#i really love harry potter it was my life once upon a time i wouldn't be who i was without it
smehur · 13 days
Drarry fic recs #4
Marginal Notes by @blamebrampton
When you're 18, and nothing is as it was meant to be, sometimes it can be hard to let the right people know what you are thinking. Thankfully, Draco Malfoy owns a quill.
What a delightful story! I loved the thoughtful, grounded, calm Draco and how well he applied his wit (and the penchant for fixing things?) to solving other people's problems. It's a bit on the side of wishful thinking - I don't really believe someone could change that much over night - but it's nice wishful thinking that I enjoyed and would happily inflict on myself again. Among other things, I enjoyed the crisp, flawless writing. It's not often the editor in me wouldn't change a single word in a fic. I very much plan to read BB's entire catalogue.
The Boy from the Piano Shop by @soliblomst
After going blind in a reckless attempt to avenge Ginny's death, Harry battles with severe depression. One day, he stumbles upon a quaint piano restoration shop in the heart of London and meets the owner, a kindly old man, and his introverted young apprentice, whose voice sounds strangely familiar. As Harry and Draco slowly reconnect through private piano lessons, the small workshop becomes Harry's refuge, offering him a glimmer of hope in a world without eyes.
Finally got to read this fic everyone's talking about. And for good reasons! It's heartbreaking and wholesome, starkly realistic and hopelessly romantic, all at once. I'm often annoyed by shallow depictions of low self-esteem that goes with depression, especially when it's used as an artificial obstacle in the way of romance ("I'm not good enough for you, so even though I love you, I'm breaking up"), and this is one of the few stories (by which I mean all my reading, not just fanfiction) where I could completely believe it, and sympathize with it. (Bonus points for not being used as an obstacle in the way of romance.) The general lack of obstacles in the way of romance was incredibly refreshing and welcome, as was the lack of drama around the revelation that Harry Potter is secretly friends with Draco Malfoy. Everything is very mature, to the point where I think the story would be better set in their 30s than in their 20s, but I didn't mind. Harry's grief is all-present and at times, harrowing, but never gratuitous, and it's well-balanced by the peace and joy he finds in Draco's company. The two scenes where Draco unexpectedly dons a scarf are etched in my memory forever. An incredible piece.
i stay by @hogwartsfirebolt
The darkening sky is dangerous for the shape of Harry’s desire, it makes it seem reasonable, as though it were a natural conclusion of having Draco once again within reach, rather than the mirage it actually is.
I said it before, and I'll say it again: this fic is exquisite. Tense and tender in perfect proportion and filled with a dazzling array of sensory details that painted each scene like a work of art. Although I could see what was coming in the end (thanks to expert foreshadowing), the finale still stole my breath away. A wonderful read!
All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl & podfic by originally
Professor Malfoy's world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
Oh, this was such a joy to listen. I think I had a smile on my face for the whole duration of the podfic (about 12 hours), minus the few minutes when there were tears instead. I don't know where to start with the praise. The meticulously constructed world of Draco's self-imposed loneliness? The supporting cast of interesting and well-rounded original characters? The tangible, eminently relatable trials and tribulations of a teacher's life? Or maybe the deceptively simple concept at the root of the story, allowing Draco to break out of his shell on his own? Oh, how I love this gentle, fragile, vulnerable Draco hiding behind impatience and aloofness and his sharp tongue. And the fearless, unstoppable Harry, his bouts of bad temper and his naked honesty. And Stanley, with that inevitable, ill-timed tack-tack-tack! Everything felt so true, so real, so close, I felt just as exposed and frightened as Draco, just as desperate at his inability to make a move. I know I said this half a dozen times by now since I started reading fic in this fandom, but I can't help it. This may be the best fic I've ever read.
Correction! The best fic I've ever heard! The reading was impeccable, possibly the best I've heard so far, and infused the story with even more life and love and laughter. A beautiful, unforgettable experience.
Heartbeat by @saxamophone (eight_of_wands)
Harry hates Draco. Draco hates Harry. Only it's not hate, not even a little bit. Featuring: a cooperative independent study, golden hour on wrecked sheets, water from fountains of dubious origin, purple Mardi Gras beads, and a bird with silly legs. Also featuring: heated arguments, infidelity, unquenchable desire, and heartbreak. Over and over again.
I'll be honest: this fic did not grip me at once. I could even say I struggled through the first few stances. But then came the understanding of what "I hate you" means and I read on with eyes wide and heart thumping (Malfoy, Malfoy, Malfoy) and I was so very richly rewarded. Among all the things I loved about it, the most memorable are the incredibly vivid images and impressions of New Orleans, and the moment of searing, all-consuming jealous rage that I regret to say I could relate to all too well. The confrontations were exquisite, the dialog sparking with tension and more importantly, with truth. There's no melodrama here to create suspense, it's all raw and real and indeed, heartbreaking. But hearts can mend. :)
Many, many, heartfelt thanks to all the authors in this amazing fandom and to all the readers helping spread the word. 💞
10 notes · View notes
romerona · 2 years
1-2-3 She's out.
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Harry James Potter x OC
Marauders alive. Wolfstar.
The Library of Hogwarts, a pinnacle of knowledge for all witches and wizards, a testament to the knowledge that the older generation entrusted to the new ones through their studies, experiments, adventures, and experiences of their own written down on blank pages for all to learn from them, a place for all those that sought out the unknown.
Love inhales selfishly the smell of old pages, bound in leather and pressed parchment, a comforting, familiar scent that she loved since her early life as golden light shining through the glass windows, casting the final light of the day over the worn-out books she was trying to read over but unfortunately failing in doing so, all thanks to the one and only Draco Malfoy, who had taken it upon himself to criticize every little thing about their new professor, Remus Lupin and occasionally taking hits at Hagrid too.
"I can't understand for the life of me what was going through Dumbledore's old skull when he decided to hire such people to teach us," He scoffs, leaning back against his chair, his green robe has been discarded once he arrived at their meeting spot. "One of greatest wizards of all time, yeah right. Shame he was allowed to return last year, he should keep away from Hogwarts in my opinion, we are better off without him–"
"Stop leaning against your chair before you fall and give yourself another injury." Love drawls from her book glancing at his bound-up right arms before turning back to read the same paragraph once again. "Thought I hardly call that an injury."
Draco narrow his eyes at her, Love could feel the heated glare but she continued to read unbothered by it. "It is a serious injury and I didn't cause it to myself, Love, it was that bloody half-breed's and his stupid bird's fault."
"Debatable, very debatable." Love mumbles, glancing at the parchment next to her and then at the books comparing texts before it was abruptly snapped shut and out of her reach, making her look up at the Slytherin boy with a glare who was still glaring back, what Draco just did was one of her biggest pet peeves and he knew that. "Really?"
"It's impolite to not look when someone is speaking to you." He shrugged with an air of indifference.
"Draco, I'm close to finishing my Kappa's essay," Love said, trying to keep her nerves settled "I promise once I'm done you'll have my undivided attention since you so much need it, so just give me the book."
He rolled his eyes, scoffing once again taking the book out of her hold when she tried to reach for it. "I wouldn't worry so much about it, Lupin hardly looks like someone who can read,"
Love purses her lips, closes her eyes and sighs, she just wants to finish the bloody essay so she can start with her Herbology work and Draco was making it very hard for her to do so, normally he was a... tolerable study partner but today she couldn't stand him, and the fastest way to get him to give her the book back was if she gives him her attention.
"Alright, what is it?" She said, opening her eyes to look at the boy in front of her.
Draco smirked triumphantly, still holding the book. "I want you to admit my injuries are severe and that the half-breed it's at fault."
She should just admit it to get Draco to give her the book back, to just give him what he wants per usual because in his mind he was always right, it was easy and quick but she couldn't.
"Why would I do that?" Love asks crossing her arms, looking at the way a frown was making its way to his pale face.
"Because it's the truth, look at my arm, Love"
"Draco, be reasonable right now." Love gave him a deadpan look. "There's nothing wrong with your arm now, Madam Pomfrey fixed it up for you, and the instructions–"
"Why are you siding with that filthy half-breed?" Draco sneered at her.
Love sighs again, getting tired of hearing the same story. "I'm just saying both of you are at fault, he shouldn't have brought such dangerous creatures to class but you didn't follow instructions, which were relatively easy."
"Are you daring to call me stupid?" He drawls, silver colour eyes hardening towards the girl.
"That's not what I–"
"The only one stupid here is you, Love." Draco cuts her off, his voice sharp enough to cut deeply. "You can't even see how people walk all over you, so I'm not surprised you can't understand that I'm right on this situation, but what am I expecting from a muggle-born?"
Love gritted her teeth looking away from him. It did hurt a bit, but she was used to harsh words from him every once in a while, whenever he loses his cool demeanour he tends to let his tongue have a mind of its own, though, she often wonders if there was some truth behind what he says. Anger brings out hidden feelings, after all.
"Screw you, Draco." Love said, gathering her belongings angrily. To shit with her essay, she couldn't be near him when he was like this.
"Right, be mad at me for telling you the truth," Hisses the boy, throwing the book on the table. "Go run to your precious Half-breed in his last days in Hogwarts."
Love ignored him, she quickly stood up from the table, not wanting to stay longer - or just enough to put her things in her bag- and stomped away, huffing angrily as she left the library to her Common Room.
He was wrong, Love would know if anyone was walking over her. Sure, she might be a bit nicer than necessary but she liked helping her classmates whenever she could, she was thought since she was a little girl to help people who needed it.
But then again, it could be true, maybe she wasn't noticing it but people around her did, an outside point of view could see it all and they don't say anything because it benefited them for her not to know, to keep her in the dark, maybe she was being walked all over, and the only one who told her the truth was Draco... But her friends, Padma and Emma wouldn't let that happen, right? They would at least tell her something, right?
Yes, they would. She trusts her friends with her life, they would never let people take advantage of her kindness. She knows they wouldn't, just as she would never let anyone take advantage of them in any way, shape or form, and Love shouldn't doubt that for a second.
She was just overthinking, per usual. Her head had been a real mess lately, it had been weeks and she still hasn't found her journal, no matter how many times she has searched for it, how many times she had turned upside down her room, her common room, the damn school, it hadn't appeared. Love even went as far as to ask Filch if he had seen her book, but he only laughed in her face and told her to lose hope, he said and quote, 'All that gets lost, Hogwarts takes away.'Creepy but as much as hated to admit it, she was starting to believe it was true.
That was the main crisis in her life, the main stress, plus, since the day of the Boggart, Snape has been very sensitive about that topic and he had his students suffer for it, though she heard the Gryffindors had it the worst, and Neville was getting bullied even worst now. Poor boy, it wasn't his fault, if anything the guilty for that boggart was Snape's himself. He was the one who likes to violate the boy just because he could, hence why Neville was terrified of him, it was common sense.
A gasp broke out of her when she felt the stairs shuffle making her collide with someone, and sending her things flying to the ground. Just Great. She closed her eyes and sighs not wanting to acknowledge anything yet.
"Oh, I'm sorry," said an unfamiliar voice as the stairs stop moving.
Love opened her eyes to catch an oddly familiar pair of green ones, which for some reason widened as if surprised.
Looking at the person better, Love came to the realization it was the famous Harry Potter, she sighs waving her hand dismissively. "It's not your fault."
She kneeled to pick up her books, and other trinkets when the Gryffindor boy mirrored her actions quickly, a little too quickly and with a bit of force making Love wonder for a moment if had fractured his knees from the impact.
"It's okay, really," Love gazes at him but his eyes were firmly on the scattered books.
He shook his head nervously, black hair swaying at the movement. "N-No, I- it's my fault, let me help you."
"It's not, it's the damn moving stairs," Love lets him help, as he picks up a couple of parchments off the floor. She giggles softly, "They are a bloody menace if you ask me, it's a miracle I haven't fallen off them."
"Well, I wasn't paying attention where I was walking, so, I guess I have some fault too," Harry said, glancing at her quickly.
"With that logic, it would be both of our faults since I wasn't paying attention either," Love said, picking up the last of her books, her hand clashing with Harry's for a second making both of them pull back awkwardly, "Sorry," Love stood up as Harry grabbed it quickly before standing up as well.
"But to be fair," Love continues with her previous statement. "These stairs have little room to move around, so it's not our fault but the founder's for making such small, tricky stairs." A grin made its way to Love's face as the boy frowns looking at the large stairs, then at her, once he glance at her and quickly realized what she was meaning.
He chuckles softly, his eyes catching hers again "Right, they should have been more considered about the students who daze away from their trail."
"It would have only been the right thing to do."
She smiles at him, and an awkward silence stretches as he continues to stare at her. Love cleared her throat looking at his hands which were still holding her books. "So, uhm- can you pass my books before the staircase moves again and this time actually sends me flying off of them?" She joked.
"I would catch you." Harry blurred, taking Love by surprise.
She blinked, bemused and confused. "What?"
"I- erm," he clear his throat, his cheeks turning a shade of soft crimson as he looked away. "I would catch you, if- if you fall."
Love couldn't help but smile, holding back a chuckle. "For those people who say chivalry is dead, they have yet to meet Harry Potter, do you often offer to catch people falling from the stairs?"
Harry glanced back at her, his own mouth parting in a smile, his cheeks still as pink as they were moments before. "Not really, just—
He was cut off by the movement beneath them, once again the stairs move. Love threw her hand to hold onto the handrail as the sudden change caused her to stumble a bit, she kind of hated the stairs when they move.
Finally, when they stopped moving, Love decided she had enough of them, she turned to the emerald gazed boy. "Okay, this would be my stop."
That snapped him out, and he quickly nodded and gave her the book he was holding tight to. "Oh, right, sorry."
Love quickly shoved them into her bag as Harry Potter grabbed something from the ground again, his broom, that's when Love finally noticed he was in his quidditch uniform, which was wet and covered in mud.
"Thanks for the help." Love gave Harry one last smile.
"No, thank you—"
Love frowns lightly at his words, they didn't make any sense and by the looks of it, Harry had realized that as well as he turned a deeper shade of pink. Love finally giggle, his facial expression was too funny not to.
"What I meant was— erm, you know—"
"No problem, Potter," She chuckled again, before continuing her route to her common room. "I'll see you around,"
"Yeah, brilliant, I'll- I'll definitely see you around."
Love chose to ignore his last statement and continue to climb up the stairs, yet a smile formed on her face. He was really nervous for some reason, it was kind of funny.
'What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?'
Love breathes out the answer tiredly after walking up the stairs, that is the one thing she didn't like about her common room, the number of stairs she had to climb to get there.
The bronze eagle flaps its wings once and the door opens without another second to waste, letting the girl inside. Looking around, Love noticed Emma sitting alone at one table and moves towards him, letting herself fall onto one of the sofas with a tired sigh.
"Shut up, I'm trying to read," Emma mumbles, not even bothering to look up knowing that the only persons who would dare to sit at the same table as he was would be Love or Padma.
"Is it a good book?" Love asks, glancing at the cover. Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. C. S. Lewis.
"I'm trying to figure that out, but annoying twats keep interrupting me."
Love rolled her eyes, and she stayed quiet for a few seconds, granting Emma his wish before she spoke again. "Where's Padma?"
"Do I look like her bodyguard?" Emma huffs annoyed, putting his book down to look at Love. "Why would I know?"
"Because when I left you were with her?" Love gave him a hard look which was borderline amused.
Emmanuel rolls his eyes and shrugs. "I don't know, I think Anthony Goldstein came to tell her something about Rogers needing her."
"So, she's in a Quidditch meeting," Love concludes, she leans back into her chair, letting her gaze travel to the nearby window, looking at the night sky, her mind went back to the nights she spend in Shanghai, how she and her family would stargaze every night without fail.
She should send them a letter soon.
"Hogsmeade is the 31, by the way."
At his voice, Love turns to her friend frowning. "What?"
"The trip to Hogsmeade," Emma didn't glance up from his book but nudged his head in the direction of the bulletin board where a couple of people hanged about. "Clearwater posted the bulletin a few hours ago."
Love's eyes shinned as she perked up from her seat, looking at the board and then at Emma. "Oh, that's great, I can't wait to visit Honeyduks."
"I'm more interested in the shrieking shack, I overheard that one could still hear the shrieks coming from it if you get close enough." Emma shared, slightly excited.
"And you want to hear them?" Love questions, suspiciously.
Emma shrugged, but a small smirk made its way to his face before he could answer, Padma slumped down next to Love and groaned.
"At Six in the bloody morning. Roger wants us to train at six in the morning," Padma grumbles, running a hand over her face. "Not even the sodding ghosts are awake at that time."
"Reckon ghosts don't sleep," Emma mumbles.
Padma rolled her eyes and kick his leg with her foot. "Shut up, you know what I meant, besides, it's just insane, who in their right mind would set practice at that hour?"
"All of this is for you to train so we can win the cup this year," Emma asked, frowning at his friend's lack of professionalism. "Or are you telling me you don't want to win the cup?"
"Don't be stupid, of course, I do, don't get me wrong I obviously want to win but this just seems a bit extreme."
"Well, on the bright side it's better than the Gryffindors," Love told her, making Padma glance at her. "I just passed Harry Potter in his uniform all wet and covered in mud from the field, at least it won't rain at six in the morning, I hope."
"I take rain any day over get up early." Padma huffed, placing her arm over her eyes.
Love places a hand on the girl's forehead affectionately. "Work hard now and be proud later,"
"Yeah, yeah, easy for you to say when you're not the one who has to wake up at six in the bloody morning."
"Emerson, is this yours?" A feminine voice called from behind her.
Love turned to see an older Ravenclaw girl holding a very familiar green amphibious in her hands making her gape at it. "Hoppy, how–?"
"I found him near the entrance," said the older Ravenclaw as she gave her the toad who croak when he settled on her hand. "Looks like he got lost or maybe he was trying to make a run for it."
Love frowns glancing down at her croaking toad."I hope not, anyways thank you for giving him back."
"No problem."
With that, the girl walks away leaving the trio and the amphibious behind. Love holds Hoppy in her palm, inspecting the toad for any harm that might come to him when he was on his little adventure.
"You were sleeping on my bed this afternoon, how did you get from there to here?" Love mumbles looking at his blinking yellow eyes.
"Maybe he's going through a rebellious phase?" Padma offers, returning to her self-pity after a moment. "Y'know running away from home and all that."
Love hums looking down at her toad, "Maybe, but don't go turning into Trevor now."
"I kind of want to get a pet," Emmanuel told them, placing his book down.
"What do you have in mind?" Love asks as she places Hoppy on her shoulder. "A cat perhaps?"
"An owl?" Padma added, looking up at the starry ceiling.
"It's not like I have many options." Emma purses his lips and shrugged. "Anyways, it's just a thought, I might not be ready for the responsibility yet."
"What do you think you're doing, Mr Salazar?" Snape's cold voice drawls around the potions classroom as he stands in front of Emmanuel, who tensed up at the professor's words.
Emma glance at him before looking down at his potion, they were working on Anti-Paralysis Potion, and it was an extensive potion, they could use all the help they could get. "What you told us to, sir."
"Is your stature affecting your hearing?" The professor sneers, staring down his hooked nose at Emmanuel. "I did not tell you to mix the Mandrakes roots with the lacewing flies yet, that is after you blend the ginger with the water, which you are not doing."
Love shared a look with Padma before glancing at her other friend who was turning a deep shade of pink. From under the table, she grabbed his hand which was turning white at how tight he was clenching it and tried to smooth it open.
"Professor, but the book says–" Padma tried to speak but she was cut off by the older man.
"You do what I told you to," Professor Snape sends Padma a sharp look, "And when I tell you to do what the book says you do it which I did not today. Back to your potions, those who don't get it done today will have to make an essay on it for the next class."
"Throw that away and do it again," Snape continued, he tap his wand on the corner of Emmanuel's cauldron and in the next instant, its blue colour changed to bright yellow, not at all how it was supposed to go.
"It's going to take me all class," Emma mumbled, his eyes meeting Snape's for a short moment.
"Then we should learn how to listen and follow instructions." With one last look of disdain, he turn on his heel to scrutinize a couple of Hufflepuffs potions who stiffened when the professor approached them.
Finally managing to hold the boy's hand, Love to tighten her hold three times in return he holds her hand tightly before having to stand up to throw the potion away.
Love turns back to her potion, which in her opinion, it was the hardest potion she ever made so far. Beds of sweat dripped down her forehead as she grinds the bitterroot - which to her feels like they are made out of diamond– to a fine powder so she could add it to the potion and let it seemer.
She grinded with all her strength in hopes to accelerate the process, she didn't want to do another essay this week, alas she usually enjoys doing potion homework but this week has been a bit shit, so she rather not get any work for the weekend.
After what felt like a lifetime, the bell rang, and mostly no one got to the potion right, Love was thankful that she was not one of them, but her friends were not that lucky.
"I just don't get why he has to be such a massive cunt," Emmanuel huffs angrily as they sat on the edge of the fountain in the middle of the courtyard.
It was a nice day, one of the last to have sunlight and warmth which was rare in October. So, the trio decided to spend their free period outside before charms.
"Professor Dumbledore should revise his staff more often because Snape could use some examination." Love mumbles, head looking up at the sky, eyes closed as she let the sunlight fall on her face.
"Snape needs to be sacked, he does," Padma grunted, from next to Love, whilst doing her Astronomy chart homework she had forgotten about.
"You got that right," Emma said angrily, crossing his arms and shaking his head vexingly. "He even deserves more than to be sacked. He should go to prison, I don't understand what it is about me that he enjoys harassing.— Padma, if you answer I swear to Merlin."
"Hey, I wasn't going to say anything, that you thought I would it's your own mind coming up with answers." Padma snickers, earning a nasty glare and a slap on the arm from the boy. "Sorry, Sorry, I promise Emma the only one who has deep problems here is snape,"
Love hummed in agreement, "It's him, not you."
"... Thanks," Emma mumbled bashfully.
"Anyway, in another piece of news guess what Parvati told me– uh, why is Harry Potter coming this way?"
Opening her eyes, Love watches in confusion as the boy nervously walked towards them.
The night the September 1 of 1991 was a very memorable evening for Harry Potter, because not only it was his first time in Hogwarts, the place his parents and uncles talk about so much and with so much nostalgia and fondness, the place he had been counting the days to go since he could remember, the place he was meant to make a home out of. He also met her.
Harry Potter often likes to remember the first time he met Love Emerson. He could remember every little detail of his interaction with her.
The whole hall burst into applause as the hat finished its song. It bowed to each of the four tables and then became quite still again.
"So we've just got to try on the hat!" Ron Weasley, who had been a friend of Harry's for the longest time whispered. "I'll kill Fred, he was going on about wrestling a troll."
Harry smiled weakly. Yes, trying on the hat was a lot better than having to do a spell, but he did wish they could have tried it on without everyone watching. The hat seemed to be asking rather a lot; Harry didn't feel brave or quick-witted or any of it at the moment, not to mention, he wanted– no, he needed to be in Gryffindor, like his whole family had been because regardless of what his mum and father says, that all houses are great and that they'll be proud of him wherever he gets sorted, he knew that deep down they were hoping he gets sorted in their former house, so it was making it all feel a bit worse.
Professor McGonagall now stepped forward holding a long roll of parchment.
"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted," she said. "Abbott, Hannah!"
A pink-faced girl with blonde pigtails stumbled out of line, put on the hat, which fell right down over her eyes, and sat down. A moments pause --
"HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the hat.
The table on the right cheered and clapped as Hannah went to sit down at the Hufflepuff table. Harry saw the ghost of the Fat Friar waving merrily at her.
"Bones, Susan!"
"HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the hat again, and Susan scuttled off to sit next to Hannah.
"Boot, Terry!"
The table second from the left clapped this time; several Ravenclaws stood up to shake hands with Terry as he joined them.
"Brocklehurst, Mandy" went to Ravenclaw too, but "Brown, Lavender" became the first new Gryffindor, and the table on the far left exploded with cheers; Harry could see Ron's twin brothers catcalling.
"Bulstrode, Millicent" then became a Slytherin. Perhaps it was Harry's imagination, after all, he'd heard about Slytherin, but he thought they looked like an unpleasant lot.
He was starting to feel definitely sick now. He didn't want to disappoint his family, what if Ron gets into Gryffindor and he doesn't? Or worst what if he gets sorted into Slytherin? His father and uncle Sirius would love that.
His train of thought, or more like the nervous recked that was going on in his head was cut off short when he felt something softly bumping his arm making his head turn in that direction. It was a blonde girl, about his height, with bright blue eyes and pink cheeks.
"Sorry." She mumbled lowly and gave him an awkward smile. "The crowd's a bit crazy on my side, I couldn't count the many times someone had to dig their elbow in my ribs."
"It's alright." Harry smiled back at her dismissively, he thought that might have been the end of their conversation but it wasn't.
"This is awfully nerve-racking, isn't it?" The girl bit her lip as another student was called. "What house do you want to be sorted into?"
Harry turned to her again, meeting her nervous blue eyes which he was sure to mirror his own. "I hope I get into Gryffindor, my entire family has been sorted there."
"Ah, so you already knew about all of this?" The blonde girl quickly waves her hand motioning the hall.
"Not really," He thought for a second, he, of course, knew plenty of Hogwarts but not all as his parents and uncles wanted to keep a few parts a secret from him so he can experience them for the first time like the sorting, "Not all anyways, I thought we were going to do a spell or fight a troll."
"Now, that would have been quite tragic, to die before experiencing what the school was to offer would have definitely ruined my night but... it would have been a unique death, no doubt." She giggles making Harry smile a bit, he could help it, her laugh was contagious but his smile disappeared when he saw her eyes glance at his forehead.
He knew what was coming, It had occurred too many times for Harry not to know what was next. He brace himself for the unavoidable question to be thrown at him like it had a plethora of times before, for the question he hated for all the meaning behind it, for its–
"Has anyone ever told you that you have very lovely eyebrows?"
Harry blinked. "I– what?"
"They have a nice arch and they're the right amount of bushy," She told him, glancing at them. "My sister would be jealous of them–"
"Emerson, Love," McGonagall called making the girl's eyes widen.
She let out a nervous breath before walking away from him, leaving him more confused than ever. He watches as she sends the professor a nervous smile before sitting on the stool, – what did she mean by his eyebrows? Were they actually nice?-- the hat was placed on her head which cover half of her face, and it hummed — Nice arch? The right amount of bushy? What a weird girl– It took the hat a moment before he spoke.
When the hat was removed from her head, the girl was sporting the biggest smile, there was no more nervousness or awkwardness or anything other than excitement, her eyes gleaming as she sat down at the cheering table next to Terry Boot who was quick to offer her a handshake.
Harry didn't even notice he was staring until she looked back at him and send him a smile and a quick thumbs up before looking away when someone started to talk to her. Really, really weird girl.
He got sorted into Gryffindor, much to his relief, the hat attempted to get him into Slytherin but he would rather not talk about it now or ever, he'll take that secret to the grave. On better news, he couldn't wait to tell his parents, though he might be a bit worried about his father and uncles sending him a howler or something else more embarrassing but it's a risk he's willing to take.
Sitting on the red and golden table, chatting with Ron and his other peers about their families and trying the delicious treacle tart- which was just as good as his mother had told him it was if not better- he couldn't help as his eyes travel to the Ravenclaw table.
The weird girl was happily eating a chocolate pudding, laughing at something someone said before adding something of her own. It seems right for the hat to have sorted her in Ravenclaw, he didn't know much of the bunch other than they were the smart ones, and he didn't know the girl at all other than the little conversation they had, but for some reason, it made sense to him that she was in the blue and bronze house. Thought, for a single second he felt disappointed they weren't sorted in the same house but the thought went as quickly as it came.
She was still weird, he would probably never speak to her again a fact he should be pleased for.
But after that night, Harry's green eyes seemed to have a mind of their own for wherever he went he searched for the weird girl with charming blue eyes who told him he had lovely eyebrows, his brain betraying him as it memorize every class he had with the girl whose soft hair looks like honey, eventually his heart joined the rebellion against him and threatened to beat out of his chest whenever he saw the soft dimples on her cheeks when a laugh breaks out of her pretty pink lips.
Whenever the girl was around he couldn't work properly.
It took him a bit to realize what all that meant, he even considered sending a letter to his father but he then thought about it better and decided against it, so, he settle for Ron who was just as clueless, the third option was talking to Fred and George who after teasing him were very helpful and help him conclude that well, he fancied the weird Ravenclaw girl.
Harry Potter fancied Love Emerson.
"I know you enjoy gazing but stop staring at her before she catches you and thinks you're insane, mate." Ron's voice cut through his thoughts. "Then you'll really have zero chances with her."
"I'm not staring," Harry mumbles, looking away from the girl to the book in his hands trying to hide his crimson cheeks.
Ron scoffs as he leans on the pillar, he and Harry had been standing by for the past ten minutes in hopes that Harry gather enough courage to walk up to her. "You always do, it's a bloody miracle she hadn't caught you yet."
Harry didn't bother answering, he only sends his friend an annoyed look making him hold his arms up in defence.
"Come on, Harry, talk to her!" Ron encourages, placing a hand on his shoulder and sending him a grin. "What's the worst that could happen?"
Before Harry could muster a word, another voice beat him to it, a very familiar voice much to his dismay.
"Talk to who?"
"Dad, what are doing here?" Harry exclaimed turning to face his father and uncles who he had noticed were coming behind his father.
James gave him a cheery smile. "I told you I and Sirius would be making rounds a few days a week, did you forget after all the fun we have when we're here?"
"No, no I didn't. I couldn't even if I wanted to." Harry mutters, remembering a few embarrassing moments his father and uncle had made him go through in the past weeks.
"Good, I was starting to worry you had." James sends him a cheeky smile, not innocent at all before turning to Ron's eyebrows wiggling. "Ron, who is my son supposed to talk to? A boy? A girl perhaps?"
"Harry's talking with a girl?" Sirius's voice broke through as he came up to them, and next to him, Remus Lupin grinning at the boys. "And I'm the last one to know?"
"I'm not," Harry exclaimed, trying to keep his cheeks from heating up.
Ron scoffs loudly making Harry nudge him on the ribs with a sharp look.
"So, it is a girl?" James exclaimed eyes going wide, a smile forming on his face. "Who is she?"
Harry's eyes momentarily glance at Remus who was smiling knowingly having known about his nephew's crush since the first week of classes, he had called out Harry in class for staring but he hadn't specified who he was staring at, he just likes to startle him from time to time. Remus also tried to talk to him about it whenever Harry came by for a cuppa but he always avoided the subject like a plague, which was a bit of contrast with his father who always used to jump at every opportunity to talk about his crush on Lily.
Ron went to open his mouth but Harry clasped a hand over it. "No one, can we just go now?"
"Is it Ginny?" Sirius asks, eyes roaming about to try and find the ginger Gryffindor.
"What?" Ron shrieked, looking at Sirius with a frown similar to Harry's, both wondering how the man could have come to that conclusion. "No, Harry does not fancy my sister and never will, he fancies–"
Harry lunges towards him, the boys struggle against each other to keep the other from doing something, and then Remus spoke up making Harry freeze.
"Could the mystery girl be Love Emerson?"
Harry sends Remus a glare of betrayal which he exchanges with a borderline mischievous grin.
"Yes, that's her, sitting on the fountain." Ron panted, pointing at the courtyard.
Sirius, James and Remus turn in the direction the ginger boy was pointing, his father and uncle more eager than his uncle Remus.
"Is it the blonde?" Asked Sirius, tilting his head to get a better look.
Harry pursed his lips, sighing knowing there was no way he could avoid this any longer nor the heat from raising to his face and nodded. "....Yes, that's her."
His father turns to him, and his eyes seem to sparkle with humour and mischief.
"Love, eh? That's a pretty name. What's she like?" James said making Harry's blush spread down his neck
"He's never actually talked to her. He just stares." Ron answers for him, earning the attention of the adults. "He was raving about how he spoke to her the other day but I hardly believe it was an actual conversation."
"Ron," Harry sends him a glare, not wanting to turn to the waiting eyes of his family.
Ron sends him an apologetic look in return "Sorry, mate, but it's the truth, we've been sitting here for the past fifteen minutes waiting for you to give her her book back."
"What book?" Sirius asks, turning back to Harry in expectation.
"Reckon is the book he's clutching, Pads," Remus mumbles pointing at the leather journal in the boy's hands.
Sirius frowns. "Well, why haven't you?"
"It's just not that simple."
"What do you mean is not that simple?" James quizzes, sending his son an amused grin as he points at the object in his hands. "This is the perfect opportunity to chat with her, son, the perfect excuse to show her the Potter charisma."
"But... what do I tell her? Hey, here's your book, would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me?" Harry huffs, shaking his head.
James nods eagerly. "I used to ask your out mum that way, look where it got me."
"Right, Lily rejected you until the seventh year and even then it was a stretch." Sirius scoffs a barking laugh.
"Well, it work in the end, didn't it?"
"Don't trust your father, Harry," Remus told the boy earning an outraged 'Oi' from the man. "Just go there, tell her you found the book laying around and wanted to give it back, then later when you see her again, try and talk to her about Hogsmeade, and if all goes right all will happen in due time."
"Yeah, go on Harry." Ron encourages once again.
Harry looked back at where the girl was taking the sun, he took a silent deep breath, his ears catching the comment of reassurance from his father and uncle as he walked forward. By how nervous he felt it might seem like he was going off to war or something like that, it was even worse knowing that his father, uncles and friend were witnessing this.
But Ron was right. What's the worst that could happen? He already spoke with her once– well twice if you count the first year– it went fine, dare he even say it went fantastic, she even touch his face, she laughed with him and smile at him, so Harry has high hopes that today could also go brilliant.
Before he knew it, he was standing right in front of Love, her eyes gazing up at him in confusion, he would have noticed the odd look her friends gave to each other if he hadn't been too immersed in Love.
"Yes?" She asks, sending him a puzzled grin.
"I–" He gulps before clearing his throat, glancing down at the object in his hands. "I- I wanted to give this back to you."
"Is that my journal?" Love asks eyes going wide as she spotted the leather-bound book.
"I believe so unless there's another Love Emerson around." Harry chuckles nervously as he attempts to joke.
"Not that I know of," Love stood up, eyes going between the book and the boy as she gave him a dazzling smile. "I've gone mad from looking for it for weeks... where did you find it?"
"Uh, y-you know, around."
Love laughs softly, shaking her head and walking a bit closer to him. "Of course, I've been breaking my head searching for it but Harry Potter finds it easily."
Now, Harry would never use the term feeling butterflies in his stomach, he didn't believe it was real, sure, he feels his nervous system failing him whenever Love was around and how thinks he might have a heart attack when she looks his general direction, yet he doesn't think he ever felt the said butterflies, but now, having her so close– she smells like coconut and expensive perfume– and her saying his name did something new to him.
His brain froze, which cause him to drop the journal to Love's feet hardly making her wince.
Feeling his whole face heating up, Harry quickly bent over to pick it up muttering a few sorry's while at the same time, Love did the same which he hadn't noticed until he bent back up and felt something hard hit the back of his head.
"Oww." Love groaned.
Harry's eyes widen and his mouth went dry when he saw Love holding her nose between her hands while Padma Patil and her other friend stood up to look at the girl.
"Holy– are you okay?" Padma asked, glancing at Harry and then back at Love.
The girl muttered something which no one could understand due to the hands that were covering part of her mouth.
The short boy grabbed her wrist in an attempt to free them from her nose. "Let me see."
Love winced as she drop her hands. Harry felt his stomach drop dramatically down to his feet, though he felt something heavier falling too he didn't look down to check, he didn't care, he couldn't, not when he saw the blood on her nose, which was dripping to her white shirt, staining it. "Is it bad?"
For Godrics sake, this is all going horribly, when did things take this turn? His head didn't even hurt that bad.
"Love, I-I'm so sorry–" He took a step towards Love while making a nervous attempt to apologize for causing her a broken nose when his foot slid with something making him stumble forward, in Love's direction, the force in which his body stumbled against her pushed the girl backwards, the back of her knees colliding with the side of the fountain forcing her to drop down into the water with a gasp but not before her head hit the statue of an odd looking bird that was in the middle of the fountain.
"Love!!" Both her friends cried, quickly moving into action.
Padma entered the water to grab the girl and the boy helped her to pull Love out of the water. She had a bit of blood running down her head making Harry feel slightly dizzy.
"She's out."The boy said worriedly as Padma got out of the fountain.
"Let's take her to Madam Pomfrey." Remus was quick to arrive, he swiftly gather Love into his arms, not worried about getting wet one bit and picked her up, "Come on."
Love's friends quickly gather all of their things including the damn journal which was for some reason back on the floor and followed Remus inside the castle, the commotion had gathered a few spectators, but Harry couldn't be bothered, he froze, he felt his soul leave his body, he was close to weeping, he wanted to die right then and there, he wanted to go up to the astronomy tower and throw himself off, he wanted to—-
"Harry, come on, son." He felt his father grab him by the shoulders and take him away from where he was standing, back to where it all began.
Sirius let out a breath from his nose, looking at his nephew— who was still in shock—with a hand covering his mouth. "Well, that went...." he didn't finish, he couldn't he only let out a sigh.
"Awful?" Ron mumbled, cringing a bit.
"It'll be okay, Harry." James send his son a sympathetic look as he hesitated. "I'm sure she'll forgive you, y'know, once she wakes up."
Harry, finally snapping out of it, groaned loudly, both hands covering his face in shame, embarrassment, distress, anger, too many emotions to count but one thing was undeniably true, he fucked up.
A/N: Hope you enjoy it. Tell me what you think about it.
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millennialgrandma · 5 months
2023 Wrap Up
Ok, so. I really meant to post this in January. Had most of it drafted and all but a few of the stats done. And then [gestures widely], life. When I sat down with my airtables and my notebook to begin the task of summarizing this 2023 in words, I honestly couldn't intuit where I fell in comparison to 2022. I knew I read more traditionally published books, which was thrilling in and of itself (although wholly unexpected). And I knew that as each month of the year passed, I despaired over how little fanfic I got to read (and how little I was able to interact with the fanfic community). Life served a whole lot of lemons this year. And rather than retreat into fandom and burrow under the blanket of escapism to deal with the stress, I...held it at arm's length. Perhaps because I was terrified that once I started, I wouldn't be able to stop. Or because I felt I didn't deserve the escape (I had too much to do). Or because I just didn't have the time for a proper spiral. Probably all of the above.
Words Written
It's funny I've chosen to highlight this stat with its own heading this year, given the facts. Despite my best (ok, really more like medium) efforts, I barely managed to squeak out 2,300 words (a quick little fic and a smaller little ficlet). And I guess I just wanted to tell myself that that's ok. That as disheartening as it is to look back and see so few words, to know that I signed up and backed out of fests, it's ok. I spent some time working on the MCD fic here and there, and I know I'm going to be really proud of it when I'm finally done. I have so many more stories to tell. The words will come when they come.
Traditionally Published Books
Last year I set myself a goal of 12 books and only managed to read two. I am happy to report I smashed it out of the park this year with a total of 13 books. The biggest contributing factor here is, of course, the way I devoured all the Grishaverse books in April. I enjoyed a new release (Forget Me Not) and a couple of delightful queer romance novels (RWRB and Boyfriend Material). I continue to study astrology (when I remember), and my love of history accounts for the books on the Cold War and the last crossing of the Lusitania.
Total word count on traditionally published books comes in at approximately 1,538,705 words.
Completed Fics
The vast majority of fics I read continue to be within the Harry Potter fandom. I branched out a bit more to other fandoms this year, but HP will always be my first love. RWRB will get its own section this year, as that's the fandom I'm most heavily invested in after HP. The remainder will be compiled into separate section for ease of tracking stats.
Harry Potter
In 2023, I read a total of 113 completed fics (a handful of them 2-3 times) in the HP fandom, for a total word count of 917,126 words. The 2 fics that started the year in WIP status (and were subsequently completed) will be included in the WIP word count below.
I remain a horny monster. Explicit fics accounted for all but 2 fics read. Those two tiny little paragons of virtue were rated GA.
Dramione remains my most wide-read ship, all though I slutted myself out a fair few more pairings this year. Dramione was referenced as the sole main pairing in 43 (or 38%) of the fics. I read 50 fics (44%) that had non-dramione pairings, with the most popular being parkweasel and harmony. The remaining handful of fics (those that don't fall into exclusively dramione, or explicitly non-dramione) are filthy, dirty threesome/foursome/moresome smut, which usually pair dramione at some point among the tangled limbs.
So I read RWRB back in August, and watched the movie and became a wee bit obsessed with these dumbass boys. I had grand plans to then feast upon the wonderful world of fic in this fandom, but life kept getting in the way. Even though I didn't get to read much, I'm breaking this fandom out from the rest because it deserves its own spotlight and I foolishly made grand grand plans for spiraling in 2024. All told, I read 9 completed fics for a total word count of 263,058 words. All were rated Explicit or Mature, most were multi-chap, and all but one featured firstprince exclusively (shoutout to whimsymanaged for being the whore of my heart and feeding me a threesome).
Other Fandoms
I ventured into a few more fandoms this year and I'll be so real with you, I did it exclusively for horny reasons. Fics in this category totaled 127,815 words.
S&B (darklina): 9 fics, 63k words
Anne of Green Gables (shirbert): 10 fics, 31k words
HoTD (mostly harwin/rhaenyra): 6 fics, 22k words
LoTR (haladriel): 2 fics, 7.5k words
Euphoria: 1 fic, 4k words
This is probably the saddest section out of all of them, because I neglected my WIPs quite horribly. I think this was part of the whole "denying-myself-fun-until-I-get-stuff-done" mindset: since I wasn't making progress, I didn't get my WIPs. Truly an awful mentality, and the more I write about it the more I'm thinking that it didn't actually accomplish anything except keep me miserable.
At the start of the year, I was following 19 WIPs. Two of these were completed during the year, and I did finish them. I managed to catch up on two others, and somehow added four more. There are a handful of the WIPs I was following that completed during the year that I *didn't* catch up on. First order of business when I get to a place of intentional reading in 2024 is coming back to each and every one of these 21 abandoned children.
Final Tally
And with that said, my 2023 fanfic word count was 1,393,225 words and my tradpub word count was 1,538,705 words, for a total of 2.933 million words read for pleasure this year.
This comes in at 92% of 2022's total reading, and 42% of 2021's. I'm happy I at least got close to a level comparable to 2022. I don't think I'll ever reach 2021 levels again, but it is fun to compare against that absolutely fucking bananas year of reading. BUT. It is sad to see the number continue to go down, and really reinforces the need to change my mindset about fun being a reward that I earn (I'm working on it, I swear, but as I'm posting this in May instead of January you can see that I'm not off to a great start for 2024).
Outside of everything I've read listed above, I also got the immense privilege to read early drafts of a handful of original works that a big beautiful brain I know is working on. I can't quantify those in the word count, but let me just say there are so many character stories I am holding in my heart and I cannot wait for other people to know them and shriek over them someday, too.
My promise for 2024 is to get back to my menace ways. I've got a lot of ground to make up, but I think I might just be able to do it.
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bookpersonmaryj · 1 year
Fanfic Writer Interview
Thank you @you-have-to-use-your-imagination for tagging me!
I have to tag people now, but since I only have very few followers (for a reason, that reason is I get overwhelmed easily and need a bit of distance) I hope no one gets mad if I skip that part...
How many works do you have on ao3?
40 works on ao3, one other on a German fanfic site but it's uhh on a several-year hiatus so... not important!
What's your total ao3 word count?
it's 79.578 words holy shit... that's almost 80.000??? how???
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I've posted works for four fandoms, three on ao3. Doctor Who (27 fics), The Umbrella Academy (2 fics) and Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast (10 fics).
I've technically got 2 Harry Potter fics, written before JK turned out to be a terf, but I removed them for the moment because I don't want to support her in any way until she gets over her bigotry, and if she never does that then I'll just leave them unpublished forever.
The other one not on ao3 is a Once Upon A Time fanfic that's really just a self-indulgent self-insert for my best friends and myself.
I've also written for far more fandoms, just most of those are only WIPs on my laptop that I'm not sure I'll ever finish and/or post.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Cheating (236 kudos, The Umbrella Academy fic)
Stormcage Wives (232 kudos, Doctor Who fic)
drunk on your love (and a whole lot of ginger) (119 kudos, Doctor Who fic)
tired of the lies (but afraid of what the truth will bring) (107 kudos, Doctor Who fic)
you're burning up and I'm burning out (or is it the other way around?) (101 kudos, Doctor Who fic)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, always. People tell me they like my writing, of course I'm gonna thank them for it! And if I get to ramble on about my fic for a bit, even better!
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Oof, let me think...
I'm torn between three, I think.
Wait for me - TUA fic that is really just angst the whole time and especially the ending
Achilles Come Down - DW fic that I would call angsty, but it's kinda ambiguous? it's based on the song by Gang of Youth with the same name, and that song is definitely angsty, so it stands to reason the fic is also at least a bit angsty
I had a dream, which was not all a dream - DW fic that's also very angsty throughout and the last thoughts aren't very cheery, I'd say it's pretty darn angsty.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've written?
Yes, but only unpublished unfinished stuff so far.
The craziest of them would probably be the 'Hunger Games but fandoms for districts' one which I only started because of a tumblr post I shared with my friends and we hyped each other up so much that I wrote three chapters in a haze of euphoria before reality kicked me in the teeth and I stopped.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, and I really hope I won't receive any in the future...
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Every time I try it either turns into cuddles or the screen fades to black without my doing. I just can't write smut for my life.
(I might be greyace actually??? that might be a contributing factor...)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know, and again, I really hope it never happens.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Does it count if I started translating my own fanfic?
If not, no, but I wouldn't be opposed to it if someone were to ask!
What's your all time favorite ship?
Thoschei, I'd say.
Maaybe Zoscar, but tbh I've shipped Thoschei the longest so I gotta go with that one.
No, wait, I've been shipping SwanQueen far longer than Thoschei!
So either one of those...
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Oof, that's a hard question... I've got so many WIPs I wanna finish but don't think I ever will.
There's a soulmate AU I've started, Doctor Who, Thoschei, rather angsty, and I've written myself into a corner and can't get out of it again.
I also started something that I call Override Paradox, which is really what it sounds like, in that it's 13 trying to create a paradox big enough to override the memory block in the matrix. I really wanna finish it, but it's really hard to write paradox fics, tbh...
Err, I've got several timetravel fix-it stories for various fandoms that I'd really like to finish, but not any one specifically, really.
I also really want to finish that Once Upon A Time fic, mostly just so I can have it finished, and because I did start it for my best friends and I'd really like to give them a nice thing, basically.
I also recently got back into The Umbrella Academy and really wanna finish a couple of those stories, just because they're rattling around in my brain and I would love to make something out of the ideas.
What are your writing strengths?
I'm... pretty good at angst? And fluff? Does that count as strength?
I'm good at imagining what a character is thinking, that's probably a neat thing. There are a lot of fics where I get fully immersed in the inner monologue of someone, and I'd say I'm pretty good at it?
I've also been told I'm good at plot twists, so. those?
(gosh I'm so bad at complimenting myself... definitely need to work on that.)
(also what the hell is a writing strength??? I don't really know what this means...)
What are your writing weaknesses?
I ramble a lot. Describe too much.
I also cannot for the life of me just write a story on the fly without having at least five paragraphs of backstory... It's really annoying, honestly.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If it makes sense story-wise and if it's done well, then I'm all for it!
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Once Upon A Time. I started it like, five years ago? It feels like an eternity tbh... hang on...
2017??? holy shit that's. yeah, that's six years... wow.
What's your favorite fic that you've written?
I'm gonna choose from the ones I've finished, because I will not be able to choose from the unfinished no matter how hard I'll try.
'Achilles Come Down' is really one of my favorites. I had a lot of fun writing it.
'confessions uttered in the (un)safety of your embrace' was incredibly nice to write. The level of double and triple thinking? Brilliant. The fact that I didn't even realize I was doing it in a triple way until it was pointed out to me (thank you @rearranging-deck-chairs)?! Effervescent.
So yeah.
That's it. You can stop reading now. Also, thank you ^_^
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amyscascadingtabs · 4 years
i know harry potter has its issues and all but god i love it so much
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mirclealignr · 3 years
Regulus Black Fluff Alphabet
regulus x gn! reader
requested by anon
warnings; brief mentions of food and anxiety
from this alphabet
Tumblr media
A - Affection; how they like to show their love.
Regulus does a lot through touch and reassuring looks/smiles. He finds it hard sometimes to express just how he feels about you, especially considering expressions of love were severely lacking in his life. But when he holds your hand or caresses your face, he feels as if he's spilling all his secrets, and hopes that you understand them.
B - Beauty; what do they especially admire about you?
Your warmth. At first it was practically disarming, but overtime he learned to embrace it and miss it when it was absent, when you were absent. It would be so different to what he was used to, especially with the people closest to him. But he would adore the change that was you.
C - Cuddles; how they like to cuddle you.
Most of the time he likes to have his arms around you, sitting up slightly while you lay against his chest. There's a sense of safety he finds in knowing that you can hear his heartbeat and that it doesn't scare you off. But sometimes, he likes it when you take him in your arms and he can nuzzle in the crook of your neck.
D - Dancing; their favourite place to dance with you.
He is simply a hopeless romantic, and loves to dance with you when it's dark and raining outside, when the two of you are almost completely alone. He loves watching you smile as the rain seeps into your clothes and dampens your hair, and when you rest your head on his chest for some shelter.
E - Excitement; do they get excited with you about things?
Regulus likes to understand things before he gets excited about them with you. If you come running to him with an elated expression and start rambling about whatever brought you this pleasure, he'd want to know why. He'd want to understand you and relate to you. Almost always, he'd become just as excited as you.
F - First Date; your first date together.
The Astronomy Tower. Regulus would want to be alone with you, without prying or judging eyes. It wouldn't be much, maybe some snacks and a drink he brought for you, but he would want to hear you talk and laugh and to see you smile. He'd want to know your likes and dislikes, the memories you cherished, and things you looked back on and laughed at.
G - Goals; do they have things they want to achieve? Do they include you in these things?
For Regulus, his future goals remain largely unclear. Before you, he thought it was simple, but afterwards it would become far more complicated. With the weight of his family, and Sirius' abandonment making it heavier, he would often try to avoid the thought. But if you ever brought it up, he'd tell you that wherever you were, he would be.
H - Honesty; how open are they with you?
Very. Trust is something extremely important to him. While he may not tell you everything the second it happens, he does have every intention of letting you see every side of him, even the parts he wished would vanish from existence. Upon getting to know you, the trials of his family would be revealed slowly, rather than all at once, so he didn't overwhelm you. Of course, he'd be terrified, but he knew it was better that way, and he knew that you would love him all the same.
I - I Love You; do they say it a lot? did they say it first?
Regulus does not say it first, though he'd be sure he felt it first. He confesses straight after you, though, and gradually says it more and more over time. Expressing his feelings would not come easy, and sometimes, rather than tell you how much he appreciated you for listening or how beautiful he thought you were, he simply said 'I love you' in replacement, hoping that it would be enough.
J - Jealousy; do they get jealous?
Not necessarily jealous, but rather insecure. When he sees you laughing with someone else, he'd wonder whether they were better suited to you--they were warmer, more free, happier. Perhaps he brought you down, perhaps he weighed you down, and though he didn't express these insecurities out loud, he'd always seem to be easily read by you. And you'd always be there to reassure him when you needed to.
K - Kiss; their favourite place to kiss you.
Your hands. For Regulus, hands mean so much, represent so much, and yours are his to kiss and hold as much as he pleases. To him it would feel incredibly intimate, despite the fact that your hands can touch others, but that they're only his to kiss and hold. People can always get close, but never as close as he can.
L - Little Spoon; who’s the little spoon?
The majority of the time, you are the little spoon. He likes the idea that he is able to protect you, actually make you feel safe and wanted; it's one of the things he prides himself on. But, there woulds be times when he needed to feel that, and revelled in the warmth of your embrace tightening around him, holding him close.
M - Melody; what’s your song together?
I think your song together would be 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' by The Beatles.
N - Nicknames; do they use nicknames for you?
Yes a few. Some of them would include 'treasure' and/or 'my treasure' because he adores you and could not think of anything better than you. For him, you are what people search for their whole lives, sometimes without ever finding it. And, because he speaks French, ‘mon chéri /ma chérie' for definite.
O - Open Book; how hard was it to get to know them?
It wasn't necessarily hard, just gradual. However, you would have always suspected that Regulus did not have it easy and were content with him going at his own pace, and appreciating that he was brave enough to reveal it all to you. It never seemed too slow, rushed, or overwhelming--he picked his timings well and never let things become too heavy. He'd also be very conscious that everyone had their own burdens, and would make sure he always left time and room for you to air anything you wanted or needed.
P - PDA; how affectionate they are in public.
Not very much at all. He prefers to show you his love when it's just the two of you. But he isn't afraid to let other people know that you're in a relationship, and will often intertwine his fingers with yours, whisper things in your ear, and kiss your temple.
Q - Quirk: a weird but loveable trait of theirs.
He never signs his name, he always signs R.A.B. Even when it's small notes to you, little love letters, or ordinary letters, he will never sign it as Regulus, but with his full initials.
R - Romance; how romantic are they?
So much. He loves leaving you love notes, writing love letters to you, slow dancing with you, playing music for you, watching the stars with you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, snuggling up in bed with you with a good book. He loves to do it all.
S - Secrets; do they keep secrets from you?
Not really. Perhaps only ones he thinks would unnecessarily hurt you, like what his family says about you. He doesn't tell you because he doesn't think it matters, they don't matter to him, only you do, and he wants their words to mean nothing.
T - Thrill; do they like to keep the relationship new and exciting?
He likes to, and he tries. He certainly likes surprising you, even if only to see that smile. He likes taking you places, learning your favourite songs on the piano simply because you like hearing them, taking you on spontaneous trips or dates. He's not on for grand, public gestures, but he still keeps excitement in the relationship his own way. But he also knows when things need to be slow and calm, and doesn't mind it either way.
U - Understanding; how they comfort/support when you’re upset or anxious.
He knows that most things said would be wrong, even if they were intended to be reassuring and understanding. Even when you talk about what's bothering you or don't, it can be hard to say the right thing. So instead, he takes you in his arms, rubs your back, kisses your cheek and gets you any comfort foods that you wish for. Sometimes, words speak far less than actions.
V - Vexed; how easily they lose their temper.
With his family, and even with Sirius, Regulus can lose his temper very quickly, but you understand that their relationship has not been easy, nor do you care for his family. With you, it's rare that he loses his temper or raises his voice at you. When he does, there are usually other factors that have contributed to his mood, and he is quick to apologise afterwards.
W - Weakness; what’s their weakness what it comes to you?
Your smile. So easily it can make him feel like he's falling from the stars, watching the constellations become smaller and smaller as he slips into the earth's atmosphere, burning and smiling and falling completely in love with you every time he sees it.
X - Xtra; random hc about them.
Regulus likes to speak in French to you when there are things he is too afraid to say or things he thinks sound more romantic when said in another language. Even if you can understand him, there's something less nerve-racking about saying it in French, it's almost like he's playing himself in another world, but still hopelessly in love with you.
Y - Years to Come; how they imagine your future together.
He doesn't like to think about the future often because he knows how easily it can change and fail to meet your expectations. He only hopes that he is with you, facing whatever is to come. He prefers to focus on the present, where he already is with you.
Z - Zzz; how they are when they sleep.
Incredibly still, almost scarily still. The only time he moves is to be closer to you, closer to your exuding warmth. It almost frightens you to move in case it wakes him or disturbs him, but if it does, he never lets on. - - - fill in this form or send an ask to be added to a tag list <3 forever friends; @myalupinblack / @selenes-sun / @vixxiann /@queen-asteria04 / @lillict / @savingpluto /@theincredibledeadlyviper / @pad-foots / @fizzleberries / @willowbleedsonpaper / @kinkyduuh harry potter; @fuckingbloodyhello / @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts / @scvrllet / @dreamerinthesun / @crazy-beautiful / @chaoticgirl04 /@cupids-crystals / @fandom-life-12 / @mypainistemporary-blog /@oliverwoodmarrymepls / @eunoniaa / @missryerye marauders era; @spxllcxstxr / @natashxromanovfreads / @ch /@sereinegemini / @helen-with-an-a / @sweeter-than-strawberries /@spxncervibes regulus black; @jackys-stuff-blog / @with-love-anu / @yinrose98 /@tarorootboba / @lyaseille / @bloodblossom73
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fandomscombine · 3 years
Heartbreak Woman [Cho/Cedric Ending]
Warning: Angst! Brokenhearted!Reader
I proposed 3 varying endings and the response was across the board so I decided why the heck not write ALL 3 choices!
a/n: I haven't been active on tumblr this past month. Motivation to read & write wasn't really there. Feelin pretty crap. I don't think it's my best work- I actually wrote this ending last month but delay posting it since I promised to post all 3 endings back to back- but with the recent burnout, my progress is slow. Proofread it and push the insecurities & anxieties away and here we are. Love was put into this, I hope you enjoy it! Don't worry, the other 2 endings are on the way.
I tried posting this 9 times now and it keeps saying error. this is me testing it with mobile so formatting is hard but I hope it posts
BG: You were hoping that your best friend, Cedric to ask you to the Yule Ball. Instead you were roped into helping him ask Cho out. It broke your heart, but at least this way while helping him out you could pretend that he was doing all the sweet things to you. On the other side of the picture, Harry was too heartbroken upon learning that Cho is going out with Cedric.
Read the main story before it diverges ending here!
>>>Heartbreak Woman [Main]
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Did Harry Potter really just ask you out and you said yes?
Touching your forehead, it wasn’t bleeding anymore but there is still a slight sting to it from the collision with Harry’s broom. Yes. That definitely happened. You thought to yourself, this isn’t some delusion from the injury.
 This is good. This is good. Hyping yourself up. You enjoy his company and that should be enough to stop your thoughts from going about a certain Hufflepuff boy. The same boy you had abruptly left alone in the greens. It’s not his fault nor it is Cho’s for wanting to date each other. You have nothing against them, they are both such lovely and kind people and not to mention popular- it was only a matter of time that they got together, Hogwarts’ Power Couple.
No, it’s just you and your stupid feelings falling for your best friend and agreeing to help with the courtship.
‘Y/n? Hii.” The voice reels you back to reality.
You blinked. “Cho! Hi!” Greeting her loudly had been taken by surprise. You dial down your volume. “What can I do for you?”
“It’s actually what you did, really… I just wanted to say thank you.”
You were confused, why was she thanking you?
“For helping Cedric I mean” She clarified. “He mentioned that you helped him with the picnic idea. It was very sweet. It was what made me finally say yes.”
“That’s awesome.” You force yourself to smile. “I’m glad you guys are together, I can finally get that git to stop bothering me with date ideas. That’s 3 weeks of my life I’m not getting back!” There was some truth to that statement, now that she and Cedric are together you don’t have to go through the pain of practice dates with Cedric.
“You y/n are the absolute wingwoman! Legend material!” Cho praised. “You're like my fairy godmother!” She continues, wrapping you into an embrace.
“yayyyy….That’s me…” You mumble into her luscious hair. Grateful that Cho couldn’t see your face.  Pulling apart, you don’t let her go quite yet. With hands on her shoulder, you stare unwavering. “Just don’t break his heart yea? He’s really smitten by you, promise you won’t hurt him.”
Cho is taken aback a bit, your words clearly coming from a strong emotional bond with the boy.  Thoughts of love, Eros, passed through her mind but brushed it away - It can’t be y/n help them get together. Y/n’s words must come from Philia love, y/n and Cedric had been best friends since before they could talk! Everyone knows that. They have a soul connection that can’t be replicated.  “I promise.”
14th February.
Valentine’s Day.
This holiday sucks.
No, not for the reason that you’re single. Nah.
Today is a downer as you won’t be able to do your annual tradition.
See every since 3rd year you and Cedric would be in a pink ensemble outfit complete with red heart sunglasses. Spreading chants of self love and showering fellow single students and professors with compliments. This all started out when your roommates teased you for not having a date for Valentine’s day.  When Cedric had heard about it, he went all out. The boy basically made sure that every single person knew how wonderful, beautiful and intelligent you are.
It was this day onwards that 2 things happened.
Complementing and advocating for self love, Philautia, in a pink get up became an annual Valentine’s tradition. (Even a couple of students joined the cause, expanding from you just both into an association/group of sorts.)
 You started to see Cedric in a new light. In other words, you were falling in love with your best friend.
Scanning the Great Hall for pink cladded pupils, you were glad that the group had saved you a seat however a certain Hufflepuff was out of sight. Taking a deep breath, you cleared your head. Get it together y/n. Today is about sharing love and do NOT think about Cedric and Cho going on a romantic date in Hogsmeade.
You were about to take a step forward when-
“Argh!” Shutting your eyes as the hall spun around.
“Relaxx!! Relax! It’s just me.”
Feet back on solid ground, you turned towards the perpetrator, the one boy you did not want to see right now. “What the fuck Ced! Don’t scare me like that!”
“I’m sorry…” Cedric raises his arms in surrender. “Is everything alright?”
“Yea everything’s fine.”
Cedric raises a brow. You forget that this boy can see through your bullshit.
“Only had a couple hours of sleep, that’s all.” It wasn’t a lie, in fact you’d only gotten 3 hours of rest last night, it was just the case of omitting that his upcoming date with Cho was the reason for your restlessness. You don’t want to blame it on jealousy, but it is.
Grabbing hold of your hand, he pulls you towards the group. "Alright then, I've got some spare sleeping potion if you need."
You wave to your fellow singles as you sit down."uh..thanks Ced." You couldn't stop vocalizing your confusion as to why Cedric is still right next to you. Normally you wouldn't complain, but today was Valentine's Day.
"Ouch y/n!" Cedric sassed, eyes focused on piling food onto his plate." Just because I have a girlfriend now doesn't mean I would disappear on my best girl."
My best girl. It hurts to be called that in another context than you wanted.
"Don't you have a date with Cho today?"
"Yea but Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop  doesn't open until 11am. Which gives me time for our annual Valentine's tradition!"
"But you're taken."
"Yes….but I could still help spreading the love!" Cedric glanced around. "No one minds that I come to join you right?"
A murmur of Nos filled your eyes.
"Haha! See I told you!" Cedric brags, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Looks at you straight in the eyes, those gorgeous grey irises melting away your defenses."You can't get rid of me that easily." He whispers, loud enough only for you to hear. You could feel the heat filling up your face due to his closeness. Too busy lost in the rapid beats of your heart, you failed to notice his face getting even closer.
A softness like cotton grazes your cheek.
Cedric kissed you!
Your mind is close to being short circuited. The area of where Cedric's lips were a nanosecond ago is cold as ice. The cold contrasted with your now burning hot, blushing face.
You could live in this forever. All external environments quiet, blocked out of focus. Cedric's arms around you while the butterflies in your stomach bursts out, occupying your whole body with sheer giddiness from having his lips on you.
But the daydream breaks.
"Hey Love! You ready?"
"Morning!" He greets, kissing her. "Uh…" It's only 9:34am. You nod, silently telling him that it was okay to miss your annual tradition. You weren't expecting any quality time today, yet he managed even if it was just for breakfast. "Yea.. give me 10 minutes to go change and I'll pick you up at the courtyard?"
"Sounds great. Be quick cause I miss you already!"
"Sure will sweetheart." He pecks her lips again then waves goodbye to the table and he's off, running.
The tension changes once Cedric is gone.
"Can I talk to you outside y/n?"
"uh yeah" Once outside. "What's up?" Trying to sound casual. Cho inviting you to speak privately isn't usual-seeing that you were the couple's go to accomplice for surprises.
"I see the way you look at him."
"I'm sorry?"
"I know.you like him. y/n. I know you like Cedric."
"Cho.. you can't be serious, he's my best friend!"
"I wasn't sure then.but just now..the way you act around him. the way you look at him. y/n is undeniable. It’s  so obvious-I had assumptions then but everyone just brushes it off as your childhood friend with each other. heck even both of you say that."
"I didn't bring this up before because I felt insecure, jealous even that I can't live up to the standard of relationship you and Cedric have.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. There were too many revelations bombarding you all at once, that you are having trouble processing what is going on.
“But I am tired of what ifs and worrying.” Voice quivering, she continues. “You've got to tell him, y/n."
The words snap you back into place.
"Cho… I can't. I can't ruin your relationship."
If you love someone and they love someone else, you let them go.
Everything Taglist :@gruffle1
HP Taglist:@onlyfreds
Heartbreak woman Tagist:
@joalinbenefits @the-natureofme @romanoffs-heart @justmesadgirl @plumso @gleefulleve @wolf-phoenix-lover @ceofcedric @savvy7392 @cedricsfluffyhair @thewayilookatbacon @LIONLIKEWOLFLIKE @mellifluous-cosmos
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sweetcherrypie1967 · 4 years
Narcissa’s Secret
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It was a little known fact that Narcissa Malfoy was a skilled legilimens and occlumens, even more so than her sister Bellatrix. It was how she was able to be part of the Death Eater meetings without having a Dark Mark herself. It pained her that she wasn't able to save her son from the fate she was able to avoid. It pained Narcissa that her husband was foolish enough to jump into such a fate head first, damning the rest of his family without so much as consulting them.
She had begging Lucius to let their son choose his own fate, Narcissa would have begging the Dark Lord himself not to do it but it was her husband who insisted on it. It shattered her heart, hearing Draco's pain filled screams echo throughout the Manor.
Her baby boy, forced to be just like those monsters.
Narcissa tried talking Draco into leaving, run off to any corner of the world to get out and start over or even go to Dumbledore's group. In the beginning Draco had scoffed at the idea but the more she pushed, the more she could see him consider it. While he never went out and said it, there's been a definite change in him compared to when she first brought it up all those months ago.
Now she was standing silently, watching as they brought in the Potter boy, one of the Weasley's offspring and the muggleborn girl. Narcissa noticed a shift in Draco that no one else but his mother would catch, she began watching him closely. She tried to hide a smile as he lied about knowing their identity, Draco's ears always turned pink when he lied. It was a tell that she made sure no one else knew about, not even Lucius.
"Take them all to the dungeons...all except for the Mudblood,"
Narcissa could practically feel the anger radiating off of Draco. It confused her why his reaction was so strong, she knew he didn't want anyone to be harmed let alone someone he knew -he wasn't a monster- but he was always going on about how much Draco 'hated' Potter's pet.
Then it clicked.
The change in him, his reaction earlier and his now. They were all connected, it was because of her!
Just to be positive she cast a silent legilimens on the girl while everyone else was distracted. Her mind was very strong, but once Bella had her way..it weakened significantly. Narcissa didn't have to look to see how pained he was when the girl's screams began. Echoing throughout his own home while he could do nothing but stand there.
What Narcissa saw in her mind shocked her beyond belief.
She searched through her memories, looking for anything to do with her son, when she stumbled upon something no one was supposed to find.
It was Draco and Hermione...kissing! As if they'd done it millions of times before. It was the most prominent memory she could find with him in it, and it was only a few months old. But..too soon to be in Hogwarts. Narcissa's mind instantly went to one of the days Voldemort wasn't in Malfoy Manor, he had left the Manor to visit his friends at Zabini Manor. Narcissa had suspected he was leaving something out of his story, but allowed it. Now, she knew what he was really up to.
She went through what seemed like hundreds of other memories, them sitting together on a couch talking, in the Astronomy Tower after curfew watching the stars and laughing with many more. Narcissa has never seen Draco look as happy as he was in these memories. One in particular caught her attention, unlike most others she saw it was more sad than happy. It was in the Astronomy Tower.
"Please Draco, don't go," Hermione begged in a whisper through her tears.
Draco gave her a sad smile, he wanted to oh so badly. "We both know that I need to go, it's what's best for the Order," Draco said.
"You don't have too! It's too dangerous, please. Dumbledore will understand. Don't leave me," Hermione begged, looking at him with glassy eyes.
They stared at each other for a moment, both hearts breaking at what had to be done.
"Hermione, you don't know how much I wish I could stay. I'd never leave your side through all this rubbish, but you heard the Headmaster. The Order needs me to spy on them. If I can earn their trust, if I can prove to Dumbledore and Potter and even bloody Weasley that I've changed. That I can be who you deserve, then I have to do it," Draco said.
"I don't care what Harry and Ron think-" Draco gave her a disbelieving look, "ok yes I do but I'm going to be with you no matter what. If they don't think you're worthy of me then that's their own bloody problem because I know you are and..I love you,"
Draco's eyes snapped to hers, searching for her sincerity before his face broke out in a grin, "I love you too, Granger."
They both kissed and the memory faded.
Narcissa's son was in love with Potter's pet? Hermione Granger? More importantly, he was working as a spy for the Order of the Phoenix?! Part of her was ecstatic, her son found love and took her advice to get out of this life Lucius had lay out for them! Another part, however, was scared. Being a spy, let alone for spying on Voldemort himself, was very dangerous business. If one was spying on the Dumbledore, they wouldn't have the guts to kill them but Voldemort wouldn't think twice about it.
Narcissa's focus was abruptly interrupted by the whole ordeal with Potter and Weasley saving Hermione and escaping with Dobby. She wasn't expecting her ex House Elf to be their savior but as long as they were going someplace safe. Narcissa knew Dobby used to enjoy listening to Draco rant and rave about the Potter boy and his little group. It was plain that he became fascinated, she wasn't sure if he simply didn't understand her son's sarcasm or just read between the lines.
Once the whole ordeal was done she practically dragged Draco into a separate room and cast every silencing charm she knew on it. She rounded on him and she could see he was guarded and..scared? Draco's fists were shaking along with the rest of him, probably trying to gain enough self control not to go after Bella for what she did.
"Would you mind telling me what that was all about?" Narcissa asked him.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"I mean with the Granger girl," she said and he set his jaw defensively, "I saw her memories, Draco. I know you switched sides..and I know you love her."
His shoulders dropped slightly but he was still on guard. Just because she knew doesn't mean she wouldn't tell, it pained Narcissa that Draco would even think she would put him in danger like that.
"What's there to tell if you already know everything?" Draco said.
"Well I didn't have quite the time to see everything, and I'd like an explanation," Narcissa said.
“How do I know you won’t go off and tell Father or the Dark Lord himself,” he said.
“Because I’m your mother, Draco,” she said softly, “I would never intentionally put you in any danger if I could prevent it. I love you more than life itself.”
He sighed in defeat, "Hermione, she caught me..in a vulnerable moment. I was overwhelmed by my task and the fact my plans never seemed to work. She offered for me to join their cause, even full immunity for me and you. After all you've said, I've been thinking about it and I accepted. I think it surprised her almost as much as it surprised me," Draco said with a slight laugh remembering, "we went to Dumbledore and he made a plan. It was decided that I was to spy in His ranks and give information back and forth, though only the bare minimum of members knew about my involvement. Me and Hermione began meeting secretly if I received any information and she would keep me updated with anything she was allowed to inform me. As time went on though, it wasn't always about the Order. I fell in love with her and she says she loves me too," he concluded with a warm smile.
"That settles it," Narcissa said sternly. Draco waited anxiously for her next words, "we're getting you out."
"Out? I'm a spy, I can't leave," he said confused.
"The Order already has spies in the Dark Lord's ranks, you don't need to be one of them. I'll even send information if that's what it'll take. You need to be there for your Hermione," she said. Narcissa expected an argument but he sighed and agreed with her.
Only on one condition, she wasn't to act as a spy. 'Too dangerous' he said, the little hypocrite.
They had snuck him out that very night.
Months and months went on without so much as a word from it about Draco. This was good. He was keeping a low profile, it would be dangerous for him to send her anything. But Narcissa couldn't help but worry. What if he hadn't found them? What if something went wrong with Potter or the Weasley boy? What if he got hurt?
So many questions that would have to remain unanswered until it was all over.
The Battle of Hogwarts had taken many lives, including her insane sister Bellatrix. She'd have to thank Mrs. Weasley later, Bella has always caused more harm than good.
Narcissa was especially thankful that when it was all over, her son was still standing and with the Granger girl by his side. Not a perfect ending, she thought, but at least it can still be a happy one.
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
A bit of an odd ask but I wanted to send this in anyway just to hear your opinion on it. Is it just me or is there just a surprising lack of adult magical adventures in tv, books anime etc. I love fiction but something I've noticed is that there's usually not much of a focus on college kids as the main characters. Their usually relegated to being side characters. Where are my adult age magical savior's? Where's the 21+ year olds that are trying to balance adult life and are both absolutely excited that their a hero now and can learn magic but are also kinda pissed off because "really MORE schooling when I haven't finished paying off my normal tuition yet".
I wanna see a character in a book outright beg for a quest because they really don't wanna do the homework for their least favorite college level class or have them jokingly question if they should do nothing about the apocalypse because then at least there's no student loans etc.
This is one of the reasons I loved Once upon a time and SYFY's The Magicians since adults were a focus.
But what are your thoughts on this? Do you think there's a lack of magical adult adventures content? If not do you have any recommendations for books or media? I feel like there could be a lack of content or it's just hard to find.
If kids can get away with flat out disappearing to different realms without getting in trouble because time functions differently so their only gone for a few minutes then why aren't their more stories like that for adults where they can escape their crappy jobs, go save a world or stop their dimension from collapsing and then come back and still have to finish their tasks for their job. Better yet having to multitask on a business/conference trip as you have both a magical quest/item hunt to do but you also have to maintain appearances for your job but you show up half on fire or with something still hunting you and you have to hope your coworkers don't care enough to ask questions.
One last thing I wanna note is that in most media they tend to make characters experience the college life without them actually being college age. Harry Potter etc all have the typical magic schools or magic castles but to be honest they always felt more like magic colleges to me especially with them having dorms etc which then feels odd since no one is actually college age. I suppose the vibe could be private schools? I get that these places being big helps with the wonderous aspect but after a certain bit it feels kinda odd. Though it could be argued that magic just takes so long to learn that the kids in those types of universes literally have to start out so young or that it takes so much intelligence that they have to basically be taking college level classes even though their like 12.
Anyway I know this is a bit of an odd ask since it isn't really tied into a fandom but I'm curious of your opinion.
I don't know. College-aged protags might be rare indeed but I don't feel qualified to say anything definitive because I've read mostly YA and haven't set out specifically to search for NA fantasy where the main characters would be college-aged. I have to say that I think that there is actually quite a bit of fantasy with adult characters but it's high fantasy instead of urban fantasy which would be along the lines of what you're describing - characters that have normal studies/day jobs but also go on fantasy adventures. NA urban fantasy might be lacking but, again, I wouldn't know since I haven't really looked into it. I, personally, don't care about adding everyday elements to fantasy. I prefer high fantasy where the characters just live in a fantasy world and don't have stupid "real life" responsibilities to deal with. That is the full escapist experience for me since I get to forget that university/jobs even exist. If I had to save the world, I sure as hell wouldn't have the energy to go to work on top of that and I don't think it's fair to anyone to force them to juggle two lives like that. Honestly, YA is kinda full of shit by implying teenagers should be capable and expected to literally carry the world on their shoulders while also taking care of their regular responsibilities.
I don't find the dorm thing weird at all. In the not so distant past it wasn't unusual of high schools (at least where I live) to have dorms for students that might come from other towns/villages. And I do think that that was the case internationally because I've read some of the books left from my parents' teen years and several of them feature not only high schools that have dorms (aka are the boarding school type) but also middle schools that have dorms as well and the students live there during the terms aka those are boarding schools again. Magical schools located on specific planets would have to be boarding schools if they're supposed to be attended by people from all over the universe.
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bumbershots · 4 years
Mistletoe & Wine
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A/N: Hello this is my collaboration for @goldenbluesuit very well put together Christmas song fic challenge. It’s my first time participating and my first time posting my writing here as well (I’m sort of new, I have no friends) so, I’m kind of nervous and English is not my first language (sorry for any mistakes) thanks to my boyfriend for being a Brit so he could help me with the “slang” and for reading this about fifteen times and listened to Mistletoe and Wine by Cliff Richard throughout the entire week with me lol. Thanks for  taking the time to read this :) If you want to befriend a twenty six year old Aries, or just send me an ask click here.
Word count: 2.8k
Summary: Harry meets a woman that is not here to stay, he will need to decide if that will keep him from making the most of the very few days they have together or dread the imminent separation.
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It was raining when her flight landed in London. The kind of rain that doesn't pour heavily, instead it settles over the city for days. And although she can't afford to take a cab, she steps out of the airport just to stare at the endless grey of the sky and wrap herself in her coat because of how cold it was. After a few more minutes she goes back inside to find the way to get out of there on the tube, she knew it to be possible after all the research she's been doing since the age of twelve on the internet.
Soon enough, the man she approached to ask for help, confirms that a train is leaving in a few minutes and she can easily get off at Hammersmith, he even helps her buy the ticket and recommends to get an oyster card if she is going to use London's Underground often. But she doesn't know, she relishes in the element of surprise that is surrounding her life for the next 3 weeks. It excites her to an unfamiliar degree to see people come and go into the carriage, it almost makes her miss her stop, but she manages to get off just in time, her hands clutching the heavy suitcase that contains all her nicest and warmest clothes. She follows the crowd up the stairs and out of the station, the busy street revealed before her is straight out of those books she restlessly studied at school, people wearing trench coats and long scarfs hurry in hopes to avoid the rain and then a red double-decker bus passes by. The cherry on top.
The spontaneous decision to spend Christmas in England instead of her home country was made months ago, on the night of her birthday, although her closest friends would say that she's been dreaming of it since she read Harry Potter. No one gave her a hard time for it, in fact, almost all her friends and family members went to the airport to wish her a safe trip. Her grandmother was cheeky enough to slip a twenty pound note when hugging her goodbye.
Every day of the first week went by in a blur, visiting museums, galleries and walking around the city, getting soaked in its beauty and the endless rain. By the beginning of the second week, a bit tired of the scarce options from the hotel's breakfast, she ventured out, burying half of her face in the scarf she bought the day before at Primark, her feet guiding her almost out of instinct to the little cafe at the end of Hercules road. The place is warm and the menu seems to have it all for a very fair price. After a couple of minutes the Full English wins, she iterates the order to the woman behind the counter and adds a cup of tea handing over the money.
"Get a seat love, I'll bring it over." The elder lady says making the girl smile and thank her before scampering across the room to sit by the window at the four seat table tucked in the corner.
It doesn't take long for her food to arrive and for her to dig in, feeling kind of full almost at the end, she slows down then, a trick her father passed down on her. Let it settle in for a few minutes before going back at it. Works every time. She gets lost on the daily life happening before her eyes, the people walking by, some in a rush maybe to get to work, others in a rush to get to the shops early and buy presents. She could easily tell the difference between one and other. The elderly couple walking to the market, slower than anybody else, arms linked and without a care in the world. A girl around her age doing "the walk of shame" elicited a smirk on her lips. Good for her.
"Do you mind if I take a seat?" She almost missed the question by the stranger standing there. "There's no empty seats elsewhere I'm afraid, I won't bother you." He was right, in the span of thirty minutes the place was full to the brim with families, the three seats at her table the only ones free so, she nodded and even managed to smile in a friendly way. Unfortunately for her, the green eyed stranger did the same, a sweet dimple on his left cheek more prominent than on the right one and she had to eat a spoonful of beans in an attempt to hide her blush.
Two weeks in the country, almost two weeks, and the best looking man on it decides to show up on a greasy spoon cafe when she's eating what's left of her sausages and beans. His food is delivered by the same lady from earlier, of course it is something that looks healthy. The sudden need to fly away from the place pops in her head, it's not a bad one, he doesn't even know her name. She wants to know his. She remembers how he said he wouldn't bother her, it's almost disappointing, she wants to be bothered.
The situation seems to be straight out of a rom-com, she is cutting the banger in little pieces, as if the formula to spark conversation with the mystery guy keeping her company is hidden in them. But after five minutes she sighs quietly, knowing that her own shyness won't let her even glance at him again. She will have to do her best to remember him and observe from the corner of her eye until the last piece of minced pork is consumed by her. And maybe she will gush about how gorgeous he was with her friends once she is back home, describing his shiny emerald eyes for them, sharing a sigh when she recalls how dreamy his accent was and squeal upon the memory of his raspy voice.
Ten minutes later her last bite is chewed and swallowed, the cup is empty as well. She's about to grab her coat draped on the back of her chair. "I'm going to have to break my non-disturbing you promise but... um, that's a sick cardigan." His voice doesn't sound confident as before, he even clears his throat, but his eyes never leave hers.
"Thanks, my grandma knitted it for me." She forgets about her coat and straightens out a bit for him to appreciate the colourful patchwork and extends her left arm to show the over-sized sleeve. Her companion hums in approval. "She hates it."
"What?" His green eyes widening in disbelief and she just shrugs.
"As soon as I put it on she went on and on about how horrible it was, the wrong proportions and how it all seemed better off in her mind." They share a giggle and don't notice that their empty plates have been taken away and the place is no longer swamped by people. "But I like it, I like it a lot, does a good job keeping me warm." And makes her look lovely, he thinks but doesn't say.
Instead he licks his lips before speaking again. "I'm Harry." He offers his left hand and she quickly eyes the cross tattoo.
"I'm a tourist." She says before adding her real name, earning a deep chuckle from him before letting go of his hand.
The set of circumstances in which she met Harry is dreamy for sure, but something about him made the set of affairs so real. When he asked about the places where she'd been the scoff afterwards and the roll of his eyes made her ask what was wrong about them. But he didn't answer, with a shake of his head and a deep sigh he asked for her phone number. The promise to show her the real London lingered in the air as they parted ways outside of the corner cafe.
Her heart raced at the very sight of him outside Borough Market the following morning. "Morning love, alright?" he greeted her before hugging her tight and quick. It was so genuine it made her wonder if she really just met him the day before. "Do you like doughnuts?"
"Who doesn't?" she says with that grin he worries will wait for him in his dreams.
"Wisest words ever spoken." Harry's arm is wrapped around her shoulders, guiding her on their quest inside the huge market.
The early morning is spent too soon, Harry guides her to talk to the stall owners, they are so passionate about their produce, most of them willing when possible to give them a sample. The highlight is the stop at Bread Ahead, they buy more doughnuts than what she thinks they need. They eat them all while sharing a Monmouth coffee. Harry shares with her stories about almost every stall they passed by. "I'm not a fan of red meat, and oysters." She keeps record of it, basking in his lovely anecdotes that seemed to summon the sun from it's hiding place. "We're granted a sunny day in winter!" He celebrates and it's impossible not to join him. "Let's go to Richmond Park."
Of course she nods in agreement and follows him down the street where he parked his car before she gets in the passenger seat. The stranger danger alarm, should've gone off in her head. But there was something about him, like he was holding her in place. As she heard Harry speak about his job, it started to make more sense in her head. Harry was a lot like this country, foreign, new, exciting and hers for the next few days. He made that clear when they parted ways at the end of the day.
"Come home with me for Christmas." Harry asked her on what would be the beginning of her last week in London, while having a picnic on Primrose Hill.
"With your family?" Her eyebrows were shot up when he nodded, fighting back that deadly smirk of his. "All your relatives will be there?" He nods again and she scoffs completely agitated. "Don't be daft Harry!" She voices out her feelings borrowing an expression of his.
He laughs and it's impossible for her not to join him, her face growing hotter by the second. "I don't want to go without you, and mum will love to have you there," that's what she fears.
"I don't know Harry, might be weird." He disagrees right away.
"It's close to Liverpool, we could spend a day or two over there." The past week he's been trying to learn as many things from her as possible and if he chooses his words carefully he can convince her. "Pay a visit to Anfield, The Cavern." His fake nonchalant attitude makes her roll her eyes, "Strawberry Fields is there too, you know?" She agrees and he kisses the back of her hand to mask the proud grin on his face.
In the past, she was always careful not to let a partner know how deeply she cared about them. The thought of being vulnerable made her lose her mind, thinking it was a sign of weakness. But seeing Harry drive through the English countryside, singing at the top of his lungs to Mistletoe and Wine by Cliff Richard and smiling just for her. It made her want to tell him, but not even all the words in every single language ever spoken by humanity could be enough to give him an idea of how much she cares for him.
There hasn't been a proper kiss between them, it puzzled her at first. Because his gaze seemed to be constantly directed to her lips. But then there was all the touching, holding hands, tucking her to his side when walking, his tender touch before hugging her goodbye. And the way he was always running his hands through her hair.
"She's a friend," he introduces her to his mum Anne and sister Gemma, after saying her name, chewing on the word like it's that mint gum he carries in his purse everywhere he goes. "Was a bloody tourist when I first met her but now... she's a proper Londoner." She doubts it, but she agrees on them being friends and she likes it, a lot.
They help Anne and Gemma to set the table and the finishing touches for dinner. Only three more family members show up and she chastises Harry for making her believe that all of his offspring was going to attend. That's how they usually spend Christmas Eve back home, she explains.
It saddens him, the thought of her going back to her home country in five days time. All the way across the Atlantic, six hours behind him. It's almost unfair.
"Tell me more about it," Harry's curiosity is genuine, thinking that he would love to know more about her traditions. Perhaps even be lucky enough to share them someday.
"We don't have these," she regrets taking a tube of brightly coloured paper. "We have piñatas though." She adds proudly and Harry's jaw hangs open in surprise.
"No fucking way!" He is immediately told off by his mum as they all take a seat at the table. "I thought that was only allowed for birthdays."
"There's no rules for that!" She takes the Christmas cracker out again and Harry takes it from the other end. "So, I just pull it?" He nods and it makes a noise revealing the present.
"You get the crown." Harry unfolds it before helping her fix it atop her head. "And the little toy, what is it?oh... I get the joke!" His family groans, his sister hiding her face in hands, but all she sees is the glint in Harry's eye before he reads. "Who's Rudolph's favourite pop star?"
"I don't know," she's the only one that was going to ask him. And she really wanted to know.
"Beyon-sleigh!" Harry watches in delight how the girl before him snorts at the silly and not so funny joke.
"That was awful." She confessed.
"Agree, next year we'll make our own. Riddles only." His mum adds and Harry protests right away but is shushed by Gemma's voice reading out loud the riddle from her cracker.
Next year, she will probably be spending the day with her numerous family, she thinks. Harry will be here again, telling awful jokes, pulling away Christmas crackers. Perhaps he will bring another person with him. She tries to push the poisonous thoughts down with a big gulp of wine. Only succeeding when Harry's left hand rests on her knee, his thumb rubbing circles on her skin exposed by her ripped jeans while he listens to his sister talk about her podcast. It marvels her how he is there, for everybody.
After dinner they play family games and Harry makes a fake tantrum after his cousin Chloe claims his companion for her team.
"She's mine!" He argues, his long arms embracing her easily. She ends up joining the other team, but the quick kiss she bravely gave to his neck before he let her go, confirmed the words he spoke.
There is a three step process Harry follows to know he's fallen in love. If he finds himself talking about them with every living soul, if he does something they like just because it makes him miss them less and finally if he takes them home to meet his mum. He knows that for the past few days, there was no other topic to discuss with him than the girl sitting beside him in the sofa. He's been drinking tea every morning, just because it reminds him of her. He watches her talk to his mother about how much they like Rod Stewart and knows that he's in too deep.
It should bother him, because she will leave. And all these moments spent, will be just distant memories for him to torture himself over and over again. He wants to feel the angst of knowing that maybe she will forget him, maybe she has a partner back home. He gives up on trying to feel miserable, agreeing with that song from earlier. It is a time to rejoice in the good that we see, a time for living and believing.
Right now all he sees is her, he sighs before tucking her by his side, her brown doe eyes meeting his briefly before sneaking an arm around his waist. She continues to chat with Anne and Gemma even after the rest of the guests leave, still holding onto him. Harry can see the fondness radiating from his mother and sister for the girl in his arms. He sees trust, and he smiles thinking of a new beginning.
What a beautiful sight.
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shaynawrites23 · 4 years
Charming Date
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Pairing: 1940s Bucky x reader
Prompt: “My mother warned me about guys like you.”
Word count: 1359 (I would have used the ‘keep reading’ function but I write on mobile soo...)
Written for @iliveiloveiwrite’s writing challenge!
Header is by the talented @peachesandpinks, go check out her blog! She writes for Harry Potter!
The smell of fresh bread grew stronger as you got dressed and ran a hairbrush through your hair, hissing softly every time you hit a group of knots. Once you were able to run your fingers through your hair freely, you pulled it into a neat back roll, slipping your favorite floral pin into it, the flower a single artificial lily.
It took you three tries before it was to your satisfaction, and you silently thanked God your mom didn't come to check what was taking you so long.
You twirled a couple of times in front of your mirror, watching the way your high-waisted, black skirt flared out before settling back around your legs. It matched perfectly with your cream colored blouse and black heels, and your red lips smiled back at you, your white teeth peeking out between them.
"(Y/N)! We're opening!" Your father's voice filled the hallway.
"Coming!" You called back, closing the door to your room and carefully making your way down the stairs.
Upon entering your family's in-house bakery, you were greeted by the strong smell of pastries and bread. Your mother spotted you standing in the doorway, handing you a muffin.
"Oh, you look wonderful, darling! That skirt fits you perfectly. This for anyone special?" She winked at you, one eyebrow raised at your halfhearted protests.
"Ma, stop. I don't have a boyfriend and you know that."
"Oh hush, honey. You'll have boys falling at your feet soon enough."
"Maybe too soon." Your father cut in. "You'll tell me if there are any boys I need to talk to, right?"
"Of course, dad." You groaned. "So, shall I get to work?"
They handed you two loaves of warm bread, reciting the addresses of the families to whom you were to deliver. You nodded, the little bell above the door tinkling as you left. The summer sun was just peeking out over the rooftops, enveloping Brooklyn in a warm light.
Your heels clicked against the pavement and you found your thoughts wandering in the peace and quiet of this Saturday morning. You were telling the truth when you said you didn't have a boyfriend, but that didn't mean there were no boys occupying your mind.
You rapped on the front door of the first address, pursing your lips as you waited. There was a boy, the only one capable of making you swoon with nothing more than a smile, but you had never told your parents about him.
The door creaked open, the elderly woman greeting you. You handed over the first loaf, exchanging pleasant small talk with her as you always did. Her bright blue eyes twinkled cheerfully as she gushed over your appearance. It reminded you of your grandmother, who did the exact same thing whenever you visited.
You politely declined when she invited you in, informing her of the deliveries you still needed to make. She let you go, but not before she got you to promise to visit some other time, muttering something about how, after her son moved away with his children, she had no company.
You readily gave your word, trotting back down the street as she closed the door.
Your second delivery went without a hitch, and as you made your way home, you found your thoughts wandering again. Your mind had seen him often enough to be able to conjure up a perfect image of him. His sharp jawline, brown hair that looked so soft, and a pair of the most beautiful blue eyes you had ever seen, eyes that could knock the breath out of you with one glance...
A whistled tune brought you out of your thoughts, and as you glanced around in surprise, you found the source of the sound.
Speak of the devil...
A man fell into step beside you, tossing you a glance out of the corner of his eye.
"Hey doll," he drawled. "Didn't expect to see you out this early."
"Hi Bucky. I could say the same for you, got something special planned today?"
He gave a quick shrug. "Maybe, maybe not. I'm still trying to decide whether I should go through with it. How about you?"
It was your turn to shrug now. "Just handling deliveries for my parents."
"Really? 'Cause I thought you might have a date today, what with looking so especially gorgeous today."
Your cheeks flushed at his compliment, opening your mouth to reply, but he continued.
"But then I was wondering what young man wouldn't pick you up for a date, and I thought I might have to give him a lecture on how to be a gentleman."
Bucky's voice sounded jesting enough, and it might've been your imagination, but you detected some sadness in it as well.
"Well, lucky for you, I don't have a date today, or anytime soon, in fact. I'd hate to see you getting into another fight."
He didn’t reply for several moments, the both of you revisiting the last fight he had. It was to save Steve from a guy he provoked, a guy who looked almost twice his weight. Bucky jumped in, throwing a couple of punches but, being equally matched, they both took hits. You found him together with Steve, a large bruise forming on his cheek and a split lip, blood coating his teeth. You’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t break at the sight.
“Aw, doll, no need to worry ‘bout me. I’m a strong man.” He jokingly flexed his biceps. “I’m touched, though. What did I do to get such a beautiful dame’s attention?”
“I don’t think I’m gonna tell you, Buck. For all I know you’re planning to woo another woman with that information.”
“Darlin’, you wound me!” He pressed a hand over his heart, pouting. “I promise you, I’m only after one dame.”
“Uh-huh.” You rolled your eyes, but you were unable to wipe the grin off your face. “A guy like you? Likely story.”
“It’s true.” His hand slipped into his coat, and your eyes couldn’t help but follow his movements curiously. “I already suspected you might need convincing.”
You? Need- what?
He drew a single red rose out of his pocket, offering it to you with one of his million-dollar smiles. How could you do anything but accept, when it came to him?
The stem, fresh and green, was smooth, as if someone had painstakingly removed the thorns by hand.
As if guessing your thoughts, Bucky remarked, “I removed the thorns for you. Can’t have you nicking your lovely fingers.”
“Oh, wow,” you breathed. “Thanks, Bucky.”
“You’re welcome. So, do you believe me now?”
You were nearing home, and you didn’t want the conversation to end. Especially not with your brother sick and your extra workload, leaving you with little time for your social life.
“Of course I do.” You smiled, meeting his gaze.
Bucky had a stunning smile. “Good. So, doll, does that mean you’ll go on a date with me?”
“Hmm. What would you plan for this date?”
“Well,” he shrugged, “I’d pick you up Friday night at six, take you out to dinner, and then we’d go dancing, and I could show off the dazzling beauty on my arm.”
You huffed out a laugh. “James Barnes, my mother warned me about guys like you. Charming their way into your heart.”
You paused, just as the two of you stopped in front of your parents’ bakery. His tongue darted out to nervously lick his lips as he waited for your answer.
“Yes, of course I’ll go on a date with you.”
Bucky’s smile could light up the world as he laughed in relief and happiness, scooping you up into a warm hug.
“You really know how to make a guy sweat, don’t you?”
“Maybe.” A burst of confidence hit you and you leaned up, standing on the tips of your toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “See you Friday!”
You waved to him as you entered the bakery, giggling at his stunned expression, fingers brushing over the lipstick mark you left.
“(Y/N)! Who was that boy?”
This was so much fun to write, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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romanovanoff · 4 years
bio says black widow stories but i do like to dabble with other characters too. ill have a full list on another post.
A Bellatrix & Tom Riddle story
part one
bellatrix black
tom riddle
narcissa black
andromeda black
druella black
rodolphus lestrange
rabastan lestrange
summary: tom is the new kid in school and is already popular amongst his peers. his goal is to have bellatrix black by his side when he conquers the wizarding world, and his only problem? bella is already in an arranged marriage and also wants nothing to do with him.
disclaimer: i have never read the books, and ive seen all the movies only like twice. im not a crazy fanatic potterhead, i just have an unhealthy obsession for bellatrix/helena bonham carter 😌. so apologies in advance if i make any mistakes, regarding whats canon in the harry potter universe and so on. the little things, the big things, my bad. i hope the fact that its mostly au makes up for what it lacks in accuracy.
word count: 3497
"I overheard earlier today that Hogwarts received a new student," Druella spoke as she took a sip of tea, delicately patting a napkin across her lips before gazing over at her three daughters. Bellatrix, who didn't seem interested at all in the conversation, Andromeda, who was busy scribbling something in her diary, and little Narcissa who was following along to her mother's words.
"Yes, it's true," The blonde girl, thirteen years old, responded. "I thought it strange at first but apparently he and his family were living somewhere in Europe. Tom Riddle, I think his name is. He'd been taught at home and his father had gotten a job at the ministry so they transferred him to Hogwarts."
Ever the gossip, it didn't surprise Bellatrix in the slightest that Cissy knew so much about the new student. She rolled her eyes, wondering why the hell they were even discussing this in the first place. It was just a new student, who cares? She voiced this several times out loud but had received the usual disapproving glances from the two blondes. It creeped the raven-haired witch sometimes at how much Cissy resembled their mother.
Letting out a sigh Bella swirled her spoon around in her teacup, not finding the appetite to drink nor eat the sweets that accompanied her tea. The three of them were currently in Rosa Lee's teashop, a place they often went to every other week, with permission to leave the school of course- though she didn’t ask for it most times. Usually Bellatrix would devour the treats but today she was feeling too anxious to do anything but. At seventeen years old she had stretched out her days of freedom and was now forced into a marriage that should have taken place two years ago.
The thought of marriage wasn't all that bad, if she was being honest. Sometimes when her thoughts and actions weren't clouded with hate and rage she'd daydream a not so near future of a perfect wedding. A wedding where she would be marrying someone she truly loved and could cherish, to honor their vows to the fullest extent. So the wedding itself wasn't the problem, it was who she was supposed to be wed to that was. Her long time childhood friend, Rodolphus Lestrange. And one of the very few in the sacred 28 that wasn't related to the Blacks by blood. At least that she was aware of… The thought still made her cringe, even after checking every family tapestry available and an exhausting amount of research.
Everyone wanted her to be happy about the fact she'd get to marry someone she's known for years, something most pure-bloods didn't have the honor of having, but it was the fact she knew him so well that she hated. He was like a brother to her, albeit at times an annoying and even sexist brother. He wasn't husband material and she was most certainly not wife material for him. And add to the fact that they'd be pressured to have children immediately after becoming man and wife, the thought of having sex with him made her want to gag. You'd think they'd notice that such a practice was incredibly outdated. She hated to wonder if the marriage had taken place two years ago, would they really pressure two 15 year olds to consumate? Fuck this life.
She felt like the world and everyone in it was against her. All her complaints had been shot down, leaving her inwardly seething with rage before being left totally subdued. Oh, how she hated being so… powerless, left without a voice, without a right to do what she wanted and to do so as she pleased, the ever present shadow looming over her shoulder that was the society and family she was born into.
Letting out a sigh she looked over at Andromeda who was still scribbling in that damn book. Probably instant messaging her friends, something Bellatrix didn't have the luxury of having. At least genuine ones anyway. The ones she had in school were merely vultures following around, waiting for the opportunity to eat away at the scraps she bared. They didn't hesitate to use her to their advantage, trying to play her like a fool. Idiots, they should've known she was the brightest witch of her age for a reason. And no one took advantage of Bellatrix Black.
Despite still being superior she continued feeling a bitter pang in her heart, knowing no one truly cared for her there. Well, maybe except for her sisters, Rodolphus and his brother that is.
Catching her eyes on what she was doing Andromeda quickly closed her book and narrowed her eyes at her eldest sister. But then a familiar smirk curled the girls lips and Bellatrix knew what was going to happen before her sister could even utter a word. She knew that smirk anywhere. Bella herself wore that smirk on several occasions, actually even taught it to her dear sister! If only mother knew how truly naughty Andy was, maybe then the heat wouldn't fall upon Bella so heavily when she did something that displeased her.
"Mother," Andromeda chimed in, interrupting Cissy's conversation with the older woman. "Bellatrix is right. Why not talk about something else."
"Andy…" The dark haired witch warned, fingers clenched around her spoon.
"Like… Bella's wedding perhaps? Surely there are plenty of plans to discuss. Some of which I'm sure my dear sister here is needed for?" The brunette suggested 'innocently', smiling back at Bellatrix before looking at her mother.
Druella blinked once, then twice before she brightened up. Damnit, Andy, Bella thought to herself angrily, glaring daggers at her younger sister. "You're right! We only have a short few weeks before the big day and still so much to do. How about we end this little meal early and say we go to one of the boutiques nearby, check up on your wedding dress," Druella said as she rose from her seat.
And so that's what they did. They went to the boutique, checked the incredibly old fashioned dress, with what looked like the most painfully looking corset yet stitched into the fabric. After, they stopped by a few other shops to double check things were in order for the wedding before finally apparating home. The entire time Bellatrix had trudged along reluctantly behind her sisters and mother, offering a few weak comments and opinions for this thing and that when asked of her.
She was glad to finally be back home, finding relief in the knowledge that tomorrow morning she'd be returning back to Hogwarts, having spent the weekend with her family. On one hand she was glad she managed to extend the wedding date, convincing her parents that it might be wise that she finish her last year and take her N.E.W.T.s before focusing on 'wifely duties'. Yes, that was how she phrased it. And yes, they'd taken the bait, obviously wanting their daughter to focus on her marriage once out of school, and not caring about the intelligence hidden behind her usual mask of indifference.
She made short work separating from her family's side to make her way upstairs to her room. And then made even shorter work getting ready for bed. No one ever bothered her when she was up the stairs and hidden away. It was known to all that Bellatrix Black inherited the 'mad' gene in the family, more prone to violent outbursts and destructive tantrums. Because of this her room wasn't the prettiest, constantly being repaired and sparse so there were less objects to break. The room was also constantly being placed under a silencing charm, quieting her screams so the rest of the household could sleep peacefully. How thoughtful of them, she thought to herself bitterly.
The sun was already down by the time she emerged from the bathroom, all scrubbed up and her hair wet, the many strands in ringlets falling down her back. With her wand, she casted a quick-drying spell to both her body and hair, not bothering with any sleeping robes as she climbed into bed. Once in she blew out the candles before getting comfortable under the covers. Usually, it would be too early to go to sleep, and she'd have at least a glass or two of firewhiskey to help her doze off but she felt the whole unexpected wedding planning this afternoon was enough to do her in. Not only that but she did need to wake up early to catch the train back to Hogwarts tomorrow. So without much further thought she closed her heavy eyes and fell asleep, hoping things could be much easier in the future.
"Tom Riddle is in our class."
"I heard Tom's family is incredibly wealthy and direct descendants to Salazar Slytherin."
"It's true! I overheard him talking to snakes! Snakes!"
The whispers and excited talk continued on and on the moment Bellatrix stepped onto the Hogwarts express. If she thought Cissy talking to mother about this ‘nobody’ annoyed her, she was absolutely wrong. Hearing everyone around her discuss this Riddle boy absolutely drenched her high spirits and put her in one of her dark moods.
No one needed to look twice to know to stay away from the young witch. If dark glaring eyes didn't strike fear into her peers, then the dark energy and aura surrounding her would.
Not wanting to hear the gossip anymore Bella separated from her 'friends' and found a seating compartment for herself, only able to hold two people, but thankfully no one dared claim the other spot. She sat close to the window, forehead touching the glass, and seeming to cool her ever bubbling irritation. Trees and rolling hills passed by in a blur but she wasn't particularly watching, eyes slightly glazed over as she got lost in thought.
So lost in thought she almost didn't notice the sounds of her compartment door being slid open and a person taking a seat across from her. Blinking slowly she looked over to the 'intruder' as the door slid closed once more, leaving the two individuals with some privacy she didn't necessarily want.
The person in front of her was a young man. Probably around her age with dark brown hair, curling neatly at the front. He had bright emerald eyes, warm but she got the hint of something darker underneath, something dangerous hidden beneath the surface and ready to strike unsuspecting prey. Despite that though everything else about him seemed pretty bland. Pale skin- but not as pale as hers-, average build, and put together uniform.
"Who're you?" She found herself asking, swallowing the automatic 'get out' she was originally planning on saying. Given the fact she hasn't seen him before in this school year or any year before that, she was already dreading the answer. She wasn't even sure why she disliked him so much already. Maybe it was the fact he's barely even started school here and yet everyone was already drooling over him. Maybe it was the fact he was well known for things the student body hasn't even had proof of, things he was already praised for. And on her side of things she was well known for her infamous anger and her upcoming marriage to Rodolphus. That or her status of being the firstborn Black daughter. Otherwise known as the current heir of the Black family. Well. That was until her idiot cousin, Sirius was old enough to steal the mantle from her.
So when he said, "Tom. Tom Riddle," She really couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes. Cause of course the person she had no care for was sat in, of all seats, the one in front of her. "Does that name offend you?" He then asked, wearing the same damn smirk he wore the moment she took in his appearance just seconds earlier.
"No," She said in a bored drawl, eyes once again gazing out the window as her head rested against the glass. "Unlike every other idiot out there, I care not for who you are. You're just another ordinary student attending Hogwarts. Nothing special about that," She told him, her tone consistent in telling him of how much she didn't care.
He was quiet for some time. Not too long, but enough to give her pause and wonder if she'd wandered too deep in thought and he'd slipped away. Only a glance his way revealed that, no, he was still here. "I agree," He finally spoke again. "There's nothing special about me at all. And I'm starting to despise the fact people are so interested in me. Took a look at the school Friday and suddenly everyone thinks so highly of me just because it was a private tour by the headmaster himself," He huffed.
It was clear to Bellatrix by the way he spoke, by the way he talked that he was excellent at charming people, manipulating them even if you would use the darker term. Again, she was many things but an idiot was not one of them and she wasn't falling for his 'charms' or tactics any time soon.
"Oh, poor you," She said in a mocking voice, jutting out her bottom lip as she faced him fully. "New kid in school has everyone fawning over him. Such a terrible life you must live, knowing you have everyone in the palm of your hands with just a smile." She finished the sentence off with said smile before turning it into a sneer.
"I won't repeat myself again. I care not for who you are, and I don't wish to know you or anything about you. So if you're going to sit here, then it better be in silence, or so help me merlin I will curse you. Laws be damned," She hissed. Hopefully for the last time she turned away again, feeling her mood lighten just slightly at her first threat of the day.
Usually, other students would run away by now, flee the vicinity in which she occupied, but Tom just sat there, in shock, or because he actually listened to her words. Finding herself curious about which option she chanced another glance but was surprised to see him wearing that annoying little smirk instead. "Cute," He told her, enjoying the way her eyes widened just slightly before darkening with anger. "That threat might work on others but it won't with me."
Her magic was absolutely crackling around her, like static in the air just before an oncoming storm. She was soon to make good on her threat. "Based on your looks, in how you speak, and the way I saw you walk earlier, looking down at everyone as if they were beneath you. I would safely assume you are a… Black. Bellatrix Black? Considering you look to be in the same year as me," He continued, assuming everything correctly. She didn't need to know though that he'd actually done his research prior to moving here, and that he had asked around earlier. "I don't expect you to get along with me from the start, but you will see me around often. I'll personally make sure of that. Cause I like you," He said with a shrug, smirk still in place.
Bold. Oh, so very bold and before Bellatrix could even utter a single word or even grab and raise her wand for that matter, he was already out the door. The space in front of her was once again vacant and she stared at the now unoccupied seat as the door slid closed.
It was almost impossible for the raven haired witch to avoid hearing or seeing Tom. It was as if everywhere she turned, someone was talking about him or he himself was staring at her from a distance. Usually she would never admit such a thing, her pride too strong, but it greatly unnerved her. Who the hell did he think he was? Claiming he would see her more often because he liked her? “Doesn’t even know me,” She scoffed to herself, annoyed as she continued on the familiar path to her dormitory.
Bellatrix was a slytherin through and through, like every other Black family member before her. There had been no question about it. Well, maybe after. She questioned it alot. The houses, the characteristics and traits. All of it. And once she's put herself in a more outside perspective about it she really couldn't help but laugh at the whole student body, almost all of them adapting and practically absorbing their houses certain traits into their own personality.
Anyway, she was a slytherin, but she couldn't help but wonder if she'd changed her mindset that first day, if her family hadn't been so adamant on which house she went to, would she have been chosen for hufflepuff, perhaps? Maybe gryffindor? Ew, no. Possibly ravenclaw. These thoughts raced past in her mind as she made her way down into the dungeons. There was a little of her in each, she supposed.
"Drommie, Cissy," Bellatrix greeted once she made it into the girls dorm, having already said the password and walked through the shared sitting room. All three Black sisters shared the same room, something Bellatrix and her mother both insisted and agreed upon to the headmaster when first starting school here. It was a protective thing. Bella knew that her sisters weren't like her, lacking in gut and courage. She was sure Andromeda could take care of herself, at times, but if worse came to worse she was more likely to break under pressure and need rescuing from her bigger sister. And little Narcissa, the spoiled brat she was, didn't have a single backbone in her body, choosing instead to flee or hide behind one's robes. Despite those certain qualities though Bellatrix still loved her sisters dearly and simply made it a priority to keep them safe, consequences to herself be damned.
Sure… maybe it was Bella's fault for them needing protection, having spent most of her years reigning terror down upon those who even glance at her, therefore her peers not liking her and taking it out on her sisters instead. But… hey! They looked at her funny, they deserved it!
"Bella why didn't you sit with us on the train," Narcissa asked, looking at her older sister as she sat on her bed.
Bellatrix rolled her eyes and walked past, towards her own bed furthest in the room and by the window. "As if I'd sit and listen to you two and your friends gossiping about the 'new boy'," She said back.
Andromeda turned to her with a quirked brow. "I don't know, by the looks of it you sat just fine with the 'new boy' before you ran him away."
Bellatrix was only able to scoff as a response before Narcissa quickly interrupted, hopping over towards Bellatrix. "You got to talk to Tom Riddle?" She asked excitedly. "How was he like? Was he charming? Did he show you parseltongue?"
"Cissy, please, calm down. He was none of those things. He was very bland… and cocky, and arrogant," Bella responded, the end getting heated with annoyance. Not towards her sister of course.
"Sounds like someone I know," Andromeda spoke up with a pointed look Bella's way.
"Shut up," The dark haired witch shot back. Because of course she couldn't deny it. She was those things sometimes… all the time. "Whatever. Let’s go. It's time for lunch anyway."
(A/N: lets be honest idk how classes work at hogwarts so lets say bellatrix and sis’s meet up w mother on the reggy, with permission or without, and this particular weekend was a break for all students to either visit their fam or relax in their dorms/explore school grounds. today (mon) is a day for them to get readjusted and classes start up again the following day. anyway continue)
All the way to the great hall Bellatrix's sisters continued teasing her about Tom. Thankfully she took the teasing easily, shoving her sisters good naturedly and joking along. That was until they reached the great hall. She didn't think her sisters noticed but as they walked past others to get to their table Bellatrix could feel a strong force on her, like something digging into the back of her head. She scanned her eyes around the room once, trying to catch the culprit of whatever was happening but all she could see were other students eating merrily, not a clue to her predicament. Thankfully by the time she'd sat down the force had vanished and she could focus back on her sisters.
Tom stood just outside the doors of the great hall, panting and trying to catch his breath. Never had he been rejected so quickly from someone's mind, not even close to breaching it in fact. Her magic was strong, untampered and just waiting to be fully unleashed just beneath the surface. A magic enough to rival his own. She may think she was strong now but oh just wait until he had her with him, by his side. Just wait until he showed her what she's truly capable of.
With these thoughts in mind he swiftly walked away from the great hall entrance, on his way back to his dorm.
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A Glimmer of Hope (Draco x Slytherin reader)
Summary: This is the second and the last part of a sixth year fanfiction. Your friend Draco has recently got distant. You've taken it upon yourself to find out what he's up to. Is it just because he's your friend.
Link for 1st part: https://handcrafted-by-fluids.tumblr.com/post/620292667778236416/a-glimmer-of-hope-draco-x-slytherin-reader
Warnings: Angst
Requested by: @malfoy7
Edited by: @eternallyconfusedsoul
Also dedicated to: @the--queen-of-hell
Y/N- Your name
Y/L/N- Your last name
Part 2
The winter was almost knocking the sunlight off the clock courtyard. Hogwarts had never been a particularly safe place to be in, but this year was going especially substandard, both for you and for the school. Last month a Gryffindor student had been cursed by a jinxed necklace. Draco was still avoiding you, and now he had started missing classes too. You were trying your best to stalk him, but most of the times he ended up in the boys bathroom or the Room of Requirement which you still couldn't access.
Christmas would be there in no time, and the word got around that Draco would stay at Hogwarts for this Christmas, something he never does. You decided to use this as your opportunity to find the truth out. Going back for a vacation wasn't more important than your friend.
On the first day of your holidays, you decided to wait in the common room for Draco to arrive from his regular venture. It was almost midnight when he sneaked in slowly, as it was well past the curfew hours.
"Filch missed you again?", you asked, keeping your DADA book aside.
He almost dropped his wand in shock. It was dark, and clearly, he hadn't noticed you.
When he didn't reply, you got up and stood in front of him. "Do you want me to turn you in?"
"You wouldn't", Draco replied, but it missed the familiar smirk.
"You don't know that, do you?", you replied. "But if you tell me where you were, I won't inform anybody."
"You think I'm answerable to you?", he replied, suddenly raising his voice. You noticed a glittery trail on his face. Was he crying? It was hard to tell in the dark. "I have support from people you wouldn't guess. Also, I asked you to stay away from me".
His voice broke towards the end of the sentence, which pained you terribly. He was crying.
But you had never seen him cry. Never. He had definitely wailed purposefully when he was attacked by the Hippogriff, but those silent tears told something else about the person you knew so well.
He was suffering.
"Draco. You can tell me. Whatever it is. I won't tell anybody. I trust you", you said softly. "It's okay."
"That's the problem Y/N. You shouldn't. You shouldn't trust me", he said, almost inaudibly. "You'll hate me."
"I- I won't", you said, carefully choosing your next words. "We've been friends for five years, haven't we? I never hated you."
"We can't be friends anymore. I have chosen my legacy. This is to keep you safe", said Draco. "Please."
He finally looked at your eyes. You gazed at his beautiful gray eyes which matched perfectly with his pale gray tinged skin and felt a sudden desire to hold his face in your hands and wipe his tears off. After what felt like an eternity, he tore his eyes away.
"I'm sorry Y/N", he ran off to his dormitory once again. You were too speechless to stop him. Were you falling for him?
It was tough to accept what you actually felt for Draco, as now he was as distant as ever. By the time the students returned from the break, you had given up all hope of ever seeing him again.
The first blow came in the form of a widely circulating rumour. Draco had been fatally injured in a duel with Harry Potter. Before you even gave it a thought, you found yourself running out of your Charms class (to Flitwick's immense agitation). In no time, you're requesting Madam Pomfrey to let you in.
Being a Slytherin had it's own advantages. For example, you had some tricks up your sleeve to convince Madam Pomfrey.
"But he's asleep. He's been given a high dosage of sleeping draught. Wouldn't be another six hours before he wakes up", she said, clearly annoyed.
"It's okay, I'm just going to wait here, I won't disturb him".
You spent the rest of the day sitting by his bed and looking at him. Though you're highly tempted to brush off his hair, Madam Pomfrey was good at keeping an eye. You just hoped no other teachers noted your absence in class.
You had lost the track of time when you noticed Draco stirring. Madam Pomfrey rushed to his side and helped him wake up.
"Has the pain reduced?", she asked, as Draco started to regain his consciousness. But he was far past answering her, because he was starting at you tenderly.
"Y/N?", he asked, completely ignoring Madam Pomfrey.
"Oh, very well", said Madam Pomfrey, "looks like your pain is gone. I will give you two some time to catch up while I go for my meeting with Professor Snape", she said and left you alone with Draco.
"How are you feeling now?", you asked tentatively.
"Better", he said.
You placed your hands on his left hand and brought it close to you, but he pulled away quickly.
You noticed a small part of a black ink on his forearm, which looked suspiciously like a tattoo.
"Were you waiting here for all that time?", he asked, to which you nodded. "You know you didn't need to."
"I was worried", you said.
He looked at you unblinkingly, and once again, you felt as if someone had stunned you. All the time you had spent away from him had made you realize how much you loved his company. You had loved every bit of his intoxicating personality- his smirk, his snide remarks, his eyes, and the way he ran his fingers through his golden hair.
He sighed, but didn't break the eye contact. "You deserve the truth Y/N".
"No, Draco. I'm sorry for pushing you all this time, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to", you said. You realized that all your curiosity was driven by your eagerness to be his friend. Now as long as you could just look at his eyes and talk to him, you wanted nothing more.
"It's okay Y/N. I want to tell you."
You nodded and helped him to sit up. "I have been given a task Y/N. By- by the Dark Lord. It is my only chance to save myself and my family".
You shuddered. You had always been afraid to lose all your friends in the wizarding war. You knew it was inevitable, but never really thought about it. Especially how your friendship with Draco would be affected. You knew which side you were in. You were not the bravest, but your parents were killed by the Dark Lord, despite the fact that they worked for him. If you had a chance, you'd definitely fight against him. But if you had a chance to bring back your parents by working for him...
Your thoughts were interrupted when you realized Draco hadn't finished yet.
"I- "
"You don't need to say anything", he said. "I have done horrible things while trying to accomplish it. I almost killed Katie Bell."
So that was him. What task could be so dangerous that he almost killed a student? Afterall, he was just sixteen.
"The truth, Y/N, is that I'm a Death Eater now", he said, and rolled up his left sleeve to reveal a tattoo that you knew so well. He sighed again. "I know you'll hate me after this. But you weren't going to leave me alone, were you? I wanted to keep you away from my messed up life, but I was also afraid that you might hate me. I didn't want to lose you, but you deserved the tru-"
You grabbed his hand and leaned in to kiss him before you could change your mind. For a moment, the world paused. The only thing your senses could pick up was the subtle scent of his musk cologne and the slightly bitter taste of his lips, probably from the medicines.
Before your realized what you were doing, you felt his hands on your cheeks, drawing you in his embrace. He was kissing you back.
After what felt like an eternity, you parted, though his hands were still on your cheeks.
"I love you", you whispered.
"Why?", he mumbled, more to himself than to you.
"You are the strongest person I know. You are doing what you must, but you are not a bad person. I know", you replied. "You don't need to tell me what task you have. I know what the Dark Lord is capable of. We all have our terrors Draco."
He removed his hands from your cheeks, held your hands and brought them close to his lips, and gave them a soft tentative peck.
"I don't know what is to come Y/N", he said. "I might not be able to finish the task, I might not be able to survive. And if I do manage to finish it, I'll never be able to look back, I'll have to commit to him. But for what it's worth, you, Y/N, are my only glimmer of hope, and you'll always be", he said, and kissed you again.
You didn't know how long the peace would last, how long you would have the opportunity to kiss him, how long you could hold on to him, but you knew how much you loved him, and how you always would.
As if reading your mind, he replied.
"I love you Y/N, and I always will."
Note: I tried my best to write it without affecting canon, so it's a bit of an abrupt ending. If you want me to continue this and change the main plot of HBP, do tell me.
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staytiny-angel · 6 years
Inside/Out -Two
Inside/Out - Two
Rating: E
Main Pairing: Dean Ambrose/Cassandra Lincoln (OC)
Side Pairing: Seth Rollins/Finn Balor
Warnings: (for entire story) Language, Homophobic slurs, Smut, Violence, nongraphic mentions of Stalking, Attempted Kidnapping and Domestic Abuse.
Summary: Mechanic Dean Ambrose is about to be released from prison after serving three years for manslaughter after nearly beating Randy Orton, the Mayor’s son to death after Orton attacked his ex-girlfriend, the daughter of the town’s pastor Cassandra Lincoln. Having fallen in love with Cassandra himself over the last three years, Dean will stop at nothing to protect her from the still lingering threat of Randy Orton and the judgemental views of their small town.
Authors Note: This chapter is dedicated to the thirsty girl crew in the group chat. They are without a doubt the best cheerleaders a bitch could have.
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2 years, 330 days ago
Hey Cassie-girl,
Books are always appreciated, Doll. I've never read the Harry Potter series before even though Seth has been on me to read them since we were kids. They're his favorite. Speaking of my brothers I hope I'm not overstepping but since Seth, his husband and Roman decided to move to Haven for the duration of my sentence, I asked them if they'd look out for you. I'm so sorry doll but even though I'm in here I heard that Orton is getting out of the hospital finally and I don't trust him. You know what Seth and Finn look like from my trial but Ro was still serving overseas so I'm enclosing a picture of him that they let me print out in the library.
Stay Safe Doll,
2 years, 326 days ago
Hi Dean!
Those two new guys sound REALLY annoying and they actually call themselves the B - Team? How....strange. The Pastor is being weird and controlling again. I caught him trying to steal one of your letters out of the mailbox before I could get to it, So I bought a post office box. I don't trust him not to try again. I hope this letter finds you as well as you can be under the circumstances and that you enjoyed the newest care package I've included with this letter. It took quite a bit of research to find things that fit the state's requirements.
Talk to you next week
Present Day
"AMBROSE!" a guard yelled, "Let's go!"
Dean carefully folded up the worn letter and placed it in the box with the rest of his Doll's letters. 3 years in Statie had gone by quicker then he could have imagined thanks to his beautiful Cassie.
The last thing he could have imagined happening when he'd shown up to a routine roadside assistance call was to come upon an attempted kidnapping but that's exactly what had happened.
*"Randy let go of me!" Dean had jumped out of his truck when he'd realized that the pretty African-American girl was being forced into the fancy sedan parked next to the convertible he'd been sent to retrieve. Looking closer he recognized both Cassandra, the Pastor's daughter, and Randy Orton, the son of Haven's mayor. *
"AMBROSE!" the guard yelled again "Wake up outta Lala Land inmate, don't you want to go home?"
"Course I want out Gallows. Gotta go marry my girl." Dean said with a grin. The prison Grapevine was far-reaching and though not all the guards were as fair or nice to him Gallows and his partner Anderson were old friends of his brother in law and knew the exact circumstances of his incarceration so the two had done their best to make his 'Vacation' at the state penitentiary as trouble free as possible.
"Well then get your shit and let's get you the fuck out of here."
Cassie fiddled with her hair and fidgeted as she waited, she had just gotten a text from Anderson saying that Dean would be out in a few minutes and it was taking everything she had to keep it together. She was startled out of her thoughts by the sound of the door built into the gate opening and the sight of a tall, built man with sandy brown buzzcut hair walking through carrying a box.
This was it, after three years of just letters, phone calls and supervised visits where they couldn't even hold hands, it was time for her and Dean's life together to truly begin.
Dean squinted as bright Florida sunshine blinded him momentarily. Blinking away the spots he looked across the parking lot and froze because sitting on the hood of her bright blue convertible waiting for him was Cassie.
Dean and Cassie stared at each other for an endless moment both unsure of what to do now. They had spent almost the last three years waiting for this moment.
Cassie moved first, hopping off her car and dashing across the parking lot. "DEAN!" She yelled happily.
Dean dropped the box just in time for his future wife to slam into him, wrapping his arms around her waist he picked her up and covered her mouth with his.
Cassie couldn't believe this was really happening, Dean was free, in her arms and currently kissing the absolute daylights out of her.
Finally parting, both panting from lack of air, bright blue eyes stared into chocolate brown for a moment before Dean spoke.
"I love you, Doll" he rasped " I didn't want the first time I said it to be while I was locked up, but goddamn do I fuckin' love you."
"I love you too, Dean." She whispered eyes filling with tears.
Dean nodded, his gaze filled with unspoken emotion and released her to pick up his box of belongings again. "Let's get the fuck outta here doll. I never wanna see this place again."
The two got in her car and started the long drive back to Haven. After a few minutes of silence, Cassie giggled. Dean looked at her quizzically "Cassie?"
"It's just that we've been talking as much as we could for almost three years. Now that we can say whatever we like....its like I don't have to. We know each other." Cassie said through her giggles.
"Your brothers are at the house. They were gonna surprise you but I know how you feel about surprises." She told him.
"They never learn. I just wanted one day just us before the hoard decends. They knew that. That's why they tried to surprise me." Dean grumbled.
Dean looked like he was deep in thought for a moment as they passed an industrial park that had been abandoned years ago and looked like it was still abandoned to this day.
"Pull in here Cassie-girl" Dean stated.
Cassie looked at him questioningly but obeyed and pulled into the park and behind one of the abandoned warehouses. "What are we doing?" She asked as she shut off the car and turned to face him.
"If I have to deal with my brothers for the rest of the day and night...I want some real kisses from my girl first." He said looking at her, the passionate look in Dean's eyes sending a bolt of heat straight to her center.
"Come here babydoll, Daddy has waited long enough."
Cassie debated with herself for about half a second before climbing over the gearshift and into Dean's lap.
"Christ, fuckin' finally." He gasped as her weight settled on his lap and against his already hard cock. "Gimmie that mouth again doll."
Without any more hesitation, the two began kissing passionately, their tongues tangling, Dean's hands pulling at the back of her shirt so he could get to her skin.
Cassie broke the kiss, gasping for air "Daddy, wait for a second." She grabbed the hem of her purple T-shirt and pulled it over her head revealing breasts covered in a lacy low cut purple and black bra.
Dean groaned "Are you trying to get fucked on the hood of this car right now? Cause if you tease Daddy, Babydoll that's exactly what's gonna fuckin' happen."
"But what if that's what I want Daddy? What then?" She said giving him a pseudo-innocent look.
"Open the door and get off me babydoll, You want Daddy's cock? You got it." Dean growled.
Cassie opened the car door and scrambled off him, already heading to the hood of her car. If she was honest with herself she'd been fantasizing about Dean fucking her on the hood of her convertible since the first time she'd set eyes on him, months before that fateful night when he'd saved her from whatever Randy had planned to do.
Dean came up behind her and spanked her ass fast and hard. "2 years, 2 years of Anderson and Gallows sneaking our real letters back and forth so those fuckheads checking letters at the prison couldn't get off on all the dirty, nasty things I wanted to do to my doll."
He reached under the short black skirt she was wearing "No panties? Really, doll?"
"I took them off when I realized we wouldn't get to be alone at the house right away. You told me to pull over before I could show you so we could stop." She gasped as he started to stroke her already soaking pussy.
"Lean forward, hands on the hood babydoll." He commanded, smirking when she obeyed. "That's Daddy's good little girl."
Cassie heard the jingle of Dean's belt buckle and prepared herself to get fucked hard and fast, only to be shocked when she felt her Daddy's mouth on her pussy instead. Dean had dropped to his knees on the pavement behind her.
"Gotta get a taste first, been waiting for so fucking long." He said swirling his tongue around her hard clit before taking it into his mouth and sucking messily.
"Oh fuck, Daddy please!" Dean grinned to himself, he'd made the not so innocent preacher's daughter forget herself enough to curse, something he knew was very, very rare.
"Do you want to come on Daddy's mouth or cock babydoll?" He asked standing as he replaced his mouth with two thick fingers, thrusting them inside and cooking them to hit her G-spot dead on pulling a short loud scream from his beautiful girl.
"Cock, Daddy. Need you inside of me please." She said on a wail as he hit that spot perfectly once more.
"Birth control?" He asked as he finished undoing his jeans and pulled his achingly hard cock out.
"All set Daddy, please, please fuck me." Cassie moaned nearly mindless with pleasure now.
Dean turned her head toward him, kissing her deeply before grabbing her hips and burying his cock inside her with one hard thrust.
Two loud moans, one deep and gravelly, the other high and almost musical filled the air.
"Oh God, finally. Finally fuckin mine in every single way." He growled setting a rapid pace as he reached around and pinched her clit. He knew damn well he wasn't going to last very long and he'd be damned if his girl didn't come on his cock like she wanted to.
Cassie was primed and ready feeling the pleasure coil almost immediately in her belly.
"That's it baby come for Daddy" Dean groaned feeling her pussy begin to spasm. "Shit, fuck!" He damn near screamed as he began to cum inside his girl just as she fell over the edge herself alternating between screaming his actual name and Daddy.
He laid across her back for a moment as they caught their breath before putting themselves back together and continuing the drive home to Haven.
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thewannaone · 7 years
Hi!! I loved your Harry Potter au for Wanna one and if you're familiar with the Percy Jackson series (most ppl aren't so I wouldn't be surprised tbh), could you do w1 as demi-gods? Like how they got to camp, their godly parent, camp life etc
omg no percy jackson used to be my life when i was in highschool thank you so much for this ask!!!!!!! im mainly familiar with the first 5 books though, i havent really kept up to date on the roman versions so it’ll just be camp halfblood. also if theres any inaccuracies i apologise, i havent read them in a while :(
Jisung: Son of Hestia. (I kno Hestia is a Virgin Goddess so this is very out of canon but Hestia just fits Jisung so well). Jisung was born at the Camp, rising out of the Hearth itself. He was raised by Chiron, growing up and learning about the Gods and his Powers from day 1. He goes to school and university during the terms but for the most part he stays at camp, tending to their home. All campers know him, he’s the oldest camper there. Jisung has minor Pyrokinesis abilities, just small things like candle lighting. He often works in the kitchen, cooking up food for the BBQs. He also can sense when new campers will arrive and can often tell which cabin they belong to. He’s very caring and warm, making everyone feel welcome and often being the life of the party who everyone laughs with. He doesnt participate in Capture the Flag but loves cheering everyone on. Lives in the Big House with Chiron. Close to all the campers but becomes closest with Ong and Daniel, watching over them and keeping their powers in check. 
Sungwoon: Son of Demeter. Had a pretty normal upbringing even though he used to get weird looks as a kid for singing to plants. Grew up pretty average, even with his ADHD and dyslexia. Thought he was a really normal guy, nothing special, wouldnt achieve anything. When he reached 15 his Dad told him about his Mother and Sungwoon didn’t believe him whatsoever. Until a Satyr named Taehyun showed up at his house telling him to pack his stuff for camp before a monster killed him. Was very quick to believe then. Hangs out mostly with Taehyun at camp, though hes a lot better at agriculture stuff like gardening and cooking than training. Often sings at campfires and enjoys Capture the Flag once in a while. Used to be really terrible with his powers, always accidentally tripping Taehyun with a vine, but with practise is getting better. 
Minhyun: Son of Athena. His Father was a scientist who married another woman after Minhyun was born. He grew up thinking the woman was his Mother and didn’t learn the truth until he was attacked by a Hellhound at school. Fashioned a weapon out of his own stationary and got away with his life. Demanded answers out of his Dad but his Dad was ashamed of his Godly heritage and tried to hide it from him, calling him an abomination. Left home and eventually was given a sign by Athena as to the Camps location. Arrived at the camp safely and it didn’t take long for Chiron to explain his true heritage. He’d studied enough Greek Mythology growing up to understand quickly. Was placed in Hermes cabin until his first capture the flag game where he won using his wits and battle skill. Athena was impressed and claimed him almost instantly. Now lives full time at the camp but goes back to school during terms. Is one of the older campers and most well known. Younger campers are often scared of him and think hes too cold but he turns out to be super nice and caring, always helping them train and practise. Close with Son of Ares, Dongho, Son of Hecate, Ren and fellow Son of Athena, Jong who’s also Counselor of their cabin.
Ong: Son of Poseidon. Similar to Percy in that growing up he had a bit of a troubled childhood and was kicked out of school a few times. Was pretty young when his Mum was killed by a Manticore and spent a few years on the street, sleeping down by the docks or on the beach, hopping from place to place and not knowing what to do. It was only by fate that he stumbled upon the Camp and Chiron was very confused as to how and why he’d found it. Was put into Hermes cabin for a while and was happy to accept that his father was the God of Tricksters. Was almost disappointed when Poseidon claimed him but then was told he’s one of the most powerful demigods and was cool. Really good at capture the flag, one of the best players on the teams. Also pretty good at battle training, has very good reflexes. Also enjoys horseriding and chariot racing but is abysmal at studies and theory. Is kinda weirded out by his water powers initially but grows to love them. Even though he’s friends with everyone, he’s kinda sad that he’s the only one in his cabin, as well as the only Big 3 child so often spends time at the bottom of the lake when hes lonely. Is disappointed with the fact that even though he’s one of the most powerful, so far he’s never been given a quest.
Jaehwan: Son of Dionysus. Grew up in an orphanage and was pretty down on his luck his entire life. Went into foster care but left as soon as he was of age, kicked out of schools, found a shitty job and tiny one room apartment and did his best to keep up with his studies. Flunked out a lot due to his dyslexia. Once he reached a certain age his powers got stronger and he accidentally drove his classmate to insanity, leading him to run away again. Around this time, he was found by 2 other demigods, Sewoon and Gwanghyun who were on a quest,  and they helped him find his way to camp. Greeted by a very confused Dionysus who wondered why he looked so familiar. Ends up becoming good friends with Dionysus and enjoys helping him with camp organising. It wasn’t until they were bonding over a can of diet coke when the god finally realised that Jaehwan was his son. Jaehwan initially didn’t want to move into his cabin since he resented his father for abandoning him but they eventually are able to become close once again. Realises he’s not very good at the plant control powers (tho sungwoon tries to help him) but very good at mania and insanity which is useful at times (tho many campers think he himself is insane when they hear him laugh). Enjoys playing guitar and singing with Sewoon by the campfire and a lot of campers think he should have been an Apollo child with his skills.
Jihoon: Son of Aphrodite. Grew up in a rich family, was very used to having things go his way and people listening to him. Almost to the point of a spoilt brat. Was the most popular boy in his class and had admirers from all of his classmates. The day a Harpy showed up and attacked him, Jihoon used his Charmspeak to convince it to leave him alone. Constantly did that with monsters who attacked him, allowing him to grow up without needing the camp. Was found by a satyr who was surprised he was so unscathed and offered to take him to camp. Jihoon initially refused, saying he didn’t need protection with his power but reconsidered after his Charmspeak failed him and almost cost him his life. Was claimed almost instantly by Aphrodite, didnt need to spend any time in Hermes cabin. Is the prettiest camper, even by Aphrodite standards and constantly has both girls and boys falling for him. Is always competing with Samuel from Apollo’s cabin who arrived at Camp at the same time as him and for some reason, is immune to his Charmspeak. Jinyoung teases him saying its cause Jihoon has a crush on Samuel but Jihoon refuses to believe it. Jihoon often participates in Capture the Flag and battle training, moreso than other Aphrodite campers and is one of the most skilled fighters. Ends up going on a quest and becoming very close with Samuel, Daehwi, Woojin and Jinyoung.
Woojin: Son of Hermes. Grew up with an abusive stepfather and alcoholic Mother. Ran away from home pretty early and found a group of homeless kids named Youngmin, Donghyun and Daehwi. Youngmin took care of them for a year, slowly trekking them across the country where he revealed himself to be a satyr and that the other 3 were demigods. They were all put into Hermes cabin at first, with Daehwi and Youngmin being claimed quite early on. Woojin stayed in Hermes cabin, kinda alone with so many kids around him and unable to make friends, waiting to be claimed by his Godly parent. When the Oracle announced a quest with him, Samuel, Jihoon, Daehwi and Jinyoung everyone was very confused, wondering why an unclaimed camper would be part of a quest. It wasn’t until the day they were leaving when Hermes himself stopped by to give Woojin some winged shoes and his blessing. Woojin got a loooot of praise from other campers for getting the attention of his Father. Ended up being an asset on the Quest, picking locks and avoiding traps and very skilled at sneaking past monsters. Gets very close to all of his quest mates and gains the attention of the other campers when he gets back and shows off his skills in capture the flag and training. Becomes a lot more social and proud of himself.
Jinyoung: Son of Hades. Was a weird kid growing up, kinda a loner. Used to see ghosts and his Mother took him to therapy until he learned to just keep quiet about it. He faded into the background a lot and was shy around living human beings. Accidentally Shadow Travelled to camp one day, ending up in Hades Cabin and being extremely confused and shocked as to how he got there. Stumbled out of the Cabin into the arms of Daehwi who immediately took him to Chiron where he passed out. Woke up to see a bunch of demigods and satyrs around him wondering how he managed to enter Hades cabin. Theyre all very surprised to hear that he Shadow Travelled and therefore must be one of the Big 3. Jinyoungs initially sad to learn that theres only one other Big 3 child (Ong) and that he has no cabin-mates. Gets called on the quest however and grows closer to them all, especially Daehwi who shines very brightly to him. Daehwi and Jihoon are both very intrigued by his ghost friends and Jihoon is a bit too interested in his undead army. Like Woojin, becomes more open and skilled with his powers as time goes by. 
Daehwi: Son of Apollo. Grew up on the streets at a very early age and never knew his Mother. Was found by 2 older boys Donghyun and Youngmin who became his family. Was able to predict another boy joining them and travelling to Camp together. Woojin was very surprised when Daehwi already knew his name. At Camp, Daehwi was claimed very early, his musical and healing abilities, plus oracle like predictions were too great to ignore. He thrives in the Apollo cabin, sometimes when he gets happy he ends up glowing. His best forte is archery and his golden bow is his main weapon. He loves composing, singing and dancing, anything to do with music. He’s ok at Capture the Flag but prefers more artsy activities. He becomes very close with Jinyoung which leads people to be confused seeing as Jinyoung is dark and Underworld and Daehwi shines like the sun. But they make it work. 
Guanlin: Son of Hephaestus. Grew up in an average family and went to a special school for kids with learning difficulties. Met his best friend Seonho there who also had dyslexia and ADHD and they bonded. Guanlin was always really good at the craft section, creating things and tinkering with objects. One day he saved Seonho from a chimera that attacked him at a construction site. Guanlin controlled the machines and managed to banish it. Both were very confused as to how he did it and Seonho exclaimed that he must be a superhero. A satyr found them soon after that when Seonho kept asking Guanlin to practise his powers on little machines, like his nintendo to get Shiny Pokemon. Wound up in camp together and Seonho joined Hebes cabin. Guanlin started living in Hephaestus’s cabin and everyone was so thankful that he didnt have pyro powers given his lack of awareness at times. Is very good with his hands though, and even though hes quiet, makes the best weapons and ends up creating the magical items for the other 10 members. Ends up going on a quest with them all and, while sad to leave Seonho behind, grows close to the rest of them.
Daniel: Son of Zeus. The newest camper. Doesn’t know his past, just woke up one day and is outside the camp. Knows only his name is Daniel and that he misses his cats. The day that he arrives, it’s announced by the Oracle (Eunki) that he shall lead a Quest made up of 10 other campers. No one knows why this random, new kid who hasnt even been claimed, nor knows who he is, will be able to lead. Ong is jealous that he gets given a Quest immediately while he has had to wait for years. Ends up clashing with Ong, who calls forth his water powers to attack him from the lake. Daniel accidentally loses control and brings forth a storm. Jisung watches worridly from the side and tells Ong to calm down. The storm gathers and begins to rain as all the campers run out to see the two circling each other. Before Daniel can stop it, lightning strikes Ong out of no where and he collapses, needing immediate medical attention and is carried off to the Big House. The rest of the campers show disdain for Daniel as he’s escorted to Zeus’ cabin. Chiron explains to him that Ong is a Big 3 son and therefore there might be continually clashes between them. Daniel is apologetic, being there for Ong to wake up so he can apologise. Ong’s pride is hurt but says he wouldnt mind having someone else who understands what its like being a child of the Big 3. They grow closest together, much to the surprise of everyone and work on their powers influencing each other, creating storms and hurricanes together. Daniel becomes the best player in Capture the Flag, though Jihoon and Ong both rival him. A month into his stay at the Camp, Eunki announces the rest of the team that shall take on the Quest and also lets Daniel know that his memories shall be found on this journey, though he may not want to know them. (These memories are his past where a younger demigod, Woojin, was killed by a monster and Daniel was unable to protect him. In his grief, he lost control of his powers, creating such a storm that he begged the Gods to take away his pain, leading to his amnesia). 
The 11 of them take on the Quest with new weapons built by Guanlin such as Imperial Gold sword for Daniel and a small thin rapier for Jihoon. Though interactions with monsters and minor gods, they save each other and manage to complete the Quest, bonding and becoming a family. 
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