#i played with it for a while
weird-an · 1 year
It's Saturday and Steve just wants to get home. Every first Saturday of the month Steve has an appointment. To see his dad. The prison's visitor's center is white painted cement and squeaky chairs, but the conversation is way more uncomfortable.
He's listening to his dad's never-ending rant about the downfall of America and his stiff neck. Because, you know, pillow in prison aren't very comfortable.
The last ten minutes of the tirade are usually reserved for his dad telling him that he's wasting his life and that he's better not driving the company against the wall, like this ship hasn't sailed when a few million dollars got found on accounts overseas.
Steve leaves the prison with shaking hands and the same feeling that he got when he received a bunch of rejection letters for colleges he didn't even want to go to in the first place.
He doesn't get in his car. Leans against the door of the BMW and groans.
"You want a smoke? Looks like you need one." A guy around Steve's age holds out a pack of Marlboro Reds.
Steve stares at it for a second, somewhere between surprised and confused, then takes it.
"I'm tryin' to quit," he mumbles, but lets the guy light his cigarette with a silver zippo.
"Same here, amigo." The man grins at him. White teeth shining. He's got a blond mullet, red shirt unbuttoned so far that Steve can see a hint of his abs.
"I'm Steve."
Steve inhales the smoke. Has Dustin's voice in his ear, reminding him that smoking can kill him.
"Billy," Billy says, with a wink like they are at a bar and he's trying to buy Steve a drink.
"Did you visit someone, too?" he asks, more out of politeness and maybe also a little because he's curious.
"My old man." Billy blows smoke in the direction of the prison.
"Me too." Steve murmurs. It's some form of camaraderie, he guesses. It feels like it. He knew on a rational level that other people's fathers are in prison, but he never talked to anyone.
"He's in for tax fraud."
It's not a secret. It has been in the papers. The whole world knows about it. Arthur Harrington, Harrington's Steel Works, a dirty office affair - not only with his secretary.
Billy's intense gaze wanders to Steve's Burberry shirt. "Guessed so."
"And yours?"
Billy seems to think about his question.
"Physical assault," he says quietly.
Steve doesn't know what to say. It's obviously not the same. He can't read the expression on Billy's face, his furrowed brow when he sucks on his cigarette again.
"Dads suck," Steve says lamely.
"Amen to that." Billy laughs, a bitter, sharp sound. "I'm goin' to get so wasted tonight."
"Do you need company?" Steve asks. A beer sounds great. Forgetting sounds even better - and they've got something in common. Maybe that says more about Steve's loneliness than about Billy. But still.
"No." Billy's smile is wide. His red tongue traces the frontline of his teeth. Like he's really hungry. "But I don't mind it."
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opt1gan · 10 months
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oflights · 11 months
the main problem with this time of year is the irresistible urge to get fully into bed at like 5:34 pm and outside is like yesss, yesss do it, it's what you deserve yesss. like is it depression or is it just november
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fact-dogsarehappiness · 8 months
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artistmarchalius · 4 months
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arr-jim-lad · 10 months
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hinamie · 2 months
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[ID in alt]
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war-forged-storms · 1 month
Kinda need to have sex in a hot boxed car. Like I want to be hazily touching up on someone and every breath and pant is just getting us higher. To be surrounded by the heavy smell of weed, stuck in a cramped space, groping and pleasing each other through our clothes while everything feels so good.
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