#sorry im still worn out from yesterday not much to put here
Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence below the cut!
There were two submissions for this one!
Submission 1: honestly i'm surprised dewey hasn't been submitted yet bc he's like. "classic adhd personality type". he's hyperactive, impulsive, easily distracted, and HATES being bored. the official character bio describes him as "quick to throw himself into dangerous situations without thinking" and in the pilot episode gets distracted mid-conversation ("stop! scrooge was trying to keep me out of trouble, but i was so caught up in- why is there a lamp on the floor?") what REALLY sealed the deal for this headcanon, however, was the rsd he displays, bc this kid desperately wants to be loved by everyone and is absolutely crushed when that doesn't happen. his dream world is a high school musical-type high school where he's the mascot and star (nightmare on killmotor street); he had a panic attack because he tried playing a heel in a wrestling match and the crowd kept booing him (rumble for ragnarok); and in one episode started crying bc he thought he disappointed his mom (raiders of the doomsday vault). (speaking of his mom, there's loosely enough evidence to point to her being adhd too, and you know what they say about it running in families.)
Submission 2:
i could go on for AGESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS about dewey and the adhd headcanon. i am going to write a bunch of stuff, but it probably won't turn out very well (i write worse when i'm passionate about something lmao) why i see him as adhd: he has EXTREME rejection sensetivity dysphoria, which to me is most apparent in the money tree and boxing episodes (which i have inconveniently forgotten the names of). he requires attention and love to feel fulfilled, and will go to great lengths to be praised. he hates failure and the idea of being a dissapointment, so he goes to great lengths to prove his worth. he tends to be stupidly stubborn, not backing out of something even if it would put him in serious danger. he's also very impulsive -- jumps into dangerous situations without thinking about the consequence, all that matters is that it's exciting! he's SUPER energetic, and a small detail i noticed is that he doesn't seem to fall asleep easily? he's very chatty, there's an entire episode where he gets involved in a gang of sky pirates because he really, really wanted to talk about a hat he found. a lot of his decisions are irrational or generally just based on strong emotions?? he's definetly more of a thinker than a feeler. ("stop assuming i know things, ok? baseline, assume i know NOTHING!") he exaggerates his emotions or the severity of situations a lot. very easily distracted (or at least pays attention to the wrong thing? like, when they're offered to test out godhood, when they're told they're going to do "god auditions", dewey seems to miss out the "god" part and just does a dance routine (his reaction to realising he messed up is too funny to me, and his dance was actually really good imo) he's constantly breaking into song, uses his name as a pun almost constantly, and has a catchphrase he uses regularly. it's his 'character trait' (i'm not entirely sure how this relates to adhd but like. it makes sense to me) WAY too curious for his own good. generally just really hyperactive? goofs off when it's not really appropriate. i feel like there has been moments where he's been shown stimming before. (ik huey has for sure i'm not totally certain about dewey tho) also he's voiced by BEN SCHWARTZ. that guy seems to want to voice adhd-hi characters that are represented with the colour blue. ICONIC anyways that's all for my silly rambling. dewey and huey are the ultimate adhd autism solidarity duo btw
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h2bakugou · 3 years
hi love! can i request an angst to fluff with bakugo? maybe where he cheats and reader catches him. we dont go back to cheaters so maybe kiri and reader end up together and bakugo just regrets. i dont have any specifics in mind so feel free to let this play out however you want! just hurt me.
if this is too much or you dont wanna write this feel free to just ignore it! love you, have a great day!
a/n: hii hun!! ooo this is something i don’t think i’ve done before. i feel like i don’t write really good angst but this is a good prompt so i hope i write it well!! thank you for the request hun!! 
summary: you thought things were going good with bakugou until you catch him cheating on you. distraught, you find comfort in the arms of your closest friend, and something blossoms much stronger than before.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, cheating/mentions of cheating, established relationship with bakugou, bakugou’s a dick, kirishima is a real bro of the people and straight up puts his ass on blast
word count: 3.1k (so- i got carried away...god i hope this is good if not im so sorry angst is not my strong suit please-)
;cut for length;
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It was the day after your three-month anniversary with Bakugou. You’d spent all day together yesterday, and for the most part, everything seemed normal.
Perhaps it was because Bakugou wasn’t texting the girl he’d been secretly hanging out with behind your back all day, or maybe it was because he’d planned to meet up with said girl after you finally left him alone.
Bakugou wasn’t interested in you anymore, but frankly stringing you along for his own benefit was a lot easier. Breaking it off would leave a bad image on his part, and the last thing he wanted was a smudged reputation.
Which was why he kept quiet about this other girl, and only met with her when he was certain he wouldn’t be caught. Sneaking off when everyone went to sleep because they assumed he was asleep.
It didn’t help that they lived fairly close to each other so taking time to leave school meant they could hang out with one another at their homes and suspicious eyes would be none the wiser.
Bakugou had lied to his mother about still being with you and claimed that you’d just moved on and left, making you look like the bad guy. So Mitsuki welcomed this newer girl, and showered her in affection much like she had done with you.
Except you were still with Bakugou. And he’d just told you he loved you again. Kissing the top of your head, seemingly unphased as you yawned, ready for bed.
“Goodnight.” You spoke quietly, wishing Bakugou a good night’s rest as you headed off down to Kirishima’s dorm, where you planned to watch him play a new game he’d recently gotten.
“Hey, Kiri!” You smiled, giving him a big warm hug. Kirishima’s heart ached at the little nickname you’d given him, squeezing and wrenching inside his chest as he smelled your sweet-smelling shampoo, your arms squeezing around him as you hugged him.
“Hey (Y/n), is that a new sweater?” Kirishima asked, smiling as he admired the crimson color.
“It is! I’m glad you noticed. It kinda reminds me of your hair now that I think about it.” You giggle, reaching up to ruffle his soft hair. He’d recently washed it and it currently laid down, unlike his normal hairstyle, his large pointy spikes were nowhere in sight.
Kirishima’s little heart only began to beat faster as you entered his room, sitting beside him as he loaded up the game. Resting your head on his shoulder, you would cheer him on as he played, currently whooping ass against Sero and Kaminari who he was playing with.
“Kaminari asked why you couldn’t come watch him play.” Kirishima chuckled, glancing over at you, noticing how tired you looked.
“Well, maybe I’d go watch him play if he didn’t suck.” You joked, hearing Sero ‘ooh’ over the burn you just slapped over Kaminari.
“Damn Kaminari, they got you good.” Kirishima teased, nudging your side as you giggled, sitting up. You stretched your arms and yawned. Kirishima quickly muted his mic and paused.
“You tired, let me walk you up to your dorm.” Kirishima was ready to tell the boys he’d be back in a few but you shook your head.
“I’ll be alright, keep playing. Kick some more ass for me.” You ruffled his hair once more and patted his head before heading out of his room, waving as he waved back.
You made it back to your room and got ready for bed, nearly falling asleep without realizing you didn’t have your phone.
It’d been maybe three hours, before you rolled over, curious about what time it was when you noticed the blank space on your nightstand, where your phone would usually charge.
Sitting up tiredly, you rubbed your eyes and glanced around. You’d completely lost it, you couldn’t find it anywhere, in your dorm at least. You were unsure if you’d had it when you visited Kirishima, but your only thoughts went to Bakugou.
Maybe you’d left it in his dorm when you visited to study with him. Now that you thought about it, you’d brought your books and stuff back down before he went to bed and you returned to tell him goodnight, but he never let you back inside.
It was dark outside, and completely silent in the dorms. Everyone was clearly asleep. Or so you thought.
Creeping up to Bakugou’s dorm, you were surprised to see a little light peeking under the door. You weren’t one to snoop, but you certainly knew for Bakugou to be up at this hour, something would have to be up, maybe he was sick, or couldn’t sleep?
You pressed your ear to the door and listened for a few seconds.
Those few seconds, time stood still.
“So when are we gonna make it official?” A girl’s voice wrecked through you, your eyes watering as you listened.
“I’m working on it. I just need (Y/n) to fucking leave me alone. All they do is follow me around like a lost fucking puppy, it’s annoying.”
This was not happening. He’d just said he loved me a few hours earlier. Why was he being so mean?
“Good, because I don’t how much longer I can keep this a secret. I need to see you, Katsu.” You wanted to throw up. You felt so sick. So hurt.
So betrayed.
You were overwhelmed with emotions, sadness, despair, hurt, anger.
Raising a fist, you pounded on that door like your life was in danger. You could hear a few whispers and footsteps as Bakugou quickly opened the door, surprised to see you. You barged in, shooting one glance at the girl sitting on his bed in one of his shirts, the same one you’d worn earlier that week.
You found your phone laying under a few papers on his dresser. You turned to see Bakugou just staring at you.
“Don’t” You say quietly as you speed-walk past him and back down the hall. Bakugou doesn’t follow you, or try to stop you, or call out for you.
He slinks back into his dorm and resumes his time with his new girl, taking that as his sign that he was officially single.
Clenching your phone in one shaking hand, you can’t help but feel utterly worthless. And somehow your feet seemed to move on their own, right down to Kirishima’s dorm.
When you felt the door open, and heard a sleepy Kirishima ask if everything was okay, you finally realized you’d trekked down to his dorm without even realizing.
“N-no. It’s not okay, I’m not okay.” You whisper as he pulls you into him for a hug. He stands there, consoling you quietly, not even saying anything. Just rubbing your back as you sob into his shoulder.
He’s concerned, that’s evident by the way his expression is softened, and his eyebrows knit together, wondering just what had happened to have landed you here.
But as he finally pulls you back into his room, the only light coming from a pink and orange glowing Himalayan salt lamp. You’re shaking in his arms as you sink to the floor.
It’s the first time Kirishima’s ever seen you like this. 
So hurt.
“You don’t have to say anything, but I’m worried about you. You tell me when you’re ready okay? Do you need anything right now?” Kirishima’s spoke quietly, and softly, his large, rough hands for once being so gentle and delicate.
You sat and thought for a few minutes, just shaking in his arms as you tried to calm down. You were overwhelmed, too anxious about what had happened, if you weren’t enough for Bakugou.
But you finally spoke up, breaking the silence that had fallen over the two of you.
“I-I’m...” You breathed, finally looking up at Kirishima. You could feel the snot as it leaked from your nose and how wet your cheeks, chin, and neck were, but Kirishima didn’t look at you any differently. 
With red puffy eyes you glanced down and opened your mouth to speak.
“Bakugou, he was, I think...” You paused.
I saw what I saw. I heard her. That girl. He was cheating.
“Bakugou cheated on me.” You whimpered, more tears beginning to fall from your eyes. Your face fell back into Kirishima’s shoulder as your frame shook from pure despair.
Kirishima didn’t respond. He sat, his hands rubbing up and down your spine as you cried, anger boiling inside him.
Never, not even once, had he assumed, or even pondered that Bakugou would ever be unfaithful. His priorities of being on top seemed to overweigh everything else.
So when he’d started dating you, he was albeit a bit jealous, but he supported you and Bakugou’s relationship, despite wanting to be with you himself. But soon he realized you were taken by someone else, and he would respect that.
He changed his usual somewhat flirty comments, and kept things strictly friendly, but he couldn’t help but notice you still made his heart race.
But Bakugou, cheating? That was something he didn’t see coming. But regardless if it was shocking or not, it wasn’t right.
Kirishima didn’t agree with his actions at all, and seeing just how hurt you had been by his actions, it made him feel even angrier.
“Kirishima, I-I don’t know what to do. I thought he loved me. Why didn’t he love me?” You looked at him with tears pouring from your eyes. Broken sobs cracked from your wet lips, and Kirishima’s heart shattered.
Kirishima closed his eyes and placed a hand behind your head, nuzzling your face into his chest as he leaned into you, burying his own face into your shoulder.
“He’s an idiot. It’s gonna be alright. I promise.” Kirishima hushed you quietly, rocking you back and forth in his hold as you finally began to calm down, eventually falling asleep as he came to halt.
Reaching for a blanket, Kirishima wrapped it around you and held you tightly against him. His blood boiled inside him as he began to doze off himself.
“You are so amazing, please don’t let anyone tell you differently.” Kirishima whispered against your hair, resting his own eyes.
As time drained on during everyone’s slumber, a storm was brewing within Kirishima.
Waking in the morning, you awoke in Kirishima’s arms, just where you remembered falling asleep. You nudged him awake but that usual morning smile you wore whenever you’d see him in the common area for breakfast was no where in sight.
“Good morning.” You spoke quietly. It was awkward. But Kirishima quickly ruffled your hair.
“Bed head.” Kirishima pointed out, smiling at the disarray of your locks. You quickly turned away to try and fix what he was talking about.
“Hey relax, it’s okay.” Kirishima chuckled.
“I’m sorry for waking-”
“Don’t apologize. We’re gonna get through this together okay? I’m here to help however you need me too. Do you want me to walk with you to school?” Kirishima offered, helping you stand up as you both began to wake up.
“I think that would be nice. Thank you.” You can’t help but stare at the ground, feeling like a burden. You’d roped Kirishima in with your problems and now-
“I’m really sorry that Bakugou did that. It’s unmanly as hell. If he was unhappy he should’ve talked to you about it, going behind your back was straight up fucking idiotic.” Kirishima’s words sort of spilled out, immediately catching your attention.
“I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay. I agree with you. If he was upset or unhappy, I just wish he would’ve told me.” Your bottom lip quivers as you speak about it, the memories flashing through your mind of seeing that girl on his bed, him talking about you like you weren’t even together.
About how he despised you.
“Go get ready for class, I’ll meet you by the stairs in ten?” Kirishima was already pulling out his uniform and removing his shirt as you headed toward the door.
You nodded and left quickly, running to your room avoiding being seen. And just as he’d stated, you met up by the steps in ten minutes and headed downstairs.
And there he was, waiting, like nothing had happened. Kirishima’s hand shot to yours, holding it tightly as you walked in the opposite direction. He lead you through the back doors and outside where you took a deep breath of the crisp morning air.
“It’s gonna be difficult, but try not to think about him. Every time you find yourself drifting back to him, try and replace it with something that makes you happy, like uh braiding my hair! Or making paper airplanes with Kaminari and how you beat him every time.” Kirishima laughs, lifting your chin up with his thumb and forefinger.
“He did a really scummy thing, and it hurts, I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I’m gonna help however I can, and however you need me too.” Kirishima’s support was flooding your system. Your heart felt warm, despite feeling broken and cold hours earlier.
You didn’t thank him verbally, instead you threw your arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly, smiling.
Kirishima hugged you back and smiled. He missed your smile. 
Days turned into weeks, and things had slowly gone back to normal. You smiled more often. You informed Kaminari and Sero about your split from Bakugou, and eventually told most your friends, but not in detail.
However, Kirishima stayed by your side the most. And as you healed, you realized how much Kirishima had been there for you through all of it. And how maybe you had possibly got tied into things too fast with Bakugou.
While a part of you did love Bakugou during your time together, now you were beginning to realize how you really felt for Kirishima, a flame that had begun to burn long before you and Bakugou had been together.
But it seemed as you healed, and began to move on, finding your own happiness outside of Bakugou and the way he had treated you, Bakugou began to miss you.
Missing the way you’d kiss him, or hug him before bed. Missing the way you left his shirts smelling like you. Or the way you would always write little love notes on his study sheets.
Seeing you spend more time with Kirishima, seeing you so genuinely happy, the kind of happy you seemed to be when you used to be with him, made him mad. It made him miss you.
And sooner or later, his anger bubbled over and he snapped.
“Aye what the fuck?!” Bakugou shouted, watching as you quickly cowered away from Kirishima as Bakugou approached the two of you.
“You got a problem? We can take this outside if we need to.” Kirishima spoke up, quickly earning most of the ears of your peers.
“Yeah why the fuck you up on them like that?” Bakugou stared at you. Your face contorted in anger as you stepped forward.
“I’m sorry?” You laughed, staring at the blonde who was now your ex-boyfriend.
“You better back the fuck up.” Kirishima commented. Kaminari and Sero quickly stood to aid, positioning themselves on either side of you, positive you could handle yourself against Bakugou, but albeit cautious.
“No. Why’re you all up on them, you fucking got a thing for them? Spit it out shitty-hair.”
“No. You don’t get a fucking say in this. You fucking cheater. Ruining something so fucking special. Do you have any fucking idea how badly you hurt them? You didn’t even care to apologize. You fucking asshole. You don’t get to be upset.” Kirishima snapped. A few gasps from students. Bakugou’s face dropped at Kirishima’s words.
“I-I was just bored! All we ever did was just hang out-but I-”
“You what, Katsuki?” You approached him. You stood right in front of him and shook your head.
“I loved you. I really did, I gave my all to you, I sacrificed time and effort to make you happy because I felt like I was nothing compared to you. I have never felt like I was so below someone while being with them until I was with you. Constantly compared to you, it was fucking awful. You’re a cheating piece of shit. And I’m so sorry that you miss me now because I certainly fucking don’t miss you.” You spoke, your chest heaving as you sighed, turning and pulling Kirishima outside, along with a few others who had sided with you. 
Bakugou stood silently, feeling the eyes of everyone on him, judging him as he headed up toward his dorm.
“That was awesome!” Kaminari cheered, patting your shoulder.
“I didn’t know I had that in me.” You smiled, hugging Kirishima. Kirishima stood silently beside you.
“Hey, you okay? Forget about him, it’s over, we won, did you see the look on his face?” You nudged his side. Kirishima groaned and pulled you into him, slamming his lips on yours.
Your eyes widened as he kissed you, but you didn’t fight it. You closed your eyes and melted into the kiss, eventually drawing your arms up over his shoulders, deepening the kiss as he leaned into you more.
Kirishima pulled away and quickly glanced to Kaminari and Sero who’s mouths were formed into small ‘o’s quickly looking away as Kirishima chuckled.
“Woah.” You breathed, smiling as you stared at Kirishima.
“Sorry I have been wanting to do that for a long time.” Kirishima apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. You couldn’t help but laugh.
You leaned up and kissed him again, smiling as he kissed back, your lips moving rhythmically against one another.
Shortly after, Kirishima made sure you were ready for a relationship before asking. Recovery from your previous relationship had gone well, and once you were ready, Kirishima didn’t hesitate to ask. He would’ve waited a lifetime for you.
And Kirishima showed you love, real love. He cherished you, brought you up when you were low, and allowed you to shine, just as you did for him. Supporting him through his highs and his lows, helping him when he needed, and loving him for who he was.
You felt whole, truly happy. The kind of happy you hadn’t felt for a while. And you didn’t think about Bakugou once during it. If you interacted, you were curt, and always handled the situations quickly. You didn’t need to focus on him.
And when you beat him during a test, it only proved you had grown stronger.
Bakugou had lost this battle. 
And you were winning by a long shot, with a happy, healthy, relationship with someone who loved you, someone who truly loved you.
And that flame inside you, burning for Kirishima, only grew.
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beauty1n7h3darkness · 3 years
Who They Are
 Summary:  After deciding to trust the fellow, you take their hand and make your escape.  You have no idea who he is or how he knew what he knew or if he was telling the truth.  Hopefully though, he was telling the truth.  It would explain so much to you about your “family” and why you are treated like you are. ...as well as why they- well, that’s another story.
(This was written on a desk-top btw, I apologize if the formatting is weird)
     After evading the possible kidnapping, you started to observe your “savior.”  He was a tall fellow. Olive skin, fit physique, medium hair, and semi-broad shoulders. His clothes were neatly put together, which suggest an organized life. The clothes weren't bright or crazy, but they were basic and dark, which tells you that he doesn't want to stick out.
What you didn't realize was that you were staring at him. At first, he decided to ignore your eyes on him, but after a while, it got creepy.
"Not to be rude, but why are you staring at me," the man asked.
Widening your eyes, you looked away, "I was observing you."
The man makes a noise of acknowledgment after a while, making you doubt if he believed you. But seeming as he let it go, you were too.
"Alright, just through there," the man said.
Looking at where he was talking, you froze. The building was old and worn down, but you could recognize it anywhere.
'mama, papa?'
'Why are we at Edrigia' (E-Dri-gi-a)
'You're going to be here for a while, until we come back'
Blinking rapidly, you shook out of it, "I'm sorry, what was it?"
"As I was saying, we'll need to cut through here. There's nothing to worry about, I just cut through yesterday, it's deserted," he informed.
"What’s your name," you asked.
"That’s hardly im-"
"You've drug me from danger and to this place and I would like the name of the man I'm supposedly supposed to be trusting," you sassed, stopping in your tracks and crossing your arms.
Sighing, the man stopped and turned around, looking at your posture of defiance, "Fine. My name (is Jeff) is L’Rod.”
Cocking your head to the side and furrowing your eyebrows a bit, you repeated it with confusion, “L’Rod?” 
“Yes, now let’s keep moving,” he grunted, turning around continuing on.
As you were following behind him, you still pondered over his name. ‘Was it an alias? most likely, but hey, anything his possible right? Right.’ Letting out a puff of air, you shook your head of those thoughts.  With everything that’s happened so far, it’d be best if you had a clear mind.  Ahead of you, L’Rod pondered over your behavior.  You didn’t seem to act much like your mother, so maybe you relate more with your father. Grunting he cleared those thoughts out, he had to be observant and on high alert not wondering about his-
“Sooooo...Why were those guys tryna kill me,” you inquired, successfully bringing him out of his thoughts.
“I’ll tell you when we get to our destination,” he answered curtly, letting you know he wasn’t going to answer anymore questions.
Sighing, you guys continued your stretch to wherever you were going.  At least it was a beautiful night. The pale moonlight beautifully illuminated the worn building, giving you a chance to see the growing greenery on and around it. Gosh, you wished you had a camera, it was truly something out of the land of make-believe.  When you entered the building you were blown away. It complimented the outside well.
(credits to the owner of this image) 
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As L’rod went on he noticed your lack of footsteps and turned to see you admiring the place. 
“Come on, y/n,” he called, pullign you out of your trance, “we need to go to my safe place. Who knows, we could’ve been followed.”
Nodding, you gave the place on last once-over before trotting up to him. Mentally, he kicks himself, he could have been nicer, he’d apologize for the possible harshness once you two got to his safe haven.  For now, he had to put more emphasis on you and your well-being, his included. So pushing the matter aside, he refocused and started forward, making sure you were in tow.  It was going to be a long night.
----------------------------Meanwhile at Passione headquarters----------------------
     The Capo and Informant had just finished telling what happened in the interrogation to the now 18 year old Don.  Sighing, he frowned a bit, taking in the information. Obviously they were being targeted by someone, the question is who? Ever since the changes he’s made, Passione has gained a lot of enemies. But from the way the information was being told, it seemed this has been planned for a while, given that the two men knew almost everything about them- excluding their stands and abilities thank goodness.
    “It seems you were right again Bucciarati,” the Don began with a light chuckle. Bucciarati had previously made the Don aware about things that could happen once he took control of Passione and had been right about a few of them. Privately, the capo had told him about a dream where something like this happened.  It seems he was perceptive even in the dream realm. “We’ll have to be very cautious and observe everyone of our enemies.  Abbacchio, Mista I need you go back to the restaurant you guys were dinning at and gather information.”
   Grunting, the white haired man nodded, while the gunslinger gave an audible response. 
   Moving on, the Don continued, “Fugo, I need you to hack into our visitors’ phones, check and see who they’ve been communicating with and look into them all. It’s strenuous, but I know you can do it, I’ll help you as well. Bucciarati, Narancia, I need you two to see what people on the street are saying. It’s risky but together, you two are invincible.”
   The Don looks out the window, knowing that this would be the last night of peace for them all.  War was about to begin.
“Dismissed...we all need to rest up for what’s about to begin...we may be on the verge of another war,” The Don clarifies going over to his desk.
    The others in the room quietly left-aside from Bucciarati. Sensing the stress on the young man, the capo stayed to talk with him.
“Giorno, that means you rest too,” Bucciarati stated, watching the younger nod slightly.
“I know but-”
“No buts,” the latter cut him off, “Tomorrow we’ll all start on our work,” Bucciarati finished, scolding the younger slightly.
  Knowing the older man wasn’t going to give up, the younger man gave in, “Alright, Bucciarati, you win. I’ll rest.”
   Bucciarati made a hum of approval, waiting until Giorno was done locking up his office so they could depart together.  As they were going to their place of residency, the pair knew that they had to be cautious about this enemy, not wanting to have any repeats as to what happened in the other war. They had all almost lost their lives in that fight,  Abbacchio, Narancia, and Bucciarati had the worst injuries though. Clearing their heads from those thoughts, they put their minds to different things.  Giorno thinking about the two mens’ possible identities and Bruno thinking as to why they wanted Y/n so badly and why her name sounded so familiar.
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thenamesseven · 4 years
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Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Some swearing! And Jaebum being a jealous bean.
     <- Previous Chapter       Masterlist       Next Chapter ->
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To say you were panicking was a complete misunderstandment.
With your heart pounding against your chest and your voice stuck in your throat, it turned almost impossible to stop Jaebum from leaning closer and closer, in fact, you just accepted your fate when the distance between the two of you turned non-existent and your lips met. You swore your heart stopped beating right there and then, somehow you were still alive when his lips moved gently and slowly against yours but your heart had stopped moving for certain. You felt how heat crawled up your neck, turning your skin red in the process, you probably looked like a panicking tomato right now. 
Jaebum on the other hand had his eyes closed, one of his hands gently resting on your left cheek as his thumb traced random patterns on your skin. He could sense how your face was starting to get hotter and hotter and even though he knew that he should probably back up and apologize for being so straightforward, he just couldn’t move away from you. By the way you stood there, frozen and tense, he could only guess that you were too shocked by his actions, Jaebum couldn’t blame you though. Who wouldn’t be after being kissed by a complete stranger?
You snapped out of your trance when Jaebum slowly guided you back, making your body meet the wall. His hands had abandoned your cheeks and were currently moving down your body, fingertips feather-like touching you, sending not so innocent shivers down your spine. Jaebum tilted his head, feeling brave enough to deepen the kiss even more but he knew he had fucked up as soon as he felt your little hands on his chest, using some of your strength to force your kiss to come to an end.
“What’s wrong?” He asked almost in a whisper, not moving away completely. His lips were still too close, near enough for his warm breath to caress your skin. Jaebum’s eyes opened and instantly scanned your red face, the smirk that appeared on his lips made you feel even more embarrassed and that, apparently, made the situation funnier for him “There’s no need to be shy, trust me”
His lips brushed against yours teasingly, arms pulling you into his chest without hesitation. Now he could surely feel how your heart had come back to life to hammer against your ribcage, being so close to him was definitely not good for your health.
“W-what are you doing?” You asked once again, hands back onto his chest as you used all of your strength to push him back. Jaebum didn’t budge, he simply looked down at you genuinely confused “Jaebum, get off me” This time, when you pushed him again, he finally took a step back and put some space between the two of you. 
“Fine, fine” He replied quietly, hands sliding into his pockets and eyes moving down to his shoes. Finally being summoned and saved by somebody had had him feeling so excited that he never stopped to think that you wouldn’t be okay with this. It didn’t make sense though, if you had recited the words to summon him then why were you freaking out now? “I’m sorry, I should have asked for permission”
“No offense but, first of all, you should have rang the doorbell” You told him, hands going to your hips as you rested most of your weight on one of your legs “How did you even come in?” Your second question was the one that was bothering you the most, you always made sure to lock the door and windows when you were at home at night alone and you would have surely heard him if he picked the lock then....How did he make his way inside without you noticing it?
“You called me, I didn’t need permission to come in, did I?” He asked, crossing his arms on his chest. Jaebum didn’t understand what you were talking about and that was starting to slightly frustrate him. “It’s like….If you gave your boyfriend a spare key!” His example made you frown, he noticed your dislike towards his comparison “What?”
“You’re not my boyfriend” You instantly replied, arching your eyebrows when he looked shocked.
“But we just kissed!” He exclaimed as if he could not believe what you were saying.
“You broke into my house, Jaebum!” You whisper shouted those words, afraid that Youngjae would manage to hear what the two of you were talking about and ended up calling the police or something similar “I didn’t even know you existed until I saw you there standing in the corridor! H-How are you...Why are you...Why are we even dating? When did we start dating?”
“We started tonight” He answered nonchalantly as if that would calm you down “Although the fact that you summoned me means that the spell or whatever you did to bring me back from Hell knew we were destined to be together”
That sentence made you lose it, everything that got out of his lips was pure nonsense and you were starting to believe that this was some kind of horrible prank Jinyoung had prepared for you as a revenge for that one time you sneaked into his house at 3 am and made him scream like a girl when you woke him up.
Frustrated, you started pinching the bridge of your nose, a headache would appear later for sure “Did Jinyoung send you?” You asked, just willing to be over with all this. Maybe he had somehow managed to find out about you and that blog where you found the spell to find a boyfriend, Jinyoung always worked hard on his pranks and definitely took them to the next level when it was about taking revenge but giving the spare key you gave him to a complete stranger was something else “Where’s the key he gave you?” 
“Who the fuck is Jinyoung!?” Jaebum raised his voice absolutely frustrated now, communication between the two of you was being a disaster, a total mess and he was starting to think that there might have been some kind of mistake and he had been summoned by the wrong person.
“Lower your voice Jaebum, we don’t need Youngjae rushing back downstairs being all worried again” You warned, scolding him as if he was a four year old.
“If he shows up again all worried for you I’ll punch him in the face” You would have thought he was just messing around with you if it wasn’t for the determined look in his eyes.
“Jaebum!” You exclaimed, almost whining since you were really frustrated with him.
“What!?” He exclaimed back, sounding as frustrated as you did.
“You’re not going to punch Youngjae!” He pouted at your words and if you had been in an entirely different situation he would have looked cute, right now, he simply looked as if he wanted to distract you from the conversation the two of you were having.
Jaebum knew this conversation was not going anywhere and despite his will to punch your neighbor, he knew you would probably calm down as soon as you got some explanations as to why he was there or how he had managed to find you. Although, he had the feeling you wouldn’t believe what he was about to tell you, he could just hope you wouldn’t kick him out.
After all, you were the only thing he had right now.
“Fine!” He finally agreed, hands going to his jeans pockets as if to show you he wouldn’t be using his knuckles any time soon. You relaxed at that, feeling calm for your own sake and Youngjae’s. You didn’t know what Jaebum wanted exactly but you were almost sure that if he had wanted to hurt you he would have already done it instead of wasting his time arguing with you “Want some explanations?” He asked, sounding a little hesitant but calmer too.
“Please” You answered, muscles not tense anymore, you weren’t even scared of his presence at this point.
“Okay, take a seat and I’ll explain everything”
Not willing to waste more of your time arguing with him, you decided to do as Jaebum told you. Sighing you walked past him and into your small living room, a smile coming up to your lips when you saw how clean and organized it was, you honestly were kind of glad that you had cleaned yesterday because if that hadn’t been the case, Jaebum would have walked straight into the mess your apartment was whenever you had exams. 
“Cozy” You heard him mutter as he followed you into the room. He had never been a huge fan of small apartments like yours, Jaebum was the type to spend money in luxurious houses with incredible views but for various reasons, the little living space you probably called home looked incredibly comfortable for him. Maybe it was because of the furniture or the warm colors you used to decorate the room, whatever it was, it pleased him.
“It’s not bad” You replied with a small shrug, plopping yourself down onto your couch and letting the worn out cushions swallow you.
“We need to buy a new couch” He instantly said when he sat down and felt how he started to drown slowly.
“Yeah, maybe we should also buy a Queen size bed since we’re apparently dating” You scoffed, obviously using as much sarcasm as you could but the way Jaebum’s eyes glinted told you he had took that sentence seriously “You’re not sleeping here” You deadpanned
“Why not?” Jaebum panicked, you could see it in his eyes and for some reason, you truly believed that he wasn’t lying to you “I don’t have anywhere else to go”
“I don’t even know where you came from Jaebum” You sighed exasperated, not wanting to argue again but kind of tired of this scenario. The entire situation didn’t make sense, anything that Jaebum said  didn’t make sense and yet, you hadn’t kicked him out of your home for some reason “Get on my shoes for a second” Looking at him, your eyes met and you saw how he had turned a bit more serious, confidence was slowly vanishing from his features “You show up out of nowhere in my apartment, want to punch my neighbor and after making out with me, you tell me we should buy a new couch because apparently, you want to live here too”
“I just came because you called me” He said tiredly, sliding his fingers through his own hair, messing it up a little “The spell, you must know what Im talking about, there is no way I got sent here by mistake (Y/N)”
“You’re talking about that stupid spell I found in that internet blog?” You asked with your eyes opened as wide as plates “But that-”
“It’s not that stupid” Jaebum cut you off, that spell was more important than you thought it was but he couldn’t talk about that now, not yet at least “I mean, I showed up after you said those words right?” 
“So what? You teletransported yourself here because I said those words? Where are you from?”
That was the last straw and Jaebum saw it in your eyes. Maybe he shouldn’t have been that honest with you but wasn’t honesty the key to successful relationships?
“I’ll show you” He said seriously kind of desperate for you to believe him, clearing his throat. The way he rubbed the palm of his hands against his jeans told you he wasn’t as calm as he wanted to look, Jaebum was anxious and you didn’t know if that was a good sign or a bad one “Get closer”
“Jaebum if you kiss me out of nowhere again, I will be the one throwing hands” You warned, seeing how the corners of his lips slightly tilted upwards “Not joking” Jaebum laughed softly, shaking his head as you scooted closer to him while you sat straighter.
“I won’t kiss you again without permission” He said gently, reaching out to take your hand in his “Now look me in the eyes” The two of you turned a little, eyes staring into each other’s so intensely that you could see your own reflection on his dark irises “Concentrate on me and only on me, no matter what you see or hear remember that we are in your apartment and that you are safe, okay?” He asked, sounding truly serious about what he was going to do, you doubted something was going to happen but still nodded at his warning “Alright”
Jaebum proceeded to close his eyes allowing you to examine his features closely this time. He seemed delicate but manly at the same time, his skin was entirely perfect and the two little moles above one of his eyes made him a bit cuter than you initially thought he was. Some wrinkles appeared in his forehead when he started focusing even harder, his pink lips puckering and his sharp jaw getting tense.
A couple of minutes passed and nothing had happened but you still gave him the benefit of the doubt, in fact, you were sure that by the time you moved your hand away from his ten minutes had already gone by.
“That’s weird” Jaebum whispered looking down at his hands, his eyes avoiding yours “Why can’t I..-
“So? What was supposed to happen?” You asked curiously, he looked genuinely confused as if he had truly been expecting his trick to work. He was either nuts or a really good actor.
Jaebum opened his mouth to say something but closed it again when he thought about it. If you didn’t believe him when he told you he came from Hell, you wouldn’t believe him if he said he was going to show you some of it “You know what? Maybe it’s better if I just leave” 
That’s exactly what you’ve been wanting to hear all this time but unexpectedly, when Jaebum said those words sounding so disappointed and confused, your chest tightened. What kind of reaction was that? He was a complete stranger that had shown up out of nowhere, Jaebum had intruded in your apartment and acted as if he had lived with you this entire time, any normal person would have called the cops to get him behind bars.
Then why haven’t you? Why did you feel worried now that he said he was leaving?
“Where do you live?” You asked quietly, resting your hands on your lap, not sure of what to do.
Jaebum scoffed as he stood up, fixing his jacket “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you” He muttered in such a small voice that you barely managed to hear him, he seemed truly upset and that only made you feel worse. “I shouldn’t have been this direct” He mumbled, more to himself than for you to hear “Guess I’ll see you around?” He asked, turning his head to look back at you with a small smile on his lips.
Then you realized you didn’t want him to go, you wanted him to stay even though it was crazy. How could you let a complete stranger into your apartment, into your life like that was an absolute mystery but again, the thought that if he had wanted to hurt you he would have done it already popped into your mind.
“Stay” Your lips acted before your mind could convince them to stay closed, a sigh accompanying those words as you stood up too “If you really don’t have anywhere to go then stay here” You finally said, heart fluttering a little when you noticed how his entire face lit up at your invitation.
“For real?” He asked, his whole body facing you. The sadness that had been there a few seconds ago had been replaced by pure happiness “I can live with you?” 
“Just until we find you a place or something but yeah, I guess we can be roommates from now on” You shrugged, not really believing what you were agreeing to. Maybe you simply were as crazy as him.
“Thank you so much (Y/N)” He went to hug you but you placed your hands on his chest, keeping him away from your body successfully. Jaebum smiled a little, not forcing you even though he could have easily outdo your strength and touched you “Okay, hands to myself” He said obediently, smile small even though it was obvious he was holding himself back from giggling.
“Good” You smiled back at him, fingers twitching from holding yourself back since you felt like patting his head “Now if you excuse me, I’m going to head to bed, today has been a really long day and I’m exhausted” 
Jaebum nodded at your words and before he could say something else, you started walking back to your room. Before getting in bed you would get some blankets and another pillow for him so he would sleep comfortably on the couch, that’s why, when you noticed he was following you down the hall you didn’t say anything.
Assuming he would just stand outside, you opened your wardrobe without paying too much attention to him and when you grabbed some of the spare blankets and pillows you saved there for the rare occasions your friends stayed over, you turned around to hand them to him. 
Everything fell from your hands when you saw him shirtless and in the process of taking his pants off besides your bed.
“What the fuck Jaebum?” You asked frowning, heat rising to your face again as it turned as red as a strawberry “Get dressed!” Youngjae had heard that shriek for sure, oh God, you weren’t sure how you would face him after everything that has happened in the last few hours.
Jaebum froze like a kid that has been caught doing something they shouldn’t and looked up at you with a mix of confusion and guilt in his eyes “It is uncomfortable to sleep in these jeans” He muttered with a small pout not pulling them back up but not taking them off either, he just kept it at his knee high which made everything more awkward.
“You’re sleeping on the couch” You told him, in case he had understood he was sleeping in the bed with you.
“What?” He asked, even more confused now “I know you hate me a little bit but you surely don’t hate me enough to let me sleep on that” 
“It’s not that uncomfortable” You tried saying but even you, the owner of the couch, didn’t believe that.
“I’m not sleeping on that couch” He said determined, kicking his jeans off, the sound of his belt hitting your floor only making your cheeks turn redder. Before you could say something else, Jaebum picked his t-shirt from the floor and put it back on “I’ll keep this on since it makes you feel really uncomfortable but you know, I’ve always prefered a little skin on skin contact” You couldn’t say anything, you simply watched as he pulled the sheets back and slid himself into your comfortable and fluffy bed. 
You were already regretting your decision.
“Jaebum?” You asked, approaching your bed.
“Mhm?” He had his eyes closed, already zoning out and almost asleep.
“I won’t be sorry if I kick you out of bed” You stated sliding under the blankets next to him, body laying as far as it could. You decided to face the wall since you didn’t know if you would be able to get some rest with him being so close to you. “Try some funny business and I’ll break your hand” You threatened, closing your eyes as you heard him chuckling amused.
“Don’t worry kitten” He whispered quietly, turning the light off so the both of you would be consumed by darkness “You’ll be in my arms soon, there’s nothing you can do to avoid it”
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Taglist: @gold--gucciempress​ @harringtonsblackgf​
90 notes · View notes
what-kinda-fuckery · 4 years
Hey so, I was one of the star struck falsettos stans that spent the forty dollars for the webinar, and I took notes (like a weirdo). So I decided I would share my funny moments and updates from the cast here!
- Host: Everyone should be keeping their audio off.
Christian: Oh alright!
Host: nO Christian not you
- Christians in Manhattan and his hair is back and he’s wearing a Superman t-shirt.
- Brandon is with his parents in NJ
- Stephanie and Brandon still love each other
- Brandon: Meat should be cooked just right
- Betsy: Stephanie are you in maple wood?
Stephanie: Well thank you for telling everyone where I am (she’s in NJ)
- Stephanie: Are you fucking kidding meee!!!
- Tracie is in LA, she looks like she’s in Costa Rica and I love her dog.
they’re all talking about Anthony’s clear skin
- Andy Randy is in LA with a fresh haircut his boyfriend did it and he’s watching too much TV
Andrew: I’m watching this is America
Stephanie: SO GOOD
Andrew: SO GOOD
- Everyone’s having hard days
- Christian is acting out tracies dog’s pathetic bark and everyone’s like WHAT are you doing bc it looks like he’s about to throw up
Betsy: What else do you do during a pandemic? Have a baby!
Andrew: Can I toss out another baby name? Celery.
Literally everyone: Goodnight Andrew goodbye!
- Christian is living with a girl (?) and playing board games instead of watching television
Christian: yesterday I made pork filet en croute
Stephanie: In mean girls they wear pink on wednesdays. In falsettos they make pork.
- I can’t get over Anthony’s voice
Again everyone returning to his literally perfect skin
- Stephanie: When watching four jews in a room in the beginning who’s in China?? I know the answer I just want to hear someone say it.
Andrew, with a thick accent: It was Bryna, in China, with a torn miniscus
- Christian: Did anything interesting make it on to the telecast between me and you? Andrew? Actually I dont remember I need to do my research.
Andrew: There’s been some strange comments about Christian and I- (AT THIS POINT IM WHEEZING)
Andrew: No that’s not a thing that happened
Brandon: Andrew i want you to know that it’s okay if it was. It’s a safe space just the seven of us. (Lol)
- Bill Finn would take two steps into the room: “WROONG”
Stephanie: he wanted me to sing the end of I’m breaking down up the octave and I said #notmytrina
- Tracie what did you do during act 1
Tracie: Betsy and I sat in that dressing room for like an hour and a half
- Betsy watched parts of the first act to feel like she was there
- Betsy sprained both her ankles at one point during the run and was a trooper anyways
Brandon reenacting Betsy limping during look look look look
Everyone dies laughing
Christians LAUGH makes me SO HAPPY
- Betsys screen is frozen like this: 🤨
Andrew: What if she went into labor??? (This is a common thread throughout the zoom)
- Anthony: I’m getting a lot of glitching so Stephanie is just like “HUH UH UH UH”
- Betsy comes back and everyone is like
- They bought Andrew an ice cream for his birthday from the vending machine at rehearsal
- Andrew: The Hawaii crop top
Betsy: I would give anything to have that
- Tracie: it was very hard. Very precise bringing the blocks together
Brandon: Trying to be like oh my god we’re going to a funeral
- fan question: What did the blocks weigh?
Stephanie: They were like thick yoga blocks. Not heavy but awkward shaped
Andrew: Significantly heavier when Anthony sat on them
Anthony: I just realized how much I got thrown around
Stephanie: Anthony were you proud of yourself? #proudofyou
Anthony: The one moment I was cringing was father and son
Betsy: Anthony’s like BLAH BLAH BLAH blah my line BLAH BLAH BLAH my line BLAH BLAH
Anthony: I was blinking in that number like constantly
Oh Anthony.
- Andrew: I HAVE A STORY ABOUT CHRISTIAN BORLE. Tech for what more can i say. He was laying on me. We were shirtless in underpants under the blankets.
Christian: SLOWER
Andrew: he leaned over; He sniffed his armpit and said “I hope you like France”
Christian: i haven’t worn deodorant in 10 years true story
- Christian: i seem to remember holding our pillows and blankets pretending like we were partying on fyre island and Andrew said:
Christian: No no it was something like:
Betsy: James lupine I feel like we’re ruining this show
- Andrew: The shenanigans were real but so was the sadness
Stephanie: We’re real and we’re funny what you gonna do
- Andrew talking about how hard the show was to do: Finding some liberty, It’s a hard world to live in all the time. It was a hard time especially for Christian. I would sometimes go home and cry for no reason
Brandon: Building up emotion with nowhere to put it
Betsy: then Lesbians come in and provide all the levity
Stephanie: Although Dr. Charlotte brings in horrible news
Tracie: Everything’s beautiful at what more can i say and I’m like not so fast
- Tracie always had a funny thing to say
- Who broke character the most on stage?
Anthony Stephanie and Christian
Anthony: it was when I said “I don’t want a bar mitzvah” and I spit in your face a lot and you went like *puts arms up* and someone at stage door was like very condescending like it’s not professional
Christian: Oh my bad we’re people sorry
- Stephanie wrote a line in the show “YOU HAVE PAINTINGS OF DICKS”
- James wanted her to cut off her finger during I’m breaking down
And turn around with a bandaged bloody finger
- Betsy’s nose bleeding during something bad is happening
And Tracie was like something BAD IS HAPPENING
Tracie: Christians throwing up right now
Betsy: Bloody Kleenex up the nose THE SHOW MUST GO ON
- Fan question: Stephanie how do you belt with a banana in your mouth
Christian: Practice practice practice
Stephanie: just shove it in your cheek. But Really that wasn’t supposed to happen
Anthony’s nickname in the rehearsal room was little bananas because he had to gather up all the pieces of stuff after Stephanie shoved the table over with her rear. Sometimes he didn’t have enough time to put it somewhere so he would just put the pieces of banana in his mouth and that’s where it came from
That’s why
- Andrew: Stephanie your glasses are very chic
Stephanie: Oh my gosh thank you *shocked*
- Betsy: Bill was like I’d rather DIE than change lyrics for the pbs special
FLaT aS a LaKe
- Cue everyone accidentally talking over each other and saying what at each other for 30 seconds
Christian: what? what? what?
Who is it?
What’s going on?
- If you could play anyone else in the show who would it be
Anthony said Mendel
Tracie said Mendel
Brandon said Trina
Andrew said marvin
Betsy said whizzer
Stephanie said Mendel
And I honestly couldn’t hear if Christian said anything whoops
- Brandon: If someone could at some point explain to me the Mendel eats dirt meme? People have been Asking me if Mendel eats dirt? I don’t think it’s about Trina Trina is not the dirt. I was overwhelmed. Can someone in the Q&A explain this? *A few seconds later* oh It was from a meme generator?
Christian: Greaat.
Brandon: It’s a fan fiction about Mendel eating dirt and getting aroused by it
Everyone: WHAT
- They still get fan art
Someone recreated the whole soundtrack 8bit and also with KAZOOS
- Brandon: CONGRATS CHRISTIAN ON LULOS WIN FOR LITTLE SHOP. If you haven’t seen Christian in little shop it’s revelatory I’m not just blowing smoke up your ass I have not laughed that hard in a while at the theatre
- Christian talking about little shop
Christian has a 12 inch Batman toy in his dressing room and he misses it
- Ticket prices were getting out of control before corona everyones hoping this will make a difference
Brandon and everyone think it should get more accessible
- Brandon: Hear hear I need a refill
- Stephanie: Your hair looks incredible Brandon (it did)
Christian: She’s been waiting to talk about it for 53 minutes
- Andrew: Well Betsy what I’m wondering is have you crowned yet??
Proceed everyone dying
Brandon, taking a picture of the screen: This moment will go down in history as When Betsy was asked if she was crowning
- Everyone mimicking zoom freezing by starting a sentence and freezing halfway through
- Christian: What new Steven sondheim musical are you excited about Anthony *devilish grin*
Anthony having no idea what Christian is talking about
Christian: Come on Anthony you know the answer. Ugh. The minds of the young. You’re smoking pot now aren’t you??
Christian: We have a lot of fun
- Andrew: I’m trying to get people to pay attention to me
- Christians pretending to be frozen
Cue a lot of yelling: Stephanie BRANDON STEPHANIE
Everyone accusing each other of being frozen
- Andrew: Let’s all act like we’re frozen
Steph: I see Andrew acting like hes frozen
Betsy: Watching you do that is killing me
- Listening to the cast recording for the first time together
Stephanie: Why was I the a-hole that couldn’t be there???
Christian: That’s a question only you can answer
- Betsys husband came in everyones like BETSY LOOK OUT
Christian: that scared the shit out of me
- What is marvins last name and what was his line of work
Christian: we definitely said it at some point right? (They didnt) but he was in advertising. What was the last name? Gardens? O’Malley?
- Andrew: Betsys gone oh no
Betsy: I’m right here!!!
Andrew: She’s giving birth (again)
Stephanie: Betsy Wolfe is a ceiling
- Brandon: Welcome back Anthony. You’re here now.
Anthony singing merrily we roll along over Betsy trying to tell a story
- Betsy: Steve (Steven Sondheim) comes to the door I call him steve
Into the woods is the reason Betsy is in theatre
- Betsy: Andrew was nervous singing at the tonys for Book of Mormon and he got dry mouth he sang like 😬I BELIEVE and he licked his lips so much during the song.
Brandon: Did you have a boner then too?
Stephanie: It’ll be like dry mouth, boner
Stephanie: Bets maybe we should wrap it up
EVERYONE TELLING HIM TO STOP SINGING I took a video it was beautiful might post that later
- “Tracie Thomas from Lent!”
Tracie having stage fright
Tracie: Billy porter said “oh child we all forget the words” and walked away
- Anthony said WHO SHAT THE BED in four jews once
Anthony: That’s my contribution. Steph got her line, I got who shat the bed
- Steph: We lost andrew oh no
Christian: Um, we lost andrew ten minutes ago. Yeah when Brandon started singing
- Then Betsy sang a song by Bill Finn beautiful
- Steph: Wear your masks and eat pork on wednesdays
That was it!! I hope you enjoyed and people who were there if I got anything wrong that’s my human error it was hard to note everything I wanted to. Smooches! Byee
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harryff · 5 years
Sensory Overload
Your relationship Harry was relatively new less than year, over 6 months. A revelation during one of your dates he was into BDSM, you responded with interest.  Harry was a patient Dom, with you he took his time to teach  you all you needed to know to be a sub in general followed by being his sub. You almost regret saying that you were ready for Harry to hold nothing back, to  have his way with you the next time.  
It started the usual way undress get on your knees, followed by laying on his lap for spanks, today he bent you over to eat you from the back and when he felt that you were wet enough he added his fingers into the mix, you whimper and whine which resulted in more slaps to the ass telling you to be louder. You had been a bratty little sub earlier so instead of giving you what you wanted, he expected you to beg for it, make it up to him, and be a whimpering mess so he could have total control. 
Somewhere during the process your mouth is around his cock you don’t even remember getting back on your knees but here you are, deep throating the hell out of Harry. Hand in hair guiding you to his pace. Utters of ‘good girl’ escape his mouth often as his head tilts back. His groans and moans make you even more wet. There was nothing like hearing him express himself during pleasure.  The next thing you know you’re on your back and things were going good. Deep inside you teasing you bringing you to the edge then slowing down you were a blubbering mess. Until you felt the cold leather collar around your neck.
“Gotta teach yeh a lesson pet” he explains noticing your reaction. “Im sorry daddy” you apologize while you hold your legs apart as a good subby He leans down to kiss you before he straightens up,  his hand on the collar, he slips his fingers between  and pushes his cock deeper into you. He picks up his pace you feel an orgasm building once again. You moan in pleasure then there was the slap to the face. You’re on the verge of cumming but it takes you by surprise your hair is on your face so its not like Harry can really see your expression. He turns your face to the other side followed by another smack.
“Tell daddy you’re sorry” you can tell he’s reaching his climax too, but you can’t cum not until he tells you to. One time he didn’t let you so you’re hoping this was different “Im sorry daddy!” You scream it was all too much “Louder!” there was the third and final slap to the face “Sorry Daddy!” “Good girl cum on cum for daddy” and without a second to spare you release the fire burning in the pit of your stomach.
You wake up the next day next to Harry. Weren’t you supposed to discuss your experience post play? You didn’t even remember falling asleep. Harry was still asleep mouth ajar. You get out of bed and as expected your legs needed adjustment time. You drag yourself to the bathroom walk over to the toilet and pee, stand up to wash your hands when you glance at yourself in the mirror, your hands find themselves on your cheek why were they sore? You see a bruise on your neck and it hits you! You automatically tense up. Is this what it meant to be Harry’s sub? Before you delve deep into overthinking you shower. It feels like it brought you back to life. Although your hands couldn’t stay away from your face or neck.
Its not like the impact from the slaps were harsh or the neck too tight but they were also a shock to your body and had you not been submersed in sub mentality you would have shut it down. You examine your body, triggering memories of last night, the bruises were expected, but the slap, did you even like it? You walk into the room to find Harry already awake playing on his phone you smile and continue to walk into the closet.
“Yeh didn’t want to shower with me?” he asks sleep still laced in his voice, he pulls you into him and wraps his arms around you  It shocks you, you were busy looking for a bottom to wear “oh no its not that you were sleeping” He was back to being his usual Harry not Dom harry He smiles and kisses your forehead “jus teasin let me go wash m’ass then” You blow him a kiss as he walks away.. -
The rest of the day goes without a hitch you also forget about the collar and slaps until you’re surrounded by Harry’s friends. A little get together and you were fine but the necklace Harry put around your neck was starting to irritate you. You play around with it swiveling it from side to side, but that wasn’t helping. You abruptly excuse yourself when it becomes too much and rush to the bathroom.
You take off the necklace and your hands shake you can’t help but scratch at your neck. It felt like the collar even though it wasn’t. It was lose and had a pendant on it. 
You take several deep breaths this shouldn’t be a big deal. You know Harry meant no harm or ill intent. It was sensory overload last night. You didn’t have enough time to process the slaps nor the collar. When you look in the mirror you swear you can see the bruise from the collar even though you covered it with make up. Those damn slaps they were good? Bad? What were they? You need to cry so you bargain with yourself a little bit then you clean yourself up. When you finish you fan yourself and then smile at yourself in the mirror to see if it was convincing enough, you agonize over putting the necklace on but you do.
Before you can finish there’s a knock “Pet yeh alright?” you hear his voice Damn this man you think to yourself before you open the door “yea! I just had to pee” you go to brush past him but he’s posted on the door frame smirking “what?” you ask looking at yourself He shakes his head and takes a step forward “Yeh look beautiful pet” he compliments “Oh thanks we should probably go back” He reaches over and brushes your hair away. He wanted to see all of you and he did along with the scratches on your neck “yeh okay? whats wrong?” he asks reaching for your neck with both hands gently, concerned, examining the damage “having an allergic reaction?” “No it was just itchy” He looks at you with disbelief you’ve worn this necklace before it wasn’t itchy then. “Come on!” he says grabbing your hand
Without a word from you he excuses both of you from the get together. Your drive to his place is silent you’re nervous. Was he mad at you? Should you say something? This isn’t like the many times you decided to be bratty and he got mad this was different. You follow him into his home and watch as he gets ice cream from the freezer. He remembers that being your comfort food. He makes it just the way you like it. Gently he places the bowl down in front of you. It wasn’t fair he could read you like a book.
“Need yeh to talk to me” “Uh….” you go to scratch your neck and Harry reaches over to stop you before reaching around and removing the necklace “S alright we are supposed to talk about these things remember?” he rubs his thumb over your hand You look up to the ceiling and draw in a deep breath before you blow it out as tears form in your eyes. Truth be told you were afraid, afraid he would drop you and get another sub, one who wasn’t so weak minded. It was just a few silly slaps.
“Pet” he calls to you, gently he grabs your cheeks making you look at him. He knew you all to well you were getting too caught up in your head. “Its just me yea? I wanna know whats wrong” “Why’d you slap me?” you blurt out you wanted it to be a more controlled delivery but it was not. Shaky voice and all “It wasn’t supposed to be punishment pet I just wanted to awaken other senses in your body” he explains knowing where you were going with this You eat a spoonful of ice cream to calm you down before you respond. “No I know that…. but why? Is it something you like to do? Slap during sex?” “Did yeh not like it?” You pause and take in another deep breath “I don’t know it was like I couldn’t even process then the damn collar” “Why didn’t yeh say the safe word? We agreed!” “I know we did…I said don’t hold back I was trying to be strong for you Harry” “But yeh don’t have to remember? Yeh don’t need to be strong for me” You sigh and eat another spoonful “we should have talked yesterday” “Tried to pet, but yeh were knocked out cold by the time I came back with the rag” “It was too much” you comment staring into his eyes “In a good way? or bad?” now he’s nervous. Nervous that you might think he was asking a lot of you “It was good Harry it really was I just didn’t think a slap to the face was one of your kinks” you shrug  “it just threw me off but i was on the verge of cumming and i wanted to cum so badly i don’t know”  “If yeh don’t like it pet I won’t do it” “No I don’t want you to think im complaining” “I don’t. Did I hit too hard?” he didn’t think he did. He has hit much harder in the past with past subs  “No it’s the hit itself” He feels embarrassed he should have known you weren’t ready with all the other subs he knew what they could handle. You were very confident in telling him to do all he wanted, which last night wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg “……..do you like the collar?” You snap him back to your conversation “yea I do actually” “Doesn’t it make you feel like you’re degrading me? Like a dog or something?”  “No collar play for me is all about total control over yeh but if yeh don’t like it… i don’t want yeh to feel like im degrading yeh” “Maybe not that for now I prefer your hands better”
He takes in a deep breath and releases slowly “Lets just table these things and revisit yea?” you reason with him you could tell he was becoming stressed He nods in agreeance “Sorry I guess I wasn’t ready for all of you after all. I should have known better” “No pet its okay come here”  He says pulling you into his lap “I care about yeh a lot. I want yeh to be just as happy if not more when yeh’re with me n think of me”
129 notes · View notes
oathkeeper-of-tarth · 4 years
2020 SU Fic Sampler - WIP Showcase
So in my continued attempts at distraction, I trawled through my SU fanfic folders, looked at the ol’ endless WIP pile. Figured I’d do a little roundup of some that are in something resembling a decent state. Maybe even see where interest lies and all that, get some attention and validation, you know, all that good stuff one craves. Of course, there’s loads more than this, and I might one day post some things I wrote but never quite managed to finish up, or that got super jossed in ways I couldn’t get myself to work around.
Now, in no particular order, here’s 8 draft snippets totaling almost 6000 words - not very polished, obviously, some quite rough around the edges, some long, some short, some that work better without context than others. But here they are anyway, with an utterly predictable array of focal characters. Any missing segments or my asides/notes in the text are [written like this], because I usually write very non-linearly. Hope you all like mood whiplash! 
P.S. I live for comments.
Like Talking To A Wall, aka Bismuth making friends with the wall, statue, and floor Gems. Early precursors to radicalisation and “I would have liberated everyone”, perhaps. Started as one of my first reactions to the Diamond Days episodes.
“Hey, thanks for listening.”
“Anytime. You’re lucky I’m so supportive,” Mica piped up from up on her arch.
Bismuth laughed. Bittersweet. “Yeah. Yeah, I guess I am.”
Then, with a surprisingly gentle hand pressed to the carvings she’d been so careful about, she added a soft: “I’ll miss you.”
“Chin up! It’s gonna be a lovely off-planet adventure for you,” Granite rumbled from just above her head. “A brand new colony! Think of the sights!”
“You can tell us all about it when we see you again.”
Bismuth leaned back, pressing her whole back against the wall, reluctant to leave, even if a snooty shift supervisor was bound to come around and chase her off soon. “Yeah, I’ll make sure to do that.”
They all knew very well that, as always, when the building was done, it was goodbye. The chances of there being a need for repairs or remodelling - and the exact same bismuths being brought in to do them - were incredibly slim.
But pretending was nice, sometimes.
Hey, Steven, think I could get a moment before we leave? I won’t be long.
They were right where she’d left them, and the years had done very little to change them. A bit of a patina there, some dust, the tiniest bit of wear on sharper corners.
“Bismuth?” Several familiar voices cried out to her in shocked recognition.
She knew she must look a sight - battle-ready and battle-worn, but armour still gleaming, and with a bearing of one who had been through much and was always ready for more. She felt her back had never been so proud and straight, her shoulders so resolutely set.
“I think,” Bismuth grinned, “you’re gonna start seeing changes around these parts.”
One for that favourite Pearletariat/Pearl Solidarity fic sub-genre of mine: Clever Pearls Cleverly Getting Around Badly Worded Orders. A bit of an origin for an as-of-yet unnamed pearl OC, because I sure don’t have enough of those!
In the untold thousands of years of Homeworld and Gemkind, and the hundreds of thousands of commands given to hundreds of thousands of pearls, nobody ever thought to Order a pearl not to think. That would imply a they mattered at all, and who would ever put stock in a pearl’s thoughts? Most Gems weren’t sure pearls could think, anyway. I mean, if they could, all that standing around would be intolerable, wouldn’t it? And imagine not being able to say no to anything, even crushing your own gem - shards, at least I’m not a pearl!
They were, occasionally, when dealing with an owner’s important, private, confidential business, Ordered to forget, or, a bit less esoterically, Ordered never to tell.
And [OWNER] has always been all too eager with the Orders. As if she went to bizarre lengths in her thinking that pearl couldn’t - or wouldn’t? - do anything upon merely being told, let alone by herself. Every little thing, from sweeping up the shards of a broken decorative plate to taking down the minutes of an important meeting [OWNER] was presiding over - (im)pressed upon pearl with the crushing weight of an Order.
But she could still think.
Even when Ordered to wait by the door, freezing her limbs and anchoring her legs to the ground with all the force of a starship mooring mechanism. Even when Ordered into silence for days and planetary rotations on end because [OWNER] had wanted to read an important document without being disturbed and it simply didn’t occur to her to lift it when she was done.
In the wake of the Rebellion and the Renegade Pearl, it only gets worse, and soon enough pearl can barely remember the last time a single movement she made was voluntary.
SU Future-era Bismuth and Steven convo I scribbled down in between some of these recent eps - after Growing Pains in particular I think - because Bismuth is the absolute pep talk queen.
“You already said you were sorry for trying to kill me in the Forge, and really, it’s okay, it was all a misunderstanding. Besides, it’s more than a lot of people have done!”
Bismuth blinked at the pinkish sheen around Steven’s cheeks, around the downturned brows - strange trick of the light, that. “Steven, come on. Just listen to me for a minute.”
“Okay,” Steven sighed, and leaned against the railing Bismuth had fixed just that morning.
“Point is, for me, the war had never ended. It wasn’t only yesterday, it was today. It was over for everyone, it seemed, except for me. And getting over that, getting used to that, really seeing that as the truth, not living every day buzzed up with that anticipation of the next battle, just waiting for Homeworld to come down hard on us with whatever new horror they’d come up with… that took a while. And it took help.”
[sudden apparent non-sequitur but It’s An Allegory, Steven.]
“When you make a sword, you can’t make it rigid and unyielding. You can’t just temper it into toughness and hardness and make it unbreakable. It needs to have some give in order to be durable, it needs to be able to bend so as not to shatter on impact. And sure, maybe the first parry or strike wouldn’t be the one to do it, but the tenth, the hundreth, the thousandth? Any time you might just find yourself holding on to a hilt with the jagged remnants of everything, and shards scattered on the ground. And if you’re very lucky, that’ll happen during friendly sparring, not in the heat of battle.”
Steven shrugged without response, and seemed to be shrugging off all the words as well. Back to the direct approach it was, then.
“Now you, Steven,” that at least got a bit more attention, “Sure, you can brawl with the best of ‘em, and you put that gem to damn good use. You’ve got great technique drilled in, too - I’d expect nothing less from one of Pearl’s students. But that’s not how you won, in the end, is it? You never won because you were tough, or strong. You have a diamond in you but you’re not hard at all. Well, except on yourself.”
“In the end all of this was possible because you were soft. Just malleable and pliable enough when it was needed. And that takes guts.”
“Hey, I’m just saying,” Bismuth put a hand on his shoulder, and even with all the very human growing he’d done, he still seemed to almost disappear in it. “You put yourself out there for others… maybe it’s about time you let them help you.”
The next chapter of the His Dark Materials/Daemons AU which I am sooooo painfully late with it’s not even funny anymore. Already posted some excerpts [here] and [here].
“She’s been... away on business, but we’ve sent a zeppelin for her and she’s well on her way back. Hopefully.”
“You have a zeppelin?” Rose was rapidly failing in all her efforts to keep her voice down. 
“Of a sort. We, er, we... stole it.”
“Yes, well, stole might be a strong word,” Pearl tapped a finger against her chin. “You see, there was a small decommissioned postal craft left below the southern mail station aërodock that nobody would ever miss, all I had to do was fix it up a bit and-”
Rose blinked. “You fixed a decommissioned zeppelin.”
Pearl waved a hand almost casually. “I had some help, but yes. Svalbard, understandably, is hard to reach with other means of transport, and Bismuth needed to be able to go back and forth.”
“You,” Rose began, awed, “are utterly wasted on bringing me my slippers, I’ll tell you that.”
“Well then, maybe,” Pearl blushed, but there was nothing hesitant about her smirk and the strikingly proud tilt of her head, “maybe you could take them off with a bit more care than kicking them halfway across the room and sending them off under the cabinets and- and then I wouldn’t need to do that at all. And I could fix all the zeppelins in the world.”
[more from the super secret backroom rebellion meeting]
“They’re with the Consistorial Court of Discipline, no doubt. Always on the lookout for,” Bismuth grimaced, “heretics. A lot falls under that. A lot of good excuses to snatch someone off the street and do who knows what to them. And they’ve been funneling people there, people vanished by the CCD. Not lacking in test subjects lately.”
“How did you get this? Where?” It was Sapphire, this time. Ruby seemed overwhelmed, and sat clutching her hand desperately as the tiny frog and hare both whispered something to her.
“We traced the funding for all this. It was difficult and deliberately obfuscated, but we managed. A facility like this, an entire operation, cost a pretty amount, you’d assume - and you’d be right. It had to come from somewhere. And whoever was paying for it was likely to want to know what was being done with their investment.”
“So we followed the trail. And it turned out I was… ideally positioned to… to, erm, procure what evidence there was to be found. Because, well...” Pearl trailed off, and lifted one of the stolen report sheets for all to see.
It was as clear as day, the family crest right above the astronomical amount being granted. Four diamonds, neatly arranged.
Neshu’s ears were flat against his mane, and Rose found herself wishing the ground would simply open up and swallow both her and him and the chair that she sat on and he’d tried to duck under.
Bismuth spoke up, grim, every drop of earlier exuberance gone from her. “When the Diamonds look out from the windows of their mansion, they don’t see people. They see tools, toys, and weapons. Nothing else.” She sounded more tired than angry. “It’s just what they’ve always been doing, but writ large.”
And then, of course, the Longass PearlRose Fixit because I hate the gag order but at the same time want it gone… slowly and organically. Alternating Rose and Pearl POVs spanning throughout the rebellion era, all sorts of flashbacks and Imagining Things included. At one point they end up attempting to essentially jailbreak Pearl, because Pearl is, as we all know, absolutely the most hardcore. Also thank you SU Movie for confirming all the awful Alexa-flavour fanon/headcanons and giving me an excuse to dive into a bunch of Gems-as-AI tropey stuff, on top of everything. [another previously posted fragment here]
“I don’t want to. I never want to do that to you again.” She stops, takes a breath, reconsiders. “And I know it’s a lot to ask of you, the trust I just… trampled over. So I want to make sure that it’s not just that, you trusting me not to make the same mistake again, with no reassurance anywhere. I—I want to not be able to. Nobody should be able to do that to you.”
“Nobody should be able to do that to anyone,” Pearl corrects readily.
“You’re right,” Rose smiles, only a bit wry, “as always. My brilliant, brilliant Pearl. What would I do without you?”
“Never get back to the point you were trying to make, I imagine,” Pearl quips with something resembling sauciness, and Rose feels at least some of the weight starting to lift off her.
“Right,” Rose agrees, chastised, and tries to focus. “I just… I’m not sure how, or what I need to do at all. It’s not like there’s much precedent – ownerless pearls are unheard of. Even when their owners get shattered, it’s only ever temporary, and, with such high demand, very brief.”
Pearl nods in agreement, and hums. “Luckily, we’ve seen plenty of unheard of and unspeakable things here.”
[echoes of Scabbard convo]
“I want to know, I want to be certain, that you’re here because you want to be.” 
“So do I.” Pearl responds quietly, letting their fingers entwine.
  [Giving an order not to follow orders doesn’t work, failsafes exist. Then they try a sort of ownership transfer thing, and try to make the new owner Pearl. It doesn’t register, “invalid transfer target”, even when Pearl tries to hack it - some odd gem tool that scans and pokes at her gem - she gets all bummed out because she can’t even reprogram a very basic and modifiable handheld tool/device to recognise a pearl as an actual gem and person. What chance does she have against hearts and minds and an entire ingrained culture of an entire sprawling empire?
“You changed my mind,” says Rose all softly and earnestly.
Have I really? Pearl asks herself but doesn’t let it escape out loud. Still. Step by small step, she admits to herself. Incremental, slow, but persistent work. She can do that. Even as down on herself as she is, she can do that.]
“The… the override.” Pearl breathes out suddenly.
“The administrative override - you, or, well... Pink Diamond should be able to trigger it, even without a Rejuvenator. We shouldn’t…” Pearl looks strangely scared now, swallowing small gulps before pushing onwards, hands trembling and fingers knotting together, “w-we shouldn’t need a full reset, really, but. But we can try modifying the owner identification...”
Having to… turn into Pink again (turn back into yourself, you mean, a small voice whispers, who are you trying to fool) doesn’t sit well with her, of course, but. Get a hold of yourself, Pearl certainly has it so much worse in this scenario.
[more here about how they both need to kind of “revert” a bit to try this and it sucks, because no! unpleasant poking of holes in the elaborate fantasy! For the greater good, but still.]
And oh, Pearl looks just about ready to either cry with some strange terror Rose has never seen her display, or dissipate her form on the spot - the small dam of coldly throwing around terms like administrative override activation and owner identification variable providing just enough distance for her to carry on.
“It shouldn’t be too risky if we’re… if you’re careful.”
[Pearl trusts her with everything, her literal entire self - with this thing that is such a blatant violation of her being and her person, that she now wants to turn against itself, using one of the most humiliatingly clearly objectifying aspects of her status as an instrument of her liberation. It is all A Lot.]
Rose remembers, also, with a sting, the way she grumbled and sulked over the gaping pit of guilt in her stomach and refused to even look at the glowing, floating shell Blue was so insistently pushing her towards. She wanted her Pearl back, not whatever White and the others had decided to foist upon her now. Not a pale replacement, nothing they deemed suitable.
“Please state preferred customisation options.”
“Come on, Pink,” Blue urges, softly but mercilessly as ever, large hands enveloping Pink almost whole from where they’re planted on her shoulders, “White had her specially made, just for you! And we helped as well - only the best for our Pink. Now it’s up to you to put your finishing touches, as is proper-”
“What for? You’ll just take her away when you feel like it anyway,” she grumbles into her arms, curling up on the floor and resolutely refusing to look even as the glow spreads from the corner of her eye, insistent.
Just as insistent as the awfully familiar little voice. “Please state preferred customisation options.”
“I. Don’t. Care!” But now with a newly noticeable, if strained restraint - not, like her usual, punctuated with a slam of her fist on the floor tiles, perfectly shiny and pink. No, she couldn’t- do something like that again-
“Default setting selected. Please stand by.”
Yellow scoffs and moves to leave. “Come on, Blue. No point to us wasting our time being here if she’s just going to throw one of her tantrums.”
But Blue refuses to leave it at that, and makes sure to cut with parting words, before slinking through the large pink doorway. “I am very disappointed in you, Pink. To act like that, and with White personally making sure you got such a lovely gift even after everything...”
“Waste of good nacre, if you ask me,” Yellow muses from somewhere up above. “At least try not to break this one.” 
The glow intensifies with a hum, and Pink screws her eyes shut and pretends not to see or hear anything. 
By the time she opens them again, the others are gone.
But then there is another presence at her side, hovering just behind, as is proper court protocol. The shuffling of tiny, soft slippers on the polished stone - weren’t pearls supposed to be endlessly, effortlessly quiet?
“Leave me alone,” she preempts quietly. The shuffling moves away.
“Please identify yourself.”
Calmly, now, calmly but firmly, just like we planned it. Don’t mess this up now. She’s counting on you. She trusts you. “Pearl.”
“Please state preferred customisation options.”
They’ve discussed this too, of course - extensive (over)preparation and planning down to minutiae is Pearl’s go-to at the best of times, and something she clutches at for comfort at the worst of times. And she’s always, to a sometimes comical extent, despised that ridiculous dress. To a wonderful extent, too, all things considered.
“Revert to last implemented appearance.”
“Settings selected. Please stand by.”
[Of course this doesn’t work because all it does is change the $username$ variable, not the actual identity of the person imprinted: it’s still Rose/Pink, she’s just nicknamed “Pearl” now, but she can still give orders and everything.]
[evolves into Pearl literally hacking herself… the most hardcore of modders]
Pearl Playing the Field aka “why not hyper-analyze that one brief shot of the notes and phone numbers in Pearl’s gem and write 9 meet-cutes”. Pearl goes out to “find herself”. Whatever that is supposed to mean. Supposed to be set pre-ASPR, but also extends past it. Ended up with some Bispearl in it too because I am predictable and can absolutely not help myself.
“Your hair is wonderful!” She feels like she almost has to shout to be heard over the din of the bar’s ill-chosen soundtrack, and she doesn’t appreciate it. Definitely not one of her favourite places she’s decided to visit recently. And the ventilation is atrocious.
But still, she’s come all this way, so she may as well make the best of it. And while the preoccupation with hairstyles during first meetings seems like a bit of an odd running theme (can it really be termed a running theme, though, if it’s happened all of two times?), it’s certainly worked in the past (recent, very recent, and hardly bursting with relevant instances, Pearl!). Oh, and this particular one is just too fascinating. Approaching a work of art, Pearl would dare say. Especially, well. Especially when paired with the lovely eyes and striking jawline and strong neck it seems to deliberately be drawing attention to.
Pearl leans on the bar, in the bit of space the woman happily makes for her, and tries to look confident and well-informed, but not smug, no, never smug. “I know... about the, uh, goop, of course. I know how one accomplishes this.”
The woman gives a bemused smile. “Thanks! Not too shabby yourself.” She leans in closer. “I'm actually in school for it.”
“School?” Pearl casts desperately back to what she's heard from Steven and Greg's often hasty instruction. That was for educating human children, wasn't it? She'd put one together for Steven that one time, with desks and a blackboard… and Connie attended one regularly...
“Yeah, kind of a late game career change.” Pearl nods along as she realises - or, rather, remembers - she is absolutely terrible at gauging human ages. “But I thought... after almost 30 years in accounting and not going anywhere I wanted to be going... it’s not like we have all the time in the world, right? So I figured, why not? Go for something I'm actually invested in and that I've always wanted to do, y'know?”
“Oh. Oh yes, yes I do.” And for once, she really does. Well, not the time-related bit, perhaps, but the very particular delight of getting to pursue one’s genuine interests after a long while of being denied? Absolutely. “I’ve done something of the sort myself, actually. Go for it! As they, uh, say.”
The dramatic gesture of almost punching the air with a closed triumphant/defiant fist might have been a tad over the top, but it wins her a smile that doesn’t seem unkind. The woman winks and tips her glass at Pearl, then finishes her drink - something sweet-smelling and almost as colourful as her hair.
“I had a classmate do this one for me, and I did hers after.” Pearl is nodding along again, leaning in to hear better as the woman’s voice dips lower. “I kind of like to experiment, push the limits, go wild with it. Hey. You interested? Promise I won’t go too wild on you.”
Pearl's mind goes blank there for a moment. The woman is… very close, and there are unignorable implications unrelated to hair styling so obvious here even she is picking up on them without issue, and the music hasn’t gotten any quieter. Interested in what, exactly, she wants to ask, but she came here for wild new experiences and exciting novelty, didn’t she, so instead comes out with a rather strangled-sounding: “Eughhhhh...uhhh.... Ye...s?”
The woman’s expression goes serious. “Hey, come on, we don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
Forge Showdown AU - aka in a twist of fate Bismuth poofs Rose during their confrontation and revelations happen that change the course of… well, pretty much everything - one of a bunch of AUs where the PD reveal happens earlier and under different circumstances (I had an idea of doing a 5+1 of those at one point).
The glow of the lava coloured the quickly dissipating smoke more orange-red than pale pink, and Bismuth stared numbly at where their revered leader, Rose Quartz herself, had been standing mere moments ago. She’d lashed out, true, but she hadn’t really been expecting the clumsy blow - more of a warning, or underlining a point in their continued argument-turned-fight - to land. In all their many sparring sessions, Rose had never succumbed to something like that, would have never so much as let it brush against her. But she’d been- frozen, distracted… by what? 
There, scraping softly against the ground as it rolled with leftover momentum...
That was not a rose quartz gem.
Bismuth raked her mind feverishly, thought back through the last few, oddly blurred seconds.
“We’re not using this, Bismuth! It’d make us just as bad as them!”
“No! You’re the one who’s as bad as them- look at you, lording over all of us, thinking it’s your right to command me, order me around, like you’re, what, my diamond?”
It… it had to be some kind of imposter, or spy. Right? Some kind of… awful Homeworld plan, trying to tear the Rebellion apart from the inside. Where was Rose, then? The real one? Captured? Being interrogated somewhere, her whereabouts kept strictly secret to minimise the chance of rescue? Shattered? Impossible, they’d never hear the end of the victorious crowing.
When could it have happened? The last few battles and meetings had been nothing out of the ordinary, and Bismuth couldn’t think of anything odd or off about Rose recently at all. Not a single hint or sign that anything was amiss. Not a single misstep. Homeworld would have trained and conditioned its agents well, but Rose- Rose was singular, and utterly one-of-a-kind, and how could they possibly capture all of it so perfectly-
Bismuth startled out of her thoughts as the beginnings of light seemed to gather in the core of the gem, and all but threw herself onto it, encasing it in a bubble.
Rose was rather special, wasn’t she? And not just in what she said or what she did or how she behaved or what she led and encouraged them to do, but… 
Her endless array of wondrous powers. Her sheer strength, overpowering ruby fusions and quartz battalions alike almost single-handedly. The healing which Bismuth herself had been on the receiving, lifesaving end of countless times. The way she called upon the organic creatures of the planet to fight for her, fighting in their name. And then, her regular absences. The way she seemed to know exactly what the Homeworld troops were up to - that wasn’t just some kind of tactical brilliance.
She dared to look at the gem again. Its hue was changed some by the bubble, but that was still in no way a rose quartz gem. No, it was an altogether different shape, but a terrifyingly familiar one.
But it made no sense!
Bismuth ran a slightly trembling hand down her face.
Pearl. Of course, Pearl would have to know, if anyone. About… whatever this was.
But if this, if she was… her, then Pearl-
Bismuth’s insides twisted in horrible ways as the implications began to flitter through her mind, each one worse than the one before it. There was the old call-and-response ringing in her ears, making her feel disoriented and sick with what had to be the beginnings of anger, could grow into a great fury, leaving her unnecessary breaths ragged: Who do you belong to? Nobody!
Not Pearl, then. At least, not at first. Garnet. Garnet would know, and Garnet could See. They’d get to the bottom of this.
A metric ton of rebellion era ficlets, vignettes from my eeeEEeeEEeeEEE Bismuth collection mostly, which I’ve been accumulating since 2016 and have only posted some - Pearl, Rose, Garnet, Bismuth centric, occasionally with my takes on namedropped characters, some of which would now need an update to match actual canon.
Snowflake was there, held in Garnet’s arms. The familiar pattern of white speckles on black skin, the tight silver coils of hair sticking out every which way.
“We got her back. She wanted to see you.”
“Me? And you just listened to her? Are you out of your mind? How can I help? Have you taken her to Rose? If her gem- if she-”
“I’m right here!” Snowflake struggled out of Garnet’s hold, and stood up - wobbly, barely upright, but determined, on those legs that ran circles around Homeworld, and ran interference and messages faster than any Wailing Stone, in a pinch. “And I’m fine!”
“You don’t look fine, Snowy- listen, please just-”
Snowflake walked up to her, not stumbling a single time, and, gritting her teeth, looked right at her. The hairline fractures in her gem were visible from here, and Bismuth couldn’t help a wince. “Snowflake, come on-”
“I didn’t tell them anything.”
Bismuth wanted to clutch her to her chest and scream a thousand things at her, but You don’t have to prove anything to me and I’m proud of you and I’m going to make them pay for ever laying a finger on you all waged a war in her throat.
In the end she just settled on holding her close, very gently, until Garnet left, unheard, and came back with Rose, tears already in abundance.
[Later:] “I never properly thanked you, Garnet. For bringing Snowflake back.”
Garnet shrugged. “It was a group effort.”
A familiar voice sounded at the entrance to the Forge. “Now come along, it’s just here. Bismuth? Do you have a moment?”
“You know I always have time for you, Pearl,” she called back, putting her current project away. “What did you nee- oh.”
Bismuth blinked.
“Uh... wow,” was the only thing she could manage as pearl after pearl filed into her Forge, soon taking up most of the space around the anvil in impressively neat rows. “New recruits? A whole bunch of you, too.”
“Yes, well,” Pearl made her way to the front of the group, carefully avoiding brushing against the others on her way. She was fidgeting again, long fingers tangling and untangling rapidly, and that was one sure sign of mounting distress. “Garnet and I had planned out an attack on one of Blue Diamond’s supply lines. There was supposed to be a shipment of weapons coming in today, but it turns out it was… pearls.” 
There was something rather off about Pearl’s tone, too. Bismuth made a note to ask later, and do her best to catch her alone.
“Well, all the better for us. Nice to have you all on board.” Her jovial tone was only slightly forced - the pearls all looked like they clearly needed something resembling friendliness, but their skittishness was palpable. She turned towards a pale green pearl right at the front of the group. “Now, what do I call you?”
There was nothing but mild confusion, vague fear, and general quiet shuffling. “No ideas yet? Don’t worry about it! There’s plenty of time to decide and find something that fits.”
[she does indeed manage to talk to Pearl alone, later]
“What’s the real problem, Pearl? You can’t fool me. I can tell something’s wrong.” 
The rather flimsy front finally crumbled at that.
“I just… we- we took out the citrines they’d sent with the shuttle, and Garnet boosted me up so I could force the hatch open and I did, but then...” Pearl let out a distressed little half-sigh half-sob, one hand gesturing weakly. “They were all looking at me so wide-eyed and...”
She took a moment to at least attempt to collect herself.
“I don’t mind having them here, it’s not that at all. It’s just that… we were standing there, with all these newly-made pearls and… obviously I couldn’t just leave them there, in the middle of nowhere! And after what we did, whoever found them, they’d just have them shattered. Because of me. They were compromised. You’ve heard what they do now, haven’t you?”
“Yeah, I’ve heard. They’re the monsters, Pearl, and it’s not on you. It’s not you doing that to pearls, it’s them.”
“But it is on me! It quite literally is because of me, because of what I did, and continue to do. I made myself visible and played at being important and look what it got us,” Pearl was near tears, a frustrated blue colouring her face, “a handful of runaways and the rest being treated worse than ever.” 
The tears were out in full force after that, and Bismuth put an arm around Pearl’s shaking shoulders. “Hey, hey, none of that.”
“We ended up taking them with us, but it feels like… it feels like I forced them to come here. Is it really any better than what Homeworld does? All I did was say you’re going to be rebels instead of you’re going to serve and they never got a say in anything.”
“Have you asked them?”
“They don’t know what-”
“Hey. Just ask them, okay? Ask them what they want. We can help them either way. Of course I’d love them to stay. But it’s not up to me, and if they want to go to wherever it was they were supposed to go- we can do that, too.”
[Rose discovers her healing tears in a dramatic fashion - they come up with the idea to make the fountain - and thanks to Save the Light we have a pretty good idea of who lovingly made all those statues]
She gently wiped away some of the chiselling dust with the flat of her thumb, just like a tear. A magnificent, healing, life-giving tear.
This was familiar work. But with none of the endless chafing, none of the hated reminders of her former station - Bismuth couldn’t find anything in herself but reverence. And… inspiration. She was a Gem, stars knew she didn’t need rest, breaks, anything of the sort, but still - this pace wasn’t something she’d felt driven to in a long, long while. All day under the burning summer sun, and every night under the light of her own gem. All alone, as the sanctuary took form under her hands.
To get the curls just right, tiny detail by tiny detail, somehow communicate the softness of those cheeks in stone… it took drawing upon the very depths of her well of skill, because how else could she ever hope to capture the likeness of someone as extraordinary as Rose Quartz?
With small, careful movements, she formed the roundness of the lips that could spit fiery words of rebellion, inspire like no other, scowl fiercely in the heat of battle, smile contagiously, bellow out an outrageous fireside guffaw, murmur comforts so softly, kiss…
And then she did it again, and again, and again.
[in the end, Rose is presented with a veritable shrine to herself]
“Rose? Is something wrong? You… don’t like it?”
“No, no, Bismuth, it’s… it’s incredible.” The smile Rose turned on her was as beautiful as anything, but it wasn’t hard to notice it didn’t quite reach her eyes.
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Baby Love - Part 3
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
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Chris had been away filming for a little over a month now and we had spoken multiple times during the days and Skyped for hours at night. I was currently tucked up in bed with Dodger watching The Walking Dead feeling like hell. When my phone starting ringing i already knew it would be Chris with his nightly Skype call.
"Hey" i answered as i paused the TV.
"Hey sweetheart, how are you?" He asked smiling at me.
"Meh, i feel like crap so ive spent most of the day in bed watching Walking Dead with Dodger"
"You sick?" He asked frowning at me.
"Maybe, flu's going around at the moment so maybe its the start of that. Im just so tired and keep going light headed"
"You should go to the doctor, that doesnt sound good"
"I'll be fine, im sure i'll feel better once ive slept for a while" i shrugged "how's filming been?"
"Yeah good, i think we're almost there"
"Thats good, i miss you"
"I miss you too. Dodger been behaving?"
"Of course! His my boy, such a good boy for me" i turned the phone round to show him Dodger curled up against me, head resting on my lap. His Lion teddy was also next to him.... he took that thing everywhere with him.
"I feel really left out!"
"Awww well there's a spot right here with your name on it when you get home"
"I cant wait" he smiled. We sat talking for a while longer until he was being called back to set, we said goodnight and he promised to call me in the morning.
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When i woke up the following morning i was sweating and felt the sudden urge to vomit! I managed to make it to the toilet in time before emptying my stomach of the little food i had managed to eat yesterday.
"Great, looks like another day in bed bubba" i said to Dodger who was sat in the doorway staring at me. I stood and stripped off my tshirt id worn for bed and got in the shower. ....I felt a little better after the shower and brushing my teeth but still climbed back into bed after letting Dodger out in the garden for a while.
How you feeling today? Xx
I got a message from Chris around 10am, i smiled instantly when i saw his name.
Honestly? Like death! I woke up in a cold sweat and then i was sick, Dodger just sat there staring at me the whole time lol xx
He was being supportive! Lol xx
Yeah, yeah.
How's your morning been? Xx
Good, The Russo's said i'll probably be home by the weekend 😄 xx
Thats great news! Ive missed you Evans and Dodger misses his daddy too xx
I miss you guys too, so much! I hate knowing your sick and im not there for you xx
Its okay, im a big girl i can make soup and lay in bed feeling sorry for myself just fine lol xx
Don't yell at me for saying this but, You sure your not pregnant?? Xx
You saw me do the test it was negative xx
Yeah but then we had some mind blowing sex incase you forgot?? Xx
Shit.... maybe. I mean its possible... xx
Did you have any of those tests left over? Xx
Yeah xx
Well go check woman! What are you waiting for?? Xx
Im kinda scared! I dont want to do it on my own!! Xx
Go pee on the stick and then Skype me, we can look together xx
Okay xx
I got up from my bed and walked into the bathroom, the tests were in the cupboard under my sink so i bent down and pulled one out with shaky hands.
Once i pee'd on the stick and put the cap on i went back to bed and left the test face down beside me while i called Chris. His face appearing on my screen after the first ring, he smiled instantly and let out a laugh.
"Why are you so worried? If you are pregnant its is a good thing.... its what we wanted right?"
"Yeah i know its just.... its easier when your here with me"
"Im here"
"Its not the same and you know it"
"Im sorry, i wish i could be there you know that"
"I know" the alarm on my phone went off signalling it was time to look and my heart started racing.
"Was that time?" Chris asked leaning closer to the screen.
"Yeah" i nodded picking up the test and taking a deep breath "i cant breathe!"
"Relax sweetheart, its fine. Now tell me if im gonna be a daddy or not"
I turned the test over and started shaking my head "hey its okay, we can try again when i get back...." he started to say, i could hear how disappointed he sounded but he was being strong for me.
"Chris.... your gonna be a daddy"
"Its positive!" I smiled with tears in my eyes as i held up the test to show him.
"Your pregnant??!"
"Im pregnant!"
"Fuck! This is amazing! Oh my god i want to be there with you so bad!"
"Are you crying Evans?" I asked seeing his hands quickly wipe under his eyes.
"Of course i am!" He laughed wiping the tears away "this is what ive always wanted..."
"I know, me too" i beamed at him resting a hand on my stomach lovingly "this is really happening Chris"
"Fuck..." he shook his head and pushed his hair back before looking at me with the biggest grin "i cant wait, im so excited.... i feel like a kid on christmas morning!"
"Your such a dork" i chuckled "i cant wait for you to get home"
"Me either..... fuck! Im gonna be a dad!"
"Best daddy in the world"
"I hope so"
"You'll be amazing"
"Shit, i gotta go they need me back on set..... im gonna try and come home as soon as i can i promise! I'll call you in the morning"
"Okay" i nodded smiling at how happy he was, he really was like an excited puppy!
"Love you mama" he winked before ending the call. I locked my phone throwing it on the bed, the movement making Dodger look up at me.
"Your daddy is gonna be the death of me i swear" i chuckled to myself as i stroked Dodger, it wasnt too long after that i was sound asleep again.... i really did feel like shit, but now i knew why.... it was definately worth it.
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rkivepacks · 4 years
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TITLE: i’m good, i love you Series: why are you sorry? it’s not your fault you don’t love me [see previous work] Pairing: taekook/kookv/vkook (Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jungkook) Rating: PG13 Genre: angst but you’ll live Word Count: 2,029 Trigger Warning/s: swearing(?), one or two sentences of questioning self worth but not too graphic Cross-posted on: AO3/dtgloss
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NOTES: ∟ banner by @rkivepacks​ ∟ request banner here ∟ request prompt/send commission here
∟ unbeta-ed ∟ the requests for a sequel for the first one was from a long time ago and im p sure when they said requests they were hoping for a fluff one but i wasnt in the mood for fluffy when i did this so...
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Summary:   the difference between want and have is you
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his eyes roam the words carefully printed on the wall, on the lower left part of the painting. it is where the title, date and artist are usually placed.
a piece of me is always found right beside you it follows you wherever you go it’s lonely from what i see where i stay far from you
taehyung, these days, is alone.
he is used to it but routine never makes it okay to be alone.
his sadness should not be a routine but, oh well, it is.
he stays in his average house that’s one in the lined town houses in the village. the area itself is decongested, only the people habituating each house goes in and out of their little village and everyone is almost familiar, if not knows, each other.
his own house in particular looks lived on. more so on the side of used but not so worn out. maybe the walls are not as white and clean as they used to be, a few scratches and dirts that got on it as days pass by but no ceiling has started falling down unprompted and everything works how they’re assigned to function.
taehyung would like to think he’s more sad than alone. he still has friends anyway but friends cannot always live with you on your house guised under the cover of it being a sleepover that turns into days.
but friends just like him have their own personal matters and cannot always be with him. he understands when hoseok cannot stay for more than two days and has to leave just before lunch to meet up with a close friend of his, one from outside of their group of friends so taehyung can’t have the option to ask to come with. he understands when jimin cannot come on days he’s asking him to and sometimes comes on a saturday instead of his friday night invite.
when he’s so down, he thinks he’s not entitled to his friends times but they assure him it’s not the case.
so no, he is not alone.
he goes over to the next display, going over the sculpture itself and then to the artist description posed near the display. the sculpture itself is a form that resembles a man that is slightly haunched, although it takes more than a second to realize as the form only captures the head to chest of a human body, but considering that the back part of it protrudes slightly the way a man would when lax. the main body is that of charcoal color but it was designed to portray a visual effect of a dripping paint from its head, represented with different colors which are bright enough to contrast its dark body.
the display is almost familiar and it has been staring at him longer than he stared at it.
the title is printed in bold, a sinner
love is not a sin but my thoughts about you and the way i see the word love around you is
taehyung moves on to another display, it being a worn out stack of paper that looks as if it has 300 pages of a4’s binded by a clip. he steps closer to it to inspect, knowing displays are off limits and can only be appreciated through the eyes, he skims over the word of what he found out would be a script of some sort.
he reads,
i’m drunk, i love you
the difference between want and have is you
he walks over to the last one if its placement by the exit is anything to go by, just like the last one he’s looked over, it’s a display with a single ring in the middle.
all alone
and it sits there as if it has been assigned to mock him and the ring that sits on the very bottom and far end of a box full of things he doesn’t need but can’t seem to throw away.
he reads the title and wow, yes. it’s definitely mocking him. he had been giving it the benefit of the doubt but the title is the last straw. this whole exhibit is out to mock him.
taehyung thinks he’s being over dramatic. but he also thinks this last display is offensive to him, absolutely personal.
taehyung sits at home, eyes on the tv he has playing as he waits for night time news.
it seems like the words of the last display he went to see that day have been imprinted on his brain, on the wall in front of him, on the ceiling as he looks up, when he close his eyes.
Once you told me, your eyes are always on me.
And you did, you took care of me.
Because you are that kind of person.
You put me before you.
All the time.
Which is why you are the best.
To be honest, I would not even put me before me.
have you been well? i hope you are. the longest time i’ve been away from you is now and still counting— the present. the second one would be during Christmas breaks because you and your family spend it on your relatives home alternately and don’t come back until after new years. anyway... is your hair longer now? i hope it is and i hope you dont cut it. i seem to have a lot of hopes.
im packing up for a trip to a long trail not too far from here. they said it was too pretty to pass up and you get to reach the clouds.
, jungkook
taehyung reads the letter. he received it yesterday late afternoon and it doesnt have a date. jungkook often forgets to write dates so he assumes they were written at least three days ago.
it wasnt the first letter he received. he doesnt keep count but he has a few kept behind his door where he puts his mails.
in the first letter, jungkook said its best to not have taehyung write back. he goes from one place to another, he said. so, taehyung merely reads them and keeps them.
in the first letter, he also said about his sudden departure. he wanted to be away for a while and he knows his best friend would need him for the wedding so he decided to do it after. he didnt even get to say goodbye and only got a whiff of the younger when the letter came that day.
jungkook didnt say why he left and where he went. he just did. right after taehyung’s wedding, he packed up and went away from taehyung’s vicinity as far as he could.
does he know? taehyung asks. does he know i’m not married anymore?
his divorce with minji was something that stemmed off a petty thing.
falling out of love is a petty thing.
but, he guesses, they both cannot trap themselves in a house they’re not happy in anymore.
it was sudden, the divorce.
minji told him that she doesnt feel the same anymore. they agreed to stay off the house and after more than a week of a cool off she said she doesnt feel anything at all.
in taehyung’s case, he did not feel it the same way minji did. he only noticed once minji told him she felt that way. it made him feel that the heaviness in the room when they’re both in it was a foreboding for something.
taehyung is a giving lover. the time away from minji made him think a lot. he knows he doesn’t have a choice but to agree on the separation. forbid his thoughts, but he doesn’t want the time to come when the both of them completely falls out of love and seeks warmth from another person and then go home at night to sleep in the same bed.
he texts minji, because as accepting as he is about the decision, he’s not too keen watching a soon to be ex wife pack up and leave.
both of them were gradually moving out their personal items from the house. properties they bought with their shared money will be sold as secondhand items and some are donated.
in between moving out and settling in to a new apartment, he’s had namjoon and jimin with him and if yoongi has extra time mostly at night, he helps sort out his things.
he knew there was a missing person. he wanted to tell jungkook about it.
but jungkook wasn’t there.
until one day, jungkook is back.
suddenly, he’s there attending the dinner party for jin’s birthday, sat beside hoseok.
he casted him wary glances throughout the night. at some point he was even referencing to taehyung like everything’s so normal, but taehyung knows it’s just a very jungkook way of letting him know ‘i’m here and i will talk to you and acknowledge your presence whether you like it or not’. taehyung isn’t one for being petty so he went along with it. thankfully, their friends don’t seem to give too much thought into their two other friends sat on the opposite sides of the table.
the next day, jungkook seems to have arrived in taehyung’s new home at the same time a delivery for taehyung came. it eased jungkook’s nerves that he doesn’t have to go through knocking and then purposefully being ignored.
“did you order anything?” jungkook asks just as the delivery person makes their leave.
“i went and bought some essential oils.” taehyung silently gestures for the other to come in and jungkook did, locking the door behind him.
“how are you, taehyungie?” jungkook was sat in front of taehyung in the living room. there’s only the makeshift coffee table and some mats on the floor to sit on since taehyung have yet to buy a sofa.
“tired these days. in between work and unpacking. i’m jealous of kids who do nothing when they’re moving into a new home because they get a free pass to not do things around.” taehyung pouts silently, looking at the soda in can at hand while he traces a finger on the lid.
jungkook chuckles at that and after, no one speaks until, “i’ve heard about it.”
when taehyung makes no motion to respond to it, jungkook continues, “jimin hyung mentioned it to me one time that they were helping you move out so i asked... sorry.”
“it’s okay. i had friends who helped me. i got by.” taehyung winces.
“i wasn’t.” jungkook says, the here that follows hangs in the air which they know would follow.
“you were busy.” taehyung says instead.
jungkook would retaliate but he knows there’s no point.
“i sent you an invite to my exhibit. you went?” jungkook asks, hopeful.
“i did.”
“you didn’t insist to text me or write. i kind of assumed you would once you see it, but it’s okay. at least you did go to it.” jungkook pats his own thigh lightly to distract him.
“i wouldn’t know what to say. at the wedding, and even before that. i would feel something but i didn’t want to be that person and assume. i could be seeing it wrong, i don’t know.” taehyung rambles. “but then the other boys would also drop a few comments here and then.” and it’s true. sometimes jin would say teasing words and taehyung only acts as if he doesn’t get it and sometimes, he acts as if he didn’t hear it at all.
“you were happy. i don’t have any excuse.” jungkook whispers.
“now what?”
“i guess to some extent, i liked you back. but i didn’t see it until now so i’m not going to rush this and jump into a relationship with you right away. it’s not fair to the both of us.”
“i understand. after all, your divorce is not yet finalized. i’d be here for you but i’m not gonna distract you from it.” jungkook assures him and that’s all he needs. everything will be okay.
“i know it’s the last day of your exhibit today. wanna go together?” taehyung smiles at jungkook and indeed, everything’s okay.
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doodleimprovement · 5 years
Wellness: A Villian!AU Coco Fic Part 11: Rolling Thunder
Psychologist Malcom Kevgil is called upon by the Riveras to help with Miguels post-mortem development. He quickly learns however that this is moreso a trauma rehabilitation, and an untangling of lies and 90 year old mysteries.
He’s a smart man, but will compassion and an analytical mind win out against Family ties?
Solutions are put forward... 
This particular version of the AU has been written and developed by @im-fairly-whitty [Click here to read!]
Rating: Gen (subject to change depending) \ Warnings: None \ Word Count: 1798 (Maybe the longest??) // Masterpost Link
4:34 in the morning was not a fun time to get a phone call. The call would never, ever be good at that hour.
“Mmmh- Kevgil” The doctor grumbled slightly, trying to wake him up
“I’m calling on behalf of the Riveras. Your presence is required” The unknown voice spoke
“... It is 4:30 in the morning.” He commented, sitting up “What is the emergency?”
“Miguel has barricaded himself in his room, and will not speak to anyone”
Malcom paused
“.... Does anyone know why?”
There was a fumbling sound, and a much more familiar voice came through the phone
“He was fine during Dia De Los Muertos, and was quiet but.. okay through most of yesterday, but sometime last night he locked and barricaded his door with his dresser. Hector went to check on him to make sure he’d fallen asleep at around 2 but the boy had already locked himself away” Imelda explained “You are the only person we can think of that might be able to get through to him.”
This was it, Malcom realized. The cliffs edge, the bad part. He started to stand “I will be there soon. Tell him that I am coming, if you can. And tell him to practice our breathing exercises” He instructed
“.... Thank you” Imedla quickly responded.
She’d come a long way, he realized.
“I would not thank me just yet, Senora. Things might get worse before they get better. Hasta Luego” And he hung up, going for his closet.
He didn’t have the luxury of looking professional this time, so he grabbed an old pair of jeans and the sweater he’d died in. The soft fabric hadn’t faded with time - as is the case in the land of the dead so long as you are remembered. The 80s neon and patterns always comforted him when nothing else could.
He’d worn it just last week, telling friends about his frustrations with “a few clients”
Now he’d wear it confronting those clients. What fun. 
He made his way quietly through the towering land, not putting much thought into anything - he wanted to get a full picture of the situation before starting down the “find a solution” line of thinking.
He arrived at the Rivera Estate on foot, and when a worker saw him walking through the gates, he was ushered through the wide, empty halls and up a few flights of stairs to a conglomeration of people.
Imedla, Hector, and one of their grand-daughters - Victoria was her name, he was pretty sure
Malcom cut right to the chase
“Any progress?” He asked quietly. He wasn’t sure if he wanted Miguel to know he was here just yet.
Imelda shook her head. “I told him about your breathing exercises, but he has not responded to us at all”
“Then perhaps he is doing them. Can he hear us clearly through the door?” He asked, looking at the small crowd in front of the door, Hector being the standout of the group- staring at the door with a heated anger.
“Raise your voice just a touch and we are certain that you can” Imelda further explained.
“Hm…. and he hasn’t said anything?”
“Not that we have heard” She answered.
Malcom furrowed his brow looking over at the door. “Who got here first?”
“Hector” she answered
Malcom simply nodded, before pausing for a moment
“I’m going to try to talk to him”
Imedla sighed, looking at the door “You told me that we would reach the edge, and refuse to see it coming, Doctor” she rubbed her tired eye sockets “... You were correct”
Malcom didn’t respond, but they shared a brief look before he walked over to the door, raising his voice slightly
“Miguel? Its Doctor Kevgil. Your bisabuela called for me. Are you there?” He waited a moment “You don’t have to speak, but can you knock to let me know you’re listening?”
There was a moment… and then a knock
“.. Okay, you don’t have to talk. But… one knock for yes, two for no. is That okay?”
One knock.
Malcom smiled slightly. “Did you do our breathing exercises?”
“Did they help?”
“Good, good…. Do you want to talk?”
There was a long, awkward pause.
A single knock
“.. Okay” Malcom nodded to himself “It’s just going to be me, okay? No one else.” He assured, looking over at Imedla and Hector.
Hector looked less than pleased “Why can you go in?”
“He trusts me” Malcom answered succinctly
Hector puffed out his chest. The indigence in his stance nearly made Malcom cringe, but Imelda luckily pushed him back, gently.
“Amor, let him go… We have to get Miguel out of there”
The clenched fists didn’t relax, but he stood still.
Malcom’s eyes stayed on the couple while he opens the door, just slightly. Just enough. He made brief eye contact with Hector before he walked in.
The room was…. Big. It was big, and empty. There was a bed, a dresser, vanity, and a guitar stand. With the lights off, he couldn’t tell what colors the room was supposed to be, but his initial vision was not promising.
Miguel, for his part, was seated on the bed with his legs crossed, eyes glassy with tears that could technically no longer be shed.
Malcom let his posture relax.
“... Buenas Noches, Miguel”
“... Buenas Noches” His voice was raw “.. Did y’know you can’t cry?”
Malcom exhaled, and sat himself a respectful distance away from Miguel, at the edge of the bed.
“You can cry, Miguel.. You just doesn’t have tears. It doesn’t mean you don’t cry”
“... Doesn’t feel like crying” The boy simply retorted.
Malcom simply nodded “I understand…. Now..” The man turned slightly, putting one leg up on the bed “... Why am I here, Miguel?”
Miguel didn’t initially respond. He clenched and unclenched his fists, twitched a bit, and his eyes looked anywhere but Malcom
The boy’s eyes snapped back to the doctor
“Please, Miguel. Tell me why I’m here”
“... He’ll never be sorry” Miguel announced
“.. Who will never be sorry?” The man asked, feeling he knew the answer
“... Papa Hector” The boy nearly wheezed “He… he did this to me… and he’ll never be sorry”
Malcom kept his expression even. But he knew where he was.
They were over the cliff.
“... Why will he never be sorry?” 
“Because… he thinks what he did was right” Miguel forced out the explanation “Because even if it… hurt me, he thinks it was best for… the families reputation… the legacy is all he cares about”
“.. You think that he doesn’t care about you”
“... I know it”
“How do you know it?”
“... He never means his sorrys” Miguel answered, hoping Malcom knew what he meant.
Fortunately, Malcom did
“That’s very helpful, Miguel. Thank you. But that doesn’t explain why you locked yourself in your room.” He worded carefully,
“..... Angry”
Malcom took a chance, and put his hand on Miguel’s back.
“You’re angry?”
Miguel nodded.
“You’re angry at him”
The boy nodded again.
“.... What do you want to do about that anger?” Malcom asked.
The boy looked up at him, finally
And voiced exactly what he wanted.
About 45 minutes later, he left the room, closing the door right behind him, and turning to the group that had been waiting.
“How was he?” Imelda asked.
“.... He was upset and angry”
“At what?” She asked, Hector looking at her, before looking back at him.
Malcom looked at Hector, and took a breath. “You, mostly”
“.... Me?” The man looked genuinely shocked.
“Yes, you” Malcom responded, perhaps with more aggression than needed, but at this point, this was more than just an appointment, or a patient. “Because you killed him and he knows you don’t feel sorry for it”
The silence that followed that statement felt scarier than anything Hector could have replied with.
“... How do we fix it?”
Malcom felt the need to do a double take, but didn’t “... Excuse me?”
“How do we fix it?” The man aggressed
“... Do you feel sorry?” Malcom responded.
Hector’s shoulder’s straightened, his back taught, trying to appear taller. “... I did what I had to do “
“... But are you sorry that you did it?”
“.... I did what I had to do” Hector pressed
Malcom could finally, finally feel his composure crack, just slightly “You did not answer my question”
“*I did what i had to do”
“But are you sorry!?” Malcom nearly yelled
“No!” Hector nearly screamed back, panting just slightly.
Malcom took a deep breath, with his exhale, he felt his composure return “... Then there is no fixing it.”
Imedla stood in front of Hector, her hand pressing him back “How do we help Miguel, Doctor?” Her tone nearly begging.
“... He wants to leave” Malcom stated. “He’s scared of him”
The tension in Hectors shoulders warned the doctor to tread carefully.. But that seemed like an impossible task.
“Leave…” Imelda looked disheartened “Scared of him?”
“Extremely” Malcom admitted “He needs a place where he isn’t afraid to ask for something as inane as jeans”
Hector pushed Imedla’s hand away from him, reaching forward and getting a fistful of Malcom’s sweater
“You’re lying-!”
“Hector, para!”
“Let go of my shirt, Senor” Malcom exhaled
“You’re lying!” He shouted, shaking the doctor “What do you want with my Grandson!?”
“Hector!” Imelda shouted.
“Why do you immediately assume I have some sort of ulterior motive?”
Hectors hands trembled, readjusting his grip “.. You want to use him”
“For what?”
“To ruin us! You’re all the same!”
“ … Us?”
Malcom could start to feel things slot into place, so far as Hector was concerned.
“... You’re worried the minute he’s out of here, he’ll tell the entirety of the land of the dead what you did… You don’t trust him either”
“It’s you I don’t trust!” Hector countered
“Let me go” Malcom asserted, his voice firmer “Before I studied psychology, I nearly joined the army. I still recall most of my training, and I would hate to use it in such an emotionally charged moment”
Before the eldest Rivera could make the choice to respond, his wife spoke
“Hector… is this true?” Imelda asked, the heaviness of her voice causing Hector to pull away “You don’t trust him? You don’t trust our ninito?”
His lack of an answer - his aversion of her eyes, and his eventual weakened grip on Malcom’s shirt was way too much of a sign.
Malcom took a deep breath. “Is there any family member that doesn’t live in the hacienda? Or a family friend who could take him in?”
Victoria finally stepped forward, her eyes stern, but he could see that she was tired.  “.. There is one”
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altarsburning · 4 years
— the day is done, time has come
she stood, nervous of all things, in the undertaker’s saloon — it wasn’t much more than a parlor in the front of a house, where a room attached to the side served as an erstwhile dentist, sometime doctor. the mortician, a jack of all trades and seemingly master of none, came out with the box, and dorothea noticed a tremor in his hands — due, most likely, to the stature of the man standing next her. 
she cast a cornflower blue gaze over to that man, whose countenance was grim under the shade of his hat — he didn’t take it off, he said, he wasn’t havin’ the thoughts of the dead enter his body. he met her gaze only briefly, with a tight-lipped smile, and she could tell by the tapping of his fingers against his belt that he was anxious, if not eager, to get out of here.
mr. hanscomb put down the box of things on the small table, and dorothea approached it cautiously, as though whatever lay in there might find cause to rise up and strike. it was nothing but a small collection of a dead man’s things, from pockets dumped out, saddlebags turned over.
‘ these uh.. these are hank hawthorne’s things, or whatever the deputies didn’t purloin, ‘ he said, speaking with a nervous laugh, one he wished would disappear, but with the well-known outlaw standing in his parlor, he knew it wouldn’t. ‘ hung ‘im yesterday afternoon, or thereabouts. for his part in, uh.. killin’ those farmers an’ hangin’ ‘em.. ‘
dorothea was only half listening to the words spilling like a jumble puzzle from the man’s mouth, her fingers pushing aside coins and a black lace bow, a tattered photo and something she couldn’t identify. it was a quiet, reverent moment when she pulled the locket up, the thin chain dangling broken at the neck.
she remembers feeling it snap against her skin when he tore it from her neck, like it was nothing. her thumb ran over the raised etching, of flowers, and the weight of it feels like heaven in her hand. gentle when she opens it, there are the pictures of her parents, and she smiles softly.
ben, ever watchful, knows what she has found. ‘ she’s takin’ that, ‘ he says simply.
‘ it ain’t hers to take, belonged to the h-hanged man, ‘ the undertaker stutters. ‘ the sheriff said i’m allowed t’sell all this. ‘
ben, easing forward on the sole of a well-worn boot, tips his hat up just so, so that the man can see the lines of his face, and the anger in his eyes. ‘ i said, she’s takin’ that. it’s hers. hank hawthorne stole it from her ‘fore he beat her into unconsciousness and that was after he murdered her husband and before he burned th’farm. ‘
it wasn’t wise for the man to argue, but argue he did anyway. ‘ i was gonna sell that for five dollars. she ain’t got no — ‘
dorothea has the locket clutched in her fingers, the broken chain hanging coolly against her skin. it takes only half a turn to see that ben has produced his pistol and has the barrel of it under the man’s chin. it doesn’t take a prophet to see where this is going. 
ben wade draws an even, measured breath — he’s never had someone have the audacity to question him, and his ego is a little bruised. his thumb rolls over the hammer, cocking it. ‘ i said, she’s fuckin’ taking it. make your ill-gotten coin somewhere else. thems her parents in that locket. ‘ he nudged the pistol up, forcing the man’s head back. ‘ she’s takin’ it. ‘
in any other time before this one, dorothea might have felt sorry for the man, who was very nearly close to wetting his trousers, but right now, she felt no small sense of sympathy. the man who murdered her husband had been hung three days ago, perhaps not for the crime against her, but for others. and with this locket in her hand, the entire bloody, brutal saga had come to an end. 
she reached for ben’s free hand, gently pulling him along, indicating she was ready to leave. ben stood solid for a moment, and then finally pulled his gun away. the undertaker didn’t argue, frozen still, watching as the outlaw left with the lady. 
—  you battled hard, the war is won. you did your worst, you tried your best, now it's time to rest.
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malafight · 5 years
Long-Ass Life Update (I’m not dead!)
Finally a life update now that I’m back home. It’s been a painful and tiring couple of weeks :’) And actually some of the days/times might be off because I was like super fucking out of it for most of that time period.
Anyhow, I went to the ER on Friday the 1st after 3 days of severe stomach pain, and the local hospital is like notoriously shitty but I was in horrible pain ok
They actually took me seriously for once, took me back immediately, ekg, ultrasound, blood and piss tests, and told me from the start not to eat or drink anything.
They told me they found gallstones and one or more might be stuck in the bile duct, but they made it sound like it wasnt inflamed and there werent many, so I wasnt super worried? They sent me for an MRI and then told me that they didnt have the capability to get out any stones, so they sent my ass an hour away via ambulance to a much better hospital so they could do the probe thing they needed to. It took until Saturday night to get a room there, though, and they didnt know when I’d get there and since they figured theyd want to do the probe ASAP, I was kept completely without eating or drinking for all of Friday night and Saturday, after not eating more than a few bites of muffin on Friday and next to nothing Thursday either because Everything Hurt.
Also, Fentanyl is fucking magic. Thats the only thing that even vaguely touched the pain.
So anyhow, I get to the other hospital at fuck o’clock at night and God Damn Staved because, like I said, bitches gave me No Fucking Food for an entire day (I’m not kidding that hospital is horrible and has a horrible reputation for ending up with killing people or making situations worse but the next nearest hospitals are an hour away in different directions and I don’t often have anyone willing to drive me that far and I often don’t feel up to driving myself that far if I’m already at “need to go to the ER, fuck the money I don’t have” point, and Saer has only just gotten into the USA and the last time they came with me to the ER they ended up with a virus for like three weeks and I wasn’t gonna do that to them again!!) and finally when I got to that hospital they were like “yeah we won’t be able to do the probe until Monday so eat something and then tomorrow you’re on a liquid diet and then nothing by mouth after midnight” so they scrounged me up some chicken broth and orange juice at like ten o’clock at night and gave me Those Good Good Meds and I slept in a decent hospital bed instead of on a fucking ER bed like Friday night (since they were transferring me at the local hospital they didn’t admit me and I slept in the ER. yeah. i hurt too badly to sleep on my side even with pain meds, and I slept on an ER bed. I had to sleep all day Saturday on and off just to get vaguely rested, but honestly? this whole ordeal has been an adventure in sleep deprivation despite heavy sedatives)
Monday rolls around and they take me for the ERCP (iirc thats what it was) where they put a thing down my throat and cut the bile duct wider so the stone could pass, get that bitch cleared up, all is well. I was heavily sedated and remember none of it, just waking up with different pain in my stomach and the world’s worst sore throat.
I was on a liquid diet from that and until the extraction on Wednesday. I have drank my weight in broth and orange juice.
Wednesday they take me in to remove my gallbladder. It was supposed to be a simple laparoscopic procedure, nip it out, pull it, I go home in a couple days with a couple small cuts on my belly. My dad (and several other people) reassured me that it was routine and quick, and is an easy procedure that should take 2 hours at most. I told him, “Listen, with me, literally nothing is ever easy and you know that”
Fast forward to me waking up and my first thought is “is that a catheter? guess it didnt go so easy after all.” I’m pretty sure the first words I said as I woke up were “told you it wouldnt be easy” lmao
Remember how hospital #1 told me that my gallbladder wasn’t inflamed and there were only a couple gallstones?
It was chock goddamn full of gallstones and so inflamed that when they tried to get it out laparoscopically, it tore. He spent an hour trying to get it out that way safely before realizing that his only recourse is to cut me open and get it out that way. The procedure took closer to 5 hours.
I have at least 20 staples in my belly now and I hope I get a cool fuckin scar but shit hurts still. I was in the hospital slowly ramping up to eating solid food again until Friday when I was allowed to go home to Saer. I can’t lift anything more than 20 pounds for another like month, and my range of motion is a fraction of what it was before. I’m so easily exhausted now and i can barely do anything and it’s really fucking pathetic??? and every time I bring that up Saer is like “they TOOK your ORGAN” so
(its really sad that i’m so conditioned that If I’m Not Doing Everything I Can All The Time Then I’m Not Trying Hard Enough that even after having full surgery to remove an organ I’m like NO I CAN DO THE THING and then end up hurting myself s-sobs)
(we watched the episode of b99 today where gina comes back after getting hit by a bus and when she tried to dance while still in the halo saer pointed at her and was like “it u” and i was like “exCUSE” but like, tru)
anyhow, im home, and i have my wife with me, and saer is such a blessing right now because i cannot do SHIT and they need to help me off the couch sometimes if my dumb ass gets in a position with no leverage, and also ive already fallen off the couch like twice because i was like NO I GOT IT and saer was across the room like BEB NO U DONT and yeah im stubborn and stupid ok saer is saving me from myself for the most part
also also the app i drive for is shutting down in my city at the start of december hhhhh so now i also have to fuckin... find a job like this and uGH do not WANT ffff
but yeah thats something even my parents have okayed me holding off on until I’m better so if even my fuckin parents are like “pls chill???” yall know im fucked up
however i’m mostly weaned off opiod pain meds now and am only using them at night when it’s worse and hard to sleep, tylenol tends to take care of it well enough now. my range of motion is improving, too, but i am just still so easily tired that its frustrating. we went grocery shopping yesterday and even in the little motor scooter i was completely worn out by the end of it.
but im alive! all is well! i will continue improving! sorry for being so quiet during this but like I said, i’ve been some level of sedated for most of this event. not fully sedated except for the two procedures, but fentanyl and dilautin (ok i have no idea what it actually is and google isnt helping but i had a button for it) and then morphine and hydrocodone on top of not getting restful sleep At All due to pain, discomfort, and people coming in every hour for vitals checks... I was fuckin Gone i got fuckall done rip
however once my pain-induced blood pressure spike was lowered (i saw them take it at the ER and it was fuckin RED) everyone was like “...you have really good blood pressure??” like i’m pretty sure i have low blood pressure naturally and my size/genetics gives me high blood pressure and they kinda cancel each other out, but yeah. pretty cool.
my family kept swinging between “IF YOURE IN THAT MUCH PAIN FOR 24 HOURS YOU GO TO THE ER. YOU DO NOT WAIT THREE DAYS.” and “...jesus christ you have a high pain tolerance”
//throws the horns thats what chronic pain does to ya baybee
my mom especially was impressed because she was just like “you’re so calm talking to them about how much it hurts how are you doing that” and im just like “its literally wasted energy to freak out and i hurt too badly to move so im just gonna sit here and tell them im a ten and hope they take pity on me because i have no other options”
anyhow fun new experience and im pretty sure ive broken my brother’s hospitalization record and also pretty sure i’ve got enough medical debt on me now that i can literally file for bankruptcy so
also i can feel a void near my ribs and it is so bizarre yall fuckin organs need to close the gap asap bc this shit weird as hell
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71tenseventeen · 6 years
Take My Hand (Take My Whole Life Too)-16
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Warnings for sexual content, male pregnancy, non-hockey Sid. Sid and Taylor’s ages have been altered to fit the story.
Perpetual credit to my betas, @queen-alia and @icosahedonist as well as the GC and @ljummen.
When Sid wakes sometime later, it’s slowly, his brain foggy. He slowly realizes Geno isn’t there anymore but he’s too tired to go looking so he stays and dozes on and off for awhile longer. Eventually he wakes enough to realize he’s parched and the water bottle on the coffee table is empty so he pushes up with a soft groan and slowly makes his way to the kitchen.  
The lights are on and he calls softly, “Geno?”
“In here,” comes the reply from the kitchen and then Geno pops up in the doorway.
“Is it okay if I stay tonight? I—” Sid freezes, words dying in his throat as he spots a familiar looking man sitting at Geno’s table, staring at him wide-eyed.  
“Of course you stay. You okay? Feel sick? Need drink?”
Sid shakes his head. “No, I—just tired but... “ He looks up at Geno, eyes filled with worry.
“Is okay, Sid. This Flower and he know. He my friend, can trust, you know?”
“Oh. Yeah. Yeah of, um, of course,” Sid fumbles his words before looking nervously at the goalie, cheeks getting pinker with every word. “Hi, um, Mr. Flower. Mr. Fleury.”
Flower grins and crosses the kitchen to extend his hand. “Mr. Flower has a nice ring to it—OW!” He rubs the spot on his arm that Geno just punched and rolls his eyes. “Call me Flower.”
Sid shakes his hand briefly, still glancing around nervously and Geno clears his throat. “Flower just leaving, yes?”
“I—Yeah okay,” he says, narrowing his eyes at Geno. “We’ll talk tomorrow after practice.”
Once Flower is gone, Sid looks at Geno. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” he says, gently catching Sid’s chin with his fingers. “Nothing be sorry for, you not do anything wrong.”
“But you had to tell him.”
“Was going to tell him anyway. PR think maybe I should wait so I do but then he come in and pretty obvious something up.” Geno shrugs. “I’m not worried. He’s my best friend on team. I trust him.”
“Okay,” Sid says, taking a deep breath. “Okay.”
“Now, how you feel? Shouldn’t be up so much, need rest to feel better.”
“I was just coming for another bottle of water and to ask if I can stay.”
“Sid,” Geno looks at him with an expression that falls somewhere between frustration and fondness as he pushes Sid’s hair back gently. “Of course you stay. Never have to ask.”
“Okay,” he replies softly. “Thanks.”
The next morning Sid still isn’t feeling great. He’s foggy and tired even though he slept so much but he has class so he drags himself to the kitchen and does his best to choke down a few bites of toast.
He knows Geno is watching him so it’s not entirely a surprise when he suggests Sid go back to bed for a little while. “I can’t. I have class.”
Geno frowns. “What time classes done?”
That makes Geno smile. “How about I drive you to class and then pick you up after. Bring you back so you rest some more.”
“That’s really nice G, but I can’t do that. I have to work at 5.”
Geno’s frown gets deeper. “You work late?”
Sid shrugs. “Til close tonight.”
Geno doesn’t look thrilled but he just takes a breath and nods. “Make sure drink and eat, okay? And take break when can.”
“I will, G. I promise.”
“Okay. When you come back?”
Sid thinks for a moment before answering, “I’m done Wednesday at 2.”
Geno lights up at that. “I have meeting until 3 but you come and I meet you here when I’m done?”
“I can wait until you’re here.”
“Whatever you want, Sid, but you can come if want. Swim.” Geno grins because he knows he’s got Sid now.
Sid turns away, trying to hide his smile. “We’ll see.”
Sid still isn’t feeling great by Wednesday. He’s been busy with school and had two long shifts and not enough sleep. He threw up again yesterday but hasn’t told Geno because he knows what the response will be. It’s just because of the heat and exhaustion, he tells himself and thinks once he gets a good night’s sleep he’ll feel better. He always does.
So he has every intention of heading for the pool except he decides to sink down on the couch for a few seconds to cool off and that’s the last thing he remembers until he feels a warm hand gently pushing his hair back and Geno’s soft voice. “Sid? Sorry to wake you but you been asleep a long time. Think maybe I check to make sure you okay.”
Sid nods and sits up, slowly stretching his arms out. “I guess I fell asleep.”
Geno nods. “Find you like this when I get home earlier, figure you probably worn out.”
“What time is it?”
“Not late—little after six.”
Sid’s eyes shoot wide. “What? I slept that long? Why didn’t you wake me up?”
Geno smiles fondly. “Because if you asleep, you need sleep. I not mind. But do want to check on you now. Maybe you can eat and drink something?”
“Yeah. Yeah for sure. Sorry.”
“I already tell you, it’s okay. Stop apologize. Come, I made dinner.”
It isn’t until Sid is sitting in front of his plate that he realizes he’s famished and digs in. He has hopes that he can still take a dip after dinner but even as he’s rinsing his plate, his head is starting to feel heavy. He takes a few deep breaths but before he can turn to head back to a chair a wave of vertigo hits him so fast he barely has time to grip the counter for balance. Geno is at his side in a second, worry all over his face. “What happen? You okay?”
Sid nods but he’s really not. “I think I just need to sit down.”  
“Okay. Come on. I got you.” He slips a steady arm around Sid’s waist, helping him to the table.
Sid puts his head down and the dizziness slowly subsides until he finally looks up, flashes a sheepish grin at a very worried looking Geno. “Sorry.”
“Maybe should take you to doctor. Scare me, Sid.”
“No, I’m okay; just got a little dizzy. It’s just been really hard to handle the heat this week but I don’t need to go to the doctor. It happens sometimes.”
Geno frowns; Sid knows he doesn’t like it but he finally nods. “Don’t think you should swim tonight.”
Sid nods. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
They settle together on the couch but within minutes Sid’s having a hard time keeping his eyes open so Geno gently ushers him up to the guest room he’s been sleeping in.
“It’s too early,” Sid complains, even as he’s shucking most of his clothes and climbing into bed.
“Not too early. You need rest.”
“Sorry,” Sid mumbles. “Not very good company today.”
Geno smiles. “You always best company.”
Part 17
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melonkooky · 6 years
meant to be [min yoongi]
word count: 2601
genre: soulmate!au, fluff, angst if you squint
author’s note: IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!! also, this might not necessarily be a soulmate!au, i just kinda let my imagination wander. (i also changed the prompt just a tad bit 😬😬). i did not proofread this so ignore all my mistakes please
please do not copy my work. but please like and reblog it. thank you!!!!
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your legs felt heavy. it didn’t help that your feet felt like thick wooden blocks every time you moved your leg. you were worn out, your energy completely drained. you had been running around the entire day, being the official assistant for not just one, not two, but three different people. you took the job because it allowed you to be around very important people of the business. it also was a high paying job. that being said, most days were generally okay and you wouldn’t run too many errands. however, today happened to be a very important day at the company. your bosses, the three men, were giving a huge presentation about a big step in their business. because of all the preparations that had to be made in so little time, you had to take up a lot of the tasks, causing you to run around constantly. and then it was only polite of you to stay for the presentation itself...even if your legs and body were throbbing and it was already dark outside.
so, here you were now. you and a few other people were getting onto a bus. but someone was very rude and pushed you out of the way. you would have just tipped over just from how little energy you had but luckily, your arm was close to the side of the bus. you were able to catch yourself. with a heavy glare on the back of their head, you followed behind. the bus was close to being full, at least all the seats were taken. you were close to just walking out to take another--empty--bus. “hey.” you suddenly heard.
you didn’t think they were talking to you as most days you were rather invisible, but your gut told you to look. so you did. you found a young man sitting in a seat looking up at you. he was wearing a beanie, hoodie, and sweats, a face cover hung tightly behind his chin. he was slightly paler than everyone else you noticed. when you made eye contact with him, he looked to his left. you followed and saw that this young man, who seemed no older than twenty, remove the bag he had next to him, revealing an empty seat underneath. “you can sit if you want.” he offered.
you normally would have politely declined however the screaming pain in your feet practically told you to sit your ass down. you smiled and bowed in respect and politeness, “thank you so much.” you took the seat next to him.
the bus didn’t move for a few minutes. this irritated you because you wanted to waste no time getting home. but eventually, the vehicles inched forward with a long groan before driving down the street. the ride was bumpy and in its own way, awakening. you sighed exhaustively. “so, where are you heading?” the guy next to you asked.
you turned to him, not expecting more conversation with this man. you shrugged, “home.”
he nodded. “me too.”
you nodded, feeling a bit awkward. there really wasn’t anything to talk about. you felt a weird tingly feeling in your stomach, however. curiously, you turned your head to look at the guy next to you. he’s gently gnawing on his bottom lip as he stares into space in front of him. unconsciously, you began to stare, as if his cheek or jawline or beanie was just so intriguing. suddenly, he turns, meeting your eyes. you gasp and hurry to look away. your cheeks slowly emit warmth as they turn pink. now you were biting your own lip. “i’m min yoongi.” he suddenly spoke.
you scared to turn. why were you suddenly acting this way? so anxious and nervous, acting so awkward around this particular guy, you were not yourself. after a few seconds, you met his eyes again. “l/n y/n.”
yoongi flashed you a smile, it was gummy. despite only having just met this guy, you felt yourself being drawn to him. you didn’t know how to describe how you felt exactly but it was similar to some kind of force, a force that was pulling you towards him. yoongi remained still as he looked at you. but he quickly turned away. he pulled his face mask up to cover the bottom half of his face. he also wanted to hide his growing blush in his cheeks. he was feeling so off suddenly. he knew he wasn’t sick or getting sick. it felt very new and very different. some feeling was causing him to act differently, some feeling was drawing him towards you. 
you and yoongi didn’t exchange anymore words after that. fortunately, you stop came first. you stood up from you seat. “bye, min yoongi.” you said before turning and exiting the bus. 
once outside, you released a heavy breath. you waited for the bus to depart from the curb before turning around and walking down the street in the direction of your apartment. your apartment complex was a little on the expensive side, much grander than your average apartment. you loved it to death because you never imagined yourself getting such a good job and being able to afford such an apartment. 
you typed in the code to your keypad and it clicked, a small beep sounding after. you opened the door and stepped inside. the door closed with a soft thud and the sound of the door locking itself behind you echoed. you took of your shoes immediately, that was first of your to-do list. you walked into your apartment and set down your work bag on the counter top of the kitchen. you opened your fridge and took out some leftovers that you made previously (no way in hell you were cooking so late at night). you stuck that into your microwave and afterwards, rushed to eat it. after you hurried into your bedroom where you showered and got ready for bed. and last on your to-do list, you got into bed and closed your eyes for the night.
and so the day ends again. fortunately for you it didn’t end so late, unlike the previous night. work had resumed as normal and everyone was in a good mood from the giant step forward of the business. you were happy as well, but you didn’t care that much about the business. you were more for keeping yourself alive. 
you waited for the bus again. it was the earlier arrival so you just knew it was going to be crowded. you sighed as you crossed your legs, tugging your jacket over your shoulders more. it sure was getting colder outside. you pulled out your phone seconds before you heard your name in the form of a question. immediately you were puzzled. you looked up to see the young man offered you a seat on the bus. “oh, yoongi, right?”
he nodded. 
you smiled in return was tucking away your phone. “what are you doing here?”
he shrugged and sat down next to you. you turned to him, still expecting an explanation. “just taking the bus home.” he replied.
you narrowed your eyes. “if i understand correctly, you were already on the bus yesterday when i got on from this very stop. it was also very close to midnight.”
yoongi broke eye contact and leaned against the wall behind him. he crossed his legs just as you had and sighed. “why does it matter to you?”
you glared at him before leaning against the wall yourself. there wasn’t anyone else at this stop, just you and yoongi. the silence was much more comfortable than yesterday’s, between you and yoongi. it felt more normal, as if you and him had known each other for a while. you turned your head and looked at him, “where’d you come from? work?” you asked.
he nodded and held his bag closer. it was small and square, seeming thing as well. you eyed his bag as he answered your question, “i’m a composer.” 
you didn’t know what it was, but something inside you clicked. suddenly you were just so fascinated by him. you had the urge to bombard him with questions but you bit your tongue. you pointed at his bag. “what’s that?”
he looked at you finally. “it’s just a laptop.”
you nodded. “oh.”
he laughed at you. as he laughed, you felt your heart beat faster. you felt the warmth in your cheeks. yoongi stopped laughing moments later. you looked at him, “what was so funny?”
he met your eyes, his smile causing your insides to be enveloped in warmth. “so, where did you come from?”
“oh, work. i’m an assistant for three different bosses.” you sighed as you spoke. “they all basically do the same job but, i have to do a lot of errands for them all.” they had been driving you crazy recently. it seemed as if they were only working you more while they hardly did a thing.
yoongi leaned forward to get a better look at your face. “that explains why you looked so tired last night.”
“well, it’s a very good paying job.”
“but you don’t like it.” yoongi observed.
you looked at him. you were about to protest that you did like your job but hearing his words made you question whether you actually did. you sighed heavily after putting a lot of thought into your job. “no, i guess i don’t.”
yoongi turned away. he felt bad for you suddenly. “do you want to eat somewhere?”
you looked at him. “i mean, we can. i haven’t eaten dinner yet.”
“let’s go.” 
yoongi stood up, his laptop bag in his hand. you stood up as well, grabbing your bag and putting the strap on your shoulder. you looked at yoongi, “where do you want to go?”
yoongi led you to a casual restaurant. the aroma of food filled your nose and made your mouth water. you were starving as a matter of fact. you were excited to eat. yoongi laughed at your expression, feeling his own heart beat quicken its pace. he felt a connection to you, he wasn’t going to deny that. but he wasn’t sure why.
a waitress led you and yoongi through the restaurant. she picked a booth for you and yoongi before setting down two menus. you and yoongi sat across from each other. “ah, there’s so many choices.” you mumbled.
yoongi looked at you, “you’ve never been here?”
you nodded. “i don’t have a lot of time.”
“let’s just order a bunch of things and try them all then.” he suggested.
“that’s a lot of money though.”
he shrugged. “you claimed you had a good-paying job, and that you work for three people. that tells me you have some money.”
your eyes widened. “min yoongi!”
he grinned. “i’m just messing with you. let’s just order and then we’ll figure it out later.”
so you and yoongi ordered a ton of dishes. he was excited to eat with you while you were excited to try them all. of course, you were happy to be dining with a stranger you just met yesterday. overall, it felt natural. as if you and yoongi had been friends for a long time.
you and yoongi talked a lot, joking with each other. it felt like you and him haven’t seen each other in a while and were catching up. you learned a ton of things about him and he learned a ton of things about you. a connection was made.
after everything on the table was either sampled or gone, you sat back. you had a thought, a thought that caused your cheeks to flare up. you were falling in love with someone you had just met, and honestly you weren’t sure what to do with such feelings. you met his eyes, finding the moment suddenly very intimate. 
“yoongi, can i be honest with you?” you suddenly asked.
yoongi looked at you, nodding. you sighed. “i don’t know if you felt this too but when i began talking to you, it felt like something physical, perhaps, or just something was there that was drawing me towards you.” he didn’t say anything and this was a sign for you to continue. “like, the first conversation we had on the bus, i immediately felt something with you.” oh my god, you were confessing. “like, a connection perhaps. i’m sorry. we just met and this all sounds so crazy. but i just felt something and i needed to talk about it. i just don’t understand anything.” and now you were rambling about nonsense.
you looked at yoongi’s face and stopped mid-sentence, “i’m rambling, aren’t i?”
yoongi looked at you, remained silent. his expression show no signs of emotions. if anything, he looked a little disappointed. you couldn’t tell what he was feeling to be exact and it was irritating you. was he confused, happy, surprised that you basically had just confessed your love? it was only your second day with him and you were admitting you were in love. you sighed and grabbed your wallet. you pulled out some cash and threw it onto the table, not knowing how much it was. you just wanted to escape the situation. you hurriedly grabbed your stuff and slid out of the booth. “i’m sorry.” you told him before heading out of the restaurant.
you walked at a quick pace, just wanting to get home and cry. you knew it was a bold move. you knew it. you took the risk and now you were regretting it. you really, really liked him. your feelings were strong. and now you were never going to see him again.
suddenly a hand wrapped around your wrist, causing you to twirl around. you didn’t have time to see who it is but you had a guess. yoongi had ran to you, spun you around, and now had planted his lips onto yours. you gasped at the sudden move. you weren’t quite sure about what was going on. but you found yourself melting into the kiss. your arms snaked around his neck while his hands gently held your waist. his lips felt so perfect against yours, as if it was meant to be. his warmth ignited your lust for him. everything about you and yoongi just fit so perfectly together. 
eventually, you found yourself making out with yoongi in the middle of the sidewalk just outside the restaurant. you pulled away with a heavy blush on your cheeks. you were panting slightly. while standing against his chest, your gaze stayed on his chin. “yoongi-”
“i’m sorry for giving you the thought that i was rejecting you.” he began. “really, i was just surprised because i was feeling the exact same things you were...as if...as if we were soulmates.” his voice slowly dropped into a whisper as he spoke.
“s-soulmates?” you had to pull away slightly to meet his eyes. “do you really believe that?”
“i mean, it explains all the things we’ve been feeling. like a force pulling us together, like a physical connection in the air was made between us. not to mention that you just confessed your love for me after we only met last night.”
you smiled suddenly. “i like that. soulmates.”
yoongi was blushing as well, but he was more embarrassed by the fact that he just made out with his soulmate in the middle of the sidewalk. he was never really into pda, so he knew that he must really be in love with you in order for him to do such a thing.
yoongi smiled at you before grabbing your hand. “let’s catch a bus. if you don’t mind, we’re going to your place. it’s cold.” 
you grinned and cherished the feeling of his hand in yours. everything happened fast, perhaps faster than most love stories, but it was something that was going to last a lifetime.
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probably-writing-x · 6 years
The unknown one. Vol. 2
~A Noah Centineo AU Series~
Inspiration: The boy next door cliché always seemed to happen in movies. But when this boy moved in to the house beside yours, he seemed willing to discover more than you wanted him to know.
Warnings: Hints at bullying with slight depictions of it, nothing too severe though lovelies xo
And school had finally arrived once more. Your last year and Leo's first year of middle school and summer was drawing to an unwelcome close.
"Come on, you're going to be late," You shout up the stairs.
Bolt was circling your feet as always but it always pained you to have to leave him. Luckily, the elderly couple that lived a few doors down took care of him as part of a little business they ran. So, when you were gone during the day so you didn't have to worry too much. They had an old Labrador so it was a bit of a contrast to have this lively one with them but they loved him and always welcomed you with open arms.
"I'm coming, I'm coming," Leo shouts, almost tumbling down the stairs with the big bag slung over his back.
You handed him his toast before unlocking the door, leading Bolt into the car and watching him bound into the trunk.
The sun was still unforgiving as summer was coming to an end so you were thankful for the chance to wear your own clothes to school more than ever. Not that you usually put too much thought into your clothing- you cared more for Leo's, making sure he always had clothes to fit his growing form, even when yours were overly worn and looked as tired as your fatigued eyes.
Taking your pit stop down the road to drop off Bolt, you continued your drive to school and were soon met with the school gates you had quickly grown to loathe. Though, you were lucky that Leo's middle school was right next to your high school so you didn't have to worry about him too much; you'd be there to protect him from the devastating clutches that school seemed to hold every student with.
He runs off without a second thought and you grab your bag before locking your old car behind you. It stuck out like a sore thumb against the shiny, rich kid cars that circled you.
"(Y/N)," A growingly familiar voice calls out to you and soon Noah is at your side, "Hey,"
"Hi," You smile lightly, already feeling that sickening worry build in your stomach that school always brought, "So, first day?"
"Yeah, I don't feel too nervous though. I have a lot of first days," He shrugs and you can see the confidence in the nonchalance that radiates from his walk. You wished it would disperse into you.
"Well, if I were to give you one piece of advice..." You stop and look up at the crowd you despised that was near to you, "I'd recommend you don't get seen around me,"
And with that, you grip your bag strap a little tighter and walk a little faster- hoping to escape before anyone says a word to you.
"(Y/N)!" The loud, cruel bellow sounded inyour ears and already made you feel even more sick, "How was summer? Oh, no wait, were you working? Or looking after your brother? Or working? Or looking after your brother?"
You turn on your heel to stare Mikey, the resident bully, in the eyes, "Oh and same to you Mikey. Oh, no wait, were you trailing after Mummy and Daddy? Or crying over over the fact that the only company you had all holiday was your own right hand?"
Your own confidence overwhelms you so you're quick to leave after that remark, turning away and only hearing the faint laughter from his friends that surrounded him- though, this time, it is at him rather than with him. Noah was stood amongst them, pushing through to try to look at you once more- for this was completely different from the girl he met yesterday. How much could this place really change someone?
The day dragged on until you could finally be free for your last period, you had no lessom timetabled so opted to stay at school until Leo would finish.
Stood at your locker, your fingers grazed the photos that littered the inside of the door and they managed to provoke some sort of forged comfort in these echoey and cold hallways.
"(Y/N)?" Noah's voice sounded, growing closer to you, "I'm sorry, I don't have a class on my timetable so I don't know where to go,"
"Oh, it's just a free," You explain, "You can go home or just take it as a study period,"
He nods, understanding a bit more, "Is it okay if I stay with you then? I don't really want to go home and I don't know much of this place," Noah's hand scratches at the back of his neck and, if you knew him a bit better, you'd take that as a gesture full of nerves.
You close your locker door and sigh, "Didn't you hear what I said earlier?"
"Yes," He smirks, leaning against the locker block, confidence warming his eyes once more, "But I also saw the rest of those guys, and what you said to that Mikey kid, so I'm kind of willing to take the risk and stay with you,"
You don't really know how to respond, choosing to let him take the fall later, "Okay. Come with me,"
Silently, you lead Noah through the halls of the school and through the back exit onto the sports field. All the way to the back, you find the place you always went to. It was the building of the old storage facility where you could climb up and sit on the roof. Like an empty shell of a building, it was completely skeletal and only had the bold feature of winding plants crawling across it's surface. It was away from everything and gave you the space you needed when things became overwhelming. Noah was the first person you'd ever brought up here.
"So, you come up here a lot?" He asks, looking absently around at the landscape encircling you, "What do you do here?"
"It's a good place to get away from it all," You answer, cautious to not burn your legs on the scorching tiles below you.
"Why were those people so horrible to you?" Noah questions, turning to look at you with intent in his now focused eyes.
"Because they don't like me," You state simply, perhaps regretting your decision to bring him with you, you didn't like people being inquisitive about you, "Why do you care?"
"Because you seem like a good person. And I don't like bullies,"
"Well yeah, they're never anyone's favourite person until you're in their group," You shrug, "That's kind of how it works,"
There is a silence that settles in the thick, heat soaked air that fills the space between you. And it is oddly comforting- the silence and his presence. You feel guilty for not being welcoming to his friendliness.
"My parents already like you," He chuckles to himself, "Im sorry that they made us have a whole meet and greet with you yesterday,"
"No it's fine, they seem lovely, and it was nice of your sister to give us some food,"
"What about your parents? What are they like?" Noah shuffles closer to you but his movements are slight because he doesn't want to seem too forward.
"Oh yeah," You nod, looking down and picking at a piece of grass that was growing between the tiles, "They're great. Like I said, they're away at work right now,"
"Yeah, and it seems like you're close with your brother,"
"Definitely," You smile lightly, "Speaking of, I think he should be finishing school now. Do you need a lift home?"
You stand up and brush the dust from the back of your shorts, not noticing how Noah followed your every move and every curve of your body.
"Yeah, um, if that's okay," He smiles, hopping down onto the ground after you, "I think I'd get a bit lost on my way home,"
You don't need to respond, knowing your lack of opposition was enough for him to know your offer was accepted so the two of you are in silence once again. In this tranquility, you watch his eyes drift to the soccer field where the team are just starting their practice.
"Are you going to join the team?"
"Maybe, they seem like they're pretty great,"
And a little bit of your hope dies. Without being stereotypical, the teams here had a way of luring people in and tying them under their grasps of friendship and trust - meaning it would be likely that Noah would soon fall victim to the popularity curse. And you certainly weren't a part of that, they wouldn't let you into their circle. Noah would learn that soon.
(Does anyone actually like this?????)
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sunnysidewrites · 6 years
based on this post hehehe
i just fed yall TWICE. in the span of just 2 DAYS!!! AND THEY’RE BOTH MORE OR LESS THE SAME LONG ASS LENGTH!!! yeah that’s right i went overboard again gtg
happy happy bday to the lovely admin bee of @mansaeboysbe you are such a beautiful person inside and out, and im incredibly proud to know someone like you :’))) i’ve already sent a bday message to you so im not tryna redo it LOL but just know that i love you a whole lot and i always will! 💗💗💗💗💓💓 (she’s also the same person who gave me those beautiful headers on my mlist so please give her tons of love <333) love you sm hub hope you have a wonderful and fantastic day!!!
*to all the mutuals with bdays that have either passed or are coming up, i love you all SO FREAKING MUCH so pls dont feel left out!! it just so happened that i wanted to write this au for a long time and i wanted to present it as a bday gift for this jihoon stan hehe but i rlly love each every single one of u ok babes? <333*
warnings: i feel like i dragged this on for too long but i hope it’s still cute :’)) also i put in a joke like twice LOL anyways lil wooz only gets tongue-tied around you so you become his muse for songs
You were looking for a place to stay in bc “I am a grown adult i am not living with yall anymore” you @ your parents
And they’re like lol ok Good Luck Kiddo
After a month and a half of deeeeep searching you finally find a reasonably priced place to live in
It’s quite a distance from your parents’ home but it’s the point of you moving out to begin with
On the move-in day, you’re carrying your boxes up to your new apartment complex and you hear some tunes drifting from your next door neighbor
And you’re like hey this is actually really good music but i’ve never heard of it
You shrug it off and continue settling in
Once you finished hauling your boxes, you were about to pass out on your couch
Ok you actually did pass out on your couch
But you had to unpack some necessities later that night for bathroom and bedroom purposes
All you had for dinner was pop in some instant ramen and call it a night. You then hopped in the shower and got ready for bed
The following morning it was primarily you unpacking and shifting around your furniture a little but it was challenging by yourself
You were making a good amount of noise and in the middle of the day you were met with a very loud knock on your door
And you were in the middle of unpacking your kitchenware so you were like oh shoot ahh i’ll be right there!!
Little did you know your next door neighbor wasn’t having any of it
Can’t I get some peace and quiet around here? He grumbled as he impatiently waited for you to open the door
I swear, I’m gonna tell them off they won’t even knOW what will hit--
You finally opened the door, and he’s like oh. My gosh.
You had a few pieces of hair sticking to your forehead and your hair was tied back in a messy bun
You were dressed in a faded coral tee underneath a pair of worn-out denim overalls with house slippers
Everything he planned to complain about suddenly vanished and his first thought was:
“Is that Pikachu on your front pocket?”
Apparently he said that aloud, which he didn’t register until he saw you giggling
“Yeah, it was a hand-me-down! Still cute, right?”
And he’s kinda still just staring at you with his mouth slightly agape
And you’re like oh right ahem did you need anything?
That’s when he notices the utter mess behind you: plastic covering still over some of your furniture, half-emptied boxes littered in almost every inch of the floor, etc.
And that’s when it hits him: all that noise was you unpacking
“O-oh yeah, I just,, wanted to let you know that it was getting a little loud since I live right next door”
He silently curses at himself like i almost went off at my new neighbor rip that wasn’t gonna be a good first impression
Luckily for him, you were chill about it and you’re like omg sorry!!! It’s a little tough doing this by myself, sorry for the ruckus
Before he could stop himself, he blurted out, “do you need any help?”
Jihoon internally: u doofus u have an album to produce whAT ARE U DOING
Jihoon externally: i can help you :))) no matter how smol i may be
But that internal reprimanding melted away when he saw your eyes light up in relief and you’re practically bouncing up and down
“Would you, really??? It would be great if I had another hand around! Oh, but you’re probably occupied doing something, right??” and you feel bad that a stranger, your next door neighbor nonetheless, was about to abandon his work just for you
A cute neighbor, at that
Jihoon is like ok this is your chance to get away and go back to work cmon man
But there’s just something about you that pulls him in magnetically and he finds himself trying to reason internally that it’ll just be for a “few moments”
Yyyeaaahhh that doesn’t happen lmao rip Jihoon’s songs
Jihoon is just like “nah it’s fine I can help out for a bit” and you’re like god bless this human being
When you open your door further to let him in, he’s like oh right btw I’m Jihoon
“I’m y/n! Sorry about the mess, I only got here yesterday evening”
He shakes his head and quirks up his lips ever so slightly, “i remember when my place looked like this too except replace this space with music production things”
And you’re like ooOOoOoOO you make songs??? That’s amazing!!
And that’s when you got the ball rolling!!!
“A few moments” turn into hours and the next thing you know it’s dinnertime
“Oh crap sorry for keeping you for this long,,, those songs won’t produce themselves, right? I think I can take it from here”
Admittedly, jihoon didn’t wanna leave just yet bc he actually enjoyed your company and it was nice taking a break from staring at his screen frustratedly
“Well, I don’t mind helping out. I could show you my work one day if you want”
And you’re like holy cheeseballs yES
He starts getting up and brushing off his clothes and you’re a little sad that he’s leaving and he kinda is too :(
“If you’re not too busy tomorrow, you’re welcome to help me out more! I mean, you already helped me a whole lot today, but there’s still some things left to do”
As much as his brain is telling him to NOT DO IT,,,,
He does it
Next thing you know, jihoon is at your door again around the same time and he has something in his hand
As you let him inside, you ask him what it is and he’s like ;))))
“It’s a CD that compiled just a few songs I thought you might like”
And you’re #shook bc did he really just have a CD like this out in the open or did he really take his time yesterday to transfer songs on it??
“Do you have a player or a laptop?”
“Yeah, my laptop is on my bed, you can bring it out here!” You shout over your shoulder as you arrange your things in the living room
Shortly afterwards he emerges from the hallway and he presses a few buttons and clicks here and there and beautiful melodies ring out from your speakers
You can’t help but stop rustling to take in the sweet tunes and you’re just like :’))) have i heard anything so beautiful??? :’)))
One of the songs sound vaguely familiar and you realize it’s what you heard when you first arrived here
“Did you actually produce this??? This sounds like an actual song you can hear on the radio”
And he’s like yep made by yours truly!!!
He was only using “yours truly” half-metaphorically if you know what I mean ;)))
You keep bouncing to all the catchy tunes and swaying to the soulful ones
And in all honesty, seeing your reactions makes Jihoon feel really warm and even a little proud bc it’s one of the biggest reasons why he loves his job so much
He makes eye contact with you and you’re like :D and he’s like ahEM COuGh coUGh i’m gonna dust this shelf over here
He suddenly stands up and busies himself and you’re like ???? okie dokie
He’s a real help around the place and you’re practically done settling in
As you survey your fresh living space, you can’t help but feel a little…. Disheartened?
Bc it was actually really fun to have him around even while he made blunt remarks about your taste of decorations
“This looks like something my five-year-old niece would have”
“For your information, I got that from a five-year-old!! It’s cute, alright!”
You spent the past three days with Jihoon unpacking and talking about whatever comes to mind
Jihoon is pretty devastated that he has to go back to his makeshift studio in his room as much as he will never admit it
He eventually leaves your place and the both of you are just sad little puppies
From then on, every time you pass by each other, you greet him with a friendly smile and wave and you never fail to make his heart skip several beats
You don’t talk as much as how you first started bc he’s gotten much busier trying to mass-produce a lot of songs
For some strange reason, every time you hear a melody coming from the other side of the walls, you feel like you’re somehow connected with him
Well, except for the muffled cursing LMAO
And sometimes you would also hear several male voices at once and you’re guessing they’re his friends or the people he’s working with on the song, but based on their friendly banter and the constant run-throughs, it’s probably both
You would hear the same melody play over and over again, and you’re guessing he’s stuck on a certain part of a song as he tries to recreate new melodies from that point on
“aaAAGHGHHHGGHHHH” *deep sigh* me trying to overcome writer’s block LMAO
This would happen for about half an hour and you can’t help but wanting to reach out to him, but you’re not exactly the most musically-inclined person sadly
When he ultimately calms down, he goes back to working on the song until he finally gets the results he desires
More often than not, you fall asleep from hearing the slow ballads he creates with a smile on your face
Lil Jihoon does try to visit you and vice versa!! He sometimes shows up with random food and more CDs and you’re wondering just how many songs has this guy produced in his lifetime??? He looks around the same age as you but he’s probably produced 26+ songs by the way he packs a decent amount on each CD
Usually his excuse to sharing a meal with you is that “the guys brought over too much and i have a ton of leftovers that i can’t finish by myself”
In reality, he stared at a restaurant’s menu and contemplated for about twenty minutes about what you would like. This guy’s got dedication not just for work
“Would it be weird if i get fried chicken?? Maybe just a bowl of noodles?? What if soup is better??? It would give weird vibes if i bought drinks too, right?? Or should i just go ahead and buy them???”
Regardless of what he buys, you’re eager to eat anything and everything with your fav neighbor *wink wonk*
You feel bad when he would do that though, so you try to return the favor every so often as well
One time, you ordered some takeout but the servings were waaaaay bigger than advertised and you’re like Idea!! Let’s head over next door!! So you took the plastic bags and put in some drinks before heading out the door
You knocked on the door and that was when you heard light chatter on the other side of the door
You’re like sldjfljds i hope im not interrupting anything aaa mAYBE I SHOULD JUST LEAVE--
Too late, someone’s voice rang out “I’ll get it!” and next thing you know, the door swings out to reveal a face you’ve never seen before
“Oh, hi!” He says a little surprisedly but with a smile nevertheless
“H-hi, umm,,,, is Jihoon there?”
The guy is nodding his head in the direction of the back hallway, “yeah, he’s in the bathroom” and that’s when he looks down at your hands and his eyes instantly light up
“Omg did you bring food?? You’re so thoughtful!! Come in, come in!!” and before you could protest he literally drags you in and you’re met with a bunch of other strangers who are staring back at you like :oooo????
“Who’s this?? Jihoon never mentioned someone coming over today,, AND YOU CAN’T JUST DRAG SOMEONE IN THIS ISN’T YOUR HOME”
And you’re like ya i didnt know either lmao
You’re awkwardly shifting on your feet and praying jihoon will pop up instantaneously bc you’re gonna melt in embarrassment
“I just wanted to give him some of this,” you hold up your hands to gesture your food, “since it’s too much for me to finish on my own”
“Oh that’s cool! Some of the other guys are actually out to get more lunch, but food goes out fast with all of us here,” another guy says as he pats your shoulder reassuringly. “Well, since you’re already here, you can join us!”
“I-it’s ok! I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything, I just wanted to deliver this,,, I’ll get going” and you’re about to zOOM outta there but the same guy who ushered you in is like nO DONT LEAVE
“We’re taking a lunch break, so it’s cool if you join us! I’m Soonyoung” and he’s like :DDD and you’re just like ,,,, what a hyper guy but i like him
Everyone goes around to introducing themselves
you do a headcount of 8 and you remember there’s more guys getting food for them,,,, holy heck how many people do they have???? You’re about to introduce yourself after them but then
“Soonyoung, who was at the door--” a familiar voice calls out in the hallway before he emerges
And jihoon is like dsljLSJDF what the hELL
“Y/N??? What are you doing here???” *side eyes soonyoung*
And everyone’s making eyes at each other like waIT WAIT THIS IS Y/N???
“Soonyoung dragged me inside”
“Gdi soonyoung, how many times do i have to tell you that you can’t go around dragging people to join us???”
This guy who you think is named Seokmin pipes up, “yeah he does this all the time at our workplace too. A lot of our coworkers always end up extending their stay for far too long” and you’re nodding slowly like yeahhh i can see that happening
Soonyoung’s eyes are widened and he turns to jihoon like “is this the y/n that inspired your recent so--”
And jihoon is quick to cover his mouth so his voice is all muffled
“aHahaAHHAH soonyoung’s always the joker, april fools day!!! Let’s set the table, the others should be back soon”
jihoon whispering to soonyoung: you better sleep with one eye open tonight boi
And you’re like uhh alrighty :)))???
About twenty minutes after you’ve arrived, there’s another knock on the door
Soonyoung is practically bouncing on his way to the door and you can hear more unknown voices
They’re filing in and they suddenly stop and look at you like wait what
Them: :o????
You: :))),,, what up
Jeonghan briefly explains the situation to the guy who came in the door first and you’re lowkey intimidated bc he seems to be eldest and looks like he could beat you up to a pulp
After jeonghan tells him, he breaks out into this gigantic, cute gummy smile like welcome!! :DD i’m seungcheol! And the other guys behind him follow suit
Jeonghan’s like “this is,, y/n” and everyone tries to be subtle and nods like they didn’t hear jihoon babble on and on about you for weeks
You: ok why do yall act all weird when my name is brought up whAT DID JIHOON TELL YOU
Them: i would tell you but i don’t wanna die just yet sorry dude
Jihoon, somewhere in the kitchen: SET! THE! TABLE!
You end up staying there for a pretty long time, bonding over the whole feast you have and it’s really lively and fun, not to mention super loud with 13 guys in the same room,,, but you’re genuinely having a good time
Jihoon would glance at you nervously occasionally to check on you if you’re uncomfortable in any way
Jeonghan, who’s sitting next to him, notices jihoon’s eyes are practically glued to you and he’s like “is this the part where you confess your undying love and propose”
And jihoon is like shUT UP NO WHAT this chicken tastes great *quickly chugs down water*
You look back at jihoon sometimes and see he looks flushed but it’s not like he’s drinking alcohol
“Jihoon are you feeling ok?? Your ears are bright red” which obviously makes them redder rip
“I-i’m fine,, wow is it hot in here maybe it’s just the spiciness of the chicken let’s open the windows”
You eventually leave them as much as they protest and even try to get Jihoon to guilt trip you (unsuccessfully)
“Don’t leave just yet y/n!! You should stay, right Jihoon???”
“Huh?? O-oh yeah, I mean, you can if you want,,,,, we kinda need to work though”
Everyone’s looking at jihoon like bro wTF are u kidding me
Rip reader i can feel your heart drop :’(((
You’re feeling slightly dejected but you nod understandingly. You’ve already stayed far longer than you anticipated anyways, and work comes first for Jihoon
“Yeah, I totally get it! Good luck on the album guys!” You put on your shoes and close the door
When they finally hear your own door close, they’re attacking jihoon like
“I knew it, the lyrics just suddenly got cheesier -- there had to be someone behind all of that”
And jihoon is just praying you won’t hear what they’re saying like “SHUT UP THESE WALLS ARE THIN”
Back at your apartment, it suddenly feels much emptier and lonelier
“What am i doing,,, I just met the guys for like two hours???”
You sigh and you try to busy yourself doing other things but you hear a loud commotion on the other side of the walls with just a bunch of incoherent shouting
You smile and laugh to yourself when you think about how close they all are
Your smile slowly fades when you start wishing you wanna be close to Jihoon and you’re like snAP OUT OF IT!!!
A couple of weeks pass by uneventfully but you notice that Jihoon has gotten more reserved around you
It’s just him being bashful around you and he panics every time he sees you but obviously he doesn’t want you to know that
You’re standing at your little mini balcony and admiring your cute little cactus plants
Just as you start thinking about him and his wellbeing, you hear your name and you’re like wHO’S THERE
You look down and see Jihoon staring back at you and honestly he looks like he’s awestruck by your whole beauty bc seriously everything you wear always looks super good to him
[insert photo]
(also pretend he’s holding plastic bags)
He holds up his hands and you’re laughing bc you know exactly what that means
“Come on up!”
There’s a knock on your door promptly afterwards and what do you know!!! It’s the man himself!!!
It’s just funny how the both of you have this ongoing routine that you know what to expect
When you let him in, he places the bags on your table and quickly smiles to himself when he sees your laptop on your bed
You and Jihoon both mindlessly do your respective roles as usual
He slowly comes out in the living room with your laptop and he’s like “so the album is pretty much done now,,, i can’t release all of the songs yet but there’s one i want you to listen to. I’ll show you after we eat”
You’re like ooo im excited and you start catching up with him as you’re eating
You can’t contain your excitement any longer, so as soon as you eat the last bit of your food, you’re like “oKAY SHOW ME IT NOW” as you’re restlessly shifting on your legs
He nods and pulls up the media player on your laptop. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before pressing play
It’s a melody you’re quite acquaintanced with after hearing it countless times at night, the same tune that lulls you to sleep
You have high expectations for this song, and surely he surpasses them with flying colors
You’re enjoying the song and telling him “wow this is a really good song!” when suddenly some lyrics catch your attention
You hear something about messy hair pulled back, ruffled clothes, eating meals
And you’re like huh that sounds a lot like us haha is that supposed to be me??
Jihoon is avoiding eye contact with you and looking down at his fidgeting hands as the song progresses in its later verses
The lyrics talk about wanting to develop a deeper relationship, one where “it’s okay to tell me anything, your hardships and desires. I just want to see you smile” and you’re like wait,,,,
And one of the final lyrics says something about “i can’t help feeling like this, will you accept my hand?” and you’re like wait wait w a i t
The song comes to an end and silence fills the room
You’re not sure whether you should speak up first or wait for him, but either way you’re speechless and wouldn’t know what to say anyways
Jihoon clears his throat awkwardly and stumbles on his words poor bby
“S-so, yeah,,,, I’ve been working on this one the longest,,,, umm do you,,, like it?”
But you know better that he’s not just talking about the song
“Nah sorry man i’m not interested”
April fools kiddos ofc you are
“....yeah. I do like it”
And he finally brings himself to look at you and he’s like !!!!! really????
“Wait, for real??? You actually like it???”
He’s pretty much paralyzed in shock and all he can do is watch your hand move towards his and hold it
“I like it a lot, Jihoon :)”
He blinks slowly and he can’t fight the grin that spreads on his face as he grips your hand back
“I’m accepting your hand now heehee ^^”
“Okay let’s not talk about that”
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