#i probably adding this to maggie's page...
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tidemoonchild · 1 year ago
What does the name of Maggie "Phantasma" mean? Why did you gave her that name?
Oooohhh that's a good question!
Okay this is going to be a long post.
So first of all when I looked for an alias for her I wanted something that Maggie herself would give herself, which means something that would fit her abilities, personality, interests but also story. I didn't wanted to just give her the name Shadow or Phantom cause none of them were something I thought yes that's it. None of them really fit to the whole spectrum of her. I was also considering to name her Ghost or Echo but they were already taken and for I wanted a name that didn't existed yet in Marvel. Besides that with them I also kinda had the same problem like I had with Shadow and Phantom, it didn'tincluded everything. Then I googled for synonyms and found the words "Phantasma" and "Phatasmagoria.
So here we go: (Btw I kinda just translated the german wiki page of phantasma here cause there's no real english wiki page to it. For Phantasmagoria I took the infos from wikipedia and an article I found while looking this up I linked them down there too)
Phantasma is in short a product of fantasy as a delusive appearance, illusion, ghost, specter or a figment of the imagination in short: Something that is seen or imagined but is not real. The word comes from ancient Greek and means something like: appearance, image, idea/imagination, face or a sign sent by the deity, miracle, dream image with and without a dream, ghost, spirit and can be a also used as synonym for well phantom or ghost. It refers to a mental, inner imagination in the sense of a fantasy or mirage. In the German-speaking world, phantasma refers to a perception-like scenic condition, psychiatrically something like illusion, pseudohallucination and hallucination. The word is considered little used and antiquated. It has a negative function, such as forgetting and repressing things, but can also be viewed from the perspective of self-assertion and rebellion against unworthy circumstances. In French psychiatry, phantasma generally means something like a pictorial scene in which the person concerned realizes a wish or unconscious wish. In this respect it is the same as daydreaming. The term plays an important role in the context of Jacques Lacan's psychoanalysis, where it describes a certain form of imaginary fantasy. The term phantasma has a long tradition, particularly in philosophy, and was already used by Aristotle in the sense of a mental “image”. It roughly corresponds to what we understand today as fantasy or imagination. “Imagination” means the ability to produce mental images, while phantasma refers to the images themselves produced by the imagination. – In ancient times, techniques for better memorization were based on the principle of sensualization (mnemonics). Therefore, memory contents were viewed as memory images (ancient Greek phantasmata, Latin imagines). A form of phantasma is also hallucination, in which the phantasma is not recognized as a phantasma but is confused with an external sensory perception. Lacan uses phantasma to describe the psychological representation of an object or a situation that the subject remembers visually. The phantasma thus belongs to the register of the imaginary. Phantasma is therefore a form of defense. The development of a phantasma is often based on traumatic experiences, which are, however, warded off and reinterpreted in the image presented. Behind the individual phantasmatic image there is ultimately a “fundamental phantasma” on which the identity of the subject and the forms of his desire are based.
"Phantasmagoria" on the other hand is a form of horror theatre that (among other techniques) used one or more magic lanterns to project frightening images. During the show scenes and stories were performed with the use of magic lanterns and rear projections to create dancing shadows and frightening theatrical effects. These lively, interactive events incorporated storytelling, mythology, and theater in a single art form that entertained while providing a space for thinking about the otherworldly-playing with the viewers’ anxieties regarding death and the afterlife. In many shows, the use of spooky decoration, total darkness, (auto-)suggestive verbal presentation, and sound effects were also key elements. The shows started under the guise of actual séances in Germany in the late 18th century and gained popularity through most of Europe (including Britain) throughout the 19th century. The word "phantasmagoria" has also been commonly used to indicate changing successions or combinations of fantastic, bizarre, or imagined imagery.
When I read about all of this I instantly thought this is it! Cause it fits so many of her abilities, her story but also interests of philosophy, psychology and theater. It was also perfect that Phantasma is used as synonym for phantom/ghost/illusion cause in her story that's kinda how she's always described as a ghost an illusion or phantom a horror story but nothing that really exist etc. Another reason was in her story she couldn't remember her life before HADES or who she was for a very long time and she also had lots of traumatic experiences that made her to the person who she is today and kinda "created" her. She also rebelled against unworthy circumstances as she was the one who destroyed HADES and she also works like some sort of defense as she tries to protect everyone from what is left of HADES so no one has to suffer the same fate she had too and in the same moment she tries to repress her memories of HADES and what happened to her there.
So that's why I went with Phantasma, cause it conected so many aspects of her in one name.
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asksoldieron · 3 months ago
S0-33: Oops, We Did a Cielois.
If there's a lot of engagement on this, this post is liable to get real long, beware before you expand.
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More art to come, I hope, but that's where they are and where they're headed!
Welcome to the Engagement Lounge, for Welcome to Farsia (262|33) an instalment! Short comments can go in the replies, but there's a 475 character limit. Longer ones will need a reblog. Remember to @asksoldieron if you're reblogging someone else's reblog, so I can see it too!
Oooh, we got a lot of goodies for this one. Look! I edited the map for you! And now let me deal with the obscure reference!
I like Black Butler, even the second anime season, and I don't mean the ship, I mean THIS:
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Heh. Decisions were made. But, what happened there, because reasons, is a demon took two people with similar experiences and scrambled them together for a snack.
Mordecai has just accidentally scrambled Erik's experience of being sicker than a dog in a bathtub with ice (see here) and his memory of Alba's experience (see here). And now Erik has no idea he almost died calling gods. They aren't in contact with the Rainbows and they don't have John's notes. David sure ain't gonna tell 'em. This little misunderstanding is not going to get cleared up for quite some time! But I'm sure it'll be fine.
And we got a little musical scene! I'm parodying The Music Man. Harold Hill arrives in Iowa and is perfectly nice to everyone, but they're not nice to him. Maggie arrives in Zadrakarta and does the opposite. I quit embedding YouTube at the site due to ads - those are a real mood-killer, but I'll embed the reference here.
If you want the melody to sing, there it is. If you want the whole movie (and you should!) it's on Archive.org at the moment!
Maggie's gone a bit Soap Box Sadie and made some people uncomfortable without doing much to improve the general situation. Given that she's sided firmly with Zanzamin, I can't expect her to keep a lid on it, but going off on a low-level idiot doing his job only scares him and frustrates you. Not unlike her mother screaming at everyone who thinks a solitary lady in glasses could use some help with her bags.
But she helped me with the world-building! Yay! There's more than one way to deal with a magic storm, and this isn't the only one we're going to see on this trip. I really hope it's not a frustrating, exposition-heavy diversion from the plot you're expecting. I'm trying to keep it fun! I was hoping to get them home faster than this, but there are one or two things they need to do outside of San Rosille. I think they'll be home by the end of Volume 14. I hope. I have no idea how long it's gonna take to write and put it up, but I'm aiming for two more six-packs on the road and then HOME.
I updated the Setting page for Farsia, and they'll only be there for 2 instalments, so grab that now while it's relevant! (And I'll probably post it on the main blog. I'm proud of myself.) Farsia would love to get involved in that nasty business in Prokovia, and vacuum up ALL the refugees, but they'd need evidence and Erik's little group has none. For now.
Erik will be taking care of some significant (I swear!) business in the next one, which is going up near his birthday and mine - although it's springtime in Zadrakarta. Then it's off to Zanzamin! Farsia's fun but we have a lot more to do in Zanzamin! Have a happy holiday and I'll see you there!
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thecheshirerat · 1 year ago
a Bridge Season?
Thinking about season 3, folks. And the more I ponder it, the more I am utterly befuddled by the idea that season 2 is a bridge season.
Because if someone says "Yeah, we had a sequel planned for the book- but we need a bridge season to get to that starting place for the series." You anticipate that the setup for the sequel was all in the book, but some crucial bits of that setup were cut for TV. You think, ok, so this bridge season- season 2- will mostly be highlighting things that were in the book which were cut from season 1, combined with things that might have ended up in the prologue of book 2, with some fun extra bits for the sake of a coherent narrative.
There was a lot of "fun extra bits," but for the most part? That's. Not what season 2 was.
Season two was a lot of things- I like to describe it as a love letter, to the fandom, to Terry, to all the people involved in making the show- but it's hardly any of the things I listed above. There's some touching on book-things left out of the show, I can't think of any good examples now, but a lot of it is new!
And those new things made waves, that's absolutely sure! Season 3 will start from a very different place than season 1 ended. Aziraphale's in heaven. Crowley's a mess. Gabriel and Beelzebub are a thing. Muriel's running the bookshop.
But none of those could POSSIBLY have been crucial for season 3 to work.
It would have been pretty wild for 668: The Neighbor of the Beast (the proposed title of the book sequel) to have begun with Aziraphale suddenly in the position of Supreme Archangel. Even if they had a little explanation in the early chapters, it would have been weird- in the first book, there's very little in terms of heavenly politics. It would've been equally weird to have Crowley a mess over their off-page breakup. If that was why season 2 was necessary, Book Omens would've needed a bridge too!
Additionally, from what we know of the planned book, Crowley and Aziraphale were originally planned to work together- I lost the post where this was summarized so long ago, but I vaguely remember mention of them road-tripping across America, which will have to be changed now.
So their whole fight- the consequences of the final fifteen? We can assume that was all Gaiman.
Gabriel was practically a footnote in the book, so it would be wild for his and Beelzebub's absence to be fundamental to season 3- and we know Neil got the idea to canonize ineffable bureaucracy after season 1 was put out.
Maggie and Nina were involved because Neil wanted Maggie and Nina on the set (he's said that too). (I could find sources for all of these things if I went looking, but I'm very tired right now.)
Saraqael was added.
Muriel morphed out of a character Neil said was originally Aziraphale's replacement on Earth, but who he made nice because he was sick of writing about mean angels- so, Muriel could be fulfilling a season 3 role set up for that heaven's-replacement character he mentioned- but they probably weren't at the center of the plot, if Neil and Terry had left the character mostly unplanned.
The flashbacks are either follow-ups to flashbacks introduced in season 1 (1941, for instance), unlikely to be relevant (the Resurrectionists) or very unlikely to contain key plot details (the Job minisode, which was written by John Finnemore without much input from Neil at all).
So what was introduced in Season 2 that makes a transition from book-sequel to show-sequel smoother? Dear Reader, I have no idea. I am not a particularly good theorist, just someone who is pretty sure none of these words [this season] was in the bible [original book].
I just keep coming back to the thought that if the start of season 3 was also the planned start of 668 (and we know it won't be), they would've written a trilogy. Because they would have needed a bridge there, too.
I don't doubt that season 2 was necessary to bridge the gap- and I love it, even if it wasn't necessary, I love it and if Neil wants it back he can pry it from my cold dead hands- I'm sure it was, in some way that we have no way of understanding yet. It must all be in his authorial, ineffable plan, because that's where I am with this, I GUESS. But when he says this was a bridge season to something he and Terry had planned out before season 1 ever aired, I'm clueless.
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breezypunk · 1 year ago
Welcome to my blog! Here you can find all the things I post about (and I post a lot, it's a blessing but mostly a curse). You've been warned.
I'm a 20 something year old whose addicted to caffeine and cyberpunk 2077. You will find mostly CP77 content on this blog, but I also post Good Omens, which is my comfort show. We also shit post here. You get a little bit of everything when you come to my page. (You're sure to leave with a chronic case of whiplash).
Here are the links to all my tags. Starting from my most used and beloved tags.
My Cyberpunk 2077 OC, Vaughn Leblanc. He is as precious to me as precious comes, he's all over my page, he is my number one, my main squeeze, my kiddo. ♥
2. My Cyberpunk 2077 OC, Maggie Borden. My best girl, and while I do have a few Fem V's running around NC, Maggie will always have my heart.
3. My Cyberpunk 2077 OC, Layn AKA Mercy. Originally created for mod refit purposes, she quickly grew on me and I've loved her dearly since. She's also the only OC who can put up with Johnny Silverhand, and also put him in his place.
4. My Cyberpunk 2077 OC, JV AKA Jared V. I wanted another male OC, and JV kind of appeared in my lap and I fell in love instantly. He's around, lurking in the shadows a lot, but he's there. ;)
TAGS: Ships
My Cyberpunk 2077 Ship, otp: Golden Hues. Originally called "disaster boyfriends" and for good reason. I refuse to tag that old ship name xD and don't you go looking for it either. Romantic partners, Goro Takemura & my OC Vaughn Leblanc. Running the Badlands together like the coolest nomads you ever did see. (My ship heavily leans Nomad Goro, with some occasional downtime in the city). My #1 ship, and my most cherished ship yet. They own my heart entirely. ♥
2. My Cyberpunk 2077 Ship, otp: Rebels With A Cause. Romantic partners, Johnny Silverhand & my OC Mercy. I don't have a whole lot in their ship tag right now, hoping to change that soon with my growing love for Johnny. These two are insane (affectionate).
3. My Cyberpunk 2077 Ship, otp: Knives Out. A fairly new ship involving Patricia from Maelstrom & my OC, Maggie Borden. Also not many photos, but they will be appearing more often very soon ^_^ These two can be seen around Northside, probably covered in blood, probably carrying at least 2 knives on them at all times. Opposites also couldn't attract anymore than with these two.
TAGS: Mods
Here you can find the link to my google drive where all my mods lie peacefully. These are way older, mainly replacer mods, some decor/prop stuff. The google drive is no longer being updated as I don't make replacer mods anymore, but it's there in case you want to go snooping ;p
Here is the link to my nexus page, where all my current mods are, up and active and partying away.
Lastly, in collaboration with Anrui, my modding partner, all of our mods can be found here. I've linked our atelier, there you can find everything we've made so far. Plenty more will be added :)
Screenshot commissions are open indefinitely. Here you can find the info that will tell you everything you need to know, including example shots, just so you have an idea of what my style is and if you're interested. :)
Examples: (Full size on google doc).
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More misc. tags under the cut ♥
I've made a few AU's involving Vaughn & Goro. I've had so much fun making them, and more may be coming. But here are my favorites.
Zombie AU: Fallout 2077
Corpo AU: Omerta/Vampire AU
Street kid AU: Dreamer
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˳༄꠶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
TAGS: Picrews & Tag Games
Tag Games
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˳༄꠶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
TAG: Random Moments Series
A small series of short photosets consisting of Vaughn and Goro's daily lives and how it brings them closer together. ♥
Random Moments tag
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˳༄꠶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Tag: Photostories
I'm a huge whore for photostories, I make a lot, it gives me joy and it puts my creativity to the test. Some are short, some are long, but they all have special meaning to me. I'm super proud of all of these and I can't wait to completely fill this tag up.
Tag: Breezy's Photostories (note: I made more than what is tagged, sometimes I forget to tag it with this, oops..)
If I left out anything I will be sure to edit. I just really wanted to properly make this post, mainly for me, but for anyone else who might be interested.
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verumfm · 1 year ago
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━◈ WANTED CONNECTIONS ... three new ones have been added to the page!
there are tales of how li haoyu is searching for their two younger siblings, which is familial in nature. the records show that they are about 22-28 years old and their photographs look like dylan wang, lu yuxiao, zhao lusi, ju jingyi, fan chengcheng, yan an, song yuqi, xiao dejun, wang ziyi, sun yihan, bi wenjun, shen yue, wang yijin, chen zhuoxuan, wang zhuocheng, chen zheyuan, wu lei, lin yanjun, liu lingzi, any chinese fc in the appropriate age range. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to karin at @kencanas on tumblr beforehand. this is their story so far: a lot of haoyu’s siblings’ personalities are utp and we can discuss the details! but their shared backstory is that the li family is local to cynefin and are very rooted to the land. they’re literally just a normal family working normal jobs, with haoyu for example being a blacksmith. they do okay, but i definitely don’t imagine them to be Rich & the eldest two siblings at least probably did not get tertiary education. affinity for khemia across their bloodline is also very poor, but i’m down to discuss one of the siblings potentially being khemia-touched for the #drama because haoyu is very bitter they aren’t. tldr; details utp!
there are tales of how li haoyu is searching for their employer, which is platonic/professional in nature. the records show that they are about 40+ years old and their photographs look like omar sy, qin lan, michael greyeyes, zahn mcclarnon, aishwarya rai, gabrielle union, lukman sardi, jericho rosales, lucy liu, simone kessell, vera farmiga, alexander skarsgard, sandra oh, maggie q, gong yoo, lupita nyong’o, tessa thompson, alex meraz, pedro pascal, ke huy quan, fan bingbing, joe taslim, fc ultimately utp. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to karin at @kencanas on tumblr beforehand. this is their story so far: haoyu apprenticed at the local blacksmith’s forged upon graduating secondary school and has remained working there ever since. haoyu has (or at least had) a pretty good relationship with them, especially since he’s quite disciplined and passionate about his work. i imagine that because haoyu doesn’t have an affinity for khemia, however, it’s hard for him to progress in his career. would love if this muse is trained in transmutation & that is causing a bit of a rift between the two of them—because without khemia, haoyu can’t get to their level. this muse’s personality & how they ended up becoming a blacksmith really are all utp, and i’m more than happy to brainstorm further details.
there are tales of how li haoyu is searching for their narrative foil/rival, which is antagonistic in nature. the records show that they are about 27-33 years old and their photographs look like go younjung, do kyungsoo, pat chayanit, woo dohwan, melisa asli pamuk, apo nattawin, taz skylar, avan jogia, fady elsayed, sakaguchi kentaro, medalion rahimi, daniel ezra, alisha boe, damson idris, jackson wang, tiana okoye, ryan destiny, kylie verzosa, dilraba dilmurat, clark backo, gong jun, kang haneul, adonis bosso, pinar deniz, ashika pratt, bie thassapak hsu, fc ultimately utp. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to karin at @kencanas on tumblr beforehand. this is their story so far: the main thing i’m looking for with this muse is that they have a strong affinity for khemia, particularly in transmutation, which would be something haoyu both hates and envies. i imagine their narratives would parallel and foil each other’s at the same time, but how that is exactly is up for discussion. all i ask is that at present, their relationship is largely antagonistic and Not Great. whether they have history or not can also be discussed! some ideas include but are not limited to an ex student of verum who was an outsider, haoyu’s work rival, a young business owner who takes advantage of their transmutation magic, someone who supplies weapons to the warfront, and many more. basically this dynamic is toxic, biting, and crazy.
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Notes regarding 229401
Just a quick note: I realize this post is coming much later than planned, so I apologize for that. It's also a little long, but there are multiple parts. This post will very likely get edited in the future, but if I don't post it now, I may not ever.
After the initial "Before the Beginning" part of S 2 E 1, Good Omens 2 opens with Aziraphale receiving a note from his record-shop tenant, Maggie, owner of The Small Back Room.
The note is written on an invoice slip, and we see the number printed in red in the upper right-hand corner is 229401. We know details in this show are demonstrated/indicated for a reason, so I decided to do some Internet-digging. I'm sure these are reaches, but it was fun, so here it goes.
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(found here, posted by HereBecauseOfGoodOmens)
Another note: this post (other than the tartan bit later) is specifically about 229401, not the note itself. There may be more about that in a future post, but I'm not sure yet.
Since the invoice number is the only part of the page in red compared to the rest in greens/blues on a white background, I Googled the number to see what I could find.
One result was this interestingly-shaped shelf support:
which looks a bit like the design on Crowley's tie in the 1941 minisode:
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(GIF by gothamstreetcat)
I also checked hex codes, and got this interesting, grassy shade of green:
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Comparing the color on my laptop screen to the color on my TV while watching, it most looked like the cemetery grass in S 2 E 3 when Aziraphale calls the bookshop from the stranger's mobile phone, but doesn't match when I compare them both on my laptop screen. It is also similar to various greens from The Scottish Register of Tartan's PDF of Tartan Register Colour shades, but it also seems so specifically familiar and I just can't quite place it.
EXTRA-REACHING SIDE NOTE: CLAN MACDONALD TARTAN COLORS In that same scene, right before Crowley answers the ringing phone, we see him toss a stack of books he had been carrying. The books were varying shades of blue, green, and red. We know that David Tennant is proud of his Scottish heritage, so out of pure curiosity, I did some Googling and found this, "the oldest recorded version of the clan sett" (it says it is dated 01/01/1819, prior to the launch of The Scottish Register of Tartans), the same colors:
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Also also, I couldn't make out the title or the rest of the names on the book, but the second book from the top of the stack definitely says "David" on it.
Yes, I do know that his family name was McDonald and not MacDonald, but when I first did the search, this is what it showed me. It's probably (definitely) a reach, but hey, it was fun!
And finally, I am completely new to numerology, but added the digits together and got 18, so here's some numerology related to 18. I realize it is written to sound applicable in general, like horoscopes, but why not go for it?
According to affinitynumerology.com:
The numerology essence of the number 18 has to do with humanitarianism, independence, and building something of lasting benefit. The underlying idea of the essence of the number 18 is the welfare of humanity. 18 is tolerant and compassionate, mixing easily with others, including planning and executing projects, yet tends to do the actions of what it considers the most important either by itself or as the leader — at its own determination.
Could this possibly be representative of Aziraphale going to Heaven at the end of S 2? Maybe it would have something to do with action he takes regarding the Second Coming.
According to numerologistpro.com:
In imbalance, the number 18 is conflicted, angry, choleric, and fanatic. Many with 18/9 energy seem happy, light-hearted, and open on the surface, but there is nothing light about the inner life of 18/9. There is a lot of guilt, shame, fear, and insecurity. For example, there can be a lot of internal conflict with a shifting attraction and repulsion to money and power. In balance, the number 18 has energy, focus, willpower, and drive.
This can be applied to Aziraphale, as well, especially as he gets better at lying over time and in S 2 E 6 after he finds out that he will be leading the Second Coming. It will be interesting to see what happens with Aziraphale as Supreme Archangel, having to try to balance his responsibilities/duties to humanity, Heaven, and of course Crowley.
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icookedthis · 2 years ago
Used maybe 3/4 or a little more ground beef and 2 packs of baby bellas because that's what I had. Used about twice as much onion and garlic, and had no Worcesteshire so added fish sauce, ketchup, Maggi, and a little Chinkiang vinegar. It wasn't all that good, probably because the Trader Joe's ground beef had zero flavor, a fact I'd established when I made a hamburger from it right after buying it. Some recipes call for wine or sherry - that would have improved it, I bet. Maybe I cooked the mushrooms too much, too?
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year ago
Once again: Finish the feed, reblog the thing, and don't bother with the indent to indicate where the story starts 'cos it might crash the Tumblrs.
From TS #124 And Your Bird Can Sing!
Erik and Maggie both had meticulous personalities, and they had put their due diligence into this stupid thing they shouldn’t be doing. When Erik came back with the name of a real historical human who would like to turn him into a bird for a drink of absinthe, they looked him up.
“Frey Bartolomeus of Falkenrath,” Maggie read from beneath the woodcut. “‘Mad’ Bartholomew. Circa 1098. One of the Fathers of Modern Magic. Pisses my mom off they still haven’t decided on the Mothers of Modern Magic,” she added, aside. She wiggled the book into the crumbly ground and set it up against one of the half walls, so Erik could see it easily. “But we’re not even sure it’s really him.”
“It doesn’t… matter for the… picture,” Erik said with an irritated gesture. It was uncomfortable kneeling here, he only had stockings and short pants. The splinters and gravel dug into his legs. “He… says he looks like that.”
Actually, he said he preferred a top hat and a cape and white spats instead of a hooded fur coat and leggings, but the wavy black hair and the droopy moustache were the same. Sometimes Invisibles who’d been around hundreds of years decided they liked or wanted new stuff, like fun clothes or cupcakes with cream filling.
“Yeah, but, you know, inasmuch as he says he can turn you into something,” Maggie said.
Erik sat back with a huff and hugged one leg against him, it was a little more comfortable like that. “If I’m being totally honest here, I’m not real happy he says he’s the guy we talk about when something is really messed up.”
“By all accounts he was trying to make a whole bunch of dogs with weird appendages and their heads screwed on backwards,” Maggie said, “so it’s not like he got it wrong. It’s not messed up that way, it’s just everyone was so upset about it, they burned him at the stake. People like dogs.”
Erik touched the reproduced woodcut of a dog with two heads at the front end and the graceful upper half of a swan emerging from the tail end. An Early Experiment in Grafts. It didn’t move, pictures didn’t used to do that in olden days. Probably just as well. “It’s not exactly turning people into birds.”
“It is the practical basis for all Transmutations and Mergers!” Magnificent declared in her bold lesson-voice. “Ball of Swannes and Quercus with Hyaena Centre was a feat of living tissue manipulation that has never been equalled!” She cleared her throat and shrugged self-consciously. “And, I mean, he’s had over two-hundred years to get better at it. If it’s not just some weird god with a fake ID.”
They’d been over much of this before, of course.
“He seemed nice,” Erik allowed.
“Yeah that, uh, that’s the part that makes me wonder if we’ve got hold of the same guy,” Maggie said.
She picked up the textbook and flipped through the pages. The march of progress through living tissue manipulation didn’t really get any less creepy. The last bit from five years ago was about the use of plant material as prosthetics for wounded soldiers. There was a photo of a guy with a twisted mass of ivy holding his guts in his belly. Grape Ivy, Fast-Growing and Non-Toxic, a Popular Filler. He was smiling and waving at the camera but, you know, still…
“Maggie, the… picture,” Erik said.
Maggie startled and set the book up again. “Yeah, I don’t want you to show up with the wrong guy…”
Erik broadly shook his head, but it took him a moment to collect his words, “I’m not picking them out of a… line-up like the police. It’s more training-wheels stuff. I’m used to praying. It gets my brain in gear — like the car has ‘go forward’ and ‘go forward faster.’”
“‘Go forward with passenger,’” Maggie muttered. “Well, we’re already trying it without the shrine. Let’s not push it and get rid of everything. The point is the bird.”
“If I don’t get it, we can try again,” Erik said. He sighed and drew his knees under him again on the uncomfortable ground. But it is gonna be way easier when I can just shut my eyes… my eye and do this standing up…“If you don’t get it at all we can try again,” Maggie said. “If you get it wrong, we’re in trouble for no good reason.”
[Read the whole thing at the site!!]
Alright. Gonna set down the feed and plug the thing.
New year, new habits!
I write this travesty!
The site is in constant need of repair, so are the characters, and so is the author (me). Part 1 is steampunk, and in Part 2 we've gone diesel. It starts with a hate crime, this is not for the faint of heart, but it does get quite funny in places. The absurdity is a coping mechanism!
I've got to break my website later so I can try to fix it, but there's a new instalment this week so I'll give people time to read that, if there's any takers!
Known Readers: 2 (hi 5th and Kith!); 1st Goalpost: 10?
If you're reading, check in with me. My hit counter is buggy AF and I moved the comments offsite, to Tumblr. I won't know you're there if you don't say hi!
Known Supporters: I'm burning my Patreon to the ground because they annoyed me, give me some time to set up someplace else! 1st Goalpost: 5?
If you WANT to support, go ahead and let me know that too. I'll be working on a subscription basis in the future - you'll only pay when I publish!
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onceuponaoneshotfanfic · 3 years ago
Around the Corner (Part 4)
The Ravenclaw and Gryffindor Quidditch teams practice together while their captains practice being friends.
Oliver Wood x Ravenclaw!Reader
1.9k words
Part 3
Something seemed to snap in Oliver. He smiled at people in the hallways, participated in class, and barely screamed at his teammates when they messed up at practice.
Most noticeably, he didn’t start a single argument with Y/N.
Instead, he said hello to her when they passed one another. He asked her to read over his answers on their charms assignment before turning it in. He complimented her on the potion she made in class. Their whole year was confused by the sudden change, and no one was more thrown off than Y/N.
She was especially surprised when he approached her on Thursday afternoon as she entered the Great Hall for lunch.
“Hey! Y/N!” He jogged over to her with a small smile.
She looked up at him quizzically, as if she were waiting for the start of a row.
“What’s up, Wood?”
“You’ve got Slytherin this Saturday, yes?” This wasn’t really a question; they both had the quidditch schedule memorized.
Y/N nodded. “That’s right. Gonna try to get down to the pitch early tomorrow night for one last practice.”
Oliver nodded. “You know, I’ve got the pitch tonight.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “You guys could come join us if you want. We could drill and scrimmage together.”
“Really?” Y/N’s eyebrows flew up. Oliver Wood was notoriously private about Gryffindor’s quidditch practices.
“Really,” he repeated with a grin. “Let’s just say I really want to see Flint lose.”
Y/N grinned back now. “Completely understandable. He’s an absolute prat.”
“And you know what they say,” Oliver added. “The enemy of my enemy is my-” He stopped. They both stared at each other a moment, letting the unfinished sentence hang in the air between them. Oliver gulped.
“Friend,” she finally finished for him, flashing him the smile he found he was slowly getting used to seeing. “So, we’ll meet you lot there after dinner?”
Oliver nodded and gave her shoulder a gentle punch. “See you then!”
“You’re practicing with the Gryffindors?” Maggie nearly dropped the fork in her hand as she and Penelope gaped at me during dinner that night.
I shrugged. “Yeah. What’s the big deal?”
“Oliver’s really weird about their practices,” Penelope pointed out. “Percy told me he hates having anyone there. Like, boyfriends and girlfriends aren’t allowed to come watch or it’s extra laps for everyone. McGonagall had to stop him from trying to bribe Peeves to guard the pitch for him. And now he’s inviting the Ravenclaw quidditch team to practice with them?” She rose an eyebrow at me.
“He just really wants Slytherin to lose,” I clarified. “I mean, can you blame him?”
Maggie shrugged. “Just seems kinda weird to me.”
Pen nodded. “Same here.”
Before I could retort, someone tapped my shoulder. When I turned, Oliver Wood was standing behind me, his hand up in a half-wave.
“Hey,” he greeted casually, as if the people around weren’t staring at us like they were witnessing Armageddon. “I was thinking we should chat about practice tonight. Wanna make sure we’re on the same page.”
I stared at him a moment. Was this really Oliver Wood standing there, chatting with me as if we were friends? As if we hadn’t spent the last few years snapping at each other and playing cruel pranks on one another?
“Sounds like a good idea,” I slowly agreed.
To the surprise of probably the entire Great Hall, he held is hand out to me. “You ready then?”
The image of his outstretched hand sent a shiver down my spine. Twelve-year-old me would have given anything to have Oliver Wood offer me his hand. How many hours had I spent that year imagining this?
Shoving those memories to the side, I allowed myself to be helped out of my seat by the boy I normally couldn’t be paid to touch. His hand was warm in mine, softer than I expected. As soon as I was off the bench, I pulled my hand back, praying that my cheeks did not look as warm as they felt.
Keeping my head down, I followed him out of the Hall, trying to reassure myself that not every whisper along the four tables were about us. But honestly, who could blame anyone for being as confused as I was? We were notorious for our fights; at one point, poor Professor Sprout had to keep us after class to clean up the literal mud slung by both of us in the greenhouse. Even Professor Dumbledore once joked that if we ever dueled, it would probably rival his famous 1945 battle.
“So, what drills do you usually start with?” Oliver asked nonchalantly as we left the castle and headed down towards the pitch. As if we had these kinds of conversations all the time.
“Oh.” I cleared my throat. “Usually some easy laps to get started, then we take turns making shots…”
We went back and forth on our way to the pitch, sharing some of our favorite practice strategies. Together, we came up with a few things we’d do with our teams before scrimmaging our teams against one another. I had to admit, he was an excellent coach; the boy definitely had a future in the sport.
“… and to end practice, just for fun, sometimes we play keep-away with the quaffle,” he explained with a laugh. “It’s kind of silly, but it’s also good chaser practice. Should we do it?”
“That actually sounds fun,” I admitted. “Let’s do it!”
It wasn’t long before twelve pairs of eyes were watching us quizzically as we explained our plans to them. And I totally understood the confusion; of all the people at Hogwarts, our teammates were probably the greatest witnesses to our combative relationship. Seeing us stand shoulder to shoulder, practically finishing each other’s sentences, was probably more astonishing than if one of us suddenly grew a third arm.
Despite the initial shock, the practice went well. We ran some drills, and my teammates told me they really appreciated Oliver’s tips and coaching. Even some of the Gryffindors were asking me for advice during the drills I led. By the time we started our scrimmage, everyone was feeling that happy tiredness that always follows a great practice.
Oliver eased his way over to me on his broomstick. “You ready?” There was a light edge of teasing in his voice; I couldn’t help but smile at its friendliness.
“Are you ready?” I challenged back.
He looked thoughtful for a moment. “How about a little bet?”
I cocked an eyebrow in response.
“Losing team throws the after-game party on Saturday,” he offered.
“Assuming we beat Slytherin,” I added.
Oliver flew a circle around me as our teams got into their positions for the scrimmage. “Trust me, you’ll win.” He shot me a wink before heading to his position in front of the hoops; I hoped he’d assume my flushed face was a result from our workout.
The scrimmage was exciting; the score leapt back and forth like a yo-yo, a testament to both our teams and their talent. Each time I approached the hoops with the quaffle, I found myself admiring the intense look on Oliver’s face, rather than my usual reaction of feeling tempted to throw the quaffle right at it.
Despite the talent of Oliver’s seeker, I called out with excitement along with the rest of my team after Cho caught the snitch. We all landed back on the grass, calling out “Good game” to one another and exchanging high-fives. Oliver reached his hand out to mine and gave a firm shake.
“Guess I owe you a party,” he mused, giving my hand a squeeze before letting go.
“Make sure the butterbeer’s cold,” I answered with a smirk.
Letting out a breathy chuckle, Oliver turned to the two teams waiting to be dismissed. Instead, Oliver picked up the quaffle and tossed it to George Weasley. “Keep away!” he called out.
The Gryffindors jumped into action, clearly familiar with the game. George passed to his twin, who passed the quaffle to another Gryffindor, and so on. Always on their toes, my fellow Ravenclaws quickly caught on and began jumping between Gryffindors in attempts to intercept the ball. After a few tosses, the ball changed hands.
“Oi! Over here!” I waved my arms, signaling my teammate to pass me the quaffle. As the ball landed with a thump in my hands, I felt something wrap around my waist. Without taking note of what- who- it was, I quickly tossed the quaffle to another teammate before I lost my footing and landed on the ground, something heavy landing on top of me.
“S-sorry about that,” Oliver breathed, his golden eyes blinking over and over again. Our noses were practically touching.
“’s alright,” I managed, neither of us rushing to move. I could feel my heart racing through my robes. Or was that Oliver’s?
Oliver cleared his throat and lifted himself off the ground. He held out his hand to Y/N. “Should we go ahead and call practice?” he asked, forcing his voice to take a nonchalant tone.
“Hmm?” She shook her head as she allowed Oliver to pull her to her feel. “Oh. Yes, good idea.”
Knowing both teams could see his flushed face, Oliver called everyone over and congratulated them on a good practice. “Now go shower and get some rest!” he shouted with a dismissive wave. Everyone shouted their thanks and left the pitch in groups of twos and threes, brooms over shoulders or at their sides. Oliver quickly gathered the quaffle and his own broom, noting that Y/N was still on the pitch as he approached the equipment trunk.
“Need help carrying that?” she offered, shouldering her own broom as she walked over, watching him double check that all the balls were secure.
“Ah… sure,” he agreed, taking one of the handles on the trunk. After she took the other end, they lifted it and started walking towards the familiar changing rooms, neither quite looking at each other. They settled the trunk into its usual spot and turned to each other awkwardly.
She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Guess we should head up to the castle,” she said.
Oliver nodded. “Yeah… actually I’m gonna go fly a few laps before I head back.” He tightened his grip on his broom. “But you go on ahead.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Was that disappointment on her face? “Guess I’ll see you in class, Wood.” She waved halfheartedly before turning and walking out the door, her face noticeably red.
Oliver collapsed on the bench and gulped. He felt so stupid; of course he wanted to walk back to the castle with her! But he had a note to write and deliver before heading up to Gryffindor tower, and he jolly well couldn’t do that with Y/N hanging around.
After checking the door to make sure she didn’t come back, Oliver quickly grabbed his bag and pulled out a quill and piece of parchment.
Hello friend, he started. Well, I must admit I’m relieved that I misunderstood the situation! I’m glad this was all a silly misunderstanding.
Oliver paused and looked up in thought. Should he suggest another attempt at meeting? Was he ready to reveal himself? He was enjoying this newfound… friendship? Yeah, he assured himself. They were becoming friends. But would they stay friends once she found out who her admirer was?
With a sigh, he shook his head and went back to writing. He wouldn’t be the one to suggest they try again; but Merlin help him if she did.
Part 5!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years ago
just saw the dead city trailer and ran here. What do you think about the time jump there with older Hershel playing into everyone reuniting with the CRM? Ready for your FTWD analysis too. also just realized FTWD will probably coincide with dead city. Going into the new phase with low expectations and hopefully a good outcome🤞🏻
Yeah, I saw them. Super exciting! The thing is, I don't think Hershel will actually be significantly older. I seem to remember them talking about a very small time jump, like maybe a few months, but I don't think it will be more than that. The actor who plays Hershel does look older, but that's just because kids age so quickly on film. It's been 2 years since this young man first portrayed Hershel, so of course he'll look older. That doesn't mean he is in the show.
Cailey Fleming, who plays Judith on the show, is kind of an exception here. She's a 14-year-old who still looks like she's ten, lol. But that's not true of most kids. So, I wouldn't worry overly much about there being a time jump.
As for other observations about the two new trailers, here is what I sent my fellow theorists:
A few things that immediately jumped out at me.
Maggie says someone is “the key” to getting Hershel back. We’re meant to believe she’s talking to Negan, and she may be. But we know they can sometimes splice together trailers in a way that can be misleading. But this is a theme we saw heavily in S4 and S5, including around Grady.
The storyline they lay out for Fear, brief tho it may be, feels like a template for the CRM. People raising an army to challenge a larger organization.
June looks exactly like Leah in this picture:
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Any insight into who the guy in the wanted poster is? It COULD be Rick. Doesn’t look like him in particular, but closer to him than to Beth, lol.
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I got IMDb to try and confirm weather or not they’re using the same actor for Hershel. I think they are, but none of the spin-offs are listed anywhere on IMDb yet. Not Dead City and not Daryl Dixon. Which is a little strange since fans can edit the pages. It’s odd that no one has added them.
I almost feel like maybe they’re purposefully being kept off the pages for now. Though I don’t know why they would do that.
That is weird about IMDb. I agree it makes it seem like they don’t want the info out there. It’s strange like the spin offs still don’t seem real? Esp the Daryl one.
You asked who we thought was in the wanted poster. I think it is Negan.
I've been thinking about some of the scenes that we've seen in the past seasons that implied that Negan might know something about the CRM but maybe not realize that's who it is and I think that Negan might be smart enough not to question certain things to closely.
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When Jadis held him at the junkyard she called the CRM helicopter which he saw. Nothing was ever explained about how he just totally ignored that. At the satellite station they had a room where they were growing pot I wonder if he was growing pot to sell to some group connected to the CMR in exchange for other medical supplies like insulin that we saw with Tina, Sherry and Dwight had stolen when they left the sanctuary.
In Here's Negan there was a lot of open questions about the cancer medicine he got from the doctor in the RV. It just seem to me there are a lot of questions that were put out and then skipped over.
Great points! I hadn't thought of that. 👍
So, these are our initial thoughts about the two trailers. What does everyone else think?
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tidemoonchild · 8 months ago
>> Still pretty much caught up with my websites. I changed stuff around there and finally added some characters to Maggie's website that are part of her story but was too lazy to add them till now. I also came up with some new characters and ideas.
Beside that I've been creating my own species and world etc. so that took some time too. It's still not perfect but I'm getting there.
Right now I'm focusing on Maggie's page and her story which is eating all my creativity and enegry. I still haven't made the stuff public tho so this has to wait a bit more. Also trying to make up my mind regarding Maggie's fc. I just have too many that I want to use and I just can't decide.
I'm probably going to be more silent around here for a while longer at least till I finished what I have planed for Maggie's page. But I'm still here and I'm still around. <<
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jeanmoreaux · 2 years ago
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i had quite a good reading month! i reread some great books and found some new favs, so i really can’t complain. (and, yes, the aftg brain rot is still very real.) again, quite a substantial chunk was rereads. i’ll probably continue that trend into the first couple of months of 2023—simply because there are so many books on my bookshelf i want to revisit. i’ll be back with my quarterly favourites and my top reads of the year tomorrow or the day after... so you can keep an eye out for that :)
i also started to think about how i want to continue these wrap ups and what changes i might implement for my january one. if you have any ideas, please, feel free to drop them in my inbox or dm!
2022 reading goal: 251/100 books
2022 pages goal: 90,428/35,000 pages
previous wrap ups
as alway, feel free to drop book recs, questions, or opinions in my inbox; i am always happy to talk to you about books! <3
* –> newly added to my favourites shelf
follow: my goodreads | my storygraph | my bookstagram
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas | ★★★★☆
East of Eden by John Steinbeck | ★★★★★ | review
Elysium by Nora Sakavic | ★★★★☆
Time Is a Mother by Ocean Vuong | ★★★★1/2 | review
Wild Seed by Octavia E. Butler | ★★★★☆
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland | ★★☆☆☆ | review
Burnt Sugar by Avni Doshi | ★★★★★
Seven Days in June by Tia Williams | ★★★☆☆ | review
Ariadne by Jennifer Saint | ★★★3/4☆
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic | ★★★★☆ | review
The Raven King by Nora Sakavic | ★★★★1/2 | review
Greywaren by Maggie Stiefvater | ★★★★1/4 | review
The King's Men by Nora Sakavic | ★★★★★ | review
Out There: Stories by Kate Folk | ★★★★3/4 | review
Beach Read by Emily Henry | ★★★★☆ 
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scapegrace74-blog · 4 years ago
New Ways of Turning into Stone, Chapter 5
A/N  Sorry for the long break between chapters.  As some of you might have seen from my Tumblr blog, I’ve been off on vacation these past two weeks.  Plus, when I felt the urge to write, it was my new Vaquero AU that kept calling to me (21,000 words and counting!), rather than this fic.  Which is probably a good argument for why I don’t like to post WIPs.  In any event, here is the next chapter some of you have been asking for, entitled Third Appointment.  Be careful what you wish for.  Angst ahead, plus a trigger warning for infertility trauma, miscarriage.
The first four chapters are available on my AO3 page.
The Thursday after her impromptu encounter with Jamie and his niece at the Royal Hospital for Children, Claire woke with a strange twisting pain in her gut.  Skipping breakfast, she was halfway to her office before she diagnosed herself with an acute case of nerves, the kind that sprouted between her lungs and ribcage like a vestigial organ whose sole purpose was to unsettle her.
She wasn’t in the habit of meeting patients outside of the clinical confines of her practice, but it was more than that.  Jamie had caught her in a moment of weakness, with both her personal and professional armour missing.  What he might have seen and how he could have interpreted it had occupied her thoughts ever since.
Eating lunch was out of the question.  By the time two o’clock approached, her insides were a buzzing hornets’ nest of anxiety, her palms clammy with sweat.  A half-empty bottle of Xanax called to her from the bottom of her purse.  Before she could weigh the implications of taking one at work on an empty stomach, Jamie’s familiar knock intervened.
She could tell as soon as he entered that Maggie hadn’t needed a transfusion that week.  His russet curls shone like garnets in the midday sun and his uncanny eyes glittered like sapphires.  Still, he avoided looking directly her way as he settled into his usual chair, and she wondered if the overlap of their personal and professional lives had left him feeling unnerved as well.
“No wheat grass smoothie,” he commented, his gaze running over her desk.
“No, I didn’t have time for lunch today.”  It was a blatant falsehood, since she’d spent her lunch hour picking her cuticles until they bled, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Ye should eat more, Sassen..., Doctor Beauchamp.  Ye canna help anyone else if ye’re no’ properly nourished.”  She caught the slip, and for some reason it angered her.
“Is this your attempt to negotiate a reduction in your fees, Jamie?  Dietary advice in return for counselling?  Because if so, I’m afraid I don’t bill on the barter system,” she snapped, despising her churlish tone.
Jamie’s eyes narrowed, then dimmed.  Message received, he sat up straighter in the armchair and crossed a foot over his knee, assuming a position of poised and detached calm that had no doubt served him well during business negotiations.  She regrouped by pretending to glance at her journal for the notes from their previous session, although the space next to his name was accusingly blank.
Boundaries thus defined, the session went surprising well.  Jamie spoke of his relief that Maggie’s latest round of chemotherapy was over, allowing her to return home and to some semblance of a regular life for a child of six.  Claire coaxed him gently towards the topic of his overwhelming guilt for abandoning his family when he was most needed.  Jamie processed pain through the recounting of stories, coming to terms with his self-decreed transgression by weaving together the tale of those he loved and pointing to the holes his absence had caused.
As his resonant voice spun its web of words, Claire became aware of an underlying hum.  At first it was subtle, like the mumble of traffic from a far-off motorway.  But as their hour together ticked by, it grew in strength until she could no longer ignore the buzz that pressed against her from all directions.
“... saw that it was really Jenny and Ian who I was... Claire?  Doctor Beauchamp, are ye well?”  Jamie was watching her with concern, and she realized she’d been shaking her head, trying to dislodge the omnipresent hum.
“Yes, I’m... yes.  Sorry.  Just a funny noise that’s...  Please, continue.”  When Jamie didn’t immediately pick up the thread of his narrative, she tried again.  “You were saying something about Jenny and Ian?”
Instead of continuing his previous thought, Jamie picked that moment to broach the topic she’d desperately hoped he would avoid.
“I hope ye’re no’ upset about the other day, at the hospital.  I didna mean tae impose or tae... o’erstep the bounds of our relationship.  No’ that we have a relationship, mind,” he hastened to add.  “Only a professional one.  But when I saw ye, I couldna resist introducing ye tae wee Maggie.  I hadna told ye about her yet, and I thought...”
“Jamie, it’s fine,” she cut in, halting his rambling explanation.  “She’s a lovely girl.  They all are.  It’s only that, I’m sort of...”
“Ye’re verra good with them.  Children, that is.  Ye’ll make a fine mother one day.”
All the oxygen left the room at once.  Her heart beat so hard there was a bruised feeling behind her sternum.   Launching to her feet, Claire stumbled blindly away from her desk.  She wanted to run, to scream, but her vision was a narrow chasm and a now-deafening throb filled her ears.  She only made it a few steps before her knees buckled and the carpet floated upwards to meet her.
“Ifrinn!”  Jamie leapt to her side, catching her by the shoulders before her head could hit the floor.  He lowered them both carefully to the ground, resting her body against his lap.  “Sassenach?  Claire?  Can ye hear me?  Do I need tae call an ambulance?”  The words reached her from very far away, but the threat of medical intervention acted like a dose of smelling salts.
“No,” she groaned, the room spinning around her like a kaleidoscope.  “No hospital.  I just... need to eat,” she grasped at the most innocuous explanation for her current state.
Without dislodging her, Jamie stretched his long arm and brought back the small basket of miniature muffins that were the day’s offering from Geillis.  With surprising dexterity, he peeled away the paper one-handed and broke apart a bite-sized morsel, holding it gently against her lips.  Realizing that her dignity couldn’t get any more battered, Claire opened her mouth and allowed Jamie to feed her.  After only a few bites, the buzzing disappeared and she was able to sit up on her own.
“Thank you,” she murmured, afraid to look into his eyes for fear of the pity she knew she’d see there.  “You were right. I  should have eaten lunch, I guess.”
“Claire.”  Jamie made a prose poem of the single syllable of her name.  She looked up at him through her lashes, stunned to find him looking back, not with pity, but with something akin to adoration.  “Mo nighean donn,” he ran a tender hand through her loosened curls.  “Ye need tae care more for yerself.”
“I will.  I’ll try.”  And when she said it to him, she really meant it.  Jamie made the impossible seem probable.
They stared at one another, shoulder to shoulder on the floor of her office.  She couldn’t think of anything else to say, but nor did she move.  Her gaze flitted over his face, noticing a vestige of boyish freckles across the bridge of his nose, a mole hidden in the harvest stubble on his cheek.  Jamie was performing a parallel inventory, eyes finally coming to rest at the level of her mouth.
“Ye’ve got a wee crumb, jus’ there.”  Unconscious, her tongue swept out, triggering a predatory response, twin blue laser beams narrowing on the target she had just painted on her lower lip.
“I... I’d verra much like tae kiss ye, Claire.  May I?”
An amputated moan was all she could manage in response, but Jamie must have understood its meaning.  He bent his head until only a whisper separated them.  The air crackled, sending that extra organ plummeting towards her hollow womb.  Clenching her eyes shut in defeat, she closed the infinitesimal gap until they met in an effervescent caress of lip and tongue.
Cold washed over her skin, bathing her in gooseflesh.  Jamie tasted like he looked; a banquet of fresh, volatile flavours that called to mind a picnic in a meadow, a spray of sea foam, the warmth of hearth and home.  She could feel him trembling against her, his moist breath rushing against her cheek in shallow pants.  For a score of heartbeats, Claire was the happiest she had ever been.  Then, reality crashed down around her.
“I’m sorry,” she stammered, pulling away.  “I... this can’t... I’m sorry.”
Jamie leaned back with a mixture of longing and resignation.  She hated adding herself to his list of regrets, but it was for the best.
“I’m your doctor, Jamie.  This isn’t right.”
“Aye, I ken.  I should apologize, but I canna seem tae find it in me tae repent.”
Jamie stood, reaching down to help Claire up as well.  As soon as it was apparent she was able to stand on her own, he dropped her hand as though it burned.  The line between his brows deepened, and she could see the question forming before he gave it voice.
“What if ye werena my doctor?  Would it be right then?”
“That’s neither here nor there, because I am, Jamie.  A relationship between patient and doctor of a romantic nature is ethically off-limits.”
Jamie nodded, apparently accepting her explanation at face value. Her heartbeat calmed.  He moved slowly, gathering his coat and starting to leave.  
“But what if ye weren’t?” he said, facing the door.  “If we’d met at the hospital, or out on the town?”
“I...” she stammered, searching desperately for any answer except for the truth.  “No, Jamie,” she said at last, watching as she destroyed his last bastion of hope.  “I’m sorry.  I just don’t feel that way about you.”
Nodding abruptly, Jamie let himself out of the office.  She listened to his low murmuring voice through the door as he spoke to Geillis, heard him make an appointment for the following week, then the loud snap of the main door closing.  Only then did she allow herself to collapse once more to the floor, angry sobs overtaking her.
“Are ye out of yer fuckin’ mind?” Geillis inquired with her usual brutal eloquence.
With the help of a Xanax, Claire had managed to see her last two patients of the day, and only needed to navigate the shoals of her office manager’s ire before she could go home and fully medicate herself into a dreamless sleep.
“Jes so we’re clear, ye want me tae write a letter terminating your services as a doctor an’ suggesting suitable alternative providers?  An’ ye want me tae send this letter, over email, tae Jamie Fraser?”
“That’s right.”  She had determined that icy calm was the best antidote to this conversation, which was fortuitous, since she felt numb all over.
“An’ what reason am I tae give fer this abrupt conclusion tae yer association wi’ Mr. Fraser?”
“I don’t owe him an explanation.  Only sufficient notice and an opportunity to seek counselling elsewhere,” she said, feigning reasonableness.
Pushed past her limits, Geillis rose from behind her desk, a tiny tempest of moral indignation.
“Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp, ye are a good friend, a fine doctor an’ a fair employer.  But I swear by the Almighty that if ye dinna drop the façade and tell me wha’ is going on I am going tae smack ye until yer ears ring!”
There was a certain relief in knowing that Geillis wouldn’t take no for an answer.  And unlike Jamie, she knew where Claire lived and would not let her rest until the truth came out.
“He kissed me.  Or rather, I kissed him.  And I liked it!  That’s why, Geillis.”
Her friend’s shoulders sagged, all righteousness gone in an instant.  She reached around Claire’s frame and held her in a bone-crushing one-sided hug.
“Och, hen.  An’ ye figured ye could deal wi’ those pesky feelings by jes, what? firing him as yer patient?”  
“I can’t deal with this right now, Geillis.  I can’t feel the way he makes me feel.  And this practice is all that I have left.  There’s no way I can risk losing it just for an affair that won’t even last the summer.”
She didn’t need to elaborate on her reasons for that dire prediction.  Geillis knew them as well as anyone.
“He’s an intelligent man, Claire. He’s gonna ken something is up.  Moreover, he’s a good man.  He deserves tae hear the truth.”
Shaking her head sadly, Claire walked towards the door.  Just before exiting, she called back softly to her friend.
“Geillis?  Make sure to include Dr. Rafferty’s name on the list of referrals.  I think they’d be a good match.
Monday morning dawned with little promise for the fledgling week.  Moving robotically through her weekend routine, Claire thought frequently of chickens.  How their bodies kept moving once their heads were lopped off, nerves and muscle and bone continuing to function for a time despite the fatal blow.
The elevator chimed its arrival on her floor.  As the doors slide open, Jamie was the first thing she saw.  He loomed by her still-locked office, a sun-topped thundercloud gripping a sheet of printer paper.
She’d worn her best black suit and a pair of chunky heels that brought her closer to his height.  Perhaps, on some subconscious level, she’d anticipated this confrontation.  Perversely, she relished it.  Vitriol and deceit didn’t suit her, but it was preferable to feeling absolutely nothing.
“Do ye mind tellin’ me,” Jamie began before she’d even set foot in the hallway, “jus’ what this is about, Claire?” He brandished the paper like a wanted poster.
“I would think it was self-explanatory, actually.  I’m terminating our professional relationship,” she huffed, golden eyes coming to life for the first time since Thursday.
“Via email.  Sent tae me by Miss Duncan, because ye dinna have the guts tae do it yerself.  Christ, Sassenach, even my ninth grade sweetheart didna dump me so cruelly!”
“I’m not your sweetheart!” she burst out, a flood of emotion cresting with her rising anger.  “Don’t call me that!  I was your doctor, Jamie, and now I’m nothing to you.  Nothing.  Just go.  Please.  Just go,” she finished weakly and without any hope that he’d listen.
“All this jus’ because I kissed you?” Jamie persevered.  At her stubborn silence, he continued, “Nah, I dinna think so.  Ye’re many things, Claire, but a coward isna one of them.”
She found this hysterically funny, since a coward was the only role she played to perfection.  She didn’t have time to laugh, however, because Jamie was suddenly standing much closer, forcing her to lift her chin to meet his stormy eyes.
“Nah,” he continued smoothly, a big cat alerted to the smell of its prey.  “If ye’d objected tae the kiss, ye would have told me so.  Read me the riot act or kneed me in the bawls.  I think ye’re scared, Doctor Beauchamp.  I think that kiss terrified ye, because ye realized ye liked it.  Somethin’ ye couldna  plan for in yer wee journal, right there under yer nose.  Bet it made yer heart beat so fast. So fast, jus’ like it is now.”
Jamie’s hand rested gently over the placket of her suit jacket, where he could surely feel the trip hammering of her pulse.
“Please,” she begged.  “Don’t.  I can’t...”
“Can’t what, Sassenach?” he whispered back, goading her.
The truth hung on her lips, and the toll of the past few days meant that she no longer had the strength to stop it from spilling forth.
“Can’t have children.  Ever.  I tried, for years.  Fourteen miscarriages, fourteen lost chances.  And seeing you with those children last week.  I know it’s presumptive, but I could never deny you that chance, Jamie.  That’s why I can’t see you anymore.”
She was looking down, watching the buttons of his shirt rise and fall with his agitated breath, but as she finished speaking, their movement ceased.  Chancing a glance upward, she was stunned by the fury that had overtaken his expression. 
Jamie opened and closed his mouth several times before he managed to speak in a gritty growl.
“Mutation of the RUNX1 gene tha’ causes leukemia.  I was tested, along wi’ Jenny an’ Ian, after Maggie was diagnosed.  I have a fifty percent chance of passing it along tae my children.  An’ since I canna stand the thought of ano’er bairn havin’ tae suffer as Maggie has, as soon as I got the test results, I went out an’ had a vasectomy.”
Claire recoiled as though she’d been slapped, a high pitched whine in her ears.
“Ye’re no’ the only one who’s hurting, Claire!” Jamie continued, voice dashing against the rocks of her name.  “We’re no’ meant tae suffer alone.  Ye, of all people, should ken that.”
Stunned in the silence following the thunderclap of his revelation, she couldn’t find the words to express her sorrow, her outrage, and her crippling shame.  By the time the power of speech returned, Jamie was gone. 
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my-mt-heart · 3 years ago
Hi, I wanted to give a review again with you my-mt! It's me! 🤗 you can call me Aurelia. Since I come by so often it seems like maybe it's a good idea to give you my alias name. I wasn't going to review since I thought this episode was pretty straightforward. But I did catch some things and wanted to share! My usual disclaimer of not being able to catch everything still applies for this hopefully short review! Thanks again for leaving such a fun review. I kept coming back several times to your page, like "did she post her review yet?" 😅
1. A little peeved at Maggie for basically leading a charge of revenge against the Reapers only to say to Gabriel "let's get the food, then go home." ...huh?
2. I agree with you, so let's compile this: I understand Judy misses Michonne. I think adding Virgil is a nice touch, since it reiterates what Daryl said about Judith having plenty of people who love her. Even if she doesn't have Michonne, her brother, Daryl and Carol, there are plenty others who will look out for her. And I love that. When she was watching Rosita do her thing, I think it reminded her of her mother and I think we may get a scene with Judith doing something similar before the season is through. But I agree. Judith and RJ's lines feel uncreative. Like that Gracie looks up to Judith and it shows age is a non factor to be an inspiration to someone. It just takes you working hard to be yourself. :)
3. I absolutely loved Pope. Not the character but just the actor's delivery. I really felt the passion. He just didn't seem so inaccessible. Like anyone of them could have taken him out. His time on the show felt rushed. I enjoyed him pushing his philosophy past the breaking point. He was too far gone. Not unlike Leah. I do hope he comes back haunting Shaw or something. I just enjoyed his performance as Pope. Annoyed that this season ends with fire arrows kind of like last season with Alpha destroying Hilltop in a similar fashion. Unjust uncreative.
4. My absolute favorite part in this episode was when Connie signed her wish to go with Carol. And Judith wanted to go with Carol. Aaaaaannnnddd...our favorite crossbow-wielding hero has been craving to go with Carol. My leading lady is quite popular as she should be. But seriously, that moment with her and Connie, Judith, Lydia and Kelly from last season, Daryl, Magna, etc. Is so touching. Because Carol ALWAYS has this look that's a mix between uncomfortable and surprised that people 'choose' her. Like, they accept her, you see? It is too sweet. And Melissa McBride has an unparalleled ability to convey such strong emotions with her expressive eyes and face. It is always a treat watching her. And I mean that quite literally. Since we got liver and onions every episode with Daryl and Leah with Carol like a dessert in between.
5. More on Carol and Connie's brief interaction. Something is telling me that is very intentional. My suspicion is that little sister Kelly told Connie how much Carol helped her find her sister, and how much it probably was eating her up inside. And Connie wants to personally thank Carol as well as tell her it wasn't her fault. Give her some peace, you know? I am confident this is what we have been waiting for with these two.
6. Okay! Now for Daryl and Leah's interaction. First, let me say that AK purposely had it all come back to a scene where Daryl is now saying Leah can leave with him, like from last season Leah was offering Daryl to come with her. She purposely had them both not choose each other a second time. Why is this important? Because it is essential that the audience know whether it is in a time-sensitive situation like in this season or something more laid back like last season, Daryl and Leah don't really want to be with each other. The core of their relationship is not trust. It's the debris left behind by brokenness. It only works if the two have no purpose. But if one of both of them are trying to improve themselves, they drift apart. Kang is showing that very clearly. So please don't be worried anymore, fellow Carylers.
7. I feel naughty but I have to joke about this. Leah betrayed Daryl not because of family (she conveniently left out that Daryl put down the other Reaper while in her presence). She had a tear roll down her cheek and everything because Daryl. Didn't. Want. Her. Behind. Daryl was literally there for the kids, the families. Not because she had something he wanted like her underwear. And THAT hurt Leah. It stings not being the center of the world. She was played. Notice how she mentioned Carver said not to trust Daryl, even though Pope essentially told her that first? It was because Leah sided with Daryl over Carver as a romantic interest (because Carver is a total rebound guy) and she was wrong in her choice! Something tells me she is not used to being wrong, especially like that. So it's a little personal.
8. But her descent isn't over yet. I really wish Pope said something to her before he died, which makes me think he will return briefly in the next episode or episode. 10. Hopefully. Anyway, did anyone else pick up on the fact that there seem to be NO other female Reapers? Like, Leah is the only one? I think that's on purpose. As well, as her speaking up a lot more. Notice how it greatly contrasts with Carol bonding with the other women in her community and not speaking so much accept to get things done? Guys, that's it! And I truly believe it is the reason behind Carol's criminally low amount of screentime. It isn't for no reason. It is used to illustrate that Carol is the healthier, wholesome, kind, loving, supportive, attentive, selfless, and but low self esteem woman. Compare with Leah's cold, ruthless, unsupportive, broken, selfish, confident behavior. Leah may or may not have been seeking to be the leader, but she was willing to put down her father figure without hesitation. Compare with Carol talking to Aaron (technically the father of Alexandria as the last original member pre-Rick's group), getting him to come back to himself. Carol seeks to heal others from her mistakes. But Leah is willing to cut people off for hers -even family- if they are too far gone or if she can't use them, sort of what she accused Pope of. Notice how she was quick to speak up when Pope asked Daryl "why am I keeping you around?" Yeah. All of that. My point is Carol is willing to become small in order to fit in better with the community so they can be greater than the sum of their parts. Leah kept asserting herself and making herself bigger than the insecure and unforgiving and broken person she actually is and that is why her group will fall apart. I know it looks like Carol is not doing much, Carylers, but it's only when you look at what Leah IS doing, you see that Carol is doing so much more than we think. She's choosing the higher path.
9. I am so, so, so, so glad that attempt at a Leah redemption tale is over. Because it wasn't happening. Leah and Daryl have no chemistry at all. It's so dry they have to bring up that cabin from years ago. Nothing would have happened in that cabin if they stayed there. Because deep down neither one of them is capable of changing who the other really is deep down inside. But it did serve a purpose and I want everyone to gather round for this one. When Daryl and Leah are having that seemingly heart to heart, does anyone else notice how tiny Daryl's voice gets and how small he sort of becomes? ON. PURPOSE. Now, run your minds back to 11x01 when Carol and Daryl share a look. And the way Daryl looks at Carol...ehem. Here is the difference: with Leah, Daryl sounds and acts and behaves immaturely, like a teenager. But with Carol, he looks and talks and acts like an equal to her. He LOOKS at Carol like a man. I have never seen Daryl look at Leah like that. And the fact that he talks real low and soft, trying to get Leah to help him go against Pope? He just seems much younger than her. He has never done that with Carol. He has always been straight with Carol (not counting Glenn and Abraham which was for her sake). He didn't want Carol to lose herself. But with Leah, he is willing to risk Leah losing something of herself (Pope). Yes. It blew my mind too. It's like Daryl wants Leah to come with him but it has that "let's crash this party and scram before they catch us" feel. With Carol, he wants them to leave together on peaceful terms.
10. Daryl's awkward social skills used in the previous episode with cigarette Reaper only for the purpose of him being put down this episode shows that Daryl's 'social skills' are shoddy and hilarious. Like, he has no idea how to talk to people still so this is what they came up with. 😆
I think if we look on the surface, it all seems pretty stale. But, underneath? There is a world of things going on. It will all come together. But I hope we feel better. I feel like I had more to say but nothing is coming so I will end here.
Yeah, hope my review was okay again! Enjoy our hiatus!
Oh by the way we may see theories floating around during this time about Leah having at least at some point been pregnant by Daryl (unbeknownst to him, of course) and that was what she started to say before they were interrupted but please disregard them. I know you are welcome to post. Just don't let it get in your hearts, okay? That is where Caryl lives. So, just remember that.
Hi, Aurelia. As usual, I really appreciate your keen eye because like you said, it's impossible to pick up on everything. That's a really great observation about Rosita channeling Michonne out in the rain with her weapon, and it makes sense considering we were watching that through Judith's perspective. Love all of the deep Carol/Leah/Daryl parallels you found and your rationalization for Carol's minimized screen time whether intentional or not :) Are people really speculating that's what Leah was going to tell Daryl? Oh, boy. I know we're going on hiatus, but don't be a stranger if you ever have more to say.
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 4 years ago
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Reader pronouns: she/her A/N: Omg it’s so fluffy I’m gonna die! Judith came running into the kitchen where you were standing at the counter with a mug of tea, looking over some recent documents you had drafted with Maggie’s help. “Auntie! Auntie! I need your help!” She was in some whirl of excitement and you grinned down at her as she grabbed your hand in an attempt to pull you into the other room. “What? What is it? Another dragon need slaying?” you asked, bending down to look into her eager expression.  “No. I want you to make Uncle Daryl’s hair match mine!” she grinned, shaking her head to make her braids toss around. Your heart jumped in your chest. “Uncle Daryl’s here?” you asked. You were watching Judith at your house to give Rick a break.
She nodded earnestly. “He just got here and he said he liked my braids and I told him he could have some too, so now I need you to come do his hair like mine so we can match!” A laugh bubbled up out of you and you straightened up. “Did you ask Uncle Daryl why he’s here? Maybe he needs something. He might not have time for braids,” you explained, letting Judith take your hand again and start to tug you into the next room. “Duh, I already asked him! And he said he came by ‘just because’,” she explained. “Whatever that means.” Just because... you thought. Daryl had come by just to see you? No other reason? You rounded the corner and found Daryl standing in the middle of the living room. He turned to watch you and Judith come in and his heart jumped at the wide smile you gave him. It lit up your whole face. “Hi. Did you agree to this?” you asked him with a laugh. He shrugged. “Ya know there ain’t no arguing with her,” he drawled. His blue eyes were bright and you swore there was a sparkling light in them. Judith released your hand and pointed at the couch. “You sit down there,” she directed you seriously.  “You’re awfully bossy today,” you teased her, but you complied. “Now, Uncle Daryl,” she grabbed his wrist and dragged him toward you. Butterflies erupted in your stomach at the thought of running your fingers through his hair and at the sight of this broad-shouldered man being bossed around by the little spitfire he so adored. “Sit down on the floor right there,” Judith said, pointing just in front of you.  Daryl was also feeling that fluttering in his stomach, and his heart skipped another beat as he glanced up at you and took in the small smile curving your lips. You felt your cheeks grow a little warm as you met his blue eyes and you hoped they weren’t turning bright red. “This alright?” Daryl asked you in an undertone before sinking down in front of you. You laughed. “Yeah. If you don’t mind, I don’t mind.” He settled his back against the couch, accidentally bumping his shoulder against your knee. “Sorry,” he murmured urgently. “S’ok,” you said, feeling suddenly nervous before you started to run your fingers through his wavy brown hair. “Judith, his hair isn’t as long as yours. I can’t do the braids exactly the same.” “I’ll show you where to braid then,” she said, climbing onto the couch beside you.  Daryl shut his eyes at the sensation of your fingers in his hair. You were so gentle and it was sending tingling up his spine.  “Do one here! And then one here, and here, and here,” Judith bossed you, watching your work carefully, inspecting it as you completed the first braid.  “Alright. Yes ma’am,” you agreed. You combed your fingers through Daryl’s hair, sectioning off another part. feeling heat in your cheeks again. “Your hair is soft,” you remarked to him quietly. “Mmm,” he acknowledged, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. “S’clean for once,” he said. “Thas all.” He was having to fight the urge to just sink back against the couch and fall asleep. The sensation was so relaxing. Another few minutes and you had finished the braids. Judith bounded up off the couch and went around to look at Daryl, apparently needing to take in the whole effect. She grinned widely at him, a toothy smile you adored. “Now we match!” she said, twirling on her bare feet so her braids fly out. “Thank goodness,” Daryl said, climbing to his feet. He turned and caught sight of the wide smile on your face and you bit your bottom lip to stifle a laugh at the sight of his hair the way it was. “Hey--” he said abruptly, pointing at you. “Ya best be quiet over there.” There was a slight curve of a smile on his lips.  You grabbed your mug of tea again and tried to hide your grin behind it. “I didn’t say anything!” Judith was glancing between the two of you with widely observant eyes. “I’m staying over here tonight for a sleepover,” Judith announced to Daryl.  “Oh yeah? You need a break from your mom and dad or what?” he asked her. She shook her head. “Nope. I think they needed a break from me,” she replied, which drew laughter from you both. Judith ran up to you where you were sitting on the couch again. “Can Uncle Daryl sleep over here too?!” she asked excitedly. You choked on your sip of tea and had to stifle a coughing fit. “Umm--” You really weren’t even how to respond to that. You could feel your cheeks burning and when you looked up Daryl was awkwardly rubbing a hand across the back of his neck and seemed to be avoiding your eyes. Usually you were pretty good at thinking on your feet but that stalled you out completely. “I, uhh--I think Daryl probably has some other things to do... tonight...” you managed. You gulped and chanced another glance at the archer. His cheeks and ears were bright red. “Yeah, I should get goin’ anyway,” he said, clearing his throat anxiously. “C’mere and gimme a hug,” he said, bending down to Judith’s level. She ran and wrapped her arms around his neck and you melted at the sight, the softness in Daryl’s eyes and the smile he was giving her as they broke apart. He tousled her hair, making her braids shake a little and she laughed. “I’ll see ya, munchkin,” he said. He finally glanced up at you and his blue eyes were a little shy. You climbed to your feet. “Judith, go pick out some pages for us to color. I’m gonna walk Daryl out,” you said, unsure of whether or not your cheeks were still pink. You felt warm all over. When you reached the front entryway, Daryl paused on the rug at the door and you reached up and slipped your fingers hastily through his hair to undo the braids. “I don’t think you need to let the others see you in braided pigtails,” you joked, blushing again as you ran your fingers through his hair. “Yeah, I’d probably never live that down,” he said, turning to look back at you. He seemed more bashful than usual. You pressed a hand to your mouth and gave him an apologetic look. “She’s--” you couldn’t even find the right word to describe Judith. He nudged his nose up at you in a nod, his heart jumping at the rosy glow in your cheeks, “Yeah. A handful.” You nodded. “Yeah... Listen, I think the, uhh--” you laughed nervously, “the suggested sleepover is maybe a little fast but, um--you should come over for dinner or something sometime. If you want to. No pressure...” you trailed off. Daryl almost couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He gulped at the nervous tightness in his throat. He nodded. “That’d be--yeah, that sounds good. Whenever. No pressure,” he added, a slight smirk causing one corner of his mouth to twitch up.  You laughed nervously again. “Great. Okay... I’ll see ya.” “See ya.”  When you came back into the living room and sank down beside Judith at the coffee table she gave you a long look. “You like each other, don’t you?” she said matter-of-factly. Your eyebrows lifted as you looked at her. “We’re... friends... yeah,” you said, grabbing a crayon and a piece of paper. “That isn’t what I mean,” she said, coloring in her book. “You like each other. Like, special like.” You laughed and shook your head at her, your face burning again. “What do you know about special like, hmm?” “Well, I just know,” she said, in that very adult way she had of talking. “Uncle Daryl always looks at you when you’re not looking. And you do the same thing when he isn’t looking.” You stared at her, struck and perplexed at the observant little person she was.  “Well, if you like each other, why didn’t you want Uncle Daryl to sleep over too?” You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, unable to resist smiling. “I’ll explain it to you when you’re older.”
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seeksstaronmewni · 4 years ago
The Bear Roots of Burbank Cartoons: A Lookback at Boo Boo Runs Wild
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5 years ago, [adult swim] aired the greatest of all Yogi Bear / Ranger Smith episodes, “Boo Boo Runs Wild” (1999), on August 13th, 2016 A.D. at 4 AM.
Look and see, kids, how America’s not-so-average bear connects in the wide world of animation that produces many of the cartoons that you love in Burbank, Canada and more!
As and after I saw it, I knew that I found the greatest band of cartoonists out there, and that greatest band of cartoonists out there was none other than...
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Spümcø, whose many creatives would end up working at Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Cartoon Network Studios, and many other popular Burbank and Canadian studios that made the cartoons I grew up and beyond watching.
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Obviously, the character design is rather different, but they still look like the right characters, even with the slight color changes...
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and with their items of human attire out. Ranger Smith, on the other hand...
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Ranger Smith is wildly off model, and probably on purpose, throughout the picture.
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Only in one scene appears he with a more familiar face.
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Now, I didn’t have to watch Wild Kratts (which, by the way, features 6 Spümcø Canada creatives) to learn that “there’s only one thing a bear likes more than raiding a pic-a-nic basket.”
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As the title suggests, Boo Boo loses his temper when Ranger Smith restricts him from tearing bark and decides to go primal in returning to his bear roots: “From this day forth, I’ll not dress in the man’s attire, and I’ll not speak in the man’s tongue. From now on, it’s going on all fours and grunting for me!”
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Boo Boo wreaks havoc for the trees with his natural bear roots.
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Unlike past episodes, however, the artists went far wilder than the usual Hanna-Barbera cartoon, making the trees alive and screaming in pain! OH, WHAT TOURTUE! Not to mention how I love Boo Boo’s goofy/manical laugh, a beautiful product of John Kricfalusi’s voice (Yes; I know that he was a formerly abusive megalomaniac who still has ADHD, but God knows what cartoons would be like today—at least those produced in Burbank and Canada—if it wasn’t for the many layout artists that he led).
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Also unnatural to a Hanna-Barbera cartoon is the extreme levels of slapstick, wackiness and graphic nature of cartoons since such shows as Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures, Beany and Cecil’s DiC reboot, and The Ren & Stimpy Show. Boo Boo and now Cindy Bear are licking away at all of the honey... and bees... with insanely long tongues (may be that they’re sloth bears?). This left Yogi Bear practically speechless.
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The mere sequence of dialogue between Yogi and Ranger Smith, discussing what to do about Boo Boo, involved HEAVY work in the storyboards by Vincent Waller. So many expressions that they couldn’t fit in each of Spümcø’s 3-panel storyboard pages!
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As you see, in addition to Vincent Waller’s storyboards, John K. added extra poses (storyboard revisions more or less, but definitely layout poses) under the respective scenes. That way, Vincent could focus on telling and writing the story in rough pictures. (source of storyboards)
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I also love the sound design. While it’s definitely true to a Hanna-Barbera cartoon, John K. and the late Henry Porch were very creative with some weird, dated and out-of-context sound effects, similar to what they and Horta Editorial did on The Ren & Stimpy Show in the first two seasons. The production music (probably APM and Capitol Records) also gave it a vintage, nostalgic feel.
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Ultimately, with the aforementioned abusive megalomaniac aside, Spümcø undoubtedly harbored some of the finest animators and artists ever. Such names as Bob Jaques (Spongebob Squarepants, Buy One, Get One Free*, The Baby Huey Show), Ben Jones (DC Super Hero Girls, Cats Don’t Dance, Teen Titans GO!), Vincent Waller (Spongebob Squarepants, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog), Albert Lozano (Inside Out, A Kitty Bobo Show), Todd White (Spongebob Squarepants), Eric Koenig (Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Madagascar, Cats Don’t Dance, The Simpsons, and The Tigger Movie), and Erik Wiese (Samurai Jack, The Mighty B!) are among the hundreds of creatives who ended up almost everywhere working in Burbank and Canadian animation.
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Other names on the Spümcø team that one might recognize include Gabe Swarr (Dexter’s Laboratory, The Buzz on Maggie, Foe Paws, El Tigre), and even background artists such as Richard Daskas ( @rdaskas​ - Samurai Jack, Time Squad, Sym-Bionic Titan, Batman Beyond), Richard Ziehler-Martin (Tiny Toon Adventures, The Wacky World of Tex Avery), Hector Martinez (Tom and Jerry: Robin Hood and His Merry Mouse, Timone and Pumba, Captain N, Evil Con Carne, Dora the Explorer), and Tony Mora (MAD, Teen Titans GO! to the Movies, Pickle and Peanut). I mean: in short, these artists worked for Warner Bros. Animation, Disney Television Animation and Walt Disney Feature Animation, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network Studios!
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Spümcø’s production assistants on Boo Boo Runs Wild feature Matt Danner —a fantastic character designer, storyboard artists, director and producer, whose credits range from (Johnny Test and The Legend of the Three Caballeros to Team Hot Wheels and The Looney Tunes Show—and Cartoon Brew editor Amid Amidi. Brian A. Miller was an executive in charge of production, not for but probably in association with Cartoon Network.
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Spümcø’s creatives, as I said, are all over the place in Burbank animation. Other shows that still air on @adultswim​ have ex-Spümcø creatives. For example: today’s re-run of Samurai Jack EPISODE XVI features Chris Reccardi (The Powerpuff Girls, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)...
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Scott Wills (Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal, The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat)...
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Lynne Naylor-Reccardi (The Shnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon Show, Wander Over Yonder) and Jim Smith (YooHoo and Friends, Tom and Jerry Tales, McGee and Me)...
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and Leticia Lacy (TRON: Uprising, Sym-Bionic Titan, Wander Over Yonder, Korgoth of Barbaria).
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Even outside of Cartoon Network Studios, where most ex-Spümcø artists end up, @cartoonnetwork​’s The Amazing World of Gumball, from Cartoon Network Studios Europe (AKA Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe), features ex-Spümcø artist Charlie Bean (The Powerpuff Girls, Robotboy, Batman: The Animated Series, Timone and Pumba, Creature Crunch) on The Cartoon Network Europe Development Team.
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One of Cartoon Network’s biggest and craziest hits, Teen Titans GO!, also features such ex-Spümcø artists as storyboard artist, director and producer Luke Cormican (The Buzz on Maggie, Brandy and Mr. Whiskers, Brickleberry, The Replacements, El Tigre)...
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Gerald de Jesus (The Book of Life, The Ricky Gervais Show, TMNT)...
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and Eric J. Pringle (Fosters’ Home for Imaginary Friends, The Problem Solverz). What wacky cartoon filled with live-action images, unpredictable visual gags and extreme slapstick humor wouldn’t?
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Relatively, you could even tune in to Nickelodeon, the original home of Spümcø’s ground-breaking hit, The Ren & Stimpy Show, and see names of creatives associated with Spümcø and Ren & Stimpy, such as Zeus Cervas (Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Spongebob Squarepants, Clarence) on today’s episode of The Patrick Star Show...
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or even Gabe Del Valle (Mighty Magiswords, Spongebob Squarepants) on today’s episode of Middlemost Post!
Overall, Boo Boo Runs Wild introduced me to the cartoon studio whose works I took for granted and on which I was missing out all of my life, and I strongly encourage this generation to support this Yogi Bear / Ranger Smith episode, which you can watch RIGHT NOW on [adult swim]’s site. It was officially on their YouTube channel, but it was removed for unknown reasons. This short never even got a DVD or VHS release!
The last televised airing of Boo Boo Runs Wild on [adult swim] so far was January 6th, 2019 A.D., but Spümcø also produced “A Day in the Life of Ranger Smith” and “Boo Boo and the Man” (based on true events in the life of John Kricfalsui) for Cartoon Network.
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As I come to a close, it’s worth noting that layout Ed Benedict, an animator and artist whose credits go all of the way back to the 1930s with Disney and continued with MGM and Hanna-Barbera/Cartoon Network Studios, originally worked on Yogi Bear episode “Yogi’s Birthday Party” as a layout artist, and reprised that very role for “Boo Boo Runs Wild”. What a legacy the animators and artists of this episode leave!
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Always will I remember how Spümcø, whose legacy connects to my Cartoon Network-infused childhood, blessed me and graced me that fateful day, August 13th, 2016 A.D., with the ultimate example of the fine art of cartooning that is the Yogi Bear / Ranger Smith episode “Boo Boo Runs Wild”. I was living in the moment, and I thank God for it.
“For years they have [been] asking me to make new Yogi cartoons, but I can’t even get a half a million [dollars] to make one, probably because I actually like the characters, but 60-70 million $ to make walking corpses is economical.” - John Kricfalsui on Yogi Bear (2010)
Another Ranger Smith, Boo Boo or Yogi Bear cartoon from the people behind The Ren & Stimpy Show is highly unlikely today, due to the abuse and harassment of John K. angering the world to the point of hating and condemning the man who helped to shape not only Cartoon Network but also television animation—and animation as a whole—with an undeniable legacy of artists and animators who deserve way more credit and respect than we perhaps thought of giving as kids.
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