#getting emotional over an otome smh
sevensity · 3 years
fuck ive been missing the mysme fandom and writing for it so bad lately 
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fillianore-moved · 5 years
*downloads a new romance visual novel* alright ladies, it’s time to cope :)
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Caitie, random thought: have you ever thought about how sometimes in animated movies, they get celebrity voice actors? And pro heroes are basically also celebrities in the bnha universe? Now I’m just picturing them trying to voice act in animated movies as celebrity guests, and some of them being decent at it, but some (…most) of them absolutely sucking because they’re not into it or yell too loudly or speak without enough emotion or whatever. Like I could see Deku, Sero, and Kirishima being good, but Bakugo, Todoroki, Denki, and Shinso… No
OR EVEN BETTER… If they had to voice act in an otome game or something and sound all romantic and cheesy, hehe. Especially if they already have a real-life partner!!
OMG, you know what this reminds me of, the McDonalds ad I think the English VA for Hawks did LMFAOOOO (and I think Justin Briner did one for Taco Bell but I could be... mistaken)... 
However, what an interesting thought!!! I can totally see it happening, too. Makes me laugh because I just know Bakugo is yelling in every single one of his promotions. No one probably wants him for anything other than like... sports drinks or gym membership ads (or maybe even action films?) because he always ad-libs and goes off script adsklfaklds… 
Shinso and Todoroki probably do excellent for like… melatonin commercials but are cast the most for Otomes… and it’s so funny because they sound so stiff and dry that it’s almost… good? Or at least, oddly in character LOL. I bet Todoroki is so terrible that people just adore him doing anything, like… can you imagine his monotone during a shampoo ad??? 
(“Please use this shampoo. It is good.” …and that’s the entire thing. Hilarious because the crowd still goes WILD!!!)
Kirishima though… UGH, I never thought about the voice acting side of things, but I have thought he’s an excellent TV stare. Probably does well wherever you put him, kids movies, ads, video games… asdlkfjkad it’s gonna make me cry to think about, I just know it’s impossible to escape him anywhere LOL (and Deku too but he’s mostly in cartoons after a long stint of bad commercials and dating adverts).
All things considered though, some company probably does try to make a hero dating sim… that just ends up going… hilariously strange, w/ everyone either over acting or under acting lines that literally do not match. That, or no one agrees because they’re all too in love with you. 
Kirishima, Denki + Deku are the ones who sound way too peppy + eager, Bakugo is fucking mad about it and breathes all heavy, Todoroki is bitter asf, and Shinso + Sero do a good job but not because they want to… but because it just ends up fitting askdhlfkjhasdjk. It’s all so SMH!!!
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
Ikemen Revolution - Lancelot’s Route
Aight I did a review with my awful commentary for Sirius; I might as well do one for Lancelot since I just finished his route. Unfortunately this ended up being WAYY longer than the one I did for Sirius so there’s gonna be a lot of walls of texts with just my awful commentary. Sorry! To anyone that actually gets through the massive walls of text, I respect you.
Somehow, Alice gets pawned off to a nameless no face body guard as she strolls around the streets because the Black Army guys are busy having a movie night or something. And you know what happens when your body guard is nameless and faceless. BASICALLY: it’s as if he doesn’t exist!
And what do you know, their lovely intimate getaway is interrupted by none other than Edgar, our favourite, friendly neighborhood kidnapper (of Lance’s route) who threatens to cut the poor chap into bits and pieces unless Alice comes with him. 
Our snarky escort drags Alice by the hair as she kicks and screams brings her back to Red Army HQ where she meets Lancelot. 
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First (or second) meeting and they are clearly hitting it off great because the first thing Lance does is grab Alice and starts singing “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town”.
But huh what does this remind me of.
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(He sees you when you’re sleeping; he knows when you’re awake). Totally not creepy!
Lancelot essentially puts Alice in total house arrest where she’s locked up in her bedroom that’s connected with his so he can watch her every move  (◉◞౪◟◉`) . He even flaunts his authority by pinning her on the bed and almost kissing her (too bad doing that is more likely gonna make me horny on main that scared but whatever).
But it’s all good because this door will later come into use in the route when Lance tries to lock Alice out of his room to mope alone but Alice just strolls in through his side door and goes like “’sup” and he’s like “fuck I forgot that door existed”. 
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Considering how the King, Queen and Jack are a triple combo of assholes, at least Zero is there to give our poor heroine some much needed comfort and friendship. I find it hilarious how Alice’s sad ass has been dumped into Red Army HQ by Edgar and Kyle and Zero are just like “oh yea just another Tuesday with Edgar, but hey, let’s be friends!” 
Because Alice ranked up her social link with Zero and Kyle, she gets special privileges now: she is allowed to walk around the Red Army HQ now, because being cooped up in a bedroom 24/7 is just dreadful! (As if that’s not what I do everyday anyway!)
Unfortunately her new found happiness doesn’t last long because the SAME FACELESS NAMELESS BODY GUARD FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE ROUTE makes a reappearance-- he tries to rescue Alice... alone! 🤦
Since this poor chap is nameless and faceless and thus does not have any plot armor, his rescue plan fails miserably as he’s brought to kneel before King Lancelot. The man deadass shish kabobs the poor soldier as Alice screams in horror and shock as blood spews everyone. Later, Alice decides to go down into the basement dungeon to check for herself if the soldier is really dead.... and if he’s not well I guess she can just watch him bleed to death then. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
She goes down just in time to see the soldier perfectly safe as Lancelot wipes his memory and sets him free. Huh maybe he’s not the Actual Worst after all. Somehow, Lancelot stabbed his hand instead of the soldier which I have NO IDEA how that’s supposed to work LOL!
The Black Army finally realize that letting a faceless nameless nobody protect Alice probably wasn’t the best idea and they demand that the Red Army return Alice to them or there will be consequences  (◉◞౪◟◉`). While the Red Army soldiers are totally ready for a head on confrontation so they can shish kabob some Black Army soldiers for reals, Alice decides that she can’t leave this sexy man aka Lancelot alone and chooses to stay.
Lancelot’s all like “why tf are you still here” when he realizes that Alice chose to stay, but decides not to think too hard about it and makes up some bullshit lie about how the Black Army surrendered Alice to them, which of course the nameless soldiers eat up blindly because it seems like nobody in this damn army aside from the main five can think for themselves へ‿(ツ)‿ㄏ
Alice continues leveling up her social links with all the pretty bois and so she pretty much goes from their prisoner to their ward. You go girl. 
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All the Red Army boys take a liking to Alice and they become the best of buds and it’s the sweetest thing ever! The only one left for Alice to rank up her social link with is Lancelot himself and so Alice starts cooking for Lancelot along with Jonah whos his number 1 fanboy lmao. Because clearly the way to win over an ice cold heartless king is through his stomach. Lancelot eventually begins to warm up to her and evolves from an asshole to a giant tsundere (ღ˘⌣˘ღ). And what do you know, her cooking for him actually had an effect because soon Lancelot realizes that he loves her.
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My favourite part of this route was honestly the annual ball because the Red Army folks are all fancy pants. Since Lancelot is the sexiest man in the entire army, he has a line of women just itching to be his dance partner. Jonah, being Lance’s number 1 fanboy, can’t accept giving his King over to some sleazy tramp (pardon my language I’ve been playing too much Danganronpa Despair Girls), so he makes all the women line up for fucking interviews. 😂😂😂
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Man and I thought Jumin was bad enough for making his marriage candidates hand in resumes. 
Jonah reels Edgar and Alice into helping him conduct the interviews but in the end Edgar and Alice are just chilling in the back of the room while Jonah rips each and every woman a new one for the most trivial of reasons. NO WONDER NONE OF THE RED ARMY BOYS HAVE WIVES.
Pretty soon they end up in a pickle because Jonah ended up rejecting every single woman who showed up to the interview! This plays out exactly how any shoujo manga would and Alice ends up being appointed by Jonah as Lancelot’s dance partner. The dance actually turns out to be great and romantic and Lancelot is surprisingly gentlemanly despite spending the first quarter of his route being an insufferable jackass but hey, I guess that’s what love does!
Unfortunately, the magic cult goons sense the love in the air and decide it’s time to interfere because no one can be happy on their watch! While Alice and Zero are out strolling about, the magic cult goons crash the party and beat poor Zero to a bloody pulp and kidnap Alice. Alice is taken to Amon’s sex dungeon where the maniac reveals that Lancelot and him are in cahoots but Alice is all like “no way fam Lancelot has better tastes than this”. Thankfully Lancelot arrives just in time to rescue our princess and they book it out of the Magic Tower. 
Meanwhile back HQ, Jonah wonders if the Black Army is responsible for attacking Zero but Edgar has his doubts. Oh well, Edgar’s doubts don’t flipping matter because ZERO’S FUCKING SQUAD GOES TO ATTACK THE BLACK ARMY ANYWAY WITHOUT ORDERS because they assume the Black Army is responsible with absolutely NO EVIDENCE! .+:。(ノ・ω・)ノ゙
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WHAT THE HELL DOES NO ONE IN THIS FUCKING ARMY THINK FOR THEMSELVES?!?! WHAT’S UP WITH ALL DUMBASS SCENARIOS OF THESE SOLDIERS RUNNING ROGUE WITHOUT AUTHORITY. I think the whole “crimson glory” shtick is starting to get to the heads of these blood thirsty hooligans. 
Lancelot hears the news and rushes out to the battle field to thwart Zero’s squad’s attack ONLY TO OFFICIALLY DECLARE WAR ON THE BLACK ARMY RIGHT AFTER (((φ(◎ロ◎;)φ))). All the Red Army leaders are like ??????????? while the nameless soldiers are busting a nut in anticipation and excitement. 
Anyway Lancelot passes out due to using too much magic (again) and Kyle shits bricks (again) over his condition. After Lancelot awakens, Alice demands the truth from Lancelot and finally Lancelot spills his token tragic backstory to Alice, about how Amon is threatening the lives of his friends and soldiers unless Lancelot can absorb the Black Army into the Red.
Thankfully, Alice has a good head on her shoulders and realizes that Lancelot is going to use the war to distract Amon and then confront Amon alone to take him out. She freaks out because Lancelot really will fucking die this time (supposedly!) and tries to stop him but Lancelot locks her out of his bedroom so he can mope alone. Alice takes advantage of their rooms being connected and strolls in through their connecting door all like “ta-da, I’m here bitch” much to Lance’s chagrin. 
She cries and begs him not to confront Amon alone because she doesn’t want him die. Clearly the emotional heartache and heartbreak that both parties are going through sets the atmosphere for sexy time and they end up spending the night going bow chicka wow wow instead of.... having a proper and long overdue conversation to resolve the issue at hand smh. The next day rolls around and LANCELOT ERASES HER MEMORIES OF HIM. щ(ಥДಥщ)
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The day of the war as well as the full moon arrives and Lancelot fetches Jonah to escort Alice to the gates of hell garden portal. They arrive early and Jonah decides to kill time by telling her of a ~romantic~ fairy tale about how a prince went deaf and mute but regained his voice and hearing after his lady gave him a white rose.
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(*TEARS UP* I’m a basic bitch that likes cheesy flower language in her otomes okay don’t judge me.)
Clearly Lancelot sucks at casting magic spells because the moment Alice sees the white rose the amnesia spell on her breaks and she regains her memories of Lancelot (wow that was easy). She spills the beans about Amon and his weed stash to Jonah and Jonah decides to bring Alice to the magic tower because no one messes with his king! I really liked how Jonah was respectful of Alice’s thoughts and opinions and didn’t just shove her into the portal before looking for Lancelot on his own (SIRIUS TAKE NOTES).
Lancelot confronts Amon and tells him that he’s already killed all the lackies that had access to Amon’s weed stash-- all that’s left is to kill Amon himself! Well despite the heroic shounen declarations, it ends pretty miserably because Lancelot gets his ass handed to him by this sad sack and when Amon is about release the final spell to kill Lancelot, Alice bursts into the room like a badass............and takes the shot full on 🤦🤦.
She crumples to the ground and now Lancelot is real pissed but hey at least the rage numbed the pain of his wounds because he stands up and pretty much destroys Amon in less than a second LOL.
Lancelot brings Alice back to the HQ while Jonah goes to stop the war since Amon’s dead and OH BOY KYLE REALLY FLIPS HIS SHIT because both Alice and Lancelot are an absolute hot mess. But since Alice’s wounds were inflicted with magic, Lancelot decides to use his remaining magic to heal her. Kyle tries to stop him going like “you’re gonna die you dimwit!!! (╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)” but Lance once again gives no fucks and is all like “I’m not gonna die! you’re here! :D” and proceeds to start healing Alice while Kyle rages in the background for the 20th time in the route.
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Kyle @ everyone in this route.
Alice finally wakes up after a three day coma. Kyle’s fuse has been long overdue and it finally blows. He flips a table and rants about how much stress and heartache she and Lancelot both caused him. ((o(;△;)o))
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Alice leaves the room while Kyle just cries tears of joy because can finally catch a break (god damn this man deserves a raise and a vacation). Alice is greeted by the other Red Army bois who are ecstatic that she didn’t kick the bucket and it’s honestly the most sweetest and heart warming reunion ever ・゜・(ノД`).
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Too bad Lancelot’s reaction to Alice’s awakening isn’t as great OTL.
Jonah brings Alice to see Lancelot (whos somehow alive) and he’s hella mad that Alice risked her life to protect him but Alice fires back that he tried to do the same and in the end they both get all mushy and make up.
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BITCH THEN HOW ARE YOU ALIVE LMAO?? I don’t get this because it’s been stated over and over again that Lancelot will die if he uses up all his magic powers but clearly he’s alive and kicking! Did he survive through the power of love? WHO KNOWS LOL!
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oof right in the feels.
Romantic Ending:
Alice continues cooking for Lancelot with Jonah (they’re so precious!). The Red Army boys tease Alice for her relationship with Lancelot; which Alice then realizes..... they’re not actually officially dating!
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I’m not the only one to freak out because so do all the Red Army boys!! They obviously can’t accept this so they arrange a date for Alice and Lancelot like the wingbros they are. Alice and Lancelot meet in the garden where they hug and confess their undying love for each other. ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
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Honestly I’m gonna admit, I think Lancelot got overshadowed by all the other Red Army boys in his own route.... mainly Jonah lmao.  I like the dynamic between Lancelot and Alice at first but I wasn’t really feeling their relationship development towards the end and the suck titty and bounce stunt that Lancelot pulled really miffed me. Like I don’t mind sex scenes in a romance story but there’s a time and place for them you know? And when they’re randomly thrown in to substitute for actual communication it feels awkward. IDK maybe I’m just a prude who hates smut ROFL. Not to mention the amnesia shtick right after felt really trippy.
HOWEVER I did really like his romantic ending! It was well... really romantic lmao?? (what are words).
I loved the relationship between Alice and all the other boys! It was a joy to see her become incredibly close with all of them. I think you really see the best of each of the Red Army boys’ characters in Lancelot’s route as they all develop a friendship with Alice and grow to care for her. I wasn’t really a fan of the Red Army aside from Jonah at first but now I can say that I will die for them.
As for Lancelot himself, I’m honestly surprised as to how much I’ve grown to like him when I didn’t like him at all at first. I love the complexity of his character and his whole “I can just be an ordinary man” REALLY got to me ugh. 
Anywayyy his route was good, but not the best imo. I liked it a lot more than Sirius’s but Jonah’s route is still easily the best route for me. I’m moving onto Fenrir’s route now! I just have his, Edgar and Ray’s left to do.
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