#i really hope i get this job and i hope they pay comparable. they didnt have pay listed so idk
be-good-to-bugs · 11 months
i have a job interview!!
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littledigits · 2 months
What is your take on the current animation industry and the way its heading for AI and job hiring? Ngl its looking a little bleak and I would love to hear your insight!
HOO. This is going to be a long one, but good question. Please keep in mind I am but one person with my one opinion.
I'm going to give you a little context to what was leading up to the job bust, the shit reality, and the hopeful conclusion.
Its always been a completive industry and unfortunately it will more-so for the next little while, even compared to when I graduated. The reality is, the animation industry GREW SO MUCH over the streaming services greenlighting projects to a point where I was like . WHERE ARE ALL THESE CARTOONS GOING. It felt like we went from nothing to a ton and was amazing that so much work was going around (looking back we see why it was too good to be true) A lot of schools and studios responded to this by growing as well. This means while it may recover, I dont see a way that it could reach the highs we had in the 2015-2021 period - because that wasn't representative of a sustainable model or a model they were planning on sticking with forever.
So the streaming bubble popped, and a lot of the reason why it popped was because streaming wasn't as lucrative when everyone joins in. This is the reality of working under the umbrella of Hollywood companies. Mergers happened, projects got pulled - and it probably wouldn't have seemed as big if we didn't have THE MOST JOBS EVER like, just a year before. It was a big rug pull. With the huge growth came a steep fall and all of it because of bad investments and choices of the people with the money. aka, we all wanted to chase someone elses idea thats making money for them and it didnt pay off - which leads me to AI.
While AI is scary and will do/is doing damage, it will not last forever. The industry only looks like its heading this way because the people who like AI are desperate to make it work, so they're pushing at it from all angles despite no AI company being profitable. ( once companies see that its not going to make them money they will drop it ) Its really nothing but a glorified pattern and predictive text machine that of course looks impressive when you feed it oodles of data. People who live on linked in and drink management courses like its water think that sort of shit is impressive, but they dont actually know how it works and just buy into the tech industry hype cycle . What we're seeing is them trying to make fetch happen, and it wont. (some useful bits will stay around but it doesnt 'think', a lot of this is just pure fakery)
You can trace a lot of things that lost jobs to bad investments from people higher up, who just jump around to different jobs when they make a mistake, or just simply get a bonus.
Its a symptom of the greater issue which is the monopoly of people in media and tech, which have been merging over the years with digital streaming. Lack of regulation in industries since the 80s has lead to a lot of the shit you see all around you, and it starts to be controlled by people who only want numbers goup. Overall , I think the animation industry in north America is entirely too controlled by the major studios and broadcasters, and that's going to be a tricky thing to navigate since they're very mask off about what their intentions are at this point. Its a growth-at-all-cost mindset that leads to things like AI, so while im confidant that what we see as 'ai' will die , we do have to realize as artists that as long as these people are in charge they will always try to find a way to cut the bottom line and not invest in the industry.
Its totally reasonable to feel bleak, but that's the intent. They want people to have to settle for less, and they want them to forget a time that it was better. Demoralization is part of the tactics, and 'starving' people out of jobs so they're easier to negotiate with is extremely common and pretty much what is happening right now. And this is exactly why you're seeing more union push from lots of industries because we're ALL being taken advantage of here. While it feels hopeless, this actually puts us much more in line with the artists and storytellers before us. They were up against the same people fighting the same fight, they were just called communists haha. Different words, same tactics, but the history of moments like this in the entertainment industry is more common then the shiny package we tend to grow up idolizing . ( its good to admire but we do often put these products up on a pedestal to our detriment )
The industry will survive, and it will change into something different which is GOOD. Because what it is right now, while workable and still full of things I enjoy - is NOT sustainable. And if we want to keep the skills of 2d animation, stop motion or any sort of creative trade to continue, we NEED sustainability. This is why collective action is so important, and so is diversity in the amounts of media we have! For example
And while there are ups and downs regardless if you work in a small studio or a large one, I am hopeful that the conversations I've been seeing will spark change. Because as sucky as it is , compared to the rest of my time in the industry ( i think im on like 16 or 17 years now ) , I've never seen so much engagement or even discussion on the topic which says a lot. I think as artists we are always up for putting a lot of hard work into our skills, I think if enough of us point that passion into our community and collective action, we can start building an industry that does not have such a power imbalance, and that starts with community, education and engagement ! ( learning about the history of unions/animation/hollywood/workers rights,and then sharing that stuff! just through convo like this !) I hope this gives you some perspective, its something we're going to have to work at, but not something that is impossible. A lot of how the animation industry functions is not great, but what matters is that we work to make it better and the people who HAVE been doing that work are the ones that you want to find. They are the people with the proactive solutions to show you how to take power back. It helps fight the bleak feeling <3 tldr :
the solution is that as much as it sucks we try to make it better for those who come after us - and you can be involved in that job or not ! even just by supporting or being aware. This isnt animation is all careers, we're all effected by the same thing.
never forget.
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Hate To Love You (PJM Drabble )
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Summary- you and your ex husband, Yoongi, reunited at one of your mutual friends party. You haven’t spoken to him in years in resentment for his behavior towards you and assumed he despised you just as much, only to find out it’s actually the opposite, despite you being ready to move on when someone unexpectedly shows up….your best friend.
warnings- well its basically a friend hookup thing, minor smut (oral female receiving) (no penetration) sexual tension, swearing, alcohol, mentions of divorce and cheating, angst, sadness
rating- 18+
It was a stupid argument, really
You never guessed it would spark the conversation that would months later be the result of your divorce with Yoongi.
"you are just always at work, and I understand-"
"you cant get upset with me for working, y/n, who the hell would pay for all the bills?" he scoffed, sitting at the desk in his recording studio.
taken back, you decided to defend yourself against your husbands sudden coldness.
"I work too, thank you very much"
"you work two days a week in an office"
"so?" you stood, beginning to grow annoyed "I still make money and pay for half the shit we own"
He laughed, seemingly amused at your efforts, "you dont have the pressure to make said money, y/n, and plus, our jobs, our lives arent...."
"arent what? yoongi?"
He sighed, "dont you have higher aspirations for yourself? rather than working twice a week?" he looked over, quick to defend his statement before you flipped out,
"I know you work, y/n, but you cant compare our schedules....I hope you see what im trying to say?"
Scoffing, you paced around, you felt insulted. You didnt have the pressures of being a musician, sure, however you still had to take on the pressures of being a woman, wife, the maid, the chef, the doggy daycare worker, the therapist, etc etc because the list can go on for hours
You sensed the conversation took a turn in a direction you had not been aiming for, your objective was to kindly seek more time off with your husband considering your 4 year anniversary was coming up, and he took it and did a 360.
It didnt get better, either, because this exact conversation would end up becoming the topic every time you argued, and in a short amount of time it quickly got heated.
"Yeah, you are probably off somewhere between her legs, because wouldnt you fucking love that yoongi??" you threw your water bottle at him as he stood at the doorway of your bedroom, he watched you intensely
"I told you, I had to stay late tonight, I fucking texted!" he defended
"you are telling me you were in that fucking office until 3am? okay..."
He brushed his hair back in disbelief, "yes, if you dont believe me, text hoseok"
"Let me see your phone then" you spoke up after a few moments
"what?" he scoffed
"phone, let me see it"
".....y/n, you dont trust me?" he seemed genuinely upset at this, putting his guard down
"no, I dont"
"that girl who works as an intern has never even spoken to me, you think im off having sex with her??" he snapped
You shrugged, keeping your arms crossed, "I dont really know what to think anymore yoongi, you keep disappointing me, we keep disappointing each other, it seems."
He glared at you, trying to read your face, you were serious. "well then what are we doing this for?"
You bit the inside of your cheek and shrugged again, shaking your head and looking down, "I dont know."
and thats exactly how one week later, you showed up at his job with the divorce papers, slamming them on his desk silently.
And thats what leads us here tonight, at Namjoons house party exactly a year and a half later.
The divorce was never finalized, never made legal, he put it off until you threw your hands up and moved out, and if anyone asked- you were a divorced woman, no long a Min.
You swore you would never trust him again, never him creep back into your life in the same way he always tried. you were done, over him, even.
But God, did it strike the deepest nerve in your system when you saw him sitting on the couch, his arm draped around some other girls waist while he chatted with friends.
You watched, leaning against some crowded doorway with a half drunk cup of liquor in your hand.
you looked to your left to see your friend Jimin pop up next to you, almost scaring you.
"jesus, jimin" you sighed, turning your body away from yoongi to look at the boy in front of you.
"seems like you are not having fun, we can change that" he smiles and holds up another expensive bottle of alcohol, making you groan.
"rather not have a hangover tomorrow" you frowned and looked back at yoongi, Jimin noticed.
"hey, whos that hes with?" he asked, following your gaze to the crowded couch in the other room.
"no idea..." you exhale, turning back to jimin with a sad look.
"oh my god" he froze
"dont tell me"
you tilted your head in confusion "tell you what?"
He began to smile, laughing almost "you are jealoussss"
You scoffed, nudging his shoulder "no-im not. we arent married anymore I dont give a shit what he does"
"seems like you do, though" he smirked
your face fell into your hands before shoving him teasingly, something that caught yoongi's eyes as he gazed across the room at your back facing him. You were talking to another guy.
"I know you guys arent even divorced legally" he whispered
"what? yes we are!"
"yoongi spilled the beans...no you arent"
You frowned, crossing your arms. "that motherfucker."
"he was drunk and was going on a whole tangent about how he refused to sign the papers and what not...tried to like, push it back as much as he could"
You shook your head "when was this?"
"like a week ago, when I mentioned you would be at the party"
"Jimin we havent even talked in over a year....pretty sure he blocked me, why the hell would he care?"
He shrugged and looked back at the couch, surprised to see Yoongi looking already at the two of you.
"I dont know...but something tells me he cares a lot more than you think"
"dont be cryptic and ominous" you rolled your eyes, "what do you know that I dont? what did he tell you? be honest" you pleaded
"listen" he half smiled, "all im saying is that you two had known eachother for 8 years before getting married, then you were together for 4 more years, I dont think that kind of connection suddenly falters you know?"
"no-I dont know, I know nothing at all"
"ok well you are impossible to talk to, also- you suck at taking hints" jimin teased before turning to walk away, "oh, and by the way, hes been staring at you for the past few minutes"
You froze and turned your body slowly, jumping when you realized Yoongi had gotten up from his distant seat, and was now right behind you.
"holy fuck" you gasped, putting a hand over your heart.
He didnt say anything, his casual blank emotion plastered over his face as his hands fell into his pockets. "hi" he mumbled
"hello?" you scoffed, "you scared the shit out of me to say 'hi'?"
he slightly smiled, "yes"
you glared at him before walking past, directing yourself to the kitchen, he followed behind, unable to help his gaze trail from your back, down to your ass-the dress you chose to wear tonight definitely suited your figure.
"why are you following me? are you lost?" you sarcastically mumbled, turning away to grab some of the crackers that were next to the snack trays, softly nibbling onto them.
"what were you and jimin talking about?"
"oh please" you laughed, turning to see him, "this is why you are talking to me? for the first time in a year? to discuss jimin?"
he nods.
"hes in the other room, heard he is single, your hair is nice-you might have a chance" you joked coldly, wishing you could run away right now.
he released an airy laugh, leaning against the counter as he waited for the random person in the room to leave before speaking, "You look nice"
You raised an eyebrow, "...thanks...you do too i guess?"
"im just complimenting you, didnt have any mal intent behind it" he gazed at you "its not like we are strangers, you know"
"i know" you mumbled, continuing to eat the dry ass crackers.
He sighed and looked around the kitchen, grabbing a drink for himself.
"dont you have some girl to entertain, why are you sitting in here with me?"
He laughed, "you have not changed at all"
"whats that mean?" you asked defensively
"i mean, we havent spoken in so long and you still only care about if other girls are getting into my pants" he smirked, taking a sip of his drink.
son of a bitch.
"I dont care! also-dont need to know!" you pressed your lips together tightly.
He sat silently, watching you
"stop staring at me, freak" you sighed, knowing you could just walk away but somehow didnt choose to.
"you know your mouth is gonna get dry from all those crackers" he spoke calmly.
"i can handle my own, thank you" you spoke, putting down the stack of crackers in your hand.
He smirked and walked over, tipping your chin up to press his cup of alcohol to your lips, giving you a sip, "there you go"
You stared wide eyed at him before taking a step back, wiping your mouth. "what do you think youre doing?" you bit
“Socializing. It’s a party, no?” He raised a brow, pulling back a little
“Go socialize somewhere else, you’re in my personal bubble” you fixed your hair and tried to calm your breathing before once more pushing past him, walking into the other room.
He snickered and took another shot before catching one of his friends and striking up a conversation.
“How’d it go?” Jimin suddenly popped up next to you, scaring you again.
“You need a fucking bell”
“Sorry” he giggled, standing next to you against the wall.
“Literally nothing happened, he is still the same snappy person he’s always been” you spoke, eyes trailing over across the room to see yoongi speaking with his friends. The purple lighting of the party reflected onto his long black hair and pale skin, no one could deny his beauty, especially when he smiled.
Jimin noticed, a softer smile peaking up onto his lips, “do you want me to go speak to him for you?”
You immediately shook your head, crossing your arms as you tried to change your glances at someone else, eyes shooting onto Nayeon who was 2 seconds away from making out with jungkook.
“Get a room” you whisper
Jimin laughed, “rather quick to the point”
“Jimin shut up” you whined, “I wasn’t talking about you! I was talking about-“
“Wait” he perked
Jimin giggled mischievously and looked back at yoongi before looking back at you, “just be honest, you still have feelings for him, huh?”
He raised his eyebrows
“Admit it! It’s okay!”
You sigh and cover your face, “jimin….of course I do….I just can’t stand who he is now. I fell in love with the old him, before everything came crashing down…I have to remember that’s not him anymore”
He smiled gently, rubbing your shoulder “he has changed”
“No he hasn’t, and it took less than 5 minutes of banter to figure that out”
“Y/n, he still….” He stopped himself from talking, realizing it might not be his place to say.
“What? He still what?” You inquired
“He may or may not have feelings im not sure I can’t remember”
Your eyes widened before relaxing “yeah no, he was flirting with other girls like a few minutes ago”
“Mmm….maybe he was trying to get you jealous”
You rolled your eyes at his words
“I saw we give payback”
He smirked, “cmon, pretend to be up all on me or something, he’s looking, he will get jealous”
You laughed, “I don’t think he will believe the fact that I’m interested in you”
He pretended to be offended
“Hey, you’re cute but we are friends and have been since diapers, I don’t see us like-“
“God you complicate everything, just…follow me” Jimin sighed, taking your hand and throwing yoongi a quick glance before leading you up the stairway behind you.
You followed along, trying to see what Yoongi’s reaction was as you crawled upstairs, he seemed annoyed, eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.
Jimin led us into a room and shut the door, a smile on his face as he searched for the light switch.
“It’s dark” you whispered, “we didn’t actually have to hide in the room you know, we could have just sat in the hallway until he came up for me”
“Whatever, if we are playing the part we do it right” he mumbled, still scanning the wall with his hands trying to find the switch. “I can’t find it”
“Whatever” you huffed, sitting behind the door and tucking your knees to your chest. You don’t know who’s room your in, the only light noticeable is the moons reflection peaking in from the windows.
“You ok?” He whispered, finding a spot next to you.
“I don’t know” you shrugged, “I just….wish I never showed up to this party, and I wish you never told me yoongi still has feelings for me”
He felt suddenly guilty, “I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, I think …despite me still having ‘feelings’ for him, I just need to be away from yoongi. I fell in love with him years ago, he was so different and family oriented….he has changed so much and I can’t submit myself to that just because it’s him, and I’m attached”
He nodded, taking your hand “I understand”
You tried to even your breaths in fear of crying, “he treated me badly, and I did the same to him, we don’t work together and I refuse to try again just because he thinks it’ll be good for us”
“That’s reasonable, y/n, you can make your own decisions, im sorry if I put you in an uncomfortable situation”
“It’s not your fault Jimin, if you weren’t here I wouldn’t have even come to this dumb party anyways” you slightly smile
“Hey, I’m always here for you” he raised his hand in a fist bump, where you happily reciprocated.
“Thank you, I’m here for you too Jimin”
He hummed softly “do you wanna go back downstairs?”
You thought for a moment, “not really….I might head home soon anyways, you can go back though”
He shook his head “nah, I’ll chill with you until you decide to go”
“Really? You don’t have to, I know you have many possible girls and boys downstairs for you to entertain” you giggled
“You’re like the number one flirt, don’t tell me there’s no one at this party that has hookup potential”
He sat for a moment, looking down at his knees as he quickly tried to wipe the smile off his face “mm…nope”
“I doubt that” you snicker
He shrugged, an eyebrow raised as he kicked his feet out straight in front of him, arms in his lap.
“I don’t know if I would hook up with anyone here, yoongis friends are okay looking but the idea of doing it with anyone associated with him just grosses me out”
You both giggled as he nodded “nah that’s reasonable, I almost hooked up with one of his studio friends and then I found out he literally had a girlfriend”
“What!??” You looked at him despite the dark room making it difficult to see his face
He nodded shamelessly “yup” he popped his mouth at the “p”
“It probably would have been bad sex anyway” he couldn’t help but laugh at himself
“I mean yeah, not to talk shit but yoongi and I usually didn’t have the best chemistry with shit like that, must be the studio guy genre” you joked
“Really?? He looks like walking sex, you’re telling me it sucked?” Jimin questioned
“It didn’t suck necessarily but….I don’t know I don’t wanna talk behind his back”
“No no no tell me” Jimin giggled “because a few months before you got “divorced” he was preaching about how good he was to you in the bedroom”
“He was discussing me in front of all his male friends?….”
“Nothing graphic, that’s all he said is that he knew how to satisfy a girl” he shrugged in defense
You rolled your eyes “yeah….sure yoongi.”
Jimin laughed
“He…god this is embarrassing…I wouldn’t even finish most times, and I had to fake it”
“No way” he seemed genuinely shocked
“Yeah, maybe I faked it a little too good, striked his ego up and shit” you giggled, hiding your face.
“So you’ve never had an orgasm?”
“Oh I’ve had a few, but like it was always 50/50, I never knew if it was gonna be a good time or not you know”
He nodded, taking in the information as you spoke.
“But whatever..” you sighed, leaning your head against the door. “We should probably head downstairs”
He sighed, looking at you as you began to stand to your feet, he stood too. “We don’t have too”
“Well what else is there to do?” You giggle “we can’t sit in the room forever, it’s pretty late too”
He looked at you as best he could
“I could give you an orgasm” He calmly spoke like it was no big deal
Your eyes shot wide open, “w-what??”
He shrugged, silently
“What did you say?” Your voice was startled
“ I said I could give you an orgasm, if you want one”
“Um….Jimin you are my friend” you whispered
“I know, I just feel bad after hearing about the yoongi thing, and I want to make it up for you”
You tried to not freak out at the fact your best friend calmly asked if he could make you cum.
You bit your lip, “uh…”
“We don’t have to do anything” he gently waved his hand “it’s just a sudden horny suggestion”
You softly giggled, looking at your feet.
“Wouldn’t it be kinda, I don’t know, odd?”
“Not really I guess, I mean I always thought you were hot”
You blushed, feeling suddenly overwhelmingly shy.
“Do you think I’m attractive?”
You bit your lip nervously.
It would be a lie to say you’ve never thought about Jimin like this, which is why it’s such a shock that it was randomly happening in some random persons bedroom at Namjoons party.
“Yes” you breathed out
Jimin smiled “then…the offer stands” he begins to walk towards the door before you gently hold his arm and stop him.
He looked back, a soft expression as he waited for you to finish speaking.
“Make me forget” you whispered after a few silent moments, your faces close together as he began to smile slightly.
“Are you sure?” His voice was low and quiet
You nod slowly
“We don’t have to, you seemed unsu-”
“I’m sure” you began, “I’m just kinda in shock that it’s actually happening”
He giggled “you’re cute…come here” he gently held your hips in his hands, your heart racing faster than it ever has as he pushed you softly against the door.
Jimin finger raised to his mouth, “quiet, mm?”
You nod, already feeling breathless before his lips suddenly crash into yours, taking any air out of your lungs.
Your hands flew to his hair, pressing him against you as much as possible. “Mm” he moaned against your lips, the vibrations sending straight to your core.
He didn’t fail to notice your red, blushed face even in such a dark room. “You okay” he quietly panted, pulling back a little
“I-I’m okay, that was nice”
“Good” he laughed, returning his lips to yours for a quick peck before trailing down your jaw and neck, so slowly that you felt you were going to explode.
He had you trapped against the door and his body, Jimins warmth only stimulating you more.
“This okay..?” He whispered, pulling his lips away from your cleavage as he fell to his knees, arms softly trailing your sides.
“Yes jimin, it’s okay”
“You trust me?”
“Mm” you nod, feeling his fingers at the hem of your dress, thighs tingling. “I trust you”
With that- jimin gently folded up the bottom half of your dress, exposing your laced red underwear, he felt prideful in seeing the slight wet mark that had dampened them. He went against mentioning it in fear of embarrassing you, rather instead keeping the image in his head that he was able to do such thing to you.
“I can take these off? They are so pretty” he whispered, looking back up at you
“Yeah you can….” You bit your bottom lip, trembling slightly
His fingers delicately hooked into the hem of your underwear, slowly pulling them down while making sure you were still okay with his actions.
“Tell me to stop and I will, okay baby?”
The pet name had you almost moaning, you found the strength to nod, “o-okay”
“God….so perfect” you mumbled to himself once he caught a glance of your dripping core, he’s never seen anything like it.
Jimin took a breath after tossing your underwear to the side, his hands climbing up your thighs as he encouraged you to part them for him, his two fingers gently exploring your folds, pressing against your clit, making you gasp.
“Oh-” you pressed your lips together and leaned your head back against the door behind you, knowing that there are possible people on the other side who might hear.
He was in amazement at how wet you were, the soft squelch sound was the only audible noise in the entire room, making your cheeks red.
You tried to thrust your hips a little to silently plea for what you wanted, his eyes raised up to you
“Use your voice, tell me what you need”
“Jimin….” You whispered, his fingers still slowly rubbing your bud. “Your m- ah…your mouth please”
You wanted to fall into the floor as you heard how needy your voice had become for your friend, but one look at his shit eating grin and suddenly you reminded yourself he was enjoying this just as much as you.
“Okay baby, remember, be quiet yeah?”
You nod and close your eyes, preparing for what was to come.
The moment you felt jimins plump lips reach your core, your arched your back away from the door, moaning softly “oh shit, jimin” a hand reached down to rest atop his head.
“Mm taste so good” his voice was pressed against you, the vibration only stimulating you more. “Here baby” he pulled away a little, helping you lift a leg and throw it over his shoulder so you hadn’t lost your balance while standing.
His tongue resumed to your clit, sucking and swiping through the wet folds, savoring the flavor that was you
“Oh…fuck jimin!!” You whined, throwing a hand over your mouth as you squeezed your eyes shut, “it’s so good”
Jimin brought up the hand that wasn’t holding your leg, tracing it up your thigh before pressing a finger into you, the wetness making it easy for him to slide in.
He groaned, “oh shit”
Your mouth had fallen into a small o shape, the pressure of his one finger turned into two, and before you knew it, he was curling them upwards and around, searching for your g-spot
“J-jimin!” Your hand clutched his hair, he only smirked before returning his lips to your swollen clit, sucking vigorously as if it was his sole mission in life to make you cum all over him.
You suddenly moaned out loud, mentally cursing yourself for the volume, he knew in that moment that his skilled fingers had found your frontal wall perfectly, he continued to press into that spot quickly as the wet sound between your legs got louder and messier, tongue lapping at it all.
“Jimin im gonna cum, oh god, oh god” you whispered, squirming your hips a little so you were quite practically riding his face.
He silently encouraged you, the hand holding your leg up began to softly rub into your skin, giving your permission to let go.
“Fuck!!” Your vision suddenly turned white with one last thrust against your g-spot, you tried to balance yourself before you felt jimin help you keep still, “shit” your voice was shaky as the orgasm ripped through your body aggressively, his fingers swiping between you to gather your slick, licking them off in front of you.
“How was that?” He panted, pulling your dress down as he stood
He gave you a moment to catch your breath, “that was….so….oh my god”
He laughed, reaching down to pick up your underwear “I’ll take it was nice?”
“Good” he smirked, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “Here” he whispered, giving you back your undergarments.
“No no” you smiled, taking them and putting it into his pant pocket
“Oh?” He raised a cocky brow, “does this mean I qualify for a second round?”
You smirked “do you have plans this weekend?”
“I can clear them” he spoke quickly, making you laugh
“Ok…let’s go before people get suspicious” you whisper, trying to quickly make yourself presentable as if he didn’t just suck the life out from between your legs.
He nodded and helped you fix your dress more before opening the door, both of your eyes following over to yoongi who stood on the other side of the hall, watching you.
“Oh fuck”
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dsi-os · 4 months
to the anon
a genuine response and message for you.
look anon, im sorry for your harsh situation. but also i dont think you even bothered to read my post. i do not hoard the money i work for and the money thats donated. it goes to my survival. and i literally do work to make enough for me to leave my bad housing and start over. once again. i dont specifically ask for it. im not forcing anyone to donate. its fully optional. would you rag on any creator on patreon for asking for donations? would you rag on anyone who is trying to escape a bad housing for asking for donations? id hope you dont. honestly anon, you should ask for donations too. there are people. strangers. who care about you. who want to help you. kindergarten teaches everything about helping eachother. you shouldnt see donations as a horrible thing. theres no shame in asking for help. please anon. what youre going through seems horrible, but thats no excuse for treating me like this and assuming every wrong thing about me. anon. get help. i dont mean that in a bad way. please, genuinely. find people who can help you. at first you made me angry, and while i'm still upset, im actually worried. you have a point, i do have a "safer" situation. but this isnt a homelessness competition.
anon please. go get help. /srs. youre not safe where you are. theres no shame in letting others help. and you can always pay them back if youd like to. i plan on doing the same once i have a safe place and stable income. im not going to be showing your ask publicly, once again, but im not trying to "hide the truth" or whatever. that was for your own safety and privacy. you shared information that you probably shouldnt be sharing to someone random just because you dont like them. but really. please open your donations. hell. once i can get money, even i'd donate. you've made me upset, but you need help. genuinely. im worried for you dude. sorry for blocking you and all that, and if you open your donations, after i donate i might just block you again because. i understand your bad situation but youre really an asshole about it. (considering in the last ask you sent, you compared me to the terf begging for money because she lost her food stamps, meanwhile im a whole ass trans person who is just simply asking for optional donations because im not in a safe place and it makes it easier for me to get a place .) also. to clear things up: -i said id buy a house because theres no rentable houses, apartments, or shelters. i cant even find roommate listings that i could go to yet. im trying to make it so we DONT need to be on the streets again. idk if maybe i worded it wrong? because i said "buy, if not rent" as in "if i cant find something to rent, i'll need to buy it" . so im sorry if it goes the other way around, as "rent, if not buy" ?? i really thought i worrded that right -i AM using the money to get out of the house . but i also need to survive . so . yknow. im not sure what youd expect. every shelter where i live is fucking expensive if that tells you anything. -yeah. my parents are working and so am i. are we making ANYWHERE NEAR ENOUGH? no. we arent. do you know jobs that actually pay enough to let you get shelter?? id love to hear. /srs -i barely have an income. ive gotten more money with the few donations ive ever gotten than ive EVER made with my commissions. my commissions do not bring in a reliable income. i can not survive off of them. -my donation post didnt become a meme. i linked my donation post ON a meme i made, because it was getting traction. in the same vain as when people promote their art stuff under hit posts. except my stuff is optional. -the truth of your ask was literally saying "shame on me" for asking for donations. you literally said this: (im only showing this one because you requested me to. and again, how much was incorrect, for context.)
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you literally told me the equivalent of "you need help to survive? go fuck yourself" instead of saying anything helpful. AND more than HALF of the assumptions was wrong, as i showed you before. -people DO care if it doesnt belong to me. im constantly under threat about it. if they didnt care then i'd call this home. but its not my home. i dont belong here. its a house i barely have permission to stay at. -id never ask people who cant donate to EVER donate to me. its optional. im not forcing anyone to. everyone who does donate is because theyre nice people. even if they dont know me, they want to help. -i was talking about buying a house because theres nothing else we can do to be safe. theres no shelters. no roommate things. no apartments we can AFFORD. the only thing we found we might be able to afford as a shelter was an old trailer house! big surprise really. for you AND us. thats why thats our newest and safest plan and option. were working towards that. honestly we were hoping we can end the donation thing soon, so youre literally upset when were finally near the end of this. -lastly. this? -v
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can be easily disproven with -v
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GoFundMe - i may not have my gofundme anymore because i lack the correct phone, but my point stands. life is hard for everyone, and they DO ask for money. they reach out for help. i am legally homeless. and poor. i am housed, but not under proper law. my aunt mistreats me and my parents. my focus is on my safety and leaving this place. all my money has to be constantly used to buy food. most of it not even ever going to me, and its never even enough to feed my family properly. none of this is a joke. anon. please. get help. /srs please open your donations. please ask for help from people you know and trust. itll only get worse if you dont. i only ask for help because me and my family arent able to make enough to get out by ourselves. youll find so many like us on gofundme and similar things. i am not doing this out of greed. im doing this out of necessity. trust me. it doesnt feel good having to rely on strangers and their kindness. but i physically cant do anything else yet. please keep yourself and the people you trust safe dude. i dont care if you hate me, or if you made me angry. please. ask for help. youre not safe. im not just saying this out of a "told you so". im saying this because you need help. youre not alone. the internet is much kinder than you think, as long as you dont attack first. /gen
again. i dont care if you hate me. i dont care if youre upset at me. i dont care if my existence and failure to find work and survive makes you so angry alone. i want you to ask for help. unfortunately not here, because... i cant help you with my situation. but anywhere else. trust me. youll be okay. asking for donations isnt as bad as you make it out to be. genuinely. please be safe, please ask for help, please take care of yourself. maybe in the future i can help you too. we'll see. for now, i will not be responding or showing any more asks you send me. for the fact that youre extremely rude, and you keep sharing information that again, you shouldnt share to a random stranger. i wish you luck. somewhere. not here. please leave me alone, until you learn how to behave and treat people. please be safe out there. good luck. /gen goodbye. tl;dr: i know you hate me for the fact i cannot do the same things as you, and so i ask for help. but i want you to ask for help too. you need it. genuinely. please be safe. take care of yourself. i wish you luck.
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midnightmisadventures · 7 months
Pt 2 Liam Dream
Here's what I got...
We um, we were in our dream settings as usual. Fancy cruise dinner but not necessarily on a cruise, state college, huge manison, is it christmas? and most importantly.
The biggest up and comer. That park/camping/venue/camp that sometimes day is performing at outdoor festival style or there is a very cheap and country carnival. Looong "road"or driveway going to the park.
Theres also the dream town? And we were at one of those restaurants in one of those plazas if that makes sense.
And we were talking about various things while getting ready to go somewhere together.
There were other relevant guys what we knew or who were interested in me in the dream?? And I started talking about them casually not in a way where im praising them or calling them attractive. But in my head i felt myself talking too much. Like i had a feeling bringing them up would make Liam upset, but it was like I couldnt stop myself or like word vomit.
So then he tensed up or whatever and asked "who's more attrative "insert guy we know" or a famous basketball player" "Compare him to a famous basketball player you think is hot"
and as he was going i was like "no no no, im not doing that" and he was like "cmon, just do it" as if it was all good fun and not something he was upset about. I was like Liam no, im not gonna talk to you about guys and tell you whos hotter thats crazy, why would i do that." And something along the lines of....i love YOU and thats all that matters. But also not that bc i couldnt define our relationship exactly
He kept pushing, and i said i dont even know any basketball players by name except the famous ones. I only know the people my dad talks about anyway. And because he wouldnt let go, i even tried to name ACTIVE basketball players at the top of my head and i was struggling just to prove it to him, but i was hoping he believed me.
We then started talking about going to events, and like upscale things, not the grammys or something so big but potentially an award show. And he made a comment along the lines of "you get a girl who lives/works in new york and she'll start talking about stuff like this" Like oh so fancy, uhuh this checks out since you work at a fancy job in the city now and you do fancy things.
Lmaooo. I was just like what?? But we moved past it.
This comes off like he was being an insecure dick. But he wasnt.... lol. Insecure? okay yea probably but he wasnt being a dick it was very playful vibes but only significant cause i could see through it and tell this things were bothering him a little.
But it never felt like at my expense. He was always just trying to measure himself to feel good enough for what i was experiencing and who i was around.
Then.... time goes on. Its just us we're talking the same. And I tell a story about how one time i didnt pay a parking meter? And didnt get a ticket but i parked illegally. Idk a super harmless RANDOM story.
And after I told it he got quiet. And weird. Emphasis though on not mean. He was sweet and gentle the whole time. But his deameanor changed. And i tried to keep talking but now he was SO down. So I was wondering if I should bring it up, should I wait till we leave and say something in the car....
But i just said "im sorry, is it something I said? What's wrong"
And he looked up from tying his shoes and was like....."uh its just that (lets say "not paying the parking meter?") is really dangerous and I wouldnt want anything to happen to you. One time something happened with me and my dad and it was really bad"
And i felt horrible I was like "oh im so sorry Liam, I would have never brought it up, if I knew you had trauma attached to it" and he quietly was just like "its okay" And i was about to go over to him and hug him or rub his back but I asked "do you wanna talk about it"
And he just shook his head. So i was like...okay, he wasnt mad at me. He was just in a bad mood becaus of whatever bad memory.
But i....to fill the silence i guess kept saying sorry. Even though i didnt need to apologize anymore lol, I didnt know it would trigger him. And i asked him if he wanted to talk about, AND i said i wouldnt park illegally again. (Even though whatever my random story was about wasnt that bad)
My point was i did everything i could so i need to learn not to put it on myself to make him feel better. He's allowed to be sad. People can be in bad moods. Its not my fault!!
Which maybe explains why, then i said "Im sorry if now im talking too much, or saying the wrong thing i-, just sometimes don't know when to stop or if im doing to much"
And he said something in a cheeky way like "yea....you coulda stopped already. You don't have to keep talking"
And in the dream i took offense to that (silently). And got insecure about yapping too much.
But thinking it through now I think he was just saying "its okay you don't have to overcorrect or fix something that you didnt do" (or even that you did). You apologized. And he wasnt upset cause i told a random story about a parking meter. He was upset becuase he was reliving whatever trauma with his dad.
Swipe up for part 3
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millionsorganel · 2 years
(Wrote in 22/12/22)
This year is almost done. 1st January 2022, i dont really picture what to achieve other than completing my never ending assignments and struggle to finish my degree. That time i was so scared, so anxious I couldn’t finish my degree like how i wanted for so long. Time pass by. During semester break in March i have trip to Penang with my friends like how we planned (after a year postponed) spending time with them for 3 days and how short it is compared to when we were in diploma years we met everyday, i miss those moment and realize it will never be the same anymore. I hoped we all achieve our dreams i will always prayed the best for them. I hoped even after 20 years we still there for each other even we no longer in the same path like how we met before. I always blessed with unexpected rezeki. A week after, my aunty offered to join her trip to tioman bcs her friends couldn’t make it. I just payed half of the expenses for the trip and it is one of the best unexpected trip to go. I always grateful for that. In april, i started my final semester, this time there are classes in hybrid and physical. I didnt get college and had to going back and forth bangi shah alam like in March 2020 before covid happens. Of course i never like shah alam before, i always feel i never belonged there. Aby (my friend) offered to stay with her sometimes since she got college and she will be attending more physical class. There are few times i stay with her when im tired to go back. I started getting close to her in 2019 we were housemate and same place for internship. It was four of us, until we entered degree we still close. And when covid happen, i think she is one of friend that I regularly kept in touch and met. Before she was having hard time but recently she getting a job that she really happy with and back near her home, im so happy for her.
My final semester was not the best, i juggling with every emotions, i felt alone, i was trying very hard, going back and forth, seeing everyone travelling, working, having their own money to spend where i still nowhere. It was so hard. Till the very end, i still cannot believe in myself to completing this degree. 5 August 2022, im officially finished and complete my degree. Submitted my final thesis and sitting exam for the last time. I go back home with all heavy burden lifted but i feel overwhelmed at the same time. Next day, i jumped to a roadtrip with my highschool friends, it was fun and best trip because for the first time i dont have to think about my study, my thesis or my assignments. It was one of the best moment in my life. We checked in at a beautiful boutique hotel. It also the first time we met nani’s boyfriend. I think he was shy with us, we rarely make any conversation and i kinda feel bad to joined their date. But i can see they clearly loves each other, i prayed the best for them!!!! Our on the way back was all fun until we almost arrive home.. we had a small accident. a bit traumatised bcs involve big lorry and it was at the highway and things could go really bad if we are not lucky. We made police report and all those things and arrived home safely. Back from the trip, i am officially unemployed and yes i have been job hunting ever since. It was up and down moment for me seeing my friends landing their first job only after a month graduate. I try to think positive it not yet my rezeki, my time will come soon. Idk i just hope i landed my first job this year but now less than 10 days to 2023, im not getting any job offer yet. During this 4 months of unemployed and job hunting, i try to rediscover myself, i wanted to be better, i wanted to change bad habits. Slowly but surely. I hoped i become better next year. I also going to few places that was not in plan. I went to perak with my family, trip to singapore with my parent as birthday trip and went to genting with my cousin. Im trying to enjoyed those moment that i will maybe no longer can do it after i landed a job. Deep inside i know Allah has planned something bigger for me that i have been waited patiently. But as human, theres a time i questioning why im still jobless, why im still like this, why im not like others. Having 9-5 job (they hated) but had that adult money to spend. Maybe it just because of money, i know i have to trust Allah in this but i still have to do something right?
I know i have to start somewhere but I couldn’t find where to begin. Idk if im not meant to be an engineer or it just not my time yet? Im scared i will become a failure to my family. I am a burden now, i wanted to help my family financial crisis. But im lowkey scared to start randomly. I hoped i have the courage to start again.
22 December 2022, 11.19 pm
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dilfwaynes · 3 years
hi!! can i request a hc of the batfam reaction of their eastasian!reader gf  experiencing racism? thank you <33
just a reminder if you took place in any involvement of asian hate block me rn bitch :)
a/n: i hope you enjoyed this anon, i tried to make it accurate without stepping over any boundaries since im not asian myself. if anyone finds any sort of this offensive pls dm me !!
warning ; racism, batfam beating hoes, mention of blood
parings : bruce wayne x asian!reader, jason tood x asian!reader, dick grayson x asian!reader, stephanie brown x asian!reader, tim drake x asian!reader, damian wayne x asian!reader
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it’ll honestly take a minute for bruce to realize what happened
when first entering the store he took notice of the man glaring but brushed it off thinking it was directed towards him as bruce wayne
you however didnt really pay attention to the dirty looks being thrown at you
with bruce excusing himself to the restroom and makes a promise of a quick return, you wander around the area by yourself
it was all fine until a man approaches you, giving a fast glance at him before turning away. there was definitely something up with him
“you don’t belong here”
your head shot up at his words, looking around you to make sure he was talking to you
“excuse me?” you lift an eyebrow at him, knowing what he was hinting at
“you fucking heard me, you don’t belong here. go back to your country.”
you inch away as he steps closer,”you better back the fuck away..”
he simply gives a smug face only coming closer,”or what?” you tighten your jaw when he loosely lets out a slur, your fists clenched.
“or i dislocate your arm.”bruce’s voice rings out, deep in anger as his eyes flicker to you and scanning to see if you were ok physically.
the ugly bitch’s face pales when he realizes who’s your boyfriend. without hesitation bruce yanks him away from you, slamming him to the wall
demanding for a first and last name,  squeezing his neck when the guy stays quiet
shaking he gives in and tells, flinching when bruce slams him against the wall one last time before dropping him
“i guaranteed whatever poor status you do contain i’ll tear it completely, say goodbye to your job.” he grabs for your hand and brings you into him as you both walk away.
“i’m sorry i shouldn’t have left you alone, my fault,”he presses a kiss to your temple.”and please don’t think any worth of that garbage’s words.”
you shake your head,”he was just some lowlife, not worth thinking about.” you reply leaning into him.
he looked at you and could tell no matter what those words still hurt somewhat and it angered him to no end
no one deserved to hear that disgusting shit, especially not his girlfriend.
his eyes hardens but doesn’t push further to make you anymore uncomfortable than you probably already are
giving another kiss to the side of your head he makes a quiet promise to himself not to leave you alone anymore in public with disgusting people like that around
jason todd:
as soon as the slur leaves the guy’s lips jason’s fist collides to his jaw, no doubt   shattering it
you and jason were grabbing lunch at some restaurant slash bar since it was the first time in a few days jason was free
everything was okay until you got up to go to the bathroom and some guy bumped into you
jason watched with hardening eyes as you apologize instead of the guy who slammed into you
“watch where the fuck you’re going at.”
you fall shock at the word, staying in place
while jason is on his feet in no time, swinging to the asshole’s face
screams were heard as well as the sound of bones breaking from his fist impact, the guy stumbling to the floor
“you racist fucking prick that’s my girlfriend you ugly fuck,”lifting him by his shirt he grabs his face and turns him to you.”apologize to her before i break your fucking face.”
he quickly rambles apologizes, crying in fear or pain. most likely a mix of both
jaaon lets him go and gives him another punch, this time to the nose. finding satisfaction at the pool of blood now seeping out
jason grabs your hand and starts to lead you outside,”let’s go eat somewhere else and forget about this shithole.”
you barely had time to give a reaction to anything as everything happened so fast
“hey look at me, don’t listen to that worthless fuck and his fucked up mindset. i dont know what to say to comfort you since i never experienced anything like this.” he stops at the car, placing his hands onto your shoulders
you nod sighing lightly, you only wanted a simple lunch with your boyfriend but instead got hate crime for simply  breathing.
“it’s nothing i haven’t gone through before,”he shakes his head blue eyes filling up with rage.
“no one’s gonna be doing that anymore, or at least getting away with it while i’m around
he was completely taken by surmise at the slur being thrown at you, as well as the fault of you being the root of the covid 19
but before he had any time to react you were already on your feet glaring,”the fuck you just called me you piece shit.”
before he could reply you already kneed him and punched him between the eyes, dick laughing at the cries of pain
“you want me to take over or you wanna handle it babe?”
even how badly he wanted to beat the shit out of the pos the choice was yours
you denied and wanted to handle this on your own
but everytime the guy tried to get up dick would just shake his head and tell him to stay down, or simply push him back down
eventually if you start going too far richards would pull you away and tell you hes not worth it
he understands your anger but he doesn’t want you to past a line you won’t recover from bc of some worthless grime
“c’mon, he’s not worth anymore of our time. lets go eat pizza.”
swing first talk later
he’ll just look at guy for a few seconds with a blank face
then he’s literally knocking them out
will probably kick him into the wall or ground
u dont know if you wanna pull him away because you already the tabloids, or if you wanna let him continue to beating the guy
damian probably wouldn’t realize how much he beat the guy to a pulp until you’re tugging him away
nudging his neck with to your nose to try and calm him down
he’ll end the fight with spitting on him tbh
your face reddens with anger when your eyes met the racist bitch, enjoying the view of his blood on the floor
“racist piece of shit,” he hisses before finally turning his back brow still frowning with anger
unlike the others (mentioned) he also knows and experienced racism and understands your point view way more
and know bow to comfort you better tbh
afterwards he’ll talk to you and comfort you, as well as opening up about his racist encounters, as well as his mothers.
if you’re still upset about what happened some hours later he 100% offers to beat up the guy again
you laugh it off cos hes serious about doing detective work, finding the guy and beating him to a pulp
you thank him but deny his offer and settle to confiding into him and just telling him how your feelings
“are you fucking serious right now bitch?”
steph deadpans staring at the girl who called you the slur with ease, going on about how you were the cause of corona and to go back to your country
shocked at the words, hearing all of this before but it still doesn’t fail everytime you hear them
turning to you and seeing the hurt on your face from the word, she quickly turns to seeing red
without a second thought she grabs the collar of the woman’s shirt
“you’re gonna fucking apologize to my girlfriend right now or i’m gonna slam your face into the floor and break it
you stay still, pleased at watching the girl shake in fear under steph as she chokes out a mesh of a shit rushed apologizes
stephanie throws her down to the ground after her third apologize
“are you okay?” she knew you weren’t but asking the question would lead into the stage of comforting you
you nod but go on to tell her that this isn’t the first or last time this will happen, but it still never fails to shock you
she frowns at your experiences and doesn’t quite know what to do to help since she never went thru anything like that
she offers to take you to your favorite restaurant and end the day in wayne manor watching whatever you wanted
smiling when you accept, pulling you in her and pressing a kiss on-top of your head
“dont worry i’ll beat any jackass that pulls any racist shit.”
i think he’ll be the less  violent one out of everyone
he would honestly be so disgusted and gross out at humanity and how the woman thinks shes superior just because she’s white
if it was a guy saying what was said, then he would probably hit them ngl
but he takes the higher road with the woman, belittling and ending her with his vocabulary
and you’re pretty sure that his words hurt her more than an actual punch would 
you laugh when he compares her built to a buffalo
he then goes on to a more education lean, explaining how skin tone has nothing to do with a person, and she should adapt to modern times and stop being a racist cunt
after he ends it he goes on to find out who she is and email/call her workplace to inform what kind of employee they have
probably also goes on to make sure she wont be hired anywhere else
comforts you alot and and will get you anything you want
prob gets you both milkshakes as you vent to him about today and other racist things said to you
hates how you have to go thru any of this for simply existing
the  incident opens his eyes and he starts talking to bruce about opening a charity for ‘stop asian hate’
would shy away from the press and say you both came up with the fund
u’ll dismiss that rq and tell everyone it was all tim’s idea
all the money goes people got assaulted and paying for any hospital bills or anything needed
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 5
a/n: we ltr going at 5 parts and i have another part written out and im just drowning in love with these seijoh asks
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
anon request:
Can i ask for cute moments between manager and the boys outside of school, like how she and kyoutani probably bump into each to go feed strays etc??
yes anon!!!!!! these moments made me so soft™
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these are the cute little moments and get ready to die of the cuteness
be warned, this isnt a straight plot or no main focus but just bits and pieces of fluff 
keeping up with seijoh episode 3467328937
as mentioned before, they dont really get to hang out a lot w you outside of practice 
youre either too busy taking care of your schoolwork, catsitting for the aizawa’s, or having you time since youve been busy w the boys all week
but there are times where you do have available time to go hang out with the boys
and they know about your schedule so they try to make memories either during practice or after practice
fortunately, kyo lives at the same street as the aizawa’s so he walks you to their house when you have a job 
but sometimes when you are just walking home, you both stop by the convenience store first and find some cat food cans and dog food cans and water 
it was a complete accident when you both found each other standing at the same aisle, holding the same things, with the same intentions, for the same animals
the alleyway where you first met is basically your second home bc thats where your babies live
since you cant exactly take in 5 dogs and 6 cats in your house, you and kyo are taking care of them in that alleyway where you feed them and build them a little shelter with blankets and stuff
this will be explained more in the next manager!seijoh part
after practice, particularly after a really productive one, the guys like to go to the ramen shop near the school to treat themselves after their hardwork
by now, the old lady who owns the shop knows their order by heart and has it ready when you all enter
yall get settled in but you go over to yahaba and snap his wooden chopsticks for him bc he never snaps them properly and ends up breaking them
you gather as much napkins as you can and place them beside kindaichi bc he makes such a mess while he eats and you have stand-by wipes for him
you make a special request to add tofu into iwa’s ramen bc the mans loves tofu so much and he still doesnt understand how the lady seems to know this despite him never telling her
your seat is usually next to mattsun bc he doesnt eat all the side dishes up like the others and you can eat some of it too
kyo sit across you and demands you eat at least 2 bowls bc you never seem to eat enough and he gets secretly concerned so he aggressively cares for you
‘kyo-san,,,, im full though’
he ‘glares’ at you
‘what you mean youre full. you didnt even finish the bowl. eat the rest and have another or youre not leaving this table’
pls what
fun fact, oikawa actually has two pairs of glasses and he gave you one in case he forgets to wear his main one and leaves it at home
so he gets to school and he just realizes he forgot his glasses and his contacts were still being shipped so he freaks out and texts you about it
but you always have the case safely tucked in your bag so you wander up to the third year floor and knock on his class door
iwa, who is in the same class as him, glares at the students who stare at you and nudges oikawa who was looking out the window
‘oi, your glasses’
his head snapped to the side and sees your smiling face and the familiar brown box being held out to him
his face scrunches and he launches up his seat and takes you in his arms
‘oikawa-san, please let me go’
you mumbled, embarrassed at his behavior in front of the whole class
once iwa has you safely on the ground, you excuse yourself and go back to class
the class still stared at the door you passed through and iwa had to bark at them to go back to their business
youre like the seijoh and younger version of goddess kiyoko
before kyo got back to the team, you usually walked home by yourself but makki actually accompanies you when he doesnt have errands to run
‘makki-san, i heard theres a sale going on for puffs’
you would mention as you walked and you would look to see his eyes light up and walk faster towards the bakery
‘cmon, y/n-chan. makki-senpai is treating you today!’
he turns into a child, a contrast to his chaotic energy in school, and he runs over to the glass where indeed, there was a sale going on for his puffs
while he was staring at what flavor he wanted, youd go to the cashier and give her your card
‘when that guy with the light brown hair with the blue and white jacket comes up to pay for his cream puffs, charge it to my card, please. whatever you do, dont take his and use mine immediately, please. ill come by later and pick it back up’
the old cashier lady felt true hope and happiness for humanity at your actions and it increased when she saw the shocked look on the boy’s face when she immediately swiped the card when he finished ordering
‘what? i havent paid-’
‘the young lady that came with you already did, young lad. shes a keeper’
he turned red
‘ahaha, no, shes our team manager’
once he finished paying and went outside, he took out his phone and dialed your number to call you
you smiled from the aisle in the convenience store down the street bc you were expecting him to call you
‘hewwo, makki-san’
he shut his eyes at how cute you sounded
‘y/n-chan, senpai wanted to treat you today!’
he whined but you bit your lip, leaving the store after purchasing a drink with the remaining cash you had
‘hmm, but i did too. you just werent too fast, senpaiiii~’
you teased and he let out a breathy laugh
‘next time i’ll be faster! mark my words!’
‘then im looking forward to it, senpai~!’
did anyone notice that he is the first one she called senpai?
to our baby yahaba
we know how he literally tried to go after yachi in that one episode so you know how flirty he is
but youve made it clear that you reject his advances and he pouts and finally accepts it so he stops it, instead actually just caring for you
ya know how he cares for the others and cheers them on?
he does the same to you
our babie notices that you are so busy taking care of the others that you forget to take care of yourself
like that time they lost to shiratorizawa, you made bentos for them all week to cheer them up
but he saw you not even eating and realizes that you were busy making the food that they like, each different to accomodate to their taste, that you had no time to make your own
he went down to your class and noticed you missing and he asks kindaichi and kunimi and they said that you said you wanted to get fresh air
since he pays attention to you, he knows you like to go to the roof to breathe
he ventures up the stairs and when he opens the door, he notices you just staring up at the sky, sitting down on the floor
‘being in an empty place like the roof doesnt compare to how lonely Pluto must feel to be outcasted in the solar system’
your comment catches him off-guard but he regains composure and makes his way to you before sitting down next to your form
‘hmm, oikawa-senpai talked to me about space one time. he mentioned the vast possibilities that stays hidden in the shadows’
you and him turn your head at the same time and share a gentle smile
‘but its up to us to find those secrets and abilities’
you finished
he nodded and went back to look at the clouds that looked like they were slowly moving but it was really the earth turning
‘i want to be a sports instructor. i want to be able to help others,,, i want to help them find those abilities and perfect them so they could fully love playing’
a chuckle escaped you and you tightened your arms around your knees, following his gaze to the blob of white that was painted on to the blue canvas
‘let other people be your universe, baba-senpai. dont let them be like Pluto. take time to find out who they are so they dont feel so lonely, okay?’
yall im tearing up right now though
as mentioned at the first part of this series, you go to the gym very early to set up for morning practice
sometimes, the four third years arrive at the same time but sometimes, only iwa comes
you noticed him put his bag down and help you with the nets before pushing the cart to finish the task for the morning
‘thank you, iwa-san!’
you thanked and he ruffled your hair
‘can you actually help me with my workout?’
you nodded and you knew his routine by now
as he got in position for a push up, you gently sat down on his back so he could start pushing up
you sat cross-legged and you counted every push up and held a timer so he could beat his previous record of 100 push ups in under 5 minutes
once he hit 100, he collapsed on the floor and you stopped the timer at 4 minutes and 48 seconds
‘good job, iwa-san! new record!’
you cheered and he grumbled on the floor
you gently turned him over so he could lay on his back
he closed his eyes from the bright light of the gym and he raised his arms as his hands made a grabbing motion
‘hug. i want hug’
he whined and you fake gasped at this
‘iwa-san, i didnt know you could be so whiny’
in my series, its canon that iwa is actually a whiny little babie despite that tough exterior and hes much more whinier than oikawa
you laughed before surrending, mumbling ‘yes, yes’
this wasnt the first time this happened since he asked you to do this before bc hes a touch starved babie and as a manager, you must give your team love
you climbed on him and laid your head on his chest while he mumbles happily with his arms going around you
‘just five minutes’
you offered and he said ‘mhm’
well, you both fell asleep and were woken up by scandalized and jealous yells from oikawa
to our baby libero watari
watari is actually the only player who has been to your house before
you made an off-handed comment of making bentos for the team again and he offered to come and help you make them
so here he was, standing in your kitchen, as you were cooking with him
you were chopping up vegetables and he was waiting for the eggs to boil so he was just stirring it slightly
‘wata-san, can you give me a bowl from the cabinet above you?’
he nodded and gave it to you so you could place the chopped carrots and onions in it
once the timer was done, he scooped out the eggs and placed them into an ice bowl so he could peel them later
you knew his favorite food was boiled eggs so you wanted to boil some so he could snack on them
‘can you peel one and see if theyre perfectly cooked, wata-san?’
his fingers skillfully rolled the egg on the table before peeling it effortlessly
he hummed as he chewed on the food
you asked and he turned to you, cheeks still full but he raised a thumbs up
you grinned and went back to chopping the scallions
‘actually, i didnt need any eggs for the dishes. i wanted you to snack on your favorites as i cook. its like payment for keeping me company’
his eyes shone and he hurriedly went to hug you tightly
‘i really appreciate everything youve done for us, for me. but i just want you to keep smiling okay? i know we’re a handful and we can get out of hand sometimes but you always keep us together. you must be stressed and there must be times you get angry with us and must’ve cried because of us but i hope you’ll still stay with us even through all that’
lmao kindaichi’s made me laugh
so basically, we all know his famous haircut, right
but what if that was actually just a style hes had since he was young but he has naturally down hair?
the stuff he puts in it like this brand of gel is just so tough and sturdy that two washes of hair is the only thing that can get rid of it
even during practice when hes sweating the atlantic ocean, it somehow stays up
he puts gel on it and stuff after he showers to make it stick up and BOOM turnip head
but one morning, he,,,, wasnt turnip head
the boy woke up late and he didnt have time to perfect the sticking up so he went to school with his hair down and everything
you were already there since morning practice has started and kunimi told you that kindaichi texted him he would be late so you were just patiently waiting by the door for your classmate
but some guy just walked in
your eyes widened and you pulled their arm
‘um, this is for seijoh volley-’
then the words died in your mouth
you stuttered and he placed his hands on his face to hide away
‘dont look y/n-chan!’
his shout attracted the others and then silence before the laughing and howling started
makki was on the floor, punching it as he laughed
kindaichi turned red and he was about to run out but you held on to him
‘i can fix it for you, yuu-kun. come with me?’
he nodded immediately and hurried away towards the back where the sun was just starting to rise
you rummaged through your gym bag and found the specific gel brand he uses 
kindaichi was SHOOK bc why the hell did you have it?
you noticed his shocked and confused look
‘i knew this would happen. we’ve facetimed before, remember? just in case this would happen, i brought backup’
his eyes glistened with tears of gratitude but you waved it away and started attempting to fix his hair
tbh you dont know why he did this hairstyle because his hair was really soft and nice and he still looked attractive either way
moving on to kunimi babie
lets face it, he probably doesnt sleep at all at night and he suffers from insomnia
and when he cant sleep, he bothers his friends
but he doesnt bother you though
which makes you sad bc you thought you made it clear that he could come to you if he was in need of something
you only found out after kindaichi accidentally blurted out during morning practice of how tired he is bc kunimi wouldnt stop talking to him at 2 in the morning
‘aki,,, you could’ve called me’
you gently said and kunimi scrunched his nose at how sad you sounded
‘you need your sleep, y/n’
‘but i want you to sleep too’
‘kindaichi’s been my contact since i was like 5 so-’
‘so you dont need me?’
your eyes watered and kunimi jumped, frantically fussing over you
‘okay, okay, y/n, okay. ill call you’
then as if they were never there, you cheered up and bounced happily
‘i’m expecting it, aki-kun!’
but at 1:43 in the morning, his finger hovered over the call button on your contact since he really didnt want to bother you
but he could already hear your whines in the morning
he cursed when he heard your groggy voice
‘sorry y/n, ill hang up-’
you sat up, forcing to wake up
you mumbled and he made a sound of agreement
‘not tired?’
you asked
‘no. well, like im tired but i cant sleep, yknow?’
you laid on your bed with your cheeks puffed out, trying to think how to put him to sleep
‘we can just talk, aki’
‘about what?’
‘anything. just,,, talk to me. i want to know your favorite color, your favorite food, everything about you’
:( morning calls really hit different
last one is our mattsun babie
so like, mattsun is a TREE
im like 5′3 and hes like 6′2 so we a whole dwarf next to him
you are always dwarfed whenever you stand next to him and this little shite takes advantage of that and puts his elbow on top of your head
he likes to poke fun at you but you just pout bc you know hes all fun and games
‘hows the weather down there’
‘so mean, mattsun-san’
but his height did give him a special memory with you though
you were both left in the gym to clean up bc everyone had something to do like oiks had to go home bc takeru got sick and iwa also got sick and you just volunteered to clean up and mattsun stayed behind
you were sweeping the floor and you unconsciously started humming as you swept and started swaying a little
mattsun heard you as he pushed the carts and watched as you just swayed and twirled around and he found himself smiling at you
you noticed him stop in front of you and he bowed down, holding out a hand
‘may i take this dance, m’lady’
you laughed
‘what? whats going on?’
he softly held your hand and pulled you to him
‘you were dancing and i wanted to join you’
you nodded and looked up at him, eyes half-lidded
‘stand on my feet, chibi-chan. i can lead while you sing’
it was a random song you heard from the radio earlier but you complied while he moved with your feet on his
you giggled when he would lean down to softly kiss your forehead and shriek when he would unexpectedly dip you down
either way, at 8:34 PM, you and mattsun danced under the gym lights with no witness except you and him
ughh i really want seijoh now
you and the team share individual memories that are more special than the ones with the others bc its where you could actually be upfront with each other
its just a shame that there are 4 third years in the team that would eventually graduate and go their own separate ways after high school, leaving behind their underclassmen
they could just hope that those memories and special moments would remind them of who you were and how special you were to them since at the prime of their youth, you were their first true love
a/n: ngl i didnt expect to finish this so quick but im just in a really soft mood right now and this is to makeup for the fact that my update schedule could start becoming erratic due to my school so i hope you enjoyed this blurb!! and depending on my asks, there could only be one last part to this series unless someone requests for another specific scenario with the manager!!
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jaminjims · 4 years
found family {imagine}
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@catsandstrawberries​ requests: Hi I have a request. Can you do an ot7 x youngest female 8th member reader maybe late teens (like 17 18ish) maybe fathers day is coming up and reader never had a good relationship with her father or any male in her life (abuse, abondment, trauma, etc) and maybe just a bunch of fluffy and angsty scenarios of her relationship with the boys when they become more like older brothers/father figures to her. Maybe one where she choreographs a dance and shows Hobi and he openly stares how proud Cont. 🐣
He is of her and maybe it just really touches her. Or maybe one where she falls asleep on the couch and one of the boys brings her to her room. And maybe a final angsty one where she tells them how much she loves them and how hard it is to know her own family didnt care about her but the b o us are like, you're wrong, your family does care about you, were your family. Something like that. I really love your writing and hopefully you can write this, if not dont worry, much love! 🐣
a/n: ahh this was the fic i wrote 4.3k words for but then decided i didn’t like it so i started over lmao. i don’t really know why this fic was kinda difficult for me to write but it was still something i enjoyed writing a lot and i’m proud of myself for finishing it! and this is probably one of my favorites that i’ve written if i’m being completely honest. the found family troupe is what i LIVE for and this one literally melts my heart. and of course thank you so so much to the lovely catsandstrawberries for the request! i really enjoyed writing it so i hope you enjoy reading it! 
pairing: platonic ot7 x f!reader (reader will refer to the older members as hyung though!)
genre: angsty in the beginning but it turns really fluffy so just hang in there! 
warnings: brief mention of child abandonment, child neglect, bad father daughter relationship, loneliness, insomnia, forgetting to eat 
words: 6k
[disclaimer: when writing idol aus, i will only be focusing on the struggles of the reader, not of the idols themselves because i don’t personally know what struggles they go through and how they handle them.] 
{song(s) i recommend while reading: someone’s someone - monsta x}
here’s the thing about family: it’s sometimes fickle and sometimes strong
you came from a prestigious family of bankers, except you wouldn’t really call it a family 
it was more like relatives tolerating each other more than anything 
your mom had left when you were young so you only had faint silhouettes and hollow laughter to remember her by. but that just left the two of you 
you and your father 
instead the memories you grew up with were of a dad who was cold and controlling and never really around long enough for you to truly feel like he loved you 
it was always “y/n you have to look good for the family” “y/n you have to do this for the families reputation” “y/n you have to smile for the media so they think we are a happy family” 
the word family was thrown around so much you didn’t think you really knew what it meant anymore
because it was always “y/n you need to do better” “y/n why are you so flawed?” y/n you’re more of a disappointment that a daughter”
never “y/n, i’m proud of you” 
it was always what he wanted and never had he asked what you wanted
he never once helped you with your homework, never once had a family meal together
never once said he loved you 
you had to instead learn to cook yourself, learn to swim, learn to ride your bike, all by yourself 
all things a father should have done, he never did 
instead it was all fake laughter and smiles in front of the media and cold stares and loneliness behind closed doors 
you used to cry yourself to sleep because of how lonely and lost you felt but now you just opted to barely sleeping at all 
and you often forgot to eat because it would just remind you what you could’ve had but didn’t 
you also tended to be alone at school because everyone knew of you but no one really knew you 
the only thing that really saved you was dancing
it was the only way you could really express yourself without needing words and you found that comforting 
it was intimate and deep and it was your raw soul being transmitted through movements 
and it was your only reprieve from the fake media, the fake smiles, the fake laughter 
and the fake family 
so most of your days were spent in a dance studio, choreographing your own pieces and dancing your heart out and it was really the only way you knew how to express yourself
it was when you were fifteen when you had discovered that music companies were hosting auditions and you wanted more than anything to be up on a stage and preform
you had never longed for something more than you did now
but you knew your father would never allow it and maybe that was the thought that pushed you to make the decision of joining
because you knew if you continued to live the way you did now, you would never be enough for him and you were sad and lonely and just tired of faking everything
so if you were always going to be a failure to him then at least you could have fun along the way, right?
so you auditioned to every single company you could and in the end it was only one who had accepted you and for the first time you were really happy
so, so happy that you danced all the way home and cried and for once didn’t pay mind to the eyes looking in
your dad was of course furious when he found out and it hurt that he was so against your dream 
but the elation you felt at finally doing something for yourself, with no other reason but because you wanted too, it was something thrilling and if you had known that freedom would feel like this then you would’ve done it a long time ago 
but it still stung when he cut you out of his life completely, like you weren’t even there in the first place. like you never existed
cut off all means of financial support. insurance, healthcare, even schooling
all because you didn’t want to be what he wanted you to be
and you cried for the first few nights because this was your conformation. conformation that he really didn’t love you and only saw you as a means to continue his legacy 
but you continued on. confidently packing your bags and leaving that place that was never really a home to you 
and when you moved into the dorms bighit had for trainee’s, you felt like this, this was your chance. and if you failed, then you would go crawling back to your father and beg for forgiveness like you knew he wanted 
you only had one opportunity, and you used it for everything it was worth 
you had gotten a part time job, something you wanted to experience because for every other kid it was normal. got to stay out late and dance and sing and just experience things that you had never gotten to do in the confines of your old home 
in the confines of your father
and even if you didn’t get to continue your education (which you were greatly distressed about) you were happy because you were doing stuff you wanted 
it was when you were eighteen, when you spent two years as a trainee before you got the news that...
you made it 
you had made it! you were going to be put in a group! and even if they had already long ago debuted, you were going to show them that you were worth it 
you were worth more than what you father had said about you, than what he had planned for you 
but with that elation came hesitance
because you were joining a group that was composed of all males, seven of them, and you didn’t have a good experience with any males (well, male) in your life and you would be lying if you said you weren’t even a little bit scared
because you were never good enough for your father, what made them any different? what if you weren’t ever going to be good enough for anyone?
but they were different. they showed you that not every male was going to be like your father, that you were enough and more 
when you had first met them, you were a timid little thing because you had previously been sheltered and didn’t really have any friends 
you didn’t really know how to open up to anyone because no one ever cared to really try to connect 
they were all smiles and politeness and you blushed under their attention because no one really showed an interest in learning about you, not like they had
but you didn’t tell them everything. actually, you didn’t really tell them anything because you were scared that if the found out the truth, they would think you were useless just like your father
so you told them your name, age (which they were surprised about because you were young compared to them), and half truths 
about how you were not really close with your family, about how you weren’t really close with any friends 
and you expected them to look down on you for your answers but instead they welcomed you with open arms and treated you like they would treat anyone else 
and you loved it. loved that they saw you for you instead of just a rich mans daughter 
so slowly, you started opening up to them
they treated you like a normal person (a thing which you craved because it was something you never experienced) and they never only pointed out the things you were doing wrong, like your father had 
instead they pointed out your flaws and also pointed out what you had excelled at
“y/n, you should turn your body and bend a bit more for that move, but your energy was really good!” “maybe reach a little bit higher for that note? it went a little flat for a second, but your part in the bridge was perfect.” 
and it was those comments that you held close and cherished because they pushed you to do better but it was different than than the way your father pushed you
because you refined the things that you could actually fix instead of just thinking everything about yourself was horrible 
and maybe it was weird, but you really started to look up to them and that only caused you to work harder so that you would make them proud
but it wasn’t until a late night in the dance studio with jimin that really shifted your relationship with all of them
you couldn’t sleep again (like most nights) and you were dancing to a song that you had choreographed yourself 
you slightly overstepped and pushed your body forward by accident and had ended up twisting your ankle 
you almost started crying because what if the boys thought you were going to be a hindrance? what if they thought you were a failure for holding them back? 
but then the the dance studio door opened and in came walking jimin and you felt yourself shrink in, trying to make your body as small as possible because you were so scared 
and it was weird because you never felt this scared when you thought your dad would look down on you and you had only been in the group for two months and you shouldn’t be feeling this attached
and everything was overwhelming and jimin gasped when he spotted you on the floor crying with a bruised ankle 
his heart hurt to see you this upset so he quickly walked over and tried to get you to slow your breathing and when his calm and soothing voice reached your ears, you couldn’t help but relax slightly because he didn’t seem to be angry, only worried 
and then what he said next had you crying for a whole different reason
“is it ok with you if i look at your ankle?” 
he had asked. he had asked if it was something you wanted and that surprisingly meant more to you then it probably should 
and once again they proved that they were different than your father because your dad would just do, without any concern to what it might do to you. but they thought about you, about your well being 
you found yourself nodding and once he saw you were crying still he creased his eyebrows with worry, “does it hurt that bad?” 
you shook your head again and managed to get out, “you aren't mad at me?” 
and the world seemed to stop for a second and you held your breathe as you waited for his answer, and when he opened his mouth you got scared that he was actually angry
“you thought i would be mad? of course i’m not, it wasn’t your fault. it’s ok, you’re ok.” and even with your hurt ankle you leaned forward and hugged him because you were so relieved that he didn’t think you were a failure, glad that he still thought you were worth it
and even though he was confused at your reaction, he hugged you back anyway because he wanted to be there for you in any way he could
and your adoration for them only increase since then. you were really starting to feel closer to them and really starting to rely on them 
the week your ankle was healing, they made sure to check in every hour to see if everything was ok and it was a little overwhelming at times because you had never been this looked after before and it was new to you
and at least one of them would arrive home from practice early and give you everything you needed 
one time when yoongi came back early, he had come into your room and asked if you needed anything and you said no because you didn’t wanna hinder him but then your stomach growled in betrayal and you blushed 
he frowned and sat beside you on you’re bed, rubbing the back of his neck, “now, i know that i don’t look like the comforting type, but i’ll still help if you ask.” 
and your eyes widened and you shook your head, shooting up in bed because it really wasn’t that you thought he was bad at comforting but it was because you really just forgot to eat again
and that’s what you told him and he frowned for a different reason, “you forget to eat?” and then you would look down in shame because you thought he was disappointed in you 
he looked at your lowered head and sighed, lightly bumping shoulders with you, “hey, it’s ok. i’m not mad or anything. just worried.” 
and you tentatively looked up at him, hiding behind your hair, “i... just don’t eat that much. reminds me of the things i can’t have.” and then you looked back down
and yoongi thought that his heart broke a little bit because you sounded so small and sad and he was confused as to why but what he did know is that it hurt him to hear and see you like that 
he then bumped his shoulder with yours again so you would look up and then he flicked your forehead when you did 
and you looked at him with a slightly offended expression while bringing your hand up to touch the spot he flicked and once he saw the look on your face, he smirked a little, “what are you thinking about now?” and you would get this confused look on your face, because why was he asking? “why you flicked me.” 
and then he would smile triumphantly, “then it worked.” 
and it wouldn’t be till later that you realized that he had gotten you too think about something else so you wouldn’t dwell on the bad memories you had, and you smiled brightly trying to fall asleep that night
but you noticed that they all would start to bring more snacks in their bags whenever they went anywhere and offer them to you and it was hard to say no because you were kinda hungry when you thought about it 
and food started to taste a little better when you were around them 
and as time passed, they only surprised you more and more with their personalities and you started to really like just being around them, you felt like a better person 
and over time you had all grown closer too, up to the point where you would get into petty fights like real siblings (at least you liked to think of it that way, you never had any siblings)
for example, one time you were sitting on the couch scrolling through a phone the company recently got you and here comes jungkook running down the hallway 
he then jumps and lands right on top of your sitting figure on the couch and you yell because it scared you and why was he sweaty? 
“yah! get off me!” you then would push him on the face but it would get you nowhere because he was quite literally almost twice your size 
“no, i don’t wanna.” then he would shrug and pull out his phone while he was crushing you with his body weight and then you would scream out “hyung!” in hopes anyone would hear you and all of them would come running into the room because you never yelled and they thought it was an emergency 
but then it would sink in that, that was the first time you had called them hyung and they would get these goofy smiles on their faces (even jungkook, from where he was sitting on top of you) and you would look at them and then realize what you did 
you gasped and started apologizing because what if they didn’t want you to call them that? (obliviously not getting the message that they did from their faces alone)
but they would just shoot down your apologies because they would be happy that you finally felt close and comfortable enough to call them that 
and jin would walk up and ruffle your hair - well as best he could while jungkook was still sitting on you - and “come help your hyung in the kitchen.” and your smile would be worth more than anything to them and you would push jungkook off of you easily this time while yelling yes 
you then stuck your tongue out at him and he made a funny face back that had you giggling 
but something was always weighing on your mind, and it was the lack of your education. since your father had cut you off, you had no means on furthering your learning and it was something that really upset you because who couldn’t even complete highschool education? and you were afraid that the other members would be disappointed in you 
so you asked manager sejin (which he had grown pretty fond of you over the months) for a computer because you wanted to complete your education online if anything and he was completely behind the idea and backed you up 100 percent 
so you started your online learning but you had to admit, it was hard when you didn’t have a teacher to consult things with 
and you would get so frustrated because why couldn’t you just get this right? it was simple math! and you were disappointed in yourself because this was a big blow to your ego 
you were afraid that the others would would laugh at you but then you thought about how they proved time and time again that they were different than your father and so with that thought in mind you summoned your courage and went to knock on namjoon’s door
he was surprised to see you but smiled anyway and you sat down on his bed with your hair covering your face because you were still embarrassed and they didn’t know that you hadn’t finished highschool 
and he saw that you were struggling with what to say so he waited patiently because the last thing he wanted to do was scare you off
and you were grateful for that, so after a few minutes you gathered your thoughts and decided to just plunge right into the conversation, “hyung,” and they still smiled when you called them that, “i’m doing online school and um, was wondering if you could help me? i mean you don’t have to or anything but i just-” and he put a hand over your head to stop your rambling and smiled that dimple smile of his, “of course i’ll help. what do you need me for?” 
and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little surprised because it was highschool sophomore math because he thought that you had already graduated highschool but he still was glad to help you anyway 
and you could tell he wanted to ask but was hesitant, so you made it easier for him, “i wasn’t able to finish highschool.” and he looked perplexed for a moment but when he took in your sad expression he didn’t say anything more so you quietly added on “i don’t have a relationship with my father so..” and you trailed off and he sighed silently because it was hard for him to wrap his head around why someone would make you so sad, especially if that someone was your father so instead he opted to take your mind off the issue 
so he spoke up, “yah, the pythagorean theorem isn’t gonna learn itself.” and so the two of your stayed up and you understood the subject more when he explained it than in any real class you ever had 
so, these teaching sessions are almost a daily routine and sometimes it would be the others helping and it became something that you really enjoyed
because no one was ever willing to help you like this 
after months of living and knowing them, it was finally the crunch time to get ready for your first comeback with them and you were so nervous 
you would stay up later than usual to practice and they would be lying if they said they weren’t a little worried about your lack of sleep but they used to do the same thing before comebacks so they let it slide somewhat
but what they didn’t know was that you were also going to be doing a solo dance performance and you were so scared that no one would like it so you finally crumbled and asked for hobi because you wanted his opinion on your routine 
but his reaction to your dance sequence was one you didn’t expect 
as you flipped and glided through your choreo, hoseok stared wide eyed at you in wonder because he knew you were an amazing dancer but when it was just you and him in the dance studio, the emotion that you portrayed... it was just an astounding site to see
and when you finished you saw his expression and blushed, hiding your face in your hair because no one had looked at you like that before
“what? was it bad?” and it was a couple more moments before hoseok really gathered his thoughts to put them into words and he just walked over to you and put his hands on your shoulders so you would look at him
“y/n-ah, that was amazing. just everything about it... aish you have me speechless.” and he gave you that hobi heart smile and you couldn’t keep your eyes from tearing up but what he said next really got the waterworks going
“i am so, so proud of you, y/n” 
and you openly cried and hearing that sentence from someone you really looked up to was something you never knew you needed and you hugged him so tight and said ‘thank you’ over and over again because you really were 
you were so, so thankful 
and he carded his hands through your hair because namjoon had told him about you not having a good relationship with your dad and knew this was probably something that meant a lot to you. but he really was so, so proud of you because you had grown so much since being that little timid girl he had met months ago 
so you went home and played videogames with everyone and just had a good time so you wouldn’t get to stressed and later when you had finally managed to fall asleep, hobi would gush about your dance to the other members (without knowing you were going to be preforming it soon) and everyone was excited and wanted to see it too
but with hobi’s encouragement came more determination for you to work harder because you were going to amaze everyone if you had anything to say about it 
so you started to stay out late to the point where you would come back to the house when everyone else was sleeping and just be so tired that you would fall asleep on the couch, not even making it back to your room
and they would wake up and see you and look at you so fondly because they could see that you were working so hard and could see how badly you wanted everyone to succeed
and it would usually be jungkook who would pick you up and bring you back to your room so you could sleep just a little bit longer
they really were so proud of you 
and then it came to your comeback date and you were still so nervous but they’re presences made it better 
it was taehyung who came up to you then right before they were supposed to go onto the comeback stage and what he said would always stick with you, “no matter what happens out there, i, we, will always be there for you, no matter what. we will always be proud of you.” and you would tear up and the makeup unnie’s would get angry and push you back down in the makeup chair but they would have this gooey smile on their faces anyway
and your performance went perfectly 
it seemed like the audience was just as memorized as hoseok had been when you preformed your solo and army, thrown off by your presence, still accepted you because they could see the bond you had with the boys and how pure it was
and even though some didn’t agree, it was ok because seven other people where proud of you and that’s all you really needed
and then because of the amazing performance the eight of you go out to eat and you all joke and laugh and the food tastes amazing
and you think, this is what a family dinner must feel like 
and you almost cry again because this is all you really ever wanted, to be accepted, to be seen for your achievements instead of your flaws 
and you've only spent five months together but in those five months, you had grown so close to these people that showed you that you were more than what your father had told you, that you were amazing and perfect in your own way and they would never look down on you for your flaws
you could definitely get used to this 
so the next day taehyung took you out on a shopping spree because he wanted to spend time with you and you both basically wrecked havoc in a gucci store trying on everything you could 
and he wold tease you when you came out of the dressing room with a size that was way to big for you and you would taunt him back and bicker back and forth 
then you both went to the store and got ice cream for everyone and you all set up a fort in the living room and it was easily one of the best days of your life 
and after that the eight of you experienced things and created memories together and they showed you what real friends were, what real companionship and love felt like
and before you knew it, fathers day was in two days and you didn’t know what you were going to do, but you still felt like you should do something because father’s day is a day to celebrate the important males in your life
you had never felt like doing something like this when you lived with your actual father, and that spoke volumes to how close you had come to these boys
so on the saturday before the actual day, you tried to wake up as early as you could and get all the ingredients you needed
when you saw that you were missing eggs for the cake that you wanted to make for them, you tried to be as quick as possible so your hyungs wouldn’t be wondering where you went if they woke up 
it was the probably the fastest trip you had ever taken but it was all for naught when you walked back through the door 
you almost dropped your newly bought eggs when you heard a scream come from the living room and suddenly there were arms wrapping around you in a tight hug
“j-jimin?” was all you could squeak out before a barrage of voices tumbled over each other in efforts to scold you for leaving and not telling at least one of them, if not all of them 
“what were you thinking!? you scared me! you scared us!” jin said in your direction, where jimin was still wrapped around you 
“yah! we thought you left! or-or got kidnapped!” hoseok’s raised voice was one you decide you didn’t like 
once jimin let go, yoongi was quick to envelope you in a hug, “aish. i never wanna wake up to that kind of scare ever again.” 
once he pulled away you spotted taehyung and jungkook pouting with their arms crossed sitting on the couch, namjoon fixing you with a serious stare. “promise me you won’t do that again.” 
“promise us!” taehyung quickly added in and all you could do was nod because your head was still trying to process what just happened over the span of the last ten seconds
it wasn’t until your pinky was wrapped around jungkook’s in a pinky promise that the situation really set into your head and you lowered your head in shame and embarrassment, “i’m sorry.” 
jin sighed and ruffled his hair, “we were just worried. sorry for yelling y/n-ah,” and it warmed you with how protective they were over you and you looked up at him teasingly, “sorry eomma” and jin frowned while you and the maknae line snickered
it was when you got up to finally put the eggs away that jimin pulled you back down to sit beside him, hugging you again, “we worry about you because you’re our yodongseng, y/n-ah” and it was that one sentence that had you all smiley and giggly because that was the first time any of them had called you that, the first time anyone called you that and you were so happy 
because they saw you as their little sister and a bond like that was something you hadn’t felt before, and one you would never want to break
“thank you” you whispered as you got up and went to put the eggs away, the boys following after you 
“so why did you go to the store?” taehyung said as he looked at all the ingredients littered around the kitchen counters 
you gasped and remembered what you were doing and quickly turned around, “all of you, out! go away!” you yelled while physically pushing hoseok and yoongi out the kitchen door 
“wha- why?” namjoon got out before almost being pushed over and into a table by jungkook 
“surprise!” was all you yelled as you got all of them out of the kitchen but seokjin waited by the door. “hyung, what are you doing?” hoseok questioned. “just wait for it.” was all he said as he started counting down from five. and as he was just about to say one, you popped your head back through the door and shyly asked, “hey jin-hyung, can you help me with something?” and then he looked toward the others and smirked at their bewildered expressions. “i told you. she always asks for me when she needs help in the kitchen, and she always needs help.” you then hit him on the arm, “yah. i’m not that bad.”
then the both of you would enter the kitchen and you would try to explain that you needed to make a cake without really telling him you needed to bake one and it just led to a lot of confusion 
in the end you gave up and told him you needed to make one but you didn’t tell him what for, still trying to preserve a least a little bit of surprise
the both of you joked and laughed about useless things while mixing the eggs and milk and flour, making a cake from scratch and the others listened to your banter and smiled among themselves 
when the both of you settled down and put the cake in the oven, seokjin called your name, “y/n-ah,” and as soon as you turned around a wad of flour hit you in the face and jin’s windshield wiper laugh echoed out
but that was only the begging 
“this is war!” and then all of them came running into the kitchen and the flour that was supposed to hit jin, hit yoongi instead and you could’ve sworn you heard namjoon face plant at one point and then fifteen minutes later everyone was covered in flower and the kitchen was a mess
and you all found yourself sitting on the floor, waiting for when you had to take out the cake. and just being surrounded by all their presences, suddenly got you emotional 
“thank you” you said again, for the umpteenth time since you’ve known them. you took a deep breath, “i never got along with my father and-,” you sniffed and they waited for you to finish, jungkook nudging you with his shoulder and taehyung gently holding your hand, “and, all of this, the comfort and compassion you’ve shown me,” tears started to fall from your eyes and hoseok who was sitting across from you leaned over and wiped them off your face, “and i’m really grateful.” 
but before they could say anything to that, the oven went off and you took another deep breath and gathered your emotions, once again pushing them out of the kitchen so you could decorate the cake you would show them tomorrow
and while they were sitting in the living room together, waiting for you to finish, they all looked at each other and they could easily say that they would do anything for you because you really were their little sister and they cared about you so much
and while you decorated your cake for them, you thought that a giving them their surprise a day early couldn’t hurt (and you knew one of the maknae line would definitely come and sneak a bite of the treat in the middle of the night) 
so you walked out, flour caking your hair and clothes, holding the vanilla frosted cake that said ‘happy father’s day ‘ in purple, messy icing 
and oh my god they were so touched they could have cried (and some of them did)
and you stood in front of them, gathering your thoughts and as soon as you saw that jimin was about to say something, you started talking. “so, uh, originally i was going to give you all this tomorrow but i figured that it wouldn’t hurt to give it today. and father’s day is not only to celebrate fathers but to celebrate the important males in your life.” and there you go tearing up again, “and when i was younger, my mom left before i could really remember her, and my dad, he-” tears fell and you wiped them, “aish, i’m crying.” then you giggled and their hearts were simultaneously breaking and filling up at the same time. “he was never a father to me, so i never knew what it felt like to have one, to have a family. and it hurt everyday to think that no one in my family wanted me.” god you were a wreck and your words were coming out blurred now. “but then i came here-”
and before you could get out anymore there were seven pairs of arms wrapping themselves around you and your burrowed your head into the chest of nearest person (which happened to be yoongi) 
“that’s not true y/n” namjoon murmured and for a second you were confused because why would he say that about your situation? but then he continued, “we will always, always, want you in our lives. we are your family. and always will be.” and you were full on sobbing and so were they
and all you could get out was a sloppy, sobbed filled: “i love you” but they understood perfectly
“we love you too, y/n” and that was the single best moment in your life.
and then perhaps the next day you did anything they asked of you which led to the younger ones being scolded about how you weren’t their maid but then you would get up and get what they asked for anyway because this was their day
and the bickering, the love, and even the fights you would have sometimes, it would all be worth it in the end if it led you back to them 
end note: oh. my. god. i’m not crying, you are. the ending? when i was writing the flour scene? PLEASE I WAS SOBBING. this is one of the fics that i am most proud of and i really didn’t mean to make it this long, but here i am. i hope everyone has an amazing father’s day, and you get to celebrate it the way you want to! everyone reading this (and those who aren’t) deserve happiness, no matter who you are. and you are more then what people say about you. i love you guys to the moon and back, make sure you stay safe! (and as always, sorry for any spelling errors!)
request something!
taglist: @boba-tea1206​​
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prey-to-go · 4 years
Isn't that your boss Peter?
It had been a solid few months with Peter working at the Prey to Go! Company. He joined up to help pay the bills with Aunt May but never really...told her what he did.
They were out shopping, getting their usual haul of eggs, milk and bread. Everything was great, May was pushing the cart and they were almost done.
"Peter, isnt that your boss?"
Peter's head snapped up, trying not to gawk at the demon comparing two bags of pizza rolls. It was so weird seeing the demon...not towering over him for once.
"You should go say hi." May encourages without a beat. Peter wasnt sure what to say to the demon, but before he could protest May was nudging him forward.
"Ah- maybe not- I mean he looks busy?" He squeaks out as he dug his feet into the ground. He wasnt sure how to feel about meeting Tony not in his uniform and not 12 inches tall. No matter how hard he tried he could not stop his glances at the demons stomach.
"Peter Benjamin Parker, you go over their right now and say hello." May says crossing her arms. Peter decided it was a blessing that the woman didnt want to come with. He wasnt sure how he could mentally handle the two meeting.
"Okay okay! I'm going!"
Peter sighs dramatically, hoping his aunt would change her mind. A small glance behind told him no. No she would not.
He hesitently approached the demon, playing with the hem of his sweatshirt. He wasnt sure why he was so nervous, Tony was always more than gentle with him.
"Hi Mr.Stark." He finally chirps out. Tony's wings flared out, the demon briefly glancing at the floor before settling his gaze on him.
"Hey kiddo."
Peter slumped in relief thankful their relationship didnt seem any different outside of his job. If anything Tony seemed happy to see him, his eyes crinkling as he grinned.
"I...well Aunt May said I should come say hi." Peter says floundering. His cheeks going pink when he realized he kept glancing down at the demons middle. If the genius noticed he said nothing.
"I'm glad she did, it's nice seeing you."
The rush of warmth from that sentence had a smile on Peter's face in seconds. He tore his gaze from the demon's middle and looked the genius in the eyes.
"Well...it was nice seeing you?" He says when the conversation seemed to have ended. Wing arched up slightly and he half expected them to circle around him.
"I'll see you tomorrow kid- first pepperoni or cheese?"
Peter pointed to the pepperoni out if instinct, his cheeks flushing when Tony chuckled fondly. A good natured hair ruffle and Peter was heading back to a smiling May.
"See that wasn't hard at all."
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msf-diamond-dog · 4 years
Okie dokii
1. What’s one animal you wish you could have as a pet but can’t?
2. Favorite thing to wear to sleep?
Usually just shorts and a tshirt
3. What song really gets you going?
Right now, Lights Out by 3Teeth
4. Where do you usually eat your meals?
In my bedroom
5. Favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
I dont eat breakfast or lunch so
6. Most embarrassing habit?
Bein an asshole
7. Chocolate or fruity candy?
8. Soft or hard tacos?
Depends on the taco, man.
9. Worst way to break up a fight?
/ryan stiles voice/ you guys wanna stop a fight
10. Best thing to say in an elevator of strangers?
I aint talk to people
11. What color/design are your bedsheets?
Just gray flannel
12. Any hidden talents?
I aint even got any obvious ones,
13. Favorite thing to drink out of (mug, glass, etc.)?
I love a good pint glass.
14. Socks or bare feet around the house?
15. Favorite board game?
Candyland bitches
16. Do you sleep with the fan on or off?
Always on
17. Heat on or keep it cold with lots of layers?
Cold with lots of layers.
18. Do you sing in the shower?
19. Favorite song to belt out at the top of your lungs when you’re alone?
Grave by Hellyeah
20. Last thing you cried about?
Anxiety attack a couple weeks ago
21. At what age did you first have alcohol?
21, didnt have any before then
22. Relationship status?
Single but into someone
23. What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent on a single item of clothing?
I dont spend a ton on clothes but I think I payed like 60 dollars for a band shirt once
24. What do you typically wear to formal events?
Nicer clothes than usual?
25. Favorite memory?
Just bein a chill happy kid honestly,
26. Gum or breath mints?
27. Favorite shoes?
Mah boots.
28. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
This whole how I look situation.
29. What is the natural state of your hair?
I gots a shaved head
30. Have you ever had braces?
No, wish I did though, I hate my smile
31. Most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
32. Most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
I dont know really. I think I embarrass my parents more than the other way around
33. Last time you had an orgasm?
A couple nights ago
34. Celebrity crush(es)?
Legit dont have any. I have no connection with any of them so
35. Windows or Mac?
36. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
Uhhh 7. Our neighbor taught me.
37. Makeup or natural?
Both. Both is good.
38. What color do you wear the most?
39. Favorite season?
Winter all the way
40. Umbrella or rain coat?
I live in the desert and it hasnt rained in like 6 months so neither. Whenever it rains I just stand outside.
41. Have you ever fallen out of a tree?
Prolly happened as a kid but I dont remember. We had a tree we all used to love climbing at the house I was a youngin at.
42. First car you ever owned?
Same car I have now, my 91 Nissian Pickup.
43. What time do you usually go to bed?
Anywhere from 12 to 2 am.
44. Are you a competitive person?
Not really no.
45. Least favorite color?
46. First pet you’ve ever owned?
A fishy
47. Sweet or salty?
Why not both
48. Favorite pasta dish?
Anything with basil and olive oil 👌
49. Favorite kind of chips?
Nitro Takis are the shit
50. Talk about something you’re passionate about.
Music. Nuff said.
51. What are some of your hobbies?
Music, video games, gunpla, legos, anything that kinda creative really
52. Caffeine? If so, what kind?
53. Favorite kind of pizza?
Extra pepperoni with anchovies 👌
54. Fast food or sit-down restaurant?
Fast food. I dont like eating around people
55. Lots of acquaintances or a handful of close friends?
Close friends.
56. Something that ruins your appetite?
Being in a bad mood
57. Favorite labels about you?
58. Are you a religious person?
Not anymore. I grew up that way but organized religion always pisses me off. Im much more spiritual
59. Night out with a bunch of friends in public or night in with one friend having deep conversations?
One friend
60. What size shoe do you wear?
11 1/2
61. Favorite thing about yourself?
The fact most people cant read my sarcasm
62. Have you ever told someone you loved them first?
I dont think anyone has ever told me first
63. Have you ever had sex on the first date?
Kinda sorta?
64. Heroes or villains?
Maximals all the way.
65. Favorite fruit?
Prolly mangos or strawberries
66. Least favorite fruit?
Unripe melon.
67. Favorite vegetable?
68. Least favorite vegetable?
I like all the ones ive had Im not picky but the lowest prolly be carrots?
69. How many plates can you eat at a buffet?
Usually 2 or 3
70. Favorite dessert?
71. Do you play any sports?
No, never been my thing
72. Age you learned how to swim?
7 or 8 I think.
73. Tell a funny story.
My boss keep salt lamps in every room of his house "just in case" of rfid waves (???) but refuses to wear a mask when he goes out cause "theres no proof it does anything".
74. What’s one interesting thing about your culture?
How much closer the brown side of my family is compared to the white side
75. What’s one annoying thing about your culture?
All the gossip, man.
76. What job would you be terrible at?
Math teacher.
77. Would you rather watch a TV show or a movie?
TV shows
78. What’s your favorite compliment to give?
Anything that makes someones day a little better!
79. What’s your favorite compliment to receive?
I do not like receiving compliments i always feel awkward
80. Has your opinion changed on something recently?
Not that I can think of off the top of my head
81. Do you always order the same thing at a restaurant or order something different each time?
Usually the same thing
82. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?
83. If you could learn to do anything right now, what would it be?
84. Favorite physical feature about yourself?
85. Least favorite physical feature about yourself?
The whole the things
86. What’s one amazing thing you did that nobody was around to see?
Survived 👈👈😎
87. If you could change your height, would you?
Maybe, I feel pretty short
88. What’s something you would rate 10/10?
Holding hands
89. Heels or flats?
Why not platform boots
90. What’s something you wish you had more knowledge about?
91. Would you want to be famous?
92. What’s something you would get arrested for?
Prolly trespassing
93. What’s your spirit animal?
Water bears 🤔
94. What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
Won tickets and got to meet Jonathan Davis so that was pretty cool
95. Are you the type to have an organized mess, or no mess at all?
Organized mess
96. Do you tend to make decisions based on the past, present, or future?
All of the above if able
97. Are you a planner or a more spontaneous person?
98. Thoughts on the oxford comma?
99. What do you hope never changes?
How close the sun is to the earth
100. How would you celebrate your 100th birthday?
I aint ever wanna be that old.
Thank you Audi!!
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yyxgin · 3 years
as quick as love alarm was progressing compared to other dramas i’ve seen (usually wait ten eps for the first kiss and that’s it) it still seemed,, idk important for the story? n e way.
meteor garden is insanely messy like in the final episode daoming si just mentions everything dong shancai did that makes her so amazing and i honestly forgot they even did some of their things 😳 at one point they went to london and filmed in china town and i was just like ‘oh. i know that place’ and didn’t clock after that 😭
I GOT PEN ON THE BACK OF IT IM SO MAD AT MYSELF ✋✋✋✋✋ but come find me anyway lmao i got a changbin & minho film strip 🤪 can’t have anything nice around here and i learned my lesson the hard way.
i went through a phase when whenever i watched english tv i was like ‘why does this make sense without subs..’ and would be like squinting at the screen until it occurred to me that it was in english.
oh bruh i remember making a bank account the second summer bc my employer was like why tf do you not have a bank account ,, yeesh people had been paying by card for meals and stuff and not cash like the year before. so i made one and then she paid me in cash bc people started paying w cash 😐😑😐😑 i waitress so even though i get anxious about other things, i’m comfortable about waitressing so i am super nice to everyone. i am the designated person who orders for everyone (as long as you point at what you want in case i can’t remember everything i will say it). i know how important it is to be articulated to your server bc if they f up you get mad and they get mad bc ur mad and the chef gets mad bc the server f-ed up and the chef has to cook again and it’s a never ending circle of wishing you’d just gone somewhere else and i hate that. i also get mad at my fam when we go out bc the last time we went out (literally like two years ago now bc covid) there was a guy serving at this place we’re fairly frequent at and i was like maybe he’s training don’t be so mad at him for forgetting things just gently remind him! don’t cuss him out behind his back! there’s so much pressure about not pissing off your colleagues bc there’s a groove they’ve got and you’re just there not wanting to ruin it whilst also meeting customers needs!!
ive been waiting to pass my drivers test for over a year now bc covid has pushed it back and back and back again 😐 i finally get my next test date and i have to ask a different instructor for their car bc my instructor is on annual leave when my test is scheduled. i’m holding it together so i can ask an instructor, buy a car and yeet. the bus is okay but i need my own space sometimes.
i am good w my money im the jungkook of the working class. if there are pots and pans on the go i will take them. free food? count me in. i do have that broke b*tch mindset. although i don’t buy $300 white tshirts i will spend $200 on a day out 😃 and sis,, buy whichever one you like bc of the concept!! it’s always fun seeing the posters (personally i don’t put them up bc how am i gonna have sir johnny suh STARING at me while i get changed,, no THANK YOU) i’ll cry if i ever pull a yuta card bc he looks ✨spicy✨ in all of them.
i think i get what you’re saying about gg’s! boy groups have a wider range. eg, haechan hits those high notes and jeno/mark rap/sing quite low but girl groups can’t. unfortunately i feel like they rely on visuals heavier bc they don’t have the same range bg’s do. itzy are good!! i personally haven’t listen to a lot/watched a lot of their mv’s. i’m more into red velvet for their mv’s. im terrible at watching content so i am slowly working through bts’ content, monsta x’s content and ocassionally nct’s content. im gonna work on mamamoo next 🤞fake fans unite 😔✊✨
it’s so easy to feel invisible here. don’t worry. i’m here to brighten your day! much like a sunflower ~ 🌻
I cant really speak about the importance of the kiss in love alarm since i didnt watch more than the first ep, but i will trust you if you really say so ?? 😳 I WANNA WATCH METEOR GARDEN JUST FOR THE DRAMA DHSNSK
dude dont fucking test me i WILL find your address and i WILL visit you in your sleep and steal all your kpop stuff. MINHO FILM STRIP ??????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
i still watch english things w eng subtitles sometimes bc my first language isn't english so just in case i dont hear something i can always read it you know djsksk
this is my first job so i didnt have to have bank account before but now that i have it i feel very adult😩✋i am so old. i dont like it.
oh no i hate people that arent polite to waitresses like they are just doing their job and its so hard and stressful and i dont want to make their life harder so im just really anxious abt everything in my life ever.
i'm rooting for you on your driving test !! lets hope you make it after such a long time <3
JUNGKOOK OF THE WORKING CLASS NO- thats actually me. also free samples. give me all of them. also i think its completely justified to spend so much on a night out since its for the memories !! #yolo am i right
I AM SO TEMPTED TO ORDER THE ALBUM NOW 😭💔😭 i actually have my posters on my closet and i change inside the actual closet at all times bc me and my brother share a room, so no one's looking at me thankfully haha. well, i do have bts pics on the warderobe next to my bed as well so they watch me sleep every night but we dont talk about that. YUTA CARD i would cry. he for sure does look spicy half the time of his life.
i dont know that many rv songs (the audacity, i know) but seulgi... ah. i watched the sm new years concert and when she appeared i couldnt keep my eyes off her. i should really listen to more of their songs so if u have any recs i am all ears
thank you for brightening up my day sunflower ily mwah😔❤
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churchyarddirt · 5 years
Girl! You already knew I love your blog. Can i have Muzan x Reader where Reader is an uppermoon who Muzan like to mess around ( you know sexy time ) with but Muzan also messed around with other demons as he please. Thank u.
Tysm! I love your blog too ^w^ you didnt specify if you want headcanons or scenarios so I'll stick them up together, but mostly headcanons
Y/n was upper moon 5, not too strong but compared to other demons - much stronger
Y/n became upper moon 4 years ago, at first Muzan hadn't payed much attention to her.
But unlike our demon lord, Y/n was head over heels in love
From the first time he cupped her cheeks and said "Y/n...You've been doing a pleasant job, you deserve to be amongst the upper kizuki, dont you think so?" He asked her one delightful night, Y/n was just done eating her weekly meal, she devoured over 49 people. So we can way she was one bloody mess
Even though Muzan hadn't felt anything towards her, he knew he liked her by appearance, he found her attractive
"You will start off as upper moon 5, do not disappoint me..." Muzan's deep voice echoed trough the Minka, he brought up his hand towards her eyes, gently brushing the air between them. Y/n's eyes got certain kanji after all "Y-Yes...Muzan-sama"
Y/n did amazing job but hadn't interacted with Muzan much, since she was new she wasnt summoned to most meetings and even if she did Nakime was the one here, reporting information to Y/n
Of course due to Muzan's temper, Y/n had to get punished for a small misunderstandings.
Basicaly she met Tanjirou and Nezuko and just ignored them, when they were really big threat and were on hunting, Y/n just simply forgot that all demons were ordered to kill them, she proceeded to eat humans somewhere else. And of boy how angry Muzan was
Y/n was sure she would die but he didnt kill her, just called her useless and paethethic
Veins popped on Muzans forehead "You call yourself an upper moon and you made such a blind mistake" he scoffed, his expression was displeased but Nakime and Y/n knew this was just 5% of anger that he felt "I-Im so sorry Kibutsuji-sama, I just forgot and went on w-" Y/n bowed on the flood, Suddenly he appeared in front of her "Who allowed you to speak?" He questioned, making Y/n gulp, looking up at him and by this way automatically giving him good access to her neck. Muzan suddenly gripped onto the females neck and picked her whole weight up, to face him. They had quite noticeable height difference so her feet hanged in the air. Muzan frowned
"What will happen if you will make similar mistake in the future, will you...." he cut his sentence mid off, Y/n's thoughts were something different, defiantly not what he expected
'Yeez...Should I be scared or aroused', 'I honestly dont mind him choking me' 'I hope it wont end soon' at this point Muzan knew that what Y/n felt for him wasnt just strong admiration
If it was another demon he would be disgusted, but for some reason he was quite amused Y/n felt this way. His face was now not frowning, but blunt. He had zero emotions, but he was in deep thinking, he slowly and gently removed the force from her neck, now choking her lightly 'Yes...there much better...why isn't he speaking?' Muzan read thoughts, he observed her. A pleasant smirked formed. He released her from his grip turning around and leaving her alone "If you will make mistakes again...there would be more severe punishments" he commented before gesturing Nakime to teleport her away
Ever since then we could say they both shared similar feelings towards each other, just no one of them showed it correctly
As time passed Y/n developed her style, she always had a lot of cleavage, not like daki but still cleavage.
One day Y/n was teleported to upper meeting, there she officially meet every upper demon member, she hit it off well with Douma - He was so curious and friendly with her after all!
Not long after Muzan appeared, wearing his vest suit and white clothing, with black pants, the casual and glamourous outfit of his. Y/n noticed no one bowed but rather just greeted him "Good day Muzan-sama~" Douma shouted, Muzan probably had good relationship with them
My my how wrong you were
Trough out the meeting he removed the heads of several upper demons, and they all didnt bother. Woah
Muzan leaned onto the table "Tell me your Acomplishemnts" he commended, his expression was always blunt and hard to read, he didnt seem interested in their speech at all "Y/n..." Muzan interpreted Akaza's speech, making you focus all your attention on him, he slowly patted on the wooden pattern "come here" he ordered, his expression unchanged.
Muzan grinned at your thoughts "Continue akaza" he said with more pleased tone, sucking in the stressful and negative tention away. All other moons were more at ease.
You did as he said, and of course your thoughts did their best job at amusing Muzan, all the scenarios of him claiming you over and over on this table really intrigued him, no demon had ever dared to think so boldly of him, and not to mention he liked the way you looked, Muzan didn't mind.
"Disccust and prepare teams for attack on hajimeri hill" Muzan ordered, the demons started separating into teams and making a plan, they often worked together. You assumed you had to join them so you jumped down from the table, ready to leave.
However as soon as you started to walk Muzan quickly forced you back with his hand. He forced you to go under him, you could feel your ass pressing into the table harshly, your eyebrows frowned out of confusion, Muzan had small grin before griping your throat again
This time he wasnt too harsh, justcright to your liking. His fingers gently massaged your neck, making you close your eyes.
Oh how you wished this lasted forever
"You do know one of mine abilities..." He asked, making you open your resting eyes "...is the ability to read minds of my demons?"
This sentence
made you regret you were born 'He read all my fantasies, all my dirty thoughts-' your mind was one messy place now. You tried to look away but his finger that was gently massaging your neck suddenly was harshly pressed onto your chin, keeping you in place
You couldn't comprehend your emotions "I'm so sorry I will stop-" Muzan's nails imtefierd with your skin, making you gasp. He was filling you up with his blood again
Before you could speak again he connected your lips together. It wasnt a messy kiss, just a small peck. But of course this wasnt the way he wanted to kiss you, you would find out soon.
From that day on he teased you and touched you as he pleased
At first it was just a constant need to have you close to him, now he groped you and touched you all the time
Whenever there was another upper moons meeting he would have you on his lap, and you always knew you were leaving the last.
Your most memorable memory with him was when he invited you to his house
And hardcore fucked you in front of his sleeping pretend wife. It was amazing quite/silent sex
Once Muzan ripped your top clothing off and groped you for 2 hours straight while you sat on his lap, you were glad you two were alone.
Whenever he wanted for you to give him attention he would come to you from behind, push your hair down and press you closer
But one day, he stopped messing with you in front of other demons, he didnt touch your ass or ordered to sit on his lap anymore.
You thought it would bother you that much, but it honestly made you...sad?
That's how it was for a week. Another meeting was held. Like always your stayed the longest. You tippy toed your way to Muzan that didnt seem to notice your presence at all "Muzzn-sama" you muttered, he lazily turned around to face you "Take a sit..." he ordered with a long sigh
You took a seat on his table, you were about to ask him what was wrong but he hugged you before you could utter a word.
Sure you two cuddled after sex in bed but this type of affection wasn't in your life. He pressed his face in your chest as his hands wrapped around your waist.
"I want you all to myself" he said, not emebrased or too happy. All you could is was just to accept it and gently brush his head
He didnt grope you around others but he was effectionate other ways, like hugging your waist, his hand on your hip/waist/shoulder. You could see the connection
But one thing bothered Y/n
It was Daki
Muzan called her special demon and even cupped her cheeks. Y/n wasn't pleased with it!
One night she headed to the forest with Muzan, all he did was cup her cheeks "I can do as I please Y/n, You should just be quite about it. Green doesn't suit you" he mocked her, Y/n was displeased but there wasn't anything she could do
Muzan held her hand firmly in his, even though he liked teasing Y/n, he knew that if there was a demok women who would bear his kids - It would be Y/n
Y/n took a seat at his office, she was summoned by him. It wasnt the first time she was here, making herself at home she ordered his maid to make her a tea "Its good to see you my Muzan-sama" she greeted him with a yawn "Y/n...didnt I told you my opinion about you wearing short skirts" Muzan questioned her, his eyes still carved into paper work, oops. After he made it clear that she belonged to him, muzan hated seeing her wearing too revealing clothes "I didnt punish you, and I wont" this sentence made Y/n smile. But she knew he will want to receive something from her later. "I've been so good to you lately, you've been walking around as you please" he said in mocking tone "Y/n dont you think you are too selfish?" Y/n giggled at his words "So what are our conclusions" he asked, taking another paper. When he aske it, the answer always was 'I will change Muzan-sama' or 'I understand that I failed and I will do as you please' but Y/n was too goofy that day. Like a tiger she made her way closer to him, she sat bare ass on his table in front of him. Her legs on his papers. This made Muzan look at her instantly "The conclusions..." she questioned before gently cupping Muzans cheeks "That you are the best thing in my life" Muzan was dumbfounded, her little joke resulting in brutal make out session on his lap
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kareofbears · 4 years
persona 5 royal: my thoughts after finishing it five minutes ago
disclaimer: the only reason im writing this is because 1) i have a lot of thoughts and feelings that i need to write down and if i dont ill explode and 2) i want to be able to find this when p5s eventually drops so i can compare my thought processes. if you do not agree with what i’m going to say, that’s cool! just block me or ignore this post. 
now for the sake of sanity, i’m going to try and narrow down this entire list into chunks because this’ll probably be very very long and very much about me just screaming about stuff that i liked, loved, and don’t like. i will be spoiling both the original persona 5 and persona 5 royal, obviously, so i hope you finished both!
1) Akechi
so yes. Goro Akechi. Everyone’s favorite murderer. I’m going to by spewing a lot of hot takes, and this is probably going to be the spiciest: i am in the most intense love-hate relationship with this brown haired antagonist because jesus christ is he a complicated son of a bitch. I know i’ve complained in the past about how much Atlus often struggles with utilizing a character well, but that does not at all relate to Akechi in any way, shape, or form. 
I’ll say this now: He is a character I genuinely, truly hate, yet he is the one I want to hear from the most. He is someone who is a bad person (yes, he is a bad person) but whenever he comes on screen he makes me sit up, he makes me pay attention to him because that’s just the aura he exudes. He is a character who i would never, ever waste my time defending or justifying his actions, but every minute joker spends with him is a minute i want to stretch out as long as possible because he is just that good of a character. He is interesting, he is well defined, he is smart, he is clever, he is sassy, he’s a motherfucking asshole who’s never had a vibe check in my life and i still hate him. Goro Akechi is what Star Wars wanted Kylo Ren to be, and that allegory may not make sense to many people but it works for me so i’m saying it. It’s to the point where writing akechi in a fanfic makes me sweat because in my opinon capturing the essence of akechi is near impossible unless you know what you are talking about (i do not mean that in anyway to discourage people from writing him, im just saying that I am a coward because i will never be able to write a good akechi). Anyway, bottom line is: i despise him but my eyes are always glued to him at all times.
back to the main point-- Atlus absolutely nailed this character and every single addition they put in for Akechi. I’m so damn thrilled that you actually have confidant hangouts with him because every single time you talk to him, it services not only the plot, but it perfectly does what it is supposed to do: it makes you like him, but also leaves the player slightly unnerved. they do it so casually that I might have trouble explaining it, but bear with me: everytime you hangout with him, he always does or say something that unhinges you just a little bit, it leaves you asking ‘wait why?’ or ‘but how did you know that’ or ‘why are you saying that?’. akechi is constantly playing mind games with you. and not only that, adding backstory to akechi (moreso than in the original) is just fucking fantastic. he’s always been a fully fleshed out character but after playing royal, goro akechi actually exists in my mind, and i still hate him (but also i dont. but also i do. anyway)
2) the ending
just finished the game and this is the point where i am at odds with p5r for the first time. the ending to p5, in my opinion, was flawless; everything was perfect and had meaning. from the shot of akira being shown to not wearing glasses anymore because he no longer feels the need to wear a mask (character development: he was very unhappy at the beginning of the game and now he’s happy with his friends--i love it), to his friends being the one to drive him home (amazing, he left his home town and came to shibuya alone via transit, and one year later he’s now leaving with all of his best friends in a van they rented just so they could stay with him as long as they can--it’s perfect, i love it), and also all of them seeing how large and infinite the ocean is (because now there’s unlimited options for them because they all have a new perspective on life). 
But....none of that is there in p5r. it feels impersonal. no one drops him off at his hometown, he was still wearing glasses, and there’s no grand metaphor about what they all achieved. 
Now, i am not a (complete) moron. I know why they had to change it: it’s because of persona 5 scramble (i think). they wanted to set up a plot for the next game and i feel like thats the reason why persona 5 royal’s ending suffered for it: they were too focused on the next plot that they forgot to focus on the sentimental ending for p5r. don’t get me wrong, seeing akechi in the train station absolutely made me lose my shit and made me scream at one in the morning, but i think they lost the core meaning in doing the other stuff. i did not like the focus on maruki and kasumi (will be talking about them later), cause i feel like it took away from the ending, and i also didn’t like the fact that the whole joker outfit in the reflection thing (but i will be letting it slide since it was during the after credits anyway). So while i do love one (1) new aspect of the final cut scene, i still adore and stan the one from persona 5. 
3) the entire last semester 
i’ll be quick: the final palace? the best palace. fight me. it’s fantastic, it’s innovative, it’s interesting, and most of all, the palace ruler is actually the best one in the entire game and i know i wont be the only one to say this. maruki is not a villain: i know for a godamn fact that im not the only one to say that i almost agreed with his deal of allowing the reality (damn i almost agreed twice) because why wouldnt you?? it’s literally a perfect reality! the only reason i didnt agree is because i knew the game wouldnt want me to agree and would force me to have the bad ending! anyway, i love the last section so much. the palace design is interesting, the antagonist is brilliant (who doesn’t love a morally gray antagonist?), and finally, the payoff of kasumi happened and it made me silent for ten minutes. the entire reveal of her being sumire and kasumi being dead is just so genuinely shocking to me that it nearly broke my neck.
what actually broke my neck was the initial incident for the third semester. seeing everyone in this wild alternate reality made me so unsettled that i literally got a stomach ache. i saw morgana as a human and nearly passed out. shiho in the underground? wig. ryuji saying he’s on the national pedastal for running? literally my eyebrows just popped off my head. fucking WAKABA? FLATLINED. brilliantly executed and i love the initial akechi and akira buddy cop movie vibes in the beginning it was just so fun. 
one huge part of the third semester for me though, was of course, akechi. seeing him completely throw away his ‘charming ace detective’ speil was the most refreshing and interesting and not to mention, hilarious part of the game. he does not give a fuck about anyone and he is not afraid to let you know. he is the biggest savage and the most insane person on the phantom thieves group. he’ll roast you, he’ll roast your boyfriend, he’ll roast fuckin anyone and it’s fantastic. not to mention his dialogue is killer: he says the most bat shit insults ever and my favorite example is when you go up to him near the end of the game, you know, to hangout with him and be a nice guy, he just does not hesitate to say ‘what, you came just to see me? just the sort of brainless sentimentality i’d expect from you.’ i LOVE IT because why the hell would he try to be nice? the jig is up, he’s got nothing to hide. and he owns it. atlus seriously nailed akechi in this last semester and it’s brilliant and i love it.
4) everything else 
- one small thing that pissed me off in both games (but especially this one) is how many godamn fake out deaths there are. Morgana has one, Akira has one, Ryuji has one, Sojiro has one, Maruki has one, motherfucking Akechi has two. it just hurts me!
- sumire is an amazing character who has depth and she is lovely and my biggest complaint is that it feels like atlus shoved her in. like, she feels like a new addition to the game, you know what  i mean? maybe its because ive played the original p5 first, but you know, it’s not a big deal. but i love her so much
- on the topic of sumire, i cant say that im completely super duper happy with how different she felt from the other thieves? im sure that’ll be explained in p5s but she just got so much screen time that it just truly made me confused?? maybe im just a horrible person, or that’s just a really hot take. but anyway, yeah maybe im bitter because i really wanted to see extra hangouts/school trips during royal, but didn’t really.
-baton pass? literally orgasmic. it made turn base battles so damn fun and the addition of darts and billiards made me foam at the mouth it was SO SMART AND INNOVATIVE AND I LOVE IT ATLUS I LOVE YOU ATLUS YOURE SO SMART SWEETIE
-small thing, but making spells like ‘dormina’ actually useful just made the game so much more fun and dungeon crawling became something i truly, genuinely looked forward to
-being able to give gifts to my bros? absolutely incredible. thank you. side note: seeing akechi happy from giving him a multi vitamin cracked me up. side side note: giving ryuji a fuck ton of weights and him just smiling made my heart so happy i love that boy so much
- ah this game just looked so GOOD! i thought the original looked good but they really went all out. im not kidding, the smallest details in everyday life or even just normal cut scenes were out of this world. especially stuff from the third semester its just OOF good JOB atlus i love you buddy
-ahhh thieves den! how can i forget? i love it. at first i was a bit iffy with it since it really felt like persona 5 (undoubtedly the biggest game atlus has created) was just jacking itself off. but as time goes on, it became a huge addition to the game and seeing characters’ insights and extra lines of dialogue became super duper interesting and a highlight of the game for me. and don’t even get me started on how much i love love love the photos they added of them hanging out! so lovely, a bunch of them made me tear up
- i know it’s literally impossible, but i feel like the game just forgot that akechi is a person who can wield multiple persona and i just wish that could’ve been messed around with during Palaces
- showtimes are so, so crazy and i get so embarassed whenever they play on my tv because they are just outlandish and unashamed but i love them so so much it just defines persona’s personality 
-because i love ryuji: i prefer the final conversation you have with him aka ‘whaddya mean? you’re there’ but there’s still a lot of really tender and sweet moments like akira genuinely telling him that he’ll miss him, and also the fact that ryuji wants you both to send each other your times through the exercise watch so you can still race ahhhh i love him so much yall
so, overall, this game is better than the original p5 because of the extra content we get. if persona 5 was the perfect dinner, persona 5 royal is that same dinner and you get to enter the dessert buffet. it’s brilliant, it’s smart, it’s hilarious, it’s heartwarming, and it’s undoubtedly my favorite game of all time without exaggeration. while i do prefer the final cut scene (and final dialogues with some characters) in the original persona 5, in the overall experience, persona 5 royal is superior in my mind. i would willingly get amnesia to play this game again. 
I didn’t get to cover everything, but this is definitely most of what i wanted to say. if you actually get to reading all the way to the end, thanks! it means a lot. i hope we can all enjoy persona and look forward to persona 5 scramble together :-)
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Wuko/Korrasami/OC insert soulmate eye color change AU
@mypureessence I'm gonna tag you because I know you like my Lee 😌
"Hey Lee! You did great out there tonight!" Lee let out a huff when she heard Tenko call to her. Spinning on her heel she turned to face him. "Not to mention this new over the shoulder dress! You were absolutely stunning, here's your pay for the night"
She took the cash handed to her and gave him a small sigh "thanks Tenko, say, did I get any tips?"
"Why? You building some new explosion on the outskirts?" Tenko gave a big grin
"Perhaps" she folded her arms
"You know Lee, you being a nonbender and all, I dont think you should keep messing with those explosions"
"A nonbender? Really you think I'm incapable of protecting myself against my own machines?" She huffed "whatever, did I get any tips or not?"
"You sure did, but its not alot" he handed her a small amount of cash compared to her pay.
"Hey, its better than nothing, alright, I'm getting changed, I'll see you next week alright?"
"You better be here, people love hearing a white fox sing"
Groaning she stormed off to her small dressing room where she changed out of the God awful tight dress and slip into more comfortable clothes. Fixing her hair up she paused, looking in the mirror at her own eyes, both a pale green. Wonder which parent that came from. She huffed and pushed the last Bobby pin in and left.
It was already getting dark so she had to hury. She clung to the flyer she had already deciphered a while ago, she was going to infiltrate the equalists tonight. She hopped on her bike and sped off. Not too long after she managed to find the spot and parked her bike before heading down the alleyway.
"Here" she held out the flyer.
"Come on in, the revelation is upon us my sister"
She nodded and stepped inside, immediately setting to work scouting the building for any way to halt the performance that Amon was about to do. She'd seen it before, only a week ago when she caught a scene outside her warehouse on the outskirts. She needed to stop this.
"To take a person's bending away... permanently" she heard the man say, glancing up she watched as four people were dragged onto stage. The first was a leader of a gang.
"See those machines" she heard a man whisper by chance as she passed him and a girl "their run by steam, get some escaping and you could whip up some cover while I free Bolin"
"Works for me"
"Me too." Lee whispered and grabbed hold of the girls wrist "Follow me, I can help" the girl gave a bit of hesitation but nodded and wished her friend good luck.
Leading the girl to the steam pipes she took hold of a valve "we need to turn these to the right as far as possible to let the steam escape"
Once they did that the steam started to escape but only a little "its not enough" the girl said in frustration
"Hey you!" A man shouted as he walked in
"Great, now we have company" Lee said with an eye twitch but stood up "is there a problem my brother?"
"What are you doing back here?"
"Uh... looking for the bathroom?" The girl said with a cheeky grin. What is she five?
"You wouldn't happen to know where one is my brother?" Lee backed up the excuse with a question in hopes to get him to believe it. But no use. The man attacked. Lee used the help of the girl to get the upperhand and smash the pipes, releasing the steam, which the girl bent with ease out of the room. Causing a panic and gaining them some cover.
The group managed to escape and the duo Lee used as help managed to get this Bolin guy. Fleeing, the girl and Lee ran into Bolin and this other guy taken out by a man with electric sticks.
Of course this girl she thought was just a warebender just used earthbending to get the upperhand and escape. Oh gods, this is the avatar, this is avatar Korra and the fireferrets Mako and Bolin.
"So.. whats your name? Mystery girl?" Bolin said from the jaws of Naga.
"Lee. And youre the fireferrets and avatar, thanks for the help getting rid of that rally."
"Well, uh, Lee, thank you for helping us save Bolin" Mako said with an awkward clearing of his throat.
"No problem, but uhm, I kind of left my bike near the area so I dont exactly have a way to get home.."
"Where is your home?" Bolin piped up
"On the outskirts of the city" Lee shrugged "Im normally not here this late but I had a thing to do y'know"
"Yeah..." Mako said in what seemed to be a cold tone as they managed to get to the pro bending arena "you can crash here for the night and head back home tomorrow"
Lee sighed "yeah, okay, sorry"
Once Korra left with Naga to Air Temple Island Bolin wrapped his arm around Lee's shoulder "sooo, Lee right? Is that short for something?"
"No. It's just Lee." She looked up at Bolin with a concerned expression before pushing him back and checking him over "are you alright? No scratches or bruises? Did you hit your head?"
Mako slowed her by gripping her shoulders and moving them inside "he's fine, quit mother henning him"
"I am not-! Okay, look I just watched him almost lose his bending okay? We barely managed to get out of that in one piece! I mean, you two were almost caught again because of mister zappy sticks!" She ranted while they made their way to the apartment "okay, look, we might not know eachother well, or even at all, but tonight we were a team in taking down that rally okay? So I'm allowed to be worried that a teammate might have gotten hurt!"
"Yeah, sure, teammate" Mako huffed when they made it to their living space.
"Whats your problem?" Lee stood infront of Mako with a irritated expression
"I dont have a problem" Mako said with a small crack in his voice
"Yes. You do. You've been huffy since we managed to escape. Why would you even offer to have me crash for the night if you have a problem with me?" Lee took a step closer and Mako took a step back
"Look, I dont have a problem with you, I just hardly know you okay? I'm letting you stay here to thank you for helping me save my brother, and thats all. I dont even know if I can trust you"
"Well, since you hardly know me, how about you ask some questions okay? That should get the ball rolling" Bolin raised his hand and Lee gave him a fond grin "Bolin sweetie you don't need to raise your hand but go ahead"
"Who are your parents?"
"Dont know, I was put up for adoption before I ever had the capability to remember anything"
"Where do you work?"
"Cold spikes bar as a singer"
"Ooo! You sing?" Bolin grinned
"Yeah, I do. But Im not about to sing for you right now." She folded her arms.
"Aww" Bolin pouted
"Why is your hair white?" Mako finally chipped in a question.
"Oh wow, that's personal"
"And the parents one wasnt?" Mako snipped
"I'm teasing Mako, my hair has always been white, I dont know why it is just like I dont know why my eyes are green or why the sky is blue." Lee gave a shrug
"Why were you at the rally in the first place and what did you plan to do if you didn't bump into us?"
"Well, I planned to blow the place up with some explosives but when I bumped into you guys it was definitely a much better option"
"You... were going to blow up the building?"
"Well yeah, but not with deadly bombs, smoke bombs and stink bombs mostly." She shrugged "Im an explosives expert so I know a thing or two about how to avoid hurting people with my babies, thats why I live on the outskirts, I have a warehouse where I test my new explosives so"
Bolin looked at Mako, then to Lee, then back to Mako "I like her, can we keep her?"
"She's not an animal Bolin you can't just pick her up and say 'can we keep her' like your adopting a pet" Mako scolded "but if she wants to stick around us for a while she can."
"I'd like that, but more than that, I'd like to sleep, so I'm gonna just crash down here, got a spare pillow?"
And so she slept in the corner of the room curled around a pillow and when morning rolled around Pabu woke her up just in time before Mako left for his job and before Bolin left to go train. Sitting up her back cracked a couple times and her stomach gave into a growl "hey Bolin, I dont suppose you could skip a bit of training and come with me to go grab something to eat?"
"Uh, we're kind of... broke" Bolin said with a shy
Lee gave a laugh while standing up "i didnt ask for you to pay, I just asked you to come with. I've got money enough for the both of us to eat my dear Bolin. Now do you think you could skip your training and come with me to grab something to eat?" With a growl escaping his stomach he gave a pair of sad puppy dog eyes and Lee cracked a laugh "alright, lets be off then"
And with that Lee was taking Bolin out to a small noodle shop to eat. While sitting in the booth laughing Bolin leaned on the table "so, is this a... y'know?"
"A what?" Lee said after swallowing a bite. The look on Bolin's face said it all and she gave a sigh "no Bolin, this is not a date. I dont exactly do dating okay? I'm too invested in my work to do dates and partners and the like"
"Well, what if you meet your soulmate?" Bolin pointed out
"Well, if I meet them, then we'll just see what happens. But Bolin, youre not my soulmate, you and I both know that, neither of our eyes changed"
"Yeah, and? Both out eyes are green!"
"Mine are a pale almost seafoam green and yours are a evergreen, it would be pretty obvious" she rested her chin on her hand and huffed "besides, why would you even go for me?"
"You saved me..."
"No, Korra and Mako saved you, I managed to assist in the matter. And while yes I would save you a hundred times over if I had to, I played only a minor role in the rescue mission"
"But you still played a part" Bolin pointed his fork at her "and even though you cant bend, you managed to help both my brother and my best friend save my tail back there.
Lee gave him a grin and a sigh she really is a nonbender to everyone huh? Guess she could stand to use her bending more "I guess your right"
By the time noon rolled around Bolin and Lee were back at the arena in one of the training rooms with Bolin practicing some punches with Lee behind the padding. "So.. Where's Mako work?"
"Uh... I dunno? I just found out he had a job this morning, but he said he should be home around 2 or so, you can ask him then-"
"Nah, I'm home early... why are you practicing with white fox over here?" Mako said with a grin "and I have a date tomorrow night"
"Get outta town!" Lee said excitedly "what's their name?"
"Her name is Asami" Mako said with a blushing face and a goofy grin
"Aw, just from the way you said her name Im sure she's lovely... by any chance did your eyes change?" Lee said with a lean towards him
"No? I mean most people settle without that here, yknow, most people are so busy you won't find your soulmate anytime soon"
"I guess you're right, hm, well, I hope you two enjoy your date"
And enjoy it he did, two days later when Lee visited in the morning to train with Bolin Mako revealed that Asami was Hiroshi Sato's daughter and he was sponsoring the team in the upcoming tournament. Which that news was paired nicely by noon with Korra letting them know there was a Gala being thrown in her name. That night Korra asked Lee to stay the night at Air temple Island just so she knew there was someone by her side.
And Lee was happy to oblige, though she hadn't realized that meant that she was going as Korra's plus one.
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cybernightwanderer · 4 years
My Toxic Workplace
 Funny how in quarantine my boss cant stand the idea of not manipulating me and harm me in any way. During the first month of quarantine, for example if she couldnt clarify a payment or contract time question i had, i mean first i would ask her, and if the reply didnt satisfy me ( basicly she would say she didnt know ) , i would then ask the human resources. And she would literally GET MAD AT ME and then private message me after she found out that i went to them for awnsers, saying “ OH I HOPE THEY CLARIFIED YOUR QUESTION, ALTOUGHT ITS  REALLY COMPLICATED SUBJECT, NEXT TIME YOU CAN ASK ME , YOU SHOULDVE ASKED ME“ Sure fine all good, i asked her a follow up on the subject and she literally AGAIN didnt know whow to awnser SO SHE TOLD ME TO GOOGLE SEARCH IT  wtf.
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