#i really just woke up to type this cause i couldn't stop thinking about it
sugarlywhispers · 11 months
b.katsuki + lava Quirk!wife (both Pro Heroes)
☆—a.n; i woke up today feeling feisty lol not really xd just wanted some "i'm crazy as you are" type of love today lmao✌🏼🖤
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Bakugou Katsuki is obsessed with you.
And he doesn't even try to hide it.
You're his sidekick. You had trained in his Agency since you were a mere brat doing your internship your first year at UA. Of course, there were literally counted the times you had encountered him in person. The other Heroes that joined his Agency were the ones in charge of the kids. They had told you how Dynamight hated when babysitting time came every year, he wouldn't even participate in those actually. So they would advice to not cross his path.
From time to time, Dynamight would watch their sparrings sessions, gave them a bit of advice–more like mean criticism yell at them. But he had better things to do, people to save, villains to get their asses destroyed by him. He was not going to waste his time with annoying brats like you.
He had heard of you, of course. The one brat that could control and handle freaking lava like it was fucking nothing. Of course when he saw you, he thought his sidekick had pulled a prank on him, joking to see if would be excited about the idea of having someone with that type of Quirk in his Agency. You couldn't be the one with the lava quirk. You looked... normal. Quirkless even–if this were other times and if he would judge people about it. He had changed, okay? Thank you very fucking much. But he did think it was impossible that you were that amazing brat the other heroes were talking about. They had even compared you to him, in witty and determination to become the number one Pro Hero on the ranks, in strength and no mercy against villains, or other heroes and classmates.
When he stood right in front of you one day, towering almost three heads over you and almost one more person's size to the side, Dynamight laughed. You looked like a little bunny caught red-handed, terrified by everyone around you–especially by the size of him–and skittish, almost like what Deku had been as a kid.
That should have been a first warning for Bakugou–never judge a book by its cover.
You have trained in his Agency the three years you had been in UA, and he has never once seen you nor your Quirk on display, nevertheless in real action. He had only heard how good you were in trainings from the other heroes. But he didn't care enough to actually sought-after. He was already fighting Deku for the number one spot on the rankings, he didn't have time for brats like you.
Until one day, a dangerous villain, that created enormous monsters of metal almost to the size of a ten flour building, was causing too much disaster appeared. It was more than chaos, it had been a destruction like no other.
Dynamight nor Deku could contain the motherfucker.
He was bruised, his hands beat with agony at the amount of times he had used his blasts and the push to keep going, his body muscles were screaming for him to stop. A quick glance to his side where Deku was, and the guy wasn't better than him, breathing like his lungs couldn’t no more. Every other hero in the scene was in the same shape.
They were fucking losing.
And then, like an angel sent from heaven–or better said, a demon sent from the deepest hell for the way you fucking looked, you appeared in all your majestic glory, lava making you slide in between them, surrounding you like it was nothing, like strings coming from inside your body, and began a new fight with that fucking villain's monsters.
Bakugou saw –an enamored expression on his face– how you your whole demeanor changed, your skin, your eyes, everything in you became so menacingly, so evil looking, so freaking scary, that if you weren't training to be a Hero, he thought you would be one the most terrifying villains of all times –even more than that piece of shit AFO.
The lava was visible in all your body, and you fought, a crazed smile and eyes opened wide, enjoying the damage you were doing to the metal monsters; your joy was shining bright for everyone to see, as you yelled, "DIE, YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" as the monster melted under your hands and body.
He was captivated, fucking spellbound, by the sight in front of him. He fell to his knees, watching you melt every single one of the monster in one more movement of your hand, as lava flowed towards them, capturing and melting them as you stand straight, the expression on your face serious and deadly. You then walked towards the source, the main villain who was creating this chaos, and the guy literally fell to the floor in fear, trying to crawl away from you in tears. When you stood before him, you crouched to his level, and smiled devilishly.
The villain pissed his pants.
And Bakugou's cock twitched.
He then murmured, "I'm gonna marry the shit out that woman."
Deku chuckled, shaking his head and letting his body fall to ground in tiredness. Everything was okay now.
From then on, you were by Dynamight's side all the time. The second you graduated –Bakugou Katsuki of fucking course attended the graduation ceremony– he offered a job on his Agency for you. And you said yes, even though you had options like Deku's Agency, or Hawk's, and even Endeavor had offered you a big place on his, trying to win you by saying that most of his sidekicks were fire-like Quirks and that his mother had a Quirk similar to yours, he could ask her for advice for you. Bakugou's stomach turned thinking he might had won you over that. But before he could finish the sentence, "Would you like a spot on my Ag–", you exclaimed a big YES, smiling warmly and eyes shining in excitement.
He had to clear his throat and look away at your expression, making something tingle in his chest. Was that his heart?
You became his partner then, in missions, in interviews, in meetings with other Agencies when some big villain appeared and they had to join forces. You were always there, not behind him but next to him.
In interviews he would always let you speak about how everything went and thank every body who helped. But Katsuki would look at you. Look as the lava started to dissipate from your skin, slowly turning down the temperature and going back to your normal color. Your hair that became liquid lava slowly became the color of greyish-black rock and then smoothed its way to your normal texture and color. He always felt mesmerized watching the process, and he would look at it any opportunity he got.
It wasn't until one night out with his old friends that Pikachu said, "Dude, tone down your thirst a lil' bit," in between laughs with Raccoon Eyes and Shitty Hair.
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
Kirishima patted his back, shaking his head, "Your sidekick, man. The lava girl?"
"What we are trying to say," Mina smirked, "is that everytime you look at her, its almost palpable the way you want to eat her."
Bakugou gulped. "Shut the fuck up. I don't look at her like that."
Mina winked at him, "If you say so..."
That night he searched on the internet in his phone for interviews, desperately. Fuck, his friends were right. He did look at you with a fascination and hunger he had never saw himself do. He remembered thinking about marrying you back in the days, but that had been the heat of the moment, right? This annoyed the shit out of him. But watching you again in those videos, as you smiled so kindly to the reporters or other Hero friends or to even civilians while looking so freaking scary when your Quirk was activated, made something stir inside his belly.
Fuck, you're gorgeous. You're everything he didn't know he wanted.
And that's when he decided he would not hide his feelings for you anymore.
So now, a few years after, when you are married to number two Pro Hero Dynamight, people always talk about how your husband always looks at you. How he always encourages you in your fights to "kill those fucking piece of shits, baby!!" as he is very close to you fighting his own set of shitty villains and you encourage him saying "show them who is the number two hero, love!" He looses it then, a blast that ends it all.
They talk about how he would always kiss you after a fight, even after all that adrenaline that makes him want to bury himself deep inside your warmth, he only holds your face gently, gloved thumbs caressing your cheeks lovingly, eyes locked onto each other like the world doesn't exist outside that moment, and he kisses you softly, a simple touch, a cute press of lips that lasts a millisecond so he doesn't burn the skin of his face and lips. And then he pulls one of your hands with his up in victory.
He didn't only win the battles, he won you each and every time he got to simply look at you, be next to you, kiss you.
He is obsessed with you, and he doesn't want to fucking hide it from the world.
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stranger-stevieee · 2 months
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Summary: You have a bad habit of falling in love too quickly, but is it really that bad if a certain someone happens to feel the same way? Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: use of y/n, fluff, angst? (maybe), cliche writing, first kiss
Look at me now Said I wouldn't do it, but I hunted you down Know you had a girl, but it didn't work out
Steve Harrington was very sought after. Every girl wanted him and every guy wanted to be him. You tried very hard to not fit into that stereotype but you failed miserably.
There was just something about him that drew you in. You told yourself that you wouldn't fall at his feet like every other girl at Hawkins High but you couldn't help it.
Now, Steve wasn't really known as a relationship guy. He was more of a "let's go out once or twice, have sex, then onto the next girl" type of guy (he was called "King Steve" for a reason after all) so it was a shock to everyone when he started dating Nancy Wheeler.
You were sad, just like every other girl, that you had lost your chance with him but when you heard about their breakup after a year of being together, you couldn't help but feel like you actually had a chance.
I'm not proud Guess I'm just scared of you shootin' it down You can just talk, and I'll stare at your mouth You could be bad, but I wanna find out,
Giving in to him wasn't your proudest moment but it was inevitable. You had decided that if you wanted him, you would have to go get him.
See that's what all these girls were doing wrong. They would wait for him to come to them and ask them out, when in reality if they wanted a chance they would have to take it. So that's exactly what you did.
You were in your history class that you happened to share with Steve and the teacher had just announced a research project that would take all month to complete.
Picking a partner would've been easy had your only friend in the class been there that day, but sadly she had stayed home for whatever reason. The bright side was, now you could take a chance.
You got up out of your seat and walked straight over to his. You were a bit nervous but decided it was now or never.
"Hey, Steve!" You spoke loudly due to your nerves but luckily he found it funny.
"Hey..." he paused
"Oh, it's Y/n," you said embarrassed that you had been fawning over this man that didn't even know your name.
"Right! That's right, I- I knew that"
"Yeah," you laughed it off, "So do you have a partner yet? For the project, I mean?" You stuttered over your words a bit, albeit scared of the potential recegection coming your way.
"No, actually, I don't"
"Okay, cool... do you wanna work on it together? Maybe?"
'Here it comes' You thought 'He's gonna say no, laugh in your face and...'
'Oh. Well, that was easy.'
And I wake up in the middle of the night With the light on, and I feel like I could die 'Cause you're not here, and it don't feel right
It's 4:28am and you can't stop thinking about him. You woke up from your dream almost 30 minutes ago and haven't been able to get back to sleep.
This dream just messed everything up because now you've come to the conclusion that you're in love with Steve Harrington.
This wouldn't be your first time loving someone but it is your first time being in love. There's a difference. You tend to love rather quickly and when you love, you love hard.
It takes a while for you to stop loving someone. But you have a feeling things will be different this time.
You think about what it would feel like if he were with you in that moment. But he's not, and it sucks.
God, I'm actually invested Haven't even met him Watch this be the wrong thing, classic God, I'm jumpin' in the deep end It's more fun to swim in Heard the risk is drowning, but I'm gonna take it
A couple weeks into working on the project and you still barely knew anything about him. The only thing you both talked about was the project and how it's coming along. You were getting nowhere.
"Hey, what do you think about coming to my place today?"
You had been digging through your locker looking for a specific book for your next class when Steve came up to you and it's safe to say that his words shocked you.
"What?" you asked
"Do you want to come work on the project at my place today?" Although he didn't sound like it, he was nervous asking you to come over.
'Maybe she is interested in me' he thought
His heart fluttered at the sight of your excited smile.
Isn't it fun thinkin' I'm right when I'm probably wrong? Holding my breath like I met someone Knowing damn well that I haven't been touched by you In my head, you're in the car, and you're comin' to me And you get to my door, and you can't even speak But I think that it's sweet, yeah, I think that you're sweet
You knew Steve was rich, but you didn't know he was this rich. Standing in front of his house you were a bit worried about what was to come.
Once you finally worked up the nerve, you lifted your fist to knock on his front door. Inside Steve had seen your car pull up and stood by the door waiting for you to knock.
When he finally heard it, he waited a few seconds, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
"Welcome..." he sighed "Sorry I don't know why I said that, that was weird, let me start over... hey."
You had a small smile on your face trying not to laugh. "Hi... can I come in?"
"Oh, yeah of course."
"Thanks," you let out a little giggle
You walked in and looked around in awe. His house was 2x the size of yours. "Your house is amazing," you whispered.
"Yeah, it's great I guess. It does get lonely sometimes but... anyways we should probably finish the project."
He walked you over to the dining room where he already had his textbook laid out. You both sat down, took out everything you needed, and got to work.
After an hour of working you had finally finished the project and it had only taken you about 3 weeks. Even though you were finished, Steve didn't want you to leave yet so he suggested having an early dinner.
"I wouldn't have pinned you as a cook, Harrington," you said with a small smirk on your face.
"Yeah, well when there's no one around to cook for you, there's only two options. I can cook for myself or get takeout, and I obviously have to stay healthy so takeout's not ideal. Gotta stay in shape for the ladies, you know?"
'Maybe he isn't interested in me' you thought
"The ladies. Right." you let out a nervous laugh.
Too soon to tell you "I love you" Too soon to tell you "I love you" Too soon to tell you "I love you"
Steve could tell you were nervous to tell him something. You were standing in front of him on his front porch unsure if you were ready to say what you wanted to say. But you knew you couldn't keep it in any longer.
It had been months since you both finished the project and you had become even closer than before.
Ever since that day at his house, you've fallen for him more and more each day. And even though it might be too soon, you have to tell him.
"Umm... can I talk to you?"
"Sure, come in." He said stepping out of the doorway to let you in. "So, what's up?"
"Uh, so, I just wanted to say that... you've been an amazing friend."
Steve let out the breath he was holding and sighed with disappointment. That is definitely not what he wanted to hear. The exact opposite actually, but he let you continue anyway.
"But I can't just pretend that that's all I want to be. I love you and I know it's probably too soon to be saying this but—"
Steve suddenly stepped forward and brought his hand up to cup your face which shut you up quickly.
“Is it ok if I kiss you?” he whispered
“I would like that very much.”
He leaned in and connected his lips with yours and, if it was even possible, you fell in love with him even more. The kiss was soft and tender, way different than what you thought it would be.
It was the first time your lips were meeting, but you immediately knew that it wouldn’t be the last.
Steve was the first to pull away and as much as he didn't want to he knew he had to.
"I love you too, by the way"
You're the risk, I'm gonna take it
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lovrsm · 9 months
sum: Having a hazy memory about last night. Was it just a one time thing, or would he be the one to accompany you on your lonely nights?
word count: 4.3k
pairing: charles leclerc x singer!reader
warnings: Cringe, Translated French, bad writing (English is not my first language. ) and smut insinuation.
Spotify - Apple Music
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"Alone, unless you wanna come along?" .
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A ray of sunshine woke me up. I groaned, due to the headache I had to lay in bed. Closed my eyes again just in hopes so that I would fall back to sleep, spoiler alert: I didn't.
I was probably in bed for 5 minutes, till my headache was bearable, I decided to sit up. Legged crossed on the bed, I opened my eyes, first noticing a really nice home decor.
Home decor...
Where the heck was I?!
It was as if I was slowly downloading the data surrounding me.
Messy bed, my dress on the bureau, my heels tossed on the floor.
Not a hotel room, and I was using a mans shirt.
I stood up quickly, causing me to groan instantly. My head pounded.
But I shut myself up, deciding to go through one of the two doors on the bedroom.
I was in my underwear, only the black shirt was covering me so I wasn't fully exposed. As quietly as possible, I was almost on my tiptoes so I wouldn't make any noise.
What even happened last night?
I took in my surroundings, yup, this was definitely a single man's house.
Don't get me wrong, it was beautifully decorated, but you always notice this type of things.
The pool table, along with a mini bar, beside it a wide couch in which Charles was sleeping.
Holy shit, Charles!
The memories of last night came flooding into me... "Why don't we leave, would you like that?"
Leaving in a black car. (ironic, my brother is obsessed with motorsports and I can't even tell you two Car brands)
I was sleeping the whole ride, till he carried me into his house, I couldn't understand him.
At all.
I can't tell you if it was because of how drunk I was, or how charming he was. Ugh, I hated him for that, the way he'd touch me, but not the way I wanted him to.
He had me under his spell in just one night, and I can't even be with him.
I'm supposed to be in love with another.
"You're awake" a deep voice said. I had a book in my hands, it was in french. If it weren't for my French classes, which I missed every chance I could get, I wouldn't have understood anything. "Bonjour!" I said.
It was probably the worst french accent he has heard in his entire life, "Ah, vous parlez français ? Je ne te connais pas depuis un jour et tu es déjà plein de surprises !"
"Oui?" he started laughing at my stupidity, his contagious laughter making me do the same until my belly ached.
"I haven't laughed like that in quite a long time" I exhaled after we calmed down. He now laid down in the edge of what I assume is his bed, the sun hitting his face, making him look angelic. He turned to look at me, his eyes sparkled and I think I can't ask for anything more.
"I know I met you last night, but thank you so much for taking care of me, I know it wasn't easy with me being drunk." I half smiled at him.
"You look gorgeous when you smile like that, did you know that?"
I scrunched my nose, of course I was, and I wanted to say the same thing to him. Have you ever looked in the mirror? But I stopped myself, and got up from the bed. He followed my every move with his eyes.
"Should we get breakfast?" He couldn't stop looking at me up and down, and he just nodded.
It was as if this was my normal routine.
The first time I saw him, I did not know he'd had me on my knees.
"No, 'cause you were literally about to barf, and by some miracle you didn't and fell asleep"
"ugh, I won't be drinking that much next time" I had my head buried in my hands so that he couldn't notice my crimson cheeks. "Maybe next time you'll be the one taking care of me"
I looked up at him, and offered a smile. Haven't had this much fun with someone, since... forever. "I called Lando and he was as wasted as you, Carlos had to take him to his room, I guess the Norris know how to have fun, huh?"
"Oh my god, Lando!" I grabbed my phone and called him right away, Charles laughed, I guess he just realized how forgetful I could be.
"hmph?" I heard a tired voice from the other side of the phone. "I woke you up, didn't I?"
"yeah, is everything alright?"
"I'm alright, I just remembered you existed"
"Haha... so funny, love you too peanut. Oh! now that I'm awake, I gotta catch you up on some stuff!"
I was about to interrupt him, I would gladly hear gossip about what happened last night. But I was having breakfast with Charles, I couldn't leave him there alone eating…
But I watched as his phone buzzed, and I couldn't read the name, but it had a heart right next to it.
pfft, it must be nothing. But his smile got wider as he started speaking on to the phone. "... and then I was like, 'woah, is this really happening?!' and heck yes it was happening! Then..."
At some point, I stopped listening to Lando, and tried to focus on what Charles was saying on the other side of the table. Was he talking to a girl? Or why did he get so excited with a phone call?
Does he have a Girlfriend?
I didn't thought of it last night... but would that be so bad? There is nothing I hate more that what I can't have.
Maybe if he has a girlfriend I could get over this… whatever you wanna call it.
But… if he's single it would honestly be worst.
When I felt a small pain in my chest, I knew I had to stop overthinking. Why do I even care about what he does?
I have bigger things to worry about.
"So, yeah, basically we all ended fucked up and vomiting all over the place. But what about you, did you had any fun last night?" He chuckled.
"That sounds... horrifying and amazing Lando, and yes, I had the best night of the year" I was now looking at Charles, he grinned at me, and I copied his actions, I could feel the heat on my cheeks.
He left his phone on the table, and focused on his food.
"Told you!" a lot of movement was heard at the back of the call. "Oh, there's Carlos, I'll leave you peanut, call you later"
"See you Lando." I hung up
"So you had the best night of the year, huh?" Charles smirked. "C'mon, it was fun!" I answered.
"Of course, you spend most of it with me." He raised his hands to rest them on his head. With his gaze to the sky.
"I couldn't have had it any other way." He chuckled, his dimples showing off, making my heart beat faster, and my chest feel a warm and welcoming sensation.
It has been months. Months of calls late at night, whispering so Jake wouldn't find out.
If he ever payed any attention to me...
Every time my phone would buzz at around 11 p.m. I'd go to the balcony, or any other place where Jake wouldn't be around.
Quiet laughing, my stomach would turn over every time he said to me 'ma chou' or any time he'd speak in French or Italian, really.
He was truly and angel in disguise.
Was it wrong? Yes. Did we care? Not at all.
"When am I seeing you again?" He asked. I was in the sofa of the living room, Jake was fine fast asleep in my bed.
"Charles, I'm way too busy here, I'm barely able to leave my apartment , much less have the whole weekend to myself"
"Why don't I fly down there, hm?"
In my hands I had paper with chords and new lyrics for songs. But it was all a jumble, I didn't even know how it was going to work.
"I don't think that's a great idea. You need to practice for the next season, and I have to make new songs, which will take more than half of my day off-"
"Do you know how to play the piano?"
"Uh, no, I never learned how to. I'm much more of a guitar girl, why?"
"You have no excuses, I'll be there by tomorrow night. Make some space for a piano at your home, I'm teaching you." I could hear him at his computer typing God knows what.
"IF you came, wouldn't it be easier to have a keyboard piano?"
"No, believe me, it is not the same. You'll love it, I promise" I smiled to myself, he will be here tomorrow night.
Wait, he'll be here tomorrow night.
"Charles, you can't come."
"Give me a good reason, and I'll cancel the plane tickets"
He already bought tickets?! shoot he’s fast
"Uh, my boyfriend is here, and you won't have a place to stay."
"I'm still waiting on that good reason, you know?"
"It's not like I'm trying to flirt with you, am I?" We are playing a very dangerous game, we both know it, but I never thought we would get this far.
"we'll solve it once I'm there, goodnight ma ange." There are so many things that could go wrong. So many factors I should have said 'No' to, but those thoughts went out the window as my heart pounded knowing that he would come for me.
God, what am I doing, what am I doing.
3 a.m. and I'm still awake. I had his phone in my hands, I just needed his face to unlock it. I was so desperate to find what broke me months ago.
Messages, photos and screenshots. He even admitted it, but he said he would change. Am I dumb for staying? Yes. Am I dumb for giving him a second chance? Yes.
Now I'm paying what he did to me. Except I'm having the balls he didn't have to break up with me.
I just need the perfect excuse.
I tried to believe in him, I tried to ignore all my friends when they said 'paparazzi took pictures of him with another girl'
'That doesn't mean anything' I'd answer.
'But, he had his arms around her shoulders' They'd be even more concerned to the fact, that I did know it meant something, much more than just ‘something’
'He's like that with his family too.' normalizing everything he did wrong was all I knew how to do, well, ruining his reputation was always a choice.
He'd beg me to speak highly of him, saying that all the rumors where never true. But everyone knew they were. I'd clean his ass on social media so that his status wouldn't be broken.
All because I thought I liked him.
Now I'm paying the price. I should have broken up with him the second I saw the girl in our bed. My bed.
The second I saw him with flowers that were not meant to be for me.
The second I saw the photos all over the internet. I disappeared for months as not to be ashamed when people saw me. And the only one who should have been ashamed was him.
Charles treats me like a princess, heck, he makes me think everything is possible.
If he told me unicorns were real, I’d believe him!
I had to leave Jake. It's not like he was handsome or anything anyway.
It was probably social media who pushed me into believing we would be the perfect match.
Well, your sweet boy is a cheater. and I won't stand to it anymore.
I finally got it open, and the first few chats were girls.
unbelievable, yet not surprising.
This would have broken my heart, but oh, my heart was stolen by someone else.
Now all I felt was disgust.
I couldn't figure out if it was at him, for texting all these girls.
Or myself, for letting this happen.
I stood up and went to his suitcase and I started looking all over my apartment for things of his, everytime I found one I'd place it in his suitcase. I wanted him gone by this morning.
"So you're just throwing it all away?!"
"Did I, Jake, or did you?"
"You did, we worked it all out!" He raised his hands exaggeratedly.
"Oh heck no, why don't you tell that to all of the girls in your phone? I'm tired of this bullshit, I'm not being your little girlfriend just so that you look good in front of people!"
"As if you were important" He scoffed.
"You were always scared of that, I made myself look as if I were nobody just for you to show off! Believe me, everything you've accomplished is because of me, but I'm not even going to reproach you for that." I crossed my arms.
"Oh, I'm so so sorry miss universe, never knew you were important. Guess you'll have more songs to write about, thanks to me!"
What a dick.
He was now at the door with his suitcase, we both screamed at each other since he saw me in the living room with his stuff. He didn't even looked into my eyes, just started throwing shit at me.
As if it was all my fault.
Just wasted my last year there. Thank god it's over, I could now visibly breathe.
I closed the door silently. Locked it to never let him back in.
I looked into my apartment, and without his stuff all over the place... It made it seem cleaner, and as if this apartment actually belonged to me.
I played music all afternoon while remodeling the whole apartment, changing it to a way that I liked.
Months ago I wouldn't have thought moving on was this easy to do.
I guess all the love I had for him disappeared and I didn’t really noticed it did.
I've never felt so alive.
5 hours after a breakup, and I've never felt so alive. I called Lando, and told him about everything I kept from him.
He told me he was going to murder him, obviously joking (I think), but I told him I haven't felt this happy in years.
He said he was proud of me for getting out of that toxic relationship. Which made me cry, in the last few hours I have experienced I think every emotion a human could have.
I was watching a bit of what was happening on the internet from my Instagram. I told my manager that he can announce it when the time is right. But without any further explanations on why we weren't together anymore.
And so it was, it was one of the top themes of today, with only one hour of announcement.
How gossipy people are.
I heard my home cell phone ring, the one that always rings when someone asks permission to enter my house.
And I knew exactly who was going to enter by my door any second. I rushed downstairs, and I opened the door he was there by the other side.
Looking charming, just as I remembered him. He held up his hand showing me a bouquet of flowers, with the same ones I told him a few weeks ago that I loved.
"So… the rumors spread out, can I buy you flowers now?"
He gave the flowers to my hand, hugged me with one hand around the waist and kissed me on the forehead.
"You have a goal, don't you?"
"I came to claim my prize, how am I going to do it if I don't put up a good fight first?"
I signaled him to come in, and he gladly did.
"Ah! Would you look at that?" Charles screamed from the living room, I was too busy looking for a place to put the flowers he gave me, so I didn't see what he was talking about.
These would look perfect here, I said to myself finding a plain white base I bought in Venecia, I never found a good purpose for it till now.
"You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk?"
Holy shit.
"Oh my, give that back!" I basically ran to him as I heard those words.
Now I know what he found, and it was hell of embarrassing.
In his hands, the sheets with my handwriting all over them, lyrics all over them.
But he kept going, walking quickly around the room so that I wouldn't take those papers away from him.
"I've got a boyfriend he's older than us. Hey, this sounds quite familiar doesn't it?" He mocked me. Oh he fucking knows who I'm talking about.
"Dickhead!" I said between laughters, I was already running out of air from running. I felt like a child, but in a good way. He just made it so divine.
He stopped to finally hand me in the papers with the lyrics, the sun was setting and it peered through my large window. I was looking down at my papers trying to figure out how much had he read.
I grab my chin to lift my gaze and look him in the eye. "You can say anything you want, ange"
Look down at his shirt to start talking. But he slowly brought it back up again. "To my face"
"What can I say? You're... gorgeous." He softly chuckled, I bit my lip.
I felt the moment stop, right here, right now.
It's just me and him.
His hand went to my jaw, caressing my cheek with his thumb. His other hand went to my waist. Mine went to his shoulders, and he finally closed the gap between us.
Sweet, simple and loving kiss.
I rushed through the hallways. My hair was a mess, the climate changing was finally hitting. Warmer breezes came so now I didn’t had to use cold weather outfits.
A black sparkly dress suited the occasion, I was finally presenting my project. The best of my career.
Finally reaching the office, I quickly introduced myself, since I was already running late.
My idea was not complicated at all, dark romance was in it.
Revenge was all written over it.
"This will totally be a hit, you made it again!"
"Thats so kind of you to say, thank you"
"It's well deserved, 4 months was more than enough for you to give us these amazing songs. Ugh, you're so amazing sweetie!"
None of it would have been possible if it wasn't for Charles. Most of the songs on my about-to-be new album were based from the piano. Later, in the studio, the arrangements were made.
Miracles do happen after all.
"Can't wait for what comes next." I shrieked.
"Neither do we, but you know this takes time, we can do a little more fixing and a lot a lot a lot of marketing. I can already see you on the hot 100 billboard" She smiled to me, and the team gave me thumbs up in approval.
Most of the time getting them to like one of my song, is quite hard, but I guess I'm getting their respect.
It all went as smooth as butter.
I excused myself from their office, eagerly waiting to get home.
The drive over there seemed like an eternity, but it was all worth it, getting out of the car I padded my dress so that the bottom part looked decent. Charles was waiting for me, before my meeting he had told me he had a surprise for me.
I finally opened the door, and soon my nostrils smelled pasta. Fresh pasta.
I physically relaxed, I realized I was home.
My eyes fixated on the piano, the one Charles bought so that he could teach me how to play it. That piano made miracles.
On top of it, fresh flowers were carefully placed in the edge, light pink popped from them. I smiled to myself, he must have listened when I told him my favorite color was pink.
I left my purse on the table, and decided to take a look at the kitchen.
There he was, my handsome man. He had an apron, with no shirt to cover him underneath. Some jeans, messy hair and his glasses gave him the final touch.
He had music on the background, and he was whistling to the melody while stirring the pasta, taking a close look at it so it wouldn’t burn.
He didn’t notice me, so I came up and carefully wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my cheek on his back.
His hand came up to mine, tangling our fingers together while the other kept stirring the pot, I smiled feeling his warm fingers on mine.
The next song played, a more upbeat song, and one of my favorites too.
I let him go, and he instantly turned around to see me, his sweet smile just made my whole day. His dimples were brighter than ever, and his eyes made my heart skip a beat.
I reflected his smile on my lips. He cupped my face and planted a deep desperate kiss, I chuckled in it.
“Ugh, I’ve missed you so much, you have no idea ma chérie” he said in between, I stretched my arms and wrapped them tightly around his neck.
He hold me and spun me around lifting my feet.
Laughter was in the air, the one feeling where he and I just existed, nothing else. Not media talking about my love life, not Jake calling on me at late hours at night, not his followers doubting about our relationship.
I did too, before he showed me all the love in the world. More than anyone has showed me in years, he showed me the stars and depths of the ocean with just a few weeks.
I needed nothing else, but him.
He stopped spinning, looked at me in the face, and removed a string of hair falling from its place. I can feel my cheeks burn, and it only took one look at him.
“Charles, you are the best thing that ever existed, you know that, right?”
I asked with concern, I want him to know.
To know he is my everything.
He laughed, warming my heart. “I know, you don’t need to say anything or do anything. I think- just think I love you” he whispered the end.
“I love you too.” I answered with the same tome he did. He caught my lips, deepening it. He almost desperately lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his torso.
In a matter of seconds, I felt a knot forming on my lower stomach. I should feel ashamed of how fast Charles makes me feel this way.
Soft moans fill the room along with the loud music.
“You don’t have to do anything” He said in-between kisses, repeating what he said earlier.
“I want to” I replied, tangling my fingers in his short hair. He did a final push, so that I could feel how hard he was.
My heartbeat rate was seriously not natural at this point.
He lifted slightly the bottom of my dress. I did not stop him, so he continued.
Slowly, his fingers where so close at my sensible area, I could almost feel them.
I closed my legs so that I could feel a little bit of friction. He quickly opened them again, wider this time.
His lips left mine he devilishly smiled at me as he got on his knees. If I wasn’t on the table I, for sure, would´ve folded.
He trailed wet kisses on my thighs, taking his sweet time to get where I wanted him to. With his hands, he opened my legs even more, finally, his tongue touched the sweet spot.
I didn’t know what to do.
Charles along with Lando made a big party for my new album, it had just been out for a few hours, and It was trending everywhere.
Every. Single. Song.
My relationship with Charles was relatively new, the new F1 season started, and I’d travel with both of my boys.
We were currently at Monaco, just after Friday practice.
I decided to throw Reputation out to the world this day, because of Monaco. Here is where everything started, and here is where I wanted to celebrate it.
I wanted everyone to know who my heart belonged with, and it was not going to be a soft launch.
Charles came to me with two shots on his hand, he handed me one and passed his arms around my shoulders, joining the conversation I was having with my team.
“Here he is, the golden boy!”
One of them said, he smiled and kissed my forehead.
“Oh he is handsome! No wonder all those songs were written about you.”
“Thank you Janet, I’m sure he knows how head over heels I am for him by now”
I said embarrassed, the lyrics on the songs weren’t that saint. Not at all.
Besides, everyone here knew who I was talking about in those songs, they all knew who was by my side all along.
I quickly took my shot, and Charles followed. I excused us from the group, they all waved us goodbyes as my lover and I went to a much more private place.
“I’m so proud of you” he said, kissing me gently and lovingly.
“Couldn’t have done it without you” I said in between. I felt his smile on my lips. I caressed his cheek, feeling his short beard on the tips of my hands.
“So… can I tell everyone how good I make you feel? Cause I wouldn’t want anyone else taking my place.”
“I think they will all know who I’m talking about, mon bel homme” he laughed at the horrible accent I was carrying.
“Ma belle fille” Charles sweetly said.
@delicatepeanutsublime @leclercera16 @ironspdy @architect-2015 @cmleitora @lauralarsen
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kodathings · 3 months
𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊
Drunk!Ning x gf!reader
Warnings: Mention of drinks, drunk Ning, mention of cigarettes and teenagers making out.
Gender: Fluff
a/n: An anonymous person asked me for this before so I hope it's good since it's the first request I've received. And I couldn't put an image on it, I don't know why and I gave up.
You never imagined that just one party would cause problems for you, you weren't even there to see what happened.
It started with Ning just being invited to a party at Giselle's house and she obviously accepted the invitation since it's been so long since she had fun like that. You can't protest for not being able to go with her, you just left her alone that night hoping she would show responsibility, but that's not how things ended.
"Honey, I'm going to the party, okay? I'll help Aeri and the girls pack the missing things" She gave you a kiss on the cheek and picked up the bag she left next to you on the couch. "Call me if you need to and be careful, don't drink too much" you saw the girl playfully roll her eyes at your concern "Okay, mom" "Hey, stop it, I'm just worrying about you"
She gave a wave and was quick to leave quickly because according to her she was too late and needed to get there soon. The apartment felt a little empty without her with the sun she always carried with herself, but you could get used to not going places with her for the first time. She always asked you to come along, but this time you were too busy and she understood that.
With a prolonged sigh, your body melted into the sofa and you stood there like an old woman typing things into the notebook on your lap without moving anything other than your fingers and eyes. The worst thing about all this is that she didn't tell you when she was going to come back, of course it's a party and she wouldn't have a time, but anyway it was good to leave an estimate and she didn't even leave that.
Leaving her alone in the world is harder than you thought. Were you really feeling like a mother letting her daughter go out for the first time to an unfamiliar place, It wasn't that Giselle's house was unfamiliar, but sometimes things could get out of hand at a party. A party with mostly teenagers to be more specific, that is, everything will go wrong at some point and you knew it from the beginning. Everyone knows it.
As the night went on you found yourself checking your phone a few times, the time seemed to pass too slowly for you but not for Ning who was having fun. You just wanted a text that she was okay or a call. What does it cost to just say she was alive???Should you worry that much? Maybe...yes...
It was already past midnight and you started to give up waiting for her, well she wasn't going to come back early so all I had to do was go to sleep and hope for the best for her. As a precaution, your cell phone didn't stay silent tonight to listen to calls and messages if she sends something. Finally you lay in bed, without your girlfriend your side seemed much harder, it's strange that there isn't an extra weight on your side to serve as a pillow. What hell would that be.
It was like a teen movie: the sound of the phone ringing woke you up with a shock because it was too loud. You can't focus to see who was calling you, it seemed like an unknown number but it was just Karina, one of Ningning's friends calling you, and also one of the people who were at the party.
Your head was too sleepy to think about the worst, so your reaction was the least likely, until you slowly gave up your cell phone without even remembering that you had a girlfriend running around alone at a party. "Who is this? I was sleeping, man..." your head lay down once again on the soft pillow while on the other end of the line you could only hear 3 people talking and background music "If this is a prank I will-" "You’re Ning’s girlfriend right?”
It would be terrifying for anyone to see how his eyes opened now, his mind retraced all the memories of his day and especially that his girlfriend was out of the house "Yes it's me. Did something happen? She is fine?" an awkward silence remained on both sides.
"She's fine...she just drank too much" it was as if Karina wanted to tell you something else but left it aside, but left without success when suddenly Giselle started talking "She mixed drinks with no meaning and now she only talks about you. Can you come get her? I swear to God Winter can't stand listening to her anymore, no offense."
You know it's not the intention to offend or anything, but you still felt a little upset with the way she spoke about it, it would have been better for Karina to have spoken out straight away. "I'm coming" and you were actually arriving, you didn't even bother to change your clothes, you just took off your slippers with drawings and walked out in your pajamas to the car.
Giselle's house wasn't that far making her life easier and lessening her worry about leaving Yizhuo with the three girls, the only one responsible was Karina and she seemed more drunk than the others two. Arriving at the house, his eyes swept over the teenagers and adults smoking or kissing in front. This felt more like a nightclub than a party to you. "Where did that girl get herself?" When I say there were a lot of people making out I say A LOT, no joke.
You left the car parked just before Aeri's house, you didn't want someone to mistake you for an Uber and start having sex in their car that would be fucking disgusting. With her cell phone in her hand, Karina's number was being called, this was repeated more than once as it took her so long to understand and she looked for her head even more. "Hey, where are you? I thought you said you were coming" this time it was Winter speaking.
"I'm already here at the front. You can bring her here, right? I'm..." her eyes went to her pajamas with a big unicorn on the print "... in some trouble here". More and more complaints appeared in the background as minjeong tried to talk to you "Are you serious? Okay, I'm already going with her"
"Ning, just let me out of the car, why is it so hard to let go?"
"I don't want to lose you, stay here..."
It was so cute but so irritating to deal with Ning in his drunken self. She was very emotional and very clingy thinking that something will happen when you let her go. She stayed the whole way home grabbing your arm and never letting go — she almost caused an accident, but we won't talk about that. It was for these reasons that you couldn't let her go out to parties alone, especially when it was at Giselle's house.
"We're just going to get out of the car, I promise you can hold my arm again after this." There were so many attempts and the silliest one made her loosen her grip on his arm. "Promise?" her half-closed but still striking eyes went to you as if you were a puppy afraid of being abandoned, despite showing her tiredness it still looked cute somehow "Promise". It was so relieving not to have your arm being held so tightly as if it were a rope squeezing your arm.
The difficulty of taking care of her was only getting worse when you entered the apartment you missed so much. Still feeling like a tree and your koala, you tried walking around the room with her on your arm, the strong tightness returning to give you slight pain that you would have to endure.
"You had fun tonight, didn't you?" you said as you walked with her down the hall towards the bedroom, your mission was to distract her while trying to at least let her sleep in comfortable clothes tonight. "Yes" a drunken smile appears on her lips along with a low laugh. "The party was cool, there were a lot of people there and I didn't even know them all" Ningning seemed to have fun talking about it, her eyes closing in sleep.
"I'm glad you had fun" In those moments it seemed like so much patience and affection in your voice, if not just one thing different would make her doubt you or even cry. "Sit here, let's take those high heels off of you" she could barely walk straight with her drunkenness. Crouching in front of her, You spent a while trying to figure out how to get those high heels off her and they were really high for some reason.
Your girlfriend can't help you, she's too busy lying in bed without making any effort to formulate meaningful words, they were just drunken mumblings, nothing you should pay attention to.
Your help was with everything as if she were a big baby, from taking off her shoes to helping her take a bath. During this she grumbled angrily at every thing she didn't want to do and was soon sleeping in her arms or just staring at you meaninglessly.
Ning was already lying in bed in her own less drunk world as, with great difficulty, she took a cold shower right after getting rid of her clothes that smelled like cigarettes and drinks.
The lights were turned off, you lay down next to her in bed with a tired sigh after everything you had to do tonight, everything was too hectic. "Thank you for taking care of me" a voice appeared right next to her along with a pair of arms and a leg coming over hers "I don't know where I would be right now if it weren't for you"
Your body turns to her side only to see those beautiful eyes looking at you in the dim light of the night, there were more words than in a dictionary "I was worried about my girlfriend, you're still like a baby" a light slap was transferred to your arm as a joke "Stop it, silly".
Both laughter was breaking the silence of the night, listening to her laugh was like seeing her singing the softest melody that could exist. You liked her laugh in the same way you liked hearing her talk, even if it was the stupidest thing she could imagine. Spending this time with her was sacred for you, it would be for anyone because of the way she naturally is.
Little by little you calmed down, Ning getting lost in your eyes more and more and you in the same state as her. The weight of sleep you lost worrying about her began to appear so suddenly, both for you and for her. The silence felt so comfortable, the annoying noise of the party was no longer looping in Ningning's head.
The weight in her eyes caused them to close quickly without any action. She hugged you a little tighter than usual, letting you know that she didn't want to leave you in your sleep. And she wouldn't, not now that the two of them were cuddling together, feeling and taking comfort in each other's warmth for a likely long night's sleep.
"I love you, Y/n…" a soft murmur came out before she fell asleep in your arms.
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tilebytiles · 8 months
star treatment - a.t. (part 2)
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summary: there's a strange man named alex that has a strange obsession with you, and he makes the strangest offer of your life. word count: 3.2k warnings: none part 1
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You had fallen asleep a while ago. The stars, although breathtakingly beautiful this far out in space, had eventually gotten tiring to look at, and your brain itched for something else. You were still too tense to talk to anyone else on the spacecraft, and Alex was nowhere to be found, although you doubted you'd talk to him anyway. With no methods of entertainment beyond staring out the window, you fell asleep rather quickly, your imagination conjuring up strange dreams about the hotel you were heading to.
The only thing that woke you up was the sound of rustling clothes in front of you. Drowsily, you forced your eyes open and your body to come up onto your feet. You were a little wobbly from trying to do so much so quick, but you regained your balance rather quickly and began to follow the journalists down the narrow aisle between the rows of seats. If there was anything science fiction films had taught you, you should have been floating through that rocket instead of walking. Your feet, however, remained firmly planted on the carpet, a fact that was rather disappointing. Floating would have been cooler.
The interior of the seating area was done in soft, warm colours, offering an inviting atmosphere. The seats were a navy blue with an off-white stripe down the center, and the walls were a shade of pink, something close to salmon, you thought. The floor was done in the same colour, but down the aisle was a red carpet. There weren't many seats, so the rocket could only house a group about the size of this one at any time. You didn't mind; the less people you had to awkwardly avoid, the better.
You realised the giant window at the end of the aisle that you'd thought was for stargazing was actually a port. As soon as you stepped into the giant see-through tube, you heard the door slide shut behind you, sealing you off from the rocket. You couldn't help but marvel at the empty chasm of space that surrounded you, as well as the moon that rested beneath you. From here, you could make out the complex building you were realising was meant to be the hotel. It looked futuristic and retro at the same time, an effect that wasn't hard to achieve; the architecture looked like the kind that was popular in the 70s, providing a sort of nostalgic feel, but it was sitting on the surface of the moon. This definitely wouldn't have been possible in the 70s (you could hardly believe it was possible now).
One of the journalists spoke up, shattering the awestruck silence. "He's a bit mad for doin' all this."
The journalist beside him shrugged. "It's kinda cool, though, don't you think?"
"Well, sure, but imagine having these kinds of funds ... and you waste it on a lunar hotel?"
You hardly knew Alex, but it made you feel a little uneasy to hear someone speaking ill of him. You wanted to speak up, but a third journalist beat you to it. "If anything, he's proving we can even do this kind of shit on the moon. It's better than some of the stunts billionaires have been pulling."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Miles," the first journalist grumbled. "Stop kissing his ass."
The journalist named Miles rolled his eyes, then glanced over at you. You hadn't even realised he was walking beside you. He grinned at you and held out a hand for you to shake. "Miles Kane," he said.
You slowly shook his hand. "Y/N L/N."
"You don't exactly seem like the reporter type. What're you doin' up here with this pretentious lot?"
You liked him already.
"Alex invited me," you told him. "I haven't really figured out why yet."
He nodded, seeming to ponder over the information you'd just given him despite it only being two sentences. "I'm sure we'll get along perfectly," he finally said, smiling at you again. "If any of these pricks cause you trouble, just lemme know."
"Thank you." You smiled back at him.
When you made it to the other end of the tube, the door in front of you slid open, allowing your party of prose into the hotel. Your eyes widened once you stepped through the door. The room you were in, which you guessed to be the main lobby, was absolutely gigantic - or at least, it felt that big. There was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the whole space with sconces mounted on the walls to light up the spots the chandelier couldn't reach. The walls were a warm, perhaps almost burnt, shade of orange, and the floor was made of lush carpet, the pattern almost hypnotising. Squiggles of colour stretched from wall to wall above a black background. The wall to your right, close to the door, held floor-to-ceiling windows, showcasing the moon and the stars in all their glory. To your left was the reception desk, the lift to its left and the stairs to its right. Chairs and tables were scattered amongst the space, providing plenty of spots to sit and rest. Mounted on the wall behind the reception desk was a flat-screen TV. You were impressed it could pick anything up out here.
Your group wandered over to the reception desk, and to your surprise, someone popped out of the door that had an 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' plaque, grinning at you all. "Pleasure to meet you!" he said. "Mr. Turner told me you'd be arriving."
Alex's last name was Turner?
"Hold on," the first journalist from before said, "you mean you've just ... been here?"
The receptionist nodded, still smiling. "We've had more than enough resources to last us, don't worry. And they're replenishable! But we can get into that later."
"There's more than one of you?"
"All the staff were busy prepping for your arrival. We hope you enjoy your stay. Let me be the first to officially welcome you to the Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino. My name's Mark, and I'll be your guide for the tour today."
You admired Mark's genuine enthusiasm. Then again, you didn't think it'd be very hard to be enthusiastic about a job like this.
He came out from behind the desk and motioned for your group to follow as he headed for the open doorway across from the door you'd just come through. It opened out into a long hall, branching off into different rooms. "This is where the café is," he said, pointing to one of the sets of doors you passed by. "That's where you'll be eating all your meals, although your options will differ depending on the time of day. That," he said, pointing to another set of doors, "is the gym. There's all kinds of equipment in there, and it's completely free for all guests, so don't be afraid to stop by."
He continued leading you down the hall, pointing at different doors and explaining them. Connected to the café was a greenhouse that provided different types of produce, and it was available to guests ("take a tour or let the little ones learn how to garden!" he had said). There was a library, a laundry room, and even something like a patio at the very end of the hall, allowing you to get as close to the moon itself as you safely could.
When you came back up the hall and squeezed into the lift, Mark explained how the actual hotel rooms would be the last part of the tour; that way, you could all rest as soon as you got to your rooms. Your first stop was the very top of the hotel, where you could see the large hexagonal neon sign spinning slowly on top of its pole. They had built a pool into the roof, complete with a ladder to make getting in and out easy, a diving board, various chairs set up, umbrellas that you weren't even sure were necessary and bathrooms and changing rooms, the latter of which were fully stocked with robes, bathing suits and pool toys.
Heading down a floor revealed the hotel's partial namesake: the casino. The lights were significantly dimmer here than they were in the rest of the hotel, but they weren't so dim that you couldn't see at all. Machines had been pushed up against every wall and were lined up perfectly around the room. It was almost overstimulating, and you were grateful you left when you did, although the aftereffects of all the lights remained in your vision as colourful blobs for some time.
Your whole group was staying on the same floor. You didn't know if you were glad about it or dreading it. At least Miles would be nearby, you thought. He'd been making the occasional quiet joke to you throughout the whole tour, and you did your best to stifle your laughter to avoid dirty looks from the others.
"I'll talk to you later," he said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You hadn't even realised you'd made it to your rooms. His was across the hall from yours. You nodded and flashed him one last smile before unlocking your door with the key Mark had given you and stepping inside.
The room was lavishly decorated. You almost felt guilty for staying there for free. A four-poster bed stood tall, the frame painted a creamy white and the mattress covered in a white sheet. A thin fabric, something like lace, hung from each corner like curtains. The blanket looked soft, inviting, and after many, many hours of being stuck in a rocket and sleeping in a (albeit comfortable) chair, slipping under the covers and taking a proper nap sounded heavenly. You forced yourself to hold off on that nap, though, and continued your exploration of the room.
The overhead light was built into the ceiling, and upon discovering a small remote on top of the chest of drawers across from the bed, you realised the brightness could be changed. There was a floor-to-ceiling window built into the wall across from the door, offering yet another stunning view. The closet that was built into the wall rested to the left of the bed, and to the right was a small nightstand. In the closet, you found all sorts of clothes. At least there was comfort in the fact that no matter what happened, you'd be well-dressed for the occasion. Not far from the nightstand was a door, and when you opened it, you discovered the bathroom.
Ah, yes. It was about time you took a shower.
The water was perfectly warm, and the shampoo smelled lovely. Although it had only been a few days, you still felt gross for having gone so long without a shower; you guessed it was only because you were used to showering every day. When you finished getting cleaned up, you slipped into the cosiest pair of pyjamas you'd ever gotten your hands on and made sure to turn the light off before slipping into the unnecessarily fancy bed.
You wondered what Alex was up to. You hoped you'd see him tomorrow, mostly so you could thank him for inviting you in the first place. Although the concept of a hotel in space still felt a bit mad to you, you were beginning to realise it really wasn't as bad as you'd expected it to be. Maybe you were even a bit proud of him.
The next morning - at least, you guessed it was morning - you made your first trip to the café Mark had shown you. You had to admit, you were starving. Although you'd been given snacks on the rocket, they were exactly that - snacks. They hadn't been near enough to keep you full, and now your stomach felt like it was going to gnaw its way through your entire body if you didn't get something to eat soon.
A few of the journalists were already in there, including Miles. You headed towards the counter, where the employee behind the till smiled at you. "What can I get for you today?"
"Uh ..." You stared at the imposing menu on the wall, assessing your options. "Can I have the egg croissant, please?"
"Would you like a drink with that?"
"Water's fine, thanks." The employee nodded, punching your order in, and when the small number popped up on the digital screen sticking up from the till, your eyes widened. It was cheaper than you'd been expecting. You quickly fished your wallet out of your pocket.
Once the transaction was complete, you headed for Miles' table and sat across from him. He was scribbling something in his notepad, but when he heard the creak of your chair, his head snapped up. When he realised it was you, he grinned. "Hey, Y/N."
"Hey," you replied. "What are you doing?"
"Writin' down some notes for that article I gotta write. We've been here for less than a day, and I already have enough info to crank out a goddamn essay."
That made you laugh, earning a sideways glance from one of the journalists. It was the one that had been questioning Alex's motives before. You heard Miles scoff, prompting you to look back at him with a raised brow. “Trouble in paradise?”
He snorted. “Hardly paradise with that prick around.”
“Who is he?”
“James Schwartz, also known as one of the biggest dickheads on the planet. Old money - his dad runs the paper he writes for, and his dad ran it before that, and so on. Heard he’s in line for the throne.” He shook his head. “He’s willin’ to do anything for a story. Can’t keep a girlfriend for more than a few months, either.”
“What do you mean, he’s willing to do anything?”
He eyed you for a few moments, as if he was debating whether or not he should unveil James’ moral crimes to you. Eventually, he sighed, leaning back in his chair; so much so that the two front legs rose from the floor. “The best of it, so to speak, is that he flooded some poor shop owner’s voicemail until they phoned him back.”
“And the worst?”
His lips pressed into a thin line, and his gaze sauntered over to land on James, who’d put a pair of headphones on at some point and remained entirely oblivious to your conversation. Still, to be on the safe side, Miles’ voice lowered, forcing you to lean over to hear him. “He dated a girl, some model from Bristol. A couple of months later, she broke up with him, and then suddenly, her nudes were up on the Internet, free for all perverted fucks to see. He was one of the first to cover the story, and his article painted her in a suspicious light, spoutin’ some shite about how she shouldn’t have let anyone take such compromisin’ pictures of her. She quit modelling not long after. It was never proven to be him, but …” He shrugged and looked back to you.
Your stomach churned at the mere thought of what he’d gotten away with. “Surely someone questioned him?”
“If they did, he probably paid them to keep quiet. Either way-” He dropped his pencil onto his notepad. “-I would stay away from him, if I were you.”
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” you mumbled.
After your food had arrived and you’d satiated your hunger, Miles suggested heading up to the pool for a quick dip. You agreed, although considering you’d just eaten, you didn’t think you would actually do any swimming. This notion seemed a bit funny to him, and he even asked if you were chicken, but he didn’t press the matter any further.
Much to your delight, there were swimsuits in the dressing room, and you slipped into a black bikini on the off chance you hopped into the water. Wrapping yourself up in a plush white robe that had the hotel’s acronym embroidered into the left breast, you stepped out onto the pool deck. Miles was already in the pool, clad in a pair of black swim trunks and swimming from one end to the other, engaged in an intense race against himself. You plopped down onto one of the pool chairs and stretched your legs out, watching as Miles swam to the edge closest to you with a grin. “The water’s lovely.”
“I’d rather not get cramps,” you said, making him laugh. He playfully splashed water in your direction, spraying small droplets onto your calves and the chair beneath you. The water was cold against your skin.
You heard the entrance to the pool open, making you turn and look over your shoulder. Alex stood in the doorway, and when he saw you, he managed a small smile. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“I could say the same for you.”
“I was looking for Miles.” He glanced around you and spotted the man in question, who offered an enthusiastic wave that was akin to one from a child. “Mark said you’d be here.”
“You should come join me, Mr. Turner,” Miles replied, assuming an exaggerated air of pompousness. “Have you even tested your own pool?”
Alex seemed to genuinely consider that question for a few moments. His hands slid down into his pockets, and his lips pressed together before finally parting to form the words, “No, I haven’t.”
And with that, he found himself in swim trunks exactly like Miles’ less than a few minutes later. It was the first time you’d seen him in anything beyond his perfectly crisp suits, and it also offered you a chance to admire his physique. His abs were lightly defined, as were the muscles lining his arms; the veins in his forearms protruded, as if all they needed was a small push before bursting from his skin; his legs had about as much hair as you could have expected, and there was a light smattering of hair across his chest. Draped over his chest, sinking into the dips of his collarbones, was a thin gold chain, the same one you’d seen him wear a number of times at the café.
Miles whistled, snapping you out of the spell Alex’s body had put you under. “She’s oglin’ ya.”
“Am not!” you protested, glaring at him.
He only rolled his eyes. “There’s nothin’ wrong with admirin’.”
You didn’t say anything, only crossed your arms over your chest. It wasn’t like you needed to respond, though; the heat that spread across your cheeks like wildfire spoke volumes.
If you were being perfectly honest with yourself - which you did reluctantly - Alex had always caught your eye. You mostly attributed it to the mysterious aura that he was always shrouded in, brought into existence by how little he spoke, how much he kept to himself, and the documents he primarily occupied himself with. Even if you now knew what those documents had been for, there were still heaps of things that remained locked away from you. For fuck’s sake, you’d learned his last name from a complete stranger.
In some ways, his mystery was a siren call, coaxing you in for what you thought might be your untimely demise. If there was anything the piles of romance novels in your flat had taught you, it was that strange men- especially rich ones- shouldn’t ever be trusted with matters of the heart.
As Alex lowered himself into the pool, though, you let yourself ogle for a little while longer.
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reidslovely · 1 year
hii bambi
can i request a little blurb where reader(/bashful?) has a bad day and is just really tired but still goes over to see frat!peter cause she told him they could hangout but she basically crashes immediately the second her head rests on his chest
maybe she wakes up a little later and peter’s still awake watching tv and just rubbing her back and starts to apologize for falling asleep and he’s just “stop it baby, go back to sleep” with a kiss to the head :’)
love you and your writing <33
hits kind of close to home today.
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the day started off bad. she couldn't place when it exactly went wrong. could be that she woke up past her alarm throwing her off her schedule for today, maybe it was her dropping her toothbrush on the floor of the community bathroom that had tears welling up in her eyes as she just stared at it. wanting to repeatedly hit her head into the sink counter. she kicked the toothbrush across the floor out of anger leaving it there, someone else would throw it away. maybe it was that he hair wouldn't corporate no matter how she tried to work with it. she pulled it slightly out of frustration as tears rolled down her cheeks. she wiped them away, rinsed her mouth out with mouth wash and walked back to her dorm to rush to get dressed.
she hated feeling rushed.
she missed her first lecture of the day, she also missed breakfast. which threw her morning routine off, the cafe stopped serving breakfast at 10:00am and she got there at 10:05. this means she couldn't eat till she got to peter's later.
by the time she got to the psych department she was ready to dig a hole and crawl in it. she just wanted peter, she wanted a peter hug more specifically. he always gave the best, tightest hugs that helped calm her down. sometimes they even put her to sleep and that was really nice. however, at the same time the thought of walking through the frat house trying to talk with the brothers made her want throw herself on the ground type cry. she didn't have the social battery, she was literally sitting in her second lecture staring down the clock on her laptop, not listening to her professor at all. biting her nails down and around the cuticle her mind switched between being completely overwhelmed and insanely quite.
as the class filed out of the room, bashful got her research paper handed back to her and though the grade was good it was much lower than she expected. she felt her lip wobble as her professor told her what a good job she did for just the first version, but all bashful heard was the negatives. she nodded and ended the conversation as fast as possible walking towards the bus stop on campus.
'room is all set up for movie afternoon. i got your favorite post class snacks and I have a scheduled pick up time for nicks.'
right now she was regretting agreeing to this movie thing, she thought she'd be in a much better mood and her entire day she built around it had been ruined. but she still went. maybe she'd even get a peter hug.
at least none of the frat brothers in the living room tried to talk to her. maybe they saw the tears on her cheeks and didn't want push anymore buttons or maybe they just didn't even see her come in as she snuck past them.
she pushed the door to peters room open and left it slightly ajar. dropping her bag in his floor she looked at him teary eyed again. he didn't even speak as he pulled her onto the bed and against his chest.
"it's okay. I gotcha." he hums lowly, arms around her tightly applying the pressure she'd been thinking about for the better half of the day. she couldn't even get a word out before she was fast asleep.
bashful wasn't sure how long she'd been asleep when she woke up. peter playing a rerun of parks and rec on the tv eating sour patch kids he had bought for you and him.
"sorry." she managed the words out looking at him.
peter shook his head shushing her. "don't do that. don't. go back to sleep it's okay."
"the food is fine miles and harry picked it up and ate it. if you're hungry later we can get something." his hands rubbed soothing circles on her back. and she nodded resting her head back on his chest listening to his breathing, her own mimicking it as his heart beat lulled her back to sleep.
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[A/n: Oh and just a BTW I've never played cod mw2 so if 8 get their personalities wrong that's why, I'm just going off of what I read p, including wiki]
Summary: The new guy is terrifying at night due to his size and speed
Type: Short scenario: Gaz X Male!Reader: Soap X Make!Reader: Alejandro X Male!Reader: Price X Male!Reader: Ghost X Male!Reader: Ruby X Male!Reader
Version: Cod Mw2
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He already gets scared easily so when you came in it got worst, more than expected so when one day when he woke up at night to get a drink, he clearly didn’t see you getting his water he heard you, well he didn’t know it was you obviously. But you never once thought you’d see a military soldier stop and turn around so scared in his life. But when he saw you towering over him, he calmed down and playfully slapped you. 
“My god you scared me.”
You know you’re scary when you scare Ghost, The Ghost. Ghost doesn’t sleep when everyone else does so he was just thirsty. When he got to the kitchen, he looked around like usual, but somehow, he didn’t see you. When he was making tea, he heard you walking over to him. He didn’t do anything at first and waited for you to get closer. As soon as you were at arm’s length, he spun around and roundhouse-kicked you. When he saw you, he calmed down a bit.
“Don’t sneak up on me Soldier.”
Now Alejandro isn’t one to get scared, we know this, but you somehow did. Entering the kitchen late at night he was still really tired from the day prior, which is no surprise when you are in the military. So, since he was so tired, he didn’t care for his surroundings, so he clearly didn’t see you. Even when he opened the fridge and pulled out a yahoo chocolate milk, he didn’t even know when they got yahoos. He didn’t even close the fridge when he took a drink of the yahoo, while he was in mid-drink he turned around and saw you standing there causing him to almost choke on his drink. While he was coughing, he threw his cap at you, not wanting to spill his drink.
“¡Eres idiota! ¡No te acerques sigilosamente a mí, Dios mío!“
Just like Alejandro, he was really tired and just didn’t process that you were in the room with him, but he didn’t care either way. Opening the fridge door, he looked around confused since his yahoo wasn’t there.  All of a sudden, he’s wide awake, moving everything around and throwing things out of the fridge. Now you’ve seen Ruby mad but not like this. Whipping around he jumped back when he saw you but that fear instantly disappeared. He grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled you down since you were quite taller than him.
He was actually about to go to bed but had to get a drink first, his cigars were making him thirsty. Grabbing his “number one dad” mug and filling it with water. As he slowly drank his water, still thinking about past events that happened this morning. For example, Soap and Ghost were having a training session when Gaz brought everyone drinks like he did in high school, and for the rest of the day, he was called water boy. Chuckling softly Price turned around, when he saw you he jumped hard. Gasping a bit after he inhaled his water he leaned on the sink and glared at you.
“Boy...Just wait for tomorrow.”
Now if anyone’s easy to scare, it’s soap. He may be amazing at his job and a really good fighter but my god does this boy jump. You could pat his shoulder anytime when he isn’t looking and he’ll jump like a cat when it sees a cucumber. So when he got up at night to get a drink of water he didn’t see you. His glasses weren’t on (i feel like soap secretly wears glasses but only at night and when he’s reading). He heard you but when he turned around he couldn't see you, so he stood there holding his cup of water just looking around terrified. When he finally saw you he punched you and ran completely leaving the cup of water behind, cause he saw you but didn’t see who you were.
(A/n: this was super fun to write honestly. I hope you enjoyed)
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battydora · 2 years
A hidden passion in the Swordsmith Village (part II)
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¡ +18 content • minors don't interact !
part I: here!
content: nsfw, sub/virgin!haganezuka, fem!please! reader, blowjob (m! receiving), handjob (m! receiving), female dominance, virginity loss, vainilla sex, experienced reader, inexperienced haganezuka, hotaru's first time, pet names, “babyboy”.
inspiration song: ❝unholy❞ by sam smith ft. kim petras ♡
pairing: sub!virgin!haganezuka x fem!pleasedom! reader
note: y'all ask and i shall deliver, here's part two of my haganezuka nsfw oneshot! sorry it took so long, please enjoy i had too much fun writting this. btw don't mind my english, i'm trying to improve 😭
for @like-a-clock who asked me to tag them in part 2 –♡
Things turned tables so quick after that specific meeting with your swordsmith, that night you went to bed overly excited, memories of Hotaru coming back one after another: his face, his expressions, his movements, his moans... everything was just so spectacular to the point you were overjoyed. You couldn't wait for the next day to see how things would go, what will you two do? Will you talk about what happened or will you act fool? Will there be any tension? Another kissing session? Aah! Tomorrow's mistery was so intriguing and exciting! You almost couldn't sleep that night.
Next morning you went to his workplace and, to your and everyone's surprise, Haganezuka wasn't there at first hour as he would've been expected to, which was extremely unusual, specially coming from the black haired guy. You had a quick breakfast and took a walk around the village, mostly hoping you'd see Haganezuka anywhere around but no clues seemed to be found, so you decided to go back to his workshop and go check the second floor where he slept, that would've been the smartest thing to do in the first place but who cares.
You went upstairs and opened the sliding door of his dorm. You never thought you'd ever commit the unpolite mistake of not knocking someone's door before going in, because this wasn't only the first time you didn't, it was also because your jaw never dropped this hard in your entire life. What was inside caught you totally offguard and made your face turn bright red, a low pitched gasp left a man's mouth. Haganezuka was inside, sitting on his futon and a hand inside his pants grabbing his erected bud down there.
—WHO LET YOU COME IN!— yelled he when you suddenly appeared, his face was flushing red and his legs closing while trying to desperately cover himself from you.
—SORRY! I'M SO SORRY, HOTARU!— you yelled back, you quickly backed up and closed the door.
You rested your back on it with your face yet red, you weren't exactly embarassed but you either couldn't deny the view was striking: Hotaru's haori half open exposing one naked shoulder and a sneaky hand inside his pants. What led the man to that? Were yesterday's events the cause? Your mind couldn't stop thinking about it, did you really had that effect on him? You heard a voice coming out of the dorm a few minutes later.
—Y/n, are you still there?— Haganezuka spoke, sounding bashful.
—Yes, I am— you answered as relaxed as you could—Are you alright? Can I come in now?—
—No! Just...— he paused for a second, if you could see him, he'd be as red as a cherry —Agh, I need... help, yes, come here—
You took a deep breath and opened the door again, Haganezuka's legs were now covered with sheets, you got closer slowly and knelt next to his futon.
—Sorry, I didn't mean to interrumpt you during your... activities— you averted your gaze a little, you were shocked, you never viewed him as the type of guy who would jack off in the morning (or anytime at all).
—I was not...! Doing that!— he frowned and averted his gaze aswell —I... had a... dream, and when I woke up, I was already hard. Don't fucking dare to laugh or i'll kill you— he threatened you as he would have if you ever thought of breaking your sword, but this time he seemed like he was trying to keep his composture, your presence disturbed him for some reason.
You stared at Haganezuka in awe, you weren't sure of how you should react to not make him feel judged, he seemed startled and nervous so you needed to reasure him it was okay. You giggled a little and gave him shoulder pats.
—Don't worry, 'Taru! This is a common thing to happen, there's no shame on it— you assured.
—I know it's normal! But still...— his reply sounded unsure.
—Well, in that case, don't be bashful about it! It's your body's natural reaction after all— you made yourself quiet and looked at him, your mind flashed a dirty idea for a second —What was that dream about?—
—Why do you care?!— the man turned his head, attempting to hide the blush that took over his cheeks.
—Come on, don't get mad! I'm trying to help youuu— you said playfully leaning in to hug him by the waist —Don't be so stubborn—
—Stop!— said he but didn't push you away, in fact, he grabbed your hip with one hand, still looking away —Quit embarassing me, this still is... new for me— he grunted, calming down.
That surprised you a little, it's not so common for a man to have this experience for the very first time at the age of 37 but who were you to judge him? According to his personality, it pretty much made sense, so you took it easy because it wasn't the big deal either.
—Aw, sorry I didn't mean it— you apologized sweetely, still hugging him —Thanks for telling me anyways, it's a little hard for me to believe you've never been through this but there's nothing wrong with that, I'm no one to judge—
He looked at you sideways, looking less embarassed and calmer, it seemed like your patient and comprehensive personality encouraged him to talk this out with you without shame. Haganezuka's trust in you just grew a little bigger.
—Thanks...— the way he said it made you see he cooled down, he was way more relaxed than when you entered the room, that was a good signal —It's still erected though...— his face turned red again while grabbing tightly the sheets.
You held your chin thoughtful, it's not like you didn't know what to do, it's just that you needed to let the man know your plan and get his permission to execute it.
—I have an idea, but I need you to let me help you. Do you agree, honey?— he stared at you cautious, since yesterday, your imagination scared him a little, you could be very freaky at times.
—What are you thinking about now...—
—Nothing bad! But it'll make you feel good, I promise— a flirty smirk took place on your face.
—Mm... fine, just d-don't take too long—
You got your hands to work and moved infront of him, asking the man to politely lay down on the futon, he obeyed in silence as you uncovered his crotch being able to take a very detailed look of his penis, the size was just good for you and you smirked wider from just seeing it. Haganezuka noticed your stare and his face reddened, legs shyly closed, it was the first time someone saw him naked so this was something you expected to happen, embarassment was every virgin's first challenge.
—Don't be shy, sweety, I'll take care of that sweet cock for yours. Can you entrust me your pleasure?— you caressed his tense thighs, trying to encourage him into relaxing and enjoying the moment rather than being tense and embarassed.
Your voice was so soft and soothing, your gaze was just more than sweet and patient, it all made Haganezuka sure you weren't there to force him into anything, you were there to let him know you two could have fun together and that you could make him feel good in bed for the first time. And since the bond you and the black haired man stablished was built with several bonding and patience, he trusted you his virginity, he was willing to expose a face of his no one's ever seen and never will, only to show it to anyone else but you. He seemed to relax after your words, so you smiled, very happily for giving him the confidence he needed.
You opened his legs slowly, petting them lovingly as you reached his left knee and started kissing it, tracking soft kisses from it to his inner thigh. He got up a little just to stare at you, gulping at the sight of your face so close to his hard cock.
—May I, 'Taru?— you asked seductively.
He excitedly nodded and watched carefuly as you grabbed his solid dick and took a very first taste with a lustful lick from below. Air left his lungs, it was only one move, one fucking move needed to send thousands of vibrations from his pelvis to his stomach in less tan a second. Haganezuka gave in so quick that he laid down again, letting you do your thing as he hid his face from you. You would've laught if you had time, but now you had to give your baby what he was waiting for. You licked almost all of it a few times, you were going easy on him so he could get used to the feeling (and also because you liked hearing his little moans and whines).
—Do you like it, sweetie pie?— you asked inbetween kisses and licking.
—I... Yes, yes... please keep going— a smile painted your face as you heard him speak, feeling glad he was enjoying.
—Then get ready, this is only the beggining—
Afterwards, you got close again and introduced his cock slowly inside your mouth, using your tongue to moisten it as much a you could to make a better experience out of this. You heard an extended moan right afterwards, you could see Hotaru was feeling extremely sensitive for all the stimulation. You moved slowly at first, caressing his stomach with your hands to deepen his senses.
—Please... please, more, ah...— you felt your own stomach shrink from just hearing him beg and whine, your own pussy got wet just from it, you certainly had a domination fetish you could not deny.
And since you were willing to please, you only did what you were asked, moving your head up and down with more intensity everytime, gaining a whole album of moaning and pleading in exchange. There was a moment you felt your torax being squished by the swordsmith's legs out of pleasure. You reached a point were you could fit his cock entirely inside your mouth, making the man's whining only longer and louder, letting his domme know how good she was making him feel. Haganezuka's moans increased after a few seconds, nails digging into your head and his waist elevating a little from time to time to feel you even more. You could imagine he was close to his orgasm so you had the idea to pull apart and reach his face while grabbing his cock with your hand, stealing an exhasperation gasp from his mouth as you masturbated him.
—How's it going, sweetheart?— you asked as you smirked.
—I-I'm...! Ah! I'm so close...!—
—Oh, you are? Should I to do something about it?—
—Gah! Y-Yes! Please, I'm desperate!— he covered his eyes as he pleaded.
—That's what I thought, babyboy—
Your hand kept doing the same moves while your free hand wandered over Hotaru's lower abdomen, pressing gently on his pelvis, trying to stimulate the zone as much as possible. You heard a prolongued moan after a hot minute, you looked down and saw that viscous liquid coming out of your beloved swordsmith.
—Ou... already? You came so hard, baby— your flirty tone could tell you enjoyed every second of this moment.
But the man was too stunned to speak didn't respond, this confused you. You stared back at him, Hotaru was covering his eyes, you leaned over to move his hands and messy hair out of the way just to find he was crying while breathing heavily. You got shocked, you never made a partner cry before, was he okay?
—Hey, are you okay?— you asked while caresing his left cheek.
—That was... ah... amazing...— he couldn't even speak correctly, you left him out of air.
You smiled softly before giving him a sweet peck on the lips, you were so glad he enjoyed this moment with you.
—I'm glad, darling. I guess I left you too tired for a second round— you sighed and shrugged your shoulders, the poor guy just lost his virginity and was too exhausted to give you some pleasure, but you were okay with that, now you can ask for sexual encounters if Hotaru wanted to.
You stood up and looked for a tissue, you wouldn't be able to leave him all messed up over his futon, that would be cruel, so you got back to a little more recovered Haganezuka and started whipping his cum from his tummy. You suddenly felt his hand grab your arm firmly yet gently, you looked up just to encounter a very determined glare.
—Let's do it again— your mind went blank, did you hear correctly?
—Pardon?— you said, a little numb yet, it's not like you didn't want to, but you thought maybe he was too tired for another round, you maybe underestimated him.
—I said let's do it again, I'm not tired— his face turned red once again but his expression remained.
This was interesting, for the very first time, Haganezuka Hotaru would not be working at first light as everyone would originally expect, he would stay in bed with you, exploring this new world of dirty and lustful desires.
⋆°• .·
thanks for reading!
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Wᴇᴀᴋɴᴇss (Dɪɴ Dᴊᴀʀɪɴ)
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ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Din Djarin × Male/GN Reader.
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 4,2 k.
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: You had barely managed to survive that night with Grogu. You really didn't think he would give you much trouble, but damn he did. Luckily for you, Din was back to get him as soon as he had said he would. And luckily for you, he didn't just take Grogu with him.
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: idontknowifitcanbecountedas light violence, awkwardness, grogu making a mess (multiple times), teeth rotting fluff, mentions of alcohol, slight descriptions of smut, allusion to din being top and reader bottom, angst, no physical descriptions of reader, no use of Y/N. (lmk if i missed any).
𝔸/ℕ: why tf do i love writing angst so much HAHAHA im sorry for yall. anyway, i did like writing this especially the angsty part im so evil mwahaha. ahem, enjoy <3
𝕡𝕥 𝕚 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣
𝕡𝕥 𝕚𝕚 𝕨𝕖𝕒𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤
𝕡𝕥 𝕚𝕚𝕚 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕕
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You almost didn't make it through the night.
Let's be honest, you could handle any type of kid. Well, almost any type. It's not like you had taken Din's advice too seriously either. What bad would a cute little green creature like Grogu cause?
Oh, you were so wrong.
You spent the whole evening hoping and praying for Din to get back as soon as possible. Not only so you could see him again, but so he could take that goddamn kid off your hands. He had said he would be back first thing in the morning. You hoped he was safe and that he'd keep his promise on coming back soon.
When you finally got Grogu to fall asleep, you tidied everything up as well as you could. You knew he would probably make a mess of it again as soon as he woke up, but at least you'd be able to get some sleep yourself. You could barely enjoy some hours of it until the kid was putting it all upside down first thing in the morning. Luckily for you, Din was back early enough to keep his promise.
He knocked at your door when the sun was just starting to rise. You screamed a quick "In a minute" as you were running after Grogu and trying to grab him so he would stop making everything float, like he did with your cup the first time you saw him and Din. When you finally got to put him in your arms, you walked to the door and opened.
"Hi", you could almost feel Din's smile, even with his helmet on.
"Oh, hi!", you gave him a wide smile. Having him finally there with you made you forget about how difficult the previous night had been for you, trying to take care of the green child. As soon as you saw him standing in front of you, your eyelids stopped feeling heavy. "How did it go?".
"I reckon better than you with him", he tilted his head to look inside your place, seeing an identical mess than the one you'd had to deal with the previous night.
"Oh, that", you looked inside for a moment as well. "He did give me some trouble, but nothing I couldn't handle", you forced a smile. You weren't going to deny you wanted to impress him.
"Sure...", he grabbed Grogu from your arms. You felt a huge weight lifting off your shoulders. "Your eyes say otherwise".
"Yeah, well", you cleared your throat, trying to keep it cool. "Nothing I couldn't handle, but it kept me awake for a while", you crossed your arms and leaned on the doorframe. "Bet he's way more tired", you gave the kid an evil smirk. He stuck your tongue out to you.
"I'm sorry, I really had no one to leave him with. I know he's not usually good to people that aren't me or—".
"Hey, it's okay. I had fun", you smiled up at the Mandalorian. "It was a new challenge. Now I've grown stronger as a kid caretaker", you said in a dramatic tone. Din laughed.
Oh, you had missed that sound.
"Well, I'm glad your time with him was useful. I'll make sure to leave him to you more often".
"Oh, no need!", you almost didn't let him finish. "Take your time, you enjoy your time with him", you let out a nervous chuckle. Din laughed again. "Oh, d'you want to come in? Maybe I can give you something to drink, and I can tell you more about the trouble this little one gave me", you patted Grogu's head. He smiled and squealed. It almost looked as if he had forgotten about that last night.
"Well, I won't say no", Din sounded like he was smiling again. You stepped aside to let him in. "Thank you. For taking care of him, I mean. Well... And inviting me in", he sounded nervous, too. You felt relieved to not be the only one.
"My pleasure", you smiled at him. "Uh... Sit wherever you can...", your face heated up in embarrassment. "I'll try to leave it as decent as it was before", you let out a heavy sigh. "You weren't supposed to see this place like this...", you whispered the last part to yourself.
You put some water to boil while you tidied it all up —again. Behind you, Din was whispering something to Grogu as they both sat on your couch. His distorted voice sounded soothing in the background as you did your things. When the water was ready, you put a glass on the table along with some spices jars so he could choose what to put in it. You smiled at Din before getting back to fixing Grogu's mess.
A sudden noise made you turn back around. The first thing you saw was pieces of ceramic spread all over the floor. You looked up to Din a second too early to see part of his chin uncovered. That second was enough for you to take note of his short stubble, barely covering any of the tan skin under it. You were left unspoken, knowing it would give you something to fantasize about that night.
"Dank farrik", he whispered, taking you back to reality. He took Grogu and put him up away from the broken ceramic pieces. "I'm s—".
"I didn't see anything", you spoke involuntarily, fast as a speeder. Din cleared his throat.
"Sorry, he doesn't usually do these things", he kept talking as if nothing had happened. You tried to do so as well.
"Don't worry", you tried to keep the conversation on, despite the uneasy tone you both had.
He helped you clean the mess Grogu had —once more— caused. Both of you kept an eye on him as he stayed away from it all, seeming focused on keeping a little piece of food afloat.
"How can he do that?", you whispered to Din.
"I don't exactly know", he whispered back. "His race seems to have a strong connection to a natural force that allows him to do that", he turned his head slightly in your direction. "Sorry about it, by the way. I know it's pretty uncomfortable to deal with a child with such... abilities".
You laughed at the word.
"It's not your fault, you don't have to apologize", you smiled at him. He sighed as if he also did. "I already knew what I was in for when I told you I'd take care of him, and I didn't really take your warning too seriously. Many parents give me those, but all of their children end up being little angels", you smiled to yourself this time. "Guess not yours...".
"I suppose it was your fault, then", Din cleared his throat. "And I suppose I also owe you one for the messes he made. How about I pay you something to eat? You still have to tell me how did he manage to keep you awake for that long".
Right. With that other mess, you hadn't had time to relate yours and Grogu's adventures from that last night. And he was inviting you out to eat —the very Mandalorian Din Djarin himself—, how could you say no?
"Alright", you got up from the couch. He followed suit after you. "You better pay me the best meal in all of Nevarro".
"Don't get too ahead of yourself", he chuckled lowly.
He grabbed Grogu and exited the house so you could close the door. You walked through the streets, just following Din to wherever it was that he wanted to take you for that meal. The child spent the entire walk giving you murdering looks every time Din wasn't looking. You just decided to play along and stick your tongue out when he gave you those looks. Deep, very deep inside you, you did like that kid, despite all the trouble he had been giving you the previous hours.
You started telling Din everything about it as soon as you took a seat and started eating. With everything you said, he looked down as his kid and gave him the same murdering looks the little one had been giving you all the way to the canteen. He was also trying to excuse his manners, telling you Grogu didn't usually like people he had recently met, and people not close to him and Din, in general. His abilities were just his way of blowing steam.
"I'm sure he didn't want to make such a mess at your place", Din said. "He was just overwhelmed and uneasy in a new place with someone he'd just met".
"Yeah", this time, you were the one to give the kid a murdering look. You still hoped Din wouldn't notice. "I'm sure he didn't", you forced a smile.
It was already late afternoon when you finished your food. Of course, you thanked Din for paying it himself, and for having freed you from Grogu's caretaking. When you came to realize, the green kid was sleeping in his father's arms. For the first time in all the hours you had spent with him, you felt tenderness towards him. Your heart swelled with the same love a parent feels for their kid. You smiled at the feeling, suddenly remembering why you liked children.
You walked Din home to make sure he and his kid were safe —"How gentlemanly of you", he said. It was a long walk, but at last it gave you more time to talk with the Mandalorian. He also invited you in when you got to his place. You couldn't reject it either, since it made things technically equal for the both of you. Then, he told you to get comfortable as he put Grogu to sleep on his room. And then he brought a drink.
"I don't think I should—".
"Come on", he interrupted you, sitting beside you on the floor. "It's my way to repay you. I'm too much of a womp rat as to pay you with credits", you heard him chuckle. For the first time in the two days you had known him, you could feel he was calm and relaxed. Maybe it was because he had finally gotten home —his home—, with his kid safe.
"Next time you leave him with me, I'm not letting you pay me in any way", you gave him a dissatisfied look.
"Fair enough", he shrugged.
He served a glass for each other. You didn't cheer for anything in particular, you just clinked your glasses and gulped it down. Well, at least you did. Din stayed still and silent for a moment, thinking.
Oh, right, the helmet.
"It's okay, I won't look", you said before turning around and giving him your back. You heard him sigh, as if he was smiling again.
"Thanks", was his answer. Then you heard him swallow. "I'm done".
You turned back around. None of you said anything, and he didn't serve more of the drink for any of you. The air was suddenly feeling tense, and you could tell the situation was now uncomfortable.
"Hey, about this morning...", you started. "I meant what I said, I didn't see anything", you stopped to think for a moment. "Well, I saw one bit, but... it wasn't that bad, if I might say", you couldn't help the smirk that formed on your lips, though you tried not to look at him.
"Huh", he let out the beginning of a chuckle. "Thank you... I guess".
A weight seem to be lifted from you both. Din poured more alcohol in each of your glasses. You clinked again. He made you turn around every time he had to drink, but you kept talking with as much enthusiasm as if you were looking into each other's eyes all the time. You were already a few drinks in when he served another one and you, as the previous times, turned to look at the wall behind you. Unexpectedly for you, he grabbed your shoulder and made you face him.
"You already saw this one bit, right?", was the only thing he said before lifting his helmet just enough for his mouth to show, and he gulped down his drink. Then, he put the helmet back in place.
You didn't say a word. Your mind was too busy thinking of the way his lips enveloped the edge of the glass and pursed when he swallowed. When you became aware of how your jaw was dropped mid-air, you shut your mouth with a dark blush, embarrassment being evident on your face. You tried to keep it cool, so you took a sip from your own drink. Still, your eyes didn't leave his helmet —specifically the downer part of it, as if you were expecting to see his mouth again. A hoarse chuckle roamed from the bottom if his throat, then he served more drinks for the two of you. He grabbed his glass again, and lifted his helmet to gulp the alcohol down. Even when he was done with drink, though, it stayed in place.
And then, he took it off.
You barely had time to process what was going on before you found yourself mesmerized by his appearance —again. The small stubble and mustache you had seen that morning looked even better in that dim light, the small gray hairs in between the brown ones making your insides flutter. His lips looked more delicious than any meal you had tasted before —full, pink, tanned like the rest of his skin, and that smile sent you straight to the skies. His nose was perfectly shaped —well, everything in him was— despite the small scar on it, so much that it made you want to run your fingers through it all. His hair did, too. Even disheveled as it was, you had never seen such perfect, beautiful locks. His brown orbs were looking into yours —no, they were staring into your soul. It was all a mix that resulted in a serious expression. 
He had taken his helmet off.
You then understood that it wasn't easy for him to do so. The fact that Mandalorians like him were supposed to never show his face to anybody hit you harder than you had expected when you realized that he was looking directly at you, and with no visor in between you two. He probably hadn't showed a bit of his skin to anyone in years —you wondered if Grogu had seen him the way you were seeing him now.
He cleared his throat involuntarily, making you jump in your seat and taking you back to the real world. He noticed immediately and lifted his hands up in an apologizing way, his expression shifting to one of slight concern.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...", he paused to search the correct words. "I know I'm... not too—".
"You're so beautiful", you whispered before he could say anything else. It had been an automatic sentence, involuntary like most of your actions now. The alcohol was starting to get to your head, and to his, you figured.
He didn't answer back. You could see how he was blushing now, his skin going from tan to red. You tried to hold back your smile as well as you could. Instead, you approached him and grabbed his hands. You heard him swallow hard.
One of your hands went up to his face, cupping his cheek as softly as your shaking fingers allowed you to. Din sighed and closed his eyes, leaning into your touch. The feeling of his breath on the inside of your wrist turned your heart into mush.
You had definitely fallen hard for this man.
As soon as his eyes opened again, you almost jumped over him in an attempt to kiss him. A little peck was all you got, but you didn't want to push it too far. He was the one to kiss you back, for longer. He didn't really wait for you to pull fully back, he just went right in as another automatic answer to your previous action.
What happened next went too fast and too slow at the same time. You didn't have much time to process the fact that Din was leading you to his room and taking his armor off. As soon as alcohol allowed you to catch up to him, you started taking your own clothes off. When you were finally naked, he threw you onto the bed and climbed on top of you.
He touched you like no one had done it before, fucked you like no one had done it before. He was soft, slow, patient with you —even though he wasn't in reality, but he did it, for you—, and still he went all rough and hard when you asked him to. He wanted to make you comfortable about it, tried to make you like every part of it, reaching all the right places in just the right time. And it felt so good.
He left you exhausted. You slept straight through the night, feeling safe in his arms. For the first time in years, you felt full, contented, your heart swelling with happiness. It seemed like you had finally found your place with the right person for you.
Din, on the other hand, didn't have it that clear.
He had revealed his face to you. It didn't sound that bad when he said it that way, but then he started thinking more and more about it. For him, the only thing you had done was taking care of his son. You hadn't even known each other for more than two days! How could he have done that?
How could you have done so much to him in such a short time?
It didn't make any sense. He wasn't supposed to be falling in love with someone like you. He wasn't supposed to be falling in love with someone at all. And yet there he was, arms wrapped around you in the dead of night after giving you the best orgasms of your life. He hadn't felt so confused since the Armorer told him he wasn't a Mandalorian anymore, all because he had taken his helmet off voluntarily for someone else to see.
Did that mean he wasn't a Mandalorian anymore as well?
He pulled away from you and got up from the bed. He went to check on Grogu, who was still sleeping soundly in his room. It looked like he was even more tired than you, after making such a mess back at your place. It made Din smile for a moment, then he remembered you were in his bed.
He walked to the living room, where you'd had the beginning of your encounter the previous night. He grabbed the glasses and put them in the sink, throwing the bottle of alcohol into the trashcan. Din stood still, looking at it in complete rage. That damn bottle had been the cause of his troubles at the moment. He told himself that, after what'd happened, he wouldn't drink a drop of alcohol in a long, long time. Especially not with anyone else, especially not with you.
He put on his armor as fast as he could. The windows let the first rays of the morning sunlight come through and bathe the room. Din sighed, knowing what was going to come later on. He then sat on the floor by the table in the center of the room and waited for you to wake up, as he thought of what he would say to you.
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The rays of sunlight danced on your eyelids when you rolled on the bed. You almost didn't wake up, your body too comfortable on the bed of the man that had given you the best day in a long time. A smile played on your lips when you remembered the previous night's events.
You turned back around to wrap your arms around him, but instead you found an empty spot next to you on the bed. You frowned in confusion.
You got up and stretched as well as you could. Your legs were still a bit stiff, but they let you walk.
You found Din sitting on the floor by the living room. He was already dressed, even with his helmet on. You would have thought he was asleep if he hadn't lifted his head up to look at you when he noticed your presence.
"Good morning to you, too", you chuckled and walked in his direction. "It's still early. Maybe we can go back to bed", you grabbed his helmet, ready to take it off. It shocked you that he grabbed your wrists with such strength you thought he would break them right there. "Hey!", you frowned again, pulling your hands away in a quick move. "What's wrong with you?", you made sure to sound upset.
"We have to talk", he said with stern tone.
You feared the worst.
"Don't you dare", was your only answer. You fought as hard as you could to not let the tears escape your eyes.
"Get dressed", he almost sound like he was giving you an order. You knew better than to go against him, so you just did what he had asked you to. "What happened last night can't be repeated", he didn't even wait for you to be seated in front of him.
"Seriously?", you dropped your weight on the floor. "Not even one day?", you scoffed. "I know, maybe it was a bit soon, but we still could've—".
"It's not that", his voice echoed in the room, distorted by the helmet but still sounding angry. "It can't be repeated".
You stayed silent for a moment. Then, you let out a sarcastic laugh.
"So what?", you kept your ironic smile displayed on your lips. "We're going to pretend this didn't happen?", you threw your hands up. "Because I'm not forgetting it easily".
"You should", Din stood up. "It's what I'm going to do".
"Oh, right", another sarcastic chuckle left your mouth as you got up, too. "I forgot you're one of those lonely Mandalorians who can't get close to anyone because whoever it is they love gets hurt", you paused to grab some air. "Or maybe you think you could repay my babysitter services with a special night with Din", you said the last part with a high-pitched voice. 
"Could you be a bit less loud? You're going to wake Grogu u—".
"What if I don't wanna take care of him anymore?".
Silence ruled between the two of you for a little while. Then, Din was the one to laugh in a sarcastic tone.
"Okay, you're just acting like a child now".
"Oh, me?", you huffed. "And it's so mature to tell me to go fuck off because you think you're gonna hurt me if I stay by your side for too long—".
"I told you it's not that—".
"Then what is it?!".
A distant squeal interrupted your conversation. You were so desperate trying to understand why Din was pushing you away like that and you didn't realize you were talking a bit too loud.
Din walked towards Grogu's room. You heard him talking as the kid squealed again. You needed nothing but his absence to walk out of the house as fast as your legs let you move. You looked back many times, waiting for him to, at least, come out and look as you walked away —you didn't even care that he wouldn't say a word. But he didn't. He was way too proud and full of his Mandalorian bullshit to feel any kind of empathy towards you anymore, you thought. After a while of cursing yourself for letting all of that happen despite knowing how Mandalorians were all the same, you stopped looking back and tried to focus on how to get back to your place . You knew it was a long walk, so you had time to think and cry.
But you didn't.
You wouldn't let one single of your tears be wasted to cry for someone like Din. Not after he had taken all of you and then thrown you into the trash as if you were just that —trash. Not after you had opened not only your house, but your heart, to him —and his son—, and he had still treated you like that. You should have known it would happen. Because you did know better than to trust a Mandalorian enough to develop feelings for him. You just happened to be wrong, thinking Din might be different.
He had heard you walking out. He knew it would happen, and he let it be. He knew you were mad at him, and to be honest, he was also mad at himself. For letting all of that happen, for letting you see his face, for letting you get into his heart. And he wanted to go after you and tell you he was sorry —for letting you be his weakness.
But he let you go, and didn't dare to look as you did.
He thought it was the best for you, both of you. But deep, deep inside him, he knew he hadn't done well. Deep, deep inside him, he wanted to go and tell you to come back, that he was wrong and you were right. But he was too proud —and full of his Mandalorian bullshit— to even take a step in your direction. And even being as Mandalorian as he was, he still wanted to go after you and tell you he was sorry. 
Because you really were his weakness, but he didn't want to admit it out loud.
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keenzinemugstudent · 11 months
Miguel O'Hara x Black reader imagines 🔥⚠️smut⚠️🔥 I'm going to hell I swear
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okay im definitely going to hell for this what if you the reader aka Y/n had gave Miguel the most toe curling, mouth watering, the most sloppiest, bombastic soul sucking head ever? Okay look just hear me out just hear me out please?!
Dude hasn't jerked off in months because he's always busy working and keeping track of the spider-verse there's always something interrupting his time he never has enough free and he had just broke up with his girlfriend who he found out was cheating you are his bestfriend and help him with spider verse stuff he was at your house cause he found out you had a date and you wanted his advice on what to wear when you came out your bathroom he was actually half sleep but woke up to your soft voice to get his attention when he opened his eyes he nearly passed out seeing what you were considering wearing to your little date.
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"Well what do you think Miggy? Is it to much?"
He couldn't say anything but stare he runs his eyes down your body trying to understand the situation he almost forgot where and why he was here.
"W-where the hell did you get that?!"
Was the first thing he said making you shyly look at him hands behind your back causing him to let out a low moan seeing your chest sticking out a bit.
"It was a birthday gift from my sister."
Your the type of person to not wear flashy clothes he's always seen you in baggy clothes or pants with a Tshirt this was something Miguel has NEVER in his life seen you wear something like THAT he forgot who you even where that you were somebody else.
"Miguel you okay you look a bit flushed?"
You walk towards him heels clicking on the floor he just sat there watching your hips move as you walked you out a hand on his forehead than his cheek he was breathing hard trying not to stare to hard but you chest was right there in his face and your scent had smelt so good he felt his pants tighten
"I'm fine Y/n, don't worry"
You sure?
"Y-yes! And you look great who ever your going out with is lucky..."
He quickly looked away from you trying to focus his mind to elsewhere so you wouldn't see him getting hard, fuck he shouldn't have agreed to this it was bad enough he hasn't jerked out in weeks? Or was it longer than that now here he was helping you pick an outfit for a date he didn't even know about or who the lucky fucker was! He hated this shit but he cared about you so much when you asked he couldn't say no not to you of all people.
He felt your hands on his giving you a side eye you were sitting next to him still wearing the damn dress but had a worried look on your face.
"I appreciate you being here to help me pick out an outfit but I can tell how tired you are you need to rest."
You say moving a bit of hair out his face he closed his eyes at the close contact leaning into your tiny hand before opening his eyes taking a better look at you he always thought you were cute a pretty little thing but now he didn't know what to think and whenever he tried to think of you his thoughts went into really and I mean really dirty thoughts which involved you on your back legs wide open begging and pleading for him to do whatever he felt sick just thinking of you that way because you were an sweet and innocent girl he was a sick bastard.
"You can spent the night here use the guest room okay?"
"Yeah okay have fun on your date." He says standing by the door watching you grab your purse you than turned around to give him a smile giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"I'll try goodnight Miggy please rest." You wave goodbye closing the door behind you Miguel was left standing there with with a kiss mark on his cheek he wanted to die.
Later that night Miguel couldn't for the life of him sleep it was 11:40 at night you left at 9:20 he couldn't stop thinking about you and what you doing whenever he closed his eyes he saw you face smiling at him, kissing him or.....he let out a low groan feeling his dick hard as a rock he was alone he had time to himself so he might as well, he kicked off the covers removed his shirt because it was to hot to in the room than glared down at his phone grabbing it to looking through his gallery it was a picture of you smiling while staring at the camera, hugging him while he looked like a grumpy cat. Your words not his, it was Christmas one of the day's he hated but you invited him over to spend time together maybe that was when he started to like you more than just a friend. He took a deep breath trying to relax his thoughts went back to you in the dress that fit your body perfectly, he than starts to palm himself letting out low moans he shouldn't be doing this...he shouldn't be doing this but he just needed this so damn bad he closed his eyes and started to breathe heavy the imagine of you popped in his head. You on your knees looking up at him with those dark beautiful eyes a cute pout on your lips.
"Miggy pls let me have a taste~"
"Y-y/n oh baby..."
He took off his shorts and his dick slapped his stomach it was already leaking the head was red and angry he slowly started to stroke himself eyes closed breathing hard starting imagining you on your back looking at him with tears in your dark brown eyes staring up at him, dark braided hair all over the place while sweat covering your body a smile on your lips.
"Miggy I love you please touch me more."
He stroke himself faster biting his lip, even if it wasn't real the thought of you saying that to him made him shiver.
"Y/n I love you oh dios I love you so much." He was so focused on pleasing himself he didn't hear the door open or the tiny gasp.
His eyes went wide turning his head fast to see you standing there eyes wide you there looking at him, you were home oh shit! He couldn't say anything he was frozen in place he was so focus on pleasing himself that he did not hear you come in he quickly grab the cover to hide his lower half while looked down at the ground in embarrassment and shame.
"Fuck I didn't...i didn't hear you fuck Im sorry I'm so sorry Y/n."
You stand in front of him but he refused to look up into your eyes he was embarrassed.
You grab his chin making him look at you your face held embarrassment but also something else he couldn't tell he couldn't even focus because you started playing with his hair making him let out tiny moans he always loved when you played with his hair.
"Where you thinking about me?"
"What were you thinking dear?"
He couldn't say anything but felt a gentle tug at his hair making him give out a low groan.
"You...I was thinking about you...dios, siempre tengo pensamientos de tocarte bebé." (god i always have thoughts of touching you baby.")
You didn't say anything but lean forward to kiss his forehead, his cheek than give a tiny kiss on his lips making him gasp surprised that you kissed him and how soft your lips were. Before he could respond back she pulled away from him turning on the lamp making him see he could see that you were flushed it was cute.
"The person I went on a date he...he didn't show.
He let out a growl before he could say anything you smile at him.
"But that's okay. I'd rather be here with you."
You reached behind your back to unzip your dress slowly removing your clothes he just stares feeling himself getting hard all over again, you now stood in front of him in only your black and red underwear you shyly looked at him grabbing his hand his hand was bigger than yours putting it on your chest he could feel how fast your heart was beating you were nervous but also excited.
"Miguel I really care about you."
He stared up at you before he knew it his hand moved on it's own and gently grasps your chest making you let out a small gasp.
"Is this okay?"
"Y-yes it's fine."
He brought you closer to him to were your chest was directly in his face pulling your bra down to show a harden nipple he gently touched it with his thumb she gives a low moan hands on his broad shoulders shivering at the slight touch, you sounded so cute he thought to himself before wrapping his lip around the nub making her close her eyes leaning her head back a bit he sucked gently and desperate like a newborn baby wanting it's mother's milk while sucking on your left nipple he hand removed your bra completely throwing it across the room all he cared about was making more cute nosies come out your mouth his hands wonder around he have your back side a firm grip Miguel wasn't gonna lie he's took a couple of glances at your ass it was so cute and round like a peach if he could he'd take a bite out of your ass if not for his fangs but the thought of his fangs piercing your skin excited him to the point he sucked harder on your nipple causing the noises leaving your mouth to to increase louder, which probably disturbed your neighbors but at the moment neither of you cared.
"M-miggy please."
"oh cariño you are to good to me."
You grab his face and kiss him he leans up to deepen the kiss he responds quickly hands on your hips his senses were all over the place he could smell you all around the room it was slow and gentle he tires to pull you in his lap but you stopped him making he frown thinking he'd moved to fast.
"I'm sorry i am moving too fast?" You didn't say anything but give him another peck on the lips than move down to his neck all the way down his chest he was breathing heavily hands on the bed watching your every move you were now in front of his covered cock biting your bottom lip making him let out a deep growl in the back of his throat.
"I want to try something if that's okay?"
He nods and you remove the cover and whimper seeing the cock in your face he knew he was big that was for sure it was leaking precum making you rub your legs together Miguel speaking got your attention.
"You okay?"
"Y-yes it's just I'm not sure if it'll fit in my mouth."
His eyes went wide he didn't think you'd do that give him a hand job sure but your mouth?!
"You don't have too."
You just ignored his words grabbing a hair tie that was on the stand and put your braided hair up you let out shaky breath leaning down giving the head a kiss than started to slowly lick and sucking on him causing loud moans to leave the man's mouth.
"Ahh fuck!" He threw his head back eyes closed losing himself to your lips on him he didn't think this was real, that is was all just a dream, a good dream at that, god it felt so good he looks down and saw you taking him fully inside her mouth it was a struggle because she's never taken someone so big in her mouth before and Miguel was pretty big you looked up at him with teary eyes he stares back breathing heavily eyes red and fangs poking out his mouth wide open trying to speak.
"Fuck mi amor you don't ah have too ahh fuck!"
You just ignored him taking him down your throat you gagged a bit but it was okay you breath through your nose trying to concentrate he grabbed your hair keeping you in place than once you started moving your head he let out moans and whimpered as your held his waist down forcing him to stand in place.
"Fuck oh fuck yes mi amor just like that please just like that."
You sucked faster bobbing you head up and down Miguel eyes were wide seeing how you were taking him he held on to your shoulder trying to get you to slow down he was breathing hard trying to stay focus but he couldn't, it felt amazing hell his thighs were shaking from the insane blowjob you were going him he could see the drool going down your chin he felt so helpless.
"W-wait not so f-fast! ¡Ay, carajo, ay, Dios mío, mami, por favor!" (Oh fuck, oh my god mommy please!)
You just looked up at him with a glazed look in your eyes seeing how desperate Miguel looked he leaned back on the bed covering his face murmurs of spanish leaving his lips chest moving up and down mouth wide open you could see his fangs drool was rolling down his chin from the intense pleasure you were giving him and you couldn't help but let out a hmmm making the vibration go through his cock making him clench the sheets and look at you wide eyes tears in his eyes.
"Your amazing so amazing, oh fuck why didn't I do this sooner oh fuck me!"
He uses all his strength to stand puts a hand in your hair thrusting his hips up making you gag but keep going now you definitely sure your neighbors heard all the lewd noises you two were making but who cares about them?
"I-i'm so close please let me cum down your throat please mi diosa!" (my goddess)
You pull him closer towards you wrapping your arms around his waist nails digging into his cheeks making him wince he knew he was definitely have marks from that but couldn't careless it would be a remember that his was yours, he keep thrusting his hips using your mouth he felt his talons come out and had to remove his hands from your head and lean on the wall for support leaving claw marks on the walls
"Te amo, te amo tanto, mi diosa, mi ángel." (I love you, i love you so much, my goddess, my angel)
The words leaving his mouth like it was a prayer he closed his eyes tight feeling himself close to the edge.
"A-ahh fuckkk!"
He came hard you whimper it was so much and some went down your chin. You released him from your mouth with a pop looking at him with a flush face and teary eyes he fell backwards on the bed he was drained but he grab his shirt that was next to him gently wiping his cum off your face.
"You okay?"
you just give a nod he lets out a sigh pulling you up from the floor in his arms laying on the bed than leans down to give you a kiss on the forehead.
"We need a shower Miggy."
"Later I just want to hold you baby."
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pretty sure I got some of the words wrong if so pls tell me so I can fix! I made after the movie came out so it's pretty old
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devil-doms · 2 years
If the Brothers forgot about you
(referring to my other post)
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TW/CW: harm/abuse, angst, yelling, them acting like demons (if you need more TWs please let me know)
note: i had a tough time writing asmo and beel, so they might be a little out of character
Solomon was over as usual to teach you a new spell. This one was a request from you, a memory loss spell. You were curious if you could make Lucifer forget about your punishment for failing a test.
Just as you were about to cast the spell, Solomon was requested by Simeon to hurry to the Celestial Realm for there had be an emergency. Solomon tells you to wait till he gets back to try the spell, since you won’t be able to reach him for a bit.
After an hour you grow impatient and decide to do the spell yourself, I mean how bad could it go?
Lo and behold you messed up bad, real bad.
After casting the spell everyone in the house grew super sleepy, falling asleep where they were. After you woke up, you did your daily morning routine. But when you finally made it to the dining room, everyone was staring at you with confusion...
"How did a human get in here? Who are you?" Lucifer asked, "How did you get in here?"
"What do you mean? This isn’t the type of joke you would do." It hit you, Lucifer isn't the type to play jokes, definitely not something like this.
Lucifer stood up, pushing the table back a little bit, "This isn't a game, when I ask who you are, you answer me."
“Wait, do you not know who I am?"
"If I did I wouldn't be asking these questions, now would I? I'm done repeating myself." He starts approaching you, raven-esuqe wings sprout from his back. You panic and look at the other brothers for help, hoping they would tell him to stop. But they don't, they stay silent and resume their breakfast.
Lucifer grabs your arm and starts dragging you to the stairwell, "When I ask you something you answer me, when you want to cause problems you will be punished. A human like you will be lucky to survive the punishments I give."
You panic more, trying to think of things to make him realize he's made a mistake, "Lucifer, come on, its me...I know…that you locked Belphie in the attic because he was a threat, you like your tea on the bitter side...and you're so strict because you want to protect your brothers, you love them."
Lucifer stops abruptly, "How do you know that..." "Because I was here, I live here, we're family..." You say, still trembling with fear.
He presses his fingers against his temple and sighs, "I will speak with Lord Diavolo about this and see what he says about the whole ordeal. If it comes up that you're lying, you will be punished accordingly." To be honest, he really didn't want to punish you, something about it felt wrong.
"How much do ya think they can sell for? We don't get humans down here, its organs should make me a nice profit." He stands up and starts poking and prodding at your body, counting your organs, "Cha-ching, this is a walking money bag right here."
"Very funny." You say sarcastically, thinking it was just Mammon goofing around again.
"Hush, money shouldn't be talkin. I'll deal with ya later." He sits back down at the table to continue eating. A rush of sadness came over you, why would he say something like that? You follow him to the table, "What does that mean?"
Mammon sighs, refusing to make eye contact with you, "I ain't takin care of some human, definitely one like yourself, leave me alone."
Your furrow your eyebrows, "Do you seriously not know me?"
You lightly shove him, "Answer me!"
He quickly stands up, towering over you. Bat-like wings came out of his back. You felt so tiny, so weak underneath him. You're overwhelmed, your vision begins to get cloudy from tears and you feel them roll down your face, "You know me..." You quietly say.
Mammon's anger quickly turned to sympathy, there was something about you that he recognized, he couldn't bring himself to hurt you, "Somethin's not right, you remind me of someone..."
You stare at Levi, after all the weird occurrences that have happened in this house, he should know what’s going on.
"Why are you looking at me? Do you think some otaku like me can't harm you? I can do it, I'll summon Lotan right now-"
You quickly shake your hands at him, "No, no that's not necessary."
He glared at you, "Of course its not, nothing I do is necessary." He gets up from his seat, “I’m going back to my room.” He walks away, taking his food with him.
Did he...not recognize you...? Before any of the other brothers could speak to you, you ran to Levi's room. You knocked on the door, "The second lord." You said, then patiently waited for him to open it.
He cracks his door, "How did you know...?"
"Because we're friends...can I come in...?"
He sighs and opens the door enough for you to slip in, quickly shutting it behind him, "I don't have friends, and I wouldn't even want to be friends with some human normie...”
“I'm not the type to have loads of friends, I'm not Satan, I'm not Asmo, I'm just some worthless otaku!" You can feel the envy radiating off his body, his hands become fists, you watch him turn into his demon-self.
He walks towards you, arms trembling, "I'm not deserving of it, and you shouldn't be either." Your body is pressed against the wall, there is nowhere to go. You do the only thing you can think of doing, and grasp his hands, interlocking your fingers. He pauses, he's taken aback, "I recognize...your touch..."
“Satan, why are you looking at me like that?” You ask, standing in place. Something was telling you not to get near the table.
“Why are talking to me like we’re friends, I don’t know you.”
“Yeah, you do, why’re you acting like that?”
“Who are you to tell me what I do and do not know, you are but a mere insignificant human. You do not know me.” His glare pierced through your heart.
He stood up, "I don’t know why you’re here, the human exchange program ended a year ago, you're not apart of that. You don't matter, I could tear you limb from limb and it wouldn't matter." A green aura surrounded him, he was gonna transform.
You gulp hard, you know that this wasn’t an empty threat. He could if he really wanted to, “You know me…we’re family.”
“Is that so? How are we family if I don’t even know of your existence?” He walks over to you and gets right in your face, waiting for your answer.
“I…I know that you want to be your own person, you hate living in Lucifers shadow. But, you are your own person! You’re quick witted, composed, you tend to overthink things-” You stop when he grabs your wrists, but with a trembling voice you continue, “You…you butt heads with Lucifer, but you really look up to him, you love him.”
Satan grips your wrists tighter, but he’s at loss for words. When he makes eye contact with you, he sees the fear he’s invoked and loosens his grip, letting you go. Something clicked, he messed up, he wasn’t supposed to hurt you, “I’m…sorry…”
"Ohhhhhh~ a human, you can be my new plaything! Come over here and look into my eyes, I want to seduce you."
You were confused but approached him anyways, “You know that seduction doesn’t work for me.”
His eyes widen, “I do? Ahhhh it must be because you’ve already fallen for me then! My powers must be stronger.”
“Do you…not know me…?”
“Of course not, I think I would remember a cute little human like you.” He places a hand on your arm and slowly rubs it.
You back away from him, “I don’t know if this is some new fetish of yours, but stop.”
He raises an eyebrow, “Dear, I don’t think you know who I am. I, the Avatar of Lust, can always  seduce people.” He gets up from his chair, horns slowly start growing out of his head.
You panic and shout, “Asmo, stop!”
Just like that, he did, “I’ve made a pact with you…who are you?”
"Who are you? If you came here to harm my family I will not hesitate to make you into a feast."
“Wh…why would you think that I was hear to harm you…?” You ask, “You know it’s me right…?”
“I don’t. You are intruding. Leave us.” He returns back to his food.
You stand in silence, not sure what to do. He was pushing you away, “Beel…come on…” He still doesn’t reply, he looks up at Belphie with an annoyed look on his face.
He stands up quickly, the chair falling behind him, “Do I need to show you the door?” You flinch and he grabs your arm, escorting you to the front of the house.
“Beel please, I’m family, I…I protected you and Luke…I got Belphie out of the attic…” He grips you tighter, increasingly becoming more frustrated with you. Something was off to him though, but he ignored it, assuming it was only because he was hungry, “You’re hurting me…”
Beel glances down at you notices the tears streaming down your face, something in his brain clicked. He shouldn’t be doing this, he knows you. He lets go of your arm, he can already see the indentation he’s left on it.
He holds your hand, his voice filled with sympathy, “I have the feeling that I’m supposed to protect you…I’m sorry to have let you down.”
He was the only one of the brothers who didn’t look different, since he always looks annoyed.
He sneers at you, “Do you mind? You’re lucky I’m too tired to kill you right now.”
Belphie was always cold, but threatening you like this was quite insensitive.
He raises his voice, “Heed my warning stupid human, that means leave.” But you don’t leave, you stand there, what’s he gonna do? Kill you again? There’s no way the brothers would allow it.
“Is every human this stupid…?” You feel a tail grace past your leg, you look down and see it slowly wrapping around your ankle. You try to back up, realizing you may have made a mistake, but his tail holds your leg in place.
When you look back up you’re met eye to eye with the demonic version of the Avatar of Sloth, and he was not happy. “Belphie, please, it’s me…”
“I don’t know you.” He reaches for your neck, wrapping both hands around it. You place your hands on top of his, trying to pry him off. He slowly lifts you, just enough to where your toes barely reach the ground. Your eyes dart around the room, waiting for the brothers to help, but they don’t. They act like nothing is going on.
You’re weakly hitting him now, maybe to knock some sense into him, but nothing is working. Your vision starts getting spotty, but before it could go black, he drops you. You land on your ass and quickly back away from him.
You watch as he stands there motionless, staring at his hands. He then drops to his knees, “I can’t…I can’t hurt you, something within me is stopping me. I cant help but feel that you’re important to me…”
Eventually Solomon came back and explained the situation to the brothers. Solomon scolded you for not waiting to do the spell, while Lucifer scolded the both of you for doing it in the first place.
Even if it was technically your doing for casting the spell, the brothers couldn’t help but feel horrible for the way they treated you. It was apologies after apologies for a bit. As well as something they’ll most likely reflect on.
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viivzn · 4 months
Hai pookie can i request aiden with zip!Reader:3
Just headcanons<3
Everything is up to you bc i am having no ideas😊😊😕😕🔥🔥
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-Sev anon
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pairs. zip!reader X aiden - sbg
req by. sev anon !! (hi again:3)
type. drabbles / hcs
a/n. aiden?1!1!1?11!?1!2?2! screanknh rni omg 💓💓 btw you didn't really specify which event nor scenario it is so im probably going the before, during, after thijgy ifk
a/n#2. also Aiden x ceiling real only canon ship!11!!1!1!1!! can be seen as platonic or romantic. not proofread !!
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━━━━ before
you guys are like best buddies. nothing special.
due to his family being rich, he'd probably buy you anything along with your younger brother, chip.
you didn't want to go on a fieldtrip because you had suspicions about it,, plus your parents are vastly strict. so sometimes you would have to sneak out of your shelter.
but let's move on shall we
well, needless to say ━━━ aiden would lend you the invitation card to the field trip. you already denied his offer the first time due to both of your parents.
although he didn't care, he'd lawfully do anything to hang out or be with him. you guys are friends after all.
"i wouldn't trust the lady if we're you guys,," you huffed in frustration, walking with your circle of friends as they continued to roam around the building's undercroft. the blonde lad scoffed, placing his free arm around your shoulder, "oh c'mon, stop being such a coward, [name]. this place actually seems so cool—" "no, what the hell aiden. first of first, im not a coward, i only agreed because you wanted me to go with you. second of all, it's not, it's slightly giving me shivers.", you expressed, lifting his one arm around your shoulder.
however, you still kept quiet, not wanting to bother their 'exploration' and such.
well not until you saw the distorted-like shadow behind ashlyn.
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━━━━ during
holy shit, was all you thought on your mind. playing the scene that happened a few hours ago.
your mind was filled with a lot of thoughts, you knew this field was going to go wrong at some point.
yet nobody believed you.
nonetheless, you just slept it off, not attempting to talk with your circle of friends, or as if you call them friends.
well not aiden, if you think about it. he saw the horror in your eyes, as might be expected, he'd be concerned about you.
now let's move on to your point of view.
you slept uncomfortably, thoroughly a mess. or maybe you couldn't sleep at all, that scenery kept playing and playing through your mind, the blood, the huge gash on ashlyn's arm? that's a no-no for you.
nevertheless, you swiftly woke up, wanting to drink at least a glass of water, although your expectations failed to avail. you were about to lay your foot on the flat surface but a hand quickly grabbed it causing you to panic.
what's the point of screaming when you can defend yourself anyways
swiftly grabbing the dagger from your small pocket, you quickly gashed the hand that was pulling you under the bed, revealing a cut hand along with the wrist, you gagged at sight of for you to throw it away. looking around your circumambient, you spot a lot of shadow-looking monsters on the glass window, ━━━ who was trying to get in your vacant room. hearing the doorknob click made you look back at the solid entry way, preparing a fighting stance only to reveal logan, ashlyn, taylor, tyler and aiden. as aiden spotted you, he quickly pulled you into a hug, ruffling your hair at the back. "im glad your back. i always knew you were special."
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━━━━ after
days, hours, minutes, seconds passes by, the same old 'dream' or not presumably ━━━━ getting used to it time by time made your sleep schedule turn into a mess. all because it started on the creepy arse haunted building. the lady sure set you guys up.
every now and then, you guys would arrange and get ready at the abandoned busses that was right next to ashlyn's house ━━━━ every twelve a.m in the midnight.
and thanks to aiden's rich ass, he bought some lights and a few set ups whenever you and your friends would go out to get some supplies whenever they forgot to before this stuff happened.
time skip woohio
"are you serious?! you would choose to stay at the school!?" tyler yelled, the rest blabbering and arguing about tyler's yapping though you didn't mind the nonsense and just continued running in the halls until you guys find a safe spot.
entering the room that ashlyn went in, everyone sat on a place they could sit on ━━━━ to rest their body or refill their stamine or breath you could say. you took your leatherbag and took your time to eat anything that's in your bag. aiden glanced at you and chuckled. you took notice of this and glared at him, giving him the 'what' face. "so, food over death?", he inquired.
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likes, reblogs, comments are appreciated !! ^^
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Mix and Match
Luke x Female!Reader
Summary: You and Luke are dating, and one day, he and Reggie somehow switch lives, and everyone, including you, thinks Riggie is Luke and Luke is Reggie. (Based on the Elseworlds CW crossover episodes)
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Reggie woke in bed next to you, and he was baffled as to why that was because he knew that you and Luke were together. When you called him Luke, he was even more confused than he already was. So he went to Luke, who was in the studio and told him what happened. Alex walked in and said hi to Luke but was looking at Reggie. Luke gave Reggie the 'I think we Switched lives' look. When Reggie and Luke were alone, they tried to figure out why this was happening.
Luke: This can't be a coincidence. There-there has to be a reason behind this. Which means that someone is responsible. We need to know who... hey, can you... can you not do that?
Reggie: Man, what a total "Freaky Friday." No, wait, we didn't switch bodies. It's more of a "Quantum Leap." Where's a mirror?
Luke: Focus, just for a second, and take this seriously because the world thinks that you're Luke Patterson and that Reggie Peters and I would really like to know why.
Reggie: Totally.
Luke: Is that cool?
Reggie: Yes. I'm sorry.
Luke: Thank you.
Luke pulled out a photo which was of you and him, but it is now of you and Reggie, who you think is Luke.
Reggie: Weird.
Luke: Just, if you could... just for 90 seconds of seriousness.
Reggie: You gotta admit, this is a little cool. Besides, I woke up in bed with Y/N!
Luke immediately looked angry.
Luke: You woke up in bed with Y/N?
Reggie: Mm-hmm.
Luke: We have to fix this right now!
You, Alex, Flynn and Julie were now in the studio with Luke and Reggie.
Alex: Let me get this straight. You believe that you are not Luke Patterson, but in fact, he is?
Julie: Luke, did you ghost travel too many times again?
Luke: No, I didn't.
Flynn: She's talking to Luke.
Alex: Sorry.
Luke: I am Luke.
Julie: Yeah, and I'm Wild Dog.
You: Easy, Wild Dog.
Julie: Sarcasm.
You: It's not great sarcasm, Julie.
Flynn: Reggie's brain scan is perfectly normal, no signs of hypnosis or psychic interference.
Alex: Tachyon meters are clear, no one's screwing with the Timeline.
You: Guys, come on, this is crazy. I mean, there's no way that I could be dating Reggie Peters. Sorry, but babe, you know he's not my type, right?
Luke: Y/N, you really don't believe me? *scoffs* We're telling the truth. Okay? We're telling the truth. Something is very, very wrong with reality.
Reggie: Yeah.
Flynn: All right, Phantoms meeting. Not you, Luke and Reggie.
Luke: Th... uh...
You: I've only got eyes for you, you know that.
You give Reggie a kiss on the cheek as you leave.
Luke: I sw... if you touched her...
Reggie: I didn't touch her.
A while later, Luke and Reggie were sitting outside.
Reggie: All right, well, if our friend's not gonna help us, then we have to keep moving.
Luke: They'll help us, okay? They'll help us. We just gotta get... we just gotta get Y/N on board first.
Reggie: How... how are you going to convince her?
Luke: I'm not. You are.
Reggie: She's your girlfriend!
Luke: I know, Reg. I know, I don't... I don't like this any more than you do. You just gotta tell her how much you care about her. Tell her that she's the heart of your songs.
Reggie: I'm not... I'm not saying that.
Luke: Just say it. Trust me. It works every time!
When you realise which one of them is actually Luke, you feel like an idiot. When the two of them walked back in, you sighed.
You: Hey, Luke....Reggie.
Luke: You believe us now?
Flynn: Yeah, we all do.
Alex: Sorry we locked you up.
You: Luke, I'm sorry, if I had known, I-
Luke: Shhh, it's fine, you couldn't have known.
Reggie: So how are we gonna fix this?
Julie: Figure out what caused it, I guess.
You: Luke, can we talk outside?
Luke: Yeah, of course.
You and Luke walked outside of the studio, and you let out a sigh.
You: Luke, really, I-
Luke: Y/N, stop. Okay, you, couldn't have known, and-and besides, you know we always find our way back to each other. Y/N, you're the heart of my songs, all of them, so what if something like this mixes up, we'll always find our way back, we cool, huh?
You: *nods and giggles* Yeah, we're cool.
Luke: *smiles and kisses your forehead gently* I love you.
You: I love you, too.
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5am-mist · 2 years
oh my beautiful favorite bella writer, I have come back for more tee hee. would you possibly be open to write something were reader is an interviewer who is interviewing bella, flirting ensues >:33 (also take ur time bby ur work is the best <33)
°pairing°> bella ramsey x reader
°summary°> you finally get the chance to interview the bella ramsey (who you may or may not have a huge crush on) but when they start flirting with you, you can't help but flirt back
°requested?°> yuppp!
°cw°> some small use of y/n just thought i would mention that!
OMG IM LITERALLY GIGGLING, BLUSHING AND KICKING MY FEET RN YOU'RE TOO GOOD TO ME <33 Thank you for the request and for being so patient with me i really hope this turned out how you wanted also i used she/her pronouns for bella hope thats ok! And im also just gonna apologize cause i know absolutely nothing about flirting and sorry if this isn't that good i haven't been feeling well at all lmaoo. i also made up a network you interview under so i hope thats ok! love youu <33
You were quite a well known interviewer and had developed quite the following. You'd interviewed countless celebrities at this point in your career, some more famous than others (not that it mattered to you all that much) but most of them very sweet.
The interview game was quite competitive or atleast more competitive than most would think. It was always a race to interview the most relevant celebrities. You had never been all that phased though, you enjoyed your job and yes as much as it was important for you to stay relevant you found that it was just as important that you interviewed celebrities you liked.
So that's what you did, but there was one celebrty on your mental list that you haven't interviewed. Bella Ramsey. Bella was with no doubt the celebrty you wanted to interview most, it wasn't that she didn't want to do the interview or that she was to busy no you just hadn't actually reached out to her manager yet.
You thought it was silly honestly. This was something you had wanted to do for ages but everytime you began typing the email you'd overthink and immediately stop yourself all because of the stupid crush you had on Bella.
It wasn't that stupid of a crush, it was totally justified in your mind because i mean who didn't have a crush on her? It made you so fustrated, you wanted to interview her more than anything in the world, why couldn't you just do it?
Here you were sitting infront of your laptop staring at the email you drafted to send to Bella's manager. You must've read it 1000 times, you checked every word for spelling mistakes and made sure your sentances were structured proffenssionly but it still didn't seem right. You were arguing with yourself, half of you saying this was perfect the other saying that it felt like a stranger wrote it.
You ended up scrapping it but this time you were going to do it properly. It was short and sweet and you made sure that it actually sounded like it came from you, even though you weren't 100% happy with it, you decided to send it.
The next morning when you woke up the first thing you did was check your emails and to your surprise, you already recieved a response. Bella wanted to do the interview with you!From there you and her manager discussed the time and date and you also gave her the studios address.
The day had finally arrived and you were ecstatic. You were going to finally get to interview the Bella Ramsey. It truly was a dream come true. The morning dragged on far longer than you'd liked but eventually the time came for you to head to the studio.
You were talking with the camera man making sure all was set and ready to go when Bella and her manager walked in. You stood there for far to long trying process that it was actually happening before snapping back to reality and going over to greet them.
Bella was nicer then you could have ever imagined. She was kind and gentle but most importantly she seemed just as happy to be here as you which gave you a sense of comfort. After telling Bella's manager that she could sit just off camera, you two decided to get started.
You waited for the camera man's signal and then began. "Hello welcome back to Zee Network I'm y/n and today im here with Bella Ramsey." you said with a smile on your face. "Hello!" they gave a quick wave and smile to the camera.
"Thank you for joing us today Bella, may i ask what has your experience been with the media lately? With release of the last of us series, you have gotten alot more recognition what is that like?" you were fiddling with the mic in your hands, another thing that you were known for was not reading from a script which normally was fine but today it really wasn't any help.
"I would say I've had a bit of a mixed experience lately. I have received many new fans and loads of support but i have also recieved a significant amount of hate. I try not to let it affect me but every now and again i will read a comment that really cuts deep. I appreciate the recognition i have gained and sometimes we just have to take the good with the bad." she told you, she seemed torn between loooking at the camera or at you but ended up deciding to look at you.
The interview continued on for a few minutes before Bella finally spoke up, "Do i make you nervous?," she had very clearly seen you fidgeting with the mic, you looked at her extremely confused what to say next. Was Bella Ramsey flirting with you? No, you were sure that you were just jumping to crazy conclusions.
"A little bit, I've wanted to do this interview for a while i guess im just a bit nervous to mess things up," you tried laughing it off. "I've also wanted to do this interview for a while, I've seen your work and you seemed like such a cool person now i know i was right,"
She absolutely was flirting with you. Now the way you saw it was you cluld continue the interview like normal and stay 100% professional or you could flirt back. You chose the latter.
You tried to do be smooth about it (trying to avoid the camera man noticing so that you wouldn't get yelled at) but still obvious enough for Bella to notice.
When the interview was over you walked over to the concessions table to grab some water but were called over by the camera man. He scolded you lightly for your behavior this interview but said he'd let it slide one time.
After being scolded by her manager Bella made her way over to you, she said she wanted to apologize but you told her it really wasn't a big deal.
"I meant what i said though, you seem cool and i'd really like to hang out sometime," now it was her turn to be nervous. "like a date?" it was an incredibly bold move but you were willing to take your chances. " yea, like a date." she flashed you a hopeful smile and of course you said yes.
Bella then handed you a small white paper with their number and a small 'can't wait to talk to you' scribbled on with black ink before scurrying off with her manager to the car that was currently waiting for them.
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hottubmagazine · 3 months
Falling for You
Lloyd Garmadon x Reader
NOTE: Here's another part of "Falling for You" I really have no plans on how this story will go so it's currently just short one shots about Lloyd Garmadon and reader and their overall relationship in this series. I might do another series connected to this one where it digs deeper on how Reader and Lloyd met and how they ended up in a relationship :]] but enjoy this for now <3
Warning(s): none
Previously: Part 1
Next: Part 3
Part 2 of Part ???
It wasn't everyday for Lloyd to have one day free from crime or any type of disaster not happening, which is why it was a surprise when he suddenly appeared on your balcony door at 4:30 am on a Friday.
"Hey sweets. What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asks rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she unlocks her balcony door. Lloyd smiles and take her in for a hug as her figure is slowly enveloped by warmth.
"I just wanted to see you." He smiles, inhaling in the scent of your shampoo which probably already had lost its scent. (Y/N) inhales and eye the clock hanging from above her tv.
"It's nearly 5 in the morning. You could have waited 'til later." She comments, she breaks the hug and quietly making her way back to bed, Lloyd tailing behind her like a lost puppy.
(Y/N) plops herself down and pats the spot beside her, indicating for Lloyd to lay down. "Sorry if I woke you up. I just couldn't sleep, I missed you." The blonde pouted slowly draping his arm around the girls sleepy figure.
"Mmm~, s'alright. I don't mind—" she replies, burying her face on the warm cloth of her boyfriends hoodie, smiling at the familiar scent she's grown accustomed too.
They both lay in bed as drowsiness slowly starts to hit the (h/c) haired girl, she starts to ramble on and on about her day as her eyelids slowly drop. A yawn escapes from her lips as her rambles halt to a stop and silence fills the room.
A smile makes its way up to the boys lips as he takes in the features of the girl just inches centimeters away from him, engraving the details in his mind.
"I think I'm slowly starting to fall inlove with you—" he whispers to himself, placing a light kiss above the girls eyebrows causing her to wrap around her arm around his torso and pulling him even closer. His mind calms as his heart rate starts to slow its pace, his eyes dropping as sleep slowly starts to take over him.
"Rest well lovely~"
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
So I woke up and decided to not stay in my room looking like a feral possum✨ do you think you could write something about a self care day with nihil (old cause old him is superior 💅🏽) and primo? Just a ton of cuteness and simping 😩💙
Bold of you to assume I know anything about self-care - Jez
Self-care day with old Papa Nihil and Primo
Papa Nihil
Old man can barely take care of himself at this point, so this was probably your idea.
He's gonna be sceptical about it first. Don't take this personally, he's always sceptical at first.
"Listen, I'm already old and covered in wrinkles, I don't think a facemask or some silly massage is gonna do much about it."
Gives in eventually because he's a fucking simp and he needs your approval.
He's a "Walk him like a dog and he'll beg you to let him bark" type of guy when it comes to you. Of course he gave in.
You have no idea what grip you have on him. He's wrapped around your finger completely.
He sends you to whatever store you need to go in order to buy everything you wanted for this "self-care day" you came up with.
Send a few Ghouls with you. For protection and so they carry your bags.
You're obviously spending his money, not yours. Go all out, old man's got stacks.
When you return, you find that he had some Siblings of Sin help him arrange a little spa area in his chambers. And by help I mean they did everything while he stood there complaining it wasn't perfect enough for you.
Only the best for the love of his life!
Now, Nihil has no idea what any of the products you use do. He used to be fairly knowledgeable when he was younger, but there was way less stuff back then and he stopped using all that years ago. Too much effort.
He lets you organize everything.
You've got an old music compilation playing quietly in the background while you both lay there in your facemasks, relaxing as you talk about everything and nothing.
You go through any procedure he's willing to sit through.
He only has three conditions, really. He needs to be able to use his oxygen machine (obviously), he needs to be able to move his face properly and it can't hurt.
You make a neat little plan of all the facial stuff you two do, making sure to take reasonable breaks between them. He's over a hundred years old, his bladder ain't what it used to be.
You take a movie break when it's time for dinner, ordering take out.
"You see, Papa, on days like this, we're being bad." you winked at him before making the phone call to order your food.
Oh, how he loved the way those words sounded when you said them...
After you two finished eating, you insisted on doing his nails. And once again, he couldn't refuse.
You worked diligently while he got to watch a movie.
Okay, let's be real, he watched you work while he movie played in the background.
When you were done, he tried doing your nails, too. It was a disaster, but you just laughed it off and kept your messy, uneven nail polish for as long as you could.
Primo has his own definition of a self-care day, but he's willing to compromise if what you want is very different from what he usually does when he has the rare opportunity to take a day off.
When he's not busy working, he spends his free time tending to the garden. His age sadly limits what he can do, but he has a group of young Siblings of Sin help out. They all look up to him, seeing him as a father figure (he has a unique sort of aura that brings in people who didn't have good parental figures in their lives and he always ends up filling that role for them), so they love helping him, even if in small ways.
He enjoys reading, too. And knitting. You know, the typical cozy old people hobbies. He likes the idea of being able to relax in his life, after everything he did both for the Ministry and for the people in it.
However, he tends to overwork himself. Put the people before him. He's a good soul, one that yearns for a family, even if he couldn't have one. He threw his youth away to raise his brothers and while he doesn't regret that, he wishes he could've had at least a bit more time to himself.
He was happy when you offered a self-care day just for the two of you. He left a list of things to do in the garden and let you plan the day.
He adored how well you knew him, even if he wasn't a very open person.
You two planted some flowers in new pots in his room first. He guided you through it, teaching you about the plants.
You baked a nice cake, too. And made tea (once again, from scratch. Primo makes his tea from scratch and I will die on this hill - Jez).
You enjoy what you made in his greenhouse, the butterflies flying around and sitting on the both of you as you took a walk together after eating.
Just like the taught you about plants, he taught you about the butterflies, showing you their eggs and teaching how to tell the difference between their chrysalises.
You spend the day there, time flying like the butterflies around you.
In the evening you both read in bed when the evening came and then cuddled to sleep, Primo wrapping his arms around you and humming quietly to soothe you.
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