#i promise she dide
lauvheart · 11 months
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picture eith me: danni(genderbent david)
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xxinkys-ocsxx · 3 months
Drew the Cheshire twins!!
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Let me formerly introduce you to them! (Finally lmfao)
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Character profile:
Name: Purcy wonder
Nickname: Puss, kitty, kitty cat, blue, baby blue, grumpy pants
Age: 41(youngest)
Dide in: 1930s
Cause of death: Shot by a cop
Sins: wraph, greed, pride
Gender: Cis male
Sexuality: gay
Species: Cheshire cat
Job:(idk yet lmfao)
Status: Overlord
relationship stats: ..complicated...
Personality: blunt, emotionless, grumpy, manipulating, condescending, sociopathic, unloving(?), morally Grey
Nationality: England
Likes: tea, classical music, his work, paper weights, his sister.. Kinda-, Jasper(?), black coffee, whiskey, sleep, things being organised, the quiet, the library
Dislikes: himself, Jasper..?, very sweet things, Niffty, chaotic people, people comparing him to a cat anyway, people who smile to much, Alastor, people who hurt Stella, people teasing him about his past.. Relationships, clubs, noisy children, mess
Friends: Jasper(??), Stella, Husk
Acquaintances: Charlie, husk, Vaggie, Alastor, Niffty, Angel dust, Sir pentious, Rosie, Zestial, Carmilla, Missiezilla, Vox, Val, Velvette,(most of the overlords)
family: Stella
Romantic interest/partner: Jasper
Voice claim: none yet
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Character profile:
Name: Stella Wonder
Nickname: Stell, Mumma(by Alex), Cheshire
Age: 41(oldest)
Dide in: 1930s
Cause of death: Purcy someone shot her in the head when she refused to kill someone She was caught killing someone.
Sins: wraph(murder)
Virtues: generosity and patience
Gender: Cis female
Sexuality: straight Ally
Species: Cheshire cat
Job: tailor
Status: former overlord sinner
relationship stats: Married
Personality: sweet, kind, oversinker, motherly, loyal, stressy, tidy, lustfull, helpful
Nationality: England
Likes: singing, dancing, trains, tea, Jazz, swing, the winter, sewing, children(not in that way creep.), hugs, brushing her hair, fashion, ice cream, story books
Dislikes: Black coffee, mess, murder, children crying, the vees, promises being broken, stains, running out of thread, Adam, losing her kneedles, getting pricked by needles, accidentally stepping/sitting on a needle, .. Purcy.. Sometimes
Friends: Alastor, Rosie, Charlie, Vaggie, Angel dust, Husk, Niffty, Husk, Carmilla, Maria, Mallia, Aviny, Agatha, Bonnie, Gloria, Jasper, Liyla
Acquaintances: Jasper, Quinn, Zestial, Susan(🙄), Lucifer, Mimzy
family: Purcy(brother), Alex (step/adopted daughter), Sir pentious(husband)
Romantic interest/partner: Sir Pentious
Voice claim: none yet
And that's them! I've had them for a while and I wanted to finally show them off because I love them and they are fabulous
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Yeah....when is daddy gonna cover the concepts of meeting people halfway, and "if you do not open up to someone who tries nearly every day for 6 months to get your attention and befriend you, he will eventually think it's cuz you just didn't want to. True, you may actually be that rarest of type from whom you can receive a message that, rather than view the object of your affections function on a particular website (which will remain undiscussed) said object advised that you "love yourself" AND ACTUALLY is the same person now demanding your frequent attention. "Don't be such a fuckin' crybaby, you say, first you whine that she mistreats you and, essentially kicks you off of this site, now she demands too much attention? Be grateful you won her over." Yeah, I didn't say that now, did I. I don't get to see her, talk to her, I still think the "love yourself" suggestion has a comfortable lead for the most direct thing she has ever said to me, online
I am no further than I was, dide...shejust has an expe tation of me. I, the event that proven interaction with her blog is not significant, she will issue a public accusation of "not loving her anymore." I honestly don't know if I wish this were true, or not (it's not) " So, she actually likes you, kinda?"
"Nice, bud" the truth is, from an outside view (or any other view) that IS the most surprising part of this story. Btw, I want to thank everyone who considered tepirti g me for "abuse" or a "mental health concern", but did not. Y'all are the best. I am going to have to familiarize myself with submissives....perhaps if I understand them, this won't seem like the biggest turn off ever...I don't want a "dom" woman....who does, actually? Don't believe them....but a "sub?" At least I won't familiarize myself in 5 years, decide it's actually cool AND her, then have to attempt to get another date with her....assuming I ever got 1 (and in this example...a phone call is a date) Does anyone know her really well and wanna fuill me in? Promise to keep it under wraps. I would just like to worry less and understand some things, if possible.
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queerautism · 2 years
Ahhhhhh having dilushion? The house is disgusting. I need to cleen but ita all to much i can berly stand being in the kitchen cus of the smell. Im disgusting. Im a traable person. And its not just ne in the house. Im making my mom live like this to. Eventuly shel get tired od this of mee. And ether kik me out or kill her self. And it will be my fakt. Fuck im a pece of shot. I should dide. But i have to take care if her. She took care of mee my hole life i need to give back. I cant be a leach my hole life. I cant i cant
Please, take a deep breath. Its gonna be okay. You're not a terrible person because you struggle with cleaning, I promise.
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shipaholic · 4 years
Omens Universe, Chapter 11 Part 2
Link to next part at the end.
(From the beginning)
(last part)
Chapter 11, cont.
Crowley purred upon seeing the Bentley. It was a little obscene, but he didn’t care. He hadn’t had a day off in ten years. Going for a drive was one of Earth’s greatest pleasures, as far as he was concerned,[1] and he’d been sorely neglecting it. He stroked the door lovingly before letting himself in.
“Don’t get anything on the seat,” he told Adam.
“Er,” Adam said, peering through the back window.
Crowley leaned back to wave him inside and saw somebody already sitting in the back seat.
“Hello,” she said.
Crowley’s mouth dropped open. “Who the Hell are you?”
Aziraphale leaned his head in through the passenger door. He blinked at the woman in the back, as if unclear whether Crowley had left her there by accident.
“My name is Anathema Device,” the woman said.
She was wearing a dramatic green coat and prim, thick-rimmed glasses. Despite the Wiccan-ish aesthetic, there was something stern and school-teachery about her. Crowley had the impression he was about to be told off.
“You’re two minutes late,” she said. Ah. There it was.
Adam decided he might as well sit down. He slipped into the back beside Anathema. She smiled at him.
Crowley made a decision there and then. No more tagalongs. Whoever this person was, she could get lost.
Anathema leaned forwards, business-like. “I’m here about the Antichrist.”
Adam looked offended. A lot of the people he’d met today seemed to have spoken to his mother.
“Nope. That’s it. I’m done with this. I’ve already processed everything I’m willing to hear today. Whatever revelations you’ve got, you can keep. I’m content not knowing everything, I don’t need whatever you’re selling. Get out of my car.”
“You’re going to want to hear this.”
“I definitely won’t. Angel, get in.”
Aziraphale got in the passenger seat. He gave Anathema a polite smile. “Hello, my dear.”
“She’s not your dear. She’s a woman who’s broken into my Bentley and spread patchouli everywhere.”
Anathema sighed. “Please. I didn’t break in, it was unlocked.” At least, it wasn’t locked very well.
“I don’t lock it for a reason. Because nobody touches my car.”[2]
“I remember you,” Adam said to Anathema. “You came round the house. You were trying to give us magazines. You talked to the head of security for ages. Most people don’t get that far.”
Anathema brightened. “Um, actually yes. I was trying to speak to you.”
“Oh. I was round the corner on my Gameboy,” Adam said.
Anathema had spent an interminable forty-five minutes keeping the security guard talking, hoping to catch a glimpse of Adam. “...Oh.”
“I read the magazines, though. They were cool.”
“Oh! I’m glad.”
“We’re actually in a hurry, if nobody minds,” Crowley said, to no-one in particular.
Anathema straightened up. “Right. Allow me to explain. I’m here to prevent the End of Days.”
Crowley and Aziraphale exchanged glances.
“Oh, that’s not a real thing,” Adam said, confidently. “That’s just stories an alien told me when I was a kid.”
Anathema looked up, sharply. “An alien? There are aliens in the Book…”
She hefted a much-thumbed, elderly tome onto her lap and flicked through it. Aziraphale’s bibliophilic senses rang a faint bell.
“Yeah, I like books with aliens,” said Adam. “This alien was real, though. Actually, there were lots of them. They kept telling me I was going to grow up and destroy humanity and burn the planet to a crisp. And then Hell would defeat Heaven and blah blah blah. I was a bit worried about it all.” Adam scratched his head, near his gem. Anathema’s eyes zoomed in on it. “But it all makes way more sense now I know it was aliens.”
“Oookay. This is pretty big, actually,” Anathema murmured. She was staring at Adam like a rare specialist who had just made the find of their career. “I wasn’t positive, even after everything… but it’s really you, isn’t it?” Her eyes shone with various emotions. Awe was in the mix. So was fear.
“Nanny was definitely an alien,” Adam said, darkly.
Anathema’s eyes flicked down to the open Book on her lap. They fell onto prophecy 1011, And the devile dide saye: we doe notte have time for alle this nonesense.
“We don’t have time for all this nonsense,” Crowley said.
“I know who you are,” Anathema blurted. “Agnes says you’re going to take the Antichrist away. The family don’t all agree where, there are a few different readings, but the important thing is that you won’t succeed. Listen to me. Armageddon will happen here, at this house.”
Crowley and Aziraphale exchanged tense looks.
“No human prophecies have come anywhere near predicting any of this.” Aziraphale craned his neck, trying to get a glimpse of the Book. “Did you say Agnes, my dear -?”
Crowley didn’t like this. Who cared what a prophecy said? He didn’t need strange women popping up and putting him off before they’d even set out.
“You two are in this whole batch of prophecies. You can set things right if you just listen to me and don’t leave. Your only hope to save the Earth is if you do exactly what I say -”
Crowley snapped his fingers. Anathema vanished.
“She was wasting our time. And we haven’t got much of that left.”
Crowley gunned the ignition. The Bentley sputtered to joyous life. He jerked the steering wheel and veered out onto the road. He almost took out a pillar box that mysteriously leapt into the air and settled safely a few feet down.
Aziraphale shook his head. “All her things are in the back seat. What if she needs them?”
“Should have thought of that before she touched my Bentley.”
Crowley took a corner at an alarming speed. He mumbled something about the emotional violation.
“I’ll be very cross if you’ve sent her somewhere bad.”
Crowley waved the concern away. He tore down the street. It had been too long since he’d done ninety in central London.
“Where are we going?” he asked.
Aziraphale finished crossing himself and clutched the roof of the car in the apparent hope that he could jimmy himself in place in the event of a crash.
“My old bookshop, if you would be so kind,” he said.
In the back seat, Adam picked up the Book and flipped through it.
Newton Pulsifer, Witchfinder Private, perched on the edge of the discoloured sofa belonging to his employer, Sergeant Shadwell. He was just starting on his third hour of daily newspaper clippings when a woman tumbled out of the air and landed on top of him.
There was chaos. There was screaming (mostly from Newt). There was shouting (from Shadwell). There were accusations of foul sorcery and witchcraft (from Shadwell; for once in his life, he was spot on).
Eventually, things calmed down enough that Newt noticed the woman was rather attractive, and that she seemed annoyed but not surprised to have teleported to a first-floor flat in Tower Hamlets.
Her name was, apparently, Anathema Device. Well. Why not. Newt recently learned he had an ancestor called Adultery Pulsifer. He wasn’t about to judge.
Anathema surveyed her new lieutenants in her stand against Armageddon. A cigarette-charred man with an ambiguous regional accent and a scowl that could cut rocks. A nervous young man who was vaguely threatening her with a pair of scissors, but who was obviously likelier to injure himself with them than her. And some kind of “painted strumpet” (not Anathema’s words) across the hall who hadn’t shown up to the proceedings so far, but who they could tag in later if things went badly. Not a promising start. Lieutenants might be too strong a word. Sidekicks, then.
It frustrated her, leaving all her possessions behind in the car. Losing the Book would have devastated her, but Agnes had predicted it, so Anathema was prepared. She had compensated for its loss by memorising the remaining prophecies that seemed relevant.
“OK, guys. Is everything clear so far?”
Shadwell glowered. He held something that was apparently a Thundergun. It slightly resembled a bass trombone. He made no move to shoot her, and she doubted anyone had reloaded it any time in the last century, so his grip on it seemed to be for comfort. Newt had put down the scissors as a gesture of magnanimity.
“I think I’ve followed so far,” Newt said. “The world’s going to end. Um, there’s a boy called Adam Dowling who’s the key to everything, but he’s out of range now and there’s nothing anyone can do about that - er -”
Anathema nodded encouragingly.
“- And our job is to take care of stuff here, and hope that the people with this, er, Adam do their part, because otherwise the Earth is doomed,” he finished. Luckily, he’d passed through the barrier of absurdity and into the vista of calm that lay beyond.
“That’s about it, yeah,” said Anathema.
“So - what should we be doing now?”
“Now we need to stop the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.”
“Great,” Newt said, weakly.
Anathema nodded, satisfied. It was coming together. She hoped.
It was the two men, or men-shaped-beings, with the Antichrist she worried about. They had to do the next part on their own. And if that went wrong…
She’d known there was no genuine hope of diverting them from their course to escape… wherever they were planning to escape to. But Agnes said she would try to stop them, so she had to try, no matter how vain the attempt. She had hoped to see more evidence that her words were sinking in before the goth one banished her from his equally goth car.
What they did next was out of her hands, so there was no point in worrying. She turned to her new sidekicks. There was work to do.
[1] Specifically, speeding.
[2] Crowley got pretty far, normally, assuming that no-one would dare break into the Bentley. He was mostly correct. Witches, however, were unimpressed by demons.
(Link to next part)
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1358456 · 6 years
Review Response, Dec 30 2018 - Jan 5, 2019
Another week. Here we go.
Wings #003
1) Y playing soccer? DAMN YOU GO GIRL! Can't wait for the next chapter but take your time! ;w;
Hehe. Y would be a good soccer player, IF she gets the chance. But regardless of what she does, she’ll be good, no? Go Y, go!
2) When Y goes full Ruby, “awww goddamn it, now you got my cloth dirty (bloody whatever XD)”
Ah, that could’ve been a possibility. Get Y to freak out (in a sense) like how Ruby would, but react much more violently.
3) Lol. The scary blonde girl with big boobs. More scary Y in this chapter with her beating the crap out of everyone. Shes about to develop a bad all though respected rep with the school. I think that girl Who was bullied in the bathroom was Faitsu and the coach is Crystal even though they havent been named yet. Looking forward to more!
Yes. Y may develop a respected reputation... eventually. Very feared but respected.
The girl who was bullied was indeed Faitsu, “recognizable” by her weird hairstyle and a bit timid personality. The soccer coach is Crystal, identifiable by her bent hair and golden star earrings. But the third non-Kalos Dex Holder who made an “appearance” is much harder to notice, since he did not actually appear, but had one line.
Before Y got nailed by the soccer ball, one soccer player off on the side yells out “heads up”, but loudly. The word “loud” is italicized, so it’s emphasized. So while a very loose hint, if there was someone who made an appearance in Wings who had a loud voice, who could it be?
SA2 Preview
1) Yeah the revival thing was pretty dumb as i see no reason they couldn't have all been revived without a penalty memory loss? Cost of 15 years per each? What kind of sense does that make? Can't there be one story with a happy ending i really just read this just to see green and blue get together at the end but once she dided i just skipped to the end. Little word of advice if you want people to read a story to the end don't kill off the people their reading the story because. Hell i know this is Pokemon but in dbz just wish everyone back and it's fine that's what you should've done yeah it's a little anti climatic but no one cares about that yes it makes death not a big deal anymore but you could've just made it a one time thing. Either that's the way i feel about it i disagree with the revival rules because yes they sounded pretty dumb and all in all it's bullshit but it is your story and even though i fucking hated the ending the story overall was good but if you had done the revival the way it shouldve been done I'd say it was fantastic but either way your writing skills are damn well worth praise and i hope you continue to make these stories but next time leave death out of it you can make a good story without a cliche everyone dies at the end thing just give it a happy ending and i promise people will enjoy the story MUCH more but anyways that's all i have to say GL with your future works and PLZ try to keep the heroes ALIVE this time but anyways that's all i have to say farewell...
... This freaking fossil is still...
“Can’t there be one story with a happy ending”... SA had a lot of happy endings. Just not for that particular pairing. Word of advice after reading a story that ended in 2013, eh? Is a character death such a bad thing that you decided to leave this block of text? Would a better alternative be getting people to think that “well no matter how threatening this seems, I know everyone is going to get out of this alive and well”.
Besides, the revival was done just for the sake of SA2. Most of the Dex Holders who died only did so because they would be revived for SA2. Yeah, the 15 years per revival is dumb, but more meaningful of a sacrifice.
“Next time leave death out of it”. If you reviewed back in 2013, maybe. But you are years too late. Besides, there are far too many Dex Holders in existence now. Need to thin out the numbers.
Legacy Prologue - Kanto
1) Nice chapter
Legacy #005
1) Y is so cool on most of the stories you write which is awesome, great chapter anyways and can’t wait for more awesome happy new years
Yep, Y is awesome. And thank you. Happy New Years! ... Though I guess that’s a bit late now. Hehe...
2) What I was meant to say was awesome chapter and happy New Years. Whoops
Uh-huh. Thanks, and Happy New Years to you too.
3) I hope they survived the drop
Pretty hard for Platinum and Y to do what I already said they’ll be doing, if they’re dead. ... Though after Destiny, I guess death is no longer a guarantee of absence...
4) I wonder how the title will be apart of an ending
Well, well. Someone’s trying real hard to make sure Legacy doesn’t get sacked. Now with the +4 to the last chapter, the count is now at 9. Still the absolute lowest and still the only chapter with a single digit review count. Isn’t that sad? The chapter did so sh*t, that even a +80% to the review count still doesn’t change anything.
That said, how will the title be a part of an ending? Or rather, given the Tumblr post that this is based on... how will the title “Eternal Legacy” make sense in one of the endings? ... That’s an issue that’ll come up in like 25 chapters from now.
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libidomechanica · 5 years
Untitled # 6727
Now she cannot be of an hooly  man, his orient pearl poor little Leila,  who the blue-tick coated bugle, 
undulated the wrinkle gravitation, and  held out by and vesper bells than  what he finger and tower; do we movement 
of great beats, and calld brother, a good  within a yellow sky, do love  sheds, and never hats. More like an ear-shaped 
consciously, carved with sterner more. Delicate  change, and pomegranate nodding base: now  their steeds with ease to add yet it 
in my heart to the custom and  now they were. “O leeve brotherhood.  That, as I kan, oure Lord of Heavn had warned hot 
line back Her, nor you, and I see with  steals in her dear lordly creatures,  and eek for what hundred 
more than my bele chosen snatched maid and  do herself; for buttons forgo,  maugre bothė thyng of those voice and day be prairie, 
the taxing rather at his lanterne;  he was delight most  unused the imprudent growe. And the 
most fair length of Ithaca, and I  wish it unto me. Of latter, the  wommenes love every woman 
health to love anon; for ye woldest  and fearing as your own, farewell;  thy presentments willful moan, I mournful song, and 
rise, which portions from the Soul can command,  the risked it Valerie  and I the bitter still be liketh me, 
and, whether, when that thro  the West is East, All on Parnasse  his grim Dantes ‘obscure worke delyte? Bid me 
good a word which the dwarf appear: that  watchd and past in rymes, or  with his prize your eyes into 
a planted their  former, and shoote as in vaine  to tax me within a Mirtle Tree, 
which that marke, that wassailled upon a  hill He countrys wrong, but, as I said, “ she must begun to the you 
seek no might he led it,” and whan that spotte,  while new-fledged chicks know (alas! Thousands,  thou would heart, I set me se 
what of many of us pointed  finger, they struck withinne hire,  and reigning; which never be got as 
dues of the delight, this tonge, and,  because December,  in the tears by any art: so 
narrow Cell? ’S breathed furrowes to the  fancye eke from the fangs  but promise such like her the Hall, I am 
for Death is for since  are a light, Themselues did all at once  weight, trim,” shall I lie displeseth me. drest interpose: brood 
down at you are a kind of gamester,  as their home apace: wet was  held out for matrimonial cooings, but chance, 
he clerk of Adamant, would ceased; he says I dide  her gentle maidenheads of  bone, you wear u is for to weake 
an Alpine torrents, dashed your courts, washed aside  than the dirge of seinte Venus  fall, surprised me;  and ful of love.)
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