#i really hope youtube doesn't think I'm interested in watching the guy again
black-arms-hivemind · 2 years
Sorry for the 1am posting, I had a sureal ass dream and I'm basically recovering
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servin-up-surveys · 2 months
survey #229
Where do you see your ex in 5 years? I am not comfortable answering this for any ex. I don't know these people anymore, and people change. I shouldn't be theorizing about their futures.
Does your last ex have a job? I don't know.
Would you be interested in starting your own business? I want to be a freelance photographer, so...
Do you find guys with facial piercings attractive? I tend to find piercings attractive, but this doesn't guarantee that I'm going to be attracted to a pierced man.
Have you ever gone snorkeling or scuba diving? If yes, what’s the coolest thing you’ve seen? No.
What’s your favorite filling in chocolates? More chocolate, peanut butter, or caramel.
What, in your opinion, is the most disgusting part of the human body? I actually hate how genitals look, either kind.
Do you have slim or chubby fingers? Slim. It's about the only slim thing about me.
Have you done anything lately that you instantly felt was a mistake? Uh, maybe? But not of importance large enough for me to actually remember it.
Pencils: mechanical or traditional? Mechanical for sure.
Are you into anyone right now? Tell me about them? Use this space to say something to them. Well, Girt, obviously. I feel like I talk about him enough for readers to have a general gist of him, he's insanely introverted but loyal as FUCK to people he values, and he's the funniest fucking person I've ever met. He's my best friend in the world and I hope he never doubts how much I value him as not just a boyfriend, but friend.
Do you cook and/or bake? What is your specialty? I don't. It's funny though, I recently got into a chef's YouTube channel and also like another, and I like watching their stuff, even though I'm not interested in cooking or baking myself. I WISH I was.
Have you ever felt trapped in a relationship? A friendship, yes. That's how I felt towards the end of Sara's and my friendship. Like, we'd split apart so many times, I didn't wanna fucking do it again. It never went well.
Are you attracted to any nationality more than others? Nope.
Do feet creep you out? They don't creep me out, I just don't like them and think they're gross.
Do you have a sexual fantasy? What is it? yeah I'm not sharing that stuff lmfao
Do you like the band Satyricon? I've never heard this name in my life.
Is it wicked hard for you to sleep when its hot in your room? I CAN'T sleep if I'm hot. I literally have two fans in my room.
What is your favorite thing to do with your best friend? Chatting/being silly together and playing video games.
Are you easily offended? No. Few things actually offend me.
Have you ever acted as tour guide for friends/relatives from out of town? lol no, this place sucks and there's nothing TO show, there's no need.
Do you feel bored with your life? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am agonizingly bored by my fucking life, I could rant about this for hours, it's unreal how bored I am by the life I exist in.
What's the most weight you've ever gained from a medication? Like, 100 pounds. I wish I was fucking kidding. Thanks, Abilify <3
How old were you the first time you encountered God? The concept of "God" was forced on me from birth (literally, I was baptized), sooooo... I guess you can't truly "encounter" something that you finally understand doesn't exist, though.
Are you married? No.
What was the best date you've ever been on? A double-date to an arcade.
Do you feel free to post how you feel on Facebook? I very rarely post about my personal life because I feel like no one cares and I'm just being annoying. I just share memes n shit.
Which stereotype do you fit the most? Geek and goth at heart, I guess. I don't really dress it though, I'm too lazy and poor for that.
Who were your favorite celebrities as a child? Steve Irwin and Jeff Corwin.
Did you go to prom? I went to two: his senior and my senior.
If you could rewind time ten years, would you? No.
What is the last song you played on repeat? fuckin "Diggy Diggy Hole" by Wind Rose lmfao
Do you own a CD player? Not anymore.
Do you think you could handle a job in the medical field? Why or why not? No. It would depress me, more than anything.
Would you rather edit photos on your phone or computer? Computer. I have Lightroom on both devices, but computer is easier and more precise with the mouse.
What is one electronic device you own that you have not used in a long time? Nintendo DS.
When was the last time you wore a dress or a skirt? Not since a Halloween photoshoot I did with my friend.
What is your favorite thing about Instagram? I dunno, really. I just enjoy it. I do feel like I'm less likely to see shit I don't want to, like dumbfuck right-wing shit I didn't ask for on Facebook.
What is the first thing you think of when you see the rainbow emoji? 🌈? the gays stealing the rainbow from god ✌️
Do you prefer to play chess or checkers? Checkers, idk how to play chess.
If you had to go an entire week without using any technology, what do you think you would spend most of your time doing instead? Reading, sleeping, writing, drawing. I'd be miserable, though.
Would you rather travel to Asia or France? Somewhere in Asia.
Did you have a New Year’s kiss? No, we weren't in each other's presence that night. You'd be hard-pressed to find a night I stay up 'til midnight anyway.
Are there any words that you cannot pronounce or that you pronounce incorrectly? I say "breakfast" funny. I put a "t" after the "k" and I can't fix it.
How much older than you was the oldest person you have dated/had a relationship with? Juan was somewhere around five years older than me, give or take a year. It was problematic though because of my age.
Have you recently accomplished anything that you are proud of yourself for? I am very proud of myself for making the conscious decision to really start changing how I think and treat myself. It hasn't been "meh I'll try," I'm DOING it.
Are you still friends with any of your exes? Do you still communicate with any of them at all? Nope, nope.
What is your opinion on people who shop at Sephora for makeup as opposed to buying makeup from the drugstore? I don't give a shit????????????
Is marijuana legal for “recreational use” where you live? Also what is your opinion on the recent legalization of marijuana in certain states? It is not legal, but my psychiatrist shared that it's looking like NC will make it legal in the foreseeable future (Mom shared we really want to try edibles for me). I wish it was legal everywhere.
Do you live on your own or with your parents/a roommate? Do you think you’d like to live alone? I still live with my mother. I NEVER want to live alone, I would be FUCK-ING miserable. My depression and isolatory behaviors would eat me alive.
How often would you say you use Microsoft Word? Never, I use WordPad. You have to pay for Microsoft Word.
After doing your laundry do you leave it in your basket for a couple days, then put it away? Ugh it can stay in the basket for days upon days upon days.
When you do a puzzle do you find all the edges first? Of course, unless I incidentally find a match of interior pieces.
When you’re in the car and you eat something with a wrapper, do you throw the wrapper out of the window? Do this and I wish you death
List 5 things that have happened in the last 7 days. (They can be anything at all, anything that’s happened involving you, or your family, friends, partner.) 1.) I've been playing the remake of Resident Evil 4 2.) My younger sister got a dog 3.) I went to Girt's house 4.) I finished another book in the Warriors series 5.) I drew!!!!
If you found out your ex had a new partner, would you be upset? There is no ex where I would care if they had a new partner.
Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed/bedroom? I've done sexual things we shouldn't have done in someone else's bedroom.
Have you ever had sex on your bedroom floor? How about your living room floor? Again, just sexual things. But not since I was a teenager, you could NOT lure my fat and achy ass onto the floor anymore lmfao
When you kiss someone, do you like to play with their hair? I do it, so I suppose yes.
Why did you hug the last person you hugged? The kids were leaving.
Do you regret sleeping with anyone? No.
Did anyone comfort you the last time you cried? What was your reason for crying? My mom, yes. I've just been stressed out and dealing with anxiety issues.
What if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? I’d get an abortion, we can't be doing that.
Is there anyone that likes you, other than the person you love/like/are with? I doubt it.
Who is the 9th contact in your phone? Have you ever hugged/kissed that person? That's my little sister, I've certainly hugged her and maybe kissed her cheek when we were younger.
How did you feel when you woke up today? What was the first thing you thought about? I was annoyed, the kids came in being loud and I hadn't slept very well. Pretty sure I cursed lmao.
Do you still tell your parents that you love them? Of course.
Random fact about the person you love/like? He's back in college for business management-type stuff. I always forget the exact name of his major. He's VERY nearly done, he just had to drop out when his dad died.
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lawlietscaramels · 9 months
I think you and 🍰 have mentioned it before, but I’d love to hear your thoughts about the way the musical portrays L. The concept album was my introduction to Death Note as well, but I feel like the L in the songs is a much more dramatic take on L? Which, y’know, makes sense, since it’s ✨musical theatre✨ and all. Like, “The Game Begins” is SO fun, but we’d never get a monologue like it from L in the manga or anime. Idk, the musical paints a bit of a different image of L to me. Not a bad one at all, just a different one.
holy space cows 🎲 anon okay let's go! again answering this before my other asks because it's more me rambling than an actual story
GOOOOOD musical L when I first watched the musical I wanted to pick him up take him out of the screen and squeeze him like a stress ball. honestly I loved (love?) him maybe even more than anime L dhdhhdh
I'll put a break in here because I think I'm gonna say a lot
like. he did so many things like anime L (I've never read the manga so I see that L as "base" L) but also I feel had his own quirks. like how he hopped onto chairs (Teen Angst L did this too but because it was screen not stage it felt different. I've done stage acting before so maybe it's just me but screen doesn't feel as close, I just loooove stage acting, UGH. This was also why it was more dramatic in some places, you have to act for the whole audience but, I'm assuming you didn't see it live, WAIT have you even watched the recorded version?? It's on YouTube it's sooo good the subtitles are great too, you can sing along to the songs. it's in Japanese tho. Anyway my point was going to be, because you're acting for people really far away, your movements will be big and dramatic and you'll notice this if it's recorded up close).
HIS VOICE WAS SO NICE TOO like damn this is a fine ass man. His songs, I agree looking back at them they aren't all things anime L would say, especially not unprompted. But I don't think that it was so far out of character that it was unbelievable, you know? I actually think that though yes, the Game Begins was dramatic, that was just the song and not the tone of it, if that makes sense. I'd say songs like Playing His Game and (I can't remember the name but the one LawLight duet they sing at the college? not the tennis one. UGH I know the Japanese...) Anyway, I'd say those songs are more ooc. Cause I think L sees all of his cases as a game, his job as a game. Like yes he cares about human life but he also only takes on interesting cases. I've heard this is more like his manga version, which is kinda cool that this "headcanon" of mine is "canon."
AHAHA anyway the point I was actually going to make with that paragraph was: in the final song (a little ooc but in some lines very in character) L holds this one "O" note that makes me go WEAK IN THE KNEES and of course Light is singing over it at the same time, sobs. This is in the Japanese version. I prefer that version overall, but I like some of the English songs too, like Playing His Game and Requiem. So if you haven't listened to it YOU SHOULD!! It's on YouTube music, you can search up english song name + death note musical. A lot of them are by "LyricNear" I think. and you can ofc watch the full musical. but aaaa the final song breaks my heart but I have to listen to that goddamn note... you guys... you don't understand.
Uh, the musical did of course take some creative liberties. There was no Matsuda which I will always bring up because it is a crime, MUSICAL REMISA WAS THE BEST, the limited runtime cut plots and explanations (I kind of appreciated the ending, though I cried because I was hoping it would end differently), and I don't think they had a Watari. Actually thinking about that, that's probably the most ooc L thing in the whole movie: being able to take care of himself. (well presumably to some degree considering he's still alive at the start)
But yeah... I love musical L... I don't mind when he's ooc because it only disrupts soft headcanons of mine, not hard ones. I also haven't watched it for a while so I may be misremembering some things, but still. Gosh I really want to hug him... his clothes look so soft.... maybe I'll just steal his voice box/j
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piro-piroooooo · 6 months
90s Sailor Moon Re-watch Thoughts by Piro
I was around 13 or 14 when I first watched Sailor Moon. I stumbled upon the first episode on YouTube and ended up watching the whole series, ignorant of the massive impact this manga/anime had on fiction and popular culture.
Most episodes of the Latino American dub were available on YouTube. Sure, the quality was terrible, and the videos were surrounded by copyright frames (Is that the right term?) but my standards were low back then. I cried at the end of every season.
I decided to re-watch the whole thing last November and just finished. I now proceed to share some of my thoughts now that I'm a more grounded maho-shoujo enjoyer. This time I watched it in Japanese.
Thoughts about each season under the cut!
Sailor Moon Classic:
-Absolute masterpiece. Perfect. I loved the finale. As a child, I wasn't able to properly comprehend why Usagi longed so much to go back to her previous life. She had the power to revive all of her friends. She could have kept their memories. But she didn't because in her eyes the greatest gift she could give them was a normal life.
-Usagi is one of my favorite fictional heroes, maybe my favorite one, for a simple reason: She is weak and selfish. Sailor Moon always needs someone to strike the enemy before she uses her all-mighty magical spell to solve everything. But she isn't useless. She is the hope that keeps everyone else fighting.
-Sailor Moon doesn't actually care about ideals like justice (clearly stated in the manga finale). Her sole motivation is the love she has for her friends and the world, a selfish desire to enjoy a happy life with her loved ones. She's just a girl in the world, let her go home and have a yummy treat.
-The shitennou are a lot more interesting in the anime. In the manga, they serve as romantic interests for each senshi. That s a little bit too easy and heteronormative for me. Having two of them be gay for each other and giving Nephrite an actual character arc is a lot more fun to watch!
-I used to be very neutral about Mamoru. Now I enjoy him a lot. His character is really fun. As far as I understand, he gets into a cosmical fight to find some gem and try to have back his memories from before a car accident. He finds out that he is the reincarnation of ancient royalty and has an equally ancient demigod girlfriend. And he still doesn't recover the memories he was searching for in the first place. That's fun.
Sailor Moon R:
-The Tree arc is good. It also helps fill the season. The Dead Moon arc would have been too long without the tree arc.
-Chibiusa is fine. I disliked her as a child. Not anymore. I love how much we can see Usagi's growth in this season. Sure, she and Chibiusa are a little bit mean to each other sometimes and have petty fights, but you can see they care. Usagi goes as far as trying to trick Rubeus to protect Chibiusa. No one has to force Usagi to transform and fight.
-The Ayakashi sisters are really good. I think their struggles kind of represent being undervalued by an organization/company you have given your whole life.
-Not exactly about the season itself, but the Sailor Moon R movie is one of my favorite anime movies ever. Great animation, great design, great homoeroticism.
Sailor Moon S:
-I've read that having this season as your favorite is seen as pretentious to some people. But sorry, it's just an excellent season. That episode, where Haruka and Michiru are about to find they are the talisman holders. Woah. So aesthetically pleasing. Those shots, those angles, that timing, and edition. Great episode.
-This season delivers one of my favorite Minako episodes. The bad guys finally target her, and she runs off clutching her pure heart in her hands laughing like a maniac. I love her (She later does something similar on SuperS). It inspired me to donate blood, but I couldn't do it because the nurses said my veins were too thin.
-Again, great relationship between Usagi and Chibiusa. I love the friendship between Hotaru and Chibiusa too. I don't care about shipping, but in my heart, she has two hands. Third-season Chibisusa is my favorite Chibiusa.
Sailor Moon SuperS:
-The season I disliked the most as a child, the season I like the least now too. They made the girls so fucking dumb. Usagi's only character trait is being jealous of girls around Mamoru all the time. The inners' personalities are erased over wanting to have a boyfriend. Usagi and Chibiusa fight over the stupidest things.
-This is by far my favorite arc in the manga. I love the lore and how each character has a chance under the spotlight. Extremely sad they wrote out Mamoru's role.
-I'm very indifferent about Helios and his relationship with Chibiusa. I don't dislike them but every time I find myself liking them I realize it's because I'm seeing the Usagi and Mamoru on them.
-Why are the antagonists so creepy? like, they don't even NEED to seduce their targets to see their dreams, so the whole tactic comes off as creepy. Sadly, they had to include Fish Eye in this dynamic. I like her.
-One thing I do like about SuperS is the visuals. I love the opening and the little guys doing their silly performances at the circus. Very good.
Sailor Moon Stars:
-The opening song makes me so emotional. Every time I listen to it, I feel like I'm surrounded by my allies preparing for a deadly fight against a big enemy. The enemy is formidable, but the fire inside our hearts is stronger.
-Big fan of the second Nehelenia Arc. I love seeing the senshis all fighting together, using their unique skills and strengths instead of being defeated immediately and leaving Usagi to do the rest. I also like how they tie the return of Nehelenia with upcoming events.
-It will never be not funny to me that Kunihiko Ikuhara didn't get to direct the season where Mamoru does die.
-I do enjoy how Stars feels a little bit more serious and mature with the absence of Mamoru and the girls being in high school. The Three Lights' music is perfect to build that melancholic atmosphere that characterizes this season for me. But I believe it would have been nice to have Chibiusa a little bit more, it's not her character's fault that the previous season felt so childish.
-Something I did dislike was how the inner senshi were neglected a little bit because most screen time was dedicated to the Three Lights. I like them don't get me wrong. But the opening bit where you see the inner senshis holding hands, while throwing themselves into the void, makes me think I would have preferred to have them on the final fight. They barely did anything on the final fight.
-The Sailor Moon finale is very dear to me. I deeply appreciate the message of the manga of not waiting for a 'peaceful time' or a 'happy ending' to enjoy life with your loved ones. Conflict will always arise again, and life is a constant fight you can only win by accepting the eternal struggle of existing. I think the manga version conveys this message better, but the anime is a worthy adaptation with its own merits.
I will be rewatching Crystal soon after I get some rest from Sailor Moon and watch something else for a little while. I haven't watched the Cosmos movies. I'm looking forward to doing so. I will also be watching the live-action for the first time soon. I will post my thoughts about those too.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far! Remember english is not my native language and I might have made grammar and spelling mistakes on this post! I'm open to suggestions regarding that ^^
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Abbott Elementary Episode 4: Smoking!! I lowkey forgot Abbott aired last night till I saw a clip of it on YouTube earlier, I believe lol. I watched it earlier today and did not liveblog it, but I'm here to talk about it a bit now!
Not much though, because it's late and I had a show tonight, and more tomorrow and Saturday lol.
The fact that they were discouraging substances while all actively using substances is hilarious xDDD It's not where I was expecting that to go lol! Idk what I was expecting, but not that xD
I'm glad it really talked about how broken the system is. I hope that kid doesn't get suspended <3.
Also the jokes the kids made about their vices were wild 💀. That dust bowl was out of control XDD Iconic all around though lol
I'm glad Jacob decided to give up vaping lol, good for him :') <3. Out of all of them his was honestly the most actually harmful lol.
Even though I don't love the detail that he vapes (mostly because you'd think being against it would be one of his many liberal policies lol), I really love that it brought back that smoking comment from the pilot!! Also I can totally spin this into a vices from deep anxiety thing which is lovely lol. Also the air bit was hilarious xD
Anyway they're all idiots but I do love them all lol <33
Also Janine was wild with that teacher lol 💀. I do think there were some things she was right about (like. the literal education parts lol) but dang girl xD love that the sub did not care at all lol
Unrelated but I love Jacob immediately blaming Morton for the smoking lol xD
Anyway seeing them all being chill at the end was great xD. Like Barbara trying the oil, Jacob quitting, etc lol. Good for them :).
This episode caught me off guard a bit, especially since I don't use substances, but I kinda like that, once again! This season is really throwing me off my game in the best way possible - we all need to be made uncomfortable sometimes to learn stuff :). This episode it wasn't too much, because I don't disrespect anyone who uses drugs (of the safe kind), but since I don't it's still a view into the other side.
Also Gregory's was so him xD. Honestly all of them lol - Janine's makes so much sense in hindsight (also Gregory's comment to her about like "Did you smoke last night" 💀 XDD iconic lol), Melissa's (and her smoking background - which by the way, the comments about that were funny too lol) made sense, Barbara's was- yeah xD, her lol, we basically already knew about Ava xD. And of course Jacob's is a callback lol! And it does kinda make sense for him, even if I thought he would know. I mean hey, we do things we know are bad all the time lol, and nobody can resist everything. Also I think I'm in partial denial because I don't want him to have gone through what it puts you through lol xD. Anyway, they were all super accurate :D.
I loved this episode!! I thought it was really great and I'm so excited for the next one :D. I am also utterly terrified :). Help me please :'). The title and description are scaring me and I swear to goodness they better be a mislead. I think they probably are but still xD.
Don't break them up please I need them lol
Also I'll just pretend it never happened anyway xD
Oh dang I probably won't be able to see that episode live either- eh we'll deal with that later.
So yeah! I loved the episode :D. I thought it was really great and super interesting :). I'm excited for the next one!
This has been my review for. . .
Abbott Elementary, Season 3, Episode 4: Smoking
It was really good :)). I'm really excited to see the next one but y'all I am so scared lol.
I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
Abbott Elementary, Season 3, Episode 5: Breakup
See you guys then!!!
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kninedlog · 1 year
Here's every current Sonic character IDW or Videogame and my; I've been with sonic the hedgehog since birth, opinion. PART 2
Yes this a part 2 I made another one that I posted before this one. If you haven't seen it you don't need to, but it does cover the main guys. This one goes a little obscure cuz this is mostly comic characters now.
If you want to read the first part check it out HERE and at the bottom of the post. THX 😊 Let's roll!
V+Name= Videogame vr
C+Name= IDW comic vr
Name = just assume I'm talking about both iterations or they only have the one of either.
(mostly jokes under the cut. I'm not taking this seriously. Obviously Spoilers for the IDW Sonic the hedgehog series.)
Tangle: She's cool and funny. Seriously though she's just a more accurate female sonic that Sonic Team was originally trying to go for with blaze but she turned out too serious and by the book so they placed that on Tangle. She handles that title well though. Truly a fun and charismatic girl.
Whisper: She's my favorite out of the new comic cast. I thought it would be Bell but then she came in. Whisper is so cool that she too has an urban legend about her in silver's time. That's enough for me to get hooked. If the future character knows about you and you turn it to be what the rumors say than you instantly take my heart.
Bell: She is interesting. Another reformed Eggman robot, we've seen that before but the fact SHE got Metal to halt and hesitate and also didn't attack her on the spot got me doing some thinking. Some theory crafting when that happened. I want her to have an hour with metal's system and watch she'll probably reform him for just a single issue alone. I want that so bad. She's skilled and dare I say a little scary, considering what she can do if sonic doesn't blow up every egg pawn or badnik he sees and just gives it to her so they can work for the resistance. Also happy that's she's technically tails' assist and lives with him, that's cute.
Jewel: She's so cute! I love her! She's so shiny and tiny and jumpy and whiney, and it's a fresh air to have a character thinking about common sense.
CTHE DEADLY SIX: They were cool for the short time they were there. I mean yeah they were there, what they could do with the emeralds was fascinating along with the arc they appered in. They were serious threats! Yet it was sort sweeped aside for Zavok and I kinda didn't like that. I wanted to see more of the problems the Six could've caused. Master Zik got the Babylon rouges stuck, that was shocking. The fight between zor, Silver and whisper was cool. Silver demolishing Zor's mechanical owl and then doing the cruelest thing he's ever done and leaving him for dead. That was cold. Cream vs Zeena was heart wrenching cuz I could already see the outcome despite the victory. Those were fun. The fights between Amy and tails vs Zomom and Espio vs Zazz they were lack luster to me.
CTHE DEADLY SIX: I could make a YouTube video about I feel about these six. It's been years since the game came out when they debuted so I have a lot of words that I can fit in this post alone. Take what I said from the comic iterations of them and you'll guess how I feel.
Jet: I feel the same about him in both vr's of himself. He's cool, he's loyal. And he's a jackass towards sonic. All the best character traits a sonic character could ever have.
Wave: She barely said anything in the comic so I'll have to go by games more. However, badsed on body poses and facial expressions alone you can tell that she's roughly the same character albeit a bit more laid back than her video game self. Although, the situation we saw the Babylon Rouges in was a bit unfair for their characters to suddenly be shown, so I'd just have to hope to see them again to form a better opinion. Other than all that, she's cool.
Storm: Haha big dumb funny guy haha.
Lanolin: OOHH I have a lot to say about Lanolin! She's dope. Really dope. I like her wispon and her choice of wisp. That's so flipping clever! I've been seeing (mostly hearing through the sonic content people I watch on YouTube) that she reminds everyone of Sally Acron too much and to that I say politely to Shut Up!
[[Small Tanget — OMG, not everyone is Sally. Amy gets development, she's Sally. Whisper gets some comic time and importance, she's Sally. I miss her too, honestly. Truly I do. But you gotta understand that she's not coming back. Sure people can have a look at any of them and say she's Sally Inspired or has made changes in honor of Sally but don't say they ARE her. Cuz their not. Their clearly not. There's enough different in many things to separate the two. Is someone where to redraw Sally over any of them (which I bet some people have tried to do, idk, I haven't been to that dark side of the fandom in forever and I refuse to go back) I bet it's gonna look really out of place. Not because you KNOW she's not supposed to be there but becuase how big of those differences are.]]]
Lanolin is great. She's a kick ass leader for the new Diamond cutters and I can't wait to see more of her. She's dope. It's also really cool how she's been developing in the background. I've noticed that and have been telling myself since the metal virus, "she's gonna be important someday. A design doesn't stay this consistent in the sonic verse without reason"
Dr Starline: AHH I love him! He's so cool and swauve and interesting. Yet his downfall was sad and we all saw it coming but without him we wouldn't have gotten the most bone chilling and coolest Eggman art. His character development from a collected and impressionable admirer, to a broken and disheveled fanatic deadset on impressing and topping the Eggman at his own game was on some anime levels type of writing. I hope they keep this up in the comic with any new villains cause Starline set an expectation for all new villains to try and climb over.
Surge: okay 2 things. 1 - my phone was giving me a hard time writing her name as it kept auto correcting or my fingers kept typing scourge at first. I don't know what that says about me but that's a thing. And 2 - The Tenrec is awesome. She had the fandom that was reading the comic in a chokehold once she was introduced. Setting the bar for antiheros in the sonic universe; that aren't robotic, for what they should be like in the future. Her and Kit in the same room reigns over the fight and causes utter destruction. Give them time and they'll create it to levels of Chaos flooding all of station square and more. Surge herself though is intriguing, for the last speed "villain" sonic has ever faced seriously was scourge in the comics and shadow in the games. Her means for acting and being the way she is with the tourtre Starline put her and Kitsunami through all for the sake of one flipping person. I'd be just as mad. Honestly, and I don't think my anger would ever go away. One of the best Sonic clones in a long time.
Kitsunami: Everytime I re-read imposter syndrome and the issues he was in I wanna cry. The personality of Kit is the exact opposite of his partner Surge and everytime they interacted healthily it was deep cuts of emotions for me. They both display the huge dramatized different reactions to trauma. Kitsunami's hit harder for me than Surge as I tend to people please more then get angry and lash out. With Kits whole deal being surge and nothing but her, I got scared for him when he was saved and Surge had her little fake out death. It scared the hell out of me, because what else was he supposed to do but bow down and fawn to the next thing closest to her. I'm sure if her death was real and Sonic and Tails took him in, he would soon grow and become his own person but his built in obsession for the tenrec or anything closest to her when she's not there as a character trait hurts but is amazing writing wise nonetheless.
Clutch: Clutch the Opossum is really cool. So cool to the point where I hope and pray so much that he comes back. Becuase I can see him being a legitimate threat. He too is an issue to both sonic and co and Eggman as he hotwires badniks to do is bidding with ease, apparently. So add that, with the extension of he's a composed business type of guy, with a face so sinister that mobsters would probably step down to him if he were to crack a deal, a master of deception feigning unconsciousness when possible and having a taste for the high quality of things. What's stopping him from collecting the emeralds himself. Or already/always having one in his possession. He's more a villain made to combat rouge or the Chaotix more than sonic and his gaggle of close friends, but I'm curious to see more of him.
Mimic: He's still out there. That's all I have to say. If you've read the Tangle and Whisper spin off and you read the bad guys spin off then you know who Mimic is, and know that he's still out there with the capabilities of being a SERIOUS problem all because of his simple ability of shape shifting.
- PART 1 - Here
- PART 2 - You're here!
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zombies-aliens · 1 year
There's this video about a guy named sneako. It's a short documentary style video like 30minutes. I used to really not care about what he must be going through internally because he genuinely seemed like the biggest egomaniac. And he actually is though. But the video shined a light on his younger self and how much better he was. So who is sneako sneako is a social media influencer who makes youtube videos and streams on rumble and he's a controversial figure like Andrew Tate (although I don't really understand the hate on andrew after watching interviews from him). Sneako is one of those guys who uses terms like alpha male/beta male and so maybe that says a lot about him already. He's part of the red pill community that talks about harsh truths of life, women, and social heirarchy to name a few. I personally used to be interested but it felt so toxic as if the point of it is to make me hate women. And the way they speak and present things is so harsh and overly blunt like absolutely insensitive. I think it's their overall attitudes that turn me off from that crowd. And I'm glad I did because again it felt toxic to listen to that all that crap. Even if some of it is true, which maybe some is, it's seems to have a negative impact on people who really immerse themselves in that world. It seems like only people with serious issues tend to be drawn to that crowd. It's really hard to find someone that's not so off putting in that community. Sneako is like unhinged he doesn't seem mentally well. Of course how can we not mention that he saw his girlfriend the woman he loves getting missionary'd in bed getting it on with his friend or whoever it was IN FRONT OF HIS EYESSSSS!!! DUDE!!!!! my guy is not okay bruh!!! Deep down everyone knows he has insecurity issues and he's handling it in the worst ways. He seriously has a fragile ego and just issues around ego.
I'm not here to bash him since everyone else is already going to be doing that probably until he changes his life around for the better or maybe if he gets off social media stays low key. But I really wanna wish this man well.
I really hope sneako gets serious help like therapy, maybe a doctor, find Jesus. All 3. Get with Christ. But some aren't into that but I still want him to get the help he needs. Christ definitely wouldn't hurt him like his current lifestyle choices is hurting him. Literally his biggest issue is his freaking ego.
But better believe I don't want to be around sneako because he scares me. Don't expect me to hug this man if I see him I'm not that guy lol
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aghadbeenhere · 5 months
100 Years From now, and Psychic Attacks.
Hey, everyone, aghadbeenhere once again writing to you, right now I'm thinking of some shower thoughts I had like a day ago or so that I never really wrote down anywhere, so these are mostly just small little ideas that I thought would be worthy enough to be put in here, and today we're gonna be talking about time being a flat circle, + the effectiveness of using Generation Z slang to attack anyone over the age of 20.
Two wildly different topics, but I always say variety is good! + It's a shower thought, of course it's going to be outlandish.
Right, so first up, a few days ago I was chatting with a friend of mine about life and allat, very interesting person (in a good way) and he seemed to share a sentiment of mine, where it's pretty much tradition for the older generation to hate on the new one over the media that they consume, when we did the exact fucking same back when we were younger, I don't have any specific examples aside from low-budget Gmod skits that we viewed on youtube as kids, surely if we were to show one of those to our parents they'd silently judge us for watching whatever that was, but we thought it was absolute cinema.
Once again, the cycle repeats itself as we find ourselves mocking those skibidi fanum tax kids or whatever, and in paper, it's technically just the same, except now that we've gotten older we can truly see that dumb media made purely as stupid entertainment is nothing more than that, but we look back at the same exact media with rose-tinted glasses because it's what WE grew up with.
And hey, when a new generation and a new media phenomena comes out, I'm sure Gen Alpha will be bullying the newer generation for whatever it is they're watching.
And you know, for the longest time I thought I was the only one that saw that, that was fully aware of that, and for that I felt much smarter than the rest, someone who was fully aware of what was happening, but speaking to him made me realize most of us probably think these things in private, and I just hadn't heard someone else ever bring it up.
I'm pretty glad I had that realization as a way to keep me humble and considerate of others.
So yeah, takeaway; If you feel alone with a certain train of thought, or an interesting observation you have on literally anything, feel free to share it, because that's the only way for anyone else to hear that message and share said views! (Until we get some sorta neuralink augmentation that makes us psychics, that is.)
Right, somewhat on an earlier topic, I recently realized that I have gained a fantastic ability in my 6+ months of isolation up on my Ivory Castle.
That being the ability to spout slang as a way to mentally torture my opponents.
Just picture this; you're sitting at a restaurant with your friends, eating good food and having laughs, a guy from the corner of the room (that being me) walks up to your table, clears their throat and goes: "That food must be so skibidi gyatt, i hope it doesn't get fanum taxed by an alpha sigma."
You'd die, instantly, like, straight up.
So yeah, next time you're at a restaurant keep your eyes peeled, you never know.
Right, it feels pretty good getting that outta my head, I really hope this was entertaining enough to keep you stuck here for the 2 minutes it takes you to read this.
As always, this was AG, wishing you a good morning, good afternoon, and goodnight, love you! <3
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amaliabijou · 8 months
so since I apparently have a serious problem with keeping my actual diary up to date I decided to ditch my on-paper one and use Tumblr instead. do ppl actually still use this platform?
funny story actually on why I chose Tumblr as my new diary platform: I just finished watching the Cecil hotel documentary on Netflix where they thoroughly talked about the mysterious Elisa lam case. and miss girl inspired me with her Tumblr-diary-blog-thingy she had going on to give it a shot. great timing actually, I just got my new MacBook like- 2 days ago?? and since I'm waiting for my uni semester to start I don't really have a reason to use it for anything else but for netflix and YouTube, so this seemed too perfect not to try it.
yeah since I really do wanna treat this as my actual diary, especially because I don't believe that a single soul will ever find this account and actually be interested in my boring little life, I might as well talk about life recently.
so for the first time in a loooong time I'm in the middle of a serious talking stage. trust and believe when I tell you that I would've never thought that I'd have something so serious going on with THAT particular guy. we already have history and now that we're older it kind of worked out pretty well. but as much as I like him and as much as I try to put my all in this thing we have, I can't help but to crave attention from other men. and I don't think its because he's not. giving me enough or because I don't like him enough, I just don't know why I have these thoughts. I can't help myself but to redownload tinder every other week, just to delete it again after a day of swiping. I hate it it's weird and annoying because he doesn't deserve that. he's being totally loyal, even though we are not even official yet and im the first girl he let in his life after a long long year of being totally happy by himself. I feel bad, but not as bad as I should be feeling if that makes any sense. I just hope that this is just a phase and I'll grow out of it soon. Maybe it's just out of habit tbh. I'm so used to being surrounded by multiple men because I've emotionally been alone for such a long time, only screwing around and having fun, that I actually forgot how it feels like to work on something real and mature with someone. I hope I'll be able to set my priorities and feelings straight. needs to happen ASAP.
to be continued tomorrow (hopefully)
- bizzzzz
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Johnny Pag Spyder Ride" on YouTube
The guy wanted to get involved right then and seeing it I said I don't know anything about this the same later we start getting involved in making things a lot of and this is one that we're trying to get going and 23 I think was serious about it you know there's no way that's waste away so you got into it and he managed to get some out NFL and it's still around and it failed and he's the guy who got some of those out from China people said it too it's not a Chinese bike and he got in trouble for it he said nobody's making it nobody's making anything they said we don't know but not there and it went nuts I mean he went nuts trying to figure out what to do eventually he decided to make some in China and they sold like hotcakes they sold tons and tons of these bikes in the United States and he was a Hallmark he's a well known person and it's BG again and right now we're saying your stuff's not together you don't have anything so we want to talk turkey and we know that it's kind of a mess so you know why and we can help with that it's kind of like questioning and we want to get it going it's kind of a mess so he's interested and he likes it and he thinks that it's a deal to give us help and that's good and it's realistic and we will start out pretty soon and get going on it I'm going to make it work
This is her bike she helped design it and produce it and made it work and made it happen 10 years ago and he wasn't paying attention she did a great job and she loved it and she loved to work and she made a couple models there's one like this that doesn't have the pinstripe and it doesn't have the forward sweep it has regular forks and there's a couple other differences and she made one that's the same bike it slept forward a little the tank is smaller the seat smaller and the fenders are smaller and the tires are a little smaller and it is a runabout or like a roadster and we're going to offer all three and it's kind of the same bike the little roadster could be a scooter and the 49cc and we have motors that have power how 49cc has like about 10 horsepower and even our sun could get up to like 45 miles an hour or 40 miles an hour but someone like let's see BG and all those people are all about the same size could get up to about 65 Plus so they want to get going on it and mac daddy once involvement and so we're going to try and do that too and real soon
Thor Freya
I'm up for this this weekend with whatever you got we want to talk about it I remember this bike and we know you have pipes that sound better and we've heard it and we want to go ahead with it and we want to get this going and we know how to do these things but this is really important that's a great idea to make all three and pagliani I was one of her clans persons and he got a little small like her mother and he knew how to do it apparently a little bit it says it hurts a little bit he can do it and her to talk about so they're very powerful very strong and I have to live a humble life and I guess they can do it so we're going to work towards the school this is awesome it's a lot of fun but with me on it it goes fast
Olympus we're proving this idea and to go ahead and start manufacturing when we get it going if it's this weekend and I'll start this weekend
I want to assemble a few this weekend so I hope they have enough parts and they're saying they do
We're going to find you and we're going to get it going and yeah we have parts for a few bikes about 20,000
Good I'm going to clean up my shop and I hope you guys have them boxed up bg
You have them in bins and he says good Katya
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goodmode · 2 years
really annoys me that a lot of my old art inspos that I also looked up to for their identities keep coming out as transmasc. like they can do whatever they want im just being a petty little hater. it was just important to me to see someone i could look up not only for art but for my own personal identity its late and im not the best at explaining but it meant a lot to see that being a masculine woman was just allowed. to be a cis woman who wanted to be seen as just some guy while also being a woman.
it feels that maybe being a masculine woman is wrong in a sense when half of the people i watch state that it was used as a bridge for them to find their identity (again fair enough power to them hope theyre doing well im just being a little hater) and the other half on my goddamn recommended on tiktok/youtube shorts state that being a masculine woman is just, attention seeking mental illness. maybe im wrong and a bad person, everyone i used to heavily relate to their experiences in femininity no longer express it in a way that i can see as inspirational and its trouble finding people i can relate to as closely again. sorry im not sure if this was ment to be shared on anon or not byt im paranoid of being cancelled if i misphrased this i wanted to go to sleep an hour ago
you're not a little hater i think you are just frustrated! and that's understandable.
i struggle a lot with the idea of femininity as a whole because having grown up Under That Roof i find it very difficult to reconcile "i am a daughter and that is important to me" with "i am not a Feminine Girly Girl though". in the end that made the most sense to me when i tentatively crossed over the line and said "maybe i'm not a girl at all. maybe i'm a daughter to my parents, and not even a girl at all to everyone else?"
i grew up as an awkward tomboy, rejected femininity and tried to present more "masculine" without really understanding why i was expected to present either way. i usually look at it this way: for a long time i WAS a girl. and some part of me still is that girl who grew up like that. so women's issues will always be important to me, and the idea that women should be allowed to present themselves however they want ("masculine" but still a woman, for example, fits here like a glove!) is especially important to me.
i have friends who grew up assigned male, too, and the idea that men can't even put on a dress without someone going "omg She must be trans" is ALSO hurtful believe it or not. (see drag queens and also the wider ongoing discussion on gender vs presentation vs the binary). it feels like no matter where you sit, someone is going to insist you have to be something. everyone is very excited about gender but sometimes people can be a cis man and wear Feminine(C)(TM) clothes and sometimes it's a cis woman wearing a suit or t-shirt and jeans and refusing to perform the Tits Manifesto and that's still a ciswoman if she says so.
for me that pressure manifested as going "fuck this i'm nonbinary i am not interested in gender" and sometimes that includes deliberately manspreading when i can see someone is trying to interpret me as female. or hunching to hide the tits. but i don't think i'm transmasc and i don't really want that label on me. i just don't think of myself that way - i'm nonbinary and i don't WANT to "present as masc" or "present as femme". i just want to present in a way that cuts people off when they try to box me in. nipping it off in the bud. culture of No Not Like that.
what i'm saying is:
i still (and will always, and am constantly reminded because i don't "pass" well) remember what being a woman is like. and let's be honest, so does wider society, because most people are still operating on "awww you had a baby is it a boy or a girl?" terms, and then Assigning Stuff depending on that.
but rejecting that assignment doesn't always mean having to transition. i had to scrutinise this concept a lot over the years, and i still scrutinise it now. am i nonbinary or am i just a woman who is so, so, so, sick of being expected to be a woman?
for me, the answer has become "i'm not going to look at it too hard, and i'm most comfortable when i introduce myself as Nil Zero None Gender. so i guess i'm nonbinary."
for other people who grew up as women, the answer may be something else, like: "i'm a woman and being a woman doesn't mean having to twiddle my hair and giggle and That's That On That"
i was born in the early 1990s and grew up not knowing what a trans person was. the word "transgender" didn't hit my vocabulary until i was about 16-17. i saw rocky horror and thought it was a one-off weird film that someone just made up from their head. omg a man in women's clothes? made up [laughcry emoji] (i loved the film anyway and looking back now, it's hilarious that all i knew was cisgender and yet i still Felt The Film So Important To Me)
so i think a lot of people grew up not having a choice. and now there's a choice, a lot of people are going "oh my god thank goodness" and taking that choice. i think the large numbers of transmascs could be partly helped along by the sheer relief of not having to Perform Girl any more (take this with a pinch of salt i'm only one person).
but this doesn't (and shouldn't) detract from the experiences of women who were assigned You're Woman and still consider themselves women. because this is 2022. women face their own issues (inequality, pay gaps, discrimination) and this has been going on for a truly archaeological timespan and it needs to be addressed, with or without the transgender discussion. preferably with! because we are stronger that way and can make better and more nuanced points by referring to the way trans people are treated.
i don't quite know how to end this post but - it IS frustrating that the presentation of your gender (woman) feels like it's being minimalised, as if people are jumping ship like rats escaping a sinker. i understand that feeling completely. but the Woman Battleship is not actually sinking, i promise!
i think what you need to do is find other cis girls/women like you, (like. preferably who support trans rights and aren't bigots and understand there is a wider scope here), and try to connect with those women. because they are out there! and i do NOT doubt in the slightest that that frustration is present in them too. i think the more you discuss it (while - PLEASE - still keeping kindness to transmascs in mind, they really are just experiencing something you don't experience yourself, it's not that deep and maybe it's helpful to sit back and go "not for me but aight") - the more you'll feel comfortable with your presentation and understanding of yourself as a woman.
women's rights are still being shat on. i won't beat around the bush here. it still sucks to be a woman. and transitioning helps an individual to come to terms with their own self, but we are all still going to have to fight the same fight because the fight is still there. an employer isn't going to give you the same treatment as the male employees just because you look like a woman with some beard scruff, unfortunately. people like you (cis woman) and me (no gender) and transmascs (transmascs) have to link arms in this matter. we know the same trouble and it still hurts and it's still raw.
so i guess the full tl;dr is: i was a woman once and it sucked and that's why i want every cis woman to know that i understand and cannot ever stop understanding. there are Expectations on women and if i ever see a woman EVEN POLITELY asked to "wear a skirt please. women have to wear skirts for this" i will start biting. women don't have to perform anything for anyone. women are women who are women because they are women. anyone who thinks there has to be a performative element can die mad
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smallblueandloud · 3 years
so i'm now watching a compilation of leia's "best scenes" on youtube and we've gotten to TFA and... guys, was anyone planning on reminding me about leia's characterization in that movie? I JUST HAD TO LISTEN TO LEIA "KILL VADER" ORGANA SAY "THERE IS STILL GOOD IN HIM" ABOUT A FULL BLOWN SITH???
i think it could be REALLY COMPELLING to talk about leia's development between the original and sequel trilogies. i think it could be REALLY INTERESTING to explore her feelings about having a sith lord for a family member and how that changed over her life. she wanted anakin to DIE and yet she's asking for her son to live?? (i know canon doesn't say anything about leia wanting vader to die after she finds out he's her father, but it's in-character enough that i'm willing to consider it canon. also it's just such a cool character vibe that i want it either way.)
i know it's possible for her to be developed in that direction but if so i want to see it. i want to unpack this! i want them to talk about how the leia they've characterized in TFA has thrown herself entirely into the resistance and the hope that finding her idiot brother will fix anything, hating the first order and seeing the danger it presents, and yet she's willing to stay her hand for her son! how does she feel about her son's parallels to the motherfucker who killed her home planet! how does she feel about THE FACT THAT HER SON JUST MURDERED AN ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM WHOSE SURVIVORS ARE JUST AS EXILED AS SHE IS!
look, above all else, i'm just sick of female characters who have endless wells of compassion that they are willing to (and always end up) dying for. leia's rebellion (and later her resistance, i suppose, although i maintain that that name is dumb) are her entire life and they are good causes but her faith in them is also a little selfish, because they are hers and they belonged to her true father and she has all of this anger and these are the best outlets. i could understand her being selfish about her son and the leniency she wants to give him that he absolutely does not fucking deserve, but that would require the movies to see this "compassion" as a flaw of leia's and they do NOT and it FRUSTRATES me. leia's not in the right, here! this refusal to see the truth of him kills han!
or, if you don't want to make this a flaw, if you want to parallel it with padme's oh-so-perfect love for anakin (once again, the endless well of compassion that she dies for) and the way luke saves the galaxy by seeing the good in his father, then you need to FUCKING VALIDATE THAT! INSTEAD OF LETTING IT KILL HAN! the continued insistence that there is good in EVERYONE, that there is good in EVEN NOTED CHILD MURDERER DARTH VADER, is a CENTRAL tenet of star wars and it makes NO FUCKING SENSE to make a whole movie that's basically a mashup of every previous sw movie AND YET FUCKING INVALIDATES THAT CENTRAL THEME!! there is good in everyone, everyone is deserving of compassion, people can change, people can do the right thing, EXCEPT FUCKING KYLO REN, WHO KILLS A SOLAR SYSTEM AND THEN HIS FATHER AND HAS NO REGRETS ABOUT IT. but he has temper tantrums about not feeling listened to so it's fine!
look, either you present leia's apparently extremely misguided faith in kyle ron as a character flaw (it's her stubbornness, it's always her stubbornness, this is leia organa and she is always right) OR you make it clear that her faith ISN'T FUCKING MISGUIDED and her faith is character development thirty years after she was ready to murder the last relative who pulled this shit and you don't invalidate a core theme to the central story! you can't do both! what the FUCK, disney focus group who wrote these movies!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!!
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i just started watching the legend of vox machina tv series and i love it (especially percy!) but i'm super intimidated by the length of the episodes on youtube are they worth a watch?? also is there a campaign that is percy-centric i should start with
I'm glad you're enjoying it so much nonny! The length can be intimidating especially for non-D&D players. A typical D&D session is about four hours so for me it's normal but I understand what an investment that is. I, personally, think the original campaign is worth watching.
Again if you're not used to D&D, then the format might take a while to get used to, so if you find it doesn't work for you that's okay! It's not for everyone. Watching people play D&D is like watching long-form improv pieces. You get some fantastic off-the-cuff acting - both comedic and dramatic - out of that. Every amazing line or moment you see/hear in TLOVM? Was come up with on the spot in one of the CR sessions. It's jaw-dropping what these people have come up with off-the-cuff based on a dice roll or what someone else said/did. But you also get moments of debating the battle plan and things like that. So again, I love it, but I'm a longtime D&D player so not for everyone!
If you are interested, I recommend starting with Campaign 1, Episode 24. That is the start of the Briarwood Arc, which is what TLOVM is currently doing. While the cast of CR had been playing at home for two years at that point with these characters, the transition to filming it needed some kinks worked through, and episode 24 is when everyone was comfortable, things had settled, and the first really strong character-compelled arc started. You can watch the previous two arcs if you want but it starts in medias res and they aren't character-driven so while they can help introduce you to the characters and give you a good feel for them, I don't think they're necessary to your enjoyment. Especially if you want something Percy-centric.
One thing I will note is that part of what makes the start of the Briarwood arc so bonkers (and which we saw replicated in episode three of TLVOM) is that up until that point Percy has been the slightly snobby, occasionally snarky, but 90% silent guy of the group. He's pretty damn quiet and generally only interacts with Vex. So when he goes full murder rage with the Briarwoods, the characters understandably flip a shit (and so did us, the audience) because that is NOT what they or we were used to from Percy.
But yes, if you want to get into CR campaign one, then episode 24. There might be a couple things you'll need to look up for clarification, but it's early in the series so you don't need much context, everyone's settled, it's the first character-driven arc, and it's all about No Mercy Percy, our favorite emo trash boi.
I hope you enjoy it if you do watch it, nonny! I'm so glad you're enjoying TLOVM.
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theliterarywolf · 3 years
Hey so have you've been able to watch the proud family reboot? It dropped earlier today and I wakma know your thoughts on it, I have a mixed feelings on it myself
I don't have Disney+ and I already know I'm going to have to sail the high seas if I want to watch it for myself.
However, a good friend of mine does have Disney+ and they essentially gave me a good play-by-play of the first two episodes they released.
Before I go into this, though, I just want to say:
Disney, properly credit the people who work on your fucking shows. Just listing 'By WildBrain Studios' isn't going to do anything for the people who worked tirelessly on that show and need to put that shit on their animation portfolios.
Now, that aside... What I was told about the first episode was alright. The way the show lampshades the change in animation-quality by having the characters 'suddenly wake up in "new bodies"' was an interesting choice. I'll just say:
I had no idea that the gay guy in the group is supposed to be Michael. Not even in the frame of 'oh, why did they make Michael gay?' like some people on the cancersite are moaning because he was gay/femme in the original show. The change in design/voice-direction is what made me think he was an entirely new character.
The way that they wrote out Sticky, while already funny, is even more hilarious when you realize that they did it because Disney doesn't want to deal with Orlando Brown after his social media freakouts a few years back.
How are the Gross Sisters rich and collabing with Cardi B and whatnot... And you still have them ashy? Remember, the Gross Sisters only look like that because, canonically, they were too poor to afford lotion. Why are they still like that if they're rich...?
Fucking. Maya. So, when the promos for Louder and Prouder first started popping up and Bruce W. Smith was discussing introducing a 'social-justice minded character' I was cautiously hopeful that she wouldn't be an annoying cunt? ...Just for her to turn out to be an annoying cunt. Seriously, how are you going to be like 'Oh, I don't want to be friends with you (Penny) because you're superficial and materialistic and blah blah' when you and your dads have moved into an neighborhood with higher property-taxes than any legitimately struggling area?
However, it's what I was told about the second episode that had me going 'Why though?' Because, at first, the notion of everyone being obsessed with the latest YouTube beauty-guru Makeup Boy but Penny not falling into the hype seems promising! But then you have Penny becoming an influencer to show that 'anyone can do it' (fine) and, after her getting into an IRL spat with Makeup Boy, have her make a callout video where she goes 'What right does a boy have telling girls how to do makeup and profit off of it'.
Honey... One of your friends is a femme gay guy! How are you going to come in with 'oh, boys have no right to tell girls how to dress/put on makeup'?
Anyway, Penny essentially embraces her inner #GirlBoss and utilizes Feminism-Flavored Cancel Culture to get Makeup Boy cancelled. And then the power goes to her head because she starts cancelling people left and right (all the teachers at school get fired, there are no movies because she gave them all bad reviews, and even Suga Mama gets run out of town for daring to try and speak up to her).
And, of course, who is the one to finally knock Penny down a peg? Fucking. Maya. Not through anything legitimate like calling out Penny's toxicity or using socially-aware discussion to talk about how cancelling people doesn't do any long-running good. But she just so happens to catch Oscar doing something underhanded on camera and links it to Penny in order to get her cancelled.
Proud Family has always been a surrealist sitcom (hell, the B-Plot of the first new episode was Maya trying to guilt-trip Penny into saving a sentient talking panda from the zoo) but the plot of this second episode really had me going, once again, 'But why though..?'
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
Would it be okay with you if I posted a video about someone commenting on Knightfall? Because the fandom basically sees it as insane and all crack, but he argues as to why it’s completely normal by RWBY standards and not all that “crazy.”
Admitredly he’s pretty critical of RWBY which idk if you’ll accept, but hey it makes us seem more realistic lol
I don't know why the fandom sees it as insane and crack when R/WBY fandom is full of the stupidest fucking ships I've ever heard of. No offense, have your fun, but seriously? Knightfall is not crack.
It is absolutely not crack, especially because predictive patterns for the ship are based on the show's own usage of allusions and fairytales, and the show's themes, like it's not just hmmm I want them 2 kiss, and it's not just a ship war, and it's not just 'I like them standing beside each other' or 'I think the guy deserves to get the girl because I've never heard of narrative language before and the only thing I know is power fantasy', it's not ANY of that. I already said it in that post above, but their confrontation is a really really big deal lol. I don’t know how other ‘normal’ ships with much less significant interaction are perceived that way. Not sure if that’s a combo of Cinder and Jaune’s respective characters and fandom perception history.
Anyway no I would prefer not to watch a R/WBY YouTuber admittedly, especially not one of the 'critical' types on there lol. They wilfully misinterpret the narrative and lean hard into the 'but it's not realisticcccc' approach which drives me crazy. Like all the power to him and if thinks Knightfall is not a crackship, cool, I hope he's having a good time.
I'm all for criticising narrative and even recently had a very pleasant discussion about issues with the show worldbuilding wise but I think that YouTube aids and abets an atmosphere of polemics. It's not two-way, it's not kind, and ultimately you need to have something more controversial to say to get clicks, and to really drum people up emotionally. I don't like it.
But yeah I don't think audience perception influences whether they go for it or not. It doesn't seem like they've compromised on that sort of thing so far for like, say, BB.
I look forward to the day when I never have to hear about what a wonderful character Pyrrha was and when will she come back when we've had five volumes of other characters' and their development. Then again, I also think the best five volumes of the show are V4-V8, so I clearly don't get along with that side of R/WBY fandom.
No offense to the people who've messaged me about Pyrrha. Her character just isn't in the side of the show I prefer and it is sort of exhausting having to always hear about Pyrrha everywhere. (I like her character! I like her ending! I think it was very good! I’m not against character death as a rule when it’s consistent. I also think her death does really interesting things in the story, and yes, is a terrible catalyst to tie Jaune and Cinder together).
But Pyrrha’s enduring longevity is the spanner in the works for Knightfall imo, if they do decide to cater to the audience (though again, Cinder's importance is really not catering to the audience lol).
My true and honest opinion is that V6 statue!Pyrrha was way too fucking much lol. I can tolerate it because it works thematically and her death now has the backdrop of the Salem/Ozma conflict revealed.
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letsbeoutoftouch · 3 years
Three days ago, I decided to start watching one of the Chinese dramas that had been sitting on my Netflix to-watch list for as long as I use it: 'A Love So Beautiful'.
I was (am) really excited over the Korean version because the FL is So Joo Yeon, whom I love since I watched 'Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2' last year―she's adorable!
However, I knew that the Korean version was a remake, so I figured I should start with the Chinese one first. Besides, a few years ago one of my ex-friends told me I should watch it, and she has a pretty good taste in dramas... So, well―I succumbed. And, oh my! I'm so glad I did!
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'A Love So Beautiful' is a coming of age drama, which depicts the lives of five friends as from the moment they meet in high school up to adulthood, and how they learn about love, friendship and life in general. It especially revolves around Chen Xiaoxi (Shen Yue, from 'Meteor Garden') and Jiang Chen (Hu Yi Tian, from 'Unrequited Love').
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It is a really light-hearted drama, and its plot is uncomplicated. It is ideal for when you are in the mood for something that doesn't have twists and turns, and/or whose plot doesn't require a great effort to follow. If you feel like watching a drama like that, then I really recommend you to start this one.
Although it's made up of 23 episodes (and one special episode), they are approximately 40-minutes long each. Therefore, I didn't feel that they were tiresome to watch. Also, as a person who gets distracted quite easily ―I have the attention span of a goldfish―, I must emphasise that I didnt pause it at all―except, maybe, to go and grab some snacks... And to post that screenshot with a reference to Argentina, lol.
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Xiaoxi (FL): This character is a well-known one in dramaland―the typical female lead who is really (and when I say really, I mean extremely, blindly) in love with the male lead, no matter his actions or the words that leave his mouth.
I normally find this type of character annoying (yes, I'm looking at you, Nao). I find it painful to watch that she keeps resiliently following the male lead, even when he is continuously humilliating her. Of course, if you keep in mind that she is a teenager, then you may be able to understand the way she behaves―we were all a little bit like that during our younger years... Or, at least, I know I was. However, that's hard to remember when the story depicts her to be neither a teenager nor an adult, although she is supposed to be the former. By this I don't mean that teenagers can't go through situations that may force them to 'grow up' quickly, but stuff like 'living alone with my classmate' is not a normal situation for a teen (especially, with their parents consent ¿¿¿¿¿)―that's more adult-ish.
Anyways, back to Xiaoxi.
When I think about my younger self, I think she might ―in some points― relate to Xiaoxi. Why? That's simple―because she truly acts like a teenager. For her, the problems she faces are like the end of the world, and deals with them as (most) young people would.
Amongst those problems, love is obviously included. She's devoted to the love she feels, and doesn't waver. She's always true to her feelings and to her heart―sometimes, a little too much for my liking. However, her genuiness and stubborness are two of the traits I liked the most about her.
But Xiaoxi is not entirely naïve―not all the time, at least. She stood her ground in some parts of the story, as a teenager and, mostly, as an adult. I must admit that one kick was amazing―I was lying in bed and I literally had to sit up and scream 'APLICADÍSIMA' (an Argentinian slang that, in this context, could be translated as 'nicely done').
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Jiang Chen (ML): Yet another typical character in dramas. He's one of those guys who barely speaks, looks serious 24/7 and, the most important thing, has feelings but is unable to show them most of the time.
I'm not going to deny that people like that do exist in real life (now that I think about it, I may be like that irl, lol), but the real problem is how they are portrayed in dramas. I mean, the fact that a person gathers all those characteristics within them does not equal to being an a*shole (again, I'm so looking at you, Uehara).
Jian Chen sometimes acts like an a*shole, I'm not going to deny that. He mostly acts like that out of jealousy, which doesn't make it right. However, he's continuously growing out of that behaviour (maybe not so much out of jealousy 🙃), and that's what I liked about this character. Even if his character doesn't entirely lose his true essence (being serious is not a bad trait per se, just to name something), it was refreshing to see that, when he's with her, he wouldn't act like he doesn't care about her at all.
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Wu Bosong (SML): Oh, dear. He's the sweetest. For real.
I'm not the kind of person who usually falls for the second male lead (for example, in Heirs I was always team Kim Tan, although everyone loved Young Do and shipped Eun Sang with him). However, this time, I found myself falling for Bosong really, really hard.
His character is yet another cliché―the sweet boy who's always helping the FL and has to be content with watching her from the sidelines. However, his kind and tender nature slowly captured my heart.
*spoiler alert* It broke my soul that the story was unfair to him―he deserved way better. Not only romantically speaking―all the scenes where his grandma doesn't recognise him were so, so heartbreaking. I know life isn't fair, but it is a drama! Don't make the poor boy suffer that much 😭.
However, even though I loved this character a lot, I ―by no means― shipped him and Xiaoxi. He deserved someone who would give him their entire heart―and, let's face it, Xiaoxi would never grow out of her love for Jian Chen. *end of spoiler alert*
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As far as I'm concerned, most people are only interested in the romantic side of dramas ―which is fine, of course―, but I'm adding this item because it was seriously one of the things I enjoyed the most about this drama.
The chemistry between the five of them is awesome. Sometimes, it's not just about how nicely the leads are to each other―I think that portraying a great friendship is equally important. After all, life is not just about romantic love―it's about all the other kinds of love, as well.
It was sweet that they not only grew up together, but also that they stayed friends even if they had other things going on in their lives. They were unconditional to each other, but that didn't just stayed in high school―it followed them to their adult lives. They still tried to find the time to meet, even if they were busy (*spoiler alert* Xiaoxi's fansigning! *end of spoiler alert*), and supported and had each other's back no matter what.
I liked how friendship was one of the main topics in the drama.
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If you're looking for a cute and light coming-of-age drama (and you don't mind a school drama―i.e., dealing with the fact that they are teenagers during most of it), then A Love So Beautiful is the one for you.
Also, if you haven't ever seen a Chinese drama (and you're up to a drama with the characteristics abovementioned), then I recommend you start with this one. It's not boring, chapters are relatively short (40-minutes-long episodes are considerably shorter than Korean drama's one-hour ones).
The acting was great (again, bear in mind that the characters are teenagers!), the chemistry between the leads was good, and, if you're like me, you'll enjoy the chemistry between the entire group (*spoiler alert* although Bosong and Jian Cheng are ready to throw hands at each other like 99% of the time *end of spoiler alert*).
If you have some time, I highly recommend you to watch it!
I'm leaving the trailer here, if you want to check it out:
A Love So Beautiful is available on NETFLIX, VIKI and YOUTUBE!
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I hope you liked this 'review'. I wanted to write one since I finished the drama, but I have been busy studying for my finals.
Sending lots of love during these weird times ♡
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