#i personally love when the people i follow reblog this a million times too
artsy-book · 7 months
I wanted you to know I love it when you reblog things a million times. I get to scroll through my feed and with every post my smile gets a little bit bigger. It’s refreshing to see someone show that enthusiasm and it always makes my day a little bit better.
awwwww thank you ^-^
i love seeing YOU in my notes all the time and it brings a smile to my face seeing that someone is enjoying the things i am posting/reblogging ^-^
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heartsforhavik · 2 months
hi i was wondering if you would do headcannons of the yan!fanboy if reader actually noticed him coming to all their shows and events
obsessed (superfan! yandere boy x gn!popstar reader)
warnings: stalking, average yandere tendencies, nsfw, perverted yandere, gender neutral reader, mentions of naked reader but no genitalia addressed, dom reader, reader is compliant with the yandere and teases him a ton, lowercase intended. btw i do not condone yanderes irl.
a/n: i hope y'all know i read every single one of your asks, comments, and reblogs. i appreciate them all and they do brighten my day. i'm just saying this so y'all know that the stuff you send to other writers (not just me) matters a lot!! when you interact it gives them inspiration!!! and motivation!! me personally sometimes i see ONE kind reblog and i immediately get my ass up and start writing something just because of that one person. don't get me wrong, i still love all my lurkers that silently like a ton of my stuff, y'all are important too. anyways i'll shut up now onto the hcs. (btw this ended up being a fic instead of hcs i apologize. i went crazy over this i'm sorry anon LMAO)
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"hey, you look pretty familiar. have you been to a few shows before?" you asked kindly, facing the short man in the front row of the audience.
bayani froze as the stadium's screens pointed to him. he opened his mouth in an attempt to say something, but nothing came out. his face went red and his throat went dry. did you actually notice him, or was he just dreaming?
after a few seconds of waiting for an answer, you shrugged. "sorry, maybe i mistook you for someone else. anyways..."
the yandere boy still didn't move, with his mouth agape, as you continued on with your show. the people around bayani didn't seem to care, assuming that he was just a starstruck fan. but it was more than that. much more than that.
out of the millions of fans that attend your shows and events, you recognized him among them. you noticed him. and he didn't know how to handle it. what was he supposed to say? what would you even talk about? sure, he's seen all of your interviews and heard your music and dissected your lyrics for hours every single day, but would you ever want to interact with him as much as he wanted to interact with you? he was just a lowlife. he had an average job, average amount of money, he lived in a shitty apartment, and he had no friends or major accomplishments. all of his free time outside of work was spent on you. spent on following your every move and investigating everything you've put your hands on. if you ever spoke to him, you'd probably think he was some sort of pathetic stalker.
that thought drove him mad. he couldn't even focus on the rest of your concert. he didn't hear the blaring music and screams from the crowd. he wasn't paying attention to your performance, either.
he could only stand there and imagine the punishments you'd inflict on him if you found out about his obsession. would you call your security to take him away? he'd hope not. if he's going to be kicked and pushed around, perhaps even handcuffed, he'd rather you do the job rather than some random guard. but maybe he'd accept the punishment, only because you were the one who deemed it necessary. he takes your word like gospel, so he'll take whatever punishment you want, even though he would prefer your hands on him while you do it.
his imagination ran wild as your concert finished and you walked off the stage with your dancers. the crowd of fans in the stadium dispersed around him, moving along with their day. but bayani couldn't just move on with his day knowing that you know he exists now. how is he supposed to simply move on from that? he spent a long time making sure you never noticed him. even though he attended every single one of your concerts and events, he did not want to be noticed. he knew he wouldn't be able to handle it. but it finally happened. he finally got a taste of what it's like to be seen by the love of his life. he couldn't just leave it at that. he had to do something about it.
being under your gaze, even if it was only a few seconds, made him feel like he went to heaven. it made all of the hundreds of dollars he spent on you worth it. all of the hours he spent listening to your music and watching videos of you was worth it. it was like he awoke from a slumber. a long, miserable slumber. he had to find a way to thank you. say something to you. he messed up when he simply froze after you saw him. who knows when he'll get another chance like that?
it took a few hours for the stadium to be empty, and the security started to shoo bayani away. but when he went outside, the parking lot was still full. your concert ended hours ago, but there was still loads of cars trying to leave. it would be frustrating, but bayani had to find a way out quickly.
he climbed on the back of a nearby truck and rested his legs there, waiting patiently for the vehicle to move out of the traffic. even though he knew the truck wouldn't go anywhere near your mansion, he knew how to get to your house on foot. he only needed to rest on the truck until the traffic was gone.
after a few hours on the road, he jumped out of the vehicle, and started to walk to your mansion on foot. he didn't need to look up the location online, because he already knew where it was. he visited your home many times in the past, he just never attempted to go inside before.
his veins were on fire and he started to sweat the closer he got. he was starting to have second thoughts about his idea. but there was no time to go back, because he already showed up to your house before he could change his plans.
to get inside, he had to climb up a tree, jump off of it, and land in your backyard. he used that trick often in the past, since it was not his first time going to your house. he often snuck on your property to watch or take pictures of you while you slept.
he tried opening your bedroom window, but it was locked. he had to try a different one.
he went over to a window beside your bedroom, and thankfully, it was unlocked. but the moment he opened the window, he heard the sound of water running and your familiar voice humming a song. were you in the shower?
bayani climbed inside as quietly as possible, and closed the window behind him. his suspicions were correct. he was in your bathroom, and you were taking a shower. your curtains covered up your figure, so he couldn't see you.
bayani looked to the side of the room and saw a pile of your dirty clothes on the floor. he ran up to it and immediately took a large whiff at the pile. it smelled divine to him. he couldn't get enough of it. he quickly spotted your used underwear in the pile and snatched it without thinking, then he stuffed it in his pocket. you wouldn't notice, right?
before he could take the rest of your clothes, the water suddenly stopped. bayani ran to hide, in a spot where you couldn't see him but he could see you. you opened the shower curtains and stepped out with a towel in your hands. you were completely naked, and still drenched in water. bayani felt like he died and went to heaven again that day. he couldn't believe what he was seeing. you were completely naked, right in front of his eyes. ignoring the puddle in his pants, he nervously fumbled around his pockets, trying to find his phone. there was no way he could pass up an opportunity like this. without hesitation, he snapped a photo of you.
but he didn't notice that the flash was on.
he froze, and you looked towards him. neither of you said a word, and bayani saw his future flash before his eyes. you would probably scream for security and he would get taken away to prison, never to see your face again. his life would be over.
"you're the guy i've been seeing everywhere, huh?" you whispered.
"...are you going to, uh... send me away?" bayani gulped.
you thought about it for a moment. this guy clearly cared a lot about you, because you saw him literally everywhere you went. no matter what country you visited, he was always there. even if you didn't tell a single soul where you were going, he was somehow always there. you even saw him on your property a few times, so you knew how crazy he was. but you still let him do it. and you never reported him, either. you knew exactly what he wanted. you could always hear him moaning outside your window, knowing he would have one hand down his pants and a camera on the other.
he was cute, so why not have some fun with him?
"come here." you commanded. he followed your order without thinking, immediately falling down to his knees in front of you.
you grabbed his chin, and made him look up at you. he felt hot tears well up in his eyes as you stared him down. he didn't say a word, but you knew exactly what he was thinking.
you pressed your knee against the wet stain on his pants, and he let out a pathetic whimper. he was getting off on it.
he didn't know what to do. his dreams were finally coming true. he got noticed by you, got into your house, saw you naked, and you finally touched him. he was overwhelmed, and started crying. he didn't mean to look so weak in front of you for a first impression, but he couldn't help it. besides, he'd make a fool out of himself any day for you.
"you're so pathetic.. you've been stalking me for so long, and now you break into my house to see me naked. i could call the police and have you arrested..." you whispered, as you started putting more pressure on his crotch, moving your knee up and down on it, and inching your face closer to his.
he sobbed, “please, don't! i promise, it'll never happen again. i'll stop, i'll do whatever you want, i'll-"
you cut him off by connecting your lips to his, setting his heart on fire. you pulled away after a few seconds, leaving him speechless. there's no way you just kissed him. he had to be dreaming.
and then you moved your knee away from his crotch right before he could cum, making him let out a whimper and crumble to the ground.
"thanks for letting me have some fun with you. we can do this again soon.. if you be a good boy and return my underwear." you winked, walking away and leaving bayani a hard, pathetic, leaking mess on your bathroom floor.
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no-where-new-hero · 1 month
Chapter 31: Emily's Great Moment
I cannot believe we made it to the end of the book club! Thanks a million to @batrachised for hosting, @the-piper-and-the-lion for the memes, @bewareofitalics and @moonlightredfern for reblogging and sharing all the posts, and everyone who participated for offering metas and reactions and enriching the fandom of this oft-overlooked book! I enjoyed it quite a bit :)
This chapter's thoughts, feat. some spoilers, below:
I ONLY noticed this time around that Dean's habit of accompanying Emily through near-death convalescence is established from here, yet its outcome is totally contrasted to its outcome in Emily's Quest. Here, he leaves her to Teddy. There...
LMM is also very fond of these kind of...loaded benedictions following Emily's interactions with her prominent male mentor figures, each of which underscore this inevitability that Emily will have to give something up to have the life she wants. It started with Douglas and his "she will love deeply, suffer terribly, and have glorious moments to compensate." The sacrificial element isn't here, but still that notion of balance, of something being taken away for her glorious moments. Then Dean's "one pays a penalty when one reaches out for something beyond the ordinary." This is the reverse, overtly sacrificial, applicable to a number of areas in her life: her ambition, her desires, her freedom. It also comes up in his mentioning of paying the piper the price for an exciting life. He may have his ulterior motives for the insistence with which he talks about it, but it becomes part of a theme. And finally Mr. Carpenter talking about the gods and their debts and that Emily will need to pay, which is basically what Dean was saying (but no one ever faults Mr. Carpenter for his dire outlook, it seems).
This all feels very much like LMM's own attitude to her writing seeping through; later on in the series, Emily talks about her muse as a jealous goddess in a way that sounds lifted from Maud's own journals, and the theme of Emily as an inveterate journal-keeper is also established here. But it also makes a strong stance on this idea of being a woman and being a writer: it demands sacrifice, almost deprivation. We've seen it already in Emily burning her account book. I wonder if this is partly why people are skeptical that Emily continues writing after she marries Teddy; Maud has so thoroughly insisted that Emily cannot have her cake and eat it too. I personally don't agree with this conclusion, in my opinion Teddy is the only way that Emily doesn't have to sacrifice, because he's partially her muse and inspiration himself; but the fact stands that Emily is portrayed so often as having writing and nothing else that it's hard to imagine her being able to avoid these debts that everyone has been piling on her throughout this novel.
Final note is that, in the physical copy of the book I own, the final line--in complete and utter bathos--has a misprint of "diary" as "dairy," which has always annoyed me to no end.
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Wedding crasher
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PAIRING | Sebastian Stan x Best Friend!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Today is the day you're getting married to the love of your life, or so you thought. When Sebastian confesses his love for you when you're standing at the altar, you're faced with the hardest decision you'd ever have to make.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Swearing, angst, runaway bride, smut [ Light praise kink, light breeding kink, oral F&M receiving, face riding, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, people!), multiple orgasms, implied aftercare ].
A/N | I'd love to start writing more requests (not just for Sebastian, but for all people/characters on my Masterlist) so if you would like to send me a request, please don't hesitate! 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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You still can't believe what you did, and you're wondering if you made the right choice. Sure, it felt nothing more than perfect the moment you decided to say yes, but now the aftermath of your actions is starting to dawn on you when you look at the naked man in bed next to you. You were naked too and had an amazing few hours before the two of you fell asleep, but there will always be a little voice in the back of your head that wonders. The more you think about it however, the more it seems to be okay, and a small smile starts tugging at the corners of your mouth. You said yes to the man you want to spend the rest of your life with, and wouldn't want to have it any other way.
~ Earlier that morning ~
''How is the blushing bride-to-be doing today?'' Sebastian asks when he calls you, it is the morning of your wedding to your soon-to-be husband Milo. ''I'm okay, nervous, but that's to be expected when you're about to give yourself to someone else for the rest of your lives, right?'' you ask him, a hint of something in your voice, a little bit of uncertainty laced in there. ''You're going to be okay, Duckie, I promise. And if not, well, you're always welcome to come crash at my place,'' Sebastian said and you know he means it, you've spent many nights on his couch after you and Milo had a big fight. Despite all that, the two of you are getting married today, and you're happy, though you're only 99% sure you should go through with this, and this 1% might get you into trouble later today.
''I know, but it won't be necessary today,'' you told Sebastian and you weren't even entirely convinced of your own words. ''I have to go now though, still have to get ready for the start of the rest of my life,'' and with that, you and Sebastian said your goodbyes. You look over to your wedding dress, which is hanging on the closet door of the bridal suite you're currently getting ready in, and you think about the fact that the one person you want to be there, won't be. Sebastian. After many long discussions and arguments with Milo, you decided not to invite him to keep the peace in your relationship. He has always been jealous of your bond with Sebastian, even though you reassured him a million times it wasn't necessary.
A single tear slips out of the corner of your eye, and you quickly wipe it away before more can follow right behind. You hear a knock on your door and get up to see who's on the other side, and it's your friend Joy, who promised she would do your hair today. ''Hey babe, come in!'' you said with a big smile and you open your arms to pull her in for a big hug. ''Are you okay? You look like there's something wrong,'' she asks, and it is like she can see right through you. ''Yeah, no, I'm fine. Everything's fine...'' you sighed while shaking your head. ''You know what, no, it's not fine and I refuse to keep things in, even on my wedding day,'' you started your rant.
''I just got a call from Seb, and it just fucking sucks he can't be here on my wedding day. Like, the one person I want to be here isn't even invited and I think it's fucking unfair! I just don't get why Milo is so worried, it's not like Seb and I are having an affair or anything, we're just friends,'' you say, the corners of your mouth slightly turning down at the thought of just being friends, and Joy notices, of fucking course she does. ''I know I will be a shitty friend if I don't say this, so here it goes. Are you sure you're making the right decision today, by marrying Milo? I know you love him, and he loves you, but I have a feeling there might be more to this friendship with Seb than you show me. I don't want you to walk down that aisle and do something that'll make you unhappy for the rest of your life,'' she says and you swallow the lump in your throat away.
She's right, you know she is, even though you don't want to admit it out loud. ''No, we're just best friends, that's all,'' you tell her, trying to sound confident and for a second you think it works because she doesn't push any further. That little seed, however, has been firmly planted in your head now. ''Come on, let's do some bridal hair,'' she says and she guides you to the vanity, reassuringly squeezing your shoulders to let you know she's behind you, no matter what choice you will make. About an hour and a half later, your bridal hair is done, and it is time for your make-up.
''Alright, I have to go get ready now, but I will see you at the ceremony. I love you, Y/N, don't you ever forget that,'' she says as she pulls you in for another hug. ''I love you too, Joy, more than you'll ever know,'' you said and you're thankful for having a friend like her. You have a few minutes before Ella, your make-up artist arrives to do your make-up and decide to text Sebastian. You can't get the conversation with Joy out of your head, and can't stop thinking about him not being there.
Duckie 🐥 | I wish you could be here today... God, I miss you so fucking much, it hurts... 🥺
You don't have to wait long to get your answer, within less than a minute Sebastian texted you back.
Seb 💙 | I'm sorry, Duckie, I wish I could be there too. But I know you'll be gorgeous in your dress, so if I would be there I don't think I'd let you walk down that aisle. I would just grab you before you can walk down and keep you all to myself 😉
Seeing his text made your heart beat a thousand times faster. God, this man was doing things to you he really shouldn't. But little do you know, he's closer to the wedding venue than you think, because he has a plan to make his words a reality. He has seen how miserable you are in your relationship with Milo and is determined to at least let you know you have a choice before you go through with the biggest decision of your life.
Before you can answer again you hear a knock on your door again, and it's Ella this time, here to do your make-up. ''Hi, come on in and thank you for being here,'' you say sincerely. She has done your make-up for lots of different occasions, and it wouldn't feel right if she wasn't the one doing your make-up. You settled on a natural look, so your dress and hair can take all the shine they need today. ''You look gorgeous, Y/N, and congratulations again!'' she says before walking out the door. Now you're left all alone, and it's time for you to get into your dress. You picked one that you could get on and off by yourself, and you're glad about that fact now.
Once it's on you stand in front of the lifesize mirror and snap a photo, sending it to Sebastian. He might not be there today, but that doesn't mean he won't get to see how beautiful you look today. All you get back are emojis with heart eyes, and you couldn't be happier, it feels good. Now it's time to go down and walk down the aisle, so you slip into your shoes before heading down, ready to be walked down the aisle by your stepdad. ''Are you ready, darling?'' he asks as you hook your arm in his, and you nod. ''I am, Phil, thank you,'' you say, and not long after, the music starts, signifying that you're coming down the aisle.
~ The wedding ceremony ~
The doors in front of you open, and you get a full view of everyone standing, looking back at you and Phil. Your eyes glide past all the guests, searching for Sebastian, even though you know it won't get you anything. He isn't there, and even though you're well aware of it, your mind still unconsciously searches for him in every room you walk into. You see the white roses adorning the wedding aisle, the white carpet down the path, adorned with light pink rose petals from the flower girls that walked there before you. And then, you look up and look right into the eyes of the man you're going to marry, Milo. You give him a small smile, and he wipes away a few tears at the sight of you.
Your legs walk forward as if they're on autopilot, and before you know it, you're at the front of the aisle, and the guests are sitting down. ''Congratulations, darling, I love you,'' Phil says before giving your hand away to Milo. ''You look beautiful, baby,'' he whispers in your ear and it makes you blush, you're still not used to getting compliments, even after all these years you've been together. ''So do you,'' you say as you look at Milo in a dark blue suit, his hair neatly slicked back, but still a little fluffy, just the way he likes it. You go and stand in front of him after giving your bouquet to Joy, who was also your maid-of-honor, and she smiled at you with a knowing look.
The official ceremony started, and now it's time for the ring exchange. ''Do you, Y/N Y/L/N, take Miles Smiths as your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?'' he asks, and before you can say ''I do'', the doors you walked through earlier swing open, making your eyes snap up to who opened them. There was a loud gasp coming from the guests, and as soon as you locked eyes with the person standing there, your heart started beating a mile a minute. There he is, the person you want to be here more than anyone, he showed up. Sebastian's here, and he won't leave without you.
''What the fuck is he doing here?'' Milo hissed through his teeth at you, but you didn't care. You didn't even look at him, your eyes were fixed on Sebastian in his light blue suit that matched his eyes perfectly. He's walking towards the altar and ignoring every protest that is thrown his way, before stopping in front of you. ''Duckie, you don't have to marry him, I know you don't want to. If you give me the chance, I will show you what real love looks like. I promise to worship you every single minute every single way, in everything that I do. I love you, Duckie, and I'm sorry, but I can't let you marry him without letting you know how I feel. So please, come with me, and I will love you deeper than you ever thought possible,'' he says, slightly out of breath.
''You're fucking stupid if you think she's going with you. She's here to marry me, not you, now is she? Leave us alone, and if I-'' Milo said before he was cut off by you. ''Milo, don't.'' is all you said before looking back at Sebastian, and in your gut you know what you had to do. You looked back at Joy who only gave you a small nod and a very knowing smile, and that is all the push you need to lift the bottom of your dress, walk down the 3 steps and take Sebastian's hand before running out of the wedding venue together. Now, you're officially a runaway bride and you never felt this free before.
~ After the ceremony ~
Sebastian quickly opens his passenger-side door for you and you step in before you can change your mind, not that you were planning on doing so. Sebastian walked to the driver's side and at that moment Milo ran outside to see him get in the car and drive off with his now ex-fiancée. ''Holy shit, I can't believe I did that,'' you laugh breathily, the realization dawning on you that you ran away from your wedding, to start a life with your best friend, the man who you love more than anyone in this entire world. ''I can, and I'm fucking happy you did Duckie,'' he says, making you smile at the nickname he gave you years ago after he found out about your obsession with ducks.
You give him the directions to the hotel you were supposed to go to with Milo, but you don't care anymore. Right now you want to share every single second you can with Sebastian, and both of you plan to take full advantage of the situation right now. When he pulls into the parking garage of the hotel he quickly parks before the two of you get out and go to the check-in desk. ''Hi, we have a reservation under Y/L/N,'' you tell the lady behind the desk. ''Ah, congratulations on your wedding!'' she said and you looked at Seb. ''Thank you so much, I can't believe I finally get to call her my wife,'' he said, pulling you closer and placing a kiss on your temple. It makes your heart race and the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
The lady gives you the pass to the bridal suite and before you know it, you're in the elevator, pushed against the wall by Sebastian who can't wait any longer. He softly held on to your face while carefully pushing your back against the wall as he captured your lips in a kiss, which is something he wanted to do for years now, and he feels amazing knowing that he finally has the chance to kiss you, without thinking about the consequences. For now at least. The elevator bell dings notifying you that you've arrived and he picks you up bridal style so you let out a shriek. ''Seb, we're not at the room yet!'' you say laughing.
You unlock the door with the keycard and push it open before Sebastian walks in, still holding you in his arms and looking at you with nothing but pure adoration in your eyes, and it's been a long time since anyone has looked at you like that. ''I love you, Seb, more than I'll ever be able to express in words,'' you say before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his pink, plump lips. He stops for a few seconds to kiss you back, and when you pull apart he walks to the bed, which is adorned with red rose petals. You kick off your heels before you stand up, so Sebastian can take off your dress.
He pulls the zipper of your dress down when you pulled your hair out of the way, and lets his hand caress the skin that gets exposed by every inch the zipper goes down. He's biting his bottom lip as he slides the sleeves down your shoulders, and the fabric falls to the floor, revealing the white lingerie that you wore underneath, and Sebastian softly gasps when you turn around. ''Fuckin' hell, I can't believe what I've missed out on all these years,'' he whispers as he trails small kisses from your cheek down your jaw and neck, over your shoulder and collarbone, and into the valley of your breasts.
You push his suit jacket off and it falls to the floor as well, followed by his shirt. You can't help but run your hands over the firm planes of his abs as he pulls off the shirt, and now it's your turn to softly gasp. You can see how hard he is right now, and it must be aching, so you do the only thing that feels right. You sink to your knees and unbutton his pants, pulling the zipper and then the pants down so he can step out of them. ''Hm, been thinking about sucking this dick for a while,'' you say as you look up at him from your position, which only gets him harder as his dick twitches in front of your face.
You palm him through his boxer briefs, feeling exactly how hard he is for you right now, and he lets out deep groans at the feeling of your hand on him. ''Please, wrap those pretty lips around it and suck me 'til I shoot my cum down that gorgeous throat,'' Sebastian says and you happily comply. His boxer slides down easily and lands on the floor, receiving the same treatment as all the other clothes. You waste no time and wrap your lips around his thick, red, weeping dick. Precum is already leaking from the tip and you softly suckle on the tip, earning yourself another groan out of the man's chest.
''Fuck,'' he grunts as his fists wind their way into your hair and he pulls softly, making you moan around him, the vibrations are shooting up his spine as he bucks his hips forward. His rock-hard cock is shoved right into your throat and you're glad you don't have too much of a gag reflex, otherwise, you would have a whole different type of conversation right now. You take it in stride as Sebastian keeps thrusting down your throat, and you moan around him while he chants your name like a prayer at the feeling of your warm mouth and throat around him. You keep sucking in your cheeks to give him even more pleasure and before you know it, he shoots ropes and ropes of cum down your throat, and you swallow every last drop of it.
''Jesus, shoulda done that way sooner,'' he grunts as he falls backward onto the bed, and you get up, before crawling onto the bed to straddle him. ''Bein' such a good boy for me, hm?'' you ask as you lean forward, your chest pressing down on his as he's still coming down from his orgasm. ''Yeah, 'm a good boy,'' he says with a small smile on his lips. You kiss him softly, making sure he doesn't crash down from his post-orgasmic bliss and you feel his hands on you, caressing your waist and hips, back to your ass where he gives a soft squeeze. ''Mine,'' he says and he gives it a soft slap with both hands at the same time, and you shoot forward.
''All yours, Seb, it's all for you,'' you coo at him and his arms make their way up your back and to the clasps of your bra. ''Need it off,'' he said and he unhooks it quickly, so you sit up and let him guide the lacy fabric down your arms and onto the floor. Without hesitation he reaches out for your nipples and softly flicks them before squeezing and tugging a little, earning soft moans from you as you writhe on his lap, making him hard again. ''C'mere, sit on my face,'' Sebastian says and you do without a single doubt, making your way onto his chest and his face. ''Wanna taste you, Duckie,'' he says as his strong arms wrap around your thighs.
He pushes you down onto his mouth and starts sucking and licking over your panties, the feeling of the fabric against your clit making you go a little crazy. ''Seb, let me take it off,'' you say as you want to get up, but he doesn't let you. Instead, he pushes it aside and starts eating you out like a man who hasn't eaten in weeks. You moan loudly as he sucks, licks, and kisses your clit, and fucks his tongue inside your entrance. ''S-Seb, 'm close!'' you whine and he takes it as an invitation to attack your clit, making you cum violently in less than a minute afterward. Your legs are shaking as you're coming down from your high, your hands pressed against Sebastian's chest as you try to keep yourself from falling over.
He gently lifts you off of his face and lays you down on the bed, before finally sliding down your panties and positioning himself between your legs. ''Can't wait to feel you wrapped around me, Duckie, never gonna leave,'' he says as he leans down for a kiss, deepening it slowly. Neither of you are in a rush, and you're taking in every single second together. ''Seb, please, fuck me. Want you to put a baby in me,'' you say, not entirely thinking straight, but not regretting what you said either. ''Yeah? Wanna be round with my child? Show everyone our love?'' he asks and you just nod, that's all you want.
''Alright, since you asked so nicely, I will put a baby in ya,'' he says and he grabs his hard cock in his right hand, stroking up and down a few times before moving it through your folds, earning himself a moan. ''Gonna put it in, baby. 'S gonna be a stretch, but you'll take it, won't you?'' he says and you just moan softly in response, you can't wait to feel him slide inside you until he's bottomed out. The first burn is quickly replaced by pleasure as he works more of himself in you. Not long after he's completely inside you, he's home. ''Fuck, feels good,'' you say and Sebastian agrees.
He softly pulls back out before thrusting back in with a bit of force, but not too much. Right now isn't about lust, it's about making nothing but pure, unadulterated love to each other. Soft moans and skin slapping against the skin can be heard throughout the room, but neither of your is rushing it, instead taking it slow and enjoying each other. There are slow, lazy kisses exchanged, and it doesn't take long before you're almost at the edge of another orgasm. ''Seb, 'm close, please, make me cum for you,'' you tell him, and he doesn't have to be told twice. He picks up his pace a little and reaches down to your clit, rubbing it until you fall apart under him.
''S-SEB, yes, f-fuck!'' is all you say as you cum again, and not long after you're being followed by Sebastian, shooting his cum deep inside you before slowly pulling out, and getting a washcloth to clean both of you up. ''Here you go, Duckie, all clean again,'' he says before laying down next to you, and pulling you into his chest, as he puts a kiss on your forehead. ''That was amazing, and I can't wait to do that every single night,'' he says, earning himself a glare from you. ''Kidding, Duckie,'' he said and you closed your eyes and sighed, feeling safe in his arms, and you press a kiss on his cheek. ''Thank you for doing that, you made me see what I was missing out on, and I'm glad I finally found where I belong,'' you say and Sebastian just hugs you tighter at your words.
A few hours have passed, and you look over at Sebastian, who's almost asleep next to you in the wedding suite of the hotel. Naked. Beautiful. And you feel happier than you ever have in your life, and this is when you realize you made the right decision, it was Sebastian all this time, and you were too stupid to see it until now. You cuddle up to him and he nuzzles his nose in your hair. ''Love you, my Duckie,'' he says in your hair and you smile so big it feels like your face is splitting apart. ''Love you too, Seb, more than you'll ever know,'' you whisper as you fall into a deep sleep, content in the arms of the man you love, so so much.
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thesofthuman · 8 months
I just want to die
since you've sent this to me i hope that means you want me to answer. i want to begin by saying how empathetic i am towards you and how i'm sorry this is what you're feeling. i was there too, years ago now, and i'm glad it wasn't something i gave into. being a person can be really hard. really, really hard. some people don't get it. they can function like it's no weight. but for others it can feel so heavy. what i can tell you is that feelings pass, and thoughts pass, and we can learn how to reinvent them and have new ones that eventually feel like the only ones we currently know. now i can't tell you what to feel or how you feel it, but i can tell you what i felt. something that clicked for me when i felt this way was maybe that i didn't fully want to die, that i didn't fully want to leave everything in my life. i loved aspects of my life, i just felt so deep in my darkness that these things seemed out of touch, they couldn't reach me and i couldn't reach them. i couldn't feel any of the things that mattered to me. and what hurt, what felt impossible, became a weight strapped to my legs. everywhere i went it followed. i'm not saying this to be cliche, only because it is the truth. what i found was that i wanted to kill off parts of myself, parts of my life, parts of the past that haunted me. i wanted a new life. i wanted something to love me back. so i killed off what i needed to. i dove all the way in to a different way of being, as much as i could. i mourned. i felt what i needed to feel. i got help. i talked to someone, i wrote in my journal, i made it a serious commitment that my life depended on to LOVE something every day. to SEE something in the world that i had been blind to before. it took all of me to do it, and it saved me. i kept note of what i saw in a little journal. i still do this today. i put myself in the world and i let the heavy wall get knocked down bit by bit. i committed to it more than i've ever committed to loving someone, or hating myself, or staying in my room. yes, the heaviness carved away at me, but it left room to fill up. so i filled it up. it wasn't a quick fix, but it was real and it worked and i'm telling you this because i'm still here to tell you this. i killed off what i needed to. i moved, i went to a new school, i left the school, i made new friends, i let go of attachments, i stopped asking for what couldn't be given elsewhere and looked within. of course some parts still stay, and we learn to soften the edges of them. and life becomes beautiful again. the beauty, the meaning, the joy, the feeling creeps in slowly like sunlight under a door. hang on for that. hang on because there are a million lives to try on and live and you can start tomorrow, you can start at 3am, you can start as soon as you read this message. the heart of life is always there and you can touch it again. i wrote a list a long time ago here of all of the little reasons to stay alive, and since then in my mind i've added 1,000,000 new things. if i can find it i will reblog it for you. i care for you, i care about you staying in this world and living a big love-filled life that you deserve, no matter what has happened in the past. kill off the past and have something new. it saved me, it can save you.
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taeyongslaptop · 5 months
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Weather you're a Nctzen or just a lover of kpop , HELLO!
I usually don't type too much when I post because there is no need too. But , I will this time. If you like my post's or follow me or reblog me , it could be for a couple of things. Either you are a die hard Nctzen ( like myself ) , Just love kpop in general , or the MOST IMPORTANT ... 이태용 better known as Lee Tae-yong has inspired you , saved your life , cured you with his music somehow or just made you happy on your saddest days.
Taeyong has done all of that for me. Including saving me from some of the most darkest times that I have exsperienced in my life. Taeyong has been my light for years now.He has dug me out of holes that I never though were possible to escape. And for that , I will be forever greatdful until the day I no longer walk on this earth.
I have spent countless hours crying and depressed that he has had to leave us for awhile. But , his manly duty to his country calls and I have tried hard to understand that. I knew sometime it was going to happen and I always dreaded it. I am the type of person who always thinks negative most of the time.e So , thinking of something happening to him whilst he is away on duty has drove me up the damn wall.
But this week once again , he has made me proud , feel safe and sound and content with his situation. Because , not only is he a freaking phenominal leader to his brothers and to us , he now will be the leader of his platoon! I can't express how happy this has made me. It made me feel that everything is okay. Not only is he doing his duty to his country , but of course he ended up being a platoon leader!
This is what he does. He takes the best of the worst situations and makes it into something of an amazing exsperience for everyong. Including us back home supporting him. I know feel more content then ever knowing he is a platoon leader. Because with Taeyong leading , nothing could ever go wrong. Now , I am no longer crying worrying about him while he is doing his duty. He has it under control and this was his way of letting us know that!
Thank youso much Lee Taeyong for being that light for me and im sure millions of other people. I love you , with all of my heart always and forever! Continue to be safe , in good health and LEAD!
Taeyong comes home Dec. 14th 2025 // Just in time for Christmas!
Counting down the days until Taeyong is home: 597
Our Nct L E A D E R & our PLATOON LEADER !!
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twiniverse · 3 months
Temple Redesign for Twiniverse fan project thingy
Since I'm redoing a lot of old pages, it's probably time to update the Temple Fusion. Considering it's just an Obsidian made with Rose, Pearl, Jasper, Peridot, and Lapis... and then I just took out Jasper's gem and added Amethyst and Ruby... that's kind of boring. She's beautiful imo but she's just not unique to Twiniverse.
Sooooo I'm going to be redesigning her. And her name will be Onyx, based on black onyx with white and golden markings. She'll have some kind of crown that has both Pearl and Peridot's gems... and I'm thinking of maybe making her somewhat... cryptid-ish? Like a mothman kind of thing but less... animalistic?
Anyway I'm telling y'all this because... I am not good at designing monsters lol. That's a big reason I didn't redesign Obsidian to begin with. Soooooooooo what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna ask you guys for ideas.
This is not a contest. There will be no prizes. But I WILL reblog every "entry" and show them off later in a livestream.
Just kind of a fun thing. I most likely won't choose any one design, it will just really help me solidify a design by having lots of new ideas from fans!
All you need to do is make a post with your ideas, which can be something you've drawn or just a bunch of reference pictures and a description of what you think Onyx would look like. She does NOT have to be based on Obsidian or the Twiniverse Obsidian. She also does NOT have to have any design components I mentioned above (the crown, the cryptid thing, etc). Just whatever you personally feel like the fusion would look like =)
@ me in the post and tag it 'twiniverse' and I'll add it to a list of all the ideas I've got! And when I start getting the feeling I've gotten an idea of what the final product will be I will do a livestream and feature all of the suggestions as I work on the concepts for Onyx.
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Just as a reminder, here are the five components! (Technically six lol). The outfits aren't important, so don't feel like you have to tick too close to them. And, just in case you want it, here's the OG Twiniverse Temple, but remember any design you might have does NOT need to be based off of this.
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I just thought this all would be fun! Something to let people feel like they're apart of Twiniverse in some way. I understand that without prizes a lot of people won't want to join, and that's completely fine. I get it! And I won't be upset whether I get "entries" or not.
Thank you all once again for your patience and all that jazz. I'm trying to still be active even while I'm swamped with a million other things, and throwing myself into Art Fight on top of it, lol. Love all my followers! See you soooooon!
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mistywitcher · 1 year
So, I have just come home from Alton Towers (a theme park) and of course my autistic brain went a bit nuts in the queues so here is my take on what stormlight characters would do at a theme park lol:
Adolin: absolutely loves everything about the place, gets stupidly excited and practically runs from ride to ride, gets pissed off when the others don’t move fast enough and THERES ONLY A 15 MIN QUEUE SO COME ON LETS GO! he screams and whoops on rides and eats too many donuts and candy floss. yes he is sick at the end of it but so fuckin worth it.
Shallan: enjoys the vibes of the park, absolutely fascinated with how each area is themed and sketches in the queues. she’s more reserved on the rides than Adolin, but does laugh hysterically on them instead of screaming.
Navani: yes she enjoys the park, but is more interested how the rides work. Dalinar has to restrain her from asking a million questions to the ride staff. she goes on the odd ride but is usually quite quiet, focusing on the feeling of the mechanics. she has a secret love of shitty churros lol.
Renarin: fuck the theme park, only goes to please everyone else. it’s too loud, too many colours and there’s people everywhere. NO, ADOLIN, I WILL NOT GO ON THAT DEATH TRAP. he is the personal bag watcher while everyone else goes on. The only thing he does enjoy is the carnival games and is a weirdly good shot, so wins shit tons of stuffed toys.
Kaladin: tolerates the group holiday. went on one big ride, felt terrified and mildly sick and decided to only go on small ones after. weirdly loves water rides, gets fuckin so hyped on the river boat rapids. he wants to enjoy the day more, but can’t help worrying a bit every time the others are on a ride in case it goes wrong.
Jasnah: weirdly enjoys the park and actually lets loose a little. she appreciates the idea of creating false reality for entertainment, mixed with the cleverness and thrill of the rides. absolute control freak tho, and has a detailed map and schedule for the day.
Dalinar: activates full on Dad mode. has everyone drank enough? there’s a lot of walking, has everyone brought appropriate footwear? SHALLAN PUT SOME SUNCREAM ON OR SO HERALDS HELP ME. actually loves the rides tho, and follows all the rules of the park to the letter. sits next to Adolin on a ride once and ends up going nuts and screaming with him.
Hoid: disappears for periods of time and refinds the the group now and then. he hacks the arcade games and keeps coming back with more coins. no one questions it when one minute he’s sat on a ride next to them and the next he’s suddenly not there…
Thats all I’ve got, but please feel free to reblog/tag with more characters lol, or to add to this ahahahhaha!
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sebastianstanisahotmf · 10 months
a perfect winters day
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
A/N This is a part of my 100 followers celebration. At this point I'm gonna stop apologising because my shitty time management issues and son make it hard for me to adhere to the time frames I have given to myself so I will post the fics when I have time to. (I love my son millions so I'm not blaming him for me posting so late but I'm just saying that I like to spend time with him which means it's hard to find time to write) I hope you understand. Also, likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated.
Summary You and Bucky have the perfect day in as it snows outside.
Warnings Fluff, allusions to smut
“Wake up doll,” Bucky whispered into your ear, “It snowed last night.”
“Mm?” you slightly opened your eyes.
“It snowed doll!”
You sat up as soon as the words registered in your head,”Really!?” 
“Yeah doll, look,” Bucky wrapped your blanket around you and picked you up.
He walked over to the window in your bedroom and you gasped when you looked outside. Everywhere was covered in a sheet of pure white. The snow untouched, unbothered by anyone. The streets were empty, not a soul out there. It was like a winter wonderland especially since everything was so still it didn’t look real. 
“It’s so beautiful,” you gushed.
“Not as beautiful as you doll,” Bucky added, winking at you.
“You’re so romantic it’s almost disgusting,” you told him with a smile on your face.
“But you love it doll,” Bucky leaned in to kiss you. 
It was such a perfect moment, kissing the person you love the most while the world outside stood still, a beautiful landscape, the type you see in the movies and read in books. 
Bucky pulled back from the kiss with slightly swollen lips and a massive grin on his face, “I think we should make some hot chocolate and waffles.”
“I think thats a good idea babe.”
Bucky took the blanket off you and then took you into the bathroom. He put you down so you could brush your teeth while he did the same. 
Once you had done that, you walked into the kitchen to get started on the waffle batter as Bucky was making the hot chocolates. 
The way you both moved around the kitchen so gracefully and in sync made the scene seem rehearsed. The truth was that you and Bucky regularly made it a team effort to make breakfast so that neither of you feel like you have too many responsibilities. That’s how everything worked with you and Bucky; you both shared the workload in your shared apartment which not only made it easier, but allowed you both to feel equal. 
This may not have worked for other people but it worked for you and Bucky which is all that mattered. 
After the waffles and hot chocolates were made, you sat next to eachother at the dining table in your kitchen. Bucly had put every imaginable topping for waffles and hot chocolates on the table. 
“What do you want to do today?” Bucky asked, as he shoved an almost too big piece of waffle - loaded with every topping possible- in his mouth. 
You rolled your eyes and finished chewing the food you had in your mouth before responding, “I just want to stay in today, you know I like looking at the snow but going out in it is a different story.”
“I’m very aware doll, especially after our trip to Canada a few months ago,” Bucky chuckled at the memory of you slipping over. 
“You’re so sadistic Barnes,” you retorted.
“You didn’t moan about it last night, well you did, but not in that way,” Bucky smirked.
You picked up a strawberry and threw it at him.
“Hey, that’s not fair, I’m only telling the truth, Santa doesn’t come if you lie.”
“And you’re not gonna cum tonight if you keep teasin’ me,” you retaliated. 
“Is that a promise?” he questioned, raising an eyebrow.
You knew that Bucky would always be in charge in the bedroom, but it was fun to joke around. 
A few hours later, you and Bucky were cuddled up on the couch. He was laying with his head on your chest and the rest of his body was ontop of yours, acting like a weighted blanket. There was an actual blanket over the two of you and Home Alone was on the tv. 
This was the first christmas you and Bucky were spending together so you decided to introduce him to some of your favourite films especially since he was a few years behind on films.
Bucky let out a laugh which was a rare occurrence. You kissed him on the head and wrapped your arms around him tighter. 
“I love you so much baby,” you whispered.
“I love you too doll,” Bucky replied, pressing a kiss to your chest. 
This was perfect, you and Bucky cuddled up on the couch, watching a Christmas film and occasionally looking at the world outside.
If you want to see be tagged whenever I post a fic then click on the link.
If you want to see what I repost my other account is @sebastianstanisahotmf-reblogs
Taglist:@nicoline1998enilocin, @buckys-wintersoldier, @kenzs-world, @cutedisneygrl , @nekoannie-chan, @kandis-mom, @hisredheadedgoddess28, @booscherripop
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ice-sculptures · 1 year
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hey everyone!! so, originally, i wanted to do one of these back when all of y'all were posting your 'follow forever' + favorite blogs lists for new year's eve, but at that point in time i didn't feel like i knew anyone well enough to make a full list. but now, it's been almost nine months (holy shit!!!) since i joined this fandom, and there have been so many people that i've connected with and who have made my experience on here so much fun and so special.
plus...it's my birthday today, so i thought - what better way to celebrate it than to show my immense love & appreciation for all my mutuals, followers friends, and anyone who has ever made my tumblr experience better?
this isn't really in any particular order, and also, i am so so sorry if i forgot anyone. i had to type this out at least six times over the past two months because tumblr kept deleting my progress for some reason, so i'm really sorry if i missed anyone because of it. i recognize the urls of anyone that regularly interacts with my posts, so i promise that if you've ever left nice tags in the reblogs of my gifs or replied to any of my WIPS or tagged me in a gifset or in a tag game or sent me a nice ask or anything at all, really, please know that i think you're wonderful and i love you all so much even if tumblr hates me and decided to erase all of the evidence of it 😅
okay, enough dillydallying!! putting this under a cut so that it doesn't swallow ur dash whole....n here we go :)
@fireplceashes hi jen!! i know i said like. just one paragraph above that this was in no particular order, but i immediately broke the no. 1 rule of law and lied, bc as my very first friend in this fandom you are so undoubtedly so special to me and i'm putting you first just because i Can and no one can stop me. but anyway. where do i even begin with you? you are easily one of the sweetest people i have Ever, ever met - not just on tumblr, but in my real life as well - and i really love talking to you So much. thank you so much for always listening to my rants, and checking up on me, and just generally being there for me. you're just a really soothing person to talk to and i never have to worry about being 'too much' or anything like that when i'm talking to you. and of course - you are also so, so talented, and your gifs are absolutely stunning. they always turn out so beautifully, and i'm so in awe of your editing skills. basically...i'm just Very grateful to have met you, and *mike wheeler voice* all of my other mutuals, they're great, but my fandom experience would not be the same without you ❤️
@basiltonpitch spencer!! i feel the need to echo the first thing i said to you and remind you that i think you're a genius :') fun fact that i haven't told you: when i first found your blog, even before i realized that you were That person who wrote the benvi meta that i loved, the first posts that i saw from you were your beautiful web weavings, and i was immediately like Who is this person??? and Who gave them the permission to stomp all over my heart like this?? wtf?? i just. i love ur brain So so much and i'm so grateful that i get to enjoy your creativity in not one but two of my favorite fandoms (soon to be 3 with 911 maybe?) oh also...this is slightly embarrassing but i've gone back through your blog a few times just so i can read your incredible meta because all of your thoughts are so valuable to me. you are the Only person on this site that i trust to Get devi vishwakumar and one of the biggest reasons why i'm so excited for never have i ever s4 to drop is so that i can experience it alongside you!! and even outside of your creative genius, you are one of my favorite people to talk to bc you're so kind and so supportive and such an absolute sweetheart and i really love hearing everything you have to say. so. um. basically. i am just a Spencer Enthusiast through and through 💖
@padmedala carson!! hello!! first off, i've said this to you a million times, but i want to thank you once again for writing one of my favorite pieces of byler fanfiction. do you know that one post about reading fanfics and having to stop because 'he would not say that?' well, your work is the epitome of reading a fic and feeling wholly satisfied because yes, he would say that - in fact, i would not hesitate for a minute to say that you have the strongest grasp on will and mike's characterization - especially their dynamic together - out of any writer i've met in this entire fandom. like...i enjoy your writing so much that i've read a couple of your pieces for IT despite not having any knowledge of the source material simply because i wanted to experience more of your work. you're also such a deeply kind and supportive person, and you have no idea how much i appreciate every single time you've checked up on me or sent me a sweet message or even just dropped into my inbox to say hello. you make my dash infinitely brighter, and i'm so very glad to know you and have you as a friend on here 💞
@wllbyers dani!! hi!! i have so much to say abt how wonderful you are, and i was struggling w how to articulate this for a while, but then i remembered that you once said to me that you found my presence on the dash comforting, and honestly, that's exactly how i feel about you. forgive me for the awkward metaphor, but seeing you on the dash is like coming home after a long day and having a warm, home-cooked meal. seeing your url and icon always makes me smile, and i'm so grateful that we're mutuals because of how kind, considerate, and utterly genuine you are!! i don't know if i'm describing this right, but you just feel so real, you know? i feel like your personality shines through with every post you make, and i always love seeing it. and i'm sorry if this is weird to say, but your openness and your authenticity about everything going on in your life makes me feel a little bit less alone about my own struggles. also do you remember when you started watching 911 and eventually ended up getting ahead of me, and you tagged each and every one of your posts just so that i wouldn't get spoiled? i know it seems simple, but the sheer fact that you thought of doing that just for me had me melting into a little puddle w my face looking like that one meme of kristen bell. you are just so, so lovely and i'm unbelievably glad we're mutuals 🥰
@willblogger ima i've said this many times before but i absolutely Need to say it again: you are genuinely the funniest person on byler tumblr. i cannot count the number of times that you've made me full-on belly laugh (to the point where my stomach starts to hurt) and completely destroyed my attempts to casually and inconspicuously scroll through tumblr in public places. i dunno how you do it at all but every single thing you say is such an absolute delight and i am always giggling n kicking my feet when i read the tags on all of your posts. the thousands of people on tiktok and twitter copying your jokes could never do it like you. you've also got this deep understanding of the way the text has been written and i really appreciate how your analysis honors the characters as they are instead of trying to make them more palatable them for this fandom. it's just. it's rare to find people that love these characters as they are and understand them as well as you do and i feel very lucky to have found your blog. also this is not related at all but ur plushies are cute as fuck & i love them :) OH!! n thank u sm for being my number one stevebucky enthusiast mutual n partner in rage when it comes to avengers endgame!! can't wait to have a hate party w you (if you'd like) in five days 💗
@willelfanpage SARA HI HELLO do u see me waving at you. this is me holding up a banner screaming abt how much i love you. as the resident fandom cheerleader who gives and gives and gives so much love to everyone she interacts with, you deserve someone cheering YOU back on and that is what i am here to do!! you are so brilliant and you have never made an incorrect post in your life!!! all your fics are wonderful and i've loved reading them!! you are kind, you are smart, you are funny, and you make everyone around you feel so safe and comfortable and welcome here. like. i can't tell you how much i admire how open you are with your kindness and friendship and how you give it so freely to everyone you interact with. i love talking to you so much - whether it's hearing about your life or sharing our ideas with one another or just. venting about anything i want to - and your enthusiasm is utterly infectious and makes me feel more hyped and excited to be in fandom. forgive me for being so sappy on main but i will never not be touched by your endless love for fandom, not only these characters and the works that people make, but for the people around you as well and i hope u know i love u very much too 💞
@jackietaylcrs hii marianne fellow haver of good taste!! i remember you once made a post wondering if your followers would still love you if your stranger posting went down to 0.5% and i wanted to lyk that i definitely would!! i really like reading your commentary on ST and yellowjackets, but even when you're posting about a show that i'm not familiar with, you have this Way of speaking that i find very charming and funny and entertaining, and you bring this inimitable energy to my dash that i doubt i could ever find elsewhere. i like the way you sign off your posts with 'and like i say: brf slt.' i think it’s Neat n it fits you very well. alsooo THANK YOU very very much for being the one to convince me to watch yellowjackets!! people have been telling me to watch it for a long time but in the end it was your posts that made me say, fuck it, and finally watch it. also. um. ur posts abt stephen harrison make me feel very Seen so. thank u. ok bye 💗
@emblazons hello marie my beloved mutual marie!! honestly, out of everything in this post, this message was the hardest to write because i don't even know where to begin with you!! you bring so, so much to this fandom - your thoughtful, entertaining, levelheaded commentary, your stunning gifsets, your logical and witty posts, your incredibly supportive and kind personality, and your endless passion for this show and all that goes into making it, as well as our shared love & enthusiasm for noah schnapp 😅 every time i think you've made the most brilliant observation or put out the most beautiful set, you go and top yourself by finding something new or making an even prettier gifset. if i had to pick one person whose contributions to the fandom enriched my experience of this show? more than anyone, it would be you!! and i could go on and wax poetic about your talent forever (as i have on many, many occasions bc you deserve it 🥰), but i'm gonna end it here by saying that you are a gift to this fandom and one of my absolute favorite people on here, and that i'm beyond grateful to know you.
@mikeandwillel sandy!!!! you are so so smart and your analysis is absolutely incredible. i look forward to each and every one of your analyses because you always find the most clever parallels and your deep dives into each of these characters' arcs are always written with so much care and skill. and of course, i forever have you to thank for writing The ultimate masterpiece (your s4 painting arc analysis) that finally convinced me of byler endgame and thus made my fandom experience so much more relaxing and fun. i also really love & how much you love mike for all that he is -- i feel like it's a little rare in this fandom, so seeing how much you adore his true character and how you Understand him better than anyone else i've ever met makes me really happy. and not to mention, i have no idea how you managed to get so good at gifmaking in such a short amount of time but all your sets are so beautiful!! you're a gem fr 💖
@babygirl-jonathanbyers abbyyyyyy hello!! do you know how much i love seeing you on my dash? i love your pure, unapologetic love for jonathan, jancy, and the byers brothers and it really makes my whole day when i see a post from you appreciating those characters/ships. your moodboards are also So pretty and your presence on my dash is so positive and welcoming. i hope you're doing well on your hiatus rn and i can't wait to see you back on here again 🫂
@elmaxed lumiiiii hi!!!! when i think of you, honestly, the very first word that comes to mind is creative, because you bring so much to this fandom and i'm so grateful for it. i'm obsessed with everything you write because your fics are so lively and fun and make me smile uncontrollably every time i read them, all your headcanons are brilliant and adorable, your moodboards are gorgeous and not to mention, your themes are always so beautiful!! you're just...such a ray of sunshine on my dash and i'm so happy to have followed you 🥰
@mlchaelwheeler sarahhhhh my favorite stonathan pioneer and one of my first mutuals in this fandom!! i think you already know this but your analyses were a huge part of what got me into the byler fandom in the first place and i have never looked back, so thank you for that!! i Love love love ur theories (especially the s5 spec stuff) and i love seeing u in my notifs and reading your lovely and enthusiastic tags on everything you reblog and i love your love for st's OST!! you're a really smart, sweet, and positive person with the best opinions and i am forever rooting for mike to get a sword in s5 just for you 🙏🏼
@bylrndgm dearest elz you have no idea how happy your blog makes me 🥹 you're one of the most talented gifmakers i've ever met, and i always find myself smiling so much whenever i see you've posted something new (especially your byler x TS edits 🥰) because they're always so beautiful!! i've also always felt like your blog and everything you've posted is one of the purest and most expressions of love for mike and will....it's so clear that you love them So much and your blog makes me so happy to be part of this community. you've also always been so sweet to me throughout my entire time in this fandom and you're one of the people that has made me feel most welcome here. also since i never ended up responding to your DM i wanted to say that whatever path you choose, i'm sure that you're going to crush it and i am rooting for your success always 💖
@madcleradin sierra madcleradin byhops finalgirlbyers willcoded!! ok i promise i don't mean this in a weird parasocial way but i kind of admired you from a distance for a while even before we were mutuals just because every single one of your posts that ended up on my dash had me nodding my head and tapping my brain in agreement and clapping for u like this 👏🏼 all of your takes are top tier and i love how passionate you are about everything you talk about!! you're def one of the sweetest, friendliest, and coolest people on byler tumblr and following u has been such a gift ❣
@byclairs hello emily!! your gifs are absolutely stunning and i love following you because i Know i can always count on you to have the most based takes, both on stranger things (especially ur will takes - those keep me sane fr) and on fandom as a whole. also just wanna say that you have the best taste in ships and that you've got a 10/10 banger of a url that always has me mentally giving you a thumbs up whenever i see you on the dash ❤️
@heroesbyler stav!! you're one of the most brilliant analysts on this site and i'm so in awe of all of the incredible theories and analyses you've posted!! i'm obsessed w all of your banger gay mike posts & i'm also both fascinated and disturbed by all of the dots you've connected regarding brenner, henry, & the lab. your posts are so insightful and compelling and you've made me think about so many things that i never would've noticed on first glance. i also love that you're both unflinchingly confident but also insanely kind - a rarity in most fandoms, especially this one, and i love that energy on my dash. i'm very proud to be your grandma (your words not mine -- no i will not let you forget about that 🙏🏼)
@mandycantdecide hiiiii amanda!! i love your blog so much, and even though we don't share all of the same fandoms i love seeing your posts about everything you're interested in because i can always feel your energy and enthusiasm for it no matter what :) in fact, it was actually your posts that made me want to get back into 911, and you have no idea how grateful i am to you for that because being in that fandom is the most fun i've had in a really long time. so thank you, thank you thank you for that, and for generally being so sweet 💕
@howtobecomeadragon ayla!! hello!! i know we don't know each other super well but i Really wanted to let you know how much i appreciate your posts and all of your contributions to this fandom. you were one of my first favorite blogs when i first joined in august and you have no idea how thrilled i was when you followed me back haha 😅 i looooove your theory posts so much and i think your fics are fantastic (and i am Eagerly awaiting the end of come back to me and forgive everything so i can read it). you're also super sweet and kind to everyone around you, and i love seeing you on my dash 💞
@mrperfectlyfinetv hi jake!! as my designated Swiftie Mutual i feel like i should let you know that i don't usually follow taylor swift blogs bc swifties are scary but your gifs are so gorgeous and your takes are so good that i just Had to break my rule and follow you anyway. i really enjoy reading all of your opinions on miss swift even if you are a rep hater asdkjendfcskjflejrf and i adore all of your pretty ST and taylor swift gifsets!! i also love how much you love speak now and you've definitely made me go back and give it a few more listens so that i can appreciate it more & at this point i'm begging taylor to release speak now tv soon just for you 🫶
@magentamee - hi bre :) your art style is absolutely delicious and your writing is so cute and i've always noticed how committed you are to uplifting everyone around you in this fandom. also this is random but your friendship with amanda and @/likegoldintheair is so cute and whenever you guys post about each other i always find myself smiling at how sweet your interactions are. you’re just a person who always brings a smile to my face when i see you on the dash and i want to thank you for that 💗
@paintingformike hi!! i've said this before but i really do think you've always been The strongest soldier in the byler fandom (like, ngl your posts were Carrying byler tumblr for a while there while everyone was still in their debating-over-s5-canon phase). you've always been so levelheaded and astute with your observations, and i've always admired and respected how your posts make it seem so simple and So clear how all of the overarching themes of the show are leading to byler endgame. you've got an incredible way with words and i'm so glad to have you in our fandom 💞
and now for the creatives in this fandom - some incredible gifmakers whose beautiful sets have been the highlight of my dash, some wonderful writers who have ripped my heart out over and over again only to stitch it back together seamlessly just one paragraph later, and brilliant fan artists who are able to capture so much and make me feel the entire spectrum of human emotion with just a few brush strokes:
@sharpesjoy - em!! you're an absolute sweetheart and such a joy to see on my dash. all of your gifs are so gorgeous and so clearly infused with all of the love that you have for everything you watch and i've added several shows to my watchlist because your gifs have made me want to watch them so badly 💞
@heroeddiemunson - kai!! your creations are so beautiful and you have this unique gifmaking style that i'm totally obsessed with!! your colorings and typography are always so pretty and i Love how special and creative your sets are, especially the D&D character sheets. like.....i have no idea how u come up w all these incredible ideas but i'm so very glad u do bc my dash is better for it❣️
@kaliprasad - hi!! your blog is amazing and i'm so glad that i found it bc all your gifs are fantastic and i love them So much. i think your talent is insane tbh, that byers brothers set that you made for me a little while ago is still one of my favorite things i've seen on this whole site, and i love that you love them just as much as i do 🫂
@kingofscoops - no one, and i mean no one, does coloring like you!! all of your sets are so vibrant and bring so much life to my dash & i think the ST fandom is very lucky to have you ❤️
@aliecenthightower - emilia!! your gifs are stunning and i'm completely in love with your song lyric edits. they're all absolutely beautiful and i'm in awe of how perfect and emblematic the lyrics you choose are, like you just Get these characters, y'know?
@mayahawkins - MADDYYYYYYY you are So talented, and believe me when i say that your gifs have been the Biggest inspiration for my own gifmaking journey. all your sets are so pretty & i love everything you make - including your playlists which live rent free in my mind!! but as a reminder i also love following your blog for You and not just your gifs :) you're an incredibly sweet person and ur presence on my dash is utterly invaluable 💗
@padme-amidala - hi erika!! okay, calling you a gifmaker almost feels wrong because that word doesn't feel like enough to encompass how beautiful your work is...all ur ideas are So amazing and you have such a natural eye for color and detail!! it is so clear that you pour so much love into all of your creations, and if i'm being honest, one of the reasons why i am so grateful to be a byler shipper is so that i can appreciate your craft to the fullest. and you're also Such a genuinely kind person that i always look forward to seeing on the dash!! thank you for being so lovely!!
@wiseatom - hi thea!! your writing is the ultimate definition of comfort. when i read ur work, no matter what i'm doing physically, mentally i am in my cozy bed with the fireplace crackling in the corner, surrounded by twinkly lights and warm blankets, sipping hot cocoa bc that is the kind of emotion ur writing invokes ✨
@byeler - irene!! your fics were my introduction to the world of byler fics and i admire you and your writing so very much 💞 i don't know how it's possible for one person to have this much skill and talent, but you do, and i'm so grateful that you've chosen to share it with us. eagerly waiting on a new heavy hopes chapter was one of the highlights of my fandom experience and that fic is a piece of writing that i will always come back to over and over again 🫶
@astrobei - suni i have been reading fics for over a decade now and i have still never encountered a writer that does emotion quite like you do, devastating me with every single fic you put out. i promise i mean this in the best way possible but you're So damn good at capturing all of that heartbreak and pain and inflicting the same agony on your readers, and it would have killed me by now if not for the fact that you're equally good at writing the sweetest fluff that has me melting into a puddle whenever i read 🫂
@hopelessromanfic - lyssaaaa!!! i've been Such a huge fan of landslide ever since you started writing it - it's one of my all time favorite fics in the fandom and i'm obsessed with the storyline and your characterization in all of your fics 😍
@artistaquinterob - hi!! your art style is so ADORABLE and your use of color in your work is stunning and i just adore everything you draw, especially your will and el art and your jargyle art 🥹
@junkoandthediamonds - your character studies are beautiful and i'm obsessed with your byler comics, your gifs and your ST x DC crossovers!!! i love your realistic style so So much and if i worked for the duffers i would 1000000% hire you to draw the official comics because i can't get enough of your work 🥰
@livsmessydoodles - fun fact: last year, when HSMTMTS s3 was airing, i remember seeing your rina art throughout the season and immediately fell in love with your style and your interpretation of the characters, and the same exact thing happened when i saw your ST work, and it wasn't until you followed me that i put the pieces together and realized that you were the same person 😅 your style is So gorgeous and your art just makes me so happy, and trust me when i say that i am mentally wallpapering all of your work to the inside of my brain so i can look at it forever❣️
and of course, a very special shoutout to all of the people that i don't know too well but are still such a comfort to have on tumblr: @miwism @yearninginblue @kittykat940 @robinsnance @jesper-faheyss @bylersheart @usergabby @achingly-shy @wheelersboy @wontbyers @stbyers @will80sbyers @watpoetry @frodohaven 💝
+ to all my other mutuals: tumblr wouldn't let me link your profiles because of some ridiculous limit, but please know that i see all of you and i am hugging you through my screen rn. thank you!! 👍🏼
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reductionisms · 1 month
okay hi. how are you! you mightve noticed me liking and reblogging millions of your gintama posts. to which i say... teehee gomen? ;^__^ just wanted yo say i love the way your analysis and also the gintama math posts?!!!??!!! not saying im getting everything because im not (<- studied math for 3 years but not in english so i dont understand some of it) but yeah its was a nice approach. and im saving them to read later again when its not 2am
now for the ASK: have you thought about making a pinned post of all your analysis/the gintama math series? i would love to have them in one place
and the second ask: i noticed you and another blog (joleetwo i think?)(im planning on stalking all their gintama posts too. when it's not 2am) talking about gintoki = shouyo. would you explain it a bit? or if you already have, can you send the link?
tyyy, you flatter me too much... tbf even though i study math im pretty bad at it so i dont get everything either& half of what i write is abuse of notation lol
as for mathematics posting, unfortunately ive been sick on and off for the last 3 months and also very busy, so i didnt get to continue the tama series (im hoping to add it eventually, but right now its just the first installment). my other misc gintamaposting, including math posting (everything is math posting to me even if it isnt), is under “goose tag” in my archive if youd like to check it out. there’s also this compendium* i made of things i think are gintama math posting from other gintama mathematicians i love and admire. (*from early 24 so not updated since then- so not comprehensive)
as for shouyou=gintoki, i havent written on this specifically since it’s just something i carry with me always… in the first, in 519-20 when takasugi sees shouyou in his eye, in the next panel he sees gintoki in that exact position. to me, the first time i watched that, it just sort of clicked.
philosophically, gintama has this theme of what makes someone human. i feel like humanity here must be given to you by someone else (you have to be Named by them)— and it sort of aligns with the passing of promises (4devas, coan flashback)— that is, the passing of someone’s will. jirocho promises otose’s husband to protect kabukicho, which is otose’s husband’s will, and then gintoki promises jirocho to do the same, etc. similarly, gintoki upholds shouyou’s promise to protect their friends— which i am inclined to think is at least partially constitutive of shouyou’s person. that is, shouyou strove against utsuro to love and protect humans, which is what differentiated him from utsuro and eventually made him human (through gintoki, who makes him human). so gintoki receives shouyou’s promise, which is shouyou’s self (“a samurai is one who disciplines their weaker self”—follows this promise—self tied to promise), and on the cliff he acts it out. ie, by participating in shouyou’s will gintoki becomes shouyou. as do many people in gintama. and none at all. anyways unfortunately im sick and low energy so this is a bad explanation but hopefully that makes sense? Im sure joelle has written on this as well, as a heads up id just check with him to make sure he’s okay with spam notifs before going through his blog.
ty for the mathematics love since i love mathematics posting, & have a wonderful day!
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remturtle · 10 months
list five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your followers, mutuals and all the wonderful people on here!
HI ARU!! ILYSM!!! 💜💜💜
1. Matcha flavours!!
Especially in Milk tea, sweets and desserts! (Mainly because it’s not overly sweet when done well, and as someone who famously does not like sweets, it can be a blessing when I’m pressured* into getting a little treat while out with friends)
2. Villainess Otome Genre!
Look, okay, just hear me out. I know it’s an overused cliche now, but when I’d just broke into it there were very few that had comprehensible English translations, so I feel like I got the golden scoop. And I’m not as much of an avid reader of manga/manwha/manhua as I was a couple years ago, so I’m not bombarded with rip offs and trend jumpers all the time. That being said, my number 1 fave villainness manga is Hamefura! (My Next Life As A Villainness) (also!! New VN Coming for it on the switch?!? I’m so excited!!)
My beloved Bakarina is the golden standard of idiot MC dialed up to 100% and she IS my daughter.
3. Isekai genre!
Yet another overused cliche, but I’m not defending myself this time lmao. As almost every isekai fan knows, the medium is over flowing with shitty-lack-lustre-power-fantasy-harem-building but every once in a while (read: every once in a million years lmao) you’ll come across a read that is generally really interesting, whether it be through a new twist on the concept or just really great characters and world-building. A particular favourite of mine is Campfire Cooking. A more recent entry (though it might be a little old now? I don’t watch often.) but it’s basically just ‘salary man makes food for magical dog who happens to have the personality of a cat’ with a bit of monsters and worldbuilding sprinkled in. 100/10 highly reccomend (AroAce bonus: there is no romance or love interest 🥰)
Edit: campfire cooking was originally a light novel I believe, but I found it through the manga - which has an amazing and really unique artstyle that the anime COMPLETELY BUTCHERED (also I love my silly dragon dork Elrand(yes it’s ripped straight from ‘Elrond’(yes I thought it was very funny and a cute lil nod)))
4. Retro/Vintage Aesthetic!
This mainly applies to furniture and decoration, I’ve grown up with a lot of retro things around myself since my parents are a fair bit older than the norm for my generation, and there’s just something so cosy about it. You’ve probably heard me ramble about it at some point in our servers together but I’m planning on getting a lot of retro furniture for myself in the coming months. I’d love to own vintage clothes but the masc leaning pieces tend to be too restricting for my tastes, I prefer looser, more casual outfits.
5. Food!!!
Self explanatory. But just in case: as someone with very little emotional or sentimental connection to physical objects and an overwhelming lack of object permanence, pretty much the only thing that is guaranteed to consistently make me happy is good food. In particular I’m partial to Japanese and Korean dishes, but Malaysian food is pretty high up there too :3
|| * AKA: Being very strongly reminded to eat and not skip meals or ignore my body’s needs
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hbmmaster · 2 years
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I posted 2,809 times in 2022
That's 1,025 more posts than 2021!
209 posts created (7%)
2,600 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 442 of my posts in 2022
#always reblog - 88 posts
#hbmmaster - 53 posts
#cute - 39 posts
#long post - 12 posts
#ai generated - 6 posts
#world heritage post - 4 posts
#tgp spoilers - 3 posts
#girl - 3 posts
#great post guys - 3 posts
#me i love leaving - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#it's because of the scene where the employees of warioware seize the profits wario made from their unpaid labor by force
My Top Posts in 2022:
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6,645 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
mario movie predictions
(for context I’m writing this before the trailer has been released)
this will not be a “good movie”
unfortunately, it also won’t be bad in interesting ways
you’ll definitely be able to tell that many people who worked on this care about the source material. background details will be filled with deep-cut references to things from across the whole franchise, including things nintendo hasn’t acknowledged in decades
those will be completely overshadowed by the lore references in the script, which are the most Dorkly-ass nostalgia bait “hey remember Mario?” type gags a committee of soulless writers could come up with
it’s (at least partially!) an origin story, obviously, but they’re not allowed to deviate from established “canon” enough to come up with anything interesting. the best they can do is reference relatively lesser-known games like Wrecking Crew. they won’t reference Mario Bros. (Game & Watch) because they’re cowards.
it’s a comedy, but they only have like five good jokes. all five of those jokes will be featured in the trailer, so a bunch of people who don’t know how trailers work will think it looks good
the majority of the gags are jokes you’ve heard a million times before. peach sure gets kidnapped a lot! did you know mushrooms are also drugs? if you’re the Mario Brothers does that mean your name is Mario Mario? hey what if “cake” is a euphemism for something!! mario eats mushrooms he’s on shrooms get it
chris pratt’s mario voice is okay. it sounds kinda like mario’s voice in hotel mario, but with less personality
charles martinet’s cameo is as mario. the first time mario says something, it’s in martinet’s voice, then he clears his throat and has a more boring voice for the rest of the movie
princess peach girlboss moments
there’s a “mario is a bad brother” subplot. mario mistreats luigi consistently, and it’s not resolved by mario growing as a person it’s resolved by luigi doing something cool and “earning” mario’s respect
coincidentally mario DOES grow as a person, when he eats the super mushroom : )
in accordance with the Post-Frozen Law of Animated Villains, there will be a surprise bad guy reveal. there are several ways this could go:
bowser as a villain is played straight for the first act, then mario rescues peach and that’s the end of the Origin Story portion. afterwords, the REAL villain comes in, and the gang has to team up with bowser to stop them! and that real villain, of course, is
Foreman Spike, from Wrecking Crew
Donkey Kong
Yoshi (revenge for being thrown into pits)
Wario (wahahahaha)
Luigi (mario is a bad brother subplot final form)
Waluigi (featuring meta jokes about how waluigi hasn’t been in enough games)
Peach (girlboss moments)
ALTERNATIVELY, one of the above is the villain at first, then there’s a third-act twist that. bowser is the villain.
there will be one shot, somewhere, where the super crown powerup appears in the background along with a bunch of other items, and people on twitter will freak out about how this is a canon reference to bowsette
7,287 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
Do you have tips for how to familiarize yourself with the tumblr ui for those migrating from twitter
Remember, if you like a post, it's important to share it with your followers so they can see it too!
(Sharing a post, huh? I think I can do that with the Reblog button...)
The Reblog button is located at the bottom of a post. Be sure to press it whenever you want to share a post! Your likes are not automatically shown to your followers, so pressing the like button alone isn't enough.
7,928 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
baba, tbh, and soweli are the same aminal I think
16,529 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
31,684 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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terrible-eel · 9 months
Thank you @piipaw for tagging me! Here's a game to show off your Tav, feel free to reblog and add your own or take the layout to make your own! I have a million ideas for my guy so I'm so glad I have somewhere to put a few. (Also feel free to ask me questions if you're curious, my dms are always open)
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Althea|| Drow || Druid || He/it || 127
What’s your Tav’s…
Favorite weapon: Whips. When in the Underdark Althea whips were his weapon of choice. Once Althea learned how to wield magic through the Old Faith, he grew a thorny vine and nurtured it to maturity before taking a piece for his thorn whip.
Style of Combat: Althea is used to guerrilla warfare from fighting the Loth Drow, but he prefers direct confrontations, taking wildshape and eating whoever’s in front of him.
Most prized possession: He doesn’t care much for material things so he just gives everything he finds to everyone else. He does feel accomplished seeing his companions in the things he gives them though.
Deepest desire: Althea had broken away from the Underdark and traveled alone for so long that he hadn’t given it much thought until he began to get to know everyone. Now he wants to make sure his companions are free.
Guilty pleasure: He makes a terrible Druid by most Druid standards. He’s a complete hedonist and does whatever he wants,( drinks, fucks, fights etc.) feeling that following his own base nature is true worship. He doesn’t care about any gods and has no illusions about “harmony” not implying “savagery” in some ways because everything has to eat and exists on a food chain. (That being said, he hates cruelty)
Best-kept secret: His entire past is a secret. He still has family in the Underdark who chose to remain there. He’d die before revealing anything about them.
Greatest strength: Althea’s sense of fear might be a little broken. It’s not quite bravery so much as an absence of caution, which can be great in combat but might not be so good a trait in a leader.
Fatal Flaw: He falls into caretaking everyone before realizing it. He had left his responsibilities once before, thinking he’d stay independent, but now he can’t help but pick up strays and aid every person who asks, just because he feels like he can.
Favorite Smell: Amber and cloves *wink*
Favorite spell or cantrip: Wildshape. 100%. Learning that specific magic was really the first time he felt free.
Pet Peeve: Volo. The entire man.
Bad Habit: Althea doesn’t enjoy doing one thing for too long. He lacks followthrough with a lot of plans and will just think “Bored now” and find a way out of a situation if it becomes too tedious, even if it means killing someone he had built trust with.
Hidden Talent: The man could command a small army pretty successfully if needed. He has the experience. Not his proudest talent, but it’s there.
Leisure activity: Althea will gamble any chance he gets. Gold is for gambling as far as he’s concerned. Dice, cards, tests of strength. He loves watching people play games more than he cares about winning.
Favorite drink: At some point Gale makes him a cup of sipping chocolate and his life is changed forever. He lurks around when he sees Gale cooking, hoping to get another cup.
Comfort food: Any kind of roast with potatoes and carrots. He loves to eat anything he can get his hands on but roasts are nostalgic.
Favorite person: Aside from his dog and owlbear friends, he’s growing very close to Gale and maybe falling for Astarion.
Favorite display of affection, (Platonic and/or Romantic): Romantic: Althea loves directness and straightforward honesty, but Astarion’s complicated combinations of flirtations and confessions has him fixated. He wants to take Astarion stargazing and let him calm down. Platonic: Gale’s sharing of knowledge is his favorite form of friendship. He’s never bored with what Gale has to say. He wants to show Gale all the secret little magics he’s learned living in the woods. How even smaller mushrooms can reveal secrets, or how bird eggs hold life-lines like the palms of one's hands.
Fondest childhood memory: Building little forts between giant mushrooms with his siblings and pretending they had a little house together.
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@basuralindo And anyone else who plays Bg3!
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bgs-cave-o-thots · 2 years
i have a question, as a fellow Orbot and Cubot fan, how do you feel about most recent content showing all egg man's robots as his children and them all being siblings? i like it for metal, belle, and sage, but i don't know about Orbot and cubot. also i get worried about shipping them? i totally shipped them before frontiers but after sage referring to them as her brothers idk how to feel. i joke that cubot is a "brother in law", but idk how long canon will allow us to ship them before it gets weird. anyway, just wanted to know your opinion! thanks!
I'm not the biggest fan of the fanworks showing Orbot and Cubot as siblings/Eggman's kids, personally. Nothing wrong with it, never was, just not my thing. As for the canon stuff...honestly? I don't think it's as big of a deal right now as people worry about.
When I first heard the news I hadn't seen all that far into Frontiers yet (it was only a day or two old at this point), so all I knew was from seeing someone i follow saying "well shit theyre canon brothers now guess im not shipping them anymore" out of nowhere. Which. Without any context. Did make me a bit afraid at first.
But later I saw what was actually said in game and realized...this is just some kid trying to learn what a family is supposed to be, and what her family would be compared to that, with her father figure basically going "yeah if you say so i guess". This is not Orbot and Cubot calling each other siblings. They aren't even there to call Sage their sibling. Sage is trying to connect the relationship of inventor/invention to parent/child, which, while functional sometimes, is not an accurate assumption 100% of the time.
I am an extremely firm advocator for how relationships involving sentient robots has very different rules to organic beings. A robot and their creator can have a parent/child relationship, sure, but they could also be a couple, siblings, friends, enemies, literally any relationship to each other should they choose. The parent-child dynamic could even be swapped, with the robot taking the parental role and the creator being their child (they've done this in the Sonic franchise already, see Mombot and Eggman from Sonic Boom). Same goes for multiple bots of the same maker. Partners, families, anything. And one robot seeing the creator as a dad doesn't mean the other robots made by that creator have to see them that way too. I feel like this especially applies to things on the scale of Eggman's robots. He's made thousands, if not millions or even billions of robots. At that point it's more like a whole race/species/community/something on that larger scale than one single family.
I also have a distaste for the "all eggman robots are siblings and are kids of eggman" thing especially when it gets used for ALL Sonic universes, not just the modern universe? For example, if you apply that to Boom, you get some...uncomfortable clashes with some canon relationships (see: Cutebot & D-Fect, Mombot, every time Cubot hits on another machine, probably other things I'm forgetting)
Anyway. Obviously I have a lot to say on the topic, but in the end...who cares? I don't see them as siblings, I probably never will, regardless of what canon does to 'em. None of my shippy art or writing will ever have them as siblings, and I assume the same of all that I reblog. I've been here on the cuorb/cueball train for years, other people have been here even longer than me. Definitely a whole lot longer than Sage's little throwaway 'brothers' comment in Frontiers, or Orbot's 'big bro' gag in Rise of the Wisps.
If those things make the ship feel icky to you when it hadn't before, and you don't wanna ship it now, that's fine. Sure, it sucks when a ship you love doesn't work out, but it's not your fault canon threw a curveball at you. Sometimes that ball hits you in the gut hard, makes you feel sick. You can hit it right back - choose to ship it anyway, via au or canon divergence or whatever else - but there's no shame if that ball hits you hard enough that you gotta sit out the rest of the game.
So, my final verdict?
Just do what you want. It's more fun that way.
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astrobei · 2 years
The end of the year is near. Give a shout-out to your favorite mutuals and tag them to spread love before the year ends! (from: a secret anon)
ohhhh my god ok ok i wish i could tag every single person i am technically mutuals with because i adore every single one of you and your blogs so much !! unfortunately if i did that you’d probably be here scrolling through this post well into the new year, so. this is by no means an exhaustive list!!
@elekinetic ELLA !! you were one of the first blogs i ever followed on st tumblr when i joined and i immediately. IMMEDIATELY. fell so in love with your scripts and your writing! you so are so insanely talented and such a backbone of byler tumblr and i can’t believe we get all of ur content for free. for FREE!! and not only are u insanely talented but somehow u are also so funny and one of the sweetest people i’ve ever and ur taste in everything from music to books is so immaculate. will never get over u dming me just to scream at me ABOUT me which seriously makes my day every time it happens and i’ll never EVER get sick of talking to you! ella i love you so much and i’m so glad we started talking this year!! i hope 2022 has nothing but the best of the best in store for you <3
abby @strangeswift HELLO ! every time i see ur url in my notifs i visibly light up i stg you are so precious to me <3 ur love for not all the prayers is singlehandedly sustaining me, and i’m so touched that long car rides have unofficially been dedicated to reading my fics. you are such a breath of fresh air and getting an ask from you is always the highlight of my day. you make me laugh you make me smile like an idiot at the tumblr app on my phone you are just so!!! PRECIOUS 2 ME!! i love your blog so much and i can’t wait to bother u so much in the new year !!
sierra aka THE @finalgirlbyers aka THE byler blog of all time !! sierra there’s just something in ur posts that’s like straight crack i stg i just need more and more and more and more every time! in my mind u will always be sierra loveqbrl madcleradin finalgirlbyers ft that one period of 15 minutes where u had ur secret username that just so happened to coincide with me running my tumblr stats website thing and u being immortalized as that forever in my phone. because apparently i reblog from u more than anyone else which YEAH. AS I SHOULD. as everyone should!!! sierra u are so fucking funny and your urls are just one of those that are so comforting to see in my notifs. one day we will have an actual conversation because i am so bad at dms but i could try and make an exception for u <3 love u so much sierra love bbq i hope 2023 is so good to u !!
@toystoryfan HI TOY! u are so important to me i hope u know that omg u are so sweet and so uplifting and i can’t believe i wasn’t following u before but i love your blog so much ! u have such a comforting presence and i love reading through ur tags and every time i get an ask or a reply from you i get so excited! thank u for being such a positive shining force, with me and all of my mutuals too, it’s so so so appreciated <3 i adore you so much and i hope the new year has nothing but good things to offer u !!
@wibble-wobbegong hiiiii wibble ! i hope u know that every time i see ur blog i am just picking it up and holding it so carefully in my hands. i think i also followed u pretty early on into my tumblr adventures (or at least i saw ur url everywhere bc everyone i followed rb’d from u !) so in my head ur like. an og byler tumblr blog. u are so so sweet and i will never forget u referring to me (in the context of how intimidating i am) as “just some guy” because it’s SO TRUE!! i AM just some guy! anyways. just know that i adore you and your blog is so so incredibly precious to me ! love reading ur tags love reading ur posts u are so correct all the time and ur icon is. well. iconic. love u wibble i hope u get one million followers in 2023 bc u deserve it fr
last but certainly not least— irene aka THE @byeler hello !! i know we haven’t spoken one on one all that much and i’m terrible with responding to dms anyway but . ohhhh my god i have been a little obsessed with you ever since i got twitter sjdksjf in a very normal and sane way i promise ! irene you are so sweet and kind and supportive and so insanely down to earth for literally being THE beansie! i’m so in love with your writing and it’s no secret how much i yelled and screamed into the pillow when i read i’ll find myself in the moonlight 😭 had to sit down and just. Think. i just started heavy hopes and. god. GOD!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH. !!!!!! anyways i freak out a little every time i see ur name in the notifs but u are so lovely and approachable u make everyone feel so at ease and i treasure every interaction we have! thank u for ur mile long list of reddie fic recs, i’ve been making my way through them for the past week and ur taste in fics is just as incredible as ur writing <3 hope u have a wonderful new year irene i love u much !!
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