#i really cannot thank you enough for your kindness you are a real life angel 💓👼🏼💓
cheekblush · 2 years
tumblr user cheekblush !!! kathi my beloved !!!! i do not know u !!!!! but u are someone i admire from afar !!!! i think u are very cool when u try to do what you can when things are hard even if it means not being the best !!!!!!! i trust the universe to handle you softly and with care as soon as it can !!!!!! be well my dear kathi i hope the new month of march is a blessed one !!!!
i.... i'm..... wow... just wow... 😭💘🥹💖🥺💗😢 i can't even put into words how much your message means to me so i hope the following images can convey my emotions more properly:
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okay let me try to form some coherent sentences after all to thank you appropriately: thank you sooooooo incredibly much for your kind and thoughtful words! this truly means the world to me and i sincerely cherish your message!!! thank you for caring about me, for taking the time to write and send me such a beautiful encouraging message and for rooting for me!!! i can't believe someone would ever admire me but that truly makes me feel flattered and honored 😭😭😭 may this march treat you gently and bring you an abundance of happiness, warmth and blessings!! may the kindness you have shown me return to you thousandfold!!!!!! sending a million kisses and hugs your way!!!! please stay healthy and take care of yourself!!! i love and appreciate you!!! thank you for your support!!! i really needed this.... you're an angel 🥹💘🧸🦋🍓💫💌🌱🥠🎀👼🏼🏵🍭🎠💫🫂💕🍀🍦🌙🌈🪐💋🍡💖🫶🏻
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tarzinnia · 11 months
Positivity Night Shout Out
This is for @withahappyrefrain 's Positivity Night. What a great idea! I hope I did this correctly Abby.
I follow a number of creators and some of them even follow me back! It's been a great experience and so here is some appreciation and good vibes...thanks Abby for doing this!
In no particular order and some with a lil blurb lagniappe as I've gotten to know them. This is long but ya know, I'm not at the Oscars on a time limit so read it or keep scrolling past. Your choice.
@blooming-violets aka @eatbrainsfordinner gave me some great advice when I first joined on how not to get blocked due to blog appearance and has an amazing library of fics that sent me down a rabbit hole. Plus in possession of a side-holding you will fall out of your chair sense of humor. Laughter can give us hope and I know that some of her comment/replies just put me in a better frame of mind.
@liz-allyn whose mob!peter fic Sugar and Vice (all of her work really) just blows me away. If you haven't got Honey, life just isn't sweet at all at all. All her content just radiates emotion. Depth. It's all there.
@webslingingslasher such a talent and so very very kind to everyone. Am enthralled with nerd!peter/frat!peter. I have no clue where the late night sleepover energy comes from though. I am in awe.
@sincericida no one tops her blog for Andrew Garfield content. No one. I check it more frequently than I do the daily news. Could get lost for days with the top tier content. A real sweetheart, too. Always answers asks.
@luvablehand a winsome writer with great imagination. Absolutely love that there is an updated list of WIPs on the blog so I know what is coming.
@periprose Nice blogger and her Peter Parker is adorable. Completed chapter fic Florence is great.
@theradioactivespidergwen aka @she-likesorchids great writer across multiple fandoms and great wit. We share a love of various sandwiches, know that dressing is superior to stuffing, and think sweater weather is amazing. It's glorious.
@reidslovely haunting haunting writing that stays with me. Love our interactions when I have questions about a story/plot/character. Has been writing more mob!peter and I am a member of the mob!peter fan club for life.
@loveroftoomanyfandoms I came for the Peter Parker fics and somehow acquired a Matt Murdock on the hot guy keyfob. Personality shines through on her blog and is such a joy. ((HUGS)) Always love interacting and living vicariously through the 'where is Charlie this week' adventures. (Couple more months and he's going to be eating some mighty fine food in NOLA) Our food chats have been awesome and when food found it's way as the theme in a story, well I cannot say enough about how enjoyable that's been.
@p3mybeloved another great Spider-man fandom creator. Read on here and AO3.
@ficthots writes for the fandom that is number one in my heart (TASM) and LIghtning Bugs makes me cry but it's that good kind of tears.
@delicate-dorothea sweet sweet writing that is addictive to read. Really looking forward to continuing to read and follow.
@backtothefanfiction someone I just started following but wow, am currently enthralled with a multi chapter mob!peter fic (The Angel In The Garden Of Evil) that has blown me away. Been a lot of fun to follow the character arcs and the twists and turns. Love writing essays for this creator when I reblog because the back and forth has been wonderful and enriching. I know the longer series can be so hard to write and maintain but they are a feast when you can find them. I've had a front row seat and am looking forward to more works in the future.
@helloheyhihowdyheya Love her works. Reading Rose Thorn Blues right now, and if asked to pick a fave out of the masterlist of Spider-man fics I'm not sure I could because they're all my babies.
@thursdaygxrls so much imagination in her writing, love it and love all the fics. Am currently following two: Thin Ice and Infrunami.
@withahappyrefrain Abby, whose Peter Parker won me over from the get go and then wrote TGM fics that added more hot male characters to the keyfob. Perfect sense of humor, never afraid to call out haters, and you just glow with sunshine and flowers right when I need it most. Big hugs and a shout out.
Other bloggers reblogging content is how I ran across many of you listed above so readers and content creators: reblog whatever you enjoy because it's really what keeps Tumblr active and engaging. When I'm not writing, I'm enjoying what others create and the inspiration and encouragement and words you share is wonderful and thank you for the effort you put into what you do!
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ecemichi · 2 years
Ring.A.Bell Chapter 13
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Time: (On the day of the PV shooting.)
Arashi: Well? Do you think this'll work for the shooting, Anzu-chan?
Wonderful. In that case, all my hard work won't go to waste!
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Mao: They must use your methods in Hell, Arashi... You're a real Spartan.
Arashi: But it's thanks to that that you'll be able to give the best proposal possible. ♪
Of course, there's still plenty of room for improvement — in fact, if I had the time, I would've pushed you muuuuch farther.
Midori: Eeh~... It’s already a lot…
Anzu-san, sorry for having caused such a ruckus because of my misunderstanding.
Mao: Yeah, I... caused a pretty big fuss too, so I'm sorry.
Oh? You didn’t mind it much? I’m glad…♪
Eh? You have so much work to do you don’t have the time to give for such worries?
Mao: Ahaha, that's so like you. Alrighty then! Go ahead and look after us idols as much as you'd like, Anzu.
Midori: Hm? It looks like the shooting will start in a bit. Then, we’ll be off.
Mao: Guess I'll get going too, then. We'll be givin' it our best shot, so don't look away from us for even a second, alright~? Producer. ♪
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Eichi: Hey, won't you say my name like you always do?
Your voice is more soothing than any music I’ve ever heard, as if an angel itself had come to greet me.
Not a single person in all the world knows if the road ahead will be a happy one or not...
However, so long as you call out for me, I can live a blissful life.
Ah, truly... I truly do need you in my life to be happy.
I'm glad you feel the same.
Thank you for always being by my side.
And now, I can return that sentiment. I vow to remain at your side, until the day death sees fit to part us.
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Keito: …Don’t expect a rose coloured marria—Ehem. Sorry. I spoke in a harsh manner by habit.
But you understand who I am, moreso, you accept me for who I am.
That kind side of you delights me.
I wish to convey my feelings more honestly, but… But with my personality, it might be a little hard.
However, it would be a bit unfair if I’d be the only one receiving this kindness.
That’s why I’ll take whatever measures are needed to properly convey these feelings.
It’s my vow to you—As we’ll be sharing the joys and sorrows of life together from now on.
Thank you for always supporting me.
To fulfill our dreams together that cannot be fulfilled alone—
Let’s take one step at a time together… I love you.
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Leo: I love you, I love you, I loooooove you! I really, truly love you!
... Just kidding. ♪
I've got a world’s worth of love in my heart, but y'know what? It’s still no good. It’s not even close to the amount you deserve.
When I'm with you, I'm so happy I could burst!
... But at the same time, I’ve learned what it’s like to feel lonely too.
This pain I feel when we're apart, the yearning that joins hands with it... I never would've felt these if I hadn't met you!
But weirdly enough, I don't mind 'em at all!
You wanna know why? 'Cause because of you, of what I feel for you, the sound of "love" has only become more and more harmonious. As if I was playing with a completed piano, with every white and black key present!
That's why... no matter how many quarrels we have, or if there's ever a time that our differences might feel like burdens on our minds... Will you sing with me?
I'd wanna, because my songs are ever-flowing with my love for you.
From now until forever, l wanna pen my notes next to yours on this music sheet of life—and compose the longest love song this world has ever heard!
If it's with you... I know we can do it.
Mao: (Damn, I'd expect nothing less from our seniors! They're really amazing...
No matter how hard it is to say, I've gotta stay strong! I've gotta do my best too...!)
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Since meeting you, I've found happiness around every corner...
I think if I hadn't... then I never would've noticed just how much joy there was right under my nose.
I really wish I could've said something cool, like "Just follow me!"...
... But instead, you were the one who led me. As hard as it is for me to admit that now.
That's why... That's why, I want to walk with you, hand in hand.
Side by side. Step by step. Let's go together.
That way... Even if we're apart, we'll still be connected to each other—y'know?
If we lose sight of one another, we'll always know where the other's at. So let's walk the same path together, from now until forever.
So... Um... What I mean is...
... I love you.
So please! Let's spend the rest of our lives together!
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Midori: Umm… Since the day I met you and… you took my hand…
The pain and worries in my chest slowly started to fade away.
Everything around me began to bloom in colour.
I didn’t understand why it felt like things were slowly changing as the days went by… But now, I think I finally know the reason.
I liked today, more than yesterday—and tomorrow, more than today… All of that is because you provided me with “love”, little by little…
We laughed together on happy days, cried together on sad days. We worried together on hard days and held hands together on joyful days.
Through that, you slowly bestowed me with “love”…
That’s why, I was able to like myself a little, too.
I still… don’t know much about love or whatever… But, it feels right to call this feeling in my chest that.
I've always given up on everything, but for the first time in my life… I don’t want to abandon something; I don’t want to let go of you.
Umm… Could you… stay by my side like this forever?
I’m still far away from being reliable, and I’m still pretty pitiful but… I truly want to shower you with kindness.
I will always love you.
(Oh… My brother must’ve, also…)
Mao Leo Eichi and Arashi tl: Peace
Midori and Keito tl: me
JP proof: Mika Enstars
ENG proof:ryuseipuka
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porschesbabydaddy · 6 months
💕get to know me 💕
Tagged by my beautiful angel @bunnakit . Thank you sm beloved!
do you make your bed? 💕
No, only when I’ve just changed my sheets. My husband and I don’t share covers (I’m a blankie hog) so it doesn’t make a lot of sense to make the bed
what's your favourite number? 💕
Hmm…. Probably 8. It’s perfect and round, as all things should be
what is your job? 💕
Im the supervisor of a before/after school childcare program, and I do substitute work as an aid for disabled kids
if you could go back to school would you?💕
Absolutely not. I went to career college for a little over a year to get my diploma and that’s more than enough for me
can you parallel park? 💕
I cannot drive so no
a job you had that would surprise people?💕
Hmm…. See I don’t think I’ve had any surprising jobs? I’ve only had like 5ish. But I guess the fact that I’ve worked the federal election counting votes maybe
do you think aliens are real? 💕
I don’t know, perhaps? Anything is possible. I think there’s living organisms, at least. Idk about intelligent life though
can you drive a manual car? 💕
Baby I can’t even drive a go kart
what's your guilty pleasure? 💕
There’s no such thing as a guilty pleasure when you refuse to live with shame
tattoos? 💕
Three, including my KP tattoo I got in January
favourite colour? 💕
Golden yellow and pastel pink
favourite type of music? 💕
Whatever that genre of music is where men that kind of sound like shit bleat vague and pretentious lyrics about the girl they fumbled at 21. Also soft dreamy indie music
do you like puzzles? 💕
I don’t seek them out, but I end up doing them fairly often at work. I like word searches tho
any phobias? 💕
Not really! I have fears like a normal person, but nothing that tips all the way into phobias
favourite childhood sport? 💕
Probably soccer baseball. I was NOT an athletic child
do you talk to yourself? 💕
Yeah, I’m a great conversationalist
what movie(s) do you adore? 💕
But I’m a Cheerleader, Moonlight, Mr. Right, and the first Twilight
coffee or tea? 💕
If we’re talking plain hot coffee vs plain hot tea, then tea. I prefer iced lattes over anything though
first thing you wanted to be growing up?💕
A professional booty shaker, according to stories I’ve heard from my family
no pressure tags 💕
@ayansbff @tbhimnoteasyonmyself @toppingjeffsatur @antisocial-burrito
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queenofravens01 · 2 years
Time travel AU: Weeping Angels and Harry Potter
No one will ever see it, probably, but it's 5 a.m. somewhere, and I'm fandom crazy 🤷🏼‍♀️
So, I really love time-travel AU in almost any form and flavor, but being as obsessed with Marauders as I’m, you can imagine my favorite setting for such AU🐺🐶🦌🐭
I also live by Doctor Who 👨‍⚕️❓ — it's something about charismatic British (wo)men, you know — so it should give context for how this idea came to me.
Anyway, the idea itself. Weeping Angels 🗽 in Harry Potter universe. I consider Weeping angels to be one of THE BEST creations in fictional universe, and I believe the potential for their use is infinite.
Imagine a Main Character (up to you which one: canon characters, OC all the way, or I also really like to interconnect Marauders era and The next generation aka the kids). Imagine Hogwarts defenses get triggered; no one is found, everyone thinks it's false alarm or some ghost/boggart/something harmless, and no one notices an extra statue in the halls. Imagine people start missing. Imagine your character just walking the halls and noticing over time that statues change, that there's more of them. Imagine your MC not being quick enough one day, so an Angel gets them. Imagine them appearing in the same hall in 1970s. Imagine drama and angst, and romance, and found family (maybe even literal one, depending on the character). Imagine opportunities for plots and ships.
I love the idea that MC would  go to Potters or Blacks for help and protection, depending on who they are.
(And I get it, Blacks do not seem to be a logical choice, but I imagine MC going to Arcturus and Melania Black (aka Lord & Lady of Black), and being like: 'I'm f*cking Black, I'm stuck in the past, Angels are evil, so you will help me, or Morgana help me!'. Something similar with Potters, but much more cordial and wholesome)
MC becoming part of the family and sibling to one of the Marauders. Them coming to Hogwarts and integrating in. Living, breathing, learning, making friends and falling in love.
Also, MC not telling the truth to Marauders until much later or at all, and the only person that they would trust with the truth aside the family is McGonagall (let's be honest. this Queen✨ would be objectively the only one to handle such shit, with grace)
Imagine MC starting to become part of history, maybe trying to change it, but maybe ending up only causing it to happen. Imagine them starting to suspect that Angels were not so random in the first place. Imagine an Angel appearing in the 1970s...
As I said, potential is infinite. There may be more time jumps, there may be time loops, there may be evil plans and strategies, there may be even the Doctor themself (multiverse IS real, after all).
To conclude:
No one will ever see it, probably, but if YOU did, and have read it all trough, then it must be either 5 a.m. at yours or you're fandom crazy ❤️‍🔥. In any case, thank you for reading this and kudos for being fandom enthusiast, I love you just for that already. Share your ideas and opinions, and please let me know if I'm not the only one who thinks it would be ingenious 💡
Also, please share it with anyone who you'd think could make this idea come to life, and I'm always open to help (I do not have a patience to write a whole story by myself, but I work great in tandem. Or I can just drown you in ideas and headcanons for this AU universe I just dreamt up 🔮)
AO3: DevilishRaven (contact me there please if you can, tumbler is kind of a foreign shadow zone to me)
P. S. If You don't know about Weeping Angels, please go and watch Doctor Who 03x10 (remember: DO NOT BLINK), or read about them online. Basics here:
The Weeping Angels are an extremely powerful species of quantum-locked humanoids, meaning they cannot move if they are being watched. They got their name because of their need to cover their faces to avoid trapping each other in stone-state. They are known for being "kind" murderous psychopaths, eradicating their victims "mercifully" by dropping them into the past and letting them live out their full lives, just in a different time period. This, in turn, allows them to live off the remaining time energy of the victim's life.
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anonymousexywoman · 10 months
the first real breakup of a girl who doesn't know how to feel correctly
November 24th, 2023
11:32 PM
There will always be someone in my life who's better than me at everything I try to do. I always say please, but never thank you. And because of that, nothing is ever going to work out for me, never had and never will. Anything I get excited about is doomed in my life's nature to fail. I honestly just need to accept that it's going to feel like this for me forever. I was starting to truly convince myself that maybe you didn't like her anymore but God forbids that someone like me would have the chance of being someone's first choice. To be appreciated, to be cared for, to be loved. What powerful yet fleeting experiences. It doesn't matter for me, because I'm not the kind of person people love. You haven't done anything wrong besides getting involved with me in the first place.
November 25th
2:07 AM
Walk me home, kiss my cheek, then walk away watching me crumble to the ground in sobs. A car that isn't yours drives me away and I'll never see that movie-like scene again. Please don't make me sleep alone.
I don't want to get over it. I don't want to move on. I always have to, and everyone tells me to. I just want to be happy for once. I really thought it would work out this time. If I can't have anything else, just this once, let me have this, and I promise to be happy with that. Please.
12:58 PM
I will replace the time we would have spent together with films that are what we could have been. No matter if you're here or not, as long as I know you, I'll be wasting my time. I wish I never met you at all.
November 26th
1:59 PM
The first snow is falling, and once again I am alone for another winter.
November 29th
1:11 AM
Why do I care so much? I shouldn't be mentally and physically begging for a man to respect me. I'm an angel, he can't have me. When he chases, then maybe I'll take him. For now, I can be anyone's girl, I'm anyone's if I choose to be. I'm not gonna love someone unless they'll make the effort to love me. I refuse to allow you to do that. I don't really know why, but I just don't care anymore.
December 4th
2:44 PM
I understand how I'm feeling now. It feels unfair that I could feel something so strongly and have that emotion stripped from me as if it didn't matter at all.
11:23 PM
As I type this post, I feel more capable of verbalizing this strange emotion I'm feeling. It is almost like an exclusive disdain towards the unfortunately odd functions of my brain and how I cannot process emotions normally due to this. My reasoning for not caring seems logically valid enough, but I really think it is obscure how such intense, passionate, soul-crushing feelings can cease to exist overnight. As I reflect on how I felt before and am unable to resonate with these sentiments, I grieve the loss of a deep and pure love, even if it was only one sided. You told me to move on, and I moved on, but I will not forget those two months when I was 18 years old and fell in love for the first time. I won't, I won't, because if I don't have my love, I have nothing. I won't forget her and what she felt towards you, and I hope you don't either, as much as I'm sure you'd like to, and knowing that you probably will. I know how much you struggle to find something that will make you happy, and I'm sorry I couldn't be that for you.
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sappynapper · 3 years
could I ask for romantic headcannons of the feral boys (separately) with their s/o giving them lots of kisses and telling them how pretty they are?
not sure if you mean reader telling them they’re pretty or them telling reader so i’m doing both!! bc yessss! they are all so pretty! i hope they know 😌
(buuut i haven’t included quackity bc i couldn’t think of ideas for him sorrryyyy)
ccs included: dream, sapnap, george, karl
being affectionate with them hcs
dream loves praise. we know this
ultimate dog boy dream scenario: he’s like a puppy being told he’s a good boy when you compliment him
gets very eager and attentive
he’ll give you the biggest heart eyes as you run your fingers through his hair, gushing about how cute his freckles are, how pretty the colour of his eyes is, how much you like the sound of his voice
he’ll pull you into his lap sometimes, as if to keep you there and make sure you keep going, just enjoying the attention from you
nothing makes him happier than getting compliments from you bc you’re his favourite person so it means more to him to get your approval
it’s also the only thing that never fails to cheer him up
on days when nothings going to plan and he just feels like he can’t do anything right, he’ll crawl into your arms and ask for some love
you can feel his shoulders relax and his smile against your collar bone as you press kisses into his hair and tell him how wonderful you think he is
and bc it’s so important to him, he’s very proactive about giving you the same kind of attention
well, sometimes he’ll get distracted by work and spend hours at a time holed up in his office
but when he IS with you he’s all over you
he’s sort of intense about it actually
he’ll rub his hands up and down your sides as he leans in close to your ear to tell you how gorgeous you are in a low voice
it’s like he’s really trying to convince you of what he’s saying
and when you’re cuddled up together in bed or on the sofa watching tv he cannot keep his lips off your skin
constant kisses on your cheek, on your nose, on the shell of your ear
anywhere he can reach bc he loves every inch of you and needs you to know 😌
doesn’t always know how to respond when you lather on the praise but absolutely adores affection from you in all forms
lots of blushing and playful “stoopppp”s when you tell him how handsome he is
(he definitely doesn’t actually want you to stop)
loves loves loves when you cover his face in kisses. also when you hold his hand and do the lil thumb thing? like he’s actually in heaven
can’t get over how soft your lips and hands are??
he’s pretty sure you’re an angel
thing is he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do with himself so he usually just gives you affection back but more lol
go big or go home right?
if you give him a lil kiss he’ll grab you round the waist and squeeze you so tight that your feet leave the floor, all while smothering your face in kisses
you have to tell him to put you down between giggles or he’ll just keep going 😌
when he compliments you it’s usually loud, and very enthusiastic
lots of “DAMN BABY YOU LOOK SO GOOD TODAY” and you’re just like “..🧍‍♂️thank you”
he jokes around with that kind of thing bc he gets a little shy about serious romance stuff
but sometimes, just to make sure you know he’s for real, he’ll tell you how much you mean to him very quietly and firmly, although usually looking down at your intertwined hands while he says it
and when you really need it he will hold you to his chest so securely you swear you’ve never felt so safe and loved in your life
mans is not outwardly very physically affectionate
when you snuggle into him and press a few kisses along his jaw he'll usually just smile and carry on with editing or whatever he's working on
and if you compliment him (which you do a lot ofc, pretty privilege and all that) mostly he'll just brush you off with a laugh or makes a joke
you'd never know how much he actually appreciates the affection you give him, and how much he thinks about those soft moments when you're away from each other
for him it's more about the reassurance that you love him, that you want to spend time with him, that he makes you happy. it's kinda like you're telling him he's doing a good job at being your boyfriend lol
he's generally pretty reserved about being affectionate towards you but there are certain times when his guard lowers enough that a little of that suppressed tenderness slips out
when he's really tired he always reaches for you, pulling you into his chest and holding you close like you're his personal teddy bear
he blames the fog of tiredness in his brain for the gentle, open-mouthed kisses he trails across your shoulders and the whispered confessions of his adoration of you
and there's something about the simple, domestic sight of you when you're fresh out of the shower and you've slipped on one of his shirts to sleep in at the end of a long day
he can never take his eyes off you in those moments
the quiet mutter of "you look really pretty" might seem like a throw away comment from someone else, but you know George is always sincere in these things and it never fails to warm you through to hear him say it
karl was made for this request oml
physical affection is this man’s bread and butter
every moment he is not either giving or receiving kisses from you is a moment wasted and cuddling is simply his preferred state of being
he just feels so relaxed and content when you’re tangled up together under a blanket in front of the tv
it’s the best part of his day
in fact he barely even thinks about it when you take his hand or peck his cheek etc, it’s just natural
it’s when you’re not touching him that he notices
he gets all pouty and forlorn when you’re not around or you’re denying him kisses for whatever reason
if possible he will simply take matters into his own hands when he feels like he isn’t getting enough cuddles from you (which is all times when you are not currently cuddling him)
he WILL wrap his arms around you at any and every opportunity (threat)
you thought you were busy doing something? sike! you are actually in his arms
the compliments are also pretty much constant
you get told you look pretty every day at least three times
he always notices new clothes or when you try something different with your hair or make up and hypes you up so much
you complimenting him is another story though
he goes so red when you say sweet things to him and hides his face in his hands
baby boy can’t handle it but it’s just the cutest thing to witness so definitely don’t stop
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moemammon · 3 years
Since you're open for requests, how about a MC who cannot die no matter how much you try? The anime my sister was watching yesterday (I think it's Rezero or Re:zero, I'm not sure which one) had a character like this, apparently she comes back out of nowhere each time you kill her, no matter how. It's kinda creepy, but I think a MC like this would be very interesting!
MC Just Can't Be Killed! (Feat. The Demon Bros)
(Took some liberties on this one and tweaked it so MC just conveniently manages to escape with their life-)
He knew something was up the moment you first avoided being killed by Levi-
He thought it was dumb luck and pure chance that you could always talk your way out of things, or how you were always rescued by someone. But then he started getting suspicious.
How can you, a human, possibly survive so long? Not that he’d allow you do die while under his care, but even HE was impressed when you managed to bounce back from being clapped into the shadow realm by Belphie.
And then you just... kept narrowly escaping death. You crawled out of the jaws of Cerberus, completely unscathed. You tripped on a path (with Mammon) and went tumbling down a hill... and off a cliff. Yet when he went to get you, you were fine. You ate Solomon's cooking and lived to tell the tale.
What are you.... he demands answers...
Probably?? Doesn't notice for a REALLY long time how many brushes with death you've had. Literally thinks your survival is all thanks to his great supervision skills.
When in reality, he's sometimes the cause of a few of your mishaps. Like the other day, when he playfully tripped you on your way out, and thought he fucking murdered you.
And the time he let you help him advertise a shady 'youth potion', and a couple of demons thought you were part of a promotional sampling platter.
How you were still in one piece after all of this was beyond him but hey, he's not asking questions! As long as you're alive, Mammon is a-ok!
Though, he seriously wants to know how you survived that thing with Cerberus. Can you give a guy some tips on how to avoid teeth-induced puncture wounds?
What kind of infinity lives glitch are you exploiting and how did you implement it in real life-
Levi knows a hacker when he sees one and he's NOT letting you off the hook. The moment he realizes that you haven't died despite being manhandled in every sense of the word, he's watching you.
But also hella thankful?? He wouldn't know what to do if you ACTUALLY died.
It's probably because you're so amazing that you keep managing to do impossible stuff, huh? As expected of his best friend!
Still lowkey worried though, and tries convincing you that you're less likely to die if you just stay in his room with him all the time.
Inch resting....
Satan would definitely notice right away that you seem practically unkillable, considering how you walked away from every single brother completely unscathed.
You were a human, attending a school for demons, sometimes completely unsupervised, and you were STILL alive?? Yeah, some thorns me not adding up.
He would purposely lead you into dangerous situations, just to watch in awe as you get out of it without so much as a paper cut. Until he starts catching feelings, of course.
As interesting as it is to test out your lucky abilities, the anxiety that swells in Satan's chest when he sees you doing something dangerous is enough to make him want to protect you. Isn't it safer to just sit down and enjoy a good book?
Asmo literally tried putting you in Lucifer's way in the beginning so you'd get hurt, so he definitely notices how not hurt you are after a while.
But now that he loves you, all's well that ends well! He's sooo glad Lucifer didn't tear you apart like he thought he was going to! Mwah mwah, no hard feelings ❤️
Seriously though, how the hell are you managing that?? You keep being tricked into eating things they're poisonous to humans, and the most that happens to you is bad indigestion. And that time Asmo forgot the hot springs were too hot for you? Yeah, somehow you didn't die that time, either.
What were you made out of??? Were you secretly magical like Solomon and didn't tell anyone?? Or maybe you were super lucky???
Does that mean you're especially sturdy? If so, then maybe he could introduce you to a few "activities" that are bound to keep you out of trouble~
What have you been eating that's making you so sturdy?? Actually, what HAVEN'T you eaten at this point..? The fact that you didn't die after eating Solomon's cooking is enough to tell Beel that you might not need his protection.
Though, that doesn't stop him from following you around. Even if you miraculously bounce back every time, he's getting kind of worried for like.. your overall health?
At this point he's tempted to just zip you up in his jacket to keep you safe. You're like a danger magnet and it's giving him anxiety.
He doesn't mind your adventurous side, but can't you slow down a little? At least make sure he's with you when you decide to do something risky.
If he feeds you enough, you'll get tired and just want to rest. That'll keep you out of trouble. So get ready, because Beel's bringing over a ton of desserts from Madame Scream's.
Yeah uhhhhh he was fucking SHOOK when you came back from the dead after he clearly sent you to heaven with his bare hands??
So yeah. He's convinced you're unkillable for now. But as curious as he is to test those limits, he's realized that you're off limits as far as killing goes. And he might.. like you a little too much to try anything.
Just kidding. He makes it known that he likes you, and once you're comfortable with it, he'll make jokes about how you're immortal. Maybe you're a demon in disguise? Or an angel even?
Doesn't make it known, but he quietly watches over you to make sure you don't kill yourself through one of the millions of ways to die that the Devildom offers for free. Might not be the best bodyguard since he falls asleep all the time, but he's doing his best.
You know what would really keep you out of trouble? Napping with him. So every time you even think about something risky, he's dragging you off to the attic for some quality z's.
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alycosworld · 3 years
guess who🤡 heyhey 💕 here. I’m pretty sure by this 2nd request u can tell that I’m a very emotional person🧍🏻‍♀️ and that I’m a person that seeks alot of comfort from fictional characters because i dont have a life and good friends.
putting a divider here so u dont have to read everything and can look out for keywords!
purple—> person
I’m not sure if u r comfy writing kazuha so if yr not I’m sorry u can ignore this! i just want a fluff comfort for reader who got like REALLY scolded for getting bad grades for exams because u have no idea how angsty I’m feeling rn:( my parents just literally like scolded me like there was no tmr istg- so i just need really fluff comfort. so a kazuha x NB(non bibary)!reader
Anyways again tysm u have no idea how grateful i am if you accept my request!!!<3 get lots of rest and drink water. only do this if you want to!
Kazuha's Wise and Whimsical Words
Kaedehara Kazuha X Reader
A/N: aaaa 💕anon ily!! being emotional is completely fine and I would be honoured to become of your good friends!! I will be a part of your life, private message me if you're ever feeling down! I just want my readers happy because they make me happy aaaaaa 🥺
with that being said, i love this request! My parents were so hard on me when it came to exams, but as soon as I broke away from their expectations, I started to appreciate my grades more. I'll leave the real comforting words for Kazuha to say but NO ONE SHOULD EVER be disappointed in yourself if you tried your best. Thank you for your support and the request, I hope the story makes you feel better. Enjoy!
ps: I took into account the fact that not everyone has a mother and a father and not everyone has two parents at all, so only one parent is mentioned here and they are left gender neutral so it's easier to picture yourself in the story.
"(Y/N). This is not at all what I expected. What happened to you?" Your parent asked sternly.
"Well, I--"
"I don't want to hear any excuses. Your predicted grades were much higher than this!" They said, raising their voice.
"I'm sorry, I--"
"Sorry is not going to improve your results! Do you really think that now is a good time to be slacking off? You have one more exam period before university. I don't care if you pass those exams, I want you to excel. And if you don't, you are not attending Sumeru Academia, whether they accept you or not. I am not paying for you to study overseas, only for you to get mediocre grades." They said, making you even more anxious than before the exam.
"But I got above the average!"
"By two percent! And the average was low." Your parent said, narrowing their eyes slightly and upsetting you with their belittling gaze.
"Realistically? Realistically?! If you want to study realistically, you should find someone else to pay for your education. When you want to study successfully, you can come back." They slammed the stack of sheets that displayed your results on the table with a loud bang before folding their arms as you grabbed a jacket and stormed out of the house, tears running down your face.
You walked for a while in the night, before eventually finding yourself in an area you were less familiar with. After recognising it to be somewhere near your boyfriend's current residence off Beidou's ship, you made a beeline for his place, knocking on the door and hoping, praying he would be alone inside.
The door soon opened and Kazuha stood there, initially with a smile on his face but it soon dropped when he saw your expression.
"(Y/N)? What happened?" He asked.
"C-can I come inside?" You sniffled.
"Of course, Love. Come in." He said, ushering you into his quaint little place. You stood by the door that closed behind you before Kazuha pushed the coat you had lazily draped over your shoulder onto the floor and enveloped you in his arms.
You broke down in his embrace. You had done better than most of your fellow students, and frankly, you were kind of proud of your result. But it was foolish of you to think that your parent would accept anything but perfection. They said it was all for you, but you were doubting it. Did you even want to go to Sumeru Academia? You had had your heart set on it since you were a child, but maybe that was only because your folks always envisioned you going there.
"Why are you crying, my love?" Kazuha asked, sitting you down near the fire to warm you up and standing up to get you a blanket and a hot cup of tea.
"I'm not good enough." You mumbled. If it was anyone else, they wouldn't have heard you. But your boyfriend could listen to the wind "talk" - he was very attuned to quiet and subtle noises.
"Nonsense." He smiled, bringing you the blanket as you listened to the water boil in the background.
"You're more than good enough. Everyone who knows you adores you - no one more than me, of course." Kazuha chuckled, eventually setting down two cups of tea and sitting in front of you on the floor.
"Public opinion won't improve my grades." You said, now more stoic than upset. You had almost become numb and desensitised to degrading comments that after you cried a little and calmed down, you'd be straight-faced and almost emotionless. It didn't feel good, but it was certainly better than feeling bad.
"So this is about school." Kazuha nodded, gesturing for you to continue explaining why had happened.
"They keep talking about my grades. They said I shouldn't be slacking and that I'm not going to get to Sumeru Academia and that they want me to do better...maybe I'm interpreting it wrong. Maybe they're trying to encourage me?" You wondered aloud, thinking that somehow you were the problem. As soon as you said "they", Kazuha knew who you are referring to and sighed.
"Encouragement and doubt are two very different things. Unrealistic expectations, detrimental practices, emotionally, mentally or physically taxing improvement - none of that is going to help you. In fact, it'll make you feel worse. When you really think about what you have to do to achieve perfection, you'll only realise how unattainable it is. You'll fall into a perpetual spiral of intellectual destruction." Kazuha said.
"Then how the hell am I gonna get the best results?" You asked worriedly.
"You won't. No one will ever get the best results because more people and more previously unforeseen factors will come into play. What you can achieve is your best results. Your grades are a product of you, not the other way around. They are no measure of your worth, they cannot define you, and they do not have to be a part of you. If you don't ace one subject, you don't have to hang on to that or turn it into some strange part of you. You can't cling to it, it's impossible to cling to a piece of the past forever. That's not to say you don't learn from it, but it doesn't need to become some villainous trait - in the end, it is only a grade." Kazuha shield at you. His words warmed your heart more than the fire or tea, and they even seemed to dry your tears and allow you to mirror his expression.
"And at the very least, you can hold your head high knowing that you had the strength to participate in an exam when not everyone does. You went in, sat through it, attempted the questions and walked out. Not everyone has the courage to stay; some don't even have the courage to start. That goes for any endeavour you face." Kazuha said, before inching closer to you.
"Feeling any better?" He asked. You nodded instantly. Of course, Kazuha's wise and whimsical words had bettered your mood, it was Kazuha for Archon's sake.
"Good. Maybe we could go for an evening stroll? I'll treat you to dinner if you haven't eaten." He offered.
"Can...can we just stay like this for a little longer? I think being alone with you is nicer." You smiled.
"Of course, Angel. Anything you want."
this was less physical fluff than I intended, but I think I do comfort with direct words and dialogue best, so I hope this is okay. honestly, everything kasha said is what I would've wished to hear when I was in this situation. I'll probably post a rant about my own exam experiences because this request got all my past feelings to resurface.
thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
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angelkurenai · 4 years
Long overdue - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Title: Long overdue
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: None
Prompt: Could you please do a Bucky and y/n where she is shy but is really close to Steve and Bucky thanks their dating and he gets jealous because he loves her but they don’t really talk that much? Love your work
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“Still not ready to retire old man?” you smiled, teasingly when the blonde looked at you over his shoulder, but always with a warmth in your eyes that only longtime friends, family, at this point could have. Especially after everything you've all been through.
“What did you just call me, right now?” he narrowed his eyes at you, a lightness and easiness in both his movement and voice, as you couldn't see much of his face at that moment. Granted there was still some heaviness in the atmosphere whenever silence followed, and his moves if one was to pay close attention could notice were short and stiff. And you do notice it.
But who could blame him? Things are better than what they've been five years ago but still, that doesn't mean good. Not when people were still lost in the battle, important ones. Also family.
It's as good as it can get for now at least, and to have your best friend alive and here with you is really the second best thing at the moment. So you can't nor will complain.
“Am pretty sure you heard me. Just as I am sure that if I looked close enough, I could spot a white strand of hair here and there.” you smirked when his eyes widened “But that's not the point here. What I mean is, it's been a good couple months since you gave up that shield, and yet you're still somehow around. Changed your mind, maybe you need a new one? I saw one the other day when I was in town, I think it would suit you.”
“I'm just taking my time, it's not that easy to find an apartment in Brooklyn. You know that.” he turned to fully face you, a frown on his face but it was anything but serious as he crossed his arms over his chest “Besides, weren't you the one that said I should take as much time as I need and that this will always be my home? What happened now? Can't wait to get rid of me?”
“Oh you figured it out, at last.” you played along, letting out a long sigh of relief “Yeah, I'm so sick and tired of seeing that perfectly handsome face all the time. Distracting, taunting and at the same time reminding me of the 20 skincare products I have to use yet again tonight, to look even remotely human.”
A deep chuckle escaped his lips, the easy smile managing to warm you deep to your heart, just as much as his arms did the moment they wrapped around you "If that is to say you look like an angel otherwise, then yes I will accept it.”
“Yeah, particularly the one that rules hell.” you chuckled.
“Why do I even try to say anything nice for you in the first place?” he laughed, shaking his head.
You giggled, wrapping your arms around him as well, trying to find some comfort in your friend- in your family, before you inevitably had to throw yourself into this new world without him. The new age of heroes where many things had changed and in which you wouldn't have someone to turn to any given moment, as easily as it was with Steve. Steve had always been that important. There still was one, much more important of course, but that treacherous heart of yours made it impossible for you to even remotely think you could be so open with him as with Steve. Not without turning every shade of red there was, anyway. “In any case-” you cleared your throat “I could still get you that shield and you can be back on the business in no time. With a new title, of course, but still doing the job... which involves making me breakfast and dinner when I'm too tired. I mean, now that I think about it, you can still keep up that job even if you don't wanna be out on the field.”
“Ah so I do see why you want me to stay after all.” he nodded his head “By the way, what kind of shield are we talking about?”
“Oh it's a special one. I think it was based off a movie? You know how they are with superhero movies lately. And given how bright pink it was I'm guessing Captain Barbie or someth-” but you didn't even get to complete your sentence when a yelp left your lips and soon laughter followed. His fingers moved swiftly as he tickled your sides but you were faster at swatting his hands away.
“Fine, fine. Not a fan of cinema, I see.” you shook your head with a sigh.
“Yeah, forgive me, but we all have flaws. Even me. Is that the real reason why you want me out of here as soon as possible, maybe?” he raised an eyebrow.
“You've got me. Deep down I cannot stand the fact.” you shrugged innocently, but the smile on your lips betraying what you felt.
“Man, I feel the love. You all are glad I came back alive from returning the stones I see.” he said only as a joke, focusing back to gathering the papers filled with older drawings that he had on his table.
“... I am glad you are still here, though, Steve.” you said softly and he looked over his shoulder at you again. This time he didn't just pause, he let go of the papers and turned to face you.
“Where else would I be?” this time a frown set on his face, more serious than any other you'd seen on his face so far, because he understood what your words meant “This is where my family is.”
“Well, yeah, but I mean-” you bit the inside of your cheek and shrugged “There still were more options. More than you had before.”
“More options, yes. A need for a choice? No. I'm good, more than good. And I wouldn't change a thing about what I have here...” he shrugged softly, looking at you carefully almost with calculating eyes before he started speaking again “I mean, save for one thing I suppose. There is always-”
“Don't. Don't you even-” you gave him a sharp look, fast enough to cut him off “Not unless you want me to kick your ass out of here, right now.” you shook your head, lowering your voice “We agreed we wouldn't talk about it. You promised me you wouldn't bring it up again, Steve. You promised.”
You adored your best friend, you honestly did, but moments like this you really wished you had not told him a single word. Not that he wouldn't have figured it out by himself. He was a persistent man, standing by his opinion no matter what. And this time, seeing as he was somehow convinced your feelings could be reciprocated, he did everything in his power to convince you to act on them. He was the only one that knew the truth and you didn't really know if it was a blessing to have someone to talk to about it or a nightmare with how he acted.
“I try but it is too hard seeing how idiotic the two people closest to me can be.” he crossed his arms over his chest, making you frown for a moment in confusion “And I'm still having a hard time understanding why. I get that you have trouble opening up to people, more than just get it. I know how it is. I'm not the most open person exactly, either, and the thought of getting attached to someone is terrifying given the job we do. But it's not just someone, someone random, we're talking about here. There is nothing to be shy abo-”
“I'm not shy about a damn thing, Steve, stop saying that.” you huffed, giving him a hard look “I'm a grown-ass woman who has saved your ass and the world at the same time, more times than I can count. I'm not some schoolgirl to be shy or crushing or daydreaming or whatever word you wanna use again about- about me and you-kow-who.” the fact that you couldn't even say your name for fear of him somehow being around and hearing did make you look no more mature than a schoolgirl.
“All I'm saying is that if you opened up more, you may be surprised in ways that you couldn't even imagine.”
“Oh like him telling me he feels the same? Well, let's see: you are his best friend, practically his brother. He confides in you, trusts you with his life and everything important to him. Has he told you he sees me as anything more than a friend?”
“Well, he-” he paused “No, not really. He doesn't seem to want to talk much about it... you, with me. Like when I bring you up he gets too stiff but I- I see the way he looks at you! He may not admit it-”
“Because there is probably nothing to admit! It's all in your mind and I can't get my hopes up over just a feeling, Steve.”
“Look, all I'm saying is-” he sighed, shaking his head “All this- All this waiting, and pining because you know that's what this is-” he pointed a finger at you before you could get to retort “You know that's exactly what this is! Waiting and hoping it- it goes away somehow? That your feelings for him are something that will just pass like a scratch on knee, or that you'll cover it up and it will be like they don't exist? This is not how it works. You have to try your chance because if you don't then you'll only live to regret it, and I know you will the same I know it's not something that goes away. He may not see it, but I do. And the way you look at Buc-” he stopped himself when your eyes widened, he sighed instead and raised his arms in surrender “The way you look at him, the way you care and-” he stopped himself, shaking his head before slowly approaching you again.
“For god's sake, the way you love, (Y/n), that is not something that can easily be found. This love that you have in you, this big heart that you are so willing to give without a second thought, the care and selfless devotion is- it's one of a kind.” he slowly wrapped his arms around you, looking you carefully in the eyes “You are one of a kind. And anyone that has even part of your love should thank his lucky stars because it is a blessing to be loved by a woman like you. Waiting is one thing, but to be loved like this and not know it, it would be the biggest tragedy in one's life, (Y/n).”
You knew he was only saying everything because he wanted to help you out, to give you a push as gentle as possible towards the right direction. How right was it for you to confess to his best friend that you've always had feelings for him for so long and possible ruin the dynamics and relation you'd built with all of them (besides making a terrible fool of yourself), you didn't know. You were scared to even think of telling him the truth when you could barely utter a few words in his presence because of that treacherous heart of yours that jumped around like crazy whenever he was near.
“Says the world's leading authority on waiting too long.” you mumbled as a weak excuse, knowing he was right, and let your head rest on his chest as he tightened the hold around your waist.
“Yeah, well, speaking from experience I suppose.” he kissed the top of your head “I just want you to be happy, you know how important you are to me. And I would hate to-”
He didn't, however, get to finish his sentence when another voice was heard “Hey, Steve, you done with those-” but his words were also cut off as he breathed a low, gruff “Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.”
“Wha- No, hey, Buck. Not interrupting.” Steve gave his friend a soft smile, pulling away from you and giving you a chance to take a goo look at his friend, and a good look you did take “Just having a word here with (Y/n). Sorry to keep you guys waiting.”
“No I uh should've thought so. Judging from the heartfelt words and all that. I shouldn't have assumed you were talking to yourself, I suppose.” he was mostly speaking to Steve but his eyes were mostly on you, a soft smile on his lips though it didn't reflect on his eyes at all. After barely half a beat, he spoke to you “Hey (Y/n). How you've been?”
“Hello Bucky.” you smiled as well, your throat closing up “Good, you?” you asked and he gave you a soft nod, without taking his eyes off you. Not that you did either. How could you?
Even if somebody were to warn you about it, it would never be able enough to prepare you for what you were seeing. You always knew and would easily admit that the man was good-looking, but this- this even more attractive than you could even imagine. You had seen photos of him back in the days, with his hair shorter and his face on full display, but to see him in person was a whole other thing. It took your breath away to have his eyes fully on you and not for a second hidden. It felt like his whole face was more open, even though his features were still somewhat clouded; the weight on his shoulders wouldn't go away anytime soon that was for sure. But to be able to be like the man he was back then was more than in looks, he could slowly feel like him again.
“Because that would have made so much sense now, wouldn't it?” Steve spoke up.
“Probably. I don't know, I just heard the last sentence anyway, so-” he shrugged, his eyes only stealing a glimpse at you before looking away in what seemed like guilt which you could not understand “Apologies about that. If you guys wanna stay alone some more, I can go by the car and wa-”
“Nah we're good here, all that lady's been doing is distract me anyway.” Steve shot you a playful look “Maybe you can help me out here a bit. I'll take this bag to the car and (Y/n) can tell what else we need from the desk.”
“Alright, I-” Bucky hesitated only for a second, his eyebrows pulling into a frown when Steve all-too-eagerly grabbed his only full bag of clothes and left his room, all excited to leave you alone with Bucky and you would have glared at him if you didn't feel terrified “There he goes.” Bucky sighed before turning to you with a soft smile “Ok, so is there anything you need help with?”
“I uh ye-yeah. Steve was gonna gather his drawings next so given they're important we could... do that.” you breathed out a little hastily but also in a low voice as you rushed to get to the desk. Bucky didn't say a word himself, only letting the tense silence hang in the air; while you struggled on the inside to come up with something good enough. It wasn't just that you were shy or quiet, you were always so unsure of what was best to say to the man, fearing you'd mess it up or make a fool of yourself.
“He's got plenty of these, must have felt really inspired hm?” Bucky spoke in a soft voice, looking over at the drawings Steve had done of you. You got distracted for a moment, taking the warmth in his eyes and the smile that look bittersweet if not sad on his face.
“Uh yeah.” you cleared your throat “It was around the time I was trying to get him back to drawing after I found his art. I was a bit shy about it at first but I suppose they're good.”
“His art always was, he's got a way of bringing things to life, capturing things in a different way but this-” he pause, looking up to meet your eyes, locking them in a look that only made your knees weak if the small distance hadn't already “It would never even compare to the real thing. That is one of a kind. You've always been anyway, I don't think there is a single person that knows you and could deny that.”
“I- I'm not that special.” you could feel the heat rise up on your cheeks and forced yourself to look down.
“I didn't just say special. I said one of a kind, unique. As is... everything about you. But then again, Steve has always been lucky without even knowing it.”
Glancing at him you did notice the honesty in his eyes, the warmth that almost reached out to you like that of the sun. If it weren't for his words that had your heart hammering in your chest, you would have paid more attention to the way his smile didn't really reach his eyes or the longing with which he looked at you.
“I suppose.” you mumbled, though you couldn't understand the meaning behind his last sentence. Letting the silence fill the room again you desperately searched for something else to say. You didn't speak much with Bucky but you wanted – despite your fear – to be the one to keep the conversation going because the truth was you loved talking with him “You look good, you got a haircut.”
Well, when you weren't making a fool of yourself that is.
Bucky paused for a moment, looking at you and you really braced yourself for him to laugh at you and call you out on what a stupid thing that was to say. But instead all you got a smile that you would be damned if it wasn't shy. It was almost too sweet for your heart to take, and the way he ducked his head as if some bashful... schoolboy (you almost laughed at the word that came up in your mind) had your breath getting caught up in your throat once more. You had never seen this side of Bucky. Never.
“Yeah I uh-” he smiled, fully smiled, and your own heart jumped to your throat “I thought that maybe it was time for a change. I didn't know if I could pull it off again after all these years but I-”
“No” you whispered “No, you're- you look great, really, Buck.” you confessed softly and his smile only got bigger “Not that you didn't before, don't get me wrong. You just look like you did back in the days. I- I saw a couple photos of you and Steve, and it's- it's good. Real good.” you gave him a small nod, which he return.
The smile stayed on his lips as he admitted “Yeah, truth is Steve was the one that insisted on it for some reason.” some reason, yeah, more like you saying how good Bucky looked with short hair better yet.
“Well, I'm glad you took that choice. It does look great. And... not that I think you had any trouble before, but now you'll have all the ladies swooning over you, you will barely have time for us.”
“That would never happen, never. I would never put anyone else before you.” he spoke with so much sincerity that you had to look away for a second because of the intensity “Besides-” he cleared his throat “Looking forward to go on double dates or something? I figured you and Steve wouldn't have time for us.”
“Steve, probably, he's got a lot on his plate now. But what do I have to do with any of it?”
“I just-” he shrugged softly, frowning “I figured that moving in a new place is... a lot.”
“It is... hence Steve having a lot on his plate. I still don't get what I have to do with that? I mean, sure, I'm his best pal besides you and Sam, but it's not like I'm moving in with him or anything.” you shrugged with an smile, focusing for a few moments on the drawings before you.
“Oh I thought-” he paused, nodding his head before he let out a soft breath “Well, I suppose I was just assuming. It's not like... this changes anything, right?” his words were so hesitant that it confused for a second.
“...No? Why would it? Steve is still Steve. Things are and will continue to be the way they've always been.”
“I mean-” he cleared his throat again, shifting in his place “You two are good right? Like, together and all that, you're good?”
“Just like we've always been, Buck, I don't understand why you're asking this. Honestly... Is there something not right with you, maybe?” you asked softly, trying to meet his eyes even though he avoided it.
“No, why would there be?” he swallowed thickly, nodding to himself “And besides, I should've thought so.” he offered you a smile, albeit weak “He wouldn't have given up a chance with... A chance to the life he would've had for something that's not important. As far as that is concerned, I don't blame him. I would do the same.”
“You... you mean Peggy, don't you?”
“I-” he shrugged softly “I didn't really wanna mention her in case... Well, he did leave her for you. He stayed here, didn't go back to live his life with her. Which, again, is the right choice. To tell you the truth, I feared for a moment that we wouldn't see him come back from that time travel unless he was graying and old.” feared, and that terrible part of himself that was too selfish, hoped he would stay back in time to have his life with Peggy so that Bucky could maybe get a chance with you in case-
“But he did come back.” you whispered “And he did it for all of us, there's no reason to give me all the credit, Bucky.”
“I mean, you're still the main reason. And as I said, he did make the right choice. Hell, I know that if he had even so considered staying back there, I would have kicked his ass for it. But I guess I'm more than glad you two are so good like this, that I didn't need to.” liar, he knew he was such a big liar for saying all of it.
“Main reason, yeah sure.” you breathed out a laugh, feeling proud with yourself for how casual you sounded “Just say what's on your mind, Buck. Steve's so tired of my single sorry ass that he had to stay here to make sure I don't end up being a crazy cat lady. I mean can I blame him? No. I can't even tell the guy I... the guy I like how I feel about him.” you shrugged, not meeting his eyes.
You were saying things you never thought you would, but feeling bold maybe you would slowly get somewhere in the end “I'm sure Steve's just gonna snap one of these days and tell him 'She likes you you idiot, for fuck's sake do something cause I'm sick and tired listening to her talk about you non-stop.' and I'm not even joking. That will be it, word for word. So-” you let out a low laugh “I better hold him back huh?”
“What?” you did expect to see such a dark and serious look to meet you when you finally looked at him “What did you just say (Y/n)?”
“That... you know, with me being single all this time, Steve might try to set me up with- I'm sorry.” you shook your head “Did I say something wrong? Was it something that I-”
“You're... what?” his voice was so gruff that you felt even more worried.
But before you could voice your concerns, your best friend was walking inside the room again “Sorry for the delay, though I suppose you guys barely noticed my-” but he stopped himself when he was met with the hardest glare you had seen Bucky give his friend “Uh is everything alright?”
“We'll see about that.” his voice was deep “Come on. You. Me. Talk. You have lots explaining to do.” he took a deep breath, looking at you for a few too long seconds too many emotions on his face for you to tell apart, before looking back at his friend “And it's been long overdue.”
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tojisun · 3 years
Thank you for blessing us with this🙇🏻‍♀️. Following your blog and your journey is definitely worth it. I had so much reflections I’m sorry. You dont have to read this, I just wanted to let this all out because I have to move on. I cant be in an extremely horny state but come back to HWB to cry myself to sleep instead. I have to give your other works some love too!
I was always searching for the angst. I wanted to get revenge. It wasn’t fair that Y/N had to go through massive shits before finding Satoru. Not when Toji is making memories with his wife as if he didn’t ruin a life.
I wanted Toji to hurt. I want him to realize that he made a the wrong decision.
But when I read the part 3 I was stunned.
They were all victims of fate.
None of them wanted to hurt anyone. Mamaguro never wanted to ruin Toji’s current relationship. I wasn’t being fair when I didn’t want her and Toji to end up together. She just wanted her family.
Toji was a lost and misguided boy who grew up and found comfort in Mamaguro. He didn’t want to hurt Y/N but he didn’t know what to do. When Mamaguro left he was constantly searching for the same comfort (probably a maternal comfort) and he found a piece of that in Y/N but the problem is she was Y/N and he haven’t moved on.
Y/N was an angel who loved the wrong guy a little too much. But didn’t we all. Toji was her awakening that not every relationship is rainbows and butterflies. Relationship hurts. Love hurts. Love demanded pain and pain demanded to be felt. It’s not love if you didn’t get hurt. But with Satoru. Satoru was her great love. She loved Satoru with the lessons that she learned with her relationship with Toji.
Satoru is a knight. If Y/N is Toji’s anchor, Satoru is Y/N’s Y/N (i hope u got that) he was Y/N’s star who lit up her dark world little by little, piece by piece.
I think the whole HWB is beautiful. People think love is like being in cloud nine but HWB brought the real world. The real harsh world. The ending ended my search for angst. It woke me up and made me realize that this is what actually happens. Sometimes the best and only thing you can do is wish them well and move on.
[how we break masterlist]
I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY, GENUINELY JUST TEARING UP AT SUCH KIND WORDS, 🍪-ANON! it’s all bits exciting and warming and heart-filling to receive such support!
(i still cannot stop laughing at the horny part. please, it’s making me giggle nonstop.)
and yes to everything!
mamaguro and toji’s relationship was steadfast and strong. it wasn’t meant to stay with them broken apart. it is painful for the reader to have toji leave her, yes, but it never was what toji needed. and it was unfair to reader for her to stay as a rebound.
while toji was with the reader, he was healed from mamaguro’s absence, yes, but he was not whole. and he would never be. so when she came back, he was pieced back up in her hands. and it had to happen by leaving the reader.
as for the reader, toji was when she realized that hard work and pure love alone doesn’t always mean happiness. that sometimes, her love is not enough or that it is not what’s meant to be. and it’s a painful realization, but pain has always been a great teacher for many.
satoru’s character in hwb is someone i really love. i don’t think he is a knight, per se, but he is a boulder. a wall. an anchor, just like you said! unlike a knight, satoru really wasn’t the one who saved the reader from her pain, he was just there to help her through it. and there’s nothing less about that!
the person who saved the reader from her pain was herself! she didn’t rely on satoru because she was not going to do the same mistake that toji had done with her, and that was to find healing from someone else.
which is why satoru was patient despite his friends’ remarks! he knew the reader’s intentions and deeply loved and cherished her for that. as satoru doesn’t know how to truly love, to see his first love protect him that way made him love her more.
thus, satoru is yn’s yn indeed! he was her anchor because he steadied her and helped her, silent and just being there as she found herself through her own will.
im so thankful for your support and love and kind words. this made me so so happy and just warmed me so much i’m like hiccuping from happy tears dhwkdjek take care 🍪-anon <333
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atruththatyoudeny · 3 years
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Happy 28th! A new month - so new fics for you to find and enjoy! I can’t say it enough: all the authors in this fandom are truly amazing! Thank you so much for continuously sharing your hard work with us ♥ Here are the 14 fics I read and enjoyed this month:
A Hungry Heart | jacaranda_bloom | Great British Bake Off AU - famous/not famous - cliches - pining - angst - smut - 27k Harry Styles, florist and Great British Bake Off contestant, loves many things. He loves his flower shop, he loves baking, and there’s also that little crush he has on pop star Louis Tomlinson. But when Louis arrives on set as the surprise guest judge, Harry’s worlds collide. Throw in a cup of cuteness, a teaspoon of teasing, and a pinch of pining, and there’s all the ingredients for an epic love story, or absolute chaos. Or the one where the Bake Off tent has never been so hot, and it’s got nothing to do with what’s in the ovens.
Teenage Rebellion Never Worked Out So Well | panda_bear21 | arranged marriage - friends to lovers - 55k “I’m an adult!” He glanced down at Harry, who seemed anything but at the moment, where he was definitely on the brink of a temper tantrum. “We’re both adults!” Jay glanced to Anne again, before breathing out a heavy sigh. “Yes, but you’re both adults that do not have jobs and who live off of our money… Which means, you have to do what we say… or you’ll have to find a new place to live.” “You wouldn’t do that.” Louis dared, hoping his glare was enough to guilt trip his mother into calling the whole thing off. Or to tell them that it had all just been a huge joke and they weren’t actually being forced into marrying a complete stranger. “Oh, but we would.” Or the super cliché arranged marriage fic where things escalate way too quickly.
Heartbreak Hotel | noellehenry | time travel - 1950s - historical - pining - 29k British popstar Harry Styles is thrown back in time after an unfortunate accident on stage. He wakes up in a small town in the US in the 1950's, where life is slightly different from 2015. With help from Niall and Liam he tries to adjust to his new life; without mobile phones and a world wide web to keep up with the world and where showing interest in nice cute boys with bright blue eyes is a no-no. Time travel and 1950's AU where Liam is an English teacher, Niall owns the Best Song Ever record shop, James runs Corden's Diner, Elvis fan Louis is the cute boy with the blue eyes and Harry..... just tries to survive really.
Playdate | Larry_you_know | getting together - misunderstandings - kid fic - fluff - 7k When Harry’s sister asked him to pick up her son at a kids' birthday party he sure didn’t expect to be stunned by the blue-eyed brother of the birthday twins. Using his nephew to see Louis again, he falls hard and fast. But how does one turn a playdate into a real date?
tread lightly on my ground | fairytalelights | a/b/o - mpreg - touch-starved - miscommunication - friends to lovers - touch deprivation - smut - 21k No, that's the tragic part of this, the part that makes Harry feel like the universe is playing a cruel joke on him. The father of his baby is exactly right, exactly who he always imagined himself having kids with. He just imagined them married, bonded. Happy. He didn't imagine them barely talking, tip-toeing around each other because neither of them is brave enough to talk about what happened between them. He didn't imagine the father of his child not loving him back. or, the one where Harry is having Louis' baby, but Louis doesn't know it's his.
Not Ready for This | berzerkshires | kid fic - single parents - smut - 18k Prompt for HLSummerFest2021: Louis and Harry are both single fathers and their children decide to go out on a date. The dads insist on meeting one another before they agree to let their child go out on this date.
Secret's Safe With Me | alltheselights | boss/employee relationship - secret relationship - toxic relationship (not h/l) - slow burn - smut - 59k But here’s the thing about secrets that people tend to forget—they’re deeply personal things. Tiny pieces of information about someone that they keep locked inside and only let out at certain moments, or to certain people, or not at all. Secrets have value, you see, even if only to the person holding them inside. If those secrets were to be told, if those tiny jagged pieces of someone, the parts they hold most dear, the parts they hide out of shame or fear or regret—if those pieces were exposed to someone, it would have the potential to change everything. When bad turbulence and three glasses of wine have Louis spilling all of his secrets to the man sitting next to him on the plane, it's embarrassing, sure, but it's also easy enough to shrug off and block out of his memory forever. Or at least, it was until Louis went into work on Monday morning and realized that the man from the plane is the new CEO of his company.
Marks On My Baby | thinlines | a/b/o - college/university - friends to lovers - hurt/comfort - angst - fluff - smut - 32k “What’s that?” Harry hadn’t meant for his voice to sound so sharp and even he winced at his own outburst. It was more of a hiss than an actual question, but for now, he was too surprised to care. “What’s what?” The omega asked, eyebrows raised and lips pinched. Harry knew he was probably mad at him for interrupting his rant, but the alpha was too on edge to bother pleasing the boy. “On your neck… Your bondmark spot…” His voice had grown low and deep, almost a growl. Who knew a single love bite on his omega friend's neck would trigger Harry this much? Certainly not the alpha himself.
Rogue | Laventriloque | a/b/o - werewolves - minor character death - hurt/comfort - past abuse - past rape/non-con - soulmates - smut - 95k “No, Liam! How many times do I have to… before you finally… NO WAY … a rogue in our pack?… cannot trust him … don’t care to know him … have enough members to worry about.” He hears more indistinct shouts before he hears pretty clearly: “His own pack didn’t want him!” Sitting here, his precious bag between his feet and everyone in the room looking at him, some with pity, some with disdain, some with curiosity, Louis feels like someone squeezed his heart in their hands and isn’t letting it go. He wills his head to stay up high and his posture to stay confident. He will not flee the room. He will not let that stupid lump in his throat get the better of him. He will stay here until Liam returns. He will take the rejection in stride and move on. Like he’s been doing all his life." -- Louis is a rogue Omega who's suffered through rejection and abuse for the biggest part of his life. He stumbles onto the Styles pack, quite possibly the kindest one he's ever met.
indian summer | docklands | strangers to lovers - hurt/comfort - banter - smut - 30k Harry runs a smoothie shop, which also happens to be an ever-moving caravan. He spends one week in each location and drives straight to the next, always eager for adventure. It isn't until his van breaks down and he needs to call for a mechanic that he starts to ponder his life choices. Louis, the said mechanic, is an anchor in Harry's wild sea, but his hard metal might be too much for Harry's unpredictable antics.
A Silver Lining In A Storm (You Were Lightning, I Was Born) | FallingLikeThis | arranged marriage - royalty - a/b/o - mpreg - minor character death - murder - non-graphic violence - angst - hurt/comfort - 7k Omega Prince Harry had always known that he was going to have an arranged marriage. But after the death of his first fiancé, a man who turned out far worse than Harry thought possible, his subsequent marriage to the man's brother leaves Harry finding it difficult to trust that everything will work out. Especially considering the only responsibility he’s aware of is to give his husband, the future king, an heir.
A Twist of Fate | myfearlesslou | a/b/o - strangers to lovers - soulmates - angst - 35k Since the moment Harry presented as an omega, all he's ever wanted was to have a baby. Fate had another idea in mind for him. Giving up on trying to conceive, he decides to adopt a new born baby boy. After months of loving and caring for the boy, a strange man comes into his life, taking him by surprise. Not wanting to lose the child he's loved from the moment he laid eyes on him, Harry does whatever he can to keep the boy safe and in his arms. Even if that means following the handsome stranger to a part of the woods he's never seen before.
Trust Me Tonight | 28sunflowers | historical - royalty - regency - arranged marriage - first time - mpreg - pwp - 10k After Harry’s eighteenth birthday, his father calls him into a meeting to say that he is to be married to Prince Louis of France in just over a week. Harry is excited, of course. The arrangement is better than any he could’ve hoped for, with such a young, handsome and kind husband. There is just one issue: Harry doesn’t know what happens on his nuptials, or how to get pregnant to give Louis the heir that he needs.
i got a heart (but i don't got a soul) | tempolarriefics | mythical beings Á creatures - enemies to lovers - childhood friends - famous/not famous - soulmates - angel/demon relationship - demon/human relationship - 19k “We’re soulmates.” Louis’ eyes flick from the tattoo back to Harry’s face, where his eyes are shining with excitement. Louis wonders if he is supposed to feel excited, too. He’s supposed to feel something, surely, besides his usual bitterness for Harry. He thinks back to how Lottie had described meeting Sam, how she had known in her heart that he was meant for her even before he said his phrase. He can’t help but wonder if he would be feeling differently if he hadn’t gone and sold his soul. Or, the one where louis sells his soul before meeting his soulmate, harry is a popstar with a heart of gold, niall is inadvertently responsible for harry's boners, liam is a meddling angel, and zayn is a demon who made a mistake
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caffeinatedseri · 3 years
Murakami and Ranpo
Some minor spoilers ahead for the third BSD LN, The Untold Story of the Founding of the Detective Agency." If you aren't concerned with spoilers, I did my best with summarizing the plot for anyone who hasn't read the novel.
In the third BSD LN, Fukuzawa and Ranpo are tasked with finding the culprit of an ominous death threat at a theatrical play. The threat is written as follows:
“An angel shall bring death, in the truest sense of the word, to the performer. —V.”
This threat fits perfectly with the play, which is a mystery play where each character gets killed by an "angel" who murders. However, the characters don't know if they're being killed by an angel or a regular person, because there's nothing supernatural about their causes of death (getting stabbed by a knife, poison, strangulation, etc.).
Each character was a former angel who had been banished from the celestial world, because they admired humans so much that God turned them into humans. Therefore, the characters in the play believed that an angel was sent after them to punish them for their sins.
This sets up two mysteries for us to follow:
1. The mystery of the real death threat, sent by "V" — who is the culprit behind it, who will they kill, and why?
2. The mystery within the play — is it an angel or real person killing each character, and why?
Paradoxes (and Things That Don't Make Sense)
The play is called, "The Living World is a Dream, the Nocturnal Dream is Reality," which is a quote from the real Edogawa Ranpo's work, but I couldn't find the exact source. The title proposes a paradox: reality is a dream, and dreams are reality.
Several other paradoxes present themselves in the story, but they appear most prominently in Ranpo's big speech where he solves the mystery of the play, and the murder simultaneously:
“The murder and the play’s story are connected on a deep level. This play reversed the tide of the narrative. A group of fallen angels tried to return to the heavens, but the angel of judgment tried to stop them. Meanwhile, the angel’s judgment was but a show, and the supposed victim, a human, faked it. The angel’s and humans’ roles were reversed, switching the judge and the judged. That’s the kind of play this was. "
"...the narrative is in reverse. Our structures have been swapped along with the victim and killer as well. In other words—he isn’t the killer, but a victim."
This reveal subverts the original expectation that the plot would follow two separate mysteries. Instead, the lines are blurred between reality and fiction, killer and killed, and dreams and reality because now the two mysteries are intertwined.
I think this part of the story is deliberately written to be confusing (or at least not very clearly explained) as to fit in with the themes found in Murakami's writing.
Who is Murakami?
Haruki Murakami is a famous Japanese author, and you may have read some of his famous works, "Norwegian Wood" and "Kafka on the Shore."
Since this is Bungou (Literary) Stray Dogs, Murakami makes an appearance in this light novel as the main actor of the play.
Before I go on to explain Murakami's role in the novel, I'll give a brief background on his real counterpart and explain how the theatrical play in the novel reflects the real Murakami's work.
Murakami writes in the genre of "magical realism", where the lines between fantasy and reality are blurred as magical elements are seamlessly incorporated into the story. I'll be using "Kafka on the Shore" as the main example for this point, since it's a great example of Murakami's expertise in magical realism.
In "Kafka on the Shore," there are 2 interrelated plot lines, alternating with each chapter, similar to the 2 supposed mysteries outlined at the beginning of the novel.
Like its moniker, "Kafka on the Shore" resembles a "Kafkaesque" style of writing due to its surreal elements that are bizarre and illogical in the rules of reality.
In an interview about this novel, Murakami said:
"Kafka on the Shore contains several riddles, but there aren't any solutions provided. Instead, several of these riddles combine, and through their interaction the possibility of a solution takes shape. And the form this solution takes will be different for each reader. To put it another way, the riddles function as part of the solution. It's hard to explain, but that's the kind of novel I set out to write."
The Outcome of the Play
In theme with Murakami's bizarre, magical-realism writings, several illogical events take place within the span of the LN:
1. Before the play even starts, Murakami (the character) and the rest of the cast completely disregard the death threat. Even though the logical and safe solution would be to reschedule the play, it is a very literal representation of "the play must go on" mindset.
2. Murakami gets stabbed mid-sentence, on stage by a white blade that magically disappears.
3. Murakami bleeds real blood and has no pulse, which would signify his death, but he doesn't actually die.
Despite all this, Ranpo is extremely good at observing various elements of a situation and putting them together to form a solution, much like how the interactions of "Kafka on the Shore"'s riddles form their own solution.
Ranpo appears on stage and makes an Oscar-worthy performance out of his announcement that reveals Murakami to be the culprit behind his own death. It doesn't make much logical sense that Murakami would fake his own death for a performance, but rather it's an action motivated by pure passion.
“I…,” muttered Murakami in almost a whisper. He raised his voice and continued, “I am an actor! I become someone I am not and live a life that doesn’t exist! My job is to expose what it means to be human! It doesn’t matter if I play the lead part or a minor part. It doesn’t matter if I am a villain or hero. I become them with every part of my body! There is no other job for me! This is the only way I can live!”
And here, Murakami reveals the final paradox of the play:
"But there is one thing that cannot be avoided while acting on the stage of life, and that is death! Death is not the opposite of life; it is life’s symbol and banner. However, it also provides a great paradox! Nobody alive has ever experienced it! That’s why to me, the greatest job of all would be performing the death of a person. Not death as a device or a mere convention, but real death that I could convey to the audience. That was the pinnacle of theatrical performance to me. And this is the outcome of my toil."
Murakami eventually gets arrested for the fake death threat and deceiving the police, among other things. The most notable moment after this comes in Ranpo's dialogue to Murakami:
“I thought you were amazing,” Ranpo suddenly said from behind as Murakami was being taken away. “I didn’t quite understand all of it myself, but I don’t think it’s something that just anyone could do. By the way, take a look at the audience. Look at their faces.”
1. Ranpo sees Murakami's act as something admirable, most likely because Ranpo appreciates a good mystery and had fun solving it.
2. Ranpo tells Murakami to look at the audience, to which he turns around and sees the faces of a broken audience who came to watch a play and instead witnessed a real not-so-real murder.
“You said your job was entertainment, right? But could you really call it that…when you look at their expressions?” For the first time, Murakami’s eyes showed a sign of weakness. “…I see.” A small voice, unlike what one would expect from a stage actor with a powerful voice, fell from the stage. “I was…only performing for myself.”
Murakami realizes that he traumatized his entire audience on his quest to reach the "pinnacle of theatrical performance." In his small world that consisted of just the stage, he failed to see the outside world and forgot to consider how his actions would impact others. It's also important to mention that it was Ranpo specifically who pointed it out to him.
The focus on the audience mirrors Fukuzawa's thoughts when Ranpo was giving his big speech before Murakami appeared on the stage:
Fukuzawa was at his wits’ end. From the playgoers’ point of view, the fact that people knew there was going to be a murder beforehand completely changed their view of the situation. Was it really okay to tell them that? But Ranpo showed no concern for the audience’s worries.
Ranpo, throughout the entire novel, is portrayed as this extraordinarily ordinary kid who means well but simply doesn't understand what others are thinking. He was taught that he wasn't special, but this only isolated him into his own tiny world, because the outside world was filled with things he didn't understand.
This leads to him upsetting a bunch of people by blatantly calling out things about them that shouldn't be called out, like the theater's owner Ms. Egawa, and even Fukuzawa at one point.
However, this moment when he calls out Murakami is pivotal because it shows how he's grown from this event. He's learned to be considerate of others. He's seen how he can upset other people with the things he says, and he's learned from that enough to show another person who's trapped in their own individual world.
Although Ranpo is depicted to be somewhat self-centered throughout this novel and even after it, Fukuzawa taught him that he isn't alone in this world. Because Fukuzawa showed compassion to Ranpo, a special fifteen-year-old kid who didn't know better in a world of monsters, Ranpo learned how to exist in a world where he was different from everyone else, and that was okay.
Thank you for reading! If you haven't read this LN yet, I would still highly recommend it because I didn't cover the entirety of the mystery, and it's a wonderful read to understand more about Ranpo and Fukuzawa's backstory.
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natsukitakama · 4 years
Celebrating valentine’s day with the chaotic trio (Itadori, Gojo and Megumi)
Author note : today is very special day. I don’t know if you’re currently dating someone, or if you’re single (welcome please have a sit) I want you to do all the things you love. Don’t be sad because today you’re not dating someone, be proud because you are you, you’re alive and I’m so proud of you. My words won’t probably be enough I’m sending you all the love you might need because you deserve this. 
I hope you’ll enjoy this, I realize that in my previous headcanon about JJK I haven’t include any women which is a shame. I’m not confident enough to write about a lot of character : but I’m trying, I’ve started to read the manga in addition with watching the anime. Let me know if you enjoy it. 
i promise you I'll write for more characters in JJK
Warning : none it’s short I'm sorry 
i do not own those gifs credit to their owner (Itadori’s one come from tenor ) 
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Itadori Yuuji 
I love him, I really do he is a sweetheart, an angel whatever but he is a mess. 
Seriously it’s canon that he never dates anyone is in his live. How the hell did he manage to have you by side is a mystery. 
He is not complete idiot though. He knows what Valentine’s day is, but he never celebrates it, and has never met someone who celebrates it. So he is kinda confused about what he is supposed to do : a date ? Yes but it has to be special right ? Do you expect him to be super creative or just being himself ? Do you expect an expansive gift or something meanful ? 
He was confused and let’s be honest he was a bit anxious about it. Cause he loves you and he wants you to feel love and honored. 
Let’s be real Sukuna gives him the worst idea (because he just enjoys seeing him struggling what a meanie) 
He tried to ask his sensei because Gojo is his sensei so he had to know everything … right ? 
He gave up because he was talking about spicy things which makes no sense in his mind 
He wanted to talk with Megumi but then he remembers that he is not good with people so he is probably not dating someone 
So he went to see Nobura. 
Go to see Nobura when you needs idea seriously 
She gave him so many idea he had to take notes, she gave him so many advice too like about gift he needs to try something meanful instead of expensive gift. A lovely day would be nice too. As long as he spent the day with you, you’ll be fine 
So he planned something simple and yet cute, he finds some cute little restaurant close to a parc where he wanted to walk after that. Then, he took you to his house for some chill time (just an excuse to cuddle because he wanted to hold you so much during your walk together) 
Even in his room he thought about everything he even went as far as to buy some fluffy blanket and a lot of chocolates (and borrow some movies to watch thanks Gojo-sensei). 
During the whole day until he gave you his gift he couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious. And it didn’t help that Sukuna was trying his best to stress him even more. He never had a relationship before and he was started to fall in love with you deeply, he wanted to let you know how much he loves you but he didn’t how to do it the good way. 
Of course you’ll notice it, especially because he wasn’t as happy and joyful as usual. So seeing he wouldn’t say anything about it, you decided to confront it about it and he just bluntly explained to you that he was afraid that you might not appreciate his gift. 
So he just went for it and gave you his gift. 
It was actually a hair grip he saw you were looking after. Seeing him not daring to look at your eyes you decide to just jump into his harm to kiss him. 
« Thank you so much Yuji ! I love it so much I love you »
Okay let’s say Sukuna was not only disgust by the whole love love scene in front of him but also disappoint him because he could hear Yuiji being all cocky in front of him
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Gojo Satoru 
another one that never celebrate Valentine’s Day before
Not because he never dates someone but because his relationship never last enough to celebrate with someone before. 
So you were an expection
You might feel lucky but everyone around you would say no (I mean the man is a disaster) 
Being in relationship with him would mean to expect surprise every morning because the man can’t stay still even for his own good. Sometimes you woke up with him surrounding by a lot of crisps just because he feels like it. 
So you were expecting something like eating a lot with him and probably have some good quality time (hear sex and movie cause he is pretty horny like 90% of the time) 
But when you woke up, no one was here even his bed was cold meaning he left a long time ago (or didn’t even come to bed). You just started your day like any usual day checking every second your phone. 
You shared some texts with Gojo but nothing that might betray a plan or anything. He even told you that he was pretty busy today and might no be able to go home today. 
It made you sad 
Not because he wasn’t here today (you understood that he was a busy man) but it’s been a long time since you haven’t seen him and you started to miss him. 
You know that Valentine’s Day was commercialized and everything but you couldn’t help but want some quality time with your boyfriend. Honestly just cuddle him while watching a movie would be perfect 
But since your boyfriend would be busy today, you decided to spent the whole day  going around for some shopping.
During the afternoon after buying way too many clothes, you felt your phone moving in your pocket someone was calling you. 
It was Gojo wondering why you weren’t at home ? You didn’t answer at first like How could he possibly know that ? 
Feeling that you might be surprised by his comment he just told you that he went home early to spend the afternoon with you. 
You didn’t even bother to answer you just run like your life depend on it. He was here he wanted to surprise you. 
When you finally managed to be in your house you left everything and just go for a hug. 
« Hehe look at you all pouty for me did you miss me that much ? »
« You have no idea how much I missed you »
« Guess I’m just so incredible you couldn’t get enough of me »
« I guess so »
He teases you during 10 whole minutes until someone knocked at your door. 
During your run, Gojo called a caterer and a florist to apologize for not being here lately and also because he wanted to celebrate Valentine’s Day with you (he won’t tel you that he show off during his whole day at work) 
He wanted to take you at a restaurant to enjoy some good quality foods but he discovered from Nanami that you seemed a bit off lately, it didn’t take him a long time before realizing that you were missing him. 
So he planned to spend the whole night love you and remind you how much he was into you. 
You shared good food together, watched some movies. You were actually very into one action movie until you felt some lips on your neck. 
Not need to say you never saw the end of the movies but that’s okay since you were busy being taken care of by your lovely boyfriends 
When it came to your gift, he bought you a gorgeous ring. He joked about being a test for when he would finally ask you the very specific question. 
This day you never managed to know if he was joking or not 
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Megumi fushiguro
he is also a disaster but not because he doesn’t know what to do (he has some ideas thanks to social media) but because he doesn’t know how to behave with people I mean he can talk to them. But 99% of the time you’re starting a conversation and he follows
But today is a special day it’s Valentine’s Day and for once he wants to be in charge about your date (even tough sometimes he suggest some place to go you’re just too excited he can’t stop you he doesn’t want to it).
Like Itadori he started to ask Gojo-sensei (since he seemed very comfortable with those kind of things) but didn’t find anything interesting so he just left without letting his sensei showing off about how many people he seduced blabla
So he went directly into Maki which wasn’t a good idea. Not that she didn’t have any idea but she was like « why would you celebrate Valentine’s Day ? Aren’t you supposed to cherish Y/N on every single day ? » which wasn’t true anyway
So he left without any idea and couldn’t manage to ask kugisaki about it he knows he wouldn’t stop hearing about it. So he just looked through social media, Pinterest anything that might interest both of you 
He choosed to take you in some place where you can both relax and have some sweets. It was a very romantic place full of books with couch everywhere it was very comfy. He loves it especially because he could enjoy some quality time without being surrounding by people. 
Then you insisted on going into your place so you could cuddle since he is not comfortable with PDA in public other than holding hand.
When you were home, you guys just cuddle in his bed enjoying some music together. No words needed to be said, just feeling his hand stroking your hair was enough for you and when it came to him, having you by his side was enough to melt his heart. 
As a gift he decided to buy you a book where all of his pages where white. He wanted you to decorate it as you wanted, and you decided to put all of your pictures you take with him like your own made album. 
He never told you that actually in the end of the books he writes something for you. It was actually pretty simple but it means everything for you. 
« Hi Y/N i just wanted to tell you that I love you so much. I know I should say it out loud more often but you know I’m not comfortable with this kind of things. Thank you for being with me, i cannot wait to see how this book would look once it’s full - Megumi »
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pentechnics · 3 years
Hello, my lovelies!✨
Thank you so much for your patience during this time! I am 100% still working on all my WIPs, but life got real busy during the holiday season, which is why I've been a bit absent on posting. But don't fret, I've got new content on the way soon!
I wanted to take a second and acknowledge folks that made 2021 a fantastic year for me despite the sadness of the world around us. I started this blog in April and so many of you have had my back since day one! I have all of you to thank for the existence of these stories. Consider this my way of thanking you for being your fantastical selves!
In no particular order:
@the-scandalorian my beloved, your writing was what inspired me to post my very first fic. And as time went on, we became good friends! You're an absolute delight, not to mention a total sweetheart who is always so supportive and kind. Thank you for being so open to my tiny rants and especially thirsty moments lol. I'm so lucky to call you a friend!
@dincrypt darling you are such a gem. E&M was my introduction to Din fics and thus was the jump-start to this whole thing, and I couldn't have asked for a better way to begin the journey! You're a beautiful soul that I always love talking with and I can't thank you enough for your friendship!
@keldabe-kriff I'm so glad we found each other! You're such a fun person to talk with and I love every interaction we have. Seeing your usernames in my notifs always puts a smile on my face! Your support and kindness has been such a driving force. I really appreciate you, love!
@literallydontlook you gave my fic a chance despite its rating, and because of that I gained a friend. Each of your comments makes me so happy. Not to mention that each piece of artwork you create makes my heart go brrrrr, especially the piece you made for OLAT! That changed the game for me -- someone as talented as you lent your craft to bring a piece of my fic to life, and that's something I'll never get over! I literally look at it all the time 😭
@salome-c I am so lucky to have met you, my dear! Not only are you a lovely soul and friend, but your comments on my fics always pull at my heart. They're always so thoughtful and lovely, it makes my soul melt! And I always run to my laptop to keep writing after I've read something from you. Your words have so much power! You're an angel and I appreciate you so much!
@mypedrom you are such a beautiful soul. I love talking with you so much -- it always brings me so much joy! I feel very lucky that fic writing brought us together; you are so wildly talented, it blows my mind every time! I cannot wait to see what the future brings us! 😉 Thank you for always being a source of love, compassion, and positivity!
@fisforfulcrum @the-little-ewok @pumpkin-stars @phantomviola you all welcomed me to the fam with open arms and make me feel like I belong every day. You're utter sweethearts and I always get a laugh from our silly conversations! Thank you for being such a strong support system as well as a safe space for me to be my goofy self!
@ muffin anon: not only do you send me the sweetest asks here, but your asks to my main make me smile every time! They always seem to find me when I'm down and I instantly light up again. You're so fun to talk to and I love hearing from you so much! Thank you for being your beautiful self, both when I drive you wild with my posts and when you're complimenting my writing! I love you very much!
@ honey anon: you're an absolute ANGEL and I do not know what I did to deserve your good graces. Your messages always bring me such joy, and I literally reread them all the time! I keep screenshots of them for quick access when I need a motivational boost. That's how powerful your words are, dear. You help me continue to believe in myself and thus make me want to become a better writer. I love you so much and I hope the universe gives you all the good vibes that you deserve!!
@ every single person who reads my fics, leaves me comments, reblogs my things, sends me asks/requests, every person on all of my taglists, and everyone who otherwise interacts with my things: you all mean the world to me. Every message (anon or not), every reblog and comment, every keysmash or delightful string of tags, I eat it all up. Every single note from you all keeps me going and inspires me to keep creating! You're all the actual best, I have the greatest readers in the world and no one will ever convince me otherwise. You're all rockstars and I can't wait to keep interacting with you all going forward!
Happy New Year to you all! I hope that you had a fun and safe time, and that your year brings you all the good things you deserve. Here's to our little family of folks who love a certain space dilf and celebrate that love through art!
I love you all so much! ❤️
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tales-unique · 3 years
The tension doesn’t dissipate entirely over the coming days, but you find that it doesn’t get any worse either. It merely stagnates and that bothers you more than anything. You’ve both fallen into a routine wordlessly as though it was always there, something you didn’t realize until you’d been doing it over and over. “Not hungry?” Alucard's question breaks your train of thought, bringing you back to the real world. “What?” You ask, blinking down at your practically untouched plate of fresh fish and vegetables, “oh, no, it’s just,” you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. Alucard frowns over at you from the other end of the table, setting down his knife and fork.
“What is it?” He asks, his voice gentle, which makes your tumultuous emotions fester even more. “I don’t know,” you shake your head, frustrated with yourself, “I just feel so, so stuck . My arm isn’t healing fast enough, I can’t do anything, I just feel so useless right now!” Alucard opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off with a vicious snarl. “And you aren’t helping!” That swiftly shuts him up and you regret it the instant the words have left your mouth. He sees it in your expression, the way your eyes widen and your lip twitches, and merely lets out a weary breath. He knows the routine of your moods as of late, only because he’s been subject to them already, but it’s still not easy to deal with. “I-I’m sorry,” you whisper, slumping in your chair. You were just so tired of everything . “I didn’t mean to snap at you,” you breathe, wincing at the tightness in your shoulder. It’s healing but when he cauterized the wound to stop the bleeding it made it difficult to move your arm without discomfort. “I know,” he replies, but his tired expression doesn’t quite match the softness in his voice, “it’s alright.” “No, no it’s not alright,” you rebuke, your hand tightening to a fist atop the table, “I do this every time and I always take it out on you.” There’s a sense of peace that briefly washes over you when you admit your shortcomings to Alucard before the numbness takes over. You push your chair back and stand, not wanting the moment to turn to pity like it always did. Alucard doesn’t stop you as you leave, no doubt going to sequester yourself in your room. He’s learnt that leaving you be is the best way to get you to calm down and view the situation objectively. It’s the only way that he can bring you around to the idea that he understands the way you feel.
It’s just after dusk when he finally hears you stir. He’s sitting in the old drawing room, reading one of the many books still salvageable from the library. Though your footfalls are light he can still hear them over the crackling of the fire in the fireplace and he places his book down upon the arm of the chair with a small smile. You’re not wearing shoes again, something he could never quite understand. You loved being barefoot. Especially outside, on rainy days and sunny days alike. He found you one early morning following a frog through the dew-covered grass and it was the first time he had truly seen you laugh since you came to the castle. Tiptoeing to the door, you gently knock on the old wood before peeking inside. You knew he was inside because of the firelight emanating from the ajar door. "Can I come in?" "Yes, of course." You nod, slipping inside. The room is warm and inviting and it helps ease some of the tension you have. It settles like lead in your stomach, but you try to push it away as you take a seat in the high-backed chair next to him. Alucard watches you as you get comfortable in your seat, pulling your legs up to your chest, leaning back. Yet you still look stiff and it betrays your nerves. He tries to give you a comforting smile but it's wasted since your eyes are firmly fixed upon the flames. "I'm sorry about earlier," you murmur, picking at a loose thread in the seat cushion. "It was understandable," he hums, "I know you meant no real harm." When you finally meet his gaze you see an understanding there that envelops you and you feel some of the tension lift. It's still there but you don't feel as though you're anchored by it anymore. It's a shame that it’s gone all too soon when Alucard quickly looks away from you. "It still wasn't fair on you though," you huff, stretching out in the chair and wiggling your toes. Alucard remains quiet. It's his turn to stare into the fire now, purposely avoiding your gaze. He tends to retreat within himself when you present him with human kindness, catching himself before he falls for it. The trauma he had endured throughout his life wasn't so easily erased, no matter how approachable you made yourself, and he would never allow himself to fall into that trap ever again if he could help it. "Are you okay?" The question throws him, forcing his gaze away from the flames and back to you. Your brow is creased with worry, your eyes glistening, and for a moment he truly believes that you are genuine. Defeated, he cannot take the weight of your concern upon him, nor accept that he finds you as captivating in the firelight as you had been in the moonlight. All he sees in you is another chance to be hurt again and he refuses to willingly be a victim. "I am," he replied smoothly, a practiced lie, tilting his head in curiosity, "what makes you think I'm not?" Your mouth opens but the words wilt and die on your tongue. There's no real answer you can give that doesn't sound stupid in your mind, and it shows. Alucard's expression softens as you struggle to answer, allowing you to compose yourself. "I don't know," hesitant, you resume picking at that loose thread again, "you look so tired, and so sad sometimes. I just want to help .” Even after considering what to say the words are still awkward and you inwardly cringe at how pathetic they sound out in the open. Under Alucard’s unreadable, silent stare you begin to fidget, wishing that the ground would open and you could fall into the abyss to spare yourself the embarrassment. You notice that he, too, seems to be considering his response, much to your dismay. You just want him to get it over with and tell you what a fool you are and move on. “You needn’t concern yourself with me,” he sighs, melancholy marring his angelic features, “really, I’m fine.” “Says the man with people on spikes outside his front door.” Alucard is stunned; it could have been a biting jab, or a sarcastic barb, each of which he would have expected and been prepared for, but instead the words are tender and the look upon your face even more so. He’s unprepared, there is no deceit he can muster in the face of such honest care, so he speaks the only words that seem appropriate. “They deserved it.” You nod, having expected as much. Even though you’re eager to know the tale that goes along with them you can’t bring yourself to ask. It’s too morbid, even if they were, as Alucard states, deserving. “I know it doesn’t really mean anything, but I’m sorry for whatever they did to you, Alucard,” you murmur softly. It doesn’t take away the pain that was inflicted, or the scars that are left behind, but you hope that it will show him that you are not like those people. And he knows it. You’re nothing like Sumi or Taka. You haven’t lied, you haven’t tried to hurt him, nor have you given him any indication that you will do so. Wherever you’ve lashed out you’re quick to apologize once you’ve simmered down and not once have you asked anything from him since begging to live. You are real, and that scares him more than anything. “Thank you,” he answers after a long moment of silence, his eyes distant, “truly, I...Thank you.” “You’re welcome.” You nod, taking this as your cue to leave him to his solitude. No doubt he has much to contemplate and sleep is beginning to tug at you like a petulant child. With a barely concealed yawn you bid him goodnight, leaving Alucard to curiously await what will happen next.
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