#i reached the confessional part and screamed
merakiui · 3 months
Sunday apologist here, I lvoe this man. He is def off the rails but I think a lot of people in the fandom seem to ignore that he is doing what he thinks is morally right to protect others! I think at one point he was a kind person, truly and fully, but life twisted him into who he is now, theres hints at him doing what he does because he thinks only he should have to live with burdens. Anyways yandere sunday def would gaslight you and control you, you're his pretty and weak darling after all <3
I think his philosophy is very fascinating! Contrasted with Robin's, who believes that birds (people) should fly freely no matter what, Sunday wants to protect and shelter others because he knows that they are destined to fall to their deaths. "Not everyone really has a future" is such an interesting perspective considering the entire point of the Dreamscape is to provide a future for its inhabitants, even if it's mostly an idyllic escape from reality. Sunday's philosophy revolves around the concept of a caged bird and that, though it may be weak and unable to protect itself, it can still live if sheltered behind bars.
"I want it to live no matter what." But then that's at the cost of the bird's freedom, as it must now forsake the vastness of the sky in which it rightfully belongs.
I'm rambling, but I also agree that he was probably a sweet person in the beginning. When we learn a little about the inner workings of his mind, it's that flashback with the Charmony Dove. Perhaps his intentions of caging the bird really were inherently pure (as he was much younger then), but as he grows up those intentions will naturally grow alongside him. They just happened to shape themselves into a very crooked ideal, which is why he's so very paranoid and controlling and meticulous. If the Dreamscape is the cage and its inhabitants are all birds, then Sunday is the one who watches over and protects them. Almost like a god (hehe). He's omniscient in the way that he keeps a watchful eye on everyone and everything, and the people put their trust in him and look to him almost reverently (the confessional scene........ WOW), as one might a god.
Perhaps it's an incorrect reading of his character, as I've yet to fully finish Penacony, but these are my current thoughts. :D now onto more deranged thoughts.........
I LOVE HIM. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. AAAAAAA OTL when hsr was cooking him, they put some sort of drug in him because I am hopelessly addicted. orz don't even get me started on all of the religious references in his character design. I am frothing at the mouth,,,,, he really is so perfect.... he would absolutely gaslight and control you,,, you're like that Charmony Dove in his eyes, feeble and frail, unable to fly without the risk of crashing to your death. He must cage you. It's to keep you safe!!! He just wants you to be happy; he'll take on every single one of your burdens if it means you can live blissfully unaware, forever wrapped in the embrace of a sweet dream.
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lovifie · 7 months
Lift Me Off My Feet
Chapter 6: Boundaries
Original Thought - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12
W: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader x Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, a bit of angst before the nasties ❤️
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The good thing about the three of you doing the walk of shame together is that at least you are not the one who got it worse. Price is walking like he just came of the confessional, not a sin committed in his life; you look like you should, like you just got fucked nicely but nothing a couple of minutes laying down can't help you disguise and Gaz… poor Gaz look a bit destroyed, but he carries himself with a certain attitude that makes you think: “Good for him.” and it helps him look confident if it wasn't for a weak limp as he walks. And if you are able to tell, you are sure the rest of them can as well.
“Pay up, Johnny.” Ghost says extending his hand to Soap as they sit on the sofa. 
“Fuckin’ he'll, Gaz.” Soap answers, taking his wallet from his back pocket and dropping a £20 on Ghost's hands. 
“You made a bet?” You ask curious sitting on the floor getting your legs under the table, Ghost and Soap are sitting on the sofa, Price sits down on the armchair and Gaz sits on the armrest of the sofa.
“Yeah, about who would break the truce first.” Soap explains and turns to look at Gaz. “I thought you were stronger than this, mate.”
“What truce?” You ask, sending Ghost a quick glance to ask him to play along. He doesn't say anything. 
A beat of silence goes around the room, everyone expecting the other to talk. It is Price that breaks it clearing his throat. “Right, I'll explain it. We talked about you, about how we have been treating you and about how it shouldn't have happened.” 
Your stomach turns at the confession, and a voice screams in your head: “I told you, idiot! Giving yourself like a whore on sale! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!” You hide your hands between your thighs to hide the shaking and swallow the spit pooling in your mouth. 
“Not like that.” A warm hand on the top of your head brings you back. “Try again, Captain. So many ways to phrase it, and you choose the worst.” Ghost says 
Price rubs a hand against his face, exasperated with himself. “What I meant was… that we don't regret what we have done, we regret the way we have done it. Yeah?”
And it reaches your ears, but it doesn't get to your brain. Since the whole ordeal began, the cruel voice in your head that doesn't let you enjoy things has been scratching the walls of your head to try and make you focus on her and let her plant the seed of self-doubt in you. But you pushed her back, and the kisses and caressing of the men in front of you helped greatly. It was like seeing a shadow from the corner of your eyes, but when you turn your head it disappears; but now, hearing from Price that it shouldn't have happened, even if he was just a poor choice of words, it has made you turn your head to your shadow but this time it hasn't disappeared. Instead, it's looking at you and laughing at your face for being stupid. 
“You alright, birdie?” Ghost brushes your hair behind your ear, keeping his hand cupping your jaw and turning your face to look at him. Concern floods his eyes, eyebrows furrowed, but doesn't push it when you nod at him. 
“What we wanted to do, was do the things that we should have done before we got freaky.” Soaps continue. “Go on dates, expend time together… get to know ye. Those things.”
It only fuels your confusion. “What?” You ask looking at Price. “Dates?”
“You… you don't want to?” He asks mirroring your confusion.
“Do I have a say?” You ask, genially confused. And to you, you mean it as in “Do I have the power to choose between offers? Do I have the power to ask for you? Do I deserve more than crumbs of attention and respect?” But to them, it sounds like: “Do I have that power?”, you know, as if you haven’t gotten under their skin and you couldn't move them like puppets at your will and want. 
“I don't understand.” You mumble rubbing your face, eyes burning with tears.
“What it is?” Gaz asks sitting straight, focusing on you. 
“Why?!” You ask a bit louder that wanted. “Why me? Why do you care about me? Because I can understand that I threw myself at you and to never look a gift horse in the mouth, but what I can’t understand is why you would go out of our fucking lane to worry about the fucking shitty horse!”
The tears are flowing freely down your face by now, and you realise that they are all looking at you with expressions you can't read. You have cried in front of them before, but it was out of fear for your life, you are fine with that. But letting them see you cry because you are an idiot that caught feelings? Nah, that's too much. “I'm sorry, I… I need a moment.” You stand up, managing to get out without any of them catching your hand and lock yourself in the bathroom, in the little space between the sink and the bathtub. 
You cry your feelings out, wanting to just dry yourself out before going out, but Ghost beats you to it and knocks on the door. “Can I come in, birdie?”
“The lock doesn't work.” You mumble between sobs.
“I know, that's why I'm asking.” He says, he cracks the door open slowly and sticks his head in looking at you. “Can I come in?”
You nod, and he enters closing the door behind him. He lifts you up from your hands making you whine like a child, sits down where you were and sits you on his lap. “You got a thing for tiny spaces.” 
The TONK sound of Ghost hitting his head on the sink following the curse words makes you chuckle at the ridicule of the situation. Ghost finally settles down, and he cups your face making you lay your head on his chest. 
“What has you so upset, birdie? What is making you so sad?” He asks, the rumble of his voice travelling through your body.
You shrug your shoulders. “I just don't get it… why me?”
“I don't know, birdie… you just are.” He says caressing your face. “I can't explain it, it's just… you. We have been trained and forced to be methodical, use logic, don't get carried away by emotions, years and years of training. And now you are here, and we don't know how to act.”
You bury your face in his chest, taking in the new information, but without interrupting him. “When we entered your flat, Price saw the chair on the balcony and he almost jumped head first just to check if you were on the ground. Gaz has gone against Price's direct orders, and trust me, Gaz would rather cut his own arm than go against Price… Birdie, I'm not going to call it love and act like I know how that works. But don't bury the corpse without killing it first.”
You look up to him, and find him already looking down at you. He gives you a kiss on your forehead through the mask and asks: “Give us a chance, birdie. Please. We are all adults, we'll talk about it. Set bases and rules so everyone is happy and comfortable. But you need to let us try. Only once, birdie. That's all we need.”
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Simon's words enter your head, finding the idiot voice that lives inside and slapping her across the face. After a while, you no longer have the need to cry, and even though you are elated by Ghost's comfort, it is not fair to the three men seating in the living room.
You stand up first, Ghost's hand on your back. You grab his hand to help him stand and put the other hand on the edge of the sink so he doesn't hit it again, earning yourself a chuckle from him. 
Soap is the first to see you, sitting with Gaz on the sofa. Price is still in the armchair, smoking a cigar. You walk up to him, picking the cigar from his hand and letting it down on the ashtray. You sit on the armrest of the chair, putting your deets on his lap and your hands between your thighs. 
He looks up to you almost holding your breath, like the next thing that you will say could seal or break the deal. “You don't regret meeting me, right, John?”
His face twitches, as if you had just slapped him across the face, and he quickly shakes his head bringing his arm up around you to move you to his lap keeping you close. “No, dear, no. I could never regret meeting you, I'm sorry I said it like that, I promise I'm not usually such a muppet.” 
“I wanna give it a try.” You say and look up to him. “But I'm scared.”
“You don't need to be, what's scaring you?” He ask looking at your face.
“You don't know me… what if once you get to know me, you don't like what you learn? If you get bored? Or disgusted…” You mumble, talking more and more softly as you bury your face on his neck.
“Now you are just talking nonsense, love.” Price says, cupping your face and peeling your face away from his neck. “And you are thinking too highly of us, what if you are the one who doesn't like us?”
“That's not-” You begin to say, ready to argue that it is not possible to not like them, that they look like they have come out of a firefighter calendar, that they have been nothing but kind and caring with you, that if you found something about them you didn't like it would most likely to bother you enough to break away. But you look at his face, and he has this know-it-all expression that quiets you up. 
“Exactly, love.” He says and lets you hide your face again. You sigh, tired of your feelings and start to stand up. “I'm gonna have a shower.”
“Wait!” Soap says standing up quickly and sprinting to the kitchen, coming back out with different kinds of shampoo and body skin care products. “How about a bath? A bubble bath?” He asks, happy to cheer you up and to have an excuse to mess around with the different liquid. 
You nod quickly smiling widely and watch him run to the bath. Price calls your attention with a tap on your lower back and explains: “Gaz and I need to go back to base, Ghost and Soap will stay with you tonight, that's fine with you?”
You nod again, saying goodbye to both of them, feeling too awkward to hug them because of the newly exposed feeling even if just an hour ago they were balls deep inside you. You run to the bathroom when Soap calls your name.
“Quickly, bonnie. Get in before it goes cold.” He says, satisfied with the sweet smell and bubbly water. “Do you need anything else?”
“Actually, can you lend me some more clothes? I'm pretty sure I have run out of clean clothes and underwear.” You admit, looking a bit ashamed.
“Sure, I'll bring ye some of mine. I'm sure ye'll fill in my knickers just fine with that fine arse of yers.” He mumbles in your ears, earning himself a slap on his biceps as he exits the bathroom to pick up the clothes. He drops them by a little later and lets you to enjoy your bath.
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The bath truly helps you relax, of the tightness in your muscles and of the exhausting feelings in your head. It also leaves you room to think about them, to rationalize them. Simon is right, you cannot say no just because you are scared it may not work out in the end, not without trying first.
After some time, the water starts to get cold, so you drain the tub and grab the towel to dry yourself. You look at the clothes that Soap lend you, and realise he only left his briefs and a t-shirt; cheeky bastard. 
As you open the door, the smell of food floats around the whole house and it makes your stomach rumble. Ghost and Soap must be making dinner. So you walk down the hall, entering the kitchen without thinking.
And part of you blames you for it, but another part is really glad you didn't.
Johnny is on his knees, in front of Ghost, getting his mouth fucked by the late one. The wet sounds of Johnny gagging around Ghost’s dick as it hits the back of his throat almost hide the sound of your steps, but not good enough fot Ghost.
“Hi, Birdie.” He groans, caressing Johnny head in such a tender way it clashes with the filthy image. “Are you hungry? Johnny here couldn't wait for dinner.”
“I can see…” You mumble back looking at Soap, unable to peel you away. You are glad you just got out of the tub, being able to attribute your blush to the heat of the bathroom. Still, no bath can explain the way you clench your thighs together, and Ghost chuckles when he notices.
“C’mere, birdie.” He instructs, extending his hand to you. You grab it, feeling him pull you close; his hand moves to your waist, cupping your face with the other. “I really want to kiss you right now, pretty bird”
And you know what he is asking for, to break the truce; because if you initiate it, he is technically not breaking it. And it is cruel, especially to Price that you know is going to be the last one to break it, but right now, with Ghost mask up to his nose and Johnny chocking on his dick, your mind is busy. 
You get on your tip toes, urging Ghost to bend down and he gives you a quick peck on your lips. Just to seal the deal, before he pulls your head from the back of your head making you open your mouth to groan and he gets his tongue inside your mouth, turning the groan into a moan. 
It is such a filthy kiss, its only fitting for a filthy situation that you just yourself into. 
Johnny doesn't last before calling for your attention, but he doesn't call you, instead, he pulls your leg between his and starts humping his leaking dick against you. It makes you look down breaking the kiss and making Ghost look down as well, he chuckles seeing the Scotsman so desperate and grabs a handful on his mohawk making him let go of his dick with a POP sound. “Don't fuck her leg, you fucking mutt” Johnny whines when he grips his hair harder and Ghost looks up to you. You can see the gears spinning inside his head when he looks from you to Soap, both grabbed by the hair, and you are not really surprised when he says. “Get on your knees for me, birdie.”
When you drop to your knees, Ghost pushes you and Soap’s head closer to each other and Soap bites your mouth kissing you as he devours your lips. His knee on the ground is against your cunt, and when he flexes closer to you it makes you moan inside his mouth.
Soon, Soap’s tongue is not the only thing in your mouth and you feel something blunt nudge at the side of your lips. You pull apart an inch, opening your eyes, just in time to see Ghost’s dick slide between Soaps and your mouth. Both tongues getting tangled around his already wet length, Ghost moans without letting go of both of your head. Soap hands find their way to your waist, and start to help you grind yourself against his tigh. 
“She is going to ruin your underwear, Johnny.” Ghost manages to say between grunts and moans. “Better to help her take them off.”
Big hands grab you from under your arms hoisting you up, Ghost holds you against his chest with your back pressed to him and Soap helps you take off your underwear. Just when you are naked from the waist down, you feel Ghost slip his dick between your folds, rubbing your clit on his way forward. His red tips stick out from between your legs, and you can almost feel Soap mouth water and the sight of both your crotch together. “C’mon, Johnny, I didn't tell you to stop sucking.”
Johnny’s tongue is warm against your skin, and for a second when you look down, all you see is Ghost fucking Soap’s mouth through you. Until Ghost begins to thrust, and his tip keeps nudging at your clit and if it is not his tip it’s Soap's tongue running side to side on it. 
Ghost is still hugging you from behind, his face now hidden in your neck moaning little words that don't make sense, you grab his arms trying to keep yourself steady, you can barely reach the floor having to be on your tiptoes on top of Ghost's feet. 
The mix of it all, feeling almost like a fleshlight by Ghost, Soap moaning and gagging so close to your clit and Ghost’s dick rubbing again and again against your clit, has you cumming embarrassedly quickly. And if it wasn't for the way Ghost moans against your neck when you clench your thighs together, pulling Soap’s hair again to keep him from sucking him, basically edging himself not to cum yet, you would be embarrassed. Instead, you are almost ready to cum again in mere seconds.
“It looks like Johnny is a bit needy right now, doll. Do you wanna sit on his dick, hm? Suck my dick while you do? Johnny has been talking nonstop about that little mouth of yours, birdie. Been driving me crazy.” He says as he kisses your neck, leaving it wet with his spit as he barely manages to speak properly. 
Soaps, still on his knees, sits on his feet, cock free and ready for you to sit on it. You hoist his lap, getting your knees on the floor sided to his forcing you to spread your legs. You rest your hands on his knees as you lower yourself, and moan in tandem with Soap once he is completely seated. 
Ghost grabs your hands, almost picking you up, and moves them to his thighs to allow you to support yourself. Soaps begin to move, slowly, letting you get adjusted to the stretch, as he begins to fuck you almost doggy style. It pushes you forward, and you moan against Ghost’s dick making him shudder.
You start to kiss his tip, soon getting your lips around it earning a moan of your name from Ghost. He caresses your head, brushing your hair away from your face. Soap grabs your waist, helping himself fuck you faster, skin slapping against your ass making you moan as you suck Ghost’s dick.
It is almost as thick as Soap's, but it's the way it hits your throats that makes the difference. Tears prick at your eyes, slowly falling down your cheeks, and when Ghost sees them he coos at you as he smears them on your cheek with his thumb.
You can see his half-open mouth thanks to his mask being risen, and you clench your cunt when you see him bite his lips to keep his moans from spilling out. Soap hugs you from behind, bitting your shoulder and begins to piston in and out of you. His hand goes south, rubbing at your clit and you grab Ghost’s thigh sticking your nails in making him hiss almost like a moan. 
“I'm gonna cum all over your pretty face, hm? Painted like a canvas, love.” He groans grabbing your hair. “While Johnny paints you inside, all ours, inside and out, love. Our little birds, all ours.”  He keeps mumbling, taking his dick out to jack it off in front of your face. 
You stick your tongue out while looking at him, and moan when Johnny change his speed, becoming sloppy and switching the speed with slower but deeper thrusts. He moans against your shoulder, biting again hard and that's enough to send you over the edge. Johnny and Ghost following you as if they were waiting for you. 
Ghost spents end up mostly in your mouth, but you feel the hot spurts settle on your face making you close your eyes. Soap sits down, stretching his legs, and he pulls you with him, softening your dick still inside of you. 
“I wish I could send Price a picture right now” Ghost says chuckling looking down at the both of you who chuckle too with difficulty to breath.
“I think… I think we should go shower again, bonnie.” Soaps says behind you, and you can only agree. 
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Once cleaned, the three of you sit around the sofa ready to have dinner, quite delicious and gracefully, not burnt. 
“So, bonnie, ye wanna go on date?” Soap asks with his mouth full.
“I was gonna ask first, was swallowing my food.” Ghost says, almost scolding him.
“Actually… I thought about it, and I think I want to go on a date with…
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Hii, how are you?!
The next chapter is your choice, bam, bam, baaaammm!!
Let me know if there is any kind of date or anything like that that you would like to happen, hehe.
Also, just an explanation in case anyone was confused. As I said, English is not my first language, which means I don't really know many idioms in English, and that plus the fact that when I can remember how they are I just make up my own, sometimes they lack some sense 🤣.
When in this chapter Ghost says: "But don't bury the corpse without killing it first." I was thinking about the phrase "to sell the bear's skin before catching it", but that one is actually the opposite, it is when you are a bit too optimistic about how things are going to play out. So I don't know how I ended up writing the corpse one, and then I remember the fact that Ghost was buried alive and it just... in my mind it made sense.
Sorry if it doesn't 💗
As always, thank you so much for reading and for commenting, love youu ❤️🌸
Taglist: @pagesfalling @thevoidwriting @darkangel4121 @tf141glory @skyler-loves-rick-grimes @ghostlythots @readerofallthingss @onewattson6529 @mynameismothra @xinyiline @shadowtfpcod @infpt-zylith@renabear88@lolliepopsicle @reap3erslov3 @tooloudarts @dontworryboutitokie @cassiecasluciluce @sodavrr @missmidnight-writes @anirok2 @lilliumrorum @ladyxtiger @multy-fandom-lover @thriving-n-jiving @lotionlamp @spicyspicyliving @xxeiraxx @vampirekilmerfic @keiraslayz
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popstart · 2 months
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Hi, i was the anon who sent this ask, and now that you are talking about this issue, i will talk about one of the accounts you talked about.
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"Oh yeah, let's ignore ALL the good things Duncan Said about Courtney and ALL the times Courtney defended him in the season, and Just sum up their ENTIRE relationship on one of their worst episodes"
Now, don't get me wrong, i hated Duncney in "Top Dog", but summing up them in Just it is so weird.
Also, the "Duncan was scared of Courtney 🥺" pisses me off so much, like can his fans STOP babying a whole criminal?
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Oh my fucking God, this is a low blow.
Again, summing Duncan and Courtney's relationship in Just "Top Dog" is weird, but doing this just to make Gwen and Duncan's relationship less worse is disturbing.
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Ok, let's see Duncan's ENTIRE confessional.
"Aw, man! I only came back for Gwen! She better not sulk the whole time, or i might as Well date Courtney-"
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Wow, dehumanising Duncney and Gwourtney shippers by calling them maniacs. Incredible. Also, i've seen her (the user goes by any pronouns) Interacting with the shippers, and they were Nice?! This Just makes her look like an annoying and immature child.
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Again, dehumanising Duncney and Gwourtney shippers by calling them terrifying. Incredible.
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Ok, she reblogged this shit. Oh my god, the way i'm gonna scream now.
The way Courtney antis try the most possible to make Courtney look like the Devil incarnate is uncomfortable as fuck.
Also, I'm really Glad this post's OP is now deactivated. I was already not standing this user in the Duncney tag talking shit anymore.
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This is an excerpt of her fanfic (The Wattpad account is on the bio)
The fanfic is about a Duncan in xem (the pronouns in the fanfic) 30s now who, along other old contestants (Courtney and Gwen are two of them) and new ones, is kidnapped to a new reality show hosted by Chris. During this reality show, xe finds a magic necklace, which is obviously important.
I'm going to admit, i actually liked the fanfic and (*GASP*) Gwen and Duncan's relationship in It, but i would've liked It more If, every time Courtney appeared, she wouldn't be treated like a "monster who traumatized Duncan forever and should die painfully 🥺".
Anyway, talking about the necklace, It is obviously searched, so one of these people invades the show with a gun and threatens Duncan and the people with xem, but Duncan DIDN'T give them It, so they actually tried to shoot xem, making a whole mess.
Now, that's my problem with this excerpt: Courtney is, again, treated like an annoying bitch, even though she has ALL the right to Get angry over Duncan.
Like, what do you Mean that you will not give a necklace to a person who threats you with a gun BECAUSE of it, which is worse when you are along people, including MINORS, who didn't have to do with it, threatning their lives too?!
Seriously, the way some of Courtney's haters Go as Far as they can to disregard her feelings is so disturbing i can't-
(Sorry about the bad English, It isn't my First language)
YEAH i saw all of this on their account and i just sighed. that one post they reblogged about how "unfaithful" courtney is especially pisses me off because they showed way more evidence for duncan being the unfaithful one then ended up spinning it into a duncan baby boy gwu'ncan win moment. what! that entire post was about how all three people in that situation werent good yet the conclusion they (and the op) came to is that gwun'can good courtney bad duncney bad 🥴the reach of all reaches
its honestly just double standard after double standard and it pisses me off so much. they just jump through hoops to defend their hatred of courtney and any ship with her that they end up missing a key point of their own damn posts LMFAO. its just sooo uncomfortable how much theyre willing to defend a white boy and a white girl that they provided textbook evidence themself about them not being saints yet praise them for being good people yet completely demonize the hell out of courtney and for what 💀
also the cherry picking is EXTREMELY prominent here. the "how duncan looks at courtney vs how he looks at gwen" thing is extra amusing to me because literally 3 seconds later duncan talks about how much he loves courtney DJSHGSFKJA. extremely amusing. anyways, anyone that knows their shit will see through the complete bullshit these kindsa people post but the thing that scares me is that theyre not just posting into the void, they have plenty of notes on their pretty blatant creepyness and it just. auhgghhh.
it really gets to me and the thing is, they dont care a damn bit. they see anyone who likes courtney as completely demonic so they WANT to piss people like me off but they end up going about it in completely misogynistic and racist ways. at the end of the day, i dont think i can change anyones opinions about what they should or shouldnt like, i just hope people can look inwards about why something like a fictional character being a "bad person" can anger them so much more if the person in question is a 16 year old brown girl rather than a white boy of the same age.
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designedparadigm · 28 days
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   how  many  times  has  he  stayed  up  late  in  the  church's  small  study,  pondering  over  the  letter  that  brought  him  here?  put  this  forsaken  land  into  his  hands?  ‘father  mactavish  -  we  write  to  you  with  a  matter  of  utmost  import.’  he  clenches  his  teeth  down,  and  has  to  remind  himself  to  let  up  on  it.  he  leans  back  in  the  chair,  closing  his  eyes  and  reaching  up  to  rub  at  the  bridge  of  his  nose.  even  restoring  the  place  didn't  bring  a  fair  flock  in.  people  feared  the  place.  desecrated,  as  it  were.  was  he  not  good  enough?  he'd  been  chosen  to  bring  god's  holiness  back  in.  yet…  yet…
   he  slams  his  arm  down  on  the  desk,  fist  balled  up,  anger  flooding  his  system.  oh,  soldier  boy,  you're  not  meant  to  feel  such  things  when  you  work  for  god.  he  releases  his  fist,  uncurling  fingers.  have  patience,  o  soldier  boy,  god  will  show  you  light  when  you  show  him  your  virtue. 
   john  mactavish  just  wants  to  curl  up  and  scream  his  frustrations.  wants  to  cry. 
   his  nights  as  of  late  are  so  clouded.  something  dark  keeps  creeping  up  on  him.  whispers  to  him  in  a  voice  he  almost  trusts.  he  hates  it  -  hates  himself.  hates  that  he's  feeling  hate  again.  it's  improper.  he  is  holy.  or  -  so  he's  supposed  to  be.  he's  the  farthest  thing  from  it.  the  more  he  walks  the  path,  the  more  he  feels  the  weight  of  his  past  sins  grabbing  at  the  robe  he  wears,  threatening  to  burn  it  and  turn  it  to  tatters,  expose  him  bare  for  the  ugly  soldier  he  truly  is.  never  left  it  behind.  carried  it  on  his  back.  aching,  breaking.  there's  never  healing. 
   he  stands  and  he  walks  out  of  the  study,  running  his  hand  along  old  brick  walls.  time  wasn't  kind  to  anyone  or  anything.  scars  of  wear  and  tear  show  -  on  him,  on  the  church.  they're  both  run  down,  broken,  on  their  last  legs  -  and  desperate  to  be  saved  by  a  holy  force  that  seems  to  have  abandoned  them.  haunted  by  darkness  that  clings  to  every  corner  that  cannot  be  sent  away.  darkness  that  almost  pulls  some  comfort.  whispers  truths  -  but  things  he  convinces  himself  have  no  promise. 
   so  he  walks  the  lonely  hall  again,  walks  to  the  confessional  booth,  sits  himself  inside,  staring  up  at  the  ceiling.  there  is  no  other  priest  here  to  hear  him,  to  listen.  no  one  to  cast  absolution  upon  him.  yet  he  raises  his  hand,  still  makes  the  sign  of  the  cross,  though  faith  wears  so  heavily  on  him.  lips  part,  and  he  begins.  “forgive  me  father,  for  i  have  sinned.”  has  he?  does  he  understand  what  it  is  anymore?  “it  has  been  two  days  since  my  last  confession.”  he  does  this  far  too  regularly  now.  as  if  there's  some  dirt  that  talking  to  the  empty  confessional  will  wipe  clean.  his  hand  presses  to  the  side  of  the  booth,  frowning.  “something  tugs  at  my  soul.”  he  whispers  it.  “are  you  here  with  me?”
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𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖋𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑 | 𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖙!𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖎 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 pt. 2
priest!Levi x fem!religious!reader smut
Sorry this took me so long to upload! college is crazy.
Also, I hope i'm still writing this correctly. I'm a dramatic writing minor (screenplays) so I'm used to using a different set of rules for writing (present tense, active voice, etc.) and it feels so weird to come back to creative writing lol
part 1
cw: non-con/coercion, sacrilegious, Catholicism, mild age-gap, corruption, virginity kink kinda,bit of a size kink, rough sex, blasphemy, 18+ only!!
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Levi was certain you hadn't made eye-contact with him once.
You guessed it was Levi who had been in the confessional--a correct assumption, of course. You didn't know how you were supposed to look him in the eye after revealing something so embarrassing to him.
Your downward gaze was of no complaint to Levi; he didn't have to worry about you catching the sinful look in his eyes as he drank in the sight of your body.
You almost always wore skirts and dresses, but they were always floor length, maybe to your knees on a warmer day. Today, however, you were wearing a cute white dress that hung just above your knees. It was still arguably modest, but it was a change for you. Levi couldn't help but hope it was an intentional choice on your part... That you were asking for something.
"Here," He handed you a box of candles, "look around and replace any of the candles that are almost burnt out."
You nod obediently. "Yes, Father."
He watches with lust as you hurry away. He palms himself through his pants.
"I've finished withe the candles, Father!" You call across the sanctuary.
Levi looks up from the stack of hymnals he's sorting through. "Very good. Go organize the robes in the choir room. Just make sure they're all hung up. If any look dirty or wrinkled, pull them out."
You nod eagerly, "Yes Father!" You hurry out of the sanctuary.
Levi sighs, slumping back against the pew. He wonders what you look like under the soft cotton of your dress. How your thighs curve up to your ass and how your breasts move when you walk. His cock twitches. He groans.
He looks up at the stained glass Jesus. "Forgive me," he mutters, unzipping his pants. He moans as he pulls his dick out, stroking himself slowly. "Fuck..."
He knew he was big. It was nothing he was particularly cocky about, but he acknowledged it. He wondered how you'd take him, if you could take him. He wondered how tight you would feel wrapped around him. He pictured how your cute face would scrunch up as he penetrated you, the way your fingers would dig into anything within reach as you whined for him to slow down.
He moans, dropping his head back and closing his eyes. He picks up his pace as he imagines how you'd sound as you screamed his name.
He jumps, looking up. You stood in the doorway, staring at him in shock, your face glowing red.
Maybe it was how horny he was, but a strange wave of confidence rushed over him.
"Come here."
You stare in shock. "F-father, I--"
Levi's voice is deep and rough. "Come here, y/n."
You obey, timidly approaching him.
He starts to stroke himself again. "You didn't think that some simple cleaning would be enough to atone for your sins, did you?"
You swallowed, shaking your head. "No, Father."
"Get on your knees."
You look up at him, eyes widening. You stay still.
Levi reaches up, pulling the white slip out of his collar. "You're a good girl, aren't you? Don't you want to be forgiven for your sins?"
"But, Father... it's wrong!"
Levi sighs, tucking his cock back in his pants and redoing them.
"Y/n..." He stands, stepping towards you. You step back. "I have prayed to the Lord for your forgiveness and I am simply executing his will. Who are you to deny him? To deny me?
You take another step back and bump into the pulpit. "Are... are you sure, Father? We're not--"
"'For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?'” He replies calmly. "The lord works in mysterious ways and it is not in the power of us to question him.
You nod slowly, fear evident in your eyes. Levi leans forward, caressing your jaw. "Kneel for me, angel."
You slowly drop to your knees, staring up at him with wide eyes.
He clenches his teeth as his dick strains against his pants. His heart is beating loudly in his ears. Fuck, you're pretty.
"Take it out."
Your lip quivers as you reach up to his pants, undoing them with shaking hands. His cock swings down, nearly hitting you in the face. You gasp, leaning back and bumping your head on the pulpit.
"Careful," he mummers.
"What do I do now, Father?"
"Put it in your mouth, angel."
"I..." you shake your head "I don't know... I can't!"
"Tsk." Levi sticks his thumb in your mouth, pushing your jaw down. You go slack, and he takes the opportunity to push his cock in.
"Oh, fuck!" He grunts. Your mouth is so fucking warm. So fucking soft.
You whine, tears welling in your eyes as he pushes back into your throat.
You gag, pushing him away. You cough, spit dripping from your lips. "'It's too much!" You whine, looking up at him with a pleading look.
He chuckles lowly, caressing your jaw and holding your face. Suddenly, he slaps you across the face.
"Ah! Wha--" you look up at him, hurt, but he interrupts you.
"Don't act coy now," he leans down, getting in your face, "just last night you told me how you touched yourself to the idea of being slapped around and fucked like a whore."
You whine pathetically as he shoves his cock back in your mouth, face fucking you.
He groans, admiring the way tears stream down your face. Your mouth is so nice, he can only imagine….
He pulls away, panting. He steps back, grabs your ankles and pulls you forward. You yelp as you slide down, landing on your back.
“Father Ackerman, please!”
He doesn’t know if it’s because you said his name or because of how cute you sound begging, but something in him snaps.
He grabs your plush thighs, forcing your legs apart. His hands slide up your legs, leaving goosebumps on your skin. He pushes your dress up, revealing your lacy white panties.
“Fuck…” he murmurs, tracing a finger down your cunt.
You moan, jerking away from his touch.
“So fucking wet for me.” He reaches to pull them down, but you grab his hands, trying to push them away.
He laughs, easily overpowering you. “Don’t act like you don’t want this…”
You hold your hand between your legs, shaking your head fervently.
His smile slips. He pushes your hands out of the way, grabs your panties with both hands and rips them in two, discarding the pieces to the side.
You struggle to escape his grasp, but he holds you in place, pushing your legs back to your chest.
His hands pin your wrists down as he brings his hips forward, brushing his tip against your soft pussy.
"Ahh!" You whimper, jumping as it pokes your clit. Levi chuckles, pushing forward into you.
You both let out a loud moan as his tip slides past your entrance.
"Ah, fuck, you're so tight!" Levi growls, pushing further into you. You whimper, writhing underneath him. He pulls out, watching the way you cling to him. He snaps his hips back in.
"Oh God!" You whimper.
Levi slaps you across the face, catching your jaw.
"I'm the only God I want you to worship right now, understood?"
You nod, flinching as he raises his hand again. "Y-yes! Yes, Father."
"Good girl," He mumbles, leaning down and meeting your lips in a passionate kiss. He pulls away, lips brushing against your ear.
"You love the way my big cock stretches you out, don't you, sweetheart?"
You're only able to let out incoherent whines and moans as he pounds into you.
"Yeah, that's it..." his voice is low and gruff "fuck"
He pulls out, flipping you over so your ass is in the air. He shoves himself back in, fucking you roughly.
"Oh, fuck!" You whine, fingers digging into the rug.
"What was that?" Levi hummed, leaning down, "Did you just swear?"
"'M sorry! I didn't mean to!"
Levi grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling you up so your back is flush with his front. He whispered into your ear, his hot breath fanning against your skin. "Such a filthy girl for me... I wonder what the congregation would think if they could see what you're really like."
You let out a particularly loud whine. Levi chuckles, pushing you down and rolling you back over. "Wanna see your pretty face." He sticks his dick back inside you, bringing his hand down your stomach and resting right above your pussy. He gently brushes his thumb over your clit.
"Oh, God! Please, please...!" you whine.
"Beg. Who's your god?
"The Lord is my--"
"I said beg!" Levi thrusts hard, smacking your clit at the same time.
"Please, oh God, please, Father Ackerman, please!"
"Who's your god?
"You are, Father! You're my god!"
Levi growls in satisfaction. He spits on your pussy, rubbing quick circles on your clit.
"Oh god! Oh my god, Father!! Please, please It feels so good, oh god, don't stop.... Ah!" Your back arches as you cum, pussy throbbing around Levi's cock. He moans, watching as your face contorts into pleasure. "Father, stop! 'S too much I'm--Oh, god, It feels--"
You let out a loud cry as you gush around his cock, covering the front of his uniform. His eyes widen, watching as you writhe in over-stimulation and embarrassment.
"Shit!" He hisses, throwing his head back. He lets out a loud moan as hot cum shoots out into your pussy.
He breaths deeply, calming himself. He slowly pulls out and watches his cum follow, dripping down to your ass.
You look up to him with your sweet eyes, tears running down your cheeks and leaving mascara stains behind. "Father, am... Am I forgiven?"
Levi chuckles darkly.
"Not yet, angel."
thank you all for reading! sorry again this took so long. tag list for anyone who commented about part two: @lik0 @6lunita6 @themissinghippogriff @nneuwiller @rxcked @escapethemaddness420 @leviackermanst @doctorsunknown
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jonquilyst · 10 months
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Day 11 - Socialization Day
It's another socialization day. It was a rather peaceful day for Lilium (SL); she simply spent her time trying to catch frogs. Meanwhile, Logan (KC) spent his time attempting to strengthen his bond with Dahlia (KC)
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Cassie (KC) approached Alexis (KC) with a proposition. With Logan now part of a 3-way alliance with Dahlia and Anika (KC), only she and Alexis remain outside the alliance, making them easy voting targets. As a result, Cassie and Alexis have agreed to form a temporary alliance to help counteract the alliance until they reach the merge.
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The Screaming Llamas, with only 4 members remaining, remained peaceful today, though Reagan was the most social with her teammates than she ever has been. With merge soon approaching, it's starting to get down to the wire for our teams; no one wants to be voted out.
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With a new alliance born among the Killer Cowplants, Alexis attempts to boost her reputation by having a friendly chat with Dahlia.
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Today's Confessional: Cassie Fuller
"Yeah... I'm not in the greatest spot right now. With the vote being split the last time we had an elimination, it's a miracle I'm still here. And if we lose again, the alliance is definitely gonna try and get me out again... Well, I just need to survive until merge, and I know Poppy will help keep me safe afterwards, so I had to ask Alexis to team up with me. So thankful to that sweetheart for saying yes."
@seyvia @ashubii @akitasimblr @thebramblewood @softle0 @simsinfinitylt @micrathene-w @prismaticpotentia
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evita-shelby · 1 year
National Anthem
Chapter 2
Cw: mentions of injuries, death, sex and scars
Taglist: @thegreatdragonfruta @zablife
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“I thought you were a nurse during your war.” He said tracing idle circles around a spot on her shoulder where a bullet grazed her and left its mark on her.
They had ended up at his place, tearing each other’s clothes off and fucking again in his magnificent four poster bed.
She’d never been with a man, done things that had him question her uncle’s claim until he learned it for himself.
Eva had wanted him to take her in the confessional, and he had, against the wooden walls that were supposed to be holy.
A religious experience in many ways.
You are the first woman I fuck here; he had said out of breath after.
The only woman you will ever fuck here and there and everywhere, she had corrected, and he agreed only to humor her.
I’m gonna return you to your uncle with a limp, Mrs. Nelson, he had promised as he carried her over the threshold of his house like a bride.
He had no driver, thank God, it had been so long Eva had ridden in the front seat of a car.
They had decided on the flowers, the colors and the name of their first child by the time they got to his place, a lovely townhouse he shared with his sister-in-law who mercifully was visiting family in the country.
Didn’t help he was calling her Mrs. Nelson and introduced her as such to the housekeeper, a middle-aged woman with an Irish accent strong enough to remind her of her grandfather.
“Nurses are in the line of fire too, you know.” She responded, keeping her secrets to herself.
The witch isn’t sure if she trusts him enough to tell her what she really did during the war.
Would he look at her the same way when she tells him she killed Americans by the dozen to avenge her parents, neighbors, and friends?
It is better if we forget it happened, her aunt had said as they wiped her records clean.
But she cannot simply shut the door behind her.
It comes and goes as it pleases, sure her sobriety has helped quiet the screams and the grief that led her to try and take her life several times, but it will never be over.
Jack was lucky that his post as the newly minted General Manager exempted him from military service.
There was a part of him that hated he was seen as less manly for not having fought in France like his brother had, though, but Laurance Nelson had died in his first real battle and left little Gina and her mother in his brother’s care with his kid brother resenting him for leaving them all behind.
Jack had lived and risen to great heights his brother never got to see. Would live to see his children have grandchildren of their own.
Still, Jack has his own set of scars, scars she kissed and caressed as they come to know each other here.
Eva kissed a faded stab wound near his clavicle and kissed every inch of skin down his sternum.
Marked him as hers to the next lady he fucks, then he’ll know she meant what she said that she is the only woman he’ll have from now on.
He had another one in his abdomen, had found him to be ticklish there as she ventured lower until she reached that wondrous thing that made her see God several times that morning.
Jack was an open book, with the right person.
His past he keeps guarded under lock and key and yet she knows it.
Grown up being an errand boy to a gangster and eventually Party Boss of South Boston, who had taken him and his brother under his wing once they were old enough.
His mom had been his whore for a while, needing to keep her children clothed and fed by any means necessary when his father up and left her with four little ones.
By the time Jack and his brother, Laurence, had become men, they’d seen so much death.
After their little brother and sister died, their mother followed shortly after.
Asked PJ Kennedy to watch over them for her on her deathbed and good old Pat had sworn on Saint Patrick himself to honor her last wishes.
The man had done more than that, he’d left him and his brother everything, including the steel factory that Jack eventually became General Manger of in 1914.
She wasn’t supposed to know that. Eva had learned it when she had seen him from her window when he came to meet her uncle on business.
He hadn’t seen her, but she had gotten a good look at the tall American man who came looking for a wife.
Saw his intentions and past laid out bare before her as he came into the house.
“Frank Wallace, Gutin Gang tried to hijack me thinking I’d gone soft when PJ gave me Bethlehem Steel. Last time they every thought of fucking with me.” He says before she asks.
They have been doing this for a while, worshiping each other’s scars and learning the context for them.
“Zacatecas, artillery felt like it was raining from heaven. Didn’t notice I was hit until we got my brother, Alan, to the only hospital left with an operation theater.” The witch supplies feeling more comfortable as she returns her head to his chest. “He died of sepsis a week later.”
“Laurence died in his first battle. Went in ‘because he wanted to die, and God granted him his fucking wish. They gave him a fucking medal for bravery and called him a hero.” Jack says not bothering to hide his bitterness at having his big brother abandon him and his daughter and have only a fucking medal and a folded-up flag to mourn him.
“I’m sorry for your loss, it must have been terrible for you to lose your brother that way.” She says because she understands his pain. “And I’m sorry for making the both of us dredge up the past, Jack.”
Gabriel could have chosen to accept the deal with Carranza and wait out the war in the safety of America with their uncles.
But when he refused to stop fighting, Eva stayed by his side because she didn’t want him to die alone.
In the end he did, everyone dies as alone as they came into the world.
Such a dark turn this wonderful moment took.
“Got to admit for first dates, it sure as hell it’s gonna be one to remember, Mrs. Nelson.” He said, tilting her chin up and kissing her.
“It sure is, Mr. Nelson.”
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hjcoolartnerd · 6 months
TDC Episode 2: All Aboard part 2
A/N: *This season of TDC all players are adults even the reboot ones. they are 20, PI are 24, ROTI are 25 and the Original cast are 27.*
Previous Episode:
All Aboard part 1
Recap Voice Over:
"Last Time on Total Drama Cruiser! 36 crew member were brought back for an exciting new season, divided in to 4 teams of 9. some liked their teams others not so much. We learned why some people didn't return to the game and we also found out who might be this season's antagonist jajaja. We also found out the way of elimination the plank of shame. who will be the first one to dive into shark infested waters? and who will be setting foot in our economy class? Find out right here on Total! Drama! Cruise!"
Chris and the crew mates were all on the beach of Hawaii a familiar beach for everyone who was a spectator of the World Tour Finally "Today's challenge we will be divided into 3 parts. first part you will decide who will sit out of the second and third part of the challenge." Chris smirked as he pointed to the four cages "That person will sit there on their first half and they have to eat disgusting food prepared by today's surprise guess. World Tour's Winner, Alejandro!" As Chriss announces who would be preparing the disgusting food, a Helicopter drops Alejandro with him Heather. "Al Buddy, I am only needed you. That who I'm paying only 50 dollars. " Chris said "Well, I don't go anywhere with out Alejandro" Heather spoke as she held Alejandro's hand. "So these are the pathetic looser you chose for your new season?" Alejandro sneered as he saw everyone "Oh looked an Eel dipped in Grease." Noah said. "Al" Justin said "Justin" Alejandro replied. Justin glaring at him while Alejandro just smirked.
"I hate that smooth talker! He thinks he is better than me because he could get more people to fall for him! He is nothing compared to me! I'm the original pretty boy! He is just a copy!" Justin's Confessional.
"The Last person to puke their disgusting food would get a 5 min head start in the next part of the challenge." Chris said "Alejandro and Heather will make the grossest food, while each of you choose who is going to eat from your own team." Everyone looked at eachother and they got in circle. Screaming Eagles: "Okay Team, we need someone who isn't grossed out easily and cost us the advantage." Carlos said taking the lead "Blainley can't do it because she cheated during her gross food challenge." Blainley glared at him "Who volunteers? Kyle? Julia? Your season had really disgusting food." Carlos pointed out "Yeah but I wasn't the one to eat a type wyrm that was Julia." Kyle smirked as Julia glared at him "Gross! No I am not Doing it! Why not you big guy?" She points to rodney "You were raised on a farm" Everyone turns to Rodney "Me? I.. Uhhh.. well you see...." Rodney began stuttering before he shrugs. "It might be the best plan, most of us here dont tolerate gross foods" Trent said thinking back to season 1. "And I can't eat anything gross! Not Even Chef's Food!" Anna Maria said. "That's because paying attention to your physical appearance is a cry of help! and you secretly love the fact that you can get to be yourself with daniel." Dawn said as Anne Maria glared t Dawn.
"Carlos and maybe Kyle, Julia and Rodney seem to be the only other strong competitors in our team... Blainley should go out as soon as we get a change and Carlos and Trent agree. But right now I need to focus and don't let my anger take over" Eva's Confessional.
"So Rodney is our pick?" Eva asked. "Seems like it." Kyle said smiling. Julia then pulls Kyle aside "Hey We need to talk" She told him as he pulled him away from the team "Yes Julia?" He asked "You know we are at A voting dis advantage right? If we lose, Eva, Carlos, Trent, Dawn and Anne Maria could team up to vote us off. We are the newbies and despite our differences we have to work together at least until we reach the merge." Julia said as Kyle listened "Yeah but how can i trust you? You aren't exactly trustworthy Julia. I Haven't forgotten what You did to Caleb and Priya." Kyle said with his hands on his hips "True I am not exactly trust worthy. But. If we could work together we could ride the challenges." She said. "Yeah but if we work together our team will avoid most eliminations, Not Counting Blainley and Anne Maria the rest of us are good at challenges." Kyle said "That what we need. Work together and not Kill each other in the prosses." Julia though about it "You are right..." She said.
"Kyle, is smart. and He knows how to play well as a team... which is why he can't stay longer that 25th place. I'll keep him for as long as I can and then Boot him. Like his Cousin Eric he always make it far and I am planning to stop that." Julia's Confessional.
"I don't trust Julia One bit! But if I can help my team work together we could ride off every challenge without going to the poop deck and manage to avoid elimination. With me, Carlos, Julia, Eva, Trent, Dawn and Rodney. we have a fair chance. I'm doing this for Wayner and Rajie.... and Bowie. and to get back into the Hockey team. If i prove that I can be a team player the coach has to let me back right?" Kyle's Confessional.
Killer Hornets: "Okay so which of us has the most Iron stomach?" Daniel asked as all The girls looked away avoiding Daniel's eye. "Great.. None of us have guts." Noah said as he looked at everyone "Yeah, My Great Great Great Great Great Great-" Daniel sighed "For Crying out loud Stacy be useful and shut your damn Mouth for once!" He snapped. "I Vote Staci for the eating part!" Sadie said as she raised her hand. "Me too." Katie said smiling "What?! Why me" Stacy replied. "I'm not against it" Daniel smirked "Sure why not. Nichelle? Sammy? Jane? Beardo?" Noah asked "Fine by me! I don't like disgusting foods" Sammy said. Both Beardo and Jane agreed. "I also agree with that." Nichelle said as they all looked at Stacy who is worried and confused.
"I had to take the leadership role of my team. we are the worst team. Worst than the grips. Maybe I need a new game strategy this season." Daniel's confessional.
"It's strange to see Daniel take a leader ship role. He usually stays in the back hidden. But I don't blame him. Have you seen our team?" Noah's confessional.
"My Great Great great Great great great grandfather created prisons, Before him, people used to walk cuffed all around and even ran away and policeman had to round them up.... And My great Great great great great-" Stacy's Confessional.
"So yeah, this team sucks.... At least my previous teams had good players, but this one?! This one is the worst! The other three teams are better especially the Pidgeon's, They have a mutant! A Mutant! They have the advantage." Jane's Confessional.
Ferocious Pidgeons: "Okay we all have to agree that Dakotazoid will do the first part of the challenge right?" Bryan said as he rounded up the team. "And why should we listen to you man?" Tyler asked as he looked at Bryan "You haven't been the best player in previous seasons and a cheater mind you." Geoff added. "Sam yeah... You are like Alejandro and Heather but Worst" Sam said.
"I am nothing Like Alejandro or Heather! And I learned strategy, My girl back home aka Courtney taught me a few strategies i could use to make it far, And one thing is being a team player. She made me watch every season of total drama, learn from everyone's mistakes." Bryan's Confessional.
"I fine with Bryan's Plan" Dakotazoid said as Bryan smiled "Alright who is against it?" He looked at the others and they stayed silent "Good, with Dakotazoid we might win this first half." He smiled.
Turkeys of Death: "I volunteer myself for the challenge" Ezekiel said "With my toxic saliva i could dissolve the food and when i eat it I wont have must taste." He said as everyone looked at him "But isn't eating Toxines dangerous for you" Millie asked. "Not since i got mutated in Chris' mine." He said nodding. "I like you enthusiasm Zeke, but Ripper is the grossest one here, I bet he can eat without vomiting" Sierra said. "Me? why?!" He asked. "Mmmm I don't know.... Be who do you think should do the challenge?" Brick asked B and B pointed at Ripper. "agreed." Brick added. "I think Zeke should do it if he want's to do it" Justin said smiling
"If Zeke's looses us the advantage guess who the team votes for.... Yeah Mutant Homeschool. This is my season. I need to show them that I'm a better version of my Action self." Justin's confessional.
"What do you think cutie" Justin asked Amy who had been staring at him. "Oh me? Uh I vote Zeke!" She smiled and looks away blushing. "okay that's 3 votes Zeke, 3 votes Ripper. Millie? Topher Ripper?" Sierras asked them "Definitely I vote ripper!" Millie said. "And I vote Zeke I don't want to eat disgusting Foods!"
"Justin is so attractive!" Amy's Confessional.
"I won't eat anything disgusting! I made a deal with Axel's brother that i will refrain from gross things!" Ripper's Confessional.
"I vote for....." Topher began as both Zeke and Ripper waited with anticipation for him to choose. "Zeke. It's the best choice! The toxic Saliva sounds like a good plan!"
The time to choose their prisoner was over as Chris told the selected person to walk forward. Rodney, Stacy, Dakotazoid and Zeke walked forward "Okay! You four step into your cages! Heather and Alejandro are finishing the gross food you four have to stomach." He smirked "The brough from the most disgusting trash they could find. While they finish, I'll give you the rules for the second part of the challenge, 7 members of each team, will create a sacrifice with no pineapple head, off Heather or Alejandro. If you have a female contestant in the cage you will build an Alejandro dummy, if you have a female you build a Heather dummy." Chris said. "Excellent! I wanted some revenge on Al, and now it is time. Even if it's a dummy" Bryan's Confessional.
"After building the dummy from those 7 , 3 will work together to the volcano and throw their sacrifice, after than they will race back down and run towards that side of the beach where depending the order you arrive in with is the order we will have the one on one part of the challenge. the first one to win 3 fights win immunity and get to travel to our next destination in first class. the team that losses 3 fights will get the poop deck and are forced to send someone home." Chris explain the rules, just as Alejandro, Chef, Heather and a red Head Inter. "Izzy?!" Everyone gasped when they saw the familiar crazy "Yep, Izzy Agreed to be my intern in exchange for fix her image, after her out burst on set" Chris smirked "Give the prisoner their, food." Chris said as the four went to each of the person in the cage, Chris press the airhorn signaling for the challenge too start
"This is so entertaining, Watching those loser eat disgusting food , for a million dollars. I Know I wanted the Money but, seeing them squirm is more entertaining. But I still want the Million don't get me wrong." Heather's confessional.
Dakotazoid and Zeke were having an easy time with the challenge, Zeke's saliva making it easy for him to eat, while Dakotazoid's stomach allowed her to eat without vomiting. How every Stacy couldn't eat one spoon full as she tried to eat she couldn't help but vomit. "And Stacy is Out!" Chris said as the Hornets sighed. Rodney wasn't that behind when he vomited. "And Rodney is also Out! Only Dakotazoid and Zeke's left maybe it's time to see some of the most disgusting blunders from total drama history, gotten from Sierra's blog." Chris said as Chef brought Chris' monitor. Izzy notices Al and Heather weren't there so he left into the boat to find them. While the challenge progressed Izzy was looking for Heather and Alejandro around the cruise ship
"If I had to think like those two, They'd be looking for the briefcase with the money in Chris quarters. He hired me as a Inter but I'm more like security. and Maybe explosive will get to Boom Boom!" Izzy's Confessional.
Heather and Alejandro were in the production suite of the production. Alejandro was looking near Chris' room while heather kept look out. "Hurry Up Alejandro! we need the money and then leave out of here." Heather said as she gave Alejandro a side eye as she kept watch. "Don't rush me! McLean's Room is disturbing! he has pictures of himself everywhere in this suite." Alejandro said from the room "And there is no way of knowing where he would hide the case.": he added. "There should be a safe around there." Heather said as he kept watch. "Ugh this is so frustrating!" Alejandro groaned. "That's How I wanted to catch you two jaja" Izzy said as Heather notices her "Oh Crap! Alejandro! IT's the Crazy girl!" Heather shouted at Alejandro. "What?! She was with Chef and Chris!" He said walking out and his eyes widening as he saw Izzy standing there "You two are not supposed to be here." She smirked "Production team and staff only! You two are only here to Demo the challenge.". Heather back away "I got lost Izzy... I was looking for the Confessional." She said trying to get away. "Yeah that's what we were doing" Alejandro said calm. "OH i do not believe that...." She smiled "Prepare to Face the power of Izzy" She began charging towards them, as Heather first instinct was to bolt out of there. "I am Out of here" Heather said running. "Pft I am not scared of You Izzy" Alejandro said
"Alejandro Is Crazy For challenging Izzy like that. I know he is muscular and a force to be reckoned with but Izzy is unpredictable and she can go on a head to head fight with Chef so I know he is risking loosing. But right now I needed to save my ass" Heather's confessional.
"I delt with Izzy during season 3 and she is nothing but a joke. I can easily take her" Alejandro's confessional.
"Heather is a smart cookie for running from the Izzy! But Alejandro will see just how capable this nut case is!" Izzy's confessional.
Izzy and Alejandro began having a hand to hand combat. Their fight were head to head as they fought, an Intense battle for two of the strongest ex competitors. Heather was running off from the Production suite. While they fought for a long time, and it appeared liked Alejandro had the upper hand when Izzy slowly changed the tides, tripping Alejandro and then tasing him "Izzy wins!" She exclaims as she then puts cuffs on Alejandro's wrist "Time to take you to the boats punishment cells" She said as she took Alejandro to the lower parts of the cruise ship where there were cells and she pushed Alejandro towards one of the cells "Now I need to find Heather" She said as she closed Alejandro's cell and left to go find heather.
"Izzy won't find me if I hide in first class right?" Heather's confessional.
Back with the Challenge They were still seeing disgusting scenes of Total Drama of people vomiting and Dakotazoid couldn't take it anymore. She had an Iron Stomach and she couldn't take much more of seeing past people vomiting. "And Zeke wins the advantage for the Turkeys of Death! they won the 5 min advantage in the Sacrifice Building Challenge!" Chris said as the Turkeys of Death celebrated. "Now teams choose who is going to be waiting at the other side of the island for the third part of the challenge.." Chris said as the teams reunited again
Turkeys of Death: The team were together except Ezekiel "Okay Who is the strongest member of our team?" Millie asked "I am!" Both Ripper and Brick spoke at the same time. "What? You are not the strong one I am!" They continued to talk at the same time "No I am!"
"I need to prove I'm the alpha male of the team! and show them I am the strongest here!" Ripper's confessional.
"I have military training, There is no doubt I am the strongest one!" Brick's confessional.
"Ugh, Can we just not Argue!" Amy said crossing her arms "Ripper will take the last part challenge and that's final!" She said as everyone stared at her. "Wow oaky miss bossy pants, Brick is the best choice he has military training!" Sierra said crossing her arms "But if we choose Ripper we could blame him if we loose, and he can be booted off" Justin said "Hey! I am not that bad! My girlfriend's brothers taught me how to be strong so i can keep their sister safe!" Ripper said as everyone exchanged glances at him "Okay Fine!" They all said at the same time. "If that's who is going to take the final challenge, then Me, Brick and B will take the Dummy up to the Volcano." Sierra said smiling.
Ferocious Pigeons: "Okay who will we send to the last challenge?" Bryan asked as everyone exchanged glances. "I could-" Tyler began but Bryan stopped him "Not you Tyler...." Bryan said
"No one here is good for the last challenge.... this is so.... UGh! Maybe.... Axel? I don't know Sam, Tyler, Leonard and Ella are no good for the one on one challenge. Geoff, Axel and Damien seem perfectly fit but Geoff is too much of a nice guy and Damien.... well is Damien... and there is no way they'll beat the eagles if they pick Eva." Bryan's confessional.
"Axel? Will you do it for us?" Damien asked "you are the strongest one of out team" Everyone turned to Axel. "And you could beat the crap out of who ever you are placed against to." Axel looked at Damien and smirked "I accept it!" She smiled. "Great we have our fighter!" Geoff smiled. "Then Me, Tyler and Bryan will take the dummy to the volcano" Geoff added.
Killer Hornets: None of the team spoke up to take the last spot of the challenge. they were all glancing at each other hoping for to volunteer for the last challenge.
"The sacrifices we have to take to lead a team of complete dumb shits. Noah is the only smart one but we don't need brain in the final challenge. Jane is just a flexible girl but not good in fighting challenges and Nichelle.... welll yeah" Daniel's cponfessional.
"Okay, okay. I'll take The final spot!" He sighed "But you guys better be fast and carry the heavy Alejandro Sacrifice." Daniel said. "We will, There is nothing I'd like more than to see Alejandro fall into that volcano even if it's just a dummy." Noah said as Daniel nodded. "As for who will take the dummy, it will be Nichelle, Jane and Beardo" Daniel said "Sure I see no problem with that."
Screaming Eagles: "Eva you want to go to the last Challenge?" Carlos asked her "Yeah, I'd bring our team the win." Eva said with no hesitation. "To have a better chance to arrive first to the volcano and the beach, me, Trent and Kyle will take the Heather dummy up the volcano." Carlos said hoping the team agreed. "I'm fine with that" Julia said as she just looked at her Nails. "Yeah because there is no way my good looking body will get near the heat of that volcano" Anne Maria said. "And I'm not risking letting my body get burned by lava Blainley Said.
Meanwhile Izzy finally found Heather and Heather began running off from Izzy "I almost got you!" She laughed crazily as she ran. "You can run as much as you Can Heather! But you can't hide from the E-scope!" Izzy said as she chased Heather "Come on Izzy! We were friends! Can't you just let this slide?" She asked laughing crazily and Tackling Heather "I got you Now! Wait till Chris Hears this" She smiled as she took Heather toward the cell and locked her up in the cell next to Alejandro's.
"You think Chris, would give me a raise for what i Did?" Izzy's Confessional.
Chris Blew the air horn and the building challenge began. The turkeys of death began their 5 minute head start to build their sacrfice with Dekotazoid's intructions. When the 5 mins were over the other teams following the guidance of their caged teammate began their sacrifices, Sadly the Hornets were getting nothing since, Staci was focused on talking about he great great great great greet. "Yeah! My great great great great great Grandfather, invented Logs! Before him people used to burn trees with out cutting them... and my Great great great great great great great -" Staci continued "Ugh! Tgis is Frustrating!" Jane complained as she covered her ears tired of Staci "Can't we just glue her mouth shut?" She asked as the other shrugs. "Staci! Can you just tell us what to get? We are going to lose if you don't help us." Noah yelled "This is so Humiliating The other team will win!" Sammy said frowning. Beardo nods making a losing tune. as The other teams kept working on their sacrifices slowly the teams finished their their sacrifices and the 3 for each team began taking the sacrifices up. leaving the hornets behind. Chris walks towards the last place team "If you don't put the work your team automatically loose the challenge and head to the poop deck." He laughed at them. They all glared at Stacy. "Okay I Am Done with Mrs Nice Girl!" Jane spat "You will shut you mouth up and tell us what to do or So help me You will be the one going home tonight!" Jane yelled ar her
"It's obvious who is going home if we loose" Jane's confessional
"Honestly.... Why is should we win at this Point. The other 3 teams are ahead by a lot!" Nichelle's confessional.
"Why is she sooo Useless!" Noah's Confessional
"Is she kidding? Who here buys her lies?" Beardo's Confessional
"Not even me and Sadie are that annoying!" Katie's Confessional.
Eventually they managed to build their Alejandro Sacrifice, So that allowed Nichelle, Beardo and Jane to began working together to carry the Alejandro Sacrifice towards the Volcano. Meanwhile the other three teams were far away from them They were basically just finishing throwing their sacrifices. "Trent, Carlos, we Should go Now!" Kyle said as he began running down the volcano the mentioned guys following behind him. Once Tyler, Geoff and Bryan threw their sacrifice they began running behind the first place team, Tyler then tripped and began falling down the volcano. Geoff and Bryan exchanged glances. After Throwing the the sacrifices the three members of Turkeys of Death began running towards the beach. B had offered Carrying Brick and Sierra so they could arrive together. The three teams in the lead were head to head, except Tyler who had fallen from the side of the volcano.
"Chris never said that the whole 3 members should arrive to the beach together so, We should yell at Tyler to run towards the beach. But first...." Bryan's confessional.
Bryan pushed Kyle, and he provoked Kyle to tumble and and make the rest of his teammates fall.
"What is Wrong with Bryan! I know this is a race but he doesn't have to push me!" Kyle's confessional.
"Wow So typical of Bryan tripping the enemy, I better keep an eye on him...." Sierra's Confessional.
"Tyler! Run to the beach! Hurry! IF we cross first Axel will have her 3 fights firs!" Bryan yelled still running down the volcano just in case. Tyler groaned as he got up from the floor and began making his way to the beach. "Oh No he is not arriving First!" Carlos said as He got up first than Kyle and Trent and he began running down as fast as he could. Behind Him followed B carrying Brick and Sierra. Finally reaching the top of the volcano was Jane, Nichelle and Beardo, They threw their sacrifice as Nichelle observed a faster way to climb down the Volcano.
"I need to reach the beach first! we could give Daniel the chance to win the challenge.... But I am Tempted to stay back so we could Vote off Staci" Nichelle's confessional.
"Look Nichelle!" Jane said as Nichelle and Beardo looked at her "You could climb thru there and reach the ground first that B, and Carlos. and Since you will land safely you could beat Tyler to the end." Jane said as Nichelle smiled and Began climbing down the way Jane said. Jane smiled.
"I want to win. Even if I dislike Staci and she made us fall behind.... I still don't want use to lose a teammate, No matter how useless they are" Jane's confessional.
The race was close, Tyler going slowly to the end. B and Carlos running at the same pace as Nichelle had just landed in at the ground and she began running towards the beach. "This I going to be close! Tyler has the lead! but Nichelle just landed first to the ground! and But Carlos and B are both running at an Alarming rate! First class is on the line! first fights will be given to the team who arrives first" Chris said as he watched thru the monitors the 4 four main runners. "chef should we make the fight the way to chose a real looser between 3rd and 4th place?" Chris asked Chef. "Yes! That'd be excellent!" Chef smiled. from where he was Bryan could see that Nichelle was going to beat Tyler.
"Desperate Times calls for desperate Measures!" Bryan's Confessional.
Bryan grabbed a coconut and tossed it towards Brick, The coconut hit him making him fall from B's arm and by pure change he fell on top of Nichelle. Seeing that Provoked Sierra to tackle Bryan and began beating the crap out of him. Carlos too advantage of this and speed up towards the finish line Just as Tyler was about to win Carlos passed By Tyler. "And The Screaming Eagles! Won first place!" Chris said as Carlos crossed. "What!? What about the fights!?" Eva asked. "Well! The fight will still happen but that to choose the ultimate loser between the last two team and It appears that the fight will happen between Daniel and Ripper because the Ferocious Pigeons win second place." Chris said as Tyler finally crossed the line.
"This Is Bryan's fault! It's really un fair that Bryan's team got second Place!" Sierra's Confessional.
As the sun hung low in the sky, casting an orange hue over the arena, Ripper and Daniel stood atop platforms, each armed with jousting sticks, their eyes locked in a battle of wills. Ripper flexed his muscles, a cocky grin spreading across his rugged face. "You ready to taste defeat, Daniel?" Daniel smirked, adjusting his grip on the jousting stick. "I wouldn't be so sure, Ripper. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve." With a Air horn from Chris, the duel to avoid elimination ceremony began. The platforms rocked as Ripper and Daniel charged towards each other, their jousting sticks clashing with thunderous force. "Is that all you've got, Daniel?!" Ripper taunted, his voice booming across the arena. Daniel gritted his teeth, his focus unwavering. "You haven't seen anything yet, Ripper!" Back and forth they battled, neither willing to give an inch. The tension in the air was palpable as the spectators held their breath, waiting for the decisive moment. Suddenly, Ripper unleashed a powerful strike, catching Daniel off guard and sending him staggering backward towards the edge of the platform. "You're finished, Daniel!" Ripper roared triumphantly, preparing for the final blow. "Go Ripper Beat His ass!" Amy shouted. "Don't let that Jerk beat you Daniel!" Nichelle shouted. But Daniel wasn't about to go down without a fight. With a swift maneuver, he regained his balance and countered Ripper's attack, sending him reeling. The rest of Daniel's erupted into cheers as the duel reached its climax, the combatants locked in a fierce struggle for dominance. As the dust settled, it seemed as though Daniel had gained the upper hand, poised to send Ripper tumbling into the shark-infested waters below. "Any last words Ripper!" But then, Ripper unleashed his secret weapon. "Ah, what's that smell?!" Daniel exclaimed, his nose wrinkling in disgust. Ripper grinned wickedly, raising his arms to reveal his potent secret. "what you smell is my natural yeast smell." The foul stench emanating from Ripper's pits was enough to make Daniel dizzy, his senses overwhelmed by the noxious fumes With a final shove, Ripper sent Daniel plummeting into the waters below, victorious in the ultimate showdown of strength and strategy. "And Ripper wins it for the Turkeys of Death!" Chris shouted in his mega phone as the team cheered and the Killer Hornets groaned.
"I don't Blame Daniel for loosing.. Ripper stinks like crap" Jane's Confessional.
"Anyone would have lost that fight even Eva... well not Axel.... Some how she can handle his stink" Kyle's Confessiona.
"Well Killer Hornets, You are the first ones to go to the Poop deck to eliminate your first Team mate." Chris laughed as Everyone from the team glanced at eachother.
Soon it was dark and the Killer Hornets were sitting on lounge chairs in the poop deck Chris was Standing Near the Plank of shame as the team looked at him "Welcome to your first elimination Ceremony Killer Hornets. Just like in season 3 You will vote in the confessional by stamping a red X on the passport of the desired crewmate you want to vote off." Chris smirked "Now Chef is going to remind you what you did to be here." He smiled as Chef walked next to chris "Daniel, You let something as simple as Ripper stinky pits to make you lose the jousing fight which caused your team to be sent here." Chef pointed to Daniel "You would have too if You smelled those really stinky Pits!" He said trying not to vomit. "Nichelle you almost reached the finish line but you let Brick fall on top of you and that caused your team to end in 3/4th place." He said pointing to Nichelle. "I couldn't anticipate that Brick would fall on me! Those stinky Pigeons are cheaters" Nichelle growled. "And Lastly, Staci, your excessive lying, caused your team to be left behind in the race. if your team hadn't threatened you you would have automatically lost." Chef said "Well, My great great great great-" Chris interrupted him "Shut it! Nobody cares!" He said "Get to voting Loser!"
"Nichelle could have arrived first if Bryan didn't knock Brick on top of her, Daniel Lost to Rippers stinky pits... but" Jane stamps Staci's passport "Ms Lying got my vote"
"Is it debatable?" Nichelle stamped Staci's passport without saying anything
"Daniel lost the tie breaker... sorry buddy" Noah said stamping Daniel's Passport.
"Yeah Daniel.... I know he is evil" Staci Stamped Daniel's passport.
Daniel aggressively stamped multiple times Staci's passport "Bye Bye girly!"
Sadie and Katie together stamped on Staci's Passport.
"we are all tired of her stories... she seems nice but she should interact instead of lying" Sammy stamped Staci's Passport.
Beardo making sound effects stamped Staci's passport.
Chris was holding a plate of of chocolate made cruise tickets as he stared at the team "The crew mate who doesn't receive their cruise pass, will have to walk the poop deck and jump out on the plank of shame, and you can never come back... Ever!" Chris smirked "Before i give the passes if anyone here wants to use the Hatchet Totem to chose someone else to be booted? If you found it." Chris asked as everyone glanced at each other. "Very well, The pass will go to...Sadie!" He tossed the pass to Sadie "Katie!" He tossed it "Nichelle, Jane!" He tossed two more passed "Noah, Beardo, Sammy" He said as he tossed 3 more passes. Having now only one pass left "We got now 1 pass left and 2 crewmates." he said as Daniel and Staci exchanged glances "The last pass goes to....." Chris said as he extended the tension as Daniel began looking worried for a minute and Staci was almost biting her nails. ".... Daniel!" Chris said as he tossed the pass to Daniel "Yes!" He smiled and then quickly put on his sorry mask "Ooops Sorry Staci...." He said . "First Boot again!" Staci sighed frowning "Plant of Shame that Way stacy." Chris smirked pointing to the dock of shame.
"I can't believe I am being first boot again! I did good this time and shared interesting facts of my relatives with my team... why do they have to be such haters!" Stacy's Last Confessional.
Staci walked towards the Plank as Chris and the rest of the ream followed behind her. "Any last words Staci?" Chris asked. "Yeah!, My Great great great great great-" Chris nods to chef and chef pushed Staci off the plank "Greaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh" She fell and splashed. "What will Bryan do next? Who will be winnign next time and Will Julia backstab Kyle? Find out next time on Total Drama Cruiser!" With that the camera pans away and the camera fades to black.
Next Episode:
A/N: I almost never finished episode 2 of TDC, I was having a hard time to write the challenge the protagonist of this challenge were the killer Hornets. I hope you guys enjoy it!
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transboykirito · 2 years
kazuto and anti-hero, meta lyric analysis featuring me crying
i'm literally crying to this song as i write this so let's see how this goes. it's him, y'all. it is.
here's the song (the music video is a masterpiece)
i have this thing where i get older but just never wiser,
this is basically saying "i don't learn my lessons, i keep making immature mistakes and i don't know how to grow up". it reminds me of the scene in war of underworld where kazuto revisits the moments of his past, with the perspective of a few years. it also reminds me of the scene in the fairy dance arc where he says he's going to give up and accept reality, because it was immature to think he could overcome the system just because he wanted to.
midnights become my afternoons
this lyric refers to staying up all night, working yourself late into the night overthinking
when my depression works the graveyard shift all of the people i've ghosted stand there in the room
"when i stay up all night in self-loathing and regret and worry and depression, i think about all of the people i left in my past" basically. it obviously puts me in mind of the scene in war of underworld that i mentioned before, looking back on his past in his darkest hour, and the moment where asuna, suguha, shino and eugeo appear as "ghosts".
i made a gifset of this lyric with that scene.
it especially resonates with his relationship with suguha, in my opinion. he ignored her for years and did pretty irreparable damage to their relationship (even they admit it, no matter how close they become now, the years they spent apart have done damage). he regretted it for so long, and he spent so much time in aincrad hating himself for it.
in a cruel irony, he keeps finding reminders of her in that world, when she's out of reach - agatha, silica, even sachi to a degree. when he's already overthinking everything and in crisis, it's like she's a ghost in the room haunting him with his guilt and regret.
i should not be left to my own devices, they come with prices and vices, i end up in crisis
kazuto is someone who, surprisingly, doesn't do well when he's alone. in fact, most of the times when we see him isolate himself, he's doing it to punish himself, like when the black cats died and he swore off guilds and people because he didn't protect them, or when he and suguha fight and he shuts himself away from her because he hurt her again. the last time kazuto is "alone" (despite alice), he tries to kill himself. that's a crisis. this lyric essentially says "when i'm alone i end up overthinking and i end up going down self-destructive and detrimental paths".
tale as old as time
this is part of the last lyric, but. it's a tongue-in-cheek, minorly sarcastic jab at the narrator (taylor swift, kazuto kirigaya, etc. the person narrating the lyrics, you get the idea) saying "i've been doing this (the self-destruction) forever, i always do it and i've come to expect it, so has everyone around me".
this tone carries through most, if not all of the song. the narrator is tired of themself, and they can feel everyone around them growing tired of them too. it's self-aware and self-deprecating, confessional and open with just a hint of sarcastic predictability.
i wake up screaming from dreaming one day i'll watch as you're leaving, 'cause you got tired of my scheming for the last time
the obvious parallel first, "i wake screaming from dreaming one day i'll watch as you're leaving" is kazuto so many times through the series. he struggles with ptsd, obviously, and we see him struggle with imposter syndome and feelings of inadequacy, especially involving feeling like he isn't good enough for the people he loves, and that he'll fail to protect them.
so, for the second half of this lyric, it actually just reminds me of that sarcasm and self-awareness i mentioned earlier. the original intention of the lyric is closer to "i plan everything meticulously and i need to have the upper hand in every situation to protect myself" which i think kazuto would relate to to some extent, but... for him specifically i think of it more referring to his little habits and pranks and impulsive behaviour, asking "how far do i have to push it before this annoys you too much and you get tired and leave?"
everyone knows kazuto as being a lovable pain in the ass. off the top of my head i can think of asuna and eugeo chiding him for beinf distracted and reckless, the water gag he pulls on suguha, when he bites leafa, the way he takes jokes at klein and agil, etc. how long can he keep all that up before they get tired and leave?
it's me, hi. i'm the problem, it's me.
it's a very self-explanatory lyric. kazuto feels like he's the problem a lot. he gets himself into shit and then he ends up accidentally dragging everyone else into it too.
at teatime, everybody agrees
this one i just LOVE because it's literally not true. but the narrator feels like it is. it's only really touched on briefly, but kazuto has felt like everyone around him think he's the problem in their lives. suguha and their parents, asuna (especially around the fairy dance arc), shino, eugeo and alice.
we see him decide to take the death gun project all alone, without telling anyone what he's doing, because he doesn't want to worry them. he's afraid of suguha and asuna finding out because he doesn't want to get them involved too.
it just... it reminds me of that imposter syndome again. he feels like everyone is disappointed by kazuto because they want kirito instead.
i'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
so i personally have two interpretations of this lyric, and the one i'll be using for this post is "i'll do something that's going to hurt me because i'm overly ambitious and think i can't be hurt, but i'll never look at myself and adress the root causes of my behaviour. i'll just distract myself and burn myself to avoid having to change, even though i have to."
kazuto wants to be the hero. if someone needs help, he'll help them, even if it's detrimental to him, even if it nearly kills him. he plays the part of the hero, the invincible black swordsman who can rescue the princess and save the world.
and he knows that doesn't match who he really is. he knows he can't keep reaching for "the sun" (being a hero) because it's weighing down on him too much. he knows he needs to step back and work on himself, who he is as a person, as kazuto rather than as kirito. he hates feeling like he has to constantly live up to those standards or risk disappointing everyone, but he does it anyway, because it's easier than admitting out loud that he feels inadequate.
it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
this lyric refers to the narrator's fear that the people around them are bored of them and tired of their bad habits. the narrator thinks it must be exhausting trying to cheer for them when everyone knows they're constantly fighting an uphill battle with themself.
i mean... see above. kazuto feels like everyone wants kirito. suguha sees him struggling in fairy dance and phantom bullet, he admits all his ptsd and insecurities to shino in phantom bullet, eugeo sees him struggle practically daily, asuna sees him at all his lowest points. they see the damage that he does to himself, and yes, they love him and root for him anyway, but aren't they tired of it? aren't they tired of seeing someone they love destroy himself over and over? he gets there in the end, but he's so tired, and he thinks the ones he's closest to are tired of it too.
sometimes i feel like everybody is a sexy baby and i'm a monster on the hill, too big to hang out, slowly lurching towards your favourite city
the sexy baby lyric is good end of discussion that isn't what we're here for. this lyric pretty much just says "i feel like i'm too much to handle and feel like an outcast from everyone around me"
kazuto feels like he as a whole complete, complex person, is too big and too much to handle. asuna and eugeo are really the only people he lets see everything, he pulls himself back around almost everyone else.
"slowly lurching towards your favourite city" is essentially just the narrator saying "i'm a monster who destroys everything and i'm going to destroy the things you love most if you stay around me" which. kazuto.
pierced through the heart but never killed
"i've been absolutely heartbroken and i kept going". again, it reminds me of the scene from war of underworld where kazuto literally rips his own heart out. he tried, he wanted to... but he's never killed. he has to keep going with this wound in his chest (heartbreak, anxiety, depression, etc) that hurts, but it doesn't finish the job.
did you hear my covert narcissism i disguise as altruism like some kind of congressman?
one of the most kazuto kirigaya lyrics of all time imho.
the lyric basically asks "do you notice how many of this nice things i do so that way people tell me i'm doing a good job and praise me for being nice?"
kazuto plays the hero. he goes out of his way to save people, to protect people, to be the knight in shining armour. he does so many good things... and he wants it to be recognised. he wants people to think of him as a hero. especially suguha and asuna.
but then... do they notice? do people notice how hard he's trying to play into that hero role? does eugeo notice when he starts wanting to save everybody? does asuna notice when he says he just wants to run away together?
it's such a loaded lyric and i'm not doing this parallel justice, just please. it's him.
i wake up screaming from dreaming one day i'll watch as you're leaving, and life will lose all it's meaning for the last time
eugeo. this is him about eugeo. and also asuna. and sachi. when he lost them, his life lost everything.
when sachi died, he just kept aimlessly fighting with little sense of purpose. when he lost eugeo, he tried to kill himself because he couldn't bare to go on anymore.
when he thought asuna died, he literally says he lost his reason to do anything. "fighting in this virtual world, returning to the real world, continuing on with my life - it was all meaningless."
i have this dream, my daughter-in-law kills me for the money, she thinks i left them in the will
okay so this lyric is like... A Lot, it's pretty much saying "i'm scared that all i am to people is what i have and not who i am". also worth noting she specifies daughter-in-law, its someone she had no control over entering her life, and they only did it to get her money.
in the context of kazuto... i don't think it's about money, exactly. for kazuto it would likely be something more to do with notoriety or infamy. it kinda reminds me of eiji and their battle for the top spot in ordinal scale, or vassago's obsession with him, or his duel with kayaba, etc.
the family gathers round and reads it and then someone screams out, "she's laughing up at us from hell!"
so, in the music video, taylor leaves her children 13 cents each, and everything else goes to her cats. then a fight breaks out at the funeral and she watches in disgust and horror that she didn't really mean anything to these people (even her own family)
kazuto has mentioned before that he would sell his soul to the devil to protect the people he loves. trying to think of this lyric for him just makes me think of him waking up from his coma in the underworld and fighting vassago. because... like... if that wasn't him metaphorically laughing at him from hell idk what else would fit here.
it's me, hi, i'm the problem, it's me. everybody agrees, everybody agrees.
the narrator is tired of themself. the s in the final "agrees" is drawn out to sound like a snake hissing, implying the narrator feels that someone around them will grow tired of rooting for them and instead turn on them because they would know every weak point.
kirito vs eugeo s32. that's all i have to say.
anyway... this song just reminds me of kazuto so much, and a few lyrics put me in mind of some other sao characters too (eugeo, asuna, leafa, sinon, mito, bercouli, quinella, oberon) but yeah. it's like, 5:39 in the morning and i've been awake since 3am yesterday so sorry if this is like. a mess.
thanks if you read this much, sorry i force you all to read taylor swift lore on my sao blog <3
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violetsystems · 10 months
The only mindfuck for me right now has been that I've been so close to the people and life that I wanted for years and it's the past that's been actively subverting it. Call it a hierarchy of shame. But nobody wants to see you succeed on your own without having a kill switch on your dreams. The past thinks you owe it something. And when you are excommunicated from it all then it weaponizes every bit of self doubt it ever instilled into you. People I called friends were never really there for anybody other than themselves and the political schemes that made them.. And you find yourself trapped between their word on your life and your own narrative. With Chicago, you start to realize that narrative is part of a bigger corrupt ecosystem of money, power, and greed. One that you could wrap around the whole world traveling by yourself and find yourself alienate in your own home. And soon you realize it isn't just your past or your friends you are walking away from. It's all the dirty deals and backstabbing they did to keep you from reaching higher and leaving them behind. They relied on you as infrastructure to get ahead and can't let go. I could talk so much shit about people and I used to think that was the problem. They were afraid of me telling the truth. That's not it. They're afraid of losing control. They're afraid of not being able to shame you into a place where they can neg you and get ahead for it. Sell you short so you stay in your predefined rank in the social order you'll never get an org chart. for. They've been doing it for years. And breaking away from that while living in the middle of its grasp is an abusive and impossible maze to understand with no real map other than targeted memes and connected mobs of cliques and gangs. I'm a weakest link sort of person. That's why I keep to myself. It's easier to figure it out in the long run when you leave all the fake shit behind. I wish I could stop screaming at a wall comprehending how evil and selfish people are. And one day I will. But it isn't ever directed at anything but the utter depravity of knowing people who you gave your genuine friendship to were there to take advantage of it. People who called you by name and listened to your problems. It's a lot different than writing about it on the internet. It is more a confessional in that respect. But in interest of full disclosure. I literally never want to speak to anyone from my past ever again. Not even if they've been filming some secret reality show behind my back. That's why I keep to myself. They're poison. I wish I didn't have to come to that conclusion. But if people are going to hold me hostage in a job market because I won't reconcile with a bunch of people who tried to almost kill me or drug me? And I wish that weren't a true statement. Then we're at that stage in the movies where they tell you "You'll never work in this town again." And I don't really have a choice or map of where to go otherwise. So I just wait until they're run out of the aforementioned town by their own dirty deeds. Or it builds up around me like a wall of trash outside my home until I'm cocooned for life. I want to be that guy who was known for standing up to it all and being right for it so nobody has to repeat this kind of hell if they don't want to.
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through-gayas-eyes · 1 year
Your father had been a peculiar man in life, Angela, and he was peculiar in death, too. He remained so vivid. He came to me in dreams, and he came to me in smells and sounds and sensations of New York itself. He came to me in the scent of summer rain on hot macadam, or in the sweet perfume of wintertime sugared nuts sold by street vendors. He came to me in the sour, milky odor of Manhattan’s ginkgo trees in springtime bloom. He came to me in the bubbling coo of nesting pigeons, and in the screaming of police sirens. He was everywhere to be found across the city. Yet his absence weighted my heart with deep silence.
I went on about my life.
So much of my day-to-day routine looked exactly the same, even after he had gone. I lived in the same place, I did the same job. I spent time with the same friends and family. Frank had never been part of my daily routine, so why would anything change? My friends knew that I had lost someone important to me—but they hadn’t known him. Nobody knew how much I had loved him (how would I have explained him?), so I wasn’t warranted the public grieving rights of a widow. I didn’t see myself as a widow, in any case. That was your mother’s position, not mine. How could I be a widow when I had never been a wife? There had never been a correct word for what Frank and I were to each other, so the absence I felt after his death was both private and unnamed.
Mostly, it was this: I would wake up late at night, and lie in my bed, waiting for the phone to ring so that I could hear him say, “Are you awake? Do you want to go for a walk?”
New York City itself seemed smaller, after Frank died. All those distant neighborhoods that we had explored together on foot were no longer open to me. They weren’t places a woman could go alone—not even a woman as independent as myself. And in the geography of my imagination, a great many “neighborhoods” of intimacy were now also shuttered. There were certain subjects that I had only ever been able to talk about with Frank. There were places within me that he alone could reach with his listening—and I would never be able to reach those places on my own.
Even so, I want you to know that I’ve done just fine in my life without Frank. I grew out of my sorrow—the way people usually do, eventually. I found my way back to joyful things again. I’ve always been a lucky person, Angela—not least of all because my natural temperament is not one of gloom and despair. In that regard, I have always been a bit like my Aunt Peg—not prone to depression, thank God. And I’ve had wonderful people in my life in the decades after Frank died. Exciting lovers, new friends, my chosen family. I’ve never wanted for company. But I have also never stopped missing your father.
Other people have always been perfectly nice and kind, don’t get me wrong, but nobody was him. Nobody could ever be like that bottomless well of a man—that walking confessional booth who could absorb whatever you told him without judgment or alarm.
Nobody else could be that beautiful dark soul, who always seemed to straddle the worlds of life and death.
Nobody but Frank was Frank.
-City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert
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chouxcolait · 2 years
time to share some dream I had. Dream? Nightmare? Both.
So like, I SWEAR i've had this dream before. Cause I remember going to that place before (in my dreams not irl) okidoki. I'll TRY and describe it but it'll be a challenge
There is a building, its tall, pristine, with white walls and lots of glass windows. It looks like a fancy modernish hotel, and there are lots of people inside. Its thriving. I was with some friends inside that building, i dont know who they are, what they looked like, but I got along with them and felt like i've been with them before. (That links to another dream I had aside from that) There were three of them. We were just wandering around and then one friend says: 'Lets go downstairs! Theres a lot of people something cool's happening downstairs'
Ok, before I continue, the building may look normal on the outside but inside there are SO MANY ROOMS DOORS AND STAIRS. like. TOO MANY. I'll come back to this later ^^
I say to my friend: 'No, I don't want to go' having a feeling that something bad will happen, like a gut feeling— but I get dragged there anyways. There are a lot of people, even filling out of the entrance to that room. It looked... wooden, and religous, and had what seemed to be a confessional box. Screw that confessional box cause it burst open with smoke everywhere. What was I doing? Well, I detached myself fron my friends and was leaving cause I had a bad feeling about what would happen.
I was already going up the stairs when people screamed and a ghost smoke like thing (like black smoke) exited the room, killing people. When I heard screams I ran up the stairs to the ground floor. Here is where it gets weird.
The ghost demon was chasing me.
Let me say this now, it doesn't speak.
Ok, back to ghost smoke demon.
So i'm being chased, its suddenly quiet, the lights were off but you coulf still navigate around the place. I was speeding, I was running. Managing to avoid the thing from killing me too- cutting sharp corners when running up stairs (I was flying at some point too) then I reached Ground Floor.
I felt like i'd had this dream before, I swear i've had this dream before but with different endings. I've had this dream five times. Not in a row. Because five different endings, with the same people in dream, same layout, same ghost, same chase sequence but different ending.
this is the fifth time and i remembered every ending in the past 4 dreams.
endings of the four dreams:
• I went to the ground floor, tried to go to the entrance but it was locked or it wouldnt budge so I got caught by the demon thing while attempting to open the doot. (I only got caught, I probably died but I don't know. I wake up at that point)
• I run away to the ground floor, try to loop around the room but get caught
• i get lost and am on the run inside the building, cat and mouse with a ghost in the quiet building.
• i dont have time to run (so when I was looking what was downstairs with the crowd) and get caught
So now, the fifth ending.
I look at the door to the ground floor but dont go through, feeling that i'll get caught if I do.
I go up the flight of stairs and keep going. Until I get to the last big room in the building... a large penthouse restaurant type thing. There was a big bar with a large chandelier in the middle— the room was dark and there were alot of windows, no people.
The ghost is right behind me so I run and smash the window by jumping out of it.
Outside, I manage to dodge attacks from the ghost fog thing that now has turned into a human man. Here comes the odd part. Out of fear I call him Dad, or papa, y'know father figure. He stops and accepts me as his daughter. Then he carries me under his arm like carrying a pillow, I look around and the place looks.. dead.
The building looked dead and dull and grey when before in the beginning it looked white and clean. Before, the trees outside were green and healthy but now they looked dead and had human skulls as flowers or berries hanging down. He picks one skull and magically makes it into a doll and hands it to me.
Y'know how I said he never spoke to me in my previous dreams? Or he spoke but not alot aside from 'I caught you' or a growl? Well, guess what? He did.
After handing me the dead-doll, he looked and me and said, with a small smile: 'Welcome back' Before giving me a pat on the head. It was as though he knew I came back to this dream, and he addressed me as his daughter. When I woke up I felt as though I had a connection with him? And aside from being terrified I thought, I wonder when i'll dream of that again and see him again. Or maybe see him in another dream.
He was most probably gonna kill me but decided: 'ah yes you are my daughter now' after I called him dad. It was oddly comforting.
But yeah! Now I had thoughts of making an oc out of him and the me in the dream, it would be a challenge to write this into a story which I want to do at some point but the easiest way to remember him is to create an OC out of him. I don't know what it means but if you have any ideas feel free to share them.
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Dan X M!Priest Reader (1/3)
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You have been called reverential since a young age. Quite, but always watching with a bible in hand. Parents loved you. Children said you could hear evil and refused to play with you.
You were raised catholic in a small American town, where cows outnumbered people, and folks still listened to the radio. A bite mark of midwestern values. 
The church you spent most of your childhood and training to become a priest was small but comfortable. It was a place where the wooden beams would crack during the hottest parts of summer, and one would expect to pray with the angelical chorus of crickets into the night. 
The crows would rest upon the roof like gargoyles, watching as the doors consumed and spat out residents throughout the day. They would caw as you walked past, and you would claim, recited ancient Latin parables. Perhaps, it was a warning. 
One day, a young girl was taken to the church, convulsing, foaming at the mouth and spitting out vile. The parents claimed she was possessed after using an old Ouija board. The eldest Father, the only one allowed to perform exorcisms, started to set up what he needed to complete the ritual. 
But you recognized something was wrong. The girl's pa smiled strangely. Too many teeth and it didn't quite reach his eyes. The girl wasn't possessed, her dad was, and she had been poisoned. You told the Father. He didn't believe you until the girl went into cardiac arrest and her dad bit off the nose of a fellow priest. You wondered how much his medical bill would cost and if the church had shared insurance. The Father apologized. You tried to smile but ended up laughing. 
The Father then claimed to have recognized the talent in you. One not many possessed and even less utilized. 
During prayer, he would whisper, "it's in the eyes, you see. The eyes, I can tell. Do you see? Do you feel it?" You felt nothing. He quickly trained you in the practice of exorcisms. 
Who knew one could be this talented in ridding demons? The Father bragged about you often. Matthew 12:26
You tried to keep to yourself. Eyes down and bible in hand still, you chanted hymns under your breath: There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Immanuel's veins/ And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains.
Chaos seems to be a second skin to you. The possessed and their families flocked to the church; the quiet never settled with the screaming in the basement. The screaming never ended. The old folks claimed you were letting demons into the town. You smiled as pleasantly as you could and blessed them. 
The others whispered of you accidentally going missing. Perhaps adding a new scarecrow to the field. 
One demon claimed that the Devil lives in Toyko. You have always wanted to meet him. so you asked to transfer there for a year. The Father agreed, and the other priests are happy to see you go. Luckily you have been studying Japanese during mass.
Japan is hard to get used to. The customs, the interpersonal expectations, and the food are very different. The lack of Catholics is also strange to encounter as well.
The church is larger and, in your own opinion, a bit uglier. The Saints' faces stare down in judgment. You swear they sneer when you blink back at their stone eyes. It's not your fault you're holier than them, and you remind them that jealousy is a sin. You plan to rid all sins from this earth.
The lack of exorcisms is a nice change as well. You have to save your energy for the big event after all.
You perform confessional the most out of all the other priests. You hope the Devil comes to confess his sins. You were promised he would be here.
One day while making tea, a priest comes in. He looks rather stressed. You know it's polite to ask, "what's wrong?" So you do.
"I have confessional today," he moves closer to you, fiddling with a rosary, "every time he shows up. I don't know why it's always me. I can't stand it. I feel like I'm going crazy."
"Isaiah 41:10: fear not, for I am with you. Who has caused you so much stress?"
"A modern Ehud. Our very own justice hero."
"Pardon me?"
He rubs his eyes in frustration. "Have you not heard. He's practically a celebrity here."
You obviously haven't. You stare at him pleasantly.
"Really? Americans, I guess. Oblivious to the world around them," he sighs and sits down in the chair across from you, leaning on the table, "Ok, so, he's this fellow, young, I think-sounds it- and he spouts off some pretty gruesome nonsense. Claims to be doing good deeds by killing criminals or something like that. I try to block him out, to be honest. It's…not pretty to listen to. I don't know if he's serious. I really hope it's some prank." By the look in his eyes, it's evident that he doesn't believe that.
However, you perk up. A man who claims to kill criminals, not only that but tortures them for their sins? AND he's coming to the very church you have been sequestered in? Maybe your conversations with the dammed worked.
"Lay your burdens down upon me. I can talk to this 'justice hero' for you, seeing how much it bothers you, friend. Take it as a thank you for greeting me so kindly into your church."
He quickly agrees, and later you make your way to the confessionals buzzing with excitement for the first time in years.
People come and go. Someone cheated on a test. Another on a husband. The same old. You wonder if the priest was just trying to get out of work. Until you hear a soft sleepy voice recite, "forgive me, father, for I have sinned." It's him.
He whispers to you about a crime. A teacher and a young girl. Fire and burning flesh that sizzle and burst like witches dancing.
"What mortal else who hears shall claim he was born immune to the demon of harm?"
He asks if you are American.
A screen separates you, but you turn your head and see him staring straight at you. Well, at least his eyes. They're beautiful. God, they are beautiful. Wasn't the Devil a fallen angel? Why wouldn't he pick a vessel to reflect that?
You realized you wanted to possess the Devil.
You remember a quote you heard as a child as his eyes crinkle into a smile. "Evil in the name of good is still evil. And when you dance with the Devil, you seldom get to pick the tune."
"Shall we dance?"
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2-fast-2-curious · 3 years
This Is As Easy As Lovers Go
Pairing: TASM!Peter Parker x Female Silk!Reader
Warnings: dubious consent because of this pheromone business, intercourse, there’s a bit of fluffy stuff
Words: 1170
Author’s Note: I wrote this with an Asian reader in mind (I am also Asian btw). Read part 1 here since it probably won’t make a lot of sense without it. My own personal headcanon would be that Silk!Reader is from TASM!Peter’s universe but they’ve never been close enough physically for the pheromones to affect them. That is until MCU!Peter’s spell brings them together. I feel like in the first one it seemed like Peter was a bit reluctant so I tried to make him less so here.
Masterlist for Peter Parker
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Peter woke up covered in sweat despite the sheets laying in a crumpled mess on the floor. He rubbed his eyes and found your naked body completely underneath him. In his sleep, he had practically been humping you into the mattress
So last night wasn’t just a dream. You were real and here you were. Peter brushed the hair out of your face. It was soft like… silk (I couldn’t help myself). You are stunning and Peter is sure it wasn’t just your shared senses speaking. The contours of your face were delicate yet sharp like they had been sculpted by a master carver. He wished he had his camera with him but multiversal travel didn’t seem to work like that.
Peter realized he had been rutting against you this whole time and he didn’t even notice. Startled by his own actions and lack of control, Peter stopped abruptly causing you to whine in protest.
With one hand you rubbed your eyes and the other reached down to wrap around his erection.
“We can’t keep doing this.” Peter protested despite his hips thrusting his cock on your hard so you could go faster. “We’re almost out of condoms and I’m pretty sure we need to eat plus with both of us here criminals are probably out having a field day.”
“Just one more round and we’ll get something to eat pretty boy.” Now that he mentioned it you were pretty hungry. “I promise”
You got on your hands and knees while Peter grabbed his last condom and rolled it onto his cock. Peter crawled over to where you were, getting behind you. He played with your hair for a bit before moving it off your shoulder and kissing his way down your spinal column. He continued going lower with his thick tongue eager to lap at your pussy.
“Please Peter I need your cock, it makes me feel so good. No one hits me so deeply.”
Peter playfully rolled his eyes, grabbing your thighs and pulling you closer roughly so the flesh of your ass hit the front of his thighs. He just kind of rested himself there with his cock between your slopping pussy lips.
He leaned over you, you felt his breath against your ear and you wiggled your butt hoping it might entice him to do something. “Fuck yourself on my cock.”
You seriously felt like you might have just died and gone to heaven. You were trembling so Peter wrapped his arms around your middle to keep you steady as you reached behind to line his cock with your desperate pussy. “Feels so good.”
True to his word, Peter didn’t move. He just sat back and watched your tits sway as you used him. You screamed Peter’s name as you came and he leaned over and kissed your neck as he filled the condom with his cum.
You were true to your word and you and Peter went to the nearest grocery store for food. Peter’s first mistake was giving you his clothes to borrow. Already he was having his doubts the two of you could come back in one piece. You looked gorgeous, the legs of his sweats were long so you had cuffed them and you had tied up his t-shirt to expose a sliver of midriff.
Peter’s pants have never felt tighter. Not even during the Dashboard Confessional emo phase he went through. He almost wonders if he’s accidentally grabbed a pair from Peter 1. The closest store to Peter just happened to be a Korean supermarket so you guys fill your basket with prepared foods like gimbap and banchan. Thank god there’s also a pharmacy. You and Peter buy condoms and pick up the morning after pill just in case.
In the snack aisle, Peter makes his second mistake of touching your lower back so he could move behind you to grab a bag of chips on the top shelf. You bit your lip to suppress a moan, automatically arching your back and pushing out your butt to grind against his crotch. “I swear to god you’re going to get me arrested for indecent exposure.” Honestly, maybe it's the idea of Peter in handcuffs, but that only gets you even more hot and bothered.
Peter adjusts his crotch and walks awkwardly to the cash register with all the items. You end up having to pay because Peter’s wallet is in his front pocket and he feels like its way too risky to try to touch himself anywhere even in that area
The two of you get back to the apartment with a rushed hello to the other two Peters who are playing some cannibal survival video game in the living room. As soon as the room to his door closes, your Peter lifts you in his arms and fucks you, fully supporting your weight the entire time and at times even one-handed as he used the other to rub your clit. It didn’t take you and Peter too long to come apart.
“We can’t function like this.” Peter says as you feed him a piece of gimbap.
“I kind of like it.” You shrugged. “You and I have this off-the-charts chemistry. I’ve never felt this powerful.”
“We can’t be sent back to our universe like this. While we’re still here I think we should ask the other Peters for their help.” Peter watched as you thought it over, you really were beautiful and sweet in what little conversation you and Peter had been able to have. “Even if we’re cured I think we’d still be really attracted to each other just dialled down from what it is now.” 
You smiled at that thought. You had to admit Peter was right, you had things you needed to do when you got back. To focus on them you couldn’t constantly be distracted by a man with a body like that, the most beautiful brown eyes you had ever seen, and hair that was fluffy like cotton candy. Not all the time.
“When we get back, I’ll find you again and we’ll hang out. I think it would be cool to have a sexy spider-lady as a…” Peter trailed off when he realized he didn’t know what to call this.
You smiled and kissed the tip of his nose, mentally adding his nose to the list of things you liked about Peter. He had a cute nose. “But yeah, I’d really like us to know each other without anything else that could cloud our judgement. Just you and me.”
“I’d like that too, Peter.” You stood up and redressed holding your hand out to pull Peter onto his feet. It was hot to Peter how strong you were and he was making his own list of favourite things about you in his head. “I guess we’d better let the other Peters know.”
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nocoffeeorbreakfast · 3 years
Literally NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS, BUT @thithesandofferings PUT THIS IN MY HEAD!!!!
TW: Slick sounds, corruption kink, SHOTA AIZAWA, church fucking, public sex (kinda), caught in the act
Former sinner turned priest Aizawa
Listen I know it's probably been done 1000x, but hear me out. After years of sinning, Aizawa finds god and swears a life of celibacy, and it's going well... Until you walk in his church skirt barely covering your curvaceous hips and thighs, not to mention that ass he can't help but see. Tempting him with all the luscious parts of a body he loves on a woman. He crosses his chest and sends up a silent prayer and a hail Mary for his salacious thoughts.
You're standing in front of him crying about how you don't know what to do and you hope he can help you. He can't help but notice how your full lips quiver when you talk, and wonder how they would feel wrapped firmly around his dick. He sends up another hail Mary and ushers you to the confessional, hoping if he stops seeing you he'll be better behaved.
Oh how wrong he is. Inside the confessional your sultry voice seems to surround him, and the hitches in your voice go straight to his dick. He can smell your sex too. Overpowering his senses as it wafts out of your skirt. He tries to sound composed as he asks you what's wrong. Much to his distress, your problem is an overactive libido. You detail recounts of masturbating almost everywhere you go because something sets you off. As you describe the feeling of sliding your fingers into your wet folds he finds himself gripping his dick hoping to relieve some of the tension growing inside of him. He grunts out another hail Mary as he starts working up and down his shaft. You continue to tell him how you're never quite satisfied, but find it exhilarating touching yourself where someone could catch you. You describe the intensity of your orgasms that have you seeing stars every time you do it. His Rosemary beads knocking against the corridor, so he wraps them tighter around his hand and grips his dick with it. Avoids the hail Mary because he doesn't trust it won't come out as a groan, and he doesn't want to startle you. He can hear you still talking, but the words are jumbled in his head, and your heavy breathing isn't helping...
Wait... Why are you breathing so heavy? And what's that other noise? Are you still crying? Aizawa leans closer to the corridor and listens. He hears slick sounds coming from the other side and knows those aren't tears. He slides open the window and there you are. Eyes closed tight, skirt hiked up around your hips, legs spread wide, two fingers and your mouth and two fingers slowly working in and out of your sopping hole.
"My child?... "
"Yessss daddy... I mean father. " you moan out.
He can't bring himself to ask what you're doing, because his hand starts moving faster.
"Tell me more about your sins. How does it feel when you do these sinful things?"
Your voice catches in your throat and the gasp you illicit has pre seeping out of your dick.
You continue to describe to him how it feels when your fingers drum on your spot, giving you a high, just as you slide a third finger inside you. A moan slips out your mouth and Aizawa's eyes are feral watching you.
"Does it feel good when you come this way, my child? "
He covers his mouth but the words are already said. The beads rubbing against his dick as he watches you fuck yourself just inches from him.
You arch your back and start choking on your fingers. Chasing the orgasm just within reach. Confessional be damned you're about to come and you don't care if he hears you.
"Come, my child."
Your eyes finally snap open and you see Aizawa bearing into your soul but you can't stop the pressure that's crashing out of you. You come screaming and staring into his eyes, watching you with lusting and intensity. Your voice just barely covering up the sound of his beads working furiously and wet sounds as he comes into his hand.
"I'm so sorry father... I don't know what came over me. "
He slams the window shut and you hear rustling.
"I prescribe you 10 hail marys, and a confessional with me... Twice a week. Don't be late. "
When you stick your head out the confessional all you see is a glimpse of his back as you leaves you, drool down your chin and come down your thighs.
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chiwhorei · 4 years
brown, leather straps
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pairing: l. ackerman x fem!reader
word count: 1.5k
genre: a lil angsty, smut, 18+ minors dni
warnings: oral (f. receiving), spitting, bondage sksksksk
a/n: day six in levi brain rot hell. nothing is real and there is no escape. thank you to @messwriting for letting me scream in your dms at 7am and helping me flesh out some soft levi feels sksksksksk. @pleasantanathema said us two together is a scary little duo and i wholeheartedly agree.
hymn: desire - slowed by hucci, and do it for me by rosenfeld okay listen to it again sksksks
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your hand raps lightly against a familiar door, knuckles scraping in contemplation against the wood.
this wouldn’t be the first time tired feet drug you down the hall and in front of the captain’s bedroom, not by a long shot. the night air whirls around you, nipping against any bare skin it could reach. you pull the wool cloak farther around your form for reprieve.
levi pulls the door open with a huff, turning back around without much acknowledgement. you watch as he he sits at the edge of his bed, he looks every bit as exhausted and battered as he did when you saw him return just a few hours ago. his eyes are downcast and heavy, the grey color reflecting every body he must have seen fall. they hang off of his shoulders and press against his spine in piles of limbs. the horrors of war are inescapable, you know that as well as anyone.
you also know there’s no amount of words that could be used as salve for the things he saw today, there’s barely bandages big enough to cover the long diagonal wound across his front.
“it looks worse than it is, don’t worry about me.” levi can feel your worried eyes against his bare chest, they follow the paths upwards to meet his face. you waste no time fussing over his injuries, there’s nothing more to be done for bruises and cuts against the pale skin.
his head hangs in his hands, you walk up to stand in front of him, bouncing on your heels as nerves take place in your heart. levi doesn't look up to you yet, still marose and curled in on his own body. he hears the small thud of fabric against the floor directly in front of him, his eyes flick forward slightly to catch the pile of green framing your ankles. you’ve piqued his curiosity now.
hungry eyes move up your almost naked skin. the only remnants of modesty lay in brown leather around your hips and thighs. the straps twirl like vines around your waist meeting finally to clasp right above your breasts. you’re ensnared in a trap of your own creation, prey captured and presented on a silver platter. levi’s mouth waters at the meal before him, canines aching in his mouth, itching to tear into you.
you’re pulled forward by the buckles on either hip to stand in between a stong pair of knees. there are usually very few words shared between the two of you, opting to spend the secret evenings putting mouths and tongues to better uses. tonight feels different. instead of clashing teeth and snarling, your fingertips trace against the captain’s hairline. two sets of fingers dig into the skin below your ass, but the grip feels more like a centering of soul.
you climb onto his lap, either knee pressing into the sharply made bed below you. levi wanders over your body, rubbing against planes of skin and fat that are well-known to his touch. your body reacts as it always does, arching into his exploration. his fingerprints paint your skin, covering every expanse while your lips attach at his pulse. you kiss lightly against his heartbeat, following along outlined trails to reach his collarbone.
levi is lost in your touch, each kiss chipping away at the horrors of reality beyond the wood of his bedroom door. he falls back into the mattress at your soft push, staring up at the outline of your body as the moon casts a spotlight from the window. your presence drips onto him like syrup, calming a broken man with seemingly little effort. he reaches out for you, catching on the leather across your chest and pulling you down. you meet his eyes again for a moment, you watch the storms that cloud him.
“you have no idea what you do to me.” his words shake down the column of your spine, poking at questions neither of you would voice out loud. you don’t answer him, instead you continue a soft assault against his marred skin. every jagged scar is touched by your lips as if trying to heal them. the silvered skin remains, but warmth blooms against the tissue.
levi returns with new wounds that will turn to scars against his beautiful skin, but he always returns. while scanning across the new additions to his collection, you feel the clumping of tears in your eyes.
“you’re going to ride past that gate for the last time one day, aren’t you?” your whimpers knock against him, he feels your soft sobs dripping onto his chest before you can stop yourself.
levi is stiff under you. the right answer seems non-existent, because you didn’t actually ask him a question.
he could tell you that he would crawl back from whatever hell awaits him, break every finger as he drags himself back up from the earth’s crust to lie in bed next to you— but no words seem strong enough.
he’ll have to show you instead.
you’re flipped over in the next moment, back cradled by one of his arms. his gaze on you is nothing short of primal, a wounded animal presented it’s first meal in days.
he’ll take you like sacrament. he’ll eat you alive.
you watch as levi sits back to regard you, his eyes warm at the sight before him. you’re wrapped like a present in the chestnut straps. he leans down to meet your lips again, his thumb pressing into your chin as he parts.
“open up.” your jaw falls slack at his command, you look up to him in anticipation. Jet hair frames his face from above you, slightly tousled. one hand rests above your head while the other is busy keeping your lips parted with a soft grip. you watch his mouth scrunch and a string of spit fall downwards towards your awaiting mouth. you lull your tongue out, always taking what he has to give you.
“good girl,” are the last words you hear before levi snakes down your body. every inch of leather and metal is followed with wet lips venturing downwards. levi reaches your aching cunt, already sheened with slick. he blows lightly against you to marvel at your reaction. you’re so pliant under your captain, completely submissive to his trek against your body.
the first union of his tongue to the perimeter of your lips is feather-light and disastrous.
you cry out in a cracked plea, the night’s circumstances being emotionally raw in so many ways. your body is hyper-sensitive and throbbing. when two fingers hover over your hole and press in without warning, the moan ripped from your throat at his contact is loud and unintentional.
just as quickly as two fingers press into you and curl against the anterior, spongy pad of your walls, they are ripped from you to find a home shoved into your mouth.
“no talking with your mouth full, it’s not polite.” his teasing spreads across your hot cheeks. his fingers press against your tongue, saliva pooling in their wake and escaping to run in small trails across your cheeks. levi snaps back up to you again, capturing you in his stare while his tongue pokes out from those pouty, downturned lips.
his hands grab onto the straps nestled against your thighs, bringing your pussy to him to lave a flat stripe against the weeping skin. you’re taste is intoxicating, tart and heady. he moves his mouth against you with vigor, purposely collecting pools of slick and spit to coat his face.
you squirm in his hold, the contact overbearing, but the cool leather in his grip keeps you in place against his frantic mouth. with every long lick over your pussy, he reaches the apex to suck against your clit. the pace is set, messy and wet. his mouth works your body like it has done so many times before, in the secret reprieve of a captain's quarters.
his tongue traces against your sensitive bundle of nerves, coiling a live wire in your stomach and pulling against it tightly. he releases your puffy clit with a squelching pop right as you feel the taste of your orgasm at the back of your throat. the feeling retreats and levi looms over you again, he barely gives you a moment to catch your breath before the taste of your own arousal is spat into your mouth. he wipes his slick covered face with the back of his hand, grinning down at you.
neither of you will waste words on the resounding, catotonic pull between your two bodies. there’s no point in whispered confessionals when tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.
tonight, levi will pull every high from your twitching body that he steals from you. he’ll bring you to the edge and pull you back into his orbit. it’s been a long day, full of terrors beyond his control.
it will be an even longer night.
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all writing is dymphnasprose’s original content, please do not repost or modify. do no read my content as asmr.©️
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