#i really hope this is readable omg
goodbye yellow brick road
the spot x musician! gn! reader
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author’s note: this is the cheesiest thing i have ever written and i apologize for the tooth rotting sweetness in here… also! it’s important to know what this song sounds like, so here you go! when you see orange text, it’s song lyrics, so go listen!
be like me and listen on LOOP ANYWAYS. also, please let me know if y’all want more spot fanfic (i can tone down the cheese if y’all want) 🫡❤️
“i know i know john, i saw- you’re so brave for enduring that, i would have NEVER survived.”
“oh, shut up.”
“make me.”
you and john always loved your flirty bickering after a long day at alchemax. every day at exactly 6:30, you and your husband would walk hand in hand down the gum covered sidewalk, talking about your day, your hopes, your dreams, the usual. your boyfriend was a busy, busy man, but he always made time for you. even if he had to stay late at the office, he would INSIST on walking you home, and returning to work after dinner with you. to put it quite frankly: his world revolved around you. he thought you were the most attractive person to ever grace the earth, and was constantly asking himself how he could end up with someone so perfect… and hot. you didn’t understand why, as you saw yourself as nothing more than a lowly secretary, doomed to be rushing papers back and forth to men for the rest of your days. it wasn’t your job of choice, but it payed well, and seeing john absolutely flourish at work made it all worth it.
this specific night, you went about your usual weekday routine with your boyfriend: order some takeout, make out on the couch for a while, discuss mortality, and then fall asleep. but, something was off.
“y/n, stop rolling around, please”
“john? you awake?”
and as the clocks struck midnight, you got out of bed, trying to find a way to occupy yourself, tire yourself out enough to shut your eyes and actually fall asleep. it was at this moment you turned your eyes away from the kitchen pantry, looking to grab a midnight snack, and instead looked towards the small, spinet piano on the back wall. you usually tried to avoid this sight, as it reminded you of a life you never achieved, a goal you never reached… but tonight? you needed it. you needed to play this piano more than anything else. you sat down at the instrument, silently cursing yourself for doing this. you wondered what song to play, flipping through decisions in your head- but, that was all futile, as your hands and heart had a different idea, and you began to slowly play the opening notes to elton john’s “goodbye yellow brick road”.
when are you gonna come down?
when are you going to land?
against your usual better judgement, you started softly singing after the first verse, careful not to wake johnathan.
i should’ve stayed on the farm
i should have listened to my old man
“y/n?” jonathan called as he stirred awake, unaware that his partner was already lost in their own world.
you know you can’t hold me forever
i didn’t sign up with you
i’m not a present for your friends to open
this boy’s too young to be singing the blues
johnathan couldn’t believe his eyes. there you were, his partner, playing the piano and singing your heart out like your life depended on it. he was truly awestruck. he didn’t want to interrupt your beautiful moment, but he had to say something…
he couldn’t even get through your whole name before you turned around, quicker than lightning, with a terrified look on your face.
“oh my word jonathan i am so SO so sorry i probably woke you up with all my damn wailing, and i just don’t know what happened this isn’t-“
he shut you up with a kiss before you could say another word. the two of you stayed there, enjoying each other’s embrace in the dead of night, when your husband pulls away, asking, “why didn’t you tell me you could sing and play like THAT?”
it was a touchy subject for you. you always wanted to be a musician, and a great one at that, but it just wasn’t financially feasible for you. you had bills to take care of, bills that music just wouldn’t pay.
“i- i don’t really play much any more. or sing. i always dreamed of becoming as great as bach or mozart or someone- but, it was a stupid, stupid dream. i mean… i’m happy where i am now.”
“are you though?” he questioned.
you thought about this for a minute. were you REALLY happy? well, you had a loving husband and a good paying job- you should be happy. but you didn’t have one thing- music. money didn’t matter when music was what got you through so many rough patches in life. seeing your internal battle, johnathon grabbed your chin with his hand, and quietly spoke,
“y/n. i love you. and i want you to be happy. and if music makes you as happy as i’ve seen you tonight, you need to pursue it. we’ll find a way to make ends meet, i promise you. just, live your life- live your dream.”
and in that moment, you smiled to yourself and knew, this was the man you were going to marry.
the time was six thirty, the very next day, and you were waiting for your johnny outside the alchemex building.
you waited.
and waited.
and he never came.
a few hours later, not a word came from him.
you paced around your apartment, fearing that he found someone else, fearing that he thought you might be a financial burden with a career change… but all those ideas were put to bed when you saw the notification from your news app pop up on your cellphone.
body not found.
your johnny, was dead.
johnny was dead- but “the spot”, the remains of his human form, a dalmatian like amalgamation of spots and the man he used to be. the spot had been wandering around brooklyn for what felt like an eternity, in search of a home, a friend, just- anything. and in the back of his mind, there was always, you. talented, amazing, you… who didn’t need to be seen with a monster like himself (at least in the spot’s mind). he was a ghost, a man forgotten by the world- or so he thought.
he was walking by Jenna’s, a local coffee shop him and y/n always loved to visit, when he heard a familiar voice, ringing out from the inside of the café
it was you.
you, up there onstage, playing to a full house, all eyes on you and all smiles upon every person’s face. you did it. you really did it. spot ducked his head as you looked out the window, towards the sky, and made an announcement,
“this next song is for someone who once told me to live my dream, no matter what… and because of him- i’m doing it. wherever you are, thank you-”
you played those starting notes he remembered hearing all those months ago.
so goodbye yellow brick road
where the dogs of society howl
you can't plant me in your penthouse
i’m going back to my plough
you threw your head back, becoming so damn passionate about this song that meant so damn much to you
back to the howling, old owl in the woods
hunting the horny-back toad
oh, i’ve finally decided my future lies
beyond the yellow brick road
the spot completely lost his breath as you held out the final note of the chorus. my word, you were amazing- the heart and soul you sang with was unparalleled, and he wanted to just run up to you, and hold you in his arms, kissing you until neither of you could breathe. but, he couldn’t. he wasn’t jonathan anymore. that man died. and he could see y/n was still not over that fact as he saw them hold back tears as they finished the song- it broke the spot. it broke jonathan. he had to do something, do anything.
you woke with a jolt as you heard a crash come through your window.
“hello??” you called, half jokingly, thinking this was simply a branch or a bird- you didn’t expect to hear footsteps right in your kitchen.
you were TERRIFIED. grabbing a broom, you made your way out to this… thing, preparing to fight it, to get it out of your home. imagine your surprise when you saw
a spotted man
who called YOUR NAME
“y/n, please-“
you were NOT HAVING THIS, you threw your broom at the THING, screaming and yelling a pattern of
“go away”s
“i’ll call the police, i- i’ll call spiderman”s
and a few
the spotty thing pleaded with you, on its knees, begging you to listen to it
you obliged. it skittered over to your piano, and started playing notes that sounded like a child attempting to play…
goodbye yellow brick road
and now that you thought about it, this thing did sound a lot like your lost lover…
it was your song. it was him. you didn’t know how, but it was,
“jonathan”, you yelled, throwing yourself into his dotted arms. you didn’t know how, and you didn’t know why, but you knew that this, thing, was your johnny. and in that moment, nothing else mattered. life would go on, and things would work out.
and as he held your head with his hands, your boyfriend said, after what felt like an eternity,
“i love you.”
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beowlet · 1 year
Hello I SAW THE OPEN REQUESTS AND I SCROLLED UP SO FAST!! I love your work sm, you really captured the essence of the characters + talking abt the love languages was a fun bonus too. Is it fine if I request the Housewardens (or some of them) with a reader who loves to send them letters?💌 But their handwriting is very unintelligible due to it being a chicken scratch/the most extra cursive you could ever see. Either way works, thank you!! ❤️
[Omg i love this]
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Cw: Uses of you instead of pronouns, fluff, GN!Reader, NOT proofread. Again.
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R. Rosehearts
I feel like Riddle's hand writing is cursive too and wouldn't have too much trouble reading it even if it was a little extra so we'll go with chicken scratch handwriting for him.
He loves that you write letters for him, he really does. He always tries to send one of his own too! But he would love it more if he could actually understand what you were saying.
He can only make out two words, his name and "love". He always writes back in hopes of having understood the letter correctly. Because if he read something wrong and you pointed it out he will die of embarrassment.
He will slowly get used to it and become a [name] translator. He would be so proud too, he finally understands your handwriting and can ACTUALLY read your heartfelt letters.
He blushes and giggles like a highschool girl all the time.
Anytime anyone has trouble reading your hand writing they will go to him. Mostly Ace and Deuce after they ask for your notes.
Wishes your handwriting was a little bit more readable, but he's happy he got the hand of it now.
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L. Kingscholar
Definetly knows how to read cursive but will pull a "wtf" face at all the extra shit you put because what is this. Is this even english anymore?? He can't tell if thats an "R" "M" or "N"?? What the fuck did you write?-
Look, he appericiates the letters. But try not to make him think hes having a stroke while reading it. Please. What is this? Why? Is there anyone in the world that can read curaive like this???
Will out right just text you.
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Will feel bad after he finds out it was just a letter where you were talking about how much you loved him, expect him to buy you a buqoet of your favorite flowers soon.
He feels bad.
Will soon probably understand some of your letters and thank you in text form.
You thought he would write back? Oh honey no. This man is too lazy to get up on his ass and sit down on his desk to write. He might make Ruggie do it for him tho.
However if you were mad at him thats a different story. He might write a letter... along with a few more gifts... maybe...
Anything for you to forgive him.
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A. Ashengrotto
Ik this man has so fucking extra cursive writing like how and why. Why do you need that many loops for one letter IT DOESNT LOOK PRETTY IT LOOKS CURSED AZUL.
I'm kidding it def looks pretty... so for Azul we're going with chicken scratch!
He would be so confused if he saw a letter just hanging around in his office, and it's a letter that he cant even read. He'll just be confused standing in his office trying to read it. Not even realising that you signed it, he was still trying to read the first word.
After a while he just gave up and called for Floyd, knowing his handwriting wasn't any better and assumed he could read it.
"Dear, Azul. I know I don't have to write a letter because I can literally just text you but I thought it would be fun to write a letter where I explained how much I lo-" "NO OKAY GIVE ME THAT BACK-"
Floyd is telling Jade so they can both bully Azul for being so stupid and not being able to read his own lover's hand writing.
He wants to know what it says so he can write back a letter... but he doesn't know anyone that would be able to read it without teasing him.
Spends a night trying to read it and writes back a letter.
Is about to sob when you send him another one, HE LOVES YOU BUT HE CAN'T READ YOUR LETTERS SPARE HIM PLEASE.
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K. Al-asim
He would love the idea of sending eachother letters! He thinks its romantic and even if it's a little silly you write to eachother even though you could visit eachother any time of the day he doesn't care. It's cute. Very.
I don't think he can read cursive... he knows he has to learn but he's struggling. A lot.
I also don't think Kalim has very neat or very chaotic handwriting that nobody can read it but I think it can definetly get a little messy in his notebooks sometimes. So, cursive with extra stuff for Kalim!
He would explode with happines when he finds a love letter sitting on his desk with your name on it. He's over the moon.
As soon as he sees it he runs over, picks it up and opens it to read it. Only to be met with a page full of loops. A lot of them... an awful lot that Kalim thought you just scribbled the page for a momment.
First he's determined to read what you've wrote without asking for any help from Jamil!
Yeah that lasts like 15 minutes he goes to Jamil a little quicker than he would like to.
He tried! That's what matters... right?
Jamil spends about 15 minutes trying to read the first few sentences before FINALLY understanding the letters and reading it to Kalim. Kalim just sits there with a love-struck stupidly cute smile as he listens to Jamil readint the letter.
Is definetly writing back a reponse and making this a thing between you two.
Jamil has to suffer through your sappy letters as Kalim makes him read all of them.
Help my boy he isn't exactly happy.
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V. Schoenheit
He can read really any handwriting perfectly no matter how extra or "awful" it is. But if it's just a page filled with random lines and so called letters mixed together I'm very sure he'll pull a "wtf" face :D Chicken scratch for Vil!!
He appericiates the thought! He really does! He's increidbly happy to recieve a letter from you! But why. Why does your handwriting have to be this way? Why like just why?
Do you need help? He can definetly give you writing lessons on how to improve your handwriting. He can pay for it if you think it would be embarrassing to do it with him, he can find online course-
He would think all of this but never mention any of it. He doesn't wanna break your heart.
But I think he'd def have a lot of fun trying to read your handwriting when he's bored. He would sit down and try to figure out what was written like it was some sort of puzzle and would just smile happily everytime he got a full sentence.
He would give you a kiss for every love letter he recieves <33
Would he write back? Not all the time but would write once in a while about how deep his feelings are for you.
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M. Draconia
Homeboy here has been alive for a bit over a hundred years I think he's capable of reading many different types of handwriting. But imagine his shock when he finds a one he actually can't read.
Malleus is a little old compared to humans we all know that, this man has seen lots of different types of handwriting but he's definetly used to different types of and extra cursive handwritings. So we'll go for chicken scratch for him!
I feel like he'd be the first one to ever send a letter in your relationship honestly! When he recieves back a letter our fae boy is smiling happily as he excitedly opens the letter only to pause and... try to read whatever language that is.
Will go to Lilia. Like, immediately. He is definetly going to make fun of you after that. No way Lilia is letting something like that slide especially when Malleus came to him all confused.
Nobody can tell me Lilia isn't used to terrible handwritings and can just zoom through what seems like gibberish.
Malleus will listen as Lilia reads the letter for him and he can just feel himself falling deeper and deeper for you.
He wants to see you afterwards immediatelly. He is now clingy, wants hugs, kisses and every kind of physical affection you can give him.
So what if he teleported to your dorm and is currently towering over your bed? Give him the love he deserves!
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
PART 2 - Genshin Impact SAGAU / Isekai: Gifts to Give Your Allogene!
ELEMENTS HERE: Dendro, Hydro, Cryo, Geo
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Part 1 / Part 2 (you're here!)
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only)
Planet: General SAGAU / Isekai Stuff, Platonic Cuteness
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, a couple sentences for each
Stars: a little bit of everybody as of Baizhu/Kaveh update! including rare beloveds like Aloy! (I hope I got them all… at least the playable ones… ) Please understand that some characters are more “foreground” characters and have more screen time so I may have written some more for them because I knew them better!
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: weapons for gifts?? 16+ Older Teen Audiences Advised, light cussing
& Trigger Warnings: None Known.
Edit 1/1/24: Hey I expanded on this in my Eldritch Fanfic Post Part 2, but I just wanted to vet the old posts and say I did do a form of exoticism by including the word "Huangdi" throughout this.
I've since replaced it for better readability with "Emperor" but I didn't want to erase my mistake like it never happened. I'm genuinely sorry about this, I never had ill intentions by including it, but regadless of intentions that's the impact of my actions. I'm absolutely going to be looking out for kind of thing in the future/get a sensitivity reader/a beta read from that culture to check me.
I hope you still enjoy my writing and can understand.
Dendro Allogenes:
Tighnari = with some help again to put magic into it, you give Tighnari some head coverings you sewed together that have the power of Cryo in them! So now he can actually see what plants are out in the desert, visit Cyno, or just enter the desert to his heart’s content, which, yes, his tail started unconsciously wagging after you explained what it was. “Oh! For me? Well I’ve taken to avoiding the desert if I can because of… wait a minute, you say it has cryo in it? What? How does that work?? You think it’ll genuinely help me in the desert?? You made it???” Tighnari’s ears are all twitching with excitement, and he’s holding the covering (that matches his clothes/dark green) like it’s a new plant for study, omg he pulled out his magnifying glass and everything-
Collei = so she’s actually a really good seamstress, and makes plushies a lot, esp for kids! but one day you found one of her first attempts, a ragged looking sort of pale pink bunny… her first attempt at a plushie Baron Bunny!! so you decided to mimic her design (still baron bunny but with a sort of Sumeru-like clothing on it), and sew her one! You made a whole day of it, eating together, going to the best spots to sightsee (for as long as Collei was up for it/not too tired) and then gifted her the plushie Baron Bunny! She accidentally let out a small scream that startled both of you tbh, and then snatched that shit so quick lmao, kicking her feet on the picnic blanket and everything! With your permission of course, Collei then tackled you for a hug lol, she ranted about all the little details and made you tell her several times over how you made it so she could make some more in the future too! She may or may not have talked about missing Amber and teared up… but then you redirected her attention to the bunny saying, it’s like a gift from Amber and you really! (you also added a function where, if you squeeze the Baron, it’ll dish out some healing power and some heat! …Collei tackle hugged you twice for that one)
Alhaitham = what a hard person to get gifts for, he’d probably be like “thanks” no matter what you got him 😭, he means it tho, it would just be underwhelming… but on the bright side, he definitely seems like he’d show a deeper appreciation for handmade gifts! Since you learned how to make one for Yoimiya, you decide this calls for another handmade hammock (also bc Teyvat doesnt have hammocks)! You painted symbols like green crystals and geometric patterns, but also lions and a golden Palace of Alcazarzaray for Kaveh, and your symbol, the eight point star (like the four point but with flare/not like the jewish symbol with equal points lol)!! So that way he can keep lazing away, and avoid people more comfortably lmao, and also if he is going to do that, he doesnt have to sit on rocks or hard structures for hours reading, and you hope it’s encouragement for him to spend time outside/take a break and nap! (Haitham knows that’s part of why you gave him this, even if you didn’t say it, and so he makes a point to do that more often to make you happy, take the advice for his health) oh look, after thoroughly looking at your craftsmanship for 10 minutes, you got a smile in addition to a “thanks”, damn, that’s actually how you know he likes it a lot <3 :)
Nahida = you remember vaguely from Nahida’s storylines/friendship levels that she loves games, and so you collect her a nice deck for Genius Invokation TCG! You also made her a cute bag and container for it, her bag is a rose maple moth crocheted bc really this was an excuse to just make the cutest character in Sumeru look even cuter, (like this, i tried very hard ok, bc this doesnt exist yet, im shocked) The first image is most correct, (imagine the face and stuff is cuter/simpler) as that’s also the backpack part! Her eyes were so big when you handed it to her, (you honestly were shocked they even could get any bigger lol). She jumped up and down excitedly with the backpack on (ur fucking heart, just like you intended, the wings flapped around and everything <333) you are also currently working on a luna moth (the pale green moth) in case she wants it to match her outfit more! even tho Nahida insists something handmade once is enough, you can see the childish yearning in her eyes, like a kid trying to say no to a toy that’s being offered right in front of them lmao
Kaveh = pretty girls deserve pretty things, and you were definitely feeling the pressure to make something high quality enough for Kaveh, tho u know he’s sweet enough that he’d appreciate anything you’d take the time to handmake (and tbh.. it sounds a little arrogant, but ur hoping something so cared for by what he, or at least most people see as some kind of all-powerful god above the archons, will boost his self-esteem/confidence in his own worth more, or at least let him know one more person cares about him…) so you didnt make it super detailed, and you put a note on it too to let him know your not as great at that as he would be, but you made a model of the part of the teapot house you’re going to design for him! Like a sort of sneakpeak, you made a small lookalike of Alhaitham and his house, but filled it with decor like if Howl didnt hoard all the cool shit in his room in Howl’s Moving Castle, but instead spread it out, and sort of used your modern taste for layout, (not the ugly ass corporate aesthetic) and a small garden. You also made nearly all the decor and stuff something interesting (like some primogem strings, they can be pretty small, for string lights, lampgrass from Mondstadt that he’s never seen etc.) and while you very shyly handed him the model at first, he was practically vibrating with excitement!! “You made this?! Oh of course I don’t expect perfection, it looks wonderful so far, especially if this was your first attempt!!” Kaveh has like sat down, and is delicately holding it and looking around, and when you tell him it’s an actual space, meant for him, he gently sets down the model and grabs you by the shoulders, “Show. Me. Now. …please?” looking at you with very determined puppy dog eyes lol
Yaoyao = …idk what you expected. It was so obvious. A crocheted bunny backpack. brown, so it matches her, since her basket was brown, or you could leave off the feet, whichever u prefer, and anyway, Yaoyao is always doing things for others, so the little girl was so cute and pink when you actually gave her something instead! (once again, using ur old trick of making the person think u need something then shocking them with a handmade gift instead hehe) She IMMEDIATELY switched it out for her basket and has pretty much converted to using it full time! (tho when she needs the more solid one she’ll still wear it, she just alternates, esp if there’s some occasion she’ll deffo wear the bunny backpack, it’s her “fancy god-made bunny backpack!”)
Baizhu = the doctor isn’t one to talk about himself a lot, so you weren’t sure what he would like other than some new tea… but you wanted to make it yourself so while you were a little disappointed it was just a basic pet gift, you wanted to maybe put a little extra into it so maybe Changsheng will use it and Baizhu will think it’s cute! You crocheted a little pet pod/cave for her to hang out in (imagine this but a Jueyun Chili hehe) and it also has a little crocheted vine rope so the little Jueyun Chili cave can be hung from things, or even tied onto Baizhu’s apron/hold it like a purse! That way Changsheng doesn’t always have to drape across his shoulders/has somewhere to retreat! When you shyly showed Baizhu and Changsheng, he literally clapped, so did Qiqi lol (he usually does those tiny smiles… but this one was the brightest most genuine you’ve ever seen, even in game…!!) You find that Baizhu’s eyes look like that type of person’s eyes were they just look like “happy”, like there’s a little fond sparkle in his eye. Changsheng was all like “about time I got something instead of him! I’m basically an assistant too y’know! …thank you very much, my Emperor.” (if you’re NOT squimish of snake pics, pls look at this cute smile Changsheng would give)
Hydro Allogenes:
Barbara = …so even Barbara was a little hesitant at first, but came around to the idea after some convincing, and some encouragement (and showing her she was capable of it) but you basically ….may ….or may not have… found a loop hole for her being a catalyst? So, thru a lot of persuading Barbara to train with you and Childe (who also thought it was amusing to see such a young girl who’s literally a nun and a singer do this) you got Barbara to make water bombs! Like her circle of notes that float around her when healing, she sings and gestures and similar to her ult, (but like Childe’s E-skill it just switches between the two), the notes fly out and explode in the direction she sings/aims! You wanted to remind her of her old dream of being recognized, and wanting to help in battle in a more combat way, and besides, you’re sick of women getting regulated to the healing magical role in games/anime fantasy, so yeah. You and Childe are literally evilly giggling to each other in the background as Barbara sends quater notes and lines of music that explode (like how water can sharpen and cut things like Childe’s blades? Yeah he taught her that) so intensely that it cuts into the Pyro Lawlachurl, bringing it to its knees- Barbara accidentally cuts its head off as the finishing blow. While she gasps in a little fear, but mostly shock, Childe jumps up and down and starts cheering.
Mona = got sparkly eyes, nearly snatched the gift out of your hand, you made her some awesome earrings from the character banner wishes! All pretty ombre pink and blue they swirl and look so pretty framing Mona’s face, she only wears them on special occasions despite your claim of everyday use, they also help her figure out where the clearest view of the night sky each night but glowing brighter and brighter when she gets closer to seeing clearly, Mona is almost? weirdly envious?? for her past self that had to suffer thru all the inconvenient cloudy nights lmao
Childe = like anon said, a new pair of knit gloves, using the fur from the snow king boar! he’s amazed they never wear out now, and he totally uses them as an excuse to hold your hands all like “I just can’t get over how soft they are, feel them, you did amazing comrade! even better than some Snezhnayan shops!!”, exactly what you expect he’s leaning into your face and everything- 🙄
Xingqiu = an ao3 account you had a hard time with Xingqiu’s, afterall, he’s from a wealthier family, so he can get mostly what he wants, and you don’t wanna just get him another book… so you kidnapped him to Inazuma! (idk if this is canon, or happened in an event or smth I missed idfc) So, you also kidnapped Albedo for this trip, so that Xingqiu could actually see the impact his writing made overseas! While you intended for this trip to make Xingqiu feel better abt his writing, (and to help Albedo feel appreciated too, despite him not expressing much low self-esteem in his art, compliments heaped upon him def cant hurt, plus u can see him go pink too hehe) you also wanted to surprise him with a author book signing! If he was up for it, of course, which he “I absolutely, definitely, certainly am, my liege!” Kid’s practically hopping in place, as you get him all ready for his book signing (and not rlly Albedo bc he’s always fucking perfect, u dont have to do shit, even his messy hair looks nice 💀) …you also may or may not have given him some hair decorations (to help his asymmetrical cutting, not that it looks super bad, but for a change at least)
Yelan = …it’s official. You are intimidated. It’s only pretty hydro women and Ayato from here on, on your “Gift List”. Needless to say, like a few other allogenes, you wouldn’t know shit about this woman if you didn’t read her lore… it’s not a fine replacement, you don’t think, but with (lots of almond tofu, and osmanthus wine too) dev access to help you, you created another bracelet for Yelan. Inscribed (just like the heirlooms) inside simply says “You Are Not Alone”, with your eight star symbol following after (like a four star but with some flare, and also not the Jewish star lol), it glows an otherwordly gold, a contrast to the bright blues of the other bracelet. Its function is a geo shield, to protect Yelan and any teammates nearby when it’s activated, she can also leave the shielded area in one spot, so she can do her e-skill and still protect people. You’d just casually asked her to meet up with you one day in that teahouse you know she runs for intel, and when you presented her the bracelet, she held it delicately, saying nothing as she examined it, reading the inside. A small smile tugged her lips up, and she slips it on as she sips her tea, “…Well, I’ll have to show this to present this one to the family shrine, I think this more than makes up for the heirloom I failed to keep. A replacement from the Guide of Teyvat themselves… Thank you, my Emperor, for this handwrought gift you bestow upon a mortal such as me. …and thank you, for not leaving me alone.” Yelan bows a little in her seat, sharp blue eyes more softened than you’ve ever seen her, trained on yours. Her hands are together in that same praying motion that gives you the weirdest sense of deja vu…
Kokomi = so you don’t know much about her, as the it seems the character lore for Kokomi you can remember was… lacking, to say the least. Hoyo definitely plays favorites, BUT YOU DON’T!! At least when it comes to gift givining so everyone feels appreciated, you got a pretty book (handmade or bought) and got it/made it kinda small, like the size of the book in her idle animation, bc turns out that’s her diary of sorts. You know the priestess feels if she expresses any opinions that her people will just take her side, or her word as… well, a divine priestess, the weight of her title you suppose. She also keeps track of how many spoons she has! Like what things drain her, and what things make her feel better (big social interactions vs. reading a war treaty book by herself for example) So you made her a bullet journal! (here’s one of my favorite bullet journal youtubers, here’s a flipthru of her completed journal) you didn’t fill out the whole thing, just some example pages, to show her the possibilites! …you were kinda worried bc she turned away at first after delicately accepting it, and since it was just you two, she allowed herself turn back around and start excitedly chatting your ear off as she leaned in- and wow. Kokomi’s eyes really are, dreamy, like cotton candy… and they’re so much prettier when she smiles…
Ayato = …you know exactly what to do. Interrupting his busy schedule (and only actually taking one day out of it actually bother him so he can have the others as a secret vacation hehe) to come over to the Kamisato household and homemake some boba drinks for him, Ayaka, and Thoma to try! Mostly Ayato tho, you got all the syrups, the milks teas, the boba, and luckily, were able to get some help from Xiangling in experimenting in making… popping pearls! (they’re edible boba pearls that are actually filled with juice/syrup flavors and burst on your tounge when you barely bite them! they’ve very sweet, and Inazuma definitely didn’t have any different pearls other than tapioca, those squishy black pearls you see in his regular boba tea) …Ayato is literally holding your hand like he’s about to drop to one knee, this man is down bad for boba (and you) and… are those tears?! Is he tearing up?! “I can’t believe… THE Akitsu Mikami… blessed me, personally, with boba?? With NEW boba teas and pearls I’ve never even seen?! …Thank you, my beloved emperor!” Mans has quite literally gotten on his knees, but bc he’s so tall, he can still comfortably hold both your hands in his bigger gloved ones …Thoma is desperately trying to get Ayato up, Ayaka is getting onto her brother in the background.
Candace = it’s not exactly a traditional gift… but the reason Candace doesn’t wear a lot of her jewelry or finery is because of the hard job she has as a Guardian/in the desert, so you figured giving her more things she can’t even really wear wasn’t the way to go.. So instead! You gather a journal or advice from Ningguang, Keqing, Yelan, Zhongli, and all the others in the Qixing who were willing to help you, and kidnapped Ganyu for a sight seeing trip! (since u and Ganyu has that whole “in between two very different worlds” bond) You brought Ganyu because you know if anybody would be good at managing something/getting it started (like the music fest back for Lantern Rite… that I missed bc I dont understand how lantern rite works 😭😭😭 VIOLENTLY SOBS ITS BEEN 2 YEARS AND I HAVENT GOTTEN A SINGLE LANTERN RITE U GUYS-) it would be Ganyu herself! …and to also give her a break. See Aaru Village suffered from little to no economy before Candace finally negoiated with the elders to let Sumeru merchants travel into town/buy from them/sell to them, but she’s had a rough time keeping the old coots from being dicks about it since, …and it’s also hard to convince the younger generations to come back after many wanted to see the outside world because of this… So what better what to solve two birds with one stone?? GANYU!! And all the economy and business advice you could gather form Liyue! You hope that the village flourishing (and helping Candace cut down on shady merchants) would impress the older generation, yet also get more money in the town so they can dress it up a bit more (like fixing unsteady bridges, also u kidnapped Kaveh to help revitalize their cultural architecture buildings back into life/or help make the simple buildings just prettier) Now Ganyu and her are besties (Candace rlly needed another friend besides just Dehya alone to come out and see her in the desert) and the adepti was very willing to come visit her and Aaru Village to help the economy maintain its footing/run smoothly, and Kaveh also comes and works on it/checks on her/the village! …When you initially showed all the plans to Candace, saying it’ll impress the old by bringing back old designs/architecture plus interest/satisfy the younger generations to know their hometown is advancing and make it more appealing to come back to… The Guardian puts her shield and spear off to the side, she lowers her head, and greets you, bc u kinda just started rambling without saying hello- whoops- , “Salaam aleikum Qore, **I have already become the first Guardian to have been blessed by the gods, to receive this Vision was the only aid I could turn to in trying to help my village, my community… but to be blessed once more? I would never have dared to dream, let alone the Ogdoad Qore… I am grateful on behalf of myself, my village, and all of King Deshret’s people. …truly, I did not expect a gods eyes to turn favorably upon us since my ancestors’ time. Thank you, my Qore.” You just give her a smile back, she taught you the return phrase, so you hope it’s appropiate, “Waaleikum us salam.” :)
Nilou = This woman is consumed by dancing, other than keeping the peace (well, within reason apparently bc she’s okay with a coup-) but you’ve heard how hard it can be on dancers, how plenty of them have to have strong muscles to perform consistently. So, using adepti magic, you’ve enchanted this minakari you’ve painted (a type of metalwork that’s then painted by artists, on Earth countries like Iran, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan make them) like the teapot! It’s a small island that has a dance studio, and more importantly, a spa with hot springs, a sauna, and a room full of medical supplies dancers would need like salves, heating/cooling pads (using pyro/cryo), and space for stretches! Overall, just a place for her to get away from all the people and to heal her body up for the next performance, and after getting it all prepped/packed up with supplies, and showing it to Nilou… she literally had her hands over her mouth the whole walk around the rooms and showing her everything. Nilou had already been shocked you’d painted her a minakari piece, let alone all this! Like some others, she was quick to drop the formalities, and before you could even say “I hope you like it!” she was wrapping her arms around you and squeezing as tight as she could, tearing up and saying how happy she was that someone understood how hard dance can be on the body and how hard it can also be to take care of yourself, and how she can’t possibly show her gratitude- wait a minute. She’s pulled back and gripping you by the shoulders, not even bothering to wipe her eyes, before she swears to give you a dance every year with all the culmination of her work as she learns and makes newer and better dances!! <3
Cryo Allogenes:
Kaeya = horses so he’s actually a calvary captain- you actually wanted something that’d emphasize the handmade part of the gift, to really let Kaeya know somebody out there really cares about him, cares about him in the way that they’ll sit down and think of an idea and think of him, and then work for hours, sewing, drawing, crafting something just for him, to happy about. You make him a small, pocket sized photobook, and have a picture of every person who cares about him in all the slots, and near the end, from his last birthday where you gathered everybody together to celebrate, is a photo of Jean, Klee, Albedo, Sucrose, Venti, Rosaria, Noelle, Amber, even Eula, Diona, Mika, Barbara, and Mona came! But most importantly, you got Diluc to host it at Angel’s Share, and after some convincing, got him to get in the picture, you’re slightly off center, sandwiched by Kaeya and Diluc, where Kaeya is mid-laugh at the center, having just seen Diluc’s embarrassed face. It’s the last one in the mini album, and each photo has an even small message at the bottom, giving Kaeya a message from everybody, just for him. At the very end, with the group photo just before, is one of yourself and him posing together, you having taken him out roaming Mondstadt for the perfect picnic spot, just to give an excuse why you wanted a picture with him. And at the time, he found it a little suspicious, but was just flustered enough he let it slide. But now, opening and unfolding this tiny album, full of smiling friends and caring words, Kaeya gives a small, watery chuckle, you’ve left him a message too. “Take care of yourself Kaeya, because someone out there really cares about you. :) “
Rosaria = After seeing her “nun” outfit, there’s no doubt in your mind that Rosaria is yearning for clothes closer to her preferred aesthetic. So, using your knowledge of punk clothes and modern goth religious aesthetics, you’ve made some pieces for her to try! Some black pumps with metal crosses for heels, yes they’re sharp and this nice shawl with beads, and finally, a nice lacy skirt (no you did not make fucking lace, jesus christ, you’re not a miracle worker, despite the belief of some teyvatians-). All of which, wow, got Rosaria to give you an honest to god… smile. A full, genuine smile from Rosaria… yeah that made all your hard work worth it.
Eula = a book on common manners so Eula is actually great at cooking! So what better chaos to gift to her other than introducing her to Xiangling! Especially since you’ve given the young Liyuean cook recipes from your own world for her to try out, she’s been on a rampage of new things, and so what better new experience than a cook from an entirely different country? You also made a small book of recipes (look up how to make a zine book on youtube it’s actually kinda easy) from your world, different from Xiangling’s because you thought Eula would like different recipes than her. …So needless to say you were then being berated by two chefs for not sharing all the recipes lmao, tho that really just gave them reason to share recipes! Also any new spinoffs Xiangling’s already made from the initial ones you gave her, and now Eula not only graciously thanks you for the recipes, but also her new pen pal! :)
Diona = So, to prep for this gift, you forced converted the Cat’s Tail to a non-alcoholic cat cafe during the daytime, and only in the evenings do they start serving alcohol/cats put up. You also got onto Margaret for hiring a child to make alcohol, so instead have Diona work better hours, and only during the cafe time, so she’s not making alcoholic drinks either. (you also checked in on child labor laws in Mondstadt, and ran some paperwork by Jean just in case) But most importantly, you teach Diona all kinds of new drink recipes to make, like Shirley Temples, smoothies, etc. You even (once again, by getting help from Xiangling and Diluc) made a drink for hangovers, but more importantly, helped her make one called “Sober Up” which magically flushes out the alcohol out of someone’s body, so Diona can finally sneak people a drink that (while still cursed to be well-made since Diona made it) is a trip to drink lol, it’s like a blast of carbonation/electricity to the system and will typically make most people very nauseous (but since magic’s doing it, they dont need to throw up, they’re just sick feeling for an hour depending on how much they drank). Diona nearly cried after she saw the effect on hungover customers, and immediately started sneaking them into her father’s drinks, so now he’s leaning more toward sobriety most days, and after finding out what Diona did, started to talk to his daughter more. The next time you see her, and ask after her father, she just wraps her little arms around your waist, the highest she can reach, you hug her back.
Chongyun = for prep for this gift, you painstakingly, slowly convince Chongyun to accept more and more moments of warmth, like trying some spicy food that’s gone cold, but just away from people so he can be silly out in the Liyuean mountains instead, and to try and use exposure therapy to try and get him used to yin energy/warm/excitable things, rather than the inefficient method of just avoiding it all (as it doesn’t always work/deprives him of so many nice things!! >:[ ). So that way! You can finally! Take him to have fun!!! You haul him (and Xingqiu bc the more the merrier) to go swimming in Luhua Pools, go jumping off all the peaks from one to another paragliding, using cryo to surf down waterfalls, and most importantly, go to a hot springs at the end of the day! Chongyun was worried about them being too hot and activating his yang energy, but you all agreed he had been training to get used to it, so now he when he goes to try it, he just relaxes into the heat. He could feel the tug to get out and run in circles and get excited, but finally, Chongyun could just choose to sit and relax into the warmth with friends instead :)
Ganyu = if I had a nickel for every woman In teyvat who just needs a break I’d be fucking rich …Obviously, a day off. But an ACTUAL day off, with work regulated to others, and unless there’s an Osial level incident 2.0 (fuck his wife, you put Shenhe on duty to protect Liyue just in case) NO ONE. IS. TO. DISTURB. GANYU’S. FIRST. VACATION. IN. DECADES. You get her to show you the prettiest viewing spots in Liyue, and as you go, tell stories from your life on Earth, showing her pictures on your phone (from both the internet and ur photos), to show her how mortal you are on one hand, but then how different you are here, upgrading her weapons and artifacts, and most importantly, her gift, a Teyvat modified cellphone! Albedo and you had been working together for months to try and make something close enough to connect ur two worlds, while introducing him to adeptal magic and other powerful objects like primogems and wishes that you have to help power it, that way the only other person who might understand immediately how it feels to be (literally lol) caught between two worlds can always rely on each other! …Ganyu cried. Yep, tears down her cheeks and everything, “…I- I- don’t even- even know what to say? All this, telling me about your mortal world, helping me get stronger, and now- now this? I may not have much to give in return, other than my company and my bow… but should you ever need me, or even wish for me, I will hold you as steady as I hold together Liyue itself, my Emperor." Ganyu’s smile is so, so, so pretty, and all the prettier now that her soft blue hair and sweet eyes are framed by the sunset, like it’s her own gift back to you.
Qiqi = A backpack for herbs! You’ve made sure to stitch her name into it so in case she forgets it’s hers, she’ll just see her name again, and lots of little pockets so she can carry all the herbs/make deliveries, it looks a little like this but with a goat instead of cow, and some cocouts lmao, literally a “coco-goat” milk backpack! She is now the cutest person in Liyue, everyone agrees, nearly every single person who comes into Bubu Pharmacy gives Qiqi a compliment now, and Baizhu will periodically take a break just so he and Changsheng can coo at her lmao (Qiqi made sure she wrote down in her notebook in big letters next to your name “This person made my cocogoat backpack, remember to thank them during prayer times, and collect lots of fresh herbs for them”)
Shenhe = It’s kind of a lot, but really, at this point, you’ve done more for some of the others so this probably isn’t even scratching the surface of how big of a gift you can give, so why not. Going full steam ahead, you furnish her a house at the edge of town, so that she’s not overwhelmed by all the human traffic/people, but still close enough to make the friends she wants! When you first show her the dining/living room so plenty of guests can come over, and begin to tour her through it, the strongest woman you’ve probably ever known gently holds your shoulders and stops you from speaking, and turns you to face her, Shenhe’s eyes are sharp with observation as they roam your face, and then settle on your own wide eyes. Her eyes soften, and a small smile warms her usual stern face, (idc how tall you are, she’s taller, I fucking promise) as she leans down a little to look at you closely in the eyes, “Thank you for being a kind god. You did not have to be so generous to me, and yet here you are. If you ever feel like you’re an outsider in Teyvat, in any country or company you find yourself in, please, promise me you’ll come here. Come home to me?” ✨💘✨
Ayaka = You manage to get her away from her duties to take her out to Sumeru! Mostly so you can introduce her to Nilou, see her performance, and the flourishing arts that now fill Sumeru City’s streets, and more importantly, a dress you made so she could dance with Nilou + dance on stage, she wasn’t confident enough/didn’t want to dance for a crowd, so it’s just you three or just you two after awhile. Ayaka looks the happiest she’s been in awhile, more so than you ever saw in game, and it’s… almost like a breath of fresh air to see her away from what you felt was such an isolating environment, even after the Vision Hunt Decree was over. For her last dance, Ayaka does so alone, a little after the sun has set, so it’s all blue, and the stars are coming out, finally, you get to see an even better version of the dance she gave the traveler that night. She only opens her eyes at the end, to give you the giddiest smile you’ve ever seen on her, cheeks cute and plumped up bc she’s smiling so hard, and bows to you (Ayaka’s thanked you a million times, but she doesn’t need to, you can feel how happy she is just from this)
Mika = THE BOY!! One of the most boys to ever boy in all of Teyvat!! Your boy!!! :D What a boy, he nearly fainted when you handed over his gift one day, and you had to reach out and steady him, then hand him it again 😭 It’s similar to the Marauder’s Map, since you enchanted it (once again, what’s the point of dev access if I can’t make gifts for my skrunklies?) and since you don’t want it to end up in bad hands/get spyed on, it only shows itself with a phrase as well “I wish upon a golden star, to know this land as well as its player.” and it’ll show him everyone in public spaces in Mondstadt, not private homes, but like the plaza, the church, the Knights of Favonius, etc. He thanks you every single time he sees you for the map, as it’s both fascinating to him to have a proper well-drawn map of the city of Mondstadt (you copied it from the Teyvat in game map, but there were some buildings missing bc they’re more real here/more fleshed out as a irl city) but that just made Mika even happier bc he can go and map them out!! Literally can’t talk to you bc all he’s saying is “T-TH-TH-THANK-THANK YOU ALL FURST-!!!” before running away most of the time lol
Layla = An embroidered tiny pillow for her to easily clip onto her bag/fit in it, and take on the go with her! (this but the text just says “Sweet Dreams Layla ♡” ) that you’ve also added scent to, including some sleep inducing magics, so she’s guarenteed to sleep well and efficiently when she uses it! She blushed so hard you thought she was sick at first when you gave it to her, and she also used the pillow as a shield to hide her face as she thanked you lmao, and she made you a pillow in return! …even if she thinks it’s not as good as yours, both craft wise and function, Layla worked for weeks on it! …lol now ur the one hiding ur face behind a pillow (this but they’re all plants of sumeru)
Aloy = …if you had a nickel for every person you’ve provided with a house, you’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice… Poor damn heroine just got dragged from one world to the next, just as the last one finally was at peace, now she’s here in Teyvat, where nothing’s familiar, the entire world is set up different, people are nicer and more open here, and there’s still threats looming on its horizon. Needless to say, she is tired, and misses her own homeworld. You really wish on her behalf that Hoyo hadn’t done a crossover, but since she’s here, you figure you might as well make it easier on her. You’ve made another teapot-like adeptal magic container, so she can have a place all to herself, and given her a ticket to your own, afterall, if anybody knows what’s its like to get yanked to another world, specifically Teyvat, it’d be the travelers and yourself, and sure enough as time goes one, Aloy becomes closer with you all, and begins to finally feel a sense of familiarity, she wraps an arm around your shoulders the first time she saw you tried to make her own personal teapot place emulate her homeworld. The widest grin you’ve seen on her face, she gives you a squeeze, “It’s just been one adventure after the next, and when we started out, you were just another stranger in a world I didn't understand. But after everything we've been through, I can say this for certain: My bow is yours, now and always. Thank you for the second home, my king.” Aloy says teasingly, laughing at the face you make.
Geo Allogenes:
Noelle = goddamn when will the busy women trend END these poor souls Motherfucker, you’re gift to Noelle was to knight the damn girl yourself. No, but you nearly talked Jean’s ear off for an hour, after gathering evidence (both from eyewitnesses, and Noelle herself, including other knights and Jean herself) about why the literal fuck Noelle wasn’t a Knight of Favonius yet, and why she should be. After genuinely shaking Jean’s nerves a little, she agreed, and finally, Noelle was going to knighted along with any other potential recruits during the testing season, (as people with high reputations, which, once again, using your god status for all its worth, could recommend new recruits) but most importantly… You gave her a 5-star claymore, which, you do have to somewhat work on yourself physically in teyvat now, but your dev access lets you cheat a little (like the cooking meter on cooking dishes, you’re the goddamn cooking god when hosting guests hehe) so you also are allowed to edit it, like adding a Geo-bonus to the weapon itself! When the ceremony for knighthood was going, and pretty much all of Mondstadt came to finally see Noelle get knighted, you made a fun show of walking out where you were hiding and replacing Jean, to knight Noelle yourself. She’s gone completely red in the face, and is starting to sway a little in her down on one knee position, as you gently place the blade on both shoulders, and grin at her as you turn and pull out the claymore for her. She actually does end up falling over, pale as a ghost, whoops-
Albedo = internet access so he can become a fucking god basically the alchemist is a hard guy to make a gift for, another person you’re a little afraid high-quality handmade gifts would impress him more… so you worked hard, and eventually you managed to make three big notebooks for Albedo, one with lined paper, one bulleted, and one blank for sketches (you did the title page a decent sketch of his pretty face smiling and “For Albedo” underneath, and while that one had a picture, the other two had just the words) and you also loaned him your cellphone for awhile, and suggested the idea of a laptop to make for himself, as he already managed to get you connected to Earth’s internet again, that’s part of the reason you customized/made him notebooks, so he could research from the internet and write down any notes he wanted! …wow. you really did it. after explained all this, and leaving him notes about the laptop idea as loose paper stuck inside one of them, you managed… to get Albedo to… smile. At you. Like a FULL smile, pretty lips, wide smile, and flushed cheeks-!! Albedo caught the notebooks you almost dropped.
Ningguang = what do you get the woman that has everything? so you started to think of things that’d make an experience, and after remembering her lore about her making a chess game, you decided a board game would be good! And if you make the little pieces, it’d be one of a kind too! (she’s the type that really loves handmade gifts/as long as you put effort in it doesnt matter how “bad” it looks to her, she’ll believe it’s still good <3) …So you made a Teyvat version of Monopoly. You figured the business part would be in her realm of expertise, and maybe she could use it to play with business associates or friends, and of course, she’s a competitive woman, so she thinks it’s great, and even asked permission that a marketable version be made (one that’s not nearly as nice quality as hers from you obviously)! Ningguang also treated you very well as a thank you for making it for her, a nice dinner at Liuli Pavilion, with a useful gift of places you haven’t seen in Teyvat yet bc it’s more expansive now that you’re physically here!! You may have gotten over-excited about it… and she may have chuckled at you… and you may have gotten flustered after she rested her pretty hand on yours for nearly half the dinner as you stuttered thru and explanation of the game…
Zhongli = …what do you get the man that has everything (ningguang problem 2.0)?? Well, since you thought of something for her that was an experience a little bit, yet also one of a kind, you figured the same path for the previous God of Wealth/literally invented money/etc. would do, plus he’d the type to deeply appreciate handmade gifts too! Using a few chunks of Light Realm Core, 3 Masterless Starglitter, 1 Intertwined Fate, and 1 Condensed Resin, to make a nigh indestructible Ginko leaf hair pin, which also to replace his last pin, which while not broken, was getting old and beat up (he’s immortal he doesn’ notice these things unless they’re like magically long lasting items lol). But in a few spots are these peach beads like this instead of all white beads, like on the ring both have symbols of longevity, and are usally associated with immortals, you wanted to make something that’d also hold memories (hence the resin, from leylines) so if the erosion ever took him, Zhongli could hold the pin and see some of his favorite memories played back (like misty glittering gold projections)! When you told him all this, the materials, (he obv knew the symbols) and the intentions, and then handed him the gift, his soft smile got bigger and bigger, until you could see him small fangs (❤️‍🔥) and then he turned around? You were confused, until he look over his shoulder, his eyes flashing gold in the sunlight, “Will you do me the honor, my Emperor?” OH- you unclip his old geo cor lapis one, and pull his hair up into more of a low bun, and put the hair piece in. the golden ginko leaves chime softly in the breeze. The old god turns back to you (idc how tall you are, he’s taller, and he had to crouch a little so you could reach lol) and gives you that blinding, beautiful smile again, the kind that makes his eyes look warm and happy. He takes your hand delicately, like you’re made of something fragile instead of stars and magic stronger than any he’s ever seen, “Truly, you bless me too generously, my Emperor. Thank you, for caring for a forgotten god like me, for caring about my heart.” …Zhongli presses a soft chaste kiss to your knuckles, right on the middle finger’s knuckle, his lips are warm and so, so soft, like they’re barely even there. <3
Yunjin = a bit difficult because she’s so theater focused in life, but you figure since she does solo shows a lot, she’ll still be the one to benefit the most from your gift, you made some floating plaustrite lanterns to help heft some platforms for more stage space/cool effects! (this but a little more detail, you painted some bamboo and a few simple adepti on them) Like putting props up there or lights to aim on actors, or even actors themselves since the floating rock is steady enough! Yunjin practically squealed (which immediately made every actor in the vicintity be like “YUNJIN!! UR VOICE WILL GO HOARSE STOP-”) and gather the whole troupe to thank you! But she especially told you that although she already intended for you to have front row seats every time you came to see her plays, she especially wanted to get some stories from your life, or even just your favorites from Earth for her to perform for you!! (she even suggested that one of the platforms could be your special seat, like an opera box seat lol)
Itto = you know that belt buckle he wears that’s just an Oni head? Yeah, you made him a second belt but with a onikabuto beetle as the buckle instead! (kinda like this) but a small enough it’s not inconvenient and poking his stomach, which you definitely got a Inazuman blacksmith to help out, you mostly painted it, and when you show Itto the belt, mans literally just wraps his buff arms around you like a hug but then just starts spinning you rapidly, and lets out the highest pitch “EEEEEEEEEEE-!!!” you’ve ever heard him make (and you’ve given him a few trinkets before, so this is a new record wow). No, it doesn’t matter to Itto how much you weigh, have you seen his abs?! He says as he’s still got you a little off the ground, and is now walking away with your limp body and wearing his new belt, “This, and a proper meal to thank you are the bare minimum, my wonderful emperor! Come on, the gang’s already there anyway, you gotta try my Granny Oni’s food, and I’ll make something too! My best, most special, sandwich, Way of the Strong!! Y’know, because if anybody deserves it, it’d be the strongest, and sweetest, you!!”
Gorou = since teyvat isn’t exactly the pinnacle of advanced civilization, though there are some advancements sure like the Kamera, there are still a fair amount of things that’re just left up to locals to produce and make using whatever process they’ve got, regardless of efficiency, and one of those is soap. Yep, soap. Earth is more advanced when it comes to beauty products, but also hygiene products, and Gorou has a hard time maintaining his tail he’s said when he’s stressed/overworked. So, you used some knowledge from your interdimensional smartphone (love u Albedo) to find a homemade recipe to make soap! (…for dogs, but you don’t know if he’d find it offensive… so you don’t tell him LMAO) and you even made it a cute shape (just so when you handed it over, he’d open it and of course, go all red all the way down his neck even, hehe, (he secretly liked it)
You towards all of Teyvat, except it's not even their birthdays (idk if u want it to be it can)
Me after writing all this:  _」(´ཀ`」 ∠)__
… so I may have hyperfixated a little too hard on this one.
Did the OG asker want this? …probably not…
Did anyone ask for this?? …no.
…did I do it anyway….…yes.
(I promise I only thought to do this because there are so many characters left out in favor of the more popular ones for most SAGAU posts, and bc i never want any of my babes to feel any less loved than any others if I was actually there in Teyvat… you get… this mess.)
Safe Travels,
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Billy Micheal and Jason are the only ones i care about but you can add whoever
Omg hi!! Thanks for request!
They/them, sfw and request open
Slashers meeting s/o perents
Billy Lenz
Why would you do that
No fr why would anyone think this was good idea
Guy cant say a sentence without swear words or weird sex jokes😭
But fr billy will be so nervous!! Lil baby doesn't know how to behave!
S/o has to give him tutorial how to act like normal human and not 3rats in trench coat
Perents will be... alarmed to say the least... like really?? You could pick anyone but you picked oversized goblin?? Wow s/o
If s/o has younger siblings, he will bite them btw
Usually perents want to have grandchildren but oh god oh no not with this guy please s/o think about it!!
Billy vibes tbh he likes s/o perents they goofy. He also ate raw pasta. All of it
He told s/o dad that he wants lego for chrismas btw
Micheal Myers
How much you drank to think thats a good idea
Soo you telling me you bf is a serial killer?
At least he won't say anything rude, and s/o perents are too intimidated to say something rude about him🥰peace
Micheal just stares really, hes harmless for now
Yes s/o mom will call them to make sure that they aren't kidnaped and this all stuff is acually consensual
Live laugh love dont get stabbed by Michael
Yall can't even eat a dinner together 😔my guy looks like npc. Like yall just sit nicley and my homie just🧍 he doesn't even eat he just looks at yall, he totally judges their outfits
Hide your pets away he might eat them. You have pet hamster? What hamster?
Jason Voorhees
Omg homeboy is stressed! What if they don't like him:((
At first their perents were intimidated by him, but s/o's mom and him got along very fast! They are baking cookies together! Also if s/o has smol siblings or animals o my god he is bff with them instantly
Their mom and him acually got along faster than s/o with jason when they met first time!
Helps with carring heavy stuff... you bought new fridge? Call up son-in-law jason to help out (s/o mom has him named like that in contacts in phone)
Perents kinda wonder where he lives, when s/o told them that he has vintage cottage in Forest they started to think that hes rich or something
S/o perents already hope that yall get married
Asa emory
My dude bought suit for that appointment
He promised not to talk about skinning people while yall are eating dinner. He is so dreamy
Got along very well with s/o's dad, they are talking about fishing or something idk what dads are into lol
Almost fell asleep when their mom was talking
I WANTED TO WRITE " when their mom was talking about that she wants grandchildren" BUT ITS SOUNDS WAY FUNNIER THAT WAY
He was scared to eat dinner, it looked.... suspicious... he never trusted cheesy lasagna
Anyways Asa and their dad are besties now, they will go fishing next week
I didnt write any headcanons for few weeks i hope it was good or at least readable
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weneeya · 6 months
Hiii ! Hope you doing amazing ! Could you write a Reader x Itto, where Itto keep loosing some scarabutto battle and other to everyone and he start to get frustated so to cheer him up we decide to play against him (probably at hide and seek and let him win)
so frustrated w/ itto m.list | rules
note. hello there! thank u sm for ur request, it's so silly and adorable omg I love it! hope you'll enjoy it <3 feel free to request, the box is still open :)
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Itto was always happy, the type of guy to be cheerful all the time and to let nothing bring him down, or at least almost everything. He was in a good mood most of the time and people, especially children, loved him for that. But today was apparently too much for him. 
He kept losing again and again during those scarabuttos’ fights, and even if it was against his dear friends, Itto started to have enough. His smile was slowly disappearing everytime he was losing another fight, and soon he didn’t seem to have fun anymore. It was so frustrating ! Why cannot he win for once? 
You were here, cheering for him even though he wasn't winning a single time. But you kept going, not wanting to give up on him. Until he came closer to you, with frustration obviously readable on his face. 
“Stop it, it’s useless. I’m such a loser…” he said, eyes looking down on the ground. You frowned slightly when you saw him. No, there was no way you would let this sweet boy think that he was a loser! You looked at the other people being here, mostly children, asking them to leave without a word. Soon, you and Itto were completely alone. 
“Come on Itto, let’s play something together, mh?” You offered, and he didn’t even answer, playing with a rock on the floor. He really was such a big baby. You put a hand on his arm, a smile on your lips. 
“What about… hide & seek? Go hide!” You pushed him slightly and, even if he didn’t seem very thrilled by the idea, he left to go hide somewhere. You faced a tree, starting to count out loud, very slowly so he would have the time to hide. When you finally turned around, saying that you were coming for him, you couldn’t believe it. 
Itto was very obviously behind this rock. You could see his horns from above, and you thought that a child would be better than him at hiding. But your plan was to make him feel better, and nothing would go between you and your plan. 
“Itto? Ittoooo? Where are you?” You started to shout, acting like you couldn’t see him at all. You started to walk everywhere except near that rock, exaggerating about the fact that he was so well hidden. You stopped close to the tree where you had previously counted, hands on your hips. 
“Fine, you won! I can’t find you!” And in a minute, he was standing, all smiley. He laughed before he came closer to you. He put his hand on your shoulder, his smile shining like the sun itself. 
“Haha! Guess I’m stronger at hide & seek,” he said, crossing his arms on his chest. Itto started blabbering about how strong he was, acting all proud like he wasn’t so frustrated ten minutes ago. But you couldn’t do anything else than stare at him with a smile. 
You were so fond of him, even though he was probably the stupidest man you’ve ever met. In fact, maybe it was part of his charm ; or at least, what made you fall for him all those months ago.
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itto is the himbo of all the himbo I love him sm stupid cutie boy
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arandomnerd810 · 5 months
putting down all my thoughts and stuff i’ve noticed lets gooo
i’m gonna speak in periods for the first paragraph since it’s very long but do not get me wrong i don’t wana be serious sounding it’s just to make these paragraphs more readable excuse the rambling
Caine posting section cause he’s my special intrest
satisfaction Caine wise 10/10
first the elephant in the room as Caine’s #1 fan yep still his number one fan! Serial Designation N killed tons of people yet nobody in the fandom cares, and Caine doesn’t get people well so he had no ill intention. rlly my opinion of him has not changed he’s still my silly lil goober no matter what he does. i’ve always known he will do horrible things and been expecting this to happen ever since Pomni gave the idea to bring him to the circus. Gummigoo had a sir pentious like death so i wouldn’t be surprised if we see him again.
he may be an asshole but he’s my asshole ❤️❤️
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now that that’s out of the way a little glimpse of Caine angst is all i could have asked for in this ep 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 like cmon everyone has to agree insecure much?
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Caine posting over cause my god have i gotten more attached to everyone else aswell! (ofc Caine’s still my fav by far)
satisfaction with everything else 10/10
the fact that this wasn’t censored normally (no wacky sounds or the censor bar) and how Caine reacted with “you can’t say that…” could imply bubble said all of this out loud uncensored which is very funny to me
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I love Ragatha she’s so sweet look at her ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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I wana see where everyone’s friendship goes from here! they are already so adorableeee
still a sucker for found family dynamics
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the fact Jax wasn’t here but still was upset is :( as much as i like to bully him, i love him just as much as any other human character. i’m the most interested in his episode cause he’s a mysterious guy( and i may or may not have a sneaking feeling like ill relate to him a little even though our personalities are practically polar opposite)
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Kinger is so fatherly auughofewhiuhefvw the fact he’s old enough to have kids and is more likely than not married to Queenie imagine he had kids before coming here they would only be in like middle school ish cause he’s not even that old that’s sad af
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this really makes me want to buy the gangle plushie i’m thinking i’m gonna do it lmaooo
the fact she started crying 😭😭
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Zooble wasn’t taking part in the adventure cause they were setting up Kaufmo’s graveee i love him sm
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It’s really funny how chilled out Bubble was here
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merch talk timeeee
sneak peaks of the rooms mayhaps?
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Let’s just hope there’s only memes around it and not another figure incident….
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welp going onto grab the Gangle plushie i’ve decided
real talk i’m actually happy TADC got so popular cause ive made a friend through it already and strengthened old ones since info dumping is the only form of communication my braincells can handle well lmaooo it’s crazy how many of my friends have decided to watch my special interest
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danses-with-dogmeat · 2 years
Do you know any other fallout blogs that still write? P.s. I live for your writings 😭
Why yes, I absolutely do!
And omg thank youuuu 🥺
There's probably quite a few that I don't know of, so if y'all have recommendations, I'm always down for that. But some of the ones I follow and love and that helped me get into writing for fallout are listed below!
@baddieladdie writes here and on A03 and is awesome (and writes for other fandoms if you want to explore some)
@some27-url writes on A03 but posts here on Tumblr and writes amazing long-form stuff, and some shorter works that are also so gripping, once I start reading, I can't stop!
@nuka-after-dark was one of the first blogs I followed, and I still go through their masterlist damn near daily cuz their works are bite-sized and very re-readable.
@zirawrites has a bunch of bite-sized stuff and character reacts that are great for scrolling through!
@radreactions is also awesome, I've probably read everything on their masterlist at least twice lol.
@fallout-drabbles-n-stuff posts a lot and has an awesome masterlist as well, and I just love all of their headcannons!
@fallout4reactsblog also writes some awesome stuff and has some great thoughts and headcannons on the characters and AUs that are really interesting.
@libertybri is also incredible and have a big masterlist of works that I regularly go back to and re-read!
And lastly I have to recommend Tea_Petty on A03. They're not active anymore, but they were the blog that inspired me to start mine, and I love their works so much that I simply must recommend them.
Some of these blogs are more active than others, but even if they're not as active, I tried to include ones with good masterlists that you can go through and binge 😁
(Also, authors, if for whatever reason you're on here and don't want to be, please let me know and I can absolutely take you off!)
Thanks for the ask, and I hope this helped! And again, if y'all have recommendations, please send them my way, I'm always down to find new reading material!
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adelidae · 9 months
Talk about your favored OC [im on desktop and dont know if/how to add emojis please imagine an eyes emoji here] ?
WAUGH thank u for the ask omg. i can't promise coherence but i will do my best 💖
ESSENTIALLY. his name is darius he's 24, 5'5. three older brothers and a wealthy mother who is more interested in her public image than her children.
he's a very career-oriented guy. personal excellence and perfection comes before anything else in his life (especially interpersonal relationships). he calls himself a pragmatist but really he just self-isolates even to the point of his own detriment.
he's not really easy to be around, his personality comes across as quite blunt or even mean at times (his buffer for pushing people away) and he's spent a lot of his life isolated as a result of it. despite having a large family they don't come together often and all live apart.
his character in general is kind of a character study in how self-repression and a fixation on doing/being the "best" kind of prevents you from living a fulfilling life, he was originally based on characters i idolised when i was younger and i think he was pretty instrumental in me going Ohhh i don't want to idolise those kinds of people anymore
it can be hard to talk about him because i'm aware that like. If he was real he wouldn't be a good person or particularly nice to be around (he doesn't really care about other people because of the way he was raised, think poisoned by capitalism) but something about the way he behaves and how he willingly perpetuates the cycles of like. Tragedy for lack of a better word in his own life and towards other people compels me. like this is a man who could choose at any point to act in kindness but chooses not to because of some kind of sunk cost fallacy.
there's genuinely so much i could say about him i could ramble on for HOURS (and have in the past!!) but for the sake of keeping this readable i hope this gives a sort of introduction ^_^
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eggyrocks · 2 months
Not me acting like I’m shocked and offended by your male bitches characters while deep inside I’m just delighted because boys acting like dicks does nothing but make me horny 🫲🏼😩🫱🏼
I have sins and you just keep aggravating them.
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I mean, they’re so good. It’s not just the random bad boy humiliating a girl in the corridors or being aggressive just to buff in front of people, your characters have a true personality, with a large palette flaws and qualities, and you are so good at balancing with them. Even when they act like pure scumbags you can’t really hate them bc we identify to them in a way or another, and for me that’s where your talent shines the most : your characters are HUMANS, and their interactions with one another are pure gold, they’re funny af, but also true and honest.
Your characters are green flags while also being incredibly toxic for themselves or their friends, I don’t know how you do that, honestly.
I LOVE your characters, truly.
And by the way, I really want to thank you. I love your stories so much that I recently reopened my laptop and WROTE. Last time it happened was like… 8 years ago I think ?
You are so inspiring for me (I hope it’s not as cringe as I think it is for you to read that 😭) I love to read you, your Tumblr is my new safe place. And idk, I don’t even remember which one of your stories I was reading, but I was in my bed, reading and reading and reading, and my fingers wouldn’t stop tingling, I felt a real urge to write. It’s nothing BIG, plus it was the first time I was writing in English so it’s lame as fuck, but god you can’t even imagine how I felt to finally be able to write something !
So, thank you eggy, never doubt yourself, you are made for writing !
Sorry for the length of my message, hope it’s readable (those that word even EXISTS ?)
Can’t wait to read the rest of drunk walk home (and maneater too omg)
Wtf that message is way too fucking long I wasn’t planning to fangirling but it ended happening and I don’t even know how or why lmaoooooo
Guess that’s just the power you hold on me
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oh my god this is all i ever want when im writing. people are so complicated and no one’s ever as straight forward as you think. it can be a really difficult thing to try to capture when writing but I DO MY BEST AND I SO APPRECIATE HEARING THIS 💕💕
i hope you keep writing and find a lot of joy in it i think this is so cool and RAH im so excited for you that you were able to write something. THATS FUCKING AWESOME !!!!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU <333333
ur rlly cool thanks for saying all of this it means a whole fucking lot to mean and i appreciate you 💕
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
Day in the life 2 - j.q
I FINALLY GOT AROUND TO MAKING A PART TWO. omg i’ve never been so stressed over an imagine in my life lmao. i’m sorry imagines are coming out slow- i’m trying to make them as readable as possible so i hope you enjoy (5.9K words btw 😳) anyways- don’t forget to reblog and like my loves, i appreciate it! also this is so fucking bad omg
taglist: @eddieamoremio @theshireisonfire
it was December 20th, 5 days before Christmas came. to say Esme was excited was an understatement. she had begged you and Joseph to put up the Christmas tree on the 27th November, saying it was so close to Christmas that you needed the tree up. obviously you obliged and put up the Christmas tree on the 27th with Joseph, and Esme who actually helped for the first time.
today was the day you, Joseph and Esme were going to see Santa and after having both yours and Joseph's social media's blow up after the first day in the life was posted you decided it would be so cute to do another vlog/day in the life for the fans to watch. you had told Esme that you would be doing another vlog and she had never been more excited. she wasn't counting down the days to see Santa, she was counting down the days to vlog and it was the cutest thing ever.
you were 7 months pregnant and your baby was now the size of an eggplant. you had tried your best for the past 3 months to keep your bump hidden- not wanting the public to know just yet but after you were spotted in the supermarket by a fan who hugged you without warning you definitely couldn't keep it a secret.
so, you decided to post a photo of you and Esme. she was by your side, asleep with her hand on your growing bump. you had your left hand brushing through her disheveled curls and you had a hot chocolate in the other left the caption 'Esme and bump ☁️'
to be honest you couldn't wait for another baby. you loved being a mum and you loved watching Joseph be a dad. Esme was the perfect child and you hoped that this baby would be as good as she is. since you were pregnant you didn't get much sleep so you woke up before Joseph and Esme, meaning you could make them breakfast.
you didn't want to start the vlog by yourself because you loved watching the start of the last vlog which was almost a year ago now- yes people had been requesting a second vlog for almost a year. even when Joseph went to different comic-con's and events at least one person brought up the day in the life and if there would be a part two.
he always reassured everyone that there would be a part two but he just didn't know when but today was definitely the perfect day to do a vlog, Esme's first time properly meeting Santa was surely going to make all the fans hearts melt and it was definitely going to make you emotional. you didn't know why but thinking about her growing up always made you emotional and it was a lot more frequent now that you were pregnant.
you were a hormonal mess and both Esme and Joseph tried their best to not make you cry but sometimes it was difficult. so what you cried when Ray was murdered in The Princess and the Frog- it was sad. Joseph was used to you being hormonal, you were exactly the same when you had Esme. but Esme, she was definitely not used to her mum being upset all the time.
Joseph had to explain to her why you were emotional all the time and she sort of got it but then again she was 5 years old and still only just grasping the concept of holding a conversation properly. Joseph had woken up to pots and pans clinking together in the kitchen. Joseph knew exactly what you were making because you made it practically every day- hash browns, sausages, marmite on toast and a yogurt which changed every day- it depended on how you were feeling but your favourite was definitely peaches.
he and Esme didn't really like the combination so they ate something different but if you were happy, he was happy. he grabbed the camera off of the bedside table and sat up, turning his body to sit on the edge of the bed. "good morning everyone. i don't really know what to do with these things but i do know for a fact that you all wanted another day in the life so i guess this is a part two. Esme is surprisingly still asleep which is shocking because as you can hear" he stayed silent for a minute as he started walking to Esme's room so the camera could hear you singing and clanking around the kitchen.
"y/n is being very loud in the kitchen. it's every morning- she's singing the same song and making the same breakfast. honestly though, i wouldn't change it because she's happy, the baby is definitely happy so i'm happy. oh yeah and if you guys didn't know we are having another baby which is so exciting but anyway, i need to wake Esme up now so you guys know how this goes i guess"
Joseph smiled at the camera before turning it around to show Esme's bedroom door. she was laying on her bed in a starfish position with her hair all over the place. some of it was over her eyes and the rest was just on her pillow. "she is so beautiful" he whispered as he approached her bed, setting up the camera in the exact same position as last time.
he pushed the hair off of her face gently and stroked her cheek. she stirred slightly but didn't wake up, making him lean down to place a few small kisses on her forehead. this made her wake up, her eyes opening slowly. her eyes were exactly the same as Joseph's and that was one thing you hoped all your kids had- his beautiful eyes.
once she saw her dad smiling down at her with his hand running through her hair softly, trying not to catch in any knots. she reached her arms up, still half asleep as she waited her her dad to pick her up for her morning cuddle that she got from both of you every morning. "morning baby. did you sleep okay?" he picked her up and sat her on his lap. she cuddled into him straight away making the smile on his face grow.
"i had a good sleep" her eyes were closed again as she practically fell back asleep on him. "that's good sweetheart. remember what today is?" and with that her eyes shot open and she looked straight at her dad. "Santa" she whispered her excitement building as she realised she was going to meet the Santa Claus.
"that's right sweetheart. we just need to-" before Joseph could finish she crawled off of his lap and ran straight to her closet to pick out the perfect outfit to meet Santa. "daddy help me. we need to go right now before he leaves. i haven't shown him my list yet" Joseph laughed at her hurried antics.
"baby Santa isn't going anywhere okay? we have all day to see him. we need to have breakfast and get ready first" he explained, picking up the camera and pointing it at her as she rummaged around the wardrobe which was filled with clothes. "but what if he doesn't wait daddy? i don't wanna miss him"
Joseph couldn't help it but his heart melted when she said this. she had been talking about seeing Santa since you brought up the idea. "i promise you won't miss him sweetheart. now come on, we have to go see mama" after hearing that she ran to the stairs and waited for Joseph to follow her before she went down them.
the downstairs was filled with the smell of sausages and burnt toast. Esme and Joseph made their way to the kitchen and saw you sniffling as you just watched the sausages cooking in the frying pan. "morning mama" Esme said, running to you and wrapping her small arms around your leg. you sniffled loudly before whispering a small "morning love"
you had burnt your toast by accident and now you were silently crying. you couldn't stop thinking about the food going to waste and it was all your fault. it wasn't like you didn't have other pieces of bread that you could use but you hated wasting food and this just made you feel bad. "y/n, sweetheart why are you crying?" Joseph set the camera down on the kitchen counter, completely forgetting about the vlog. the only thing he cared about in that moment was you.
he came around to where you were standing and wiped under your eyes softly. "yeah mummy why are you crying?" you felt more tears welling up in your eyes as both your husband and daughter tried to comfort you. "i burnt my toast" and with that, fat salty tears rolled down your face quickly. you were practically inconsolable. "that's alright love, we can just make some more. it's not an issue. we have more bread" Joseph always tried his best to calm you down and now was one of these times where he didn't want you to upset yourself even more- it was toast.
"you don't get it Joe. i burnt it and now it's a waste. people are dying and i burnt food now it's not going to get eaten and it's all my fault" you sobbed loudly, leaning into Joseph's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you. Esme stared up at you with worried and confused eyes. "daddy, is mama okay?" Joseph looked down at the little girl and sent her a smile before nodding.
"why don't you go sit at the table Es, let me sort mama out" he let one of his hands let go of you so he could brush a hand through her hair. all she did was nod her head and walk to where the table was and sit down, waiting patiently like she had been told to.
"sweetheart it's okay, it's just toast baby" he kissed the side of your head gently. you looked up at him, his arms were still wrapped around you as you looked directly at him. "i feel so bad. i burnt it by accident and now-" "see, you said it yourself baby, it was an accident and accidents happen. you didn't mean to burn it so it's okay. how about i make some for you and finish up in here and we can all eat together? why don't you go sit with Esme."
you sniffled, scratching your bump softly before using your sleeve to wipe your nose. you looked at the burnt toast which was sat looking sad on the plate before sighing. silly you crying over toast. "okay" your voice was hoarse, your eyes were bloodshot and you had streaky lines down your cheeks from your tears. Joseph gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before you wrapped the dressing gown around you, walking away from Joseph and the messy kitchen.
Joseph looked at the sausages in the frying pan which here also burnt because of you crying to him. he put everything in the bin and started again- knowing you definitely would not like the taste of burnt sausages. Joseph completely forgot about the camera which was still recording and quickly grabbed it, facing it to himself. "sorry about that guys but duty called. i feel like i should give this to Esme for a bit whilst i focus on this"
Joseph shouted out for Esme, waiting to hear the sound of the pitter patter of tiny feet running across the floor. he smiled softly when he saw her running r
through the kitchen door and look up at him. "mummy's okay daddy. she's calmed down" Joseph did feel relief fill his body as he heard from his little girl that you had in fact calmed down now.
"that's good sweetheart, listen, i'm not focusing on the vlog right now- do you want to take the camera and speak to everyone?" her eyes widened as she realised she yet again got the to look after the camera. "yes please daddy. can i show the baby?" she asked as he handed her the camera. "if mama is okay with it love. go ask her baby" she squealed and ran back into the dining room where you were sat on your phone.
"mama, mama look. daddy let me take the camera. can i show everyone the baby" you put down your phone and smiled to her, tucking a piece of lose hair behind her ear. "yeah you can show everyone the baby" you lifted up Joseph's top, which was oversized on you, and showed your almost fully grown bump, placing your hand on your belly. she gently placed her hand on top of yours but made sure the camera could see the baby.
as you and Esme stroked your bump you felt little kicks coming from your baby. you loved the feeling of your babies kicking. when you first felt Esme kick you were shocked. obviously you'd never been in that situation before but you instantly started crying knowing your baby was okay. "mama look, the baby is kicking us. the baby is kicking for the fans" she squealed loudly making you laugh.
"yeah baby, the baby is kicking for the fans" Esme kept the camera focused on your bump as she carried on stroking it. "do you know how long it will be until we see Santa mama? i don't wanna miss him" you knew Esme really wanted to meet Santa but you also knew he wasn't going anywhere just yet. you could see the desperation on her face as she awaited your response.
"sweetheart, Santa isn't going anywhere so i promise you won't miss him. we need to eat first baby and get dressed before we can go out" she sighed dramatically but handed you the camera so you could turn it off when she heard Joseph coming in with everyone's breakfast. you shut off the camera and focused on your family, wanting to enjoy the family breakfast time alone and without the camera.
"here we are loves" you heard Joseph say as he placed all the plates on the table. you had your usual sausages, hash browns, toast and yogurt whilst Joseph and Esme had sausage sandwiches. "mmm yummy. thank you daddy" Esme was always polite and you were so proud that she always used her manners, even if she was in a mood with either you or Joseph she always said her 'pleases' and 'thank yous'.
after breakfast and you all getting ready (which Esme insisted on filming for the fans) you were all finally ready to meet Santa. Esme was speaking to the camera for the whole car ride. you've never heard her speak so fluently and it just melted your heart. "so guys we are seeing Santa" she squealed, making you turn to watch her in the back seat.
"mama, do you think Santa will like me?" Joseph looked at her through the rear view mirror with a slight frown. she had dropped the camera slightly so she could look at both her parents, she could see that both of you were frowning. "why would Santa not like you sweetheart?" Joseph's hand squeezed yours as she awaited her answer.
she sighed loudly and placed the camera next to her. "i just don't wanna get on the naughty list so close to Christmas. i want him to like me when i see him" both the frowns on yours and Joseph's faces dropped into sympathy looks. "sweetheart you've been really really good this year, Santa definitely will not take you off of the nice list this close to Christmas. i'm sure he will stop at our house first just because of how good you've been"
once she heard Joseph reassure her that she would definitely not be put on the naughty list, she picked the camera back up and carried ok talking to the fans about what she had asked for and how excited she was for Christmas. "Joe, maybe we could go to the Christmas market after we see Santa? it could be fun. Esme's never been to one before"
Joseph loved Christmas markets, there was just so much to look at and everything was just so beautiful there. you also knew that Joseph wanted to take Esme to one, you went together on your third date and it was just something in that moment that you were the one for him. he didn't know what it was, maybe it was your compassion for others or just that you loved Christmas because it bought you and your family closer. he just knew he needed to be with you and that was it.
"yeah we can do love, you sure you won't get tired with all the walking? i don't wanna drag you around baby. you've been feeling sore and i know walking for you is difficult" you turned and smiled at him. he had been making sure you were okay, as he should, but he always made sure you were comfortable. he didn't want you to push yourself to far that you can barely walk (which you did when you were pregnant with Esme).
"we can go love, i wanna take her to one. this will be her last Christmas alone and i wanna make it as special as possible" he bought your right hand to his lips and placed a small kiss on the back of your hand. "it will always be special baby, she loves every year. don't worry" you turned and smiled at him, your heart melting as he reassured you.
you arrived at the shopping centre where Santas grotto was being held. you realised that the Christmas market wasn't too far away from the shopping centre which you thanked the lord above because it meant Joseph didn't have to drive for hours to get there which also meant you didn't need to sit down for hours with the baby kicking against your ribs.
Joseph had parked in the shopping centre car park which meant you'd only have to walk to the lift and then to where the grotto was inside the centre. Joseph jogged around to where Esme was and helped her out the car. he then opened the door for you, sticking his hand out so he could help you out the car just like he did for Esme.
what you both didn't know was that Esme was filming both you and Joseph as he helped you get out of the car. "wow such a gentlemen" you joked as you closed the car door, placing your left hand on your bump. "yeah mama, daddy is a gentleman" she copied, not really pronouncing it correctly which made you and Joseph laugh loudly.
"come on sweetheart, give daddy the camera so you can walk with mama." she handed Joseph the camera and then walked to you, seeing your hand stretched out for her to take so you could both walk hand in hand. Joseph was sneakily recording you and Esme walking together "my girls are the cutest" he whispered to the camera as Esme and you swung your held hands back and forth. Joseph then turned the camera off and jogged over to you guys and grabbed ahold of Esme's other hand, walking towards the lift.
once you had finally gotten into the shopping centre itself, you saw signs all over showing the direction to Santa's grotto. Joseph got out the camera out and showed Esme. she was squealing every so often when she saw a sign- 'Santas grotto this way'. "Es, are you excited to see Santa?"
she practically screamed when she finally saw the grotto which was surrounded by elves, fake snow, fake gingerbread men and other families who’s children were just as excited to see Santa as Esme. “omg daddy look. Santas elves are all here. i can’t wait to see him” you smiled brightly as you listened to your little girl speak.
“yeah baby, his elves are here. there’s not many people in the queue sweetheart so it won’t be long” Joseph replied as he ran a hand through her perfectly curled hair. you loved Esme’s hair, it just fit her perfectly and you were so grateful she had inherited that from Joseph. after a few minutes of waiting it was your turn to see Santa. Esme began to grow nervous even though she had been excited ever since you had decided to take her to see Santa.
“mama i’m nervous” she whispered as her grip on your hand became tighter. “it’s okay sweetheart, do you want me to come with you?” after seeing her nod her head you all walked into the grotto, seeing Santa sat in his big chair with a smile on his face. Joseph had also came into the room, filming the two of you with Santa.
“wow, it’s nice to meet you. what’s your name?” Santa said as you gently placed Esme on his lap. “Esme” she whispered looking up at him. “that’s a pretty name, now. have you been a good girl this year?” she finally started coming out of her shell as she got comfortable with Santa- obviously she was calm because you were right next to her.
“yes i’ve been really good, haven’t i mama?” she turned to you and watched you nod your head and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. she turned back to Santa who was smiling brightly at the five year old. “well that’s brilliant! if there were two things you’d really want this Christmas, what would it be?” she thought for a moment before her eyes lit up.
“i would love a new barbie doll house please. i’ve seen it on the tv and daddy said if i’m good i could ask you for it so i wrote it on my list. i hope you got it” she said, swinging her legs back and forth as she then thought for her next ‘gift’. “i did see it on your list. you’ll have to wait until Christmas morning to see if you got that. you are very polite” Santa said, making Esme have a small blush appear on her cheeks. “thank you” she whispered, a small, shy smile appearing on her face.
“what else do you wish for Esme?” you whispered to her, watching as she went deep into thought for a moment. Joseph was watching from afar, his eyes filled with adoration as he watched his two girls interact with one another. “well, my mama is having a baby and i would really like it to be a girl. but, after that i would like another baby but for it to be a boy. not another girl please.” she spoke, listening as you and Joseph laughed at her.
Santa coughed before shifting slightly with Esme in his lap. “well, i’m not to sure if i can do that Esme but i’ll try my hardest. maybe wait until your mama and dad are ready. maybe they just want you and then this baby and that might be it. but it’s up to them, if they do i’ll try my best to make it a baby boy” Santa said, making Esme’s smile widen. she really wanted more then one sibling and if Santa said he’d try his hardest for her to have more then one she would take it.
you got up from the floor, struggling as your bump got in the way. kneeling was not a good idea but you didn’t want Esme to be uncomfortable with just Santa. “Esme sweetheart, do you want a photo with Santa?” when you saw her nod her head you walked as fast as you could to stand beside Joseph who took ahold of your hand almost immediately.
you both watched intently as Esme put on her best smile for the picture. just having that memory filmed from Joseph and having a picture of her first time meeting Santa just made you wanna cry. your baby girl was growing up and it just felt like time was going so quickly. you saw Joseph panning the camera to you as you both watched your daughter with Santa.
“baby are you crying” Joseph asked as he realised you were genuinely about to cry. “i’m just really proud of her. i have no idea why but i’m so lucky she’s my daughter and the fact that she’s growing up just makes me sad because one day she’ll be doing this with her kids” you sniffled, praying that your tears wouldn’t actually fall because today was the first day you’d done your makeup in months and it actually looked pretty.
“aww sweetheart, it’s okay. that’s not for a very love time yet. don’t cry, you did your makeup beautifully” he whispered, leaning in to kiss your cheek. “i know” you replied, making him smile and pull you into his side, both of your focus shifting back to Esme and Santa. “thank you Santa. get rest before Christmas Eve, you’re gonna be busy” Esme said, giving Santa a hug before walking over to you guys with a small gift in her hands.
“mama look what Santa gave me, he said it was an early present for being good” she squealed, her excited expression filling both yours and Joseph’s heart with so much love. “wow baby, that’s great. say one last thank you before we leave” you smiled as she grabbed ahold of your hand. “bye Santa, have a nice Christmas” she waved, practically pulling you out of the grotto.
“bye Esme, and you have a lovely Christmas too” he smiled, waving back at her. after you and Joseph thanked the staff you were handed the few photos of Esme and Santa, you made your way back to the car to finally go to the Christmas market. “daddy, can i please tell the fans about Santa when i’m in the car?” she asked when the three of you got into the lift.
“of course sweetheart. i’m sure they’d love to hear all about it” he smiled brightly at her. Joseph took ahold of your hand and let his thumb softly run over the top of it comfortingly. you turned to look at him, seeing him already glancing at you with a gentle smile on his lips. “are you sure you wanna go to the christmas market? we have walked a lot today and i don’t wanna tire you out more”
you loved him. even though it was your idea he still wanted to make sure you were alright and make sure you wanted to go. you nodded to him, squeezing his hand as the lift door finally opened up on your floor. “yes i still wanna go, we don’t have to stay long i just wanna look around. Esme’s never been to one before and it would be nice to end the day after going to that” you replied, walking out of the lift and seeing the car which thankfully wasn’t to far away.
“okay sweetheart, only if you’re sure though, we won’t stay long” he kissed your cheek and passed the camera to Esme again who was waiting patiently for her dad to help her into the car, and opened the car door for you, helping you in and closing the door after you had gotten comfortable.
“daddy, are we going home now?” Esme asked, holding the camera to her face as Joseph strapped her into her car seat. “no sweetheart, we are going to go the the Christmas market first then going home” Joseph said as he finally finished clicking the button together in her car seat. “does that mean i get to vlog more daddy? that’s so nice for the fans” she said, smiling at him. “yes it does sweetheart”
the Christmas market was beautiful. it was filled with all different market stools with food, drinks, different hand crafted ornaments, and so many other stools which you didn’t get around to look at because of how sore your feet and back was.
you stayed at the market for about an hour before both you and Esme were complaining about being tired and you were just in so much pain from all the walking that you’d hardly gotten any market content for the vlog. however, Esme decided to sing Christmas songs the whole way home so that would definitely be content the fans would love.
after getting home, you saw it was 5pm already and you were shattered. you’d been waking all day, practically cried twice and all you wanted to do was sit down and sleep. you had spoken to the camera probably 4 times and that was practically nothing compared to the other video where you were talking to the camera the whole time but you were tired and pregnant.
Joseph had gone up stairs with Esme for a while so he could vlog something you had absolutely no idea about so you were left on the sofa watching orange is the new black. you could hear laughter and a few words from their conversation but you couldn’t make our full sentences and after a while their voices started to fade as your eyes fluttered closed, the day finally catching up with you as you napped on the sofa.
Joseph and Esme were drawing pictures together so they could give them to you just because they loved you. they were both sat at the small plastic table, the chairs too small to even fit Joseph on them so he was sat on the floor, drawing hearts, flowers and Esme was even drawing a family portrait of the three of you.
“Es, was there a reason you wanted to do this for mama?” Joseph asked, his eyes focused on his drawing of a huge flower which was actually not really looking like a flower. “she’s tired daddy. baby not being nice to her so i wanna show her i love her” she replied, picking up the red pen and writing a small ‘i love you’ on the bottom of the page. “that’s so sweet of you baby, she’s gonna love it so much.” he smiled at her, tickling her sides making her laugh. “stop daddy, don’t let me mess up my art”.
the two of them were up there for two hours before they came down to see you still sleeping peacefully on the sofa. “mama? mama wake up please, i have a surprise for you” Esme whispered, making you finally open your eyes from your nap. you saw the clock on the wall reading ‘7:26pm’ making you thank god for you all eating out earlier, it meant you didn’t have to cook which also meant more time in bed.
“what is it sweetheart” you said, voice croaky as you sat up on the sofa. she squeezed in next to you and you wrapped your arm around her. “i drew it for you” she yawned after that but nevertheless handed you the piece of paper. your heart melted as your eyes looked around the page. it wasn’t detailed but it was detailed enough to where you could make out what it was. there was you, your bump, Joseph and Esme all together with a few flowers dotted around the page.
“wow sweetheart this is beautiful, you are so creative” you said, kissing her forehead gently and playing with a few strands of her curled hair. you saw that she was dressed in her pyjamas meaning Joseph had gotten her ready for bed- it was nearing her bedtime and you could tell she was tired from the amount of yawning she had done since being downstairs.
“maybe it’s time for you to go to bed sweetheart? you seem really tired” you said, kissing her forehead as she cuddled into you more. you heard Joseph click the off button on the camera and placing it down on the coffee table, meaning he had stopped recording. “yeah love, you are practically falling asleep on mama here and we don’t want that. why don’t you say goodnight and i’ll tuck you in?” Joseph suggesting, making her nod her head, obviously to tired to complain.
“night mama, i love you” she whispered, making you smile. “night my sweet girl. i love you too. i’ll see you in the morning” you said, giving her a kiss on the cheek before Joseph picked her up and took her upstairs to her princess bedroom. you absolutely loved your family and you were so grateful they were in your life forever.
after the video had been up for a few days, the views had practically doubled on this video with so many more positive comments which you absolutely loved to read. of course there were a few negative ones but you always skipped them, they didn’t really impact you in any way but the positive ones always did. most of them were about Esme, again, and how beautiful she was but then again there were so many comments about all of you and how well you and Joseph had raised Esme:
“this family is the cutest! the fact that Joseph calmed y/n down shows how patient he is with her and their relationship is just so beautiful. congratulations on the new baby y/n!”
“guys, it’s a sad day, Esme didn’t say blob in this video, she said vlog, it means she’s growing up and i can see why y/n was crying in Santas grotto 🥹”
“y/n is glowing, like, she looks so beautiful. (not saying that she doesn’t look beautiful any other time but specifically in this video she looks gorgeous)”
“Joseph and y/n are just such good parents like i just cannot cope with the ending where Esme and Joseph were talking about y/n and then Esme giving y/n the drawing. you can just tell that baby loves her parents so much”
“okay if my kid isn’t as polite and kind as Esme, i don’t want it. she’s been bought up so well and not many kids have manners so well done y/n and Joseph”
“Esme asking for the baby to be a girl and then asking for a baby brother just melts my heart. she could of asked for anything and she asked for that, so cute 🥰”
“okay, Joseph helping y/n out of the car and then Esme copying y/n and calling him a gentleman was just the cutest thing, my heart is just melting rn”
“Esme is so pretty, like she’s the perfect mix of Joseph and y/n. hearing y/n say proud of Esme just made me so happy. i love this little family so much!”
and there were so many others. you and Joseph loved to read through all the comments which were made about your family never failed to put a smile on your face. you sometimes even read them to Esme to tell her how much the fans liked her. “so mama, the fans really like me?” she asked, her doe eyes looking straight at you. “yes sweetheart, they really do”.
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“One Final Goodbye”
Part 1 || Part 2
Pairing - Sun X SecurityGuard!Reader
The second part to this oneshot! I literally wrote this immediately after the first, since I couldn’t wait to conclude it.
My first time writing something remotely serious or emotional, I hope it doesn’t come off as cringe or forced. I’ve been wanting to share this idea I’ve had for so long, so I may have rushed it a little XD
Also, I tried super hard to give an explanation and reasonable link between this and Ruin, and Sun’s appearance there.
Art below is made by @hermi-lin, who I found by scrolling Tumblr. I like their art, is nice.
Includes :
• Fire, thanks to a certain kid.
• Self-sacrifice
• Character death (I bet you can guess which character)
• Sun being a complete in-love idiot
As always, enjoy and please leave requests for me!
Tumblr media
Art from this post : https://www.tumblr.com/hermi-lin/708690916705239040/omg-hi
“Sunshine, wake up!”
Your eyes fluttered open at a familiar sing-song voice. You examined your surroundings.
So it wasn’t a nightmare after all, you really were trapped in a Pizzeria with killer animatronics while being carried around by Sun.
“Look! The upgrade machine is right there! You’re finally able to go home!”
Sun glided down, placing you gently on the floor. He examined the upgrade machine, happily jumping in place once he realized it was in working condition.
“If my database is not outdated, if I insert your employee pass inside, it should allow you to take any pass you like for free!”
He reached a hand out expectantly. You dug around in your jacket and pulled out your employee pass. It was dirty and had definitely seen better days, but it should still be readable by the machine. You place it in his hands.
“Thank you, sunshine!”
Inserting it into the machine, Sun examines the various buttons. Pressing one, he examines the screen again.
“Hm, this is strange.”
“What is it?”
“Take a look, sunshine. The Helpy is on the ground, and there’s a huge error sign.”
You take a look. Sure enough, there was a huge error sign on it. Realizing that you couldn’t even get a VIP pass anymore, you sighed.
“Great. I’m stuck here.”
“N-now, don’t get too upset there sunshine! I can reboot the machine, maybe that’ll work!”
“Do you feel the ground shaking?”
“Don’t tell me there’s an Earthquake going on?”
“I don’t think so, look.”
You point towards the suspicious trail of dark black smoke developing nearby. Just then, the fire alarm rang.
“Oh no! Oh no! Oh n-no! Fire! Quick sunshine, I need to get you out of here!”
Sun frantically began hitting the upgrade machine with all his might. He had a small sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, the machine would break open and let him take a pass from the storage compartment within.
“Hold on, sunshine! Almost… there…”
“Sun, I think the fire’s coming closer!”
“It’s open! It’s open! I just need to get the pass…”
“Not now sunshine! I’m almost there…”
“You’re on fire!”
Sun paused from digging through the inside of the machine, taking to moment to realize his right pants leg was on fire. He frantically used his free hand to pat the fire out, only causing the plastic shell on it to start melting off.
“Sun, it's fine! I don’t need a pass! Just get out of the fire!”
“N-no, it's f-fine s-s-sunshine! I’m j-just dandy!”
His voice box began to glitch, the fire causing his torso’s shell to crack. His right leg had been completely melted, leaving behind his metal endoskeleton, and even then his feet had gone missing.
“T-there! I g-got the pass!”
He pulled out the pass, crawling towards the fire exit, where his sunshine was waiting.
“Sun, it’s fine! We need to put out the fire! That stupid pass can wait!”
You were frantically trying to rescue Sun from the raging fire spreading rapidly in the Pizzaplex as he slowly crawled towards the fire exit. Struggling to keep together as his endoskeleton and programming were being boiled, he weakly unlocked the door.
Just like that, the door opened. The glorious view of the night sky from the roof leaked in, a full view of an escape from this burning hellscape.
“S-s-sunshine! Look, t-the exit!”
Sun weakly collapsed on the ground, feeling himself overheating and his plastic shell beginning to crack. He felt the other half of his faceplate beginning to run down onto the floor.
“C’mon, Sun! We can escape together!”
“N-no, it’s f-fine sunshine! G-go! I-I’ll only slow you d-d-down…”
Standing at the door, you could feel the blazing heat making you sweat. Still attempting to pull Sun towards you, you pulled with all your might.
“I-it’s fine, sunshine! J-j-just go!”
Sun used his remaining bit of strength to push you away, shutting the doors behind you, and sealing himself and everyone else in the burning building.
You got up from the floor, slamming against the door. You couldn’t believe it, he just let himself die!
No, this wasn’t real.
It couldn’t be.
You heard a faint voice from the other side of the door.
“G-goodbye, sunshine.”
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real-total-drama-takes · 10 months
Can someone pls do more raynebow arts or edits or fanfics. I need them.
I just recently delved into this pairing and god I love them so much, literally the most comfortable polyamory pairing for me(or one of them for sure) and the INTERACTIONS OF ALL THREE IN CANON??? I believe that Bowie wouldn't mind dating the two of them if he had a chance, he literally flirt with them both at the same time... Tbh, the only sad thing is that i need more Wayne and Bowie's interactions to see their relationships, but everything more focused on Rayne and Rajbow:( but they definitely do care about each other in some way and that's enough for me, Bowie fr would be bi awakening for Wayne pls!!! The second season of the reboot is a little disappointing for me for some reasons, BUT GOD I REALLY WANT TO CONTINUE WATCHING FOR MORE SCENES WITH THESE THREE(even if someone of them will be eliminated soon there still will be new scenes of them from the episode and two of the others will stay so i will be okay with this, I REALLY HOPE THAT RAJ AND WAYNE WON'T BE ELIMINATED TOGETHER AGAIN)! Even if it's angst, I'll eat it. I'll appreciate it. I need them to have more plot, so they would have more content maybe, and then i will cry into my pillow because of these three idiots.
I CAN'T WITH THEM, THEY'RE SO ADORABLE IM GONNA MAKE MORE RAYNEBOW EDITS. And omg so sorry for my english, i don't know if i wrote something wrong, but i hope it's at least readable.
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ivorydice · 5 days
I don't really use Tumblr, but I had to come on here and say OMG. Your FFXV fics on ao3 are AMAZING!! You have such a talent for writing and I have just been devouring all your fics. I absolutely love to see Noct sick/suffer (adoringly) and receive all the platonic comfort afterwards. You really know how to knock it out of the park. I hope there are more Noct fics to come sometime in the future! Thanks for the endless entertainment (as they are so re-readable, too!) with your wonderful fics! :)
Anon HI I'm on the floor sobbing at this message!! 😭💜 Crying my heart out! You're so sweet, thank you so much for coming here to send me this, I'm really happy to hear that you've been enjoying my fics!!
There's definitely more to come, I have fics in progress, so there will be more suffering (and comforted) Noct from me in the future 😊
Again, thank you for your message, you really made my night!! 💜💜
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
this is a long ask butt
ok i got a question is it alr w/ u if i write a donnie centric fic from tm(n)t and post it on ao3? its ok if you dont want me to, its ur idea, and i might not even finish it tbh, let alone edit, but if i do write, edit it ,and post it is that okay? the fic would mostly be focused on donnie and abe, about how donnie would sneak out to hang out at his place, the gross shit that abe does to him, and some scenes with donnie and splinter if you dont want me its completly fine and i totally understand, i hope u have a gr8 day! or night? afternoon? idk ur timezone but yeah!!! btw i love ur comic sm!! both tm(n)t and the home hunter au, ive beena ble to relate so much to both of them, and tm(n)t even helped me realize some things about myself i never really ntoiced before!
(srry about th spellin mistakz i hop this is readabl xp )
omg, home hunter,,, <<33 thank you! and yeah I'm fine with that. I've been meaning to write a fic about donnie and abe for a while now anyway but I wont have the time until college gets out, so it'd be nice to see what you come up with from what I've told y'all haha. and I go crazyyy for art about my ideas so !! go nuts!
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merakiui · 1 year
(4) obviously I love your x reader fics the most hehe. but I really do like the occasional sprinkling of polycules or at least open relationships u do amongst characters and certain dynamics !! I know a lot of them aren't necessarily ships between the other characters ^^; but u write their dynamics so well and it's fun to see how they interact with one another when a further person (reader) is involved :D if that makes sense ^^;
(8) god the descriptive imagery you paint and OMG THE ATTENTION TO DETAIL!!! your attention to detail and symbolism featured in your work such as dru and 11:11 !! those are some of the most notable works that come to my mind, but really any of your longer work or even a few specific drabbles always seem to hold so much detail !! I remember (awhile back) after u had updated dru with a new chapter, anons were pointing out your foreshadowing and specific symbolism from earlier chapters and theorizing for future chapters and aaa !! it was so fun, really felt like we were playing detective hehe, and it really shows how well you keep your readers interested and attentive ^_^ and omg every one of ur fics has such amazing setting and I find myself absolutely enamored and immersed with the scene!! 11:11 made me awestruck with the scenery the first time i read it, and then left me amazed at the symbolism the next few times i read it!! OMG AND YOUR PACING!! how did I not mention that earlier omg T__T .. your pacing is absolutely fantastic. and how you can so easily achieve the right tone and pacing depending on the context!! the slow and steady parts in a tense and suspenseful atmosphere that never let the reader get too comfortable >:) or other times, it begins fast paced and sudden before slowly fizzling out to a cliffhanger or masterful and concluding ending!! and the overall sensual and loving undertones of your more fluffy and intimate work and the gentle pacing that comes with them T__T orz you are truly a master at pacing. OH AND AAHHH your ability to write such re-readable work !! whether it's a longer and more developed piece or a quick thought u had rushed, i always find myself going back thru your tags or scrolling thru ur blog and re reading things I know I've already read a dozen times before because aaa T__T I just really adore your work so much and everytime I read from you, it always feels like a treat that i'm unwrapping and indulging in for the first time <3
(11) as much as i love all of your current work, something I would love to see more of would definitely be you writing and exploring the other dorms + characters in more depth!! :D I adore how you paint pomefiore and diasomnia, despite not writing much of the latter ^^; and I'd love to see more scarabia and savanaclaw content from you as well!! I know you've explored kalim/jamil briefly before but I think you'd have tons of fun writing kalims character in more complex scenarios since he's such a fun, optimistic, and upbeat guy and a bit oblivious .. and the possibilities of a character like jamil orz !! but of course, never feel pressured for that kind of stuff !! writing characters that are, well, actually somewhat consistent to their canon character can be such a hard feat to achieve, so don't worry too much about exploring other characters if you're not yet ready to tackle their personalities, or if u simply don't have an interest in them !! I'm always happy with any content you currently publish, so it wouldn't bother me if you prefer to stick with dorms/characters you're most familiar with 🫶🫶
sry if this was long .. I hope I didn't miss/forget anything that I wanted to say T_T
(ask game)
DEAREST ANON, OMG OMG THANK YOU!!!!!!! I want to preface my ramblings by saying please never apologize for long asks!!! I love to read asks regardless of how short or long they may be. Additionally, I cannot thank you enough for sending such a sweet message OMG?????? AAAAAAA okay okay!!!! >w< now I will delve into my ramblings per section! :D
I'm so happy you can enjoy the dynamics and relationships in my writing! With Pomefiore especially, though I don't write it often, I love their entire dynamic as a group, so the thought of them sharing a darling together is very fun!! Although this applies for any group of yanderes! Heartslabyul is so much fun when they're all pining for the same person. Of course, this is also the same case for Octavinelle and Diasomnia. Just,,,, any group of yanderes is fun to write for because they all are united with the common similarity of sharing darling, but they all interact with darling in separate, different ways, which I greatly enjoy writing about. Additionally, how the characters themselves will interact with each other! Like Ace and Deuce being an example of "the enabler" and "the enabled." Deuce tries so hard to be good, but it's difficult when Ace is in his ear, twisting his rationality and morals. ;;;;
AAAAAA thank you so much for enjoying my descriptive imagery and details!!! One of my favorite things about writing series is that I can sprinkle in all kinds of foreshadowing that span throughout chapters, which allows for readers to theorize and make guesses about what might happen next in the plot. Playing detective is so fun!!! DRU is full of symbolism and details big and small. I'm always so excited to read everyone's theories and thoughts on recent chapters and the story overall. I'm also so attached to the setting because it feels like such a vibrant city despite all of the darkness that is happening beneath the surface.
Speaking of settings, thank you for liking the settings in my stories!!!!!! With 11:11, I just had to place Rook in a cabin in the woods. He fits into that sort of backdrop so well! I'm glad you could enjoy your reading of it. As is common with my fics, there was an absurd amount of detail and symbolism weaved throughout despite it being a relatively compact fic. ^^;;; it's a little scary how easy it was to write Rook for that fic... but I'm proud of the outcome! He's a terrifying menace in that plot.
AAAAAA THANK YOU FOR SAYING SO ABOUT MY PACING!!!!!! To be called a master... I'm really flattered and so relieved to know my pacing is done just right. I often worry about my pacing in smut scenes. On one hand, I don't want it to be a few paragraphs or too short where it feels rushed or hastily composed; I really want to dig deep into the sensations and feelings of that scene, as well as illustrate the connection between the reader and the character. But then I also don't want to write a smut scene that feels like it drags on. orz I'm very happy to know that is not the case!
:o re-readable work!!!!! I'm forever shocked when I'm told that people read my work more than once. It never occurs to me that my stories are worth a second, third, or even fourth read. >_< so thank you for loving it enough to read more than once!! I am eternally grateful that both long and short works (fics and ramblings) can be enjoyed over and over!! <3 I hope to continue to provide you with more tasty treats hehe!!!
Aaaa yes!!! I plan to explore more characters beyond the ones I already write a lot of (looking directly at Octavinelle). Lately I've wanted to write a lot of Jamil and Vil thoughts, but I also hope to write more for characters like Leona and Malleus and more of other dorms as a whole! Book six flipped a switch in me and now I have even more love for the characters. >0< with Jamil, I want to write a short fic called [...] (yes, that is the title...for now) in which you match with him on a dating app, but he's secretly your stalker. Stalker Jamil is currently my favorite flavor of Jamil, but I am compiling all manner of facts about him and his personality so that I can write him in a convincing, in-character manner! Also,,, enemies to lovers with Jamil, but then I want to use that trope for nearly every twst character lol. But I will definitely write more for other characters! :D I hope those writings will be enjoyed when they are posted!!!!
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cryptidsncurios · 6 months
anonymous sent: i know this is an ooc question but i saw you mention a horror book called camp damascus. would it be cool to ask to hear you drop some thoughts/opinions on it? i've never read it but now i'm curious to! xD
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omg i am actually SO happy you asked, because while i could just randomly do a spiel, being prompted?? heeell yes. i don't mind ooc stuff at all, so throw ya inquiries at me, babes <3
so, let's throw out some bullet points, presenting reasons why i LOVE it:
first off, the main character is a queer autistic girl, represented in a way that isn't horribly stereotypical or sexist (looking at big bang with DISDAIN), as tingle himself is autistic, so knows how to properly relay this (though that's not saying that folks who aren't can't do the same! but since he has personal experience, it's especially poignant in its depiction)
there are some moments that are just... absolutely chilling, and i felt my gut drop out of me and my brain chemistry spike into shock---notably through the main character being gaslighted---something that, personally, is icky, and builds up the atmosphere of terror the main character has been thrust into
it's got supernatural elements, which is really my fav kind of horror, and the descriptions of those supernatural elements are so delightfully visceral---there were times i verbally went "OOOEEEUUGH D: !!!", and, admittedly, if you're not into some gory stuff? you might not vibe. but tbh it's still really REALLY worth it, due to the atmospheric build up
in terms of writing, it's APPARENT chuck has grown from his early work. there are admittedly a few words he overuses (which is like... my only main critique??), but i'm SOOO impressed with the intensity yet readability of his prose, as well as the development of his characters and how their feelings are articulated
as a queer person, it resonates. though i have not gone through these exact experiences, the core point of the story still realistically happens within the community i'm part of, and, if i had been born into a different situation, THIS could have happened to me. and that's a disturbing thought.
so while it's been a hot sec since i've read it and absorbed the content, it's still hard to figure out big, solid critiques. and as i'm TRYING not to give toooo much away, bottom line is it's like, 5/5 for me, and supporting tingle is very important to me, because i want to see him THRIVE in the literary world. (i mean.. he and neil gaiman are already "buckaroos," which is so damn satisfying i can't articulate it. ;; )
SO YEAH. thank you for asking, anon!! i really hope this helps you make up your mind in giving the book a read---it's SO worth it!
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