#i put 2 signatures so i can post this on deviantart as well
evilmagician430 · 2 years
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i drew this a while ago and was just saving it for later... i think it makes for a pretty nice valentines post, wouldn't you agree?
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digirhys · 1 month
Got to do smth incredibly fun and enriching yesterday!! I rly love hunting down sources for uncredited/stolen art. 1) it is infuriating seeing that happen to other artists and so 2) feels rly good when I can let them know & point ppl their way to appreciate what they're making!! And 3) just in general it's fun for me bc it's like a treasure hunt puzzle for stuff that isn't quite as simple as just plugging it into google or tineye reverse image search! I love it!!!!
✨️I got to track down the artist for 8-year-old expression meme!!✨️
Someone on bsky last night mentioned having an expression meme (one of those classic pick a letter + number grids full of faces) but not wanting to post it to take suggestions bc they couldn't find & credit the artist. I volunteered to try n help if she wanted to send it to me bc I'm a little Insane abt that and had just done a source hunt for some stolen art earlier that day and was Pumped lmao Despite having a semi-legible signature it took me abt 1.5hrs to hunt down the artist (admittedly might've been much quicker if I'd slept first n tried to do it today lol) and I just found the digital "paper trail" rly neat, and wanted to share! Plus, actually give credit back to the artist's current socials since this thing has been RAMPANTLY reposted across deviantart for the last 8 years. I'll put it all below so u can ignore it lmao
We will start w the meme in question! One I've certainly seen before, and so have MANY others lol
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It's small n sorta faint but there's def a visible signature beneath A1 that appears to read "@garmekoii" to the best I could tell. Googling the name tho only bring up ONE result from an aminoapps post on Oct 25, 2017 where a user posted it (along w several similar memes) and credits this one specifically to garmekoii on tumblr, with the note "*I literally spent an hour searching to find that the username was written on this,,,,, I just hope it's accurate"
Unfortunately, if that tumblr existed, it and the variants have long-since been gone. A glimmer of hope for a sec there but, ah, definitely not it lmao
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Outright searching the URLs in tumblr search didn't result w anything even from a browser, which was. Unsurprising lmao ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and the image searches from Google and tineye unfortunately only pulled up any number of the times this has been reposted in "stolen from X" reposts on dA that just. Point back to the prev dA user, none of which were the OG artist fhsjfbshf and in fact many just say "meme isn't mine/I just stole this" FHSJFBSH😂😭 with tineye at LEAST I could determine that, well, this meme is at LEAST from early February 2017 or earlier
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A SMARTER (and better-rested) PERSON MIGHT'VE THEN GONE THROUGH ALL OF THE PREV TUMBLR URLS ON DEVIANTART INSTEAD!!! I WAS NOT THAT PERSON AT 11:30PM LMAO (to be fair I did check garmekoii and gamekoii...but not gamekoi) instead like a lunatic who Didn't have to wake up less than 6hrs later for work, I was clicking through the dA results one by one on tineye until......someone in the description credited it back to @\gladejade here on tumblr :0 unlikely to be the artist, but maybe SHE had a link back to the artist!! So to her archives I went, staring August 2017 and back, as that was when the dA post was from
And!!! There were indeed drawings of her filling prompts from the meme w Trigun characters on January 1, 2017 lmao!!!! Only she was taking the prompts on her Twitter so the meme wasn't actually on her blog (in the midst of writing this n double-checking smth i DID actually find a reblog of Jade's tumblr post of the meme from Jan 4, 2017 but for whatever reason the original post was deleted lol so she did have it on tumblr at least for a bit to take prompts here too), but!! Twitter was still linked!! At this point i thanked CHRIST she was not an artist who'd been chronically posting multiple images a day every day since January 2017😭 so it only took a minute to find scrolling thru the media tab!............but, sadly, no additional insight onto a link back to the artist, even a defunct link or @ 😔😔😔😔
At this point I was getting close to calling quits at least for the night, maybe to try taking a look on my actual computer come morning, but.....I noticed that Google image search lets you put in a URL, so, figured what the hell. The meme was originally sent to me AS the direct tumblr PNG address, maybe that'd bring up something different...??? Possibly???????
It didn't lmao so on a whim I just started typing the url variations into google in quotes to see if ANYTHING would pull up, and-
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Holy shit lol!!!!! I could’ve gone to sleep right then from embarrassment at having checked that spelling of the URL on deviantart yet, fuck lmao but!! Lo and behold!!!!!!
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THEY FUCKING LIVE(D)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They were going by Koi but now by Fish. The gallery here is sparse and the meme is nowhere in sight, but at this point I could confidently say I had found the original artist who created the meme! But, I am nothing if not extra, and wanted to see if I could find the original post of the meme, if it still existed. Just for fun! There was ONE archived version of the dA from January 23, 2022, but for whatever reason it returns a 403 error when trying to view the snapshot. So to the social links I went!! Insta linked to a defunct account but the Twitter is alive-ish and well, at least (hasn’t been touched since mid-2023), and THAT links to what appears to be a fairly current carrd!!! She even has a tumblr @\disco--fish !!! I’m not directly tagging bc I don’t want to be weird, but PLEASE go check it out n give their art some love!!
Anyway, back to the meme hunt
Insta was the best bet and wouldn’t ya know, he’s actively posting art as of July 2024!!! Fuck yeah!!!!! No sign of the meme though, here or on their doodle account 🤔 could sense I was nearing the end one way or another – at least I was gonna be able to confidently say I’d found the artist in order to credit her for the meme!!! Since I was thoroughly embarrassed by having not checked the gamekoi dA earlier and saving myself a good chunk of time, I tried those on insta, just in case.
And!! The gamekoii account still exists, hot damn!!!! No meme in sight THERE, but there is a link to what was a Hamilton art side account. I’ve nearly exhausted my options so. Why not lol. Scrolling back through the gallery, and. Holy shit-
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THE original, or at least the oldest surviving post of the meme BY the artist, 8 years later (if it was ever posted to gamekoii I’ll never know bc that Insta isn’t in the wayback machine) with the digital paper trail to prove the original artist to credit for it!!!!!!!!!!
gamekoii (insta) links to oui.lafayette (insta), which holds the original meme!
oui.lafayette (insta) moves to cocoakoi (insta), which moves to the defunct sucrefish (insta), BUT gamekoi (dA) links to the same defunct insta as well as ssugarfish (twt)
ssugarfish (twt) in turn links to discofish (carrd), which links to disco--fish (tumblr) and the ACTIVE diiscofish & zuccheropesce (both insta). There IS also a bsky under discofish but looks like, similar to twt, it hasn't been used in abt a year :0
A complete, albeit scattered, timeline of Fish's art over the years, including a much loved (& criminally reposted lol) expression meme!! Idk, I find that cool as shit from like an "art history" n preservation standpoint :000
Anyway, was this necessary???? To a degree!! I think crediting artists is absolutely vital, EVEN if that means pointing back to a dead URL if they've abandoned old personas or posting online as a whole. And I absolutely could've found it much quicker if I'd gone to bed like a reasonable person and simply tried doing it today from a proper desktop browser ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but! Here we are lol
So, if you've ever used this meme:
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Please give credit & thanks to disco--fish (tumblr), diiscofish (instagram), ssugarfish (twt), or sugarfish (bsky)!
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I posted 3,752 times in 2022
That's 3,148 more posts than 2021!
91 posts created (2%)
3,661 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 106 of my posts in 2022
#star wars - 9 posts
#writing - 8 posts
#fanfic - 8 posts
#fanfiction - 7 posts
#ao3 - 7 posts
#the mandalorian - 7 posts
#tumblr - 6 posts
#the book of boba fett - 5 posts
#tumblr break - 5 posts
#batman - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 45 characters
#turn around and say good morning to the night
My Top Posts in 2022:
My son's high school special education teacher informed me that his troubles with attentiveness has led to an overall improvement with attentiveness throughout the student body.
It's like this:
My son has ADHD and is on the autism spectrum, so it is sometimes difficult for him to keep his mind on tasks. A major factor in this is the temptation of his phone. The school has a policy, though, where they don't take kids phones away (and, really, that would just lead to meltdowns, anyway). So the special education teacher decided to have my son put his phone in a clear pencil box on his desk when he is supposed to be working (they are allowed to use their phones when they are done with their work). A pencil box kind of like this:
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He can still see his phone, still be near it, but he can't just pick it up and use it. He took pretty well to it, and eventually started putting it in the box as soon as he got to class, without being prompted.
When the special ed teacher saw how well it was working she decided to do it with the rest of the class, as well. But then one of my son's other teachers mentioned that she was having a hard time keeping him off the phone in class, and the special ed teacher was like, "Hey! I got something that should work!"
So, when it started working for my son in that class, as well, that teacher also implemented it for her whole class. Then another of my son's teachers voiced the same concerns, and... you see where this is going?
The new method has subsequently spread through the school, and (according to the special education teacher) it has ended up helping a great number of kids who had otherwise had issues with setting their phones aside and focusing on their assignments!
499 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
I love AO3. I really, truly do. But at the same time, it reminds me that fanfic had a very different feel back in the day… in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
We didn't so much promote our stories as we traded them like literary contraband, handing them out in the back alleys of newsboards and forums and LiveJournal to be gobbled up by the desperate, starving masses. Sometimes you wouldn't post them, you would simply mention that you had written them; and when someone asked to see your story you would send them an email with the creation copy-pasted within. Those of us who had our own Geocities or Angelfire websites would make elaborate pages for each story, setting the background and font color to match what we felt the fic evoked, and of course adding pictures that we had slapped together in Photoshop for flavor.
When FFnet came along, we eagerly thrust our creations into its algorithm, like birds shoving their babies out of the nest; then we held our breath and waited to see if anyone cared enough to make a comment before our stories slipped into the depths of the pit, never to be seen or read again. And the tingle we felt in our chests when someone did finally comment left us on a high for hours or even days.
There were annual fanfiction awards for some fandoms, and if you won any category at all you would wear that award proudly... a badge of honor to be displayed in your forum signature or FFnet profile. But really, the ultimate honor was when someone did fan art of your stories and posted it on DeviantArt or LJ, and you would hold on to that picture like a child clinging to a favorite teddy bear.
More often than not, the people you knew in real life weren't aware of what you did with your spare time, and you would have died of embarrassment if they ever found out. In general, you stayed in your lane, keeping other fandoms out of your business, except for the occasional crossover (which came with the added complication of having to choose which fandom to post them under on FFnet). We didn't have beta readers... hell, sometimes we didn't edit at all. Grammar and spelling mattered less than your passion for the subject, and research was conducted somewhat haphazardly, to the point where any anachronisms were shrugged off. Still, OOC characters were raked thoroughly across the coals; questioned and poked until the author explained why they had written them that way.
The tropes and cliches that people now cringe at were created then, embraced wholeheartedly. Mary Sues and self-inserts and songfics were everywhere… and we loved it. Authors would interrupt their own stories in the middle to add notes, sometimes presented as the characters themselves giving you information about what was going on in the story or what led the author to add this or that small detail.
We were afraid of being copyright claimed, we were afraid of being ridiculed, we were afraid of being sued by Anne Rice (even if we didn't write anything that took place in her universe). We felt rebellious, accomplished, and maybe a little guilty about what we wrote; but we wrote it because we loved it, and that was enough.
As I said, I really do love AO3… but there was just such a culture surrounding fanfic back then… a kinship and a sisterhood. I wish that those who have never gotten to experience it could have the chance to go back for a while, feel the way it felt… same as I wish my own kids could have experienced the freedom of summer vacation back when summer vacation meant freedom.
The world is just too fast now, the internet too loud; you have to run to catch up, scream to be heard... when sometimes all you want to do is whisper, "Hey… I wrote something… does anyone want to take a look?" and to have someone whisper back, "Yes! Send it to me and I'll print it out to read in bed tonight!"
525 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
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Good for knitting chunky blankets between vampire hunting expeditions.
1,434 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
AO3... is down.
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3,048 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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In other news, Percy Jackson has dethroned the Queen.
4,643 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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earthnashes · 4 years
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A big ol’ sketchdump I did for my original project Feathers and Flowers, with a big focus on Sakura! I was mostly exploring her as a character, specifically the aspect in which she’s a star athlete on her college team and some sketches exploring the relationship between her and Evangeline. uwu
ALLLLRIGHTY! Now that I've had some sleep I'm ready to share that lore and funfacts with ya, soooooo here we gooooooooo! ------ 1.) As a student athlete, Sakura is expected to train almost daily in order to keep herself in tip-top shape for the team. The training she goes through is pretty intense and ruthless at times, but Sakura actually really enjoys it; it gives her an outlet for the high amount of energy she typically has (she's basically an overgrown puppy). On "cool down days" she runs so she at least stays active, and in this instance Evangeline wanted to come along and run with her. She's never played a sport before and outside the occasional walk, she's never actually exercised before, and she asks Sakura to help her change that. Let's just say, uhhh... well. She couldn't keep up; barely was able to run a full mile (almost gave up half-way but Sakura encouraged her enough to do it) and afterward she's a puddle of goo on the track ground. By that point Sakura's already a few miles in, but she stops to scoop her exhausted roommate up like she weighs no less than a pillow and carry her to the shaded bleachers for rest. "I... I'm sorry..." Evangeline rasps through her gasping, feeling ashamed at her lackluster performance. "I-I should have been able to do more." "Whatdya talkin about? It's ya first time doing this, yeah? You did amazing!" Sakura says, but when Evangeline tries to protest, she shakes her head. "Nup up up! No beating yourself up; ya tried your hardest and that's all I can ask for." She cuts a crooked, sharp smile to her roommate and beams at her. "I'm so proud of you!" With the full force of that smile directed to her, Evangeline's exhausted flush deepens and she feels butterflies in her stomach. 2.) Sakura coolin' out after a hard workout. I was gonna give her a gatorade bottle but I didn't feel like drawin' it, so ya get a default waterbottle instead. Sorz. ;w; 3.) The concept sketch for her college uniform with their home colors. Another thing I'm kinda thinkin' about is, as a star player of her team, Sakura and a few others are often asked to pose and take pictures for magazines geared toward college-level sports. This one could very well be one of 'em; actually that might be fun, to do a sketchdump of Sakura on magazine covers. O: 4.) Towel in hand, Sakura's gearin' up to leave the gym and head on home for the day. Before she goes, she hears one of her teammates shout playfully "didn't know it was sheepdog season, Scruffy!" A cant in her hip, she laughs out,"shut up, Quincy, I look good like this!" Sakura often keeps her hair well maintained and cut in her usual style: long in the front, short in the back. But every now and then, she'll allow her hair to grow longer than usual, and this is what it typically looks like. I really like the look, actually! <: Also, Sakura is pretty confident in herself, but it isn't often she acts smug and cocky about it. o3o 5.) A doodle to show off a clash between Sakura and an opposing player as she tries to run the ball. Sakura's job as a power runningback is to... well. Literally power through anything and anyone who tries to stop her from advancing the ball forward. It's no secret she's strong, really strong, but she isn't the only one, and there are instances where she has to really put her back into bulldozing if she wants to get through. This instance could be a part of a super important game or somethin'; not gonna lie I'm highly considering maybe writing a short story surrounding this doodle. o3o 6.) Evangeline in Sakura's most favorite jacket (outside her letterman jacket). Maybe the two of 'em went out for a post-game party and Evangeline got cold, so Sakura just wraps her up in her jacket without question. Now would be a good time to officially state that, while I don't know the endgame of their relationship, Evangeline canonically does develop a crush on Sakura (this happens a little later, when the whole gang are friends). The football player doesn't actually know that, though, and she's entirely oblivious to it. 7.) Kaela: *knowing look* Evangeline: ... "Why are you looking at me like that?" Kaela: "You like her." Evangeline: What? No I don't. Kalea: ‘Ae, darling, you do. That blush isn't just from the sun, no? Evangeline: "I-! That's jus... O-of course it is! It's hot out and I'm gross and sweaty and... stop looking at me like that!" Kaela: E kala mai ia`u. But you look cute with your face red like that." Evangeline: *sputters and blushes harder* Sakura might be oblivious to Eva's crush, but Kaela certainly isn't. And she certainly isn't above some gentle teasing about it. >:3
8.) Just a quick doodle of Sakura being happy uwu One of the biggest aspects of her design is that her smile is always crooked (always favors the right side) and she always shows her teeth when she does, hence her signature sharp-ish grin. :>
Aaaaaaaaand that’s all I got for now! Feel free to ask me any questions if ya have any, and other than that thank you so much for takin’ a looksie! ^.^
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fdotaku · 3 years
Revamp, and Going Forward
Well, I’ve more or less finished my revamp of this blog. That said, there will be another announcement post published later this month, so please look forward to that!
What follows are a few of my thoughts about where I’ve been and where I’m going. Nothing very interesting, but click “Keep reading” if you’d like to see them.
A lot has changed since I started this blog in early 2018. I was initially very uncertain about my direction and not sure whether my content was worth sharing with others.
I picked Tumblr because it was one of the hottest platforms to exchange and discuss adult content. But six months later, Tumblr banned porn. Around this time, most people fled for other sites, but I stuck around because my blog was (fortunately) primarily about industry news, reviews, and opinions.
Tumblr’s policy is actually far more clear-cut and easy to manage than policies of sites like DeviantArt; essentially, nudity is off limits, but fetishes as a blog topic is perfectly acceptable. As I watched femdom content creators experience increasing frustration with platforms like Patreon and Steam over the years, I’ve actually developed an appreciation for the fact that Tumblr does not attempt to discriminate against or judge any particular subfetishes of 2D femdom. Every once in a while, their algorithm thinks it detects nudity in accompanying images, and then I file an appeal and it’s fixed.
By the end of 2018, I had largely burned out from constant blog posts. Since then, I’ve only posted a handful of times a year. I’ve periodically updated some of my popular (in terms of notes) posts as well. Overall, it’s been very manageable.
That said, I was frustrated by a few aspects of my old theme. Among them were the fact that sub-header text appear the same size as regular post text, just bolded, and that I had a lot of horizontal space which wasn’t being used. So early this year, I finally did some research and picked out a cool-seeming theme, Excelle, customizing it to have 2 columns of posts (note that I can specify which posts I want to span both columns!). And instead of a single monochrome header image, I ditched it for a simple text-only header and made a background image that’s an amalgam of the different kinds of 2D femdom that I appreciate.
I also bit the bullet and added tags, not for the same of visibility, but to make my blog easier to navigate. And I added Disqus comment support. (It’s possible to make a comment even if you don’t have an account on Disqus or any other site. See the blog’s About page for more info.) I actually had Disqus added to my blog since 2018, and just disabled it in the theme because I wasn’t satisfied with it, but I realized in retrospect that it’s the best I can expect without going the distance and having a WordPress blog along with my own domain. So yeah, I enabled comments when I switched themes
Last year and the year before, the number of users following my blog shot up a bit, probably because I shamelessly linked it in my f95zone signature. It’s always a happy surprise to have someone say they read a post I made and liked it!
As far as the future of this blog’s concerned, I’m planning to continue to periodically make article-style posts about femdom-related subjects that I like to think about. I still have a lot of those which I’m interested in making. On top of that, I’m planning on effectively “moving” some of my posts offsite (the upcoming announcement is about that). In the future, it’s possible I might try to post more frequently and casually about works that I find cool. (I counted, and found that I read a whopping 87 untranslated femdom manga/CG sets in 2021. And I probably only mentioned one or two of them here, if that.) An example of such a post would be how I made a quick and short post last year to share that Escalation! was released on Steam. Translation also still interests me, even though it may not look like it since I haven’t put out anything recently.
So in sum, I have a lot on my mind, but I don’t expect that much will change about this blog fundamentally.
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beedalee · 5 years
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Adoptables - Halloween 2019 on DeviantART!
🎃 Adopts Terms of Service 🎃 What Are Adoptables? 🎃
- Terminology: OPEN = available | #/# = number of designs left on sheet | HOLD = 24/48 hour hold is active | PENDING = invoice sent | SOLD = adopted - First come, first serve! I will hold for 24 hours- My Paypal Invoices will expire after 24 hours after they are sent! - I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason! Please be polite when inquiring about buying a design. - You may buy the design as a gift for someone else, but you must tell me who the giftee is! Contact me via note if it's a surprise! - After payment is received, you will get the FULL SIZE, un-watermarked, transparent version of the design you purchased! Please do not upload the full size anywhere to prevent theft, and do not remove my signature from the design for any reason! Please read my ToS and Adoptables journal linked above for more information. - Lace border credit: here!
- I accept paypal, debit/credit (no paypal account required), or DA points equal to the cash value! - If you pay by e-check/directly via bank account, I will send the full res after the payment clears! Please leave sufficient funds in your bank for it to clear properly like a one would with a regular check. Read my ToS for more info! - You receive the full size un-watermarked transparent version of the design after payment has been received! Thank you!!
Please click the read-more for information, order form, and availability status; OR go to the deviantart link above! If you want to buy one via tumblr, please private message me ONLY, do NOT use asks or they may get lost!  💓  If you have a question please don't hesitate to ask!!! I'll do my best to help you out!
🦇 Temporary Limit: 1 DESIGN PER PERSON! (This includes via gifting) Limitation expires November 4th at 3:00pm MST 🦇
Gifting limit is 1 gift per buyer, and only if the giftee hasn't already purchased one on this sheet themselves! Example: Buyer 1 may purchase 'adopt A' for themselves and purchase 'adopt C' as a gift for Person 2- ONLY IF Person 2 has not bought one themselves. Giftees cannot buy a 2nd one during this limitation if they have been gifted one already! This post will be updated and watchers notified when this limit is over, thank you for understanding! 💓
🦇🎃   PRICE AS MARKED! 1/6 OPEN! 🎃🦇
Each comes with little character blurbs, but you don't have to keep them! Feel free to change their powers/theme color/gender id/personality to your liking. Also, feel free to shift their color theme as well! These are just fun prompts for me.
🦇 ROW 1: 45.00 USD PER SET
Cute Lil Devil: O P E N !
-  A sickeningly sweet little girl who knows just how to play up her charms to get what she wants. she's spoiled and smart, a clever little monster not to be trifled with! Although she could recruit just about any human soul to do her bidding with a poke of her tail, she has high standards... they must be pretty and cute like her!
Autumn Shadow: S O L D ! 🎃
-  A meek young girl suffering from low self esteem- she's lonely and would consider herself a coward, often obedient to mean girls her age and hiding from conflict even if it meant putting someone else in harms way. but the night after a festival turns frightening when a strange supernatural creature attacks civilians, sending her fleeing into the dark woods with an injury. unexpectedly, she's approached by a mysterious person who seems to understand what's happening- and they have a proposal for her. will she accept the power to protect others, and at what cost?
Will-O-Wisp:  S O L D!
-  Librarian by day, this dreamy lady is friendly and sweet, if not a little mysterious- here one moment and gone the next. By night, she is an ethereal banshee and gatekeeper to another dimension- of mystical spirits and terrifying monsters. Though she may be gentle and soft-spoken, there is a reason she alone was tasked to guard this doorway-- and she will show no mercy to those that aren't granted permission to enter it!
🦇 ROW 2: 48.00 USD PER SET
Dark Arts: S O L D !
- This lazy kid spends most of his days sleeping through class, loafing around after school, playing video games and staying up too late. Who would suspect such an underachiever would have expertise in all that is paranormal, and be such good friends with sometimes unsavory mischievous spirits? well, we all have our hobbies...
Half Wolf:  S O L D !
- A young street urchin that's there one moment and gone the next, stealing what they can to survive. This abandoned halfling werewolf was raised by real wolves, who they are fiercely protective of. They're searching for other werewolf companions in a world where they're ruthlessly hunted. Being isolated from other people for so long, they barely know how to speak human tongue.
Kiss of Death: S O L D !
- A gentle but mysterious woman, she enjoys the company of birds and always seems to know the future before it happens. well versed in tarot and astrology. as the goddess of death, she is kind and merciful to those that deserve it, and will gracefully guide those to the afterlife with a kind smile. for the dark-hearted souls that try to defy the rules of death, however...
You MUST include the order form in your comment or note, or you may miss out on the adoptable! Please use it. If you're on mobile, you may just type it out instead of copying it if it's easier. Here's a breakdown of each entry:
do you agree to my ToS?: by writing "yes", you agree to the terms and conditions listed in it, so be sure to read it!
payment method: paypal, DA points, bank or debit, credit card, etc!
email: either your paypal email or an active email i can send the paypal invoice to. If a family member or friend is paying on your behalf, you must state that here.
design name: name of the design you're buying, which is listed on the design sheet!
is it a gift? optional, you don't have to include this section if it's just for you! if you want the recipient of this gift private, please note me your order form instead!
do you agree to my ToS?: payment method: email: design name: is it a gift:
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itsangelicasweets · 6 years
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About Project:Matchmake
Lucine, a loner who kept trying to fit in.
Thomas, a weirdo who suffers from peer pressure.
Cassandra, a queen bee who has trust issues.
Lukevans, an outcast who lacks love and attention.
What happens when life attached the four together with an entangled string of fate? What challenges will they soon face after they meet each other? Will they be able to conquer it all?
Ride along through a story about a complicated high school life full of mishaps, silliness, confusion, and well.... Adventures.
Genre:Romance, Slice of Life
Things I’ll talk about:
Lucine Monarchy
Thomas Wickerson
Lucine and Thomas’ Relationship
I may or may not continue the idea on making this a Q&A, but i’ll try to make this a story, either a comic or a book. I’ll post it here and on deviantart if I was able to make it a comic, I might even consider putting it up on webcomics. If time isn’t that friendly, then I guess i’ll just write this as a story in wattpad. But i’ll still update soon in my free time and announce the publishing date.
2.Lucine Monarchy
Her childhood was rather lonely - her parents are always away. she was also home-schooled and she wasn’t able to get out that much except if their going to special events and gatherings, so the only company Lucine got was herself and her toys.
But as she reached the age of 10, she got sucked in the world of the internet and quickly got a healthy internet life, spending her time having video-game marathons, role-playing and chatting with other people through social media, and youtube montages. Yet she still can’t help but feel lonely every now and then.
She soon reached the teenage zone and her parents decided to make her attend in a well-known academy called “Quantum Spring Academy” that can boost her profile for future jobs and such, Not knowing how to properly interact with actual people made it hard for her to fit in. But thankfully, her heavenly traits has grant her the access to easily make friends.
She has shoulder length black hair, with a long curl of hair on the back. Her eyes were darkish gray, and she was also has pale skin. Her height is 5′0, she’s also quite skinny since she sometimes misses meals due to distraction on her laptop.
Due to 24/7 in front of the laptop screen, her eye sight got blurry, her eye grade ranging on 500. So she had to wear her blue squared glasses to be able to see better.
She can often be found wearing her signature blue jacket, when not in her school uniform, she enjoys wearing varieties of knee high skirts and pastel colored tops.
Clothes that you won’t really see her wearing are the ones that show too much skin.
She also dislike sleeve-less shirts or dresses, she always wear a blazer or jacket to cover it up. Off-shoulders aren’t her thing as well because it makes her feel restricted since she can’t mover her arms that much.
Just simple and not too showy clothes will do.
She’s kind, gentle, thoughtful, intelligent, almost as if she’s flawless. But what hides under those sheepish eyes is a lazy, forgetful, arrogant, sarcastic, crazy gamer.
You can always find her facing her laptop’s screen when at home, and hardly has her head on a book - unless it really does caught her interest. She not that idealistic but often have short term goals.
She depends on someone she feels comfortable with, and hardly give care around her surroundings unless it’s very important.
She always tells the truth when asked - unless you told her it was a secret, but every now and then her tongue can still slip. Not really a good secret keeper.
Her greatest fear is being left behind.
3.Thomas Wickerson
Thomas’ parents were always there for him and nurtured him until the end.
As a child, Thomas had a wish to one day have a sister to grow with. But since they suffered with financial issues, his parents couldn’t afford to bare another child.
He then studied hard in hopes that one day he’ll help his parents with the finances and have a little sister.
At the age of 11, he was bullied for being childish and nerdy, life in a public school wasn’t really that smooth.
His hard work and perseverance led him to enrolling to one of the top academies in the world, Quantum Spring Academy.
He’s quite tall, around 5′10, he’s also a bit skinny due to missed meals because of saving. His hair is golden as corn and he gels it on the sides, his eyes are green. On top of that, he is fair skinned.
His eye sight ranged  to 100, due to the fact that he tries to read in the dark with only a flashlight to lighten the pages.
He also has a good sense of fashion. Apart from using the uniform, he often wears shirts with collars, a simple tie and has his sleeves folded.
Thomas can be bubbly, and exceeds in memorization. He always has something in mind and likes reading all kinds of books, he will also be more willing to teach you - mostly it’s not for free. He’s hard working, diligent, and cheerful. So bright...
Other than his remarkable traits, he can get lost in thought and he’s very sensitive. He’s weak when it comes to comebacks and always worries what others think about him. So he often lie to make his image look good to others.
4.Lucine and Thomas’ Relationship
The two are in the same class and only got close when they were mixed together in a group project, they didn’t had that much similar interests but they enjoyed each other’s company a lot, it comforts them.
Others sometimes mistake them as a couple because of how close they acted.
Lucine is very dependent on Thomas, especially when it comes to studies. While Thomas is a bit overprotective.
They see each other as siblings, Lucine being the little sister and Thomas being the big brother.
It’s unusual to see the two separated, but they still have their own separate life.
They have a good chemistry, but the two still won’t gain any love interest especially when there’s someone in the middle.
Thank you for Reading, stay tuned!
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skarmorysilver · 7 years
Now Taking Commissions!
As the title says, commissions are now open! Feel free to step right up and pay me for art, though remember to read the rules below first!
What I will draw:
Fakemon (duh!).
Pokémon-related things in general (Pokémon, items, locations, scenes, etc.).
Fantasy creatures and creature designs.
Animals in general, both living and extinct.
Fanart, as long as it's SFW, bonus points for if it's a fandom I'm familiar with.
Your OCs and OC concepts. This includes you or your persona, as long as you keep any reference images of yourself confidential so as to avoid accidental leakage of private information.
Single-subject pictures, or anything involving at most two subjects.
Weapons and items. Keep in mind that these are usually 3D-modeled and may take longer or shorter than usual to produce depending on how complex they are.
Logos and emblems.
General character artwork, scenes, etc.
What I'll consider drawing:
Group pictures. I've done pics with up to ten people before, but that's a very taxing endeavor. I'll generally be most comfortable with five subjects or less, especially for finished pics. Lineart or base color pics carry a little more leeway for me.
My OCs. I'm currently in the process of revising more or less all of my characters, and I haven't finalized any of them just yet; I'd rather hold off on doing artwork with them until I've done so. If I post a finalized design I'll also provide an indicator that yes, they can be used with my commission work, provided that you do the research regarding their characterization and acceptable scenarios involving them. Exceptions to this rule include my eligible PPC characters (I'll put up a list of them ASAP for reference) and characters whom I've adopted from other people.
Canon characters from continua I'm not familiar with. Please provide as much ref art as you can in such instances, so I can have a better reference pool for work featuring such characters.
Comics (four panels or less is fine, but more than that would require further discussion; no multi-page comics, period).
SFW anthro. I'm not interested in drawing NSFW anthro stuff, of course, but I've drawn vanilla anthro before and while I don't have as much interest in it as general creature design, I'm open to anthro commissions as long as you keep them family friendly.
Pics involving creature violence, up to and including gory battle scenes. Snuff artwork and mutilation of canon characters are exceptions to this possibility and fall under inflammatory artwork, though.
What I WON'T draw:
NSFW content in general - this is my (mostly) SFW account for a reason. I do have NSFW commission info but if you want a NSFW commission then you'll have to PM me for it so I can route the info to you. (As noted above, though, monster violence involving gore is a possible exception. It shouldn't be the main subject, though.)
Inflammatory subject matter, e.g. hate art. Whether it's directed towards canon characters or other real-life people doesn't matter, it's always off-limits. This also goes for offensive subject matter in general, e.g. anything that slanders religion, race, sexual orientation, politics, etc.
Anything to do with current events, e.g. political cartoons. This can potentially fall under inflammatory content as noted above.
Commission Directions
NOTE ME FIRST. Discussing ideas before putting them on paper is a very important step to getting a commission done. Please let me know what scenario you want, what characters, and whether or not you want lineart, base colors, etc.
BE SPECIFIC. Send me as much ref art as possible, and try to describe what you want for your scenario as much as you're able. This way I'll have a better idea of what to draw.
I only accept cash commissions at this time. As tempting as point commissions sound, I need the cash money right now and I'd rather be able to use my earnings for things.
If you want me to draw artwork featuring another person's characters, ask the other person first. This goes without saying - I don't want to have to draw a character without their owner's consent!
Once we get the details taken care of, I'll determine whether or not I'll be able to draw the commission, and send you my e-mail address if I am. Be ready to send the appropriate payment through PayPal as soon as possible; I won't start drawing until the payment is provided in full. Again, I reserve the right to refuse a commission if it doesn't abide by the above rules, but do be aware that I'm a very busy person, and I have to turn down a commission if I simply don't have the time or resources to create it.
When the work is finished, I'll let you know ASAP and we can discuss whether to post the pic or not. If you want to post it on your account, I'll send you the completed pic so you can do so, but otherwise I'll put it up on my DeviantArt and Tumblr accounts. If you don't want me to post the work publicly, let me know as soon as possible.
Tying to the above, if you want to share the finished work online yourself, DO NOT DISRESPECT MY CREATIVE EFFORTS. This includes failing to credit me or linking back to my dA account, removing my signature from the finished work, or claiming that you created the work and deserve all the credit for it. I've seen the front and back ends of too many kerfuffles over this matter, and my stance is clear on this matter: I, THE CREATOR OF THE WORK, AM ALSO THE LEGAL OWNER OF IT, AND ERASING ME FROM THE WORK OR OTHERWISE NOT CREDITING ME WHEN SHARING IT IS ILLEGAL AS WELL AS POOR CONDUCT. So if you think removing my signature when sharing something YOU PAID ME to create is a good idea, don't commission me at all.
Likewise, when it comes to my prices, WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET, PERIOD. Do not ask me to lower my prices, do NOT bargain with me regarding prices, and do NOT ask if you can hold off your payment until after I finish the work. Be aware that I'm in a less stellar position than I feel I should be in terms of savings money, so every penny counts towards keeping me being able to afford the things I need and want. I THEREFORE HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO REFUSE A COMMISSION IF THE EFFORT REQUIRED DOES NOT MATCH THE SUM YOU'RE OFFERING. That being said, if you're willing to change your offer to a cheaper commission type, e.g. a $15 lineart instead of a $20 color piece, please note me as soon as possible so I can adjust accordingly. I'm willing to take lower payments as long as you understand that this affects the outcome of the commission and as long as you keep the discussion civil.
I'm a SLOOOOOW drawer. Work, family, chores, and just plain old procrastination are all to blame for that. If you feel that I've unknowingly neglected a commission you paid for or which we've otherwise settled, please let me know as soon as possible and I'll add or re-add you to the commission to-do list for future reference. Or just remind me in general so I won't forget.
Standard Commissions:
Lineart: $15 (1 subject) + $5 per extra subject
Base Color, No Background: $20 (1 subject) + $10 per extra subject; $5 extra for shading
Finished Artwork (Fully shaded): $30 (1 subject) + $10 per extra subject; $10 extra for background
Special Commissions:
Fakemon: $10 per stage (i.e. a 3-stage line would cost $30); shiny colors are $2 extra. This pricing also goes for Mega Evolutions, regional variants, and form changes, which require their own separate artworks and count as separate "stages".
Character Concept Sheets: $20 (1 subject only). Additional fees for supplementary sketches may apply; feel free to talk to me about such extra material.
Logos, Emblems, and Sprite Work (transparent): $5 per subject or logo; $1 extra for sprite shading; alternatively, $20 for a Pokémon-style sprite sheet.
Literature: $50 (up to 10 pages on GDocs) + $10 per extra 5 pages. I have very little time for writing as it is, so I'll need a very good reason to write something for you! Any number of characters is fine, as long as they abide by the rules above.
That's all, folks! Here's to making a lot of good commissions in the future!
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snazzysnaz · 7 years
BNHA Fanfic -“You’d Be Surprised” (2/??)
Summary: Midoriya Izuku was born with a quirk that let’s him see the future. Or at least, that what he would tell anyone that asks.
(AKA, Izuku have a quirk that let’s him rewind time for 15 seconds. Also some other stuff.)
Rating: M (But just because Katsuki swears a lot.)
Also posted on DeviantArt, FanFiction.Net and AO3.
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Chapter 1 - Bakugou Katsuki
If someone told a ten year old Bakugou Katsuki that he would one day waste his own precious time to train with Midoriya Izuku for the U.A. entrance exams, he would have probably punched them in the face. Hard. With an explosion.
But such was the case for the current Katsuki, now fourteen years of age, and currently yelling at Deku to keep the fuck up.
Now, some might might wonder why exactly Katsuki would willingly spend time helping the stupid Deku get into U.A., which is a very valid question, because sometimes he's not so sure himself. Like right now.
"I said, keep the fuck up, Deku!"
"I-I'm trying, Kacchan!" Deku gasped in between short ragged breaths as he desperately tried to keep up with his former bully and friend's pace.
"Well, fucking try harder! You want to be a goddamn hero, don't you?!"
Upon hearing the word 'hero', Deku took as deep a breath he could manage and jogged up beside Katsuki with newfound determination.
It lasted for about a minute before he began falling behind again. Katsuki tsked in irritation and slowed his own pace—just the tiniest amount.
Rest assured, there was a very good reason for all of this. Two reasons, actually. There had to be, for Katsuki to put up with the shitty annoyance that is Deku.
The first reason was that so long as Deku was with him, Katsuki would be able to keep an eye on the green haired boy. It was very important that the blonde knew of every possible new development of the shitty nerd's quirk, and that would be easier with Deku there at U.A. with him.
The second, and much more important reason, was that Katsuki was no coward (unlike a certain dumb green haired someone else).
Bakugou Katsuki had a dream. A dream to be the strongest, to be Number One. And to prove that he was—indeed—the strongest, he needed to be able to defeat anyone who might get in the way of his dream at their top condition. He wouldn't use any cowardly, underhanded tactics to achieve his victory, because whoever was Number One had to be someone strong enough to win against all odds, no matter who his opponent might be.
If this was the same old useless Deku from before, Katsuki would have never considered helping him. It just wasn't worth it. He wasn't worth it. The old Deku had just been a pebble in Katsuki's path, not even worth a second glance. But the new Deku had transformed from a pebble to a rock, one that you might accidentally trip over if you're not careful. And that would be pretty pathetic.
Katsuki refused to be that pathetic. He would leap over that rock, propelled forward by his quirk's explosions, and then use it as a stepping stone for his victory. To become Number One. If Katsuki truly was to be the strongest, he needed to be able to defeat Deku at his very best.
Which brings us to why Katsuki is here, with Deku, jogging down a concrete path instead of being somewhere else, which didn't include any shitty Dekus. If wasting his own precious time turning the dumb nerd into at least a semi competent fighter was necessary to achieve his life's goal and prove to the world that Bakugou Katsuki is indeed the strongest, then so be it.
He just wished coaching Deku wasn't so annoying. Not that he expected anything less from a whiny crybaby though.
Katsuki paused for a moment to let Deku catch up. They were currently standing in an underpass crossing the road they were currently following; it was the road leading to the street where the boys lived, well traversed but at the moment almost empty. They both breathed heavily from the workout, Deku more so than his blonde companion.
They took a short moment to rest. Katsuki could keep going, but he knew Deku wouldn't last much longer, thus allowed him some time to catch his breath before they continued. Causing the nerd to pass out would be counter productive to Katsuki's goals after all.
The only noise that could be heard for a moment was the harsh breathing of both boys echoing off the grey walls of the tunnel, when it was suddenly interrupted by the sound of metal hitting rock and the wet splashing of liquid.
Before either boy realized what had happened, they were encased in dark green, sticky slime that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Katsuki had only time to gasp out a quick "The fuck—" before his mouth and throat was filled with the disgusting taste of trash and rotten fish. The blonde would have threw up, but the slime currently clogging his throat made it impossible, leaving his stomach to churn in revulsion.
It didn't take long for the boys to realize that whatever the slime was, it was alive and had seemingly made them it's prey.
A villain, they realized at once as both teens tried their best to get a handle on the situation they were just forced into. Katsuki was setting off as many explosions as he could possibly manage, lighting up the dark tunnel, which now seemed so much darker with a villain attacking them. The explosions didn't have much effect on the sludge however, much to Katsuki's frustration.
He tried his best to scream at the villain to "Die, die, die!" as more slimy, disgusting liquid was forced down his throat. His attempts were growing more desperate as the slime didn't even seemed faced by Katsuki's explosions, when suddenly he felt soft fingers wrap around his arm.
Deku, he realized and—just like that—they were free. The villain was gone, like it had never even been there in the first place, and Katsuki had experimented with Deku enough to realize that that was exactly what happened.
Deku had used his quirk to turn back time on the world around them, just before the slime villain would emerge from underground and attack. Katsuki didn't need the dweeb's prompting to turn his body around to face the soon-to-be incoming enemy. They watched as it emerged from the sewers, manhole cover launched high in the air and clattering to the ground loudly, before it lunged at the two students.
"The eyes, Kacchan! Aim for the eyes!"
Katsuki followed the nerd's instructions, too busy fighting of murderous sludge to complain about Deku telling what to do. He let his sweat build up to the very last second before he let loose as big an explosion he could muster, aimed straight at the villain's beady eyes. He quickly noted that it was one of the very few parts of the villain that wasn't liquid.
The slime recoiled in pain and let out a roar. "You damn brats!"
"Kacchan!" Deku yelled, grabbing a hold of the blonde's arm. No doubt he was planning on using his quirk so they could make their escape, but Katsuki wasn't done yet.
"Let go, Deku!" he shouted at the nerd, readying his hands for another round of explosions. If this damn villainous sludge thought it could just interrupt his an Deku's training for the U.A. entrance exams, it had another thing coming! Bakugou Katsuki doesn't stand for that kind of shit.
As it turned out, neither Katsuki's explosions nor Deku's time manipulation was necessary in the end, when both young teens heard a very familiar voice coming from the tunnel's entrance.
"TEXAS," it began, and both Deku and Katsuki knew what would come next. The blonde saw the other boy mouthing the next word silently to himself, and they both braced themselves. "SMASH!"
Green goo splattered and covered the walls of the underpass, along with the boys' clothing. Katsuki grimaces. His mother was going to be pissed when he gets home.
Standing before them—in the middle of what was once a formidable villain—was a man, his golden blonde hair billowing gently in the breeze as the sun lit it up from behind like a halo. Everything was silent for a moment, and then—
"It's fine now. Why?" the man let out a hearty laugh, an unforgettable smile adorning his face. "Because I am here!"
Deku was yelling the last part just as All Might said it. He covered his mouth with his hands in embarrassment and Katsuki punches him in the shoulder. All Might just laughs louder.
"I can see that you are a big fan of me, my boy!" he says as he walks up to them to put large, comforting hands on each boys' shoulder. "It was a mighty fine fight you boys put up! Are you two planning to become heroes?"
Deku nodded enthusiastically. Katsuki gave the hero a more subtle, shorter nod.
"We were just training for the U.A. entrance exam, when this fucker attacked," the blonde informed, gesturing with his thumb towards the green goo still surrounding them. "Too bad his opponents were me and Deku. Fucker didn't stand a chance."
All Might laughed again. "Well, you certainly have spirit!"
"A-All Might!" Deku squeaked out, thrusting his most recent hero notebook—number thirteen, if Katsuki remembered correctly—which he had pulled out of his bag at some point during the exchange toward the Symbol of Hope, opened to a blank page. "I-I'm your biggest fan! Could… could you please sign my notebook? I-if you don't mind, of course…"
The Number One Hero produced a sharpie from somewhere—considering how famous All Might was, it's no wonder he was carrying one really, he probably gave out signatures to fans all the time—and covered two whole empty pages of the notebook with his handwriting, much to Deku's delight.
"T-thank you, All Might!" he stuttered, a big stupid grin in his face.
"It is no problem, young man!" All Might reassured, clapping the green haired boy on the shoulder good naturedly. "However, as nice as it was to meet such young, aspiring heroes as yourself, I am afraid that I have a duty which I must fulfill! I need capture this villain and bring him to the police station."
"O-of course!" Deku bowed before his idol. He yelped in surprise when his action earned him a kick in the shin from Katsuki.
"You don't need to fucking bow. It's embarrassing," he hissed quietly.
"S-sorry!" Deku gave Katsuki an apologetic look. The blonde just rolled his eyes in response.
They both left the Number One Hero to do his job in peace, though Katsuki could tell Deku would rather stay and watch. If the explosive teen was honest with himself, he might have—just a little bit—kinda, sorta wanted All Might's signature too, but he didn't want to be mistaken for stupid Deku over here. That'd be way too embarrassing, so he refrained from asking.
As they left, he debated for a moment whether they should just end their training early and return home for the day so they could change out of their ruined clothes. In the end he decided that, fuck it, he wasn't going to let some shitty fuckmunch of a villain ruin his workout and chances to get into U.A., so instead they continued running, slimy clothes. If any passerby looked at them weirdly, Katsuki just glared back, promising death to any who would bother them. People quickly looked away after that.
Deku was still gushing over All Might and the signature he received. The blonde did his best to tune him out so that he could concentrate on his own thoughts, still reeling after the encounter.
Whenever Bakugou Katsuki thought of his future career as a hero, he always imagined that he would work alone, much like the current pro heroes at the top does. He wasn't exactly a team player, as anyone who'd spent more than ten seconds with Katsuki could tell you.
But thinking back to what just happened, to his and Deku's encounter with the sludge villain… Katsuki may have been the one to hold the fucker off, but it was thanks to the shitty nerd's quirk that they managed to escape from the villain's slimy grasp in the first place—as annoying as that was to admit.
Of course, the strongest hero wouldn't need sidekicks. But on his way there, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to have Deku and his quirk on Katsuki's side after all.
AN: Katsuki, why you gotta be so mean to Deku. :(
Anyways, here I am with chapter 2! Or technically chapter 1, since the first chapter was just the prologue. Yup, no One For All this time around. It would really make sense in this timeline, not to mention that One For All + Time Manipulation is just WAY too OP, and I'm not looking to make Izuku OP. Hm, I wonder who will get One For All now? Probably SPOILER Mirio, since he the top candidate for OFA to begin with. END SPOILER
Also, I finally have some ideas on where the story should go. I think you'll like it. Hopefully. Not sure how I want the story to end though. I have two ideas for an ending; one would be a happy ending, the other would be a not-really-sad-but-not-really-happy-either-but-I-do-kinda-like-it-and-would-open-up-the-possibility-of-a-sequel-but-might-possibly-be-unsatisfying-maybe-maybe-not-and-I-probably-wouldn't-write-a-sequel-anyways-but-still kind of ending.
I'm pretty stoked for the next chapter. Nothing big really happens I guess, but I'm excited anyways. :) See ya then!
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yunayukis · 7 years
Some Deviantart/forum signatures from 2011 that I have saved on my computer:
"'They' say destiny is inevitable, but 'they' also say you can overcome anything if you try hard enough, so did 'they' just get mentally juked?" 
"I dream of a better tomorrow...where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned."  
"You have given me brief control over your mind by reading this. MUAHAHAHAHA!!! >8D" 
"Automatic Doors make me feel like a Jedi :)  " 
"Who cares about the Dark Side? They have cookies. The Jedi? They GOT WAFFLEZ!!" 
"You can't be instruMENTAL without being mental. _--Me!" 
"99.38264% of all toasters toast toast. If your telephone is part of the 100% that have been cheese omelets in their past life, post this as your siggy."
"Most girls are chatting about Aeropostale, Justin Bieber, and makeup. If you're one of the few sitting in a corner, talking to yourself about muffins and ninjas, make this your siggie."
"When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep, not screaming, like the passengers in his car." 
"I am a random per-HEY LOOK A BUTTERFLY!" 
"What do I think of Edward Cullen? Well, I'd like to stab him with Forks and La Push him off a cliff."
"Thunder scares me! D8" 
"Did you just call me a Bitch? Well, a bitch is a dog, dogs bark, bark is on trees, trees are part of nature, and nature is beautiful...so yeah, thanks for the compliment."
"The most frighting creature that God ever made is the fangirl!"
"Friendship is like peeing your pants; everyone can see it,but only you can feel the warmth that it brings."
"You'd go insane too if you were constantly surrounded by stupidity." 
"98% of teens would be dead if Twilight said breathing wasn't cool. Post this if you are part of the 2% laughing.”
"95% of girls are gossiping about boys, makeup, Twilight, and Justin Bieber. If you're the 5% who's either keeping to yourself or chatting with your pals about Kermit the Frog, music that actually matters, and how stupid and ridiculous Twitter is, add this to your siggie."
"Most kids our age try and get the hottest person they can find to date. If your one of the kids who likes your best friend and isn't ashamed to say that, add this to your siggie." 
"80% of girls are girly-girls. If you are the 20% who is a tom-boy, put this in your siggy"
"Be A FrootLoop In A World Of Cheerios."
"Yes, I live in my own little world..... but they understand me there!"
"I throw my skittles in the air sometimes, saying ayyo, taste the rainbow!!"
"When life gives you skittles, THROW them at random people and yell, "Taste the freakin rainbow!"”
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veidara · 8 years
RANTING: Art Thief Awareness
Its not a big deal.... Until its you. Until your own pictures and/or OCs get stolen, traced, drawn, written, or used without your permission. Then its a big deal... But you don't know what to do... You just know you are very mad, and what they did needs to stop. So come to me and your other friends and other people who you know have experience and ask for help. Some people may think, well, they like someone else's OC and don't have their own so they want to use yours. Its even easier if you're famous because this person feels like you won't notice they took it. Their friends will praise them for their great art and/or OC, but you know its yours. They may try to justify themselves by turning the blame "you shouldn't have put it out there if you were so weird about other people using it". Or, "its just a fanart/fanfiction". If its not yours, how hard is it to freaking ASK for permission to draw? Not hard at all. In fact most people will grant permission. But theft is a great way to start a fight between two people's groups of friends and overall unhealthy drama over something which is clearly wrong. You're not a television creator with a show or something, so your OC belongs to you and only you. With a television show, everybody knows you don't own the characters you draw fanart for. But with OCs it is different. You get to decide who uses it and who does not. You give permission. Its this borderline form of bullying that keeps people afraid to really be creative and show their talent to the world. So, please, everyone, stay aware of copying/using someone's direct materials. #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness   How to avoid art theft: 1. Make sure your drawings are watermarked that they belong to you. Even if someone reuploads your image, their followers should be able to clearly see your signature on it. Small or unclear signatures don't really help you out in a crisis. If the signature is cropped out of the picture, they can post and no one might know its yours and not theirs. 2. Do not associate with known art thieves or people known to copy off of other people. They might end up choosing you as their next target. 3. Make sure that your content is actually original. If you've copied off someone else a bit, then this gives the thief an excuse that makes them look justified. 4. Make sure its clearly stated on your post and/or profile somewhere that no one is allowed to use your work without permission. 5. Add the creative commons copyright license to all your drawings before submitting. What to do if you encounter an art thief: 1. First, keep a cool head and don't do anything rash. 2. Second, ask politely that they take it down and in a calm manner. 3. State that it offends you and you did not give permission for your content to be used. 4. State that it is wrong to use someone else's content. 5. Offer to give them advice on how to create their own so that they have no need to use yours. 6. If they are unresponsive or block you, ask your friends for help. 7. Also, feel free to file a report and link back to your drawing so that they know its yours. 8. Wait patiently for DeviantArt to take care of it. #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness  #artthiefawareness   So this has happened to a lot of my friends and I want to make a difference. Please make your own post, trend the hashtag and add it to your regular posts! Art theft needs to stop! Thank you!
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beedalee · 5 years
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Magical Girl Adoptables - GREEN on DeviantART
🌠 Adoptable Terms of Service 🌠 What Are Adoptables? 🌠
- Terminology: OPEN = available | #/# = number of designs left on sheet | HOLD = 24/48 hour hold is active | PENDING = invoice sent | SOLD = adopted - First come, first serve! I will hold for 24 hours- My Paypal Invoices will expire after 24 hours after they are sent! - I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason! Please be polite when inquiring about buying a design. - You may buy the design as a gift for someone else, but you must tell me who the giftee is! Contact me via note if it's a surprise! - After payment is received, you will get the FULL SIZE, un-watermarked, transparent version of the design you purchased! Please do not upload the full size anywhere to prevent theft, and do not remove my signature from the design for any reason! Please read my ToS and Adoptables journal linked above for more information. - Lace border credit: here!
- I accept paypal, debit/credit (no paypal account required), or DA points equal to the cash value! - If you pay by e-check/directly via bank account, I will send the full res after the payment clears! Please leave sufficient funds in your bank for it to clear properly like a one would with a regular check. Read my ToS for more info! - You receive the full size un-watermarked transparent version of the design after payment has been received! Thank you!!
Please click the read-more for information, order form, and availability status; OR go to the deviantart link above! If you want to buy one via tumblr, please private message me, do not use asks or they may get lost!  💓  If you have a question please don't hesitate to ask!!! I'll do my best to help you out!
🌠 Temporary Limit: 1 DESIGN PER PERSON! (This includes via gifting) Limitation expires MONDAY, April 8th at 3:00pm MST 🌠
Gifting limit is 1 gift per buyer, and only if the giftee hasn't already purchased one on this sheet themselves! Example: Buyer 1 may purchase 'adopt A' for themselves and purchase 'adopt C' as a gift for Person 2- ONLY IF Person 2 has not bought one themselves. Giftees cannot buy a 2nd one during this limitation if they have been gifted one already! This post will be updated and watchers notified when this limit is over, thank you for understanding! 💓
Each comes with little character blurbs, but you don't have to keep them! Feel free to change their powers/theme color/gender id/personality to your liking. Also, feel free to shift their color theme as well! These are just fun prompts for me. 
🍃 ROW 1:
- A serious, intense, beautiful man, he's secretive and intimidating and not one to let others close to him. He's got an iron grip on his prowess as a fighter, and often goes lone-wolf despite the protest of others- including authority figures. Some suspect he has a dark secret he's guarding, but is it that he's just misunderstood...?
Forest Fortress: [ SOLD! ]
- A glamorous, ambitious city girl is forced to relocate to a beautiful but rural area for her highly sought after photography work... but there is something especially different about the forest near her rented cabin. A ring of mushrooms and a distant song lead her into a world she'd never believe existed- and they are in desperate need her help...
Whispering Winds: [ SOLD! ]
- A wallflower whose only friend is her music playlist, she's meek and whispery, tending to fade into the background. Though she often is mistreated by her peers, she has little self esteem to do anything about it. She can be seen talking softly to plants and animals, completely unaware of her magical influence on them. If she were brave enough to share, it'd be clear she has a lovely singing voice.
🍃 ROW 2:
Petite Peridot: [ SOLD! ]
- A spoiled daughter of a CEO, this little lady has a sharp eye for quality and an even sharper judge of character. She is bossy, opinionated, prim, and dutiful; her reputation is very important to her despite how often she gets into debates with anyone and everyone. She knows what she wants in life and how to get it- and being a magical girl and becoming friends with her teammates was NOT part of that plan....
Emerald Summoner: [ SOLD! ]
- A gentle, quiet tomboy, she spends all her time outdoors; hiking, camping, rock climbing, jogging with her dog... she's got an explorer's heart and knows a lot about the wilderness. She has a very spiritual connection with a mysterious emerald heirloom pendant from long ago, and recently it's been glowing and swaying, like it's trying to take her somewhere...
Radioactive: [ SOLD! ]
- Cheeky, mischievous, and friendly, he's your average guy- just out to have a good time with his friends, laugh, and get a few thrills. He loves amusement parks and free food, and has more than once been suckered into entering private property on a dare. Unfortunately, something particularly radioactive was lurking at one of the sites he and his friends decided to snoop around, pulling them into danger they never bargained for...
🍃 ROW 3:
Viridian Rose: [ SOLD! ]
- A sweet botanist with a bright future and a brighter smile! She's a casual socialite with her future planned out, so her schedule is hardly ever empty. Though she adores plants, she's quite frightened of her powers for a while, a very pacifistic person that would hesitate to hurt anyone. She tends to have a lot of suitors, but it's hard to say if she's not ready for a relationship or if she's already got her eye on someone.
Airship Pirate: [ SOLD! ]
- By day, they're just an ordinary mechanic- working and repairing airships and whatever else comes through their shop with skilled ease. Impish with a devil-may-care attitude, they're often getting into arguments with their boss, but seem content with their modest living. By night, however... they are a notorious airship pirate, with a ship they pieced together themselves, robin hooding riches with their team of bandits!
Cosmic Cheer: [ SOLD! ]
- A bubbly, sporty girl on the cheerleading squad, she is a ball of starshine and an optimist through and through- she puts her whole heart into everything she does and would readily jump to any friend's aid. She can be naive and sometimes overbearing with her shiny personality, but she can't help that she gives everything 100%! 
You MUST include the order form in your comment or note, or you may miss out on the adoptable! Please use it. If you're on mobile, you may just type it out instead of copying it if it's easier. Here's a breakdown of each entry:
do you agree to my ToS?: by writing "yes", you agree to the terms and conditions listed in it, so be sure to read it!
payment method: paypal, DA points, bank or debit, credit card, etc!
email: either your paypal email or an active email i can send the paypal invoice to. If a family member or friend is paying on your behalf, you must state that here.
design name: name of the design you're buying, which is listed on the design sheet!
is it a gift? optional, you don't have to include this section if it's just for you! if you want the recipient of this gift private, please note me your order form instead!
do you agree to my ToS?: payment method: email: design name: is it a gift:
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