#i posted the original post to see if ppl agreed with my opinion and i think most people did
straightlightyagami · 9 months
As for the whole age gap discourse, here's my own two cents! I, as a 19-year-old, would be unwilling to date anyone below 17 (though I'd prefer people of my own age or older). As for other people, I think it should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Like, there are certain age gaps that are never okay, but when it comes to two people who are in high school together, I think looking at the actual relationship can help determine if it's appropriate. I'd definitely side-eye a relationship between an 18-year-old and a 14-year-old, but I don't know if I'd want to say it's always predatory. I don't know, I didn't think too hard about this. What are your thoughts?
Yeah I think it’s true that some factors depend case by case. I personally have a hard time imagining a relationship between a 14 year old and an 18 year old where it’s not a glaring issue though. Imo like, a 13 yo and an 18 yo is clearly predatory, a 16 yo and an 18 yo is clearly fine. 15 and 18 exactly 3 years is legal and probably fine, ig (i’ve seen it work out for some people but i think also there are many cases where it wouldn’t). 14 and 18 is ehhh I don’t know if it’s predatory exactly but personally i don’t think is a good idea at all in any case I can come up with. I would question the 18 year old’s decision to go ahead with this relationship. there are differences between different people of course but imo if you had to draw a hard bound for an age difference in a relationship where at least one of the people is a minor 3 years works pretty well.
Last post on the subject I just didn’t want to leave your ask unanswered. Deleted the other posts btw bc I don’t really like this discourse and idk why I posted it in the first place (thank you for the ask though!)
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shattersstar · 1 year
hello!!! just wanted to send in a message that i have a meltdown every time I read one of your Jason pieces; so freaking good! its really special to find writers who can really get a feel for Jason without making him sound like a goofy caricature of a y/a trope or like. an incel LMAO. would love to see more of your thoughts or headcanons on Jason's opinion on college! I think he's expressed some sort of desire to attend university, but yk. the whole vigilante thing kinda screws with it. thanks again :)
college/university hcs + jason todd
a/n: aw tysm that’s so nice to hear <33 ive always wanted to know what ppl think of my take on jason bc yeah the fandoms consensus is not always. my fave. to say the least. dnejjfjdjd but im glad u enjoy it!! this was also a greatly timed ask bc im working on smth that has a section of robin jason talking abt his life n college so im gonna save some of my thoughts for when that comes out but…
i do think it’s definitely something jason’s always been interested even if his relationship with post secondary school has been fluid to say the least. sort of like: i might have a chance if i get a scholarship, to not even in school, to having a shot at going to any school, to missing out on that part of his life in favour of vigilantism and revenge
with his past briefly out of the way i definitely see jason being that person who just Attends lectures even if he isn’t enrolled. he’d go to classes with friends or someone he’s seeing if he had the time. but if anything, jason would take a course just because he finds it interesting. he’d sit in the back of the class and he 100% takes notes even if there’s no reason
if he is serious about going back to school i do stand with majority rule that he’d probably be an english/lit major.
i like to imagine jason did attempt to go to university after everything went down with bruce when he first came back though. a little scorned and confused about his place in everything. i could see him trying to play the part of someone normal and ordinary, what did people his age do again? oh yeah, go to school or leave the city.
i think he’d originally take something a bit more serious, respectable even. law, engineering, business, anything to emulate some version of himself bruce had expected jason to become. i think jason also knowing dick refused, finally agreed, then dropped out of uni would fuel him to go to spite his older brother and appease bruce even if it wasn’t conscious. like it’s an added bonus if jason really thought abt it (which he won’t ofc)
back to school: being forced to take those required liberal art courses would remind jason of what he loved in high school. he loved english class on whole and arguing with the history teacher and picked up languages surprisingly well that he did both spanish and french for a time. and while he really thought about switching majors he ultimately dropped out because he was still playing pretend and into the hands of a man his relationship was beyond complicated with.
i think jason would return when he was a few years older, a little less angry and less focused on his connection to bruce/batman. and this is when he’d major in english, im not enough of a lit baddie to pick a focus but im sure y’all can imagine <33
he’d start with night courses bc he’s already used to being awake so whats a 7-10pm lecture before patrol.
it only became an issue when courses jason’s wanted to take wouldn’t work with his nighttime plan. he started really feeling the burden of living a double life in those moments. and definitely gets antsy in class/studying when an important case is taking up his mind.
he was fortunate to take online classes that interested him greatly too but when school started becoming priority jason would have a moment with himself to decide if he wanted to spend a few years pursuing his degree with a bit more focus or go back to his life before.
and i cannot say what decision i think he’d make bc i know jason gains satisfaction from life by being red hood and cannot fully give it up but he’s also one of those people that is always dying to learn more, to know more and exercise his brain. it’s why his electives r insanely difficult mathematic courses or science labs bc everything interests him. the study of art just moves him a little more which is why he majors in it.
some other points:
- he’s not a fan of the education system and even if money is not a problem jason doesn’t rlly care abt going to elite schools and will gladly transfer around to take courses he wants or depending on where he’s currently is in the world. he’s done classes at most of gothams community colleges and at least one ivy league school
- jason’s doesn’t care how long it takes no finish school either, which works well with his vigilantism. he’s always had an unstable relationship with schooling and completing school in its expected time/format never appealed to him. jason will do it how it wants because he can :)
- he’s a handwritten notes kinda guy but understands that typing is more efficient
- will spend time at uni (and public) libraries just for funsies like he’ll b investigating new drug rings next to people studying for their midterms
- like most of us he really hates group assignments bc he’s too much of a control freak and will do all the work, hand it in and email the prof abt doing it alone without even contacting his group members bc he’s a little shit like that
- but will help in tutoring programs, be a note taker for certain courses and if jason’s fully dedicated to school he might just TA <3
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kyriaejiraiblog · 2 months
so quick disclaimer this isnt jirai stuff but it is talking about sh and its somebting that kind of pissed me off but i don’t wanna put it in my main
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so for context it was some skk video and the person said essentially “if you’re going to ship do it correctly, you’re mischaracterizing dazai“ (and mori but who tf cares)
so here’s my reply to the comment, and honestly the way they responded made me upset—because while they made a comment explaining their thoughts and i was fine agreeing to disagree, they felt they needed to add onto their own opinion? but honestly i feel like they are in a way mischaracterizing dazai more than in the original post (which i can grab the link for anyone who finds this and decides they want to see it to make their own opinion)
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“i can guarantee he doesn’t even cut discreetly.” problem i have with this statement is we literally have no idea what the bandages are for, however we know that dazai had easy access to various blades, primarily scalpels because of mori. the way that particular mental illness affects your brain makes the prospect of drawing blood very appealing. considering he had bandages before the pm, and how this person even admits sh was possible before dazai joined, i find it highly likely that he would continue such an act. sh is by no means easy to escape, and dazai was not in a supportive environment in the pm.
second, his words to atsushi—those kinds of words sound like something born from experience. that is something dazai has, and still suffers from in a sense. it’s like oda said, dazai will always be living with darkness and has to learn how to manage that emptiness. and plus, from my own interpretation, dazai sees a version of himself within atsushi, and wants to prevent atsushi from becoming him.
one thing i do agree is he doesn’t care about mori’a approval, never will. but dazai lives in such a perpetual state of self-loathing that it’s weird to say that dazai wouldn’t even think about sh. while my initial reply was about punishment through this means, i just didn’t have enough to elaborate my actual thoughts on what dazai’s motivations would be for this kind of self mutilation.
there’s a point where sh stops being punishment, if it even was to begin with. dazai feels apathy toward much of the world around him, particularly during his time in the pm. apathy like this creates a void, an emptiness that never truly goes away. cutting gives a chance to feel something, anything. feeling nothing is more painful than a blade running down skin.
and now i’m going to start being extremely personal. i don’t like pain. dazai states he doesn’t like pain. i cut every single day. that last paragraph is essentially my own experience with self harm. in my case. it does start out as sparingly used punishment. then it becomes addicting, and the only thing to pull me out of the emptiness and complete apathetic state where i have nothing but my own thoughts. this kind of thought process isn’t uncommon among people who sh. it almost feels like cutting is just simply a thing that happens.
and then about dazai looking down on people who sh—fuck off with that. while sh and suicide aren’t always correlated, they’re often connected. at best, dazai is completely indifferent to people with scars. otherwise, he’s one of them. dazai’s entire personality seems i consistent in many ways, and while i do agree that he probably has major depression, i wouldn’t say it’s too far fetched to say he might have bpd or bipolar. in fact, id even argue that he has both depression and bpd according to many of the symptoms displayed in dazai’s character (which if that’s the case, gj asagiri bc bpd is so heavily associated with women that people forget men can have it too)
which rambling more abt the bpd thing ppl with bpd are often queens of “it’s a slippery slope” and it’s already shown that dazai does drink more than a bit. which is one thing people with bpd are prone to, they so easily can get addicted to these kinds of things and they just can’t help it. another reason i argue it’s likely dazai would sh.
once again, referring to the second screenshot, people who hate pain aren’t excluded from self harming. i am one of those people, myself. i wouldn’t doubt dazai would attempt to cut his arteries as a suicide attempt as well, something i somewhat tried, but i still argue that dazai has likely self harmed. anyway i hope this was fun to read im done rambling lmao
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Which of the counselors would join fandom spaces, and what fandom would they join? :)
hrrrnng this is a good question, it makes the rusty cogs in my head squeak 🙃
right off the bat, Jacob dearest doesn't strike me as the fandom type, & Laura's prolly so busy that she wouldn't have time even if she wanted to. Jacob prolly has a reddit account tho, so take that as you will
Abi definitely has a tumblr, prolly post some of her art online & she definitely participates in fandoms - she's a bit more courageous behind a screen. 90% sure she reads fanfiction. i imagine she would be in fandoms like The Owl House & Stardew Valley & Legend of Zelda, but also stuff like Supernatural & old horror movies like the original Jeepers Creepers & The Exorcist. & also Scooby-Doo
Ryan obviously spends time in the fandom space of the Bizarre Yet Bonifide podcast & he prolly hangs out on the fanpages, swapping theories & answering questions. he's just vibing in the fandom with all his knowledge & special interest. he also like classic/old movies & he & Abi brainrot together sometimes about classic horror (& she makes him watch Scooby-Doo with her)
Emma lurks in her own fan spaces lmao. i believe wholeheartedly that she LOVES shows like Bridgerton & she posts about it as soon as anything new comes out. she also follows fashion week & the Emmys every year, & liveposts about it the entire time. her fans recommend her romance/romcom movies & sometimes she'll host a movie night on her stream to review it, other times she'll just post about it. most of the time, the fandom comes to her (when Abi visits & agrees to be on camera, they stream a movie night & watch scooby-do)
Nick is so bizarre he has a twitter account that he barely remembers & hasn't even finished fully setting it up yet & he doesn't check his notifications, but almost every time he posts something, ppl go crazy trying to figure out what the fuck he's talking about. so he kind of has his own little "fanbase", if you could call it that
Dylan's for sure a shitposter, but he also loves digging into the lore & secrets - especially of video games. he's a total Dr. Who nerd & he's prolly read the Sherlock Holmes novels. he cracks all that shit open like a cold one with all the other fans online & mentally red-strings everything he thinks about. Abi tells Ryan to make him watch Scooby-Doo, unaware that Dylan has seen all the cartoons & movies, & posts Scrappy-Doo hate
Kaitlyn & Max i feel like are both the type not to interact much online, also they do lurk from time to time. Kaitlyn's more likely to jump in if she sees someone being blatantly & snobbily wrong about something she knows intimately. Max tends to just reblog fanart he likes. i think Kaitlyn loves horror movies - Scream, Halloween, Final Destination, etc - & she throws popcorn at the screen when someone makes a dumb choice then goes to find complaints about the dumb logic online so she can agree with them. Emma forces her to watch Bridgerton, which she reluctantly loves
Max likes romcoms & has a soft spot for cartoons like Steven Universe, but he also gets into some crime dramas like Criminal Minds bc Laura likes them. a lot of art he reblogs online is pixel art, it's his favorite, but 80% of the time, anything with a nice color palette will get him. he also likes Scooby-Doo
i would love to hear others' opinions on this!
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slpffow · 5 months
I go on here and I look through some of the tags and I'm like. what are you guys even saying. everyone is angry.
like, I check out normie (majority) cishets all day only to come home to ppl arguing about specific niche shit I've never heard of in my life. I'll go on a blog and agree with a lot of it, look at the comments on one of their posts to see if anyone disagrees, go to the dissenters' posts only to also agree with them on a lot other than their weird vitriolic shit towards the original topic.
this is specifically happening with tags like transandrophobia lately bc a lot of people have big opinions on it apparently; I still don't rly understand why bc it's like... just literally a fact that different people experience transphobia for more specific reasons than being trans.
I like that tag bc I relate to a lot of it, but I'm fighting to urge to feel bad about it even tho there's literally no reason to.
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terraliensvent · 2 months
I agree abt the white knighting. u and some anons r quick to criticize the language ppl in terras use but when asked to introspect abt it urself, u refuse cause it’s ur blog ur opinion ur rules. that’s hypocrisy to me. i aint burying my head in the sand like u say, this is a genuine criticism and if u r gonna ignore it then I think that’s petty. all ur being asked is to look back and try to understand where anons r coming from, u call some ppl white knights and meat riders for bringing up valid concerns even if they also agree terras r bad. U don’t just do it on posts where ppl actually are white knighting.
alright lets dissect every recent post i have called whiteknighting
Post 1
“Oh yeah. A villain bc they revoked the right to THEIR OWN WORK... Whatever shall the world do? However shall we survive the fact coy didn't want them using THEIR WORK after going back on a deal”
hey look speaking of whiteknights
youre missing the forest for the trees here, terra staff was completely willing to remove coys assets but they wanted to act like a toddler stomping their foot shouting “NOW NOW NOW” that they broke in to the site and vandalized it. but sure, your immature petty pos idol can do no wrong
what about this is ignoring?
their argument: “coy is not a villain for wanting their art taken down”
my argument: “nobody said that, cal was perfectly fine taking the artwork down, they just said they cant do it in a heartbeat. coy is in the wrong for breaking in to the site and doing it themself with no consideration for how it will affect the species.”
Post 2
“It's so funny how obsessed y'all are with coy and civ... Get over it bro”
wow its almost like… their actions have a direct consequence on the species…whoooaa
Their argument: “why do you guys care about this”
my argument: “because people have put time and effort into this species, cal and his new team are trying to pick up the pieces and have gone a lot further than ever before with coy and civ at the head. coy being a dipshit has a direct affect on how the species will operate, specifically in this situation by taking away all the old pet species which people may have cared about and wanted to make characters out of.”
Post 3
“You mean.... The site THEY MADE? oh noo, how dare they remove their art from the site them and their partner made... Boohoo.... Boo boohoo.... Stan petty Coy”
come in my inbox again with these room temperature iq takes and im blocking you. they barely did shit for the species and you know that, and coy themself admitted they never had anything to do with the site they just wanted to make their dumbass plain white dog adopts to rake in cash while doing no extra work to put the pieces together
repeating: cal and staff were PERFECTLY FINE taking off all of civ and coys assets, however you cant fucking do that with the snap of a finger. i know this must be incredibly difficult for you coy supporters out there but lets TRY to use our brains for a min
their argument: (ignores my counterpoint from Post 1) well THEY made the site initially. i dont care im still gonna stan coy.”
my argument: “oh ok cool, i can see you are not actually willing to engage with the argument and just want to be inflammatory, and i dont feel like dealing with you if you arent going to use critical thinking. (reiterating my point from post 1)
for this post in particular, i would also like to add that in the transferring of species ownership, there are cetrain things that can be assumed to change ownership along with the transfer. (this is not the first time a species has ever been transferred in ownership). for one, the site. obviously thats needed for species functions so it now belongs to cal. another is NPCs, other species when transferred will give the NPCs to relevant staff because they are an integral part of species function. in this specific instance, the pets, since they were never a part of the original agreement they are assumed to move ownership as well. coy can make the argument they want their art taken down, thats perfectly fine, they could even say they want their designs taken down, but again, the problem is that this is not something that can just be done at the drop of a hat. you need to find replacements and create new assets. breaking in to the site and vandalizing it because you wanted to be a bitch baby and have no patience is immature and wrong. the site has changed ownership. you do not have agency over it anymore, you dont get to go in and delete things without asking.
lets compare this to an oc you trade on toyhouse. lets say you own this OC for a year, and you have drawn a good amount of art for it. then you trade it away, boop, gone, not yours anymore. lets say later on you dont want your art featured on that OC’s page. problem is, that art you drew is embedded within the character’s profile code. you have the full right to delete the art, but you cant just break into the OC’s profile code and fuck around with it yourself. you have to ask the new owner to take it down, and they say of course, but youll have to be patient so they can redraw a new asset for the code.
granted, this example falls short in some ways, but you get what im trying to say
anyways, the point is that if youre going to refuse to engage with the argument then im not going to engage with you. i truly do not understand why you guys are ride or die-ing for these shitty posts that have absolutely no substance
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golbrocklovely · 6 months
have you seen the crowd on twitter trying to get Sam and Colby cancelled and sued for 'not doing enough'? It's wild and makes no sense to me, they're doing plenty, they don't need to give us everything, what are these people on?
i'm happy someone sent me this bc i do have some opinions on it lol
see the thing is, it's not even that they "aren't doing enough", ie related to xplrclub, it's that they aren't talking about things that matter. the main two being palestine and george/wilbur being creeps.
to be mad at them for all three of these things, as if somehow they are all on the same level is ridiculous and such an online take, it's not even funny.
but here, i'll break down how i feel about all of this.
as i've stated before, snc don't have to comment on palestine. i know a lot of fans want them to say something but reality is nothing will change if they say free palestine or ask for a ceasefire. snc do not hold that much power, they aren't besties with the president. stop asking influencers to do something. this genocide has been happening for a long time, well prior to the october attacks. it's not snc's job to inform the public on worldwide news. it will not change what is currently happening. palestinians are being murdered and you are making this about snc. stop doing that. who you should be truly angry at is our government and the fact they keep giving OUR TAX DOLLARS to the idf. be upset at that. call your congressmen. donate. stop making this about snc, oh my god.
(and if anyone reading this doesn't agree with me, that's fine. but just know i'm not gonna change my mind on it. who cares what snc think about a genocide??? do your part, help out how you can, and keep it moving.)
the george and wilbur thing…. look, i get fans wanting them to unfollow them, but most likely that's not gonna happen. not bc snc support them, but bc snc never do shit like that. they don't get involved in things that aren't related to them. and this is one of those instances. why do they need to denounce two ppl they aren't friends with and only collabed with, max, twice? you wanna be upset with them about this, go ahead. but don't hold your breath.
also it would be incredibly idiotic for them to comment on something like this. and again, you are making a situation that has nothing to do with snc about snc. stop doing that.
xplrclub. imma be honest with you, this is the one that i find hysterical, just bc of how far fetch it is.
i read the original post that started all of this, or at least that was recently created about all of this. i'm also on xplrclub and saw a fan asking basically all of these questions, and then getting a reply from a mod telling them that snc have account managers that probably tell them when to comment on things, and then when that wasn't a good enough answer, said fan asked for an admin. and idk what happened afterwards.
but let me make it abundantly clear: you can't sue snc for "not doing enough" lol that's just not a thing
first off, they haven't even been charging us for a while. so you're not paying for any of the content as of right now. which i think has caused ppl to think that xplrclub has always been free. but now that they plan to charge us in 2 weeks times, ppl are upset that this is all the content they're getting. but snc laid it out loud and clear on the site of what we're getting: multiple camera roll vids a week, a podcast and livestream a month, and a giveaway a month. and then exclusive content like once a week i think. that's all laid out on the site. if you don't want to be charge $19 a month for that… then don't sign up. it's an exclusive club for a reason. not every fan can afford it. you're not owed a spot in xplrclub. sorry. that's just how the world works.
but what makes all of this even dumber is these fans want to sue snc or at least let them know that "without your fans you would have nothing" as if snc don't already know that. and they're talking about "all we need is 40% of ppl on xplrclub to leave, and then they would have to shut it down, which means we can sue them bc we're not getting what was promised to us"
again, not how any of this works. not to mention, any fans that believes this 10000% wasn't around when metalife shut down in like three days time with basically a paragraph and an email notice lol but that being said snc also gave refunds to those that were charged for the month it shut down
if snc lost a huge amount of subs on xplrclub, they're allowed to shut the site down then if they weren't breaking even or were losing profit from it. the only reason you would be allowed to sue them is if they weren't giving you any content but kept charging you anyway. or if somehow there was a data leak and ppl's card information got out there. that would be a reason to sue. but that has not happened, and most likely won't as well.
not to mention, but there are over 1000 members on that site as we speak. 40% would be a significant dent, sure; but not enough to close the site down. there would still be hundreds of ppl on the site. you would need over half of the users to dip out, and baby that just ain't happening lol
there was also this whole argument about how if snc were sued "tv and film laws" are really difficult and they would be in a lot of trouble and all i gotta say to that is……… wut???? snc aren't on tv or film???? do you guys think they are characters or something, actors acting in their vids??? when snc call their content "movies" they don't mean literal movies, they mean length wise, babe. like i want to give some benefit since i know some of these fans are really young and don't know better but like… google is a thing.
i just…. it's always something with this fandom, you know. there can never be complete peace. i can't have a single day of fun without there being some shit storm brewing on the horizon. i'm so totally done with it lmao
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expectopatronum18 · 3 months
hii, ok so I read your recent posts and I wanted to talk about it but if I'm honest I'm a little scared to do it publicly and you got me thinking... so I just thought I would tell you my thoughts. I used to be a hp fan when I was a kid and throughout my early teens, but it wasn't until a few months ago that I got bored and decided to read ATYD, I knew all about the marauders before but it wasn't until then that I fell in love with these characters, I really don't know if I should be the one talking about this because I don't know much since I'm technically new here, but I do agree with you about the new take on the marauders and how it feels too one dimensional, I've been reading lots of fics lately and also I'm constantly on the marauders side of Tumblr and if I'm honest at times I don't think the characters resemble the originals at all, a lot of what makes one character so complicated or raw and lovable and just REAL has been ripped to shreds and became only about their sexuality, I think it's only natural since the fandom runs based on the little to none information about the original canon as well as a reaction to J. K awful opinions and lack of representation. However some of it can be really fun and silly so I don't hate it, I do like taking a 'one time mentioned' characters and give it a good background, but I just think that the nuance and real deep interpretation of the characters is lost and it feels so boring and too... safe idk, I believe two things can coexist, you can have a better understanding of someone if you see them whole, they can make mistakes or be horrible or complicated and still be kind or loyal or have redemption, they can be shipped with whomever but that's NOT who they are, they are not their ships they can be more than who they kiss, you know? idk if that made sense but yeah... that's all sorry for making you read all this I don't think posting this publicly will make me gain loads of friends so thank you if you are reading, loads of love <3
Heyyy!! I think it's really sad that ur scared to say this stuff publicly (tho i totally get it), lyk this space is meant to be for PPL to express themselves and it's being ruined by a bunch of idiots who'll insult and hate u for not sharing their perspective on a fictional character or ship lmao. Especially worse when it's grown ass adults who do it. But dw, the whole fandom isn't lyk tht, I was intimidated too until i found normal, chill PPL who think similarly, and now the fandom is interesting and fun! Ultimately it's abt finding ur tribe. Tbh it all becomes better when u ignore the ppl who get worked up abt things lyk this.
And i totally agree with everything u said, no notes. If u don't wish to post publicly u can still send asks lyk this one. Loads of love to u too!<3
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menalez · 3 months
In regards to ppl jumping down your throat about that post (TM). 1) you're right. But 2) Like... I can see how discussing participating in sex acts with a trans woman is no different from having them with any other male is something that has merit.... But thats not RADICAL FEMINIST content. Like, is it gender critical content? Probably? Thats where it fits better. It would be more appropriate to tag it as such. But radical feminism isnt JUST gender criticality!!! Like, being gender critical is a part of radical feminism but They! Are! Not! The! Same! Thing!
And yeah, people instantly assuming that you asking "how is talking about giving a male person oral sex so explicitly (and in a way that would immediately alienate a lesbian reader... who the post is supposedly for????) is in any way relevant to radical feminism?" Meant that you were saying "female heterosexuality is unsightly and i dont want to see it and also het women need to shut up forever".
(And also the comparison of lesbians being like... I dont want posts about sucking dick to abound in the radfem tag is in ANY WAY AT ALL similar to homophobic people not wanting to see women kiss.... Like???? Thanks for being so bald-faced about your homophobia. Its not the same actually but its interesting to see that you think a minority asking an innocuous question is the same as oppression)
Dear. God. Some people on this site just fucking love to assume the worst from you and needlessly attack you about it. They bring all their lesbophobic assumptions into ANY discussion that you happen to have.
I'll tell you what a rational response could have been to the question you posed. "I think this is relevant based on gender critical beliefs that radfems hold and i wanted to share my experience with that audience"
That doesnt mean that anyone has to agree about whether or not it was a relevant post for a FEMINIST TAG based on FEMINIST CONTENT. But the way ppl responded to you was ABSOLUTELY DERANGED. Words in your mouth. Baseless assumptions. Critique based on things you didnt say. Like..... ????? HUH???
If ppl were normal the convo could have ended with you saying "actually i dont think this is relevant to radical feminist analysis. I think you should have used a different tag for this". Instead you had to have paragraphs long responses where you had to pick apart the lesbophobic rhetoric that is being tossed your way and defend yourself FOR LICHERALLY JUST ASKING A QUESTION.
You didnt even ask an inflammatory question! You didnt even ask it with intent to attack the original OP.
Not only is gender critical and radfem tumblr just.... Fucking radioactive with lesbophobia, but people *specifically* attack you with SO MUCH hostility and treat everything you say with so much bad faith. Like???? Its fucking exhausting to just read, i cannot imagine how fucking irritating it must be to experience it constantly. I wonder if perhaps... Hmmm.. there might be a specific form of oppression you face that might make you more likely to face these attacks.... Hmmm... i think it starts with "race" and ends with "ism". I have not seen white lesbians with similar politics to you facing the same backlash on EVERYTHING they say.
And accusing you of faking anons???????? HUH????? Yeah no, you -- a blog with thousands of followers who regularly gets anons -- MUST OBVIOUSLY have to send urself messages to show ppl agree with you and your opinions 🙄 maddening.
u said it all perfectly anon 😭 and yeah funnily enough it’s very clear people treat me differently, like even if ppl want to argue i’m an obnoxious drama queen or whatever, women who are that & worse still don’t get treated the same way. but if i point out maybe there’s some sort of prejudice underlying ppl treating me differently then i get mocked and belittled further 🤭 oh well. that whole interaction was just insane bc she straight up just lashed out at me & put a bunch of words in my mouth simply bc she saw that i’m a lesbian. funnily enough these things happen even when i word things in the mildest least confrontational way possible so i don’t even know what to do to to get ppl to chill out
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
the reading comprehension on this godforsaken website is genuinely insane. it's such shit ppl went after you for responding. fwiw you singlehandedly restored my faith in the GO fandom a little while back, some of the only well thought-out takes for miles (til i started clicking on the reblogs n found more). there was nothing wrong with defending yourself from people who didn't even read the meta. for something you put this much effort into, it'd be weirder not to be defensive
ive sat on the whole thing over the last dozen or so hours now, with a good mixture of upset, anger, some kind of numbness, and incredible amounts of anxiety. i posted that response out of the second; i was really angry, and i flew off the handle. whilst i don't appreciate being told by the other anon that i shouldn't be so attached/shouldn't have been so upset, they have a point, and were right to highlight (intentionally or not) at the very least that that is the root of the problem. i likened the fiasco to some secondary school bullshit, but i didn't realise - or want to acknowledge - that that applied to me too. the whole thing has reawakened ancient history that i thought i had gotten over years ago - more than a decade ago, even - and it very much turns out that that isn't the case, and was simply buried. the uncomfortable thing i also ran into is that the incident has made me re-examine myself with a little more, and definitely overdue, scrutiny - the post attacked at what i now think was my ego, and my over-confidence, and sense of entitlement. that's so uncomfortable to admit, but here we are.
i don't mind people disagreeing with me, but i still stand firm that i don't think sending an ask ridiculing someone, or adding tags that equally can be interpreted as being plain unkind, is a nice thing to do. it's shit - i felt humiliated, and self-conscious in a fandom that until this point, for all my controversial takes 😂 - had made me feel that i had a space to share them, and whilst may not be agreed with, would still be valued by nature of them belonging to a person. i have no doubt that everything on that post wasn't at all personal, but it still felt that what i had spent a lot of time, excitement, and joy writing was worthy of being laughed at, as if i were stupid for writing it (let me be clear - idc if people think the original post and the take within it is wrong, that's absolutely fair enough). it then called into question - what else have people been nice to me about, politely interacting with me about, and yet elsewhere those same people are being horrible about it?
that line of overthinking is entirely my issue, that's noone else's fault, but i do think that had these people just simply kept their opinion to a DM, or somewhere else where the original poster is unlikely/not going to see it, it might have all been avoided. people are entitled to share their opinion, i have no issues with that fact, but it can have consequences... just like the consequences of me rb'ing it once the anger had set in, and i ceased to think rationally. i am sorry that i reacted out of anger, without much - if any - rational thought; that it was bitchy as fuck, and - without the maelstrom of emotion attached to it, as it was from my perspective - it was objectively uncalled for. im embarrassed i reacted like that, and im aware that its only served to make me come across as even more ridiculous than the original post ever could 😂 but i want to settle in with what this has brought up, especially the shitty stuff that i thought i had long gotten over, and look at why i reacted the way i did - i think i was right to defend myself, but perhaps not in the way that i did.
as a separate note, and just really as a PSA to anyone waiting on me in my ask box or has sent me messages - im going to halt on posting any original posts/asks for a while (knowing me, because i can't help myself, a 'while' will probably be like a day). that's in part because im shitting bricks about posting anything in general (this ask response included), but also because - like i said before - i don't want to continue posting stuff when im now wondering how much is coming from a less-than-humble place - im worried that it's a lot more than i ever thought, which is vulnerable, but that's how it goes.
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setting aside the definitions of queerbaiting and queer-coding (bcuz i dont rly agree w the way u use those terms and i think discussions of them should start with definitions bcuz ppl keep using them differently) I think you might be overlooking the real polygamous undertones in VNC! Vani's relationship to Jeanne starts out forced for thematic reasons beyond orientation, and its settled into something very sincere atm. This does not discount the stuff going on w vanoé. That scene in s2 for example-- it's doesn't just cut to Noé. It's INTERCUT between Vani's developing feelings for Jeanne and Noé's support and presence in his life! The stuff going on between Jeanne and Domi seems real too, so we are looking at WAY more than Vani.
OKAY OKAY so this person actually brings up some fantastic points!
(side note: I literally had to hunt through the manga volumes on my shelf to confirm the stuff about the scene being references in s2/chapter 42)
First, I want to clarify the definition of queerbaiting that I understand. The definition I have been using is the oxford dictionaries one [the incorporation of apparently gay characters or same-sex relationships into a film, television show, etc. as a means of appealing to gay and bisexual audiences while maintaining ambiguity about the characters' sexuality.] I have adjusted the original post to more accurately explain this!
But more importantly, I think that your point about the polygamous undertones is actually really fascinating, because I think you're right.
I think it would be really interesting to see the author explore the relationship between Jeanne and Dominique too, BUT BACK TO THE POINT! You brought up something that I actually forgot about! Now we just have to dissect what exactly the scene in s2 cuts to both Jeanne and Noe. There's a ton of nuance in this, and unfortunately I look too deep into things and tend to get lost in my own thoughts, so the author's intention is lost on me LMAO, but here's my thoughts on it:
I believe that it was because Vanitas is split. I think it would def be even more interesting if the author were to explore the polygamous undertones, (because I actually totally believe that Vanitas is in love w both of them, again, ch 42 implies this heavily) but I will be so honest, I think that these themes ever becoming more overt is unlikely just because of the general opinions surrounding polygamy.
ANYWAY, I think that it was likely split with the intention of showing that Vanitas is having split thoughts between the two. While I'm not quite positive that this was the author's intention, (primarily because of what anon brings up, actually; it's very possible the intention was to subtly pull in polygamous themes) I do believe that it is very likely that it was intended to show that Vanitas' feelings towards Noe are developing into something he never anticipated. Now, he is trapped in this weird limbo in which he has feelings for two different people.
I also want to add that there is like a shit ton of other stuff going on in this series right now. I chose to focus on Vanitas in the og post because it's just something that I personally find incredibly interesting. I don't intend to take away from anything else going on, I just chose to zero in on that in particular.
Basically, I actually agree with everything in this ask, so I really appreciate this stuff being brought up because it gives me a chance to go in depth on more stuff that I didn't explain as well in the first post!
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kenobster · 1 year
I would like to point out something that some people possibly don't know. And that is the fact that...
...if you've been active on this website for longer than a month, then I can almost guarantee you're more popular than me.
I'm quite content with this. I'm weird, unpalatable, and often freaky, and I have no interest in changing. However, due to recent Events™, I feel like it's worth pointing out. So, below are some screenshots displaying some very intimate & vulnerable blog information lmao.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Note: Names and partially icons have been redacted out to protect people's privacy. :) For the sake of transparency, however, I did leave one name unredacted*, but I want to be clear that, while I may disagree with their takes, I hold no ill will toward them and they did nothing wrong.
To recap, I only have 138 followers. Additionally, these screenshots show my activity for most of the day today. Which is actually the most activity my posts have gotten in probably months.
Maybe a couple of you will be surprised by this information, and I guess that's fair. I'm coming from an old abandoned fandom blog that DID have a lot of followers after all, so it's possible that I carry myself a certain way in online spaces. (Not to mention, I'm a mega-introvert, so I have the message response time of a hermit, which often aligns with BNF response time hahahha.)
However, the truth of the matter is that, while I ocassionally write the decent fic on Ao3, I am little more than a grain of sand on the dunes of Tumblr. When I reblog a post to snarkily disagree with the original poster, I know at the time of hitting the submit button that the maximum number of ppl who are gonna see my snark is 138. That's the maximum. The number of people who will see it and maybe even skim it? That's probably more like 10. The number of people who will actually agree with it, think it's in good taste, and/or want to interact with it? Well, judging by my activity log and the recent highlighted example, clearly zero (0).* Lmao. In other words, I know very well that making reblogs will not hurt the original poster or their reputation. The only harm that can possibly come from my snarky reblogs is the snark itself. (... which, speaking of, if you can't handle ppl disagreeing with your literary analysis & meta posts on the public interwebs, then maybe don't make literary analysis & meta posts on the public interwebs.)
Of course, beloved victims of my snarky reblogs have every right to respond however they see fit. In fact, everyone on this website has the right to respond however they see fit (in accordance with the law and the website's terms and conditions, of course). Reblogging my posts to tell me how wrong I am is totally valid. There's nothing wrong with that. Nothing different from what I did in the above example. Nothing I didn't invite.
But I would appreciate it if people remembered the fact that, no matter what led anyone to believe otherwise, I am actually not a heavy influence around here. Maybe other people who do get a lot of engagement are anxious of the influence my snark might generate, but I guarantee you that any disagreement is probably starting and ending with me (or maybe like one other person). Furthermore, I am allowed to participate in discourse, whether or not my opinions align with widely-accepted fanon.
Anyway this post is not to shame anyone nor call anyone out. Even if I wanted to do that, I clearly lack the influence. This post is merely meant to share my stance on recent events in order to protect my image and my mental wellbeing. That's it. <3
*Edit: For transparency, I drafted this post and then sat on it to decide how I felt before posting. In that time, I gained a few more notes on my activity log, but the screenshots were already saved and ready to go. So here's the additional activity log information... Two notes were responses (that I greatly appreciated but am too tired to respond to atm) to a comment I made on someone else's post, and a couple of them were a like/reblog of the Vader in a dress post that I made earlier. There was one reblog of the subject snarky reblog I made, but the number of ppl who interacted with it remains at 0-3. FYI, I will not be keeping track of this number going forward because I unfortunately have a life.
*Edit 2: I have decided to redact this name too. I'm still chill with them, and everything's good. <3
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gothamslostboy · 2 years
The Lost Boys
Sexuality HC
These are my personal opinions, we’re probably not going to agree on everything and that’s ok! You can comment your opinions below as long as you’re not a dick about it :]
NOTE: I think after turning most vampires don’t gaf about gender and that will play into my hc
NOTE 2: the F_/M_ is for how you present. If you’re a guy who dresses feminine you fall into F, same for masculine girls. I did this bc I wanted to include Non binary ppl but it felt weird adding a 3rd gender percentage bc enby ppl don’t have a gender . So to clarify: the percentage is not gender, it is clothing preference
NOTE 3: yes I know it was the 80s. I. Don’t. Care. Gay ppl existed in the 80s and the whole movie has gay undertones so sush.
I originally said he was bi in this post bc I didn’t want ppl mad at me but imma be brave now
Gay asf
Likes seeing S/O in feminine clothes though
I know I said vamps don’t care after turning but every rule has an exception
No preference here, gender or clothing,just personality
He does like matching with his S/O so get him something in the same color or pattern
Does have a male preference though
Him and Paul definitely fuck
Has experimented and decided it’s not her thing
Very supportive
Her boyfriend wants to wear a skirt? She’ll buy matching ones!
He wants makeup? Let her teach him!
Earrings? We saw in the movie she wants to do it!
Probably pierced all the boys ears
She doesn’t care how he dresses, as long as he doesn’t tell her how to dress either
He’s unsure but when asked will say bi
He’s still trying to come to terms with not being straight so he prefers S/O wearing more feminine things
(David rn: 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼)
Supports everyone
Doesn’t understand why people care about who others date
Loves a man in a nice suit
Still nice if he wants to try typically feminine things
Just doesn’t seek out more feminine men
One of the vampires who DO care
Like too much caring
Weirdly insecure and kills men who hit on him:[
Eats primarily female victims
Only supports if it’s one of his pack
More supportive of the boys straight interest though
The boys don’t give a fuck though and if they are dating a guy will purposely show more affection in front of him
F100/M0 (he definitely still thinks women shouldn’t wear pants I’m sorry but he’s old af)
Grandpa Emerson
He used to be a homophobe (he was raised in a very homophobic time)
Lucy has talked to him about being supportive since she was a teen
Finally gets that it doesn’t affect him and supports
She can wear whatever she wants as long as she’s happy
I can’t decide if he’s aroace or not bc he’s still early teen years, and he was more focused on stopping his brother from becoming a vampire then finding a date
If he is interested in anyone, it’s dudes
He had that poster in his room, and was making fun of Michael for chasing a girl
He also has more of a fashion sense then most men of the 80s (I’m not saying having a fashion sense makes you gay, I’m saying if writers in the 80s wanted to have a gay character w/o saying he’s gay, this is probably a trait they’d give him)
He feels like feminine clothing would “draw too much attention”
Like the mf doesn’t wear the most attention seeking clothing in Santa Carla
Bi? at most
Huge fem preference
I don’t think he’d like completely girly girls
But still wants a partner how dresses nice
He thinks everyone looks good in long, loose skirts and crop tops regardless of gender
Straight as a ruler
Supports, but doesn’t really get it
If Sam came out to him he would probably ask if Sam was into him, but genuinely didn’t mean to be offensive
He just doesn’t know why he needs to know
He’s ok w/ a girl who dresses up sometimes, but if you’re vampire hunting with him you need to be able to move fast, maybe leave the dress or skirt for another time
Yes I put the younger 3 teens here. I’m only doing the bc I think at 14 you are aware of your preference, I know I was many ppl I know were
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gogoyoongi · 1 year
i don’t know if other people will agree with me on this but for those on twitter who talk shit about armys on other social media, like tumblr, it really is ironic. i know twt armys are so stronGGG on the promoting/streaming side of bts/solo music which is phenomenal to see. But, it’s a little disheartening to see them talk crap about other armys on other platforms who , in fact, simply just mind. their. own. business.
no army is superior than the other. we all have different wavelengths, different ways of supporting the boys and their music which is GREAT. some ppl support from the sidelines and log off, some support through making bts art and log off. and there are those who make it their DUTY to involve themselves in every little discourse about the most irrelevant things, shitting on other armys, refusing to listen to other armys, and making their OPINION the STANDARD opinion among ALL armys for future discourses that might arise again and you have… oh… the rest of them following each other like SHEEP.
anyway, this was on my mind for some time but todays discourse about jk’s schedule release just triggered this response in me. being excited for his release is one thing, but overanalysing the potential mv plot, his outfits, her appearance in it is just too much and IRRELEVANT. you’re doing all that overthinking for no reason. and what’s ironic is that twt armys who shoot down other armys for overanalysing stuff are the same ppl who just CANNOT wait to sink their teeth into tweets that overanalyse and overcompensate. they’re always waiting to put some SENSE into armys, and sometimes that’s crucial before things get crazy delu, but other times more and more armys see it and offer their 2 cents to the conversation and may even be nastier than the original army shooter.
overall, it’s just become a toxic place. i find myself drifting from it as time passes.
and don’t get me wrong i like seeing twt armys put others who act delusional and invasive of the boys privacy in place. those who wholeheartedly just want to protect the boys and actually mean it are the best. but those who just can’t wait to start a little discourse over an accidental/misinterpreted tweet by an army and open the floor for other armys to be agreeing and act completely nasty towards them is what i can’t stand.
sorry, this may not have made sense lol but i’m just posting my thoughts on this.
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yooniesim · 1 year
Because I trust you to give it to me straight- what is your opinion on time zone reblogging? It is driving me NUTS. I see the same posts on my dash over and over with the tzr or whatever tag and I can't tell what the heck timezone they're doing it for because it's so random. Also...no one likes your content so much they need to see it half a dozen times a day so someone in another time zone might see it. And THEN if I want to scroll someone's blog, I see the same posts over and over because their mobile dash is their same posts reblogged continuously. I just don't understand the phenomenon. To me it's narcissistic, like you're so desperate for notes and validation youre forcing everyone to see your posts again and again. Yes I could block the tag but it doesn't just make the posts disappear, it hides them with a viewing disclaimer which is also annoying. I personally wish it wasn't such a trend in this community. I unfollow people over it at this point.
Oh I get you nonny. I actually do it myself but usually it's either once per day or once the next day after I post the original post. I do think it helps ppl see your post, especially if you post it at a bad time initially (like during school/work hours or on a holiday for example, when a lot of ppl aren't really on tumblr). I don't actually do it for an actual timezone I just do it randomly whenever I remember lol. But generally around 12 hours or so since it was first posted? Oh and if it's a cc post sometimes tzr helps cc finds blogs see it cos sometimes the tagging doesn't work i find. That's the most practical reason I've found for it. But I generally think one time a day is plenty enough to get the post out there for your mutuals that haven't seen it yet.
However I also don't really get the point of doing it 5-6 times a day, or setting it up for like, every four hours to be reblogged. It spams the dash and ppl's blogs the way you described. And I have unfollowed ppl too that do it like constantly. Idk if I'd go so far as to call it narcissistic but I do find it funny when it's like a non cc post with like 300+ notes and like four to six hours later the person tzr it, especially if they do it over and over? I don't blame them for it but I kinda encourage ppl not to get into that mindset bc it doesn't seem very fun ya know? It seems stressful in a way. I don't find that kind of behavior narcissistic no, more like it's showing the person's stress or worry that they won't get "enough" notes. Which i don't see as a negative towards them as a person as much as kinda the toxic environment we're all in that makes you feel unworthy or a flop if you don't get notes. It's hard but I think excessive timezone reblogging just winds up doing the opposite for you though as people will wind up getting annoyed and unfollowing. So for general simblr advice I'd say, 1 tzr a day is plenty enough, if that lol. Anything past that is just gonna see diminishing returns and annoyed followers. Do you agree nonny or do you think tzr should be gone entirely? 🤔
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i-heart-hxh · 1 year
the funny thing is that I can relate to gon on a personal level. the whole feeling guilty, taking the blame, and explode when things are too much. so to me, the way gon react after knowinh kite's death, is totally understandable. but it still makes me sad to see ppl wrongly interpret his actions and ignored his feelings. like he went though hell too during the whole arc. anyway we know that he regretted his action and he apologized to killua but his action had also caused a crack in their friendship. something that is unfortunate and I think that why the separation is needed to repair it.
but still hurt and I hate it.
and I finally get to meet alluka and I have to say that I still haven't warmed up to her. aside from being a factor in killugon separation, something about togashi introducing her in the series and we are heading to the dark continent arc? makes me wary of her. sure she's cute but well it let's just say, she isn't my fave characte.
I hope the movies are as good and I get to see my boys again. need them to heal this broken heart 😭 (2/2)
I'm glad you finished it! Thanks for coming back to give your impressions!
I agree about the way some of the fandom sees Gon and especially Gon's actions in Chimera Ant arc. It's such a shallow way to view the series and it surprises me how many people don't have compassion and understanding for what Gon went through. His feelings of guilt and his issues with self-esteem that lead up to what happened are present throughout the series--it makes a lot of sense when you go back and watch or read it again, there's so much foreshadowing and build up. I have no doubt Togashi was building in this direction all along. It's frustrating seeing people reacting to Gon's trauma without considering his age and all the reasons it makes sense for him to react the way he did. Even though we didn't see much of his perspective during Chimera Ant arc, it's clear how much pain he was in.
I do think the separation is ultimately good for them, though it certainly makes me sad, too--especially because we haven't gotten a reunion yet. 💔 (As I said in my prior meta, I have a lot of hope that we will eventually, though, assuming Togashi is able to keep working on the manga.)
I'm happy you're going to read the manga next! It's the original, after all, and there are some things that were left out or are a bit different than in the 2011 anime. Plus of course there's the next arc, even though Gon and Killua aren't present. The movies are not widely considered "good" LOL, and they're not technically canon because they weren't written by Togashi, but at least they're something you can consume to help with the post-anime heartbreak. The 1999 anime is also worth watching, though it deviates a lot more from the manga than the 2011 anime does (in some ways I like and some ways I don't like, personally). The atmosphere, art, and soundtrack are distinctive and lovely.
I like Alluka myself and I'm curious about the role she and Nanika will play going forward, but to each their own of course! You're entitled to your own opinion on her. She was a factor in the separation, sure, but Gon also wouldn't be healed without her.
My experience is that the broken heart from HxH doesn't go away if it truly resonates with you (and it sounds like it did for you!), but there are a lot of ways to cope with it--consuming the series multiple times in the different formats available, reading/writing meta and fanfics and looking at/drawing fanart, and commiserating with other people in the fandom. Hang in there, I remember how intense that feeling was at first! I'm always happy to discuss more if you have any particular topics you want to talk about!
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