#i really do reccomend you tell an adult
pastadoughie · 7 months
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many people were confused about some of my previous posts, so for the sake of clarity i am condensing everything! tumblr has extremely transphobic moderation practices, often flagging completely innocent posts as explicit, solely for containing trans women in them or mentioning transgenderism. while letting untagged porn in sfw tags (ive literally seen porn tagged as "sfw agere") and blatent hatespeech, especially twards trans people (just look at the "gender critical" tag) go completely unchecked recently the CEO of tumblr had a big public hissyfit about people (rightfully) calling him transmysogenistic, going into random trans womens dms to harrass them, and saying that predstrogen saying she "hopes he explodes with hammers and then explodes again and hammers fly everywhere" is a death threat and saying he is calling the FBI on her (repeatedly misgendering her and calling her "it") and many bloggers, apon speaking out about it or even making harmless jokes (one trans woman posted a picture of a car and a hammer with the caption "reblog to scare matt" and got nuked for it) and many are very very angry (rightfully) about this whole affair and tumblr in general. if you would like to look into it i reccomend scrolling the "predstrogen" tag as she is the case most people are talking about at the moment. So, what can we do? this is clearly an ongoing issue, and, dispite having lost a lawsuit about their transphobic moderation in the past (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement) its clearly not gonna stop with just user complaints, as staff members are perfectly content to just go scorched earth on users who even so much as lightly poke fun at them well if you want to help you should contact the human rights commision (i will give clear details further down) ! you dont have to be in the US, nor be an adult to file, and it only takes a few minutes. this is the best and most effective method to fix this, because it hits tumblr where it hurts. human rights acencies have a lot of legal and financial power and tumblr CAN NOT just ignore them, and given that this will be the seccond time this is happening, the commisions shouldnt be playing nice anymore eaither. its really important that AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE FILE, and with different examples! while maybe your case might not be enough to prop up a lawsuit on its own, we need to prove a general trend. so every little bit counts! to respond to another question abt this ive gotten, as for what exactly to report, you should a) write about an act of discrimination youve recieved on tumblr that was eaither administered by a staff member OR that staff refused to give adequate moderation action in for example : a terf posted some blatent hatespeech targeted twards you, and you reported them, and staff looked at the issue and refused to persecute it. example 2 : you were unfairly flagged, deleted, or otherwise punished by a staff member and you are queer ( AND the post they banned you for has some kind of tie to your gender, ex : a sfw transition progress photo ) OR b) if you have not personally recieved something like that, please look for other peoples stories (THEY SHOULDNT BE HARD TO FIND, within the last couple of hours trans people have been being banned LEFT AND RIGHT for trying to speak on this. i would reccomend checking some of the tags related to what happened with predstrogen) and you should describe that incident as best as possible (be sure to disclose that you are speaking for someone else, ideally you should tell the story of someone you know, if possible.) you can also mention any reports you have made twards people posting blatent hatespeech that, opon reveiwing tumblr refused to prosecute dispite it being very obviously against terms of service. just so nobody gets confused about the filing process, im laying it out in more plain languadge!!
first you should email the SF HRC (san francisco human rights commision), at [email protected] and say something along these lines :
Hello, I am [full name] from [country or state] and I am filing a complaint against Tumblr, witch is owned by the parent company Automattic Inc. located at 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110.
Tumblr has had previous issues with the NYC DHR for their moderation being unfairly biased against trans women (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement).
Despite a legally binding agreement with the NYC DHR, staff members still regularly harrass users based on their gender or sexual orientations. For example : on [date of most recent infraction] [describe incident] (if you are describing an incident that did not happen to you specifically, say something like) This incident involves the user [username] who I am not affiliated with (or/) who I am filing on behalf of.
I can be reached for further inquiries about this incident at [email you want to talk over] or [phone number you want to talk over]. (if you would like to be anonymous) However, In the event of legal prosecution against Automattic I would refer to be kept anonymous, where possible, in court proceedings. alternatively, you can also call the SF HRC at : 415-252-2500, you can use the above text as a starting point for this as well, next you want to fill out the form for the NYC DHR (new york city department of human rights) here : https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/about/report-discrimination.page for company you wanna put : Automattic and/or Tumblr for address you wanna put : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 for phone number you wanna put : (646) 513-4321 and for category of discrimination you can put : Discriminatory harassment and basis of discrimination you can put : Gender; Gender identity you can then use a similar script on the written section of the form. when describing a specific incident, you should attach as many screenshots and links as possible! (for links, include both a live link and an archival link, so take a capture with the internet archive and have that as an alternative, incase a staff member gets petty.) this should only take a few minutes at most, and it helps alot! you can fill this out if you are a minor, and you dont have to be a us resident, please please take the time!!! and, just to clarify because there are many posts going around that are confused about this tumblr moved offices to san francisco recently, so their main HQ is at : 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110 they DO still have an office in new york city, and thats where their PREVIOUS HQ was, the address is : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
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underdog1224557 · 6 months
So I listened Aaron Beauregard’s book Playground a couple days ago, absolutely loved it. I decided to listen to The Slob by the same author and I’m really not as into it. In fact I kind of hate it.
What I want in a splatterpunk book is PLOT! I want comedy, drama, gore, and a HAPPY ending! Like yeah this book is just a woman goes into a house, gets assulted a lot, and leaves…great for telling me? I don’t care! I want stuff to happen!! That’s why I liked playground so much, not only was there the drama of the kids situation, but there was also the adults trying to “crack” Rock and make him admit that he essentially hates what he is doing. The part with Rock was actually much more interesting to me than the kids. I know what will happen with the kids, but with rock and the adults there’s more of an internal struggle than external. Although I will say during the “skateboarding” scene I audibly was SCREAMING!!
Again I want a book that will not only make me audibly gasp but make me invested in the characters. I love splatterpunk but I feel like so much of it is just rape and murder with nothing else, I want a STORY to read!! Not just some case file of what happened to someone.
Playground by Aron Baeregard I would give a 10/10
Slob by Aron Beauregard I didn’t actually finish becuase I didn’t like it, but I would give it a 3/10
Ps. also haha if anyone knows good splatterpunk books with a dash of humor maybe u could reccomend me some idk maybe if you want to
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wearethekingdom · 2 months
okay so I know we’ve caught up a bit but honestly, I feel like I don’t know much about how things have been with you lately and I feel bad low key :( because I’d really like to know about your life! so, what’s new with you? Doesn’t have to be anything big, but just, how’s life been lately? Are you on summer break? (I don’t know how things work outside of America </3) Have you seen any new movies or read any books or played any video games lately? This is an invitation to info dump about literally anything that interested you lately too btw :3
Omg hey bro so how you fix the problem is by messaging me /lh like if you just wanna talk about your and my life then you can message me asking and stuff, I have a friend on here and we literally just chat about our lives for like 4 hours at a time
ummmm so I went to sleep away camp or whatever ygs call it in the US for 3 weeks, its an Irish spoken one so you know I ate that up, volunteered for the youth club camp and lost a child at a theme park while doing so (we found him, he was fine) and got some horse riding back in cuz I missed out on like 5 weeks of training lol
With movies I haven't watched a whole lot cuz I've literally had like. No time. I'm seeing the Kneecap movie tomorrow with my bf which I'm very excited about and I'm gonna see I Saw The TV Glow on Monday with some friends even though it's showing kind of late at the cinema (7:45pm), tbh I'm going in completely blind with but people say it's good so I'm simply just going to watch it. I've also rewatched alot of matt damon movies because why wouldn't I? I'm still his number one fan, currently watching The Martian as we speak which I've never actually watched before, kind of disturbing but it's okay because again, it's matt damon!
What I said all those months ago about my partner will need to fight for me when it comes to matt damon? I still hold to it. Guess who my bf looks like 😐 you will never guess its totally unpredictable 😐
I have readdd The Twelfth Day of July by Joan Lingard, it's a book about this guy and girl and the guy is a cath and the girl is a protestant and how they hate eachother and its really good, I love it a lot. I also read all of Diane Olivers short stories while at irish camp, they're really good and I totally reccomend her stuff, I think you would like some of her more scary short stories, a lot of her stuff is unpublished though cuz she was died at age 22 and she really needs more recognition, like when I looked up her most famous story I couldn't even find her other stuff at all.
Games I played Alan Wake about this guy (who is an author) who goes on holiday to this island and his wife goes missing so Alan has to investigate it while this story that he doesn't even remember writing becomes a reality, there's a second one I just haven't played it yet. I played The Quarry about a group of young adult camp counsellors who have to stay one day extra before they get to go home but there's creepy stuff on the property that wants to kill them and it's so good my fave character is my profile picture, we love Dylan Lenivy.
THENNN I played A Way Out with my brother set in the same prison as Shawshank Redemption, these 2 criminals set a plan to escape prison and get their revenge on the guy who murdered one of the mens brothers and well the other one kind of gives away the whole story so I won't go into detail on that one but it's depressing, it's a little disturbing and you get attached to Leo and Vincent the main guys.
Ive just been chilling this last month before school starts again and hanging out with my friends, I was going to go to NI for a while but there's protests and people setting streets on fire so I'm not going anywhere near there for now.
But yeah that's my life, you should totally reblog this with your telling of your life I would love to hear about it!!!
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karinzany · 1 year
tag game: 3 books, 3 movies, and 3 songs
that changed your life or you just love.
thanks for the tag @lumochiart! I appreciate how you never forget about me when it comes to these tag games (and I will do the previous ones too!!)
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About the books 📚:
Isabel Allende is my favorite author. I read "The city of beasts" when I was 13 and fell in love with her writing. It is part of a trilogy (Memories of the Eagle and the Jaguar) which I absolutely reccomend if you enjoy magical realism, the literary genre that she has mastered to perfection. Her first novel, "The House of the Spirits", it's a great example of that. It's very reminiscent of "100 years of Solitude" by Gabriel García Márquez. They both follow the story of a Latin-American family across generations, and they are so whimsical but at the same time incredibly raw when depicting reality. Although it is not considered a trilogy, "Daughter of Fortune" and "Portrait in Sepia" both include characters from "The House of the Spirits", and to this day they are my favorite books from her.
José Saramago won a Nobel Prize for a reason. "Death at Intervals" (pictured aboved), "Blindness" (which has a great film adaptation) and the sequel "Essay on Lucidity" are all amazing philosophical exercises that start with a very simple premise, respectively "what if people stopped dying?", "what if everyone turned blind?" and "what if everyone casted blank votes?". And the results are absolutely astounding. He never names his characters, nor he specifies in which country the action takes place (although we can tell it's Portugal), so that we can focus solely on the actions of the characters when faced with these dillemas. I couldn't reccomend them enough. I've read his books in Portuguese, but I'm confident the English translation does them justice.
Patrick Süskind isn't an author I know well, but "Perfume" is certainly one of the most memorable books I've ever read. The descriptions of the visuals and smells of 18th century Paris are so vivid that you feel like you're really there. You get inside the mind of the murderer, and you can understand, in a twisted way, how he can turn death into something so beautiful. And the ending of the book, my God! I couldn't forget it even if I tried. It's the culmination of his character, and it shows you what he considers to be the true meaning of love. It also has a film adaptation.
About the movies 📽️:
"The Little Mermaid" and "Barbie in the Princess and the Pauper" are self-explanatory, absolute animated classics from my childhood.
"The Secret Garden" (In Portuguese, "O Jardim Secreto", picture I took of my VHS) is based on the novel with the same name by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I watched this movie compulsively when I was little. The songs were amazing, and it was actually scary in some parts. The ending is slightly different than the novel, and surprisingly I enjoyed the movie a lot more! Which literally never happens. So yeah, if you somehow find this specific version of the movie on the internet I definitely reccomend a watch. It holds up very well even as an adult (also much better than the live-action).
About the songs 🎶:
I don't know if you could tell, but Florence + the Machine is my favorite singer, since I was 11. She had one album that I listened on repeat. They were the only songs on my old MP3 player. To this day, I have her entire discography saved on my phone, so I can listen to it even without internet.
"Between Two Lungs" is from the first album, "Lungs", and it makes me want to run into the woods and scream my lungs out. "Shake It Out" is from the second album, "Ceremonials" (my favorite), and it is very dear to my heart, since I've sang it in two school competitions already (with 9 years in between the two).
"King" is from the fifth album, "Dance Fever", and it did things to me. "I am no mother, I am no bride, I am King." My aroace heart loved the song. Even though I know the original interpretation was an argument between two lovers, I also read it as an act of defiance to your parents, your loved ones and to the society in general that wants to shove into the role of what a woman has to be. But I don't want to be a mother or a bride. I want to take control of my own life. I want to be King. On YouTube, there's also a poem version that is equally beautiful.
I'm tagging @portgas-d-ani @lorillee @alwayshasacold @caseyd1a @tinycurlyfry @vgprincess @tevali @zhabk4 and anyone who wants to participate!
I've spent more time answering this than I thought I would, but you don't actually have to explain your choices, I did it of my own volition! You can just post the pictures >.<
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midnightisday2 · 10 months
U want some novels to read cuz ur bored?here's some i reccomend
1. Heartless by Marrisa Meyers(its basicaly the backstory of the queen of hearts)(there is fiction/action/fantasy/and a little romance).
2.the renegades series by Marrisa Meyers (omg its basically heroes and villains kind of story)(there is fiction/action/sci-fi/and a little romance) there is three books the first is THE RENEGADES the second is ARCHENEMIES and the third is SUPERNOVA
3.This Lie Will Kill You by Chelsea Pitcher(there was a party and someone died last year.5 teens each played a part of not telling the truth up until now.But tonight the 5 survivors are invited to a murder party dinner at a mansion competing in a contest to get a 50k grand prize)(its a mystery murder)(its a thriller/mystery/fiction)
4.Lies Like Poison by Chelsea Pitcher(3 friends,Belladonna,Poppy,Lilly promised each other when they were kids to poison their friend Raven's step-mom who has been hurting him.they had planned to plant poisonous flower petals based on their names into his step-mother's tea.That way no one can tell who poisoned her.They written the plan on a piece of paper and hid it,Swearing they would do it when they got older.One night the police showed up at Belladonna's house to arrest her saying Raven's step-mother is dead and there had been beladonna petals in her tea cup.But Beladonna hadn't done it.Who did?......(fiction/thriller/mystery).
Hope these help! And don't worry!these are all young adult reads.and there isnt any spice in them so totally safe to read but uh...lies of poison has the couples in bed if you mind that part.i really like reading sci-fi so the romance isnt too much nor too little.HAPPY READING
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pespillo · 2 years
i know i just reblogged a tumblr field guide and all but i need to tell you things that ive learned in my 11 years here:
popularity does exist in tumblr but its not guided by how many followers you have it is based on the amount of asks you probably get and the metric of it is that youll get some insane asks in here if you Just Wait, from invasive questions to people asking you what do you think of the death penalty in america when you have a blog about My Hero Academia , to bait questions or copypastas that been passed for half a decade about an user called Amegaotaku that youll have to research to even understand what the hell it means . "Popular" people of tumblr can remake their blogs constantly but what matters is that you have people who Wont Shut Up and engage conversation with you, especially through asks, when people want your attention, theyll probably send you an ask.
this doesnt happen as often as it did in the mid 2010s but embarassing yourselves in public is incredibly easy in this site if you Throw Yourself to the wolves, as in , you impulsively add onto a conversation with an addition thats often done emotionally, carelessly, or literally misinterpreting the intent of a post itself because you took it personally. this literally never goes well especially if you engaged with a post from an user who has Very reactive followers, because while i doubt youll get threats or such, youll still probably get hounded in the replies and this site´s social rules are extremely lax with the words you are allowed to say. While a whole "we need to be kind to eachother" approach IS the reasonable solution, it is much better to not engage with innocous posts that piss you off if you are aware that the average tumblr user doesnt have any tact whatsoever and is bloodthirsty for a punching bag, they are mostly teens after all, and adults that dont have positive social role models. Screenshot the post that pisses you off and talk about it in your own new post to discuss it with your actual fellow people.
if youre gonna be interested in interacting with posts relating to race, politics, gender or such, be expected to at least list your race and gender (or whether youre exempt from transmisogyny or not) , encroaching into intracommunity issues and trying to add or say anything when its none of your business or you literally dont know what it entails is not wise. also posts and listings about how to "listen to (insert marginalized group)! " from teenagers are really unneded here because theres already so many in depth resource posts in here made by qualified activists, historians, researchers and more, and they been shared for years, or twitter/instagram posts have been literally just regurgitating stuff from HERE. NOTE: i reccomend making sideblogs for this stuff, NOT DISCOURSE BLOGS but just sideblogs where youre not just mixing Supernatural posting and Protest Bills for 2023 , or better, keep all your political talk and engagement in your main blog and use a sideblog for fandom, if you get enough followers in any of these your reach for important posts can be bigger, thats why i reblog donation posts or commission posts in here at times.
A lot of posts abt Tumblr Etiquette or whatever will tell you that you need to engage constantly and all and make your own posts and tag everything or else youll be treated as a Bot, but you dont really, when i joined tumblr in 2012 i lurked for 3 years and just reblogged posts without much mind or even posting much, but there was no expectation of me to do anything than to just look around , and its fine, i think if i said anything thru my early teens it would have been a disaster considering how much my late teens were, it would have made it worse, you dont need to say anything if you dont wanna, you dont need to form any sort of persona here or talk to people if its not your thing and youre young or not , maybe you wanna learn the ropes first and learn "the culture" before diving in, maybe you just like to observe what happens without having to participate, whatever it is this site is just what you make of it.
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layzeal · 2 years
hey, as a mature person of the right age (not a minor), how do you feel about teenagers reading books like mdzs? i was surprised to know an acquaintance who have watched cql then read the novel and manhua. She was the one who introduced me into cql, which i didn't watch since i dont like watching in general, i prefer reading. i have recently found the manhua then read the novel and briefly watched the show, i was surprised since she recc it to me a few years ago. thats when i realized that she must have been 12?? 13? if i guess right at that time. she even asked me if i read about Incense Burner, which i did skim since I'm still not comfy enough to read it, it feels like violating the couple i adore so much by witnessing such affectionate acts. I was just surprised, it didn't really sinked into me that people that young read sensitive topics as their introduction to various issues reflected in books. A lot of people, who are certainly old enough to read such material is still not mature and somehow manage to contract the whole story to their dialogue. She does know I like JC, he is so pathetic ( affectionate and condescending). And i really aint stopping her, i just wanna vent so pls feel free to ignore.
oof, so my initial reaction is definitely that... 12/13 is way too young to be reading mdzs :/ not even just because of the explicit sex scenes, but the story overall is not something i'd reccomend to to someone who is essentially a child
however, as someone who was also a 13 year old who interacted with content that was not suitable for me (in my case, horror and staged/drawn gore) i can understand the appeal. that's an age where pretty much everyone starts wanting to get away from the more kiddies stuff and interacting with more adult content, which they're likely not prepared to see. there's a whole generation of internet kids born in the 90s who can tell all sort of stories about that
so while it is not something she should have been reading, saying "hey you shouldn't read that" is likely to have the opposite effect you know? teenages will lie and search for content they're not supposed to see whether we like it or not, so... i guess, the only thing to do is talk to her and be like "hey, i know these stories sound really good and interesting. they are! but maybe it's best to wait a few more years, just so you can truly appreciate its content beyond the romance, since most of it might be too boring for you just now"
and... well, it wouldn't be a lie. i can't imagine a 13 year old having a good time reading through nie mingjue's empathy arc, or the guanyin temple. for as good as wangxian's romantic scenes are, they are also a very small part of the novel, and i think it's a disservice to the story if you skim the more political aspects and side-stories just to read the romance. it's not a good habit to develop when interacting with media yk? and best to not start doing so when young
you can try introducing her to more age-appropriate compelling material too. for as much as we clown on YA books, they ARE an important step for teenagers to start interacting with longer and more complex stories, even if they're not "good". you can start by reccomending the really good ones like The Hunger Games, and then asking what sort of thing interests her. there are also lots of asian media like mangas and webtoons to choose from too, and are more fitting for her age!
that age is... complicated, and you truly can't control what sort of thing they'll interact with. sometimes, they will end up seeing something upsetting and having to understand by themselves where their boundaries are. as long as they're not interacting with material that's too heavy and MOST IMPORTANTLY not being close to adults online who are aware she's a minor and still talk to her about these materials, it should be fine. 13 year olds will be 13 year olds, ya know
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In England there's a theory test app, half the test is multiple choice on road safety/rules/signs etc and half on hazard perception
It's pretty easy to get a theory tests and you have up to 2 years after passing to get your license before you have to take it so most get it done straight away
The DVLA reckon it takes an average of 45 hours of practice with an instructor (at anywhere between £30-40 an hour) and 22 hours of private practice in your own car to pass with an average 48% pass rate (so technically you can be taught by a random but it's not reccomended lol)
It's near impossible to get a test for at least 7 months in the future (bc of covid and bots) so if you manage to get an official one it'll cost £62, otherwise you need to get a cancellation which can cost upwards of £120
Then your actual test is like 40+ minutes, 20 of independent driving (either using sat nav or road signs, they say on the day) and 20 minutes of instructed driving which involves pulling up on the left & setting off safely at least 6 times and then one of the 4 main manoeuvers (reverse into a bay/drive into a bay/parallel park or pull up on the right & reverse for 2 car lengths) but they can also ask you to do an emergency stop or a hill start on top of that
also 2 "show me, tell me" questions about general car things like how to check the tyre pressure, clean the front windscreen etc
Plus they have hundreds to test routes and it's randomised so you could end up with really good conditions and a great route or shitty conditions and a shitty route which balls you up
You're allowed 0 serious faults and up to 15 minor faults but you fail if you get more than 3 of the same fault, you can fail for all sorts like not driving in a bus lane when it's open etc (a lot is ridiculous stuff that normal drivers do)
Then insurance premiums are sky high when you pass and a lot won't insure you or want millions depending on the type of car
Plus you're very restricted in some senses lile you need separate tests for basically every type of vehicle now and if you learn automatic you have to do the test again if you wanna drive manual etc
so it's definitely not encouraging 😂
So I agree with the anon that says it's about time and money, thats definitely a major problem but they definitely do discourage you by making it so difficult to learn and pass, at least here they do idk about the rest of europe
(It's really interesting to see those videos where seasoned drivers try a modern driving test because they nearly always fail lol)
I would 100% fail there lmao
Here you can get your learners permit by studying on your own or in class. I got mine in high school at age 15 but I think you can attempt the test as early as age 14. You have to get 80% on the learners written test to obtain a learners license. Then you do the 6 (or more I don’t remember, I got my learners 15 years ago🫣) drives with the driver trainer. They give you a little card saying you’ve completed training and you present that when you go for the final road test. If you’re in high school you have to wait until you’re 16 to try, I can’t remember if there’s a wait time if you’re an adult. You’re supposed to be going on practice drives with a licensed driver in this time.
I had a horrible driver trainer who would scream at me and she really scared me out of driving and also no one had the time or energy to practice with me. So, I sat on my learners for 10 years before I went for my road test. It was kind of embarrassing because my training card was dated from like 2010 or something but it was still good I guess. You can practice as long as you need to. I pretty much just taught myself to drive. 😬
It only costs $55 dollars to go for the road test and there is a cancellation fee. If you fail you have to wait a little while before you can try again. It used to be even cheaper a few years ago at $22. Absolutely crazy.
Once you pass there are restrictions for about two years. If you have no incidents in the two years you’re good to go.
I think I’m a good driver compared to a lot of people here. Like it’s really bad here. But the province is like YOLO I guess… 😅😳
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keythekeythekey · 6 months
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Manga recommendation 💐
You know thouse kind of titles that you can't help but read? Maybe the story is gripping or characters are really close to your heart.
I am talking about different kind of this type. The kind when you read because it reminds you of two drunk men fighting in public. Or a car crash if you are the starting kind.
I am talking about amazing shit-show. It's cheap, it's bad but you can't help but read. It takes a real fighter to put down the title and say to yourself "I am above that".
I, of course, am not above some good old fashion no brainer for edgy teens.
Manga "Children" just from it's cover, title and synopsis becomes a 'must read' for anybody who enjoyed such works like "Elfen Lied" or "Higurashi".
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Story of "Children" is as follows.
Collage student decided to take a 6 months job in child care facility. This place is located deep in the mountains and as soon as he arrives it turnes out that the facility is fully run by children. No adults to be found any where near.
Things turn even darker when protagonist finds out what the facility does: they do very dirty job of disposing of human bodies and even at times - killing.
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As I said before: grotesque and very catchy. But just to add to that, this manga has really cute character design which kind of reminds me shoujo horror but don't even think it's anywhere near such refined titles like "Saint Rosalind" .
To begin with, whole setting of small children being so deep within the hole of murder that it becomes their routine and something normal is really catchy. This whole manga's appeal is of course gore and let me tell you
It does its job well.
However! Don't let it full you, it's not deep, it's not full of messages it's strictly in a box of a shit-show.
Especially near the end it really does back flips to shock you that I couldn't help but laugh. It really doesn't make sense. But at last, it's entertaining which is the whole reason I reccomend it!
It's really fun read if you don't mind gore and small children dying. But don't expect much from it, put on your 'good time' tie on and get lost in the shit-show.
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lozmastermm · 1 year
Security Breach Ruin is meh. It feels like a story written between 2 children with a dev team desperately making a game around it.
I think the AR concept was plain and simple, the least thought out concept for their base-game to work off of. Who the hell at the meeting said "Let's double the assets and map workload" when they barely can handle a linear gameplay segment.
Speaking of linear, it's insanely linear, which is fine on it's own, but it's just so painfully shoving you forward you never feel like there's anything to take in. And there isn't. The artistry is okay in some aspects, animations are amazing as always, but the entire pizzaplex feels like it's made to serve the purpose of gameplay in the laziest way. Nothing feels designed as a segment, it feels like they had one idea for gameplay, made a bunch of counter strike maps, and forced the one gameplay they have into it.
The voice acting is frustratingly poor, I'm willing to bet due to direction, the main character sounds like the fakest old lady trying to do as cutesy and genuinely challeneged sounding little girl as possible, and it's utterly, utterly terrible to listen to. Every line has a that childish whiny "uh" at the end that nobody but Chills does.
There's several moments where all I can think is "Boy howdy they do not respect the player's intellect at a baseline" one of the worst being that gregory, obviously not really him, eventually has One Cutscene where he sounds Clearly Edited in order to...honestly pull a "tell don't show" in an insulting manner. No shit it's not gregory, but for the love of god, don't insult my intelligience like that.
Hell that makes the main character utterly groan worthy. You're telling me she seriously didn't hear hoe off he sounded? Child or no, she's done eeeerverything else in this pizzaplex, no fucking way Cassie didn't notice. It's convenient writing that serves Actually Less than No One. Utterly. Embarrassing writing, whoever approved that scene needs fired, they're fucking terrible at story telling.
This would be like Fnaf2 having a definitive answer to the bite of 87, a blatantly dropped """"hint"""" that leaves no mystery or ability for the player to even think. It's just an event that happened, and it means as much as the story begs you to feel.
Is it better than SB? Honestly I don't know. There's no enemies in Ruin for 80% of it. They released it buggy and clunky again, and as far as I can tell, it's not the engine to blame anymore, it's just a half talented team with a half-jobber team.
Meh. Is what you describe Ruin as. I'm not angry or upset, just flabergasted that the issues inside are even existent in the first place. It's Baby's First Game/Story issues. Written by children and designed by grumpy adults. The only people that I could Feel Had Fun working on this title was the animators. Everyone else feels like they had a stressful time at the halfway point.
This isn't to just drop shit on the game, clearly effort was put in, I just notice the people who don't put effort in more because their grubby mitts were everywhere compared to the animators. Even the voice actors sound bored to tears, how??
To go back to the AR stuff, it just perplexes me that one person would even reccomend it. Ya'll hardly handled SB, why the FUCK would you inherently DOUBLE THE WORKLOAD for an idea that sucks? It just sucks. It's a terrible idea for FNaF. Whether it's been built up to or not is irrelevant, the scope was already absurd but adding this leaves the player, not the plot considerer, to go "What the hell happened to this series?"
Soul transfer is at least "magical", fucking entire AR worlds that have their own physical realm???? And why, oh god why, Purple and Pink. That's Ruin's color scheme, fucking Purple. And not even good looking. What was the game concept here??? Go into AR to go past walls??? That's fucking it? A shitty rabbit that does absolutely nothing but static the screen????? Why?????????
Who the fuck made this game and thought it was okay. At least the lighting is....better than SB when it's not covered in fucking PURPLE.
God it's just frustrating. What direction is this series anymore? It's utterly random and not one soul can keep up. You'd think just having a moveable character wouldn't lead to such an explosively limited gameplay, but it does, more than the originals ever, SB is Linear as Fuck, because they HAVE to tell a story.
Which is the biggest problem with Fnaf now. "It has to tell a story" comes before "make a scary Good game" the story is written out and the gameplay is adapted to it, what Fnaf of old did best was make a game and adapt a story to it, just as Fnaf1 did that caused it to explode.
Now? I'm not discovering a story, I'm not researching and learning shit, I'm waiting for the next game to continue the story, not to give me more pieces of the puzzle to construct. They have their story, and any theory is wasted
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gaykneecaps · 1 year
Who is timothy dexter??
i recommend reading his wiki page :) but, if youd prefer not to read his wiki page, here is a summary:
Timothy dropped out of school at age 8, and remained illiterate for the rest of his life (despite being a published author later on). He married a rich widow as a young adult and then, after/during the revolutionary war, bought a HUGE amount of continental currency (which was now useless) because no one else wanted it, and everyone laughed at him because he just wasted half of his fortune, but then continental currency became worth a small amount and he doubled his wealth. He bestowed upon himself the title 'lord timothy dexter' despite the fact that he was not a lord, and asked his local government for a political title which they refused to give him until he hastled them for long enough that they gave him the title 'reporter of deer' (there were no deer in Massachusetts, where he lived) and he was like 'yeah thats good enough'. And the local aristocrats really did not like him. So they tried to bankrupt him, of course. They each come up to him, time and time again, and give him the WORST POSSIBLE buisness advice. and he takes it! every single time he takes it and he does it with huge amounts of enthusiasm but crazy circumstances mean that he makes a huge amount of profit. example: someone tells him to ship coals to newcastle, he does not realise that this is an idiom for doing something unneccesary because newcastle is a coal mining town, and does it, but by the time it arrives all the workers are on strike and he makes a huge profit. Another example: Someone tells him to ship bedheating pans to the carribean where they absolutely do not need bedheating pans because its tropical, and he says yes that is a GREAT IDEA and so he does it, and the people in the carribean sell them as ladels and he makes a huge profit, but he takes this to mean that scientists were in fact wrong and the carribean is really fucking cold and so he sends them a bunch of like mittens and sweaters and stuff, but they arrive just in time to be intercepted by a ship that was headed to siberia, so he again made a huge profit. he also: accidentally hoarded whale bones, and sold them for corset stays, as well as rounded up a bunch of stray cats on the coast and sent them to a country where there were NOT cats before (sorry i cant remember the name of the country)... and they welcome a solution to their pre-existing pest problems and keep them as pets.
After all this, he decides to write a book. And he is still illiterate, by the way. He calls it: 'a pickle for the knowing ones'. So this book has like a singular full stop the entire book, and the spelling is ATROCIOUS- my favourite quote is: 'jorge washeton'. And the book somehow becomes suppper popular, but ofc everyone complains about the lack of punctuation. His response? release a second edition. But the only thing he changes, the only thing at all, is to add a page at the end that has a line of full stops, a line of commas, etc- and instructions to 'peper and solt' them as you will. He spends most of the book complaining about his wife- which brings us to our next point, his family.
He did not have a great relationship with his wife, mainly because when he had people over when they would ask about his wife and how she was, etc, he would point at her and say that that was not, in fact, his wife, but the local ghost. yeah. He did a bunch of other stuff as well, (such as faking his death to see how people would react and getting mad at his wife for not crying enough at his fake wake) i again reccomend reading his wiki! hope this helps.
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metatomatoes · 1 year
Just some nice questions here for some fun: 
Whats a scent you love?
I love a good sea breeze! Something about that salty air always gets me. 
Whats something you’re looking forward to this week?
Honestly this week has been crazy busy and next week is going to be like that too so I’m looking forward to the weekend when I can at least sleep in a little bit!
What’s a book you’re currently reading?
The Well of Ascension - Brandon Sanderson (2nd book in the Mistborn trilogy and it’s my first Brandon Sanderson book; highly reccomended I’m obsessed).
What’s a game you’re currently playing?
I’m such a bad gamer - I blame it on the fact that I was not allowed video games growing up and by the time I was an adult it honestly didn’t occur to me as something I could do for fun (if that makes sense)? And then I was/still am somewhat intimidated by a lot of RPGs. 
I did buy my very first gaming console (Switch) a few years ago so that I could play Animal Crossing with a friend, and since then I have played a lot of that plus Stardew Valley (and similar games) and last year had a very nice time completing Kirby and the Forgotten World. 
People keep telling me I should play Shadow of Mordor though, and I just got a computer that’s actually capable of running that game so we’ll see! That’s very much the type of game that seems intimidating (yes I know I don’t have to be lol) but some familiarity with the subject matter might help me get there :) 
Whats the most recent movie you watched?
I half-watched John Wick 4 because my DP put it on, but I don’t think that should really count. I recently rewatched the Jackson LotR trilogy while I was sick, which was an excellent distraction from feeling miserable :). 
Are you watching anything on tv or listening to any shows?
Actually no, not at the moment! I have been doing lots of reading & crafting with my free time lately, in addition to playing silly repetitive word games when I want to turn my brain off. 
Favorite season?
I’ll second Autumn! The best season :)
What’s something you learned recently?
I’ve been learning embroidery - which is as much an exercise in learning a new skill as it is for me to reinforce all the work I have done on my perfectionist tendencies. 
Have you had any water/water-based liquid today?
I have! Just plain water. Also coffee, but I always drink at least a full glass of water when I get up in the morning because I’m dehydrated. 
tagged by: @runawaymun thank you! <3
tagging: @slightnettles @chargeaznable  @niennawept​ @tathrin​ @leucisticpuffin @fenharel-enaste and of course anyone can play! 
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frisktastic · 2 years
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My effort at organizing and analyzing all of the Sweepstakes links and Q&A. I was finding other guides to be less thorough or less clear than I wanted.
12 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
I am still listening to TAZ Ethersea and mostly enjoying it, but it might be the arc I like the least, even if I think the plot is stronger than in Graduation.
The big thing is the characters. They act so jaded, quick to anger, and use various kinds of force to get what they want. Because of that, no other characters really like them! Except for people established in their backstories!!! 
As a group they never really connected and it’s only gotten worse lately. The Balance trio bickered but you always got the sense they still cared on some level, even from the beginning. This group is just... fighting. They don’t feel like a found family, they feel like coworkers who often, don’t even like each other.
13 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
you know how in school how every class would assign an hour+ of homework, claiming “it’s not that much” but seemingly forgetting that every other class is also assigning homework...
that’s exactly how all these adulting tasks you’re “supposed to” be doing add up. and you get well-meaning experts each telling you doing X only takes 30 minutes a day, seemingly forgetting that there are hundreds of important things you should do daily that only take 30 minutes.
mental health professionals talk about the benefits of meditation, journaling, creative expression. hair stylists warning you against going to bed with wet hair. physical therapists reccomend a 15-minute stretch routine. nutritionists toute the value of cooking your own meals. professional cleaners will tell you ten things you didn’t know you should be cleaning! dentists remind you it would be better to brush multiple times a day. basically everyone telling you to exercise.
obviously a lot of these things are important and none of them are that difficult in and of themselves, generally speaking, but it all adds up. each of these requires time, energy, or even money. plus all the stuff you’re already doing. 
I feel like these kinds of professionals can get frustrated with people STILL not doing what they’re supposed to be doing. I just wish they would consider that every other area of life has a similar expert, who is similarly telling people to do more. 
17 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
something I've been thinking about for a while is, the gap between thought and action especially with social justice or creating positive change in the world
or to put another way: how do people get from hearing about an issue, and actually doing something? from watching a video essay about walkable cities, to petitioning their local government for specific changes. from hearing about trash getting into the ocean, to attending a beach cleanup. from watching a tiktok about the bees disappearing, to planting native flowers.
I believe this gap is a HUGE part of why people feel hopeless about the future. because they see the problems so clearly, but either don't know how or don't believe they can do anything about it.
and of course disclaimer, there are some people who probably really can't do anything, and they need to focus on their own life for a variety of reasons, that's totally fair. But most people will be able to find *something* even if it's "small".
It doesn't really matter what it is--I mean, make sure it's not actually harmful (e.g. supporting autism speaks)--but other than that, just, pick something and make it your thing! do it when you can. it doesn't have to be challenging; in fact, it's better if it isn't, because something you can maintain is more important!
if this post can get even one other person to figure out soemthing concrete they can do, that would be amazing.
21 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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credit to my brother for this excellent edit idea
44 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
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Tw self harm
hey uh river, my best friend is self harming and is what to do, because I’m worried she’ll get really mad at me if I tell an adult
That's sounds awful and hard to deal with. Like, 0/10. I've been in similar situations, and I know that twisty feeling in your gut that kind of clings to your insides. It's awful. And like, especially if you think they're gonna get mad at you. Like. It's horrible.
My old best friend got depression really bad in highschool, and I asked my mom for advice on how to help her, and I mentioned it briefly and my friend lost her marbles and got so mad she didn't talk to me for like, two weeks. That's one extreme.
However. One of my friends got really, really, really suicidal and self-destructive in the middle of covid. To the point where like, I had to talk to her to keep her from trying to hurt herself and to keep her hands occupied with texting me. It was not fun at all, but i'd do it again in a heartbeat to help her. However, I knew that, like. I couldn't take care of my friend and duct-tape scissors to the walls, or physically take her away from what was tempting her, or put an ice cube in her hand or anything like that. So, I literally told my mom and told her to tell her mom. My friend got therapy and mental help and a lot more love and patience than I think she'd been getting at home because of it. And she wasn't mad at me, because sometimes, like. You've gotta make the choice that needs to be made for your friend's welfare.
Like, none of this is easy. And none of us(especially kids, I was seventeen when I had to talk my friend down from hurting herself), should have the burden of keeping people away from their own thoughts and own desires on our own. I once went to a class, a communications class, actually. And the professor looked around this room of college kids and was like, "How many of you have had to talk a friend out of hurting themselves?" and literally almost every single person in the room raised their hand. She got this sad look in her eyes and she went, "That's such a hard thing to go through. And all of you have been through it."
Because, heck. It may be normalized, to some extent, but stars. We are not therapists. We are not cognitive behavioral therapists. We are not counselors. We are not parents, we can't get our friends medication, we can't do any of that stuff.
And it sucks. Because we really really really want to help.
So. Like. Here's my advice.
Take a deep breath. It is going to be okay. I swear it.
There's kind of one question you have to think about.
And it's not a very easy question, because the answer seems obvious, but sometimes it's really really hard to get to that answer. And it sounds harsh, too. I'm not going to say that it doesn't. It's a rough question. But, like. It's a true question. That I think you need the answer to.
Do you care more about your friend's opinion of you, or your friend's physical wellbeing?
(i know. it's a horrible and intense question. but it's a real question.)
If you care more about your friend's opinion of you(not the answer I assume you'll pick, but just for talking's sake), just try to be there for her. Keep talking, call her if you want. Find her some safer alternatives. My favorite(hi. yes. anxiety makes me try to scratch my skin off so like i can focus on something other than my own spiralling thoughts) is putting a rubber band or hair tie on my wrist and like. Snapping it. It hurts like a bitch. But it works! Other ones I've heard that work are holding ice cubes in your hand, ice cold water bucket to stick your hands in, drawing lines on your skin with a marker or pen. Etc. Keep recommending she go to an adult. Just. Pound it into her brain.
If you pick the second option(i think you should pick this option, but i'm not in control of you and you can pick what to do), here's how I'd do it. Give her an ultimatum. Either she can tell, or you will. But someone's gotta. Because enough is too much, and she's hurting, and you can't fix it, but you want it to stop.
Tell her that this is one of those things that you go to the adult with. Like, remember when you were in school and there was like, safety day, or something, where they just sat you down and told you that before going off with anyone, or before trying to tackle the burglar by yourself, you'd go get an adult. Like. This is one of the things you can't keep secret, can't keep locked up. It's a safety issue. And it's not even, "My friend is hiding illegal drugs under their mattress" although, I'd suggest telling an adult immediately about that as well. Or calling the cops.
This is actively and purposefully hurting her. And she's the danger to herself.
Tell her that you're gonna give her til... say. Tomorrow. Tomorrow evening. To tell her parents. Or you will tell your parents, who will tell hers.
Also, btw. There is no reason for you to get involved talking to her parents. That's why you have parents! To do the hard stuff like telling adults that their children are hurting themselves! <3
If you think it would be easier on you, or better than going through your own parents, that's fine, I don't know you or your relationship with your parents, but if they're chill and you're chill with them I 100% suggest going through them. Your parents are also extremely likely to believe you right off the bat, and adults are much more likely to believe other adults than kids. Just. Those are the facts.
I'd suggest you make a concrete plan to tell your parents no matter what, no matter what your friend says they've said or haven't said(because sometimes people lie to get around things like parental intervention), and just. Stick to it. That way your friend gets out of the dangerous situation as quickly as possible.
Overall, this sounds like a really rough situation to be in, and I'm sorry you're in it, love <3
i hope it gets better asap
feel free to send me another ask if you'd like more advice <3 <3 <3
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ko-eko-ev-go-ms · 4 years
Tfw you’re starting to realize you lowkey have a lot more trauma than you thought
(Tbf I also thought I didn’t have any trauma lol)
#thoughts#oni talks#oni vents#mostly by the fact i have to actively unlearn and/or learn so much#like i have to actively unlearn bad things i got from experience aka learning wow i had a lot more bad experiences than i realized#and that those experiences also hurt me a lot more than i realized too#still makes me mad that the person/people responsible for most of them would likely never acknowledge it#or understand how much they messed up and how much they messed me up#i know its on me as an adult to figure out my own problems hell i know this from them telling me it all the time#but its upsetting that that gets used as an excuse for them to accept no blame or responsibility#like sure these are my problems i am responsible for dealing with them in the end#but that doesnt make them any less responsible for creating those problems or absolve them of doing so#they still insist things are all my fault too as if i wws supposed to be a fully capable adult tackling all my psych issues at 40#instead of drowing in them at like 5 and upwards#they act like saying that to me all my life that it was my problem is somehow fine bc now im an adult#so now im an adult its like oh well it really is just your problem i have nothing to do with this like really?#im learning how much of my problems are because of them and my other family and im just getting more upset about it#because its my responsibility to deal with them and dealing with psych stuff is hard and i shouldnt have to be doing all this right now#for fucks sake i got reccomended therapy in 6th grade christ you could have tried harder instead of acting like i was a fully capable adult#at like 11 and capable of deciding whether i needed therapy at like 11#im extra mad bc i think acting like i was supposed to be an adult and have adult skills fucked me up the most#because i never actually learned those things or were taught them i was just supposed to already know them#and its like as soon as i legally became an adult they completely absolved themselves bc ohhh youre an adult nowwww#as if my whole childhood didnt make me the adult i am right now and as if my childhood wasnt their responsibility#i lowkey yelled at them over messaging a bit but was completely honest only to have my sister talk to me about how mean i was#like im being mean? for being honest that they messed me up and messed you up too? just because my sister is more functional than me#that she is not also messed up ive seen enough to know everyone in this damn family is messed up and thats not okay at all#and now im stuck having to go through years of trauma and illness just to play dnd with people i care about#and be able to actually befriend them and maintain friendships#i cant even like know if i like this person im so out of touch with what i want
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asavt · 2 years
My last one... hm
its long, really really long. Around 3792 words long, maybe more. So, I reccomend having something to drink maybe as you read?
I started it like... september last year maybe??? I don't remember anymore lol. Anyways, enjoy this last one (a bit messy, but, I did say I wanted to share these).
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Walnut Discovering Roguefort’s identity (I got the idea while listening to the song Inside Joke by Zutomayo, and… the song tittle’s kinda fits too…)
Inside Joke
-Is an accident, maybe a year or so after the group came together (and more specifically after Roguefort and Almond start dating). Almond and Roguefort are working together again, some shadowy criminal group plotting and the detective just knows it, but it’s having trouble getting any evidence, following their steps. So, thinking this might be a rather dangerous investigation and not wanting to involve any coworkers until he can be sure to arrest the culprits, he asks once more for Phantom Bleu to help him.
Neither of them know what Walnut has noticed. She has noticed that her dad is hiding something, and she had the hunch that Phantom Bleu was involved. So, she has followed Almond (for the good sake of her father, out of worry) and has seen both adults talking about this criminal organization, decided against jumping right on for looking at each of their movements, curious about what is her father doing (working with a criminal out of all things), and why Phantom Bleu seemed to agree to work with the detective (are they trying to take advantage of this situation?).
She sees them both smiling and joking and, just as she jumps out of her hiding place, all ready to confront Phantom Bleu (and her father it seems) and scaring the shit out of both adults, the criminals they were trying to get information from come out of their hiding place.
While running away, Roguefort taking Walnut with them after exchanging a look with Almond (the adult’s priority to keep the little nut safe), that the Phantom Bleu cover comes off. After running away to a place where they can leave Walnut to reunite with her father, a few accidents happen, that make the hat (that helps them keep a shadow over their face to keep their identity) and monocle fall off.
The rivals look at each other for several seconds, before Walnut points at Roguefort with a surprised, angry gasp, and Roguefort panics, throwing a smoke bomb to the floor to take their things and leave. Leaving Walnut standing in the middle of the smoke trying to process things and thinking how to tell this to her father, because she doesn’t know yet that Almond knows about Roguefort’s secret. While Roguefort is running on the roofs while writing to the “Coffee Bean Appreciation Group” a panicked, very quick and without any spaces message “SHEKNOWS”.
And then they go face first against a pole on a roof because they weren’t looking where they were running to.
-Walnut goes to Rogue’s workshop to interrogate them, and try to get enough evidence that they are, in fact, Phantom Bleu so she can arrest them once and for all. Latte happened to be around too, because Roguefort was trying to think of a way to tell the girls about the full identity thing but with what they had found out about the criminals with Almond they doubt they’ll have the time to and they needed to calm down.
Latte ends up telling Walnut she already knew, which does nothing to help either the little detective (who angrily gasps and points once more) or the thief (who give their partner a new panicked look that Latte holds back a laugh to). Walnut asks why she didn’t say anything to what the mage answers “well, it seemed fun to hold back and also, I didn’t see the need to” (which is the truth, that’s how it felt in the beginning, that and also knowing Roguefort needed to be the one who tells the others, including the girls).
Walnut feels betrayed by two of the people she trusted the most, because, well, both are kinda like her parents by now.
Roguefort, deciding to hold back the full truth of their relationship with the little detective’s father for a bit longer, asks her to wait until the current case Almond was facing is done with. Promising to explain everything once that’s over. (Because they think it’s something that Almond needs to explain as well, with the reaction she had towards Latte)
Walnut agrees to the deal, angry though.
-Roguefort tells Almond about this deal, to what Almond agrees that, yeah, they need to tell the little nut the truth (and Creampuff too, he thinks, he just knows Walnut will tell Creampuff about it, the two girls are close and Walnut probably will tell Puff as a warning).
-Walnut gets into the case as well, by her own means, because she wants to make sure her father its ok. (She knows he can take care of himself but its normal to worry).
Almond scolds her for getting into the case unauthorized, and also because he had told her this one was dangerous.
-I honestly don’t have anything else on this one. I guess Walnut gets the truth from both Almond and Roguefort, starts feeling absolutely betrayed by her father, some situation where the three of them get in some big trouble happens and its there that Walnut notices that Phantom Bleu, or rather, Roguefort, is truly good to them. They don’t earn their trust right away, but Walnut makes them promise that the day she captures them is the day they have to stop playing the role of Phantom Bleu. Roguefort accepts this, happy.
The Time Watch Heirloom Heist (also named after a song of Zutomayo)
Until the end
“It would have been fine.
Roguefort would have ignored the timekeeper. Keep going. They had something to care for. Friends to care for, a family to care for.
But the thought laid awake, at the back of his mind.
“I know a time where you find your long lost heirloom!”
They ignored it then.
But now, as they run out of the atelier, ignoring the worry of the others, of Latte, Espresso, Madeleine and Creampuff, when they stopped talking after seeing a newspaper, ignoring the calls from both Almond and Walnut (they were worried, the sudden stop the sudden run), the thought came back. The only hint of what could have gone through their mind laying on the table, in big black letters.
“Blue Cheese family’s heirloom auctioned away”
They need to start planning.”
-Notes before anything:
=Future! Walnut and Creampuff are here (yes, this happens years after they all meet, and I’ll clarify this now, I see them as platonic or sister-like).
=Almond would be using his Commissioner of Parfaedia costume.
=Madeleine and Espresso are pretty much engaged (though haven’t married).
=Timekeeper participates in this one.
=Appearance of original characters.
=I choose to use the stupid invocation cards but only one (1), for a good reason.
=Follows most of the ideas given in Walnut and Roguefort’s “Lost Time” costumes.
=Roguefort-centric (of course).
-Lines above from one of my drawings (the first ones where I introduced the headcanon, I might add the tag “Until the end'' for easier search). After this, Roguefort disappears for some days, only ever contacting Almond, Walnut or (less than expected) Latte.
Each one of the others get a letter, Phantom Bleu’s wax seal on top (they even send one to Sparkling’s bar). And, although it seems like it’s another act, a rather selfish one, there’s this sad undertone to the words they use to the letters, hidden between the threats of stealing all time pieces in the city, not everyone notices it. I’m keeping Almond and Walnut with the end line: “I am pursuing lost time.”
=Also just a few days before the gang was going to celebrate Maddie and Essy’s engagement.
-Roguefort does not go to their house, or the workshop, wherever they are staying at, no one knows.
-There are so. Many. Mixed emotions in the group. Espresso and Walnut want to slap Roguefort in the face if they have the chance.
-Both Almond and Walnut team together (after maybe some time, and both the detective and commissioner wish it would have been under a different circumstance) to find and bring them back to capture Phantom Bleu. Creampuff is stepping down from this one, saying she felt some weird magic signature around the city and wants to look out for it (make sure it’s kept under control). Roguefort has succeeded in stealing various time pieces already, without begin seen at all.
They finally get to see them, after so many deductions and trying to figure out where the next robbery would be. It’s on a rooftop, the sunset all oranges and yellows and, they are not wearing their normal costume, but the Pursuit of Lost Time. And the detectives notice the surprised, sad look on their face before it quickly changes to their usual grin, but more forced and looking less natural than ever.
There is some exchange of words, where Roguefort hints the reasons why they are doing what they are doing, like a riddle (whatever the reason for this is, they could be scared or maybe embarrassed? to know how the others react after hearing their motives, the reason Phantom Bleu appeared in the first place). There’s a chase, where Roguefort manages to escape even after Almond had used the handcuffs, dropping the stolen time piece and a smoke bomb. Almond and Walnut are about to get to it before Timekeeper suddenly appears, laughing a little at the show they got (they were bored, so went to see what Roguefort was doing though they already had an idea of it).
This is where the doodles take place.
-Almond and Walnut go back home (after some reports were done and the stolen piece was given back), finding Latte, Madeleine, Espresso and Creampuff there, all of them knowing about the encounter they had with the thief. They all ask about them, father and daughter telling them what happened, the words exchanged (Walnut expressing she still wants to slap the thief and Espresso silently agreeing with her, Madeleine is torn up between wanting to do the same or not, so is Latte).
None of them know about the power the heirloom cointains.
-Roguefort visits the bar. Sparkling trying to get them to at last talk with the group, to give a better explanation than just leaving cards, Vampire showing concern through only worried looks, not really sure if he could say something to the thief to make them change their mind. The thief remains quiet.
-There are multiple chases, of course. Roguefort is able to track down where the person who has the heirloom is, just at the same time both Almond and Walnut know where to search for them next, following their steps close and coming out to try and catch them, interrupted by a mysterious figure. The time watch is going to be used by some dark-magic user, a powerful one too.
Creampuff comes into the scene too, just as the dark mage is about to send a spell towards the three of them, just in time to get a barrier on and take them out of there. (This is the strange magic she mentions before)
As soon as they get out of there Roguefort mentions the power the heirloom holds (never coming into much detail about it). It’s no longer just Phantom Bleu getting their long lost heirloom back, they now need to discover what on earthbread the dark mage is planning and stop them.
-Phantom Bleu disappears once more, silent and smiling sadly at their family favorite detectives after Almond asks them if they want to go and rest at home. (although he still feels the annoyance at them and it’s very clear in his eyes Roguefort spend way too much time staring at them to know what they looked like when annoyed, they know he would mean no bad, and Roguefort can see the conflict in Walnut too, even when she is clearly angry at them she still worries, they wonder if they should go check up on Latte, and they do).
-Roguefort arrives at Latte’s place, she looks at them rather surprised. Still leaning a bit against the window frame and with a rather sheepish smile, not able to meet her eyes, not fully. They hear her steps and feel pain in their left check.
“…I deserved that.”
“Yes you did.”
=They are able to talk about it, the watch. Roguefort asks Latte to not tell the others, to which she agrees as long as they promise to tell them all soon enough. They will, they know their fear might be a bit stupid, now that they think about it, the others are like family to them.
Rogue prepares to leave, Latte asking where they are staying. Roguefort just answers with a “Where old memories remain” before jumping out a window into the night once more.
-Timekeeper meets Roguefort again, one night without the moon as the stars are decorating the sky, to give him an invocation card, one able to generate a shield around its user. How did they even get their hands on it? Who knows. Besides that, they warn him about the outcomes of traveling back in time, were they to do that, although they say it in a more playful tone.
=I think a lot about the fact that one of Roguefort’s lobby lines is something like “My family’s timepieces require no authentication”, timepieces as in plural. Makes me think that the Blue Cheese family had some sort of connection to Timekeeper, or deal, after all, how does one come to own an artifact capable of transporting its user back in time? Do the other time pieces have some power in them? Almond’s line (“This timepiece is evidence. Quick! Find the winding key!”) Makes me think that, in some form or way, Phantom Bleu is using the timepieces they steal to hide their hints (Or is he talking about another special artifact? Besides a Blue Cheese Family one).
This in mind, Timekeeper is wondering what path Phantom Bleu will choose, as they have seen it, the options, the possibilities, the endings.
Maybe they will finally see something interesting happen? (Nothing, in the end everything remains one way or another, to their disappointment)
-There is starting to be more robbery, but not by Phantom Bleu. There are clear traces of the mysterious dark mage all around. Traces of black magic and another kind of power. Walnut and Creampuff are the ones investigating these cases, alongside the help of Almond. Espresso, Madeleine and Latte are also helping, after hearing out about the cases and asked by Creampuff (who, against her partner-kinda-sister and kinda-dad protests of not bothering the others, went for it anyways because she just feels something’s wrong with all of this).
=Meanwhile, Roguefort is spending some time in the remains of an old manor, an old mansion made ruins and which’s terrain was never sold, surrounded by forest and bushes of blue roses and dust. They are trying to find something, something that can tell them more of the watch’s power and what could a dark mage use it for. If it was possible to use the watch’s power with black magic.
Timekeeper is close by, bothering them, having fun looking how frustrated they seem to be (a look uncommon on the thief), and knowing what’s happening back at the city.
=Latte talks to Almond about her talk with Roguefort, not mentioning what she knows about the watch, but saying that she is sure the next time they see them they would explain. When Almond asks if she knows where Rogue is and Latte answers with what Rogue said, he looks at her a bit surprised, before saying “I think I know where they’ve been staying at.”
=Espresso, Madeleine, Walnut and Creampuff are currently following the steps of the mage. Until they reach close to the Magic Academy, where they find the dark mage coming out of their hiding spot, gathering attention around them and wary looks. The detective and her partner step forward, ready to face the mage, their kinda-uncles right behind ready in case the mage starts attacking.
The dark mage smiles, introducing herself (Marigold). She takes out the watch from her robes, its winding key nowhere to be seen. Activates the watch with her magic, a dark aura surrounding her and then, out of a magic circle that opens a time-rift, comes out one of those cake monsters the dragon in the guild battles summons (idk how it’s called).
The group fights the monster. Proving to be quite hard to bring down and destroying part of the street they were fighting in. The mage escapes, taking the opportunity to do so as the others are busy with the monster and noting her success opening the rift, even if only for one thing to come out.
They manage to defeat the monster.
-Almond and Latte go to the remains of the old Blue Cheese manor, getting reports via messages from Walnut about the attack when they arrive. They go through an old, rusted gate, and walk forward in between broken halls and blue roses. They both soon hear some curses in what they can definitely recognize as Rogue’s voice, alongside the laugh and constant pestering from Timekeeper (or at last Almond can tell that Latte hasn’t met the time keeper yet).
Walking into what seems the remains of an old library, the detective and mage find a rather hilarious scene, books and papers scattered everywhere, Roguefort looking at Timekeeper with the most annoyed glare ever pointing at them and asking them to “shut the fuck up” while the pointed in question looks anything but sorry, with their hands up as in surrender (they are not). Roguefort is quick to notice the other two there and just stares at them for a few seconds.
They are supposed to have a short talk before the rest of the group arrives. Walnut having known (or having a hunch) for some time of where her pa could be and just confirming it after hearing a bit of the last place her father was seen.
Timekeeper had already disappeared by the time Espresso and Walnut walk forward and start interrogating Roguefort (who just backs up a little and holds their hands up).
They all finally *talk*. Roguefort gives details about the watch, what they’ve been able to find and remember, and Creampuff gives details of what she thinks is the kind of magic Marigold is using. For whatever she might be trying to bring, all the trouble earlier doesn’t point to anything good.
Roguefort doesn’t say anything about the real reasons why they are trying to pursue the watch. The others don’t ask.
=Roguefort doesn’t go back with the others, saying they will stay at the old manor for a few more hours (they are still searching for anything else that could help).
Almond and Latte stay behind, perhaps to try and convince Roguefort to go back, even if just for a night. Rogue gives them one of their sad smiles.
The moon is in the sky, Roguefort notices. Not full but still shining gently.
They feel unable to reach out.
-The detectives go around the city during the following week, trying to catch the dark mage in different places, trying to gather information of what they were on about (Creampuff has a few theories, and decides to consult with her teacher back at the City of Wizards via-owl message).
Madeleine, Latte and Espresso are too on alert, in case they spot anything that could help them out with this.
Roguefort remains apart from the group for some more time, coming every once and then to the detectives (and the others if they are around) to give any new information they get about the watch.
=They do get back to begin close to the other eventually. I have not thought of the idea that well but it sure as hell involves a cuddly scene with Al and Latte.
-Fill up. Chase, fight, angst. You know. The good shit. (I don’t want to make this so long JSKFLHUAWHFUIWAHEUWA)
-Ok so. The idea with Marigold and her plan with the watch is to open a time rift with her magic and the power of the time watch big enough to let the red velvet dragon come in. She just wants to see the world burning. I gotta say that. So. I thought this was happening in some really tall tower. The time rift won’t be closed by Marigold, as she has made it so it can’t be closed unless the watch is destroyed.
There are two possible endings:
1- Roguefort really thinks of what they are really reaching out for (the question Timekeeper made) and, going back to the idea that initially they didn’t want to confess their feelings to either Almond or Latte all those years back because of the danger it was with their job, they choose to destroy the watch. The thing is, the use of magic has made it unstable, destroying the watch can just take a single well given hit right at it but it could result in an explosion (cliché, I know, but hey, it’s for the sake of the plot).
Remember the card thingie, it’s for that. Roguefort pretty much fakes Phantom Bleu’s death, scaring to death the others in the process. Of course they apologize later on, after going to the Attelier in secret to wait for the others. Just to keep living their life as simply Roguefort, a watchmaker, unrelated completely to the Blue Cheese family and related completely to a family of coffee addicts.
2- Roguefort, encouraged by their partners, chooses to go back in time, as destroying the time watch means they’ll never get to see what they wish to see ever. In the end, they end up trapped in the time rift subspace or… how you call it???? With Timekeeper saying that they already knew what was going to happen, but that the story its not over yet and they wish to keep seeing the thief’s story, to see if something else might happen. Roguefort of course is pained and, well, will either start to try and go back (to either their present or their past, who knows).
I wanted to somehow add the promise mentioned between Walnut and Roguefort in Inside Joke but I wasn’t sure how exactly, I just know I wanted it to be right by the end, were Roguefort would say something like “You already captured me little nut.” or something just to break everyone’s heart (the asshole).
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