#i promise i draw other things of her besides jokes
monsterkitties · 11 months
olivia in the lesbian sanctuary
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moonstruckme · 5 months
Hi 🥺 can I pretty please ask for a fic with emt!marauders treating and helping reader get through getting stitches? Maybe having a huge fear of needles and they always make her so faint and nauseous so the boys fix up their clumsy girl and coach her through getting them because it’s just the absolute worst time ever?
Hi lovely, thank you for requesting! These always get so long because I get wrapped up in the semantics haha. I don’t think this is an accurate reflection of how things work for paramedics, but for the purposes of fiction we’re gonna ignore that :3
Cw: needles, hospital, mention of nausea
emt!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 2.1k words
James is murmuring what you imagine to be placations into the side of your head, so quietly you can’t make them out, and you’re doing your best to keep your hand completely still as a nurse cleans the cut on your palm. 
Sirius is watching you from beside the small bed with tension written all over him. He’s digging his fingernails into his biceps and looking like he might actually jump the nurse if she makes a wrong move. 
“Where’s Remus?” he asks, not for the first time. 
“He’s just finishing up with another patient,” she answers again. “He’ll be here shortly.” 
As eager as you are to see your boyfriend, dread curls like vines around your ribcage. James, sensing this, presses his lips to your temple. 
Ordinarily, paramedics don’t handle stitches, but at your request and after some sweet-talking on James’ part, the director agreed to let Remus see to you. What was staunchly not allowed, however, was for anyone not currently on shift to step in, so your remaining two boyfriends are stuck providing emotional support. James seems to be taking this better, whereas Sirius has been antsy and overprotective since you’d arrived. 
A fraction of the tautness in his biceps dissipates when a familiar set of quick footsteps draws closer on the tiled floor outside your curtain. The nurse is the only one who doesn’t seem to notice, the three of you perking up like meerkats the moment before Remus pulls back the curtain, stepping inside. 
“Hi,” he says, a small, automatic smile curving his lips at the sight of all of you. 
The nurse finishes with perfect timing, tossing the wipe into the trash as she starts to leave. You and Remus both thank her, and once the curtain closes the four of you in together everything feels suddenly more right. You hear James sigh softly.
Remus gets closer than he was willing with a colleague present, wrapping a kind hand around your elbow and soothing upward from there. “Hi, darling,” he says again, softer now. “They tell me you’ve had a kitchen accident.” 
“Totally intentional,” James jokes. “We all just really missed you, needed an excuse to visit.” 
You try to laugh for his sake, and though it’s not fully felt it still helps to loosen the knot of unease in your chest. 
Remus smiles gently. His thumb strokes up and down the back of your arm. “How are you doing?” he asks you. 
You do your best to smile back at him, though from Sirius’ expression it must not be very good. “Honestly? I already feel kind of nauseous.” 
“That’s okay,” he promises, and you can tell he’s making his voice extra low and smooth on purpose. Any other time you might laugh at him for it, but actually it’s quite helpful. “It makes sense to be a bit nervous, yeah? But you won’t feel anything, and so long as you don’t look at it while I’m working I think we’ll be all right.” 
Remus looks you in the eyes for a moment longer to make sure you understand. His eyes are the color of tea steeped just the way you like it, warm and honey-sweet. And maybe you’re feeling vulnerable and mushy, but you think you fall a little more in love with him. 
You nod, letting him take your injured hand. 
“I have to numb it,” he warns you, “and that will likely be the hardest part, but once it’s done things will go fairly easily. Okay?” 
You press your lips together, nodding again not because you want to but because you know you don’t have much choice. James readjusts his hold on you, gripping you tightly with one arm around your shoulders and the other folding your head into his chest. You suspect it’s partly to keep you from moving and partly because he knows you need it, but it feels as though he’s just doing his best to give you a continual hug. You appreciate the effort. 
You follow the movement of Remus’ hand as he picks up a syringe from the tray the nurse had brought in. There’s that odd tingly feeling of the blood draining from your face, the awful queasiness in your stomach. 
“Don’t look,” Sirius tells you, voice just as caring as it is tense. You can tell he’s trying to calm himself for your sake, even if he’s not very good at it. You’ve heard from James and Remus that he’s cool as a cucumber when he works with other patients, but when it’s you or someone he cares about he can’t help getting a bit rattled. “You’re okay, baby, just close your eyes. Think of something else.” 
You can manage the first but not the second. When you feel Remus shifting his hold on your hand your breaths shallow. 
“Quick poke,” he murmurs, and your grip on James tightens as his does on you. 
Though you think you’re prepared for it, a mortifying pained sound rises in your throat at the sting. Both James and Sirius coo sympathetically, but then it’s done, and Remus is murmuring praises while James presses kiss after kiss into your hair. 
You open your eyes to find Sirius has moved closer. He passes you a vomit bag, and you take it thankfully, trying to breathe through the closure in your throat. 
“You’ve got it,” he tells you, brows knit together by both sympathy and concern. “You’re okay, it’s already over with.” 
“I don’t really feel like I’m completely out of the woods,” you try to joke. The truth to it tightens something in you nonetheless. 
“You won’t even feel the rest,” James assures you, still with his lips stuck to you like it’s his job. He smells nice, his eucalyptus shampoo cutting through the icky hospital scent. “You’ll hardly know it’s happening, lovie, we’ll just talk about other things and be out of here before you know it.” 
“I really don’t want to faint,” you say. “I feel like today has been bad enough without fainting.” 
“I’m inclined to agree,” says Remus. You’ve been avoiding looking at him, wary of catching sight of another needle or worsening your nausea by seeing your cut, but his gloved hands are empty. He cradles your injured hand in one, the other drawing a tranquilizing path up and down the side of your thigh. “You won’t faint, sweetheart. We’ll do our best to keep you distracted, and if you need to take breaks we can do that. It’s whatever you need.” 
You blow out a long breath, nodding. Remus gives you a small smile. 
“I only ask that you don’t hold any of this against me,” he teases. “I’m going to require lots of assurance that you’re not upset when I get home.” 
James coos, sounding like he’s considering pulling Remus into your hug as well. 
“No, I know this is all my own fault,” you admit. Sirius huffs his agreement. “I could never hold my clumsiness against you.” 
“I appreciate that.” Remus sends Sirius an intrigued look. “Though maybe I’ll have to make it up to you by cooking, since it seems like you could be barred from the kitchen for some time. Can you feel that?” 
You blink at him. “Feel what?” 
Remus starts messing with things on the tray again, and both James and Sirius seem to come to attention, James putting his arm around your head again while Sirius pulls up a chair by the bed. 
“The medicine’s working,” Remus tells you, “so I’m going to go ahead and get started, okay? Just try and relax for me, sweetheart.” 
Your eyes go automatically to what he’s doing, but Sirius says sharply, “Hey.” 
That gets your attention, and he gives you an apologetic look, gentling his tone as he takes your good hand. 
“Just look at me,” he tells you. You don’t know if he knows it, but his thumb is tracing a line below your thumb that’s exactly where your cut is on your other palm. “Are you okay to talk, pretty girl?” 
You hum. It comes out high-pitched and shakier than you would’ve expected. 
“Why don’t you tell us about that book you want Remus to read?” 
For a moment, surprise eclipses your anxiety. “You really wanna hear about that?” 
Sirius grins. “No, but you’ve got a captive audience. If I were you I’d seize my chance.” 
You start to smile back at him, but then there’s an odd tugging sensation on your hand. Sirius notices the change, moving to block your view with his hand before you can look towards Remus’ work. Still, your stomach rolls uneasily. Your head feels unnaturally light. 
Sirius says your name firmly. “Tell us about the book, baby.” 
“It’s…” You fight to solidify your thoughts. “It’s a true story.” 
“Yeah. I thought it was fiction, but it’s not.” Another tug, and you whimper. “Sorry, I don’t feel well.” 
“You’re doing great,” James says, and Sirius takes the bag from you, opening it up in case you need it. “Just stay relaxed, we’ve got you.” 
“What’s the true story?” Sirius asks, trying to get you back on task. “What’s it about?” 
“This guy,” you answer. “He’s from Syria, but he lives in New Orleans and he’s there when Hurricane Katrina hits. I’m not that far in, but so far it’s about, like—” you swallow “—how he’s discriminated against even when he’s helping people.” 
Though you try to stop it, a tear skids down your cheek. Sirius wipes it away gently. “Yeah?” he asks you. “Are you liking it so far?” 
You nod, feeling more in your own body as you try to focus on the conversation. Even the panic is a bit of a relief, better than the strange weightlessness of your head when you’re on the brink of passing out. 
“I don’t think I would have picked it up if I’d known it was nonfiction,” you tell Sirius. He smiles wryly, which looks like it takes effort. “I usually only read fiction, but this was done really well.” 
“I think you’re right,” he replies. “Remus absolutely should read that.” 
“Not you?” James teases. 
Sirius shoots a mean look over your head, though you can tell he’s relieved at the familiar banter. “Are you volunteering?” he asks James. “No? Didn’t think so.” 
“Surely there’s a movie version we can watch instead. Lovie, do you know?” 
“I haven’t heard of one,” you admit, “but the book’s a bit older, so maybe the movie came out before I’d heard about it.” 
“We’ll have to look it up,” Sirius decides. “If it’s really that good, there’ll be a movie.” 
That’s something you could argue about forever, and he knows it, but just then you hear something snip and Remus says, “There.” 
“There?” you echo. 
Sirius looses a breath, and James hugs you tightly. “You’re all done, angel,” he says brightly. 
“Oh.” You feel, perhaps, not as relieved as you ought to, and Sirius chuckles at your confusion, taking your face between his hands and planting a kiss between your brows. 
“You really are done,” he promises you. “You killed it, babe.” 
James loosens his grip on you and Sirius moves his hand, letting you turn your head to see Remus securing a bandage over your palm. He looks up at you when he pulls off his gloves, pride and fondness mingled in his expression. His eyes narrow at the look on your face. 
“Hug?” he guesses, and you nod as you sit forward, wrapping your hands around his shoulders. 
It’s the closure you need, relief dissolving the tension in your muscles and gut as Remus’ thumb strokes your nape reassuringly. “Thanks,” you mumble into his shoulder. 
“You did it, darling,” he tells you. “Nothing to thank me for.” 
“Before I bled all over our counter, I was cutting tomatoes for pasta tonight,” you say. “I’ll finish it up when I get home so I can thank you with dinner.” 
Sirius scoffs loudly. “Yeah, fat chance. You’re not going near another knife for the rest of your life.” 
You roll your eyes as you pull away from Remus, but he raises an eyebrow at you, smiling faintly. “I’m with him on this one,” he says. “At least a temporary kitchen ban is in order.” 
You groan, leaning sideways until your shoulder rests on James’ chest. He wraps his arms around you automatically. “You guys are so lame,” you gripe. 
“Don’t worry, lovie,” says James, kissing the side of your nose lightly. “I’ll finish your pasta when we get home. Everybody wins.”
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dc-marvel-life · 9 months
Do Her Right
Pair: Jason x reader/platonic!Damian x reader 
Word Count: 608
Summary: Damian needs to have a talk with Jason about his newly founded-relationship 
A/N: I loved writing this one! Who doesn’t like protective Damian
You've been a part of the Bat Family since Dick was adopted by Bruce all those years ago. You met Dick at school and instantly became friends. You visited the manor almost every day.
As your friendship with Dick deepened, you discovered the family secret and promised never to tell a soul, a promise you've kept to this day.
Having known Dick from the beginning, you witnessed the family grow over the years. Everyone anticipated the day you and Dick would confess your love for each other and start dating, but that day never came. You only saw Dick as your best friend, and he saw you the same way.
However, this didn't bother anyone in the family much, especially Damian. Despite his outward demeanor, Damian harbored deep affection for you. He cherished the time you spent together, whether playing video games, watching movies, baking (a favorite pastime of Damian's), or simply hanging out.
Things took a turn when Jason began joining in on these activities. Initially, Damian didn't mind, as long as it didn't interfere with your "sister time."
But Damian's patience wore thin as he noticed you and Jason spending more time alone together. A few weeks later, it was revealed that you two were dating. While everyone else was happy for you, Damian couldn't hide his disappointment. He'd pout whenever he saw you with Jason, drawing your attention back to him with a forced smile.
Damian couldn't bear being sidelined in favor of Jason. He needed to address the situation immediately.
One evening, you were cuddling with Jason on the couch when Damian entered the room.
"Todd, I need to speak with you in my room, now," Damian said, his expression serious and arms crossed. You glanced at Jason, shrugged, and told him to go ahead. Jason sighed and followed Damian to his room.
"Please, have a seat," Damian gestured toward his bed.
"What's up, little devil? I was enjoying cuddling with my girlfriend," Jason said, clearly annoyed.
"That's precisely why we're here—to talk about your girlfriend," Damian replied, pacing the room. Jason raised an eyebrow, curious about Damian's intentions.
"Your girlfriend means a lot to me. Every time she's here, we bond over fun activities. She treats me like a little brother, and I feel loved. No one has ever done that for me. But things changed when you two started dating, and I haven't been able to spend as much time with her. I understand she's happy with you, surprisingly, but I need to set some ground rules. First rule: If you ever hurt her, I'll come after you with everything I've got, even where the Lazarus Pit can't bring you back. Understood?" Damian explained.
Jason nodded, smiling. He refrained from making any jokes, respecting Damian's genuine concern for you.
"Good. Now, the next rule is that I need to have alone time with her twice a week, without you. That's our time, and you can't be a part of it," Damian declared.
"The last rule is that you can't tell her any of this. Do we have a deal?" Damian extended his hand.
Jason shook Damian's hand firmly. "Deal."
"Do her right, Jason. She deserves the best," Damian said softly.
"I will, little devil. She deserves everything," Jason replied with a smirk.
"Now, let's head back downstairs before she gets suspicious," Damian said, leading the way. Damian settled on the couch beside you, snuggling into your left side. Jason followed suit, cuddling into your right side.
"Ah, my favorite boys," you said, kissing each of them on the forehead. Damian and Jason looked up at you, smiling.
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fluentmoviequoter · 5 months
All The Reasons We Can't
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader (Lucy's roommate)
Summary: When you move in with Lucy Chen, you don't expect to fall for her ex-boyfriend.
Warnings: unspecified age gap (r is younger than Lucy), angst, fluff, spoilers for s6! (it's canon-divergent but still has spoilers)
Word Count: 2.6k+ words
A/N: If you are looking for a happy ending for Lucy and Tim, this is not the fic for you lol.😆
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“Lucy!” you call, waving from your seat in the back of the restaurant.
She rushes to you and pulls you into a tight hug. “Thank you so much for coming,” she whispers into your embrace. “I needed this.”
“You’re my best friend, Lucy, I’ll always be here for you.”
Lucy nods as she releases you. You take the seat beside her rather than across from her. She’s dealing with a lot, and you know that she needs a friend right now.
“So, how long are you staying in town this time?” Lucy asks as she picks up the menu.
“Uh, about that,” you begin slowly. “I was thinking I’d just stay this time. You’re here, a lot of other things I love are here, and I just- I think it’s time to stay in LA for good.”
“You’re moving?” Lucy exclaims. “Please don’t be kidding, I can’t take that right now, girl.”
“I’m serious,” you promise her. “I’ve been looking for a new job and a place. Lucy, I want to be close to you; I need you in my life all the time, too.”
“It’s been too long,” Lucy agrees as she takes your hand. “I do have an idea though.”
You hum, inviting her to share, and her smile grows.
“Why don’t you move in with me? Tamara moved out, so I have the room. Even if it’s just temporary until you find your own space, I’d love to be roommates.”
“Are you sure? That’s a lot of change, Luce, and I don’t want to get in the way of you processing everything.”
“I’m really sure.”
“Then, yeah, I’d love that, Lucy.”
Lucy squeals, drawing the attention of an older couple sitting across from you. You wave awkwardly before they look away, then laugh with Lucy. Moving in with her sounds perfect and being right there for each other is part of why you decided to move.
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“Hello,” you greet when Lucy returns from work. “Dinner is in the oven.”
“You’re the best friend ever,” Lucy sighs. “Where have you been all my life?”
“Wasting time until we met online mostly,” you answer. “How was today?”
“It was- uh, it was better. Tim and I still have a lot of work to do, mostly on ourselves. We’re going to try to be friends, though, because there’s no way either of us could ever just go back.”
“I get that. Being friends will be good for you, Lucy, even if it’s hard. Especially since you have to see him every day.”
“Yeah, it’s just still hard. Really hard sometimes, to wake up and remember he’s not there.”
You pull Lucy into a hug, which she gladly accepts. The oven timer dings, and you release her with a smile and an apology to finish preparing dinner.
“What would make it better?” you ask. “I know you’ve been thinking about it.”
“Honestly, I know I’m not ready to get out there yet, but I think seeing Tim with someone else – even just platonically – could help. He deserves it, too. For everything that he did and didn’t do, he’s a great guy, and he needs a friend or two that he can be himself with. Or does that sound selfish, like I’m trying to push him away to forget?”
“It doesn’t sound selfish at all, Lucy. You want the best for him, and if he’s trying to be friends, it seems like he wants that for you, too.”
“Yeah.” Lucy taps her fingers on the counter.
“I’ll get you a sign for the door,” you joke, trying to make her smile. “Lucy Chen, Platonic Matchmaker.”
It works, and Lucy smiles as you slide two plates onto the counter. She’s your best friend, and if she thinks Tim Bradford needs a friend (even after breaking her heart), then you trust she’s right.
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“Hi,” Tim greets softly when the elevator opens.
Lucy nods once in greeting as she steps inside. “Good morning.”
Tim presses his lips together in the awkward silence. He knows he made the right choice by letting her go to get the better things she deserves, but it doesn’t make this part easier. “Big plans this weekend?”
“Not really,” Lucy replies. “My roommate is making me dinner tomorrow night and we’re just going to hang out, I think. Tamara and some other friends are coming over this weekend.”
“That’s good. You got a new roommate already?”
“I did. A friend I met a few years ago moved here, so…”
“Yeah.” The door opens and Lucy steps forward. “Plus, she knows every little thing there is to know about me and you.”
Tim’s eyes widen and Lucy laughs as the elevator door closes behind her. Shaking his head, Tim smiles because Lucy looks happy again. His phone buzzes with another reminder about her cop-iversary, a term she coined to celebrate the anniversary of when she graduated to short sleeves. It’s the first year he hasn’t celebrated with her, but he’s still celebrating for her.
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On the day of Lucy’s cop-iversary, you wake up early to surprise her with her favorite breakfast. When you have the food done and decorated for her big day, you realize that she should be awake by now. You walk to her bedroom door and knock lightly.
“It’s open,” Lucy calls from inside.
Gently pushing the door open, you see her finishing her hair. With the last clip in place, she sighs and looks at you. Her eyes are bloodshot, she looks tired, and there’s no sign of excitement for her big day.
“What happened?” you inquire.
“Yesterday was awful. A cop got shot, and I got roped into an undercover thing that almost blew up in my face… I’m just stressed and tired, I think. Everything’s piling on, you know?”
You extend your arms toward her, and Lucy hugs you tightly.
“Thank you,” she whispers. “What is that amazing smell?”
“That’s your cop-iversary breakfast. Go eat, I’ll tidy up in here for you.”
“I love you,” Lucy sighs. “You’re the best person, friend, roommate, human, ever.”
“Back at ya,” you reply happily. “Now go before you run out of time.”
Lucy presses her hands together in another silent thanks as she walks backward out of her room. If she hadn’t told you about the rough day yesterday, her room would have. There are some clothes spread around on the bed and floor, her desk is disorganized, and there’s an overflowing backpack shoved in the corner. Her go bag, you realize. You pick a place at the back of the room and begin gathering the loose items; it’s the least you can do for your best friend.
In the kitchen, Lucy takes a bite of food and closes her eyes in appreciation. Before she can continue eating, someone knocks on the door. As she stands, she grabs a piece of food from the edge of her plate and pops it in her mouth on the short walk to the door.
“Kojo!” she squeals.
She drops to her knees without greeting Tim, opting to welcome Kojo into the apartment rather than the man who brought him over. Lucy takes the leash from Tim and leads Kojo to the couch.
“Can I come in?” Tim asks from the hall.
“Yeah,” Lucy answers, not looking away from Kojo. “What are you two doing here?”
“Heard about yesterday,” Tim says as he closes the door. “Thought you might want some Kojo comfort.”
“Kojo comfort is my favorite.”
“Happy cop-iversary.”
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You survey Lucy’s room once you’re finished. With a satisfied nod, you turn toward her door. As you open it, you realize that Lucy has company.
“Sorry,” you say softly as the man looks toward you.
You recognize Tim Bradford from Lucy’s description of him and the pictures she refuses to delete. Now that they’re friends, it’s fine, but you didn’t approve of the folder while she was lying awake every night.
“I’m just gonna…” you trail off and walk toward your room.
“No, you can stay,” Lucy says. “You live here, too. This is Tim. Kojo and I will be right back.”
Lucy stands, and Kojo follows quickly behind her. She gathers her plate from the counter before she and Kojo disappear into her room and the door closes behind them.
“Hi,” you tell Tim. You remember that Lucy never actually said your name and offer it.
“Nice to meet you. And glad to see Lucy got a good roommate,” Tim replies.
You nod and look toward her door before you drop your voice to say, “Thank you. Lucy told me how you’re trying to do everything right after the breakup. Friends and all that. Plus, she needed to see Kojo today.”
“It is quite literally the least I can do,” Tim replies.
“I disagree. You seem like a great guy, Tim, and the fact that you’re trying at all means a lot. To me, at least.”
Tim isn’t sure how to respond to that. He blames himself for so much of what has happened recently, yet as he stands here with you, that guilt and the memories fade. He just wants to know about you.
“So, you and Lucy have been friends for a while?” he asks.
“Long-distance friends. We met online and then ran into each other in person a while back. Everything just kind of fit between us.”
You’re taking up every thought in Tim’s head, he realizes. Even as you’re talking, he wants to know more, to know you. But then a small voice in him points out that you’re young. Whatever it is he’s feeling doesn’t matter; you’re younger than him, younger than Lucy, and there’s no way you’d be interested in him. The realization fails to silence the other voice that whispers about how he feels alive, like himself again.
“How are you?” you ask. “Not just like how are you, I mean. Uhm… How are you doing with everything?”
The whispering voice rises to a yell. Tim’s heart knows exactly what it wants. Back to life in his chest, Tim acknowledges its cry that he needs you. Tim Bradford has feelings for Lucy’s younger roommate.
“I’m sorry if that’s overstepping your boundaries,” you add when Tim doesn’t answer. “It’s just that Lucy had me, Tamara, plenty of people to talk to after the breakup. From what she’s told me, you may not have had that same community to help you.”
“I don’t,” Tim agrees. His heart hammers in his chest as he wishes he could come home to you and your arms, where nothing else would matter.
“I’m sorry.”
He shrugs half-heartedly and offers a small smile. You see right through them to the sadness and guilt beneath. Living with Lucy has accustomed you to touch and physical affection, and you don’t think twice before you hug him.
Your arms wrap over his shoulders, and the brief moment where you think he will pull away ends when his strong arms tighten around your waist. He drops his face to your shoulder and holds you tighter as he clings to you. You feel it, and Tim does too, as he melts in your arms and releases the baggage he’s been carrying for far too long.
“You have people now,” you whisper.
Tim nods against you and raises one arm toward your shoulder to deepen the hug before he pulls away.
“Do you have your phone?” you ask, your hand still on his arm. “I can give you my number so you can call or text any time you want.”
Tim passes you his phone and watches your eyes as you type your contact information. As you place it back in his hand, you repeat your invitation.
“Anything you need, just to talk or listen, I’m here, Tim.”
“Thank you,” Tim replies. He holds your eyes for a moment then asks, “Is Lucy going to give Kojo back?”
You tilt your head back and laugh, and Tim smiles at the sight and the melodious noise. “Nope,” you answer.
“Maybe I should take her roommate to get even,” Tim jokes.
You smile at him as you shake your head. “Take a seat, she’ll be a while. There’s plenty of food, too, so help yourself.”
Tim happily takes a seat, more than willing to pass the time with you while Lucy gets comforted by Kojo. The minutes pass quickly as you and Tim get to know each other. When Lucy’s door opens again, Kojo trots to Tim’s side and Lucy calls that she’s just getting her stuff and she’ll be ready.
“Great, I’m a chauffeur now,” Tim grumbles.
“Tim, you should come over more often,” you suggest. “Only if you’re comfortable with that, of course. I think it would be good for all of us, though.”
You pat Kojo’s head as Tim promises, “I will. And if you ever want to come to my place or meet somewhere, you have my number.”
Lucy emerges before you can answer Tim, and she hugs you tightly to thank you for the cop-iversary present. She tells Tim he’s free to go, to which he rolls his eyes but leaves anyway. You know that you’ll be texting him soon.
“You hugged Tim,” Lucy accuses after he leaves.
“What?” you ask, turning back toward her after watching Tim leave.
“I’m not mad. You’re really good for him.”
“Lucy, I promise it was not my intention to-“
“I know,” she assures, reaching for your hand. “But Tim and I are friends, he clearly likes you… If you want to try, I’m rooting for you.”
She picks up her bag and steps toward the door. “You didn’t ask how I knew you hugged him.”
“Cologne?” you guess.
“Happiness. I saw it on him too, and it’s been a very long time since it was that obvious.”
After she leaves, you unlock your phone and see that Tim has already sent you a text. With his comments and Lucy’s approval, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t pursue whatever it is that’s blooming between you.
“Thanks for the hug and the talk,” you read. You smile as you type a reply: Meet at my favorite restaurant on Friday for more?
The message says ‘delivered’ then ‘read,’ but there’s no reply. A minute passes and you lock your phone. Maybe you misread everything, and he really did just need a hug, and now he’s done. You try to shake it out of your head and begin to clean the kitchen. You’re nearly done when your phone rings.
“Hello?” you answer as you dry your hands.
“Why?” Tim asks.
“I’m older than you,” Tim points out. “And I dated your roommate and then dumped your roommate. I kept secrets and lied and nearly lost my job. There are more reasons than I can count that this wouldn’t work.”
“I know you’re older than me. And I don’t care. Tim, for all of the reasons you just told me that this- that we wouldn’t work, did you think of any reasons we would?”
Tim exhales before he admits, “No.”
“Then I’ll see you Friday, because both of our hearts already know, and for every reason that your brain tells you no, my heart is telling me yes. If yours isn’t, tell me now and we walk away.”
“Mine is too,” Tim whispers.
“Good.” You smile as you say, “Hey, can you get the early bird special, so our first date is cheaper?”
“What do you care? You’re not paying,” Tim replies, an addictive, teasing lilt in his voice.
“I’m glad you came over today, Tim. I needed that hug, too.”
“See you on Friday for more.”
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d0llcuries · 18 days
Hey beautiful! What do you think it would be like to have a childhood love with Neteyam? I would love to see this written by you, your writing is impeccable❤️
⌗ ꒰𝓣𝗐𝗈 𝖿𝗅𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖿𝖺𝗇 𝗅𝗂𝗓𝖺𝗋𝖽𝗌꒱
pairing(s): neteyam x fem!na'vi reader
summary: alongside a boy destined for greatness only, you suffer
author's note: my first ever request i am geeking out rn!!! ◝(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) ◜♡ this was such a delight to write and i truly hope it lives up to ur expectations :3 also pls send more requests i begggggggg. second also,, to gain the most out of your reading experience i recommend listening to “let you go” by clara la san
(i would link it but it doesn't work for sum reason ( ˶•ᴖ•) !!)
edit: oh wait nvm i figured it out :p
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your earliest memories of neteyam are filled with the fond experiences of your shared childhood. you remember the days when your mothers would gather under the open sky, their laughter ringing out like music while you sat beside neteyam. he was the boy with golden eyes, always grinning, always curious, and with him, even the quietest moments seemed to hold something special.
you were shy, clinging to your mother’s side, too nervous to speak or even meet the gaze of others. but neteyam, with his patient nature, never made you feel awkward or rushed. his presence had a quiet sort of assurance, like he knew you'd come out of your shell when you were ready. all he had to do was wait. he was oh so patient and gentle with you in fear that by even speaking too loud he might scare you away from him. you didn’t have to say much, anyway; he’d simply be there, drawing you into his world without a single word.
one day, when you were no older than six, the two of you sat by a small stream, its crystal-clear waters bubbling softly as they wound their way through the lush, bioluminescent foliage. nearby, a pair of glowing fan lizards darted between the trees, their wings shimmering as they moved through the thick, humid air. neteyam pointed them out to you, comparing them to your friendship with him. “that would be us if we were kenten.” you laughed softly at his silliness. he always tried to make you laugh, being the one to make you smile brought him immense pleasure, even then.
“come on, let's go fishing.” he said, turning to look at you with that smile of his, the one that made your stomach feel fluttery and warm. you had only blinked at him, unsure of how to answer, you didn't know how to fish. but that didn’t stop him. he stood up, pulling you gently by the hand. “come on, i will show you how.”
and that’s how it was with him. he didn’t push you to speak when you didn’t want to. instead, he’d offer you his hand, his patience, and his unspoken promise that whatever he was leading you toward would always be safe.
you and neteyam shared countless quiet moments like that. together, you wove crowns from soft vines, his strong hands clumsy at first while your nimble ones worked with natural ease. when his attempts would unravel, he’d laugh, his cheeks flushing the faintest shade of blue, but you’d always fix it with a smile and a flower tucked behind his ear, then everything would be okay again.
as you grew older, you noticed that things began to change. not so much between you and neteyam—no, he was always the same, always there—but the world around you shifted. neteyam was growing into his role, becoming more of a warrior, more of a leader. he spent less time with you, not because he wanted to, but because he had to. training demanded long hours, and when he wasn’t training, he was surrounded by other boys—future warriors, like himself. there were fewer afternoons by the stream and more days where you’d find yourself watching him, your heart oddly heavy with despaira sickening feeling that made your nose burn. they laughed loudly, joked around in ways you couldn’t quite relate to. eywa.. the way your heart would twist when one of the girls would playfully shove him, her eyes bright with something you didn’t want to name. you didn’t like feeling jealous. it wasn’t something you were used to, and it made you uncomfortable. but there it was, that little knot of jealousy, always sitting heavy in your stomach whenever you saw him with someone else. maybe there was something wrong with you. while neteyam was the easygoing, confident and popular warrior, you were still the quiet one. the shy one. the one who couldn’t quite shake the feeling of being on the outside looking in.
you told yourself it didn’t matter, that this was just the way things were supposed to be, but it hurt. a lot more than you were willing to admit. you’d tell yourself it didn’t matter, you had your place in his life, but the ache in your chest told you otherwise. you couldn’t help but feel out of place, as if you were being left behind, still sitting on the sidelines while everyone else moved forward without you.
you missed him. you missed the quiet connection you shared, the way he’d look at you like you were the only person in the world. you missed having him all to yourself.
you wondered if he missed that too.
you couldn't even wallow in good conscience, either. he wasn't doing anything wrong, he hadn't hurt you intentionally. and it wasn’t that neteyam ignored you. he never did. whenever he saw you, his face would light up in that way that made your heart skip, and he’d always make time for you, even if it was just a brief moment between his training sessions. but it wasn’t the same. you weren’t the same.
you weren’t blind to the fact that some of the other boys teased him for it—hanging out with a girl, the way he always seemed to make sure you were okay, even when you were off to the side. they’d throw comments his way, playful jabs meant to make him feel embarrassed, but neteyam never let it bother him. he’d shrug it off, flash them that confident smile, and maybe toss back a joke of his own. but he never let their teasing get in the way of the way he treated you. you were his friend, his closest friend, and nothing anyone said would change that.
what you didn’t know was that neteyam never let their words change the way he saw you. no matter how much they teased or questioned why hung around you, he would always defend you, though he never told you as much. to him, you were more than just a childhood companion. you were the one who knew him in ways no one else did, the one he could always count on, even if the two of you had drifted a little. you were his person. the one he could be quiet with. the one he could just be neteyam with, not the future olo’eyktan, not the skilled hunter. just him. he’d speak of you in ways that made their words fall flat. he’d tell them about how skilled you were with weaving, how you had a way with animals that no one else did, how your quiet nature wasn’t a weakness but a strength. he’d say all these things with such conviction that eventually, the teasing would stop, and some of his friends even began to speak to you with a newfound respect. not that you ever knew why. no, neteyam never told you how he stood up for you, how he made sure everyone knew just how important you were to him.
he thought about you more than he should, really. even when he was training, his mind would wander, wondering what you were doing, if you were sitting by the stream like you used to, if you missed him the way he missed you. he never said anything, though. not because he didn’t want to, but because he didn’t know how. neteyam was a leader, a warrior—he wasn’t supposed to get caught up in feelings like this. but when it came to you, he couldn’t help it.
sometimes, he’d catch you watching him, your eyes soft and sad in a way that made his chest ache. and on those days, he’d find a way to slip away from the others, to find you and remind you that you still mattered to him. he’d sit with you in the quiet places, just like you used to, and you’d talk about everything and nothing all at once. or sometimes, you wouldn’t talk at all, and that was okay too. because being with you, even in silence, was always better than being anywhere else.
the years went on like that, this quiet dance between you. a push and pull that neither of you acknowledged but both of you felt. neteyam would go off and train, surround himself with the others, and you’d watch from a distance, feeling that familiar sting of jealousy. but then he’d come back to you, in those small stolen moments, and everything would feel right again.
in the stillness of the night, when the village had quieted and the stars blinked softly above, you would often find yourself beneath the great tree, kneeling before its glowing roots. with trembling hands, you’d reach out to the sacred tendrils, allowing them to intertwine with your queue, the warmth of tsaheylu forming a direct connection to eywa herself. as soon as the bond was made, a soft hum filled the air, a rhythm of life, and the world seemed to fade away. you would close your eyes, letting the sensation of eywa’s presence wrap around you, offering comfort to the ache deep within. through the bond, you would silently pour out your heart, sharing the loneliness that had taken root, the hurt of watching neteyam slip further into the world of others while you were left behind. you missed the days when he was yours—if only in the quiet ways no one else saw—and the memories of those moments felt like threads slowly unraveling in your hands.
as you made tsaheylu, eywa would listen, her presence gentle yet unwavering, and you could feel her understanding pulse through you, as if she too mourned the shifting tides of your life. you sought her wisdom, asking why it was that neteyam’s laughter with others felt like a knife to your chest, and why you no longer felt enough in his eyes. in that sacred connection, though, eywa offered something more than answers—she gave you peace, a quiet reminder that your worth was not tied to neteyam’s presence or absence. though your heart still ached, there was a growing strength within you, a stirring realization that you, too, were part of the balance of this world, and it was time to let yourself grow. the bond with eywa whispered gently, nudging you forward, reminding you that while you could not control neteyam’s path, you could choose your own, and in that, there was a power you had long forgotten.
it was clear that the great mother had heard you.
as time went on, you changed too. slowly but surely, your once-soft voice became stronger, more assured. you spoke up during gatherings, your words thoughtful and careful, earning the respect of those around you. your smile seemed a little brighter, your laugh rang out a little louder. even the other girls began to take notice, welcoming you into their circles in ways they hadn’t before. the quiet, shy girl he’d known since childhood was beginning to take up more space, stepping into her own.
the older women would often call on you, noticing the quiet grace with which you handled tasks. your hands had become deft at weaving intricate patterns into cloth, your fingers swift and sure, and soon enough, your skill was sought after for more than just small adornments. you became a familiar presence in the community, helping gather herbs for healers or assisting with the intricate beadwork on ceremonial attire. the elders would smile as you passed, offering words of praise, their eyes warm with approval as they watched you grow into yourself. in their gaze, you no longer felt like the shy girl trailing behind—there was a new respect, one you had earned for all by yourself.
neteyam was so proud of you. maybe now that you weren't so painfully uncomfortable in public settings, he could spend more time with you! you were more vibrant now, more seen. it was like the world was finally catching up to what neteyam had always known—that you were special. some of his friends, the very ones who used to tease him for spending so much time with you, began to gravitate toward you. they were curious, drawn in by the way you carried yourself now, with a grace and confidence that was undeniable. he’d catch glimpses of them laughing with you, their eyes lingering a little too long, and it stirred something in him that he didn’t quite understand at first. it was a strange, uncomfortable feeling—one that settled deep in his chest, coiling tight and hot.
his now, increasingly annoying, friends admired you, spoke of you in ways that made him violet with discomfort. neteyam didn’t like it. he didn’t like the way they looked at you, as if they were seeing something new in you, something that had always been his to see. he wasn’t used to sharing you like this, wasn’t used to watching other people discover the parts of you that he had cherished in private. it didn’t sit well with him, though he told himself it was just because things were changing, and change was always hard.
the realization hit him one afternoon, as he watched one of his friends catch your attention, making you laugh in that bright, easy way of yours. neteyam felt a pang of something sharp and uncomfortable, something that burned hot in his chest. jealousy. it was jealousy. and with it came the sudden, undeniable truth that he’d been avoiding for far too long.
you weren’t just his childhood friend anymore. you weren’t just the girl he’d spent years playing with, weaving crowns by the stream and catching the light in the water. you were more than that. you were special in a way he hadn’t fully understood until now, and the thought of someone else seeing you like that—of someone else making you smile the way he always had—made him feel like he was losing something important.
in that moment, as he watched you laugh, so vibrant and full of life, neteyam realized what he had been denying for far too long. maybe you weren’t just his closest friend. maybe you were more than just the girl who had always been by his side. maybe, just maybe, he liked you in a way that made his heart race and his thoughts stumble. it was a slow realization, creeping up on him like the setting sun, and by the time it fully settled in his chest, he knew. this wasn’t just friendship anymore.
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lmk if this whole “shy yn” bit is annoying or uncomfortable, it feels like the most comfortable thing to write for me but i can swing in any direction u guys preferrrr
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agustdef · 1 year
Will You
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Black!Reader
Genre: Fluff; Idol AU/Idolverse
Word Count: 3k
Warning: Light Language
Rating: PG-13
Beta Reader: @hobeemin
A/N: This was due to idk and I have so many ideas that I simply didn’t write a ff that ended up posted for much too long. So here’s to hoping to finishing these ideas.
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“And without further ado, I am more than happy to introduce you to our keynote speaker Ms. YN LN.”
Clapping fills the room, and Jungkook joins in a beat late. His mind wandered as he’d listened to the other speakers for almost an hour. They’d all had interesting things to say, but something about being in a room with all these people with a person at a podium felt too much like school. Plus, a few of them seemed just to enjoy hearing themselves talk.
He refused to admit that to YN, though.
His beautiful girlfriend tried to give him an out when he said he’d come with her for this event. Told him how boring it would be and that she didn’t mind if he just did something else until she was done. Of course, he pushed for it, and she relented with one final warning about how he’d be bored as hell. To a degree, he’d known that going into it, but he wanted to support her. And to see her in her element.
Though they both work in the same industry, they’re on different ends of it. Jungkook as an artist and occasional writer, while YN worked legal. Their first encounter was when an American artist friend of his invited her out to dinner as a thank you for helping him with a contract issue with his label. They’d made him promises and tried to backtrack when it was time for the new contract. YN worked at a firm that specialized in that kind of thing, though they usually worked with smaller artists. His friend had been her big break, bringing in business and a promotion.
Of course, Jungkook was too much of a punk to ask her for her number at that meeting. He was too nervous about if it was forward, and he didn’t want to mess with the mostly professional nature of the event. But he got her card, and that was enough.
Until they kept bumping into each other at the more business-like industry events. Well, half bumping into each other and the other half him hunting down her name on programs and making sure to show up to those panels or events. It made him feel like a little bit of a stalker, but to combat that, he finally got his shit together and asked her out after running into her at a restaurant. 
Grateful to not be turned down was an understatement.
As they got to know each other, he felt himself fall hard and fast. She was perfect. Not in how one thinks when they hear the word, but in how that worked for him. That made their relationship work through the lows as well as the highs. 
I love you slipped out of his mouth five months in. 
If that didn’t explain why he put himself through this boredom, nothing, else would at least not in a way that made sense. His members still sometimes looked at him crazy with how he felt about her and how he could only sometimes find the words to explain it in a coherent way.
“I promise to try not making this too boring for y’all. I can not, however promise it won’t be boring at all. My line of work has to have some pitfalls besides all that paperwork,” YN joked.
The entire room laughs. It’s not the funniest thing in the world, but the way she delivers it and the energy she exudes as a person gets to people. It’s why Jungkook lets out a laugh that’s a little too loud and draws the attention of those around him. And of YN, though she doesn’t look his way to make that clear. He just nose from the way she pauses for a second longer, and her smile widens. 
Embarrassed isn’t even the right word for him at the moment. Part of him wants to flee the room, but he stays in his seat. It helps that anyone who side eyes him switches to being shocked to see him there. Being identified as a member of BTS is what he can handle; being embarrassed is not, despite what his variety show content and the lives over the years might suggest.
To let the feeling pass, he focused on the stage. Well, on YN.
“For those who don’t know me, I’m YN LN, and I've been working at Heights Law for the last six or seven years,. We specialize in fair contracts for indie artists. From things with their label to tours, merchandise, the people they hire, and even contracts between members if it’s a group. About thirty-five percent of those we work with don’t even have a label they’re signed to and don’t want to. And then about twenty percent of our clients are more mainstream artists looking for the same services.
We don’t work with any sort of label because we feel it ties us to worrying too much about keeping on their good side when trying to figure things out. And while we are not on a mission to do anything that would be, for the lack of a better word, line crossing with the people we are trying to get to sign the contracts, our clients come first. That’s made us stand out in a way y’all may have heard about a time or two. I’d like to personally apologize for making you sit through articles about a certain label trying to screw over up and coming artist Minx and all the weird things that were honestly not so weird about her tour rider.”
Again laughter, but with some whispers and grumbles thrown in. That entire situation had everyone in the industry confused as hell, and for the last few months, they thought Minx was trying to be greedy until everything was settled and it was shown that all her asks weren’t as crazy as they’d seemed. Even Jungkook found himself looking at YN like she’d lost it with every new bit of information that was released. He’d asked her about it, but she gave him a look, and he had to wait out the outcome like everyone else. 
“And for this, I think Minx is the perfect situation to discuss. I mean, when else will you see how things can go when a former lawyer turned pop star wants to sign with the label she used to work for but knows all their tricks.”
That was all it took to have people enthralled. After everything settled, everyone still had a million questions about it, but they were still waiting for someone at the firm to answer them. Jungkook had the fortune of dating YN around the time, so he got her to tell him, and Minx had invited them somewhere and told him more. So, he knew everything.
Which meant he could just stare at her. He didn’t think of himself as the type to be much of a creepy person, even if him trying to run into her wasn’t a clear indication of that. That and that looking at her was one of his favorite pastimes. 
YNs cute.
He would and did use a million words to describe her. But the first thought in his brain when he saw her was how cute she was, and he felt his heart triple in size from that alone. Her genuine smile and soft features do a lot to counteract the fact that she’s only an inch shorter than me, which throws people off when they meet her and had only seen her face before.
Those legs of hers, when she wears heels, drive Jungkook absolutely feral. And he has to fight off the thought of them as his mind spirals. He focused instead on the light tint of pink pushing through the brown skin because of all the bright lighting, the way there’s a stray piece of hair not as curly as the rest that she swears isn’t from heat damage, and she can fix, the soft red of her lips, and the way every part of her body seems light and open as she talks about a subject she loves. A look he’s familiar with and is how he knows she looks at him. 
More than anything, Jungkook is sure that YN loves him as much as he loves her, and like a revelation, he knows how much that is. How much space that love takes up in him, to the point that sometimes it feels like it’s overflowing. Right now, it feels like it’s overflowing.
That one word pulls him out of his head, but he looks at YN with a clarity he didn’t have a few minutes ago, let alone a few hours ago.
Someone clears their throat, but his eyes don’t leave her.
“Why not just go with what the label wanted? I mean, sure, Minx had the background, but that shouldn’t make her any different than any other artist. Should she not be thankful to get into the place twice on different sides of it?”
There was agreement in the crowd, but it died out quickly with everyone else's quietness drop quiet.
Despite the shift in vibes, there’s a smile on YN’s face. 
“Why do you think that? Is it because others don’t have that same knowledge? I can see how that could be seen as unfair because it is. But because she has the background,, she used it to help herself best,, which made it so we could best help her and those in the future. However, I can assure you that they changed their contract language a lot since then. Height and many other firms who deal with them and this kind of thing all saw a shift for the better and for the worst with them. So, while you may wonder why Minx didn’t simply take what she should be lucky to have gotten from them, I hope you’re settled by the fact that unless the rare thing happens. Someone else does the same thing, no one else will be able to give the insight on how to best make the next contract work for the client in the way she did.”
The response is assertive, sarcastic, and professionally annoyed. It doesn’t leave room for anyone to say anything that doesn’t make them look any more like an ass. But the man at the podium opens his mouth a few times to try and figure out what to say. In the end, he walks away from the mic with his head down. Jungkook is sure that if it weren’t for pride, he would walk out of the room altogether.
“Any more questions,” YN said after a moment.
There’s one that Jungkook has. One he needs answered, but he finds himself glued to his seat.
Several people go up and ask their questions, all of them better than the first one, though some of them toe the line. There are also a few that Jungkook would deem flirting, but they don’t bother him. Not with the thoughts swarming around in his head.
Before he knows it, she answers the last question, and everyone is dismissed. A few linger to talk, but with this day being so packed, everyone wants to rush off to the next talk or event happening.
He sits in the seat for about fifteen minutes before she walks up to him, and when she puts her hand on his shoulder, he looks up at her startled, even though he watched her approach him.
“Ready to go?”
Jungkook’s mouth opens and closes as he stares at her. He feels all over the place, but none of it’s uncertainty or doubt.
“I have a question,” he managed.
“I have a question. I didn’t get the chance to ask it in there. I was… I’m nervous to ask it, and I couldn’t do it in there.”
YN frowned. “You can always ask me anything, my love. No need to be nervous about it. Plus, I’m sure yours is better than some of the bullshit I get asked in general when it comes to work.”
For a moment, Jungkook says nothing. All he can do is stare at her and try to keep his breathing normal. The latter is the hardest part, but YN takes his hand in hers and squeezes it tight.
Taking a breath, he gets to his feet, takes both of her hands in his, and stares into her eyes. He’s more than sure about what he has to say.
“Will you marry me?”
Question nor answer was said with any hesitation. However, Jungkook could tell that YN was still trying to process what was happening. He was too, but that wasn’t important now.
After a second, Jungkook released one of her hands, and with the other firm in his grasp, he led her out of the room. He hears her ask a question, but it doesn’t fully register in his brain. All his focus is on weaving through the crowd of people and out the door of the convention center. The place isn’t as isolated as some can be, so he walked past the parking lot where his car is and made his way past the hotel they were staying at.
“Where are we going?”
There’s a loud exhale too, but Jungkook paid it no mind. He’s on a mission. 
“For goodness sake, Kookie.”
YN matches his pace though she’s clearly confused by what the hell is happening. He knew he should say something, but couldn’t find his words just yet, so he kept walking until ten minutes later, they were in front of a popular celebrity-use jewelry store.
A few of the things he bought for himself and others - YN included - were from here, so he had a code that they gave him to get in. The door buzzed them in, and the moment that they walked in, there was a person there and ready to help. Though it might not be obvious to most, it was clear from the knowing smile on the woman’s face she knew what was up. 
Didn’t stop Jungkook from being so flustered, though. 
“Hi. Engagement rings. I mean, we would like to see engagement rings.”
Without a word, she directed them to the back of the store. They followed close behind her, and when they entered the room, she’s taking them to another person is setting down a tray of rings, with others sitting on a cart behind him.
Yeah, she knew.
Once everything is on the table, the man leaves, and they’re directed to sit. The woman who welcomed them stands on the other side of the table.
“This is a collection of all the rings we sell in the store. Though there are others, we can have custom made if what you see in front of you isn’t the right fit or you want a mix of styles. There’s a mix of the traditional sort and the non-traditional. Some are even without diamonds. Please, take your time to look through them and see if something catches your eye.”
Then she’s gone, and all the sound goes with her.
“We’re doing this?”
“You asked me.”
Jungkook finally turns and looks at her, and despite all the nerves he’s feeling about if she’ll take it back, there’s a smile on her face. And a lack of anxiety like what’s going through him. Though he can tell, she’s a little thrown off by it all.
“I did. And I want to.”
“Then we better start looking, yeah?”
All the tension that was once there leaves the room, and they both turn their attention to the hundreds of rings in front of them. It’s an overwhelming site, but they dive into them. Jungkook tries to get YN to try some on, but she says that she doesn’t want to just yet, so they set them on the empty tray right in front of them. 
Each one feels perfect to Jungkook, but not right. More of the diamond rings that look how he’s used to seeing American engagement rings look like end up on the tray, which isn’t much of a shock with YN’s usual preferences.
A tray marked as morganite is second to last, and Jungkook almost avoids it, but then one ring calls to him. His eyes zone in on it, and he reaches for it just as YN gasps. His neck nearly breaks when he turns to look at her, but the slight pain means nothing as he follows her gaze to the ring he was reaching for.
Without another thought, he picks it up, takes her hand, and slides it into place. Though it’s a little loose, it fits her finger. The oval champagne colored gem is on a white gold band and surrounded on either side with diamonds that fan out, almost like leaves on the stem of a flower. They wrap perfectly around her finger and stop before they reach the palm side. Everything about it is YN. Is them.
“Perfection,” YN whispered.
And like the whirlwind that this was, Jungkook was happy to find that they had the same ring, the right size, on the premises, and he paid for it right then and there. It only left YN’s finger so they could clean it, and then it was on again.
They walked out of the room, and both were on a cloud. All those nerves Jungkook felt before were gone, but something else replaced it.
“I guess we have a wedding to plan. I can’t imagine when we’d even have it,” YN said.
Not the least bit startled, she turned to him with a raised brow. 
“I… I don’t know. Maybe?”
Silence sat between them for what felt like forever, and then YN turned her attention back to the jeweler.
“We need to see wedding bands, too,” she said, then turned back to Jungkook. “And you need to start making phone calls.”
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drvirgus · 6 months
Protecting (my heart)
Idol! Minji X bodyguard! Reader
Description: getting a new job as NewJeans bodyguard isn't really something Y/n thought would happen to her. What exactly happens when she suddenly felt attracted to one of the NewJeans members? Can Y/n stay professional or are her feelings for Minji too much to handle?
Warnings: stalking; harassment; kys jokes; suggestive language; death threats; mention of abuse; mention of murder;
Chapter: I’m waiting (half-written)
Smiling, I looked at Hanni as I held the tongs in my hand. The smell of grilled meat wafted under my nose as I patiently waited. Hanni had her drink in hand and was telling one of her stories, which brought a smile to my face.
Chuckling, I turned the meat over to cook the other side. Beside me, Minji nodded, also giving Hanni her full attention, a small smile on her lips. As individual pieces of meat were ready, I placed them on Hanni's and Minji's plates. Both of them immediately thanked me as I put more meat on the grill.
I watched as Hanni and Minji ate, which made me smile. "We shouldn't eat too much," Hanni sighed. "I heard some complaints about us gaining weight," she explained when she noticed my questioning gaze.
I looked a bit more serious and rolled my eyes. "Eat as much as you want. Screw what others think," I said, taking a deep breath. My jaw was slightly tense. "You both. All of you have perfect figures," I said, narrowing my eyes slightly. "So don't force yourselves and just live. That's how life is more fun," I added, laughing lightly, which Minji immediately agreed with.
So I kept putting meat on their plates until Minji leaned closer to me. "You eat too," she said, holding out the salad with kimchi and meat to me. I smiled and opened my mouth, allowing Minji to feed me.
I smiled, which made Minji smile too. Hanni watched the whole thing and started giggling as she filled our shot glasses with soju. She raised her glass, and we followed suit, clinking our glasses together before downing the drinks.
My eyes scanned the empty store. Unfortunately, it had to be this way. After all, I was here with two very famous idols. "By the way, I'm leaving for two days tomorrow," Minji said, looking at me.
"At what time? I'll drive you," I immediately replied. Hanni chuckled when she noticed how familiar Minji and I already were with each other. She seemed to be watching us closely, but I didn't really notice.
Minji smiled at me immediately as she sighed. Her head rested on my shoulder. "The flight is at 10," she said, and I nodded immediately. I hummed a little as I continued to check the meat and turned it. "Then I'll pick you up around 7? We could have breakfast before you fly," I said, and Minji lifted her head from my shoulder with a wide smile on her lips as she nodded eagerly.
I smiled and nodded back. Now I set the tongs aside. "I'll just go to the bathroom for a moment," I said, looking at Minji and then Hanni before I stood up and made my way to the restroom.
Unaware of the conversation Hanni and Minji were having, which I naturally wasn't supposed to know about, I returned to the table with still slightly damp hands that I shook off along the way. Unfortunately, I noticed two tall, visibly drunk men standing at the table, apparently conversing with the two idols.
With a furrowed brow, I approached the table. My eyes immediately scanned the two men as I scrutinized them for any signs of a camera, phone, or even a weapon.
"I'm sorry. This is a private event," I said, putting on a friendly smile and drawing the attention of the men towards me.
I was an idiot for forgetting to lock the door...
"Why though? It's boring just being with three people," one of the men said, and the slightly shorter one nodded with a grin on his face. The smaller one, who was still taller than all of us, leaned towards me.
"Let us join. I promise we'll have a lot of fun," he said, his breath smelling of alcohol, which immediately gave me an uncomfortable feeling. I sighed, but I stood my ground. "Please leave the premises," I reiterated, this time with an even more serious tone and no smile on my face.
The drunk friend just chuckled as he suddenly grabbed Hanni's arm. With a quick movement, I grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind his back, my other hand on his shoulder.
He screamed in pain, "Damn bitch, let me go!" he demanded, but I simply dragged him towards the door, his smaller friend watching with his mouth hanging open.
With a shove, I threw the man out of the store. I could see him rubbing his wrist in pain. "I could easily beat you up," he threatened me, but he didn't move an inch.
I ignored him and turned to his drunk friend. "Are you leaving voluntarily, or do I have to do the same with you?" I asked calmly, causing him to nervously smile. As he walked away, he bowed repeatedly to the idols and me. "I've only had my arm broken recently. I don't want any trouble," he slurred as he voluntarily left the store.
"Damn. That slut lied," I heard one of the drunk men mutter as I simply closed and locked the door. With a sigh, I returned to the table where Minji and Hanni were looking at me with wide eyes.
I cleared my throat as I settled properly into my seat, my eyes focused on Hanni. "Did he hurt you?" I asked, visibly concerned, but Hanni shook her head in response. Annoyed, I sighed again. "I'm sorry. That was my mistake. I forgot to lock the door," I explained, but neither of them reacted.
Questioningly, I looked first at Hanni and then at Minji. "What's wrong?" I asked casually as I took the tongs once again and placed new meat on the grill. The sizzling sound could be heard clearly throughout the room.
"How can you be so casual about it? You just kicked them out without any problem," Hanni said, leaning forward slightly with her mouth open. I laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck.
"Well, I'm not your bodyguard for nothing," I replied with a smile, feeling my cheeks flush slightly. Hanni laughed in response, which made Minji laugh too.
Surprised by the loud sound Minji made, I raised my eyebrows and looked at her. Hanni refilled our glasses again. "That's how she always laughs," Hanni said. My eyes still on Minji as I simply smiled. I could feel my face relaxing completely.
My heartbeat quickened.
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110 notes · View notes
cool-fancier · 2 months
Frozen Flame
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Synopsis: A college student's long-held crush on Jisoo culminates in a passionate encounter, igniting a fiery romance that awakens deep desires and intimate connections.
Word count:4.2K
This was requested and if any of you guys do have requests of the girls , please do let me know and I promise I will try my best.
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The campus was alive with its usual energy—a mix of laughter, conversations, and the sounds of footsteps echoing off the pavement. You were sitting on a bench near the art building, your sketchpad open in your lap, though your pencil had long since stilled. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the lawn, bathing everything in a warm, golden light, but your thoughts were elsewhere.
It had been another typical day, filled with classes and the usual interactions, but it was hard to ignore the ever-present undercurrent of tension that seemed to linger in the air whenever she was around. Jisoo. The raven-haired beauty who had a way of commanding attention without ever asking for it, who moved through life with a cool, collected demeanor that made her seem untouchable.
You had admired her from afar for a long time now—admired, and maybe even something more. But getting close to Jisoo was like trying to get close to a glacier; she was distant, impenetrable, and just when you thought you might be getting somewhere, she would retreat into herself, leaving you questioning everything. Even though you shared some classes and had mutual friends, Jisoo had always kept you at a distance, her interactions with you minimal, almost perfunctory.
— — — — —
Your best friend, Lisa, often teased you about your "cold crush," as she called it, though she knew better than anyone how much it affected you. Lisa was the opposite of Jisoo in every way—bright, bubbly, and always full of energy. The two of you had been inseparable since your first year at university, and she was one of the few people who knew about your feelings for Jisoo.
Today, Lisa had dragged you to a campus event, a small exhibition featuring the work of local artists. It wasn't really your thing, but Lisa was enthusiastic, and you never could say no to her. Now, as you sat waiting for Lisa to return from a snack run, your mind wandered back to the one person you couldn't stop thinking about.
You hadn't seen Jisoo at the exhibition, but that wasn't surprising. She didn't attend many social events, preferring to keep to herself or hang out with her close-knit group of friends—Jennie and Rosé. The three of them were practically inseparable, and you often caught glimpses of them together, laughing at some inside joke or deep in conversation. Jennie was the more outgoing of the trio, with a sharp wit and a playful demeanor that contrasted with Jisoo's reserved nature. Rosé was warm and kind, with a soft-spoken charm that drew people in. They were as close as sisters, and you couldn't help but envy the ease with which they interacted with Jisoo.
You sighed, staring down at your sketchpad. You had tried to draw, to distract yourself from your thoughts, but the blank page was a testament to your inability to focus. It was always like this when Jisoo was on your mind—an endless loop of what-ifs and maybes that left you feeling more confused than ever.
"Hey, Y/N! I got us some snacks!"
Lisa's cheerful voice broke through your reverie, and you looked up to see her bounding toward you, a bag of chips in one hand and a couple of drinks in the other. She flashed you a bright smile as she plopped down on the bench beside you, handing you one of the drinks.
"Thanks," you said, offering her a small smile in return.
Lisa took a sip of her drink before nudging you with her elbow. "You look like you're a million miles away. Thinking about a certain someone, perhaps?"
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn't help the small smile that tugged at your lips. "Am I that obvious?"
"Only to someone who knows you as well as I do," Lisa said with a grin. "Come on, spill. Did you see her today?"
You shook your head, your smile fading slightly. "No. I haven't seen her since yesterday."
Lisa frowned, concern flickering in her eyes. "Y/N, you've got to stop torturing yourself like this. I know you like her, but if she's not making any moves..."
"I know," you cut in, not wanting to hear the rest. Lisa was right, of course. Jisoo wasn't making any moves, and yet, you couldn't seem to let go. "It's just... complicated."
"It doesn't have to be," Lisa said softly, her tone more serious now. "You deserve someone who's going to be there for you, someone who won't keep you guessing."
You nodded, though deep down, you knew it wasn't that simple. Jisoo might have been distant, but there were moments—brief, fleeting moments—when you thought you saw something in her eyes, something that made you believe she felt the same way. But those moments were rare, and they left you more confused than ever.
"Anyway," Lisa said, clearly sensing that you didn't want to dwell on the subject, "let's focus on something else. How about we check out the rest of the exhibition? I heard there's some really cool stuff in the next room."
You nodded, grateful for the distraction. "Sure, let's go."
— — — — —
The two of you stood up, and as you made your way through the exhibition, you did your best to push thoughts of Jisoo out of your mind. But it wasn't easy, especially when you knew that at any moment, you could turn a corner and see her with Jennie and Rosé, laughing and talking as if the world outside their little trio didn't exist.
The evening passed in a blur of art and conversation, and by the time you and Lisa left the exhibition, the sun had dipped below the horizon, leaving the campus bathed in twilight. As you walked back to your dorm, you felt a little lighter, the weight of your earlier thoughts easing somewhat.
"Thanks for dragging me out tonight," you said to Lisa as you reached your building. "I needed that."
"Anytime," Lisa said with a smile. "Just remember, I'm here for you, okay? No matter what happens with Jisoo, you've got me."
You smiled, touched by her words. "I know. Thanks, Lisa."
As you made your way up to your room, you couldn't help but wonder what Jisoo was doing right now. Was she with Jennie and Rosé, laughing and talking, or was she alone in her room, lost in her own thoughts? The thought of her alone made your heart ache, but you quickly pushed it aside. Jisoo had chosen to keep her distance, and you had to respect that, no matter how much it hurt.
— — — — —
The next day was a blur of classes and assignments, and you tried to keep your focus on your work. But as the day wore on, you found yourself thinking about Jisoo again. It was like a compulsion, this need to see her, to be near her, even if she barely acknowledged your presence.
It was late afternoon when you finally saw her. You were sitting outside the library, going over some notes, when you caught sight of Jisoo walking across the courtyard with Jennie and Rosé. They were deep in conversation, and Jisoo's expression was as unreadable as ever. She didn't notice you, or if she did, she gave no indication.
You watched them for a moment, your heart sinking as you took in the easy camaraderie between the three of them. Jennie was talking animatedly, her hands gesturing as she spoke, while Rosé laughed at something Jennie said. Jisoo was more reserved, but there was a small smile on her lips, one that made your chest tighten.
Just as you were about to look away, Jennie said something that made Jisoo glance in your direction. For a split second, your eyes met, and in that brief moment, you saw something in her gaze—something dark, something intense. But before you could even process it, Jisoo looked away, her expression unreadable once more.
You sighed, your heart heavy as you watched them walk away. You couldn't keep doing this to yourself, couldn't keep hoping for something that might never happen. But even as you told yourself this, you knew you were lying. You weren't ready to give up on Jisoo, not yet.
— — — — —
Later that evening, you were in your dorm room, trying to finish an assignment, when your phone buzzed with a message. You glanced at the screen, your heart skipping a beat when you saw Lisa's name.
LalaLisa: Hey, wanna grab a late-night snack? I'm starving!
You smiled, grateful for the distraction.
You: Sure, meet you at the usual spot?
LalaLisa: Yep! Be there in 10.
You quickly gathered your things and headed out, the cool night air refreshing as you made your way to the café where you and Lisa often met. It was a small, cozy place, open late to cater to the night owls on campus, and it had become a favorite spot of yours.
When you arrived, Lisa was already there, sitting at a table near the window. She waved at you as you entered, and you quickly joined her, sliding into the seat across from her.
"How's it going?" Lisa asked, flashing you a bright smile as she pushed a menu across the table.
You returned the smile, though it didn't quite reach your eyes. "It's been a day," you said with a sigh. "I'm trying to get this assignment done, but my mind is all over the place."
Lisa gave you a knowing look, her expression softening. "Still thinking about her?"
You nodded, not trusting yourself to say more. Lisa didn't press, instead changing the subject to something light and trivial as you both ordered some snacks. The café was quiet, with only a few other students scattered around, their voices a low murmur in the background. It was the kind of atmosphere that usually helped you relax, but tonight, it felt like something was pressing down on you, making it hard to breathe.
As you sat there, stirring your drink absentmindedly, the door to the café opened, and you glanced up out of habit. Your breath caught in your throat when you saw who had just walked in. Jisoo, Jennie, and Rosé. Of course, they would be here—it was one of the few places on campus that was still open late.
The three of them were laughing about something, Jennie nudging Jisoo playfully while Rosé tried to shush them, clearly aware of the quiet atmosphere in the café. They hadn't noticed you yet, but you felt your heart rate quicken as they approached the counter to order.
Lisa followed your gaze, her eyes widening slightly when she saw who it was. "Oh boy," she muttered, glancing back at you. "You okay?"
You forced a nod, trying to keep your expression neutral. "Yeah, I'm fine."
But you weren't fine. You were anything but fine. The mere sight of Jisoo, so close yet so far, was enough to send your emotions spiraling. You wanted to look away, to focus on anything else, but your eyes were glued to her, to the way she leaned against the counter, her posture relaxed yet somehow distant, as if she was there but not really present.
Just as you were about to tear your gaze away, Jennie's eyes flicked in your direction, and she nudged Jisoo with her elbow. Jisoo looked up, following Jennie's gaze, and her eyes landed on you. For a moment, everything else faded away—the low hum of conversation, the clinking of glasses, even the presence of Lisa beside you. It was just you and Jisoo, locked in a gaze that felt like it could burn right through you.
There was something in Jisoo's eyes, something dark and unreadable. It wasn't the first time you had seen that look, but it was the first time you felt like it might actually mean something. For a split second, you thought she might come over, might say something, anything, but instead, she looked away, her expression closing off as quickly as it had opened.
You felt a pang of disappointment, but it was quickly overshadowed by the flutter of nerves in your stomach. You hadn't expected her to come over, hadn't expected anything, really, but it still hurt. And yet, as much as it hurt, it also made you wonder—what was holding her back? What was she so afraid of?
Jennie and Rosé seemed oblivious to the tension, chatting away as they grabbed their drinks and headed to a table on the other side of the café. Jisoo followed, her movements almost mechanical, as if she were just going through the motions. You watched her go, your heart heavy with the weight of everything unsaid.
Lisa's voice broke through your thoughts. "That was... intense," she said quietly, her eyes searching your face for any sign of how you were feeling.
You let out a shaky breath, trying to gather your thoughts. "Yeah," you murmured. "I don't know what to do, Lisa. I just... I don't know."
Lisa reached across the table, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. "Maybe it's time to make a move," she suggested gently. "I know it's scary, but if you don't, you're just going to keep torturing yourself like this. You deserve to know where you stand."
You knew she was right, but the thought of confronting Jisoo, of laying your feelings bare, terrified you. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if she did, but couldn't admit it? There were too many variables, too many unknowns, and it was enough to make your head spin.
But as you sat there, your eyes drifting back to where Jisoo was sitting with Jennie and Rosé, laughing at something Jennie said, you realized that you couldn't keep living in this limbo. You had to do something, anything, to break the cycle.
"I'll think about it," you said finally, meeting Lisa's gaze. "But not tonight. I just... I need to clear my head."
Lisa nodded, understanding in her eyes. "Of course. No pressure. Just remember, whatever happens, I've got your back."
You smiled, grateful for her support. "Thanks, Lisa. I don't know what I'd do without you."
The two of you stayed for a while longer, the conversation light and easy, though your mind kept drifting back to Jisoo. As you finally got up to leave, you couldn't resist one last glance in her direction. She was watching you, her eyes following your every move, and for a moment, you thought you saw something flicker in her gaze—something like longing, or maybe even regret. But before you could fully process it, she looked away, her expression unreadable once more.
— — — — —
The next few days passed in a blur. You threw yourself into your studies, trying to keep busy, trying to ignore the nagging thoughts of Jisoo that refused to leave you alone. But it was no use. She was always there, in the back of your mind, a constant, inescapable presence.
Lisa noticed, of course. She always did. But she didn't push, didn't ask questions, just offered her quiet support in the way only she could. It helped, but only a little. Because no matter what you did, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was coming, something you couldn't avoid.
It was late one evening when everything finally came to a head. You were in the library, trying to finish an essay that was due the next day, when you heard someone approaching. You looked up, expecting to see Lisa or maybe one of your classmates, but your heart nearly stopped when you saw who it was.
She was standing at the end of your table, her expression unreadable, her dark eyes locked on yours. For a moment, neither of you said anything, the air between you thick with tension. Then, slowly, she moved closer, her steps deliberate, almost hesitant, as if she wasn't sure what she was doing.
"Y/N," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
You swallowed, your heart pounding in your chest. "Jisoo," you replied, your voice shaking slightly.
She didn't say anything for a long moment, just stood there, her gaze never leaving yours. Then, finally, she took a deep breath, as if steeling herself for what she was about to say.
"I... I need to talk to you," she said, her voice tight with something you couldn't quite place.
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak. Your mind was racing, a thousand thoughts swirling in your head, but none of them made any sense. All you knew was that this moment, whatever it was, felt important.
Jisoo hesitated, glancing around the library as if to make sure no one else was around. Then, in a voice so quiet you almost didn't hear it, she said, "Can we go somewhere private?"
You blinked, caught off guard by her request. "Sure," you said after a moment, your voice barely above a whisper. "Where?"
She glanced at the door, her expression unreadable. "There's a study room upstairs. No one uses it this late."
You nodded, gathering your things and following her out of the library. Your heart was pounding, your thoughts a jumbled mess as you tried to figure out what was happening. Was this it? Was this the moment you had been waiting for? Or was it something else entirely, something you couldn't predict?
Jisoo led you up the stairs and down a quiet hallway, stopping in front of a small, unmarked door. She pushed it open, revealing a simple study room with a table and a few chairs. The walls were lined with bookshelves, the space lit by a single overhead light. It was quiet, almost too quiet, and you felt a shiver run down your spine as you stepped inside.
Jisoo closed the door behind you, her movements slow, almost hesitant. Then she turned to face you, her eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your breath catch in your throat.
— — — — —
The air in the small study room felt thick with anticipation as you and Jisoo stood there, the silence between you heavy with unspoken words. Her tentative nod, though subtle, was enough to set your heart racing. It was the first real crack in the icy exterior she'd always presented, a glimpse into the feelings she'd kept hidden for so long.
You took a slow, deep breath, trying to steady your nerves as you looked into her eyes. "Jisoo," you began, your voice soft but unwavering, "I've wanted to say something to you for a while now... but I never knew if I should. I didn't know if you felt the same way, or if I was just imagining things."
Her eyes flickered with something unreadable, but she didn't look away. That was all the encouragement you needed to continue.
"I like you, Jisoo. More than just... a friend or a classmate. I've liked you for so long, but you've always been so distant, so hard to reach. I kept telling myself that maybe I was wrong, that maybe you didn't feel the same way, but... I couldn't shake this feeling that there was something between us. Something real."
Jisoo's lips parted slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but no words came out. Her gaze held yours, and you could see the turmoil in her eyes, the battle between her fear and the emotions she'd been suppressing for so long.
You took a small, tentative step closer, closing some of the distance between you. "I don't want to push you," you said gently, "but I need to know. Is there a chance you feel the same way?"
For a long moment, Jisoo was silent, her gaze dropping to the floor as if she couldn't bear to look at you. Then, slowly, she took a shaky breath and whispered, "I do."
The words were barely audible, but they hit you like a wave, washing over you with a mix of relief and something deeper, something electric. She looked up at you again, her eyes filled with a raw vulnerability that took your breath away.
"I've felt this way for a long time," Jisoo admitted, her voice trembling slightly. "But I didn't know how to handle it. I didn't know how to be around you without... without feeling like I was losing control."
You stepped closer, close enough that you could feel the warmth of her body, the slight tremble in her hands as she kept them at her sides. "You don't have to be afraid," you murmured, your heart aching at the sight of her so vulnerable, so open in a way she'd never been before. "I'm here, Jisoo. I want this, too."
She swallowed hard, her eyes searching yours as if trying to find the reassurance she needed. Slowly, almost hesitantly, she reached out, her fingers brushing against yours. The touch was light, tentative, but it sent a jolt of electricity through you, setting your nerves alight.
"I don't want to mess this up," Jisoo whispered, her voice barely above a breath.
"You won't," you promised, intertwining your fingers with hers, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "We can take this at whatever pace you're comfortable with. I'm not going anywhere."
She looked at you then, really looked at you, and you could see the fear slowly melting away, replaced by something warmer, something more certain. Jisoo took a step closer, and then another, until there was barely any space left between you. Her free hand came up to cup your cheek, her touch gentle, almost reverent.
"Y/N," she breathed, her eyes dark with emotion. "I want this, too. I want you."
That was all it took for the dam to break. The next moment, your lips were on hers, capturing her in a kiss that was soft and tentative at first, but quickly deepened as the pent-up emotions between you spilled over. Jisoo's hand slid from your cheek to the back of your neck, pulling you closer as she kissed you with a hunger that matched your own.
You could feel her trembling slightly, the mix of desire and nervousness evident in every touch, every breath. Your hands found their way to her waist, pulling her flush against you as the kiss grew more intense, more heated. Jisoo let out a soft, almost desperate sound against your lips, and it was all the encouragement you needed to take things further.
Without breaking the kiss, you guided her backward until she was pressed up against the wall, your body crowding hers as you deepened the kiss. Jisoo's hands were in your hair now, her fingers threading through the strands as she held you close, as if afraid you might pull away.
But you had no intention of pulling away. You wanted this just as much as she did, and you were determined to show her just how much.
Your lips trailed from hers to her jaw, then down to the delicate curve of her neck, pressing soft, open-mouthed kisses against her skin. Jisoo's breath hitched, her head tilting back to give you better access, and you could feel her pulse quicken under your lips.
As your lips brushed against the sensitive skin of her neck, Jisoo let out a soft sigh, her hands tightening in your hair as if anchoring herself to the moment. You paused, pulling back just enough to meet her gaze once more. Her cheeks were flushed, eyes half-lidded, but there was a warmth in her expression that made your heart swell.
"Are you okay?" you asked gently, your voice barely a whisper.
Jisoo nodded, her lips curving into a small, reassuring smile. "More than okay," she murmured, her voice tender, filled with a newfound confidence.
You smiled back, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. The two of you stood there, wrapped in each other's warmth, the intensity of the moment settling into something softer, more intimate. You could feel her heart beating in sync with yours, a rhythm that spoke of possibilities yet to be explored.
"I'm glad we're finally here," you said, your thumb lightly tracing her cheek.
"Me too," she replied, her voice tinged with a sweet sincerity. "I was so scared, but now... it feels right. It feels like it was always supposed to be this way."
With a gentle squeeze of her hand, you stepped back, giving her the space to breathe, to process everything that had just unfolded. Jisoo took a deep breath, her eyes still locked on yours, and for the first time, there was no hesitation, no lingering doubt. Just the promise of something beautiful.
"Let's take it slow," you suggested, your voice calm and steady. "We have all the time in the world, and I want to enjoy every moment with you."
Jisoo's smile widened, a soft laugh escaping her lips as she nodded in agreement. "I'd like that," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "No rush, just... us."
The two of you shared another tender kiss, this one unhurried, savoring the sweetness of the moment. When you finally pulled away, it was with a sense of contentment, knowing that this was just the beginning of something wonderful.
Hand in hand, you walked out of the room together, ready to embrace whatever the future had in store, knowing that as long as you had each other, everything would be just fine.
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runningfrom2am · 11 months
leveling the playing field XIV
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summary: with nowhere else to go after getting caught cheating to help lucy gray, you both make some desperately stupid decisions.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.2k
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. do they love each other or hate each other? who knows (we do, kind of). implications and mentions of abuse, so read with caution!! also a little bit of swearing but that's neither here nor there. oh, and manipulation (both of them lowkey)
masterlists // nav // requests
a/n: omg so the next part has over 5k words and its not even close to being done?? should i post it all at once or break it up?? lmk your thoughts! also!! i think there's only two parts left omg... BUT do not fear bc i'm also writing another little thing for this and i feel like i'll keep doing that :)
series masterlist
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You run back out to the stage, just as the Covey band's song is about to end. It was the last one, you thought, if their at home rehearsals were any indicator. You climb back up the side with an exaggerated stumble in your step, drawing the attention of Lucy Gray. She gave you a confused look, having expected that you and Coriolanus would be quite busy, especially after your song. She didn't expect you back on stage at all that night.
You smile and take the mic before she can say goodnight to the audience. "How about one more? I've had a second wind!" You say, looking to the band for their approval. Everyone besides Lucy Gray just giggles at you and nods.
"Alrighty, well, we'd really love to but our Sage here has clearly had a bit to drink and needs to get home." Lucy Gray tries to save it with a joke.
"Oh, come on, Lucy Gray. Live a little!" You laugh, playfully nudging her shoulder. "Who wants one more!" You call out which is returned with whistles and claps of encouragement.
"Alright, alright. Just one more, though." She agrees, smile returning to her face as he shakes her head.
The song ends and the band is packing up, and you can only hope that Coryo is long gone. The floor empties out, and you watch as Maude Ivory hops off the stage.
"Hey, Maude Ivory!" You call after her, hiding the sense of urgency in your voice. "Hey, can you help me clean up the floor before you grab a drink? I'll grab you your water." You offer, hurrying behind her to keep her from going to the back room. You didn't want her to see the bodies you assumed were still back there.
"Yes ma'am." She nods, giving you a quick salute.
"It's not a lot today, just a few bottles we can reuse." You smile at her as she skips out to start at the opposite edge of the room. "Lucy Gray, c'mere." You call to her as she closes up her old guitar case.
"You okay?" She asks, confused by your sudden sobriety.
"Come with me." You whisper, leading her into the back hallway in front of the door.
She follows, worry creased into her brow. Suddenly, she notes the red spots across the front of your dress which were almost invisible under the stage lights and among the red accents of the fabric.
"Something happened, okay? You can't let them come back here." You insist, referring to her family. "And you can't tell anyone."
"What?" She asks in a hushed tone, glancing past you toward the door. "Is it Coriolanus?"
Before you can explain, she's pushing past you and shoving the door open. You follow her quickly, reaching your arms around her to cover her mouth to keep any kind of reaction from being heard. You effectively muffle a cry of shock, and she's shoving you away and turning to face you. "That's- that's Billy Taupe, and, and Mayfair-"
"Shh-" You hush her quickly. "It was self-defense, okay? She was going to get us all killed. You included."
"I- no, I don't-" She tries to articulate her thoughts as her eyes fill with tears.
"I know, okay? It's less than ideal. Coryo is handling it. We just have to stay quiet." You promise. "Let's just grab everything and bring it all out, pretend you saw nothing. Maude Ivory and CC can't see this, do you understand?"
She nods, sniffling and looking between the bodies. "Hey, don't look at them." You remind her, gently turning her chin toward you. "They hurt you. Now you can move on, okay?"
"Okay." She whispers shakily, nodding again as you gather all the Covey's backstage supplies to bring out.
The next morning, you're awoken to a pounding on the front door of the small home, the four of you who shared a room all shooting up at once.
You scramble to get a peek out the window, spotting the grey shade of peacekeeper uniforms and cursing.
"Who- who is it?" Maude Ivory asks, scared as she looks between you and Lucy Gray.
"Peacekeepers. Lucy Gray, we have to go." You say quickly, closing the shade and grabbing your dress and Lucy Gray's arm.
"What? What's happening?" Barb Azure asks, rubbing her eyes.
"They're going to bust in if you don't open the door. Just tell them Lucy Gray isn't home. Don't mention me and if they ask, you don't know who I am. Do you understand?" You ask frantically and the girl nods fearfully.
As quickly as possible, you and Lucy Gray are flying out the back door and making a sprint for the trees behind the house.
"Any sign of the guns, or the girl? Mayor Lipp is sure she did it, or at least knows who did." A gruff voice of one of the peacekeepers has you and Lucy Gray both looking at each other, hands clutched over your mouths to keep quiet.
"None." His comrade replies, standing almost directly beneath you after they searched the yard. Clearly not very thoroughly, if they didn't see you and Lucy Gray sitting only about ten feet above their heads.
You cringe as he walks right over your garden, crushing the blooming raspberry bushes. "They arrested Plinth. Just got word, apparently, he was involved with rebels." The first man speaks again, and your eyes widen.
"Plinth? He's two beds down from me. Didn't expect that from him. He's a nice guy."
"No, I know. Anyway, he'll be executed this afternoon." You have to bite your lip to keep it from shaking under your hand, as if somehow that could give you away.
"Whatever, we'll come back later to get her." One of them says, making their way back through the house.
You hide in the branches and leaves until you're sure they're gone before carefully unsticking yourself from the ridged bark you were sitting on for far too long. You carefully climb down after Lucy Gray, making a quick effort to pull any stray sticks of leaves from your hair.
"What are we gonna do? They think I did it, I didn't do it, they'll kill me!" Lucy Gray panics, and you think about it while you quickly change into your dress.
"I think you have we have to run. Like you planned to do. We just have to follow through." You tell her, nodding to yourself.
Lucy Gray sighs, tipping her head back to look up at the sky. "I didn't even really want to go, I just wanted to get Billy Taupe off my ass."
"Well, he won't be there now." You say, looking her over. "How were they going to break that girl out?"
"Lil?" Lucy Gray asks, confused as she looks back at you. "I... I don't know, but it doesn't matter now, does it?"
"Did they have a plan? Did they write it down anywhere?" You ask again.
"Well, yes, but they didn't write it down. It was too risky."
"Tell it to me. Every detail you can remember." You urge her, trying to settle the panic rising behind your ribs.
Coriolanus had been out all morning with his team, looking for the weapon that killed the mayor's daughter and praying every moment that they wouldn't find it. After breaking down the doors of countless homes, he thought he would start to feel better. There was no way they would be caught, but he was regretting not taking the initiative to hide them himself. That way, he would at least know.
With his issued weapon in his hand, they were pacing down a desolate street. By now the whole district knew to lock themselves away, except for whoever he just saw in his peripheral vision through a narrow sidestreet. He turns his head fully, just catching the ends of their hair and the red in their short dress before they disappeared. He stops, quickly taking the turn into the side street and looking back to make sure no one had seen him depart from the group.
With the bag of tools thrown over your shoulder, you tried your very best to be quiet while walking through the city. Walking down a sidestreet, you found it was a challenge to be both fast and silent. At the sound of footsteps behind you, you hold the bag in your arms to prevent the tools from knocking together and step into a narrow doorway, back pressed to the wall.
You're breathing heavily, but keep it steady as the footsteps on the gravel of the road come to a stop. You hear them turn, presumably looking in both directions. You're in the middle of cursing yourself for being spotted when you hear a whistle. A calling one, baiting you to peek out from your hiding spot, but you don't budge. Another whistle. "Hey, Y/N? Is that you?" The whistle is followed by Coryo's voice whispering your name, and you're infinitely relieved.
You stepped out quietly, and you couldn't help but smile when you saw his familiar face. He meets you halfway, and you're quickly wrapping your arms around him. "Coryo..." You sigh, not ready to let go of him just yet.
"Hey, Y/N/N..." He whispers back, kissing your head. "Are you okay? What are you doing out? You need to get home."
"I can't." You shake your head, finally dropping your arms from around him. "Did you hear Sejanus got arrested this morning? He's going to be executed."
Coryo is in shock, jaw going slack as he tries to decide what to say. It must have been his recording, because there was nothing linking him to the murders.
"I'm going to break him out. Like they planned to do for that other girl."
Instantly at your statement, he shakes his head. "Absolutely not. You'll be caught and you'll be next. There's a poster of you in the head peacekeeper's office. I've seen it. They're looking for you here, it's too risky."
"I'm not going to let Sejanus die over something he didn't even do." You whisper, voice picking up in anger as you glare up at him.
"You can't, Y/N. I get why you'd want to, but it's not worth it." He insists.
"They won't catch us. I'm getting him out and we're running, just like they planned to do anyway."
Coryo scans your face for any sign at all that you may be kidding, but he finds none. "Don't. Don't go. I wanted to tell you this last night, but they're relocating me to Two. You can come with me. I'll get us both out of here."
"Closer to home?" You ask, a hint of hopefulness flitting in your eyes before it's quickly replaced with sadness. "Wait, no. No, they'll ship me back home, and then what? I'll be killed anyway, or worse." You sigh, shaking your head as you look down. This is probably about to turn into a goodbye you never wanted to say.
The idea of leaving him behind was breaking your heart, but would you really be leaving him? You knew what would happen to him. He'd go to Two, rise quickly in the ranks, and be elected president by the time he turned twenty-five. He would be okay, but would you be without him? You couldn't stomach the idea of taking such a bright future from him just because you had nothing left. "I have to go with them, Coryo. It's my only choice."
He can already see that there is no shot you'll be happy out there. You probably wouldn't last the week, either. He nods a little bit, taking your hand. "I'll come with you." He nods again, deciding it for himself. Coriolanus Snow is not about to say goodbye to the love of his life for the last time as someone she was pretending to be but never truly was, nothing more than a rebel from District Twelve.
"No, your relocation, it's your ticket home. You have to take it." You reply.
"It doesn't matter. If they find the gun, I'll be killed either way. Here, in Two, or back home. I can't escape it, same as you." He promises. "There's nothing for me there anyway. Not without you." Coryo says, rubbing his thumb gently over the side of your neck, warming the chilled skin there.
How could you say no? "Okay." You whisper, nodding slightly as your cheeks flush pink. "Can you leave tonight?"
"Uh, I, no." He shakes his head. "Earliest I can get away is sunrise."
"Shit... okay." You hum, looking around as if that will help you think. Undistracted from his all-consuming blue eyes looking into yours. "We can try and wait, then meet us at the hanging tree at dawn. If we're not there, hike to the cabin. We'll wait there if we can't hide here overnight."
He nods in confirmation, looking quickly over his shoulder as you both hear cheers and whoops of excitement making their way down the street toward you. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." He agrees.
"See you tomorrow." You give him a small smile, turning to continue on your way when he grabs your wrist. He's quick to pull you back to him, colliding his lips with yours. He always kisses like he's starving. God, you wouldn't be able to live without that.
"Be careful, Y/N/N." He warns as he pulls away. "Stay safe."
"Yes sir, mister president." You grin, kissing him again quickly before walking away. You turn as you walk backward to face him, giving him a salute.
Coryo smiles to himself smugly, nodding at you before rushing to rejoin the other peacekeepers in his squad as they drag Spruce back toward the compound.
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taglist: @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @klplynn , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @gloryekaterina , @andrewgarfieldsbitch , @queenofspades6 , @pepperonipastas , @ladybug0095 , @lunamothwrites , @sbrewer21 , @mus-tbe-a-weasley , @splxtscreen , @unclecrunkle , @karmaswitch , @coconut-dreamz , @nekee-lilac02 , @ooooglymoooogly , @riddlerloveb0t , @lovedbalances , @notyourwildestdream , @snowlandson-top , @too-lit-for-fanfic , @utopiakys , @deafeningballoonnacho , @roosterschanelslut , @chmpgneprblem , @cosmoetik , , @urvampgfsworld , @carolanns-world@nan-nie , @shakespearseclipse , @iovemoonyy , @notyoursweetheart-honey ,  @xyzstar , @eatpizzasass, @slytherinholland , @queenofshinigamis , @elodiebeau , @soulessjourney
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patrophthia · 2 years
willow | regulus black
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pairing: regulus black x hufflepuff!reader
genre: fluff fluff flufff, just people being happy and shit, so fluffy i feel like poop for writing it while im single (when is it my turn to be happy) not beta read
word count: 3.8K
originally posted on my wattpad
— from bee: this takes place in sycamore girl timeline!
"i'm not giving it to you, of course," she remarked, voice straining. "i'm only lending it to you."
"i know," he said all too quickly, making her normally extroverted demeanor (when it came to him, at least) falter. "i promise i won't steal it."
she laughed awkwardly, trying to ease any tension off of her shoulder. "you better not, i've only got one copy of it."
"then i'll buy you a million more." he promised, then smiled, adding, "if i happen to lose it, of course."
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regulus didn't think to lift his head up when someone sat down besides him. the class was about to start, there was only a limited amount of seats so, really, he couldn't have cared less about whoever decided to sit to his right. he had more important things on his hand —like whether the characters in the book he was reading will end up with one another or continue to beat around the bush.
as he was about to reach the good part, the professor clapped his hands, starting the class. regulus shut his book, intending to put it into his bag when he looked to the side. there she sat, talking to her friend who was on the other side of her as she pulled out her quill and ink.
class began, neither of them starting conversation since it wasn't needed. every once in a while she would mutter something low under her breath, her eyes narrowing on the blackboard before she turned to him and cleared her throat, asking if the words on the board was what she thought it was and he would help before they went back to what they were doing.
"hey, is canada real?"
regulus turned to her with an incredulous look, brows knitted together trying to gauge whether she was joking or not. finally, he answered. "no."
"thanks," she replied with a smile, and turned back to what she had been doing.
the professor then began droning on about the lesson —one that regulus knew through and through, solely because, the book he was reading (a romance though he would never say it out loud) was a modern retelling of the event they were learning. he shut his notebook, pulling out the novel he was reading previously and continued where he left off.
it wasn't long before she finished as well, shutting her book and trying to tune into the lesson but only to feel as though she was being lull to sleep. to her left was regulus black, sitting handsomely as he always did with a hard cover novel (the dust jacket of it removed) in his elegantly pale hands.
the spine didn't hide the title of the novel though. false god, it read. she smiled knowingly at this. the book was about two sorcerers playing lovers when they despised one another, an enemies to lovers romance.
"heaven is when you touch me and hell is when i fight with you," i confessed, staring into her dark brown eyes. "but i can't help but feel as if we're being led by blind faith."
salazar, this novel is sickeningly sweet.
"i know that look."
regulus brows tightened slightly, tuning into her voice besides him and yet, not giving her his full attention.
"they confessed to her, didn't they?"
the slytherin looked over his book, peeking at her to find her smiling at him. clearing his throat, regulus asked, "you've read this?"
"yup," she said quietly, not wanting to be caught by the professor. "it's written by one of my favorite authors so i kind of had to."
regulus tilted his head slightly. "how'd you know what part i was at?"
"i had that same look on my face when i read it."
had she been watching him read? "oh." he let out, there was a pause before he spoke up again. "did they ever end up together?"
"if i told you that, i'd be spoiling you." she pulled out a piece of paper from her book and began drawing out lines before turning them into small boxes, pushing the parchment to the middle of the table, she looked up at him with a sheepish smile. "how about a game of tic tac toe instead?"
somewhere along the lines of tic tac toes and [name] ranting about the recent novels she'd read before lending it to him, regulus became quite fond of her. he had found himself —more often then not— missing her presence when he was with any of his other 'friends.'
it also didn't help that whenever she flirted with him —something he knew she did because, she liked seeing him get flustered after she said something mildly suggestive to him. he had always thought she was pretty ever since he'd first met her in first year (it was hard not to notice someone when you shared classes with them) but it had never been something that stuck as prominently in his mind as it did now.
the news of one of the black brother being engaged spread like wild fire at hogwarts, everyone —and he meant everyone— began bothering him non-stop. wanting to know if they could get an invite to the wedding (the answer to which he always said no to.)
today had been no different, every single person he'd encountered had asked for an invitation. he was tired of it and if anything he longed for the next class he had. the one he had with her. the one where she sat next to him and talked to him about anything but the lesson or the dreaded wedding.
she got to class five minutes later than him like she always did and smiled the second she spotted him, there was a skip in her step as she made her way over. "i just found the best novel ever."
regulus lifted an eyebrow, the corner of his lips curving upwards, giving her his full attention.
"right so the novel is called seven, it's written by the same author who wrote false god," she started, eyes drifting towards the door once a while to make sure that the professor wasn't there. "it's about two childhood friends who was separated when they were seven due to family issues from the guys' part. it's so beautiful, regulus. you'll love it."
regulus. they way it sounded so soft coming from her lips had him feeling things he'd never felt before. he would never tire hearing her say his name.
there was a content look on his face, listening and listening as she brought the fore mentioned novel from her bag and handed it to him. "i even annotated it for you. the pink are for the lines that i loved and the green is for the lines i think you'd love 'cause you're a slytherin and all."
he took it in his hand, eyeing it carefully. he flipped the cover over, seeing her hand writings scattered all around it —some of it being her gushing over the characters. he looked back to her, grey eyes going blue with affection.
"i'm not giving it to you, of course," she remarked, voice straining. "i'm only lending it to you."
"i know," he said all too quickly, making her normally extroverted demeanor (when it came to him, at least) falter. "i promise i won't steal it."
she laughed awkwardly, trying to ease any tension off of her shoulder. "you better not, i've only got one copy of it."
"then i'll buy you a million more." he promised, then smiled, adding, "if i happen to lose it, of course."
" 'course."
as he turned to his side, planning on placing the novel into his bag so he wouldn't misplace it. she called out. "hey reg."
reg. regulus noted. that was a new one. he liked it, he really did like it. he let out a hum of indifferent acknowledgment, not yet facing her as he tried not to show just how much the nickname had effected him.
"would you like to go out this weekend?" there was short second of silence, it wasn't long until she picked up once more. "like on a date?"
before he could even stop himself, he blurted out. "i have plans tomorrow."
regulus couldn't help but feel like he was being stabbed in the chest by how deflated she sound. he didn't spare a second when he turned to face her, not wanting to drown in his own guilt. "but yes."
"yes?" she repeated unsurely.
"yes," he concurred. "i'd love to go out with you —on a date. what seems to be the problem is that i have plans to meet up with dear brother's and his fiancée, and i don't want you to spend your weekend waiting for me—"
"reg, i'm perfectly fine with waiting." she cut him off. "although, you nearly made me cry with your 'i have plans tomorrow' i thought you were rejecting me."
"i would never reject you." how could he? not when he had been waiting for something between them to happen for the longest time.
sirius and his fiancée bid their goodbyes with knowing smile, leaving him be as [name] made her way over to him. the booth was pretty much empty with him being the only one sat there, cheeks tinted pink as he waited for her to be seated down.
she took the one opposing him, smiling at him prettily. "you look nice."
"i look nothing compared to you," he countered almost shyly. and then, clearing his throat, regulus asked her, "where'd you want to go?"
"i was going to ask you that," she replied, feeling small under his gaze. "should we just walk around until we figure out what we want to do?"
regulus smiled at that. and with a nod of his head; he stood up, standing awkwardly besides their table. she stood up as well and as they made their way out, she stopped, buying two bottles of butter-beer for them to enjoy whilst they made their way to the next location.
hogsmeade wasn't as pack as he had expected it to be. sure, they were hundreds of teenagers around his age walking around with thick scarves signifying their houses colors walking around but, —unlike every other time he'd been to hogsmeade during the weekends— he could still see the road before him rather than it being a field of hair.
he turned to the side, intending to look at her only to find her already watching him. "where do we go from here? left or right?"
regulus thought about it for a second. no matter where they went, he'd still be happy, he was with her and that would be good enough for him.
"your choice."
the date went as well as he could've imagined it to. regulus followed after everywhere she strayed, smiling and giggling brightly at whatever caught her attention. and by the end of the night, regulus had walked her back to her common room and (with all his inner gryffindor courage) kissed her good night.
he'd turned his back at the speed of light right after, hiding just how truly giddy and flustered he'd felt. fuck. regulus black might be in love.
march rolled around, along with it came both remus lupin and james potter's birthday. both of which, the marauders had threw parties for and both of which, regulus had been invited to.
lupin's party was fun; regulus had enjoyed it to bits, it was a small party with those only in the marauder's close circle invited to. potter's party was the exact opposite, loud music and booze could be seen every he turned.
regulus had been waiting for his girlfriend when he spotted sirius' fiancée and her friends come in. he'd join in on their teasing about sirius' (not) crush on his fiancée and quickly caught onto how his dear brother's attitude change when he found out that she was a light weight.
"don't worry darling, i know how to have fun without getting drunk." whipped.
it was clear that sirius was staying sober for his fiancée (that he definitely didn't have romantic feelings for) if it wasn't clear by how he had kept his eyes on her the entire night, then it was extremely clear when james —the reason he'd said he'd stay sober for, asked for his help and all he did was tell him to sod off and went to her aid.
the man was in love and he didn't even know it.
when [name], regulus' favorite person, arrived, he'd had to tear his eyes away from her just so he could converse with other people at the party. she looked so beautiful and he was so, so, so lucky to have her be his girlfriend.
"what are you looking at?"
"you," he answered slyly. did someone spike the punch? why is his words flowing out so easily? what is this. "you're the prettiest girl, i've ever seen."
there was a look on her face, somewhere between shying off and laughing at his words. he'd always said nice things to her, things that made her weak in the knees and completely drunk off of him.
but something, something about him being slightly intoxicated and gushing about how gorgeous he thought she was, made her feel dizzy (all in the good way, of course).
"my love," regulus called out after a moment, grabbing her attention. "would you come to my brother's wedding?"
"as your date?"
"of course, as my date. as if i'll ever let you out of my sight," he replied, words slurring the tiniest bit.
she cracked out a winsome smile, nodding. "of course, i will."
the wedding day came soon enough and sirius made it clear, very clear, so clear that if anyone dared to go against his wishes he would personally hunt them down himself. that everyone he cared for —including regulus himself— would have to get ready at the potter's house because, it is where he'd be and he would need the emotional support to go through this.
the women took over a side of the house, getting all dolled up with the help of one another while the men made snacks and gave sirius pep talks. regulus was sat next to lupin, both chewing on the snacks that potter had prepared and listened to sirius bugger longbottom with as many questions as he could.
longbottom always answered, being the only married man in the friend group made him the most suitable source for answers to sirius' inquiries.
"but isn't scary?" sirius questioned, brows knitting together as james fixed up his bow tie. "sharing everything with one another."
"not really," longbottom answered carefully. "it's scary at first, yes, but after a while it's a very comforting thing. knowing that you can share your inner thoughts with your lover and not be judged."
"but she's not my lover." sirius frowned. "we're just friends."
"then it makes no difference," longbottom said with a small smile. "i was friends with alice before we were a couple —not that i'm trying to force anything between you two of course. what i'm trying to say is, if james is a friend to you and you could share anything with him then you can definitely share everything with her."
"you're not getting cold feet are you?" regulus asked, his tone slightly teasing.
sirius turned to him, his face unreadable. "of course, not. i could never do that to her, not when she's been nothing but lovely about all this."
"not when you think she's so pretty," lupin chirped in lazily.
"that's because, she is."
"sure, she is," remus murmured, making sirius turned to him sharply. remus clicked his tongue, the corner of his lips edging upward. "i never said she wasn't."
"you didn't, but your tone was patronizing." sirius smacked potter's hands away, making him scowl as he backed away. "and quite frankly, i don't appreciate my wife being spoken about in that tone of voice."
"my wife." potter repeated loudly. "are you sure you're not in love with her?"
"what makes you think otherwise?"
"i dunno," potter said stupidly, "maybe because of the way you talk about her."
"or the way you look at her," lupin added. "we could go on for days, mate."
"do you lots hate me or something?" sirius grumbled. "you're always teaming up against me, is it funny to you?"
"it is." came a more feminine voice. the men turn, all finding their dates (except sirius) standing by the door way. "it's the most comical thing ever to hear you deny your love for your fiancée."
"i hate you guys," sirius grumbled. lily and sirius continued on with their banter, but regulus was no longer listening, finding himself too awestruck at the sight of his girlfriend.
she stood besides mckinnon, donning the prettiest he'd ever seen. she smiled upon feeling his gaze on her, an action that made regulus want to do nothing but kiss her until she was breathless. instead, he stood up from his spot and made his way over to her.
"you look handsome," she commented once they stood toe to toe. of course, he did (not that he was trying to be conceited). he made sure he looked as best as he could if he would be having someone as beautiful as her in his arms.
"thank you," regulus said softly, eyes kept on her as he spoke. no words will be able to explain just how divine she looked. and so, regulus chalked it up to a simple compliment. "you look lovely."
"i try to, for you."
bullshit. even if she wasn't trying —and he knew this for certain from all the previous time he'd spent with her; bundled up in her dorm with bags under their eyes as they hovered over her desk and conversed about their projects, heads on the pillow once they wrapped up, looking as though they were on their dying breath— she'd still look lovely.
the start of regulus' seventh years went as well as he hoped. sure, he was drowning in assignments during the first week of classes but he had a girlfriend. and that makes up about seventy percent of it.
he'd grown accustomed to having meals with her by his side so it was no surprise when he was the first thing she found when she made her way into the great hall with a letter in hand.
"guess what," she started up excitedly, taking the seat opposing his. regulus supplied her with a what? encouraging her on. "i got an owl last night."
"who's it from?"
"just your sister in law," she said as casually as she could but the enthusiasm was not lost in her voice. "would you like to know why?"
"yes." he humored her, filling her goblet up with water. "i would like to know why, please."
"well." she placed the opened up the letter and placed it down. "sirius confessed in an overly dramatic way about whether she loved you more than she loved him, long story short they ended kissing. moral of the story, our favorite couple is no longer getting a divorce."
"i could write a romance book about that."
"please don't," regulus murmured, reading the letter for himself. sure enough, there —written in ink— was the details of the said confession and how they would not be going through with their divorce as they try to navigate their new relationship. "oh no."
"oh no?" she repeated, tone drastically different from his.
"oh no," he said once more, as if agreeing to something. "sirius talked about adopting me, if they stayed married that might just happen."
"that's stupid, regulus. she would never agree to that."
"you underestimate just how persuasive sirius can be, my love." he took a sip from his mug, his tea now cold. "he managed to convince her into marrying someone as horrid as him, adoption won't be as hard."
"you say that like he's the worst man to ever exist." he gave her look. one that was practically asking her if she was testing him. "besides, she married him for the money. she won't get anything out of adopting you."
"yes, she would."
"and what would that be?" she asked, mildly uninterested.
"and that's a good thing?"
regulus mouth dropped into a small O. the black had always had a flair for the dramatics and he was no exception. "yes," he said with full offense. "how could you ever think otherwise. i'm your boyfriend."
"i just—" she shrugged. "—you're not all that."
regulus was gasping now, eyes full with hurt. "i don't think i want to be with you anymore."
"is that so?"
"no." he denied with annoyance.
the grandfather clock rang, signaling the start off class and the pair stood up. regulus standing besides her as he waited for her to pack up her stuff.
the couple shared their first class, so it was obvious for them to walk with one another. once arriving, regulus headed towards the middle table; not too far away and not too close to the professor. he sat first, tapping the empty seat that was by his side for her to take.
she took it, smiling when her friends took to the table in front of them and began conversations with one another. class soon began, the professor droning on about the lessons when regulus found himself in a position he'd never been in before.
her hand was dropped to the side and he'd never wanted to hold something as much as he did now. he was practically begging for her to take his hand but he was too prideful to admit it.
"it's rude to stare," she said quietly, and regulus was distinctly reminded of their first encounter. same classroom, same seats. how history repeats itself never fails to amaze him. "even if you're staring at their hand."
he teared his eyes away, playing oblivious. "i don't know what you're talking about."
"right," she murmured as if she believed him. "did you want to hold my hand?"
she took his hand at his answer, intertwining their fingers and placing it comfortably on her thigh before she turned back to the lesson.
time will age as will the both of them, and despite how greedy and selfish it may sound. regulus hoped it would never remove the memory of her smile when he'd first saw her.
life was a willow and it bent right through her wind.
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ohraicodoll · 2 years
okay am actually obsessed with feral reader & i saw you’re taking prompts/requests!! so how would feral reader react to joel being injured 👀 either while on patrol in wyoming or on their journey there w ellie
Aww thank you!! I'm so happy people have taken to her! And yesssss I'd had something along this line roughly in my head so I'm definitely down with this prompt!
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Beast Joel Miller x fem!reader The Last of Us (Show/Game) 2.3k Words Warning: Gore, violence! Really putting the feral in Feral Reader lol
Later, she’d tear herself apart because they knew better. They knew to stay in pairs, knew to still be cautious, knew to not be so casual about the trips to the outskirt cities during patrols. It didn’t matter how long they’d been at Jackson, they knew what life was like outside the walls and it wasn’t something they could be nonchalant about. Complacency led to death and Jackson gave you a taste of that life. Life before a monstrous fungus destroyed everything. They were paying for that delusion now.
She grit her teeth at the sound of flesh hitting flesh, of Joel’s growl of pain and anger coming from around the corner where she was hiding. Something had felt off and she’d come back only to find he had been ambushed, wrist shackled to a pipe low to the ground and cut on his forehead bleeding down into his eye. The bruise blossoming on his cheek told her he’d already taken a few punches.  
From her hiding spot, she could see there were two guys in the room with him. One crouched down holding a knife close to Joel, blood smeared across his face from a busted lip and black eye already forming. The other was standing closest to her, watching what was unfolding with a pistol hanging loosely in his hand. She almost snarled at the site of the blood spreading from Joel’s side, turning her favorite denim shirt dark red from some injury she couldn’t fully see. He was as angry as she was, brow heavy and glaring up at the two with a sneer. It was a stare that had promised violence, had signed death warrants and delivered it. They’d hurt him. They’d hurt Joel. It wasn’t an impossible thing. He was human. She’d seen them get into fights before, but this time they’d cornered him and there was no Ellie barrier. No leash that told her to be quick and efficient and not freak the kid out. No second focus for her. No one besides Joel to protect. All she could feel was rage because they’d hurt one of her people and were enjoying it, grins on their faces and chuckles leaving their throats. Her hackles raised, teeth grit together to the point her jaw hurt, as her hand gripped the bow she’d brought. They had planned to hunt. Got tired of dinner experiments and attempts to cook so they were going back to what they knew. Hunting wasn’t entirely off the table, just a different kind of prey was the target. She’d have to move fast. Move before the one closest to Joel could hurt him, move before they could react and shoot either of them. She didn’t have the same brutal strength her partner did but she was quick and quiet and that was all she needed. Taking a deep breath, she swiveled around the corner and drew the bowstring back taut, feeling it almost kiss her cheek before releasing with a quiet swish. It was fast and at close range the arrow hit home hard and brutally into the back of the guy closest to her’s skull. 
A choked gasp left his throat from the impact then he was sliding to his knees, crumpling and drawing the other’s attention. Even in the chaos she could see Joel’s eyes flick over, take her in as she ran in a dead sprint towards the one crouched by him. He was still kneeling, knife in hand, but he was slow to react. In the back of her mind, she wondered how these men could have gotten the jump on him. Maybe all the jokes about him getting older were starting to ring true, her complaints about settlement life making them complacent coming back to haunt them. Domesticated. They’d been domesticated and for some reason that pissed her off more. The stranger hadn’t managed to get off the ground fast enough and instead was the perfect height for her to get the bow around his neck and yank him hard into her knee. He choked and wheezed, arms flailing as she growled and pulled. She pulled with all her strength, using her arm strength to keep the bow as tight against his windpipe as she could while her knee pushed him harder and harder into it. Ellie had asked once if they had ever snapped anyone’s necks. Like in the movies where they simply yank the goon’s head slightly in the other direction and it cracks, easy peasy. She’d told her it wasn’t that easy. Spines and necks are actually a lot tougher, can take a lot of strain and usually need a lot of pressure to break. Right now she wished it was that simple. Wanted to see how much pressure she could drive into his spine before that crack would reach her ears. The guy finally stopped flailing in panic and decided to use the knife still in his hand, stabbing wildly over his shoulder in an attempt to reach her and get her off him.
Joel was bucking and yanking at the cuffs, yelling as he attempted to get free or reach them to help. His hand was turning purple from the pressure and the blood in his side was spreading even more. She wanted to tell him to quit it, to think and focus because he was only hurting himself. 
Both her hands were starting to hurt from the strain of pulling the bow and he wasn’t going down. With a hiss, the knife managed to skim her shoulder, slicing through her shirt sleeve. It was a gamble but she couldn’t keep it up, was going to exhaust herself before the guy would be out. When the stranger went to stab her again, she dropped the bow abruptly and grabbed his arm, wrenching it far back and ripping the knife from his grip as he screamed in pain. The knife found its home soon after, stabbed into the side of his head, cutting off the sound of his strained gasps. Jerking it back out, she took deep breaths while holding the knife, panting and watching the body collapse at her feet. There was silence for a bit, the slight clinking of the cuffs rattling against the pipes all she could hear for a second and adrenaline shooting through her veins. She enjoyed that silent moment after the fight was over where all she could hear was the sound of her heartbeat and lungs expanding and collapsing. It was the sound of still being alive. Joel’s eyes found hers and she relaxed a bit, seeing the way they burned. Either from want, gratefulness, wonder, she wasn’t sure. But never fear or disgust and that’s all she cared about. He was safe, they were alive, the people were dead. And maybe that small moment with him was what distracted her right before a third attacker came barreling in, tackling her to the ground. The man was big and angry and screaming in her face. The tackle had put her at a disadvantage, shoving her onto her back with her arms pinned between their bodies along with the knife. She couldn’t get her harms free or make any room to get leverage against him. The third attacker was heavy and her breath had been knocked out of her. She struggled to gulp in the air, to get breath into her lungs, before the man’s hands were around her neck. Joel was shouting her name. The man was spitting and yelling so close to her she could feel the spit land on her skin while his hands squeezed. They were big, were wrapped all around her neck easily. All she could do was buck like a trapped animal, teeth and claws bared as she struggled wildly under his weight. If she got taken out, Joel would be next. If she died, Joel would die. He couldn’t get free, couldn’t get back to Jackson and Tommy, couldn’t get back to Ellie. Her throat was raw and lungs burned, her mind desperately trying to find a solution but all she could hear ringing in her ears was Joel’s yells. The man was almost nose to nose with her, dirty face twisted in rage.
As hard as she could muster, she smashed her head into her attackers, feeling the clatter of bones and teeth shake her skull. He shouted and jerked back, hands loosening just a bit. Not enough she could get her arms free, but enough that she rushed forward and latched onto his neck with her teeth. She clamped down as hard as she could. His skin was dirty and salty and bile rose but she bit down harder and harder. Flesh tore beneath her teeth and blood rushed into her mouth, metallic and sharp, as he screamed and tried to get away from her. It only helped her to do more damage, ripping the skin. Jackson was home, but it wouldn’t tone her down. If anything, it gave her more to protect, more things she would tear herself apart to keep safe. She’d rip the throat out of anyone who dared to hurt what was hers. The man rolled off of her, desperately trying to cover the large hole in his neck as blood flooded out. She spat out the chunk of flesh with a growl and turned over with a hard swing of her hand, the knife skimming off bone before sinking into his chest with a hard thud. There was a wet gurgling sound coming from him and she panted, spitting some of the blood in her mouth onto his body. There was no appreciating the silence this time, no letting the rage simmer down. It stuck to her, hot and bright, like the blood coating her mouth and jaw. “Which one had the handcuffs?” she bit out and almost startled herself at how rough and raspy her voice came out. It felt raw, painful, but she swallowed past it and climbed unsteadily to her feet. Joel’s face was a mask as he took her in, took in the three bodies around him and the blood covering her. He didn’t say anything, only jerked his head at the guy with the shiner she had attempted to strangle. Her body didn’t feel grounded, a second delay in her processing making her feel out of it, but she focused on the taste of copper on her tongue and roughly went through the guys pockets searching for the key. Her fingers wrapped around a small piece of metal and she sighed in relief, thankful she wasn’t going to have to find a way to break the pipe and get the cuffs cut off in Jackson. Joel still didn’t say anything as she walked over and kneeled heavily in front of him, hands going to the cuffs and working to get them undone. His hand and wrist were torn up from all the yanking he had done and she was thankful it wasn’t his dominant one or he’d be pissed. Not broken, but the skin was bruised and purple and would need one of the doctors to look at it along with the wound in his side. The metal clicked and she pulled his hand free, not letting go, instead checking it over completely before she cupped his cheek and took in the gash on his forehead. “Hey,” he bit out the word, eyes dark and lips pressed together into a hard frown. She ignored him, focusing on checking him over and taking a mental log of all his injuries. She should have killed them slower. “We’ll have to scrap this run and get you looked at. I don’t trust those cuffs and the last thing we need is you getting infected,” muttering, she yanked up the bottom of his shirt without even asking and took in the long gash along his ribs, “You’ll need stitches. I can also see if Maria can get the blood out of the shirt and maybe patch the hole. This one’s a good one, I don’t want you to have to throw it away.” Joel growled her name again, this time louder, and grabbed her chin roughly in his hand to  force her focus onto his face.
She clenched her jaw under his fingers, swallowing blood and pain. Waited for the beratement, the breakdown of what went wrong and the self-punishment he liked to give himself so often. Waited for the potential disgust at the violence. But she wouldn’t apologize. He’d seen her do worse for less and she wouldn’t apologize for protecting him.
Instead, he watched her and took in the hard line of her brow, the blood drying across her mouth and chin and smeared all over, the bright fire of rage still burning in her eyes. And then he yanked her forward, kissing her hard and brutally, practically pulling her into his lap.
He didn’t cringe away at the taste of someone else’s blood on her tongue, of the way those teeth had ripped into someone a few moments before. He drank her in desperately, uninjured hand diving into her hair and tightening on the strands. The pain was still there. Her throat was raw and his hand stung as it clung to her side, knife wound bleeding even as he brought her onto his thighs. They both didn’t care, swallowing the other’s gasps of pain and pleasure.
Her whole body relaxed in his grip as if to say he’s okay, he’s okay, he’s okay and she let herself hold him tight and kiss him.
He would never say thank you. It was a process to get the words dragged out of him, but with him his actions always spoke louder. His fingers skimming her throat whispered that he would have killed them himself if he could, his tongue against hers spoke of his acceptance, his tight grip on her was his gratefulness.
Joel didn’t pull away from her, didn’t try and change her, and she’d rip the whole world apart for him for that fact alone. He was her family and she protected what was hers.
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Chapter 18 : Granted Wishes
[𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒔 𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒔.]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[𝕬𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖑 𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖊, 𝕲𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖂𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖘]
Danny was watching the skies, The stars seemed to twinkle brighter than usual, each sparkling in different assortments of colors and sizes, adorning the complexities of the vast sky lines that reflect to the earth, the clouds non existent and the birds quiet and in peace.
The breeze felt warm and not as suffocating than Danny had thought, it's as though the scenery changes with his presence. Gorham's skies were oddly clear that even Tim was shocked and Damian felt weird about it. Damian accompanied Danny on the roof as Damian moved his pencil swiftly yet smoothly at the same time. Danny flutters his eyes close, the constellations that lightens his cheeks that also strangely reflect the lights of the open night sky.
"The Constellations Follow me today..." Danny mutters as he was taking a deep breathe. "It is .. indeed beautiful... Much More beautiful than any others I have seen." Damian admits somewhat shyly. For the first time it's as though the spirits left behind in Gotham has decided to ascend and forgive their selves to finally reach their final state of rebirth. "Freedom has never tasted sweeter...." Danny chuckled and looked at Damian who was infact drawing Danny and the Oddly Clear Night Sky.
The wind hums peacefully grazing Damian's skin which made him slightly shudder at the sudden cold that hit his skin. "Today feels more of a miracle then it already is." Damian tried to joke and successfully did so as Danny chuckled and sat beside him with a soft ethereal like smile. "Look! Shooting Stars!" Danny yelled out happily which made Damian immediately look up in fascination.
Most of Gotham was out and about that night and witnessing this some sort of Astral Miracle. "Quick! Make a wish!" Danny giggled and closed his eyes and clasped his hand as if to make a prayer. Damian hesitantly did the same. He didn't know what to wish for, rather it felt childish to believe that mere meteors could grant wishes but he wishes that his family stays together side by side and to never Seperate again... Yeah. That's a good wish... He flutters his eyes open once again to see Danny slightly tearing up before he too opens his eyes.
Danny smiles, "Are you... Okay Danny?" Damian asks the younger boy and Danny nods slightly, "I just wish that my sister would be here... I miss ... I miss her so much." Danny mutters. Damian's gaze softened and pulled Danny closer to his side.
Damian hesitantly wrapped his arms around the younger boy to somehow? Maybe? Possibly comfort this Soon to be younger brother of his.
"It's okay... Danny .. it's okay." Damian says, mimicking what He thinks Alfred would do to comfort a child that's in need of consolation. "You'll be alright... I promise." Damian says with genuine care tracing his tone. It made Danny's core buzz in the warmth of family.
It feels like family.
It is Family.
[𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎 𝙿𝙾𝚅]
"Dante should we be concerned...?" Jason asks his lover hesitantly whilst staring at the star decorated clear skies. Dante looks up and thinks for a moment before chuckling in amusement.
Jason looks at him Bemused but surely if he's laughing it's not a bad thing. "it's Danny's thing. Space and Protection and Stuff. Basically this means Gotham has become his new haunt or well place of home. And skies shift to his emotions.. if it's dark and cloudy he is depressed type of depictions." Dante smiles at Jason and kisses the Man's forehead, "It's nothing to be worried about Babe." Dante reassures hire beloved and Jason just sighed in relief.
"But this feels like a god thing type of shtick you know?" Jason muttered following his boyfriend inside their apartment and Dante looks at him with the look of understanding. "That's cuz it is hun. He's a baby god." Dante chuckled and laughed as he left Jason outside the door stunned and shocked at the sudden Lore Drop.
Baby god? Dear Fuck? Damn? Jason doesn't know how to react to this and just followed Dante inside. "and that would make you...?" Jason asks again hopefully for some more clearance, "His Alternate Version Turned Redemption Made Ghost King Proxy." Dante casually says and hums peacefully, Jason just even more baffled, "Alternative Self Like Alternate Universes?" Jason sputters and slowly sits down on the couch beside Dante, "Yep! I used to be evil actually. Then I fought Danny when he was 12? I think— which would be 2 years from now— but he... I guess it's just that when he cried for Jazz All so suddenly Infront of me I just— something in me shattered. And that's how we are here now." Dante kisses Jason's Forehead, hopefully that gave him more closure. (It did not but Jason loves Dante too much to care right now.)
"Clockwork, yk, the one my Father is Uh— dating and stuff— probably gonna marry soon I guess is the one who helped me adjust and take therapy sessions, yada yada, change for the better." Dante smirked and laughed as Jason rested his head on Dante's Chest feeling Dante's Core Purr softly as Dante explained all the details for Jason to understand. Dante was pleased that Jason atleast took it well and not like how he'd imagine would be disgust and stuff— Ancients did he feel so much anxiety before finally being able to slowly explain to Jason what happened.
"And as you know, there's Uh, Valerie, she's 14 now actually, she became a vigilante when she was like 12— which is not really good but that's super too young. I have no idea why when we were kids we wanted to save people so much. But then again it was a place that was unsafe for us so we tried to be both there for each other and save everyone we could when we had to." Dante says softly as he pulled Jason closer to him craving more of Jason's Body Warmth.
"Vlad in my timeline was like super super evil, here he was more sympathetic and just very immersed in his Obsessions at the time but now he's. He's gotten better as well especially since He and Clockwork became each other's Second Obsessions. It's an odd feeling to have your obsessions change really. Mine used to be pure violence but before the Violence it was also Protection and Family. Family stuck to me and Now it's both Violence Sort of, Maybe the Seeking of Justice or Revenge— and Family." Dante was sputtering explanations at this point, his tone occasionally trembling in fear as to how Jason might react but he trusts Jason to not betray him like that.
"Oh! Look. Gotham is trending right now because of the sudden starry skies— did you just post a poetic paragraph related to the stars of Gotham right now?" Dante laughed and Jason just smiled at him and nodded.
"For the first time the skies arranged itself a scenic spectacle,
Stars and Constellations Adorning it's Vast Astral Plane,
The Skies Free from it's Ghastly Covered Shackles,
And the Connection of Freedom and Peace Felt as tho it was no longer Strained."
Dante just smiled at the poem Jason made, soon he realized Jason has fallen asleep in his lap, Slowly he carried Jason to their bed and gently places him down and laid beside him tucking themselves both under the blanket. Dante smiles and Carreses Jason's Cheek gently... " I love you so much my Sun..." Dante muttered his gaze softer than the bed itself, he places a gentle kiss on Jason's Forehead before pulling him closer and closing his eyes to finally falling asleep with peace settling in his heart.
[𝐀丂𝐓я𝐚ᒪ Ƥᒪ𝐚𝐍𝑒, 𝕃𝐚𝐍𝓭 Øⓕ ⓡ𝑒๒Ɨя𝐓𝓱]
"Are you Happy Clockwork?" She Says, her ginger hair nearly mimicking fire and her eyes that felt as threatening as the aquatic depths. Jasmine.
"Ofcourse I am, Your doing and freeing of most of the vengeful unresting souls of Gotham has proven to be helpful in Dante's future Works and Danny's too as well. It also lessens more issues." Clockwork merely smiled and pressed his fingers on his lips as he does so. "It was quite a beautiful... Spectacle. Like the Once in a Lifetime Miracle. Your Show also Stopped Crime in the city for a day for the first time! It's a very beautiful and Bountiful achievement that you have succeeded." Clockwork subtly covers his smug and Cheeky smile from Jasmine.
"I want to be by my brother's side again, not by being Me, not by being jazz.... I want to protect him but I also want him to move on from me. Make me an animal." Jasmine glances at Clockwork, Stars Adorning her Skin and Planets circling around her. Clockwork nodded and slightly bowed to the ascended soul of the once much mortal Jasmine.
"I can make you a pet, or a familiar... Perhaps an animal that fits Danny... Hmm.. you may choose what animal ofcourse. One with wings." Clockwork suggests and Jasmine faces the stars once again to think briefly before making a final decision.
"Make me a Hawk, so that I can be both majestic yet threatening enough that Danny Will love me and that other people who dares hurt him will feel intimidated by my presence." Jasmine says slowly turning her body to face Clockwork fully, Her Red Hair Touching and Dragging on the non-existent grounds as she does so.
Clockwork nods approvingly, "Your Wish is my Command Astral Goddess. After all you ARE the first to willingly give up their first stages of godhood to protect a baby god." Clockwork was amused, Perhaps even curious as to what Goes on in Jasmine's Mind. "I will come back eventually as soon as the lifespan of my Rebirth ends and I can be with Danny as a goddess that has fully ascended enough that I can finally show myself to him...." She says her voice softening significantly at the mention of her baby brother.
Her Aquatic eyes reflected the sea of itself but in them is a hint of sorrow and yearning. Clockwork led The Once Mortal New Goddess down a path of Grass and they trodded through life's lair.
Soon as they walked down the path of flowers and feathers, Jasmine slowly earned her wings, growing out of her back painlessly and smoothly growing out and spreading neatly, Placing itself side by side with ease. Her hair slowly fading into her own feathers and her size shrinking.
She flapped her wings and slowly placed her talons on Clockwork's Shoulder. She shook her new form slowly settling in on the new mechanics of her body.
"I am ready." She chirps and Clockwork nods letting her fly away and her slowly rising from the clouds and soaring through The Sky heading to Gotham with Haste.
"This time... I will protect them." She thinks to herself as she whistles and Slowly Dive Bombing to Gotham, She truly is ready.
She is very ready to Protect her family and to meet them again and be in their warm embrace.
[𝑹𝒆𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝑾𝒂𝒔 𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝑨𝒏𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕 𝑨𝒍𝒔𝒐 𝒊𝒔 𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈]
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mollymauk-teafleak · 8 months
How did Angel find out there was two babies in there?
Oh my god such a good question that I honestly hadn't given all that much thought to!
Charlie does ask Lucifer to let them travel to the Sloth ring so Angel Dust can get checked out by an actual medical professional. He's the first sinner they've had, of course, and he draws a lot of eyes but Charlie's right beside him and Husk's there too, growling at anyone whose eyes linger too long. He gets a scan and to be honest, he's terrified, suddenly worried that his years of addiction have hurt the baby somehow and something will be wrong and this idea of being a father that he's only just got his head round will be over already.
But the doctor only says that everything looks good, as impossible as this should be. They turn the screen so Angel, Husk and Charlie can see the vague little shapes, things that might be wings tucked close to a tiny body. I think that's especially when it his Husk that, fuck, this is really happening, this is real. It's not a joke someone's playing on him, he really gets to have a family with the man he loves. Angel tears his eyes away from the screen just enough to croak that he can't believe you're actually crying, you old soft touch, while he's definitely crying himself.
And Charlie, in between her own sobs, asks if it's normal for babies to have that many limbs? Like she knows you have a few, Angel but...that seems like a lot?
And after a moment the doctor hums, oh yeah. There's two of them, twins. Not just one impossible miracle but two. And thats when Angel goes quiet. He's quiet all the way back home, looking at the picture of the ultrasound on his phone. Husk gives him space, fielding most of the ecstatic congratulations from the other hotel residents. It's when they're curled up in bed together that Angel murmurs that it's his fault. Husk blinks, what's your fault? And he tells Husk about his twin sister Molly, how she isn't in hell with him and the rest of their family, how close they were when he was alive but now...now he can't even tell her she's going to be an auntie.
Husk holds him while he has a little cry, aching for him. He tells him that nothing's going to separate their babies, they'll always have each other, he promises.
And maybe in the morning, he asks Charlie about possibly smuggling a message to Heaven...
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skeletinmoss · 28 days
The curse of the dark Phoenix
Chapter 13: Memories to share
First chapter | Previous
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Also go follow @lovelivingmydreams because she's awesome and her writing is amazing. And I have no idea how I convinced her to work on this story with just one drawing.
Enjoy reading:
And then he was in the middle of a little village. Nothing like any village he’d seen before though. The way the houses were built, the clothes the people wore… It was so different from what he was used to.
A little boy rushed past him.
“Virgil hold up!!!” a young boy’s voice shouted.
“Sorry Michael!” the little boy said. “I just want to show mom the flowers before they go bad,” the little boy said to the bigger kid that was catching up to, what Roman assumed to be, his little brother. The boy who would grow up to be the High Mage of the Night Flame.
“If you pick them, they usually last longer V. Now take my hand and lets walk home together. At least pretend I’m looking after you,” Michael insisted.
Roman studied them both. The little boy’s hair looked lighter and shorter than what he was used to seeing from Virgil. Other than that he could definitely see this as a past version of him.
He looked so happy and carefree. As only children can.
“Welcome to the village of my youth.” Roman looked beside him and saw Virgil standing next to him. “It doesn’t exist anymore. Nothing bad. People just left for greener pastures and the village got forgotten to time. I went back a while ago, it’s nothing but open fields now. I still remember it like it was yesterday though,” he continued.
“I… It looks lovely,” Roman said, not sure what to make of it.
“I figured we could combine our options. Get the most out of this dream. I’ll teach you along the way,” Virgil promised before turning his attention back to the memory and speaking the way he did whenever he taught them anything.
“It was named RiverFort,” Virgil stated. “Because of the nearby river and the fort that was built by the guild on the other side… The magic guild that is. Mages were a rarity and ascended mages even more so. Which is why I often find myself older than everyone in the room combined these days,” Virgil joked. “This is Axilla, long before we really named ourselves that. The guild aided the villages within this unclaimed territory and in exchange we all provided what we could…” Virgil nodded ahead and they saw a man and a woman greet Virgil and his brother. The woman was pregnant. Little Virgil kissed his mother’s belly and handed her the flowers.
Then little Virgil went to greet his father who ruffled his hair before continuing a conversation with a gentleman in robes.
“You really got us out of a pickle there Remy. Any idea why those wolves left their territory to snatch our sheep?” Virgil’s father wondered. He seemed like a kind man. And an animal lover with the way he gave the mage’s horse an apple and pats while talking to his rider.
“Not a clue Francis. But I’ll figure it out and make sure I won’t have to come back. If I may pick up a few blankets and a traveling cloak on the way back? Have it set aside if I don’t. Emile is in the north and he’s super capable but negotiations are always a bit iffy,” he shrugged carelessly.
“You be careful too alright. By the grace of the stars, we will see you soon,” Virgil’s father insisted.
“Bye mister magic man!” Virgil said cheerfully. The mage, Remy knelt and looked at him. “Hmmm. Getting bigger huh little man? I get a feeling we’ll be seeing more of each other,” he stated, booping Virgil’s nose to which the little one mock complained. Then he got on his horse.
“Bless your days in the kingdom of the sun,” he bid, and rode off towards the woods.
The family headed inside to listen to Virgil’s story about his day with his big brother.
“Remy was right. He ended up being one of my teachers. And he’d been around the block a few times by then. You’d like him,” Virgil chuckled.
Things shifted. Very briefly Roman saw a little bigger Virgil accidentally levitating a pot that was falling from a stove, much to the amazement of his parents and now two siblings. The little sister he’d mentioned before was an adorable toddler in this one.
Then Remy was back, performing a magic aptitude test, looking not surprised in the least. And then Virgil was being picked up by a carriage his mother tying a no doubt handmade scarf around his neck, the family wishing him luck and praying for the stars to guide him.
Roman noticed that the young boy and his teacher both had applied colored shadows under their eyes.
He got in the carriage, and the family and the village disappeared. Instead they were riding down a long stone rode in a bustling city. Though it didn’t seem as big as the capitol Roman remembered. Little 11 or 12 year old Virgil was looking around nervously.
“It’ll be alright squirt,” Remy, who’d apparently been his escort, assured him. “You’ll make tons of friends and have loads to write to your family about. And just think of all the ways you’ll be able to help them out when you get back for the breaks?” Remy pointed out.
Virgil nodded, still withdrawn from nerves. A stark difference to what he was like when in a familiar environment.
Roman looked at the passing buildings trying to find the academy.
“The one you know won’t be built for a while,” Virgil reminded him. Right… Was this even the current capitol?
“This is what you know as Lumen. One of the bigger cities at the time,” Virgil explained as time sped up around them and they found themselves on the edge of the city up a winding path towards a large building, nestled against the forest.
Then Virgil got out and showed to the dormitories and his room.
“There were ten kids in my group, all of varying ages,” Virgil stated as they watched him put his things away, hug his scarf tight and going outside. “And in a strange moment of bravery, I left my room to go and meet them right away,” he chuckled as they reached a playground where a lot of kids were playing. Most were around Virgil’s age, though there were a few late bloomers there too.
Little Virgil looked around and found a kid sitting by himself, reading.
Roman squinted. Was that Gustav?
“Hi,” little Virgil greeted.
The kid looked up, and Roman was a bit surprised to realize it was indeed a younger Gustav.
He also had shading under his eyes. It must have been the style at the time. It was kind of cute that Virgil still did it though.
The young arch mage looked at Virgil's offered hand curiously.
"Um... I'm Virgil."
Gustav gave Virgil a careful smile and accepted his hand. "Gustav," he said. Virgil visibly relaxed at the successful introductions.
"Can I sit with you, please? I promised my mom I'd try and make friends," he said softly.
Gustav giggled. "Well. I didn't, but I guess I don't want you to break a promise to yours," he said, making room on the bench.
"I almost forgot about this part... looking at it from this angle... I guess I get why he didn't like J and Remus all that much," Virgil mused next to Roman as little Virgil sat down and asked about the book Gustav was reading. The conversation seemed to be going well when suddenly...
"Hi there," another boy greeted them. Which would've been fine if he hadn't fallen from the sky accompanied by a broken off tree branch. Right on top of Virgil.
Both were now on the ground with the new boy looking down at Virgil.
"You wanna play tag?" he asked.
"Shouldn't you start with: Are you okay? Or: I'm sorry? Or something like that!?" Gustav scolded as he pushed the new boy off from Virgil and helped him get up and dust him off. "I'm fine. Just... caught me of guard," Virgil assured both.
Gustav was not satisfied, though.
"What were you doing up there anyway? Spying on us?!" he accused.
"Napping, until you two woke me up... after that, a bit of spying," the boy admitted.
"That's a weird napping spot," Little Virgil said. Amused.
"Those are the best kinds," the boy argued.
"I like you. I'm Remus," he decided. Holding out his hand. "Virgil, and this is my friend Gustav," Virgil introduced, making Gustav hold his head up a little higher at being called friend.
"What on earth is all this commotion about?" A new boy wondered as he joined the group.
"Mister bright idea climbed a tree. Took a nap, we heard a snap, and then he bruised a knee," Gustav huffed. The group stared. And Roman chuckled. "Was that on purpose?" Virgil asked. Gustav shrugged. "Not at first," he admitted.
"Impressive," Virgil said.
"Well. I am Janus. And you all are...?" The new boy wondered.
"Virgin, Gus and Remus!" Remus screeched.
Gustav made a face. "Gustav and Virgil..." he corrected.
"You talk fancy. Who's your daddy?" Remus wondered. Making Virgil hide his face to stiffen a laugh. Gustav just rolled his eyes. Glancing at Virgil nervously.
Owch. Yeah. Roman wouldn't have liked two random kids stealing the show right when he was making a proper friend. Especially if it ended in him and said friend never getting close.
"My uncle, is high Mage Remy. Eternal lover of the smoldering heart. so my talent was spotted rather quickly. How about you three?" Janus wondered.
"My parents have like, a ton of stores so they paid for an aptitude test so I’d be out of their hair," Remus shrugged. "Jokes on them. I'll be even more of a menace when I know magic,” he added with a grin. Roman noted that both Virgil and Gustav felt a bit self-conscious now. Virgil glanced to Gustav, realized he was not alone in his worry and found courage. "My parents are tailors, and um... I caught a pot without touching when it fell. So when mister Remy... your uncle, came by to check on our village, they told him. And he checked, and now I am here," he said. Making Gustav relax.
"It's just my mother, and I. She helps one of the farmers who has no children to help him to get by. One day, I made a mess of her nice dress, and I wished it was clean, and then it was." He said, feeling more confident now that he and Virgil seemed to have more in common.
"Cool," Remus grinned.
Someone rang a bell. "Oh, class in session! Come on! You gotta sit with us!" Remus insisted dragging Virgil along, followed by a bemused Janus and a dejected Gustav. That must've stung.
"Your friends seem fun," Roman decided. It hadn't seemed like they were deliberately pushing Gustav away. But the young arch mage clearly hadn't felt comfortable around their big personalities.
"Yeah," Virgil smiled.
"Now. Your turn. Show me something about you," Virgil instructed, catching Roman of guard.
"Me?" He asked.
Virgil nodded. "Pick a memory. Focus on it. And share it like how you shared your emotions with me the past two days," he instructed.
Okay. Doable...
Roman took a breath. Focused and...
He was home. Just the sight of it nearly made him tear up. How had Virgil kept it together when showing his own. "I was prepared. You are doing great," Virgil assured him. Roman nodded gratefully and led Vigil to the play room where he and his friends were bowed over books on magic.
"And then he single handedly tamed the beast of Zimmer and sent it back into the woods!" Young Roman told his friends. Much to their amazement.
"I wish I could do something so amazing," Patton sighed.
"But we can. We just have to get into the academy," Logan stated wisely.
"Don't we have to pass an aptitude test for that?" Roman asked, more intrigued than skeptical. "Yes, but I found an old book in your parents' collection, one from before the plague, and in it, it says that magic is a skill you can learn. Like cooking and art. Talent helps, but it is not our only way to pass the test. It even has the instructions. Are you two with me? I am confident I can do it, of course, but I'd rather not be by myself," Logan said formally.
Young Roman grinned and threw an arm around his friend's shoulder. "Of course, big brains. Where do we start?" He stated. "Yay! We're going to change the world together!" Patton cheered, hugging his friends who chuckled.
"Admirable attitude. It is correct, of course. Even if you didn't have talent, which, for the record, you all do, you could learn to connect with your own mana 'the hard way' as they say."
Roman smiled at the reassurance. He had felt a bit insecure about that.
"Well, you didn't meet your friends at school so I’ll go again," Virgil offered showing a classroom with young Virgil flanked by his friends. Gustav a row behind them.
"Why are we seeing this from this perspective? The memory of the ball was like looking through your eyes," Roman suddenly realized.
"Because this talks easier. The details out of sight are filled in through reasoning. I remember Gustav was behind me and I now realize what first meeting Remus and J might've felt like for him. So I, subconsciously make assumptions based on that. We are watching an unreliable narrator. Especially when paying attention to what happens out of sight," he explained as the teacher paced in front of the room.
“So, who can tell me why we need herbs and minerals and animal parts for casting?” the teacher wondered. Looking over the crowd.
“Remus?” he pressed. Remus rolled his eyes. “So we don’t get tired when doing spells,” he said.
Janus snickered at his friend’s deadpan tone. “Care to elaborate Janus?” the teacher challenged.
Janus sat up straighter. “Spells cost energy like climbing a set of stairs would. Using the mana in outside sources when we can, keeps us from draining our own supply,” he stated.
The teacher nodded. "Why can’t we use whatever we want then? Why, by example, do we use Merick’s leaves and not aloe vera in pain relief spells and potions?" The teacher asked.
Virgil perked up a little, looked around to see if anyone else wanted to answer and carefully raised his hand.
"Yes." The teacher acknowledged.
"The mana in the plants is less flexible than the mana within ourselves. Pushing it beyond their natural form would cost us more energy than we would save. Pain is a symptom unrelated to actual damage. Aloe vera needs something to fix. Mericks leaves soothe and relax." Young Virgil stated. Roman cocked his head. Spotting a difference in their education.
"Indeed. You can learn the components needed for each individual spell or you can learn what those components actually want to accomplish with their mana. That will allow you to truly blossom as mages and push the boundaries of magic,” the teacher explained.
Gustav leaned over his desk and tapped Virgil on the shoulder. “Gotta be you, I’m starting to think you can look at a brand new plant and immediately tell what it’d be good for,” he whispered. So some time had passed. And Virgil had made an impression it seemed.
“Is that why you’re being such a suck up?” Remus teased. Gustav turned red and fell back into his chair. “Whatever, freak,” he huffed. Virgil was clearly uncomfortable caught in the middle of the argument.
“That’s enough of that,” Virgil decided.
Roman agreed and focused on a memory of his own to relive.
His own experience with his chosen field of study.
They stood in a different classroom. In a different building. Students were filing out and joking about. Logan and Patton hesitated by the door as a young Roman approached the teacher.
“Um… Sir?” he asked.
“What is it?” the teacher said, the enthusiasm for teaching Virgil’s teacher had nowhere to be found.
“Um… Well the dean said that we should talk to the teacher specializing in our chosen discipline about… Well specializing and I…”
The teacher perked up. “You want to specialize in herbology?” he asked. Surprised, skeptical, hopeful.
“Y-yes. I mean. Plants and their uses always interested me. And well… Being able to recognize them on sight seems like an important skill. So…” he explained awkwardly.
Now the teacher lit up. “Then I will do my best to teach you all I know,” he promised.
Roman turned to Virgil. “Herbology wasn’t very popular the past fifty years,” he shrugged.
“Well, they never taught you the cool parts so I’m not surprised,” Virgil shrugged.
The memory shifted to his teacher’s private office late in the evening. Young Roman was bowed over a few books, several pots of herbs set up before him.
“It is said, that in the time before the dark plague, there were herbologists who were so in tune with the mana of living beings, that they could sense the ingredients of anything they ate, even down to the exact amount of salt crystals.”
Virgil chuckled. “Slight exaggeration,” he assured him.
Roman wanted to ask him to elaborate, but he figured questions could wait for the road. Virgil might appreciate a distraction while they traveled.
“Sadly, the methods with which they achieved this ability have gotten lost after the plague,” teacher sighed wistfully.
“Sir… I don’t understand these instructions,” young Roman told his teacher.
“This healing spell calls for Mint root, but that feels wrong? In this one,” he pointed to another page, “the revitalization spell, mintroot is combined with Lilly pollen. And it just feels like the Lilly pollen would be far more effective for the healing spell?” young Roman pointed out.
Virgil looked to Roman with a bright, proud smile. “Good eye,” he praised.
Roman’s teacher looked at Roman’s notes and hummed. “I understand your concerns. But Lilly pollen is too potent to use on its own and any deterrent would render the benefit entirely useless. It is a level three after all. We can’t use catalysts in reckless abandon, that is what caused the plague,” he explained gravely. “But good eye Roman. You clearly have talent,” he praised. Young Roman smiled but didn’t look too convinced.
“Do my eyes spy a spark of rebellion?” Virgil gasped.
“I may have started using Lilly Pollen where I felt it was appropriate whenever I wasn’t supervised… I’d say don’t tell Logan but I think he’s thrown all caution to the wind since you made him great wizard mage,” Roman admitted.
“Following your own gut over a teacher’s instruction isn’t such a trivial matter though. That took courage,” Virgil complemented before taking charge of the memories again.
Leaving Roman no chance to react.
Virgil showed a few snippets of memories of him and his friends growing up at the academy. Laughing at Remus’ antics, debating ethics and technicalities with Janus. Going home and showing all that he had learned to his family and using it to help around the village.
And then they were inside a room with a familiar layout. It was round. The floor and ceiling decorated with mosaic representing the night sky, the magically glowing stars the only light source.
Virgil was sat in the middle of the room. Meditating.
Roman could hear the instructions echo in Virgil’s mind, the only sound in this silent room other than Virgil’s breathing.
“Focus on the flow of magic within you. Until it is all that is left. Let it show you your power. Do not waver. Do not turn away. Welcome it. It is part of you. Yet it also is a life all its own. Let it show you, who you are meant to be.”
Roman felt something stir inside him at those words. “That’s a better pep talk than I got,” he whispered to Virgil.
“Do I want to know?” Virgil wondered.
“Try not to die,” Roman surmised.
“… Roman, I never asked. How many Great mages has the academy produced since the plague?” Virgil asked.
“Um… Us?” Roman admitted.
“So… You outrank the council?” Virgil concluded. “Uh… I never thought about it like that… I guess?” Roman mused.
Virgil frowned but focused back on the memory. Also choosing to keep questions for the road.
The stars seemed to go out, and a purple glow appeared inside Virgil right at his heart.
Not a glow… A flame.
Virgil opened his eyes and stood up in the void. Looking for a light, an exit. Something.
He reached for his chest and touched the flame, held it in his hand, and set it free.
The magic spread into the room, creating new stars. Constellations Roman didn’t recognize, and was fairly certain Virgil didn’t know either. So it wasn’t just that he didn’t pay enough attention in astronomy class.
Young Virgil stared on in awe and stepped back in surprise as his magic fire returned to him and burst into an inferno, revealing a phoenix made of purple flames.
Virgil hesitated and bowed. The Phoenix let out a majestic cry and flew straight through Virgil, making his robes flare up and his hair blow back. It was much shorter at this time in his life, but long enough to be affected. Virgil looked behind him and he was back in the meditation room, the door glowing with his magic and opening.
His classmates streamed in.
“That was wicked cool!” Remus exclaimed as he threw an arm over Virgil’s shoulder.
“Uh… What was?” Virgil asked.
“Let’s just say for a moment I thought there’d be a phoenix permanently burned into the doors to the ascension chamber,” Janus smirked.
“Indeed. Congratulations. Virgilious, fate spinner, Mage of the dark phoenix,” their teacher allowed.
Roman looked at Virgil.
“My first nickname. Based on my ability to weave any sort of spell into fabric. Cleaning was my first one but I perfected it to a point where I could integrate three different spells into one fabric. After building a proper reputation as a high mage I got the name Night Flame,” Virgil explained.
Roman looked to the crowd and spotted Gustav standing by the edge. Observing with a closed expression.
Though past Virgil wasn’t looking directly at him so that wasn’t necessarily how he looked at the time.
Past Virgil was too busy feeling bashful about the attention and the title.
Roman felt a little bad for the young Arch mage. If things had gone just a little differently, he would’ve been part of the past few memories rather than a figure in the background.
“Gustav. I believe you were next?” The teacher stated. Now Virgil’s attention did go to him. Gustav hid some kind of expression and nodded formally.
“Watch him get a gnome,” someone whispered in the group, making a few others laugh and Gustav flush.
“What would be wrong with that? Gnomes are mischievous but creative and in tune with nature. There is no such thing as a bad guide. Only shortsighted, immature mages who probably shouldn’t be getting theirs yet,” Virgil scolded his classmates who looked sheepish at being called out like that.
“It’s alright Virgil,” Gustav said, finding his confidence. “Who knows? Maybe I will get a less popular guide. I’m not stupid, I know that is more in line with my standing,” he noted, strolling to the center of the room. “Then again,” he stated as he turned around. “Maybe I’ll be the dragon who will unite the lands under one crown. And you’ll all wish you’d tried a little harder to get my favor,” he smirked as he dropped himself into a cross legged position. “Well, most of you,” he finished.
The teacher guided the group out of the room. Virgil looked back briefly and found that Gustav had dropped the bravado and looked nervous. And then the door closed.
“We don’t need to see every ceremony. There was no dragon that year in any case. But I had learned that if I was going to ever become a high mage, I’d have to come to terms with the fact that I’d have to learn to fly. Remus tried pretty much the day after the ceremony to ascend. And Janus had started daily meditations in preparation for a serious attempt a month or two later.
I was nowhere near mentally ready to even think of that. So… I practiced.”
Roman looked up and they found themselves in a small clearing in a forest. Virgil was pacing the forest floor.
“A bird. Of course I had to be a freaking bird… That’s fine though. I can prepare. This time tomorrow I’m not going to be held back by something as silly as a fear of heights.”
Past Virgil stood still in the middle of the meadow and retrieved a feather from his satchel.
And then his form shrunk and changed. And before them stood a falcon, moving his body experimentally.
“Changing shape gets much easier once you ascend. As you might have noticed. When ascending you essentially abandon a physical form, and become magic yourself. And magic, can take any shape it needs to with ease. Before that… It feels a bit uncomfortable to shape your body in a form that is not its own,” Virgil explained.
“So, changing your looks wouldn’t be as uncomfortable as becoming an animal,” Roman concluded.
“Yeah. Depending on how much you change, but I suppose even changing yourself to an entirely different body type is more doable than becoming a different species,” Virgil agreed as his past self-made a few clumsy attempts to get up on a fallen tree to have a launch platform.
“What you see next stays between us alright?” Virgil asked.
Roman nodded. “I wasn’t going to share a second of this with anyone anyway,” Roman promised.
Virgil smiled at him and then focused on the memory again where the falcon took off. And fell out of the sky almost immediately. Roman blinked and the falcon was back on the tree.
Took of once more, and fell again.
A few more minutes went by. Though Roman never saw the impact. Just the moment that Virgil lost the fight with gravity and then he started over again.
“You fell a lot,” Roman observed.
“I was much too stubborn. Getting tired made it harder,” Virgil huffed.
The memory showed an exhausted falcon, falling asleep on the forest floor… That didn’t seem safe.
Indeed. The sky grew dark and something emerged from the bushes. A fox.
Luckily Virgil woke up just in time to doge it’s attack. He cawed in warning but the fox must’ve been very hungry or in need for some food for their cubs perhaps, because it tried to attack again. Virgil, rather than turning human, fueled by adrenaline, launched himself skyward, and this time, managed to remain there. Flying up above the treetops, elated at his success, and from the looks of it he soon found himself at home among the winds.
He flew past the forest edge and made his way into a familiar village. He returned to his human form on the pathway and was immediately greeted by his family who’d been worried since he hadn’t come home before sundown as he usually did. His father had been about to go look for him.
It was a sweet display.
Then the memory shifted to inside the home. The family was gathered and an older man and two young adults were measuring them. Much to the delight of Virgil’s little sister.
“We did well for ourselves after I figured out the self-cleaning fabric thing. So, when the time came for the introduction ball of the new great mages of that year, we decided to splurge on some new clothes. We didn’t usually do anything fancy so I had a tailor from the city come to make us all something fitting for the occasion.
And, I met the guy who taught me to… appreciate dressing up,” Virgil admitted. Fondly looking at the young man who was clearly trying not to be weird while taking a great mage’s measurements.
“What happened to the lyre player?” Roman asked curiously. Recalling what Virgil said about the first man he kissed while they were sitting at the loom.
“Oh, that was years before this. I was… Sixteen. He was part of a traveling band, but they ran into some bad luck and needed a lot of repairs, so they stayed the summer and did odd jobs to pay for their repairs and necessities and such. We… hit it off. But at the end I had duties in the city and he went back to the road,” Virgil recalled.
“How old are you at this point?” Roman wondered. Virgil had been around Roman’s age when he stopped aging. And he was a great mage in this one, so this couldn’t be too long before that.
Virgil hummed.
“Well, gosh, I haven’t thought about that for a while… But I was 18 when I became a wizard… 19 when I became a great wizard. And… Yeah about 25 when I became a mage.” Roman nodded. That wasn’t an unusual timeline.
“I think… I think I’m 27, almost 28 at this point,” he decided.
Roman observed past Virgil exchange a smile and a joke with the apprentice, making him laugh and relax. He looked cute.
They watched just a little longer. Seeing the young man start to gush animatedly about his passions and Virgil starting to get intrigued.
Then Virgil showed him his next memory.
They were in a large room, lit up with various types of magic lighting. Making for a festive atmosphere. There was music playing and there were people dancing in gorgeous suits and gowns in styles entirely unfamiliar to Roman.
So far he’d seen Virgil and the others wear robes and the casual fashion of commoners that didn’t change as much. He almost wished Virgil had shown him a local festival so he could’ve seen what they’d worn for such an occasion.
He spotted Virgil and his family. The ladies looking lovely in purple gowns with feather’s in their braids. His mother’s hair in an updo and his sisters and another woman Roman didn’t recognize in a lovely half up half down. Their gowns had high collars, tiny glass beads sewn in into the fabric to make them shimmer like the night sky. Their sleeves long and widening from the elbows down. Their skirts flowing delicately with every move. Virgil, his brother and father were all wearing a similar costume consisting of a dark purple shirt with black pants and ties. His father and brother wearing a decorative feather shoulder piece on opposite shoulders while Virgil wore one on both. All the men had the shadows under their eyes, most men at the party did. It really was a fashion trend.
They looked great, and excited to be there.
They greeted a few people at the door. Virgil was predictably dismissive of his teacher’s praises and his family’s pride. He introduced his brother Michael, his sister in law Penelope and his little sister Mariane alongside his parents, Francis and Evelyn. Once he felt there’d been enough introductions he took his sister to the dancefloor she’d been eyeing since the moment they got in.
“Don’t worry,” he assured her when he saw her look at the crowd. “It’s all in the lead. So I’ll be the one looking bad if something goes wrong.” His sister rolled her eyes and stepped on his foot on purpose, much to his amusement.
Then he took her in a spin around the room. Mariane looked like she was having the time of her life. Dressed up and dancing at a ball.
And then a handsome young man tapped Virgil on the shoulder, interrupting their dance.
The young man was a bit flushed as he took in Mariane before turning to Virgil.
“My apologies, mister Virgil. Would, either of you,” he glanced hopefully to Mariane, “Mind if I cut in?” he asked.
Virgil smirked and looked at his sister who was clearly taken aback by this turn of events.
“Mariane, this is one of Janus’ cousins, Vincent. Vincent, this is my beloved little sister Mariane. Do you mind keeping Vincent company while I look for his cousin and Remus?” Virgil asked.
Mariane shook her head. “Not at all,” she breathed. And so Virgil handed her over with care and left the floor to look for his friends.
He found them soon. Both dressed even more lavishly than Virgil was. Remus a collage of styles and suits that were all demanding attention. Janus seemed to have pieces of scaled leather incorporated in his suit. Probably showcasing their guide.
Roman noticed Gustav talking to a few noble looking men with a woman at his arm that must’ve been his mother. His suit was modest if not for the ornate pieces of jewelry added to it.
Remus and Janus praised Virgil for his suit and they talked about old times and their plans for the future. Virgil laughed with them but kept glancing at the dancefloor.
Suddenly something startled him and without a word he made his way back towards the center where Roman also spotted someone trying to cut between Vincent and Mariane. Something neither seemed interested in.
“Excuse me,” Virgil announced putting himself between the pair and the third wheel.
“… Great mage Virgil. Good evening. I merely wanted to honor your sister with a dance,” the man assured Virgil.
“The honor would be yours entirely, if she was interested, which she isn’t. Go find someone who is Philipe,” he warned.
“Ah, so you know who I am… Wouldn’t you agree that it would be in your family’s best interest to…”
“I would agree to no such thing,” Virgil interjected. And Roman could feel power build even in this memory. Clearly mister Philipe hadn’t expected that reaction.
“In fact, I think you’ll find it would be in you and your family’s best interest not to anger me any further. I would be very careful of angering the Dark Phoenix. For they are loyal and reliable and inspire such traits in those they meet. I have friends Philipe, and those friends might have more influence than you’d like,” Virgil warned.
“Virgil… You are…” Mariane said softly behind him.
“Is that a threat mage?” Philipe challenged.
“It is a promise that I am not afraid to put you in your place in front of this whole party,” Virgil growled. And around him people gathered, looking at Philipe like his judgement had already been passed. And it wasn’t favorable. Vincent had escorted Mariane to her parents and they all looked on while Virgil laid down the law.
Philipe seemed nervous now, looking around the room and seeing no support. He was about to say something else but then backed away in fear. Virgil’s building power was more obvious now, his clothes and hair flaring and moments later, it erupted with a protective fury from his being.
For a moment Virgil was completely gone. Only a shapeless mass of purple flames in his space.
“Virgil!” his family called, and as if in answer to his name, the flames took the shape of a bird, and then a man, and then Virgil reemerged from the flames. Reborn as a high mage.
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chipthekeeper · 1 year
After many months of sporadically yelling my thoughts in various posts.........it is time.
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*turns out there's like, so much competition for being the worst dad in this galaxy **a biased account from someone with their own very mid dad
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Read on for an unnecessarily lengthy argument and just make sure to picture me like this the whole time
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The Evidence:
Similarities/parallels between them
Shapeshifting -- They both transform so fully and easily from rebel mode to fancy rich asshole and back again throughout the show. Others do as well, but not nearly as often as they do and not nearly as sharp contrast from one thing to another
Quick tempers -- Evident from the way they snap at each other and the people they work with
Familiar framing -- There’s nothing accidental in this show. I believe the below photos draw a very deliberate, if subtle, parallel between them. We don’t see any of the other rebels using a stick like that, and Luthen's doesn't seem to actually have a function besides making youtubers believe he's a Jedi (I have a whole spin-off conspiracy theory on that we can get into some other day if you ask me)
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Blonde -- Obviously. Though it seems Vel's hair is changing for season two. Perhaps a hint that she is trying to distance herself from her father's influence? (okay this part is mostly a joke but then I talked myself into something)
Also, this brand new page from the Dawn of Rebellion visual guide book that made me go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because, you know, proximity is everything. It would have made much more sense for Kleya to be on this page and Vel to be beside Cinta on the next page, right? Nope, not if there's a deeper connection here!
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Their first interaction
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Even before we meet Vel, Luthen predicts to Cassian exactly how she will react to them being there
He first tries to greet her with a big fake grin. Big time dad behavior to act like none of the past shit between you has ever gone down. But Vel remembers, doesn’t buy the act
Basically their interaction is just very familiar and informal, then breaks down quickly because of their attitudes toward each other
Vel is being very childish for most of it, pacing around, not keeping eye contact, then fully acting like a kid who doesn’t want to pick up their toys (see above picture)
Which then brings the Big Dad Energy from Luthen - "LOOK AT ME!!" he yells. The dadest dad behavior to ever dad. I can so easily picture this from my dad. "Look at me when I'm talking to you! Do what I say!" You have no choice but to shut up and obey unless you want to lose your allowance heist mission
Maybe he does actually care?
The night before the heist, Luthen is acting very strange, so much so that Kleya calls him out for being nervous. This is understandable given the stakes. BUT!
“They’re either going to be okay out there or they’re not” from Kleya is interesting. Be okay, rather than do okay. Like she knows he’s particularly worried about their safety, about one person’s safety especially?
And Vel’s mentioned in the very next line, reminding us of their connection again: "Vel's the only one who traces back" -- could be because she’s the only one who’s seen him, but who would actually be able to “trace” that??
Vel's need for approval
Veeerrryyyyy familiar to every eldest daughter constantly ignored by dad, seen most prominently in her interactions with Kleya
First right after the heist -- "Where is he?" ... "He read your message." "I really thought he'd be here?" Oh? Why's that? Why would he be there unless it was personal? Unless there was some sort of expectation of praise for the job well done, or comfort after losing so much of the team?
Later, before Ferrix, Vel won't give Kleya the information about Maarva's death until she secures the "I'll make sure he knows where it came from" promise from her
Rebellion is a family affair
"But Chip, Vel can't be related to Mon and Luthen!" Why not? There's nothing really that says Luthen isn't/can't be Mon's uncle
In fact, it might even make it easier to understand how a prominent Senator who's outwardly so centrist and careful could get Luthen's attention -- they always knew each other!
Anyway, a visual aid made months ago by @jedi-valjean, outlining the possible family tree, along with what seems to be the typical Chandrilan matriarchal naming conventions:
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Vel Sartha, nepo baby
Vel absolutely does not have the experience or the stomach to be leading a mission like Aldhani. Why did he let her? That's right, nepotism
Hints to this in both her interactions with Kleya -- first "this is what revolution looks like" and then "You're off the rails. You're lucky he's not here"
She's clearly not ready and messing things up, but she's not facing any consequences for it because of her proximity to Luthen
Their second interaction
The convo on Ferrix is less loaded but still interesting
Vel looking at him and greeting him with a hint of "oh so you do acknowledge that I exist....but only because I have the information you need"
Again, the way they talk to each other is oddly informal for a boss and subordinate. Plus at the end he gives her tasks like a dad handing out chores
(also seems to like saying Cinta's name to her. supportive of his daughter's girlfriend, that gets him some good dad points)
Luthen's talk with Lonni
pound for pound, this is the most important part outside of their first interaction
As Lonni comes down in the elevator, Luthen congratulates him on becoming a father to a "healthy, beautiful" daughter. Tells him he must be pleased
Lonni thinks he's being threatened, asks "Do you ever think how it might feel from my side?" And Luthen tells him "I think about you constantly."
This. Shit. Makes. Me. CRAZY.
Because Luthen *was* Lonni. Just a guy with a daughter, trying to fight for something better
Also he sacrifices Kreegyr and all his men just to keep Lonni’s cover from being blown. Obviously that’s selfish on one hand, he gets to keep his spy, but also….Lonni’s daughter gets to keep her dad. I don’t think Luthen's just saying that to appease him. “You love your daughter," he says. The whole thing hits home for him and he thinks about it constantly
Basically the whole scene is a conversation between Luthen as he is now and Luthen as he could have been -- “Your investment in the rebellion is epic. A double life. Every day a performance.” He’s TALKING TO HIMSELF
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And what does Luthen sacrifice? "...Kinship....Love" -- the love of his family? His kin? He may have his daughter in his life but they're hardly more than coworkers because of what they have to do. They're both sacrificing a real relationship with each other
"I burn my decency for someone else's future" -- he's sacrificed being a good father to fight and make a better future for his daughter!!!
The shoutout to his ego not having a "mirror" calls us back to Vel and Cinta's conversation, another probably deliberate thread supposed to connect them in our minds
"You'll stay with me, Lonni" can mean both that he's not letting Lonni out of this and, again, that he's always thinking of him (always thinking of that other version of his life)
The Conclusions
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Putting together all the evidence and the fact that no one in the show seems to know about the connection between them, I can basically come to two possible conclusions:
Vel didn't find out this man was her father until she was already an adult
She knew him as a child but then he began making his calculations and left her and her mother
Either way, they would have gone years without interacting and thus it would be easy to hide their true connection once they've been reunited. And either way, their relationship would be as strained as it appears. Vel would want to have his attention and approval in a way she never did before, and Luthen would feel guilty enough to give her a job she hasn't really earned.
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Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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agaypanic · 11 months
I feel like Francis would be the kind of gay that both looks and acts straight, but if he was caught kissing his bf he wouldn’t care at all and just stand there like “…and they were both boys” and go back to kissing. <3
Nonchalance (Francis Wilkerson X Male!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Your relationship with Francis isn’t a secret, you just choose not to make a big deal out of it.
A/N: reader goes to military school with francis and he’s going to Francis’ for spring break. reader being male isn't really explicitly specified but it's implied bc he's in military school with francis
“Are you sure it’s okay that I’m coming with you?” You asked as you watched Francis pack his suitcase. “Because I can stay here.”
“I’m positive, Y/n.” He said, looking over at you. “Besides, I’d be bored at home without you. I’ll need something to take my annoyance and anger from my mom out on.”
“Gee, thanks.” You rolled your eyes, moving to sit on Francis’ bed. “Have you told your family about… us?”
“No,” Francis answered, shutting his suitcase and sitting next to you. “Do you want me to?”
You shook your head. It was honestly fine that Francis hadn’t told his family about the two of you dating. You two agreed that you didn’t feel the need to announce your relationship status to anyone. If people couldn’t see you were together, that was on them.
Although, you made sure not to do any PDA around Commandant Spangler.
“You’re gonna have a lot of fun, I promise,” Francis said, patting your back and kissing your cheek.
You and Francis definitely had different ideas of fun. When thinking of fun, you’d think of games or going to the movies.
Francis’ version of fun seemed to be having a screaming fest with his mom.
The day didn’t start out that way, thank God. Francis’ dad picked you two up from the airport, and he was really nice. He engaged in conversation with you and cracked jokes. He really made you feel welcome.
Then, when you got to the Wilkerson’s house, you met the rest of Francis’s family. His brothers were nice, although a bit chaotic. Your nerves about meeting his mom diminished when she said hello and shook your hand with a polite smile. Maybe Francis was just being a bit dramatic when he told you about her.
And then, you don’t really know how, Francis and Lois got into a screaming match about something. The other brothers went about their business, as if this was a usual occurrence. Hal sighed as he watched the scene, and you leaned over to him.
“Is it always like this?” You asked quietly, not wanting to draw attention. Hal looked like he was gonna shake his head but then paused for a moment to think. Then he sighed and nodded.
It took a while, but Lois and Francis had finally stopped yelling at each other, going off to do different things. Lois went to the kitchen to make dinner, and Francis decided to show you the rest of the house.
“Believe me about my mom now?” He asked as you went outside to the backyard. You nervously laughed.
“Yeah, that was… a lot.”
“Sorry you had to see that,” Francis said, giving you an apologetic look. “She just makes me so crazy sometimes.”
“I can tell.” You joked, and he rolled his eyes.
The two of you talked for a bit, watching the sun go down. Besides the little rough patch that you had witnessed a while ago, things seemed to be going well. When it started getting dark, you decided to go inside. But before you could reach the door, Francis gently pinned you to the wall and kissed you.
Your eyes widened in shock before quickly closing, giving into him and kissing back. There was a fear in the back of your mind that someone would catch you, making the rest of your stay awkward. But all in all, you didn’t really care so much as long as Lois wasn’t the one who caught you.
As you ran your fingers through Francis’ hair, you didn’t notice the door next to you opening. It was only when you heard the sound of someone clearing their throat that you broke away from Francis. The action seemed to disappoint Francis, but instead of saying so, he just looked at the person interrupting you.
“What’s up?” He asked.
“Were you guys kissing?” Malcolm asked, looking a bit off guard. It was a dumb question; he had literally just caught you and his brother making out.
“Yeah, genius,” Francis responded. “Anything else?”
“Mom said dinner’s ready…” Malcolm looked at the both of you before slowly backing up. He kept his eyes on you until he was in the house and shut the door. Then you could hear him run away, which made you laugh. Francis looked at you with a smile.
“Hungry?” He asked. You nodded, and he pecked your lips before bringing you back into the house.
This would be a fun week.
Malcolm in the Middle Taglist: @rattilol
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