#i played like 3 hours of video games. watched 7 episodes of steven universe. i even NAPPED. i deep-cleaned my kitchen and fridge
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allthegothihopgirls · 3 months ago
today's been the longest day in the world. what's up with that actually.
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mintypineapple · 4 years ago
dw ask game 1-36 and 38-100 DON'T ANSWER NUMBER 37 I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT CRYING
DaThanks, anon who is probably @truestoriesaboutme!
1. Did you like DW as a child?
Depends. What do you consider a child? I saw Doctor Who for the first time when I was 16 or 17. Does that count? Let’s say that it does. I did enjoy it.
2. Your age at the time of the revival?
3. First DW episode you ever saw?
An Unearthly Child. I wanted to watch it all in order! Still do! My first New Who episode was “Blink,” as forced upon me by @raisegrate. I did enjoy it.
4. Did you have any of the toys?
I didn’t at the time, but I do now. I have a couple of screwdrivers, a Fourth Doctor, an Ice Warrior, and not-quite-Legos of Doctors 1-11. (-WD)
5. Which DW character did you play on the playground?
6. Monster(s) that scared you most as a child?
N/A. Nothing scares me.
7. Joke/story you didn’t get as a kid?
N/A. I get all jokes/stories.
8. DW opinion that has changed since you were a kid?
That the only way to watch it was from the very beginning. I eventually gave in and watched New Who before finishing Classic Who.
9. Who introduced you to DW?
Pretty sure I heard about it initially on a forum I went to called The Douglas Adams Continuum. That’s when I started watching the First Doctor. Again, @raisegrate showed me my first New Who. Eventually, I started watching New Who in its entirety with @catastrofries and they started watching Classic Who with me for @rassilonwatchathon.
10. Did you like Sarah Jane Adventures as a child?
Didn’t even know it existed as a child. But I liked it as an adult.
Read more under the cut. There’s a lot!
11. Who is your Doctor?
One. He’s the first I saw and I’ve went through some of his more than once, due to the podcast, so he has a special place in my heart.
12. Your favourite Doctor?
It varies depending on the day. I quite like Two, Eleven, and Twelve, though.
13. Least favourite Doctor?
Possibly 5 or 13? More because they don’t get a whole lot to do, than them being bad.
14. Best regeneration?
Technically speaking, there’s something about that first one that is still so good. Emotionally speaking, Two’s regeneration is terrifying and I quite like Twelve’s speech before regenerating.
15. Do you like “Doctor-Lite” episodes?
Yeah! They’re all pretty good! Even “Love and Monsters!” Yeah, I said it! (The end is bad, but the rest is good.)
16. Who is the most human Doctor?
One calls himself human a handful of times. Does that count? If not, definitely Five. He seems the most like a regular guy in a weird situation out of all of them.
17. Best multi-Doctor story?
The Day of the Doctor, for sure.
18. Best Doctor monologue?
Eleven’s speech to young Amy in “The Big Bang.” That episode is just solid all around.
19. What do you think TenToo/MetaCrisis Doctor is doing now?
He’s definitely fucked off somewhere and abandoned Rose. He runs a cat cafe that is definitely a front for something, but no one can quite figure out what.
20. Best Doctor/companion pairing?
One/Barbara, Two/Jamie, Three/Jo, Four/Leela, Five/Tegan, (haven’t seen enough of Six, any of Seven, and I honestly don’t remember the companion for Eight), Nine/Rose (that’s the only option!), Ten/Donna, Eleven/Amy-Rory, Twelve/Clara, Ruth/Thirteen.
21. Favourite companion?
Classic Who: This is hard. Jamie? Sarah Jane? Leela? New Who: Donna Noble.
22. Favourite secondary companion?
Not sure what this means exactly... My second favorite? If so, I gave three for favorite Classic Who, so one of them. New Who: Rory.
23. Least favourite companion?
Classic: Ben Jackson or Peri. New: Ryan.
24. Best TARDIS Team?
Classic: Two, Jamie, and Zoe. New: Eleven, Amy, and Rory.
25. Most underrated companion?
I love Steven Taylor. I feel like he doesn’t get mentioned enough.
26. Most overrated companion?
Probably gonna get some hate for this, but Romana II. She’s good and I like her, but I was expecting a lot more. I honestly prefer Romana I.
27. Favourite companion’s family?
I love Rory’s dad.
28. Who should have been a companion but wasn’t?
Kamelion. AM I RIGHT? But seriously, Amelia Rumford from “The Stones of Blood.”
29. Favourite (canon or non-canon) DW universe relationship?
30. Who did you not used to like, but really like now?
I hated Tegan when she first came on, but now I love her.
31. Favourite episode ever?
“Heaven Sent.”
32. Least favourite episode?
“Time-Flight” gave me a literal headache.
33. Which episodes do you skip?
NONE. Of course, I’ve not done any rewatches. YET.
34. Best two-parter?
“The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances” are the first New Who episodes that fully sold me on the show.
35. Historical, present day or futuristic episodes?
Give me the future and make it weird!
36. Episode that will always make you smile?
“The Myth Makers.”
38. Best run of episodes?
“Vincent and the Doctor” through “Day of the Moon” is pretty solid.
39. Best cliffhanger?
“Vengeance on Varos.” Hands fucking down.
40. Favourite Christmas special?
The answer to question 37. “A Christmas Carol.”
41. Classic Who or New Who?
Yes please! (Though New Who will take this a little just because the pace is generally a lot better.)
42. Favourite series?
I’m not sure about Classic (I have a harder time thinking of them as different series), but New is definitely 5.
43. Least favourite series?
44. Which series do you skip?
See 33.
45. Favourite series opening?
“The Eleventh Hour.” It’s just a lot of fun.
46. Favourite series finale?
“The Big Bang.” IT’S A GOOD SERIES.
47. Best series arc?
So I don’t sound repetitive and say Series 5 again, Clara’s arc in her last season is great.
48. Thoughts on series 11/12?
I find it largely boring and not well-written. Though there are some things I like! I love Ruth a bunch.
49. How much of Classic Who have you seen?
I’ve seen from “An Unearthly Child” to “The Two Doctors.” And the movie.
50. Who should have had another series?
Doctor: Nine. Or Eight. Or Ruth. Companion: Kamelion, but done better.
51. Favourite monster/villain?
I love them Fuzzy Chicken Nuggets. (The Yeti.)
52. Most creative monster?
The Silence are an interesting concept.
53. Monster(s) that scares you most?
OAK AND QUILL from “Fury From the Deep.” Fuck those guys.
54. Monster you think is too easy to defeat?
I hate power level questions. Next.
55. Least favourite monster/villain?
I get really tired of the Daleks sometimes, y’all.
56. Monster you want to return?
Chumblies or quarks.
57. In your opinion, what makes a monster good?
The writing. You can do great things with most of them. Even the ones you dislike. Like, I hate the farting aliens, but they are occasionally used well.
58. Daleks, Cybermen or Weeping Angels?
If I had to pick, I’d say... Cybermen. Daleks are very samey and loud. Weeping Angels get less interesting every time they are used. But there’s a human element to the Cybermen that, when utilized, can be very effective and unsettling.
59. Best Dalek story?
The one where Two rides around on ones he made nice.
60. Best one time villain/monster?
I don’t know what it is, but whatever it is in “Midnight.”
61. Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures?
SJA is more consistent, but the highs of Torchwood are higher.
62. Favourite Torchwood Team member?
Owen. But like... not season one Owen.
63. Which Torchwood death made you saddest?
See 62.
64. Do you rewatch COE or MD?
I haven’t rewatched anything yet. But I would rewatch COE before MD.
65. Favourite SJA Team member?
66. Mr Smith or K-9?
Mr. Smith is way more interesting. He had a villain arc!
67. Maria or Rani?
68. Do you read the comics/novels or listen to Big Finish?
Some. I’m doing them as Patreon bonus episodes for @rassilonwatchathon​. I haven’t done much though.
69. If you do, your favourite additional stories?
“The Chimes of Midnight.” I’ve listened to it twice.
70. Do you like DW analysis (video essays, fan theories, etc)?
I do DW analysis for @rassilonwatchathon AND The Dipp. So yes. My fave is TARDIS Eruditorum, though.
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amiandivh · 7 years ago
I was tagged by: @gaybybirth​ hey sorry i have been and am still sick
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. drink - A nice glass of ice tea  2. phone call - friend of mine Andrew 3. text message - Got a text from my step mom checking in on me 4. song you listened to - Do video game soundtracks count as a song? Well if they do it was “Telling the Truth 2007″ quite a song title i know but listen to it i promise its amazing 5. time you cried - Saturday i was a funeral and this group played an amazing version that old rugged cross.
6. dated someone twice? - never dated period lol 7. kissed someone and regretted it - never kissed a soul 8. been cheated on -man this is gonna be a boring section 9. lost someone special - nooooooooope 10. been depressed -  yeeeeeeeeeep 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - never touched the stuff 
fave colours
12. Pink mostly because i regrest having a “hating pink stage” in my life...fuck you young heather 13. Purple Cause it was my mother favorite color  14. Blue....notice a patern
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - Yea i have 16. fallen out of love - Yea but they let me down gently 17. laughed until you cried - oh im a laugher so you show me something i gonna laugh till i cry 18. found out someone was talking about you - um no not really  19. met someone who changed you - yea i have  20. found out who your friends are - not really no 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - refer to part 2 
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl -man i havent been on facebook in probably 5 years 
23. do you have any pets -  i wish i had a cat and a dog 
24. do you want to change your name - nah i have names i have always like but not enough to change my name.
25. what did you do for your last birthday - my last birthday was 4 days ago and it was withough a doubt the worst one i have had since the first once without mom...it was bad enough i dont feel like talking about it here
26. what time did you wake up today - about 9 around the time im up normally
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - sleeping trying to sleep through the worse of my sickness
28. what is something you can’t wait for - not much rn...idk Infinity Wars
30. what are you listening to right now - An episode of Brooklyn99 in the background.
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - not that i cant remember  32. something that’s getting on your nerves - oh lord a friend of mine was just over playing this stupid playing this stupid mobile game for 3 HOURS and i could not care less 33. most visited website - Youtube its my main form of entertainment with no satilite 34. hair colour - brown 35. long or short hair - long. to long almost ready for a cut 36. do you have a crush on someone - noup 37. what do you like about yourself - Do i have to answer this one? cause i cant think of an answer 38. want any piercings? -na  39. blood type - no idea 40. nicknames - Bunny. one of my mothers long time friends gave it to me when i was born. Easter was close to the 22nd in 1989
Publié à l'origine par lazylittleslothiam
41. relationship status - Single
Originally posted by batbobsession
42. zodiac - Aries 43. pronouns - she/her 44. fave tv shows - Futurama, Steven Universe Paks and rec, Brooklyn 99, Adventure Time Arrested Developement 45. tattoos - nah not a tattoo fan 46. right or left handed - Right handed. 47. ever had surgery - No not since i was born...long story 48. piercings - no i did when i was a kid but not now no thanks 49. sport - No never  50. vacation - id love to go to the mountains. love the cold and possible snow uh its great 51. trainers -dont understand
more general (why do these bullet points down here don’t care what I want, why tumblr?)
52. eating - nothing rn its almost 2 dont like to eat late
53. drinking - Water trying to stay hydrated
54. i’m about to watch -probably another b99 episode and try to sleep
55. waiting for - sleeeeeeeep
56. want -to feel better for more than a couple of months
57. get married - ROFL gotta find a signifigant other to get married
58. career - im 30 next year im to old or dumb to have a carrer at this point
which is better
59. hugs or kisses -i guess hugs. its all ive gotten 60. lips or eyes - eyes  61. shorter or taller - i genually have no idea...is same height an option i just want to look into her eyes without craining my neck
62. older or younger - older. i worry about being a cradle robber 63. nice arms or stomach -you got me pal 64. hookup or relationship -relationship....please? 65. troublemaker or hesitant - well im hesitant so kind of a trouble maker. or i guess more spontaneous then me
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - nope 67. drank hard liquor - i dont drink 68. lost glasses - yea 69. turned someone down - yea i felt like shit 70. sex on first date - never been on a date but that would still be a no 71. broken someones heart - ...yea 72. had your heart broken - no i took it like a champ lol 73. been arrested - Nope. 74. cried when someone died - my mother’s last words were “Whose gonna take care of my Heather and my aunts were almost the same thing and when i heard that especially about my aunt i cried like never have before. 75. fallen for a friend - who do you think let me down easy?
do you believe in
76. yourself - NAHHHHHHHHH 77. miracles - Sure 78. love at first sight -not really no 79. santa claus -Sure 80. kiss on a first date - Why not 81. angels - absolutely
82. best friend’s name - @indigowallbreaker 83. eye colour - Brown 84. fave movie - to many to count but im gonna go with willy wonka and the chocolate factory. i feel like a kid every time i watch. Gene Wilder was amazing in it and ill never forget the song pure imagination. another one would probably be back to the future another classic as a kid i loved the car and the idea of time travel.the joney b good scene always made me want to learn to play the guitar.  85. fave actor - i honestly dont have alot Chris Evans, Terry Crews, Stephanie Beatriz, Sebestian Stan, Zendaya
Thank you SOOO much for this i love doing these much. i am way to tired to tag people honestly if you see this and want to fill it out fel free!
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love-takes-work · 8 years ago
Sorta-Transcript from online fan Q&A with Shelby Rabara, Deedee Magno Hall, and Michaela Dietz
Anyone can watch this online Q&A with the above voice actors, but if you don’t want to watch/can’t listen to audio, I made this sorta-transcript. Meaning I did not transcribe the exact words in most cases, but I wrote down the questions and the basic idea of how they answered. Enjoy! 
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Shelby Rabara (voice of Peridot) was the Livestream host for fan questions! Deedee Magno Hall (Pearl) and Michaela Dietz (Amethyst) were giving answers, but usually Shelby gave her answer too.
Shelby read fan questions.
1. Favorite episode and why?
Deedee: “Steven and the Stevens”: she likes the song, because it reminds her of the movie That Thing You Do.
Michaela: Is it a cop-out to say all of them? Ha. “Tiger Millionaire” is great because Zach's performance is great and wrestling's cool.
Shelby: “Lion 3: Straight to Video.” Because it's emotional.
2. What character that you don't voice do you relate to most?
Deedee: Amethyst.
Michaela: Really??
Deedee: Because I like to eat. I like to eat FOOD.
Michaela: You don't like to eat stacks of garbage and moldy burritos?
Michaela: Steven. He has a good head on his shoulders.
Deedee: And you also have a very good heart like him!
Shelby: I relate to Connie. She is level-headed and uses logic and makes the correct choice.
Michaela: She's bright and assertive and so are you.
Shelby: Are you having fun here?
Michaela and Deedee: YES! We just had a great panel and cosplay!
3. If your characters were human, what jobs would they have?
Deedee: Pearl would work in a Laundromat because she's really good at folding clothes and I think either that or maybe she might be in the cleaning business because she likes to organize. She's tidy.
Michaela: I need the Pearl method in my home. Amethyst would be a camp counselor. She would be the wacky counselor who's getting too into the games.
Shelby: I'd want Amethyst as a counselor.
4. If you were a Gem, what would your gem weapon be and why?
Deedee: Because I'm a mom, I would want to have a healing blanket to heal them.
Michaela: The power of a bad joke. "Orange ya glad I didn't say banana?" So powerful.
Shelby: I would wanna read people's minds. Can I use that? Is that like Garnet's third eye?
Deedee: Similar but not.
5. How do you get into character when you perform voice-overs?
Michaela: I have an evolved routine. I wake up. And that's what I do. I'm so close to Amethyst! I wake up, I talk, it's acting.
Deedee: That comes so easy to you! I have to wake up early, and warm up, especially if it's a singing episode. No coffee with cream. I have to drink water to avoid sticky saliva. Green apples!
Shelby: I noticed that you ate green apples!
Deedee: I wish I didn't have to do that! But green apples help lubricate and get rid of mucus.
Michaela: Or a potato chip. Not a weird flavor.
Shelby: I'm gonna try those things next time I'm in the booth with you guys.
6. What's your favorite Fusion?
Michaela and Deedee: [Start singing "Giant Woman"]
Deedee: Though I do like Sardonyx.
Michaela: Every time a new Fusion appears I like that one. I'm crushing on Smoky Quartz.
Shelby: I like Stevonnie. That's an aesthetic I haven't seen in cartoons. It's Steven and Connie mashed together!
Michaela: Says young cosplayers remind her of Stevonnie with the maturity they exude. Stumbles over calling Stevonnie a "young woman" and then acknowledges they're a nonbinary Fusion. Says that easy confidence is so attractive.
Deedee: AJ is a perfect voice for Stevonnie. She killed it at the panel, and the singing with Estelle with Rebecca playing was amazing. What a great Fusion they are.
7. Give your best impression of another character.
Michaela: muhmuhmuh! [Onion voice]
Deedee: I'm nervous doing this in front of you. "YOU CLODS!" [Peridot voice]
Deedee and Michaela: NO YOU'RE THE BEST!
Shelby: Let's just fawn over each other.
8. How long does it take to record an episode?
Michaela: Depends on how many lines we have. Could be an hour, could be four hours.
Deedee: We get in at 9, could be wrapped up by 1.
Michaela: An episode takes ten months from the idea to on the TV.
Deedee: Like a baby. It IS a baby.
9. What celebrity would you like to see appear on the show?
Michaela: Rebecca Sugar. And T-Pain. He's a big Steven Universe fan.
Deedee: I just want to meet him and sing with him: Bruno Mars.
Shelby: I would wanna see Adele. Adele should voice a character. And she's funny. And she loves herself.
Michaela: Loving who you are is so on-brand!
10. Who's the best Steven Universe villain?
Deedee: Can I say Peridot? She started out as a villain and then changed for good. [Michaela helped express this and they say they Giant Womaned that.]
11. What would your fusion dance be?
Deedee and Michaela do a fusion dance with Shelby providing beatboxing.
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Michaela: Actually that's how we greet each other on the street.
Deedee: I was nervous. Dancing in front of you makes me nervous because you're a pro dancer.
Shelby: Imagine us in a booth together! Our work isn't even work.
Michaela: People probably see us and ask if we had too much ginger ale. Too many vegetables.
Deedee: YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY VEGETABLES. Fruits and vegetables. Also, hydrate. Drink lots of water.
12. What are your favorite memories from recording?
Deedee: We're still making more memories! The efforts! When we crack up over making effort noises.
Michaela: Do you hear that? It's an earthquake!
[All three make noises like they're losing their balance.]
Michaela: When we get together it's always a great time, like a mini family reunion. Recently AJ was there, Estelle was there, you [Deedee] were there, Paz was there . . . I think Zach wasn't there? Toks was there! [Nanefua's voice actor.] We had a reunion. We're so close!
13. What has been the most difficult scene to record?
Deedee: There are many re-dos. For me, the really wordy Pearl lines, 'cause I don't speak like that normally. The intricate dialogue that Pearl says is tough for me.
Michaela: You execute them flawlessly.
Deedee: Take after take after take.
Michaela: During Amethyst's angrier self-expression phases, it was hard to scream a lot and vary it so it didn't all sound the same. Very challenging.
Shelby: We're our own biggest critic. When we have long runs, we have to think so quickly. Finding the levels is important, trying to hit them emotionally.
Deedee: It's so helpful to have Rebecca, Kent, Matt, and Ben in the booth giving specifics to us on how to execute our lines.
Michaela: You both are so good at taking the text and making it feel like your own. I learn the most from watching other actors.
Deedee: We go to school every sesh!
14. Tell the fans what your favorite line is.
Michaela: CHAIRS!
Deedee: I like saying everybody's names. "STEVEN!" "AMETHYST!" "~GARNET!" [The “Steven” read sounds fearful, the “Amethyst” read sounds angry, and the “Garnet” read sounds almost pleading.]
Shelby: Mine's definitely "Clod."
Shelby: On Sunday, Cartoon Network they're filming a music video for "Stronger Than You" with Estelle!
[The VAs sing a line from "Stronger Than You."]
Michaela: But we're not really stronger than YOU because you guys are really strong.
Deedee: Really strong. Stay strong! In the real way.
Shelby: YES.
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callunavulgari · 7 years ago
Scrapbook 2018
Scrapbook for 2018! A reminder, for myself and others-
Italicized titles = enjoyed muchly, bold titles = love, titles with an asterisk* = OBSESSION and titles in (brackets) are re-watches/re-reads. And lastly, strikethough = DISLIKE.
Goals are: read forty-five new books this year, finish six video games, write either 30 fics or 70k total, finish the damn Sabriel AU, and write something original. 
(Guardians of the Galaxy 2)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
(LOTR: Fellowship)
(Wonder Woman)
Black Panther
The Ritual
Cloverfield Paradox
Pacific Rim Uprising
A Wrinkle In Time
(Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
(Star Wars: The Last Jedi)
Wolf Children
The Red Turtle
Europa Report
Avengers: Infinity War
A Quiet Place
Deadpool 2
The Conjuring
A Tale For The Time Being | Ruth Ozeki
La Belle Sauvage | Phillip Pullman [Fin]
London Falling | Paul Cornell
A Swiftly Tilting Planet | Madeline L’Tengle [Fin]
In Other Lands | Sarah Rees Brennan [Fin]
They Both Die In The End | Adam Silvera [Fin]
Thunderhead | Neal Shusterman [Fin]
The Sun and Her Flowers | Rupi Kaur [Fin]
The Paper Magician | Charlie Holmberg 
A Tale For The Time Being | Ruth Ozeki [Fin]
The Diviners | Libba Bray [Fin]
The Paper Magician | Charlie Holmberg [Fin]
We Were Liars | E Lockhart [Fin]
Lair of Dreams | Libba Bray [Fin]
The Tropic of Serpents | Marie Brennan
The Goblin Emperor | Katherine Addison
I Am: Seventeen Brushes With Death | Maggie O’Farrell [Fin]
Norse Mythology | Neil Gaiman [Fin]
Phasma | Delilah Dawson
Caraval | Stephanie Garber
The Tropic of Serpents | Marie Brennan
The Goblin Emperor | Katherine Addison [Fin]
Phasma | Delilah Dawson [Fin]
Caraval | Stephanie Garber [Fin]
Tess of the Road | Rachel Hartman [Fin]
Clariel | Garth Nix [Fin]
Seraphina | Rachel Hartman [Fin]
Before The Devil Breaks You | Libba Bray
Before The Devil Breaks You | Libba Bray [Fin]
The Tropic of Serpents | Marie Brennan
Salt to the Sea | Ruta Sepetys  [Fin]
The Wicked Deep | Shea Ernshaw  [Fin]
Hamlet | William Shakespeare  [Fin]
Fangirl | Rainbow Rowell [Fin]
The Scorpion Rules | Erin Bow [Fin]
The Thief | Megan Whalen Turner [Fin]
Hear The Wind Sing | Haruki Murakami [Fin]
The Tropic of Serpents | Marie Brennan [Fin]
Only Human | Sylvain Neuvel [Fin]
World War Z | Max Brooks [Fin]
The Queen of Attolia | Megan Whalen Turner [Fin]
The Stand | Stephen King
Shadow Scale | Rachel Hartman [Fin]
London Falling | Paul Cornell [Fin]
Goldenhand | Garth Nix [Fin]
The Bright Sessions (Eps 30-41)
Wolf 359 (Eps 5-8)
King Falls AM (Eps 5-6)
The Bright Sessions (Eps 41-52)
Wolf 359 (Eps 8-13)
King Falls AM (Eps 6-7)
Penumbra Podcast (Episode 1)
Wolf 359 (Eps 14-49)
The Bright Sessions (53-55)
Planet Earth II
Devilman Crybaby
Steven Universe s4
Brooklyn Nine-Nine s1
(Stranger Things 2)
The Orville
(The X-Files)
The Flash s3
The Flash s3
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
The Gifted
The Good Place
The Runaways
AP Bio
Voltron s5
(Soul Eater)
Battlestar Galactica
(Sailor Moon)
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Cards
Bride of the Ancient Magus
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
Battlestar Galactica
The Flash
AP Bio
(Yu Yu Hakusho)
Persona 5 Animation
Westworld s2
Westworld s2
The Flash
Lost In Space s1
Persona 5 Animation
Siren s1
Steven Universe s5
Prey (18 hrs)
Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds (20 hrs, FIN)
Monster Hunter World (8 hrs)
Monster Hunter World (25 hrs)
Kingdom Hearts BBS (1 hr)
Monster Hunter World (25 hrs) 
Witcher 3 [FIN JFC]
Life Is Strange
Life Is Strange
Final Fantasy 12: Zodiac Age
Dragon Age: Inquisition (Dany - 98 hrs; Brienne - 5 hrs)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (Dany - 138 hrs - FIN; Brienne - 5 hrs)
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC
Just the One, Two by Panny | Jessica Jones | Jessica/Trish | 10k They say you should never meet your heroes, but what about when you've been sort of in love with them since they broke your mother's marble sink? 
Daylight by @notbecauseofvictories | Star Wars | Rey/Luke | 3k “Can I ask what you think it is you’re doing?” Luke says. His voice is only a little strangled. The silence that falls in its place is awkward, thick as sand. “Oh,” Rey stutters out. “Is that not—?” “No,” Luke grits out. “Please put your clothes back on.”
run all the lights by @fahye | Captive Prince | Damen/Laurent | 8.5k He’s a slim, too-pretty boy of twenty, and the men of this particular underworld talk about him as though he’s an open flame, a sparking engine near a pool of gasoline: volatile, and not to be handled. Kid’s got balls of sheer fucking steel, Damen’s contact said. Which must be true, because having just lost a race against Damen for pink slips, Laurent looks him straight in the eye and says, “Double or nothing?” in a voice like vodka poured straight from the freezer.
They Say It's Mighty Fine by apocryphal | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 23k "Hello. This is Alpha Vernon Boyd, calling from Camp Remus about—""Derek?" Talia asks, confused. "You're calling about Derek? Is he okay? What happened?""Oh, boy." Melissa blows out a breath. "All right. Is he hurt?""He's been there for two hours, what could he possibly have—" John pauses. "Hang on, Camp Remus? Like the werewolf camp?"
León de mi Corazón by clockheartedcrocodile | The Exorcist | Tomas/Marcus | 16k | Not for the first time, Marcus wishes he were a poet. Tomas drinks up beautiful words like wine, practically thrives on them. He thinks of his own clumsy attempt at a letter, begun and re-begun until the whole thing had been consigned to the rubbish bin. It was laughable.Besides, he thinks, Tomas and Jessica wrote letters because they could not have each other.“You have me,” he says, quiet enough that Tomas won’t wake.
Things Worth Knowing by Femme (femmequixotic) | HP | Drarry | 163k After the Battle, Harry thinks he's left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors. Draco's just grateful not to be in Azkaban. Or the Manor. He's hoping he can steer clear of Potter this year and grapple with his own problems.
Under the Covers by ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 72k Steve is (maybe) a little bit still in love with Nancy Wheeler and (maybe) trying to figure himself out-- between the night terrors and the babysitting and the general weirdness that is Hawkins, Indiana-- before he graduates.Billy Hargrove fits in there somewhere (probably).
the party never ends by brawlite | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 7k Billy wants a fight from Steve Harrington. He'll do just about anything to get it, too.
what a wicked game you played (to make me feel this way) by brawlite, ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | WIP | Billy knew Steve Harrington would ruin him. Steve knew Billy Hargrove was nothing but trouble.They never expected it to end up like this.
don't just stand there by brawlite | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 3.5k Steve kisses a stranger in a club in a desperate attempt to spurn an advance from an unwanted admirer. Turns out, it's not really a stranger at all.
there's nothing wrong with me (loving you, baby) by ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 4.6k | “Mr. Hargrove,It has come to HR’s attention that you have, once again, used company property incorrectly. Please refrain from using the break room as a work out facility during your lunch hour. If you are in need a gym recommendation, I'm happy to provide you some. Remove your weights from the lower cabinets at your earliest convenience.Regards, S. Harrington”This isn’t the first ridiculous email Steve has had to send to Hargrove, and Steve sincerely doubts it will be his last.
in waves by lymricks | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 45k Plant your feet, Billy wants to scream at him. I’m going to bowl you over.
can't you see them? (can't you feel them?) by ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 8k | They're breathing down your neck.
Little Pockets of Upturned Loneliness by SeptemberEndings | Stranger Things | Gen | 5k | Months pass, and nothing bad happens to Will.
isizathu by black_nata | Black Panther | T’Challa/Erik | 8k |  "What do you want?" T'Challa whispers. Almost like he's pleading. All Erik wants to do is wrap his fist around that smooth throat and make him beg some more.
falling for you in hawkins, indi-fucking-ana by LazyBaker | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 31k | Billy gets his shit together. Steve figures some stuff out. They fall in love.
thank god you see me the way you do by LazyBaker | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 6k |  Five times Billy has had sex and one time he made love.
Secrets Make This Town by Oop | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy/Hopper | 5k | Hopper knows that Billy Hargrove sucks cock like he was born for it and he knows Steve Harrington is hung like a pornstar. He knows these by accident.
another city (better than this one) by notbecauseofvictories | Star Wars | Gen, Ben Solo & Lando | 6k | “You really should be more creative with your aliases,” Lando says mildly. “I’ve had every anagram of ‘Skywalker’ flagged since the first time you tried to run away from home.”
his hands so cold they shake by plinys | FBAWTFT | Percival/Credence | 4k |  A soul mate is meant to be a blessing, but Percival feels anything but blessed.
We Keep Meeting by scioscribe | Hamilton | Hamilton & Burr | 4.5k |  In which Hamilton finds himself a little more non-stop than even he expected, and Burr doesn't know why he's surprised that even death can't make Alexander Hamilton lie down and be quiet.
There Aren't Any Stars in the Sky by Ambrosia | Star Wars | Reylo | 4k | “Why are you here?” Rey asks. She appears to be meditating. Even his muscles remember the basics. Her eyes are peacefully closed.“Your mind is most open when you Jedi meditate, ‘letting everything go’,” he tells her, striding around in a vicious, predatory circle. “Which you would know if you had an at least halfway-competent teacher.”
Found Wanting by sellertape | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 2k | It didn’t take superpowers to know what Mark wanted him to say. He wanted him to lie. It didn’t take superpowers to get Damien to do what you wanted.
pull out the insides by SpineAndSpite | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 4k | “Stop,” Damien says again, more insistent this time.“I’m not doing it on purpose.” Mark's heart pounds in his ears and he sees Damien’s hands shaking. God. They shouldn’t have started talking about sex. Shouldn’t have filled in the colors and shadows to this pencil outline of a sketch forming between them. They shouldn’t have given it a name.
Life Is Not A Love Song by DetectiveJoan | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 4k |  “Oh, you know the old saying — once bitten, twice mildly paranoid that everyone you’ve ever met is secretly working for the shady government agency that kidnapped you.” Mark's voice is sing-song through the dressing room door.
I Want You To Want Me by Ryuutchi | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 4k | Food, scotch, sex-- I don’t know, Damien; there's a lot of good things in life.
(coming for the king, that's) a far cry by lipgallagher | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 17k |  billy and steve 'pretend' to be gay boyfriends in love for what is essentially just extremely small-time personal gain.
all these to me by lymricks | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 9k |  Three times Steve and Billy share (a bed, a meal, the truth) and one time they share (a virus).
Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya | Yuri On Ice | Yuuri/Viktor | 197k | ‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’
no need to say goodbye by smolsarcasticraspberry | Voltron | Allura/Shiro | 13k | The juniberry tree blossoms every seven years, and when it does, a gateway opens up to another world - a world that Shiro first explores as a child. There, he meets Allura.
(shoot the lights out, hide) till its bright out by lipgallagher | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 50k | The most dangerous thing walking around Hawkins goes by the name Billy Hargrove. And he fucking knows it.
so this guy walks into a bar by MasterOfAllImagination | Pacific Rim | Newt/Hermann | 2.5k | “Bourbon,” Hermann says, hooking his cane on the edge of the bar and sliding by degrees onto a stool.“Straight up?” the bartender asks.“Please.” Does he look like the kind of man who enjoys having his nostrils fumigated by undiluted whiskey? “On the rocks.”
Seeing in Color by what_alchemy | Pacific Rim | Newt/Hermann |  The Dr. Geiszler Hermann had found in the publications — printed pages worn with constant handling and tucked into his briefcase for easy access — was an eloquent scientist whose work functioned at a level far above almost anyone else Hermann had ever encountered in the field, and yet he neither patronized his readers nor expressed himself in the inexplicable jargon which so infected much academic work.
Strong Enough by therealraewest | Pacific Rim | Newt/Hermann | 4k |  "I would like to speak to Newt."
Laying Siege by astolat | GOT | Jaime/Brienne | 8k | “Marry me instead,” Jaime said.
Fool by astolat | GOT | Jaime/Brienne | 15k | Jaime didn’t really expect things to go well when he rode north, but after all, they hadn’t been going well otherwise, so it wasn’t that much of a change.
heartstrings by taylortot | Miraculous Ladybug | Marinette/Adrien | 60k |  one of marinette’s rare unlucky days turns into something treacherous. thanks to a certain cat, the real danger passes, but there are other things to be more afraid of. her heart, for example, might be one of them.
Words by astolat | GOT | Jaime/Brienne | 10k |  “So we’ll look for you in the North," Robb Stark said, "coming to pay your debt."
ashes to ashes, dust to dust by romanoff | Marvel | Tony/Steve | 2k | Series | Steve and Tony seek closure with a conversation.
nanna by biggrstaffbunch | Thor | Thor/Loki | 1k |  Thor, after.
just in it for the game by grim_lupine | Thor | Thor/Loki | 6k |  “It's excellent rehabilitation for my image,” Loki says, widening his eyes. “They love you, and because of that they'll trust me. You wouldn't ruin this for me, would you?” 
these fragments by Wildehack (Tyleet) | Avengers | Loki/Valkyrie | 4k | “Someone has to survive this day,” Thor grinds out, pressed briefly close to her by the fight.“Someone will,” she tells him.
Make Me by Ajaxthegreat | Star Wars | Hux/Ben Solo | 52k | A genocidal megalomaniac Emperor and a very slutty smuggler/occasional Resistance spy walk into a bar.
cherry pie by brawlite, ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 61k | illy Hargrove lives for summer. Endless sunshine, heavily chlorinated pools, roaming ice cream trucks, and unencumbered freedom? There’s nothing better.Even being stuck in Hawkins can’t ruin the summer for him. He eats it up, devouring every day whole.***
the ghost and good queen val by Wildehack (Tyleet) | Thor | Loki/Valkyrie/Thor | 8k |  “Oh my god,” Korg says. “You did! You saw a ghost!”
Suspicious Minds by astolat | DA | Iron Bull/Dorian, Inquisitor/Solas | 4k | “Hm,” Bull said, thoughtfully. “Something I’ve been curious about. Solas.”“You want to talk about another man now?” Dorian said.
  By The Still Waters by emilyenrose | DA | Fenhawke; Inquisitory/Solas | 83k | Hawke was left in the Fade. Fenris goes looking for him. He doesn't go alone.
Some Things Are Certain by cupiscent | Star Wars | Anakin/Obi-Wan | 7k | Detained far from where he should be by random chance, Obi-Wan meets an unusual slave.
For Better or Worse by DragonBandit | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Mark | 22k |  Wherein Damien and Mark are soulmates, and this changes enough.**
killing me to love you by mostlikelydefinentlymad | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Mark | 2k |  Mark waits by the phone.
give my reflection a break by autoeuphoric (FreezingRayne) | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Joan | 5k | When the bell rings, she almost doesn’t answer. She hasn’t ordered anything and it’s too early for carolers. She does not speak to her neighbors, and she’s not about to start today.Joan gets up and answers the door anyway. Because she wants to.
Try, Try, Try Again by anticyclone | The Bright Sessions | 8k | Joan gets mugged. Damien interrupts. Interrupting is kind of his thing.
sharp shock to your soft side by agivise | The Bright Sessions | Mark & Damien | 22k | The universe is a cruel, unforgiving bitch, and honestly, he's a little sick and tired of it. Sure, he deserves it or whatever, but still, totally uncool, universe. Real poor timing.
Scarier Things by starkraving | The Bright Sessions | Mark & Damien | 5k |  Mark drags Damien back across the country in what amounts to the most karmic reverse kidnapping in history, but stopping to take hipster pics of scenic overlooks will not protect you from the scary stuff lurking in the liminal space behind highway truck-stops.
Patient Intake by starkraving | The Bright Sessions | Joan & Damien | 9k |  ssume Joan takes a less passive approach to Damien’s influence in her life. Assume she’s sitting in her car with the engine running and he’s on the sidewalk in front of her. Assume there’s six months between this moment and the moment she first met him.  
Artifice by buttpatrol | Wolf 359 | Eiffel/Hera | 23k | A story told in parts about colour palettes, identity, robot uprisings, sensational trials, space, and messy love.
blow your mongrel mind by endquestionmark | Wolf 359 | Eiffel/Jacobi | 13k | The first time Eiffel sees Colonel Warren Kepler — shockingly real, after so many days spent somewhere between delusion and despair — what strikes him most is how still Kepler is.
Calling Out My Name by vlasdygoth | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Kepler | 2.5k | Five times Kepler called Jacobi a pet name, and one time Jacobi managed to pull it off on him.
and twice as bright by endquestionmark | Wolf 359 | Eiffel/Hera | 6k |  “Eiffel.” Very quiet, hardly audible through the echoes. “What is it like?” 
2017 [Multifandom Mashup]
MCU Films // ♫Can't You Hear Me Knocking (12 Strong trailer version)♫
Arya & Brienne // The Rules Were Wrong
play with fire [Black Butler]
kylo ren & rey【 In a Dream, in a Nightmare 】TLJ spoilers
Stranger Things || Above and Below
Jim Hopper || Do you ever feel cursed?
Stranger Things || Sweet Dreams
Stranger Things || Time After Time 
Darth Vader // The Force is strong with you
Game of Thrones || We Live In A Beautiful World
Allison Argent | Look What You Made Me Do
Kylo Ren and Rey l Hearts A Mess
►Stranger Things | Stay Alive
not alone | stranger things
Will Byers || You're home now
Voltron | Cosmic Love 
Voltron | Broken Crown
River, MARVEL. [2k]
Voltron | Radioactive
S O L D I E R ll Voltron AMV
Loki // Hustler
a morphine toast
Bucky x Steve || Brooklyn (Go Hard)
Fullmetal Alchemist || Brother
Anime Mix - Legends Never Die [AMV]
Death Parade AMV - Feeling Good
AMV - Crucible of Souls - Bestamvsofalltime Anime MV ♫
[AMV] Transmutayshun - FullMetall Alchemist: Brotherhood
AMV Dazzling Inferno
kylo ren || animal
FLESH || Yuri on Ice
Roman&Peter || Piece by piece
◼️ quentin&eliot; give me love
Hannibal/Will - Take Me Back
Kylo Ren // In The End
(Marvel) Avengers | The End
Thomas & Newt ✘ Could I have saved him?
Multifandom || Wake Up
The Avengers | The Final Curtain
(SW) Darth Vader | A Light In Darkness
loki laufeyson | saturn (+ragnarok)
Loki - Birthright
Infinity War | I Was Here 
Avengers: Infinity War
MARVEL || Bohemian Rhapsody
River, MARVEL. [2k]
The Expanse || A War Built On Lies
Avengers || Together
MARVEL || Lions Inside (collab w/ djcprod)
COMIC FILMS - Bohemian Rhapsody
Pixar: The Complete Supercut (2018)
Let Us Be Brave
👑black panther👑 
X-Men || Revolution (ft. Ruelle)
Choir & Crickets | Jeff Russo
Black Lung Heartache | Joe Bonamassa
Undiscovered First | Feist
Tribe Society - Kings
Never Give Up | Sia
Silvertongue | Young the Giant
Vikings Soundtrack
Sweet Dreams | Mark Hadley
A Hazy Shade of Winter | The Bangles
White Rabbit | Jefferson Starship
Stranger Things Theme | Kyle Dixon
Go To War | Nothing More
Does Your Heart Break | The Brilliance
Please Speak Well of Me | The Weepies
Smallest Light | Ingrid Michaelson
Flying | Cody Fry
My Friends | Oh Wonder
New Rules | Dua Lipa
Young As The Morning Old As the Sea | Passengers
Never Be The Same | Camila Cabello
Slow Down Love | Louis the Child
Come Together | Gary Clark Jr.
Don’t Think Twice | Utada Hikaru
Your Tongue Like The Sun In My Mouth | Sophie B. Hawkins
&Run | Sir Sly
Giver | K.Flay
Black Panther Soundtrack
Daddy Issues | The Neighbourhood
Whatever It Takes | Imagine Dragons
Carry Me Back To Her Arms | Jessica Curry
The Healing | Gary Clark Jr.
These Days | The Black Keys
No Roots | Alice Merton
Susanne Sundfør | The Golden Age
The Blue Whale | Steven Price
Everywhere' by J2
Sinners | Barns Courtney
Sam Tinnesz - Play With Fire (feat. Yacht Money)
Here | Junna
Robert DeLong - Favorite Color Is Blue (Lyric Video) ft. K.Flay
Steve James | Warrior
Hold My Liquor | Kanye West
Sweatpants | Childish Gambino
The Sailor Song | Autoheart
Steve James - Warrior (feat. LIGHTS)
Mother Mother - Reaper Man
Hello | Via Audio
Beyoncé | Back to Black
James Brown - It's A Man's Man's Man's World
Emeli Sande - Daddy
Nathan Angelo - Leigh
"In The End" Linkin Park Cinematic Cover (feat. Jung Youth & Fleurie)
Black Space/Stand By Me | Imagine Dragons
Dear God | Lawless
Sinners and Saints | Andrea Wasse
Ghost | Natasha Blume
Peter Gundry - Tales of the Night
Metal Gear Solid V Medley: Quiet's Theme / Sins of the Father | Freya Catherine
WOLVEN STORM ORCHESTRAL COVER (Witcher 3 - Priscilla's Song)
Amulet | Copal
Holding Out for a Hero | Nothing But Thieves
Everybody's Looking For Something | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 4,790 words | On the third weekend of May during their last year at Hawkins High, Steve Harrington throws a party.Billy crashes it.
taste you on my tongue | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 2,290 words | “You’ve never felt pleasure like it, Steve,” an old girlfriend had told him once, her eyes bright with memory. Steve shrugged. “No vampires here, though.” 
Home | Star Wars | Reylo | 1,670 words | “Rey,” he says into the quiet. “Just drive.”
hits like a drum | Stargate Atlantis | Mcshep | 3,507 words | “Believe it or not, having something with sharp teeth breathing down your neck is not actually conducive to one’s thought process.” John barks out a loud, abrupt noise that might be laughter, his breath tickling the hairs at the base of Rodney’s neck. “I’d have thought it would be good motivation.”
feed the hunger | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 1,792 words | “Thought you wanted to fuck me, Hargrove,” Steve whispers, and presses a sweet kiss to the hinge of Billy's jaw. “Now's your chance.”
Apotheosis | Marvel - INFINITY WAR | Thor/Loki, Steve/Pepper/Tony | 4,450 words | Grief, a story told in three parts.
We Could Be Heroes
Daddy Issues
danien: back in black
1 note · View note
radicalapollo · 8 years ago
Get To Know The Blogger
I got tagged by @shadesoforlando
1. Nicknames: Zack, Rad, Apollo, Z.
2.  Gender:  Male
3.  Star Sign: Aquarius
4.  Height: 6′5″
5.  Time: 5:00 PM
6.  Birthday: February 3rd, 1992
7.  Favorite Band(s)/Group(s): Tally Hall, Run The Jewels, Street Light Manifesto, The Aquabats, Bradio, Sambomaster, T-pistonz + KMC, Kishidan, Hail Mary Mallon, Outkast, Gorillaz, Too Many Zooz, Lucky Chops, Ugly Duckling, Tokyo Active NEETs, The Cat Empire, Cake, Arctic Monkeys, The Fratellis, They Might Be Giants, JAM Project.
8.  Favorite Solo Artist(s): Aesop Rock, That Handsome Devil, Janelle Monae, Estelle, Neil Cicierega, Shugo Tokumaru. (I don’t actually follow that many solo dudes.)
9. Song Stuck In My Head: Tomoyasu Hotei - Thrill
10. Last Movie I Watched: Guardians Of The Galaxy 2
11. Last Show Watched: Kamen Rider Fourze (Rewatched episode 1 for a video)
12. When Did I Create My Blog: I think I made this blog in around 2015 but I’ve been on Tumblr since like fuckin...2010-2011?
13. What Do I Post: Fuckin...  A lot of stuff. Tokusatsu stuff, music, video game stuff, wrestling, anime, Steven Universe, McElroy and McElroy accessories. just general nerd ass shit. Also, I blog about how much I love my friend a lot.
14. Last Thing I Googled: “Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Cast”
15. Do I Have Other Blogs: Yeah mostly of different silly projects I’m working on. I have @radplays, which is the tumblr blog of my lets play channel, @sentai-monster-mash, which is me basically giving reviews of all the different Super Sentai monsters there have been. Gotta get back to work on that one.
16. Why Did I Choose My URL: I used to be a pretty hardcore Homestuck, and back at the time, I used to hang around a ton of people that used to roleplay the characters, and since I wanted to join in, and didn’t really want to...roleplay per se, I made my own homestuck style user name, radicalApologist, because I had the habit of saying sorry for every little thing, and also I was a cool guy who liked the word ��radical”. Since then I’ve become a lot more confident and wanted to break out of that mindset, so I kept the radical part cuz I’m still cool, but put on Apollo, cuz it kept me on brand mostly, and also people called me RA sometimes, because... you know, Homestuck, so I just went with another sun god.
17. Following: 545
18. Followers: 503
19. Favorite Colors: Orange, Purple, Pink.
20. Average Hours Of Sleep: Fuckin I donno dawg like, a billion and also 0?
21. Lucky Number: Don’t really believe in that kind of thing.
22. Instruments: None but I’d love to learn the trumpet.
23. What Am I Wearing: Jeans and a blue Cookie Monster shirt with the dude wasted on shots of milk.
24. How Many Blankets I Sleep With: 2 big comforters.
25. Dream Job: I honestly don’t know anymore. Something that pays well? Entrepreneurship?
26. Dream Trip: Probably somewhere in Japan for a while.
27. Favorite Food: Pizza
28. Nationality: American
29. Favorite Songs Right Now: I listened to Golden Liar by Bradio again yesterday and I basically worked out an entire dance routine for it, so I think that has to be the one.
I’m not actually gonna tag anyone because like... I love doing these, but I hate thrustin them onto other people, because I don’t know if they’re in the mood, and I feel bad for leaving anyone out, and also I feel like a bother if I do it, so like...
If you see this and want to do it, I’m unofficially officially tagging you and you can say it’s from me and also I love you very much.
4 notes · View notes
moricatlibrary · 8 years ago
A Day of Texts Between Eren and Armin
In which we read a day's worth of texts between the two friends before they became a couple.
I was bored so I wanted to write a day's worth of texts between Eren and Armin.
(Maybe I'll do a sequel chapter where they are a couple?) idk. enjoy if you can^^
Good Morning! :)
[sent 7:00am]
Hey! :)
[sent 7:30am]
Ready for those tests today? 
[sent 8:03am]
Hell no lol
Aw, power through it! :')
You too
What'd you have for breakfast?
Mom made Belgian waffles! You?
What makes them Belgian?
Just cereal. But lucky charms no less! ;3
A Belgian waffle has lighter batter and bigger squares than regular waffles.
Oh, nice!
[sent 8:31am]
Reminds me of my brother xP
Hey, heads up, that history exam is BRUTAL, there're at least 5 trick questions on there.
[sent 9:31am]
Don't worry, we studied hard. Just save numbers 4, 9, 12, and 13 for the end so you have time to mull over them after you get the easy stuff out of the way.
Dreading this gym class... wish you were here >~< 
Don't sweat it! You'll come out on the other side. :) It's only for an hour.
Shit, gotta go, here comes that history exam... :'(
Good luck! Ganba!
Oh god I failed that test for sure...
[sent: 10:33am]
Sorry, just got out of the shower. Don't worry. Next period Mr. Smith is subbing for Mr. Zoe so it'll be a breezy class period to recover.
Oooh texting in the locker room? Naughty naughty ;)
You're texting in chemistry :T
Yeah, but I have clothes on
Hurry up and get in here before the bell rings, quit sexting ;)
Lol fine fine fine, stop texting me xP
And I'm NOT sexting!
[A/N Eren's mind spends the whole period dancing around the image of Armin texting him naked while they watch a science video...]
[sent 12:30pm]
How was math?
Sorry just got out of the shower! Jean kept bothering me ALL period :/
[sent 1:27pm]
Woah... That's an awesome story! Let's discuss it during lunch!
Where are we sitting? I'll be there in a few minutes
Where are we sitting?
Oh, ummm...
Wanna sit outside today?
Nah I just showered. Can we sit by the window in the art room? 
That way we can keep talking without having to rush off when the bell rings.
Sounds perfect! See you then!
Man, Miss Reiss is such a pushover...
[sent: 2:20pm]
Super pretty though.
Well don't text during class just cuz she's a pushover, Eren. :/
Why not? It's just art.
Art is the most under appreciated subject of our time.
Like you're not texting during English lol
It's literature, and I can't pay attention when Mr. Roy is such a dry reader anyway.
What's the difference between literature and English?
Literature is written word, English is the language.
And how come in Spanish we don't read Spanish stories?
And grammar is the rules and construct of the language.
Because Spanish class is a language class, not a literature class. You read stories in English just to learn about structure.
So confusing. Why do we even have to take it, we ARE english!
So people know how to read and write properly. It's good to know an official set of rules.
So you can break them? ;)
LOL exactly.
Oooh you're in troubleeee!!! See you later~
God I hate english...
[sent 3:20pm]
Sorry I mean literature*
Me too...
Boy, Art sure is fun though! Miss Reiss is so nice and easy going ;)))
Aw come on, you suck!
She called me a bright pupil!
Lemme know how long it takes for Mr. Roy to read through the tiger poem hahahaha XD
Oh gosh I'm sorry, that was mean, please don't be mad at me!
[sent 3:40pm]
Eren? Are you mad at me?
I was just playing around! I wish you could finish the day in art with me!
Eren? :'(
Sorry, Roy caught me texting and took my phone then gave me a long ass lecture after class.
[sent 4:08pm]
Where are you?
Oh gosh I'm sorry!!! I'm in the courtyard, I was looking for you. Sorry sorry sorry
Don't be sorry! I'll be there in a minute. :)
Watch out for Jean until I get there.
I'm with Mikasa, she said not to worry.
Tonight's a new Steven universe! Wanna call when it's over?
[sent 5:22pm]
My mom just yelled at me...
Oh no, what happened? D:
She got a call from Mr. Smith about my bad History grade...
But we study so hard for that class!
Do you wanna call?
[A/N: Armin easily recognizes that Eren said 'no' because he is crying...]
Aw I'm so sorry. :( Wanna tell me what she said?
She said I need to get my grades up and do a little more studying and a little less screwing around or I won't get into a good college. Then my dad came in and said that an American man doesn't make it anywhere if he's not getting good grades from the start and trying his best. But we DO study hard! And I AM doing my best! We have 6 fucking classes until 4 and then I have football practices during the fall too! It makes me feel so shitty when they talk like that cuz what more can I do?
I'm so sorry about all that pressure on you... I wish you'd told me you still didn't understand something in the materials :( I'd have worked harder to help you remember it... 
Mmm well... confession: I actually feel really embarrassed that you're so much smarter than me... so I fake it sometimes.
Aw Eren... Please don't do that, okay? I'm never ever going to look down on you or anything. Some things are just challenging for some people and that's okay! There're so many things I admire you for! So don't ever worry about being embarrassed with me. 
Please be honest with me from now on? :)
...You're the best.
[A/N: Armin knows that means Eren feels a lot of affection for him. Eren's not great with expressing his feelings so a safe and understated phrase like "you're the best" actually means a LOT...]
And I promise. Please come to me for help in anything you need too.
They're grounding me from tv and video games for a month by the way.
Ah, I'll wait til the episode comes online and I'll link it to you here then.
Thanks. And yes, please call me afterwards! Brb, dinner.
[sent 5:43pm]
Eren and Armin:
[watch Steven Universe at 6pm and then call for 20 minutes after dinner before his dad comes in and sends him downstairs to do his homework and study for 3 hours].
Sometimes I really hate it here...
[sent 9:35pm]
I'm sorry :( 
I know my parents love me and all, and it's not all bad but...
I get it. It's okay...
Thanks for not calling me ungrateful. I know I have it really good, and my mom's awesome, and my dad has a lot of faith in me but...
I know. I know it's hard not to stress over the promises they project on you, but you're amazing, Eren. I already know that and you have nothing to prove in my opinion. Not to yourself, either.
I don't know what I'd do without you. :)
Honestly if it could just be me and you forever I'd be pretty happy about that
I mean no homo but you know
[A/N Armin frowns from his side of the phone while his heart sinks at this phrase... Eren always feels a painful tug in his heart after saying it to him too...]
I'd love that too...
You in bed?
Can I call you again?
Sure :)
 Eren and Armin:
[Call for another 30 minutes before bed, talking about their future together.
There's an awkward silence while Eren's brain goes blank at how to tell Armin good night. (Since he's too in denial to realize he wants to say "I love you." to him...)
Armin breaks the silence. "See you tomorrow..."
Eren smiles. "Night..."]
Good night.
Sleep well. 
[sent 9:59pm]
[A/N: Eren always struggles to find the words for a better text than his spoken "good night" but it's never enough... Not until he comes to terms with his feelings and can say "Love you, Armin.<3 Dreaming of you. See you in the morning :)"]
[A/N: Armin smiles anyway, knowing as always how much Eren means to say in his words. He may be stuck waiting for him, but Eren is more than worth waiting for...]
Good night, Eren. :) 
Good morning!^^ 
[sent 7:00am]
Hey! :D
[sent 7:30am]
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