adelidae · 52 minutes
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first time drawing sky stuff in a bit
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adelidae · 54 minutes
Shoutout to anyone writing Mithrun Dungeonmeshi: Not feeling hunger fucking sucks.
Let me elaborate. Every day, you wake up. You think "I should eat breakfast," but you're still groggy, and that would take work, and you have somewhere to be soon, so you just add it to the list of things to do today. You go through your day doing whatever it is you do, and sometime in the early evening, you notice you're feeling kinda stressed, like you've got frame lag in your brain. Thinking is harder than it should be. After a moment's reflection, you realise you never ticked "eat breakfast" off today's chore list, but you've got other stuff going on right now so you make a note to get to that soon and move on. It's late evening. You should really be in bed, but it's whatever. You feel dizzy and nauseous. There's a pervasive sense of dread; something is deeply wrong and you can't tell what. Are you tired? Are you sick? Is the world just a horrible place inhabited by cruelty and idiots? Oh. Maybe, but you also just haven't given your idiot body its calories yet, and it's buttonmashing stress responses like a cat yowling for dinner.
It's one o'clock in the morning. You finally eat breakfast. Now it's time to go to bed, and try again tomorrow.
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adelidae · 59 minutes
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adelidae · 59 minutes
......suddenly struck by the idea for a piece of worldbuilding of "fae don't like iron bc it is the most stable element*"
*as in elements higher you can extract energy via fission and lower you can extract energy via fusion but iron itself there is no excess binding energy to extract at all
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adelidae · 1 hour
its miserable having online friends i would help you clean and paint your room and fold your laundry and move furniture and cook mostly edible food for you and generally do tasks for you and drink with you and smoke with you and go on walks with you and see you smile when i make you laugh. but the distance
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adelidae · 1 hour
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Delainey Hayles as Claudia
Interview with the Vampire — 2.01 "What Can the Damned Really Say to the Damned"
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adelidae · 1 hour
iwtv casting department sweating furiously because jacob anderson is the most beautiful man alive and by casting him they doomed themselves to the near impossible task of finding other people of similar levels of beauty because otherwise nobody would look at any character other than louis. just when all hope seemed lost assad zaman comes in with a steel chair
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adelidae · 1 hour
blowing up amc hq btw for no jacob/assad interview post ep5....
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adelidae · 1 hour
me when my omniscient reader has no viewpoint
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adelidae · 2 hours
triple j is doing 24 hours of Indigenous music to kick off NAIDOC week, so if you’re looking for some new banging First Nations artists now is the time to tune in
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adelidae · 2 hours
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top 10 photos taken seconds before divorce ❤️
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adelidae · 2 hours
but i stay silly! *←said in the most world-weary voice you ever did hear*
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adelidae · 2 hours
Hey, if you never hear from me again it is because I got lost getting to/from my hotel room and am now trapped
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I’m honestly not sure I captured all the twists and turns
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adelidae · 2 hours
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girl who doesn’t like fruit rotting
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adelidae · 3 hours
scrappy doo has been found dead in miami
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adelidae · 4 hours
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this is making me fucking sick genuinely
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adelidae · 4 hours
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