#i offer you rambles that make no sense sorry
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𝐉𝐨𝐚𝐧 𝐈𝐧 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐲

a/n: idea inspired by these pictures of patti. lmk if this writing style is something u guys r interested in. its sloppy but at least id get my ideas out. its not edited not beta read not checked for spelling or whatever just rambling
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It's Joan’s and Luke’s first vacation after her husband died and she tries to be happy for him, she really does, tries to enjoy the sunny weather and the time she gets to spend with him. But it’s hard. They sit at the beach a lot. She's tanning while he's playing in the ocean. But she always watches him through her sunglasses. She's relaxing, yes, skin warm and sweaty, but she won't close her eyes. Nothing can happen to her boy. He’s all she has now besides her maker.
Luke makes a group of friends and wants to spend more time with them. “Mom, please, can I go?” They offered to take Luke out for the kids to play. So Joan wants to meet the parents. They are decent. Catholic.
"Live a little, Joan, have a day to yourself," one of the moms says. She seems so carefree, of course–she has a husband who loves her. Joan envies her.
"Oh, no, I shouldn't," she waves off and blushes. An evening just to herself sounds lovely, but her Luke…
He asks so nicely–a toothy grin–for her to allow him to join his new friends. His only friends right now.
She agrees. "Alright, my sweet boy," she strokes his cheek. "Have fun." She kisses his forehead and so Luke is out. What does she do with her time?
It's still warm in the evening, the sun is slowly starting to set, so Joan freshens up. A nice dress, her hair up because of the heat, still her skin remains damp. Stupid menopause. She visits a small restaurant down the street. They walked past it the other day and Luke had pointed out how heavenly the food smelled.
"A table outside please," she requests and of course she gets it, sits down and watches the people who walk past her while she sips her cold water.
And then she feels it. Your eyes. Watching her. She looks over, finds your staring. And you smile at her and toast your glass of wine into the air, waiting for her to mimic her.
Joan blushes, her skin even warmer now. Too warm. But she returns the gesture.
The moment is broken when her food arrives. Rich, oily pasta she'll devour. It’s vacation, she's allowed to be gluttonous, right?
When Joan is halfway through her plate, someone suddenly says. "This one is for you, signora." The waiter places a glass of wine onto her table. She didn't order this–she doesn't imbibe. "It's from the young lady over there," the waiter points to you. You look at her.
Joan smiles and instead of sending the wine back she just keeps it on her table. She doesn't have to drink it. But it would be rude to decline such a friendly gesture, wouldn’t it?
You notice that she doesn't touch the wine and just keeps eating, watch her wrap her full lips around the fork. So you get up and suddenly stand next to her. Joan senses your presence and looks up.
"You don't like wine?” you ask.
Joan shakes her head. "I don't drink."
You nod in return but don't seem offended or judgmental. "May I sit?" you ask and touch the back of the free chair at her table.
Joan sets down her fork and it’s hard work to swallow the remaining pasta in her mouth. She wipes her lips with a napkin while she holds your gaze. You are younger, more energetic, more confident. Intriguing?
“Do you want company?” you chuckle and pull back the chair, waiting for her answer. Joan hesitates and fingers the napkin in her lap. You take her silence as rejection. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." Pushing the chair back, you plan to leave.
But she doesn't want you to.
"No, please. Sit." Joan says before you can even turn around.
You sit down and place your glass onto the the table, fingers still holding the stem. "Are you enjoying your meal?"
"Yes, it's wonderful," Joan says but is too shy to keep eating right in front of you. The way you smile at her again is somehow innocent and dangerous at the same time. It's… tempting.
"Are you on vacation?" you ask and Joan doesn't miss the way you study her sun-kissed skin.
"Yes, I'm here with my son." At the mention of Luke her expression softens.
You look around as if searching for him. "Will he be joining you soon?"
"No, he is with friends."
"Oh, so you get to treat yourself this evening?" The way you say it makes it sound like it's a good thing, but Joan doesn't like being alone.
"You could say that," Joan says but she doesn't necessarily sound happy. She already forgot about her pasta.
Silence falls over you, only the chatter of the other guests and echoing around you. You keep looking at her, seem to memorize every detail of her face.
"So, your husband didn't join you?" you ask and take a sip of your wine. You couldn't possibly be flirting with her, could you?
"He… passed away a few years ago," you nod at Joan's answer and stay quiet, but Joan can see the empathy in your eyes, that your eyebrows twitch as if you're sharing her pain. "Are you on vacation too?"
You nod. "Yes, I'm here with my friends," you point towards the table you previously sat at, your friends bantering and not paying any attention to the two of you at all. Joan is relieved.
"Seems like a lovely group."
"What are you doing after dinner?" you ask, not even acknowledging her comment. When she looks back at you your focus is already back on her, not your friends.
"Going back to my hotel I suppose," Joan sips her water, tries to quench the hat in her body. It's not only the weather that makes her sweat.
"You should join us," you say confidently and Joan can't help but scoff and shake her head. You couldn't be serious. But you only smile at her reaction, keep trying to convince her. "There's a nice bar only a couple of minutes from here. They do serve some mean water." This time Joan chuckles.
"No, thank you, dear," she says and takes her fork. She doesn't want you to leave but the idea of being out with strangers makes her uncomfortable. You watch as she twirls the pasta and brings it to her mouth, watch as she chews.
When you hum she looks back at you. "You you're just going to spend this lovely evening in you hotel room?"
"Yes," she says in a matter-of-fact way. "What else am I supposed to do?"
"Enjoy the city? Let me show you around." Joan chuckles again. "What?" you ask and join her laughter.
"You're very forward." Her words make you smirk.
"Is that a bad thing?"
"I haven't decided yet." While Joan eats another fork full of pasta you drink more of your wine. After a pause you speak again.
"So? Will you join me for a walk?"
Joan considers your offer. She hasn't been able to simply do things she wants in years, always paid attention to Luke's or her husband's needs, always put them first. She wants to enjoy the evening and see more of the city, doesn't want to sit in her hotel room and wonder if Luke is safe. She knows he is, is probably enjoying himself right now more than she is.
"Where would we go?" she asks.
"Wherever you want," you say and shrug your shoulders.
Joan rubs her damp forehead as she thinks but you're quicker, catch the waiter and ask for the check. You sit in silence until it arrives and Joan reaches for her purse.
"No, no, I've got it," you say and pull out your wallet. Joan gapes at you.
"You don't…" she starts but you interrupt her, already handing the money to the waiter.
"I said I've got it," there is a sternness in your voice that hasn't been there before which causes Joan to stiffen. She watches you pay for her meal and your drinks, then you stand up, expecting her to do the same. Joan rises and shoulders her purse.
"What about your friends?"
"They'll be fine", you say and push your chair back to the table.
Joan is following you down the street without overthinking it, right next to you, her pumps clacking on the pavement and the skirt of her dress flowing around her legs. Your pace is slow and you radiate confidence she can only pray for.
"Have you been to Italy before?" you ask.
"Yes. I've always wanted to visit the Vatican."
"Because of your faith?" you ask and pat you chest bone, right where Joan's cross rested on her own. She blushes, cheeks growing hotter, and her eyes linger at your chest longer than necessary. Even your skin was sweat-dampened.
"Yes," Joan answers and tears her gaze away. She had noticed women's beauty before, indulged in sinful thoughts, but she never acted on them, never strayed from her path. But no women had ever shown that kind of interest in her before, never tempted her in the way you do.
You walk in complete silence, side by side, admiring your surroundings and enjoying every cool breeze that grazes you skins. Joan steals glances at you every now and then, clutches her purse as if it would help her to stay calm.
"So you don't have a boyfriend?" you ask and look at her.
Joan stiffens but she keeps walking and meets your eyes. "Are you flirting with me?" She sounds breathless, insecure.
"Yes, I am," you say and smile.
You chuckle softly. "Because you're beautiful. I like you."
#if u want me to continue this one i will bc theres filthy smut in my mind#pls just lmk if this is something u guys wanna read. bc im sick of overthinking my fics & ideas#joan ramsey#joan ramsey x reader#patti lupone
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Even if she were back home, Baby would have been considerably perky compared to the company Rosa usually kept. Which wasn’t much - picky, and generally too grumpy for most. But it was refreshing, to speak with someone who still wore the trauma of Arcadia on her shoulders, but didn’t display it as openly as everyone else did. It was admirable - so Rosa could bite her tongue if need be, allowing Baby to ramble and putter. She’d never intended to become attached to anyone here, sights set on home, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t make an attempt at friendly conversation, even if she’d never been particularly friendly herself.
Narrowing her eyes, Rosa tried to make sense of Baby’s words. Most people in town spoke in riddles, she felt like - Baby, however, seemed to deliver truths with an air of finality. “Snap my fingers, huh?” She mumbled, the idea almost comical. “I need my fingers, so I think I’ll pass, if that’s okay with you. Baby’s fine.” As if she had a say in what was and wasn’t okay. Still, she couldn’t shake some of Baby’s words from her head, staring at her with a curiosity that Rosa didn’t attempt to hide. She didn’t want Baby to feel as if she were some sudden science project, but she felt it reasonable that she still had questions about the predicament she found herself in. “What’d you mean by that? People get lazy - when they think you’re about to die? How long have you been here for?” Maybe she was overstepping - she’d always had a habit of doing so, always more determined to satiate her racing thoughts than she was to appear cordial.
“Christ. Whoever said no news is good news is a fuckin’ liar.” She mumbled, a direct response to Baby’s silence at Rosa’s horror towards her own appearance. While she cared what people thought, she was more or less concerned with how long she’d been out in public without being conscious. Rosa supposed she should loosen up - act a bit more grateful towards Baby, considering she’d kept her safe, and was now offering up her own supplies due to Rosa’s own vanity. “Thank you,” she barely whispered under her breath, thumb running along the bristles of the hairbrush, before she began to yank it through her unruly waves. “I’m very diligent about my sleep. So - no. I think I just have trouble sleeping… here.” Though from how rested Rosa realised she was, she noticed that she probably just participated in the best sleep she’d had since arriving to town. “I must have known it was safe to relax here, so. Thank you. And - sorry. For breaking in. And then being an ass to you.” It took a lot for Rosa to admit when she was in the wrong, or apologise in general. But if felt necessary here. “I’ll get out of your way. I’m sure you have better things to do than babysit a grown woman. Thank you, again.”
An interaction of any kind — with a live, human, person — was a greatly welcome change of pace compared to whatever dryly written information awaited Baby in the records she had been waffling her way through, now essentially abandoned altogether as her full attention had elsewhere to be. Amusement transparently lingered across her expression, enjoying the front seat vantage point she had in witnessing Rosa’s transition from total unconsciousness to the horrors of full awareness. Shaking her head at the familiar question, Baby elaborated on her namesake in a rehearsed drawl, perfunctory and to the point, as she had learned to divulge on many similar occasion, “Nah, s'all I got to work with. Like you got saddled with Rosa, I got Baby. People get lazy with names when they think you’re ‘bout to die or whatever… but you can call me anything you want, if it helps. Dunno if I’ll listen, though. Might have to snap your fingers, too.” Breezily concluded with a warm grin, the sentiment unintentionally teetered the same line as what most of what Baby relayed did; a neutral no man’s land between truthful and preposterous. Supported by an earnest disposition, yet undermined by the gullible vacancy behind her eyes. It was up to the discretion of her audience to decide how literally to receive the information she chose to spout at any given time, to begin with only ever half-certain of how decent her choice words would ever land from lacking anything resembling a verbose vocabulary.
Baby’s lips puckered in consideration momentarily, taking a few seconds too long to confirm or deny her opinion towards Rosa’s hair, which in itself was a betraying response. Instead, light bulb aglow, she sought out a nearby cabinet and yanked open the top drawer. Inside, devoid of folders or papers, she pawed through a shallow trove of miscellaneous abandoned toiletry items before finding a travel-sized hair brush. “You can keep it, if you want. For future emergencies…” She handed over the brush before shuffling back to her original position by the front counter, easing up onto the stool behind it and absentmindedly swivelling back and forth in place. “Uh, few hours, maybe? I didn’t hear ya come in — clock's broken, too — but I guess you needed it real bad. Do you always have trouble sleepin' in normal beds?"
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Mama mia au for scum villain that makes no sense where luo binghe, Liu qingge, and yue qingyuan are the three potential fathers to shen qingqiu's child. Bonus points where it's a transmigration scenario where shen yuan takes over shen jiu's body at the start of this romcom and he's like: "...who the fuck are these people... Why am I singing?? I have a child?! THEIR WEDDING IS TOMORROW??!!?"
#“damn shen jiu how did you bag all these hot guys”#i offer you rambles that make no sense sorry#svsss#shen qingqiu#luo binghe#liu qingge#yue qingyuan
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welcome back to another episode of “tiny little details that could either possibly allude to 0507 or are just delusion”
today we have the forbidden fruit as a symbol of indulgence (which is commonly interpreted to be an apple), from the biblical myth, which is given to eve by a serpent
man! i wonder who has an apple motif… and who has a snake motif… hmmmmm dot dot dot hmmmmmm *gunshots*
ok goodnight
#milgram#0507#shidou kirisaki#kazui mukuhara#sorry i just needed to say this i can’t stop thinking about it#pomegranates are also an interpretation of a forbidden fruit cuz yk persephone n stuff#idk this specific bit always made me foam at the mouth like if it wasn’t intentional uhmmm what the fuck#but like. if you squint it makes sense right#kazui's temptations being both offered by shidou and shidou himself hhhrhgggrgrggrhrgrg#chibi's ramblings
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yknow i noticed the small steps method doesn't help me and only stresses me out more. and like i just get stuck on the first step anyway and never move on to the next one, i'll probably even go back to the start eventually really. i'm apparently an all or nothing guy i can't think of an action as multiple actions bc it stresses me out i just need to either do it or not. the problem is i usually end up not
#i talked to my social worker abt this today#bc like he said that in order to have an easier time going outside i need to do it often enough to get used to it#but for me it's like. i go outside when i need to. yknow?#(days where my anxiety is painfully debilitating don't count lol)#i'm gonna be uncomfortable anyway. bc being outside is inherently unpleasant for me. it's not smth i can get used to#i compared this to going to the dentist. you do it bc you have to but you won't go just to get used to it yknow?#so my thought process is. i'm gonna have to start going outside every day soon for the art program. so i'm just gonna do it#i took a bus one time with my mentor/guide(??) to see that i can do it and i did. so i broke the barrier kinda#but it's not like i'm just gonna take the bus for fun?? i'll get used to it as i do it. i think. like i was before. hopefully#idk it feels pretty obvious to me but it baffled him i think 😭#both of them offered to just go downstairs with me. sit at the lobby of my building or smth#but it feels silly to me like. if i'm getting dressed i may as well go do smth yknow??#idk. again it makes a lot of sense to me but i don't think they get it#i think i'm generally very odd when it comes to other ppl in this recovery program 😭😭 just like i was in that social anxiety support group#(aka everyone went there for stage fright which isn't an issue for me i like being on a stage. hate one on one conversations tho -#- which was comfortable for them. so this was. well. the first step!!! in a lot of its sessions. and it just made me feel bad)#anyway that was my ramble. sorry. my brain is weird
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'Elloo! :D I saw your requests open, can I request some hcs or short imagines for the first, second, and third years, separate characters?? Or you can just do it as a single scenario with all the characters. They're (Their??) reaction when they've realized the things reader/Yuu had to go through starting from the very beginning ,when they first got transported to the school. Like, the shock of not being able to go home, new environment, the fear-- just the emotional and mental turmoil reader/yuu went through starting from the beginning.
Also, as time goes by it just gets worse and worse along with all the overblots and stuff that got reader/Yuu over the edge. And now the students kind of help?? Or at least try to soothe or comfort the reader I guess??
Does this make any sense?? I dunno :'D
I want me some angst hehe >:]
But if this is kind of too much then it's okii if you wanna skip this one, I love the effort you put into your writings! <3
I kinda just wanted to ramble and yap about this idea I had hehe
thank you!! and i'm sorry it too so long, but i hope you like it <3
They realise what you went through - All NRC + Rollo + Neige + Grim, Staff
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle doesn’t realize the extent of your struggle until much later, likely after witnessing you reach your breaking point. The way you bottle up your emotions reminds him of himself before his own overblot, and it fills him with guilt. He prides himself on upholding order, but he feels like he failed to notice the chaos within you.
“Why didn’t you say something?” Riddle asks, voice trembling as he stands before you, his normally stern expression soft with regret. He places a hesitant hand on your shoulder, unsure if he has the right to offer comfort after overlooking your pain for so long. “I… I should have noticed. I’m sorry.”
Riddle dives into a methodical plan to ease your burdens. He takes on your academic concerns, ensuring your assignments are manageable and offering personal tutoring. When you’re overwhelmed, he insists you take breaks in Heartslabyul’s peaceful rose garden. While he’s not good at openly expressing affection, he’s steadfast, always by your side with words of encouragement and warm tea.
Trey Clover
Trey picks up on your struggles sooner than most, his observant nature allowing him to notice the small cracks in your demeanor. He doesn’t pry but stays close, offering quiet support until he realizes you’re beyond your limit. His heart aches knowing you’ve been carrying so much without asking for help.
“Hey… you don’t have to pretend everything’s fine,” Trey says softly, kneeling beside you as you sit slumped in an empty classroom. His usual calm demeanor is tinged with concern. “I’ve seen you pushing yourself too hard. You’re not alone in this, you know.”
Trey becomes your sanctuary. He’s the type to cook comforting meals for you, often sneaking you your favorite desserts. He encourages you to talk at your own pace, listening without judgment. Trey also ensures you’re surrounded by people who care, gently urging you to spend time with friends so you never feel isolated again.
Cater Diamond
Cater doesn’t fully realize how bad things are until he catches you breaking down when you think no one is watching. The sight hits him hard—he’s used to wearing masks himself, but seeing you put on a brave face while falling apart reminds him of his own struggles.
“Whoa, hey, hey…” Cater’s voice is unusually soft as he crouches in front of you, the playful lilt replaced with genuine worry. “You’ve been holding all this in, haven’t you? Man, that’s not healthy… You should’ve told me!”
Cater becomes your cheerleader, using his energy to lift your spirits. He takes you on spontaneous outings, distracting you with fun activities and selfies to remind you of life’s lighter side. When you need to vent, he’s surprisingly patient, letting you talk without interruptions. His go-to phrase becomes, “No filter, just let it out. I’m here.”
Ace Trappola
Ace is the last to understand the depth of your pain, brushing off your struggles as stress until you finally snap. Seeing you cry or lash out leaves him dumbstruck—he’s not used to serious emotions and struggles to process it at first. But beneath his awkwardness, he genuinely cares.
“Whoa… I didn’t think it was this bad.” Ace rubs the back of his neck, guilt clear in his expression. “Look, I’m sorry if I made things worse. I didn’t mean to. I just… didn’t know.”
Ace sticks close to you in his own Ace-like way. He cracks jokes to make you laugh and distracts you with playful banter, but he’s also there for the serious moments. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, he drags you outside to play a quick game of basketball or to look at the stars, insisting, “You’ve gotta clear your head, or you’ll go crazy.”
Deuce Spade
Deuce notices your struggles but doesn’t know how to approach you about them. When he finally sees you crumble, it makes him feel like he’s failed as your friend. His protective instincts kick in, and he becomes determined to help you in any way he can.
“Wait—you’ve been feeling like this the whole time?” Deuce’s voice is thick with emotion as he looks at you, his fists clenched at his sides. “Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve done something! I’m supposed to have your back!”
Deuce takes your well-being seriously, to the point of overcompensating at first. He insists on walking you to class, carrying your things, and defending you against anything he perceives as a threat (real or imagined). Over time, he learns to provide quiet support, sitting with you during tough moments and saying, “We’ll get through this together. I promise.”
Leona Kingscholar
Leona is a perceptive man, even if he acts otherwise, but your struggles slip under his radar for too long. It isn’t until he notices how you’ve stopped rising to his teasing or how the light in your eyes has dimmed that the gravity of your situation hits him. It reminds him of his own sense of isolation, and the guilt gnaws at him.
“Tch. You think you’re the only one who has to deal with this crap?” Leona’s voice is gruff, but there’s no malice in it. He sighs, sitting beside you under the shade of a tree. “You should’ve said something sooner, herbivore. Doesn’t mean you have to carry it all yourself.”
Leona doesn’t coddle you, but his actions speak louder than his words. He offers his presence, silently inviting you to nap in the botanical gardens with him when you need a break. If anyone dares to make your life harder, Leona handles it with a quiet, lethal efficiency. “Rest up. You’re not falling apart on my watch.”
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie notices your struggles quickly, but his initial reaction is to brush it off as normal stress—until he sees you genuinely hit your breaking point. It stuns him; he’s used to dealing with hardships himself but hates the idea of you enduring the same without support.
“Oi, don’t do this to yourself,” Ruggie says, his usual playful tone replaced by something softer. “You’re not alone, y’know? I don’t let my people suffer in silence. That’s not how we roll.”
Ruggie uses his resourcefulness to lighten your load however he can. He sneaks you snacks, takes care of tedious tasks for you, and even makes you laugh with his sharp wit. When you’re overwhelmed, he shares stories of his struggles to show you that it’s okay to lean on others. “You’ve got me, okay? I’ll make sure you’re okay, promise.”
Jack Howl
Jack notices the signs of your stress early on, but he hesitates to bring it up, unsure if it’s his place. When he finally realizes how deeply you’re struggling, it stirs a protective instinct in him, and he immediately resolves to do whatever it takes to help you.
“You should’ve told me,” Jack says, his voice low and filled with regret. His ears twitch as he glances away, guilt etched across his face. “I could’ve helped. You don’t have to do this on your own anymore.”
Jack becomes your steadfast support, encouraging you to exercise or go for runs to clear your mind. He’s a calming presence, offering quiet companionship when words aren’t enough. “You’re strong, but you don’t always have to be. Let me help carry the weight, okay?”
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul prides himself on noticing vulnerabilities in others, but your ability to mask your pain throws him off. When the cracks finally show, it shakes him deeply, reminding him of his own insecurities and the times he felt powerless.
“I didn’t realize…” Azul murmurs, his hands wringing nervously as he looks at you with uncharacteristic vulnerability. “I should have seen it. I’m sorry—for everything. Let me help you now.”
Azul’s approach is practical and calculated, but it’s rooted in genuine care. He offers to take over responsibilities or negotiate solutions to ease your stress. When you’re overwhelmed, he’s unexpectedly tender, sitting with you in his VIP room and reminding you, “Even the strongest need someone to lean on. You’ve been there for others; let us be here for you.”
Jade Leech
Jade notices your struggles early but refrains from intervening, assuming you’ll reach out when you’re ready. When he realizes how much you’ve been bottling up, he’s surprised and slightly guilty for not addressing it sooner.
“My, you’ve been carrying quite the burden,” Jade says, his usual calm tinged with regret. “It seems I underestimated just how much you’ve endured. Forgive my oversight.”
Jade is a master of subtlety, offering comfort in ways that feel natural and unintrusive. He invites you on quiet walks through the woods, using the serene atmosphere to help ease your mind. When words are needed, he listens attentively, his soothing voice offering reassurance. “Do not hesitate to lean on me, should you need support. I’ll always be here.”
Floyd Leech
Floyd doesn’t realize how bad things are until you completely snap, and even then, it takes him a moment to process that your outburst isn’t just a temporary mood. Seeing you so broken flips a switch in him, his usual playful demeanor replaced with a rare seriousness.
“Shrimpy, why didn’t you say anything?” Floyd’s voice is uncharacteristically quiet, his sharp eyes scanning your face. He pouts, but there’s no mischief in it—just genuine concern. “You don’t gotta handle everything alone, y’know?”
Floyd sticks to you like glue, his unpredictable nature becoming a strange source of comfort. He drags you out for spontaneous adventures, insisting that fun will help you feel better. When you’re feeling low, he’s surprisingly gentle, wrapping you in a tight hug and muttering, “I gotcha, Shrimpy. Nobody’s messin’ with you while I’m here.”
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim is always full of energy and positivity, so it takes him a while to notice the depths of your struggles. When he does, he’s devastated, blaming himself for not seeing it sooner.
“Wait—you’ve been feeling like this?” Kalim’s eyes widen, tears threatening to spill. “Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve done something to help!”
Kalim does everything in his power to brighten your days. He showers you with gifts, invites you to lively parties, and insists on spending time together to lift your spirits. When he realizes that quiet support means more than grand gestures, he sits with you, holding your hand. “You’re not alone, okay? I’ll always be here for you.”
Jamil Viper
Jamil is highly observant, and while he notices your struggles early on, he assumes you’re managing on your own until he sees how much you’ve truly endured. It reminds him of his own bottled-up frustrations, and guilt eats at him for not acting sooner.
“...I should’ve known,” Jamil mutters, his voice low and filled with regret. He rubs the back of his neck, avoiding your gaze. “I’ve been through this too. I know what it’s like to feel trapped. I’m sorry I didn’t step in sooner.”
Jamil’s care comes in quiet, thoughtful gestures. He prepares your favorite meals, arranges peaceful moments away from the chaos of NRC, and ensures you never feel overwhelmed alone. “You’ve done more than enough. Let me take care of things for a while.”
Vil Schoenheit
Vil’s sharp eyes catch the signs of your struggles quickly, but he initially brushes them off, believing you’ll overcome them like any challenge. When the full weight of your burden becomes clear, he’s horrified and deeply regretful for not intervening sooner.
“I failed to notice something so glaringly obvious,” Vil says, his tone laced with self-reproach. “That’s not acceptable—not as your friend and certainly not as someone who should’ve supported you better.”
Vil approaches your comfort with precision and care, determined to help you regain your footing. He insists on self-care days, encourages you to vent your frustrations, and teaches you grounding techniques. “You’re stronger than you think, but even the strongest need rest. I’m here for you, no matter what.”
Rook Hunt
Rook is attuned to the emotions of those around him, and your pain does not escape his notice. He marvels at your resilience but is deeply saddened that you’ve been enduring so much without seeking help.
“Mon cher trésor, your suffering… it pains me to think I let you endure this alone,” Rook says softly, his gaze earnest. “You’ve carried a weight that no one should bear by themselves. Allow me to lighten your burden.”
Rook’s support is poetic and heartfelt, crafting moments of beauty to remind you of the world’s wonders. Whether it’s a bouquet of flowers, a handwritten letter, or a quiet moment under the stars, he ensures you feel cherished. “You are not alone in this grand stage of life, and I shall remain by your side as your steadfast ally.”
Epel Felmier
Epel is initially too caught up in his own frustrations to notice the extent of your struggles, but once he sees you falter, his protective side kicks in. It reminds him of his own insecurities about being underestimated.
“Aw, geez, why didn’t ya say somethin’?” Epel frowns, his voice uncharacteristically soft. “You’re always lookin’ out for us, but ya never let anyone do the same for you. That ain’t fair.”
Epel takes a straightforward approach, offering to help however he can. He sticks close, ensuring you never feel alone, and encourages you to vent when needed. “You’re tough as nails, but that doesn’t mean you gotta do it all by yourself. We’re a team, remember?”
Idia Shroud
Idia is slow to notice your struggles, being so wrapped up in his own world, but when he realizes the extent of your pain, it hits him hard. He sees a reflection of his own struggles in you and feels immense guilt for not seeing it sooner.
“This is my fault, isn’t it?” Idia mumbles, his voice trembling. His hair dims as he nervously fiddles with his tablet. “I should’ve… I don’t know, paid more attention. I’m sorry. I—I wanna help, if you’ll let me.”
Idia comforts you in his own awkward way, creating a safe space where you can relax without judgment. He shares his favorite games, shows, and quiet moments, offering you an escape from the chaos. “You don’t have to be ‘okay’ all the time. Just… take it easy for now. I’m here if you need me.”
Ortho Shroud
Ortho is one of the first to notice your struggles, his advanced sensors picking up on changes in your emotional and physical state. His concern is immediate, and he wastes no time in seeking to help.
“You’ve been so sad for so long, haven’t you?” Ortho’s voice is soft, as he hovers close. “I wish I could’ve made you smile sooner. I’m sorry you’ve been hurting.”
Ortho’s comfort is warm and reassuring, filled with optimism and boundless energy. He’s always ready with encouraging words, small gifts, or simply a cheerful presence to brighten your day. “You’re not alone! I’ll do everything I can to help you feel better, okay?”
Malleus Draconia
Malleus has always sensed something amiss about your emotions, his acute sensitivity to auras making it impossible for him to overlook your struggles. However, he hesitates to approach, fearing he might overstep or worsen your burdens. When he finally understands the depth of your pain, he is both heartbroken and determined to help.
“You’ve been enduring this in silence?” His deep voice is laced with regret as his green eyes soften. “If only I had been more attentive, perhaps I could have eased your pain.”
Malleus ensures you feel his unwavering support. He invites you for peaceful strolls under the stars, shares his favorite quiet spots, and reassures you with his calming presence. “You are precious to me. Whatever darkness surrounds you, I will remain by your side until the light returns.”
Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia has lived long enough to recognize the signs of emotional turmoil, and it pains him to see you suffer. While he often masks his seriousness with cheerfulness, he doesn’t hesitate to step in when he sees you reaching your breaking point.
“Oh, little one, you’ve carried such a heavy heart all this time.” His playful demeanor fades into solemnity as he places a gentle hand on your shoulder. “You shouldn’t have to face this alone.”
Lilia comforts you with wisdom and warmth, drawing on centuries of experience. He shares stories to make you laugh, cooks (albeit questionable) meals to distract you, and offers sage advice when you’re ready to talk. “Life’s trials are harsh, but you’re stronger than you know. And if you need someone to lean on, I’ll always be here.”
Silver is observant despite his drowsy nature, and he’s one of the first to notice your growing exhaustion. When he realizes the extent of your suffering, he feels deeply remorseful for not acting sooner.
“I should have seen this sooner,” Silver says quietly, his tone filled with regret. “You’ve always looked out for others… I should’ve done the same for you.”
Silver stays by your side, offering silent, steady support. He doesn’t push you to talk but is always ready to listen when you’re ready. His calm demeanor helps ground you, and he often sits quietly with you under a tree or by a calm lake. “You’re not alone. I’ll protect you—not just from danger, but from this weight you’re carrying.”
Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek’s initial reaction is frustration—not at you, but at himself for failing to notice your struggles while being so focused on Malleus. His loyalty shifts into overdrive as he becomes determined to help you.
“You’ve been struggling this much, and I didn’t see it?!” Sebek’s voice is loud, but there’s a rare softness in his expression. “That is… unacceptable. I failed you as a companion.”
Sebek’s attempts to comfort you are a bit clumsy but heartfelt. He insists on helping you with daily tasks and loudly declares his commitment to your well-being. Despite his rough edges, his sincerity shines through. “Know this: I will not allow you to suffer alone any longer. You have my loyalty, now and always.”
Rollo Flamme
Rollo’s disdain for magic only deepens when he realizes how much you’ve suffered due to the chaos and overblots of NRC. His concern for you is genuine, though it’s laced with anger toward the school and its culture.
“This place… It’s a cesspool of disorder and harm,” Rollo says, his voice cold yet trembling with suppressed emotion. “You’ve been caught in its web for too long. You deserve better.”
Rollo’s comfort is practical and protective. He tries to create a sense of normalcy for you, offering quiet, structured moments away from the chaos. His words are sharp but sincere. “You deserve a life of peace and stability. If you can’t find it here, I’ll do what I can to give it to you.”

Neige LeBlanche
Neige is quick to notice your distress, his naturally empathetic nature making him keenly aware of your struggles. He’s horrified to think of you enduring so much alone and wants to do everything in his power to make you smile again.
“Oh no… You’ve been feeling like this?” Neige’s voice is soft, his eyes brimming with concern. “You don’t deserve to carry such sadness by yourself.”
Neige’s comfort is gentle and uplifting. He sings for you, offers kind words, and encourages you to express your feelings without fear. “You’re so strong, but you don’t have to be strong all the time. It’s okay to let someone take care of you for a change.”
Grim initially doesn’t notice your struggles, his focus often on his own ambitions and mischief. When he finally realizes how much you’ve been enduring, he feels both guilt and panic.
“Hey… You’re not okay, are ya?” Grim’s ears droop as he looks up at you, his voice unusually soft. “Why didn’t ya tell me? I—I’m supposed to be your partner!”
Grim becomes fiercely protective, sticking by your side at all times. He tries to cheer you up with his antics and insists on being your “emotional support boss.” “You’re stuck with me, got it? So don’t go actin’ like you’re all alone. I won’t let ya.”
Crowley prides himself on being the "benevolent" headmaster, but when he realizes how much you’ve suffered under his care—or lack thereof—he’s struck by a rare pang of guilt. While he’s not one to admit fault outright, he becomes visibly uncomfortable with the weight of his oversight.
“My dear, you’ve been carrying all of this on your shoulders?” His dramatic flair falters for a moment, his usual exuberance replaced with awkward sincerity. “I… suppose I may have been a tad neglectful in ensuring your well-being.”
Crowley tries to make amends in his own roundabout way, offering resources, extended accommodations, or attempting to be more attentive (though his efforts are often misguided). “Rest assured, I shall personally oversee that you are well cared for! You have my full support—within reason, of course.”
Divus Crewel
Crewel is not one to tolerate weakness, but when he sees the toll everything has taken on you, his stern demeanor softens. He’s the type to take immediate, no-nonsense action to ensure you’re taken care of.
“You’ve let it get this bad without saying a word?” His sharp tone is laced with frustration, but his eyes betray his concern. “Pup, I thought I taught you better than to carry burdens alone.”
Crewel’s approach is practical yet caring. He insists you rest, brings you comforting meals, and ensures you know you’re valued. “You’re stronger than you think, but even the strongest need support. Lean on me, pup. I’ll make sure you’re back to full strength in no time.”
Mozus Trein
Trein is a man of wisdom and observation. He likely noticed your struggles but respected your space, waiting for the right time to step in. When he realizes the full extent of your distress, he feels deep regret for not intervening sooner.
“I should have addressed this earlier.” His voice is steady but tinged with remorse. “You’ve faced more challenges than any student should. It’s a testament to your resilience, but it shouldn’t have come to this.”
Trein offers gentle guidance, providing stability and reassurance. He shares stories of his own trials and reminds you that even the hardest times pass. “Life is fraught with difficulties, but you’ve shown remarkable courage. Allow others to help shoulder the burden—you need not face this alone.”
Ashton Vargas
Vargas isn’t the most emotionally perceptive, but when it finally clicks that you’re struggling, he’s hit with a wave of guilt. He immediately shifts gears, trading his usual boisterousness for genuine concern.
“Whoa… I had no idea it was this bad,” Vargas says, his brows furrowed in concern. “Why didn’t you say something sooner? I would’ve helped in a heartbeat!”
Vargas focuses on physical activity as a form of comfort, encouraging you to blow off steam in healthy ways. He also offers constant positive reinforcement. “You’re tough, kid, but even the toughest need a break. Let’s get some fresh air and clear your head—you’ve got this!”
Sam has always been attuned to the emotions of others, so when he realizes the depth of your struggles, he feels a pang of regret for not stepping in sooner. His usual upbeat demeanor becomes tinged with quiet sympathy.
“Well, well… Looks like someone’s been carrying more than their fair share.” His voice is soft, his usual grin replaced with a concerned expression. “You’ve been through a lot, haven’t you?”
Sam provides comfort through small but meaningful gestures, like preparing your favorite treats or giving you space to talk. He reassures you with his calming presence and wise words. “Don’t keep it bottled up, friend. Whatever you’re feeling, it’s valid. I’m here to help you through it.”
#twst#twst x reader#twisted wonderland x reader#twisted wonderland#riddle rosehearts x reader#ace trappola x reader#deuce spade x reader#trey clover x reader#cater diamond x reader#leona kingscholar x reader#ruggie bucchi x reader#jack howl x reader#azul ashengrotto x reader#jade leech x reader#floyd leech x reader#kalim al asim x reader#jamil viper x reader#vil schoenheit x reader#epel felmier x reader#rook hunt x reader#malleus draconia x reader#sebek zigvolt x reader#silver x reader#lilia vanrouge x reader#idia shroud x reader#ortho shroud#rollo flamme x reader#neige leblanche#nrc staff#𐐪♡𐑂 rqs
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snapdragons mean i'm sorry
summary: you own a flower shop down the street from Wade and Althea, and now Logan's apartment. You and Logan had grown quite close, until you hear him complaining about you through the door. A week later, he shows up at the shop, groveling wc: 2.0 k a/n: sorry about the delay with this one, things have been a bit crazy! I really enjoyed writing for worst!Logan, I think I'm considering a part two for this as well. This fic is based on this request! warnings: lots of hurt and comfort, reader uses she/her pronouns, confused and groveling Logan, Wade being a meddler, slight spoilers for the end of Deadpool and Wolverine
You were two seconds away from chucking the bouquet that you were working on clear across the room. Instead, you gently set the flowers down on your workbench and tightened your pony tail. Heaving a sigh, you snatched the broom out of it’s place leaning up against the doorway and made you way to the front of store.
Usually, being surrounded by all of your flowers and specially curated knickknacks brought you a sense of peace. But so far today you’d broken two vases and stabbed your thumb on rose thorns maybe more than you’d ever done in your entire life.
Being friends with a superhero (singular) was much less stressful than you’d thought it would be. Wade would stop in to the shop around once a week to buy flowers for Vanessa, always with a quick joke or two before being on his way. It wasn’t until he’d saved you from an attempted mugging a few years back that you’d really become close. And you’d been there for a lot. Through his break up with Vanessa, when he was nonstop moaning about how deeply he hated selling lightly used cars, and whenever he needed a second opinion about a new hair system he was perched on a second stool that now had permanent residence behind the counter, right next to yours.
Being friends with superheroes (plural) was bringing a new host of issues. Namely, an accelerated heart rate and trouble forming your words in front of Wade’s new roommate. Wade had warned you that his new acquisition was prickly when he’d stopped over to invite you to the Welcome Home Pizza Party Palooza, according to the hand drawn invitation he’d proudly presented you. He’d lured you in with promises of meeting his new dog before dropping the bomb that there was an introduction to his roommate included in the package deal. You’d already agreed, and Wade was too busy rambling about how you were being moved up to from side character status for you to intercede with a made up reason you could no longer attend.
You historically didn’t do well with meeting new people, and someone who was likely to snap at you at some point throughout the evening, by Wade’s estimations, was an even bigger hurdle. Even though you had worked yourself up enough to feel slightly sick to your stomach, you’d arrived at the party, armed with flowers for the new roommate and a mini bouquet of dog treats for Mary Puppins. Wade and Al’s apartment was full of familiar faces when you’d arrived. You were caught up in a conversation with Peter and Yukio for a few minutes before they’d asked about the flowers all but forgotten in your hands. You admitted they were a welcome home present, and Peter kindly pointed out where Logan was standing across the room. You’d thanked him, and made your way across the room.
When you reached him in the kitchen, you stood quietly behind him, working up the courage to make your presence known. Ultimately, it was unnecessary, because he quickly turned around and greeted you with a crinkly-eyed smile that made your heart flutter against your better judgement. You’d shyly handed over the flowers, stuttering through the explanation of owning the shop down the street and apologizing preemptively if he didn’t like them, expecting a strong rebuttal. He certainly looked like the type of man to rebuff the offer of flowers in fear of appearing unmanly or some other nonsense. Instead, he took the flowers from you gently, thanking you. He turned away, searching through the cabinets before pulling out a novelty beer stein decorated with My Little Pony characters with a huff. Logan made quick work of depositing the bouquet in the beer stein, but he frowned at his work, clearly unhappy with the vase options. “So you’re the florist that he’s obsessed with.”
You smiled to yourself, glad to hear that Wade wasn’t only kind to your face. “Are you kidding me?” Speak of the devil. Wade slung an arm around your shoulders, depositing your typical drink of choice in your hand. “More like worship the ground you walk on. I may be Marvel Jesus but I’m your disciple. The things she can do with a chrysanthemum.” He moaned in a way you had never heard someone while talking about a flower, of all things.
Logan shook his head, but before either of you could respond, Wade noticed Vanessa coming through the door and was at her side in an instant. You’d stood with him in the kitchen for a few moments, silent but comfortable. It wasn’t long before Althea had called everyone to the table, where you took your usual seat next to Althea and Vanessa. The evening had been comfortable and you couldn’t help but notice how naturally Logan and his daughter Laura fit into your strange little family.
The next day, you’d stopped by their apartment armed with another bouquet, this one beautifully arranged in one of your favorite vases you kept in stock. You couldn’t shake the image of how disappointed Logan had looked with his options the previous night. Al had ushered you inside quickly, letting you know that the rest of the roommates had left her in the name of picking up some necessities for Logan. You’d dropped the vase on the kitchen counter, ruffled Mary Puppins’ hair and saw yourself out.
Logan had come by to thank you at the store, startling you where you were working in the back. You’d fumbled one of your vases, sending it crashing to the ground. Logan was quick to usher you onto a stool, locating a broom and making quick work of the glass. You’d insisted you could take care of it, but he’d shot your down insisting that he would heal right up if he managed to cut himself and he didn’t feel like a trip to the ER. It should have stung, but there was a lightness to his voice and a twinkle in his eyes that instead had you fighting down the hear rising to your cheeks.
After a few weeks, it was routine for you to stop by a couple nights a week after work, armed with a fresh set of flowers for the vase and some take out. Logan very well could have taken some home with him, as often as he was stopping by, but somehow you’d always get to talking and forget to bundle some up for him. He was immensely helpful around the shop, able to reach things on high shelves and move heavy pallets you would get in much more easily than you were able to. Wade’s stool had quickly become Logan’s but you didn’t much mind.
Your hand had settled on the doorknob to their apartment, when two familiar voices faded in through the closed door. It was instinct to pause, you hand’t really meant to snoop. But the words hurt all the same. “I really am fond of her, but she could really stand to let up on how often she’s hanging around me.” Your heart started to hammer, frozen in the hallway.
“I hear you peanut,” Wade was quick to respond. “Cling-ville USA, population her, amiright?”
“Fuck off, you’ve been obsessed with her as long as I’ve known you.” Your heart sunk. Isn’t that what Logan had said, the first night you met? Wade was obsessed with you? As quietly as you could, you dropped your hand from the doorknob and backed away down the hall, hoping that their conversation was loud enough to drown out the sound of your retreating footsteps. You’d retreated down the hallway, quickly shooting Wade a text that you weren’t feeling well and wouldn’t be able to make it.
You hadn’t seen them since. You knew it shouldn’t have mattered, but it stung. You’d moved their stool into the far back corner of the shop because as silly as it sounded, it made you sad to look at him. Thankfully, there had been a steady stream of customers to keep you busy for a while. But now, you were dead and your thoughts were drifting when the bell on the front door rang. You sent a silent thank you to the universe and rushed out to the front of the store. But the customer waiting for you was the only one you were reluctant to see.
You hated to admit it, but the image of Logan standing in the middle of your showroom, shoulders slumped and one of the most regretful looks you’d ever seen on anyone was almost enough for you to forgive him on sight. Close but no cigar, one could say.
“Hey, sweetheart” he said sheepishly, hands shoved into this pockets.
If this is how he was going to play it, so be it. “Hey, Lo. Where’ve you been?”
“Laura needed some help at the mansion, and they roped us into a mission. Meant to call but,” he shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. “Got a bit busy.” You nodded, doing your best to remember that you were mad at him. Stopped by for some flowers, if you have a minute.”
You nodded curtly, shocked that he wasn’t bringing up the obvious tension. He wasn’t one to beat around the bush. “What kind are you looking for?”
“Eh, whatever you think says ‘Sorry, I fucked up’ the best” he shrugged, making his way behind the counter.
“Who else did you piss off?” You asked, arranging a few more pieces of greenery into the bouquet he had requested. Even if you were frustrated and moody, you couldn’t bring yourself to make something you weren’t proud of.
“Where’s my seat sweetheart?” He asked, before taking a pause. “What do you mean who else?” He asked, cocking his head to the side.
“What do you mean ‘where’s my seat’?” You mocked, doing a poor imitation of his gruff voice.
“Okay, you’ve gotta catch me up here, sweetheart because I clearly missed something.”
“Wouldn’t wanna cling on too hard, are you sure you want me to do that?” You snarked, dropping the bouquet on the table and storming over to him, poking your finger into his chest. “I heard the both of you complaining about me last week.”
Logan’s hand wrapped around yours, drawing it closer to his chest. “I was coming in here to apologize for being gone for a week. But I’m happy to double the order to make up for the confusion. If my math is right, bub, you overheard me complaining about that fucking dog insisting on sleeping on my bed. Even after I told Wade to keep her out of my room.”
“You love her.”
“Yeah, you know me too well sweetheart.”
You smiled up at him, soaking in the warmth of having him this close, when something clicks in your head. “Are you telling me that you waltzed in here and asked me to make my own apology flowers?” If you hadn’t already decided he was off the hook, the way his mouth turned down into a little pout would have sealed the deal.
He hesitates for a few moments, eyes glancing around the shop seemingly in search of an answer. “Didn’t want to give the business to someone else.” He shrugged, bashfully.
Against your better judgement, a few giggles slipped past your lips, which had been firmly pressed together. A few more, and then you were laughing so hard you were having trouble breathing. You leaned your head against his chest, taking measured deep breaths to curve the laughter “I can’t believe this,” you gasped, wiping a few tears away that had spilled onto your cheeks. You grinned up at him through the tears, taking in the way his eyes warmed when he smiled.
“Could have been worse,” he shrugged, mischief making his eyes sparkle. “Could have gone with Wade’s suggestion.”
“I have to know.”
He slipped both his arms around you, pulling you in close. “Wanted me to jump out of a cake.”
You snuggled in close, leaning your head on his chest. “I would like to see it.”
“Then we’ll have to see what we can do about that.”
#logan howlett x reader#logan howlett#wolverine#wolverine x reader#deadpool and wolverine#worst!wolverine#marvel x reader#marvel fic#Logan howlett imagine#Logan howlett fic#wolverine imagine#wolverine fic#Hugh jackman x reader#x men x reader#x men fanfic#x men fic#marvel imagine#my writing#x men#x men comics#x men movies#hugh jackman
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risk ❀ s. reid x reader
in which you have the sweetest regular, and it’s probably too soon to tell him you love him!
pairing: spencer reid x barista!reader genre: fluff tags: s1 spencer. who rambles. biblically accurate career!reader sorry if some of the coffee talk makes no sense to you. reader makes all the first moves. y'all kiss (aww). written in timeskip sorta it's not crazy (like maybe a month). not proofread sorryyy (im not). word count: 2.2k a/n: first instalment of my spencer reid eras tour🙂↕️ season 1 spencer reid i freaking adore you. he's so cute. gif!! i thought gifs in this series could be cute lol. envisioned 1x10 spencer bc of his nightmares if that means anything. enjoyyy ily im off to work 🏃
There are many reasons you come to work each morning. The money (an obvious one), your coworkers who usually make each day a little bit more bearable. And Spencer. A regular who had become a little notorious for having an odd coffee order, that most of the store workers hated making.
Except for you.
It wasn't especially odd. But in a store that thrived on making the perfect cup of coffee, sometimes it meant remaking it three or four times because the shots didn't pour at the right amount of time, and recalibrating the machine was a hassle you all didn't want to deal with in the middle of the morning rush he usually came during.
You had taken note of him the first few times he came in — always keeping to himself, flashing the most awkward smile you think you've ever seen on a human being, and ordering his old order (a large latte with as much sugar as you could fit in the cup). It was by the seventh time that had you thinking of him a little more often than just while you were at work.
He looked a lot more exhausted than usual. His usually tame hair now loose and hanging over his face as he took a weary step towards the counter, fingers brushing strands away and tucking them behind his ears.
"The latte, right?" you had asked him, and he had frozen, and you stood in fear of this not being the Spencer you thought he was, and you had just asked a total stranger about a coffee they've never ordered.
But then he let out a nervous laugh, shaking his head. "Uh, no. Not today. Um—do you guys have a limit on how much coffee I can have?"
Your eyebrows furrowed. "No... we don't. I wouldn't recommend any more than like five shots in our largest size, though. It'd probably taste gross. But we can add as much as you need."
"Five's good. Yeah," he nodded his head, fingers wrapped tightly around the leather strap of his messenger bag.
"Just... a five shot latte?" you clarified, and he froze again, shaking his head once more.
"Do you recommend anything else? I—uh, I want it to be sweet enough still."
"I can do you a mocha?" you offered. "White chocolate mocha if you're looking for it to be even sweeter."
"I'll try that," he nodded his head, and out came his awkward smile, which had you smiling back just as awkwardly.
Which was how he got to his current usual. It honestly became a test to ensure your coffee machines were actually running well, considering pulling five well-done espresso shots at once was no easy feat. And, again, most of your coworkers hated making his drink.
Which was why it was palmed off to you. Every single morning without fail. And maybe in another universe you would join them in the hatred for this man's frustrating drink order. But then, in that universe, you wouldn't get to talk to him every morning (and slowly break him out of whatever shell he had locked himself up in).
"I never asked," you began, staring at him over the top of the coffee machine while putting white chocolate fudge into the bottom of the cup. "Why did you change your order randomly?"
He parted his lips and his eyebrows creased together for a few seconds, as if he was deciding whether or not to tell you. You were kind of grateful he concluded on trusting you.
"I wasn't really sleeping. When I asked about changing my order," he explained, hands letting go of the bag strap so he could talk with them. "Then I guess I just liked the taste of it? And it kept me awake. Which is a bonus."
"I can imagine it would," you nodded your head in agreement, flashing him a small smile, which he returned, bashfully. "Why weren't you sleeping?"
He went silent, and you almost cursed yourself for asking. Maybe you had gone too far. It was why, when you had begun to busy yourself with making his drink a little faster, you jumped when he spoke up again.
"I was getting these nightmares," he said, and your head lifted from the milk you were steaming. "Because of what I do for work."
"Law, right?" you asked, and he let out a small laugh, tucking hair behind his ear.
"Sort of. I'm with the FBI."
"Oh, that's right," you replied, nodding your head in recognition. He had said that to you at some point in the earlier days when he first started coming in, because you had asked where he works so close by to be coming in as often as he did. "Can you tell me what part? Or is that confidential?"
"No, no, I can. I'm with the Behavioural Analysis Unit," when your face twisted into confusion, he added, "We use psychology to analyse serial killers and catch them. Well, not just serial killers, actually. But that's what we focus on."
"And it works?" you asked, eyebrows rising as you placed a lid atop his coffee, sliding it out on the pick-up section where he was standing by. His face fell slightly, and so you were quick to add, "Not—I didn't mean it like that. I just mean I'm shocked. That psychology is all you really need to catch a serial killer."
"It's not all we need. There's a lot of other elements that go into finding one. But our primary focus is how their brain works and we use behavioural science to figure that out. Actually, we used to be called the Behavioural Science Unit when it was first created."
He was too busy talking animatedly with his hands for him to have picked up his coffee, and you were too busy watching him with a smile to remind him it was ready.
When he did reach for it, you could feel the familiar pang of disappointment that had started shooting through you every time he was picking up his coffee and leaving. A weird sensation that left you clawing at the walls of your brain to come up with something to say to keep him there.
It was probably why you blurted out, "Are you seeing anyone?" Which was followed by stunned silence from him, and regretful silence from yourself. What a question.
Slowly, he began to shake his head, his lips twitching into a confused frown. "No. I'm—I'm not."
It shocked you a little. He wasn't jaw dropping, per se. But he was attractive. You had said it a few times to your coworkers whenever they asked why you talked to him so much — there was a running joke that you were already secretly dating him behind their backs. Not funny.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to..." you hesitated. "Go out for dinner? Maybe? I'm so sorry if I'm totally overstepping. In fact, I encourage you to say no, because this is a little weird. I'm so sorry," you rambled when you were met with only silence from him, wondering if you had weirded him out of the ability to talk.
"With me?" he pushed out, his voice a little higher pitched than usual, and you nodded your head, because maybe he wasn't weirded out. Maybe you had just flustered him. You hoped so, at least.
"Yeah," you said. "Is that weird? Or is it okay? To ask that?"
"It's okay. Yeah. Yes. I would love—like to. I mean, that would be nice. Yeah," he stammered, and you smiled.
"Here," you held your hand out and gestured for his coffee, taking it back and picking up a Sharpie to write your number atop the lid, before you slid it back to him. "I get off work at one. Call me?"
"I will," he nodded, eyes fixated on the number for a few seconds more, before he returned his eyes to you. "I will. Um—bye!" he took a step back, and you let out a loud laugh when he stumbled into a chair behind him.
He was sheepish as he waved to you, bidding you another goodbye, the sound of the bell above the door ringing once, and then again when it fell shut.
And you had, somehow, secured a date with Spencer.
Which turned into two dates. Then three. And then, with some weird stroke of luck and twist of fate, you were spending every evening you could at his apartment, and him at yours.
But you were yet to kiss.
Not by any particular reason. Really, nothing either of you did ever really called for a kiss. Which was as frustrating as it was understandable. Frustrating, because you felt like you were simply friends, who sometimes went out for dinner, and had feelings for each other. But he had told you very early on he'd never been with anyone before, let alone ever been on a date. Hence; understandable.
But frustration was more overwhelming than you had thought, because you were on his couch, blanket draped over both of your bodies, as he read you a book — The Chameleon. A short story by Anton Chekhov (an author whom you were only barely familiar with). And yet, all you could think about was kissing him.
In your defence, he was very kissable, as you stared at his lips while he spoke, your heart stuttering quite uncomfortably in your chest. You weren't sure what it was precisely about him that made him like that. Maybe it was the natural pout of his lips, or how they twitched in humour at the little jokes Chekhov had written into the book that only made sense in Russian, despite him attempting to translate it for you.
Whatever it was, it was overriding your senses, and in true Spencer fashion, he hadn't noticed you weren't intently listening to his reading until he glanced down to catch a reaction to something he said. You caught as he closed the book and placed it off to the side, jostling you from your haze.
"You don't like the book, do you?" he asked, and you were quick to shake your head.
"No, I do," which was true. The parts you were actively listening to you enjoyed. "Sorry, I'm distracted."
"By what?" he shifted on the couch to face you.
You fell silent at that, the answer hanging on the tip of your tongue, unsure whether or not saying it could ruin things. You didn't think it would. "You."
"I'm distracting?" he asked, eyebrows creasing together and a confused frown pulling his lips down.
Which confused you. "Yes?"
"I don't think I'm meant to be sorry for that," he said. "But I am."
"You shouldn't be," you breathed out with a small laugh.
"Right," he nodded his head, laughing too, awkwardly. "How am I distracting?"
You studied his face for a few moments, which ended up being a pathetic excuse for a lip study, because you were fixated on them again, and you decided Spencer probably didn't even realise that that was what you were doing.
"We haven't kissed yet," you told him, instead.
"No. We haven't," he agreed.
"Do you just not want to kiss me?" you asked.
He did that thing he does when he's thinking — furrowed eyebrows and parted lips, eyes blinking a few times, before he comes up with his response.
"I just don't want you to be disappointed. I've never kissed anyone before."
"I concluded that," you answered. "I won't be disappointed."
"You might be," he mumbled, and his gaze averted from your own, which had another smile stretching across your lips.
"Only one way to find out, right?"
He hesitated before nodding his head, lifting his eyes back up to look at you. It was then that you learned that, like everything else, you might have to make the first move on him. Again.
The thought made you laugh, and though he wanted to, he didn't get a chance to question why you were laughing, because your hands were on his face and you were pulling him into you, lips meeting his in a gentle kiss that elicited a surprised squeak from him.
"You've gotta kiss me back," you murmured against his lips, and his response was a quiet 'oh'.
But he was a fast learner, because soon after he was. Objectively, it wasn't the best kiss you've ever had in your life. But it got better by the second, and he was doing enough to make your heart stutter in your chest, his hands reaching up to cup your own face, palms and fingers covering the mass of your cheeks.
His hands there provided him the ability to keep you there, and you had to pry them off your face so you were able to pull back for air, breaths coming out in short pants. Only for a short second, because he was chasing your lips again, and you laughed, before letting him kiss you again. And again. And again.
Until both of you were out of air, and he was glassy-eyed and pink-lipped. Though, you were probably his mirror image of that.
And he smiled at you, crookedly. And you wondered if it was too soon to say you loved him.
your reblogs and replies are always appreciated dearly ♡
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teach me? // Quinn Hughes

a drunk conversation leaves your best friend wondering.
AN: based off this anon, this is the first of a few ideas i have for this topic so enjoy part one!🫶🏻
WC: 1.1k
CW: smut, quinn talks you through it, fem masturbating, a little bit of possessive quinn.
Quinn knows he should leave, he knows he shouldn't break your trust and listen but his feet won't move. He can hear your giggles, not a sign of discomfort in the conversation. A drastic difference from anytime you've been around the guys when these topics are brought up.
“y/n! Are you telling me you’ve never gotten off?!” There was another laugh, he couldn't tell who. Too focused on your answer. How could no one treat you right? No one’s found pleasure between your thighs? Tragedy for them, he thought to himself.
“Oh my god, no. I have gotten off, just not manually? If that makes sense. Like, no one else. No hands, nothing but the handy dandy vibrator.”
He needed to leave, his mind wandering and he knew all the guys would just chirp at him if he walked back with a hard on.
Everyone started to slowly make their way to bed, calling it a night yourself around 1:30. Your room right across from Quinn’s. You knew he was already locked away, trying your best to stay quiet while you were in and out of the bathroom that shared a wall.
Finally settling in your bed and grabbing your phone, seeing a text from Quinn. Come here, please. Followed with another text, Don't knock, just come in.
“Hi Q.” He was quick to pat his bed, “I need to ask you something, and you can tell me no or to fuck off and I wont ever bring it up again. I just, I need to ask.” You nodded at the man, who's now pacing. “I’m telling on myself and I'm sorry in advance. I was walking by when you and the girls were chatting and somethings been stuck in my head since and it makes me feel so bad because you absolutely don't deserve that kind of shit treatment. Oh god, I'm rambling. Anyways, no one ever made you cum? I can show you, oh my god I need to shut up.”
Your face was flushed, your nerves were setting in. Did Quinn just offer to get me off?
As if he could read my mind, “I don’t have to do it! I can just tell you what to do. Like you get yourself off and I just kind of lead the way.”
“You wanna teach me how to make myself cum?” Your voice was small, he was sure if he wasn’t staring at you he wouldn’t have heard. He nodded.
“Yeah, okay. Teach me, Quinny.”
That dumb conversation led you here. On his bed, pj shorts on the floor, legs spread and Quinn watching you from his desk chair.
You were both giggly about it. The nerves settled, it seemed a little funny, silly even. But he's your best friend. Who cares? All bad thoughts went away the second your legs spread and the man's eyes went a little wide, pupils blown as he watched your hand roam down your body.
“Fuck. You’re pretty.” He whispered to himself.
This wasn't sexy, well it wasn't meant to be, at least to your brain.
“Uh, like this?" you asked, a little embarrassed. "Fuck, this is stupid."
You were against his pillows, unable to fully look at Quinn who was still at his desk, starry eyes watching you intently.
Your hand was down the front of your body, shaky fingers searching for something you shared you'd never been able to achieve on your own.
Quinn adjusted himself, his growing cock pressed against the fabric of his shorts. Forever wishing he put on boxers before you came to his room.
He didn't know the rules when it came to getting yourself off in front of your best friend. So he kept it a little light, laughed breathily and asked, "Are you even touching your clit?”
His words ran through you, a simple question truly but it was bordering on the dirty talk you desperately craved to come from his mouth.
You squirmed, shrugging, but he was watching your hand move, content with seeing your fingers moving through your folds.
"I think so?" you claimed. "I don't know. It's just, it's too wet to feel anything really."
Quinn felt his breath get stuck in his throat.
You finally looked up at his face and watched his cheeks burn, wondering if he'd move closer if you asked him to.
You dont know what fell out of your mouth, your brain is just on autopilot. Quinn’s now at the edge of his bed. Hands holding your ankle, rubbing softly.
"No, I know. fuck, um-" Quinn swallowed, shifting again. "Move in circles, be a bit softer. Fuck, sweetheart. Yeah, you'll feel it."
So you did, two fingers exploring slowly, up and down between your folds, moving a little higher until you reached the spot he was just picking on you for, the pads of your middle and pointer touching a little bump that made your breath hitch.
“There you go, just like that.” He spoke.
You laughed to yourself, feeling stupid, and floaty, searching for that high. You crinkled your nose, as you did slow circles, soft and shy.
"Oh," you mumbled, mouth parting slightly. Still watching Quinn. He pressed his lips together, eyes flickering from your hand to your face.
"Yeah? Does that feel good?"
"Uh huh, feels good."
You thought you heard him let out a groan.
"Will I come?" you asked, still feeling small. "If I keep doing this?"
You were squirming again, moaning softly, chasing your high. He was watching you, open mouthed.
He was too far gone to try and hide it anymore, when he dragged his palm over himself, you moaned, eyes following his movements.
"Yeah, fuck. just keep doing that. Do what feels good, okay?" voice hoarse and wrecked, "you're doing so good, baby."
The praise made your hips lift from the bed a little, fingers moving down a little further, confidence building as Quinn kept rubbing over his cock, "Holy shit, that's fucking hot. You gonna show me how tight you are?" he croaked.
"Uh huh", head tipped back into the pillows. you wanted him to keep talking. You just didn't know how to ask him.
Your foot slipped, bumping into Quinn’s arm and he caught your ankle, wide palm wrapping around as he held you, making you shiver. "Oh, there you go," he murmured. "That's it, baby. Fuck, you're so good. Gonna have to stretch you out more if you ever want me in there, baby. Fuck. Can't believe you're gonna let me watch you cum. Gonna be a good girl and show me how bad you want it? Won't ever need anyone else after this. Just me and you."
#qh43#quinn hughes blurb#quinny my beloved🫶🏻#quinn hughes fic#quinn hughes headcanon#quinn hughes fanfiction#quinn hughes fluff#quinn hughes x reader#quinn hughes smut#quinn hughes x you#quinn hughes x y/n
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aftercare - c.s.
pairing: fwb!chris sturniolo x reader
summary: you teach your fuck buddy, chris, how to care for you after he rails you
cw: mentions of sex and bodily fluids (mdni), aftercare, pet names (baby, pretty girl, etc.), educational maybe?, fluff
word count: ~1.2k
you and chris had been "together" for a while. when you broke up with your ex 6 months ago, you missed his dick more than anything. fortunately, your friend, chris, offered up just what you needed. you two weren't technically dating, but everyone knew you were fucking each other and only each other. chris was great in bed, he knew exactly what to do to make your back arch and your fists grab the sheets. however, he didn't have nearly as much experience as you do. his lack of experience didn't seem to affect his performance much, but his aftercare skills were shit. and today was no different.
"fuck, you did so good for me baby," chris says in between heavy breaths. he slowly lowers himself to lay next to you as he gently brushes your hair off of your face, both of you sticky from a combination of bodily fluids.
all you could release was a soft hum in response as the blood pumping through your ears began to quiet. you attempt to open your eyes only for the exhaustion to drag your lids back down.
chris laughs, "damn, it was that good?" you could practically hear the smirk in his voice before he let out a soft laugh.
"i'll give you a minute to recover, pretty girl." he presses a soft kiss to your forehead before moving to check his phone on the night stand. after seeing his notifications, he begins rambling on about something sports-related, but you were still much too fucked out to comprehend any spoken language. once your senses returned to normal, your eyes fluttered open and you slowly turned towards chris, cringing as your lower body vibrated from even the small movement.
"guess what time it is," he grins laying against the pillow while facing you.
"what time is it, chris?" you ask trying to mask the discomfort.
"it's… CUDDLE TIME!" he yells suddenly before throwing himself on top of you, forcing you to lay on your back, and engulfing you in his arms.
you groan and attempt to push him off quickly receiving a pout in response.
"heyyy, what's wrong? why won't you cuddle with me?"
"dude… i literally have your cum dripping down my ass crack right now," you roll your eyes.
"oh," he pauses. "um. do you want me to get you a towel or something for that?"
"uh, yeah, that'd be nice," you say passive aggressively.
he doesn't respond as he quickly shuffles to the bathroom to grab a towel.
"do you want a big one or a small one?" he yells from the bathroom.
you sigh. "either is fine," you grumble just loud enough for him to hear.
he returns with a small towel.
"what's wrong baby?" he says as he climbs onto the bed putting the towel next to you.
"have you ever heard of aftercare?" you ask using the towel to soak up as much of the leaking fluid as you could, grimacing at the friction on the sensitive area.
“aftercare? like when a parent forgets to pick their kid up from school?" he jokes.
"no, chris… like for after sex," you state bluntly.
"no? am I supposed to know what it is?"
"do you wanna keep fucking me?"
he looks at you with surprised eyes not expecting that kind of question.
"of course I do, I mean─fuck─look at you," he gently slides his hand up your side as his eyes follow, taking in each inch of your skin on the way up.
"well, if you wanna keep fucking me, you need to learn how to take care of me after. you can't just fuck me the way that you do and expect me not to be in pain afterwards…"
"wait, you're in pain?" he furrows his brows in concern. "why didn't you tell me, angel? i can be more gentle whe-"
"no! fuck, no. i love the way you fuck me. please, don't be gentle. that's not what i want"
"so what d-"
"christopher, you can't learn if you don't let me talk."
"oh right, sorry, i'm listening," his expression turns serious suddenly.
"aw, what a good boy," you smirk teasing him.
"yeah, yeah, yeah, let's get on with this so I can keep fuckin' you, pretty girl."
"my pleasure," you grin. "first, you're usually pretty good with this one, but after you practically abuse me with your dick, i need you to tell me how good i was for you. because it's a lot of work taking you like i do, and i deserve the praise."
"you do deserve it princess. i can─no, i do do that. easy. next," he responds confidently.
"next, the towel. non-negotiable, and honestly, put it down before we even start 'cause once you pull out, sometimes even before that, it all just…"
"yeah, yeah, makes sense. i definitely should've thought about it when i was washing the sheets every single time we fucked," he admits sheepishly.
you laugh, "yeah, maybe."
"what else can I do for you, baby?" he cups your face with one of his warm hands, softly gliding his thumb across your cheekbone.
"now… i'm gonna need some help getting to the bathroom, 'cause i don't think i can even stand up on my own right now," you laugh softly, thinking about the less-than-natural positions chris had just put you in.
He laughs, smirking. "i really fucked you good today, huh?"
"just shut up and help me up."
“yes ma'am," he salutes jokingly before standing up and reaching his hands out to lift you out of bed and to the bathroom.
"you didn't have to carry me," you tell him.
"i know, but i like carrying you," he admits as he gently places you on your feet in the bathroom. once you're standing with the support of the counter, chris can't help but look you up and down.
"are you just gonna watch me piss or can i get a second by myself?" you tease him.
"oh shit, right, sorry. i'll be- um, i'll be out here," he says clearly flustered by your comment while backing out of the bathroom and closing the door.
You laugh, shaking your head.
After finishing in the restroom, you call chris's name softly.
"yes, baby?"
"can you help me get back to the room?" you giggle at your own sad state knowing it was partially your fault for begging chris to go harder.
he opens the door, quickly scooping you up and carrying back to the room.
"so, when do we get to cuddle?" he asks laying you down on the bed,
you roll your eyes playfully at him. "now, we can cuddle now, chris."
"fuck, finally, i've been waiting years to hold you," he exaggerates as he lays next to you, pulling your frame against his chest.
"chris, it was like 10 minutes."
"yeah, and I was going through withdrawal."
"you're so dramatic."
he nuzzles his head into your neck, releasing a content sigh. "you trust me to take care of you now? i can keep fucking you? please say yes."
You laugh. "yes, you can keep fucking me, on one condition."
"anything for you. what is it?"
"you promise to always cuddle me after."
"i promise to always cuddle you, whether we fucked or not."
a/n: love y/all and thanks for all the support! enjoy :)
🏷️ taglist: @y3sterdaysproblem @sofia-is-a-sturniolo-triplet-fan
reply/msg/inbox and ask to be added to the taglist!
cake divider by @dollywons, apple divider by @ithemes, and heart divider by @cafekitsune
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— ૮꒰ “ . . ꒱ა PINING ON YOU.
౨ৎ damian wayne x gn!reader ౨ৎ cw . non-proof read. ౨ৎ summary . damian accepts that hes inlove with you ౨ৎ . gwens note . i THINK i like damian guys idk! ౨ৎ wc . 413
damian finally accepted the fact that he’s inevitably and hopelessly fallen for you. he’d first noticed that his heart would race around you when you’d accidentally touched him on the arm, clinging onto him when you both were playing a horror game together. how he’d constantly think about it all over and over again like he has never been touched at all for his whole entire life.
he’s always stealing glances at you when you have your attention on something else. he’d get all flustered when you caught him staring. he notices that when you’re around, he tends to let his guard down and be gentle. he does the littlest things for you just to see you smile. this guy is always listening to you, even if its some stupid ramble about your interests or how hungry you are.
he tries his best to know you more, and he mentally takes down notes of what you like and dislike. he’d quietly stock up snacks that he knows you love. and yes, he’d try to get to know your interests more so that he can find a reason to talk to you more often. bro is down bad for you, even if he wont admit it aloud.
he’s also VERY nervous around you. he’d compliment you frequently, but subtly. “ your shoes look good. ” he muttered. before he did any moves on you, he had to ask his brothers for help, even if they tease him.( since he just wanna impress you so bad !! ) but of course, he composes himself a little too well, so he seems nonchalant every time.
when he was starting to pick up on his behavior, he’d said to Dick, “ i feel funny around them, i just... my heart starts pounding rapidly against my rib cage and my hands start sweating. i just hate how damn attractive they are! ” his brother told him that it was a silly little crush. but damian refused, he didn’t want to believe that he was in love with you— an idiot. yet he did. and he kinda really loved it.
after all, he could help how he felt, and how you made him feel. how he’d always feel at ease with you, how protective he was over you, how his gaze lingers on you for a bit longer as it should be, how he offers to help you when you struggle, how he always keeps his pinky-promises with you.
reblogs and likes are very appreciated ! thank you luvlies for reading ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა im so sorry if this fic doesnt make sense i wanted to make a quick fic before new years !!
#blossoming haze 🪷#damian wayne fluff#damian wayne al ghul#damian wayne x reader#damian wayne#damian al ghul#dc comics#dc#damian wayne dc#drabbles#one shot#batman#batfamily
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hey! can you do headcanons on Bakugou and Izuku (separate) with a reader who's quiet and doesn't talk much but is Hella strong. How would they react to it? If you do thanks sm! it's really sweet of you!!!! :)

summary: your quiet strength intrigues these two boys, how would they react to you before/in a relationship?
warnings: none!!
a/n: this is such a cute ask!! i hope this is to your liking and if it isn’t and you think something is missing, let me know! this is also quiet short because i have a fever 😔
before dating:
i can imagine him being a little skeptical of you, but so intrigued!
he’d definitely want to see how far your strength could go. so, bakugou would subtly challenge you during training sessions, pushing you to see your true capabilities.
he’d nevee admit it but he looks up to you in a way. you don’t boast and scream about your strength like he does - that makes him respect you. he would start to see your quiet nature as a sign of focus and determination rather than a sign of weakness.
he’s so competitive… it’s honestly a little scary. before you two were even close to being friends or anything more, he’d definitely get a competitive drive when it comes to you.
this idiot would definitely think he’s competing with you 24/7 even though you remind him you are not. he thinks doing this will make you become more outgoing and competitive.
“HA! i finished my bowl of ramen before you, loser, i won!”
“we were competing over that?” i’d be confused if i were you too… he’s a little slow but he’s got the spirit!
dating him:
once you two start dating, bakugou becomes fiercely protective of you, admiring your strength and determination even more. he thinks his role in the relationship is to protect you from anything that might make you lose your strength!
he’s so loud (we know that obviously) but with you, he’s loud in a supportive way. he’s now boasting about you and your strength instead of his own!
he encourages you to continue improving and growing, offering both praise and constructive criticism. even if you don’t need it, he’ll keep doing it anyway.
bakugo has never felt like he had a opponent that could really give him a run for his money, until you two train together.
training with him would be so so sweet. if he hit you too hard, he’d immediately worried if you didn’t tell him you were alright. (he won’t outwardly admit he’s worried about you but you know deep down he is!)
“are you bleeding? you shithead! i’m not worried... are youbleedingthoughbecauseifyouarethat’snotgood-”
“fuck, did i burn you? don’t start. i’m not worried about you at all, tch!” he says this as the tip of his ears are burning from lying…
he’d still work hard while training with you but still making sure he isn’t doing too much during simple sparring matches. he likes to learn from your strengths and weaknesses!
everyday is a day where you two grow together and bakugou is proud of you for simple improvements in your strength (you’re stronger than him lol and he knows you could take him down in a second!)
before dating:
Izuku notices your quiet demeanor but senses a strong presence and capability within you. he’d write about your strength and weaknesses in his hero notebook. he’d ask you so much questions (totally not to get to know you better… totally…)
“sorry- i’m not trying to be a bother but can you tell me more about your quirk! it’s so cool and you’re so strong!” he blushes immediately after rambling about how you’re so talented and your strength is admirable. meanwhile, your twirling your hair over the fact he thinks your strong!
one time, you caught him drawing out your hero suit and make little point notes about it. you went to your dorm and giggled about it for the rest of the day. it literally felt like a award to be in his hero notebook!
we all know izuku is his classmates biggest supporter, he is always wanting his classmates to grow alongside him and is pushing everyone to become the best hero they can be!
with you, he offers encouragement and support to you, believing in your potential and wanting you to believe in yourself as well.
because of your quiet nature, izuku might try and show his admiration for you in anyway he can. he admires your quiet determination, seeing it as a reflection of your inner strength and resolve.
basically, he’s your #1 fan!
you two initially work well together as teammates, with Izuku valuing your contributions and skills.
once you two start dating, it’s a whole different story!
dating him:
your relationship deepens Izuku’s admiration for your quiet strength, appreciating how you compliment each other. (everyone is class 1-A is still shocked at how well you two compliment each other, even before you guys were dating!)
izuku becomes a source of emotional support for you, understanding your quiet nature and providing comfort when needed. he never tries to push you outside of your comfort zone, enjoying your quiet times when his day has been stressful and filled with loud classmates.
you two continue to train together, pushing each other to improve and achieve your goals. you always tell him about how you want to grow your relationship by training and working hard together!(izuku almost cries when you tell him that, pls he loves you so much)
izuku and you build a strong foundation of trust and understanding, working towards your dreams together while supporting each other every step of the way.
he enjoys your company more than anyone else, not only are you strong physically but you are strong mentally. your words of encouragement and advice after a tough day of training always make him want to jump off the walls! you have that effect on him!
for both boys, whether before or after they start dating you, katsuki and izuku come to deeply appreciate your quiet strength and see it as an integral part of your relationship dynamics!
#mha#mha x reader#bnha fluff#bnha x reader#mha fluff#bnha#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#bakugou katsuki fluff#bakugo fluff#katsuki bakugo fluff#bakugo katsuki#bakugou katsuki#katsuki x reader#bakugo x reader#bakugou x reader#izuku midoriya fluff#izuku fluff#izuku midoria x reader#izuku midoriya#izuku midoriya x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#katsuki bakugou x reader#mha headcanons#bakugou headcanons#bakugo headcanons#bakugou fluff#izuku x reader#izuku headcanons#deku fluff
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it’s you | theodore nott.
pairing: theodore nott x reader
warnings: friends to lovers, reader avoiding theodore, reader status not mentioned, fluff fluff fluff !! kissing, google translated italian
summary: based on this request!
a/n: thank you so much for requesting!! i hope you enjoy this & happy valentines day lovelies!!!
| posted: 2/13/24 | masterlist |

y/n and theodore had always been two peas in a pod, ever since they first met on the hogwarts express during their first year. even when they were separated by the sorting hat, theodore being sorted into slytherin while y/n had been sorted into ravenclaw, they both knew they would stick together over the years.
y/n was currently sitting in divination class, your mind distracted as professor trelawney rambled on about interpreting signs and symbols from tea leaves.
it was a week prior to valentine’s day and you still haven’t been asked to be anyone’s valentines. you tried to not let it get into your head, but with everyone else around you getting mingled up, you couldn’t help but yearn to get asked. although there was a rumor going around that theodore had already asked another girl, you hoped it was untrue.
theodore, who was seated next to you, noticed your distracted figure and gently nudged you out of your thoughts. you wiped away your thoughts as you turned to face theodore, who appeared concerned.
you turned away, facing back to the professor as you were ready to brush it off when he leaned closer to your level. he whispered,
“are you okay, bella?”
y/n couldnt help but blush suddenly from how close he had gotten. you cleared your throat, trying to push the blush away, theodore's concern softened into a gentle smile.
“i’m fine, theo,” you replied, your voice barely above a whisper, not wanting to draw attention to yourselves in the quiet classroom. theodore's eyes searched yours, seeing the slight unease lingering behind them. he knew you well enough to sense when something was bothering you, even if you tried to hide it.
theodore nodded slightly, respecting your boundaries yet still keeping a watchful eye on you in hopes he would get something out of you at the end of class.
once class came to an end, you quickly pack your things away. you had plans to meet luna in the library for some studying. theodore stood by, watching you pack before he spoke.
“y/n, you know you can talk to me ri-”
“yeah thanks theo, sorry i have to go meet luna.” you quickly shut him down, hurriedly walking out. leaving theodore with a disappointing expression behind as he watch you go.
when you arrived at the library, luna was already waiting for you at your usual table, perusing through a dusty old book with her signature dreamy expression. as she looked up and noticed your arrival, a smile lit up her face. once you settled in and began to study, luna noticed the distant look on your face and raised an eyebrow in question.
“y/n! what's on your mind? you seem a bit distracted today,” luna asked softly, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.
you sighed, feeling the weight of your thoughts pressing down on you. “i just can't shake off this feeling of unease, luna. It's silly, really.” you paused. luna's expression turned sympathetic as she listened intently, offering you a comforting smile.
you continued, “its just.. valentine's day approaching and... well, nothing special planned,” you admitted, feeling a bit vulnerable opening up about your feelings.
as you were talking about your feelings about the upcoming holiday, theodore was making his way towards the library, in hopes he would run into you. as he entered the library he passed through the tall shelves, pausing as he heard your voice.
“and it’s not like i don’t want to get asked- don’t get me wrong but i was just hoping theodore would’ve asked me?”
theodore's heart skipped a beat as he heard his name mentioned by you. he had been hesitant to ask you to be his valentine, unsure if you felt the same way about him. but now, hearing your words filled him with a surge of hope and courage. he quickly grabbed a random book off the shelf, leaning to get a closer listen but still trying to stay hidden.
“i dont know luna-“ you groaned before continuing. “i mean bloody hell its been 6 whole years of this unrequited love! now i feel a bit silly.. and there are rumors going around about how theodore has already asked another girl. maybe i should give up..”
“you shouldn’t feel silly for loving someone,” luna spoke softly, comforting her friend. “plus rumors are just rumors y/n, they might not even be true.” luna offered you a gentle smile before silence hit the air again. not awkward silence but instead comforting silence, you were grateful you had a friend like luna.
theodore's heart skipped a beat once again. how could he have been so blind? as silence filled the air once more, he had forgotten he was even hiding until a second-year student bumped into him, causing him to drop the book he was holding and revealing his hidden spot.
as the sudden sound caught your attention, your head snapped up and you found yourself locking eyes with theo, who appeared startled like a deer caught in headlights
“hello..” theodore breathed out, feeling embarrassed that he was caught. you stood up quickly, “theo! how long have you been there?!”
theodore stood there, sheepish and unsure of how to respond. he sheepishly scratched the back of his head, trying to come up with an excuse. “uh, not long, i just arrived...” he trailed off, unable to meet your gaze.
you felt embarrassed. you knew theodore had heard everything. you gulped, hastily gathered your belongings, apologizing to luna, and made your excuses before rushing out of the library. leaving theodore behind once again, watching you go.
it has been days since the events occurred, and you still cannot bring yourself to face theodore. despite his efforts to talk about what happened, you have been avoiding him, afraid that you may have hurt your relationship.
theodore noticed your attempt at avoiding him. whenever you would see him come around the corner, you would always turn the other direction. if he approached you, you would suddenly remember something urgent you needed to take care of.
theodore couldn't bear the distance that had now grown between the two of you. he missed your company, your laughter, and the comforting bond that you both once had. it pained him to see you avoiding him.
on the day prior to valentines day, you were walking through the hogwarts corridors, trying your best to avoid theodore yet again. he finally caught up to you, his voice was gentle and laced with concern as he called out to you, “y/n, please... can we talk?”
you stopped in your tracks, reluctant but unable to ignore the pleading tone in his voice. you turned to face him, and in that moment, you saw the vulnerability in his eyes, the hurt that mirrored your own. taking a deep breath, you finally nodded, signaling your willingness to listen.
theodore took a step closer, his gaze searching yours for any sign of forgiveness or understanding. “i... i heard what you said in the library,” he began, his voice soft yet filled with emotion.
you interrupted him abruptly, assuming he would turn you down. “yes theo, i love you okay!” you said frustratedly, a faint blush crept up on theodores cheeks as you confessed. but before he could respond, you quickly added, "but I understand if it's not something you're interested in. i value our friendship too much to risk i-” cutting you off, he reached out, gently cupping your cheeks as he brought you into a kiss.
as you felt his warm lips pressing against yours, a rush of emotions flooded through you. the shock faded away as you kissed him back, melting into it.
when you finally pulled back, your eyes met theodore's, and you saw relief in his gaze.
“y/n,” theodore whispered, his voice filled with sincerity and warmth. he reached out to gently cup your cheek, his thumb brushing against your skin affectionately. “you've always been something more to me,” he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity. “and i want you to know that those rumors about me asking someone else were completely false. it was always you, y/n. it has always been you.”
as theodore's words sank in, you could feel your heart racing with a mixture of excitement and disbelief. you had never anticipated that he felt this way about you, and now that he had laid his feelings bare, you couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness.
he continued, “and i've been wanting to ask you out for a while now, but i was afraid of ruining what we have. but if you're willing to take a chance on me, i’d love nothing more than for you to be mine.”
tears glistened in your eyes as you reached up to hold his hand against your cheek, savoring the warmth of his touch. “theodore,” you whispered, your voice filled with raw emotion, “i never thought you saw me the same way.”
a smile tugged at theodore's lips as he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your skin. “i've been blind not to see it sooner,” he confessed, his gaze intense and unwavering. “i don't want to waste any more time pretending that we're just friends when we could be so much more.”
with a surge of courage, you closed the space between you, pressing your lips to his in a tender kiss once again.
#emsnotion#theodore nott#slytherin boys#theodore nott x reader#slytherin boys imagine#slytherin boys x reader#harry potter fanfiction#theodore nott imagine#—crimsntwlipᡣ𐭩
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Sam x little sister
Synopsis; In your weakened state, Sam's care becomes the only comfort you need.
Word count: 630
Notes: short and sweet compared to my last post
Warnings: illness
You rolled over once more, had it been an hour or two? You drifted in and out of consciousness so many times that you started losing track. One moment, You would kick your sheets off desperate to cool down then the next pull them tight to soothe your shivers. Your breath was hot as you heaved. You brought your palm to smooth over your forehead, attempting to rub away your skull-splitting headache.
Just then, you heard soft footsteps padding past your room. “Sammy” you breathed out as if your weak voice could somehow reach past the door. A moment later, You heard the click of his bedroom door shut, and you let out a defeated sigh. With an aching arm, you reached for your phone on the nightstand and with trembling hands pressed the call button.
The phone barely rang once before Sam's voice answered “Too lazy to walk five feet?” He teased playfully. You groaned “Sam…” you stopped, one word draining the little strength you had. His tone quickly shifted. “What's wrong?” You could hear the rustling sheets on the other end. “I don't feel well,” you whispered. “I'll be right there, bug,” he said before the line dropped. You fell back on your bed and listened to the sound of his door shutting and his footsteps approaching, then faded. You furrowed your brows in confusion but remained sprawled out, too exhausted to investigate.
After what felt like forever, your door creaked open and the incoming light made you squint. “Hey,” Sam greeted, nudging the door closed with his heel as his hands were full. You watched silently while he set down a bowl and a few other items on the nightstand. The bed dipped under his weight when he sat at the edge. The back of his hand pressed lightly against your forehead. “Your warm” he mumbled, replacing his hand with a damp cloth. The cool sensation made you immediately relax.
“I brought you some soup. I tried to find Dean since he makes it better, but he isn't around…” his rambling was only making your headache worse. Slowly you raised your index finger and pressed it to your lip. he paused then softened his tone to a whisper. “sorry”. He held the bowl out for you, closely watching your reaction. You pursed your lips and shook your head. His shoulders slumped and set the bowl back down, now offering you water. You shook your head again. “You need to, bug. It’ll help with your head and fever” he tried to remain firm in his whisper. You sighed and weakly pushed yourself upwards, sams had come up to your head to keep the compress in place on your forehead. You took a few slow sips before passing the bottle back to him.
“Thanks, bug, you sure you don't want any soup?” He asked once more. You shook your head and weakly shifted under the covers. Sam adjusted your blanket, making sure it wasn’t too tight while he tucked you in. “I'll be right outside if you need me” he whispered. His fingers brush stray hair strands from your face. “Thanks, Sammy,” you said with a small tired smile. “anytime” he smiled back. On his way out he made sure to leave your door slightly ajar before disappearing down the dim hallway.
With the sound of Sam's fading footsteps, a sense of calm washed over you. Your body still ached and, your head still pounding, but the lingering warmth of Sam's presence eased the worst of it. You let your heavy eyelids shut. Even as your fever burned, knowing Sam was nearby made it bearable, letting sleep take over. Somewhere between the haze of wakefulness and dreaming, you heard his voice “Get some rest, bug, I've got you”
#supernatural#supernatural fluff#sam winchester x sister!reader#sam winchester masterlist#sam winchester x reader#sam fanfic#sam winchester fanfiction#sam fanfiction#sam winchester#sam x reader#sam winchester x you#sam winchester x y/n#sam winchester fic#sam winchester fluff#sam winchester comfort#spn#spnfandom#spn fanfic#spn fandom#supernatural x reader#supernatural fanfiction#supernatural masterlist
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Serve or Perish Trying - A Noxian Message
Ambessa Medarda and a lowly servant of a visiting dignitary have some fun....
Kinda oblivious reader gets a lesson in serving lol. This is not proofread, nor will it ever be. Tenses and stuff keep changing but whatever. Thank my wife for this gang.
D/S dynamics, degradation, reader is new to this. Mostly non descript female reader.
Love you, be kind I am rusty! Minors DNI I stg. Cross Posting to AO3
Crimson suited her. It flowed like a damning waterfall from hardened, certain shoulders.
There was doubt in her gaze, not of herself - never that - but of your usefulness to her. Whatever she wished for, her face told you she had found it.
She had found you, nestled in a corner of her opulent ballroom awaiting instructions from your Mistress; a Duchess from a neighbouring Kingdom who had been invited to Lady Ambessa Medarda’s birthday ball on account of her fine trading connections. Not that you’d know her speciality in fabrics, considering the filth she kept her servants in. Presentable but ugly and misshapen, meant as a reminder of your station.
You had been drifting into a daydream, the beauty of Noxian balls harsher and more pressing than other lands. It wrapped you up, threatened to choke you with its splendour. Everything here was a message - everything would surrender to the red and gold might of Noxus one day.
Horrified, both for your job and then more pressingly your life, you were dragged from ponderings by a firm, calloused hand cupping your chin. Lady Medarda was holding you like trussed up livestock. The red fabric seemed silkier up close, gentle etchings swirled in it, fine gold thread adding a shimmer to her movements.
Should you speak? Bow? Had you offended her?
“Are you going to make me repeat myself?” Steel cut through your panic, grey eyes bemused.
“I-I’m terribly sorry Lady Medarda,” You blurted, cheeks aflame, “Please accept my-”
“Enough of that,” She snorted, “Tell me your name child,”
It fell from your lips, mouth staying agape.
Her thumb traced along your lip, “I was unaware I’d been given another present, the gifts are over there dear,”
A nervous laugh tittered out under her grip, her eyes darkening into charcoal pools. No wonder she was a renowned warlord, even light flirtation was a battlefield with her. Her hand slipped from your face, resting on your hip instead.
“Who should I give my thanks to for such a delightful offering?”
A pause, your dry mouth swallowed in search of moisture, “Duchess Montgermaine is my Mistress my Lady, I am to serve her wine,”
A sharp eyebrow raised, “Are my servers not enough?”
“Of course not, my Lady,” You attempted a demure smile, “She just-”
“Is a drunkard,” Lady Medarda snapped bluntly, relishing in the surprised giggle you let out, “Is she not?”
“Well, I couldn’t say,” You bit your lip, the inferno from her gaze fueling you, a hazy spell embracing you under her touch.
“A secret between friends then, Precious,”
Her advances were interrupted by the Duchess herself and you feared she may lose her head for it. Medarda turned, face frustrated, as Montgermain began to ramble about their happy trading union.
“She is yours, I am told,” You are gestured to lazily, bangles jangling, as her words are choked back into her overindulgent throat.
You had never seen someone interrupt your Mistress, let alone belittle her so. It made your body throb. This seemed to summon the warlord's eyes as if she could sense it on you.
“Unfortunately yes,” She babbles, glare fixated on you, “Dull girl, you know how hard finding help is Ambessa,”
“I suppose you won’t mind my taking her then,” She sneers with fake civility, “I am sure I can find a way to use her,”
Use you. It echoed, red and gold smothering you as you had feared. You were as good as hers now, your naivety at the seriousness of her advances crystal clear. It seemed an extravagant way to gain staff.
“I’d be happy to oblige you,” the Duchess slurred, “No skin off my nose,”
The interaction ended there for Lady Medarda, it seemed, as she turned and pushed you against one of her guards. They ushered you away down a corridor, her wolf-like grin lingering in your eye as she looked away.
Heavy doors swung open to reveal a large, smooth bedchamber. It screamed of her, each corner loomed as she did. Flurs covered the bed and an enticing fire showered the room in an orange hue. You were not unaware of your chances here, should you fail to impress her it was highly likely Lady Medarda would simply kill you. She had killed many more for far less. That felt less like a death sentence and more like a challenge, an otherworldly desire to please overwhelmed you.You would spar if necessary or clean or scribe or bathe her. Whatever it took, you resolved The guards left quickly, leaving you alone.
Unsure of how long she would be or if she would join you tonight at all, you curled at the foot of the fire. Sitting on a chair felt too presumptive, the bed entirely off limits as hers.
Time slipped by like sand through a sieve, your eyelids grow heavy as you stayed perched.
“Undress me,” You were unsure when she appeared and how you’d missed it, a stormy smile yanking you forward.
Twitching, unsteady hands stroked against her dress, you undid it and pulled it off, careful not to linger too long on any part of her body.
Fuck. There was no underwear to even attempt to remove.
“Anything else, My lady?” You muttered, eyes down. Thick hands slammed you down, your knees crashing into harsh marble. The pain had tears forming, eyes darting up in shock.
Lady Medarda slapped your face lightly, as if disciplining a dog, “Eat,” she commanded, pushing your jaw forward.
Soft, dewy folds rested just above your mouth, your task for her Ladyship suddenly obvious. Your small tongue dashed out, unsure as it lapped against her. A triumphant sigh rattled from her chest, grip encouraging your ministrations. The inferno was back, eating you whole, turning you to dancing embers. Warmth leaked from her onto your lips, wiping your mind into a blissfully clean slate. Each pulse of her core had you licking harder, deeper, fuelled by her certain guidance and your primal bliss.
You were inexperienced and sloppy, but Ambessa hardly minded. Your emptying eyes and desperate gasps against her cunt were more than enough to close that gap, her head lulling back in pleasure. Her pillowy thighs robbed you of the small gaps of air her clit had allowed, pressure weak but noticeable. Another Noxian message - serve or perish trying.
This was far from a death sentence, it was salvation. Like a mutt you rutted mindlessly at her feet, your own leaky ache coating your thighs.
“Dirty girl,” Ambessa cooed, riding your face more harshly, a smirk on her lips, “Unable to stop yourself,”
You whined, nose pushing against her clit as you nodded, spluttering in oxygen noisily. She would be your undoing, towering and crushing your sense of self, moulding it for herself.
Fingers tugged against your locks as Ambessa roughly used your face to find her completion, grunts and bewitching moans sending her higher and further until she crashed against your bruised mouth, her juices flooded onto your surprised face as you lapped and sucked.
“Strip,” She panted, glittered gaze dominating you as she held out a hand to receive your clothes.
You did without question, lumpy fabric landed in her grip as you tried to offer yourself as openly as possible. Embarrassment crept through the heady fog. You were slight, not by choice but malnutrition and years of overworking yourself. Ambessa crushed that doubt, throwing your clothes in your flames as she stalked around you. You were perfect, she decided, oh how she loved to break things.
“No need for those, they hide you away,” She purred, toying with your upper thighs, hovering just below where you begged for her, “Have you ever been touched here little one?”
“No, My Lady,” You moaned out, “I-Uh just you,”
She let out a laugh, making butterflies dance in your chest, “I haven’t even done it myself yet, Dear,”
“Please?” You find yourself whimpering, “I’ll do whatever you like,”
“Oh will you now,” Her tone mocked you, sympathetic pout on her mouth as she gripped your hips and you flung across the air into her bed. The furs soothed your sore legs, her scent permeated them. Your knees fell open, pleading for her to use your molten core.
Use she did, regardless of your comforts and desires. Two fingers pushed into you, you stuttered and slurred as your body adjusted. Ambessa was not patient, overactive from too many idiots at once and your artful, whorish tongue, she ploughed into you against your pained whines. Soon pain gave way to a sticky, addictive ecstasy. She saw the change, empty eyes suddenly clouding over, loud keening moans ripping from our throat.
“My, very loud without a cunt against your mouth, Pet,” Ambessa’s hypnotic snarl had you nodding nonsensically, chasing a high you didn’t understand. Just as you thought you would tumble helplessly off a cliff it all stopped. The engine died. Her fingers stilled.
“Why did you stop?” You croak, outraged, grabbing at her wrist.
Ambessa growled, fear spiking your heart as harshly as pleasure had. A free hand leisurely planted a slap against your burning cheek, lips falling open in shock. Not at the violence, but the joy it flared in you. The same hand slapped your suddenly empty hole, narrowed eyes following the trail of drool leaking from your useless mouth.
“You don’t do anything without my permission, Foolish girl,” Ambessa flipped you as easily as a book page, rubbing against your ass absentmindedly, “Do you think ten will suffice?”
“What?” Your lips could barely move.
Her eyes rolled, “Fifteen then, do be sure to count them,”
Her hand came swiftly slamming down.
“Aloud,” Her teeth bit your ear.
It was almost as if you had never been taught numbers, each one fighting its way out as your ass joined the list of things sore and overused on your body. Ambessa seemed detached, calm as though she was merely discussing the weather. At fifteen your face was crushed against her thighs, taking in her skin and huffing in the sex stained air as much as you could.
From this new position those blissful, brutal fingers thrust back in at an inhumane rhythm, your battered mind finally following the flow of commands. If you wished for more, you begged and even then if she did not wish it, it would not be so. You were dangling over that cliff again, love drunk on Ambessa as her siren song sang you over the edge. It felt like ascension, your soul left your body, your scream desperate. Gushing liquid and tinges of red mingled on her powerful fingers. Noxian in your own way then, you giggled to yourself, head rolling against her legs. Lady Medarda revelled in it, her fingers licked clean by her own indulgent tongue.
You seemed to float there for a while, murderous sweet nothings indecipherably fell from your Lady’s lips as she cleaned you.
“A fabulous start,” She grinned, caressing your cheek, “I think you’re ready now,”
Rolling you onto her furs, she stood and opened a small wooden cupboard to the right of her bed. What she removed you could barely process, a long dark rod attached to leather straps that fit snugly on her hips. She had never seemed stronger, force and control things she owned and tamed rather than possessed as your legs were spread. Now lying on your back, tickled by the bedding, you could fully appreciate her breasts. Weighty and glistening, they called to you like a swinging pocket watch, enticing you with every movement. This distraction allowed Ambessa to toy with your stretched hole, her strap-on lightly stimulating your twitching folds. Leaning down, her own hand met your sorely neglected breast as she squeezed the supple flesh. Pinching a nipple between her nails, she twisted till you’d soaked your thighs, coating the strap-on as she wished.
“Good girl,” She tugged you down, strap moving in an inch or two.
A wanton mewl slipped from your lips, grinding against it for more friction. She only punished you slightly, sharp nails scratching at your clit. The warlord attempted to be patient, coaxing the length in as kindly as possible. Your rolling eyes and sharp inhales were making it troublesome, her restraint slipping as she thrust into you fully. You squealed, glassy eyes wide as she bottomed out, pussy gushing slightly. Her fingers had prepared you for any major stretching, so the pain was fainter than you’d anticipated. Once Ambessa realised this her restraint slipped entirely, merciless hips destroying you as she stared into your very soul.
“I thought you’d squirm less, Pet,” Venom dripped into your ear, your body twitching and rutting to meet her pace, “I do hope it's not too much,”
“More,” You grunted, desperate, “Use me like a whore,” You had no idea where that came from, but it felt right somehow, your thoughts dripping in the lustful debauchery she had introduced.
“Don’t worry, your Mistress knows just how to treat you,” She said firmly, pace speeding up as a dark chuckle left her lips, this was a pleasant exercise, her muscles flexing as her strap soiled your sloppy cunt.
“Mistress,” You slurred back happily, the word soothing you. You were getting close again, blood thrumming in your ears, black spots dancing across your vacant eyes, shameless begging filling the room.
It was music to Ambessa’s ears, wet slaps of skin against skin as you whimpered and shrieked for her, your body moulded to serve. You had come so far from the little Wallflower she had teased hours ago, and you would stay like this, a sex-crazed slut worshipping at her feet. Feeling her own climax edging closer, she slurred filth into your malleable mind, both of you breathless and dripping with slick. She stole your orgasm from you as she conquered everything else, with ruthlessness and obsession. You were babbling, preening as you leaked over the furs, relishing in her juices dripping down onto you.
In a fluid motion she pulled out and sank down, lapping up your mess as you giggled helplessly. Her tongue was far superior to your own, coaxing another sticky flood as your mind snapped like a weak twig. No thoughts, no noise, no understanding. Only pleasure. Always pleasure.
Ambessa surveyed your blissed out, nonresponsive form as she cleaned herself and the strap-on off, placing it back in its box. A warm hand towel was fetched, as she stroked up and down your shining skin, slowly grounding you with sweet nothings and alluring kisses. You couldn’t quite understand her, but love and safety blossomed in your chest. Lady Medarda had chosen you and you had pleased her. Succumbing was good. Was right.
“Thank you,” Your weak voice said, kissing against her palm.
“You’re welcome, my darling,” A kiss to your forehead, “Rest now, sink into me,”
You were pulled onto her chest, pillowy breasts and warm covers plunging you into a dreamless, glorious sleep.
You loved Noxus.
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I don't really know who to ask about this but this is a bit of a venty ask (sorry for that btw) is that okay? Can I request Spencer x reader (idk if you write just fem reader or any other's but dealers choice) and reader is rambling about something and suddenly stops when they realize they were talking too much? Like they think that he's annoyed because their family made them think that talking too much was bad? Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I struggle verbalizing my thoughts. Have a good day/night, again sorry for the odd request
listening — spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid x reader ( no use of y/n ) content warnings: mention of ppl in reader's life having not wanted to listen a/n: hii !! its a short one but i hope you like this <3 and dont worry your request isnt odd at all !!!
“And then he just ran off, and it was insane,” you said, shaking your head as you recounted the story, your hands gesturing animatedly. “I mean, I tried to stop him, but at that point, it was like talking to a brick wall, so I—”
You stopped mid-sentence.
Your voice trailed off as your brain caught up with what you were doing.
You had been rambling.
The realization hit like a bucket of cold water, making your stomach twist uncomfortably. Your words had been spilling out so effortlessly, but now, as you glanced at Spencer—who was sitting at his desk, watching you with a small smile—you suddenly felt foolish.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, your posture shrinking as you shifted in your seat. You tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, the old, familiar shame creeping in like an unwanted guest. “I’m talking too much.”
Spencer’s smile disappeared instantly. His brows furrowed, and he leaned forward slightly, concern flashing in his hazel eyes.
“No, you’re not,” he said quickly, his voice firm but gentle.
You shrugged, looking down at your hands in your lap, fidgeting with the hem of your sleeve. “I just—I know I can go on and on sometimes. I don’t want to be annoying.”
Spencer’s frown deepened. Annoying? The thought hadn’t even crossed his mind.
His mind raced, piecing things together—your sudden drop in enthusiasm, the way your shoulders had curled inward as if trying to make yourself smaller, the hesitation in your voice.
He hated how instinctual it seemed for you to apologize for simply talking.And he hated even more the idea that someone had made you feel like you had to.
“Hey,” he said softly, waiting until you looked up at him before continuing. “You’re not annoying. And you’re definitely not talking too much.”
You searched his face, as if waiting for some indication that he was just saying that to be nice. But there was no hesitation in his expression, no forced reassurance—just sincerity.
He offered you a small, lopsided smile. “I like listening to you.”
Your breath caught slightly, your fingers stilling against your sleeve. “You do?”
Spencer nodded without missing a beat. “Of course I do.” He tilted his head, his eyes studying yours. “You get this look when you’re excited about something—your eyes light up, and your voice gets a little faster, and you use your hands a lot when you talk.”
Your face warmed. You hadn’t even realized you did that.
Spencer’s smile grew, as if he could read exactly what you were thinking. “It’s one of my favorite things about you.”
For so long, you had been conditioned to think that talking too much was a flaw, that you had to monitor the volume and speed of your own voice just to be tolerated. But Spencer—he didn’t just tolerate it.
He loved it.
Your lips parted slightly, searching for something to say, but all you could do was blink at him, your heart stumbling over itself in your chest.
Spencer seemed to realize what he had just admitted, his own face dusting pink. He cleared his throat, shifting in his chair. “Uh, I mean—”
A small laugh bubbled out of you, and he stopped, watching you with a mix of curiosity and relief.
“You really don’t mind?” you asked again, still needing to be sure.
Spencer shook his head, his voice softer this time. “No. I really don’t.”
Something in your chest loosened.
For the first time in a long time, you felt safe in your own words.
And Spencer just sat there, smiling, happy to listen.
#spencer reid x reader#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid fluff#criminal minds fanfic#spencer reid x you#criminal minds x reader#criminal minds x you#criminal minds#spencer reid#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fanfic#criminal minds fic
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