#i relate to the version in a small hat because i like the idea of cottagecore making crafts in the woods
verchalblue · 2 years
Seeing your icon in my notes gave me the experience of people seeing my name in submissions
SDFAJSDFJASDF your name makes me laugh :clap emoji:
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence below the cut!
There were two submissions for this one!
Submission 1: honestly i'm surprised dewey hasn't been submitted yet bc he's like. "classic adhd personality type". he's hyperactive, impulsive, easily distracted, and HATES being bored. the official character bio describes him as "quick to throw himself into dangerous situations without thinking" and in the pilot episode gets distracted mid-conversation ("stop! scrooge was trying to keep me out of trouble, but i was so caught up in- why is there a lamp on the floor?") what REALLY sealed the deal for this headcanon, however, was the rsd he displays, bc this kid desperately wants to be loved by everyone and is absolutely crushed when that doesn't happen. his dream world is a high school musical-type high school where he's the mascot and star (nightmare on killmotor street); he had a panic attack because he tried playing a heel in a wrestling match and the crowd kept booing him (rumble for ragnarok); and in one episode started crying bc he thought he disappointed his mom (raiders of the doomsday vault). (speaking of his mom, there's loosely enough evidence to point to her being adhd too, and you know what they say about it running in families.)
Submission 2:
i could go on for AGESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS about dewey and the adhd headcanon. i am going to write a bunch of stuff, but it probably won't turn out very well (i write worse when i'm passionate about something lmao) why i see him as adhd: he has EXTREME rejection sensetivity dysphoria, which to me is most apparent in the money tree and boxing episodes (which i have inconveniently forgotten the names of). he requires attention and love to feel fulfilled, and will go to great lengths to be praised. he hates failure and the idea of being a dissapointment, so he goes to great lengths to prove his worth. he tends to be stupidly stubborn, not backing out of something even if it would put him in serious danger. he's also very impulsive -- jumps into dangerous situations without thinking about the consequence, all that matters is that it's exciting! he's SUPER energetic, and a small detail i noticed is that he doesn't seem to fall asleep easily? he's very chatty, there's an entire episode where he gets involved in a gang of sky pirates because he really, really wanted to talk about a hat he found. a lot of his decisions are irrational or generally just based on strong emotions?? he's definetly more of a thinker than a feeler. ("stop assuming i know things, ok? baseline, assume i know NOTHING!") he exaggerates his emotions or the severity of situations a lot. very easily distracted (or at least pays attention to the wrong thing? like, when they're offered to test out godhood, when they're told they're going to do "god auditions", dewey seems to miss out the "god" part and just does a dance routine (his reaction to realising he messed up is too funny to me, and his dance was actually really good imo) he's constantly breaking into song, uses his name as a pun almost constantly, and has a catchphrase he uses regularly. it's his 'character trait' (i'm not entirely sure how this relates to adhd but like. it makes sense to me) WAY too curious for his own good. generally just really hyperactive? goofs off when it's not really appropriate. i feel like there has been moments where he's been shown stimming before. (ik huey has for sure i'm not totally certain about dewey tho) also he's voiced by BEN SCHWARTZ. that guy seems to want to voice adhd-hi characters that are represented with the colour blue. ICONIC anyways that's all for my silly rambling. dewey and huey are the ultimate adhd autism solidarity duo btw
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
*rolls up sleeves* buckle in peeps, this is gonna be long. as promised, pics of all the yarn at and related things to it! Also Ray, fellow void, if you want anything in particular, just holler at me. 👍First the wips!
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From left to right: pillow cover in checkerboard stitch using bulky super wash merino wool (cause I wanted to try something new) blanket for stepdad in bamboo stitch with acrylic yarn blanket for mom in broken rib stitch ( I wanna have this done by mother's day but I dunno yet), also in acrylic,and place mat for a friend in basic garter stitch, again in acrylic.
Next is completed stuff!
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From left to right: scarf in stockinette stitch for my sis, who likes it despite me being a picky bitch about how it got out of control and definitely not what I intended, argh. Also it's hard to see, but there's beads in there as well. 2nd pic is headband (need to seam the ends together actually), and 2 dishcloths (the holes are intentional on the blue one, since I knitted that diagonally). Then dishtowel in woven stitch, potholders in.. I think I did moss stitch on those. And a facecloth in sand stitch. Then dishtowel in 2x2 rib stitch. I don't remember what I did for the dishcloths, but I DO remember kicking myself cause if I'd thought of it earlier I could've put beads in the pink part to make them watermelon-themed! All of the kitchen-type items were made from cotton/cotton blends. I also have another stack of completed kitchen-type stuff for relatives and friends, but I don't have pics of them at the moment.
Last but not least, the yarn hoard! The stack of 5 cakes was the recent order that was on sale and will eventually become a blanket for my sis. The small tubs are super wash merino wool skeins, they will become various things once I figure out exactly what I wanna make. 🤷‍♀️ so many ideas and patterns, and I'm so indecisive, augh. The tub beneath it is acrylic/acrylic blends, then there's the cotton/cotton blends with a needle case full of spare needles. Last tub is regular wool that was a gift from my mom, a sick kit, and yarn that's was a gift from a nurse I work with (she crochets!) who received it from someone and didn't know what to do with it, asked if I wanted it, and said if i couldn't/didn't want to use it, I could always pass it along as well. And then there's the little roller shelf cart that I keep by my chair so I can organize things while I work on them, and a hat kit! Which I will attempt at some point once I finally get the hang of knitting in the round! Which is supposed to be easy but my fingers don't like to cooperate sometimes! 😒 there are some people who may say that all that yarn isn't necessary, that I may have a problem. To which I say lies and slander and I DON'T have a problem I can stop anytime I want, really. <.<; I was always an arts and crafts kid anyway, this is just...a bigger version of that and I get to make useful things! 😀
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Babe!!! Babe!!! you've got so many gorgeous projects going on and so much gorgeous yarn in stock!!
Seriously the color choices you're throwing down are superb!! Everything looks so fucking good!!
And the completed stuff!?! Seriously fantastic too. And I agree with the watermelon thing. They turned out great as is but they would have been beyond cute with the beads in !! Hey that's always something you can go for next time.
I love seeing your art like this because you're doing so good!!
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rukibur · 5 months
I’ve been thinking about tf2 and genshin impact lately and decided to assign some genshin characters tf2 mains, along with a few tf2 related headcanons
So here are some of my ideas in a pretty lengthy text post
Also note: some of these might be kinda ooc or like me accidentally misinterpreting someone. In which I am very sorry I haven’t touched genshin in a really long time D:
List is organized in who I think is the most accurate to least accurate
- Sniper main
- Would be drawn to sniper’s simple playstyle. For the most part, all you need to play sniper is to be able to click on moving targets.
- No cosmetics, or strange weapons. Just stock and probably F2P.
- Doesn’t have in-game chat or voice chat on.
- Accidentally pubstomps and because he doesn’t talk in chat or have any hats, gets kicked for people believing he’s either a cheater or bot.
- Loadout: full stock
- Scout main
- Would enjoy scout’s simple hit-and-run playstyle. A powerful—albeit fragile—mobile class, which basically allows him to run around the map and pick his fights.
- Probably has a full strange loadout, along with an unusual hat and australium scattergun that he adores. There probably a few taunts in his inventory as well.
- Can absolutely pubstomp games, and plays for a sixes team.
- Uses a minimal hud.
- Loadout: full stock, australium scattergun
- Medic main
- Would join a match, see that the team has zero medics, and decide to be that medic.
- Doesn’t really care for hats. Cyno has probably gifted him a few though.
- Plays the game casually for the most part. Sometimes subs in if Cyno’s medic player can’t play though.
- Uses an improved version of the default hud.
- Loadout: crusader’s crossbow, quick-fix, solemn-vow
- Engineer main
- Would enjoy engineer’s supportive playstyle, along with how he can be more aggressive if he needs to be.
- Has probably bought a hat or two, maybe even a taunt. Not much, but something he likes.
- Everytime his nest gets taken down or just any of his buildings get sapped and destroyed, a small piece of him dies inside.
- Has made his very own hud and uses it.
- Loadout: rescue ranger/panic attack, pistol/wrangler, wrench
- Pyro main
- As much as I wanted to say that she would be a demoman main, I just know deep down she would be a pyro main. Simple and easy to pick up playstyle, along with just me thinking she would really like pyro as a character.
- Had Kaeya buy her a lollichop. Happily wears her gibus and absolutely adores her rainblower that she got from a random drop.
- LOVES the pyroland effect. The first time she played with it she had the most fun, burning her enemies with literal rainbows.
- Like friendlies and joins them most of the time.
- Loadout: rainblower, scorch shot, lollichop
Childe / Tartaglia
- Demoman / Soldier main
- Considering how much he likes fighting, it probably shouldn’t be a surprise that he’d most likely main the classes that can dish out the most damage.
- Doesn’t really care for hats. But he probably had bought strange weapons just to track kills. Could buy an australium but finds them kind of gaudy.
- Plays in both highlander and sixes. Likes to mainly play in casual but sometimes joins on uncletopia.
- The classes he has the most trouble playing besides medic is spy.
- Has optimized has graphics in order to get as much fps as possible. To the point where if you just looked at his gameplay you could mistake him as a spy main.
- Soldier loadout: rocket launcher / original, gunboats, escape plan
- Demoman loadout: full stock
- Scout main
- Itto just found him cool and wanted to main him. That’s just it.
- F2P, and mostly relies on item drops and crafting to get new stuff. But he does get a lot of stuff from his friend (I wonder who that could be…)
- Leader of the Arataki Gang, an amateur sixes team.
- Plays on uncletopia to try and better his gameplay, but also enjoys playing in random community servers
- Loadout: scattergun, winger, holy mackerel
Hu Tao
- Spy main
- Mainly plays spy to do stuff like scaring engineers and backcap points.
- Has only spent money on taunts, like the boxtrot.
- Generally messes around on casual and community servers.
- One of her favorite things to do is spam voicelines around engineers to make them paranoid.
- Loadout: L’Etranger, Clock and dagger, Knife
- Heavy main
- Honestly idk for this one. I wanted a heavy main and Diluc just kinda has the vibe.
- Bought a key and a crate and unboxed a hat. Doesn’t really care much for the economy, just likes playing the game.
- Has the absolute easiest time flanking as heavy. Doesn’t matter which map, apparently everyone he plays against plays the game on silent with no monitor because he can just walk into their backlines.
- Used to play highlander, but eventually lost interest and just plays casually. Can pubstomp if he wants to though.
- Loadout: Tomislav, sandvich, fists
- Spy main
- Doesn’t even really play the game, only there for the economy.
- Has a ton of unusual hats and taunts. Probably has a golden pan or two.
- Has been banned from a few trade servers for “scamming”.
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weaselandfriends · 2 years
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it's been a while since i last proposed that dress-up doll game idea for sister, and although my drawing device got busted, i have an old scan of my original idea? the final version was intended to look like the game Love Nikki- Dress UP Queen, with a sidebar showing each different outfit component and more hairstyles/dresses. sadly it was not meant to be...
cxc really interested me with its ideas about art(ifice) and so many of the descriptions of fashion in the consortium interested me. the alchemist is a galatea clad in gold, van der gramme is mysterious and wreathed in smoke, and sister is- a small anime girl in lolita clothing? all of their styles are intensely unique, so it ties in with the thematic extremes of hot vs. cold, civilized society vs. the spirited individual, etc. sometimes i feel like my brain is a bit too small for all of this when it is so interested in the cute clothes.
still, something that really haunted me about certain non-fashion-related scenes were how they were brought back throughout the novel. for one, the first roleplay scene is depressing in hindsight. harper's alienated childhood is akin to the emptiness of space, her domestic fantasy with kyosuke is just as superficial as the kinkade painting, and the seraph is a break in the dream world just as terrifying as her nightmare about the cottage door opening. all these suppressed fears and desires bring some sympathy to her character imo, despite her self-professed selfishness/utter disregard for those around her.
it's kind little hard to imagine that the porn scenes were hard for you to write, because they were awfully eloquent and most of the time they didn't feel sexual at all, especially not later on. more like sublimated representations of the characters communicating or trying to exert control over each other? it feels explicit in, say, the allison apple rp when the participants cut in out-of-character, but setsuna's scene also struck me as a confession of weakness between harper and sister that wouldn't have happened without the masks of setsuna and the comtesse.
but hey, you are the author after all! i'd hate to be blathering on like this and still be misinterpreting what you meant. hopefully you enjoy the artwork, as rough as it is ^-^
I couldn't be more pleased with this art of Sister, finished or not. I feel like you did a great job of capturing of capturing her different outfits throughout the story; I particularly want to shoutout the "original Comtesse" design that so accurately captures the aesthetic of that early 00s era of gothic lolita (Petite Cosette, Rozen Maiden). Also I'm always gonna say "yea" to the Mami hat.
As for your commentary on the story itself, I don't think you're misinterpreting at all. When writing CxC I was heavily influenced by Rebellion, a film I've seen at least 10 times, which handles storytelling significantly via motifs and recurring visual elements as much as traditional forms of storytelling like plot/character/dialogue/etc. Rebellion is so jam-packed with details that twist and change shape and context throughout the narrative and I always get something out of rewatching it because I always make a new connection that I didn't notice before. I wanted to do that with CxC; that's the purpose of motifs like the spider and alchemy and so on. In Ch 4 Harper accidentally stumbles on a bit of poetry by an Armenian author regarding the Armenian genocide; in Mimmy's final chapter this poem returns in reference to the Armenian censor and is extended to refer to Mimmy's own prophecy of a populace "masturbating to death"--which is itself a phrase that appears three times throughout the story, all by different speakers in different contexts.
I hope the people who enjoyed CxC--or even the people who thought it might have had a spark, but didn't quite get it--will take the time one day to reread it, picking up on some more of those elements seeded throughout the story, deriving more meaning out of what's there. I think if you put in that effort you'll be rewarded for it.
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homeimprovement31311 · 7 months
Wilson Home Improvement Costume
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In this blog post, we’ll dive into the history behind Tim Allen’s hilarious character on Home Improvement, provide step-by-step instructions for creating your own DIY costume, offer tips for nailing Tim Taylor’s signature grunting and catchphrases, share ideas for getting your friends involved in a group costume theme, explore alternative options from the show to dress up as, and much more.
For more: Wilson Home Improvement Costume
So grab your tool belt and power up those creative juices because it’s time to transform yourself into everyone’s favorite insightful neighbor. Let’s get started on bringing some nostalgic laughs.
The History Behind Tim
Fans of the hit 90s sitcom “Home Improvement” will fondly remember Tim Taylor, the lovable and bumbling host of the fictional show “Tool Time.” Played by the talented actor Tim Allen, Tim Taylor became a household name for his hilarious mishaps and catchy catchphrases.
Tim’s character was inspired by creator Matt Williams’ own experiences with home improvement projects gone awry. The character embodied the quintessential handyman who always had big dreams but often found himself in over his head. From exploding lawnmowers to disastrous kitchen remodels, Tim’s misadventures never ceased to entertain audiences.
Throughout its eight-season run from 1991 to 1999, “Home Improvement” showcased not only comedic moments but also touched on relatable family dynamics. Despite his frequent blunders in DIY projects, Tim’s dedication to his wife Jill and their three sons showed that there was more to him than just being a tool enthusiast.
Tim’s on-screen chemistry with co-host Al Borland added another layer of humor to the show. Their banter and contrasting personalities created countless unforgettable moments that still resonate with fans today.
While “Home Improvement” may have ended over two decades ago, its legacy lives on through syndication and fan appreciation. Dressing up as Tim Taylor for Halloween or costume parties is a way for fans young and old to pay homage to this iconic TV character.
So whether you’re donning a plaid shirt tucked into your jeans or sporting a tool belt full of gadgets, channeling your inner Tim Taylor is sure to bring laughter and nostalgia at any event. Just be sure not to take any power tools too seriously.
Creating the Perfect DIY Wilson Home Improvement Costume
If you’re a fan of the hit 90s sitcom “Home Improvement,” chances are you have a soft spot for the lovable character, Wilson. With his sage advice and iconic fence peeking, he’s an unforgettable part of the show. So why not pay homage to this beloved neighbor by creating your own DIY Wilson Home Improvement costume?
First things first – let’s talk about that signature look. To recreate Wilson’s style, start with a plaid button-up shirt paired with khaki pants and comfortable brown shoes. Adding a straw hat is essential for capturing his laid-back vibe.
Now, onto the most crucial element – the fence! You can easily make your own version using cardboard or foam board painted to resemble wood. Attach it securely to a headband or tie it around your neck with string for easy we arability throughout the night.
To complete your transformation into Wilson, don’t forget about his trusty gardening tools. Carry around a small trowel or hand rake as a prop to add an extra touch of authenticity.
Remember, while dressing up as Wilson is fun on its own, fully embodying his character takes some practice. Don’t be afraid to channel Tim Allen’s grunting noises and use some of Tim Taylor’s classic catchphrases like “More power!” or “I don’t think so, Tim.”
And if you want to take it one step further and turn this into a group costume idea, invite your friends to dress up as other characters from Home Improvement! Whether someone goes as Jill Taylor in her handywoman attire or Mark in his goth phase – there are plenty of options to choose from!
So grab your tool belt and get ready for some DIY Halloween fun! With just a little creativity and imagination, you’ll be able to create an authentic Wilson Home Improvement costume that will surely impress fellow fans at any party.
Incorporating Key Accessories for Authenticity
When it comes to creating the perfect Wilson Home Improvement costume, paying attention to the details is essential. One way to really nail the authenticity of your costume is by incorporating key accessories that are synonymous with Tim Taylor and his beloved TV show.
Start off by finding a sturdy tool belt that you can wear around your waist. This will not only make you look like a true handyman but also provide a practical place to store some of your tools. Look for one in leather or canvas material for an extra touch of realism.
Next, don’t forget about the iconic safety goggles that Tim often wore while working on his projects. These can easily be found at any hardware store or online retailer. Make sure they fit comfortably and securely on your face so you can channel Tim’s DIY spirit with ease.
To further enhance your costume, consider adding a baseball cap emblazoned with the “Binford Tools” logo – Tim’s go-to brand for power tools on the show. This small detail will instantly tie your outfit together and let everyone know you’re part of Team Taylor.
And let’s not overlook one crucial accessory – don’t forget to bring along some props! Carry around a fake tool or two, such as a wrench or hammer, just like Tim always had within arm’s reach during his hilarious mishaps.
Tips for Nailing Tim Taylor’s Signature Grunting and Catchphrases:
1. Embrace the Grunt: One of Tim Taylor’s most recognizable traits is his signature grunt. To truly embody his character, practice your own version of the “Arghh-arghh” sound he frequently makes when things don’t go as planned. It might feel silly at first, but it adds an extra touch of authenticity to your costume.
2. Master the Catchphrases: Tim Taylor has a repertoire of catchphrases that have become synonymous with his character on Home Improvement. From “More power!” to “I don’t think so, Tim,” these phrases are essential for capturing the essence of his personality. Practice delivering them with confidence and enthusiasm to really bring your costume to life.
3. Study His Mannerisms: Pay attention to how Tim Taylor carries himself on the show. He often uses exaggerated gestures and facial expressions to emphasize his points or showcase comedic moments. Incorporate some of these mannerisms into your portrayal, whether it’s a dramatic hand gesture or a playful smirk.
4. Don’t Overdo It: While it’s important to capture Tim Taylor’s grunts and catchphrases accurately, remember not to overdo it. Balance is key – sprinkle in those iconic elements throughout the night without overwhelming everyone around you.
5. Have Fun with Improvisation: As much as you want to emulate Tim Taylor, remember that part of what made him such a beloved character was his ability to improvise and be spontaneous in hilarious ways! Feel free to add your own comedic twist or one-liners inspired by him.
How to Get Your Friends Involved in a Group Home Improvement Costume
Getting your friends involved in a group Home Improvement costume can make the experience even more enjoyable and memorable. Plus, it’s always fun to coordinate outfits with your buddies! Here are some tips on how to get everyone excited and on board.
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lale-txt · 3 years
🍑 online dating headcanons: Straw Hat Pirates
[part 1 w/ Whitebeard pirates] [part 2 w/ Supernovas]
a/n: i've written Luffy & Zoro in part 2 already, but wanted to do the rest of the crew still hehe. again VERY SORRY if i accidentally roasted your favorite, i'm not wrong though
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hot milfs in your area want YOU
not she though
i'm sorry
Robin has this effortless beauty that makes her look good in every. single. photo.
it's unfair but she's just built different
she collects matches like cute little stickers in a sticker album, chuckling a little when a new one gets added to the collection
will make the most blunt small talk feel like deep talk, as if you stripped down to your soul, offering it to her completely
there are only few topics you can spark her real interest in, but she will still be polite and pretend she's interested in everything you say
she will find the most charming excuses to not meet up for a date offline
"sorry, i can't, my pet opossum needs emergency surgery"
and next thing you see is her posting on socials how she's living her best life on the Sunny, getting served sweet treats by Sanji and possibly snogging Franky (she deserves it though)
buys the premium versions of every dating apps for endless SUUUPERRR LIKES
his photo is him in the little red speedos and a ridiculous hair do that still suits him surprisingly well (maybe braids that cover his nipples)
he's the one that texts first for sure, not wasting any time
will definitely mention that he's able to vibrate in his bio, making vibrator sales on the Grand Line reach a new low because everyone wants him only
very relatable though, i would want to try that too
fun to chat with, even though if you don't end up meeting you can still save his number for ages for a spontaneous booty call, he doesn't mind
will send you a light signal with nipple beams if you can't find him out there
a casanova on every app
yes he has installed them ALL (for range, honey)
his profile picture is him in the kitchen, chopping 'a little something' up but it's a whole 10 course menu ("oh, that? that's nothing... wait till you see what's on the menu for you WINK")
all the foodies in his radius are obsessed with him, trying to match him for a date
i would, too
he asked Franky or Usopp if they can build him a device that constantly swipes right for him, he can't miss a possible match and is getting cramps in his right hand from all the swiping
chain smoking from the stress of replying them all until he drops his phone into the soup one day
he takes it as a sign that maybe he isn't made for online dating and will try his luck offline again
from cat burglar to catfish in just three days!
Nami is sweet but would definitely try to rip her matches off all their money
at least the cis men
she's having more fun on the lesbian dating apps anyway
"it's called reparations, look it up"
very big flirt, very stunning photos, her wanted poster too of course for some extra attention
good luck keeping her entertained for more than three sentences though until she's moving on to the next one
get in line bestie
your local indie soft boy
are you matching Usopp or Sogeking? you'll never know
goes by the slogan 'a little white lie here and there won't do harm'
please hold the line for 2-5 business days while he will handcraft a personality to match yours
will tell you about all the sweet date ideas he has with you that will make you fall head over heels in love with him without ever meeting him
all of that aside i think he is a pleasure to match with
he's gentle and caring, will never ghost you, probably has the best memes and not just another fuckboi
his online dating profile is very dad-like
which also means he will respond to everything with "👍" or "okay"
hang in there bestie, he is much more fun to talk to offline
Robin took a nice photo of him that he will use on EVERY app, one where he smirks a little in his best kimono
though he'll probably delete every app quick once he gets flooded with thirsty messages if it's true that sharks have two dicks
they do
will rather look offline for a partner but still give everyone of the crew advice on the do's and don't of dating apps like a worried parent
"looking for something to bone?"
banned from every platform for harassing everyone about their panties :(
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marypsue · 2 years
Been thinking about Stranger Things s1 characters in the events of Dracula and vice versa (because they’re both ‘small groups of loosely-related characters experience a supernatural mystery from different perspectives and ultimately have to team up to figure out what’s really going on and how to fight it’ stories about The Power Of Friendship And Love And Also This Gun I Found), and. 
Jonathan Harker somehow has an even worse time in the Upside Down than he did at Castle Dracula. Mina Murray-to-be-Harker absolutely refuses to believe that he’s skipped town and left her at the altar, because...something something Christmas lights? (She also doesn’t need to do a blood exchange with the monster to track its movements, here, because psychics are well established in the series lore, but she might need to be a little cagey about who she tells about that...) Disgraced presumed-crackpot Dr. Van Helsing is, of course, the only one who believes her. At first. 
Joyce Byers’ youngest son is Not Himself. The doctor she really couldn’t afford was convinced it’s tuberculosis and she’s making herself hysterical over it, but that wouldn’t explain why Will’s acting so strangely lately. Or why he seems to be losing so much blood. With her husband...abroad, her family out in the country, her older son working long hours as a solicitor’s clerk to try to keep them out of the poorhouse, and no one else to turn to, the friendship she strikes up with a wounded American soldier ends up becoming a lifeline. In more ways than one, because as it turns out, this isn’t the first time Jim Hopper has seen blood loss like Will’s...
Also featuring such highlights as: 
Jonathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler work for the same solicitor, him as a clerk and her as a secretary. Her fiancé assumes she’ll give it up once she becomes Mrs. Harrington, but Nancy’s discovering she doesn’t really want to, and that she might have more in common with the ‘New Woman’ than she’d realised. 
Lucy Westenra disappears from rich popular Arthur Holmwood’s pool party, and her friends and boyfriends shut the entire fucking town down to look for her. Barbara Holland gets preyed on by a vampire and nobody but her parents and Nancy notice, and half of Whitby ends up getting eaten. 
Everybody assumes El is a boy or an escaped mental patient more than ever in the Victorian era. Slapping a hat and some skirts on her is the most effective disguise imaginable. (Her powers in a Dracula AU are probably more mesmeric in nature than telekinetic, but she can still ‘find’ people.)
Van Helsing may actually have been involved in MKUltra. It’s never quite made explicit, but he certainly knows a lot more about what’s going on than he ever fully reveals to the others. 
I have no idea how Mike and the Party fit into this version of things, but there are definitely some Frog Brothers vampire hunting shenanigans involved. 
Quincey Morris is still a yeehaw stereotype in 1983 Indiana. No one questions this. 
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mlb-ya-au · 2 years
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Meet Marinette! Despite a lonely childhood, she remains brave, friendly to all, and has no issues stepping up to do the right thing. Having proved herself as someone capable of great acts of heroism, Master Fu bestows her with the miraculous of the Ladybug, transforming her into the miraculous Coccinelle! She is the first person to be presented with a Miraculous, and is lovingly known as The First Hero of Paris.
After receiving the miraculous, Marinette decides to dorm at school to have the freedom to come and go as she pleases. Little did she know that dorm life would also come with even more struggles, like having to juggle roommates, noise complaints, and dorm curfew! Will Marinette ever catch a break?
Ability: Creation, allows her to create a “lucky charm” which will aid her in battle. She’ll have to use her wits to work it properly however!
Skill: Purification/De-evilize, able to capture an akuma and cleanse it and the damage it caused.
Hi all, Mod Cooper here, I thought it’d be fun to share a bit of my design process for whenever a character sheet gets posted!
So Marinette, I didn’t change her too drastically I think? I wanted to emphasize her “girly” side/fashion student side! I’ve been told I lack style but who took the fashion class in highschoooooool (me I did). So I went something a bit stereotypically French student lol sorry Marinette but I think it came out cute! I wanted pink to be her main color, the softer version of her hero side’s main color but same family. The skirt because while the fact that Marinette actually wears pants is a nice change, I find her interests to be less physically active that it isn’t necessary for her to need Capris ya know? I felt the hat is a bit much but then she looked naked without it so it stayed. And her hair still is in the baby pigtails but I wanted her hair to look shorter and less voluminous. 
Coccinelle! Obviously name change because I don’t know Ladybug was always boring to me (obviously as an English speaker I’d think that but hey I’m the designer here), I also like Marinette not being creative with names. She can make some amazing clothing pieces but don’t ask her to name her starter pokemon. ANYWAY THE ACTUAL DESIGN I think we all agree that her canon design is boring as hell. I really just tweaked her season 4 suit because the break up of colors is absolutely needed. I’m a shorts fan so I like the look of shorts. I’m a big superhero fan so I’ve designed a lot of costumes in my spare time so I wanted to add some padding elements to her suit since Young Justice (tv) was a big inspo for me. So she gets elbow and shoulder pads, I introduced red spots on black along with the black spots on red just for some variety. And a lot more solid color parts because I find too much spots an eyesore. The hairrrr, you’ll see this trend but I like to change the hair colors from civilian to hero, so Marinette gets her canon blue back but more saturated and with small teal highlights at the end, not like Luka’s but almost like light reflections that no one knows where from. Hair strands on the side of her face remind me of a beetle’s pinchers (I don’t think ladybugs have those but just thought it was neat). And her hair ribbons! They curve up like antennae! I always love redesigns that do that.
There will outfits changes of course she IS a fashion student, and I also have an idea to implement some Chinese design elements later on (I’m a big fan of the decision to have her feel disconnected from half of her culture, even though they handled it not greatly. So I didn’t want to ignore this struggle of hers because I find it very relatable, so as time goes on, I want her to connect more with her mom and it will subconsciously show on her hero outfit :’) with time everyone.). 
Hope you enjoy my design take on Marinette!
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shizukateal · 4 years
The Holy Quintet: The BEST DRESSED Magical Girl Team EVER. Part 2: Characters made of symbols and shapes.
Part 1 here.
Mami Tomoe
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Mami Tomoe’s outfit is a work of genius that really humbles me as an aspiring character designer. Watching the perfection in its simplicity only boggles my mind trying to reverse engineer the thought process behind it. Even if they already had decided on the huntress theme before they finished her, how did Ume Aoki came up with cutting the sleeves like that? Or with the perfect skirt shape that allows the corset to show all of her curves while puffing at just the right height to not make the hipline transition awkward and giving the shape of a flower? How long did it take her to find this particular color scheme? Did she immediately know where to put the purple to balance the outfit without feeling artificial? How did she realize that the stripes on the socks would add the ideal touch to the whole setup? Or the perfect way to turn the soulgem into a hair accessory? I would have gone the easy way and put it in the chest ribbon like the amateur I am! Did she have doubts about it while she was figuring out the exact design of the boots?!
This outfit does everything. It’s sexy without being unnecessarily tasteless, it’s girly and fancy but battle-ready, it even passes the silhouette test, it’s nuanced, almost realistic. Even Mami’s hairstyle, which in a lesser design would look too childish, is perfect for her. Mami’s whole theme is that she’s a little girl desperately trying to convince herself that she’s an adult. Her low drill-tails are doll-like, which is to say a little girl’s idea of what a fancy adult woman looks like. The side-swept bangs also give a youthful roundness to her face while being elegant, and the way the hat and hairpin complements the whole thing is just * cheff’s kiss *.
Kyouko Sakura
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Kyouko is a fire gal, and as such her shape is a triangle, so her outfit is a halter top coat that widens into the frilled overskirt. Her ponytail also feeds into this theme, with hair bits sticking wildly on the top like the fire sparks of a candle, and the ribbon is just scrappy but cute enough to compliment her personality. Haha, ponytail, get it? Like a horse? Or in her case a de-horned unicorn, ergo her spear. Her look also gives us the impression of an outlaw with her pirate/rider boots, long coat and gloves, fitting her lifestyle, and her soulgem is on her chest, indicating her more emotional nature. I think the boldest decision was to leave her hands ungloved, or at least I know I wouldn’t have done that, but that’s why I’m glad I wasn’t in Ume Aoki’s position when Madoka was in production. The white details on her undershirt and boots also put an elegant touch of complexity that completes the whole thing. What I’m trying to say here is that Kyoko has the ““easiest”” design of the other puellas, but it’s still top notch.
Sayaka Miki
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Sayaka’s outfit is a balancing act, trying to keep it’s knight aesthetic clear without relying on heavy armor to do so and thus allowing Sayaka’s more romantic, femenine side to show, not to mention her water + music/mermaid theme. Her whole getup is very ingenious. Her short hair allows the cape to flow without seeming excessive and heavy or an inconvenience, her hairpin prevents the cut from being bland, but still keeping a somewhat tomboyish look, and her skirt has a distinct asymmetrical cut that, with its white outline, gives the idea of a wave. Her boots are short, comfy, practical, and their shade is just different enough that they avoid the look from feeling kinda boring within its color pallet, without straying away from it. I’m honestly amazed at how well they pulled of her belly-button soulgem as well, especially without taking away from the knight theme, hell they even used that in their favor! That is ingenuity. It was also a genius idea to hold the cape on a choker to make it all fit better with a sweetheart neckline.
Homura Akemi
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As I mentioned before when I talked about Senjougahara, Homura is a rhombus, not just in her soul gem but in the rest of her body: she is pointy, slim, and long. She is the tallest and lankiest amongst the Holy Quintet, her outfit primarily highlighting her legs and her hair ending in jagged points. What impresses me the most about it is that the shirt is very weirdly cut for a concept as straightforward as “school uniform”, but it works. I can imagine a much easier version of it without the undersleeves or the collar. Speaking of which, the shape of them draws attention to her soul gem on her hand, which is placed there to symbolize how she’s the most “hands on” magical girl. Her time motif is present in her back ribbon, which looks like clock hands, same with Moemura’s braids, and in her shield, which is small and attached to her wrist and also is actually a sand clock. That shield is a really neat, concise, and smart way to tie up the entirety of her wish, huh? Speaking of Moemura, it’s really interesting to see the conflict between the two versions of this character in their differences. First we have the hair, of course, then the red glasses. I sense that there’s more to those than what I’m interpreting here, but the best I can do is conclude that aside that Homura tosses them out because they represent her weakness the fact that they’re red means they also represent her emotionality, which Madoka returns to her when she gives her her red ribbons (which also represent the string of fate, of course, and also confidence in oneself). But the part that interests me the most is her heels. Moemura doesn’t fit them, she trips on them constantly, but for Homura they are a symbol of her maturity and composure. Naturally, the first time we see Homura break down after narrowly killing Kyubey before they could do a contract with Madoka, she trips on them.
@leafbladie also pointed out to me that the reason it looks like a school uniform might be because school is the only place where she could make genuine human connections. 
Madoka Kaname
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Kyouko is a triangle, Homura is a rhombus, and Madoka is, fittingly, a Star, aka. a cluster of points shooting out from a center, which also blends well as a flower motif. Or to put it even more eloquently, she’s the flower from the ground that will eventually become the star in the sky. It’s in her skirt, gloves, socks and ponytails. And the rest of her? Is a deception in its simplicity. After all, this is what you expect from the leader of a magical girl team, right? Pink! Ribbons! Frills! Come on, you’ve seen this outfit before, it’s practically the same as Cure Peach’s! But Madoka is aiming for something more specific: she is both a fairy AND a witch, the two faces of the Magical Girl, creatures of fairytales often related to either nature or to the stars, and it works precisely because she uses that shape. Madoka is a balance of roundness and pointiness, it’s just that those points are softened by the pastel coloring. Her balance in ribbons and frills is excellent as well. I should probably write a separate post on how those 2 elements work in general, but suffice to say that we all know way too many magical girls that just put those things everywhere. Two on her ponytails to highlight them, one behind her neck, two on her hips to smooth the hipline transition, two behind her shoes. Huh, speaking of those, Madoka has surprisingly tall heels, right? Taller than Mami’s and only matched by Homura’s. Really tells you who the 2 most emotionally resilient members are in the team.
The last piece I’d like to highlight is her weapon, which I’m jealous of because I did that concept for an OC of mine and now if I do it everyone is going to think that I got it from her. But in any case, yeah combining a druidic staff into an also druidic bow whose arrows are also shooting star analogues is the perfect choice for this particular character, the Goddess of Magical Girls.
And this, everyone, has been my reasoning and analysis of the genius of the Holy Quintet’s character designs. Follow me if you want more magical girl outfit analysis.
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ptergwen · 4 years
let’s just pretend
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w/c: 3.5k
warnings: rom com references, drinking, and a little bit of angst
summary: you cope with your feelings for peter by getting drunk on halloween
a/n: ok i really really love this and i loved writing it too? it’s the first like original idea i’ve had in a while so maybe that’s why but yeah i hope y’all enjoy and that this puts you in a halloweenish mood :-)
there’s something about fall that makes you nostalgic. the same images pop into your head whenever you hear the word october. pumpkin patches, colorful leaves, and hot coffee. it reminds you of being a kid. only when you were a kid, all you could think about this time of year was what you were going to be for halloween.
you’d spend weeks getting your costume together and coordinating with all your friends. trick or treating was literally the only thing that mattered. if you wanted to get good candy, you had to have a good costume.
the high school version of candy is alcohol. everyone just goes to parties so they can drink the whole night. no one even dresses up usually. you personally would rather have chocolate than cheap beer. your whole friend group agrees on that.
that’s why you decided to throw your own party this year. anyone who misses the old halloween can come hang out. so far it’s only peter, mj, ned, betty, and the rest of the decathlon team coming. betty invited everyone for you. she also asked liz, but she’s going to flash’s party. he only gets so many people because his parents are never home and don’t care if he raids the liquor cabinet. whatever.
you’re out finding something to wear with peter and mj a few hours before it starts. ned and betty already picked their costumes. she’s going as an angel, and he’s going as the devil. you think they should switch. they’re out shopping for snacks while the three of you hit up spirit halloween.
mj groans every single second there’s silence, and peter keeps getting scared by the motion sensor decorations. he eventually ends up having to go somewhere in the store that doesn’t have any. so, it’s a lot.
“why don’t you be a vampire?” mj asks in her fake interested voice, taking a pair of fangs off the rack in front of her. you scoff. “i think i did that in sixth grade.” she puts them back with a huff. “witch?” she’s just suggesting every costume she sees so you can get out of here. her lack of enthusiasm makes you want to take longer.
“what about cat in the hat?”
“mj, what? no.”
“uh... school girl?”
“ok, that’s just offensive.”
“you’re right. why do they have that?” she eyes the costume suspiciously. you cover it up with a random cloak that fell onto the floor. you’re never going to find anything at this point. maybe it’s a sign you’re too old for this. just when you’re about to lose all hope, peter comes over.
he’s holding up the plaid yellow skirt and blazer cher wears in clueless. it’s one of the most iconic rom com outfits. you grab it with a gasp, peter giving you a knowing smile. “oh my god! wait, where did you find this?” “they have a section with movie stuff.” there’s a han solo costume in his other hand.
you throw an arm around his neck for a quick hug. peter squeezes you and chuckles when he pulls away. it gets a sigh out of mj.
“sure you don’t wanna be the guy she ends up with?” she elbows peter’s arm. the two of you share a disgusted look. “josh? ew, he’s her ex stepbrother,” you dismiss her. “they’re, like, related,” peter adds. mj rolls her eyes almost to the back of her head and starts to walk away. “someone needs to unplug both of your tv’s.” you and peter follow after her.
of course she would suggest a couple’s costume. she was probably trying to make you both get weird. you’re always being teased for spending so much time together. even your parents and may make little comments about it. you can’t help the fact that you have almost everything in common.
peter is the only person your age who doesn’t try so hard to be cool. when you’re with him, you can be the biggest nerd and wear fluffy pajamas and play with legos. it’s a judgement free friendship.
you’ll admit you’ve wanted it to become a judgement free relationship. there’s no way he doesn’t feel your heart beating against him when you cuddle during movie nights. he has to notice your goofy smile whenever he calls you a nickname.
but, it could all be platonic in peter’s mind. maybe he sees you as more of a sister. that would make josh the perfect costume to go with you as cher.
you shutter and try to push the idea out of your mind for the rest of your time at spirit halloween.
it’s almost time for the party to start when you get back to your house. your parents let betty and ned in to start setting up on their way out. they’re going for dinner so they aren’t around to embarrass you. you have until midnight, then there’s nothing you can do. that gives you four hours.
mj is changing into the coraline costume you made her get, which she actually doesn’t hate. betty is helping you do some last minute decorating. peter and ned are putting out snacks. it’s a really good system you have.
“love the the plaid, y/n. you look so fetch!” betty compliments in between throwing fake cobwebs over your couch. you snort and finish stringing up some lights. “wrong movie, but thanks.” “oh. oops,” she shrugs and gets back to cobwebbing. “peter found it for me.” all the lights are up, so you go to plug them in. betty giggles on your way over.
your living room has an orange glow to it now. dusting your hands off, you admire your work. the moment of admiration ends when you notice how betty is looking at you. “what?” “peter found it for you,” she repeats suggestively. “when he was getting his costume, yeah,” you say like it’s nothing because it is nothing.
“so, what i’m hearing is he wanted to see you in a skirt.” you furrow your eyebrows at her. “what? no, he just-“ she wiggles her own eyebrows at you. you’re going to start sweating if you talk about this any longer. too aware of yourself now, you pull down your skirt and trudge over to the stairs. “i’m gonna go check on mj.”
you’re in the middle of convincing her she looks great and to leave your room when everyone calls your name downstairs.
“what?” you shout back from behind the closed door. “you should get down here.” it’s only peter this time. mj widens her eyes at you, but you’re gone before she can say she isn’t wearing this again.
you make your way down the stairs. the three of them are huddled in front of the door. “is someone here?” you mouth, ned looking off to the side awkwardly. they all move out of the way so you can see who it is. it’s flash. you’re obviously surprised to see him at your house, especially since he’s supposed to be having his own party right now.
“um, what are you doing here?” you try not to sound mean. “didn’t you invite the whole decathlon team? i’m on it.” you’d forgotten about that. peter says he’s only an alternate. flash side steps past you to get inside. you didn’t say he could come in. he heads straight to the chip bowl on your living room coffee table. you’re left shaking your head in pure confusion.
“dude, kick him out,” ned whispers to you. you wave your hand dismissively and walk over. he’s kicking his legs up on the table when you get there. “dope outfit. you look good.” he winks and crunches on a tostito. peter is clenching his jaw, but no one sees. “why are you in my house, flash?” you push the bowl away from him. “oh, yeah. my parents came home from vegas early.”
mj finally gets downstairs, squinting at whatever is going on with you while she walks over to everyone else. “i thought we could combine parties.” flash eyes your friends in a way you don’t like. “all your guests are pretty much here, so don’t worry about space.”
you look back at peter to see what he thinks. he shakes his head no. betty is nodding her head so fast you’re pretty sure she’s going to get whiplash. ned agrees with whatever she thinks, and mj doesn’t care. majority rules. plus, you could use one of flash’s playlists to liven things up. how bad could it really be?
“text everyone my address.”
people are flooding your house in the next fifteen minutes. like, your entire grade might be here. flash hooks his phone up to your speakers and blasts his songs. people grab fistfuls of candy and dance around. you’re running low on soda, but one guy brought extra drinks. alcoholic drinks, which you’re uneasy about. that was a big reason why you wanted to have your own party in the first place.
you don’t want to be a lame host, so you let it slide. a girl is sitting on top of your kitchen counter making out with someone. people are yelling so loud you can’t make out a single conversation. this is all going on and yet somehow, the most surprising thing is that they came in costume. some are more casual, like cat ears and lifeguard hoodies. it still counts.
feeling a little bit lost in your own house, you search for peter. he’s sitting on the top stair just watching what’s going on. you get his attention by throwing a mini packet of sour patch kids at him. he catches it, grinning when he realizes you did that. “i love these.” “good. they were the only ones left.” you take a seat next to him and scratch at the material of his vest for emphasis.
“i can’t believe you said yes to him.” peter opens the sour patch kids. the first one is yellow, so he offers it to you. sharing food with him always works because you each seem to like what the other doesn’t. “neither can i, but i think betty would’ve actually hurt me if i didn’t,” you joke while chewing. he rolls his eyes, but he’s still smiling. “please. she’s too nice.”
you lean your head on peter’s shoulder and grab another gummy. he pokes your arm in protest. “this bag is small. get your own.” you’re nuzzling your cheek against him. “i told you they’re gone.” he’s about to put an arm around you when someone screams downstairs. you quickly sit up.
“i’m gonna go see what the hell that was. i’ll find you later?” peter does his best to hide his disappointment. “yeah, of course. good luck.” you clench your teeth and run down the stairs. this is somehow flash’s fault.
it’s been an hour and a half, and peter is nowhere to be seen. the chaos was just that someone really liked the song that was playing. it didn’t take you long to figure that out. when you went to tell peter, he was gone. you’ve looked everywhere for him since, except the backyard.
a pretty big group of people is out here either playing catch or talking. someone also brought a case of beer outside. you spot mj huddled up by the fence with a bottle. it doesn’t necessarily surprise you. it’s weird to see, either way.
“have you seen peter?” you walk up to her. she uses the bottle to gesture somewhere. he’s in the middle of a conversation with liz. your entire body feels like it’s collapsing into itself. it didn’t cross your mind she would be coming even when the party moved to your house.
she’s nice and all. you don’t have any issues with her. not that she knows about, at least. peter had the biggest crush on her for about a month, then it fizzled out. that’s what he told you. unless, he said that to save face.
you’re speechless. mj figured you would be. she gives you a sympathetic smile and holds out her beer. “yep. drink up.” your instincts tell you to take it, so you do. she heads back inside and leaves you alone with your thoughts. that’s not good for you. the only to way to get rid of them is by chugging the rest of this bottle.
you’ve never had your own drink before, and technically you aren’t now. this is still the most alcohol you’ll ever have in your system. before you can change your mind, you take a generous swig. it’s bitter. you don’t hate it as much as you expected to, though.
your eyes land on liz touching peter’s shoulder. that inspires your next big gulp of beer. you finish off the rest, and it hits you fast. you’re understanding why this is such a popular vice. you don’t feel anything but how tipsy you are. light and floaty. you decide to stumble back into the kitchen and find out what other drinks people brought.
the bright color of your costume catches peter’s attention. he was wondering where you were. excusing himself from liz, he follows you in. you bump into betty on your way to the punch bowl someone filled. she’s holding a red solo cup with the mystery liquid. both of you buzzed, you laugh and grab her arm.
“sorry. s- sorry.” you’re squeezing behind her, her angel wings brushing against your face in the process. you have to weave through everyone to make it to the drink table. peter meets you there when you’re getting a cup. he’s shocked.
“y/n?” smiling lazily, you take a sip. “hey, peter. pete.” the sober voice in your head tells you to stop talking. he probably shouldn’t know you’re drunk. then again, your cup gives it away. “y/n, have you been drinking?” he sounds concerned. everything is funny to you right now. you giggle out a “yes.”
peter doesn’t want to be that person, but you’re not acting right. he reaches for your drink. you pull it away too abruptly, and some of it spills onto the floor. “you... you’re so...“ you start losing your balance. “woah.” peter wraps an arm around your waist to steady you. he takes the drink out of your hand and sets it on the table.
frowning, he throws your arm around his shoulders so he can help you get upstairs. “come on, y/n/n.” you don’t argue this time. you’re at the part of being drunk where it doesn’t feel good anymore. peter holds you close to his side and walks you out of the kitchen. he stops to talk to ned for a second.
“hey, man. y/n’s parents are gonna be home soon. could you get everyone out?” he says into his ear. “why can’t she do it?” peter moves out of the way so he’s not blocking you. ned sees. you’re completely faded. “oh, shit. is she okay?” he whisper yells. “i’m gonna take care of her.” “i’ll tell everyone to go.” peter presses his lips into a tight smile, then he’s taking you up to your room.
you flop down onto your bed face first. peter shuts the door behind you. “you okay?” he chuckles, you nodding with your face smushed into the comforter. he’d think it was cute if you weren’t piss drunk. gently nudging you, he moves you so you’re on your back.
“let’s get you out of this.” “ooh, betty was right. you do like me in a skirt,” you giggle and bat your eyelashes at him. he huffs. “no, i mean you have to put on pajamas.” you’re pouting now. “you don’t like me in a skirt?” after going through your drawers, he comes back over with a big t-shirt and fuzzy pants. “i never said that.”
you grin again and grab them from him. “ha.” “do you need help changing?” he sits at the edge of your bed. you’re still laying down. he’s not sure you can handle getting up. “no. don’t be creepy,” you say completely serious. peter has to remind himself you’re drunk. “you were the one who thought i wanted you naked, but ok.”
making peter close his eyes, you peel the costume off your body. you got pretty sweaty. you kick everything onto the floor and start putting on your pajamas. your head gets stuck in an arm hole by accident, so peter has to fix that. the rest is fine. he’s about to bring you into the bathroom to brush your teeth, but you face plant into his lap. you’re out.
the next morning, you wake up feeling like ass. your breath is hot and tastes disgusting. your head is pounding. you could throw up. you’re not even sure how you ended up in your bed. then, you notice peter sitting at your desk. he must have helped you in.
a vague memory of him tucking you under the covers while you whined comes back to you, along with a few others. one of them is of him and liz. the whole reason you did this to yourself.
“hey.” your voice comes out hoarse. “hi.” peter nods and points to your night table. there’s a fresh glass of water. you drink it all down as fast as humanely possible, a hand on your heart. it doesn’t phase him after what you did last night. you set the empty glass down and pat the spot next to you. peter sits by your side.
he’s still dressed as han solo, but his vest and belt are sprawled out on the floor. the boots are under your desk. he actually stayed all night for you.
“i think i’m hungover.” you rest your head against his arm. his body relaxes. “you didn’t drink that much. mj said she gave you half a beer,” he almost laughs, you groaning. “that means i’m a lightweight.” “for now.” your arm wrapping around his, you look up at him.
“sorry you had to deal with me. am i in trouble?” “nah, your parents don’t know. we cleaned everything up before they got home.” he lightly pats the top of your head with two fingers. you squeeze your eyes shut when he does it. “you did? thank you so much, wow.” peter nods and smiles for a second.
he lays his back against the pillow on his side. “let’s just pretend that never happened.” “you’re good at pretending,” you mumble to yourself. you’re not as quiet as you think because peter hears it. “um, what?” you feel too woozy to come up with a cover. letting out a breath, you take your head and hands off of him.
“i saw you talking with liz.” “she wanted to know if i could lead decathlon practice next week. she’s not gonna be in school,” he says slowly, not getting it. “why?” having to spell it out is making you frustrated. “didn’t you say you don’t like her anymore?” “yeah, i don’t.”
“so, why was she being all... touchy?” the jealousy is clear in your voice. peter shrugs. “that’s how liz is. i still don’t get why it matters.” you ease yourself to sit up and turn to face him. those three words you’ve been meaning to tell him are on the absolute tip of your tongue. they’re about to come out.
“i like you, y/n.”
peter says them for you.
you’re so surprised you nearly vomit for real. or, it could be the possible hangover. almost a minute has gone by when you realize you’ve been sitting there with your mouth hanging open. you swallow your spit. “you... you do?” “a lot. i kept trying to tell you, but there was never a good time.” his voice is softer now.
“i realized after homecoming. i wished i went with you instead of...” he doesn’t have to finish the sentence. you nod, a small smile spreading across your face. peter’s eyes are so hopeful. “i like you, too. a lot.” your gaze trails down to his lips.
“i’d kiss you if my breath didn’t stink.” “i’ll let you owe me one.” he’s fully grinning now, and both of you laugh. they’re the kind of laughs you do because you’re so happy you don’t know what to say.
peter presses his lips to your temple, your eyes fluttering closed. “get some more sleep. i’m gonna ask you out when you wake up,” he mumbles against your hair. you grab his hand that’s resting on the comforter. “can you stay with me?” “of course.”
he lays down next to you. you pull back the covers so he can get under them. your head is resting on his chest, an arm around his torso. both of his hug your waist. you’re instantly comfortable cuddled up in his embrace. you drift off to sleep with a smile.
this feels like such a dream. it’s the exact type of situation you’d make up in your head. but, it’s real. peter is still holding you when you wake up. he’s not going anywhere.
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xenonmalachite · 3 years
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Ta da. My humanformers just got a redesign. It’s a slightly small re design but ta-da!!! I wanted to add the shaded version of the individual peeps but Tumblr wouldn’t let me. tumblr also wouldn’t let me organize them neatly Anyway. In order left to right order the Duos are:
- Smokescreen and Speedsmoke
- Bumblebee and Jolt Drive
- Neurotoxin and Landfall
- Crosshairs and Loco Motion
- Eureka and Starscream
- Blackout and Twin Drills
Neurotoxin and Landfall, and Smokescreen and Speedsmoke are the only Duos who are not a couple.
The outfits I’ve drawn them in is more their casual outfits.
Smokescreen and Starscream are based off their prim counterparts, Crosshairs and Blackout are based off their movie counterparts, and Bumblebee is based off his animated self.
their proportions are a little off but eh.
I hope you enjoy them. Design process and thoughts under the cut
Smokscreen and Speedsmoke are opposites in style. Speedsmoke’s outfit is designed to resemble casual Lolita style while smokescreen is more a practical outfit he can get dirty. I feel he’s wearing a jersey almost like a soccer jersey, as in made of synthetic materials, with an American letterman jacket. Speedsmoke on the other hand is a little more on the fancy side. She’s almost like a doll. This actually was the original idea of human Speedsmoke, wearing Lolita fashion. I went back to it because I figured it would be an interesting contrast between her and her brother.
for Bumble bee i was inspired by his human error design. I imagine he and Jolt Drive are college students. i had lots of fun with his hoodie. i really want a hoodie like that. he also has a pair of heelies. i tried to make them like the original ones and stylized them to fit bee. safe to say that kind failed. i hope they are recognizable as heelies. JD’s style is more cutesy and fun. given she’s from europe, i wanted her style to contrast her heritage. it seems more american in a way. JD’s style is half based off my own. i really want a vinyl jacket like hers. it’s water proof and is a smooth texture that won’t cause her a sensory overload. 
Neurotoxin and Landfall was the most fun. they’re two different styles of goth. Neuro leans more on the cyber side and is more out there where Landfall is more traditional and on the casual side. their both wearing dark lipstick. i kinda wanted them to match in style since they are a band but eh. i tried. so anyway yeah. i really want Landfall’s hat and Neuro’s boots. i think they’re neat. Neuro i had fun drawing her hair. i didn’t like the original design which had her hair just come down and had that hoodie. i like this design better. i was trying to find distinctive goth trends in Germany but couldn’t find any specific trends so i just went full creative with her outfit. 
i really like how Crosshairs and Loco Motion’s outfits came out. not much has changed for them. except Loco has a more casual version of her movie humanization. it’s more fashion than combat. i really liked that outfit on her. she is married to Cross but given her gloves, it’s likely her rings are in her pocket or in a locker so she does not loose them. Cross i decided to give a full on stubble to sorta look like John Constantine. been reading the comics and  i can see some similarities. also he has a pocket watch now. yes he is wearing a wedding ring too.
Eureka and starscream i’m proud of. Eureka my goodness. i decided to give her something more related to her profession that she wears casually. so some Khakis. it’s more based on the ones Zoo Keepers wear. usually for work though she wears Vet Scrubs. those i still am practicing to draw. Starscream. Scremlin. didn’t change too much because he is quite cozy like that. kind a changed the position of his streak and where it starts.  yes he is wearing red soled shoes. i saw the underside of his heel in Prime and i just, i gave him them because why not. 
Blackout and Twin Drills have changed a bit and wow they look so much better. i wanted to make Twin Drills more like a teacher so i gave her a longer blouse. i thought a bow with her blouse might be a little nice for her and give her more of a teacher vibes. i tried to give her some cork screw curls with some long ends to be her “Drills”. i have some room to improve. wish i could draw gold properly for her bangle. also yes. Marriage rings! her and Blackout are a married couple. i wanted to draw Blackout with his but i for the life of me could not draw them holding hands. i imagine that’s more a casual work outfit for Blackout. he’s like a helicopter pilot/ aviator. i imagine there are times he needs to work on things. so i gave him some steel capped boots. i based him to look a little like Alexios from Assassins' Creed Odyssey. i feel Alexios’ voice would suit him
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "Yesterday's Lie" from The Owl House
Salutations, random people on the internet who absolutely won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons!
Here it is! The midseason finale of The Owl House Season Two! An episode featuring Luz going back to the human realm, is hyped up to heaven about how painful it'll be for the audience, and features more anxiety by how Creepy Luz is a thing. And BOOOOOOOOY howdy were fans not ready for this. I'm sure as hell not ready for when I wrote this intro at *checks time* thirty minutes before watching the official premier. Yup, the words you're reading right now are from me in the past, when everything was still pure and simple. Whereas future me is still probably destroyed by the events that transpired. Isn't that right, future me?
Future Me: Actually, it wasn’t that bad. The ending hurt, sure, but other than that, it wasn’t too painful.
Wow, that is some neat input! At least, I think it was. I wouldn't know because I literally wrote that after watching the episode. With the words you're currently reading being written at *checks time* twenty-six minutes before the premier...this whole intro is confusing, isn't it, future me?
Future Me: Sure is.
Yeah, it's definitely confusing. In any case, let's dive into this spoiler-filled review as we find out together just how painful this episode was! Take it away, future me!
Future Me: Will do! Major spoilers ahead, folks!
Now, let’s review, shall we?
Luz’s Room: We only see it for a short time, but everything about it just screams Luz. The pile of weird-looking stuffed animals, the witch hat in the center of the floor, and the fact that she has bunk beds, a single child's dream (Or so I've heard). It's a small thing, but I love it.
Vee: Here she is! The character previously dubbed Creepy Luz who now turns out to be yet another new addition to the ever-growing list of characters that we, as a fandom, would give our lives for. Because holy s**t was Vee the best type of expectation subversion. Showing us all the ominous ways of how she basically took Luz's place made fans assume that Vee was an evil doppelganger. Turns out, she was just a tortured soul that was desperate to live a new and better life and lucked out in finding Luz's. What Vee does is...questionable at best, but seeing what she went through with the experiments Belos pulled on her, you understand why she would do it. And I personally love it's that same background information that makes Vee resentful of Luz of all people. Luz's life is a relative dream come true, and running away from that would be insane to someone who spent most of their existence through imprisonment and experimentation. It's an intriguing point of view, even though it's admittingly flawed given how it's mostly Camila that seemingly made Luz's life bearable. But the flaws don't matter. What matters is that you can see where Vee is coming from, and to me, personally, I think she's understandable enough to make me root for her to have some kind of happy ending. Whether as Luz or as herself, I'm hopeful to see Vee get some semblance of peace.
Camila: *Round of applause* Don't mind me! Just taking the time to love how all them sons of b**hes who thought Camila was a bad mom are now heavily invalidated. 'Cause, guess what? Camila is a fantastic mother, both to her daughter and her daughter's doppelganger! Allow me to walk you through the highlights:
How Camila looks like she’s not okay with the fact that "Luz" is clearing out her weird stuff, seemingly acting too different to the Luz she knows. Added to the fact that Camila doesn't like it.
How Camila drove Luz to camp whether than letting her take the bus
The fact that Camila takes that box of junk back in, not willing to part with the tin foil sculpture Luz made.
The way she was willing to play along with the game she thought Luz was doing, supporting her daughter's creative mind that Camila admits to being glad to see.
And, best of all, the willingness Camila had to help this poor creature, despite the lies it lived.
It's that last part I really want to touch upon, though. Because an action like that shows just how much Luz's heart comes from Camila. The kindness and generosity of helping this poor creature, who she has every right to run out on, proves how Luz learned to be everything she is today through Camila's own loving heart. Vee was scared and hurt, and the second Camila saw that she was then more than willing to help because of it. It's something that Luz would do, and it proves that even though Camila didn't exactly get everything right, she's still a great mom where it counts.
“A new life”: A perfect line.
Initially, it makes audiences think that it has everything to do with replacing Luz. It's only through future context that we know it's about escaping the s**t show Vee once lived through that it's clear she's talking about starting over. It hits us with intrigue on the first viewing, only to hit harder with the feels during a second. Really well-done.
Luz in the Mirror: A well-done surprise that makes fans curious about how this even happen in the first place. Kudos to you, writers.
The New Portal: I don't mind that they found a way to build this off-screen. Showing Luz and the gang slowly building a new portal would have been a little too tedious to watch, and it's so much better to just start this episode out with it. Besides, maybe we'll get the slow and steadier version now that we've seen how quickly building one might not have been the best way to go, given how fast that thing fell apart.
Luz Between Dimensions: I have no clue what the hell that place she was in is called, but it's awesome! The overall design of the realm is the correct type of unsettling, like it's oozing with mystery, but it's somewhere that you probably don't want to be in for too long. Whoever designed it deserves all of the credit because I don't want to even think about all the hard work that went into making this look as well-made as it was.
Luz Resisting to See Amity: What? Luz and Amity are adorable, and seeing Luz's immediate thought about seeing Amity makes my shipping heart scream with glee. Don't judge me!
Hiding Luz’s Dad’s Face: Well, that was a fun story while it lasted.
So, it turns out that Luz's dad really was a part of Luz's and Camila's life at some point, but not anymore. As for why remains to be seen, as we don't really know yet if we'll see him make an appearance. I'd say that the odds are high that he will, given how much of a point this episode made about keeping his face hidden. Shows don't usually do that unless the goal is to hype up some official reveal, and I can't wait to see what comes of it.
Luz Telling Herself to Count to Five: Hey, more evidence for how I relate to Luz! I know how it feels to be all panicky about a specific situation, and I only got better when I took the time to calm down for a bit. Sometimes, I even tried the "count to x" method that Luz used...it never worked, primarily because it made me feel worse when people told me to do it, but I still tried it! Plus, there's also some narrative foreshadowing when after Luz says five, the realm shows her Vee, or Number V, which is a pretty cool detail you'll notice on a rewatch.
Luz Helping Vee: I gave Camila praise for helping Vee in the end, but that doesn't abstain Luz from her own set of recognition. The second that Luz realized that Vee wasn't really a threat and is far from evil, our favorite human does what she can to help and even makes a deal where they're both happy. Because, of course, Luz is that perfect of a protagonist who is more than willing to help others in need. And it's why we love her so.
Looking for Magic that Eda Left Behind: A pretty cool idea that gives Luz and Vee a chance to bond and giving us an insight into Eda's past antics and misadventures in the human realm. Not much I can add to it, though.
Gravesfield: It's surprisingly not as jarring as I thought it would be to spend an episode in the human realm. I thought for sure, after all that time in the Boiling Isles, there would be something off about walking around a normal environment for a change. Turns out, it's almost easy to get used to. Or, for me, it is.
But I will say that there's this neat use of colors when comparing Gravesfield with the Boiling Isles. In Gravesfield, the coloring looks dulled down and standard, which is a stark contrast to the bright vibrancy of everything we've seen in the Boiling Isles. It's a subtle way of showing how things are different, aside from the major discrepancies we could come to expect. And I think that's why I appreciate it much more.
Eda’s Called Herself Marylynn in the Human Realm: Hang on...hang on...do you mean to tell me that the crack theory about Eda being Stan's ex-wife is actually true?
...What even is this show?!
Vee Making Friends with Camp Members: This shows the most apparent difference between Luz and Vee. Where we see Luz is already fearing the many ways that could go wrong with interacting with teens, Vee revealed that she adapted to her situation and had a chance to make friends. The implications of this are worth discussing another time, but for now, I'll say that it's pretty intriguing that we gain this much insight into both Luz and Vee through such a small thing.
Belos Wanting to Learn How Basilisks can Drain Magic: ...Didn't Raine say that Belos was taking away magic? If so, I think we can figure out how he's doing it. The question now is: Why?
Jacob (The Curator Guy): This guy was a riot. At first, Jacob seemed like a threat with the way he trapped Vee and was apparently stocking her, but the second he goes off about his conspiracy theories, it becomes clear what type of character he is. And was it a blast seeing how much of a crackpot this man is. It wasn't cool seeing him wanting to dissect the precious angel that is Vee, but I still chuckle about things like his "Flat Eather's Certificate." So while he's not that much of a threat, he's still fun to watch.
The Owl Beast was in the Human Realm: ...How did that happen? When did it happen? And how the hell did Eda get out of a situation like that?! Who knows, but it's still a shocking piece of news to learn.
Luz Telling Camila the Truth: Hey, she faced her fear after all! Although, the results aren't as pleasant as when Amity faced her fear two weeks ago.
Camila is a Veterinarian: ...One insignificant reveal...managed to destroy so many fanfics. I mean, we probably shouldn't have just assumed Camila was a nurse...but what the f**k else were we supposed to think?! Sorry for seeing the scrubs, and the first thing that came to my mind was "nurse" and not "vet."
By the way, that had to have been intentional, right? There's no way that Dana Terrace didn't think we'd assume Camila was a nurse. She'd had to have put off a reveal like that just to trip up her fans. And if that's the case, then that is a major d**k move...but that's why I mildly respect it.
Two Human Brothers went to the Demon Realm: Turns out we don't have to be in the Boiling Isles to learn more about it. Because now we have more information about how two humans were taken to the Isles with the help of a witch, thus setting up a grander reveal if it turns out that one of the humans was Philip and the witch was Belos. Because if that's true...then there's more of a history between those two than we thought.
Jacob has a Training Wand: This helps me believe that it's highly likely for Jacob to make a return and to have a power boost for when he does. After all, focussing all that attention on the training wand is way too convenient for it not to come up again in the future. Meaning we're most likely going to get more pain from Jacob if he shows up again.
Camila Beats the Crap out of Jacob for Vee: ...Writers, don't make me choose between Camila and Eda on who's the better cartoon mom. I know Eda's technically not a mom...BUT I STILL DON'T WANT TO CHOOSE DAMNIT!
Also, the sandal...just...
Why the f**k does Camila have a sandal in her purse? I don't know. Is it still funny that she does? Most certainly.
Camila and Luz’s Talk in the Rain: Ooooooooh, I was not ready for this...
I wasn't ready for the crying.
I wasn't ready for the hurt in Camila's eyes when she found out Luz chose to stay in the Boiling Isles.
I wasn't ready for Camila asking if Luz hates being with her that much.
I wasn't ready for Luz profusely stating how it was never Camila's fault.
I was not ready for Camila to tell Luz that she'll try to do better.
And I definitely was not ready for Luz to barely have enough time to promise that she'll come back.
This episode wasn't the twenty-two minutes of nonstop angst that I thought it was going to be...but this short scene more than make up for it.
Luz Tries to Stay Strong: Yet another thing she unwittingly learned from Camila. Camila tried to keep a brave face when Vee was with her and Luz, most likely not wanting to tear either of them down in the process. Luz does the same thing here as she avoids talking about the details of what went down in her sort-of journey back home. And seeing her clearly fake smile slowly droop into an uncertain frown, it uh...it definitely tore me up inside.
I want to say it's perfect, but there's one major issue that really bogs this episode down.
Continuity Error in How Vee Replaced Luz: Having Vee take Luz's place the same day Luz appeared in the Isles is a smart idea on paper...if it wasn't for the fact that it's impossible.
Because Eda closed the portal door the second that she saw Luz, meaning that there's no way for Vee to go to the human realm. It's a major plothole that makes no sense, and it might just be the first time ever that this series wasn't so closely knit with its story. Which ends up taking a dive in quality in the process.
I'd say that "Yesterday's Lie" is an A-. Everything about Luz, Vee, and Camila is incredible, combined into a story that ends in tragedy and uncertainty for the future. That plothole may drag things down a bit, but everything else is handled so well that I'm not lying when I say it's easy to forgive and forget.
(And that's ten episodes in a row without a single stinker. HOW THE F**K DOES THIS SEASON KEEP WINNING?!)
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tiredcowpoke · 4 years
TITLE: The Ease of a Storm PAIRING: Arthur Morgan/Reader. REQUEST: Unprompted. BLURB: A thunderstorm rolls in while you and Arthur are in the wilderness. WARNINGS: Thunderstorms, I guess? It’s mostly fluff.  NOTE: I’ve seen a couple works where Arthur comforts the reader about a fear of thunder, but usually I sit there like “can’t relate” because I love thunder. To an extent at least. lol So, I figured I’d write something for people who like thunder and standing around in the rain as much as I do. I miss it in the winter where I live. Anyway, gender neutral reader! Kind of short but to the point and fun to write, so hey. There’s also a bit of a personal headcanon in there too. 
Despite the pine tree, you could feel some wetness soaking into the fabric of the jacket you wore.
Thankfully, you had the foresight to take a heavier one that you usually wore, so the chill that settled didn’t effect you much. You could see your breath somewhat as the rain poured down on the ground around you, the branches of the tree at least making it only somewhat of a light spray. However, you had long since smelled the wet earth before the first drops fell where you were.
You had been sitting in the tent, reading, as Arthur had managed to doze off beside you in the late afternoon. Given the ride out to where you were near Strawberry, you weren’t sure if he was really out for the night or just napping. Still, the man deserved it. You had been acutely aware of just how much he worked for the gang, much to your own frustration at points when you just wanted to see him, have moments like earlier where you both could relax. That or when you wanted to help, but he brushed it off.
Still, it was nice to see. However, you weren’t all that inclined to join him and you had been getting a little restless when the first winds of a storm swept through the area. Luckily, the wind wasn’t too strong, just enough to add some chill and bring the rain your way. Normally, you knew you should have woken Arthur up and said something about the storm--it was still early out, maybe you could ride into Strawberry later if it gets worse.
Really, the idea of rain had gotten you a little excited. It had been enough for you to wait it out a bit before getting up and exiting the tent, wandering over toward the tree that you currently were standing under.
For once, your mind felt blank. At ease.
You could hear the rain falling against the ground and leaves of the trees, looking out over the small ravine as you watched the rain fall. You watched the dirt paths below, the odd rider racing through, hands keeping their hats securely on their heads as they rode through the downpour. There was the odd animal that would scurry across the paths down below, and you could hear them moving around near where you were. However, it didn’t seem like it was any cause for concern for you, your arms crossed in order to keep some heat in your jacket. You just listened, letting time pass.
There was no gang, no Arthur, no task at hand. Just you.
Though, your gaze flicked upward, catching a quick flutter of light in one of the clouds that loomed in the distance. Sure enough, there was a low rumble a few moments later, making a smile spread across your face.
However, you couldn’t hold onto the moment. Not forever, anyway. As the thunder settled, you heard a familiar voice call your name. There was a notable sound of alarm to it, making you turn to glance back toward where the camp was. You could see your horse standing under the tree you hitched her to, tossing her head somewhat but otherwise seemed unphased. Still, you shifted to push off the tree somewhat, hand coming down to rest against your holster.
“Arthur!” you called out, almost cursing yourself at possibly leading trouble your way instead of just heading back. Still...well, he had called out first.
Sure enough, you heard a rustle and hurried footfalls coming your way, as much as the rain threatened to drown the sound out as another rumble of thunder filled the air. Arthur walked toward you, hand resting on his hat as you relaxed somewhat.
“The hell’re you doin’?” he asked, accusatory but otherwise fine.
“Watching the storm,” you replied, turning to lean back to where you were against the tree trunk, beckoning him over with a small wave.
Arthur walked up beside you, pressing shoulder to shoulder as he tried to shelter himself under the same tree. As much as you weren’t freezing, the little warmth that offered was appreciated. You were fine with lapsing back into silence so you could listen to the downpour, but with Arthur there with you, you knew it would only be a while until he filled the silence.
However, you weren’t expecting the touch of sheepishness.
“Used to be...scared of storms. When I was little.”
“Yeah,” he replied around a sigh, “They used to get me bad, but after my mother passed...well, my ol’ man weren’t all that nice ‘bout it. Learned to stop cryin’ about them, but they used to make me anxious and thunder made me flinch well into me bein’ a teenager.”
“They don’t now,” you observed as a somewhat louder clap of thunder almost drowned out the last of his words--he hadn’t even blinked.
“Yeah, I stopped ‘round the time I got used to gunshots,” he replied, pausing a moment, “...and Hosea helped.”
“Yeah, think...think he noticed, when I was young,” he replied, a somewhat far away look in his eye as he continued, “About a year after I joined him and Dutch, he used to see a storm roll in and would linger about ‘round me. Tried to do some readin’ and writin’ too, if the storm weren’t too destructive. Eventually, he’d pull me away from camp and we’d watch it roll in if it weren’t too miserable. We were out west then, too...would feel the heat drop off and you just knew.”
“...I’ve always liked thunderstorms,” you admitted, “and rain. Ever since I was young. I’d get scolded a lot, running out into the rain and the mud whenever one would roll around.”
“You and I was two different kids, then,” Arthur commented, “Couldn’t catch me inside anywhere unless there was a storm.”
You let out a small hum in agreement, leaning against his side as you rested your head against his shoulder. The leather of his jacket had gone somewhat cold in the weather, some wetness on your cheek but you were getting rained on already. Though, Arthur shifted to wrap his arm around you and hold you closer to his side. You ran over what he told you in your head, seeing that scared little kid in your mind's eye (and tried not to think too deeply on his family life back then. He had mentioned a few things about his father, you were aware of what he was like.) Though, the Hosea story warmed your heart a bit.
Admittedly, you had noticed the photo of him, Dutch, and Arthur on the side of the wagon back at camp. When you first saw it, it was strange to see the younger versions of themselves. Though, you could imagine Hosea from that photo sitting on a bedroll under a tarp, trying to read to Arthur and them sitting together at the edge of camp.
There was some envy there, admittedly. You never really had much of a father-figure in your life. Then again, Arthur may not have either, if he hadn’t have joined up with the gang.
There was a history you felt relieved to be let in on, among other things that had developed as you and Arthur got close.
“I never took you for the storm watchin’ type,” he commented after the lingering silence, your head shifting somewhat from his shoulder.
“I never took you for someone who fears them,” you returned, letting out a small chuckle at the look he shot you.
“When I was a kid,” he stressed, “I ain’t no more. Don’t make me regret tellin’ you that.”
“I won’t,” you replied with another small chuckle, “I’m glad I heard it from you, I’m sure Hosea would have brought it up eventually. He does like to rib you.”
“He sure does…”
You smiled, reaching up to turn his head so you could kiss him. You held the gesture for a few moments, Arthur letting out a sound from the back of his throat before he pulled away somewhat.
“You’re soakin’ wet,” he commented, causing you to scoff lightly.
“You’re being dramatic. I’m a little damp.”
“No, seriously, I don’t even know how you’re not shiverin’,” he returned, though he didn’t shove you away from him as he glanced out toward the ravine again, “Though, hate to cut your fun time out here short, but that gets any closer and we might have to think about headin’ into town. I may not be scared of thunder no more, but I’ve seen what lightnin’ does.”
“...Yeah,” you admitted--you had been noticing the distance of the flashes and the volume of the thunder had been getting closer and louder.
“I’m sure it’ll be just as nice to listen to from inside that hotel in Strawberry,” he commented, stepping away from you.
As he did so, you could feel the coldness of the air seep in pretty quickly--maybe you were getting a little soaked. You cast one last glance out toward the gathering storm before turning and following him back toward the makeshift camp. As much as you loved storms, a warm bath seemed nice too.
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arashikitten · 4 years
Monkie Kid Soulmate Au
Thank you, MKD, for helping me create this monstrosity. 
I noticed there weren’t any soulmate au’s for Monkie Kid yet so I decided to make one Myself!
In this au, there are three types of soulmate a person can have: the typical romantic soulmate, platonic soulmate (i.e. best friends, family, things of that nature), and enemy soulmates (rivals, nemesis, mortal enemies, things along that line). People can have multiple soulmates, and in fact it is very common for people to have three or more at any given point! It is also possible for someone to have only one or two types of soulmate: for example, someone who is asexual might only have platonic soulmates and/or enemy soulmates. 
As for how one identifies their soulmate, a small mark/symbol will appear on the wrist, palm, or back of the person a year before they meet their soulmate in person, at which point the mark will take on color. The placement of the marks often determines the type of bond: a mark on the palm indicates a romantic bond, on the wrist indicates a platonic bond, and on the back indicates an enemy bond (that being said, there have been instances where this rule does not apply).
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get into the meat of this au!
Red Son is born with two soulmarks: A stylized, cartoon bull head, and a large, red and gold fan. They both appear on his back, and from a young age, he tries to ignore the possibility that his own parents may one day become his worst enemies. He grows up very close to DBK and Iron fan: he wants desperately to maintain a good relationship with them, and he ends up cutting off any sort of interaction with anyone else.
DBK gets sealed under the mountain, and Red’s world shatters. Both he and Iron fan grieve for a long time, and Red Son now feels even more alone. 
So, he starts attempting to free his father from his prison under the mountain.
Fast forward about 300 years, to when MK is born without a single mark. He grows up and for ten years, his palms, wrists and back remain blank.
Then, about a month after his tenth birthday, a small, grey dragon appears, wrapped around his wrist, along with a grey cartoon pig wearing a chef’s hat (Pigsy) and a small cicada (Mr. Tang). 
Six months later, MK gets kicked out of his home, living on the streets for five months until, late one night, Pigsy finds him in the alleyway next to the noodle shop (The small stylized monkey face on Pigsy’s wrist glows with color. He and Tang adopt Mk two weeks later.). 
Mei walks into the shop about a month later, while Tang is telling MK a story from Journey to the West. All three of the soul marks on her wrist light up, and she and Mk become best friends over a game of Monkey mech.
Six years later, Red Son wakes up with a grey, stylized Monkey face on his palm, and a small dragon wrapped around his left wrist. He despises them both; he begins wearing finger-less gloves, if only so that he doesn’t have to see the grinning face of the Demon who sealed his father away staring up at him every day. Besides, he doesn’t need other soul mates: Once his father is free, Red Son’s family will be whole again, and they will rule the world with an iron fist (Note that at this point, Red is in complete denial that DBK and Iron fan could be his enemies: the fact that their marks showed up on his back indicates that they will become his worst enemies, so Red has spent his entire life trying desperately to ensure that doesn’t happen.). (He still fails in the end)
Mei and Mk both wake up that same morning with a new soulmark: A small, stylized flame that appears on Mk’s palm and on Mei’s wrist. They both gush to each other about it over a bowl of noodles, Mei is excited to get a new bestie while Mk is freaking out over the fact that he may have a boyfriend/girlfriend in a years time (Note: I 100% headcanon Mk as both gay and trans: but I like to think he struggled a bit more with his sexuality. At this point, Mk is still questioning it a bit, but by the time the events of episode one roll around, he’s pretty sure of his identity. Mei is ace, Red Son is Bi, Pigsy is Pan, and Mr. Tang is gay.). Mk also gains a small peach on his right wrist, and he and Mei speculate as to why only Mk got a second mark (Way up on Flower Fruit Mountain, Sun Wukong gains a new soul mark for the first time in 400 years. This prompts him to begin looking into possibly getting a successor).
Mei, Mk, Pigsy, and Mr. Tang also get two marks on their backs: a demon head and an iron fan. Mk and Mr. Tang, upon seeing what exactly the marks are, absolutely freak out. They both firmly believe that the marks represent DBK and Princess Iron fan, and the implication that two very powerful demons might be going after them in a year’s time is more than enough to scare the two. Pigsy and Mei are a bit more skeptical, citing that DBK and Iron fan are just myths, and even if they weren’t, DBK would still be trapped under the mountain by the Monkey King’s staff. 
This only freaks the other two out more, as that carries the implication that DBK will be free to wreak havoc on the world in a year’s time. So, MK and Mr. Tang begin to delve even deeper into the lore surrounding DBK and Sun Wukong, desperately trying to prepare just in case (Sun Wukong actually happens to overhear one of these study sessions while he’s out searching for a successor, and is impressed by Mk’s knowledge of him. He decides to keep an eye on the kid, and eventually makes the choice to make him his successor.).
As the year progresses, MK gets three new enemy marks:a dark grey spider on his shoulder (It scares the hell out of MK the first time he sees it, and he smacks it multiple times before realizing that it’s not an actual spider. He then proceeds to panic even more when he realizes it’s a soulmark.), a more menacing version of Mk’s own soul mark that appears on his lower back (three guesses as to who that one belongs to), and finally, a pale grey skull right in the middle of Mk’s shoulder blades, larger than any other soulmark so far. With each new enemy mark, Mk becomes more and more nervous: Just what will happen to give him so many enemies?
Meanwhile, Red Son gains only one new mark: the same pale grey skull, right in between the fan and the bull head. This one worries Red Son the most: while he has never actually seen the white bone spirit, he’s heard several disturbing horror stories over the years, and the idea of becoming allies or gods forbid, enemies with the cruel creature makes the fire demon nervous. 
Then, we get to the pilot. Red frees his father, MK gets the staff, and the chase across the city ensues. Red returns to the lair empty handed and bruised. He heads to his room to patch up, when he notices a small flare of bright, emerald green on his wrist. Pulling off the finger-less gloves, Red Son sees that the dragon is now a bright, glowing green. The mark on his palm has also taken on a color, bright reds mixing with vibrant golds as the colored monkey mark on his palm smiles up at him. 
That’s when it clicks: The only two people he’d encountered today, aside from his mother and father, are the Noodle Boy and the mysterious person on the bike. 
Red Son furiously vows that he will never, ever side with the Noodle boy, even if it kills him, and he will remain steadfastly loyal to his mother and father (From then on, he takes extra care to hide his palms and wrists from his parents, out of the intense fear that they will cast him out if they learn of who exactly the marks represent.) (it doesn’t work).
Meanwhile, Mk is freaking the fuck out. He can wield the Monkey King’s staff, he just saw one of the most powerful demons get freed from a 300+ year prison, confirming his theory that DBK and Iron fan are the two marks on his shoulder blades (Both of which, Mk notes, gained color that day, further confirming that they relate to DBK and Iron fan.), he got chased all over town by Red Son (who Mk recognizes from the myths), and to top it all off, the flame mark on his palm turned a bright, royal blue sometime between him leaving to deliver noodles, and him getting back to the shop, and the only other person that Mk encountered during that time that even remotely fits the mark is, you guessed it, Red Son. 
Mk relays all of this to the gang, at which point Mei notices that the flame on her wrist has also turned bright blue, providing even further confirmation. Mk is very much bummed out by this, because out of all the people that could’ve been the fire on his palm, of course it had to be the demon who attempted to kill him.
Still, Mk pushes that to the side in favor of focusing on finding the Monkey King. 
The pilot continues much in the same way as in canon, with one notable exception: When Iron Fan shows up on the gang’s way to Flower Fruit mountain, she sees the small blue flame on MK’s palm. Putting two and two together, she realizes that her son is soulbound to MK, and that this bond may eventually cause Red to turn on his parents, which is why Iron Fan and DBK begin to push him away in later episodes. 
After that, things resume canon again: MK survives and gets to Flower Fruit Mountain, Wukong tells him that he chose Mk to be his successor (Which is when the peach mark on MK wrist gains color, and Mk proceeds to lose his entire shit over the fact that holy fuck, he’s soul bonded to Sun freaking Wukong. Wukong finds this both utterly hilarious and a little bit adorable.), the big fight between DBK and Mk happens, yada yada yada. The day is saved, and Mk goes home with his newfound powers.
Episode one is where we begin to see more long-term changes. By this point, both DBK and Iron fan know that their son is bound to the little thief, most likely romantically, and that their own blue flame mark is located on their backs, implying that Red Son will most likely turn against them in the near future. So, they start to distance themselves from him. 
They send Red to take control of the weather station and defeat MK, something that both of them know will end in failure. Red Son is oblivious to this (not really) and gladly takes on the task, desperate to prove himself. And t first, it seems that Red is actually successful!
...Before Mk comes back with a new grip on his powers and absolutely destroys Red Son. 
Red Son goes back to the lair, sparks still flying off of him, and on his way to his room, he overhears quiet conversation between his parents.
Curious, he quietly listens in, and finds out that not only do his parents know about the mark on his palm (How??? How did they find out???), but they are also planning on a way to get him “out of the picture”. 
Red Son absolutely panics at this revelation, and begins to spiral into waves of self-loathing and intense anxiety. Now he is desperate to remain on his parent’s good side by any means necessary, and so he buries himself in plans and research on powerful artifacts that he can steal for his father. 
While that’s going on, Mk meets the spider queen (The Spider on his shoulder becomes purple and green, and Mk spends three hours scrubbing at it in the shower that night), the whole clone thing happens, Mei gets her sword, and the calabash incident goes down (the main difference here is that when Mk hears that Red Son was also sealed away with his parents, Mk feels inexplicably upset about it: as much as he dislikes the fire demon, there’s still a small part of him that desperately wants them to be friends.). At this point, both Mk and Mei have kinda just accepted that the blue flame mark exists, and they don’t pay it too much attention, even if Mk kinda wants to know more about the hotheaded fire demon.
Then the race rolls around. At this point, Red is a nervous, paranoid wreck, his self esteem (which really wasn’t all that great to begin with) is deteriorating at a frightening speed, and he is desperate for a chance to prove to his parents that he is loyal, that he’s not worthless. 
So when he hears that the winner of this year’s great wall race will receive a peach of immortality, he rushes to apply for it. He excitedly tells Iron Fan, fervently hoping that she’ll at least listen to him, only to be crushed when she dismisses him out of hand, saying that even if the peaches could do  anything for them, it wouldn’t change all of Red Son’s failures in the past. Red Son, disheartened, still joins the race, and is absolutely furious when he sees that both Mk and Mei (When Red found out that she’s a descendant of one of the great dragons, he started calling her “Horse Girl” under the assumption that the dragon she is descended from was the dragon horse from Journey to the West) also entered. He starts arguing and bantering with them, and for just a moment, Red feels... content. Not happy, per se, but the constant anxiety and paranoia begins to lessen for a moment.
Then DBK and Iron fan show up, and Red Son goes silent. His back goes rigid, and his eyes glaze over a bit. Mei and Mk both take notice of the Fire demon’s sudden change in demeanor, and even though they still both think he’s a bit of a prick, they can’t help but be a bit concerned. 
Mk is actually about to say something to Red when Jin and Yin hijack the commentator’s box, and the race starts. 
The race goes mostly the same as in canon, with the main exeptions being that Red is far quieter and more focused, and Iron Fan’s taunts are much crueller and more demeaning.
Mei and Mk win, with Red Son getting second place. Instead of attempting to steal the peach trophy, Red Son just... watches them, looking almost broken as he watches the two celebrate. Mk, noticing the strange behavior, reaches out to ask if Red is ok (The reaction the fire demon had to his parents showing up set off all sorts of alarms in Mk’s head, because that had been exactly how he reacted back when he still lived with his parents.), only to be interrupted by DBK’s reemergence from the mountain. 
Iron fan tells Red Son that they are leaving, and Mk immediately picks up on what’s going on. He calls out to Red  just before Iron Fan’s winds whisk him away, and terrified look that the fire demon sends him confirms Mk’s suspicions.
That night, Mk comes up with a plan: He’s gonna get Red Son away from his parents, or die trying. The only other person who knows at first, is Mei: She also has Red Son’s soul mark, and while she’s not as keen on the fire demon as Mk is, she still doesn’t want him to have to deal with abusive parents.
While Mk is doing that, DBK and Iron Fan have fully leaned into the enemy role, disowning Red Son and keeping him locked away in the lair. Red just breaks down at this, and begins refusing to eat or move. All that time that he’d spent, desperately trying to maintain some sort of good relationship with his parents, for nothing. The only people that he could count on turned against him, and that loneliness hits him like a freight train. 
The only thing that brings him comfort, oddly enough, are the soul marks on his left palm and wrist: he takes to rubbing them whenever he feels particularly bad. By now, his feelings toward Mk and Mei are much closer to something positive: they both seemed concerned about him after the race, and where that might’ve pissed him off a few months earlier, now it comforts him with the knowledge that at least someone out there gives a damn. 
We get to episode 8, when Mk gets the skeleton key. Instead of Red Son being the one to steal the key, Iron fan is the one to do it, and she reveals her master plan:
She and DBK plan on releasing the White Bone Spirit from it’s prison, in order for it to possess Red Son so that both will be fully under their control.
Iron Fan gets away with the key, the White Bone Spirit possesses Red Son, and DBK and Iron Fan use him to wreck the entire city.
Mei and Mk do their best to avoid fighting Red Son: it feels so wrong every time they do clash, because they both know it’s not Red Son, they know he’s not the one in control, but it still hurts that they couldn’t get him out in time, that one of their soulmates is suffering like this. 
The final straw comes a week after the initial possession.
Mk is forced to fight a possessed Red son to protect a badly injured Pigsy. Mk begs for Red to fight back, to break free, knowing that the continued possession is taking a toll on the demon’s body. Mei joins him, insisting that Red is stronger than this, that he needs to think about the people that care about him. 
That is enough to allow Red to break through, just for a moment.
He steps back, tears streaming from his eyes as he brokenly whispers that if even his own parents can’t be bothered to care about someone as weak, as broken as he is, then who the hell would? Mei and Mk hate him, his parents disowned him, and it’s not like he really interacts with anyone else.
He is immediately taken by surprise when the two teens blurt out that even though they might’ve started out on opposite sides, that they never fully hated him. Mk in particular says that they were actually worried about Red Son after the race, that they were planning on getting him out before Iron fan stole the skeleton key, that they were still planning on helping him escape, that they really, actually care.
Red Son finally breaks free, and Mk seals the White Bone spirit away again. Mei and Mk beat the absolute crap out of DBK and Iron Fan, who end up escaping  again.
They take Red to one of the few remaining hospitals, so he can recover from his possession, and they make sure to get him some serious therapy while they’re at it. 
Red Son wakes up two days later to see Mei and Mk sitting by his hospital bed on either side of him, and they give him a warm smile when they see that he’s awake.
He cries for a bit as he realizes that it’s over. He’s free now, even if he doesn’t have anywhere to go anymore, and there are two people in the world who keep that blue flame close to their chest instead of turning their backs.
For the first time in over a year, Red doesn’t hide the marks on his wrist and palms.
After all, why should he from the ones who care for him the most?
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Hc inverse au! Fem Reader in Victorian era England and ynm characters are in our time.
You are a character in an anime and ynm are in real life
( he seems like the type to be into really dense, historical mangas)
He first read a manga featuring you when one of his students left their copy on their desk and he had to overview some students while they were using the presentation room.
He mostly just sat in the first row while the group of teens were recording hamlet for the theater class.
He didn't really took the story seriously so he started reading a lady who was trying to seduce a noble for a few pages, he was about to leave the manga given that he supposed it was a hentai but when you poisoned them with the wine cup he found it interesting
The main character had a set of very strong ideals that weren't so common in the historical context, be it strip nobles and royals from benefits, be a suffragette, or something similar .He ate the manga in five minutes
When he returns home (and leaves the item in lost objects, ofc) he checks online to buy the first volume to see if the background and sort are interesting along with every other volume and official light novel and Novella . He usually isn't home from very early to very late at night so it would be Louis most likely the one who receives the box with the books
"Brother, did you buy a box full of comics" Louis asks from the kitchen after he feels his older brother returning home
" oh? They already arrived? I thought they would be here next week" well Louis always was worries about how his brother didn't have any hobbies aside from teaching at the University so he was happy that he found something else to do with his life
He would ask for a sick day on a Monday or Friday so he could plan everything that was needed at his class that day and spend the weekend lazing around and reading the various volumes and the light novels. That day Louis and albert almost cried of happiness, that was the first time he took a sick day in all of his teaching years to take a break
The type of fan who creates theories that everything is symbolism, how they are ambidextrous to show that even if they intend good sometimes their methods are too extreme or how their hat was placed or the color of their clothes show their political affiliation. Nothing can be just a coincidence with him, everything means something
Is a big pain in the ass about historical inaccuracies, be it dress, manners or social hierarchy being off
" But listen this is the late Victorian era, where is their crinoline??/ They are supposed to be a Victorian dandy and the writer wants me to believe they would wear that? In that society?" williams turned on the lights to his younger brother room while walking in circles as if he was trying to calm down
" Williams it's 3 am. Please I want to sleep"
" Oh and don't let me get started when they crossdressed/dressed as lady northinburg, that tight lacing scene made me so angry" he was dragging his words, Louis guessed he was sleep drunk " how much I hate that, karolina or bernadette would kill those producers if they saw it" Louis simply opted to sleep while his brother was ranting about how the hairstyles were al wrong
When speaking of merchandising he appreciates his mature and elegant reputation so he would buy small things like cute stationery and notebooks and a few pens. Most of them either are about the main character, you, or have the anime title or something similar
A few students think that the professor brings some childish pens in case some student forgets one and he doesn't have to give them his mechanical pencil. He actually uses those pens when he is grading the exams. His notebook annotations look a lot cleaner and are more colorfully bc of the markers and pens
When and if your manga gets and anime he would be 100 percent bitching about how they skipped, if you are a minor character, scenes where you are introduced or you character gets development.
" Oh my goodness, they skipped to this ark? And 'the mask'? In that ark we get the development of many characters, yn, edward, Amélie, Alex. We are absolutely robed of their backgrounds and aspirations and how they are all connected"
" Brother be honest with yourself, you only wanted more animated yn, you follow their voice actor on twitter"
" That is not my point!"
he was watching it when he came late
Albert usually keeps company to his youngest brother until around 5-6 pm, then he leaves for work and returns around 12 am and eats dinner alone mostly.
When he returns from his job the house is more often than not totally dark so he makes his way to the kitchen and microwaves the leftovers and eats silently.
But one day it seems like Louis or williams forgot to turn off the TV before going to bed, he was about to turn it off but decided that watching something with the tv muted wouldn't wake his brothers up and kept watching.
He didn't pay much attention to it at the start but it became routine, he comes home, heats the food, sits down and watches that show so he grew quite fond of it
How much attention he pays to it depends on the type of plot it has, if it is light-hearted humor he would most likely not pay much attention but laugh when a joke came, one the other hand, if it's a more serious he would find it hard to take his eyes away from the screen
Second least likely to buy merchandising, if he buys it's mostly to wear home, a one size too big shirt for a pj (mostly for the comedy anime) or, if they aren't childish and look professional maybe a pocket watch like the one x character uses ( in the more serious one)
Won't buy the mangas if there are any because he is happy watching the animated version and already has to read a lot at work, but if he is gifted the volumes he will read them sparingly, maybe he will finish one volume every week and a half, unlike williams.
He spends most of his time home because of his illness and doesn't like to stress too much given that it makes the symptoms worse, he enjoys light hearted comedies or cooking in the victorian era or those typical time travelers who now have to live in different situations than those they are used to
He most likely found it after doing all the housework and being bored so he opted to browse the TV or netflix and fell on one specific serie
If it is a comedy he will listen to it while cleaning or cooking, he feels like he does everything faster and the housework is more enjoyable that way.
If it's a cooking related program he will watch as entertainment after doing everything and to get ideas what to cook, he is always surprised with the recipes that your character comes up with, be them savory ( things he will absolutely do the next day for lunch or dinner) or sweet ( things he will make more sparingly given he can't have too much sugar). I think of mangas and series like the duchess' 50 te recipes or shokugeki no soma
If it the third option he was interested on the alternatives to modern things, like how to make a more natural soap with animal fat and wood ash, or how to use certain plants to help a headache or stomach bug.
With merchandising he doesn't buy much, some kitchenware and some bowls mugs and maybe a tea set that isn't much of an eyesore. Overall he isn't all that crazy over that kind of things if there is a cooking book he will definitely buy it
He, like albert, doesn't care much about historical accuracy and if the events that happen are cohesive, he is there to have fun
He watched it because he heard his classmates talk about it and wanted to join them but was too scared to bother them if he didn't know anything. Baby has the social abilities of an anxious lobster
He comes home from college and looks the anime up in his phone and, like every broke college student, he watches it from an illegal streaming service.
He gets hooked up and stays all night watching it until his clock snaps him out of his trance and makes him drag his feet to his 7:30 am class
Fred tries and fails to talk to the group so, after the lesson, he drags himself to his room to be miserable alone. It's not until he reaches a certain chapter or episode where you say something that make him think, " if you wish to be loved you must face first your fear to be known" he keeps thinking about it, he didn't truly ever talk to the group, he cowarded before even trying.
The next week at that same lecture he approaches the group and tries to make some small talk
" Oh hey uhm i heard the past class that you liked (maga name)" he was this close to running to his desk and act as if nothing happened
" Yeah! You like it too?" The boy seemed to notice fred was nervous
" Yes! I really like it, what is you favorite character? Mine is yn" he certainly didn't have any favorite one before but after this he thinks your character is pretty good " they are really inspiring"
In terms of merch he is broke so there is none, If he had any money to spare he would buy notebooks and even those chibi statues or funko pops
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