#i now wish there was more cat & lucy stuff
throughalleternity · 10 months
What are your Leon headcanons outside of a Maggie and Alex context? Like, does he hang out with Winn or other male characters to kinda affirm his maleness/masculinity? How Do other people like Kara, Lena or Cat act differently around him to affirm his gender? Does he pursue other Hobbies than Lucy?
I like the idea of the Superfam hanging out and then Winn, James, and Leon ending up together by chance (i.e., laser tag team, party where other friends move to a different room, etc) and Winn saying 'ay it's just the guys now'. It becomes a thing with them, just whenever they all end up hanging out. One evening she's like, "It's actually Lucy now, sorry for crashing boy's night." So Winn goes "Honorary boy for boys' night? Wait, is that rude to—" but Lucy grins because that's exactly the kind of gender fuckery she's been leaning into.
I do think that Leon goes to some masc spaces and finds them affirming—the ones with a lot of different types of men, where he doesn't have to be a certain way to feel respected and seen.
With Kara, a lot of what I like about them is that they end up believing in and supporting each other. And maybe this is just my own self-indulgence, but I don't really want that to change! So I kinda want Kara to wonder about that but Leon to tell her not to worry about it because he likes their friendship. And since he knows how Kara treats James and Winn as friends, and can see that it's not like super different, that gets rid of any nagging worry.
Lena... I don't really have specific ideas for her right now. Absence of canon interactions and my Lena ignorance :(
Oh, I feel like Cat's initial reaction to Lucy coming out could be so Cat - slightly dismissive of Lucy's worry but yet still with an undercurrent of care that only she can really deliver? Idk about their specific interactions, but. Let's say Leon is working at CatCo—she gets him an additional name plate (or really, it shows up on his desk the next day and it could only be Cat's doing). She's also super good about correcting people, so Leon doesn't have any issues with coworkers.
With hobbies, I feel like Leon gets into cooking? Which isn't exactly a gender thing (and it's also tied to the triad in terms of him liking to cook for them and Alex and Maggie being really appreciative lol), but. It's one of those things he's always wanted to get better at and just never has tried, and now that he's more in the mode of just trying things, that extends to his hobbies too.
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tenebris-lux · 1 year
Warning: this post talks about abuse related to ableism.
(Also, please note that as much as I like Jack Seward as a character, I’m about to rip into him. Strictly Seward stans, you may want to skip this.)
Today’s entry has the subtext: “Just in case ANYONE was in ANY doubt at all, let me spell it out: Dr. Jack Seward, Head of Carfax Asylum, is a complete and absolute, raging and abusive DICKHEAD to the patient R. M. Renfield.”
We see it all in action this time, the thing he alluded to in his very first entry:
“I questioned him more fully than I had ever done, with a view to making myself master of the facts of his hallucination. In my manner of doing it there was, I now see, something of cruelty. I seemed to wish to keep him to the point of his madness—a thing which I avoid with the patients as I would the mouth of hell.”
What that entry back then implied was that he didn’t even pick up on his own cruelty until he turned on his phonograph. Since then we’d seen separate instances of cruelty, suggesting the cat probably being the first instance of the questions meant “to keep him to the point of his madness.” But today, he wrenched and twisted that knife as brutally as he could, completely fucking Renfield up. He KNOWS it’s cruelty at this point and is doing it anyway. The useful information he obtained at the end wasn’t even what he was trying for.
Renfield is not a professional study to him, as much as Jack tells himself so—he’s a hobby.
“Later in the day he sent for me. Ordinarily I would not have come without special reason, but just at present I am so interested in him that I would gladly make an effort. Besides, I am glad to have anything to help pass the time. Harker is out, following up clues; and so are Lord Godalming and Quincey. Van Helsing sits in my study poring over the record prepared by the Harkers…”
And they’ve all agreed not to talk to Mina, so she’s out. So, he’s bored. Got nothing better to do than see what Renfield wants and maybe mess with him.
We had a break from that unpleasant side of him when he was focused on Lucy and Van Helsing, and when he met Mina. But did all that good stuff change anything about him? Not at all. Why would it? He sees a social gap between himself/his friends and a mentally ill inmate of his asylum. They’re two separate, unrelated things in his mind.
Again, I believe he would not think so well of Jonathan Harker if he had met him while Jonathan was still recovering. Even if he read the diary afterwards, there’s a strong chance he’d draw his own “professional” conclusions about Harker. Remember, he had said—
“After reading his account of it I was prepared to meet a good specimen of manhood, but hardly the quiet, business-like gentleman who came here to-day.”
He’s very judgmental. So if he had met “the quiet, business-like gentleman” before reading the diary or knowing anything of his past… the gentleman with the thousand-yard-stare who keeps getting shaken up by nightmares and possibly jumping at shadows … do you think Jack would’ve had the same respect we’ve seen him show Harker currently? If he read the diary afterwards, he’d most definitely think it all a hallucination. Which he might then rethink if he witnesses Vampire Lucy, but most likely not as an equal.
…….. Now THAT’S a frightening timeline….
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
1, 8, 19, 22?
Thanks! I'm just worried about this because I'm so rusty when it comes to the OUAT fandom but let's see.
1. the character everyone gets wrong
You know what? I'm gonna come out and say it - Facilier. The sheer amount of people I saw hemming and hawing about whether or not he was good for Regina because "he's a villain" and "has some hidden agenda" is absolutely appalling. Like, wtf do you mean is he good for her? He's literally the best! He is the only person on the show that's consistently put Regina over himself and his own wants. Like, I know he didn't have a lot of time to mess up but honestly, I don't think that even the writers understood him. He was giving off such strong Rumplestiltskin 2.0 vibes, which is the reason why I think the fandom had this reaction to him, and the writers really kind of went that way when he was even killed by Wish Rumple for wanting the dagger. It was a total waste of a perfectly good, intriguing character, not to mention husband material. Facilier deserved better treatment by everyone. Shadow Queen also deserved better!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Oh, god, I have no idea what's common.
Oh... Oh, fuck, now I wish I hadn't thought about this but...
People hating on season 7, usually without even having seen it. I think season 7 is my favorite season. There were plot lines that were unnecessary or got derailed or just didn't go anywhere but there was so much fresh stuff in there as well.
Usually, people don't even want to give it a chance because most of the og cast isn't even in there and I understand that because I hate big changes in my shows as well but the truth is that the writers had no idea what to do with the og cast since around the end of season 3 and they were clearly unwilling to spin a different angle to these characters and they were bringing in a new set of characters every half season. It only made sense to get more new characters and let them stay for a longer time.
Really, Henry, Ella and Lucy are precious, Wish Killian and Alice are one of the best parent-child relationships on the show, Alice and Robin are perfect and I think that Lady Tremaine and Gothel are some of the most ruthless villains of the show. There's a lot of raw emotion and fun twists and even if it doesn't end up being people's favorite, I think they should at least give it a chance.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
I'm kinda mad that I was into the Cruella x Isaac clusterfuck of a relationship (if it can even be called that). On the one hand, they are not compatible at all. But on the other hand, he is so much of a slimy worm that he somehow manages to match her in horribleness and villainy; he's just on the other side of the spectrum, the pathetic wet cat side. There were clearly feelings. Extremely fucked up feelings. It really is like you're preparing to watch a car crash in slow motion but then you end up being ran over by the car instead, which is a perfect description for them. And that leads me to the fact, that her signature car was actually his first? Oh... oh, I hate the writers for this. Now I'm sold and there's no getting out.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I guess the tension between Regina x Rumple. Now this is kind of the opposite of question #8 in that the majority of the fandom is correct that s6 Golden Queen was a mistake and, frankly, kind of disgusting and I am saying this as someone whose first ship from the show was Golden Queen. Season 6 absolutely ruined everything that I enjoyed about the ship in favor of what? Them having sex? With zero of the actual appeal of their relationship being involved? And they still could have done something good with that! The fact is that Rumple was treating the queen like a puppet for his plans and that's exactly what she was! That's why he created her. But they should have added more about her being more of a mirror reflection of his. I don't want to write a whole analysis of their dynamic here because I was actually saving that for a meta post (as soon as I find the time to work on it) but the truth is that Regina learned all of her weapons, all of her villainy from him. Even her mannerisms. And now that the little remaining good inside her is gone and there's no conscience to hold her back, she could be even more like Rumple. But at the same time, she's a broken reflection of the situation with Baelfire, who was trying to help Rumple only to be abandoned. And Regina discarded the Evil Queen like trash. Also, another good angle here because Regina practically decided that everything she learned from Rumple was useless. They could have shown him be at least a little attached to the queen on merit of that.
But the thing is that the tension between Rumple and Regina comes from her good parts, the ones that remained with Regina after the split. And that tension has been there all along. He had to take every last thing from her in order to force her to cast the Curse, no matter how bitter and evil he'd managed to make her over the years. He had to crush her hope completely until the only thing that could rekindle it was casting the Curse. Which is the exact same situation that he's in - the Curse is his only hope to find his son. And even after that, Regina is still doing better than he is! And he knows that! The best example of that is his line in 2x09 when he says "One day maybe they'll even invite you to dinner". Because she did what he couldn't - put her own feelings aside to do what is best for her child. There is a tiny bit of goodness inside her persisting no matter what he's doing and that is driving him insane because it is a constant source of problems for him. It took him years - decades - to make her cast the Curse, her trust in Henry really slapped him in the face with his failures where his own son was concerned, her interference in getting revenge on Zelena for killing his son, her sacrifice for Henry undoing his happy ending in 4x22, her splitting herself eventually leading to even more issues between him and Belle. And on the other hand, Regina's attachment to him has gotten her in so many problems but, ultimately, his mistakes and schemes are what got her Henry - the biggest happiness in her life (and he almost killed Henry several times but that's the point exactly). Still, after all of that, they both gravitate towards each other and there's this kind of understanding between them because in certain ways they're similar, but there's also resentment because of the ways in which they're different. It makes for an extremely compelling dynamic and people are so quick to brush it off.
make me choose violence with these asks
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skelemoonz · 1 month
Can you draw the three main human in transformers cybertron? They're such a silly companions for the autobots :33
Also I'm going to introduce their friends too.
Morris-the part of the moon/the head maiden of the operation: 0
A Girl who's 12 yrs old, whom can also transform into a cat she's the one who's in the plan of operation: 0 made by nomi, the finsternis's daughter. (Trust me, morris doesn't trust that daughter of the monster but she had to in order to returned lovely's memories) She has a calm and gentle (fake) personality, she's in a relationship with kumu (the son figure of miho rei ayumi) and she also have a little sister, Sunny the part of the sun.
Morris has only genuinely feelings for kumu, because he understands her more then anyone. Morris slashes both of her eyes for kumu's safety, for everyone's safety infact..
Sunny-the part of the sun/the second-head maiden of the operation: 0/a man-eating demon
A girl who's 100 yrs old (mentally 12 yrs old) eat humans in the past (100 yrs ago) and have killed her sister, and has been executed by the village. She was once envy of her sister, and still now. She's intelligent and can be strict to keep the main three human (Koby, lori, bud), before the invasion from starscream and his monster decepticons that he has woken them up on earth. She was saved by lucy Suzuki and later on, she saw her as a mother figure. She silently vowed to protect her no matter what, she's responsible caretaker to nomi. Sunny has no romantic feelings for anyone whatsoever, she's aroace.
She also hate the sun more then anyone, even though she's part of the sun.
She wished that she could've been born as Suzuki's first child.
Ayoku ku-theFormal wraith's minion/the follower of the plan operation: 0
A Boy who's 100 yrs old and has a bottomless stomach, he has a greedy personality for food he see (which are now wraiths, he used to ate misha in the head in transformers enegron) and he has a little brother, named: kumu and they don't get along. Ayoku tries to protect him from dangers which made him the danger instead. (He's also the son figure of miho rei ayumi) of course, he know kumu miss miho and so does he. He has no romantic feelings for no one, he's aroace.
Kumu-The formal wraith's minion/the follower of the plan operation: 0
A boy who's 12 yrs old, he's the most respectful and shy person. He was used as a weapon for miho rei ayumi (transformers enegron to transformers enegron: the bell) and he's in a relationship with morris, sure they don't get to talk much but they still have feelings for eachother, he's the only person who can see Morris's big genuinely smile.
He missed miho, his mother figure, but he's no innocent and think that she'll come back.
Also here's a fun fact about lori, she met a person who's named dolly and is a maiden of finsternis. Dolly has killed humans and put on a big smile when she's happy, dolly will not be ashamed that she admit loving lori. Lori wanted to save her villain but failed, but she know that she couldn't save her anyway..
"are you at peace, dolly?" -Lori
Oooohh this is all very cool, and nice that there’s aro/ace characters! Don’t see a lot of representation there
And, I won’t be drawing the human cast for today, and probably not for a while sorry 🙏
I was tempted to draw my versions of the characters from my au but I don’t have those designs just yet and I’m working on other stuff so :°P But I want to draw them at some point, like Lori interacting with Scourge and/or Override because they call her little sister (they’re siblings yay!!)
I love the relationships of the human characters in the show, like Bud with the minicons is adorable, and Lori with her older siblings or Coby with…Landmine or Hotshot? See idk with him, with my version he has a mentor student relation with Red Alert
Anywho, maybe some day I’ll share the dumb au but not now lol
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slytherinshua · 7 months
omg zanna!!!
firstly omg babe congrats on 1.5k!!!! youre growing so fast :( secondly the fics you rec-d had me dying (ftom cuteness ofc) amd just omg :( ty and thirdly youre really adorable!!! ofc i look up to you have you seen your blog???? babe your writing has me crying into my pillow at (exactly) 4:02 am. But genuinely the way you write is just so <3!!!! Its really really comforting. Im really envious because anything i write sounds like a first grader write it (in a happy im proud of you way!!) and ofc dw abt it that was def my fault shouldve thought that through but yeah ofc you can call me sprout!!! Also again omg zanna 1.5k!!!! and for the event how many groups do you like (this includes casually stanning too) and omg tws!!!! ( My children :( ](so idk but whenever i stan a new group automatically four positions form in my head: (idk im weird) of theres the two basic, bias and bias wrecker/s and then theres emotionally closest to and special place in my heart so ig my question is for like all or any of your fav kpop groups whod you put where?) Happy valentines day!! Happy carat day!!
SPROUT!! i get so happy when i see you in my inbox eskdjks
omg i'm glad you enjoyed them 🥹 i wish i could've gotten some more but my tumblr is always dry except for moot fics and i don't read much nowadays 💔 except for real books damn...
WHAT NO WAY MY WRITING MADE YOU CRY??? 🤨🤨🤨🤨 but thank you :(
i'm sure its much better than you think sprout :( and believe it or not, everyone starts out writing like a first grader, but the more you practice the better you become!!! and you can also put in effort to try to learn techniques and stuff but i'm too lazy for that tho i do def want to improve my writing style so we'll see :D
aww it's okay tho we're on good terms now!!! so don't worry abt that <33
okay how many groups do i like?
okay so txt, verivery, onf, victon, seventeen, astro, skz, the rose, enhypen, mcnd, newjeans, lucy, billlie, sf9, &team, red velvet, ive, bts, the boyz, viviz, n.flying, xdinary heroes, xg, boynextdoor, le sserafim, mamamoo, p1harmony, riize, wei are kinda the groups i can say i stan
got7, ateez, shinee, pentagon, nct (all units), are groups i casually enjoy and know the first 3 esp pretty well for members as well!!
im enjoy a lot of soloists and i would love to get into some other groups that i listen to occasionally as well (cix, oneus, cravity, ace, e'last etc)
i'm also familiar w gidle, itzy, twice, oh my girl, akmu, blackpink, monsta x, aespa, nmixx, exo, zerobaseone, and some more but don't consider them to be on my stanlist yet
so i think i stan 29 groups, 15(ish) soloists, and know 16ish other groups rly well !!
who would you put in the positions bias, bias wrecker, emotionally closest to, and special place in your heart?
ooo that's a rly interesting question!! i'm gonna do it just for my ult groups i think... and maybe svt too skdjks since they were ults
so for txt
bias - taehyun bias wrecker - hueningkai emotionally closest to - soobin or taehyun special place - taehyun... KSJDKS
for onf
bias - yuto, minkyun bias wrecker - seungjun emotionally closest to - minkyun (he rly likes cats what can i say) special place - etion :( i love him so much
for verivery
bias - gyehyeon bias wrecker - yongseung emotionally closest to - hoyoung maybe? special place - minchan
and for svt bonus yayayay
bias - joshua, dk bias wrecker - wonwoo emotionally closest to - woozi special place - jun
happy valentines and carat day to you as well <33 sry i didn't get to answering this yesterday cause i was BUSY WITHOUT DEVICES RIP BUT WE'RE HERE NOW <33
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
Shamefully I forgot about me mail bag, so it’s been piling up. So this post will be a big mail bag one. How about that?
Also, I have a LID BLOWER at the end! Maybe? I don’t know. I have succumbed to covid-19 and also my marijuana addiction, so this post might be incomprehensible. I’m sorry:
shitsucker69 writes:
Nah this was anonymous but I figure some dipshit who would write that would probably have some fucked up name like shitsucker69. This guy is twisted. Anyway, fuck off wanker
speaking of bozo, if you played bozo buckets how far do you think you would get (i believe there are 6 buckets in total)
Bozo Buckets? What on earth... ???
if this hiatus takes long enough can you review the Tiny Toons episode One Beer? I know it was never on Adult Swim but it is a cartoon :)
I will have to start a new blog that is called something like “Shows that weren’t the Simpsons or aired on Adult Swim”. Wouldn’t you just love it? Me talking about Duckman and such? Gettin’ wild talkin’ Family Dog and all that?
you have a cat? tell us more about them!
Her name is Lucy and she we were forced to take care of her by a guy who moved to Africa and I guess cats were illegal there. She is elderly and last time I took her to the vet it cost $700. She spins around in small circles on the way to her food dish which might be cuz of an ear infection but I don’t know because I accidentally ruined her medicine for it and had to wait for another pay day before I could get some more. That day has come but now I have Covid and am much more concerned with my own ailing health.
Bernie Sanders passed away because he was too gay
Uhm, probably because he was homophobic/racist too...
You got more food reviews? I would watch another and others
I am planning to become famous and wealthy from doing food reviews on YouTube.com
you remind me of Philip in the Alex Ross Perry movie Listen Up Philip. Make it your mission to watch it ASAP
(snottily/sarcastically saluting) sir yes sir
The Heaven's Gate stuff is such a trip because remember how stupid looking the old man leader looked. It's like falling under spell of James Quall.
Laughing. My. Fucking. A-S-S. OFF! That guy was a turkey, and I could gobble him up
I heard it's your birthday and I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. What is your number one adult swim birthday wish. You can tell us. It won't come true otherwise.
My number one Adult Swim birthday wish. Uh, I guess it would be to have sex with any woman who has been on Adult Swim. I don’t care who. It could be a normal one even. Like a not-that-hot one. I’m not going to name any names because that would be sexist and I’m not sexist
Seinfeld sucks, jerry is a bitchass hoe
true dat! Actually... nah, I like Seinfeld and Jerry is cute
the real folk blues? more like BABY blues
You ain’t kiddin (also I am reading and reviewing every Baby Blues coming up next)
Okay here is the NEWS, thank you for reading me be nasty online
I have begun a NEW BLOG to cover non-original Adult Swim Content. It’s called ADULT SWIM 2022! What do you think of that? It will take a backseat to Adult Swim 2021 always, but It’ll be a fun side project to tinker on, and you know I love to tinker. It is one of my noted traits! You gotta respect that. There is more information up on the WELCOME POST, but there you have it. A SECOND ADULT SWIM BLOG.
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papercherries · 6 months
I am tired. In a literal sense. My legs ache and my time is short. I am not the type of person to be tired (except at the end of binges). My exterior says otherwise, I'm generally look quite tired, constant eyebags that never go away, a baggy sense of clothing, very droopy. Internally however, this is rarely the case. However currently it is. I have been doing a lot of physically demanding things this week. Starting with the 10 mile walk and now, I'm exhausted from a concert. Both of these things were amazing experiences and I wouldn't trade them for a calmer day but I wish I hadn't packed it in the same couple days. The less fun stuff has been work and general film planning which is always mentally draining. I've also got to go to my hometown this week to pick up my cat because my landlord was doing house viewings.
Though, all these things that have been physically tiring, have also been mentally refreshing. A good reset. I'd like to think I'm more confident and I have liberated another corner of my mind, (especially after the concert). But this probably isn't the case. Confidence is stagnant for me, it only has really grown when I am drunk but is that even my confidence?
I saw America's local band, Cheekface, Handcuff and Cende. It wasn't as crazy and hyperactive as the usual concerts I attend but the energy was a lot more "vibey". It was a good place to dance and have fun and stuff with a little bit of jumping, moshing and screaming. Someone complimented my Jeff Rosenstock t-shirt (thank u Luffy hat guy) and I made friends in the crowd. Though, I always find it awkward asking for socials so I never do. I saw a guy there who was going crazy with it, he was having the time of his life. I recognised him and I think he recognised me as we were going mad with it at the last UK cheekface tour at the moth club. (This show was at the village underground). It's quite difficult to describe why I like going to concerts. It's nice to be in a community though I don't interact with it so am I even truly in it? None of my friends listen to the same music as I do so I always go alone. Which is fine, none of them are really into the moshing and super hyper active crowds that I usually subject myself to (willingly and positively). Maybe it's the reason all humans dance, maybe there's a sense of homogony, a sense that in this moment we are all one entity tied to the beat. We are all screaming the same words and we are all moving in time (at least, we try). I have often left shows drenched in sweat, especially in the Moth club in the summer. Those low ceilings.
There's a few type of concerts I can't stand and most of them have to do with the crowd. A great example of this is the new folk movement with the likes of Phoebe Bridgers, Lucy Dacus, Julien Baker, their collective Boygenius and people like them (I could list a million of them). They're in these big concert halls where tickets are £40 a person (which doesn't sound expensive to some concert goers, which is crazy to me) and the place is packed. There is no movement in the crowd. Even for the upbeat exciting songs (I'm looking at you Motion Sickness, you can't tell me you haven't danced to that song). I don't think this is a new issue as I remember feeling the same way about Better Oblivion Community Centre and Bright Eyes. It's beautiful music and it is meant to be heard live but they definitely fit a more intimate format. For instance, I saw Boygenius at a intimate show and it was a lot more relaxed and I enjoyed it a lot more. (Same with Wallows). One of the other types is when artists are so very clearly there to get paid. I know this is the case a lot of the time but most who think this way at least pretend it's not, sometimes they don't though and they just want to get through the show. I once saw the same artist twice in one night cause I was going with two separate people and oh my god the guy was just pompous and thought he was better than his fans. I won't name names of course but it's near John Wayne airport. The last major issue I have is with one venue in particular. Alexandria Palace, I can't stand the place. It is a long hall, with no elevation. I wouldn't mind it if it were smaller but due it is massive scale and usually how packed it is. There is a criminally low chance you'll actually be able to see the artist on stage. Issues like this are fixed in places like O2 Brixton where the floor is slanted so you are higher the further back you go. Plus it's a wider space so you can be closer.
Anyway, daily rant over. I need to go to work.
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dorefasolsido · 9 months
1. What would you do if your pet suddenly started to talk to you, but nobody else could hear it? Would you assume you'd gone mad or simply be happy for the company? Would you try to convince your friends and family or would you be satisfied keeping it to yourself?
Lol I'd suspect I'm a little bit insane, but I probably wouldn't mind. I was always curious about what Luci would have to say to me and just in general what cats actually think. I'd be chatting to him for hours, though I doubt he'd want to chat with me as much lol.
2. When you answer the phone, what do you typically say? Is it different depending on whom the caller ID says it is (if you have caller ID)?
Usually I say "hello?" or if it's my parents or friends I say "hey" or something similar. I very rarely answer phone calls from unknown numbers since I absolutely hate talking on the phone.
3. Is there a food that you only recently started to like? If so, what is it and when did you start liking it? How often do you try again foods you don't like to see if your tastes have changed?
Hmm, I mean, it's not something I didn't like before and then started liking it, but for example, I've never tried Korean food until this summer, then I finally did and ended up loving it. Now I'm in the process of exploring various dishes, but everything I've tried so far has been delicious.
But as for how often I try foods I don't like to see if I will like it now, I don't usually do that. The only thing I really actively dislike are tomatoes, and there's no way I'm giving them a fourth chance.
4. Who would you NOT want to read the surveys you've posted on here? What would most likely happen if they did read it? Is there anyone you actually wish would read your survey answers but whom doesn't?
I don't want anyone I know to read this lol, that's a fear of mine actually and the reason I was so reluctant to start this even though I always liked the idea. I don't mind if internet strangers read the stuff I write here, but someone I actually know reading this and recognizing me would be mortifying. I don't think anything special would happen, I just like to have a place like this, separate from my everyday life, where I can vent about my feelings and maybe even the people I know.
5. What three things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years, and why?
I think since technology changes so fast, it will be something we use now, but I'm not sure what. Maybe cash also. It's already starting to go in that direction in some countries.
6. Do you watch Glee? If so, which song do you want to hear on there that they have not yet done? If not, which TV show do you think has the best soundtrack?
I've never watched it, but as for the best soundtrack, Attack on Titan has absolute killer soundtrack. I'm not even super big on soundtrack in general but that show's music just hits different.
7. What do you find to be the most irritating piece of clothing to wear wet? Are you the type of person to go to great lengths to avoid getting your clothing wet? What about your hair?
I hate wet clothes omg. I'm not sure which I find more irritating tbh because all of it is horrible. I wouldn't say I go to some particularly great lengths to avoid it, as it usually doesn't happen unless I'm caught in a summer downpour.
As for hair, I don't really mind. It's a bit more annoying now that I have bangs since they go absolutely crazy when they're wet, but oh well.
8. How often do you witness discrimination? Do you ever speak up about it when you do see it? Or would you only speak up if the discrimination was directed toward you or someone close to you?
I wouldn't say I witness it too often since I live in a pretty homogenous country, but I've definitely seen it towards women or the Romani. If it happens in my circle, I'll call it out, but I'm a little bit too awkward to do it in public. Maybe one day I will, when my social anxiety goes away.
9. Do you think you would be able to pull off a crime perfectly, without being caught? What about other lies? For example, cheating on your partner without getting caught? Would you be able to get away with it?
No, I don't think pulling off a perfect crime is nearly as easy as it is sometimes portrayed in the media, and also, it's definitely not something I'd be very good at. Same with cheating, I just wouldn't see the point in that.
10. Are you the type to get embarrassed if your parent/parents acts/act your age? Do they do this often? Or do you think it's stupid to put an age on the way one can act?
I'm firmly believe it's stupid to put an age on how people should act because it's not like you turn 30 and suddenly you can't have fun. Or at least I hope so, since I'm two years away from that lol.
Anyway, I was never embarrassed by my parents and I also don't think they ever really tried to act my age or anything like that. They're just doing their own thing.
11. Do you know anyone who has divorced and remarried the same person? What do you/would you think of someone who does that?
So not quite remarried, but my dad's friend divorced his wife and then kept living with her and their daughter for years. It was an interesting arrangement to say the least, but if it worked for them, then I have no business thinking anything particular about it.
12. Do you say goodnight to anybody before you go to bed? If so, does it feel weird if you go to bed without saying it to them?
I say goodnight to my sister, but it doesn't feel too weird when I don't. Sometimes she just falls asleep earlier than me and sometimes I go to my hometown for a few days/weeks and she stays here. In those cases, I can't say goodnight to her and it's okay.
13. How do you react when you're scared? Do you scream, jump, cover your eyes, etc.?
If it's like a jumpscare, I mostly just flinch and slightly gasp.
14. Who is the best storyteller you know? What do you find best about their storytelling? Is there an interesting story of theirs you'd like to share?
Hmm, my uncle is pretty good at storytelling. He just has this way of talking that engages you right away and he really knows how to deliver the punchline or create suspense. I can't think of a specific example but yeah.
15. When you check your e-mail account, how much of it do you delete without even looking at it? Do you have a separate account for junk like this?
I never delete my emails lol. Maybe I should, but I just don't really bother, there's way too much.
16. Do you strongly dislike (or even hate) any bands or musical artists? If so, what caused such a strong negative emotion towards them?
Nope, not really. If something's not my thing, I'm just not going to listen. That's really all there is to it.
17. What are you listening to? Is it something you would normally be found listening to, or just something you've started listening to recently?
I listen to rock/metal, which I've been listening to basically since middle school, though maybe the bands have slightly changed. Also, now I'm definitely more into K-pop too, with BTS taking number one spot, of course. That's a pretty recent thing though.
18. Does/did your school bus stop directly in front of your house? If not, where does/did it stop?
Oh we don't have school buses here. At least not in my hometown, but I think even here in the capital, there are no actual school buses. I always went to school by foot anyway, since it was 5 minutes away from my house.
19. Do you parents have any collections? If so, what do you think of those collections?
My dad has a huge collection of vinyls which is actually so cool, I like to go through it once in a while and look at the covers. He also had a collection of his sports medals, but I'm not sure where that is anymore.
Mum mostly collects books, so we have plenty of those at home.
20. Are there any movies you watch when you're feeling anxious or depressed? If so, what are they, and what about them calms you down and/or lifts your spirits?
Hmm, I do usually turn to those cheesy high school comedies when I don't feel mentally well. They're just so simple and predictable that they're very comfortable, especially those I've watched many many times.
21. Would you rather see a band/artist perform in a small club, an arena, or at an outdoor venue? Why? Which one have you been to most recently?
That depends on the band/artist. I love big concerts in arenas/outdoor venues, but there's something pleasant and cozy about going to a club with 50+ people and enjoying a smaller gig too.
Most recently I've been to one of my favourite local cover band's gigs, I go there pretty much every month and it's always a fantastic time.
22. Do you have a favourite role of Johnny Depp's? If you don't like him, what is your favourite role of an actor you like?
I mean, probably Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean since that's a series of my youth lol
23. If you were in a competition to win your dream prize, and you were allowed to decide what the competition would be (trivia about your favourite band, a foot race, singing, etc.) , what would you choose and why?
I'm actually not sure there's anything I'd 100% be the best at lol
24. What is your least favourite thing about the English language? Are there any other languages you prefer besides English?
I guess if I had to pick one least favourite thing about English, it would be the articles. My native language doesn't have them so I still sometimes mess them up even though I've spoken English my entire life.
As for other languages, I really like Japanese. I like what little I know about how it works and I like how it sounds. I want to go back and try to properly learn it at some point.
25. Would you be upset if a long-term partner confessed that they had committed a serious crime before you met? How do you think it would affect your relationship?
I mean, there's no way it wouldn't affect the relationship. Say I've been with them for two years and they suddenly come and are like, oh yeah, I murdered someone five years ago, btw. Even if they did it in self-defense, it would be a problem since they never told me. It may be awkward to mention something like that on a first date, but it's also wrong not to mention it before things get serious.
26. Who, out of the people you know, do you think has the most messed-up relationship? Have you ever spoken up about it or do you stay out of it? Have you ever been in a relationship that was really messed-up?
Well, Ochi, my sorta friend. He's been in this on and off relationship with a guy who's involved with some pretty dangerous people and everything I've heard about their relationship has been beyond toxic. Like, I really think Ochi might be dragged into that world too and that won't end well for him. And I have tried talking to him many times, everyone tried, but he just doesn't listen. I'm not sure if anything can be done unless he realizes how things stand on his own.
As for myself, not that messed up, but I have had a pretty unhealthy situationship for a while.
27. What emotion have you been feeling most commonly lately? Do you like feeling this way? If not, have you done anything to try to change it?
I'm not really sure, but whatever it is, I don't think I particularly like it.
28. Why did you/your parents choose to live where you do now? Would you move right now if you were able to? Why/why not? If so, where would you like to go?
So basically, when I was choosing where to attend university, I could've chosen a city closer to my town or the capital which is a bit further away. I chose the capital without hesitation, and I'm glad I did because it's far more exciting here, and had I moved to the other city, I would've likely ended up moving back to my hometown and that would have been horrible.
I quite like it here, I've liked it from the start and I don't expect that to change too much. But I would also move somewhere abroad if I could; maybe Germany, or maybe even Japan.
29. Is there a song that you think, lyrically, describes your childhood? Have you ever had a song describe your life perfectly, each and every word? How does it make you feel when you come across songs like this?
I don't know about my childhood, but I always felt like H. by Tool somehow speaks to me, even though it doesn't actually describe my life. Like, it hits just the right strings within me, and it's difficult to explain why, though I've been trying to figure it out for years.
Also, Jimin's Like Crazy or Alone.
30. Do you tend to befriend people who are of a similar, smaller or larger weight than yourself? (Even if it doesn't matter to you, you can admit it.) Has it always been this way?
I'm really not sure lol. I think most of my friends are around my weight? It's never been a factor for me, and since I was underweight for a long time, most people I befriended were heavier than me.
31. List a random fact (each) you know about 5 of your favourite survey takers:
There are a few on here I've been following, but I'm still way too new and awkward to tag them and say anything lol.
32. Whenever you have a question about something random, are you more likely to ask Google or someone you know? Does it depend on what exactly you want to know? Do you do both?
Probably google it, though it depends, if I'm mid-conversation with someone, then I ask them, and if they don't know, then I google.
33. How old were you when you went on your first date? Was there anything you would change about the experience? How do you think it shaped your expectations? If you've never been on a date, what did you like best about the last meal you ate?
Well I've never been on like a proper date, so last meal I ate was spaghetti, and I just generally like spaghetti.
34. If you had to serve a meal to an ambassador from another country that symbolized your country's culture, what would you choose? Do you think s/he would love it as much as you do?
Stuffed paprika maybe, that's super popular in this region.
35. If someone broke into your house and robbed you, what could they take that would piss you off or upset you the most? To what lengths would you go to get it back? Has something like this already happened to you before?
Definitely my laptop or my phone. My whole life is on my phone, and I need my laptop for work. I would contact the police for sure, but tbh, they aren't that great at actually retrieving stolen stuff around here. And our house has been broken into twice (well the door was unlocked, so not really broken into), but they didn't take anything very expensive.
36. Do you enjoy watching the special features found on most DVDs? What do you usually enjoy more: the deleted scenes, the bloopers, the audio commentary, or the behind-the-scenes footage?
I did like to watch behind-the-scenes footage back in the day when I watched DVDs.
37. Do you care at all about the Stanley Cup playoffs? If so, which team are you rooting for, and is it different than the team you're sure will make it to the cup? If you don't care, is your family the type to get right into a sport, or is the topic of sports rarely spoken about in your house?
I actually have no clue what that is lol.
38. Have you ever had your own flower garden? If so, what are/were your favourite flowers to plant?
I haven't, I'm not a plant person at all.
39. Would you ever date someone who is exactly like your youngest (or oldest, if you're the youngest) sibling? Why/why not?
I get along with my sister well, so I guess it would make sense, but I also think such a person might be a little too intense for me lol. I don't know, maybe that's not too bad anyway.
40. Was there something you were afraid of as a child that just seems silly to you now?
I remember a film I caught once with some aliens that had eyes directly on their brains and they scared the shit out of me. I actually found that film later and thought they looked really funny.
0 notes
percontaion-points · 10 months
Everlife chapter 4 & bonus chapter 2
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 4
Dogs, cats, wolves, even lions, tigers and bears, oh, my. 
“Earlier, Eron decreed every citizen of Troika will be paired with a fourlegged guardian,” Luciana says. 
Fuck them birds, I guess. 
You laugh at the thought of being paired up with a bird. But I’m also thinking about the emu war. And how scary emus are. 
Forget a pitbull; I want to be partnered up with an emu. 
Firstking help anyone who gets in my way.
Chapter 4 summary: They return to Troika, and Shamus leaves with Killian. Luciana takes Ten to the cleansing showers, but it does nothing to help soothe Ten. Not after her bonding with Killian. 
There’s this super pointless aside about the animals that takes up too much time. Then Ten starts fighting Lucy, and calls her out on her shit. Lucy claims that she’s in love with Orion, and that’s why they’re blackmailing Ten to get him back. But obviously, her love for a (married) man is somehow different than Ten’s love for Killian. I mean, obviously. The only thing that this does is to further highlight the completely hypocrisy of Troikians, and how fucking shitty that each and every single one of them can be. 
After leaving her, Ten goes to the area where you can locate any living human or Troikian. But she fails to find any sign of Killian, and wonders if there’s something else she needs to be doing. She then leaves the area and goes to stand in a field that was destroyed in the battle at the end of the previous book, where she literally starts crying over the destroyed plants. I wish I was kidding.
Then she has more flashback memories of Killian’s childhood. Of him being whipped and denied manna (food) at the orphanage where he grew up. Then, of him having a carnal relationship with another girl. After Ten pushes aside her anger and jealousy, we find out that some of Killians tattoos are a map key to some stuff that he’d hidden in the realm of the living. I’m not quite sure what any of this is leading up to, so please don’t ask.
When the memories finally stop, Ten realises that hours have passed. And that it is now time for her to vote to determine who will be brought back from the rest. 
Bonus chapter 2
They can die right along with Troika. Might Equals Right! Sir Zhi Chen
Bonus chapter 2 summary: Killian sends a message to Zhi to update his CO about what’s been going on. Zhi in turn messages his own CO, Hans, to give him an update. Hans is reportedly only 14 years old, yet he’s a general. As such, he’s more interested in partying, babes, and booze than literally anything going on; I read his message with the voice of Slurms MacKenzie, for obvious reasons. 
Anyway, the Secondking (aka the leader of Myriad) has pardoned all of Killian’s crimes, claiming that Killian has managed to trap Ten. What’s more is that Killian also has no memories, so you probably shouldn’t punish somebody with no memory of their crime. Their plan is to have Killian bring Ten to Myriad, where she’ll likely die of the darkness inside of her. They’ll then purge the light from Killian, and hopefully manage to kill some other Troikians as they’re doing that. 
0 notes
animezing-fandoms · 3 years
The Gift She Wants
Warnings: None this is just pure fluff.
Relationships: Nalu
Summary: Natsu attempts to write Lucy a love letter for her birthday. 
Lucy’s never really enjoyed her birthday. It used to be fun when her mom was still around. But after her death, her birthday had always been ignored by her father. But that all changed once she joined Fairy Tail. Every morning on July 1st she’d walk into the guild to find a huge party set up for her. It was a sweet gesture even though the guild hall usually wound up trashed by the end of the day because of all the drinking and fighting that ensued. 
But that wasn’t the only thing that was the same every year. The presents that Lucy got from her friends were all the same. Gray would make her a little ice sculpture of a star that would melt after a day but she never had the heart to tell him. Gajeel did something similar with jewelry but it was made out of iron and really big and bulky so they were all too heavy to wear for long. Similarly, Erza would give her a sword or some other weapon that was too heavy for Lucy to lift. Juvia would offer her baked goods she made herself but for awhile Lucy was always cautious to eat them, knowing how jealous Juvia was about her friendship with Gray. Thankfully that wasn’t a problem anymore, and now her gift was one she was looking forward to along with the book from Levy and perfume from Mira that she got every year. There was only one gift she truly dreaded and that was from Natsu. 
Every year she hoped that he would give her something different, only to be proven wrong when he whisks her away on some dangerous job that leaves her exhausted, dirty, and bruised. The only good part about it was that she got to spend time with him, and have a little fun when she wasn’t fearing for her life. And as the years went on, she hoped that perhaps him taking her on these jobs alone meant that he would talk to her about things. Things that she knew he probably never thought about but that deep down, she dares to hope that he does.
So she thought she knew what to expect during her birthday party this year when he approached her, holding something behind his back. She took a deep breath, ready to see what job flyer he’d present her with only to find a book with a pink bow wrapped around it instead. 
“What’s this?” Lucy asks, surprised and cautiously optimistic. “Is it part of a job or-”
“No it’s not a job. It’s just a journal.” Natsu says. “I couldn’t figure out what to get you for your birthday this year so I asked Gildarts for advice and he told me I should get you something that you’ve been wanting to get or something you’d like so I thought I’d get you both!” 
Lucy was confused and touched at the same time. She was also relieved that for once she wouldn’t have to worry about getting hurt on her birthday! And it was a really sweet and thoughtful gift! She likes to write so he got her a journal...He really thought about it to get her something she’d enjoy! Is he starting to change? 
“Thank you so much Natsu!” Lucy exclaims, beaming with happiness as she holds the gift to her heart. “I love it!” 
She had no idea just how much she’d love it later.
After the party, she brought all the gifts she was able to carry back to her apartment with her and immediately unwrapped the bow on the journal to open it. 
To her surprise, there was already writing in it. Natsu’s writing. 
Her heart sunk. The last time he had written her something was a note telling her he was leaving for a year with Happy. And then the guild disbanded and she was all alone. He wasn’t leaving her again was he? 
With her heart pounding, she scanned the page, reading the words and bracing herself for heartbreak. But instead she found the opposite. 
Dear Lucy,
I hate writing and I’ve never written something like this before so I don’t know how good it’s gonna be but this is something I know you want to hear so I’m gonna try my best for you like I always do. I’m not good with words. Most of the things I say to you make you upset with me so I try to show how I feel about you with my actions instead of my words. And while I think that’s given you enough of an idea to know that I care about you, I don’t think you get how much I really do. So I guess I’ve got to be more clear and I figured since you love writing this is the best way to do it. 
You’re amazing. You’re so powerful, beautiful, and kind and you shine brighter than any star or dragon’s fire. I have no idea why you still hang around an idiot like me who doesn’t know how to treat you right but I hope the reason is because you feel the same way about me that I do about you. I’ve never had feelings like this before, so I’m sorry if I’ve frustrated you but I just don’t know anything about love aside from how I feel about you. Gramps and Gildarts used to lecture me on how great relationships are and how they hoped I’d fall in love and get married and have kids someday but I never wanted that because there wasn’t anyone I wanted to do that stuff with until you came into my life. 
It took me awhile to figure it out but now everything they told me about makes sense. I want to be with you Lucy, as more than just a friend. I know I don’t deserve you but I’m working hard to make you happy because that’s what you deserve. And I can tell that not knowing that has made you unhappy. So I’ve got to just be straight to the point and say it. I love you Lucy Heartfilia. I think that’s what you want to hear, so that’s what I’m giving you for your birthday.
Lucy’s tears of joy were dripping onto the page so she quickly closes the book to keep her tears from washing away those sweet words. 
This was better than she could have ever imagined. And all she wanted was to run to Natsu and start this new chapter in their relationship together. Thankfully, knowing him, she didn’t have to go far. 
With tears dripping down her cheeks, she pulls back the curtain to her bedroom to find the man she loves and his blue cat in her room. She’d never been so happy to have them break into her apartment. 
“Lucy did you like the-Aw damnit, you’re crying!” Natsu exclaims, looking hurt and disappointed with himself. “I messed up again!” 
“What did you expect, you took relationship advice from Gildarts!” Happy chastises. “That guy can’t hold onto a woman, what does he know-” 
“No you didn’t!” Lucy reassures him. “Natsu it was perfect! I love it! I love you too!” She exclaims. 
Before Natsu has a chance to process what she said, Lucy dashes across the room, tossing the journal onto her bed before throwing her arms around his neck as he catches her in his before she kisses him. 
Happy’s jaw drops and Natsu’s eyes go wide for a moment, surprised by her affection before he returns the kiss, closes his eyes and moves his hands along her back to hold her closer to him as he relishes in this new feeling. 
She brings her hands up to his face to run her thumbs along his cheekbones while his hands settle on her hips as they gently pull apart. 
A blush forms on Lucy’s face as she realizes what exactly she’s done and is immediately embarrassed by how forward she was being. 
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry that probably came out of nowhere and I should have asked first-” Lucy rambles before Natsu’s chuckle pulls her gaze back to his face and when he sees the warm look in his eyes and the smirk on his lips, she instantly relaxes. 
“It’s fine Lucy. I was hoping you’d kiss me. I just hope it was a good kiss, considering I’ve never done that before...” Natsu admits shyly. 
“It’s okay. I’ve never kissed anyone before either.” Lucy tells him. “This is new for me too. We’ll figure it out together, just like we do for everything else.” 
She rests her head on his chest and Natsu holds her close and rests his cheek on top of her head. 
“Well you know a lot more about this stuff than I do. So you’ll have a lot to teach me.” Natsu admits and Lucy laughs. 
“Well you gave me a very thoughtful gift, so clearly you’ve already got some idea of what to do.” Lucy says. 
“You just mean so much to me.” Natsu says. “I’ve never felt this way before for anyone else and I doubt I ever will. You deserve someone who can make you happy and give you everything you want.” 
“Well if everything you wrote in that letter is true, then I have no doubt that person is you.” Lucy says. “I just want one more thing.” 
“What is it?” Natsu asks, pulling back to look at her. “Whatever it is I’ll give it to you.” 
“Just tell me you love me. I know you wrote it but I want to hear you say it.” Lucy requests. 
Natsu smiles, more than happy to fulfill that wish. 
“I love you Lucy.” Natsu says and fresh tears spring from Lucy’s eyes as a result. 
“I love you too Natsu.” She says before kissing him again. 
The sounds of Happy sniffling pull them out of the moment. 
“What’s wrong little buddy? Are you crying because you’re happy for us?” Natsu asks. 
“I’m so happy for both of you!” Happy sniffles. “But I can’t believe that someone as dense as you managed to get a girlfriend before me!” He wails and the new couple laughs. 
Yep. Definitely the best birthday ever. And now Lucy couldn’t wait to see what Natsu would do for her next year. 
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revirushifaa · 3 years
A female adult MC presenting positive pregnancy tests to the brothers and their reactions please! Thank you!
Awww, how cute! Bros be Papas now <333
You Are Gonna Be a Father
Lucifer and MC:
*He's in his study once again full with paperwork, when there's knocks in his door. Pauses for a moment and calls out.
"Come in, it's open."
*MC comes in and he immediately smiles, seeing his lover,
"Hello, my love, came to visit me?"
"Luci dear, there's something I must tell you..."
*Moments of curiousity with Lucifer as MC comes in and presents him a tube. The demon furrows his brows when he sees it, not sure what that meant.
"You're gonna be a father, Luci!"
*His pen falls from his hand and he's in shock. Blinks several time, the new information not processing quick. A father? A... a father?!
*For moments there is an awkward silence in the room and MC believes he's not thrilled and she's worried that he doesn't like the sound of it.
*However, pride be forgotten, Lucifer rises from his chair and engulfs MC in his arms spinning her around and looking overjoyed, like a child on Christmas Eve.
"Oh, these are the best news I've heard, can't wait for my firstborn to come!"
*Doesn't shut up for the next nine months about his firstborn. Papa Luci is happy Papa.
Mammon and MC:
*Is planning what to steal next from his brothers so he can sell it and gain more grimm. He's stopped however by MC.
"Hello, gold. What's up?"
"Mammon, darling. We need to talk."
*He hasn't done anything wrong, please don't start lecturing him too, he's had enough of Lucifer's lectures to have his lover also doing that.
*But he blinks when he's shown a tube. What is this? He has no idea until MC speaks up.
"You're gonna be a father, Mammon."
*The whole world stops spinning for a moment. ...Father...? Him a father? A-are you trying to mess with him?
"Umm, come again, goldy locks?"
"I have a baby forming inside me, you managed this and we'll have a family out of us. Mammon... you made this possible."
*Drops everything he's intending to sell and hugs his lover as tight as possible, enough to raise her up the ground, he's crying happy tears actually.
"Goldy locks, sweetums, that's great! There's gonna be a Mini Mammon here!!"
*And for the next nine months his brags about 'Mini Mammon' and brings the baby up to every conversation, he's gotta be a proud papa.
Leviathan and MC:
*He's there in his own world, playing a game that just came recently, he hears the door knock, but he doesn't demand the password, he knows by the rythym of the knocks, it's his lover.
"Come in, sugarcube. It's open, join me in a game!"
*MC enters and walks over to him, with a smile on. Levi wonders why she is so happy.
"Levi... got news for you."
*She pulls out a tube and hands over to Levi who's lost in the clouds. What is this? This doesn't look like one of those mini console games.
"Um... sugarcube, I might not be good at normie's stuff. You're not a normie of course! I mean the normie world's stuff in general."
"You're gonna be a father, Lebaby!"
*Uh.... he's sent into a frozen state, his console drops from his hold and he opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of the water.
*It takes a long while for him to react from this new information. He locks his gaze on MC's and puts his hands on her shoulders.
"Sugarcube, are you telling me...?"
"There's a blessing growing inside me, and you're the result of it. I'm so happy to have such blessing inside me."
*Ok, that's enough to put him out of unease and start hugging his lover close, in his own way telling her how much this has put him happy, while still unsure if he's gonna make a good father.
*He builds up the nursery ocean-themed and is certain that his child is going to be an otaku just like it. During nine months he's worked harder to achieve this.
Satan and MC:
*Reading as always, the Avatar of Wrath sits on the library when MC enters the library and she covers his eyes from behind. Knowing that his lover does this all the time, he doesn't go on alert.
"Hello, kitten. Nice surprise as always."
"I have an even better surprise, mon chaton."
*She gives him a tube and he blinks at it, eyes widening as he has a bit of a clue of what this is all about.
"Kitten, don't tell me...?!"
"Correct, you're gonna be a father, Satan!"
*His book falls off his hold and he stands up, quickly pulling MC into his hold. There's a warm look on his face.
"Wonderful news, kitten. Let me give you a surprise of my own."
*He kisses her and shows her how happy he is. For one he did want to try a family with his beloved, wishes always are granted and now his wish is granted. He'll have a family of his own. He reads anything, so he's read a book on child care so, he's prepared.
*During the next nine months he's reading to his beloved pregnant tummy, puts his ear on it and calls his to-be born firstborn 'his kittling'. Super happy cat Papa.
Asmodeus and MC:
*The beauty of the house is once again taking care of his image, with the most high-class beauty products.
"Beautiful? Can I enter?"
"Why, of course, my darling, enter. My room is your room too, after all we're married!"
*She enters and presents Asmo with the tube and he cocks his head to the side. Was this a tube of cream for his perfect skin?
"Is this for my skin, dear?"
"*giggles* No, silly! You're gonna be a father!"
*Asmo.exe has stopped working. What... what...?! Father? Him?!
"Is this true?! I'm gonna have a child with my ethereal beauty? Oh sweetie... *sobs*"
*MC cleans up his happy tears as he is the most emotional of all brothers. He's in a joyful moment there, he sobs as he hugs his beloved closer to him, getting his body wash cream all on her.
*He's there buying all the beauty products for babies even months before their birth but he just wants them to be just like him; beautiful. His firsborn gotta be just an Asmo Jr.
Beelzebub and MC:
*Is about to go to munch on whatever that there is in the kitchen when his beloved and runs up to him and hugs him ever so tightly.
*He smiles and hugs her back, nuzzling her and feeling like his meal will be wonderful because he has MC with him.
"Hey, Bite. Did you get good news on your medic appointment? I know how scared of the doctor you are, but I can only hope it went out good seeing your behavior."
"It did! Got some news for you, my sweet Gluttonous!"
*She pulls out a tube and lets the demon see it and she's wearing a very happy smile. But Beel doesn't catch up on it, what is this, a marshmallow? He opens his mouth about to take a bite of it.
"No! Beel this isn't food! You're gonna be a father!"
*What? For real? A little baby will be his. He of course knows babies can't be eaten, he wouldn't do that. He feels happy. He picks up his bride and twirls her around.
"This is the only think greater than food that I can think at the moment! I'll be a dad to our child. Let's celebrate it big!"
*Beel spends the next nine months saving food like a bear in hibernation but if he's firstborn is gonna be just as gluttonous as he is, then he must keep them fed and good. Of course only bottle of milk for the first months of their life.
Belphegor and MC:
*Haaah. Sleep, sleep. Sweet sleep. Though his sleep is interrupted by his beloved, gently nudging him awake. If she had something to tell him that was important, she's the only one allowed to wake him up.
"Hm? Oh it's you, pillow. What's up?"
*Slowly sits up, smiling gently at her, with sleepy eyes, waiting for her to speak up why she woke him up.
"Snoozy, Snoozy, there's something I must tell you before you go to bed! Ready? You're gonna be a father!"
*The news wake him up quickly, he's not nodding off anymore. He blinks and locks his gaze into her gaze.
"You mean...?"
"Yes, my sweetheart. A little one is forming inside me and they'll be ours in a few months."
*MC is attacked in a firm hug by a happy Belphie who feels the immense happiness now. Yes, he's happy, because he just got a family out of his dearest, these are wonderful news. His small one might be just like him in sleep, so it'll be quite nice to have a sleep buddy.
*Belphie then buys all pillows and soft blankets for his little one when they come to his life. Claiming that his baby needs the softest of beds to sleep. And to his credit, babies do sleep a lot, so just the perfect sleep buddy to ask.
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mochegato · 4 years
Hope on Board
Chapter 29 – Truth Will Out
Chapter 1     Chapter 28
Marinette slowly, carefully closed the bedroom door. She waited next to the door with her hand on the knob for a few seconds just to make sure Rob really had fallen asleep and wouldn’t start crying again.  Hearing no noise for a full minute, she let out the breath she had been holding in case the sound from her breath woke him up.  
She gently removed her hand from the knob and silently padded toward the library, which had quickly become their regrouping center, much to Jason’s annoyance.  However it was right across the hall from the room their family was staying in while at the manor and it had almost immediately been annexed as a place where she and Dick could relax and talk to people while still being close enough to hear the twins when they woke up.  For quick naps and showers while the twins were sleeping, they used Dick’s room, which was just a little further down the hall.  But the library offered a place that was more open to the whole family.
“And thank you two for not meowing or trying to sneak past me,” she cooed at Kismet and Alfred as she walked.  All of the animals in the house had taken a liking to the twins and more often than not, Marinette or Dick were woken up by one of them scratching at the door to get into the bedroom so they could curl up with one of the twins or lay down at the base of one of the cribs.  
As long as they were quiet about it and didn’t wake up the twins, Marinette thought it was absolutely adorable.  However, those rare times when their scratching or barks or meows woke up the twins, Marinette would send them a glare that had the dogs running with their tails between their legs and the cats… well, not really reacting at all until Marinette got the water bottle.
“He sleeping?” Dick asked looking up as she came in and chuckling at the line of animals trailing behind her.
“Welcome home.  And yes. We have a little bit of time before they wake up again,” she smiled at him, slumping onto the couch next to him.
He hugged her into his unbandaged side, chuckling into her hair.  “You want to take a nap?”
Marinette made a vaguely groan sounding noise and pushed away from him just enough to angle her head up to look at him with a sleepy smile.  “I’ll do that during their next nap.  I think I should eat during this one.”
“Do you want me to talk to Alfred?” he offered, half getting up as he spoke.
“I can make something for her,” Adrien offered, waving him down.  “Or let Alfred know so he can.  You can rest if you want.”
“Thanks, Adrien,” Dick gave him a grateful smile. “Actually, I think I’m going to shower. Get the Academy off of me.”
Marinette pulled her shirt away from her body and eyed it suspiciously.  “Yeah, I’m not sure when the last time I took one was.  Maybe I should do that during the next nap time instead.”  
Dick chuckled and pulled her closer.  “You know, you could always take a shower with me…” he whispered into her hair.
Marinette blushed deeply and pushed his face away.  “Yeah, not there yet.  Food, sleep, nap, shower.  Those are my priorities right now.  And I’m extremely negotiable on the shower part.”
“Two of those were the same thing, Bug,” Adrien shook his head.
She narrowed her eyes and pointed at him as if challenging him.  “All four can be the same thing if I try hard enough.”
Dick rolled his eyes but laughed in spite of himself. “You’ve been hanging out with Stephanie too much.”
Marinette scoffed.  “If anything that’s Alya’s influence…” her eyes suddenly widened. “Oh God.  They can never meet.”
Adrien scoffed this time.  “Alya got that from you, not the other way around.  You and Steph are the danger duo.  Although you, Steph, Cass, and Alya… I’d be afraid for Gotham.”
Dick shuddered at the thought.  The sheer chaos of it.  “Just make sure I’m not on duty that night, please.”
Marinette giggled and rested her head on his shoulder. “How was the first day, Cadet Grayson?”
“Eh,” he shrugged.  “Boring.  Introductory stuff.  Not that I’m expecting it to get better.  I’ve known more about police procedure than most officers since I was eight.  I can already pick out some of the cadets who joined as a power play.  I also recognized a few people I bus…” he looked over to Adrien with a grimace, “…who I know I’ve seen on the news after the bats busted them.  Which means either the person in charge of vetting entrants didn’t do their job, ignored the records, or someone on the force expunged their records.  I already let Gordon know,” he gave out a tired sigh.
“You sound like you need a nap,” Marinette poked him in the cheek.
He hummed noncommittally as he caught her hand and brought it up to his lips for a kiss, causing Marinette to blush again and bury her head in his shoulder.  If he kept doing little things like that, she didn’t know how much longer her resolve was going to last.  But it had to last.  They had to wait until they figured out their issues.  They couldn’t rush it.  
“Shower first, then we’ll see what the twins allow for,” he smiled at her.
“How long will Clover and Hood sleep?” Adrien asked too innocently for his comment to not be intended to get a reaction.
“I hate you,” Marinette grumbled into Dick’s shoulder, but made sure it was loud enough for Adrien to hear.  Adrien laughed hard at her reaction but immediately tamed it down after the glare Marinette shot him.  If he woke up the twins, she really would hate him.
“Clover and Hood?” Dick asked unsure, looking back and forth between Adrien and Marinette.
“Lucy, Lucky, Four Leaf Clover, Clover.  Robert, Rob, Robin, Robin Hood, Hood.” Marinette elaborated into his chest.
Dick stared at her for a few seconds, letting the logic train sink in.  He glanced over to Adrien in time to catch his smug grin.  He leaned down to whisper in Marinette’s ear.  “We can’t let him call him after Jason.”
Marinette gave him a flat look.  “You explain it without telling him who you are,” she whispered back, working hard to keep the smirk off her face.  She knew Adrien knew who Dick was, but Dick didn’t know and was still trying hard to keep it a secret.  Adrien knew that too, which is why he was having so much fun pushing his buttons.
“You can’t call my son ‘Hood’.  You can’t go around yelling ‘Hood’ at a kid.  People are going to think he’s a thief or that you saw Red Hood,” Dick finally reasoned.  Marinette pouted at how he handled it.  It was entirely too quick and well thought out.  She was hoping for something more dramatic.
Adrien pouted at him.  “Fine.  That makes sense.  I’ll come up with something else.”
“Good.  That was subpar effort, K…” she suddenly woke up slightly and blinked a few times. “Uh… sorry.  That was a terrible effort, Adrien.”  Adrien gasped dramatically, pulling his hand to his chest in mock offense.
Dick laughed.  “Okay, I’m getting up.  You’re going to have to find another warm pillow.”  Marinette mumbled something that might have been an objection, but made no move to stop him.  He scooted out from under her, kissing her on the head as he left.
Adrien was trying to get Marinette to tell him what she wanted to eat and keep her awake as he was leaving.  Dick shook his head and wished him good luck with that.  When Marinette crashed, it was hard, a bit like Tim after a bender on a case.  A tuba couldn’t wake her up.  And yet, the slightest whimper from one of the twins would.  He shook his head.  Must be a hormonal thing.
He let out a deep sigh as he made his way to his bedroom to take a shower.  He wished they were going to take a shower together, or a nap together… or something more, but they weren’t there yet, and he knew that.  They were still figuring out some lingering trust issues. Marinette trusted him, but not when it came to not lying about something he thought was important, which was fair, because that was something he needed to settle with himself.  
He was so used to deceiving people to cover his vigilante work and to do what needed to be done, he was having a hard time remembering he didn’t have to do that with Marinette.  It had been ingrained in him that he was the leader and therefore took the brunt of the decision and all the worst of the consequences, so he forgot he was supposed to be sharing responsibility and decisions with Marinette for the rest of his life.  The things he was doing were the way Batman would do them and he wasn’t Batman.  He didn’t want to be Batman.  That wasn’t his dream.  His dream was having a loving family, preferably the one he had already started.  He wanted to be Lucy and Robert’s father.  He wanted to be Marinette’s husband, someday.  He had to change how he thought to make his dreams come true.  He had to retrain his brain and it was taking time.  
He turned on the shower and started to undress before remembering he left his shower things in the bathroom off the family bedroom. He groaned, dreading the idea of going back into that room while the twins were sleeping.  Lucy was like her mom, she could sleep through most things, except the animals making noise.  Robert however inherited his father’s tendency to wake up at the slightest sound.
He anxiously looked around for something else to use, but there wasn’t anything in his bedroom or bathroom.  He groaned again, turned off the shower, and padded back to the family bedroom.  He paused outside the room to prepare himself and plan how he could be as quiet as humanly, or possibly even more than humanly, possible.  His whole body went rigid when he heard talking in the room.  Nobody was supposed to be in the room.  Marinette had left it with just the twins.  She would never have left so calmly if anyone else were in it, even a family member.  
“Come on, Sugar Cube.  This is offensive.  Look at this long nosed monstrosity.  It should be a cat.  I should accidentally destroy…”
Dick stopped listening at the word ‘destroy’.  He tensed for a fight and burst into the room with a yell.  The two figures hovering over the cribs squeaked in surprise and the elephant stuffie Marinette had made, which seconds before had been in the black one’s hands… paws? In the black one’s grip suddenly evaporated in a stream of dust and ash.  Dick froze in surprise unable to make sense of the image in front of him.
Marinette and Adrien rammed into Dick in their rush to check out what was happening.  The push broke Dick of his paralysis.  He moved between the floating figures and the twins.  “Who are you?  What do you want?”  He quickly picked up Robert when he started fussing at the sudden noise.
“Plagg… Why is there a pile of ash on the floor?” Marinette glared at him.
“Pla… you know what these creatures are?” Dick whipped around to stare at her.
“Yes,” Marinette admitted with an annoyed glare at Plagg.  “Let’s get Robert back to sleep and talk in your room.”
Dick looked at her incredulously.  The red figure obediently flew through the wall into the next room, but the black one stared at him as if challenging him.  Adrien silently moved over to it and grabbed it by the tail to fling it out the door with a huff.  Dick slowly turned to Marinette, staring at her questioningly. She gave him a strained smile and gently took Robert out of his arms.  She laid him in the crib, gently rocking him in his swaddle in the crib and turned on the mobile above his bed.  It took a few more minutes, but Robert was soon sleeping again.  She motioned out of the room with a comforting smile.
Dick glared at her, but followed her to his room as requested.  She carefully closed the door behind them.  As soon as she got to his room she glared at the black figure.  “Plagg, what the hell just happened?”
“Hey!  It’s not my fault!  Pompous circus boy was supposed to be in the shower in his room.  Instead he’s sneaking around like a fox and scared me.”  He flew toward Dick but Adrien grabbed his tail again to stop him. “Talk to the annoyance, not me,” he grumbled crossing his arms over his chest.
“I am talking to the annoyance,” Marinette gritted out.
“That hurts, Bug,” he responded in a mock hurt voice.
“Not as much as it’s going to.  No camembert for a month,” she growled.
“A month!”  His eyes suddenly were as large as the rest of him.
“Are you kidding me right now?” she exclaimed loudly. “You’re objecting to a month? You’re lucky it isn’t six!”
“Bug, have mercy on a poor, innocent, protective cat,” he bent his knees and brought together his hands as though he were praying in front of her.
“It was my nursery!  And my pompous circus boy you just exposed yourself to,” she threw her hands up in the air in frustration.
“Hey!  I have no idea what’s going on here, but I’m fairly confident I’m justified in objecting to that,” Dick interjected.
Marinette looked over to him as if just remembering he was in the room.  She groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose.  “It would have been so much better if this happened after a nap.  I…” she collapsed on the edge of the bed.  “I don’t know where to start.”
“You knew those things were here.”  It was a statement not a question.
“Yes,” she confirmed with a short nod.
“And you didn’t think it was worth mentioning?” he questioned, skepticism lacing his voice.  This wasn’t some small thing, some small secret.  These were magic, probably, creatures roaming around his kids and his home.  Creatures Marinette knew about and never discussed with him.  Creatures Marinette exposed his children to and never discussed with him.
“You didn’t think your nightly activities were worth mentioning when you were missing half the pregnancy?” Marinette raised her eyebrow with a pointed look.
Dick grimaced slightly.  “Okay, point taken.  But I remember getting yelled at for keeping it from you.  I remember you breaking up with me for keeping it from you and you were keeping something just as big from me.”
“No, you got yelled at for lying.  We broke up because I couldn’t trust you after all the lies.  I was asking you questions and you were lying in response.  We were still finding out about each other, figuring each other out, deciding how much to trust one another.  I told you before, you were and are allowed to have secrets and that I had some too. This is one of them.”
“Okay fine.  I don’t know that I agree with that logic, but okay.  Let’s shelve that to come back and bite us later.  But can someone explain…” he motioned toward the floating figures.
“Well you see…” Adrien started, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I think he means me,” Marinette interrupted.  The exhaustion seeping out of her voice and listless posture.
Adrien looked between the two of them.  “Oh, right.  Why don’t I…” he looked around uncertainly.  “Why don’t I leave you to it then?”  He turned to look at Marinette sincerely.  “Unless you want me to stay around, just in case.”  He eyed Dick suspiciously.
“I’ll be okay, Kitty,” she assured him.  “We were going to have this conversation soon anyway. This just pushed it forward by a few weeks.”
“I’ll stay, just in case,” Plagg insisted, floating up in front of Dick’s face with a malicious grin.
“No, you won’t.  Not if you’re going to threaten my babies’ father,” Marinette chastised sternly.
“Fine!  No threatening him.  I’ll just stay… and keep Tikki company,” Plagg offered petulantly.
“No.  I don’t want either of you here,” Dick objected.  Plagg looked affronted but Tikki gave him a look of understanding and started tugging him toward Adrien.  “I don’t want creatures with unknown powers, actively destroying things, to be around my children.”
“Why don’t I take them both tonight?  You guys should be pretty safe here in the manor.  If you need us, we’re just a phone call away,” Adrien assured her.  He opened his pocket for the kwami.  Tikki zipped over to him but Plagg held his position, attempting to stare down Dick. He was fuming from the suggestion that he would ever hurt the twins.  He’d been with the twins more than Dick had and yet Dick was kicking him out!  The unmitigated gall!
“Thank you, Adrien,” Marinette answered quietly.  “Plagg,” she spoke up.  He kept facing Dick but his ears twitched indicating he had heard her. “Plagg, thank you for everything you’ve done.  Let me speak to Dick alone please.”
Plagg huffed at her.  “I don’t wanna.”
“I know,” Marinette moved over to him and scratched between his ears.  “But, Adrien’s right.  We’ll be safe tonight.  You’ve been on babysitting duty for seven months straight.  You can take a break for one night.”
Plagg huffed at her again, still refusing to move. Tikki flew out of Adrien’s pocket to tug on him.  “Come on, Stinky Sock.  Let them have some time alone.”  
Plagg finally acquiesced, but sent a final glare to Dick.  “Fine. But if he hurts her…”
Tikki pushed him again.  “He won’t hurt her.  Come on protective cat.  You’re causing more damage than good.”
Adrien let out a relieved sigh and nodded to them. Just before leaving the room he turned and gave a pointed look to Marinette before shifting his eyes down to his ring with a nod.  Marinette smiled at him with an understanding nod at his wordless permission to divulge his identity.
She slowly turned back to Dick.  She shifted anxiously from foot to foot, her entire body tense. This was not the way she wanted to tell him, but then again Dick hadn’t gotten to dictate the terms of either of his reveals either.  Neither of them got to prepare for the deep, meaningful conversations.  But, even if timing might be against them, she had faith they could do this.  They had always been able to communicate, excepting the lying portion, they had always been able to talk through their concerns and worries.  She just had to breathe and be honest.  They could do this.
Dick studied her carefully trying to read the situation from her body language.  She was nervous, but not at all about the creatures.  She was completely at ease with them despite the stuffie incident. And Marinette was one to catastrophize. She was more likely to anticipate the worst than just blithely accept it.  Which meant she is thoroughly familiar with them and their powers.  She was completely confident they did not pose a threat to their children.  No, that wasn’t what she was nervous about.  She was nervous about him and how he was going to react to the situation. He sighed and leaned against the desk. Their lives were a complicated mess. “Let’s start slow.  What did you mean he’s been on babysitting duty for the last seven months?” Dick finally asked.
“Plagg has been with me constantly since the pharmacy incident,” Marinette answered quietly.  “That incident scared Adrien and the kwami a lot.  They wanted Plagg to be with me too in case something else happened.  I wouldn’t transformed while pregnant, especially not with Plagg, but he could do other things, like let Adrien know where I was if I got kidnapped and lead him to me.”
Dick stared at the door Adrien had left through, the clues slowly starting to click into place.  “Because Adrien is Chat Noir.  That’s why Chat is so protective of you, because he’s Adrien.”  Dick’s mind was racing through all the implications, missing the way Marinette winced in response to his wrong assumption.  He looked over to her as something else clicked into place.  “When Chat said he had you bugged, he meant that thing.  That that thing…”
“A kwami named Plagg,” she supplied.
“That… Plagg was with you,” he finished.  She nodded.  “And that creature… Plagg, how dangerous is he?”
“Depends,” she bobbed her head to the side in a wishy-washy motion.  “Kwami are the physical embodiment of concepts.  Tikki is the embodiment of creation and good luck.  Plagg is the embodiment of destruction and bad luck, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  I haven’t discussed it with Adrien, but I’m pretty sure the destruction of the Court of Owl base where they were holding me, was Plagg.  I don’t think Adrien could have done it that completely.  It had to have been Plagg.  They are linked to physical objects that a person can wield, when transformed their power is a lot more controlled by the wielder.  But Plagg has control too.”
“He accidentally destroyed a stuffie,” he gave her a pointed look.
She waved off his concern as she rolled her eyes.  “That wasn’t accidental.”
“You can’t know that,” he said cautiously.  She may be comfortable with having a creature like this around his children, but he definitely wasn’t.
“If it was accidental, there would have been a whole lot more damage and no ash trail.  The destruction would have been complete.  When he accidentally destroys things, entire cities disappear.  Entire orders of animals become extinct.  That was a controlled, focused use of his power. Likely because Robert was showing a bit too much attention to that stuffie rather than the black cat stuffie.”
“Okay…”  He eyed her suspiciously, not entirely convinced.
“Also, I should warn you.  Intentional use of his power to punish can result in destroying a cult’s stronghold or… sinking a city,” she gave him an overly wide, tense smile.
“Like Atlantis,” he nodded in realization.
“Like Atlantis,” she confirmed.  “Apparently he still holds a grudge too.  Your friend Garth, he’s Aqualad, right?  He has to be.  Plagg was acting up all night when I met your friends.  Every time Garth came near me, Plagg was pitching a fit.  I couldn’t figure out why and he wouldn’t tell me.”
“That’s what that noise was!” Dick gasped.  He had thought something was going on.  Some emergency at the office because her purse had been buzzing constantly.  “I thought your phone just kept going off.”
“No, just Plagg being overprotective and not wanting him near me.  I had to keep hitting my bag.  I’m surprised your friends didn’t think I had muscle spasm problems,” her eyes widened in embarrassment remembering that part of the night.
“Okay… so that’s why you had Plagg, because Adrien asked you to keep him.  Is it the same for the other one Teachi?  Did her wielder ask you to keep her too?” He cocked his head to the side, a slight furrow marring his brow as he tried to force the pieces together.
“Tikki.  No.” She looked away nervously and ran her hands up and down her arms to try to calm herself down.  She knew there was no reason to be nervous.  Dick wouldn’t reject her or be mad at her for having been a hero.  But he was the first person outside of her team to know.  The first new person who would find out and she could never take it back and that was terrifying.  She had to be absolutely sure of him.  
But she was.  She was sure about him.  She wasn’t sure if they would end up together.  She wasn’t sure if they would get married and have more kids, but she was absolutely sure she could trust him, at least with this much.  And she was absolutely sure she didn’t want to keep it from him any longer.  “Tikki is with me because she’s my kwami.”
“Your…” he stared at her.  His eyes suddenly widened in surprise.  “You’re Ladybug!”
“I was.  That’s why Adrien was so protective.  We were partners.  When I said we were always together during attacks, that’s why we were.  When I said we died for each other… that’s why we did,” she finished quietly.
“You were a hero,” he breathed out, barely above a whisper.
“I was,” she confirmed again with a slight laugh.  He had the most adorable gob smacked expression on his face like it was the last thing he would have ever thought, which, with the magic glamour, might be the truth.
“Oh my God!” He slapped his forehead and fell onto the bed next to her.  “I was wearing a Ladybug shirt when we first met.  You were wearing a Nightwing shirt!”
“Yeah,” she giggled.  “You’re where I was a few weeks ago.”
“That’s why Adrien and that… Plagg kept calling you bug. I thought it was because you are so small.” Marinette scowled at him but he was so caught up in the revelations and puzzle pieces finally coming together.  “But that didn’t make sense that Plagg would call you that until now.”
He turned to her, a glint of awe in his eyes.  “I remember seeing video of you in action.  I checked out Ladybug and Chat Noir after you mentioned them when we first started dating.  You were amazing.”
“Thank you,” she bowed her head graciously.
“I mean you still are.  I didn’t think I could think you were any more amazing than I already did, but you were so impressive in action.  Your moves and your confidence, your compassion and your creativity.”  He looked away to process the new information and come to grips with his newfound admiration.  He thought through some of the fights he’d seen footage of, some of the moves he remembered.  She had been absolutely amazing.  Everything he admired about Marinette but amplified because of the extreme situations. He shook his head at the fights he remembered until one of them caught in his head.  One incredulous, ridiculous, asinine move.  “You jumped into a dinosaur’s mouth!”
“I… did,” she grimaced at the reminder.  Not her best moment, but it worked.
“Oh God.  No wonder you and Jason hit it off so well.” He shook his head at the thought of the two of them fighting together.  Jumping into a situation relying on luck and determination to get them through.  They would fit far too easily together in a fight.  “Oh my God, the rest of the family is going to go insane when they find out.  Wait,” he looked over to her with a questioning look, “were you planning on telling them?”
“I… hadn’t decided yet, but I don’t think so.  I thought I might eventually tell them about being Multimouse or the dragon, but not about Ladybug.”  Dick frowned slightly.  If anyone could understand being a hero and weighing normal life with that life, it was them.  They could understand her in a way few others could.  “It isn’t that I don’t love them and trust them it’s just… you know our villain, Hawkmoth?  He wanted our miraculous because combined, it gave him a wish.  One wish that could rewrite reality.  Could destroy a continent, or a planet, could bring perpetual wealth, or health, could make one immortal or bring someone back from the dead, but at a cosmic price.  I just… I don’t know.  If your brothers knew of that power.  If your brothers lost someone and knew all they had to do to get them back was take the jewels and make a wish, but if they did there would be a price.  Do you think they would restrain themselves?  Or do you think they would find a way to sneak them away from me and Adrien to make the wish, whatever the consequences?”
Dick stared at her, a concerned frown on his face. She was right.  He knew she was.  If they lost Bruce again, he had no doubt Damian would do anything to bring him back.  If Tim ever lost Kon…  If any of them had a child that was lost…  He massaged his forehead trying to ward off the migraine he knew wanted to start with all this new information bombarding his brain.  
“That’s why I took so long to tell you.  There’s so much damage that can be done.  I’ve never… we’ve never… neither of us has ever told anyone else.  The core members of our team know, but nobody else.  There’s six people in the universe who know who we are… now seven.”  She looked at him gravely.
He took a few deep breaths and eyed her apprehensively, letting the seriousness of the situation settle over him.  Finally he nodded in agreement.  “So we don’t tell the family.  Is there more I should know?”
“If we’re going to stay together, yes.  But I don’t know if I’m ready to go there yet.  Things only Chat… Adrien knows.”  She studied him carefully for a moment before one side of her mouth quirked up a bit.  “I’ve had it drilled so thoroughly into my head that I can’t let anyone know, it feels strange to be able to be honest with someone else.  I’m glad you know.”
“I’m glad I know too.” He moved closer to her and cupped her face, gently stroking her cheek.  “I can’t wait until we both know all of each other’s secrets,” he whispered, slowly leaning toward her.
Marinette smiled.  “You have more secrets to tell,” she whispered back with a teasing smile.
“So many.” He nodded, his eyes focused entirely on her lips as he leaned closer still.  “I’ll make some up if I have to.”  He smirked at her eye roll.  He was close enough now that he could feel her breath fanning out across his face and she wasn’t backing away.  She wasn’t pushing him for space and that fact alone was making his heart soar.  
He was just about to close the gap when she quirked her head to the side and sighed.  “That sounds like Lucy, which means Rob will be up too.”  She gave him an apologetic smile and moved to go nurse them.
Dick let out an exaggerated sigh and fell back on the bed. He suddenly shot up as a thought occurred to him.  “He knew I was Nightwing and Jason is Hood when he suggested the nickname for Rob.”
Marinette laughed at the offended look on his face. “Oh, definitely.”
“That bastard.  I’ll show him.  I’ll introduce him to Wally as a punishment.  He’ll never be able to get another word in again.  Hey, wait up.”  He jumped up and rushed over to her, slinging his arm around her waist and planting a kiss on her temple.  “I’ll change their diapers for you.”
Chapter 30
@dickinette-february @demonicbusiness @ichigorose @iloontjeboontje @ladybug-182 @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @golden-promises @trippingovermyfeet @emimar7 @laurcad123 @lady-bee-fechin @thewitchwhowaited @redscarlet95 @jayjayspixiepop @alessialeone6997
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gnocchighoul · 4 years
Scenario: surprising luci by getting up early to make him breakfast uwu
Sometimes, you think that you’ve been cursed.
Logically, you know that you haven’t been, though. Lucifer would have blown a gasket if anyone even attempted to.
No, the only curse wrought upon you is one of your own making. 
Your sleep schedule is the stuff of nightmares. If it wasn’t awful before you lived in the Devildom, it sure as hell is now. Seriously, you could be the poster-child for insomnia. It really only took a few weeks for your body’s internal clock to tick out of wack—now, months later, there’s no hope of salvaging it.
But it’s not like you wanted this to happen! You’ve tried to fix it, but your method of lounging under a stupid sun lamp for a few hours each day wasn’t enough to combat the fucking everlasting night of the Devildom. 
So, yeah. Your sleep schedule is fucked.
Which is why you’re awake in the wee hours of the morning, staring up at the ceiling with bleary eyes while Lucifer sleeps soundly next to you. 
Which, y'know, actually makes this whole insomnia thing a little bit easier to bear. Not to sound like a creep or anything, but you like to watch him sleep.
... Actually that sounded really creepy, hold on.
It’s not like you're some kind of weird voyeur or anything—you hope—it's just nice to see him relaxed, for once. That little concerned notch in his brow finally smoothed over, his shoulders no longer painfully taut. 
He’s hugging his pillow and totally drooling into it. The cat is curled up on the small of his lower back, right above the waistline of his pants, gently kneading his butt in her sleep. Makin’ biscuits out of that ‘tush. 
(Even though he constantly bitches about how Tater Tot’s white hair gets all over everything, those two are inseparable now.)
(He’s so fucking whipped for that cat.)
They’re just so fucking cute and you’re so full of love that if you don’t pour it into something right this instant, your heart is gonna start doing backflips, anatomically impossible or otherwise. You would just attack Lucifer or Tater Tot with your love, but they’re asleep, so unfortunately, you’re in need of a different outlet.
So, just like Tater Tot, you decide that you should go put on your chef hat and surprise Lucifer with breakfast. 
Now you just need to sneak out of bed.
Which is fine. It’s totally fine. You can totally do it. You’re a master of stealth and sneakery. But not like the shoes, more like the secret mission type. Oh yeah, from now on, everyone should just call you 007 with how incredibly sneaky you are. Just a little bit further now, you’ve already got one foot touching the floor, you just need to slooooowly slide your butt off the mattress and—
“Get back here.”
You most certainly do not let out a startled yelp or nearly jump a foot in the air, I dunno who told you that.
...Well, shit. There goes your short-lived dream of being a spy. So long, farewell, adieu. 
“Where are you going?” 
Both Lucifer and the cat are now glaring at you with mirrored expressions of betrayal. You wilt a little bit under the intensity of their gazes.
A bit sheepishly, you rub at the back of your neck. “I was gonna surprise you with breakfast.” 
Tater Tot looks at Lucifer as if to say, Do you hear this shit, Dad? 
Lucifer frowns. You can practically see the cogs in his brain churning away slowly, struggling to cut through the fogginess of sleep. “But it’s Mammon’s day to cook?”
“Well yeah, that’s why it would be a surprise.”
Lucifer makes a face. You’re not sure if it’s meant to be a pout, a grimace, or a glare. Perhaps it’s a poumaceare. 
“Don’t go. I’d rather have you.” 
Well, he doesn’t have to tell you twice, that’s for sure.
You flop back onto the mattress—Lucifer hooks an arm around your waist and pulls you snug up against him, with zero possibility of escape. Even Tater Tot places a vigilant paw on your hip.
Needy children, both of them.
“Really? Even you, Tater Tot?” you huff. 
She meeps at you.
“Don’t respond to that name, Phobos. It’s disrespectful.” Lucifer says, turning his head to look at her. You swear on Mammon’s life that the cat actually nods back at him.
You smack Lucifer’s arm. “Stop trying to put a rift between me and my child, you ass. She loves her name. Isn’t that right, Tater?” 
Your heart swells with pride when your furbaby meows back at you. Lucifer sighs bone deep and drops his head back onto the pillow. He pokes your tummy.
“Don’t be so smug. I can feel it, you know.”
Ah, yes. Pact perks. 
You grin. “We could’ve avoided this if you had just let me surprise you with breakfast.”
He squeezes you like a stress ball. “I don’t care. Go to sleep before I make you.”
There’s a saying that instantly comes to mind—something about not poking at bears. But you don’t really care about ‘wise expressions’, so you just stomp that thought down and do it anyways.
You poke his cheek and say, “Ooo, someone’s feeling spicy~” 
Lucifer smiles at you, wayyyyy too nicely. The pads of his fingertips skating up your chest to press teasingly against your throat, and you think, perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate some of your life choices.
“Do you really wish to find out?” 
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swordofpevensie · 4 years
As I've seen it again, here are my favorite things about Prince Caspian (2008):
warnings: It is a very long post and I can't help but swear sometimes.
• How Caspian is confused all the time.
• Prefossor: “Don't use that until you really need to use it.”
Caspian: *Uses it the first time he is in danger.* Good job boy, good job.
• “Phyllis.” “SUSAN!” (Lucy does the same thing in tvodt *emotional voices*)
• That disappinted look in Susan's eyes when she sees Peter fighting, and they way she doesn't do anything to help him. Like girl they are beating your brother??
• Edmund comes and saves Peter by simply jumping on everyone who is trying to hurt Peter. We love a clever and quick boi™
• Lucy's little comfort to Peter. *sniffing*
• Peter's iconic hair, that rebel and sassy hair.
• “I'm not touching you!” “I'M NOT HOLDING YOUR HAND!”
• How happy they are at the beach and the way they finally can have pure fun. *more sniffing*
• Narnia is so beautiful in summer and Pevensies look so beautiful too.
• And for my own please, I'll mention how beautiful Peter looks when he is playing in the sea and walking among the ruins.
• The way Lucy holds Peter's hand to show him the way and THE TORCH SCENE GETS ME EVERYTIME.
• Everyone is like where the hell are we and Lucy is just enjoying her apple.
• And again for my own pleasure, I'll mention how beautiful Susan looks.
• “wHiCh cHeSs sEt?” “whOt?” We love a one confused king.
• That shot when they all stand in their places in the ruins and Peter says “Cair Paravel.” I'm like YES SIR I'M READY TO SACRIFICE MY WHOLE LIFE FOR YOU.
• I'm lowkey attracted to General Glozelle. (shameful sniffing)
• I like it that Edmund is the first one to figure out what might have happened to Cair Paravel. And our confused king is again like “whOt?”
• C'mon Peter is very committed to make a torch and it is SO CUTE. And Edmund watching him is so funny, he is like ‘I'm about to end this man's whole career.’
• I'll not tell my thoughts on the time Peter takes his sword. I'm trying to be a good. *choughs*
• Peter jumping to the water and Lucy using his dagger to cut the ropes.
• “High King Peter, the Magnificent.” I mean if I were magnificent just like him, I'd tell it loud very frequently too.
• Edmund using sword... 10/10 His final pose 20/10. *chefs kiss and sniffing*
• “Or do I have to sit on your head again?” Narnians and humor? Count me in!
• Caspian's accent... YES SIR.
• “I'm Prince Caspian... The tenth.” and “High King Peter, The Magnificent.” are cousins and you can't tell me otherwise.
• “Running away.” Oh just come into my arms you sad and broken boi. *too many sniffings*
• Proffesor inside: Eheheh they are back. You are a dead man now Miraz.
• That underwater shot... 10/10. Peter paddling... 10/10. All of them sitting in silent, sadly... Okay this one hurts A LOT.
• “We didn't mean to leave you know.” *no more sniffing i'm crying*
• Lucy greeting and trusting in a bear is me vs. life. Susan saying a bear to stay away from Lucy is me vs. life again.
• Peter helping Lucy to stand up and her hugging Peter for comfort.
• And that bear scene is very clever to me. It shows that those bad times have an effect on everyone. How even Narnians, kind, gentle, happy Narnians turned into wild creatures because of bad times. Also Susan not killing the bear immediately shows how gentle she is and she always gives a chance.
• “I can hear you.” We love a done™ prince. And him asking questions about Narnia is so cute!
• That zoom to Caspian's face is kiLLING ME.
• AND REEPICHEEP I'd kill and die for him unless he kills and dies for me first.
• CENTAURS ARE BACK!!! Oh I love them so much.
• “You can't carry a map in your heads.” “That's because we have something in them.” LUCY DIDN'T STUTTER.
• “i'M nOt lOst.” My baby tries so hard I love him bye.
• “OH SHUT UP!” is one of my favorite Peter lines. Also he is very sassy and why is no one talking about it?? (I'll talk about it later btw, eheh)
• And Edmund supporting Lucy? We love a supportive and cute brother.
• Caspian is so brave and the speech he gives... *CHEFS KISS* I mean I would fight and die for him too. And when Narnians believe in him, I cry even more. (++Ben Barnes' voice in that accent... Gets me every freaking time).
• The look in Peter's face when he sees the making of the bridge. He is like “Not my kingdom, you bitches!”
• The conversaion between Lucy and Susan... I hate to think their struggles, adjusting to Narnia, adjusting to England.
• Lucy telling a tree to wake up is me vs. life, again.
• The way Peter just comes and hides her out of nowhere... WE LOVE A PROTECTIVE BROTHER.
• When Caspian and Peter fights... Okay, for your safety I'll shut up but the way Peter is ready to hit him with a rock is both funny and shows how a quick and smart fighter he is.
• “PETAH!” Okay Susan, we get it honey.
• “Well if you like, we can come back in a few years.” LIKE WHY IS NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT HIS SASS??
• “You were right to fear the woods.” IS. EXCELLENT.
• Caspian and Peter walking in the front and talking casually. My heart goes *butterlifes* *looove*
• When the papa centaur rises baby centaur's sword... *a loud sniff* .
• I love that there are pictures of Pevensies and Golden Age on the walls. It makes me feel so majestic.
• Caspian: *dramatically lights fire*
• They are looking at The Stone Table and Caspian in the back is like look at the mess you made.
• When Peter and Caspian talk at the same time.
• “There is always a first time.” THAT. SASS. AND CONFIDENCE.
• “We could collect nuts!” “Yes, and throw them at Telmarines!” Reepicheep... Love you babe.
• Okay the whole castle stuff is so freaking cool until the last minutes. Like Edmund and his torch, Susan and THE WAY HE KILLS A MAN BY THROWING AN ARROW.
• But... Caspian babe, kill your bastard uncle anyways.
• And it just should be said: I love how Narnians are always ready to sacrifice themselves because freedom is much more important than their lives. They are not afraid of death as long as it means to get freedom back.
• That poor cat... I don't know what to say.
• You are attacking a castle and your baby Caspian just casually knocks the window.
• Professor doing his best to help Caspian escape and then seeing him back in the castle again... I mean a disappointment level I can relate.
• I wish I could be woken up at night by Caspian, with a sword on my throat? Depends on my mood.
• Miraz being so done is a mood.
• They all are in Miraz's bedroom like:
Tumblr media
• Edmund literally headbutts a man wearing a metal helmet. I am speechless.
• You don't have sword? Don't worry you have a torch... just don't break it.
• Reepicheep and his friends pushing that thing makes me cry and scream.
• “Who exactly are you doing this for Peter?” THE LOOK ON PETER'S FACE.
• When Peter screams “FOR NARNIA!”
• My Queen Susan throwing an arrow to man and killing him despite his armour. I. LOVE. ONE. POWERFUL. QUEEN.
• Sometimes I wish I was an minatour.
• Edmund kicking that dude's head by sliding. A simple and powerful move.
• And that minatour holding the door. I love you, you strong and scary baby. And I always will.
• When Edmund casually jumps back, I hear Blow Your Mind by Dua Lipa playing.
• That moment when other Narnians are trapped inside and Peter and Susan watch them... MY BABY PETER HAVE HAD ENOUGH PLEASE LET HIM REST. And Edmund seeing the dead bodies...
• That agressive “HEY!” from Caspian and the way Peter and him just scream at each other, idk what to say but it is sort of funny.
• When mama centaur cries, you know I'm dead on the floor.
• King Miraz getting on his throne... Sassy and majestic af. He is a psycho but you know he has taste.
• “What do you want? Congratulations?” Okay Caspian put that sarcasm down babe.
• When my mom watched the scene where The White Witch sort of comes back for the first time, she was like “Not that bitch witch again.”
• The way Peter pushes Caspian is skcjskfsj MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY
• And Edmund killing the wolfish thing is so cool, he is a very talented warrior. Also him stabbing Jadis, he gives like zero fucks.
• And when the ice is broken, they see Aslan on the wall and it is such a strong scene!!
• Can someone please explain me why Miraz and his men wear those freaking helmets?
• “And she won't be alone.” WE. LOVE. ONE. SUPPORTIVE. AND PROTECTIVE. SISTER.
• No, Caspian you may not, no matter how hot you say Miraz.
• Edmund in Miraz's place... Just perfect. That sass, that confidence, that intelligence. THAT look on his face.
• “Your brother's sword is sharper than his pen.” It is an adage in Turkish btw: “A pen is sharper than a sword.”
• “Or hooves.” Lucy, was that joke really necessary honey?
• Queen Susan standing on her own, holding her bow to hunt men... YES. QUEEN.
• Proud brother™ Edmund.
• The way Peter snarls at Miraz. I mean I WOULD SURRENDER TO HIM.
• AND MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION FOR PRAISING WILLIAM'S ACTING? He fights amazing and his expressions are both beautiful and real. He makes you feel what Peter feels. I just love the way he portrays Peter.
• “Keep smiling.” King Edmund just knows things.
• And the way he just doesn't listen Peter and fixes his arm... 10/10
• When he hits Miraz's wound. He is a smart fighter, and I'll not even bring up how he stabs Miraz.
• “It's not mine to take.” Me inside: *MINE IS YOURS TO TAKE.*
• Caspian just stop screaming and kill this bitch for Aslan's sake.
• Although I hate that they have to fight again, what the Lord did was really smart, I have to admit.
• Have I told you that I hate that ball-throwing-machines?
• Queen Susan telling archers to get ready and Prince Caspian telling “Narnians, attack!” while riding his horse. ALSO WHAT THEY DID WAS SO CLEVER. PETER COUNTING WITH THAT BRAVE FACE.
• My baby Peter fighting again. And Caspian coming out of the underground. *CHEFS KISSES*
• Reepicheep's tiny armour OMG
• When they all run again (Not to mention Peter has to attack and fight like for like the hundredth time) THEY LOOK FREAKING GOOD AND MAJESTIC AND KING EDMUND CUTTING MEN IS PER.FECT.
• Queen Susan killing with this bows and arrow is just perfect. I love her. Like so much.
• Ooh there is shield wall? Don't worry Narnians will jump on it.
• Peter proudly saying “Lucy,” and looking at Caspian like “Hehe did you expect that?”
• And my baby yells “For Aslan!” and goes to fight. AGAIN.
• Lucy and her dagger? FREAKING DANGEROUS. RUN AWAY.
• Welcome water grandpa, you are very cute!!!
• Aslan is like hehe this is my friend. He is very proud of his friend.
• The guilt on their faces when they see Aslan is so cute.
• Aslan calling him “Small one.” awWWW
• “Do you see him now?” QUEEN LUCY NEVER STUTTERS.
• Okay but the way they all look perfect during the parade. Caspian's crown and Susan's dress are my favs.
• What the hell is Caspian wearing when Telmars go back?
• There is a talking lion in front of them and Telmarines still are amazed by a turning tree.
• Peter looks so good in blue and him giving his sword to Caspian is awwww again.
• Peter and Susan are the ones who'll not come back again and they both wear blue while Lucy and Ed wears green.
• Peter shaking hands with the centaur is an another awwww.
• The kiss makes me feel weird but I'm alright with that.
• “I'm 1300 years older than you.” is CUTE TO ME.
• Peter's proud brother smile. 10/10
• The way Lucy looks back at Aslan breaks my heart.
oooh okay, thank you for sharing this emotional roller-coaster with me. i hope you enjoy it.
love, andrea.♡
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natsubeatsrock · 3 years
The Rewrite of Fairy Tail: Part 28 (Laxus)
Did Laxus truly love Fairy Tail?
Do you not believe me? You think that I'm missing or overlooking stuff? What about him refusing to help with Phantom Lord? What about the whole Fantasia debacle?
Fine. I can do this. It's not like I plan to change Laxus. I might as well knock this one out. Craftsdwarf brought this up, so it's absolutely an argument in the ether.
Consider this both my grand return to this series AND the start of another Fairy Tail month!
Usually, I talk about characters in terms of three sections of their life. It's not as if I can't do that with Laxus. His arc fits neatly into as a member, not a member, and reinstation. However, I feel it's better to start by talking about two important moments regarding Laxus before he casts Fairy Law.
The first happens not long after we're introduced to him. Natsu and Lucy take the mission for Galuna Island, and Makarov wishes that someone will get them. Laxus is against it, and his reasoning is interesting. He believes that they're Fairy Tail wizards and should be able to take it.
Now, this isn't logic we haven't seen before. When Macao was stuck on Mt. Hakokbe, Makarov said a similar thing to Romeo. Though, it could be argued that Makarov was trying to, in his own way, get Romeo to calm down over a grown wizard's ability without trying to shame him. This was about two kids and a flying cat, one of which was a new member, taking an S-Class mission. The Strauss kids serve as reason enough to be worried about this. Mira is understandably angry about Laxus’ attitude.
At the same time, it's worth recognizing how Laxus views the situation. He doesn't believe that it's his job to stop members of the guild from doing stuff they should know better. This means extra considering Natsu's the one to do it. And, while he does acknowledge they might get kicked out over it, he believes that they should take care of it themselves. If they can't, they shouldn't be part of the guild. Laxus thinks that the guild should only have capable members in it.
The second moment is one that I'm not sure gets the notice it deserves. At the beginning of the Fantasia arc, Laxus stops by a bar and overhears people making fun of Fairy Tail as a guild. He doesn't take this lightly and beats him up. This happens before he attacks Gajeel (even the same chapter). While that moment obviously is famous for its own reasons, this moment also represents the lens Laxus sees the guild through.
I believe the best foil for Laxus' view of the guild is Erza. Her focus is on the value of individual members. No matter how prestigious the guild is, what matters is the connections between individuals. His focus is on the value of the collective. No matter what kind of person they are, what matters is that they don't make a mockery of the guild.
"But what about That Woman, Erza? Doesn't Erza get mad at Bisca for impersonating a Fairy Tail member?"
Even in that case, it was about being an imposter to the Fairy Tail guild, as opposed to ruining its credibility as a guild. She even extends an offer for her to formally join the guild. Laxus wouldn't extend a similar offer to the people mocking Fairy Tail. Gajeel made a mockery of the guild and he wailed on him the instant he saw him. This despite (if not because of) the fact was a guild member, at that moment.
This brings us to the big moment. Laxus casts Fairy Law to no effect. We all know how the spell works. (It only attacks the enemies of the caster.) Laxus has been setting himself as against the guild. He is outright the antagonist of the arc. He's casting as he's fighting Natsu and Gajeel. At the very least, they should be wiped out, if not his intended target (the entire guild).
But it ultimately fails.
I know a lot of people don't like this. How does Laxus love the guild when he's been a jerk to the members in it?
The thing is that Laxus doesn't love individuals in the guild, outside of the Thunder God Tribe. He loves the guild as a collective. In his mind, the two are separable - you could have Fairy Tail without the members he sees as weak. This moment proves to him that this isn't the case. The collective and the individual matter in Fairy Tail. Take that attitude to some other guild. (Shooting Starlight and pre-GMG Sabertooth come to mind.)
After everything that happens, he's kicked out of the guild. Normally, that would be the end of a character's time in a series. He misunderstood what the guild is about and serves as a reminder of what the guild stands for. After all, his dad Ivan has a similar purpose - even to the point of leading a guild that stands in direct opposition to Fairy Tail.
But this is Fairy Tail, after all. Villains rarely stay villains.
And Laxus' turn starts almost the instant he's out of the guild. The guild flashes their symbol as Laxus leaves. This brings back memories of his time with Makarov - the person he cares the most about in the guild. (Sorry Freed.) This is when I feel it starts to click for him that the guild is made up of individuals as opposed to a guild with individual members.
When he returns to the series on Tenrou Island, you can see the change in his views. He doesn't see Hades as an enemy for him to defeat. Fairy Tail ought to be the one to defeat him. You could argue it's splitting hairs for him to act this way. However, it's important to note that he's deciding to put the group's interest above his own. The focus of Fairy Tail's enemy matters more than settling a score with him over Makarov.
And after this, his expectation isn't to join the guild again. He knows he messed up in hurting the guild and he's not expecting to come back. Even during the Key to the Starry Sky arc, he doesn't expect to be reinstated as a member. It comes to him as a shock that Gildarts reinstates him as a member.
Once he was in the guild again, he came to care about the guild - the collective and the people in it. He fights all of Raven Tail after they antagonized members of the guild. He fights Torafuzar (twice in the anime) because of the threat he poses to the guild. He protects the members from Ajeel and fights Wahl after he hurt the Thunder God Tribe.
The thing is that Laxus' heart for the guild didn't start at this moment. He cared about the Thunder God Tribe. He clearly has respect for Mystogan and Gildarts. What happened is that he came to want to protect the guild's members, not just its reputation. I don't plan on touching this at all. I barely plan to do anything with Laxus that didn't happen in any version of the series. He might be all better for it.
Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19  | Part 20  | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27
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Today I will be addressing SuperCorp and some of the issues that have been floating around about fandom. And I will be saying some stuff that both is for it and could be used against it even though I am ultimately a super big supercorp fan. Like it says in the tags you're free to express your opinion but they will not be changing mine but I am always open-minded to opinions that can actually be explained and eloquently expressed (receipt's needed) and aren't just basic. Also just so what is noted I have been a part of this fandom since the first episode I have literally shipped Kara with everyone from Lucy to Cat even James.But Lena has just stuck out the most for me but I'm Equal opportunity.
Number #1, Lena's character in no way shape or form has ever been xenophobic she has never once shown any hate towards aliens her problem with Kara in season 5 Wasn't because she was an alien it was because she was a "Super" like Kara could have been a flying purple fucking octopus from the planet of shzjxfdf and Lena wouldn't have gave two fucks but no she was a "Super"but let's dig deeper on that point if we really look at why she was mad it wasn't even the whole alien aspect it was because she wasn't told and no I don't think she's entitled to it but I do think it played into the fact of a trust issue she has with the fact that people would think she would be just like Lex if she had been told Sooner. Which is disproved in 5x13 (also personal note: I also think she wouldn't have reacted half as bad if Kara had just told her that night at game night or the next day when she wanted to probably still would have been pissed but not to the same extent). But okay with that being said I do disagree with the kryptonite entrapment torture scene and basically half the s*** she did in season 5 it was shown that she truly can tap into her Luthor side and be dark when wanted but fortunately she does always return to the light and in all fairness it has been shown several times that Kara has a dark side of her own that could rival the luthors.
Number #2, I do disagree with the abuse of actresses and actors just because of a ship and or character they play don't blame them it's just a job they have I think Melissa and Katie do a beautiful job of bringing Kara and Lena's characters to life couldn't imagine anybody else playing them.
Number #3, I also will say about the reason bombarding of comments on Nicole's social media at least I saw the video via tiktok in that video was fucking hilarious I love Nia, Dreamer,and Nicole in general she's funny and beautiful and is an advocate for everything good in life and well it is normal to even ask other actors if they have the scoop on anything it does not mean we need to be bombarding them in videos on something relating to their character or their love of something a simple comment or so maybe but what I saw NO.
Number #4, The William of it all well I think though his character seems like a nice gentleman he also seems to be bland as hell also I did not know he was a POC to be honest I thought he was a tan white man and we'll be doing further research on people in the future as I can learn from my ignorance also but unrelated I did not know that the woman who played Maggie was apparently just a tan white woman I thought she was of some sort of Hispanic descent but apparently not according to various things I've read on here tonight... But anyways back to William I feel like a lot of people might have perceived him as a white man therefore that might play into the whole scenario of people hate that they just want two white woman together when it proves if she was a man they wouldn't give two f**** about it whether that's true or not I don't know but mine two cents.
Number #5, I will never bash someone for being for or against a certain ship and or character and well I am allowed to certainly disagree with their opinion all opinions are valid because we all see the world a different way some see it bright and shiny and others like I'll admit myself see it through the glasses of trauma. And I think that's why we all have the opinions we do most of the time when you like a shipper character it's because you relate to them somehow even if it's the most minor thing to someone else it might be huge for you. You never know what the person on the other side of the screen is going through in those characters or ship or fanfiction might have literally saved their lives.
Sidenote: Like okay personal story I was been both mentally and sexually abused as a child so I relate to both Kara and Lena respective childhood trauma so that draws me to them. And I kind of see them both as the opposite attract trope (two side of the same coin) because well we never fully get over trauma Kara had a great support system with the Danvers whereas Lena didn't get that with the luthors I mean sure she had Lex at first but even that was only to a certain extent because of his psychopathy that was starting to manifest he couldn't perceive human emotions the same as Lena who in my opinion is just a big mushy nerd who can be a badass when needed as evident by the season 6 episodes after she's quit L-Corp she's constantly trying to help out inventing new stuff and she's wondering how Nia's suit works and it just shows that she just has a curious mind and also she looks happier even with the guilt she feels over Kara's phantom zone incident when Nia called her a part of the family that smile could lit up a city all she's ever wanted is to belong and I can relate to that therefore to her.
Number #6, I feel like this should have been addressed in earlier number but as far as sexuality goes I would want to believe Kara is pansexual because of everything I've ever read and saw I don't believe she perceived sexuality like humans do because of her Kryptonian upbringing for the first good chunk of the life. Like even though she says she's not gay in the first episode, A. It was the first episode so they didn't even know where the story was going in future seasons if they got them also that means maybe she just didn't perceive herself as the Earth's definition of gay. B. Even in the first season she made a comment about how she bought Lucy was gorgeous and hell she would date her. C. She made some comments about Irma and other woman that don't sound totally heterosexual and don't get me wrong women can admire the beauty and intelligence of other women without it being sexual but as a bisexual woman it just struck a cord in me you can tell the difference when it's coming from a straight woman mouth. Now on the subject of her and Lena strictly I do think there are instances of "queerbaiting"because just because you perceive they haven't been promised to us doesn't mean that some of us haven't picked up on things or the fact that they're simply queerbating because somehow they do hype up Kara and Lena to keep a nice chunk of the audience who ships them mainly those of the gay variety interested in the show which is also considered queerbaiting. Also the fact that they've been called sisters or family or my personal favorite "that's what friends are for"doesn't mean crap because honestly at this point the overuse of friends just sounds more like they're trying to convince themselves than us.*** Also I don't know about you but even on the basic level of things they've done I've never shown half those feelings towards my friends and the ones I have it's because I started to think of them as more than friends.
Now with Lena's sexuality no they have never shown her as anything besides straight canonically but don't get me wrong she totally sends off that college experimentation vibe especially with Andrea for some reason but that may just be me.
Number #7, my main point is let's just be kind to one another because guess what there is toxicity from every ship in a fandom there will always be shitty people on both sides and then there will be those of us who just want to see the characters together for one reason or another and yes I'm not afraid to admit that part of my reasons I want to see two gorgeous woman kiss sue me LOL.
Number #8, the conclusion of my rant is that how about we leave the hating to the ones who want to do that and the rest of us like adults or whatever your age is in the fandom that has any type of maturity behave because I truly do wish the best and in the end well I hope they end up together I'm realistic that they probably won't especially due to the CW Network motto of "homophobia and racism"because they've already broken up several good gay and interracial couples on that show. But at the end of the day my true wish is just that all of the characters end up happy and healthy.
Best of luck to all shippers out there anti and supercorp and or any other couple alike may we try to make it out of this with a modicum of sanity and even if they fail us we always have fanfiction thank you and good night.
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