#i really wanted to do today's prompt too but omg i feel like shit
avonne-writes · 2 days
omg for the prompts i love "— “of course i remembered. it’s important to you, so now it’s important to me too.”" and and "— “can i hold your hand? is that weird to ask?”" and and omg "— “i can’t believe you didn’t know i liked you, i thought it couldn’t have been any more obvious.”" for the hs au pleaseeeeee
I posted the hand holding prompt a few days ago, so I'll exclude it here. The other two I'm going to combine with today's Daily Dose of Austin Butler prompt (this will only be at the end of the drabble).
The boys are 15 here, and this is right after they make up following their first serious fight. (Sorry for any typos, I'm very tired.)
TW for brief mention of child abuse
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2. Selfie
"I can’t believe you didn’t know I liked you." Gale smiles softly at the small glow-in-the-dark stars that decorate the ceiling of Bucky's bedroom. They're the only source of light in the cozy night as he and Bucky lie there in Bucky's bed side by side. When Gale shifts, Bucky's hand tightens around his where they rest on Gale’s chest. "I thought it couldn’t have been any more obvious."
Bucky's chuckle is so close to Gale's ear that he feels a hot flush run down his neck. "I thought you were just shy."
"I'm not that shy!"
"If you say so, baby." Bucky laughs and hugs him, giddy and warm as usual.
Gale hugs him back and closes his eyes against the sudden pang of pain in his heart when he realizes how much he missed this. Being called baby. Being hugged.
Two months of dating and this is the first time that he’s staying the night. It feels like a dream, especially considering the past few days, when everything seemed to be falling apart because he lied about all the shit he has to put up with at home. Those stupid lies! Why couldn’t he just say, my father is an alcoholic and my mom doesn’t give a fuck?
Instead, he led Bucky to feel like Gale didn’t really like him after all. He confused him. Messed up the first relationship he has ever had. Bucky broke up with him, and Gale cried and cried and threw out all of his dad's booze just to get the slap he felt he deserved. It was... He doesn’t want to think about it. What matters is that his Bucky came back to him, they talked for, like, four hours non-stop, and everything is all right now. For the first time in a week, Gale feels the sweet draw of a peaceful sleep.
When Bucky kisses his cheek, he opens his eyes to look at the plastic stars again.
A few weeks ago, when Bucky had a cold and he came over to cuddle him for a few hours, Bucky told him that he had put those stars up with his dad not long before his parents divorced, but they didn’t finish the whole ceiling. His dad left and had almost no contact whatsoever with Bucky since. All that remains is the longing, an old sheepskin jacket and the stars on the ceiling. Although Gale wouldn’t mind if his own dad wasn’t around, he tries to sympathize. It’s not like he can ever understand, of course, but... well, he tries to do things for Bucky that he would like himself.
"Oh." He covers his face with a hand when he remembers what he has been carrying in his backpack since before their fight. "I forgot to give you your present!"
"Huh?" Bucky pushes himself up, confused, then laughs along with Gale as Gale fumbles to find the light switch. When the bedside lamp finally turns on, they squint at each other blearily in its glow.
A bit self-conscious in his checkered long-sleeved pjs, Gale climbs off the bed and pads over to his schoolbag, where he hopes his gift survived the past few days. He roots around a bit before he emerges triumphant with the small bag wrapped in a Marvel comic page because Bucky's obsessed with those.
Bucky beams in joy at the sight. "Why do I get a gift?" He asks after he takes it from Gale and starts picking at the wrapping.
Gale plops down next to him and tucks his growing hair behind his ear. "For our two-month anniversary." He says, grinning when Bucky gives him a smirk for using that term.
When his gaze drops back to the package, Bucky’s smile fades. "I, uh, got you some chocolate." He gives Gale an apologetic look. "But after - you know. I ate it."
For a moment, Gale stares into Bucky’s sad puppy eyes, then his lips wobble and he bursts into a laugh. "Oh my God."
"I'll buy you something tomorrow!"
Still giggling, Gale lets himself list to the side until his arm bumps into Bucky’s. "It’s okay. I'm not mad."
"Now I feel guilty though." Bucky pouts, but he throws an arm around Gale's shoulders as the contents of his gift finally spill over his lap.
Glow-in-the-dark stars and adhesive.
What Gale expects is a grin and a kiss, and Bucky rambling on about how he finally has enough stars to fill in the gaps on his ceiling, maybe an invitation to do it together, but there’s only silence at first. It’s unusual enough that he starts to worry. Was it a bad idea? Did he do something wrong? He chews at his bottom lip, but tries to find reassurance in the fact that Bucky hasn't pulled his arm back.
"You remembered." Bucky says quietly.
"Of course I remembered." Gale says, surprised that Bucky didn't think that was evident. "It’s important to you. So now it’s important to me too."
A part of Gale worries that he’s being too emotional, too sentimental. Maybe it's too much after only two months? He tried to research anniversary presents but there was no clear answer on the internet. It’s not like he can do much anyway, he barely gets any money from his mom.
The longer the silence stretches on, the more anxious Gale feels, but then, Bucky finally looks up at him, and the raw emotion in his eyes is enough to tell him that it wasn’t a mistake after all.
"Thank you." Bucky says quietly, then tangles his fingers in Gale's hair and gives him a lingering kiss that makes Gale's heartbeat race in joy. When he pulls back, he drops his face to Gale's neck, wraps his arms around him and starts giggling.
"What?" Gale smiles, stroking Bucky’s back.
After a few seconds, Bucky pulls back and kisses him again. "I was going to ask you if -" He bites his lip, uncharacteristically shaky with his words from some strange mix of joy and nerves that puzzles Gale. "- if you'd help me take them off."
Gale stops functioning for a moment. "You want to take them off?"
Bucky cracks a breathy laugh. "Yeah. I thought about it a few weeks ago. I thought we could - it could be a date, I mean - it's dumb but I feel like I don't need them anymore." He looks away, then back at Gale again. "Because I have you."
"Oh." Gale looks at his hands in his lap, trying to process it.
Bucky, who refused to let even his mom touch those stars, is now ready to take them off with Gale's help because of Gale. It doesn't even matter that this makes Gale's present pointless - the warmth of love fills Gale from head to toe. It kind of sounds like as if he was important to Bucky. More important than a memory from the father who left him. After two months. Gale doesn’t really know what this means, but... He likes it. Feeling like he matters is the most amazing thing he has ever experienced.
Slowly, a smile spreads over his face until he’s grinning at Bucky. He gives Bucky's shoulder a light shove. "You’re the least romantic boyfriend ever."
"Shut up, I can be romantic." Bucky laughs and tackles him back on the mattress. "I'm so romantic, you won’t even know what hit you."
"Your bony elbow?"
Bucky snorts, and they wrestle and banter until Gale’s out of breath from laughing and he’s sure his hair stands up in cowlicks. That’s when Bucky throws himself down next to him with his phone in his hand.
"Let’s take a selfie."
"Now?" Frowning, Gale holds up a hand to cover his face. He’s a mess in ugly pjs, and he's pretty sure he has a red spot on his chin too. Utterly unflattering. "No, come on."
"Gaaale." Bucky pleads, turning to his side to cling to Gale. "I'm bored of my wallpaper."
"Just download something."
"I'm bored of that too." Bucky whines. "Please, we don’t take enough selfies. I want to remember this day."
Gale peeks out between his fingers only to see his half-hidden face and tangled hair on the screen of the phone Bucky holds up above them. Grinning, Bucky snaps the photo, then chortles when Gale groans, closes his eyes and drops his hands in defeat.
Snap. Snap. Snap.
When Gale looks up again and sighs, Bucky turns his head, and they meet each other's eyes. Happiness passes between them like a wave of warmth. With an indulgent smile, Gale leans forward and presses his lips to Bucky's.
That last selfie ends up being Bucky's wallpaper for months to come until he breaks his phone playing soccer with Curt.
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overchromatic · 1 year
might have to slow down on the cringetober stuff, im sick :(
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omg we're mutuals??? i'm flattered honestly since my only other moot (do people say that?) is my rp partner/bestie so i feel like that doesn't really count. so like, i've never done a request before, and i never get requests (defo not sulking abt that lol) but can i maybe get some ace content? i have no idea why i like him so much honestly since he's a lil shit (affectionate), but i do and i have to live with it now. i'm terrible at coming up with shorter prompt ideas, which is probably why i've never requested from anyone before, so sorry that this is so vague. i give you creative license to write whatever you want, just no angst plz. is it weird for a self-proclaimed angst writer to specifically not want angst for their requests? i dunno. feel free to delete this if it's not what you're feeling at the time or i've somehow violated your rules, which i did read. sorry, i talk way too much.
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AN: Hi! Don't worry about talking too much, I enjoyed reading it! And I agree, Ace is a little shit, but he's also very cute and occupies space in my brain without paying rent :(
Jokes aside, I hope you like this just as much as I liked writing it! May we never be cured of the loving Ace disease <3
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Prompt: can i maybe get some ace content? i have no idea why i like him so much honestly since he's a lil shit (affectionate), but i do and i have to live with it now.
Pairing: Ace Trappola x GN!Reader/Prefect/Yuu
Genre: Fluff
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Ace was a menace.
A menace of the highest degree, whose sole purpose in life sometimes seemed to be making you burst a vein with irritation.
A menace who was holding out a bouquet of roses for you, trying to act nonchalant even as his cheeks were tinted a soft red. His eyes were hidden by his sunglasses, but you had no doubt that they were focused on you and your reaction.
"What's this?" You hummed, taking the bouquet and cradling it in your arms. For something that looked so elegant and dainty it sure was heavy, and you were wondering how long Ace had stood outside Ramshackle with them before finally ringing the bell.
Ace cleared his throat, breaking you out of your reverie. He looked effortlessly stylish in everything he wore, but it seemed like he had taken special care with his appearance for today. If he'd given you a warning, maybe you'd have changed into something nicer than your pajamas...
"I, um, I came here to ask you something," he said, voice somber as if he was going to give you bad news. 'But who gives bad news with a bouquet of roses?' You thought to yourself, pushing down the part of you that was ready to overthink the smallest of incidents. You nodded to him to continue.
"Will... uh, will you be m-my Valentine this year?" He trailed off at the end of his sentence, voice breaking slightly. You blinked.
"Your Valentine?"
Ace made a face of indignation at your question. "Oh no, I was actually speaking on behalf of Deuce. Look, there he is, right where you left your last braincell," he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Are you trying to make me say no?" You asked, narrowing your eyes at him. Shifting the bouquet to one hand, you acted as if you were going to close the door with him still outside. Not that you actually would, but it was still fun to see his eyes widen comically at your action, hand shooting out to stall for time.
"Wait, no that– don't take everything so seriously," he whined, holding the door to stop you from shutting it in his face. You rolled your eyes at his dramatics, letting go of the door but turning and making your way inside. With your back turned to him, you smiled.
"Come in and help me find a vase for these roses," you said, and Ace followed you obediently, refraining from making any other sarcastic remarks that would have him stand outside the house as though he were in timeout for misbehaving.
Once you found a vase big enough to hold all the roses, you filled it with water. As you placed the flowers in it, you felt two strong arms circling your waist and a weight settling on your shoulder.
"So... be my valentine?" He asked again, voice slightly muffled against your shoulder.
"Give me one good reason to be your valentine," you hummed, not relenting even as Ace whined about you being unfair to him, he got you roses, how could you be so cruel—
Every indignant rise and fall of his voice had the smile on your lips growing and the urge to burst out laughing increasing. You bit your lip to stifle your amusement, but he caught it anyways.
"You little– you were trying to make me beg for it, huh?" He accused you, voice playful as he poked your sides. A peal of laughter left you as you tried to dodge his pokes, your hands swatting at his.
"Stop it!"
"Not until you say yes!"
Breaking free from his hold, you ran to the living room, your giggles filling the air as Ace followed, hot on your trail. You were fast, but Ace was faster, and you blamed hisbeing a member of the basketball club for him managing to foil all your attempts at getting away.
Pinned under him on the couch, you squirmed as he continued tickling you. Laughter left you both breathless and red in the face, and you wheezed when Ace decided to flop on top of you, his weight pressing your body down against the couch.
You hit him lightly at his shoulder. "Get off, you're heavy!"
"Nope. That's what you get for being a brat and trying to make me beg for you to be my valentine when you and I both know your answer'd be yes."
You stuck your tongue out at him, and he mirrored your actions, before he made himself comfortable against you and settled against your chest.
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stevethehairington · 2 years
for the writing prompt, can I request numbers 37 & 64? It sounded so cute in my head 🥺
hiiii! thank you for the prompts!! double action hell yeah!! these two go soooo well together too omg.
you did not say any specific pairing, so i went ahead and wrote steddie because they are my default <3
37. "can i kiss you" + 64. "it's two sugars, right?"
Eddie wakes up in his bed feeling more peaceful than he has in a long time.
He lets consciousness return to him slowly, basking in the soft sunlight that seeps through the blinds, the cozy warmth of the bedsheets, and the delicious ache of his body as he stretches out.
The memories of last night trickle back to the forefront of his brain, and a syrupy smile spreads across his face.
Eddie hums contentedly and nuzzles into the pillow. Lazily, he wonders if his luck has stuck around long enough for a round two (or round three, really) in his near future.
But when he sweeps his arm out from under himself and towards the other side of the bed — towards the body that’s supposed to be there, all it catches is air. There’s a lingering warmth against the sheets, but it’s the only sign that anyone was there at all.
Eddie blinks his eyes open properly and sits up. Disappointment wells up as his sight confirms what his touch had told him:
Steve is gone.
It… it stings. Eddie can’t say that it doesn’t. Maybe it was naive of him to think that last night had meant as much to Steve as it did to him, but he had. Thought that.
The idea that this whole thing was just… just a one night stand? It hurts. Eddie doesn’t want it to be a one night stand. Steve had been so sweet, too. So attentive. It didn’t feel like a one night stand for him either. But what did Eddie know? Maybe that’s just how Steve is with all of his bed partners. Maybe he just makes them all feel that special.
Or, shit. Maybe Steve isn’t even into guys. Maybe he’d thought that he was and last night just proved that no, actually, he’s not. Except — no, no. That can’t be true. The sounds he was making last night were way too real to be fake. That was enjoyment, no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it. 
So then maybe Steve just isn’t into Eddie. And instead of being honest with him, instead of telling him straight up, he slipped out before Eddie could wake up. He didn’t have the guts to break Eddie’s heart, so he just… left. Disappeared. It’s a dick move, but… sometimes old habits die hard, right? Maybe his heart wasn’t so gold that the assholery couldn’t slip back through the cracks.
But Eddie can’t believe that either. Not with the way Steve’s been looking at him. Smiling at him. All of the excuses he’d make to be around Eddie; and the constant touches to his shoulder, his arm, his back, and the way they lingered; the way he’d laugh at everything Eddie had to say, even if it wasn’t funny. There’s no way Eddie read the signs wrong. Steve was interested. In Eddie.
Before Eddie can spiral any further, though, a creak sounds off from somewhere outside of his bedroom and he freezes in place. Wayne isn’t home yet, he’d taken a double shift at the plant today, and won’t be home until the evening. Which means, unless Eddie’s home is being robbed, there’s only one other person that could be snooping through the kitchen cupboards like that…
His heart starts to jump rope in his chest as he ambles out of his bedroom, down the short hall, and into the kitchen. And, just as he thought— just as he hoped, he finds Steve standing at the counter. 
He’s still sleepsoft, in nothing but his boxers (or maybe those are Eddie’s, actually) and one of Eddie’s worn old t-shirts. His hair is flat, rumpled in the front and sticking up in the back, like he’d slept on it funny. There are still pillow creases in his cheek. He is beautiful.
He’s also speaking to the ancient coffee maker in a mild-mannered tone, whispering gentle encouragements and positive affirmations to it, like those will coax it into finally working right.
Fat chance.
“Come on, baby, come on. You can do it! You can make a cup of coffee, I know you can! Come on, work with me here,” Steve pleads.
When the coffee machine continues to do nothing, Steve curses under his breath and smacks his palm against the side.
Eddie can’t help himself as he snorts at the Jekyll and Hyde change of heart, and Steve startles at the sound, spinning around.
“Oh, hey,” he says, shoulders relaxing when he realizes it’s just Eddie. 
“Hey,” Eddie replies, and his cheeks warm for no good reason. “I see you’ve met Leonard.”
Steve’s nose scrunches up. “Who the fuck is Leonard?”
Eddie jerks his chin towards the coffee maker. “Leonard,” he introduces. “He’s a crotchety old fucker. Only does what you want when he wants to. Kind of like Wayne.”
Steve laughs. “You just gotta treat him right then. That’s all. A little sweet talking is all it takes.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah — Harrington charm hasn’t failed me yet. Just you watch.”
Steve pets the side of the coffee machine, caresses it, more like. He leans in close and whispers, “Come on, big guy. I know you can do it. Just give me some of that sweet sweet lifeblood you’re so good at making, that’s all I want.”
The smooth tone and the flattery make Eddie think of last night again — the praise and the exaltation and the so good, baby, so good for me that Steve kept repeating like a prayer. 
None of this now is directed at him, but he still feels hot all over. (Is it reasonable to be jealous of a fucking coffee maker?)
But then, against all odds, Leonard sputters to life. First, a tiny little drip. Then another, and another, and another, until finally a full stream of hot, fresh coffee spills into the waiting carafe below.
Holy shit. Steve can talk anything over the edge, apparently. Harrington charm indeed.
Steve brightens and sends a triumphant grin Eddie’s way. It’s tinged with smugness too, and Eddie shakes his head at him. (Fondly, always fondly.)
“Hah, see? I still got it,” Steve boasts. He waggles his eyebrows and Eddie wants to kiss him again.
He doesn’t know if he can, though. He doesn’t know what this is, and he doesn’t want to make assumptions.
Instead, Eddie moves over to the table and drops himself into one of the chairs. “You makin’ breakfast?” He asks.
“Just coffee,” Steve responds, “but I can make something to eat if you want.”
A home cooked breakfast sounds so nice. All Eddie usually eats in the mornings is toast or cereal. Something hot off the stove would be a treat. But Eddie doesn’t want to rope Steve into cooking for him if he doesn’t want to. If he… has other plans. Like leaving. Eddie doesn’t know his morning after habits.
“No, it’s okay,” Eddie tells him.
He’s about to add on that maybe just a cup of coffee for himself would be nice, if that’s not too much trouble for Steve, but Steve is two steps ahead, as always.
He brushes up against Eddie’s side and sets a steaming mug right in front of him.
“It's two sugars, right?” He asks.
Eddie blinks up at him. “Yeah, I— how’d you know that?”
Steve smiles. “I pay attention.”
And it’s— it’s so fucking sweet. Steve’s never made Eddie a single cup of coffee in his life but— but he knows how Eddie takes it anyways. And he made it for him without even asking. Just thought of Eddie, like it was no big deal. Like he wanted to do something nice for him.
Steve turns to go back to Leonard and pour his own cup of coffee, but Eddie lunges forward to catch his wrist before he can go far.
“Can I kiss you?”
Steve wrinkles his nose, tilts his head. “You have to ask?”
Eddie purses his lips and ducks his head. It’s a little embarrassing that he does have to ask. It makes him feel a little bad, too. Like he’s doubting Steve or something.
But he’s never done this before. Any of it. He doesn’t want to assume. He doesn’t want to get his hopes up. 
“I wasn’t sure,” Eddie replies.
“Eddie,” Steve says, sliding into the seat across from him. “We did a lot more than just kiss last night,” he points out.
And, yeah, they sure did. Eddie fights a flush as the memories of last night flood back. Steve on his back, Steve between his legs, Steve with his mouth and his hands all over Eddie, making him feel so good. 
Eddie shrugs. “Yeah, but that was last night,” he says, curling in on himself a little. He hates that he feels so insecure about this. Hates that he has to even bring it up. “It’s morning now. It’s a new day. It’s— I’m not sure— I just don’t know if last night was, like, some one time thing for you or…” he trails off. Shrugs again. His fingers toy with the handle of the mug in front of him.
Steve reaches out across the table to take Eddie’s hands. His thumbs brush over the tops of his knuckles, and he waits for Eddie to meet his eyes before he smiles — soft and sweet and warm. 
“It’s not just a one time thing for me, it’s really really not. I’m, like, so into you it’s kind of crazy,” Steve admits, a little breathless as he says it. “I want… I want everything with you. I want as much as you’ll give me.”
Eddie’s heart somersaults beneath his ribs, backflips across his chest, puts on a whole god damn gymnastics routine.
“That’s— yeah. I want that too,” he confesses back, twisting his hands in Steve’s so that he can tangle their fingers together properly.
The smile that lights up Steve’ face is brighter than the sun. Prettier, too.
“Steve,” Eddie says.
“Can I kiss you?”
Steve laughs, and he nearly knocks over the chair in his haste to stand up and round the table. He pushes himself into the space between Eddie’s knees, and cups Eddie’s face between his hands, holds his head like it’s something precious. Like he’s something precious.
“Yes,” Steve says, “you can.”
So Eddie pulls him into his lap, and he kisses him.
100 ways to say i love you prompts
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pippytmi · 7 months
Kacy exes era was definitely something and so was your fic
All of those angsty prompts are sooooo good. The first one where it's late but you can't sleep so you show up at their door in pajamas 😭😭
Fully imagining Kate turning into peak Season 1 mean girl cause she isn't getting enough sleep and is making it everyone else's problem too and then Lucy also can't sleep and it's effecting her performance out in the field so Jane tells her to take a long weekend and catch up on sleep but she can't cause she can't sleep without snuggling right up into Kate
thank you omg i hope I lived up to the the angsty kacy post-exes era 🫡🫡🫡
and holy shit wait i can 100% see the vision for the sleep one? like. jane notices that lucy isnt doing her best and tells her point blank “whatever you need to get well-rested” so when kate opens her front door at midnight she is understandably very, very confused. totally imagine the scene going like this:
Kate answers the door with an (appropriate) amount of apprehension due to the time of night, but it melts away into soft, plain confusion when she sees Lucy standing there. “Lucy,” she says, quietly, sounding vaguely hopeful and relieved and—Lucy absolutely cannot allow that. 
(The hope, anyway).
“Hi,” Lucy says firmly, “I need to sleep here. Tonight.” She reconsiders her words a little and amends, “Please.”
“Is there something wrong with your apartment?” Now Kate looks concerned. “Are you okay?”
“Everything's fine. Can I—can we take this inside? Your neighbors will really hate me otherwise.”
“Yeah, of course.” Kate steps back to let Lucy in, watching her with that patient, perplexed furrow of her brow, and Lucy is extremely mad that she still finds it cute.
“Jane told me to come here,” Lucy says, once they're standing together in the living room and Lucy is pointedly avoiding eye contact. “Well not here specifically, she just made me take time off to get some rest and…well, she might have mentioned that you're a little off yourself. In her usual cryptic way.”
“Off?” Kate echoes, frowning. “Off how?”
“Well you've been a little—prickly. More than usual. At least, that's what my team has been saying, I haven't noticed anything.” That's a lie, but Lucy is trying very hard to show she doesn't care what Kate Whistler is up to nowadays. 
(Showing up today is just. A brief lapse in judgment). 
Kate crosses her arms. “I've been nothing but professional. If they sent you to complain—”
“That's not why I'm here, okay?” Lucy pauses to exhale deeply. “I can't sleep. I'm driving my team crazy and Jane finally told me to take some time off and…I think I just can't sleep without you.”
“Oh.” Kate blinks, outwardly stunned, and her frown falls entirely. “Does this mean—”
Lucy doesn't let her finish. “I don't want to talk about us,” she says. “I don't want to listen to you explain, or…or anything. I just want to sleep, and obviously, it needs to happen in your bed or it won’t happen at all.” She pauses. “If you’re fine with it, anyway.”
Kate just stares, for a moment. “Is this…wise?” she finally asks. “The ramifications of getting used to being around each other could be…” 
“Don’t analyze it,” Lucy protests. “And don’t look at me like I’m crazy. I just need one night of sleep or I’ll actually kill someone. Can we just, take it one day at a time here?”
“Okay.” Kate bites her lip, looks down and doesn’t look back up. “Sure. We can just stay together tonight and figure the rest out later.”
The act of giving in is very uncharacteristic for Kate Whistler, and deep down, Lucy knows why Kate is agreeing. She knows why Kate is so willing to let Lucy back into her bed despite their issues. And she knows why Kate is currently gently clearing off Lucy’s side of the bed that is so obviously slept-on instead of Kate’s usual side.
But Lucy pushes those thoughts deep, deep down, and instead buries her face into a pillow and listens to Kate’s uneven breathing. “I can hear you thinking,” she says, feels Kate shift behind her. “Relax, okay? We’re just two people…sleeping next to each other…to get one night of rest. It doesn’t have to be weird.”
Kate gives a huff of a disbelieving laugh. “Right,” she mumbles. “Not weird at all.”  
Already, Lucy feels like this is working, all exhaustion melting out of her body as she sighs. “You can touch me, you know.”
Kate coughs. “What?!”
“It it helps you sleep,” Lucy yawns, eyes already closed as she pulls the blanket a little tighter. She has an explanation on the tip of her tongue about how she knows Kate likes the grounding ability to touch, but it fades when sleep comes.
(She swears, though, that she feels the faintest brush of Kate’s fingertips at her waist right before it does).
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getonite · 9 months
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hiiii! seen a couple of people do this, plus i realized i don't appreciate my mutuals as much as i should. and since the year is ending (literally today), i thought i'd appreciate y'all for a lil bit.
→ if the tagging irritated you, i apologize 🙏🏾. if i missed you, lmk, i was 100% half asleep while making this! (this is actually so embarrassing ngl. but i luv yall 🫶🏾)
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(🎧 : avian) → @sensivs
starting off with my pookie with a beautiful (horny) brain. im dead fucking serious i have zero idea how we became mutuals (🧍🏾‍♂️). i just remembering talking to you one day, and the we were having full conversations in dms lmaoo. an emoji ring, helios, an unborn baby (??), and multiple fic ideas...now we're at the end of the year. i really appreciate you and all of your chaotic energy, it made me laugh! and all of your prompts are immaculate (🤌🏽). i await the days you post more fics or drabbles so i can support you the way you have me! :) luv u pooks, i def wanna ramble u more about hcs!
→ (i sound like im about to die omg)
(🎧 : snail/seraph) → @flimsyichigo
again, zero fucking idea when we became mutuals (i don't remember shit). we don't talk too often but i be seein you likeing my horrendously down bad and chaotic thoughts...i appreciate you bro (🙏🏾). i love your fluffy blue lock sruff, and your overall vibes are (yes, through the screen) amazing! thank you for dealing with my bullshit.
→ (as i type this, i realize just how many mutuals i have jeez, (half of which i barely talk to but still))
(🎧 : ame) → @pastelclovds
ameeeee, number 1 ive always loved your writing (iterally giggling and kicking my feet as i press the like button). your themes r so fucking gorgeous omg. we don't talk as often, but i love when we do interact. i hope we can more (im just easily embarrassed).
→ (i sound like a teenager leaving a love letter in a locker. omggggg)
(🎧 : ace ) → @acefantasyy
another person who puts up with my horrendously down bad bullshit takes. i applaude you for dealing with my ass lmaoo. but, on another note, i smile when i see you in my notes (no, i didn't originally mean that 2 b a joke). i really appreciate the reply you made when i went on a little break, thank you! i hope you continue to deal me, and i hope we interact more!
→ (i really gotta start talkin 2 yall more)
(🎧 : riri) → @pynkkgeto
we're friends irl. i don't have 2 say shit 4 u (luv uuu 🫶🏾)
(🎧 : rome) → @satocidal
yet another person who delt with my nonsense lol. you're quite busy, so you won't see this for a second. but thank you for being awesome and making me laugh with your naobito jokes. thank for the reply you left when i was the one going on break. hope all goes well for you!
(🎧 : idk ur name TvT) → @infrunamie
i feel so bad omg. but i wanted to appreciate your writing for a sec. whether its a drabble, headcanons, a fic, or just 100 words, your brain is miraculous when you write cuz it always leads to me wanted more. seriously, i love it. i was actually shocked you followed me, literally looked up to your writing ong (🙏🏾). i love it when you show up in my notes even if it's just a like. thank you for your reply when i went on break, trust, all of them got me through those shitty ass exams! ty!
→ (im sure this isn't what my therapist meant by being outgoing but im gunna do ts anyway)
(🎧 : spirit) → @spiritfrvr
literally the best vibes on earth i swear. your blog is like a fluffy hug omg. and (imo), you kinda bring that over to other blogs. i'd really like to talk to you more and ramble about random shit! :)
(🎧 : arlan) → @asuyaka
your drabbles r so cuuutee! i love them so much omg. especially the taking care of suguru one! i was surprised you liked my writing sm, and i love yours the same! i really appreciate the little reply under the break post and the christmas tree! seeing notifs of u makes me smile!
(🎧 : qi) → @yaekiss
i don't think we've been mutuals for too long, but omg we reeally should speak more!! i loved your message on the christmas tree! i love the vibe and look of your blog omg. i hope we can interact more!
(🎧 : juno) → @arlertdarling
hi junooo! ty for the message on my christmas tree, and i agree! we really should interact more! you seem like a realllly cool person, plus im on my fucking knees for your writing, dead serious. hope we can talk more, i hope you have a great 2024!
→ (srsly, y tf do i sound like im moving far away or smth TvT)
(🎧 : najma) → @honeybleed
ilysm ong. number one, we cousins (😔✊🏾; im joking pls help), number two, your theme was downright gorgeous (still is), number three, your writing it delicious. i haven't had too much time lately, buuut, i love how you post content that isn't completely smut (as a smut blog that fails at angst lol). its nice to get a break and see fluffy or angsty stuff in the tags instead of the same repeated material. you know you what you like and you stand firm in what you say (i need 2 b more like u fr), and your overall vibes are amazing! i love seeing your anime takes omg. i hope we can interact more in 2024!
→ (that kinda rhymed...and unrelated, but im listening to the mean girls soundtrack or 4 hours of sleep writing this)
(🎧 : yoru) → @dilfverz
number one, thank you for the messege on my christmas tree. number two, your so cool (😭). i love your themes and your writing, how you interact with ppl and anons is funny lol. literally look up to your writing ngl. i super appreciate your for explaining genshin impact to me, cuz im definitely not playing that damn game lol. your reblogs and likes in my notes make me wanna cry ngl. thank you for being so cool! (🙏🏾)
→ (am i over using emojis? i am so tired omg)
(🎧 : sy) → @wrizzesley
we just became mutuals like a week ago lmaoo. but i love your writing so much. and your themes?!?! (:O). i know damn well that shit is time consuming and exhausting, i applaud you, i could never lol. but anyway, i hope we can interact more in this new year. i think your really cool!
(🎧 : astro? idk im so sorry) → @astroknottt
i love your writing holy fuck. but other than that, i love it when you reblog my stuff! esp with those little comments, they've given me a bunch of motivation. and seeing you write such toe curling shit, that gives me motivation too! hope we can interact some more in the new year!
→ (pls ignore my silent pleas for help in these notes, but my vision is wonky. i promise im going to sleep in a second)
(🎧 : ) → @naee0
your probably locked out of tumblr again lol. but if you see this, thank you for your chaotic energy! and even if it was one sentence, what you sent on thr break post, i really appreciate it! even if you or me aren't on tumblr much, i hope we can interact a bit more! you're pretty cool! and i loved those drabbles. i hope your doing great!
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PRODUCER MESSEGE: "i think that was all. again, if i missed you, please lmk. i might have been blind (my eyes prolly look like that squidward meme). but i appreciate all of you! thank you, and pls dont hate me 🙏🏾"
51 notes · View notes
eddiessidegirl · 2 years
Your DMs are always welcome, my dear. Ohh! I almost forgot! I have a prompt for you. Congrats on the followers! You deserve it 💕 I wanna do a fun sleepover too, really soon.
Could I possibly request Eddie with an alt/punk girlfriend? I don't usually see a whole lot of Punk!Reader and it would make my week. Something fluffy and fun, no pressure.
Omg, this took forever and I’m so so so sorry 😭 please forgive me. I hope this is good, and makes sense.
For Want Of
Summary: Punkrocker Tara is in love with Eddie Munson
Pairing: Eddie x Punk/Alt!Fem Reader
Warnings: Standard 18+ for my blog, this is a fluff piece, angst (if you squint), mutual pining, minor drug use and drinking (typical teen shit), let me know if I missed anything
Word count: 4166 words
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Alarm clock blaring, record player left in the final stages of playing last nights record, and the person sized lump on the bed under the covers. This was how Tara’s mother found her in the morning on this particular Friday morning. “Tara, I swear to Jesus himself if you do not get out of bed this minute, you’re losing car privileges this weekend and you will not be able to go hang out with your little friends. You’ll be forced to clean out the garage with your father.” A cigarette dangled from her mothers thin, pursed lips her fake attempt at being a good mother was such a lie. She was only mad that her stupid church friends heard that her only daughter was out at all hours of the night hanging out with other teens who dressed like she did: coloured hair, dark makeup and listening to Misfits on full blast while driving the streets of Hawkins, Indiana. But most of all her mother hated hearing she’d been seen talking to and being around a one Eddie Munson. He was a drug dealer, a cult leader, and he listened to “that God awful music” as her mother put it.
“Will you lower your fucking voice? I heard you the first time you bellowed at me like an hour ago. Fucks sake.” Her voice draped in sleep, mascara and eyeliner smudged and giving her the raccoon look. Tara pushed the blankets back and slid into her jeans and pulled a Ramones shirt over her head - not bothering with a bra.
Jonathan was already waiting outside for her, mug of coffee in hand for her to drink while they drove to pick up Robin, his little brother Will in the back seat, his newest companion guide for his game night with his friends in hand, he didn’t even notice her sliding into the front seat. “So, is today the day? Or are you never gonna tell him? I mean Graduation is coming up quick, and you’re not gonna be here forever,” He asked her, he’d known she’d had a thing for the town drug dealer for ages but never worked up the courage. Sure she could throw down with assholes who grabbed her ass but Munsons’ chocolate eyes just made her stomach do flips. Her arm reached across the front seat and she shoved her best friend.
“Shut it, Byers. What about you and Wheeler? You guys gonna cut the shit and finally figure out your college bull? Or are you just gonna pretend that you still haven’t gotten your rejection letter to Emerson?” He shot her a nasty look, but it softened when he saw she was just poking fun at him, she laughed teasingly an scooped her hair into a bun.
They secured Robin who was all giggles about this girl Vickie and she loved how happy her friend was, being yourself was hard in this town but the three of them did their best to never hide their true selves around each other. It just sucked big time that the rest of the town didn’t subscribe to the same thoughts and feelings.
Tara had turned 18 in December, and while Eddie was still in high school he was a super senior, 19 going on 20. She’d liked him ever since she could remember, but it became more prevalent when he turned up to school when she was 13 and he 15, his buzzed hair grown out and dressed in a battle vest and leather with heavy metal band pins all over it. She herself had always been more into the punk scene. She’d seen the Clash in concert in Chicago with Jonathan and they were planning to she The Cramps this summer before she moved for college. But she could tolerate his music tastes, if only he paid her an ounce of attention aside from selling her dime bags here and there.
She’d gotten lost in her thoughts and wasn’t paying attention as they exited the car, “watch it freak I don’t want to catch whatever it is you have wrong with you.” Carol Perkins cackled and turned back towards her friends, brushing off pretend dirt as they walked away from the group. Tara flipped them all the middle finger and shoved her bag further up her shoulder. “Christ, you’d think she’d have levelled out after Wheeler smacked her when she made fun of her for dating you…” Tara muttered to Jonathan. Will had quickly gotten out of the car and was running towards his little nerd herd, the four of them colliding around Eddie and his friends, collectively they were the Hellfire Club, the only Dungeons and Dragons club in all of Hawkins and subsequently made them the butt of every joke, but Tara knew that after the years of trauma those kids had suffered they deserved too feel some happiness even if they were mocked behind their backs.
Robin nudged her back “can you go get us some weed for this weekend? I can’t get caught with it in my room again, my parents are already on edge after the last time.” There was a smile on her friends lips that said this was more than a transactionary meeting that would be happening.
A small huffing noise came from Taras throat. “Later. I’ll pop a note into his locker for a lunch meeting.”
Which she did, it was a folded triangle note with few words “Forest clearing. Lunch. -T” Eddie pocketed the note, grinning, Tara was his favourite customer, not only because she was a consistent buyer which made it possible to do upkeep on his van but also because she was a person who didn’t judge him, her being hot was just a bonus. And what Tara didn’t know is that he had a thing for her too, and she’d never noticed that he gave a deep discount on all her purchases. Hell, she could ask to walk on his back in her Docs and he’d say “yes please” and ask her to do it again.
Lunch rolled around and both parties were walking enthusiastically towards the meeting spot, Eddie, lunch box in hand and Tara, with her headphones on listening to a mix-tape that Byers had given her to check out.
She was walking head down and collided with something hard, but also soft, clearly a person. She took off her headset and yelled “Hey! Watch where the fuck you walk asshole!” But when she actually focused on who she was yelling at it her whole face went beet red, in fact if you’d placed her face next to an actual beetroot you wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference between the two. It was Eddie. He’d been standing by the bench watching her walk towards him the whole time and when she smacked into him he lost it. His body was rocking back and forth with laughter, tears streaming down his cheeks as he tried to compose himself, one of his ringed hands clutching the picnic table for stability.
“I’m so sorry, that was actually one the best things I’ve seen, T.” His voice slightly hoarse from laughing, “y-you just..and then…oh my god.” And he was off again.
Tara tried her hardest to be mad, but she couldn’t, it was funny, and the hard shell exterior she had always cracked a little when she was around Eddie. “Shuddup Munson…” she mumbled, her mouth in a smile, reaching to punch his arm lightly. “I’m supposed to be here buying weed, not making you piss yourself.”
He sat down and placed his elbow on the table, his lunchbox beside him, hand tucked under his chin, “ooo a woman serious about her business.. I love it” his eyes sparkled and watched her sit, clocking the fact that’s her chest jostled freely but focused on her face. “How much are we talking?” His nimble fingers opening the lunch box, gesturing to the nuggets inside.
“An eighth’ll do.. it’s for Robin, Jon and I for the weekend, we’re going to watch movies and play some pool at the Byers since their moms going to Hoppers this weekend,” he’d nodded and starting doling it out, it was like time slowed down and then sped up because before Tara knew it her mouth was speaking words and she couldn’t stop them from coming, “y-you should come too, Jon’s bringing Nancy and Robin will be bringing Vickie, I really don’t want to be playing pool on my own.” The blush had come back just as strong only now it was creeping down her neck and disappeared into her shirt. What was she doing? This was stupid. She told herself of course he didn’t wanna hang out with a bunch of 18 year olds.
“Sure, I mean, I’ve got nothing better to do, just running campaign tonight and then free all weekend.” She couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, but it didn’t seem like it. Her heart raced. “It’s on me since I’ll be there, don’t worry about paying me.” He handed her a bag that was clearly more than what she asked for and got up. “See you there, sweetheart” he called out, and disappeared into the trees back to his van to calm his nerves. He was basically going on a date with the girl he liked and he couldn’t believe it.
“I didn’t even tell him when it was…” Tara couldn’t find him to tell him and she didn’t want to be late to class, since the teacher was friend of her mothers and she didn’t need more trouble before the weekend.
Saturday evening arrived faster than she thought it would. Bad Religions’ ‘We’re Only Gonna Die’ played on the speaker, Nancy was learning how to play pool with Vickie, Robin teaching both of them, Jonathan and Tara drinking a beer in the corner laughing every time one of them launched a cue ball off the table and had to get it. The air in the room was hazy with the smell of weed. Everyone was there, except Eddie, maybe he’d forgotten or maybe he just didn’t want to come after all. Besides why would he want to hang out with them when he could be hanging with his band mates or anyone else for that matter.
Eventually though, the windows lit up and at first everyone thought it was Joyce come back but then they heard Dio blaring from the vehicle and they knew it was definitely not Joyce. Tara went outside to meet Eddie, the air outside only slightly chillier than the house, plumes of smoke exiting behind her form.
“I see you guys started without me, it’s ok I brought extra provisions” he motioned to the bag of weed in his pocket and the beer in his hand. Eddie tucked his free arm into his pocket and tilted it towards Tara. With the high she was experiencing being full force she was more apt to be nice to him, and she took the elbow he extended.
“Didn’t think you were gonna come, Munson.” Her eyes were blissed out and a smile across her features, she led him into the house, showing him where to put his stuff before going to the makeshift game room that they’d thrown together for the festivities.
A low chuckle escaped his mouth and he leant down so only she could hear him “I’d never miss an opportunity to hang out with my favourite client, especially when she’s dressed like this” he spun her slowly so to not give her stomach a bad turn, she’d forgotten she’d put on a leather skirt and a lacy tank top with her army jacket, it wasn’t even intentional, at least not consciously anyways. The blush she experienced the prior afternoon returned. He was slowly breaking her when it came her to attitude that she’d come to have after idolizing Joan Jett, Eddie Munson, it was clear would be the death of her.
“Can it Eddie,” she told him laughing the whole time, “get your ass in there so I can beat you and Byers in a game.” He let her lead the way and Eddie was met with cheers, he set the beer down and laid out the weed for replenishment. Tara told Jonathan to go the table and set up a game for the three of you now that Robin and Vickie had vacated it, opting to sit in the living room and watch movies instead.
The game was progressing well, Tara was up by a couple points, ‘How Soon is Now’ was playing quietly, and she was swinging her hips to the beat, while she lined up her shot. Eddie was staring. Hard. Nancy was quietly talking to Jonathan something about wanting to go home so she could get some yearbook work in before Monday. Robin and Vickie were still in the living room. Jonathan told Tara and Eddie that he’d be back soon.
“Is this how you pictured your Saturday night, Munson? Hanging out with us listening to punk, playing pool?” She looked over her shoulder at him, a glazed look in her eyes but her mouth turned up in a smile, she’d never admit it but the air felt electric when it was just the two of them and the high made it better.
He grinned back “well, no, but I’m having fun and the view is amazing which is a bonus.” Eddie’d moved closer to her his hand next to hers on the pool table, his lanky frame towering over her smaller one, especially since she was slightly crouched from planning her next play.
Maybe it was the high, maybe it was the few beers she ingested but the room was hazy, and even though she knew people were in the room next to theirs, they felt immensely alone, and they were never alone in any capacity apart from her buying. She straightened and stood up, in the soft warm lights of lamps and with the smoke swirling around him, Eddie looked entirely different. Ethereal almost. Her eyes darting around his face as she took him in. He was far different from his school persona, and his dealer one as well. Softer, but maybe it was the weed.
Eddie on the other hand was only high, he had to drive home so he hadn’t been drinking but he too was focused intently on her face. Tara was so very different from everyone, even himself, a metalhead. But he knew a lot of it was a mix of rebellion and self expression. Her parents were overbearing and hyper religious. And he’d definitely knew there was a softer side to her that she didn’t show unless she was among friends or alone. In public, she was brash, loud. In private she was kind, funny and cared deeply for her friends no matter what they were going through.
Finally when the game was finished, and she’d rightfully so kicked his ass the two of them made their way to the living room, Robin and Vickie had fallen asleep on the couch leaving only the recliner to sit on. Neither of them had the heart to wake the sleeping couple, Eddie was quietly insisting on sitting on the floor and Tara had to interject, “uh, no, I’m not watching…” she looked over the VHS box that he’d tossed to the ground, “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in this chair alone, get your denim clad ass up here.”
Shaking his head back and forth in a self argument way he eventually climbed into the seat of the chair and Tara settled half on his thigh and half on the arm of the chair, Eddie swiped his arm behind her and put her wholly in his lap. “Don’t need your ass cheek falling asleep mid-movie.”
The two of them sat in silence, save for a few squeaks or soft ewws when something really gross happened. One particular scene when the teen girl was strung up and Leatherface was coming at her with his chainsaw Tara tucked her head into Eddie’s neck and out of instinct, he pressed his mouth to the top of her head and made sure to tell her when it was over. Butterflies had erupted everywhere in her body at this gesture, she still didn’t know if it was friendly or more. It didn’t really matter at this point.
Instead of lifting her head, she slid it so her face was forward, the movie was almost over and Tara was getting sleepy, the amount of weed she’d smoked and the beer she drank starting to weigh heavy on her senses in earnest. Eyes sliding shut, she fell into a not very restful but deep sleep, Eddie sat awake the whole time until the movie ended and then he too fell asleep, Tara’s body warmth the perfect blanket.
Loud voices woke everyone in the living room early, Robin and Vickie disentangled and tossed Tara look, both had their eyebrows raised. The only person still seemingly asleep was Eddie, Tara tried to undo his grip but it was too tight.
“HEY! EDDIES’ VAN IS HERE! Eddie I need help with my character” a voice rocketed through the house as the door opened, it was a one Dustin Henderson, and Munsons eyes flew open.
“Shit. Just a second Henderson, lemme go tame the beast.” He moved to get off the recliner and forgot Tara was minorly tethered to him, pulling her forward and then the two of them collapsing into a pile, Robin cackling, wiping the leftover eyeliner and mascara from her face as the two of them disengaged their limbs. Tara flipped Robin off but laughed along with her, the situation was really funny, only now her ass was bruised from the fall.
She stumbled to the kitchen, eyes bleary with sleep still, “Yo, Jonathan, is there any coff..ee?” Only the person in the kitchen wasn’t her best friend, it was Joyce and Hopper at the kitchen table both sipping their own mugs of dark coffee.
“Jonathan is in his room, but there’s plenty of coffee, dear.” Mrs Byers gave Tara a soft smile and nodded towards the coffee pot. Pouring herself a cup she stretched and cracked her back, the position shed laid in all night had caused her back to be sore, but she was well rested, she did have a good pillow after all.
Hopper cleared his throat “so…how long have you and…” he gestured to where Eddie had gone to fix his hair “…been a thing?” Tara shook her head and explained that they were just friends. “Didn’t seem like just friends the way you were clinging to each other like your life depended on it.” he chuckled as Tara high tailed it out of the kitchen to the respite of the living room where she in turn was grilled for the entire time Eddie was outside talking to the kids about the campaign.
Tara took a few days off from everyone, she needed a clear head about what had happened between her and Eddie, did he really like her or was he just being nice to her because she buys weed from him? On the third day, her bedroom phone rang continuously for two hours, but instead she turned up her music and just kept thinking, focusing on the what ifs of a relationship that didn’t technically exist yet, if ever.
Eventually the room darkened as did the outside, her record player turned down low so her parents didn’t come up and confiscate it. “I really need to find my own place, I’m old enough, besides I hate this wall color…” her parents had painted it in ‘soft salmon’ what ever the fuck that meant and they wouldn’t ever allow her to change it.
“I dunno about you but I like it.” Came a voice from behind her, startling Tara and causing her to fall sideways off her bed. “Fuck, shit, are you ok??” It was Eddie he hauled ass through the rest of her window and around her bed to check on her.
“What the actual fuck are you doing in here?! Are you trying to get shot at?! My dad has a rifle in the goddamned linen closet.” Tara was pissed, but it was wavering as he held onto her hand and waist as he helped her to a standing position.
His brow furrowed, “you weren’t answering your phone and I got worried, that maybe something happened or that you were mad. They told me they kinda interrogated you after that morning and that was why you left.” He looked so mad for Tara and she couldn’t stay mad forever. She just kind of nodded and sat down.
“It was part of it, but also, I just needed space, to…think y’know?” His hair shook as he nodded and joined her on the bed. His hand taking hold of hers, letting her know he was there for her. “I’m confused about what happened or I guess didn’t happen and I got into my head about it.”
The two of them sat in the emptiness of sound for a bit, the record ending and dead air was the background noise for a bit, both of them thinking, Eddie was the one who broke the silence first, “look, Tara, I like you ok? And I got mad at them for being so nosy, it was none of their business.” He shuffled closer on the bed, holding onto her hand like a life preserver. His eyes searching hers. Hopeful.
Tara’s mouth was dry, but there was a moment when she thought she was going to throw up, but she knew nothing would come up. This was the moment she’d been waiting for forever. Through all the teasing from her friends, through 5 years of stares. “I like you two Eddie,” Tara’s face a shade of maroon, Eddie’s beaming, neither of them had expected this result. Tara expected to go off to college and have to find someone else to be with.
A few seconds passed, Eddie broke the silence, “so, are you going to kiss me?” His lips turned up in a wry smile. Tara shook her head and leaned forward, closing the gap between them. Pressing a kiss his his full lips, Eddie’s arms found a way around her waist and this felt like home. Her own hands found a way up to his mess of curls, but before they could go any further Jonathan’s voice called out from the door.
“Fina-fucking-lly.” Him and Robin had shut eating grins on their faces, they were beyond happy for their friend. But most importantly they didn’t have to listen to her pining over him in the mornings anymore.
“Shut it.” She retorted, a smile plastered on her face, Eddie’s hidden since he was distracted by her neck but she could feel a smile of his own on her skin.
1986, it turned out was their year.
36 notes · View notes
dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
It’s CMA, taking notes as I read, though I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this at this point Lmfao-
Okay then checking each other out in the morning and just the thought of them both being in love with the other over such a domestic moment?????? I love them so much
Ben offering to stay??? OMG I love him so much it’s not even funny
The whole ‘do u want anything from the gentlemen’s club?’ To ‘I can bring u a cigar’ KWKNCNEDN I know I keep saying this but he’s so adorable. I knew it was coming from the sneak peek and I’m still so delighted by it.
Everyone being like ‘wow clover why aren’t you fucking your husband all day today?’ Is sending me LMFAO.
His family asking about it, albeit indirectly, is so much weirder though. Like do they want to know about their brother’s sex life?!? Idk but I’d honestly rather die. That is way too much info
Also imagine if she’d told them that it was unpleasant. Just everyone roasting the shit out of benedict and Josie hating him even more. It’d be so funny because ben couldn’t even really defend himself without revealing something. He’d be so offended too and try to prove them wrong lmfaooo.
I hope Ben either presses the clover to preserve it or paints it. Him taking care of and treasuring it has me so fucking soft. Imagine if that becomes their thing where she always gives him clovers. Or if she gives him flowers from her garden or something. It’d just be so sweet!!
Imagine if he loses it one time and feels absolutely awful and clover is like no it’s fine?? And he’s like mournful and angry at himself because it’s like a sign of her affection and trusting him or whatever, meanwhile clover is totally in denial that the clover meant anything at all
Oh no Colin and marina LMFAO. There are so many scandals in this season that I’d forgotten. It would fucking hilarious if Ben and clover were the only ones to come out with their reputations intact since they only got caught kissing. Though maybe Charlie and Anthony won’t get caught?? We’ll see…
Ben reaffirming that he trusts her without any reserves and taking that first step voluntarily and not needing to be prompted or anything, just doing it… I love him ur honor. I keep saying that but it keeps being true.
When will we find out about the wrist thing????? I’m so curious!
Anyway, love love LOVE this chapter so much. This story has me in a chokehold istg
They are so in love with each other😍 Like, we only see Clover's pov but when Benedict saw her all sleepy first thing in the morning? His heart was melting ❤️
They have no idea how to work this whole marriage thing, they're very new to it😂 So they're basically mimicking what they saw and heard 😂
They have been acting so lovesick in front of people that everyone thought they just wouldn't leave the bed on the first day of their honeymoon😏
Lolll Anthony and Colin totally questioned Benedict about how it was 😈
Omg he would be so offended! 😏
Aww that's such a wonderful idea, she needs to give him clovers, that could totally be their thing! ❤️ Benedict would be so happyyyy🥰
Season of scandals for many Bridgertons😈
I think the fact that he actually trusts her means a lot to Clover, because she trusts him more than she thinks she does❤️ We will see a great example of it in the next chapteeer😏
Oh the wrist thing 😈 We will wait juuust a bit to learn about that darling ❤️
Thank you so much for this, ILY! ❤️❤️❤️
7 notes · View notes
emisirrelevant · 1 year
Today’s prompt is: Pom poms up
Continuing with my contributions for the week, as this is a lyric from Shut Up and Cheer, I will give my song commentary and analysis of it.
The fact I have been in Eva’s place before actually (minus the people dying, but the drama, OH GOD. Yes, I can confirm even SWIM TEAM can have drama. And not the drama in the musical theater way)
•”In a room full of people who have clearly mad bad choices, I may be the stupidest one here”
•Now WOAH WOAH WOAH. There’s so much to say here.
•FIRST, I LOVE THIS LINE. What a BANGER opening line
•It says a LOT in one line
•effective ways to start a song: be Eva in WATT
•Also just Sydney Parra. That’s all.
•Finally, I just realized could this lyric still technically work if you swapped “people” and “choices”?
•“in a room full of choices who have clearly made bad people” idk 😂
•”Cause having heard the stories, and knowing all the drama” Eva my beloved come here I will give you all the hugs
•”I still said I’d join the murder squad this year” Omg an alternative title for WATT? “Murder Squad the Musical”
•and technically if we’re getting logical Riley is the main agent because Reese k wording Clark was an accident but yeah okay anyway
•”I swore that lightning won’t strike twice, and surely this is all under control” oh honey- YOU GOT A BIG STORM COMING
•”This school costs more than I can say, they straight up comped me 60k” HONEY THAT SHOULD’VE BEEN THE WARNING SIGN/FIRST RED FLAG
•”but also I’m afraid I sold my soul” Never would I have thought to comment here and make a connection to Faust but curse that one college course that made me read Faust- I have a feeling Eva would hate Goethe too
•”So I can say no this shit is insane” THE WAY SHE ADDS A BIT OF A GROWL ON “SHIT”
•”Or I can keep my cool and stay in my lane” ME when there was drama on my swim team and I was not living for it and just trying to live my own life
•“They won’t even know that I am here” In other situations I would say oof Eva deserves to shine for sure, I mean yeah she only gets like this song but yeah I understand she was the new girl so she only just got there but it makes sense to me and I’m glad Preston put in in the album because it gives us HER perspective like “do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head” also maybe it’s a good thing Eva was masking because imagine if Riley went after her next
•”I have worked so hard for so much less” OOOOOOOH TOO RELATABLE, RELATABLE LINE ONCE AGAIN
•”I think maybe every high school is a mess” Eva you couldn’t be more real in this song I swear
•”you want a little structure, you just want a smaller class size, and somehow you have ended up in hell” can also confirm
•”if everyone seems crazy maybe I’m the one who’s crazy” Eva is just so real
•also quick psa, on a musical side note, I LOVE THE PIANO MELODY/RYTHYM IN THIS SONG!!
•”and all of them are doing really well” girl you’re probably the most stable one here tbh
•”or see these goddamn girls won’t get in my way” I kind love how she sings this line, tbh part of me feels like she’s letting some inner Riley out
•“shut up and cheer and back awaaaaaAAAAAaaaAay” YES EVA SING
•”complicated god I know it, I’m afraid but I won’t show it” also a mood
•”I can pray that they’ll outgrow it” Well thank god most of them did (rip we’ll never know about Chess and Farrah if they lived tho)
•”take a chance and make it through the year” LOVE how the instrumental builds up through this section
•”get in the clear” I’m sensing the double meaning here
•”And say that life’s not fair, oh I’ve so been there” who hasn’t tbh
•“Shut up and cheer ready ok”
EVA MY BELOVED. My favorite real icon and to think it started from just delivering pizza. This whole song is just one giant mood. I love it.
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
hi!! omg all of your works are so good they make my heart warm :’) i was hoping you could write suna and osamu and anyone else you’d like in the “didn’t know they were dads” prompt 🤍
Hiii!!! Stop you’re so sweet😭I’m glad you like them!! I definitely can!! I don’t think I have any others we’ve pretty much got all my favorites covered so far besides maybe Aone!
Sorry this took so long to write I was in school😭
Tw-light cursing, past relationship conflicts, angst ish to fluff! Let me know if I missed anything!
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Maybe it was an accident maybe it was on purpose, maybe he was just too immature to be in such a long term relationship. You’re not sure, whatever the reason was the outcome was still the end of your four year relationship with Suna.
Unfortunately for him, you hadn’t found out until after he broke up with you that you were pregnant. So for the next two years, you raised the most precious little girl, teaching her how to do everything and be kind to everyone.
“Mama!” She squeals happily as she points at the kitten sitting in the window of a small cat cafe where you and Rin used to have dates.
You quickly check the time on your watch. You had time to spare.
So the two of you are sat at a little table as a pretty white cat hops onto your daughters lap as she giggles excitedly.
“Smile for mama” you tell her as you try and snap a photo of the two.
“Excuse me” you feel a hand settle on your shoulder.
When you turn around your stomach drops.
“Suna” you say dryly his name leaving a bitter taste in your mouth.
“Can we talk y/n?”
“What’s there to talk about?” You ask trying to skip around the idea that your daughter most definitely was his kid.
His eyes flicker towards your adorable daughter who’s happily playing with the kitten. You feel a twinge of guilt at the idea of depriving her of her father because you’re uncomfortable.
You nod softly calling her over before introducing her to Suna who smiles softly at the way she beams up at him with your smile.
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It wasn’t for any horrifying reason, you’d simply gotten to caught up in life, both your jobs taking you in different directions, agreeing it was the right person wrong time, unfortunately you don’t think Osamu got the memo as he literally blocked you on everything so maybe he was feeling a bit bitter?
So now almost a year later, you’ve got the most adorable twin girls with chubby cheeks, that happen to look just like their dad.
“Ok, and what’ll we have for lunch today?” You ask as you peer over the stroller causing the girls to giggle wildly.
“How about Onigiri?” You offer and they nod quickly.
Unfortunately you’re like shit at picking out where you should eat at completely disregarding the fact that the restaurant’s name was literally Onigiri Miya…so you were definitely shocked when you pushed the stroller into the restaurant and saw Osamu leaning against the counter, and because you took an early lunch you’re practically alone in the restaurant with him, very few other customers.
“Hello welcome to Onigi- Y/n?” He asks sounding a little confused.
“Hey Osamu” you tell him as you lean over the stroller.
“I see you settled down” you don’t miss the way the little excited light in his eyes is splashed out when he motions to the girls.
“Oh…not really” you mutter giving him a little smile, “it’s been me and the girls since you left” it was now or never you’d decided.
“Since I left?” He mutters to himself as you push back the little hood on the stroller revealing two chunky toddlers.
“So…” you mutter, “you settled down yet?”
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Anywho if you guys want to see anything else let me know because I love writing requests!!
Part two here!
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tomorrow | m. schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x reader word count: 990 words (a miracle) request: yes/no, by @honeybadgerr: "prompt list: 41 or 42 with mick please💞💞 i love your writing style too much omg you are amazing keep it up love💞✨💞✨💞" you're so so kind, thank you so much for sending this!!! i hope you like it! prompt: fluff #41: "you are crushing me right now." & fluff #42: "darling, i love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen." from this prompt listwarnings: language, fluff. i really can't think of anything else. a/n: for once i write something short and sweet. something extremely sweet.
my masterlist
part one "promise" & part three "today"
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anniversaries are important milestones for couples. you and mick were about to celebrate two whole years together, but, unfortunately, you had caught a minor cold that prevented you from going out and celebrating as you'd planned.
"it's not your fault, my love. the only thing that matters is that we spend this day together and that you get better," mick had assured you he wasn't upset at all. placing a soft kiss on your forehead as he left you alone in your bedroom, wrapped in your sheets and comforter.
you slept most of the day, feeling your throat dry and cold from breathing through it, your nose too congested. you got out of bed and walked to the kitchen, downing two glasses of water one after the other. you followed the sound of the tv, finding mick laying down on the couch, asleep.
you smiled at the sight, he had an arm covering his eyes, his chest falling up and down with every breath he took. his australian shepard, angie, sitting by his feet. your stomach growled, demanding food. dragging your feet, you walked back to the kitchen, grabbing an instant soup. you opened the package and proceeded to boil some water, leaning against the fridge, you closed your eyes, nearly falling asleep standing up.
the whistle of the kettle startled you. you opened your eyes, muttering a string of 'shit, shit, shit' as you turned off the stove and removed the kettle from the heat. you heard footsteps walking your way and you pouted internally.
"what happened?" mick asked as he entered the kitchen.
"i was boiling water for my soup but i fell asleep and the whistle scared me and woke me up," you said, covering your face with your hands, you didn't know why you felt like crying.
you felt arms around you, pulling you close to mick's body. you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down and you hid your face in the crook of his neck, letting your tears fall.
"why are you crying? are you alright?" he asked, leaning his head back, but you tightened your hold on him, keeping him in place. to be honest, you didn't know where this strength was coming from, you just knew you needed his touch.
"baby, let go a little, you're crushing me right now." he whimpered, and you reluctantly let go of him, sliding your hands around his waist instead. "are you okay?" he asked, wiping your tears away with his thumbs, he held your face in his hands.
"i don't know why i'm crying. i- i just wanted... some soup." you continued crying, leaning your forehead on mick's chest. "god, i'm such a mess. and it's our anniversary, and we were supposed to go out but-" you rambled, but he cut you off, placing his lips on yours.
"darling, i love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen. go back to sleep and i'll get you your soup and we can watch movies, and cuddle, whatever you want to do," he said. his voice was soft and gentle and caring. and your heart soared.
"can we cuddle with angie?" the dog barked as she heard her name, making her way into the kitchen, nudging your legs with her snout.
"of course, i'll be right there in a few." he smiled, helping you up the stairs with angie leading the way. "i'll be right back," he said and you nodded, head hitting the pillow. you laid on your side, patting the space next to you and embracing the dog.
a few minutes later, mick climbed up the stairs carefully, he had a tray with your soup, orange juice, and a small heart-shaped cake with a candle on top.
"angie, scoot," he whispered to his dog, who moved to the end of the bed, side-eyeing him, "don't give me any attitude right now, young lady." he laughed as he scolded the dog, as if she could hear him.
"love?" mick whispered, running a hand through your hair, you scrunched your nose. "schatz?" he placed a kiss on your forehead, you kept your eyes closed, suppressing a smile that was threatening to spread on your face. he noticed. "liebe..." he kissed the side of your temple. "darling..." your cheek. "baby..." your jawline. "love of my life?" you chuckled as he pecked your lips.
"i'm gonna get you sick," you said on his lips.
"don't care," he kissed you again.
"love of your life?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"you know you are," he said as he laid next to you.
"happy anniversary," you said as you ran your hand through his hair.
"happy anniversary, my darling." he smiled, sitting up and grabbing the tray with food.
"mick!" you said as you watched the cake with red frosting, the candle in the shape of a '2' right in the middle. "i love it. i love you," you grabbed his face with one hand, pulling him down a little, not wanting to tip the tray.
"i love you more, schatz." he was about to say something more when a bark brought you out of your little bubble.
"i love you, too, angie. no need to get jealous," you said, petting her.
"yes, but you love me more, right?" mick asked, and you smiled sheepishly. "(y/n)!" mick placed a hand on his chest.
"look at her! i can't say that in front of her!" you pointed at angie, who looked from mick, to you.
"unbelievable," mick shook his head, laughing.
a few hours later, you were wrapped in each other's arms, you laid on top of mick as you watched a movie. you were nearly asleep when a thought came to your head.
"i love you more than anything in the world," you said, snuggling into his neck, breathing in his scent. "thank you for making me the happiest person on earth," you murmured, letting sleep consume you completely.
"anytime, my love." mick whispered, kissing the top of your head, he felt the now-familiar weight of the small red velvet ring box in his pocket.
tomorrow, he thought.
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kybabi · 4 years
what if we switch the roles, and it's the guys who are pranking u by calling u a different name :O with atsumu, oikawa, and suna please <33
pranking their s/o by calling them by someone else’s name
w/ atsumu, oikawa, and suna!
(a/n: omg i never thought of doing this??? but it’s a really good prompt so i had to!
anyways, thank you for requesting anon! these are all written in the timeskip!💛)
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this man is... chaotic
unfortunately, so are you😐
you + atsumu = disaster😀
there is not a single day in your relationship where the two of you haven’t bickered about the STUPIDEST SHIT
no it’s literally so dumb
today you stole his favorite sweatshirt that is, well, coincidentally your favorite as well
“babe, i need it for today.”
“‘tsumu, wear something else. this is mine for the day.”
needless to say, atsumu is offended
so while you’re not looking, he tackles you
little do you know that he has an ulterior motive😀
“okay, looks like we’re doing this the hard way,” he mutters, and pins you back on the bed, lifting up the sweatshirt and tickling your sides.
you squeal, thrashing around wildly, and attempt to push his hands off of you. but he’s too strong, his grip holding you down, and you can’t escape.
he digs his fingers into your ribs and you absolutely lose it, shrieking loudly, tears running down your face, and atsumu laughs at the sight.
but for a split second his grip ceases, so you kick a leg over his back and roll him over, landing on top of him, and attempt to pin his arms down so he can’t tickle you anymore.
at this point, both of you are laughing uncontrollably, sides growing weak, and he’s still trying to remove the sweatshirt from your frame, failing miserably.
now that you have the upper hand, you tickle at his stomach, to which he squirms, and he jerks around sharply, the sight strangely satisfying.
you find a certain spot under his left rib and he squeals.
at that, your hands pull back, and you end up sitting on his lap, the both of you breathing heavily. you look down at him, confused.
“you said miki,” you answer. something unfamiliar and unsettling stirs in your gut.
“what? no i didn’t?” he responds, and you eye him warily.
“yeah, you did. who is miki?” you ask, getting nervous.
“babe, i don’t even know a miki.”
“then why did you say that?” you retort, voice getting louder. you’re starting to feel strangely insecure, and it’s scaring you.
“i didn’t! you’re making things up,” atsumu suggests, hand coming up to hold your face reassuringly. you push it away and get off of him.
conflicting emotions clash inside you, and uncertainty is beginning to make you nauseous.
is there someone else? am i just making things up? he probably thinks i’m some insecure bitch.
atsumu senses that there’s something wrong and looks toward you in concern. he hadn’t meant for the prank to actually hurt you, but with the way you’re pulling away from him, it seems it did.
he comes up behind you and puts his chin on your shoulder, arms wrapping around your waist reassuringly. you turn away from him.
“hey, hey,” he coaxes. “it was just a joke, okay? i don’t know a miki.”
“what?” you ask, swiveling to meet his gaze head on.
“i wanted to see how you’d react,” he replies, grinning at you softly.
your expression changes drastically, disbelief coloring your features, and you shove him playfully.
“atsumu, what the fuck?”
he laughs, tackling you back on the bed and pinning you down with butterfly kisses on your neck.
he presses one on your lips, and you sigh, feigned annoyance on your face.
“you’re gonna give me trust issues, you know that?”
he chuckles.
“you’ll always be my number one, you know that.”
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this whiny bitch🙄
you and tooru are quite the disastrous couple
every so often something comes up and the two of you spend hours bickering about it
but usually one of you will just get fed up and attack the other
tooru wouldn’t admit that he was wrong for not remembering to buy the miso paste you asked for🤨
so naturally, you tackled him
while you were very ticklish, you also knew that he was as well, so you went in for it
what you didn’t know was that he’d planned it all along😀
“BABE, IT WASN’T MY FAU— OW!” tooru squeaks, hand coming up to rub where his head has just made contact with the edge of the couch. you laugh, giving him a second to breathe, and then resume.
he shrieks, spasming erratically, and attempts to push your hands off of him, but he’s grown weak, and it’s practically impossible.
“i’ll stop if you can admit that you were wrong!” you tease, knowing his pride is too important for him to actually submit. he whines.
you sigh, and shrug. “alright. your fate.”
so you jab into that one spot between his two lower ribs, and he squeals, attempting to pull away.
tears are already streaming down his face, and you laugh at his resolve. it appears he’s not backing down any time soon, and neither are you.
even if he wanted to, he couldn’t, because his sides are being tickled so hard that he can barely squeak out a single word.
but then you hit a particularly sensitive spot on his side, and he howls.
“MIYE, STOP!” he cries.
you cease, leaning back and sitting on his lap.
“man, i thought it would never end,” he mutters, wiping his cheeks. “looks like you finally gave up, huh?”
you’re silent for a minute.
“what did you say?”
“earlier, you mentioned someone. miye.”
tooru sits up.
“what are you talking about?”
“who is miye?” you ask.
“babe, i never even mentioned her!”
you freeze.
“so it’s another girl.”
oikawa pauses, opening his mouth and closing it immediately as if he’s been caught. your heart sinks.
you know your boyfriend has always been popular with other girls. you’ve caught so many of them just fawning over him. but you never considered that he would take interest in any of them, too.
not feeling up to being near him anymore, you move off of his lap and get up.
“i think i’m gonna... go to bed,” you mumble.
at that, tooru realizes his plan totally backfired. he had planned for you to get upset with him so that he could reassure you, but you don’t seem to be mad at him at all. you’re just hurt. and that’s even worse.
“hey, wait!” he yells after you, coming in front of you and stopping your movement. you look away from him.
“tooru, it’s fine. i’m just tired, ‘kay?” he knows you’re lying, and you know he knows, but you just don’t feel like talking about it right now.
“baby, i was just kidding,” he explains, eyes wide with honesty. but you hesitate to believe him. after all, it would make sense if he wasn’t.
“i don’t even know a miye,” he continues. “i promise you. okay?”
you finally look up to him, and his eyes are genuine. and even though you’re a bit worried, you trust him. you nod and let him pull you in. he sighs, relieved.
after a few minutes, you pull away before punching him square in the stomach. it’s not enough to actually cause him lasting damage, but it still hurts.
“baaaabe,” he whines, doubled over dramatically. “it hurts!”
you laugh.
“well, maybe you shouldn’t have scared me like that. dumbass.”
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suna is a generally laid back person
but every once in a while, he likes to stir things up😏
he saw a prank on tiktok a little while back and wanted to try it on you
you were already bickering with him about who got to choose the movie, so he decided it would be the perfect time
he planned to play fight with you for awhile before actually saying the name
but he hadn’t expected your reaction
“babe, it’s my turn!” you exclaim, attempting to grab the remote from him.
“nah,” he shrugs, easily holding it above your head. you sigh frustratedly and jump to grab it, but he’s already moving it out of your reach. he’s wearing that stupidly sexy smirk of his, and you cross your arms.
“you got to choose last time, so i get to choose this time,” you explain, hand open and waiting. he sighs, rolling his eyes.
“but you always choose the dumb ones with the bad acting,” suna complains. your jaw drops.
“WHAT? I DO NOT!” you protest, offended.
“yeah, you do. your taste is terrible,” he provokes, hoping your pride will kick in. he doesn’t have to wait long.
“HEY! take that back, rin,” you glare, eyes narrowed. he just stares at you.
“hey, it’s not my fault you like the shitty movies,” he teases. there seems to be some sort of staring contest between you now.
“okay, that’s it!” you yell before pushing him onto the couch. you climb up his torso and attempt to reach for the remote. he yelps, startled.
“HEY! GIVE THAT BACK, MEI!” he yells when you secure the remote and take it out of his hand. you let go.
suna looks up at you. “huh?”
“you just said mei.”
his eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“no i didn’t?”
your gut twists uneasily. you’re sure you heard him say the name. so why is he trying to deny it?
“i heard you say the name, rin. who is mei?”
“babe,” he coaxes, hand coming up around your waist and squeezing reassuringly. “i never said that. i think you’re hearing things.” hurt, you push his hand away and get off of him, instead moving to the other side of the couch.
you’re silent for a while, and suna stares at you, waiting for you to say something. when you do, your voice is much smaller than it was before.
“if there’s someone else,” you mutter. “you don’t have to lie about it.” you sigh dejectedly. “i just wish you would’ve told me earlier.”
rintarou’s chest aches at the pain in your voice. he really hadn’t realized how much it had hurt you. it was never his intention, after all.
he crawls over to you, and you turn your face away from him. puzzled, he brings a hand up to your cheek, but it comes back wet. you sniffle, hiding your tears from him, embarrassed at your own sensitivity.
“hey,” he murmurs softly, turning your jaw to face him. “look at me.”
when you finally do, he sighs, mentally cursing himself for making you cry like this. he kisses you softly, hoping maybe it will soothe you.
“i was just kidding, okay? i don’t even know a mei,” he whispers. “see?” he points to his phone, which is recording conspicuously in the corner.
you wipe your tears to make sure you’re seeing this right, and it’s true; he’s recording this entire thing. you turn your gaze to suna and glare at him.
“i’ll let you choose the movie this time?” he offers in an attempt to placate you. you take a pillow from behind you and hit him with it. “ow! what the fuck, babe? i force myself to watch your shitty movie and this is how you pay me? wow,” he mutters.
offended, you hit him again. “take it back!”
he grabs you and pulls you close, nosing at your jaw and chuckling lowly.
“i’m kidding. i love them,” he mumbles against your neck.
“and you.”
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s1ater · 3 years
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the older boy, part two. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which reader’s friends warn her about the older boy with the red mohawk but she doesn’t listen
warning/s 🚫: swearing
slater’s note 🗯: omg slater finally uploaded 😮
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part one, part two
hawk: miss me princess?
you squinted your eyes from the bright glare surfacing from the screen of your phone. it had to be about close to midnight and it was almost something you expected, this text.
he always texted late, always catching you minutes before you decided to clock out for bed, and always drawing out your sleep schedule. so instead of going to bed at 11:30 like normal, you ended up wide awake well around two hours later.
y/n: you flatter yourself too much
hawk: is that so? thought you always looked forward to our nightly convos
y/n: other than them being nightly, sure
hawk: i’m a busy man
you rolled your eyes, “sure you are.”
y/n: that’s probably why i never see you outside of school then huh
you couldn’t careless on why you never saw hawk outside of school. it seemed to be rather a blessing from all the things you had been hearing about him lately. it was just fun to tease.
he liked being teased as weird as it sounded, it fired him up as he stared at the screen of his phone, smirking. hawk knew you knew why you never saw him and why he never saw you. you guys weren’t friends, barely acquaintances, only two oblivious lonely people who wanted someone to fill their hormonal needs. 
hawk: you never see me sweetheart because you never want to
y/n: that’s a lie
hawk: is it?
y/n: i’d love to see you
hawk: i’m sure you would, but face it princess, you’d chicken out halfway through before you’d even see my face
y/n: lies, you sure you’re not talking about yourself?
but was it really a lie? you wondered, thinking whether or not your wits and nervousness would overcome you before you actually saw the face of eli if you were to ever hang out with him.
you bit your lip thinking about earlier today when moon said to stay away from eli for rather obvious reasons. one being he was violent and angry a lot of the time and two... he was a teenage asshole who’d fuck you over the minute you showed vulnerability.
hawk: let me come over if you’re not a pussy
you bit your tongue at the sight of the message. great, you thought. now you had to come up with some excuse only to prove hawk right; that you were a pussy. the thing was, you didn’t actually think he’d want to see you.
it was like a silent agreement that your relationship was flirting only, nothing else. he was like a side hustle along with all the other boys who hit you up through your snapchat.
y/n: sorry babe, i only let boys who actually talk to me in real life come over
hawk: alright, fuck you lmfao
eli mindlessly smiled at his phone screen while shaking his head. he knew you’d be a challenge, and he knew you’d turn him down any minute or mention of hanging out.
he found taunting and teasing you amusing and sometimes the highlights of his days but sometimes it also got boring with how you didn’t put out as easily as the other girls.
y/n: sorry bud
hawk: alright, goodnight princess ;)
it was uneventfully windy as you stood outside waiting for moon’s red car to pull up and drop you home. you almost swore as you came into realization that she probably forgot about you, again.
you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear as you checked your phone once again, absent of any notifications that would relate to moon.
you were beginning to feel sick, the kind of sick that resonated in your stomach from a sprout of loneliness. you shook your head, pushing yourself off the brick high school wall deciding you better start walking now if you wanted to get home before five.
your feet begun to burn five minutes into walking the shortest route you could think of as a way home, “fucking, moon.” you shook your head, taking out your phone again. she always had the strangest memory problems and seemed to always goes m.i.a. the moments you need her the most, such as.. when you were desperately in need a ride home. 
“need a ride?”
you almost jumped in surprised, not realizing a car had pulled up next to you as you were focused on your phone. you dipped your head down to the low window of the old red cadillac pulled up next to you, their windows rolled down, old rap music turned down low in order to speak to you. 
“nice car,” you quirked your brow with a slight impressed smile. he was one of the last people on earth you would expect to give you a ride despite your conversation the last night. 
“you want a ride or not, princess?” “oh, i wouldn’t want to ruin your special me time, hawk.”
“get in the fucking car, y/n,” he rolled his eyes, quickly done with your bullshit as he put the car in drive. you reluctantly got in the nice car, swinging your bag to the floor as you couldn’t help smile to yourself. 
“you know i’ve never been in a karate kid’s car before,” you mumbled lightly, examining the interior of the car better, your fingers running against the smooth dashboard, impressed by how well restored the old car was. 
“is that so?” he glanced at you, a slight smirk on his face. 
“who restored the car?” you mumbled, your eyes still looking around almost like a kid in a candy store, only more subtle, trying to hide the fact how impressed you were with the car. 
he glanced at you again, almost taken back by the question. it was never a question he had heard before, especially by a girl. he smirked, trying to hide his own surprisal, “you know larusso? guy helped me out with it.”
“nice,” you mumbled, leaning back into the seat, done with your examination. 
it was silent now, and you almost sat comfortably if it weren't for the voice in the back of your head yelling at you that the whole thing was a bad idea. you wanted to ignore it so badly, because you had never actually ever saw a red flag from eli other than the fact that it’s basic knowledge he’d a fuck boy. 
he seemed like a generally good guy. no not a good guy, a guy that was your type. eli wasn’t at all the good guy type but more or so the douche that was only nice to certain group of people, you being on of them. 
because he wanted to fuck you. 
“got something on your mind?” he glanced at you, almost nervously like you'd hop out the window with any wrong move he made. 
“no,” you said it fast making him smirk, almost as if he knew what you were thinking, almost as if he were familiar with the typical female anxiousness. familiar with the fast talking, redden cheeks, lip bites, fingers fiddling, all of it, it seemed as if he just knew. 
and eli was, it hadn't taken him long when going through girls to pick up on the similar body language they all seemed to have. because really, down to the bottle, they all did the same thing; always rubbed their lips together prompting for kisses, using a different fragrance than usual when finally alone, fingers tapping, lessening the clothing on their body than the usual outfit. all similar, and he could almost see it in you despite this being an unintentional meet up... and you weren't trying to pounce on. 
“actually.. yeah,” you lightly bit your bottom lip as you looked at your lap, trying to think of the best way to ask him the question that had been on your mind for awhile; “what do you expect from me, eli?” wow, what kind of question was that?
it was an honest and upfront one, something he wasn't used to, practically sending him into shock as he had to look at you fully to see if you were actually serious and not pulling his leg, seeming like something you'd do. 
but you really wondered. 
“uh- i, what?”
you awkwardly laughed, looking to him, “no, i mean i really don't give a shit, i’m just not about to lead you into something you think you’re going to get nudes in, because your really not.” 
wow, really? 
he almost swore aloud, biting his lip hard, now realizing you really weren't going to be easy, not as easy as the girls who put out the moment you called them pretty, or even the ones who you had to take on a date before they even sent. 
he laughed it off, shaking his head as if you were a fool for thinking that, “you really think that low of me?”
no worries, there’s always plan b; make you feel bad. 
you laughed in return, “yeah, i really do.”
but he forgot you weren’t that stupid to fall for feeling bad just for something you weren’t about. 
“you wouldn't be the first.”
“so, I've heard,” he gripped his neck, eyes now glued to the road before turning into a neighborhood off from the main road, his mind following the map basically glued in his mind from driving past your house to dmitri’s. 
he parked, now seeming to ignore you as his whole plan begun to fall apart right before him. 
“thanks, eli,” you nodded to him, jumping out of the car with your bookbag in hand before beginning to trek up your front yard. 
“anytime, princess.” 
join the taglist lil doggy
@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @write-from-the-heart @hawkwhore @hawkandtory @lovelyyy-luna @itsnotsoni @w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @bebybailey @mrfeenyisswag @supernaturalcat7 @hawkshairdye @amongtheweepingwillows @mya-bleu @disgustedchild @ktz-bb @venussecrets
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miraeluc · 4 years
you have an eating disorder
prompt: “you never had issues with food - that is until your boyfriend makes a remark about your weight.”
pairing: katsuki bakugo x female! reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: MAJOR TW!! anorexia, there’s swearing
genre: fluff, angst 
NOTE: this is not proofread at all and it’s kinda short, i was struggling to finish it a lot, sorry :(
you were never one to pay special attention to your diet or anything
life is short, why spend it worrying about how your body looks?
food is food man, and you need it to live 
there was no fun in dieting either, it’s not like you were ever fat anyway - with daily training you were in shape!
sure there were thinner girls, but like i mentioned, you just liked enjoying food without having to worry about losing weight all the time 
your boyfriend, bakugo, just does not know how to express himself 
he’s not the type to really pay any mind to your figure, he finds you pretty anyway 
and its a plus anyway - whenever he feels full he can just push his plate towards you and you’ll gladly finish it for him 
that is until one day
you were sitting with the baku squad at lunch
mina was telling you about a new tiktok trend she had stumbled upon and found hilarious 
denki was currently fighting for his life against bakugo after saying his hair looked like he was just hit by an electricity quirk before he proceeded to zap him lightly 
kirishima was regretting all of his life decisions when he decided to try and help denki 
sero was just sat there,, recording it so he could show them just how stupid they looked afterwards
kirishima finally managed to pull said angry-boy away from kaminari 
you always said he’s like a little angry pomeranian when angry lol 
back to the plot omg i got carried away
after bakugo was calm enough to take his initial seat beside you, he was already too full and just overall not hungry
so he pushed his plate towards you 
“eat up, fatass.” he grumbled out
you just looked up at him with wide doe-eyes, not expecting an insult to slip off his tongue
it was bakugo, what’d you expect lmao 
you looked down at the plate, suddenly feeling very not hungry anymore, instead pushing the plate away as you grabbed your bag to stand up
“actually, i’ll head up to my room, i feel a bit sick”
you immediately left after that, not seeing the confused glances the table exchanged, mina smacking bakugo’s head
you went to your room and laid down, not knowing why bakugo’s comment had made you feel upset
you never get upset when he makes dumb remarks!!
so why now!!
you realised it when you were stood in front of the mirror, shirt lifted, staring at your own body
you did gain some weight.
you were upset at yourself because you usually didn’t mind!!
you know weight fluctuates, you know the small amount of chub you have will eventually pack it’s little bags and leave again 
but it hurt because you wanted to be pretty for your boyfriend.
how could you be when he says you’re a fatass?
eventually, you ended up scrolling through your phone, looking at thin girls all day
you also looked up a few diets that worked very fast 
by the time bakugo was aggressively knocking at your door you had closed all of the pages you were previously looking at 
as soon as you swung the door open he strutted in, seating himself on your bed
“what was with you running off at lunch today?” he looked at you 
you were still stood at your door like.... mm ok i guess make yourself at home 
“huh? i told you, i felt a little sick.” you mumbled, closing the door again, it was getting late and you were not looking to be beheaded by aizawa
he scoffed “if you say so.” he laid down, kicking your blanket to the side
“i brought you some snacks - incase you got hungry..” he said, his face looking like >:( 
he didn’t get them because he knew you liked them and wanted to make you happy! not at all!!
he just didn’t want to put up with you being whiny
that’s for sure the reason 
you giggled, throwing yourself ontop of him - sounds of protest coming from him but he did wrap his arms around you 
“since when are you so nice, katsuki?!” you teased
lol wrong move 
in 0.01 seconds you were flipped over and held down as he started tickling you 
“i’m not nice!”
the next morning you left extra early to avoid getting breakfast with bakugo
he didn’t seem to be bothered by it, he also has days where he just doesn’t feel like eating early in the morning so 
it does start to bother him when that one day of skipping breakfast turned into every day
his google search bar is like 
‘why does my gf not eat’
‘do girls not eat breakfast’
but this bitch is also too scared to approach you at first because he doesnt want you to know he truly cares 
his ego is still too high for that 
but you know better
you know he cares but sometimes you don’t feel good enough for him
you can’t help but compare yourself to other girls at your school
you distance yourself unknowingly, lost in the counting calories and exercising every day
everyone but you notices that you’re literally spiraling 
you don’t notice that you look sick, skin paling and cheekbones getting more prominent every passing day 
you don’t notice the growing eyebags under your eyes 
all you notice is other pretty girls and how you want to look like them.
at first, your friends decide to give you some space, thinking that maybe you have to fix this within yourself and need space
and you do, but someone needs to snap you out of your little bubble 
that someone is bakugo 
so it goes like this 
during training, he noticed your legs being a little more wobbly than usual 
and he noticed that you were unfocused, not being able to dodge all of the enemies attacks 
but something inside of him snaps when aizawa has to stop the fight because you were not even fighting back anymore
before aizawa even arrived in front of you, your world went black and you collapsed
bakugo was so angry at your training enemy 
didn’t they fucking see your struggle?? 
did they really have to be stopped by their teacher??
would they even have stopped if it werent for aizawa?? 
probably not
but he didnt have time to go and yell at them because he was running towards you 
aizawa let him pick you up
“bring her to recovery girl.”
of course he did 
everyone watching was so shocked 
because bakugo didn’t let out a sound the entire time 
his face was pulled into a frown, as usual, but he wasn’t speaking- no, yelling
he showed past his classmates, walking towards recovery girl’s office
“ribbit, why was he so quiet?”
recovery girl was like ?!?!?! what the fuck happened when was the last time she ate
she had to give you a total parenteral nutrition
(that means nutrition/fluids are delivered into your body via a catheter placed in a vein of your body, usually lower arm)
when you woke up bakugo was sat next to the bed, reading the back of some medicine bottle he found there
when he noticed you awake he perked up a little, shoulders visibly relaxing
“what happened?” 
he narrowed his eyes, wondering for a second if you were serious 
“you’re starving yourself to near death, that’s what happened.”
you immediately grimaced
“did i pass out in front of everyone?”
“is that seriously what you’re worried about?!”
you remained quiet, looking away
“y/n, look at me.” he gently guided your head to face him
“i don’t know what drove you to do this to yourself, but i need you to stop. you’re going to die if you don’t stop. what idiot made you think you need to do this to yourself?! i’ll kill them!”
“you told me i was a fatass”
his jaw dropped
“you know i don’t mean when i insult you! i hide the fucking fact that i WANT you to eat by using insults! i’m so sorry..”
his voice went soft at the end
he truly felt so bad :(
he was the one that was supposed to protect you from others hurting you yet here he was, being the one that caused you to hink you weren’t worthy enough
“i know, but there’s so many much more prettier girls than me, i was afraid you’d lose feelings if i wasn’t thin enough.”
“are you kidding?! you’re the only one i have eyes for! all those other extra’s can fuck off, i don’t give a single shit about them!”
you were kinda tearing up
“do you promise?”
god, he felt so bad.
he sat on the edge of the bed, reluctantly pulling you in a hug 
“i promise”
from that day on he made sure to remind you to eat meals, even if it was just something small
he ripped everyone’s heads off if they made a comment about your eating habits and/or weight
and he made sure you were the only one he loved
the day he saw you collapse something broke inside of him
it opened his eyes that hiding his emotions from you wouldn’t help you in your relationship
so while he supported you to build your feelings of self-worth and eating habits, you helped him start to open up, teaching him that showing emotions wasn’t embarassing
no one else knew how soft he could get with you and it should stay that way
you had a long way to go but it was all worth it in the end
he was your little angry pomeranian <33
requests: open
read rules before requesting.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
OMG! I absolutely adored the Public/Anal scenario with Law 🥺❤️ I couldn't resist to ask ask you for a little naughty scenario with Law too. (This is specific so if you don't feel comfortable writing this, I understand completely, I'll still be a fan of you and your wonderful writing...) S/O gets masturbated anally with a dildo by Law, edged to death and getting dirty talked by this man until she begs for the real thing, you know what I'm saying?;) If you don't have time right now, let me know so I can ask you again later. Thanks so much for your time, Dr. Sashi. ❤️
Hi!! OMG you are so cute!! thank u so so much for your words!! ♥ ~ I fell in love with this idea. See, I think Law is as sweet and soft sometimes, but also a really perverted dom when he gets horny after stressful events (usually after being around Luffy haha). So, I hope you enjoy this spicy scenario I wrote for this -amazing- prompt you requested!! ♥ ~
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NSFW ~ Trafalgar D. Water Law x F! Reader ~ A little Surprise.
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TW: NSFW. Spicy. Anal sex. Using toys, lube. Dirty talking. Spanking. Blind folding. Dom Law.
WC: 1.5K
Kind of a second part of the "Scream Louder, Babe" fic ♥
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“Where are we going, Law? I can’t see anything” you say scared, blindfolded, being guided by your lover through the halls of the Polar Tang. “Shh, keep walking” he says, pushing you softly.
You hear a metallic door opening; you try to imagine where you are. “Fuck, it could be everywhere in the submarine, everything is made out of fucking metal” you think. “Law come on; this is making me nervous” you say but quickly get interrupted by his soft lips attacking your neck. “L-Law…?” you ask. “I want to fuck you so hard today…” he whispers, biting your earlobe. His hand squeezes your mandible as he makes your head turn to the side, exposing even more your neck. You can only focus on the sensation because your eyes are still completely covered. Black, everything is black. You can hear his accelerated breathing, the sound of his tongue licking your flesh near your ear, and a vibration… wait… a vibration? “Law? what’s that sound?” you ask, worried. “What do you have there?”.
“I bought a special tool, babe” he says with a mischievous tone. “A what?” you ask, not sure if interested or scared. But you got no answer at all, instead you hear Law’s boots steps and suddenly you are snatched by your waist. You end up laying on your belly over what you think is his lap. “Law!! what the hell?” you scream, panting. “Heh...Why are you so scared Y/N-ya? You don’t trust your boyfriend?” he asks, laughing sexily as he only does. “I do… but I can’t see shit and I got scared!!” you say, but then again, you can’t complain any longer because Law has efficiently ripped your pants off. Your trousers and panties are stuck on your knees keeping them together.
“Such a nice ass you have, babe” Law says, softly caressing your buttocks. You know exactly what comes next, and you can’t help but squirm in anticipation. “Ahj, Law” you whine as his whole palm spanks your ass cheeks. “You like this, huh?” he asks and spanks you again. You start to feel his growing bulge over your stomach, every time he spanks you and you whine, it gets harder and harder.
“You like to torture me, huh?” you ask, panting. “You bet…” he says and hits you one more time. “Damn…”. “But I gotta say that this is just the beginning, I hope you like my surprise…” Law says, and you hear once again that vibrating sound coming closer. “Can I see?” you ask him to take your blindfold off, but Law refuses. “Oh no, this is way better if you just focus on what you feel, rather than watching” he tells you with that soft deep voice.
A cold vibrating instrument touches your core. You gasp at the first rub. “Oh you already like it, huh?” he says, and brush the tip of the tool up and down, getting it damped with the wetness of your sex. “I thought we were going to need lube but I see you are already so wet, my little bitch in heat”. You can only moan as the wand is now masturbating directly over your clit. Yet, there is something you can’t really stop thinking about. ““I thought we were going to need lube”? What the fuck?” you think but quickly understand what he meant…
You gasp, as the cool instrument is now over your rear entrance. “Law… are you?” you ask. “Heh, what? you don’t want it? I thought you loved anal… remember the other day? in front of everyone? you were asking me for more, weren’t you?” Law tells you, perversely. And you suddenly remember how every crew member watch your ass being fucked by their captain under the main staircase of the fucking submarine.
“Can I proceed?” he asks, because even if he is a dominant man, he wouldn’t ever do something you don’t want to. “Y-yes…” you mumble. “Awesome, let me make this a little easier for you. I’m getting impatient in here…” he says and you hear what you think is a plastic lid opening. Soon a gooey cold sticky liquid drizzles over your hole. “Mhh” you moan at the cold sensation of it dripping from your rear entrance towards your inner thighs.
And then again, the cold wand brushing the liquid mixed with your arousal wetness up and down your perineum. “Relax for your daddy, little bitch of mine” he says, and a million shivers run through your back ending in your core. You do as he tells, still unable to see, but focusing on relaxing yourself completely, as the little cold metal vibrating tool makes soft pressure over your entrance. “That’s right, my little slut” he says as the dildo’s first centimetres are already sliding inside you.
“Let’s fuck this pretty asshole of yours” Law says, completely inserting the metallic wand deep on your ass. A pumping motion, fucks you rough, while his fingers play with your clit. “Fuck… Law…” you can only moan. “What’s that language, baby? Are you swearing in front of daddy, huh?” he says and speeds up the pumping inside you. “I’m so… sorry, daddy…” you whine, and squirm over his strong thighs.
And of course so much stimulation can only end up in an orgasm. And that’s exactly what’s about to happen to you. “Babe. Uhm daddy, I’m comming” you tell him. “You what?” he says leaning next to your ear, without stopping the motion inside you. “I’m gonna cum” you say. “Already? such a horny slut you are! But you know what? I won’t let you yet” he says and stops the movement, leaving the cold dildo inside your dilated entrance. “W-hat?? Why? I want…” you tell him, frustrated, aching because you need to release all of that pressure that has been building on your lower stomach.
Law licks your ear and gives you some more spanks. He has lowered the vibration to its lower point, and you are about to die, you need him to keep masturbating, or… “FUCK ME” you tell him. “Excuse you?” he says. “Fuck me, I want you to fuck me” you beg. “Ah little hoe, you want me to fill you with my cock, don’t you?” he says laughing. “Yes, fuck me. Fill me up, I need you inside me” you beg, desperately.
“Mhh, well, maybe I will” he says and pulls the dildo out violently. Your walls stretched, it hurt, but it felt so good at the same time. “Hmmm, Law” you grumble. “Shh little bitch, you want me to fuck you, or not?” he says and passes his arm under your belly. “Stand up”.
You are standing who knows where, you still have a black cloth covering your eyes. Your legs tremble, but oh girl what’s coming next, it's gonna be amazing… You feel Law at your back, one of his hands over your clit, the other one softly loosening the knot of your blindfold. The cloth falls to the ground, Law bites your neck and tells you “Bed. Now. Doggy”.
You quickly jump into the little bed and wait for him on all fours. “Look at you, so open, so needy for my cock” Law says. “Mh yes, please, fuck me already” you tell him. “What’s with you today? you are so impatient…” he tells you while unbuttoning his jeans.
When he finally frees his aching member from that clothes prison, you look at him, panting, lifting your ass as if you were a little bitch. So needy for his cock.
Law kneels on the bed, grabs the side of your hips pulling you towards his member. He aligns his hard shaft to your entrance, spitting on it before. The tip of his dick lingers around your entrance, making you die for it to enter. He is making you desire this, like he has never had. Until he violently rips you, plunging deep inside your ass.
You whine, your legs become weak. So weak he has to sustain your weight with his arms around your waist. “I thought you wanted me to fuck you. You can’t take it?” he asks, devilishly. “I… I do” you say and quickly recover the strength of your legs, moving your hips backwards just to make him fuck you deeper.
And he fucks your brains out, leaning his body over your back, grunting on your ear with each thrust. “So tight, little bitch” ... Until you can’t take it anymore, and the climax hits you so hard. You come whining his name, while he gets you grabbed by your neck from behind.
Of course Law also comes, filling you up with his warm seed seconds later. And while sticky droplets of his sweet release drip from your rear entrance, he says “Would you like me to fill your other whole too, my little bitch?”.
“Yes please, babe” ♥ ~
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
You’re mine // Draco Malfoy
A/N: This is an anon request I received. I had to alter the wording of one of the prompts a little bit for it to make sense, I hope that’s okay. Also please be mindful that this is my FIRST smut I’ve ever written. I’m happy with how it turned out but omg was it difficult. But anyway, enjoy and don’t be afraid to request! {Prompt list}
Summary: Draco and Y/N are friends with benefits until Y/N decides she’s done with him. Cedric tries to get with Y/N Draco gets jealous and smut follows.
Warning(s): SMUT! Swearing, Angst, Fluff
Word count: 4.4k
Prompts: #1 #4 #7 #28 #35 #47
All she could think about was his face. The way his grey eyes had pierced her soul last night—the feeling of his hands on her hips. 
“Earth to Y/N.”
Her attention snapped back to the present. A perplexed Hannah was looking at her. “You alright? You looked really zoned out.”
Y/N blinked rapidly, “Yeah, yeah, I’m good. Sorry. What were we talking about again?” Y/N asked while lightly slapping her cheeks to bring herself back to reality.
“We were going over our plans to study for the transfiguration exam. We agreed to meet in the library on Sunday.” Hannah said, her tone sounding slightly irritated.
“Oh yeah, that’s…” Y/N caught sight of him, her eyes glued to him until he left the Great Hall, “fine. That’s fine.” 
Hannah followed her gaze. “Seriously, Y/N? Malfoy? That’s who you hooked up with last night?”
Her friend’s words drove fear into her chest, “Would you shut up? Someone’s gonna hear you!” Y/N whisper yelled. Hannah threw her hands up in exasperation. 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and picked up another slice of bread.“So what if it was Malfoy? What’s wrong with that?” she asked, oblivious as to why Hannah was so upset.
“What’s wrong with that? Y/N, you simply can’t be serious. Malfoy’s an arse. He bullies anyone who isn’t a Slytherin. Hell, he’s bullied you numerous times. Not to mention he’s not even that attractive.”
Y/N’s mouth fell open upon hearing her friend’s words. “Not attractive? Hannah, have you gone blind? Have you looked at the guy?
Hannah rolled her eyes and dropped her face into her hands. “There’s no hope for you. It’s over. I mean, I can already tell you’ve caught feelings.”
“I most certainly have not!” Y/N exclaimed, inadvertently causing the people around her to stare. “I’m not an idiot, it was a one-time thing,” she muttered while picking at her eggs.
“I hope you mean that,” Hannah said. Y/N couldn’t meet her eyes.
Her friend sighed and reached across the table to grasp Y/N’s hand. “Don’t think too much, you’ll give yourself a headache.”
Y/N ignored her and pulled her hand away while saying, “Snape will have our heads if we’re late, we’d better go.”
The two Hufflepuffs rose to their feet and made their way to the doors. As they were walking through them, Y/N felt a hand grab her wrist. She let out a little yelp and whipped her head around to see none other than Draco Malfoy. “I need to speak with you,” he said, his tone firm.
Hannah had noticed her friend disappear from her side. When Y/N looked back at her, her hip was popped, and her eyebrow cocked. Her facial expression suggested she wouldn’t be happy if Y/N stayed behind to talk with Draco.
Y/N gave her an apologetic smile, hoping it would appease Hannah. It did not. She shook her head and promptly stomped off to class. 
Slowly, Y/N turned around to face the blonde boy behind her. His hand hadn’t left her wrist, but he let go once he realized he was still holding it. Clearing his throat, he looked both ways before speaking. 
“Have you told anyone?” his grey eyes once again pierced her soul.
She shook her head, but then remembered Hannah. “I haven’t told anyone, but Hannah did figure it out,” she said, nervously biting her lip. His eyes flickered to her lips before returning to her eyes.
“If we are to continue this, nobody can know. Do you understand me?”
Y/N couldn’t keep her eyes from widening in shock. “I’m sorry, did I hear you correctly? You want to continue this?”
Draco raised his eyebrow. “You don’t?”
Her hands waved frantically. “No, no, I do, I just… I dunno, I didn’t think you’d want to is all. But I’d like to continue, yes. If that’s alright with you, of course.”
Draco gave her a displeased look, “You’re very annoying,” he said, “But you’re accessible so just keep it under wraps, alright? Besides, you wouldn’t want to see what happens if I find out you’ve told people. Understand?”
Y/N was quite frankly insulted by the way he spoke about her. He straight up, had called her “accessible.” She was about to give him a piece of her mind, but then he gave her a look, and she thought better of it and nodded frantically. 
“Yes. My lips are sealed.” She rocked back and forth on her heels in an attempt to calm herself down.
Draco scanned her up and down before nodding. “Good,” he said. And then he began to walk away. Y/N didn’t think before calling out to him. 
“How will I know when you wanna, you know, do it?”
He didn’t bother to stop walking when he called back, “I’ll find you.”
Y/N buried her face in her pillow. If she concentrated, she could still smell his cologne on it. She breathed in deeply as she reminisced the events of a few nights prior. Somehow, Draco had found her while she was taking a midnight trip to the kitchens. He didn’t have to say anything to her, she knew what he wanted, and frankly, she wanted it too. 
He took them to her dorm since it was closer. He pushed her up against the wall, wrapped his hand around her throat, and whispered in her ear, “Such a pretty mouth. You’d better keep it shut, though. Wouldn’t want anyone to hear us, would you, darling?”
She still got chills when she thought about it. Lucky for her, it was a Saturday, meaning she could stay in bed as long as she liked. Or so she thought.
“Wake up. They’re serving pancakes today. You don’t wanna be late,” Hannah said in a sing-song voice. Y/N groaned; she really needed Hannah to stop interrupting her daydreams.
“Oh, don’t be like that. They’re serving blueberry pancakes.”
Y/N flung the sheets off her chest. “On second thought, let’s go,” she said. Hannah laughed, “I knew that’d get you up. You really need to stop staying up so late, though.”
“Yeah yeah, you need to stop getting up so early. The plants aren’t going to die if you fail to water them at exactly six in the morning.”
“How do you know? You forget to water Pepper all the time.” Hannah replied.
Pepper was Y/N’s little cactus. It sat on her nightstand in a yellow pot. She loved Pepper dearly.
“Hannah, Pepper is a cactus, and cactuses don’t need a lot of water, so take that!”
Hannah rolled her eyes. “Come on; we might legitimately miss pancakes if you don’t hurry.” And with that, the Hufflepuff threw on a sweatshirt and jeans and rushed down to the Great Hall.
Y/N was practically running through the corridors; she could almost taste the pancakes on her tongue. “Geez Y/N, wait up!” Hannah called after her, desperately trying to keep up. 
In her haste, Y/N didn’t notice the group of people turning the corner, and she wasn’t able to stop her feet. She crashed right into the boy in the middle of them.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you,” Y/N stammered, holding out her hand to the boy she’d knocked over. 
He got to his hands and knees and pushed himself up. When he turned around and faced her, Y/N’s heart sunk. 
“Y/L/N?” He scoffed. “Look where you’re going next time. Blimey, what a waste of space,” he shouted, his minions laughing along with him. Y/N felt her face burn with embarrassment and a little bit of hurt. 
Hannah, who had caught up to her friend, chimed in, “Shut up, Malfoy, why do you insist on being such a git?”
“You wanna say that again, Abbott?” Draco threatened, reaching inside his robe for his wand.
“Hey, hey, let’s just calm down, alright? Nobody’s hurt, we ought to keep it that way,” Y/N reasoned, despite her desire to give Draco a right punch in the gut. Reluctantly, he put his wand away.
“Come on, boys, these twits aren’t worth our time,” Draco said coldly as he and his friends strutted away.
“What a knobhead, I mean honestly, you’d think he’d be a bit nicer towards the girl he’s sleeping with,” Hannah said through gritted teeth. Y/N didn’t even care about her friend’s volume. After all, it didn’t matter anymore. 
“Well, he’s not sleeping with me again. Not after that, I’m done with his shit,” Y/N said, tears gathering in her eyes.
Hannah smiled upon hearing her words, “Bloody hell, it’s about time you realized he was no good. Now let’s get some pancakes, yeah? Come on, you deserve some.” The pair walked into the Great Hall to begin their pancake feast.
A few weeks later, Y/N was sitting on a bench by one of the many windows in the Hogwarts corridors when a boy wearing a Hufflepuff scarf walked up to her. She looked up and noticed it was Cedric Diggory. Cedric was only a year above her, but they hadn’t talked much.
“Cedric? Do you need anything?”
He smiled, “Nothing in particular, no. I just saw you sitting alone, and I thought you might enjoy some company. Am I mistaken?”
Y/N felt her face flush. “Oh, uhm no, you’re not wrong at all,” she stammered.
Cedric stood awkwardly. “Oh! How can you sit if I don’t move over?” Y/N asked while she gave a nervous laugh. Cedric was by far one of the most attractive boys in Hufflepuff, so it only made sense that his desire to sit with her, of all people, was making Y/N nervous.
He chuckled at her anxiousness and took a seat next to her. The bench was relatively small due to Y/N’s things taking up a quarter of the space. This caused her hips to touch his. This made her face burn even more.
“So why are you all alone on a Friday afternoon?” he asked.
Y/N felt her heart clench, “Oh well, my best friend, Hannah, and I are actually in a little bit of a row at the moment. I may have unknowingly talked about her crush a bit too loudly, and they overheard. She’s not very happy with me, understandably.”
“Ah, I see. But it was an accident, and surely she’ll forgive you sooner rather than later. Don’t you think?” Cedric asked, trying to reassure Y/N.
“I hope so. Lately, she’s been a bit dodgy. She’s been really short with me, yelling at me all the time. It’s not like her,” she remarked. 
“Perhaps she’s dealing with something personal. And if she is, then she’s probably taking out her frustrations on you. And don’t get me wrong,” he said while holding his hands up, “that doesn’t make her actions, okay, but if that is the case, then that would mean you’re not the problem. Does that make sense?” Cedric asked.
She gave him a warm smile and nodded her head. “Yeah, actually, it does. Thank you, I never thought about it like that,” she said.
He laughed, the deep baritone of his voice coming to the forefront. “Well, I’m glad I could show you a different perspective on the situation. Sometimes that’s all you need.”
“Yeah, I suppose so,” she said. When he didn’t reply, her eyes fell to her lap, too nervous to look him in the eyes. But then she felt his hand on her face. He gently took her chin between his thumb and fingers and turned her face upwards to look at him. He was smirking. 
“You don’t need to be nervous, sweetheart. I don’t bite,” Cedric said as he moved his hand from her chin to her hair. He pushed some stray strands behind her ear so that her face wasn’t covered.
Y/N’s heart began to pound. This boy was making her sweat. She noticed then that he had grey eyes, just like Draco. Her chest grew tight at the thought of him. She hated to admit it, but often she found herself missing the blonde boy, even if he was an arse.
Her attention was brought back to Cedric when he spoke, “If I were to ask you on a date, would you say yes?”
Air got caught in Y/N’s throat, and she launched into a fit of coughs. Cedric immediately reached for his wand. He took her hands and put one on top of the other to create a makeshift bowl. Pointing his wand to her hands, he said, “Aguamenti.”
Water spouted from the tip of his wand and flowed into Y/N’s hands. She eagerly slurped it up, soothing her dry throat. They repeated this process a couple more times before Y/N was satisfied.
“Thank you, that was so embarrassing. I’m sorry you had to do that.”
Cedric only laughed. “No problem. You sure you’re alright?” he asked.
She nodded fervently, “Yes, I promise.”
“Well, in that case, what do you say? To the date, I mean.”
Y/N tapped her finger to her lips, pretending to think. Cedric gave her an unimpressed look that made her giggle and break character. “Yes, Cedric, I’d love to go on a date with you,” she said.
A huge grin broke out on his face, and he rushed to his feet, “Brilliant, I’ll meet you in the common room tomorrow night at eight. Don’t be late!” he called as he sprinted down the hall. Y/N could only laugh at his playful nature. “Okay!” she yelled back to him. 
Once he rounded the corner and was out of sight, she let herself plop down on her back with a dreamy sigh. “I’m going on a date with Cedric Diggory,” she spoke out loud.
“How pathetic,” said a voice.
Y/N sat straight up and sharply whipped her head around. Sure enough, there stood Draco, this time without his minions.
“Shut up, Malfoy, what do you care anyway?” Y/N muttered.
“I don’t,” he said before he took a bite of the green apple in his hand, “It’s just that you fancied me a few weeks ago, didn’t you, Y/L/N?”
Y/N shifted in her seat and crossed her arms defensively. “So what if I did. I reckon you were starting to grow fond of me too.”
Draco scoffed, a smile appearing on his lips. “You’re insane to think I’d ever fancy you.”
His words were like a slap in the face to Y/N. She honestly thought that he would have developed some mutual feelings for her. It turns out she was wrong.
“Well, at least I’m not a low life scumbag like you. All you care about is your reputation. Don’t you have any emotions? Did you even care about me when we were fooling around, or was I just a toy to you?” Y/N’s chest heaved with anger as she finished yelling at him.
He stood eerily still. Silence fell over the corridor.
“You don’t even care anymore, do you? You never did.”
Draco clenched his fists, trying to control himself. But the longer he looked at her, the weaker his resolve became. Without thinking, he bolted towards Y/N, startling her as he did so.
He grabbed her chin forcefully and tilted her face upwards, a stark difference from how Cedric had just minutes ago. She avoided his eyes, breathing heavily with fear. 
“Look at me,” Draco demanded. Her eyes remained fixated on his chest.
“Perhaps you didn’t hear me. I said, look at me!” 
He was yelling now, his grip growing tighter. Y/N was afraid of him leaving bruises, so she caved and let her eyes travel to his. His pupils were wide, and his teeth were gritted. He saw the fright in her eyes and smirked. “Scared, Y/L/N?” he asked, chuckling at the look on her face, “you should be. It seems that you’ve forgotten who you belong to, little girl.”
Y/N’s heart must’ve been going a mile a minute; it felt like it was going to break out of her ribcage. The man in front of her looked so attractive. She began to feel her temperature rising.
“You’re mine,” Draco said before he pressed his lips to hers aggressively. She gasped into his mouth; he took this as an opportunity to slip his tongue inside. He ran his hand up her neck and into her hair, where he grasped it tightly between his fingers. This new leverage allowed him to angle her chin upwards. He kissed her intensely until he was forced to pull away to catch his breath. When he opened his eyes, he saw Y/N’s flushed face and swollen lips. She wasted no time and smashed her lips back onto his, letting out a soft moan as she did.
“God, you’re breathtaking,” he muttered, pulling away once again.
Y/N rolled her eyes, “I hate you,” she laughed. Draco smirked and looked away from her lips so that he could gaze into her eyes once more. “Liar,” he said. Y/N bit her lip. 
“Perhaps,” she said while giggling. 
Draco rolled his eyes and leaned in to kiss her neck, simultaneously running his hand underneath her button-up shirt. He heard her breath waver as he did this. Little noises escaped his mouth when he sucked her skin between his teeth. She squirmed under his touch, unable to sit still. His hand reached her breast, and he gingerly squeezed her through her bra. 
“Let’s take this elsewhere,” Y/N suggested. Draco paid her no mind and continued to suck on her neck. 
“Draco, please. We can’t do this here, and I want you now,” she pleaded.
He pulled away to smile smugly at her. “Desperate today, aren’t we?” 
Y/N whined in response, wiggling her hips. Draco laughed at her eagerness. “Alright, alright, let’s go.”
They jumped to their feet and grasped each other’s hand as they dashed down the hallway and all the way to the Slytherin common room entrance. “Dementor,” Draco whispered. The walls opened up to reveal a stairway heading down into the dark common room Y/N had come to be familiar with. Luckily, nobody was in the main room.
They practically ran up the steps to the boys’ dorm. Older Slytherin boys had figured out how to dispel the charm preventing females from entering a long time ago, so the pair were able to get inside easily.
Draco burst through the door to his shared room with Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise. “Out,” he demanded. The boys didn’t ask questions. They simply dropped what they were doing and left the dorm room.
He turned to Y/N. “Where were we?” he asked playfully while he took his shoes off.
“Don’t tease me, Malfoy,” she replied snarkily as she did the same.
“You’re not the one in charge here, love,” Draco snapped while pushing her backward towards his bed. She fell onto the emerald green sheets covering his mattress. He wasted no time climbing on top of her. She immediately rolled her hips upwards, craving friction. Draco grabbed her hips and pushed them into the bed. “Patience, love,” he said softly.
But Y/N wasn’t having any of it. She writhed underneath him, trying to break free of his hold. He didn’t like this one bit, so he put his hand on her throat. This halted her movements instantly.
“Be still, little girl. Good things come to those who wait,” he said in a sultry voice. Y/N nodded, her eyes wide open. 
Slowly, he trailed his hand from her hickey covered neck down to her chest where he began to unbutton her shirt. She struggled to remain motionless as he skillfully removed her shirt and tie. He licked his lips when her shirt was out of the way, and he could see her full breasts. 
“Take it off,” he commanded. Y/N sat up and reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. When it fell from her shoulders, Draco latched his mouth onto her nipple, causing her to let out a deep moan. He smirked as he flicked her nub with his tongue. His other hand was making its way to her center. 
Y/N didn’t notice his touch until a finger slipped inside her. She gasped sharply and felt herself clench down on him. He detached his mouth from her breast and lightly laughed. 
“Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
Y/N moaned and whispered, “Just fuck me already, you arsehole.”
Draco hummed, pretending to consider her request. “No, I don’t think I will. I don’t think you deserve it.”
She whined and rolled her hips again. As she did this, he slipped another digit into her pussy. “Fuck, Draco,” she groaned. Suddenly, he removed his fingers. He watched as she pressed her thighs together, trying to stimulate herself. “What the hell?” she asked angrily. 
“Do you want me to get naked or not, darling?”
Y/N crossed her arms across her chest and pouted. He simply laughed at her and began to unbutton his own shirt as well as remove his belt. She took this time to kick off her skirt and underwear. 
Draco bit his lip when he saw her bare pussy. He felt his dick twitch in his pants, and he sped up his pace, eager to continue what he started. 
Once he’d gotten his pants off, he leaned his face downwards and began to kiss the insides of her soft thighs. She propped herself up onto her elbows so she could watch as he got closer and closer to her center. When his tongue made contact with her pussy, she felt a shudder go through her entire being, and she let her head fall back onto the plush pillows.
“Draco,” she moaned as he sucked on her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body. Her hands found his hair, and she gripped his blonde locks tightly, trying to keep herself stable as he continued to lick and suck her.
He continues eating her out for nearly ten minutes before adding his fingers back into the equation. He swiftly slides three fingers inside her wet pussy. Y/N gasped out in pleasure. “Please,” she said, not quite aware of what she was begging for. Draco moved his fingers in and out of her while still sucking her clit. “Fuck! Right there, right there, please don’t stop,” she pleaded.
Draco obliged and maintained his pace. Y/N arched her back as it all became too much. Her mouth fell open as her climax overtook her system. Draco didn’t stop his motions. He continued stimulating her through her orgasm, only pulling away when he felt aftershock jolts pulse through her body. Y/N’s eyes began to close.
“We’re not done yet, sweetheart,” Draco said while pulling his boxers off and beginning to palm himself. He leaned down to kiss her softly, allowing Y/N to taste herself on his lips. She moaned into the kiss and ran her hands up his scalp. His hand reached for his nightstand to the left of his bed. Pulling away from the kiss, he dug into the drawer and pulled out a condom, quickly rolling it onto his dick.
She pulled him back in for another kiss while he lined himself up at her center and slightly pushed the tip inside. Y/N couldn’t resist the urge to wiggle her hips, successfully making Draco hiss. He put his hands on either side of her head and, without warning, slammed his dick inside her and began thrusting in and out at a quick pace. 
She cried out in ecstasy as she finally felt herself become full. The pressure in her abdomen began to build again. Draco’s eyebrows were tightly knit as he focused his energy into each firm thrust of his hips. The sound of skin slapping seemed to echo through the dorm.
Y/N wrapped her legs around his waist as he slowed his pace, opting to tease her rather than chase his own climax. The feeling of him gently pushing into her made Y/N whine in frustration. She wanted to reach her high so badly, and Draco was making it difficult. She decided she wanted to cum, so she sneakily stretched her hand down to her clit. But it was promptly slapped away by the man on top of her.
“Don’t even think about it, little girl,” he growled. But he began to pick up his pace, making Y/N mewl delightfully as the pressure once again began to increase. It seemed like Draco was getting close as well, his thrusts were sloppy, and he was panting hard.
“Please, please, I’m so close, Draco,” she cried out.
“Me too, sweetheart, me too,” he said in between grunts of pleasure.
He felt her pussy grow tighter as it contracted around his dick. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Each thrust felt better than the last. Her hips met his, eagerly, over and over until finally, she felt herself tip over the edge yet again. Y/N saw stars as Draco pounded into her even faster as he chased his release. He drove his dick in and out of her pussy until he, too, met his climax, cumming into the condom while her walls twitched around him. 
Draco lets his body collapse on top of her, both of them breathing heavily as they came down from their highs. Slowly, he pulled himself out of her, hissing as he did. She whined at the loss of her feeling of fullness. He took off the condom, threw it into a nearby bin, and then lied down next to Y/N.
“That was incredible,” Y/N uttered quietly. Draco laughed when he saw the blissful look on her face. He rolled over so that his body was facing hers, and he pulled her towards him. She nestled her face into his chest. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. However, I do need to clear some things up,” Draco said while stroking her hair. She hummed against him.
“And what would that be?” she asked.
“Well, for starters, I’m gonna need you to tell Cedric you’ve changed your mind about your guys’ little date,” he said in a firm tone of voice. Y/N laughed into the crook of his neck. 
“I’m dead serious. If you don’t tell him, then I will. Don’t test me.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll tell Cedric I changed my mind. But does this mean we’re…”
“Official? Yes, it does. I thought I conveyed that when I told you you’re mine,” Draco said, reminding her of today’s previous events.
He felt her wiggle in his arms. “What’s got you so squirmy tonight? You haven’t sat still for even a moment,” he chuckled. She mumbled an answer.
“Didn’t quite catch that, love,” Draco teased.
“I said, you, you nitwit,” she whispered angrily. He laughed and placed a kiss on her head. It felt good to have her back in his arms. And this time, he wasn’t going to let her go.
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