#i only have vanilla so id need to buy some but
yyamssoup · 2 months
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month old adachi plush plans IF YOU CARE...
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rrrrinmaru · 1 year
the taste of vanilla on your lips (marius x mc)
wc: 923 rating: T
When he shows up before you in an ice cream truck, the first thing you do is check the date. 
“It’s not April Fool’s yet,” you tell him, brows furrowed even as your lips curve up of their own accord. “What are you doing in that thing?”
“Making an honest living,” Marius replies, one arm braced against the counter as he tilts his head at you. From this angle, you can see the sharp slant of his jaw when he grins at you. “Is the pretty lady interested in ice cream? I’ve got every flavour under the sky in my truck.”
You stare at him, torn between exasperation and amusement. This isn’t the first time he’s shown up in an ice cream truck, but this time you aren’t at HoyoLand and he’s not in the signature uniform. 
He’s dressed casually. A white T-shirt with a rounded collar sits loosely on his shoulders, and the usual over-jacket is nowhere to be seen. There’s a dark blue apron tied around his waist and neck. Marius looks younger than usual, looking the very picture of a university student sneaking out to do some part-time work. It’s like a breath of fresh air, watching the way his lips curl as he grins at you.
And you’re in a park. You’re honestly surprised there aren’t more kids running up to try and buy ice cream from the handsome man in the eye-catching truck. The sun sets in the horizon, casting a gentle orange glow over the place, and the light catches on the bridge of his knuckles when he braces his palm against the roof to lean out. 
“So, what’ll it be, pretty miss?” He asks, eyebrows raised as he smirks at you. “Are you a classic type of girl, or more adventurous? Vanilla, or cereal and milk?”
“You have cereal and milk flavoured ice cream in there?”
“I have everything you want,” Marius says smugly, giving you such a self-assured smile that you can’t help but want to kiss it off his face. “Have your pick. Everything in this truck is at your mercy. And we have an ongoing discount! Two for the price of one, a special treat for our thousandth customer.”
The charm that rolls off him is effortless. You try to resist it, maybe give him a hard time for driving an ice cream truck all the way here, but you’re helpless to the twinkle in his eyes.
You hope it’s not too self-centered to think that he’s here for you. Marius certainly didn’t pick this park out of the entirety of Stellis for no reason. 
“Vanilla,” you decide. “Two scoops.”
“You only get to pick one,” he tells you, already ducking back in to scoop ice cream into a cone. “The other one is a surprise!”
You huff, shifting your weight from side to side as you wait for him to be done. Instead of handing you the cone through the main window, however, Marius turns to the door.
The door to the van. As if he intends on leaving.
You stand there, surprised as he does just that—he unties the cute blue apron with his free hand and slips it off his neck, hanging it up as he goes down the steps.
“For the lucky lady,” he says, offering the cone to you with a flourish. “Happy birthday, jiejie.”
The flush rises almost immediately. You put a hand to your face, trying to cover the redness of your cheeks. “I didn’t—how did you know? Did I tell you before, in the past?”
“I checked your ID,” Marius replies playfully, pulling at your hand to drag it away from your face. “No need to hide such a pretty face. Here, one scoop of vanilla ice cream.”
You grab the cone, trying to focus on tasting the ice cream instead of looking at Marius. But you can tell that he’s staring at you, one hand tucked lazily into his pocket as he smiles, and the flush stubbornly stays on your face. 
“I thought you said I could get two scoops,” you point out in a weak attempt to change the subject. 
As if on cue, Marius puts on the worst shocked expression ever. His eyes go comically wide, mouth dropping open in surprise as he pretends to gasp, and he looks at you like you’ve discovered the secret to world peace.
“Why, jiejie,” he says, smile clinging to his lips once he’s done acting. His fingers interlock with yours, grip tightening slightly like he wants to make sure he’s holding onto you properly, and he tugs you close.
“I said it was a two for one deal. Everything in the truck is at your mercy. Including the ice cream man, you know?”
Marius laughs, swinging your entwined hands lightly as he watches you get flustered. “I’ll get you another scoop if you really want one, jiejie. The actual ice cream man should be coming any minute now. I just borrowed his truck to surprise you.”
Ah, you think, seeing someone round the corner and head straight to the truck. He waves at Marius, giving a meaningful look in your direction, and your fingers twitch around Marius’ hand when Marius nods back. 
“How about it?” Marius points at the newly reclaimed ice cream truck. “Want another scoop?”
You shake your head. “I’ve got everything I want right here,” you whisper, and squeeze Marius’ hand. 
He blinks, surprised, and then it’s his turn to try and hide his flush behind the palm of his hand. 
(a/n: written for a friend! happy birthday 🥳 )
© rrrrinmaru 2023 | no unauthorised publication or reproduction allowed
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
I've fallen in love with trans girls usopp oh my god
Nami and Robin know she's trans they invite her to go shopping, spa days hair appointments. They accept and welcome here before usopp knows about it.
Usopp still feels a little silly asking to join them on their little outing. She doesn't want to ruin it by being the only "" boy"" when it's a girls night. If she doesn't ask Nami drags her along any way. Even before they expected her to be trans they were always comfortable around usopp. Nami more than anyone, the amount of time she's walked in on usopp showing just to ask what she wants for dinner (Luffy does it too but he does that to everyone he would start conversations while his crewmate is on the toilet) or to join the bath to relax and unwind It's normal. It's just usopp she takes her to the spa all the time. Mud bathes, facials, back massages. Nami gets a full mani pedi nothing extra just french tips, ussop just like trim and buff with a clear gloss.
When they go shopping Robin likes to find nice outfits for her to try on. She takes things from the women's section and places it in men, for her to "find". Like 'oh usopp look what I found in the men's section. Try this on it would look nice on you' and it's a flower print low cut shirt with flared sleeves and bell bottoms with a matching bandana.
They also notice when usopp is feeling insecure about her body or identity. She takes glances or full on stairs at herself in the mirror looking at every flaw or part that causes dysphoria. They try to find ways to distract her, if by clothes or going to the bathhouse is too much for her at the moment they take her to lunch or sightseeing.
After she comes out the girls welcome her and have a girls day. After they pry sanji off of her it's straight to shopping. They try on bra after, after bra, after bra. What size would you think you'd be? What size do you want to be? B? C? Nothing over DD. What color do you want? Undies tucking or non tucking? Bikini or boy shorts? How about the lace set. Sopes and body washes. Coconut and vanilla or how about hibiscus and honey? Clothes! You need some nice clothes and shoes. Heels you need one pair of heels and a nice evening gown just in case our captain puts us in a situation where we need to look nice. Her hair is cute already but it would look better if it was half up and hair down especially with this cute scrunchy that Nami found.
They come back to the ship with bags and boxes all carried by sanji. All belonging to usopp, the trip was honestly overwhelming to say the least but she enjoyed herself. She tries different looks throughout the month but she falls back on her signature brown overalls but now unclamped and worn as pants and a yellow crop top and floral pattern bandana. She also got a belly ring.
Sabaody was a nightmare. She spent two years training getting stronger for her captain, yeah getting fit was great (she loves her muscles) but growing a beard not so great. It felt like her body was betraying her but she couldn't worry about that now, not when her crew needed her in top form. After the two years she learned a lot about plants and found some are high in estrogen and can increase hormone levels. Not by a lot but enough to alleviate some dysphoria it helped a lot with her hair growth mostly. Speaking of hair she made a blade from stone so she can shave, it's better than the cheap razors you have to buy.
When meeting up again, Nami could tell she was a little self conscious about her appearance. She was going to give words of encouragement but was quickly interrupted by sanji being a little too overly affectionate to usopp. Fawning over her, missing her and admiring her soft skin, pretty eyes, her scent of eucalyptus and mint. He buried his face in her new long and luscious curls and babbled sweet nothing to her until Nami pulled him off. Most of her troubles washed away after seeing Sanji still obsessed with her even though she's not looking like her ideal self at the moment.
Buy honestly she still hates it. Sanji words of affection can only do so much. She hates getting dressed with the others, Shopping trips and spa days aren't as fun. She looks good, hot even but still a stranger to herself. She gets up earlier than most of the crew to get ready. shower and mostly shave, she hates shaving in front of the other girls. she's welcomed by Saji and heart shaped pancakes.
Usopp is tickled but still feels down. She asked him if she's feminine enough and she looks like a woman. Sanji is still in awe with her and answers yes 100 times yes. She gets a little frustrated and asks again not as a boyfriend but as a fellow trans person. Does she look feminine enough. Of course he gives the same answer but in a more serious tone and he tells her she looks like a lot of women. They have been to countless islands and met tons of people including women that are buffer and broader than her and they're still women. Luffy also chimes in agreeing with him (he also stole usopp's pancakes) saying she looks like a lady who would be on Amazon Lily. They reassure her that there's no one way of looking like a woman or being a woman but if it's dysphoria related they can call up Ivankov to fix things up for her.
Okay this is- This is so relatable, tbh. And also- Auch. It hurts.
I am so in love with the idea of transfem Usopp, too! She has been through so much,, And I love the way you portrayed her problems with dysphoria and the way the crew helps her out all the time. The experience of her asking Sanji if he thinks she's feminine, not as her boyfriend but as a fellow trans person... It's so- Ughhh. I love this. Please. It's so good. I love them so much. Thank you for this.
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This is made for POC readers, I didn’t wanna post this to my actual account (I have a following but I get anxiety, so here u go)
You and Steve had arrived at the (ethinicity/country name) store, you had (ethnic meal) on mind, your mom had always made it and you loved it, so you thought you’d make her recipe for it.
Steve was horrified. Why? Because he felt so out of place, everyone here looked and acted like you, and he felt as if he was a dead patch of grass in a luscious field of green. He read the english lettering on the stores front. Only to see the foreign lettering under it. He looked to his left and looked at you, brushing his hand into yours signifying he wanted you to hold it. Once you held his hand he let out a breath of relief.
Upon entering, you knew that the people in the store wouldnt agree with you, a male, dating another man, especially because he was white but you really didnt care, you were strong, and steve was a fucking monster so you didnt realy mind the stares. you made your way down the aisles, steve staying very close to you, you really didnt know why he was acting so weird, but whatever.
You got to the fridges to grab some of the cold items and made you way to leave, but you stopped, you saw steve, looking puzzled as ever, staring at a packet of rice, the packet had a picture of the rice in an example meal, and was in (language).
“yes stevie”
“this is rice right? or does that whole meal come in the packet?” he asked, it took you a minute to decide if he was joking around or if he was being serious but after a couple of seconds of steve staring at you and waiting for a response. you responded
“no baby, its just the rice, the meal youre looking at is like an example to show how you can enjoy the rice.”
it was common for your (ethincity)’s packaging to have example meals on them
steve nodded and continued walking through the store with you. You answered his questions, and kept note of the cute stares of confusion he had when looking at some items. Eventually you made it to the sweets isle, just as a little treat for the both of you. Steve’s eyes lit up at the sight of sweet delights on the packs in the aisle, he could see some chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry flavored things, you could see he wanted to get something, so you said
“here, pick something you think youd like and ill let you know if we should try it”
“aw have you tried all of these?”
“most of them yes, but there are some i havent tried”
“well… what about this one?”
steve pointed at a (sweet) packet, it had (ingredients) and looked really good, there was even a little kid in the picture on the packet smiling with it in their hand
“oh ive actually never tried this? yeah we should get it, it looks nice”
you got one packet to split in the car and you both made your way to the registers, you exchanged days with the cashier, smiling at them once you departed from the line, appreciating the comment said in (your language) about how much of a good catch you got with steve (you knew that)
“what did they say?
“oh they said (repeat what cashier said), which means “you did good with him, congrats” you smiled, which caused steve to also smile
“wait babe why were you acting so weird, like you were nervous to be in the store?”
“well, i felt out of place… heh, like when does some random white boy walk in there looking for things to buy, and also i was scared to see if people were going to look at us weirdly”
“babe… id kill them ‘a’… and ‘b’, youd squash them all, plus… you have me, dont feel like youre out of place when you enter a (ethnicity/country/race) store… and we need to do this again it was so cute seeing you confused and curious”
steve smiled in embarassment and went to open the sweet. as he opened it you both saw the (coating) start to appear in the packaging
you gasped and said
“ohhhh! i would always see (relative) eat this back home! we have to try it baby”
steve nodded and split the sweet in two, handing you one
“okay, 3… 2… 1…” steve counted down as you both tried it at the same time, steves eyes went wide for a second, it was definently different from american sweets, much richer, and it was so good, he looked at you and he saw you had a smile on your face as you chewed
“it reminds me of home” you smiled, steve smiled back as he looked at the rest of the sweets in the packet,
“you wanna eat the rest of these and then go home?” steve asked, you nodded and you both ate the sweets in harmony and eventually made your way back home
You couldnt wait to see steves reaction to the meal you were about to make for dinner tonight
I love it! I can already imagine Steve’s confused face.
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deathpoke1qa · 1 year
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Sims Tag
Thank you @alice-in-strangetown for tagging me!
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1. What’s your favourite sims death?
I always thought Death by Flies was particularly brutal and acted as a good incentive to not let your slobs get too... slobby. I am glad they brought it back for Sims 4.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
I consider myself to be pretty strictly maxis match. It just makes the game feel like its own world, instead of ours. Though, I do like to use makeup and eye from alpha creators. Plus my game barely runs on my poor laptop, so alpha cc is kind of like a forbidden fruit for my game.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
I have a mod that makes it so sims don't gain muscle or weight at all. Though, the majority of my sims have their weight set to like 75% ish and I still think they look too skinny...
4. Do you use move objects?
Unplayable otherwise.
5. Favorite mod?
I swear by roBurky's Meaningful Stories Mod and weerbesu's UI Cheats Extension. If I had to play with only the bare minimum of mods, these would be the two that I pick.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
When I was a kid, I played the MySims games, MySims Agents, specifically. When I went to go look up more Sims games, I found Sims 2 and had my mom buy Sims 2 Seasons. I did not realize it required the basegame until it was too late.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
I say it like aLIVE. I guess in my mind it's like LIVE television or LIVE streaming a game. It makes sense in my brain at least.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
It is illegal to make me choose. Though, I might make a post soon that just a bunch of random sims I have made in CAS and a brief description of their stories I never played out. Stay tuned.
9. Have you made a simself?
Ever since I started playing Sims, I have always made a simself. Though, when I was younger, the sim was like a projection of what I wanted to look like and now my simself is what I look like. For the most part. He needs some updating.
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10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Probably Creative, Art Lover and Perfectionist for Sims 4 traits. In Sims 3, probably Artistic, Couch Potato, Cat Person, Perfectionist and Supernatural Fan. That about sums me up.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
This would be easier to ask my LEAST favorite color would be the true black swatch because half of the hairs just look gray. Favorite? Not really any, depends on the sim but most of my sims have the blue-black hair color.
12. Favorite EA hair?
Sims 2 peaked with this hairstyle. I tried to recreate it here in Sims 4 by combining cc, but it's not the same...
13. Favorite life stage?
Purely from a gameplay standpoint, it is Young Adult, but that is such a vanilla answer. Toddlers are up there. It would be Infants but I have yet to actually play with that life stage...
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
It's about equal tbh. Depends on my mood.
15. Are you a CC creator?
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
Yeah, I force them to join my discord server.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Each game has things that I like and don't like. Gameplay wise, Sims 2 100%. Building and CAS, Sims 4. I have not touched Sims 3 in a hot second but I would love to revisit it again. Sims 1 is at the bottom of the list, I only play that game for the novelty, tbh.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
No, but I do own a plumbob headband for when me and my girlfriend dressed up as Bella and Mortimer a few years ago.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Not really. The only noticeable change is that I used to religiously make irl people that I knew as sims, including my crushes of course. Now, I don't ever do that besides my simself.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
This is insanely difficult to answer. There are popular creators that I have a lot of cc from and there are small creators that scratch an extremely specific itch for me. So basically @pralinesims and @omgcoffinfit respectively.
23. How long have you had a simblr?
Since early 2019, I made it exclusively to post my custom content.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
Pirated photoshop.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Bands! Though, them releasing a grunge kit and a potential goth kit makes that feel more and more unlikely.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
Sims 3: Supernatural holds a special place in my heart that has yet to be replicated. I just love occults and vampires and any sim packs that revolve around it. Every time I go to make a family I'm like. "These guys are cute... but what if they were vampires, too?" Every. Time.
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I’m tagging @pralinesims @omgcoffinfit @crazy-lazy-elder-sims @glammoose @eggysimblr @ethelgodehel and anyone else who wants to give this tag a try!
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arsenicflame · 2 years
what should i do with my robe fabric? an uncomfortably long write up and a poll (since i have polls now)
id really appreciate if you could take the time to give some input, even if you dont read all my writing and just skip to the voting! the writing is mostly me explaining my ideas, buf you can totally skim it and get the idea
the fabric is here, so its time to plan
i think im down to two main options, screen accurate robe or a historically accurate one- accurate is a general term here, ultimately ill do what i want with little care for being exact, but as an overview, thats the idea split. there was a fleeting idea i might do some other style of robe, but i never found anything i exactly vibed with (if you wanna vanilla extract it though, feel free to drop other suggestions in the replies)
screen accurate (SA)
a lot of my information for this comes from this blog post, its excellent research and covers just about everything. honestly theres not much i can say that isn't already written on there, and anyway, its the robe. you know the robe.
its necessary to note at this point i already plan to stray a little from screen accuracy on my lining. the SA lining is quite a vibrant pink, but to compliment my personal wardrobe more, im learning towards a dusky pink or almost maroon colour (im visualising the robe fabric background colour but a little darker, but itll depend on what i can actually find in my local shop)
this one will also require buying another fabric on top of the lining (an orange for the piping) and making or sourcing tassels if i decide to have them (up in the air as i am bound to catch them on things)
a big appeal to this version for me is the box pleat in the back- it allows for more volume, more movement, while still sitting right and keeping the silhouette. i do like volume in my garments
its probably a more technical build than a HA one, just on the neck binding and kinomo sleeves, but it should still be pretty straight forward
historically accurate (HA)
historically, the SA version seems to be based on wrapping gowns. a very simple construction, cut all in one big length (though, as on the SA i would have a seam at the shoulder so the print isn't upside down) this image gives both a good idea of pattern and silhouette
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the wrapping gown is generally quite a loose fitting garment, and is very simple in its cutting. its all straight lines, and all triangles and rectangles. theres a couple of different options in the cutting, but im thinking as flared as i can make it (with or without piecing) at the hem, and also maybe some flare on the cutting of the sleeve to make it wider at the wrist without affecting mobility
wrapping gowns do typically have a small collar up near the neck, similar to the way the SA one is, but it only wraps around a short distance, not to halfway down the body as the SA does
this is obviously a much easier pattern, in my research ive seen people complete this in a day. my main concerns for me personally are in the flare and in the fit. i like a good swoosh and im not sure that ill get that in this (but not certain. some look quite full).
while it is designed to be an unfitted garment, it still has some fitting. im a little concerned that to give myself enough room around the chest i will end up with quite a dropped shoulder (shoulder seam sitting down the arm) and im not a huge fan of that. these are all things id figure out in a mockup, but it has me hesitating to go that way
here are some research links, if you care to read a bit more
video by nicole rudolph, wrapping gown talk starts at 18:27
the difference between banyan and wrapping gown
pinterest board with various historical pictures
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a sort of tldr;
heres a basic look at what the patterns look like. as you can see the HA one is far more simplistic in shape
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if youve been following any of my sewing projects youll know i have a tendency to make things take far longer than they really need to, so obviously a simpler garment that uses mostly techniques i already know is a huge appeal rather than a far more complicated and out of my comfort zone project. but i have concerns about the fit of the HA, and there is just something so appealing to making the SA version....
obviously. whichever path i pick i have a lot more research to do, and with OFMD now being on iplayer ill definitely be watching the episodes it appears in the get a better idea of how it should sit myself.... but for now
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rgr-pop · 1 year
I’m looking for another signature gourmandy powdery thing with a lot of longevity. here are my mainstream perfume positions
- don’t like aquatics very much, don’t need more white florals though i do like them. hate any shampooy fragrance
- the only mainstream perfume that i can think of that i hate on me is black opium but i don’t know why. i also sadly don’t like muglers on me. it makes me think i wouldn’t like prada paradoxe but i am very drawn to that aesthetically so i want to like it
- my current special occasion perfume is ellis brooklyn sweet. i REALLY like this but unfortunately it doesn’t last long on me so i don’t wear it every day. a slightly messier and longer lasting version of this would be one ideal
- i’m out of prada candy and i will repurchase when i’m able. it also doesn’t last as long as i wish it would. i wish they’d make a ‘dark intense’ one. i’m very interested in a prada candy variant but i don’t think i’ve fallen in love with any.
- over the past few years i’ve really liked samples of: valentino donna born in roma, ralph lauren romance, burberry her (i think). i enjoy all of these enough to like buy at tj maxx but i’d rather find the better version of them (especially since they all have ugly bottles)
- the last perfume i bought a few years ago was dior poison hypnotique. i do love this and the bottle is the greatest (if you can stomach them i kind of think everyone should have a poison, especially for the price) but what i really wanted was juliette has a gun mmmm and i should have gotten that.
- i intend to acquire by the fireplace and i should do it for the fall. i’ve bought this for multiple people but i can never spring for it for myself. id love some recs of indie/weird girl versions of this!
- speaking of, do they not make lipstick on anymore??? hard to wear but i miss that.
- i want a doll head perfume and i would probably say this is a need. what i REALLY want is melissa zappas the pink bedroom. i looove the the perfume oil bottle. it’s perfect because it looks like the choco musk bottles only it costs ten times as much
- i reordered choco musk and i ordered a set that also has soft and dalal. this was cheap. al rehab choco musk is top five most essential perfumes in world history and if you even remotely think you’d like smellin chocolatey you have to snag yourself the perfume oil for seven to ten dollars. i went on fragrantica and learned that this is trending on tiktok which it should but i have had it six years or something. tiktok is welfare for girls who don’t know any heaux or arab girls
- i still wear la vie est belle, often because i don’t feel like i have a lot of options. i do love it but i’m embarrassed to wear it around others because it’s so much. i retain a lingering love for flowerbomb but they are so similar. i should at least get myself a flowerbomb sample to wear it more and think on it. i’ve liked many of the variants over the years too
- i also still wear si because i have a huge one. don’t really like it anymore. like to sleep in it or wear it around the house when i need a perfume shell. i miss si intense.
- used up ck downtown. id buy this again if i saw it at tj maxx also. i wouldn’t mind having another lite ozonic fragrance. i’d wear it as other people would wear something like clean and sporty
- open to trying some milk scents. historically i like them in candles but not on my body as much but i’m curious enough to keep trying.
- i got a mini of nest indigo from biscuitfortune. this has some flaws as a perfume but i’m in love with the tea note. i always forget how much i love this note like in hand soaps. why not perfume! need to discover more!
- one thing i do still have is like minimalist indie etc pure vanilla and sugar type scents. however every time i hear a girl going on about finding the perfect vanillla i’m like what if i tried more vanilla……
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nerdierholler · 1 year
For the ask post! I’m most curious about 6, 15, 20, 24, 30, 44, 58, 65, 78, 79, 80, but pick whichever you feel like answering! ❤️
Thank you nonny!
From Weird Asks That Say A Lot
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? Whatever jeans and a t-shirt is. Tomboy? But in my youth I was very grunge. I still have a soft spot for flannel, converse, and doc martens even if they aren't as much of a regular staple of my wardrobe these days.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? There are a few books I had to read for school that I kept and read again on my own later. My Antonia might be my favorite of that lot.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Usually just on my laptop. Last October I wrote minifics in a notebook and that was a lovely change of pace.
24. favorite crystal? I don't know anything about crystals but raw geode amethyst is lovely. I would totally buy a chunk of that for decoration.
30. places that you find sacred? I absolutely do not want to live there again but there are places in Texas that hit me like nothing else does. Otherwise, even though I've only had a chance to do this once, an off season beach somewhere with trees not too far away where's it's chilly and gray and you can sit by a warm fire to watch a storm roll in over the ocean.
44. favorite scent for soap? Just about anything that's not sickly sweet or vanilla. I do enjoy cinnamon and apple scents when I can find them but also sometimes like muskier things too.
58. four talents you’re proud of having? I can sew and I've made a number of quilts over the years. I know a ton of random animal facts (that's a talent, right?). It tends to happen sporadically but I think I can be quite good at writing from time to time. Also not sure it's really a talent, and it's taken me until I was over 40, but I finally manage to do housework regularly. Most of the time someone could stop by unannounced and I wouldn't be embarrassed about the state of things.
65. any permanent scars? lol so many. One of the more noticeable and oddest looking is my recluse scar on my arm. The bite wasn't anything crazy, it was still a recluse bite, and it went as smoothly as those things can, no complications. However around the actual scar where I lost that tissue and had to regrow it, there's all these red streaks where the original large bruise was. I assume it's some sort of scarring under the skin from the venom. After 2 years it shows no signs of going away but doesn't bother me at all.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? I don't eat sushi so gotta go with gas station coffee.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? Well, it's been a good long while since I've had a student ID so gotta default to license here. It's fine, don't love or hate the picture. I do need to renew it before next year though...
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Earth tones all the way!
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3.1.24 Friday
1:01 am
I still have windblow... i feel bad.. I feel bad on something... I feel bitterish...
1:31 am
I wanna leave this town... I feel hurt, 17 years too much of trapping for nothing...
8:12 am
Uncle DD is here brought a food to cook. I will just get a 1k for me to use it to apply again coz I used my money here to buy food from the past days...
The gasul is really shouldered by me... But I don't like them he and Aunt Karen coz they are not really sensitive on my beauty needs if I don't have money. I asked other people for my facial wash... Even Uncle Jun is not sensitive...
9:03 am
Uncle DD is here and Chian awhileI don't like them... Asking for my picture and all my ID's pictures are missing... I really wanna cry...
Get out of my hair please!!!!
I didn't give any pictures yet... It should be here on my table...But it's gone... I don't have big money, if they will take any stuff here.. I really wanna cry...
Get of my hair please! I will cry!!!
Chian and Me we are not that close...I don't like them, she is closer on Uncle DD. I don't like them... Did chian get my picture now? Those are my old and only copies... They are all getting my memories...
I feel agitated....Family is a family supposed to be...But they are on George's family even that Uno,I don't like them...
Get out of my hair for 1 7 years,since 2007...
9:45 am
I know I put my evolution of ID pictures there at the table... It is my memories... It sadden me so much if someone took it as well as the red heart cup of John is missing...
My stuff I just bought my alarm clock and my pimple facial wash all are there, I bought it using my salary money in Conduent....If someone will take my pimple medicine, I will really cry coz I don't have money to buy again... I'm out of fundings....
Will bound to Amazon now....I'm in the Bus now...I feel agitated...
I really feel agitated, good luck on my interview and exams...
9:51 am
I wanna be Manila girl, hoping I can get a consistent job... This windblow is taking my lives as well for nothing since 2007...I feel so frustrated and hopeless... I didn't expect my aging will be like this... Plus, Mitch if she gave me that "simple battery"? Why, does she needs to hide and distance if someone is not guilty at all... Or did she do a game plan for her???
12:08 noon
Done on Amazon....Now, eating my lunchie somewhere and I'm having headache due to heat outside and cold inside the mall...
Off to Teleperformance after lunch and will buy advil for my headache.
I saw a "Porsche" awhile ago,I wasn't able to wave... I forgot to bring "handkerchief", I only have tissue here...HaHaHa...
3:33 pm
Hmmm Going home.... Hmm...Where are my pictures....I feel bitter...
Uncle DD is strange... They are becoming famous and successful and I hate them with George's family... I feel jealous even to Chian...
I still have windblow.... I will just wait for the call coming from Eperformax and Amazon their process is on-line virtual... I didn't push through to Teleperformance coz the application process is on LRT or MRT Metro Point...
I also went to "Entain Manila" at Double Dragon Tower 3 but they told me they need people who have 6 months experience... I feel hurt, I asked how can I earn those months if they will not take me in? The lady said it is their requirement. I said Thank You but it sadden me so much...
I feel bitter coz of this call center... I need a job and money...
4:58 pm
I got my bugs spray for human skin.... Yehey! I will be protected by these...
Plus, I'm in the house now angels...
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Bought some drinks from "Mugs and Plates" there outside our gate of South Garden just turn left after the Muslim School. Walking distance from the South Garden Gate.
I got French Vanilla for me and Mango Grayhams for nana...
Open from 11 am until 12 midnight angels...
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7:08 pm
This Uncle DD is commenting negatively on the electric bill,this Uncle Jun is asking 200 pesoses from Uncle DD for him to lift up Uncle DD.... It is like donation on him...
This Uncle Jun doesn't likè me in a way...
The issue now Uncle DD is reacting negatively on our electric bill coz he is handling the fundings... He said it is high now... I said it is more expensive if nana will get sick and needs to be confined in a hospital.
We need money...I need money... I need a job... I don't know what to do...
7:55 pm
Still, my evolution of picture are gone... Someone took it... I can't trust Uncle DD or anyone in the family. The red heart cup of John is missing...
8:09 pm
It is here potang inah... Who put my evolution of face under the sofa???
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Application/Resume pictures are all under the sofa...
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But the red heart cup and syrup of John is still, missing...
9:18 pm
I need a month or 2 before actually passing my application on Amazon, it is hellish angels...
0 notes
alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
341 of 2023
Created by chasingghosts
Do you sleep with just a sheet in summer when it's hot?
No, I always need a blanket.
Are you one of those people who needs to have at least some blanket on you when you sleep so the monsters don't get you?
What? No, it’s childish. I need to have some blanket because it’s comfortable.
Will anyone be visiting your house any time soon?
No, I’m on vacation abroad.
What was the last museum you went to?
I haven’t been to any museum in ages.
Scroll through your camera roll quickly without looking, then stop it with your finger. What's the first picture your eye lands on?
A video of my older cat asking for a cookie and trying to get it gfrom my hand.
Do you get bursts of creative energy or is it more consistent?
Me and creative, lol. I only get zoomies from time to time.
Have you ever been chased by a dog?
No, I haven’t.
What's your favourite kind of soda?
Vanilla flavoured Coca Cola.
Are you a visual learner?
More a kinesthetic learner. I have to try to do things myself in order to learn them.
Do you have a drink with you right now? What is it?
Yup, peach flavoured soda in a wine glass because I’m oh so posh.
What was the last science fiction movie you watched?
I don’t watch movies.
How far away from your home is the nearest train station?
Three kilometres.
Do you listen to music every day?
Not every day, but as often as possible.
If you have a passport, when does it expire?
I don’t have a passport, I only have an ID card.
Have you ever smoked a cigar?
No. I’ve never smoked anything in my life.
What was the last app you opened on your phone?
Is your voice high, low, or somewhere in the middle?
Rather high, I think high male voices are called tenor, right?
Are you wearing any rings right now?
No, I even took my wedding ring off.
Have you ever been to a baby shower?
No, and honestly, I’m not interested.
Do you have any cash stashed away anywhere?
In my bank account?
What are your neighbours like?
Some are pretty cool. That Dutch asshole is in jail and his house was free for rent, and we have a new neighbour now. He’s Italian, but pretty calm.
What month is your birthday? How far away is that from now?
In April, now it’s July.
What's the next friend or family birthday coming up? Will you buy them a present?
My dad’s. I think I will.
What was the last book you read?
Nala’s World.
Have you ever spend a long period of time in a country you weren't born in?
Yes, I’ve been working in Poland for a few years.
Do you make your own surveys on Bzoink?
No, never did.
What colour are the bottoms you're wearing today?
How many beds are in your home?
Two. One is big.
Do you wear face masks in public?
Nobody does it anymore. Not even in the hospitals.
What are your plans for tomorrow?
I want to go for a short trip.
0 notes
hey lets talk about chapter 3 of cookie run odyssey
bc theres some things i need people to realize
spoilers. clearly.
1. The Custard Family Line
 as soon as Fuck Face McGee said that his brother served the vanilla king things immediately fell into place.
custard (adult) isnt custard iii’s father but his uncle. thus making custard iii and clotted cream adopted cousins, not brothers. i find it interesting that they took that turn, i was expecting custard to be c the 3′s dad and him having to deal with the fact that he doesnt know where is youngest is but this is cool too. 
also Custard running away not only from the ancients but also from the battle itself just bc he doesnt want to get consequence’d? fuck that shit and fuck him for being a bitchass coward. hope karmas hunting you down ya loser.
2. Captain Caviar is Quite Literally the Best
this is true bc he is. i liked him from the start and was very happy to not have been betrayed by him. not only was he the first to actively speak against hiding mille-feuille and canelè’s actions but he wasted no time calling out the blatant racism and classism going on in the republic. as a matter of fact as i was watching that scene something important dawned on me:
the ocean cookies were on that land first, yet only 2 out of 9 elders are ocean cookies.
now how in the world did that happen?! how did they get Christopher Columbus’d so hard that the native cookies have the smaller collective voice in the convocation?? not to mention that at the same time i realized that it also fully processed that most of the Lower City residents are sea based cookies. from seaweed cookie herself to the merchants having tentacle hair. hell id even go so far as to say that espresso cookie managed to get a leg up in opportunity partially due to the fact that he is not an ocean cookie despite coming from the Lower City.
but that part of captain caviar absolutely tearing into the other elders, (custard specifically) made me love him even more. he didnt back down for a moment and he spoke nothing but the truth and that needs to happen more in media. make minority characters in power use their power to call out the bs!
3. for the most part, Everyone Changed for The Better
and have something to look forward for. i dont wanna call it a happy ending but most of the important cast got development. 
financier cookie is gonna do some self-discovery type of stuff and honestly? good for her. she spent all of this story being the bodyguard. being a trained paladin who only does as order tells. but now i feel like shes allowing herself to essentially have a personality! shes asking what and why and thats great! what is the celestial light? why did it choose her to be a paladin? i hope we see her again and get to see her be less mechanical and more natural.
wildberry and crunchy chip also got development not so much individually but more so, they developed each other! (bee who you arreee) wildberry started out as the token stoic, quiet type bodyguard and crunchy chip is feral beyond belief but then they start hanging out, they start talking, they do a tourist thing and wildberry buys crunchy a pie, hell they even fight alongside each other with no hesitation, crunchy gets so worried when he saw wildberrys gauntlet with no body wearing it and later wildberry doesnt even think twice about carrying crunchy AND his wolf during the battle (for yourr priiideee) its clear that their time in the republic has made them both more social and trusting of each other. (it was also very fruity)
even madeleine got some development which surprised me.i dont madeleine cookie, i love the rest of his family tho. ive never liked the arrogant, self absorbed, head-too-far-up-his-own-ass type of characters but the fact that madeleine learned how to start seeing a different kind of right from wrong, different from what he was trained, and it ended with him wanting to see more the world so he can learn more? it felt like he had gained actual purpose and its fantastic, they made madeleine cookie learn to have a purpose and i wish him the best.
thats p much what i wanted to say bc i dont see too many other saying this
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barrendome · 3 years
the 2b2t survival guide (revamped!)
are you planning to play on 2b2t? have you been playing but can’t seem to get out of spawn? or have you been waiting 12 hours in queue to no avail?
in that case, have i got some stuff for you! heres a handy guide about how to actually play, and some tips to help along the way!
step one: preparing
you can just hop right in and go, but it is smart to know a bit beforehand.
know what you're getting into. the server has no rules to it, so you just have to expect a fuckton of disgusting shit. this includes but isnt limited to nazis, homophobes, racists, transphobes, and more, and youre bound to run into them. you need to just accept that, and ignore it.
get a hacked client. while you can just play vanilla, having a hacked client on will drastically help you survive and get out of spawn, and at the very least make it a little less stressful. id suggest impact client, a free 1.12 hacked client. do not, and i repeat DO NOT use clients advertised on 2b2t chat. only trustable clients i know of are impact, future, and wurst. 
make sure your client, version, and 2b2t itself is safe. this might be me just being paranoid, but after the log4j incident id say its smart to play it safe. check the reddit and make sure whatever client youre using is safe. also, if anyone knows if 2b2t is currently safe to play rn, please send me an ask!
make a plan. although this is optional, its smart to do. you can just wing it if you wanna, but it’s helpful to have a goal for what you wanna do in the server.
check the reddit. it will tell you beforehand if the server is active, and also if there is a serious exploit going on, theres a chance youll be able to find out about it beforehand and protect yourself from being affected by it. this is how i stayed safe from log4j and the authentication exploit!
read this guide. seriously, i promise, its at least a BIT helpful!
step two: queue
queue is basically inevitable, but there are a few things you can do to make the wait less painful!
decide if you want priority. priority queue is a godsend, it takes 30 min at MOST to join the server! but on the other hand, its 20 dollars per month. if you’re planning on playing for a long time and dedicating lots of time to playing? get priority. if you just wanna check the server out? don’t worry about buying it.
join when nobody else would. the best times i’ve found are near 1-3am, or in early mornings. also, always on weekdays, its MUCH harder to join during weekends. you’ll still have to wait hours, but not as long as you would otherwise.
do something else. multitasking is the best way to wait. leave queue running in the background and check on it whenever you can, but fill your time with other stuff. i usually draw or watch videos when waiting!
pray for a server restart. when it restarts, turn on auto-reconnect (if you have that) or just keep on trying to connect. you’ll get onto the server extremely quick if you’re able to join right after a restart.
step three: common sense
you gotta use normal common sense, but also server-unique common sense.
remember: there are no rules. people are going to kill you. people are going to grief you. people are going to say gross shit. the worst kinds of people are here on the server, you have to accept that.
you aren’t safe. no matter how far away you are, or how nice that one person is. don’t get lulled into feeling secure, stay on edge. better safe than sorry.
don’t trust anyone. or at least be cautious of everybody. even if they give you gifts, even if they compliment you, dont trust anybody unless you know them personally. also, as a little sidenote, if somebody places down a bed for you and ushers you to sleep in it, DONT.
enderchests are your friend. you’re going to die, several times. so, keep any important things in your enderchest. for more space, put everything into shulker boxes and store the boxes in your enderchest. this is why silk touch pickaxes are something you’ll need: because your enderchest is the only safe place for your items.
signs are the best communication. carry a sign with you, and read all the signs you find. its not important, but its fun to read what people write, and its nice to make your own mark on the world with just a simple sign.
what you build is gonna go. no matter how nice it looks, how far out it is, how tiny it is, whatever. its how 2b2t works. when you build, you have to remember that its going to get destroyed one day. remember to take screenshots of your builds! and griefing only proposes an opportunity to rebuild it bigger and better than before.
everyone hates new players. don’t openly say you’re new. just stick to yourself for the first while of joining. dont ask for kits. if you get stuck, dont ask for help. in this case, doing it alone is safer than getting help.
you aren’t special. oh, so you watched a bunch of fit videos and know everything about the server? no you don’t, shut up. you’re gonna spam things in chat and grief a bunch of builds to become a notable player? you’re gonna become a minor annoyance, shut up. you read this guide and now know how to become the best 2b2t player ever? my guide is still shit, shut up.
step four: chat
so you’ve joined, and you connect to see.. the constant spam of chat.
hide the chat. go into settings, and turn chat off. usually chat isn’t worth looking at, except for warning about server restarts. if you wanna keep chat on, just turn down the opacity.
use /ignore. theres bots constantly flooding the chat, so if you wanna keep chat on, spend time quickly ignoring all the bots. you can also use this command to get rid of all the nasty racists and more in chat!
don’t ask for help. you dont really want to let people know youre new and need help. its rare that people will actually help you, at best you’ll probably get ignored, and at worst they’ll just kill or trap you. you can get through this by yourself!
if you have a question, ask google. like the point above, asking for help isn’t a good option. search stuff up on google or the 2b2t subreddit before asking chat. and try not to ask obvious questions either.
dont get into arguments. its like arguing in comments but... worse. and while nothing bad will probably come of it, it wont help at all in making your point heard. people will probably just laugh at you. as hard as it is, just ignore people that piss you off, and move on.
if youre an mcyt fan, dont mention it. this server hates dream stans or anything even slightly similar. so just avoid mentioning it in chat.
dont fall for stupid tricks. dont post your address even if they say itll censor it. dont press alt+f4 even if they say itll give you good hacks. if you see a message from some famous player with a bunch of symbols spammed from someone before, its probably fake.
step five: escaping spawn
five steps in and im only JUST getting to the part where you escape? how long even IS this guide?!
turn your hacks on. hacks that i personally find come in handy is storage esp, player esp, tracers, search, light, nametags, auto-reconnect, and anti-hunger. (names may vary depending on client, these are the names for impact.) dont forget to customize these hacks to your needs, such as having tracers and esp only track onto players! also, make sure you have hacks like freecam and xray set to easy keybinds.
customize your search hack. search is EXTREMELY helpful, especially with escaping spawn! id suggest having your search light up for valuables (dragon eggs, player heads, beacons) food (melons, potatos, carrots, wheat crops) and other helpful items (portals, signs, beds)
use the highways. there are highways on each 0 coordinate, as well as every diagonal coordinate. they are there for you to use, take advantage of them! once you get far enough, though, stray away from the highway. never settle down near a highway. just be aware of withers near or on the highways! id suggest going down the melon highway, which starts around (0 ~ -2630) and goes up on the -X coordinate!
save your hunger bar. be patient and try not to run or jump. its hard, but its important. most deaths are from hunger in the first while of playing, so just try not to get hungry. for this exact reason, the main thing you’re looking for is food.
collect, store, die, repeat. i never did this, but my boyfriend did, and it worked incredibly well. he would collect as many resources as he could, store them in an enderchest whenever he saw one, and then either die of hunger or something else. he’d repeat this process until he had enough stuff in his enderchest to help get him out of spawn.
don’t go into the nether right away. spawn nether is a guaranteed portal trap, and close-by to nether spawn is extremely risky, especially nowadays. at around 2000 blocks overworld minimum, you’re probably safe to travel via nether, but be careful.
use the nether highways! the nether highways, like the overworld highways, are on every 0 coordinate and diagonal coordinates, as well as a few ring roads. this is the easiest way out of spawn. but dont carry important stuff on you, as people do patrol the highways to kill new players.
if you dont want to escape by yourself, baritone is your best friend! this may be an impact-only thing, though. in chat, do “.b goto [coordinates]” (without the quotation marks) so for example: “.b goto -420 69 1000″ and the bot will move to those coordinates without your input, while you can go afk as it moves.
20000 blocks is the safer zone, but its still spawn territory. anything under 10k is bound to get griefed, and you may run into players. 10k to 20k is fairly safe, but still bound to get griefed. around 50k is the minimum for you to be making a permanent base, but even then, its very VERY smart to go 100k or farther out.
step six: outside spawn
so you’re out of the major spawn area... now what?
find food, farm food. get as much food as you can, thats the most important thing to do at this moment. make sure you have as much food as you could need, and store some in your enderchest.
make a temporary base. you can make a small house, a hole, or even just a dirt hut. just make sure you have a place to store all your extra stuff, and a place to stay for now. (sidenote, don’t put a nether portal right beside your house.)
find or make a bed. later on, beds aren’t a big deal, but at first they definitely are. try to find or make a bed, and set your spawn somewhere. i’d suggest hiding the bed somewhere near your temporary base, but don’t make it visible.
get geared up. use your xray and get some diamonds, look through dungeons or go fishing for enchanted books, make yourself tools, etc. its best to get what you need now that you’re out of spawn.
go fishing. you can get food, enchanted books, xp, etc. going fishing is actually super useful. the autofish hack is your friend right now. but don’t go afk when fishing, you can get kicked for it.
visit nether highways. if you have nothing on you, theres a small chance a high-level player could stumble upon you, take pity, and give you stuff. just make sure to be cautious the entire time, and make sure to put anything you get into your enderchest. this may not work as well anymore, since lots of players now seem to resort to killing rather than giving. but its worth a shot!
step seven: last notes
some last little tips and tricks you should know before jumping in!
make a goal if you haven’t already. if you wanna be a nomad? plan where you’re gonna wander. if you’re gonna make a huge base? plan where to build it and go out there. if you’re gonna go visit monuments? figure out which ones and their coordinates, and start walking. gonna join a group? figure out which one would be safe and fun to join, and try to get in.
get as far from spawn as possible. unless you wanna stay near spawn, try and get 100,000 blocks away or further. and if you really wanna keep a base intact, do NOT stay near any of the major highways.
take lots of screenshots! screenshots of cool bases, signs, anything! and dont forget to grab coordinates of every cool thing you screenshot as well. who knows when you’ll want to revisit those things in the future!
if you wanna be a nomad... travel in circles around spawn! 10k out in a circle, 20k, 15k... however far you feel like! you could also go back to spawn, and take a highway completely out as well! just... explore. have fun with it! make sure to read signs!
if you wanna make a group... collect all your friends who play on the server, or anyone who just seems trustworthy (psst.. like me...) and form a group by yourself! while you can join pre-existing groups, the real fun of having a group comes from shared bonds and trust among members!
visit some monuments! its very fun to go exploring, and especially to explore around important places. for example, theres wrath outpost, which is inside spawn, or ziggytown, which is close to spawn. you can just search up coordinates, and most times you’ll be able to find coordinates to whichever famous place you want to visit.
if youre interested in 2b2t lore, dont just watch fitmc! there are a LOT of other 2b2t creators! some of my personal suggestions is salc1, fastvincent1, and barrendome (not me, the youtuber!) id also suggest thecampingrusher’s videos, they genuinely show an interesting side to the server and the rusher war. a few more story oriented things are thejudgeholden’s 2b2t comic, and the 2b2t chronicles on youtube!
if youre interested in 2b2t history, heres some other sources with some really good stuff! this will be updated as time goes on. all the youtubers mentioned above have very good 2b2t history content, but theres also places like the 2b2t blog that have a lot of cool history on it! theres also a couple of 2b2t wikis, like these ones, but theyre community led, so some information on them may not be 100% correct.
have fun! as rough this server can be to play on, theres a lot of cool stuff you can find, and its important to find joy in the chaos!
i hope that this guide served to be a bit more useful than my previous one!
i STILL may have forgotten things even during the revamp, so feel free to send me anything i missed! but i hope that everything i was able to write down will be enough to help anybody that wants to join 2b2t.org, the oldest anarchy server on minecraft!
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chromes-corner · 2 years
I just passed 13-30 for the first time cause I finally got dark cacao, but only got 2 stars cause he got absolutely demolished. I have him in full fully upgraded dmg resistance toppings, have pv and cotton on my team, and everyone is lvl 65+ (other two are eclair and shark sorbet) I don’t understand what else I could possibly do. Would you be able to help with this?
hmm, for starters, id swap out dark cacao for either dark choco or hollyberry. since you say that cacaos the one getting wrecked (the swallow mechanic absolutely sucks) id try this stage with hollyberry as your front first. she can take a bit more damage, but the thing is you'll lose the def debuff choco/cacao gives (though she does help shield your party, so you might not need a second healer with her on board). if not hollyberry, go for choco, since he gives a beefier def debuff to the boss as opposed to cacao.
you can try changing up your treasures as well. i assume you're using scroll watch slingshot, so maybe replace the slingshot with the feather for that revive (its a life saver, helped me 3 star 14-30 by the skin of my teeth). make sure to pay attention to the levels of your treasures, too! use some of that mileage to get treasure tickets. what i do is i buy 100 at a time (6k mileage) and pull em all at the same time. i usually get a bunch of epics from that. get your epic treasures to at least level 5-6, and you should be good.
another thing you can try is test to see if your team can survive without pure vanilla by replacing him with vampire (or try replacing sorbet with vamp) or parfait. vampire is optimal, since he hits hard and self-heals, but parfait could also be useful as she gives your party a decent def buff and attacks on top of healing, unlike pv. hopefully that would help your tank survive, as the boss doesn't really have a lot of power besides the swallow mechanic.
ive heard that pumpkin pie can be a pretty good help here, as long as shes equipped with almonds, so you could also try out team with her.
another thing that might help is putting in another front, preferably caramel arrow (with full almonds). with two fronts, and one being a damage dealer, the boss will spit one out and swallow up the other, allowing you plenty of time to get one front healed while the other is being chewed on.
also be sure to utilize the laboratory (and landmarks)! aim for leveling up either defense or charge cookies def up so they can take a bit more damage.
hopefully some of this helped. keep fightin the good fight, soldier!
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
Birthday // Spencer Reid x Reader
So I got this idea from @darnittumbleweed 's recent post about how grateful Spence must be when he gets gifts and people remember birthdays bc of his mom sadly forgetting them when he was a kid.
Summary - Reader accidentally finds out it's Spencer's birthday and she decides to surprise him with some gifts.
Word count - 2.3k
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I adjusted my light purple blazer, tucking it farther into my pencil skirt as I walked through the doors of the bullpen. I was a bit earlier than usual, but I was not surprised to see Spencer already parked at his desk with a book in hand. His feet were propped up on his desk, making his legs look even longer.
The I saw a wallet laying open on the ground, a few feet from his desk.
I kneeled, grabbing the older looking leather wallet from the carpet. I immediately saw Spencer's ID picture sitting in the front clear pocket.
*Sex: M --- Eyes: BRO --- Hgt.: 6' -01'' --- Wgt.: 175 --- DOB: 10/28/1981*
I furrowed my eyebrows at this, that was today's date. Spencer turns 29 today.
I had heard from JJ how private Spencer was about events like this. They just became like any other day to him as he grew up. His mom had not remembered holidays and birthdays from a pretty young age, so he treated them like another regular day too. JJ, and I'm sure Hotch, were the only ones who knew of his birthday. He must have told them to not make a big deal of it, he wasn't much of a partier. Fine then, I wouldn't throw him a party.
"I think you dropped this." I set his wallet on his desk, folded closed. He peeked over his book, eyes widening a bit.
"Oh thanks! Where did you find it?" He say up straighter, laying his book on his desk. I pointed to the ground a few feet away. "Well, thanks again y/l/n." I nodded, heading to my desk.
I shamelessly spent the whole day looking for things to buy for Reid. I was aiming for things from Doctor Who, so I looked up the stock from geek stores in our mall. I had decided on two gifts, and I was going to buy them after work.
My heels clicked loudly on the tile floor of the mall. I was getting frequent stares from passersby as I walked through the crowded halls. I *did* look a little overdressed to be in the mall, but to be completely honest, I was on a mission. And I wasn't going to waste time changing because that would just postpone the time that I would get to see Spencer's smiling face.
I walked into 'ThinkGeek', peering to the back where I saw a Doctor Who section.
"Hiya! Is there something I can help you with." Though the worker didn't show it *clearly* on her face, but I could see the slight confusion in her eyes. Again, I did look a *little* out of place.
"I'm looking for a few specific things that I checked your guys' stock for with the help of a friend."
"Only workers can check our in store stock here. Are you Sarah's friend?" She gestured to a lady at the counter with bright pink hair.
"Uh, no." I slowly pulled out my FBI credentials and discreetly showed them to her. "I had our tech analyst check for me because I need these gifts for a friend." She nodded in understanding, looking just a bit frightened. I explained to her what I needed and she took me to the items. It wasn't long until I was being rung up.
"That'll be $31.82." I slid her the money. "This is a gift right? Do you want it wrapped? We wrap for an extra 2 bucks."
"That would be awesome!" I put two more dollars on the counter.
"So," she tied the bow on the first present, "is this for a boyfriend?" I blushed and narrowed my eyes a bit. She put her hands up in surrender, "Or girlfriend?" I sighed a bit with a laugh.
"No no, he's a coworker."
"Some coworker he must be if you're spending," she peered at my receipt, "nearly 34 dollars on him. A birthday I'm guessing?"
"Are you trying to profile me?" I asked, quirking my eyebrow.
"Are you trying to profile *me*?"
"Fair enough." I laughed. She slid me the boxes and handed me my receipt. "Thank you for wrapping these."
"Get that man boo!" She shouted as I left the store. I gave her a firm thumbs up and started heading to my car so I could give these to the man in question.
That was until I forgot about a card.
I turned back into the mall and went into Barnes and Noble. I quickly had a worker direct me towards the cards and I found a perfect one with a Tardis that said 'All the time-travel in the world won't make you any younger.'
I giggled and brought it up to the register.
"Is it this special someone's birthday *today*?" I nodded. "Well I have a coupon for a free cupcake from our cafe." She slid me the thin piece of paper.
"Thank you so much!" I grabbed the card and headed to the cafe and getting him a vanilla cupcake. After all of that, I was finally, *actually*, heading to Spencer's.
I pulled into his apartments parking lot, unbuckling and gathering the gifts. I took the stairs up to apartment 23 and knocked on the door. I heard slow footsteps approach the door and stop for a moment. I assumed he was looking through the peep hole so I hid the presents behind me, skillfully stacked onto one hand and waved. He opened the door immediately.
"Hey y/n! What are you doing here? And what's behind your back?" He tried to look over my shoulders, which wasn't hard to do with his towering frame. I backed up into the stairs railing so he couldn't see.
"You promise you won't be mad if I tell you?" I could see worry cross his features.
"That depends. But it's hard to stay mad at you." His face softened.
"Ok well," I pulled the small boxes and card from behind me, "happy birthday."
His eyes widened, and then, unexpectedly, a giant grin spread across his lips.
"How did you know?"
"When I picked your wallet up, I saw your ID. So, I decided to get you a couple things." He ushered me in the house as I handed him the card. He smiled even bigger, reading the card.
"You remembered that I like Doctor Who?"
"Okay, first of all, who doesn't know you like Doctor Who? And two, I remember a lot of things about you, nerd." I elbowed his side lightly. He gestured for me to sit on his couch with him as I handed him the boxes wrapped in white wrapping and blue bows, along with the clear box with the cupcake in it.
"Thank you for the cupcake." He chuckled.
"Yeah! The chick at the counter gave me a coupon for it." I smiled.
He opened the thinner, longer box first. I revealed a Tardis tie.
"I didn't think you had a tie like that so as soon as I saw it I knew I had to get it. I'm sorry if you already have one."
"Y/n, this is so cool! Where did you get it?" He pulled it from the box and looked at it closer. He was already loosening his current tie to try it on.
"It's a store in the mall, ThinkGeek. They've got a lot of nerdy stuff there. It's where I get my Harry Potter stuff." I blushed a bit, having just revealed a nerdy part of me that I didn't tell many people about.
"I love it!" He was now standing in front of a mirror, tightening it around his neck and smiling like a little kid who just got a puppy. He came back to the couch, leaving it on and tearing the wrapping on the second one. It was a Tardis mug.
"And you were talking about how we didn't have enough mugs at the office, so I thought you could have your own. Plus, everyone will know it's yours."
He stared into the mug with a look that I couldn't exactly read.
*Did I trigger a bad memory?*
Right as I thought that, he looked up at me with the same expression. All I could tell was, whatever he was trying to express, it was behind those honey brown eyes. ~~the ones I was always getting lost in~~ He set the mug on the coffee table and leaned towards me.
He hugged me.
He hugged me tighter than I have ever been hugged.
I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him back. I could have sat like that forever, but we sat for probably half a minute.
"I thought you didn't like hugs."
"I don't usually, but, I don't know." He looked down at his hands, quite literally twiddling his thumbs. "This just, means a lot to me. I didn't think someone paid enough attention to me to not only get me things from my favorite show, but things that I have mentioned randomly in a conversation." He looked up in realization, and now my heart was pumping *way* too fast. "You *like* me, don't you?" My eyes widened to, I'm sure, the size of the mug I had gotten him.
"What? Uh, no. I just thought, you just never, no."
"Yes! Yes you do!" He stood up smiling at me, like he just had a *massive* breakthrough. "Look, you're blushing, that's involuntary sign of attraction. And you haven't broken eye contact with me this whole time! Even though you want to. And you're talking in a lower pitch than usual. A person will change the tone and pitch of their voice when speaking to someone they’re attracted to. Specifically, women tend to lower their vocal tone when around an attractive person. You have been fidgeting this whole time."
I could feel my face get hotter and hotter with everything he pointed out. I felt extremely vulnerable. My face was not only involuntarily blushing, it was involuntarily making quite the frightened face. I realized this when he put his hands up in surrender and his face softened from the smug grin that was previously plastered to it.
"Oh! Are you okay?" He leaned over his coffee table at me and I leaned farther into his couch. He smiled again, "Do you not understand what I'm getting at?" He looked at me slightly dumbfounded.
"That I like you? Yeah I got it!" I snapped a bit. He closed his eyes and shook his head slightly.
"I do the exact some things." I squinted my eyes at him. "Do you not notice how *neither* of us ever break eye contact? I was just sitting next to you, fidgeting with my hands. You probably think my cheeks are naturally flushed, but that's just when I'm around you. I constantly catch myself lowering my voice when I'm having conversations with you. Some profilers we are, huh?" I smiled and leaned towards him, grabbing his face.
"Yeah, well, we aren't suppose to profile eachother anyway, cheater." I giggled, pulling him into a kiss. He grabbed the back of my neck deepening it.
"Giggling a lot from a woman is also a sign of attraction." He mumbled between kisses. I pulled apart from him with another giggle. He raised his eyebrows as I confirmed his theory.
"Whatever nerd." I pushed his chest.
"Seriously, thank you so much." He hugged me again. At this point we were both just standing in front of his coffee table. "I'm glad you found out it was my birthday today, because I'm not sure when I would have the courage for any of that again." He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Well you don't have to worry about that anymore. You have me now." His eyes lit up at that, kissing me again. We both smiled into the kiss, pulling eachother impossibly close. "I've gotta get home and feed my cat." I backed out from the kiss, watching him slightly follow, in hopes of another kiss.
"Are you free after work tomorrow?" He asked hopefully.
"What do you have in mind?"
"Dinner? Or we can watch a movie here?"
"How about both?" I winked.
"Perfect!" He pecked my lips one more time as I walked out the door. Just as it shut behind me I heard a not so quiet.
"Yes! Finally dumbass!" From him.
I giggled again as I walked down the stairs.
*What a convenient day for him to drop his wallett*
The next day I walked in to see Spencer drinking from his new mug and wearing his tie, paired with a regular white button up. I walked by his desk, tapping on the mugs rim.
"Nice mug." I winked and kept walking to my desk. He looked down at the coffee with a giddy smile.
"**I knew it! I knew it! Give me the money JJ you *loser**!" I heard Derek screech from the other side of the room. JJ rolled her eyes and handed him a ten. "My man's has got game!" He slapped a hand on Spencer's back.
"You guys couldn't have waited one more month?" JJ asked with a very annoyed expression.
"It's your guys fault for betting on us." I held my hands in surrender. Penelope then emerged from her office.
"Yay! Finally! Did you get him the tie and mug?! I adore it!" She hugged me from behind and placed a kiss on my cheek.
*This is my family*
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wonwooslibrary · 4 years
high school sweethearts
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member: joshua x female reader 
genre: fluff, comedy, high school AU, non-idol AU
word count: 1778
warnings: alcohol / drunk seungcheol 
inspiration: the audio for the hallway scene was inspired by this video
summary: you and your husband, joshua flash back to the night of your prom ten years ago. 
author’s note: idk why I decided to do this lmao but happy birthday shua! please enjoy this small piece I wrote in like ten minutes. this is so bad I am so sorry
Neither you or your husband were fancy restaurant people. Both you and Joshua spent little to no time at home besides sleeping. After years of many dates of trying to dress up and go out, you both decided that going out was not your thing. So, for your five year wedding anniversary, you decided it would be best to just stay home. 
The time spent sitting on the couch in the living room, a bag of chips and a jar of dip between you while a cliché hallmark Christmas movie was playing on the TV was more than wither of you could ask for. 
Suddenly, Joshua looked over at you and moved his hand to brush a strand of your hair out of your eyes. When you looked at him, he smiled, a look of pure love taking over his face. 
“Do you remember prom?” he asked you, his eyes glossing over a bit. 
“I remember Jeonghan spiking the punch, Seungcheol getting drunk and, uh, the rooftop.”
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When Joshua asked a seventeen year old you to go to prom with him, you were freaking out. 
“It’s Joshua Hong!” you exclaimed to your friend, “I am not going to survive this night.”
“Y/n! you’ve been best friends with him for how long? Almost what, nine years?”
“Almost seven.” you corrected. 
“Whatever! you’re insane if you can’t clearly see that he has the same feelings for you that you have for him!”
“Mhm, yeah, right.” you replied sarcastically. 
“What did you tell him when he asked?” your friend questioned you, her hands on your shoulders shaking you. 
“I said maybe.” you responded in a quiet voice. 
“Maybe? Nu-uh. No way. You’re going to call him and tell him you’re going to prom with him!” 
Three days after that phone call, your friend took you out to buy a dress and get your nails done. You didn’t see why you had to get your nails done and you definitely didn’t see why all of this was coming out of your wallet. but of course, as your friend, she spent the whole trip obsessing over the fact that you were going to prom with Joshua Hong. “You have to look perfect!” she’d exclaim. 
The night of the event wasn’t nearly as grand as everyone would expect it to be. A high school prom being held in the gym that smelled like dirty socks and disappointment. Of course, you did have one of the prettiest dresses at the event, though unless you wanted to spend another hundred dollars, it needed to be returned to the boutique by three in the afternoon the following day. You kept stumbling in the heels that were definitely too high for you to walk in, and you decided that if it wasn’t for you holding on to Joshua’s arm with dear life, you would have faceplanted into the gym floor at least ten times by now. 
By the time the event actually started, you had given up on all hope of enjoying the night. It was loud, and the teacher chaperones were being to controlling over the room of teenagers. You didn’t fail to notice that a teacher had to come up to Soonyoung and tell him that he can’t take the whole dance floor for himself almost five times throughout the night. 
Though the chaperones were being controlling, they clearly didn’t check people’s bags and IDs when entering the building. And they clearly didn’t notice the bottle of vodka Jeonghan pulled out of his bag and dumped into the punch bowl. 
Now if the room wasn’t loud enough, it was about to get a lot worse. 
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You and Joshua sat on the floor of hallway right outside the gym. The closed doors made the hallway much quieter with only muffled sound of the music able to be heard. You glanced around the empty hallway, until Joshua began talking. 
“Being in school after school hours and on weekends always seems so surreal, doesn’t it?” He questioned you, loosening the black tie that was around his neck.
“It does. Especially with us being dressed up and the teachers not.” you replied. 
The hallway became quiet once more. Though this didn’t last long until two loud voices were heard while the doors to the gym were shoved open. 
Running out the door was a very drunk Seungcheol, with three teachers running after him through the rest of the school. Also exiting the gym were two of your friends, Jimin and Taehyung, that both happened to be in your class. Though instead of running, the two males pushed the door slightly open and called out to you and Shua. 
“The teachers found Jeonghan’s empty bottle of vodka.” Taehyung started. “I don’t think Cheol is going to last for any longer before he trips and gets caught.”
You and Joshua looked at each other and began laughing. Of course your best friends would do something this stupid on prom night. Joshua stood up, brushing off his slacks before offering his hand to you in order to help you up from the floor. You took his hand and quietly thanked him. 
“We’ll be back in the gym in a little bit, guys” Joshua told Jimin and Taehyung, who both simply nodded and went back into the gym. 
Your best friend offered you his arm, and you began walking in the opposite direction that Seungcheol ran. 
“Damn it!” he exclaimed suddenly. You looked over at him curiously. 
“I owe Jeonghan twenty bucks now.”
“What did you and Han bet on this time?”
“Who would get drunk first. I bet on Soonyoung, and Han bet on Seungcheol.”
You rolled your eyes. “Soonyoung. I’m kind of surprised he didn’t get drunk first.” 
Your walk became quiet once again. Joshua brought you to the stairs of the school that led to the roof. 
“Have you ever been to the roof?” he asked, pulling a key out of his pocket and putting it into the keyhole. 
“I’ve been to the door, but I’ve never been outside. How’d you get a key?” 
“I know a few people.” you giggled at his answer. 
When you both got outside, there was two lawn chairs and a table waiting for you. 
“Sit with me?” Shua looked at you and tilted his head towards the chairs. 
You quickly agreed. Once you both sat in the chairs, Joshua started a conversation. 
“You know,” he started, “Now that prom is almost over, we only have a few weeks left before we graduate.” 
“Yeah, I know. I am going to miss it here, no matter how much I hated it some days.” 
“Do you think we’ll ever see each other after we graduate?” Joshua questioned, turning his head to face you and brushing a small strand of hair out of your eyes and putting it behind your ear. 
“I haven’t thought about it, but I hope so. I want to be able to see everyone again.”
“Me too.”
“I wonder if Soonyoung got kicked out for kicking people off the dance floor yet. and I wonder if the teachers found out the vodka was Jeonghan’s.”
“oh Jeonghan, as much as he is a brother to me, he is an idiot.” 
You laughed at Joshua’s words, when suddenly an idea came to your head. 
“Shua! we haven’t danced yet!” you said, standing up out of the chair and grabbing your phone off of the table. You began playing one of your favorite slow songs and turned the volume on your phone all the way up. “Dance with me?” you asked him, holding your hand out for him to grab. 
He took your hand and pulled you close to him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and began to move you with him. 
You placed your head on his chest, your eyes falling shut to the soft sound of the music and his heartbeat. Joshua placed his chin on your head, breathing in the sent of your vanilla shampoo. 
“Y/n-ie,” Shua started. 
“Hmm?” you softly questioned, seemingly half asleep. 
“I love you.” 
You smiled and moved to face him. 
“R-really?” you stuttered your way through your reply. 
“Why wouldn’t I?” he replied, putting a finger under your chin. He leaned forward and placed his lips on top of yours. The kiss lasted mere seconds, and then he pulled away. 
“Let’s get you home.” Shua stated as he took your hand in his and pulled you towards the door. 
You got outside (and on the ground) fairly quickly, Joshua shedding off his jacket and putting it over your shoulders, only for you to put it on. All of a sudden, he took off running out of the parking lot and down the street. 
“Shua! wait for me!” Joshua was running down the sidewalk as fast as he could, leaving you behind in the dust. 
“Ditch the shoes and start running then!” he called out to you, already at the end of the street. 
You sighed. “Fine!” you bent down to undo the buckle on your heels, right first, then left. When you glanced back up, Joshua was waiting for you, his shoulder leaning against the stop sign that was significantly taller than him. 
You looked at him, admiring his outfit, without realizing that he is doing the same to you. He was dressed nicely, the white button down he is wearing now wrinkled and the black slacks tight around his thighs. His tie is more loose than it was in the hallway. When you looked at his face, you noticed him looking at you. He smiled and waved his hand, motioning for you to run and catch up with him. 
You picked your heels up off of the ground and laced your fingers around the straps. You used your free hand (and the fingers that were not carrying your shoes) to lift up your long dress. You began jogging to catch up to him, your hair quickly falling out of the fancy up do it was in. 
When you got to the stop and stood next to Joshua, he took your hand again and began walking towards your house. 
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“Damn I kind of forgot about Jimin and Taehyung. We didn’t even meet them back in the gym like we said we would.” Joshua laughed. 
“We weren’t the smartest back then, were we?”
“We were just two stupid teenagers in love.” Joshua put his arm around you and pulled you close to him, the bag of chips quickly falling to the floor. 
You cuddled up to him and put your head on his chest.  
“I love you, Shua.” you whispered.
“I love you too, Y/n.”
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swampgallows · 4 years
Can you please go on more rants about wotlk questing and storylines i loved reading that post
haha thank you! i havent played wow in a few weeks and what i have been playing is mostly shadowlands content but all those older zones hold a special place in my heart. theyre not as flashy in their storytelling as the new zones but such is the double-edged sword of classic wow; it’s more effort and more time-consuming but those great efforts are what made the payoff feel so rewarding. and the whole “less is more” adage... ahn’qiraj with the ambience on still gives me the creeps haha. i will say though that Uldir and the underrot raid/dungeon of BFA has strong AQ vibes. i feel like whatever the turnover was at blizzard resulted in a lot of dipping into old storytelling wells, especially on the heels of legion and all its successes.
i had quit wrath just before the release of ulduar back in 2009 so i never finished storm peaks or icecrown on live. coincidentally before shadowlands prepatch i was finishing up in icecrown on my main and grinding out knights of the ebon blade rep...the last i needed to be exalted with all of the wrath reps. then someone told me you could buy the tabard and do dungeons for rep, and when i went to buy it the next day the shadow vault was phased/empty because of the pre-patch event LOL. it was so much fun seeing all those old bosses again, camping out and begging bronjahm for his mint condition bag (which i did get!!), threatening skadi for his damn drake... 
there are definitely some ‘quality of life’ features missing from old wrath questing but i feel like so much of that slack gets picked up now by other features like early flying, party sync, chromie time, heirlooms, etc. it’s probably mostly nostalgia talking but wrath really had an atmosphere to it that’s hard to replicate. how bleak and dark and death-touched the whole landscape is allows those bright oases to shine like diamonds. seeing nesingwary and his party in sholazar was more like “haha he’s back!” instead of “how much shit do you need me to kill THIS time”. all the titan drama between thorim and loken that carries over into legion with odyn and helya, sholazar like an upgraded un’goro crater... 
god even ulduar is like “the cooler uldaman”. uldaman is such a shithole dungeon i still have a grudge against it from when it almost made me late for an orthodontist appointment back when i still had braces in high school because it was such a fucking long dungeon in vanilla. but ive been meaning to run it again (like blitz through it on my main) just to catch up on all the earthen/dwarf/titan lore that i basically tuned out of when i first ran it 15+ years ago. and there’s an IMPORTANT artifact in there. like the discs of norgannon or something? i dunno ive always really liked the dwarf lore that theyre just trying to find out where they came from, being some of the most direct descendants of the titans themselves, it’s basically like having a personal connection to a god. i feel like that hunger for knowledge and history is a cool spin on the fantasy trope of dwarves mining for gems or whatever. 
i’m a fake dwarf fan though. i have a dark iron slotted but she’s only left character creation. i haven’t even entered the world with her yet. ...its the dance honestly id probably have made a dwarf lady sooner if their jokes werent absolutely atrocious and their dance was better hey wait you know what else i want from the good ol days of wrath
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where are they blizzard. where is the dance studio
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