#i owe him so much
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twopoppies · 4 months ago
People can say that Harry owes them something as fans but I feel like I owe Harry something. I am part of the societal machine that emboldened the music industry to closet a 16 year old kid and to make him feel like he only had something to offer his fans if he was heterosexual and oozed sex appeal. I owe him the best I can do to change the way society looks at artists who want to share their gift with the world regardless of their sexual orientation. He doesn’t owe me, I owe him and so do many others just like me.
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batfamfixation · 5 months ago
I have never wished I could screenshot an unlocked Webtoons episode more
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airlocksandaviaries · 1 year ago
Can you believe Robert Downey Jr. was born with big Bambi eyes? 😳
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Literally can not believe it.
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obitchuary · 1 year ago
he meant the world to me. logically i know what happened is reality but a part of me is still rejecting it. it hurts too much to think about. i miss him already. i'm mad at myself for not atempting to see them live sooner, when my finances were in a better place. it's someting i'll never forgive myself for.
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veilofdesire · 2 months ago
oh david…
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random-remzy · 2 months ago
Someone suggested watching a horror movie. And I immediately thought of one of my closest friends.
See, a couple of years ago, I had a thing with blood. I could bare with it when it came to real life contexts (papercuts, ripped cities, period blood)
But for some reason. Blood in movies always made me feel really nauseous. I dont remmeber why or how I got over it. But I first discovered this on a field trip to the cinema.
There was a scene where there was a deep cut made by a knife, and I remember looking away, feeling sick.
My close friend sat next to me. And he noticed how i was feeling. So he would wait until all the blood scene was over, then tap me to tell me i could continue watching. He did this for the rest of the movie.
This continued for years. I would look away, feeling sick. My friend would give me his headphones (in case there were sounds like the squelching in horror movies) and then he would tap me to say that it was over.
Well, one day, like 4 years after that first movie, our class decided to watch "Get out" (it was the end of the school year) See, at this point, I had actually gotten over my thing for blood. ("Wednesday" was my first step, then a bunch on thriller shows/movies) so I was able to watch the movie.
Though, my friend, he'd seen the movie before. And I hadn't told him that I'd gotten over the blood/death thing. I got through most of the movie just fine.
Now if you've seen the movie, you know that there is a suicide. (A guy shoots himself in the face) I was fully prepared to be able to watch that, at most, maybe I'd blink.
But half a second before the guy pulled the trigger. My friend places his hand in front of my eyes. And he doesnt take it off until the scene is over and we see the mc reel in fear.
It was the smallest thing. And I think I knew I would look away anyway. But the fact that he remembered, it was so sweet. He didnt know that I'd gotten over the whole blood/death thing, but he still did the same thing he'd done so many times before.
That memory has still stayed with me. That was one of the sweetestthisngs anyone has ever done for me.
I really miss him.
But I know he's doing good. <3
Just a ramble on only one of the reasons why I love and miss my friend.
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waste-0f-spacee · 7 months ago
i can’t wait to finally get my first paycheck on friday so i can immediately buy my boyfriend a present just because
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hinamie · 6 months ago
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I'll give them shelter like you've done for me
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angel-fruitcake · 8 months ago
sometimes i watch scenes where Cas is looking at Dean in a way that just screams "i am in love with you" and then i remember that at purcon7, Misha said that somewhere along the way he had just accepted that that part of Castiel's story was canon. way before he even knew that Cas would ultimately end up confessing. he was literally subconsciously playing Cas as being in love with Dean, for god knows how long??? that's why he always stared at Dean with actual heart eyes, like he hung the moon and stars. because Misha had already decided in his subconscious mind to play Castiel as absolutely whipped for Dean Winchester
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i'm so sick
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statuetochka · 8 months ago
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00bread · 1 year ago
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A dumb comic spawned from a conversation with @hinekosama
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zivazivc · 1 year ago
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started going wall climbing with my brother recently and it's so much fun! i used to do it as a kid but stopped because i was super short, dunno why i never picked it up again...
anyway i kind of imagine these two would do that too, like a fun date, especially in a human au scenario, although i drew them as trolls because i've realized i haven't drawn them much at all
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ruporas · 2 years ago
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hand holding!
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[ID: A comic of Vash and Wolfwood from Trigun Maximum. Wolfwood and Vash walk together in the desert. Wolfwood looks up and then glances downwards with slightly flushed cheeks. Vash turns to him as Wolfwood says “Ahem” and he extends his hand outward, offering to Vash.
Vash looks at him curiously, then hands a blank-faced Wolfwood his gun. Vash says apprehensively, “Here... Don’t do anything weird with it.” Wolfwood stares at the gun, then throws it hard at Vash’s face, knocking his glasses fall off.
Vash yelps, “Ow!” and Wolfwood yells, “Why the hell would I want your damn gun!?!” Wolfwood, furious, moves like he’s about to hit Vash with the Punisher, and Vash frantically tries to shield himself and shouts, “W-wait, calm down!! (You’re mad?!)”
The final panel is in a more cartoony style and shows them holding hands. Wolfwood looks away with a huff, blushing, and Vash looks very content and has a heart floating next to him. End ID] ID CREDIT
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candyskiez · 21 days ago
God scarian is so insane. What if I was ready to kill you for betraying me, furious and feeling abandoned and hated and then you tell me to kill you. You're *fine* with me killing you. Look at me with tired eyes and say since I've done so much to keep you alive, to help you. I can kill you. And in the face of that complete forgiveness, of you knowing how much you owe me, i can't be as furious as i want to be. I was ready to kill the man that stabbed me in the back. I wasn't ready to kill my friend, or the closest thing I had to one. Like ok first off, holy fuck.
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nuyokaiart · 3 months ago
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Sephirah of the Information Team, Patron Librarian of the Floor of Technological Sciences.
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blueskittlesart · 11 months ago
wait holy shit the coliseum au turns 4 today
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