#i personally just think its so fucking funny if hes straight and doesnt actually wanna fuck robots
catseyenebulae · 2 months
I think my funniest, borderline shitpost clatchet headcanon is that not only isn't Ratchet actually gay, he's not even into robots at all; Clank is just a funny exception. Ratchet's like, really into his robot boyfriend's wires and all that but the concept of other robots and other guys gets him all funny in his tummy.
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queernarcissus · 4 days
interested in irl beeftho gay love and weird sex if you feel like elaborating 👀
oksy this. is longer than intended and also doesnt even get to the sex but. yknow.
how they meet is. not entirely solidified in my mind. buut im thinking abt beef at one of his car meet/show things and etho is there too. (not sure why etho would be there or if he would even know stuff but. whatever*) thwyre both looking at the same car and get to chatting and they have a nice convo, end up wandering around and looking at other ones together
anyway they like dont recognise each other bc like. beef hadnt actually had his face/appearance be public for very long and etho doesnt watch like that much yt especially irl stuff so. yeah. and beef just thinks that he made friends with some guy who is really handsome - not that beef would dare admit that to anyone - and seems really cool actually.
anyway somehow they become like actual friends and get quite close and dan confides in theo abt his girlfriend and how shes kinda not great sometimes and he doesnt know what to do. but i mean eventually they break up (canon to irl (kinda, people didnt like the gf beef had in 2016/17 like the comments abt her are so fucking rude but also everyone says beef doesnt look happy /with/ her sooooo))
at this point etho has realised that this is beef and. he is having an insane time keeping the things seperate. <- beef did also tell him abt the yt stuff so.
now idk if this /would/ happen but i am thinking abt how funny it would be to have a dramatic reveal but. in minecraft. like theo mentions to dan that he sometimes plays minecraft and so hes like oh you wanna play together? and then server etcetc sends tbe ip to theo and. ethoslab joins the server. and beef goes. huh? did i send it to the wrong person? and in the call they are in etho just immideiately starts apologising. beef is just. fucking gobsmacked. bc yeah he finally accepted he was in love wkth this guy and he wasnt straight. and now it turns out that this guy. is his coworker. who no one knows what he looks like. but beef does. and as hes talking beef is like. of course its fucking etho how the hell did i not even realise what the fuck.
* i mean i think maybe he was just bored one day and found something to do. and whilst he knows like. mostly fuck all. hes so interested in what dan is telling him abt it all and dan is just glad someone is being like. receptive to him talking abt it n shit. <-also wants to keep talking to the cute guy.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
have you ever considered some abstract-ass pairings? like the "how the fuck did you even come up with that pairings?
im not accusing you of doing it lol, but i personally do and am. curious to see if i am normal
IM NOT TOTALLY SURE, because i tend to have very specific reasonings for why i think two characters would be good together, but i definitely think that from an outside perspective some of my ships can be seen as pretty abstract..
(under the cut again sorry im nonstop yapping for way too long guys..)
BUT almost any pairing you think of in a semi-popular fandom like saiki k, SOMEBODY has probably made content about it.. and its more popular in japan, so you may not be able to FIND ur pairing but theres probably SOMETHING out there about it, just in a language you aren't searching in or something.. like, toritsuka x kuboyasu is one pairing i have NEVER seen an english speaking person post about, but if you go in japanese or korean speaking saiki k spaces, that ship is EXTREMELY popular! theres TONS of fanart!!
so yea, whats popular or even what gets any content at all can be surprising sometimes.. like, a few of my favorite tdlosk ships are arisu x rifuta, arisu x aiura, and rifuta x yumehara (+arisu x yumehara but this is kinda popular i think) (im just a lesbian with a bias towards sapphic ships, i see two pretty girls and i ship..) and i shipped them before i ever started looking online for content and when i finally did, i didnt think i would ever see any content of them but. there is. theres plenty of content of them. theyre rare enough pairs that i dont think they have ship names so it can be hard to actually find that content since theres no ship name ever tagged, but it very much exists!
if youd asked me this like a month ago i wouldve said that saiki x suzumiya is one of these abstract ships for me (if you wanna know why i like it, i just like the idea of instead of satou being so average he balances her out, saiki just like superhero-ing every other minute without her even noticing. i also like this as a polycule which ill talk about in a minute-) but somebody on here posted it around that time LOL.. theres also some other rare pairs i enjoy like mera x saiki or kuboyasu x yumehara, but though these are rare-ish pairs, they still have a notable presence so i wouldnt quite call them abstract.. (also yo damn well kubosai is my NUMBER ONEEEE ship, which you could call a rare pair if you didnt go on tumblr or ao3 cuz its VERY concentrated over here and doesnt really exist anywhere else.. except in the japanese fandom LOL.. but yea its definitely not a rare pair over here, its gotten way more popular recently too..)
the more abstractness comes when you start shipping polycules... then its way less likely for you to be able to find your specific ship.. lol.. like the ones i just talked about, you put rifuta x yumehara x arisu x aiura all together ?? no WAY am i gonna find that, it may exist somewhere but youll never find it, or at least i couldnt lol.. some of my fav rare (more like completely nonexistent except for some IVE posted about) polyam ships are the one i just said, kuboyasu x saiki x hairo x nendo, (also love kuboyasu x saiki x kaido but this one actually gets content hehe.. same with kuboyasu x kaido x yumehara.. LOVE that one..) mera x yumehara x aiura, kuboyasu x saiki x saiko (x kaido maybe), toritsuka x kaido x yumehara, mera x saiki x kuboyasu (x saiko sometimes and/or hairo) and probably more that im forgetting... i also really love the psychickers x satou and suzumiya which im actually not sure if theres ever been content of them, i think the only time ive seen it mentioned is someone being like "theyre dating hehe" on a pic of them lol.. its a funny ship for me because its actually one of my favorites even though some of the individual ships im not a fan of + i also hc that satou is very very straight but idk.. somehow this works.. i feel like maybe if he starts dating suzumiya and shes bi and polyam then it might accidentally give him a sexuality crisis because hes probably never even considered that he could be queer before.. idk.. whatever.. it just works..
idk, someone give me examples of tdlosk rare pairs that could actually work...
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straycalamities · 1 year
24 for kian, ace, and daisy waisy
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they’d made those decisions?
AH! the nearly-uncomfortable au strikes again
kian: hrmm...im trying to think...i cant imagine a world where he doesnt eventually leave his dad... like...is it even feasible to live ur whole life in those conditions and not try to get away. theyre just..UNLIVEABLE. if he didnt leave he'd just DIE
tho...even if he just left later that'd make a huge impact on him i think...he'd be soooooooo cold. he wouldn't even have the unserious funny haha nihilism he has now. he'd just be an angry dick that's entirely dead inside. he would survive doing the bare minimum bc he wouldn't think about how life could get better than that. everyone would avoid him besides the naïve "ooo sexy man" initial response but just one interaction would have them being like nah, actually,
ace: oogh, there's so many decisions he made that i could unmake, oogh. delicious.
if he decided to not help his dad financially as a kid. oh thats a big one. oh its so big the more i think abt it. holy shit. that's what formed his entire personality. all his interests and everything. (special mentions for if he decided to not befriend jack or decided not to pursue his dreams so hard)
but i wanna do this one
so. honestly? ace would probably be taken away from his dad if it got worse. even if CPS fucking sucks there's nooo way i think it'd be allowed to go further downhill. (otherwise they'd be literally on the streets and THEN ace would get taken away? either way) and i honestly cant see ace getting adopted, unfortunately.
his dad, even if he didnt spoil him with STUFF, he spoiled his attitude. it's like...probably some way of like making up for not being able to get ace anything is to let him act however he wanted. so it'd take some reeeeeeal patient parent(s) to wanna take ace in because he wouldn't have the mind to hide it at that point. ace would maybe eventually learn to chameleon his behavior? but i think by the time he learned it in the foster system it'd be too late bc..ppl dont tend to adopt teenagers either
god this is making my brain gears TURN that one decision rly is everything
i think that his growing up would be pretty shit. bc now im thinking abt the differences between this and cult au ace AUGH. cult au ace at least had a stable home with a turn-around of income even if it wasnt from him specifically busting his ass to earn the money (well in a way it still is, but, different)
ace, but...jaded O_O he wouldn't evolve that charming personality. i think he'd lean more into the class clown personality. but it's not as endearing bc everyone sees him as a girl. and i know from experience, girl class clowns are just...weird-girls w Issues to everyone. its not endearing like it is w boy class-clowns to other ppl. he'd still have like..pretty strategic ideas for situations and stuff bc that's inherently him. but..i dont think it'd get him as far as it normally would
so he'd be so..lonely lmao. like regular ace also has issues w loneliness but its way more complex. this would just be straight up. fkn lonely. and straightforward misery from it. maybe he'd have some goons or smth at some point? but idk if he could ever truly connect w them unless they were also from the foster system.
cuz see im thinking that normal ace learns everything he does bc he makes the decision that he HAS to. he has to to survive so it all becomes this like...ok i do this or i starve. whereas an ace that's either decided its hopeless, not his responsibility, or just didnt think to do it, wouldnt have that same direct "inspiration" riding his ass. so his social skills would form in a rly weird way based mostly off how much of a brat he is and how much he desires everyone to like him (which is also true of any other ace but this one has a like..feral desperation to it in comparison. like a stray animal more than..someone who grew up too fast and forgot to make real friends along the way <- the usual)
he'd still have these like lofty dreams and i think he'd still want to chase them somehow, but he wouldn't have the connections nor the charm normal ace has. he'd be, at most, some stand-up comedian who performs nights at some local venue and he's just an opener for the main act. maybe he'd sing and put in the work to be good at it, but a big part of this kinda career is the ppl you know so :pensive emoji:
god this ace is the epitome of sopping wet meow meow. what a miserable little man. so richie tozier-coded but more of a failure bc he doesnt have a group of friends to bond w over other-dimensional clown trauma
anyways i think that's enough rambling abt this. i could go a hundred different directions with it from here and i cant choose one. so. there u go. something to chew on. (god he wouldnt care abt sleight-of-hand shit or magicians or card tricks or any of that. WHO WOULD HE BE??????????? maybe he'd hold onto the bar interest in general? like billiards n stuff? oh my god he'd be more likely to be an alcoholic like his father NOOOOOOO)
after that daisy's gonna seem so lack-luster LMAO
daisy: the thing w daisy is i dont rly have a set story in my head for her rly? i kinda just have..scenes and things i like her doing. ive never sat and gave her a like...biography
so idk what decision she'd make that i could undo and have it make an interesting change...if she didnt decide to sing, she'd be an actress. if she didn't decide to kill ppl, she'd just be focusing on her dreams full-time. and so none of that's super interesting to get into uh...
if she didnt decide to push being famous, she'd probably just be happy being some homemaker or smth. someones trophy wife or...a singing waitress or waffle house worker idk.
even with nyanpire daisy its more like...her big decisions is to not...die. uh. (bc shes miserable as a vampire) so if i reverse that then shes just dead LFJKSDJF
so idk 8_8 thank u for including her but IDK WHAT TO SAY!!!!!!!!
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isaacathom · 2 years
its ds9 time once again, because like every two weeks i remember im meant to be watching it. s2e11
fun opening, unclear on the vibe but it is fun i guess. lot of essentialism going on-
hello obrien? hi. oh keikos in this episode. hopefully for good reasons. okay so we're playing downball with rackets. squash? is this space squash? space squash. i understand now.
i do like that the squad has a range of relations to each other, namely that noone actually seems to like bashir except for like, i wanna say dax, and im not sure thats genuine friendship as much as it was pity. i just think its fun. only person on this station who genuinely likes the guy is garrick, i think. and crucially that bashir is completely unaware that people don't like him that much. cause it lets him just keep going :) hello! and obriens over here like 'jesus christ this fucking guy'
i dont know what the plot of this episode is, but i do think this unwell alien immediately divulging his life story to this guy is incredibly funny
both of these actors feel very familiar in a way i cannot place. who are you fuckers. PRINCE HUMPER- wait no while thats a fascinating role i wouldnt know the fucker off that. no way i wouldve recognised him from that. i think maybe he just has one of those faces. ditto the dead guy. wild shit.
obriens impersonation of bashir was fucking hilarious.
while checking out humperdincks wikipedia i have been reminded of the actual plot of the episode, because netflix's summaries are honestly kind of rubbish half the time, and i see it is beginning. though i guess obriens sole opponent for space squash being the sector champion is the first point of bonkers luck, and 'no fucking salt' is the second. or sauce.
okay so the way the orb works is that if you win, it gives you good luck at someone elses expense. martus gets out of prison while bashir struggles to find a sauce dispenser. obriens gonna have a fucking heart attack while he gets rich, things of this nature.
martus, very charismatic fellow.
obrien mate surely theres a treadmill somewhere you dont gotta jog in the prom- hang on hasnt odo yelled at people for running in the promenade? obrien man being on the fucking executive committee doesnt get you exemptions. okay maybe it does but still come on. (bridge crew was the word i was looking for, "executive committee" isaac)
this woman is ALSO really familiar. who are you. noone! just another of those faces! jesus im being played for a chump. have i been struck by the bad luck orb????
so bashir isnt naive, per se, but he is focusing on one specific thing - obriens ego - and not on the fact obrien just doesnt like him lmao. incredible work. love you
hi sisko, been a hot minute.
"you begged me to stay" "i didnt beg i blackmailed you" sisko man youre the best
genuinely though like, the dead alien man that was probably less that he looked familiar and more a vague impression from the makeup, but martus and roana seem SO familiar, roana just has a vibe, its bizarre.
stepped on a ball midflight, exceptional.
i do enjoy that obrien just stomps around casually.
oh its just straight racquetball? oh so when i said it was squash i wasnt that fair off. ill be fucking damned. still space racquetball mind, also space something.
bashir looks so pissed to be swindled into this fight, like hhhhh i hate having a moral compass. i love that for him.
the running joke of people telling martus their whole life stories is genuinely quite funny.
head immediately into a tit, incredible work martus, and the wife arrives, the luck of the galaxy baby
WHO DOES ROANA REMIND ME OF. my god! fuck! like shes just so FAMILIAR. its gonna drive me nuts i have absolutely no way of figuring it out because shes predominantly a tv actress, and further that im not sure ive seen the person im thinking of in a movie or anything, just a gifset???? god. fuck man.
frame the fucking obrien/keiko scene, excellent stuff, genuinely love it, really sweet just MWAH. very nice.
bashir going ... okay so you tried to drug me, first of all, and NOW youre trying to guilt me into either doing it myself or playing like shit to fix the match. oh yea bashir. just going :) you guilted me once, quark, not a second time, that shits hot.
yeah the ep kinda bites. ohhh alsia. oh lmao.
yeah that episode wasnt good but bits were funny. shrug
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oliviamillss · 4 years
moon signs
based on the people i know
ARIES-  they can be really funny. if manifested well, can be quite open and down to earth about emotions, don’t really think about how someone may take their emotions, they just express it. manifested badly, they may just constantly show annoyance and if you try and ask if they’re okay they just get pissed at you and insult you. they do notice when somethings off, and do aim to comfort you. they’re not the best at comforting but they do really try.
TAURUS- doesn’t open up, and very good at diverting the conversation off them onto you, without you getting suspicious. if you’re close may tell you some things, but is very wary and doesn’t want you to know everything. usually doesn’t really care about their reputation (obvs that may change with other placements), and laughs when something messes up, not in a rude way though. actually likes comfort but doesnt show it (i have a guy friend w a taurus moon and whenever i tried to hug him at first he’d always tell me to fuck off, but a few mins later would say ‘go on then, but i wont hug back’ and now probs after 1 month of that he now hugs back)
GEMINI- doesn’t open up, like ever (unless water influences elsewhere). always acts like everything’s fine, makes humour out of their problems, and laughs it off. lovely person though, there for you and will always listen and try to help. may blow the problem up in their head.
CANCER- emotions are a new level. seek comfort and nurture, and depending on other placements, it could be a range of people. they’d do a lot to fit in, and i think basically the tiktok sound ‘i just wanna be appreciated’ sums them up. my friend has a crush on a guy with this placement and he didn’t want to be a ‘simp’ so he unfollowed her and stuff, but he is always looking at her, and seems to actually care. i feel like they have to have a hard shell to protect their emotions. 
LEO- so so so so funny. HATES loosing arguments. also can be super petty. loves attention, may try and get it through emotions. needs to be liked by everyone. also loves arguments, and may start them just to spice everything up. the type of person to leave a groupchat cus its ‘boring’ but gets added back soon after.
VIRGO- idk the accuracy but i think they are quite emotional people. they don’t like people seeing them cry, but they are open about it. sometimes they can be attention seeking through it and sigh a lot until someone asks what’s up, and can be passive aggressive, but actually quite okay people.
LIBRA- they’re really sweet people. from what i’ve seen, guys with this placement are VERY respectful, and all round lovely. everyone i know with a libra moon are really sweet and sacrifice theirselves for other people. they’re honestly so sweet and will comfort you well, they also give very good advice. 
SCORPIO- i only know one person with this placement, and even then idk if its libra or scorpio but imma go ahead. they seem to hide emotions a lot. like always have the same straight face with the people they’re comfortable with, then be all full of life for anyone else. they are very pretty and magnetic. very mysterious. also AMAZING at listening in to conversations without looking like they are so be very wary
SAGITTARIUS- really doesn’t like feelings, pushes them down further and further. uses an alternate reality as an escape technique. when they do let out feelings it comes out very quickly, and it can be too much and make people quite uncomfortable and speechless. they sort of loose control of what they’re saying about their emotions. they always regret opening up. they love being complimented and treated nice and lovingly, they just don’t always know how to respond to that.
CAPRICORN- (ive only found this placement with guys) they feel the need to be masculine, and HATES coming across as feminine, but they all seem to give off a gay vibe. like the sort of guy who still wears a football kit to school in freshman year (year 10). likes the attention they get from people. usually pretty funny too. if they want to speak to you, they sometimes don’t want to seem like they care about you, so they tease you to start a conversation (if you have a water moon i rlly don’t recommend hanging around with them). they also seem pretty magnetic to each other and have long friendships.
AQUARIUS- very logical about emotion, doesn’t really show it. you will very rarely see these people cry. also they might be good with coding and stuff like that.
PISCES- very sensitive. sort of need everything to go as they visioned it. very sweet and caring, may never want to say anything bad about anyone. understands everyone is going through their own problems. puts others before themselves. goes quiet when sad. may be upset for attention at times. mostly sees the good in people.
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My Ships!
Hey guys! So currently it's late at night and I wanna write something to help me sleep. So here I am on my phone quickly writing out all my ships down so you guys can see what a loser I am lol.
Now feel free to discuss your opinions, but dont start any ship wars or bash anyone's ships, alright? Cool! So here we go! Each ship will have a short explanation as to why I ship it. And they are in order from favorite to least, though my least favorite is still one I like.
Ishimondo-This is my biggest comfort ship. I love enemies to lovers so much and these two idiots are just...such a beautiful tragedy.
Saimota-Can someone say bromance? Like please they were flirting so hard it hurts. They are dating your honor.
Saimatsu-Please the way she was able to motivate him? Even after death she helped him improve. They had such chemistry from the very beginning.
SakurAoi-Yeah yeah Sakura has a bf whatever. But they technically werent dating yet cause they were waiting til Kenshiro got well. So...LES GO LESBIANS! Hina was about to commit murder suicide for her boo. Literally lovers.
HaruKaito-So even besides the fact Maki straight up confesses, I disagree with people saying they dont have chemistry. They're adorable and Kaito opens her up to people. This ship is adorable af.
Tokomaru-Similair to Kaito and Maki! Komaru helped Toko be a better person! Like I hated Toko at first, but after UDG, shes a top tier favorite. This ship is too cute.
Soudam-Again I love enemies to lovers. Idgaf if they never show romantic interest in each other shut up. They're beautiful bastards, both of them.
Fuyupeko-...do...do I really need to explain? Just play the second chapter again lol.
Hinanami-Im not a big fan of Hajime. In fact hes my least fave protag. But I think the way they interact and the way he is around Chiaki is too fucking cute.
Sondam-They had the more obvious chemistry in the game, and I love Sonia with Gundham. They fit each perfectly, having similar interests. Plus how sad she was when he died? 😭
Kiiruma-Ok so they're a perfect fit right? Kiibo was one of the only ones to even care when Miu died, and Miu seemed to care about Kiibo. Yeah because she could upgrade him, but I feel theres more there!
Naihiro-Now this is a rare pair. I think the two of them are very cute and soft boys, so they relate to each other. Theyd be a very sweet couple.
Akanidai-Nekomaru literally died to protect Akane, and took two bazookas to the chest for her. They were inseparable. Case closed. They cute.
Daiyakure-Another rarepair. It's hard to ship Hiro with people cause you'll get hit with the "hes 21 and they're underage" argument. But with Daiya Oowada, you can say hey, fuck you! Theres literally no interactions between them. It's almost a crack ship. But I love it more than I should.
Naekure-Another Hiro ship, but this one can be justified by saying they start dating after they escape the game and they know they're both adults. I think Makoto would be a decent balance to Hiro's...everything.
Togakure-Same logic as with Makoto as to when they get together. Byakuya would be able to deal with his idiot enough to calm him down slightly. Plus it would be a funny contrast.
Ishikure-Ok now this is a bit harder to explain. I see it more as they were dating before the mind wipe, and in survivor aus theyd date again. I just think Hiro being the only one to care about him after ch 2 is sweet and that the two would be cute.
Hagekureon-Same reasoning as with Taka;Hiro and Leon were dating before the game and/or they date in survivor aus. I think the two idiots together would be an interesting combo, like with Ishimondo.
Naegami-Finally, back to well known ships!😅 So Byakuya clearly cares for Makoto even if he tries to hide it. He'd be a good partner to Makoto, if not a bit tsundereish.
Kuzusouda-Fuyuhiko was like the only one to try to curb Kazuichi's simping, and they have a nice friendship in the anime(from what I've seen and heard, havent seen all of it😅)so I think Fuyu would be able to help Kaz accept himself.
Asakure-Once again, getting together after game. My friend put it as "the two idiots getting together. Its cute." And hes not wrong lol Despite Hina being slightly smarter and the fact she bullied Hiro a bit in game, I can see them working off each other nicely.
Goshi-Firstly I just love the striking difference in their heights. It's funny as hell to me lmao. But secondly I think Gonta's sincereness and kindness could eventually break through to Ryoma and help him realize he isnt unlovable, and he is worth something.
Twobuki-I just think Ibuki's constant praise and lowkey flirting with Twogami is adorable, especially given his...size. Usually people would make a character like that completely unlovable, so the fact she was seen doting on him so much is adorable.
BandAid-Now I normally dont ship killers and victims. It just doesnt feel right to me. But given Mikan was more or less brainwashed into doing it, i kinda give this ship a pass. Plus i think Ibuki could help her be more confident in herself and stop letting others use her.
Soapies-I dont really like either of these characters, thus why its last on the list, but I think Mahiru is the only one who could "tame" Hiyoko, for lack of a better word. She could help her stop being a bully and actually open up to others. Plus they both care a lot about each other. It's cute. Its sweet.
So that's my list! It might grow, and if it does I'll reblog this post to add onto it! Feel free to give your opinions on it, but remember: no ship wars!
Alright imma go pass out now! Good night guys! Lol
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fuck-customers · 3 years
i work at a local restaurant and my coworkers and i are all super friendly and sometimes even hang out outside of work but like. this one girl. we all fucking hate her and can't understand why she hasn't been fired. like let's go down the list ok. this is also vaguely chronological in order of things that started to bother me.
- she's tried to grab my dick twice, like on the first shift we worked together. didnt stop touching me until i snapped and was like "you know its actually quite possible to walk past people without touching them. your hands do not need to be on me." also has touched almost everyone.
- keeps calling my one coworker her girlfriend and touching her ass (who's like 12 years older than her and has been like "you're 18 and creepy this is not going to happen"). told her "tell [baby daddy] i said hi!!" at the end of a shift once too??
- has a boyfriend who shes ALWAYS texting, she will sneak off to the bathroom for 20+ mins at a time if its slow and i understand you're bored but you can't just leave your station unattended in a kitchen for 25%+ of your shift because we dont always have time to cover you. also her boyfriend has called the store before bc she didnt answer one of his texts back (bc she was actually working for once???) and has shown up at least 3x to talk to her.
- also just doesnt do her work when it IS busy. will insist on doing random parts of everyone else's work while also making everyone else do her work. we have the kitchen divided up like that for a reason stay in your fucking spot in your fucking lane so we can get shit made.
- has no call no showed more times than should be acceptable and has something come up every week that requires her taking time off on short notice. this is so common that if shes closing we usually have a backup closer scheduled. what is the point truly
- bullies almost everyone especially the less confrontational coworkers who will never say anything. i think she thinks she's being funny but she's just fucking rude. aside from the store manager, i have become the sole exception to her rule bc a) i shut down shit she tries to pull with coworkers i know won't stand up to her themselves and b) i dish it back out to her in the form of malicious compliance (see next bullet)
- always is trying to tell people how to do their jobs even tho she never fucking does hers lol. tries to tell people all the time what SHE would do even on shit shes never been trained for and even to managers?? im her equal but far more respected because I Do My Job At Work TM and when we close together, she tries to pressure me into doing all of my shit at least an hour early bc "haha i just wanna go home!! lol 🤪" even though it's a massive inconvenience to me and everyone to do everything as early as SHE wants it done. literally everyone does shit early (but by like 5-15 mins) when its slow but i will purposefully follow the closing list by the letter of the law which, so far, has been the only way anyone has been able to shut her down. (management both approves and thinks this is funny, she literally asks my coworkers to go help me because im """behind""" and they're all like "no hes fine" and she just sulks)
-always wants to get in everyones business. like when there are established friend groups at a new workplace i understand wanting to fit in and find your place but you don't know everyone's business, nor do you need to. you don't need to know peoples' relationship histories that other people only know because it was once current. you dont need to know what everyones talking about all the time. a conversation is not purposefully excluding you if its only meant for one other person and you're not even supposed to be in the breakroom but here you are texting your boyfriend and getting in my business!!
- will talk to EVERY customer for AGES when on register. customers hate it, your coworkers hate it. keep the line moving please im begging
- i was recently told by another coworker that she has been stealing too?? that person wont tell me what so i have no idea if its personal property or company property but if i catch her with her hands in my bag i am dragging her by her hair straight to the office and calling the owners my damn self.
ive been typing this out for an hour and i still feel like im missing something. i know all the managers want her gone i just dont understand why shes still here. we aren't understaffed anymore and she's not good enough at her job to warrant getting away with this much. next time i see some shit i am pulling the head manager into the office myself and asking why she's still here because this list is semi chronological and i literally dont understand how someone can get past step one.
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
please do like the boy boys and yj boys reaction if they walked on the reader changing (based off of that tiktok trend)
Batboys/YJ Boys Reaction To Walking In On You Changing HC
hehehehe this is so funny omg i love it!!! for ppl who are wondering wtf i'm talking ab check HERE it was the first one that popped up so yeahhh
Wally West:
- i think we forget this man lives in slow-mo
- in a fraction of a second he's walked in, almost walked out, manually shut his mouth from hanging open, thanked every god for this wondrous occasion, and zoomed away blushing like an idiot
- then there's two clear options, if y'all flirting or dating or yk what i mean he's speeding back with a red rose in his mouth and a DANGEROUS glint in his eye
- if he's just crushing there's no chance he'll muster the confidence but rather he'll probably sprint straight to wherever Dick is and explain everything in intense, intense detail and follow you around like a puppy dog a little extra that day hehehe
Jason Todd:
- you best believe jason is shooting his shot
- he's the type to walk in and walk out, check the house is empty, then yeet back into your room tackling you onto the nearest surface
- something along the flirtatious lines of "god i should walk in your room more often" making you roll your eyes and grin
- then there's some kind of "well i can let you be the only one half clothed" and i think we alllll know where it goes from there ;)
Tim Drake:
- the ONLY way i see this happening is this when he walks in:
- "OH MY GOD Y/N LOCK THE FUCKING DOOR I DONT WANNA SEE THAT" *slaps his hands over his eyes*
- then he's slamming the door shut and patiently waiting to give you a happy lil kiss when you come out
Bart Allen:
- again, there's only one way this goes:
- bart walks in, his brain implodes, hand slaps over eyes at literal inhuman speed and you whip around to see bart shaking, like crackling with electricity, in your doorway
- "Bart oh my god GET OUT!" you screech, hoping he's actually covering his eyes cuz your cheeks have just gotten insanely warm
- "got it, i didn't see anything, well that's not true, i saw- no that doesnt matter, i'm leaving, leaving through the door, door, where is the door? i've got my hand over my eyes ya know cuz, well i saw you-" *BONK* idiot slams his face into the side of the wall trying to make it out of the door
- in a blaze of sparks he's zooming out of the room while you fall over laughing, later the two of you promise never to speak of the moment again, though in hindsight it was pretty funny
Steph Brown:
- she'd open your door and pause then be like "ooh honey those pants do not match that top your about to put on lemme help you out" not even acknowledging the fact that you're basically naked
- "wait why do those jeans make your ass look SO good go off queen omg"
- "do you need me to pop thay back pimple cuz lemme tell ya i'm quite skilled-"
- she makes you feel so comfy and gorgeous and proceeds to help you make the outfit of your life then y'all take some bombass instagram photos
Dick Grayson:
- you can't tell me dick wouldn't just pass out
- like he'd walk in, unannounced, continuing his original line of thought when he realizes this person he's being crushing on for months is looking like a five course meal
- his brain would go into overdrive, you'd probably be yelling then *bam* out like a light
- after some minor chaos he'd wake up to you uncontrollably laughing, fully clothed (thank goodness) while you relentlessly tease him about his fear of skin for the rest of the day and he's just like "if only you knew how much i liked you you adorable mess of a human being"
i hope u enjoyed! ily!
tag list: @vintageroses10 @idkmanicantenglish @kishony-the-geek @foenixphire @how--are--you @psych0crybaby @romance-is-tragic @birdy-bat-writes @subtleappreciation @officiallydarkgeek @tigirl-and-co @kinsey-scale-nightmare
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ajdrawshq · 2 years
So.... What the fuck! ( Any thoughts? VLR is wild )
if i put the Junpei what the hell compilation here does that count as an answer
ok i do actually have thoughts yes. so many thoughts. might take me a sec to form words out of em bc of the sheer.. something. whatever just happened and im also lowkey sleep deprived rn i have shrimp emotions and i also cant feel anything
hmm ok one of the things i wanted to mention was that earlier i almost thought Quark couldve been some kinda abondoned Left clone but they have different eye colors so thats crossed off the list. that Does make it kinda weird that Quark mentions freeing his soul during that one scene, but i guess we're supposed to assume he just picked it up from somewhere? like he heard abt it on earth at some point? i doubt Dio wouldve said anything to him abt it in the pod, and even then i dont think hed quote him during That if he did. but how well known were the Myrmidons for him to hear that?? or was it from Junpei/what Junpei was talking abt when he said he was involved during the mars expiriment thing??? idk i just thought that was a weird connection that they didnt directly address.. i think. i couldve missed smth there
im not even gonna try to understand the entirety of the time jumping stuff when it comes to switching bodies and all that. youd think id be prepared for this kinda thing considering all the stuff ive played so far! i am not. looking at the picture they used to show how Sigma's been jumping all over the place legit gave me motivation to do my homework bc that would be easier to comprehend
on that note im like. how do i put this. i was actually super interested in where all this stuff was going for a long while bc the ideas being used were cool even if the execution was a lil wonky. like im so down for time shenanigins (with memory fuckery!! come on!!) and clones and humanlike robots and a lot of other stuff they had going on. i actually like what they were doing when they expanded the morphogenetic field stuff, although i Do wanna think of that as completely seperate from how it is in 999 bc of the retconned stuff :/ other than that what they had going on was pretty cool but. the ending just. i ,,, i dont even know the way it all came together feels so weird???? like it technically makes sense and i get what they were going for. its. ???? i wanna say what im looking for is "anticlimactic" but idk if thats right. its just..... Weird.
however i also wanna say that i am at least glad they touched on the different views of people being stuck in the "worse" timeline? Junpei being glad to have Quark despite everything while Clover and Alice have to deal with leaving behind half a century along with their friends and family. even tho they just kinda went jk lol at that part immediately afterwards???????? but whatever i guess
the characters in general were pretty fun tbh? not quite as real-feeling as 999 but still enough to be enjoyable. it was nice seeing Junpei reference a bunch of stuff from 999 and retain some pieces of himself all these years later, especially when he quoted Light ("fake, a replica, not the real thing...") its horrifying to think abt all hes been thru at this point tho ,,, Clover seemed a lot more outgoing than before but a year can change u so i cant say much abt that, it was cool to see her again regardless. Alice is an interesting one and i liked her even if she was kind of frustrating to go against in the AB games lmao. Luna has lowkey been one of my favorites thru the whole thing but i had a hard time fully trusting her for so long bc of how suspiciously innocent she was lol which wasnt entirely baseless either but yknow. Dio is admittedly funny and ridiculously good at acting like hes a normal person its actually scary. also whered he hide the bombs before planting them bc they didnt seem That small. anyway uhh Quark is a funny little guy and its nice that he straight up doesnt die (usually?? i cant remember if theres a route where he does. other than the bombs) and!!! i actually really enjoyed Kyle. no idea why. wish he didnt abandon me so many times but it fuckin be like that i guess. accidental revenge for absent fatherism. and.. Sigma. when u said u do not like him i think im with u now. not necessarily strong feelings but. yeah. but PHI.. god i wish they actually said where she came from shes just HERE and they never fuckin elaborated man who is she. she is so cool tho i love when she goes on her tangents abt stuff <3
AL OF THAT SAID u were very right when u said the puzzles in this game are fun. even tho i had to check a guide a few times bc i was genuinely clueless for some of em (u have no idea how stumped i got in the darts part of the white room puzzle. i should never do mental math this late i cant live that one down) theyre mostly really good and i did enjoy those sections especially
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incorrectsnkships · 3 years
So at first I just thought he was a really confident and comfortable heterosexual, y'know? BUT NOW! NOW!? oh no, no, no!
Reason numbrero uno! He has feminine hips. Straight boys don't strut like that, straight boys don't fucking be flexible like that.
Reason numbrero duex! He says bitch waaay to much. So if you don't know the history of the word bitch, bitch was also used a a gay slur for y'know twinks. You don't see Jean or Levi OR EVEN EREN going around going bitch, bitch, bitch, fucking crazy bitches. Sure maybe once in awhile, but Connie use it like a sister y'know?
Reason numbrero drei! Look at who the fucking hell he's hanging 'round with! Ymir; the fucking bitch lesbian. Christa/Historia; the lesbian or bi girl dude. He's the fucking second lesbian protector (next to Eren). You see that gay ass gay homie grab in like what season 3? Or was it 2? He's friends with Sasha, who does she hang out with most of the time!? Ymir and Historia! Sometimes Jean and Mikasa. Speaking of Jean, he ain't sleek either! Connie hanging 'round with a fucking bi-saster a bi disaster! Not to mention Reiner and Armin! We see him worry about Reiner and Bertholdt when they “missing” asking someone to check on them to see if there alive! Man looking out for his gay homies! Also in one of the games he asks Armin why he spends so much time with Eren, to which Armin shoots back with one of the most gay awakening responses, “Hm well what about Ymir and Historia, or Reiner and Bertholdt?” Like yo.
Reason numbrero shi! He mom picks out gay ass fucking names! Sunny, Martin, Connie. Fucking gay dude. (everyone seems to think Sunny is a girl but judging by there titans I actually think Sunny was a boy dude. That’s just a hunch tho~)
Reason numbrero five! He seems like the kinda guy who would wear jewelry. Not really necessarily gay BUt~ I think earrings would so be he thing, and if he we’re to come out he’d probably start wearing one earring!
Reason numbrero six! Look at the kind of shit this man does! He fucking carried Armin princess style, put him down like a prince, bruh he fucking CHOSE to he CHOSE to. He knew what he was doing. And that one official art where he’s wearing that blonde lopsided wig with makeup on. That dress with the fake boobs in it!
Reason numbrero 7! My mama always say, that if a boy is best friends with a girl he will almost always usually fall for her. Connie is close as HELL with Sasha. And while I LOVE springles. This know discovery is D A W N I N G on me! Connie don’t really seem to show that much interest in women. But not necessarily to men either. And that factor being. I think bby Connie is shy!
Overall I think he’s a great fucking character! I love Connie, but this just made me open a whole new chapter for him. I’m currently rewatching AOT with my mom ‘cause she done wanted to watch it and I couldn’t let her watch that cringey dub so yee. I’ll be paying attention for other Easter eggs and clues. I never researched Connie to much but now that I have I’m made some pretty interesting discoveries! In conclusion Connie Springer is probably fucking gay. SO in other words you were RIGHT! ATTACK ON TITAN IS FUCKING GAY! 😍
( j u s t l i k e m e l o l )
srry for the late reply, but you’ve actually convinced me
mans comes across heterosexual but he definitely had a crush on every single male member of the 104th. literally every one. and like many others, one of the older scouts was his gay awakening. and im not saying that connie had a crush on them or anything, and this is definitely not a ship post between connie and any adult in the show, but im just saying that he admired them. a lot. too much. and had to look away when they got changed in front of him.
“connie why do you offer to go kill titans with captain levi whenever we have a mission?”
“i admire his skills!”
“connie, you do realise that erwin doesn’t have time to have tea with you right?”
“no i know i just wanted to talk about stuff with him. professional stuff. as a soldier.”
“connie, you know that moblit doesn’t need an assistant right? he is the assistant”
he’d simp for armin so hard. every week he has a crush on someone new, and then it goes in a loop. and he’d “practice” kissing too. like he’d occasionally bring the topic up in conversation and then go from there based off of the persons reply. “hey uh, jean, so like- have you had your first kiss yet?” and then jean would tell him no and connie would go full internal gay panic. “o- oh yeah, thas- thas cool, um, well, i havent- had mine either so like- would you wanna practice? it doesn’t count-“
connie would have his first everything with jean and it would be so funny because it just happens all at once. like hed get asked if hes ever kissed someone and hed just glare at jean and be so flustered
connie finds it so difficult to tell romantic and platonic feelings apart and thats why hes fallen for all of his friends
armin: oh, connie, thanks for doing that favour for me! i dont know what id do without you!
eren: wait! hurry, where do they keep the extra blades?!
connie: in the cellar!
eren: great- connie, i love you!
marco: see connie? if you just fold the paper a little more, youll get there :) youre a pleasure to teach and i love spending time with you :)
also why do i feel like connie and marco dated for a little while? not even dated then, had a thing going on for a bit. like besides from jean because he doesnt count, but connies first romantic encounter was with marco, fight me
and i definitely feel like connie went to hange for some advice about his sexuality. he was so confused and liking everyone at the same time, so who else better to go to than the person who tried to convince erwin to start an lgbtq+ youth club right?
but when eren and armin announced that they were officially dating, that was an eye opener for connie and it made him realise that its okay to be yourself
and it took him a while to actually realise that he was gay. hence the fact that hed physically gag whenever someone suggested for him to date sasha, and all those times in the boys changing room that hed have to turn around or leave completely
so yes, i can see where youre coming from, and i agree with you. but if we were to list the people connie has simped for from most-least?
levi (not really simping, more fanboying/celebrity crush)
moblit (same as levi)
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crowsent · 4 years
tales from the smp: the village that went mad ft. salt losing his goddamn mind
“im jack. and. im a farm person, and i like p o t a t o e s”
starting the stream well i see. ponk coming in with generic potato boy and i love him for it
“my name is helga, wife of badboyhalo” QUACKITY
karl: “bad, explain your character other than person that beats up their wife”
bad, immediately: “well, i do declare that my name is jimmy and im the mayor of this town”
and then bbh just fucking starts spinning around when hes asked what the name of this town is, theres a pause, and then he fucking hits us with “not a very good town, town” like BAD
this is why i love this man
this is why i fux with this man
he is unparalleled
but as much as i love bbh and would literally murder god for him, he still canNOT match the quiet theatricality of mr corpsehusband saying “im gonna turn around and itll all make sense” and then he has a fucking CAT TAIL
corpse “choke me like you hate me” husband is a fucking CATBOY ladies and gentlemen
hes a fucking catboy which further proves something which we already knew was true all along: furries exist in minecraft and are, in fact, accepted in society and treated no less differently than humans
this is why fundy and antfrost can just walk around without anyone telling them shit
this is why wilbur can fuck a salmon
corpse “catboi” husband paved the fucking road and drove down in a custom vintage jaguar so every other furry on the smp could fucking drive behind him in a second hand porsche
i salute you mr corpsehusband
truly amazing
miles memeington, connoisseur of steak and bob, “bob the builder” need no explanation
tubbo with the very cute ‘i am robin, i am an orphan child” being IMMEDIATELY ruined by karl sayin
“dont let technoblade hear about that”
i love this already
i love this already
feed me technoblade lore. the man never fucking uploads so i have to get content adjacent to him
i wanna hear about technoblade the orphan killer. i want that backstory lore
and also i wanna protect robin the orphan boy because hello???????????
that skin???????
let me adopt you mr orphan boy
i love quackity just very casually going “my husband and i had intercourse” at the fucking TOWN MEETING BY THE WELL
quackity’s comedy is unmatched
“hes into lots of weird stuff. he taught me this one thing called dunderhead”
and IMMEDIATELY someone (cant tell who, i have auditory processin issues) fucking goes “i DO NOT know this woman” and tbh if i were in that fucking town hall listening to my fucking weirdass neighbour casually lay out all her family secrets, id fucking say that shit too. id fucking disown this bitch as my neighbour. id fucking pretend she doesnt exist
imagine your fucking next door neighbour siddling up to you in the fucking w*lmart while youre just minding your own goddamn business trying to buy a fucking banana and your next door neighbour helga is dressed in a fucking bikini going “my husband fucked me so hard i couldnt walk” and even though you are clearly not interested and trying desperately to get away from her and her wackass gossip, helga goes ahead and fucking LISTS OUT HER HUSBANDS KINKS IN THE FUCKING FRUIT AISLE AT FULL VOLUME
id die
id just fucking die
id uninstall life right then and there
id pack my fucking bags and take a fucking extended vacation to guatemala and never return. id fucking change my goddamn name just to ensure that people never associate me with this woman.
thats what quackity is doing and i am very thankful this man exists and has given us the treasure that is helga
cOuLd iT Be iN ThE nAMe oF SaTaN???????? 🤔
bustin out the fucking OLD conspiracies huh
“or could it be in the name of content on karls stream”
and hes just casually breaking the 4th wall too huh
kinda stealing techno “ill read donations in the middle of rp bc i need a distraction” blade’s go-to method there huh
its fucking funny tho. hes narrating this all serious-like but then he just goes “content on my stream uwu” and unrepentantly shatters that suspension of disbelief (in a good way)
but it wouldnt even matter bc apparently, satan and karls content have no difference
does protection exist in the smp? im worried for helgas health
the woman visited 3 different fucking houses in one night
i love how the rp just stops dead in its tracks around the campfire
no one was using any of the names
corpse was out here calling everyone by their actual names and not the names of their characters
this might just be bc im a pathological liar whos seen and heard shit but
i love him but
i mean
bbh cant lie
the man cannot lie
his voice is off, pitch wrong, tone sus
he is deffo a murderer
being accused of something hes not would make a person defensive/angry and bbh is not either
the man is LYING
and his argument/defense was LITERALLY tubbos
man cant lie
send this murderer to hell
tubbo can lie, but imo hes not. his voice is the voice of a person whos telling the truth
man is legit the doctor
a doctor who chose to fucking lay on the LORE
father killed in the red-eyed village wars????? mother taken from a young age?
motherfucker brought the LORE
motherfucker brought the SOB STORY
motherfucker legit said “here is my canonical in-character reason for being a doctor fuck you”
and honestly
what is bads defense?
karl asked if the town should kill an orphan over a mayor and there is legit no right answer to that
there is no good rebuttal
so bad straight went “you make a great point. just execute me”
idk who said it but “orphans just suck up resources” whoever you are i love you
i was eating my chips in peace but then i almost choked
his voice did not match
my bets on fucking ponk
its fucking DREAM
my respect for this man
shouldve known
he was kinda quiet at first but then he suddenly started talking a lot
son of a BITCH
gg dream
round 1 wasnt very rp heavy but
i can excuse that
who in the FUCK is making choking donald duck noises
bbh got a new skin cool
corpse, about dreams death: “they killed him in front of me”
the town: “who was it corpse?”
ladies and gentlemen corpse, without a moments hesitation: “im also blind”
so the murderer is deffo not corpse. deffo not tubbo. probably not lazarbeam probably not bbh
that leaves quackity, george, and ponk
i knew corpse was a catboi but i didnt know that mr dream “i went on a date and almost married a fox” wastaken partnered with a fucking catboy
what is this
dnf is out, dream corpse is in /j
the tragedy
standing up for tubbo like that
my heart cannot handle this
okay so its deffo not corpse and tubbo. most likely not quackity after that fucking disaster at the campfire. probably not lazarbeam or bbh. still think its george and ponk
he got executed trying to console tubbo who legit WENT IN THE PRISON TRYING TO LOOK FOR HIM
technically its robin but
he lost his father so quick what the FUCK
i will murder god for robin
the little shaking head he does after corpse got killed. going completely silent as he lost the one family he had left.
robin bby no
im sorry
was wrong about lazarbeam/george tho
what the fuck
tubbo/robin honey i am so so sorry
catboi corpse i am so so sorry
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darkicedragon · 3 years
Discussion of past non-con and the reactions from it afterwards under the read more. Discussion in general also 2k+ words.
aZure "Trying to beat the shit out of each other made werewolves so happy they acted drugged afterwards?" it's called an orgasm??? and u just gave Kentas a mindblowing one, M uwu darkicedragon .........................................which makes me wonder does m know what an orgasm feels like and was it consensual but on a happier note, maybe m just hasnt experienced one and really cant imagine something feeling That Good
aZure bc angst, I'd say M has sexual experience, but noncon, bc Union so M experiencing it with Kentas and actually enjoying it bc it turns out it can feel pretty good when you're with a person you trust and like also M being like O.O at the emotions??? bc??? the fuck is this??? why's his heart so full??? and why does he feel all tingly? and his tummy feels funny??? darkicedragon he doesnt actually want to scratch his skin off afterwards?? why does he feel RELAXED and not a tight ball taut muscles?? aZure and uh??? he doesn't feel like pulling away during? doesn't feel nauseous??? he... likes it??? and likes having Kentas hold him and hug him and nuzzle him??? darkicedragon M just like =^= when they first start, but fine, whatever, ppl Just Like Doing that, so he can do it if kentas wants to ....oh And maybe kentas just continually checking in, and m just being Really Confused bc the others had liked it when hed fought against it, but this clearly isnt a power trip for kentas Either that, or the first time was a disaster, bc  m just didnt react and kentas is just like r u ok?? 'Yeah, fine. Just get this over with' <ono>??? aZure yesss Kentas instantly stopping bc??? this is like a spar??? if M doesn't like it then they stop "It doesn't matter, just get on with it." darkicedragon 'It does matter. Do you want to do it?' 'Yeah?' Compared to all the others, he wouldnt mind it with kentas //Huff// 'lets go home' '???' He said yes?? darkicedragon Would kentas then go to frankenstein or muzaka for advice? <ono> am i doing something wrong? Is this a human thing? So then it becomes a problem of do they tell m that kentas has been talking with them abt him, and also the fact that f+m realise what must have happened to m And also like This isnt something that f+m can just say 'talk to him', bc m prob doesnt even realise anything is up and think that his reaction is normal ococo > bc angst, I’d say Ohohohohoh :3 yessssss You had me at angst ococo M getting angry at kentas cause he involved muzaka and frankenstien, cause how can he tell the closest thing he has to parents about this darkicedragon 'You told them we had sex??' 'Yeah? I was trying to understand what i did wrong' 'But. Its sex??' 'Is... is this another human culture difference?' .....is it???? 'Do you just talk to your elders abt the sex you just had??' 'We wanna know abt how well were getting on with our partners??' 'Huh???' M thinks kentas talked abt the sex in detail, while kentas just talked abt it in general terms ococo M getting mad "you.. u should've talked to me first!" "M21.. I tried! you seemed more uncomfortable so I didn't want to push you" "Just stay the hell away from me" Kentas is like 'but we are supposed to spar today' q.q 'I am not sparring with you' darkicedragon Oh noooo qnq ococo Yes :3 cause that what break up to werewolves but M didn't know that M just angry and wanted his space, he didn't know he accidentally broke up with kentas darkicedragon Too much culture differences ahaha M just means 'not rn' but kentas hears 'FoReVeR' ococo Yes XD darkicedragon So then does kentas go and TTnTT at muzaka and frankenstein, or will he not, bc thats what caused the problem in the first place Or f+m realise somethings up Bc obvsly both of them are now upset and neither of them are talking with each other Kentas might straight up disappear and go for a run And m21 might head out too ococo Muzaka and franken going after them? Talking to them darkicedragon Going to have to Bc they missed dinner 😱 They know neither of them would do that if they wanted to, so theyre worried ococo >w> <w< Imagine M made it clear before that he doesn't like being tracked. So imagine a scene, M sitting on top of a building in a cold night you know because drama, and the moment he hears frankenstien or Muzaka stepping in, M is sulking "I thought I told you I don't like being tracked" darkicedragon 'If you didnt want to be tracked, you wouldnt have gone to a clearly seen rooftop with no cover. You wanted to be found' >n> ococo M is like :( darkicedragon They know him haha He wants to run off and be Alone, but too alone that he actually worries ppl darkicedragon ....either that or m is lile 'What, you wanna talk abt my fucking sex life in person now?' ococo O.O But they know him by know, he is trying to push them away but they aren't having it.. If it is Muzaka, He would hug him mid sentence "just wanted to make sure you're alright" If it is franken he would definitely talk to him "you are not in the union anymore, you definitely can talk to us about your worries" darkicedragon Maybe frankenstein is like 'not in detail, no' 'Then why the fuck are you here?' 'I would like to hear your side of whats happening' 'Why do you care?' 'Bc kentas voiced some concerns, but we havent heard what happened from you' 'Why does it matter? You know from kentas' 'I think, by now, you acknowledge there is a difference between how you and kentas can interpret a situation, mm? So if you would like, please tell me what happened' ònó o-o aZure > would kentas then go to frankenstein or muzaka for advice depending on how much Kentas knows about M's past, he might be like >-> also thinking he might be accidentally hurting M, he would def go ask bc M doesn't always tell what bothers him and Kentas doesn't always understand hoomans and yeaaah, not sure 'talk to him' would work bc M admitting what happened to him would be him admitting his weakness and that ain't gonna go well darkicedragon preeeeeetty much everything stems back to the union, and maaaaaybe kentas just cant fathom noncon happening, bc. is spar and sex. meant to be happiness and checking in. but also he knows Enough that there was Shit going down in the union, but yeah, m sometimes just shrugs when kentas wants to know. 'stuff happened in the union; i dont want to talk abt it' bc its that, or m explodes at him and tells him Every Little Detail and more than once is enough, so m just clams up abt the union now, retreats to t2 when he needs some union-survivor space it miiiight be better if kentas went to t2 instead, but kentas thinks its a human-werewolf thing, rather than a union thing aZure owo ohoho imagine, M being pinned face down, and Kentas having a hand on his nape to keep him down and M's instincts just kick in HARD his brain switches from just spar to DANGER, and goes feral darkicedragon maybe t2 go looking for kentas while f+m go look for m oooooooof aZure hurting Kentas and pushing him off him and Kentas knows instantly something is wrong because M's no longer acting like it's a spar he acts like a cornered animal darkicedragon 'm21...?' 'so thats what you wanted, huh?? fuck off!' ??? 'what i wanted? i wanted to-' 'yeah i fucking thought so' aZure Kentas is very much confuzzled 'Did I... hurt you?" cuz yeah, sparring did mean kicking the crap outta each other, but not hurting each other and M realizes he's overreacted 'it's nothing, forget it' darkicedragon <ono>? aZure 'I did something that upset you and I don't know what" darkicedragon 'c'mon, lets start the spar again' '...no, lets not.' 'its nothing. it doesn't matter' 'but...if i do it again?' 'ill not react next time' <ono> aZure 'No. I... want to know. If it happens in a fight, I need to know how to help you and how to have your back." darkicedragon 'you can have my back my not touching my back' /mutter mutter/ <ono>? aZure Kentas figuring out that's a NO TOUCHY SUBJECT he prolly has a list - what the union did to M - V BAD, NO DISCUSS' - how M became a werewolf - again V BAD, NO DISCUSS; - M24/Mark; darkicedragon SAFE SUBJECTS - FOOD - SPARS (sometimes??) - WORK IS ALSO SAFE - PPL IN THE HOUSE aZure bad subjects may be discussed only SOMETIMES when M feels safe enough and when he brings it up Kentas knows not to ask any questions and just let M say what he has to say he also learned to be for M when such moments happen darkicedragon m21s past in general is a touchy subject yesssss aZure bc M shows Kentas his weakness and trusts him with it and Kentas knows that HE CANNOT FUCK UP THAT MOMENT it's like BIG darkicedragon and he also knows m is also trying really hard to trust him aZure I imagine that after misunderstandings, M needs a lil moment to collect his thoughts and make an active effort to trust Kentas and usually he goes to Kentas and explains himself with only as many details as needed bc after that spar, M going to Kentas and Kentas knows it's one of those moments 'Don't.... touch my neck. I hate being held down. It's... scary. Thanks for having my back tho" darkicedragon yeah, they start figuring out the culture gulf is sometimes just That Huge, so they sometimes need to take a moment before they try to meet each other in the middle darkicedragon (and then it turns out its bc of ms trauma, rather than the cultural differences, but. it still helps to try and understand whats goin gon) aZure yessss Tao and Takeo help too (and that's one of the subjects Tao never jokes around with they don't talk about M's past because it's not their story to share but give Kentas enough information to know how life was in the union the experiments they themselves went through, the training, the 'survival of the fittest' mentality, the humilation, the abuse aZure 'That's what we went through, and we were higher ranked. You can prolly imagine what M went through." "I... didn't know." "We know, it's okay. Just give him time. Hard to shake some things off, ya know? Kinda becomes an instinct to lash out." darkicedragon > bc after that spar, M going to Kentas 'but...ive pinned you before? did you not like it then either?' 'hmmm' //long pause as m21 thinks it over// 'i think it was the neck touch, and bc i couldnt see you. i didnt - i didn't know who was pinning me down then' 'ah, got it.' aZure >_> <_< 'wanna train and figure out how to throw off an enemy if they pinned you down like that?' o3o M prolly goes 'pff, ofc you'd think of training... yeah, think I'd like that' darkicedragon 'just...not rn, ok' bc hes still a lil shaky and distracted aZure def but he's trusting Kentas to help him with his problem and that's a big thing darkicedragon yussssss ococo > owo ohoho imagine, M being pinned face down Hmmmm, maybe the second time they do something sexual, kentas would give M complete control, and it would be becaus M wanted to darkicedragon M is conflicted during it, bc he def likes being able to take his time and explore, and not be forced into anything without his knowing But he also feels strange abt kentas not doing anything, esp when its clear he wants to ococo Kentas keeping his hands to his sides And now its M's turn to ask what's wrong XD They went into a loop darkicedragon XD ococo And then they actually have a mature conversation, kenats telling him that he is scared M would have another episode darkicedragon Yusssss also m just being unsure bc kentas is just like {{^@v@^}} and... He cant tell if thats a good expression or not ococo XD ococo Especially if kentas is having a reaction down there XD "He stopped me, but he clearly wants it???" M going to Muzaka darkicedragon m might not think much of a reaction since he knows one can be forced through contact >n> but also, being confused, bc that contact hadnt been done, so... 'diiiid ya talk to him abt that?' 'just. trying to sort out what happened' >_>;;
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I will include my tags again but only because i cant get enough of myself and not to sound like im tooting my own kazoo but this is the one time in my entire life that ive been objectively correct in every way
Lengthy and unrelated thing under the cut: 
Let me talk about canon bro for a second 😌 even though its barely and tangentially related to this and you dont have to read it <3, in fact i would encourage you not to read it i just wanna run my mouth. People love to use him as a cheap villain in their dave angst fics which is like... hilarious to me. Like i get it, since hes abusive he must also be misogynistic and homophobic and transphobic and also genuinely hates dave and revels in his suffering right? Lmeow no, hes just some guy and despite everything he is in fact trying his best. Hes naturally intense and aggressive and this doesnt translate well to child rearing, especially since his one goal is to make dave strong enough (physically and mentally) to Survive whats coming. The random sneak attacks ? The traps littered around the house ? To keep dave on his toes and buff his spatial awareness. The cameras ? To monitor his progress (if hes not up to standard then we’ll just up the “training”) and / or film some puppet snuff (puff ? Snupp?) so he can keep running his dumb website and like provide for them or some shit , or ig to buy random crap and throw it around the house. Who cares if the kid sees the porn anyway its just puppets, plus hes seen way worse at that age and turned out fine (no he didnt). Dave has to be resourceful , he has to be creative and think on his feet , lets have impromptu rap battles and scrabble games. He has to know numbers like the back of his hand (idk why this is even a phrase do any of you memorise what the back of your hands looks like) to effectively utilise his sylladex.... actually nobody even uses that shit idk why bro was so insistent on it. Dave is his protege, his charge, dave is NOT his friend and hes not gonna let him forget that. He teaches him all he knows, in the way he knows. Making comics, mixing music, ironic jokes, being cool and getting shit done. Actually its GOOD that the kid is terrified of him, if hes the scariest thing in the room then dave wont fear anything else. Lets spar then, if dave wins then hes trained him well. If dave loses then hell become resilient. Either way he has to be strong or else hell die, training is necessary. Its either this or failure and failure equals death. Do your own laundry, ration your own food, become independent as fast as possible because i wont be around to take care of you forever
Nothing bro does is without reason, neither is it “sadism”, its all very logical to him despite being horrific to any sane person because his only friend is the mansplain-manipulate-manspread puppet that raised him and he has awful coping mechanisms that barely stretch past beating himself 1. up 2. off. Like he kept his baby alive to the point where it could keep itself alive (kind of alive) and thats a win to him.
That was my thesis on why bro is not a bigot like ,, he makes porn of fucking smuppets, that gives him zero chance to fetishize The Ladies. I doubt he has porno mags littered around the house its just endless plushie dicks and asses (and the two puppets handcuffed together were legit kinda funny like Why). So why would dave have internalised homophobia if it did not stem from his brother ??? Acting as if his only friends werent exuding anti gay vibes, like christ, john “im not a homosexual” egbert, him and rose’s competitive flirting gag (before they found out they were related >.>), just generally the three of them accusing each other of being gay, yknow, as kids do (jade is exempt from the argument we love jade here). Things were just more homophobic back then and its not like bro and dave had a sincere talk about gender and sexuality in the 13 or so years they lived in the same house like why would you even come out to your younger sibling if you could just not !!! Lol !!! I could be getting all this info wrong lol so correct me if im wrong but bro has this cute comic artstyle and it was about someones charge (? Sibling?) straight up dying and the saw guy makes an appearance the end , like there was no sex or gore or whatever but if you look at sbahj the second page literally has an incest sex joke like where does dave even get his material from , which online sites has he been trawling , well haha its not bros job to monitor his kids search history lets ignore it and move on if the kid wants to be gross and make dumb jokes who is he to judge , spread your problematic wings and soar into the cancel clouds little guy
Anyway heres a disclaimer: if youre gonna clown on this post and tell me im an abuse apologist or some shit just understand that i have a lot of free time and love being a huge asshole when provoked but like youre so welcome to add to the discussion i love bullying my favourite character bro strider by steamrolling him we’ve talked about trans rights for too long now is the time for trans wrongs
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tigerdrop · 4 years
hey i just wanna say the long posts genuinely make my day. also can you talk more about gordon freeman character because the way you write him makes me quake in my gay little boots
i would love to talk about gordon freeman. thank u for the opportunity
the first thing i need to communicate about gordon is that this dude sucks. and i say this in the fondest way possible. he is a bitch from the moment he drops into the world until the moment he goes out. if you dont believe me, give it another watch! gordons mouthy and rude for no real reason, at least so far as “being a regular dude on his way into work” goes, and this dude goes around calling his coworkers names with zero provocation. (of course, we all know that the reason is because its a funny guy improv stream that borrows a bit from freemans mind, but im talkin from a character sense.)
but my argument isnt just that gordon freeman sucks. its that he sucks in a very specific way that i find insanely endearing. i love this dude. i love to hate him. hes awful in a very mundane sense - weve all known a guy like this, at least if youve spent too much time online - and its cathartic to watch him suffer because of it.
gordons a smart guy. as written, hes gotta be - hes a recent MIT grad, on his way to work at a top-secret research facility to do weird shit with crystals and theoretical physics. but the thing about smart guys is that theyre often......selectively intelligent. we can see this in the way that he has a hard time navigating his surroundings, and needs the science crew to guide him through it and keep him alive.
this is one of those things that is a natural consequence of somebody going through the game for the first time, but that i am interpreting as “gordon is kind of stupid sometimes”. its uncharitable but its not like he doesnt deserve it. he likes to boss around the crew as if he knows what hes doing, when he often very much does not, and is fond of demeaning their intelligence. hes real bad about this with tommy in particular, treating him like hes a kid whos playing at being a scientist when tommy is actually a decade older than him. all i am saying is that gordon ought to stay humble. hes awful cocky when he perceives himself as better than others.
which, i think, tracks with how cocky he gets when he gives up on the whole “well-meaning citizen” thing and just unloads bullets into people. he puts up a front of being a Nice Guy, you know, just some dude caught in a bad situation who doesnt like seeing his companions obliterate every NPC they come across, but that doesnt stop him from cackling like a fucking madman and mowing down aliens (and soldiers) every once in awhile. when he stops seeing himself as helpless and starts seeing himself as the one in control, the gloves come off. he gets mean. and i think thats very sexy of him
this, among other things, is why i am insistent that gordon freeman is a control freak. he desperately wants to be in control of the situation at all times, shepherding around the science crew primarily by bitching at them, but its of limited success. its futile. sisyphean. tommy, coomer, bubby, and benrey exist almost to torment him with exactly the thing that would make him suffer the most: a gaggle of people running around causing problems for him, but he cant go anywhere without them b/c hes reliant on them to make it out alive.
its perpetual suffering, and its cathartic to watch. and funny, too. and if youre a little weirdo like me, its very, very enjoyable. how twisted up he gets when nobodys listening to him! how sweaty and frazzled he must look. its cute, and it also makes me want to reach through the screen and shake him and tell him to just be a little nicer. he wants control but he doesnt know how to attain it, he doesnt know how to play nice like a real leader. i think its a neat contrast to gordon freeman as we know him in HL2, where he literally is the leader of the resistance and has to live up to it. this is gordon freeman but if he was moe through helplessness.
“helpless” is, i think, a great way to describe him. a core bit of imagery in half life is this sense of railroadedness and helplessness, with gordon freeman being put into play like a chess piece and having no choice but to move forward. and this iteration of gordon leans into that by being totally dependent on the science crew in order to make progress and Not Die. and hes also subject to the whims of benrey, local eldritch weirdo who has basically made it his life mission to fuck with gordon.
gordons anxieties dont help with that. if he wasnt so fun to stress out and fuck with, the science crew probably wouldnt do it so much! too bad for him that they like fucking with him so much that he was driven into a panic attack (multiple times, even, depending on your interpretation). hes got that real neurotic mindset. always worrying about shit that could go wrong, and attempting to exert control over his surroundings in an effort to control the anxiety.
IMO the real way to nail the Neurotic Gordon Freeman Experience is to combine the ever-present anxiety with his pervasive sense of self-loathing. he openly states that he has no friends and nobody seems to like him, and to that, i really gotta say, i wonder why. he doesnt really seem to factor in that hes kind of a bitch, and has way too high an estimation of his own intelligence relative to everybody elses. its really one of the worst ways to be: aware that people dont like you, but unaware of exactly why. if he was like, 10% nicer, he probably wouldnt have had half as many issues getting through black mesa, but also, its funny to see him squawking his way through the game. so, you know.
its stuff like that that makes me headcanon him as a dude with low self-esteem in general. convinced that hes not likable, not attractive, out of his element......impostor syndrome, except that theres some truth to it. this is a guy who truly does not realize how good he has it: he really is just an average shitty dude, and yet, somehow, benrey took a shine to him. some poor motherfucker out there actually likes him and wants to suck his dick. thats dedication
also, i keep bringing up “repression” when i talk about gordon. and hopefully, what ive been talking about helps explain why. he has a strong desire to be a regular dude, not just murdering his way through black mesa, but if hes pushed hard enough he leans into it. gets bossy. picks up a cigar off a dead soldier and takes a long drag, before smacking forzen around with a pistol and ordering him around. gordon freeman is a regular, kind of anxious guy who likes competitive swimming and streaming on justin.tv and making anime references, and he is also a guy who takes a filthy pleasure in making a trained soldier his bitch. and i didnt make up any of this shit - this is purestrain canon, baby. this is a guy with problems
to me, this screams the kind of guy who represses a lot of shit b/c he doesnt feel like its morally decent. you run into this guy a lot online: the wokeboy, the online leftist, the guy who spends too much time on social media websites. (like reddit. i think he would actively use reddit and he would never get any appreciable amount of karma but he never stops posting. its sisyphean! cathartic.) from the way he talks about “bootboys”, i think it tracks. he knows about imperialism, he knows about feminism, but at the end of the day hes your average american white dude who struggles with internalizing it.
a lot of those dudes struggle with sex and gender issues. (dont we all.) when youre trying to be a Good Person(tm), you spend a lot of time thinking about your own relationship to sex and kink and all that shit. and i maintain that a too-online dude who buries a lot of his control freak tendencies would also try to bury a lot of weird sexual shit in an attempt to seem Normal and Well-Adjusted and not like a little freak. i justify this by the sheer number of times gordon blurts out weird sex shit as a joke. there are only two outcomes to making that many piss jokes: either youre secretly a piss guy, or you lathe-of-heaven yourself into becoming one. i will stand by this
ive talked a lot about why this dude sucks. now, let me talk to you about what makes gordon so much fun to write. first things first: hes funny! a subjective evaluation, yeah, but both in- and out-of-character, hes aiming to be funny. and being the straight man to everybody else plays into that whole “helplessness” thing.
secondly: underneath it all, there is a good dude under there. gordon worries when his companions get hurt, he tries to clean them off and patch them up, and hes got his lil leftist heart in the right place. you could even read a lot of his bossy, bitchy demeanor as him wanting to make sure everyone gets out okay and doesnt hurt themselves. when it comes to animals and anti-imperialist sentiment, gordons a pretty good guy.
hes the kind of guy who would probably see a dog on the street and get excited and play with it, but would get really prickly about the correct way to put dishes in the dishwasher. control freak tendencies.
finally, subjecting such a miserable, tormented guy to even more psychological anguish is really, really fun. you feel a little bad for him, but he kind of deserves it. so many problems he goes through are purely of his own making, and if gordon would just relax and quit trying to hard to maintain control - of himself, of the people around him - and own up to having Problems and Issues, he would be a happier guy. but thats why its fun to bend him until he breaks. being a little control freak myself, putting gordon freeman thru psychosexual torment is cathartic.
when it comes to writing his thought processes, the fact that he is canonically some kind of psychotic (yes, i am boldly claiming this. suck me) and i am also canonically some kind of psychotic makes it easier to write what i think his thought processes are. i just give him my brain issues of “getting lost in thought” and “overthinking fucking everything”. a touch of paranoia helps. even if i dont explicitly label him as schizophrenic please know that i am writing him as a paranoid little nutcase at all times because, uh, you write what you know.
paranoid. anxious. of the mindset that everyones out to get him (which isnt helpful when everyone is out to get him). repressed and deeply Not Normal but trying so very fucking hard to be normal and well-adjusted. a control freak with sadistic tendencies who also really, really likes getting bullied by his best frenemy. a hapless little nerd who sounds really cute when his voice starts to break from nerves. and, most importantly, a dumb jock. do not ever forget this.
thats gordon freeman, babey. hope that helps
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angeloncewas · 3 years
yeah i totally agree with what you said about satire and schlatt basically taking the easy way out. it seems like since that video he's kinda eased back from doing that shit, either bc the backlash or bc his friends have started verbally calling him out on it, both to his face and through making comments about him on stream (comments as in like saying they dont agree with what he did and saying they thought that video was terrible, not like them shading him or whatever ajsksk) which is good but also i wouldnt be surprised if something like that video happened again just bc like. it is his career and at this point he has to know what his larger fanbase is like to an extent, which means he also knows those terrible fucking jokes will make him money. i dont like that, but im also not gonna sit around and pretend like i cant see the fucking obvious, ya know? from what ive seen of him when he's not putting on a show for his main channel, or when he isnt around people who both encourage and enable his bad behavior (not saying this to shift blame, ive just noticed how he goes from making actually funny jokes that are harmless or, at most, a pretty obvious example of him poking fun at shitty people, at least imo, to like. straight up just being offensive when he's with people like swagger, miz, etc. vs ted, charlie and so on), he seems like a pretty good guy and its pretty clear to me that he doesnt hold the same views as the character he plays up for his main channel but that doesnt change the fact that his audience is now full of the worst kinds of people and that is how he makes money.
as someone who, again, watched idubbbz, as well as filthyfrank, they both stated they were playing characters and they didnt agree with the shit they were joking about, joji especially, but them saying that isnt very well known by even their own fanbase who just watches their main channel stuff, bc the one video where joji made that explicitly clear what he was doing, he later deleted for people harassing him in the comments (it was an old ass video where he basically said that playing those characters was giving him literal health problems, specifically stress induced seizures, and his comments were so bad that he never made an ooc video on his main channel again) and the one video i can think of where ian explicitly said he was playing a character was like an hour long podcast with h3, which most people dont even wanna watch bc it is a painfully uncomfortable one hour, considering the fact that they are supposed to be friends. besides that, the only other time they were really out of character was in vlogs with maxmoefoe, and they still did their offensive bits from time to time bc it was still going up on youtube, even if it wasnt their main channel. compare that to schlatt who has, as far as i know, never explicitly said he's playing a character, and the closest he has gotten to saying that was in some weekly slap video that i cant remember the title of bc all those videos kinda blend together if im being honest. like they definitely show a different, better side of him, but they are also all really short videos with only gameplay to watch and he never even promotes the channel, so its not like the shitty people watching him are like "hm time to take some time out of my day to go watch big man schlatt give people advice and be a genuine person for once", right?
idk. schlatt is just such a weird person for me bc like. he is a big comfort for me, i really do enjoy his content when he's not making bad stabs at satire (bc sometimes he does it right!! but a lot of the time, at least recently, he has just missed the mark entirely, to the point where it feels like he wasnt even trying to hit the mark at all), but he is also so uncomfortable to watch sometimes just bc he seems to either not know where the line is, or thinks crossing it is okay bc its him playing a character and that's not fun to watch as a minority who often ends up being apart of that "punchline".
that aside tho...yes, unfortunately idubbbz does still make content (and i say unfortunately bc it is not very good) though it seems like he is very slow to upload and last i checked, the views arent too great, but ive seen worse. probably the only thing that could bring back his views at this point would be a content cop, but like a year or so back he said he has no plans of continuing the series bc he finds it boring now, which is fair enough. i dont really keep up with him anymore, but as far as i know, he just got married to anisa and he streams on twitch sometimes, besides that the dude is a mystery to me!
—🦷 (also im sorry if this is formatted weird, for whatever reason tumblr has indented each of my paragraphs with one of those grey line thingys and it wont let me remove it. if it doesnt show up in the actual ask then ignore this!)
This is kind of old now (sorry), but I still wanted to respond because I really appreciate your perspective :)
> I always wonder how people not involved in the fandom view Schlatt. Because wasn't there this thing about Hasan genuinely thinking that he was conservative? And like he obviously doesn't now, but does that not impact how he sees him and his content? I don't mean to dictate friendships - of course - I'm just curious as to the impact of having that audience from an outsider pov. I remember being shocked what that thing happened with the pdp fan, but I later found that many people weren't because they knew the nature of the audience he cultivated; maybe I'm just stupid, I had no idea. (Not that Schlatt and pdp are the same, it's just a loose comparison.)
> No one should face harassment, but I doubt Joji deleting that video helped his case. (I mean ig it worked out in the long term considering everything that happened with his music, but yk.) I'm very sorry for the health problems he faced with the characters themselves though. I don't know much about him but that sounds awful.
> I have thoughts on The Weekly Slap, but I think they make me sound bitter and don't add much so just know that they're there ajfdkjdf. I will say that he doesn't seem like "Jschlatt" in them, and moreso just a guy. I know that he quit it for a number of reasons and one of them was not being comfortable with that kind of connection in relation to his increasing fame, but honestly I think his complete dislodgement from his fanbase isn't healthy either.
> I mean, I get it. I've watched a lot of content from a lot of people - ranging from kind of unpleasant to very unsavory - and it's kind of a weird feeling with YouTube and Twitch stuff. Idk it's like - when I go to the grocery store, I'm not wondering if the guy checking my things out is a racist. When I see a commercial, I don't wonder if that guy advertising chicken nuggets is a secret creep. But with content creation of this kind, it's just a weird thought in the back of my mind. I don't know if this makes sense lmao
> Weird that Idubbz finds content cop "boring." I guess the formula is kind of stale and half of the content was the edge, but it seems like the kind of thing that'd be perfect to capitalize off of around now. Cool that he got married... I think. I mean if he's happy ???
> Don't mind the formatting, and sorry to respond like WAY past when this conversation was relevant T_T. I read it right away but the timing got off with actually being able to type stuff out.
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