#i played this dlc recently and
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ruby-static · 4 months ago
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Welcome to another episode of “Riley’s curiosity gets the better of him, and now he has to experience situations™.”
This time, he’s gotta deal with the Twilight Zone mad scientist crater.
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ridl · 11 months ago
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happy anniversary to rain world becoming my favorite game ever since 2017 and still being on top :)
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goldenspecks · 8 months ago
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Entropy claims its bitter harvest...
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deltarunebt · 10 months ago
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Meeting (Befriending?) Jevil
So much for an easy first fight.
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sirenspells · 5 months ago
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Paradox versions of my two favorite pokemon
Prophecy Wings is based on angels and Absol's mega evolution. I know past paradox mons are more prehistoric, but I was going for an idea that Absol was once seen in a positive light and almost revered as a deity of sorts
Iron Seeker is based on security cameras. The orbs floating around it are small cameras and it can control them telekinetically. In whatever timeline it exists, I imagine it's effectively used as a security guard
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bipedalcapybara · 7 months ago
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Hey Guys I Will Protect This White Girl With My Life
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spiderin-space · 7 months ago
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Update Update Update U
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ganondoodle · 1 year ago
im sliding right into that kind of art slump where you cant get past drawing a few blocks of color without getting bored and frustrated already, your head is empty, theres nothing that makes your brain go OOOH! DRAW!
like everything is uninteresting and nothing matters- i know very well this feeling passes but i hate that it is now, again, when i have a little more time than usual AND want to do nothing but draw
i also feel like i have asked too many times too frequently for encouragement, i dont really want to do that again
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valsvonvalentine · 1 year ago
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Oh my god you can even see Pecharunt in Ogerpon's backstory oh my god
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eelslippers · 6 months ago
My review of the new Seekers of the Storm DLC.
When the new DLC dropped, I was shocked to look online and see that everyone actually had negative reviews of the dlc. Most of the reviews seem to be regarding bugs, which I can kind of forgive as I've also encountered some gamebreaking bugs, such as loaders grapple now doesn't grapple as it should, or a bug I encountered where enemies stop taking damage after stage 35, but my overall opinion of the dlc has actually been pretty strong.
Like, in terms of lore, I was actually pretty happy to see the dlc add onto the story of risk of rain, something I was really hoping to see more of. The details in the environmental storytelling of the new maps and how they reference the lore logs, how the new character False son feels like a continuation of the story of providence, etc.
I was even surprised to see people call the new survivors weak, though I wonder how much of that is just because people don't know how to play the characters yet. I've learned how to play every character except heretic and unlocked all abilities except 3, and my first impression was that Seeker, Chef, and False son are actually all really quite strong. They are all surprisingly fast and tanky as a baseline, even chef who is a bit more frail, and all three characters come with abilities that can heal them, much like rex. I actually would argue that the new survivors kind of feel too strong compared to base game characters (though i love them anyways).
The new items that were added I can argue are situational for most of them, but also again, I haven't had enough time to really test them out so I am a bit skeptical when people say the items seem bad as a default, as it hasn't really been enough time to really see how they stack or synergize with different characters. For me personally, I actually really like that they added items that add benefits for characters when they take damage or at low health, because it really synergizes with rex who is going to be taking damage constantly and frequently at low health. It incentives more risk seeking playstyles where it actually benefits to be at lower health rather than always playing an iron wall playstyle. They might not benefit every survivor, but I am happy to see it added into the meta of ror2. (Though I will say some of the red items feel underwhelming.)
The new stages in general seem pretty nice in terms of aesthetic, though the Helminth hatchery feels like it might be a bit annoying to play on for some characters even though aesthetically it is really cool.
All in all, I think the dlc is pretty strong but had a poor launch due to bugs, which I'm hoping get patched out soon. Perhaps I'll have more criticisms over time, but I felt like giving my opinion of the new dlc as I really liked it and was really saddened to see how it was recieved.
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rosicheeks · 24 days ago
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Omg omg omg omg omg omg don’t mind me but I’m freaking out a little bittttttt 😱🤯
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vaguely-concerned · 9 months ago
it really is hilarious how little objective quality has to do with how much I'll love an RPG. larian makes games that are objectively very good, but don't really resonate with me personally when I play them, for whatever reason. bioware makes games of wildly erratic levels of quality that cause my soul to vibrate at pitches heard only by dolphins and god.
#I played through the majority of divinity original sin 2 and you could hold me at gunpoint and I still wouldn't remember much of anything#about what the fuck the story was about. I was on a ship at several points and there was a haunted house.#ifan is hot and the dumbest man who ever lived. that's about it#I played ALL of divinity original sin 1 and it's almost a complete blank. I have no memory of this place. who is this woman tegan#meanwhile I have been through the insane open worlds and bloated crafting systems of da:i and me:a more times than sanity should allow#and you know the real fucked up thing? *whisper* I'll do it again. I'll go back to the hinterlands of my own free will#I'll go shard hunting. I'll play dragon age 2 again and again b/c I'd buy a dlc about all the characters in that going grocery shopping#the heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing#I guess they got me early with jade empire and that's all she wrote I imprinted or something#I have a vague feeling I don't vibe with the larian pacing maybe? their games tend to open with a bang and then get interminable for me#(again: clearly this is not about me actually having taste or standards for pacing I've played da:i more than seven times lol#very much a thing about me more than about either of these games)#no matter what I'm so grateful to bg3 for bringing the crpg back tho and I hope the industry follows that up#(granted after recent developments the industry might crash and burn and have a little postapocalypse rebuilding to do#before it becomes truly relevant ahahaaaaa god. god.)
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thatonesmartkidfromschool · 23 days ago
Okay but what's your favorite pokemon game? I feel like it's probably obvious bc of your favorite characters but I thought itd be cool to ask! My favorite game is the og Diamond game. I love the safari zone, plus it was the first pokemon game I played.
Hhrrmmmm... you're quite right that I'm kinda brainrotting over SV rn.. but Sun and Moon will always have a very special place in my heart since they were MY first games. I recently replayed Sun and. God. The story is so peak. Especially if we're talking about the og SM and not the Ultras lmaoo. I immediately had to pick up the SM Pokémon Adventures arc because I was left wanting more after finishing the game! So my fave is probably between Sun and Violet. I definitely have the most hours on Violet lmaooo
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asha-mage · 4 months ago
Something I've been thinking about a lot as I play my current Sims 4 legacy challenge is how a lot of the negative criticism about The Sims 4 being to easy comes from critics and reviewers taking mechanics and even whole expansions in isolation, which is not really how the game is asking you to play it.
If you focus on any one specific aspect of TS4 to the exclusion of everything else it is in fact, a pretty easy game. But if you are trying to tell a story or allow one to naturally evolve, you are never going to be focusing on just one part of the game.
For example, in my current game I have four sims- two adults two children. Just juggling their needs and keeping everyone alive is not terribly difficult, but every layer beyond that you go it gets more and more challenging. As a result of my founder Sim picking the hot headed bad boy instead of the more stable family man (a choice made as a result of being more attracted to Bad Boy) the parents have a Unpredictable romantic dynamic and a Strained family dynamic, which means their pink and green bars are in a near constant state of free fall and it takes a lot of concentrated effort to keep them from fighting all the time and being miserable any time their around each other. They can't get a divorce though: because I need both their incomes and because it will get substantially harder to raise the kids in a one parent house hold, so instead their trapped in this endless cycle of me intervening to send them on a date to fix their shitty relationship and remember their each other's soulmates, being fine for a while, then slowly growing more and more miserable and unhappy with each other as they start fighting constantly, until I step in again, and save their relationship, again. I could just send them to relationship concealing fix all this but that takes money they do not have and it wouldn't be worth setting aside because this is ultimately cheaper (seriously, counseling costs like a thousand dollars per session and my criminal husband is taking home 170ish a paycheck!).
Meanwhile you have the kids. One just started being a teenager and that means she's constantly getting asked to do things, go places, and have those typical Important Teenage Experiences (board walk, sports day, career fair, prom, prom after party, etc). Again on it's own it wouldn't be to bad, but I have to pick and choose what high school experiences for her to have very carefully because I can't consonantly be tabbing away from my home lot to follow her and make sure she's getting the Most Out of Her Teen Years since that might mean her parents digging a relationship hole I'll never get them out of, or her toddler little brother's needs getting incredibly out of wack. I misjudged this balance initially because she got a Fear of Unfulfilled Dreams and she would often fall into an ennui doom spiral of bad moodlets related to her not missing out on life despite being like 16 (honestly? millennial icon). These bad moodlets where getting in the way of her socializing and school progress so I had to have her conquer that fear (it's own lengthy process) in order to get back on track. At the same time her little brother being first in infant and then a toddler, needs constant supervision and care from his parents- he can't go anywhere or do anything on his own, and if I let his needs slip to far away he's going to get yanked by social services, which absolutely can not happen because he's the heir to this challenge and since he's sister isn't a spellcaster I don't have backup plan for the next generation if he gets taken.
Did I mention yet that this is largely a spellcaster household? Cause see the overarching story line I'm going for is the rise (and possible fall) of a family of spell casters over several generations. And you might be thinking 'surely having phenomenal cosmic power makes all this easier' and you would be wrong. I frequently set things on fire when trying to magically repair them, overload on magical charge, and have to deal with my og Sim being cursed with everything from higher spell failure rates to being stalked by evil spirits. The curses especially are wild because in my efforts to Decrusify myself I ended up with a completely different unrelated curse from overloading during the spell. I can't just stop using magic either because it's my main sim's Aspiration meaning I need to keep grinding out those spell caster experience points- which leaves me in this feedback loop of trying to solve every problem with magic, it going horribly awry, needing more magic to dig myself out of the resulting hole, and that going horribly awry.
Honestly the only advantage of being a spell caster has been being able to make huge batches of chili in my cauldron and just leaving it there for family members to eat from when their on the go, since cauldron chili never expires. It's saved me tons of time that would otherwise be spent cooking meals, which has been a huge help since Everything Is Happening All of the Time.
All this to say is that while I understand where the complaints of The Sims 4 being to easy, I think it's a problem of framing rather then with the game itself. If you just set out to tell a story and then let it naturally evolve and twist, you'll find plenty of challenge- as each layer of the game adds it's own plate you have to keep spinning if you want to avoid peeing yourself in the street during an existential crisis.
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angeltannis · 3 months ago
All righty, now that Baldur’s gate is done it’s time to relive an old favorite 🫡
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undefeatablesin · 9 months ago
I have been enjoying Dark Souls lately in the wait for SotE so please enjoy these pictures of my Unkindled in DS3 😂
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