#i personally dont think the romance writing is good at all but i really dont care lol its not my thing anyway
"Why does everything need to be Gay now it's so shallow to make men attracted to each other when they could be Pure Platonic Friends -"
oops sorry I can't hear you over the sound of me Doing What I Want Forever because I have been watching movies, TV, and animation since the 80s and have watched enough shallow heterosexual romances that would have been stronger as mlm-wlw solidarity friendships to fill the space between stars in a galaxy
#also 1) friends can fuck each other so you're not safe especially since gay guys do this a lot#2) why can't there be a cast with MANY mlm characters where some are strictly friends and some are partners#(bc this is a real thing that happens in the real world shocker I know but sometimes friend groups have several mlm folks)#3) as an aromantic vaguely ace spec person I get the need for good platonic relationships#but uh queer people reading mlm romance into something (often based on their own experiences or representation needs)#that creators refuse to delve into#or god forbid writing it into their own work#IS NOT THE BIGGEST PROBLEM HERE#i can't believe it's the year of our lord 2024 and i am still seeing this thinly veiled homophobic take everywhere#2006 called and it wants its 'I don't wish evil on gays but i dont condone their gay stuff' attitude back#Also when I think about all the shows and movies that came from source material with wlw or mlm characters who were all but TOTALLY erased#Or I think about media about queer historical figures who were utterly straightwashed or had their queerness demonized#or reduced to a footnote or Non Controversial background noise#My rage about this increases like 10000 fold#Anyway TLDR ultimately I fall under the mlm umbrella and that's part of the reason I write the shit I do and I'm not the only one#And I write cheeky posts about it but I actually am genuinely disturbed sometimes at this sentiment#Because no one says it outright but there's this massive undercurrent of an assumption that we don't exist#And we don't create#And we don't create things FOR OURSELVES not even bc precisely because of all the times we were told#'Well that's not really marketable so if you want to see it maybe you should create it yourself'#I feel like I'm talking to a wall here DOES NO ONE ELSE GET ANGRY ABOUT THIS#LIKE HOMOPHOBIA ISN'T OVER YET#ESPECIALLY NOT FOR MLM PEOPLE WHO AREN'T CIS AND WHITE#Like stop calling sex and/or romance shallow when it's gay and SUSPICIOUSLY 0 OTHER TIMES oh my fucking god
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israaverse · 1 year
I've seen you bring up 'cotar' several times and now I've gotta ask, what exactly is so wrong with it, especially it's depiction of fae cause at this point I'm almost tempted to read it to find out for myself.
I just find it extremely poorly written, and the 'fae' there are barely distinguishable from elves with a few weirdly adapted versions of solstice/equinox days used only for sexual tension between characters really the only thing that hark back to the origin of 'fae' in the common cultural idea. I'm all for self indulgent media but I've read through all of the books and all I can really take away is that the characters were extremely boring and cliche, the main character was extremely uninteresting, which might be the worst sin a writer can commit (/joke,/lighthearted), the mechanics of the world and 'magic' made no sense, and overall I think it would've been better if it committed to the self indulgence and did away with the charade of trying to be a character-driven story.
Also I simply can't forgive that acotar has gradually replaced the common idea of fae in fantasy over time because they hardly count lol
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Not wanting to bog down someone else's post, but I think art should be vulnerable, crushingly so. I think good art, whatever the media, grabs you by the jaw and makes you look at it, and begs you to see it for what it is; raw joy, unfettered grief, fear that nestles in your bones and chills you for the rest of the night. And I think art can do all these things without the audience needing to know a single thing about the artist.
As an audience member, I truly prefer less context about the author when possible. I want to learn about them only through the lens of what they thought was worth sharing with the rest of us within their work.
Vulnerable art ✅
Vulnerable artists (especially when forced) 🚫
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You could drink your whole life away and still never get that taste out of your mouth.
half commission for @salempie half completely self indulgent dreck pieced together from our insane conversations abt franke and elka. told myself id finally write a big explanation for all of the dum shit between these two for context so Thats Under The Cut.
so I already wrote some stuff about elka and franke's relationship back in whispering rock so feel free to look at that too . it goes over elkas blindness/‘seeing’ with clairvoyance and how her and franke started talking & all that good stuff
SO FOR STARTERS. a lot of thsi wont make sense without a big breakdown of elka herself. because elkas potential as a character is like insane to me. like just the idea of her in the long run of her life reads as something so potentially tragic; a young girl whos plagued with visions of doom and destined to be an outcast even in her own home for things she cant control and clings to the One vision of her wedding that she thinks is 'happy' even despite the fact she doesnt really love the person in it. im choosing to take the li-po doc as canon here because its funny shes the only one with backstory-
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but my fucking god even the smallest look into what her parents are like is soo fucked up to me. and i do think elka especially gets a lot of influence from her mother; its funny how easily you can fit mabel doom into a box just from what elka says about her. knees deep in an avon-esque pyramid scheme and leaning into her daughters depressing ass visions & taking her to therapy at age 11 (which would be good if not for the kind of person you can already assume she is & so i doubt the therapist she has really does her any good. i think they share one). she reads as a very I Am My Daughters Best Friend type of mom to me and i can see elka being a centerpiece of the conversation when she has her Amway Girls over for drinks. wine-mom that lets her kid sip from the glass so she can feel like a big girl type deal.
and you can tell that elka is trying to hard to be too mature for her age even in her campster posts. how she writes letters to nils' mom and exchanges baking recipes with her and that feels like she really only interacts with middle aged women and not really many people her own age outside of camp (like her moms friends). which makes sense shed feel the need to ‘grow up’ early when shes probably had to process so many hard things at a young age bc of her visions.
theres a lot of filling the blanks here of course.
elka obsesses over nils to an overbearing degree even despite the fact he treats her like shit ('you promised no talking' and so on) and she treats him bad right back. she leans onto stereotypical heterosexual ideals like taking care of him and overblowing how Manly and Protective JT is and she admires romance stories like pride and prejudice and it feels like she Projects Soooooooo much of what she wants onto boys she barely feels anything for without knowing what its actually supposed to feel like. and clearly she WANTS that ideal future, a happy marriage, an actual romance- but according to nils even when they were dating she ignored him most of the time, which just seems Very Telling
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like shes filling a role, overcompensating for emotions and lacktherof she cant digest quite yet, and it only makes more sense when you know shes had visions of their future together. how could that be bad for her? shouldnt it be like the books and movies? but she doesnt really connect the fact that her visions are only for Doomed futures, and if she does she certainly doesnt show it. Doomed relationships. it's been a part of her family for generations and she isn't turning out much different, is she? i dont think she even realizes thats all she ever sees yet, just that its Going to happen. that it's Her future, and it always will be
and like, her only reference for a real marriage so far has been her own parents, and she already Knows they have an affair, and theyre doomed to split, (and i actually like to think they were in rough waters anyway and elka was a child meant to mend a crumbling marriage but thats a whole other thing) and so without a framework for what an actual healthy relationship is supposed to be like she cant really grasp that her relationship with nils Isnt that and isnt ever going to be. she can only cling to this one happy idea of the future, and thats why she keeps chasing him, self fulfilling the actuality of her situation and creating and fostering the unhappy life they will inevitably live together.
and that bleeds into everything else in her life, of course, because as the years go on, as the visions grow in number it just makes sense for her to fall into the predictability of her life. she always knows whats going to happen, her visions are Never wrong- so why try to change things? shes had time to process tragedies days, weeks, months, years before they happen, shes had time to settle into every crack of her life. her parents divorce, her various break ups, her future with the psychonauts.
“and she's already seen so much of a future with [nils] she feels trapped almost. Like she has to be happy in it or else it just means her life is miserable. And it's a mixture of pride and fear of the unknown that keeps her clinging to the One thing she knows. BUT LIKE!!! She knows what's gonna happen! It's easier to grieve when she's been grieving for years... She wants so badly to be happy, But to do that she has to step into the unfamiliar. And that's more terrifying than staying the same miserable person she's always been.”
and thats where franke comes in— and yeah you Do have to take a lot of liberties for frankes character since it’s basically, like, all the info for her is just that shes a Supreme Baby Dyke but thats enough for me. i think she has protective butch itch in her . on campster shes defensive over other women evidenced in the way she keeps watch over the girls cabins for lili when elton is pursuing her . but shes also eager to please and constantly trying to make kitty laugh and also Very naive. but she tries! and i think it only solidifies more as she gets Older and really gets a hold of her feelings & her powers. this is incredibly franke to me
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and i think as they grow older together— because i think franke and elka Do stay friends, both because elka is just pathetic and needs that positive connection even if she doesnt realize it and because i think franke is a very Loyal person & annoyingly persistent if you let her be . and i am also a kitty/franke truther. because kittys also important in this web we weave
because i think franke and kitty stay together after camp, to a point— theres a falling out facilitated on kittys end and they break up, but reconnect, and franke kind of... saves kitty from herself a little, from her strict military father whos love only extends thru finances , from her own stifling future , she drives all the way to bakersville in her shitty van handmedowned from her dad and they move in together eventually . they get jobs at the motherlobe , because it’s a pipeline to a decent job, because it’s whats easy, because franke doesn’t really have a future, because she’s never really been good at much, because shes never had much sense, because franke doesnt really care as long as she can live and help, sometimes, if she can, and because kitty’s there, and because elka’s there, and shes so used to being elkas eyes now and shes good at it. shes good at being the muscle of the missions when her colleagues lack it, when hypnosis and predictions arent enough. she likes it that way.
and elka appreciates frankes company. she listens, shes sweet, she does little things for her that no ones ever really put the effort for before; she likes her. franke is strong and bold and makes her laugh and shes always there but god elka cant let go of that future, of that box shes put herself in, that her mothers put her in, of being a Good Wife to a Loving Husband, of getting married normally and falling into unfailing familiarity. thats all shes ever wanted and shes not going to jeopardize that . not for franke, who may not be a boy but is handsome like one, whos always held her after every break up with nils and the men that filled empty days inbetween.
and elka is too stubborn to recognize those feelings anyway. too prideful to accept a way out. too set in her cycle no matter how much she hates it, her little self fulfilling tragedy of her own making, wallowing in her own doom. she struggles for control of her own life when she feels like every choice has been made for her anyway, she puts up her walls and carefully constructs what people see. but franke was always harder to trick, because while empathy isnt a particularly useful psychic power it’s certainly an inconvenient one. all franke has to do is get too close and all those carefully crafted walls fall apart, and elkas control is gone, and thats all she really has. and she tries to distance herself, really she does, but franke is also too persistent. and elka wears gloves, keeps contact that would make her walls crumble from happening as best as she can, but she cant really keep herself from the brief moments where she feels like someone actually fucking cares about her.
and that slightest lack of control, the need to wrestle it back is why she proposes to nils the next time theres a falling out— she knows how it happens, she plans every detail. and he accepts, despite everything. gets her a cheap ring and it feels like lead on her finger and its nothing at all like how shed thought it to be when she was a kid, theres no feather light feeling in her chest, only that dreadful reality that she cant turn this back. BUT WHAT CAN U DO LMAO
elka doesnt tell franke about this engagement until later, on their way back from a mission. late at night when neither of them can sleep, and franke invites elka to smoke in her van, because its been so long since theyve been alone like that, because elkas been so strangely absent lately. and because of everything, because frankes always so damn nice, because elka hates the feel of the ring on her finger, because she let herself get high alone with franke fucking athens whos always been so good at pulling her apart— the truth of it all spills out and its messy and emotional and she hates it, she hates the life shes made for herself, but franke makes it easier to bare and now shes here and shes so close and god she wishes she could see her smile again, she wishes she could see franke, thats all she needs right now and she cant but she can touch her and she can hold her and for tonight, she can be known, she can let those walls crumble, she can be something else just for once here with franke . she can kiss her here in this van, touch that happiness for just a moment, and forget the future that waits for her outside of it. franke begs her to forget the wedding, to just let herself be happy— and god, she wants to, but it means turning her back on everything shes known and everything shes saw to be inevitable, and franke has never been in her future, so if it were supposed to work out why hadnt she seen it and she cant, she cant take that risk but she can have this, even if its temporary, she can have it.
and just as soon as she gets a taste of it, its gone. after that night, after the missions over and theyre back at the motherlobe and have to pretend like nothing happened (franke doesnt, of course she tells kitty about it, she tells kitty about everything.) but that brief moment together haunts elka every time she sees franke, sees herself through frankes eyes, sees herself in her wedding dress because god its all franke can think about! of course it is! she knows how much elkas destroying herself she knows how much misery shes wallowing in that kiss in the van felt like an emotional punch to the teeth and she hasnt ever forgotten it and all she can do is sit and watch while elka throws herself into a loveless marriage. she can come to her wedding and see the way the bride and groom kiss with the emotional weight of a wet towel no matter how hard elka tries to hide it under a pretty dress and bouquets of flowers and meticulous planning.
and elka resents nils but she cant really hate him, its not his fault, not really. he feels trapped just like she does and his feelings of misery only cycle back into hers . they fight and gnash and wear away at each other and its a relationship thats crashed and burned a million times before elka even said i do. and its inevitable that she falls into her mothers habits, a sip of wine here and there to loosen up, until it turns to a glass, until it falls into a bottle on nights when whatever work nils does runs late.
but franke’s still there. shes always been there, hasn’t she? always trying to play knight, always trying to save her, dragging her home when shes stumbling over herself because god who else is going to do it but her? who else is left to care? certainly not nils. never nils. because franke knows her. because franke pities her. shes always pitied her. shes always known. and elka hates it, she resents it, but god in the same breath she’s desperate for it, she envies it to her very bones. elka is a mess but after frankes done with her she has someone to go back to that loves her. and god what elka wouldnt do to have that. to take it and keep it for herself because shes never ever got to have that movie romance shes always wanted.
so now comes this.
because elkas particularly miserable and particularly spiteful and she needs to get franke to understand, just for a moment, drink with her and get on her level and she needs her there with her no matter how her pity makes her feel. no matter how much it makes her shake with anger and envy and desperation, but god the way franke looks at her, the way she still tries to salvage what they have, the soft, slurred way she tells her that it’s okay but its not okay, none of this is okay, it never has been and she just wants franke to shut up and see that, and if she cant then she’ll show her, she’ll show her all the raw angry desperation, with too much teeth and hands that claw and grab and she’ll know why everyones always said she’s too much.
and she knows this puts her on nils’ level too. that this makes her a cheater, that shes no better than he is now. no better than her father and his affair. but god, she wants to be selfish. she wants to be in control. just for once. she wants to feel right and she wants to feel happy and she wants to feel loved. thats all shes ever wanted. and franke will let her have that, just for a little while, at the very least.
anyway. sorry. sorry for being crazy . this isnt even getting into the shit after the comic takes place . elkas stupid brainworld thag she has to overcome in order to finally be allowed in the polycule and live happily ever as worlds first lesbian divorceman
sorry for all the shit i make up instead of caring about actual characters with screentime . bye !
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 6 months
Out Of Your Comfort Zone
note: the original ask said fantasy but i dont read fantasy at all, so i went with a silly little romance novel i loved, which i think still displays that opposite thing the anon wanted. so i hope this is okay!!
warnings: my writing while i'm high (rambling that can be disguised as descriptive writing)
word count: 1.2 k
♡ summary: During a bookstore date Y/n's taste in books gets Spencer out of his comfort zone.
♡ Spencer Reid x fem!reader
request ✓
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Finally, Spencer had a weekend off, where there was no chance of a case coming in at the last minute. And it’s not like Y/n hated Spencer’s job, she knew he did a lot of good. But it was hard sometimes when they would go a few weeks without sleeping next to each other.
It was the perfect morning to their perfect day, they had just come from a local art exhibit pop-up/farmers market. It reminded Y/n of Notting Hill, of course from the movie but also from when she lived in London while studying abroad. But now the couple was off to the local bookstore, they had looked at the farmers market, but they were all travel books, the irony was not lost.
Them both loving books was what got them to the second date, their first being filled with a debate about ‘modern classics’ and what classifies them. A topic they both clearly had a lot of opinions on as it took up the whole date that they hadn’t asked all the first date questions, so they needed the second date.
Them both loving books was what got them to the second date, their first being filled with a debate about ‘modern classics’ and what classifies them. A topic they both clearly had a lot of opinions on as it took up the whole date that they hadn’t asked all the first date questions, so they needed the second date.
And though their taste in books were quite opposite, there was a small overlap that was home to Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, The Bell Jar, and many others. But that was Spencer’s main area, classics, Y/n only read the feminist classics.
So when they went to the bookshop, the two would split up until Spencer finished looking in his favourite sections, since he could read so much faster than the girl it took her about three times as long to look through the fiction section.
Spencer was making his way to her now, stopping to read the backs of a couple books that interested him, even picking one up to buy. He walked past the isles of the fiction and romance sections, finally coming to a halt at the ‘J’s where Y/n was now. She didn’t even register his presence, too wrapped up in reading the summary of the blue and yellow book in her hand.
Spencer didn’t want to startle the girl, so he walked past her, her eyes rising from the book in hand to look at who she thought was a random person just browsing the store like her, eyes lighting up when she sees it’s Spencer.
“Honey, what’d you find?” She questions, Spencer assumes it was a rhetorical question since she didn’t give him enough time before she cuts in grabbing the second book from the stack in his arms, “I was gonna suggest this one to you! A subscriber said it was really good!”
Y/n was a booktuber, when she told Spencer that he obviously had no idea what that was, but a simple explanation later and he was caught up. And after a year of dating, she finally mentioned him in a video when she was talking about ‘Normal People’ . It was one of the books they argued could be considered a modern classic on their first date. And she mentioned his taste in books and now her followers left recommendations for him in her
comments, mostly on instagram when she posted him from time to time.
“Yeah. I was really impressed with another book by this author, her description of the caste system in India and the impact it has mentally was so moving.” “I remember you reading that. I’m not good at reading those types of books, but I love when you tell me all about them.” Her soft words brought red to Spencer’s checks while he hid his hands around her waist.
Recovering from the girl’s flirting, even after a year he still reacted the same to her words, his head rose from the spot in her neck to look at the book she had been looking at when he found her.
“What did you find?” “Oh, I saw a girl say it was a good book in her review and I want to do a video on age gap books since so many people ask.” Pacing the books over to him when he signalled his hand forward for it, turning it over to read the front, ‘Part of Your Word’ by Abby Jimenez in large letters was written across the front. It wasn’t a fairly large book, it could take him maybe five minutes.
Y/n was now turned to read more titles, stopping at any that caught her eye. All the while, Spencer was stood of to the side reading. It had actually only taken the man four minutes when he checked his watch. Proud of himself, he looks up to see that his girlfriend was apparently watching him, for how long, he didn’t know.
With a smile on his face, he asks, “What?” “Spencer. Did you just read my book? Before I even bought it?” She replied with a hand going to her hip and a jokey tone. “Well, first of all, you aren’t buying it bec-” “Why was it bad?”
Y/n often spoke before thinking, causing her to cut off people, Spencer was used to it he thought it was cute and she always made it her mission to not interrupt when he was really passionate about a topic.
“Because, I’m buying.” “Hon, no you bought last time.” “I don’t mind.” “I do.”
Spencer moved on from this conversation, they both know how it will end. Spencer will in fact pay, Y/n will say he didn’t have to, Spencer would say he doesn’t mind, she’ll say she does mind, and they repeat it when they pay for lunch after the bookshop.
“But I did read it.” “Don’t spoil, but what did you think?” She had watched a couple booktok reviews on it so she knew it was a little spicy, something she knew Spencer didn’t read a lot of, if ever.
“I think it was good. I liked how they talked about family relationships and verbal abuse in relationships, I think it was done well and it brought a lot more sense of realism. And I liked the leads, I relate to Daniel more than I thought, his dedication to making things work.. I won’t spoil it for you but- um yeah. And I liked the setting.”
His words sent a loving smile to rest on the girl’s face, she loved nothing more than to hear Spencer talk. His voice was deep yet not at the same time, and his mannerisms were adorable to her. And hearing him actually read and enjoy a book from the romance section that was written in the last few decades, was a big step for him. He didn’t even know about Twilight when they met.
“I’m glad you like it.” She said, truthfully, “I’ll be sure to mention that in my video.” “You don’t have to.” “You just don’t want Penny to see the video and by extension Derek.”
Their conversation continued while they waited in line, holding each other's hand while Y/n looks up to speak. They were interrupted when it was then their turn, Spencer paying like he said he would, and again at lunch, much to the girl’s disapproval.
“You don’t have to pay.” “I don’t mind.” “I do.”
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theosconfessions · 5 months
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Gorm Serneholt for @aniraklova 's The Yasmines Desire BC
Gorm is a 48 year old new york times best seller. for what you ask? well our boy here has a fancy for creating incredibly realistic romance novels that could make even hugh hefner at blush. he started off his career in the adult film industry, as every ny times best seller does, i guess. and his exploits there..and the lack of creative writing really got him thinking.... this stuff is popular anyways but if it had a proper storyline? EVEN BETTER..and then he realized people dont watch his films for the storyline. so he started creating them himself. it was his already present fanbase that helped skyrocket his first book into critical acclaim. was it actually that good? well nope. but hes since approved since then so he can stop using that d to influence people to read his writing. ANYWAYS. how he came across Yasmines BC? well his ex wifey ofc. although their marriage didnt work out they remain amicable..not just for their teenage son..but also because they started off as best friends..and thats what they will remain for the rest of their lives. his ex, evie, was scrolling through simblr one day and seen an ad for yasmines bc come up.she immediately recognized her. not just because anyone would remember a sim that gorgeous but because she once was obsessed with her show 'Talk if you can' with as big of a personality as yasmine has..she had no doubt that she could handle a probably equal big personality of Gorm. Plus she was kinda tired of his lonely self always asking her to wing man. so. :) Gorm has all of his fingers crossed he'll get a shot at love. i mean its been AWHILE. he may write romance but he sure hasnt had it in awhile.
private dl if chosen
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iloveundertaesooomuch · 9 months
Some advice from AU Calebs!
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Heck yeah I did it! Finally i finished ONE of the HUNDREDS AU crossover ideas I have in my head!! Crossovers are fun guys!! (I apologise for a bad english in advance. Writing this it a rush.)
"It's ok to ask for help." (A Reverse Of Feathers And Mud by @jess-the-vampire)
I couldn't make a crossover meme without the legend. Sorry, not sorry. He is such a sad lad but tries to stay positive and be happy for his family uydfykudsutsudskudsluds (*dies*). I have to admitt, Caleb's dad energy is too strong for me to handle without wanting a hug him. No wonder! He was THE grandpa for centuries straight without a break. At least Caleb gets his whole family together in the end. Comics with him and either Hunter and Philip or Luz and Eda make me run in cirles around the room aaaa.
"You are not a burden." (Brother's Keeper by @idoodlestuffsometimes)
Damn, you definetly created one of the darkest AU in the fandom. Each time I re-read AU related posts I scream my lungs out because it is so angsty and so great. I am genuinely scared of your Belos ngl, because.. this man didnt loose anything and he still proceeds to do all that stuff. Enconter with him has 0 survival rate.
POOR CALEB! At least in the world of memes he had an opportunity to flee the captivity twice (the bald head and the car). This man had no moment of mental rest for centuries oh my God. One of my friends wants to fight his brother personally to protec Caleb at all cost sksksk. Well, at least Hunter will always have an actually loving relative! And if the happy ending is going to be canon, I think the future looks great, especially knowing how much pain all your characters go through currently. (And I think both Caleb and Hunter would need the "you are not a burdain" affirmations. At least some form of support in their situation.)
You said in the latest ask-answer that BK!Caleb was supposed to have white streaks in his hair so I attempted to add them. Hope they look fine! Colors for the outfit I got from Belos, so they would match, I guess???
"Murder is okay." (Loose Strings by @oldmanpip)
My bro, brother, friend... Despite you being not to involved on the discord server, my brain is still rotting with your great awesome AUs. And I know you know that. Your Caleb is really loose in all sences of that word and I love that. Wonder if your AUs will ever be available to the public. Because oh boy oh boy they deserve to be recognised. (Loose Caleb is such a conservative grandpa who never did anything wrong, wdym?)
"Your feelings matter." (Pip In Time by @celestialscribbler)
Honestly? Man, your comic is the reason I got invested in Witteclaw couple at all. Even if the "Pip in time" is not their story, but you wrote their teen romance so sweetly. Those two melted my heart... I scream each time I re-read your comic for 100th time. Just WOAH my brain goes brrr! And Caleb as a character is also written really really well. I love him so much. He is such good brother but MAN HE NEEDS A BREAK FROM BEING AN ADULT! BOY! Insirt crying and heart emojis here.
(PS: hope you still care about your health!)
My thoughts:
I have been drawing this for more than a month I think? And the only reason for that is my university. I hope to actually get an ADHD diagnosis because something is clearly wrong with me. But thats not the point.
There are so many ideas in my head. Goofy and not. The only problem is that I have less and less ability to do what I want lately. I wish I could bring them all to life, but at the same I dont know if anyone will be interested. Would AU crossovers look too self-indulgent? Or nah? Idk. (Just Grimwalker-Isle already has so much potential for stupid ridiculous fun I am runnin on coffee juice.)
Litteraly my mind is plagued with different fun plots and possibilities I am going crazy. But I also have A TON of WIPs that I need to finish. Perhaps I will attempt to manage everything at once, but, no promises.
Wish me luck on my exams!
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katsu-not-found · 7 months
Are there any Dazatsu fics that you can recommend reading? I've tried finding some but not all are really great so I thought a second persons advice might help.
Hi anon! Of course I can but I dont really read recent fics on ao3 so they are probably a bit old but! I'll put author recommendations instead who writes dazatsu and example of the fics I like from them so you can check them out yourself!
First is @looking-for-stray-dogs or planet_b612 on ao3. She is like, the goddess of dazatsu fanfics if you ask me because she captured their characters perfectly in my opinion. I think there's not any dazatsu shippers who dont know her but here is one of the fics I like from them. It has getting back together trope which is rare for dazatsu.
Second is @blchwaaaan with the same username on ao3. They are specialized in writing angst, but their fluff is top tier too. This is one of their dazatsu fluff I like, and this one is the angst one.
Next is @mamichigo though they are currently not actively writing for bsd anymore but it's worth checking them out. Here is one of the ones I like from them.
@ladytective is good too. They are samuela on ao3 and not really active now but still updating their ongoing series that I really look forward to. They write romance with humors but still will make you clench your heart with the fluff and light angst. This is one of my fav!
Their friend treetrunkdaddy also write good dazatsu but I forgot their tumblr (sorry!) but this one is example of their fics.
@datura-foxglove is not an active author anymore too but their dazatsu is worth checking! There are some on their blog but there are some on ao3 too. This one is one of the fics I like.
The rest I'll put my recs to the fic only because I dont know or not sure of their tumblr handle😅😔
In Coming Years by chimesDissent
Take Me Back to The Night We Met by Mushroomfields
thinking till the sun comes up by arrrowiee
a history of me and you (writer AU) by murakamism
The Disqualified by corgo_queen (this one is very angsty but thrilling)
mum's the word by angelofgrief
Damn The Bastard Anyway by galliechan
the little moments in life by eunhami
Late Night Thesis Excuses series by tamarind (this one is really angsty too)
something worth living for by monomoon
Our Love (in a Ball of Yarn) by celestial_sorrow (one of my fav)
Healing Touch by WalkingFadingColors
live for something beautiful by lostdandelion
heat of the moment by anonymous (this one is omegaverse and nsfw so please read the tags with caution)
Mokita by Hinenokubi (atsushi is sick like his IRL counterpart here and yes it's very angst with no happy thing for dazai)
From an empty apartment by Iaka_Linksar
love in a cauldron by sleepyfoxthieves
I think that's all for now? Or this post will be even longer than this akjsjss I'm sorry if you've already read some of these but if not, I hope they are into your tastes. And dont forget you can check on the authors' account if you like their writing. Good luck and happy reading!
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silly-lil-scribbles · 6 months
Introduction post!!
status: honk mimimimimi
current chance of a response if you dm me*: 0%
* does not apply to mousie cuz its my emotional support friend
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- My name is Finn! You can also call me scribbles, soup, or really any dumb nickname will do. it/he <3
woah look at that.. its me.. on another website!! slight flash warning for spacehey btw ^^
if you havent read this in a while, i would suggest reading again cuz i update it a lot <3
- im oriented aroace! and graysexual (i think? idk man i just work here.)
- im boyflux but also im just a creechur
- I MADE A JAIL ACCOUNT SO IF IM JAILED I MIGHT BE OVER THERE ‼️ @soup-has-been-imprisoned-noooooo
- I post about the magnus archives/protocol and my chem frequently, though I also just reblog a ton of random shit. may be nsfw but never anything explicit. Also I forget to tag for spoilers a lot so just know that there are magpod spoilers in general on my blog.
- Music artists I like: Cavetown, MCR, Mother Mother, Lemon Demon, Will Wood, Dazey and the Scouts, FOB, Nova Twins, p!atd, Noahfinnce, qbomb, Gum Disease, Sparkbird, Mischief Brew, Poppy, Be Your Own Pet, Pierce the Veil, Chloe moriondo, Faetooth, IDKHOW, the mechs, rabbitology, madalyn mei, scene queen, MARINA, she/her/hers, femtanyl, leathermouth, baby queen, pansy division, the spook school, specimen, egg, the crane wives, and of monsters and men
- Shows/Podcasts/Other Media that I like! DANGER DAYSS, Malevolent, The Magnus Archives, Stranger Things, Welcome to Nightvale (though I haven’t finished it yet), the Osemanverse, Nimona, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, ATLA, LOK, It, Hilda, Camp Here and There, Radio Rental, warrior cats, the silt verses,,,, there’s probably more but my memory is shit
- my blog is super messy so all of my art is under the tag #scribbles draws a thing and my original text posts (not the short personal ones typically, just the one i actually want people to see) are under #scribbles says shit.
- my body hates me very much (probably fibromyalgia but like doctors suck so undiagnosed)
- surprise, my brain also hates me very much! And yes also undiagnosed!
- tone tags are appreciated <3
boundaries n stuff:
- not ok with sexual or romantic comments
- platonic flirting is ok if we’re moots
- sex averse, feelings on romance fluctuate a lot but usually indifferent
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- my feeling are really fucking wonky so 80% of the time i dont/barely feel emotions. please be patient and if i sound like i dont mean what im saying, i promise you that i do. but since i know how i would feel if i could, but i still cant feel anything, im trying my best to react accordingly so it may seem like its not genuine but it is. like. imagine youre writing. youre writing your characters reactions to everything, despite not actually being able to feel it. but since you know your character, you can judge hiw they feel in the situation you make them react accordingly even though you arent actually experiencing it yourself. now replace the character with you, thats kinda how i feel. sorry i know that probably didnt make sense but trying my best here lol
- i have a tmagp fic i just starting writing! If you wanna know more, posts related to that are under #electric desires have unraveled all my wires :(
- I have 4 cats and a dog, also a gecko
- i have a queerplatonic partner!! hes awesome and swaggy and writes so much. so. much writing. wow. not saying wow in a bad way im just genuinely impressed. chou if ur reading this i love you <3
- i also have a lovely best friend named zero whos super fun and cool and pathetic /vpos. my favorite excitable soggy cardboard box ilysm <3
- coyotekin therian !!
- My favorite colors are purple, cyan, neon green, and red
- I love interacting with mutuals and getting asks! plspls send me random shit in asks im begging
- I’m creating an animated series called Catlantis (still in progress)
- I have a love hate relationship with writing but i do it anyways so oh well
- Frogs.
other tags i use a lot are:
#soup poorly draws gay people out of obligation; my series of promised dyhard drawings.
#soup gets pathetic abouut friendship; me when im a sappy bitch about my friends or partner
#objectives list; save file for when i say im gonna do something so i dont forget about it
#catlantis save; hoarding info for catlantis
#insomnia induced rambles; i cant sleep and im making it your problem
#our lady of sorrows; not the song, my mcr inspired goddess i made up for my dnd character to worship
#scribbles asks; asks
#info save; good to know
#scribbles liveblogging tmagp; exactly what it sounds like
#art save; resources for doing art
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judasgot-it · 1 year
I’m in love with your writing like omg🩷could i request what kind of lovers are Dazai, tecchou and Nikolai?
(english is not my mother tongue so i dont mean cheat btw…)
I have SO many headcannons about these fools oh lord. Also hoping I got what you meant cuz I won't lie I am a bit SILLY.
Headcannons: what kind of lovers are they? Dazai, Tecchou, Nikolai
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He sees his own misery inside of you, which he thinks is romantic. He thinks its beautiful that the two of you can understand each other's suffering in a way no one else can.
I don't think I need to state that while this is romantic in a literary sense, it's a major red flag
Dude would 100% want to do things that he thinks are "romantic" for couples to do together.
For example - murder-suicide, robbing stores together, double-suicide, arson, planning each other's funerals-
Man has a sick sense of romance and death
But he can be romantic!! Sometimes.
Despite being young he knows how to actually take care of his lover - at least in technicality
What he really enjoys, however, he has to suppress
That cold cold sick heart of his wants to isolate them, keep them away from everyone - but he knows that isn't really a human thing to do
So the type of lover he really is the kind of guy who can really only bond over either sex or when you're drunk/sad over the past
dude wouldn't even be able to have sex without crying or would have to do it in the dark, like he just gets too emotional and insecure
100% obsesses over your own trauma and will take any time he can to talk about it - but never his own
sorry dude has red flags ALL over in my mind, I just don't think he would do happy stuff because he would think it's very fake
He can't enjoy any happy occasion, especially dates
definitely thinks weed, deftones, and sex is a good date
Don't date this man if you try to break up with him he will come to your doorstep whimpering and crying telling you that he's gonna kill himself and that you're the only one for him even though he cheated on you
he just strikes me as a messy kind of person
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Wants to be your hero. He knows your strong - but he wants to be strong for you. You deserve to be protected from the dangers of the world.
He believes in justice and is a MASSIVE dweeb for "playing the hero"
Man has good intentions that are EXTREME
So yea, he is a bit of an extreme lover
If he can, he'll protect you from anything. It's just his thing
He will try to eradicate all of your fears. Scared of the dark? Your house is brighter than the sun. Scared of bugs? sad, but he will chase them away.
Does this mean he's good at romance? Not really. He'll do anything you tell him too though
Literally anything. Almost. He wouldn't kill someone, but yea that man would 100% try a lot of weird and freaky shit.
would also not care if you weren't into sex. pretty sure that if he likes someone he is just LOYAL lol
although tbh he doesn't strike me as the horny type he just is too dedicated to his job like I'd give it 20/80
idk if he's a freak either like he's probably seen some weird nasty shit so he either is the most vanilla man to walk this earth or is into some weird ass shit.
(I bet it's cake sitting or some food shit. He and Ranpo are too similar, they would both be into weird food shit)
ANYWAY Tecchou is one of those guys who would do cute shit like open the door for his partner everywhere and hold their bags
It's very sweet. Bro 100% lifts.
probably calls while at work which is terrifying and horrible cause you'll hear gunfire but he'll pretend it's normal
Man is also technically property of the state so just know that if you're in a relationship with him you will always have someone stalking you, as you are now a threat to national security
but it's worth it for Tecchou <3
also, he has a huge bank account I bet but would buy either useless gifts or upgrade everything his partner owns cuz he probably only wears his military uniforms and compression shirts.
What's he gonna spend his money on, really?
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The world is cruel and predictable, especially with people like him. He hates someone having control over him, so he would only love someone if he chose to - which is fickle at best.
AHHHH omg he's so hard to pin down because Nikolai 100% would be the worst person to have as a lover (jk)
Hot and Cold by Katy Perry esq
Like, 100% if he loves them he LOVES them but if he hates them? he HATES them
but I don't think he really changes his emotions that much, he's sensitive but not so drastically
Definitely is an interesting person to love - would do crazy and weird shit for his lover
doesn't do normal dates. he's a magician, everything is a trick with him
probably gives riddles and doesn't wait for them to be solved - they just lead up to silly dates or gifts. The gifts are probably tame like a drink they like or like, flowers. Maybe some random fingers if he saw that a server was rude.
Does the bottle up his ass trick a lot. or says "do you like magic in bed?" and then never pulls his pants down he just shows every single magic trick he knows.
Listen. that man is WAITING for an audience he will take any chance he can. He'll even pull out some tricks while in the middle of doing it. Let him show you his magic tricks, he practices very hard on some of them.
ranking him as the type to be an exhibitionist and a bit of a freak - how much? idk but he has his coat so who knows what kind of stuff he has on him.
also don't get into a philosophical convo with him this guy will start to talk all sorts of crazy
or political
unless ofc there's common ground then CONGRATS
also I feel like he would be a gentleman. Would probably bring his lover flowers and shit.
once brought oranges though. never explained why.
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sorry about the NSFW but I needed the giggles. I did in fact giggle
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six-eyed-samurai · 7 days
Hello ! (I’m not sure if your requests are open but I love your fics so I really wanted to try 😭) Could you maybe write a Genya x Male reader one ? Where like Genya deals with confusion and internalised homophobia after realising he fell in love with a guy ? IM SO SORRY IF YOU DONT DO MALE READERS OR SMTH LIKE THAT, HAVE A GOOD DAY !!
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SUMMARY: Genya's emotionally constipated. It's the Shinazugawa genes - but even more so when it comes to...guys?!
A/N: KYAAH Ty anon glad you enjoyed, and DW my inbox is open anytime I'm just a little slow in writing rn because of exams and I'm moving house. I have done male reader before but I'm not too used to writing gay T-T so I'm sorry if this turned out the way you wanted
WARNINGS: Male reader in case you don't read the asks and only warnings/Minor swearing
Much romance happens at Kimetsu Academy.
There's Zenitsu and Nezuko, although Genya considers it more of an obsession on the blonde’s end seeing as Nezuko doesn't openly display any signs of liking him back romantically, whatever the delusional idiot thinks. There's also Tanjiro and Kanao, the perfect epitome of friends to lovers. And whatever Aoi and Inosuke have going on.
But none of that ever happened to Genya. Sure, he thought the occasional girl was pretty or nice, but aside from the fact he explodes into a tomato just from a simple “hello” he's never been actually interested. Of course that occasionally made him feel a bit left out amongst his friends, like he was missing something great, but hey, Muichiro and him would be single pringles forever and that was fine.
(Genya's very betrayed to find out Muichiro had received a confession…and was considering accepting it.)
But it was a little unbelievable to the Kamaboko Squad that in all of the sixteen years of his life he had never had a crush, hence the interrogation they were giving him that particular day during lunch.
“Have you never fallen in love? At all?!” Genya wants to snort; as if Zenitsu would ever notice anybody else's love life but his own.
Tanjiro calmly shoved Inosuke away from a fuming Genya, smiling brightly. “I'm sure Genya has one! And we'll be more than happy to help him confess!”
“Aren't crushes supposed to be secret-”
“Then we have to figure out who it is first!” Zenitsu hollers.
“Is it Kocho?!”
Kanao, Tanjiro and Genya both look scandalised but Zenitsu barrels on. Aoi face palms. Inosuke steals everyone's food.
“Is it Kanrojii?!”
“Why is everyone you're listing so much older than me!”
“OKAY, OKAY! Uh…Koyuki-”
“Sheesh, I got it, stop yelling! That Shabana girl?”
“Just why-”
“Maybe Genya does like someone but just doesn't realize it,” Kanao offers timidly.
“That's a good point, Kanao!” Tanjiro beams, causing Genya and Kanao to flush red but for entirely different reasons.
“How am I supposed to know if I like someone?”
“If you find them cute?”
“That seems really superficial,” Aoi says disapprovingly.
“You'll get really nervous around them, like your heart speeds up. You'll probably stare at them a lot too, and want to do lots of things for them, maybe hold open doors?” Tanjiro nods wisely.
“And they're the first person you look at to see if they're laughing at a joke,” Kanao agrees.
Genya considers. “Then none of the girls you just listed, honestly.”
“It's alright, you'll find the one for you one day. There's no rush now.”
Truth be told Genya had lied.
It wasn't a lie exactly either. More of…an avoidance of the truth. He didn't feel that way about any girls Zenitsu had mentioned, or any of the girls at school.
But he did like someone, yes.
Or no. Definitely not. It couldn't possibly be.
“Oh, hey, Shinazugawa.” Your simple wave as you joined his side outside the classroom door was enough to get his heart pounding and slightly sweaty like he had just suffered an entire class with the gym teacher Tomioka.
“Thanks for holding the door!” You call out over your shoulder, flashing him a bright smile while entering the class and taking your seat. You immediately turn to start talking with your friends, something Genya's extreme thankfully for because then you can't see the tomato red that's painting his face as he's still stuck, frozen and speechless, by the door. Only Iguro-sensei’s cold “Do you plan to have the lesson by the door or something?” Shook him out of it.
You're so confusing, Genya thinks, averting his eyes when you catch his with a mouthed “oops” and raised eyebrows, because he wants to revel in your attention and hide in a hole from it at the same time.
It was a pleasant kind of confusion, though. The kind he wouldn't mind thinking about forever; it gave him an oddly warm, fidgety feeling inside like he had just drunk an entire thermos of hot chocolate and got marshmallows to top it off. Then he promptly slaps himself (mentally) because he shouldn't be thinking about this, that and you.
Not like it stopped him from staring at the back of your head all through class. He doesn't realize it until your friend turns their head around and makes a face at him, leaning closer to you to whisper something. Genya panics and ducks his head, burying it into his arms for a few minutes before he judges it's safe to look up.
And when he does you're smiling at him knowingly, as if the both of you knew something the rest don't. Oh good lord.
Your laughter is something Genya wishes he could make as well, when the whole class watches Iguro-sensei trying to tell Inosuke off, but the dumbass can't get the teacher’s name right at all. He finds himself laughing as well, a combination of that and because of you before it hits him.
“You'll get really nervous around them, like your heart speeds up. You'll probably stare at them a lot too, and want to do lots of things for them, maybe hold open doors?”
Oh shit. Check, check, check.
“And they're the first person you look at to see if they're laughing at a joke.”
And check?!
Shit shit shit shit shit-
Genya groans. He does like you after all.
But that's not right, it's got to be wrong.
You're a boy. Genya's not gay…at least he didn't think so…Then again he's never actually liked a girl. But he's never liked a boy either. Until you.
Forget it! You're not a crush, you're the reason why Genya is going to drive himself crazy right now! Hell, why did the idea feel so wrong but so right at the same time?
Genya rubbed his temples. If he was being honest the idea only seemed so wrong because…well, because he's just never considered that possibility before. It just hasn't really occured to him he might be attracted to the same gender. It's a new concept, yes, but…not really a terrible one. He got all red with girls yes but it wasn't because he like-liked them or thought they were cute.
Was crushing on a guy really going to be any different than a girl then? Genya groaned again. Judging by his behaviour these days…yeah, not really.
Okay, then if hypothetically he DID like you and he liked guys…how would Sanemi and his friends react? Would they still want to hang out with him? Would Sanemi still…consider him his brother? What would his mom think?
What a headache. What would…you think? It'd be pretty embarrassing to like you and you're straight, Genya thought. Then again was he even sure he was gay, even certain he had a big fat crush on you?
“Hey, you alright?” The voice startles Genya out of his thoughts. He lifts up his head and looks around, startled to see everyone's left. Shit, he hadn't even realized class was over. Idiot.
He glances to his left and nearly dies of fright.
You cock an eyebrow. “Um, seeing a ghost, Genya?”
“No!” He just about shouts, flailing his arms as he tries to stop himself from falling out of his chair. “I'm fine! Really! Sorry…just, just kinda out of it.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
Yeah, let's talk about how I've just realized I might be-
“It's fine, it's nothing important.” Genya notices your fidgeting however. “What about you?”
You hesitate. You're playing with your sleeves quite nervously. It's making him paranoid.
“I'm just…there's a new arcade that just opened up.”
“Sounds fun,” Genya offers. He's got barely enough brain cells still functioning from the close proximity between you both.
“I was wondering - um, do you wanna go with me? I can buy all the tokens,” you quickly blurted out and held your breath.
“N-no. Just you and me. Like on a date.” You rub the back of your neck, looking away. “No - no pressure or anything! I know you might not be into guys, you might already like a girl-"
“You're gay.”
You wince at his tone. Genya wishes he hadn't sounded so accusing. “Last I checked, yeah.”
“Sounds fun,” Genya repeats dumbly, because holy shit, you like him you like guys too he likes guys he really wants to go to the arcade with you oh thank god-
You blink. “So that's a…yes?”
“Absolutely.” Genya waves his hands frantically. “If you're still up for it! Nothing’s awkward! I - I do want to go as a date, not as friends, and, uh-"
He snaps his head away, embarrassed, but he glances back long enough to see you grinning like you've won the lottery.
"Does 2 pm work for you?"
Shit. He really does like you after all. And with the way you're smiling at him like that maybe he can deal with whatever bullshit that's going to come next.
“Hey Genya, do you want to come over this weekend?”
“Muichiro wants to go to that pizza place again.”
The Tokito twins stare at him expectantly over the usual din of the Kamaboko Squad's usual shenanigans. Now or never.
“Sorry, I'm busy.”
“With what?” Muichiro looks out off; Yuichiro frowns in surprise.
“With someone.”
The silence was so thick you could've cut it with a knife - or Zenitsu's screaming.
“Is it a date?” Tanjiro managed to slap a hand over the blonde's mouth while Aoi deals with Inosuke. The twins and Kanao's mouths hang open in surprise.
Genya picked at his food. “Yeah. At the new arcade.”
“I thought you were planning to be single forever-”
“Shut up, Mui!”
“With who?"
He says your name and again the silence is thick.
Tanjiro's eyes light up in recognition and shock. “Isn't that the new boy?”
Genya nods stiffly.
“You're…gay?” Kanao asks tentatively.
Genya nods again.
“I had no idea! I never would've guessed either.” Tanjiro shakes his head, stunned. Much to Genya's relief…he's smiling? “But good for you, Genya, I'm sure you'll enjoy the date!”
This wasn't so bad after all. It's like a weight’s been lifted off his shoulders. Now it's just how well…Sanemi will take it and his family. Probably not as easy.
“I thought it was a little weird you rejected that cute girl the other day.” Muichiro looks excited. “Now I've got a gay best friend!”
“What are you, twelve?” Yuichiro grumbles, but turns to Genya. “Have a good time then.”
“THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE! DON'T SHOCK US LIKE THAT, GENYA!” Zenitsu finally squawks, clutching his heart.
“Wait, what's gay?” Inosuke's lost. “Is Genma happy or something?!”
Never mind.
“Damn, I knew you were good at shooting, but basketball too?” You wiggle your eyebrows at him, pretending to throw an imaginary ball as Genya throws an actual one through the basket easily.
“Heh, this one's just easy since it's so near.” The machine flashes lights and beeps, displaying a new highest score. “And kinda short.”
“You are pretty tall,” you agreed, counting the leftover tokens. “Hey, we still have enough for that claw machine!”
So far the date's going pretty well. Genya hadn't made a fool of himself when you showed up dressed up in that letterman jacket and excitedly tackled him yelling about how you managed to get about an entire bag's worth of tokens. You both had spent your time mostly fooling around playing air hockey, shooting games (he had a moment of crisis before sitting next to you in the cramped space), he got forced to dance with you, you claimed he cheated at the racing, he won you a figurine as an apology for accidentally smacking your hand during Whack-A-Mole. Genya was kind of regretting that now, because you were now convinced Genya had amazing luck and could continue to win you more prizes. But as Sanemi said - a million times - those things were a scam, so Genya compromised by saying if only there was tokens leftover from the basketball game.
Alas and alack, he supposed, but you were already speeding towards the claw machine.
“Come on, come on, almost there, almost there!” Your chanting is barely heard over the obnoxious arcade music but you're practically breathing down his neck.
“Okay, okay, I got it, shut up for a sec.” Genya's grip on the controls is so tight he's actually afraid he might rip out the joystick by mistake like Sanemi last time…although Sanemi had done that on purpose during his rage quit and since had been banned from that particular arcade.
“Dear Kami-sama, please, please, please-”
“NOOO! So close!” Your head's tossed back in an exaggerated groan, flipping off the stupid claw that let go just a second too early. “I could've won that Hashira figurine!”
“I was the one playing!” Genya protested.
“I got the tokens!”
“I offered to pay you back! You said no!”
You punched his shoulder playfully. “Hey, this was supposed to be my treat. You can pay for the next date.”
“Next - next what-"
“Oh jeez, your face is so red now. Let's get some fresh air; I know a good dessert store.”
Genya's down bad alright.
“Where the hell have you been?”
It's already late by the time Genya lets himself into the house. His siblings should've been asleep, his mom too, so hopefully he could…uh, break the news the next day, when he's written and planned everything out, chewed off his nails and get that support you promised him earlier.
Luck had decided to abandon him since his second attempt at the claw machine however, since now he's been caught kicking off his shoes and smiling down at his phone, at the picture you've sent him of the figurine in your shelf.
>>Maybe I'll get more from you
You wi<<
He shuts off his phone quickly. Sanemi’s sitting on the sofa, arms crossed and does not look like a happy camper. Genya tries for an innocent smile. He probably looks like he has a stroke. If Sanemi were a cop, every criminal would be cracking in less than a minute under his interrogations.
“Out with a friend. Sorry I'm late, I was talking them back home.”
“Really? Saw all your friends - Tokito twins and that Kamado kid - earlier today. Try again."
“Someone else.”
“Cut to the chase, Genya, you were out on a date, weren't you?” Sanemi barks.
Genya's shoulders slump. “Yeah. Please don't be mad, I did tell Mom.”
“You should focus on studying. Your math grades are still too low.” Sanemi's expression softens, just slightly. "Who's the lucky girl?"
“I swear to god, if it's that Shabana girl-”
“It's a guy.”
A very awkward beat of silence.
Genya almost expects to be attacked when he says your name. Or mauled after Sanemi demands every detail of what went down at the arcade. Maybe thrashed while finally confessing yes, he's not straight. But not stand there while Sanemi stares at him, strangely quiet.
“You two didn't do anything suspicious?”
Nope. You'd been quite understanding when he admitted he was still kind of getting used to the newness of…all this and offered to save a kiss for next time, causing him to explode into scarlet and try to poke you with his straw. “Aniki!”
“Is this a new thing or have you been…keeping this from me?” Unbelievable. His older brother almost looks hurt by that notion.
“A new thing, I swear, I wasn't planning on keeping anything from you, I was just waiting for the right time and right thing to say and I - I didn't know how you'd react.”
“Well…” Sanemi mutters something unintelligible, eyes moving away slightly.
Genya couldn't stop his grin. “Really? Thank - thank you, Aniki, and okay, I will.”
“And don't do anything too intimate before you're married!”
You spat out your straw. “He said what?”
Genya takes a long sip of his latte, slipping his hand into yours. “I didn't make that up.”
“No,” You say, shaking your head. “That sounds like Shinazugawa.”
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
can u do tadc cast (or probably just a few bc this prompt isn’t very creative) x a reader who looks like the player from animal crossing? ball hands,,, maybe weirdly good at crafting things,, gets stung by bees sometimes mayhaps. Maybe they speak animalese and nobody ever knows what they’re saying LMAO
TADC cast x reader whos like an animal crossing player!
depending on what time it is when i finish writing this, i think imma take a short break to stretch my legs and make something YAHOO!! hope you enjoy this anon!! this reminds me, i cleared out my island by making it totally flat... but i never actually... got to decorating it... huh.... commitment is scary, guys
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i think as a funny haha gag thing, how funny would it be if he could actually understand you. like you cant talk, and the noise youre limited to is to your "emotes", but somehow someway for some reason, caine can understand you... genuinely impressed by your crafting and even sometimes asks you to make random things just to see if you can make it! expect some really odd and random requests! not at all phased that you can pick things up with your weird orb hands, hes used to the digital world and its weirdness... thinks...
hey at least theres someone the same height as her in this place...!/hj
tries hard to understand your funky emotes and body language but shes at a loss... i mean at least you can still pick stuff up and try to write, so at theres some method of commutating asides from simply trying to learn how to read you! though, she is a bit unnerved by your silence and how your face is mostly stagnant when you arent.... emoting.. a static smile can get a little unnerving when youre standing next to the person and understand thats its a real person.. you know?
a little confused on how you can just pull things out from thin air, but does admit that it can be useful... has probably tried to ask you to make an exit out of desperation because hey if anyone can make one it would be you so whats the harm in trying (my girl is losing it)
i think you guys bond over the crafting; since ragatha makes stuff too, like pillows and clothing and plushies and the like! sure you guys may not be making the exact same things, but you both create and thats enough to bring you two together! doesnt mind that you cant talk, in fact i think after the chaos of a day in the digital circus she embraces the calmness around you... scolds you for constantly being stung by bees, though... though she tries not to be too mean or harsh since its not like youre trying to get stung on purpose... but please just be careful... she worries about you, afterall!
honestly ragatha doesnt have individual fingers, so the fact you can function with balls hands doesnt phase her
really touching on the fact you have an inventory that you can hide stuff in i think he would slide you things to hide for him; especially its hes going a "imma do something to someone as a prank then run and use you to hide the evidence" ... you know usual jax antics where he tries to get the reader to help him with his trickery. whether or not you actually aid him is totally up to you. probably makes fun of your short height and the fact youre always getting stung. probably points and laughs when he watches you run around while literally being chased by a swarm. promptly screams when you make a run towards him, thus bringing the bees to him. you have probably bopped him with your net after he says something particularly not-nice, me thinks... or maybe you just dont like him and youre constantly bopping him, i mean i do enjoy it when the reader doesnt like a character but you can easily ignore this little aside if you want this to be a friendship or romance!
OOOOO imagine you come with the basic ring/inventory of tools (net, shovel, watering can, fishing rod, ect) and you can just pull it out of no where.... oooooouuugh imagine taking your net out around him and (wordlessly) offering to go look for bugs with him,.. kind of panics when you get stung by the digital bees; probably helps you patch up... honestly i think given that kinger is all about bugs, i think its a safe bet he would know how to treat bites and stings... so hes your man if youre really bad about avoiding bees and the like! can see tropes that trope where like "whats that? little timmys stuck in the well?? (but thats not what you said/meant)" because youre like emoting and trying to direct his attention somewhere but he gets it. so totally wrong and commits to it before you can stop him. i just think thats funny
thinks youre... odd. though... imagine you can change up your style and appearance by simple interacting with a mirror and wardrobe. i think they would think thats cool, that you can just... do that... zooble has to rip their body parts off (sounds way worse than it actually is, LMAO). probably gives you this look when you walk into the tent to show that once again, youve been attacked by a swarm of bees.... how do they always only sting your left eye...? is that just how your digital body shows the injury, or do they just... no nevermind, theyre just going to give out a sigh before taking you to caine or kinger for medicine. definitely gets onto you for constantly messing with the digital bees, though...
honestly between all the characters i can easily see her being an animal crossing fan... and while she may not remember all of her old life, i like to think that subconsciously she would recognize you for what your digital body is intimidating... bonus if in the real world animal crossing was her comfort, so naturally, she instinctively finds comfort in you even if she cant totally pin point it... though, she has trouble understanding you outside of your emotes... but even then when you do an angry stamp or shed tears she cant quite pinpoint why youre upset... oooo please make her an art easel! i think that would be a great gift for her and she will be absolutely over the moon!
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toorumlk · 6 months
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oh man, i oscillate between really liking hinny one day and feeling completely indifferent towards them the next.
hinny might be the relationship i like the most for harry, and it's all because because of the family aspect. through marriage w ginny, harry officially became a weasley family member. and, of course he always was one, but he actually is a weasley on paper and i think having that in writing would mean a lot to harry. and my golden trio heart can't not mention that by hinny being married - ron and hermione are literally harry's brother and sister (in-law) now and !!!!! that just makes my heart melt (i know those two were always harry's family but bc of the aforementioned reason, etc. you get it)
so right off the bat, when i try to organize my more positive thoughts on hinny, i'm mostly focused on how the relationship best serves harry, and only harry. and this is where my frustrations with the ship begins: it's so hard to think the other way around because ginny's narrative purpose is just to be harry's ideal love interest, instead of being a fully fleshed character. i really love ginny with all her spunk and feistiness, but she's so underutilized. she had a cute crush on him in the start of the series which was adorable, but her character was inarguably just "ron's younger sister". and after she gets possessed by volde/gets saved from the CoS by harry, she still continues to have a puppy-love crush on harry until OoTP!!! GAAHHHH!!! Apparently joanne said hinny were always meant to be soulmates and i think if these two had a consistent "invisible string" motif throughout the series, it would've been so good (and almost as good as romione's slow burn). So...
here's how i'd fix hinny (lmao):
i wouldve made the ginny a much more prominent character in PoA and beyond.
we get to see hinny actually have heart-to-hearts about the incidents of CoS - for ginny to play such an IMPORTANT role in the titular plotline of the second book, then to just have her blend into the background afterwards just boggles my mind - that was the perfect oppurtunity to make ginny an invaluable character in the cast. she has this huge experience in common with harry - being personally victimized by voldemort - that harry doesn't have w ron or hermione at that point and it would've been so nice to see harry find an equal, a confidant in ginny from then on - like, dont let the readers forget that harry and ginny have this huge thing in common, have it be with us in the back of our heads the whole time!
start the hinny romance subplot fr fr in GoF
the potential of ginny being a maybe date for harry to the yule ball, harry feeling jealousy towards neville for getting to dance and spend time w ginny and harry being like "wait a minute! i'm supposed to crush on cho! im jealous of neville??" that wouldve been FUN - again, they couldve been a less insane version of romione hello
having the hinny subplot unravel in tandem with harry's crush and relationship with Cho in ootp
in ootp, you can argue that the story attempts to make a foil between cho and ginny's characters but if that were the case, it could've done a way better job of it
with harry's relationship w cho - harry likes her bc she's cool and pretty but she wants to connect with him through their connection via cedric and his death, which is off the bat a hugely touchy/traumatic topic for both of them and cho couldn't possibly fathom what it's like to be in the presence of voldemort/tom but guess which other character does ehehe...
now we're at hbp and this is where the good stuff starts bc if i'd had it my way, we'd have gotten their friendship in poa and two books of solid romantic build-up up until now
i honestly had a such a fun time with hinny in hbp, ginny in her OWL year being so cool and harry's hugeass crush on her- harry being a hormonal teenager was hilarious to read like its implied that harry is having increasingly inappropriate thoughts about her throughout the novel and theyre just intercut with "BUT RON-" that's some good shit
my one gripe w hbp's hinny is that i wish we actually got to see their dates sneaking around hogwarts, finding the perfect hideaways for makeout sessions, etc etc i know hp wasn't a romance fantasy by any means but imagine how swoony it wouldve been if we got to actually see these sunset dates instead of just being told about them - it wouldve been cathartic to actually see harry actually live the life of a normal teen boy before everything fell apart lol
if we got all these invisible string moments between them throughout the series, harry thinking about ginny and how good it felt to kiss her lips before he walks to his death in DH would've felt so much more earned
from a storytelling perspective, the case with hinny begs the question of if you can have a love interest for the jesus figure of your narrative? can you make a believable, grounded and balanced love story for the chosen one? i honestly think so but then you'd have to put equal amounts of effort and work into creating two nuanced characters and unfortunately we don't see that effort be put in ginny's character and that's why harry's endgame falls short for so many people. earlier, i said that this is the ship i like most for harry, but honestly that isn't saying a lot - i think with an almost saint-like character like harry, its hard to imagine a satisfying love and partnership for this kid. i like tomarry as a ship for when im feeling a bit insane but other than that, my main harry ship is him with a lifetime of peace and healing.
i also want to argue that hinny was never meant to be a primary romance in this story - the main romance/love story in the series is ron and hermione's and i think joanne's romance prowess all went into romione and i'm so thankful for that because i think it makes for better story (also i'm totally biased)
i also cant not mention the freudianess of it all with hinny, right? like god freud would Love hinny bc what do you mean they look identical to jily, what is going on here. that and the fact they had their first kid at 22/23 years old like my god, WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING you should be at the club!!!!! i do dig the failmarriage vibes they were serving in TCC, also.
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badchoicesworld · 1 year
hello !! i love the way you write :] !! i was just wonderin if you do requests for 42!Miles ? it's no problem if you dont but if you do id be so grateful for one with a masc reader :'D reader is an artist like miles or could maybe be his spiderman as well ? thank you !
miles 42 w/ an artistic spider-reader !
earth 42 miles x masc!reader
i’ll be the first to admit that i was a lil stumped since we don’t know all too much about wiles, but i did some digging and figured he’s gonna be around 17, vigilante and there’s a lot of things in his design that helped me figure out his personality (i think, anyway. please for the love of god don’t let my education be in vain)
wasn’t sure if you wanted platonic, general shit or romance so i just sprinkled a bit of everything in this because we need more masc fanfiction out there (fun fact, i write fanfiction but i do not read it)
if this is just shit lemme know and i’ll go missing <3
warnings: none
pairing: miles 42 x masc!reader
requests: OPEN RAAHH
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it was so fucking hard to find a half decent cap of this man
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
AIGHT if you’re to become earth 42 spiderman then it’s likely under the same circumstances as miles 1610. or, who knows, maybe there’s another radioactive spider hanging about somewhere that bit you
REGARDLESS imma go ahead and say that this bite is gonna be a recent thing, otherwise NYC wouldn’t be in such a state
unless you just like people to suffer idk
you and miles are friends before the bite, can’t imagine he tolerates a lot of people now with all the stuff he has on his mind so you’re a long time friend, maybe more
miles is the guy you go to straight away with this, if you’ve discovered you have these incredible powers and suddenly heightened senses
just imagine the revelation when you realise what this can mean for the world
spider-man wasn’t a thing in this dimension, so you’re a completely new beacon of hope
earth-42, if you haven’t seen the test animation, seems pretty corrupt and fucked
miles and uncle aaron seem to be a vigilante pair that steal things like medicine for hospitals, maybe because the state of the world just means they’re short of resources, or it’s being led by a really disgusting government
miles 42 is a good guy . you cant change my mind
miles has been the prowler for however many years at this stage, uncle aaron being his right hand man in operations
regardless of how close the two of you are, this is something that he’s kept hidden from you if he can help it
but all of that is just recklessly discarded when he realised you can help, it’s new hope, and he’s desperate
he’s still incredibly discreet when talking about it, especially when you two are in his home
the last thing he wants is to get his mother involved, that woman means the world to him and he’d die before she was exposed to this stuff
but let’s assume you two take on this role together, young vigilantes that have to make things in the world right
it’s a secret that you two have sworn up and down about never telling another soul, no matter what
miles is the prowler and you’re spider-man, go make a difference
while you guys are vigilantes together, you are still kids. minors, whatever
so, yeah, you do still get to go to school and live the best of both worlds if you’d like to
you take the same art class together, you’re both acing tf outta it because i said so
but let’s be honest, miles 42 is way more stern and focused, he might have been like the other miles we know at some point, but not anymore
his design is all sharp and rigid, hatched- this is a reflection of his personality
you’ve definitely helped to instil some hope in him, though
you can see him soften up every once in a while, and god knows he loves his mum, we love to see it
probably the most domestic thing you guys will get to experience is designing your suits together. naturally, all spider-people are stupidly smart so you can actually contribute to tech design and build things to execute missions more effectively and efficiently
even if you two are boyfriends, things just seem so tense all of the time in that world
unfortunately, earth-42 is a place where you have to have eyes in the back of your head, but you two get to act as that for each other so you don’t constantly have to be looking over your shoulders paranoid
granted, it’s a tough role
new york is in ruins thanks to the unfortunate circumstances, but your dimension has a spider-man now, hopefully you can help the world heal
actual missions can get intense at the drop of a hat
prowler is all about stealth, so recon missions have to be done with serious precision and there is no room for mistakes
especially when it comes to stealing resources for the people, miles isn’t physically willing to let these things sit idle and go to waste when people are dying
it’s life or death, you two have to rely on each other whole heartedly
since miles doesn’t have his own webs, he relies on ropes and harness, but it all changes after you’ve gotten bitten
with your abilities, you two are able to move to much faster and fluently while fleeing a scene, it’s impressive
being caught isn’t nearly as risky thanks to your spider senses
he’s not vocal about it, but miles appreciates you so much
i don’t think that he’s gonna be some overly protective guy when he knows you can protect yourself, that’s just wasted energy and honestly insulting of him
again, even if you are together
he loves you and cares about your safety, you’re the man who’s helping him make the world a better place
he’ll worry if situations become dire, but he TRUSTS that you’ll be okay
you’ve got his back and he’s got yours
when all’s said and done, if something ever goes south, spider-man always gets back up
you’ll lick your wounds (tend to them properly but very reluctantly because you all know there’s so few resources)
probably relies on really gentle words of affirmation at the end of the day, otherwise you two wouldn’t cope
those nights are when he’ll use spanish terms of endearment (masculine), he doesn’t want you to feel neglected in a way
you’ll tuck away your suits together once the days come to an end and silently swear to secrecy once again, before the weight of being teenage vigilantes together takes over and you collapse onto the nearest surface together
he’d be a fool to not feel safe in his own home, especially with you and his mother in it (you too aaron, welcome back)
before the world turned upside down, you and him used to get caught all of the time tagging different places with graffiti, Mr Morales was not pleased
if you ever get those peaceful moments of bliss amidst the chaos, your ability to climb walls is really helpful when spray painting up high
you can see just the faintest trace of the old miles, the artist who was completely doe eyed about the future
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
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estrella-zoe39 · 4 months
i love dumping random shit onto my tumblr anyway weird discussion of the most random fandoms combined go! mostly discuses love as core themes of stories.
i think my favourite pieces of media are those that just dont make sense if you dont view them as a love story. i came across this discovery as i was watching code geass ep 17 when lulu goes insane when he realises the one thing thats in his way is also the person he trusts completely. there is no other genuine explanation other than love for the reasoning of his reaction in that scene. with shirley he had this mellow yet sorrowful reaction when he realised he couldnt be with her anymore. not saying there wasnt a part of him that didnt love her but with suzaku? he goes berserk. whatever he felt couldnt have happened if he didnt love suzaku.
other good examples of this are frieren, orv, and house. there are more my brain is just kinda fried rn and i think these three are good examples of like. varying levels of how explicit the message is. (theyre all obvious af tho)
ill start with frieren because i think if youve even like. heard about it youll know but himmel and frierens relationship really is the core of like the entire story. a boy who loved too soon and a girl who loved too late. frieren just isnt. frieren when you take that away. frieren at its like core is about love you cant just remove that because then the story wouldnt be the same it probably wouldnt even exist!!! and im sure everyone knows this its just surprising how frieren isnt officially a romance manga considering its entire premise
another example is orv which is a bit harder to know if youve only read the webtoon. orvs story just wouldnt exist if hsy didnt love kdj. if she didnt write yjh and then kdj wouldve died, plain and simple. and if kdj didnt love the story back then he wouldve also died. hsy, yjh, and kdj at their core are their love for each other. hsy spent 12 years writing a book everyday just for kdj to keep on living and in kaizenix she waited 50 years for him. yjh spent the entirety of orv learning how to love from kdj, through fighting alongside him, through protecting him, through seeing him die, even when he learned he wasnt real he still believed him, and in the end yjh was the one who let kdj be known in every universe. his mission was something that he only could brave through if he loved kdj. and he did. speaking of kdj, i think its very obvious to everyone but his self-sacrificial nature is due to him only knowing that as a love language. something else is how without kdjs love, orv also just wouldnt exist. if his love for twsa, for the chars, for STORIES, didnt exist, he wouldnt be alive. if he didnt keep on molding twsa, to be alongside every yjh and co, to suggest new plot points, he wouldve never came to love it.
onto my last example, house. now i think you gotta be a very specific type of person to catch them (its called not being homophobic) but man are house and wilson like. house the show itself. their love defines the show, from the first scene to the last. he only took that first case which started everything because of wilson. half of his stupid antics are because of wilson. his love starts and ends at wilson because he knows wilson will be the one person who will always be there consistently for him. because no matter what happens, like house getting sent to trial by tritter, or house failing to save amber, they will be together, whether they want to or not. so when wilson is diagnosed with cancer, he breaks. the one person who he thought would always be there for him. isnt. in fact, he'll die first. and so, he does everything. he listens to wilsons stupid fucking ideas because he needs wilson to be there for him, he needs wilson at his grave, not him at wilsons. thats why he gives everything to wilson, his vicodin, his attention, and even his life. the only reason he dies is so he can be with wilson. none of this actions can be done without love in them, absolutely none. i think my favourite quote of them is "if house chops down a tree, and wilson isnt around to hear it, did it really fall?" it just sums up their stupid, needy, insane, and romantic dynamic so much.
all of these pieces of media need love in them to be them, so i hope ive loved them more than they could ever want, despite some of their flaws 🩷🩷🩷
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sesttalgi · 1 month
to my first - sungchan.
part 1.
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synopsis: you and sungchan have been inseparable since childhood but as your friendship deepens, unspoken feelings begin to surface.
this is kinda based on nct dream's first love series.
pairings: sungchan x reader , giselle and shotaro as the readers friends.
im still writing this so anything can happen really.˙ᵕ˙
genre: friends-to-lovers , fluff , slow-burn. possibly angsty down the line.
cw: none.
word count: 2.5k
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he was your childhood friend - the one who would always share his last candy with you, despite also being a sweet-tooth himself. the person who pushed you on the swings at the playground until his arms were sore.
sungchan was more than just a friend, he was your best friend. the person you would share everything with, whether it was good or bad. he saw you through all your seasons and you saw him through all his.
when you won your first gold medal in athletics, he was there, cheering you on. he always accompanied you to training, and in turn, you attended his soccer games, serving as his personal cheerleader.
whenever you injured yourself from practicing too hard, sungchan was always there to comfort you. he was protective, although sometimes too much and he never failed to give you a stern talking to whenever you accidentally hurt yourself.
"why do you always push yourself so hard?" he would ask as he gently inspected your injuries, careful not to cause you any more pain. "you need to be more careful. i cant keep patching you up like this."
his tone was firm but there was always a softness in his eyes that showed how much he cared. despite the scolding, he would tend to your wounds with utmost care, his fingers lightly brushing over your skin as he applied the bandages.
"promise me you'll take it easier next time," he would say. "i cant stand seeing you like this." and so even though his words were stern, his actions were always gentle.
"i'll be more careful" you would promise. "i dont want to worry you."
years went by and your friendship with sungchan remained unwavering. you were still each others confidants, sharing your hopes and dreams together. through the good and the bad, you were there for each other - a constant presence in each others lives.
you were in highschool now everything seemed to be changing - everything except your bond with sungchan. while others drifted apart, lost in the whirlwind of new experiences and friendships, the two of you remained inseparable.
but as time passed, something unspoken began to grow between you - a tension that you couldnt quite define.
it started subtly without even realizing it. you were too caught up in the routine of your friendship, too used to the comfort of sungchans presence. when his hand brushed yours or when his gaze lingered, you thought nothing of it. it was just sungchan - your best friend.
when your heart fluttered or your cheeks warmed in his presence, you dismissed it as nerves or maybe just the stress of athletics and your academics. you chalked it up to anything but what it really was, never suspecting that something deeper was beginning to stir.
"what is happening to me?" you would think to yourself.
you thought love was meant to be a fairytale. that prince charming would come sweeping you off your feet, but instead you found yourself developing feelings for the person you had been friends with since you were both in diapers - the friend who had seen you through every milestone and every flaw. it wasnt the grand, dramatic romance you had imagined but it was something far more real and intense.
you tried to rid yourself of the feelings youd developed for sungchan by keeping your distance from him for a while. spending time with your other close friends instead - giselle and shotaro. they were surprised to see you though because they knew you usually spent your free time with sungchan.
"finally remembered us, huh?" giselle said with a teasing smile while scrolling through her phone. she was always attached to that damn phone - whether it be listening to music or stalking herself on instagram. "i started to think youd forgotten about us."
shotaro on the other hand looked rather concerned as he noticed that you werent your usual lively self - too consumed by your thoughts about your sudden realization of your feelings for sungchan.
"whats going on? we havent seen you much lately..." shotaro asked, raising an eyebrow. "did sungchan finally join a circus and forget to send us the memo?"
you forced a laugh, trying to brush off their concern. "i just needed some time to myself... i figured it was time for us to catch up though"
giselle and shotaro exchanged a glance - the kind that said they were onto you.
"come on, spill it" giselle said, her tone shifting from teasing to serious. she set her phone aside, her full attention now on you. "youre about as subtle as ningnings laugh."
shotaro nodded in agreement. "yeah something is definitely bothering you, you know you can talk to us?"
feeling cornered by their concern, you sighed - feeling the weight of your predicament.
"its sungchan. i dont know whats going on with me but for some reason my heart keeps racing every time im around him" you admitted, frustration creeping into your voice. "i thought i could ignore it, but the more i try, the more it feels like my emotions are on overdrive."
giselles eyes widened in shock. "wait, hold on. you and sungchan? the guy we've known since like, forever?"
shotaro looked equally stunned, his expression a mix of surprise and amusement. "seriously? i had a feeling something was up, but i didnt think it would be this."
you slightly chuckled at their reactions, feeling a bit of relief despite the shock they expressed. "i know, right? its been so weird trying to make sense of it all."
giselle grinned mischievously. "well, if we had to bet on which of us would end up falling for a best friend, youd be at the top of the list. its almost poetic."
shotaro laughed, shaking his head. "yeah, poetic and a bit cliché but honestly, it makes sense. you and sungchan have been joined at the hip since forever. if anyone was going to catch feelings, it would be you."
you rolled your eyes, but there was a smile on your face. "great, so im the cliché character in your drama."
giselle chimed in, her tone playful. "hey, clichés can be fun and besides, its not like we didnt see this coming. we've all noticed the way you two are around each other."
you interjected - confused, "and exactly how are we around each other gigi, enlighten me please?"
giselles eyes sparkled with mischief. "oh, you know, the way you both get all soft and gooey when youre together. its like watching a romcom unfold in real life."
shotaro nodded, adding, "and dont forget how sungchan is practically your walking first aid kit, always ready to patch you up whenever you push yourself too hard."
"you really need to stop doing that though, you cant keep running yourself into the ground like that" giselle interjected, her tone concerned yet a bit serious.
you chuckled, rolling your eyes. "yeah, yeah i'll stop." you responded to giselle, somewhat dismissive.
getting back on topic you responded to shotaro, "yeah, sungchan is definitely the overprotective type. sometimes i think he forgets im not a delicate flower that needs constant tending."
"come on, you know you like it, i mean youre in this predicament for a reason" giselle teased.
you raised an eyebrow at giselle. "oh, really? and what exactly is that reason?"
giselle responded, "well, if youre asking, its clear you dont mind having someone whos always looking out for you."
shotaro added, "yeah, and if youre honest, you probably appreciate the attention even if it drives you a bit crazy sometimes. its part of why youre feeling this way about him."
you sighed, smiling slightly to yourself. "okay, maybe youre right. its hard to ignore the fact that he is always there for me, even if he can be a bit over the top."
giselle nodded. "exactly. its kind of sweet, really and it makes sense that your feelings would evolve with someone who has been such a constant presence in your life."
shotaro leaned in with a smirk. "so, whats the next step? are you going to confess your feelings, or are you just going to continue this romantic subplot in your own head?"
you laughed, feeling a bit more relaxed. "im not sure yet. i guess i need to figure out how to handle this without making things awkward."
giselle gave you a reassuring smile. "whatever you decide, just remember that we're here for you, whether its for the drama or just to help you sort things out."
you hung out with your friends until it was time for you to go home. you knew you would possibly bump into sungchan because you lived in the same neighborhood but you assumed he would be at soccer practice so you walked home feeling light.
however, there he was - standing right in front of your house, seemingly waiting for you.
you continued to walk towards your house, surprised to see him, "sungchan... what are you doing here?"
sungchan looked at you, a bit annoyed that youd even ask. "i havent really seen you much these past few days, so i came to check if you were alive and well" he said, reaching out to pat the top of your head, slightly ruffling your hair. he continued, "seems like you are."
you couldnt help but smile at his familiar gesture even as a slight flutter of nerves hit your stomach. "i have just been busy, thats all" you replied, trying to sound casual.
he raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "busy avoiding me, maybe?" he teased, but there was a hint of something more serious in his tone.
you looked away, suddenly feeling the weight of the situation. "its not like that" you said, though even you werent sure if you believed it.
sungchans expression softened as he studied you. "if somethings bothering you, you know you can talk to me, right? im here for you, always."
his words, so sincere and caring only made the feelings youd been trying to suppress come rushing back. you nodded, forcing a smile. "i know. thanks, sungchan."
he gave you a small smile in return, his hand lingering on your head for a moment longer before dropping it to his side. "good. now come on, lets get you inside before you catch a cold or something."
as you walked towards the door, you couldnt shake the mix of emotions swirling inside you. it was all starting to feel different and you werent sure what to do about it.
you made your way to the bathroom to refresh yourself, needing a moment to collect your thoughts. as you splashed cool water on your face, you stared at your reflection in the mirror, the reality of the situation sinking in.
drying your face with a towel, you took a deep breath, trying to push down the feelings that had been bubbling up ever since you realized your heart had started to change.
you couldnt deny it anymore - the bond you shared with sungchan was evolving into something deeper, something that both excited and terrified you.
but how could you act on these feelings without risking the friendship youd cherished for so long? the last thing you wanted was to make things awkward between you two, especially when he was such an important part of your life.
with a sigh, you left the bathroom, feeling a little more composed but still unsure of what to do next. as you stepped back into the hallway, you found sungchan leaning against the wall, waiting for you with that familiar, gentle smile on his face.
"feel better?" he asked, his voice warm and soothing.
you nodded, offering a small smile in return. "yeah, just needed a moment."
sungchan straightened up, his eyes searching yours for a moment longer than usual. "you know, you dont have to go through whatever this is alone. im here, whether you need to talk or just… be."
his words, so simple yet so full of meaning, sent your heart racing. "i know" you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper.
there was a silence that stretched between you, filled with unspoken words and feelings you were too afraid to express.
finally, sungchan broke the moment with a soft chuckle. "come on, lets go grab something to eat. you look like you could use a good meal."
you smiled, grateful for the distraction. "sure, lets go."
you and sungchan made your way to a little fast food place in your neighborhood, one of your usual hangouts. the familiarity of the place brought a sense of comfort, easing some of the tension youd been feeling. you slid into a booth by the window while sungchan headed to the counter to order - two burgers and fries, just like always.
as you watched him, you couldnt help but notice how natural everything felt. even after all the confusion and the mixed emotions swirling inside you, being with sungchan was still as easy as it had always been.
sungchan returned with the tray of food, sliding into the seat across from you with a smile. "here you go, your usual. i even got extra fries because i know how much you like to steal mine."
you laughed, grateful for the lighthearted moment. "hey, sharing is caring, right?"
he chuckled, shaking his head as he unwrapped his burger. "you keep telling yourself that."
as you both started eating, the conversation flowed easily, just like old times. you talked about everything and nothing - school, sports and random things that had happened during the week. for a while, it was like everything was back to normal and the confusion youd been feeling faded into the background.
but as the meal went on, there were moments when your eyes would meet and the unspoken tension between you would flare up again. it was subtle, but it was there - the way his gaze lingered a little longer, the way your heart skipped a beat whenever he smiled at you.
at one point, sungchan leaned back in his seat, looking at you with that familiar, warm expression. "you know, i've missed hanging out like this. it feels like we havent had much time together lately."
you looked down at your fries, feeling a little guilty. "yeah… im sorry about that. i've just had a lot on my mind."
he nodded, his tone softening. "its okay. i just want you to know im here, no matter what."
his words hung in the air, and for a moment you wondered if this was the time to finally open up about everything.
but before you could say anything, sungchans phone buzzed on the table, breaking the moment.
he glanced at the screen and sighed. "coach wants me to come in early tomorrow for practice. guess i'll have to cut our night short."
you nodded, trying to hide your disappointment. "thats okay. we can hang out another time."
sungchan smiled, reaching across the table to give your hand a quick squeeze. "definitely. we'll catch up properly soon, i promise."
as you both got up to leave, you couldnt help but feel that there was still so much left unsaid. but for now, you were content with the familiarity of your friendship, even as the unspoken feelings between you continued.
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