#i picture him gifting her the 1st one at the beginning of the year following tkm?
codename-adler · 4 months
To: Bee, From: Andrew || Foxes Edition 🦊
|| A collection of figurines Andrew has gifted Bee over the years ||
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-> pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 Bees
As per The King's Men, Nora Sakavic
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barbaramoorersm · 8 months
February 4, 2024
February 4, 2024
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Job 7: 1-4, 6-7
We hear very depressing words from Job.
Psalm 147
The Psalmists speaks of God’s healing power
1st Corinthians 9: 16-19, 22-23
Paul describes how he tries to be all things to all people.
Mark 1: 29-39
We are still hearing from the first chapter in Mark and it is full of activity. 
We begin with the ministry of John the Baptist followed by Jesus’ baptism, and his temptations in the desert.  And then he quickly he begins to call disciples, and he launches his healing ministry.  There does seem to be not a wasted moment in Jesus’ life or time for himself.  Note how often Mark uses the term “immediately.”
In the past few years, I have been fascinated by this story in the Gospel’s first chapter.  Jesus and four of his new disciples have been worshiping in the synagogue and for some reason stopped at Peter’s family home.  For a rest?  For food? For any number of reasons?  I have wondered why the first thing that happens is the news about Peter’s mother-in-law’s illness. Was it serious?  Were some anxious because nothing had been prepared for Jesus?  Or was the whole visit a surprise for her? All we know is that Mark tells us that “immediately” they tell Jesus about her condition. Jesus responds and she is healed.  And note that after the dear lady is healed, “she waited on them.”   We learn a great deal about the role of women, their culture, and self-giving.  We also know a bit more about Jesus’ style.   His response, his touch, and I am sure his appreciation of for all her efforts.
The word got out about her healing and his presence. Mark tells us that, “the whole town was gathered at the door.”  And I am sure she was again in the serving role as Jesus healed one after the other that whole evening.  In addition, it seems Jesus and others stayed all night with her and he rose early in the morning and “went off to a deserted place.” 
There are so many lessons in this text.  Jesus that day was using the gifts he has been given as he deals with illnesses and folks who were possessed.  I think about people who came to him and were trying to explain to him what they were suffering and he could see that in their bodies and reflected in their wounded spirits.  That kind of ministry takes a toll of a person.  And perhaps he had hoped that the visit to Peter’s home would be one of rest and quiet.  Parents and pastoral ministers could easily understand what Jesus was facing.  It appears that no one was turned away that day.
But Jesus seems to know his limits and call.  “Let us go to the nearby villages.  For this purpose, have I come.” 
There are other aspects of this story we may miss.  After he and his disciples began their travels their first stop is in the synagogue in the villages they visited.  The local site of worship.  There he preached and healed according to Mark.  The Gospel gives us a clear picture that Jesus believed he was called to preach and minister to his own people and to call them back to the heart of their faith.  His mission it appears, was not to form something new but to enrich the ancient message.
Mark also shares another fact that is a good one for all of us.  After a day’s ministry and a nights’ rest, Jesus took time to go off by himself and pray.  I would guess to reflect on the past day and to gather strength for the next day.  And as he shared with Peter, he was not going to rest in the praise of the locals but move on.
As I reflect on this story, I must say my heart goes out to the sick mother-in-law as well as the healed souls.  She never had time to reflect on her own healing but started to serve.  Jesus seems to try to take refection times. 
St Ignatius suggests that like Jesus, we all take time at the end of a day to do just that.  We call it an examine and it has five steps.  Father James Martin labels them as Presence (that is we are in God’s presence), Gratitude (for the blessings of the day), Review (of the day), Sorrow (for mistakes) and a desire for God’s Grace for the next day.
Many men and women find that this practice helps them to be aware of the good and difficult times of each day, and to seek the grace to meet the next day with hope.  My guess is Jesus often used a process like this as he ended or began a day.  We see it in the Gospel today.  He reflects on the events of the day, as well as the sorrows and the joys he experiences and well as a prayer for the grace to continue his ministry.
May we make efforts to follow this daily pattern of reflection. It will help us to keep our busy lives in balance and perspective.
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owlterri · 2 years
Journal for jordan
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#Journal for jordan skin#
#Journal for jordan skin#
Dana mentions that her family often inherits light skin on her mother’s side, but Jordan grows up to be lighter than his parents, to the point where he could pass for a white kid. There’s also the matter of Jalon Christian, who plays teenage Jordan. And Jordan himself doesn’t really play into the narrative, which is weird given that the film is literally about his father writing to him it isn’t until he hits adolescence that he starts to learn about his father. Somebody should have told Williams and editor Hughes Winborne to shape the story in a way that unfolds naturally, as Jordan goes from a newborn to a year old to a teenager in the space of a few scenes. First, it starts in 1993, then leaps to the early 2000s and then ends in 2018. As this is her first major feature film, I hope that casting directors keep an eye on her after this film.Ī Journal For Jordan also feels extremely discombobulated due to its random time jumps. It also marks a very important question: what does Dana see in the guy, other than perfectly chiseled abs? Adams does most of the heavy lifting emotionally, including a scene that feels contrived for dramatic purposes when they attempt a long-distance relationship, and she excels at it. Given that King died during a tour of duty in Baghdad, it’s baffling that the audience isn’t given a chance to connect with the man beyond surface details such as his taste in music and his art skills. Maybe he’s trying to emulate how King was in real life, but every role he’s played-from voicing Julian Chase in gen: LOCK to the quiet fury of John Kelly in Without Remorse-has left me with my eyes glued to the screen. Jordan has tamped down his trademark charisma, coming off as oddly stiff. However, a few factors end up hobbling the film.Ĭhief among them is the chemistry, or rather, the lack of it between Jordan and Adams. So on paper, the two working together should be a home run they even serve as producers on the film. Denzel Washington is one of the most celebrated actors alive and his transition into directing has resulted in films including The Great Debaters and Fences. Jordan has grown into one of my favorite actors, starring in blockbuster hits such as Black Panther and even transitioning into producing with his Outlier Society banner. When I first heard about A Journal For Jordan, it definitely piqued my interest. Before he’s deployed to Iraq, Dana gives Charles a journal which he fills with fatherly advice for Jordan. Jordan), which eventually resulted in the birth of their son Jordan. The film centers on Canedy ( Chanté Adams) and her relationship with 1st Seargent Charles King ( Michael B. There is a reactionary romanticism of life lived in service of country here that, while in step with what audiences might expect from a holiday film, feels out of touch with the world as we know it right now.A Journal For Jordan, directed by Denzel Washington and written by Virgil Williams, is a Columbia Pictures/BRON/Escape Artists production based on the memoir A Journal for Jordan: A Story of Love and Honor by Dana Canedy, which is an expansion of her New York Times article “From Father to Son, Last Words to Live By”. The melodramatic ending here is obvious and, while I won’t spoil it, it still feels strange to see such a recent global event be treated with such an overly sentimental veneer. Expecting a child together, Dana gifts Charles a journal that he comes to fill with loving advice and wisdom for his future son during his tour of Iraq. Jordan) from its beginnings through to Charles’ deployment in the Iraq War. And while that’s not always a bad thing, this year’s yuletide flick, A Journal for Jordan, feels particularly dated and often times emotionally cloying.Īdapted from the 2009 novel by former New York Times senior editor Dana Canedy and directed by onscreen titan Denzel Washington, the film follows the relationship of Dana (Chanté Adams) and Charles (Michael B. There is a specific tone to films scheduled for a holiday release – in short, they’re corny. Written by Dana Canedy and Virgil Williams
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sunnysviolin · 4 years
can- can we please have more of the mob au 🥺 i loved it sm would love to see more!!
YES O H My god this is literally my favorite AU. I’m so fucking excited by this oh my god. Okay for you nonnie you get to have the story of how Mari took over her family’s business. Putting this under a read more for strong themes TW: Death TW: Mob TW: Murder (Like someone actively gets killed) 
Mari was raised as her father’s successor. Her mother wanted Mari to not be involved at all and to just be a happy sweet girl who played piano and created a powerful alliance through marriage (She wanted her to be closer to Canon Mari’s personality) 
Her father saw her intelligence, her cunning. He saw her spirit which had a detached power. He knew she would be able to make tough decisions and keep herself whole as she did it. 
Ultimately it’s his decision, and he decides he wants Mari to become him in due time. Her mother moans and wails about it, but he will not be swayed. Even when Sunny is born four years later, he does not budge into stereotypical gender roles.
Mari’s father assembles a team of people for her who are ultimately loyal to her not him. His own consigliere advises against this, but her father knows Mari will be great and in order to achieve that greatness she will need people who are dedicated to her. 
Among those people are a set of twins who belong to a baker under his protection. The twins are Mari’s age and they are strangely morally ethic. The twins are told by their parents that they are to be friends with Mari and to listen to whatever she says. Soon enough they forget they were ever given this direction, Mari is just theirs to follow.
Mari’s father makes one fatal flaw that leads to his downfall. 
When Mari is four and a half years old, he introduces her to Hero. Their parents are affiliated with one another, but they both run their own organizations. They’re civil, but that’s all. They expect their children to be the same.
Their children immediately fall in love. True pure honest to god love. 
Both fathers are less than pleased, but they agree that a union between their families would be mutually beneficial. Hero is the next in line for his own power, and having two strengths would be...interesting. 
It’s a tentative bond that could snap in a second, except Hero and Mari are not as weak as the agreement between their fathers. They spend every day together. They grow together, they learn together, they only get closer and closer.
They know their destiny. They will rule together and nothing will be able to get in their way. They are equals, matched in every way. 
Their fathers are less pleased. Mari’s father refuses to let his daughter and his future be put to the wayside, and Hero’s father has no interest in having his son be anything less than the most powerful person around. Where their children found balance, the fathers found discord. 
When she is sixteen years old, Mari’s father breaks her engagement with Hero. 
Hero’s father had encroached on his territory (yet again) and it is the final straw for her father. Mari tries to argue with him, but he is deep into his Don headspace, and there is nothing she can say to make him reconsider. He will not have his mind changed, and he is going to deal with the problem once and for all. 
He orders a hit on the entire family. Hero’s mother, father, Kel, even the newborn Sally. But more than anything, if the only one who dies is Hero then her father will be satisfied. He wants to make sure there is no heir other than Mari. No one else but his own blood who can take the crown. 
Mari finds out about this hit, and a cold cruel breeze rolls down her spine. 
Her father’s hold has been steadily weakening the older she gets, and his latest deranged action is unsettling to the capos and his advisors. Even her mother is disturbed by his fervor against her daughter’s ex-fiance. 
Mari has options. Mari makes her choice.
Mari kills her father on her seventeenth birthday. The morning of March 1st is freezing, but her hand on the pistol doesn’t shake. Her father is still raging, still yelling at his men and shouting orders. Mari doesn’t need to shout. Her word is law. 
A congregation watches her. Hero’s mother and father who she warned of her father’s plans, Kel and Sunny who are probably too young to watch but have to understand the change, all of the capos who have chosen loyalty to her, and thus chosen to live. Hero is the one who hands her the loaded pistol. He stands at her side as she carries out the hit.  
Those not in attendance include her mother and her father’s top advisors. They are being arrested in a Sting operation she set up. It was good that her mother forced her to keep her pristine mob daughter image. Her snow white dresses and long flowing hair create a perfect picture of innocence. It was all too easy to trick the FBI into doing her bidding. 
Right before she kills him her father becomes fully lucid to what is happening. He stares up at her from past the barrel of the gun. She is not second guessing. She is not grieving him. There is only a cold fury. He dared to threaten what was hers. He had the audacity to try and bite the hand that feeds. 
Her father’s last words continue to haunt her far into her adulthood
“Now you’re a perfect legacy,”
After her father’s death his business splits into parts and divides out. Mari keeps those who were closest to her (and all the money) but the rest she liquidates in one way or another. 
She and Hero are married a month after her father’s death. They are both seventeen. The wedding is a beautiful affair, and that night she sits with her father in law and her husband and they discuss her wedding gifts. 
Her wedding gift is Hero stepping back. She has proven her loyalty to him and their family. She has proven her dedication to their continuation, her ability to do whatever is necessary. Hero has always been better at the other side of things. The wooing, the wheeling and dealing. This is the right way. With her at the helm and Hero as her most trusted, she will create an empire that will outlive all of them. 
Her second wedding gift comes from Daphne and Bowen. Their parents had been a part of those culled, an unfortunate reality. They took custody of their younger brother and ownership of their parents bakery. Their parents had the choice to back the right horse, and they chose wrong. Nether twin holds this against her. They offer her their bakery as her starting point. 
Don Mari begins her reign with blood stained hands and an elegant white wedding dress. White becomes her symbol. 
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awritingtree · 4 years
Never Enough (2/7)
Sirius Black x daughter!reader
Summary: Y/N Black is back at Hogwarts after running away from her father’s, Sirius Black’s, house during the summer. The year passes by and soon it’s the end of the year, with the OWLS finished. What happens when she finds out that her father was captured by Voldemort?
Words: ~2.5k
Warnings: angst, shitty father-daughter relationship, self-deprecating thoughts.
A/N: I KNOW! I KNOW! I KNOW! I know there isn’t a lot of Sirius x reader interactions in this chapter. There are some indirect interactions - or lack of. But I felt it was important to have this chapter and not skip a whole year from the summer to the end of 5th year. It also allowed to me to give more insight into the reader’s feelings. And I realize some parts seem rushed but like they aren’t really that important so... This chapter was important for the entire plot I have planned because we all know what’s coming in the next chapter :) Anyways I hope you enjoy this filler chapter in the mean time xx
Series Masterlist
The rest of your enjoyable summer back home with the Tonks flashed by and the next thing you knew, you were boarding the Hogwarts Express on September 1st. The return to Hogwarts was accompanied by a change in season, the green leaves changing colours ranging from red to orange to yellow; falling, leaving the trees bare. Following autumn came winter, which passed by just as fast. The grounds covered in soft snow, crunching beneath the feet of the various students making their way in and out of the castle.
Christmas arrived sooner than you’d thought. The white layer made the world look so pure, so peaceful. You had opted out of going home for Christmas. Any chance of actually staying home would be impossible with the Order of the Phoenix still in place at 12 Grimmauld Place. Since you hadn’t returned, you had sent Mr. Weasley a get-well-soon present on top of his Christmas gift.
So instead you had spent the holidays at Hogwarts in the company of your Slytherin friends, spending your days reading, enjoying the grand feasts in the Great Hall and catching up on some much-needed sleep. You had expected a gift, but you were left disappointed as you saw the only presents lying at the foot of your bed were from the Tonks, Ginny, Hermione, Mrs. Weasley and your Slytherin friends. Lying in bed that night, your memories took you to a time somewhere around the beginning of November.
“Ew! Could you maybe consider showering before deciding to show up in public?” Parkinson’s whiny voice entered your ears as you ventured into the Great Hall on a Saturday morning.
Your broomstick was tucked in your underarm as you tied off one end of your French-braided hair. You wore your green and silver quidditch uniform messily, having rushed out of bed from waking up late. You had decided not to take a shower beforehand, knowing you’d get filthy all over again in a matter of a few hours. The sleepiness was still visible on your face, eyes drooping with weariness.
“Piss off Parkinson. Go drool over Draco elsewhere if my appearance is bothering you so much,” you sneered, plopping down on the bench, pouring yourself some pumpkin juice.
The arrival of owls stopped Parkinson from cursing you out. You looked up to see a snowy owl make its way towards the Gryffindor table, dropping a letter into the hands of Harry Potter. Upon reading who had sent him a letter, Harry, Ron and Hermione quickly glanced your way before quickly looking away, huddling together to prevent anyone from reading whatever the letter entailed. You sighed looking down solemnly, knowing whose letter would elicit such a reaction from the trio. In this moment you had never hated the snake emblem across the area over your heart more.
You’d cried yourself to sleep that night. Not even the fact that Slytherin would finally have a chance to win the Quidditch House Cup, due to the banning of Gryffindor’s seeker and beaters, had cheered you up. 
Both of those nights you had cried yourself to sleep, beating yourself up for ever expecting, for hoping, that this time away from your father had him changing his opinion on you. You didn’t know why you still cared. You didn’t understand why you craved his love, why you hadn’t given up on having any kind of relationship with him. You didn’t know why you still cared - you shouldn’t. You hated yourself for caring; but a small part of you, the five-year old girl that cried, begging for a chance to go visit her father for a year, still existed. No matter how many times you repeatedly denied it to yourself, you seeked his approval, his love.
You had fallen asleep on both of those nights wondering what you could possibly do to be worthy of his love, wondering why you were never enough.
Winter had come and gone in a jiffy. May brought sunshine, warmth and the blossoming of new life along with it. By now, the D.A. had been found and disbanded, the Inquisitorial squad was thriving off making every non-Slytherin’s life miserable - all because you, now, had a toad for a headmaster.
Your OWLs were coming up soon, pushing you to study more than you had ever before, distracting you from thinking about anything else.
“I don't understand why you talk to that blood traitor and mudblood.”
“Because they’re my friends, Draco,” you sighed, for what seemed like the millionth time, “And stop calling them that. It’s despicable.”
“You don’t need such friends. You have us,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Oh, friends such as Parkinson, Crabbe, Goyle, and Zabini? I think I’m good,” you replied, scoffing.
Draco pulled you around to face him by your upper arm.
“I’m just trying to look out for you. These times, they aren’t the best. You don’t need to risk putting yourself in danger by associating with such...” he trailed off.
“Such what?” you prompted him, encouraging him to say something he’d regret. He stayed silent, staring at you, trying to say what he couldn’t out loud through his eyes, but your irritation didn’t allow you to see past his words.
“And I don’t need you to look out for me. I don’t need anyone to look for me! I can do that very well on my own, thank you. You’re not my brother,” you exclaimed, wrenching your hand out of his grip.
A series of emotions; hurt, anger, sadness; flashed across his face - gone before you could make anything of it. Your face softened as you realized what you’d said.
“Draco, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that,” you apologized immediately.
Draco moved out of the way just as you were about to lay our hand on his shoulder.
“No you’re right. I’m not your brother, Y/N,” spat Draco before softening his tone, “but I see you as my sister so I will continue to look out for you, no matter how you feel about it.”
He stormed away before you could get a second to respond, leaving you staring at the spot he’d previously occupied with a mixture of feelings.
OWLs were finished. You couldn’t believe that you were finally done. Your plan was to set off towards the Black Lake right after your last exam, lie back in the grass with your eyes closed to soak up the warmth shining down on your face. You longed to hear the sound of overlapping water from the cool breeze lulling you into a state where for the first time since last year, you’d feel a sense of peace and quiet.
But it seemed the universe hated the idea of you relaxing, which is why you were currently in Umbridge’s - Umbitch as you liked to call her - with the rest of the Inquisitorial squad along with a few former D.A. members. You were all waiting on Professor Snape to make his way to office, upon Umbridge’s order request. In addition to the purrs of the many cat pictures hanging on the horrid pink walls, the office was filled with the sounds of D.A. members trying to pull away from the Inquisitorial Squad’s grips.
“You wanted to see me, Headmistress?” asked Professor Snape entering the room as he eyed the struggling students, unconcerned.
Umbridge stood up smiling widely, almost cynically, “Yes. I would like a bottle of Veritaserum. I wish to interrogate Mr. Potter here.”
“You used up the last of the Veritaserum I had on your previous interrogation with Potter. Surely you didn’t use it all?”
“I’m sure you can make some more,” Umbridge replied with an overly sweet smile that made you want to vomit from the sight of it.
“Unless you wish to poison him - I have the greatest sympathy if you do - I can’t help you, not until it’s ready after a month,” Professor Snape said as he looked towards Harry.
Harry’s face scrunched up, seeming to concentrate on communicating something to Snape but his attempt was futile.
“You’re on probation! You’re deliberately being unhelpful. Now get out of my office!” shrieked Umbridge.
Snape blankly looked at her unbothered before turning to head out of the door.
“He’s got Padfoot! He’s got Padfoot at the place where it’s hidden!”
You felt like you had just been drenched in ice cold water at Harry’s shouts.
‘He? Who is he? It had to be Voldemort. Who else could have Harry in such a terrified state? But no, it couldn’t be possible,’ you thought. 
Ginny’s wince brought you out of your spiralizing thoughts. You loosened your tightening grip on her hand, too panic-stricken to mutter an apology. Your wide eyes drifted from Harry to Professor Snape.
“Padfoot?” exclaimed Umbridge, “What is Padfoot? Where what is hidden? Snape, what do you know about this?”
Snape turned back around to face Harry. His face was unreadable. You just hoped he would get some help, that he understood what Harry was shouting about.
“I have no idea,” he drawled, “Potter is speaking nonsense.”
You watched him walk out the door. Your palms had started to shake and sweat, everything drowned out. The only thing you could concentrate on was Snape, hoping he would give away any sign that he understood, he was going to do something. For once it seemed the universe had your back because just before he shut the door, his eyes made contact with yours as he moved his head, his nod bare visible. Relief flowed through your nerves; help was on the way.
You tuned into the conversation when you heard Hermione’s shrieks, “No! Professor- that’s illegal.”
Umbridge paid no mind to Hermione, raising her wand at Harry. Your hands clenched around your wand, preparing to take any action if needed as Hermione tried to convince Umbridge to stop.
“What Cornelius doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” Umbridge said, “Cruc-”
“NO!” your shout was drowned out by Hermione’s.
“Harry, we- we have to tell her,” she cried.
“It seems little Miss Question-all is going to give us some answers! Go on, then,” said Umbridge, triumphantly.
You stared at Hermione questionably. What was she doing? She couldn’t tell that toad anything. The Ministry would surely get your father and then- you didn’t want to think what would happen if they got their hands on him.
“He was trying to speak to Professor Dumbledore,” Hermione said in between her cries.
You felt Ginny tense in your grip in surprise as you suppressed the urge to sigh out loud in relief. Your eyes drifted around the room trying to think of a way to get yourself out of this situation and to Professor Snape. You needed to find a way to leave and help. You think you heard Hermione tell Umbridge about some weapon Dumbledore left in the forbidden forest in between your racing thoughts. You found the perfect opportunity as Umbridge headed out the door with Hermione and Harry. As soon as their footsteps could no longer be heard, all hell broke loose.
Ron slammed his head back into Warrington’s nose. You let go of Ginny, moving to get Crabbe off of Neville Longbottom, as she moved to go help Luna.
“Stupefy!” you yelled, pointing your wand towards Crabbe. You rushed to Neville, crouching down next to him as he caught his breath, “You okay?”
Neville weakly nodded. Satisfied with his nod, you got up to go help the rest. You felt Draco look at you, betrayed that you were helping the others, right before Ginny got him with the Bat-Bogey Hex. You felt a curse fly by you, grazing your cheek as someone pushed you to the side. Blood trickled down your cheek, dripping down staining your robes.
“What in the bloody hell are you doing, Ginny!? She’s one of them!” yelled Ron.
“No she’s not. She-”
“What do you mean? You see that badge, right? You do remember when she was holding you hostage right now? How about all the time she spent trying to catch the D.A.?” he rambled.
Ginny rolled her eyes exasperated, “Oh stop being so dramatic and listen. She’s not one of them. She’s been helping us all along. Why do you think no one patrolled near the seventh-floor corridor on the days we had a D.A. meeting?”
Ron shifted his eyes from Ginny, whose cheek had long scratches much like yours, to you before returning back to his sister, “That’s a load of codswallop.”
“We don’t have the time for this; We need to get going,” you said, impatiently. You did not have the time to convince anyone on whose side you were on. Your father could be dead by now for all you knew, and you had no clue how quick the Order would be informed to make their way towards wherever he was captured.
Ron opened his mouth, preparing to spew out an argument, “I’m sorry. We-”
“Look. Voldemort has my father right now and Salazar knows what he’s doing to him. No matter what has happened, he is my father. And you are not as smart as I give you credit for if you for a second think, I am not coming with you lot.”
“She’s right. We should get going. We’re wasting time,” Neville spoke up.
Ron looked between Ginny, Neville and you before begrudgingly agreeing.
You all quickly made your way out of the castle and towards the Forbidden Forest. You bumped into Harry and Hermione on your way there.
“How’d you get away?” asked Harry, surprised.
“Couple of hexes. Neville threw a good Impediment Jinx. Though, Ginny was the best, she got Malfoy good with a Bat-Bogey Hex. Anyway, what’ve you done with Umbridge?” replied Ron.
“Carried away by a herd of centaurs.”
“They left you behind?” asked a shocked Ginny.
“No, they got chased off by Grawp.”
“Whose Grawp?” questioned Luna, intrigued.
“Hagrid’s little brother,” explained Hermione.
“Never mind that!” interrupted Ron, “What did you find out in the fire? Does You-Know-Who have Sirius or-?”
“Yes” said Harry, “I’m sure Sirius is still alive but I’m not sure how to get there to help him.”
Everyone fell silent, the situation looking hopeless.
“What’s she doing here?” Harry asked, his eyes finally landing on you.
“He’s my father, Harry. Did you really think I was going to let you go alone?” you said, raising an eyebrow in question.
“Why? It’s not like you’ve cared before,” he retaliated causing rage to consume you at his unfiltered and forward words.
‘How dare he say that? I haven’t cared!?’
You opened your mouth to rebuttal, ready to release your wrath on the boy looking at you accusingly before Luna chimed in, paying no attention to the tension in the air.
“Well, we’ll have to fly, won’t we?”
General taglist: @heloisedaphnebrightmore @pregnant-piggy @approved-by-dentists @kashishwrites @remmyswritings @angelinathebook @idont-knowrn @coffee--writes @kinkyduuh @ickle-ronniekins
Never enough taglist: @evilluciferisevil @slyther-inn @bloodyxheaven @gcdric @mycobrakai1972 @loony-loopy-lupinn @the-mighty-bookworm @mads-bri @tessaem @hannah220506 @hariosborn @kpopgirlbtssvt
Lmk if you wanted to be added to either taglist :)
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seokiloquy · 4 years
Catch Me If You Can - Nishinoya Yuu
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AU: Penpal / Travel
Warning: Manga Spoilers
Word Count: 7.6k+
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How could he not have fallen in love with (Y/N) back then? The foreign transfer student that regaled stories of her adventures around the world with swinging arm movements and an indistinguishable accent that had been muddled over years of travel. She was a sun among stars. A linguistic animal lover that had a passion for learning and adventure. No one could resist her charm, not for long. She was expressive, loud and boisterous. But when given the chance, the outgoing girl will always sit quietly and listen with a kind smile on her face. How could anyone not want to know her?
It was nearing the end of March in 2014 when they last saw each other. Despite it being the beginning of spring, the sun was shooting down warm golden rays of light that (Y/N) happily bathed in. Nishinoya sat next to the excitable girl, looking at the various pins she had stuck into her worn down and faded hat, tired after years of travelling and use. It was spunky, out there, it suited her quite well. In her hand, she fiddled with a keychain that he had just given her moments prior. A small enamel volleyball that he had a duplicate of.
“I’m going to travel the world,” she said, leaning back against the stairs of the gym.
The graduation ceremony was long. Despite that, the volleyball team had gathered in their gym to send off the 3rd years, announcing Yamaguchi as the new captain, and making everyone cry. The 1st years were the worst, only getting to spend one year with their beloved elders.
Nishinoya smiled, stretching his legs along the steps to lay down beside her. “Where are you going to go first?”
She hummed, “I think I’ll go to Australia, I want the accent back.”
Nishinoya laughed and watched as the traveller held up the chain to her nose.
“I want to meet as many people as I can, get some new experiences,” she sighed before shooting up from her spot, nearly launching herself on top of Nishinoya’s relaxed position. Her eyes seemed to be twinkling as they looked into his, “I’m going to write you letters.”
How could he say no to that smile?
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For three years they sent letters back and forth. Occasionally sending a care package, typically coming from (Y/N), who always seemed to have money to spare for the best quality of shipping. Nishinoya was always eager to open her letters. The words on the page would dance in his mind, creating beautiful images of the girl he remembered as she continued her travels. He would feel his heart squeeze with every package, carrying various treats and pictures for him to enjoy. Nishinoya always wanted to travel despite never having the funds to do so. Because of this, he lived vicariously through his long time crush’s adventures, holding every gift he received close to his heart.
He saved every last picture, letter, and gift. Yearning for when he would find the next one sitting snugly in the mailbox of his family home in Miyagi. 3 years since the day they graduated they had been exchanging letters, and 4 months since he last heard from his (Y/N), who had suddenly stopped. 4 months he waited. 
Nishinoya waited desperately for her next reply, but it never came. Leaving him anxious for months as his family tried to calm him down. Nothing worked. Nishinoya spent most of his free time walled up in his room, ducked under the covers of his childhood bed, waiting.
It wasn’t until his grandfather, Mineo, knocked on his door that something happened.
It was the 2nd of July 2017 at 3:28pm.
“Eh, Yuu, there’s something in the mail for ya,” the old man teased, throwing a thumb over his shoulder.
Running out of his room, nearly knocking over his laughing elderly grandfather, the youngest Nishinoya ran out of his house, through the gates and to the mailbox. From the corner of his eye, he could see the mailman down the street. Inside the box was a neatly packaged envelope. He pulled it out gently, trying his best not to fold or mark the clean paper.
Once at the dinner table, family surrounding all sides, excitedly waiting for the boy to open the letter, Nishinoya let out a deep breath. His heart was pounding, gripping onto his ribcage like a prisoner wanting to escape. His hands shook, making the paper let out a desperate fluttering sound. He read the front of the paper.
The letter was sent from Australia. Particularly a city named Mutitjulu, which he didn’t bother to try and pronounce as even in his head, the English word seemed to only be a muffle of sounds. English wasn’t something he was good at anyway. He continued, staring at his name that was scripted on the front in a familiar style. One that he’s been reading for years.
“Well, what are you waiting for Yuu? Open it,” his mother pressured. She was excited too, tired of her son’s heaving and hawing over the past four months.
Taking in another wavering breath, Yuu opened the envelope gently and pulled out the crisp piece of paper. As he opened it, a wad of cash fell out, sprawling across the table his family sat at.
His grandfather laughed, “What is this? Some sort of ransom?”
“You’re not given money when you get a ransom note, let Yuu read the letter first,” His father chuckled as he watched his wife gather the money in a neat stack also grabbing the stiff paper ticket that had landed before her.
The first thing on the page was the date, followed by (Y/N)’s handwriting.
14 August 2014
Dear Yuu,
Australia feels like a home I wasn’t born into. It’s hot and my hair hate’s the humidity, but it’s a beautiful country. The accent makes it all worth it. While writing this, I sit at the bottom of one of Australia’s many sites, Uluru, a giant rock that would make you look like a worm in comparison. There are flies everywhere, and we’re painting stones in dotted patterns. I painted a lizard.
I’ve spent the last week in the outback with a group of born Australian’s working with Kangaroos. They are the funniest creatures, easily aggravated in the wild, but these ones have become used to humans over the years.
A man named Joshua has become my companion for the week. He’s taught me a lot, I can’t say it all in a singular letter, but here’s a funny story. One kangaroo, lovingly named Swipe, stole his hat on a particularly hot day, hiding it somewhere we never found. I had to give him my hat. When you see him, please, ask for it back, I miss it and will have more pins to add later.
Oh right, the money and the ticket. Well, I’m sorry for not telling you sooner, but I wanted it to be a surprise. By the time you get this letter, it should be about mid-summer of 2017. You know how you’ve always wanted to travel the world? Well, I’m picking out your stops. You won’t be able to contact me, that eliminates the fun out of it. But, that’s your mission.
Come and catch me~
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Nishinoya had to give it to her, Kangaroos were soft. And even in the heat of the Australian winter, he desperately wanted to snuggle up to them and bury his head into their chests. He had jokingly told Joshua that he wanted to be a joey in his next life, to which the Australian born man laughed and slapped his back. 
It seemed as though, despite (Y/N)’s appearance in Mutitjulu having been 3 years prior to his arrival, that she had planned out his whole trip. Getting Joshua to walk him through every landmark and location in Australia that she had visited on her solo trip.
He was a tall man, tanned to a golden ochre colour from his days working under the blistering sun, and you could tell he did hard physical labour from his well built physique. Nishinoya would stare at him occasionally, mostly jealous of his overwhelming height.
The two men were visiting the Sydney Zoo, watching a gigantic alligator eat a whole chicken when Nishinoya asked the older man a question in broken English. He still needed practice.
“Did you help plan everything?” he asked referring to his tour around the continent.
The Aussie shook his head, making his messed up sandy coloured hair bounce. Turning away from the reptilian show, the tanned man looked at Nishinoya with a large smile.
“She did it all herself. Every last detail. You wouldn’t believe it when she told me her plan, she was going to burst!”
Leaving their suitcases at various hotels over the 3 month period and grabbing the bare minimum so they could trek through the day felt new to Nishinoya. He had spent his whole life in one location, only ever needing to carry around a bag or two wherever he went. Joshua carried around a leather satchel everywhere. At every location they stopped at he would reach into it and pull out a photo that (Y/N) had taken while there, handing over to Nishinoya. 
“Keep it, I’ve made copies,” he said when Nishinoya tried to give them back.
Noya bought a photo album after that, carefully storing the photos in the slots that were available. He would flip through the pages until late when the birds started singing. The late nights staring at your photos led to beautiful dreams of hiking through forests and petting koalas together, holding hands and watching the sunset. He wanted that. Minus the gigantic spiders. 
It was at the end of September when Joshua barged into Nishinoya’s room early in the morning and threw something at him.
“Oi! Get up, get packed. You got more than just a plane to catch.”
Noya, still tired from a long night of drinking — likely being Joshua’s way of sending him off — groggily grabbed at whatever had been bounced off his head. He rubbed his eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the light that Joshua had so graciously invited in beyond the curtains.
Groaning, Yuu turned his attention away from the bright sun and onto what laid in his hand. A familiar hat, worn out and covered with pins, it’s original colour faded into a dull grey. Next to it, a letter. His spine shot into a straight position as his fingers gently separated the lip of the envelope from its body as quickly as possible. Just like the one before, money, plane ticket and a letter. A noise in the corner of the room caught his attention, Joshua was stuffing Noya’s clothes haphazardly into his suitcases, throwing a change of clothes to the side for him to wear.
“Get changed Cobber, we got to go!”
Joshua steered the tourist onto his plane, not letting Noya take a detailed look at the ticket. At the gate to the airport, Nishinoya was pulled into a strong hug by the Aussie, who rambled into the shorter man’s ear about how he would miss his foreign wisdom and poorly constructed sentences (which had improved over the months).
Before he knew it, Nishinoya was on a plane, reading the note you had sent back for him.
21 February 2015
Dear Yuu,
You like dogs, right? Well, I sure hope you do. I’ve spent the last few weeks in Yukon, Canada (specifically Whitehorse) and HOLY! It is freezing up here in the wintertime. Luckily the group I’ve been working with provides the proper gear you need but still, it’s frigid. So be ready for that. Margaret will help you out. That’s not actually her name, but she says her real name is too hard for us to pronounce.
Anyway, dog sledding. You haven’t lived until you’ve tried it. It’s such a freeing feeling. Oh, and I might have given one of them the keychain you gave me. I’m sorry, but he was so sweet and I wanted to give him something of mine. His name is Mateus. Be sure to give him pets for me!
Make sure to spend that money well~
Love you,
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Although October wasn’t technically winter, the northern hemisphere was cold, too cold. Bundled up in thick layers, covered from head to toe, Nishinoya laid back in the tall snow, rubbing the bellies of eager huskies that rolled around next to him. Yuu laughed and one jumped at him, pushing his shoulder back into the snow and licking any visible skin he could reach.
“Ya! Mateus, please!” The dog backed off, sitting in the man’s lap, panting happily.
Nishinoya sat up, petting the friendly dog’s head with his thick glove. His other hand moved the collar so he could admire the given jewelry. The metal had oxidized, making it look brown and blue. The volleyball has definitely looked better but Nishinoya wouldn’t complain. The dog whimpered at his new human friend as he played with the chain. 
Noya looked the husky in the eyes, “Awe, I miss her too bud.” 
The dog whined again and pushed his head up against Noya’s hand. He obliged to the canines request, rubbing the space behind his ears. The dog lolled his head to the side, then let his body completely fall over Noya’s lap. The other’s came closer, joining the lazy dog puddle that made itself home around their new companion.
“If you keep letting them do that they’ll never let you leave.”
Margaret was a kind woman, older and a bit worn after years of working. She was ruff around the edges but as soon as she got a good look at Noya’s photo album (which now also held (Y/N)’s letters) she swept the young man into a bone-crushing hug, telling him about the memories she had from years prior. Noya listened to every story earnestly.
“She’s a natural,” she said. “Hopped onto the sled, grabbed the reins and off she went! Over the hills through the trees and the wolves listened to her every command.” 
Margaret’s movements were a shadow of the girl he remembered. Large and unapologetic. He took a sip from his hot chocolate as he watched the woman’s arms wing in fluid motions. The fire that was lit next to them cast a shadow behind her, like a puppet. Other volunteers around the lodge watched in awe as she continued telling her of (Y/N). Just how did she manage to make everyone fall in love with her, would there be any room in her heart for him? Everywhere she went she seemed to take someone with her and Yuu couldn’t help but think he’d be left out. It nagged at him.
On the last day of his stay in Whitehorse, Margaret sat down next to Nishinoya and handed him a neatly wrapped pile.
“You know, I sometimes wondered why (Y/N) asked me to make duplicates of her photos. But after spending these past couple of months with you, I can understand it. You’ve got yourself a keeper.”
At the bottom of the pile of photos was the letter, sent back to Margaret from his next location. The woman patted his shoulder.
“You better pack up soon, I’ll drive you to the airport.”
3 September 2015
Dear Yuu,
I know the cold must have been ruff. Haha, get it? Ruff? Well, don’t worry, cause where you’re going next it’s all summer and sun (with the occasional thunderstorm but a little rain never hurt anybody).
The Florida keys are hot. I’ve been spending a lot of time either at the beach or indoors where it’s airconditioned, but It’s been a lot of fun relaxing in the sun here. I found a restaurant, tucked in behind the white fences of a narrow road just by the waterfront. It has a large sign saying “CASTAWAY” I think it’s fitting with the whole nautical theme. It has high ceilings and gives off a wood cabin by the lake sort of feel. All the workers are nice, I’m writing this while talking with them.
I recommend the honeybuns!
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The honey buns were delicious. They weren’t even something you had to order, but Nishinoya did anyway, every single time. Joe, the owner, along with his wife busted the bar table that Nishinoya sat at. He was the only one in there at the moment flipping through his photo album, adjusting all the photos in place, making them look orderly. Without looking, he reached for one of the many bread buns that sat in the woven basket next to him.
“You know Noya, there’s more food other than the honey buns,” Joe chuckled as he snatched the bun filled basket out of the grasp of Noya’s clingy hands, making said boy pout. Joe laughed again before slipping a laminated piece of paper his way, “Read the menu kid, you might find something worthwhile.”
Joe, despite his outward appearance being that of a beer drinking food lover (which he was), was an avid deep sea diver. Often going with Miranda to collect underwater treasures that could be used as decor for their restaurant.
Nishinoya nodded, thanking the kind man as he began to read. The words gave him a bit of a headache. English, definitely something he’s improved on since beginning his journey but still makes him run circles in his head. He rested his chin on the counter, squinting, hoping the change in sight would magically turn the English into Japanese. It did not, and after 5 minutes of continuous grumbling, Miranda came his way.
“Noya, sweetheart, take a look at the drinks would ya?” she laughed, towel and plate in one hand, flicking the back of the page with a long spindly finger from the other.
He flipped the page over.
The (Y/N) Special
“What is this?” he asked pointing to the only spot on the page that had kanji characters mixed in with the English alphabet.
Miranda smiled, leaning her elbows onto the counter. Flicking a chummy finger toward the page she explained, “That right there, is a drink (Y/N) made up on one of the nights she was here. She jumped over the counter and made us all one, then gave us the recipe for later.”
Joe came their way with a cheeky smile, “Give it a go. It’s got a bit of alcohol in it but not a lot, fine for a midday drink.”
Yuu gladly took the drink created and named after his beloved adventurer and gave it a big gulp. It was cold and sweet with a bit of lemon, perfect for the everlasting hot weather in Florida. He could imagine lounging at the beach or by a pool with (Y/N) sleeping peacefully by his side as he drank this, both of them soaking in the sun’s warmth. Noya sighed happily, resting his head in the palm of his hand.
“Hang in there kid. I don’t think there’s that much alcohol,” Joe teased as he flicked Nishinoya’s forehead. “Don’t go dozing off just yet, we’ve got your next letter.”
Noya didn’t even realize that Miranda had left, only just seeing her as she came back out from the restaurant’s back with a box in hand.
The pictures were of her in various places, just like all the others. Now mostly at the beach or at his current location. He didn’t hold himself back from admiring the images of your summer glow as you posed happily for the camera in your bathing suit. One image of your face stuffed with honey buns make him cackle outright. At the bottom of the box was a small corral and your note. 
18 June 2016
Dear Yuu,
Oh YUU~ please don’t be mad at me! I know you probably wanted to see me first out of all our friends but I couldn’t help myself. Brazil was already on my list and where else would I go besides Rio de Janeiro?
Hinata has grown so much since high school, you’ve got to see him play. You should be proud of your Kohai, he’s gotten pretty amazing~ His roommate, Pedro, was really nice too he likes OnePiece and Spiral Knights. Reminds me of Kenma a bit. They were both kind enough to accommodate me for my stay. Oh, Oikawa showed up too.
Be sure to give Hinata a hug for me~
Love (Oh so very much),
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Had they still been in high school, Hinata would’ve probably blabbered about everything upon Nishinoya’s arrival. But, as you had said, Hinata had grown and thus, he learned some restraint. Managing to respect the wishes of his travelling upperclassman who insisted that he kept a tight lip about everything until Noya had begun his travels in Rio.
Noya, on the other hand, was rather discouraged that his past teammate had gotten to spend months with his girl. His girl? His girl. He grumbled, crossing his arms with a haughty huff.
Nishinoya had arrived in Rio in February of 2018, getting the chance to hear all of Hinata’s stories from the beginning of his appearance in the hot city. Heitor, Hinata’s teammate for a tournament they played a couple of months prior, listened carefully to Hinata’s ramblings as he switched back and forth between languages, translating as much as he could. Nishinoya also often found himself admiring Heitor’s coiling hair. A complete opposite texture from his own. (Y/N)’s appearance seemed to be news to Brazilian man as well, but both listened with rapt attention as the carrot head rambled. 
Noya got really pouty when his friend showed him the pictures though, mostly fixating on the one that had Oikawa, Hinata, and (Y/N) all making strange faces at the camera.
“Shoyo, must you torture me like this?”
Hinata only responded with a large smile and wiggling dance.
Heitor and Pedro had become Nishinoya’s closest companions after Hinata left for Japan. Nice, Heitor’s newlywed wife, reminded him of Saeko, making her his go-to whenever he needed to rant to someone. She never understood a word he said, but would always give him a pat on the back and a warm smile. Luckily, Pedro had managed to pick up some Japanese during his time living with Hinata, making the learning curve of figuring out Portuguese a little easier.
At the near 3 month mark of his stay in Rio, Pedro came out of his room with a box that had Nishinoya’s name printed across it. “It. Yours,” he tried to say with heavily accented Japanese, which the streaked blonde man was thankful for.
The name across the top had obviously been done by Hinata, the messy script made it that evident, not that Noya could easily read it anyways. Just like the others, the box held a few remaining photos that Hinata didn’t give him during their time together and her letter. The envelope had a small crease in the top corner, likely from Hinata’s rough handling, but he was eager to read it despite its mediocre condition.
Pedro sat down next to Nishinoya, taking hold of the photo album, and offered to put them in order. Before he did though, he took his time flipping through the pages, listening to Nishinoya as he tried to explain what was happening in each photograph. Pedro smiled.
“I spoke to her quite often, she learned Portuguese rather quickly, I was surprised,” he paused for a moment, watching the memory that played in his mind from the photo he had taken of you and Hinata playing volleyball on the beach. “She is quite an amazing person.”
Despite not being able to fully understand what Pedro had said, Nishinoya could hear his feelings.
Why did she have to be so magnetic that even a near stranger felt her gravitational pull?
With an almost sad sigh, he gave Pedro a nudge and began to read the letter. It was filled with glitter. That was new.
 31 December 2016
Dear Yuu,
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I might be a bit tipsy but that’s okay! I’ll write this anyway.
New years in France is filled with alcohol. I shouldn’t be surprised but the wine is surprisingly sweet? And you know me, I can’t restrain myself when it comes to sweets.
Paris is beautiful by the way. I can’t wait for you to see it. Danon has been an amazing tour guild. He even gives me a discount on the coffee from his family’s café. Despite being in the more expensive part of town the café is rather quaint. When his parents are out Donon lets me choose the music, it’s typically 70’s dance and pop music, like ABBA. Who am I kidding, It’s mostly ABBA. Sometimes other customers join me in dancing, Danon can’t because he works but I see him grooving behind the counter. I think I made it a tradition.
Ooh, I also made another friend, her name’s Brielle, she's just lovely.
It’s beautiful here Yuu~
Love you loads.
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 Was Nishinoya jealous when he met Danon? HELL YES HE WAS. The man was their age, and undeniably handsome, clean quaffed brown hair and perfect skin. Nishinoya spent his first few days in Paris giving the other man the side-eye. 
That’s how it was, until one Friday evening, when Nishinoya walked into the café he was stopped frozen at the door.
“Ah Noya, my friend! Come join us!” Danon called over the music once he saw the shorter man enter.
In the Frenchman’s arms twirled a beautiful young woman with dark skin and braided hair that swung at the middle of her back. ABBA was playing, Noya noticed as he entered, weaving through the dancing couples of men and women alike. Danon and the woman met him halfway, and Danon, being the gentleman he is, bowed slightly as he gestured to her.
“This is Brielle. I’m sure (Y/N) must have mentioned her in her letter.”
Brielle laughed, waving her hand dismissively, “The two of us only got a moment together, a week at most. But she did talk about you Nishinoya. It's a pleasure to meet you.”
They spoke in English, with French accents, but Noya was thankful for the familiarity, although it did make him notice his own mangled accent even more.
“So what’s happening here?”
Danon laughed, “It’s (Y/N)’s night! What else?!”
The day slowly turned to night and the Eiffel tower began to glow outside the window. Nishinoya tried his best to dance in the sensual duets that took place in the middle of the floor, but more often than not, he went behind the counter, taking Danon’s parent’s place and giving them a chance to take centre stage. Out of the pairs, his parents were the most infectious. But anyone could look Danon’s way and see that he and Brielle were a match made for the night lights of Paris.
Towards the end of May, Nishinoya sat at one of the tables next to the chalk wall, sipping slowly at his tea. Danon came out from the back, giving his mother a rub on the shoulder before sitting across from the Japanese tourist. He placed a clean stack of images on the table between them. Before pointing to the chalk wall with a melancholic smile.
“She wrote you a message up there, ‘see you soon’, she said that a lot about you,” the taller man slid over the stack.
Noya slowly flipped through the photos, pausing at one that captured a moment of Danon holding (Y/N) in his arms as they danced, being perfectly framed by the Eiffel tower behind them. Noya gripped the photo a little tighter. His heart clawed at his insides again. That nagging feeling was back, making the palms of his hands feel sore and warm. Danon’s voice pulled him out of it easily, the man was a siren.
“She is a remarkable woman. If I had the same opportunity that you have right now,” he trailed off, pausing to take a breath, “I would follow her off the edge of the world if she asked me,” Danon took the photo out of Noya’s hands, giving it a fleeting look before tucking it into the album that rested open on the table.
Gulping, Noya met the man’s eyes across the table.
“Aren’t you with Brielle?”
Danon smiled, “I am. (Y/N) introduced us. Brielle knows of my infatuation but trusts me and I can’t thank her more for it.”
“You two are beautiful together,” Noya said, looking up at your name on the wall. He took another long, slow sip of his tea.
“As will the both of you. If you manage to catch her that is.” Danon spoke softly, joining his new friend in staring at their crush’s smooth writing on the wall. “Can you do me a favour, Noya?”
Nishinoya hummed, continuing to look up.
“Love her for the both of us, okay?”
 8 May 2017
Dear Yuu,
A kind old man was nice enough to let me spend most of my time with him and his dog at their home in Hamburg, Germany. He’s a potato farmer! But sadly he injured his back working, what a spine breaker. Anyway, I offered my help farming in exchange for a warm bed and food. He was happy to help! Oh right, his name is Adal. He’s a bit of a grouch but I know he’s secretly a softy.
I managed to get to a few places around Germany before settling down there for the rest of the trip though. My favourite by far is the torn down Berlin wall. It’s covered in graffiti and art and it’s just filled with so much history. It’s overwhelming but seeing the broken wall is just such a beautiful sight. I don’t even think I can put it into words.
Don’t let Adal be too mean to you~
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 Nishinoya knew what you meant by the wall being overwhelming. It felt like he had the memories of generations pushing down on his shoulders all while a swell of happiness and relief seemed to lift his chest upwards. It was a sight to behold.
Adelina was a kind but blunt woman in her 40’s. Their initial interaction was a shocking one that left a bitter taste in both of their mouths. Noya, a stranger that had shown up at Adal’s doorstep that was in the middle of vast farmland was greeted with a less than welcoming hello.
“Is Adal here?”
In broken English, Adelina responded, “Adal is dead. What do you want?”
After explaining his now new predicament to the resilient woman, she had broken into a gasp eyes wide as she rushed up the stairs of the house. She nearly tripped coming back down, holding a box that was covered in dust and set it down on the wood table in the middle of the large room visible from the door.
She had sighed while she blew off the dirt, “You must be Nishinoya, correct?”
Taking his shoes off at the door, he entered the premises. Adelina had gestured for him to take a seat in the chair across from her and the box. Nishinoya was understandably nervous at the time, desperately wanting to bite his nail or crack his cold knuckles, but he resisted.
“Adal was my father, he died last year and left everything to me,” she started. “I only met (Y/N) once but she was a kind woman from what I remember. Managed to break that old man’s shell. Not many can do that,” she laughed, tucking a greying piece of hair behind her ear.
Nishinoya listened to every word patiently. Adelina wasn’t a great storyteller, she often had to cycle back, remembering events that would have been told earlier on, and sounded rather monotone as she recounted them. For what it was worth though, once she got on the right track, she seemed to be able to recall every detail word for word despite the stories not having been from her own experiences.
“I know the plan was for you to work in the field, but I sold off the farmland not too long after he died,” she said, placing a glass of water for him on the table. “If I had thought a little further ahead, I probably would have waited until after your visit,” she scoffed sadly at herself. “I guess my mind was a bit preoccupied.”
“No, no. It’s alright. I’m the one showing up unannounced. You probably didn’t even remember the plan until I showed up.”
That night, Adeline offered to take Nishinoya on a grand tour through Germany.
“I should at least fulfill some duty that I was given, he would want me to,” she said, giving him a rare smile. “Diese Dinge passieren, und das Leben geht weiter.”
Despite having given him most of the pictures in the box on the first night, the letter remained untouched until after spending three months in the woman’s care. At the airport, Adeline thanked Noya for visiting and wished him well.
“Chase your dreams,” she said, sending him off with a final wave.
 1 September 2017
Dear Yuu,
Somehow a little town at Italy’s ankle has made me believe that gods exist on earth. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but these architects did an amazing job. The buildings are all colourful and beautiful to admire. Especially during the sunset. The whole town is cast with a warm glow.
I’ve been staying in Sorrento, (imagine if I was writing this from Torino! Haha). A small town by the bay known for its beautiful view of the water and 14th-Century architecture, very picturesque. I spend most of my time down by the bay, I’ve gone so often that I’ve even made friends with some of the fishermen. They even offered to take me spearfishing out in the bay. Their boats are beautiful but on windy days I definitely prefer the land.
Don’t let the marlins get to close, they’ll stab you~
Love you,
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 “Eh, Noya! You did great! Let me take a photo for you.” 
Donte was a middle-aged man that owned a boat by the pier. Often spending his weekends fishing for marlins to feed his family the following week. His hair was dark brown and mousy, slowly fading to grey at the sides of his hairline that trailed down his jaw into a patchy scruff of a beard that never seemed to grow. Quickly, the ageing man grabbed Noya’s phone off one of the seats in his large fishing boat and angled it to face the other man.
“Say: sorridi!” he cheered.
Noya dropped his borrowed trident like a spear on the tiled concrete and kicked up his left leg onto the large metal cleat at his side and balanced the weight of the large marlin between his arms. The fish’s mouth hung open, but Noya smiled into the camera of his phone, yelling out ‘sorridi’ as the photo was taken. 
“Ah good. C’mon, I’ll treat you to lunch.”
It was during lunch when Donte began to entertain Nishinoya with some stories of (Y/N)’s visit. The big one was how we decided on the name of his boat. He explained that at the time, his ship was brand new when she visited, with (Y/N) being the first to book a time to experience marlin fishing on the new vessel. At the time the name hadn’t been printed on the side, and when Donte had mistakenly tripped over a loose line it sent him into the cold water of the bay. Despite being able to swim, the visiting woman had immediately pulled out the rope ladder tying to the side of the ship and dived him.
Donte laughed as he recalled floating in the water with (Y/N) staring at him with an irritated expression. “I can swim you know?” he said, making her grumble and paddle to the ladder she had set up moments prior.
“The water is nice, but you better get out soon,” she had teased. “Don’t want the marlins to attack.”
“Thought that ‘the Mad Mer’ was fitting. She did look like a goddess while swimming after all.” 
The description made Noya smile happily.
Donte was starting his next story when Nishinoya felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.
Asahi had sent him a message.
We’re all meeting up today.
Are you coming?
A cheeky grin pulled on the corner of Noya’s face. Swiping his phone across his screen and clicking, without sending a word to his friend the image was sent.
Woah, Noya!
Are you still following those letters?
Nishinoya chuckled.
You bet!
Donte nodded his head in Noya’s direction and took a large gulp of water and a bit of food from his plate. “Who you talking to?”
“Ah, an old friend. Sent him the picture of the marlin.”
On his final day, after packing up all his clothes, Nishinoya flipped through the new photos he collected. His favourite had been taken on the same day that she had dived into the water to help Donte. It was of (Y/N) in a flowing white dress, arms spread wide open, with the sun setting in the background making her dress glow. This photo closed out the passage of Sorrento, Italy.
 30 March 2018 
Dear Yuu,
Hazyview is quite the sight. It’s full of green trees and large expanses of grass. Rolling hills turn into mountains with sharp cliffs and rounded tops. It’s a sight you’ve never seen before.
I got to travel around a bit before settling in Hazyview so I could learn about all the languages they speak. It’s so interesting! I swear some of the people I met probably thought I was some foreign nut job, but I had fun
Working at a sanctuary for elephants is such a rewarding experience. I wish I could have stayed a bit longer to help. Luckily they primarily used English to communicate because of all the immigrating volunteers they get, but even the diverse collection of language there was amazing. But that’s not the point. Elephants. Elephants are the point.
We managed to save a baby and his mother from poachers! The little guy was rather clingy, and I got to name him!
Work your hardest~
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 Nishinoya was relieved when he was able to practice his English again with fluent English speakers at the sanctuary. Nearly two years of practice has shown some improvement. 
Jabulani was the man that greeted him when the helicopter landed at the sanctuary. His arms were wide open and his smile was big, showing off his pearly white teeth.
“Welcome!” he yelled over the sound of the helicopter’s blades spinning.
It took a couple of days for Nishinoya to get the chance to interact with the large beasts. That time was spent settling in, getting a tour, and learning about the protocol that was held in high regard at the sanctuary (for good reason).
When Jabulani, nicknamed Jabu, introduced Noya to the various elephants that were being rehabilitated he was brought to a pause at one.
“His name is Shino?”
“Ah yes. You’re (Y/N)’s friend. I almost forgot. She talked about you a lot.”
Noya made a large gesture with his arms, throwing them in the warm air. Then he adjusted the old button filled hat on his head to block the sun.
“When (Y/N) said she named a baby Elephant I thought I was going to be small! She named it after me, and he’s that big?!”
Jabu laughed at Noya’s pain. Giving a hard smack on the back. Earning a groan from the slightly saddened man.
“Don’t look at it like that. Think of it this way,” He said as he grabbed Noya’s shoulder, straightening his back. He gestured to the elephant’s trunk that started sprinkling water over its head. “She must think highly of you. Think you can reach great heights like the trunk of an elephant.”
“That height is mediocre when giraffes exist.”
The throwaway comment earned Noya another hard smack.
“Don’t say that around the elephants. They’re sensitive creatures.”
Occasionally, at night when everyone was lounging around the common area, eating food and relaxing, Nishinoya got the chance to listen to Juba and his friends speak in their native tongue. Zulu was something he had never heard prior to coming here, and as he listened to them converse fluidly without tripping over any syllable or sound he couldn’t help but realize why you appreciated the complexities of language so much.
The last letter was short, and when he opened it a picture slipped out. You wore Karasuno’s classic colour; black. You were in a waving salute, your two fingers in the motion of pointing away from your forehead. The back of the black tracksuit was visible thanks to your slightly turned position. You stood on the steps of the volleyball gym, the doors were open. The letter was sent back to Hazyview recently.
 9 April 2019
Dear Yuu,
What do you think? The newest job suits me, huh? I managed to race through school while I waited. World Cultures, I’m excited.
See you on the first day of school~
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 April 20th of 2019 was the first day of school. Nishinoya had flown in from Hazyview the night before, greeted by his parents who pestered him about all of his adventures on the way home. Still wide awake with jitters of excitement, Noya rambled about every moment and story, flipping through his nearly complete photo album.
He was wide awake until he wasn’t. Despite his eagerness to wake up early to the following day and hopefully ambush you in the morning before classes started, he managed to sleep through most of the day. When he finally did wake up he was groggy from the jet lag but forced himself to change into something more presentable than plane clothes. Be grabbed your old hat, oxidized keychain and his photo album before rushing out.
Once he got to the front gates he breathed in deeply. It had been years, and the nagging feeling had returned to his chest. Students gave him weird looks as they left the school grounds.
How could he not have fallen in love with you back then? But how could he be so naive to believe he was the only one? He thought of Danon in that moment, letting the words replay in his head. Over and over again. For the both of us.
Taking one last breath, he ran towards the old gym he remembered. The doors were slightly ajar and the welcoming sound of air-filled balls bouncing off the wooden gym floor made his heart race. He screamed as he kicked the doors wide open.
A high pitch screech followed.
“Noya? What the hell are you doing here?”
Despite the change in hair, now back to his natural black, Ukai hadn’t changed a bit. The squealer, Takeda, held his chest tightly as he stood straight, recovering from the sudden scare. The players on the gym floor began to murmur, they’d ask their coaches questions later.
“Sorry, Takeda, Ukai. Do you know where (Y/N) is?” Noya asked, gripping his belongings tightly. “I thought she was going to be in here.”
Takeda let out a shaky laugh, “You haven’t changed a bit, Noya. But did you maybe consider she’d be in the girl’s gym?”
Ukai sent Takeda a confused look, to which the bespectacled man waved off as if saying ‘I’ll explain later.’ 
Nishinoya began bouncing on his toes, ready to move. Wearing a smile, he yelled a loud ‘thanks!’ as he bowed, before running out the double doors.
The girl’s gym, though not one he visited in his past often except for those moments he went to see (Y/N), brought a familiar feeling. The sound of balls ricocheting off of solid surfaces greeted him as he stood outside the double doors, waiting, scared.
Then he heard your voice, heavily accented but pronouncing every word with a sense of style with accuracy. Soothing and sharp with a bit of a raspy bite from years of hysterical laughter and yelling.
“Tiny Hinata! Natsu, can you do me a favour real quick?”
Slowly, he pushed the doors open.
Nishinoya didn’t even see the young orange-haired girl lift the old polaroid camera to her face. He was too busy enjoying the old familiar feeling of his girl’s hands holding his back, hardly even hearing the smack of objects fall from his hands and onto the floor. He melted. Noses brushed against each other as she pulled him into a kiss that was worth the years of patient pining. He let out a breathless laugh when she pulled away, letting his head fall back for a moment as she used her hands to lift him back into an upright position. His hand came to rest on her shoulders, massaging them gently to fully know that she was there.
That nagging feeling finally crawled away, chased out by an eruption of warmth in his stomach.
“I finally caught you, (Y/N),” he said, wearing a dopey grin.
“Took you long enough,” she teased, hitting his arm.
Picking up his belongings that he had dropped suddenly, he held the brim of her old hat between his fingers and slipped it onto her head. Back where it belonged.
The photo was a pretty one, fitting perfectly into the last page of his album.
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So this onshot comes from a prompt in my writers notebook that I’ve been wanting to write for over a year. And when talking to one of my firends we got really into multiple different idea’s and then dragged Kiwi into it. So this one is sort of collaborated.
I hope you liked it! it’s the longest thing I’ve written so far and it’s about the length of a regular two or three parted story. - Bacon
Posted: 03/07/2020
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Anime i’ve Watched
That begin with a F (Part 1)!
Yep this is how i’m going to bring over all the anime and manga i’ve watched and posted about on the old blog. It’s not so detailed but it will have to do. Anything new I watch or read from this point on will have their own posts.
Fire Force (Enen no Shouboutai):
Genres: action, supernatural, shounen
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Synopsis: Spontaneous Human Combustion: a chaotic phenomenon that has plagued humanity for years, randomly transforming ordinary people into flaming, violent creatures known as Infernals. While Infernals make up the first-generation accounts of Human Combustion, the second and third generations became known as pyrokinetics—people gifted with the ability to manipulate and control their flames while remaining human. To combat the Infernal threat and discover the cause, the Tokyo Armed Forces, Fire Defense Agency, and Holy Church of Sol produced their answer: the Special Fire Force. Young and eager third-generation pyrokinetic Shinra Kusakabe, nicknamed Devil's Footprints for his explosive ability to ignite his feet at will, becomes a member of the lively Special Fire Force Company 8. Upholding the brigade's duty to extinguish the blazing Infernals and lay their souls to rest, Shinra is determined to become a hero who will save the lives of those threatened by the flame terror. However, this is not the hero's game Shinra imagined. The Fire Force is a fractured mess of feuding brigades, abnormal Infernal sightings are increasing all over Tokyo, and a shadowy group is claiming to have answers to the strange fire that caused the death of Shinra's family 12 years ago. Faced with many obstacles within and outside the Fire Force, Shinra fights to uncover the truth behind the burning mysteries that have kept him in the dark. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7/10
Finished airing in 2019 with 24 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Awesome art and animation with some killer themes but ultimatly dissapointing. Had a few moments of deep feeling but mostly fell flat. To be fair I will probably still watch the second season though so really it wasn’t all that bad! It was fun... so there’s that! 
Genres: slice of life, comedy, sports, drama, school
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Synopsis: Haruka Nanase has a love for water and a passion for swimming. In elementary school, he competed in and won a relay race with his three friends Rin Matsuoka, Nagisa Hazuki, and Makoto Tachibana. After claiming victory at the tournament, the four friends went their separate ways. Years later, they reunite as high school students; however, Rin couldn't care less about returning to the way things used to be. Not only does he attend a different school, but the sole thing important to him is proving that he is a better swimmer than Haruka. After the bitter reunion, Haruka, Nagisa, and Makoto decide to form the Iwatobi High School Swim Club, but they will need a fourth member if they hope to take part in the upcoming tournament. Enter Rei Ryuugazaki, a former member of the track team whom Nagisa recruits. As the time to compete draws near, the four develop a close bond while training intensely to come out on top and settle things between Haruka and Rin once and for all. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 6/10
Finished airing in 2013 with 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: THE swimming anime featuring pretty boys that swim.... That’s it, that’s all I can remember about this anime. Not a glowing review to be sure and the rating isn’t promising either. Take this all as you will.  
Free!: Eternal Summer:
Genres: slice of life, comedy, sports, drama, school
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Synopsis:  Even though it has been a year since the Iwatobi High School Swim Club has been created, new members have yet to join the club. Now that Haruka Nanase and Makoto Tachibana are senior students, along with their younger friends Nagisa Hazuki and Rei Ryuugazaki, they have to find a way to attract new members. If not, the club will be forced to close the following year due to a lack of membership. Meanwhile, with impending graduation, it is also time for the seniors to decide their plans for the future. Unlike their friend Rin Matsuoka, the new captain of Samezuka Academy Swim Club who is determined to fulfill his dream of being a professional swimmer, Haruka and Makoto are unsure about what career path they want to take. Further problems arise when an old friend of Rin's, Sousuke Yamazaki, comes to the city to study at Samezuka Academy; the recently scouted swimmer's arrival causes tension in the relationship among him, Rin, and Haruka. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7/10
Finished airing in 2014 with a total of 13 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Despite the rather pitiful rating of the previous season they managed to pull me in for the second. How you ask.... well really your guess is as good as mine at this point. Apparently I liked it slightly more than the first season so I mean that’s great! 
Fruits Basket:
Genres: slice of life, comedy, supernatural, drama, romance, shoujo
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Synopsis: After the accident in which she lost her mother, 16-year-old Tooru moves in with her grandfather, but due to his home being renovated, is unable to continue living with him. Claiming she will find someone to stay with but also fearing the criticism of her family and not wanting to burden any of her friends, Tooru resorts to secretly living on her own in a tent in the woods. One night on her way back from work, she finds her tent buried underneath a landslide. Yuki Souma, the "prince" of her school, and his cousin Shigure Souma, a famous author, stumble across Tooru's situation and invite her to stay with them until her grandfather’s home renovations are complete. Upon arriving at the Souma house, Tooru discovers their secret: if a Souma is hugged by someone of the opposite gender, they temporarily transform into one of the animals of the zodiac! However, this strange phenomenon is no laughing matter; rather, it is a terrible curse that holds a dark history. As she continues her journey, meeting more members of the zodiac family, will Tooru's kindhearted yet resilient nature be enough to prepare her for what lies behind the Souma household's doors? [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2001 with a total of 26 episodes. 
My Thoughts: The art style makes me want to cry just looking at the cover. Great series though with amazing characters and a great story.
 Fruits Basket 1st Season:
Genres: comedy, drama, romance, shoujo, slice of life, supernatural
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Synopsis:  Tooru Honda has always been fascinated by the story of the Chinese Zodiac that her beloved mother told her as a child. However, a sudden family tragedy changes her life, and subsequent circumstances leave her all alone. Tooru is now forced to live in a tent, but little does she know that her temporary home resides on the private property of the esteemed Souma family. Stumbling upon their home one day, she encounters Shigure, an older Souma cousin, and Yuki, the "prince" of her school. Tooru explains that she lives nearby, but the Soumas eventually discover her well-kept secret of being homeless when they see her walking back to her tent one night. Things start to look up for Tooru as they kindly offer to take her in after hearing about her situation. But soon after, she is caught up in a fight between Yuki and his hot-tempered cousin, Kyou. While trying to stop them, she learns that the Souma family has a well-kept secret of their own: whenever they are hugged by a member of the opposite sex, they transform into the animals of the Chinese Zodiac. With this new revelation, Tooru will find that living with the Soumas is an unexpected adventure filled with laughter and romance. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 10/10
Finished airing in 2019 with a total of 25 episodes. 
My Thoughts: My eyes have been cleansed. The artwork is quite clearly a step up from the original... the entire series is actually. The character and story are just as amazing but this time wrapped in a more lovely picture. Tons of feeling and life lessons to be learned. An instant classic and a must watch in my opinion! 
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gothicwidowsworld · 5 years
James Acaster #2
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“We’ve asked them to bring in the most exciting thing beginning with G.” Alex Horne told the camera and therefore the viewers at home. “James.” Greg began “So far the worst round in TaskMaster history can you save it?” Nodding proudly James waited to bask in the glory he has about to be gifted from the TaskMaster. “Pretty sure I can.”the Comedian added in a cocky tone.
“A polaroid of Y/N?” Greg asked in a confused tone “Why would I want a picture of her?” Greg continued to mutter in confusion. “Ah well she couldn’t be here today so the next best thing a picture.” James stated not even caring about everyone who was still puzzled as to why he’d entered a polaroid as his prize. “Right so you want to give Y/N away?” Greg shuffled his queue cards “She’s a lovely girl James don’t get me wrong but I’m 100% sure that is human trafficking.” Alex looked up from his Ipad and like the classic teachers pet decided that James needed to be reminded of the 1st task. “But you had to bring the most exciting thing starting with the letter G!” Alex stated in a matter of fact tone feeling proud of himself. Greg nodded in agreement pointing his pen at the younger comedian in accusation signaling for James to explain himself. “Ahha that’s the thing it is a G. Girlfriend starts with G!” maybe it was James’ awkward eyebrow dance that followed or Greg’s reaction that cause the audience to almost wet themselves. “Hang on a minute that makes it worse…” Kerry practically screeched from her seat scowling comedically at James who now sat with one of his legs crossed over the over as if he was waiting for the next train ever so casually.
Jessica chuckled she knew the y/h/c girl well as they had Co-starred on Channel 4’s Drifters together a couple years previously. The two girls had kept in close contact since then and in fact would regularly meet up. “She probably only agreed because she couldn’t think of another way to tell James.. Well tell him that she’s leaving him.” Sighing dramatically Jessica added “For me.” This caused another wave of laughter from the audience sat in front of them. “So let’s recap.” Greg started “Y/N is now a legitimate prize because James’ is insisting she begins with a G.” Grinning James’ nodded “And you can’t tell me otherwise.” Rolling his eyes the tall host grimaced “We could but it would just waste my time and everybody else’s.” Shrugging Alex typed away at his Ipad about to announce what the next contestant had brought with them. “I’d hate to be going home to her now.” Rhod added his 2 pence gruffly “You NEVER anger a Welsh woman if you want to remain breathing.”
Gif source - Pinterest
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human-trash-fire · 5 years
Shot Through The Heart: Ch. 5 “THE GIFT” aka ELORCAN
As y’all requested, here is a mini-chapter regarding Elide’s little “surprise” for Lorcan. The following is my 1st attempt at (light) smut so like TW: NSFW. 
This takes place during CH. 4′s care package/ skype party. 
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Elide stumbled up to the camera closest to his side of the room. A box was perched in his lap filled with gifts from 3 women who shouldn’t know he existed. She was, if he was being honest, a woman he’d like to tear in half. Her long brown hair begged to be pulled, her pale skin primed and ready for handprints to paint. Since she had followed him on Instagram, he’d spent more than one evening using a particular picture of her, eyes wide, makeup smeared (an artistic piece) to play out his fantasies. He’d never wanted anything quite as much as that face looking up from her knees with her mouth wrapped around his cock. He could have any woman he wanted, and right now it was her.
“Salvaterre!” Elide shouted. He snapped his head up to look at her. “There’s something a little special in there for you, you’ll know it when you see it. That’s from me. You’re welcome.” She winked. He looked back down and saw a small black gift bag, as he reached inside he could feel her eyes on him.
Inside was a note attached to the front of a book. I fucking hate reading, he thought to himself before his mind had a chance to catch up to what he was seeing.
“ 555-0155
Here are a few ideas, I circled my favorites..”
He lifted the note/ number and heat crawled into his cheeks. HOLY GODS. It was a book, of 365 sex positions to try in a year. Nearly every page was circled, Lorcan couldn’t breathe properly. His eyes darted back up to Elide who seemed to be watching him, as was apparently everyone else in the room. He shifted the box on his lap and continued to look aimlessly through the rest of the gifts.
When he was done he grabbed his phone, he’d sufficiently calmed down enough to stand without a problem and quickly plugged in her number..
L<< I appreciate the gift, but I’ve never needed inspiration to please a woman in my life..
E>> I’m not just any woman Salvaterre.
>> If you want to make me scream, you’ll have to work for it..
Fuck me, Lorcan thought. Eyes snapping back up to the screen. She was biting her lip to repress a smirk. Game. On. 
<< And who said I was interested in making you do anything?
>> No one had to tell me Salvaterre.
>> I’ve been watching you squirm in your seat for the last 5 minutes.. Feeling a little blue?
<< You’re awfully confident Lochan, it’s cute. 
<< and no, not feeling “blue.” I don’t know what you’re used to but I have a tad more self control 
Than that.
>> Self control? Interesting. 
>> how about a bet.
Lorcan glanced yet again at Elide taking shots on screen, looking absolutely un-phased by the current conversation. 
<< Name your terms.
>> hmm….
>> If I can get you hard, right here at this little party, you have to go to the bathroom and make me a video.. I’d like something interesting to watch tonight.
<< haha, and if you lose?
>> I wont.
<< sweetheart, I’ve been around the block a few times and absolutely nothing you could say or do is going to get me to stand at attention in a room full of my men. 
<< So what do I get when I win?
>> What do you want?
<< You blow me in the bathroom at the ball. 
He heard Elide laugh out loud then and he couldn’t help but smirk. 
>> you have your headphones on you soldier? 
He nodded.
>> put them in.
Fumbling his headphones from his pocket and plugging them in, he looked up to her on the screen and watched as she held up her hand, fingers counting down from 5 to 1. His phone vibrated again.
>> Pay Up (audio.file) 
He looked back at her on the screen and she mouthed, “close your eyes.” He did. Then he hit play.
“Baby,” her voice was breathless and raspy. A low humming in the background made it clear what he was hearing. Lorcan shifted in his seat, phone clenched in his fist. She fucking planned this… He took a shaky breath in, it caught when she spoke again.
“Lorcan, I’m so fucking wet,” she moaned into the phone. Lorcan crossed his legs.
“I wish you were here baby, I need you inside me.” Her moaning was getting louder, slick sounds peppering the hum in the background. Fucking hell. Blood rushed straight between his thighs, his cock beginning to grow as the sounds of her begging for him played in his ears. He opened his eyes, trying to break the spell, but she was staring at him again on the camera. The room fell away, and it was only her dark brown eyes looking into his. I’m good. I’m fine. I’m-
She swiped a finger around the edge of her glass, coating the tip in whiskey, Elide brought it to her mouth. He watched without blinking as she slid her finger into her mouth, so deeply she hit the knuckles on her hand. She doesn’t have a gag reflex.. As if in answer to his question she brought the finger back out with a smile on her lips and a slight shake of her head. 
He ripped out his headphones.
>> Bathroom. Now.. I’ll expect my video in 5 minutes. Don’t disappoint me.
Elide winked on screen, watching him glance around the room before adjusting himself and heading towards the door. What am I fucking 15? He thought. I’m so fucked..
<< You’re a fucking witch..
>>  4 minutes and 30 seconds.. 
>> I can’t wait to watch you make a mess.
Lorcan came harder on that video than he had in months, Elide’s name falling from his lips like a prayer. 
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BuB 914: Roaring Bates and Pending Due Dates
Carlin & Evan prepare for and welcome a new addition. Josie & Kelton celebrate their housewarming. Trace shares some news with his family. Finally, the family comes together for their annual big holiday, I Love You Day.
The Bates are excited about the new year: Carlin and Tori are expecting and there are new relationships budding. At Carlin and Evan's, Erin & Chad arrive to help with Layla's nursery. Carlin says when she found out she was having a girl, everything became pink. Erin loves to help her family decorate and Chad has all the tools and the knowledge to bring the vision to life. Carlin says her sisters make labor and delivery look easy, and Erin tells her to get an epidural. Carlin says it is different when it is you. Carlin, Evan and Erin work to make up the crib while Chad takes the door off. Carlin asks him to stop it from squeaking- Evan says he could've done that. Evan says he isn't the most handy, but he can do a lot, especially with instructions and how to videos. Chad hangs Laya's name, some curtains, and Chad says he loves helping people out. Everyone loves how cute the room comes out, and it is almost time to welcome Layla.
It is time for Josie & Kelton's housewarming, and Kelly says this is a Bates family first. Kelly brought some plants. Kelton says the progress on the home has been a team effort getting the house done, and the Jose & Kelton are very grateful. Josie says it looks like a totally different house. ERin says she loves that Josie's house feels homey. Chad is proud of the mantle that he pulled out of an old farmhouse he was flipping. Kelton's new plumbing venture has been going well, and Josie's new wedding business is already taking off and she has booked a few weddings coming up. Kelly says Josie & Kelton have taken on a lot as a new married couple.
Carlin is one week out from her induction date, and she is going to her last appointment. Evan has to work, so Kelly is with Carlin. They are so excited to see baby Layla on the ultrasound. Layla is 6 pounds now, and so Carlin guesses she'll be around 6 and a half pounds at the induction. Carlin feels good about the induction date. The ultrasound tech is watching the diaphragm for respiratory movements. Carlin jokes that she is stubborn like her mom. They decide to call in Dr. Vick to talk about it, and he asks if Carlin feels her moving. She says she isn't right now. Dr. Vick decides to put her on a monitor just to check things out. Carlin is really nervous about this, and Kelly keeps reassuring her that the heartbeat is good and the baby is safe and they are just acting with an abundance of caution. Carlin is worried about the heparin shots and everything she has read. While Kelly works to calm her down, Carlin begins to panic. Kelly tells Carlin she isn't panicking. Dr. Vick comes back and says the test looks good, but Carlin still isn't feeling her move like she has been. Dr. Vick decides to send her to the hospital.
At the hospital, Carlin is 3cms dilated and has gotten her epidural. They are excited to meet Layla, and labor is progressing quickly. Carlin quickly gets to 9.5cms, and she is getting scared that she is going to push. Carlin says pretty soon they are going to meet Layla. Carlin calls her sisters, who are unable to be there since she can only have 3 people. Erin says they are praying for her and waiting in the waiting room. Dr. Vick says it is time to push, and the anesthesiologist actually holds Carlin's phone on facetime so she can have her sisters.
Carlin and Evan are excited to be parents, and she begins pushing. Carlin says she is staring at Evan, and their connection is so deep, better than their wedding day. Carlin pushes for a few minutes, and suddenly, Layla is on her chest. The Bates in the waiting room rejoice. Carlin says there is nothing in the world like that moment, and what a privilege that they get to be her parents. Finally, Whitney, Erin and Whitney are allowed in the room and they rush in to congratulate her. Carlin and Evan take photos with their newborn daughter and Carlin is so excited for her long journey with Layla Rae.
Kelly, Gil, Trace and Zach (with Khloe) are going out to dinner to talk to Trace. Trace has told them he wants to share something. Kelly begins talking about their Valentine's Day plans- their big party will be at the Church fellowship hall, and then the couples dinner will be at the cabin they have previously rented for the event. Kelly then asks Trace if he and Chaney are coming to the couples dinner. Trace takes a deep breath, and says over the holidays Chaney told Trace they should part ways, as she didn't see them working out. Trace says they were both new to relationships, communication was hard. Trace felt like they were close to the next step when she ended it, which really was difficult for them. Location was a really big thing. Long distance was hard, and they have a lot of respect and love for each other. Trace says this will be the best decision for both of them. Zach says you learn two things in a break up: A lot of the things you want to be as a man, and a lot of the things that are gonna be really important to you in a woman. Trace says Zach has been through this before, so he can be helpful. Kelly says when having the relationship like they had, making the commitment to stay pure, there is a whole lot less sorrow. Trace says he is grateful for his parents' advice and they have no regrets looking back at their relationship.
At Gil's church, Gil & Kelly arrive. All the older daughters are there already to help set up. This is 2020, so the the theme for the party is Roaring 20s. Kelly says each year they added something- a few years ago, they added costumes. Everyone isn't too sure about the 20s style- Bobby notes "flapper" is a part in a toilet- but they are just going to dress up. Erin says she won't be recognizable. Whitney says some people are very competitive with the costumes. Carlin is like a week and a half postpartum, but going strong and here to help set up. Carlin says there are some challenges, but it's been a thrill. Lawson won't make it, because he is in the Philippines helping get heart surgery for a little girl. The family gets all the decorations up, and Kelly is really excited with how it turned out.
The couples dinner has become a traditional part of the Valentine's Day festivities. Erin and Zach have taken the lead on cooking for the event. Erin gets going, and Zach says he is going to do what he does anyways. Erin says with their family, there is a lot of chaos. Erin says having a lot of cooks in the kitchen makes it difficult. Things come together. Katie and Travis arrive, and it is their first couples' dinner. Katie introduces him to Mama Jane and Papa Bill. His flight got cancelled, which made Katie nervous, but he made it. Mama Jane says she likes him. Gil prays, and everyone is excited for the food. Everyone eats, and everyone is amazed with the cooking. Next, it is time for games. First off is a scratch to win. Erin and Travis win. Next, Kelly says one thing the 1920s was famous for was the Charleston. No one is quite sure what it is, and Kelly has video for them to follow along. Mostly, the guys get volunteered, and Evan is the most enthusiastic. Travis, Kelton, Bobby and Zach put in a good effort. Everyone laughs, and notes that Gil has really relaxed the no dancing rule. Kelly is proud of them for trying, and they all won in her heart. They all get a prize for participating. Kelly says it was the perfect kick off, and tomorrow is the big day.
The next day, everyone arrives in costume and starts talking pictures. Everyone goes way out for the big day. Katie says this is her first I love you day with Travis and her first time dressing up. He is surprised with the level of costumes. Erin says they are adorable together. The Bates give their caterers a round of applause, and then it is time for the costume contest. The caterers have offered to serve as judges for the costume contest. Gil is the third judge since the kids see him as being very neutral. The families and couples go first. Chad went as Albert Einstein, which was very well done. Bobby did Charlie Chaplin. Evan is Al Capone. Gil says it was a tough group to judge, but they pick a top three. 3rd: Zach & Whitney, 2nd: Websters, 1st: Paines. Erin is thrilled to beat Carlin & Evan, who promise they'll be back next year. Lawson calls in, and they have a special award for the "Biggest Heart" which they give to Lawson for his work, and it is actually a glass heart for Lawson. Kelly was proud of him, and she wanted to start a new tradition and honor the character they want this day to be about. Finally, it is time for gifts, and everyone is grateful for a fun day. Kelly says they are blessed to have everyone doing so well, and this party was a great kick off to "roaring 2020."
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megamanxfanfics · 4 years
Looking back at the 1st Nightmare Arc
Well folks, here we are.  It’s the end of the year and I successfully completed Season VI’s first arc!  Today, it’s all about celebrating with an honest take on how I feel it all went down. No backstories on what took so long this time.  Just all Mega lore and analyzing whatever I’ve managed to create in the Fanon.  So let’s dive into it.  This was an interesting one:
tl;dr?  -  Ep. 1: Boring Beginning, Exciting Middle Ep. 2: Steady Solid Stage! Ep. 3: Long Stage, Big Payoff Ep. 4: Strong Start, Very Expository Ep. 5: Another Long Stage, but not Draining Ep. 6: Reverse Pacing Ep. 7: Epic. As. Fuck.
Ep. 1:  I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but Boring Beginning. I wanted it to start just like the game with the exciting narrative intro, except.. written out, it’s not all that exciting, but instead - expected.  The same goes for Gate’s immediate monologue when you press start.  I took the safe, easy route and just added stage directions to his discovery of Zero’s “piece”.  Regardless, this was “A Broken World”, and I loved that title for a new Season #1.  Honestly, I feel like this one really picks up from the middle, onward.  Once we get into X’s first mission, the addition of the new reploids from the X5 ending didn’t really help at all.  I got rid of them almost as soon as I introduced them, but it was supposed to serve a purpose.  It was supposed to show us just how dangerous it is out there for noobies - especially the ones who think they know it all, like Cody.  Once X fights High Max though, we almost mirrored the X1 feeling, which is exactly what I wanted.  From here on, it’s pretty exciting and interesting to me.  Because now X is all intrigued and worried about these new “Investigators” that have sprouted up.  Giving X someone to fear again with High Max made for a really refreshing touch, too.  Once he gets home to learn about them from Alia, the episode heavily leans on flashbacks from Xtreme 2, but they serve as a nice re-introduction to our 8 Investigators. I also really liked their Re-activation scene.  That mirrored the vibe from Mega Missions when Doppler revived his select batch of Mavericks.  Once they pinpoint their locations and X finds out that 3 of the Investigators are in Brazil, he wants to go there first.  I feel such a hyped jolt of excitement at that Cliffhanger.
Ep. 2:  Steady Solid Stage! It took forever to write out, but upon reading it, the pacing is surprisingly smooth as X explores the Amazon Forest. Calling it “The Nightmare Is Real” based on a random Rescued Reploid’s words was a little weak at first, but it comes back around to get real meaning by the end. During the stage, X’s dialogue with Iso kept things interesting, while he pursued that near-impossible sub-tank. [I swear, you can only acquire this with a jump part equipped, or exposing AI with the fire blade or something...]. I really really didn’t want X to use his Ultimate Armor so soon, for nothing, because I’ve added stakes to such a game-breaking power up.  If he uses it, he blows out all of his stamina and needs to rest.  Period.  Using this to rescue Iso was not only a waste, but things probably would’ve gone down very differently, later.  Anyway, that fight with Commander Yammark was perfect. At first, I thought it was a little short, but looking back on it, I love how they both get solid blows in, but then come to a standstill when they realize they’re on the same side. Having Nightmare Zero intervene was absolutely the right choice!!  It gave us a new hook for something to come back to, as yet again, X had someone new to fear, like in X1.  Since it’s an evil Zero, I’ll even say like X2.  This is where the title “The Nightmare is Real” works, because... the Zero Nightmare was absolutely a sentient problem.  And it wasn’t going away any time soon.  X had to retreat and get out of there.  Thank God for Alia’s force-teleporting. Pushing Alia's Love Interest during the debrief was also a very exciting development.  I knew I wanted to do this, but at first I wasn’t sure if it was too soon to happen right here.  Now, I feel like it was just right. 
 Ep. 3:  Long stage, big payoff. Starting with Isoc’s report to Gate was actually not as boring as the 1st episode canon scenes. I made more of an effort to wake the scene up with stage directions or dialogue that makes more sense...  Them talking about the possibility of Zero still being alive also sets up mysterious intrigue.  Is he still out there??  And if so, how???  Will we see him???? Naming the entire episode, “The Outlier”, however is misleading.  I suppose that could connect to Ground Scaravich, who wasn’t one of Gate’s original creations (in my Fanon).  Still, giving X & Alia that slice of life romantic wake up scene at the near-beginning was absolutely refreshing.  Not only that, but I think it was very necessary. Things are all Doom and Gloom this Season, which is my forte, but this shows that at Home you can still find happiness in Loved ones.  The actual stage itself was an absolute pain in the ass and I knew it was going to be. I'm just glad it didn't completely burn me out.  His fight with Ground Scaravich was bad ass though.  X had the rare upper hand from the get-go as the menacer that Scaravich was afraid of.  So he came in with confident energy and tried to beat him down for information.  Of course, Scaravich didn’t let up and only revealed worse information, that those Reploids were being used for DNA Data.  But that cliffhanger I left at the end, with Zero Nightmare applauding X for his kill...!  It definitely helped me pursue a much sooner Chapter 4. 
 Ep. 4:  Strong Start with the Zero Nightmare fight. I had a big challenge here, because I didn’t want X to win yet.  We needed to build this feud and drag it out as much as possible. Zero Nightmare was gaining new motivation. He apparently knows about Zero’s existence, but thinks of him as a Fake.  And thus we have the title “Where Is The Fake?”. Having X get weakened and willingly teleport away was a really mature choice. I think it shows growth.  He could’ve done that plenty of times in the past.  But here we go, X is wounded again.. I didn't want this to become a trope or slow us down, but it brought upon some very necessary world building and character development for the new reploids. Very much, the expository episode, this was an important chapter, because it set up things for future episodes and kept me on track, months later when it was time to think about the bigger picture. Kassy & Hal went to the Magma Area while Tack checked out the Laser Institute.  The Nightmare System was in full effect now, and the goal was to show how dangerous the Nightmare actually is to some red shirts, before X goes in there.  How effective that actually was in my execution, remains to be seen.  At this point the episode title remains prominent, because X expresses sincere interest in finding the Real Zero, but they have... zero leads. (Sorry, I had to.)  The Villains even had an interesting follow-up about Scaravich’s death and there was an interaction, which vaguely eluded to something new happening, from Metal Shark.  So that will be something fun to look forward to.  Ending at the beginning of a new stage is always a cool cliffhanger. Believe it or not, I wanted this to go all the way through the Rainy Turtloid stage, which would have given the title prominence for a 3rd time.  But that’s okay.
 Ep. 5:  Another Long Stage, but its not half as draining as the Central Museum. In fact, all of the Reploid Interactions kept it really lively. Especially by the end. The Inami Temple was the first stage that I could hint at our location with the episode title - “Nightmare Rain”.  I wish I could’ve done that for the previous episodes, but it’s alright.  I took some interesting risks, during this stage write-through.  I almost forgot about that frickin Monbando Reploid unit. I took a real risk by giving him an AI, but he keeps things interesting, giving X someone to talk to, which actually added levity to the situation where appropriate. That Nightmare Zero encounter mid-stage was what it was all about for me, though. I'm really proud of that one, using the stage layout to my advantage in an innovative way. All of that Levy stuff with Rescue Reploid 6 was another interesting choice. I have more in store for her, but I'm really hoping there will be more of a payoff, than just an Easter Egg Cameo. We’ll see. I’m looking forward to seeing what else I can do with her in the next arc.  Need I bring up X’s Reploid rescues in the Gaia Armor!??  That was a bright idea that I came up with after post-planning.  The original plan was to have X revisit the stage later, but I thought about how this Acid Rain was killing them, so...  time to settle the issue of an unused Armor. [X6 granting us the gift of using a modified Fifth Armor was nice, but it made me wonder, why can’t he access the Gaia anymore?]. The answer was just that he doesn’t really like it.  But he used it to his advantage here, and now I had a new challenge ahead of me. I had to get rid of it. Another challenge was posed when X discovered a fucking portal in one of the tunnels.  I wasn’t prepared for that!  But thankfully, I was able to come up with a viable excuse rather than just X being scared of the portal.  He ran out of teleporter rings!!!!  This gave me new Fanon Mega-science to add to the stakes.  Teleporter Rings now need a day to recharge, and it was clear that plenty more needed to be made.  This gave Alia & Douglas something to do, so in the end, this was all good.  But now it was time for X to face off against Rainy Turtloid.  He’d have to come back for the others later. [Time will tell, how well or poorly that is handled, depending on how long it takes X to actually get back there.]
 Ep. 6:  This one basically had Reverse Pacing, but I liked it. It started with a Climactic, Rainy Turtloid fight. I mean, this was Epic and fucking Brutal.  Thanks to my brilliant bring-back of the Gaia Armor, now Turtloid had to take it away and break the shit out of it. This is where “The Fight Becomes Dire” and I thought it was amazing.  In my planning phase, that was never remotely on the table, but it worked out wonderfully.  What was on the table was X possibly using his Ultimate Armor if the battle got too brutal, but I wanted to avoid that.  [I had done practice playthroughs where I managed to get X to win in Normal Armor and definitely in Falcon Armor with some select weapon spamming and pattern memorizing.  I was open to keeping it simple, I really was.]. But after X got smacked around like a bitch, it was time for payback.  Especially considering Turtloid’s motivation to fight was “But I have to listen to Master...”  Here we had the interesting case that both Men respected each other and didn’t want to fight, but they had to. {Even though X thought the Reploid Trapping and Nightmare acceptance was reprehensible}. X primarily focussed on that and tried to change Turtloid’s mind, but once his Gaia Armor was destroyed and X nearly died, it was time for some Ultimate payback.  I’m really surprised by how epic and dark it got. I’m very proud of it.  After the mission, due to some very necessary stakes and power limiters, X had to sit out for a day again, once again slowing our pacing down to a screeching halt. This one hurt me, I think.  At least he wasn't injured this time... As I stated before, when I made the decision to include the Ultimate Armor into this Season, I did so knowing that there needed to be a price. It comes with him using up all his stamina. Therefore, he can't spam it with every mission or battle. The same rules applied to his shotokan moves in Season I & II, which have basically been replaced by the Ultimate Armor at this point. With more opportunity at exposition, however, I was able to follow up on the new reploids, who were now in trouble at their respective missions. [This is the stuff I needed to give X motivation for his mission choices during the planning phase, but it just wasn’t there]. And yet, one was debatably set up too soon. I had a new dilemma, where X was forced to sit out, while Kassy & Hal are stuck at the Magma Area, hurt.  The choice to show X training the recruits in the meantime was a fun risk to take though. It showed productivity and progress in the downtime, hopefully eluding to the idea that these newbies can fend for themselves, while it inevitably takes X a while to save them in the future. I also got to develop Levy more and even create some juicy tension between her and Alia, which wasn’t originally planned. I had intended for a 2nd sex scene with Alia to happen at some point, but I didn't want it to be forced. Just more of an implied - ‘this is what’s happening while we wait’.  But the addition of Levy’s flirting played into Alia’s insecurities, which gave it more of a purpose.  And poor Douglas! Hahahaha.  I was so tickled when I put that in out of nowhere.  We got some much needed levity when he wanted to show X a new part, but instead he overheard them having sex and walked away with a “Nope!” lol!!! Its becoming very clear that I enjoy the in-between mission slice of life stuff Way more than the missions themselves. But then, when we get back to it... after X gave it a night, he and Signas found every excuse not to save Kassy & Hal yet, because my Stage Order plan still needed to be in play...  At least Tack discovered that Portal at Sheldon’s stage. This saved my Stage Order Motivation, but it was still weak.  If only Zero was around, then they could split the difference.  But what I liked about this was that it showed just how bad of shape that X and co. were in.  Yet again, the episode title remained prominent.  “The Fight Becomes Dire”!  The truth is, they were all over the place and X didn't know where to go first. For the first time in a while, our Hunters are overwhelmed and understaffed. And that was really noticeable here.  I still think the ending is kinda weak though. There's no real cliffhanger other than knowing that X will pursue Shield Sheldon next. But overall, I liked the flow of this. There's a lot of forced slow downs in the momentum to have us sit with the characters and their decisions. It makes for a very different, sort of dismal pacing, which adds to the atmosphere of this looming Nightmare that won’t go away.  One noticeable thing, however is that I failed to follow up on the Villains this time around. I had an ample opportunity to follow up on Gate’s thoughts for losing Turtloid again, who was debatably his favorite creation.  I really botched that up, but I simply didn’t think of it at the time before posting.  So who knows?  That could be possible room for improvement in a future edit.  Either way, the Villains are sure to be due for a check in soon. 
 Ep. 7:  Epic. As. Fuck. But it took a minute to get there. Shield Sheldon's stage was more complicated to write through than I originally thought. Its the shortest stage in the game and yet all those damn lasers and their angles made for quite the challenge. This in itself, was a “Laser Light Phenomena”. Another immense challenge that I wasn't expecting was Sheldon's battle completely Flipping the Narrative on X. Admittedly, I really had a hard time finding motivation for those 2 to feud. Especially since he wasn't holding a grudge based on the past. I noticed a while ago, all of Gate's creations are so very willing to sacrifice themselves for Gate's cause. Like, to a nonsensical degree. Maybe that's their degree of Maverickism. They're just crazy... Anyway, this Deadlock Standstill might really play into my favor, since this recent Portal Experience is going to change X's motivations. I... don't want X to take a backseat, but... Rescuing the Reploids is going to be his 1st Priority from here on in. Especially since he wasn't able to save Tack and the bunch. Again, thats where stakes come into play. I didn't come into this episode knowing I was going to make that decision. But when I saw the layout of the "Pocket Dimension" as I'm calling it, and I factored in the time Tack spent in there, trying to rescue the Reploids by himself, there was no way I could have them all just hang out at a narrow ledge by the gate, or stuck in the gateway, scared. I wasn't gonna pull a lame idea that they managed to somehow unlock the gate, like I did with Data. (That can be the one trait that makes Data special and could play into his advantage in the future. But no one else's). Nightmare Zero wouldn't spare them either. He'd absolutely kill them in bloodlust. So... stakes were created. X took too long to catch up to him and thats what he gets. That last battle with ZN though... I'm really proud of where it went. I had some obvious limits this time compared to past Zero fights. That could be an analysis for another time.. But, I was happy to get pretty gorey by the end, there. And that pay off Cliff Hanger was so satisfying! It gives me all the feels. 
The 2nd Arc is going to feel very different. But we ain't out of the woods yet. Rereading the 1st Arc served as a dual purpose. Not only could I gush about my favorite moments or be open about my choices and how things came out, but it is starting to reveal where else it's going. Kassy & Hal still need rescuing at the Magma Area. Cody & Data are at the North Pole! Tekk is at the Weapon Center. X still needs to save whoever is in the portal at Inami Temple!  Let alone revisiting the Amazon and Central Museum again.  Exposition is just waiting to happen, and now that Zero is back?? Things are going to get easier, but also a little bit harder for X. One thing I can definitely say is that seeing him will bring back some Unwanted Memories. And its gonna be very interesting to see how he deals with that. I'm definitely looking forward to writing the 2nd Arc out in the New Year.
Until then, folks.  I hope you enjoyed reliving this with me.  See you in 2021, which should hopefully prove to be a far more stable year than 2020. [God, I hope I didn’t just jinx everything...]
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thislassishooked · 5 years
To Love You More at Christmas Time
Surprise and Merry Christmas @girl-in-a-tiny-box, I’m you Secret Santa! I just love getting paired with someone I’ve never spoken to and making new friends. This story has as much of your list as I could handle. Friends to lovers, high school, snowed in, though I changed things up a little, Liam and Belle, kind of Ruby and Whale, Charmings, Killian being misunderstood and as much Christmas activities as I could stuff in. Please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors, or even issues with continuity. I started this rather large project early on then got extremely busy and had to sum it all up three weeks later. I hope you like it. Thanks to @cssecretsanta2k19 for giving us another year of gift giving.
Rated M for sexy times
6000 words
Summary: Killian has been in love with his best friend for ten long years. He intends to make what could be their last Christmas together a memorable one. Will Emma finally come around and realize her love for him as well?
How could she let this happen? He’s her best friend, has been since he approached her on her first day in a new school ten years ago. She had been distant and closed off, not expecting to make any friends. Other kids tended to avoid the strange new girl that had no family. The unwanted foster kid who would most likely be gone before the end of the year. But not Killian Jones. He marched right up to her during recess and plopped himself down under the large oak tree where she had taken refuge and offered her half of his lunch. She didn’t know what to make of him at first. As they nibbled on their sandwich halves he launched into a story about he and his brother fixing up a boat and how one day she’ll be seaworthy. Emma’s eight year old brain didn’t know what seaworthy meant, but Killian must have picked up on her confusion because he immediately explained the term to her.
He always does that. As impossible as it may be, Killian seems to be able to read her mind. An open book, he called her.
That day, under their oak tree, cemented their friendship and now Emma was scared to death that her stupid feelings might put a crack in the foundation of their relationship. She could pretty much pinpoint the moment her feelings for him changed dramatically. The corners of her mouth ticked up as she thought back to last Christmas.
“This could be our last Christmas together, Swan,” he told her as the first snowfall of the year began, their heads tilted back as they both watched a singled fat flake dance from the eternal darkness of the late November night sky. He reached his hand out to cup her jaw, sending a shock through her that she had never felt before. She lowered her head to find him gazing at her with something like wonderment. His bright blue eyes, that somehow seemed to shimmer on a dark, moonless night, were focused on her green ones as he spoke again. “And I damn well intend to make it the best you’ve ever had.” He smirked at his double entendre as one of his dark brows formed an arch. Emma knew that look. He was up to something, but she could never have guessed what he was actually planning.
Killian remembered the day he met his best friend and love of his life, like it was yesterday. He’d seen a kindred spirit in her crystal green orbs. They were both lost, fighting and clawing their way through life. Thankfully, Liam was granted full custody of Killian when he turned 18 and promptly moved them to America for a fresh start. He had sold all of their mother’s precious belongings to obtain the funds to do so. As hard as it was, their mum had begged them on her deathbed to use any means necessary to escape London and get as far away as possible from their good for nothing father.
Killian had only been five when she passed and had to spend two long, agonizing years in an orphanage until the day Liam proudly walked through the doors, swept him up and declared they were moving.
The following year, he met Emma. He’d learned that she was in foster care, living with the Nolans. Mrs. Nolan had immediately taken to Killian when he and Liam had moved into a shabby flat by the harbor. She was a teacher at his school and would often take Killian home with her after school when Liam had to work late. He was almost positive they would keep Emma. They had to because he desperately wanted Emma to be his best friend, even before she spoke a word to him.
Killian chuckled to himself as he laid in his bed, hands clasped under his head, staring at his ceiling, but picturing his eight year old self flying through the front door of their seaside home.
“Liam, Liam!” he called out unnecessarily. Liam was sitting in the kitchen enjoying a warm cup of tea that he nearly dropped at Killian’s shouting. “I made a friend, her name’s Emma and one day I’m gonna marry her!” After the initial shock, his brother gave him a pat on the back while failing to stifle a laugh.
“While I’m thrilled that you made a friend, little brother, I would suggest that you hold off on proposing for a few more years,” he said affectionately.
“I know that, and I think you mean younger brother.” Killian wasn’t really annoyed with Liam. The ten year age gap assured Killian would be smaller that his big brother for another few years, but he had to try to break him of the habit of calling him little before it became a thing. “I have to win her heart first.”
“When did you get so smart, younger brother?”
“Simple, Mary Margaret is a teacher and she and David are the poster children for happy ever after,” Belle chimed in. Killian hadn’t even noticed Liam’s petite girlfriend pouring herself a cup of tea when he ran in. He liked her a lot. She was good for Liam and always let him take extra books from the library. Killian really hoped that things worked out for the brown haired, blue-eyed beauty and his sometimes beast of a brother.
“Liam, I’m home!” Belle called from the front door. Killian leapt from his bed to head downstairs to greet his sister-in-law.
“Hi, Belle,” he leaned in to give her a brotherly hug. “Liam’s not home yet. He and Sheriff Nolan were called to the docks to check some paperwork for a couple of new yachts that are docking there for the Summer.”
“Storybrooke keeps getting more popular every year,” she said as she set down her bags. “Help me put these groceries away?”
“Of course,” he replied, ever the gentleman.
“So how was the graduation party?” she asked as they worked in tandem to put everything away.
“It was okay, Emma split before the party even had a chance to begin. I just don’t understand, Belle. What changed since Christmas?” Belle smiled knowingly which piqued his interest. “You know something,” he accused playfully.
“Killian,” she snickered, “everyone in town “knows something”, except you.”
Now Killian was very confused. For ten years it has been obvious to all of Storybrooke that he was in love with Emma, except Emma. Now it appears that he is the oblivious one.
“Please, Belle, for my own sanity, elaborate.”
“You said that Emma hasn’t been the same since Christmas.”
“Do you remember everything that you did for her?”
“Of course. And I’d do it all again, every Christmas, for the rest of our lives, if she’d let me,” he said with conviction.
“Perhaps,” Belle began with a twinkle in her eye, “she realized that what she felt for you was more than love between best friends. Perhaps, she loves you, just as you love her and is scared that you don’t feel the same.” Killian’s jaw dropped at the thought. “And,” Belled continued, “perhaps it’s about time you and her had a conversation about those feelings, before it’s too late and she gives up before even giving it a chance.” Just as Belle finished talking, a loud thunderclap shook the house. Killian felt it may be a sign that it was now or never.
December 1st was a Saturday. Killian asked her to meet him at the bench by the lake that was now frozen over. The ice was amazingly clear, as if walking on it would feel like walking on water. She heard the familiar crunch of boots walking on freshly fallen snow. Emma couldn’t help the smile that stretched across her face at the knowledge of who was approaching. He had promised her the best Christmas she’d ever had and knowing Killian as well as she did, she had no doubt it would be.
She was starting to regret sharing with him, over Thanksgiving break, all the winter activities she had never experienced before. It’s not that the Nolan’s didn’t make every Christmas season a fun and memorable one, she had just never told them specifically all the things she had always wanted to do as a child. 
“Lovely morning, isn’t it Swan?” he greeted from behind. “The lake is particularly eye catching, wouldn’t you say, love?”
She turned to face him and saw a twinkle in his bright blue eyes. “It is,” she started, “what are you up to?”
“What makes you think I’m up to anything?” he asked with a smirk.
“Please, you couldn’t hide a surprise from anyone. Your face always gives it away.” Your stupidly handsome face that makes my stomach flip every time it smiles at me. Where the hell did that though come from?
“Well, if you’re going to be like that…”
“Killiaaann,” Emma huffed. He smiled tenderly and pulled out a pair of skates from behind his back. “What are those?” she blurts out.
“Ice skates, I trust you’ve seen some before?” he teases.
Of course I’ve seen them before, but I’ve never… we can’t,” she gestures toward the lake.
“We can. Your father and the head of the Department of Public Safety measured the thickness yesterday and assured me it was perfectly safe. Dave promised he would give us until noon before he put out the word about the town's newest attraction.” 
Emma’s heart swelled at the sweet gesture. He encouraged her to sit on the bench as he carefully pulled each of her shoes off and replaced them with beautiful white skates. 
“Now stay there while I go grab my own.” He kissed her hand as he leapt to his feet to fetch them from his truck. 
Emma caught herself rubbing the top of said hand across her cheek, feeling a blush bloom. He returned with a well used pair of black skates and proceeded to slip them on and lace them up while explaining that they were Liam’s. When they were still living in England the two would skate every chance they got. He stood and held his hand out to her.
“Do you trust me?” he asked imploringly.
Emma only hesitated long enough to release a breath she’d been holding “Yes,” she claimed, taking his proffered hand. It took several near falls, laughter from both of them and wobbly legs, but not long after stepping awkwardly onto the smooth surface, she felt comfortable enough to glide side by side with Killian, never once letting go of his hand. He was skilled enough that he turned around and led them through what he referred to as a waltz. She was forced to look into his eyes and found herself transfixed. They continued to dance to imaginary music until the screams and shouts of joy drew nearer. Emma knew their time was up. Killian led her off the ice just as a hoard of excited families approached the newly dubbed Storybrooke Ice Rink.
December 8th was the next Saturday and held yet another Christmas surprise for Emma. He picked her up in his truck and they ventured off into the middle of nowhere. She could see up ahead a hill with track marks.
“Sledding?” He gave her smirk and tilted his head toward the bed of his truck where several types of sleds and tubes sat. “Seriously?” Emma couldn’t keep the face splitting grin from her face even if she wanted to. She had seen people do it, but until she met Killian, she had never had a friend and the five winters after their meeting had brought too little snow for such an activity. 
Then there was the unfortunate event that kept her from her best friend for the next two winters. She had developed an innocent crush on a senior. He was the son of the wealthiest man in town. 
Somehow, Emma’s affection for Neal Gold had reached his ears and he started paying more attention to her. At first it was flattering, but then it started to make Emma feel uncomfortable. She confided in Killian and two days later, 18 year old Neal had a broken nose and Killian was being held in the county jail for assault. Mr. Gold wanted him sent away to Juvenile Hall two hours away in Portland. The judge decided on house arrest, but Emma was told to stay away from Killian because the reason for the assault was still unknown. David was a very protective father and the town’s sheriff.
It wasn’t until Victor Whale came forward a year later and confessed that he had heard and seen everything. According to Victor, Killian had approached Neal about keeping his philandering hands off his 13 year old best friend. Neal made some very lewd comments about “popping her cherry” and Killian gave him a swift punch to the nose and a warning to stay away from her.
After the truth came out, Emma ran to the Jones home and threw herself into the arms of her very best friend. A man she knew she could trust and the apologies from her parents and other members of the community started pouring in. It wasn’t long after that that news spread of Neal being expelled from college and was facing criminal charges for sexual assault. Mr. Gold left town almost overnight, but the most important thing was that Emma had her best friend back and he was no longer the town pirriah, but, in fact, a hero.
Emma felt Killian’s warm, calloused thumb wipe away a tear that had escaped at the memory.
“Why are you crying, my love?” he inquired. Emma smiled, despite the painful memory.
“I’m just really happy to be here with you.”
“Then let’s get to it,” he said with a relieved smile. They stepped out of the truck and Killian lifted himself into the bed of the truck. “So what’ll it be first, Swan?” Emma immediately pointed to the red two person flat sled. She really needed to be close to him right now. He nodded his approval and hauled the large piece of plastic out of the bed and held it in his left hand while holding Emma’s hand with his right. 
Once they reached the peak of the hill, Killian sat the sled down and looked her in the eyes. “Front or back, love?” Emma also blurted out back, but found herself wanting to feel the intimacy of Killian holding her, his warmth enveloping her.
“Front,” she murmured with a blush.
Killian sat down on the cold plastic and patted the space between his legs. “All aboard.” He reached out and helped her settle herself before launching them with his strong arms. The ride started slowly, but gained speed quickly. Killian wrapped his arms protectively around her as they reached top speed, icy wind whipping through her hair and a smile plastered on her face.
They tried the tubes and the disks as well, but nothing compared to being held by Killian Jones, especially when his cheek would rub against hers and she felt the tickle of his scruff.
December 15th brought the third Saturday adventure. Killian picked her up from her house and drove them to Portland where a Christmas market and festival was being held that day. There were booths with sweet treats, warm drinks, handcrafted toys, decorations, but the booth that caught Emma’s attention was the snowglobes. They were intricately carved and painted and one particular globe caught her eye. It was a swan on a lake with a little bridge across the water that held two figures. One with long blond hair and one with short dark hair. The figure with dark hair had an arm wrapped around the blonde as they watched the swan. Emma turned it over to watch the snow fall on the couple that was obviously in love. She watched the scene until the blue gaze of Killian stole her attention. She was mesmerized by intensity in his eyes. She quickly put the globe back and excused herself to the restroom. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Killian running his hand through his hair. It was too much. This was all too much.
December 22nd was the final surprise before Christmas. Emma had taken a week to get her bearings. She wasn’t falling for Killian. She couldn’t. She knew that if she let that happen, she would cause her own heartbreak when they inevitably had to part ways for college. Killian had been accepted to The University of Washington in Seattle and Emma was planning to head down to NYU.
As she approached his door, she could hear Christmas music and something smelled delicious. She knocked quietly on his door and took a calming breath. She could do this. Killian opened the door for her and she knew she was screwed. He had a red plaid shirt and an adorable santa hat on. His face lit up at the sight of her and she couldn’t help returning his smile. He settled her on the couch in front of the roaring fireplace. He excused himself for just a moment and Emma took in the decor and the music. Now all she needed was a-
“One homemade hot chocolate, whipped cream on top and a sprinkle of cinnamon,” he described while handing her the oversized mug. He joined her on the couch with his own mug and held it up in anticipation of a toast.
“Cheers,” Emma laughed while clinking her mug against his. They watched the fire while sipping their delicious drinks and enjoying some of Emma’s favorite songs. Little Drummer Boy by Pentatonix was playing when Killian excused himself to go grab something in his room. He returned with a wrapped box and Emma began to panic.
“I know we said no gifts, but I couldn’t let this one go. Merry Christmas, Emma.” He handed her the box and she stared at it for a moment before ripping the paper to reveal a plain cardboard box that contained no hints as to what was inside. She could feel Killian’s eyes on her as she opened the box and removed the item. Tears sprang to her eyes as she realized what she was holding. The snowglobe with the couple watching the swan. He must have purchased it after she fled the scene. Her heart burst as she could no longer deny that she was in love with her best friend.
She set it down, intent on revealing her feelings, when a new wave of fear swept through her. What if he didn’t feel the same? He had never said anything.
“I have to go, I can’t do this,” she cried, tears flowing freely as she ran away from him.
Killian didn’t know what just happened, but he knew he had pushed too hard. The site of the snowglobe resting on the end table next to her abandoned hot chocolate chipped away at his heart. He thought he had seen his feelings mirrored back at him, but he was so very wrong. He placed the globe in a safe place in his room and settled in for a sleepless night.
As the days got warmer, Emma’s distance from Killian remained the same. She no longer waited for him after classes, she turned down his offers to drive her somewhere and all of their mutual friends were worried about her.
Ruby tried her best to pry any information from Emma, but nothing worked. It was like Emma was attempting to erase Killian from her life. He had become inconsolable the day she announced that she was going to tour NYU during the weekend of prom, leaving him no chance to get her alone. Graduation came and went and he had to decide if he would give up on her and move on or try to fight for her one last time. He opened up his closet to grab a jacket to fight off the evening chill when he spotted the snowglobe. Fight for her it was then. He grabbed the fragile gift with every intention of getting to the heart of the matter.
Emma had successfully eluded him until the day of the big thunderstorm. His talk with Belle gave him the courage to confront her. By the look of the darkening sky, he didn’t have much time to get over to her house before the heavens opened up upon them. With the snowglobe in hand he jumped in his truck to head to the Nolan’s house. He pounded on the door and Mary Margaret answered.
“Is Emma here?” he asked hurriedly.
“No, we thought she was with you.” At that moment, Dave pulled up in his patrol car. The wind was starting to pick up as he jogged from the car to the porch.
“Killian, have you seen Emma? The weather channel is predicting a severe thunderstorm with gale force winds.” Killian’s heart dropped at the thought of Emma being stuck in something like that.
“I haven’t seen her.”
“Neither have any of her friends,” Mary Margaret worried.
“I’ll find her,” he promised, leaving the snowglobe in her hands and racing to his truck. Whenever Emma wanted to be alone, she usually went to the bench by the lake, but something was telling him to head to the harbor. He couldn’t ignore the voice in his head any longer so he peeled out, intent on heading to the water.
Emma rubbed her bare armed against the chill in the air. She could sense that she was in a dangerous spot. The sky was dark and ominous. At this point she had nowhere to go to seek shelter if things got bad. Just as she was running out of options, Killian’s truck pulled up. He jumped out of the cab and sprinted toward her. He wrapped his arms around her, relief spreading from him to her.
“Thank god, I found you,” he spoke into her hair. “We have to go, lo-” The rest on his sentence was cut off by the loudest thunderclap Emma had every heard. Suddenly a thick sheet of rain was pelting them. Killian grabbed her hand and blindly made his way around a building and pulled the door open, pushing them both inside.
He pulled her close to comfort her as the rain got heavier and turned to hail and the wind blew so hard against the structure that the walls shook. She rebuffed his comfort, choosing to put as much distance between them as she could.     
“Please, Emma, if I did anything to offend you-”
“It’s not you,” she interrupted. “None of this is because of anything you did wrong.” She couldn’t look at him. She knew the moment she locked eyes with him it would break what little heart she had left. They couldn’t have a future together. They were going to opposite sides of the country for college. If she told him now, he might give up his future to follow her. That is, of course, if what Ruby has told her was true about his feelings for her.
“Then why have you been avoiding me? Why do this to me now when we have so little time left together?” he pleaded.
“That’s exactly why I’m doing this now. It’ll just make it easier when you leave,” she nearly whispered. The rain had only gotten heavier and the sound of the large drops hitting the metal roof was deafening, but Emma could hardly hear it over her thumping heart.
“Love,” he started as his hand cupped her jaw to raise her head, but her eyes remained just out of line with his, “I may be leaving in a few days, but rest assured, I will always come back to you. I promised that I would never leave you and I always keep my word.”
Her iron will shattered and she gazed into the eyes of the man she loved. She could clearly see the same feelings mirrored back at her. She cursed her stubbornness for wasting so much time. He looked so pained and it was all her fault. The bags that rested under his ocean blue eyes, the hair that would be sticking up in all directions from his hand running through it if wasn’t drench from the downpour, and the pinch of worry between his adorable eyebrows was all her fault. He was waiting for her to either break his heart or set his mind at ease. She didn’t plan to do either. No, she planned to blow his mind.
The lack of response from Emma had Killian on edge. They were stuck in an empty boathouse for an unknown amount of time. Their clothes were soaked through which was creating a whole new problem as his eyes roamed over Emma’s form. Every curve that he had dreamed of running his hands over was on full display. Even her nipples, that Killian had imagined tasting on more than one occasion, were clearly visible and the blood was quickly flowing south. However, if she remained silent much longer, he would gladly face the weather to avoid anymore heartbreak. At least he had succeeded in getting her to look at him. 
It was then that he saw a flicker of something. Something like determination, of what sort he couldn’t tell. Then his whole world flipped right side up as Emma grasped the lapels of his jacket and pulled him to her. Their lips met in a flurry of wet passion.
Every fantasy that Killian had of kissing his Swan was quickly replaced with the reality of her soft lips on his. Emma’s mouth was hungry for his as she forced his lips apart so she could deepen the kiss. Her tongue swept across his own, sending shocks of pleasure down his spine. She tasted like her favorite drink, sweet, spicy, chocolate. He pulled her lithe body as tight as he could against him, threading his right hand through her wet tresses and his left held on to her lower back, inching his way further down. Her moans of pleasure encouraged him to finally cup one of her supple cheeks and pulled her against his growing erection. Emma gasped into his mouth as he let out his own grown of pleasure. Her hands flew around his neck, tugging the wet hair at the nape of his neck as she ground her center harder against him. He quickly realized that they needed to slow down or he was going to embarrass himself. He pulled his lips from her, which only encouraged her to place soft, hungry kisses down his neck. Bloody hell, he really didn’t want to stop. She was going to be the death of him.
“Emma, love, we need to stop for a moment,” he managed to mutter painfully. She pulled away and for a split second she looked worried that he was rejecting her. He was sure that once she saw the desire burning in his eyes, that worry was quickly squelched. “Before this goes any further and by God, I hope it does, I need to tell you something.” She swept her hand softly against his scruffy cheek.
“I need to tell you something too.” Killian’s head was starting to clear of the overwhelming lust.
“By all means, ladies first,” he offered. 
Emma took in a determined breath, stepped up close to his ear and whispered, “I’m in love with you,” so softly he thought he was imagining her words. Then she kissed the skin just behind the shell of his ear and nearly melted on the spot. He grabbed onto her shoulders both for support and to get a good look at her face.
“Emma, is that true? Do you love me?”
“Yes, Killian, it’s true,” she affirmed without hesitation. He could see a small hint of worry that perhaps he didn’t love her back. Now was the time to set her mind at ease.
“Emma, I have been in love with you since the day we met.” Emma gasped at his confession. “You can ask Liam or Belle, they’ll tell you-” before he could finish his sentence Emma’s mouth was back on his.
Killian hadn’t had much time to take stock of what the boathouse had to offer as far as amenities, but he had noticed the small bed tucked in the corner. He encouraged her to wrap her legs around him as he maneuvered them toward said bed. They both still dripping wet so he set her back on her feet to help her undress. He slipped his hands under the hem of her tank top and slowly raised the offending material while taking in the site of her exposed skin. Her top landed with a loud flop a few feet away. Emma was already unbuttoning her jeans, no doubt needing to feel free of the tight, wet material. Killian eased her on the side of the bed so he could help peel her out of the tight denim. She flushed all over when Killian rested his eyes on her matching light pink, lace bra and panties. He suddenly needed to be free of his constricting clothes as quickly as possible.
“Don’t move from the spot,” he nearly growelled. Emma giggled at his impatience with his layers. First the leather jacket had to go, followed by his blue henley and finally his jeans which he gingerly lowered over his aching erection. 
He stood before Emma in only his blue boxers with little black anchors scattered about. Her eyes seemed to dart from one part of his body to the next until they rested on his prominent bulge. Her tongue ran along her lips then her eyes shot up to his, lust mirrored back at him. She leaned back onto the bad, him following her gently. They laid together like that for a minute, their breath mingling as they both tuned out the sounds of the harsh rain and hail and howling winds.
Emma raised her bead to kiss him again as she wrapped one leg around his waist. He whimpered as the warmth of her core caused his to instinctively rut against her. They both moaned at the sensation. It was then that reality came crashing down on him. He raised his head to gaze longingly at her. Confusion clouded her earlier lust.
“Killian, what’s wrong?”
“I,” he started cautiously, “didn’t bring any… protection,” he blushed.
Emma’s worry was quickly replaced with an assuring smile.
“I’m protected and I’ve never been with anyone as long as you…” She seemed reluctant to finish that sentence.
“I’ve never wanted anyone, but you, my love. Rest assured, this is my first time as well.”
“Good.” Emma quickly flipped them so that she was on top of him, straddling his impossibly harder erection. She giggled triumphantly as she reached behind her back and unsnapped her bra, sending it flying through the air. Killian was transfixed by the goddess above him. He reached for her breast to cup the soft mound in his hand and felt Emma shiver as his thumb brushed over her rosy bud. He pulled her mouth to his as she wrapped her arms around his neck. After thoroughly ravaging her mouth, he kissed his way down her neck, causing little whimpers of encouragement from his love. He laved his tongue along her collarbone and pulsepoint before be surprised her by flipping them again.
He planned to taste every inch of her. His mouth reached her dusky nipple and Emma nearly shouted as he took it into his mouth as his hand massaged the other. He switched sides, giving the other the same attention them began inching lower. He slid his tongue around her belly button and continued south until he met the hem of her panties. He bit at the lace then looked into her eyes for permission. With a nod of her head, he curled his finger over the hem on each side of her hips and lowered the last barrier between them.
Emma was magnificent. He could smell her arousal as he gently parted her legs. He would occasionally dart his eyes back to hers to check for any signs of discomfort, but all he could see was lusty dark green. He swiped his tongue experimentally along her clit and Emma let out a surprised yelp. He was concerned at first until Emma’s fingers tugged at his hair as she pleaded with him to do it again. He dove in without hesitation, following Emma’s instructions ranging from “a little to the left” to “put your finger inside of me”. As he pumped into her with two fingers now he could feel her walls start to flutter. He sucked her clit into his mouth and with just a scrape of his teeth he felt and heard her fall apart on a loud gasp. He lapped up any residual arousal taking pleasure in the little whimpers about being sensitive and the jerking of her hips. He rested his head on her hip taking in the view of her coming down.
Emma raised her head just a little and crooked her finger at him. He willingly slithered up her lithe body, enjoying every second of the skin on skin contact.
“These have to go,” she demanded as dipped her toes in the hem of his boxers and dragged them down to a point where he could kick them off. She then spread her legs wide, inviting him to settle himself between her slick thighs. “Make love to me, Killian.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. He slid his cock along her wet lips to prepare himself, then slowly and carefully pushed into her tight, wet heat. He held his breath as he pushed past any resistance, praying that he wasn’t hurting her. They both let out a relieved gasp as he bottomed out. He allowed her a moment to adjust to his size then began slowly thrusting in and out. Emma encouraged him to go faster and who was he to deny her wishes. The friction was almost too much for Kilian. Every slide along Emma’s unique bumps and ridges brought him that much closer to the edge. He deepened and angled his thrusts in order to rub her clit with every drive.
“Yes, yes, yes! Oh, god, Killian, I’m almost there.” She grabbed ahold of the comforter on either side of her head, but Killian desired more intimacy when they came together. He opened her palms and entwined his fingers hers as he exploded inside of her. He groaned loudly into her damp neck as she squeezed every last drop from his cock. They laid like that, limp and unable to move. Their combined essence was leaking onto the boathouse owner’s bed, giving them the encouragement they needed to get cleaned up. They hung their clothes out to dry near the radiator and settled back into the bed, nodding off for a couple of hours knowing that no sane captain would try to moor his boat in this storm.
“The storm seems to have passed,” Killian observed as he pulled up his dry pants. Emma was smiling and chuckling at him. “What’s so funny?” he asked, returning her smile.
“I’m not sure when it happened, but you have a rather large hickey on the left side of your neck.” Killian turned to the closest mirror and slipped on his henley. The hickey, or bite mark more likely, was barely visible under his collar. He only hoped he didn’t leave any marks on Emma.
Killian handed her his jacket for their walk to his truck. Before they headed out, Killian grabbed her hand and encouraged her to look him in the eyes.
“This is it, right Emma? You and me, no more running?” he asked hopefully. She placed both hands on his cheeks, kissed him softly and sweetly then rested her forehead against his.
“No more running, Killian. My heart belongs to you.”
“And mine to you, my love.”
Next Christmas, Killian topped last years effort with a proposal and the year after that with a wedding.
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Chapter 28 - To Hell and Back
[Helsinki Finland, November 17, 2014]
The memory of her eyes, twinkling with tears as she had yelled and cried before him projected onto closed lids. That tragic beauty he could and would never forget. He smiled to himself as his body began to awaken after his mind.
The tears, the screams, that was yesterday, he thought, taking a deep breath, today, today I’ll show her. There’s nothing to fear, she never had anything to fear. I’ve loved her with all of me, I’ve needed her with all of me, she made the nightmares go away too. I need her. And she’s here.
She’s back.
A happy tear slipped from his closed lids as he opened them.
The white glow of a snowy morning shone through his window, a beacon.
He turned, looking for her, but she wasn’t there. His disheveled blanket lay in her place, empty. His eyes searched the room lazily, she wasn’t in the washroom at the other end. Getting up he pulled on a pair of dark plaid pajama bottoms found lying on the ground, and set out to find her, unworried.
He crept over to the studio across the hall, but it was still, stagnant, empty; she wasn’t there either.
[Music Recommendation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWnbktgrD-k ]
“Liv!” He called, his deep voice echoing off the stone walls of the tower. Only silence followed.
He dipped back into his room, pulling a black sweater off the floor and pulling it on before making his way up the winding stairs to the roof, where long ago they had sat in the warmth of the sun, enveloped by the harmony of fall acoustics.
All that he found was a layer of undisturbed snow which trickled down through the hatch door, melting on the floor.
Ville’s heart began beating faster, the type of heartbeat you can feel, really feel, as if the rhythm were a jackhammer on your chest. She must just be in the kitchen, or the backyard having a smoke.
He descended the stairs two at a time in a partial rush. Worry beginning to set in.The living room was empty, as was the kitchen. No coffee mug or opened newspaper, no indicators that she had sat or had breakfast. His heart dropped.
“Liv!” He yelled again. His rapid succession of breaths echoing in the empty house was the only reply as panic began to set in.
She didn’t.
He rushed to the sliding door that led to the backyard, a puddle of melted snow in front of it. He slid it open violently, stepping out into the snow with bare feet searching, searching for her.
Suddenly something sharp cut into the bare sole of his foot, and his eyes sprang down, locking onto the pile of broken glass and frames. He’d thrown them out a long time ago in an angry drunken fit. Tearing the pictures off his wall, violently throwing them down on the kitchen floor, watching with angry delight as the glass shattered. He’d bought them to torture himself with her art, but that night he’d found her letter. Crumpled, taped together, the writing barely legible from being handled too much. He’d thought he’d lost it.
The pile was uncovered by snow, spread out, not as he had left it.
She’d seen.
“Fuck” He yelled, face turning red, arms clenching with frustration.
No, no she didn’t do it. She didn’t do this to me again.
He sucked in short breaths, body shaking with uncontrolled anger, fingertips numbing.
Suddenly in one quick motion his fist collided with the thick glass of the sliding door, cracking a hole into it and slicing open the skin on his knuckles.
Ignoring the glass strewn everywhere, the cut on his foot, the stream of blood flowing from his knuckles, he stormed inside. Finding his cell phone in the kitchen he dialed her number, blood leaking onto the screen.
He pulled off his sweater, wrapping it around his hand as he waited impatiently for her to pick up.
But she didn’t.
The phone rang until it went to voicemail.
“How dare you! How dare you do this to me again! Leave without a word. Did what I said yesterday mean nothing? Don’t you fuckin understand Liv! I love you, despite everything you may dislike about yourself, despite the troubles we’ve had, despite everything, I love you!” He began heaving with sobs as his anger turned to grief. “We aren’t the same! We've learned haven't we? I thought we did but it looks like I was wrong!” He held the phone away from himself  as his body convulsed in tears, no words able to escape. Briefly gathering himself between heaves he continued. “I forgave you once Liv, I forgave you because it was both of our faults, I forgave you cause in spite of it all I don’t want to lose you but I can’t take it anymore! The least you could have done was said goodbye…” His voice died off as he calmed down, silence over the line as he struggled for words. “bye” he whispered before hanging up.
He slid down the counter onto the floor of the kitchen, trembling. Over the past year he'd yearned for some sort of closure, in any form, something, anything to grasp at, to cling on to in the moments he felt like he was falling, but this, he'd never imagined it like this. He brought his knees up to his chest, curling himself in a ball, this relationship, he thought, it died as it had lived, with passion, tears, and anger.
[March 1st, 2017, Los Angeles, US]
[Music recommendation:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16ptWIZ36F4  ]
Liv slung her beach bag over her shoulder, hip checked the car door, and strolled towards the boardwalk, camera hanging from her neck.
She closed her eyes enjoying the weak sun warming her face as the wind billowed around her, enveloping her in the aromas of the ocean. The roar of waves and wind in the palm trees creating a background hum as children laughed, families chatted, and rap music blasted from nearby speakers.
It had been a long time since she'd had a day off, a day completely to herself, and so Liv had driven down from her small apartment in LA to Venice Beach to bask in the sensory overload of the bustling spot, enjoying the happy chaos around her for it gave her mind respite from the never-ending stream of work thoughts.
It only took her a few steps before the lens cap slipped into her bag and the camera was held in her hands, documenting the beauty of the urban scenery all around. She drifted along with the crowds, taking shots of the colorful characters before finally kicking off her sandals and making her way through the warm sand towards the ocean.
Finally, Liv sighed as the ocean winds blew her hair around her face. She pulled out a blanket from her beach bag and laid it out on the sand. She flicked the sunglasses from atop her head over her eyes, digging her bare feet in to the beach until she felt the cool wet sand beneath, and tucked her arms beneath her head.
Her wavy black curls created a halo around her head, goosebumps forming beneath the lilac crocheted sweater she wore over a black maxi dress.
What should I wear tonight, I haven't really had a chance to dress up in a while.
I hope Quinton isn't too late.
Where did I put my old jacket with the buttons.
I should call dad, see if he found that part for his motorcycle he was looking for, maybe I can search online for him.
Grandpas birthday is coming up, do I have any old photos of us that I can frame and gift him.
Her thoughts wandered with ease, but it wasn't long before the moment of tranquility was interrupted by the notes of a familiar tune, Wolf Moon. Liv flipped on her stomach, grumbling to herself, should have left this damn thing at home. She answered it, staring towards the boardwalk, admiring the colors of the passersbys.
"Liv, it's John." Came the familiar gruff voice of her former mentor, she could hear the smile on his lips over the line.
Laughing she sat up, crossing her legs beneath her, "John! How have you been? I didn't recognize the number."
"Calling off of my office phone for once. Honestly this space gets very little use." Liv smiled, she knew the feeling, she herself barely stepped foot in her home office these days. "But anyways I called to ask a bit of a favor."
It has been a while since Liv had actually had the time to work with John. These days it felt like she was being pulled in all directions with work, and she loved it, she loved every second of the frenzied running around because it meant everyday she was fulfilling her dream. A short tour here, a festival there, an interview, an award show. Where the music was, so was she, tucked behind her lens documenting the moments that fans adored and magazines coveted.
She raised her brow, it was odd that John needed a favor from her, as if she could do something he couldn't. She ran a hand through her hair, trying to tame it as the wind picked up, "Go on."
He sighed on the other end, sensing her amused hesitation. "Well, there are rumors going around the office today about a big scoop, and of course there will be a public announcement on all social media but Metal Hammer wants to be the first to touch base with them. They haven't done much press lately, and someone over with them contacted us about an idea, a photoshoot, and you could maybe even conduct the interview since you've got a personal connection with band…"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Liv laughed, already imagining ways to fit whatever John wanted in to her busy schedule, I've got a gallery opening tonight I need to attend, a photoshoot tomorrow, but I've got a few days after that I can clear up. "I can probably make it work, but who exactly are you talking about John, I've made a few personal connections over the years." And it was true, of the more recent, and bigger names she could count as an acquaintance was Chelsea Wolfe, who she was introduced to after a recent show in San Francisco.
"Right, sorry. It's HIM, Ville Valo and the guys. I know you haven't worked with them in a while but I thought you could make an exception, for me if anyone. It would just be a fantastic perspective, you got your career started with them and now they're breaking up and here you are to interview them some four odd years later."
"Wait, I'm sorry what?" It was as if Johns words had been in gibberish, all of them but a single name. Ville Valo, it tumbled through her mind with it’s sharp edges but soft syllables. It would be a lie to say that name hadn't been in her mind, paired with a set of piercing green eyes since the day she had fled his tower, a scared young women too weak to revisit old wounds. Thoughts of memories long past sporadically slipping in to her mind over the years, but the cold sweat, the bottom lip gnawing, the shaking fingertips, and rapid breaths, they no longer accompanied these memories as they once had. Her hand subconsciously moved to her heart to feel the sudden increase in rhythm however. "John, are you saying HIM are breaking up?" That doesn't sound right, she thought, a breakup, that is just too inadequate a phrase.
"I am. I don't know much more than that. And this interview/photoshoot wasn't my idea, I'm just the messenger, but their manager has already had the idea run by him and he's on board."
She had a million questions, what happened, are they alright, why now, what happened to the album Ville had been working on. She opened her mouth to speak but no words seemed to come out. This was a favor to John, this was an homage to the band that started her career, this was a thank you to them and the fans. This was so much, and yet she was hesitant, not to open up old wounds, no, she'd learned to accept those wounds as a part of her, just like her visible scars from that time. I guess, she thought as she hugged her sweater closer, I, I guess… Her thoughts trailed off because there was no conclusion, there was no reason to hesitate, just a sensation in her gut like a worm wriggling out of the dirt, uncomfortable but harmless.
Shit, I haven't said anything in a while, reply Liv. "Uh John, I'm on board, I'm even picturing doing this up in Finland, maybe Lapland, wild career and wild terrain type thing, but I think I need a little time to think. Is that alright?" Her bottom lip slid between her teeth. I'll probably say yes, I just, just need time to think about it. And I thought this would be a relaxing day.
"Of course! I'll need to know by tomorrow though cause we'll need to arrange flights and accommodation and your gear and…"
Liv chuckled, shaking her head with amusement at Johns excitement, he never failed to surprise her with his passion for the business, "I know I know! Don't worry, I'll get back to you as soon as I sort some stuff out." Stuff? What's there to sort out?
"Of course. I'll talk to you tomorrow then. And uh, sorry if I was the one to break the news, you know, of the breakup and sorry to even ask this favour." She could hear the sincerity in his voice. He never really knew why she'd ended up on his doorstep that chilly day in November, but she knew he'd had his suspicions.
She lay back down on her blanket, bringing her knees up, free hand clutching her cardigan closer as the beach began to accelerate even more, bringing with them light gray clouds that threatened to block the beaming winter sun. "John it's really alright, I've been out of the loop, plus this, this gig would be fantastic, it would mean a lot to so many. I'll ring you tomorrow." She ended the call, clutching her phone to her chest as she watched the puffs of gray float by overhead.
She flipped open the mirror she had dug out from her small mustard colored purse. Holding it up with one hand she flipped off the cap of her red lipstick with the other, slowly and carefully swiping the rouge across her lips. Liv gave herself a once over, or at least trying to from where she sat in the front seat of her black Beatle. Lipstick, check. Purse and wallet, check. Descently put together outfit, she had put on a blazer dress with silver accenting, braless, her lean legs taking centre stage, check. Shoes, she wore simple black heels with a strap running across the ankle and a chunky heel, check. Hair, she fluffed her dark curls with her fingertips, watching as the strands moved, like a curtain pulling back to show the scar on her temple, check, I guess.
She excitedly stepped out of the car, her heels making that familiar, comforting sound on the asphalt as she locked her car and speed walked towards the small venue. Outside stood a relaxed looking bouncer, checking names on a list and letting people out for smoke breaks.
A smile streaked across Livs face as she spotted Marcus waiting for her. His caramel skin glowing in the light of the streetlamp above, his curly hair grown long at the top and cut short on the sides. He wore a dark gray sport coat over a maroon dress shirt and black pants. Liv almost laughed, it had been a long time since she'd seen him dressed up.
"So handsome!" She giggled as she opened her arms to embrace Marcus in a hug.
He hugged her before pulling back and doing a flamboyant spin, "You really like it? I've been in sweats at home with the kids so long I was afraid I'd forgotten how to dress."
Liv laughed, locking her arm around Marcus's and guiding him towards the bouncer, "How does Hanna like her new job?”
She slid her ID over to the bouncer with painted black nails, slipping it back into her purse as they were waved in to the gallery.
Marcus beamed, “She loves it. She’s worried about leaving me alone at home with the girls all the time but hey, I work from home, it’s the best option, and I would never want to hold her back. I sort of love it actually.” He chuckled, eyes alight with the joy of fatherhood.
The gallery was awash with the low murmur of contemplative patrons as they gazed upon the collection hanging from the shaded walls. Walking around the multi-room gallery were waiters in red vests, carrying glasses of red and white wine.
Marcus grabbed a glass of white and Liv a glass of red as they entered the throng of well dressed people.
“Thanks for taking me out tonight though. I love em all to death but I’v missed your stupid face.” He took a sip before turning to Liv with a toothy, sarcastic grin.
Liv rolled her eyes, “Oh yeah, no problem, I’ve missed your stupid face too.” She gently nudged him as they made their way over to the nearest wall where a single frame hung, the image within depicting an infant skull surrounded by dull roses and menacing spiders, painted with a black background and adorned within a glimmering gold frame. "Also thank Kat, she always seems to know the best openings or shows that I wouldn’t necessarily hear about. I swear, the woman is on a mission to fill me with as much LA culture as she can.”
The exhibition around them was a celebration of American artist Kevin Llewellyn. Although he'd first opened for Kats Wonderland LA gallery, his works had grown and needed more space to be appreciated. Kat had called Liv the previous week, inviting Liv in her place since she was unable to make it, something about a prayer and a date. Living in LA it had been all too easy for Liv and Kat to remain friends, a gallery opening, a new vegan restaurant, a concert, there was always something new in the city that they could enjoy together.
Liv and Marcus began meandering to the next wall, peeking over the close pressed bodies already gazing at the work of art at the heart of the otherwise naked wall. She ran her eyes over the deep shadows and brilliant highlights of the piece, her mind inevitably thinking about Johns call. Can I really just do that? See them again and act as if everything that had happened never really happened? Would I apologize? Do they know I've been asked to do this?
"Is something the matter?" Marcus asked as they began to move to the next work, sipping their wine.
Liv shrugged, "I don't think so, why do you ask?" She took another small sip of the sweet red wine, adjusting her dress so her nipple didn't make a surprise appearance.
Marcus gave a knowing smirk, "Well, you're biting your lip, so that's a dead giveaway that something is up." They turned a corner in the gallery in to a secluded room in low light, miniature charcoal sketches fixed upon each of the four walls.
Liv sighed, I'm not exactly worrying about this, just, mulling it over. She looked over at Marcus, he was waiting for her response. Knowing him he would definitely have an opinion or two. "Well, so, I got a call about a gig. HIM is breaking up and Metal Hammer wants me to do some exclusive piece on the whole thing." She shrugged, "Not sure there's any reason to say no, but I don't know, I feel weird about it." She hid her face behind her glass of wine, watching as Marcus digested what she was telling him.
He opened his mouth to speak but then shut it, as if adjusting what he had planned to say. "Of course you feel weird, you're being asked to work with your ex."
Liv thought about it for a second, fingernail tapping against the empty wine glass in her hand. "You think that's it?" He made it sound, so, so simple, but it also made a lot of sense. Sometimes amidst the memories of passion and loss she really did forget that at its core what she had had was a relationship.
"Yeah, unless you don't want to see him or are afraid of old stuff being brought up." Liv could see the remembrance in his eyes, twinkling in the lowlights of the gallery.
She pursed her lips, tuning in the hum of voices throughout the gallery, welcoming the small distraction. "I don't think that's what it is Marcus, with the uh, old stuff. I can't really explain it, I don't feel scared of him, if that makes sense. Maybe I'm a little embarrassed about how things were when I last saw him but, I don't know, I've moved on enough that I guess you're right, it's just that awkward moment you bump into your ex on the street or something, but instead of the street it's a job opportunity."
"And instead of an ex it's a Finnish sex god." Marcus smirked.
Liv shot him a look of mock annoyance before rolling her eyes. "After all these years and you're still on that eh?" She let out a small chuckle as they left the secluded room and reentered the throng of patrons admiring the larger pieces.
"Hey now, I loved the man way before you ever did, and if I'm being honest I really hope you do this gig, if not for yourself then so you can grab me some tickets for the farewell tour I'm sure they're going to have." He gave her a toothy grin as he took her empty glass from her and gave it to a waiter along with his own.
Liv tucked a loose strand of ebony behind her ear, "Yeah yeah yeah, you'll get your tickets." She eyed the crowds looking for a waiter with food, stomach way too empty for the small glass of wine she had. She didn't drink often these days and the sweet red was already being felt in the form of small tingles in her arms and a slight haze in her head.
Suddenly Marcus nudged her, pointing across the gallery. "Speaking of moving on, here comes Quinton."
Through a small crowd of well dressed attendees emerged a tall man with wavy, ear length, blonde hair. His blue eyes locked on Liv, an enigmatic smile flashing across his handsome face bellow a well groomed mustache. He wore a pair of tight fitting dark gray jeans, tucked in to them was a black, short sleeved button up shirt.
He grabbed Liv around the waste with one hand, cupping her cheek with the other, pulling her into a deep, and a little too aggressive in public, kiss. He pulled back with an audible sound, like the sound one makes on a hot day after drinking a cool glass of water. "Liv honey! I've been looking everywhere for you."
The moonlight streamed in through her large, glass balcony doors, casting her bedroom in shadows. She sat, back leaning against the headboard, knees raised up, feet tucked under the covers. She looked over towards the red glow of her alarm clock, 2AM. Have I really been up for that long?
"Liv baby, is something wrong?"
"Hmm?" Tangled in the blankets beside her, bare chest exposed, head leaning on one hand, eyes barely open, lay Quinton.
Her rubbed his eyes in the moonlight, "Something bothering you babe?"
She'd met Quinton a few months ago at a small shoot she'd done for Jim Somers for some new Black Craft releases. Quinton had been one of the models. He was kind, gentle mannered, a little vain, but had overall been pleasant company as they'd dated, and recently begun to see each other more seriously. He was easy, the relationship was easy, it was seamless and linear, and that’s why Liv enjoyed it.
She rubbed his arm, "Just having trouble sleeping, go back to bed." She watched as he blew her a kiss then turned around, nuzzling deeper beneath the covers.
Carefully, so as not to disturb him she got up off the bed, phone in hand, grabbing her black robe where it lay draped across a small chair. She dug through one of her purses on the floor, grabbing a pack of cigarettes and a lighter and crept in the moonlight towards the balcony. The balcony door slid open with a creek, Liv turned, checking Quinton was still asleep before stepping out into the cool night, bathed in the dull night light. She closed the door behind her. She took a seat in the worn wicker chair, tucking her knees up towards her chest and hugging the robe close like a blanket around her.
She stared out at the twinkling lights of the city below then pulled out her phone. She'd been turning the idea around in her head all night and found that it was the only way for her to feel comfortable enough to accept the job offer.
Ville sat at the edge of a small park on a bench, bicycle on it's side next to him in the grass. A worn copy of Lord Byron's complete works dangling from his hand, index finger tucked inside, marking his place as he stared off at the breeze dancing in nearby trees, the tune of an unfamiliar song stuck in his throat. The park was completely empty aside from him. He was bundled up in a black jacket and black beanie, red scarf protecting his neck from the icy breeze. The weather in Helsinki had yet to warm as winter slowly ended, but that wouldn’t stop him as he sought mental solace away from home, in the elements.
Suddenly he felt the familiar sensation of his godforsaken phone vibrating in his pocket. "vitun tekniikka (fucking technology)" he whispered under his breath.
He almost dropped the phone as he saw the name displayed on the screen. His heart gave a small tinge of sadness. Should I throw the phone towards the frozen pond or answer it, he mused pessimistically before breaking out in a small, deep chuckle, and I thought this day couldn't get any stranger. He swiped the screen, answering the call, unsure of what he had gotten himself into. "Liv?"
"Hi, Ville?” Her voice sounds exactly as he had remembered, soft, girlish, and a little raspy. “Sorry if I'm bothering you but John, John Mcmurtrie, gave me a call earlier today about working with you guys for a piece on the uh, breakup, career conclusion whole thing."
He almost laughed, her words were coming out in a hurried jumble. He could almost imagine how her face must look on the other end, eyes wide, brows raised, teeth threatening to gnaw down on that lower lip as he’d seen her do so many times. Needless to say, he was amused. "Yes, and have you accepted?"
There was a brief pause on the other end. "Oh, you knew?"
He understood her confusion. He himself was hesitant of the idea at first. Mige had thought of it when the band had last met the previous week to decide the best course of action to announce the end of their time together. At the time he hated the idea, why dredge the pond if you know you'll only pull up a corpse, but as he'd thought about it all more and more, he couldn't deny that Livs time with the band had been special, that her talent was impressive, that she was the perfect person to tell their final story, and that that corpse he imagined wasn't there anymore, like their relationship it had lived, died, and returned to the cosmos; he had nothing to fear, he would see an old friend and colleague once again. "I did yes, it was Mige's notion and the rest of us gave the green light. Although, Liv, I will say I wasn't really expecting a call, I imagined you would get in touch with Seppo to go over ideas and the like." In the distance he heard the low rumble of thunder. He got up, dog earing the book and tossing it in his black backpack, before grabbing his bike and beginning to walk it out of the park, unwilling to bike in the rain.
He could hear the sizzle of a deep, long, drag through the line before she finally spoke, her voice soft and unsure, "I guess the thing is, I just wanted to make sure you were uh, okay with it."
Ville was taken aback. Strange, he thought, I supposed I'd been feeling the exact same way. He hadn't really been able to put his finger on it, after he'd accepted the plain fact that the past was truly the past, and that despite it all he'd missed her company in any capacity, he still had a nagging sensation within him, buried deep within some 9th circle inside of himself. Yet here she was, putting it in simple words, I imagine I'd wondered if she felt the same way, if this was something she would want to do as well. "Dar...Liv, I am if you are. The past is forgiven and forgotten on my end, this project is something I look forward to, but," he hesitated, his words faltering in his mouth, "only if you feel the same way."
Thunder rolled again in the distance, closer now.
“I uh, I do.” She spoke more confidently, more assuredly.
He wasn’t sure what to say now, his amusement from earlier fading. He hadn’t talked to her in over three years. He thought he would be bitter if he ever saw, worked, or talked to her ever again. He thought he’d yell and curse her existence for torturing him in such heartache. He thought about many things, but never had he imagined just a lukewarm reunion of sorts. “Well then I look forward to working with you.” Idiotic way to end the conversation.
The line suddenly cut out as she hung up.
He looked down at the phone in his hand, honestly stunned at the lack of emotion in the conversation between them, not quite sure what to think of the whole thing. There had been so much bubbling rage and passion that night in his tower, the last time they’d seen each other, in the throes of a burning, toxic love. We must be somewhere where that passion no longer exists, where time has done its job, where we can talk now as acquaintances without feeling the festering sting of memories in the exchange of words. He thought back to what he had been reading earlier, Don Juan, to a particular line of the epic poem that had been stuck on the tip of his tongue, the heart will break but broken live on.
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dalekofchaos · 6 years
Why I wish DONTNOD made Before The Storm
I love Before The Storm, but apart of me wishes DONTNOD made BTS. Mainly because there are a lot of things BTS contradicts about Life Is Strange. 
Rachel’s parents. I always got the feeling Rachel’s parents were neglectful, which REALLY showed when Chloe said they are in denial that Rachel is missing. Rachel having neglectful parents and Chloe having an abusive stepfather and abuse enabling mother, would show just why Rachel and Chloe wants to leave Arcadia Bay. What happens in BTS? Rachel has kind and loving parents and a bio mom that is a horrible representation of drug addiction(everything about how D9 wrote Sera sends a horrible message, wtf D9?) and all of sudden James just pretends that Rachel isn’t missing? The fuck? Also, Rachel’s parents are not called James or Rose. Rachel’s student information we see in Episode 3 about her parents is not readable, but he Initial letters of the names written within the Parent(s) field on Rachel's file do not appear to match the names James or Rose (or even Sera)
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Rachel’s address. Rachel’s  Blackwell Student Information Sheet shows Rachel’s home address. Rachel Amber has an address of "6 Sa(?)u/n(?)tle Road, Arcadia Bay, Oregon". There is a piece of paper covering the Home Address field, but we can make out a "gon" from the end of "Oregon", so we know it is within the state. As her address in the top-right corner is different to what appears to be the dormitory address on the other student files, we can assume that "6 Sa(?)u/n(?)tle Road" is implying her home address (just like on Chloe's file). However, in Before the Storm, her home address is 2420 Blackfriars Road, Arcadia Bay, Oregon.
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Chloe’s blue hair. In Episode 3 of Before the Storm, Chloe is shown dyeing her hair blue for the very first time. However, we know that in Life is Strange, Chloe had been dyeing her hair with a blue streak on or before her 16th birthday (two months before Before the Storm takes place). indicating that Chloe had already been using blue dye in her hair by the time of her 16th birthday. It would have made more sense if we had seen Chloe with a blue streak in Before the Storm Episode 1.
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Max’s contact of Chloe. "You were happy to wait five years without a call, or even a text." In Before the Storm's Episode 1, "Awake," Chloe's phone clearly shows that Max has been texting her during her time in Seattle and had even initiated text messaging after admitting to being "bad about emailing". Max has texted Chloe on the following dates in November 2009: 2nd, 13th, and 28th. Max was supposed to have not emailed, called or text Chloe ever since she left for Seattle, it should end in  9/28/2008, but it began again a year later.
Joyce and David’s relationship.  In Before the Storm, David and Joyce are currently unmarried and had started dating not that long before the game's events that are set in May 2010 (Chloe is 16 years old at this time). David is also about to move in to the Price household, which is seen happening by Episode 3. But in Life is Strange, a chronological timestreammontage shows that Joyce and David were already married before Chloe's 16th birthday. A picture of a married Joyce and David appears prior to an image of Chloe on her 16th birthday in this timestream montage
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Blackwell problem. Victoria Chase’s sole reason for being at Blackwell is Mark Jefferson. Jeffershit is not in BTS. Victoria is introduced as a sophomore at Blackwell Academy in Before the Storm and wants to be in theater for...reasons, but the age for Victoria in the first game suggests she should be a freshman in BTS. Warren is a Blackwell student at age 13. Max is said to be a sophmore with Chloe in her own school in Seattle at the time, but problem there is Max turned 14 in 2009 after the September 1st cutoff date. This means that she wouldn't be starting high school until September the following year (fall 2010). The normal age requirement to start high school as a freshman is age 14 (i.e. turning 14 before the September 1st cutoff). It is currently unknown why Max has advanced two grades in 2010. She has a 2.8 GPA on her 2013 student information sheet, which suggests she is a low B / C / high D student (not an exemplary student). Her GPA is also said to fluctuate and she acknowledged in 2013 that she should be doing better. and there’s the fact that Chloe is in Blackwell with some of the characters in the first game  and dialogue (or text messages) between these characters seems to suggest that she did not know them as fellow students or even classmates prior to the original game's events. For example, Stella is in Chloe’s class photo, problem with that is that Stella doesn’t even know who Chloe is, she just refers to her as “some girl” Warren. Warren does not know who Chloe is at the beginning of Episode 2, yet in BTS class photo he is seen with Chloe.  Other dialogue gives the impression that Warren does not know Chloe beforehand. For example, the text messages Max receives from Warren in Episode 4 if she kissed Chloe but declined Warren's invitation to the drive-in.  There is no mention of the fact he knows Chloe from when she was going to Blackwell, her complete change of appearance, or that he's surprised that Max knows her too! There are also a couple of points in Life is Strange where, if Warren knew Chloe from the past, he would have likely opened a dialogue with her about that it's good to see her again or even asking how life is outside Blackwell. Not even Chloe seems to recognize Warren, as she refers to him simply as "your friend" to Max. Justin.  When Max encounters Justin at the Blackwell Campus in the first episode of Life is Strange, "Chrysalis", she has the option to talk with him about Rachel and "her punk friend", as Max does not yet know the identity of the blue-haired punk girl that she had saved in the bathroom earlier.  "I can't remember her name... But she was hot. Tats. Blue hair. Hardcore. She stopped hanging out with us after Rachel disappeared... or ran away." As we see in Life is Strange, Justin refers to Chloe in a very vague way as Rachel's "punk friend" and as though he only knows her second-hand through Rachel. Yet the Before the Storm prequel game puts Justin in the same Blackwell student photograph as Chloe (standing directly in front of her), furthermore implying they are in the same classes. He would have had frequent contact with Chloe as a classmate of just that handful of students. Also in Before the Storm, Chloe interacts with Justin at Blackwell and they seem very familiar with each other. Justin refers to her as both "Chlo-ee" and "Price", so he definitely knows both her first name and surname. They also are texting with each other in Before the Storm.    Nathan. In Life is Strange Episode 1’s Cliff chapter, Max will ask Chloe about Nathan. Chloe will tell Max:"I met him in some shithole bar that didn't card me. He was too rich for the place and too wasted. And he kept flashing bills..." in Before The Storm, Chloe knows Nathan from Blackwell.  but the way she describes her predicament to Max sounds like she is describing her first impressions from the first time she ever met or had one-to-one dealings with him (i.e. no previous encounters before that).
Chloe is left handed in the first game and right handed in BTS. Yes she does use her left in some points, but Chloe’s dominant hand in the first game is her left hand. Throughout BTS, Chloe smokes and drinks with her right hand, lights the Amber House candles with her right hand and even writes graffiti with her right hand. In the first game Chloe smokes and drinks with her left hand and lockpicks with her left hand. DONTNOD confirmed she was left handed. I am just baffled by this decision. The only time I remember Chloe using her left hand as her dominant hand in BTS is when she burns evidence for Damon.
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Chloe is expelled in 2011 in the first game. Chloe is expelled in 2010 for BTS. Max looks at a report card in Chloe's bedroom which shows that Chloe was still attending Blackwell Academy up until the end of her junior year, which was in May 2011. BTS gives us the choice to defend Rachel and get expelled or suspended if you don’t. There is also no mention by the Principal of a recent suspension for "spray-painting graffiti in the parking lot" as was clearly mentioned on her school file in his office in Life is Strange, nor any mention of the "police reports." Although the suspension is temporary and she is to be hopefully reinstated in the fall to start her junior year on condition of her good behavior, the suspension was not over graffiti. Being expelled in 2010 completely contradicts the circumstances of the original game, and the suspension (although being the least non-canon consequence) is over the wrong reasons. Even if Chloe was suspended, it is not unreasonable to believe that she would be expelled anyway over the extensive graffiti she left in the bathroom.
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Chloe knows about Pompidou’s name despite not knowing the pupper’s name in the first game. Also "The only way you know my dog's name is if you broke into my RV." Why would he say that if he told Chloe Pompidou’s name?
How Frank got Pompidou. Frank used to bet on dog fights before having a revelation and saving a bunch of dogs, keeping one for himself. in BTS Damon gave Pompidou as a gift to Frank.
Chloe and David do not and should not have a good relationship. Deck 9 forces us to choose to be nice to David and if we choose the most Chloe choice, Chloe is demonized for being who she is. 
Frank was just a drug dealer to Chloe and who she and Rachel hung out with in the past. Now Frank kills someone to protect Chloe. Chloe and Frank are not friends. 
Chloe’s “Rachel was my angel” comment showed a lot to how Chloe loved Rachel and how much she meant to her.  Chloe tells Max that Rachel entered her life when was at her absolute lowest and that it was she who helped her deal with the grief of having lost her father but the entire game is centered around Chloe being the one who is supporting Rachel as she deals with a serious family drama of her own.  What Before The Storm should have been. Rachel helping lift Chloe through the worse point of her life. If Rachel had stopped Chloe from committing suicide… as was the commonly believed interpretation to what happened between Chloe and Rachel up until BtS, then Chloe's ""she was my angel" would have meant it was truly special and real. But instead they bump into each other at an illegal concert and Rachel distracted some thug who works for Damon and we spend the game finding out who Sera is in a reveal we all saw it coming and only to have Rachel taken out of the third episode where Rachel never talks to her and makes the whole thing feel pointless. What the game should have been was Chloe and Rachel together having fun rocking out and Chloe starting to live again and show that Chloe Price loves Rachel Amber and Rachel loves Chloe.
But mainly I wanted DONTNOD to make BTS because they know how to make a good story. In the first game we get this great mystery and a coming of age story.  The first game shows you what’s at stake right away, with Before The Storm there’s no clear danger, conflict or mystery. We only get it halfway through the second episode and even then it’s a bad mystery and conflict and  if it takes that long to add conflict or mystery, then I really think they failed the game. The best parts about the game are Amberprice, episode 2, Steph, Mikey & Drew and Samantha. But that’s kind of it. Before The Storm was kind of a disappointment. 
I do feel that if DONTNOD had done Amberprice, then it would have been respectable about it. Not Deck 9′s “haha yeah sure Amberprice *one episode later* hahha we’re just gonna take this back, not reference it and cut all the content we planned, no it was all about how toxic Rachel was” fuck Deck Nine we would’ve been shown just how much Chloe and Rachel loved each other and no take backs. Ideally we could’ve gotten 4 episodes or seasons to explore the years that evolve Chloe and Rachel’s relationship and just show how much they loved each other.  
I don’t feel that Deck Nine understands Rachel Amber as a character or understands what made the fanbase love her from the first game. Rachel is a character shrouded in mystery. The vibe I got from Chloe indicates that Rachel Amber saved her at her lowest and made her feel like she could live again. I also got the vibe that Rachel had neglectful parents who cared very little of her and Rachel was tired of the pressures of being little ms perfect and the bullying she suffers at Blackwell. So Chloe and Rachel wanted to be free from Arcadia Bay. Chloe wanted to be free of an abusive step-father and her mother who allows the abuse to go on and Rachel wanted to be free from everything at Arcadia Bay. Started a knew life as a model in LA. It was their Santa Monica Dream. The characterization of Rachel Amber in BTS just feels like D9 does not understand Rachel. Rachel Amber is meant to be a morally grey character.  There are hints that she wasn’t this perfect angel Chloe thought she was and then backed away from that perspective out of fear fans would be angry at their depiction of Rachel. Rachel Amber who I knew in the first game was just not there. She had no interesting perspective or enlightenment to offer to Chloe or be the positive force to Chloe or even showed why she was this mysterious chameleon who fit in so perfectly with everyone who was adored by everyone. She was just a pretty looking character model with a great voice actress that would sometimes say very wistful, wide-eyed things. She would also quote boring poetry. Rachel in BTS has no aspiration to be a model and instead of Rachel helping Chloe deal with her grief, the game makes it about Chloe helping Rachel with her family drama. We never get to see Rachel meet Joyce(Joyce in LIS makes it seem like her and Rachel got along) we never get to see Rachel defending Chloe from David or Rachel as this ambiguous character. She’s portrayed as this character that must be protected at all costs, like she’s neither ambiguous nor does she have any agency. It is perfectly okay to show her drift away from Chloe.  Yes they were in love and had this great relationship and they loved each other. It’s important to see and know the people we romanticize are not who we thought they were. Rachel was looking for a way out of Arcadia Bay. She first thought both her and Chloe can escape to LA together. But over time she did not think that was possible anymore. Chloe dodges her car payments and her family is in debt and Chloe is in debt to Frank. She still wants to leave with Chloe, but Rachel needed an alternative way so she and Chloe can escape. So Rachel turned to Frank, she used him for her drugs because as  time goes on, Rachel turns to drugs to numb the pain. She parties with The Vortex Club and as Nathan said “Rachel partied like a fiend on her own.” Hell, she was so desperate to leave Arcadia Bay she even asked the trucker to take her to LA. Then, Rachel meets Mark Jefferson. Rachel saw him as her way to LA. She wanted to have her pictures modeled by a professional, which he was, but Rachel never saw him for what he was. A sheep in wolf’s clothing, a monster. He saw her as the perfect subject. A human chameleon with many visual possibilities and he felt they had a connection. Manipulating her into believing that he is the father figure that James never was for her. Rachel wrote a letter to Chloe in the shack but discarded it. She feels that he changed her life but the discarded letter shows that she felt ashamed about the whole relationship. Her shame indicates that she was apart of the Dark Room. At first she just saw it as a big photography project outside of school, but then Rachel started to look into Jefferson’s past models and figured out something was wrong. In Jefferson’s own words “Not like Rachel, who was always looking in the wrong places. Poor Rachel.” Jefferson of course finds out because The Dark Room is under 24 hours surveillance. So out of fear of Rachel telling everyone, Jefferson kills Rachel, doses Nathan and poses Nathan’s unconscious body with Rachel’s lifeless body. The vibe I got from the first game is that Rachel and Chloe have this very important and special bond. But Rachel just wanted to be free of Arcadia Bay by any means necessary. Rachel would go far to get what she wanted. Someone who is willing to lie to the people she cared about to satisfy her own needs and goals. Personally, I see Rachel as being okay with manipulating everybody BUT Chloe, which gives everybody a foothold to try and gaslight Chloe and Max about her, trying to get them to doubt that Rachel genuinely cared about Chloe.  Rachel wanted a way out and she thought she had her way out, but in the end she played with fire and got burned. 
 I don’t feel that Deck Nine did Chloe justice. The writers attempt to evoke empathy with Chloe feeling grief which is done via exactly one emotion- which is a very childish understanding of how loss and coping works. She had no character arc, considering she was the exact same character that we already knew in LiS Episode 1 (A bitter disaffected teenage youth with no regard for authority) so we didn't get to see Chloe evolve into the character we loved in the first game. She just already was it.  The gameplay undid the narrative we were given about Chloe being a loner in that you can talk to and make friends with pretty much anybody and they all acted like they liked and were genuinely happy to see Chloe. Very rarely were there interactions with Blackwell students that ended with Chloe's presence not being welcomed, only Wells, Victoria and Nathan showed contempt for Chloe(even with Nathan that goes away when he claps for her at the play)  The reason this is done is because the game wouldn't be fun if Chloe actually was a loner. The core mechanic of Life is Strange is being able to talk to people and experiment with your surroundings. A game where nobody wanted to talk to Chloe works against the core mechanic. But in making her the main character it undoes the weight of the narrative of Chloe being alone until Rachel/Max. I just strongly feel that Deck Nine did not understand Chloe as a character and did not do her justice. 
We should’ve gotten Chloe at her lowest, evolving from Max’s best friend to the character we know in the first game and Rachel helping lift Chloe through the worse point of her life.  Chloe and Rachel together having fun rocking out and Chloe starting to live again and show that Chloe Price loves Rachel Amber and Rachel loves Chloe. Chloe losing Rachel and showing how Chloe has to deal with Rachel missing, how she became in debt to Frank and how she got involved with Nathan and how Chloe ends up in the bathroom. 
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dramioneasks · 7 years
Ellooooo! So My semester is going like shît and I’m feeling down. 1) Is there any fics (oneshots) that are fluffy. You know the feel good kind. 2) any fics where it’s smut where Draco is possessive and jealous and just loves Hermione? I already checked the tags. Thank you and love be Lisa’s gifs! 👌
Hello! I have quite a list for you to read. They run the gamut from fluff to smut with a Possessive or Jealous Draco.
Just a reminder for next time, please send in two separate asks if you have more than one request. That way we can tag it better.
In, Out byUnseenLibrarian- Explicit, one shot
“Embrace your lover. Hold her close. Feel her warmth,her love, her trust.” - 487 word drabble - My Round One entry for HumpMadness 2012.
Startling Familiar byUnseenLibrarian- T+, one shot
Some wizards and witches think working in the Beast Divisionis a plush job. Hermione would say that they are absolutely right.
Taking Notice byUnseenLibrarian- T+, one shot
Draco is annoyed by Hermione’s hat. He proceeds to tell herjust what he thinks of it.
Once Upon a Dream byUnseenLibrarian- Explicit, one shot
Hermione is exhausted and desperate for a good night’ssleep. A slightly tipsy Draco Malfoy and a long line at the apothecary are onlythe start of her evening’s adventures.
In Private by acroacro- M, one shot
A short story about a Pureblood boy who falls in love with aMuggleborn girl, then throws over family traditions to woo the witch of hisdreams. Sounds familiar, yes? Thow in some oblivious best friends and thepossibility of a fainting goat, and we’re bound for happily ever after, right?
Tessella bydormensia- T+, one shot
Draco stumbles onto an unusual bookshop tucked away in acorner of Diagon Alley.
Tesseract bydormensia- T+, one shot
It should have been a typical day of volunteering at herfavourite bookshop in Diagon Alley.
Sawdust and Silver byStarwhalefamily- Explicit, one shot
“Heads up!”. Before she could jump back a largebeam was falling towards her. As she braced for the impact an arm reached outto stop it before it hit her. “Sorry about that”, cried the nearbyworker who had knocked it over. “Good save Draco”. It took a momentfor Hermione’s brain to catch up. “Wait, what?
Honey and Gold byStarwhalefamily- Explicit, one shot
Set a year after Sawdust and Silver. A sunny autumn day anda honey glaze makes Draco reflect on their relationship.
A Small Present byMusyc- GA, one shot
Hermione gets everything she wants for Christmas.
Ardent Bonds byMusyc- Explicit, one shot
Maybe it was wrong to think about this, maybe it washorrible to even consider, but if Draco Malfoy liked to dominate, she couldn’tstop herself from picturing it. Picturing him.
Artic Bonds by Musyc-Explicit, one shot
He claims wrapping her in snowy ropes is a gift to himselfthis Christmas, but Hermione knows that it’s a gift for her as well.
Coda to Ardent Bonds.
Clever Girl by Musyc-Explicit, one shot
In the vendor’s hall at a kinky convention, Draco talksHermione into talking.
All In Good Time byMusyc- Explicit, one shot
Twenty-five years after the war, Hogwarts librarian HermioneGranger (formerly Weasley) strikes up a relationship with Draco Malfoy, widowerof one year. Taking their time, moving slow, and letting things develop as theymay, the couple finds happiness all around themselves and in each other.
The Thing About Biscuitsby eilonwy- M, one shot
Hermione and Draco discover that the road to the heart canbegin with something as ordinary as biscuits.
Written for the 2013 D/Hr Advent Calendar. My prompt, notsurprisingly, was biscuits.
The Thing AboutBiscuits: Epilogue by eilonwy- GA, one shot
Hermione and Draco discover that the road to the heart canbegin with something as ordinary as biscuits.
This mini-fic is the epilogue of a story I wrote for the2013 D/Hr Advent Calendar fest entitled “The Thing About Biscuits.”
If you’ve arrived here first, let me direct you back to theearlier part of the story:
The Thing About Biscuits
The Hidden Heart byeilonwy- Explicit, one shot
A fairy tale retold…
Which Witch by Mr.Benzedrine89- T+, one shot
Synopsis: School lets out in one month, and Draco stillhasn’t told Hermione he’s fallen for her. When she offers to help him win overthe ‘mystery woman’ he’s pining over, what is a Slytherin to do but say yes?
Prompt: Really, Malfoy? Chocolates? Can it get anymorecliché? If you want to win over that mystery woman of yours, you’re going tohave to do better than that,“ Hermione says, rolling her eyes at him.
Written for Strictly Dramione’s 2017 Spring Fest
Irksome Thoughts byGlalie773- T, one shot
Now, Hermione understood the ‘goody-two-shoes’ role she hadplayed for the better part of almost seven years. Hermione couldn’t deny it anylonger: she thought that the Slytherins were more fun. D/Hr, DracoxHermione.One-shot.
Ice Cream Scoops byGlalie773, one shot
Draco Malfoy never believed in soulmates. Thoughdesperately, secretly, hopelessly… he wanted them to be real. Just so he’dknow that he would have Hermione Granger forever.
Take my Second Chanceby Glalie773, one shot
Severus lost his first chance. He’s giving his second one toDraco. "Essentially, another Potter would win another Lily Evans fromanother Severus Snape.” That. Could. Not. Happen. D/HG, one-shot!Snape-centric
Nobody Has To KnowDraco by Glalie773- T, one shot
… that you can’t produce a Patronus. Unless, of course,you’re instructed to show the class it. “At least I CAN produce one,genius,” Blaise snapped. D/Hr one-shot!
Unmasked by RZZMG- M,one shot
Divorcee-single dad Draco Malfoy goes to the Yule CharityMasquerade and sees the woman of his dreams, but will Hermione Granger stillwant him when he’s finally unmasked? One-shot. Post-Hogwarts EWE.Dramione/Draco x Hermione. Romance/Drama/Hot Shag. Story won 2ndPlace-“BEST DRACO” at the 2010 Winter Round of the HP Fanfic Fan PollAwards-see profile for details. COMPLETE!
The Gift by RZZMG- M,one shot
After imbibing too much on Christmas Eve, Draco Malfoydecides to give himself a gift: Hermione Granger, his war prize slave. Can hergift of love tame the darkness in his heart? One-shot. Dramione/dark Draco xHermione. A/U,Post-Hogwarts,EWE. COMPLETE!
Because You’re Mineby RZZMG- M, one shot
“No emotional entanglements. That had been theagreement at the beginning of this, and if I want to keep seeing her, I have tomake her think I’m living up to that end of the bargain…” Draco Malfoyand Hermione Granger-Weasley meet at a married swinger’s club & becomeinvolved. Post-Hogwarts ( 10 years). Dramione. Romance/Angst/Drama. 2015Dramione-Duet entry. One-shot. COMPLETE!
Hydrotherapy byeilonwy- Explicit, two shot
Draco finds a trip to the showers after playing Quidditch…enlightening.
Sighs and Sacrificeby UnseenLibrarian- Explicit, two shot
Mix a sly Slytherin, a rule-loving Gryffindor, an unspokenmutual attraction, and a wizarding romance novel; suddenly Draco Malfoy andHermione Granger are trapped by the written word. Will they find their ownhappy ending?
The Malaria Visionsby galfoy- M, 3 chapters complete
Hermione has a series of vivid dreams about Draco Malfoyafter taking anti-malarial medication. Can she reconcile the real Draco withthe one she sees when she sleeps?
Opaleye: A Dragon’sLove by RZZMG- M, 3 chapters, complete
A rare Opaleye dragon has set-up a lair in the ruins ofMalfoy Manor. Hermione Granger is dispatched to check it out. Not all is as itseems though. A dragon’s love is forever. Post-Hogwarts.Drama/Romance/Mystery/HOT SHAGGING. Draco x Hermione. Story won 1st Place for“BEST STORY TWIST” at the 2010 Winter Round of the HP Fanfic Fan PollAwards-see profile for details. COMPLETE
Vivaldi by dormensia-GA, 4 chapters complete
In response to DHLane’s challenge: to write a story thatinvolved Draco seeing Hermione from a distance and at the same time everyday.What were his thoughts, his reaction to seeing her? What was the outcome ofthis strange meeting?
The Magician’s Taleby eilonwy- Explicit, 5 chapters, complete
A chance encounter in an exotic locale brings Draco andHermione together after more than a decade to solve a complex and potentiallydangerous mystery.
The Mirror Series:Forbidden Desire by RZZMG- M, 5 chapters, complete
Booking an appointment with the famous sex practitioner,Draco Malfoy, was not the sanest idea Hermione Granger ever had, but maybe nowshe’ll finally get the answers she’s waited 10 years for. Mystery/Romance/Hotshagging-DMxHG. FIC CHALLENGE! COMPLETE!
Bond by Mr.Benzedrin89-Explicit, 5 chapters, complete
What happens at Bond stays at Bond -Hermione Granger isasked out for drinks at Bond, an exclusive club that offers anything fromdancing to so much more. When she, quite literally, falls into Draco Malfoy’slap, will she give in to her more primal urges? Rated M for a reason! Will be 4parts. **WINNER: BEST SMUT 2017 Dramione Awards**
Drinking Buddies byMr. Benzedrine89- Mature, 8 chapters, complete
Hermione’s relationship with Ron is falling apart -and, bychance, she takes up drinking with Draco Malfoy. Lemons and plot to follow.Rated M for smutty lemons and mature themes.
Jilted by cleotheo-M, 10 chapters, complete
Dumped on her wedding day, Hermione decides to head off onhoneymoon to escape the inevitable gossip that she knows will come. While onholiday she encounters Draco and the pair embark on a passion filled affair. Istheir romance just a holiday fling or will it continue once they have to returnto their normal lives?
The Hunger byeilonwy- Explicit, 10 chapters, complete
Written for the Dramione Couples Remix fest on LJ, which hasjust concluded. My chosen couple were Little Red Riding Hood and the Big BadWolf.
Future Adventures bycleotheo- M, 11 chapters, complete
During a joint Potions/Charms lesson, Draco is accidentallygiven an overdose of a potion that will allow him to experience time in thefuture. During his time in the future he sees plenty of unexpected things, butwill he like how his life is going to turn out?
Original Sin byRZZMG- M, 11 chapters, complete
M.L.E. Officer Hermione Granger receives a note to come toMalfoy Manor to prevent her charge, Draco Malfoy, from breaking the terms ofhis probation. The note claims Draco is an unregistered Animagus & he’strapped himself in animal form, unable to reverse the spell. He needs her help!2013 HP-Porninthesun entry. Dramione. Romance/Drama/Hot Shag. Fest Winner-Mod’sChoice! COMPLETE
La Cerise: TheSweetest Cherry by RZZMG- M, 16 chapters, complete
Draco Malfoy visits a Masked Gentlemen’s Club and meets anew courtesan making her debut - a beauty known only as The Princess. She’s upfor auction to the highest bidder, and Draco’s determined to win her! RegencyEra A/U. Draco x Hermione/Dramione. Story nominated and multiple wins at the HPFanfic Fan Poll Awards-see profile for details. COMPLETE.
- Wynken
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dfroza · 3 years
the Spirit has formed us into a single Body, interconnected.
Paul illuminates this in his writing with Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament being the 12th chapter of the Letter of First Corinthians:
Now let me turn to some issues about spiritual gifts, brothers and sisters. There’s much you need to learn.
Remember the way you used to live when you were pagans apart from God? You were engrossed—enchanted with voiceless idols, led astray by mere images carved by human hands. With that in mind, I want you to understand that no one saying “Jesus is cursed” is operating under God’s Spirit, and no one confessing “Jesus is Lord” can do so without the Holy Spirit’s inspiration.
Now there are many kinds of grace gifts, but they are all from the same Spirit. There are many different ways to serve, but they’re all directed by the same Lord. There are many amazing working gifts in the church, but it is the same God who energizes them all in all who have the gifts.
Each believer has received a gift that manifests the Spirit’s power and presence. That gift is given for the good of the whole community. The Spirit gives one person a word of wisdom, but to the next person the same Spirit gives a word of knowledge. Another will receive the gift of faith by the same Spirit, and still another gifts of healing—all from the one Spirit. One person is enabled by the Spirit to perform miracles, another to prophesy, while another is enabled to distinguish those prophetic spirits. The next one speaks in various kinds of unknown languages, while another is able to interpret those languages. One Spirit works all these things in each of them individually as He sees fit.
Just as a body is one whole made up of many different parts, and all the different parts comprise the one body, so it is with the Anointed One. We were all ceremonially washed through baptism together into one body by one Spirit. No matter our heritage—Jew or Greek, insider or outsider—no matter our status—oppressed or free—we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Here’s what I mean: the body is not made of one large part but of many different parts. Would it seem right for the foot to cry, “I am not a hand, so I couldn’t be part of this body”? Even if it did, it wouldn’t be any less joined to the body. And what about an ear? If an ear started to whine, “I am not an eye; I shouldn’t be attached to this body,” in all its pouting, it is still part of the body. Imagine the entire body as an eye. How would a giant eye be able to hear? And if the entire body were an ear, how would an ear be able to smell? This is where God comes in. God has meticulously put this body together; He placed each part in the exact place to perform the exact function He wanted. If all members were a single part, where would the body be? So now, many members function within the one body. The eye cannot wail at the hand, “I have no need for you,” nor could the head bellow at the feet, “I won’t go one more step with you.” It’s actually the opposite. The members who seem to have the weaker functions are necessary to keep the body moving; the body parts that seem less important we treat as some of the most valuable; and those unfit, untamed, unpresentable members we treat with an even greater modesty. That’s something the more presentable members don’t need. But God designed the body in such a way that greater significance is given to the seemingly insignificant part. That way there should be no division in the body; instead, all the parts mutually depend on and care for one another. If one part is suffering, then all the members suffer alongside it. If one member is honored, then all the members celebrate alongside it. You are the body of the Anointed, the Liberating King; each and every one of you is a vital member. God has appointed gifts in the assembly: first emissaries, second prophets, third teachers, then miracle workers, healers, helpers, administrators, and then those who speak with various unknown languages. Are all members gifted as emissaries? Are all gifted with prophetic utterance? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Or are all gifted in healing arts? Do all speak or interpret unknown languages? Of course not. Pursue the greater gifts, and let me tell you of a more excellent way—love.
The Letter of 1st Corinthians, Chapter 12 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 47th chapter of the book (scroll) of Isaiah that gives warning to such acts as magic and sorcery and astrology:
[An Ode to the Fall of Babylon]
“Get down from your throne and sit in the dust, O Miss Babylon!
Sit on the ground where you belong,
not on a throne, O Miss Chaldea!
For you will never be described again as ‘delicate and dainty.’
Take off your pretty veil;
take two millstones and grind grain.
Lift your skirt, bare your legs, and wade through the rivers.
Your humiliating nakedness will be uncovered,
your shame exposed and seen by all.
I will take vengeance and let no one intercede for you.”
We have a Redeemer. Yahweh is his name,
the Commander of Angel Armies, the Holy One of Israel!
“Sit silently and go away into the darkness, O Miss Chaldea!
For you will no longer be called the Mistress of Kingdoms.
I became angry with my people,
so I wounded my special ones.
I handed them over to you, and you took them captive.
You showed them no mercy;
you even made the elderly suffer under your heavy yoke.
You thought,
‘I will be the Mistress of Kingdoms forever.’
But you never considered what you were doing
or reflected on how all this would end.
So now, listen to this, you pampered lover of pleasure,
who sits smug and secure and says in her heart,
‘I am, and there is no one like me!
I will never have to live as a widow
or suffer the loss of my children.’
Suddenly both of these losses will overtake you in one day,
for you will lose your husband and your children.
Despite your many magic spells and your powerful sorceries,
you will be overwhelmed by these tragedies in full measure!
You felt so smug and secure in your wickedness.
You thought, ‘No one sees me.’
Your idea of ‘wisdom’ and self-professed ‘knowledge’
has led you astray, saying in your heart,
‘I am! There is none like me!’
An avalanche of evil will come upon you
that no magic spell will be able to avert.
Great disaster is about to fall upon you
that you will not be able to ward off!
Total devastation will strike you suddenly.
It will happen so swiftly you won’t even see it coming!
So go ahead—keep trusting in your sorceries
and the witchcraft you’ve practiced since your youth.
Perhaps you might succeed!
Perhaps you’ll scare away your impending doom!
You must be fatigued with so much counsel!
Let the stargazers and astrologers take their stand.
See if they can help you now!
Let them make their monthly predictions.
Maybe they can reveal what
is about to come upon you.
Look at them!
They’re nothing but straw for the consuming fire.
They can’t even rescue themselves from the power of the flame.
And this is not some cozy fire
that you sit beside to keep yourself warm!
These traders, with whom you have dealt since your youth,
will do nothing but disappoint you.
Each has wandered off to his own way—
there is no one left to rescue you!
The Book (Scroll) of Isaiah, Chapter 47
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Sunday, july 25 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons that looks at a prophetic picture of restoration:
The prophet Zechariah (זְכַרְיָה) foresaw the future Messianic Era when the various fast days of the Jewish year would be transformed into appointed times of great joy: “Thus says Adonai Tzeva'ot (יהוה צְבָאוֹת): The fast of the fourth month (Tzom Tammuz), and the fast of the fifth month (Tishah B'Av), and the fast of the seventh month (Tzom Gedaliah), and the fast of the tenth month (Asarah b'Tevet), will be to the house of Judah for joy and rejoicing, and for pleasant appointed seasons, and the truth and the peace they have loved” (Zech. 8:19).
Because of this prophecy of coming consolation for Israel, on the Sabbath immediately following the fast of Av (i.e., Tishah B’Av) we recall the promise of coming comfort from the LORD God of Israel. Therefore the sages named this Sabbath the "Sabbath of Comfort" (i.e., Shabbat Nachamu: שַׁבַּת נַחֲמוּ) and assigned the prophetic portion from the Book of Isaiah that begins: נַחֲמוּ נַחֲמוּ עַמִּי - Nachamu, Nachamu ami - "Comfort, O comfort, my people..." (Isa. 40:1). The sages reasoned that the word nachamu was repeated to offer consolation for both Temples that were destroyed. Thematically, this Shabbat marks a time of joy over anticipated comfort: Despite present tribulations, the LORD will vindicate His glory and completely ransom His people.
Shabbat Nachamu marks the start of a series of seven weekly readings related to the final redemption of the Jewish people - and indeed the entire world (these readings are sometimes called "The Seven Haftarot of Consolation," or "Shiva D'nechemta" in Aramaic). In other words, we have seven weeks to prepare for the start of the new year (Rosh Hashanah) and the High Holidays - a prophetic season that concerns the return of Yeshua. From the Sabbath following Tishah B’Av until Rosh Hashanah, we read words of comfort from the prophets. These selections foretell the restoration of the Jewish people to their land (the ingathering of the exiles), the future redemption of Israel, and the coming of the Messianic Era. May Yeshua return soon, chaverim! [Hebrew for Christians]
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Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
July 25, 2021
Come Thou Fount
“And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.” (Revelation 21:6)
Promises of God’s fountain of blessings fill Scripture. They beckon our prayers for fulfillment, not only in heaven but even now. Christ assured us that “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). The precious hymn “Come Thou Fount” reminds us of our position of blessing in Christ. The first verse says:
Come, thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it, mount of thy redeeming love.
God acts toward believers in grace and mercy, not deserved justice, eliciting praise from the recipients. His “fount” assures us that He “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20).
We look forward to singing and praising our Lord with the angelic “flaming tongues” above for all eternity. “The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever…saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:10-11), and “I heard the voice of many angels...saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing” (Revelation 5:11-12).
Even so, come Thou Fount. JDM
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