat it in front of the TV while Y/N showed Bruce all the movies that he’d missed out on over the years, but the rest of the Wayne household had other ideas.
As soon as she’d pressed the doorbell,the front door was flung open to reveal Damian suited up for patrol, his brothers crowding the doorway around him. The small boy tried to keep his composure as his much taller brothers tried to push past him, eager to finally see Y/N after missing her for so long.
“Boys, you have to let Y/N come in,” Bruce’s voice came from behind the wall of geared up heroes.
“We just wanted to say hi to her before we go,” Dick said as he stepped away from the door first.
“Before you go?” Y/N asked in surprise. “Where are you going?”
“Bruce put us on patrol so he can stay here for your date,” Tim said and tried to yank Damian away from her side.
Y/N looked at Bruce and saw his face turn pink in embarrassment.
“It’s not a date,” Bruce said quickly. “We’re just having dinner, that’s all.”
“Sounds like a date to me,” Jason said drily before slinking off into the manor, Tim and Dick following behind him after waving to Y/N.
Just as she was about to step inside the manor, Y/N felt a tap on her side. She turned her attention back to Damian, who had yet to follow the others.
“It was nice to see you, Y/N,” he said before heading down to the Cave.
“When did he get so nice?” Y/N asked once Damian was completely out of earshot. “No offence.”
“None taken,” Bruce said as he closed the front door behind her. “We all know how Damian can be. He must have missed you.”
When the cool evening air was shut out, the smell of food trailing in from the kitchen got stronger. The unmistakable smell of toasted bread and melted cheese filled Y/N’s senses and made her mouth water.
“You already ordered without me?” she asked as they made their way towards the kitchen.
“Not exactly,” Bruce said sheepishly.
A large cheese pizza sat in the middle of the kitchen island, steam rising from its surface. The counter against the wall was dusted with flour and an empty bowl of red sauce was ready to go into the dishwasher.
“Ah, so nice to see you Ms Y/N!” Alfred said as he appeared from behind the refrigerator door.
“Alfred made it for us,” Bruce said.
“Hope you don’t mind,” Alfred said with a warm smile. “We haven’t seen you in such a long time, I thought I would make something special.”
“I don’t mind at all,” Y/N said and took a seat at the counter. “Your cooking is just as good as ordering takeout.”
“You’re too kind, Ms Y/N.” Alfred took off the apron he was wearing and hung it up on a hook on a wall before making his way back to the foyer. “Enjoy your evening.”
Once Alfred had gone, Y/N turned to face Bruce who was now the colour of a tomato. She had to stop herself from laughing as he buried his face in his hands and groaned.
“Sorry about all of that,” he said as he took a seat next to her. “When I told them you were coming over, they all acted like it was Christmas.”
“I don’t mind,” Y/N said and took the pizza cutter that Alfred had left on the counter. “I like seeing your family.”
“Obviously they like seeing you too.” He watched as she cut two slices and passed one to him. “Wait, let me get some silverware.”
Y/N laughed before taking a bite of her slice.
“You’ve never changed, Bruce,” she said around the bite of hot pizza. “Just eat it with your hands!”
“Old habits die hard, huh?”
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Although Y/N hadn’t expected the night to go wrong, it went a lot better than she’d expected. Since Bruce had sent the boys out on patrol duty and Alfred was keeping track of the comms, there were no distractions other than Ace and Titus sniffing around and wanting to be cuddled.
While Titus was more wary of Y/N, having been trained by Damian to be on watch, Ace was more than happy to shove his snout under her arm and wedge himself between her and Bruce. Despite being a German Shepherd, he seemed to want to be a lap dog.
The night was spent in front of the seldom-used television in the living room, Y/N showing Bruce her favourite movies and shows that he’d missed out on. And that turned out to be almost every movie and show ever made.
“Bruce, how can you have a subscription to every single streaming service and have not even seen The Simpsons?” she’d asked at one point.
“I don’t exactly have the time to be sitting around watching cartoons, Y/N,” he said with a laugh.
“Well, fighting crime and running a company and attending charity events doesn’t allow for a lot of leisure time.”
By 10pm, Y/N decided that it was time for her to head back home. She still had the weekend ahead of her but she didn’t really want to spend the last part of her night stuck in traffic.
There was just one problem: it had started raining. Heavily.
Y/N had never seen so much rain before. As a native Gothamite, she knew how extreme the weather could be at times, especially during the colder months. But this was torrential.
Thankfully, Wayne Manor was on higher ground and away from any likely flooding but the same couldn’t be said for her apartment on the Lower East Side. She watched the rain from the safety of the living room, worrying about how she would get home, or whether she could get home at all.
“It’s really coming down out there, huh?” Bruce said from behind her, snapping her out of her head.
“Yeah,” she said, her breath fogging up the window. “God, I hope the roads are okay.”
“You could always spend the night here,” he said casually. Maybe a little too casually.
“What?” Y/N asked as she turned around in surprise.
“I can get Alfred to make up the guest room for you. I didn’t mean, spend the night.”
“Oh,” Y/N breathed in relief. 
They hadn’t made anything official yet, weren’t even calling the date a ‘date’, so why had her mind immediately jumped to that?
“But I don’t have anything to change into, or my toothbrush,” Y/N said quickly, trying to make the air a little less awkward.
“That’s no problem, I can get you some clothes and I’m sure we’ve got a spare toothbrush or two.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked as she moved away from the window. “I don’t want to intrude or anything.”
“Y/N,” Bruce said and rested his hands on her shoulders. “You’re family to us. You’re not intruding and I’m sure the boys will love you to stay over.”
Her heart warmed at hearing him speak so earnestly. She’d never been able to explain why she’d never felt comfortable in the manor when Selina was around, but it was all down to her own insecurities and jealousy. She hated to admit it to herself, but she hated being around them when they were a couple and she felt like she’d been cast aside, whether or not that was the case.
She didn’t care that it was selfish to think that Selina being out of the picture gave her her best friend back, but it was like he was finally seeing her again after years of being invisible. Like Bruce wanted her to be in his life again and wanted her to know that.
She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, her head resting on his chest as she listened to his heart pick up its pace.
“Thank you,” she said softly.
Bruce returned her hug and rested his cheek on the top of her head, crouching down slightly so he could reach her.
“You’re always welcome here,” he said. “I can’t speak for everyone else, but I think the atmosphere would be better around here with you.”
Y/N lifted her head from his chest, about to step away, when he gently pulled her onto her toes and captured her lips with his own. She startled slightly at first before letting him guide her, moving her hands from his chest to loop loosely around his neck, the hair at the nape of his neck just brushing her fingers. Their lips moved together softly, chaste enough to not escalate the situation but just passionate enough to feel it.
Once again, it was over too soon for Y/N’s liking. Bruce pulled away and briefly rested his forehead against hers before standing up straight again. He reluctantly released her from his hold and took her hand to lead her upstairs.
“C’mon, we’d better find you something to wear.”
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When Bruce had said that he’d find something for Y/N to wear to bed, she didn’t expect him to give her his clothes. The look on her face when he’d handed them to her must have said something.
“I didn’t want to look through the boys’ clothes so I just got something out of my closet,” he said. “I hope that’s okay.”
“It’s okay,” Y/N said and took them before opening the door for the guest bedroom.
Bruce, naturally, was still wide awake and was going to join Alfred in the Cave but stayed up to help him make up the guest room and wish Y/N goodnight. Usually when she stayed over at a friend's house, she expected to sleep on their couch, not in a lavish guest room. But, then again, most people weren’t best friends with a billionaire.
“I had a really good night,” Y/N said as she lingered in the doorway . “We should have another night like this.”
“We should,” Bruce said with a warm smile. “I think the boys will be happy about that too. They were always asking when the next time you were coming over was.”
“Well, hopefully you can tell them that I’ll see them more often.”
“Don’t be surprised if they almost knock the door down tomorrow morning.”
They were quiet for a moment, neither of them wanting the night to end, but tiredness taking over Y/N’s body. She tried her best to stifle a yawn but only made herself look more tired.
“I’ll let you get some sleep,” Bruce said before stroking the side of her face with the back of his fingers and leaning down to kiss her forehead.
“Good night, Bruce,” Y/N said before reluctantly slinking into the bedroom.
As soon as the door softly clicked shut, Y/N inhaled deeply and slowly let her breath out. The night had felt like a dream and she couldn’t help but feel like she was going to wake up and find out that it had never happened. But the bundle of clothes in her arms told her differently.
She crossed the room to the bed and set the clothes down on it before undressing. Her own clothes felt scratchy and cheap in comparison to Bruce’s. He always told her that designer clothes weren’t important to him, but the quality of them clearly did. She pulled the plain grey t-shirt over her head and donned the sweatpants and sighed when the soft cotton brushed against her skin.
If she closed her eyes, it felt like Bruce was still with her, his strong arms circling her body and the scent of his cologne filling her senses. The clothes were far too big for her, but that didn’t stop her from feeling completely at ease.
Things were still moving slowly for the two of them; Bruce was still recovering from heartbreak, after all. But a slow pace was better than nothing. Y/N didn’t want to completely ruin everything by coming across too strong, but she wished Bruce was really there to sleep next to her.
Wearing his clothes would have to do for now.
As she drifted off to sleep, her mind conjured up the feeling of him holding her in his arms, stroking her hair, an echo of his heartbeat in her ear. Hopefully the next step in their relationship would come sooner rather than later, but she was willing to wait for him.
Even if that took forever.
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tedwardremus · 3 months
I feel like Ron fans really want him to be an Auror for the rest of his life like Harry is because its a "cool" job but it makes perfect sense he stops after 2 years? He is canonically lazy. That is not projection. That is not bashing. That is how he IS. He is lazy. Why would he want such a work intensive, difficult, and stressful job long-term? I really think the glory would wear off fast once you realized you can't even talk about what you are doing, you have to work overtime, you can get injured, you deal with constant stress, and for what? A basic pension. You don't even get rich off of it. Ron at the joke shop suits his character SO much.
Okay, Anon. I love you, and this is a safe space for people to discuss their controversial opinions with no judgement but I will have to push back a bit because I am a member of Team Ron Defense Squad.
I agree that being an auror wasn't the perfect fit for Ron, but I disagree with his laziness.
He was lazy when it came to school work. But a lot of kids are? That's hardly unique for a teenager. School didn't really interest him. But he was bright enough to do well in all his subjects (well, except history and divination, but those were joke classes) so he didn't really feel the need to work harder.
But in the things that he was interested in? The boy was not lazy.
You don't become the best chess player Hogwarts has ever seen at age 12 when you are lazy. That is years of hard work and skill development (prodigy level!). He probably spent hours at the Burrow as a kid studying chess moves and learning to see the board. That's not lazy.
You don't become a prefect by being lazy.
He also went off by himself and practiced quidditch so he could make the house team. That's not lazy. Thats determination (and a little insecurity because he was afraid of beign mocked for putting effort in or being told he wasn't good enough)
Which is totally relatable. Have you ever been afraid of failing or being compared to someone who, in your mind, has already mastered the skill you are practicing, so in the end, you didn't really try? because not trying is better than failing? That's not lazy, that's being insecure and anxious.
Ron is also with HArry on all his adventures. Going into the forbidden forest, starting an underground defense club, solving mysteries, fighting in the Ministry. This isn't lazy.
One of Ron's number one traits is his caregiving. Offering tea, the easy way in which he assures people, making sure Harry eats. Caregiving is not lazy. It takes attention to detail, emotional intelligence, and a lot of follow-up and determination.
I think Ron retired from ebing an auror early for several reasons.
1.) The job was finished. They caught the death eaters, the trials were over, he had some breathing room, and he realised that he could move on. That it was a job he felt he had to do but didn't really enjoy doing
2.) He saw that Harry really did enjoy it and that Harry didn't need a caregiver anymore, he wa an adult who could take care of himself and had Ginny at home to also care for him.
3.) Hermione, the ultimate girl boss that she is, clearly has ambitions and was career driven. Ron wanted to make sure she wasn't burnt out and that she had someone at home to take care of her (and their future children). Ron is the ultimate wife guy and I love him leaning into the role hard and with vigour.
caregiving and homemaking aren't laziness, and seeing a traditional feminine role as lazy in the body of a male character is sexist.
4.) I love Ron and the twins relationship. They are very close, even if the Twins mocking him crosses the line. And I can see Ron caring for George after the war in his very Ron-like way. Stopping by after an auror shift to help clean the shop and make sure he ate that day. Takes him to the pub for a pint, where they don't talk, but Ron just wants George to know he is there for him.
Over time, Ron learns that he loves working at the shop. He is good at it. And Geroge loves Ron being there, and he needs the help. George wants to be creative and invent things, and Ron has a great mind for business. He is using his logic skills to improve their business strategy and expand operations. He is good at balancing books and making sure bills get paid (oh no! It Looks like he enjoys a bit of homework after all!)
And Ron loves greeting customers and talking to kids in the shop. Being friendly and a bit goofy and his warm and comforting self.
He doesn't need fame and fortune because he is secure in his role as a caregiver, it is his ultimate strength. He has matured and moved on from his childhood insecurities. He is no longer in the shadow of his large loud family.
He is Ron. And he is enough (kenough)
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SAGE so i was hanging out at the pool today and could not stop thinking about pool/hot tub sex with 80s dave GODDDD he'd be so mischievous i can't do this
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HELLO??? YES i literally love you sm cus you bring in the best requests syn 💔💔🙏
just imagine Dave bringing you to the pool with the other guys because he wants to introduce you to them, so of course you say yes.
you have black bikini on, and it looks amazing on you, maybe a little too good. but you sat there, waiting for your boyfriend and the rest of the crew. you soon saw them walk up, and didn't see Dave yet, but hopefully he was going to show up. though, you did see three other males, one really long haired brunette and two others with medium length hair. you were about the only ones there, besides from three other girls who none of you knew.
after a few minutes, you saw the long haired boy come over to you, acting all friendly as he started to complement you.
"what's a pretty girl like you doin' here alone? why don't you come hang with me and my friends over there. whaddya say?"
you didn't really say anything, but you looked over his shoulder to see Dave right behind him, glaring at him like he was about to kill the dawn kid for talking to you. he had no idea who was behind him, so you smiled when you saw your boyfriend and Junior thought the gesture was towards him.
"cmon, let's go, yeah?"
when he tried grabbing your hand, Dave immediately slapped it off of you.
"what fucking gi- oh, hey Dave. when's your girl coming again?"
he asked, a little startled, "you're talkin' to her, fuckface," Dave groaned before pushing him to the side and shooing him off.
"talk to her like that again and i'll break both of your fucking arms,"
you were glad Dave came to the rescue, the over protectiveness giving you butterflies. he came closer before pulling you into a hug by your waist, clashing your bodies together before kissing you. he knew the others were looking, so he needed them to know that you were his. he reached a hand down to your ass, groping at it before pulling away, "cute suit," he whispered before walking you two over to the rest of the band.
"you assholes gonna swim or what? look like fuckin' lobsters."
you almost laughed at Dave's comment, them all just doing what he said, "seems like you have them on a leash, huh?" you giggled.
"yeah, guess soooo-"
he said before tackling you into the deep end, grabbing you so you both went down together. he knew you were going to be more than pissed at him for getting your hair wet, but he wanted to have a good time with you.
once you came to the surface, you groaned in annoyance and started to splash him. he turned to see that the water flying in the air was coming from you, and he just laughed.
"what? don't be mad over a little bit of water,"
you rolled your eyes as he picked you up and put you on the ledge of the pool side, "wanna go in the hot tub? 's kinda chilly in here, ain't it?" you could see the smirk on his lips rising, not really understanding before you felt the hardness rub against your leg. he tipped his head to the side, waiting for an answer and you looked around and just nodded softly. the other three were mingling with the other girls who were there, so hopefully they wouldn't pay attention to the two of you.
he pulled himself out of the pool and helped you up before leading you to the little hot tub in the corner. he set the temperature to warm but not overly hot, so the two of you could relax. once bubbles started floating to the top, he got in and you followed behind him, "are you sure this is a good idea? what if they look over here??" you were overthinking about it too much since you've never had public sex like this before. most importantly, not in a hot tub.
"then you better give 'em a fuckin' show, princess."
he said before sitting you in his lap, moving your bottoms to the side enough for his dick to fit in. once he lined up into you, he gripped onto your hips and started grinding you onto him.
"don't be too loud, mkay?"
he hushed, him going soft and slow. you could feel his chest against your back, him starting to pick up the pace. you're hands were grabbing on to his wrists, trying to steady yourself. you tried your best not to make any noise besides from soft, closed off "mm" sounds, the both of you being a little vocal. you could feel his breath against your ear, groaning softly into it.
it was starting to get overstimulating, but you tried your best to relax. Dave's length rubbing against your clit every time he went in and out of you. you could scream right about now, but you didn't want to get any unwanted attention. he immediately brought his hand up to your mouth to block any noise from coming out because he knew what was coming.
his thrusts got faster, you moaning into his palm before he shoved his ring and middle finger into your mouth.
"fucking suck."
his voice was low and raspy, him starting to get messier, knowing he was close too. you just listened, sending vibrations from your moans to his finger tips. your legs squeezed shut before you forcefully opened them again, holding them open with both hands as he went as fast and hard as his body would let him, causing you to get louder, seeing a few head turns, but couldn't find out where the noise was coming from.
"fuck- oh shit, 'm cumming.."
he huffed before pumping his seed inside of you. the grasp of your cunt around his dick only made him hornier before coming once again, really filling you up, enough for it to seep out of you.
he leaned back, trying to catch his breath before pulling out of you and fixing your bottoms. your legs were shaking before he picked you up and brought you over to the table with all your clothes. he helped you get dressed since you were violently shaking, knowing he fucked you maybe too good. it just made his ego go up a little more.
he bent down to kiss you on the forehead, moving your damp hair out of the way. everyone was dressed before Chris spoke up and offered to barbecue for everyone. Dave looked at you to see if you were up for it and just nodded. he smiled before agreeing and everyone left, going to the backyard to cook.
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ragingbookdragon · 1 year
Soap was definitely a jeans and t-shirt type of man. Hated penguin suits for the life of him. But when the team saw him come in with a clean pair of dark denim jeans, a forest-green plaid dress shirt, and a dark brown buttoned vest with tan leather straps, they knew something was up; he’d even gotten a new pair of dark dress shoes. He was running a hand through his gelled hair, a little longer than usual, but clean-shaven head and face, the scent of wintergreen aftershave wafting around him, mixing with the smoky, tobacco and cedarwood cologne he was wearing.
Price looked up from his deck of cards, looked down, then back up in shock. “Soap?”
The sergeant blinked, fixing the button of his vest, before fumbling with the gold chain that connected from his button to the watch in his pocket. “Yeah, Cap?”
“Uh…where you goin’, son?” he asked and Soap flushed a little, clearing his throat as he shifted on his feet.
“Got a date.”
Ghost snorted. “With the lass he’s been head over heels about for the last six months.”
Gaz shook his head. “You’ve been dating someone?”
“Won’t shut up about her,” Ghost answered, and Soap crossed his arms over his chest.
“I just wanted to make sure she was legit first. We’re not that serious.”
“Uh huh,” Ghost shot back. “Show us your phone background then.”
Soap blushed and shoved his phone in his pocket. “Fuck off,” he griped and looked at the captain. “I’ll be back by eleven. Call me if anything happens.”
Price waved him off. “Go have fun.” As soon as Soap disappeared, he turned on Ghost. “You didn’t tell me he was seeing someone.”
“It’s not my business,” he retorted.
“Of course, it is. Look at ‘im. He can’t be left alone to his own devices.”
The night had gone amazing. The food was wonderful, the atmosphere was even better, and Soap was on cloud nine as he walked with her hand in his down by the water. He felt like a teenager again, his heart beating a mile a minute in his chest and as they came to a bench, she pulled him towards it.
“Can we sit?” she asked, and he nodded.
“Of course, love,” he said and sat down with her. She seemed nervous, fiddling with her hands. “Love? You alright? Look like you’re sweatin’ bullets.”
She sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I just need to tell you something. It’s…really important and I think it might define the rest of this night.”
Now, he was nervous, and he took her hand, gently rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. “Love, whatever you need to tell me, I’m listening.”
“I appreciate that,” she answered and took a deep breath, looking into his eyes as she said, “John, I’m not a biological woman.”
He blinked. “Huh?”
She gestured below her. “I’m not a biological woman. I was born a biological male. Y’know…male parts. Boy. Man.”
Soap nodded slowly. “So…you’re transgender? A male to a female?”
“Mhm.” She pulled her hand away, resting it in her lap. “I had my top and bottom surgeries a few years ago, and I’ve been on medication since I was a teenager.” Her eyes seemed sad. “I just…wanted to tell you this before things went farther. I know I waited a little longer than usual but I…I didn’t want to ruin things between us.” Tears gathered in her eyes. “I really like you, John. I mean, I really like you. And I want to keep seeing you, but if you aren’t comfortable with this, I understand a-and I won’t hold it against you if you want to stop seeing me. Some people are okay with dating people like me, and some aren’t. I just…needed you to know.”
Soap was quiet for a moment then he reached over a put his hand on her cheek, turning her face to his, thumb brushing away the tears on her skin, then he took his other hand and did the same before tilting her face up and down, side to side until a startled laugh escaped her.
“What are you doing, John?” she questioned.
He smiled at her. “Looking for all those wrinkles you must’ve gotten from frowning so much thinkin’ o’er how you were gonna tell me this.”
She laughed pitifully, a grimace coming over her lips after. “I once ended up in the ER for not telling a man I was seeing. Not that I think you would do something like that to me, I just, y’know…needed to be sure.”
Soap’s face turned uncharacteristically serious, and he promised, “Love, I will never lay my hands on you. For any reason.” He wiped her tears away. “And whether you are a biological woman or not doesn’t matter to me. I love you exactly for who and how you are. You’re perfect. In every way. I love you.”
She blinked, gaping at him. “You…you love me?”
Soap swallowed thickly, cheeks crimson as he pulled away and scratched the back of his neck, awkwardly stretching like he did when he was flustered. “I mean, I care about you greatly. A great deal. A large extent. Quite a lot.”
“You love me,” she repeated as she nuzzled into his side. “It’s okay, John, I love you too.”
He melted, wrapping his arm tight around her, squeezing her against him. “You make me really happy, love. And thank you for trusting me with this I know it was something important and I’m even sorrier if I made you feel like you couldn’t tell me.”
“John, you make me happy,” she answered, looking up at him. “And I told you this because I trust you. You have nothing to be sorry for.” She smiled. “Do you maybe want to spend the night at my place tonight?”
“I’d love to,” he said. “But do you want me to come over? I understand if you don’t want me to.”
“I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t sure.” She smiled. “Besides, I want nothing more than to sleep next to you.”
“You won’t be next to me, love,” he said, standing from the bench, and pulling her with him. “You’ll be in my arms where you belong.”
Her smile rivaled the moon above and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “John MacTavish, you are a real catch, you know that?”
“Nah,” he said, shaking his head. “You are.” He pecked her lips. “I love you, lass.”
“I love you.”
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aceistheplace86 · 22 days
Strawberry & Pine pt.1
The wood floors creaked under the weight of her slow pace. A mixture of pine, old wood, and stale popcorn hangs in the air.  The large, main room held shelves of merchandise, souvenirs, and a variety of trinkets and tools.
Despite being in the middle of what seemed to be rush hour,  where baffled and intrigued customers talked over one another about the oddities they had seen and what to get from the gift shop,  Julie felt alone. Her legs seemed to be in control, taking her deeper into the so-called Mystery Shack. Julie kept to herself, making sure to keep her distance from the other tourists as she took notice of the décor in the shack, everything seemed to look a bit off almost as if that was the aesthetic the owner was going for.
“Two-headed squirrel” she murmured to herself, staring at the odd, clearly fake creature before her. “Pitiful” Julie was not impressed with what she saw here. Her first impression was a bust, the letter S had been missing from the roof now leaning haphazardly against the side of the building. The inside was worse, fake taxidermized creatures with odd names, some parts very noticeably glued together, and a plastic water bottle claiming to hold water from “the Fountain of Youth”  
“I actually just came up with that one” A voice startled her.
She turned around and stared at the man ahead of her.  He wore a clean, dark suit, with a matching dark hat slightly tilted upon his head. He stared at her with a charming, excited smile, his dark eyes wide, and his thick eyebrows raised as if he was waiting for a laugh from her.
When that never came, he cleared his throat and held out his hand “Mr. Mystery” He says regaining his composure once again. “I didn’t see you on the tour” His expression fell slightly “You aren’t one of the parents of the teens I may or may not have pushed into the bottomless pit… are ya?”
Julie looks down at his hand pausing for a moment before carefully extending her hand out to shake his. She seemed to linger a bit before letting go.  “I didn’t take the tour. I just stopped by” She raised her eyebrow “You often push teens down into the pit?”
He laughs “Only when they’re getting on my nerves. That was also a joke” He waves his hand quickly dismissing it “Do you want a tour? I’ll gladly show you around for the regular price”
Julie shook her head “I think I prefer to explore myself if you don’t mind”
He shrugs “Your loss, make sure you check out the new exhibit, I put a lot of work into that one” He paused for a moment and sniffed “Do you smell… strawberry? Is… Is that a stroke symptom?”
The woman laughed slightly at his confusion, and abrupt notice of the smell “That might be me” She said slowly “It’s my perfume and the top note is ripe strawberries”
“Oh. You smell nice” His face reddened, and he rubbed the back of his neck “Your perfume, it. Well, this general area smells a lot nicer than the rest of the shack... You know... the woods have an overpowering scent and all”  
Julie laughed a bit as he rambled on. Before she could speak though there was a crash from outside.
“This is why you’re not allowed to drive the golf cart, Mable!” A boy cried out, followed by the sound of someone else, presumably Mable, mimicking him.
“That would be the sounds of my great niece and nephew.  I uh should probably go check that out, it’ll cost me extra if I send them back home all damaged” He gave her a small smile and felt oddly proud when he got her to laugh again. “Come again soon, maybe stop for the tour next time” He gave her a wave and walked off.
Julie shook her head with a small smile, she wouldn’t be back for a tour but wasn’t finished with the mystery shack just yet.
Stan had finished up the rest of the day with little to no issues. He locked up the shack and made his way to his bedroom, still catching the faint scent of strawberries. He tiredly shed off his jacket and tossed it on his bed, that's when he noticed a piece of paper peaking out of the pocket.
He reached over, picked it up, and read it.
Tomorrow, Greasy Diner, 10:00 am.
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Req for a fic of Grayson and Lyras first date pls 🙏
BUT OFC!! 💗💗
Lyra fixed her hair one last time in the mirror, before spraying on a bit of perfume and making sure everything was okay appearance wise. Grayson and her had just started officially dating, once all that pining was over with, and now they were having their first date. Her stomach twisted just thinking about how he’ll be arriving soon. It was new and unexpected, hers and Gray’s relationship, but it was something she wanted to try. Something that she really wanted to work out. She flattened her jacket with a huff at how cold it was, when she heard a knock on her door. Her heart did jumping jacks in her chest as she put on a touch of lip gloss and scurried towards the door. Lyra wasn’t one to be this nervous around a guy, but Grayson wasn’t just a guy to her. He had proven that she could truly love him, and being around him just felt right. Although she wouldn’t tell him she loved him, that’d be far too soon. Putting her hand on the front door knob, she twisted and pulled it open. The sight that was in front of her was Grayson Hawthorne, who was holding a bouquet of calla lilies and dressed in a less fancy suit that was the colour of his eyes and a black thick coat. All of it made Lyra’s stomach twist with nervousness. Playing it cool, she smiled slyly and stepped out, wrapping a scarf around her neck.
“You’re really going to get me flowers that have such a horrific backstory, Hawthorne?” She said, taking them from his hands and smelling them. She sighed from the floral smell and looked up at him. He had smiled back, matching her sly smile from before.
“Who said they were for you? I was just walking around and saw a lovely bouquet shop, one with these beautiful flowers. I think they’re called, caterpillar lilies?” Grayson says, staring at them in her hands as if they were a species from another planet. Lyra snorted and smacked his chest lightly, before walking off. Although Grayson acted stoic and emotionless with everybody else, Lyra knew she could always get a smile and quick remark out of him. While walking past him, her hand brushed his, and he suddenly took her hand. Lyra was taken by surprise for the slightest second, before she smiled and laced her fingers with his. Walking off hand in hand with him, she met his eyes and raised a brow.
“So, what have you got planned for us, Davenport?” She asked him. He smiled back, one of those rarer smiles with his teeth that made Lyra’s heart beat quicken. A dimple showed, and she thought she might never breathe again.
“I can’t ruin the surprise, can I? Besides, the only thing I have planned is to charm you enough so that by the end of the date you’ll eventually call me by my first name.” He replied, a dig at her refusal to use his first name so far. She rolled her eyes.
“Haha.” She said in deadpan. “Now walk a little faster, I’m getting hungry.” She tugged on his hand as her steps quickened, and Grayson shook his head with a smile.
Their first stop was a nice restaurant, which was utterly beautiful. It was decorated beautifully for Christmas, with stockings hung left and right and an overall cozy atmosphere. It was truly magical, and being there with an even more magical boy, well, Lyra was over the moon. She took the last sip of her coffee, her conversation finally fizzling to an end with Grayson. But still, the look on his face made Lyra raise a brow. There was no way this dinner was it.
“I would be stupid to believe that you don’t have something else planned for us, so instead I’m just going to ask, what should I be expecting?” Lyra asked him, a smile on her face. He had kept his eyes on hers the entire date, but good god it was starting to make her nervous now. And she never got nervous when it came to eye contact! Lyra looked away suddenly, while still waiting for his response, and Grayson, who must have figured out just by the look on her face why she broke eye contact, laughed. Still, he carried on without bringing it up.
“Well, it does have something to do with the winter season. How well are you on ice?” He asked her. Lyra’s eyebrows raised, and she sighed.
“Horrific! You better know how to skate, Grayson, because I’m terrible at it. It’s not like Texas gets very cold anyway, so I barely ever skate.” She said with a huff, crossing her arms. Grayson raised a brow at her.
“When I knocked on your door, you answered wearing gloves, a jacket, and a scarf. You can’t even try and tell me it’s not cold.” He retorted. Lyra’s eyes narrowed to slits. Curse her and her cold blood.
“Alright, fine. I will skate this one time.” Lyra says, looking him dead in the eye again with a haughty expression. Grayson stared at her back, smiling. Then, he leaned over the tiny table and gently took her chin in his hand.
“Could I….?” He asked her, trailing off. With her heart jackrabbiting in her chest, she gives a slight nod, and he kisses her. It was their first kiss throughout the date, and it made her heart ignite and light on fire with love. The kiss didn’t last very long, as they were in a restaurant, and they were about to separate, when they heard a quiet clearing of the throat. Lyra leapt off his lips, pushing her back into the booth chair, and staring a waitress dead in the eye. As soon as her and Lyra made eye contact though, she immediately looked away, and Lyra noticed that her cheeks were pink and she was younger than they were. She also noticed, with an internal groan, a “new employee” sticker on her shirt. Oh no. Did they scare a poor, young waitress on her first day?
“Your bill.” She practically murmured, sliding it across the table and looking away quickly. Lyra glanced at Grayson who also seemed a bit caught off guard, yet was looking someplace else, and followed his gaze. He was staring right at a couple with their phones out, recording, and once the tables around them saw who they were recording, they took their phones out too. Lyra sighed. Looks like there were downsides to being with a billionaire.
“Thank you so much.” Grayson said, sliding a 100 dollar bill across the table. The waitress put the cash in her little pouch, and was about to give him his money back when he put a hand out.
“No need.” He said with a smile. Then, he took 6 other hundred dollar bills and slid them across the table as well, with a clearing of his throat. “And these too, if you could please tell those families to delete the videos they took.” The waitress’ jaw dropped as she stared at all the money on the table, and Lyra’s jaw was dropped too. She knew he was a billionaire, but c’mon, 600 dollars as a tip? It was insane!
“T-thank you so much.” The waitress stammered. Grayson smiled back with a nod, and took Lyra’s hand in his as they walked out of the restaurant. She could just hear photos snapping as they left, and a snort left her mouth.
“You really know how to make an exit, huh?” She asked him. He laughed back and lifted a shoulder.
“I guess I do. Or maybe the entire restaurant just saw a beautiful girl and couldn’t stop taking photos.” He replied, kissing her temple. She smiled, before rolling her eyes.
“Or maybe it’s because I’m with a billionaire who is voted as the “most handsome Hawthorne”.” Lyra said with a laugh. Grayson laughed back. “Now c’mon, before I change my mind about the ice skating.”
Lyra and Grayson stepped off the ice finally, and Lyra sighed with relief at finally being on stable ground.
“I think I would have bruised my tailbone if you hadn’t caught me all of those times.” She said, taking her ice skates off and putting on her normal shoes. She had never been more thankful for shoes than right now. Grayson was staring at her instead of taking off his own skates, but with a look from Lyra, he smiled and started to take them off.
“How exhausted are you on a scale from 1-10?” He asked her. Lyra groaned.
“10! I think my legs are about to collapse.” She said. Graysons smile grew before he spoke.
“So, you’re too tired to go inside that bookstore over there and pick out as many books as you want?” He asked her. Lyra stopped putting on her shoes for a moment to side glance at Grayson, and the bookstore he was pointing at. She narrowed her eyes at it, before narrowing her eyes at Grayson. She held his gaze for 6 seconds before sighing and shutting her eyes.
“Fine. But I’m paying for the books, since you payed for dinner.” Lyra said, getting up and putting her ice skates back in the rental station. Glancing at the sky again, Lyra just now realized that it was getting dark. Grayson raised a brow at her.
“Sure you are.” He said, shaking his head with a smile, and taking her hand. She furrowed her brows and gave him a look.
“I am, Grayson.” She said, staring at him with a look on her face. He returned the look but didn’t reply, and Lyra just knew that he was going to put up a fight at the cash register.
Lyra had picked out an arrangement of books with a grin on her face: Classics, romances, mysteries, fantasies, anything that she thought would be interesting or that she heard was interesting from Max. There were about 7-8 books in Grayson’s arms, as he was holding them for her, and he put them down on the counter. Lyra smiled at the cashier who made small talk with her, and all was well until another employee came up to her. The other employee whispered something in her ear, and she sighed before turning to the two of them.
“There’s an issue with the storage room, so I’m just going to check that out very quickly. I’ll be just a moment.” She said patiently. “In the meantime, just tap or swipe the card reader for me there.” She walked off, leaving Grayson and Lyra at the counter. Lyra turned to him, already knowing by the look on his face what he was up to.
“I’m paying Grayson.” She said, giving him a look. Grayson gave a subtle half shrug, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
“I know. I was just looking at you because I think you’re beautiful,” He said, taking her hand in his. “And every moment spent with you is too.” Lyra’s mouth was in an “o” shape, and she held in a breath as Grayson lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. Lyra was stuck, her heart thumping in her chest like a drum, when a sudden beeping sound brings her back to the present. She glances at the card reader, and sees Grayson’s free hand reached out towards it, as well as his platinum black card on it. Now she was really gasping. Slipping her hand out of his grasp, she brought them to her hips.
“Wow.” Was all she said, furrowing her brows at him but not being able to hide her smile. She turned around so he wouldn’t have to see, but Grayson held her waist and spun her back around. He was about to speak when the employee comes back.
“Alrighty guys! Sorry about that wait, would you like a receipt?” She asked, clearly not being able to tell what had happened between the two or really just not caring. Lyra blushed before nodding her head, not trusting herself to be able to speak. Grayson blew out a laugh, before saying thank you to the employee, taking the receipt, and walking out the door with Lyra’s hand in his. They walk out, laughing and chatting, and although she was laughing too hard to tell, Lyra thought her heart felt 10 times lighter.
Grayson went back home after dropping Lyra off at her house, a ghost of a smile still on his face, when he sees Jameson, Xander, and Nash waiting for him by the foyer. He raised a brow, and saw that Nash and Jamie were smirking. He was about to ask them why, when Jameson beat him to his own question.
“How was your date?” He asked. Grayson paused, before making a face at Jameson.
“I didn’t tell you I was on a date, why do you think that?” He said, his smile growing the slightest bit. Xander grinned.
“My detective skills! You’re not dressed too fancy, which means that you were with Lyra because she likes it when you dress toned down, and you’re smiling!” He said, as if that were a once in a lifetime occurrence. Grayson rolled his eyes at him, before he remembered something. Then, he raised a brow.
“You saw the video of me and Lyra kissing didn’t you?” He asked in deadpan. Jameson burst out laughing, and even Nash couldn’t keep a snort from leaving his mouth.
“Yes!” Jameson said, he pulled out his phone, and showed a low quality video of Grayson pulling Lyra by her chin and kissing her. “This is you kissing Lyra without any filters, and this is you kissing Lyra with filters!” He was wearing an evil grin, and Grayson was a bit scared when he looked at his phone and started tapping the screen. He brought it up a second later to show Grayson.
“This is you and Lyra kissing with the dog emoji on, this is you and Lyra kissing with sombrero hats,” He kept swiping, pausing for a second only to laugh before continuing to monologue the filters. Grayson internally groaned. “This is you and Lyra kissing with frog heads, this is you and Lyra kissing underwater, this is-“
“I think he gets it, Jamie.” Nash drawled, cutting in with a smirk. He gave Grayson a look that said “you’re welcome”, and Grayson had never been more thankful for him in his entire life. Grayson quickly thought up an escape.
“Well, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go to my room. It’s getting late.” Grayson said. Jameson and Xander snickered, whereas Nash just smiled.
“Nighty night Gray!” Jameson called out as he turned and walked off. “Try not to dream about Lyra’s lips!” A sudden explosion of laughter goes off behind him, and Grayson shook his head with a smile. Putting his hand in his coat pocket, he feels the paper receipt from the book store. He smoothed it out with one hand, smiling to himself as he remembered how flustered Lyra got when he kissed her hand. It gave him a feeling that he couldn’t quite place, one that he hadn’t felt in years. One that made him feel like maybe, this time, he really did belong. He belonged with her, and Grayson just knew that he was going to feel that way for a long time.
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