#i remember all the lyrics which is the worst part
fefifofoggy · 2 days
The Marauders as The Soldier, Poet, King Meta
So, I don't know if anyone's ever thought about this song with the Marauders specifically. But as a sidenote I like listening to music on my way to classes and I ran across one of those 'and you were a fairy' playlists with the first song being The Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos.
Anyways it made me think of MWPP and which lyrics would represent who.
The King
I don't think that this comes as a surprise to anyone, but I feel James has this spot claimed. The ruler is the most important, he is the king. Everything he says or does can have either a negative or positive impact on the people and his subjects. It was a positive impact for his friends. They remember him in a good light, he can essentially do no wrong and if he does then it can always be explained away for this or that reason. He was the shining sun and the warmth that all the Marauders felt cocooned in. Prongs was their King.
“No, I think you’re like James,” said Lupin, “who would have regarded it as the height of dishonor to mistrust his friends.”
James was protective and loved deeply those that were his. He was honorable, he had a very black and white view of the world from what we know of. The king who found nothing more dishonorable than not trusting his closest friends--the ones he became illegal animagi with, the ones he created a secret map with and the same ones that he went gallivanting through the woods under a full moon with.
There will come a ruler Whose brow is laid in thorn Smeared with oil like David's boy
(Yes, this is a reference to Christianity, to Jesus and his brow laid in thorns while put on the cross to die.)
But, I also like to think of it and how this would apply to James. There will come a ruler -- he and Lily are a part of a Prophecy; those who have thrice defied Voldemort, with a summer born child. A Prophecy that they go into hiding for, a Prophecy that could kill them. Yet, it wasn't the Prophecy that killed them, but a betrayal of trust.
The Poet
Sirius Black, the poet.
I feel that this might be contested--maybe a lot of people would think this is the role that Remus would slide into, since he already fits into dark academic aesthetic and fandom portrays him as a voracious reader. (Not to mention the way he talks and how he will weaponize his words)
But I think the Poet is Sirius Black.
There will come a poet Whose weapon is His word He will slay you with His tongue
Born and raised a pureblood to the House of Black, likely slotted to become the next head of his house after his father or grandfather. We see from Walburga's portrait during OoTP that she had a virulent tongue, a trait that Sirius inherited from her. We see it in the train car during their first meeting.
“Where’re you hoping to go, seeing as you’re neither?” interjected Sirius.
Between MWPP, Sirius has always been the one to use his words to cut people the most.
“There’s enough filth on my robes without you touching them,” said Black.
Picking at people's hygiene, cleanliness, looks, abilities, or intellect--nothing is/was too far for Sirius.
“Before Wormtail wets himself from excitement.”
That's how he talks to a friend once he's gotten annoyed? What about his enemies? Or those he considers beneath him? (Which are typically those he doesn't find to be intellectually stimulating to him, as we've seen and a few other people on here have pointed out.)
More than half the time, Sirius' chosen weapon is his words. He is the type of character to point out flaws, weaknesses, things that he knows will hurt the most because he wants to make you bleed.
(And to think, these quotes aren't even some of the worst things he's said, I just couldn't find the quotes that I wanted and didn't want to leaf through my bookshelf.)
The Soldier
I know this will most definitely be an unpopular opinion, but I couldn't decide between Peter or Remus as the soldier. So, I put them both in this section, but I am more partial to Peter.
Remus as the soldier because of his status as a werewolf.
There will come a soldier Who carries a mighty sword
His lycanthropy is his sword, and he is one of Dumbledore's soldiers because of his ability to enter werewolf rings as a spy. It's a heavy burden but one that (as Lupin says) only he can bear.
But that is two of three lines, and he doesn't quite fit the soldier role to me.
Peter does, however.
Sure, he's not a brave soldier, the one that movies are made about--and he doesn't have a strong sense of wanting to fight for the little guy.
But he is still a soldier. The soldier who joined because his friends signed up for a war and he didn't want to be alone. The soldier who thought that maybe, just maybe, he could cruise on throughout the war because he's not particularly useful or strong or politically important in any way. He's just another foot soldier.
Until he is important, and he realizes that he doesn't want to die. He's fresh out of school, he followed his friends into a war because maybe they convinced him (or he convinced himself) that this would be a summer thing or a couple years at most and it'll make for a decent story for his future kids or grandkids when he can say, "Yeah, I fought in the war--on the winning side."
But then he is faced with a choice: living as a turncoat or dying.
Nobody wants to die. Certainly not Peter who is barely in his twenties at this point. He hasn't lived. Didn't have a girlfriend, wasn't married like James was. Did he even want to get married? What if he wanted to travel the world?
We don't know.
So, spying? On his friends, on his comrades, on people who look him in the eye and think they can trust him. And it turns out that Peter is kind of good at it. He's remained undetected for a while. Hell, Sirius thinks its Remus and Remus thinks its Sirius. Nobody ever suspects Peter.
After all, why would they? It's not like he's ever been anything more than a coward, right? James and Sirius' tagalong. Peter couldn't hurt a fly, not when he was the fly.
There will come a soldier Who carries a mighty sword He will tear your city down
First his sword was his secret as a spy.
Then he becomes a Secret Keeper. The Secret Keeper.
A Fidelius Charm was advanced magic. Voldemort could make out with the Potter's living room window and still not know they were on the other side, unless--
Unless someone with the key to the city let him in.
Tearing a city down had never been easier.
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br1ghtestlight · 1 month
trying to find a steven universe fan song that was posted to youtube in 2017 that may not even exist anymore i feel like im in the 10th circle of hell
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calif0rnia-lovers · 2 months
safe place.
an: ngl, I wanted to hug jude & bukayo through the screen when England lost😔
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requested: I remember seeing that Jude said his mom helps him when he gets "too low with the lows or too high with the highs." Can you do a fic where his gf is that way?
pairing: jude bellingham x black!reader
series: lyrically inspired tales.
if my heart aches, you breathe with me at my pace.
song: safe place by ruthanne
warnings: this is most definitely not edited lol.
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The stadium lights had dimmed, and the roar of the crowd had faded into a distant memory, replaced by a haunting silence. Jude Bellingham sat in the quiet of his hotel room, the weight of the Euro final's loss pressing heavily on his shoulders. Exhaustion seeped into his bones—physically, mentally, and emotionally he was tapped. The missed shot that could have changed everything replayed in his mind, a tormenting loop of what-ifs and if-onlys.
He felt utterly drained, each breath a reminder of the effort he had poured into the match. The worst part about losing was feeling like he was at his lowest, despite all the hard work and dedication he had poured in for his country. The memory of the silver medal being draped over his shoulder, the relentless flashes of cameras, and the disappointed faces of fans loomed over him like a dark cloud. He had tried to keep his head up, stopping to hug each of his teammates, whispering words of encouragement, but it still hurt like hell. He had forced a brave face, stifling the sting in his eyes, reassuring his family and friends that he was alright. Keeping up the front until he reached his room had been a monumental task, and now, alone in the dim light, the facade crumbled.
He stared blankly at the wall, the ache of disappointment settling deep within his chest. Hours seemed to drag by, each minute stretching into an eternity. His phone was on Do Not Disturb. Although he knew the messages were meant with the best intentions, Jude wasn’t ready to read the encouraging texts sent to him. He hadn't spoken to anyone since the bus doors closed, needing space to process the defeat alone. The team’s efforts, the dreams of a nation, all seemed to hang on that one moment when his shot had veered just slightly off course.
A knock at the door broke through his reverie. Jude ignored it at first, unwilling to face anyone. If he didn’t call out, whoever it was would go away. But then it came again. 
A single knock, followed by three softer knocks, a distinct rhythm that was all too familiar. It was a special knock. Your special knock, a signal that meant more than words ever could. It prompted him to rise from the bed and cross the room.
Your interaction at the stadium was still a blur. A rushed kiss against his lips, nose, and forehead, a whispered “I love you so much,” was all he could receive before he was moving through the line of friends and family. In the few short hours that had passed, you had showered and changed.
When he opened the door, Jude found you standing there with your travel backpack pressed against your chest.
Jude paused to take you in, grounding himself by focusing on your familiar features. It was a routine he had built over the last six months of your relationship, a way to find solace in the midst of chaos. His eyes passed over your smooth, deep brown skin, which seemed to glow softly in the dim light. He traced the contours of your face, from your cheekbones to your lips that carried a gentle, reassuring smile. The sight of it relaxed the furrow of his brow.
Your eyes, warm and filled with understanding, were his favorite feature. They held a depth of emotion and wisdom that made him feel seen and understood. Your lashes framed them perfectly, long and curled, adding to the natural beauty that always took his breath away. His gaze traveled up to the soft curls, pineappled at the top of your head, his hand instinctively reaching forward.
As he studied you, taking in every detail—his touch tracing the curve of your jaw before settling against your cheek—he felt a sense of peace wash over him.
"Hi," you greeted softly, your voice a balm to his battered spirit.
Jude managed a weak smile, the corners of his lips lifting. "Hey," he replied, his voice rough.
You stepped inside, Jude’s hand instinctively settling on your hips as the door closed.
The scent of lavender and chamomile wafted from the bag you carried, filling the room with a calming aroma. It was a scent that lingered on the sheets of each hotel room Jude stayed in, his bedroom at home, and even in his shirts and jerseys. He associated it with you, and only you—a fragrance that instantly brought relaxation and comfort. Whenever you couldn't make it to his games, Jude would find the aromatherapy tucked away in his bag, a thoughtful gesture that made him feel close to you even when apart.
“My flight leaves at 9:30 tomorrow,” you began as you unzipped the bag. Gathering what you needed, you started towards the bathroom. “So, I’ll probably leave here at 7. I’m sure traffic is going to be insane.”
Jude listened to your voice, the calm cadence soothing his frayed nerves. You didn’t expect a response; you knew him well enough to understand that after a loss, he needed time to recover. So, you verbally went through your travel plans. The turnaround was quick, but you needed to report to work. While slightly annoying, the plan was simple: report home, get back to work, and into your routine. Jude would soon follow.
As you focused on starting the bath, Jude began to look through the items you bought. His hand paused on something small and familiar, tucked beneath his favorite snacks—a stuffed lion. He picked it up, a wave of bittersweet memories washing over him. The lion had a soft, golden mane and big, friendly eyes. Stitched into the pad of its right paw was a heart. Jude remembered the day he won it for you at the Ice Palace, the way your face had lit up with joy, your smile so wide and genuine it had made his heart swell.
"My lion," you’d giggled, hugging the plush toy tightly before wrapping your arms around his neck, your laughter ringing in his ears. “I can keep him with me when you’re away.”
You paused in the bathroom doorway, watching him hold the stuffed lion. "That always makes me feel better when we're apart," you said softly, a smile finding your lips as the shared memory hung between the two of you.
You began to take out and explain the things you had brought to cheer him up—a selection of his favorite snacks, your iPad full of movies, and some comforting toiletries. "I brought these because I thought they might help you relax. And I know how much you love Shawshank Redemption. So...being the gracious, loving girlfriend I am, I will sit through it for the hundredth time. But, only if you promise to share your sour st-"
You were mid-sentence when he moved towards you, wrapping his arms around your middle from behind. For a moment, you stayed that way, the warmth of his embrace speaking louder than words. Jude buried his face in your shoulder, his breath hitching as he tried to hold back the tears that threatened to escape.
You could feel the tremors in his body, his grip tightening as if you were his anchor in the storm of his emotions.
"It's okay," you whispered, turning to face him, the warmth of your palms against his cheeks lifting his eyes to yours. "You gave it everything you had, and that's all anyone can ask for. I'm so proud of you, Jude. You’ve come so far, and this is just a moment in your journey. It's okay to feel hurt and disappointed, but remember that you are stronger than this. Everything happens exactly when it's meant to."
Finally, the dam broke, and Jude rested against you, the tears he’d managed to keep at bay all night came pouring out. He remained pressed against you until the stress of the past few months drained his eyes dry. He allowed you to lead him to the bathroom, welcoming the warm, fragrant steam filled the room, creating a cocoon of comfort. 
He allowed you to help him undress, your movements tender and deliberate, as if you were peeling away not just his clothes but also the layers of his hurt.
"Let's get you in," you murmured softly, as his lips brushed against yours, guiding him into the tub. Jude eased himself into the warm water, letting out a deep sigh as the heat began to soothe his aching muscles and weary mind.
You stepped back to gather the other things you had brought, but Jude's hand gently traced soothing circles into your thigh as you stood by the tub. The simple touch spoke volumes, a silent plea for your presence, for you to stay close.
Jude leaned his head back, closing his eyes as he let the warmth of the bath wash over him. The exhaustion and frustration that had gripped him began to loosen, replaced by a growing sense of peace. He listened as you moved around the room, lighting a few candles and setting out the items you had brought—a fluffy towel, his favorite shampoo, and a soft robe for when he got out. 
You joined Jude in the tub, settling behind him. He welcomed the loofah against his skin, the gentle, rhythmic motion of your hands soothing his frayed nerves. You massaged his shoulders, careful with the one that had been previously injured, as he rested back against you. His hand found its place on his leg, grounding him as he watched the movie playing on the tablet propped nearby.
Your touch worked magic, and you could feel his body gradually relaxing. The tension that had coiled within him slowly unwound, and he seemed to be coming back to himself. The voice in his head, the one that echoed with doubt and personal criticism, grew quieter with each passing moment. Each gentle kiss you pressed against his skin, each laugh you shared from the film, chipped away at the walls of his frustration.
By the time most of the bubbles had dissipated, Jude was completely relaxed. His gratefulness showed in the way he gently squeezed your thigh and the soft kisses he brushed against your knuckles. The warmth of the water, combined with your presence, created a cocoon of comfort and safety. 
He tilted his head back slightly, letting it rest against your shoulder, eyes half-closed in contentment. "I don't know what I'd do without you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
You smiled, fingers tracing small circles on his chest. "You don’t have to," you replied softly. "I’m here, always."
Jude sighed, a deep, contented breath that seemed to release the last of his lingering tension. He turned his head slightly to kiss your forehead, a silent thank you for being his anchor in the storm. The doubts that had plagued him earlier were now a distant memory.
The kiss he left against your lips was soft, almost sloppy. The physical and mental strain he's been under from Real Madrid and the Euros suddenly registering. His body begging for sleep.
"Let's get you outta here," you giggled. "I don't think I can carry you to bed if you fall asleep."
You press against the corner of his mouth, the action stopping the closing of his heavy eyelids. "Come on, Jude."
"Mmm...hold up..." Jude mumbled, eyes drifting shut as your lips brushed against his. Brow arching, his smirk prompting your eyes to roll. "...I'm not even tired."
"Uh-huh," stifling your giggle, you watch as Jude nods. His heavy eyes blinking before dropping down to your smile.
"'m not," he mumbled, his kiss missing your lips and settling on your chin.
A series of soft and light kiss lingered against your jaw, drifting to your shoulder. As much as he tried to fight off the comfortable sleeping tugging at him, Jude couldn't resist. By the time he reached your lips, a tired and goofy smile stretched across Jude's lips.
"Alright," he relented. "Let's go, but we gonna finish this in the morning."
"I'm sure we will," you smiled.
You place a final kiss against his lips. The brushing of your nose against his pulling out the smile that left you the victim of constant butterflies and euphoria. Before Jude knew it, the words slipped out.
"I love you," he murmured, the words hanging in the air between you like a delicate promise. "Thanks for this."
The words halted your movement of slipping from beneath him, your eyes widening slightly in surprise. It was the first time he had said it aloud. You had never pressured him for those words, knowing that he showed his love in countless other ways. Just as you did for him.
"I love you too, Jude," you replied as his lips found your forehead.
Letting his lips pass over your nose, Jude pushed himself.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
jack hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which y/n is struggling to grasp the fact that she and jack have grown apart amongst his newfound nhl stardom
warnings: angst, neglectful jack, dying relationship, long intro (so sorry), alcohol
specific lyrics: “remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light. now, i just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time” and “how can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?” and “how long could we be a sad song 'til we were too far gone to bring back to life? i gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy and all i did was bleed as i tried to be the bravest soldier. fighting in only your army, frontlines, don't you ignore me. i'm the best thing at this party (you're losin' me). and i wouldn't marry me either; a pathological people pleaser who only wanted you to see her. and I'm fadin', thinkin' "do something, babe, say something" "lose something, babe, risk something" "choose something, babe, i got nothing" (i got nothing) "to believe, unless you're choosin' me"”
notes: idk how i feel about this. it’s been awhile since i’ve written an actual fic so i think my writing is a little rusty. there will be no part 2 to this one! i know y’all love when i make part 2’s to my angsty fics, but some fics i just wanna keep as angst and this is one of them <3
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maybe we were naïve. young and innocent in thinking our love would last forever. that we could withstand everything the universe had to throw at us.
i could give us this; we did last past Jack’s rookie year. but maybe that’s when things started breaking. i couldn’t tell you for certain.
when we moved to New Jersey, we were going on three years into our relationship. we thought that milestone of three years meant we would be together forever.
we went apartment hunting, i opted to go into online schooling rather than on campus classes, late night whispers consisted of marriage and future children.
now, the last time i even brought up marriage, he told me he wasn’t ready for that. that he was at the peak of his career and didn’t want to spend time that could be used bettering his skills, to plan a wedding.
i spend most nights in an empty bed, the cold sheets serving as a harsh reminder that my boyfriend would rather go out with his teammates than spend time with me.
rather than the past early mornings of soft loving stares and cuddling on his bare chest, i now spend my mornings glaring towards my boyfriends sleeping figure; trying to calculate when he may have gotten home after i had already fallen asleep.
seven years. one-third of my life, spent with Jack.
no one ever said love would be easy; but no one ever told me it would be this hard either.
the mug in my hands is at risk of breaking from my grip, the coffee inside having gone cold. a cruel euphemism to how our relationship has cooled. the burning fire that it once was, now fizzling to dying sparks. but i still hold onto what’s left, because i’m not sure i know how to live a life without him anymore.
i sit curled up on the sofa, staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the New Jersey skyline. i still remember the day that Jack and i decided on this apartment, this room was a deciding factor. we loved the lighting, the way the sun shone through the windows and cast a golden haze over the rest of the apartment.
now i sit in the darkness nearly every night, wondering if this was the end of our relationship; if it’s time.
the worst part is that we keep going on. keep playing house. pretending that our relationship is still as happy as it once was.
‘i love you’s never became a rarity, still uttered past our lips multiple times a day. but i know his words only hold an empty promise now.
how can he say he loves me when he can’t tell that this relationship is killing me?
that this dynamic of our relationship becoming a chore has slowly broken me down?
our life is robotic now. we wake up, he leaves for practice, i stay home, i do school, he comes home for a pre-game nap, he leaves for a game, i still stay home, i go to bed, he comes home, repeat.
even worse when he’s away. what once started as facetime calls whenever he was free on a roadie, slowly died until it’s nothing but a few measly unsubstantial texts.
at first i thought maybe we were just going through a rough patch, that we would get through this, but now i fear we won’t.
my eyes track my boyfriend at the crowded rooftop bar as i nod my head, only half paying attention to what Ryleigh says.
Nico’s surprise party has been a success. for Nico, at least.
i, selfishly, thought i would use this party as an opportunity to grasp Jack’s attention. i wore the dress that he used to say was his favorite, but not once did he mention it. i curled my hair because i knew how much he loved it, but he didn’t compliment it how he usually does. i dolled myself up in hopes that it would glue him to my side. maybe even spark that possessiveness he used to hold for me.
but instead, all i got was a measly and empty ‘hey babe, you look nice.’ when i arrived, before he chased Dawson down to discuss some new bar he wanted to check out after their next win.
i spent the next hour following him around like a lost puppy, standing by his side as he spoke to his teammates. if he hadn’t had his hand resting on my lower back, i would’ve thought he forgot i was there. but somehow being forgotten would’ve felt better than being ignored.
i’m the best thing at this party, or at least i should be to him, and he barely spared me a second glance.
eventually, i saltily left to find the other wives and girlfriends. for the past three hours now, i sit with Ryleigh and Darya. Ryleigh is currently recounting she and Dawson’s date night last night.
the party has been dwindling down, our group of people among the bar slowly dispersing, giving their final birthday wishes to Nico and going home.
“what about you and Jack?”
“hmm?” i perk up at the mention of my boyfriend, dragging my line of sight away from said boy and back towards my friends.
“i asked about you and Jack. when was your guys’ last date night? how was it?” Ryleigh is only trying to be polite, i know that. but she’s only reminded me that Jack and i haven’t gone on a date in what has to be at least six months.
“honestly? i couldn’t tell you.” i confess. “i don’t even remember the last time we went on a date.”
“well, that’s not right! we should do a double date soon! i’ll have Dawson set it up.” she smiles. “ooh triple date! you and Yegor should come!”
“we’d love that!” Darya chimes in. i let out a polite smile, but i know it won’t happen. i’ve tried too many times to set up a date night and nothing ever comes from it.
“hey, baby. you ready to go?” Dawson saunters over, planting a kiss to his girlfriend’s cheek. Ryleigh nods, bidding Darya and i goodbye.
“hey, y/n? i think Jack was looking for you.” Yegor tells me as he comes over next, gathering his wife to leave for the night.
“he was?” my voice is filled with a pathetic hope, an excitement over even the thought of my boyfriend seeking me out. but when i look back to where i last saw him, he still stands next to his captain, laughing over something one of them said. “thanks, Shara.”
he smiles, the both of them now saying their goodbyes. and then there was one.
i sit by myself, lazily chewing the straw in my drink as i watch my boyfriend and his friend.
i quickly lose track of how long i sit there, ordering drink after drink. eventually, i stop watching Jack, opting for mindlessly scrolling through instagram instead.
“hey.” my head snaps up at Jack’s voice, watching as he finally joins me. my heart thumps in my chest, like i’m a teenager again, at the thought of spending time with him. “i think i’m ready to head home.”
my mood deflates, my shoulders slumping, but i nod, gathering my purse as Jack sets some cash on the bar top to cover my drinks from the night.
i wobble slightly as i stand, Jack’s hand coming up to hold onto my arm, making sure i don’t fall. heat spreads from the site of the touch, shivers racking my body.
“you okay, babe?” he chuckles, pulling me into his side as we walk to the elevator, pressing the down button and waiting for it to arrive. “how much did you drink?”
“i don’t know. maybe three? i lost count after the first hour alone.” i shrug, my words are slurred, a product of my tipsy state. “i started off with sprite, but i switched to gin and tonics once Darya left.”
Jack is silent as we get into the elevator, his brows furrowed and him seemingly in deep thought. the whole ride home is quiet, the air charged. i spend the whole drive with my head turned to look out the window. but as soon as we reach the parking deck of our apartment, getting out of his Range Rover, he speaks up again.
“you could’ve come and found me? i was just with Nico.” i’m silent for a moment, picking up my pace to try and reach apartment faster.
“i didn’t feel like being ignored again.” i shrug as we step through the door, the alcohol giving me obvious courage that i never had before.
“what do you mean ‘again’? i haven’t ignored you.” Jack follows behind me into our bedroom, his eyes tracking me as i sit on the bed and begin unfastening my heels.
“stop.” i sigh.
“stop what? y/n/n, when have i ignored you?” his genuine obliviousness hurts more than i thought it could. the fact that he didn’t even realize he was ignoring me; that it was just a subconscious reaction for him to push me aside.
“every day.” i tell him. my eyes start stinging with tears, finally ready to have the fight that i’ve so desperately been avoiding. but it’s obvious that Jack doesn’t feel the same.
“i’m sorry you felt that way.” he tells me, barely sparing another glance my way before he starts grabbing pajamas out of the dresser.
“you’re losing me.” my words are choked out in a whisper, but i know he hears them because i watch as he stiffens, slowly turning around.
“Jack, this doesn’t feel like a relationship anymore. it feels like a job. a chore.” i confess. “it doesn’t feel like you love me anymore and i need you to just say it. because i love you too much to keep going on like this.”
“we barely talk, Jack.” i cut him off. “when we do, we’re struggling through empty small talk. you’re barely home, and when you are, you don’t try and spend time with me. i sit in this house, alone, even when you’re here.”
“what are you talking about? y/n, we’ve been together for almost seven years. we’ve been through so much together.” his words are harsh, defensive.
“exactly! i gave you all my best me’s- i gave you my teenage years, i gave you all of my best years! i gave you all my empathy when you were being called a bust. when you were struggling in your rookie year and at your lowest. i sat here and comforted you after every loss! i stayed here and cried and tried to be brave every time you were gone. i defended you to everyone!”
tears roll freely down my cheeks, my nose becoming stuffy and my throat tightening. i’ve risen from the bed now, still keeping my distance from him though.
“and what do i have to show for it? an empty apartment? an empty relationship? we used to spend hours talking about marriage and our future. now, the last time i tried to bring that up, you all but told me you didn’t want to marry me.” i scoff. “and i can’t blame you, i wouldn’t marry me either; a pathological people pleaser.”
“don’t say that, please.” he whispers.
“but all i wanted was for you to see me, Jack! i’m here! i have feelings! i know it’s hard to believe, but i’m a person too! i need love! not whatever this has been.” my words fade off at the end, breaking off into sobs.
Jack’s eyes are red, tears of his own slowly descending as we stand in silence.
“do something, please. say something.” i plead, furiously wiping at my tears. i swallow a lump in the throat as he finally takes a step forward.
“i’m sorry.” his voice is shaky, breaking midst sentence. “i’m so sorry i didn’t know you were feeling this way. i’ve been so wrapped up in hockey and the team that i haven’t been here. not fully, at least.
“i took you for granted. i guess you’ve been this dependable force in my life for so long that eventually i forgot that you need more than just my presence.
“i do love you, y/n. i can’t imagine my life without you. i’ll be better, i promise. just, please, don’t leave.” he begs.
Jack steps forward, closing the distance between us and taking my face in his hands.
“i need you. i’ll always choose you.” his hands shake on my cheeks as he pulls me into a kiss. he pulls away, heaving out a broken mix between a sigh and a sob. “i’m so so sorry.”
“we can fix us. i believe that. but please, don’t put me through this again.” i beg, laying my forehead against his.
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lixie-phoria · 1 year
ੈ✩‧ 🎀🩰 ➛stray kids (hyung line) as taylor swift lyrics
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pairing : skz!hyung line x gn reader | maknae line ver.
prompt : which taylor swift line fits the dynamic of your relationship with him
word count : 888 words
an : likes and reblogs are appreciated <3 (+ are you interested in something similar for the maknae line too? lmk!)
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🎐| chan !!
"I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you"
chan was a dream; the nicest thing that had ever happened to you. he was a breath of fresh air from all your previous s/o's.
you met him for the first time at the campus café, right after the worst break up of your life. it was obvious you had been crying, so everyone gave you a wide berth. but not chan.
you'd previously only seen him a few times around the campus, so when he slid into your booth with a shy smile you were so confused you nearly forgot about the asshole who'd broken your heart. he gently nudged the coffee you'd ordered towards you, asking you what's wrong.
and maybe it was his adorable smile, or the little dimple that formed on his cheek, that pulled you in, and you found yourself ranting to him about stuff he probably couldn't care less about, but he was so attentive, looking at you with those warm brown eyes that slowly spread warmth all over your body.
that evening, as he walked you back to your dorm, you had never seen anyone look more beautiful. the setting sun cascaded its rays gently over his features. and that evening, you knew. you knew things would never be the same. you would never be able to look away from chan.
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🎐 | lee know !!
"our secret moments in a crowded room"
lee know met you through chan, who seemed to know just about everyone in the kpop industry. you were a part of an up and coming rookie group, so new to his world, that he couldn't help but take a liking to you.
all his members told him how this wasn't like him. he kept to himself usually, only socializing when absolutely necessary. but there was just something about you.
unlike many people, he loved the thrill of your blooming relationship. it was so risky, considering your dating ban and the constant fear of a scandal. but he lived for every stolen glance during award shows, gentle shoulder brushes as you shared the same stage and the subtle flirting if you were MCs together.
he couldn't control the small smile that would light up his face whenever someone spoke about you. it amused him how the world thought they knew him, but they really had no idea.
he remembers every detail of your first meeting: the color of your hair, the dress you wore, the rings that adorned your fingers, your scent that intoxicated him. it was all so beautiful, and god he hopes it never ends.
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🎐 | changbin !!
"never wanted love just a fancy car"
everybody knew changbin. buff exterior, fluffy interior. he was everybody's dream boy. yet he didn't seem to be looking for love.
besides being a gym rat, he was known for rejecting every confession that came his way. nicely, of course.
all changbin really wanted was to finish his degree, get a job and then maybe find himself a s/o. he didn't want anything to side track him from his studies.
then you waltzed into his life. you worked at one of the clubs he performed a gig at, and after he was done, you had shyly introduced yourself to him, offering to make him a drink. and it was like he was hooked.
changbin isn't sure how it happened. one second you wore pouring him a shot and the next second he was giggling like a school girl at the jokes you made. maybe it was the alcohol in his system, but one encounter turned into another until he was able to accept that little flutter in his heart every time he looked at you.
yes, he had promised himself that he was going to concentrate on his academic life, but he knew he couldn't let you go. life had given him the perfect opportunity, and he would be stupid to throw it away.
your eyes were full of stars, and changbin wanted to do nothing more than stare into them all his life.
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🎐 | hyunjin !!
"and you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars"
hyunjin was skeptical of love. he knew he was a hopeless romantic, he knew he fell too soon and too hard. he was so scared of having his heart broken. he never wanted to be someone's first love, always their last.
then he met you. you, who showed him colors he'd never seen with anyone before. you were like the final stroke of a painting, making his life absolutely complete. and gods, he had never felt this way before.
the uncontrollable beating of his heart every time your hand brushed his, the stuttering mess he became whenever you gave him a smile, and the roaring monster that sprung up in his chest every time someone else tried to make a move on you.
and then he nearly lost you. it was a simple argument, he couldn't even remember how it started, but when you didn't speak with him for an entire week, he knew. he knew that he couldn't do this without you, and he couldn't help but hope that you felt the same way.
when he showed up at your door step that night, drenched from the heavy rain and you threw yourself into his arms, not caring about getting soaked yourself, he felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off of him.
he didn't care what happened from then on. he would never lose you again. he was ready to fight anything to be yours.
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©lixie-phoria, 2023
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miharuki · 1 year
hello!!! may i request second part of "once upon a time there a blue love"? thank you
(i think it would be cute if you included small moments between reader and Felix because they're cousins and I'm curious about how their relationships are and if reader told him about her and luka and their separation yk in episode where he was introduced as Argos. I'm also happy that you wrote moment from season 5 about Luka moving away because i can barely find any Luka x reader that catched up to season 5)
feel free to ignore this request and this suggestion. i just wanted to say that i appreciate your work and that you're doing great writings. take care!!!
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I'm replying to these two messages, this one took a lot of work Thank you for liking my content, I worked hard on part 2 (3864 Words ) Again remembering that my English is not the best, it is not my original language ;P
Your requests are an order!
(angst, fluff at the end, Gabriel is still the worst person, Félix already knowing things without you needing to say it, Marinete and Adrien dating, season 5 spoiler)
(Part 1:)
𝕺𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖀𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝖆 𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗�� 𝖆 𝕭𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝕻𝖙 2
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Once upon a time...
There was an elegant house with noble people They lived rich, rich in black hearts At the top of that mansion, there was a room, a room with a window, a window with a marvelous view, but it belonged to a lifeless room, a room where a person who loved too much was imprisoned, you, Oh, poor girl, she saw from her window everyone else being free, while she stayed and lamented not being good enough for her beloved, who is far away and with whom you can no longer converse, And all because her father is concerned about her status, so concerned that he didn't think twice before imprisoning his daughter, like Rapunzel in her tower.
"—And how is she doing?" Nino asked as he placed his hand on Adrien's shoulder, who was approaching the circle of friends.
—My father still says she's sick, and she doesn't seem to leave her room when I'm around," Adrien said, sighing sadly as he remembered how, after the events and Luka's trip, she was practically "isolated" in her room, which according to her father, claims she's too ill to leave. This raised suspicions among some friends, especially Marinette and Ayla.
"But we haven't seen her in a week!" Rose said, hugging Juleka, causing Adrien to sigh.
"I know, but from what my father told me, she got sick during one of the rehearsals and now needs to rest, especially because he doesn't want me to get sick too."
Now, this seemed even more suspicious to her friends. Marinette looked at her phone, seeing her friend's list of unanswered calls. She then glanced at Adrien, noticing how he seemed a bit down, and approached him. Despite her feelings for him, she placed her hand on his shoulder, making him look at her.
"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be fine," Adrien smiled at her, while everyone else agreed, not wanting to make the situation sadder."Have you tried calling her?" Ayla suggested, looking at her friend Marinette, who was frantically using her phone as if trying desperately to get in touch with you."No, my father told me she dropped her phone in one of the fountains while landing, and that's why she got sick"Something is definitely wrong.
Meanwhile, you were locked in your room, unable to leave your eternal "punishment," still not understanding why things were this way. You realized that your father was making you feel lonely again as you looked around the messy room. You got up from the bed and looked under it, spotting a decorated and locked box. Pulling it out, you removed a key that was attached to your necklace, along with another one that Luka had given you in the past. You used the key to unlock the box, and you smiled upon seeing the various items it held—a small Viperion plushie that Luka had won and gifted you during one of your encounters, numerous song lyrics, and a few other objects given by your friends, the ones your father hadn't confiscated.
You realized how much you resembled your past self, feeling empty, lonely, and above all, with no one to talk to or confide in. You closed the box and locked it again, tucking the key inside your shirt as you climbed back onto the bed. You clutched your blouse and felt the other necklace Luka had given you, hearing the door open behind you without even looking back.
"Your father told you that you will return to modeling again, and this time he expects you to comply," Nathalie said as she fiddled with her tablet."By the way, your dinner will be delivered to your room again. I hope you eat this time," Nathalie turned to leave without waiting for your response, closing the door behind her, and you could hear the door being locked. You sighed sadly, then walked over to the window, looking out at the landscape that thankfully hadn't been taken from you. You gazed at the distant Eiffel Tower and the starry night that adorned its background, thinking about how beautiful the night was despite being alone in your locked room. You prayed that Luka was okay.
"I've already talked to Luka about the situation," Juleka said as she joined her group of friends. Marinette, being the great planner she was, was trying everything to make things calmer. "He told me to send his regards to her and that as soon as she can, she should call him."
"I still find this very strange!" Marinette said as she got up from the sofa in her room and started pacing in circles. "I mean, after Luka's sudden departure, a few days later, Adrien says that (name) is sick? There's something wrong here."
"Look, this time I even agree, but it could also be true. Don't you guys remember it rained last week? And do you remember the photo in the magazine that day, right? It's clearly (name) in the rain posing, so obviously, she would get sick!" Ayla said as she tried to ease the situation.
"Yes, true, I saw it!" Rose said while standing beside Juleka, making her nod in agreement too.
"But still!" Marinette said before a hand was placed on her shoulder, making her look back to see her friend Ayla.
"Look, that's enough, Marinette. I think you should put this aside, especially since you have a date with Adrien tomorrow."
"Yes, that's true!" the girls said, making their friend Marinette blush, while she tried to speak but gave up.
Meanwhile, (name) put on her fakest smile as she continued to pose at certain locations. "Yes, perfect! Very good!" the photographer exclaimed as he continued taking photos, with you striking every pose and wearing a cute outfit. Finally, the photo shoot was over. "Break time," he said, and you sat down, your smile fading, returning to your sad expression. You spotted Nathalie approaching with her tablet.
"You're doing well, because of that, you can choose what you'd like to eat," she said, looking at her tablet without leaving your side.
"I-I think... I'd like some (your preferred food) from Dupain-Cheng Bakery, please," you said, looking at the ground before turning to Nathalie.
Nathalie gave you a quizzical look before sighing and going to her driver, who then got into the car. Nathalie returned to your side, looking at her tablet and tapping away. You let out a tired sigh, sitting down, swinging your legs and looking around to try to pass the eternal boring time. In the meantime, you glanced up at the blue sky, watching the birds fly by and catching a glimpse of a red and black blur streaking across the sky, heading somewhere. "Here you go, eat while you still have time," Nathalie said as her bodyguard and driver handed her the Dupain-Cheng Bakery bag containing the food you had requested.
"Thank you..." you said in a low tone, almost like a whisper, looking at the school and smelling the sweet scent of the bakery where your friend lived.
"Tomorrow is the Diamond Ball, so after your session today, we'll take you to the studio to order your dress. Your father wants you to look good," you only nodded, listening to Nathalie go over your schedule.
Since you returned to modeling, your father refused to let you be alone, so you were always accompanied by Nathalie, who, although she seemed fine, you couldn't help but glance at the equipment on her legs, wondering if something had happened to her.
"Come on, show me a look of comfort! A look of longing, as if you were reminiscing about seeing these flowers!" the photographer said as he asked you to hold a bouquet of red roses, sitting on a picnic blanket with flowers all around. "Not like that!" he said, looking at your expression. "Show more emotion! A little happiness! See how beautiful these flowers are!" he pointed at the bouquet. Looking at the bouquet, you saw a blue dragonfly land on a rose, and a faint memory of a garden you went to with Luka came back to your mind, making you miss him. You gave a small smile as you buried your face in the roses, inhaling their sweet and fragrant scent, smiling at the memory of the day he asked you out.
"Yes! Perfect! Very good! Keep going!"
"Would you like any roses? A ribbon or some colorful embellishment?" asked the seamstress as she took your measurements. "No need for color, just white will do. The outfit Mr. Agreste designed only requires adjustments elsewhere," Nathalie replied as she tapped on her tablet. You watched as the seamstress took your measurements to add to the dress. And of course, you were also looking at the shoes, which your father had also designed, but for some reason, he wanted everything to be perfect.
"Welcome, Mrs. Agreste," the guard said as he allowed you and your father to pass. Your gaze remained melancholic, though not enough for anyone to notice that you were sad; it simply showed that you didn't want to be there, which clearly you had no choice in. Sitting on a sofa, you waited and watched everyone there enjoy themselves, not letting on as some tried to talk to you or somehow get your attention. All you did was divert your gaze until you reached the soft white couch.
"You look sad, did something happen?" a voice asked, and you looked to see what appeared to be your brother."Hello to you too, Félix," you said as you closed your eyes and leaned back on the couch."You always know how to identify me no matter what," he said, almost laughing if he didn't see your tired expression. He approached and sat beside you."What happened? You're usually more lively," he said as he looked at you, prompting you to release a tired sigh.
"My father..." Félix sighed with his words, but before he could say anything more, looking at Gabriel in the distance, a voice came to your rescue.
"Hello, (name)!" You opened your eyes, seeing Kagami. You blinked as she sat down on your other side, and you straightened up. It had been a while since you talked to any of your friends."You haven't been to school anymore. I heard you were sick. Are you feeling better now?" You looked away, glancing at Gabriel in the distance, almost choking."Yeah, of course, I was kind of, you know, sick... you know, now I'm better!" You said, not wanting to know what kind of lie Gabriel had told Adrien for him to be able to tell the others like this.
Before Kagami could ask another question or say anything else, you suddenly got up.
"You know, I'm going to grab a drink or something to eat, be right back!" you said as you almost ran away. You didn't want to talk about anything, but what could you say? Tell them that your father didn't approve of relationships and that he had put you on indefinite punishment for lying, running away, and breaking the one rule he gave you? How could you talk about this situation?
Near the food area, you grabbed some sweets to try to occupy your thoughts and emotions. As you looked at the dance floor, you saw your cousin, who resembled your brother, dancing with someone. Not wanting to say anything, you simply ignored it.
You entered the bathroom after eating some sweets and looked in the mirror, observing your well-groomed and elegant figure, your perfectly done hair, and your fancy dress. This wasn't you. The only thing you saw that truly belonged to you was your necklace, which you had hidden under the dress. Pulling it out, you looked lovingly at your reflection in the mirror, seeing the necklace that Luka had given you.
"Luka..." You never stopped loving him, even though your father had locked you in your room. You never stopped missing him. Crouching in the bathroom while looking at your necklace, you caressed it, hoping that someday you would find him again.
"Adrien!" you heard someone shout, looking out of the plane window. You saw Marinette running towards the airplane stairs with Adrien following behind.
Ah yes, it seems you weren't the only one with a forbidden affair. You watched Marinette and Adrien kiss before the bodyguards separated them. A wave of déjà vu came over you when you saw this scene, which felt so familiar. You saw Adrien being dragged onto the plane and placed in his seat, looking out the window while crying.
You averted your gaze and saw the plane starting to move to take off. You lay down, holding your blouse and feeling the necklace underneath it. You prayed and wished that you could find Luka.
"This will be your room," Nathalie showed you the hotel room. You saw that the view was nice, but it wasn't anything special. It was just another room where you would be confined. You leaned on the balcony railing, looking at the horizon and feeling the wind tussle your hair.
"It's only for a few days..." you commented, resigning yourself to the situation, holding the necklace that Luka had given you once again. You sighed with sadness.
"Can I stay in the park for a while, please?" you asked your bodyguard, who was currently looking after you while you posed for photos since Nathalie had fallen ill and couldn't make it. You looked at him, waiting for a response, and he saw the sadness and emptiness in your eyes, so he nodded in sympathy. You smiled weakly as you hugged your bodyguard. "Thank you..." He just patted your head and pointed to a bakery nearby, and you nodded. He would be in the bakery while you stayed in the park.
You watched your bodyguard's back disappear as he entered the bakery, and you smiled as you sat on the park bench, feeling a sense of freedom being away from supervision. However, a sad sigh still hung on your face, as if you were feeling trapped.
"A smile suits you better," you choked when you heard someone speaking, a familiar voice. Looking at the owner of the voice, you couldn't believe what you were seeing.
"Luka..." you said softly in a whisper, getting up from the bench. Your hands trembled. The boy with blue-tipped hair smiled as he approached slowly. He was nervous, hoping it wasn't a dream. He hugged you when he was close enough, burying his head in your neck.
"I missed you so much!" he said as you returned the hug, feeling the tears you had held back for so long, also feeling the boy's tears staining your clothes.
"You didn't call me anymore, I had no sign from you. I thought something had happened. But then Juleka told me you had gotten sick, but that's not true, is it?" Luka looked at you, asking for confirmation, but all you did was bite your lip and turn your face away. "Why are you hiding, love?" Luka asked as he placed his hand on your cheek, caressing it.
"I..." You didn't want to talk. You didn't want to burden Luka. He wasn't at fault. You didn't want to speak; all you wanted was to be with him now.
"Please, (name), you can tell me," he said as he hugged you, stroking your hair.
"It was him, wasn't it?" You lifted your gaze to Luka before turning away again.
"I won't force you if you don't want to..."
"Someone told my father about our relationship. He doesn't accept the fact that I'm dating someone who isn't 'famous' or a friend of my father's. He took away all my technology so I couldn't talk to you or our friends. He thinks me leaving was a terrible idea. I'm sorry..."
"It's not your fault... it never was..." Luka placed his hands on both your shoulders.
"B-but! It was my fault. I didn't follow my responsibilities; I was careless, and I couldn't talk to you either... It's my fault... I just... my father, he just...!" Suddenly, an irritated expression crossed Luka's face.
"It doesn't matter!" You looked shocked at the boy as he wiped away your tears and put on a gentle smile.
"No matter what your father says or what the media wants, you've made me the happiest boy on the planet, and I've missed you so much since we were apart. You keep being the song that plays in my mind. I don't care if others see; I love you, (name)!" With that, Luka put his hand on your cheek, pulling your face closer to his, and finally kissed you. Not a peck or just any kiss—it was a kiss of love, one that showed how much you both loved each other. Amid that romantic moment, several people stopped to look at both of you.
"(Name) Agreste, Adrien Agreste's twin sister and Gabriel Agreste's daughter, kissing a boy in a public park." That's what people thought as they passed through the park, and some took photos.
"I love you, (name)," Luka said as he rested his forehead against yours.
"I love you too, Luka..."
"It seems that it wasn't enough," Mrs. Tsurugi commented as she listened to the latest news report that Gabriel was speaking in.
"Your children are being disobedient, unlike my daughter. Yours are out of control," Gabriel groaned in frustration as he looked at the screen, seeing the photo someone had posted. The photo itself wasn't particularly striking, just a girl taking a selfie with you and Luka kissing in the background. Similar photos like this ended up in some local newspapers, especially in the fashion industry, which only added to Gabriel's irritation. As if it wasn't enough to have to punish you, Adrien followed suit, and now just when it seemed like you were behaving, you go and kiss some random boy...
"It's not working... I think I'll have to proceed with the plan," Gabriel said as he looked at another screen, watching the cameras showing you, Adrien, and Kagami lying in white beds in a room that resembled a sanitarium.
"Let's begin..."
"(Name)!" Luka called out, running to you. You looked at him sadly, and he stopped, now concerned, as you turned.
"(Name), my love, what happened?" He placed a hand on your shoulder, seeing your back.
"Let's break up..." The boy's expression was shocked when he looked at you.
"What do you mean, (name)?" He seemed to want it to be a lie, hoping it was a lie. You had met again just a few days ago, and now you wanted to break up. Didn't you love him?
"(Name)?" You pulled away from the boy.
"Let's break up! I don't want to see you anymore!"
"(Name), if you can explain to me what's wrong, I'm sure we can find a way..." he said, trying to hold onto some hope.
"I don't like you, Luka. Why can't you understand that? I don't want this anymore!" You said angrily to the boy, who looked at you with sadness. He tried to reach out to you, but you simply pulled away until another random boy appeared, taking you away, leaving Luka shocked.
Upon waking up, Luka realized it was just a dream. He brought his hand to his face, wiping away the tears, and sighed, feeling his heart calm down. He reached for his phone, checked the time, and saw his wallpaper—a happy photo of both him and you. He smiled, knowing it was just a nightmare, and that as much as it seemed real, it wasn't. You loved each other too much for something like that to happen.
He held onto the necklace you had given him on his birthday and looked at the ring on his finger—a ring that symbolized your relationship.
That is until...
"Bring back Adrien and Kagami!" Luka didn't know what had happened, but suddenly, everyone started getting akumatized. He knew it had something to do with the nightmare he had because his father and the secretary had reported having extremely heavy nightmares and couldn't stop thinking about them.
"Let's go! We need you!" Bunnix said, opening a portal for them to pass through.
"Thank you, Luka," you said as you leaned against him, watching your friends having fun in the pool at your house. You couldn't remember anything, and all Luka remembered was that suddenly, while fighting to break the akumatized rings, there was an explosion in the sky, and then he woke up, noticing you beside him. He wished it wasn't a dream now, and that you could be together.The look Marinette gave him was enough for him to know that you were now by his side, to stay.
"I should be the one thanking you," you looked at him confused, while he chuckled and gently kissed your lips, leaving both of your faces blushing and happy. "I'm lucky to be dating an amazing girl like you, (name)!"
"I love you, (name)!"
"I love you more, Luka!"
Applause came from some friends who were nearby, watching as you kissed again, but this time, it was to confirm something you both already knew— that you loved each other.
It took me 2 days to finish!!! And I finally finished!!!! Amen! I hope you liked it, if you want I can do another part :)
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joesalw · 5 months
I know you’ve probably gotten thousands of rants just like this one from newly turned ex-swifties, but I really need to get this out of me and you’ve clearly turned your blog into some kind of support group so…
I listened to “But Daddy, I love him”, and I’ve never been so pissed off by a song. Sorry that I don’t like your racist rat-looking boyfriend??? And then she dares to be like: “I’d want to live in the 1830s if it wasn’t racist.” I saw a comment on some social media, I can’t remember which one, but it was like “Taylor when racism in 1830: >:( Taylor when racism in 2023: :).” And it’s 100% true.
But I think the worst part is that now that I’m distancing myself from the hivemind, I’m noticing how delusional and deranged swifties are. I saw one swiftie saying we all should write an apology letter and sign it??? What do we need to apologize for??? Not liking racism??? What’s next, we ask black people to apologize for advocating for the dismantlement of slavery??? Or segregation???
And this wasn’t an easy realization, either, I was heartbroken when I first heard the lyrics, and read the stuff Swifties were saying. And I feel so stupid about that because it’s not like Taylor or Swifties have ever hidden their self-entitlement. She’s never spoken up about Palestine, she’s a carbon criminal, she’s a white feminist, and she’s never said anything about Swifties being racist to artists like Beyonce or SZA! 
Also, the album just sucked. I listened to all 31 songs, none of them stuck out to me, and I was bored within minutes. This sounds like something a sixteen-year-old would right, which is strange because she’s thirty-four. I could name five songs from the albums she wrote when she was a teenager that had better lyrics than anything on this album. Two years my ass. She cannot be serious.
welcome to the therapy session 🫶get it all out🫶
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sunshine-overload · 17 days
[BSTS] Heath 5th Anni Eve 4* Card Story
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chapter 1 -starless back rooms-
saki: (This piece of paper flew over from somewhere… Oh, it was from the voice training room.)
saki: Uwah, I can’t catch it.
heath: What are you doing? 
saki: Oh, Heath-san. That piece of paper flew out of the voice training room.
heath: Oh sorry, that’s mine. I got dragged away by Kongou, so the room has been vacant for a bit. He finally let me go once he saw me eat my lunch… It was a massive serving too.
saki: Fufu, do you have practice now?
heath: I was planning to shut myself away in the voice training room for a while. If you’re interested would you like to join me?
-voice training room-
heath: I should pick all this paper up, my bad.
saki: I’ll help you. Ah, this is…
heath: The the lyrics to ‘Dokuhebi’, the show B performed for the store’s second anniversary. I usually lock myself in here to write new songs, however today I’ve been thinking about that show.
saki: Your second anniversary show you mean?
heath: I’d rather not remember the period of time after the second anniversary up until the new year but it’s not like I could ever forget it either. I caused my team a lot of hardship. But the worst part was being stuck sitting in that hospital bed whilst my words were stolen from me. It was hell.
saki: Heath-san…
heath: My songs are my very soul. By shouting them out into the world, I can prove that I’m alive. That I exist. So that’s why ever since I got discharged from the hospital, I’ve been thinking about my songs… As well as B’s shows.
saki: It’s true that you’ve made every single song for B’s shows.
heath: …Say, what do you think of the current state of B’s performances? Let me know how you honestly feel about them, what is Team B in your eyes?
They’re really powerful and amazing / They’re really moving / They’re very Team B, I like it
(all options have the same response)
>They’re really powerful and amazing 
saki: B’s shows are always really engaging, they’re so powerful and impressive.
heath: I see. If that’s how you see us, then I suppose that’s how Team B are. Thanks, Saki.
chapter 2 -backstage-
heath: The show will be starting soon, did you come to wish me well? I’ll make sure to meet your expectations. I’ll get both the stage and the audience fired up. I’ll put on a show thats power will impress you, kind of like a power play. Don’t go forgetting that, ok?
saki: Heath-san… You’re really motivated today, aren’t you?
heath: I guess so, you could call it that. It’s because seeing your face energises me. To be honest, I had just been thinking, what direction am I trying to take my performances in? But then when I saw your face, the answer came to me.
I can’t always envision tomorrow and yesterday won’t ever come back. All I have is the present. That’s what just clicked for me…
I had two reasons for coming to this store. The first was to give life to my lyrics. And the second was to have those lyrics be heard by those that I want to hear them. Those reasons haven’t changed and won’t ever change… They can’t be changed.
saki: …Heath-san?
heath: I’d like for you to keep watching the way I live my life. Just as you have been up and until now… Please continue doing so.
saki: Of course. I’ll always be here to watch your shows.
heath: Yeah. I’ll do my best. You should get to your seat already, I’m gonna go all out straight out the gate, so make sure you keep up.
saki: I’m looking forward to it. I’ll head to my seat then!
-saki leaves-
heath: ….Saki. I’m different from back then. I won’t let anyone touch my life ever again.*
heath: “Do you think singing hymns will keep you safe? Pride is a machine gun loaded with betrayal. No forgiveness, no groove. In this world you can’t have faith in anything. No forgiveness, no groove. No one’s gonna be fooled by a world like this.”
*The word for ‘life’ that heath uses here is 命 (inochi) which is the word he commonly uses when he calls his songs his life
*Dokuhebi is based on The Brothers Karamazov, Smerdyakov specifically, the ending is lyrics from the song
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Another Sneak Peak into Novaxiom. My world of Sonoric Sorcery!
The First Chapter! I wrote this overnight as I finally finished the outline I liked. I could do a deeper dive into this if you are interested :)
I emerged not like you did—not from some warm, comforting womb but from the cold, unyielding depths of the Crystalline Expanse within the Polar Symphonies of Novaxiom. My first memory isn't a mother's lullaby or a father's proud tears. No, my first memory is a perfect chord resonating through my being, waking me from a timeless slumber.
Imagine that. A vibration jolts Your entire existence into consciousness, a note so pure it slices through the void. That’s how it all started for me. One moment, I was nothing but an inert crystal; the next, I am Syrin, a sentient carved from the essence of the Gods themselves.
At first, everything was a symphony. The world unfolded in a stir of light and sound, each note and each shimmer a part of a grand composition that I could only begin to barely comprehend. So, I roamed the crystalline caverns with a kind of naïve wonder, my every movement refracting light into dazzling displays. The ancient energies flowing through the crystals whispered secrets of the past, long-forgotten songs, and the echoes of beings who had vanished eons before my awakening.
I could sense it all: the harmony, the beauty, the balance. It was intoxicating, this perfect world of resonant energy and light. But as with all things, perfection is an illusion, a fragile construct waiting to be shattered.
I remember that first discordant note vividly. It was faint at first, a subtle vibration that didn't quite fit with the rest. But it grew stronger, more seductive, like an unfamiliar yearning in my mind. Innate curiosity or maybe a sense of enticing the hands of doom - I'm still unsure which - drove me to follow that dissonance deeper into the caverns. It led me to an ancient, forgotten shrine, a place of power and ruin.
Here’s where it gets interesting. The shrine wasn’t just a relic but a battleground, the site of a long-lost struggle between harmony and discord. The air was thick with the remnants of that ancient conflict, and the dissonance I’d sensed was its ghost, still haunting the ruins. It spoke of betrayal, power, and a curse upon my kind—those like me who were born from the very essence of Novaxiom.
In the shrine, I learned of the beings who came before me. Auralis, the master of sound; Mentis, the weaver of thoughts; Vitalis, the giver of life. These primordial forces shaped the world and, in their wisdom—or folly—created beings to guard and guide the balance. But power corrupts. And where there is power, there will always be those who seek to twist it to their ends.
The Cacophonous Wars—what a mouthful, huh? It sounds almost lyrical. In reality, it was anything but. It was a barbaric, devastating conflict that almost tore the world apart. Psillusionists, with their twisted magic, turned harmony into a weapon. Korux, the name still sends shivers down my crystalline spine, was the worst of them. His legacy of darkness and discord is a stain that Novaxiom will never fully erase.
I saw it all through the remnants of the shrine. I witnessed the echoes of history replaying within those crystalline depths. I swear it! I witnessed the rise and fall of Korux, the Psillusionists' punishment, and their subsequent transformation, which led to the birth of Dysphoni.
Now, here's where it gets a bit muddy... Dysphoni are born deaf, cut off from the natural Sonoric energies that shaped our world. Defeated, they retreated to the Shattered Saskatchewan, harnessing and developing their own dark arts, manipulating silence and discord. Isolated and discriminated against, their resentment grew with each generation.
Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. It sounds like a bedtime story, a cautionary tale told to frighten children into behaving. But this isn’t a joke; I shouldn’t even be telling all of this to you; it’s all too dangerous. The Dysphoni didn’t just fade into the background. They bided their time, honing their skills, waiting for the perfect moment to rise again.
And rise they did. Led by a descendant of Korux, they surged forth from the Shattered Saskatchewan, their silence a weapon, their discord a plague. They aimed to engulf Novaxiom in darkness again to finish what their ancestors had started. The Great Silence, they called it, was an era where sound would be subjugated, where silence and discord would reign supreme.
But here’s the twist. The Dysphoni weren’t just the villains of the piece. They were victims, too, shaped by a curse that wasn’t entirely their fault. Born into a world that feared and shunned them, they turned to the only power they had left—silence. It’s tragic, really. A cycle of pain and retribution that keeps spinning out of control.
So, where do I fit into all this? I’m the observer, the chronicler of this endless symphony of creation and destruction. I’ve seen Novaxiom’s beginning, witnessed the rise and fall of its most remarkable powers, and now I stand on the precipice of its future. My role as an observer allows me to share these experiences with you, engaging and connecting you to the world of Novaxiom.
I walk through the Crystalline Expanse, my faceted form shimmering in the dim light, and I wonder. What’s next for us, for Novaxiom? Can we break the cycle, or are we doomed to repeat the same mistakes, to fight the same battles repeatedly? The echoes of the past are loud, but perhaps, just perhaps, we can find a new chord, a new harmony that includes even those born of silence.
Maybe that's the answer—not more conflict but integration, acknowledging the pain and resentment, and finding a way to turn it into something beautiful. It sounds naïve, I know, but after everything I’ve seen, maybe a little naivety is precisely what we need.
For now, I have to keep wandering; there are so many more frequencies I can attune to! At least the Gods gave me something to work with on this crazy ass planet! Just gliding along these snowy hills, listening to the songs of the crystals, the whispers of the past. I’ll keep telling you the story of Novaxiom in the hope that one day, we’ll find the harmony we’ve been searching for. It’s a long shot, but what else is there to do in a world where even silence begins to sing?
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bentosandbox · 1 year
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Lappy fancam animatic blogging/production notes
now that wolfgirlyaoi is out on global its rambling time about my powerpoint presentation
Originally I wanted to do an (Tex & Lapp) animatic with the boss theme (broken wall/Signore dei Lupi .mp3) ever since the event dropped but I thought 1) by the time I finished anything someone else would have probably already done it first (lol, lmao even) 2) I remembered the song exists and how much i looped it then while listening to the group's new album drop and thought the lyrics fit Lapp a little too well and also doesn't end abruptly like the boss theme + was shorter so yea
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initial stickman storyboard where i put down the lyrics with event dialogue/happenings that i felt would fit nicely together > hastily scribble the images that form in my head
storyboards were basically what i wanted to see (same rule as my comics) lol especially if they weren't shown in the event CGs, eg. there's a CG of the truck crashing into the courtroom so I didn't do that but they didn't mention her physical acting in that scene + the song I used has a bow/salute at that exact part in their live choreo with the very similar line so I wanted to do a homage even though-
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-I was like it's going to be such a pain to figure out an economical hand twirl and bow but I have to do this I need to transplant the image in my brain onto the screen because official media did not do a—
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Honestly still don't know if its a common phrase and action combo because I was having so much trouble finding external references that wasn't just scrubbing the live video over and over anyway
part of the storyboards were 'recycled' from comic drafts I did (of the chocolate scene because ofc) when the event was running on CN
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Originally I wanted to draw Lapp feeding Texas for The Girlyaoi Funny but I wanted to reference the plaque you get which is a Creation of Adam reference right but I also saw people saying it's referencing the scene from Silence of the Lambs lol so...peel the layers to your liking!!
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(The chocolate flavour choice was from asking my Columbian friends what the worst chocolate flavour they ever tried which was white coconut)
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my sorry attempt at colour keys > final spreadsheet to keep track of progress and paste all the dialogue i put in
Art Direction
A bunch of shots/colour schemes are references to Måneskin's stuff or other media tehepero I'll just put a few here
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At first I was going to limit red/blue to tex/lapp respectively but since Omertosa is blue I just did away with that rule and lapp gets to have both (and more!) these two colours have pretty obvious emotional readings I think but also
red = self blue = society Siracusa or: red = yaoi & blue = yuri
for the others:
Purple = Alberto/Saluzzo, its not orange like the fruit he keeps holding because see below; I needed the colour for something else LOL Also the Saluzzos are iirc nobility or whatever and they have purple hints in their clothes so I think it was a good fit anyway
Yellow/Orange = Its supposed to be representing the last word in the story which apparently, yostar went with 'Savagery' which is Correct I guess but (laments again about how nuance is lost in localisation because imo savagery has a more derogatory kind of connotation while I think 蛮荒 in context of the story also has a 'nature/untouched by civilisation' side to it) which is why Texas setting the house on fire was not (entirely) red but orange (and it complements the blues both visually and thematically) and it's yellow at the end when they're frolicking(?) in the wilderness lol
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(these colour rules don't apply to the penglog shot and technically a few frames like the shot with shocked penance, the one right after and 'im just lappy' because...i forgor my own rules lol)
The greens/teals were just a reference to the shades in the 3DPV I think
The silhouette/general style was inspired from the 3D teaser thing they had at the beginning of the 3.5 anniversary stream and the card suits that I..forgot to move to the other layers which is why only the green one had them (supposed to be 1 per set 💀)
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The clash bit is basically the same as the event CG but with a flipped camera/POV sorry for world's worst screenshot lmao. Couldn't imagine the poses in my head so I ended up posing 3d models in CSP pretty good posing practice
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These shots got rendered extra because..they were the first frames I started on and I was still figuring out how much to simplify lol
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I also posed the chairs shot for some inexplicable reason…my file was lagging so bad
Headcanon part (kind of)
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The childhood flashback scene is probably the part I took the most liberties (headcanon) on since it's not explicitly canon like the rest...the sequence/how I connected the scenes itself to fabricate a timeline of her childhood was kind of inspired by some weibo post musing about how (iirc) texas's sweet tooth maybe came from when she was being fostered at casa Saluzzo and Lapp treating her like a pet essentially and giving her a lot of treats since...you know what happened to her actual pet hehe except maybe texas offered her a stick first and then Lappy just reciprocated endlessly because its one of the few 'acts' she knew that wasn't violence haha yeah this section was basically a stealth doujin sorry
It's mentioned that she was brought up as the ideal Siracusan or whatever and she does the cute doodle in the 3DPV so I thought she probably had the Forced Music Lessons as a kid (The music sheets are Bella Ciao and of course)
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The bow choreo was the one thing i really wanted to animate but the music sheet segment (based on that one split second shot above) ended up being my favourite part even though compositing the motion was a mini hell on it's own (ended up compiling a long png to scroll by with the red doodles layered over)
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Other things
I will never live down my (self-imposed) shame of misspelling the title (I fixed the title on youtube but its why the ending shot in the upload says ZittE e Buoni instead of ZittI e Buoni) don't rush your fancam in 10 days 😔
I didn't look through the entirety of the EN loc but Idk why they had Lappy say 'Then go.' to Texas when it's supposed to be more like 'Let's go.' as in, 'let's go together' as opposed to 'alright off you go to the greyhall alone' lmfao also her saying goodbye forever padre when addio is right there
I don't think I'm insane enough to do another ppt soon but man this pair really makes the 'imagines a whole music video while listening to music' part of my brain go wheee like first it was Starset's Manifest then Signore de Lupi then this and while working on this one i was thinking how Måneskin's Torna A Casa would be another good track
ok ty for reading #GIRLYAOIREAL
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Best and worst of both worlds (part 44)
Tw: mention of previous assault, yves being manipulative as always
Vote down below pls i will only consider first 21 votes
Part 45
To your surprise, Yves wheeled you into a room that you have never been in. Neither did you realize it existed on the ground floor.
You called it the music room. There is a grand piano in the center, with various other orchestra instruments in the corner and on the shelves. It was lit by none other than a chandelier. Yves loves his chandeliers.
You asked him if he played all the instruments present here. He nodded and you found that impressive, since the number of items in this room is mind boggling. You don't even know the names to some of these.
"Would you like me to play something for you?" He asked, locking your wheelchair in place.
You said you would like to see it.
He walked towards the harp, positioning the seat properly before sitting on it. His elegant fingers strummed against the strings masterfully as he played a melancholic tune that you weren't familiar with. However, it was beautiful and moving, the rises and dips in volume invoked some powerful feelings in your chest.
Yves seemed to be completely immersed in his performance, his eyes were closed and his lips were pressed into a neutral line. His movements were fluid and hypnotizing, making you watch without ever blinking.
He ends his piece with an elegant fade. Yves opened his emerald eyes to see you gaping your mouth at him. He stifled a laugh as he rose from his seat.
"Did you like it?" He asked, gently pushing your jaw up to close your mouth.
You said it was amazing, you asked what was he playing. Yves tilted his head to the side and pouted playfully.
"I thought you would have recognized it. I was playing a song that is very popular among your age groups."
You were adamant that you have never heard it before. It sounded like something that was written by an angel, it was unbelievably ethereal and sublime. You don't think modern-day music was of this calibre.
An amused smile made its way to his face.
"Well, I am happy that you loved my rendition of it."
But you were curious, what did he intend to play?
He tapped the side of his face and looked to the side as he tried to remember the name of it.
"It is something that your peers danced to. I have only heard fifteen seconds of it, but it was repeated ad nauseam."
You asked him if he heard the full song.
"No. I improvised the rest."
You were wracking your brain, trying to figure out what modern "popular song" did he just let you experience in a completely different light.
Then you asked how were the dances like.
"There was a vast array of variations. However, they shook their rears in front of the camera for all of them."
And the lyrics?
"The artist managed to refer to her supposedly... fat buttocks four times in that short segment. They were standard lyrics about emotional infidelity." Yves was describing it almost clinically, only when it comes to the cheating part did he look disgusted.
You think you know which song he was talking about now. You're dumbfounded at Yves talent to recreate it in such a way it's unrecognizably beautiful. Not to say that the original wasn't good, it was. It's just that you're impressed at how Yves's musical abilities allowed him to create such a masterpiece.
For the rest of the afternoon, you tried out most of his instruments. Yves taught you the basics without boring you to death, he was patient and understanding when you either couldn't grasp the control or you gave up for being too hard. You noted that the quality of his items are always exemplary, he takes good care of all his belongings.
Occasionally, he would nag about being mindful of your property. He wanted you to share the same mindset of prolonging the health and life of an object.
But you were having fun, even if you were bowing the strings of his Viola horrendously so, that it could make a musician's ear bleed. Yves is elated to spend so much time with you while sharing his own interests.
And most importantly, your head is not filled with redundant thoughts about your dependence on Yves. Both of you are free to relax and be happy in peace.
You scrolled through your social media feed mindlessly as you laid on the loveseat of his music room, your casted leg hanging off the armrest. Yves had to leave you alone so he could speak with the professionals regarding his air conditioning system.
Yves told you to use a special fob to control the speed of the fan. You left it off because it's not sweltering right now and you believed that you should not waste too much electricity.
There was the occasional tinkering and stomping as they worked hard to remedy the issue. Other than that, the environment is pretty quiet.
You received a notification that your assignment has been graded. You reviewed it and found that you achieved the highest score possible, it wasn't surprising because you have Yves to guide you throughout the entire--
Where are your crutches?!
The thought shot through your head and everything that you were procrastinating talking to Yves about came rushing in.
You have got to talk to Yves about moving out and going back to school. And also, the whereabouts of your stupid crutches.
Just when you're about to send Yves a text about it, so you won't forget, you heard a knock on the door.
Yves entered holding a cold glass of freshly pressed fruit juice. It was beading with condensation as he took large strides towards you.
You took large gulps of the refreshing beverage, not realizing how thirsty and overheated you were.
"My apologies, dear." Said Yves as he dabbed a wet cloth on your forehead and cheek to further cool you down. "There was an accident causing the breaker to trip. They also had to cut the power supplying the ducts in order to repair the faults, why didn't you use the fan?"
You said that it wasn't that warm and you didn't want to rack up his electricity bills. He has nothing to apologize about, it didn't even affect you.
You couldn't understand why Yves looked defeated, as if he's expecting something bad was about to happen. It isn't like you're going to die from a little heat, you're simply going to sweat and whine. That's all.
"That is very considerate of you, my love. However your comfort comes first. I do not want you to worry about anything. Please. I will always take care of you no matter what." He pressed the cool cloth against your neck, soaking up droplets of sweat. It almost seems... desperate.
You told him that you're grateful. Then changing the topic about your crutches and the idea of going back to university, so that you could catch up on your studies.
His shoulders sagged in devastation. Yves sighed, burying his face in a hand for a bit before instantly regaining his composure. Oh, how he wished that he could just... control everything.
You wonder what that reaction was about. But you deem it unimportant in the end.
He switched the fan on to circulate the air in the room. You feel relief when the wind hits your face.
"(name)..." He called you quietly, crossing his arms over his chest. Yves squatted down to your level and looked you deep in the eyes. "Are you sure?" Yves spoke in a voice that sent uncertainty through your bones. You could feel an undertone of warning too.
You gulped and stammered under his scrutinizing gaze. You suddenly felt small and helpless, just like how when you first met him. Except, now it's much worse. Because you value his views on you a lot more.
Yet, you stood your ground. You noticed that you've been lacking a sense of agency ever since you got here. Yves wasn't treating you badly by any means, but subconsciously, you felt that there was something wrong. You felt like you were getting stuck in a trap that is slowly but surely killing you, and this is your attempt at clawing out of it.
No matter how much you tried to change the tone of the conversation to become lighter, Yves stayed there, unmoving, unsmiling and unblinking. He may not explicitly confirm it, but it is clear he is disapproving towards your desire to regain freedom.
You explained that you can get around with crutches, you need to go back to your old life- you can't stay like this forever, burdening Yves with your problems!
"You are not a burden to me, (name)." The seriousness of his intonation left no room for doubt that he was telling the truth. Deep down, you already knew it too, but you didn't like how he enjoyed taking care of you to this degree. It's as if he is intentionally incapacitating you so he could continue coddling you.
That wasn't a nice thought about someone who paid for your bills, housed and fed you. But it was a gut feeling that existed nonetheless.
You explained that you just wanted normalcy. Like how it was before your assault, where you would run from your own place to catch the bus. This sudden change in lifestyle is jarring and unnatural to you, it's stressing you out.
"It takes a minimum of eight weeks for your fracture to heal. You only rested for three, it is too early for you to start walking again." He explained, in a soft voice that sounded patronizing. You squirm under his unyielding and unsettling stare, he never stopped despite you showing painfully clear signs of discomfort.
You tried weakly arguing that you saw students move around the campus with a broken foot, they're using crutches and always arrived to class on time.
The room fell silent, save for the quiet whirring of the fan's propeller and the murmuring of the contractors.
Yves knew he was fighting a losing battle. But he tries, he tries to scare you into staying with him. Because he wasn't ready to let you go yet, not when he was spoiled with three weeks of uninterrupted bonding time with you. It is going to feel particularly excruciating when the luxury of being in close proximity to you is slashed tremendously.
So he waited. You were someone who associates silence and a stare as something terrible, hence he uses that against you. He calculated the chances of you backtracking or doubling down, and it was of equal probability.
You cower, feeling afraid and severely pressured even though Yves did nothing except appear menacing.
It is tempting to just dismiss everything and pretend like nothing happened, you could enjoy his pampering without a problem and let Yves take care of you like a delicate doll.
But... it's uncanny. You have never felt this strange towards a supposedly "good" thing. You will definitely have to participate in uncomfortable conversations with Yves, however, maybe the reward would outweigh the damages?
Using all your strength to temporarily push down the nauseating feeling of fear, you decided to choose a path.
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i4bellingham · 2 years
Ugh, pt 2 for the choice!! Maybe when she goes home and tells Jude what happened? (Here’s to hoping she comes to her senses and sticks with him)
THE CHOICE part two : jude bellingham x reader
part two to this jude fic right here !! + not proofread !!! and can i just mention how my fondness for musiala and bayern grew basically a ton since i last posted a fic ?? like i've been rewatching games that i missed and have been binge-watching their entire content in youtube like ???? bruv i need to calm down
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Everything was a blur.
A series of images flashing by your eyes in a fuzzy memory.
One minute you were answering your phone, mumbling a hurried “I’m on my way back home,” before you're wrenching your car door open in a frenzied state just to get away from Trent’s grasp.
You can faintly remember him calling out for you, a soft grip on your wrist as he tried to pull you back to him but you prevailed, an angry set of muttering leaving your lips before you now find yourself in front of your home.
Jude’s car is parked just beside you, signalling he's probably home now after hearing the shakiness and stress in your voice during the call that didn't even last for a mere minute.
The engine was already shut but you still remained stationary inside the warmth of your vehicle, with your thoughts running in crazy directions inside your head.
Jude is not aware of what truly transpired between you and Trent, and although you feel like he's got the gist of it, he doesn't know the entire thing that went down.
You feel like an absolute shit. Both as a person and as his girlfriend. You knew you should've told him everything before you said ‘yes’ to his question of being his girlfriend, sure you might hold some residual feelings for Trent and they're not as strong as the one you hold dear for Jude but the thing is, there is still a remainder fondness for the guy who you should have never let cross boundaries with you like that in the first place.
And worst of it all, Trent kissed you not even a full hour ago and you weren't there fully in your consciousness to stop it.
You don’t want to tell Jude and hurt him. But either way, you know there is a possibility that you'll end up doing just exactly that if the secrets and lies keep on piling up.
A heavy sigh leaves your lips at the thought. You really really don’t want to hurt Jude. It's the last thing you'd want to do especially to him but if you truly want to move past this stage, not just for your own self but for your relationship as well, you knew that coming clean to everything is the right thing to do.
And that's exactly what you're about to do.
The unmistakeable pounding in your chest and the clammy palms you wiped a few times over your shirt made breathing normally a tad bit challenging for you.
You take another deep breathe before pushing the door to your home open, immediately being greeted by the soft savory smell of a familiar dish you loved.
As you emerged from the hallway, you notice Jude on the open kitchen right away. There are drying pots and sauce pans on your sink, to which you presumed he used when cooking. The man himself was busy wiping down your marble countertop and mouthing the lyrics to a song playing in the background to notice your arrival.
In the dining table, two plates of your favorite pasta dish, a box of your favorite pastry and a bottle of your go-to non-alcoholic drink sat.
The temptation of punching yourself straight in the face was more than just a reoccurring thought. The guilt and anxiousness the brewed in the pit of your stomach made you want to throw up.
You could lose Jude after this.
There is a possibility that you'd lose him after this.
But you knew that he deserves to know the truth, for the entire thing even what happened tonight.
You're not certain how he'll react to it and you know losing him was feasible at this point. But if you have to beg on your knees to keep him, to make him stay, you will. If you have to endure a lot of things in order to keep him, you will go through them painstakingly.
Because you can’t lose the only man who showed genuine care and love for you. You can never get back up if you lose him, not after he picked up the only remaining fragile bits of you. Most importantly, you certainly can not let the man you love go even if it means not having some form of connection with Trent after this entire dilemma.
Slowly and silently, you walk over to where Jude was.
You wrap your arms around his waist, burying your face against his back feeling him jump at the sudden motion.
“Bloody hell- love!” Jude sighs at the sight of you, turning his entire body around to properly face you before he encircles his own arms over your shoulders. “You scared me! Do you want to give me a heart attack or something?”
He plants a kiss on your head, brows wrenching when you remained unresponsive.
“Surely you're not upset you didn't give me that no?” He jokes, almost making you cackle had the weight of this entire situation not been dragging you down. Jude shakes your shoulders, slightly pulling you away from him to take a look at your face. He immediately sees the tears pooling at your lash line, and with this he grabs you by the shoulders before pulling you with him on the couch; the food on the table he'd cooked all forgotten.
He sits you down on the couch before crouching in front of you, cupping your face on his palms.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen? Are you hurt? You were at Trent’s right? What's wrong? Did you guys fight-?”
Sensing the seriousness and dread in your voice, Jude fixes his stance in front of you as he anticipates for the next words to come out of your mouth.
If you had a choice, you would take some time to collect your wits. Maybe spend a day with just yourself and think everything that you needed to tell him through. Just to settle down everything you wanted to confess to have your thoughts enunciated clearly in the manner that Jude can understand better.
But you don’t have that opportunity as you sat now, mouth opening and closing for a couple of times before you're being instructed by your boyfriend to breathe.
And take a deep breathe you did before the words came tumbling out of your mouth in a succession of how the events took place.
You told him about your feelings for Trent, what went down during the New Year’s eve and how your supposed best friend acted during his own birthday. You told him about how incredibly grateful you are to find him as a friend, before that title was ultimately changed into being your boyfriend. You told him about how you didn't want to lose him and everything you both got, not even in exchange for a future with Trent. You told him about your lingering feelings for Trent, one that he shouldn't worry about because you know they're only there and existing because you still care about him and the memories you had together. You told him about what happened during your visit at Trent’s tonight, how his friend and your best friend had kissed you and how you weren't able to push him fast enough because you were shocked and in disbelief. You told him everything, not leaving one single thought and memory behind, all the while gripping onto his hands that grew loose the moment you mentioned about the residual feelings you still hold for Trent.
Jude was silent the entire time you rambled, now hanging his head low as the space between you two grow silent.
He was still crouched down in front of you, but the hold on your hand had loosened incredibly that made your worries grow tenfold.
You know the thought is still a possibility, with the entire thing being let out in the open and susceptible for him to know of and understand, you know he could potentially break things up with you.
And the thought scares you more than you let on.
“... Jude?” You grip onto his hand harder, lightly shaking his wrists. “Baby please talk to me...”
But he doesn't.
Not straightaway at least.
When Jude removes his hands from your grasp, you almost felt like your entire world collapsed from that alone, thinking that everything was gonna be over for you and your relationship and the reprimanding thoughts spread wide inside your head, thinking that you deserved every bits of it if it did came down to having Jude break it off with you.
You wanted to breath a sigh of relief when he instead moves to sit down beside you, an arm's length of space dividing you both.
But you don’t. Not until he says something anyways, even if you're gonna be on the receiving end of his harsh remarks and accusations, you'll gladly open your ears to accept them.
Jude swipes a thumb over his lips, eyes fixated on the carpet underneath the coffee table as he speaks.
“Do you still love Trent?”
“Not in the way you think I do, but yes.”
“Why didn’t you tell me this before? Everything that happened?”
“Because Trent and I swept it under the rug ourselves. That night you and I met at the party, Trent and I didn't really talk and meet up after that. We only started communicating back when we began dating officially and the whole thing kind of was just forgotten... until tonight.”
Jude takes a glance at you, seeing the pout in your lips and the tears that gathered once more on your lash line. “Why didn't you tell all of this to me by your own then?”
You grow silent at this for a few moments, fingers swiping underneath your eyes before a shaky breath leaves your chest, fingers fiddling with the loose ends of your shirt as you recollect yourself.
“Because I’m scared.” You whisper, shoulders sagging. “I’m scared that you'll leave me the moment you find out about my history with Trentㅡnot that it's impossible right now anyways but I’m just scared... I was scared that I’ll lose everything we have and that I'd lose you because of this. So I kept a tight mouth about it thinking that I’ll tell you everything once Trent and I talked, but obviously shit went down tonight so here we are.”
Jude didn’t show any reaction as he listened to your explanation, just sitting still on his spot with a nonchalant face that gave you no leeway to gauge of his thoughts.
Knowing how extremely expressive your boyfriend is regardless of the situation, this sight of him with a deadpan face on just concluded the thoughts racing through your head.
“... I feel betrayed and hurt.” He starts off, eyes meeting yours for the very first time since you've done your ramble. “I had an inclination of what happened between the both you, just that I thought you'd liked him and he didn't reciprocate the feelings or whatever but I didn't know you guys hooked up-”
“We made out a couple of times Jude I swear to you that's all there is to that.” You chime in. You sit in front of him, taking his hands in your shaky, cold ones. “I’m so sorry for keeping this from you. I’m so sorry that it had to end up like this but I swear if I had known Trent would try something like that I wouldn't have gone to his house in the first place. Jude, please believe me. I would never intentionally hurt you... please, I don’t want to lose you.”
Globs of tears freely rolled on your cheeks as you drop your head low, voice turning into a mumble at the end of your sentence to stifle down the sobs that wracked your body to quiver.
“Please believe me... there was not a single time in this relationship that I lied to you. I would never lie to you Jude, please don't hate me-”
He'd never pinpoint what it is, but Jude thinks it's the amount of love and trust he has for you that made him pick you up from the ground and onto his lap, securing you with an arm around your waist and one over the back of your head, cradling you as you wept for forgiveness against his chest and wetting his shirt with your tears.
Love is such a fickle thing. One moment he was ready to pack some of his things, let the entire situation cool down and give you a moment and space to think about everything.
Jude did feel hurt, and upset and betrayed and angry. But he couldn't entirely shift the blame of how this night ended on you. He did have a clue of what your previous connection to Trent was, he knows he could've done something then to prevent it from spiraling out of control entirely but Jude himself was afraid.
What if everything you both had and built was from a foundation of lies? What if you still loved Trent? What if you were still seeing Trent behind his back? When he wasn't there with you?
But Jude wills himself to stop forming these kinds of thoughts; ones that places you in a bad light because if he's being honest, all he's ever seen and felt from you since you started dating was your genuine fondness and care for him. All he's gotten being on the receiving end of you attention was nothing short of your love shown in many different ways. You were always so lovely, so kind and so thoughtful of him that there's not a single day where he doesn't think that he got lucky to have you as his girlfriend. You've never once lied about anything except for when the playful conversation starts.
And your panic and anxiousness from when you answered the phone and when you got home was also enough for Jude to believe you. He's not gonna question if it's the right thing to do or if he's gonna regret doing this, all because he trusts you.
If Jude had diminished all of it the moment you told him the truth, he wouldn't even bother hearing you out for every questions that you answered with a worried gaze to him, as if you're anticipating for him to just up and leave through the front doors.
Jude kisses your hairline, planting a few more over your head. “It’s alright love, I believe you... it’s alright, I don’t hate you...”
But you don't stop muttering apologies against his chest, almost as if you didn’t hear him.
“’m sorry please don’t leave me... I’m sorry...”
Jude holds you close to him, not even minding the time and how late it had gotten since your conversation. Your cries had simmered down now and your pleas had reduced into a sporadic whisper. There is a huge wet patch of where your tears had drenched his chest, almost soaking the fabric through and through. The hold you had on his arm was still in the same tight grip as he's carrying you to your shared room, never once faltering in their firmness even as you slept in his arms.
Jude places you on your usual side of the bed, taking of your shirt, pants and shoes and replacing them with your go-to nightwear that's basically just an old plain shirt of his. He takes your makeup wipes from the bathroom, slowly and carefully wiping away the residue of any cosmetics before he's doing it two more times just in case he didn't get all of them in three tries. He also combs your hair, unknotting the matted parts from the cold air before letting it freely lay on your pillow.
Jude himself freshens up, changing his shirt and throwing the dirtied clothes in the hamper along with yours before he's sliding underneath the blankets with you, throwing an arm over your waist as you turn around in your sleep, wrapping a hand over his biceps and a leg in between his with your head against his chest.
Jude holds you close to him, laying wide awake on your bed as you slept soundly. There are no other thoughts in his head, but he knows the both of you needs to talk this through if you want the relationship to work.
Though he feels as though you're not the person he should be having the conversation with the next time. Jude had already heard your side of the story, it's only a matter of time before a confrontation between him and Trent happens too.
And if sensing that he's in Jude’s intrusive thoughts, your charging phone on the night stand lights up before it shortly begins to vibrate against the wood. And the name that used to be on good terms with Jude flashing on your screen now brought nothing but a knitted brows and a frowning face.
Jude reaches out to take the device from the table, unlocking it briefly before swiping the icon to the left, red button and ending the on-going call immediately. Jude doesn't waste any more of his time before he's sending a message to the contact number, and not long after that he blocks the contact off your phone too.
        to: trent AA
             3:06 am
nice try mate
some good friend you are
don’t contact my girlfriend ever again.
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arminsesposa · 1 year
Vampire (Female reader x 1610! Miles Morales)
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Bleeding me dry like a damn vampire
Yes this is based off Olivia Rodrigos New song, I’m incorporating some of the lyrics as well, lyrics in between and in red.
Miles flaking on you on your 1 year anniversary. You just want the truth.🦅
Reblogs are greatly appreciated! :)
As you were getting ready for your 1st year anniversary date with Miles, you were remembering, all your special moments. From when he asked you out, to when you guys would watch movies at your house, or eat dinner at the Morales’s house. You truly loved that boy. Seeing him all the time, spending quality time with him, whether it was chatting or just cuddling and the way you would catch him stare at you. He made your heart flutter. Even despite what’s been happening.
I see the parties and the diamonds sometimes when I close my eyes
Lately, you realized Miles has been acting different. Its been killing you deep inside. You loved this boy dearly, only to have him show up 30- or an hour late to important events. The constant lies and excuses when all you asked for was the truth. You were tired of it and part of you wanted to snap. Keeping it deep down wasn’t helping as for you it was your final straw. It’s not that he didn’t love you, but he’s been ignoring you more often lately. You felt like like he’s been hiding something from you. Maybe an after school program he joined? Was it another girl? There is that blonde girl but… Miles wouldn’t. Would he? Those thoughts quickly passed through your head as you finished apply your makeup. Miles was the one to ask you out as he told you he planned something special for your anniversary. So maybe things will be better this time. You hoped.
I loved you truly, Gotta laugh at the stupidity
As you waited for Miles to pick you up, you stood there in front of your house waiting for him. You were dressed pretty fancy, as the neighbors who walked by just stared at you, you cringed deep down. You texted miles hoping he would answer but to your surprise he didn’t answer. 10 minutes passed by, as your legs grew tired of standing. Your older brother came to your rescue, as he offered you by dropping you off where you two were supposed to meet. “Maybe he has something planned for you” your brother said giving you a sense of false hope. You looked outside the window as the sun began to set. A beautiful mix of Orange and purple spread out throughout the whole sky. You had a slight smile as you remembered the numerous times Miles would bring you to his apartments rooftop. The conversations you guys would have up there. About college, life, the universe. Your brother snapped you out of fantasy as he parked his car and turned back to look at you. “We’re here”
Cause I’ve made some real big mistakes
As you entered the busy diner, it was full of romantic couples. Teenagers In puppy love, sharing a basket of fries, Sipping on a vanilla milkshake, as you made your way to the booth where you and Miles had your first date. As the server unironically on roller skates, came by and asked for your order which you politely denied. It was about to 7:30, as you rested your face on your shoulders as Miles was supposed to be there 30 minutes ago. You looked like an idiot. All these tragically in love couples having their most romantic date, as you sat alone in the booth. As you were about to give up your spot on the booth, Miles rushed in messy hair with a bouquet of roses and a polo shirt on as he sat across from you. “Hey” he said out of breath as he handed you the bouquet.
But you make the worst one look fine
The only thing you could do was stare at him as you quietly accepted the bouquet. “I’m sorry I just had to-“ Miles began as inside you snapped. You were tired of him constantly being late. Tired of him making up these excuses. Although he did plan this date, he still managed to show up 30 minutes late and had you wait like an idiot surrounded by all the couples. You wanted the cold hard truth. Although you felt like your heart was about to burst out of sadness you managed to cut him off. “Enough Miles” you managed to say in a whisper as he stared at you in confusion. “Baby what are you talking about?” miles asked in confusion. You felt like the whole diner was staring at you as you began to pour your heart out. “I’m tired of you always being late, tired of the white lies you tell me. I just want the truth. Who’s the girl? Is it that blonde girl you’re always with?” You said as your vision began to get blurry due to your tears. Miles reaction widened as he immediately shook his head in denial. “No baby, I promise you I would never-“ he pleaded. “I’m just tired, Miles” You said as you looked down, you felt your warm tears trickle down your face as you sniffled.
I should’ve known it was strange, you only come out at night.
Miles stared at you heartbroken. He didn’t know how much he was truly hurting you. With juggling being a student, son, Spiderman, and boyfriend, it was overwhelming for him. But he knew that didn’t excuse his actions. Miles felt guilty, he couldn’t tell you that he was Spiderman due to his fear, a villain taking you for hostage or even much worse. Miles didn’t know what to stay as he tried to hold you hand. “I’m not seeing anyone. You’re the only girl I want, the blonde girl, Gwen I can promise you Is just and only a friend” Miles said sincerely as he held your hand tighter. You stared at him with puffy eyes. “Why are you always late? I wait for you all the time, and I’m just tired miles. I want the honest truth now.” You state as you wait for Miles response. His heart drops, knowing that deep down he can’t tell you that he’s Spiderman. He doesn’t want to see you hurt. He would never forgave himself if something were to happen. As a quiet moment happened between you two, Miles spoke up.
I used to think I was smart, but you made me look so naive
“I’m sorry.. I truly can’t tell you. It’s for the greater good” Miles said as he looked down. He couldn’t even make eye contact with you. You looked beyond heartbroken. “Miles, you can tell me anything I promise. I’m here for you” you pleased with him. You just wanted the truth. No matter what it could be. You wanted to be by his side no matter what and whatever he needed to tell you. You were ready. Miles hesitated. He wanted to tell you everything. He wanted to tell you how it all happened. The spider bite, the way he Because Spiderman, the countless times he saved people but yet he didn’t say anything. It was a risk he wasn’t willing to take. “I can’t. I’m sorry, you can’t know” miles said in a serious tone as he looked down. You were beyond angry, as you got up and threw the bouquet of roses at him and stormed off out of the diner.
The way you sold me for parts, you sunk your teeth into me
You were done. Your boyfriend, who you felt so loved and comfortable with him, not telling you what was wrong. You wanted to be there for him, but how could you help someone who doesn’t wanna be helped. As you stormed off, all the lovey dovey couples watched you storm off as Miles grabbed the bouquet and raced after you. “(Y/N), Wait! You don’t understand” Miles begged as you slammed the door. Tears were streaming down your cheek as you felt your heart rip in half. You felt the pain of your heart breaking, as you walked through the crowds on the sidewalk. The boy you loved the most, was lying to your face. You loved him too much, but this was something you couldn’t handle. As Miles tried catching you up, he grabbed your arm and pulled you to an empty alleyway as you glared at him. “What do you want!” You said as you cried out. This wasn’t how you thought your one year anniversary was going to be like. You know deep down you deserved better. “(Y/N), i love you, i really do and you don’t understand how hard this is for me” miles said out of breath as his hands hanged on his sides. “ I want to tell you, I really do, I just.” Miles paused. “I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you.” Miles said as he stared at you. He only wanted to protect you. “If you really care, then tell me. Tell me right now. Tell me why you’re always late for anything we plan. Why you’ve been making excuses. Where have you been all this time? Miles Morales, if you truly love me you’ll tell me right now” you declare staring at him making direct eye contact. Miles stays quiet. He can’t ruin your relationship. You’re the only person he can go too, someone he trusts and loves, but it was now or nothing. As miles stared down at the Bouquet, he remembers your first date. After getting the courage to ask you out during AP Spanish, he planned for you two to go to a nearby arcade, until a criminal robbing a nearby bank ruined the plans as the arcade shut down, Miles was disappointed, he couldn’t take you out but you two spent the rest of the evening at the diner, where you split a Oreo milkshake. Miles had to tell you. He didn’t care anymore if it was a risk, as he would be there to protect you. He promised to himself in thought as he knew what must be done.
Bloodsucker, FameFucker
“(Y/N), I’m…. I’m spid-“ Before miles could even finish you cut him off. You saw the guilty look of shame on Miles face as he looked down at the bouquet and it clicked. He was probably seeing someone else. The way his behavior was throughout the whole night and the way he kept avoiding the question, you weren’t ready for your boyfriend to admit he was cheating on you in an alleyway. “I’m sorry miles. I’m done. Talk to me when you get your shit straight” you cussed out in anger and sadness as you walked away, leaving miles alone. It struck him like a truck. He was too much in his head he didn’t realize he left you standing there like an idiot. All he could was watch you fade away as you blended in with the packed crowd. As you stormed off, you were tired. Tired of being lied too, tired of how long you waited for Miles to pick you up, only for him to be late. You were beyond devastated how your 1st year anniversary turned into a disaster. As you walked home with your makeup a mess, your eyes puffy from crying, you couldn’t get Miles out of your head. No matter everything that happened part of you still loved him. As you walked home, maybe it was your puffy eyes from crying, or the overwhelming feeling of being tired since you didn’t notice how colorful everything became all of a sudden sorta in a glitchy way, or how the walls began to look… different. In fact you didn’t realize, until you felt your stomach dropped as you found yourself falling through a portal.
Bleedin’ me dry, like a goddamn vampire
Maybe this’ll get a Part 2 💃🏽
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audrey-carr1 · 1 month
The Heiress and the Lady of the House (part 5)
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A/N: I finally updated! Yay!
word count: 3.3k+
warnings: fem!reader, Hettyxreader, some kissing and other things but no smut
Want to read on AO3?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
The morning of NYE
Hetty was always the first one to wake. She says she enjoys watching the sunrise and seeing the sunlight enter the room to illuminate my beauty. I am always the last one to fall asleep, naturally as I am the one running the business, but also because I wanted to be sure Hetty slept. More than once, I have heard Hetty talk about how she does not sleep well or at all. Since she has begun to sleep in my bed, she has slept very peacefully. As she enjoys watching me sleep in the morning, I love to watch her sleep in the evenings. Her face relaxed and free from anxieties. Often times I find myself twirling her hair between my fingers. Sometimes I would have to keep myself from laughing when Hetty would begin to snore softly.
Now Hetty and I lay cuddled in bed enjoying the peace of the morning. Almost an hour ago, I had set up the Wii for the ghosts that were awake to play Just Dance. It was not a game I thought they would enjoy, but they took it up very quickly. I, along with everyone else, was surprised to find that Thor was very good at the game often getting 5 stars on his first try on every song. 
Even though she rarely played with them, the only person Thor could not beat was Hetty. She was always just a couple of points ahead. I had never seen Hetty enjoy herself more than when she finally got the hang of the game. At first, she complained that the music was horrible, but over time I have heard her humming the lyrics to the songs. Ofcourse I would never tell her this, this was a moment I’d keep to myself. 
“Have I told you how beautiful you are? Especially in the morning,” Hetty says placing a kiss on my forehead.
“Every morning since we’ve been together, but I will not tire of hearing it,” I say placing a kiss on her lips. Hetty greedily accepts the gesture. 
“Get up here,” Hetty says in a sultry voice as she moves to lay on her back and brings me on top of her to straddle her. 
“Hetty, everyone is up they could hear,” I say sitting up. My hands lay on her chest, and her hands began to caress my upper thighs.
“Well, maybe you should work on being more quiet,” Hetty teases. Hetty takes a moment to marvel at your beauty. Your positioning on the bed allows the light to cast around you almost like you have a halo around your body. “My personal angel” Hetty muses to herself. 
My giggles turn into whimpers, and soon my whimpers into soft moans.
“Quiet remember,” Hetty whispers in my ear, her grip on my thighs tightening. I nod biting my lip to keep silent. 
One of her hands continues its journey up your thigh and getting closer to the place I wanted…no, needed it most. 
“(Y/n), can you touch the Wii remotes again?” I hear Trevor ask through the door.
Hetty’s hand stops abruptly, and I slump against her in defeat. “Oh, so close,” I sigh to myself.
I sigh outwardly and Hetty chuckles, “You are going to have to give those boys a curfew on that game machine. No gaming hours that could interrupt our morning activities,” Hetty says letting me go, so I can get up. 
I quickly wrap myself in my silk robe, and look for my slippers which I quickly find near the door.
“Is this what parenting feels like?” I ask
“Honestly, I haven’t the slightest idea. I let the nanny take care of that aspect,” Hetty says waving off the question. 
I laugh as I slide on my slippers, “I love them, but I am almost at my wit's end being called. I’m about to push Riley or Nadine down the stairs so they can see everyone too.”
“That wouldn’t be the worst idea, how about Nadine?” Hetty asks a bit too eagerly. 
“Behave, Hetty. She is still my friend,” I reply
Hetty smirks to herself and turns to lie on her side. 
“Hurry back,” She says waving me away.
“Trust me I’m trying to,” I say leaving the room. 
I head towards the room with the Wii, and I’m met with Pete and Trevor waiting for me. I could almost laugh at the picture. 
“Oh, good morning!” You hear Pete say, “We hope you weren’t sleeping,”
“No she and Hetty were trying to get it on,” Trevor says making a gesture. 
“Trevor!” I say swatting his arm. I try to keep from laughing, as I blush from being found out. 
“What am I lying?” Trevor defends himself, “Honestly I do not blame them, Hetty and I-”
“Please spare me the details of what you and my girlfriend used to do,” I interrupt.
“Girlfriend? You two are using titles now?” Trevor asks. A grin spreads across before laughing, I even hear Pete chuckle a little bit. Trevor enjoys being able to tease you about something. 
“Oh no, I mean…where are those stupid remotes,” I say scanning the room. I spot the remotes on the couch. I grab them and give them to Pete and Trevor. Before leaving the room I touch the rest of the Wii remotes in case the other ghosts wake up and decide to play.
“ Hopefully that’ll buy me an hour...if we’re quick,” I tell myself.
 I hurry back to my room turning the sign on my door to do not disturb before entering. 
“Took you long enough,” Hetty says in mock boredom. 
“You are very impatient this morning,” I say crossing my arms. 
“I come from a time period of sexual repression, and of the 130 years I have been dead it was not until year 126 that I discovered my own sensuality via broken washing machine,” Hetty says in an unamused tone, “I have a lot of time to make up for.”
“Washing machine?” I ask. 
“Yes, a washing machine. Now lover, if you could please,” Hetty gestures for me to come back to bed. 
“Well since you asked so nicely,” I say untying my robe. 
I discard the robe at the door leaving me in my silk nightgown. Sauntering over to Hetty I try to keep a serious face, but I cannot help the smile that threatens to break. I reach the bed, and Hetty grabs a hold of my waist.
“Even when you are being silly, you make it sexy,” Hetty says, beginning to pepper my chest with kisses and making her way up to my neck. While I try to focus on the moment, I cannot help but think about what Trevor had said earlier. 
Hetty helps me back onto the bed and moves me to straddle her lap once more. Her lips resume their kissing but this time on my neck. I feel her teeth graze against my skin, but my mind is elsewhere. I barely offer an auditory acknowledgment of the gesture.
“Darling, when I said you had to be quiet, I did not mean statute silent,” Hetty mumbles against my skin noticing my lack of enthusiasm. 
“I am sorry Hetty, I’m just not in the mood anymore,” I say climbing off of her.
“What?! Why?!” Hetty whinged. 
 “I mean what happened? Is something wrong?” Hetty quickly corrects herself and sits up in bed trying to fight the pout forming on her lips. 
“When I left to go fix the remote situation. Trevor said something, and actually…do not worry about it. Forget I even said anything, I’ll meet you downstairs for breakfast,” You close the door to the bathroom.
Hetty sits on the bed in disbelief. She hears the shower start to run, and she knows that the moment is ruined beyond repair. 
“I’m going to kill him,” Hetty says leaving the room on a mission, “Oh, Trevor!”
The rest of the morning and into the early afternoon goes by quickly as we all prepare the house for our New Year’s celebration. After a while, I head upstairs to take a nap. I tell Alberta that if they need anything to wake me up, and she sends me on my way telling me not to worry. 
“Hetty have you noticed (y/n), lately?” Flower asks. 
“I tend to notice her a lot,” Hetty says not knowing where Flower could be going with her impending line of questioning. 
“No like her complexion, she looks a little…different,”
“I hate to brag, but I might have something to do with that new glow she has been sporting,” Hetty smirks to herself. 
“No, Hetty not like that. She looks a bit pale and she has been more tired than usual. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed,” Flower says.
“Well it is the wintertime, and Sam and Jay always say they lose so much color in the winter. Maybe her trip to the beach will bring her back to life. Do not worry you’re pretty little head about,” Hetty says beginning to get worried herself. How could she not have noticed these changes, and she sleeps right next to you? 
“Worry about what?” Flower asks. 
Still thinking about what Flower said, Hetty begins to get even more worried and sets out to find you. After searching what seems to be the entire house, she finds you still asleep in your room. Hetty smiles softly to herself at the sight and comes over to brush your hair from your face. Hetty does notice that you do look a bit pale, but she tries to tell herself that it is due to the change in season. Hetty places a kiss on your forehead and leaves the room. Hetty wonders if she can get Alberta to ask the Alexa a couple of questions about your symptoms.
When I wake up from my nap, I groan and hold my head in my hands. I feel as if my head were about to split in two. I take a couple of steadying breaths before standing on my feet and going to the bathroom. I  rifle through the medicine cabinet to find some kind of medicinal relief. I gulp down a couple of pain pills with a glass of water, and I press the cold glass to my chest, now feeling a bit overheated. 
“I better not be getting sick,” I say out loud. I refill the glass and gulp down the rest of the water before heading downstairs. 
I am surprised to find that the entire house is quiet. I look around the house, and I finally find the ghosts huddled around the Alexa. 
“Hey guys, why so sneaky?” I ask the room. Everyone jumps at the sound of your voice not expecting you to be awake. 
“Nothing, we just wanted to settle a debate,” Alberta quickly says. 
“A debate? A debate about what?” My eyebrow quirks up as I cross my arms. I knew they were up to something, but I could not tell what. 
“If hotdog is just hotdog or if hotdog disguised as a sandwich,” Thor says quickly. Everyone looks at him, and he just shrugs. 
“Well, what did you find out?” I ask, playing along. 
“How about instead of quizzing us, we figure out how we are going to throw this New Year’s Eve party that you keep talking about,” Hetty says emerging from the group and to my side. 
“But Hetty,” I begin to say. 
“Ah ah ah, as Lady of the house, I demand we talk of party plans,” Hetty leaves the room, and I am sure I am expected to be behind her. 
“Is she always this bossy?” I ask them slowly making my way to the door.
Everyone nods while Trevor says, “In ways you can’t even imagine.”
“Shut up Trevor,” You hear Hetty say from the hallway.
New Year’s morning
Hetty and I try to finish what we started yesterday morning, and we are off to a good start. The room is filled with soft sighs and moans. 
“My nape, kiss my nape,” Hetty begs. 
I do as told, and she arches her neck to allow me a tiny bit more access. I begin to urge Hetty onto her back. As soon as her head hits the pillows we hear my name being called…again. Hetty curses under her breath while I offer an apologetic look. Once again I do the same routine of adjusting my gown, tightening my robe, and putting on my slippers. 
“I’m getting blocked by ghosts, this has to be my worst nightmare,” Hetty groans. 
“Just imagine how Jay feels,” I laugh knowing this has likely happened to him on more than one occasion. 
“I’ll be back before you know it,” I say standing on my feet. I push myself off of the bed, and I bring a hand to my head to ward off the dizzy spell that just came on. The other hand grabbed the footboard of the bed. I stand still for a moment hoping that the room will stop spinning for one moment. 
“Darling, are you alright?” Hetty asks sitting up, ”(Y/n)!”
I try to answer her, but instead, I feel my knees collapse and I hit the ground.
I groan as I open my eyes, my head throbbing just a bit. I’m thankful the curtains are drawn to keep any bright light from entering the room. The only source of light comes from my desk lamp.
“Finally, you are awake. There is a glass of water next to your bed, dear. On your nightstand,” Hetty says softly. 
Without looking in her direction, I gulp the glass of water in one go. I set the glass back down on the nightstand, and I slowly sit up in bed against the pillows slowly.
“Maybe we need to convince Sam and Jay to add an extension to the house,” Hetty suggests. 
“I would still be called, Hetty,” I say holding out my hands. Hetty smiles to herself and comes over to me. 
“Well need to figure out how to extend this power of yours. I very much would like to have some interrupted time with you. As well as moments where you are not fainting because of what I assume is stress,” She says. 
“Hetty, you have plenty of uninterrupted time with me,”  I say adjusting my position a little. 
“Next time you are called, you are not answering,” Hetty says sitting on the edge of the bed next to me. She helps move the pillows to make me more comfortable. 
“Is that an order from the Lady of the House?” I ask.
“Yes, it is, and it would be wise for the heiress to heed that order,” Hetty replies 
“Hetty what if it’s an emergency?” I ask.
“Well Sam and Jay are back for a while, they will figure it out,” Hetty responds. 
We sit in silence for a moment before I speak up again.
“You are fretting dear,” I say. 
I see Hetty squint in disapproval, and I know I have hit a sore spot.
“You are having night terrors, you barely have an appetite, you are pale, and now you are fainting,” Hetty points out.
“Hetty I always have night terrors, some nights are just better than others. As for my appetite, I am just not hungry all the time. It just happens,” I brush of Hetty’s concern hoping that she would drop the subject soon. Then I remember this is Hetty, we will not be dropping this anytime soon. 
“I hope you know that I do not believe you. Even more so since you still have yet to explain the fainting,” Hetty says standing up. 
“Point proven,” I say to myself.
“It was one time! What can I say? I fall for your beauty every day,” I say hoping to lighten the mood. 
“This is serious!” Hetty declares.
“Fine. What is it that you would like me to do?” I ask crossing my arms. 
Hetty does the same, “I want you to go see a doctor.”
“Fine,” I say a bit exasperated. I’m in no mood to keep this going back and forth.
“You aren’t going to argue about it?” Hetty says a bit taken aback. 
“I would not call this an argument. Do you want to argue about it?” I questioned with a raised eyebrow. 
“No, you just have a stubborn streak. Therefore, I was expecting you to fight back a little,” Hetty says, her hand cradling my chin. She tilts my head up to meet her gaze. 
“Well, we could argue, as you say, or we could kiss which could lead to some other things. I think a little love may be the best medicine I can get,” I prompted.
Hetty laughs brushing my lips with her thumb before getting up and leaving the room. 
“What? So no kiss?” I sputtered. 
Over the next week, my headache does not get any better. Now that Sam and Jay have returned, I do not have to worry about being up and ready to work as much. After hearing of my condition, Riley and Nadine were more than happy to help cover my hours. 
Now I mainly lay in bed, and Hetty stays with me tending to my every need however she can. It is mainly her telling Sam that I need something, and then Sam bringing what was requested to me. 
“You seem to have quite the motherly instincts,” I say. 
“And if you tell anyone, I’ll cut your tongue out,” Hetty says. She continues to brush my hair.
“You wouldn’t, you like my tongue,” I say sticking my tongue out.
“Oh great, now you’ve gone delirious,” Hetty says no doubt rolling her eyes. Her arms wrap around me and sink back into her. I close my eyes, enjoying the feeling of being wrapped in her arms.
“When do you have your appointment?” Hetty asks.
“Early tomorrow morning, Riley and Nadine are going to take me,” I respond.
Hetty hums in response. 
“I am worried about you,” Hetty says quietly. If I weren’t so close to her, I probably would not have heard it.
“I know,” I say.
“I do not want to lose you,” Hetty says. Her voice is a bit thick, and I can tell she is fighting back tears.
“You won't,” I replied kissing her hand, “I promise,”
The next morning, I wake up feeling slightly better than in previous days. I find it unusual that Hetty is not awake with me, but I let her rest. She was probably up fretting over me all night anyway. I get ready, and before leaving I leave a kiss on Hetty’s head. I whisper an “I love you,” and smile when I get soft snores in response. I quietly leave the room, and head down the stairs. 
Riley already has my coat in hand ready for me to put it on. I slip into it, and Nadine helps to adjust the collar. 
“You two are acting like I’m dying or something,” You whisper trying to lighten the mood. 
They barely crack a smile, and I scoff. 
“Guys I am fine. We are going to get me checked out, and they are going tell me I am fine, and then we will come back and live a life so good it could be a sit-com,” I say, “Now let’s go before everyone else wakes up and looks at me like I am going off to war and never coming home,”
That causes a snort to leave Riley and Nadine to laugh softly. 
Riley offers to drive, and Nadine lets me sit in the back so I can sleep if I want to. The car starts, and I try to ignore the uneasy feeling that appears. I've had this feeling before, like a panic attack, but it feels way stronger this time. Instead of the usual impending sense of doom, I have an overwhelming sense that something horrible is about to happen.
“I’m fine,” I assure myself.
I take a steady breath, to calm myself.
As the car moves closer to the gate, I feel a build-up of energy. Almost like static electricity all over my body. My body begins to feel pulled almost as if I am being split in two different directions.
Then everything goes black.
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instantpansies · 4 months
Haiii againn :3
I was wondering what your general mml hcs are :p
okay i think i'm finally prepared to answer this question!!! i'll preface this by saying i'm much more obsessed w phineas and ferb than milo murphy's law. i love mml very much but i don't have nearly as many Thoughts(tm) about it as i do pnf... even so here's what i've got
i'm not just saying this bc he's the voice actor, i think milo would listen to weird al. that and like '90s-'00s pop hits (basically canon anyway)
melissa has adhd and can't function without variety. she's always multitasking, fiddling, taking hard classes to keep herself occupied
definitely she's the type to really want one of those treadmill desks
that's part of why she gets along so well with milo, it's never the same with him. he's exciting
melissa is the most online of the main kids i think. she probably plays fps games and argues with people who disagree with her on twitter
i think melissa would be a vocaloid fan, lydia got her into it and she passed it on to amanda
btw lydia has been a miku stan since third grade
also melissa likes metal. i have no proof of this but i think she'd like it. good for studying
zack cannot stand metal though, it's grating and he can't hear the lyrics
on the topic of the main kids, i'm not super into shipping or anything but my philosophy is, they all have two hands. so casually speaking i really like the dynamic of simultaneous milo/amanda, amanda/melissa, melissa/zack (i'm not wild about them but if we don't go overboard zalissa is fine), zack/bradley, bradley/milo. they are in a circle holding hands and i like them a lot :3
however like i said that's just for funsies and i dont really really ship anyone there. i do like the dynamics of that particular arrangement though lol!
sara was a tumblr user during the equivalent of superwholock, now that that's not really a thing anymore she's gotten more into analysis and the more geeky side of dr zone fandom. she still watches the old edits though
okayyy i'm kind of obsessed w cavendish and dakota so they r always spinning around in my brain
i think brick and savannah are newer agents than dakavendish, which is why cav is kinda bitter. despite working for the agency for longer, he got stuck with the worst equipment and the most unfulfilling job possible
cav is probably a little frustrated at dakota because of this, but i'd think after so long working w him he's realized that it's not dakota's fault they can't seem to climb the ladder. they're just like that. but obviously he hasn't accepted his fate as we see in the show
dakavendish have been in the same semi-romantic semi-platonic situationship forever. neither of them has said a word. if they knew what a qpr was they'd really like that but they've never heard of it so instead they're just stuck Like That. hopeless idiots my beloved
cavendish watches ancient aliens and all those other sorts of shows about supernatural conspiracies. he half believes them. dakota watches them with him, ironically.
anyways back to the kids. lydia and buford met once at a concert for some famous orchestra, they don't really hang out but they email back and forth sometimes and exchange recipes.
lydia and amanda have been best friends for as long as anyone can remember. it sometimes seems like lydia is just amanda's sidekick, but she just prefers to step out of the way and do her part from behind the scenes. it's less stressful for both of them.
amanda hates candles. just can't stand them. they smell too strong, or never smell right, or they pose a fire hazard, or the shape doesn't fit the vibe she's going for.
related to that i think amanda has some pretty strong sensory aversions, especially to smells and certain textures
milo's backpack is essentially a pocket dimension. it's his hammerspace, so he doesn't need to think too much about what fits or not. he packs it every morning, but the stuff basically comes from already in that hammerspace. there are times when he packs the wrong things (which we see in one episode), but that's because they aren't stored in the backpack and are instead inaccessible to him
basically im saying milo is mary poppins and he can hypothetically access anything he needs at any time. issues only arise when he is caught unaware and unprepared, and that is very rare
milo and sara really like going to creeks. especially when they were little they would go to the nearest creek or pond and wade and look for creatures in the water
baljeet ran a boy bands fan blog back when the lumberzacks were active. he was shouted out once on their old social media and it's still one of his proudest accomplishments.
this isn't really an mml hc but baljeet kind of reminds me of a friend who runs a blog and a youtube channel about some really niche tech and programming stuff, and is also just a normal guy on the internet, so i think baljeet probably does smth similar
amanda and melissa have been academic rivals for a long time, but they have a mutual understanding and it's never gotten nasty. bradley thinks he's melissa's academic rival but honestly she doesn't see him as competition at all
bradley has a pretty big sweet tooth. i'm basing this off the whole carla thing if it wasn't obvious, but he definitely stops by coffee shops after school and gets the sweetest drink he can. ice cream fan as well
tbh i unfortunately do not think much about mort or chad. i dont have any hcs about them
same with the murphy parents :( i like them a lot but i dont have any thoughts abt them rn
elliot is bradley's older cousin who never really got along with him but their parents made them hang out when they were little. i'm going off vibes only here
okay so yeah that's all i can think of for now!!! i'm sure i will think of more later lmao but anyways. mml is such a good show
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clarinartiste · 8 months
Let’s talk about “A Guy Like You”
This might be an unpopular opinion(??) but I genuinely think that “A Guy like You” is a really sweet song, but it was put in the worst possible place that it could have been. I also want to say, I believe that part of appreciating a piece of media is also exploring criticism of it, and I love this movie a lot. I say this with all the love in my heart.
Thoughts and suggestions below!!
I feel like it has merit as an encouraging song for Quasimodo and his self-esteem. I think it’s well written, well composed, and the voices sound great. It definitely has good intentions for Quasi. But it’s in the wrong place at the wrong time, and like I’ve said before, it absolutely kills the momentum of “Hellfire” and the burning of Paris.
“Heaven’s Light” leading into “Hellfire” is SO masterfully done, I absolutely love how it contrasts Quasimodo and Frollo, and the music and animation is phenomenal. And keeping up the frightening visuals and motives expressed in “Hellfire,” Frollo and his obsessive hunt for Esmeralda is also amazingly executed, with the Latin background singing and the fiery imagery really adding to the terror of the scenes.
This is the pivoting point in the film where Stuff Gets Extra Serious, and if we went directly from the hunt through Paris to the part where Esmeralda brings an injured Phoebus to Quasimodo, it would have kept up that tension so well. Combine that with the brilliantly done—and very tense—scene with Frollo visiting Quasimodo with grapes, the urgency to warn Esmeralda in the Court of Miracles, the Court of Miracles scene, and the stellar climax of the film, and you get a second half of the movie that feels faster and even more dramatically intense than the first half, a natural movement of the story pushing forward.
I feel like it would make more sense if it was placed before “Heaven’s Light” and “Hellfire,” after Quasimodo helps Esmeralda escape. Like, after Quasimodo makes Phoebus leave, the gargoyles congratulate him, “Way to go, lover boy!” Quasimodo bashfully protests, “Lover boy? Oh, no, no. Look, I appreciate what you’re all trying to do, but let’s not fool ourselves. Ugliest face in all of Paris, remember? I don’t think I’m her type.” To which the gargoyles respond by trying to raise his hopes up, encouraging him by singing “A Guy Like You” (of course, adjusting the lyrics with Paris being on fire, which are not fitting for the plot right now)
Have “A Guy Like You” as this fun, bombastic song hyping up Quasimodo. Then, in a quiet aside, Quasimodo inwardly continues to express some doubts about his chances of being with Esmeralda, while still holding on to his wistful and innocent hope. He sings about his romantic desires in a more soft and gentle way with “Heaven’s Light.” And cut out the gargoyle parts during “Heaven’s Light” so we can have a greater emphasis on Quasimodo singing, focusing on his affection and appreciation for Esmeralda. Which then, in turn, is sharply contrasted with “Hellfire” and Frollo’s emotional torment and obsessive lust.
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I watched the Director’s Commentary and I definitely get where they were coming from—setting up this song for Quasimodo right before he sees Esmeralda and Phoebus kissing, and gets his heart broken—and making that whiplash all the more stinging. But I still feel like that set up for the fall could have been accomplished without a tone-breaking song. Maybe instead of the gargoyles singing a cheery, upbeat song in this very dark and heavy moment, we have Quasimodo look out worriedly at the city on fire, talking to the gargoyles about how concerned he is about Esmeralda, explaining just how much he cares about her and loves her.
Continue the film as normal with Esmeralda coming to the bell tower and asking Quasimodo to help hide Phoebus, then Esmeralda and Phoebus kiss and the reprise of “Heaven’s Light” plays over the sight of a heartbroken Quasimodo so we still get the emotions of the scene, his hopes dashed.
At the end of the film, Quasimodo finds acceptance, kindness, and companionship. And this concludes this plot thread of the movie :)
What do you think? Do any of you have different opinions? (I’d love to hear your thoughts!)
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