#i re downloaded the game on my phone using my old account
ambisweetiepie · 8 months
Love Live SIF2
Don't mind me while i rant about Love Live.
I'm so annoyed!!!
I already knew I wasn't going to enjoy SIF2 as much as All Stars, because I had downloaded the japanese version to try it out.
Now that the global version is here, I was able to link my all stars and SIF account. SIF2 is only going to be around until May, but it's supposed to be available afterwards as basically just a gallery for the cards you got. You won't be able to play it at that point.
So I linked my old accounts, and they give a nice gallery for your old SIF cards, but nothing for All Stars??? Just give you some gatcha tickets??? You couldn't at least give me a gallery for my All Stars cards that I loved and cherished?????? You were able to do it for SIF, so why weren't you able to do it for All Stars???
Also! I know All Stars' game play wasn't for everyone. It relied on having good cards rather than having skill. You could play and switch between teams while not actually doing the rhythm game part. I really liked that!!! Even with the rythym game, there was a lot to keep track of (swapping teams, your SP gauge) but as a result they only made you tap left or right sides of the screen for the rythym game.
This was great for me because I can't actually play SIF's dumb rhythm game layout. It has nine buttons all over the screen. It hurts my hands if I try to do it much. It may have been more playable when the game first came out, because phone screens were smaller at the time. None of the buttons were a reach. But screens have gotten bigger and so there's no comfortable way to hold my phone and reach each button. They could've changed things to be like other rhythm games. Bandori, Proseka, and D4DJ all have the tapping section at the bottom. They've all managed to implement gameplay in that that still makes it fun and engaging.
More complaints:
When chatting, the text from the person you're chatting with goes by very fast. There's no way to adjust the speed of this. Once they're done talking and it's your turn to reply, everything other than the reply screen is dimmed out. So you have to struggle to finish reading what they just said.
My BIGGEST PET PEEVE OF THE GAME is that when picking out songs, they give you 8 seconds of song audio. So while you're deciding, and picking out your team, it's replaying over and over and it's so obnoxious. The only way to turn this off is to turn ALL background music for the entire game off. I'm not asking much, I think LLAS had it be like 15 seconds? Just a little longer makes the loop a little less annoying.
Small annoyance, is they tried to improve the mouth movements while talking to make all sorts of different shapes? This was unnecessary, and more immersion breaking than the simple open/close mouth movements they had previously.
Also, the old card art. I understand you don't want to have to start from scratch for cards, but including the old art means a few things: 1) You're asking people to try again for cards they already got in the past 2) A lot of that artwork is OLD OLD. And it makes things look less cohesive, and cheap. 3) When adding Nijigasaki to SIF, they never bothered to draw regular cards for them, instead just using their in game sprites from the visual novel sections. This also looks cheap. Other games have done the same thing (Like Obey Me) and it looks cheap and lazy there too.
I really liked everything about All Stars. It really improved a lot from SIF, but was different enough to warrant keeping both around.
They could have just had SIF2 be a replacement for SIF. If they're going to keep everything around from SIF (playstyle, cards, etc), that would've been acceptable. They've improved they UI by a lot and added features SIF didn't have. I stand by what I said from the "it's rude that people have to re-earn cards they already had" but other than that, it more or less seems an improved version of SIF. If they had let SIF players transfer their accounts over, and not closed down All Stars, I don't think they would've gotten near as much backlash as they did. Since All Stars was such a different game, and had those nice 3D graphics, it can't be considered a replacement the way it can be for SIF.
I like the texting with girls feature, even though it has issues. I like the "Daily Life of School Idol" feature, it's a cute alternative to the normal visual novel style and has nice illustrations.
All of that being said, some of my complaints are things that could be fixed. The game didn't have to close down. It's so disappointing to play a game knowing I'll only have until May. While they've mentioned this publicly, they haven't mentioned it in-game. I feel like it's important for anyone who plays to know that we're already months away from EOS. I don't want people spending big money in a game without knowing that it's not going to be around for much longer.
All of this being said, even though I'm upset, I don't want it to go. It fills that love live shaped hole in my heart. It's not the same having a PNG of Kanata tell me hello, compared to the 3D version of her saying hello, slightly being able to interact with her. But it's something. I don't even know for certain if they plan on making a new mobile game at this point.
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cellsshapedlikestars · 2 months
What fandoms/pairings did you get into before Jonsa? Or the first work/story that made you discover fanfic?
Just randomly sharing, broke my phone other day and looking for my downloaded fanfics made me look even further back.
😭 Final Fantasy VIII rpg game was 25 years ago and beloved fanfics of it published 20 years ago (still there in internet).
Also realized my love for broody, sulky male protagonists with angry chip in their shoulders and female characters that receive hate just bc they’re “princess”-y, “damsel-in-distress” not-the-strongest type was there too. (Prob started it.)
(we def share a ship preference for broody/princess lol)
It's been so long, I can't remember how I found fanfic. Probably in my Sailor Moon phase (elementary school-ish) because I absolutely wrote Sailor Moon fanfic. (I never posted it online or showed anyone, though. I can distinctly remember writing a Sailor Pluto fic where she's still alive after all the other sailors are killed, and she just stands there as the keeper of time waiting sad and alone for millennia for them to be reincarnated. Really fun and chill story, 12 year old me!) I can't remember any fics specifically that I read, though there was this website that used to MST3K "bad" Sailor Moon fanfics, and I remember reading a lot of those. I didn't ship anyone in Sailor Moon.
If you want to know about any prior ships/fics I wrote, below the cut!
Considering how much media I have consumed over the years, I don't tend to ship very hard. I tend to go with what the piece of media tells me the ships are tbh. Jonsa is the first that wasn't canon.
The first fandom I had a ship for, and the first fandom I actively remember reading fic for. I was big into Miroku/Sango. Never wrote anything for that, though.
Harry Potter
I did vaguely ship Harry/Ginny while the books were coming out, and even wrote a few chapters of an alternate book 2. That was on ff.net and is probably purged at this point. I could not tell you what my username or the fic title were lol.
Later, I dipped my toe into the Marauders/Jily fandom, but never went all out, because by that time, I'd become disillusioned with Harry Potter. Every once in a while, I'll go read a Jily fic.
While this is my favorite show, I didn't ship too much. I kinda shipped Buffy/Spike (have thoughts on it now) and also Angel/Cordelia. I never read nor wrote fic for either of these pairings.
Veronica Mars
Veronica/Logan. Read some fic, never wrote anything.
I wrote a one shot for Sid/Cassie. Posted on my old livejournal and now re-posted to an alternate ao3 account. I don't hate it. I'd probably change some things if I were writing it now, but I think it's pretty solid.
(No, I just re-read it and it's very solid. Kinda proud of this one)
I am SO embarrassed to say this, but I wrote a Rachel/Puck one-shot after the episode where they decide to date because they're both hot and Jewish. It wasn't a super shippy fic and mostly centered around him telling Rachel Quinn's baby was his. I stopped watching Glee after the first season lol and did not repost that fic from my livejournal to ao3. It can die on livejournal.
Carla/Samuel!! LOVE me some poor boy/rich girl dynamics. I got really into them and even read some fic, though there wasn't much out there. Never wrote anything. Have debated writing a Jonsa Elite AU
The Other Fandom
Now. I have hinted in the past that I used to be in another fandom that I wrote fic for.
Oh, the OC. You held my heart for so many years (well. 2 years). I wrote so much fic for you (mostly in the first year, kinda fell off and did more experimental stuff in the second).
That fandom was the O.C.
I'm kind of afraid to say the pairing, because there's only 1215 OC fics total on ao3, and for my pairing is not one of the popular ones, and I wrote about a quarter of those, so I feel like you could find my alt account pretty easily...
I dunno. I'm a little embarrassed about some of the fic I wrote back then. Some of it is SO unnecessarily dramatic (AND IN FIRST PERSON. I HATE FIRST PERSON POV!!). I also wrote a wild amount of smut for someone who didn't really know what the fuck she was talking about lmaooo. I've spoken a lot about how skittish I am about writing smut now, but as a teenager I was cranking that shit out. (ok I actually just looked and it's only 5 explicit fics, but still. That's about 1/5 of the fics I wrote)
I'm probably making too much out of it, because there are some fics I'm proud of, but enough that I'm embarrassed by that I have yet to be able to publicly say what my apt account is
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justvalues · 2 years
Mybrushes license coder
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Has the Xbox One SmartGlass app reinstalled itself on one of your devices? Do you think a simple glitch is behind this or could Microsoft be planning something else for the classic Xbox app? Share your thoughts with the community in the comments below and then follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more Xbox gaming news. Any attempt to log in simply results in an error. Strange thing is though, the app doesn't appear to work. One potential reason for the re-emergence of the Xbox One SmartGlass app could be to help gamers complete Xbox Achievements that require its use. Something on Microsoft's end seems to have pushed the app out to users. It's a newer model that I got just over a year ago.
Seeing its app icon in the update list was definitely a surprise but what was really odd was the fact that I'd never actually had the SmartGlass app installed on my Surface Pro. I noticed it downloading when I went to manually check for app updates in the Microsoft Store app, something I like to do every now and then so that I have an idea of what apps have updated with new features.
Last week, on Christmas Day to be exact, the old app began reinstalling itself on some user's Windows 10 devices despite the fact that it had been replaced by the newer Xbox app several years ago. Pc and xbox at same time Microsoft office catalina.Ģ1 April have been putting quite a few crazy predictions on their 2020 bingo card but I doubt anyone saw the return of the Xbox One SmartGlass app coming. It simply doesn't launch and crashes without any error codes. Well Yes, Its A Great App But The Downloading thoĪfter spending hours with Microsoft Support, reinstalling the windows, etc., I've been told, it's not compatible with Windows 10. It be great if they would fix this, i'd really like to use this App. it gives me this Error code: 0xc101008e (0xc101008) if that helps.
I've checked on the 360 and have set to allow my PC to connect but it fails to connect soon as i launch the App, and i'm also using the same account and email address between the two. I have 2 accounts and it signed in on the wrong one and it wont let me change my account. Keeps saying Network problems and I made sure that wasnt the problem.
Specially designed for Windows 10 and 8.1 operating systems, Windows Phone smartphones, iOS devices and Android mobile phones, Xbox 360 SmartGlass is a great companion for Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Items per page Previous Next A World of Keflings. Toshiba's solution aims to work with Windows 10, instead of a stand-alone.
Toshiba's newest smart glass for Windows is for enterprise and field work, not everyday consumers.
Xbox one smartglass beta for windows 10 freeload - Xbox One SmartGlass for Windows 10, Xbox 360 SmartGlass for Windows 10, Xbox One SmartGlass, and many more programs.
The SmartGlass 'second screen' app originally written for Windows Phone migrates to Windows 10 and the Xbox app, as all Windows devices tie closer together in the upcoming OS.
One of the features I don’t use often is the popup pallete (I know alot of people like it, I find it not working for me) but I do use the “Import Reasources” feature (I have a bunch of custom brushes including Rakurri’s brushes), the Palette docker (im in the process of making palettes based on copic marker colors) and the move/resize/transform tool pretty often. I also use references of animals and people often throughout the process. I use layers for a sketch, lineart, basic colors than shading.
I know some basic information about using the software (navigation, zoom in/out, layers, color selector, color palettes etc.) however I am looking to see if there are any other useful features that makes the entire process more fun/easier as I recently found out about the reference image tool (great tool if you never found or used it).Įdit: thanks everyone for the information, to elaborate on some information how I work. Hellow people, I have been using Krita since Christmas 2021 (at first, I was not a big fan of digital art as I always did traditional art) and I am a big fan of the software.
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sevensity · 3 years
fuck ive been missing the mysme fandom and writing for it so bad lately 
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coe-lilium · 2 years
Question: the last time I had to transfer my FGO accounts was Summer 2019. 
I created a new bind code and password immediately after, haven’t used them since then and the bind code shows up where it should in game (and it’s the same as in my notes). I’ve also obsessively screenshotted every data I could think of of my accounts (teams/supports/entire roster, grailed Servants, birthday date and so on) and I have every receipt of in-game purchases I ever made.   So far so good. 
But tomorrow I won’t just “factory reset then re-download everything via Smartswitch”, I’ll straight up change phone and I’m stressed out.
Should I re-issued a new bind code and create a password for both accounts since I have no in-game way to check the password’s correct and only have my notes? I’m 100% sure I’ve never used this bind/pass combo but to be triple sure?  
And even more important: should I delete the accounts from my old phone before switching to the new one? (I’m moving SIM and everything else, they won’t be both functioning devices)     
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weatheryellow203 · 3 years
Download Sailor Dressup For Mac
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Sailor Dress Up
Download Sailor Dress Up For Mac
Sailor Dress Up For Men
Old Sailor Dress Up For Kids
Download the apk file of the application you need (for example: Sailor Dress Up - Girls Games) and save to your phone 3. Open the downloaded apk file and install Open the downloaded apk file and install. Download Gacha Studio (Anime Dress Up) For PC Windows and Mac can be easily installed and used on a desktop computer or laptop running Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and a Macbook, iMac running Mac OS X. This will be done by means of an Android emulator.
I hated it! Because 1: They aren't even Salior Moon characters duh! They are Precure girls! 2: Hummy ( the cat ) isn't even part of that Precure group! 3: We all can agree it's the worst app in this play store.
How to use The Sailor Dress Up for PC and MAC
You can run all Android games and applications on your PC or MAC computer. Using a free software called Bluestacks, you don't need to purchase anything but games or applications it self if it isn't free.
Download Bluestacks from this link.
Install BlueStacks from installation file with following the on-screen instructions.
Once Bluestacks is installed add your Google account in it.
Type The Sailor Dress Up in Search bar and install it.
Now you can use The Sailor Dress Up on your PC or MAC.
It's not sailor moon it's pretty cure I don't know how to put the hair on the non sailor moon people
It is not sailor moon is pretty cure but I don't care is a good game
That is not sailor moon I know be cuse I even orderd super sailor moon
I love the game but can you make a different glitter force like toca Boca life glitter force thank you by
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It is Pretty Cure anyway, not Sailor Moon. No sound and boring, please improve it.
It's not sailor moon but ok, it still pretty good
Not Salior Moon The Anime Is Yes Precure 5 Gogo Not Salior Moon Someone Is Mixing The Anime Titles And Salior Mercury Is Spelled Wrong Like Geez People Come On
Stupid it doesn't let u do ANYTHING DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT'S A WASTE OF TIME!!!😡
Sailor Dress Up
It won't let me play it without it saying that the app can't be downloaded😕on my phone📱.
Not sailor moon but I love precure and Yes!Precure 5
Good This is not sailor moon this is pretty cure but still a good game
Great Well...at least I get to turn them into The Glitter Force
Do you like challenges? Well if you do then you will just love this cosplay dress up game! Now you can easily challenge yourself by guessing your favourite comic characters by mixing and matching their outfits. By carefully selected different pieces of clothing and accessories you can create 5 comic characters and then successfully unlock […]
Download Sailor Dress Up For Mac
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Lunime released a new Role Playing game Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up on Google Play Store. Everyone of us love fantasy anime and now they have found its way to the Google Play Store games as well. This is the latest addition to the fantasy role playing games where you are going to revive your love for the anime series on your devices.
welcome to the world of Gachaverse where you are going to play in several modes. There are hundreds of amazing features in the game already added. Moreover, more features are finding its way to the Gachaverse and it is being updated regularly.
Sailor Dress Up For Men
Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up is going to take you to the fantasy lands of Gacha. But the bad is trying to take over the Gacha universe and corruption has become common and is back now in the universe. But there are always some good things that are trying to finish the bad ones and make things neutral again. Similar is the case here and there are some summoners and heroes who are finding a way to bring down the corruption once again. Furthermore, they are trying to make the universe re-surface again from the darkness and make it brighter.
Also Read: Last Battleground Mech For PC (Windows/Mac) – Free Download
Start the journey in this universe and explore the lands that have never been explored before by anyone. There are hundreds of different units in the game, each with their own capabilities. So, make sure to use the units effectively and as per condition to win the scenarios. help these summoners dress up with the best looks possible. There are several things to choose fro that makes the characters look better in the universe. Select from the dresses first and then give them the perfect hairstyle and make over.
Once you have designed the perfect makeover for the character enter with it in the scene you want to. Your goal is to now create the scene right after you design the character. Moreover, add text to the scenes and several props to choose from and make the perfect scene possible. With it make your own story and once you have created the best one, share it with your friends and see theirs to see who has more creativity and talent hidden inside.
Now, if you are looking for How to Download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up For PC then move on to guide below. You can download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up on Windows and Mac and enjoy it on bigger screens now. There is no official way to get Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up on Laptop & PC. But you can use some emulators to download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up For PC. You can download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up on Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP and Mac OS. So, follow the steps given below and Download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up on PC on both laptop and Desktop PC running Windows & Mac.
Also Read: Dunk Line For PC & Laptop – Free Download
Old Sailor Dress Up For Kids
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How to Download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up For PC (Windows/Mac)
First of all, Download any of the android emulators given below.
BlueStacks | BlueStacks 2 | BlueStacks 3
Now, Open the Android Emulator you just installed to Download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up For PC.
Enter all the Credentials required to start using your Android Emulator. You will also have to enter your Google Account credentials to continue using Play Store.
Now, you need to follow Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up and there are three ways you can get it.
First of all, you can get it by following the Download button given in the Play Store box at the end of the post. If you want to do it entirely from the emulator then follow steps given below.
If there is a search icon in your emulator then enter “Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up” in the bar and click on the “Search using Google Play” option. Once you find Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up, install it. If you don’t have Search using “Google Play” option in your emulator then follow next step.
Go to the My Apps Section of your emulator and trace the System apps there. From the list of apps open Google Play Store and search for Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up there. Once you find Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up start installing it immediately.
Once you have installed Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up for PCusing the sites given above find it from Apps section. If you have Search bar type Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up there and select it to start enjoying Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up For PC.
Developer: Lunime
That’s all for How to Download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up For PC. There is a bundle of other similar guides that you can follow on TechnicDroid and solve your issues. If you like the guide please leave feedback and Share with your friends. All your feedback and queries are welcome, So, feel free to do so.
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etherealwaifgoddess · 5 years
To Give Him The World, Chpt.8
Main Characters: Thor x Ellie (original female character)
Summary: Sunday for Ellie and Thor is a lazy day with Thor acquainting himself with the internet and reaching out to friends. Also, Thor thinks of his future. Master List is HERE if you need to catch up.
Warnings/ Content: nothing but fluff and plot folks
Word Count: 1.4k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! I know this is a shorty chapter and yes, it IS the final chapter. No, I haven’t lost my mind it just happened this way. I like all the hopefulness in it though and I think you will too :)  The epilogue is going up immediately afterwards. Thanks for everyone who made it to the end with me! Love you all! XOXO - Ash
To Give Him The World, Chapter Eight
Eventually the need for caffeine drug Thor and Ellie out of the warmth of his bed and out into the world. Thor was less tense as they got their morning lattes from the cafe and picked up muffins to take back with them for breakfast. He stuck with the same latte as Ellie, wanting to wait until Monday when he could pick Marcus’ brain about the different options available. 
The delivery man with Thor’s order arrived shortly after breakfast and Thor was like a little boy on Christmas as he tore through all the boxes. Setting up his phone took no time at all but Thor realized he didn’t have anyone’s phone numbers. Hoping he still had an email saved from Pepper when she had sent everyone’s info to Peter Parker, Thor had Ellie help set up his laptop so he could check his email. Sure enough, it was saved in his inbox and Thor took his time keying in everyone’s phone numbers and email addresses into his contact list. 
“I think I’ll call my friend Steven. He used to be Captain America but now he’s quite old and retired.” Thor told Ellie while he brought up the contact info for him.
Ellie cringed looking at the clock, “That’s a great idea sweetheart, but where does Steven live? Remember, time zones are a thing here.” 
“Oh.” Thor’s face fell, disappointed he’d have to wait. “He lives in Brooklyn.” 
“So it’s about five in the morning where he is. Why don’t we wait a few hours and call him after you’re sure he’s awake.” 
“Yes, I suppose. Pepper and Bruce live in California, that’s even worse, isn’t it?”
“Three more hours behind, yeah. You’ll just have to call them later this afternoon, I’m sure they’ll be happy to hear from you.”  
Thor nodded, resigned that there was nothing he could do about the time difference. “Can we finish setting up my phone and then play Assassin's Creed?” 
“Absolutely. Let’s get into the app store and download a few games for you.” 
Ellie showed Thor what she had on her phone and made suggestions for what he might enjoy. It took a while setting it all up but they had nothing but time and Thor seemed genuinely interested in the concept of social media. He remembered the other avengers talking about things like Instagram and Twitter and decided to set up accounts with Ellie’s help so he could connect with them on there. Thor got a little lost on Instagram, sifting through the endless pictures his friends had posted of their lives. Steve posted pictures of dogs he met on his walks through the park, Sam posted lots of aerial views from his flights, Pepper posted pictures of Morgan and motivational memes she liked, Bruce mostly posted pictures of food and a few of his lab. It was enjoyable to see the world through their eyes, finally feeling like a part of it again.
Ellie had wanted to give Thor the world back and she succeeded. He was commenting on pictures and replying to tweets like a pro by the time they took a break for lunch. After a quick meal of sandwiches and chips Thor checked the time, deeming it late enough to try Steve. Ellie was washing up the dishes while Thor listened to the line ring, nervously waiting. 
“Hello?” a familiar voice said over the line. 
“Friend Steven!” Thor boomed with relief, “It’s Thor!”
“Thor, wow.” Steve was surprised but happy to hear from him. “Did you get a new phone?”
“A cell phone, my friend Ellie helped me set it up.” 
“That’s great, pal. Welcome to the twenty-first century.” 
Thor chuckled and carried on the conversation, asking about any new dogs Steve met at the park. Steve was even more surprised to learn Thor joined Instagram and the two chatted about how amazing technology could be at keeping people in touch. Ellie watched Thor’s animated expressions as he talked with his friend and she excused herself to go throw in a load of laundry, fighting back the tears prickling at her eyes. She was so happy for him, he deserved a chance for a better life and he seemed to be embracing it wholeheartedly. Who knew life could change so much in just a few days. 
Thor was still on the phone when Ellie found him in the living room where he had moved to in between calls. He was talking to Pepper about how the Avengers Training Initiative was going and she eventually caved to her daughter’s pleas in the background; passing the phone to Morgan so she could tell Uncle Thor all about her science fair project that won first prize. Thor chuckled and did his best to keep up with the science jargon that spilled so easily from the little girl. Morgan admitted that Uncle Bruce let her use his lab and helped just a little bit, but insisted she did most of it all by herself. Thor was beaming with pride when he got Pepper back on the line, so proud of the amazing little girl she and Tony had created. Pepper agreed she takes after Tony more and more every day. It was bittersweet talking about Tony but Thor managed. When he ended the call, promising to consider coming out to California for Christmas, he found Ellie for a long hug. The pain of loss was still sharp but he comforted himself in Ellie’s arms instead of alcohol. Finally he broke away, feeling a little more steady, and wanting to call Bruce next. 
Thor spent almost an hour on the phone with Bruce. There was something calming about talking to Bruce who knew exactly what Thor was going through in trying to cope with emotions that just seemed too big sometimes. Bruce promised to call Thor regularly now that he had his number and offered to be a sounding board for him if he needed one. Steve had made a similar offer and Thor realized his friends were still there for him even after his months of self imposed solitude. 
Ellie kept herself busy by checking her emails, playing her new puzzle game, and watching a little TV while Thor continued making his calls. He eventually had to plug his phone in, having worn the battery down when Sam taught him how to video call with someone. Sam was enthusiastic to say the least, grinning wide, and proud of Thor for “re-entering society”. Sam told Thor a little about his work at the VA and offered to send him links to some great books on dealing with loss and PTSD. Ellie was amused but encouraging when Thor asked for her help setting up an Amazon account to order the books Sam recommended. 
The sun had set long ago and Ellie was finishing up cooking dinner when Thor finally hung up his last call of the day. He had spoken to each and every one of his fellow Avengers over the course of the afternoon and felt more connected to the world than he had in years. He watched Ellie moving around the kitchen putting the finishing touches on dinner, so thankful she had come back into his life.
Thor came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her snug against him. Ellie let out a startled squeak but leaned back into his embrace. “Thank you.” he said, his voice rough with heartfelt meaning.
“For what?” she asked, unsure where his gratitude was coming from.
“You’ve given me the world. I was so lost for a very long time. I didn’t think I’d ever find my way back.” 
“You just needed to be ready, sweetheart. You are now, and look how far you’ve come in the last few days. This is all you, I just helped you remember that you could.” 
Thor struggled to accept her sentiment but did feel the beginnings of pride in himself for putting in so much effort to pull himself out of the pit he’d been hiding in. He expected to be more anxious knowing Ellie would be heading home in a few hours but armed with his new phone it seemed much more manageable. Thor realized he was actually making plans again, something he hadn’t done since before the Snap. He knew that on Monday he was going to go out and see Marcus about trying a new latte. On Tuesday Bruce was going to call him again to check in. Thor thought Wednesday might be a good day to try and take a walk around the community garden if he was up to it. If he managed that alright he was going to try and surprise Ellie at work with lunch on Friday. The outside world no longer seemed intimidating and Thor was eager to rejoin it. 
~ The End ~
Taglist lovelies: @thorfanficwriter @lancsnerd @avengers-fixation
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atinyidea · 5 years
Glitch | Ateez Gang! AU | THREE
⟶ gang!au, hacker!au, love triangle? poly? female!original character
How curious it is, the fact that the police just gave a media conference, confirming ATZ’s involvement in Kyungri’s families newly-appointed murder, just as she sat down for her best friend, Jaehyeon, to be tattooed by one of the gang members?
⟶ glitch ml! main ml!
⟶ prologue | previous | next
⟶  note! @atinyluna @iis4d @untainted-memories !! if anyone wants to be on a tag list for this fic just let me know!
⟶ 4000 words
⟶ edited 08.03.2020
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THREE: The Loft, 15:03,
Saturday 25 October 2025,
“Ah! There she is! Our princess has arrived! Finally!” The voice of her boss, Noh Gongmyung, filtered through the hidden speakers and to her ears as soon as she stuck her key into its lock. With a roll of her eyes, she looked up to where she knew a camera was and sharply turned the key, opening the sliding door.
“I’m not a princess, Gongmyung. How many times do I have to tell you?”
“At least once more!” The speakers hummed as she slammed the door shut, it’s automatic locks clicking into place. Kyungri could just hear the grin on his face from his words.
She walked up the metal floating stairs that led to the loft, her workspace and also home to her boss. She hadn’t cared that she worked in someone’s house, she knew well enough how well she worked when she was in the comfort of her own space. When they started working together Gongmyung hadn’t lived in the loft – it was a home away from home for both of them. However, while Kyungri chose to stay at home with her aunt and younger cousin, Gongmyung realised that he spent all of his time in the loft and that the gas money was not worth the thirty-minute trip from his house to the loft every day.
So he moved in.
He had offered Kyungri a room of her own and, while she did take it, she told him it was mainly for when they had to work long jobs. She didn’t like taking their not-so-legal jobs back to her aunt’s house.
The loft was quite large, having three separate rooms, one bathroom and an open-plan kitchen-living room that they turned into what Gongmyung called The Hacker’s Cave.
After a few years of making modulations to the loft, the two of them decided to buy the whole building, converting the downstairs area into space for their unsanctioned work. More specifically it was essentially a giant closet, locked under a padlock and a fingerprint scanner. Gongmyung had wanted to add a retina scanner but Kyungri thought that would be pushing it a little too much. They had only just been able to hide the fingerprint scanner in the wall, having a camera outside the door would just be suspicious.
She typed in the code specific to her entry and opened the door to the loft. Closing it behind her and listening for the tell-tale click which signified the door was locked again. 
Once, a while ago now, Chaeyoung had called everything over the top and that the two hackers were overly paranoid. Now she just called them “hacker spies.” Chaeyoung was the only one of her friends – and family – that had been to the loft, that had seen inside the loft. Kyungri didn’t exactly know why Chaeyoung had been let onto their little secret but she couldn’t say she was complaining. Gongmyung liked Chaeyoung too, which was always a plus, he referred to her as his second employee even though Chaeyoung couldn’t hack anything to save her life. She was a good informant and strategist though, which is why she fits in so well in their unofficial jobs. Kyungri wondered if Jaehyeon even knew they partook in felonious jobs too.
“Good afternoon, princess.” Gongmyung grinned at her, twisting his spinning chair around to face her as she entered the room.
“I brought you a coffee.” Kyungri smiled at him softly, holding the paper cup out to him, her own still half full in her other hand. She had stopped at another café, one closer to the loft, on the way – having forgotten to buy it when she was at The Café – so it was still piping hot. Just how he liked it.
“You’re buttering me up,” Gongmyung stated, taking the coffee anyway, leaning back in his chair and letting out a satisfied sigh as he took a sip. “What do you need?”
“A favour,”
“Of what kind, pray tell?” He raised an eyebrow, leaning forward in his chair.
Kyungri took a second to reply, speaking slowly like the words hurt to say, “I need your help.”
“You? Need my help?” Gongmyung emphasised, placing his free hand to his chest as if he was clutching his heart. Kyungri’s eyes closed as regret washed over her. “Our Great Hacker, the Pyo Kyungri…” he placed his coffee down on a nearby table, “wants her poor, old mentors help? The honour!” He shouted dramatically. Kyungri was tempted to just walk back out, but before she could, Gongmyung had shot up from his chair to place a hand against her forehead. “Are you feeling ill?”
She swatted his hand away, a small scowl taking over her features. “You’re thirty-four.” She rolled her eyes. Poor and old my ass, she thought. “Can you not be a dramatic dick right now? I ask you for help all the time.” She grumbled, finally taking her jacket off, hanging it on the back of the couch.
Gongmyung grinned at her. He didn’t have to verbalise his acceptance to help, he would help Kyungri even if she hadn’t asked. With the flourish of a hand, he turned to kneel on his chair with one knee and kicking off from the floor with the other, using his chair to glide across the room towards his set up area. Kyungri shook her head slightly, walking after him. Sometimes she wondered how he was the older one.
Gongmyung’s set up was… over the top, to say the least. He had lined a wall with monitors, twenty-four in total, with four servers ranging in sizes and psychedelic colours underneath them. Kyungri had always wondered why he kept a few servers upstairs, especially when they had a whole room dedicated to server’s downstairs, but she couldn’t fault him for wanting to keep the ones he built from scratch separate. When the monitors weren’t being used – by the surveillance cameras or from completing several long-range hacks at once (or downloading the latest version of his favourite video game, unreleased to the public) – they linked with each other to create one big screen. Usually when the loft had visitors – sometimes the police liked to pop in uninvited – the monitors served as a functioning TV. Gongmyung’s over the top personality and a rather large bank account had saved them from suspicion numerous times.
Kyungri had often told him that it wasn’t necessary, that everything could be done on a singular screen. He had always answered her with a simple “I know, this is just more fun!” to which she would roll her eyes, silently agreeing with the eccentric man. Their set-ups were like them: total opposites. While Gongmyung’s took up half a room, Kyungri preferred to stay mobile. She was simplistic, having three of each kind of electronic (two for her and one as a backup). Three phones – two iPhones and a Huawei – three tablets – two Samsung and a Huawei – two iPod and three laptops – her treasured Microsoft laptop and her two new ones: a MacBook and a Huawei laptop. (They had done a job for the company Huawei and were gifted with their electronics, which they kept after completely wiping them and making sure they were secure.)
In a way, the two hackers were described by how they worked. Gongmyung was over the top, in your face with a dramatic flair that everyone had to appreciate no matter how hard they tried not to. Kyungri was mobile, working incognito, on the move, classic. It was why they worked so well together: he was the guy in the chair, and she was the girl on the move.
(Chaeyoung loved to refer to their little team as spies. “We could totally be Charlie’s Angels.” She had said once. “We just need the third angel.” At her words, Gongmyung drew in a theatrical gasp, hand to his chest, offended. “How dare you say that I’m not an angel.” That day was fun.)
“What’s got you in a rough patch?” He asked, grabbing a neon pink keyboard – the one that was connected to the hot pink server, the one he kept separate because it was the only one connected to the dark web.
Kyungri pulled her own laptop out. Her trusty laptop lovingly named Microsoft (All her laptops were names as such: Mack the MacBook, Huawei the laptop.) and began typing away, still standing up next to him. “Two people apparently don’t exist anywhere other than a singular police file.”
“Now, this is interesting.”
“That’s the weird thing! It’s like these men only exist for the purpose of one measly police file and nothing else.”
“You only used your laptop to search, right? Microsoft?”
Kyungri nodded.
“Perhaps your server isn’t strong enough. Run the searches again with Huawei connected to the server room downstairs. Maybe you’ll get wider search field parameters.” Gongmyung grinned. While he wasn’t exactly a patron of the black net, he did have access to it and its connections – anything was findable for the right price. “Also, just send me all you’ve got, and I’ll get in touch with connections.”
Kyungri nodded again.
“This is quite unusual, isn’t it?” Gongmyung said after a few minutes of silence as he read over the information she had gathered. “Jo Jowon. Choi Jongho. Pictures.” He mumbled, narrating as he typed out an invisible email – an incognito way of communicating with his contacts without a trace. “I don’t think my contact is online at the moment. It might take a while to get a response.”
Kyungri nodded a third time. She wasn’t in a rush. She just got easily frustrated when things didn’t go right, quickly.
“So the police are re-investigating their deaths.”
“And Soonchul is the lead.”
Kyungri hummed in agreement.
“You have to know that ATZ aren’t even five years old yet. The crash was –’’
“Seven years ago. I know.” Kyungri cut him off, fingers stopping their tapping as she looked over at him. “I figured that out the same hour I heard the police were suspecting them.”
“So why are you still looking for them.” He asked, also stopping, having finished for now.
“I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel right, it’s bugging me.”
“Ah, and then these two boys don’t seem to exist.” He realised, teasing her slightly, “you can’t resist.”
“Soonchul is trying to pin my family’s death on a gang who hadn’t even formed yet. It’s sloppy, and I don’t appreciate it.” She shrugged, turning her attention to a monitor on the wall, where a figure had walked to the front door. She looked away after realising she knew who it was, continuing her little speech. “I don’t understand the connection. I’ve been waiting for six years for them to re-open the case and when it is, I can’t help but feel angry.”
“My father wants to find ATZ, everyone wants the Pyo Crash case solved once and for all. He’s killing two birds with one stone, trying to twist everything together by his own will.” Chaeyoung called loudly, having heard the last part of Kyungri’s sentence as she entered the door. She leant back against it, waiting for the click before she wandered into the room. While she wasn’t a hacker, Chaeyoung worked with Kyungri on their out-of-hours jobs. She had her own keys and her own password for the loft, she was part of the team. She shrugged her black trench coat off, throwing it haphazardly in the direction of the couch, not bothering to see if it fell on the floor or not. “I went to lunch with him last week, he wouldn’t stop muttering about how he was going to get the station to look for ATZ and get off his back about the Pyo case.” Chaeyoung rested on Kyungri, her arms over the now seated Kyungri’s shoulders and her head resting on her shoulder. Kyungri leant back into the orange-haired girl, trying to give her stronger stability to lean against – she knew she was tired.  “We are talking about my dad, right?”
“Bit of a poor solution. It’s not even thought out well.” Gongmyung tsked.
Chaeyoung yawned a little, “I don’t think the station cares if I’m being honest. They’re just happy he’s finally doing it.”
“Anyway, now that both of you are here, I can brief you of tonight’s job.”
“Sure thing GM but, can I go get pizza first? I came straight here from the café, and I’m starving.” Chaeyoung’s tired expression had cleared into a livelier one at the thought of food through her words still slurred a little. Gongmyung mirrored her grin and pulled a silver card out of thin air, holing it out in front of her.
“It’s on me or rather, on you. That’s your card for the night, there’s five million won on it.” He told Chaeyoung, emphasising the amount on the card. “It’s for the job, to keep up appearances. You have to be expensive to look like a regular at an expensive club.” Chaeyoung nodded, plucking the card from his fingers. She pressed a gentle kiss on Kyungri’s cheek before standing, walking to the door and scooping her coat up from the floor on the way.
“Got it! You want the usual?” She called over her shoulder as she opened the door.
Kyungri and Gongmyung hadn’t left it a second before they chorused a ‘yes’. After the orange-haired woman had left Gongmyung turned to Kyungri, another card in his hand.
“Thank you.” Kyungri smiled at him softly. He reached out the same hand to pat her hair gently. “While she’s gone I’ll go shower, the world knows I'm quicker. She’ll need at least an hour just for her shower.” Kyungri let out a laugh as she slapped her hands against her thighs as she stood.
“I’ll keep you updated.”
“Ah yes, we can play Is Gongmyung’s Voice Louder Than The Shower again.”
The bathroom was standard compared to the rest of the building. Kyungri only really used it for its essentials – to shower and to use the toilet – while Gongmyung couldn’t care less what a bathroom looked like. Chaeyoung kept bringing in little decorations around every now and then, but they always seemed to go missing after a week or two. The walls were tiled in white, a toilet sink and shower the only appliances inside. On one wall hung five towels, two were black, two were hot pink and the last of was a white hair towel, stained with diluted hair dye. Also hung on the wall, above the sin, was a large square mirror.
Kyungri stared at her reflection, letting the shower warm-up before she got in it. She had bags under her eyes that would need to be covered properly before they left for the job, no one going to the club would flaunt their designer eyebags. She’d have to get Chaeyoung to fix her up with the strong stuff later. Kyungri took her hair in her hands, looping it through her fingers. It was getting quite long, the black hair dye starting to leave her roots. They weren’t that bad, her natural hair a dark brown anyway, but she knew they would bother her is she didn’t get them done again soon.
The water was hot against her skin; it almost burnt. But that’s how she liked it. She liked being warm and would often cuddle herself up under at least three blankets when she could. She closed her eyes and leant her head back, letting her hair fall down her back, under the steady stream of water. She liked showers, they were relaxing. However, she could never spend more than fifteen minutes in there. She washed out the shampoo in her dark locks and applied the conditioner, twisting her hair into a makeshift top-knot to sit for a little while as she bent over slightly to shave her legs. Kyungri liked having smooth legs but, in reality, she hated having to shave them. Just as she finished up with the razor and went to wash the conditioner from her hair, the bathroom door bounced open startling her a little but not enough for her to make a sound.
“I’m back, and your pizza will get cold if you take forever!” Chaeyoung shouted over the flow of water. Kyungri shook her head in amusement, continuing to wash out her hair.
“Thanks, Chae.” She shouted back. She could feel Chaeyoung’s cheeky grin as she heard her laugh.
“OH! Before I forget! After you left the café earlier, I overheard Mr Tattooist and his friend. Whose name is Yoosang by the way and, he’s completely one-hundred-per cent cute. Apparently San did something, and you didn’t notice? I assumed it was that he tried asking for your number by the way Yoosang laughed at him, but I had already given him your number, so it got me thinking.”
Kyungri switched off the water, stepping out of the shower. She didn’t rush to cover herself in front of Chaeyoung, but she wrapped a pink towel around her body because the window was open, and the breeze was cold.
“Just be careful around him okay, he’s like super pretty to look at but, now I have a funny feeling about that tattooist. Like there’s something hidden about him.” Chaeyoung spoke seriously as she sat on top of the toilet as if it were a chair.
“You gave him my number?”
“Before he was being shady!”
Kyungri couldn’t help but laugh, and after a few seconds, Chaeyoung had joined in.
“I also went outfit digging so finish up in here and then just come through to the room, yeah?” Chaeyoung smiled up at her tall best friend. Kyungri returned the smile and kissed her cheek as Chaeyoung departed from the bathroom.
She left the bathroom, hair and body wrapped up in pink towels and headed towards the living room. She didn’t care that she was in just a towel around Gongmyung, he was essentially her brother for all intents and purposes. 
“I did tell Chae you were in the shower, sorry she interrupted you.” He told Kyungri as she stopped next to him at the table. From where she was sat on the floor on the opposite side of the table, Chaeyoung grinned up at Kyungri with a wink.
“It’s not like she doesn’t do it every time anyway but, thanks,” Kyungri replied to Gongmyung with a small amused smile. She propped a hand on her waist, her other hand holding its wrist as she focused back to Chaeyoung. “So what are my options, Chae?”
“Under very tight time restrictions, not fair by the way,” She glared at the man in the room for a second, “I’ve given you a dress and a crop-top-shorts combo.” Chaeyoung gave her a dazzling smile, hands shaking back and forth like she was in a jazz number. Kyungri nodded a little, looking over both options. “I get to wear the other one so, please choose the one I don’t want,” Chaeyoung added with a rushed mumble and a little squeal, her hands shooting into the air to show off her crossed fingers. Kyungri rolled her eyes a little, the smile growing on her face. She should have known.
The dress was a lively red colour, the woven cotton was laced with glittered fabric to give off a shine under every angle. It was lined with cream-coloured silk, smooth to the touch. It was also quite small, and Kyungri knew it would fit Chaeyoung better. The orange-haired girl had even paired it with a pair of black criss-cross stiletto heels in her size.
The other outfit was quite racy, but Kyungri really didn’t care. While she preferred to live her life in leggings and jumpers three sized too big for her, she knew her body was fit. She looked after herself; going to the gym every other day and running two miles every morning. Her core was strong, ready for anything that was thrown at her. She knew she had abs, not rock hard, but there was some definition there. She knew she would feel comfortable in the crop top (which was actually just a fancy lace bralette) and matching shorts. It was placed with a peached coloured jacket - a thin material studded in large sequins - and a pair of black sneakers that were jazzed up with the same peach colour, but the sequins were extra small. She loved it, she knew that Chaeyoung had expected her to choose that outfit and so, just to mess with her she picked up the dress and turned on her heel towards her bedroom.
“Kyungri!” Chaeyoung called after her. Kyungri couldn’t help the giddy laugh that left her lips as Chaeyoung started chasing her.
“You’re too easy to wind up, Chaeyoung.” She told her once they had stopped running around. Kyungri handed the dress and heels over to the shorter girl with a teasing smile over her lips. Chaeyoung grumbled a little under her breath, making her look slightly younger than she was than how she acted. Kyungri was reminded that Chaeyoung had only just turned twenty the other month.
Kyungri returned to the living room to scoop up her outfit, and the two girls left Gongmyung to eat his pizza alone. Which wasn’t particularly unusual.
An hour and a half later, Chaeyoung was out of the shower and drying her hair out with a hairdryer as Kyungri nibbled on the last slice of her own pizza, still in her towel as she worked on Sam, her Samsung tablet. (Truthfully, she had been distracted by Twitter.) The two girls got dressed together, helping one another with small adjustments and styling choices. Chaeyoung helped Kyungri twist her long hair up into two twisted space buns, doing her makeup for her since Kyungri was kind of helpless. Kyungri had pulled a detailed braid through one side of Chaeyoung’s hair, decorating it with small metal loops and hair gems. By eight P.M they emerged from Kyungri’s bedroom, dressed to the nines and glowing. Gongmyung, who had seen them dressed up for club jobs before, let out a little wolf whistle as they came into view.
“Stunning, as always.” He complimented them. Kyungri gave him a small, yet confident, smile as Chaeyoung dipped down into a curtsey.
“Thank you, I know. I know.” She spoke in a fake posh accent, dramatically waving her hands around as if she were royalty. They all made their way to Gongmyung’s set up, waiting to get briefed.
“The club is called X-Clusive.” He began, sitting down in his chair. The two girls sat down together of one of Kyungri’s huge beanbag chairs, sharing a tablet to see what Gongmyung would be talking about. “The official job Kyungri’s on tonight is to figure out how one gets through all their security. There's a singular back door entrance under a set of seven different electronic locks. The bouncers are given a printed version of the guest list, which is very specific, so as a fall back you will both be on it as yourselves.
“However, for your second job tonight, you will be known as Park Hyeri and Lee Chanmi, two old college friends who reconnect after seeing each other at a fancy club. There is talk of a gun pass happening in the high levels of X-Clusive tonight. The gangs are unknown, but connections think NCT will be there. You are to observe and relay information. Do that by any means necessary, we don’t know who else we’ll be dealing with.” He finished. 
Both girls nodded once in unison. 
“Great. After that, you’re free to stay as long as you want and spend as much as you want. Stay alert, I want to be able to get to you if anything happens, got it?”
Again, the girl’s nodded, grinning at one another. Time to go clubbing.
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How to find purchased apps on the Google Play Store
Keeping track of all our apps is almost impossible, especially when switching devices or performing a factory reset. Google makes it pretty painless to re-install all your apps on a new or reset device, but if you’re looking for a specific app that you may no longer remember the name of, things get a little complicated. Here’s how to find old purchased apps on the Google Play Store!
Finding old apps
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Before looking at purchased apps specifically, let’s take a quick look at how Google keeps a track of your old apps for you. This method for finding apps isn’t actually particularly helpful when finding purchased apps unless you already know what you’re looking for.
Open the Google Play Store app.
Open the hamburger menu by tapping on the three horizontal lines at the top left corner.
Tap on My Apps & Games.
The apps currently installed on your phone are found under the aptly named Installed tab. The Library lists all the apps you’ve ever installed on your Android devices past and present but aren’t on your phone anymore. The sorting options in the Library tab only include Recent and Alphabetical, while the Installed Tab adds Last Updated, Last Used, and Size.
Notably absent is any way to distinguish between free and purchased apps in both these sections. You’re also out luck if you don’t know the name of what you’re looking for (and then you can just search for it).
Finding purchased apps
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Finding purchased apps, in particular, requires a few extra steps.
Open the Google Play Store
Open the hamburger menu by tapping on the three horizontal lines at the top left corner.
Scroll down and tap on Account.
The tap on Order History.
Order History is where you will find a list of any and all purchases you’ve made via Google Play. Unfortunately, this list also includes books, movies, TV shows, songs, and albums you may have bought via Google Play, and all the in-app purchases you’ve ever made too.
Depending on your order history, it may take a lot of scrolling, but you should be able to find all the purchased apps you were looking for. There might be some surprises in there as well.
I had the OG Moto 360 smartwatch in 2015 and had bought a few watch faces back then. I didn’t keep the watch for long, and when I switched smartphones after that, I didn’t re-install any of those apps again. 
I got the Huawei Watch 2 last year but completely forgot about those watch faces. When I was looking at my order history, I was able to download and use them again.
The web app does it (slightly) better
You can find out order history by using the web app as well. Go to play.google.com on a web browser on your PC or Android device and basically follow the same steps listed above. 
Go to Account and open Order History to see all your purchases. The web app does it slightly better than the smartphone app because the Order History section has a sort function based on Categories.
Using this, you can filter and sort your purchases based on Android apps, Movies, Music, Books, Newsstand, and Devices, which makes it a tad easier to find what you’re looking for.
If you’re like me, the bulk of your orders are apps and in-app purchases (which also show up under the Android apps category), which means finding an old purchased app is still annoying.
There’s an app for it
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If you’ve ever grumbled about a missing software feature on your smartphone, you might have heard the phrase “There’s probably an app for it” in response. If you are looking for old purchased apps, there actually is an app for that. You can download the “Purchased Apps” app from the Google Play Store here.
Open the app, tap on your Google account, and your entire order history will show up. Opening the hamburger menu by tapping on the three horizontal lines at the top left corner shows you the different categories of purchased apps. 
As well as the total number of purchases and the amount you’ve spent. Just more information that isn’t directly available from the Google Play Stor
Why is this still a thing?
From its days as the Android Market, to the launch of the Google Play Store, the app store has seen a lot of changes, upgrades, and re-designs. So why is it still so complicated to simply find a list of apps you’ve purchased?
The My Apps & Games section is practically useless in this regard. You can find what you need in the Order History, but there’s no way to sort or filter the list to narrow it down. The web app has a filter, but may not be of much help. It’s a third-party app that manages to do the best job. 
You don’t have to navigate to a hidden section to see your entire order history. The perfect filter options make it far less tedious to scroll through. Google should have been able to implement something similar by now, and it will hopefully do so soon
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edge-lorde · 5 years
hp update: so, the help desk people emailed me back. they said it was probably a RAM problem.
the game needs 2 GB of free RAM to play. i have an old phone. might not have more than 2 GB of RAM total, but somehow i have made it nearly a full year, all the way to year 5 of playing this game almost every day and havent had a problem until now? idk. i delete a bunch of apps off my phone and it is still not working. 
i look up online, other people are having this problem too, where the game keeps crashing on this one level. only advice is to wait for the game ppl to fix the bug (wont happen if the problem is with my phone) or try to play the game on my pc with an emulator. i opt for that.
i save my game with facebook so that i can load my game on another device. i see theres a free emulator called nox player. i read up about it, seems like its the most reliable one but some people get randomly signed into other peoples account when they try to play hphm. i am frightened but desperate. i decide im going to do it.
i go to a website called nox official and download the app. i notice that the installer doesnt look the same as in the tutorial. its asking me to accept or decline installing anti-virus software. im getting scared now. i google “is nox safe” get mixed answers, mostly having to do with it being finicky and crashing and other emulators being worse. the installer stops and a new one starts, this one does look like what is in the tutorial. 
i scroll down on the website some more. i see disclaimer: this website is not official and not associated with big nox in any way. i google big nox. its the real nox website. 
i quick uninstall the nox i just downloaded and another app that i got tricked into downloading. the actual nox program looks like its the real nox, just maybe out dated by an update or 2 and definitely pirated. i take no chances though. 
but im still desperate, so i re-download nox from the real website. it doesnt ask me to install more apps thank god. 
i get it going. the controls are janky and it doesnt connect to my real key board, but i download the hphm app. i manage to log into my account. another thing i was terrified of is somehow writing over my save with a completely new game, but that doesnt happen. 
it does crash later while im trying to duel. this is alright though, because i start the app on my phone and everything has saved!!!!
i play a few more levels using my phone and everything is working fine!!!!!!!!!
i may have put a virus on my computer, but i did it goddamn it... i fixed the bug..... i found the loophole......
and i did it all for you, bird tom felton.....................................
i doubt ill be able to do this event without gems now but its ok....... nothing can stop me from playing gobstones with this fictional boy ever again. 
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theemperorsfeather · 6 years
This is a good essay but reading it was also like having my heart ripped out repeatedly.
Like many people my age and older, I miss the pre–social media internet. The new internet knows this, and it capitalizes on my nostalgia as it eats away at the old internet. It amounts to an unforeseen form of technological cannibalism.
Admittedly, the phenomenon of the self-eating internet may not be obvious when we think about it in the abstract; we need to break it down into its constituent operations. For example, I open my Instagram account to post on my Instagram Story feed that I’m writing this essay about internet nostalgia. There I can attach kitschy gifs to my story like fancy stickers—I look at my options, and the offerings remind me of various moments from my online past. There’s an image of sparkles that takes me back to the flash-based dress-up games I once played as a tween. There’s another gif with glitzy text that reads “Don’t hate me cuz I’m beautiful,” recalling the emotional trials of my Myspace days. And there is yet another gif that features a computer that bears a suspicious resemblance to the “My Computer” icon from Windows 95. These gifs come from Giphy, which has been integrated with Instagram for years. They’re lo-res, imperfect, and entirely decontextualized. These disembodied ghosts—ancient in computer years—blink back at me because tech companies know that, based on my age, I like them. And I do like them. I miss where they came from—it’s a place I’ve found is no longer there.
The Hell of Beautiful Interfaces
The internet is perhaps the most potent and active delivery system in history for the thesis “capitalism will obliterate everything you know and love”—online it happens in real time. Considering the average website is less than ten years old, that old warning from your parents that says to “be careful what you post online because it’ll be there forever” is like the story your dad told you about chocolate milk coming from brown cows, a well-meant farce. On the contrary, librarians and archivists have implored us for years to be wary of the impermanence of digital media; when a website, especially one that invites mass participation, goes offline or executes a huge dump of its data and resources, it’s as if a smallish Library of Alexandria has been burned to the ground. Except unlike the burning of such a library, when a website folds, the ensuing commentary from tech blogs asks only why the company folded, or why a startup wasn’t profitable. Ignored is the scope and species of the lost material, or what it might have meant to the scant few who are left to salvage the digital wreck.
The reason the tech literati don’t wring their hands more is obvious: the artifacts of internet life are personal—that is, not professionally or historically notable—and therefore worthless. The persistent erasure of what are essentially frozen experiences, snapshots of our lives, nakedly demonstrates how tech monopolies value the human commonality and user experience so loftily promoted in their branding—they don’t. And this is especially true in an era where involuntary data mining, as opposed to voluntary participation, is king. 
... countless hagiographies and histories have been written about the technology of the internet and its “inventors” hailing from the FAANGs (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google). But the users of those technologies and services can only be found in the data point or the footnote, transformed into an anonymous bleating mass a world below the visionaries who built the platforms that now alchemize our consumer preferences into chunks of fool’s gold. Meanwhile, the genuine experiences of users are ignored, despite the fact that the internet has always been deeply and irrevocably personal...
In the age of smartphones and apps, our agency is only more limited; even what we see is limited, restricted by the proprietary designs of a small handful of companies. As for customization, it’s even worse: I can’t change how Twitter or Facebook looks on my phone. Hell, I can’t even undo what I just typed on my phone. This in part is because apps, though they may be connected to the web, are not websites. As tech writer Christopher Mims noted in 2014, apps and app stores are all about throttling the competition; unlike the web they aren’t built on a universal open platform. They are thus completely misaligned with the earlier ethos of the internet as a place for the open-ended exchange of ideas. Mims adds, “The Web wasn’t perfect, but it created a commons where people could exchange information and goods. It forced companies to build technology that was explicitly designed to be compatible with competitors’ technology.” That accountability, everyone knows, has disappeared. And this helps explain how the FAANGs grew so enormous so quickly: they got in easy and quick and held a gun to everyone else’s head. Today, roughly 90 percent of time spent on our phones is devoted to apps—not the web. The web didn’t adapt fast enough, and companies these days don’t bother wasting time on mobile browsing. They prefer to nag us into “downloading the app.”
Because websites had to either become apps or self-optimize for mobile, web design declined from its creative, more variegated heights to become flat, highly minimalistic, and multi-platform, and the results are, frankly, fucking boring...
... Flash’s relegation to the trashcan of internet history highlights one of the more daunting tasks for internet users and preservationists, upon whom the onus of responsibility for reacting to the sometimes terrifyingly sudden decisions of huge tech conglomerates and their ensuing monocultures is placed. These companies and platforms operate in part by devouring, appropriating, monetizing, exterminating, or burying on the 112th page of search results anything on the web that is even remotely interesting—especially anything amateur, anything ad hoc-ist. There is more and more an ethic of false equivalency between virality and substance (and I say that as someone whose blog went viral). Hence, they think, because this stuff isn’t profitable, it must mean nobody wants to see it; and so nobody does. Non-virality and false obsolescence, when combined with link rot—the natural atrophy of links across time—have led to the quiet erasure of entire swaths of the internet.
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excellynt · 6 years
The conclusion to the first Papyrus phone conversation set has arrived! Download via Network update! 
Edit: Be sure to download the v1.3.391 hotfix so Sans will charge his phone after the phone calls!
I know I promised v.1.3.4 this weekend with the new introduction and everything, but I realized the intro’s new mechanics need a lot more than a weekend’s of fine-tuning to balance properly, and since it’s the introduction to the ghost, with both short-term and long-term permanent consequences, it’s pretty important to get bug-free on release. More on this at the end of the post~ 
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Don’t have MVSans already? Download him and his balloon from this post!
The v1.3.39 update brings... 
Fixed UF!Sans’ shell. I only just realized I set up his PNA files wrong. His shell should have a cleaner, crisper look to it now! 
MVSans now has his very own icon when minimized to task bar, aka “Iconified.”
FULL RELEASE OF PHONE CALLS FROM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!!! All four parts, plus the followup with Sans!
The Papyrus Phone Calls
This weekend had some family stuff come up, but I decided to go ahead and release the finished phone calls since the full set is ready, and I’ve been promising them for months now (sheesh). I released parts 1 and 2 a while back...
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(Sans is such a shit sometimes.)
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... but once I realized parts 3 and 4 were dragging out, I cut parts 1 & 2 out of the accessible content to re-release as a full set later. They should all be viewed together, and it just left off at a really bad spot and I felt bad for it. 
But now it’s all ready to go, together!! There is a ton of dialogue, expect to enjoy 10-15 minutes of cutscenes, heh. But by all accounts they are very entertaining! I hope it’s worth the wait.
Man, watching Sans get dunked on NEVER GETS OLD. Seriously. I’m really proud of my Papyrus portrayal here. 
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Part 4 in particular has a lot of dialogue based entirely on your actions, so you might wanna screenshot some of the dialogue to compare later! You’ll only receive this dialogue if you knock-block him enough! 
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Cutting post length here. More below the cut! 
Any text lit up pink on the menus means there’s something new or special unlocked. You can click on About the phone call to progress to the next part of the phone chain, or just wait and the next part will trigger automatically at the next speaking interval. If you accidentally click out of the conversation, or just want to read the previous one again, you can select Repeat Last Dialogue. 
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You can also select the phone menu icon to prompt the next part of the call if you close SSP (which deactivates the chain sequence). If it’s not working, try rebooting SSP and click the phone button again. 
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(As you can see, I changed the System Functions menu to an icon to match the phone, tentatively experimenting with icons in the menu format.)
After a followup discussion with Sans later, you can click the phone icon to call Papyrus any time! There are a handful of random calls, most of which are derived from the game’s Papyrus phone calls, but there are some original ones, too. :D
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New Introductory Sequence (Coming Soon... hopefully)
It always bothered me that with most ghosts, the way to get them to warm up to you is to force petting on them until they just accept it. This is fine as a simple system but Sans in particular, having just 1 HP... He’s fragile and isn’t gonna sit there and take it. I always intended to implement a way to express this, and I finally realized last week. 
So instead of touching, you’ll need to spend time talking to him and he’ll warm up to you enough to allow petting and tickling. And if you keep grabbing at him, well.. you’re gonna have a bad time.
The new system is prototyped and functional, but need the weights of user actions are tricky to calibrate.. which is what I need those User Reports for! Thank you everyone who has sent those! I reference them whenever I’m working on traits/user-behavior related content, because my usage of Sans is vastly different from most people’s because I’m testing ALL content instead of just playing with him. 
There’s a slightly altered introduction for v1.3.39, but it’s not worth resetting or installing a new MVSans over, though I’ve put up an updated .nar for download. The brand new introductory sequence should be soon, though I’m not in a hurry to get it released. I’ll keep you posted. 
Want realtime updates on new content or upcoming ghost projects? Or got plans to make your own ghosts? Join us on the Ukagaka Dream Team discord server! 
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dramallamadingdang · 6 years
Or, not-so-wee-plies, as the case may be, because, you know, me. *eye roll*
First of all, thank you to those who wished me a happy birthday in comments as well as to @kairisu and some anons in my ask box! It was a quiet day -- we’re celebrating both our birthdays this year with a cruise in August -- but it was a nice day, so we took the horses out riding in the morning. Then I got the usual phone call from my bro with the usual razzing about being older than him again. (We’re only 10 months apart in age, so for about seven weeks out of the year, we’re the same age.) I talked to all three offspring I birthed and to their SOs/kids, too, where applicable, so it was nice. :) Oh, and I yakked with my mother-in-law for an hour, but we do that quite often, anyway. She’s only a few years older than me -- the perils of having a younger husband. ;) -- so she’s more a buddy than a mother-in-law. :) (She called to tell me she’s sending me birthday tamales, yum!)
BUT ANYWAY! These are for @katatty, @didilysims, @alawren4ever, @catnip-sims, @deedledops, @criquette-was-here, @penig, @tamtam-go92, and @immerso-sims...
katatty-main replied to your photo “iCad Does Urban Planning. AKA: iCad Is Nuts.  Buuuuuut, on the plus...”
oh, i love seeing this sort of thing! always gives me a ton of inspiration :)
Yeah, me, too. So, that’s pretty much why I shared the image, to maybe give other people some ideas AND in the hopes that they’ll share those idea in turn. I kinda love how Simmers feed off of each other that way. :)
didilysims replied to your photoset “This morning, because my hand needed a break from painting hair...”
Ugh that stupid disappearing Maxis bridge. I thought your monorail bridge looked kind of cool, honestly. :)
The monorail bridge is growing on me. It works best on that particular suspension bridge, though, because then the train doesn’t smash through the girders. :) Can’t really say the same for the others, but we just ignore that on the other side of town. *cough* In any case, though, it IS better than the endless monotrail track magically hovering over water, so there’s that. :)
That being said, I HAVE crossed bridges that were shared by road and train traffic where the train tracks ran above or, more often, to the side of the road-deck. Which probably isn’t often the case since trains and vehicles don’t often share road/track beds like that and most often railroad bridges were built before large, modern bridges for automobiles, but it’s not TOTALLY unrealistic. 
And yeah, I totally hate the stupid Maxis bridge. One, it doesn’t always fit in with the look I want for a neighborhood. It’s often too modern or not-modern/urban enough. Two, it isn’t visible from lots, which often looks stupid. Three, you can’t get rid of the damn thing other than by “sinking” it below the terrain in SimPE. And then four, after you sink it, you still can’t modify the terrain around where it was, so it might not be suitable for a replacement deco-bridge and....ARRRGH! Hate it hate it hate it.
didilysims replied to your post “Why do I keep doing this to myself?”
The curse of this open game!
IKNOWRITE??? It’s hell playing this game. HELL, I TELL YOU! :)
alawren4ever replied to your photoset “So yesterday, I posted about this fire hydrant object that randomly...”
Very cool that you can control the level of traffic by the number of hydrants!
It IS cool. And I didn’t find out that it can work that way until I accidentally had more than one on a lot when I was trying to figure out why the remeshed one I made was invisible. SERENDIPITY! :D
But it makes sense, I guess, because the “calls” it puts out to summon a vehicle seem to be randomly timed, not at regular intervals. So, if you get a bunch of them on a lot, each putting out calls at random times, rather than all at the same time in the same time intervals, it makes sense that the traffic level would increase with the number of objects on the lot. I shoulda thought of that sooner, really.
didilysims replied to your post “Info and testing things RE: the number of visitors that show up at...”
Ooh I've never see that mod to up the lot visitors before. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!
It works pretty well, although it does have its pitfalls. The obvious one is that you might have to experiment a bit to see what “level” your machine can handle without the game lagging on you. The other is if you play community lots of widely variable size. Like, if you put in the mod that ups the visitors to, say, 25, that’ll be fine on a big community lot if your machine can handle it, but not so fine if you have any that have a “1″ in the size dimensions, where you’ll end up with an overcrowded lot full of stomping, complaining Sims who can’t move. :) 
I kinda wish there was a customer/visitor-number adjuster that could be used on ALL lots, not just owned ones........Although maybe that object can be used on regular community lots. OOOOH EXPERIMENT FOR SCIENCE!
catnip-sims replied to your photoset “This morning, because my hand needed a break from painting hair...”
I like parking filler lots too! I recently came up with a 1x3 lot with just a bunch of bushes along the street & a big "YOUR AD HERE" banner, lol. It looks nice from the neighborhood view :D
THAT IS A GREAT IDEA I THINK I WILL STEAL IT THANK YOU! :) Except now I need to make banners. *growl* And maybe billboards, hmmm....
deedledops replied to your post “Why do I keep doing this to myself?”
This, but a whole neighborhood tailored to each specific thing with a special downloads folder I can switch out for each theme. But I know if I did it I'd want all the Sims to know each other next
Yeah, “ whole neighborhood tailored to each specific thing with a special downloads folder“ is kind of how I play in general. :) Only I use separate user accounts on my computer, each with its own Documents/Sims 2 folder tailored specifically for it because I don’t trust myself to put in the right folder before I load up the neighborhood I want to play. (Did that once with the wrong neighborhood deco loaded, and POOF! All the painstakingly-placed neighborhood deco in that neighborhood was gone. NEVER AGAIN!
But yeah, how I play is pretty much this: Step 1: Come up with idea/theme. Usually, this happens like a bolt out of the blue, things just blooming fully-formed in my head, just like how story ideas happened to me back in my fanfic-writing days, so it must be how my brain works. Whatever the case, it’s very jarring. Step 2: Create an unnecessarily complex rule set for playing out the idea/theme. Step 3: Create a complex spreadsheet to use to keep track of the neighborhood. Step 4: Build a neighborhood around the idea/theme.  Step 5: Play the neighborhood. 
Currently, I have some neighborhoods that are at each step of the above process. :) Often, steps 2 and 3 happen concurrently, and sometimes steps 4 and 5 happen at the same time, all BACC-like. But not always!
criquette-was-here replied to your post “Why do I keep doing this to myself?”
@dramallamadingdang ***laughs for a second and then cries thinking of road and terrain DR project*** I feel your pain,lol! @immerso-sims you actually can (I'm on mac) ***cries even harder***
*laugh* Yeah, this is probably a pain that all serious simmers feel at least once in a while. For some of us, though, it’s more like a constant thing. Chronic pain. *sigh* :) So then you’ve got all these ideas but not the time or stamina to work on/finish them all.
penig replied to your post “Why do I keep doing this to myself?”
Alternate between play and projects. You'll get Better Ideas as you play anyhow. Also, projects are play if you choose to do them.
Yeah, that’s pretty much how I do things, in general. It’s just that sometimes my brain/imagination is particularly fertile, and I get lots of big ideas that require big projects all at once, and it all gets a little overwhelming sometimes. It’d be nice if the brain kind of spread out the big ideas a little more....
tamtam-go92 replied to your photo “Let’s call this a “Cool CC That I Think Everyone Ought to Have” Post....”
THIS is just amazing!!! #things you didn't know you need until you see them
Right? I was surprised (but also kind of not-surprised, because it is a really old object) that more people didn’t know about that thing. I only learned about it a while back because of a stray post in the MTS forums that mentioned it, and fortunately that was at a time when the Graveyard was working reliably. I don’t often bother using it in less-densely-populated neighborhoods, but it does add a nice touch when playing downtowns.
immerso-sims replied to your photoset “I needed a bit of a break from hair retexturing and alpha-painting and...”
Looks great and I really like the idea. Looking forward to following the challenge :)
I’m not sure I’m going to document it, unfortunately. When I first play one of these ideas I get in my head, I like to see if it’ll actually work the way I think it’s going to, first. So, the initial playing is more like a dry run, where I’m still experimenting and coming up with new ideas and tweaking the rules and such. I have played the first batch of “runaways” through three seasons, and three of them have “escaped” from the vacant lot into better housing, one of them skipping the “livin’ in the slums” stage entirely because she married someone who came with a ton of skill points, whose LTW career came up in the newspaper right away, and who got a bunch of job promotions one right after the other. I haven’t decided yet if it was all too easy! *laugh* I should probably take out the “no friends needed for promotions” mod when playing this, now that I think about it. And maybe I shouldn’t even allow marriage when they’re still homeless -- because who wants to marry into that?! -- but she got “risky woohoo” pregnant on a date, and.... Well, anyway, I plan to play these initial four for a while, and once I have them all established so that I know everything works, I’m going to add a new group of “runaways” for a less-dry run, and perhaps I’ll document them. 
Anyway, I might post some highlight pics from this first batch of runaways, and maybe I’ll write up the rules once I know they work. I mean, you don’t HAVE to build an elaborate downtown to play this way or anything. It can be just a mini-challenge that you play within something else...although longer lifespans kinda help with this, at least with the rules I’m using. Anyway, the downtown’s just something I’m doing because I want to, and it seems to go along well with this rule set idea.
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