#i personally hc Wednesday as aroace
sweetheart-dot-jpeg · 2 years
there's a ship for enid and Wednesday??
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greenwith-ivy · 2 years
my eyes have been opened to the world of wednesday shipping discourse. wow
this is so funny because the last time i engaged in shipping discourse was in like 2016 on a wings of fire forum. when people were arguing about moonbli vs winterwatcher vs qinter vs qinterwatcher (i actually didn’t really care but i felt like i had to have an opinion so i picked moonbli because qibli and moon were my favorite characters. and i remember that when darkness of dragons came out everyone was like “no spoilers!! i haven’t read it yet don’t tell me who she ends up with!!!!!” so instead people would say that their otp was canon. which was nice except they had their otp in their signatures which kind of defeated the point. oops that was kind of a tangent my bad). ANYWAYS i forget how strong of opinions people can have about this stuff
i think the main arguments i’ve seen against wednesday with either tyler or xavier are that it felt super forced. like no chemistry there the writers just wanted to shove a love triangle into the show. which i agree with totally agree with. i hated both tyler and xavier as characters so while i’m sure there are definitely great things about these ships i don’t see them
enid and wednesday is very popular, for good reason. enid is definitely queer-coded, especially with the whole lycanthropy as a metaphor for being queer thing. werewolf conversion therapy her poor relationship with her parents because she’s not “normal” like all of that. she was also the secondary character with the most screen time (i think. that’s what it seemed like when i watched the show) and the most interactions and chemistry with wednesday. this is understandable and i respect it
tyler and xavier i think is super funny. like they interacted maybe 3 times (which i know has never stopped shippers) but also. i can accept this i think. they both suck in different ways (in my opinion) but this is how everyone wins. pair them together and no one else has to deal with them. (that’s a joke btw. i do think this ship could have merit and i’d be curious to see what people have done with it.)
wednesday/no one: my otp. wednesday is aro/ace and you can’t tell me otherwise. the best ship in the entire show.
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homosexualbehaviors · 1 month
Do you think there's a real chance for Wenclair to be canon?
Hello, anon. Thank you, for your question! I would like to apologize for taking so long to answer. I have had Covid and am just now getting over it. Anyhow, I hope you find my answer adequate ^^
I truly believe there is a 50/50 chance of them happening BECAUSE they are so popular.
Wenclair has pretty heavily consumed the 'Wednesday' fandom. From fanart to fics to literally everything, majority of content related to 'Wednesday' is Wenclair.
In my opinion, there is a fighting chance for us Wenclair shippers because we dominate.
Though, I pray it is not simply fan-service if they become canon.
If 'Wednesday' were a Thai drama I would say there is a 100% chance considering the amount they play into queer fan-service but because this is a show from the US and people are homophobic little assholes, I'm not sure if it will happen.
In addition, Tim has never made a character queer. He has never created one or made an existing one queer, so there's that.
Despite the possibility of it not happening, you cannot deny the chemistry and connection between Wenclair. I personally wasn't heavy into shipping before I watched Wednesday and now, I would die for this ship. They had connection in every scene. Enid ran into the woods to save her -not knowing she would wolf out! She basically said 'I'm gonna save your life or die trying'. Did y'all see Xaiver running into those woods??? Didn't think so! AND the one she was 'falling for' was the one trying to kill her! Plus Enid could have gone running into her BOYFRIENDS arms after almost dying and wolfing out for the first time but no. She goes running into the arms of her roommate. (Yes I'm aware it is deeper than that) All I'm saying is, even WITHOUT the almost dying for each other stuff, they have had a connection since the beginning.
I also hope, IF Wenclair DOESN'T happen, they simply make Wednesday aroace/ don't put her in a relationship. (Which may be hypocritical of me, but -to me- I could never see her swooning over a man. Watching the Tyler scenes just felt so abnormal.)
(To me though, Wedns is queer and I still believe is on the ace spec (I HC her as Demi). Enid as well and I whole heartedly believe E is comphet and/ or simply pan. But I don't see Ajax as a good fit for her. He just seems too distant/ out of touch. Like he's not fully there in the relationship and I think Enid would need someone who is all in and there for her. She's had enough of being pushed to the side and coming second from her own family.)
Apologies, I got carried away haha.
Anyhow. thank you for your question, anon! I enjoyed answering! Please fear not to ask more, folks🖤
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birthday-of-music · 2 years
something that bothers me about wednesday is that in the very first episode she told her mother that she didnt want to fall in love and start a family like she did. a few episodes in and she has two guys chasing after her, one of which she accepts. she was super invested in finding the monster but seeing tyler show up she just… discards it, straight away even when eugene asks whats going on. i dont see why romance always has to be there as an underlying trope, because wednesday seems like someone who sticks to her morals, and when she said she wasnt interested in romance i think she meant it.
obviously i think its sweet that shes developed the way she has, making friends with enid even when she was apprehensive and solitary at first, as well as eugene and actually. talking to people? i think thats so much development and its important to the show and her character, but i dont see why it has to be romantic.
and, dont get me wrong, i love wenclair as much as the next person, but i cant picture it happening in canon and frankly i dont want it to, because its not in wednesdays character to want a relationship, even with tyler i still cant see it. so. yeah.
even though its clearly not canon, i would hc her as aroace, because really what representation is there? i like to mourn over what could have been. every damn show has romantic undertones and seeing the first episode i thought maybe this time, but. no.
tldr; wednesday addams is an aroace icon and we were robbed of that.
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ithoughticouldwrite · 2 years
Wednesday Related Rambles at 1am/2am with spoilers!
I’m going to die on the hill that Larissa wanted Gomez, sure, but she also wanted Morticia and was just heavily in denial about it. I won’t be convinced that she wasn’t attracted to both of them and only pursued Gomez due to societal pressures and expectations of the time. To be an outcast to outcasts would suck ass.
And then also I don’t think she’s dramatic for not being over either of them as an adult. Wednesday’s being at Nevermore likely dug up feelings she never fully got to process, as she seems like the type to throw herself into her work/ professional career rather than process her emotions, so she’s forced to acknowledge them now. She doesn’t hate Morticia or Gomez, but is upset that the future she wanted with them, or either of them depending on how you view things, didn’t happen. It’s all a kind of “Well I guess I wasn’t coping with that as well as I thought I was” situation with her in my opinion.
And I think the love triangle is simultaneously good writing and the worst part of the entire fucking show, although I must state I have only watched the show once so far.
It forces Wednesday to acknowledge romantic feelings are a thing within her reality, her personal reality not just that of the world. She understands the sting of betrayal later before she’s totally and 100% ctrl-alt-deleted from the world.
It also allows Wednesday to get close to both Tyler and Xavier.
However where it bothers me is both boys reactions to Wednesday not actually liking them back are along the lines of them being angry. Wednesday didn’t even show any interest in them from what I can tell.
But at the same time it makes sense because of some nice guy logic. It also makes Tyler get over his feelings for Wednesday, which imo were at least partially real, so especially after the torture he feels perfectly fine with doing what he did in ep8.
For Xavier it allows Wednesday to get close enough to get him arrested….although just friendship would’ve worked here too.
I hc Wednesday as ace but demiromantic, maybe demisexual, however aroace Wednesday has a special place within my heart. I’m just, demi, so, yeah.
Ppl getting mad at autistic/adhd folk like myself for headcanoning Wednesday as such but like, still love her for being “quirky”. Quirky is only cool when it’s on tv ig… Maybe it’s because they can’t bully someone into being ‘normal’ /hj.
Not a huge fan of Wenclaire cause I like Enid and Ajax, however, cute ass ship with cute ass art. Y’all keep doing you and I hope it makes you happy.
HOWEVER Wednesday x Larissa? Deep. Sigh. Larissa is old enough to be her mom, and Wednesday is 16, a minor. Not elaborating. I shouldn’t need to.
Bianca deserved the humbling’s she got, hell, she needed them.
It’d have been interesting if Tyler wasn’t awoken by Laurel, but idk who else could’ve done it.
They should’ve let Wednesday shoot Laurel. I’m sorry.
Okay I’m probably going to hell for this one, but Noble being hit by that car was hilarious. I had to pause the episode to laugh. He just ragdolled and that shit sent me, okay? Sent me almost as high as his body went before hitting the ground.
Larissa’s death caught me off guard and made me SO FUCKIN SAD. She JUST got to a trusting point with Wednesday after not trusting her all season and what did it get her? DEAD. SHE DESERVED BETTER. I hope the writers find a way to bs bringing her back to life.
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rybonucleic-ket · 2 years
some arospec + aspec hcs
I'm tired of amanormativity, here's some of my favorite arospec + aspec hcs
Nancy Wheeler: aromantic lesbian - just. just hear me out. I love lesbian Nance, other people have explained that better than me. as for the aro part, she's very confused romantically. the love triangle is fs stupid as fuck, but Nancy has a really hard time telling if she's romantically attracted to Steve or Jonathan. like, the way she's portrayed as romantically confused, the "PLATONIC OR ROMANTIC???" dilemma, is something a lot of aromantic people experience. Nancy was raised with an idea of who she's supposed to be, of what's normal, and the Jonathan/Steve confusion is also portrayed in a manner akin to the "well, romance is normal, so I guess I must be romantically attracted to this person." confusion many aromantics go through. idk I just think aro lesbian Nance.
Dustin Henderson: pan asexual - space ace vibes but with different nerdy interests than space. you can't tell me otherwise idc.
El Hopper: asexual lesbian - yeah.
Jonathan Byers: arospec (demiromantic?) bisexual - Jonathan expressed a lot of doubt about his relationship with Nancy, saying it wouldn't work out, that they'd end up like his parents, that he was glad to be able to avoid dealing with his relationship. yeah.
Pippa Blackwell (The Goldfinch): aroace - yeah. the 'I just want to be your friend because imagine how fucked up we would be if we were each other's only support system'. yup.
Wednesday Addams (Wednesday): aroace lesbian - I need not elaborate.
I got too lazy to finish this. and ran out of energy, so my explanations deteriorated in quality.
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gorgynei · 2 years
i watched all of wednesday in 3 days because of u. also i have thoughts on wednesday/enid - personal hc - bi enid, in a qpr with aroace wednesday bc it just has such vibes
omg yes. wednesday brainrot infection. im so so here for qpr wenclair its honestly the most fun (and probably likely) version of their endgame. its real ^_^ theyre the best
personally i lean towards headcanoning enid as a lesbian just because of that one post where someone was talking about how enids claws coming out when she kisses ajax could be a metaphor for comphet. but bi enid is also very good
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