#i said i wont draw jax again
a-v-j · 11 months
Would Andy count as a Digitial circus oc?
Imagine him interacting with the others who can take off there limbs, spin there head 360 degrees-
And then there's Andy, who can make pretty okay coffee.
(His power is not dying after living on only caffeine and sheer luck.)
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dollcherray · 5 months
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꒰͡ ͜ ı ͜ ͡꒱ DOLLHOUSE ۶♡ৎ
A/N: This is so silly, definitely not self indulgement.
Type: Romantic/platonic, fluff, headcanons
About reader: Reader talks very slowly, have creepy hobbies and is very mysterious.
Warnings: Decapitation mentions, gore mentions, reader literally wants to sacrifice Jax, Jax is being haunted by you, NOT PROOFREAD, i just did this because yes.
Song: Dollhouse
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୨୧ I dont really think Caine would be really scared or creeped out by you at the start, because he's an AI so, his reaction would be a totally different than the others, i can see him complimenting you actually.
୨୧ When you first got into the circus, you were just so eerily... calm? it impressed him a bit since everybody freaked out whenever they got to the circus, thats the first thing that kinda got him curious, but he just brushed it off when he found out its just in ur nature.
୨୧ When you talk slowly and smoothly like those creepy characters, he would just get a bit impatient, Caine is a very eletric and excited robot, so i dont really think he would have much patience with you when you start talking.
୨୧ One thing that can annoy him a bit is the fact you were just so mysterious, you werent really present on the adventures and when you were you just would blend in the background and didnt really do much, it was like you were a digital ghost or something.
୨୧ He would question the others of why they were so creeped by you, like i said, your weird nature wouldnt really have an effect on him so its very likely that he wont get why the others are so scared of you.
୨୧ About how he reacts to your creepy hobbies; he just doesnt really finds it age appropriate, like, why do you have so many gory drawings?! why do you keep trying to decapitate Jax?? to use his head as a souvenir?! reader!! that is not age appropriate!
୨୧ He would try to drive you away from those creepy hobbies, only upsetting you and making you "calmly" threat him saying you would make him eat his own eyes, but it was an empty threat since you cant do much to the RINGMASTER of the circus, and it didnt really work but oh well.
୨୧ He finds your character unique because it can 'almost blend in the dark easily' and he says that because one day he went out in the night to just wander around since he's an AI and doesn't really need sleep and... thats when he saw you, putting a message with a cute bow wrapped knife in Jax's door... you looked really nice in the dark btw.
୨୧ Yeah, overall, he just thinks you are another silly goof.
۶♡ৎ “...[NAME] you cant say that.”
JAX ۶♡ৎ
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୨୧ Fuck.
୨୧ I think Jax would be really fucked up, he made a HUGE mistake when he tried testing your patience at first, calling you "edgelord" and etc, he got a chance at first when you just decided to ignore him, but, he tried his luck again by trying to nag you with his pranks.
୨୧ He laughed at you threatening to give him 'a DIY plastic surgery' on his face, thinking you were just trying to be a "edgy kid"... until your brutal payback..
୨୧ Now you are haunting him, congrats, you have instigated fear into the 'funny' purple bunny that now everytime he sees you in a adventure, he gets more worried in making sure you aren't trying to stab his back with a axe than causing chaos and violence.
୨୧ This man was so flabbergasted when you tried to 'payback' his prank with setting up a axe trap in his room door to try and decapitate him, thats when Jax knew he fucked up.
୨୧ The others praise you because whenever your in the same room as Jax, he shuts up for the first time and as long as you're present in the same room as him, he wont bug anyone and that makes everybody so much happier.
୨୧ He has to check his door for traps EVERY MORNING to not get greeted with a knife to his forehead or worse: with you instead.
୨୧ You probably haunt his dreams, Jax probably had a nightmare that had you included, oh wow you have officially turned into Jax's living nightmare, like why is this happening to him?! is this karma for his pranks?! god help him.
୨୧ He hates you and your voice and everything about you! Thanks to you, now everybody has an argument to mock him, thanks to YOU everybody knows he's not that tough, even Gangle laughed at him!
۶♡ৎ “I'm so incredibly disappointed right now.”
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thequeenb · 5 years
Until we meet again
Pairings: KamilahxMC
All the battle faded away when Amy's eyes fell upon Rheya making her way to Kamilah. Her breath stopped and so did the time. Blood was being spilled, vamprires were screaming in pain. Bones were cracking, skulls were violently crushing as ashes filled the heavy air.
Amy locked eyes with Kamilah who was so determinated, it was written all over her eyes. Without hesitation Amy was by her side, her presence making her more safe even if chaos evolved around them.
Kamilah's eyes were fixed on Rheya who just smiled devilishly. Her body was covered in ashes and blood the smell to strong not to be disgusted by. Amy was wounded, Jax was slicing Feral's heads, Adrian was leading and encouraging people to continue as Lily shot bolts through the air to Rheya's followers.
But Kamilah was there, next to her. She promised they were in this together and she kept that promise. Amy was no fool she knew someone had to be sacrificed to win a Queen and she was more than ready to do it twice.
"So pathetic, you two could have been so much more" Rheya's tone was echoing through her head, watching the bloody steak on her hand.
"I would rather die that be on the Evil side once more" Kamilah took a courageous step forward.
"You are no different than Gaius, you spread terror and pain to so many people and you enjoy it, you are amused" her stare was so sharp that it could cut the whole earth open.
An evil laugh was all Amy could hear, her eyes were carefully eyeing every move Rheya made.
"Dont act like you didn't enjoy it once upon a time" she moved the stake near her heart, Amy flinched
"No!!" she screamed pulling Kamilah's sleeve "Kamilah we can defeat her if we all--"
But she didn't move, instead she closed her eyes whispering a prayer in her native language
"I would be a fool wasting 2000 years of experience in an instant" Rheya relaxed her arm "be my right hand, and you shall live"
Amy now heard a sweet laugh, the one she heard for the past year, Kamilah's.
"I would rather die" she spat out coldly
Amy swallowed hard not understanding the purpose of this but before she could even think Rheya pushed the stake deep into Kamilah's flesh but she wasn't in pain no, she was smiling.
Everything was spinning, there were no words to put into the fact she was fatally staked. She was so focused on Kamilah that she didn't notice Adrian was behind Rheya stabbing her to death.
A scream filled the empty destroyed streets of New York as ashes flew around the air. Nothing mattered that moment only Kamilah in Amy's arms slowly dying.
"I promised that we were..that..we were..in this.. together.." she said slowly stroking Amy's cheek that was now filled with tears
"No..no dont go..we have so much more to explore..dont you dare leave me" Amy reached a shaky hand drawing Kamilah in watching her wound not healing
"I would die for you a million times"
Amy tried to breathe watching how Kamilah's eyes were slowly losing their brightness. She wanted to speak, say anything, do something but it was all to much, to sudden.
She watched as 2000 years of memories, experiences, love and pain pouring out of her body but she smiled a single tear running down her cheek
"I..i..i love you Kamilah..more than anything.." Amy said as her voice broke
"I..love..you..too" Kamilah tried to speak but she ended up coughing and wincing in pain
"Until we meet..again.." those were her final words before her body turned into ashes.
Amy was on her knees watching her lover's ashes spray around her palms, her neckless the only legacy that was left behind by her.
It took a moment. A moment to let it sink in that the woman she loves isn't here anymore, a moment to realize she will never see her caramel eyes again. A moment to accept that she wont be able to kiss her, hug her. She had been taken away from her.
A loud scream filled the air, she screamed until she felt she will suffocate. It didn't matter anymore, nothing did. She kept sobbing until her lungs gave up and she fell to the ground hugging what was left of Kamilah on her palm.
Lily was the first to approach touching her shoulder. For the first time she looked up, noticing everyone stopped fighting, that they broke free from that evil spell, that Rheya was truly dead.
Adrian gasped watching his sister ashes blow away by the wind.
"No..no..NO!!" Amy reached to catch them but it was to late.
Jax held her arms gently "Amy.."
Closing her eyes she took a deep breath as the sky colours were changing.
"We should go" Jax pointed at the sky
Lily nodded unable to speak as Adrian just headed their way. But Amy was still there, on her knees sobbing uncontrollably gripping at the neckless until her fingertips turned white from pressure.
"Amy? Are you coming? Can you walk?" Adrian asked extending his hand for her to stand up but she didn't want to.
"Amy no" he said trying to pull her on her feet but it was hard since she was to stubborn in her nature.
"Girl please come with us" Lily approached carefully trying to put sense into her messy thoughts.
"She wouldn't want this." Jax finally said as Amy stared at him. Her eyes lost every little hope she had. Even though they were a bright colour they painted a dark expression in them. She lost everything she ever had.
"I..need a moment alone and i will join you" she said forcing herself to speak.
Everyone took note and left wisely, leaving her behind with her tears.
"Why did you have to play it the hero Kamilah?" she asked looking at the sky knowing she was somewhere between those pretty colours that started showing.
"I never imagine i could lose you, you were always so strong, so powerful.." her tone was regretful, she regrets every moment she didn't cherish because she thought they had enough time.
"I thought now that i became a vamprire we..we would be together for eternity" a deep sign escaped her lips as tears threatened again to fall. She covered her mouth with her hand trying to not let out the painful sobs and screams she was holding.
"We are in this together" she whispered as she felt the sun on her skin. It burned, but she found comfort.
She looked around, taking in the light she missed for the last time. Closing her eyes she expected for everything to just stop, but instead she felt a hand on her shoulder.
Opening them she saw Kamilah, wearing a white suit extending her hand. She smiled and it made Amy think she was dreaming.
Taking her hand she let the electricity run down her spine as she closed her eyes.
"I wouldn't try her if i were you Lester, she seems business" Kamilah said amusingly.
"Who cares about a mewling mortal!!" Her voice was sharp, her eyes were red and threatening.
"Now i care little what happens to you, but if Adrian is in any trouble because of you, i wont hesitate to kill you myself" her stare was intense, her words so cruel full of hatred.
"You are beautiful arent you?" Kamilah said smiling, eyeing Amy's body
"I didn't want anything in a long time, but i want you" a surprised gasped escaped her lips knowing she broke one layer off her icy walls.
"I refuse do die knowing i have more of this to come" she leaned in touching Amy's lips sweetly
"I care for you Amy, very much so" she said looking lovingly into her eyes waiting eagerly for a response.
"When this is done, i am ready to be yours" Kamilah said kissing Amy sweetly under the night sky
"I am her Queen and she is mine" Kamilah said with a sweet tone to Gaius ready to die for Amy and her safety
"This wasn't enough, we didn't had enough time" she said watching Amy's fatal wound, tears running down her cheeks
"And i lo--" Amy couldn't hear anything anymore, just pinch blackness
"You..you are alive" Kamilah said shocked, a smile forming across her lips
"I thought i lost you Amy, i really thought i had" Kamilah said stroking her cheek enjoying the warmth she thought she had lost
"So long since i had felt loss, so long since i have cried" Kamilah looked at the floor unable to meet Amy's surprised eyes
"We are in this together i promise" she said taking Amy's hand in hers kissing her forehead softly
"I would die for you a million times" she said breathlessly trying to take in Amy's before she was gone.
"I..love..you.." she whispered before she close her eyes, her hand holding Amy's tightly before letting go.
All the memories past through her mind so fast she couldn't wrap her head around it, Kamilah's touch could be lightly felt on her body as her sweet voice was like an angel singing.
Opening her eyes she realized she was joining Kamilah so she smiled, letting the sun take her away. Before she could turn into ashes she whispered softly i am coming Kamilah.
Tag list: @mrskamilxh @wildsayeed @la-guera-69 @thepotatobleh @scarlet-letter-a0114 @sayeedbound @ilovetaylor13m @sleeping-with-her06 @blackphenix9527 @lightning-fury @amorettemcsky
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imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to {Part 18} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^ 
Thank you babe! I’m happy you liked it and that you’re looking forward to next week c:
@takura-rin said: Ahhh, the new chapter was so awesome ;; I’ll almost forgot that the update was today.. I’m so exited whats happening next ;;
I’m glad you remembered that the update was today! hehe, thank you so much for reading it :)
@mysr3 said: Saraaa OMG WHAT HAVE U DONE! My heart just stopped at the ending(screams) can’t wait for next chapter. Well done love❤️ ahhh plz will there be drama in next chapter. Even Yoongi’s character is evil but he is my bias, hope his character is somehow okay. I love the part when JK introduced Y/N to his family, interesting encounter n well explained details. U portrayed him such cute little boy who needs his mum to help with revealing his secrets. I screamed when he announced Y/N his partner n GF ><
A cute little boy haha yes! I guess even Vampires can be nervous when introducing their gf to their parents. But even more so for Jungkook because his gf is a human and he is a royal Vampire heh~ Thank you so much for reading the chapter my love!
@animeimmortal said: “lovely. Oh thats lovely. Awwww that’s nice. ^^ . Great looking party. what. What. WhAT. FUCK. WHAT. SHIT. WAT. FAK. WHHAAAAAAAT. oh shit.” I Won’t Stop You part 18 - a summary (cont.) also: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMN BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHH
What a perfect summary! hahaha~ I really hope you enjoyed it and thank you so much for reading it!
Anonymous said: OH MY GOD IT WAS SO GOOD!!! I may or may not have laughed when she said “it’s Dracula,” but I can’t wait until the next part! There’s something about your writing that draws the reader in, and I feel as if I’m really in the story. You describe things in such a way that it’s like it’s happening to me, and I’m feeling the same things that they’re feeling in the story. You’re so talented and I hope that, if you enjoy it, you never stop writing because you’re so amazing at it.
Ahhhh thank you so so much! It’s so good to hear that you can really feel all the emotion as if you are truly there. You’re so sweet and kind and yes, I really do enjoy writing so I won’t be stopping! haha thank you for reading and messaging me too :)
Anonymous said: Oh dear I’m not gonna survive the next chapter am I? Please have mercy and don’t kill me entirely, you’ve already done half the job in this chapter
Hmmm I wonder c: hehe thank you so much for reading and despite being half dead, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
I apologise for any stress and PTSD caused! D: You’re welcome for the cliffhanger :P It seems I’ve caused a little distress with it - whoops :) hehe thank you so much for reading the chapter!
Anonymous said: Omg just read the new chapter and I don’t know how u do it. I literally felt like I was feeling her every emotion, like seriously you should have seen me, I was shaking in my chair from the anxiety! I love your work and will continue to follow you and read everything you write!! LOVE YOU XXX
Awww poor babe but I’m glad I could make you feel the emotions she was feeling in the chapter! Thank you so much my love and I greatly appreciate that ^^ I love you too!!
@omelys-space said: OH MY LORD THINGS WILL GET REAL NOW !!! Holy Shit I am so excited 😍 And Jungkook is such a babe man I wish I could date someone like him such a gentleman  Protect your girl!  So cute and Taehyung and Jimin just yes 😍 Thank you for this update it is amazing and a huge thank you for updating every week ❤❤❤❤
I know right when will I ever had a protective Vampire boyfriend to keep me safe from evil Vamps like Yoongi :c hehe~ Thank you so much my love and I’m so happy that you enjoyed it!
Anonymous said: OK I’VE JUST FINISHED IT AND OMG CAN YOU NOT WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LEAVE IT ON SUCH A CLIFFHANGER although on a calmer note I’m so so so happy we’re now getting to the actual climax of the story 🎉🎉 - silent anon (cont.) Aside from being more-hyped-than-necessary for next week already, I also can’t wait to see how the rest of Jungkook’s family are going to react to OC calling Yoongi ‘Dracula’ - silent anon (not so silent anymore) (cont.) Also Happy Valentines !!! And I want to second what jiminiespinkie was saying about you being better that many published writers - she is 100% correct, you’re such a good writer you could honestly just get a writing career right now. I hope you were just being modest when you said you’ve got a long way to go before publication, and that you’re well aware of and are completely confident in how good of a writer you are - silent anon (So sorry for the spam, I keep forgetting to add things 😷)
You think this is the climax of the story?….that’s…interesting. c: Thank you so much for reading and I hope you’ll enjoy next weeks as much as this weeks! And yes, Happy Valentines Day to you too (even tho it’s not Valentines Day any more now but I still got a lot of love to give lol) And in regards to the publishing idea, I HAVE looked into different options, but tbh it makes me so anxious haha. Like, it feels really pretentious of me to actually charge money for people to read what I write. Like real talk, I would feel really weird asking people like even for £1 for a book lol but who knows what will happen in the future. Maybe you’ll see a published author called Sara Eren in 10 years time or something haha. Thank you so much for your lovely and encouraging words, they really made me happy and I smiled so much ^^ You’re so wonderful!
Anonymous said: Happy Valentines Day Sara! ❤️ Your writing is something I live for, and I’m so blessed you’re blessing us with a new chapter of “I Won’t Stop You” on this day ✨✨
Happy Valentines Day lovely anon! You’re so welcome and thank you so much for reading it in return ❤️
@moonlighthollow said: Ok first of all I’m SO impressed on how well described &matching(if that’s even a word to describe someone idek😂) your characters are,i mean i can totally imagine taehyung being like this even tho he isn’t gay(・ิω・ิ)but his behavior, the way he talks &the way you describe his expressions are SO on point idk if that makes any sense😂besides of that i love this story so much i think it’s my fav. Story of all so far cause it’s so well written &researched😍& OMG I’M DYING YOONGIS PART IS NEXT OMFG
I’m really happy to know that you think everything is well described ^^ Don’t worry, it makes perfect sense! I understand completely what you’re saying hehe ^^ Thank you so much my darling and I hope you’ll like next week’s update too! :D
Anonymous said: Oke-No. I’m not okay. You know, I’d want to hit u, but that’s not nice and u are SUCH AN AMAZING WRITER. So I’ll just go into cardiac arrest until next monday. Bye.  R.I.P
Pls don’t hit me I’m very small and unaggressive and I’d probably cry my eyes out lolol Thank you so much! I’m really glad you liked(?) the chapter haha! Thank you again my love ^^
@wonderful39530 said: If I could have a pic that could express how I’m feeling about chapter 18 on I Wont Stop You lets just say it’ll be all over the place!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!
Awwwww thank you so much babe! Thank you for enjoying it and reading it, that means so much to me ^^ Stay awesome my dear!
@hayley797-blog said: You killed me.You killed my non existent heart.I wish you could update sooner I can’t wait a whole week…but I guess I just have to wait.Omg I loveee your stories
I apologise for killing you *tries to bring you back to life) haha :c I wish I could update more often too but it takes time to write each chapter unfortunately! Thank you so much babe, I’m so happy that you’re enjoying it!
Anonymous said: Ah I love your writing! Do you know how many chapters might be in IWSY so I know the date I will die? Fighting!
Thank you so much darling!! And no, I’m sorry but I have no idea how many chapters there will be!
@audreymv said: IM NOT READY OMG WHO JUST WALKED IN???? Omg i am on edge and like beautiful. Your writing makes me want to cry and i might just like how. You are so amazing Sara. How dare I not read this for 1 week like. This is my favorite series and you are one of my favorite writers, too. Why are you so amazing. Just i am so overwhelmed. Like please let something not go wron
YOU DON’T KNOW WHO JUST WALKED IN??? xD Ahhh don’t worry about not reading for one week, it’s okay! You can always come back to here because it’s not going anywhere! Thank you so much my love, you’re so sweet and lovely to me and I really appreciate it more than I can describe ^^ Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll enjoy next weeks’ chapter too! :D
Anonymous said: And yet again you slayed me with your amazing writing skills, seriously, you never fail to make me happy every single thursday -cat anon
Hello Cat anon! Yay, I’m so happy it slayed you hehe~ ^^ I’m so happy I can make you happy every single week and I hope I can continue to do that for you as the story continues as well! Thank you so much my dear :D
PLEASE DON’T BE MAD AT ME ;; It seems I’ve caused a few people some distress with my cliffhangers once again, but…it’s fun :P I’m innocent I swear! heheh thank you so much for reading the chapter my dear it means a lot to me!^^
DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER! lolol c: You’ll have to survive another week to find out my love, but thank you so much for reading and I hope you’ll enjoy it again next week! :D
Anonymous said: OMG THAT CHAPTER I’M CRYING IT WAS SO GOOD also I’m a Lil confused so like what must one do to become a full vampire?? Like what was it that made jimin so relieved?
Thank you so much my love! And in regards to Jimin, I guess you’ll just have to wait for the story to explain as the chapters continue! Sorry, no spoilers ;D
Anonymous said: FUCK👏 ME👏 UP 👏WITH 👏THIS👏 NEW 👏CHAPTER 👏 Like I swear whenever Jungkook gets all playful I DIE! And that Yoongi reveal at the end literally is so great to the plotline. I swear you are one of the best writers out here and thanks for taking your time with such a masterpiece 😊
Yessssssss I’m so happy to know that! And ikr right? Playful and flirty VampKook got me feeling so hmhmmgkflmgspg lolol c: Thank you so much for your wonderful words, they mean the world and more to me, you have no idea ^^
Anonymous said: Your fanfic is amazing, I really love your writing, pls write some smutty blood sucking thnk u <3
I may or may not have a Jackson Wang oneshot Vampire!AU planned in the future~~ blood sucking smut included heh~ But you didn’t hear that from me! c: Thank you so much my love ^^
Anonymous said: SARA NOOOOOOOO. WHY YOU DO THIS?? I’ve been literally dying for jungkook to tell y/n what he really is omg I wanna know what’s gonna happen to them. AND NOW YOONGI SHOWS UP?? AND SHE RECOGNIZES HIM OMG. CRAP IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN. PLUS I WANNA KNOW WHAT Y/N IS OMGOMGOMG STAAAHHPP. How are you such a good writer omg.  - 7:45 anon
Hello again 7:45 anon! I’m so happy to know that I caused you a great deal of panic with this chapter :D hehe~ Thank you so much for reading and I hope next week’s update can evoke the same feelings, too :3 I hope you’re having a great week!
It’s always most calm before the storm c: Hehe I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter and thank you so much for reading it! ^^
Anonymous said: Tuesday is so far away 😩. How could you end it there oml. This is not a cliffhanger if I’m being thrown over the edge already. Great job great job. Tuesday can’t get here fast enough
Awww I’m so sorry my lil babes :c *pulls you off the cliff* it’s okay~ hehe Thank you so much and I hope that you’ll enjoy the next chapter!
@sehkii said: ooomg i love i won’t stop you sm and the way you right just??? blows my mind??? likE HOW??? i love how you’ve kept us on edge with everything going on and i think i figured what the mc is? at least what she can do? i mean you basically put it out there in the newest chapter but i’m pretty sure the mc speeds up the vampire transition time? aND THE REASON YOONGI WANTS HER IS TO CREATE AN ARMY OF VAMPIRES TO GET BACK AT THE JEONS??? THis is my theory but honestly i’m ready for anything fuck me up
Yes - it certainly appears that it is one of the powers that her ‘condition’ is made up of. But, I wonder if there is a deeper reason or meaning to it? Hm? c: Your deduction is clever and on the right path, so thank you for being so observant and picking up on that aspect, it makes me smile so much as the writer to see that :D Thank you also for reading it and messaging me afterwords with your theory, I enjoyed it quite a lot ;D hehe^^
Anonymous said: IM JUNGSHOOK. CHAPTER 18 GOT ME ALL THE WAY F***ED UP (excuse my language) LIKE EVERYONE IS LIKE 'Aye party lit af’ then it’s like *doors swing open* 'omfg ashdvnglf he’s arrived* and I’m just sad and lonely and upset but still extremely happy and in love with you. But like why you do dis. We have to wait a whole week to see what happens next. I love you 💜 ~LilKookie Anon
Hello LilKookie anon! LOL AYE PARTY LIT AF hahaha I laughed too much at that - why did I imagine Namjoon screaming that when I read it? xD Please don’t be sad and lonely, I’m always here for you ^^ and I love you too! Thank you so much for reading it and enjoying it my love, it means a lot to me! ^^
Anonymous said: Hey, I just wanted to let you know that your fics are still part of my self care routine. It’s Tuesday nights now :) Love your writing!!! - self-care anon
Hello self-care anon! Long time no talk my dear, how are you keeping? Have you been taking care of yourself? I hope so! And YAY I’m so glad I can still be a part of your self-care routine ^^ Thank you so much my love!
Anonymous said: I. AM. SCREAMING. OH MY GOSH. When she started chatting with the family I thought “oh man, what if Suga comes.” AND THEN AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. NO NO NO. Lolol Serrena super confused though. “what’s wrong wth the human???” Wow. You can’t just end it there!!!!! Wow. I am, wow. WOWOWOWOWOWOOWOW. Help. #IWSY
Lol yes! Because Serrena has no idea that the reader even knows who Yoongi is! The only people who know of her past thus far is Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin bc of the Montgomery’s essentially fucking up and not realising that there was a young girl being left without parents too…:c Thank you so much for reading the chapter my love and I’m so happy you enjoyed it!
I APOLOGISE FOR WRECKING YOU WITH THE CLIFFHANGER BUT LETS BE HONEST YOU SHOULD EXPECT THAT FROM ME BY NOW ;D lolol Thank you for reading and again I apologise for any distress I caused with the cliffhanger muhahaha c:
@coppertopging said: AHFBEKDIVHNEKSIFNGNEKWFHRJR!!!! YOU ARE THE QUEEN OF CLIFFHANGERS!!! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!??! *proceeds to ugly sob* i don’t like you right now…
*bows* yes, that I am ;D PLEASE LOVE ME I PROMISE I’M NOT THE EVIL CLIFFHANGER QUEEN I CLAIM TO BE :c lolol But…I hope you enjoyed it? xD Thank you for reading my love ^^
*shakes fist* DAMN THAT RASCAL
I LOVE YOU TOO AND YOU’RE WELCOME THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING - also, I take no responsibility for driving anyone to alcoholism due to my stories :x
@fragmentedxmemory said: OMG I Won’t Stop You is an AMAZING story!!! Holy cow so much emotion in the last chapter!!! I’m in love with this story and I’m in love with your writing talent. Keep up the great work and can’t wait for part 19. 😍😍😍👌🏽👌🏽
Hello lovely! Thank you so much for your wonderful words, and I’m so happy that you’re enjoying the story so far ^^ Thank you for reading and I hope you’ll enjoy the next one too!
Anonymous said: Jungkook: talks about how precious the reader is to him  Me: *is a crying mess*
Fun fact; my mum reads these chapters before I post them and she was a crying mess at that part. She thought it was so endearing of him to say and it made her very emotional aww c: Thank you for reading my dear!
@jynxy24 said: NEWEST CHAPTER MADE ME- URGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I couldn’t wait for school to be over. Hahaha, I’ll have to study for an exam now, thanks so much for this amazong chapter, Sara! ^^
Ahhh Jynxy thank you so much for reading babe! I hope you can study well but don’t overwork yourself either! I hope you do well in your exam my love :D
Anonymous said: I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH I’M SCREAMING - wedding anon
Anonymous said: (IWSY is amazing my every message is by default talking about that haha) ANW thanks to you Sara I actually looked into got7 and Guess who just found a new bias 🌚 Choi youngjae 💙  -eggyook anon
Hello eggyook anon! Thank you so very much for reading the chapter and enjoying it ^^ You’re so awesome! AND OH MY GOD REALLY THAT’S AMAZING YES YOUNGJAE IS SUCH A PERFECT RAY OF SUNSHINE HE WILL FILL YOUR DAYS WITH ENDLESS LAUGHTER AND RADIANT LIGHT you made an excellent choice c: I’m so happy you could look into them because of me, that makes me so so happy c:
“That shit really butters my egg roll” I’M FUCKING DYING NO STOP I LITERALLY PEED NO I HSDBGSKJDNGSN oh ym god i can’t breathe that fucked me up I’m using that in my own life now thank you so much for this eloquent expression LOL thank you so much for reading the chapter and I love you too! I hope you’re having an amazing week and I hope you are also happy and healthy my dear ^^
@cynicalspacehoe said: Oh. My. God. Chapter 18 had me extremely shook to say the least. Amazing job as always!
Thank you so much my dear I’m so happy you liked it! ^^
Anonymous said: Omg I.. The newest chapter of IWSY was amazing! It made me feel all kinds of things. I was so happy and nervous and terrified (and aroused) when the protagonist was feeling those things. UGH. YOURE AMAZING.
Yay I’m so glad you could feel all those wonderful things :3 YOU’RE EVEN MORE AMAZING thank you so much for reading it my love ^^
Yes yes yes everything will connect and things will all start to be revealed c: Thank you for reading honey! :3
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freerebelmentality · 8 years
For the love of music 2nd version
AN: This version is the same in the beginning just like the other one. This one has a different scenario and ending. This one is all SOA
Word Count: 2,784
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For days you have been exploring the little town of Charming. Since moving you have made a great deal of friends who lived in your neighbourhood and whom you work with. It was a weekend and you wanted to check out the little cafe that had a patio out front.
“What can I get you to drink?” The cashier asks putting on a fake smile.
You already knew she was having a bag day and didnt want to complicate your order. Luckily the place wasnt that busy either which is a good thing for the both of you. She looked as though she wanted to get away from the till and you just wanted a nice quiet place to read.
“I’ll have the medium roast” You reply while she gives you a genuine smile and places the order for you.
You hand her the money and something extra while she mouths her thanks. You see an empty arm chair by the window and seat yourself as you pull out your book. The cashier turns on the music and thankfully its classical music. Something you have always loved. Its a favourite by Mozart.
“I got to stop here and pick up some coffee. Ran out this morning” Chibs says to his VP while the others follow Jax back to the club after doing some business.
As soon he parked his bike and turned it off is when he saw you sitting in front of him really. He walked into the cafe, his eyes still locked on you while he makes his way to the counter.
“Hey Chibs” The cashier greets the man that comes into the cafe.
You look up from your book and see him. He looked like the type your father told you to stay away from, like the authors depicted as the bad boy or even at times. The villain. Aside from that there was something about him that got your attention, it wasnt the kutte he was wearing or the tattoos that were visible to you but something special.
“Aye Lass. How is yer day” He asks before making his order
“Not so great, a few customers being complete douche bags and after that just been messing up orders all day” The cashier tells him
“The day is almost over. Ye come across pricks again just add in salt in their coffees, they wont know a difference” He says while making the cashier smile and laugh.
You liked the fact he made someone feel better about the day.
“Thanks, the usual?” She asks while getting the cup ready.
“Aye and my special blend” He says while taking his wallet out but the cashier waves it off.
“If I cant pay then I will tip” He says while smiling to her.
You melted at the sound of his voice, his accent, his charm and wondered what else could be unveiled.
“Whose the lass by the window?” He asks leaning on the counter whispering into the cashiers ear.
“I have no idea, she seems nice and she tipped me too” She says with a shrug and a smile.
“I better get going. See ye love” He says to her and looks to you toasting to coffee while you nod.
For the past few weeks Chibs has been seeing you all over town. From the cafe to the grocery store, book store and out of a music store. He got curious in what type of music you listened to, what types of books you read, and he got curious about the sound of your voice.
It wasnt like he was stalking you, he just happen to be at the places you are already at. He liked seeing you around though and how you interacted with people and always leaving them smiling or you always leave a building smiling.
You were walking out of the bank and down the street to go back to work. You noticed a group of guys blocking the walk way. You try excusing yourself but they wouldnt listen or even move.
“Excuse me” You say a little to shakey and they notice
“Whats your rush sweet heart” One guy says while he tries to comb his hands through your hair but you move quickly to try walking forward.
“I just need to get to work” You tell him in a hushed tone wrapping your arms around yourself.
“I dont think you are going any where sweet heart. Come party with us” Another says blocking your way.
Your heart begins to pick up pace and getting incredibly scared they were going to pick you up and force you some where.
“Dont be rude, he asked nicely” Another said
Chibs, Jax and Tig are driving up the street while Chibs notices you in a crowd of guys looking incredibly uncomfortable. He stops while the others stop as well.
“Whats wrong?” Jax asks looking to him
He points with his head to the group of guys and Jax sees a woman being harassed by the men and something boiled in his blood. Tig looks over and hated seeing guys hovering over a woman like that when clearly she is feeling uncomfortable.
“We can show you a good time” The other says as he grabs you by the arm and twirls you around and pulls you towards him. You try to escape from his grasp but he held on tight while licking the side of your face.
You managed to get your arm free and slapped him. His friends grabbed you by both of your arms and held you there. He nodded to him one friend, he came to you and about to tare away at your clothes when you started to scream for help. He managed to tare your shirt open, revealing your bra and tried to hide yourself but the others were holding your arms.
They marvelled at your body with perversion in their eyes while you are feeling completely helpless and violated. Finally you heard motorcycles come driving in and thats when you got more afraid because you thought it was more of their friends coming to help them with you. You begin to cry while you closed your eyes.
Tig drove by with his leg out and tripped at least three guys, Jax stopped his bike and turned it off while Chibs did the same thing and ran to you right away.
“Get the fuck away from the lady and I wont empty this round into your heads” Jax says as he points his gun to the attackers.
“Same along with an extra” Tig says while drawing out two guns.
“Bitch wasnt worth it anyway” One guy says as he walks away along with everyone else
“Just another biker whore” The other guy says
That pissed off Chibs, he got and went running to the guy who said that. He turned towards him quickly and begin to punch him. Once he fell to the ground is when he kicked him repeatedly. You hear all the commotion and open your eyes to see the people who have saved. Still trying to hide yourself, you peak your head over to see the same guy from the cafe. Tig sees you and he goes to Chibs bike to grab a sweater from the compact case.
“You alright doll?” He asks slowly approaching you.
“Im not gonna hurt ya, I just want to give ya this sweater” He says while you startle and he raises his hands in surrender.
“Thank you” You say in a hushed tone taking the sweater from him and immediately putting it on.
The smell of the sweater made you calm down from the anxiety attack thats lurking at the core of your chest. The sweater smells of cologne, cigarette smoke, weed and hint of motor oil.
“Ye alright love?” The man asks with the accent you grew to love, even the sounds of his voice made you feel better
“Im just trying to calm myself down” Is all you say while looking between the three men who have saved you.
“Im Filip but you can call me Chibs. This is Jax and thats Tig” He says while introducing himself and the other two.
“Filip, Jax and Tig. Im y/n” You introduce yourself as well.
“Well thats a pretty name for a pretty face” Tig says while trying to make you feel better
“I think Im far from feeling better” You honestly tell them while they look to you in confusion
“Im on the verge of having an anxiety attack” You tell them while wrapping your arms around yourself. Covering yourself from the vulnerability that has been caused by the group of guys.
“Close your eyes, inhale deeply and hold it for a few seconds. Exhale slowly while naming five things that ye sense” Filip says while standing right in front of you.
You do just as you are told. Inhaling and exhaling out slowly.
“I can smell cigarettes, cologne, weed, motor oil. And I can hear on going traffic” You reply while opening your eyes and the handsome Scottish man is standing right in front of you.
“I think ye just described my sweater” He says with a smile forming
“Is there any where we can take you y/n?” Jax asks while looking to you
“Home” Is all you say while Filip leads you to his bike. You give him the address.
He pulls into the drive way, kicks the stand into place and turns off his bike. You get off the bike and give him the helmet.
“Ye live with someone to keep an eye on ye?” He asks while looking to you and your house you are renting.
“No, its just me. I’ll be fine” You tell him while looking for the keys in your purse
“If anything happens just give me a call, here is my number” He says while writing it down for you
“Thanks” You grab the piece of paper from him.
“Thanks for everything” You add while walking to the front door and unlocking it.
You turn the knob, push the door open while he starts his bike once more and you walk in to get one last look to the man who saved you from something horrible.
Over the next few days have been skittish for you, work wasnt easy as well and your boss along with your co workers begin to notice. You havent said anything about the attack to anyone. There were times when you wanted to call Filip but always changing your mind.
Chibs had found out where you worked and he always stopped by during your break, picked you up for lunch and even picked you up after work. You thought he was only doing that because he felt bad for you.
“Im doing the cooking. Ye head up stairs, get into some comfy clothes and relax” He says from behind you as he places his hands on your hips and leads you away from the kitchen.
When you came back down, Chibs had already set the table, two wine glasses and he was about done with dinner.
“Smells good and table is set up nicely” You tell him while leaning against the counter beside the stove
“Dinner is done, sit while I serve you a plate” He says while taking the pan with him
“Before we eat, there is something I want to say” He adds while pouring the wine into your glasses.
“Are you breaking up with me?” You ask sarcastically while he gives you puzzled expression then changes to a slight chuckle.
“The first time I saw ye at the cafe, sitting in the arm chair and reading a book. I thought ye were one of heavens most beautiful creatures” He says while placing his hand on yours.
“I couldnt stop thinking about ye after that. Once I saw ye around town coming out of the music shop and book store is when I knew how incredibly beautifully smart ye are” He adds while rubbing his thumb over your knuckles
“I wanted to know what captured your attention from the books, what caught your attention while listening to music because I wanted to know what was in that beautiful mind of yours” He continues while looking deep into your eyes.
“When I saw you being harassed by those bastards, thats when something deep inside me threw me into a heat of rage because a woman like ye shouldnt have to endure that. Ye are the type who has a big heart and that was shattered that day. Ye had this notion on your face that ye couldnt feel safe anymore and thats what broke my heart” He says while trying to hold it together but the tears arent helping
“Of all this time spent together, day after, day and I knew that I couldnt stay away. I knew that I was falling for ye, I knew I wanted to be the one ye call when everything crumbles and I wanted to be the one to pick up the pieces for ye and try to make things better again. Y/n I love ye and I dont see myself with anyone else. I want to know if ye would do me the honours and be my old lady?” He finishes while lifting your hands together and gently places a kiss on your hand.
“Wow, I didnt think when I moved here that I would meet someone such as yourself” You say while looking into tear filled eyes.
“When I saw you at the cafe is when I liked the fact you made the cashier feel better about her day when she wasnt having such a great day. You did and thats what I liked” You tell him with a smile on your face
“After a while when I kept seeing you around town as well, coming out of the grocery store, hardware store and a charity benefit building. Is when I knew that I wanted to be apart of your every day routine because there arent many people who would enter a charity benefit building and drop off donations or volunteer for the sake of their heart” You continue while forming tears as well
“You have this stoic, strong, stubborn yet kind, trustworthy and loyal persona you have. I wanted to feel how it felt like to have someone like you because there arent that many men in the world like you. You arent afraid to show vulnerability at the times you feel the need to and arent afraid to express those feelings either” You add while trying to contain the sob that wants to escape from your mouth.
“I fell for you as well and I have loved you for sometime now. I felt happy, safe and excited knowing you would be there to bring me coffee, lunch and would be there to pick me up from work just so you know I would be coming home safely. I loved you the minute you came to my rescue and I do love you. I would be happy to be your old lady and I would have been disappointed if you didnt ask sooner” You finish while he reaches over to give you a kiss that he has been dying to do for a while now.
The both of you are happy to the extent that everything else came naturally. There was no awkward moments when he started to move in with you. There was always that feeling of being right at home with each other, and when spending as much needed quality time together is when neither of you asked about what to do.
Fridays would be having dinner together or at Gemma’s house. Saturdays would be spent in your music/library room together while he read the morning news paper in his chair and you would be in yours reading a book. In between sat a table that held a lamp and both of your coffees while the piano notes of Strauss played on the turn table. Sundays were spent in bed all day and not wanting to get out because of how loving it was to be in each others arms.
Filip always loved spending his weekends with you and he always made sure he had those weekends off from the club. They didnt mind since they knew how much he couldnt stay away from you and you wouldnt want to spend the weekends alone. He loved how everything was and he wouldnt want to trade this for anything in the world. You wouldnt want this to end anytime soon because its all you have ever wanted and you loved every single moment of it.
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thequeenb · 5 years
Tumblr media
Author's note: English isnt my first language excuse my mistakes
Pairings: KamilahxMC(Amy)
Plot of part 3: Kamilah has to face her deepest fear.. choosing between life and death enemies and loved ones..will Amy be saved?
Warning: violence, blood graphic content
I made it angsty af enjoy;)
Kamilah was on the floor growling as she tried to get up. Never in her 2063 years saw someone with such strength. All the power radiating from Amy's body was scary yet draw them in.
Amy moved and sit in Gaius legs stroking his face "My powerful warrior we will finally release our dream..humans will pay and we will rule the world..better for our kind". Kamilah's eyes were tearing up hearing her lover's voice saying such words broke her heart but the worst was yet to come Amy kissed Gaius passionately moaning against his lips "I love you my goddess". "I love you my warrior". Everyone stared in disbelief
Lily cried, Jax had his katana out, Adrian was ready to attack and Kamilah ready to snap Gaius neck for what he had done to Amy. Before they can think twice Amy's voice made them stop "Well well..i see my warrior's plan was genius.. centuries trapped in a wooden prison i am finally free" her eyes burning red the betrayal made her furious. "Gaius gave you the gift be powerful even compared to a God and you felt compassion for humans? The kind who killed you torture you hunt you throughout the years??!!" She raised her voice. The power was fascinating they couldn't resist the sight of the goddess's spirit in the room. She was walking closer to them with a devilish smile. "This helpless human was hard to give up" she smiled wider walking towards Kamilah. She was on her guard ready to fight but she felt powerless. Rheya was to strong."She kept saying a name.. resisting" she touched Kamilah's chin deep red eyes watching hers "To bad she is dead right "Vamprire Queen"?" She flinched to these words her fangs threatening she push her back but she cant help but hesitate..its Amy's body.. Amy's face. Adrian run towards Gaius Jax helped him and Lily threw bolts with her crossbow to the traitors. Kamilah was standing there lost in thought throughout the chaos around her.
"God Kamilah you work to much you are a workholic" Amy said as she smiled. Kamilah looked up from her laptop and placed her perfectly manicured fingers on the desk. "I am a what now?" Kamilah's brow raised. "Oh you know a workholic? I mean you work to much". Kamilah stood up from her chair and came towards Amy and placed her hands on the girl's waist. "Oh?" She heard the mortal's breath catch in her throat as she leaned closer and bite her earlobe "i can take you right here in the office" Amy had goosebumps all over her body..she needed Kamilah.. desired her but that wasn't the reason she was here. "As much as i would like to continue thats not why i am here" Kamilah pulled back her expression unreadable "I am listening" she said as she went to the cabinet and brought out a wine and 2 glasses. "Well.." the girl lost her voice..she was scared to tell her about her weird dreams. What if she didn't believe her? Think she is crazy? What if she didnt knew who that gorgeous woman was who called her in her dreams? She sighed "forget its nothing" Kamilah moved forward again holding her hands in hers. Amy was surprised at the soft touch and worrying eyes she saw in the CEO. She swallowed hard and kissed her passionately. Hoping she wont ask her what's wrong. "Wow Amy avoiding problems with sex you are so smart" she thought to herself..but the CEO didnt lost a beat and they continued endless hours making her mortal screaming her name.
Kamilah shook her head..it all made sense. She blames herself for ignoring Amy's worrying eyes and fears. She could have protected her..hold her, be with her right now. But instead she was facing the most powerful vamprire in her lovers body. Amy in a blink of an eye pinned Kamilah against the wall watching her deep in the eyes.
Memories flash like a wind in Kamilah's mind.
"Kami?" Amy said she turned to the other side "are you awake?". Kamilah turned around with worrying eyes "what happened?" She reached and pull her in a close hug "i just had a nightmare and i dont want to sleep". Kamilah stroked the girl's hair a soft voice she wasn't used to make "well you want to tell me?" Amy didn't respond she pretended to sleep..she didnt want to make Kamilah worry with her stupid mortal problems. Maybe its just nightmares. Kamilah kissed Amy's forehead and kept sleeping.
Kamilah felt tears down her cheeks..her sweet human was invaded by a monster..she watched as Amy's hand was placed on her neck she closed her eyes ready for her fate. She couldn't hurt Amy even if Rheya had taken over. "Oh you surrender that easily? Thats who Gaius called his powerful Queen?" She let out a sarcastic laugh. Eyes red and fangs ready to attack Kamilah pushed her away sending her to the ground. Amy chuckled and grabbed a stake she found near by and with a lightning speed was Infront of Kamilah, the stake near her heart she looked deep into her lovers eyes..at least the last thing she would see was Amy. She closed her eyes accepting her death that awaited. A soft voice shaky and scared spoke to her surprise "Ka- k- Kamilah?" She said as she let the stake fall to the floor. Kamilah opened her eyes and she was shocked..sudden joy in her expression "Oh Am--" "YOU STUPID MORTAL STOP FIGHTING.. EMBRACE THE POWER" again that scary voice she heard before came back. Being distracted to her advantage Kamilah pins Amy to the ground "Amy please come back to me..i love you..i need you i--" She watched Amy's eyes flicker from red to green..to green to red.. until they settled in her beautiful colour Kamilah fell in love with Kamilah's eyes were soft wet until she realised Gaius was watching even though Adrian kept him busy. To Amy's surprise Kamilah rolled and now she was on top "Kamilah what are y--" "Shh Amy play along he will take you away from me again" her voice lower than a whisper her eyes full of fear. Amy's hand grabbed the stake with her shaky hand placing it on Kamilah's heart trying to sound like Rheya she says "My love we shouldn't kill them yet" she got up walking towards Gaius. Adrian watching Amy's green eyes backs away hesitantly. "Her power is so strong you are scared of her my prince?" He laughed loudly as his hands reached Amy's. At first she flinched, her hands shaking but she quickly recovered knowing the risks. "As he should my warrior". Adrian looked confusingly until he felt Kamilah's arms around him watching Amy's every move "We should torture them, show them how powerful we are" Gaius grinned and looked satisfied. "Of course my goddess" but before he could move forward to her dear friends she gripped the stake and dipped it deep into his chest. He turned around anger in his eyes "YOU--" before he could speak Kamilah run towards Amy and they all stared to the ashes Infront of their eyes. Amy fell to her knees she felt weak scared until 2 strong protective arms held her tight. "I am here habibti.." was the last words she heard before she fainted. "Amy.." she heard as slowly opened her eyes "Ka- Kamilah?" Kamilah got a protective arm around her lover
"What happened? I- Rheya where is she? Is she inside me still?" She started breathing heavier "i- i missed you.." Kamilah gave her a kiss tears of relief running down her cheeks "i missed you too i promise i never let anyone near you again..i failed you.. i-" Amy got up slowly and hug her tight "Shhh its ok..before i was captured by king asshole" Amy said and Kamilah let out a laugh Amy hadn't heard that laugh in a while she saw her bright smile she missed she looked at her hair and stroke them..she touched her face she kissed it..she looked at her body she held it tight.. everything she missed she kissed..she got lost in her levender perfume. Tears ran down her cheeks and Kamilah using her thumbs wiped them away. " Well before he take me..i wanted you to know how much i love you Kamilah..i have feelings for you..i wanted to tell you that night..i wanted you to know before anything happens" her voice broke a little as she started sobbing "and when i laid eyes on you i felt like you can see my soul..i like the way you open little by little to me..i like the way you dress elegantly and damn it what conditioner you use look at that hair" She stroked her hair as she continued Kamilah chuckled "i like everything in you ok? You make me feel safe.." the vamprire looked at her speechless but quickly recovered and took a deep breath. "I love you too Amy..since he took you i couldn't stop blaming myself..i felt like i will never see you again i couldn't bear it" she took the girl's hands in hers "i am yours habibti..i will always be i love that you are always optimistic that you are brave..direct different.. magnetic you can say" she kissed the outside of her hand "i will keep you safe" Amy hadn't stoped crying she kissed the vamprire softly..she fell in the pillows holding Kamilah they shared a comfortable silence and as Amy was starting to relax "Schwarzkopf" she says..and Amy turned and looked at her brow arched "you asked what conditioner i use" They both laughed much before dripping off to sleep. Amy was safe in Kamilah's arms. Kamilah for the first time felt peaceful. And they both looked forward to a future together.
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